#our house looked so good for so long meanwhile my room was like
zwierzodudle · 2 years
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after months of playing the game ive finally decorated my room in ffxiv
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vanteguccir · 2 months
4 Times That She Made Him Smile | Matt Sturniolo
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Matt Sturniolo x reader
Summary: Where Y/N is the only person who can make Matt smile genuinely; OR 4 times that Y/N made Matt smile.
Warning: None.
Requested?: Yes, by anons.
Author's note: That is my work, I DON'T authorize any plagiarism, copy, or "inspiration"! | English isn't my first language, so I'm sorry if there's any grammar error.
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1. Had Matt shaved his beard?
The morning started like any other in the triplets' house. The sun had barely risen over the horizon when the three found themselves in the typical kitchen, each of them still fighting sleep but ready to face another day of recording.
Nick was busy preparing breakfast, while Matt and Chris lounged lazily around the table, Chris with his head lying on the wooden surface.
"Smells good, Nick. What are you making?" Matt murmured, rubbing the drowsiness away from his eyes.
"Waffles and bacon." Nick responded in a low, slow tone, stirring the strips inside the ceramic frying pan.
"Bacon with waffles?" Chris grimaced, yawning loudly as he lifted his head, laying his body haphazardly on the chair.
Meanwhile, Y/N was still in her own world, enjoying a peaceful sleep in her shared room with Matt. However, her sleep was interrupted by the sound of a plate hitting the sink's marble counter, followed by a loud curse.
With a yawn, the girl slowly sat down on the bed, running a hand through her messy hair and running her sleepy eyes around the room, already having the idea that Matt was in the kitchen, where the sound had echoed from.
Seconds later, she got out of bed and headed to the bathroom, ready to start her morning routine. But something immediately caught her attention as soon as she entered the smaller room. On top of the sink was Matt's beard trimmer, an object she recognized all too well.
Her eyes widened in surprise, and she looked around, trying to process what she was seeing. Had Matt shaved his beard?
With her heart beating fast, Y/N ran back to the bedroom, grabbing the pajama shorts thrown on her boyfriend's gaming chair, quickly putting them on and finally leaving the room, completely ignoring her own messy appearance.
Back in the kitchen, the brothers were busy devouring the breakfast Nick had prepared. They barely noticed when Y/N walked out of the small hall that connected the room to her bedroom, her eyes fixed on Matt.
"Matt..." Her voice came out in an incredulous whisper as she approached, stopping in front of him and staring at his face intensely.
Matt looked up from his plate, smiling big when he saw her awake.
"Good morning, babe. How did you-" He interrupted his own sentence when he saw her condition, frowning in confusion and worry. "Hey, did something happen?"
Y/N swallowed hard, trying to maintain her composure, but the sight of Matt without a beard was too much for her. With a fake sob, she knelt before him, her eyes shining with false emotion.
"Matt, baby, how could you do this?" She whimpered, dramatizing every word. "You shaved your beard... The beard that I loved so much!"
The other two brothers watched the scene with wide eyes, not knowing whether to laugh or be worried about Y/N's reaction, unlike Matt, who took a few seconds to process what she had said, before a loud laugh escaped from his lips, his hands letting go of the food he was holding.
"We're done!"
Matt continued laughing, shaking his head in bewilderment.
"Y/N, did you hit your head?"
2. Girls' night (with a masculine touch)
The night was warm and cozy in the triplets' house as Matt, Nick, Chris, and Y/N gathered in the living room. After a long day of recording and, on Y/N's part, studying, they decided it was time to relax and have fun together.
"What are we doing tonight?" Chris asked, throwing his phone onto his lap and looking around at the others, lowering his body onto the upholstery.
"Can we do our nails?" The suggestion escaped Nick's lips quickly, his eyes shining with excitement. "And maybe do some skincare."
"Like a girl's night?" Y/N smiled, straightening her posture quickly, feeling just as excited.
"Why not?" Matt shrugged, staring at his nails with a contemplative look. "But I've never done my own nails before, I always do them with Analysse."
"It's just painting your nails, like watercolor. It's not difficult, honey." Y/N waved her hand dismissively, getting up from her seat and running to her shared room with Matt, looking for her box of nail polish and nail's tools.
With their gear gathered, they arranged themselves comfortably and strategically on the couch, ready to begin their impromptu night of beauty.
Y/N led the way, skillfully beginning to paint her own nails as she explained the process.
"First, you need to apply a base coat to protect your nails." She explained, opening the base coat and carefully applying it, being quickly followed by Nick.
The brothers watched with interest, watching each movement with concentration.
"That seems easy enough." Chris commented, taking the little bottle from Y/N's hand and starting to apply it to his own nails.
Meanwhile, Matt was carefully examining the available nail polishes colors, trying to decide which one to choose. Y/N's eyes found his figure, a smile growing on her face, feeling great love for his appreciation and care for the moment.
"How about a black one with white details?" Matt suggested, holding up two bottles in the mentioned colors, showing them to Y/N with a proud smile on his face.
"It's going to look amazing, my love."
Chris quickly picked out his own nail polish color with Nick's help, returning to his seat while swinging his legs eagerly.
They dipped their brushes into the nail polish bottles with determination but soon discovered that painting their own nails wasn't as simple as it seemed.
"This is harder than I thought." Matt grumbled as he tried to paint his nails without smudging, his fingers shaking slightly as his tongue lolled slightly out of his lips in concentration.
Chris nodded, his lips pressed tightly together as he tried not to move his hand too much.
"I think I'm doing this wrong..."
"You two are doing pretty well for beginners." Y/N laughed softly, watching the brothers fondly.
After some errors, everyone finally finished painting their nails, each proudly displaying their own piece of art, even if it was a little smudged.
"Look at us, a bunch of nail professionals!" Nick joked, blowing on his freshly painted nails with a smile.
"Yeah, I guess we could consider a new career." Matt contributed, admiring his nails with a satisfied expression before raising his hands, his nails facing Y/N as he wiggled his fingers excitedly.
"It's perfect, babe, congratulations!" Y/N praised, leaning towards him slightly and sealing the back of his right hand with her lips lightly, exhaling the fresh smell of nail polish and acetone.
"Maybe we should open our own men's salon." Chris smiled, shaking his hands to dry the nail polish faster.
Matt laughed out loud, imagining the scene of them painting other men's nails with the same determination and enthusiasm they had moments ago. It would be comical.
3. Video as a couple
Matt was nervous as he prepared to record his next video for his personal YouTube channel. It was still one of the first videos he posted there, and despite his enormous desire to make more content for his own channel, he felt an anxiety growing within him every time he thought about creating something new on his own.
Therefore, he decided to invite his girlfriend, Y/N, to participate with him in that specific one, taking advantage of the opportunity to introduce her as his girlfriend.
It's not that fans didn't know Y/N was his. They knew, and they knew it very well, but Matt never got around to introducing her as such officially.
"Are you ready for this?" He asked, looking at Y/N with a nervous smile.
"I should be the one asking you that." Y/N smiled small before nodding, holding his free hand affectionately. "But yes, I am. There's nothing I want more than to be said to be your girlfriend, baby."
With a nervous sigh, Matt began to set up the camera on the dashboard of the car, while Y/N settled into the passenger seat next to him, trying to calm him with words of encouragement.
"You'll do amazingly well, hon. I'm sure of it." Y/N said, leaning over the car console and giving him a soft kiss on the cheek.
Finally, everything was ready, and Matt began recording, his voice a little shaky at first but soon becoming more confident as he got used to the camera without his brothers around him.
"Hey! Welcome to my personal YouTube channel." He began, smiling slightly at the camera. "Today I have a very special guest for you to meet."
He turned his face to Y/N with a twinkle in his eye, who waved at the lenses, opening a shy smile.
"This is Y/N, my girlfriend." Matt continued, looking at her with big heart eyes. "Most of you already know her as our best friend, and maybe you already know about our relationship, but now we're finally going public to make it official... Well, she agreed to participate in today's video, so I hope you enjoy getting to know her a little better."
Y/N smiled as she watched her boyfriend introduce her as his, her cheeks taking on a reddish hue, feeling a little nervous and shy, but happy to be there next to him.
To make things more fun, Matt decided to answer some questions asked by fans about the two of them together or individually. He selected some of the funniest and most interesting questions and read them out loud for the two of them to discuss.
"Okay, first question." Matt began, looking at his phone in hand. "How we met?"
"Well, we actually met at a friend's birthday party from our school in elementary school. Matt was trying to impress everyone with his basketball skills, but he ended up hitting the ball over one of the girls' heads." Y/N laughed, remembering the story fondly.
Matt blushed at the memory, shaking his head and looking down, trying to hide the involuntary smile that took over his face.
"Next!" Matt cleared his throat, his voice coming out high-pitched from the shyness of the previous event. "What's the secret to a long-lasting relationship?"
"Oh, great question!" Y/N clapped her hands in excitement, lifting her legs and pressing the soles of her feet onto the seat, keeping her knees bent and tights against her chest. "For me, the key is communication and mutual support. It's important to always be honest with each other and literally be there through the good times and the bad."
"For sure, I also think it's essential to have understanding and empathy for each other. Being willing to listen and understand your partner's needs makes all the difference." Matt contributed.
He looked at his girlfriend, waiting for approval and receiving a big smile in return, which was accompanied by a nod.
"What's the most memorable memory you've had together?" Matt read the next question quickly, before looking up, his eyes alight with nostalgia. "There are so many wonderful memories to choose." He reflected, thoughtfully. "But one of my favorites was when we made our first unplanned trip together almost two years ago and ended up getting lost in a small town in Italy."
"Oh my God, so true!" Y/N threw her head back, laughing loudly at the memory. "That was an unforgettable experience. I remember we went to ask for directions at a small restaurant right on the corner from one of the alleys, and there were several pastas hanging, drying. I just asked the main chief what that was, and boom, we passed all day in that restaurant, tasting different types of fresh pasta and discovering more of their culture together."
As the video continued, Matt and Y/N shared more stories, laughs, and loving moments. They answered questions about their funny habits, their favorite couple traditions, and even their future plans together.
In the end, when Matt ended the video with a warm thank you to the fans who would watch it when posted, he turned to Y/N with a beaming smile.
"Thank you for doing this with me, petal." The brunette whispered, leaning over the car console and pulling her into a tight hug, smiling widely. "It meant the world for me."
"I'll always be here to support you, Matt. And I can't wait to make more videos together in the future." Y/N smiled, feeling happy to have shared that moment with Matt.
4. Kittens day
Y/N woke up excitedly that morning, knowing it was the day she would volunteer at the cat kennel like she always did every Tuesday. It was an activity she loved doing, and she always invited Matt to join her, but his work with YouTube always ended up interfering.
However, this time, Matt had surprised Y/N by making room in his schedule to join her. She couldn't wait to share this experience with him.
When they arrived at the kennel, they were greeted by the soft sound of meows and purrs. Y/N smiled when she saw the felines playing and snuggling on their colorful scratching posts of all possible sizes.
"It's so good to be here." She said excitedly to Matt, taking his hand as they walked through the decorated halls. "Cats are so adorable and deserve so much love and affection."
Matt smiled as he listened to her chatter about the felines, watching them and her with fascination.
The couple spent the day taking care of the cats, feeding them, cleaning their litter boxes, and, of course, playing with them. Y/N taught Matt the proper way to hold and pet kittens, and he was soon having as much fun as she was.
"I never want to leave again." Matt suddenly commented as, sitting side by side on the fluffy rug, they watched a group of kittens playing with a fur ball. "I understand why you love coming here every week."
"It's a special place, with special cats... You know, I'm really glad you're here with me today." Y/N smiled, lifting her head slightly to look at him better, feeling her heart warm when she realized that Matt was just as involved in the activity as she was.
"I'm glad too."
At the end of the day, as they were about to leave, Matt suddenly stopped, looking at a cat in one of the cages. It was an orange cat with bright blue eyes that stared back at him curiously.
"Wow, he is perfect." Matt whispered, slowly approaching the cage. "He seems so friendly."
"You like him, don't you?" Y/N smiled, following him towards the feline, noticing the immediate connection between Matt and the cat.
"Yeah, I really do." Matt nodded, his eyes shining with determination. "What do you think about having a cat?"
Y/N felt a wave of emotion and happiness wash over her when she heard him, taking a few seconds to process if she was creating things in her head, realizing she wasn't when she noticed Matt looking at her with expecting eyes.
"Oh my God, really?" Her voice came out louder than expected, slightly scaring the kitten. "Oops, I'm sorry, little kitten."
With beaming smiles and clasped hands, they went to the kennel staff to begin the adoption process. While Y/N filled out the forms, Matt kept his eyes fixed on the cat lovingly, imagining their days with the new addition.
"What will be his name, my love?" His girlfriend's voice sounded behind him, breaking him out of his reverie. Matt shook his head slightly, focusing his attention on Y/N again, an easy smile stretching across his face.
"Snuggles. His name will be Snuggles."
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My requests are open! Please read my rules before sending anything ♡
And remember to treat people with kindness always!
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~ taglist:
@lustfulslxt @ladybunny44 @worldlxvlys @earth2starkey @remussbitch @freshloveforthefit @sturniolowhore @luvr4miya @alorsxsturn @urfavgirllyyyyy @hearts4chriss @cupidzsq @dracoflaco @rootbeerworshiper @junnniiieee07 @elliesturniolo1 @sstvrnioloo @lightsgore @gidgett11037 @ksskianshd @soimightlikeoldmen69 @ldr-sl0t @breeloveschris @its-jennarose @sainzzsturns @ecliphttlunar @thebottledwatersupplier @soso-scarlettolivia @sturnolio-luvs @bitchydragonparadise @lvrsturn @freshsturns @h3arts4harry @patscorner @iammattswife @strnilolo
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roosterforme · 3 months
Whole Lotta Love | Rooster x Reader
Summary: You and Bradley were just friends, and perhaps that was why you trusted him so much. It wasn't his fault that you were secretly harboring a crush a mile wide. When your noisy neighbor becomes too much and you decide you need to move, Bradley helps you brainstorm a solution. But when you set your plans into action, you're surprised to find that he seems almost jealous.
Warnings: Adult language, angst, fluff, drinking, mentions of masturbation
Length: 8600 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female Reader
Check out my masterlist for more. Banner made by @mak-32
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"I need to move."
Bradley looked up at your annoyed expression as you dropped your lunch tray a little violently onto the cafeteria table across from him with a clatter. The top piece of bread slid off your sandwich as you sat down with a pout. 
"Like to a new apartment?" he asked, reaching over to straighten out your silverware and napkin. "Didn't we just help you move a few months ago, Sparrow?"
For some reason that set you off as your clenched fist bumped the edge of the tray, messing everything up again. "Yes, to a new apartment, Rooster! And yes, I just moved six months ago, but I can't take another day of this shit."
"What's wrong?" Jake asked where he was inhaling his food right next to you like he had a vendetta against it.
You sighed, and the sound was so soft and sweet compared to your frustrated expression, Bradley almost laughed. "The guy who lives above me is an aspiring wedding DJ. Do you have any idea what that means for my sleep schedule?"
"Oh shit," Javy groaned from your other side. "Are you getting Cupid Shuffle all night long?"
"Coyote," you whined, "he makes his own remixes! At four in the morning! When I asked him to stop, he said he was perfecting his artform, but that he'd turn the volume down a smidge. Meanwhile, I moved into my current apartment, because my old neighbors were hosting woodworking retreats in their living room!"
Now Bradley really was laughing. "You need a break? You can come sleep over at my place tonight."
You were finally smiling now as you said, "Thanks Rooster, but I've seen the wrong side of your couch before. I had a long, long night in your living room after the holiday party."
"So don't get drunk first this time," he replied easily, remembering that night vividly. You let him carry you into his house from his Bronco while you whispered the lyrics to Whole Lotta Love by Led Zeppelin really slowly to him. It was funny and somehow a little hot at the same time. He liked it a little too much. "Or you can just sleep in my bed."
Your eyes went a little wide. "With you?"
"Of course not," he replied quickly, hoping he wasn't blushing. "We're just friends. I could take the couch for one night so you can have a break. If you want."
You and he really were just friends. You were friends with all the guys. They all loved you and your humor, and you were a hell of a good WSO. Bradley didn't even fly with a backseater, but he always liked getting paired with you and Omaha. You had an ease about you, and it even translated to the way you took a massive bite out of your sandwich after you said, "Maybe I'll just sneak in and break DJ Insomnia's turntables."
Then you smiled at Bradley while you chewed your food, and Javy and Jake started to make up a song about DJ Insomnia. You laughed when they tried to rhyme 'slumber' with 'nightmare', but you were still looking at Bradley as if he was in on some inside joke with you. Your eyes twinkled when he nudged your leg with his boot underneath the table.
