#originally by Dope Island
threebranch · 2 years
Abe: So what did you do to get in here, Ivan?
Ivan the Terrible (looking down at the jail floor): I killed three people and raped a cat. 
Abe (panicking): A CAT!? Wh-what the fu-.
Ivan the Terrible (looks at Abe): What about you?
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the-skull-breaker · 1 year
Ashura : so how was the pasta ?
human : oh, it was great, say my compliments to the chef !
Ashura : alright ! *goes to the kitchen* hey, Reth !
Reth : yeah ?
Ashura : you have beautiful eyes.
Reth : ☺
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spiinsparks · 2 years
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        ||.. so what if i just based my sonic underground verse on .  . . this lovely WIP comic by starrjoy that y’all should totally check out bc i adore it
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auroblaze · 1 year
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Sonic Frontiers DLC dropped and since then I've been consumed and obsessed to put it lightly, that on spare times at work I stopped to doodle down what I thought The End could've been like 👀👉👈
More thoughts in depth about the final boss after the cut:
Okay so here's the thing, I went into the final battle expecting it to be like the one from the base game but with, more ( like most of us did I assume). The fact is, while technically it was like that, I found myself missing some details I liked from the original one, such as obviously The End's speech and the overall vibe... heck I made a three pages comic about it, so SOMETHING was done right there, otherwise it wouldn't have me inspired at all.
The new final battle was still a great spectacle to me, mind you! It genuinely hyped me through the whole run! I simply was expecting The End to eventually reveal it's...not even true form I guess, because it says to have multiple incarnations and I think that kind of makes sense. But A different form from the gigantic moon would've been pretty dope to see nontheless. From the trailer I was sure that the "seven arms possessed Supreme" was gonna take the place of regular Supreme. I didn't quite get why The End would use Supreme again since the first time clearly didn't work..? I mean the battle was still amazing but frankly there are many choices in the story I didn't understand djfhgdg... I hope the next title puts some more effort on the story too because they are really *so close*!
I started to think that, since the game proposes you as island/level bosses the Titans... as something different (as it usually works for the final battles in sonic games) it could have worked that The End was gonna fight Sonic at his level, almost his size. I mean the game is clearly full of anime references so this wouldn't have been that much weird to see lmao.
The last picture in this post was actually the first bunch of sketches I did before the release of the DLC. At first I imagined The End as like, an alien death's-head hawkmoth (Acherontia atropos if u prefer) that could shapeshift in different adversaries based on Sonic's memories, right because of its speech to him about "seeing into his mind" and all his past challenges. I wanted also to add another anime influence on his appearence by making it kind of like the Anti-Spiral boss from Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann.
The sketches AFTER the DLC are also various other ideas from the brainrot sjghdf, it's mostly The End picking the Ancients' technology design as mockery, and Sonic going all-out continues to be a thing because that genuinely slapped👀👀👀
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I'm going a little nuts. I've just read the Odyssey (they only had me read the Iliad in high school, so I'm correcting that oversight, lol). I've looked at multiple different translations because the library/Guttenberg Project are free so comparing/contrasting is easy and fun! I've also listened to EPIC. And like... it's an adaptation with an obvious set of themes drawn from the original they want to explore over others more predominately present, so there will be differences. It's also a modern interpretation? So like... it's not going to 100% adhere to ancient Greek values? Like a modern audience is going to have some qualms about baby murder, so if you want to adapt it that's going to have to be addressed (if you don't take the coward's way out and just shove every war crime on Neoptolemus - or go the full historian route and fully write from an ancient Greek perspective which may alienate new readers but could also be dope? It's subjective).
Like, we all should know an adaptation (especially a modern one) is never a substitute for reading the original work. But adaptations can also bring new or expanded perspectives on the original work, expand on or address themes from the work in a new way, as well as inspire people to read the original. And honestly? A popular adaptation should motivate people to read/watch the original - this is exactly what kicked my ass in gear to read the Odyssey!
I'd also say don't hero-worship the original. Especially if you haven't read it in a while and have a knee-jerk negative reaction to any new adaptation. The original works should still be read but let people have fun! Don't criticize, just say if you want more content/context read the original! I would, for example, never criticize someone for loving Muppets Treasure Island or Treasure Planet even though they don't stick one to one on the original Treasure Island story - even though it was my favorite book growing up. I think they both are made with a love of the source material, but are changed for the medium + the specific themes they want to address.
