#otherwise you start to believe that you ‘deserve’ what you have . and inversely that other people don’t . even though that’s the inverse
francisforever2014 · 6 months
the school district i went to high school in is currently in hella drama bc they’re trying to detrack math up until 7th grade and all of the AP students, alumni that went to ivy leagues and white parents are shitting their pants bc they “don’t want school to be dumbed down” aka they don’t want themselves/their kids to stop feeling special and have to be in classes with dumb brown kids* i’m sure . anyways so many of them are like “i believe in equity but—“ so you don’t . also they’re like if you do this people are gonna send their kids to private school!! like ok good riddance
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ichayalovesyou · 3 years
Why Bones & Spock NEED Each Other (Grief)
So over my tenure in this fandom I’ve seen some one sided stuff about Bones being mean to Spock, and vice versa and I’m like
Thing is y’all: You’re both right, but you’re also both wrong!
Bones is mean to Spock you’re right! But you know what? That’s a good thing!
Spock is mean to Bones because of course he is! And guess what? That’s also a good thing!
They both need it, and they can only get it (safely) from each other! What they have is (in a weird way) healthy! But it’s only healthy for these two specifically because they understand each other so well!
Prime examples? Somebody has died or gone missing (usually Jim)!
Let’s talk about how Spock & Bones grieve!
Let’s address how each character (generally) moves through the 5 stages of grief
Bones: Anger, Denial, Depression, Bargaining, Acceptance
Spock: Bargaining, Denial, Depression, Anger, Acceptance
They are each individually perfectly equipped to handle each other’s grief (or refusal to grieve)!
Bones initial reaction to death is usually Anger, he blames himself and anyone in proximity. Quickly followed by a weird form of denial, in which he doesn’t deny someone is dead, but he denies that other people think the person is gone and that they felt it when it happened because he’s dunked so hard under his own grief his usually high empathy has switched off.
Now, Bones is highly familiar with grief as a medical professional (and having lost his father). He establishes how important and deeply believes in that process in And The Children Shall Lead.
I think Bones is acutely aware of how he grieves, and is equally aware that throwing these feelings out at just anybody could really hurt them.
But Spock isn’t just anybody, he’s a (half) Vulcan, it’s like shouting at a brick wall, Bones knows Spock can take it. I also believe Spock understands that this state is temporary, which is why he handles it with such grace.
What happens when Bones isn’t able to go off at (not truly “on”) Spock is that Bones keeps that anger to himself and gets bordering-on-suicidal (Depression phase of grief). It happens in Miri (self injection), For The World is Hollow & I Have Touched The Sky (trying to stay behind), and The Empath (the whole freakin episode). Jim is good for comfort, but Spock is good for a slap in the face reality check.
They both know that. It’s why they’re still friends despite how much shit they throw at each other
Not only that, but Bones (almost) ALWAYS apologizes, from their worst fights I can rattle off:
“They were wrong, and I was wrong I’m sorry” (Paradise Syndrome)
“Pawns huh? Well if it makes any difference, this pawn is extremely sorry.” (Day of The Dove)
“Spock I- I’m sorry, it does hurt doesn’t it?” (The Tholian Web)
And that’s not including implied/non-verbal apologies.
Bones needs Spock to help him grieve because otherwise he’s gonna take an emotional nosedive toward attempted Martyrdom. Spock’s stoicism punctured by occasional genuiness helps Bones move to the Bargaining stage (making peace with Spock and everything that’s happened) and later Acceptance.
The inverse of this is also true so let’s address how Bones uses his belligerent nature to jump start Spock’s healthy grieving process!
Bones grieving style (and his confrontational nature in general) is uniquely suited to make Spock honor his Human side, his emotions in the matter. Because we know a softer touch (like Jim’s) while more comfortable for Spock, seldom cracks open that wall of emotional repression unless Jim’s in danger.
Bones doesn’t give a shit, and that ultimately a good thing! Both he and Spock constantly need to be directly shoved against their default reactions to interpret things in a balanced way, which is why they’re perfect for each other.
Without Bones, Spock would never let himself grieve, ever. We also know that, more deeply than Spock, Bones understands grief and how to move through it, he’s familiar with loss (which is why I think he’s so quick to accept someone is dead whenever it happens, it’s the reaction of someone whose had to lose a lot of people and is more comfortable grieving than hoping). There’s a lot of evidence for this in Gamesters of Triskellion & Return To Tomorrow.
He also honors Spock’s human half a lot more than Spock does, it’s one of the fundamental power sources for Bones & Spock’s “the racism’s mutual” banter. And it is mutual, I feel like people forget how often Spock compares modern humans to the worst examples of their/his ancestors and treats them as inferior out of internalized hatred and the general xenophobic attitudes of Vulcan culture. Bones of course responds in kind, usually in cockamamy insults, he’s not as well versed in Vulcan history as Spock is in Human. Although I admit Bones does start it a lot, I think arguing accounts as a love language for him lmao.
So when Bones sees Spock trying to stunt and stifle his grieving process, especially since Bones knows he’s at least partly human and it is affecting Spock’s judgement, it hits literally ALL of Bones nerves.
Bones uses reverse psychology to get Spock to admit he is human and he has feelings ALL THE TIME especially where Jim is concerned. Bread & Circuses, The Immunity Syndrome, The Tholian Web & Requiem for Methuselah!
Spock will absolutely refuse to grieve or at least move on from the self-destructive bargaining/denial loop he gets trapped in unless Bones smacks him around a little. Just like how Bones will get self-destructive unless Spock recenters him via logic.
Again, I think on a subconscious level they both know that, and it’s why they never take each other’s smack downs to heart.
An excellent example, Chekov’s “death” in Spectre of The Gun:
Spock isn’t grieving, but everyone else is, Spock was close to Pavel but isn’t letting himself feel it, which could later backfire. Bones is currently grieving, but there’s no time to grieve because they’re all gonna die in 20 minutes if they don’t find a solution to their dilemma.
Transcript & Breakdown:
Bones: You talk about another man’s [Jim’s] feelings? What do you feel Spock?!
Are you grieving? He was like son to you you’re not acknowledging it, again.
Spock: My feelings are not subject for discussion Doctor.
No, and I’m not going to, leave me alone.
Bones: Because there are are no feelings to discuss!
Well I’m grieving! And I’m gonna reverse psychology your Vulcan ass until you start your grieving process so that I can move on!
Scotty: Mr. Spock Chekov is dead! I say it now and I can hardly believe it, but you worked closely with him! That deserves some memorial!
Bones: Spock will have no truck with grief Scotty, it’s human.
Alright, that first comment didn’t work, maybe “insulting” him will get that thick head of his to acknowledge his feelings.
Jim: Bones! Scotty!
Spock: It’s quite alright Captain, they forget I am half human.
Fine, yes I am grieving for Pavel in my own way. Are you satisfied Dr. McCoy?
Bones: [looks surprised and thoughtful, satisfied with Spock’s answer]
Wow, you said you were human without any disgust this time... huh... good job.
Scotty:[looks ashamed]
The 5 o’clock duel bell rings.
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symptoms-syndrome · 4 years
Alters and Race in White-Bodied Systems
I said I was going to write something up, so I’m going to try. I will try to make this as easily understandable as possible, so please let me know if parts are unclear. This will be a little long because it’s a complex topic, but I hope you try to read it if you can. I’ve broken things up into chunks and made the text large for each header so that it is more ADHD-friendly, and tried to use layman’s terms whenever possible.
Things I’m going to be talking about in this post will be:
What is race?
What are the types of racial oppression?
How do people in DID communities/spaces perpetuate racism?
How can I check myself and avoid perpetuating racism?
Final notes
When I can, I will link to sources. For transparency, I am a nonblack/indigenous, Korean-American mixed race person with diagnosed DID. When I use the term “DID” in this post I am referring to both DID and OSDD.
#1: What is Race?
Race is a social construct, created by white people. It is not based in any science, as science has disproven there are significant genetic markers that differ between different races. “Whiteness,“ especially, has been an idea that has changed wildly over time. (A good book to read about this is called How The Irish Became White.)
Socially, people are divided along lines of race, which are blurry at best. Things like “the one drop rule“ make it so that no person of color (POC, a noun not an adjective) can fully claim whiteness. Whiteness is primarily defined by “not being a POC.”
‘Whiteness,’  like ‘colour' and ‘Blackness,' are essentially social constructs  applied to human beings rather than veritable truths that have universal  validity. The power of Whiteness, however, is manifested by the ways in  which racialized Whiteness becomes transformed into social, political,  economic, and cultural behaviour. White culture, norms, and values in  all these areas become normative natural. They become the standard  against which all other cultures, groups, and individuals are measured  and usually found to be inferior (Henry & Tator, 2006, p. 46-47).
(In layman’s terms: Whiteness is created by society, and is now defined as “normal” and “default,” while actively oppressing people of color. People of color, by not being white, are seen as inferior. It’s a catch 22 of not being enough, and when you ARE enough, you’re not considered a person of color anymore, which is exactly what happened to the Irish.)
#2: What is Racial Oppression?
“Oppression” is a word a lot of folks throw around these days, and is commonly defined by what are called the “four Is of oppression.” These four Is are:
Internalized: This is oppression instilled in POC. Thoughts like “if I am more like my white peers, I will be more respected,” “I’m not like those people of color,” and pitting different POC against each other are all examples of internalized racism.
Interpersonal: This is oppression that is between individuals, and the most recognized form of racism. Interpersonal racism can look like calling people slurs, expecting POC to conform to stereotypes, etc.
Institutional: This is oppression built into the society and systems we live in. It can look like schools with higher percentages of POC getting less funding, differing descriptions for the same behavior (hyperactive white children being described as “outgoing” while a child of color is described as “disruptive”,) income inequality, and police brutality.
Ideological: Probably the hardest for people to recognize, ideological racism exists within our very thought processes. White people are told, directly and indirectly, that they are harder working, more deserving, more capable, more advanced, and so on. The inverse is applied to POC. A good example of this is the idea of “welfare queens,” or the idea that someone only got to where they are “by playing the race card.”
All of these interact with each other. Ideological racism is the basis of institutional racism, institutional racism is enforced by interpersonal racism, and progress towards liberation is inhibited by internalized racism, which is instilled in us by all of the above. Oftentimes, these are perpetuated in ways white folks don’t even notice or intend. Offhand comments and other microaggressions (more about those here, in a 2 minute video) can reinforce racism in ways that seem small or insignificant.
Now, onto the part folks are most likely here for:
#3: How Does This Relate to DID?
In DID, alters form for all sorts of reasons, and can look like anything. From demons to angels, fictional characters to animals or objects, the ways parts form can tell someone a lot about that parts beliefs, particularly when they differ from the body. In The Haunted Self, an example is given of a part that believes they are Superman because they cannot be hurt.
When race is involved with this, ideological biases come into play. Though you may not consciously make the decision to have an alter appear a certain way, ultimately, an alter is created by your brain and your brain alone (apart from, of course, the society that your brain/body exist in.) When you are a white person, and your brain creates an alter that appears to be of color, there is a reason. Even “positive” reasons can carry racism, such as splitting an Asian-appearing alter to help with schoolwork. Oftentimes, even without knowing, that reason is due to biases regarding race.
When an alter is created, it does not magically gain the experiences of someone who would actually live in that body. An alter that appears to be a POC has no idea what it’s actually like to be a POC, has no experience with racism, and does not experience any racism. Any racial experiences they may seem to carry with them are a white person’s perception of them, it’s a lot like claiming you know a show because you watched it through a neighbor’s window.
#4: How Can I Check Myself?
So, how do you never do anything racist ever again?
I’m sorry to say, but it just isn’t possible to be 100% non-racist. Even POC cannot be 100% non-racist or anti-racist, because we unfortunately live in a society that is constantly upholding white supremacy and white supremacist beliefs.
However, the next best step is being an anti-racist! Checking yourself for biases you’re upholding or racism you’re perpetuating is an important first step. This is an often uncomfortable and confronting process, and one that never has an end, but an important one. There are a LOT of ways you can do this, but I’ll just list a few that are relevant to DID.
Familiarize yourself with common stereotypes.
The easiest way to find where your internalized biases are with alters that appear to be a different race is familiarizing yourself with common stereotypes and ideas that our society has about POC. These are often tied to things like violence, hypersexualization, drug use, and other negative attributes, but can also be things that on the surface appear to be positive, such as being studious, people-pleasing, or frugal. Regardless of whether the stereotype seems positive or negative, either way it’s still perpetuating racism.
Ask yourself: Is my POC-appearing alter more sexual than others? Are they aggressive? Is my POC-appearing alter a monster (such as a demon or a zombie,) or otherwise less human, like an animal?
Keep an eye on your language
Obviously, if you follow my blog, I don’t support talking negatively about my parts. But in addition to this, when race is involved, it’s even more important. Words like “feral,” “aggressive,“ “sassy,” “soft,” and others can have a more racist impact when used on POC than when used on white folks. Additionally, your POC-appearing alter is not an actual person of color, so avoiding language like “my Asian alter”  and replacing it with (when race is relevant,) “my alter that appears Asian” can be also a helpful change. Lastly, and I would hope this goes without saying, but language like AAVE, slurs, and “broken” English are not yours to use if you have a white body. If you wouldn’t let a white person say it, you should not let an alter in a white body say it.
Ask yourself: Would I use this word if this alter appeared white? If I saw another white person talking like this, would I be okay with that?
Avoid cultural appropriation, be aware of culture
A lot of this may seem obvious, such as not wearing native regalia if you are not native, but other aspects of cultural appropriation may not be as obvious. Asian names, for example, are both incredibly personal, important, and significant in Asian culture, and stigmatized against in white society. I don’t know of any Asian folks who do not have a white name they used in school because teachers literally refuse to try and learn our real names. The issue of cultural appropriation is, at its core, that white people are treated differently for doing the same things that POC do, even when it’s originally something that POC created.
Ask yourself: Would someone of x race be treated differently from me doing this? Is this something that POC have been told they cannot do, even though I can?
#5: Final Notes
As I say whenever I do equity workshops, learning does not end here. I encourage you, if possible, to do more research on your own about racial equity! Clicking the links I’ve included throughout my writing would be a good start, and those links may lead you to others. Getting involved with local activism groups, meeting diverse groups of people with varying ideas, and reading would also be excellent ways to further your learning at your own pace.
Reading this may have made you uncomfortable. You might’ve read something and cringed, thinking to yourself “oh no, I do/did that!” in which case, forgive yourself. Learning is always a process, and no one is ever perfect. As long as you keep in mind what you’ve learned going forward, you are not a bad person for having done something racist in the past. We live in a society that at best doesn’t punish, and at worst rewards upholding the racist beliefs we all live with. Discomfort is a part of learning, and if you were uncomfortable and kept reading, I commend you. That’s hard.
This is all written by one person, with one experience and one life story. You may at some point in time talk to someone with an entirely different experience who may say totally different things than me. Use your best judgement.
If you read all the way through and found something useful, and you can spare any change, my cashapp is $beepollen98. Money would be used to prepare for my upcoming gender surgery! Obviously no pressure, I hope you learned something and feel a little more educated, and maybe even enjoyed reading!
As always, my DMs and asks are open if you found anything confusing, and/or have suggestions/questions.
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kal-rants · 3 years
(Not Really) Quick Thoughts on FE: 3 Houses
Me? Talking about a game that’s been out for almost two years now? You best believe it.
Quick Backstory before I bullet point this shit so I can get it out of my system. I played the game the day it released years ago and more or less finished it in a week. My first route was with Black Eagles and after finishing it was ultimately unsatisfied by the ending and set it down with no intention of doing the other routes. A friend started playing it late 2019 and was fawning over Dimitri and his route. Taking her word for it, I gave the game another go and decided to finally finish it. Took me a while but I finally finished the three main routes and oh boy...
The Houses
I loved all the women in Black Eagles but the guys were meh. Caspar was fun and by far my favorite of them, but Hubert grated on my nerves and Ferdinand was sweet but because I also had Sylvain on my team, I kept confusing the two (based on appearance not personality). 
The general cast of Blue Lions was by far my favorite. Every person in the house was so enjoyable and I actually loved getting the support conversations for all of them (Ashe is my favorite character). My only issue with the house was ironically Dimitri who I could not stand post time skip (a little more on that below).
By my Golden Deer run, I was mostly playing just to complete the game which might contribute to how lackluster I found them. I wanted to kill Lorenz so bad but he was so good at killing people and Ignatz was sweet but was so bad at killing people that I permanently benched him to focus on everyone else (played this one on hard mode). Almost all of their support conversations were fairly one note and after the layered convos of Blue Lions, I wanted more. Claude is incredible though and it became an inverse of my thoughts on Blue Lions.
Bonus: Yuri and Hapi were my immediate faves (even if Hapi was a glass canon on the field for half of the game) while Balthus and Constance where interesting but still meh for me. 
So I picked Black Eagles house solely because I was interested about Edelgard and I definitely didn’t realize I was signing up to side with the one starting a fucking war. While I loved Edelgard throughout, I found the actual route complicated for me, especially after the time skip where I was taking down people I didn’t want to take down. I was left feeling like I was following the bad guys even as the game tried to say otherwise and it left me with a bad taste. In retrospect, I’m sure the devs didn’t really intend for you to do this route first judging by how little they go in the way of explaining certain things such as Byleth and Those Who Slither In the Dark. Overall, I understood why Edelgard was doing what she was doing, but the game thought that was enough and didn’t even try to convince me why I should side with her outside of that and it only hurt her route overall. Plus, I am still annoyed that Edelgard dealt with TWS in the epilogue and not in her actual route WHEN SHE IS THE ONE WHO WAS ARGUABLY AFFECTED BY THEM THE MOST OF THE THREE HOUSE LEADERS LIKE WTF WHY GIVE THAT MOMENT TO CLAUDE.
I’ll be honest, I remember so little of what actually happened in the Blue Lions route which I attribute to me not being able to really get on board with Dimitri since BL is more or less an intimate character focused route for Dimitri’s growth. I’m not here to bash Dimitri, I’m just saying his shifts in character happened a little suddenly and there were other things about his character that were kinda just vanilla for me. I did find it weird that we never actually saw Rhea again even though getting her back was a big thing for most of the characters and you’re kinda left to wonder what even happened to her (another moment given to Claude’s run).
And finally the Golden Deers. By the 3rd time through all pre-timeskip stuff was so insufferable to get through, but the one saving grace was Claude’s insight in all of it. It made it feel different even though the events were the same. Post-timeskip his route really shines as it is able to bridge the gap between the war and the proxy war behind it with TWS. It’s also the only route that you actually get answers for shit that the other two ignore (which thematically makes sense for those routes but still). It is ironic though that this route did more to get me to sympathize with Edelgard that her own route did. It is technically the best route of the three hands down. 
So Rhea. I went in not trusting her because Jeralt mentions to be on guard about her and, since I started with BE, my distrust was proven right since she is trying to rip open your heart to get Sothis back. That hatred/distrust ran through my other two routes up until the last few chapters of Claude’s where we actually get context for what was going on. I was left in a similar position that I was in with Edelgard where I could understand Rhea’s reasoning for doing everything she did, but I still couldn’t side with her considering that she is technically responsible for the worship of Crests and nobility. Also, who builds a church and places yourself on top to be worshipped? Also also, why even place such importance on Crests? I know about the interview with the developers saying she “had” to because of how humans viewed the 10 elites at the time, but I feel like there is another option to build peace between them that doesn’t involve the elevation of Crests. Also racism; really should have done more to prevent that from blossoming in the way that it did.  
So Edelgard. She seems to be a hot topic on Tumblr which tracks so I’m going to traverse this with extra tact. I do love her and overall, I do agree that the system that the Church built had become corrupt. I mean when multiple children have emotional and physical scars of that corruption at school, it’s hard to argue against that. Do I agree that starting a war is the best way to change things? Before 2020, I would have said no, that there had to be another way to change things. But now? I dunno sometimes a system is too corrupt to rebuild off of diplomacy alone and it definitely wouldn’t happen quickly enough in a person’s lifetime. Given Edelgard’s shortened lifespan, I do get why diplomacy would have never worked for her. I don’t think I can ever fully support Edelgard for the war she started and for siding with TWS (I know her reasons but that’s basically making a deal with the devil) but I can’t deny that her goals are admirable at the least. Will her winning said war even change things? Well who knows. That depends on how she implements them afterward. I’ve seen lots of people claim that it’s unrealistic for her to have been successful in changing anything after the war but I don’t know about that. If anything, Rhea proved that she could mold the world however she wanted after her war and if Rhea could do it, then why can’t Edelgard.
Considering the nastiness of racism, I can’t even believe that Claude’s run of “end racism” was going to be as successful as they think. Solid baby steps, maybe? But don’t know how well that’ll actually go in the long run.
Dimitri might have been overhyped or something but I expected so much more than what I got from him. In the Academy Era, he rang fairly vanilla in that he was a kind and honorable guy but not much else. Felix mentions how savage he is, but there weren’t very many hints of that pre-timeskip (that I remember anyway). Obviously he was a ticking time bomb and later Dimitri shows that. And I was totally on board with slowly helping Dimitri become human again, but that’s not really what happened. You’re not allowed to do anything with Dimitri other than get his brief blurb in Explore or toss him into battle. I know why they did it, but because they shut him off from you so completely, I had problems being able to connect with him in the post time skip and ended up rolling my eyes whenever he started talking. It also made his change after Rodrigue died so sudden and it felt v forced for me. They really could have done a better job at it is all I’m saying. 
Ashe and Mercedes had the cutest S-support epilogue and I will die for them. 
Dorothea deserves the world and Yuri and Dorothea making an Opera troupe for commoners is the best thing.
I wanted so much more for Leonie but they stuck so hard to the Jeralt fangirl label that she never really grew beyond that. 
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delcat177 · 3 years
We DIDN’T Start the Fire: Introspective
I’m actually feeling a little more validated by every shitty message, as contrary as that seems. I really do care a lot about kids, I have a clutch of niblings in my chosen family, I plan on having tads myself someday, and more than that, I sincerely do believe that children deserve MUCH better protection online. Kids deserve best. That’s a tag, you can check it.