"Hey, I'll be more than happy to help you move again, Sparrow, but I think you ought to at least consider having me over around three in the morning with my keyboard. I'll bring these two idiots with me as well, and we can all sing at the top of our lungs until your neighbor moves out."
You tipped your head back and laughed. "Oh, Rooster. You're the sweetest, but he'd probably actually enjoy that."
Now Bradley was definitely blushing as he looked down at his lunch, and he wasn't really sure why.
You gathered your things together for the night as soon as you heard your neighbor playing the Electric Slide. If he was already starting at seven o'clock, you needed to get out now. You shoved clean underwear and some random clothing into your backpack before you stopped in the bathroom and grabbed the essentials. Bradley's couch had never sounded better to you in your life, but if he felt like offering up his bed, then even better. Hell, you'd curl up in there with him at this point. What difference did it make? It wasn't like anything physical was ever going to happen.
He was one of the boys, and you loved them all. It wasn't Bradley's fault that his sun kissed skin and wavy hair were kind of your thing. If they were attached to another man, you'd probably have made a move, but he was your friend. Sure, you'd thought about it before, when you were alone in bed and it was very, very late. He was attractive and hilarious, and you were only human. But some things were sacred.
"Yeah, like peace and quiet," you growled as you stomped down your hallway. You grabbed your keys and headed out, zipping along to Bradley's house in record time. You were obsessed with his place which was complete with flower boxes underneath the front windows and a pink front door that he never seemed to get around to repainting even though he mentioned it all the time.
You hauled yourself up to his porch with your half zipped backpack and bad attitude and pounded on his door. You had a spare key somewhere in the bottom of your purse, but you didn't feel like digging for it. When he didn't answer, you pounded again, a little harder this time. 
"Yeah?" he asked, his tone gruff as the door flew open. "Sparrow," he muttered, his voice much softer with your call sign attached to it. "Hey."
But you didn't register too much besides the fact that he was standing there in nothing but a pair of snug boxer briefs with damp hair and skin that smelled delicious just inches away from you. "Hi," you said, sounding as mesmerized as you felt. Golden tan. Sparse chest hair. Perfectly groomed mustache. You wanted to lick him. Where on earth did that urge come from? You never thought about dragging your tongue along his chest and neck and all the way up to his lips. Except that you had... very, very late at night.
It wouldn't be worth messing things up. You forced your gaze up to his brown eyes. "I'm here for our sleepover," you said with as much normalcy as you could muster, but the response you got was Bradley's cheeks turning pink as he leaned away from the doorway so you could step inside. Then you came to a stop and looked at him again. He smelled really good. Like maybe he was wearing cologne. "Oh. Were you heading out? Do you have a date?"
His cheeks grew redder. "Um, no. Not at all. Of course not."
His answer sent a little wave of relief through your body. "Good." You winced at your response as you continued to his couch and set your bag down. "I mean, do you want to order a pizza or something?"
He ran his fingers through his hair and nodded. "Yeah. Sure. Just let me get dressed. I'll be right back out."
You actually came over. With your backpack full of your stuff. Bradley wasn't expecting you to take him up on his offer, and now he was doubly flustered; he actually did plan a last minute date, and he just jerked off in the shower while thinking about you.
"Oh fuck," he groaned as he pulled on a pair of jeans. He didn't start off thinking about you. It just kind of happened. At first, he was thinking about a faceless girl sitting on his lap with her hand in his underwear, and then suddenly she did have a face. Your face. And then she had your voice. And then he pictured the two of you on his actual couch. And it was definitely you giving him a handjob in his shower fantasy, and he came all over the tile wall like it was your face. He was lucky you didn't let yourself in with your spare key in time to hear him moaning your name.
"What the fuck is wrong with you?" he asked his reflection in the bedroom mirror. He looked wild. Slightly deranged. His pupils were huge, and his cheeks were hot pink. How the hell was he supposed to eat pizza with you while he was thinking about you on his lap?
But the fact that he wanted nothing more than to eat pizza and drink beers with you solidified the fact that he needed to cancel his date with Erin. He was so stupid for doing this. She was a viable option for someone to date. You were not. But he was apparently going to torture himself anyway as he texted her Hey, sorry this is last minute, but I need to reschedule.
He didn't wait for a response as he made his way back to his living room where you had already cracked open a can of beer from the refrigerator and made yourself at home on the couch. You were wearing what you always wore when you didn't have on a flight suit, just yoga pants and a baggy tee shirt. It shouldn't have been cute, but it was. 
You smiled up at him as you nudged the unopened can of beer on the coffee table with your blue painted toenail. "I got you one."
He poked your foot with his finger and picked up the beer as he said, "Yeah, it's the least you could do since you helped yourself to my fridge." 
When he dropped down onto the couch next to you, his weight on the cushions had you colliding into him. "Sorry," you murmured, your hand coming to rest on his abs as you pushed yourself back into place like it was nothing. Meanwhile, he broke out in a nervous sweat. "What do you want to watch?"
"Doesn't matter," he replied, handing you the remote. Then he grinned and said, "Or we could skip the TV, and I could get my keyboard out and play Cupid Shuffle for you. Maybe try my hand at a remix." You tipped your head back and pretended to cry before you started laughing. "What's the matter? I'm sure I'll sound better than your neighbor. Give it a chance, Sparrow," he teased.
You turned to face him on the couch, still laughing with your beer can resting against his bicep. "First of all, no. Please. No. Absolutely not. Second, has anyone ever told you how adorable it is that you have a keyboard that you actually play?"
"I tell myself that all the time," he replied, trying hard not to smile as you laughed. "I say, 'Bradley, you're adorable. I think it's so cool that you want to relive your piano lessons from middle school. Maybe you should get braces again, too.'"
You were cackling now as you gasped, "Stop it."
He sipped his beer and shook his head. "Of course nobody has ever said my keyboard is adorable. It's the nerdiest thing a guy in his thirties could possibly own, and only like five people in total know about it."
With tears in your eyes, you sucked in a deep breath. "I'm so happy I'm one of those five people."
"Yeah, well, keep it to yourself," he muttered with a smile as he took the remote back and turned on the Padres game. You were still giggling softly as you settled in next to him again. "You want pizza?" he asked. 
"I've never said no to pizza," you replied easily, your thigh rubbing gently against his.
"My treat."
"You always say it's your treat. I'll get it this time."
"Nah, you've got to save up your money so you can move out of your apartment, remember?" he asked as he placed the order on his phone.
"How could I forget?" you moaned. "Your house is so nice, I wish I could evict you and move in here."
He set his phone aside and kicked his feet up onto his coffee table. He glanced at you out of the corner of his eye. "That would be a pretty rude thing to do to the guy who always buys your pizza."
Your side eye was impeccable as you said, "It's not like you'd be destitute. I'd let you live with DJ Insomnia. Now I just need a way to make money fast."
Bradley shook his head as the baseball game went to a commercial. "There's no such thing, Sparrow. Nothing legal anyway, and Uncle Sam pays your salary."
You were tapping your beer can with your finger and biting your lip gently, and Bradley's mind drifted back to his shower fantasy. You hummed softly, and he could practically feel the weight of your body settling onto his lap. That's what he wanted. You and he could finish this discussion with you straddling his thighs and his tongue in your mouth. 
He should have gone out with Erin. He should have just admitted that he had a date and told you that you could hang out here while he was gone, because now he was getting his hopes up as your leg bumped his again. He knew he was blushing when he looked at you, so he turned back to the TV just in time for the beginning of a Hooters commercial.
"Wow," you mused with a little snicker as you gestured toward the parade of tits with your beer can. "That really got your attention."
Bradley rolled his eyes. "No, it didn't."
"Seriously? That's a lot of boobs, Rooster. You think we should contact the ad agency and tell them they should feature a few more?"
He turned and looked at you, and you started cracking up again. "I think it was actually just the right amount of boobs," he said, trying really hard not to look at your chest.
You forced your face into a neutral expression. "Do you like to go to Hooters?"
Bradley groaned and tried to stand up but you reached for his arm and tugged him closer to you instead. "Why do you think it's fun to pick on me?" 
"I'm not really sure, but it's great," you replied. "Didn't all the guys go to Hooters for Jake's birthday?"
"Yeah," he replied with a laugh. "Jake got completely fucking wasted and proposed to our waitress. Then he tried to write his number on a napkin for her, but it looked like hieroglyphics. He even tried to follow her into the kitchen at one point, and Javy had to go get him. At least he left her a two hundred dollar tip for being so annoying."
You gaped at him and set your empty beer can on the coffee table. "Two hundred bucks? Oh my god, do you realize how fast I could buy my own place with guys like Jake around if I worked at Hooters?"
Bradley sat up a little straighter and watched as your eyes lit up while you watched the end of the commercial before the Padres game came on again. "You wouldn't want guys... fussing over you like that, would you?"
You kind of shrugged and said, "I can handle myself."
"That's not what I meant. I just-" He cut himself off. What was he supposed to say? Was he supposed to tell you he was already jealous just thinking about it? He definitely couldn't admit that. So instead he said, "Your boobs are too good for Hooters. You should keep them in your flight suit."
Now you were looking down at your body and running your hands up your belly to your chest, and Bradley was entranced as he watched you squeeze yourself through your tee shirt like it didn't even matter if he was there or not. You must have trusted him implicitly as you looked at him with sad eyes and said, "You're probably right. Guys know best about this kind of thing, and flight suits are a catch-all for making everyone's body look identical. Maybe it's better to just keep blending in."
He felt like a jerk, because that's not what he meant at all. He wanted to tell you that you were beautiful and that you'd probably make enough money in two weeks to buy the house of your dreams in those orange booty shorts and the tiny tops, but he couldn't. He wanted to kiss that little pout from your lips, but he wouldn't. Instead he said, "Let's keep brainstorming?"
"Yeah, thanks," you whispered, letting your lips brush against his cheek, and Bradley jumped about a mile into the air when there was a knock at the front door.
You and Bradley had given up on the Padres game. Now you were turned so you were facing each other with pizza and paper plates and more cans of beer. "Okay, you hear how quiet your house is? You hear how nobody is annoying the shit out of you right now? No turntables or amplifiers anywhere?"
"Yeah," he said with a laugh. His cheeks had been perpetually pink all night, and it was really distracting. You had to keep reminding yourself that he thought you'd look better in your shapeless flight suit than in a Hooters uniform, and it kind of broke your heart every single time. But that's what you needed.
You forced a smile as you said, "I want this kind of peace in my life. So give me your best brainstorming ideas for how I can make some more money. Go."
"What about cage fighting?" he asked before he took an enormous bite of pizza. 
"Cage fighting?" you balked. "Maybe you don't think much of my face, but I happen to like it the way it is!"
His eyes went wide and his jaw dropped open. "I do like your face, Sparrow. I was just joking." 
He still looked concerned as you waved him off and asked, "What if I started bartending again? Like I did in college?"
Bradley shrugged. "You'll get just as many guys creeping on you at a bar."
You nibbled on your pizza crust and thought about your options. "What if it's the right kind of bar though? One with bouncers and security guards and everything, and oh my god! I've got it!"
You watched him fold another slice of pizza in half and devour it as you said, "The Beauty Bar."
He froze with his mouth full and started shaking his head. "No," he said as soon as he swallowed. "That's like Hooters, but the girls dance. On the bar." 
"Exactly," you told him, letting your hand rest on his knee. "Bigger tips and buffer security guards. Just think about it, Rooster. I could play one of the characters and have my own unique outfit. It's mostly just bartending, but the breaks for dancing would be so fun."
He looked a little constipated, and you almost laughed when he asked, "What kind of outfit?"
You tried to remember the girls from the only time you'd been there. "I think there was a cowgirl and a schoolgirl? Or like a dirty librarian?"
Bradley leaned a little closer to you and said, "Maybe you should reconsider the cage fighting. I could get you like a hockey mask to wear?" He ran his fingertip gently down the side of your face. "You know, to keep you safe?"
"I wouldn't last one round," you told him with a grin. "Besides, The Beauty Bar is mostly filled with bachelorette parties and girls having a fun night out. I think I'll call them or stop by tomorrow and see what they say."
Bradley dropped his hand from your face and muttered, "I'll keep brainstorming. You feel like watching a movie?"
"Sure," you told him as you stretched. "You pick since you paid for the pizza."
A few seconds later, your favorite movie was queued up on the TV, and you tried to get him to look at you, but he was actively avoiding doing so as he tried not to smile. You were halfway on his lap with your hands on his cheeks when he finally met your eyes. "Thanks, Bradley. For the pizza and for the movie and the sleepover and everything."
"You're welcome," he whispered softly. You thought about how good it would feel to kiss him, but you ended up laying on a pillow that was propped against his thigh instead. Less than halfway into the movie, you were sound asleep. 
Bradley didn't want to move. You were sound asleep with your cheek pressed to his thigh, and a tiny little spot of drool darkened the fabric of his jeans next to your lips. You had pushed the pillow to the floor, and you had reached for his hand while you dozed.
He'd had a full blown crush on you for a while now. It was useless to try to deny it. But you had him in the friend zone along with Javy and Jake and all the rest of the guys, and he was sure that if he tried to level up, you'd smash him right back down where he belonged.
You were so cute, finally getting the sleep you deserved. Clearly you trusted him, which made him feel important, but he wanted to be important to you in every way. 
When he tried to slide off the couch, you snuggled against him harder. When he tried to wake you up, you moaned and snoozed on. He got himself awkwardly into position to pick you up, and he hoisted you into his arms. Your hand rested on his chest, and your lips met his neck as you mumbled, "I'm sleepy."
"I know you are, Honey." The pet name just slipped out, but you didn't complain as he stood there in his living room trying to stave off an erection as you snuggled against him. "I'm taking you to my bed. You'll be more comfortable."
Then he was treated to your half asleep rendition of Whole Lotta Love where most of the lyrics were wrong and it was pretty much completely off key. But you were singing it right next to his ear, and once again, he liked it more than he should. When he set you down on his bed, you immediately burrowed under the blankets like you slept in his room all the time, and he watched you curl up on your side. 
Your eyes were closed as you whispered, "Aren't you getting in?"
He wanted to. He knew the feel of your body well enough to know that he'd love snuggling with you all night. But this friendship meant something to him. "Nah, I'll be out on the couch if you need me."
You didn't respond verbally, but you did nod, and Bradley kissed your temple. Then he grabbed a blanket from his closet and left you alone. His thoughts were a complete mess as he stepped out of his jeans and tossed them on the coffee table. He stretched out on his couch as much as he could, but then he thought about you wearing a Hooters uniform.
"Don't do it," he warned himself, but it was too fucking late. The little orange shorts and the tiny white shirts had been nice on the other girls, sure. But on you'd, they would be lethal for him. 
The idea of you dressed as a cowgirl doing a little dance routine on a sticky bartop wasn't much better. Guys would be throwing tip money at you and begging you to make their drinks. They would all want to chat you up and try to touch you. Bradley would go through the roof if one of them did. But if this is what you wanted to do and it was going to help you reach your goal, then he was going to have to be supportive, even if it killed him. 
After barely sleeping most of the night, Bradley was finally dozing when you walked out into the living room the next morning. His blanket ended up on the floor at some point, but you came right over to him where he was overflowing from the couch in just his undershirt and boxer briefs. 
"You could have slept in your bed, too," you whispered, brushing your fingers through his hair. "You're too big for the couch."
He noted that you were wearing your backpack as he melted into your touch. "Are you leaving? I thought we could grab breakfast."
Now you were smiling. "I'm gonna run. I'm planning to stop at The Beauty Bar later and see if they're hiring any new bartenders. Thanks for everything."
With that, you kissed his forehead, and Bradley's eyes closed as soon as you went prancing out his front door into the sunlight. "I'll keep brainstorming," he groaned.
Your interview at the bar consisted of making three drinks and picking out a 'uniform' to wear. Some of the clothing was so tiny, it made the Hooters girls look modest by comparison. But they assured you that you'd love working there, so you accepted the position and took your new clothing home. 
The first time you put on the black leather skirt that zipped all the way up the front along with the cropped shirt, you took it back off immediately. Could you mix cocktails in the outfit? Sure. Could you dance on the top of the bar for three minutes straight three times per night? Maybe not. But then you remembered that they told you some girls made up to five hundred bucks per shift. And then DJ Insomnia started on a remix of the Macarena right above you. 
So you put the outfit back on again and decided that yes, you could do this. And maybe it would help to get a guy's perspective on the way you looked and your dance moves. You wanted to ask Bradley, but you didn't think you could handle the way he'd laugh about this. But there was something about the way he'd been concerned about you when you slept over at his place on Friday night. You almost felt protected. Cared for. God, you were already jealous of the woman he would eventually fall for, because she would be on the receiving end of all of his warm attention. And she'd get to live in that house with him. And he'd actually sleep in his bed with her, unlike the couch when you were there. 