I don't know. If an adaption makes a story (especially and old one) more accessible it should usually be celebrated and met with encouragement to look deeper into the source material instead of acting superior - especially if you haven't read the source material in a while either. Let people have fun and encourage them to explore! Don't shame them for liking an adaptation, especially when it's made to expand the reach of a wonderful work to a younger, wider audience.
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kikithegr8 · 2 months
which 3 litg islanders are the most your type on paper?
Thank you for asking the question! I’m so used to just being opinionated and sharing when no one actually asked it’s nice to know that someone in Tumblrland is actually curious about what I think. 😆
This is actually really tough…sooo many options, then do I go off of me in real life, my alter ego, or my past boyfriends?
I actually had to google “type on paper”. You know how a term is used so much you forget the original meaning? Anyway, so someone that ticks all your boxes but might not be your type in person once you meet them.
What I can say without a doubt is that Shawn S8 is my #1 type on paper, off paper, in the margins, on the backside of the paper. He checks every last box. If they had a build-a-man store next to the build-a-bear store this is what I’d come up with. He’s gorgeous. I’m currently with Lyle and think Henri is real cute, but when I saw Shawn next to them I was like Shawn is that guy. Plus the way to this woman’s heart (and unfortunately these big ol’ thighs) is through my stomach, plus he doesn’t like drama, is generally unproblematic and a munch so what more could I ask for? 😆 Plus he’s from the “A”. I lived there for a while and still have friends there so I would enjoy holidays with his family and catching up with old friends. He could do Tiny Chef competitions in the gorgeous gourmet kitchen with our kids and I could judge. Yes I could plan my whole life with that man.
As far as type on paper but maybe not so much in real life? Lucas S2. Again attractive, smart physiotherapist, came from money, liked the finer things in life. Would enjoy getting dressed up to go out and check out a new restaurant (check the food theme). Most guys wouldn’t be into that. He probably has a dope car and is super gentlemen like. He just came off a little bougie to me. I like bougie activities but I don’t like to make people feel lesser than unless they start something first. I can’t quite place what it was, but I felt like ultimately I wouldn’t be enough for him. How that pixel man made me feel insecure I have no idea. Plus he didn’t want kids so that box is unchecked. It doesn’t make him a bad person just less compatible. I’d still let him take me out a few times. I just don’t see him as end game.
Last and maybe least Roberto S6. Again gorgeous, a pilot 😋, a sexy accent, family oriented, confident and a little spicy at least in the beginning but it kind of phased out but I blame the writers. I think he was gonna cook for me too or maybe that’s just head canon. He was a bit of a flirt and couldn’t tell the difference between me and my sister but other than that Roberto was my type on and off paper.
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Anyway sorry for the long answer, hope I didn’t scare you. What about you?
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thepringlesofblood · 1 year
im going to lose my mind
so we have our map of calorum for trw, right?
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dope af. we love it. wait a second, is that...
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no fucking way
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there are so many implications here. are there bees???? do they occupy the same role as the Great Beasts of Carn? how BIG ARE THEY? HOW ARE HONEY PEOPLE BORN? IS THERE MEAD???
wild speculation under the cut
it’s on the Ceresian border of Candia, off the coast of the Dairy Sea. the land of milk and honey. *badum tsssh*
i would’ve guessed it’d be on the Fructeran border, bc fruits need pollination to live, but i think i know why it’s not
each of the nations is loosely based off of a real place. dairy islands = scotland, fructera = france, etc. but usually the similarity is only surface-level - accents, social attitudes, sometimes titles, etc.
but with Ceresia, Brennan went HARD on the similarities to Italy, and more specifically ancient Rome. Senator, Imperator, Tribune. hell, Ciabatta’s whole storyline in ACOC could be mapped 1:1 onto countless tyrants in Roman history.  soldier distinguishes himself, becomes a war hero, moves up the ranks of the military, accrues an army more loyal to him than to whoever’s ruling at the time, and either tries to take over there, or waits until retirement to climb the cursus honorum in peacetime under promises to the commonfolk of a better life, then becomes dictator.