But back when I got called out, I was in a very vulnerable place, trying to figure out my own head, and despite having an absolutely inverse reaction to kids in any kind of intimate fashion (I mean, except familial I love you platonic...would you call it intimacy, making stegosaurus pancakes, Christmas morning, warmth is what that is I think I DIGRESS),,
It freaked me. They were saying the same horrible things about how my fiancé was gonna get hurt, kids were gonna get hurt, I was enabling rapists and pedophiles, I should go eat shit and die (from someone who told me they got horribly triggered by the phrase ‘eat shit’ and guilt-rolled me endlessly for it, at that).
I couldn’t stop thinking about it. I couldn’t stop checking myself going “am I being Bad, am I being Gross, oh no I can’t Netflix and chill because if I’m in my intimates and a kid shows up I am basically molesting that child”, like. It has been BAD. I don’t think it’s inherently wrong to be mindful of what you do, the discomfort from seeing a kid on TV while I’m having a saucy couch day is genuine gross-out because it crosses wires I don’t want crossed, but it’s also only hurting me.
Last month I nailed down the realization proper, after talking with a good friend--like the religious paranoid who is constantly vigilant and terrified by intrusive thoughts of blasphemy, or the parent paranoid who is constantly vigilant and terrified by intrusive thoughts of killing their new infant, I had developed into a prospective-being-around-kids-person who was constantly vigilant and terrified by intrusive thoughts of “if I am a sexual being in the same universe as a child it will hurt them”.
Hashtag actually OCD.
I used to be the religious paranoid. The idea of Doing The Worst Thing is so gut-wrenchingly disturbing that you can’t block the idea out, and if you don’t realize that mechanism, that it IS the Worst Thing, you turn into a mess of WHY DO I THINK SUCH TERRIBLE THINGS (for reference, this is not thinking about children sexually in any way, which would be the actual worst thing, but, again, my private adult sexuality somehow harming children who aren’t even present in the same state as me, who have no idea I even exist). It was the same damned song and dance as when I used to pray nonstop because I thought I would go to Hell otherwise.
I genuinely only realized this in mmmmmmmMarch
Tumblr media
so it’s actually really timely to be bombarded by actual kids in my inbox and going “oh, yeah, no, all I want to do here is shoo them off so they don’t read my bondage fics”. I don’t want to interact with them. I definitely don’t want to *interact* with them. I just want them safe.
It’s been a very freeing realization, that I’ve been stuck with policing myself militantly when I believe in neither of those institutions and that there is absolutely no way I’m harming anyone by thinking about smooching while watching Stranger Things, even if the true object of my heart is only onscreen sometimes...
(doki doki Demo <333) (”stop having feelings for monsters”) (HARKNESS TEST MY DUDE)
...because I am not a pedophile. I have no interest in children. I have so un-interest in children that I’m haunted by the idea of GETTING an interest in children, which is just not how it works. I don’t feel sexy when the kids are onscreen, I feel YEAH YEAH YOU GO GUYS GET ‘EM Dustin you’re my favorite don’t tell the others. I want to give them big bags of quarters for the arcade and maybe while they’re gone see about romancing an eldritch abomination. THAT is what I am about at my core.
Honestly? I don’t think I even want real-world sex. With anyone. For now, at least, I would have to go through some very deep and targeted therapy to up my self-indulgent...self-indulgence to include another person because of how I was traumatized, and a spotter for anxiety attacks. I don’t know if it’s entirely out of the question, but it’s not a question I’m asking. People think sex is the biggest thing out there. It ent. It’s a hobby. A fun one, for me, alone, solo. I’m good. I’m covered.
So here we are, landed in the worst case scenario--kids coming into my private space--and I didn’t even think of harming any of them, because of course I wouldn’t, why did I think I ever would?
If there’s a moral here, it’s even if you think your OCD is under control, you should always be aware of your inclinations towards your particular brand of obsession and compulsion, know how to deal with intrusive thoughts and habits, and don’t let people convince you you’re what you absolutely aren’t because they hate your guts and slash or they’re bored.
can we please put this in a time capsule and send it back to when I needed it in 2015
FINE I’ll just live my best life jeez
(demmy-san, won’t you help me dust the shelves? You’re so big and strong, and I just can’t reach~) (”you are impossible”) (damned straight I am)
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nezumiismissing · 4 years
Yoming: A Step-By-Step Guide on How Not to Lead a Revolution
So in honor of Earth Day (and also my birthday) today I reallly wanted to write something about No.6 and the environment/environmentalism, but I only realized I should do that right as I was about to go to bed last night, so it didn’t happen. Maybe next year. Anyways here’s a post on a completely different (but maybe still relevant) topic that I’ve had in my drafts for probably a year and finally got the motivation to finish over the weekend!
So I’ve been thinking a lot recently about No.6 and revolution, because I’ve always viewed No.6 as a story that is very much about revolution, and yet the revolution that actually occurs within the story (at least in the novels/manga) is objectively a failure and instead serves mostly as a way for No.6 to demonstrate its military power (and create an exciting climax to the story). Despite this failure, however, I don’t think that No.6 is ultimately against revolutionary action, and instead simply uses the example of Yoming's character and ideology to demonstrate what a revolution in the real world shouldn't look like. Because while he is clearly correct in his desire to see No.6 fall, Yoming is still, in many ways, an antagonist of the story, and ultimately attempts to do the right thing in the wrong ways for the wrong reasons.
Now obviously the biggest offense here is the fact that his entire plan to mobilize people is based on a lie. We know that there is no secret vaccine against the bees, and we know that people from any class within the city are able to die from them. So already the premise from which Yoming plans to base his overthrow of No.6 is corrupted. But even beyond that, there are numerous issues with the framing and motivation for revolution in this context, mainly stemming from the fact that, despite what he might say, Yoming doesn't actually know that much about No.6. He knows that there is a strict hierarchy within the city, and that people are regularly taken away from their families. He doesn’t know where they go or what happens to them, and while his assumptions about the people who are taken away may be true (for the most part), that’s all they really are, assumptions.
I think what gets to me the most about this is the fact that he appears to be entirely convinced that he has the whole story. He doesn’t even consider the idea that other atrocities may be occurring within the city or in the Correctional Facility, and he doesn’t ever mention the huge population of people living in West Block, and what conditions they may be living in as a result of No.6’s actions and existence. The (true) idea that No.6 may have even been built upon extreme violence against another group does not occur to him. Those people are not important to his personal experiences or goals, and so they are not important to the resistance in its entirety, despite the fact they are arguably the primary victims of No.6, and their situation is not entirely unknown to the general populace. Rather than a movement focused on systemic injustice and a highly corrupt/authoritarian government, Yoming instead creates what amounts to an almost entirely unconstructive riot based on his own personal desire for revenge, resulting in the deaths of multiple people who, while maybe not entirely happy with the city, were also not directly involved in any of the things being protested. By focusing so intensely on the individual, the concept of a collectivist-based society is completely left behind and forgotten, as in Yoming’s mind collectivism is aligned with the control and utilitarianism of No.6, and can thus only be opposed by the inverse organizational ideology of individualism, rather than a different form of collectivism focused on community and justice.
This of course leads to the scene where we actually see the extent of his insanity, in which Karan brings up the fact that a large mobilization of people against the city will cause No.6 to use military force. We of course already know that this is exactly what will happen, as we've just witnessed it in West Block and know how the leaders of the city function, but even within Yoming’s limited context, this should be seen as a completely plausible and likely scenario, as it directly aligns with the authoritarianism he claims to oppose. But he isn’t able to imagine anything that he hasn’t seen personally, and ideologically he isn’t really that different from No.6, as he only wishes to replace the current leadership with his own in order to protect those he deems worthy (as is shown in Beyond), and so he rejects it. Not only that, he says that it is impossible for No.6 to have an army, because it would go against the Babylon Treaty, a document that no one in the city seems to have actual knowledge or understanding of outside of a very surface level reading (and also definitely not the main reason you should be concerned about a state using military force on its own people). He isn’t willing to completely let go of his own utopian ideals, or those of the creators of No.6 though, and so he is unable to accept that at a fundamental level, the city has overstepped its boundaries. He isn’t able to see the disappearances of people as a systemic issue affecting the population as a whole rather than individuals and families, and is therefore unable to imagine that those disappearances may have a purpose outside of simple control, or that they may only be a small piece of a much larger issue.
Just a quick aside here; while I sympathize with Karan’s strong desire to not get anyone killed in the process of destroying and rebuilding a society, I think she’s also wrong to think that that is in any way realistic. She is aware enough of the situation to recognize that an army likely does exist, and she knows that things cannot remain as they are, but in entirely rejecting Yoming’s way of thinking, she is also eliminating any chance of No.6’s fall actually occurring in a way that doesn’t involve bees killing everyone. There’s obviously a huge philosophical debate to be had about whether or not death on either side is acceptable or even allowable during such a large political shift, and I’m not looking to really start that debate here because otherwise this would be a 20 page essay, but all I will say is that even without the deaths inflicted as a result of the revolution, the destruction of the Correctional Facility, which we are led to believe is an almost entirely positive outcome, didn’t come without its own significant death toll (and not all of those victims were on the side of No.6).
Yoming is rightfully angry at the city for creating such a strict social hierarchy and murdering his wife and son, and he is right to wish for the city’s destruction (although he doesn’t really know why this is correct), but neither of those occurrences are a justification for the suffering he put the rest of the citizens through. If he knew what was actually happening to the city, he wouldn’t have had to lie, and he knows that. It is then perhaps the case that he lies about the vaccine not because he actually believes that it exists, but because he knows that his experiences are not shared by a large number of people, and are not enough to get the entire population to join in his personal fight, so he needs to invent something that sounds real enough that people will go along with him. In this case, the bees are not his enemy, and instead are just a neutral occurrence that he is able to use as a tool in his favor. In his mind, it doesn’t matter that the citizens will eventually find out about the lie, because by then he thinks that he will already be seen as a hero, and perhaps the lie will even be seen as positive, since in this case the truth is difficult to believe. But in the end, it wasn’t enough to actually make a difference, because neither side was willing to either separate themselves from their own beliefs and ideology for long enough in order to understand the entirety of the situation, or create a legitimate and strong opposition to the other side.
I think that Yoming’s failures as a revolutionary icon are an important aspect of the story, and while he was ultimately unsuccessful, there are certainly many positive aspects of what he had hoped to accomplish, so I’m not trying to rewrite the ending of the story in any way, but what could he have done better? If his way of doing things wasn’t correct, but pacifism is also out of the question, then how could the situation have been resolved? If this were a real situation, as opposed to a story where it is important to maintain a sense of tension, I believe the best option would probably have been to wait until more information was available to avoid having to lie in the first place. There is definitely a fine line here, and I wouldn't fault anyone for disagreeing, but there has to be some threshold of facts and dissatisfaction that must be met before taking such extreme measures as a revolution, and I don't think that by that point in the story it had been reached yet. He also could have just been honest. This would have been risky, but he had already taken advantage of the confusion caused by the bees, so taking a much smaller chance in order to build the strength of his group would probably have been a better move than endangering the entire city for personal reasons. Of course he wouldn’t actually do this because it would involve a self sacrifice, which under his extremely self-centered individualist ideology is entirely unacceptable, but if he were to actually be interested in improving society, this would have probably been a good move.
Just at the end here I would like to touch on the endings of Yoming's character arcs in the various iterations of the story, because all of them are excellent in their own ways, and deserve a brief discussion.
Starting with the anime, this is just about as good an ending for his character as you could have asked for given the circumstances of the anime’s ending. The anime doesn’t exactly frame him as a revolutionary icon like the novels and manga do, so he is very much just kind of a crazy dude who also has somewhat higher legitimacy than manga/novel Yoming due to his lack of actually doing anything of significance and therefore also not getting anyone directly killed. His revolution is doomed from the start as he gives his speech to a crowd of people who can’t hear him because they’re already dead, and his lack of any actual public appearance is successful in framing him as simply an overly ambitious coward who is very much deserving of his off-screen death by the one thing that made his message questionable in the first place. It’s a very different characterization than the one seen in the novels, and while it has some consequences for the overall effect of the anime’s story that I’m not going to get into here, it's an extremely effective way of getting across the point that this revolution was not going to work. It also ties Yoming more directly to the revolution itself, with the fall of No.6 and subsequent lack of need for revolutionary action also resulting in the destruction of the revolution’s leader.
Because there is no manga for Beyond, we are also in a way given another ending for Yoming in the manga, although I feel it is incomplete. Because the manga follows the novels so closely, we see the revolution occurring prior to Shion and Nezumi’s interference, all the way up to when Yoming gives his speech in front of city hall, and then he is never seen again. This is probably the weakest of the three endings for him just because the novels give us the same scenes but with a very well done follow-up in Beyond, but I think this still works fairly well. Like the anime, this ending proves that Yoming was not really needed in order to destroy No.6, and that the scale of what was happening was completely beyond his abilities. But on the other hand, by showing the revolution in the first place, unlike the anime, we are left with the possibility that he could have been successful had it not been for Shion and Nezumi’s extremely convenient arrival at that moment. It was unlikely that it would have succeeded of course, but without either the confirmation of his death such as in the anime or the context and developments given to us in Beyond, we have no way of knowing what would have happened next. Yoming is neither a hero nor a failure in this version of the story, but instead was not given a chance to exert his full power, and therefore becomes a mostly insignificant figure in the overall story of the manga. 
Finally we come to the novels, where we get a much fuller picture of who Yoming is and what his real goals were in the story told in Beyond. Rather than acting simply as the figure of a failed revolution, he continues in his quest to destroy No.6 and build a new society. However, As was mentioned earlier his actions imply that the society he wanted was not all that different from No.6 other than the fact that he would be (at least in part) in charge of it. This is of course the issue that all revolutions and their leaders must face, “Once we get into power, how do we prevent ourselves from becoming corrupt and recreating the thing we were originally fighting against?” For Yoming, the answer is that you don’t. His movement used the power of the people to earn leverage in the fall of the city and subsequent rebuilding, but was ultimately never about helping the people of No.6 as a whole, and instead served as a vehicle for just replacing the current leadership with a new regime functioning under the guise of a people’s movement. It’s a smart move if you can make it work for you, as any number of real-world examples have shown, but as we see in Beyond, Yoming really isn’t smart enough to pull it off, and since he is only one member on a larger council of leadership, his lack of overwhelming power makes it impossible for him to take total control of the city, and ensures that he is eventually caught. That isn’t to say that the system is perfect, as Shions actions clearly show it is not, but it functions well enough to weed out those who are not actually interested in restructuring. You could of course also make the argument that Shion takes over what would have been Yoming’s role had he succeeded, but that’s a different discussion for a different day.
I don’t really have anything else to add here, so this is the end of the post! There’s more to discuss here of course (there always is), but I feel that this gets the main ideas across in a way that is (hopefully) easy to understand. Revolution is complicated, including in fiction, and there really is no one right way to go about it. But in the context of a story like No.6, which is so much about revolution and social change, the portrayal of a movement that was ultimately a failure and upheld ideas of corruption alongside one that had greater success is an exercise in the exploration of the topic that not only makes the story much more interesting, but greatly contributes to our own understanding of the topic and the ideas associated with it.
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financialpeakapp · 4 years
Financial Peak Reviews | Does the Financial Peak NOW Work?
The Financial Peak professes to be "the most robotized 6-figure pay framework at any point made" and the site advancing it proposes that after going along with it you'll have the option to make $1,000 paydays online in your extra time, regardless of whether you're pristine…
In any case, so as to really get to the alleged "6-figure framework" you're required to hand over your very own portion money first which is a HUGE warning… So what's reality with regards to everything? Accomplishes it truly function as guaranteed and can you really bring in any cash with it, or is the Financial Peak a trick that you ought to keep away from?
Well fortunately you've arrived in the perfect spot to discover as I myself have investigated it to see precisely how it functions and since I'm NOT partnered with it (in contrast to the vast majority of different analysts) you can believe that you'll be getting a legit, fair audit, just as the REAL realities about how it functions. ?
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What Exactly Is The Financial Peak?
At a fast look the Financial Peak program may appear to be a fantasy worked out as it basically depicts itself just like a computerized framework for making a huge number of dollars every day on the web… So you're fundamentally persuaded that you can essentially join and then benefit on autopilot…
The Financial Peak is definitely not an "accomplished for-you" or "mechanized" framework for bringing in cash by any stretch of the imagination, there is nothing of the sort and never will be, and on the off chance that something professes to be one, at that point it's a valid justification to run a mile from it as it's possible attempting to trick you.
I mean sure, the web is incredible and it unquestionably gives many genuine approaches to bring in cash yet it's not otherworldly and it doesn't give approaches to earn substantial sums of money completely on autopilot or with practically zero work…
Consider it, on the off chance that it did, at that point everyone would do it – no one would be left working a vocation and the world would be in emergency.
In all actuality the Financial Peak is one more high-ticket (otherwise known as costly) enlistment conspire, like any semblance of MOBE and Digital Altitude which had to close down a year ago by the FTC.
In short this essentially implies you join to the Financial Peak, get forced into putting a huge amount of money into it and then wind up left to find that the manner in which you bring in cash with it is by advancing it and getting others to do likewise.
Unfortunately however while there is "a few" preparing inside on the best way to advance it, as I would like to think it is missing and subsequently the vast majority who join these sorts of "frameworks" just wind up going through more cash than they ever really make.
Furthermore, on one of their business pages (as demonstrated as follows) they really analyze their framework close by burglarizing a comfort store and offering medications to kids, which I am actually just totally dazed by:
That is simply really stunning stuff – I have surely gone over a ton of dodgy high-ticket associate projects before however I have never under any circumstance run over one that straightforwardly places itself in a similar section as ransacking an accommodation store or selling drugs. That is horrendous!
Notwithstanding, if in the wake of hearing that you're despite everything inspired by the better subtleties on how everything functions and whether you can really acquire anything by advancing it at that point continue perusing as that is actually what I'm going to cover straightaway…
Free Training: Learn about the straightforward 4-advance strategy that empowered me to exit my position as a circuit repairman and seek after a profession working on the web as my own manager
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How Does The Financial Peak Work?
So, the Financial Peak is a program that professes to furnish individuals with a simple method to bring in cash on the web – anyway subsequent to joining and putting away cash to discover more, individuals are forgotten about to find that the manner in which you really bring in cash with it is by getting others to join to it simply as they did.
Furthermore, nothing about that is computerized or "accomplished for-you"…
As an accomplished online advertiser I can reveal to you that it would really take a LOT of work to advance a program like the Financial Peak, on the grounds that because of its over-advertised cases the vast majority who see it would simply leave the page immediately on the supposition that it's a make easy money trick.
So contrasted with advancing a genuine program or item, you would almost certainly need to work twice as difficult to advance a program like the Financial Peak… And you'd need to invest a LOT of your energy persuading individuals.
In any case, why burn through your time doing that when you could simply seek after a genuine method to bring in cash?
Rather than joining to the Financial Peak and contributing thousands on something that might be closed down for the time being, the reason not simply join a free, demonstrated preparing program like Wealthy Affiliate where you'll figure out how (and get the instruments) to make your own independent online business advancing something that you're really keen on?
Bodes well right? What's more, you can even look at my own free guide on beginning a gainful site with the expectation of complimentary right here.
In any case, on the off chance that you're despite everything pondering seeking after the Financial Peak you ought to likewise realize that the mentors associated with the program aren't generally "mentors" by any stretch of the imagination – they're simply sales reps who are there to pressure you into moving up to the more significant levels within the program.
The explanation they've called them mentors is to fool you into jumping on the telephone with them – on the grounds that they realize that on the off chance that they said that you would get a call from their business group you most likely wouldn't reply… But by calling them mentors you'll likely answer since you believe you're really going to get some assistance.
Unfortunately however that is not the situation, and once they're on the telephone with you they'll put forth a valiant effort to additionally publicity you up and get you to whip out your Mastercard to go through however much cash as could reasonably be expected on the program… All while another person in the program is acquiring to your detriment.
At that point, when you're finished spending you'll be left to just find that so as to really bring in cash with it you'll be required to advance it and get others to hand over their money simply as you did… Which as I referenced above ain't a simple undertaking.
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So essentially in the wake of burning through conceivably a huge number of dollars on the program, you'll come to understand that the odds of you really bringing in cash with the program (except if you're now an accomplished advertiser) will be pretty much nothing… Meaning you'll have likely LOST the entirety of your cash.
Also, I've known about individuals burning through many thousands on high-ticket programs this way, so you might consider yourself to be running into obligation subsequently.
It Also Has Links With The Fearless Momma Too
The Fearless Momma is another program I explored on this blog and decided not to prescribe because of its exceptionally deceptive cases – and The Fearless Momma just so happens to be claimed by No Competition Marketing LLC, a similar organization behind Financial Peak.
I can't help thinking that the organization behind it is simply siphoning out sites bragging advertised up claims and fooling individuals into giving over their well deserved money with the goal that they can gain some cash to their detriment…
At that point once the individuals have given over their well deserved money they're by and large left to find the most difficult way possible that the projects/sites siphoned out by No Competition Marketing LLC don't really convey on their guarantees.
Be that as it may, Can You Actually Make Money With It?
The appropriate response is truly, it is in reality conceivable to bring in cash with the Financial Peak – and as referenced all through this audit winning cash with it is finished by enlisting different individuals into it… So when they purchase in, you win commissions.
Anyway like I likewise referenced, not many individuals who sign up to such high-ticket programs really figure out how to discover accomplishment with them… So basically you'll be offering something to individuals that vows to assist them with winning cash however will probably simply do the inverse and result in them losing cash.
Along these lines while you can in fact bring in cash with it, I would trust that you would prefer to bring in cash by advancing an item that really gives individuals strong worth and that really satisfies its guarantees.
Besides on the entirety of that, because of the organizations "sketchy" rehearses there is no-knowing when it could be closed down… So regardless of whether you started bringing in cash with then at last your salary could be cut off anytime, which isn't cool.
Yet anyway I think I've most likely said enough regarding it as of now, I'm certain you get the thought which brings me onto…
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My Verdict – Is The Financial Peak a Scam?
Well in fact the individuals behind it will guarantee that it is anything but a trick since it "contains preparing", anyway as I would see it there is next to no accentuation put on selling the preparation and the vast majority of the accentuation is simply put onto selling the lucrative open door itself which drives me to accepting that (as I would see it) it is a trick.