You rolled your eyes in the mirror and added some makeup to your face. This was so unlike you, falling for one of your friends. But you were tired of trying to fight it. And you still trusted his opinions. So you called him.
"Sparrow," he crooned when he answered your call.
"Rooster," you replied in your most matter of fact tone. "I was wondering if you could stop by for a few minutes and help me with something?"
"Right now?" he asked immediately.
You bit your lip before swiping some lipstick on while you said, "Whenever you have a chance."
"I'll be there soon."
He didn't let you down. He never did. Twenty minutes later, there were three taps on your apartment door, and then he was letting himself inside with the spare key you gave him months ago.
"Sparrow, it's me," he called out over the remix of Footloose. "Jesus. You weren't kidding. Your neighbor plays music like this all the time?"
"Yes," you shouted from your bedroom. "Constantly."
"I'm going to go up and have a little chat with him."
You were putting the finishing touches on your makeup as you said, "Don't bother. I've tried so many times. All he's done is lower the volume the slightest bit."
Bradley's sarcastic laugh from your living room made you smile. "I'm sure I can get him to do whatever I say."
That was undoubtedly the truth. You also didn't want him to get arrested. When you ran out to see him, you had forgotten what you were wearing as you threw your arms around his neck and hugged him.
Bradley's eyes were wide, and as soon as his hands settled on your bare waist, he pulled them right off again. "Holy shit. What the fuck is this?"
"Oh," you gasped, taking a nervous step away from him. "It's kind of my uniform. For my new bartending gig?" His cheeks were pink, his lips were parted, and he was gaping at you as he dragged his gaze up and down your body. "Is it bad?"
"Holy shit," he repeated. And then he said it one more time before he met your eyes. "Do you think it's bad?"
You winced and groaned. "I wasn't sure. But you're a guy. If you think it's awful, then I certainly don't want to wear it to my second job." He let out a strangled sound, and you started to turn back to your bedroom. "I'll stick to my flight suits."
You felt his fingers lace with yours before you heard his strained voice. "It's not bad, Sparrow. It's really fucking hot." You turned and looked at him, annoyed that you were feeling so vulnerable. He swallowed hard before he added, "You always look good."
He tugged you a little closer to him, and a smile found your lips. "I think I get it. It's hard to be objective when you're friends with someone. You'd probably like the outfit better on someone else."
Somehow his eyes went wider. "I really don't think that's it at all, actually," he whispered. Then DJ Insomnia started playing a remix that actually sounded good for once, and you tugged Bradley toward your couch with your linked fingers. 
"Here, watch me dance real quick, and then we can just hang out."
"Okay," he grunted, taking a seat.
"Just pretend I'm someone else," you told him as you ran one hand down your side until your palm settled on your hip. You started to turn in a slow circle as you moved your hips to the music that made its way to your living room. 
"I don't really want to do that."
You looked back at Bradley over your shoulder and caught him staring at your butt. "You don't?"
He shook his head slowly as you turned to face him, still dancing. "Hell no," he whispered, watching your face now. He brought his hand up to cover his mouth, and his dark gaze looked almost greedy, but he sat there and watched you dance, barely moving a muscle until you stopped along with the music.
"Well? What do you think?" you asked, holding your hands out to your sides.
He cleared his throat. "I think it's a good thing you don't have a boyfriend, because he'd already be jealous as fuck."
You looked exhausted every single day now. Bradley started to bring you extra coffee from his own kitchen to try to combat your near constant yawning and fatigue each morning. You weren't just battling through sleepless nights at your apartment with DJ Insomnia, you were also working all day as a WSO and frequently working late into the night at the bar. 
"I'm a little worried about you," he murmured one morning as you sipped the coffee he made. "You're working too hard, Sparrow." He didn't want to put voice to the way he felt about your bartending shifts. He made it a point not to stop by and see you there even though you'd asked him to. But he desperately wished you would quit. Every time he thought about you in your little costume with your red, pouty lips, he got more jealous inside. He could just imagine dozens, maybe hundreds of pairs of eyes on you, and he didn't like the way he wanted to be the only one treated to that sight.
"I'm fine," you replied softly. "I've already made thousands in tip money, and it's only been two weeks." You tried to smile up at him, but it didn't quite meet your eyes. "I mean, it's not the best scenario, because sometimes the patrons get a little rowdy. But it's not the worst thing. I'll just keep it up for a few months or until I get deployed."
Bradley grunted. "Explain to me exactly how rowdy they get."
Now you were sipping your coffee and staring at the patches on his flight suit instead of looking at his face. "Well, nobody is supposed to touch us. But sometimes guys do try it. Especially when we're dancing. The bouncers are great and all, but they can only get over there so quickly."
Bradley leaned down until you were looking him in the eye. He knew he was no better than some random asshole at the bar. He was probably worse since he thought about you dancing for him every time he took a shower. But he couldn't stand how apprehensive you looked when you talked about that place. You never looked like that when you were alone with him. 
"I think you should quit," he told you blandly. 
"It's not that bad," you replied. "Maybe I'm not doing a good job of explaining it. Come visit one night, and I'll buy you a drink."
"Sparrow, literally the last thing I want to do is witness every drunk asshole at the bar trying to look up your skirt."
You scoffed. "I wear little booty shorts underneath it!"
He closed his eyes and grunted, "I could have lived without that visual." It would just add to his shower time fodder.
"Oh! You should come on Friday night," you said, patting him on the chest. "I'll invite all the guys! There are drink specials. Hey, Javy!"
You wandered away, and soon Bradley's fate was sealed. Javy, Jake, Mickey, Reuben and Bob were all planning on going to The Beauty Bar for happy hour, and he was expected to be there, too. It wasn't like it was your fault he was falling for you, so he was just going to have to go and be supportive. He'd make sure all the guys left you massive tips, too. 
You were still exhausted on Friday morning, and Bradley didn't like the way you were yawning as you loaded into your jet. You were quieter now at work than you usually were, and he was tempted to tell you to start sleeping at his place to try to cut out some of your stress. Having you close by sounded good to him as well.
Maybe he'd hang out at your bar all night and take you home with him. He could carry you to his bed before retiring to the couch and pretending he was also in his bed. Maybe you would even serenade him with the song. You'd get a good night's sleep and then this never ending friendship loop would start all over again.
If he could think of a way to break the loop and turn it into a straight line that led to a relationship with you, he'd take it. That was probably the type of brainstorming he should be working on at this point since you were already working at the bar now. He was still trying to think of a way to tell you how he really felt without destroying the friendship as he drove his Bronco across the city to the extremely popular Beauty Bar. 
"You're kidding," he muttered. There was a line to get inside, and he told you he'd be here by eight o'clock when the dancing started. 
"Holy shit," Jake said as he and Javy headed up the sidewalk and got in line with him. "I guess there's no shortage of guys who want to look at Sparrow."
Javy nodded in agreement. "I mean, I don't really want to look at Sparrow, but I'll gladly take all the other girls."
That was literally the exact opposite of Bradley's thinking. He couldn't give a shit who else was working, his eyes would find you and stay there all night. Whether you were serving drinks, chatting with patrons or dancing, he'd be focused on nothing but you.
The guys all got their driver's licenses out, and the bouncer muttered, "Don't want any trouble from the three of you," as he checked them. 
Shit, what the hell kind of place was this if you got warned at the door on your way in? But when he walked inside and saw how crowded it was along with the two random girls doing a line dance along the bar, he could kind of understand. It was mostly packed with guys, and Reuben, Mickey and Bob were waving them over. Bradley moved slowly through the crowd, and then he found you in your cute little outfit handing someone a beer, and his heart stopped. 
Your smile looked like it was pasted on, but once you saw Bradley, your whole face lit up. You waved to him as you bounced up and down behind the bar, clearly excited that he was here. He started throwing his elbows and shoulders around to get to you, passing all of the other guys in the process. 
"Rooster!" you called out over the music when he got closer. The two girls danced across the bar between you and him, but his focus didn't waver at all as he matched your smile. "Do you want a drink?"
He shrugged and said, "I kind of just wanted to see you."
"Oh," you replied, looking pleased enough that Bradley decided to push the boundary just a little bit. 
"I don't really like it here, actually. If at any time you feel like quitting your job, I'll take you right to my place and let you sleep in peace and quiet again."
You poured a beer and handed it to him. "You don't like the girls?" you asked, glancing at the boots as they went by again. 
"Not those ones."
You looked him dead in the eye and asked, "Which ones then?"
His fingers flexed on his pint of beer as someone tried to jostle him out of the way to get closer, but he didn't look away from you as he said, "Come on, Sparrow." His voice was a little rough, and now you looked confused. He would do it. He'd ruin everything just so you knew. But he didn't want you to feel bad for him. 
Then someone called your first name, and you and he both turned to see an older woman holding up both hands. "I'm on in ten," you told him, reaching out to touch his fingers where they rested on the bar. "Let me take a few more drink orders before I have to dance."
"Right," he said. It was better that you didn't know. You were trying to make some money here, and he was already messing it up by talking to you for too long. "I'll catch you later."
He wandered off in the direction of the rest of the guys. "Yo, that blonde is so hot, and she made my drink perfectly," Mickey was saying as he drank something that looked fruity and sweet. 
"I'm an equal opportunity aviator tonight," Jake drawled. "I see a girl in a little outfit, she gets my phone number."
"You're delusional is what you are," Bradley told him as he sipped his beer. "All of you better leave Sparrow a massive tip. Seriously. I'm not kidding." 
He listened to the guys chat as he turned back toward the bar to check on you. It was almost time for you to dance, and his stomach was churning with anticipation and anxiety. He'd been dying to see you move like that again, but he could do without the memory of everyone else knowing how you looked when you shook your hips. 
Then you broke away from some guy who looked like a real tool who was reaching for you across the bar. You backed up and bumped into the mini fridge behind you and winced, and Bradley took a few steps in your direction. He memorized what that guy was wearing and what he looked like, just in case. 
But now it was time for you to dance, so at least you were able to step away from him. One of the cowgirls was helping you up onto the bar, and the crowd started cheering. The opening notes to Whole Lotta Love started playing, and Bradley's arms prickled with goosebumps as you ran your hand down to your waist and shook your hips from side to side. You were moving just like you had in your living room, but all he could think about were the times you sang this song to him. He wanted all of it to be just for him. He wanted to touch you the way you were touching yourself. He wanted to taste the sweat that glistened on your neck.
His jealousy flared, burning bright inside of him as he watched everyone crowd the bar as you strutted along with a smile on your face. And once again your smile brightened when you found him, and then you mouthed the lyrics, 'Way down inside, honey you need it. I'm gonna give you my love. I'm gonna give you my love.' You mouthed the words to him. 
Bradley grunted. His body felt like it was pulled taut like a rubber band, about to snap. You stopped at the end of the bar and did a little twirl as the crowd sang along to the song, but you kept your eyes on him. Your lips perfectly formed every word, and he'd never forget this feeling for the rest of his life. 
Then you turned away from him, and he instantly missed the way you were subtly giving him your attention. He moved forward a little bit through the crowd, wanting to get closer to you. When you spun around again, he saw you looking for him, and your smile wavered. 
"Sparrow!" he called out, and when you found him again, you laughed. And he laughed, too. But this must have been the breaking point in the evening, because Bradley got hit in the shoulder as a fight broke out to his right. Everyone got shoved forward, and a random glass of beer hit the bar. You tried to jump out of the way as your feet got soaked, and then your boss started yelling at you to keep dancing. Now when you looked at Bradley, you were no longer smiling.
He called your first name this time as you tried to step over the wet part of the bar and continue to the other end. Bradley saw him before you did. That asshole guy was back, and he smiled as he looked up your skirt. Bradley fleetingly remembered you told him you wore shorts under your skirt, and he really hoped you had them on tonight. But that wasn't the end of it, because now he was reaching out for your foot. 
"What the fuck?" Bradley shouted, handing his glass to a stranger as he tried to get to you. With that asshole's hand firmly wrapped around your ankle, you started to waver. You were nine feet up in the air, surrounded by glass bottles, and he knew he was closer to you than any of the bouncers. 
"Stop it!" you shouted above the music as you tried to pull yourself free, but that guy was unrelenting. You took one more awkward step before your body turned sideways. You were about to fall off the bar. Bradley fought his way forward as you tried to correct yourself, but it was too late, now it looked like you were going to land on your wrist on the bar, and probably break a bone. 
Bradley lunged just in time, and thankfully you saw him. You trusted him, and right now he could see that fact in your eyes. You let yourself fall forward into the crowd. Into his open arms. 
"Oh my god, Bradley!" you gasped as your arms wound around his neck and legs wrapped around his waist, clinging to him. You were shaking.
"I've got you," he promised as the song played on. He wanted to throw that guy up against the wall, but he was too content holding you to him as you buried your face against his neck. Letting go of you wasn't really an option. He wrapped one big hand around your thigh while the other squeezed your waist. "I have you, Sparrow."
Jake and Javy were there now, and Bradley nodded to the guy who grabbed you. He'd let them take care of it, because now your lips were brushing his ear. "That was terrifying," you whispered, and someone finally changed the song while another dancer climbed onto the bar.
Bradley made the decision to carry you outside into the cool night, walking slowly down the block where it was quieter as you caught your breath. "Are you okay now?" he asked softly.
You nodded against him, and when he adjusted you in his arms, you quickly whispered, "Please don't put me down yet."
"I won't," he promised before pressing his lips to your collarbone. You whimpered, and he couldn't help it. He said, "I don't ever want to put you down. And for the record, I don't want you to dance here anymore either. I never wanted you to."
You lifted your head away from him, and Bradley practically melted as your fingers tugged through the hair at the back of his head. Your lips were pouty, and your eyes were trusting as you asked, "You never wanted me to?"
"Absolutely not."
"Why not?"
He knew he had to say it and risk ruining everything, because pretending like this friendship with you was enough was actually hurting him now. He looked at your pretty face as he said, "Because I'm in love with you. And I'm selfish and jealous, and I don't want a bunch of other guys watching you dance around in this little outfit. Dancing around to my song."
"Bradley." You leaned closer, and you didn't stop until your lips were on his. This was better than he thought it could be, already so comfortable around you. Already addicted to your voice and the way you felt in his arms. Your fingers tightened in his hair as you kissed him, parting his lips with yours until you were tasting him. When you pulled away with a little moan, you whispered his name again while you ran your thumb along his mustache. 
"Why did you dance to that song?" he demanded gently.
You pressed another kiss to his mouth before you said, "It made it less scary to get up on the bar when I was listening to a song that reminds me of you."
"Why?" he demanded again. 
Then you very easily and simply said, "Because I'm in love with you, too."
"Honey," he sighed against your lips, smiling this time as you slowly unwrapped your legs and slid down the front of his body. Once you were standing on your own, Bradley let his hands fall to your hips, and you wiggled yourself snug against his body. 
You felt just like his shower fantasies and all of his other fantasies, if he was being honest with himself. He thought about you all the time. You nibbled on his lips and dragged your fingers through his hair until he was frankly afraid he was going to get hard in his jeans right here on the sidewalk. He pried his lips from yours, making you pout, and he chuckled as he said, "Sparrow, you're killing me."
Your pout grew more pronounced as you said, "I want you to call me Honey again."
His smile must look ridiculous now as he said, "Honey."
"That's better," you said as your lips curled into a grin. "Let's get out of here."
"Do you think you should go back inside first?" he asked, hoping you'd just ditch the whole thing with him, but you nodded in response. 
"Yeah, good idea. I'll go quit in person," you said, taking his hand in yours.
He stood his ground in response, and you weren't able to move him, but one tug on your hand and you were headed right back to his arms. "Excellent. As soon as you do that, we can talk about how we aren't friends anymore."
"We're not?" you asked, and as soon as that pout started returning, Bradley leaned down and kissed you.
"Hell no," he whispered against your lips. "You're gonna be my girlfriend. And I'll be your boyfriend. And I'm going to take you back to my house. And this time when I carry you to bed, I'm going to stay there with you all night. If that's cool."
"It's so cool," you promised him, and this time when you tugged on his hand, he followed you back up the sidewalk. "It's almost as cool as a man in his thirties who has a keyboard."
You were honestly impressed by the way the other guys weren't phased at all. Maybe it was obvious that you and Bradley belonged together, but none of them found it surprising that you were suddenly a couple. It really wasn't sudden at all in your mind though. There was a slow build of trust and appreciation over time that turned physical as soon as Bradley admitted he was in love with you. And four months later, none of it had let up. In fact, you couldn't get enough, and neither could he.