I’m majoring in Classics (a shitty name, I know, but basically ancient Mediterranean history & lit). this cycle happens over, and over, and over again. Focaccia probably did it before him.
the reason I bring this up is that there’s a type of tomb used for elites & rich people that originated in ancient Greece but came back into style a little bit in Roman times called a tholos. what does it look like?
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a giant fucking beehive.
it’s usually buried more thoroughly, but the inside remains the same
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could this be (hehe bee) a complete coincide? yes. is it still cool? yes.
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h233media · 3 months
Pepe Amazing
Just a Dope Jamaican American artist show love to island rappers / new York rappers
He has a unique flow and original style in 2024 that's rare
Can't forget this was shot by a local videographer by the name of left and his company is called dirty water ent this is the second artists I'm show casing from dirty water ent management all artist from dirty water ent management are not official signed yet
And his name is Pepe and the song is amazing and that's also the title ....... Amazing run his views up check him out interview coming soon
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ghost-missy · 5 months
Summary: What if Y/n save herself from the labyrinth so like because we all know Theseus at first never love Ariane what if Y/n was here but not dumb and kill the Minotaur herself and leave.
Minos demanded a human sacrifices of 14 young Athenians every few years to keep the Minotaur fed.
This goes smoothly for the first couple of sacrifices but on the third go round this whole Minotaur human sacrifices situation.
Draws the attention of a spunky young hero aiming to prove himself!
And feisty young princess wanting to slay the Minotaur!
Specifically Theseus, Athens' founder hero and officially best boy...
Which really reflects more poorly on Athens then anything else.
And Y/n a princess from a unknown place who's heard of the Minotaur and wants to go slay the beast she is quite charming and beautiful but also likes to fight anything that supposed to threat to what she finds important to her.
Anywho Theseus brings a big cool boat and plenty of gumption but not much in the way of a plan.So it's lucky for him that Minos' daughter Ariane takes one good look at this new cute boy and Ghost full head over heels for him.
Possibly because she doesn't go out much.Now Ariane is very familiar with the Labyrinth, in fact in one early citation of the story mentions in the Iliad.
It suggested the original version of Daedalus' Labyrinth was built specifically for Ariane as a dancing path with no Minotaur involved.
Mythologically Ariane go way back, maybe even further than the Minotaur.
And some people theorize Ariane as originally some kind of Cretan goddess known as "The Mistress of the Labyrinth"Which is dope as hell, but not what we're here for.
Anyways back to the story.
Ariane helps Theseus out by giving him a ball of thread called a clew that'll let him returned his path out of the labyrinth.
And Theseus makes her guidance, eventually finding the minute eventually eventually finding a woman in front of the Minotaur with a sword in her hand and entering it in total red combat.Until she managed to decapitate it.
"Who are you?" Theseus ask completely astonished of who she is.
"I am princess Y/n."
She stated in a cold monotone voice, as she continues.
"And who might you be, might I ask?" Y/n says to Theseus.
"Theseus, I'm Theseus, princess Y/n." Theseus says to her.
Y/n looks him up and down. "I see." Said Y/n as she started to walk away from Theseus.
Theseus then panicked and shouted. "WHAT!" he yelled to the princess, as she turned around."I know the way out."
Theseus says to Y/n as she nods.Y/n follows Theseus as he shows her the way out.They get out of the labyrinth and run into Minos and his daughter Ariane.
"YOU TWO ARE THE ONES THAT KILLED THE MINOTAUR!!!" Minos yells at the three of them.They ran to Theseus's boat and hopped on and leaves.
The group stopped at a island to rest up.
In the middle of the night, Theseus gathers his men to the boat and please leave leaves Ariane, but not Y/n.
Instead of waking up Y/n, Theseus carried her to the boat to let her rest more.
In the morning Y/n woke up to find out that Theseus left Ariane and got mad.
"Theseus! Why did you leave Ariane?!" Y/n yelled at him.Theseus looked at Y/n in a lovesick face. "Ariane was getting in the way....
so I had to leave her behind."Y/n ran towards the water and jumped into the water and called on Poseidon to help her.
