#or like. you know. RIP mon-chan
breserker · 4 months
i've been playing monster sanctuary to cool off and it's been really fun, there is a wall to it but once you understand what the game is asking of you to do in battles it clicked the strategic part of my brain and it's been working really smoothly, albeit that a poor team comp can fuck a battle sideways from the get go. for a monster collector made by basically one guy whose ethos is that pokemon was too easy, it delivers.
i like that evolution is a choice and there's benefits to keeping an 'unevolved' mon as well as its evolved form due to different skill trees to fill out. if you're curious overall, know that you will not get through battles without buffing/debuffing and that team comp is more important than weakness exploitation.
one mon i picked up was a little gecko lizard warrior which of course i named gex-chan and holy fuck that motherfucker rips and tears. tiny little gecko man shredding a beefy minotaur in one swipe. gex-chan i love you
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also yes bitch i went with the spectral lion as a starter of course i did who do you think i am
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asknarashikari · 7 months
Here have more art, Kari-chan.
1 - Aw, this is so cute :D
2 - No, Lovekov! What did Hopper-1 and Geatsune ever do to you?!
3 - Lovekov will take care of her little duckie friend so well <3
4 - A spider, a cobra and and a neko walk into a bar... or something
6 - Revice Anime confirms that this is canon (he has a Lovekov plushie on his nightstand)
7 - Lovekov and Snorlax... awww
8 - Me pretty much everyday of my life lol
9 - Ashy boy and the starters... (it's easier to say which of these he hasn't owned lol)
10 - Is this a game of spot the Ash cap lmao
11-13 - More Ash and his 'mons... hard to believe it's been one year since our boy became the very best (like no one ever was)
14 - Hmm... It's an interesting concept for sure, though I didn't hate what we got :))
15-16 - Aww, that's cute :)) Why is Jou getting glomped in them though XD (Also I only know who he is because Junya Komatsu played him in the stage plays)
17 - Where's Yuusuke tho RIP
18 - At least Yuusuke's here lmao... and where did Daiki get that berry
19 - .......What the heck
20 - Lmao the kids don't look impressed at all XD As they should be
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lord-explosion-baku · 4 years
you don’t like reanimated corpses but you like Oboro? 🤨🤔
D O N ‘ T T A L K T O M E
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limitlessgojo · 3 years
The Truth Hurts, But Does it Really?
Two-shot with Kamo Noritoshi (SFW).
Noritoshi x F!Reader
This is part 1.
Part 2 is here.
Extra: Kamo's POV is here
Notes: Unexpected confessions. The reader has a flying type of cursed technique, with the ability to control wind and air currents. Unlike Nishimiya, you do not need any tools, as you can bend the winds into your favor and refract light.
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"Hi, Mechamaru senpai, Noritoshi senpai, have either of you seen my cellphone by any chance? I think I might have misplaced it." You asked your seniors politely.
"No, we haven't. Where did you last see it? We could help you look for it." Kamo replied. Mechamaru gave him the side-eye, knowing that if it were anyone else Kamo wouldn't have so easily offered his time to help.
All the students at Kyoto Jujutsu High knew that both of you were in love with each other, but were way too dull to notice it. It is true that love blinds the person. You thought you kept it a secret, but Mai and Momo have been trying to get you to say it to them for weeks.
"Ah I still can't remember. I've been trying my room all day, and now I'm going around the classrooms and training areas we usually use. Arata-kun hasn't seen it around either." You replied with worry. "I'm so sorry to bother you, but I appreciate your offer to help". You bowed to both of them.
"It's no worry at all y/n. I'll let you know as soon as I find it." Kamo replied, a small smile on his face to help ease your nerves. Mechamaru nodded "I have a bit of free time right now, don't worry about it." You thanked them again profusely before running off.
After you left, the two men walked down the corridors leading to the classrooms.
"..... So. Are you planning to confess to her?" Mechamaru asked Kamo. He too was getting tired of seeing you two prance around each other like idiots. He thought it was even more idiotic on your part, since Kamo straight up told you to call him by his first name and gives you special treatment, but you still haven't noticed.
"I'm still thinking about it." Kamo replied. "Her phone is a high priority as of now. Her BTS photos and videos are all in there."
"You're definitely head over heels for her." Mechamaru deadpanned. Kamo even knew and supported your fangirl tendencies. These idiots better hurry it up, he thought to himself.
You entered the shared common area for eating (location reference: Jujusanpo #17). Seeing Mai and Momo there fiddling with a gray stone in a box, you approached them, not knowing the events that were about to transpire.
"Mai senpai, Momo senpai! Hello, I'm sorry bother both of you at the moment. But have you seen my phone?" You asked them. "Haah? You're pretty forgetful aren't you. No I haven't seen it, but I'll let you know if I do." Mai replied. "Me too! Do you want help in looking for it?" Momo answered.
"Yes that would be great if you can!" You brightened. Mai motioned for you to come closer. "We'll help you out if you do us a favour first. We can look for your phone after this." She shot Momo a smirk. Momo quickly caught on. "Yes, we have a special item here today! It belongs to the Zenin Family. Mai is currently holding onto it and will bring it to her home this coming weekend."
Your curiosity was piqued. "What is that?" "It's a truth stone. They say that anyone who holds onto it is forced to speak the truth to any question asked." Mai replied. "Ahhh, perfect for interrogating prisoners of war you mean." You replied. They both looked at you weirdly.
"Hold the stone and answer our question." Momo said. "HAAAHH?! Wha-what are you gonna ask me about?? You know practically everything about me. I can tell you anything about Min Yoongi." You gave a weak laugh. (Internally you were screaming, because you've been fantasizing about Noritoshi senpai a lot. And not all of it was entirely decent. Whoops.)
"Nothing serious. We won't tell anyone else; your secret is safe with us." Momo confidently stated. Mai nodded, smirk still plastered on her face. You just sighed to yourself, wanting to rip off the band-aid quickly you consented. "Let's hurry before anyone comes." Momo jumped up and looked out the door, "The coast is clear girls! We are all good!". She walked back inside and sat down.
Holding onto the truth stone, you gulped and prepared your heart and mind. "Whose arms do you wanna be in?" Mai asked.
Without hesitation and thinking you straight up say "In Noritoshi Senpai's arms. Definitely." Then you freeze and start feeling your face heat up. "Ehhhh?!?!?!" Mai and Momo's eyes were glinting. "Do you like Kamo-kun??" Momo asked excitedly. You were still frozen from the first question making your mind blank, that you didn't think to put the stone down. "Yes I love him." You replied. Then realized what happened.
"You. Did. Not." You gasped. Mai and Momo were absolutely losing it. Holy shit. "It's pretty obvious. Momo and I already knew from the way you acted around him Y/N-chan". Mai laughed out loud. "You finally said it!! Just tell us earlier." Momo giggled.
"Seriously?! Ugh I thought I was doing a good job of hiding it even." You quickly set the stone back in the box. You were a done and gone person. Wait. Nobody did hear it right??? Right?? You quickly turned around and lo and behold. Like the world was telling you that it just wasn't your day.
Mechamaru senpai and Noritoshi senpai were standing just by the doorway of the common room, behind the three of you. Mai and Momo quieted down, suddenly realizing the situation. They weren't heartless, concern quickly replacing their excitement.
Momo swore quietly. "Terrible timing" Mai uttered under her breath. You heard both of them, but couldn't react. You were frozen. Staring into Noritoshi senpai's eyes. You have never seen them this wide open before. You found it cute, but then you mentally slapped yourself. Your brain was in a state of emergency. This is no time to drool over him.
"Well... we found your phone." Mechamaru muttered. Noritoshi stood still in his shock, staring at you, your phone still in his hand, with his face red, but expression slightly twitching, trying to remain nonchalant.
You quickly whipped your head away. This is it folks. You're packing your bags and moving to Norway. Maybe Greenland or a Scandinavian country would be good. Changing names, changing a family perhaps? Are adoptions open? Does the UK accept sudden transfer students? "You're not going anywhere y/n." Mai laughed out loud. That was then you realized you were muttering your thoughts out loud. You thought your face couldn't get any redder, it was positively burning right now.
"Hey-" Noritoshi started, but you didn't wanna face him right now with all your emotions all jumbled and messed up. You ran away as fast as you can, jumping out the window and soaring up to the sky. 'Anywhere is fine. Maybe the clearing for now'.
You muttered an incantation while forming your hand signs, putting an invisible cloak over you as you flew. As high and as fast as you could to your favorite spot.
All that was running in your mind was how utterly done you were at this very moment. 'So much for a proper confession.' You mourned to yourself.
(don't be shy to leave comments uwu! -Mon)
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bubblyqueer000 · 2 years
😩(2021 APRIL FOOLS JOKE POST (OLD)) Mondo Owada x Me uwu🍆
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This was an April fools day post from last year and I'm posting it the day before April fools day 2022 because I'm going to make a part 2 tomorrow so I hope you like it ૮ ˙ ﻌ˙ ა
PS If your pronouns are what’s in your pants mine are Mon/Do/Owada ( )っ✂╰⋃╯
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My name is Bubz Abazure. I’m the ultimate fan fic writer at Hope’s Peak highschool (This is the japanese version so Hifumi is a doujin artist and not a fan fic writer bet you didn’t know that you fake fan haha now me and all of the other real fans are going to make fun of you >:C ) I got into Hope’s Peak cause some bear bitch saw that I had like 57 kudos on AO3 and went ‘OOOH YO LET’S GET THIS GIRL SHE’S REVOLUTIONARY’. I was excited to go because I’ve always wanted to go to Japan but when I got there it sucked because there were no subtitles when everyone talked so I didn’t know what anyone was saying! I only speak American! Anyways I get to this fuckin school and fuckin faint and fuckin wake up in a fuckin classroom and see a fuckin note that tells me to go into the fuckin gym at 8 fuckin o clock. FUCK! It’s 3:00 AM I’m eight hours late. I go to the gym and the other students are there already and they’re exhausted from waiting for me for eight hours.
“Sorry y’all I needed my sleepys! Wait I know you! Y’alls are those characters that I write about fucking random probably teenage readers on the internet!”
“What the fuck” Said everyone collectively excpet for Mondo because he was too busy blushing over how hot I am.
“Anyways have fun killing eachother >_<” Said Monokuma before he dipped. We all left because we were sleepy. But not really I just slept for thirty seven hours and then another eight. I was sitting in my room crying because I was depressed that I would never see my family again or whatever until I heard a knock on my door and wiped my tears away, not wanting them to think I’m a little sensitive poopy baby BECAUSE I AM NOT >:c I was surprised that the person at the door was Mondo Owada (The guy whose dick I was talking about on the rules page). I was gasped when I saw him because I thought that he was just going kill me but then I didn’t care because I’m emo so life is meaningless to me but then he saw my scared expression.
“Don’t be scared you’re so segsy.” He said with a himbo smile. I blush and look away but then my beautiful shit-brown eyes hits the light of the room making my face more visible to him “Have you been crying? Like a little sensitive poopy baby?” OH NO MY WORST FEAR! I start crying more out of pure embarrassment and rub my eyes, totally ruining my eyeliner so I looked like a hot topic employee. “It’s okay! Girls cry or whatever I think it’s hot cause it reminds me that you have a coochie c:”
“Wow that is pretty hot,”
“Speaking of which I have arrived to recieve your consent to gaze upon your tiddies, milady.”
“Oh shit that’s hot i guess want to do the nasty?”
“Yee” Without warning Mondo pushed me onto the bed and ripped off my shirt and I was all like ‘wtf I wore that on the first day for a reason it’s my favorite shirt you asshole’ but I didn’t say that cause I wanted that big biker butter boy baby maker. After that he ripped off my skirt and left me lying there as nakey as the day that I was born cause I guess I wasn’t wearing underwear? Idk.  “God you’re fuckin hot. Now time to rip my clothes from existence.” He said and then suddenly wasn’t wearing any clothes revealing his meter long king kong dong and shoving it into my thirty two flavors of bootylicious bubble gum ass
So like that was hot or whatever but then we just kinda laid there and talked.
“When I was a kid I had a crush on Adam Sandler (True story) so how the fuck have my standards gone down?” I asked as him, snuggling close to Adam- I MEAN MONDO.
“Idfk I mean I don’t have high standards the last ten girls I asked out rejected me.”
“Wow you must be really lonely aha sucks to be you.”
“Heh… Not anymore Bubz chan… I love you.”
“I love you too… Non existent character that I use so I can forget how lonely I am.”
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scruffyssketchbook · 3 years
wowza, flame's personality is like so different in meanwhile!!! im wonderin if he must have been taking a lot more care for himself and his attitude back then. like did meanwhile flame actually take showers more? did he actually work out/train more (hes not thicc in meanwhile)? was reading and collecting corn  still meanwhile flames biggest pastime? and if meanwhile flame were to like, do something embarassing in front of sora like rip a hugr fart or idk something, would he blame something/mon or just act cool and pretend nothing happened or would he be polite enough to actually be honest and admit it was him? preeeeety sure a while ago flame said sora makes him feel like he doesnt need to act but also makes him wanna be less of a doshe, so whatever he does in meanwhiles, especially around her, we can look at him and prolly call it the purest or honest version of him as we can get so far
Author chan: Oh yeah, he actually took a lot more care of himself and his appearance/ attitude during this time period. Yes, he did take showers, and yes, he did workout/train. He liked reading, and still had an interest in corn, but it wasn’t as bad as it is now, you know, with him watching it almost all day and such. It was more like a pastime he partook in occasionally. If Flame did something embarrassing in front of Sora, he’d play it off as a joke and be utterly mortified.  Also, yes, whatever he does around Sora is pretty telling of his true nature. He like- unintentionally lets down his walls a little around her. 
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yurei-no-eiyu · 4 years
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Chapter 33~~
Tomura squinted at the figure through the dust. Why the hell was the little brat still standing. “Noumu…” he growled anger rising and furious itching burning across his skin. “I told you to kill them, so KILL THEM!”
