#or that you have to know a certain amount of people to be considered valuable
ot3 · 3 months
If you genuinely believe it is acceptable to join the us military because you're desperate or you don't know any better then you are prioritizing the right of an American citizen to be ignorant and self interested over non-americans right to live. Yeah I understand people have to make certain difficult choices if they're poor! But you have to draw a moral line about what you would or would not do to improve your own economic status at some point. The place I draw that line is at joining the united states military and if that's not where your line is drawn then you either don't know enough about what this country has done and should really look into it, or you're too racist for harm committed outside of this nations borders to impact your decision making.
Talking about how "vulnerable" the people who join the military are is something that can only hold any weight if your frame of reference for vulnerability begins and ends within the borders of the united states. Even the absolute least privileged US citizen reaps imperial benefits that are completely out of grasp of most people on the planet. Being ignorant of the crimes the us military has committed is the privilege of someone who has never been victimized by them. Being in a position where you have the option to economically benefit from participating in the military occupation of foreign countries, participating in any step of that apparatus at all, is arguably one of most the definitive and egregious manifestations of colonial privilege that the average american has access to.
Meanwhile, the people in many of these formerly colonized and/or currently occupied countries have had their economic opportunities gutted. The upward mobility you all seem to think justifies any amount of service to the empire is not even an option for them. Cobalt, coffee, rubber, chocolate, bananas, sweatshop, chemical plants, all of their labor and natural resources being siphoned off to boost our economy, funnel money into our military, which is then used to continue massacring them and collapsing their governments if they dare to try and improve domestic conditions. God forbid they own their own water and land! And God forbid they try to come here either because we all know how that works out!
I don't know how else to say it. I am begging you to consider these people as being as fully human as you are. If you wouldn't justify murdering your neighbor for college tuitionyou shouldn't justify joining the army for it either. The bare, bare, rock bottom minimum of allyship against colonialism is not joining the army and not justifying anyone else's decision to do so either. I'm not trying to moralize. I'm not trying to grandstand. This is a fully earnest plea to please consider the wellbeing of the people victimized by imperialism, not just the ones carrying it out, coerced or otherwise. There are plenty of moral gray areas in life but this is not one of them if you consider the lives of people in the global South to be valuable.
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trancylovecraft · 9 months
Since you do VERY dark subjects and such, do expect me to request for Mammon often LMAO
Okay so--
General HC's for Mammon with reader who is his GF?
RECEIPT ✂- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
BARISTA'S NOTE: EEEEEE! sorry this one took so long!! i'm happy you requested this cause AGHHHHH I LOVE THIS PINE TREE MAN!!! favourite character frfr. if you ever do request when open then PLEASE go as dark as you like, trust me, i enjoy writing it :D
FANDOM: Helluva Boss
Thank you for ordering!
Come again soon!
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• Oooh! Intresting!
• I headcannon Mammon as a possessive, Manipulative and controlling kinda yandere. Mostly coming from his position as the King of greed.
• Especially once you’ve gotten in a relationship with him these traits are tenfold.
• Mammon views you as his possession, And a valuable one at that. You are his, He likes showing you off too as he brings you around his workplace and flaunting you like jewellery
• If anyone dares to touch what is his, Mammon would not hesitate to absolutely crush them. It doesn’t matter if its a creepy fan or a close family member. He doesn’t care, They’re getting obliterated.
• Mammon doesn’t show his care for you, Deeming it as unprofitable. But he does care even though he insults and berates you often, Even when it gets physical, He does love you.. He does! Don’t you realise this is all because he loves you..?
• He manipulates you into staying with him by promising you mountains of luxury. Whatever pleasures and desires you may want will be served on a silver spoon, Especially after a physical argument (Though you don’t know that its solely so you don’t leave)
• No one really knows how you two got together, One day you just showed up sitting next to him while watching one of his shows.
• You could’ve started out as a performer trying to get to the face of his brand, And Mammon, Somehow grew a liking for you more than just your monetary value.
• You could also have been a PR stunt, Him paying you to be his partner. Mammon, The King of Greed getting in a relationship? Preposterous! It would only drive more people to his shows just to see if they were true, Making more money.  
• But he doesn’t know what attracted him to you. Maybe it was your cunning nature, Your lust for more and more. Or maybe it could’ve been your genuine creativity, A want to make out of passion and not pennies.
• Either way, You’re both in a relationship now, Hooray!
• Though the quality of your bond really depends on how you react to his rather unsavoury tendencies.
• If you’re fine with it/have Stockholm syndrome then its gonna be a much easier time with him.
• You’ll be taken out with him more, Mammon likes boasting about you and how much of prize you were to have as a girlfriend. He’ll tone down his insults to banter and the amount of gifts you get will be increased tenfold.
• Mammon enjoys taking you out on expensive dates, Restaurants in the lust ring with a bottle of their most fine wine being opened in your favour. It’s only on these dates you can really see Mammon have something of a soft side, Giving disguised compliments and maybe even a genuine smile or two.
• You’ll be much more free, Being able to roam around his place of living freely, Ability to go out shopping without him (But, With a good few bodyguards, That is) And the right to go do what you want.
• Though Mammon does dictate what you wear and will order you to come to certain events, You don’t mind as you believe you’re just spending time with the Christmas tree you call your boyfriend.
• Physical touch is also a big thing for him, Also being a display of ownership. An arm around you, You on his lap or simple goodbye kisses are all too common for the both of you.
• Its sweeter, Even though the glasses you buy are rose-tinted, You enjoy the nicer moments.
• However if you’re considered unruly, Actively don’t reciprocate his obsession and god forbid try to escape..
• You’ll be tossed into a cage, One of the carnival trailer ones where they keep animals. That's where you stay, Not his expensive condo. You won’t be spoiled with rich foods and pleasures beyond your imagination, Only being served with what the show dogs are being fed with.
• If you want to act like a bitch, You’ll be treated like one. That’s what Mammon thinks. He’s pissed that you don’t appreciate him for everything he’s given you! All the money he’s spent! You’re his girlfriend, Why the hell are you acting like this.
• You won’t be taken out, Not until you learn how to behave. Mammon still visits you daily, No sweetness in his voice as he insults you and breaks you down with your biggest insecurities. He wants to break you, Just so he can build you back up into the perfect partner, Both for his reputation and his own selfish desires.
• If this process takes too long then Mammon will get angry and ramp up his abuse, Resorting to beatings or even torture just to get your mind into a mouldable state.
• Mammon is a horrible yandere to have, If you couldn’t tell.
• Sometimes when he’s in a better mood, He might toss you his leftovers or actually give you a blanket to sleep with instead of the horse hay you were using. Though he really does care, This is more of a manipulative tactic to get you to act better in order to get more stuff.
• If you ever do give up and give into him, Mammon would be stoked. He’d treat you as if nothing ever happened while you just had the worst experience of your entire life.
• You’d be absolutely traumatised, Even though Mammon does feel only the tiniest bit guilty, He ignores it in favour of just forgetting that it ever happened.
• The only way I ever see you escaping him is if you have connections with any other of the kings, Especially the more powerful ones like Beelzebub. If they care enough or you have a certain relationship (Platonic or otherwise) they could probably bail you out, Secretly of course, You’re going into hell’s witness protection after this.
• Mammon would be pissed, Yelling and destroying everything around him as he demands his employees to find you. Basically having the biggest tantrum of his life.
• When he finds you with the money he bribed people with, It really depends if you do have a connection to one of the kings because if so that would stop him from taking you back. Leaving him to absolutely explode over what happened, Just fuming and scheming a way to get you back.
• If you don’t have a connection to one of the kings, Then he’ll drag you back to the greed ring screaming. He won’t hesitate to yell obscenities and break your legs, Throw you into the trailer cage and start the torture all over.
• But hey! What can you expect?
• This is the king of greed, Of course he’ll never let you go.
• Not for a very, VERY long time.
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catboybiologist · 7 days
Hey I feel like I remember someone using crispr (or other gene editing method) to successfully edit her own genome and since I saw the article on tumblr and I think I remember her doing it for trans reasons it feels like something you'd know about. Google isn't helping, do you know who im talking about?
Yup I remember that.
Tl;Dr: I don't buy this instance of it, but there's some nuggets of theory that she built upon that are reasonable.
I'm gonna try to keep this brief and simple.
Here was the basic theory, extremely oversimplified: normal cell development follows a kind of "tree". A stem cell can become a couple different kinds of other stem cells that are more specific, and onwards, until they become "fully differentiated" cell types. These are the cells we know and love: nerve, skin, muscle, etc.
Stem cell research is so valuable because of this- "replacement" tissue can be generated for any other kind of cell with stem cells.
But in extremely rare cases, a process called transdifferentiation can occur. Essentially, a fully differentiated cell type becomes a different cell type without reverting to a stem cell state at all. Imagine a bit of heart tissue becoming an intestine.
It's an extremely poorly understood process. Like, EXTREMELY poorly understood, and the basic dynamics of how it works are a subject of active research. However, it's generally understood that in some organisms, under some extreme external circumstances, in certain cell types, it can be induced by adding in or blocking the right signal.
Based on one study that did a trial on natal male mice, there is a gene that, when knocked down, MIGHT cause transdifferentiation of testes cells into ovarian tissue, which would then secrete estrogens.
CRISPR is used to target a small segment of DNA and cleanly "cut" it out of the genome.
Now. What did this woman actually do?
Well, we don't have much to go on. It was a single thread, less than a paragraph in total, from a "bio hackers" forum. The only data provided was a text document of estrogen levels, one time point before and one time point after, and a diagram of the insert vector that would target the gene mentioned before. What she's claiming she did is inject this vector into her testes, and that the resulting estrogen level afterwards is from her being off HRT, and therefore is a result of ovarian tissue producing it.