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Mario Kart 8 - Booster Course Pack Wave 6 Speculation/Obsessing
I've always loved the Mario Kart games, but for my money Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is the new gold standard for the entire kart-racing genre. It just FEELS SO GOOD to drive these goofy little contraptions around and blow up your friends in psychedelic cartoon worlds.
Booster Course Pack Wave 5 just dropped this week and I'm loving this shit. Squeaky Clean Sprint?! KAMEK?!
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This unholy union?!
Of course as awesome as this stuff is, I can't help but think about that one last wave of goodies we're getting at the end of the year. At the very least we know we're getting two new drivers and 8 new-old courses (with 1 or 2 possibly being brand new), but at this point Nintendo hasn't announced any specifics.
It's fun to guess and speculate though! Since we're only guaranteed 2 new drivers (and there's a smaller pool to pull from), I started there.
Prior to the Booster Course Packs adding Birdo, Kamek, Wiggler, and Petey Piranha (all drivers who have appeared in previous MKs), Nintendo added guest characters from non-Mario series like Link, Splatoon Girl, and Isabelle. While it's POSSIBLE they could hit us with someone brand new and/or from a different series, I'm thinking it's more likely they'll pull these last 2 drivers from the existing Kartiverse.
With that in mind, here are the standout possibilities from previous Karts:
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DIDDY KONG in Double-Dash!!, Wii, Tour Iconic sidekick/costar of Donkey Kong Country series, and three-time karter (not to mention headlining his OWN kart games). On one hand it's fuckin' crazy to me that he's not already in here, but on the other hand if I can only pick one more Kong, I'd rather have Funky or Dixie 😬sorry didds
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HAMMER BRO in Tour I like Hammer Bros, I've always thought of them as Bowser's elite goon squad--hammers hurt and their helmets are dope. On the flipside we already have Koopa-Troopa, Lakitu, Dry Bones, and Kamek, plus 9 Bowser-flavored Koopas. We might already be over koopacity.
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MONTY MOLE in Tour This is some goofy left-field shit that I am absolutely into. Not my first choice, but funny, cute and strange enough to be worth it. He a mole driving a car
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PEACHETTE in Tour So even though this looks exactly like Peach in a slightly goofier outfit, it's actually Toadette in a powered-up form from New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe.. Identity theft is a crime, Toadette.
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PAULINE in Tour Mario's original damsel in distress, Pauline debuted way back on the original Donkey Kong arcade cabinet, but also had a major role in Super Mario Odyssey on the Switch (plus a bunch of handheld DK games in-between). Glamorous singing mayor-lady, cool! Why the fuck not! We better get a New Donk City track if she's added tho
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KITSUNE LUIGI in Tour Look I know I gave Peachette a lot of shit for being an obscure power-up (this one hailing from Super Mario 3D Land and World), but at least we can tell this is still Luigi! Plus it'd complement Tanooki Mario and Cat Peach REAL nice. Let me have this. Luigi needs a win. It's not a furry thing (not that there's anything wrong with that!).
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POOCHY in Tour This fuckin' guy. I still have acid flashbacks to his levels in Yoshi's Island. Still tho, big ol' dog-thing driving car is hilarious, I'd sign off on his goofy ass
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FUNKY KONG in Wii, Tour Finally, another prospect with more than Tour on his Karting resume. Funky Kong fuckin' rules. DKC's resident gearhead, party animal, and big lovable himbo dumbass, this dude gotta come back. Non-negotiable. HE WEARS JORTS... WITH A BELT
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DIXIE KONG in Tour The other coolest Kong. Probably technically cooler than Funky. It'd be crazy if both new characters were Kongs, but if they were Funky and Dixie I would shit my pants with joy. Dixie's badass.
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NABBIT in Tour This would make sense, but I would also be like "sure why not." Shitty little thieving rabbit-man is fine. Is anyone clamoring for this? No judgement, just curiosity. I got kind of sick of the New Super Mario Bros. series, but I don't speak for the whole fuckin' world.
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KING BOB-OMB in Tour HAHAHA YES!!! BIG DUMB ORB MUSTACHE CROWN MAN. I also lost my shit when he showed up in the Mario movie. If B-list bosses like Petey Piranha and King Boo get to drive, let this big fancy idiot. He probably accidentally explodes like a dingaling when he doesn't win.