The mindless hulking monster that Sensei had promised him would obey every word did not move. Instead it glance at him, a trembling shriek echoing out of its disgusting beak. “Do it.” Tomura repeated, putting as much force into as he could. The mess of quirks and bioengineering, the things designed to crush All Might, to feel no pain and have no fear, took a single step forward before faltering, balking backwards with a warbling caw. 
He could fear Kurogiri’s confusion at his side, and Tomura gaped at the monster that seemed afraid of the little Hero-kun. He whipped his attention back to the cloud of dust, squinting at the boy that stood within it. 
“Ne…” drawled the small form once again, something so incredibly wrong about the soft voice, even as the sand caught in Tomura’s eyes and burned them.
The dust settled, and against his will, Shigaraki stumbled a few steps back at the terrifying intimidation. He seemed smaller, thin, bony wists poking out of the decaying sleeves of a ripped up gakuran. Blood dripped down his arms and off his chin, staining thin mangled limbs and glistening gristely in the light of the black flames that flickered off the boy. His neck lolled slightly, thin and bleeding, wrapped in bandages that whipped about in a phantom wind that rose suddenly, full of the whistling and howling of voices Shigaraki couldn’t fully grasp. A gust blew past pulling up the side of his gakuran, revealing a torso malformed and bashed in, a deeply bruised arm hanging uselessly, twisted grotesquely as if by some sever impact.
Blood dribbled out from grinning teeth as grin eyes glinted at him. “Did you think I would let you hurt anybody else?” 
Tomura couldn’t stop the hysterical fear that rose up in him as he tripped backward, falling over. “N-NOUMU!” He shrieked, hand trembling against his will, itching nearly unbearable. “Kill him!”
“I think that you’re too late for that.” The boy giggled early, shadows growing darker. The grin that looked painful stretched only further. “Besides, Death doesn’t like me enough to keep me.”
The whistling wind picked up, buffeting Tomura back down as he tried to stand. The boy tilted his head, listening to the wind, the howls of agony. “It liked Mon though. And Hannah-chan, didn’t it?” The boy’s eyes welled with glowing tears, disturbing grin still stretch wide, as Tomura’s hairs raised. Panic bubbing beneath shaky hands that dug into the earth but didn’t disintegrate anything for once. “She was so young…” he murmured, grin relaxing just slightly. The boy’s eyes raised to Tomura, growing more viscous, crazed and glinting like the exposed bone poking through his kneecap. “But she’s not the only one you killed, was she, Tenko-kun?” He stepped closer, and Shigaraki stumbled to his feet, intent on running. 
But the boy was in front of him, and he found himself face to face with the bloodcurdling smile as he tried to jerk backward but found his limbs restrained in echoes of dark lightning. The boy leaned in close, whispering conspiratively. “And you know what… they’re angry, Tenko-kun. Very angry… and I think they’d love to tear you apart.” The grin grew further deranged as blood dripped down and sizzled against Tomura’s skin, disappearing. Frost crackled and spread from where the shadowed lightning flickered over Tomura. He shivered “Can’t you hear them?”
Tomura trembled as he was dropped to the ground. The gale rushed around them, buffeting their clothes and sweeping up shadow and dust, Tomura clenched his hands to his ears, digging into his skin until it bled. 
 “CAN’T YOU HEAR US??” screamed the wind, as the boy swept his arm toward their surroundings, grinning hysterically. 
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writingoneshots · 4 years
Hi how are you? Do you write smut? If yes could you please do one fic where Sanji is dating the little sister of Zoro? Like she is a strawhat and Zoro was getting used with them dating but he freaks out when he enters on Sanji and reader having sex on his bed (Sanji thought it was his own)? Thank you for the attention, if you do not write smut just ignores this.
Not Sanji's Bed
Thank you for that request! I really enjoyed writing it.. hope you enjoy reading it.
- 1.517 words- romance, smut, a little nosebleed
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The rain poured down on the straw hats ship, while you and Sanji were waiting for the crew to come back.It's been almost 5 hours since they left and because Sanji heard your stomach growling, he couldn't resist but to start cooking before the crew arrived. While the ship was slightly moving, causing a few items to roll around on the floor, you tried to put everything back on its place, while not being protected from the rain. Suddenly the very first sound of a huge thunder appeared. Not only did it scare you, because you were terribly afraid of anything thunder-ish since you've fought Enel and lost the fight, but it sounded like it was way too close to the ship. You ran into the kitchen and immediately crashed the door close behind you."(Y/N)-chan, are you alri-", the sight of you silenced him. Never in his existence did he wanted to stop the time as he did now. You, fully drenched by the rain, with all of your clothes sticking to your body and being as see through as possible. Your black bra being visible through your white shirt and your skirt being a little pulled up, sticking to your thighs.As you were breathing hard, you tried to calm down and remind yourself that Enel is not going to attack you. Sanji realized that your behavior was off and approached you slowly, still keeping a distance, "What happened? Is it because of the thunder?", he looked at you worried and tried to focus on his best friend in his pants, not to wake up and take advantage of this situation.You frowned at the sight of him, tensing all his muscles, and realized that his nose started bleeding, "Sanji.. you.. erm..". With a quick point on your nose, he understood.As he wiped the blood away, he took a deep breath, "Wait here, I'll get you a blanket."
It has been a few minutes since Sanji left to get you a blanket and you definitely couldn't wait any longer as you started freezing because of the clothes cooling down on your body.After taking a deep breath, you were finally brave enough to leave the kitchen and run into the little hallway, which was connected to all the private rooms.Expecting Sanji to be in the storeroom, you frowned when you heard him in the mens bedroom. Not understanding, what he's doing there, you decided to check on him to see if he's alright.
Sanji was leaning against the wall, holding a thin blanket close to him as it seemed like he was trying to meditate and calm himself down."Sanji..?", you whispered.He took a deep breath and sat down on the bed right next to him, being too surprised. You couldn't quite comprehend what was going on and closed the door fast behind you, slowly approaching him."What is going on?", you frowned and watched him careful."(Y/N)-chan. Please.. as much as it hurts, I have to ask you to keep a distance. I won't be able to control myself if you come any closer."You stopped and took a deep breath. Finally, you understood. Sanji was still hoping that he could be the romantic guy for you, since you never had a romantic relationship before. He wanted to show you how beautiful everything can be, if you'd make it with love. But since you already know how much you truly love him, you knew that you were ready."Sanji-kun..", you smiled a little and came closer. As he tried to convince you to stay away, his words ended up being just a little whispering and he gave up, gazing up and enjoying the sight of you."Last..warning, (Y/N)", his eyes were already taking off your clothes and savoring every inch of you.While you slowly pulled the blanket away, you sat down on his lap, with your legs on his sides and leaned softly onto him. The soft stroke of his hands from your thighs up your butt slowly turned into a needy grab as he pulled your body as close to him as possible.Feeling his member right in between your legs, you sighed at the pulsating sensation of it. A slight moan escaped his lips as he focused on your hand, which was slowly reaching down between the both of you. You opened his zip and allowed yourself to slide into his trousers. Being a little surprised to not feel any underwear, you enjoyed the sound of his held back moans, as you slowly took his warm member into your hand.His breathing quickened as you started to massage him and Sanji hid his face right below your ear, enjoying the scent of your aroused body. Slowly biting your soft skin, leaving a few marks to show everyone that you're already taken, he realized that he couldn't control himself any longer."(Y/N)-chan. This is your last chance to stop. I cannot hold myself back any longer.", he growled softly into your ear."Then don't. Take me, Sanji.", was all he wanted to hear.In the very next second you found yourself laying on the bed, while Sanji kissed his way down your body, ripping off every piece of clothing that crossed his path.Breathing really hard, you felt your body become more warm and excited to finally feel his touch. Your body longed for him and every little touch aroused you even more.When he finally made his way down to your skirt, he decided to pull it up as he loved seeing you in it a lot. "We will keep this for private purposes..", he smirked and kissed the inside of your thigh up to your entrace. As he started to kiss and tease your clit, a loud moan escaped your lips. The soft caressing of his hands touching, massaging and exploring your body, his lips and tongue enjoying the taste of your warmth and the grip of your fingers on his strong and muscular shoulders, build up a strong orgasm, which you couldn't hold back any longer."Oh my..", you breathed hard and hoped for no one to be on the ship to hear you.
Sanji leaned back up, with a grin on his face. His excitement of pleasing you didn't seem to hold him back from taking one nipple into his mouth and sucking on it playfully. "Sanji-kun..stop teasing me.", you begged him, placing your legs around his hips and pulling him closer until you've felt his already hard member waiting for his time to shine."I will never stop, mon amour!", he smirked and kissed his way up to your neck again. When he felt the second push of your legs, begging for him to claim you, he sighed as he kissed your lips passionately and entered you fully.Feeling his warmth and full length inside you, claiming every piece of you, you sighed satisfied. With every thrust, every hard breath against your skin, you felt your second orgasm coming in slowly.Heat was building up inside of you, which you didn't know existed. "Oh, (Y/N)-chan!", he grabbed your left leg, pulling it slighty up just to get in deeper, which you didn't think was even possible.As you grabbed your fingers into his muscular back, you suddenly heard a familiar voice at the end of the room.
".. Santoryu.. Oni-"A huge crash followed, which made you and Sanji stop immediately. Sanji pulled up the blanket over you, shielding you from everyone who could see you naked."Oh.. Marimo! What are you doing here?!", Sanji screamed at Zoro, who was holding his head after Nami slapped him with her clima-tact and turned on the lights."Are you..-", Zoro took a deep breath and stood back up, "What are you two doing?! On MY bed?!"Sanji frowned and looked at you, figuring you two just had sex on your brothers bed, "Hm..""HM!?", Zoro placed his third sword into his mouth again and prepared to attack Sanji again, promising himself to finish him for good this time."Zoro! Stop!", you screamed at him and made him blind on the other eye as well. Using your powers against your own brother, which could make someone lose any sense you wanted to, was always something you tried to avoid but this time it was about saving the other man you loved and cared for besides your dumb brother."You know that taking away my sight never worked.", Zoro growled and took his other swords now up as well, "Say your last words, cook!"While putting on his trousers, Sanji prepared himself to fight for your peace and took a deep breath, "I am ready, marimo!"
As both of them ran towards each other, Nami let a huge thunder go down on both of them and walked passed them while they were both falling to the ground. She threw a dark shirt from Sanji onto your bed and yawned, "Hurry, we brought some dinner. I am sure the boyfriend look will suit you."
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zebrabaker · 5 years
An Odd Saltinette Fic; Chapter 3
Fuck it, this is written out pretty far ahead. Lemme know what you think. 
Marinette bounced around the kitchen, her hair in a sloppy bun. Felix was coming over after dinner to study, and she had a plan to surprise him. He adored proper beignets, so she was whipping up a quick batch. They were one of the first things her mama had taught her to make. As she rotated the first batch in the oil, she thought over her first week at school. She had made friends with a small blonde boy, named Mitskuni Haninozuka. His younger cousin, Takashi, was actually an old friend of hers. She remembered seeing him at tournaments when she was younger. He’d probably make a decent sparring partner. She moved on autopilot, dropping the third batch into the oil, when she heard the elevator ding. She draped a damp towel over the cooling first and second batches, and called over her shoulder.
“In the kitchen, mon chevalier!” She heard Felix set down his bag, and walk into the kitchen. She was putting the fresh pastries onto a plate when she felt him wrap his arms around her waist. He kissed the top of her head, and rested his forehead on her shoulder. “What’s wrong, cherie?” Felix heaved a sigh.
“Father is bugging me about college. Again.” He groaned. Felix’s father was rather overbearing, and often pushed him more than was healthy.
“What do you mean, again?” She growled. More often than not, she disagreed with the Culpa patriarch over his treatment of his only son.
“He tried to use you against me at one point. ‘What about Marinette? How will you provide for her?’” He huffed. “Maman ripped him a new one for that one.” Marinette giggled. Marie Culpa was a firecracker of a woman, who looked just like her son. She was a French woman, who often tamed her husband’s rather poor parenting skills. She turned her head, and kissed him on the cheek.
“Guess what’s under the towel.” He hummed.
“Is it Danishes?”
“Not even close. Do you give?”
“Last guess. Donuts?”
“Uh-uh. Beignets!” He perked up, pulling back. He removed the towel, and snagged one of the powdery treats. He stuffed half of the thing in his mouth, and moaned appreciatively. Marinette giggled.
“You are the best thing to ever happen to me, ma petite coccinelle. What would I do without you?” Marinette smiled.
“You’d have to go without pastries.” He swallowed the rest of the treat, and snagged another.
“Truly, a cursed existence. C’mon. I’ll help you with your Algebra if you help me with my German.” Both chuckled. Where Marinette was a bit of a polyglot, Felix was better at the hard sciences and math.
“That’s a deal!”
A week later, Marinette strolled through the halls. Her parents had received an order for ten dozen French macaroons, each batch a different flavor. Her Papa hadn’t arrived in Japan yet, so her and her Mama had woken up at three in the morning, gotten to the bakery at three thirty, and baked till five. By six, they had all one-hundred twenty filled and packed. The order was for the Host Club that she knew her school held, so she was in charge of delivery. She had Shoto help her carry the batches in, before stacking the crates on a dolly and wheeling it into the school. She headed straight for the elevator, expertly maneuvering around the corners. She soon reached music room three, and knocked gently. The door creaked open (did it not get oiled?) and she was slapped with the scent of roses as dozens of petals drifted past her. Standing arrayed around a blond she recognized as the chairman’s son, Tamaki Suoh, was an eclectic selection of boys.
“Welcome, princess!” Six voices chimed. The two twin redheads she thought might be in Felix’s class, and she knew Mori and Hani. The other black-haired boy she didn’t really recognize.
“Hello. Hi, Takashi-kun, Hani-sempai. How have you been?” Hani bounced forward, Usa-chan in his arms.
“I’m good, Mari-chan. What are you doing here? I thought you were engaged to Culpa-san?” He tilted his head, puzzled.