But there's SO many confounding factors here, and SO little to go on. Self-professed "bio hackers" are kinda notorious for not having great ideas of what they're doing- not in a dangerous way, more in a "wasting time and money on things that don't work" way. And even for them, there's almost nothing to go on here.
Am I saying the entire thing is fake? Not necessarily, I don't like to jump to "people are lying". However, I am saying that there are too many confounding factors that could have easily kept E high for a long time to question Contrary to what popular media would have you believe, CRISPR is extremely fickle, and not well optimized for humans. I'm also saying that, without additional time points or verification of data, those hormones levels could just be taking a longer time to change.
In fact, I literally consider it more likely that transfemme HRT for extended periods of time might be able to cause transdifferentiation in extremely small amounts on its own. It's been possibly documented going the other direction:
I say possibly because there are other potential explanations that haven't been investigated yet, and it's never been studied in transfemmes. Either way, is it enough to endogenously produce hormones at cis female levels? Maybe, after a decade or so. But I want to see a lot more investigation into it.
Generously, I want to say that long term HRT did cause a lasting change- either the pituitary suppression of testosterone was so prolonged that it took a long time to rebound, or there actually is some transdifferentiation happening as a result of previous HRT itself. I don't think there's a world where the CRISPR actually worked.
Now. Is CRISPR to edit the genome to cause transdifferentiation of testes into ovarian tissue, that would be just enough of an ovary to produce estradiol, theoretically possible? Probably yes, actually! But did someone do it with no documentation, minimal funding, and then disappear afterwards? Not really buying it.
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saturnrevolution · 2 years
Saturn in Pisces (March 2023-February 2026)
Changing our relationship with time - Saturn is the master of time. Having been in Aquarius, Saturn has taught us how we are able to use our time more productively by working remotely (with the power of technology). Saturn going into Pisces is going to redirect us towards being more mindful of how we spend our time. We will see the consequences of trying to escape reality in unhealthy ways, we will understand the benefits of finding a spiritual ritual that aligns with our purpose and not following information that induces fear or keeps us stuck in wallowing.
Emotional maturity - Let me tell you something: it's easy to complain. It's easy to be the victim and to believe everything goes wrong in your life. It's easy to expect the next worst thing and to find excuses. But you know what's not easy? To get up and do it anyway. Allow your emotions to dictate your decisions and trust them. During this transit, if you don't own up to your decisions and don't speak about your frustrations, Saturn will do it for you. It will choose for you and you might not like the choice
Setting boundaries - Sometimes, the best thing we can do when we feel we are not on the same page with someone close or someone at work is to tell them. This is setting boundaries, otherwise, the person will never know and continue with their behavior. For them, it might be something they don't notice - for you it might seem as if they do it on purpose. In reality, a conversation is the best you can do. If that doesn't solve the issue, then you might want to consider saying no more often or slowly detaching from the matter. not responsible
Intuitive discipline - Here's a little advice: if you want to do something, but you don't feel like doing it - just don't do it. Instead, organize your routine by listening to your body first. When are you most energized? When do you feel most capable of doing a certain task? Plan it then and stop wasting your time. The more you listen to your body and intuitive calling in the present moment, the more you will get done and the less you will support society's wants of you to always seek guidance outside of yourself and then look for them to be the solution. Really. It's that simple.
Aries rising
In the next 3 years, you are going to go through major karmic lessons. These lessons involve certain debts you might carry from a past life, which are here to help you overcome obstacles around hope and believing in yourself. If you found yourself struggling with your mental health or listening to your intuition, these events will train you. By the end of the transit, you will be a master of decision-making and spiritually heal your body.
Taurus rising
In the next 3 years, you are going to go through major lessons when it comes to your friendships. There might be certain people you don’t resonate with, but still keep around. You will mature when it comes to the amount of time you offer to others and understand how your time is valuable. It might get emotional, but finding your tribe at the end is worth it. This will also push you to set goals and not only float into space, but really know what you want.
Gemini rising
In the next 3 years, you are going to go through major career lessons. This is going to be a time in which you will learn to set boundaries, to not overwork or make yourself small to please others. You will also gather the needed practical tools to go for your dreams. The next is on you. Saturn will push you to work, but the rewards will be worth it. Trust yourself and keep going.
Cancer rising
In the next 3 years, you are going to go through major life lessons. Saturn will push you to create order in your belief system and notice the patterns that are keeping you stuck. What are some beliefs you impose on yourself which are not yours to carry? If you are willing to break them, you will likely travel more, learn and teach others how to overcome their struggles, too.
Leo rising
In the next 3 years, you are going to go through emotional lessons. You are going to be put in situations which are pushing you to mature when it comes to the way you express your feeling and pain. You will learn the tools to practically let them out, but also the tools to say no to those that might make their problems your responsibility. Emotional independence is waiting for you.
Virgo rising
In the next 3 years, you are going to go through major relational lessons. You are going to be put in situations in which you will have to take important decisions. You will have to choose between maturing and taking the next steps or seeing what doesn’t fulfill your emotional needs. By the end of this transit, if you own up to your decisions, you will build something beautiful together.
Libra rising
In the next 3 years, you are going to go through major lifestyle lessons. There might be certain habits that you should be more careful about, certain ways you do not care enough about your body, an environment that keeps you stuck. The sooner you address them, the better. You will be asked to get disciplined in your daily routine and in your day-to-day work interactions.
Scorpio rising
In the next 3 years, you are going to go through major lessons around your freedom. You might have been guiding yourself by your instincts and while that is great, there comes a time when we need to approach things more strategically. You will mature a lot emotionally when it comes to the way you spend your free time, bringing more discipline in your hobbies and even in your sex life.
Sagittarius rising
In the next 3 years, you are going to go through major familial lessons. There might be certain inherited patterns that you are carrying, but you will be pushed to detach from them and create your own rules. There might be some boundaries that will need to be set, as well as detachment that will naturally happen as a process of maturing. You might also get your own place.
Capricorn rising
In the next 3 years, you are going to go through major lessons around your thinking. Your mind can sometimes wonder and it creates a loop, it sometimes keeps you stuck in an imaginative state. In order to fully embody yourself, you be pushed to address your mental health and to take full ownership of your decision-making. You will also use your voice much more, in many ways.
Aquarius rising
In the next 3 years, you are going to go through major financial lessons. You will be put in difficult situations that will teach you to be more responsible and to plan ahead, to save. This is also a time in which you will be pushed to work on your self worth and be more realistic when it comes to your needs and wants. You might have great financial success by the end of it if you do so.
Pisces rising
In the next 3 years, you are going to go through major personal lessons. You will be pushed to find yourself in a world in which you have previously lost yourself. You are going to learn to be more self-sufficient and not get stuck in a loop of self-loathing, but actually plan ahead and express your personality in an honest way. You’ve got work to do, but will come out stronger.
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letters-of-libertas · 9 months
I'm bi and yeah your note on women not having solidarity seems sadly true. Apart from not dating men would there be anything you would suggest to improve ones life apart from stating away from those women if possible?
I love this question because this is how to start thinking: being practical.
What it takes to "improve ones life" is subjective so with that said firstly define what a better life(style) for yourself away from moids would look like. Temporarily mentally remove xy terrorist existence. What would your habits/routine be? What would you work towards & pour your energy into? What would you want to be? What would you center your life around? Take your time with these questions or anymore that come up. Have a general idea then be more specific and start breaking your life down into sectors/sections/areas, then look at where you want to be in those areas and work towards it.
For example; I divide my life into 6-7 aspects:
Physical Strength - Not just about muscle but knowing how to fight, where to hit and when to fight. Being stronger makes it easier to defend yourself in altercations (especially with other women). Some mfs will try you & you cant always rely on others coming to your rescue. Also work on building stamina to help endurance, and keeping as healthy as possible.
Emotional Strength - If you cant control your emotions they will control you. In a world of chaos being emotionally strong will let you cut through the noise and focus on what truly matters. Building emotional strength is not easy but it's worth it. Being able to rise above immediate reactions and pace yourself will allow you to assess situations more rationally & make more beneficial choices.
Finances - Get your bag up. Having money to gain resources is imperative to quality of life. I dont care what anyone says having a certain amount of money in life WILL make you happier as you're able to meet your needs better. Having more money/resources also makes it easier to support other women should you choose to do so, it also allows you to be more influential and have more control over your life. However, dont become a slave to getting money tho because that's how you get scammed.
Network - The type of people you hang around can make or break who you are as a person. Aim to connect with likeminded women who will encourage & inspire you as you go on this journey. Hang around people that value & will be honest with you while giving you grace. Not all women you engage with have to be single & childfree but beware the moid crazy ones because they will bring danger to you in their quest for maIe validation. Life isn't perfect but you cant go wrong having the right people around you, valuable relationships are hard to find but it goes a long way even if it's just online. However, no company > bad company.
Spirituality/Guide - Having something bigger than yourself to guide you through the chaos in this world can offer guidance/purpose that keeps you grounded & focused. For many people generally this is religion/god. Not everyone needs or ascribes to religion/spirituality though, but at least consider sets of morals/beliefs to follow. However even that isn't for everyone. So if you feel better off without spirituality or a 'higher' guide at least be clear on it & your reasons why (for yourself).
Hobbies & Interests - As turbulent as the world is, find things to enjoy amidst the chaos. Constant work, doom, and gloom will not change anything you will only hurt yourself. Take time to indulge in things that make you happy to recharge & relax. Engage in hobbies that serve you, share your passion with other women & hear theirs out too. It goes a long way in terms of mental health.
Security - It takes privilege to decide to not get married or have children as a woman & live it out. Everyone's situation is different so what I'll generally suggest is to constantly look into how you can protect yourself, have backup methods, and stay in the loop of xy predation. Dont drown in it but moids are predators & being completely blind to them is being blind to danger. Elaborated on point 10 here.
