#or if he's trying to be haha funny he means they rarely have anyone over apart from like one friend
pseudophan · 8 months
What does he mean more than 3 people in our house???? Like, is it a phrase or does someone else live with Dan and Phil???? Explain yourself!
lol i think he meant three people apart from the two of them. as in usually if they have people over it's rarely more than three but on new years they had more of a proper gathering
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raccoon-eyed-rebel · 8 months
Henry’s little karaoke performance (or lack of) has me wondering:
How each of the guys who lives at 179th Crescent Street feel about a good old karaoke night?
Who likes it? Who needs alcohol or weed to participate?
What’s their favourite song?
I get to talk about my boys? I GET TO TALK ABOUT MY BOYS!!!
Thank you so much for this ask and... let's get right to it! I added the ladies too because... Well I was having fun with this and I can use a little bit of that right about fucking now so, that's why <3
179th Crescent Street Karaoke Headcanon
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Series Masterlist
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@geralts-yenn @deandoesthingstome @ellethespaceunicorn @livisss @summersong69 @ylva-syverson @poledancingdinos @sillyrabbit81
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Will our favourite man-child sing? Absolutely
Does he need to be drunk? No
Will it be good? Absolutely the fuck it won’t!
Will being drunk help? That depends.
Him being drunk won’t make him sing better, you being drunk might help make it bearable though.
Will probably sing Barbie girl, Girls just wanna have fun, 9 to 5, Wannabe, ... Baby one more time (You get the idea)
100% guaranteed to look ridiculous, 120% guaranteed to not really give a fuck.
(Bonus: no secondhand embarrassment necessary because this boy gets up there with CONFIDENCE)
(And if anyone makes fun of him he looks them dead in the eye and goes “Okay, your turn, then?”)
(They never do.)
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Will need copious amounts of alcohol, yes
But absolutely will sing.
Alternatively; needs no alcohol when Angie begs him. He will say yes to her. Always.
(This man is whipped and he loves it.)
Not horrible, but not great
Does Angels kinda well, actually!
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Highly unlikely
But he has this rare mood...
He’s not bad, either.
Sings something like Summer of ’69 or Living on a prayer.
You’d sooner catch him singing in the shower though.
Will gladly serenade Lexi
In private
He’ll sing her Heaven
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I would love to see you try to get him up there
I mean... He SHOULD
He sometimes sings The sound of silence while making dinner (Disturbed, not S&G, of course)
It’s to die for!
But no.
Won’t do it.
Can’t make him.
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You can’t convince me this smooth motherfucker doesn’t have the voice of an angel.
He might need some liquid courage
(to find the motivation rather than the nerve, though. He’s nothing if not confident...)
Imagine this man making eyes at you while singing I want it that way?
Like. Excuse you, ma’am, but no matter what you say you’re going home with him.
When there’s no girl to impress he’ll go with Africa or Every breath you take.
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After the hockey team won the finals
The whole team sang “We are the champions”
He has no recollection of this
What he does remember is the 2 girls that were in his bed when he woke up, the 2 glasses of water that got tossed in his face because he didn’t remember either of their names, which did nothing to cure the hangover he would have for 2 days because he had WAY 2 (haha get it?) much to drink.
There’s a video
It’s hilarious
He’s bad
Very, very bad
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Do not get this man drunk near a karaoke machine.
Okay maybe do it once, because it’s funny.
Shania Twain. Taylor Swift.
Do I need to say more?
Actually yes I do.
He doesn’t have a horrible voice, but he’s drunk, so...
If you manage to persuade him before he’s plastered, he’ll sing Tennessee Whiskey and he won’t sound half bad, actually!
After that... Just picture this man singing Man! I feel like a woman.
He doesn’t get away with looking silly the way Mike does, but also couldn’t care too much so there’s that.
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Not a fan of publicly humiliating himself
And knows himself well enough to know he can’t sing
So, logically, no.
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Bonus; The girls!
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Can sing well, usually
But she’s too anxious to sing without getting absolutely hammered.
And by then it won’t sound so good.
Not to mention this uncoordinated mess will probably trip over a cable and break an ankle
Maybe if Mike holds her they can pull off Don’t go breaking my heart? 🥺 That would be really cute.
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By now we’ve established that Ange can do anything
A little liquid courage is necessary, but nothing 2 shots of tequila can’t fix
She likes to sing Valerie or No One
And she will 100% absolutely fucking SLAY.
She’s a queen, ok?
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Good voice.
Took singing lessons when she was younger, actually
Her mom forced opera on her though, which she hated, so she quit.
Can, and will, sing Celine Dion if given half a chance
You have not lived until you’ve heard her sing My heart will go on.
Sherlock may or may not have cried. Idk.
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Can sing
Will not
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When hell freezes over
When Easter and Pentecost fall on the same day
Over her cold, dead body
(Sings in the shower. Does not do so very well.)
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Will get up there stone cold sober
Will perform her sexy li’l ass off
Will serve Absolute. Fucking. Cunt.
Before He Cheats was written for this woman.
Carrie Underwood who?
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Will do it for fun
After a few drinks
But not alone!!!
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Can sing and fucking KNOWS it.
Loves to sing Whitney Houston
But her all time favourites are Ready or Not and Killing me Softly
Really, truly, 100% has THAT voice.
Why does she want to be a doctor again?
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blubushie · 1 year
whats the worst thing youve ever done?
I've been staring at this question for just under an hour now.
There's a few things. No one here (or anyone, even) will ever hear a word of them. They're between me and my conscience.
But a story I will tell you...
This is a dingo. Notice his body shape. The long muzzle, the small eyes that are built for the desert sun, the straight back, the slim head, the wide ears, the white tail tip and white toes that hint of a purebred. I shoot these.
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This is not a dingo. Don't mind the pelt--there's black dingos too, especially further south. No, look at his body shape. His muzzle is too short, his eyes are too big, his skull is too wide, he has a dip in his back. This isn't a dingo, but it's not a dog either. This is a hybrid. I shoot these.
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This is a dog. Not at dingo at all. Through-and-through, a domestic dog. Not a hint of wild ancenstry.
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I shoot those too.
I don't like it, but money is money, and meat is meat, and I can't have favourites.
This was about an hour’s drive from the nearest town. All of these animals got out here over generations of domestic breeds mating with the dingos. These are wild animals at this point, not pets. A pet would never get this far from town on his own.
I spoke to a stationhand and he’d said he’d seen cars out here, on rare occasions, and that he thinks someone was dumping dogs. I figured it was bullshit, figured no one would be that big of an arsehole to leave a dog out there to die, but I decided that I’d test that theory. I didn’t do any long-range shooting that day. I’d spot a dog, get as close as I could, and I’d whistle. Most stopped, looked at me with confusion, and I’d shoot them. Wild animals.
But the last hour of light in the day, I see this dog in the distance, and this one didn’t look like a dingo. Thick tail like Misty’s, flopped ears, some kinda bitzer but definitely a dog. For those of you that don’t know: erect ears is a dominant trait in dogs. Floppy ears is recessive. That means both parents have to have the gene. That means it’s almost a certainty this dog didn’t have dingo blood.
Which means this dog didn’t have wild ancestors. He wasn’t feral, and there’s only one way he could’ve gotten all the way out here.
I got this sick feeling in my stomach and repeated what I’d been doing. I whistle. His head shoots up, tail raised, and my stomach plummets when he wags his tail. I whistle again, he looks at me, and I raise my rifle the second he comes running toward me. Just in case.
He was a sweetheart. Rushing to me, head lowered and tail wagging, whining like I was some angel sent from the heavens to deliver him from this hellish place. He licked my boots, he didn’t jump up. Well-behaved. I lay my rifle against the rocks and he starts licking my hands, my arms, whining all the while, wheezing and sneezing and I’ve never seen a dog so happy except when I brought Misty back to Australia and picked her up after she spent ten days alone in a M*lbourne quarantine facility.
He rolls over. Neutered male. “Good boy,” I praised, and I rubbed his stomach. He never stopped wagging. “Good boy.”
I grab my rifle, shoulder it, and make the walk back to Matilda. The dog follows me all the while. We finally get back after maybe a half-hour of walking, and I go about making dinner. I’ve got some pork. I cook it for us, we have dinner outside, I let him lick my plate. I figure I’ve just got myself a new pet. I call him Bitz, because us Aussies aren’t very creative, and he’s a bitzer. I bring out my swag, I lie down for bed, and the dog lies next to me.
The next morning I wake up to a pain in my left foot, and there’s Bitz with a fire in his eyes, currently trying to eat my foot. I don’t mean this in a funny “haha nibble” way, I mean he had his jaws locked around my ankle, he’s thrashing and snarling, and he’s trying to maul me. I kick him away with my right foot, he stares at me for a second, bares his teeth, and then he lunges at me. We’re wrestling in the dirt, he’s biting my legs and if I weren’t wearing jeans his teeth would’ve ripped right through. I’m yelling at him to stop, he’s not stopping, and finally I kick him with the heel of my boot and he jumps back and starts whimpering.
We both catch our breath.
When he approaches me again, I’ve got my knife ready. This time he doesn’t bite. He keeps his head low, ears back, haunches dropped and tail thumping, and he licks my arms. His behaviour says he’s sorry, that he doesn’t know what got into him, that the bush changed him the same way it changed me.
It hits me like a brick.
Someone loved this dog, once. At one point in his life, this dog knew the touch of his person. He knew the flavour of good food he didn’t have to fight for, he knew the comfort of his human stroking his ears. He might’ve played fetch, or tug of war, and someone loved him enough to teach him how to walk at my side, keeping pace with me, and not leave it. His lead manners were better than Misty’s.
Someone loved this dog once, and then one day they just… didn’t.
So they brought him out here, to the middle of fucking nowhere, and condemned him to death. Snakebite, or disease, or the elements, or starvation, or dogger’s bullet. They brought him here, and took off his collar, and they left him somewhere on the track, and they got back in their car, and they drove off and never looked back. Did he chase the car? Pursue it until his paws bled? Did he just stand there and watch, certain that they’d return for him? How long did he sit on the track and wait for them to come back? How long did it take him to realise they never would?
And here he was now, walking at my side as if he hadn’t just attacked me and tried to rip my foot off. Tongue out, tail wagging, looking at me like I’m the one what raises the sun. But he’d bitten me, and I can’t trust him not to do it again. I can’t trust him not to attack me in my sleep. If he attacks someone else, they’ll kill him. And they probably won’t be as merciful about it as I would.
So I led him over to a tree, and I sat down on the log, and he sat next to me. I put my rifle down, and when the tears came he licked them away because that’s just what dogs do. They’re always so fucking trusting. You can leave them to die in the middle of the bush, and they’ll trust the first person they see because dogs have too much love in their hearts to hold grudges.
I stopped crying, and he laid back down, facing away from me because he trusted me, more than I trusted him. We watched the sunrise together, and his ears swivelled to me when he heard me load my rifle, but he didn’t turn to look at me. He leant his weight on my foot, and he laid down, and he closed his eyes, and I stroked his ears because he’s a good boy.
The worst thing I ever did was put a bullet in a dog that trusted me.
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softpine · 1 year
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thank you guys for indulging me, you literally changed my whole mood 💖
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@morrigan-sims mac absolutely counts :P i forget how long it's been since you guys have seen him, because he's always running around in the background being a nuisance while i'm trying to set up scenes fjskjds but anyway, thank you sooo much for sharing!! the supernatural elements are definitely my favorite too, i try to keep them balanced because i know they're not for everyone, but i find them so interesting to explore.
steviiiie my girl stevie. i don't pick favorites but she does have a special place in my heart (unfortunately for her, that means i pass a lot of my own issues onto her lmao but what else is writing for?) to answer your question: the dream she had as a kid was just a regular "wishful thinking" type dream, nothing prophetic! but if stevie got the chance, she absolutely would go comfort her younger self. she needed the hug :(
ahh i remember that anon about coco, that's so cool that you guessed that!!
thank you so much for this message, for always giving the best feedback, for being soooo awesome, all that great stuff :') 💖💗
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@titoro woahhh i know exactly what post you're talking about and that's so long ago, thank you for being here 🥺💖💖💖 i'm so thankful that you would go out of your way to keep reading, and i hope YOU know how appreciated you are 💗
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omg same, i have to rein myself in otherwise i would give you 293293029 alternate universe finns 😭 and that's awesome, my favorite thing is giving characters enough depth where you can be angry at them and also understand them and wish things were different! thank you so much for reading 💖💖
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@rebouks WHAT i had no idea you read frozen pines before you joined, that's so cool 🥺 you inspire me constantly so you have no idea how much it means that i inspired you a little bit too. and i'm so happy that's the message you took away; i used to get embarrassed over how much i cared about my silly little NOT LITTLE sim story, but there's no reason for anyone to be embarrassed over anything they care about and have put so much love into creating. i have a lot of pride in what i've created and i hope you do too 💖 thank you so much for sharing, this made me so happy to hear 💗
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godddd this is so sweet, thank you so so much for taking the time to share this with me (it's not too much, it's juuust right haha) 💖 these are some of my favorite scenes i've ever worked on, so i'm really glad you like them!! it's rare that i ever look at one of my own posts and wouldn't change anything, but that's how i feel about jada & alisa's confrontation, like it literally jumped out of my brain and onto the screen exactly how i pictured it. it makes me crazyyy 🥴 i just recently re-read the stevie + truck driver story and the funny thing is, i have no memory of whatever "daddy issues tiktok trend" i was angry about, but i'm glad i wrote it. you're not alone in it being a little too relatable lol. NYC griffin!!! i miss him :( he was probably the happiest version of finn we've seen yet. at the very least, he was the version with the most freedom. "i will love you in every life" literallyyy 😭 and he WAS the catalyst for asa and finn's real kiss omg. asa would've taken way longer to confess his feelings were it not for NYC griffin. pour one out for him!! sjksjd thank you soooo much for this lovely message 💖💖
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ahhh that's a huge compliment, thank you 🥺💖
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@bitchyybabyy400 omg if i was an outsider and casper/talon's kiss was the first thing i saw, i'd back out soooo fast (i'm really sensitive to second-hand embarrassment fjksjds) so i applaud you for sticking around :') and an IDEA BOOK that's so cool !!!! i'm legit honored, thank you so so much 💗💗 huge congrats on testing out of that class!!
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@moonfromearth ooh this is super interesting, i'm always curious to know which posts "hooked" new readers!! it's amazing to hear that each characters' personality comes through even though you don't know who they are. and you even read the short story!! that's so cool, thank you!! 💖
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awww yes selvadorada!! i need to speed things up so we can get back there faster lmao. this is so sweet, thank you 💗
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@kanakomimura ohh man yeah, the labor scene made me emotional too ;-; and of course the breakup scene, i'm still pleased i was able to shock people with something we all knew was coming. thank you so much for sharing, this means a lot 💖
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@hedgehogs-and-songbirds thank you!! i ended up building a compost bin which took me all afternoon, but was pretty fun sjfksjd and i miss that era sooo much, it's why i'm always doing flashbacks and remaking their teen sims because i miss them 🥺 but it's been fun to try new things too! i'm so happy you're still around 💖💖
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Do you think Thomas has a problem with writing complex characters? It seems if he does, he writes them really inconsistent and their personality is all over the place. He ditched Felix Agreste because he didn't have chemistry with Marinette like how hard is it to write something like that? It's not hard, I'm serious. I may not be a professional writer but I've read a lot of books and figured out how to structure stories and create characters and writing people interacting isn't hard. He screw up Chloe and then tried to say people were looking up to false hope because Chloe wasn't changing. He wanted her to be damned from the start and fall from grace. He didn't do it properly at all. I wouldn't mind if Chloe didn't change but her so call damnation arc wasn't written well. Look at Azula, that's a damnation arc written well. He also just messed up Felix as well. In Felix (the episode), Felix pushed himself unto Ladybug and humiliated Adrien to his friends which is so wrong but in Gabriel Agreste, it's like nothing happened. I don't hate Felix but I'm flabbergasted they glosses over his mistakes and acted like it didn't happened. What's so hard to write Adrien and Gabriel resenting Felix for what he did then have a scene where Felix do apologize properly for what he did and apologize to Ladybug for doing what he did, then have him doing what he did in Gabriel agreste after he shown he's sorry since Thomas want us for whatever reason to like Felix now after he tried to make us hate him in his first episode. He also messes up Marinette's character with all the stalking, obssession and all the other bad things Marinette has done that she never gets call out for. Same for Adrien, the perfect oblivious guy with no flaws. I mean Thomas said Adrien isn't flawed ,the world is. Adrien has the ability to be so damn complexed but where is it? Oh right. It's not explored because Adrien never gets explored in the show which sucks. Like how do you have such a complexed character and just waste him like that. Or how Zoe just came out of nowhere and is just liked by everyone and is so sweet and kind and tha's it. Thomas thinks characters have to be good, sweet and kind then they are automatically unlikable or the audience won't like them which is just not true. Just because your main character is likable doesn't mean well written. Well written characters are usually loved and recieved properly by fans. A character can be selfish but the audience can still love them if they're interesting and complex. That's why so many people call Adrien boring or Zoe a mary sue. It's because they aren't well written and aren't complex. I would prefer a well written character over perfect kind and sweet characters any day.
