#otherwise i'll default to main!
huntedvideo · 5 months
anyways - like this for a short starter. probably involving a quote, lyrics, or something stupid finley has said in the past. iconless for now! mutuals only.
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hand to forehead. bracing inhale. LOS endearing as always
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look at their little Two Eyes expressive display format
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look at their little ‼️😰 expressive display format
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everybody outta the way look at their HEART 💙 !!! well i 💙 them sm so amped
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p.s. fun to put joke coding but showing different languages' formats
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pseudophan · 1 month
different anon but similar feels, also also how do those stuck up people think dnp got where they are? Like do you have any idea how many phuckin millions they've made out of us being unhinged and cringy like I don't go to their fuckin house but I damn well bought the t shirt and read the rpf and drew the whiskers and watched them get more and more famous and like make ALOT of money and attention off us. And that's ok! It happened! We've all come out the other side, literally in most cases
yeah no people reallllly don't like to admit that the shipping and unhinged phandom behaviour played a major part in getting dan and phil to where they are today. it seems like there's this idea that if shipping had anything to do with it that means their content and dnp as people didn't which is just? stupid? several things can be true at the same time. dan and phil make good and engaging content that people love AND all the shipping gave them a boost and helped with people sticking around for as long as a lot of us have. it's not even that the shipping itself is the main contributor (though it is a big part) but everyone snooping into their personal lives desperate for "phan proof" by default strengthened the parasocial bond we have with them and it's that parasocial behaviour that really keeps people around. and dan and phil are so extremely aware of this, they always have been. they are willing to play into their audience's insanity because it's hugely beneficial to their careers. that isn't to say that's the only reason, they're very good at telling us to fuck off if we do cross a line, plus it's evident they find it amusing, but you're incredibly naive if you think dan and phil aren't aware of how much they're benefitting from our fujoshi tendencies lmao. and that's fine! it's good even. it's very much a win/win situation. we get to be unhinged within reason and they get to profit off that within reason
the 'within reason' part is also important though. a lot of creators have tried to mimic that success but they often go too far, they play into it too much and try to capitalise off every single aspect of their relationship and make the audience a little too involved. and then they break up, naturally. dan and phil work cause they put their relationship first and preserve their privacy, while still letting us in Just enough to make us stick around. which again isn't saying no one would stick around without the shipping that would be absurd, but the casual viewer to unhinged stan account ratio would be very different lol
all these things also apply to the fact that they're two conventionally attractive men. definitely not the sole reason they're popular, but it is a contributing factor, and it's kinda silly to pretend otherwise. especially with the amount of thirsting i have to endure on a daily basis good fucking lord you people are annoying. carry on though i suppose, live your truth, i'll live. maybe.
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milosperfectlove · 6 months
decoding perfect love's encoded messages
perfect love's code contains secret messages in a few different ciphers/codes. these messages are from the perspectives of milo's three forms, as well as text in plain english from eris. this post lists and decodes all these messages.
this is applicable to version 1.0 of the game. if there's any more added in future updates, i'll update this post.
the lines with scrambled letters are in caesar cipher, with the letter shifts varying between lines. these lines are from the perspective of pre milo.
the lines with strings of double digit numbers are in nihilist cipher, with alphabet abcdefghiklmnopqrstuvwxyz and keyword manipulation. these lines are from the perspective of manipulation milo.
the lines with strings of dots and dashes are in morse code. these lines are from the perspective of violence milo.
the lines in plain english are from the perspective of eris.
each encoded message has its decoded form directly below it in italics. decoded lines may be adjusted for readability.
script.rpy, lines 1-4. these lines are placed at the very beginning of the script's code, and are meant to hint at which codes are used for the encoded messages.
Oh my dear, it's such a Lowly sight, to be loved Indefinately without a clear Mind. The Middle child is crying he wants to be hAppy, the youNgest wants to be just lIke them in every way, the oldest wants to Protect with an Undying wish and the LAsT Is the type that ONly cares for themselves. It's cynical. He hurts and for what? What does he reMORSE over? Let's have some fun, shall we?
script.rpy, lines 7-10. these lines are placed right after the previously mentioned lines.
U vgef imzfqp eayazq fa omdq rad yq, eayqazq fa xahq yq. I just wanted someone* to care for me, someone to love me. 56 63 57 55 66 57 46 35 89 67 78 64 56 36 48 68 58 60 63 35 77 39 85 48 74 65 54 58 77 77 42 44 58 48 67 48 83 26 75 78 87 56 85 I will be just like them in every form and in every way. .. / .-- .. .-.. .-.. / .--. .-. --- - . -.-. - / - .... . -- / - --- / - .... .. -. -.- / --- - .... . .-. .-- .. ... . / .. ... / ..-. --- --- .-.. .. ... .... .-.-.- I will protect them, to think otherwise is foolish. Milo will love you, he has no choice.
*originally says "somone" when decoded. i assume this was a typo, so i changed it.
script.rpy, lines 90-93. these lines are placed after the setup for default configurations, and before the script code for the main menu.
X'b hd wpeen iwtn rwdht bt. I'm so happy they chose me. 76 34 48 78 46 87 46 43 98 46 68 47 43 55 56 48 68 70 55 24 55 57 67 67 76 53 48 35 48 68 55 24 55 57 67 67 76 32 44 48 66 66 65 53 55 67 49 46 66 44 47 58 77 69 42 43 77 58 78 56 56 44 55 They are my god, a thing* I cannot reach. I cannot fail for a second or I am nothing. .. / .--- ..- ... - / .-- .- -. - . -.. / - --- / -... . / ..- ... . ..-. ..- .-.. / .- -. -.. / .--. .-. --- ...- . / .. / -.-. --- ..- .-.. -.. / -.. --- / ... --- -- . - .... .. -. --. .-.-.- / .. / .-- .- -. - . -.. / - --- / -- .- -.- . / ... ..- .-. . / -.-- --- ..- / -.-. --- ..- .-.. -.. / -. . ...- . .-. / .... ..- .-. - .-.-.- I just wanted to be useful and prove I could do something. I wanted to make sure you could never hurt. It's unfortunate that you chose him.
*originally says "think" when decoded. i assume this was a typo, so i changed it.
script.rpy, lines 7675-7676. these lines are placed after the househusband ending.