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MEOWSER in Tour Like Kitsune Luigi, this would be a nice complement to Tanooki Mario and Cat Peach, but we already have Bowser Classic, Jr., Dry, and his 7 delightful little punkass shithead kids. Meowser does benefit from reminding me of Kintaro, from my OTHER favorite game series with the initials "MK":
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CHARGIN' CHUCK in Tour A different listicle already mentioned his fucking awesome-ass burger'n'fries mobile being the best part of him. I'm trying not to accidentally rip off that listicle COMPLETELY, but I might have. Sorry. I think it was on Hard Times/Hard Drive? CC's beefiness and sporty theming could save him from being another face in the Koopa Krowd, but he's not my first draft pick.
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CAPTAIN TOAD in Tour I'm all over the place on this one. El Capitano has his own spin-off games--that's pretty legit! But he's just Toad with some different clothes on... but so is Metal Mario and Cat Peach! Do we need a third Toad? If he's a higher weight class because of his gear, then maybe!
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HONEY QUEEN in MK7 Aww, remember Super Mario Galaxy?! I like when lady-characters get to be something besides "skinny human princess." If fricking Petey Piranha can race again, so can this big ol' bee!
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PARATROOPA in MKDD!! Ah, our millionth Koopa! Jokes aside, since Paratroopa has ONLY been in Double Dash!! (the one where every driver needed an obvious partner), I bet he's a major longshot. Kamek, Wiggler, and Petey Piranha were all in Tour, so I'm inclined to think Nintendo will be pulling from the Tour roster. But who the hell knows! Here are some other (unlikely) prospects.
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R.O.B. in MKDS Between this and his playable debut in Super Smash Bros. Brawl, R.O.B., the (in)famous robot peripheral for the NES/Famicom, was having a little moment in the 2000s. A wave of 1980s nostalgia or a 20th anniversary celebration, maybe? I'm not expecting him to come back again after almost ANOTHER 20 years (Jesus Christ), but I love his kart that makes it look like he has little legs.
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PAC-MAN AND OTHER WEIRDOS FROM THE ARCADE COLLABORATION WITH NAMCO in Mario Kart Arcade GP, Arcade GP2, and Arcade GP DX Again, non-Tour to me says longshot, but fuck it would be weird and cool to play as Ms. Pac-Man. Blinky the ghost, one of the Tamagotchis and a happy little arcade drum also made the cut!
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Mametchi aka The Cooler Nabbit.
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OK he's actually a BIG, SASSY cartoon drum. Still cute. Crazy that the Prince from the Katamari games wasn't playable in these, IMO he'd be perfect and have a deliciously funky, knobby kartamari.
Click here to vote for your fave!
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feathered-serpents · 2 years
Wait king you can't drop the idea of "ruins of war" and not elaborate 👀👀 did you have any other headcanon on that??
My gut feeling is that the next game will be in Egypt since the GoW 2018 was originally gonna be Egypt, but I'm super into the idea of a DLC back in Greece, like a brief look into what happened without having to commit a full 60hour game to it. Atreus trying to find a connection to his heritage would be so interesting, especially considering Kratos' desire to leave it in the past. I honestly dont think Atreus would be able to resist not checking it out if he had the chance and I'm into the idea that he'd be drawn to Greece naturally since his god powers essentially come from there
I don't honestly have too much for it! It's just a concept. Mostly based on how I thought "Ruins of War" sounded like a really DOPE DLC name
Here's what I do have in mind though
This would set up the next game which... would be in Egypt!
Like you, I also have a gut feeling it's going to be in Egypt. It's a pretty well-known mythology I'd say, about on par with the Norse mythos in terms of general knowledge. I also think the next game will be mostly if not entirely Atreus-led, so, this DLC would be entirely Atreus-led. Greece would be a bit of a pit stop before he reaches Egypt, because the two are VERY close together
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We wouldn't know at the start of the DLC that he's headed to Egypt, that would be revealed at the end. We'd just know he's going somewhere and that somewhere was not intended to be Greece
If he's on a boat, which I imagine he is, he's going to have to go right by it. And he would know that! I don't think he'd be planning on stopping there, but like you said, he couldn't resist. It’d start with “we’ll just sail by it” and go to “we’ll just stop at this one tiny island” and increase more and more until you’re exploring the mainland.