At last they guarantee you that it gives a computerized and simple approach to rake in boatloads of cash on the web, regardless of whether you have no involvement with doing as such… But undoubtedly that basically isn't valid.
Actually most of the individuals who join the Financial Peak will LOSE cash, not make it.
As I would see it as opposed to being embarked to assist newcomers with bringing in cash online like it claims it has, I accept that the Financial Peak is in reality simply set out to assist merciless master advertisers with taking preferred position of the newcomers by fooling them into giving over loads of money.
So thus it's protected to state that I won't prescribe the Financial Peak and as I recently referenced right now you need to figure out how to begin online appropriately, I propose you stay with a genuine and demonstrated stage like Wealthy Affiliate which has been around for some, numerous years.
Or then again on the other hand look at one of different suggestions from my top picks page here.
Yet, whatever you choose to do I just earnestly trust that my audit of the Financial Peak here has given you a decent knowledge into how everything truly functions and I likewise more significantly trust that it has helped you to spare your well deserved money.
In the event that you do anyway still happen to have any further inquiries or remarks about the Financial Peak however then don't spare a moment to leave them underneath and as consistently I'll give a valiant effort to react back to you as fast as Possible. ?
https://www.financialpeak.net/ https://www.facebook.com/financialpeakapp/ https://www.facebook.com/events/256757605492718/ https://twitter.com/financialpeaks https://www.instagram.com/financialpeak/ https://sites.google.com/site/financialpeakapp/ https://financialpeak.blogspot.com/2020/04/financial-peak.html http://financialpeak.mystrikingly.com/ https://financialpeak.hatenablog.com/ https://financialpeakapp.wordpress.com/ https://medium.com/@financialpeak/financial-peak-review-does-the-financial-peak-now-work-fd157b3cbbf4
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shellheadtm-a · 4 years
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@shieldslinger​ | ❝ you don’t have to talk, we can just sit together. ❞
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“No, I want to.”  It’s not a want.  Not precisely.  It’s a need.  There’s a weight that gets heavier on his chest every day that goes by; it feels dishonest, a thing he’s sworn, when this got started, he wouldn’t do anymore.  That he’d do his absolute best, not to keep anything from Steve.  That he wouldn’t hide anymore, he wouldn’t lie, he wouldn’t...Be that Tony anymore.  It’s not a decision he’s made lightly, or easily:  He’s been lying to Steve, in some way or another, since the beginning.  His identity, his heart problem, the fact that he’s been in love for him what’s been...Nearly his entire adult life, even if at times it seemed so obvious and that the whole world had to be aware of it, though Steve never said a word.  Other, bigger things:  The Illuminati, the infinity gems, the inversion, the bombs.  Too many lies and half truths told over the years while swallowing back bile because the guilt churns in his stomach every time he tells himself he has to, that it’s better that way.  That he’ll find a way to make it right, to make it up to Steve.  
And when this started, he had opened up - mostly - let Steve see all the dark and dirty parts of his soul that he could stand to expose.  Had finally admitted how much he missed Steve, when they were at odds, when they weren’t speaking, when...Well.  When there were times that it felt like Steve hated him, would never speak to him again, and how Tony very well knew it was all his fault.  It had hurt, doing that.  Had terrified him.  He’d wanted to cling back so very hard and at the same time knew he couldn’t, not without doing that.  Not without clearing the air then as much as he could.
And for the most part, he’s stuck to that promise he’s made.  He has to catch himself, sure, to not start hiding things.  To not close down and shutter himself off.  To remember that if Steve says he has his back, then Steve has his back, and he can take that to the bank.  But it still leaves him feeling raw, feeling vulnerable.  Unsteady and shaky, exposing that much of himself, with none of the masks and shields up.  And for all that, it’s been worth it.  Every bit of it.  He doesn’t deserve this, after everything he’s done, what he can and can’t remember, but he’s selfish.  He wants it.  Needs it like air.  And in the end, splitting himself open and letting what’s...Broken be seen is a small price to pay to have it.
Steve still deserves worlds better.  But he tries not to say things like that anymore.  Tries not to think things like that, tries to make himself believe otherwise.  It’s an uphill battle most days, he’s Sisyphus against the Zeus that is his own brain, trying and trying to finally reach the top of the mountain so that he can actually believe it.  So that he can maybe one day stop the days where he’s on edge, waiting on Steve to cut his losses and run, as far as he can, from the disaster that is Tony, and just...Enjoy it.  Enjoy them.  He just hopes it doesn’t take him another ten, fifteen years to get there.  He has so much lost time he wants to make up for, even if that train of thought is never going to lead him to anywhere good.
“I want to,” he says again, and stops himself from reaching out to take Steve’s hands.  “And...I want you to just listen, okay, Winghead, just...Let me...Get this out first.”  Being honest, neither of them are great at talking like this.  It’s caused so many problems and misunderstandings.  And he doesn’t...Want to live like that anymore.  No matter where it takes him.  If he can be honest, that’s what matters, in the end.
He takes a steadying breath, and pushes forward.  “I’ve lied to you.  I know...I know, we’ve been through this, it’s over, it’s done, it’s the past.  There’s no point in talking about it anymore, I know that.  I have to live with what I’ve done, and I’m...I’m doing that.  I shouldn’t be rewarded for it, and sometimes it feels like...Maybe I am.”  He clasps his hands together, putting them between his knees, because otherwise he knows he’s going to start to fidget.  This probably has come out all wrong, sounds dire.  He doesn’t know how to fix that except to keep soldiering on.
“But I never...I’ve never confessed to the biggest lie I’ve told.  And I need to.  I need to get this...Last...Sin.  At least out of my own head.”  Okay.  Alright.  It’s fine, everything is going to be fine.  And even if it’s not, he can deal with that.  He has to.  It’s what he does.  His hands are clenched so tight around each other his knuckles stand out sharply, white, in contrast.  It’s stupid.  All the lies he’s ever told and this is the one that has him twisted up in knots the most.  He knows why.  It’s not that it’s a lie.  It’s what he’s lied about.  And he can’t...He can’t go forward, one way or another, if...Steve still thinks that.  He can’t.
“You...I used you.”  He had.  He’d confessed to it, when caught out in it.  When Steve had gotten his memories back.  He can still remember the feeling of that well-deserved swing colliding with his face like a freight train.  He’d known Steve would react that way, when they’d done it.  When Stephen had cast the spell.  It had only been meant as a temporary measure, and he knew the day would come when Steve would come for him.  “And I told you...I told you I’d do it again.”
So smug, like it hadn’t hurt, deep down, to tell him that.  So matter of fact.  The Tony Stark song and dance.  He’d been out of options and well past believing anything, anything at all, could ever happen.  That after that, Steve Rogers would give him one more chance.  The world was going to end and they had no morally viable ways to stop it, and he’d decided to say fuck it, burn his bridges as fast as he could and run.
He was going to die anyway, he was going to die alone, it didn’t matter anymore.
And he’d been wrong.
“I wouldn’t.  I can’t.  It was a lie then and it’s a lie now and...It just sits there in the back of my head like a...Like a fucking intrusive thought, you know, things will be great, we’ll...We’ll be doing something so goddamn innocuous and I’ll look at you and all I can think about is telling you that and how you probably think I meant it and I never did.  Not once, not ever.  The world was ending and I couldn’t fix it, I couldn’t...I couldn’t save anyone but I couldn’t save you and I thought...I thought maybe it would be better if you believed that.  I didn’t...I didn’t want you to be there, to watch me fail.”
They should have been together, then, back to back, as the world ended.  He sees that now.  Not...Not what ultimately happened.  They should have gone down together.  But Tony had been scared and guilt-riddled and cornered and he’d done the one thing he always does in that situation once making himself small fails to save him; he provoked.  And then everything that had followed...It didn’t bear thinking about.  Not now.  Not anymore.  He understands it.  Part of it was a mind whammy he’d done to himself.  Part of it was sheer terror.  Part of it was simple shame.  He’d failed.  He’d failed so hard.
“I just-”  He pauses for a moment, forcing his hands to unclench from around each other.  “I never meant it.  I don’t...I don’t want...To be that, anymore.  I don’t want you to think that anymore.  I want it all to be over, but it can’t be, or couldn’t be, until I...Until I did this.”  And now it’s done, one way or another.  He forces himself to look up then, to meet Steve’s eyes, to not duck back down, look away, and not fill the rest of the space with the deflection he usually likes to throw in after this kind of confession, and it’s hard.  It’s very hard.  He’s Iron Man.  He’s...Probably helped save the world a hundred times over the years, faced things he’d never wish on his worst enemies, but holding back the babbling to fill that space, and being brave enough to actual look up, keep his gaze steady, is maybe the hardest thing he thinks he’s ever had to do.  “And...That’s it.  Tony Stark’s last great sin.  I wanted...I wanted you to think...You mean less to me than you do, when the truth is...Nothing else has ever meant as much as you do.  Ever.  Not since...Not since the day we met.”
soft caring starters | accepting
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bi-lullaby · 5 years
I loved your last rankings so much that I'm sending you another fun (?!) challenge! How would you rate all these male GA characters from your favorite to least favorite, no ties allowed? :) Alex, Derek, Richard, Mark, Owen, Jackson, Burke, George, Andrew, Linc and Ben? Good luck, and as always, feel free to include your reasons why because I love your answers!
Ohhh boy you give me life with those asks! Here we go:
1 - As no surprise to anyone: Alex. My baby had the best character development I’ve ever seen, really, brcaus ewhile it was huge, it was also paced and believable and stabilished and non-linear. He was a huge asshole with a concealed heart of gold in season one. In season 15, he’s a golden boy with a concealed asshole side, and the growth/diminishment of those sides weren’t always inversely proportionate, but adjusted to what each characteristic was brought out more by his surroundings/worked more on by himself. Also, he’s the person that has stuck with mer for the longest and through the most, which would put him in a high place in this list even if he wasn’t my favorite on his own. I also adore how, thematically, he’s so moved by the women in his life (bot just the romantic i terests while we are at it) for the betterment of himself and hsi ways. It’s not like Owen’s “I’ll need her to take care of me emptionally and shape herself to my desires so I can be in a good place, it’s recognizing those positive influences in his life and trying to emulate them/work with them/learn from them. Also about his theme, itms less the worn-out “guy is validated in being an asshole bc he had a tough life” and more “guy learns that his tough life doesn’t mean he gotta act like an asshole”. I love this character so much, ugh.
2 - Ben. A freaking Disney prince would be a sleeazy douche in comparison. I was so weirded out when Shobda decided to give so much focus to this random-ass character, then I was really turned off by his storyline with the cutting people open and all that (not necessarily because I thought he was wrong, I just felt the storyline was handled awkwardly and made him sound pelutant and irresponsible instead of a promissing, if stubborn, future surgeon. I’ve yet to watch Station 19, but this angel with a scalpel and a fire hose for wings deserves his own goddamn spin-off, for sure.
3 - My baby Andrew. Yeah, he is not that developed, has been inconsistent, his change from “freaking out over Maggie being his boss” to “marvellung at Meredith’s every movie even though she’s kinda even more his boss because she owns the hospital” was... A B R U P T. But I really enjoy this new Andrew - as a side note: I could not care less for him during the whole Sam storyline, he seemed like a toned down Jonhy Bravo - He’s smart and sweet and funny and worships Mer like the Wonder Woman she is. His relationships with Arizona, Amelia, Jo, Carina and now Alex need more screentime because they’re great (or have the potential to be so). He’s competent and brilliant and selfless (dropping the charges on Alex even if he was completely in the right, taking the blame for mer now) and so tender (his absolute gentleness in peds, taking care of Amy after the operation, being a moody, emotive boy because he lost his love instead of a macho men...). The future holds great things for him, and I’m excited to watch them unfold!
4 - Not on your list but I love: Tom. Boy is he nice. As I was figuring out this order, I realized he reminds me a lot of my favorite character (Dean Winchester) - or at least what I think Dean would be if he was older, richer and lived without the Supernatural World and so many traumas. His talk to April was so moving and I felt it really helped. He doesn’t stand on a moral high horse: He does what he thinks is right and damned be judgment. He’s empathetic, he’s romantic, he treats Teddy RIGHT. He deserves to have his own storyline and be more developed and show us kore of his awesomeness.
5 - Jackson. As I said in my ships rating answer, I’ve only started to care for him recently, but I really do care. He’s not a character I’d, like, write fic about, or long rants and meta, but I love his sibling-esque relationship with Mer and his relationship with Maggie and the way he connects with his mom and how this spoiled, immature transfer with something to prove became a respected, innovative surgeon and father who’s secure of himself and ready to explore different paths and ways and worldviews. I just wish him, and the Grey’s fandom, would be less defensive about the callout of his privileged life. Like. I’ve seen people write paragraphs upon paragraphs about how Maggie was a bitch for calling him privileged. And he is (for his hoards upon hoards of money growing up). That’s not too hard a concept to grasp. Plus, it’d be nice if he could treat Maggie as less of a consolation prize/second chance. Just because faith (or lack thereof) was a source of tension in his previous marriage, and he feels like changing that would have made everything better, doesn’t mean the same applies to his current relationship, or that Maggie is the one who should change -he learned, learned, and is back in square one seeing only his side of it - I really hope this season treats him more kindly and gives him happiness and peace!
6 - Richard. I love him for his parental-and-ish relationships, specially to Maggie, Mer and Jackson, but to Bailey and Callie too. That’s my favorite aspect of him, watching those gives me a nice, warm feeling in my tummy and puts a smile on my face. There’s some aspects of him I find either boring or unpleasant, and I think it’s kinda annoying how him retiring has been a theme/conflict since, like, season one, and fast-foward ten years and he’s basically an entity at the hospital. Like? What? Was the point? You’ve waisted my time? For nothing? But he’s a solid, reliable character you can’t really hate and who brings more good than bad to the show by far. As a side note: one day I will yell at him for his treatment of Maggie after she talked about HER OWN HISTORY and he basically called her a mistake (although he apologized pretty soon and she forgave him so so will I).
7 - Mark. He was great and all that, but never sparked that love some characters did. I was sad when he died, I loved his scenes and relationships, I just am not invested in him. Plus the immaturity in his relationship with Lexie pisses me off a bit, as does his “man whore” personality.
8 - Link. Genuinely love him, he’s been nothing but sweet and kind and fun and helpful this entire time! I cheered for Merlink sooooo much imat first, and I really wish their friendship will be developed! Him and Jo are everything I never knew I needed. He has no arguable flaws besides being so sculped it freaks me out a little bit, but he isn’t higher up in my rank because there isn’t much material for that yet, but expect a climb as he becomes more and more regular.
9 - Burke. He was kinda sweet and did a good thing for Cristina (the hospital). He was also manipulative and arrogant and voundary-crossing in their relationship. I might like him better if it was bot for Burktina, but we will never know.
10 - Owen. Toxic as fuck, annoying, controlling, disgusting. Those are all things that very much apply to Owen in a lot of situations. Screaming at Cristina for “murdering their baby”? YIKES. Big no no. He was not suited for romantic relationships at all and I wish the show would realize that and allow him that space and breathing time without being stuck in a complicated relationship with loads of baggage or a love triangle. Because that’s my whole thing about him: I believe he has room for growth. His relationship with April is pretty amazing, he was always so considerate and gentle with her, all the time, and I want to see more of that bond. He loves kids and can be really good with them, he has a lot of things to work out with the traumas of his father’s death + war + his sister’s story. Why not focus on that? Why not show him growing and processing and bettering himself and living up to the potential he has? I feel like they gave the all the wrong romantic storylines to the character who’s otherwise really good and that’s such a shame because I really enjoyed him at first. Lets see what happens from now on, and if he gets a dose of tv’s “heterosexual love and a nuclear biological family solve everything!” medicine or if this is a turning point for him.
11 - Derek. He never really had any appeal to me. Not his face, not his personality, not his storylines or plot points pr the actor. That’s reason enough for him to rank low, but I also think he had some really bad traits. He was arrogant and condescending and had a God complex and was sexist and pushy and just not great for the people around him. Exploiting Amy’s addiction being outed to steal surgeries? Refusing to give Mer credit on their clinic trial? Putting ultimatums on his girlfriend that she either has to be ready for a full, committed relationship or end things, then call her a slut when she sleeps with other guys after they broke up? Cheating on Addison after deciding to work things out? Stringing mer and addie along? Not saying he was married in the first place? Pushing Mer’s boundaries after she was clearly uncomfortable with having slept with her boss? Refusing to have an inch of empathy for Mer’s action regarding the trial despite her complicated history with the people she was trying to help (who were her friends, actually?)? Telling his depressed girlfriend that she should be concerned the happiest part of his day was flirting with another girl from the bar? Ratting out on Richard to the board because he wanted the spot? Not acknowledging Mer’s trauma after the shooting? Kissing nurse Rose while building the dream house? Kissing his student while being married in NY? Pushing his wife to move and saying his career was more important than his after he had compromised on letting her shine? All things that, isolated, can even be understood on context and “everyone makes mistakes”, but that when put together, make it pretty clear it’s a pattern of someone with very little regard to the people around him. Was he a good surgeon? Yeah. Great father as well. He also had some interesting relationships and iconic scenes, truly, I can recognize that. I hurt for the people he loved and left behind (and I genuinely think he loved them and meant well), but he himself I don’t miss at all.
12 - I think George is the clearest contrast between how old greys handled matters of sexism and gender and sexuality and how it does now. He was such a sleazy nice guy at times, it is unbearable to me. And he ranks lower than Derek because A) His relationships also bored me while Derek’s could pique my interest at times, B) There’s no talk about his mistakes. Remember when he (in his own words) took advantage of Meredith being on a terrible, delicate, vulnerable place (still hiding her mother’s Alzheimer’s and seeing a person be blown to pieces and being dumped by who she thought was the one and being rejected by her father for the second time after seeing him for the first time in tweenty years) and, knowing that she was not interested in him, pursued her, then after she started crying because of the literal pile of shit she was having to carry around (and still trying to preserve his feelings), got mad at her and everyone sided with him? It baffled younger me to bits that what Mer had “done” was so terrible, it has not stoped bafflinn me in the years that have passed since. Can you imagine any of the girls crying during sex because they’re so overwhelmed and feel like that’s a mistake, and the guy freaks out on them and they’re instantly ostracized by the narrative and characters? That’s essentially criticizing her for the right of saying no, of stopping when she doesn’t want to continue, of not giving away her time and feels just because a goofy guy who is her friend feels entitled to them. That’s the word: entitled. He literally says he “saw her first”. How’s that not Nice Guy 101? I would understand his ego being bruised, but the guilt tripping and the bitching and the fact none of that is treated as a fucking creepy thing? Yikes. Also how he treated Callie, who deserved so, so much better. And even Olivia who was perfectly lovely and did nothing wrong besides having sex with more than one guy without breaking either of their trusts because she wasn’t in a relationship with any of them. Did he do some good things? Sure did! Joey’s surgery costs being cut, helping Bailey give birth, some of his interactions with patients were really sweet, and he died giving his life for someone else. It’s just that consequence-less sexism and entitlement that never gets adressed and gets treated as not only valid, but right, that makes him go rom unappealing to downright hated for me. Better left in the past where people can misplacedly idolize him!
Thank you so much for asking, I love those thought-inspiring asks! <3
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phantomphangphucker · 5 years
The Apocalypse Comes To Amity Park In The Form Of...Danny? - Phic Phight
Prompt Creator: @feministhotline Prompt: Phantom uses duplication to get Jack and Maddie off his tail. Summary: In a time of desperation and spilled ice cream, Danny must use duplication to escape, but things go horribly wrong! When a wild Danny appears! Things To Note: Vlad becoming mayor isn’t canon here, PP is never canon and Valerie is on a friendly truce with Phantom.
Warning: excessive swearing, broken bones, violence.
Let Danny say fuck, taking a piss on canon, Danny is a fidget spinner, Danny’s an angry boi, Valarie is an angry gal, teenage superheroes are just the embodiment of anger
“You have got to be kidding me!”
Trash can lid goes flying.
“Of all the lousy timing!”
A duck squawks angrily as it’s almost stepped on.
“Why can’t they just not!”
Car horns blare from people far too used to Amity parks shit.
“For one fucking day!”
A loud whack! Is heard as someone’s head impacts a sign.
“Shit! shit! shit!”
A child cries as his ice-cream cone is knocked to the ground.
“You know what? Fuck it!”
Loud crashing, as a running boy launches himself through a window.
“Yeah yeah this’ll work”.
One pale black haired boy pokes at a mirror as he turns to give a thumbs up to a floating white-haired boy. Their bodies would match in every way if not for the glowing and colour inversion. Quickly spinning around they both take in the mess of broken glass and discarded bottles. Then snapping their heads up at the fast approaching footsteps. The black haired one quietly shouts “you hide or anything”, as the white-haired one zips under a pile of wood. Using his ghostly tail to make himself look like a sleeping cat. While the black haired one pretends to be passed out in the corner, clearly visible to any incoming people.
“Danny! Oh my god! What are you doing here!” A women runs up and shakes the black haired boy, Danny. Danny then pretends to groggily wake up due to the shaking, “m-mom? Wha?”. Danny looks around and pretends to be unaware of his surroundings, it’s extremely effective.
“Danny-boy, are you ok?” A large man in orange asks. “Jack, I think it’s better we get him home” then the lady turns back to Danny “honey you’ve been missing all day, where have you been?”. Running from you, “Uh, can’t say I know”. shaking his head, Jack says “yeah Mads, I think it’s best we just go home. I think Danny boy here whacked his head a little too hard. Whoops.”.
Just as Maddie and Jack are getting Danny, who’s still pretending to be groggy, into the Fenton assault RV. The white-haired version slips out of the building just at the wrong moment. “Mads! Look! Phantom! We still got a chance!”. Jack aggressively grabs the wheel spinning it around, sending the RV after the boy. “You’re not getting away this time you ectoplasmic menace!” Oh come on! Danny Phantom mentally grumbled. Jacks awful driving, however, was a problem. Resulting in the vehicle careening off to the side, back doors flying open and sending Danny Fenton flying out. Who’s knee jerk reaction is just to phase through the wall. “Wait shit!” As Danny Fenton spins his head back to the wall, that a human shouldn’t have been able to go through. Just as he’s about to hop right back through a stray ectonet from his parents, flings around him cutting him off from using his powers. “Oh for Plasmius sake”, Danny Fenton groans from in the net. Danny Phantom, on the other hand, flies around and through a bunch of other walls, redirecting his parents away from Danny Fenton. “CRAP! SHIT! What the fuck am I supposed to do now?” Sighing, Danny Phantom gets one potentially stupid idea and he doesn’t know yet just how stupid it will be.