.. .----. .-.. .-.. / -... . / -.-. .- --. . -.. / .... . .-. . / .-- .. - .... / -.-- --- ..- .-.-.- I'll be caged here with you. Strange, even as a clipped bird you aren't the one who is in a cage.
script.rpy, lines 7929-7930. these lines are placed after the walls ending.
67 42 48 35 78 60 45 45 77 68 57 44 76 26 65 39 59 76 62 25 78 35 67 87 76 34 57 57 57 66 65 53 98 58 79 57 63 42 55 48 86 60 85 45 89 56 88 56 47 22 75 68 59 66 85 45 89 35 77 58 64 26 57 55 66 67 55 62 59 78 68 78 64 65 48 75 50 87 85 55 67 48 67 55 56 56 76 68 56 79 73 65 78 69 Please don't hate me, I'll do anything for you. I'll give you my heart if you ask me, I'll give you my everything, just for you. What you thought was a failure was a success. Some things perhaps are better not seen.
script.rpy, lines 8162-8163. these lines are placed after the marriage ending.
56 54 66 68 59 89 66 53 59 68 78 87 76 34 48 76 46 99 85 45 89 66 49 87 47 33 64 48 79 89 46 53 87 48 67 65 56 44 48 48 78 78 75 35 88 76 68 66 46 26 75 45 80 76 75 34 55 68 86 48 55 22 84 39 79 68 74 22 76 39 66 44 74 36 67 57 50 56 44 34 78 68 57 48 74 Isn't it pretty, the way your eye glitters in mine? Isn't it wonderful that we have the same mark on each other? As long as we get to match forever more, it does not matter how you mark me.
script.rpy, lines 8355-8356. these lines are placed after the cannibal ending.
.. - / - .- ... - . ... / --. --- --- -.. --..-- / . ...- . .-. -.-- - .... .. -. --. / .. / -- .- -.- . / -.-- --- ..- .-.-.- / .. / .-- .. .-.. .-.. / . ...- . -. / .-.. . - / -- . / .-. .. .--. / -- . / - --- / ... .... .-. . -.. ... / .. ..-. / -.-- --- ..- / -.. . ... .. .-. . -.. / .- / - .- ... - . / --- ..-. / -- . .-.-.- It tastes good, everything I make you. I will even let you* rip me to shreds if you desired a taste of me. How noble of you. Do not worry, if I desire a taste of you, you will know.
*originally says "me" when decoded. i assume this was a typo, so i changed it.
script.rpy, lines 8537-8538. these lines are placed after the doll ending.
56 55 76 57 69 89 42 54 68 45 57 48 84 26 75 39 80 88 55 44 66 68 57 48 64 22 66 78 87 56 85 54 It's not as if he were using them anyways. The joints don't seem to work as well as they used to? That's too bad.
script.rpy, lines 8705-8706. these lines are placed after the killer ending.
- .... . -.-- / -.. . ... . .-. ...- . / .. - / -- --- .-. . / - .... .- -. / .- -. -.-- - .... .. -. --. .-.-.- They deserve it more than anything. It's a strange joy to watch others hurt. You understand, right?
script.rpy, lines 9192-9193. these lines are placed after the burning ending.
67 42 48 35 78 60 55 25 68 38 58 77 43 42 64 45 69 87 85 45 89 48 47 64 47 44 76 39 49 69 75 22 75 55 86 57 76 34 54 48 77 60 55 56 87 68 45 76 86 45 78 57 50 60 45 26 58 48 78 85 43 54 44 55 66 66 65 53 98 58 79 44 65 25 48 75 50 87 85 55 67 48 67 55 55 22 76 35 66 97 42 65 87 36 49 48 65 32 67 66 89 79 76 Please, I did it all for you. I cleansed it all with fire, just as you needed. It was all for you, and everything has always been for you. Oh? Just for me? You shouldn't have my love.
script.rpy, lines 9421-9422. these lines are placed after the kidnapping ending.
-.. --- . ... / .. - / .... ..- .-. - / -- -.-- / .-.. --- ...- . ..--.. / -... ..- - / - .... .. ... / . -..- .- -.-. - .-.. -.-- / .-- .... .- - / -.-- --- ..- / .-- .- -. - . -.. .-.-.- .-.-.- .-.-.- .- -. -.. / .. / .-- .. .-.. .-.. / --. .. ...- . / -.-- --- ..- / .-- .... .- - / -.-- --- ..- / .--. .-.. . .- ... . .-.-.- Does it hurt, my love? But this exactly what you wanted... and I will give you what you please. Aha... is that what you were worried about? Do not worry, my love. This little thing could never hurt me in the slightest.
sprite.rpy, lines 205-208. these lines are placed between the file location specifications for some true ending assets and character sprites.
A oadd twugew ozsl A zsnw lg sfv escw lzwe zshhq. I will become what I have to and make them happy. 88 46 53 73 88 82 46 70 79 74 84 74 50 60 76 44 96 83 79 46 68 64 63 64 50 47 82 64 65 66 75 60 76 44 76 84 48 66 86 54 57 106 66 38 77 55 63 83 70 27 86 63 75 92 59 68 59 74 83 66 58 47 64 73 88 83* When they look at me with disdain, I can't help but cry. I did something wrong, didn't I? .-- .... . -. / - .... . -.-- / -.-- . .-.. .-.. / .- - / -- . --..-- / .. / -.-. .- -. .----. - / .... . .-.. .--. / -... ..- - / ..-. .-.. .. -. -.-. .... .-.-.- / - .... . / -.-. --- .-.. .-.. .- .-. / - .... . -.-- / .... .- ...- . / --- -. / -- . / .. ... / - --- --- / ... - .-. --- -. --. .-.-.- When they yell at me, I can't help but flinch. The collar they have on me is too strong. So meek and malleable - it's been a while since you found someone with such a lack of spine.
*this line uses alphabet zebrascdfghiklmnopqtuvwxy instead of abcdefghiklmnopqrstuvwxyz, and is the only one to do so. i assume this was a consistency error.
sprite.rpy, lines 1640-1643. these lines are placed between the file location specifications for character sprites and background images.