Also, so sorry for the long post.
Don’t worry. It’s a complicated subject to talk about.
Astruc has always talked about how incredibly deep his show is, and how we’re all idiots for thinking otherwise, but the characterization is just so simplistic. 
Characters like Marinette and Adrien’s lives are always portrayed as perfect and never really struggle outside of hero-related stuff for the former, much less have any arcs where they grow as people. Sure, they have flaws, but they rarely get acknowledged outside of throwaway lines like “Haha, isn’t it funny how we made Marinette so obsessive?”.
Part of what made Chloe’s arc so interesting was that she was established to have flaws she needed to work on, and as minimal as it was, there was still effort for her to try and be a better person, even if it was just to show off as Queen Bee. We all thought it would culminate in an episode where she changed for the better, but then “Miracle Queen” happened, the cardboard cutout the other characters call Zoe was introduced, and Astruc pissed away a chunk of his credibility by insulting anyone who actually got invested in the only semi-consistent character arc in the show. People liked Chloe because of her flaws and the attempt to work on them, which is why, putting aside the bitter taste of Chloe’s betrayal, Zoe just hasn’t endeared herself to nearly as many fans as what Chloe got despite the show’s attempts to cram Zoe into the main cast.
Then there’s all the stuff Astruc said about Felix. Like with Chloe, part of what made the concept of Felix interesting was the idea of someone who wanted nothing to do with the superhero life because of the literal misfortune that came with the powers growing into a more kind person who doesn’t want to ditch his ring the first chance he gets. There was conflict, and all kinds of potential struggles that could be written about, which is why people love using the character in fanfics. But then Astruc said the character wouldn’t work because of how he was a “weak” character...
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Even though the fans liked the idea of him growing into a better person, and not the cynical asshole we saw in the initial PV trailer. Do you think people only like Zuko because of the way he was portrayed in the first season of Avatar? Of course not. They like the overall story told with him as he realizes the true meaning of honor.
This is what a complicated character is like. Things aren’t black and white with this kind of writing. People get invested because of how their arcs are written and the story told with their development. Here, we get characters like Chloe and Felix who start off as jerks, but have the potential to grow as people, but instead, Astruc tells us how wrong it is to get invested in their growth even though their flaws are actually shown to be problems that need to be worked on. That’s what makes both of them interesting characters to write about compared to what Astruc did with both of them while saying his show is still complicated.
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erimeows · 3 years
could I request some hcs for a shy autobot reader w a crush on starscream? maybe they try super hard to hide it but it’s like,, blatantly obvious and he teases them/gets suggestive abt it to fluster them? if not that’s totally cool and I hope u have a good day! tyy :)
I have a Starscream x Reader x Megatron piece in the drafts, but I've been meaning to write an individual Starscream piece for a while now, so thank you for this request! Also really into smug Starscream with a shy s/o, perfect dynamic. So yeah, here it is, hope you enjoy!
The first time you meet Starscream is when you’re on earth. You’re a part of Optimus’s repair team along with him, Bumblebee, Bulkhead, Ratchet, and Prowl; like Ratchet, you’re a medic, mainly tagging along to do both space bridge repairs and fix up any of the other bots’ injuries. During that first fight over the All Spark on earth, you don’t really get to interact with Starscream in full, but you do meet him briefly and are too panicked over your first actual battle (since you’re just, you know, a repair bot/medic and not a full blown soldier; most you had was some cadet training like Bulkhead and Bumblebee) to think much of him.
But then, you interact with him the next few times, and uh... It’s bad. You notice immediately that he’s physically attractive; tall, sleek build pretty paint-job, a scratchy but charming voice and way of talking, strong servos but long pretty digits and slender legs, glowing vermillion optics that feel like they’re peering into your soul... Yeah, it’s over for you. You’ve never really had the time for relationships with work and everything, so you don’t have any experience and are horrid at hiding the little crush that you quickly develop.
It’s horrible. Any time Starscream is present during battles, you get flustered and fumble over yourself. You can’t fight him and can’t fight anyone else when he’s within eye/ear-shot, so you’re usually in charge of helping evacuate humans or dealing with Blitzwing/Lugnut etc. 
Starscream, of course, notices it. He’s an older and well-seasoned bot, and though it’s very rare that anyone is actually interested in him, he’s seen enough relationships in his day to be able to pick up on a crush. His natural reaction, out loud, is “HAHA, of course you have a crush on the GLORIOUS, GORGEOUS Starscream! Why, it only makes sense that I’ve charmed such a pretty little Autobot without even trying, who could resist my charm?”. On the inside... He’s seriously flattered. You’re beautiful, you’re cute, from the glimpses he’s gotten, he likes your personality, and he thinks you’re just... Very good. However, he doesn’t really pursue a relationship with you at first as you seem rather righteous and he is rather devious. He won’t admit it, but he likes you too much to cause you any trouble with the other Autobots. He’s just happy that you like him so much.
It turns into a lot of teasing during battles and gets to a point where Starscream will purposefully pick fights with the Autobots just to see/spar with you, with no actual damage happening.
“Oh, my, if it isn’t my not-so-secret admirer again! Why don’t you try to take me down without the help of your friends this time?”
He likes touching you as much as he can in a rather fleeting manner; servos over your lower back, on your hands, face in your face, optics locked with yours, etc. He’s just very touch-starved and enthusiastic about the fact that someone is interested in him, but he won’t admit it. 
The other Autobots find it pretty humorous or are annoyed by it. Ratchet and Prowl roll their eyes at it and don’t get what you see in him, Bulkhead just feels bad for you, Optimus is very confused but always reminds you of the fact that he’s there for you if you ever want to vent about your “unfortunate circumstances”, and Bumblebee isn’t above trying to set you up with Starscream/making you two interact with each other whenever the opportunity arises because he thinks it’s cute/funny.
Eventually, things get a little less light-hearted when Megatron gets his body back and hires Lockdown to kidnap you. The main reason is that even though Megatron and his Decepticons usually do a great job of beating the hell out of the Autobots, you’re always there to fix them up, and that’s very inconvenient to him personally. So, Lockdown kidnaps you and takes you to Megatron, only for Starscream to... Come rescue you from the cell you’re locked in during the night?
You’re just sitting there, waiting for an Autobot when Starscream bursts into the room; “Why, if it isn’t my admirer, waiting for me to come rescue them.”
“Um... Starscream? What are you doing here?”
“What do you think, you glitch? Rescuing you, now quiet down before Megatron catches us!”
You’re super confused, unsure if Starscream has had a processor injury or if he has some other more devious plan with you, but he breaks you out of your cage and allows you to climb on his back so he can give you a piggy back ride until you’re out of the cave and in an open enough area for him to transform into his seeker mode, only to get caught by Megatron and Megatron alone while the others are recharging.
The two break out into an argument, fighting while you’re still on Starscream’s back; you’re trying to assist your crush by blasting Megatron from your position despite being decently injured from your battle with Lockdown, which is honestly the only reason Starscream is managing against the much more powerful Decepticon. You two work... Surprisingly well together, and in the midst of the argument, Megatron is spewing insults, calling Starscream incompetent, foolish, stupid, a failure, etc. 
Naturally, despite your shy nature, you hate hearing Starscream insulted as you’ve developed a weird sort of attachment to him, so you fire back; “Hey, he isn’t any of that! I know you don’t realize it because you’re an evil bastard, b-but he’s trying his best, and he has better ideas than you do- wasn’t he the one who blew you up?”
Megatron gets so angry that Starscream manages to escape with you, and he transforms into his vehicle mode with you riding in his cockpit... Ha.
Anyways, the two of you fly back to your base around the time that the sun is rising, but by the time you get there and Starscream transforms back into his robot form, you notice that Megatron beat him pretty bad and- oh, Primus, he’s unconscious. Yeah... 
Against your better judgement, you fix him up the best you can outside behind your teammates backs, knowing that if you brought him back to Ratchet, he’d be getting repaired while in stasis cuffs and then sent back with the Elite Guard to be imprisoned on Cybertron.
You sneak off into the forest and wait for him to wake up... Only for him to pull you into a heated kiss the second he does, thank you for being his “knight in shining armor”, and then transforming and flying away.
You return to base a shaking, blushing mess, and when asked about what happened, you tell your teammates (of which only a few are there, since the others are out looking for you); after Lockdown took you, Starscream came to rescue you, dropped you off by the base, and flew away, leaving out the part where you could have captured him. Ratchet fixes you up and gets onto you for “being smitten with such a troublesome mech”. 
And from there forms a beautiful relationship of you and Starscream pretending to be against each other in public the best you can despite your blatant crushes, with Starscream always teasing you and you being too shy to rebut, but secretly helping each other and sneaking off to meet up whenever you can. 
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gloryofluv · 3 years
Situations that end with MC Walking Away Brothers and Datables (-Luke)
This is supposed to be funny, humorous, fluffy, and teasing. Obviously, insinuations are there.
I didn't do Luke because you shouldn't walk away from children or dogs. Haha! No, really, I just didn't want to do one for him so apologies.
MC walked into the library to see Lucifer. He hadn’t seen them as he turned over several books on random shelves. He also took books from one shelf and placed them on other shelves. MC watched for two minutes before clearing their throat.
“What are you doing?” MC asked.
Lucifer jumped and turned around with an eyebrow raised. “Nothing, and if I were you, I’d keep this to yourself.”
MC shakes their head and leaves. So Satan was right. Lucifer goes out of his way to fuck with him.
MC was walking by the bathroom and stopped at the door after hearing someone wailing.
Wait… that was Mammon singing that song they played for him. Treasure by Bruno Mars. How fucking cute! MC ducks closer to the door and smiles brightly. Damn, he was cute. Was he singing about them?
MC sneakily opens the door to see Mammon in the bathtub. He was holding up Goldie and singing. Ugh.
MC moves to shut the door, but he sees. “MC, wait! It’s not what it looks like!”
Moving down the hallway as fast as they can, Mammon was trying to hold up his towel. “Wait! MC! Come on!”
Leviathan showed MC his recent picture compilations he was creating for TSL and Rui-chan on his editing software. It was impressive.
Levi gets up to retrieve a figure he modeled one of the frames out of when MC clicks the other project he had minimized. Oh, boy, they shouldn’t have done that.
“MC, I have the,” he stopped dead.
The project was massively just about MC. Quite a few of the shots were of them together. He even had little hearts littering the frames.
“Levi, I love you, but I have to go,” MC murmured with the brightest blush and left the room.
MC and Satan decide to go to the cat shelter. They were petting all the cats and feeding them treats. It was all in all a great day.
However, when MC glances over at Satan, where he’s ducked down to a pair of kittens, he was holding up his hand, and their little paws would touch his palm.
“Good, one more time,” Satan said.
“W-what are you doing?” MC asked.
Satan glanced over with wide eyes. “Teaching them to high five…” he trailed off.
MC put their hands on their cheeks and walked out of the room. All of this to hide the incredible blush and giddy laughter they were suppressing.
MC was skipping up to Asmo’s room to tell him about this sale. It was awesome, and he was going to obsess.
However, when they opened the door, they regretted it. Asmo was making out pretty hardcore with Solomon on the bed. Appalled? Shocked? MC didn’t know which.
“There’s always room for my other human!” Asmo giggled when he caught sight of MC.
Solomon covered his face. “Asmodeus, really.”
MC clapped a hand over their mouth and turned in a mechanical fashion before retreating.
“I’m never opposed to a humane threesome!” Asmo called after them.
MC was working out with Beel. Well, more that he was working out, and they were putting chips in his mouth. It was a very gratifying experience. Both would laugh and enjoy this ridiculous routine.
It was all going like a well-oiled machine. Well… until Beel bit MC’s finger. Now it wasn’t that hard, but hard enough to make them jerk backward.
“Oh, MC, I’m sorry!” Beel puffed as he stopped his pushups.
MC took their finger to their mouth and grumbled. “That hurt, but I’m okay. You won't hurt me again, Beel.”
“Did Beel try to eat you like in your dream? I was hoping for screams and not whimpers,” Belphie murmured with a smirk as he turned over on his bed.
MC turned beyond what was considered red on the color spectrum. “I gotta go,” they rushed out and climbed off the floor.
“Wait, MC, I promise I won’t eat you!” Beel shouted as he rushed after them.
“Or he’ll try lower!” Belphie snickered.
MC was relaxing with Belphie in the sitting room. He was resting against their shoulder, and MC’s legs were over his lap. It was a typical evening of lazy bones being lazy cuddle buddies.
Asmo scrunched his nose while walking into the room. “It’s really unfair,” he started.
MC glanced over. “What?”
“Why is Belphie always getting to sleep with you! You never sleep with me!” He cried while crossing his arms.
“Because I do it better, Asmo. MC likes to be on top,” Belphie murmured through sleep.
MC’s eyes grew as Asmo rolled his. “Yeah, sure, like anyone would believe you fuck better than me.”
“What do you think the pillow is for? Muffled cries,” Belphie smiled over at Asmo.
MC puffed and stood up, nearly toppling over the table. Their hands landed on it for balance.
“Thank you for assuming the position, MC,” Belphie chuckled.
Needless to say, MC bolted from the room with bright mortification.
Magic. Always magic and human experiences. Today was no exception while they were practicing in the sitting room at Purgatory Hall.
They were working on transformative magic. Advanced and complicated.
“Now, watch, the strings will change to bracelets,” Solomon declared as he performed the spell.
MC bobbed their head as the white string did change into silver bracelets. “Cool.”
Simeon glanced over from his book. “Always talented, Solomon.”
Luke looked up from his phone and seemed wholly unamused by the situation.
“Now, it’s your turn.”
MC made the gesture and sputtered on the words. Instead of the string on their wrists turning into bracelets, they coiled around their hands and connected in a binding. MC gasped and struggled as they tried to climb off the ground.
“I didn’t realize you liked being tied up. I would have offered in private,” Solomon teased.
MC’s cheeks filled with blood and tripped as they moved toward the exit of the room.
“Solomon!” Simeon groaned.
Solomon was laughing. “I didn’t mean it. Well, maybe just a little, MC.”
They didn’t give him the chance to tease them anymore. MC struggled with the front door and began to march down the path.
“MC, you look like a demon meal like that! Come back,” Solomon called out, trying to catch them scurrying off. He laughed while following them all the way back to House of Lamentation.
They were cooking together because he offered lessons. MC was always happy to help and learn to perfect a skill.
“Very good,” Barbatos nodded at MC finishing the sauce.
“Thanks, Barbatos. You’re going to get me cooking well enough to put any human to shame,” MC laughed.
“Maybe, but you were a proficient cook beforehand,” Barbatos said.
“I’ll have to cook for you sometime. Just tell me what you’d like to eat,” MC smiled.
Barbatos blushed and cleared his throat. “Anything you would like to make, MC. It isn’t often someone would like to return the favor for me.”
MC glanced over to see Barbatos had turned to the large pot on the stove. “I mean it. Whatever you want, Barbatos. I’d like to do something nice for you.”
“Why don’t you go see if we have any fresh greens?” He murmured.
MC scowled at the demon but agreed. They walked to the other side of the kitchen and went into the fridge. Glancing at the side, MC could see Barbatos subtly wiping his eyes through the reflection.
“Hey, Barbatos, I’m going to run to the restroom. I’ll be right back,” MC said and left the kitchen.
“Thank you,” Barbatos murmured as they left.
Diavolo and MC were walking together through RAD as Barbatos trailed. They were on the way to a meeting, and MC was headed to lunch. This was usual, rare, but something not out of the norm. He would get his human questions in during these moments.
“MC, I heard the oddest thing from Asmodeus the other day,” Diavolo declared.
“What did he say now?” MC questioned with suspicion.
“There��s this game that you and he play. It has to do with figures of some sort,” Diavolo hummed.
“Figures?” MC asked.
Diavolo tapped his chin and glanced back. “Barbatos, what was it called again?”
“Daddy or Uncle energy, I believe, my lord,” Barbatos said while stifling a smile.
“Ah, yes, that one. Is this one of those parental human games?” Diavolo inquired while staring at MC.
Ded. one hundred percent. “No, um, Lord Diavolo, I gotta go,” MC puffed and tried to gesture toward the cafeteria.