2. Angrboda is there
There's not much else to this. Angrboda is there! She would be the companion for the whole DLC. He brought her with him to see the world after spending her entire life in the Ironwood. He's very excited she's there and she's really mesmerized by everything she sees. It's all very cute
Also, speaking of the boat. I’m picturing one large boat he’s actually using to cross the ocean being a bit of a “home base” and a smaller, life boatish boat the player used to navigate around the Grecian shore. Atreus is rowing it of course, and Angrboda is the one sitting in the boat with him. Like Kratos did with Atreus and Freya. There would be a banter that goes like this:
Atreus: *groans*
Angrboda: You okay?
Atreus: Yeah. This is just harder than father made it look.
Angrboda: Oh! I can take over. If you need a break.
Atreus: No! No, I’m fine. I’ve got it.
Angrboda: Uh. Okay.
There’s an animation whenever you get out of the boat where Atreus is visibly rolling the pain out of his shoulders. But he utterly refuses to let Angrboda take over
3. New mechanics
New mechanics! I've posted about what I think an Atreus-led game would include, new magic, new shapeshifting, and maybe Atreus gets a sword. Specifically, I want to delve into the idea of "magic is tied to the land" like Freya mentions. This DLC would give a taste of that. Atreus would get a few new proper spells. Not runes. Spells. Greek spells. It's implied the lands of Greece have died since Kratos killed all their gods, but what if Atreus coming back reawakened it just a tiny bit? Since there's Greek god blood in him? He's the grandson of Zeus. The land would know him.
New shapeshifting form too! Just one. Probably a lion. Because lions are significant in Greek mythology AND fit the Egypt aesthetic so he can have it at the start of the next game and it would make sense! Lion Atreus! Woo! Maybe an eagle as well. A bird form would be fun, there’s a lot you could do with the flight aspect in gameplay
Maybe hold off on the sword for no other reason than I want Atreus' first sword to be a khopesh.
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Look at how cool that is. That's literally the only reason I don't want to give Atreus a sword in Greece, khopesh are Egyptian
4. Atreus would find out about Lysandra and Calliope
Despite being somewhat aware of his father's past... I don't think Atreus actually knows about Lysandra and Calliope. We never have any indication he does, and even after Kratos filled Atreus in on his past killing gods, I don't think he ever told him about his first family. I think it was too painful for him, and he probably justified it with "Why should he know? They're gone"
But I do think Atreus would want to know. Especially about Calliope. Family is important to him, we see that multiple times in the game. I think finding out about her would be a very bittersweet thing for him. He had a sister. He really had a sister! But she's gone... he'll never know her. It'd be a weird thing for him to process I think, and I'd want to see him go through that
I think Atreus takes very naturally to Greek writing. So, he’d find their names on something. Probably a monument in their honor. Something with the inscription “Lysandra, beloved wife and mother” “Calliope, beloved daughter.”
How he’d put together their connection to his father, and subsequently him, I’m not very clear on. It would probably be a gradual process. He finds their names and as the DLC goes on he’d slowly put together that they knew his father, and then at the end he’d realize they were his father’s first family. As well as how they died
That’s it! That’s all I’ve got. I know it seems like a lot but I still don’t know what they’re actually doing in Greece. Obviously “exploring” and “learning about Kratos’ past” but those are very broad. I have no idea what the particulars would be yet
I should also say, I don’t EXPECT this to be a real DLC. This is not a theory or even really speculation. It’s fanfic. Just an idea I’m having fun with and nothing more
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cleoselene · 1 year
4 vinyl albums that are like, my bible of women in music and I’m obsessed with how fuckin dope they sound on vinyl:
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the flash washed out the color on the actual record but the Boys For Pele is the original first press 1996 Cola Bottle Clear, and the LPSS is of course the RSD grey.  RENAISSANCE and Goddess are on 180g vinyl.  For Banks and Beyonce, the rich electronic music makes you feel like you’re IN the club.  Pele is... a spookier album in the original press sonically that the 2016 remaster which is everywhere.  And I love that.  Because Pele is a completely feral island, Tori got the whole concept while visiting Kilauea after a breakup and wanting to throw some boy sacrifices to the mother volcano, and then the album itself was recorded in a 300-year-old church in Wicklow, Ireland, giving the press this spooky quality to an already spooky record.  And the LPSS?  Is such an intimate sounding album on vinyl.  Again, there feels like there’s her presence in the room singing just for you.