U'y eaddk rad xaawuzs mf kag rday mrmd, U'y eaddk ftmf kag tmp fa emhq yq. Oagxpz'f U tmhq nqqz efdazsqd? Bxqmeq paz'f xqmhq yq. I'm sorry for looking at you from afar, I'm sorry that you had to save me. Couldn't I have been stronger? Please don't leave me. 55 45 85 37 69 90 62 25 68 47 45 84 47 23 48 39 68 56 64 65 88 47 58 66 54 63 57 68 58 79 76 55 98 58 79 57 84 22 76 57 69 89 54 35 77 46 46 48 53 45 75 39 How could I have been anything without you? I was nothing before. .. / .-- .- -. - / - .... . -- / -- --- .-. . / - .... .- -. / .- -. -.-- - .... .. -. --. --..-- / .-- .... -.-- / -.-. .- -. .----. - / - .... . -.-- / ... . . / - .... .- - ..--.. / .-- --- -. .----. - / .. / -.. . ... - .-. --- -.-- / . ...- . .-. -.-- - .... .. -. --. / . ...- . -. / -- -.-- ... . .-.. ..-. / ..-. --- .-. / - .... . -- ..--.. I want them more than anything, why can't they see that? Won't I destroy everything, even myself, for them? But HE was the one who was seeking you. HE was the one who wanted to be with you.
sprite.rpy, lines 2655-2658. these lines are placed between the file location specifications for some true ending assets and code for image transforms.
Sjsb hvciuv W ybck kvoh mci rwr hc as, W kwzz ghwzz zcjs mci psqoigs mci aors as kvczs. Even though I know what you did to me, I will still love you because you made me whole. 56 54 56 58 80 76 45 44 88 47 45 84 47 53 78 57 46 97 42 65 55 45 78 48 74 63 56 35 79 68 46 55 78 55 48 65 47 I shouldn't have run away after what he told me. .. / ... .... --- ..- .-.. -.. / .... .- ...- . / -... . . -. / ... - .-. --- -. --. . .-. --..-- / .. .----. -- / ... --- / .-- . .- -.- .-.-.- / .. / -.. --- -. .----. - / -.. . ... . .-. ...- . / - --- / -... . / .-- .. - .... / -.-- --- ..- .-.-.- I should have been stronger, I'm so weak. I don't deserve to be with you. So really... isn't it just his fault?
that is all that i could find.
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I was reading through some of the recent asks on this blog, and I was reminded of this time a couple months back when I was explaining to my brother (who knows jack shit about ace stuff) how I feel like I’ve learned how to put myself in an allo perspective out of necessity, and how it stings when he acts like sex appeal is the singular reason someone might enjoy something.
He seemed a bit offended. He told me that he believes that, as an allosexual, he could never understand an ace perspective, just as he could never understand a female or transgender perspective, and thus he felt it would be disrespectful to assume otherwise.
And like… sure. You don’t know what it’s like being aroace in a world that constantly conflates and centers romantic and sexual relationships, but is it really that hard to imagine how an ace person might feel about something? Maybe I’m just biased, but extrapolating the way you feel about people you don’t find sexually attractive to everyone doesn’t seem like a very complicated thought exercise.
I love my brother, but he can be real insensitive, especially when it comes to my asexuality. I don’t think I’d personally call him an aphobe, but he definitely has internalized aphobia that he’s doing nothing to fix.
To be honest, I think the main issue here is accepting you'll never truly understand vs assuming everyone thinks like you by default... It's not the same thing. Sure, it's fair to consider that it would be disrespectful to assume you'll ever understand such a unique life experience that you don't share... But that has nothing to do with acting like your own experience is the only one that'll ever be relevant, and that everyone shares it. So... I'm not sure I see his point.
Yeah, it's very possible, even just basic reality, that you'll never understand a life experience you don't share yourself. But that doesn't mean you can't hear out a person who tells you they live through that experience, and you can't consider said experience and be respectful of it (...tbh that's kinda what we have to do with straight people and allosexual people all the time ourselves, isn't it). If it meant that, we'd still be very much behind as a society. I'm really sorry you're going through that... Always reminds me how blessed I am that my own bros are as supportive as they are. I'll never take that for granted.
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twisted-confessions · 3 months
Y'know what, I'm feeling a little bored.
I don't really have much to contribute to the TWST community besides my writing skills and my editing skills so I figured I'd offer my services!!!
I love making Twst cards of my OC Isabella Haddock and of other peoples Twst OC's like @boopshoops Yuu Shi and Jocia Gains so I'm offering to turn your OC/Yuusona into different rated Twst Gacha Cards for you!!! You can send in an ask with your character and the full details listed below. I'll have examples of Cards and extra request details below the cut.
Please don't hesitate to ask as I have a ton of fun making them and can finish them in less than an hour so request as many cards of your TWST OCs as you want!!! Just make sure you read the details below.
WHAT I NEED TO MAKE YOUR CARD(S): - A full body pose or a pose up to the knees of your oc with a transp. background (if possible) OR -A headshot from the neck up I can paste it over an asset of the students outfits I have (credit to @alchemivich for asset files)
-What type of card it is (R/SR/SSR/Groovy)
-Their dorm (if fanmade, a logo of their dorm)
-The background you want if it's SR or SSR
-The name of the OC (I'll use google translate for the Japanese Kanji if you can't find it)
-Their outfit name (Eg. Tropical Wear, Dorm Uniform etc.)
And then we can go over finer details in a post thread or in a DM. If you don't have full art yet that's fine, just send the request when you do! I'll have these requests open as long as I'm free. Also, NO PRICES!!! I'm doing these for the free fun of it :). I'm open to art trades as a price if you want to make it even. Always love to see more art of my girl and her monster boys (Toothless, Grim and Stitch... the rest of NRC too lol-). All I ask is that if you post the card to please give credit to either me or my main blog @techno-danger
FURTHER DETAILS: Because of my obsession of sticking with Canon, I try to make the cards following their grades, for example if it's a School Uniform I'd default to make it an R card and R's don't have proper artistic backgrounds, only the patterned ones. If you do want to have a card that doesn't follow the grade system (eg. R card with a background, SR PE or School Uniform etc.) PLEASE let me know and emphasize that that's what you want.
R cards and SR cards go to the knees if they stand straight up, otherwise it depends on the pose you draw them in. SSR I'll try to fit the whole body in so keep in mind how you want your OC to look in your card. If you want a pose make sure to draw them in a pose, I'm not a miracle worker or an artist, I'm an inexperienced editor doing this for fun lol.