“Wait, but he said you saw me as a father type? That’s very sweet,” Diavolo beamed with the smallest hint of mischief.
“Bye, Lord Diavolo! Bye, Barbatos!” MC rushed out and sprinted toward the cafeteria.
“I just wanted to say thank you,” Diavolo called after them with a bout of laughter.
Asmo was killed later that night. (Not really, but it could happen…)
Simeon and MC were in the kitchen of Purgatory Hall, baking. They had just finished the batter for the fingerprint cookies with a celestial recipe. Simeon was his usual serene self.
“Simeon, how long are these going to take?” MC questioned with the timer in hand.
“Put the timer on for fifteen minutes, and we’ll check then. I still am not confident that Solomon doesn’t tinker with the oven for experiments,” Simeon laughed.
MC set the timer and grinned. “I wouldn’t put it past him.”
“He is a very unique human,” Simeon noted with a smile.
MC laughed while picking up the towel on the counter. “Here, let me help you clean up. You have some flour on your face.”
Simeon bent enough so that MC could clear his features of the flour, all the while beaming. It was a very cozy experience to bake with the angel. He took the towel from MC’s hand and nodded.
“Let me assist. You have some as well,” he noted and wiped their cheeks with soft swipes.
Simeon’s eyes were focused on the task.
“Simeon! Solomon took my hat for a spell again!” Luke yelled as he walked into the room.
MC jumped and accidentally pressed their lips to the space just next to Simeon’s mouth. “Oh, my God!” MC puffed and bounced back.
That just made it even worse. MC clapped a hand over their mouth and rushed from the room. Fire was cooler than their face. How were they ever going to explain that?
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ray-ray-writings · 4 years
Hybrid!Reader Galore-SBI (and one Awesamdude)
So I am combining four different requests with this one post because I have recently discovered that I am allowed to do that hahaha. So instead of five separate posts, it’s one big post!! I hope you enjoy!!! (There is a bonus idea at the bottom, it is not SBI, rather a Sam idea and it is so amazing and is not mine, the idea comes from our very own Sunflower anon who has my whole heart.)
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Well first things first, you guessed it. You have wings. You have beautiful wings that allow you to fly for miles and miles without getting tired. They are big and cover most of your back. When they’re not in use, they’re tucked in tightly to your back for save keeping. 
You and Philza are obviously very close. You and he can relate on so many levels. You spend a lot of time bonding over your wings. You know you can always go to him when you have questions about your wings and he is always willing to give you his knowledge, tips, and tricks on how to properly take care of your wings and stuff like that. I like to imagine that the two of you definitely help each other preen your wings. He more so you though. Like if it has been too long in his opinion he will force you to sit down on a chair so that you’re straddling it and your stomach is pressed against the back of the chair and he very carefully pulls the loose feathers and gets all of the grass and leaves and stuff out of your wings. Every so often you will return the favor, but because he’s been around so long he is practically perfect at doing his own wings himself and so he usually just focuses on you because you’re his kid and he wants to make sure that you’re taken care of. He gets a lot of the preening done when you two are sitting on the couch together and you’re snuggled up to his chest and his hand is just softly trailing up and down your wings. Smoothing out your feathers and carefully pulling out the ones that need to come out. It feels very nice and is very comforting. 
I also feel though that your brothers would also do this to you sometimes. Just when you’re having a conversation with one of them they will grab your shoulders and turn you around and you would be forced to talk to them as they pick at your wings. Sometimes Tommy is too rough and so he can only do it when he’s absolutely calm. I 100% believe that before his death, Wilbur was the best brother to go to for help with your wings when Phil wasn’t around. He has the hands of musician, steady and gentle hands but still calloused and rough from years of plucking at a guitar. So he would be really good at being careful but also would be very good at picking out the things that needed to go while also being good at, i guess, petting your wings. I feel like Techno would be okay at it, not as good as Phil and Wilbur though. I feel like Tommy could be too rough sometimes. I feel like there are two different Techno’s you could get. A soft and gentle Techno who is very careful when messing with your wings or a rough and quick Techno that just really wants to be done with whatever you’ve asked him to do. So you would have to catch Techno on a good day in order for him to be able to properly help you. 
Like Philza and Techno do, You and Philza go on adventures together all the time, only there is a slight difference obviously. You two go on flights. You two fly for hours at a time sometimes, not always have a particular destination in mind. You two just like to fly together. It’s such a freeing feeling. You two just fly together, feel the wind in your hair and your wings. The time is usually spent just chatting about anything and everything. It’s nice. You just get to spend a lot of time with your dad and you get to feel free and get to get away from all of the drama of the smp. I like to imagine that sometimes you two fly for so long that you get too tired to keep flying, but you have to get home. So Phil will pick you up, you wrap your arms around his neck and your legs around his waist, and he will fly the two of you home. He’s been alive for hundred of years and has had years of flying practice and so he almost never gets tired from flying and so he has absolutely no problem carrying you home if you’re too tired. Once you get a bit older and stuff, I also like to think that you’re able to do the same for your brothers, obviously not as long as Philza can, but you can pick them up and take them on a little flight around the server. Tommy would love it the most. He would cling to you, terrified you would drop him, but he would love being so high up, seeing everything and feeling free. He would love that he actually got to feel like a kid again. Wilbur and Techno would like it a lot less than Tommy. They would take you up on the offer every once in a while, but I don’t think they would like it that much. Like Techno would like to feel the wind through his hair and to feel free and not have to worry about anything, but I feel like he would just be hella scared that you’re going to drop him. He’s a big man and he trusts you a lot, but that doesn’t mean you’re strong enough to hold him. Don’t tell anyone, but I kind of headcanon that Wilbur is scared of heights. I don’t know why, I just kind of get that vibe from him. So like on the very very very rare occasion where you take him for a fly, he spends the whole time clinging to you for dear life with his face buried in your neck and his eyes clenched tightly closed. You can’t help but laugh at him though. You asked him about it once, why he accepts your offer if he’s so terrified, his answer warmed your heart. “I just like spending time with you. Anyway that I can.” (Complete side note, Ghostbur on the other hand would love love love love to go on flights with you. Like would beg you almost every day to go on one.)
Ghast hybrid
Listen, I am not saying this to exclude anyone okay? Please don’t take it as that, but you would be pale. You would be so pale. It’s the ghast in you and so you would be so pale. Like I feel you would almost have to wear a hat or put on sunscreen every time you left the house in the overworld because you would so easily be burned. That being said, you definitely would thrive in the nether. Like the heat and the brightness of the lava wouldn’t bother you at all as you travel through your home biome. You would also be able to fly. You would move so smoothly through the sky. You wouldn’t have wings or anything like that, you would just be able to fly. But like it would be so funny to scare the hell out of Tommy. Like you two are arguing or something or he’s just being annoying and so you just start fucking levatating as you stare him down. He would 100% shriek and run away from you causing you to laugh. 
You always accompany any of the boys when they go into the nether for anything because no hostile mobs will attack if you’re nearby. Ghasts won’t shoot at you, hoglins won’t charge, blaze won’t fireball… you get it. Like the nether is your home and you are one of them, and they know that. You also are super good at navigating the nether. Think Human GPS but like half ghast GPS instead haha. You have absolutely saved the boys’ asses on more than one occasion. Like one time Techno wasn’t paying attention and he was just kind of walking around in the nether freely without thinking about it. He was going on and on about how it was nice to have you here but he probably could have handled it himself. He was right in the middle of telling you about how he probably could navigate the nether better than you when he literally walked straight off a cliff that hung right over a giant lava lake. You didn’t have time to laugh at his obliviousness. You knew that he couldn’t swim in lava, he may be a piglin hybrid that can survive the heat, but he absolutely could not swim in lava. So you very quickly ran right off of the edge of the cliff, flew down to him and just before he could sink into the lava, you grabbed him and flew him back up to the edge of the cliff. Once he was secure with solid ground under his feet, Techno would pull you into a giant hug. “Thank you,” he murmurs in your hair. You can’t help but giggle as you hug him back. “Of course. What was I going to do? Let you die? Besides, now we have prove of who’s the better nether navigator.” And Techno goes to argue but you just stare at him with a raised eyebrow and so his mouth snaps shut. You both knew you won that. 
So Ghast tears right? So when you get upset to the point of crying, you do your best to keep in the tears because when you cry, they literally leave tear stains. Like your cheeks are stained and scarred for the next few hours because of the tears. It burns and is a painful thing, so you try to avoid it as much as possible. Another thing that happens when you’re upset is you begin to breathe fire and shoot fireballs out of your mouth. You accidentally discovered this once when Techno wouldn’t give you back your axe and you accidentally fireballed him into a wall, exploding parts of the wall as well. So when you get angry/upset, you clamp your mouth closed and don’t speak. That is the telltale sign that you’re angry, when you go silent. Tommy loves to push you at this point. Saying anything he can to get you to… well explode. It’s only worked once. Let’s just say that Tommy’s clothes and hair got a bit singed and he didn’t mess with you while you were upset for a few months afterwards. 
Something useful about your tears is they can make regeneration potions. Obviously they aren’t full effect because you are only half ghast, but they still work. So even if you are crying and you are upset, you’re always sure to physically bottle up some of your tears when you do cry so that someone, mostly you or Techno, could make regeneration potions with them. 
Raccoon hybrid
TRASH PANDAS!!!! Okay, right, sorry. 
So we will begin with looks. You have little raccoons on top of your head, dark circles around your eyes, and a fuzzy black and white ringed tail. You have to take very good care of your ears and of your tail, making sure that it doesn’t get matted and stuff. I also feel you’re rather short. And sometimes you feel out of place among the absolute giants that are your brothers. 
I feel like you would get along the best with Tommy. THIS IS NOT AN INSULT AT ALL but like for some reason I get a raccoon type vibe from Tommy. So I feel like you two would just vibe very well together. You’re mostly nocturnal due to your raccoon hybrid and Tommy is a 16 year old hyper boy who doesn’t like authority that much. So like he very often can be found in your room late at night. The two of you laughing and just hanging out together. If you get him on a good night, he will carefully pet your tail or brush it while you talk. You two have bonded a lot and shared a lot of sweet moments through your nocturnal nights together. 
That being said, it does not stop Tommy from making fun of you. Raccoons are thought to be colorblind and Tommy knows this applies to you and does not stop making fun of you for it. “Hey Y/N! What color is this flower?” “Fuck off.” Because Tommy makes fun of you, you like to prank him a lot. Raccoons are actually very clever and this absolutely applies to you. You can move very quietly if you want so you manage to always prank Tommy really well…. That being said, you also find yourself very often ruining your own pranks because of how loud you can be. Have you ever heard a raccoon rummaging through your garbage at night? It feels like the loudest thing in the world lol. So sometimes you are accidentally careless and are very loud. 
Raccoons can fall from pretty high heights without getting hurt, so you would be able to do the same. It would have been a total accident of how you found out though. You would have been helping Tommy build a random cobblestone tower when he accidentally pushed you off the tower. You didn’t have a water bucket and there was no water below you, so you literally prepared yourself for the loss of your first canon life. Your body finally hit the ground and you were left a little breathless from the force of the hit, but nothing hurt. You checked your wrist and found you had only lost one heart. Even though you were completely fine, Philza still gave Tommy hell for pushing you off the tower and grounded him for a few weeks. Even though you know you’d be fine from a big fall, you are still very careful when you’re high up. Like I said, you know you’ll be fine, but you don’t want to push the boundaries. 
I feel like you have definitely been caught rummaging through the trash before. You were probably just bored and looking for something to do, or just something to play with and so on instinct, you reached into the trash and began searching through it. Philza would be the one to catch you. He wouldn’t even react too. He would simply let out a sigh, walk over to you, grab your arms and pull them out of the trash and walk you over to the sink before making you wash your hands. While you were doing that, he would take out the trash, making a mental note to get a more efficient/better way of getting rid of your trash. 
Cow Hybrid 
Yes yes yes yes. Okay okay. I love cows. Okay.
Starting out as always, appearance. So I think that you would have a few brown and white spots littering your skin. You’re entirely covered in them, but there are some on your arms, torso, and legs. You also have little horns that poke out of your hair. They’re a bit sensitive and your hair gets caught on them a lot, but they’re hella cute. You’re ears are where a human’s ears are, but they’re a bit bigger and a little more pink and flimsy than normal human ears. You also have a thin tail that pokes out behind you. You use it to swat things, mostly Tommy, away from you. When someone gets hit by your tail, it stings quite a bit. Your skin is rather tough, not like super tough, but like it has a rather leathery feel. So not only does it hurt when you hit people, but it can also be a bit harder for you to get hurt/cut and stuff. Which is rather nice. 
Something just random but hella cute that I like to think happens is that if you’re out walking, with or without your family, baby cows will begin to follow you. If they get far enough away from their parents and you happen to be nearby, they 100% will begin to follow you. It warms your heart a little bit, but it also worries you because you don’t want to upset their parents, but the adult cows just think it’s really funny. Like, it is so obvious that you’re not a full cow and that you’re barely an adult yourself, but the baby cows will still follow you and it is just so funny. 
I feel like when you get very frustrated, you begin to moo or let out huffs and puffs. The boys find it very funny, but also not to bring it up to you. One time Wilbur made the mistake of laughing out loud when you mooed…. You charged him and tackled him and broke the table. So now the boys have just learned to try and comfort you and then laugh in private. 
Listen I have seen many photos and videos of cows being petted and owners sitting in fields and the cow comes over and just lays on them and cuddles them and so like I feel that a lot of the times when you would find someone sitting on the couch or something, just chilling, you would try and cuddle up to them. Tommy and Techno wouldn’t like it as much, they would give you like a pat on the back before shoving you off. Philza would chuckle but allow you to rest there. Wilbur would absolutely let you cuddle up to him and oftentimes would wrap his arms around you and hold you to him. I also feel like he would be the only one to do it back to you. If you were just seated somewhere lounging around, Wilbur would absolutely flop down on top of you, crushing you a little bit, yes, but it is still nice… not having to be the one to initiate the contact. So you would just giggle and wrap your arms around him and nuzzle your face either in his curly hair or in his chest, it depends on how he flops down on top of you. Wilbur would also absolutely pet and stroke your horns and would just let you relax completely against him. 
A lot of the time you can be found with a piece of hay hanging out of your mouth. I feel like you would just enjoy the taste but also just the feel of the plant on your tongue as you chew would be so comforting. Philza at first would try to take the thin straw out of your mouth but after you almost cried about it, he decided to just left it alone and let you do whatever you want. Tommy still tries to steal it from your mouth, but you’ve gotten good at chomping down on it and not letting it go. Techno gives you a little bit of a weird look but goes on about it. (It’s because he absolutely has tried it without you knowing and he hated it so much and he has no idea how the hell you keep doing it.) Wilbur I feel would be the one to help you keep your supply of it and would always get you a new one if you needed it. I feel like you would offer him one and he will sometimes accept it, but he doesn’t like it but he doesn’t want you to feel that your habits are weird so he partakes to make you feel better. Also for eating, you would love everything wheat based and would have a field day with things like that. You absolutely cannot and will not eat beef and you will not be around if anyone around you is eating it. It makes you sick to your stomach. So you don’t eat a lot of meat and you’re mostly vegetarian. Philza is more than willing to adjust his recipes to accommodate you and make sure that you’re okay at meal times. 
Minecraft cows avoid going into water at about all costs, so I feel like you would do the same. You would avoid everything from stepping in puddles to swimming across the river to even having a beach day at the ocean. I think you would be fine, it’s just the floating in water and having your feet not be completely on solid ground that you hate. Your family sometimes makes fun of you for it because they have to build a bridge of some kind or craft a boat for the smallest thing of water, but in reality they want you to be comfortable and so they do everything to make it so you could have your way when it comes to the water like that. When Wilbur becomes Ghostbur, Ghostbur likes to hang out with you a lot because you’re good company but also because he knows you don’t go anywhere near water, and he’s allergic to water so it works out very well for you. 
Cat hybrid w Creeper hybrid Sam
So 🌻 had this fucking amazing idea okay. Like all credit for this idea goes to her, I am but a simple writer that wrote it out a little bit more, but this was completely her idea and she has my whole heart because she has a big brain. It is praise 🌻 hours friends!
So you are the newest addition to the SMP, a cute little cat hybrid. You have cute, fluffy ears that sit on the top of your head and you have a matching fluffy tail that pokes out behind you. Everyone that has met you agrees that you’re very cute and very sweet to everyone. Everyone loves to be around you and loves to spend time with you….. Well almost everyone. 