Sounds like a lot? Great, it'll keep you busy because this isn't a vacation or destination but a lifestyle. And to be honest, some of y'all can do with the busyness as it'll let you focus on what actually matters. This not to say to overwhelm yourself in things for the sake of it but to prioritise your energy on effective things for your life. As you focus on building you'll find that you have less energy to care about insignificant stuff or stuff out of your control anyways. For example, Instead of getting wound up about user somerandomadjectivefem stirring discourse calling you an extremist or whining about how impossible it is for her & other women to live without romantic love n' whatnot (or even women irl pulling this crap), you either ignore or quickly shut down the conversation & swiftly move on.
Everything I've mentioned are just examples, you may feel differently do whatever you feel best applies. Also remember to enjoy the process along the way as you are living through it afterall :3
Long story short: Work on building resources & other aspects of your life up for yourself.
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inkpot909 · 1 year
Rohan Kishibe Falling for an Assistant!Reader
↳ Reader’s gender is not defined/is gender neutral. Reader is in college and not a stand user.
A/n: ‘roHan KisHibE wOuLd nEveR hiRe an asSissTant-‘ Rohan Kishibe loses in fights against teenagers. He’s been famous since the age of sixteen; there’s no way he can even do the dishes properly.
Warning(s): Swearing.
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Rohan Kishibe began the process of finding a personal assistant not a year after Yoshikage Kira’s death.
Not too long before, the idea of hiring an assistant was one the mangaka would openly mock. Him? Needing assistance? Not a chance. His work ethic is unreal; able to disregard what other artists would consider as valuable help. The Great Rohan Kishibe works solo at every opportunity and everyone ought to know it.
Although his reputation to many of the people around him can be rocky, one would be hard pressed to find anyone with the opinion that he needed an assistant at all.
However, the kind of aid he sought was, for lack of a better term, a glorified maid.
The Kishibe resident itself is big enough to comfortably home a family of five, and Rohan famously lives by himself. And completing tasks associated with home ownership had always been a big pain in the ass to the artist. Too much of his time was wasted on ‘unnecessary’ trivials (things others would describe as regular adult responsibilities).
Not only does he lose precious work time to maintaining a house, but also to grocery shopping, sending messages to his editors, and even cooking.
In short, he independently searched for someone to take care of his home and busybody tasks on the regular. Releasing an ad, he felt confident that he’d find someone. Even if the job itself turns a handful away, a generous payload would be sure to entice a fair amount of people.
Trudging through resume after resume, interview after interview, Rohan eventually came across you.
A young college student, taking a small yet steady stream of classes. Your resume was average to many your age, but stood out to him for other reasons. Namely, your application was well-written and to the point (something he had increased appreciation for at that stage in the interviewing process). Not only that, but the specific experiences you have had in the workforce was good insensitive as well. The final nail in the coffin was a general feeling of honesty pooling from your written words. Judging by how it was written, he could sense genuine realness. In short, you didn’t bullshit.
Amidst your educational endeavors, you searched tirelessly for a stable income. Spotting Kishibe’s ad, you resolved it wouldn’t hurt to give it a shot. And as fate would have it, you were contacted in order to set up an interview.
Unsure of what to expect, you dressed yourself up and swallowed your nerves. The interview itself was to take place at a tiny coffee shop in Morioh Cho and you were thankful for the short trip.
Meeting one another at the agreed time, Rohan’s character quickly confused the hell out of you (as much as it was intriguing). He’s certainly the type to leave a lasting first impression, while seeming careless to your own thoughts on him.
It was intimidating, overwhelming, and admirable all at once.
Also, he made it clear his work’s extremely important to him, the sole reason behind why he searched for help in the first place. More time to work; more time to dig for inspiration.
His dedication is what truly sold you, finding it weirdly motivating. Within just fifteen minutes of speaking to him, you’d forgotten that he’s only a year or two older than yourself.
That was, until the interview went on longer and he let it slip that certain worries plague him. Especially between chapter releases. The prospect almost made you sad; both his ego and anxiety possibly due to being a well-renown artist from a relatively young age.
Your personal response to the questions plaguing your brain was to disregard them, and instead focus on an expectant Kishibe. His eyes were sharp, looking down at you and impatiently awaiting a response to a question you completely missed.
You didn’t need to hear the exact words, though. Smiling sheepishly, you reached out your hand and shook his own. In the back of your mind, it was assumed any answers to your questions would eventually arrive one way or another.
They were bound to, considering Rohan Kishibe was- from that moment onward -officially your boss.
And to say it was a rough start for the both of you would’ve been an understatement.
Initially, you were a little shy about making any more assumptions or even observations. Hell, you were shy in general. Adjusting to the new job became a top priority over any curiosity about your peculiar boss. But when working with a man like Rohan Kishibe, it’s difficult not to hang over his every last word despite yourself.
However, time brings with it familiarity. Not only with a usual work routine, but with Rohan himself. His initial sternness made meeting his expectations all the more satisfying. Without a doubt, you were proud of how quick you got into the swing of things.
He prioritized quietness and swiftness, but was also surprisingly fair. Even after accustoming to the work environment, he always comments on a job well done.
Except for when he’s deeply invested in his work. To you, it’s difficult to tell if he even notices your presence upon entering the art room. However, it’s not as if you slipped into the background, but he simply grew used to you being there on occasion.
Months passed. You grew to have less and less questions about a man you no longer called Mr. Kishibe, but instead by his first name.
The two of you don’t necessarily need to speak in order to be communicative. You’re at a point in your relationship now where you found reading into his actions to be surprisingly easy.
That’s an aspect he certainly wasn’t expecting either, not used to such things.
Just the smallest shift of his facial expression- just a lift of a brow -and your eyes light up with understanding. Sure, he can ‘read others like a book,’ but you’ve seemingly mastered the language of Rohan Kishibe’s demeanor without any stand power.
Then he notices that you’ve started doting on him. An extra selection of sugar with his morning tea. Always taking an enthusiastic intrest whenever he shares his art. And a specific kind of contentment or pride you put into your work that he honestly would have never foreseen.
For the longest time, he was adamant that he wouldn’t use his stand to peak at your past and present. His power had grown considerably, and became more selective of who he investigates. However, his curiosity overcomes a sense of restraint on his own abilities.
He couldn’t help but take a peak. Besides, he could find something usual for his writing. Regardless of whether or not he did, he found something else as well. Written in on your second page, his name was the most recent in a list of people you harbor (or have harbored) feelings for.
Rohan can move on after that. No problem. It wasn’t the first time he’s found his own name written down in someone’s book as a crush. It’s nothing to pester you about; nothing to even ponder. Nope. Just go back to work. Not a hint of romance is going to suddenly appear in his manga (it’s psychological horror, why would it be?) out of thin air.
A week passes. Two weeks pass. He’s become a little more silent as of late, but it’s nothing you care to mention at all. Rohan gets absorbed in his work often, and you figure you’ll get the chance to ask him about his work a later time.
Your patience is respectable; it’s downright endearing. But the lack of investigation on your part made his teeth grind together in frustration.
He doesn’t think of you that much. Not really; don’t flatter yourself. His mind just lingers on your memory when you leave. Rohan’s thoughts merely turn to you when introducing a noticeably beautiful character in Pink Dark Boy. And it’s nothing special that he gets agitated when he doesn’t see you for a few days.
While you put him out of your mind (the thought of him is far too flustering), Rohan’s lingers on your more and more. The glances he throws at you dwadle, observant in the way you’ve been for months.
Standing in the front hall of Rohan’s home, your body is leaning against the wall while you pull your shoes on. The sun hangs low in the sky, kissing the horizon line. A pinkish blush spreads across Morioh Cho, dusk signaling the end of your work day. While making your effort, footsteps travel from the top floor and down the stairs.
Lifting your head, a smile spreads across your face when meeting your boss’s gaze. He’s made his way to the bottom of the stairs, stopping a comfortable distance in front of you. “Taking a break?” you ask gently.
“For a short while,” he confirms, before adding in a mumble, “Although I know you’d lecture me about working late.”
“You said it, not me,” you jest, straightening your back upright after slipping on your shoes. You fold your hands behind you, long coat softly swaying as you momentarily rock back and forth on your feet.
“Only so you don’t say it yourself.” Rohan crosses his arms, shifting his weight onto his right foot.
“Because you prefer the sound of your own voice?”
Rohan opens his mouth, only to close it anticlimactically a moment later. His brows furrow, and eyes dart away from your person. Biting the inside of his cheek puffs out his lips subtly.
It’s times like this that you wished you were the artist. He’s so insistent on capturing reality, in all it’s forms. But he’d be your muse of choice. Yet he neglects that he’s a work of art himself, you mentally note with an audible giggle.
Rohan’s demeanor changes, his pondering expression morphing into a curious one. It merely strengthens your smile.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, Rohan,” you finally speak.
“Yes, of course,” he replies dismissively, as if it was redundant of you to mention.
Chuckling once more, you move forward. The mangaka’s breathing catches in his throat when you wrap your arms around him, and forehead collides with his chest. The hug is short, but noticeably warm.
You pull away far too quickly, waving him ‘goodbye’ and going on about buying him a St. Gentleman’s sandwich for lunch the following day while walking out the door. Rohan merely nods, watching the front door delicately shut behind you.
He’s stunned. Unmoving in his spot, only his eyes blink dumbfoundedly. Is he really going to head upstairs like nothing happened? Even now? Just continue working a few more hours of the night away? Maybe he should mull you over in his mind for a moment or two. Maybe for a couple of minutes. The way he’s starting to feel around you may not be a problem, but it certainly is something isn’t it?