“That I am! I’m here to drop off your order, actually.” She slipped into business mode, pushing her thin glasses up her nose (she was out of her contacts) and snagged a clipboard off the top of the crates. “Two dozen raspberry macaroons, two dozen pistachio, two dozen strawberry, two dozen chocolate, and two dozen classic vanilla, correct?” She glanced up, seeing the lanky blond standing before her.
“You ARE new! Oh, how delightful! Tell me, princess, how do you know our Hani-sempai?” He swung an arm around her neck, slipping a finger under her chin, forcing her to look him in the eye.
“We trained together in our families’ dojos. Can you tell me if the order is correct or not?” She kept her voice dry and even, not happy with his proximity. The boy wilted as she shrugged his arm off her shoulders.
“The order is correct, Miss Dupain-Cheng. I am Kyoya Ootori, vice-president of the Host Club. Mori, could you set the crates over on the tables.” Mori nodded, ruffling her hair on his way past. “Gently, please, we don’t want the shells to crack.” Marinette eased the first crate off the stack, and carried it over to the table.
“There’s no need to do that.” One of the twins said, easing up behind her.
“Yeah, we don’t want such a pretty young thing getting hurt. Do we Kaoru?” The other asked, leaning against the table.
“Of course not, Hikaru. Do you really think she’s pretty?” The first twin, Kaoru, pouted.
“Not as lovely as you.” Hikaru swept his brother into his arms.
“Are they always like this?” She asked Mori, mildly unsettled.
“Yup.” He squatted slightly to pick up another crate.
“That’s…I don’t even know what to say. How had training been going? Are you still fighting with your brother, Hani-sempai?” She asked, walking past the older boy, ferrying the final of the five crates to the table.
“Training has been okay. Chika-chan and I are still having our…disagreement, but I’m sure he’ll come around eventually. How is Culpa-san?” He rubbed Usa-chan’s ears, morose.
“Felix-kun is doing good. He’s helped me with a few homework assignments so far.” She smiled. Felix really was great.
“The ice king?” Kaoru whispered.
“He-who-could-rival-Kyoya?” Hikaru muttered.
“Pfft. That’s him. My fiancé has never been the best with social interactions.” Marinette giggled at the monikers. She was so using those on him.
“FIANCE?” The three yelled as one.
“Hm? Didn’t you know? Mari-chan and Culpa-san have been engaged for almost three years now. They’ve been friends forever!” Hani enthused.
“Yeah.” Mori said.
“I’ve got to go; I’m going to meet with Felix in the library before classes start. Wanna meet in the dojo after school, Takashi-kun? I need someone to work out with during the week.” Mori nodded, and Hani bounced from foot to foot.
“Can I come, Mari-chan? I haven’t seen you fight in forever!” He widened his eyes, pouting slightly.
“Sure, sempai. I’ll see you then.” She ruffled his hair, and headed for the door.
“Ma petite coccinelle.” Felix’s voice came from behind her, and she turned her head to smiled at him. Her smile dropped when she saw how utterly exhausted he looked.
“What’s wrong, ma chevalier?” He flopped into the seat next to her, dropping his bag onto the floor. She rubbed a hand between his shoulder blades.
“I got a B+ on my literature report. It was on color symbolism in Macbeth. I’ve read the book twice, and I got a B+!” His voice was a strangled whine.
“Is that all?” He sent her a mild glare from where his head was propped on his arms. “Felix, a single B+ isn’t going to make you fail. It probably won’t even pull down your grade. Now, would you mind walking me to music room three? I need to pick up the bakery crates from the Host Club.” He sighed.
“Why did it have to be the Host Club? Even the school newspaper would have been better.” Marinette tucked her hand into the crook of his elbow, and the two set off for the third floor.
“From what you’ve told me, the newspaper club couldn’t afford an order that big.” He nodded his head to the right a little, his way of showing agreement.
Marinette and Felix strolled through the doors of the Host Club, ignoring the eyes that turned to them. She waved softly to Hani, who came bounding over.
“Mari-chan! Are you here to get Takashi for your spar?” He bounced, eager.
“Not just yet, sempai. The two of you still need to finish up here. Right now, Felix-kun,” She gestured to the blond beside her, “and I need to get the crates back downstairs so that my driver can take them back to the bakery. On that note, how were the macaroons?” Stars filled Hani’s eyes.
“They were so good! No-one bakes like your family, Mari-chan! And they were even batter since you helped make them! You left your signature flowers painted on the shells, so I knew you had helped!” The small blond boy was near-vibrating with enthusiasm.
“You can fight, Dupain-Cheng-san?” One of the girls, the one with thick lips scoffs.
“What an uncouth skill.” Another murmurs.
“My mother would never let me learn how to fight. It’s far too undignified.” A third sniffs.
“Yes, I can. My Grandmother is of the Rong family, the first daughter born in eight generations. She taught my mother, who taught me. It’s family tradition, as the Rong family is matriarchal. If I didn’t learn, it would be an insult to my heritage. I’ve trained in aikido, karate, taekwondo, judo, and muay thai. I also learned dance, as is proper for girls of the Cheng family, which my grandfather is head of. I know tap, ballroom, ballet, salsa, basic breakdancing, and bon dori. Felix, let’s grab the crates and go. I need to get ready for the spar.”
“Of course, ma petite coccinelle.” He escorted her from the room once they had gathered the crates, leaving with a dark glare at the girls who had dared insult his little ladybug.
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hinagamoizaf · 3 years
An extract from  Chapter 2: Love Fluttering in the Winter Air (Mon ange)
“...did you want to read this too?” he innocently asks, completely oblivious to my confusion. “Ah...it’s not that,” I try to smile, but this is so strange. I’m sure there’s more to Yamato than any of us know, even if we’ve known him for years. But this isn’t like him, “Are you taking a minor in...monsters?” “Do you remember the Dark Ocean?” I sit up at his question, but fidgeting in my place. While it was something we’ve never personally experienced, I can only imagine what it was like for her. “Wait, did something happen to Hikari-chan?” my eyes widen, my thoughts running a thousand miles per hour. Yamato simply holds up his hand, his expression serious but reassuring me nothing has happened to her. “But doesn’t mean we can just sit around and wait for something to happen,” Yamato’s eyes darken and this overwhelming fury morphs his face. Yamato doesn’t get angry as Taichi does, his anger comes forth like an exploding volcano; it builds and builds until it boils over.
You feel it in your lungs, from the tips of your fingers, as it shakes through your entire being. The older he gets, the more terrifying he becomes, and right now sitting across from me; I’m watching a young man filled with wrath and...regret? Why is he feeling remorse for what happened to Hikari-chan, when the only people who knew were Takeru-kun and their Digimon partners? His fist shakes and grips onto the page a little too tight, and he almost rips it in half. Gently, my hand hovers over his, before going in and caressing his skin. Yamato finally looks in my direction, his face looking like the lost eleven-year-old I first met all those years ago; and all I can offer is a weak smile. “I never knew you cared about her like you care about Takeru-kun, that’s so sweet,” I comment, genuinely meaning it, but Yamato’s expression says otherwise. With the slightest twitch of his mouth, the light escaping his eyes, he wants to say something . I retract my hand, nodding to encourage him to speak his mind, but Yamato simply leans back in his chair. “Yeah...Hikari’s like family to me,” he looks away, eyes now focused on anything else but me. He’s not lying when he says that, over the years, all of us Chosen Children have naturally become like a second family. But for the Yagamis and Ishida-Takaishis, they take it to the next level. Those four are inseparable, and despite how messy their past was; gradually all of their lives became interwoven with one another. Yamato and Takeru-kun became the Yagamis’ new sons, vice versa for Taichi and Hikari-chan. Everyone knew this, even our peers who weren’t necessarily close to them knew of their close-knit dynamic. So why is Yamato objecting, why does he want to say otherwise? What are these mixed signals?
“Do you think we should have brought the Digimon?” who used to be the baby of our group asks as he enters the cafe. “Even if he came as Koromon, that’s an extra five mouths to feed. I don’t have the money for that, man,” our courageous leader quickly responds, clearly entering a venue he’s not familiar with. “Guys, come on, it’s Sora-san. I’m sure even our resident mother hen needs space to breathe and unwind,” the bearer of the Crest of Light reasons, and my heart swells up. “Kids, you didn’t tell me you were coming,” I joke while waving from our table. The trio notice us and quickly come over, exchanging greetings and starting off with small talk. I didn’t think of much of it before, especially since the cafe is so empty, but Yamato picked a table that has at least six chairs. With the two of us seated closest to the wall, Takeru-kun settles down on my side, Hikari-chan next to Yamato’s; and Taichi sits at the head of the table. As Taichi and Takeru-kun continue the conversation starters, Yamato leans forward, an apologetic smile written across his face. “I hope you don’t mind. I only told Hikari that we were hanging out, but idiot one and idiot two happened to be in the area, and really miss you,” the blonde explains, and on cue, Hikari-chan mouths her apology. “Oh, no, no, I don’t mind. I’ve missed everyone too,” and I mean that sincerely, smiling back at the two as they let out a breath in unified relief.  Ever since graduating Highschool, it has gotten harder to have gatherings like this, everyone’s schedule is all over the place and they have their own things going on. What is probing my mind is why, of all people, Hikari-chan knew Yamato and I were chilling together. It doesn’t add up, especially after that call earlier when he called the person... oh . Hold on, no, that’s...actually possible .
I keep my eye on the two of them, their brothers now fully talking amongst themselves and admiring the cafe. Yamato already looks less tense, Hikari-chan smiling like the sweetheart she is, until her eyes fall on the books scattered on the table. At first, I thought she was bothered by the mess; and I instinctively tried to clean up...but Yamato swiftly grabbed onto Hikari-chan’s shoulder, and tenderly rubbed it. I blink to make sure I’m not seeing things, but as soon as it starts, it ends. Yamato’s hand is no longer on Hikari-chan’s shoulder, but his hand does go under the table; and closer to her . I’m slightly blushing just watching this, I bring my drink to my lips once more to get my mind off this. The Chosen Child bearing the Crest of Friendship looks homely this winter evening. Yamato’s face is soft and warm when he’s looking at Hikari-chan, when he’s with her , period. It’s the same kind expression he gave me when Yamato was my boyfriend ; he’s comforting and reassuring her as more than just a friend.
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higuchimon · 4 years
[fanfic] Meaning of Choices:  Chapter 1
Daisuke scrambled up the hill, stopping next to a slender tree that jutted out of the side. It didn’t look as if it would stay stuck in there if he put his weight on it, so he didn’t. Instead, he looked behind him. Wormmon wriggled afterwards, worry in every line of his little body.
“Hey, do you want me to carry you?” Daisuke asked, dropping down to look Wormmon as much in the face as he could. “You’re looking a little tired.”
Wormmon hesitated, eyes casting back and forth, before he nodded slowly. “We need to get there as soon as we can.”
“I know.” Daisuke scooped up Wormmon and settled him on his shoulder. He glanced back the way they’d come. As hard as he tried, he couldn’t see Ken back there, nor any of the others. They’d gone too far already.
He pressed his lips together, then turned and started farther up the hill. Wormmon was right. The sooner they got to their destination, the better.
We’d already be there if I could fly. But while he’d been told that he could evolve – and he really wasn’t sure of how to feel about that – he didn’t know how. He really wasn’t sure of how to do anything that he was suppose to be able to do.
“Wormmon,” he asked as he scrambled higher up. “What’s it like to be a Digimon?”
Wormmon peered down at him. “Don’t you know? You are one.”
Daisuke wrinkled his nose. “Kinda sorta, you know. I mean, I’m supposed to be one, but I grew up thinking I’m human, right? We just found out a couple of days ago.” He still hadn’t figured out how to feel about that. Part of him wanted to keep on denying that it was true. He’d seen baby pictures of himself! Jun told him more than once about how she’d been happy being an only child and then he came along.
And now to find out that he wasn’t human at all? He hadn’t even mentioned this to his parents. He dreaded hearing what Jun would have to say. He’d get around to it one of these days. But not now. Not today.
Not when he needed to save Ken’s life.
Wormmon blinked, head tilted, as if he’d even even thought about that. “Oh. That’s right.” He slowly shook his head. “I’m sorry, I forgot. I’m so used to smelling Digimon off of Ken-chan that it’s just – what he is.”
Daisuke winced. He couldn’t help it; he didn’t blame Wormmon, though. But thinking about poor Ken back there, eyes round and shocked as the poison filled him, wasn’t what he wanted to think about right now. He didn't think Wormmon really did, either.
“He’s going to be okay!” Daisuke declared, and couldn’t have said if he meant it for Wormmon’s sake or his own. But he refused to believe otherwise. They would find the way to cure Ken. He was strong, anyway. Ken would survive this.
Wormmon nodded, pods clenching harder onto Daisuke’s shoulder. “That Sorcerimon is supposed to be around here. This is where he was the last time that Ken-chan went looking for him, anyway?”
Daisuke choked off a small laugh. At least he thought it was a laugh. It didn’t feel all that funny. But he tried. “It would be just our luck that he moved.” He wouldn’t blame him. The last time Ken had been in this area, at least according to Ken and Wormmon, was when he’d been the Kaiser. He’d hunted Sorcerimon for the simple purpose of putting him under his control.
Wormmon’s expression said that he agreed. Not that he was happy about it. If Sorcerimon wasn’t there, then Daisuke quite frankly had no idea of what they could do. Koushiro-san had promised to get hold of Jou-san and they would work on concocting a cure to Alarumon’s poison. They would also get Mimi-san and Palmon’s help. That would probably work since Palmon and Alarumon were kindred Digimon.
Daisuke kept forging onward. Somewhere around there was a Sorcerimon who could help, and he’d do whatever he had to do in order to find that Digimon.
They’d been having a very pleasant afternoon in the Digital World. Daisuke found a restaurant over in the States that served a new ramen he’d never had before, so he’d pestered Ken to coming there with him. He wanted to do something to take both of their minds off the information that Koushiro-san gave them – that Ken was the son of an evil Digimon called Piemon and Daisuke was an actual Digimon, crafted by – well, he didn’t want to think about that. Ramen was better. In point of fact, this particular ramen had been excellent, and both of them enjoyed themselves.