Dropping to the ground to conserve and build up more energy, Danny Phantom makes haste and sneakily works his way to the wall that Danny Fenton stupidly phased through. “I am giving myself a C- for plan creation and execution today” Danny Fenton shakes his head, still inside the net. At that time Danny Phantom just makes it back to the wall, using his stored up energy he duplicates again; failing to notice the sharp jab in his back. Once again white hair faces black hair, and black gives a thumbs up as he pretends to be knocked out, slouching against the wall. Danny Phantom quickly squeezes himself behind a wall and just fucking waits, hoping his parents don’t have a scanner on them.
Jack and Maddie grumpily ball up their fists at the now likely escaped ectoplasmic scum. But quickly run up to Danny when they see him slumped against a wall. Maddie lifting Danny up as Jack flips the RV back over, like a straight beast. Everyone loaded back in again, they finally do indeed go home. Jack and Maddie both feeling highly guilty about the (fake)knocked out teen in the back seat. They don’t even attempt to check the scanner, instead putting their son first as they should have from the start.
Back at the warehouse, Danny Phantom comes out of hiding and removes the weird dart from his shoulder blade; instantly feeling off. “Ok, bad idea” after a couple seconds, “ok, really bad idea” as suddenly there’s a fourth Danny and something about him is not right. Then there’s a fifth, then sixth and then a seventh.“Oh fuck”, Danny quickly sticks the dart back in. Thankfully, no more Danny’s split from him however the Danny’s start teleporting all over the place like a glitching hellscape. Groaning head titled back, with a hand on the dart making sure it doesn’t accidentally fall out. “What did I ever do to deserve this”, at that second one Danny teleports and smashes straight into him. Knocking the dart out. By the time Danny has scrambled to the dart and jabbed himself again, there’s 11 new Danny’s. “Ok now I feel like I’m going to be sick”, Danny watches the hell show of Danny’s bouncing about, occasionally smacking each other, and slowly flips out his phone calling Sam.
“Hey Sam”
“What’s the problem now Danny”
“You’re not going to believe this but there’s like 17 Danny’s right now and I can’t make it stop, without stabbing myself with this STUPID FUCKING DART! Anyways how’s your day been?”
“Danny, what the fuck? Do you, like, want that suppressor jacket Tuck made? And my day’s been worrying, you dick. You just up and vanished!”
“Yeah that sounds like a good I-ack!” As two Danny’s slam into him, the dart comes out for only a few seconds before he shoves it back in. But that was enough time to make more Danny’s.
“Okay Plasmius cool down, Tucks on his way to your phone's location. You Pan or Fan?”
“Drying Pan all the way. Can’t be a Screaming Fan with this STUPID FUCKING DART IN ME! And I’ve been running all freaking day, Power bars down the drain.”
“Wow, well do I need to set up anything for when you get here?”
“Ectoproof-fishing line maybe, to control these wild Danny’s”
“Uh can’t you just, exert self-control”
“That’s actually way more concerning, what the hell.”
“Shit looks like Tucks here, so uh talk later?”
“Yeah sure Danny, I don’t know how your life always goes like this”
Hanging up the phone, Danny carefully works his way around all the bouncing, teleporting and floating Danny Phantom duplicates. The Danny Fenton who has finally gotten himself out of the net, phases his head through the wall and just mutters “this is so fucked”, walking fully through the wall; Fenton follows the “normal” Phantom. Tucker, then makes his way around a wall staring at his PDA. The two “normal” Danny’s just stare at him as one of the wild Danny’s crashes into him. “What the fuck Danny!” Then Tucker looks around and to the two Danny’s that are just standing. “Uh Danny?”. The two Danny’s nod “yeah, we’re fucking normal, well as normal is I or we can ever be. Welcome to hell.” They finish as another wild Danny slams into Danny Fenton. “Normal” Danny Phantom walks over to Tucker “dude I can’t take this stupid dart ou-” Danny Phantom gets cut off as both he and Tucker are slammed by a wild Danny. “This is like teleportation Danny ping-pong! What the hell Danny!”. Danny Phantom snapping his head over to Tucker “Oh I dOn’T kNoW mAyBe I wAnTeD tHiS fReSh HeLl TuCkEr!!!!”...yanking Tucker over to him. “JUST GIVE ME THE FUCKING VEST TUCK!!!”. Just as another wild Danny crash into them sending the dart flying “OH FUCK ME SIDEWAYS AND UP A FUCKING POLE!”. As more Danny’s start popping up Tucker aggressively shoves the vest at him. Then Tucker takes off after the dart, as Danny gets the vest on and activates it. “OH THANK FUCK! IT ACTUALLY FUCKING WORKED!” Danny flops on the ground as Danny Fenton walks over and helps Tucker avoid the wild Danny’s. Tucker shoves the dart into his pocket and immediately drags both “normal” Danny’s outside. In the process one very exhausted Danny Phantom returns to Fenton form. Tucker, then looking between the two Fenton’s and then through the doorway at the 40 odd wild Danny Phantoms. Turning back to the Fenton’s “how is this even possible? Last I checked you could only do four and that was pushing it and what the fuck is wrong with their faces?” Danny on the left just jabs a finger at him and says “you’re dragging our asses to Sams, crazy wild Danny’s included”. The other Danny cuts in “and all those are that darts fault and that dart is courtesy of my parents and I’ve been missing today also due to my parents and I CURRENTLY WANT TO DIE!”. Tucker just looks back into the room “so what are we going to do? play fucking Pokemon with your hellspawn and again what’s with the faces?” Glaring at Tucker right side Danny says “I fucking guess so and I don’t fucking know, IT'S NOT LIKE I HAVE ANY FUCKING CONTROL OVER THEM!”. “Fucking Christ” Tucker breathes. “Dude all I’ve got is 3 thermoses and obviously you don’t have one at all otherwise you would have caught some already”. Tucker looks at the Danny’s as they just stare and slowly facepalm each other. “Danny you have got to be kidding me”   Tucker groans when left side Danny shrugs saying “we were just going tackle them and drag them to Sam’s. Stringing them to ectoline like fucking balloons.” Left Danny then pulls out a, clearly empty, thermos. “You’re a fucking tit, you know that?” Right side Danny glares and then points at other Danny “that FUCKER has been running all FUCKING day, I’ve been stuck inside a FUCKING net and the third one is off pretending to be knocked the FUCK out on the Fenton couch. WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT FROM US!”. Tucker’s jaw drops “there’s another one? Seriously? And man you’ve had one hell of a day.” Both them glare at him and shout “TELL ME ABOUT IT!”.
“Alright, Danny’s let's take some of that, clearly pent-up, anger out on yourselves.” Pausing to think “do you think that counts as self-punishment?”. One of the Danny’s hits him on the head with their thermos as the other says “I can’t feel whatever happens to them others wise I’D BE SCREAMING IN FUCKING AGONY BY NOW”. Tucker is confused until he clues in that the wild Danny’s are straight up crashing into everything, spinning and teleporting rapidly. “Ok, point and I also think you would be vomiting, sweet Plasmius. Uh I think we should do this shit, like, now, dude”. Shrugging the two Danny’s run in, fucking screaming, thermos’s in hand and shooting the beam everywhere. Shaking his head Tucker runs in and joins the fun. Eventually, Tucker has to switch to his second thermos because, sweet fuck there are so many Danny’s. Eventually, they stand, with shaking thermoses and one remaining wild Danny. One of the Danny’s eyes his thermos with a mix of caution and anger “this shit is going to FUCKING EXPLODE”. “Yeah no shit Danny, so I guess let’s tackle? The last one and just like drag it away?”. The other Danny shrugs “yeah, fuck it and then we’ll throw it at Sam. Maybe the balloon idea is still useful.”. Tucker chuckles “that is going to be fucking hilarious”. On that note the three fucking leap on the last wild Danny as it spins in front of them. However, the wild Danny keeps teleporting; dragging the Danny’s and Tucker with it. “HOLY SHIT HOLY SHIT NOT HAPPY TIME NOT HAPPY TIME” Tucker cries as one or both? Danny’s scream “OH YOU GOD DAMN FUCK, FUCK ALL OF THIS I WILL FUCK YOU WITH A POLE AND ROLL YOU IN FUCKING CAT LITTER!”. The Danny’s just end up wailing on the wild Danny, teeth bared and basically full on feral. Scaring the living hell out of Tucker, as Tucker just decides fuck it and suck the wild Danny into his over-filled thermos as well. The three get dropped to the ground, both Danny’s completely started and genuinely mad at their opponent's sudden cop-out. “WHAT THE FUCK!” Both snapping their heads towards Tucker, “TUCK! WHAT THE FUCK!”. Tucker just throws his hand up at the two feral ass Danny’s “dude it needed to be done, chill out.”. Lowering his hands “though honestly, I shouldn’t be surprised you’d be so eager to beat yourself up”. The two Danny’s get up and silently stalk over to him, grabbing both his arms as he internally freaks out. They drag him outside the building, Tucker finally rights himself and gets them to let go. Tucker digs into his pockets and throws down a tiny disc creating a tiny self-contained ghost trap and he puts the thermos’s inside. Both Danny’s follow suit, though they do it angrily.
“Dudes, my cars just down there. Like always I’ll ask you, try not to destroy it.” Both Danny’s flip him off but then all three of them burst out laughing. “This is easily the weirdest fucking thing to ever happen to me and whoops” Tucker instantly stops “whoops what Danny?”...”DANNY WHOOPS WHAT?”. One of the Danny’s says “third me joined us in laughing and now mom and dad thinks he has a concussion”. Tucker laughs some more “Wow this day really really hates you”.
Meanwhile, in the Fenton household. “Jazz I’m fine, I swear!” Jazz glares at him “Danny you keep barely containing laughter, jerking randomly and your basically furious for no reason. You are not fine.”. Danny falls back groaning against the sofa as his parents hover around him and Jazz, kicking his legs and silently screaming into the pillow. Rolling back over he growls and stares defiantly at the ceiling. I really wish she knew our code terms right about now. At least other mes are off to Sam’s now. This is all just fucking peachy, fucking great. Jazz snaps her fingers in Danny’s face “there you go being all pissed off again.”. Maddie chimes in “Jasmine, sweetie are you sure he doesn’t need to go to the hospital?”. Both Jazz and Danny quickly say “no, that’s not needed.”. Danny, trying to salvage the situation, “how bout I just take a nap, right here and we can all see how, TOTALLY FINE I AM. Once I’m awake and y’all have CHILLED OUT.” Danny forcibly curls up on the couch pulling blankets over his shoulders. “Fine. But I’m staying here and watching you for anything. And I mean anything” Jazz says with understood meaning. Danny, of course, doesn’t actually fall asleep but he makes a damn good show of it. Jazz eventually shoos Jack and Maddie to bed and as soon as they’re gone Danny snaps his eyes open. Jazz, startled “ Danny what the hell?”. Rolling his eyes “I was waiting for them to go because they don’t know”, Jazz is confused for a heartbeat but then nods. “Ah so ghost thing then?” Chuckling Danny says “I’m a duplicate Jazz, mom and dad spent all day running after me so much so that I had to duplicate to trick them away. But then I had to do it again because they found Phantom me, again and then I entered a brand new fresh hell.”. Jazz stares and then shakes herself “so where’s the real you or aren’t your duplicates real yous as well? And what do you mean by hell?” Jazz quickly looks up checking that Jack and Maddie really are in bed. “The other two are with Tuck and about 40 or 50 other Danny’s” at that Jazz goes completely bugged eyed “what? How?” Danny huffs “like I told Tuck like, 2 hours ago. Parents got me with a weird dart and my duplication powers went fucking nutty. Got Tuck to bring a power suppression vest we designed, shit fucking works it seems, and now we’re heading to Sam’s to try and fix it.” Jazz shakes her head “so what there’s, what 50 or so invisible yous all flying into one house?”. Danny bursts out laughing at this “fuck no, all the duplicates that resulted from the dart thing are completely fucked up. Bouncing all over the god damn place, teleporting and shit. To kick that shit off  I have no fucking control over them at all so they’re all stuffed in thermos’s”. Jazz rubs her temples, “well I can’t let you, or at least this you, go over to Sam’s. That would be too suspicious.” Sighing “so you’ll just have to stay put and try to act normal.”. Danny stares at her “fucking normal? Really and how fucking well has that worked so far. I’m exhausted, been assaulted multiple times by myself, assaulted myself, and did I mention that the stupid vest is very fucking uncomfortable?” Jazz raises her eyebrows so Danny continues on with his rant. “It’s like being fucking pressure cooked inside a pot filled with nails. But if I take it off BAM! More fucking wild Danny’s. Plus so long as it’s on I can’t absorb any duplicates. It’s fucking exhausting controlling three fucking bodies. Being stuck in a net for hours also wasn’t any fucking fun, they’re not made for comfort you know. Oh and both my legs are fucking busted from going out a fucking window and shit-“ Danny bats away Jazz’s hand as she, alarmed, tries to check his legs. “Not these fucking legs, my originals. I don’t even think Tuck’s fucking noticed since I’ve been fucking floating every damn where. But I had to run on them for a bit to conserve energy earlier so they’re probably pretty damn fucked.”. Jazz sits massaging her head, “is there literally anything I can do Danny? And please have your original stay off your or their legs.”. Chuckling “Jazz all you can really do is help convince mom and dad I’m fine so I can go over to Sam’s as soon as possible. The trips going to take about another 10 minutes. So it’d be fucking fantastic if I could focus on the shit going down there, rather than trying to put my effort towards managing mom and dad here.”. Jazz sighs, “I’ll do what I can little brother, for now you can just pretend to be sleeping at least. Think you can tell me what the dart looks like though, so I can check the lab for it?”. Danny facepalms, “yeah, fuck, that’s probably a good idea. I don’t know what colour the liquid or whatever inside was but it’s about the size of my thumb, has a flaming Fenton F on it, and the needle part is really fucking long.”. Jazz pats Danny on the shoulder as she gets up “alright you get some sleep and try to sort this out.”. With that Jazz heads down to the lab with one more look in on her parents, who have both fallen asleep.
Tucker pulls up to Sam’s place and the Danny’s phase them and their cargo straight into her room. “Wow that took you, three? A while. What the hell happened?” Sam asks with a curious smirk. Tucker’s the first to open his mouth “well the Danny’s basically assaulted us, we had to play Pokemon with them and Dannys’ parents think his other duplicate has a concussion.” One of the Danny’s throws his hands up “Yeah because I’m acting fucking nutty because of dealing with these FUCKING THINGS!” he gestured wildly to the thermoses. “Don’t need the ectoline anymore by the way. Oh, also both legs are fucking smashed”. Tucker whips around “dude what! When?”. And Sam aggressively says “sit” while pointing to her bed after putting plastic on it. “When I fucking launched myself out a DAMN window after being smacked in the face by a SIGN and destroying a child’s ice-cream cone.” Sam rolls her eyes “you damn monster”. “I couldn’t fucking float cause my power bar was down the drain. Still kinda is but not so damn bad.”. Tucker shakes his head “dude, again, today hates you.”. The second Danny floats over to Tucker as the first Danny lifts up his pant legs. “You have any more vests? Cause while this shit is horribly fucking uncomfortable it’s better than descending waves of wild Danny’s upon Amity Park.” Tucker shakes his head “no, but I’ll get right on that cause yeah I don’t want to see another one of them.” Sam rolls her eyes “could they really be that bad, basically they’re just Danny but not under his control right?” Both Tucker and the two Danny’s all say “sweet Plasmius fucking no”. Just as Sam exclaims “Plasmius Danny! Did you like walk around on them like this or something?!”. The Danny’s smirk. “You fucking did you moron!” Sam slaps him on the head as she gets to work fixing his shredded legs. After about an hour the second Danny pipes up, “hey, Jazz found some more of what is likely the STUPID FUCKING DARTS that did this. And of course there’s no already made cure for it because WHY WOULD THERE FUCKING BE!”. Tucker waves off the Danny “we’ll just have to make our own. Think other you or Jazz could get it here?” Danny shakes his head “no they’ve basically under lockdown till that Danny’s deemed healthy. But I don’t see why this Danny can’t go.” Danny starts to float but prompt slams back down with an angry growl, both Danny’s suddenly look much worse for the wear. “Uh dude, I think that’s not happening. I’ll just go myself.” The Danny slumped on the windowsill flat out growls “this is FUCKING STUPID!”. Sighing Sam asks the Danny she’s working on “should we be concerned?”. That Danny shakes his head tiredly “no it’s just because of all the duplication and actively maintaining 3 bodies. The fucked up Danny’s don’t seem to be a drain but the two true fuckers are”. The other Danny turns his head over “hey, I take offence to that!”. Which causes for Sam to look quite concerned. “Fuckin chill Sam, I’m stuck with this bullshit for now so I’m going to fucking dick around with it. Plasmius I could use a fucking nap”. Danny flops back in the bed, earning a glare from Sam. “I’m trying to fix your legs you know and I hate to say it but this is a lost cause. You are actually going to have to go get this fixed, Danny.” Windowsill Danny is the one to respond “ha! BeCaUsE tHaT wIlL gO oVeR sO fUcKiNg WeLl! Hey, Mr. And Mrs. Fenton your son came in with his legs straight fucked.” Moving his hands wildly “What do you mean he’s sitting on our fucking couch with a probable concussion”.  Sam sighs “yeah well, Danny only so much can be done without actual major surgical equipment. And they won’t let even me buy that stuff, they’re afraid of start-up serial killers or something.”. This time bed Danny replied, “well then I’ll just wait my legs out and see if they fix themselves”. Sam stands up so she knows he can see her glaring “Danny that’s completely moronic, the sooner you go the better. This isn’t going to magic itself away.”. All she gets out of bed Danny before he passes out is “says you”.
—During that time at Fenton works—
Jazz watches as Danny just sorta groans and then suddenly looks like he just ran a marathon. “Danny, you alright there?” Concern filling her voice. “Yeah just tired and drained, by now I’d normally have automatically reabsorbed my duplicates but I can’t with the vest on. So I’m still expending energy maintaining them, oh and Tucks on his way over for the darts.” Jazz nods understanding, “I’ll give it to him when he gets here but you need to actually sleep or let the original you sleep.” Danny just tiredly waves her off and he wiggles in his blankets. By the time Tucker gets there Danny is out cold. “Tucker quick question, just how bad are actual Danny’s legs?” Jazz asks as she gives Tucker the darts she found. Tucker, pulling out the one from his pocket confirms they’re the same before answering “pretty bad, the idiot walked with them all busted up”. Jazz sighs “I know, he mentioned that while ranting. I’m not impressed.”. Tucker, chuckling “I don’t think anyone is but-”
Tucker is cut off by a massive explosion. Tucker sighs but Jazz is the one to speak “I don’t want any of hims going off fighting. I don’t care what it is, Danny gets the night off.”. Tucker chuckles “tell that to Danny not me...” Tucker trials off as he stares at the road “oh no”. “Whatever it is Danny’s not dealing with it”. Tucker just side-eyes her, “Uh actually it’s Danny or a Danny that needs to be dealt with”. Jazz juts her head out the door as she says “what?”. Quickly she spots Danny floating in the street with a strange facial expression when it suddenly is above someone house and then slams into a mailbox. “Dear god, that’s one of the wild Danny’s isn’t it. God that’s weird.” Tucker nods “yeah now imagine 40 of them all doing that in a small room”. Tucker turns and waves bye at her as he runs off back to Sam’s. Leaving Jazz to shake her head at Danny’s sleeping form though she pauses when she notices that he almost looks like he’s glitching occasionally. “Well there’s no way that’s good”.
When Tucker gets back he sees that Sam’s side window and wall have all been blown out, one Danny is passed out in the grass and Sam appears to be carrying the other. Shouting at Tucker “we need to get both them somewhere safe to recharge and holy hell you guys were not kidding about these things being hellspawn.”. Just as she finishes a wild Danny knocks her feet out as it slams into them, causing her to fling broken legs Danny on to the ground. Grunting awake, that Danny goes to get up but Tucker rushes over, “dude, no you are way too drained. Go back to sleep.” Tucker, picking him up yells to Sam “grab the other, well take them to Danny’s house. Mines too far away and we have to deal with this bullshit before they destroy the town!”. “Roger that! He can heal faster in his room anyways!” Sam yells back as she hoists up the lawn Danny. Booking it down the street to Danny’s house.
Jazz is watching the board-cast of the dubbed “dannypocalypse” that just started on ghost watch, as Sam and Tucker burst in carrying two unconscious Danny’s. “How the hell aren’t your parents up?” Sam asks as she and Tucker take the Danny’s to his/their room. Once they run back down as quietly as they can Jazz answers “dad can sleep through anything and mom has special earplugs to sleep through dad.”. The two nod as the rush to the lab, coming back up with many thermoses in tow. Quickly running right out the door, shouting back “take couch Danny to his room!”. Jazz quickly does so, though she’s not sure why, before she shakes her head as she turns back to the screen covered in Danny’s going everywhere like ping-pong balls of doom while also teleporting randomly. One flies face first at the camera with its never-changing facial expression, almost making her scream. Shaking herself off “at least they’re all Phantoms, otherwise Danny would be completely outed.”. Jazz opts to go back to the lab, to see what else she can find. It doesn’t take her too long to find the plans for the darts. “Well, this would have been useful to find earlier. Tucker could use these I’m sure.”. Sitting down Jazz elects to read over the plans herself. Eventually wheezing out “oh Danny is going to love this.”.