He bites his lower lip, silently cursing your name. He attempts to ward away the rising heat on his cheeks with a shake of his head. For once, he’s glad he cannot use his stand to read his own mind. Because even without such ability, he has no doubt it would clearly state that The Great Rohan Kishibe has grown much to close to his assistant.
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maddymoreau · 7 months
Why Mr. House pays more for the Snow Globes than the Platinum Chip:
I see a lot of jokes online and people confused about why Mr. House pays more for a Snow Globes than the retrieval of the Platinum Chip.
Especially with how important the Chip is and how he's been waiting 204 years for it.
(ノ^ヮ^)ノ I'm going to ramble an explanation on Mr. House's character and why he does this.
Starting from the beginning.
One of Mr. House's biggest character quirks is that he's a MASSIVE stickler for contracts.
In the contract Courier Six signed it says they'll be paid: "Bonus on completion: 250 caps." Which doesn't sound like a lot until you remember this delivery is supposed to be VERY discreet.
Courier Six: "If the Chip's so valuable, why use a single courier to transport it?"
Mr. House: "You realize you were just one of many couriers, the rest of them dummies, so to speak?"
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Mr. House: "Add to that many thousand of caps worth of mercenary protection to screen your avenue of approach."
I know Courier Six still got shot by Benny but Mr. House tried to ensure their travel would be safe.
Mr. House: "Had I used an armed caravan to transport the Chip, I might as well have been announcing to the world "this is important. Attack this!" I didn't want to attract the attention of groups like the Great Khans or the Brotherhood of Steel. Alas, the real threat was closer to home."
You might be thinking well that explains the initial delivery price but why doesn't Mr. House increase it after Benny takes it?
The answer is Courier Six's contact.
Inside the Lucky 38 Mr. House will say.
Mr. House: "My only concern is the recovery of the Platinum Chip. What happens to Benny, I leave to your discretion. When you bring the Chip to me, I will pay you four times the delivery bonus stipulated in your contract. How's that?
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Mr. House: “My offer far exceeds the original terms of your contract, which, I will remind you, already obligate you to deliver the Chip.”
While 1,000 caps is small and nothing to Mr. House. It’s important to consider he’s not wrong.
It’s a 400% increase from your original pay.
Something he feels is generous because you're already contractually obligating to deliver the Chip.
The Contract states: "You are an authorized agent of the Mojave Express Package until delivery is complete and payment has been processed, contractually obligated to complete this transaction and materially responsible for any malfeasance or loss."
(҂ ` ロ ´)凸 Screw my contract!! I got shot in the head!!! You might be thinking.
The Contract's Penalties mention: “Failure to deliver the proper recipient may result in forfeiture of your advance and bonus, criminal charges, and/or pursuit by mercenary reclamation teams.”
Even if you ignore your contact Mr. House won't.
Mr. House: "No, you haven't. This is the second time you've promised to deliver the Platinum Chip. Even if you don't hold yourself to your promises, I will."
When giving the bonus Mr. House is attempting to incentivize the player.
If Courier Six has a Barter 50 Skill they can counter:
"It's a good start . . . but well below market price."
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Mr House: "Very well, five times the bonus. {with finality} Not one cap more."
Even after bartering this amount is still well below the market price (remember this for later).
If the player fails the barter.
Mr. House: "Is that an attempt at. . . {beat} {distaste} humor?" I've always taken business negotiation seriously. I advise you to do the same."
If you try to renegotiate after retrieving the Platinum Chip from Benny he'll say.
Mr. House: "Our terms were clear. Now that you have the Chip in your possession, any attempt to "re-negotiate" payment would be tantamount to blackmail."
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If you still refuse but eventually cave he'll respond.
Mr. House: "You're fortunate that I have a certain {beat} tolerance for greed. I expect my business partners to be self-interested but {unlike you} smartly so."
If you take the negotiations seriously like Mr. House he will increase you bonus pay within reason.
He's not going to raise is to a 10,000 caps since that’d be a 4,000% mark up. Even just raising it to match the price of one Snow Globes would be 800%.
(ㆆ_ㆆ) You still might be thinking . . .
This line perfectly explains Mr. House’s mindset.
Mr. House: "You have a contract to fulfill, a delivery to make. If you can't hold to a contract, simply for the ethic of holding to a contract, you're worthless to me."
Mr. House is TESTING YOU!!!!!
He's ALWAYS testing you to see if you're the perfect replacement for the job he originally planned for Benny to have.
Mr. House: "To achieve my aims, I require a capable human agent to perform certain... {choosing word} tasks."
If Courier Six can't stick to their word and fulfill a contract they signed in good faith. Even if that contact is less beneficial to them. Even if the bonus pay is well below market price.
Then they're not someone Mr. House wants to work with.
This post goes into more example of him testing you:
That's why the maximum offer Mr. House is willing to negotiate for the retrieval of the Chip is 1,250 caps.
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After all if you succeed and work for him the rewards will be immense.
Mr. House: "I'm not offering you an incentive as crude as money - though there'll be plenty of that. What I'm offering you is a ground-floor opportunity in the most important enterprise on Earth. What I'm offering is a future - for you, and for what remains of the human race."
As for the Snow Globes they're a luxury item Mr. House is offering a base price of 2,000 caps for.
There's no contract, no test and no negotiating the price. Only seven exist within the base of the game. The other four are outside the Mojave in dangerous locations like the Sierra Madre and Big MT.
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٩( ^ᗜ^)و ´- Mr. House simply likes them and is willing to pay you a high price for a rare item.
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tamelee · 11 months
As a beginner artist im only happy when people reupload and share my art. I don’t want to be arragont enough to think im like samdoesart or something and you’re not really on that level either no offense though your art is inspiring me a lot
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Okay, I'll address this then... (Art-rant for anyone who cares;) 
... no offense taken. I'm very aware of my (skill)’level' in art and definitely feel a certain type of way about it ;-; .... but that aside, what is your argument here?
Is anyone who doesn't want their art reposted or uploaded on other accounts considered arrogant? Is there some kind of popularity threshold you need to cross before you can request something as simple as this? And if so, what's that threshold to you? I'm genuinely curious.
When does someone become "good" enough to have the right to say that their art is theirs and protect it from being stolen or decide where it gets shared? Who has any say in it, other than the artist or creator themselves? Isn't that extremely subjective to base it solely on that?
Hm. If you're a beginner artist, I'd like to offer some advice....
It's entirely up to you whether you read it, give it any thought, or find it valuable in any way. I'm no Sam, after all. But there are plenty of ways for others to support your art, engage with it, or share it even in their own accounts without taking anything away from the original creator, whether it's art/writing or any other type of creation. However, it's also perfectly fine if you personally don't care about it or if someone allows it only with proper credit because that's your decision as.. you know- the original creator.
You mentioned that you're happy when your art gets reuploaded as a form of "sharing." But do you know what makes me the happiest as an artist Nonee?
Do you know what really brightens my day? 🥹
...It's knowing what people are saying about my work because I can read it on my own posts that are on my own accounts. When I can respond and take it in fully. When I see people using tags that make me snort my drink or when I have to stifle a laugh to the point I’m choking because it's just SO funny! (I genuinely need to make a compilation!!) Sometimes, I get comments that are cursing me out in a playful manner, and it's often followed by an incoherent keyboard-smash. I end up making embarrassing alien-like noises because of it that makes me more grateful than ever to live alone. Other times, I bawl my eyes out because someone left a comment or tagged it with something that just hits differently. A while ago, I got an ask that said I should stop saying 'thank you' on everything because it got repetitive/annoying(?), but I genuinely feel so grateful for all of it 😭!!
I get new ideas because someone suggested something different. I see friends having entire conversations under a drawing that I'm not even a part of because apparently, what I drew resonated with them personally, or it made them feel a certain way, which is oddly fulfilling with art ;-; Just so you know, I read everything... and all this feedback (because it's all feedback in a way) can be very inspiring, don't you think?
Honestly, when it comes to activities like drawing, it's true that it is better to never do it solely for the sake of engagement. Drawing, or more specifically, living as an (aspiring) artist is incredibly lonely.
So, so lonely...
Relying on engagement alone to keep you creating for hours, days, years, or maybe even decades is just not sustainable. It takes an enormous amount of time and dedication to practice, come up with new ideas, and endure the inevitable frustrations that come with it. With anything, keeping yourself inspired at times takes effort also because it requires for you to be in a state of mind that allows new idea’s in the first place which in itself takes practice because you won’t always feel like drawing. You might even encounter nasty comments or discover that something you poured your heart into gets criticized, YOU as a person may even be criticized because what you drew with your current skills (and such a journey is never-ending) in a single moment could get paired with your entire personality or even your humanly morals (ffs) to judge. Which can be more hurtful than you'd expect... especially in the beginning.
Although it may sound silly, the saying "the fun is in the journey” is very real and likely the most important thing to keep you going as an artist. No matter what, you gotta have fun or find a way to have fun.
Yet, even so, now more than ever, the process of creating is very underappreciated as many are looking for “content” that's quickly generated for entertainment. Tsk, some even call art “content” which, IT IS NOT. It's a proven fact that we, as humans, currently have become dopamine junkies with short attention spans. (I totally understand this – I was diagnosed with ADD, hence my extreme hyper-fixations also 😆 it's both a blessing and a curse, tbh.) So, right now, the very thing that can support artists (which means you as a beginner also!) on their creative journey is letting them know you appreciate their art in any way or just let them know your thoughts maybe even by specifying what it was you liked about it so they can carry that into their next drawing.. which is only truly possible through your own accounts y’know? :’) I'm being sincere when I say this really can help. 
I get that many people believe that creating should be satisfying in itself, and everyone may expect you to think that way because, after all, you want people to see what you've made and a reposter ‘helps’ you with that, so, it should be enough and you should be happy and grateful actually. Anything beyond that might be considered "arrogant."