As we have learned in previous hybrid headcanons, Sam is terrified of cats. It’s the creeper in him and he feels so bad that he avoids you so admently, but he cannot help the trepidation that swells in his veins when he’s near you. He has tried to approach you several times, tried to properly introduce himself, but he just couldn’t get close enough to you to do it. Sam had definitely asked others about you though and had fallen in love with you through the other’s descriptions and through watching you from afar, trying his best not to be seen. You weren’t dumb though, you knew he was there watching you. And when he took his eyes off of you, you let your stare turn to him as well. You let yourself stare at the man that refused to approach you. You, like him, asked around about him and you learned about him through others. You learned about how passionate he was about his work, how kind he was, how he had practically adopted a few of the minors on the server, how he was such a nice guy. It made your heart ache. If he was such a nice guy, why would he only watch you from a far then? Why wouldn’t he approach you? He must hate you… Yeah that had to be it, he heard about you, watched you for a bit, and decided that he didn’t like you… It made you hella sad, but it’s just something you would have to deal with and live with…. Oh well…. Better get building your house. 
Sam decided that he would try to make a move on you. He wanted to get to know you better through your own words and stuff, not just what others had to think about you. So he decided he would try to approach you while you were working on your house. Sam didn’t want to come empty handed, he figured he had already made a bad enough impression on you by not approaching you sooner, so he picks some flowers, roses and sunflowers because I’m a self indulgent bitch, and he took a few deep breaths before making his way to the plot of land that you have claimed as your own. He finds you working on the front wall of your house and he finds it very easy to approach you when you’re not paying attention to him. He is getting rather close to you, the closest he’s ever been to you and he’s really proud of himself. You must have sensed him, or heard his footsteps or something though, because your head snaps to look over your shoulder and your gaze locks with his and every single bit of confidence that Sam had worked up leaves his body. The fear of being around a cat fills him and he can’t help but let the flowers fall from his fingers and he sprints away. “Hey! Wait!” You call after him, rushing forward a bit, trying to stop him. But he’s gone so fast that you can only get to where he dropped the flowers before he’s out of sight. You can’t help but let out a sigh as you turn around. He must really hate you huh? Your eyes catch the flowers on the ground and you bend down to pick them up. Are these for you? They must be if he brought them here… Even if he did drop them on the ground to run away from you. Either way, you brought the pretty flowers to your nose and took a deep breath through your nose, inhaling the sweet scent. You can’t help the smile that curls on your face as you make your way “inside” of you under construction. You very quickly find a vase and get some water and set the flowers on a makeshift table in your house before going back to building the walls, every time your gaze catching the flowers, a grin growing on your face. 
Sam berates himself when he gets back home for how stupid it was for him to just leave like that. So he tells himself he is going to go back tomorrow and at least introduce himself to you. He will speak at least three words to you. The next day comes and he does as he’s promised. He gathers all of his confidence again before making his way back to your land. He freezes just outside the property line and sees that you have constructed your walls and you are now working on your roof. Your back is to him once again and so he lets out a deep breath before deciding to make the first move. “Hi there!” He shouts from his spot, about 25 blocks away from you. Your attention moves from what you were doing to the man that called out to you. You were very surprised to find Sam standing there. “Hi! Can I help you with something?” You call back. Sam takes a deep breath, happiness filling him at the fact you were actually having a conversation and he wasn’t running. “I uh, I just wanted to introduce myself to you. I’m Sam, it’s very nice to meet you.” You give the man a warm smile, “I’m Y/N. It’s very nice to finally meet you Sam… I must admit, I thought that maybe you hated me because you seemed to avoid me like the plague,” you tease, moving a few materials around before sitting down to face him. A blush that you can’t see spreads across his face as he scratches the back of his neck as he subconsciously takes a few steps forward. “Yeah, sorry about that. I don’t hate you… It’s just that you’re a cat hybrid and my creeper side doesn’t like that very much. I’m sorry I made it seem like I hated you.” It all made so much sense to you now and you couldn’t help but feel bad for feeling that he hated you. “Oh!” You let out, laughing at yourself causing Sam to smile, he liked your laugh. “That’s right… I forgot that. Well, I’m sorry I scare you” you claim with a giggle. Sam gives you a slight smile as he takes another few steps forward, “It’s alright, not your fault. Just both of our natures,” Sam claims eliciting a hum out of you as you nod your head. 
The two of you take the next few minutes to get to know each other just a bit better. Even though you scare him still a little bit, Sam can’t help but inch his way toward you. You notice this but don’t say anything about it, you only smile. 
Sam is telling you about his latest redstone project when it happens. You momentarily forget your on your roof and so you move to lean in closer to hear him better and it happens. You slip. You feel yourself falling from your roof. It’s pretty high up, easily at least 15 blocks high. You’re pretty relaxed about it, but Sam is panicking. He makes the split decision and he rushes forward and catches you in his arms. Half of his mind is screaming for him to run away from you by the other half is screaming for him to stay and make sure you're okay. You are very surprised to land in his arms but it is a very welcome surprise. You two lock eyes and you give him a big smile. “Hey” you greet casually. Sam gives a big gulp before giving you a nervous smile back, “Hey.” You have a very quick mental debate with yourself before saying screw it to yourself, “Guess you could say I fell for you huh?” The joke causes a bit of tension to leave Sam and he lets out a little giggle and shakes his head. “Guess you could say I caught feelings then huh?” he retorts with a cheesy grin. You blush a little bit before leaning up and kissing his cheek making him blush too. “Do you want to go on a date with me?” Sam blurts out. You’re a bit surprised at the question but you very quickly nod, “I would love to Sam. Are you sure you’ll be okay though?” You ask him. He gives you a reassuring smile and nod. “Yeah, I’ll be fine. Now that I know what it’s like to hold you I’m not sure I ever want to let you go.” The heat returns to your cheeks, but like a million times hotter now. You left speechless for a few moments causing Sam to chuckle and set you down, but his hands don’t leave your waist and yours don’t leave his shoulders. You two simply beam at each other for a while before Sam looks over to your house, “Do you want some help?” he offers. You give a series of quick nods, “Yeah that would be wonderful… Thank you.”
(So I was going to make it a little funny because cats don’t take fall damage and so like hybrid cat reader wouldn’t either but then I began writing the little scene at the end and I liked that a lot and I couldn’t find anywhere to squeeze it in without ruining the mood. So just please think about how Sam got over his fear of cats because he thought you were in danger of getting hurt, but you weren’t because fall damage doesn’t affect you, and so he caught you even though it terrified him… That’s all. Hope you enjoyed)
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outivv · 3 years
h e h e b i g b w a i n- The Boys, but they did something really stupid, like I'm talking its facepalm worthy stupid. Their crush/ s/o ends up finding out and they take in a deep breath, proceeds to tell them they have 30 seconds to run, before either grabbing a spray bottle or rolls up a newspaper, then literally starts to chase them with said object, and tries to hit them with the newspaper or tries to spray them with the spray bottle. (you can add anyone else btw! take care♡)
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Synopsis: I’m not even sure how to explain this... but crack fluff with the tall boys :’)
Warnings: none!
Game/ fandom: genshin impact
Characters: Diluc, kaeya, childe. Zhongli, and Dainsleif
Pronouns for reader: gender neutral/ not mentioned
A/n: I literally snorted when I read this, and it’s mostly because I started imagining how zhongli would react. Omfg this is so funny, and a lot of fun to write, so I hope you like it, cause I really enjoyed writing this! Take care of yourself! (Also im so sorry this took me so long schools kicking my ass right now 🥲)
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— zhongli —
Zhongli went to go buy some groceries for a special dinner you were making tonight, but once again forgot his wallet. It’s hard getting used to not being able to make more out of thin air alright! But he came home feeling rather defeated. When you asked him what was wrong and where the groceries are, he just sighed. You knew, but wanted him to explain.
You got up and grabbed a rolled up news paper saying, “zhongli. I love you. But. You have 10 seconds to run.” Zhongli couldn’t help but hold back a chuckle. What were you gonna do hit him with the newspaper? Really? He’s not some sort of animal???
“Did you not hear me?” You said after he didn’t move. Really? You were serious? Haha, yeah ok. He still refused to move smiling amusingly at your words. “Hope you can plan your own funeral when you’re dead. Er... again.” You said jokingly. Then you started running from your place in front of the couch towards him. So then he opened the door swiftly and just started to book it. Running down the streets of liyue, at least he remembered his wallet before he left.
— childe —
Fun fact! The thing that childe did that was facepalm worthy stupid in this is something that I’ve done myself! :D
Childe called cows horses. He called... cows... horses. Yeah so you laughed at him, and then got the spray bottle. “Why are you getting that?! It’s not like I did something wrong?! Just... called cows horses.” He questioned. You only laughed and said, “doesn’t matter. You have 30 seconds to run”
He didn’t take you seriously at first, but then when you started counting, and getting closer to 1... he started running. He ran so fast, that he forgot what he did that made you get the spray bottle. But that doesn’t matter, you caught up to him eventually.
— kaeya —
Oh kaeya... I’m my opinion one of the smartest characters in all of genshin. Left cupcakes in the oven when he was making them to surprise you. Well... it certainly was a surprise. Just... not a good one.
He really wanted to try his hand at baking, but forgot one crucial detail... he can’t bake. He can cook very very well, but bake? No. He almost burnt the house down! So what did you do? Got the spray bottle. “Kaeya. I love you, and I’m appreciative that you tried to bake cupcakes for me. But. Never do it again. And you have 20 seconds to run.” You said with a sly smile.
Kaeya turned around quickly to face you. “Haha... what do you mean love?” He said nervously. “You know exactly what I mean. And now you’re at 10 seconds.” He never ran so fast in his life. Not even during knights training!
— Diluc —
Diluc had a good head on his shoulders, and rarely does anything too stupid. That being said, he almost gave klee wine instead of grape juice. You were watching over her one day, due to albedo being away, and the knights being too busy. So... Jean had asked you to watch over her. And Diluc mistook the new wine that he was gonna sell tonight at angels share... for grape juice.
“Diluc what the hell?!” You said snatching the glass out of klee’s hands much to her confusion. “I am so sorry!” He shouted panicking deeply on the inside. You sighed knowing it was an honest mistake and said, “it’s alright Diluc, but.” You grabbed the spray bottle “how about it klee why not teach Diluc a lesson?” Klees eyes lit up with excitement understanding what you were hinting at, while Diluc started getting confused and still slightly panicking.
Klee nodded, and you picked her up putting her on your back. “You have 30, no! 10 seconds to start running!” Klee shouted from over your shoulder. Diluc chuckled calming down, and smiled saying, “do I now?” Your gaze turned to one of mischief and playfulness. “You heard her, and if I were you I’d start running.” You said smiling. Oh you were serious?! In a few minutes Diluc was soaked, while you and Klee laughed triumphantly.
— Dainsleif —
Dainsleif has had some embarrassing moments in his long life, but the most unfortunate one was when he forgot your traveling packs in the Oceanids lair. “Oh crap...” he said remembering your packs. “What? Where... where are the packs...” you said. He was supposed to grab them before you left. Looking over your shoulder you could make out the packs... sinking in the water. you groaned and panicked. Nothing was salvageable.
You turned to Dainsleif anger in your eyes. Then you got an idea. “Dain, love, you have 3 seconds to run.” You said the warm reassurance in your voice turned serious. “Wha... what?!” He said worried, and lowkey scared. “You heard me.” You said. He ran so far away from you, but you managed to catch up and tackle him. I imagine if you could carry him you’d throw him in a pond or lake for some sort of revenge.
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drabbles-mc · 4 years
“Forget Something?”
Angel Reyes x Reader
Request by @thesandbeneathmytoes: Angels girl wants a kiss before he leaves and he’s like you always make me late mami but ok, because he can’t resist her, but then in another scene she’s running out of the clubhouse to get somewhere and gives EZ a kiss on the cheek but then the person in the car is like let’s go YN so she runs out the door and forgets to kiss angel and then gets hole that night and he’s like, cutely salty about it?
Warnings: language, Angel being super cute
Word Count: 1.9k
A/N: I love writing needy and salty Angel haha. He’s too cute. Hope y’all enjoy! xo
Taglist:@mayans-sauce @helli4nthus @angelreyesgirl @starrynite7114 @queenbeered @sincerelyasomebody @sadeyesgf @appropriate-writers-name @tomhardydallasstarsgirl @multiyfandomgirl40 @sillygoose6969 @beardburnsupersoldiers @louisianalady @gemini0410 @paintballkid711 @chibsytelford @yourwonkywriter @sesamepancakes @behindmyeyes-insidemyhead @plentyoffandoms @georgiaaintnopeach @twistnet @amandinesblogofstuff @garbinge @bucky-iss-bae @enjoy-the-destruction @encounterthepast @lilacyennefer @everyhowlmarksthedead @rosieposie0624 @mylittlelonelyappreciationtoo
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You woke up to the sound of Angel fumbling around the room. You slowly opened your eyes to see him hurriedly pulling on clothes. He heard you stirring and softly told you to go back to sleep.
“Where you going so early?” your voice was raspy with sleep.
“Last-minute club shit. Sorry, querida. I’ll text you later but I gotta run,” he was sliding his kutte on as he walked towards the bedroom door.
“Angel,” you called quietly after him.
He paused, turning back to look at you, “Yea?”
“Gimme a kiss before you go.”
He chuckled, not able to tell you no. He leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to your lips, “You’re lucky you’re cute,” he called back to you as he left the room.
It wasn’t ever intentional that he would try to leave without giving you a kiss goodbye, but it still happened. You guilted him about it every time, and he never made it out the door without fixing his mistake.
He met up with you for lunch the following week. It was a bit of a rare occurrence, so you soaked it all up while you could. The two of you sat across from each other in the small café by your job, looking like a bit of an odd couple to the people filtering in and out, but you didn’t care. The two of you were so wrapped up in your own conversation that you hardly even noticed.
Both of you lost track of time. It wasn’t a huge deal if you took a long lunch, but Angel’s work had more pressing matters. The only thing that clued him into the fact that he was running late at all was the sound of his phone going off, Bishop’s name lighting up the screen.
“Shit,” he shot up, “I’m late.”
You laughed, waving him off, “Go ahead, I got this. Next lunch is on you.”
“Thank you. Sorry to bail. I love you,” he started to quickly make his way to the door.
You weren’t above calling him out in public, “Baby!” you waited for him to turn around, “Forget something?”
He huffed, “I’m late, Mami. Bish is gonna—”
You cut him off with a smile, “If you’re already late, a couple extra seconds won’t make a difference.”
He rolled his eyes but you could see that he was trying not to smile as he walked back, kissing you hard on the lips, “Pain in my ass,” he chuckled as he pulled his lips off of yours.
“But you love me,” you called after him. You could hear his laughter as he walked out of the café. You smiled and shook your head as you paid the check and headed back to your job.
You had gone to the clubhouse with Angel in the afternoon the next Saturday while things were still quiet. You weren’t going to be able to stay too late that night, having already made plans with a few friends from work to go out for drinks. Angel didn’t mind, glad that you were making time to see your friends, but he couldn’t pretend that he didn’t like the fact that you still made time for him and the guys.
It was mostly just the guys from the MC that were at the clubhouse at that point. The bartender and a couple of the usual girls were there as well, milling about, but for the most part it was pretty dead. You were sitting at the bar with Angel and EZ, listening to them banter back and forth as you sipped on a beer with a smile on your face.
“Alright, let’s go,” Bishop walked into the clubhouse, making his way straight for the door to Templo, “Let’s get this done.”
EZ and Angel both hopped up off of their stools to follow the rest of the guys to the table. You cleared your throat a little louder than necessary, causing them both to turn around and look at you. You locked eyes with Angel, not saying anything as you tapped a finger lightly against your lips.
He laughed, “I’m not even goin’ anywhere—I’ll be on the other side of the door.” When he saw the look on your face, and realized that you weren’t going to budge on it, he laughed again and stepped back to you, kissing you on the lips, “So needy. I love you, though.”
You laughed and nudged him back towards the door to Templo. EZ was shaking his head, unable to believe that his brother was such putty in your hands. Just to bother Angel a little bit, he stepped towards you and pressed a kiss to the top of your head, “I love you too, by the way,” he chuckled.
You shook your head laughed, “And I love you both.”
The rest of the afternoon went by quickly, and slowly but surely more and more people started showing up to the clubhouse in search of a good time. The music got louder, more and more beer bottles started to accumulate around you, and the clubhouse began to get shrouded in a slightly smoky haze.
You’d lost Angel to a game of pool a while ago, knowing that once he got into it with Coco there wasn’t much else that he was concerned about. That was fine with you, loving how competitive they all got. Their banter could be heard over the rest of the hustle and bustle of the clubhouse, and it was like free entertainment for everyone else that was there.