Sam and Tucker spend most of the night rounding up the Danny’s but early on they had been joined by The Red Huntress. “What the hell are you two doing?!”. Tucker looking up “what does it look like? Making fine wine?”. Gliding down near them she fires a blast at a wild Danny, making it spin but leaving it completely unharmed “what the hell is up with these things!? They're like indestructible!?”. Tucker chuckles as he catches another wild Danny in his thermos. “For once you really truly can blame the Fenton’s!”. Sam shoots Tucker a warning glare but he just rolls his eyes at her. “What the hell do you mean?!” The Red Huntress asks as she full on drops to the ground walking up to Tucker. Tucker whips out his PDA, scrolls a bit and shows her the image some kid had captured of the offending dart hitting Danny in the back with the Fenton’s holding the weapon. Shaking her head “Jesus Christ what the hell was in that! And you’d think after everything they would have stopped going after him!”. Shrugging Sam says “that’s stubborn grown-ups for you”. Eventually catching up a sizeable amount of Danny’s, The Red Huntress walks up to the two of them; deciding now is a good time to have a relaxed conversation in the middle of the street as the remaining wild Danny’s wreak havoc. “you two have any clue where the actual Phantom is or how to fix this?”. Tucker smirks “well hopefully, his resting because there’s no way this” gesturing at the occasional wild Danny, “isn’t exhausting”. She nods curtly “yeah from what I’ve seen duplication is really tiring but there’s something seriously wrong with these duplicates”. Sam mutters under her breath “yeah no shit”. “Well whatever, I’m going to the Fenton’s to see if I can find that dart thing and tear a new one into those idiots.” The Red Huntress turns to leave but Tucker snatches out to grab her arm. “No!” Composing himself as she eyes him annoyed. Tucker fishes in his pants, producing the empty dart “already done and the Fenton’s are sleeping. Personally, I don’t want them waking up to this and trying to “deal with it” themselves.”. The Red Huntress takes the dart and eyes it “I figured as much, you were probably already hanging out at Danny when this happened. Where is Danny anyways?”. Sam and Tucker both shrug unable to come up with a good excuse. “Figures, that kid runs off at the worst of times. But I AM going to Fenton Works and I AM berating those two. They deserve to experience this bullshit, reap what the sow and all that.” The Red Huntress zips away before either can stop her. “Well fuck” is all Tucker has to say as the once hunter of Danny Phantom flies to Danny’s House, which has two too many Danny’s in it. At that moment another car alarm goes of as the stiff arm of a wild Danny impales it.
The Red Huntress speeds over to Fenton works and knocks angrily on the door. Jazz, all too familiar with angry knocks, glares at the door as she walks over “Well look another pissed off basket case, hooray for me.”. Opening the door she’s shocked to find The Red Huntress. Composing herself quickly “let me guess, you want Fenton stuff to help deal with the dannypocalypse?” As The Red Huntress steps in aggressively. “Tucker apparently is already working on the dart thing so no, I’m here to shout angrily at YOUR DAMN PARENTS”. The Red Huntress, quickly stalks up the stairs before Jazz can stop her but just before she gets past Danny’s room one of the Danny’s pitches out the door crashing to the floor in front of her. Both The Red Huntress and Jazz yelp “Danny! Are you ok?”. The Red Huntress momentarily forgets about the Fenton’s in lue of helping Danny. However, one of the other Danny’s was already dragging that Danny by his feet back into the room. Looking up, the second Danny locks eyes with The Red Huntress‘s helmet. Who quickly jerks her head up and down from Danny to Danny as Jazz just stares in shock. “Danny? Danny what the HELL!” The Red Huntress borderline yells but is quickly hushed by Jazz as the floor Danny replies “Uh, hi?” As the third Danny, with still broken legs groans “THIS DAY COULDN'T GET ANY MORE FUCKING PERFECT!”. Causing The Red Huntress to shove her head in the door as Jazz pinches her nose. The Red Huntress, no longer giving a shit, as she takes in the sight of a third Danny, rips off her helmet off. “WHAT THE FUCK!”. Jazz throws her hands up completely giving up on the hope of some peace and quiet. She then follows Valarie, as she storms in. Jazz stops to help second Danny heave the floor Danny off the floor and onto a beanie-bag. Sighing “why can’t you ever just let yourself sleep, Danny”. Valarie paces back and forth. “Why are there three of you? HOW are the three of you? What is going on? WHO ARE YOU?!”. Danny mutters “a lot of fucking bullshit that’s what” before genuinely responding. “Now is like the worst fucking time Valarie, BUT GOOD GOD DAMN FUCK IT!”. The broken Danny flails his arms straight up smacking another Danny in the face. Beanie-bag Danny and just-fucking-smacked-in-the-face Danny turn and glare at broken Danny. “I will hit me IF I DAMN WELL WANT TO!” Broken Danny shouts as the just-fucking-smacked-in-the-face Danny starts weakly smacking him, which then descends into a slap fight. Valarie rips them apart shouting “I’ll repeat WHAT THE FUCK DANNY!”. The beanie-bag Danny stands up and points at her as she turns her head to him, still holding the two other Danny’s wrists in the air. “EVERY SINGLE KIND OF FUCK! EVERY SINGLE ONE! FENTON PHANTOM FENTON PHANTOM! SAME FUCKING THING! NOW PUT ME DOWN!”. Jazz then realized that broken Danny’s actually being lifted off the bed as Valarie quickly drops both Danny’s. Broken Danny rubs a hand down his left leg “fucking Christ FUCK ME SO MUCH!” Jazz runs over, yanking his pant leg up to check for bleeding. Groaning, she runs downstairs to get fresh bandaging. Valarie wide-eyed and worried “what happened to your leg?” And not even half a second later “WAIT WHAT DO YOU MEAN “SAME FUCKING THING!” WHAT THE FUCK!”. The Danny that was previously on a beanie-bag grabs her shoulders, spinning her around, and just straight up transforms into Phantom in front of her. “HOW THE FUCK!” Valarie jumps a couple of inches off the floor and nearly falls over but standing Danny Fenton catches her. Just as Sam, Tucker and Jazz all run into the room.
“Wow, didn’t know you two? Had gotten back together” Sam smirks with a hand on her hip as she waves around her thermos. Danny Phantom, being closest to the door, looks them up and down; noting their dishevelled appearances. “Ok, what the fuck did I miss?”. Valarie, struggling back to her feet, “we haven’t and how? Seriously how? Did you miss THE FUCKING SWARM OF PHANTOMS OUTSIDE!” All three Danny’s snap their heads to Sam and Tucker as Jazz slips over to broken Danny, getting to work on his leg. Sam noticing “did you fuck your legs up again you moron?”. While Tucker explains “the wild Danny’s all fucking escaped dude”. All three Danny’s shout “WHAT!”. Everyone flinching to cover their ears, Tucker turns to Jazz “how in the hell are your parents still asleep?”. At this Jazz just shrugs. Meanwhile, Sam groans out “yeah and they blew up my damn room, I don’t even have walls anymore!”. Valarie starts waving her hands around “whoa whoa, wait what? You mean to tell me you already captured them all once! And again What. The. Hell. Danny!”. Jazz sighs “ apparently they did and the rundown is basically-” taking a deep breath “Danny is half ghost and Phantom is his ghost form. The basement ghost portal messed him up when it turned on-“ broken Danny cutting in “with me inside it, might I fucking remind you”. Jazz continuing, “-basically half killing him. But our parents don’t know so could you. Stop. Shouting.”. Valarie looks from Danny to Danny, taking in all three. Slightly hurt, “why didn’t you FUCKING TELL ME YOU MORON! I’ve been fucking hunting you and all this fucking time you-! I could have KILLED YOU!” Suddenly one last wild Danny wizzes past the window as Tucker groans running down the steps. Valarie, sitting down finally, “and what the hell danny, how did this and that happen?!” She gestures towards the three Danny’s and then jab’s her thumb at the window. Phantom explaining, for what feels like the 50th time, “parents chase me. Duplicate to escape, twice. Get darted. Wild Danny’s everywhere. And before you ask, I DO NOT HAVE ANY FUCKING CONTROL OVER THEM!”. “And the legs?” Valerie asks. As Sam and Jazz say in unison “he jumped through a window”. Valarie looks at the broken Danny “and why didn’t you just float or whatever you moron.”. Broken Danny crosses his arms “I was too fucking exhausted ok. I’d been running all fucking day. And as soon as my parents found Fenton me they had the FUCKING AUDACITY TO ASK ME WHERE I HAD BEEN ALL FUCKING DAY!”. Tucker coming back in shakes his head “dude, at this point you should just tell them.”. All the Danny’s roll their eyes and broken Danny asks “so have you figured out how to fix this yet so I can take this STUPID FUCKING THING OFF!” Danny points at his vest. Tucker just lets his hands fall limp to his sides “dude, I haven’t even had a chance to look at the darts. I’ve been chasing yous all over town.”. Jazz perks up as she remembers the dart plans, pulling them out of her back pocket she shoves them at broken Danny. “I found this in the lab after Tucker left. Thankfully, it’s not harmful but well...” she trails off as Danny glares angrily at the paper, then Tucker grabs it away . Slowly the paper is passed around as everyone, even Valarie begins to snicker. Not-broken Danny Fenton mutters “I’m going to fucking kill you all.”. Jazz smirks, “Danny, it’s pretty funny. If you had used literally any other power before getting darted you wouldn’t be in this mess.”. Broken Danny crosses his arms and grumbles “I was conserving energy”. “And there lies the irony” Tucker says sticking a finger in the air “in trying to conserve energy you stuck yourself in a way where you expend even more energy”. Earning a glare from Danny, “I will strangle you in your sleep.”.  Jazz smacks his head, “not on these legs you won’t”. Danny smacks his own forehead “I really am a dumbass”. Tucker smirks as he says “that’s what we’ve all been telling you, dude” as broken Danny sits up and simultaneous changes to Phantom and into his ghostly tail. Everyone jerks at the loud snapping sounds that makes. “DANNY WHAT THE FUCK!”, “YOU REALISE YOU’RE A DUMBASS ONLY TO BE A DUMBASS!”, “HOW DOES THIS HELP ANYTHING!”. Broken Danny rolls his eyes as he changes his tail back to legs. Having functionally, reset every piece of bone into its rightful spot. Sam just gapes “how the?”. As she runs over inspecting his still mangled legs but no longer with bones or bone chips out of place. “I’m not sure whether to call you a dumbass for not doing that sooner or call you a genius for knowing that would work.”. Tucker eyes Danny, “you did know that would work right?”. All three Dannys’ just shrug as everyone else sighs. Tucker turning back to the plans and the darts in hand “I’m going to be in the lab actually getting somewhere on this.” He jumps down the steps two at a time.
After a few minutes of awkward silence, “So how the hell have you guys been telling the Dannys’ apart?”. Both Sam and slightly-less-broken-but-still-broken Danny answer “we haven’t been”. Danny, shrugging “they’re all me so it doesn’t really matter which one you talk to”. Valarie shakes her head “yeah well, that’s too damn weird for me today. I’m all maxed out on weird.”. Sam sighs “ok then...how the hell are we going to tell you three apart.” As she turns to face the Danny that’s closest to her, which happens to be broken Danny. “Well doesn’t Original Danny have to wear the suppressor vest, so he’s easy” Jazz supplies. “Well that still leaves two” Valarie grumbles, still rather freaked out at the sight of three Dannys’.  
“You know what? We’ll just fucking wear wrist bands” as broken Danny grabs a white cuff, Fenton Danny puts on a black cuff, and Phantom Danny lifts up a green cuff. Jazz, taking the three in, “yeah, that’ll work. Subtle but noticeable, comfy yet stylish.”. Tucker interjects through Danny’s phone “and in your colours, all you’d need is red and you’d have your entire make up.” White Danny rolls his eyes, “Tuck, I also have blue eyes.”. Everyone can hear Tucker slap his own face as Valarie mutters “are we just going to ignore that Tucker’s on the phone without there being a call”. White Danny rolls his eyes “he fucking hacked it, what’s new... though he SHOULD BE FOCUSED ON OTHER THINGS!” White Danny finishes, shouting. “It’s not like I’m holding the damn phone and you know how I hate being out of the loop.”, to Tucker’s credit they can hear him tinkering away. “If anyone gets to be pissy about being out of the loop it’s me, YOU FUCKS!” Valerie cuts in as black Danny rubs his neck. As white Danny yells,“Well, you spent all your time TRYING TO FUCKING MURDER ME!” She glares at him and huffs “I WOULD HAVE STOPPED IF YOU FUCKING TOLD ME!”. Black Danny throws his hands up, “I AINT NO FUCKING MINDREADER! MAYBE YOU SHOULD HAVE FUCKING ASKED!” Valerie gaps at him, “HOW THE FUCK WAS I EVEN SUPPOSED TO KNOW THIS SHIT WAS POSSIBLE! NO ONE ASKS ABOUT THE IMPOSSIBLE DANNY!” Sam smirks, “and that right there is why no one has figured you out yet Danny.”. Green Danny glares at Sam, “WELL THAT’S FUCKING STUPID AND THIS TOWN IS FUCKING STUPID!”. Everyone else just shrugs, unable to disagree. Then a realization dawns on Valerie, “you, you fucking dated me even though you knew I was trying to kill you?” Sam nods as does every Danny. “ARE YOU COMPLETELY INSANE!”. Sam smirks, “that’s what I said. But Mr. Deathwish over here didn’t care”.  “LET ME BURY MY SELF PRESERVATION IN PEACE!”. As both Sam and Valerie groan, white Danny rubs at his chest annoyed that it seems tighter. When suddenly he hears cracking sounds and all the Danny’s look at the vest.
“OH, YOU HAVE GOT TO BE FUCKING KIDDING ME!” White Danny cries as he watches the pieces of his suppression vest explode outwards, as if in slow-motion. Instantaneously, over three hundred wild Danny’s’ explode out of him like an absurdist supernova. The grand overwhelming mass of Dannys’ blasts out Danny’s walls, floor and ceiling, destroying half the house and leaving Danny and co. Sprawled all over the blast site. Somehow, through sheer cosmic luck, his parents' bedroom and lab are fully intact; parents still sound asleep. White Danny stands slouching in the centre of everything, wild-eyed and growling. Eventually, as Sam and the two other Danny’s stagger up, white Danny shouts “FUCK ME AND MY VERY EXISTENCE! I AM AN AFRONT TO GOD AND I FUCKING LIKE IT THAT WAY!” before he collapses, unconscious. Valerie rolls over, covered in dirt and a knife? As hundreds of wild Danny’s spin, smack, and crash everywhere. Jazz wanders over to the tv as it springs back to life telling of the dannypocalypse’s sudden return after mysteriously vanishing. Tucker groans “Not again...”. Valarie violently shakes black Danny “WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO THAT FOR YOU MORON!-“ only to get cut off by a wild Danny. Suddenly Tucker bolts up fucking sprinting at the lab, being the only one to notice in the mayhem that even more wild Danny’s are being formed at this very second. He doesn’t even bother taking the stairs, just straight flings himself down. Moving wildly to piece together a fix for this bullshit. Chanting, “fuck me, fuck this, fuck everything”. His manic inventing is highlighted by a backdrop of screaming, destruction, thermos noises, and an endless waterfall of swears.
Up above Sam screams “TUCK WHERE’S THE OTHER DAMN VEST!? TUCK!” Looking around unable to find him “FOR FUCKS SAKE! YOU BETTER BE EITHER DEAD OR OFF DOING SOMETHING USEFUL OR SO HELP ME!”. The two Danny’s aggressively slap the hell out of white Danny’s face, “WAKE UP LUETENET!”. Valarie glares at them as she pole vaults over a wild Danny only to get smacked by two others, “THIS IS NOT THE TIME FOR VIDEO GAME REFERENCES! HOLY SHIT! IS EVERYTHING A JOKE TO YOU!”. White Danny is slapped into consciousness just in time to hear that last bit. “YOU BET IT FUCKING IS! I DO WHAT I WANT BECAUSE I! AM! GOD!”. A sledgeHammer slams into the white Danny’s feet, “MUST GOD MOCK ME!”. Looking around the trio of Danny’s realizes the wild Danny’s, in their wild workings, are kicking up and flinging around all the contents he’s stored in that part of the house for years. “I THOUGH YOU WERE GOD”, Valarie shouts back as green Danny dive bombs her from behind. “YEAH AND I’M MOCKING MYSELF!”, Green Danny shouts at her as he rolls away from an incoming wild Danny that has two knives sticking out its chest. “WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT FOR! YOU MADE ME MISS!” Green Danny just glares and points to the needles stabbed into the ground where she once was. “WHAT THE FUCK! WHY ARE THEY THROWING STUFF!”. Sam slams up against the last bit of inside kitchen wall, the five others running to join her; thermos’s all full. Sam wags her finger at white Danny, “NOT YOU! YOU'LL JUST FILL THE INSIDE OF THE HOUSE WITH THESE HELLSPAWN”. White Danny stops, growls and throws his arms out to the side “FUCK YOU TOO THEN!”. Just as a new wild Danny spawns out of him and collides head-on with another wild Danny, inches away from white Danny. The impact sends him flying into the road. Sam and the others can’t see him but they do hear all three Danny’s, two of which are inside with Sam, Jazz and Valarie, shout “HAVEN'T MY LEGS SUFFERED ENOUGH FOR MY SINS!”. Sam shakes her head and mutters “Jesus fucking Christ. I don’t have any more damn bandages.”. Valarie grabs the black Danny “again, WHY THE FUCK are they throwing stuff!”. Danny shoves her off him with his teeth bared, “their FUCKING NOT.”. Jazz interrupts, “I think what Danny’s trying to say is, their stirring up everything in their path and by sheer velocity sending every piece of debris and random items all over the place.”. Valarie looking outside, “WHY THE FUCK DO YOU OWN SO MANY WEAPONS AND SHARP THINGS!”. Sam just sighs, “blame Danny, he hides things intangibly inside his walls. He probably has enough to supply an army in his room walls alone”. “OF COURSE I FUCKING DO! HAVE YOU SEEN MY FUCKING LIFE!”. Hearing a sudden explosion down the street, “Danny, even I think it’s completely insane to keep FUCKING GRENADES inside the walls”. Jazz jumps in just as a wild Danny head smashes its head straight through the only unbroken window, expression never changing. “HOLY FUCK!...and Danny, why the hell would you make you own room a death trap!”. “BECAUSE DEATH GIVES ME LIFE AND EVERY TIME I NEED SOMETHING IT’S FUCKING MOVED! IF ONLY I CAN TOUCH IT THEN NO ONE CAN FUCK WITH MY SHIT!” both Danny’s spin around and crouch, ready to pounce, as Tucker races up the steps, his glasses missing a lense. Bending over and huffing wildly he sticks his hand out, a funky blue dart in it. Green Danny, straightening up, mutters, “you just had to make it blue to spite me didn’t you.” Everyone can see Tucker’s grin as he tilts his head up, other hand still on his knees “now your fucking complete, dude. And I am redeemed.” Sam just shakes her head as she grabs the dart and shoves into green Danny’s palm. “You’re the one with ghost powers and you’re the one duplicating to hell and back. Go fix your shit.”. Valarie steps up, “oh hell no, this moron is not going by himself.” Black Danny puts his hands on hips, “NO FUCKING SHIT”. Valarie just glares at black Danny “YOU’RE BOTH THE SAME DAMN PERSON! IT DOESN'T COUNT! A MORON TIMES TWO IS STILL A MORON!”. Sam groans, “just go out there you angry babies, sweet Plasmius.”. Both Danny’s and Valerie roll their eyes at Sam as they bolt out. Sam leans over to Jazz, “they’re so getting back together”. Tucker smirks as he overhears, “they’re our atomic power couple, get it? Since their both walking warheads?”. Jazz groans, “Danny has tainted you.”. Sam just shrugs, “well, they are a match made in anger, clearly.”. Tucker flops down onto the ground as the house shakes and a wild Danny comes crashing in and just starts ping-pong bouncing around. The three swat at it with brooms. Jazz shakes her head, “I think I better grab more thermos’s. We don’t know that Danny will be able to reabsorb any of these monstrosities.”. Sam calls to her as Jazz runs over to the lab, lightly stepping over needles, knives, two swords and what looks like a jigsaw trap?, “Ms. Psychology textbook! why is it that teenage super heroes are all so angry and aggressive?”. Jazz yells from down the steps “because the ones who aren’t die!” Continuing as she comes back up, arms full of sweet sweet thermos, “you can’t face the things they do, day after day, carry the responsibilities, and keep deep secrets like that; without being an energetic firecracker. Aggressive anger is like determination on steroids.”. Handing out the thermos’s they prepare for another assault on the wild Danny’s as they hear someone, most likely a Danny shout, “VEHICULAR MANSLAUGHTER YOU FUCKING FUCK!”.  They come out in time to see Valerie, on her board, straight up throw one of the “normal” Danny’s at the white Danny. While the other “normal” Danny is two foot stomping on the face of a wild Danny. The three regular humans blast their thermos’s in random directions other than where the three Danny’s are, because the damn wild Danny’s are literally everywhere. Tucker slams the thermos down on the head of a wild Danny just in time to see green Danny flying jab white Danny in the chest with the dart, as white Danny physically flings himself at the impact. Both of whom are snarling, teeth fully bared as they do so. “WHAT IS HE TRYING TO DO! PIERCE HIMSELF STRAIGHT THROUGH OR SOMETHING!” Tucker cries. Sam winds up rolling through a bunch of used bloody bandages at the same time that three becomes one, again. “Can’t he at least throw this stuff out? Lazy fucker”. Danny, all back together, fucking books it over to Jazz who throws a thermos straight at his face, he lets it slam into his face. Muttering, while laying on the ground “now that tickled my nostalgia bone”. Jazz just sighs as everyone continues catching all the wild Danny’s throughout the night.