EXAMPLES: R, SR and SSR Cards of my OC Isabella Haddock (designed by the wonderful @boopshoops) and a Bonus Grim I did for fun to match her (RAMSHACKLE DESERVES A DORM UNIFORM DAMN IT-)
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Difference between a Full Body Pose and Headshot Only Pose (using @alchemivich's game assets)
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Custom Background (aka, not official TWST background assets)
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Jocia Gains belongs to Shoopy in her AU, The Creation of A Villain (GO READ IT NOW-). I made this card as part of a thank you gift to her however we don't have any RSA cards so using a background Shoopy gave to me for Bella, I made my own version of RSA's R cards, logo included. I can do this for your OC too if they attend a different school.
If you managed to read ALL of this, thank you so much! You get a secret slice of cake 🍰 I can't wait to bring your OC cards to life!! Have fun requesting!
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shy-urban-hobbit · 10 months
Modern au Bloodweave!
Mentions of Cazador but nothing explicit.
Astarion stared at the meagre options in front of him. He and Gale had gotten caught in a sudden rainstorm on the way back from a lunch date and as soon as they'd fallen through Gale's front door he'd bustled Astarion upstairs to the main bathroom for a warm shower, taking Astarion's soaked clothes to air dry them in the laundry room and informing him that he was welcome to borrow something of his to wear in the meantime before he went to grab his own shower in the ensuite, "Whatever you feel comfortable in."
Such a simple offer had everything inside Astarion screaming that this was some sort of trap, or test. When he was with Cazador, comfort hadn't come into it. He always had to look his absolute best, even when they were in the house alone, otherwise he risked incurring his exes wrath for embarrassing him by looking "slovenly". He'd grown so accustomed to the tailored, tight fitting trousers and shirts that had become his armour during those years that he wasn't entirely sure what he'd find comfortable anymore.
They were still exploring what levels of nudity Astarion was comfortable with around him and whilst he knew Gale wouldn't expect anything of him if he stayed in just his underwear, Astarion himself felt an old dread stir at the thought - his brain still struggling to separate any level of nudity around another person from the obligation and expectation of sex. He bit his lip, irritated at himself for how anxious this was making him feel. Maybe he should just throw his own definitely still damp clothes back on and head home?
A lump of purple fabric screwed up on the armchair caught his eye. He'd seen Gale wearing it often enough to recognise it as his University hoodie from his student days, the fabric faded and worn and so, so soft as he picked it up and rubbed it against his face. It smelt like Gale and the last hints of whatever washing detergent he'd used.
He took a deep breath and plastered on his default smirk as he made his way into the kitchen, all too aware of how he looked right now - hair all fly away curls and cowlicks with no products to properly tame it, sweatpants hanging off his narrow hips, the university hoodie hanging off him oddly due to Gale's slightly wider frame. He could hear Cazador's voice berating him, calling him all manner of things for daring to let anyone see him in such a state.
Gale turned from where he'd been searching through one of the cupboards and smiled at him fondly, "Well, don't you look cosy. Tea? I got some of that mint blend in that you mentioned you were fond of."
"Well in that case, it would be rude not to darling." Astarion replied, relaxing when he saw that Gale was in a similar state of dress in sweats and an old t-shirt, his hair hanging around his shoulders in damp rat tails.
"Make yourself comfortable in the living room and I'll bring it through."
Astarion perched on the edge of the couch. Like everything else in Gale's home it was soft and welcoming, not a single minimalist sharp edge in sight as he let his gaze wander. Every time he was over here he spotted something new, some book or knick-knack he'd previously overlooked or the other had added to his collection since his last visit. It had become a bit of a private game.
The book on the coffee table was definitely new. An old looking, non fiction hardback the title of which Astarion understood maybe half of the words. He flipped it open and skimmed the first few pages out of curiosity, once he got past the author's apparent habit of being unnecessarily verbose, (he was quite sure the page he'd just read made the same point on six separate occasions, just phrased slightly differently each time) it was actually quite interesting.
He was about ten pages in when he was brought back to the room by Gale setting down a tray with two mugs and a plate of biscuits, despite the fact that they'd just eaten, the minty steam from Astarion's mingling pleasantly with the slightly more earthy smell of Gale's chosen blend.
"Sorry that took so long. Ah, you've found my latest addition. What do you think of it?"
"I think he was desparately trying to make up his contracted word count." Astarion said primly as he set the book down next to him, causing Gale to laugh, bringing his legs up to sit cross legged as he settled into the cushions.
"Yes, he does tend to waffle on, but he was one of the best in his field before he retired."
"Would you mind...reading some to me?" Astarion asked, picking up his mug and staring at the liquid while moving to mimic Gale's position, suddenly shy.
Gale beamed at him, "Of course not." He picked it up from where it lay between them, "Do you want me to start from where you left off or from where I got up to?"
Astarion shrugged to indicate he didn't mind.
He let Gale's voice wash over him as he half lay against him, tea long finished and head covered by the hood of his borrowed clothes. Gale had jokingly pulled it up and over his eyes in response to a sarcastic comment he'd made and while Astarion had pulled it back so he could actually see, he hadn't bothered lowering it completely, liking how the way it blocked Gale out of his periphery made him feel like he didn't have to school his expressions despite the fact that Gale would only have to move ever so slightly to get a very clear view of what he was doing with his face. It was the same vein of logic a toddler follows when playing hide and seek or peekaboo: if you can't see them, they can't see you.
"-rion, Astarion." He wrinkled his nose at the sound of someone softly calling his name and burrowed further into the warmth before becoming aware of the fact that the warmth had a light grip on his hand and was gently moving backwards and forwards along the back of it. He jerked fully awake on instinct, curling in on himself and pulling his hand free roughly.
"Sorry, I'm sorry." Gale said, leaning against the arm of the couch to give Astarion as much space as possible while the other was still pressed against him, "You fell asleep on me and I wasn't sure if it would be worse if I tried to move you or try and nudge you awake or something incase you woke up to find yourself being manhandled given -"
"Given my ever so charming ex." Astarion cut him off, sitting up and rubbing his eyes with a self deprecating laugh now that his heart had calmed after the scare his mostly asleep mind had given him, "I appreciate the consideration darling, truly, but I'm not going to turn into a sobbing mess just because of a potentially rude awakening."
Gale was gracious enough not to call him out on the half lie, even if the critical stare he was gracing Astarion with really wanted to. A stare which softened when Astarion let out a yawn, "Glad to know my reading's so riveting."