"That's it?" he asked, pointing to the single box left in your trunk. 
"That's it," you told him as you picked it up. And then he picked you up and carried you toward his house while you laughed. You passed the planter boxes full of flowers and went through the pink door.
"Then it's official. You live here now. Welcome home, Honey."
"Oh please," you replied as he set you down. "I've been unofficially living here for months."
"All thanks to DJ Insomnia," he whispered, leaning down and placing an absolutely filthy kiss on your lips.
You moaned. "I owe him so much."
Bradley shrugged and said, "I think we would have eventually arrived at the same conclusion regardless."
"What conclusion would that be?"
"That you're in love with me."
You wanted to deny it, but you couldn't. "Help me unpack the rest of my clothes and shoes so we can explore another one of your shower fantasies."
Bradley moaned and said, "Absolutely. I'll meet you in the bedroom. I just need to get something first."
That's how you ended up putting your clothes on hangers while Bradley resurfaced a few minutes later with his keyboard. Instead of helping you in any way, he sat on the bed and started playing Whole Lotta Love. 
"I asked you to help me," you told him with a laugh as you tossed a pair of your shorts at him while he played. "You're worse than DJ Insomnia."
"Just for that, you get a remix too."
I'm not exactly sure how "Sneak Peek: Bradley's Version" ended up happening, but I hope you enjoyed it. I might like it even better than the Jake fic! Thanks for reading, and please let me know what you think! Thanks @mak-32 and @beyondthesefourwalls
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 1 month
The Pathology Murders
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Summary: When the reader and the boys stumble across a gruesome scene, they get the feeling that the monster they're hunting is of the human variety...
Pairing: Dean x reader
Word Count: 5,800ish
Warnings: language, angst, lots of mentions of gore/death, trauma, accident, fluff
A/N: This fic was inspired by this imagine (which makes an appearance in this one shot) and also by the horror movie Pathology!
“What the hell…” Dean and Sam looked around the abandoned house, pausing like you had when they got to the kitchen. Your boys weren’t wimps by any means. They’d seen some serious crap. Done some serious crap. But that kitchen? 
It took Sam all of three seconds to step out of the room and upheave his greek salad from lunch.
Meanwhile Dean took it all in before his eyes landed on where you were trying to work the scene, fighting back another dry heave. 
“You alright?” he asked. You knew he was concerned. You weren’t one to puke up your guts either. But the poor soul on the kitchen table, or rather what was left of him…twisted wasn’t even the right word for it.
“Not particularly,” you said, pointing at a glass jar that housed a pair of kidneys on the stove. “Not all the organs made it into jars. Pretty sure the liver is in the sink.”
Dean cautiously took a step inside, swallowing thickly. Unlike you or Sam, who had your own experiences with hell, Dean’s had been far more…interactive. Sam’s soul was battered around by Lucifer but it’d been more psychological than physical. You’d spent an unpleasant night with a hellhound in the same cage and while it hadn’t been fun, you’d been able to stay in a corner and out of harms way. Dean though…Dean had been sliced and diced and hacked and every other possible horror, imaginable or not. And then he’d performed the acts himself. You never blamed him for giving in, for breaking. You’d told him time and time again he was, and always would be, a good man.
Some days, more often lately it seemed the older he got, he seemed to believe you.
“Whoever did this performed an autopsy on this guy. While he was alive,” said Dean, leaning over the body to get a closer look. “Huh. Anybody see a heart around here?”
You surveyed the bloody room, finding more than a few peculiar shaped body parts but nothing resembling a heart. Sam finally made his way in, taking a deep inhale as he got used to the gore before him. “I got nothing over here.”
“Could be a werewolf,” said Dean, cocking his head as he straightened, brow furrowing. “Or a witch.”
You knew he wasn’t buying that though, neither of you were. You tore your eyes away from the search to watch Sam’s expression flare up with a strange look of familiarity. “Sammy?”
“I think a person did this,” he said. Dean rolled his eyes.
“No shit Sherlock. Someone used a knife or-”
“No, jackass,” said Sam, shooting Dean a harsh look for a brief second. “I mean I think this was a human, like an actual human. They were just talking about a cold case like this on a podcast I listened to during my run last week.”
“You and your fucking serial killer obsession,” muttered Dean. Sam’s eye twitched, the tension rising in the room. “It’s fucking weird, Sammy.”
“We hunt monsters, dumbass. How is that any different?”
“That’s our job. You don’t see me watching murder documentaries like a certain someone in my free time.” Sam got closer to Dean, Dean taking one to match, both boy’s jaws clenching. 
“Hey,” you said with a snap of your fingers, the pair reluctantly turning towards you. “Dean, plenty of people are interested in cold cases and as long as Sam isn’t a serial killer himself, his hobby is fine. Sam, Dean just gets concerned that you don’t take enough of a break from hunting but he can’t come out and say that. So hug and make up. You’re on the same side.”
They both grumbled and gave each other a half-assed embraced but it made you smile regardless. 
“So what’d your murder podcast say?” asked Dean, walking around to the other side of the cut open body. Sam’s face soured. “That good, huh?”
“They called them the Pathology Murders. A string of five victims about ten years ago that went unsolved. The killer performed live autopsies like you said about this guy earlier. The only lead they ever had was that the killer must have medical training, like a doctor, based on what they did to the victims. Oh, and all the murders took place in the Seattle area.”
“Which downtown is only twenty minutes from here,” you said, crossing your arms. “Was the heart missing at the other scenes?”
“I’m not sure. They could have skimmed over that,” said Sam. Your gaze followed Dean’s, his green eyes laced with uncertainty. “I can do some research back at the motel. You guys could check in with Seattle PD, see if the case files have anything useful.”
“We should double check that it’s not our kind of monster and if it really is a person-”
“We’re not working this case,” said Dean. Your eyebrows shot up, Sam’s face already frowning. “We do not investigate serial killers. Save it for the police.”
“Uh, what the hell is going on? You would never let a killer, monster or human, stay on the loose,” said Sam.
Dean’s gaze shot to you and quickly away, his eyes turning sharp as they zeroed in on Sam. You scoffed, Sam cocking his head in question.
“It’s because my mom was murdered. By a serial killer. Isn’t it, Dean?” Dean’s lips pressed into a thin hard line and you shook your head. “They caught her killer which you know. What does that have anything to do with-”
“You caught the killer, you did that,” said Dean, Sam completely lost. He knew your mom had been killed but not the gory details like Dean.
“Wouldn’t that be a good thing then?” he asked. “Y/N has experience with this sort of thing then.”
“Why don’t you explain to Sammy just exactly what you did to ‘catch’ her killer then, sweetheart. Go on. I’m sure he’d love to hear it.” You glared at Dean, feeling an unpleasant prickling in your eyes. Dean didn’t back down as you teared up though, instead focusing on Sam. “She let herself be bait. She let herself get caught by the son of a bitch. She almost died because she doesn’t see when she’s going too far with serial killers. The same thing happened on that Tulsa case five years ago.”
You could sense Sam had shifted very quickly to being on Dean’s side of this argument. You’d been young and reckless with your mom’s killer, barely a day over eighteen. That was years and years ago. You’d learned since then to use more sense. Tulsa…well your plan as being bait would have worked if your former hunting partner hadn’t been more focused on getting some ass that night than watching your back.
“Yeah, that’s how we met, Sam. Not working a case. No, Y/N was fucked and if I hadn’t been driving back from Jody’s that night and saw the fucking asshole grab her, she’d be dead. Wouldn’t you?” Dean snarled. You narrowed your misty eyes at him, Dean lifting his chin. “We will make sure this isn’t our kind of deal and if it is in fact a run of the mill serial killer, we are getting the fuck out of here, understand me?”
“I fucked up once. Once,” you breathed out. You swallowed thickly, wiping off your face with your jacket sleeve. “Just how many times have you been kidnapped Dean in the five years that I’ve known you? I’ve been taken once. You? How many times have I cut you loose? Taken out the monster with a knife to your throat? A gun to your head? How many times have you gotten lost in a case? Gone on a rampage? I never realized we were keeping score.”
Dean’s gaze fell to the floor, his hand running over his jaw, searching for the right words.
“Sam, go back to the motel and research. Dean and I’ll do the fed schitk and get the files we can. Whoever’s behind this, I’m going after them. You two can do whatever the hell you want,��� you said, storming out of the room and out of the house.
“You look pretty,” said Dean softly a few hours later as you exited the motel bathroom in your fed suit, a light blue button down blouse with your charcoal gray suit jacket and pants. You ignored him as you dug through your duffel for your pointed black booties. Professional but also you knew for a fact you could run and fight in them. You growled in frustration when you couldn’t find them though, hearing Dean clear his throat behind your back. You glanced over your shoulder, following Dean’s gaze to where he’d set them down by the end of the bed.
“Thanks,” you grumbled, slipping them on and pulling up the side zipper. Dean was sporting his navy suit today, the one he looked extra hot in. You ignored that fact as you tucked your gun into the back of your pants, fixing your suit jacket over it.
“Y/N.” You sighed, giving him a look that you really didn’t want to do this right now. He took a long breath, sitting down on the edge of the bed. Sam quietly slinked out of the room into his adjoining one. Most of the time the three of you shared but when you could swing it, Sam got his own next door to give you and Dean some privacy.
Privacy you didn’t necessarily want at this moment.
“You do good cop, I’ll be the hardass if it comes to it,” you said, shoving your phone in your pocket. You tried to walk past him for the door but he caught your hand, stopping you after a few feet. “Dean.”
“I do not, and have never, thought you were weak. But serial killers are a blindspot for you. Sam and I both have them. This is yours.” He lowered his head, like he was fighting the words that were coming out. 
To your surprise, he dropped your hand and stood. 
“Be careful on this one, sweetheart.” He walked past you to the motel door, cracking it open and pausing. “We should get going.”
“You sure I’m not going to lose it? Get too carried away and get myself captured?” you said, unable to stop from poking back after his earlier insinuations. Dean’s shoulders rose and fell, one hand going to the doorframe to grip it as you watched the back of his head lower.
“Y/N, don’t you know by now I’m an idiot that’d rather lose you because I’m a dick than find you in the hands of some monster like whoever did that to that poor guy? Don’t you know I know you’re stronger than me? Don’t you think I realize how hard it is to be with someone like me?”
“You don’t stop Sam from doing dangerous things,” you said. “You don’t bring up the past to him.”
“Yes I have,” he said quietly. “And convincing Sam to stay in a motel room where it’s safe to research has never been hard thankfully.”
“You don’t treat me with the same respect though,” you said softly. “It hurts to know you never will think of me as being as capable as he is all because I’m your girlfriend.”
Dean shook his head, straightening his back. “You are more than capable, sweetheart. But sometimes…I just want to be a man that protects his girl. I don’t want to be scared of failing you for once…because if that monster got anywhere near you…”
You took quiet steps over to him, staring at his broad shoulders as they sagged.
“Eventually everyone I love dies or has something awful happen to them. Maybe I don’t say it the right way but fucking hell, all I want is for those things to not happen to you.” He spun around, green eyes full of worry. You nodded, taking his hand and lacing your fingers together. He squeezed them gently, the warmth of it pleasant.
“Our job is dangerous, Dean. We hunt the monsters, supernatural or not. I love you but you don’t get to keep me locked away.” You ran your thumb over his scuffed up skin, still healing form last week’s hunt. “That said…I promise not to get so angry if you promise to just say you’re scared for me. We’ll figure it out, okay?”
“Okay,” he said, a flicker of a smile on his face. “I just have a bad feeling about this one.”
“Then we’ll be smart, okay?” You leaned up and pressed a kiss to his cheek. “And don’t call yourself an idiot. I don’t like it.”
“Okay, sweetheart,” he said. “Let’s go figure out what the hell is going on.”
Two Hours Later
“This guy’s a fucking psycho,” you said into your phone while Dean came outside with a bag of burgers and fries. “Apparently he sends the hearts to the victims families in a little box with a bow.”
“Sounds about right for a guy who cuts people open for fun,” said Sam on the other end. “I’m gonna pour through the records you just sent over.”
“Alright. Dean and I should be back in fifteen-”
“Why don’t you guys have a date night? I got this for a few hours.” You bit your bottom lip, Sam’s silence going on. “Come on, Y/N. You guys should talk about Dean’s protectiveness and your stubbornness.”
You wanted to argue that fact but sighed, closing your eyes.
“Any suggestions on how we find that line when our job is to hunt killers?” you asked.
“Maybe remember that he’s your boyfriend first, hunting partner second. Most boyfriends wouldn’t want their girlfriend near a serial killer either, no matter what their job.”
“Don’t have good points, Samuel,” you said as Dean took a seat next to you on Baby’s hood. “We’ll be back in two hours.”
You hung up and dove your hand into the bag of fries, smirking when Dean presented you with a chocolate milkshake. He grinned as you dipped the fry in it and tossed it back, giving him a big thumbs up.
“I love you,” you said, Dean smiling as he dug out his burger. “I always love you, even when we fight.”
He glanced at you, landing a gentle kiss on your lips in the next moment. He barely moved his lips, letting them linger instead. He moved back only an inch and nodded. “I was a dickhead earlier. All because I’m afraid of finding you with a serial killer standing over you with a giant ass knife again. I don’t know why I can’t just come out and say that shit in the moment.”
“Because you’re human,” you said, wrapping an arm around his waist. “And you’re so much better at talking to me than five years ago. The old you wouldn’t have even been able to say that to me.”
“I try,” he said, letting you kiss him, your own a tad more forceful than his had been.
“That’s all I ask for,” you said, Dean’s phone going off at that exact moment. He sighed as he took it out, Sam’s name appearing. He tapped it onto speaker and took a bite of his burger. “What’s up Sammy?”
“Guys, I think I figured something out. All the victims were patients at Mercy West hospital back in the day and this latest guy? He was a patient there last week.” You and Dean shared a frown. “Yeah, I know. The cops investigated all of the hospital staff there back then but they never came up with anything. They thought maybe a doctor was behind it but he died in a car accident between the second and third vics.”
“It could have been him and he had a partner. Definitely is someone with access to records so they have to work there,” said Dean as you held up a finger. “What?”
“I could have sworn I’ve heard about this hospital in the news before. Something to do with a boat accident?” you asked. You heard Sam typing loudly before he hummed.
“Yup. They made national news about six months ago when seven of their medical students died in a boating accident. Explosion apparently when they got boozed up and had a bonfire on the boat. The bodies were so bad they couldn’t identify the remains,” said Sam. Dean took another bite of his burger and swallowed. “Already checking through the police files. Shit.”
“Shit what, Sam?” you asked, dunking a fry in your milkshake.
“Shit as in the boat accident wasn’t an accident at all. There was definitely an explosion but they found damage on the bodies indicating some injuries occurred before death. Like being carved up alive. They don’t want the public knowing the killer is still active in the area.”
“It’s gotta be someone linked to that hospital. Only question is why can’t the police figure out who?” asked Dean.
“Good question,” said Sam. “I’m going to keep digging, see if there’s a connection between the two we missed.”
“Thanks Sammy. We’ll be back in twenty to help,” said Dean, hanging up. He glanced at you, biting the inside of his cheek.
“This isn’t a monster,” you said quietly. “At least, it’s a human one.”
Dean polished off the rest of his meal quietly, the air still for a few beats. 
“When you get too worried about me on hunts, you put yourself in danger,” you said, slowly sipping from the shake. His heated gaze was on you as you handed him the drink. “You have to trust that I’m strong enough to do this. Careful and capable. We both need to work on that.”
“Alright. But do me a favor? Stick close to me or Sammy on this one. You’re just…” You waited, let him find his words. He took the drink and finished it off, shoving the trash in the bag. “You just got over that shoulder injury. Your punches don’t hit as hard as normal right now. I don’t mean that in a bad way, just-”
“Okay,” you said, finding his hand, slipping yours inside. “Now let’s figure out who this bastard is.”
He hummed, letting go of you for a brief moment so he could toss the garbage away. You slid inside the passenger seat, Dean back and behind the wheel after the blink of an eye. Approximately ten seconds later you were pulling out of the parking lot and on the road, headed down main street and for the motel.
“So I was thinking this guy does autopsies on victims right?” said Dean, turning the radio down low on a soft rock station. You glanced out the window on the dark night, a rumble of thunder overhead. “But the cops can’t find him. Well, isn’t there someone that sometimes works at hospitals and for the police that would be able to fuck with a body after the fact and hide traces of their involvement?”
“A pathologist. I was thinking that too but wouldn’t that have been their first look? I mean they literally call them the Pathology Murders,” you said, waiting for the the light to turn green. “It could be someone that knows someone at the department covering for them. Stranger things have happened.”