And... based on your ask, it seems like you might view having your art reuploaded as a form of 'help,' and if that's the case, it's totally fine. But I want to share a rather harsh reality, because even if those who repost your art provide credit...
They don’t do it for you and it’s not necessarily because they love your art so much 👀 rarely anyone cares to go through a description full with useless trend-based tags or promotive texts they always use only to put in the effort to find your name and most likely, if they follow such accounts there is zero connection with the original artist/creator which means it is WAY more likely in this case that the art you worked on for idk how long ends up becoming a forgettable blur as it is scrolled past 🤷🏻‍♀️
And even if the reposter likes your art personally, that's probably not their primary motivation to share it (except for a very few who are in it for a fandom, sns has a few also). Art that gets ‘selected’ for reposting is typically selected with a specific, often trend-oriented, goal that has little to do with the artist. It's frequently shared with the mindset of a rather poorly-driven marketer. Especially on platforms like IG- many of these accounts exist to benefit the account owner only by making high(er)-follower accounts that later get a different purpose. Many of these accounts will discard all art once it has reached an engagement goal to then move onto something new that's more financially profitable to the account owner, which original art by others is not. And yeah, a lot of these accounts are sold after. There are especially many now due to the IG affiliate program, and recently tiktok also. The same is quickly happening on X with its monetization... and guess what :’)!!! Although original art is hard to monetize, Ai is completely approved.... 🤨🙄 But I won't bore you with all the specifics any longer.
Me not wanting my art on other platforms/accounts, has little to do with credit nor do I think in the very least that I have some sort of control over it by making that decision... but still. I refuse to willingly take part in anything that currently takes ‘art’ (any creative form) and makes a mockery of it, using it for mere "content" or treats it as this ‘thing’ that appeared out of nowhere to then just use any way people like and participate in the narrative that gives the impression that investing time in creating something isn't valuable or a cherished part of human expression that brings and promotes joy. 
Because rarely do people take the damn time anymore.
I want all artists/writers/creators/etc- to be acknowledged for their work in general, or, even in the least, acknowledge the work that isn't seen that goes into the final result for others to enjoy. I don't want to continually see art stolen and exploited so rapidly. This phenomenon enables tech bros who don’t have a single ounce of argumentative skill or self-proclaimed "entrepreneurs" to generate their little stolen jpg’s for their absurd 3 a.m. morning-routine videos and use them as banners on their get-rich-quick schemes, scamming the unsuspecting and spamming the internet with this bs, largely thanks to AI making this partly possible... for example. There's not a single platform left that supports artists or helps them fight for security and protection for their work. I know and I'm aware. At the very least, we can say 'no' to reposting because giving up completely makes no room for possible solutions... and then we can work from where we are at all times to find ways to protect a right (because it is) that some might perceive as trivial. 
Nevertheless, it is a right, and it definitely isn't an issue of arrogance or skill.
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mandokero-eboy · 2 months
Welcome people who started following me and reblogging me today, and also those who have been here for a while. If you're the former you might be a bit surprised given that i've been mostly posting about politics a couple of days but as a matter of fact this is usually a horny blog and the following is a horny post.
If you're the latter group, you may remember this post (https://www.tumblr.com/mandokero-eboy/752670916093362176/bad-sex-games?source=share) from a while ago where I talked about that terrible horny version of monopoly. Been a while but I wanted to fix it since I saw it and it is finally time.
[Tumblr was a shit about a few of the pics here so I am going to just put descriptions. The top of the article had a picture of monopoly man in bed with TF2 Medic]
My first fix for sex Monopoly would obviously be to replace this "sex acts instead of money" mechanic. There's two options here: The money is used to buy the sex acts, or the sex acts do replace the money but we make them scarce so it's not insanely unbalanced. I ended up siding with the latter because the former allows for less variety of kinky fun.
So here's how we set it up:
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The game provides a number of "Sex Cards" featuring sex acts of different intensities, the players can add to the default selection at any point during the game and at the start a number of cards are distributed to them. This is our initial "money" supply. Your goal is to accumulate sex acts to potentially use on the other players. Because the players largely get to define the content of the cards and what they're willing to accept for trades, they also get to moderate the intensity of the game to a large degree. We're trying to make it so consent is always at the forefront of the individual sexy interactions here. If you run out of cards, or the cards you have are not something you're willing to perform for any other players, or it becomes clear the other players don't want what you're selling, you are considered bankrupt. You're also considered bankrupt if you have an orgasm barring certain conditions.
What you need to play:
Regular Monopoly board
A collar for each player (optional)
an assortment of sex toys (optional)
A few extra tokens (optional but useful)
First the basic economy: It's not currency based but barter based. If you want to get rid of a card, you have to spend it or be told to get rid of it without spending it. "Spending" means you have to do what's written on the card to the player receiving it or to someone that player designates as the recipient of the act (more on this later). The player receiving the card gets to keep the card to use on someone else later. You can also trade these cards between players without acts being performed but at least one card must change hands for each. You are not allowed to offer a sex act in a trade that is not featured in one of your cards. The only way to expand your options if your current cards appear ineffective is to introduce new cards into play by passing "GO!" or with chance cards.
[There was a picture of Nagatoro getting boned because the monopoly cards said so]
You go through a usual monopoly board with usual rules for movement. When you do a full loop and pass go you get to draw some new amount of Sex Cards. Players can write new Sex Cards at any stage and you get to pick which ones you'd like to grab. Knowing what the other players are into is largely rewarded because of this. You don't know exactly what might be most valuable to them.
The usual monopoly board has only 28 properties with 22 streets, 4 railroads and 2 utilities. (The specifics on how the streets are divided between players can be thought about later). What do the Title Deeds give you ownership of? Well, the other players of course! With sex monopoly you can replicate the excitement of buying a sub
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You land on a free property and it's put to auction, the one who landed on it gets to bid first. Everyone bids a sex card that they want to the player in the Title Deed, the player accepts anything they want in exchange and that card from the winner is spent. The Title Deed might want to avoid cumming early and being elimintated if possible so it might be beneficial to strike a balance between not too intense and still appealing. On the other hand they might want to be a free use slut for the rest of the game and only accept what they enjoy most without regard for winning, all playstyles are valid in Sex Monopoly! If you get a full set of properties corresponding to a player you get exclusive ownership of them and get to build houses.
[There was a short furry comic about people turning a game of monopoly into a "oh i don't have money to pay my rent can I do anything else?" deal]
If you land on a property that's already owned, you have to pay rent. You must Spend one of your Sex Cards to the player who owns that property and perform the corresponding act on them or they can designate the person corresponding with that property to receive it for you. If you don't have anything they want you give up the requisite plus an additional card and perform a forfeit of their choice on yourself. At least one of them has to masturbate while you do it. (We managed to bring forfeits back!). Regardless of who the recipient of the act is, the cards are claimed by whoever owns the property.
Buying and Rent for the utilities and railroads works slightly different as they're not associated with ownership of specific players. The recipient of the acts associated with buying one is the player nearest to the property other than the buyer (If there's more than one, you get to choose). For a railroad, rent is between 1 and 4 cards depending on how many other railroads you own and the recipient is the last person to have paid rent on a railroad (including the owner). If the same person lands in a railroad owned by someone else twice in a row (and are therefore the designated giver and recipient of the act), they do a forfeit and still give the owner the corresponding number of cards. For utilities it is based on the dice roll with which you landed (dice roll divided by 4 rounded up) and the recipient is the nearest person on the board including the owner.
Taxes: This is one of those ways you give up cards without spending them. They work very similar. Either it makes you give up 3 cards (luxury tax) or 5 cards (income tax estimate) a variable amount of income tax (Cards + Number of properties Divided by three rounded down). These cards go on the bank and the players can claim them when they pass Go! or from chance cards.
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Jail: Usual rules for going to Jail apply. You get out by rolling doubles; paying a sex card and having a player of your choice perform it on you if they're willing; performing a forfeit on yourself and giving up a card; with the get out of jail card. When you're in jail you don't get to move, if you're paying attention to the kind of game this is you'll introduce bondage on this element. When you're in jail you still collect rents but can't offload being on the receiving end to someone else, even your subs (if you have any, see Bankruptcy below). Any tasks you must perform as part of any other transactions must be done while in bondage and may not proceed if you're unable.
Free Parking: Literally the same thing but optionally you get to sit on someone's lap of your choice.
Chance and community chest work pretty much the same. The effects are "go to jail", "go to this place", "be given a sex card", "give someone else a sex card", "Give yourself a new sex card of your own design", "get out of jail free", "give up or receive some number of sex cards depending on houses / hotels", "give a card to every player", "get one card from every player" and such. Each effect that leads to sex cards changing hands between players hands has variations where the task in the card is performed or not.
Houses: You can spend Sex Cards on a property group you own to buy houses such that when someone lands on the group they have to perform more than one act (up to 3, one per house) which you can split between yourself and the person, you also get some extra boons from the player in the title deed determined at the start. To build a house the recipient is the person in the title deed. Hotels are different and we'll get to that later. (I think it might be fun to represent ownership of a number of properties representing a player with some level of clothing loss but that's kinda flimsy).
[There was a short wholesome comic about consent coupons here]
If someone cums, the player who made them cum gets a Hotel. If there is no such third party they Hotel is put to auction. A Hotel is basically an orgasm token and in this version it is fungible and defensive, as it allows you to orgasm yourself without becoming bankrupt and because it is not tied to specific properties it can be traded out. They are consumed on use.