“Remind me to never use duplication to escape my parents ever again.” Danny groans, as he slumps against a wall. “the only positive is that this has to be a new Highscore for number of times one of us almost died.”. Tucker exhausted slaps him in the chest, “I say lets beat it next year”. Jazz jerks her head over to the boys “absolutely not and Danny sit down. There’s no way your legs are healed.”. At this Danny starts laughing “what the fuck does healed even mean anymore!?”. Jazz grimaces at this. Sam drags Valerie over to the three, “I say we head back to Danny’s, it’s the only place where we won’t get into serious trouble.”. Danny and Jazz scoff “hell they’d be proud”. Jazz adding, “plus we have to make up an explanation for the house.”. “Fuck that! I ain’t doing that! I say watch the fucking news, that’s the fucking story right there!”. Jazz looks at Danny “you know they’ll blame Phantom?”. “NO FUCKING SHIT! DO I CARE!? FUCKING NO!”. Sam smirks, “you could just tell them everything, Pan Fan included”. Danny glares “FUCK NO! EAT A DICK SAM!”. She just rolls her eyes “I can’t, I’m vegan.”. Valarie groans “Uh guys I’d like a couch right about now. And what’s a Pan Fan?”. Danny goes and scoops her up bridal style and just walks off, “Pan means Phantom, Fan means Fenton” calling back to the others “you fucks coming or what?”. As Jazz trails after him scolding him about walking on his, still, broken legs. While Danny and Valerie mutter about code words. Tucker and Sam watch them go a bit before following themselves. Quickly the yard comes into view, Jazz can’t help but shake her head, “how did you even fit half this into your walls Danny.”. “Fucking creatively that’s how, and now there’s NOWHERE TO FUCKING PUT IT!”, Valerie slaps him, “my ears are right here you moron. I would like to keep my eardrums thank you very much.”. Tucker just chuckles “ears, who needs ‘em”. Valerie kicks him with her foot, still being carried by Danny. “Me, that’s who.”. Stepping over many sharp things, the group heads up to where the door used to be.
Maddie and Jack wake up just as the five walk inside. Jack hardly seems to notice the destruction but Maddie is stunned. Sam just turns on the tv to the ghost news as Danny lays Valerie down on the half-destroyed couch. Maddie only takes in the absurd carnage on tv for a little while before turning her attention to the kids. Who are all varying levels of beat up. Danny and Valerie are technically the worst but Danny doesn’t really count. But being ever the mother and not knowing any better, Maddie runs to her son first and demands he sit down. “Danny! What are you doing! You were in no condition to even be leaving the house!” Danny rubs the back of his neck, “things happened and like I said I. Am. Fine.” Sam can’t help but snicker as Danny has to hold his tongue around his parents, they don’t tolerate swearing very well. Maddie just shakes her head, “all of you are going to the hospital now. No buts, Fenton Assualt Vehicle. Now.”. This time Maddie carries the little hunter and they all head off to the, very overcrowded hospital. On the ride there they discuss what happened and in a surprise to no one, they blame Phantom and thinking he must have messed with their dart somehow to cause this. Regardless they scrap the dart project.
Luckily, Danny’s ectoplasm levels are so low from overexertion that he doesn’t raise any red flags in Amity. So he gets off with only leg casts, yes two of them. “Would you look at that, you wound up in the hospital anyways.” Sam gloats. “Yeah and the best part? I CAN’T ACTUALLY TAKE THEM OFF!” Danny flails his now healed up legs around, though he wouldn’t be allowed to remove the casts for months. Since the doctors don’t know shit about him being a halfa or halfa healing. Tucker raises an eyebrow at Sam, Sam leans over and explains “his parents had them lined with anti-ghost thread so they won’t even come off in ghost form.” At this Tucker bursts out laughing. “OH FUCK YOU TOO! YOU CAN BOTH DROWN IN FIRE!”. Tucker waves a hand at Danny, “oh you love us” as Danny grumbles.
All over town, there’s Danny shaped dent marks, impalement holes and other generalized destruction. But, like always, Fenton Works looks the most absurd. There are hundreds of weapons of increasing absurdity strewn all over the yard, house and road. Most of them are actually Danny’s, though his parents don’t know that. Jazz managed to convince their parents to let them, with Sam, Tucker and Valerie’s help of course, to clean up the outside. So long as Danny swore to stay in a chair the entire time, much to him and his constant-need-for-action’s, dismay. While cleaning Sam raises an eyebrow at an oddly fish shaped knife, “So what are we going to do with all the wild Danny’s?”. Both Valarie and Danny grin evilly, responding with only one word, “Vlad”. Not even two hours later, only managing to not break Danny’s promise by carrying the entire chair with them, a mysterious package arrives at Vlad’s mansion. Being so egotistical that he refuses to believe anything could really harm him, Vlad idiotically brings it inside to open it. He doesn’t know yet just how idiotic that will truly be.
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meditativeyoga · 5 years
Everybody Upside-Down
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A year back, the morning after bring his bouncing 2-year-old kid on his shoulders, Peter woke up as well as discovered he couldn't removal his head. The discomfort in his neck as well as obliterating his left arm was so intense that he could not push his back, sit upright, or concentrate enough to own a car. Detected with cervical radiculitis at C5, C6, and also potentially C7, Peter missed work, numbed himself with muscular tissue depressants, as well as kept his neck trussed up in a brace for 2 weeks. He found that the posture that gave him greatest relief was Uttanasana (Standing Ahead Bend). For months, his technique was mild and low-to-the-ground: hip-openers, ahead bends, and corrective work. Five months later on, the skin of his left joint was still numb as well as the initial fingers on his left hand periodically tingled.
The irony of his injury wasn't shed on him. Forty-one years old at the time, Peter had been exercising yoga exercise for 13 years. Though he understood he was growing older, Peter had constantly been 'good' at yoga, taking care of sophisticated postures with aplomb, taking on his peers for the instructor's compliments.
He had begun practicing inversions within the first year of his practice. Should not those 13 years of Headstands and also Shoulderstands have ensured that Peter's neck would certainly be solid, flexible, able to endure his kid's weight as well as unforeseeable, energetic kicks?
Or is it feasible, instead, that Peter's inverted technique created the conditions for his injury? Peter has had tight neck muscular tissues throughout his grown-up life, as well as in times of anxiety, his shoulders stoop up towards his ears. Peter's modus operandi for several years was to reveal up for course a couple of times a week and blithely raise his densely muscled body upside-down through his neck muscular tissues.
He required himself to remain upright through a 10-minute Headstand, sweating liberally. Perhaps one could do that without effects at 20-something, but a lots years later, the initiative takes its toll. We all operate in a tangle of pernicious behaviors, and also unless we purposely unload and also dismantle them in our yoga exercise practice, they lie in wait as well as trip us up.
Many yoga exercise professionals in the USA are probably like Peter-householders pushed by other demands and also wishes, not able to exercise yoga daily. They reveal up for course whenever practical, and execute every present that does not prompt as well as acute pain.
Peter's instructor, like any good yoga instructor, advised his pupils to create a house practice, but Peter had never ever found the moment. While it's impossible to claim just how crucial Peter's upside down method was to his injury, it deserves asking the inquiry: If he had actually practiced extra constantly, even more mindfully, could he have actually avoided it?
Sirsasana (Headstand) and Sarvangasana (Shoulderstand) are sexy poses-physically tough, aesthetically significant, as well as exhilarating. They are likewise surprisingly easily accessible. Regardless of the restrictions of a limited lower back or hamstrings, many yoga experts can move right into an inversion reasonably quickly.
As yoga expands ever much more preferred (there are a lot more students exercising hatha yoga exercise in The golden state compared to in the whole nation of India today, asserts Larry Payne, coauthor of Yoga for Dummies), students are enthusiastically practicing Headstand and Shoulderstand across the nation-in jampacked Ashtanga courses without props, as well as for relatively extended periods (10 mins plus) in Iyengar Yoga courses.
Unfortunately, nevertheless, beginning as well as expert yoga trainees are turning up in the offices of bodyworkers, chiropractic practitioners, and also doctor with compression of the upper spine and also impaired mobility in the neck, probably from the technique of inversions.
In a society that highlights competition as well as accomplishment, some trainees are clearly flinging themselves right into inversions also soon. Couple that with the desultory nature of lots of people's practices-one class a week at finest, on a drop-in basis-and classes that are as well huge for the teacher to see everybody in a provided present, and also you have the dish for possible disaster.
How, after that, do we evaluate and come close to inversions, presents that are stated to be important and that possess distinctive physiological advantages? We can begin by sculling back via the years and studying the role of inversions in timeless yoga, at the river's source.
Fountain of Youth
Yogis in India have actually trying out their own bodies and breath searching for knowledge for at the very least 5,000 years. Exactly what they pertained to understand regarding themselves was a direct outcome of continual self-study as well as reflection, or svadhyaya.
In their stringent reflection and spartan techniques, over the sluggish unraveling of days and months as well as years, they familiarized and love the deep, long-lasting motions in the body-the pulse and rhythm of liquids and also electrical charges-and put exercises, photos, and also language to those activities, so we can follow.
The ancient texts specify that there are 7 major chakras (or psychic energy centers) along the vertical axis of the body. At the danger of being reductive, one could describe hatha yoga as methods designed to increase prana, or life force, up the spinal column, the path of the chakras. David Gordon White, in his interesting book, The Alchemical Body: Siddha Traditions in Middle ages India, writes of an 'inner space' that starts at the muladhara chakra at the base of the spine. It runs upward with the heart, and ends at the fontanelle, or 'slit of brahman,' referred to as the brahmarandra, in the cranial safe. He prices estimate the Kathaka Upanishad (6.16), which states: 'There are a hundred and also one channels of the heart. Among these skips to the crown of the head. Increasing by it, one mosts likely to immortality.'
The Natha siddhas as well as other Tantric schools, forefathers of the hatha yoga exercise practice, believed that amrita, the nectar of immortality, was held within the cranial vault, at the 7th chakra, the sahasrara chakra. The valued nectar, meting out our days, fell through the center of the body and also was eaten in the fire of the upper body. Transform yourself upside-down, the reasoning went, and amrita would certainly be kept, hence prolonging life and protecting one's prana.
The Pradipika listings Viparita Karani Mudra as one of 'the 10 mudras which dominate old age and also fatality.' However, that calls for an everyday practice of Viparita Karani Mudra for 3 hrs!
From the Goraksha Shataka, a twelfth- or thirteenth-century text on hatha yoga, we learn that 'approximately the navel stays the lonesome sunlight, whose essence is fire, situated at the base of the taste is the eternal moon, whose essence is nectar. That which rains below the downturned mouth of the moon is ingested by the upturned mouth of the sun. The method [of Viparita Karani] is to be done as a means to acquiring the nectar [which would otherwise be lost]'
Defying Gravity
Until really just recently, there has actually been little passion in the West in objectively documenting the results of yoga on health and wellness, specifically for the much more advanced or esoteric practices, such as inversions. The medical physicians who have conducted the present studies are mainly Indian. Ralph Laforge, M.Sc., handling supervisor at a facility at Battle each other University Medical Center as well as an authority on the clinical foundations of hatha yoga exercise, understands of just two professional tests in this nation developed to identify the physiological advantages of inversions, both which were too 'statistically underpowered' to attract clear conclusions.
Our understanding of how inversions benefit us, after that, is built on expert point of view, study, and educated reasoning. In the lack of more medically rigorous studies, we can cite biomechanical concepts, action indices such as heart price or blood pressure, and witness the effects of inversions on people who practice regularly.
All the proof indicates one principal, galvanizing effect that inversions carry the professional: They upend one's relationship to gravity. Gravity has a profound impact on the physical processes of the body. As NASA discovered and Jerome Groopman reported in a New Yorker article (February 14, 2000), once people enter zero gravity, we go through severe biomedical problems. Our sense of balance, determined by the vestibular system of the internal ear as well as calibrated to minute liquid activities, is destroyed. Blood, no more weighted in the lower upper body as well as legs, floodings upwards and also the heart rates up, prompting dehydration as well as eventually anemia. Muscles degeneration and bone mass drops precipitously.
Here on earth, gravity slowly however certainly evaluates us down and also saps our toughness. We stand, rest, or walk with head above the heart, legs and also pelvis beneath. As the years rack up, so do the damages. Subcutaneous fat sags. Varicose capillaries and piles erupt. Weary of persistently pumping blood with its vast circulatory network, the heart falters. According to Payne, the old yogis called gravity 'the quiet enemy.' The yogi does a martial-arts sleight-of-hand: Overthrow oneself as well as enlist gravity's power to apprehend the devastations of that self-same force.
The human body is sensitive to the variations of gravity due to the fact that it contains more than 60 percent water. From the skin in, the body is dense with cells, drifting in a bath of intercellular liquid. An intricate network of vessels weaves in as well as around every cell, progressively removaling fluids via shutoffs, pumps, and porous membrane layers, committed to transferring, nourishing, washing, and also cleansing.
According to David Coulter, Ph.D., who educated composition at the University of Minnesota for 18 years, when one inverts, cells liquids of the reduced extremities drain-far a lot more efficiently compared to when one is asleep. Areas of blockage clear. In a 1992 Yoga exercise International write-up on Headstand as well as the circulatory system, Coulter wrote: 'If you can stay in an upside down stance for simply 3 to 5 minutes, the blood will certainly not only drain promptly to the heart, however tissue fluids will certainly move a lot more successfully right into the capillaries and also lymph channels of the reduced extremities and of the abdominal and also pelvic body organs, promoting a much healthier exchange of nutrients as well as wastes in between cells and also blood vessels.'
All Systems Check
There are 4 significant systems in the body that the practice of inversions is said to favorably affect: cardio, lymphatic, nervous, and also endocrine.
The circulatory system is included the heart, the lungs, and also the entire system of vessels that feed oxygen as well as gather co2 and other waste products from the cells. Arteries extend in an elaborate tributary system from the heart, which pumps newly oxygenated blood from the lungs external. Veins return blood to the heart, and, unlike arteries, compose a low-pressure system that depends on muscular motion or gravity to removal blood along. One-way shutoffs at normal periods stop backwash as well as keep liquids removaling to the heart in a system referred to as 'venous return.'
Turning yourself inverted urges venous return. Inning accordance with Pat Layton, physiology educator for the Iyengar Yoga Institute of San Francisco's Advanced Researches Program, 'Individuals need to do aerobics due to the fact that they don't invert. You have to run actually hard-get the heart pumping hard-to circulate blood down to the feet and also up the back. Not that you shouldn't do aerobics, yet inversions are a healthier way to obtain the advantages [to the circulatory system], especially as you age.'
Layton thinks that inversions additionally ensure healthier and extra effective lung cells. When standing or resting upright, gravity draws our fluids earthward, as well as blood 'perfuses' or saturates the reduced lungs better. The reduced lung tissue is therefore much more compressed than the upper lungs. As an outcome, the air we inhale moves normally right into the open lungs of the top lungs. Unless we take a great, deep breath, we do not elevate the proportion of air to blood in the reduced lungs. When we invert, blood perfuses the well-ventilated top lobes of the lungs, therefore making sure a lot more reliable oxygen-to-blood exchange and healthier lung tissue.
Finally, as Payne states, 'Inverting offers the heart a break.' The heart functions doggedly to guarantee that fresh oxygenated blood makes its way up to the brain as well as its sensory organs. When inverting, the stress differential across the body is reversed, and also blood floodings the carotid arteries in the neck. It is believed that baroreceptors, systems that calibrate blood circulation to the brain, sense the rise in blood, and reduce the circulation, therefore decreasing blood pressure as well as heart rate. It has not, nonetheless, been clinically established whether the practice of inversions can reduce blood pressure over the long haul, as well as actually, high blood pressure is normally taken into consideration a contraindication for inversions.
The lymphatic system is accountable for waste removal, liquid balance, and immune system response. Lymph vessels develop amongst the capillary beds of the circulatory system, but comprise a different system that moves stray proteins, waste materials, and added liquids, filtering the fluid back through the lymph nodes and also discarding just what remains into the blood circulation system at the subclavian blood vessels, under the collarbones. The lymphatic system is similar to a sewage system-a detailed, underground network tied to every house in town-that maintains the citizens healthy.
Inversions, after that, are similar to the sump pump in the cellar, thrusting sewer right into the pipe. Lymph, like the blood returning to your heart by means of the veins, depends on muscle motion and also gravity to promote its return. Because the lymphatic system is a shut stress system and has one-way valves that maintain lymph relocating towards the heart, when one transforms upside down, the entire lymphatic system is stimulated, thus reinforcing your body immune system. Viparita Karani is the very best instance of this, as it is a light inversion that one can enjoy for a minimum of 5 minutes without any stress and anxiety to the body when one is tired out or ill. It interests keep in mind that for troubles like varicose blood vessels and edema (swelling) of the feet, when lymph is unable to preserve the appropriate fluid equilibrium in the lower extremities, physicians commonly merely tell people to place their feet up.
Head over Heels
When one boils down from Headstand, one often really feels more clear as well as calmer. The usual presumption is that Headstand floods the mind with fresh oxygenated blood, and also the mind is revitalized. Is there such a thing as way too much blood to the brain? Dr. B. Ramamurthi, a neuroscientist based in India, has revealed that the mind is protected from an influx of blood that would certainly bewilder its fragile frameworks, and that when a fairly healthy individual inverts, there is generally no excessive increase in the capillary of the mind. Intense pressure in the head or bloodshot eyes, nevertheless, ask for a changed technique. A research by Dr. F. Chandra, well known in Europe for her talks on the physiological as well as emotional impacts of yoga, assumes that Headstand might effect a base-line opening of capillary, making them much more reliable at dilating as well as constricting to effectively shunt blood to the energetic areas of the brain.
Inversions might likewise influence the movements of cerebrospinal liquid (CSF), the juice of the central nerve system which streams from the mind to the spine. The top of the skull gets intense stress in Headstand, which, when properly done, might advertise flexibility in the cranial bones, therefore boosting the production of CSF in the ventricles of the brain.
The result of inversions on the complex endocrine system, the body's glandular system of hormonal agent delivery, has been much proclaimed, however is perhaps the least recognized: Shoulderstand is extensively advised for menopausal and perimenopausal ladies because it is presumed that it boosts the thyroid as well as parathyroid glands, which produce hormonal agents that control one's metabolic process. This has not been scientifically shown, however Payne assumes that inverting places these glands, located in the top chest, in a 'basic bathroom of blood,' hence enhancing their efficiency.
In Headstand, the pineal and pituitary glands (which sit behind the eyes in the center of the head) are upended 180 degrees, straight over the fontanelle. We understand that the pineal and also pituitary glands are liable for growth and also sex hormonal agents. We do unknown exactly what turning around these glands in the area of gravity does. Could this, nonetheless, be the dripping amrita of the ancient yogis-might they have sensed the sluggish release of hormones from the cranial safe and also made use of inversions to stem or promote the release, advertising health and wellness and hampering aging?
To Invert or Not to Invert?
B., an osteopathic specialist, spoke to me just on the problem of privacy. He has actually collaborated with a couple of long-lasting yoga experts in their 50s who involved him with persistent pain or impaired flexibility in their necks. They have bodies of 30-year-olds, yet their necks are so stiff and also pain-ridden from the yoga inversions, they are like the necks of 60-year-olds, he claims. Over his 20-plus years of technique, B. has seen lots of clients who, already vulnerable in the upper spine from cervical deterioration, whiplash, an old injury, or misalignment, unknowingly intensify the scenario by inverting in yoga course.
He explains that the brachial plexus, an essential network of nerves that leave the spinal column from between the reduced cervical vertebrae and upper thoracic (C5-8 and T1), enervates the whole top extremities and shoulder region. Headstand and also Shoulderstand area tremendous compressive force on the upper spinal column, which, for those that are prone, can cause nerve irritability and compression to the brachial plexus, in addition to 'basic thoracic outlet syndrome,' which could jeopardize blood circulation as well as manifest as feeling numb in the arms and also hands.
Arthur Kilmurray, supervisor of Mystic River Yoga exercise Studio in Medford, Massachusetts, has experiences that support B.'s cases. He began studying Iyengar Yoga in the late 1970s and also was doing long inversions within four to five years. However by 1988, Shoulderstand had actually come to be impossible: He felt as if his head would certainly take off when up in the pose. Kilmurray assumes this originates from a football injury at age 21, exacerbated by lengthy inversions. Also now, although he really feels no discomfort, chiropractic doctors are surprised by the lack of variety of movement in his neck. Kilmurray does not presently exercise Headstand or instruct inversions, and also educates his students to 'create level of sensitivity to the breath, prana, and fluidity of the inner body' prior to moving to the longer inversions and also advanced positions.
Inversions are except every person. Also if you are inverting constantly currently, there will be times when the technique is unsuitable. Despite this 'failure' to invert, it might be useful to recall the yogic tenets of ahimsa, nonviolence or compassion, as well as svadhyaya. We exercise yoga to reduce suffering and also create our ability to be fully present in our lives. Why linger in exercising Headstand as well as Shoulderstand if it triggers you pain? Restorative postures such as Viparita Karani (Legs-Up-The-Wall Posture) and a sustained Setu Bandha (Bridge Pose) will certainly offer you some of the benefits of Headstand as well as Shoulderstand, without exhausting the cervical spinal column.
If you are brand-new to yoga exercise, take your time prior to inverting-a year is not as well long. Job very closely with an observant and educated teacher. Attend class regularly. Discover the basics: Discover the expansion of the back first in Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward-Facing Pet), open up the shoulders with Adho Mukha Vrksasana (Handstand), Pincha Mayurasana (Forearm Balance), and Vasisthasana (Side Slab Pose), and create equilibrium, quality, as well as toughness with the standing positions.
Studying the Yoga Sutra as well as Bhagavad Gita will certainly help you structure a yoga exercise practice that is well balanced and also smart. Exercising alone will certainly aid you remove need to do your asanas for others as well as grow a deeper understanding of your body as well as its rhythms so that you can practice in ways that respond to your needs. With mindfulness, also a newbie can exercise inversions without injury.
If you already invert, ask yourself just how you do it. Do you make use of muscle mass to keep up, as Peter did? Just how much do you observe yourself in the position, concentrating on your placement? If you want to function in the direction of longer poses, of course do so. Do so smartly, and be willing to advance gradually if you want a healthy neck right into your dotage. Observe the refined adjustments in your neck and throat, and also see your breath. Keep up for short amount of times first-a minute or 2. Back up on celebration. Constantly boil down if there is discomfort.
After the injury, Peter has transformed his method. He now sits daily, goes to a regular restorative yoga class, and does shorter inversions. He has recognized that purpose and focus are more vital than throwing himself through the postures. Practiced without wisdom and concern, inversions can lead to injury. Yet at their ideal, these poses sing up the spine as well as the body hums with happiness. Headstand and also Shoulderstand are called the king and also queen of the asanas-and they could be instead cavalier with their topics' necks. Be clever yet undaunted: They approve excellent benefits to those who come close to with regard.
Yoko Yoshikawa teaches Iyengar-based yoga exercise in Oakland, California.