“Maybe. I get the gist this guy works alone though. I only clocked one set of boots at the scene this morning,” he said, the bright green light illuminating the dark interior.
“Same. It’s absolutely someone associated with that damn hospital-” you said, Dean’s arm shooting in front of you in your peripheral. A millisecond later, something slammed into the right side of Baby, your side. Your lap belt tugged on you hard as your body lolled to the side, weightless for a moment before gravity reared it’s ugly head and slammed you down. Your head smacked something hard and it all went dark.
You could hear Dean asking a paramedic a million questions, not a single one concerned about himself. You opened your eyes to find yourself in the back of an ambulance, Dean lying on a stretcher beside you. He could tell you were awake and struggled to reach over to you but couldn’t. Instead he thrashed his head back against his pillow in defeat, straining against the straps that held him down.
“Sir, I need you to calm down,” said the paramedic as you blinked slowly at Dean. You knew something was wrong with you, with both of you, but you weren’t quite sure what that was yet. You struggled when you saw Dean upset. You wanted him to feel better. “You need to relax, she’s seeing you panic and that’s making her do the same.”
Dean stopped as he took in how your heart rate had skyrocketed, how scared you looked. He sighed and forced himself to stay calm. You saw him relax and heard him say it was okay. Neither of you enjoyed the feeling of being tied down, especially when the both of you were in plain view of one another and couldn’t reach each other. You tried to speak but couldn’t as you felt how raw your throat was. 
“We’ll be at Mercy West in just a few minutes,” said the paramedic to Dean as you half-listened. 
“No, take us somewhere else!” yelled Dean suddenly, fighting again. The paramedic sighed as you both started struggling once more. You didn’t have much of an idea of what was going on but if Dean didn’t want to go there, it wasn’t safe. 
“I’m going to give each of you a sedative and by the time you wake up, you’ll be in your hospital beds feeling a lot better,” he said gently. 
“No, don’t you touch her,” said Dean as you started to get very sleepy. The last thing you saw was Dean shutting his eyes as you finally remembered what had happened.
If Sam didn’t get to you soon, you were screwed.
Your eyes wearily opened under bright lights that made your head hurt. You winced and turned away from it, limbs heavy and still. Dean’s voice echoed somewhere, to your left maybe? You forced your eyes open again, Dean strapped down to a metal table with metal drawers behind him, the look on his face like he was screaming at you. You blinked, the ringing in your eyes loud and obnoxious, droning him out.
“Get up, fucking get up!” Dean shouted so loud you shook your head, a splitting headache cracking over you. “Y/N get out of here!” 
It took only a moment to discover that unlike Dean, you weren’t restrained in what was most likely the hospital morgue. Something was wrong though. A sedative? No. You were becoming more alert if anything but your arms were growing more tired, head becoming too heavy to lift.
“Something’s off,” you tried to say, the words caught in your throat, unable to be voiced. Your eyes flared wide, Dean’s drifting past you.
“Someone took a long time to wake up,” said a voice to your right. Suddenly a hand was under your head.
“Don’t you fucking touch her!” Dean snarled, your head set on a…stand? Something to keep it elevated and from rolling to the side. You tried to move but the message wasn’t getting to your body, your eyes glued on the handsome face with a just slightly off smile leaning over you.
“You were in a nasty accident, Agent Carlson. Unfortunately for you, your head trauma was too severe and you coded in the ER. Meanwhile Agent Manns in his grief unfortunately succumbed to his injuries. At least that’s what the autopsy report will say,” he said, inspecting what felt like a cut on your temple. “Such a shame. It won’t be my best work but you’re not the first law enforcement to cross me. Sadly no one will be able to discover your remains once you’re accidentally incinerated as John and Jane Doe but it’s good practice.”
“Let her go you fucking psycho,” growled Dean when the doctor moved out of view and returned with a pair of shears. 
“Psycho? I’m Dr. Thomas, ER Trauma physician and part-time pathologist. I’ve saved far more lives than I’ve taken, Agent Manns,” he said, snipping through your blouse. 
“What the fuck did you do to her?” Dr. Thomas bagged your shirt in a plastic bag nearby, doing the same with your pants and boots once they’d been removed.
“Paralyzing agent. Hard to come by but it has it’s advantages. No messy straps or ropes in the way,” he said, lifting your arm as you watched helplessly, cold metal against your skin as he cut through your bra straps.
“I swear to god I’m going to rip your spine out of your fucking face. If you touch her-”
“Not my style,” said Dr. Thomas, pulling away the fabric, sending a chill down your back. He gave you his focus again, a smirk on his face as he put two fingers to your neck. “Your heart is hammering away, isn’t it? Biology is fascinating that way. It’s so strange how an emotion such as fear can cause physical reactions in our bodies.”
“Get the fuck away from her!” shouted Dean. Dr. Thomas’ smile towards you dropped when he looked at Dean. He sighed and set the shears down, walking out of view.
“You’re really starting to irritate me,” he said, the distinct sound of tape being ripped from a roll filling the room and then Dean’s cries became muffled, only quiet thumping as he struggled coming from him now. Dr. Thomas appeared again wearing another smile. “Sorry about that. It’s always the men that get all squirmy. The women always live longer. Now, one could argue that’s because women have on average more blood in their bodies than men but I’ve gotten a fairly large sample size over the past decade to believe they’re psychologically stronger and therefore last longer.”
You tried hard to move your hand when he held up a scalpel near your face but nothing worked. 
Fuck if you could move anything you’d be shaking harder than a tree in a damn hurricane. Dean struggling right beside you with a front row seat was not helping.
“Now I like to explain all of my procedures to my patients beforehand. While you are paralyzed to a degree, you will still feel things. That’s perfectly normal.” You were wide eyed, Dr. Thomas chuckling. “The procedure typically takes me around thirty minutes. However, you’ll die from the blood loss or shock after roughly seven so don’t worry about that aspect. Considering you were in an accident less than an hour ago, I suspect it’s more like four or five for you which is unfortunate for me but it is what it is. Perhaps Agent Manns will give me more time.”
He lowered the scalpel to your shoulder and dug in hard to the skin, dragging it inward towards your chest. Your scream was caught in your throat as he did it on the other side to match.
Dean was shouting and thrashing on the table beside you but you couldn’t even turn your head to look. Dr. Thomas started talking about incisions and procedures and then you felt something completely unnatural against your arm, another shout trapped in your lungs. Forget the brave face. You would have been full on wailing if you were capable of it.
Crack. Snap. Shudder. Rip. It was around the time that Dr. Thomas held up something dark red and sticky looking that your body decided passing out was the best course of action. Unfortunately, it wasn’t doing that for some reason and you were stuck on the edge of consciousness, terrified and wishing something would come along and smash your head in to end this.
A loud bang shot out and something heavy smacked your leg, something else skirting against your side. 
“Dear god,” whispered Sam. Your eyes were locked open as you heard Sam rush over, staring down at you for only a split second before he moved to Dean. 
That was not good. You were far more injured that Dean, somewhere on the verge of death if you figured. Sam would have stopped to help you first.
Unless you were beyond saving.
“Sweetheart,” said Dean, grabbing one of your blood covered hands in both of his. Fuck he was crying. Fuck, fuck, fuck. You were so totally fucked. He looked over to Sam, Sam staring back with an open mouth. They couldn’t fix this. Shit, shit. You were going to die cut open like a Thanksgiving turkey. “W-What about Cas?”
“Dean,” said Sam, an air of resignation in his voice. “He’s in Kansas.”
“Jack then.”
“He’s with Cas. He doesn’t know how to-”
“A spell, a cure, something! Take her upstairs to a fucking doctor!” shouted Dean. 
“De. Half of her organs are…” said Sam as you got light headed, Dean’s hand running over your head. Dean found your face, his chin wobbling. “I-I don’t know what to do.”
“Then we sit with our girl,” said Dean softly, tucking a hair behind your ear. “And you fall asleep, sweetheart and when you wake up again, you’ll feel all better. I’ll come find you someday. Okay? Just close your eyes and try to sleep for me.”
Dean lowered his head, kissing your forehead as he fought back the tears that wanted to spill over. Sam took your other hand, squeezing it gently as you tried to do what he asked.
“Bloody hell, of course a Winchester took out a nutter like that. I’d have thunk he deserved more than a bullet,” said a familiar voice. 
“Rowena?” both boys echoed. She didn’t respond though, Sam’s hand dropping yours as a flash of red hair moved in front of you. You stared up at her, her hands cradling your cheeks.
“Dean, let go.” He did and about two seconds later you were shot straight upright, body in one piece, full of feeling and horror as you wrapped your arms over your chest, looking all around. 
“What the hell was that?” asked Sam while Dean shrugged out of his fed jacket and wrapped it around your shoulders, buttoning you up before he picked you up and was cradling you in his arms.
Rowena faced him with a hand on her hip, your own gaze falling down to where a dead Dr. Thomas lay on the floor, blood oozing from the back of his open head.
“Do you boys still not see me as a friend?” she asked, an undercurrent of hurt in her voice. You were shaking in Dean’s arms, clutching to his shirt with your too long sleeves. 
“You’re the queen of hell. Why would you stop a death?” asked Sam. She rolled her eyes and approached you, resting a hand on your arm.
“Because I’m the queen of hell and I do as I please, Samuel.” You wanted to say thank you but all you could manage was a few jumbled words as you buried yourself in Dean’s neck. “She’s in shock, quite bad. Best to take her home and let her rest.”
“Thank you Rowena,” said Dean, walking past her, stopping near the entrance to the room. “Next time you need something, just let us know and we’ll help.”
“Of course. I’ll take care of this mess. Oh and Y/N, dear?” You managed to lift your head, grateful to find Sam was right on Dean’s heels. “This lad is going to be spending a lot of time on the receiving end of what he gave out up here down in hell. I promise you that.”
You nodded, giving her a thumbs up. Dean kissed the top of your head, his hold on you tight.
“You’re going to be alright, sweetheart. Just give it some time.”
“How’s that feel?” asked Dean for what felt like the twentieth time back at the motel. You’d showered, took another another shower, took a bath, took another shower and currently were wrapped up in a mess of Dean’s pajamas on the bed with a big towel in your hair. 
“Better,” you said, your voice back with you once you’d gotten out of the hospital morgue. Sam was off relaying what he’d found to the local police. Apparently Dr. Thomas had worked on a few cases for the county but his sister it turned out was a hot shot detective who’d been covering for him for years. It was how he’d found out about you and Dean investigating.
Honestly that woman would be better off going out like her brother. She’d covered up a lot of murders for her brother. It’d be a miracle if someone didn’t take her out before then. Not that you particularly would mind that. 
You patted the bed beside you, Dean taking a seat and pulling you into his lap. He removed the damp towel and nuzzled the top of your head with his cheek, strong arms wrapped all around your body.
“So we really nailed that whole careful thing, huh?” you said. Dean chuckled deeply, inhaling the scent of your damp hair, a pretty lilac and vanilla blend you knew he liked. 
“How do you do that? Make me laugh when I don’t feel like ever laughing again,” he said, tightening his hold.
“Because I’m hilarious,” you said, closing your eyes, wrapping your hands around his forearms. “You might not understand this but what you said when I thought…you made me feel safe even when I was scared that was it. You were a guy protecting his girl tonight, even if it’s not the way you meant it.”
“Meant every word,” he whispered, breathing slowly. 
“Don’t you dare fucking apologize for not stopping it. There’s no way we saw that coming.”
“Okay,” he said, draping his legs over yours, leaning back against the headboard with you. “How’s that feel? Comfy?”
You smiled as you rolled your eyes at him, tucking in closer. “I got you, Winchester. I’ll be alright. A chocolate milkshake and order of fries wouldn’t hurt though.”
“You’re hungry? After all that?” he chuckled. 
“Yup. Ask Sam to pick some up on his way back,” you said, tilting your head back, kissing under his jaw. “Our date got cut short after all.”
“Are you sure you’re okay? You couldn’t talk earlier,” he said, taking your hand, lacing your fingers together.
“I’ll have nightmares, I’m sure, and all the other crap we get. But right now in this moment, with you, I’m okay.” He smiled, holding your body against his.
“I love you so much. You’re the best thing that ever happened to me. Even if you do get kidnapped by serial killers.” You whacked his leg, Dean’s laugh rumbling against your back.
“Love you too, ya dork.”
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cybercl0ne · 7 months
Masked men x f!reader//18+ (Scenario 2)
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TW: 18+, Cnc, somnophila,toy play (vibrators), double penetration, creampie, degradation, name calling (slut,whore), mentions of breeding, minor praise (if you read into it), edging, multiple orgasms.
AN at the bottom!!
FYI:) these are not the same men from the elevator 😉
You were sleeping peacefully, your mind clear, for the most part. You laid on your bed, turning restlessly as you midnight stalked you. As you slowly yet surely drifted to sleep, a visitor decided to make an entry, peeking through your window.
“Yeah, she’s asleep. Out cold.” A man with a ski mask says, dressed in a skin tight black shirt and baggy jeans.
“What are we waiting for, let’s get in and out man.” Another one adds, opening your loose window. Without your knowledge these two men snuck into your room, one of them staring daggers at your sleeping form as it innocently tosses around to an unsourced sound.
“Don’t wake the little princess up, she’s a beauty when she’s sleeping.” The man watching you says, taking off his cheap Halloween mask he bought from Party City. He makes a small dent in your bed, overshadowing your figure, looking at your dolled resting face as his friend sacked through your room for valuables.
“Hah! Look at this. Our little sluts got a few toys.” The man slyly says, turning around to see his friend on top of you, kissing down your half exposed body. All the while you sleep soundly, not aware of anything. “Wanna put these to good use?” The man ask, taking a vibrator out from your “secret” box from under the bed. The man shrugs, pushing up your shirt to expose your naturally perked nipples, immediately taking to sucking them dry.
“Taste so fucking sweet. Her tits taste like pound cake.” The man adds, groaning on your breast, making your face scrunch at the sensation. Meanwhile, the man at the bottom of your bed works to take your panties off. “Someone’s enjoying this- our little slut’s getting wet for us.” He slides his fingers up and down your puffy slit, stopping to massage your sweet clit. He takes his fingers and sucks them clean, feeling a rush from your taste, forgetting all about looting your house. He doesn’t wait, turning on the naughty vibrator, tapping it on your pussy to see if you react.
You wince in your sleep, folding your position to your back as your legs curl then uncurl, trying to be rid the buzzing as it tickles your nerves. “She likes it. I can’t tell if she’s asleep or just faking it~” the man at your breast adds, kissing your face, closing into your ear where he licks it, whispering dirty words as his friend teases your pussy with your vibrator.
As the vibrator hits your clit, feeding a pattern of sexual tension, you stir awake, the first thing you saw was 2 men experimenting with your pussy. “Wha-“ before you could finish your sentence the man closest to you grabs your mouth, the vibrator falling to the ground as the other man comes around to manhandle you to the wall, forcing you off the bed. “Now listen, you scream you’re gonna regret it alright you little bitch?!” The masked man spits out, grabbing another vibrator from your box. Your stomach drops as you realize what they’ve been doing to your body for who knows how long. The man kisses your cheek, moving across your face as his buddy plays with your pussy. “Just a slut aren’t you?! Getting all wet in your sleep, waking up surprised. You were waiting for us!” The man aggressively spit, finding his hand roughly slapping your pussy, the other man still holding your mouth grinding his clear hard clothed cock on your ass. “No point in screaming if you’re not screaming my name baby…making me into a rut with yout slutty ass huh? Putting on a show for me baby? Like showing off?” The man teases, pulling your nipples as you groan, giving muffled pleas as your pussy sobs with slick. A tight slap comes to your ass and pussy as the men degrade you. You look at the man holding your mouth, your eyes lidded with fear, and bubbling desire. “Like what you see? What, my little slut getting horny from getting her little tight pussy destroyed?~” “you gonna cum? Fucking cum then, do it you little whore!” He roars uncovering your mouth only to replace it with his mouth as the masked man attending to your pussy stuffs his fingers inside, keeping the vibrator on your clit.
You muffle a moan as your tongue intertwines with the unmasked man while his friend looks up at you, the rest of his face covered, his eyes being shone through the lusty moonlight. “Cum on my finger baby girl, make my fuckin’ night and cum! Cum!” You roll your eyes back, squirting out your juices on the poor vibrator and the masked man’s fingers. Above, you two break the kiss, ending with you still orgasming as the men laugh, their hands extending your orgasm by torturing your cunt. “That’s my girl! A fucking fountain!” The unmasked man shouts, stuffing his fingers inside you to extract more, making your legs shake from how sensitive you were.