lol look I’m fully aware of how pretentious stoner rambly hipster I”ve become since getting a turntable but since listening to music is what literally keeps me sane, I am pretty much intoxicated by how good vinyl sounds.  This isn’t how I remember record players sounding as a kid!
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takashi0 · 2 years
Sonic Frontiers Endgame Spoilers under the cut
People are saying that The End is an incarnation of Infinite but honestly it’s a lot more likely that it’s the other way around. 
Like guys, we don’t really know how old Infinite is/was, but in all plausibility given his backstory it probably wasn’t “incomprehensibly old enough to destroy the homeworld of an ancient civilization of aliens singlehandedly.” 
Given that The End was trapped the Ancients for X thousand years before tricking Sonic into setting it free, that timeframe would’ve been mutually exclusive with Infinite running around during the events of Forces without the usage of time travel or some shit. 
But I guess since it could still affect things (ie guiding Sonic) within the vicinity of the Starfall islands, maybe you could say that it was able to get just a small piece of its power to leak out but I’m pretty sure that’d make more sense for an origin story for The Phantom Ruby rather than Infinite himself, especially given the events of Mania. Since again, Infinite seemed like more or less a normal mortal before Eggman gave the Ruby to him.
All this, combined with the implication that the Moon form we fight might not be its actual body but an incarnation it uses to interact with the physical world (What with being a manifestation of Nothingness, Entropy, Death, etc.al a some serious Lovecraft shit), gives me the impression that if anything, the Phantom Ruby is another Incarnation of The End. And given what happened to Infinite both at the end of Forces and Word of God saying he’s straight up DEAD from overusing it, I think its power is a form of a Faustian Bargain where you use it for a period of time before getting snuffed out, since The End’s whole final boss monologue and the fact it genocide’d the Ancients twice over gives the impression that it has a real sadistic streak.
(And personally I’d like this to mean that being able to have multiple Incarnations means it becomes a recurring antagonist since that’d be dope as Hell and a way to set it distinct from other Sonic Final Bosses Who Aren’t Eggman). 
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Can't believe I forgot how I was going to include Miraculous. They wouldn't be major charecters but Marinette and Adrien would be in the I-Island Arc.
So remember that power boosting tech from I-Island? Well AFO tried making his own with a twist. The ability to store a quirk. He did this only for a short time due to realzing this is a dumb idea but he created some items. A side effect is that while using the item you can hear and hallucinate the original quirk holder. These got stolen from AFO like hundreads of years before the series begins. These are the Miraculous and they aren't animal themed in this one.
A few Miraculous would have to be changed like the rabbit, peacock, butterfly, others probably but idr them all off the top of my head. They don't work in this fic but I liked the concept
Okay but the Miraculous being some kind of stored Quirk tech that only works if the user wears it? Kinda dope!
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game-boy-pocket · 2 years
Being genuinely excited for that Yoshi's Island track in Mario Kart is a big reminder for me why i'm usually not very excited for Mario spinoffs.
I feel like Mario Kart, and by extension, other Mario spinoffs, should be a big celebration and crossover of the larger Mario franchise, old and new. Instead it just kind of feels like "Mario, but he's in a different genre of video game and the setting is only vaguely Mario themed, and the roster is like the same 12 characters plus a rotation of characters from recent Mario games"
I don't want to say every Mario spinoff should only do things that reference other Mario games and not do anything original, not at all. I just want these big Mario crossovers to actually appeal to me as a fan in a way other than "okay here's the characters. And here's some environments that idk we put Waluigi's name and likeness on this giant pinball table so it's Waluigi themed" and my response to that as a fan of Mario platformers is "Who's Waluigi?" ...okay bad example, so like, they give us a cruise liner as a race track and just tell us "This is Daisy's ship" and I just shrug and say okay I guess Daisy has a ship. A Sarasaland cup would be pretty dope though... there's four Kingdoms in Mario Land... four tracks in a cup...you know... seems kind of like an easy way to pay respect to Daisy... maybe add Tatanga instead of like... a Wiggler or a Goomba... y'know?