By the time they were done there, it was late enough that they decided to spend the night in the Digital World and go on home tomorrow. They’d settled down in a pleasant little valley, just as the sun started going down.
“What are you doing here?” A shriek echoed from a small grove of trees in the valley. “This is my place! You need to go away! Now!”
Daisuke barely had time to grasp the fact that a tiny Digimon that looked like a differently colored Palmon burst out from the grove, waving thorn-covered vine arms before shooting a Poison Ivy attack at them. Ken reacted first, darting in front of Daisuke, V-mon, and Wormmon, the vines wrapping around him and thorns sinking deep into his flesh.
Ken’s scream echoed so far that Daisuke wouldn’t have been surprised if people on Earth heard it. He and Wormmon raced forward at the same time, Wormmon spewing his net to wrap up the Digimon, Daisuke grabbing onto Ken and yanking the vines and thorns out of him.
“You’re in my home! Go away!” The Digimon screeched. “No one wants you here! You’re the Kaiser! I don't want you here!”
“He’s not the Kaiser anymore!” Daisuke snapped. “He stopped being that years ago! He’s helped the Digital World a lot more than he ever hurt it!”
“I don’t care! He put those nasty Rings on all of my friends! And I never saw them again! They're not even at the Village of Beginnings!” The Digimon shrieked. “He destroyed them completely!”
Before Daisuke could deny that – so far as he knew Ken hadn’t ever done anything like that – the Digimon wriggled one of their hands out of the bonds and pointed towards Ken. “Hungry Hand!”
A sphere of energy flew outwards and landed on Ken, sinking deeply into him. He jerked and bucked, mouth wide open in a soundless scream of agony, then sank down to the ground, eyes glazed over and closing.
“Ken!” The word ripped out of Daisuke’s throat and Wormmon’s at the same time. Daisuke caught Ken before he hit the ground, while Wormmon and V-mon fought to subdue the Digimon and keep them from attacking Ken again.
Ken didn’t open his eyes. He didn’t make another noise. He just lay there, quiet, wounds on his arms and throat where the initial Poison Ivy attack struck. He breathed, but very slowly – too slowly for Daisuke’s liking.
“My attack will kill the Kaiser!” The Digimon screeched. “No one can cure it! I’m Alarumon and I killed the Kaiser!” The laugh echoed much as Ken’s scream had.
Daisuke shook his head. That wasn’t going to happen. He wouldn’t let it. He grabbed for his D-Terminal and typed a quick message to the others, telling them what happened and wanting help. At least it wasn’t too late at night. They would be able to help.
Koushiro and Miyako showed up within minutes of his message. Jou would come soon, they assured him. Koushiro got to work scanning Ken and checking the records for any source of a cure.
“Our best chance is a Digimon called Sorcerimon,” he reported at last. “Apparently he has the ability of healing. We’re lucky; he doesn’t live very far away.” He nodded towards a rise of hills on the far side of the valley. “Someone needs to go ask him to help.”
Wormmon jerked himself up at once. “I’ll go!”
“But you can't evolve without Ken,” Daisuke pointed out. “I’ll go! Stay here and watch Ken for me?”
Wormmon dug his pods into the dirt next to Ken. “No. I’m his partner. I should have protected him better so this didn’t happen. I’m going.”
Koushiro cleared his throat as politely as possible. “You can both go. Wormmon might not be able to evolve, but we haven’t determined the requirements you need to evolve just yet, Daisuke-kun. You might be able to on this trip. My scans indicate you will have a flying form – exactly what sort, I don’t know. But it could be useful.”
Daisuke managed a nod and looked at V-mon. “You stay here, then?”
“You got it! You be careful!” V-mon insisted. Then he grinned, perhaps a bit more widely than the situation really called for. “I wanna see you evolve too, Daisuke!”
Daisuke grinned; he didn’t think it was much of one, but he tried. “How will we recognize Sorcerimon?”
“He’s a variant of Wizarmon,” Koushiro reported. “All in white and blue, specializing in ice magic. Or so the data tells. I’ve never met one myself.”
Daisuke decided he didn’t need any more information. He pointed himself towards the hills, bid a quick farewell, and started running. Wormmon followed him, bouncing along fairly fast.
He wasn’t sure of how long he’d been running. Only that it was a long time and it was still night. The hills were farther away than they’d seemed. He still had his D-Terminal with him and he kept an eye on it whenever he got a new message. It seemed the rest of the Chosen had turned up to try and help in whatever way they could, even if it was just to sit there with Ken. Whatever they’d been doing didn’t matter right now.
Daisuke kept on running. Having Wormmon on his shoulder didn’t slow him down; the little Digimon wasn’t very heavy. He wondered if that also had to do with being a Digimon himself. He still couldn’t quite figure out how he should feel about that. He didn’t know what it meant; how did it change about he knew about himself? How did it change what he could do?
He hadn’t talked to any of the others about it yet. He’d seen how confused – and how thrilled – Miyako was to find out there was a pretty good chance that she’d be able to fly on her own. Yamato-san, Jou-san, Koushiro-san, and Sora-san all seemed pretty at ease with themselves. But they’d known what they were for years now. And they weren't – like him.
“The sun is coming up,” Wormmon murmured into his ear. Daisuke blinked, turned the way Wormmon indicated, and saw the thin line of light at the horizon. How much longer did Ken have?
He took a few more steps. No more than that, because then he became engulfed in a freezing mist. He blinked a few times at it, then looked around. “Wormmon? You're seeing this, right?” It wouldn’t be the first time some Digimon struck with something that not everyone could see.
“Yes. I think this is Sorcerimon's work. It happened the last time I was here too.” Wormmon fidgeted before he raised up his head. “Sorcerimon Sorcerimon!”
A cold voice came out of the mist. “I know who you are, partner to the Digimon Kaiser.”
Wormmon sighed nearly as loudly as Daisuke did. “Ken-chan’s not the Kaiser anymore That was over years ago!”
“Oh, he may no longer call himself that. But he is the blood of Piemon – as I have always known.” Whoever spoke scoffed. “And the blood of Piemon will always tell true. He is a monster in the making and in the waiting. But tell me what brings you here without him and with the spawn of ”
Daisuke interrupted that before the words could be said. “Ken’s been attacked by an Alarumon. He’s sick – he might even be ” The words there stuck in his throat. “Really sick. Koushiro-san said that you could cure him.”
“Alarumon? Yes, I could reverse the poison. That is within my power. But to save one who has caused so much hurt? Who could do even more in the future? No. That I will not do.”
Daisuke and Wormmon both started to say something else. Sorcerimon interrupted before they could. “You cannot even accept what you are. If you cannot accept that, then why should I accept that you know his true nature? I seek to protect the Digital World even when it is difficult to do so. Why do you not?”
Wormmon leaped off of Daisuke’s shoulder and stared into the mist as if he were more than ready to tackle it on his own. “Because Ken-chan is my partner and he doesn’t deserve to die! He’s just barely started to believe that about himself Why do you think you can tear that down?”
“He may or may not deserve to die. But he is dangerous – as as you, Akigaramon.”
Daisuke flinched at the name that he’d only heard once and which resonated in parts of him he refused to acknowledge. “That’s not -”
“That is your name. Do not deny it. Dangers to the Digital world should not be fostered. Akogimon may well die. Alarumon’s poison is deadly to humans. An Ultimate of Piemon’s power, not so much. If he is more human than Piemon’s ilk, he will die. If he is more Digimon, then he may not – and he should.”
Daisuke couldn’t have shook his head any harder if he’d put effort into it. “No. No. You’re wrong!”
To Be Continued
Note: Okay, this one was rough for me to oome up with a plot for. Thus why it’s late and why it’s chaptered when I really didn’t want to chapter it. I know I could have just skipped the day – but I didn’t want to. Note: As of August 5, 2020, this story is on indefinite hiatus. I intended to restart in September, but YGO GX Month came up and it gave me ideas. So, once that’s taken care of, I’ll return to my WIPs.
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cloudyyoonji · 5 years
Warm Kisses & Scarves.
Han Jisung x Reader.
Summary: Time alone is rare, but Han Jisung Is even rarer.
Genre: Heated Fluff, FLUFF!!!!
You knew just by the smirk plastered on Jisung’s face that he was up to no good today.  
From the very moment the members left the dorm, to the second you picked up the book you’d been reading, the boy would make his intentions crystal clear.
“Y/N,” He whines, shaking your body, “I’m bored.”
You don’t even look up from your book, without missing a beat you’re quick to reply. “Hi bored, I’m Y/N.”
He hits your arm, another whine slipping through his lips in a twisted, exasperated smile.
You half smile, briefly meeting his eyes for just a second before looking down at the book.
“Y/N, C’mon.”
Even his words are drawn out in a slow drawl, fingers around your arm to shake your body once again.
“What? I’m reading!” You reply, eyebrows furrowing as you try and figure out where you were up to. “Go make some music.”
Putting his chin on your shoulder, you can feel his eyes plastered on yours. “Why would I leave? You’re here. That’d be mean.”
You barely hear his answer, so immersed in the letters in front of you.
Though it seems to work, because the boy gets up after a few minutes, leaving the room with a small huff. You’re quick to relax into the couch a little more, taking in the world written out in front of you in quick flicks of the eyes; back and forth.
But his chin on your shoulder, breath heavy on your neck, is enough to make butterflies form in your stomach, eyes not even scanning the words anymore.
“Jisung, what are you doing?” “Sh, I’m reading.”
Seconds feel like minutes as they pass, each more agonizing than the last. He made you so nervous, even now, just like this. But the moment is over in a flash. He pulls back, nodding slightly.
“Your book seems interesting.”
He wasn’t stupid. You know he knows what he’s doing, aim being to distract you for some unknown reason. So your eyes follow him as he circles back into the lounge room, hands reaching for the bookmark situated on the coffee table.
Sitting up you sigh at him, watching as his eyes level from his phone to your eyes, a surprised look appearing on his features.
“Well,” You sigh, putting the book down. “You’ve got my attention now, so what is it you want?”
He blinks at you. “Sorry?”
“You heard me Han Jisung.”
He blinks at you again, putting down the phone. “Sorry if I distracted you too much, but don’t worry about it. Continue reading, your book seems really good.”
Eyes narrowing at the boy, you observe him for just another moment before picking up the book, rifling through the pages to get to your marked page.
Your fingers don’t quite touch the cardboard bookmark before the whole book is ripped away from your hands, placed on the coffee table by an eager Jisung, who crashes his lips to yours with a surprising lightness. 
Every detail seems to fall into place with this boy. Bad days became good ones. Tears became smiles. The shaking became laughing. And it was all him, all because of the way he could just grab you and press a kiss to your lips with a kind reassurance that no matter the situation, things could most definitely get better.
You liked being with him like this; near, close.
Despite its lightness, this kiss was intense, needing. It was as warm as the fabric of the couch, as warm as the afternoon sun even.
Moments like this were rare, busy schedules normally being to blame. You barely got time alone together anymore with the promotions and the concerts in your wake. Despite the classic makeout cliche, you two couldn’t deny the fact this was the first time alone you’d had in months.
The sound of the lock turning and the squeak of the door sends you literally flying apart, panting slightly as you try and catch your breaths.
“Cover your eyes Maknae.”
The sound of Chan’s voice, followed by the disgusted noise of Changbin.
“C’ mon guys, we live here too.” Felix teases, walking past the living room to get to his room, a few bags lining his arms.
As the rest of them pile in, chatter high and buzzing in the air, you’re all immersed in conversation, the boys now migrating to the living room couches.
Despite the awkward situation they’d walked in on, surprisingly they’re all calm about the situation, throwing in comments every now and then that makes you blush and Jisung laugh. Like now, as you’re all immersed in conversation over a movie, somehow your names come up in the conversation.
“See, it's like Y/N and Jisung, they’re living their best PG13 life.” “Hyung that makes no sense, Jisung is like 7, and so is Y/N.”
The boy sighs at the maknae, shaking his head. “7+7= 14, Jeongin. They’re a collective age of 14.” “Oh…”
“Yah!” You exclaim, throwing your hands up in exasperation. “That makes no sense. You’re confusing the poor boy!” Seungmin puts a finger to his lips, signaling for you to be quiet, which you hit his arm for.
“Minho, Changbin and I are going to get some dinner at the convenience store. Anyone want to come?”
You drag your gaze from Seungmin, landing on Felix - who is shrugging on a coat.
“I’ll come.” You shrug, getting up from your spot next to Jisung.
Chan immediately swoops in and steals the spot, a suspicious smile on his features. “You go Y/N, Jisung and I are going to have a little chat.”  
And with that, you all let out a chorused “oooh’s”, Jisung hiding his face in his hands with an embarrassed smile.
Putting on your padded coat, you flash Jisung a reassuring smile as his features knot with anxiety, fingers fiddling with rings and teeth biting at the skin of his lips.
As Felix opens the door, you feel the cold air hit your face, goosebumps spreading down your arms and legs. It's a cold night, but the quiet walk to the convenience store is somewhat warm in nature, full of laughs and red cheeks.
The lights of the store are like a warm beacon, drawing you in with every step taken. But a hand on your shoulder stops you, your gaze shooting upwards to meet the fabric of a black scarf. Changbin is quick to wrap it around your neck, the cold skin now insulated by the warmth of the wooly scarf.
“Uh…” you trail off, not so sure what to say. Why was he giving you his scarf?
“You’ll thank me later.” And with that, the group is moving again, leaving you behind in a state of utter confusion.
Half an hour, 3 servings of fried chicken, 10 instant rice packs, and a few servings kimchi later, you’ve all paid for the food and are faced with the hefty task of carrying them home.
“Okay,” you sigh, switching the shopping bag from one hand to the other. “Was it just me or was that woman behind us in the lineup giving me the death glare.”
“Oh, she definitely was.” Minho nods. “Ah! I knew I wasn’t crazy!”
As you all continue walking, Felix tugs down the scarf a little, seemingly trying to play it off with a smile as you two make eye contact.