“P-please, no more…to much!” You beg, squinting your eyes shut as they assault your body. “We’ve just began princess!” He says, throwing on the bed, the masked man lifting you up like it’s nothing, sitting you on top of him. “Strip my pants baby…” he whispers, leaning into your ear and nibbling it. “I said STRIP MY FUCKING PANTS!” He booms, his friend across the room, already squeezing out of his clothes, his entire body exposed. You shakily grasped his pants, unbinding his cock from his boxers, watching as it sprinted up, slapping against your wet, twitching cunt, resting against your stomach. Your eyes widen seeing his length. “H-how do you even keep that in your pants?!” You found yourself saying, you look across the room to see his naked friend with the same, if not bigger length than him, stalking towards you with a devious smirk. “It’ll work baby. Just focus on taking our cocks, for now.” He motions to your mouth, slapping his twitching, leaking cock on your lips. You feel your pussy pooling similar slick onto the masked mans’ jeans. “My cock appreciates the compliment sweetheart~” the masked man grumbles out through his deep voice. You focus on the cock that now sits on your lips, kissing his tip as he groans, clearly sensitive. “Go on baby, suck it.” You do as your told, your eyes meeting his as you shive your throat down his length all the while the masked man under you drives his cock teasingly up and down your slick cunt. “Gonna be able to take both of us baby? Gonna be good and scream our fucking names?” You nod, muffling a content ‘yes’. “Good fucking girl…” the masked man grunts, pushing his cock inside your heat, you moan in squeezing pain and pleasure as he sinks inside you, you being busy focusing on the cock that ramming into your mouth.
“Gonna fuck this pretty cunt…ugh, real good honey…” The masked man immediately goes from settling you on his cock balls deep to fucking you balls deep. You moan and shiver under the pounding you were getting from this man, making the other man’s cock twitch inside your mouth, precum coating your tongue, slipping down your face. “G-gonna cum down that pretty little throat! Take a-all my fucking seed!” The man hisses, your pussy growing more wet as his friends cock demolishes your cunt. You suck the man’s cock harder, feeling your eyes roll back and your mind grow dumb. The man thrust into your mouth, your pussy getting plowed faster as the masked man reaches for your tits, his ski mask lifted just enough so he can access your nipples. You moan and close your eyes from being overstimulated, feeling as the man cums down your throat, you hungrily swallow it up, becoming a cock drunken slut. You open your mouth, still bobbing up and down on the grunting masked mans cock. “So good for me~ not a single drop wasted~ good job baby, I should reward you for being a good girl!” The masked man gruffly laughs, eyeing his friend and ultimately stopping, popping out of you. You look behind you, confused and needy.
“Aww don’t worry babygirl, we think you did so good you deserve more than one cock filling up your little body~” the masked man says, whispering in your ears, you flip your head down to your messy, oozing cunt to see the men lined up at both on your holes. Your eyes go wide, waiting for pure extacy to ensue. You grind on the cocks, groaning as you look into their eyes.
“You gotta beg us baby, beg us to plow your holes like no tomorrow, beg us to fuck you until you can’t remember your own name.” The man adds, rubbing his cock down your slit, popping it in and out, hissing at how your walls tried to clench around him.
You look up at him, your eyes teared and drool dripping down your face. “P-please fuck my tight little cunt~ please mark my pussy with your load until I can speak, please fuck me dumb!” You beg, taking the men’s cocks and stroking them while pleading. Both men hiss and slowly thrust into your palm, shaking out of it and laughing, aiming at your holes. “Since you asked so nicely~” the masked man said, lifting you up and settling you done on his cock, his dick entering your tight little asshole slowly. His size making you arch your back, screaming. The other man follows close behind, stuffing himself balls deep inside your juicy, raw cunt. You attempt to scream, the only thing coming out is broken moans as your holes fill, your stomach presenting a small bulge where you can see their cocks. “S-so damn tight!” The men say, thrusting inside you. The pace was rough and spontaneous. Your body jerked around, moans and the smell of sex filled the air quickly. “F-feels t-to good!” You add, rolling your hips, trying to rut them to go faster. They nod, going faster, their balls slapping against you.
“Baby, your getting tight, you gonna cum?! Dirty whore, cumming already?!” The masked man screams out, taking a hold of your waist and one hand moving to your clit, you feel electric sting through your body as he rubs your clit while pouring you harder. “Yes, right there! Right there! Yes- a-a-ah f-fuck!” You moan out, cumming on the men cock. The men laugh, your lewd juices mixing with their pounding, making noises. “Oh fuck, I’m cumming!” The unmasked man that’s taking your pussy announces, you reach for your clit, rubbing it with vigor, desperate for their cum. “Fuck baby, tell me to fill your hole up! Tell me to knock that sweet womb up!” You turn your head back, still in your orgasm, kissing the man revenging your ass. “Fuck me full of cum, fuck me, fuck me, fuck!-“ before you finish your pleas the men grunt in harmony, exploding inside of you. They thrust their hips, fucking the cum deeper before slowing their hips. A slow silence falls on you all, groans and moans filling the room. The men lift you up, switching positions.
“W-wait n-no!-“ before you could protest the men roughly insert themselves back inside you, the masked man on your pussy and the other taking your ass. You shake as they do one hard pound into you, feeling the leftover cum drip down your thigh. “You didn’t think we were done yet did you? I still need a taste of this sweet ass, plant my seed everywhere on your body.” The unmasked man says, chuckling in your ear, nibbling on it as he takes you, thrashing his cock inside your ass. The masked man kisses your pussy, licking up bits of cum and your juices while stroking his cock. “Your sweet little body tired already princess?” The gruffly masked man says, pushing on your puffy clit. You moan, tears flowing down your eyes as they pounce on you. The masked man finally plowing into your pussy, stuffing the fleating cum back inside your womb. “Gotta make sure your nice and full baby.” He gruffs out, grunting as he pounds you dumb. You squirm under them, your mouth singing beautiful moans, kissing the man destroying your ass as he grips your tits, squishing them in his palms. “So fucking good, damn girl, your so fucking good!” He moans out, letting his voice get the best of him as his sensitive cock dives deeper inside your ass, you arch further at the new length both of them reach, the masked man going to your cirvix.
You feel your stomach having the familiar coil from the past lovemaking minutes. “Gonna cum again? Naughty girl, tsk, tsk, tsk.” The man below you bellows as they slow their thrust, stopping. You whine, grinding trying to create friction. “You know what you need to do sweetheart~” The masked man says, rubbing sensually against you, your walls clinging to him.
“Please fuck me, I love your cocks ramming my holes~ I wanna spray your cocks with my cum~, I need your cocks to fill my stupid cunt and asshole up with your milk~ may I please have all of your delicious cum?~” you say, looking into the masked man’s eyes, your eyes glistening as they plead with neediness and pure rut. They laugh, looking at each other before slamming back into you the masked man lifting his ski mask up to suck your lips, you moan and grind as the bubbling feeling of your climax was close. “Fucking cum like a good girl!” You cum on command, exploding your hot squirt over their cocks, splashing your juices around as they pound you through your climax. The man under you groans, feeding you his hot load after 3 long thrust. “Fuck… not gonna-“ the masked man grunts, ramming his cum deep inside your pussy, his heavy load making your stomach full. Fuck…you’re intoxicating…” the masked man whispers as his head bumps against yours, his eyes penetrating into yours. You smile, kissing his lips some more before the man under forces your face into his, kissing his lips as you roll your hips into their cocks. They unload their cocks out of your holes, leaving them to instantly leak cum. You flop onto the center of your bed, the men falling beside you smirking as they rested their heads on their hands, admiring your fucked out body. “What do you say princess?” They ask, surrounding you as you lay between them.
“Thank you~”
And to think they were here to steal from a pretty slut like you.
AN:) Hey guys, I wanted to say how happy I am we reached 200+ followers! I meant to make this post sooner but with school I find it hard to maintain a regular schedule. (I really wanted to do kinktober! (*´Д`*), anyway, thank you sm for the support and I’m glad to be making content that you guys enjoy! If you have any suggestions on what you’d like the 200+ special to be, I’m open! (If not I’ll probably end up doing a 2-part post with 2 different characters.)
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hey-kae · 1 year
request for max, if possible: you live together and your male best friend stays for like 2 days and max gets real jealous, becuase you have inside jokes and so if you‘re up to it, maybe ending in smut, but you ofc don‘t have to 😚
Got it through
Pairing: Max Verstappen x female reader
Warnings: Language, unprotected sex, fingering, oral sex (female receiving), PDA, probably has lots of mistakes.
a/n: i hope you enjoy this and i’m sorry for how long it took for me to write it. PS: my laptop deleted the proofread version but i wanted to post it still so i will proofread it again tomorrow…
When you first broke the news to Max that an old friend of yours was gonna visit the two of you over the weekend, he was excited as he always was whenever he got to meet any of the people close to you. He went grocery shopping with you and was quite helpful in helping you prepare the guest bedroom for your visitor.
One detail that you had spared him was the fact that the person visiting was your best friend, your guy best friend, so when he offered to pick him up at the airport while you finished up cooking the food you two had started preparing, you bit back a smile and agreed, giving Max a nod and a quick kiss before rushing back to the stove when a burning smell had started originating.
With that, Max disappeared out the door, keys jiggling in his hand as he got going. Meanwhile, the smile on your face was quite prominent as you envisioned Max's reaction when he would come face to face with Marc.
There was two possible outcomes to this: hell would break loose or you would get a good laugh out of it.
A while later, your phone pinged, notifying you of a message that came through. You rushed to it, wiping your hands against the apron tied around your waist before picking up the device and reading the notification.
Max: It's a he?!
You could've told me
And just like that, the most interesting days you've had in a while began.
An hour passed before they arrived home, Max trailing behind Marc with a frown on his face, watching very closely as your friend wrapped his arms around you in a tight hug that, much to your boyfriend's distaste, you returned with just as much affection. Then, as Marc followed you to the kitchen, kindly offering to lend you a hand as you sliced a loaf of bread, Max followed in his footsteps, eyeing him up and down with his fisted hands tucked in his pockets, a funny scowl never leaving his face.
"I think you should shower, mate." He said out of the blue, taking you by utter surprise while tapping Marc's shoulders with a tight-lipped smile, "Don't misunderstand me. I don't think you're dirty or smelly." He gave him a once over, "It's just what we do after being at the airport, kind of a law around our house."
Your brows furrowed as you watched Max come up with a rule on the spot, all while Marc looked immensely taken back, glancing at you from the corner of his eye, looking intimidated by your boyfriend. You could swear you saw a glimpse of fear in his eyes.
Max followed his gaze to you and you could practically see him trying not to roll his eyes.
"Come on. I will show you to the guest room and bathroom." He practically guiding Marc away from the kitchen and you had to bite back a laugh that was begging to push past your lips.
You could hear the commotion of what seemed to be Marc being clueless to how the shower works and Max explaining that to him and it went on for several minutes before you felt Max's hands plant themselves on your hips as he turned your around to face him.
"Marc, huh?" He asked, half seriously. However, despite his apparent question, he didn't give you time to answer. His lips met yours possessively in a messy kiss. It barely took seconds until his tongue was meeting yours halfway, his teeth occasionally pulling and nibbling on your lips as he trailed his hands down to your ass, squeezing it in a surprising manner that made you let out a small moan.
He took the opportunity and used the small moment of uncertainty on your part to push you up onto the counter, his body pushing your legs apart until he was stood between them, his hands kneading the inside of your thighs and holding them apart while he continued claiming your lips aggressively.
A straggled breath got stuck in your throat when his hand cupped your pussy, one finger pushing harder than the rest, applying perfect pressure onto your clothed clit.
"Max..." You gasped, you hand latching onto his hair as you head fell back and his kisses traveled down onto your neck.
"Fucking love hearing you like this, you know?" He breathlessly said.
"I know, but you have to stop. Marc might..." He didn't care for what you were saying. His slipped his hand into your pants and panties and applied teasing pressure onto your pulsating entrance, leaving you to subconsciously grind against his fingers, your body now with a mind of its own, asking him for more.
He responded with just what you needed, his thumb played and rubbed your clit as he pushed to fingers into your warm and wet pussy, your walls immediately clenching around his digits and your body arching towards him.
"Fuck." You whined and moved your hips in accordance to his fingers' thrusts, already chasing a high, a thought in the very back of your mind convincing you that you would get to come before Marc came back.
Max was desperate to prove you wrong and leave you flustered in front of your friend, therefore he kept his movements slow until the sound of the guest bathroom's lock echoed from a distance. He pulled away from you and sucked your wetness off his fingers, as you watched him breathlessly, somewhat pissed.
"Marc, my man!" He welcomed your friend back in the room, "I already can feel it, these two days are gonna be so fun!" Max's fake cheer filled the room, his cheesy smile looking very obviously fake to you as he took a seat on a chair, one leg crossed over the other with pure confidence.
The rest of the day went on fine until dinner came around and the three of you took seats around the dining table.
"So..." Max started as he ate, "How long have you known my girlfriend?" He looked at Marc, directing the question to him.
"We were like... 14 when we met. We've been friends for a while." Marc smiled at you and you smiled back before taking a much needed sip of your drink.
"Ah, 14. Right at the beginning of teenage years and shit, right?"
"Yeah!" Marc excitedly agreed, "We had so many teen adventures together. The first time we got drunk, we were together!"
Max's brow's rose in fake pleasantry as he gave you a weird smile, "You were quite naughty kids, you two!"
"Max, what?" You masked your annoyance with a giggle and started a mental countdown until this dinner was over, but it went on for way longer that it should've as Max dragged out the conversation with a fake cheer you'd never seen him have but when Marc excused himself and retreated to him room, and after cleaning everything quickly, Max practically carried you to your room, pushing you onto the bed and immediately climbing on top of you, kissing you as he slipped his hand into your shirt, yanked down the cups of your bra and pinched a nipple, making you moan into his mouth, your mind still not comprehending the quick pace Max was setting.
Within a few minutes, your clothes were scattered on the floor and he was lodged between your thighs, his tongue working its way between your folds, toying with your clit like he wanted to do that for a while. Your back was almost always arched off the bed, your eyes screwed shut as you turned into a moaning mess, the only sounds leaving your mouth besides that being begs for more.
"Max, please. Please, more." You whined, pulling on his hair as you firmly held you down on the mattress.
"Be specific, baby." He teased, swiping his tongue slowly up and down, teasing your entrance then sucking on your clit again, leaving you breathless.
"Your fingers, please."
"What about them?" He acted clueless.
"Max, i want you to fuck me with your fingers, i want them inside me." You sternly said, having had enough of his shit.
He smirked at your demanding tone, held your legs apart and pushed in two fingers that were quick to disappear into your soaking wet pussy.
A loud moan left your mouth and you immediately got lost in the pleasure he was giving you, the feeling bubbling inside you almost euphoric that the moans just kept coming, some of them riskily high in volume.
Your eyes screwed tight-shut and your head dug back into the mattress as your hands clamped over your mouth to muffle the sounds that you had practically lost control over. Just in time, Max glanced up at you and instantly disliked what you were doing.
"Let me hear you, babe." He sternly instructed.
"Max, Marc could hear." You pushed the words past your heavy breaths and locked eyes with him in warning.
"I swear to fucking God, I'll stop all this and leave you whining and begging." He spoke with determination and you could almost see his anger bubbling, "Take your hands off your mouth."
Just like that, your hands were back clutching onto the sheets as Max's fingers continued being thrusted into your contracting pussy, giving you an orgasm that left you writhing on the bed, breathing heavily as you struggled to regain your composure since your boyfriend's tongue was immediately lapping at your clit after that first release, eager to bring you to another, more powerful one, the only thought on his mind being making this night as uncomfortable as possible for Marc.
He moved his tongue up and down your slit, then teased your entrance with it, pushing it into your pussy a little more every time until your hands dug through his hair and you forced him into a consistent movement. Max also didn't hesitate to put his fingers to use, toying and playing slowly with your clit as if he was doing it for his own enjoyment.
"Fuck, i'm gonna cum again." You whimpered and Max had to resist the urge to smirk immediately. Instead, he guided you through your orgasm, taking ultimate pleasure in the pornographic moans leaving your mouth as your body trashed beneath him.
"That's it, let go." He reassured and he moved a hand up to pinch your erect nipple. The pleasure exploded in the pit of your stomach and your back arched off the bed as you released once again.
Max shifted his gaze toward you with a hidden smirk on his face and judging only by his expression and the glimmer in his eyes, you knew this would be a long night, one that would only go up from here, and as the hours rolled, you figured out you were right.
Several other orgasms later and after various different positions Max had you in, you found yourself exhausted, face down on the bed, your hands desperately gripping onto the pillows in front of you while your moans turned to whimpers as Max pushed into you repeatedly and at a perfect pace, feeling you clench onto his cock every time he hit your sensitive spot with a steady pace until you came again and he released inside you with a loud, straggled moan before he collapsed beside you on the mattress.