"It really wasn't, but it was relaxing. Honestly, you should be flattered." Astarion lay back down, the crown of his head pressed against Gale's leg.
"You're welcome to go lay down upstairs if you want to go back to sleep."
"Oh, don't be so cruel as to make me move when I'm comfortable here, you should join me."
A chuckle from above him, "Join you on the couch I'm already sitting on."
Astarion made a noise like a disgruntled cat, "Pedantic doesn't suit you, Dekarios. I meant join me for a nap."
A pause.
"Alright. How do you want me?"
After some slight manoeuvring Astarion found himself sprawled on top of Gale, the others arms around him in a lose embrace, "You sure this is ok?"
"Absolutely. I think you're my comfiest sleeping spot ever, now hush."
Gale snorted before pressing a brief kiss to Astarion's hair, "Sleep well, sweetheart."
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New designs for Bing and Larry, designs for the other two members, a relationship chart...more art and info under the cut! (trust me, there's a whooole lot)
A curious bunch. Kind of an unlikely match (I mean Lasombra and Ventrue under the same roof sounds like a recipe for disaster..lol), but circumstances played their part. They may not be ideal for each other but it's all they have. Family, woof 👆
Why would I assign them with animals and elements? First off, it makes the designing process so much easier, since it creates direction. Second, it makes thematic sense. They've been denied humanity, and then they chose to keep it that way. "You see me a monster, well then, I'll be the monster" kind of situation. So, they'd rather associate with animals and elements than humans.
I could go on, but I'd rather have you experience the thing first hand in game (also doubt people would read further into this post otherwise lmao). Onto the characters!
Animal: Serpent
Element: Earth (Nature)
Main shtick: Change; Pain
Bing has more backstories than he does fingers, so nobody is quite sure on his origin. The one thing that seems certain is that he spent most of his existence in Russian Empire but fled when the civil war broke out in the 1910s. You'd think a Tzimisce of this age and history would be up to something nefarious now in Britain, but Bing is more concerned with "self search" and identity crisis. You could say he spends his retirement days here, or rather...used to spend, before one thing happened. But this, you'll learn more of playing the game XP
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Bing dresses up kind of similar to the way he used to, back in the XVIII century. The outfit is rather loose (before I added clips onto the coat, I was told it looked more like a bathrobe...which, I suppose, is kind of fitting too XD), in order to leave extra room for when Bing uses Vicissitude (more on that later).
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Bing's main gimmick is Tzimisce's signature, Vicissitude and the way he chooses to use it. Instead of turning his head into a giant pickle (Andrei lmao), Bing turns into different people. Not just appearance wise, it also includes voice, mannerisms, even personality. This is what I mean when I say he doesn't need to make clones - he IS the clone.
What he chooses to turn into most of the time are personas he used to "play out" during his glory days, XVIII century coups. Sometimes when prompted, sometimes just to troll others (if they dislike certain mannerisms or find the general idea of shape-shifting weird/scary).
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These were crafted in accordance with the "ruler of the week", to win them over and then later "direct" them towards what Bing's Tzimisce sires and mentors needed. In a way, they are "clones" of these rulers (except maybe appearances), cuz imitation is the highest form of flattery lol
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Though Bing also likes to experiment with his default form, as he doesn't find it ideal (his "true face", the one he forgot). Bing switches pronounce depending on current form (he/she/they, or anything else he feels like at the current moment).
Bing's battle form, aka the pinnacle of his Vicissitude mastery. If you happen to see it, usually it means you'll die a painful death in the next five minutes X)
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Animal: Jackal
Element: Water
Main shtick: Loyalty and betrayal
Larry was dealt some shitty cards and forced upon the life of crime since early childhood. First a pirate (where he got his tan, scars, and vision problem), then a mercenary for a, uh, "dubious company" sponsored by Lasombra clan. Certain events made him overly sensitive to betrayals, so if you betray Larry, or hurt those he swore loyalty to, he will loathe you. And Larry's hatred runs deep. He always means business.
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Larry's outfit is like, a modern take on pirate fashion. A bit rough around the edges, just enough to give him that "jackal" look. Larry's second name is practical, so he carries lots of belts. Never know when you mind need one.
Larry's signature, Obtenebration, comes from the Abyss and runs on his negative emotions. Which is why he's prone to lashing out and general bad mood. Needless to say it is extremely unhealthy, but power is power.
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The story behind him coming to know Bing is fun. Originally, Larry was sent to kill him, but it was a set up, since Larry didn't stand a chance against that. So they kind of bonded instead, "enemy of my enemy is my friend". And after a while Larry just grew attached XDD He still goes on about murdering Bing "one day", but at this point everyone is aware it's not gonna happen like, ever.
Animal: Raven/Crow
Element: Fire
Main shtick: Control
Adella is half-chinese born in Britain. Do I need to say she didn't have a particularly fun time or is it obvious enough? From a very young age she was forced to believe she can only count on herself. Adella strived to climb the corporate ladder and get on top. To "burn her way through the obstacles". Might be lonely up there, but she was used to it either way, and she'd have the power and control to smack down anyone who tries to harm her. For now, let's just say she ended up upsetting the wrong people and had to run for her life. Sabbat was "kind" enough to let her stay under their wing.
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Adella's relatively fresh meat, so her grasp on Sabbat "culture" is rather small for now. Though she is attempting to fit in more. She's determined to stay, despite whatever Larry says about her "looking for the opportunity to dump them". Adella insists she'd rather die than go back to the cammies. Bing is willing to give her the chance to prove herself.
Her and Larry's relationship is quite fun in how disastrous it is. Both constantly looking for jabs to throw at each other. The irony is, their stories and goals are kind of similar. But they're also different in ways that make their blood boil when they have to interact.
Animal: House centipede
Element: Wind
Main shtick: Security
Zephyr is truly a victim of circumstance. Lost ability to speak, lost all his loved ones, lost his home. Not a penny to his name, and no name either. His mind in ruin. He roamed around in the wild, until Bing found him. Seeing something familiar in him, Bing let him stay by their side. Found him a new name. A new purpose. A reason to keep on existing. Slowly, Zephyr is learning ways to communicate again. Perhaps he'll be able to remember, and tell his story one day.
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Zephyr is the least human-like kindred, and looks like an atom bomb fell on his face. Despite the first impression he might create, Zephyr is a rather meek soul, doesn't seek conflict and is fine with following orders. That attitude changes when something threatens rest of the "family", though...