Mortgages: You can mortgage properties like in regular monopoly. This gives you one extra card from the bank or from the player corresponding to the property, but while they're mortgaged they get to use you instead of one of their properties and you don't get to collect rent on them. To unmortgage them you must perform two cards of their choice on the mortgaged player. If you buy a mortgaged property you have to add an additional card to the agreed on price and the player who owns it has to receive all the acts directly. In essence what happens when you mortgage is the following
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Bankruptcy: If you cum without a token on hand or otherwise become bankrupt by running out of cards, you go bankrupt and become a sub. You can also go bankrupt if you commit to 3 payments in a row (by way of rent, a property purchase or some other action that forces you to perform an act on another player from your cards) where all your cards are rejected and you end up doing forfeits. If you're bankrupt, put on your collar and your maid dress and your leash or just write "hoe" on your body honestly do what you like with this. All your properties go to whoever made you bankrupt as well as all your cards. You are put to auction if there's no clear person who made you bankrupt. Other players can still own the properties associated with you and can order you around but as a sub whoever made you bankrupt (or whoever they trade you out to) gets to veto them. They can also order you to perform acts on others on their behalf and receive any acts on their behalf. This is the only way to get someone other than yourself or the person designated by a title deed to receive an act on your behalf, so accumulating subs is very advantageous. Making someone else's sub cum doesn't transfer ownership of them but does still give you a Hotel. This also provides a way for eliminated players to still join in on the fun!
[There was a picture of a doggirl on a leash here]
Ending the game: Like regular monopoly this is last player standing. We can shorten the game if a simple majority of the remaining players wish to enter a final phase. This can only happen after the first bankruptcy.
End Phase: First, the players perform a series of auctions for any property groups that aren't owned by a single player (excluding properties and the 4 railroads). Every player who owns one of the properties in the group can bid one card for every property in the group they don't own. The title deed player gets to choose the winner. The tasks are done simultaneously by as many of the players involved in the auction as needed (we are trying to save time here).
Second, Once all property groups are fully owned, we tally them together. Each one is worth one point for every house on it. Your unused Hotels are worth 3 points. Utilities are 2 points each. Railroads are worth an additional point for every person that landed on them divided by 4 and multiplied by the amount of railroads you own (yes this makes railroads extremely powerful to own at the endgame). A bankrupt sub is worth 3 points as well. Finally take each of your unused cards, read them to the eliminated players, you get one point for each player that wants to experience that card.
If you've done everything correctly, the last 10 or so minutes of gameplay will look like this
[There was supposed to be a picture of Rouge the bat doing math about people's butts here]
Once the remaining players do all this math and compare scores whoever has the highest number wins. Congrats on your win. You may repurpose all your earnings from the game for more sexy times afterward. Or you could just have normal sex I guess but if you've read this far that's definitely not what you're looking for.
I know, incredible, but there's actually a few issues with how we've laid out the game.
We've destroyed the balance of the monopoly board, since under these rules the board does not have a consistent layout from most to least expensive.
Also players can have different number of properties representing them depending on how many players are (this might be a good thing, more players represented by less properties each might make eliminations faster). A possible solution to this is making some spaces represent things other than players.
The way the ownership mechanic works it might require a few overhauls to play with two people.
Extremely convoluted rules about the economy whenever specific exchange numbers for certain things are introduced. Definitely need balancing.
Probably can simplify the endgame phase.
These are off the top of my head. There's probably more. Obviously this needs a lot of fleshing out on the specifics and could probably be simplified somewhat, but I think it's a far more solid foundation for a kinky game based on the trading mechanics of monopoly than what I originally reviewed in that old post.
Join me next time I want to make extremely convoluted rules to avoid having regular sex. Maybe I'll pick a simpler game than Monopoly, like Settlers of Catan.
though probably what i'll do next is make optional hypnokink rules
UPDATE: (Adding more stuff in the notes check reblogs and such for that)
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bigmammallama5 · 6 months
mammallama if you have energy how did you find your adhd dr? I know I could use one but I'm trying to fight the inertia of getting a dr because of all the experiences of previous medical professionals not listening to me. thank you for reading!
Hey, I've got a little energy! You get my one level seven spell slot for the day lol
I am very fortunate that I have a primary care doctor that takes my concerns seriously and pointed me in the direction of my current specialist. I also have two very wonderful best friends with ADHD who gently slid my wig back and told me "go get tested, you sound like me". I recognize not everyone is lucky to have doctors that listen to them so this answer will be based off of my limited experience and local healthcare in my state in America, so please keep these as general suggestions! And I know it's hard to advocate for your own health, trust me I get it lol, but please stick with it. It's worth it to get the answers at the very least so you can start adjusting.
So if you have a PCP try asking them for places that are in your insurance network that could help you get tested/write you a referral letter if needed. I would suggest first looking for a behavioral therapist that specializes in diagnosing ADHD (like mine does) and treatment. I can't get actual cognitive behavioral therapy from them but they help me keep track of my ADHD and navigate my medication stuff. The extra special thing about my doctor is she was also diagnosed as an adult, so she truly understands to a certain degree of what I'm dealing with. Looking at her during my first visit was like looking into the future of the person I can be with the right help. Having a doctor that has what you have is incredibly valuable.
If you can't find a specialist, I would suggest looking for a psychiatrist that specializes in diagnosing and treating ADHD. You can also get diagnosed by a psychologist but I don't think they can actually prescribe medications? But either of those professionals will be able to test and diagnose you!
If you have trouble networking, my therapist suggested looking on Facebook (I know I know) for local/state groups that can help you connect with doctors in your area. You'd be surprised at how ready people are to help others find the care providers they need! You may not even have to ask, there may be a list of medical professionals that you can look over.
I will warn you that depending on where you go it's going to probably cost a fair amount. Even with my therapist's office taking my insurance my testing was still over 400 bucks, but in the end it was worth it for me. I will also warn you that some testing can be quite lengthy from what I hear, taking multiple sessions depending on the professional you're seeing. My testing and diagnoses took a little less than three hours and that's why I'd suggest looking for an ADHD behavioral therapist first. They know exactly what they're looking for and know you're there specifically for that test.
Another tip I can give you is frame your reason for testing as simply needing answers to improve your quality of life. Have that in writing. Don't even mention medication other than "I would explore that if you deem it a viable option for treatment." Getting medication right now is difficult if not downright impossible for some of us, so I would frame your needs on getting yourself picked up and put together. That's really what you need first anyways. Answers.
Be warned ADHD may also come with a side of fries (other general disabilities like OCD/OCD tendencies, anxiety, depression, ect ect that are often the result of untreated ADHD).
ADHD is legally considered a developmental disability and protected under the Americans with Disabilities Act. Know your rights!
In the meantime I always suggest taking a look through https://www.additudemag.com/ for information about symptoms and research and all that stuff. This is a trusted source that my therapist's office shares with all of their patients! The articles are kept up to date as new research is made available and is laid out in such a way that it's easy for people with ADHD to read and navigate. It's also a great source for parents that have kiddos with ADHD, so pass that around if you know someone who's struggling!
I do hope that your past experiences with poor doctors won't keep you from seeking testing. I can promise you not all of them are like that, and I hope you can find someone who will listen to you and take your concerns seriously!
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thebashfulbotanist · 2 years
Connecting with nature
Since the pandemic began, we’ve seen an unprecedented number of people wanting to connect with nature. This is a bit of a double-edged sword! It’s got a lot of biologists very worried, to be honest, because we’ve seen an explosion in people feeding wildlife, buying exotic pets, collecting specimens and decorative knick-knacks made of wild animals and plants (sellers always say these are ethical - but people lie on the internet!),  getting too close to wild animals for pictures, trampling the ground around ancient trees, walking off-trail and over-harvesting plants while foraging, and buying illegally-harvested houseplants. 
If you know people doing things like that, we’d suggest encouraging them to connect with nature in some more positive ways. We’re going to focus on botany-related topics, both because that’s our area of expertise, and honestly, also because animal-related topics can get a bit distressing, since people’s attempts to connect with nature via animals can often cost the animals their lives. 
 A lot of the connection with nature we see happening right now involves taking. Here are some ideas that we’ve discussed that involve giving back, or simply leaving the environment untouched. 
-Plant native plants! This is one of the best, most helpful ways to restore the environment. It’s extra important if you live on land that belongs to First Nations and Native American peoples. Practicing the 50-mile rule, where you focus on planting species that grow within 50 miles of where you live, is one of the most powerful ways to support native pollinators and birds, too.
-Learn about how plants were managed and used historically in your area. We LOVE ethnobotany! Sometimes, historic management practices aren’t the most effective anymore, and older medicinal uses might be dangerous. But that doesn’t mean learning about them isn’t valuable! This is a wonderful way to learn about where you live, the land you’re inhabiting, and cultural connections that surround you.
-Consider taking photos, not plant parts. We’ve written about how to properly collect and mount plant specimens before, but often in the field, we don’t collect at all - we take photos. In fact, in rare plant surveys, collecting is forbidden and often illegal! Collecting may be required for certain studies, but for recreation, photos are all you need, and they do a much better job of showing what the plant looked like in life. Mounted plant specimens lose their color, they need to be properly sterilized, and they need to be kept in dry, temperature-controlled cabinet. 
-If you mount plant specimens or forage, when possible, try to take from a garden, not a park or public space. Whether you grow native plants or nonnative ornamentals, this is a good way to control your impact. 
-Follow plant collection laws. It’s often illegal to collect from parks and wildlands unless you have specific permits. Even common plants may be over-collected, as we’ve seen with salal, bear grass, and moss. Permits help control the amount of plants removed, so land managers are aware of when to restrict access.
-Volunteer in land restoration efforts. A lot goes into keeping parks and wild lands in good condition. Depending on where you live there might be invasive plants to remove, drainage areas to maintain, native plants to restore, controlled burns to monitor, and much more! These programs lost a lot of volunteers in 2020-2022, and they could really use your help. 