"Fuck." You exhaled as you relaxed your body and turned to face your panting boyfriend, the look on your face lazy and worn out. You just laid there in your post orgasm calm, blinking slowly and catching your breath until Max pulled you closer and wrapped his arm around you, giving your forehead a kiss and combing his fingers through your tangled hair.
"What was all that about?" You chuckled and held tighter onto him.
His eyes closed as he let out a small laugh, replacing an actual answer with three simple words, "I love you."
"I love you too, Max." You pushed yourself up and kissed his lips then proceeded to sit up, "I need a shower, i'll be back in a little." You explained to him and left the bed in search of your towels and bath essentials then rushed to the bathroom connected to the bedroom.
Just as you were closing the door, Max's head poked through, a silly smile on his face.
"I'm joining, babe."
The next morning, as you woke up in Max's arm, the fact that your friend was visiting seemed to be completely off your mind but as you fiddled around the room, grabbing something to wear, it washed over you that Marc could've heard at least part of last night's shenanigans. How could he not when the aftermath, even hours later, was shaky legs?
You pulled some comfortable clothes on and jumped back into the bed, shaking Max awake.
"Max, wake up." You patted his bare back in urgency, "Max! C'mon."
"Good morning to you too." He groaned into his pillow, burying himself further under the sheets.
"Max, what if Marc heard us?" You gave in and laid on his back, asking the question right into his ear.
With his eyes still shut, he laughed at that. The fucker laughed and suddenly you understood why he insisted you don't muffle the sounds yesterday.
"Oh my fucking god, you did not!" You swatted his shoulder, "How am i supposed to look him in the eye now?" Just like that, you were back on your feet.
"I don't care. For all i know, i would have gotten it through, that he has no chance with you."  He boasted and he turned onto his back, "Plus, i was enjoying your sounds too much for you to hold them back for that guy's comfort. This is our place after all."
Your thoughts started racing and for a minute, deep down, you had to admit that the situation was amusing in some twisted way, even more to you than it was to Max but you let that go for now. It was gonna be embarrassing nonetheless to spend the day with Marc now. Deep down you still had hope you would get away with this, that he didn't hear a single thing. Maybe he was the kind of people that slept with earbuds in or something of that sort.
Clinging onto that hope, you emerged out of the room and made your way to the kitchen, needing a cup of coffee. Thankfully, the kitchen was still empty and quiet, warm with soft sunshine peaking through the window.
As soon as the coffee machine was on, you peaked your head into the hallway, checking for any traces that Marc might've woken up, but his bedroom door was still shut and no sounds were heard from him.
Taking a seat by the kitchen table, you pulled out your phone to keep yourself occupied, scrolling through your social media pages and the various posts on there until Max, now dressed in sweats and a t-shirt, joined you in the kitchen with a stupid grin on his face.
The minutes passed and before you knew it, you heard Marc's door unlock, the sound quickly being followed by the one of his footsteps in the hallway.
"Max, don't make him uncomfortable, okay?" You warned your boyfriend in a rushed whisper and received a smirk from him just as Marc walked in.
"Uhh," he stared weirdly at the difference between your expression and Max's, "hello- Good morning, i mean." Marc scratched the back of his head in discomfort.
"Good morning, mate!" Max cheerily said, leaving his chair and walking toward your friend, "You slept well?" He patted his shoulder in a bit of a too rough greeting.
You flashed him a glare immediately but it went unnoticed.
"Yeah, i slept okay." Marc took a few steps away from Max's towering figure. It really wasn't helping, the fact that Max was quite taller than him.
"Marc, do you still take your coffee black?" You left your mug on the table and got up to serve your guest.
"Black is fine." He replied shortly with a tight lipped smile so you poured him a cup and the three of you sat in the kitchen for a while.
It was safe to say that breakfast was the most uncomfortable of your life. Max's hand was firm on your thigh every time you sat and every time you got up, he found an excuse to then allowed his hands to wander either to your waist or shoulders. He was being touchier than he has ever been and Marc was obviously noticing the clinginess, his body language portraying easily how uncomfortable he felt, especially since Max wasn't sparing him of the quick smirks and challenging eyes he repeatedly shot his way.
Luckily, Marc had a few things to do around the city throughout the day so he left the apartment shortly after breakfast, leaving you and Max alone to lounge around, the laziness only interrupted for an hour when Max decided to work out and you decided yo watch him, what mildly turned you on, leading to a bit of making out on the living room couch, only to be startled by the doorbell just as it started getting heated.
"Fucking hell..." Max groaned into your mouth and sat up, reaching for a cushion to hide his boner as you fixed your shirt and got up to open the door.
Obviously, Marc was stood there, smiling with takeout containers in his hands, his smile turning awkward when he took notice of your messy hair, plump lips and Max's weird sitting position.
"I brought lunch, i guess." He treaded in carefully.
"Thank you, Marc! You really didn't have to." You thanked as you walked behind him, attempting to fix your hair with your hands.
"Oh, it's nothing!" He reassured.
Minutes later, the three of you were gathered around the dining table, eating and chatting, the latter only being done occasionally to break the silence.
"Thanks for the food, mate." Max, the first to finish eating thanked and got up, "I think I'm gonna take a nap. I slept awful last night." He excused himself and left the room.
You quickly took notice of Marc’s blushing face.
Silence reigned until it could be heard that Max was in the room with the door closed. That’s when Marc started talking again.
“Girl, i though you were getting murdered last night! He can’t be that good, right?”
“Shit, i’m so so sorry. We just got a bit carried away. I think he sees you as a competition and wants to prove a point.” You rubbed at your forehead in embarrassment.
“Wait…” Marc dragged the word on, “You didn’t tell him?”
“No! I didn’t know if you wanted me to! You’re not out to many people yet and i didn’t want to cross any boundaries.” You explained yourself and watched Marc burst out laughing.
“Oh my god.” He wheezed, “This is fucking hilarious! And i was out here thinking why the fuck he was almost groping you.” He leaned back in his chair, holding his stomach as he laughed.
“Oh, shut up!” You pouted away a smile, “You want me to tell him? That’s okay with you?”
“Yeah, that’s okay! But this is funny, honestly. Wait until i leave and tell him.”
And just like that you had a deal.
Over the next two days that Marc was staying for, Max got more and more possessive but that was only because your friend was also going out of his way to act extra affectionate towards you, for example ruffling your hair as he passed by you, or putting on your favorite songs while he helped you cook.
Then, Marc would be struggling to contain his laughter when after those acts, Max would pull you onto his lap while watching movies in the evening and kiss you for a bit too long when he left for the bathroom.
The day Marc left, as he was saying his goodbyes and thank yous, he whispered quickly in your ear to let him know how Max reacts and right them and there, you almost lost it and burst out in laughter but you bit your tongue and pushed the urge away, watched the firm handshake Max was giving Marc with a glare and a smirk on his face.
When he shut the door and turned towards you, he was quick to complain again.
“Even his name is fucking similar to mine.” He huffed and started walking back to the living room.
Smiling, you trailed after him slowly.
“Max…” you started, dragging his name on.
“What’s with the tone?” He sat on the couch and gestured for you to join him.
Taking a seat by him, you spoke: “I need to tell you something.”
With an anxious look now on his face, he told you to continue.
“Marc is gay.” You giggled and watched his expression change into disbelief.
“No.” He said in surprise.
“Yes, babe.” You burst out laughing.
“That’s not funny. You should’ve told me.” He pouted.
You moved onto his lap and wrapped your arms around his neck.
“Oh, c’mon. It’s kinda funny.”
“No, it’s not.”
“It is.” You kissed his pouting lips, laughing a bit into the kiss.
“It kinda is. And i like it when you’re jealous.” You reassured between pecks.
“You do?” He smiled slightly.
“I do.”
“I can still be jealous, you know?”
You tried arguing that there was no excuse for him to be now but as he carried you to the bedroom, he insisted that he could still act as if he was, a suggestion you agreed on quickly, feeling him start to kiss your neck.
“It’s kinda funny though, right?” You tried again as he pushed the bedroom door open then laid you down on the bed.
“It’s not.” He kissed you deeply, biting on your lip, “and i suggest you stop saying it is so you don’t make our next activities” he smirked, “harder for yourself.”
Laughing, you nodded and relaxed into the kiss, knowing that the past few days were something you’d remember forever and that Max would start to find the humor in their happenings soon enough.
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rafestar · 1 year
I have this idea and I gotta tell someone, so yk those push pop candy’s. Well y/n eats one and takes the whole length out and sucks it and Rafe looks or drew and they think of their divk. And get horny so uh idk after like bang bang they do that and uh idk
TRY ME | Rafe Cameron
WARNINGS: +18 smut, oral sex (female receiving), sex without protection, hair pulling, dirty talk, etc
SUMMARY: reader teases rafe with a candy during dinner with their families.
A/N: thank you for the request love, i hope you like it. english isn’t my first language, if there’s any mistakes i will gladly welcome any advice or help, enjoy♡
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"Choose one"
After finishing dinner at the Camerons' house, we all stayed at the table talking. While our parents were arguing about their things, Wheezie was handing out candy to me and Sarah.
“This one looks tasty.” I pointed to the strawberry push pop.
"It is! I'll take one too” exclaimed little Cameron. "You can also take some Rafe"
He on the other hand was in his own world, probably high, drunk, whatever.
“I'm not 13 years old to keep eating that shit” Even though he was looking down, clearly using his phone, I could see him rolling his eyes.
“Rude” I spoke.
Rafe, who was in front of me, for the first time tonight glanced up at something other than his phone or his food.
His intimidating look made me shift in my chair.
I never had any kind of contact with him, despite the fact that i was always at his house since Sarah is my best friend and our parents are also very good friends.
I could see from his look that he was throwing daggers at me. "No one was talking to you”.
And before looking down again I could see how he articulated "whore" before continuing on his phone.
Ignoring him, I continued my conversation with the two sisters while we sucked on our candies.
"I really don't know what to do, Topper is a good boy…”
“We already know you like Jo-“ Sarah covered Wheezie's mouth as I laughed.
"Wheezie!" Sarah whispered-screamed.
The three of us laughed until I noticed someone burning me alive with his eyes.
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw that Rafe's eyes were riveted on my lips. A smile gross on my face and I decided to try something.
I foolishly licked the top of the treat, carefully running my lips over the tip so only he would notice. I pushed the long candy until it was all in my mouth.
Meanwhile, I was still deep in conversation with Sarah, but I could clearly hear Rafe complaining and sometimes I'd side eye to see him squirming in his seat.
Until suddenly he pushed his seat back and got up hitting the table and knocking over a couple of glasses. "Shit…"
One of the drinks that fell was Sarah's. "What's wrong with you!"
"Fuck off Sarah." Rafe left the room without giving another backward glance.
"Words!" Rose yelled after continuing to drink her wine. "This kids…"
Everyone looked at each other strangely, less clearly me.
"Maybe he has an emergency," Ward justified.
Yes, an emergency.
Hiding my smile, I turned to continue my conversation, as everyone else did.
It took a while until everyone decided to go to the tables outside, since the weather was very good to be in the garden.
While my mom and Rose went on about their business, Ward and Dad talked about their jobs. Wheezie, Sarah and I were just laying on the floor looking at the stars.
The breeze got cooler and my skin got goosebumps since I was only wearing a sundress.
“Do you mind if I go upstairs to get a sweatshirt in your room,” I asked Sarah.
"It’s okay”.
I gave them a smile before getting up and brushing some of the grass off the skirt of my dress and headed inside the house.
I closed the door behind me and everything was pretty quiet. I made my way to the stairs until I felt a tug on my arm that took me to the kitchen.
Before I was going to scream, Rafe turned me around and covered my mouth with his big hand.
My eyes looked at him terrified, since from his look, he looked quite furious.
Looking sideways at the curtain-covered window, I saw our parents share a few laughs.
Rafe grabbed my jaw hard to direct my gaze to him.
"W-What do you want?" I whispered.
Rafe ran his tongue up the inside of his cheek before letting out a mocking laugh. "What do I want?"
Rafe grabbed my waist to lean me against the counter, and that's when I felt it. Against my stomach, I could feel how hard he was. My eyes flicked down and I saw how big he looked behind his jeans.
"I have something for you" my eyes widened in surprise.
Rafe rummaged through his pockets until he pulled out the same candy I was eating an hour ago.
“Thank you but I already ate one…”
My body was still trapped between his and the counter. His hip pressed hard against my stomach to keep feeling him. I watched as his long fingers removed the plastic from the long candy before taking it to his mouth. I saw how a trace of saliva was left on the candy when it came out of his mouth.
I felt like I had a pool inside my underwear. I couldn't help but get turned on by it. My cheeks turned hot pink as my gaze moved from his lips to his eyes. I guess he sensed my arousal, since with his free hand, he grabbed my waist for stability. My knees were shaking and if it wasn't for his touch, I'd probably be on the ground by now.
A lopsided smile appeared on his face, and his eyes sparkled a light blue.
He directed the sweet towards my closed lips, and outlined them inside. “Stick out your tongue”.
With his hand holding the candy, my tongue ran over the stick. His head tilted to the side and his eyes darkened as he followed my movements.
For a moment my movements stopped when Rafe introduced all the candy into my mouth.
"Push your lips against it and don’t let it fall" I did as he told me and his hands fell to my thighs.
He pushed me up onto the counter, squeezing the bare skin peeking out from under the skirt of my dress.
His hot breath felt against my face as he moved closer to me, looking closer into my eyes.
"I'm going to fuck you with that damn candy in your mouth."
My pupils dilated with desire, and I didn't take my gaze from him.
His hands trailed up the hem of my dress to my underwear and ripped it open. My eyes widened in shock and my hands clenched against the counter.
Rafe brushed my hair back and began to kiss the exposed skin of my neck. My head fell against the wall and my back arched. His cold hands ran over my neck and arms, caressing me gently. He slowly lower the straps of my dress until my breasts were exposed.
His hot kisses went down to one of my breasts, licking and biting through the center of my areola. Not leaving the other unattended, he massaged my nipple into a squeeze that made me jump to the edge of the counter.
He did the same steps with my other breast. His kisses trailed down my thighs, taking small bites and leaving marks on my sensitive skin. His big hands gripped my thighs, and I began to feel him kiss my core. His kisses were soft and his licks were soft.
He sucked all the folds in my core, before inserting his tongue. My legs trembled at that, and I could feel him smile against my intimacy. His tongue came out and went back to licking softly over the rest, before taking my clit between his teeth.
Saliva dripped down the side of my mouth as I clenched the candy hard.
I was near my peak of arousal until Rafe came back up. "Even sweeter than that fucking sweet."
My frown showed my frustration and he smiled at that.
His hands unbuttoned his pants and lowered his boxers a little, and the great bulge of him finally came out. My eyes widened at the size of him, and saliva kept dribbling from my mouth. His thumb wiped me clean before taking his hand to himself and massaging it a few times.
Without warning he entered me and my eyes squeezed shut. My whimpering over the candy and his growling were silent, since the only thing that separated us from our families was a simple window.
I opened my eyes and couldn't flinch at the image in front of me. Rafe's head was thrown back as his bare arms held the kitchen counter to the sides of my body.
"Jesus christ… how can you be so fucking tight Y/N” he sighed, before pulling out of me a bit and resting his forehead against mine.
My eyes looked at him and with my hands I grabbed his waist and pushed him back into me. His moan rumbled inches from my face.
His hand moved up to my hair and he squeezed hard before beginning to thrust hard and fast. We had both grown used to each other's size.
His onslaught made our skins crash against each other. Rafe brought his head to my neck as he gasped. Tickles turned my stomach.
"Your walls were made for me," he murmured against my neck.
His other hand gripped my thigh tightly as his thrusts followed the same quick, hard motion.
My walls began to contract against him, and my lips were sore from pressing against the sweet. Rafe came out of my neck and with the hand he had wrapped in my hair, he grabbed the candy and tossed it to the side.
Our lips immediately collided kissing hard.
His kisses were wet and passionate. Continuing with his thrusts, his fingers quickly massaged my clit.
Rafe contracted inside me without stopping to move. “Shit, Y/N…”
Hearing my name come out of it in such a pornographic way, was what made me break.
We both got to touch our highs and euphoria ran through our blood as he came inside me.
His thrusts ceased but his kisses never stopped. Our tongues were still tangled and our breaths felt rough.
Rafe leaned his forehead against mine as the kiss broke, both of us trying to catch our breaths.
I opened my eyes and Rafe was already looking into mine. Before we broke apart and helped me down from the counter, he kissed me again, but this time was in a sweet way.
He helped me clean up and walked me back to the garden where our families were.