Zephyr is generally adored by his packmates, one could call him the "gentle giant" of the pack. Adella loves spending time with Zephyr, even Larry tolerates him. Though I'd say the most sympathy for him comes from Bing. As mentioned earlier, Bing sees a kindred spirit in Zephyr, so he is most invested in Zephyr's well being. Bing was the one to give him his new name. He's also the one learning sign language with him, so they'd have a better way of communication.
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Welcome to Your Fave Album Is Gender
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Requests are currently closed! For info on the progress of a request check here! Rules and info below the cut.
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What are the rules?
Send requests through the ask box.
All genders and sexualities are allowed as long as there’s a flag I can use to overlay the album cover.
However, I will not accept requests for cis/straight albums (“____ by ____ is cisgender”) (This includes polyamorous by itself. I am happy to do polyamorous with a queer identity included.)
No more than two requests at a time please!
No more than two flags on an album please! (Not that I don't support using multiple labels, it's just hard for me to edit more than two flags!)
Please let me know if there's a specific flag you'd like me to use in your request (gay mlm flag vs rainbow, transfem/masc vs transgender, etc) Otherwise I'll use my best judgement to pick whichever fits best. (I use the Gilbert Baker flag as a default for the rainbow/gay flag, please let me know if you'd like a different version of the rainbow flag or the homosexual/mlm flag) (I will NOT use the original bigender flag with the white stripe in the middle on this blog. The creator is a transphobic abusive groomer.)
All albums or singles from any genre and language are allowed as long as they have official album art.
However, I have the right to not accept any request for whatever reason. The blacklist is below. If you send requests for the artists or albums on my blacklist, your request will be deleted.
Requests take awhile to upload depending on how many I have. I only post 2 per day. Please be patient.
Yes, you can use any of my edits as icons but please do not repost them without credit.
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What artists will I not make edits for?
Alice Cooper All Time Low Avenged Sevenfold Brand New Cardi B Cherie Currie Chris Brown Cobra Starship Dance Gavin Dance Destroy Boys Disturbed Doja Cat Drake Falling In Reverse Harry Styles Hazbin Hotel/ Helluva Boss/ Vivziepop Heisei Project Jack Off Jill John Hinckley Kanye West Lana Del Rey Lostprophets Lovejoy Machine Gun Kelly Marilyn Manson Mayhem Melanie Martinez Midtown Mindless Self Indulgence Miracle Musical (Joe Hawley) Morningwood New Found Glory Palaye Royale Pusu/Zips R Kelly Slaughter to Prevail SWMRS TUYU Twenty One Pilots TX2 Wilbur Soot XXXTentacion
What albums will I not make edits for?
Anything by any of the artist above Dying is Your Latest Fashion - Escape The Fate album Escape The Fate - Escape The Fate EP There's No Sympathy for the Dead - Escape The Fate EP Joe's Garage - Frank Zappa album Girls/Girls/Boys - Panic! At The Disco single Death Of A Bachelor - Panic! At The Disco album Pray For The Wicked - Panic! At The Disco album Viva Las Vengeance - Panic! At The Disco album Live in Japan - The Runaways live album Queens of Noise - The Runaways album The Runaways - The Runaways album No Phun Intended - Tyler Joseph release
Note: These lists may be added to at any time.
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Who is allowed to interact?
Anyone can interact as long as you are not one of the following:
TERF/SWERF/Radfem/Truscum/Transmed/“Gender critical”/Exclusionist
LGBTQA+ phobic/Racist/Nazi/Anti-Vax/Republican/All/Blue Lives Matter/Pro-Life/Misogynist/Zionist
Rape Apologist/MAP/NOMAP/Pedo
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Who are you?
My name is Hades, my pronouns are they/them, I’m 24, and I'm gendervoid! My main is @sp1n​ I am a my chemical romance, j-pop, and vocaloid enjoyer!  I hope you enjoy this blog!
credit for dividers goes to theprideful
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ell0ra-br3kk3r · 1 year
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1.5k followers... woooww thank you guys so so much! fall is finally hereeeeeeee so obviously, that's the theme :)
the main fandoms for this event are the grishaverse and the wizarding world both golden and marauders era (please specify if you want marauders or golden). but any of the characters from my list will be accepted! please let me know if you have a preference for pronouns, otherwise i'll default to she/her !!!
masterlist | character list | navigation
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willow ~ blurb requests! y'all know how this works, send me a prompt along with a character and i'll write you a small blurb (blurbs will be posted on my writing blog (@/ell0ra-br3kk3r-writes))
champagne problems ~ ships! send me your ideal fall/autumn themed date and i'll ship you with a character (please specify gender and fandom prefrence)
gold rush ~ send me a few photos of your clothing style/dream clothing style and i'll tell you what fandom you belong in (from the fandoms/books i've read)
'tis the damn season ~ send me this along with a fic you've written (for the fandoms i write for) and i'll tell you my favorite parts, it's like i'm annotating your fic the way i do my books
tolerate it ~ send me a few of your favorite fall activites and a character and i'll make a mood board
no body no crime ~ send me this along with your favorite character and i'll make you a mini mood board and playlist based off the vibes your blog gives (moots only)
happiness ~ random asks! cym, kmk, or any other random questions or games!
@jahayla-parker @maliciousbrekker @romanticvampire @nikfigueiredo @brekkershadowsinger @brekkers-desigirl @alexis-angelsss @thebestieyoureinlovewith @futurecorps3 @doyouknowwhoyouare13 @basicallyjustmuggleremuslupin @hope92100 @ketterdam-snack-bar @sleepless-crows @clunaes @imabee-oralizard @magicchai @miss-celestial-being @wolfstardaughter-jj @starstruckwillows @stars-havefallen @kitty0621 @sp1rit-realm
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broomsticks · 2 years
What was the HP fandom on AO3 writing in 2022?
some stats diving, ship- and femslash-focused.
default filters used for everything unless indicated otherwise: language: english, no crossovers. only on AO3 (obviously)
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hmm someday i'll do a yearly breakdown maybe.
for reference, there were ~324,676 total works in the HP tag updated in 2022 and before, so the top ship Drarry makes up 16% of HP works.
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ships in this list but not the former: jegulus, dorlene, and regulus & sirius.
ships in the former list but not this one: snarry, sevmione, tomarry.