EZ had slipped out onto the deck to get some fresh air, and you decided to follow suit. The two of you were sitting across the table from each other, each nursing your own beer. You got wrapped up in your conversation with him, appreciating his subtle humor as the two of you went back and forth. Neither of you noticed that Angel and Coco had appeared out on the deck as well, having stepped out for a smoke when they were kicked away from the pool table. Angel didn’t interrupt the two of you, liking how well the two of you got along together.
You were mid-sentence when your phone started buzzing on the table. You glanced down, eyes widening when you saw how late it was getting. You answered the call, standing up as you did so, “Yea? I’m walking out now give me like twenty seconds. Alright,” you laughed, “See you in a sec, bye.”
“Gotta run?” EZ chuckled as you hastily shoved your phone into your pocket.
“Yea. Stupid plans,” you laughed. You walked around the table, giving him a hug and a quick kiss on the cheek as you said goodbye. Before you could head inside to say goodbye to anyone else you heard the sound of your friend’s car horn. You shook your head as you took off down the steps and made your way off the compound to meet up with you friend.
Angel watched you take off, chuckling to himself as you left the clubhouse in the dust. He looked over to EZ, smiling and shaking his head, “How the fuck she gonna kiss you goodbye and not me?”
EZ laughed, taking a swig of his beer, “Can’t say that she doesn’t have her priorities in order.”
“Shut the fuck up,” Angel laughed. He walked over and sat with his brother, “I never woulda gotten away with that shit.”
“Yea, ‘cause you’re soft,” Coco piped up with a snicker as he sat down at the table as well, “She’s got you trained real well.”
You got home late that night, expecting Angel to already be in bed fast asleep. You quietly crept through the door, taking your shoes off so they wouldn’t clack against the hardwood as you made your way through the house. He left the kitchen light on for you, and had set out a bottle of water and a couple aspirin, not knowing exactly how your night was going to be. You smiled at the gesture, opting to take the medicine just in case, not that things had really gotten all that crazy for you.
You slipped into the bedroom, trying your hardest not to make any noise as you took off your jeans and top. As you went to crawl into bed, Angel spoke up softly.
“You have a good night, querida?”
You smiled, sliding so you were up against his back, spooning him, “I did. You?”
“It was alright.”
You could sense that there was something just a little bit off in his tone and you pulled back a little to see if he was going to turn around and face you, “What’s up?”
He kept his back to you but you could hear a tinge of humor under the annoyance in his voice, “Nah, nothin’. I just think it’s funny how you get to leave whenever you want, but I gotta check off a whole list before I leave anywhere.”
You chuckled, “Angel, what are you talking about?”
“EZ got a kiss goodbye but I didn’t? The fuck is that about?” he was trying to keep his tone serious but you could tell that he was slipping.
You laughed, “Oh my god,” you pulled on his shoulder in an attempt to get him to turn around and face you, but he was stronger. You couldn’t stop your laughter as you clumsily climbed over him so you could get on the other side of him, leaving him no choice but to face you. He tried to turn away from you, but you cupped his face in your hands, “My poor Angelito,” you brushed your nose against his, “Did I leave without giving you a kiss goodbye?”
He finally looked you in the eyes, “Maybe.”
You smiled and pressed a kiss to his forehead, “I’m sorry, baby. I didn’t mean to. I was just in a bit of a rush.”
“Not enough of a rush to skip over EZ.”
You laughed, “Why do I feel like that’s what this is really about?”
He began to smile but caught himself, trying to force himself to keep his false, annoyed expression, “I just don’t get how you could forget your man, that’s all.”
“I could never forget you, oh my goodness,” you loved how dramatic he was, “You almost leave without giving me a kiss goodbye all the time.”
“But I don’t.”
“Yea, ‘cause I speak up and make sure you don’t. You shoulda said something,” you giggled.
“How is this still my fault somehow?” he finally broke and laughed.
You started to cover his entire face in kisses—his forehead, nose, cheeks, lips, beard, everything. He was laughing, trying to contain you and failing. You pulled away for a moment, both of you catching your breath from laughing. You lightly trailed your fingers through his hair and he tilted his head up into your touch with a soft smile.
“You know I love you, right?” you asked with a soft giggled.
He nodded, smiling, “I know. I love you too,” he paused, smirking, “Even if you’d rather kiss EZ than me.”
You playfully slapped his chest, “Shut up you know that’s not tr—”
He didn’t let you finish your sentence. He pulled you into another kiss, this one slow and calculated. You hummed in approval, allowing him to squeeze your body tight against his. His hands ran up and down your back, leaving warm trails in their wake. He finally pulled his lips off of yours and you could see the smile on his face even in the darkness of the room.
“You done being mad at me?” you asked with a laugh.
“For now,” he chuckled, kissing your cheek.
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itsclydebitches · 3 years
I kinda wonder, what could bakugou do (hori write bakugou to do) to make him less popular with the "anti" crowd. Like He was a horrid child no doubt and people who try to put blame on Deku or lessen the terrible shit bakugou did aren't great. But as we don't rly see it, we have to assume bakugous behaviour wasn't stopped, we only ever saw his mum "punishing" him when he was being rude after getting kiddnapped. Nothing will excuse what bakugou did, but he has stopped? He's overall a harsh person but he's not harrassing and bullying people anymore, specifically not deku, he's trying to attone for what he did to deku and has now apologised for it. His behaviour was never viewed as justified or good in the series, he's a scary figure in middle school, we're not meant to like his behaviour, so the series itself hasn't justified his actions.
As someone who relate to both bakugou and deku more than I'd like to admit (never told someone to jump tho, that's fucked lol) so I can 100% understand not liking or even hating bakugou but as someone who's not 15 anymore, looking back I also made a lot of really shitty decisions and like bakugou have tried to make up for it, and like deku I was 'friends' with people who hurt me.
Is there anything he can do for the "antis" to just dislike him rather that be "anti"?
(I'm very sorry if you've talked about this somewhere, you can just tell me to look for it if you have, I'll continue to look for your posts on the subject)
Hey there, anon! I think I’ve spoken about this only tangentially and/or in my main Bakugo meta, which is too big for anyone sane to read. So yeah, let’s chat here!
For me personally—and that’s all I can ever do: speak personally. I think it’s important to keep in mind that there is no single solution to please the “anti” crowd. Each fan will be looking for something slightly different in Bakugo’s character, much of which might contradict what a “stan” is currently enjoying. Given how charged a character he is, I'm not sure it's possible to get the entire fandom to like him—what I’m looking for hinges on having a different reading of the story than you seem to. Meaning, I think the series does justify his behavior. Not in any overt, super obvious way like having all the characters go, “Wow, Bakugo! I sure do love how you threaten people all the time. That’s super cool and heroic!” Things are rarely that straightforward. Rather, it’s in a more subtle, but consistent manner that paints a rather conclusive picture across hundreds of chapters.
Simply put, Bakugo is continually rewarded for his actions. Or, if not outright rewarded, his actions are ignored in a way that implies silent acceptance. Characters may not always like what he does... but they're willing to let it slide because Bakugo's heroism was always treated as a given, not something he had to earn and prove.
With the ever necessary disclaimer that I’m not fully caught up yet, here’s a list of some of the things that stood out to me in the first half of the series:
Bakugo’s bullying made him the most popular kid in school.
Bakugo’s bullying was ignored by/outright supported by the teachers.
Bakugo’s bullying did not hinder him from getting into U.A., one of the most prestigious hero schools around.
Despite acting horribly throughout his time at U.A. too, this behavior was continually ignored by the teachers and other authority figures around him.
Bakugo’s struggle to realize that other people aren’t “trash” doesn’t hurt his achievements in any way. He still gets top scores, still wins the tournament, etc.
Bakugo’s behavior gets him special attention from All Might, the greatest hero and Bakugo’s personal idol.
His behavior doesn’t make others dislike him in any manner that’s taken seriously. Everybody is still willing to not just put up with Bakugo, but—in time—start treating his behavior as a quirk (no pun intended lol) that they’re secretly fond of, rather than something he should legitimately be striving to change. Kirishima is the most overt example of this.
This is compounded by his behavior constantly being framed as humorous. Much like with Mineta’s perverted actions, characters might superficially go, “No, that’s bad!” but the story never demands any significant development because then we’d lose the “joke” of Bakugo screaming in rage at the slightest inconvenience, threatening to murder someone over nothing, constantly belittling everyone around him in a “funny” manner, etc. When fans talk about development of a manga character as archetypal and extreme as Bakugo, most don’t really want to see significant change to his base personality. Because then that would result in someone who doesn’t look like the “real” Bakugo: someone nicer, more even-tempered, more mature, etc. But for those of us who were never drawn to that personality in the first place, the continued acceptance of his rude, egotistical, and violent behavior is discomforting. The easiest comparison I can draw is between this and Bakugo’s mother slapping him. That slap is meant to be another “joke”—we see it constantly in shonen anime, something "humorous" you shouldn’t take too seriously because haha, it's just an overprotective mother—but many fans do take it seriously, using it as the basis for a whole “Bakugo was abused and this explains his behavior” reading. Well, I take the “joke” of Bakugo’s threats and insults seriously, especially in a story that starts with something like telling Izuku to jump off the roof. In the same way that many fans want others to treat Bakugo’s mother as a serious topic that has had a negative influence on his development, I want the series to take Bakugo’s everyday actions seriously as a negative influence on… well, everyone around him. But it doesn’t. His base personality is grudgingly adored.
The above two points are seen most overtly in Izuku, who never wavers in his respect for Bakugo despite how Bakugo treats him. Not just prior to U.A., but during their training too. Izuku, as the protagonist, is the emotional heart of this tale, so when he talks about how inspiring Bakugo is, it encourages the reader to see his behavior as inspiring too. Rather than, as said, something that needs to change. Izuku's continued friendship with Bakugo, his adoration of him, and his acceptance of the way he's treated has severely warped how the entire story sees Bakugo's actions. After all, if #pure Izuku can see the good in Bakugo, why can't everyone else? He must not be that bad after all.
I could get into detailed analyses of all the above—like how Bakugo was the one comforted after attacking Izuku outside the dorms at night and how the messed up relationship he has with Izuku is upheld as something to nurture; how the remedial courses he had to take were made to be rather silly, thereby undermining their supposed importance to his development; how Bakugo’s kidnapping had nothing to do with his flaws, but much of the fandom uses it as a way to dismiss any appropriate consequences because, “Hasn’t he suffered enough?” etc.—but in the interest of keeping this within a readable length, I’ll leave it at that. The point is that Bakugo has always been privileged when it comes to his behavior, resulting in others either outright praising it, ignoring it, or demanding that he change a miniscule bit, which always keeps him far below the standards of both his peers and the expectations of a hero. Everyone in 1-A must learn to be even better than the good people they already are... Bakugo needs to learn that other people aren't dirt at the bottom of his shoes. It's never been a particularly impressive development when pit against the rest of the class. All of which can make something like an apology feel pretty hollow. Yes, he’s apologized and I say with all seriousness that that’s great! But how does that apology stack up against 300+ chapters of content? As Bakugo’s words highlight, he's been a really awful person up "until now": he was consumed by Izuku being “miles ahead of [him],” he “looked down on [him]” because he didn’t have a quirk, he “didn’t want to recognize that,” he “hated that,” “grew distant,” “tried to beat you down,” “opposed you and tried to show my superiority over you,” and ends it all with, “it probably doesn’t mean anything telling you all this” before finally getting to the “I’m sorry.” This is basically a laundry list of how horrible a person Bakugo has been for the entire series, with an acknowledgement that this apology is coming really, really late. This is the moment where I could START to like Bakugo, depending on how he acts form here on out, but that pivotal moment arrived after six years of content and in the final arc of the story. It’s too late. Bakugo needed this kind of self-reflection and positive action 250+ chapters ago so he could (hopefully) grow into a better person across the story, not at the story's end. What we got instead is 322 chapters of him being a really horrible person, but the story going out of its way to excuse or even praise that behavior the majority of the time.
As a quick comparison to end on, I think what Bakugo needed was what Soo Jin got in True Beauty. You don’t need to have seen the drama to follow along. The tl;dr is that she has a lot of the core qualities of Bakugo: an all-consuming drive to win that was created due to abusive parents with high expectations, resulting in her bullying a peer to a pretty horrific extent. The difference between them is how the story frames their actions. When Soo Jin becomes the bully she loses everything. Rather than succeeding academically, her grades plummet, making it clear that this anxiety and self-doubt (things the fandom keeps insisting Bakugo is struggling with, but that rarely ever show up in the text) is actually impacting her day-to-day life. Her best friend drops her because she’s not going to support her choices. The boy she likes rejects her. She’s eventually forced to start over somewhere new - which importantly separates her from the girl she was bullying - and get some distance from her parents, resulting in the growth needed to become a healthier, happier, good person again. So when Soo Jin apologizes to the girl she hurt, it feels earned. The story continually recognized how horrific her actions were and put her into a place where she either had to change, or continue losing at everything else that was important to her. Bakugo? Bakugo doesn’t lose. Oh, he claims he does because he’s comparing himself to Izuku constantly, but that’s just him thinking in extremes. He still wins academically. Still wins many battles. Still wins at having friends. Still wins by maintaining the prestige of being a U.A. student. Still wins by getting All Might’s attention. Still wins by receiving Izuku’s respect and an agreement to maintain this rivalry that Bakugo is so obsessed with. Bakugo comes out well 99% of the time, he just thinks he's "lost" because he can't stand not being the absolute best.
For me, the story needed to have Bakugo face consequences for his behavior, not receive rewards and/or have others ignore it, and that revelation/apology needed to come way, way sooner. For me the issue is not a specific action that Horikoshi can have Bakugo do in the next chapter and them bam, I like him now. The problem is Bakugo’s entire concept, how he’s received by the entire cast, and his run across this entire series. "Entire" is the key word there. Which is why the “But he’s apologized. What more do you antis want?” reactions don’t sit well. What we wanted is a better written redemption arc across those 300+ chapters, not a single scene that’s meant to have us forget all the other problems inherent in the story. At this point it’s a far more complicated situation than, “Bakugo just needs to do X, Y, and Z and then we’re golden.” At the end of the day, Horikoshi failed to make me like him as a person and I’m pretty sure he isn’t going to change Bakugo enough to make him likable to me. Bakugo was never the sort of character I’d be inclined towards without a serious, nuanced redemption arc, but sadly, a core, crucial part of that redemption arc took six years to arrive. At this point there’s no way to change the problems in Bakugo’s writing for that huge chunk of the series and not enough time left in the series, it seems, to do the work we should have seen across the entire run. Honestly, idk if the Bakugo we'll get going forward is someone I can just dislike as opposed to being really uncomfortable with, but my money is on there being too little story left and too much investment in upholding Bakugo's base personality for that to happen. I could absolutely be proven wrong! But I think the problems are structural and needed to be better dealt with from page one, not hastily patched over in the final hour.
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twelfth-harbinger · 4 years
Hello!! I just finished reading your Zhongli piece and it’s so so good! I love the way you write and your descriptions, unlike other writers who just dive into dialogue and feels very 1D, yours is 3-D!! I love it! Do you plan on continuing the Zhongli one with part 2 NSFW?!?
Also, may I please request a NSFW Diluc piece with female reader, who’s his co-worker/bartender who works at angels share with Charles?
Thank you for your hard work!
A/n: Firstly, yes!!! & thank you!!!, ilysm <3. Secondly Diluc is fucking hot & this is something I couldn’t get out my mind once I read your request. Pls Enjoy ^^
Mentions: Master Diluc likes being called...Master Diluc. Don’t taunt him it’ll lead to something spontaneous and igniting! Bar sex.
Warnings: Nsfw! So spicy hehe
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The Angel of Angel’s Share
He spotted you on his occasional endeavors to Angels Share, being an outstanding and tremendous help to Charles when it came to cleaning up and serving drinks to the patrons of his humble business. You insisted that Charles let you help out once in a while as a side job — you needed the mora. Upon getting Dilics rather passive approval in a letter you got in! You spend most nights tidying up, wiping down tables and cleaning glasses periodically. Many of the bar patrons converse with you. Calling you the literal Angel of Angel’s Share. Your beauty was no secret, every man and woman there simply adored you. How could they not? You were friendly, outgoing and most importantly, kind. Your smile was as radiant as the sun itself and of course Diluc had to witness it with his own two eyes. Word did not spread around his establishment without him in the loop. Kaeya frequented the bar more often to flirt with see you; he was a regular before, but now? You rarely go a night where you don’t see him, even if it’s for a short while. Charles has to make snide comments about him slacking off to get him to leave.
All it takes is one night for things to burn brightly into something new, a night akin to this one. Diluc stood behind the counter to relieve Charles for the night shift — he had been there all morning and the night before. You walked in as Diluc was speaking to Charles, you wasted no time in maneuvering to the second floor to clear those tables first.
