#oracle trainings
tmmyhug · 21 days
we need to stop putting barbara in boring manual wheelchairs and instead give her one of those fancy hands-free electric ones. if you dont think bruce didn't personally design and manufacture a custom batwheelchair for her youre wrong. it has rockets. it goes 60mph
edit: hands free wheelchair examples for reference: the omeo & the uni-one
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babsbadass · 1 month
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even being disabled, babs continued to be in good physical shape
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whalehouse1 · 9 months
Jason went mad and killed those people due to pit madness.
Jason made a conscientious choice to kill those people and the pit doesn’t cause madness.
Me: I go with whatever I’m vibing with that day or what seems funnier to me at a particular moment. He didn’t shove that guy off the roof though, not that I would have blamed him.
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oracles-art-icles · 8 months
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Made some fan HTTYD tablet wallpapers for a friend!
Dimensions are 1600x2560 px
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Okay but Reverse Robins where Tim still becomes the third Robin because Batman is out of control in his grief (for his daughter instead of his son), but he’s not taking the role of his hero. He’s not a wide-eyed kid who just wants to help. He’s fifteen, and his best friend is dead, and he’s angry. Angry at Black Mask for killing her, angry at Batman for letting it happen and then using her as an excuse to hurt and hurt- something Stephanie wouldn’t have wanted at all. So he still goes up to Batman and says he’s going to stop him from self destructing, but he’s distant and snappy and they so clearly don’t get along because Batman didn’t save his best friend. Batman didn’t save Stephanie, and how can he forgive him after that? How can he look at the man they both used to see as a hero, yet who still failed to save the girl he said was as good as his daughter? How can he accept the reaction he had after her death when he knew so personally the one who died? Like, Tim is in the same position as canon but he’s not, because it wasn’t an abstract heroic ideal that died, it was his best friend. How can he forgive Batman - forgive Bruce - for that?
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arcanusarchieves-if · 3 months
What is the allure of “magicae” and why do people dedicate their lives to its pursuit?
"Magicae" is just this world's version of magic! The allure people feel doesn't stem from anything mystical/fantastical but instead stems from the very human emotions of curiosity and a desire for power.
A lot of Magus simply can't imagine a life without it which means most end up dedicating their lives to some career/goal that utilizes magicae (whether that be cursebreaking, potion-making, teaching it, etc).
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slythereen · 6 months
Hey, here I am with my 2 cents once again.
I saw your answer about why RBR would want to go with two number one drivers in the future, and I agree with everything. I just have one more point to add:
RBR were undoubtedly the fastest car on track this year. To the point that none of the other cars came even close. To the point that Checo with all his incompetence, bad qualis, lost battles, 30 seconds difference behind Max, Crashes, DNFs, ill stop myself here... still managed to not only get number 2 in the standings but also lock it 3 races before the end, ahead of a 7 times champion. They were DOMINANT. It does not get better than this. In fact it can only get worse. RBR can't assume that the situation will stay this way for the coming 2 3 years. And they especially can't assume that it will stay this way in 2026 with the new regulations and Audi joining. And seeing Checos performance this year, Red Bull might need to look for a more competent driver in the future in order to keep the dominance, to keep winning the constructors, to keep breaking records. They can not (and will not) assume that Checo will be enough next year. Because what if Mercedes or Ferrari closes the gap and Checo keeps making the same mistakes? Sure, maybe they'll still win but they pride themselves on the dominance, on breaking records, they want to be a top team. In that case they NEED someone like Charles. If the others teams get better they need 2 great drivers to fight that, not one. And I think Red Bull are very aware of that. On top of all the other stuff you mentioned obviously.
I do think Red Bull and Christian are thinking of everything and have all grounds covered for the future. And I think that so does Charles. Which is why I believe there is a pre contract between the 2 sides. It's too perfect for both of them. Both at this moment (with Charles using it to negotiate with ferrari) and Red Bull using it as a "if it's needed" thing for the future. And if you think Charles wouldn't be available to Red bull just like that if they need him remember Helmut and his Aston Martin love child promised and delivered by Christian. If there is one thing this man can do is turn you over to his side.
Thank you for listening and have a nice Sunday evening 💖
i have nothing else to add to this scholarship because it’s very on point. very much doubling down on charles knows what he is doing and i have faith in his plan because i have faith in him
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bloomingdarkgarden · 1 year
8:30am in Seattle im just over here ass deep in a lore-building research dive for my damn fanfiction all day in the name of elain archeron lol. what is my life anymore.
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starlooove · 1 month
Like talon dick au, league jason/tim au, meta literally anybody else, bruce treating tim the worst because he came after Jason, etc.
These are all themes and ideas you could explore with the characters they actually apply to and it’s not lost on me that such a heavily queer fandom ignores black and brown people and women so much in favor of white men who are canonically cops, or have classist ideals, or whatever. It’s not even the aus themselves that are bad (well. To you ig) it’s the fact that it’s so obvious that ur yearning for a specific character or story that’s already there and just waiting to be explored in full but you can’t see poc as people enough to do it.
Anything you write about talon dick can be explored through cass, league cracker aus through Damián, meta anyones through Duke, tim being hated through Stephanie. These are themes that ALREADY exist but y’all are so entangled in making white men kiss that u ignore them it’s so fucking weird. Even that ‘trying c+ parent’ thing with Bruce where he knows he’s paranoid and controlling but he knows statistically it helps but he also wants his family to be happy? Or him being the only smart competent person ever (🫥) and backbone of the JL? That could be Babs! READ BIRDS OF PREY!