The thoughts seem to click in your mind, finally realizing that perhaps something is most certainly going on. First the scarf, now this? Stopping in your tracks, you can't help but meet each of their eyes, curiosity eating at you.
“What's going on?” You ask suspiciously, raising an eyebrow. “Perhaps you should ask Jisung.”
Minho’s arm is hit by Felix as soon as the words leave his mouth.
Both eyebrows are raised now, mouth open in surprise.
“Jisung?” You splutter, eyes wide. “Why?”
Changbin sigh, turning towards the two.
“We need to get back to the dorms. It’s late.” “No, we have to tell her.”
Lee Minho sighs, head in hands. “Changbin put the scarf on you to hide something, okay?”
“Sorry?” You question, eyes wide in confusion.
They all shift uncomfortably, fiddling with their clothes. It’s like they’re too awkward to point out something, say something obvious.
“There’s a mark.” Felix tells you, stuffing his hands in his pockets.
“A mark?” You question, not quite comprehending.
“Yes,” Changbin sighs, defeated. “On your neck... from Jisung.”
Immediately your features flush red. If you could just simply melt away at this moment, surely you would. Hiding your face away in your hands you can’t help but squeak in embarrassment. How did you not know?!
All three now laughing boys, drag you along the path, reveling in your sheer embarrassment, and leading you to your ultimate damnation; the dorms.
The moment you’re all back, you can’t even bring yourself to look anyone in the eyes. Tugging the scarf a little closer to your neck, you quickly bypass everyone in the living area to the kitchen, setting up the instant rice packs whilst Felix handles the plating up of the chicken strips.
Dinner seems to go past in a pink blur, full of quite exchanges and flushed cheeks as you listen to the conversation at the table. It’s like you melt when you and Jisung finally make eye contact, cheeks turning pink at just the site of him.
You’re quick to shift your gaze to Chan, who has a worry etched into his features.
“Aren’t you overhearing in the scarf? It’s really warm in here.”
Shooting Minho a subtle dirty look as the boy chokes back a laugh, you give Chan a smile, shaking your head.
“I’m actually a little cold Chan. The scarf is keeping me warm though.”
As he nods, Jisung shoots you a worried look from across the table, clearly concerned by your contradicting flushed face, and the wooly scarf around your neck.
So after dinner, you rush off to your room, quietly shutting the door behind you before immediately ripping of the scarf, breathing a little sigh in relief as the cold air soothes your itching neck.
“Are you okay?”
The words make you jump, whirling around to see just where they came from, but landing on your boyfriend instead, who sits on the bed in the corner pajamas ridden, phone connected to the wall charger. His hair damp, darker in color. It illuminates his features oddly, giving him more of a mysterious vibe despite his contradicting pajamas.
Face flushing yet again, you shyly nod, eyes tracking to the floor.
He watches you for a few moments, concern breaking slowly into realization in his bright smile.
“Oh,” he says, eyes tracking back to the phone. “You’re cute.”
Head in your hands, you can’t even look at the boy. Your heart is wild in your chest, the beat loud in your ears.
“What did Chan say to you?” You ask, mustering the courage to look at Jisung. “Was he mad?”
“Mad? No, not at all.” He replies, sitting up, phone on the nightstand now.
“Oh...” “Why’s that? Did one of the boys say he was mad?”
You shake your head, cringing a little as you remember the embarrassing thing you were in fact told about.
But your apprehension doesn’t go unnoticed, the boys gaze turning confused.
“What did they say?”
Rather than saying you simply just turn your head, cheeks flushing a little as you do so.
“O-oh..” The boy stumbles, awkwardness quickly filling the room in the span of one word. You cringe at it, not lifting your eyes off the floor.
His feet are soon in front of yours, a gentle hand under your chin to push your gaze back to him.
“I mean, we were interrupted before.” “Yah, Jisung. You’re crazy.”
And just like that, his signature smirk sends your heart into another frenzy. “Perhaps I am.”
From the words to the way he steps forwards ever so slightly, his movements are soft; careful and slightly unsure. It’s the brush of his damp hair on your face as he leans forward, the way in which his fingers are soft on your cheek. Your fingers tangle in the front of his cotton shirt, pulling him closer if even humanly possible. The kiss itself is sweet; comforting.
But when you pull back, breathing a little hard, you can’t but help shake your head at how the boy in front of you makes your heart beat so irregularly, and something deep inside in your stomach swell with so much love and passion.
Stepping back, you crack a smile, meeting his eyes properly for the first time in a few hours.
“You are certainly crazy Jisung.” “Hm, but only for you, my love.”
Making a face at his cheesiness, you shove him away playfully, turning around to grab some pajamas from your draw.
But the sound of the lock clicking from behind you makes you whirl around, eyes wide as they watch a smirking Jisung who is now walking towards you.
“You know, we were interrupted earlier.”
“Interrupted?” You question, watching his every move, from the way he walks to the way he pushes his hair back.
“You know,” he begins. “It was a little something like this.”
And like that your hands are in his, putting you in a trace like state as the boy pulls you towards him, soft and comforting.
When his lips are back in yours, it’s like everything falls into place once more, completely in sync with each other.
Uninterrupted at last you were, pulling each other closer as if to say ‘at last, we can finally be alone together.”
Moments like this with Jisung were precious, almost nonexistent between schedules and work. But now, here you are, wrapped in the arms of the boy you know and love, his lips on yours with surprising gentleness.
You’re not sure how long you two are actually together for, just knowing that the feeling of the boy just being with you made you feel whole, loved even.
Lips slightly swollen, and faces tainted with pink cheeks, the situation was somewhat still comical. You know the teasing will be somehow worse now, as minutes turned into an hour quicker then they had when the boys had been gone. Surely they’d noticed your absences.
But as you enter the living room, a little disheveled and short of breath, the 7 didn’t seem to take much notice, scattered around the living and dining area. The 00 line seem to be caught up in a game of monopoly, whilst others are embedded in a game of Mario Kart.
Sighing in relief, you give Jisung a small smile, but spot Minho’s subtle smirk to Chan over his shoulder.
Relief comes and goes like a flood, leaving only embarrassment as the four of you catch each other’s eyes.
Chan raises an eyebrow, a smirk playing on his lips. He leans over to the both of you, a whisper on his tongue.
“You’re both going to need a scarf.”
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staytiny-angel · 5 years
Safe Haven 2/?
Co-written with @scream-qween
Pairings: Drew McIntyre/Becky Lynch, Eventually Drew McIntyre/Becky Lynch/Seth Rollins, Jon Moxley/Renee Young, Sasha Banks/Bayley/Charlotte Flair
Warnings: Violence, Language
Word Count: 1799
Summary: After an 8-year absence, 25-year-old Seth Rollins returns home to his pack but in no way resembling the Beta Werewolf that ran away after a violent misunderstanding with his brothers.
Seth is feral, and trapped in a form the bitten wolf shouldn't even be capable of, it turns out that he is the victim of a powerful curse that would make him a mindless slave.
Meanwhile Alpha Werewolf Drew McIntyre and his Part Banshee, Part Sea Witch mate Becky Lynch have joined the unorthodox pack of Haven in search of the final member of the Triad a seer told the pair they were destined to be apart of.
Taglist: @sethsevolution  @feathers-and-flesh-and-wrestling @deepdisireslonging  @writtingrose  @pikapuff316 @hitory--chan @finnsauroraborealis @the-beastslayers-queen
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Becky slowly walked toward the cage, not taking her eyes away from the deadly predator currently staring at her with golden-brown eyes. Kneeling next to her mate she took his hand in hers and hesitantly reached through the thick sliver infused bars with the other.
Seth lifted his massive body up to sniff almost delicately at her hand before whining in the back of his throat and laying back down.
"I believe that's a 'Yes, you can touch me', Spitfire" Drew says with a slight smile.
Becky took a deep breath and reached into the bars again waiting until Seth lifted his head up to smell it once more. "If he bites me, I'm killing Reigns" she muttered. Much to her surprise however, Seth let out a content like a sigh and nudged her hand with his snout.
"He let you touch him?!" Roman exclaimed in surprise, causing Seth to growl at the sound of his big brother's voice
"Shut the fuck up, Alpha," Becky said quietly, "If he bites me I'll fucking drown you, dry land or no"
"Shhh, It's okay." Becky uncharacteristically cooed gently at the trapped wolf "That big dumb brother of yours won't say another fucking word."
Becky started to chant underneath her breath and an ocean blue light surrounded both the hand holding Drew's and the one she had placed on Seth's head.
Seth closed his eyes, sighing, revealing dark brown eyes, as Becky's magic faded. "Becky!" Drew yelled as the redhead almost collasped. "I'm fine, he's fine"
Seth barked in response, wagging his tail. "Fucking dork" Roman chuckled
"You might want to get the siren" Becky said shaking her head to clear it. "That curse is a fucked up thing, it's powered from his life energy. I managed to block it from siphoning more off of him but I don't know how long my shield will last"
Becky stood up and flipped the latches on the cage door and opened it. Seth practically lept at the redhead knocking her back down
"Becky!" Drew called out
"I'm okay," Becky said on an almost giggle as the 400-pound werewolf licked her face and nuzzled at her like an overgrown puppy
The sounds of footsteps pounded down the basement stairs as Hunter, Stephanie, Mox and another heavily bearded man with an acoustic guitar strapped across his back filled the basement
"Hey baby brother," Mox said as Seth ran over to him, Stephanie petting his head. Roman slowly got up and left, Seth noticing and whining. "He's wondering about that" Elias said, sounding bored. "Give him time to adjust honey, he hasn't forgiven himself"
Seth yipped in response shaking his head "You've been gone a long time doll, shit changes." Elias told him before sitting cross-legged in front of the wolf and placing a hand on Seth's head, a green glow surrounding both of them. "Whatever shield you put up against the curse...magic can get through to him easily now." He says to Becky
"Don't get used to this, brat." The acerbic man tells Seth, "You owe me free coffee and a place to perform for the rest of my life once you get your shop up and running. No offense to Cesaro, but his coffee will never be as good as yours"
Seth somehow managed to make an expression of disgust and grunted at the siren
"Now you and your Alpha will hold up your end of the bargain?" Drew asked Mox.
"Sure, if you like sharing your food with a pair of vampires" Mox replied with a shit-eating grin
"WHAT?! You betray our kind" Drew snapped, Seth, stepping in between them and barking.
"He says thank you for helping him but please don't disrespect his family, ANY of his family," Elias says to Drew quietly
"Violet babysat him when he was little" Stephanie says "Finn played Lego with him, they are his family. We only found him in the woods because Violet smelled the blood from the mansion" the older witch shook her head.
"If Violet and Finn had been anything other then Vampires, they absolutely would have raised him themselves. It broke their hearts just as much as ours when he left" Hunter added
Seth whined "Oh yeah kid, you're in deep shit. Queenie is gonna get you for running off like a little bitch" Elias says with a nasty smirk
Seth looked down guiltily and nudged his brother. Mox immediately began petting his head. "Who did this to you?" Drew asked Seth who barked in response
"What?!" Elias' magic flashed poison green before settling back into a more mellow shade "Paul Heyman?! He says he went looking for his birth parents. He wanted to know where he came from...about a year ago he got in a fight with Heyman's pet monster and ended up like this. Hold on you've been like this for a fucking year?!" Elias exclaimed "You were trapped in full shift for a year. You were only feral for 3 months the best that you can guess?"
Seth whined, and looked down. "Seth, honey. Why didn't you tell me? I could have found them" Stephanie said.
"He didn't want to" Mox said. "That's what we fought about. I said that they were probably dead. Ro...he said he'd be turning his back on us if he went looking for them. Roman lost his temper and attacked him, that's why Seth ran"
Seth howled "I'm sorry little brother. I...shouldn't have said that bullshit." Mox says dropping to the ground and wrapping his arms around his brother.
"That's where I know that curse from" Stephanie says quietly "Heyman. He developed it. It strips Born Shifters of their humanity....holy shit. That's why it didn't work on you, Starshine. Heyman's curse only works fully on Born Shifters. He must have assumed you were one."
"We have to turn Seth back to normal first," Mox said firmly. "Before I rip Heyman to pieces"
"Take him to Finn and Violet," Elias said, "You can turn him back now I assume?" He says looking at Becky and Stephanie
Stephanie nodded looking at Becky "If you can keep your shield spell up, I know the counter curse for this. I've done it for someone else in our pack that used to be one of Heyman's pets. Cesaro wasn't under it for as long as Seth has been."
"Your gonna need a big ass circle for this one, boss lady." Elias told her "and you are definitely gonna need Balor to fortify it. A lot of energy is pent up inside Twinkle here."
"Can I ask what's with all the star references? He wears a shooting star necklace too." Becky asks
Seth dropped to the floor in embarrassment, "Oh its because he's obsessed with space." Stephanie explained with a smile "He wanted to be an Astronomer when he was a little boy"
Seth let out a series of mumbles that made Elias chuckle. "He still has that potty mouth"
"Do you think Heyman knows that the spell didn't work on Seth?" Hunter finally speaks up
"Let's hope he didn't think it wasn't powerful enough, last thing we need is him boosting his magic" Stephaine replies
"Are you strong enough for this?" Stephanie asked Becky, who nodded. "Let's finish it and bring him back." The younger woman replied
"Come on Seth," his mother told him. "Time to face your other set of parents."
The group headed along the path that winded through the south woods that bordered Haven to a large mansion that looked like It had been dropped there from the Victorian era.
"This place makes so much sense now that we know who lives inside." Becky told her mate.
"Yeah" Drew grumbled, still unhappy about this turn of events.
Seth had stuck close to the pair the entire walk, at times dancing around them and nipping at their heels like he was excited about something.
Elias looked down at the wolf and snorted "You know all hell is about to break loose when everyone figures that out right?"
Seth barked at him, giving his friend a wolfy smirk before he turned to Mox, with an evil glint in his eyes.
"Don't you fucking dare-" Mox was suddenly shoved down, landing in dirt, Seth howling at him, looking at Drew and Becky, the pair laughing.