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michaelbranch · 3 years
A Brief Summary of Ideas: The Madness of Crowds
*These summaries are kept intentionally very brief, just hitting what I consider some of the important/interesting takeaways, most word-for-word or paraphrased. My goal is also to stick to ideas/principals that might guide others (or my future self) in deciding the value of a read (or re-reading). T = takeaway, Q = Question
The Madness of Crowds: Gender, Race, and Identity
Author: Douglas Murray
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Assumption that a heightened moral knowledge comes with being an oppressed/minority group. "Speaking as a ..."
All these causes started as legitimate human rights campaigns.
Can't award yourself the right to attribute motives to others that you can't see but which you suspect. Prerequisite for avoiding perpetual confrontation is an ability to listen to people's words and hold some trust in them.
Problem of changing societal positions so swiftly is that unexplored issues and arguments are left behind in the wake.
We still don't have much idea as to why some people are gay.
Hardware = something people can't change (and thus shouldn't be judged on). Software = can be changed (and thus may be available for judgement). Inevitably there will be a push to make some software issues into hardware.
LGBT groupings composition is unsustainable and contradictory. Internal frictions and contradictions even within groupings.
Some heterosexuals are genuinely disturbed by gay people. Plenty of stages between absolute equanimity and ease around people and a desire to violently attack them.
Marxist Foundations
See society not as an infinitely complex system of trust and traditions evolved over time, but solely through the prism of power.
Anyone who questions an "ism" finds themselves accused. Easy weapons to wield with no price to pay for wielding them unfairly.
When it is nearly impossible to tell what is being said, almost anything can be said, and exceptionally dishonest arguments can be smuggled in under the guise of complexity. T= be weary of arguments that can't be presented simply.
Society has doubled down on the belief that biological difference can be denied or ignored.
T= When people make exaggerated claims about what someone else said, its likely an example of people deliberately and lazily adopting simplified misrepresentations of the argument in order to avoid the difficult discussion that would otherwise have to take place.
Contradictory statement = possible to be sexy without being sexualized
Presumption that almost all relationships in the workplace and elsewhere are centered around the exercise of power. Various types of power; many parties can hold different ones.
Privilege is unbelievably hard to define or quantify. How can strata be arranged to be flexible enough to include everyone but consider various comparative changes throughout life. Also, easier to see in others but more difficult to see in ourselves.
Intersectionality is not a fully worked out science.
Concept of the patriarchy has become so ingrained its rarely disputed.
Impact of Tech
If we are running in the wrong direction; tech helps us run faster.
Internet has allowed new forms of activism and bullying. To find people accused of "wrong thing" works because it rewards the bully.
"The one thing we can say with certainty about the advent of new technologies is that people overestimate their impact in the short term and underestimate their impact over the long term." -Variously attributed.
What we say in one place may be posted in another, not just for the whole world but for all time. Having to find a way to speak and act as though it may be in front of everyone. To speak in public is now to have to find a way to address or keep in mind every possible variety of person.
T= Don't sacrifice truth in the pursuit of a political goal.
Some portion of black studies started attacking non blacks. Growth of "whiteness studies" w/ aim of disrupting racism by problematizing "whiteness". Displaces celebratory nature of many race studies to with problematizing others.
Catastrophizing has become one of the distinctive attitudes of the era.
Q= Should we seek color blindness (get beyond race to individual judgement, making skin color effectively an unimportant aspect of a person's identity)?
An idea that since everything was set up by a structure of white hegemony everything is laced with racism and therefore everything must be done away with.
If people got things so wrong in the past, how can you be sure you are acting appropriately today?
Important in crowd maddening mechanism: person who professes themselves most aggrieved gets the most attention. Rewards outrage over sanguinity.
Politicizing issues such that the speaker and their innate characteristics don't matter. What matters is the speech and ideas they give voice to.
Easy(er) to slip up not on an issue of motive but, especially when no other evidence is available, a crime of language.
Social media age has brought us opportunity to publish uncharitable and disingenuous interpretations of what other people have said.
Equality of opportunity AND outcome almost certainly impossible.
T= Context collapse: conversation/act taken out of context and used to create a simplified version of a person or their beliefs.
Q= How, if ever, is our age able to forgive? Since everybody errs during their life there must be - in any healthy person or society - some capacity to be forgiven. Part of forgiveness is the ability to forget. The internet will never forget.
Actions have consequences that are unbounded and limitless. Constantly acting in a web of relationships in which every action starts a chain reaction. A single word or deed could change everything.
Without being forgiven we would remain the victim of the consequences forever.
T= Historically perpetrators and offended both die out and the grievance fades over time. Internet leaves a permanent record.
Internet helps people approach the past from an all-knowing angle. Retributive instinct of our time that suggests we know ourselves to be better than people in history because we know how they behaved and how we "would have" behaved.
To view the past with some degree of forgiveness is among other things an early request to be forgiven in return.
Every age before this one has performed or permitted acts that to us are morally stupefying.
A considerable range of cultures has adapted to the idea that some people may be born in one body but desire to live in another.
For intersex people, the question of what medical intervention might be suitable and when is a matter of serious contention.
Very hard to know how to navigate the leap beyond biology into testimony.
Still almost nowhere near understanding trans; including how common it is.
Autogynephilia: arousal that comes from imagining yourself in the role of the opposite sex.
Q= whether what one person believes to be true about themselves has to be accepted as true by other people?
Questions about the age at which people who believe they are in the wrong body should be allowed to access drugs and surgery are worth considering.
Q= What do you need to do to be content with your body, not change it?
Seems we're running to quickly on the trans issue, scared to be on the wrong side of history.
Some contention between trans and feminist ideas.
T= little contention that equal rights should be given. Issue is preconceptions and assumptions about how to go about tackling the issue.
Q=Claims of human rights violations are inversely proportionate to the number of violations in a country. -Daniel Patrick Moynihan. Only a very free society would permit (or encourage) claims about its own inequities.
T= when people attempt to sum up our societies in terms of simplistic structures ask, "compared to what". Not to say elements of our society can't be improved.
The victim is not always right, nice, deserves no praise, and may not be a victim.
Incline towards generosity when interpreting others words/acts.
-People are wiling to interpret remarks from their own tribe in a generous light while reading opposing ones in as negative a light as possible.
To assume that sex, sexuality, and skin color mean nothing would be ridiculous. To assume that they mean everything would be fatal.
The madness we are living through is an over-reaction to past injustice. Belief is that the fastest and best way to address this is to over-compensate.
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negativefate · 4 years
rambling stream of consciousness essay i wrote to myself dec 29, 2014
listening to harsh noise music while driving down the highway i had just taken off at 630 from my house and before that woken up at 5 to get ready and finish cleaning the last set of things and before that leaving a party at kevins house and not telling anyone that i wasn't going to be there for new years and causing disappointment and before that seeing a show at dead leaf with a great 8bit band at the end and before that walking back and forth to the liquor store to get some beer and before that awkwardly getting dinner after my cousin came to visit when we probably should have gotten dinner with them and then before that i am cleaning up the basement again, organizing stupid cables, making a couple old devices work which is fun, but is it worth the time spent even? if not, then is my time on this planet even fucking worth it or am i just making trash like i believe these actual physical well designed objects that come to my home are so jump to me landing in kansas city and here i put on a tape just to get in the mood again i get there only an hour after landing i clumsily look up directions to get to jacks house on my phone i find there’s a bus that gets me there for fuckin a dollar fifty and i give them 2 and they give me a ticket for 50 cents back i ride the bus and i'm pretty tired for lack of sleep, and we drive through some weird semi industrial areas that are sparsely developed yet there are people getting on and off the bus fairly consistently i almost don't even notice who is getting on and off and at one point i look back to the back of the bus and see that i don't remember hardly any of the people getting on one person is looking back at me with a mousey face i typify some of these midwest people's looks certain women especially have a certain look that just reminds me of various nondescript porn actresses or something i start reading a economics book and it talks about oil prices and how scarcity reflects prices and is a major signal to the economy it is an interesting point of view but i look for holes in the logic because it seems obviously presenting a plain vewpoint it is clear that the US for example doesn't give a fuck about scarcity or perhaps the signalling system is so degraded that there is a runaway development the roads are overbuilt the cars are overrunning the roads if i take the face value economic view that this is a supply and demand problem i see it as a very perverse value system that rewards wasting they clearly even mention that soviet economies have gross inefficiencies and if we reflect on our own inefficiency it's clear to see that we are not perfect i feel that the author should have made this more clear i notice that i passed a street that i saw on my map (wyanadote) and while i didn't think it was "already" time to get off, several people are standing for several city blocks instead of sitting waiting to get off therefore I realize perhaps we're at a central location and certainly we are I stumble a couple blocks from the "main transit center" to another crossing on wyanodote, and i pass several office buildings with retail space that is broken down on the first floors first an eye doctor shop, filled with eye product ads but being torn to pieces otherwise then a sandwich shop, with dark cloudy windows and closed signs and a vibe of a previous generations comfort food when i reach the bustop at the streets that i had spotted on my map i was pleased and the troost bus came almost instantly i didn't understand how to scan my transfer so the lady did it for me, and i was acting bashful she was wondering if i knew it was the troost bus and i said yes i was wondering if that question was loaded i rode the bus in the front and looked at all the people that got on and off as we went towards jacks house we passed a row of two story townhouses that were red and white and repetitive that just looked like a dead end life situation for successful people i remembered my talk with my dad about retirement plans and investing money and about how i was literally thinking of blowing my brains out rather than do that and how i was yet again thinking about suicide in the bus i didn't even take it seriously but the vividness of me blowing my fucking head off was really awful i finally started recognizing some troost landmarks and scrambled off the bus i gave my ticket to a guy that wanted a transfer and he lamented being late for the bus that i just got off i don't know how to respond to this very well but wished him luck i walked up to jacks house and there are birds and squirrels and life just running wild there it is bright and sunny though a bit chilly (maybe 40 deg) and all these animals just were simply flourishing i walk inside through a couple closed doors and find my keys in the decorative chicken ornament i was surprised to also find several condoms inside the chicken, which was really amusing (e.g. the rooster...cock...haha) then i sat for a minute and petted the cat i wondered why the cat wasn't outside killing all the abundant wildlife whatever i was wearing three jackets because i was convinced that frontier would charge me for stuffing my jacket in my backpack and making it oversized in reality they didn't appear to care but they charge 50 dollars for a goddamn carry on that wasn't declared so i didn't risk it so i take off several layers and start my car i find where i left several of the christmas presents that I had meant to bring back home in the trunk and sort of kick myself for it i consider taking my car to a dealership to get it fixed up but have no idea where i also consider getting some food somewhere but decide to just hit the road i'm fairly tired still so i decide the stop off at fast food a couple miles out of town during the ride i am listening to some shitty talk radio about some guys that are talking about their "online trading academy" for stock trading i pull over and get some mountain dew, burrito and gasoline. slurping reality blub sucker is all i am at that moment. i do a couple stretches but it doesn't really feel very good. i am still listening to the radio in the parking lot and i notice that they replay recorded segments of themselves suggesting it is not at all a live show. at that point i decide it's time to blast the "white eye of winter" cassette and just start driving. i decide intentionally to start making stream of consciousness analogies to the noises instead of just letting it wash over me in some nonverbal stupidity i realize music journalists are probably better than me at this but i take some interest in just naming the feelings that i get so I'll repeat that hear a full spectrum white wash starts and then quickly gets crushed into a rumbling full force debase attack that's totally intentional about getting a skull crushing sound "large numbers of priests that were administrating the gulags were arrested and presumed killed" "others were sent to the labor camps...and suffered more slowly...assumed to be part of stalins fringe" a demented drum sound with a short delay time and extremely high feedback pounds and is absorbed by a sea-worthy hiss that fuzzes out and pounds once again to a deep drum a wind swept saturation takes hold and kills everything around it dead leaves litter the ground like there was never life anyways a thin veneer on the surface of our planet oscillations that never even really meant anything the dark fades away...like a comet that is completely grey....without color next a dirty fucking liquid sounds like it's being squeezed through a rubber feeding tube and a vaguely operatic chorus sings in the background, lulliby for a screaming nightmare some full bodied drone hovers over the chorus and takes the 17th century in it's arms and lays it gently to rest, taking each of the sharp moments, the sick deaths, the negative atrocity culture, and bringing it up onto a safer place, one where the only thing that matters is th industrialization of our times the industrialization has replaced any notion that feelings matter, any notion that a fair working environment is something that people deserve we could give retards something to do but it's already done and if you go up the ladder you see more and more things have been automated away you don't think about the roads being built do you? you don't think about the farms that cover 80+ percent of arable land do you? even when you're flying from new york to LA you don't hardly notice that humans have claimed this land for themselves scintillation frequency evokes this convulsive thought control that rises into a nasty chemical haze that demands more resources it's silenced into yet another flailing drippy sound fade out
a electric whip takes the stand fucking whining about the deprivation of resources and stuggles to make some connection fiercely spitting out brief moments of feedback between any number of frequencies that it can communicate on with an aether with non-existant endpoint it takes on more and more endpoint arcing back on itself and driving the frequencies into logical conundrums that antirepel itself and howl into additional painful derivative maneuvers it makes no difference to the machine what the effects of it's energy is being expended on, but only that some noise is being made taken astray leading reclamation of a formerly _done wrong_ system that is now instantaneously trashed and thrown under to make way for something more unplanned more unrelenting in it's consumption of power and antisocial connectivity whining and crying you see tear droplets form in the wave spectrogram taking a full 90 seconds to develop from a mixture of waveforms into a coherent pattern at your notification level notification level that is aloof from what you are supposed to be paying attention to but is instead wired into the inverse avoidance pattern the end the beginning once more gain blasting the appearance of nothing into a oscillation that has wavelengths spanning over years in time \ the bright lightning shatters a dark blank sentimental moment between us vaccum heavy rain sucks the white light from the heavens turning your back onto the keloid frostbite fallow bulbous pulsing face  trancerotten yellow drainage trapnell decade trip fucker stumble block meaningless powernazi storm chaser populace chain reveals a mathematical rule. a pseudoconsistent logic to resolve fndamental curry's paradox from thin air what you thought was a clumsy blind behemoth is now an industrialized system that seemingly stands on it's own regardless of what yo even thought your very presence is nothing more than that like a dinosaur a placement that just gives you a central prominence as i start the other side the lull the powerful lull of harmonics drilled deep into the subcortex drilled deep into the somnambulist deity that rocks the beddy-bye to sleep that keeps the sharp reality away for at least some time for that reality of simple nature, the spikes of inedible plant matter, the vast nothingness that humans have somehow decided is rightfully theirs. homesteaded one small plot at a time until the federal government stepped in and purchased the large swaths of land a musical pattern that resembles a shaman opening and closing it's arms above it's head and taken drumming starts thathits something that's the vbrational equivalent of a untuned drum mode across an entire flood basin drumming starts that calls into question or owner ship of that land and the melodic butterfly that was once a welcome sight is now almost  gone a tick tock dog growl gargling on some infected bacteria sinus cavity occupies the entire space you can hardly remember what things that you thought reckless distasteful nonsense squanders what was left of your vague fact driven storyline a sigh of relief ahlzagailzeguh stomps something fierce onto the mixing floor and drives metallic shards of broken dreams into the woodwork you don't think about who built your house did you/ why do you think you are worth anything to the other people around you when i say you am i actually referring to myself? i'm just desperately trying to offload my stupidity onto someone else? what is vulnerable to critique? i sit almost braindead when i face some of the most important situations yet when something is inconsequential i can leap into action and hurl retarded insults atpeople who don't deserve it like this girl that played prince at a party for like 4 hours i walked up to her and nearly choked her lights out and when she closed the computer i said no! play something else! i proceed to chose a random song that i thought was good off of youtube and then i proceed to just stand there and drunkenly creep on some peoples conversation wishing i could have just chosen a song that was better it's not my fault right? no, it is... there's a huge societal expectation that can't handle you being this way there's a roaring electric god that isn't going to cradle you in your arms while your social environment sees you as if you were a crying baby on an airplane take just a couple things at a time put them "in their right place" maybe then you won't have a crushing retardation lingering over everything you touch repeat this ad nauseum don't think for a minute that you can "escape" this reality you're "personal experiences" (your vacation, your hanging out with friends) is so far deviated from your systematically disassociated life happenstance that your better off to just give the middle finger to everyone and everything until it's over until it's over and you drop a sharp process into the ground and levitate transgressional power you can physically and mentally fail during this tremble weirdly under the occipital signal tension  drab naked torbid flippant crater wield two basic components and when suddenly connected create a huge imbalance that sends flux reeling superintensely into the weak painless skinless meat proper happenstance flayed skinless animal carcass rotting spongiform encephalitis eschera coli sacchromyces schizophrenia pombe river blindness parasite trapped nderneat the helencaste psycholayer obligate individual disease question i never know what to say
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gothrapxxx · 5 years
An amazing variety of pop artists now use backing tracks, with applications ranging from total playback with a miming band (as on the majority of TELEVISION shows) to a complete band playing live, augmented by a few pre-recorded sounds and backing vocals. The latter approach is pretty much the norm for live pop reveals nowadays. Nevertheless, regardless of the universality of blues guitar backing tracks, assembling backing tracks and activating them on-stage isn't necessarily a walk in the park, as I've discovered through long experience as a live drummer. So in this article, I'm going to reveal you how to get the very best outcomes with live backing tracks, as well as providing pointers for avoiding typical risks. Basic Two-track Playback I'll begin by dealing with simple two-track playback from CD, DAT or Minidisc. In a two-track blues guitar backing tracks, track one (or the left channel of a stereo recorder) should be designated the 'click channel' (heard just by the artists on phase), while track two carries the pre-recorded audio you want the audience to hear. The click channel is exclusively for the band's (and particularly, the drummer's) advantage, and requires to be thoroughly assembled. I detailed how to develop ideal click tracks back in SOS August 2003, so I will not cover that ground once again here, however it deserves discussing that, in a live context, the click channel can also double as a cue track. In the heat of a gig, you wouldn't think how easy it is to dial up the incorrect index number on a DAT machine or CD player, so it's good practice to precede each song in the set with a taped announcement of its name on the click/cue channel. To prevent uncomfortably long spaces between tunes, this should be kept short-- if the song is called 'My Bananas Are Covered In Fluorescent Green Sump Oil', restrict yourself to saying 'Bananas', and begin the two-bar count-in click a 2nd or 2 later on. In this manner, you can be positive that you're about to play the correct song! One pitfall with CD-Rs is that their indexes in some cases start fractionally after the very first click of a count-in, cutting off beat one and leaving the drummer in balanced limbo. Beginning each tune with a recorded spoken ID prior to the count-in will avoid this taking place; if the CD index cuts off part of the ID, then it will not be completion of the world. The end of a tune is as essential as its start-- remember to program the click so it stops when the track surfaces, otherwise the drummer will be tempted to use, thinking there must be another round before the ending. As soon as the last pre-recorded noise has died away, leave at least 2 minutes of area on the playback machine to provide the drummer time to down sticks, pull a 'thank you' face at the audience, halt the playback, take a look at the set list and work out what index number needs to be selected next. (If you're working with a tape-based medium like DAT and later choose to extend a song, this area could be utilized to accommodate a longer arrangement.). If you utilize shorter inter-song spaces, there's always a risk that the next tune will start prior to you've ended up playing the last chord of the previous one. Better to offer yourself a generous margin, even if the additional recording time suggests needing to use more than one playback disc or tape. In fact, if your show features two sets, it's a good idea to utilize a different disc or tape for each set anyhow, as, if one gets harmed or lost, at least half the program will still be ready to roll!
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I believe it's quite essential that a band member (typically the drummer) should be in control of the backing-track device, instead of an off-stage tech. A specialist is much less likely to know when there has been a cock-up in the arrangement (such as the singer being available in 4 bars early), therefore understand when to abandon ship and shut off the playback. Utilizing a two-channel playback system means that all the 'audience mix' audio on track 2 (the right channel of a stereo recorder) needs to be pre-mixed in mono. If the original elements of your playback audio are stored in a multitrack hard drive format, you can use the system's built-in blending facilities to constantly upgrade the mono mix during rehearsals, production wedding rehearsals, and even during soundchecks while you're out on trip. However at some phase you'll need to commit to a mix and record it, so here's how best to do that. Begin by reducing any stereo sound sources (keyboards, samplers, stereo backing-vocal submixes and so forth) to mono. The best method is just to pan the left and right channels into the centre-- centralising sounds frequently makes them appear louder, so do this before you start blending. Keep an ear open for stage problems; if the left and right channels of a stereo product were mistakenly taped out of stage, they will phase-cancel when combined in mono, triggering the signal to get quieter or perhaps disappear entirely! Such an issue can quickly be treated by reversing the phase of one side of the stereo signal, but if your mixer does not have channel 'phase' buttons, you'll need to resort to rewiring an audio lead to reverse the phase. If you're dealing with your computer, you may have the ability to invert one side of the stereo file utilizing your software application's sample editor if there is no real-time phase-inversion center. If your playback uses loops, inspect that they are looping appropriately, quantised if musically essential, and not speaking late because of bad sample cutting. Extreme MIDI traffic can trigger timing wobbles, so constantly listen to loops against the click before recording them. Do not try to cram a lot of elements into your mono mix: a blend of loops, sequenced percussion and support vocals is OK, however if you begin piling on too many additional elements like church choirs and glockenspiels, it's going to start sounding a bit obvious to the audience. As a rule of thumb, opt for a reasonable balance which sounds musical, and don't overdo it with EQ or results. I often mix some of the rhythm components from the backing tracks youtube (loops, percussion, quantised keyboards and so on) into the click track also, due to the fact that this makes the click a bit simpler to groove to. (It's likewise much better to have these elements in your headphone mix rather than coming out of speakers, which might be some range away and therefore sounding very postponed in relation to the click. Remember, every metre presents around 3ms delay!) If musical aspects are to be added to the click in track one, it's most likely best that the drummer supervises the mix, as the balance of the click versus the music is definitely vital. It can be very difficult to evaluate the playback mix while you frequent your studio, particularly if your studio uses small speakers. Large PA systems give an extremely different bass reaction, and rehearsal-room screen speakers will introduce their own 'distinctive' tonal qualities! When it concerns devoting to a mix, an useful solution could be to take your initial multitrack device (be it ADAT, Tascam eight-track, computer or whatever) to the wedding rehearsal space along with a little blending desk. Then you can establish each tune and have the band play along to it, while a band member stands in front of the PA speakers and makes a judgement about the mix of the mono playback material. The two-track mix you're creating is truly 2 simultaneous mono blends, so you'll require to send it from 2 independent outputs of your mixing desk (not the main stereo outputs) into your recorder. As soon as you feel you have actually reached an optimal balance, devote your click/cue track to the left channel of your CD-R/DAT/Minidisc while recording the playback 'music mix' to the right channel. Take care to jot down the record level settings, as you will need to repeat these levels with all the other songs you blend. When taping, silence all the channels on the desk (except the click track and announcement) till a fraction of a second before the music starts. This will prevent a huge, disruptive hiss burping out of the PA on the front of every tune. Additionally, you could import all the blended two-track files into a computer or DAW and clean them up by 'topping and tailing' before making the final digital master.