“Enjoy your night off Charles, I’ll take it from here.” Diluc waved him away and well, it left you there with him. Not alone of course, not yet. As the night pressed on you entertained the customers, served them delicious drinks Diluc prepared and made friends with Stanley?? The busy happy hour of Angels Share gave you no time to take a break. Not until it was well after hours and Diluc had locked the doors to Angel’s Share for the night.
“Good work today.” You chirped happily, as you sat at the bar of the counter atop a stool. Diluc prepared you spiked wolf hook juice on the house; it had a bearclaw kind of taste to it. One of Dliuc’s hands held an empty glass whilst the other dried it with a plain off-white dish cloth.
“I should be saying that to you, you overachieved tonight.” He didn’t mean for his comment to come off as brash, even though it did. You glanced up at him over the top to your glass, your eyes narrowing slightly in amusement. He quickly corrected himself with a light clear of his throat. “Not...that, that’s a bad thing. You..did well.”
Talk about awkward, you and he hadn’t spoken much since your employment over the past few months. You were undoubtedly curious about this handsome man with hair the color of fire. All dressed in black and a wielder of a claymore. He had to have some form of immense physical strength to do so and it only made you wonder what else he could do.
“Why thank you Master Diluc.” Your lips curled into a coy smile as you peeked up at him over the rim of your glass once more. His eyes were like flames too, and his gaze made you burn. It’s strange, so many people address him as Master Diluc regularly and yet you were the only person that was able to stoke the fire within him. Intentionally or not he enjoyed the way it rolled off your tongue and he wanted to hear it again. His hand stopped moving in the glass and he set it down neatly next to the others that were lined up.
“There’s no need to thank me, everyone deserves recognition for their hard work.” He played it cool, you’ll give him that. You stood up, hopping off the stool to the bar, only to walk around it and move past him. You were shorter than he was, he saw the top of your head. He was in the midst of asking you what you were doing but you stopped in front of him to drop to your knees. He fucking froze, he watched you completely unsure of what was going to happen next. He prayed to the gods that you weren’t going to do what he wanted you to do. He wouldn’t be able to keep it together otherwise and he doubted he’d stop you. With a cheeky grin you stood back up with a large jug of homemade grape juice in a hand. He exhaled quietly, letting out a silent sigh that caught in his throat. His face remained straight with a hint of a slight irritable frown threatening the corners of his lips. You proceeded to stand in front of him, turning your back to him to pour a glass of his favorite beverage.
“I know you don’t drink and I heard you liked grape juice from your brother. Why not sit and join me for a while?”
His eyes drifted down the back of your figure before he stepped aside shamefully, Kaeya rubbed off on him more than he cared to admit. Even so, he was ignoring any and all signals you were sending him. Or at least he was trying his very best to. Certainly nothing came that easy— a passing thought you both shared. He sat beside you at the bar, it was silent for a little while. You looked at him with a slight turn of your head and moved to place a hand on your cheek. He lowered the glass from his face and looked over at you. Seeing him up close was making you nervous, you thought you had it in you to seduce this man but you began having second thoughts. He stared at you as if he was trying to read you like a book. It only made things more complicated which lead to you doubting yourself even more. Kaeya never made you this nervous even when he flirted with you.
“My brother told you I liked grape juice what a nuisance.” He said, breaking the silence; he had to the cat ripped out your tongue. You looked at the glass jug and then at him and finally smiled, breaking a light sweat from your overthinking.
“O-Oh, yes haha.. he was teasing you quite a bit.” Diluc didn’t find it amusing Kaeya could get under his skin like it was his job. A light ‘tch’ left his lips as he raised his glass. You followed suit needing more liquid courage than you initially thought. “It’s okay,” You sighed out, you cheeks warming from the bitter sweet drink. “Apple juice is superior in any case.” Diluc looked at you and a light smile crossed his features as he shook his head.
“It’s not.” He stated, “At all in fact.” You caught his semi playful gaze, you narrowed your eyes a little at the comment. “Sunsettia juice is even better in all aspects.” You chuckled and lowered your hand onto the table.
“Coming from the juice enthusiast himself why am I not surprised.” Diluc smirked a bit, finding your comment funny. He looked at you and your radiantly warm smile; it really did resemble that of the morning and setting sun. The two of you remained there conversing with each other well into the night, losing track of time. He hadn’t felt this at ease with anyone by his side in a while. Jean was a great friend to talk to but she was so busy he rarely got to speak with her. He was too in his own right, running the wine industry in Monstadt was no easy task.
“Do you enjoy working here?” He asked as you stood up to stretch, the tables in the back still needed to be cleared, a few drinking tankards, bottles and glasses were scattered about. His question made you think, you loved the night atmosphere of the tavern and the people that came with it.
“Of course I do, it’s very inviting I dare say more than Cats Eye.” You looked his way with a grin he stood up along with you a faint smile playing at the corner of his lips. “Though I do have my work cut out for me here.” You quipped lightly before making your way to the back of the bar where a wooden bench table sat nestled in the corner with a small cabinet and barrel behind it. Diluc followed after to aide in an easy clean up you worked hard enough for tonight. With your back turned you bend over the table without fully walking around it to reach for the glasses and tankards. Your arms were quite short given your stature, without thinking too deeply into his actions Dilic stood halfway behind you to grab the bottle.
“It’s fine to take a break once in a while. There is no need to overwork yourself.” He stated plainly as he picked up the second bottle that sat next to the first. Unbeknownst to him you felt his presence the moment he stepped up behind you. He smelled like a freshly lit fire in the middle of the Whispering Woods his warmth drew you in. You stepped back somewhat unintentionally, your backside grazing him lightly as you turned around to face him. Even on your toes you wouldn’t be at eye level, he stared down at you a bit embarrassed by what he believed was his fault. He opened his mouth to apologize, you couldn’t stop yourself from stealing a kiss. When your lips pressed against his in a sweetened and heated kiss, you noticed Diluc tensed up. The bottles he had fell over onto the surface of the table. Upon hearing that you pulled away and stood flat footed against the edge of the able. You avoided looking at him and tugged on the ends of your hair sheepishly.
“Sorry I...don’t know what came over me, I thought maybe...“ With your half hearted apology you trailed off looking up at Diluc who stared down at you with a perplexed look in his eye. With his gloved hand he reached up to cup your cheek and leaned down to press his lips firmly against yours. His other hand moved up to hold the other side of your cheek. He wanted to kiss you the moment everyone left. Your lips moved in time with his, your hands finding themselves holding onto the sides of his coat. Without breaking the kiss, he lowered his hands to your waist and then to your thighs. In one swift movement he effortlessly lifted you to sit you on top of the table. The bottles on the surface rattled upon him doing so, slightly moving the table in the process. Your hands moved up his chest from his sides as his own slipped further down your legs to hold onto your waist. His pants were growing tighter by the second, you were so beautiful and he hadn’t voiced it yet. Not that he was given the chance to, the moment you both came up for air you pulled him into another fierce kiss, you legs locking around him in efforts to draw him closer. You needed him to ruin you on that table top and he wasn’t going to deny you of one of life’s simple pleasures. After all this man made it so that people could drink happily within the safety of Angel’s Share. Your tongue moved past your lips and Diluc gladly glided his own over yours to gain access. His hand moved back up to your cheek only to slip down to your neck to hold you in place as his other hand moved up the side of your thigh to squeeze. His leather gloves felt so good on your skin, you wanted to feel more of him.
Your hands moved from his sides to his pants, fumbling with the belts and buttons to try and get them loose. Diluc moved to kiss your neck, his warm lips trailing hot kisses against your soft skin. He made an audible sound, a muffled moan as he kissed the nape of your neck. You tugged him closer upon finally undoing his bottoms. His hand wandered down your side and moved to hitch up your work tunic, the other pulling onto the string to your top. He yanked it down to reveal your bare chest, as he exposed your legs and thighs. He was going to thoroughly enjoy fucking you on top of that table. A slight smile crossed his features as his index finger and thumb moved down to grip your chin, he tilted your head up to look into your eyes. Never has a man made you this weak with such a simple gaze.
“Is this what you want?” He asked quietly, he wasn’t going to begin without asking you. Your brows furrowed in need and you nodded as your eyes searched his face. His own were a bit complacent when he didn’t move to give you what he knew you wanted; he wanted to hear you say it. He only moved in to kiss you once more before his lips found the skin of your neck again.
“Diluc..please.” You whined, he smiled lightly against your neck and kept kissing. You wondered why he was only kissing you, unbeknownst to you his hand moved down in between your legs and his crotch to free his fully hardened member from the confides of his trousers. “M-Master Di—“ Your breath hitched in your throat and you moaned out the rest of his name, a deep growl moving past his lips as he slipped inside of you. He stretched you out continuously as you contracted around his length in utter bliss. Your legs squeezed around him and his hands gripped your waist and thigh. Pulling you closer to his chest as he bottomed out inside of you. Your eyes rolled back as he pushed himself further; your lips parted in a light moan and your hands tangled in his red locks. Diluc’s hand moved from your thigh to your neck to hold you in place briefly as he leaned back to look at your face. It was intoxicating, if he could get drunk off your facial expressions he would. He pulled back and thrusted hard into you, your body jerked up and the table moved along with the bottles and glasses on top of it.
You cried out in pleasure and your hips bucked against his. He bit down on his bottom lip to surpress a groan, he thrusted once again, finding a hard and steady rhythm that left your body jerking upwards against the table and your chest exposed for him to see. An alluring sight that made him thrust even harder and your loud moans to fill the atmosphere of the bar. Mixed in were his own light goans and mild grunts, even as he laid you flat onto the table he didn’t stop. Though the pace slowed a bit, he became more forceful with his movements which made your back arch into his chest and your legs shake. You were going to cum a lot harder than you expected, you could feel it and so could he, you caught wind of a faint smirk that slipped across his face as he kissed you. A kiss deep enough where you could lose oneself. Your hands tugged at his hair and your face pleaded with a need for release.
The bottles, tankards and glasses had since fell onto the floor of Angel’s Share. Not that either of you could be bothered by it now. As your climax rushed at you like a battering ram Diluc groaned out low into your ear the sound made your body quiver, you were about to milk him dry. Your hands slipped out of his hair and fell back onto the table as you convulsed in an intense high. Diluc held you in his arms and sat you back up, with your legs wrapped around him once again. He turned and sat on the edge of the table with you on top, allowing you to ride out the rest of your orgasm as he filled your depths with his hot seed. The feeling itself made you shutter as he buried his face into your chest and his arms wrapped around you, the moan he let out was something you could never get tired of hearing. The area in Angel’s Share that you two both shared had grown hot, the sweat you broke out was enough to cause your breathing to be ragged.
“Master Diluc...” You mumbled into his hair with closed eyes and a smile, his hands rested on your waist as his head rested on your chest. He moved back to look up at you, his hand moving to brush your cheek. He kissed your cheek as he pulled back to look at your face.
“Yes?” He replied, a smile crossing his features, you grinned at him finding the humor in his answer. You kissed him once more, this time slowly to savor the taste of his lips. He looked up at you, his eyes flickering like fire. “There’s going to be a shipment at the Dawn Winery from Liyue, Charles usually comes to pick it up but, I trust you enough to be there in his stead.” Upon hearing those words you knew you’d see him again.
“I will gladly be there, Master Diluc.”
After your visit to the Dawn winery a few day ago, you decided to get an afternoon drink at Angel’s Share. Outside you ran into Kaeya and Diluc sitting at one of the tables outside. Kaeya spotted you first of course and when your eyes met Diluc’s a smile surfaced onto your face and his own softened a bit. Which, caught Kaeya’s attention quickly; being the absurdly perceptive man that he was.
“You’re here early, I thought your shift doesn’t start until sundown.” Kaeya spoke with a smile that was suspiciously sly. Diluc sat there with his arms crossed and a placid frown on his face, you sat with them and looked at Kaeya unamused.
“I thought I’d get a drink before my shift, I’ve been quite busy as of late.” You replied moving a hand to rest on your cheek, Diluc was silent and Kaeya looked between you both before his eye settled on you.
“Have you now? You know, a few days ago I went to the Dawn Winery looking for you and Diluc seeing as Charles said you were going to be there.” Kaeya held up a letter from grandmaster Jean and waved it in the air idly. “I needed to deliver a letter from the active grandmaster to Diluc and hoped I’d run into you there and yet...I couldn’t find either of you.” Diluc frowned deeper and your smile began to fade slowly, your hand moved up casually to cover your mouth a bit and Kaeya’s smile grew as he went on. “So, I took it upon myself to look around given your maids told me you were in his study.” Diluc’s expression shifted from displeasure to pure annoyance. You were a bit nervous though wondering if you two had been found out already. You knew the answer in the back of your mind though. “When I couldn’t find you there I saw a maid walk out of the west wing hallway with blush staining her cheeks so, naturally I went that way and much to my surprise there you two were behind the semi closed doors to dear brothers bedroom-“ Diluc snatched the letter from his brother and narrowed his eyes. He stood up and narrowed his eyes at him.
“You finished ?” He asked, short tempered as always, you were a blushing mess on the other hand, with your face covered in attempts to hide your embarrassment. Of all the ways to be found out, it had to be Kaeya happening across you two at the Dawn Winery! Kaeya chuckled lightly and leaned back in the chair.
“Ah-Ah you interrupted me brother, I was just getting to the good part.” You peeked up at him and shook your head Dliuc let out and irritable sigh and turned his back to Kaeya and then looked over at you, a smile on his face one he’d only show to you really.
“I’ll see you later.” You nodded with a warmth to your cheeks as he walked off ignoring Kaeya all together. The three of you knowing Diluc was working tonight with you again. It left you two sitting there in a painful kind of silence where only one of you were inflicted and the other found it jovial.
“He must like you.” Kaeya sighed raising his wine glass to his lips, you glanced over at him with a slight glare and he smiled your way.
“Your point?” You retorted, it lead to him shrugging lightly as he finished the drink. He stood up, preparing to take his leave, moving to place a hand on his hip.
“None really, it’s just he got to you before I could.” Kaeya wouldn’t admit to him being beaten at his own game, he also wouldn’t voice at how it made him proud and happy for his brother at the same time. You looked at him with a straight face and he chortled. “You’ll make each other happy, especially with the sex you’re having. I’m not worried.” He patted your shoulder before he walked off in the opposite direction of his brother. Leaving you there blushing and with the future to think about, one where both you snd Diluc shared.
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yanderedbdimagines · 4 years
Hey there! Would you do some headcannons of how (The Wraith, The Doctor and The Trapper) would treat their darlings after they abducted them and how they would react if s/o try to fight back? (Sorry for any grammar mistake, my english is sucks)
Haha don’t worry! Your English is just fine if I can assume that this language isn’t your native tongue. It isn’t mine either. That’d be Dutch, if you are curious. And even if it was I wouldn’t mind at all. We all have our vices.
Anyhow, I like this ask, and I believe it’ll go as I’ve written below.
PS: I made the so a crush.
 The Doctor
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* He’ll watch and observe you closely for the first week after he’s given you the freedom to roam around in nearly all of the rooms and hallways of the hospital. You’ll only be allowed outside if you stay close to him and within arm’s reach so that he can keep a close eye on you.
* Eventually, he’ll pull you into different kinds of conversations in order to pick apart and understand your mind for as much as he can- documenting them for future use and trying to get a good grip on everything that will either displease you or make you happy when confronted by it.
* He’ll also try to perform simple tests on you without trying to hurt you for whereas possible, which includes a sudden blood draw, eye examination and a sudden tap against the knee… You are the only test subject he can’t ever fathom to lose since you obviously are more than that to him, so he’s unbelievably careful with your body… Unless you would ask him to do otherwise, of course… Oh boy…
* Like mentioned before, he’ll do almost anything for you. Just try and listen to him in return and remain genuine to your words, no matter how difficult it will be with a psychopathic killer like him.
* He’s a rather difficult and unpredictable man to understand and this includes the type of feelings he’d prefer for you to develop for him, although he isn’t very picky. He obviously want you to love him, first and foremost, but he definitely won’t complain if your love would be mixed with you hating him in your own unique way as well. It’d only show that you aren’t afraid to hide your true feelings for him, like many yandere’s would normally demand from you.
* Do know that if all you feel for him is resentment instead, which also includes you trying to fight against his overall advancements… Well… He’ll dislike that immensely and he’ll turn to draconic measures instead in order to *fix* that and try his chances there. This includes trying to find a way to brainwash someone under his control like what he’s always been trying to do for years now. For your sake, I can only hope for you that he won’t ever complete his lifelong goal if you’d ever want a chance of escaping him.