"You little shit" Mox growled, taking his jacket off before shifting himself, turning into a reddish brown wolf before tackling Seth.
"What will cause all hell to break loose?" Becky asked Elias
The siren let out a rusty laugh, like it wasn't a sound he made often "I hope the two of you like living in Haven. He won't want to leave again anytime soon" he says cryptically before taking the guitar off his back and strumming it as he walked along
"He won't want to leave again?" Becky whispered to her mate "He as in Seth?"
"I don't understand love. Sirens are...cheeky" He teased.
"Damn right" Becky grinned, slapping Drew on the ass before continuing her path.
The group came across a wolf sitting on the stairs, jumping from his spot. "Hey Baron" Elias greeted. "We need to see Finn and Violet"
Baron looked at the blond streaked wolf and let out a howl.
"Yep, your senses aren't betraying you, the Prince has returned" Elias answered him
The huge black wolf spun and ran up the stairs of the mansion barking his head off.
"Baron!" a woman's French-accented voice called out, "What is that racket you are making Mon Loup?"
An unnaturally pale but beautiful blue-haired woman came into view followed by a bearded man with short brown hair.
"Finn, Violet something happened while you were away from home" Stephanie says
Violet sniffed at the air, and gasped at the familiar, long missed scent "My baby?!"
Seth barked and ran forward, Drew unknowingly tensing. "I missed you Chaton," Violet said, kissing his furry head.
"Why is he fully shifted….he shouldn't be able…." Violet started to ask as she unceremoniously sat on the foyer floor and pulled the huge wolf into her lap. Finn sat down next to her and Seth immediately moved so that he was draped across both Vampires as he growled softly at them.
"Hey twinkle? My French and Gaelic are both real fucking rusty, would ya mind thinking in English?" Elias sighed rubbing his temples. "I know. I know. Automatic reaction to being with your Vampiric parental units. Apology accepted."
"He says….Twinkle I know, that part has to be in French I do know that word." Elias rolls his eyes in exasperation "He says he's sorry for leaving without telling you, Maman."
"Do it again and I'll kick your fuzzy little ass" Violet says quietly, but with feeling
Finn sat there petting Seth before saying "Don't you EVER worry us like that again." A low growl entered his voice, his eyes flashing blood red. "All THREE of us will kick your ass."
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limitlessgojo · 3 years
Blood Bound: Red Strings of Fate (Ch 3)
Warnings: Action, Coarse Language, Fighting, Descriptions of Blood
Previous Chapter: The Rebirth
Next Chapter: Cherry Blossom Storm
Tags: Soulmates AU, Angst, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Fem!Reader
Taglist: @lessie-oxj, @rizzo-nero, @whoreuc
Notes: If you want to be tagged for every update, please mention it in the comments below ty.
Chapter 3: What's Your Ideal Type?
Todo senpai looked you over and was seemingly checking you out thoroughly. ‘Are all the seniors like this here?!’ You wondered.
You tried to hide behind Noritoshi senpai who put a hand over you protectively. His sleeve was wide enough to block out your entire body from view. At this, Todo’s eyebrow raised. Oh? Noritoshi's interested in a cute girl?
“I’m sorry senpai, what do you mean by that question?” you asked, thinking that you just misheard him. "Exactly what I meant. Who is your type?"
"Todo" Noritoshi said in warning. There was a dark edge to his voice and his entire body tensed as he prepared to fight.
"Answer me. Or else I'll beat you." He smirked and ripped off his jacket.
You stared agape and clung onto Noritoshi's spread arm sleeves. "Eh? EHHH?! I don't want anyone to get hurt. But I don't want to say something so personal to a stranger."
"Todo Aoi. 16 years old. I like tall girls with big cute butts. My favorite idol is Takada-chan. Call me Todo Senpai. Pleasure to meet you. Now we are friends." He grinned maniacally.
You shook your head in a daze. This man is insane. "I guess I can tell you… but only when the both of us are alone."
Noritoshi looked at you affronted and slightly offended. Why would you leave him out of it?! "Ah as much as possible I don't like telling people such things, because I'm a bit of a private person. But since Todou senpai also shared his type of girl, I feel like I can share my ideal man." You reasoned, seeing how Noritoshi senpai felt left out.
"Fine with me. Let's go outside the building then." Todou smirked.
Alarm bells were ringing in Noritoshi's head. Last year, back when he first met Todo, he got beat into a pulp for not answering said question.
He stood protectively over you, blocking you from Todo's view and said, "No. You'll just end up hurting her."
"Tch, don't get in my way Kamo. You're always such a huge pain in the ass. You never even answered my question and it's been a year. I'm pretty sure you have a boring ideal type." Todo huffed out.
"I'll beat you up then." Todo grinned as Noritoshi made no moves to leave your side.
Todo rushed forward, ready to hit Noritoshi, while Noritoshi held onto a blood bag to defend himself. But you moved the fastest. You quickly stood in front of Noritoshi, moving past him silently, and held out a single hand.
Todo froze. Literally. He couldn't move his hands, arms, legs. He can't activate his cursed technique like this, and you knew it. The use of hand movement is a very significant part of Jujutsu Techniques.
Your technique gave you an edge above the rest, making you very effective at combat against other Jujutsu sorcerers. Which is why an esper as capable as you only appears once in every 200 years in your family.
Noritoshi stood impressed. Your cursed energy output was very steady. "Todo senpai. I'm so sorry and pardon me for immobilising you, but let's take this outside and leave Noritoshi senpai out of it."
With a snap of your fingers, you released him from your technique and he staggered to the ground. His muscles felt all tight and painful.
You turned to Noritoshi. "Noritoshi senpai, it's okay. I'm quite capable at defense. He won't be able to reach me." You confidently stated with a smile. "Are you okay?" You checked on him.
He gave a slight scoff, "I should be the one asking you that! This man here is dangerous…. And he also happens to be a classmate of mine." Noritoshi sighed out.
Todo grunted. "Don't talk about me like I'm not here. Cmon lets go outside and just answer my question already."
"After you Todo senpai." You motioned, then followed him outside. As soon as you were a certain distance from Noritoshi, you activated a cubical barrier which blocked off sound.
Todo looked impressed. "You're a first year?! At this level? Color me amazed little girl."
You were unamused. "I'm not a little girl. I'm currently 15 years old and my ideal type is a guy who is at least a head taller than me. Black hair. Cute sleepy eyes. Nice big hands. Someone who may come off as cool or detached to others but is warm with me. The gap Moe is the most important part." By the end of it you were rambling.
Todo looked at you with a knowing glint. "Big hands? That's all?" You flushed thinking about abs and pecs. "Ahh uhmm, the other things aren't really ….. appropriate for me to say??"
"Don't hold back. I won't tell anyone else and I don’t judge. I just want to size you up. You can know a person just based on their fetishes."
Fetishes?! "Uhhh… a nice set of abs… and pecs…. But he doesn't have to be too muscular, I like a fit guy who is on the slender and graceful side…."
"Do you realize that Kamo fits your ideal type?!" He howled out with laughter. "SHHHH TODO SENPAI SHUSHH". You screeched, momentarily forgetting that you had a barrier up.
"Wait … Does he have nice abs?! Oh man I'm not gonna be able to get that image out of my mind now…" You groaned.
"You have good taste. Finally, someone who has a decent fetish, Tsuchi Chan." Todo grinned down at you. He patted you on the shoulder. "Good luck with him. He's as dense as they come. I'm also still looking forward to sparring with you."
"I-im not interested in Noritoshi Senpai!" You huffed out with red cheeks. "Please don't assume things." You were in denial. And Todo senpai knew it.
"I don't think that's how it works, Tsuchi Chan." He was still laughing at you.
You harrumphed. "Also why are you so interested in sparring with me anyways?"
"You have a lot of cursed energy. Way more than anyone else here in Kyoto Jujutsu High. I sensed that and with my brilliant IQ of 135000, I am assuming you would be a powerful opponent. Which was why I felt like I wanted to battle you." Todo said truthfully.
Oh. That's nice. "Well I hope to do so also when we have training together." You clapped your hands and the barrier fell apart.
Noritoshi rushed over to you and hovered his hands over you. You turned to him with one hand up, "I'm all good. It's all good Noritoshi senpai." You smiled up at him.
He scanned your eyes before nodding and face darkening when he turned back to Todo, who was staring at him intently. "Are you done interrogating her Todo?"
"It wasn't so much interrogation as it was a good chat hey?" He smiled at you. You tilted your head in a meh kind of way and stood to hold onto Noritoshi's sleeve. "It was okay, but it's still weird to ask people about their fetishes after meeting them for the first time."
Noritoshi's heart fluttered when you took hold of the edges of his sleeve.
"So, are you going to tell us who's your type Kamo?" Todo asked.
Your heart skipped a beat as you let go of the sleeve as you took a step backwards. "Uhhh I'm not sure if I'm supposed to intrude on this convo..."
"Someone who I can trust. Someone honest and who will stay by my side for a long time." He said coolly. You drank in his words, forever etching them into your memory.
Trustworthy. Honest. Loyal.
"Boooooring. You’re a boring person Kamo." Todo yawned and stretched. "Only Tsuchi Chan is interesting so far. Everyone else has shitty taste."
Noritoshi looked over at you curiously, but you pointedly avoided his gaze. "Todo senpai it's a secret between us you promised." You pouted.
But he only waved his hand, "I'm not that much of a bad sport. A secret will stay a secret, and it's safe with me."
You nodded and sighed in relief.
"So are you both out on a date right now? I've been meaning to ask." Todo senpai smiled.
Evil. He is evil. You and Noritoshi both flushed bright red and stammered out, "No no no."
"I was showing her around the campus."
"Noritoshi senpai is kind enough to bring me around campus."
"Hmmmm… then would you mind if I join the two of you?" Todo asked.
"Yes we do mind. I'd prefer it if it was only the two of us." Noritoshi irritably spoke. He just wasn't in the mood to deal with Todo right now.
You quickly whipped your head to face him in surprise. He jolted at your movement, and his face softened when your eyes met. "Of course if you don't mind or want him to tag along he can. I just want to help you familiarise yourself with the campus.”
You stammered out something ineligible but you were saved by Todo senpai.
“I was only kidding. Takada chan has a live stream in 10 minutes and that is way more important. Enjoy your not-date around campus.” Todo called out with a wave of his hand as he turned back to the dorms.
“What on earth just happened?” you laughed out loud as you and Noritoshi made your way to the classrooms. He shook his head. “I don’t even want to think about it anymore.”
Feel free to ask me anything if you have any questions about the fic and the characters. I will answer as long as it won't be a major spoiler^^/ 💜Mon
Blood Bound: Table of Contents
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cetaceans-pls · 6 years
Splash Free! Open 24/7
Haru isn’t sure when it got more efficient to hire a waterbender than it was to power a bunch of washing machines, but it’s steady work, he’s strong enough to cope with literally the entire country, and Makoto always looks extra pleased when their clothes tumble out smelling spring fresh, so. 
Life’s good.
(Or, the one where Haru accidentally becomes the owner of the largest, most successful cleaning businesses of Japan, and it all starts with Makoto.)
AU Yeah August Day 5 : Laundromat (Free! MakoHaru, Bending AU)
“Haruuuuuu!” Makoto’s voice floats easily on the humid air, and Haru raises his head from the water level of the tub. It takes a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a second for Haru to categorise the tone of voice; no, Makoto is not in danger, or afraid, or stressed, or angry.
Sounds like a tinge of irritation and the barest hint of frustration. He’s good to stay in the water, because Makoto will come to him. That settled, Haru goes back to making little fish jump out of the water and swim lazily around him. It’s a hot summer’s day, and feeling fine fins brush against his forehead and shoulders is just sublime.
On cue, almost, Makoto comes barrelling into the bathroom, holding the basket of dirty clothes they’ve accumulated over the past few days. “Haruuuuuu,” Makoto calls mournfully again, though he finds a smile back right quick when Haru sends over a watery fish to swim lazily around his head. “The washing machine’s broken again, but I have to get my nice dress shirt washed before my big presentation tomorrow!”
Makoto’s voice indicates that he’s edging closer to Distressed, so Haru sits up and pays attention. “What’s wrong with it?” He’s not a mechanic, but frankly ridiculous waterbending skills aside, Haru’s also generally very handy.
Makoto, however, is not. He frowns. “All the lights light up, and the water pours into the drum, but then it won’t move? It just shudders and makes really weird noises.” Makoto then spends some of his limited time on this Earth trying to create the groaning, whirring sound of a malfunctioning washing machine, and Haru’s besotted even though his face doesn’t show it. 
He gets up and wicks the water away, so he can drag Makoto to their crappy washing machine and figure this out. It takes a little bit; Haru tries tinkering with the motor, and then tries a reset. When neither works, his temper goes and he makes Makoto just load the damned thing up. 
“Go and work on your presentation. I’ll handle the washing.”
Haru knows Makoto’s besotted with him too, because times like this the affection’s mad obvious on his face. Makoto leans in for a quick kiss and a thank-you-Haru, and he’s off to stress out over the font and spacing of his slides again. Left to his own devices, Haru takes his time to experiment, figuring out how to bend water in a way that mimics what the washing machine does. Getting the water to swirl first one way then another, set on repeat to work out the stains and rinse the clothes proper, that doesn’t take long. Nor does rinsing it with clean water, and getting the water out the drainage system is a few minutes feeling out with the water for an outlet.
In a fraction of the time it usually takes, because Haru is fully capable of ripping a building apart with water if he wanted to and dirty clothes don’t stand a chance, the clothes are drying in the sun. He’s already pulled out every bit of water out of them, but he knows Makoto likes it when their clothes are fresh, fluffy and warm, so.
He retreats back to his bath, and drifts off again, working on the next painting commission he has lined up in his mind.
Haru gets pulled out of his daydreams almost an hour later when Makoto comes in to very affectionately display his thanks. “They’re all nice and clean, and it’s so much softer than it usually gets when I’m doing the washing. Haru-chan, you’re amazing!”