I don't know if this makes sense to anyone but me, but just adding Mario characters into genres I am not that interested in just never did much to make me interested in those spinoffs because they don't FEEL Like Mario to me. Mario Kart I make an exception for because unlike the sports and party games... it's really fuckin' fun.
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leafbatraccoon · 1 year
sims tag game!!
i was tagged by @d4isy-nukes via reading her post oh well lets go
1. What’s your favourite sims death? in ts4: METEOR muahahhah
2. Alpha CC or Maxis Match? if i have to pick, maxis match, but im partial to maxis mix choices
3. Do you cheat when your sims gain weight? not usually, no, but i have done it by tweaking a bit in cas, rarely but i it happened
4. Do you use move objects? fuck yea, love that shit
5. Favorite mod? i loved gem's answers btw absolute same but hum... i really dont know.. the classics, wwhims for attraction system, zerbu's, don't wash dishes where you angry poop, lumpinou's rpo, i really cant pick, i use so many, it's giving me whats ur favourite kid energy
6. First expansion/game/stuff pack you got? GTW yall & i stand by it
7. Do you pronounce “live mode” like aLIVE or LIVing? the wrong way
8. Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made? AGAIN WITH THE CHILD PICKING !!! no but really i can't pick favourites no matter what
9. Have you made a simself? not one that looks like me bc i don't even know what i look like tbh but i made a kind of avatar
10. What sim traits do you give yourself? self-absorbed gloomy geek 🤢
11. Which is your favorite EA hair color? depends on the sim
12. Favorite EA hair? all the sdx ones were pretty dope so far
13. Favorite life stage? the ones that are yet to come eheh
14. Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay? prolly gameplay which in ts4 i rely on mods for a lot, but ts4 made me more confident in building or at least decorating, it's very fun now and in ts2 i used to spend a lot of time in cas and the body shop
15. Are you a CC creator? no, but maybe one day
16. Do you have any simblr friends/a sim squad? i dont think so ?!
17. What’s your favorite game? (1, 2, 3, or 4) ts2&3 for different reasons, i never played the first one tho, i mean i did but not really
18. Do you have any sims merch? a phone charm that came with a promotional magazine for ts3 launch, i cant fine the magazine tho ;(
19. Do you have a YouTube for sims? i wouldn't know what to do with it
20. How has your “sim style” changed throughout your years of playing? i made a lot of long haired blondes with ballroom dresses in my ts2 era for some reason, i dont even know where i was getting cc from, really long hair and ballroom dresses on the toddlers too if you can imagine oh and i had mermaid tails from downloading oher sims so naturally i made a bunch of sirens all the time
21. What’s your Origin ID? i think it's gumbreath now
22. Who’s your favorite CC creator? oh gosh why did i decide to do this ??! humm cant pick one so shout out to @tudtuds merecido
23. How long have you had a simblr? circa 5 months so far
24. How do you edit your pictures? i use gimp the open-source queen, for my spellcaster legacy i was trying to do a scrappy photoset vibe, mystical motherhood im literaly just cropping and since ive reinstalled shaders i just use a preset for stardew moon bc i am nothing if not lazy ig
25. What expansion/game/stuff pack do you want next? none, id like them to fix the game we already have 😘 but if i had to ig faeries for gamepack, travel for expansion (with 3 decent worlds & hotels plz) and literally any stuff pack so they can say they didnt lie to us about it 🤡
25. What expansion/game/stuff pack is your favorite so far? im a sucker for sulani so island living for EP? although the mermaids deserved better, big cottage stan but wish goats and horses were on it so not on the podium & get together still has the best world; paranormal stuff pack by faaaaar, it was the least cash grabby SP ever i thought i was dreaming when they didnt call it a gamepack
ok so that is it, if you read this so far ... why ? /hj im doing the same and tagging whoever sees it IF THEY FEEL LIKE PARTAKING 🤍🤍🤍 OK BYEE
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