 The Trapper
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* He’ll be calm, distant and surprisingly understanding with your feelings. Some of his actions and word choices on the rare moments he does speak are going to be very rough around the edges, but he’ll be very tactical in his general approach of trying to win over your affections.
* You can say that he’ll try to think carefully about his own actions and attempts to adjust himself to your liking like a proper psychologist would do when dealing with a new client before slowly edging himself closer to you physically as mentally for as far as you’ll allow it. This way, he’ll hope to get you to fall for him on the long run.
* With half of a certain amount of time he isn’t around you or within a trial, however, he’ll patrol around his territory more than usual and place more beartraps*1 around the border than he usually would. An unintentional giveaway to other killers and possibly survivors that the Trapper currently has something underneath his wing that he’s very protective of and doesn’t want others to get close to… Something he’ll easily fight to the death for if it’d ever come to it.  
* With the other half of the time, he’ll work on his blade and his contraptions and try to keep the estate in working order. Those machines won’t oil and maintain themselves as they are basically needed for him to do his job properly. Yes… Besides trials, this now also includes your *protection* from any outsiders.
* He won’t be fazed at all anymore if you’d ever try to fight and distance yourself away from him. At least, not now that he has you exactly on the spot he wants you to be, which is in the MacMillan estate. If needed, he’ll let a classic case of Stockholm syndrome do the work for him. Even years from now, you’ll eventually have to break underneath his advancements if he’s the only one you can freely interact with…
* If you do finally become his S/O, he’ll mellow out dramatically and he’ll loosen up the security around the borders quite a bit since he’ll have faith in your loyalty to him and how to keep yourself out of trouble. He won’t even care if you’d start up a relationship with anyone else out there, or bring them back as a third wheel. As long as you remain within a relationship with him, no blood will be shed.
1) Yes. He’ll  most definitely have notified you about them since he prefers for you to remain unscathed. An unspoken warning if you’d ever try to escape him, though… Although they are so more used to keep killers, rivals and potential rescuers out instead of deliberately keeping you inside the borders. A security measure with extra benefits, funny enough.
 The Wraith
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* He’ll be over the moon with your presence alone, and he’ll show that through drawn signs and his overall actions seen that his ability to speak is nonexistent. In fact, the very first thing he did was giving you an hotel bell. One which came from the Mount Ormond Resort… A sign of his good trust and his promise to you that he’ll protect you from any dangers in and outside of his territory…
* His animalistic growls and rattled breathing will sound softer than what you’re used to, his piercing gaze set firmly on you as his head is stuck in its ever distinctive tilt. He loves watching you, and he’ll follow you to almost anywhere and everywhere when not in a trial. It can be a bit overbearing during those times, really.
* He’s actually very peaceful and submissive when he’s with you. In a sense, you have the leash on him instead of the other way around. Yet, that doesn’t mean he won’t show his metaphorical teeth to the people he considers his rival if they ever land in his field of vision.
* He will lose his mind, however, if you seem to feel threatened by their presence as well. He’ll also act similar to this if you’d ever try to run away from Autohaven wreckers with someone else by your side. Do know that this anger won’t ever be focused on you. He loves you too much to do that. The sight won’t be pretty when he catches them, so you best turn yourself away/run faster when he tries to kill them in the most brutal way he can think of at the time.
* If you’d ever try to fight back whilst captured or after you’d got caught after your failed escape attempt, he’ll let you.  He understands you need to vent your frustrations, but you have to understand; he just can’t let you go. You’re too precious to him. You’re his lover after all.  
* Like a puppy riddled with guilt, he’ll eventually bow down and lower his head as he tries to offer up his hand to you as apology for anything he might have done wrong(even though he might not fully understand why you didn’t like what he did on some occasions). His heart will break if you won’t reciprocate, but he won’t lash out. If anything, he’ll stick even closer to you than he did before whilst trying to smother you with small gifts and pamper you in any way he can until you finally do have to concede to his affections in one way or another. Or so he hopes…    
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stopbeingrude · 3 years
Hi guys , how are you doing ? I hope you had at least a decent day. I was really surprised by how many people were interested in my story. (blush) Im so glad As promised, here's chapter 2 ,, I like the rain, it always seemed like the only thing that was like me…" Chapter 2. ,,Thank you for being here" Juvia looked at the object in her hands that she found while packing for their trip to Tempeville. A tiny umbrella , white with smiling suns printed on it .She remembered vividly the exact moment Jerry had handed it to her. - "Here, this is for you, I couldn't bear to hear you whining anymore,"- said the golden-haired man, handing the little girl his gift. -'' I've told you many times, that in time you would be able to control the rain around you. It's normal for water to behave strangely around water mages, and I had a problem with it too….- said Jerry. The man thought for a moment, then added. -..I'm pretty sure I told you how I nearly drowned my ex girlfriend….I told you, right?.. "- little girl nodded-"...Of course I did…haha..If only you could see that bitc...yh...lady's face….Where was I at again?............Oh right!... If only you were just a bit more patient, little froggy.." -"I told you not to call me that, you dummy! "- shouted the seemingly angry Juvia. It was obvious that she wasn't angry, but if those were supposed to be birthday wishes , then that this old slacker could have tried a little harder. -''Oi! Brat....I'm trying my best to wish you a happy birthday and you act like this? -" What kind of birthday wishes are these supposed to be!?- the girl exclaimed. -..Unbelievable! Young people these days are so ungrateful….Ugh .."- he complained, but eventually gave up. -" Heh... Alright….Im sorry... Happy Birthday Juju…- he said with a grin. He couldn't stay angry with his baby for too long. - "...I wish you happiness, health,...I hope you'll grow up to be a decent and intelligent woman ... because remember this..., it's not how you look that counts, it's what's in your head…. - the man poked her forehead lightly, causing the girl to giggle. Despite the tough character of her ..guardian ...? I guess you could call him that… despite his difficult sense of humour and his biting remarks, she knew that she was important to him, just as he was important to her. He just had a strange way of showing affection... Juvia laughed lightly despite a few tears that flowed from her sapphire eyes. It was for moments like this , she's been able to endure the bullying of other children , she knew that every sad experience ended with a visit from Jerry. Every visit ended with one of his strange ideas that always put a smile back on her face, like that one time he took her out for hot dogs at 10pm. Juvia was never able to forget the look on the orphanage ladies' faces when Jerry walked her back at 1 am. Lost in her thoughts, she didn't notice when her fiancé appeared in their bedroom. -" I've never seen this one…"- he pointed at the umbrella- ''.. I'm guessing it's a special one then" -he stated, handing her tea. - "Thank you... "- she took a sip-"...Yes you're right... actually it was a present for my birthday. HE gave it to me…" After packing the last things, they both sat down on the bed. Neither of them was quite sure how to start a conversation. Gray didn't like the strange atmosphere that had prevailed in their apartment since yesterday. But most of all he did not like how distant Juvia seemed to be. That wasn't his Juvia. Devil Slayer rested his head on her shoulder. When Blue-haired woman began to gently stroke his hair, he immediately relaxed . He missed that... After what for him felt like ages , she decided to speak. -"Juvia is sorry that she didn't tell you anything...Juv….. I was just trying to forget about it... it's not like I don't trust you....Please don't be angry…"-she said in an uncertain voice. -"I'm not angry at you….I'm just a little disappointed...I thought you felt comfortable enough with me to tell me everything…"- he admitted. It was silly to admit , but he didn't
like the fact that Juvia wouldn't tell him something. He knew that everyone had the right to have their own secrets, but his desire to find out what was in her head was much stronger. After a while he decided to ask her more - "Is there anything else you haven't told me about yourself?" He needed to know. -" No. Everything else is true…About my childhood, about Phantom Lord...and mostly about my parents..." …………………………. -".........What happened to your parents...?"- he asked quietly. He contemplated for a moment whether he should ask her this question. After all, he didn't know what kind of reaction this would cause.. -" My mother died when I was about 2 years old.... I don't know who my father was... Jerry said he never met him…about my mother.."- Juvia looked as if she was thinking very hard about something, and after a moment she added-"..Jerry once told me that even she couldn't remember who he exactly was….not that she cared about it or about being pregnant …"- said Juvia weirdly. Wait , what? -"..L-let me get this straight…...you're trying to tell me….that she didn't really care that she got pregnant...and that she wasn't even trying to look for your father? ' Wait, what !?' -….ymm... that's....." - the man persistently tried to choose the right words. He did not want to offend his fiancée's mother by any means (If not for her , Juvia wouldn't be there in the first place, so she obviously deserved to be at least respected)....But everything Juvia had mentioned sounded...How to put it?...Concerning? -" It's not normal... I know... you don't have to hold back Darling- she said with a slight smile- "Her name was Eliana and apparently she was always like...that..., she was...well DIFFERENT.."- that's how Jerry would always describe her-"....She didn't really care about anything, she didn't talk too much, she rarely showed any kind of emotion....She was one big secret, even for him. Juvia never fully got it. Why would she be like that with the person she supposedly was…… ..ymm…..Close.?"- he didn't miss the way she said the last word, but he kept quiet about it. After all ,the relationship between two strangers wasn't his business. Gray decided to change the subject a bit. -"You know..., I think it's really great of him to take care of both of you.…"-despite the fact that the night before Gray had felt a lot of anger towards the aforementioned man, right now he was grateful that he had taken both ladies under his care.- "He must have been an amazing person. It really sounds like you are telling me about some hero or saint"- ice mage smiled - "He was "- said blunette with a smile - "I will always be grateful to him...But Saint ? No, no ,no...That's probably too much of an exaggeration." - she added with a giggle. Gray was glad that she was laughing again, he couldn't help but laugh a little too. They are slowly returning to normalcy... - "He was the laziest, most stubborn man you could find on this planet….He was untactful , brutally honest and worst of all, sometimes he could be so awfully mean and grumpy , especially when it was Tuesday...Juvia never got that...why Tuesday?….Dear God , he could be so unbearable...."- Juvia stopped for a moment, then smiled playfully.- "Honestly you two are pretty similar in that case" - "Ekhem....So.. you're suggesting that I'm mean and grumpy ? Oh ..Alright... I'll remember that when you want something from me..."- Gray said, pretending to be offended and trying hard not to smile. Juvia laughed loudly, then wrapped her arms around his neck and placed a sweet kiss on his lips. After Jerry disappeared, she was sure she would never get attached to anyone again. She didn't want to suffer more. But as we all know, life likes to surprise us, and "never" is not eternal. First she met Gajeel , with whom, by some strange coincidence, she found a connection. Funny, considering how different they were. Even then a quiet voice in her head, similar to Jerry's, whispered to her to not get too attached….that it didn't make sense. On that day, for the first time in her
life, she decided to ignore it, and thanks to that, she gained a wonderful friend. The same situation happened again after she met Gray and Fairy tail. The insistent voice kept reminding her of the past. 'Just because you've miraculously found a friend who hasn't left you, doesn't mean that it will happen again...' 'So what if he stopped your rain, one day you'd be able to deal with it by yourself…..Besides, don't you remember what happened the last time you felt something for a guy? It's just stupid, meaningless crush, just get over it....' But as time passed and she became more and more attached to the guild mates, more and more in love with Gray..... The voice in her head gradually faded and after a while the only sound she heard was the laughter of her loved ones. Despite the suffering of the past, Juvia no longer regretted anything. She would go through it even 100 more times, just to be happy with her new family. -"Oi ! - she felt Gray lightly tap her nose- Juvs don't fall asleep, we have a train in about two hours….. Remember? "- he asked amused - "You're right! Juvia's sorry, she got lost in her thoughts…" ****************************************** - "Are you going on a mission ?" asked Mira Jane cheerfully, as the couple informed her of their departure. Gray didn't necessarily want to share with her the reason for their trip. After all, it was a rather sensitive topic. - "Yyyy it's more like..... a..vacation...?...Right Juvia?"- he turned to his fiancée - "Oh!....Yes, yes..."- nodded the woman. The barmaid looked at them with a huge smile. She still couldn't quite believe that these two were finally together.… - "In that case I wish you a wonderful time, lovebirds" - she giggled as she saw them both turning red. - "Ooh vacation? That's awesome, wish you a great time guys." -they heard Lucy's voice behind them. - "They are such a beautiful couple."- added Erza proudly-" I can't believe that our Gray has grown so much..I hope you'll have an amazing vacation." - '"I also wish you an amazing time'' -said Wendy happily. -Ohhh..young love…- sang Happy, flying over their heads. - " And where are you two going anyway?"- asked Natsu curiously while finishing his lunch. - "We decided to visit my hometown,"- said Juvia. Her friends didn't need to know more... - "Oh cool..Where is it?" -continued Natsu. He never really thought much about where his guild-mate came from.. -" I don't think that's your business Flame-brain. Besides you probably wouldn't know where it is anyway." -said Gray, slightly annoyed. He was slowly starting to get on his nerves. Why does Natsu always have to meddle in things that are not his own? - "I asked Juvia ,not you Icy-pants" said Natsu teasingly. Jeez what's wrong with Droopy eyes today , he just asked a simple question. - "Calm down both of you "- said Lucy. She didn't like where this conversation was going. -'' Lucy is right, there is no point in arguing....Natsu if you really want to know, Juvia was born in the town of Tempeville, in the south - said Juvia, trying to calm down quickly. - "Oh, I've never heard of that place," Natsu said, surprised. Looks like there's a lot of towns he didn't know about. - "See, I told you so,"- said Gray. "Now if you'll excuse us, we have a train to catch. So let's get going… - "Hey Lucy, Happy, let's go with them...I'd like to see what that place is like "- said Natsu suddenly, dragging the blonde with him. His girlfriend looked at him in horror. 'Natsu, what are you thinking? Are you trying to ruin their trip?' - "The hell?! "- shouted Gray. And then he thought that everything was going well…'Please no….' - "Natsu, that's their private vacation! "- exclaimed Lucy, knowing very well that they should leave the couple alone- "Besides, they said they have a train coming soon!" -"Then let's go , we have to get ready quickly…...!" "LEAVE US ALONE !!' - desperate Gray shouted as loud as he could, unintentionally focusing the attention of practically the entire guild. They all looked at him, disapproval clearly written on
their faces. - "Gee..Buddy..you don't have to be so rude," - said Max. - "My God… what's with you?- whispered Lisanna - "Exactly Gray, what kind of behavior is that? "- Erza asked in a stern tone- "If you don't want Natsu to come with you, just tell him politely. The Devil Slayer wanted to disappear... It wasn't supposed to be like this. He turned his gaze towards his fiancée, silently asking for any kind of rescue. However, he was met with the same horrified gaze. After a moment, the girl bowed her head slightly and said to the rest of the guild. -"Everyone , please forgive us, especially Gray. I don't know what's going on with him lately...." - ' Huh ?'- Gray must have heard that wrong….There is no way... -"....He's been very tired and stressed lately, probably because of work, that's why we decided to go on vacation…..Juvia didn't know what to do...." said Juvia, brilliantly pretending to be distraught. 'Stop making me out to be some kind of aggressive freak,' Gray shouted in his mind 'Juvia is sorry but this is kinda your fault'- thought blunette , while taking a look at her lover. - "Relax Juvia, you don't have to apologize to us... To be honest Natsu tried to force his way into your trip" - said Lucy, looking at her partner with an annoyance. - Sorry Juvia….-said the pink haired boy meekly-"...but the ice princess can kiss my ass. I won't apologize to him.." -he added quietly. - "It honestly sounds like an excuse to leave you alone so you can shag in peace" -said Cana under her breath. She wanted to add something else but then she felt a murderous gaze of the black-haired man and decided to shut up. -"True!"- added Gajeel, receiving a look full of indignation from his best friend. -"That's so MANLY" - "How could you blame them though….." -laughed Macao. -"GOODBYE !" - shouted Fullbuster blushing furiously ,as he headed straight to the door, dragging his equally embarrassed lover with him. As they walked towards the train station, dragging their suitcases behind them, blunette suddenly asked… - "Did you really do this...to be all alone with me....?" asked Juvia innocently. Oh how she loved teasing him like that... -"JUVIA ?! "- At this point Gray was close to having a heart attack. A very amused girl could not stop laughing for a while , until they got on the train and they sat down in one of the wagons. Their journey has just begun. ****************************************** Very random/ unnecessary bonus . Remember this, Lovelies! Never doodle under the influence of alcohol, you will get wierd ideas lol. ,, Do you see this sh*t Juvia? People are fighting over fictional characters… Humanity really is getting dumber and dumber...."