Objectively Haru knows he is capable of many amazing things. One of them is drawing out the minerals out of the hard water that runs through their taps so that things wash better, and he throws out the little crystals with their burnable trash so they can go back into the circle of life, or something. Haru knows he’s very good at very many things, but really Makoto’s the most amazing one, for making a man who could summon a tsunami feel so damn pleased over a pile of laundry.
So strong is Makoto’s earnest charm that Haru finds himself volunteering to take over laundry duties for the duration of time it takes for them to get a new washing machine installed, and if he preens the slightest little bit every time Makoto looks extra pleased at how soft the sheets are, well.
Genius waterbender or no, he’s only human.
Their days go on mostly like normal, the new washing machine comes in and functions perfectly fine, and Haru gets his fix of spoiling Makoto without being overt about it by always being the one to wash their futons by bending so that they feel extra springy. His day of washing machine bending are behind him.
Or so he thought.
Makoto comes home from school one day, looking pensive. Haru’s painting in their little living room today, needing some good light to work on his latest landscape piece. He usually works in the spare bedroom, because the smell of paint thinner can get quite strong, and painting can get quite messy, but Makoto wasn’t supposed to be back until quite late today so Haru had thought he would have free reign of the space.
Makoto smiles at him once he’s put his things away and gotten himself a cup of tea, sitting on the sofa behind Haru to watch him work on drawing frothy seas, but he’s obviously distracted. Haru stops working, and turns to look at Makoto, head tilted to one side. He keeps his unwavering stare, until Makoto cracks.
“It’s just Kawauchi-san, that nice old lady that runs the laundromat with her son by the fruit store? I ran into her on the way back, and she says there was a burst pipe main for the block, so she’s had to close shop, and she doesn’t know how long it’ll take for it to be fixed.” Makoto sips his tea, obviously a little lost in thought. “Takeda, from my Sports Science 101 class, his dad works for the district council, so I was thinking I should try and ask if he knows when they’ll reconnect the water main.”
Between typhoons battering the country and the heatwaves bludgeoning the people, Haru sincerely doubts that the district council has enough to spare for a malfunctioning water main to a block of buildings, but it’s clear that this is something that’s important for Makoto, so there’s nothing to it, really.
“Get up,” Haru tells Makoto, as he pulls his smock off and starts getting out of his paint-splattered work shirt. “We’re going to check on your friend.”
One of Makoto’s friend, really, because Makoto’s friend to all of Mankind.
Haru can’t do much for the entire world, but he could probably control the flow of the mains for long enough to let all the shops in the area fill up their tanks and reservoirs.
.... which is exactly what he ends up doing, as well as setting up a reflexive water bending cycle on every single one of Kawauchi-san’s 20 machines so that they can wash, rinse, and repeat, for as long they’ve got the water Haru bended in their tanks.
The shopping street comes out en force to show their gratitude, and while Haru’s tired and a little out of sorts from so much social interaction after standing in a hole in the road for a few hours controlling the water rushing through the pipes, he has to admit it’s worth it that he managed to help people with his powers.
The free fruit, meat, vegetables, art supplies, bed sheets, bicycle tyres and other assorted goods from the various merchants, those are just an added bonus.
The exploded pipes are fixed eventually, and once again Haru’s absolutely certain that he no longer has to sub in for a washing machine. Things are back to the easy, fuzzy domesticity, and the most pressing concern for Haru right now is whether or not he’ll be able to finish this portrait commission quickly enough that he doesn’t need to worry about it when he goes off on a short holiday back to Iwatobi with Makoto.
He reckons he can get the lacquer done so that it can cure in the spare room while they’re away; he doesn’t expect for an apologetic Makoto to come home accompanied by the spry, bright-eyed 80 year old Kawauchi-san. 
Haru keeps his usual placid face while Makoto makes everyone tea and cracks out the Good Biscuits, the ones he usually indulges in only once a month or when school gets rough enough that it’s either soft-baked brownie biscuits or teeth-grinding. The biscuits indicate that this is serious business, though Haru already could see that from the grim set to Kawauchi-san’s jaw.
“I’ll just cut straight to it,” Kawauchi-san says, their oversized mug looking huge in her dainty hands. “Icchan, my son, is moving to Nagasaki for his work, and he’s asked me to come with him. I’m getting too old to run the shop by myself, but it doesn’t feel right to just close it. Mako-chan here,” she pauses, and looks like she’s restraining herself from pinching his cheek (relatable), “said that you mostly work from home, so I thought I’d ask if you’d like to take over the business?”
Haru’s first thought is, this seems like a lot of work, so no thank you.
Haru’s second thought is, but it’s a steady income, and how hard could running a laundromat be?
Haru’s third thought is interrupted by Makoto, who’s wringing his hands a little bit. “Kawauchi-san, that’s really generous of you, but this is a really big responsibility, and we can’t just say yes. I’m still just a student, and Haru-chan’s working full-time, and-”
And Makoto’s tentatively thinking about furthering his studies in childhood education (”Only if I can get a scholarship, Haru-chan!”), Haru wouldn’t mind finding a less crappy apartment and getting better art supplies, it sure would be nice to be able to afford a vacation every once in a while, and he could so easily monitor how the water’s doing in the shop without even being there.
“We’ll think about it,” Haru says, and that is that.
(They do think about it, for a good 2 weeks, and once Makoto is convinced that Haru won’t be running himself into the ground doing this, it is All Systems Go.
It’s a little absurd that Kawauchi-san is signing over the shop lot and all the equipment over to them, and had only begrudgingly accepted when Makoto insisted they send her a portion of their earnings so she would get a bit of a pension.
3 months after Kawauchi-san has their best biscuits, Kawauchi Laundry is brought back to the world as Splash Free! Wash ‘n Dry. People often ask why the signboard now has a painting of a mermaid and a bird, and 
“The mermaid does the washing,” Makoto tends to end up explaining, “and the bird does the drying.”
During these conversations, Haru tends to be in the back, nodding along with pride at his handiwork.)
“Makoto, you need to stop bringing them home with you.”
Splash Free! is a runaway success. Turns out Makoto’s not the only person who enjoys how fluffy laundry gets when you wash them with soft water, and a couple of months into their venture Haru also started selling all the calcium he pulls out to the drug company that makes supplements for osteoporosis. It’s a tidy income that got tidier, because it’s supremely easy for a waterbender to improve water use, and they usually have a queue for the machines whenever Makoto stops by to check in on things. Under Kawauchi-san it had been a a simple coin-operated laundromat, but now Haru also accepts carpets, curtains, and futons once every other week to wash by way of renting out one of the kids’ swimming pools at the local community centre and going buck wild with bending and biodegradable detergent. 
(It’s become a bit of a local attraction, and it’s a sight that many would travel for on the days that Makoto joins him in legskins, magnificent back on magnificent display.)
They’re in a nicer apartment now, and Makoto is even excitedly considering a master’s programme where he gets to study abroad for a bit, and Haru’s delighted in his stone-faced way that he gets to spend more time waterbending in a way that doesn’t have people pushing him to ‘do something worthwhile’.
It’s going good, it’s going swimmingly (ha!), and tonight Makoto has brought along yet another nice old lady to their home, and Haru can smell the detergent off of her from the doorway.
“Haru,” Makoto smiles helplessly, himself nursing a mug of tea. “This is Terada-san, and she said she’s moving to Guam to stay with her sister, and she also has a laundromat that needs taking care of.”
Princess comes rubbing up against Haru’s leg, and Haru greets her distractedly and gives her a quick scratch under the chin “And you two met how?”
Terada-san is quintessential Old Lady. She’s barely comes past Makoto’s waist, there’s a significant hunch to her back, and on someone with 20/20 vision her glasses could let you see further than Hubble, definitely. For all the evident frailty, though, Haru’s rarely heard a steadier voice. “I was bringing my favourite kimono to see if you do could wash it, and Mako-chan was there, and we started chatting. You see, my niece just had her 3rd baby, and my sister-”
2 hours later, Haru’s driving back after dropping Terada-san off at her house, they’ve gotten a new branch of Splash Free! (and another lady now has a steady income), and Makoto’s Googling ‘How To Wash Silk’ because if they’re in for a penny, they’re in for a pound.
At a stoplight, jaw cracking from a yawn while he does accounts in his head, Haru comes to a stunning realisation that they are actually Adulting now, and they aren’t doing a half-bad job of it.
The business expands at the speed of The-Elderly-And-The-Troubled-Coming-Up-To-Makoto, which is about 7 stores a year, though the true number would be significantly higher if they decided to step out of the washing business and into (amongst others) fashion retail, pet stores, vegetable stands, and (this was the hardest one to turn down) a cat cafe.
Between supplying Golden Girls with a healthy side-income and starting up a training school for waterbenders (of any skill level!) from troubled backgrounds so that they can learn a specialised trade and get a decent income, Haru and Makoto have been swept-off-their-feet busy since Splash Free! started. Makoto had gone off to Hawaii for 6 months as part of his graduate programme, and while Haru had missed him bitterly, he had been so very proud of Makoto deciding to go all in on learning about how to be good to kids. That had been a quiet year in their expansion, Haru choosing to spend a month in Hawaii with Makoto.
(It had been a little trying for all parties involved. Each district manager had been told to dip a random item of clothing in the ocean off Tokyo Bay in tandem with Haru taking a dip in the waters near Oahu, and quality control was him lazily seeking one (1) pair of jeans from a zillion miles away. Still, though. Quality time with his most significant other will outweigh a booming laundry empire any day.)
When he graduated, Makoto decided to get a job at the swim centre run by the district council, and he runs classes for beginners of every type. Whatever your needs, Coach Tachibana answers. And when he isn’t there, he’s at the little office they’ve set up for Splash Free!, helping with training even if he’s a quite good earth bender awash in a sea of perpetually damp men and women. 
Haru never expected to be making as much money as he is, and he isn’t sure what to do with all of it. Makoto had insisted that everything be in Haru’s name, since he couldn’t help much with the business while he was still studying and he didn’t think it was fair for him to get anything.
This is, of course, stupid, so after Haru’s made sure that the little army of retired grandmas and grandpas have gotten their due, wages have been paid and bills have been attended to, a big chunk of what’s left goes into a bank account that might as well be named the Tachibana Makoto Trust Fund.
He keeps a little for himself, what he would have made working a full-time office job, more or less. For a CEO of a corporation that’s bringing in a hell of a lot of money, Haru still has a lot of free time. He’d started by treating this as an entity that could perpetuate itself without much effort, and this leadership technique hasn’t changed because Haru himself hasn’t actually changed.
So unchanged, in fact, that when Japan Times calls him to try and schedule an interview with the founder of one of the fastest growing homegrown enterprises, he’d been so confident that it was a a prank call that he had hung up, and gone back to looking over the plans to open up a facility that could tackle the enormous demand for quality washing by the hospitality industry.
Makoto’s across from him in the office, wilting gently this late in the evening but still looking so unbearably sweet and dear with his glasses and mussed hair. “Haru-chan? It’s been a while since you hung up on somebody without saying anything. Everything okay?”
Haru shrugs, using a mechanical pencil to write little notes on how the drainage system could be improved from the point of view of a waterbender. “Must be some bored kids.”
It’s not much of an answer, but he doesn’t need more, so Makoto just nods and smiles, before going back to figuring out how to teach a bunch of teenaged ne’er-do-wells how to balance the books.
The phone keeps ringing insistently, and Haru ignores it with just as much vigour, before it gets too much for Makoto, who finally picks up the phone in full-on Big Brother Mode. “Hey, now, prank calling once or twice is one thing, but it’s really bad to keep spamming our-”
Whatever is being said on the other end of the line appears to be extremely persuasive, as Makoto falls silent, and then thoughtful, and then delighted. “Oh! Oh, I see! Thank you so much, that’s amazing! I’ll tell Ha-, uhm, Nanase-san, and he’ll get back to you soon!”
Haru groans. He had been certain that it was a prank, but in the event that it wasn’t, he had also been more than happy to just ignore it. But Makoto’s hung up now, looking at him with a wide, wide smile, and the odds of Haru not needing to do something extremely troublesome grow lower by the second.
“Makoto,” he says warningly. “I don’t want to talk to them.”
“But Haruuuu,” Makoto whines, lower lip stuck out the slightest bit. “They want to feature you in their business section! They say you’re a maverick, and your business strategy’s so new and exciting, and,” he sighs here, looking at Haru ruefully. “And you absolutely don’t have to do it if you don’t want to. I’m just so proud of you, Haru-chan, that’s all.”
Haru didn’t stand a water drop’s chance in hell against the force of that.
Which is how he finds himself in a badly fitting suit pinned in a thousand places to make it look less terrible, perching on a too-tall stool with his arms folded as the photographer tells him, “Give us your most charismatic grin!”
The photographer gets as much as the interviewer, which is to say he doesn’t get very much at all, but Makoto’s hovering in the back excitedly chatting to someone from the editorial team, so if the Mr. Camera Man was quick and was very, very lucky, he might have gotten the slightest sliver of a smile on camera.
A week later, splashed on the front page of the business section of the Japan Times, Haru scowls at a picture of him smiling up from the paper. “This is horrible, don’t you dare let Nagisa and Rin see this.”
Makoto laughs, picking up a bunch of today’s daily at the newsagents. “Sorry, Haru-chan, it’s too late. If you avoid the group chat for a few days maybe they’ll calm down?” He finds his wallet, and pays the kindly old lady for way too many papers.
“Makoto,” Haru says, voice full of suspicion. “What are you planning to do with all of those newspapers?”
His precious cargo safely bundled in his arms, Makoto turns to smile and lean in for a quick kiss. “A copy for my parents, a copy for yours, Ren said he wants one, and Ran asked me to send it to her internship address. Plus, uhm, some for me to keep, for posterity!”
Is this his life now, Haru wonders as he frowns a frown that doesn’t reach his eyes. A semi-celebrity on account of his business acumen? He’s not even sure what acumen is, in all honesty.
At least, though, he’s got the very attractive and very wonderful trophy partner part down pat.