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harry the character is tagged in 42.7% of all HP works.
the list of "fastest-growing HP character tags in 2022" was almost identical to this. sirius, remus, james, and lily went up one place, severus and ginny down by one, and ron dropped by two. no change in the top 3.
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i'm thinking of doing one for HP ships but am unsure which ships to do. you can get a rough estimation from graph #2 though!
A closer look at just the 2022 ships:
filters used: english, no crossovers, works updated between 2022-01-01 and 2022-12-31.
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color = ship type by canonical gender. outlined = canon ship
Background vs main pairing ships:
most commonly tagged ships, with the otp:true filter:
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very pretty spread of (canon gender, not AO3 category) F/M & M/M ships here.
notable: there is not a single snape ship in the first list, and two snape ships in the second (sevmione at #4 !! and snarry at #8). grindeldore is the other new entry, and
romione, dorlene and regulus & sirius fell out of the top 10
this is probably a better view though:
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a mix of all ships in either of the top two graphs (excluding the platonic ship regulus & sirius by definition of the otp:true filter), plus remadora.
open to more ship suggestions, but at some point i need to think about a size cutoff
anyway: some interesting strata here:
snarry+sevmione at the >60-70% mark. (do all snape ships show this trend? just crossgen snape ships? what about other crossgen ships? to be investigated)
grindeldore is an expected outlier due to the different canonical time period
marauders era tends to have more fics-with-multiple-tagged-ships. unexpected - there are so many more named lightning gen characters! lightning gen fandom more splintered/fragmented?
clustering of canon couples at the 15-20% mark, surprisingly consistent across marauders vs lightning gen
oooooo i could soapbox about this dorlene outlier for days. (tldr: if you want to write OFCxOFC that's all well and good, but writing OFCxOFC as what's quite clearly a background ship and a background ship alone? i think we can do better.)
Multi-shipping & ship overlap
marauders era is dominated by one main fanon pairing. no other “/” pairing with either of these two characters makes the top 10 list. in contrast, wrt lightning gen, Draco, Harry, and Hermione are all shipped with each other, with all three combinations making the top 10 list.
there is one pair of marauders era ships with ship overlap, though. which means stats! also included remadora as an additional comparison point since that's another big overlapping ship
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jegulus AND jily are tagged in 675 works, out of 3944 works (17%) where all three of james, lily, and regulus are tagged.
meanwhile drarry + dramione: 80 works tagging both ships, out of 8128 works tagging all 3 characters, with an overlap of <1% fics tagging both ships. these two do not mix.
actually ykw this all was very funny
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filters used: english, no crossovers, works updated between 2022-01-01 and 2022-12-31, and category:F/F.
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ok so that's a complete nonstarter 😂
tried two ways of filtering down to just femslash ships without losing too much else in the process:
1) excluding works tagged M/M, F/M, and Gen (leaving 2765 fics)
dashed outline = cross-gen ship. solid = marauders gen. everything else = lightning gen.
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oh, interesting, people are writing genderbend wolfstar? *checks fics* -- no they're not. 'nuff said.
2) instead, tried adding the otp:true filter (2402 fics)
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very similar results -- both lists had the same 9 femslash ships. Bellamione (#1 on both), Fleurmione (#2), Pansmione (#3/#4), Dorlene (#3/#5), Linny (#4/#6), Cissamione (#5/#6), Ginmione (#7/#9), Marylily (#7/#9), Ginsy (#8/#10).
i don't see any obvious trends re. which ships are ranked higher on one list vs the other.
a real quick rating comparison between categories, using the otp:true filter:
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"angst" and "fluff" were the top two tags used for most categories so i decided to try a bit of:
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<1 = more angst works than fluff, >1 = more fluff works than angst.
the other top tags for each category:
F/F and F/M: both romance (#3)
M/M: established relationship (#3)
Multi: polyamory (#3)
Other: au canon divergence (#3). "other" was used to refer to a mix of NB/trans character, thingfic, and x reader.
Gen: au canon divergence (#1). i was worried about using the otp:true filter for gen fic but the top two tags were indeed & tags (harry & severus, regulus & sirius).
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jcinkkrp · 6 months
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JCINK TUTORIAL FOR KRP PART 1 : basics & registration.
what jcink is and how it works
jcink normal vs jcink premium
the structure of a jcink site
how to register a new account
how to edit your profile
how to register sub accounts
how account switching works
in this set of tutorials, you will learn how to use the jcink forum platform. whether you are a complete beginner at forum platforms or want to learn jcink and have used other forums before, this should be the perfect tutorial for all your needs.
what jcink is & how it works
jcink is a forum platform made for the hosting of roleplay sites. it's similar to proboards, boards, or invisionfree but many prefer it over those for all of its unique features.
jcink is not a website, but rather a forum host
each jcink site would be comparable to a collective mewe group, or the collection of blogs that make up a tumblr rp
you can find jcink's main page (where you register new forums and can search for support topics and find contact information for help) here at jcink.com
jcink is free with a paid $9.99 option for premium which allows jcink sites to host 18+ content and gives extra storage etc. more info can be found on that here
you can find jcink's twitter where they post updates if service is down etc @jcink
jcink site structure
here is a dummy site using the default skin made to help teach you how to navigate a jcink forum.
what you're viewing when you first open that link is the board index. this is essentially the home page.
most sites will not look identical to this, and most sites do not use the default jcink skin but rather custom ones.
registering & editing your profile
every site's board index will have a login / register button and a list of the main forums on the site. some, you may have to register an account first before having access to the forums.
you'll use the register button to make a new account, or the login one if you already have one.
you may register on the dummy site to practice. most jcink sites use character names (first last or last first) for accounts, but you can register with whatever username you want for the dummy site.
this is the registration form. some sites will require additional information, but all fields on the left must be filled out to make an account. email addresses can be used for more than one account.
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after registering, you'll have full access to be able to post on the site as well as access to be able to edit your profile.
clicking on 'my controls' on the dummy site will take you to where you can edit your profile.
there are several fields set up so that you can practice setting up / filling out a profile. you can type an answer for 'age' and 'pronouns' and link to an image in the 'avatar' field. any image, it won't show up anywhere on the board for you on this skin. when you've filled them out, clicking 'amend my profile' will save the information.