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thearchvillain · 3 years
of horsefairs and maidens. part 1
nikolai lantsov x reader
link to part 2
summary: The weather is warm and the air thick with the scent of summer blossoms at the epicentre of horse auctions and races, Caryeva - and Nikolai Lantsov has been bored out of his mind for the past... what feels like an eternity. When even counting how many times his brother has made a fool of himself lost its appeal and became nearly tragic to watch, Nikolai retreated to the edges of the fair only to find that pretty girl Vasily had been dragging around all day hiding on the outskirts, seemingly desperate to escape the supposed Lantsov charm. Or whatever version of it Vasily had offered. "Tomorrow then.", he leaned down beside her, "I'll buy all your father's horses if that's what it takes." Watching her from the side he could just see the tiniest of smirks grace the corner of her lips, "That's an expensive sport you're wanting to try out." "Well, have I ever told you that I have a lot of money?" "Silly me, and here I was thinking you were a mere peasant." "Was it the humility? The rogue charm?"
word count: 2085
warnings: mentions of animal abuse, also Vasily being generally shitty as always
A/N - this is my first attempt at writing this sort of AU/imagine/excerpt, and I’ve gone overboard with the word count (as always), but I hope you will like it! i thought i might fit it into one part, but both Nikolai and the main character had so much to say I figured there would have to be another part thrown in there haha also we have some (briefly) confused!Nikolai, so I hope you enjoy that!
She'd hidden herself well, standing at the very edges of the fair where the trees cast their shadows long and wide in the evening sun, offering a pocket of peace to both the animals and the humans looking for a moment of silence, or cold breeze not laden with the scent of alcohol and sweat and horses.
Nikolai had been watching her for a while, straight-backed and still in her rider's outfit, standing near the rickety fence and looking at the horses not quite suited for the finer crowds that milled around the crown prince back at the heart of the fair. He supposed it was a good place to hide, not so much because of the forest behind them, but because his brother was far too vain to venture this far out.
"I saw you before, you're the girl who's been entertaining the crown prince.", he said, casually, noncommittally. She'd been ignoring the sound of his steps as he'd approached her from behind, drawn in by some sight before her, and even now she didn't so much as glance over her shoulder. Instead, she let out a sound that might have been a snort, but more lady-like, "Well, he's certainly not been entertaining me, so someone had to get the job done."
Nikolai stopped just short of the fence, to her left, and finally when the girl turned her head to see who she was speaking to he could see the brief flash of recognition in her eyes. So she hadn't known who she was speaking to. The surprise stayed there only for the briefest time, then morphed into something that might have been calculation, as if she were weighing her options - to speak of the prince to his brother this way was a dangerous game, at least if one wasn't familiar with Nikolai.
She finally settled on a slight nod, as graceful as it was superficial, "My apologies.", then she cocked an eyebrow, "Tell me, your highness, could this cost me my tongue?"
Cheeky. He smirked, "Only if it's me you're speaking of this way, and even then only because it would be a terrible lie. I'm wonderfully entertaining."
She made a noncommittal sound and looked back at her horses, "Does it run in the family?"
Nikolai felt personally slighted that the giant lump of muscle that was a horse a few meters away from them seemed more interesting to her than he did, but it wasn't like he was going to just back off, "At least give me a chance, it'd be a shame for you to think we're all like that."
"Like what?", she turned her clever eyes back to him and smiled, "You make it sound like I've implied the crown prince is not charming."
"Oh, you haven't. I'm the one implying it.", this seemed to draw out a chuckle from her. Take that, horse. "You're rather good at hiding distaste, I'll give you that."
"Who says I'm not hiding it now?"
"Ouch.", his hand went briefly to his chest in a theatrical display of hurt, "How come you're not nearly as charming to me as you've been to Vasily?"
"Because you don't seem like a jackass. How's that for the capital offence?"
"Personally, I see none, merely a good judge of character."
This time the chuckle she let over her lips was a bit less restrained, and he'd be damned if he didn't take that as a win. Now her eyes slid back to the meadow in front of them, beaten down by horseshoes and boots until it was nothing but mud, and Nikolai watched her watch that same horse she'd been staring at since he'd first spotted her. One could claim it was nothing special if it weren't for its size - he'd be damned if that wasn't the largest horse he'd seen since the army, and probably the roughest-looking.
"Do you have a penchant for the uglier specimen or are you just wondering about his size?"
The girl gave him the dirtiest look he'd been given in a while, "He's not ugly, just old and overworked.", then as if to sound less stern, "But he is a big boy, even for his breed."
Well, that attempt at a joke about his looks fell flat. He wasn't used to that. "How do you know?"
This seemed to be more her tune because she perked up and pointed one long, elegant finger at the horse, "Do you see the way he's walking? And the scars on his flank?", she didn't wait for the answer, he could hear the urgent irritation in her voice, "He's been severely abused - his hind leg has been broken and never set properly, and you rarely see a valuable work animal this scarred from beatings and equipment."
Now Nikolai looked, actually looked, he could see the ridges of old scars crisscrossing his entire body, and something off about the way he ambled around as if to put a distance between himself and the people. "I thought he was a warhorse, that those were battle wounds. Not something his owners would do to him."
He could see her soften a bit when she heard the shock and disgust that laced his tone, her eyes going briefly to him before she looked at the horse again, "Vasily wouldn't even look at him."
"You tried to show him to my brother?"
She frowned at his tone, "I had no choice! My father won't let me buy him, and he's going to be sold for meat if I don't get him before this hell show is over."
"You want to buy him?"
No, actually, this was the dirtiest look he'd received from a woman, "Well, of course. He deserves a peaceful, loving retirement. He's suffered enough."
Now it was Nikolai's turn to look incredulous, "I thought you were letting my brother drag you around like a prized mare because you wanted an actual prized mare."
She sputtered, incredulity lining her features before she finally found her voice, "Excuse me?"
"Not like that --"
"Like what then?"
Nikolai cleared his throat, if only to buy himself time, "Well, this went off the rails fairly quickly."
She turned her entire body towards him now, and he could feel the anger vibrating off her tiny frame in waves, all directed at him, "You were never on the damn rails."
Fair enough. "It says nothing of your character, anyone who listens to his drivel for an entire day should be well-compensated for their emotional trouble."
"I'll need to be well-compensated after this conversation."
"I don't think that old horse will do it though."
She smacked him on the arm. It took Nikolai a second to process what had just happened, as he looked down to his arm where her fist had punched him with all the righteousness of a woman scorned, then back up at her, incredulous once again. "I was joking."
"Try doing it again, but this time make it funny."
When Nikolai didn't answer quickly enough she put her hands on her hips and raised a brow, "Well?"
"Well-- my extensive education in diplomacy tells me I should ease off with the jokes and perhaps try to apologise?"
Her brow somehow went even higher, it made him feel young and squeamish.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to imply you were accompanying my brother for your gain."
"Oh, please, of course I've been advising him on horses because I want something out of him, why else would I listen to him compare me to a mare and act like he'd written me a sonnet."
"He compared you to a horse?"
"An expensive one, so it's fine in his mind.", she let out a shaky breath, the anger still simmering beneath the soft rosy tint that coloured her cheeks. Nikolai couldn't help but stare, taken aback by the simplicity of her intentions, her irritation - she'd been keeping her cool the entire day, nodding prettily whenever his brother said something, offering him her expertise only to have it thrown back in her face because she was not meant to be listened to, only showed off. And she was not a girl that wanted to be showed off or ignored, that much was clear.
She turned to look at him, and Nikolai caught himself mid-stare, too absorbed in his thoughts to recognize that he'd been looking at her a bit too long. "Nothing, I'm just impressed."
"With what?"
"You.", he smirked, "I mean you've been suffering under his charms all day, then mine, and at the end of it you're restrained enough to only punch me in the arm?"
She frowned, her eyes sliding to his arm, uncertainty on her features, "Can I get in trouble for that?"
"Oh no, I'm into it."
She raised a brow, and Nikolai couldn't help the smirk that passed across his lips. Then he said, out of nowhere, "Will you come to dine with me?"
"As you said, your brother thinks I'm his prized mare."
That was only half a no, so he thought he might still have some wiggle-room left there, "Well I think you're far prettier than that. At least a good racehorse."
"Saints I want to smack you again."
Nikolai leaned in, his voice conspirational, "Well, yeah, that was kind of the point."
That chuckle again. He noticed that the feathery hair at the back of her neck curled delightfully when she turned to look at the fair and wondered briefly what she might look like when she let her hair down from her ponytail. His thoughts were interrupted when she said, "I can't. My father wants me to keep him amused, so Vasily might buy from him instead of the breeder from the next town over."
Nikolai frowned, "So he sent you out to entertain the creepier of the two princes like a well-trained monkey?"
"You just physically can't say a sentence without petting your own ego, can you?"
"Oh, you're noticing that just now?"
She leaned her forearms on the fence, staring out at the distance, "Are you really surprised? My sister probably knows even more than I do about the horses, but it was never about the knowledge."
Nikolai wished he could tell her he was, but he'd been made all too familiar with how these things worked in court, why his mother had paraded him around so much, with his pretty golden curls and charming smiles.
"Tomorrow then.", he leaned down beside her, "I'll buy all your father's horses if that's what it takes."
Watching her from the side he could just see the tiniest of smirks grace the corner of her lips, "That's an expensive sport you're wanting to try out."
"Well, have I ever told you that I have a lot of money?"
"Silly me, and here I was thinking you were a mere peasant."
"Was it the humility? The rogue charm?"
He'd just turned his head to look at her, a smirk playing on his lips, ready to come up with another joke to try and get another laugh from her when his brother's voice carried over from somewhere behind her, "Brother. I see you've met my advisor.", there was an edge to his voice, even if he was all drunken smiles, "She's pretty isn't she?"
"The prettiest.", Nikolai replied, pleasantly, even if he knew that wasn't quite the most interesting thing about her, "Come to save her from me?"
"Always.", Vasily's eyes went to the girl, and Nikolai realised he'd never asked for her name, "Did he bore you?"
"Not at all.", the mask slipped back onto her face, as empty as it was pretty, not that Vasily would ever notice, "I see he's inherited your charm."
"Yes, but not quite all of it."
Nikolai cast a glance her way and offered a slight smirk, something unspoken about it, an intimate joke, "I shall leave you two alone, I'm sure you've found another horse to bore her with, brother."
Vasily cleared his throat, "See you at dinner, little brother."
As he walked away, he could hear Vasily ask her for the details of their conversation, the jealousy seeping into his voice like poison. Then something about the workhorse they'd been looking at, wondering why she'd ever want that broken halfbreed. Nikolai knew why his brother had raised his voice when saying that, knew those words were meant for him more than her, but he was too tired to care. Tomorrow then. Hell, he might actually get himself some horses of his own tomorrow.
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ahtsumu · 4 years
Hiiii can i request a hcs for akaashi, iwa and oikawa where they secretly have a crush on their childhoodfriend!reader for so long and they panic when the reader got asked out by someone that they can't stand? I hope this makes sense👉🏼👈🏼🥺 ty so much in advance i really love the way you describe things in your writing💓💓💓💓
longtime crush + childhood friend!reader being asked out by another hcs with akaashi, iwaizumi, and oikawa
genre(s): angst oops
warning(s): nope!
a/n: hey so you didn’t specify how you wanted it to end so i just left that open-ended ?? hopefully it meets your expectations haha :D also i may have gone a little ham with akaashi’s im sor ry 
akaashi tried to accept the fact that you just might slip out of his grasp–– he really did
it’d always made more sense for him to just go with the flow, letting things happen to him instead of making them occur himself, because he trusted that there was a logical explanation for everything that happened
but the insane, paralysing ice that was spreading through his chest at the moment did not make sense
your text had sent five minutes ago and akaashi felt like he hadn’t breathed since. his brain was going haywire
y/n: soooo maeda asked me out today
he started typing out his response for the third time, paused, deleted, started typing again... paused, deleted. was there any way to make “say no and go out with me instead” sound less selfish? less… demanding?
trying to retain even the smallest bit of logic, every possible outcome to his text played vividly through his brain
option a: studying for math tests separately. no more after-practice snacks at the 7/11 near school. he starts mornings a bit later now that he can’t stop by your house first. you tell kinda funny lame jokes to maeda instead. bokuto slings one arm around akaashi’s shoulder and ignores how the other just hangs awkwardly now. your teacher stops calling your mom to complain about how much you talk in class–– she complains about your falling japanese literature grades. no more “good luck akaashi”s before every game. you avert your eyes in the hallways. he misses you every day.
option b: a kiss for every problem you both get right. holding hands as you stroll into the 7/11 near school. he starts mornings even earlier by having breakfast at your house. maeda watches him with envy from afar. bokuto third wheels behind you. your teacher starts calling your mom to complain about akaashi. you wear his jersey and kiss him before saying “good luck akaashi” at every game. you wink in the hallways. you love him back.
the wave of jealousy that had washed over him whispered in his ear that not telling you to say no wasn’t an option–– in fact, seeing you with anyone else but him wasn’t up for discussion
with your conversation a blur through his panicked eyes, his fingers made the decision for him
keiji: you should say no and go out with me instead
if akaashi had been as collected as he typically was, he would have seen that in the time he spent weighing his options, you’d sent a second and third text
y/n: i said no btw
y/n: i like someone else haha
iwaizumi had never been the type to wear his heart on his sleeve–– he preferred his affection to hint at itself through his words and actions, no matter how ambiguous they were
still, the creeping suspicion that all of his affection had been lost in translation burrowed itself in his head when he walked into the cafeteria during lunch and saw you laughing beside another seijoh third year–– some guy he remembered to have heckled oikawa at a game before
discreetly, he walked past your table from behind, trying to gain an idea of what the guy could’ve possibly been saying to make you beam like that
“.... bowling on friday maybe? are you into that?”
iwaizumi blinked as he passed. were you being asked out?
suddenly the only thing he could hear was his own blood pounding against his eardrums— only broken through by his own voice telling him to keep walking, keep walking, keep walking
he felt completely lost. was it too late to start laughing at your jokes instead of merely smirking and rolling his eyes? was it too late to text “sweet dreams y/n” instead of “go to bed it’s late”? was it too late to start greeting you by wrapping you in his arms instead of ruffling your hair? but he’d been doing that since you were both children…
“hajime!” you called out once lunch ended, bouncing over to his side, “you’ll never guess what happened”
“hmm?” he asked, struggling to keep his composure
“i got asked out by yamamoto”
iwaizumi swallowed uncomfortably and crossed his arms over his chest. “oh.” 
“you’re not gonna ask if i said yes?”
he stayed silent, unsure if he even wanted to know
your face fell just a little bit. “y’know, hajime, sometimes i wonder if you even care about me.” you’d meant for it to come out playfully, though he could hear that you were upset
the voice in his head spoke up again— say it. say it. say it.
so he did
oikawa felt like you’d pulled the rug out from underneath him when your note said that you wouldn’t be walking home with him that day because you were going on a date
with his mortal enemy, not to mention
all his life, he’d grown up with you at his side: from the schoolyard swing set where you’d compete to see who could swing the highest to the middle school gym where he took you to junior high prom to class 6 in aoba johsai where he’d often find his eyes gravitating to you every so often
he’d thought you would, like the earth does with the sun, revolve around him forever and, similarly, he’d also thought that he had forever to tell you that he loved you–– that he’d loved you for so long that he’d forgotten at what point his feelings even began. and until today, he’d thought that you loved him too
but now, as his chestnut eyes scanned over the note again just to make sure he wasn’t imagining anything, it finally registered in his brain that if he didn’t make a move now, oikawa tooru was going to lose you
from the table beside him, you watched as he blinked in shock. a curious look flitted over your face. that was not the reaction you’d anticipated
“lol are you surprised that someone actually finds me attractive??” you wrote on another slip of paper, sliding it on top of the original note on oikawa’s desk
you’d expected a reply seconds later, something along the lines of his usual snark, something like “ofc not even shrek found love”
but his reply never came
in fact, oikawa remained silent for the rest of the class, absent-mindedly fiddling with your first note between his fingers as he stared ahead, mind most definitely lost elsewhere, only returning to the present once the bell rang for lunch
“tooru,” you called out after him in the hallway, “what’s wrong?”
“why?” he asked, gesturing to your note in his hand. “why him?”
you furrowed your brows. “what do you mean? he’s nice”
“and me? am i not nice?”
it became a lot clearer to you that, perhaps, what he was really asking was: why not me?
you’d always had an inkling that there was something that tiptoed between the lines of your friendship with oikawa–– something that surfaced as gazes caught red-handed and then locked, as hugs that lasted a beat longer than most, as rare glances into the hidden universe inside his mind
you were just too afraid to jeopardise your oldest friendship for a feeling that might not have even been returned
but as oikawa stood there in front you with his eyes wide with imploration, knuckles white around your note, it suddenly struck you that maybe–– just maybe, not all was as hopeless as it seemed
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