“Nanase-san, it must be such an exciting time for you! You made Forbes’ Asia 30 under 30, and you got married to your long-term partner! Tell me, what does it take to be so young and so successful?”
Haru blinks slowly, taking his time to think about what the interviewer lady’s just asked him. They’re having a whole section him on today’s NHK News at 8, he’s in his one (1) good suit that Rin bought for him after laughing himself sick over the monstrosity of Haru’s first paper feature, and apparently he’s a multi-millionaire that people actually turn to for advice now. 
It’s so absurd a thought that a corner of his lip quirks up; he might as well be full on laughing. But Haru restrains himself, sitting back in the plush seat and trying not to mind the gelled-up, slightly unnatural set to his bangs. He wouldn’t have let the hairdresser mess with his hair under normal circumstances, but the fitted suit and the mussed bangs are a Look that Makoto has confessed to find really attractive, so it’s worth it (of course).
What does it take, to be young and successful?
The Splash Free! empire had such ridiculously humble beginnings. A malfunctioning washing machine the day before Makoto absolutely needed a clean shirt. A burst pipe, and Makoto wanting to help an old lady. Then, Makoto wanting to help another old lady, and then a legion of old ladies. They started their training programmes when Makoto said that he found it odd that people focused on elemental bending for Big Things like wars and dealing with natural disasters, but nobody really thought about how bending could be a trade skill just like anything else. Recently expanding into dealing with industrial waste was a shared decision; Haru so that he could protect water, and Makoto so that he could protect other people. 
There’s a common thread, and it links right up to the gold band he’s got wrapped around his left ring finger.
To be young, it takes being born late, Haru supposes.
To be successful?
Haru smiles, without quiet meaning to. He clears his throat so that his voice is nice and clear, for the millions of people watching this live telecast. 
“To be successful, you need a Makoto.”
It’s not possible to hear a person blush so heavily they turn glow-in-the-dark red, but nevertheless, Haru knows that out in the dark somewhere, his husband’s a spluttering red-faced mess.
It’s a nice feeling, but there’s also one more thing. “Makoto, and water,” Haru amends. “If you have those 2, you’ll succeed at whatever age.”
From across the studio, Haru hears a baleful “Haruuuuuuuuu!”, and this time he can’t help but join along when the interviewer bursts into surprised, amused laughter.
They left behind that little crappy apartment and their even worse washing machine for years and years now, but in that moment, Haru swears he can almost smell the scent of cheap fabric softener that Makoto had favoured way back when.
He’s a lucky, lucky man, and this might be a smile that not the strongest waterbending could wash off.
A/N: How did this....end up.......so long....... my god...... also shout out to doting Haru boy please always live out your truth
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C:R ~VE~ Chapter 10
“You--? Why are you here?!”
Finis’ voice rings loud from the hall.
I sit up in my bed and look around. The lone window shows that the sun is beginning to set, casting a lavender hue over the beach.
I must have needed the rest more than I had thought. My mind feels clearer, though, and my confidence bolstered. I need to have faith in myself and in science. Yes… Nemo and I are both scientists. Surely, my love for science will overpower any foolish need of mine to confess my feelings. My goal must-- no, my goal WILL come first. I will sail under the sea, I will cross the Atlantic by submarine!
And then the door bursts open.
I can’t stop myself from laughing as Nemo bounds in and stretches out his arms, striking a pose nothing short of triumphant… and ridiculous.
Behind him is Finis, silent and dour.
“Aronnax…” he looks right at me. “You have disobeyed me…”
Instead of looking like a bratty child, Finis actually looked rather frightening. I remember Cardia’s story, and all the things this boy is capable of doing.
“WROOOOOOOOOOOOONG!” Nemo swoops in to my rescue, pointing at Finis dramatically. “Polly-chan has been confined to her room under myyyyyyyyy orders! She has a strict prescription of bed rest, and the ooooooooonly way I could allow her to attend teatime is if her doctor was also in attendance!”
Finis’ face grew even darker as his lips pursed in annoyance. “Teatime…? You let this buffoon turn our meeting into teatime?”
Nemo once again comes to my defense. “Aaaaaactually, the architect of this event is the Homuncardia-chan!”
He pauses, then wrinkles his nose as if deep in contemplation.
“Cardia-chan!” he repeats.
“Sister...?” Finis slowly turns his head, looking over his shoulder. “Is that true...?”
“Yes,” Cardia walks in with a warm smile. “It’s all set up now. I had Impey help, so it really will feel like a party.”
“Him too.....?!” If Finis’ glare gets any sharper, I’m afraid we’ll all start bleeding.
Cardia shakes her head. “I thought it would be best if he continued to work on the submarine design, as... uh...” She looks to the side, as though she can’t say these words with a single hint of seriousness while looking at us. “He was ‘threatened under pain of a most agonizing death’.”
A pair of glinting goggles and a low "fwee hee hee” reveals exactly who made that threat.
This makes Finis’ posture relax, and he even smirks. “Well, I suppose it can’t be helped if it was Sister... still, Nemo.”
Finis stares coldly at the taller man.
“I had excluded you from this for your own sake. When you cry in pain, thank me for my generosity.”
Before Nemo can give another grandiose statement, I reach over and take his hand in mine. He looks at me with a confused “Mrrph?” and I smile before looking back at Finis.
“Nemo and I are partners,” I state as flatly as I can, despite my heart screaming. “If you wish to discuss this voyage with me, then he needs to be there, too.”
“Partners?!” Finis mouth stretches into a smile. “Oh, you poor thing! Maybe this will be more fun than I had anticipated...” with a sweep of his cape, Finis turns and departs.
As Cardia watches him leave, she hears him say: “Did you bring plenty of sugar, sister?”
She just sighs. “What do you think?”
Judging from the smile creeping on her face, Finis must have shot her a dirty look.
Cardia looks over at the two of us before walking over.
“Nemo?” her voice is quiet.
Nemo responds with another confused “Mrrph???”
“Thank you!”
Her smile is so sweet, and the roses of her cheeks are blossoming.
“H-huh?” Nemo looks around before pointing to himself with a confused expression.
“For saying my name,” Cardia continues. “You said it once before, back in the prison. I wasn’t certain then, but... now I am. You thought about it, and you meant to say my name.”
Her smile is so dazzling that I can feel my cheeks flushing again. At this rate, I’ll be given mandatory bed rest again.
But it’s okay, because Nemo’s blushing too.
“It’s....” he trails off before striking another pose (almost ripping my arm out of its socket, why didn’t he let go of my hand--?!). When he speaks next, his voice is strange, almost like a salesman’s. I don’t understand it.
“It’s the job of a scientist to observe new evidence and edit hypotheses in the search for truth!”
And, just like that, it’s back to its normal, booming self.
“An artificial life, yeeeees, but an individual nonetheless, soooo--!”
He triumphantly swings his free arm out. “The only logical conclusion would be to address you by the name that Isaaaaaac-sensei gave you: Car-di-a--chan!”
Nemo... he and Cardia have been through a lot together. I’m glad that he’s seeing her as more than a doll, more than a golem.
I think of giving his hand a squeeze in gratitude, but I think better of it. Cardia’s smile, Cardia’s beautiful smile is more than enough thanks.
“Well, I’m going to make sure my brother doesn’t eat all of the sweets. I’ll see you both there!”
Is it a coincidence that the sun finishes setting as she leaves our sight?
“Well...” I look around the dim room. “I had better get dressed. Can’t attend tea in my robe.”
“Fwee hee hee...”
That mischievous laugh of his again.
“Need some assistance, my friiiiiiiiiend~?”
This time it’s my turn to let out a confused noise. 
I had probably just misunderstood. I look up at him with a smile. “I’m fine, really. I...”
Why is he-- why is he smiling like that?
He gently puts his hand on my shoulder, tracing the shape with his thumb.
My mind begins to race as he tilts my chin up with a long index finger, drawing my eyes to his obscured ones.
“You’re still so flushed, I think I need to examiiiiiiiiiine you more closely...”
My eyes are wide. I can’t move. I want so badly to throw my arms around him, to wrap myself around him completely.
He looks over my face with an amused expression and leans towards me, his black-painted lips moving closer to mine. I can feel his breath on my skin, but it isn’t enough. I want to feel the hot metal of his teeth scrape my flesh, I want so much more--!
I part my lips and let out a longing sigh.
But then he stops.
He pulls back, pats me reassuringly on the shoulder, and gives me an ‘okay’ symbol.
“Mmm-hmm! Check up is green! You’re all set for teaaaaaaa!”
I’m standing there staring ahead blankly.
“Don’t keep us waiting, Polly-chaaaaan~!” Nemo gives a wave as he exits, letting the door close behind him with a resounding slam.
I realize that the ache in my body won’t be satisfied, so I quickly push such thoughts out of my head and begin to get dressed.
Yes, he was just worried about me. He just wanted to check, to see if I had cooled off. He just... went about it strangely, like he does sometimes. That’s all.
... He smelled like lavender, though.
Was it just my imagination?
Nemo makes it about halfway down the hall before he slumps against one of the walls. A sound escapes his mouth, and he claps his hand over it to stop himself.
There are tears running down his cheeks, yes, but the sound that he’s muffling doesn’t match.
It’s laughter. Hysterical laughter, contained only by his own hand.
Now she knows! Now she knows a hint of that pain! That eternal, gnawing yearning for touch, for companionship--! This time, I was the one who took it away! Finally, I’m the one in control!
But his laughter dies down soon after those thoughts race through his mind. He removes his hand from his mouth to inhale air, and instead what comes out is a choked sob.
That expression on her face... such affection... for me! Nemo!
He reaches behind his goggles and rubs his eyes.
No one has looked at me like that since--
He finally collapses to his knees, his hair falling over his face like a funeral shroud.
“I’m sorry...” Nemo cries. “I’m so, so sorry...”
I walk into Cardia’s room to find both her and Finis already seated next to each other. The two chairs across from them were likely meant for Nemo and I. 
Nemo must not have arrived yet.
“Professor, would you like some tea?”
Looking at her, I realize why Impey is so in love. I smile in response. “Pauline.”
Cardia blinks a few times. “Excuse me?”
“‘Aronnax’ sounds a bit too formal for the two of us, doesn’t it?”
“Then, Pauline... please have a seat and join us,” says Cardia.
I sit down across from them and take a sip from the cup in front of me.
“It’s nice... is this Barbicane’s blend?” I ask.
“No,” I’m surprised that it’s Finis that speaks. “It’s from Ceylon. It’s just like the teatime we had back then, isn’t it, sister?”
“Impey said this was the best tea they have here. There was only a little,” says Cardia.
“Of course,” says Finis. “It’s because he left it for us.”
“Who?” I ask.
“Your so-called mysterious benefactor,” says Finis.
As if waiting for his cue (he very well might have been, knowing him) Nemo bursts into the room.
“Nemo, there you are! I guess you got tied up at the warehouse,” I say.
Ignoring the clinking of shaking porcelain, he bounds over and sits down next to me before immediately downing a cup.
“Mmm~ this refined flavor...” he slams the cup down onto his saucer. “MAGNIFICEEEEEEEEEEEEENT!!”
His voice sounds a touch hoarse. Just a touch, I’m a little surprised I even noticed it.
Finis looks up from his own teacup, a bored expression on his face.
“What were the terms that Aleister laid out for you?” asks Finis.
“Aleister? Ohh, Jiiiiiimmmy A. Aleisteeeeeeeeeer, my comrade-in-arms!"
“Try not to play the fool for once,” say Finis. “I know that Aleister is the one funding your little ‘voyage’.”
“Professor Aleister... was on the Nautilus too, wasn’t he?” I ask.
“That’s right,” says Finis. “That professor who you think saved your dream is just as rotten as the scientist sitting next to you.”
I frown and open my mouth to protest, but I feel Nemo gently thump my leg with his, and I quiet down.
“Hmmm....” Nemo speaks slowly. “Mooooost of us here were on the Nautilus, soooo... that ‘rottenness’ you speak of has suuurely spread to you!” He takes a moment to grin at Finis. “But that’s neither here nor theeeere... what I want to know is, why would it matter whether it was Aleister that sponsored us?”
“You idiot...” Finis mutters under his breath. “Have you not thought about it at all? The cost of research, building materials, a private island--? What could Aleister hope to gain from it?”
I look at Nemo, and he rests his chin on his hands, closing his eyes. “The conditions were anonymity, Fiiiiiinis.”
“Aleister may have helped me, but that doesn’t mean that he’s a good man,” says Finis. “Like I said before: he’s rotten, as snake-like as that tacky stick he carries. Weren’t you the one who said that you have to protect London, where your so-called precious friends live?” He scoffs, irritated that he even has to explain himself.
Nemo tilts his head curiously. “This isn’t like you, Fiiiiiinis. Why the worry?”
Finis blushes and looks away, pouting sullenly.
Nemo and I lean in closer to the table.
“My sister.........”
Finis glances at Cardia and scowls.
“It would be troublesome if something happened that made her cry.”
Cardia tries to lock eyes with her brother, but he turns away and crosses his arms.
I suck in my breath. If Aleister really is as wicked as they are saying, the new technology of a submarine powerful enough to cross the ocean would be terrifying in his hands.
It doesn’t look like Nemo is going to speak.
I have to make a choice...
I suck in my breath and say: “The conditions are that we have to give him the submarine after its maiden voyage. That... and anonymity.”
Nemo responds to my betrayal about as eloquently as imagined, shrieking loud enough to make the teacups rattle.
“He didn’t tell us why. I promise,” I finish. “He just said that it would ‘bring a new dawn to Steel London’.”
“Nemo...” I pull out my handkerchief and lean over to wipe his cheek, but he jerks away with such force that he falls off the chair. I bend over to offer to help him up, but he just flails like a beetle stuck on his back.
“Don’t be so dramatic,” says Finis. “Aleister knew that he would be found out.”
He pauses to drop some sugar cubes into his teacup. As he watches them begin to melt, he looks up at us through half-lidded eyes and lets a smile stretch over his lips.
“After all, why else would he have leaked your identity to Victoria... your highness?”
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