-Look for volunteer programs with local university herbaria and botany programs. Do you like to travel? Do you like to work with rare plants? Do you just like archiving and working with records from past centuries? There is undoubtedly a volunteer program out there for you! Botany isn’t as glamorous as large carnivore research, for instance, so it can be tough to find volunteers willing to travel and work hard for free in the name of plant research. But it’s also really rewarding, and you might get to see a large carnivore (we’ve seen bears and wolves!) in the process!
-Try botanical drawing. This is a hard skill to master. Botanical drawing involves representing plant parts with incredible clarity and accuracy. But it’s also rewarding!
-Learn to identify plants, pollinators, and plant pathogens. Hone your observation skills! This is trio of skills that is incredibly valuable in researchers and lay people alike. A lot of rare plant research hinges on the interaction of plants with pollinators and the effects of pathogens on those plants, so learning what you’re looking at can make you an very powerful resource in the botany world.
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izzyspussy · 2 years
i think a big disconnect happening here is that people don't really know what people mean when they say "write [demographic] characters but don't write about the experience of being [demographic]"
i really don't think it was ever intended to mean "don't include things in your characterization that are unique to [demographic]". because frankly that would be absolutely slug brained advice.
what i truly think it means (and was intended to mean before being warped into what amounts to a catchphrase) is "include [demographic] in your stories, but don't write something where the entire plot/purpose of the story is This Is What It Means To Be [Demographic]". and i think that is solid advice, and something that a lot of people do need to hear.
i mean there's nuance even in that, of course, because literally nothing about the human experience is in any way ever even remotely cut and dried.
you know, if you're writing a metaphor for [demographic] - let's take the X-Men as an example - that could easily be interpreted as or identified with by any number of different demographics. so it's more broad like This Is What It's Like To Be Oppressed. and "what it's like to be" is a much different thing than "what it means to be" first of all. a lot of things are like a lot of other things, that's the nature of things. but a thing only IS that one thing.
and secondly pretty much every living person can know to some degree what it's like to be oppressed tbqh. gender, race, religion, physical ability, age, class. i mean c'mon.
additionally, X-Men is about more than just that. it's also about, like, war crimes and unethical medicine and being kind of weird and going to private school and manufactured political divides and being in subtextual gay love with your nemesis and where is the line between self control and repression and and self-acceptance and who should decide what is Right and catholic aesthetics kind of slap and standardized education absolutely does not slap and some old guy's latex fetish probably etc etc etc.
and! it's not impossible for someone not in a demographic to do enough research and be sensitive enough and have enough empathy to write something that is This Is What It Means To Be [Demographic]. it's just very unlikely, and almost certain to have the catch-22 of you can't know what you don't know. but more to the point of the advice is that a story who's entire plot/purpose is to express This Is What It Means To Be [Demographic] is simply automatically going to be more accurate and more valuable and more relevant and more effective as a narrative from an author who is part of that demographic.
Add onto that the considerations of who gets published and why, and what kinds of implicit messaging in fiction is considered the most "marketable", it's less a question of what you Can do versus what you Should do. what is the most respectful - perhaps even the most responsible - thing to do.
And there's also the question there of, like. Why do you as someone who is not a member of [demographic] even want to write a story whose entire plot/purpose is to express This Is What It Means To Be [Demographic]? if your motivation is simply that there isn't enough of it, would it not be a better use of your effort to encourage more of it from the people who have a real reason/need to express that in particular? i guarantee you have other things you can write about What It Means To Be - that would be more accurate, more valuable, more relevant, and more effective written by you.
but back around to the disconnect. yes, any [demographic] character will be in part shaped by the experiences of [demographic]. even if they are from a secondary world without [demographic]-ism, they will still have different ways of taking care of themselves, expressing themselves, socializing, etc. true. and if you are not a member of [demographic] and your character is, you certainly should still include those things and if you don't that's absolutely loser behavior. yes.
and if you are not a member of [demographic], you can still write something that is What It Means To Be [Demographic], as in you are capable of it. yes. why people are saying you can't or instructing you not to or being upset when this occurs is because there's no reason for you to do that when you could write something else or something broader and leave that kind of specificity to the people who are specific to it - and because your less accurate, less valuable, less relevant, and less effective version is likely to be systemically favored.
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lancrewizzard · 1 year
(Just a ficlet for my mentol elf <3)
Rincewind was generally a great fan of faculty meetings. They were very long, very dull, and had very generous tea breaks. Of course, he had to put up with a certain amount of Archchancellor Ridcully’s shouting, but that was par for the course around the university anyway. Generally he could just keep quiet and fade into the background for an hour or two, content in the knowledge that he wouldn’t be faced with anything more exciting than a new variety of biscuit.
Generally the topic of the meeting didn’t strike so close to home.
It had started with the discreet little announcement in the Times that the editors and head iconographer were to be married the following Octeday. That would probably have been an end to it as well if the Senior Wrangler hadn’t been baffled by a wedding with more than one groom. Even then, it could still have been a five minute diversion.
But Ponder had to be helpful. Apparently one of his aunts had been Offlerian and her friend whatshername had married a Tsortean couple, and no one had thought anything of it. “And besides, you all act like an expanded old married couple anyway,” he’d finished brightly.
Rincewind tried to hide under his hat. It was difficult to make out any full sentences in the ensuing uproar, but loudly declaring their heterosexuality and/or general lack of interest in their fellows seemed to make up a decent chunk of it.
Ponder’s “I didn’t mean-” wasn’t quite lost, but it was ignored.
“Mustrum, we’ve known each other almost half a century, so I only think it’s right to let you know. I never liked you in the slightest and I hope the feeling is mutual.”
“It most certainly is, Two Chairs,” Ridcully bellowed. “You remember Esme. You’ve met Esme!”
“And you know Mrs Whitlow. Come to think of it, the way you and Ponder acted back on the island was very odd,” the Senior Wrangler said pointedly.
“Oh, so not fawning over a housekeeper is considered strange now?”
“Whatever happened to the days of women and wizardry not mixing?”
“Esk, I think.”
“I’ve got nothing against it, but it isn’t natural.”
Whatever Rincewind said at this point wasn’t going to make anything worse and probably wouldn’t even be heard. It certainly wasn’t going to be listened to. Might as well get it off his chest, then.
“I’m gay,” he said quietly.
And with the luck he was so known for, his statement coincided perfectly with a lull in the shouting.
All eyes turned to him. Rincewind could feel his cheeks going red. A familiar pit of dread welled up in his stomach.
“And?” said the Lecturer in Recent Runes.
Rincewind peeked out from under the brim of his hat. “And nothing. I’m gay, that’s all.”
“Funny thing to bring up.” The Chair of Indefinite Studies snatched the penultimate chocolate biscuit from under the Dean’s hand. “It’s not as if anyone here is an Orthodox Omnian.”
“You have a point, Chair. How are the Times people supposed to marry in any religious building when one of them’s a vampire?”
“Maybe at Small Gods? Old Windle wasn’t stopped by a bit of hallowed ground.”
“He wanted to come back as a woman,” the Bursar said.
“Really? Good for him- uh, her. Well done, Bursar, a valuable contribution.” The Archchancellor pushed the final chocolate biscuit towards him.
Rincewind breathed out as the faculty’s attention turned away from him.
Ponder caught his eye. “Alright?” he mouthed.
Rincewind nodded.
Rincewind started to nod again, then stopped. “Dinner?”
“Dinner.” Ponder nodded once and called the meeting back to order.
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beardedmrbean · 1 year
A top employee at an NBC-affiliated television station in Michigan was fired last week for expecting it to be a news outlet instead of an LGBT propaganda channel.
News director Stanton Tang of WOOD-TV had assistant news director Amy Fox write a memo to employees about the need to limit and adjust coverage of Pride Month, specifically Pride events. Staff swore not to obey it, pressured Tang to resign, and complained that Nexstar Media Group, the station’s parent company, hadn’t immediately suspended Tang and Fox while investigating. One employee called it “absolute malpractice” to wait while “the emotions are still raw.”
The emotionally scarring document asked reporters not to “cover every Pride event we learn about” at the expense of limited time and resources. “We need to do some work to discern the newsworthy-ness of the event. If we are covering Pride events, we need to consider how to make the story balanced and get both sides of the issue,” Tang said.
“We know that West Michigan is a Conservative area in many ways,” he added. “We need to recognize that some stories related to LGBTQ issues are going to be controversial and polarizing in our community. While you personally may not agree with a certain position, people are entitled to their opinions, and they are our viewers.”
Every Pride Month, many LGBT stories from mainstream outlets follow the same obnoxious formula. Journalists cover events with little to no importance beyond obsessing over the sex lives and gender identities of random people and editorializing about the right-wing “hate” they are faced with. On the other hand, objections to nudity and sexual activity in front of children or the promotion of sex change procedures rarely receive air time.
Tang made the horrible career mistake of trying to burst the liberal bubble at his network in pursuit of something resembling balance. He even spoke positively of the “number of valuable stories about Pride-related events” it had already covered. But his suggestions were enough to get him barred from editorial meetings on the topic.
An outlet called the Desk released a hit piece describing Tang’s memo as “anti-gay” without evidence and describing a history of complaints about him. Among them was the fact that he “consumed a significant amount of political news and conspiracy theories” and followed “controversial, right-of-center personalities” such as Daily Wire hosts Matt Walsh and Ben Shapiro.
Tang “occasionally emailed and texted reporters with links to conservative-oriented news articles, urging them to find similar local angles on those topics,” the Desk reported. Oh, the horror!
It’s hard to find a more transparent example of how uninterested many journalists and media organizations are in fairness and accuracy. The contempt they have for those wanting to hear alternative information makes them unapologetic about their behavior. It is becoming increasingly popular in the media to believe that many issues only have one perspective worth addressing: the "indisputably correct" stance of liberals. People in charge of protecting these fragile narratives act like the world is ending if their opponents have a voice.