When you have actually ended up recording the whole set, make back-ups of whatever and provide the back-ups to a responsible band member or tech, for safekeeping in a various place from the masters. Unless you're extremely unlucky, flood, fire or other acts of God should then only destroy one set at a time! The problem with mono playback is that, once you've set your mix, you're persevered. This inflexibility is not perfect, and when out on tour playing in various venues and acoustic circumstances, you might discover that some things no longer sound right-- some nights the tambourine in the pre-recorded mix might sound fine, other nights it might appear exceptionally emphasized. BVs can unexpectedly appear too loud, and reverbs that you embed in a dry rehearsal room turn out to be extreme when played in a place with lively acoustics. The only way to deal with these variables is to utilize multitrack playback. If you record a number of the different musical aspects to various tracks of a digital multitracker, such as the Roland VS2480 or Yamaha AW2816, this permits you the flexibility to adjust the blends of your backing tracks online at rehearsals and soundchecks.
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Multitrack playback provides the sound mixer a far better chance of doing his task well. Having the playback sounds on separate tracks suggests that their channel EQ can be differed to suit each place's acoustics, that makes it simpler to mix the pre-recorded and live audio. Practical, consistent track laying will greatly help the sound mixer, so make sure the same sounds appear on the very same tracks throughout the set: for example, sequenced percussion and loops could go on tracks one and 2, bass lines on track 3, BVs on track 4, stereo keyboards on tracks 5 and six, and so on. Any pair of tracks designated as stereo needs to remain stereo throughout the set, to save the sound engineer having to alter desk pan positions-- however, if needed you can use a designated stereo set to play a mono signal by tape-recording the mono sound on both tracks. The highest-numbered track must usually be scheduled for the click/cue track; in ADAT playback, for instance, the click must be tape-recorded on the recorder's track eight. As with a mono mix, ensure that your levels correspond throughout the set. The click level ought to never differ, and the levels of other noises require to be musically suitable from song to tune-- if the sequenced percussion all of a sudden doubles in volume throughout your fourth song, the sound mixer won't be best pleased. Recording multiple tracks concurrently certainly requires a mixer with multiple busses, however at a pinch you can squeeze additional outputs out of any desk by utilizing its echo and foldback sends out, set to pre-fade to keep independence from the channel's fader level. By way of an example, have a look at the track design and output assignments shown in the grey box. It's for a song I've been playing just recently with a live band, utilizing the Yamaha AW2816 hard disk recorder for playback. All the audio was moved from a 24-bit Pro Tools system through an ADAT bridge into an ADAT user interface card installed in the back of the AW2816. No maker synchronisation was included, however the AW2816 was toiled to the Pro Tools word clock. The AW2816 has six outputs. The click track 8 and the vocal hints on track 16 go to output 3, which is linked directly to the drummer's earphone amp; I also like to mix in a small amount of the other tracks, so whatever appears in my earphones and the percussive stuff feels comfy with the click. Output 4 is utilized to send out the click to the rest of the band's in-ear screens. In my earphones, the click plays throughout the tune, but the band only hear it when I'm not playing (for instance, during a song intro used bass just). This sounds complicated, however is easy to do utilizing the AW2816's automated blending facilities-- you simply unmute the click in output four only for the areas on which the drums aren't playing. We mixed the very first 7 tracks to outputs one and two (the primary stereo outputs) for the front-of-house engineer. Throughout production practice sessions (and even soundchecks) he makes demands about each tune's mix, and I adjust the levels to his taste as the tour goes on-- sometimes it's merely a concern of tweaking the relative general level from one song to another. I have actually found that it generally takes 3 gigs or so till the engineer ends up being delighted with all the mixes, after which we seldom change them. Perhaps you're a teacher that wants to make your students' practice more fun and interesting by offering them with backing tracks. Or perhaps you're a trainee that wishes to rapidly make a track to play in addition to. This post will go show you quick ways to make backing tracks for any tune you hear. You will need to know some fundamental theory (reading music and chord recognition), however other than that, it's not so tough - particularly with the help of apps that can make the tracks for you (which is what I explain below). I originally planned to make a guide simply for the 'making a backing track' part, however thought to consist of some basic chord identification techniques for trainees or those who have not discovered this theory yet! After all, you can't make backing tracks without understanding what chords to put underneath. Without more ado ... Step 1: Recognize Chords If you already have a lead sheet/chord chart or currently understand the chords, you're all set to relocate to Step 2. You can also utilize this wonderful thing called the internet to discover the chord developments for nearly any tune. A fast look for" [song name] chords" must raise something, usually guitar tabs which work fine. Some of these normally require some tweaking but offer a good enough base.
If you can't find chords for your song (for example, if you're attempting to make some blues backing tracks in e minor for classical pieces), you're going to need to either 1. utilize your ear or 2. grab the sheet music and use your theory understanding. Honestly, chord analysis need to and could be an entire book by itself. But we won't get into that here. Most of the time, we can utilize a few choose techniques to quickly find out the chord development and get to jamming! Disclaimer: this isn't meant to be a proper theory lesson. Rather, we're going to reveal you 3 really, very fast and dirty pointers that work most of the time in identifying chords: 1. Bassline (by ear). Listen to the bassline. This is always my initial step in attempting to figure out chords because the bass player/bassline is usually the key to all of it. This is due to the fact that it's up to the bassist what chord I, the pianist, am playing. What I indicate by that is: for example, Cmaj7 and Amin7( 9) are the same notes (C E G B). Throw in inversions, and with no context (like a bass note), it might actually be either one. So - listen to the bassist initially. It's simple due to the fact that they normally play 1 note at a time, not 7 notes at a time like the chords you're attempting to figure out. You can currently hear a bassline detailing the chords (placed on your headphones if you can't hear it!) - but if it's a bit hard to make out, find a part of the tune where the bass is more prominent! Precise exact same notes as the start, however more balanced and noticable. By figuring out the bassline, now you know the first chord is some sort of A chord, then a G # chord, then C#. Then F#, G #, A. And then, I suggest, this tune is a pop tune. There aren't going to be any insane alternatives or extensions. Simply try out the basic chords (significant triad/seventh, minor triad/seventh, dominant seventh, etc.) and you probably got it! (This one ends up being Amaj7, G #min 7, C# min7. F# min7, G #min 7, Amaj7. That's the entire song.). Another fast method to find out chords in piano sheet music - take a look at the left hand of a song/piece. Usually, it's either already playing the chord or the chord is just separated and arpeggiated (or it's playing the bass note!). Here's Fur Elise. There's just As, Es, and a C. Rearrange it into a 1-3-5 and it's an A minor triad (A-C-E). Ta-da! The procedure after that would be an E major triad (E-G #- B). Super simple things. You can do that with almost anything you see these patterns for.
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Keep in mind to also look vertically too. Here's the following area of Fur Elise: The first arpeggiation has C and G on the left hand and an E on the right. C major triad (C-E-G). The next has G and B on the left, a D on the right. G major triad (G-B-D). And so on. Now you can take a look at 'complicated' sounding tunes like Fantaisie Impromptu and instantly find the chord progressions and make your own plans. (That circled around step is a C# minor triad). 3. Patterns/chord movement. Much like how you understand patterns for words, there are expectable patterns in most music. For example, you understand that if someone says "and", the following word will not be "however". If you meet up with somebody and you hear them say, "How are ...", you anticipate it to end with "... you?". Like this, there are patterns that can help you quickly browse through chords and chord analysis. If you do a search on it, you'll discover a great deal of great sources. There are lists of common chord progressions for pop tunes, rock songs, jazz etc. and also rules for what chords can follow each other in classical music. I do not want to note them all here, however here's the absolute most standard one you'll see typically:. V - I. For example, in the key of C: G - C. (Or ii - V - I (d - G - C)). If you know what secret you remain in and you struck a V chord, you can expect a I chord to follow. If you look back at Fur Elise, that first passage is simply i - V - i - V - i. This is because a if you hear a V chord - particularly a V7 chord - it just pleads to resolve to the I. Attempt playing a V7 - I (G7 - C). Now, if you return to the G7 - it doesn't sound like you can end on it. It requires to solve. Stress and resolution. Step 2: Make your backing track. Now for the fun part: making the actual backing track! Here are a couple of ways available:. Easy. Record yourself playing the chords on a chordal instrument (piano, guitar, and so on). Just play back the recording on a loop and have fun noodling over it! This is best for targeted practice over particular chord developments you're having trouble improvising over. You can also use this for entire songs if you're okay without the drums/bass. Medium. For something with a complete rhythm section that takes extremely little effort on your end to make, attempt backing track apps! All you need to do is go into the chords/chord signs and the program will produce blues guitar backing tracks for you. For teachers making tracks for their trainees, you must try to find apps that permit you to export the audio file so you can connect it to your students' projects in Better Practice. Difficult. If you wish to make your own customized tracks from scratch and you have a mutual understanding of chords, basslines, and percussion, you can use some sort of DAW (digital audio workstation) like Garageband. There are many tutorials on this online if you browse "make your own backing tracks". This has a much greater finding out curve than the other 2 choices, however likewise have the potential to be the most gorgeous and creative. Ideally you now have some chord recognition tricks up your belt to make starting the procedure a little simpler. Transcribing things isn't supposed to be easy right off the bat! You'll need to repeat things over and over, hum along, and often simply guess 'til you get it right. A few of you are blessed with much better ears than the rest people and can choose stuff quickly. Most others just require to transcribe typically and get a feel of what chords seem like, and it becomes much easier ultimately. You'll begin to notice that lots of songs have comparable pieces of chord progressions that you hear and think, "Aha! I already know what he's doing there." In fact, teachers, making guitar backing tracks em would be a terrific task for your trainees! Obviously, learning correct theory is the greatest help - specifically jazz theory. But for those of you who don't have time for all that or are just getting started, I hope these suggestions could assist!
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malachitelibrary · 7 years
Magic Business: How to Price Magic Services
Knowing how to price is an integral part of your magic business. Prices that are too high will result in no customers at all, and prices too low could result in you getting overwhelmed with orders. You need to find a balance so that you will get customers in the first place, be able to keep up with them, and make enough money for yourself.
***NOTE that this is written mainly for USD. 
Purpose/Effects of Pricing:
Incur a profit,the most obvious reason. You want to make money for yourself.
Control/affect demand- Part of the economic law of Supply and Demand is that as price increases, demand decreases; as price decreases; demand increases- an inverse relationship.
Reasons for a price:
Demand- Demand is the main force that will drive your prices. Again, prices too high mean no customers, and prices too low could mean becoming overwhelmed with orders. Try to set prices that balance demand and your ability to supply.
Quality -If your tarot readings, for example, are renown for being highly accurate, of course you will be able to price them higher than a beginner reader. People will pay more for things they believe are of higher quality.
Income- You need to make an income, of course. Once you get business regularly, try to have your lowest prices be about the equivalent of minimum wage in your area; you deserve it, of course.
Length/Time Invested- The longer a service takes/the more time to make a product, the more you should charge. Time IS money here, quite literally.
Cover cost of supplies: For spells, amulets, charms, spirit/entity vessels, and other services, you will have to charge enough to cover the cost of the supplies. You want a good margin of profit- meaning you want the revenue from selling to exceed what the cost of the supplies are, otherwise you’re not making any money to take home. 
Signs your prices are too high:
People rarely if ever buy your product, even if you are high-quality, have tons of reviews, etc.
No matter how much you advertise, self-promote, etc, it seems like people don’t do more than glance over your items.
Your friends say they wouldn’t buy them even if they had the means.
You wouldn’t buy that service for (insert your price here).
People believe your services are fake or a scam.
Signs your prices are too low:
You are magically exhausting yourself to keep up with orders; they just keep pouring in no matter how many you do.
Toooo many orders.
Some Example Bad Starting Prices: Imagine an absolute beginner charging these prices. They have no reputation, no reviews. Would you buy these services from them at these prices? Most likely not.
3 Card Reading- $20
5 Card Reading- $30
10 Card Reading- $50
Single Question Pendulum reading: $15
Pre-Conjured Spirit: $200
Suggested Starting Prices: Note that these are only suggestions for starting prices; meaning you should only start with these, not stay with them. This is termed “penetration pricing”.  These prices are low enough that people will be attracted to you even though you do not have much experience/reviews yet, but high enough that you should be able to turn a decent profit even though you are just starting.
1-3 Card Readings: $3
5 Card readings: $5-6
10+ Card Readings: $10
Pre-Conjured Spirit/Entity: $15-30
Custom Conjure Spirit/Entity: $35-50
By Time it Takes to Do the Service:
15 Minutes- $5
30 Minutes: $5-8
1 Hour: $5-15
Remember, these are just starting prices to enter the market, meaning prices ONLY for the purpose of building up reputation/a customer base in the long run. Obviously, raise your prices as the quality of your readings, your demand, and reviews/reputations increase. When raising prices, raise them very slowly; maybe 25-50 cents to a dollar at a time for very low-cost services, and a couple of bucks, maybe $3-5 for higher-cost services.
***NOTE that this is written mainly for USD.
Here are the other posts in this magic business series if you have not seen them yet and would like to read. These are all part of my #magic business series (all articles use that tag).
Things to Know Before Starting a Magic Business
How to Start an Online Magic Business
How to Market Yourself on Tumblr
How to Politely Refuse Service
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cwdcshows · 4 years
The Flash - S6 E10 - Marathon
Man, the recap for this episode is all of the reasons they should have started the seasons on each of the shows with Crisis; it feels like forever since any of this other shit happened and I barely remember or care about any of it. So wait, Jitters is celebrating the crisis being over - but how?  No one remembers Crisis except those at the dawn of time or their memories being restored by J'Onn. I mean, there'd probably be at least $100 in the til at the start of the day, right?  Not much, but how much cash does this tiny coffee shop do in one day otherwise?  It's not like anyone robbing it would be walking off with tens of thousand of dollars or anything; they could maybe make off with a grand tops.  Plus, they say they've "just opened," but clearly some people have ordered and presumably paid, unless the employee is handing out freebies to the first dozen customers.
Yeah, dipshit, you're robbing a coffee shop in the town where the Flash lives and works, what the hell did you think was going to happen? Ah, yes, Iris' new oh so important news article.  Where to start?  A) Flash didn't disappear during crisis, at least as far as anyone else was aware.  Sure he ended up at Vanishing Point for a while, but that was after Earth 1 was gone; and at no other point was there really any noticeable absence of the Flash to go with the original concept that he vanished during Crisis or need to specify his return, since he didn't really go anywhere.  B) Once again, no one is supposed to remember that Crisis happened, unless they're now referring to the moment the Anti-monitor attacked for all of two minutes and got taken down by some handguns and a shrink bomb.  And C) Flash saves the day?  Flash.  Well, I guess fuck you, Oliver.... Diggle!  ....Eh.... Sorry man, I know Oliver would be all smiles about seeing you, but it feels a little soon after you series ended for you to pop up in a show a week later.   And is it right after the finale episode or sometime during that transitional period?  Because he's talking about still packing boxes and getting ready to move and I was under the impression that he had finished with that by the end of the episode, but maybe not.  More importantly, is this before or after his encounter with an ominous green glowing object that may or may not have been a power ring? This is the second mention of Diggle moving to Metropolis, is this supposed to be setting up John being part of the new Superman series? Augh, and here we go with Barry tilting at windmills, because there's genuinely nothing better to do...   Seeing as how they reminded us of the other two employees at Iris' paper working together, obviously this episode is going to focus more on them than Barry. Wait, if a prototype and an employee go missing at the same time and someone says the missing employee's background looks fishy, why the fuck wouldn't you believe him?  Just the fact that they both went missing at the same time is suspicious; and if there's any proof to further warrant that suspicion, why wouldn't you at least entertain the notion? What?  How is this fucking "reporter territory?" and is there nothing in between Joe sitting around with his thumb up his ass and launching a fucking Rico investigation?  There are legitimate crimes being committed that they could be investigating in their own right; and if in the course of that investigation they find enough proof of conspiracy, you apply the necessary resources. To Cecile's point, if they don't have enough evidence for the police to move forward with, it seems kind of irresponsible for a newspaper to start printing something that is at least partly speculation.  I mean, they'll more than likely turn out completely right about every assumption they've made, based on the least amount of evidence, but that's more due to lazy writing for the series.  In any other circumstance there's every possibility that they might get at least some details wrong.   How is this magic gun shooting through the outside of the office without first damaging the exterior wall of the office....? Is Cisco still Vibe?  They made a big deal about the Monitor making Cisco Vibe again during Crisis, but they they didn't even seem to need his powers during Crisis, or barely used them if they did; and since he wasn't at the dawn of time either and is therefore a version of Cisco who never physically lived through Crisis, he shouldn't have his powers.... God, Crisis is the cluster fuck that keeps on giving.  It's become the herpes of crossovers. Why is Nash?  I know that's not really much of a sentence, let alone a questions; and yet it pretty much sums up everything that crosses my mind when he's on the screen.  Why is this the version of Wells they're going with now?  Why is he going to be permanent Wells they go with, en lieu of a multiverse from which to plumb the infinite depths of others Wells?  Why couldn't it have been Harry?  A version of Wells already established, that the audience likes and has a rapport with the other characters that can be friendly, but still abrasive?  What is the point of any of this?  He wasn't even at the Dawn of time and shouldn't exist post-reboot. Why is Nash? How exactly did Nash becoming Pariah accomplish anything for his atonement?  They did even less with that than Cisco becoming Vibe again. But for that matter, does Nash really deserve the level of blame he's gotten?  He was doing what Oliver was basically trying to do; and to some degree the Flash too.  Oliver was at a point where he was determined to undermined the Monitor and find a way to stop him to prevent Crisis; and while Barry wasn't quite as active about it, he wasn't exactly against the idea - none of them were.  And the fact that most of the characters knew that Crisis was happening before  it was supposedly triggered by Nash opening the vault or whatever it was, kind of makes it a paradox that might have been unavoidable. This again is where it would have made more sense for Harry to be responsible for awakening the Anti-Monitor through some experimental work he was doing; and then trying to find a way to rectify his mistake, but all this bullshit putting the blame on Nash - who only really has memories of doing these things, since he technically didn't physically experience them, since Crisis never happened.  Which there again, "Nash" Wells shouldn't exist on this Earth, because in a timeline where there is no multiverse and Crisis never actually happened, there'd be no Nash Wells.  If anything Nash should have died during Crisis and have the discover that in this reset reality the real Harrison Wells is alive and wells. Or Harry. So Harry and Jesse are effectively dead and apart from Cisco casually throwing that out there, it doesn't seem like anyone on the show actually cares. How does a hologram from a version of Harrison Wells who in this new timeline never existed....exist....? Seriously, how long after the attack did it finally occur to Iris that the attack happened shortly after she confronted that CEO? "I never miss twice." I mean, except you did.... You missed Iris in her office and again later in the parking garage..... So they're going to wrap up this elaborate conspiracy theory and meta-cabal or whatever after an episode an a half, split up between a bunch of other bullshit and like 3 or 4 months of a gap since the last time this was brought up?  They're not going to do anything else with? *sigh* So is Frost basically immortal or damn near close to it? Oh for fuck sake, make up your mind.  When Cisco and Caitlin talked about how Cisco had been given his powers back again, I took that to mean he did still in fact have his powers; and that he was having difficulty working out whether to get rid of them again or keep them.  Now he's saying he doesn't have his powers, so when did he lose them or?  Or did the reboot of the universe mean he never got them back and he just remembers getting them back? I called Cisco leaving, but the way they're doing it is kind of open ended and ambiguous as to whether he's actually going to be gone gone or if he's just sort of less involved and we occasionally see him for an update on his research or something, like how he spent time away last season to work on the meta-human cure.  Given the preview for this episode shown the previous week, I had the impression that one of the characters had been erased from history and that it would turn out to be Cisco and they'd explore what that might mean for him, but that's clearly not the case here with Cisco.  And I'm starting to think it's going to turn out Ralph was erased from history, seeing as we haven't seen him or anyone mention him; so I'm expecting him to pop-up at the end of the episode and everyone be like, "Oh, yeah.....we forgot you exist...." Why would anyone go to the trouble naming a door the mirror inverse of their wife's name?  I mean, I suppose it helps reversed it looks like a room number, but it's kind of like making your password "password" when it comes to subtlety when hiding shady shit; plus they continued the convention by numbering the other doors using the same convention.  So what, the big bad CEO said, "I'm going to hide something in this random room in the middle of the hallway that has something to do with my wife.  And because it has to do with my wife, I'm going label it using her name, but reversed; because her name in a mirror is AV3.  So name the doors before it AV2 and 1 and doors after it AV4 and so on." "Uh sir, what if that room hadn't been the 3rd door?" "Fuck you, that's what." And don't you just love how for no fucking reason Iris took notice of this other door that as far as she or anyone else could tell, was just another door along that hallway?  And she ties it all together with the random last breath comment by her informant about "mirror" which of course is going to turn out to be completely unrelated to the door number. It could have been the fucking broom closet for all she knew, but no, she has a reporter sense or some bullshit, so not only she immediately right about the elaborate conspiracy she's uncovered on the first guess with the least amount of evidence, she's God damn prescient. Wait, she just happened to have that little dodad she found on the dead guy months ago on her?  That thing looked like a fancy button off a coat or something, what would give her the idea that she could use it as some sort of magic key?
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