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on most sites, this will include both your ooc information and your character information. most sites designate which is which.
you may also upload a gif or image under 'edit avatar settings'. some sites require this or use it for their graphics on their skins. there is a file size maximum for this! i suggest a 100x100 gif unless the site says otherwise.
if you register with the wrong name or at any point want to change the name of your account (or in most cases character) you'll do that under the 'change username' link in the same area.
you are welcome to test both changing usernames and uploading an avatar on the dummy site as well!
this is also where you can find your messenger (if there is no link on the board index, but most sites will have one), subscribed topics / forums, as well as all the settings for your account.
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sub accounts & switching accounts
most jcink sites (which are not sandbox sites) require one account per character. i'll explain sandbox sites later.
if you wish to make a new account (for example, when you're making a second or further character), you'll click the 'edit sub accounts' link.
this will pull up a link of all your existing sub accounts, as well as the option to register a new account.
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you are welcome to test the register a new account option on the dummy site. it will automatically add the account under yours as a sub account.
on jcink (unlike on tumblr) sub accounts have all the same permissions and abilities as main accounts, and your notifications for any subscribed topics, tags, messages etc can be pushed to your main account so you won't miss them.
to switch accounts from one to another, you'll simply use the switch accounts option which you can find usually somewhere in the header or top of the skin. in our case, it's next to your username and the log out button near the top.
since this got so long, there will be additional posts for each of the subsequent sections. i'll try to post them all in a timely manner! next up will be forum structures and how to navigate forums.
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okiedokrie · 9 months
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Hello! This is Rie! (He/Him) ━☆゚*・。*・ user @/okiedokrie on tumblr
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I'm 20 years old, '03 liner! My bias at the moment is Jeonghan, his eyes literally has me by the throat, however, I do have a bias line! Seokmin, Jeonghan, Soonyoung, and Joshua! I'll be writing SFW and NSFW, as always, MDNI!
Requests are always open! May be very slow though. I will not write anything involving sexual activities with minors in any capacity, anything scat, piss, or vomit related, if requesting smut you MUST be off-anon for me to verify your age, otherwise the request will be sfw by default.
Asks are always welcome!
Status: Active!
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Links!! ━☆゚*・。*・ Masterlist | Main Blog | Carrd | Member of @svthub @hiraya-m @k-vanity @k-labels @kwritersworld @monsterfvckersunited!! | Filipino AUs! | Ko-fi
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Update 240411: I got a biasline picture I can die happy
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wild-magic-oops · 6 months
8 and 10 for the Dark urge asks!
8. Are there any points in the game that you see as branching points for your dark urge? For example, are they torn between goblins/tieflings? Or are they clearly on one path or another?
I'll answer this just for Lucas bc I played my default Durge mostly for the combat and sped through the game otherwise so I don't have many hcs that are different from Lucas's.
The main branching point is godhood for Lucas and Gale (probably to the surprise of nobody lmao)
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My canon ending for Lucas is where he and Gale remain mortals and live in Waterdeep, but the ending where they're both gods was definitely a possibility.
It's where Lucas still hadn't shaken his fear of Bhaal, where he still wanted to one up his father, get his revenge by raising above him in power, where he thought that would definitely fix him. And where he thought that would fix Gale as well, bc in his eyes his situation with Mystra wasn't much different.
Also where he retained much more of his pre-amnesia hubris than he cared to admit. A timelines where he also fed more into Gale's well intentioned delulu that they can totes help other people as gods and godhood would definitely not change them, and for Lucas who was trying so hard to wipe the slate of his past sins clean, that was very tempting to believe.
Question 10 is answered here
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quinloki · 2 months
I was wondering about something regarding your side blogs. I noticed people send a lot of asks for headcanons about the kid pirates on your kid pirate blog, but it seems people don't do that on your other side blogs. Is it just because they don't ask or do you only prefer kid pirate headcanons? If I wanted to ask for your takes on other characters, would I ask on the relating blog or on your main? Or do you just not want to be asked? Just want to make sure I don't make you uncomfortable or anything, I really love your takes on things, I think your my fav blogger 💜
LOL I have no idea why people started sending me so many asks on the kid's pirate side blog, it just kind of happened. I think someone said they wanted to send an ask but they weren't open, and then I just opened asks on all the sideblogs by default.
To keep it clear I'll say it like this:
I love asks - send me your head canons, thirsts, thots, curiosities, OCs, theories, queries and joys.
You can send anything to the main blog \o/
I would prefer side-blog specificity for any side blog asks (i.e. don't ask about Kid and Killer on the WBP blog, unless it's relating to the WBP).
Other than that go hog wild.
the Host Club AU sideblog is the only blog where I'll answer asks as members of the cast for that AU, but otherwise you'll probably just get an answer straight from me.
I am hoping to illustrate some responses, but I gotta trim down my sketch times to make that viable, which means more practice.
Hope that helps ^_^ and thank you for asking =3
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deesblanketfort · 2 months
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Stimboards — ★ ☆
A set of 9 gifs on a 3x3 grid used to convey sensory satisfaction through visual stimming
When requesting, please specify a theme. Additionally, colors and types of stims you want me to (or not to) include are very helpful, the more detailed the better!
Moodboards — ★ ☆
A set of 9 images (or a mix of images and gifs) used to convey an idea through aesthetics
When requesting, please specify a theme, colors, and if you want to, a gender and age range (or else I'll default to gender neutral and kid age range). Again, the more detailed the better!
DNI Banners — ★ ☆
A single image stating who can not interact with the poster's blog. This is widely used by the agere community to ward off NSFW blogs
Please specify a color palete and a theme (otherwise I'll just make a recolor of my main DNI banner). Additionally you can ask for specific text instead of my default "SFW interactions only/ DNI if your blog is inappropriate"
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˗ˏˋ☆´ˎ˗ Whitelist: agere, petre, animal related, mlp gen1 or gen3, pokemon
˗ˏˋ★´ˎ˗ Blacklist: real people, vivziepop, gore/violence, bigoted media, copaganda
˗ˏˋ☆´ˎ˗ Please request through my ask box or DMs
˗ˏˋ★´ˎ˗ I usually priorize stimboards since they're easier for me to do, otherwise work on requests from oldest to newest
˗ˏˋ☆´ˎ˗ I have the right to deny a request for any reason
˗ˏˋ★´ˎ˗ I'm a college student with executive dysfunction so I may take a while to post your request, please be patient!
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