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hooked-on-elvis · 10 months
How was Elvis in the 70s? ✨
Elvis' personal and work life, as told by a close friend and former lover. "Elvis and Kathy" by Kathy Westmoreland. Some of the questions I found answers to - or at least some enlightenment - were these ones: 'What Elvis went through on the road?'; 'How he dealt with his health issues?'; 'Was Elvis a depressed man?' And of course, we have more treasured stories on Elvis' tremendous generosity and funny antics.
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On Kathy and my review on her book:
Kathy Westmoreland was Elvis' soprano background singer for his TCB band from August 1970 to August 1977, when sadly Elvis passed away. Kathy joined the TCB band during the time they were filming "Elvis: That's The Way It Is" at the International Hotel, during Elvis' 3th season there; precisely when they were finishing the last shooting for the documentary. Kathy lived a romance with Elvis right from the start she joined his band and it's very interesting to read her recollections on how things gradually - but quickly - escalated between being just a newcomer talent for the band to being one of the big boss' women. On this subject, Kathy included not only facts on how things happened between she and Elvis but her feelings and thoughts during each moment she shared with him. This is a very interesting reading, specially considering the circumstances this love affair was under (Elvis was still a married man). Kathy is raw honest on her side of this issue and why she decided to go on with their love affair. EP was her first man - if you catch my drift, so this entices our curiosity on their love affair story a lot more; it did mine, at least.
Throughout the book, you can feel how Kathy cherished being not only a co-worker, and in spite of being his lover for a certain amount of time, but having Elvis for a dear friend. He trusted her and she loved him truly deeply. On this book, Kathy defends Elvis wholeheartedly. You can feel the how angry she was with some of the crap people said about EP over the years (up until the time she published this book, of course), and she stood against it without lying about what she truly considered flaws on Elvis. Even so, even when she didn't agree with everything Elvis did, as you expect from any close true friend, she remained loyal and justified some of his choices, giving EP compassion and understanding rather than unfair judgment. She did some covering for him, in my opinion, specially about the medication abuse, but other than that she was very truthful and considerate and even dismissed some myths people created in a way of mocking Elvis, such as him not having a good hygiene during his last years of life, and so on. That's my favorite part of her book, really! I was like 'YEAH, YOU GO, GIRL!' 🩷
Now, you may feel that the book becomes tiresome when in some chapters Kathy talks about her personal experiences and feelings traveling with the TCB band instead of sharing only her moments with Elvis, but this was something to expect for considering she was not with him the entire time they worked together. These memories about the band on the road, their crazy schedules and hotel stays directly connect with how Elvis lived on the road and what he experienced himself, how draining it could be going from city to city nonstop, not having proper meals and a nice night sleep, so they are extremely valuable in every way. Be patient, the stories about EP are spread throughout the book, so pay attention to the details and read in between the lines.
Kathy is alive today, thanks God, and she still care deeply about EP. Reading her book was one of my best spent time, really. Kathy's book is one very dear to my heart. ♥
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This is a rare book and, just like I found it only through some good soul out there sharing it, and I know it's not very easy to find this book, I want to share it with you too. I promise you will have a great time reading those pages.
Read "ELVIS AND KATHY" (1987), by Kathy Westmoreland
✨ PDF here ✨
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Kathy Westmoreland, Oslo, Norway, 1983. Photos by Stein Ivar Holmo as published by him on Nov 07th, 2023 on 'Elvis in the 70's' Facebook group.
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Some of Elvis' gifts to Kathy.
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station-aspenville · 10 months
Chapter 5.
- Good evening, listeners. Today is November 16th, 1960, my name is Alistair Mayers, and I am more than happy to welcome you to today’s audition.
Alistair’s voice seemed completely empty, as if it had been drained of all human emotions. I expected him to start scripting the broadcasts from now on, but unlike the last time when I heard from him - an enthusiastic and full of passion young radio host - now I’ve only gotten the impression of him blankly reading a text off paper, without the tiniest shade of intention. I wish to say that hearing him in this state worried me, however I’m afraid this would be a lie; more than anything else, I felt terrified.
- The past week has not been too great to say the least. I found out certain things… about certain people that I would rather not have been made aware of. Although, in retrospect I should probably be glad that it happened. After all, finding the truth is currently our top priority. It’s just such a shame to know how much time I have wasted.
I wondered what Alistair could possibly mean by those words. Fortunately, he was soon to enlighten me.
- It turns out that our dear friend and ally - Virgil Montromery, had not been entirely honest with us after all. Personally, I find this sort of behaviour hypocritical at best. What happened to our transparency policy, Virgil? Did everything we agreed on priorly hold no meaning to you at all? What bothers me the most about all of this isn’t even that I have been lied to, but that you have, listeners. It also wouldn't have enraged me to such a degree if he had been hiding an irrelevant detail or a minor information. This wasn't a minor detail. It was revolutionary; something that could possibly change our entire outlook on this situation. To think that he wanted to keep all of this to himself…
What is he talking about?
- Frankly, I shouldn’t even be giving it that much care at this point. It’s not like I would even be able to stop working with Virgil if I wanted to, not right now. Despite this unfortunate occurrence, he’s an extremely valuable help when it comes to my research. I very much wouldn’t be able to get anywhere without a lab or the experience which he provides. If there’s any lesson all of us could get out of this, it is to be more weary of people. Virgil has been suspicious since the first time we spoke, I was just too desperate to see through him. Yet, saying that nothing good came out of the two of us collaborating would be a lie. I’m only… not sure who should I trust anymore.
He sounded cold in the most heartbreaking of ways.
I considered the possibility of Alistair overexaggerating this entire situation. It was clear to see how much the transparency thing, between the two of them, meant to him, however wasn’t this going a little far? To even consider quitting working with Montgomery, right after finding someone who understands him became so important to him. All of it felt rather irrational to me, but not knowing what exactly happened, I was in no place to judge. What could’ve he possibly been hiding? Could it really be something this bad?
- This week was exhausting. I would even go as far as to say that I haven’t felt this drained ever since we moved to the radio station. I’d rather refrain from mentioning my well being and personal life, if there even still is such a thing, for the sake of keeping things professional, however I don’t think that I can keep those worries strictly to myself anymore. Until now I have barely realised what might be the greatest downside of the amount of care and dedication I’ve put into my work with Virgil. Ironically, it made me neglectful. 
Neil hasn’t been dealing great with any of this mess. I can’t blame him for it, he’s only twelve after all. If anything, I should be the one to blame. I am his brother, the only one he has left in this world. I should be there for him. I should support him no matter what. It should be my only responsibility. It was supposed to be just the two of us, alone, against all else…
Alistair’s voice started cracking an awful lot. He took a few deep breaths to calm himself down.
- And yet I’ve managed to do the complete opposite. I’ve been dismissive of all his emotional needs. I started pushing him away to protect him from hearing or seeing anything he shouldn’t. I meant well…
Last night, after I finished talking to Virgil, we got into an argument. I said a lot of things I shouldn’t have. Both of us did…
He’s been refusing to talk to me since then.
What’s the worst about it, I know that I was the one in the wrong. I could see how scared he was. How terrifying all of this really is to him. No child should ever be going through something like this. I should've been doing everything in my power to help…
I really did mean well.
The radio remained silent for a couple of minutes.
Then for a couple more.
- Virgil insisted that I start calling him by his first name - Alistair’s voice was noticeably calmer - he says that formal titles such as “Doctor” or “Mister” create a sort of hierarchy within our “workspace” which he doesn’t find pleasant. Personally, I could argue with this statement, but I have to admit that knowing that he sees me as somewhat of his equal feels oddly validating. Although, I have to admit, if Virgil really thinks of us as equal coworkers, putting all else aside for the greater good, he is one pretentious hypocrite. 
A rather strange statement coming from someone as gentle as Alistair.
The entirety of today’s program feels rather strange…
- And to any listeners wondering how in the world would I possibly be getting away with saying such things on the air, the answer is simple; His Majesty Mister Doctor Virgil is way too occupied with his extraordinarily important and highly confidential research to find any time to listen to his dearest coworker’s insignificant radio show.
Well, at the end of the day, who am I to judge him?
Perhaps by ridding myself of all of my life’s joy  for this job, I was actually just being an inconvenience. At least that would be the logical conclusion to jump into, considering that according to him I didn’t even deserve to see the whole picture of our situation; the ground we’re standing on.
I understood none of Alistair’s sudden change in attitude. Whatever Montgomery kept away from him must’ve been truly horrible to cause this sort of reaction.
A rather odd thought accrued to me that very moment. What if it wasn’t?
What if Alistair was indeed acting purely irrational?
He could’ve been lying to us for malicious reasons, or perhaps he was actually delusional. 
Was Alistair just insane after all? Did the calamity make him lose his mind?
But this couldn’t be the case. Alistair would never lie to us. I found it highly unlikely for him to actively try to cause harm to another human being. Besides, my doubts were soon to be dispelled.
- Well, since we’re already on this subject, I figured out that it would only be fair for me to enlighten you about everything I’ve been late to discover.
According to the research started on October 13th 1960, by the younger researcher of The University of [REDACTED], Virgil Montgomery, the DNA of a Stranger is identical to the one of a human being. From what I’m knowledgeable about, Virgil is yet unsure of the implications carried by this discovery, however it is still undoubtedly worrying. The current leading theory is that Stranger’s are in fact humans who have been transformed into their current state by some sort of disease. The origin and means of spreading of this hypothetical disease are unknown and performing any closer examination on the Strangers in a proper laboratory environment is made extremely difficult both due to their violent nature, as well as their short life spans, lasting only up to one week. We will continue on trying to get to the bottom of this by all means possible and, of course, I will keep you updated on all major developments of this situation, no more secrets.
For now, that’s all I had to say. Thank you for sticking with me through these difficult times. Goodnight, listeners.
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