Anyways it’s just so disingenuous like first of all I don’t believe anyone who says they don’t read enough ONLY to include Duke; not only bc it’ll be someone who’s self admittedly never read anything but also bc Duke is THEE easiest character to get into rn. I don’t believe people who write the aus above and have the characters they actually apply to as cardboard cutouts in the background have any care for said characters and I don’t believe that people who project their own “leftist” ideals onto white characters before even THINKING about a woman believe shit. That’s just me tho idc
#like no on that last point#sorry if you’ve ever written or drawn smth that’s about the robins but not about Steph#I believe u have more internalized misogyny left in u than the average person#if you’ve talked about ppl being trained by assassins or having a hard time emotion due to parental expectations#and ur not talking about cass or Damián?#ur talking about shit u MADE UP (bc I’m not gonna stop saying that Janet and Jack are MADE UP) for tim?#I believe you have more internalized racism than the average person.#and so on and so forth#idc what u preach online like it’s so obvious that u have to put effort into seeing us as people#which like great first step but then u think ur done? u think going ‘oh yeah dukes here too!’#or ‘Bruce WAS mean to Steph…which means she gets how tim feels!’#and u think that’s it? ur full of shit#obligatory this is not about character specific blogs#well to an extent like ​if u run a blog where u talk about Jason and nothing else but Jason idc about not including Duke#however when ur making posts and art about literally everyone else as well or u talk about those beats or aus up above that y’all made up#*loud incorrect buzzer*#Also#I’m not saying Babs is the only competent member of BOP far from it#I’m saying that the dynamics y’all give Bruce with the league is literally u yearning for oracle.#also on the I don’t believe anyone who’s said they haven’t read Duke#that’s like. in unison with everything else going on#u saying u don’t read Duke ALONE is not enough for me not to believe u it’s everything else stacked on it too
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reineydraws · 1 year
Why didn't you draw Babs with the Batfamily . You stupid bitch . Don't treat Babs that way. She's the queen and far more popular than any of the batfamily members!
wow! your question is valid but your tone is rude and i dont appreciate it. dont tell me how to treat fictional characters when you dont even treat your fan creators nicely.
babs isnt in the photo because she's setting up as oracle; in the caption i mention she sent up a drone to take the photo. babs is great and i love her but there are 11 people in the original photo and i based this in the wfa 'verse where there are also 11 gotham capes (that ive seen so far) on the streets that have babs at the helm, in the clocktower, being oracle. as a result of this train of thought, i unfortunately ended up not picturing her. it isnt bc of any specific babs hate on my part.
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His chains rattled as the fighting intensified on the floors above him. Voices mixing with hails of gunfire, a cacophony of unintelligible sound. Uthorim had been locked in this room for months, taken to this blacksite by an organization that supposedly didn't exist. Poking, prodding, testing the extent of his ethereal form. Dried blood stained his body, his captors refusing him even the basic courtesy of a clean rag.
"Target located, beginning extraction protocols. Overwatch prepare for covering fire."
Uthorim focused his racing mind on the voice behind the locked metal door. One he would find himself enraptured by soon enough. He tensed his body, muscles tightening ready to strike out despite the chains that bound him.
The door blown from its hinges with ease as a team entered the room quickly.
"Package secured, making our way out now." His voice low and stern. "Don't worry I've got you now." Loke didn't know how true his statement was.
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ourlordapollo · 1 year
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Figure skating has been so crazy good for my arm development??? Turns out when you trick yourself into holding your arms up 90° at intervals for an hour-long session, it may contribute to your lateral delt development. Go figure.
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so-and-sos-blog · 5 months
I’ve been playing a lot of roguelike deckbuilders. They’re really fun, but the problem I always have with engine-builders is that I want to have the engine. They’re engine-builders, not engine-havers. The engine gets thrown out once the run is over, win or lose. And I don’t just mean “I want the games to be longer so I can play with my engine more before throwing it out”, like an endless mode. I mean I want to put that engine in my garage so I can take it for a spin every now and then whenever I feel like it. I want a whole parking lot full of shiny game-winning engines, and I want to keep getting new ones and keep playing with the vintage ones.
I want the variety and replayability of a roguelike engine-builder, but not the impermanence of “hooray, you won, now just throw out that cool engine you built and we’ll pretend that never happened”.
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hoshidensha · 7 months
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Looptober / Melotober Day 27: Subrosian + Spirit
I read that these lil guys like to dance, so here's a Subrosian boogie-ing with our mascot Boogie~
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songbird-oracle · 1 year
Me- I’m coming out of my tower period. I want to get more serious and back into both of my paths.
Me- *has a dream involving Death themself. Gets gifted a deer skull. Gets gifted a vulture feather. Tastes parsley out of the blue and realizes it’s an herb correlating to death. All of this happens in less than a day. My Clair senses are going off the hook* huh, okay. Note taken, we start immediately.
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apcw32 · 8 months
Oracle training in hyderabad
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Join APEC Today for Oracle Training in Ameerpet, Hyderabad! Don't miss the opportunity to enhance your Oracle skills and become a highly sought-after database professional. Enroll in APEC's Oracle training institutes in Ameerpet, Hyderabad, and take the first step toward becoming an Oracle expert.
Contact us today to learn more about our Oracle courses, training schedules, and enrollment procedures. APEC is dedicated to empowering you with the knowledge and skills required for a successful career in Oracle database management and administration!
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