I expected him to stay, but he didn't even say goodbye and he just walked out of the garden before getting on his bike and driving off.
Does he regret it?
It was just sex, but still. A bit of guilt coursed through me as I sat down next to Sarah.
I just fucked her brother.
My best friend's brother.
Sarah snapped me out of my thoughts. "And the sweatshirt?"
"Oh um..."
taglist: @cecespeach @poguesworld @fullkookrafe
tell me if u want to be added ♡
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sabosbabygirl · 6 months
A Special Christmas
Gojo x Geto x female reader
NSFW, +18, 3 Sum, Sex, Cream Pie, Smut
2.3K Words; Green is Geto, Blue is Gojo
You receive a text message from Gojo: “Come to the bedroom. Your Christmas gift is waiting for you ;)”. You smile at the text message. Work has been stressful lately: long shifts, all nighter, horrible bosses, etc. All you want to do is be with the one you love: Gojo. You weren’t sure what the gift would be. Neither of you really discuss what to get each other since you both go out of our guys' way to get each other's stuff at random times. Regardless, you will be happy. Gojo knows you better than anyone, so whatever gift it is, you know it will be amazing. 
Later that night: 
You arrive home. There’s candles lit, candy canes everywhere, mistletoe hanging, and even string lights. It was like Christmas came to your house and threw up but it was beautiful. You head to the bedroom, like Gojo told you and open the door. 
You stand there with your eyes wide. Gojo was laying on the bed facing the door with nothing on but a candy cane thong on and at the foot of the bed was Geto. Geto was tied up with strong Christmas lights and a tiny cloth over his cock. 
“I read your aO3 and your tumblr page,” Gojo said, “Based on what I read you seem to like 3 sums," he looks up at you and sticks a candy cane in his mouth. Geto was smirking, looking you up and down. 
“Now, how about you be a good girl and go put on something sexy and quick. We are hungry and you are the only thing on the menu tonight,” Gojo says smiling and winking. Geto licks his lips looking at you. His eyes follow you as you walk into the bathroom. 
After a few minutes of deep breathing in the bathroom and refreshing up, you come out in your sexy red Christmas lingerie. I got it specifically for this moment, although you didn’t think there’d be an extra person, let alone Geto. 
Geto mutters under his breath, “fuck…” when he sees you come out. The sexy red Christmas lingerie hugs tightly to your thick figure. 
Gojo blushes slightly, “mmmm, you never disappoint y/n,” he says smiling and biting his lip. 
Gojo sits up on the bed, “Now how about you show us the things you want to do…show us how naughty you truly are," he says in a challenging way. “Start with Geto. I want to see you ride him,”  Gojo says in an eager tone. 
You nod and go over to Geto who is tied up in the chair at the foot of the bed in string lights. 
“Don’t untie me,” Geto says in a demanding voice. “I want to struggle,” Geto says, smirking. 
You bite your lip and remove the cloth from Geto’s lap revealing his 7.5 inch, slightly curved, bit tipped cock. His cock is semi hard. You kneel down and lick the shaft of his cock all the way to the tip. Geto moans quietly, meanwhile Gojo bites his lip watching you. You look into Geto’s piercing black eyes and wrap your mouth around his cock, sucking just the tip like it was a lollipop. Geto smiles in a very sexy, horny way. Gojo’s hand goes to his cock, feeling himself get hard while watching you suck Geto’s tip. 
“Let me see you take the whole thing, y/n,” Geto says while biting his lip. You give him the devilish eyes and your mouth moves all the way down his shaft. The slight curve hits your uvula causing saliva to form over his cock. 
“MMMM that’s a girl. Keep taking me,” Geto demands, watching you with lustful eyes. Gojo begins stroking his own cock, slowly, the eagerness rising inside him. 
Your mouth starts sucking his cock up and down. Your tongue feels the veins on his shaft. His cock gets harder in your mouth and Geto lets out a low moan. The only sound filling the room is the sloppy blow job and the desire both men feel for you. Gojo moans quietly while he strokes his cock watching you suck his best friend’s cock. 
“MMMMMM. You were right Gojo, her pretty mouth is quite good,” Geto says, his eyes never leaving you. “How about you sit on my cock for a little bit. Let me stretch that pussy before we get into some fun,” Geto smirks. You slide your mouth off his cock, saliva dripping slightly from your lips. You stand and remove your slightly wet thong. Geto watches you, “Put your thong in my mouth. I want to taste you,” he says with his mouth open. Gojo bites his lip harder and strokes himself a little faster, careful not to go overboard so he doesn’t cum yet.
You stick your thong in Geto’s mouth like a good girl. You see Geto suck on your slightly wet thong, causing your stomach to flip. His eyes then go to his cock back to your face, telling you to sit. 
“Sit on him babe….please,” Gojo says while stroking his cock. You bite your lip and lower yourself onto Geto’s lap. His cock slides into your wet pussy. The curve and big tip stretch you open. You moan slightly as you feel his cock hitting your g spot. Geto continues sucking on your thong while his eyes flutter slightly as he feels your wet pussy. 
“Oh God!! Ride him,”  Gojo moans as he strokes his cock faster and stops himself from edging too much. You start bouncing on Geto’s cock. All the way to where just the tip remains in your pussy and all the down so that his entire shaft is in you. Your pussy gets wetter each time you move up and down his shaft. Geto moans and spits out your thong. His head tilts back and eyes close. “FUCK!! Gojo!! You weren’t kidding. Y/n, rides sooo fucking good,” he moans. 
Gojo watches the scene play out, licking his lips and taking off the candy cane thong he had on. His cock is 8 inches, long, medium size tip and his happy trail as white as the hair on his head. 
Geto groans as you continue riding him. You feel your pussy pulsate and your nipples harder slightly. Geto leans in and puts his mouth to one of your breasts. His tongue feels your hard nipple through the fabric. You moan, “Geto” quietly. Geto looks up at you and starts sucking your hard nipple through the fabric. Your eyes roll back and you feel yourself ride him a little faster. 
“There you go baby,” Gojo says while watching you two. 
Geto pulls his head away from your breast. “MMM, I can’t take this…I think it’s time we show you your fantasy,” Geto says while breaking his hands free from the string lights and lifting you off his cock. 
Your eyes widen as Geto tosses you on the bed. Gojo pulls the rest of your sexy red Christmas lingerie off. 
“Get on all fours now, y/n,” Gojo demands. You listen and get on all fours on the bed. Gojo takes rope from the head posts and ties them to your hands. Geto does your ankles with the rope of the feet of the bed posts. 
“So you don’t squirm or try to get away. You stuck in that position until we cum,” Geto says in an evilish, sexy tone. 
Gojo leans down to you and kisses your lips. He pulls away and traces your lips with his thumb. “Open your slutty mouth for me baby,” he says while his cock gets closer to your mouth. 
The excitement builds inside you. You only ever read about 3 sums, but to experience one with your boyfriend and his best friend, who happens to be sexy, you are in a dream. You open your mouth and Gojo sticks his cock inside. Moving his cock in and out; in a slow and sensual manner. Feeling your tongue and hot saliva against his long and hard cock. His hands are on your head, his fingers massaging your earlobes. 
Geto smiles at the interaction before touching your clit with his fingers. Your bold jolts by the surprise but a moan escapes your mouth as you feel his long fingers teasing your clit, moving it back and forth, up and down and in different motions. He slides his fingers inside, “Damn you are so fucking wet. Such a sexy pussy,” he says as he pulls his fingers out and tastes his fingers, humming as he tastes your wetness. 
Gojo thrusts his cock deeper into your mouth causing you to gag slightly and drool appear. “Just how I like it, baby. Sloppy. Such a slut,” Gojo says as he continues sliding his cock in and out of your mouth. His hands are gripping your head tighter. 
You feel Geto slap your ass as he slides his cock into your pussy. You feel his cock all the way, causing your stomach to twitch. “FUCKKKKKK!! Your wet pussy is already tight again. Don’t worry I will loosen it,” he smiles while he thrusts in and out of you. The curve of his cock feels different in this position, it feels more pleasurable and addicting. 
Gojo looks at Geto, “Shall we give her a show? Show her the true meaning of being fucked brainlessly?” Geto nods, “Yes. Let’s make y/n, more of slut. Perhaps that will teach her about the true meaning of a 3 sum.” 
You feel your body heat rise. Something about being called a slut by both and having both their cocks in you…amazing. 
Gojo grins and his hands go to your throat, gently squeezing. “Let us do the work,” Gojo says. “Your body's for our pleasure tonight,” Geto says as he starts humping you faster. You feel his hips pound into your ass and his cock reach a new level inside your pussy. Instantaneously, Gojo starts thrusting into your mouth faster and faster. The grip he has on your neck tightens slightly. His cock hits your uvula repeatedly. 
Geto’s hands squeeze your hips as he thrusts in and out of your soaking pussy. “Y/N, your pussy is getting more wet by the minute,” he says, slapping your ass hard, leaving a red mark. You try to moan but Gojo’s cock is stuffing your mouth. The sound of your saliva sloshing over his cock is the all that you can hear and him moaning, “Fuck. Fuck. Your mouth is sooo fucking warm, baby.” He pushes his cock into your mouth and slows his pace, feeling your warm tongue on his shaft. His hands move to your shoulders, massaging slightly as his head falls back. 
Geto shoves his cock deep inside you and stays there for a second while bringing one of his hands to your clit and massaging your clit in circles with his long fingers while his cock rests inside your wet pussy. You can feel his cock pulsate inside you and your clit heats up against his fingers. Your legs twitch. Geto moans and leans down biting your ass cheek. 
Gojo grins at Geto and nods. Both men pull their cocks out from your mouth and pussy. You feel empty. You look up at Gojo, “Please…Please..Keep fucking me,” you whine. 
Gojo looks down at you and smirks, “Oh? You will be getting more, my pretty slut.” Gojo and Geto switch spots. Geto’s cock is covered in some of your juices and his precum. Geto lifts your chin up and he black eyes examine you and he leans in to your ear, “I’m going to fucking destroy your mouth,” he says, kissing your cheek. 
Gojo plays with your clit with his cock, causing your clit to twitch. He leans against your body and shoves his cock deep inside you. “AAAMMMM” you moan out. Geto grins down at you, “Open your mouth, beautiful” he says, his hand still on your chin. You open your mouth, eager to take his cock again. He pushes is cock inside your mouth. You roll your eyes back. 
You feel them both fuck you. Gojo fucking your pussy fast, his hands rubbing your ass. Geto fucking your mouth, his hands holding your head forcefully. 
Your entire body feels amazing with them thrusting in you. You want this. You dreamed about it and read all the different fanfics. But to experience it was completely different. And the fact that this was Gojo’s gift to you. The man hated when other men flirted with you, but here he was. Allowing his best friend to fuck you. 
Gojo picks up the pace. His cock shoving in and out of your pussy. Each time he entered it felt like he was pushing further into you. Your stomach did a flip. Geto matched Gojo’s speed and your eyes started to tear up. His cock was hitting your mouth hard and the sound of you gagging was not heard among their moans. 
“YES!! YESSS!! Y/N!! I’m going to cum inside your mouth,” Geto shouted out. 
“MMMMMM, my fucking slut. My babygirl. Damn your pussy feels good. HMMMM!! I’m going to fill you up,” Gojo moaned. 
They were at their peak. You felt them entering in and out of you at such a high pace that the bed was squeaking, the moans were louder and your body felt like a rag doll being tossed around. You closed your eyes tightly while drooling from your mouth was going all over the bed. By far the sloppiest head you had ever given. Your pussy started to leak, you felt your clit squirt on Gojo’s cock inside you. That caused him to go crazier. Fucking you harder and harder. His tip smashing your g spot with so much force. 
“AAA!! AAA!!! AAA!!! AAA!!!” were the only sounds you could make out with Geto’s cock stuffing your mouth. 
“OOHH FUCCCCKKKKKK!!!!!!!!” Both men release into you. Gojo fills your pussy up more than a Boston Creme doughnut and Geto fills your mouth up like cream puff. 
“AAAAAA!!” Gojo yells while pulling out of you. His cum and your cum ooze out of your pussy and down your thigh. 
“Swallow,” Geto says as he pulls his cock out of your mouth. You swallow, tasting his salty yet sweet cum. 
“Good girl,” Geto says, while brushing drool off your mouth with his thumb. 
Gojo rests his head on your ass, “MMM, you never disappoint baby. I hope you enjoyed your gift. Maybe we can make this a regular thing” he said, exhausted. 
“I don’t mind having y/n’s mouth on my cock more often,” Geto says, brushing a strand of hair back. 
Both men untie the rope on your wrists and ankles. Your body is weak but you feel happy and beyond satisfied. Never did you think it would feel this good. 
Gojo looks at you and picks you up. Geto stands and goes to the bathroom to start the shower. 
“Now let's wash up and then the three of us can cuddle,” Gojo says, kissing your forehead and taking you to the shower. 
Hands down best Christmas ever!!!
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teaandransacking · 1 year
In response to the Lockwood x reader smut I think that the “we might die tonight” concept is good thank youuuu
Hi! I hope you like this.
fever dream high in the quiet of the night
Pairing: Anthony Lockwood x female reader ~ Words: 1600 ~ content: heavy petting, swearing, sexual tension
a/n: let's agree that Lockwood is 18 or over for the purposes of this fic, ok? ok thanks.
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The room is very still around you.
You wish Lucy and George were here, but they’re back at Portland Row, recovering from rapier wounds. Barely a scratch, Lucy insisted, but Lockwood won’t have anyone working unless they’re at full health.
That should count you out, really. You’re never at full health around him. He’s as distracting and frustrating as he is magnetic. You could just as likely kiss him as punch his stupidly handsome face. Most of the time you think you’d choose to do both simultaneously.
Lockwood eventually shrugs off his coat. You’re in the third (?) sitting room of this manor house in Surrey, waiting for the clock to strike seven. That, according to your clients, is when the Visitors arrive. It’s quarter past six - you’re always early, and for once, Lockwood is, too.
“Getting comfy, are we?” you snark.
He folds his long body into the armchair, and you have to resist looking at his lap. You could easily curl yourself up on it.
He lifts one shoulder in a half shrug. “We should rest while we have the chance. We’ll need our strength later, especially with our reduced numbers.”
You swallow. “Yeah. We’ve got this, though.”
He meets your gaze and nods one, decisively. “We’ll do admirably.” He stretches, and you almost miss it - the tiny wince that passes over his face.
He’s still in pain from the gunshot wound.
It was months ago, but-
Your throat goes tight to think of it. How you and Lucy and George closed ranks around him. How his eyes seemed so dim when he finally opened them. How limp he was.
You must make some sound of disquiet, because his eyes narrow and as always, he sees too much. “Are you all right?”
He smiles, a little. “I’ll allow that I don’t know a huge amount about girls, but I do know when when they say fine like that, they’re far from it.”
You fold your arms over your chest. “You’re a massive hypocrite, you know that? You force Lucy and George to stay at home and rest, and meanwhile, your shoulder isn’t even fully healed.”
Something flashes across his face - vulnerability or pain, you can’t tell. “It’s fine.”
“Oh, and now who’s insisting they’re fine when they’re not?” You hiss, stalking over to him.
He stands from the chair, his face murderous. “You do not get to be in charge here. It’s my name on the door. I am responsible for all of you.”
“Yes! A job that, might I remind you, you cannot complete if you are dead!”
The word comes out in a sob and, startling yourself, you crumple against him.
His arms come around you instantly, and he gently tugs you down into the chair, urging your legs up so you are curled in his lap. You panic for a second but manage to arrange your rapier so it doesn’t stab either of you.
“You have a fucking death wish, don’t you, you prick,” you try to snap, but the seeing as you’re half-crying, the words don’t have the desired effect.
“Believe it or not, I fear death much more these days, now I have the three of you,” Lockwood says softly, pressing a kiss to your hair.
You freeze, and something in the air crackles.
You’ve never been alone together like this before. There’s always someone else in the house, or you’re walking somewhere - Tesco, Arif’s shop - and suddenly the yawning pit of need that constantly lives inside you around Lockwood opens its maw and begs.
“Can’t you just stay home just once?” you murmur into the soft, clean cotton of his dress shirt. “Just stay safe, for fucking once.”
“I’d be a pretty poor agency head if I did, darling.”
It’s the first time he’s used the endearment and it turns everything inside you to liquid. 
You lift your face and see that he’s gazing down at you, his dark eyes lust-blown, and he’s so tempting and so close. You slide your hand up his chest, cup his cheek. “Every time we do this, we court death. And I don’t want to die before we’ve had the chance to live.”
He inhales sharply at your words, and then his hands - warm and rapier-callused - cup your face and he captures your mouth a kiss.
It’s soft and sweet at first, then hungrier, deeper. Your tongues tangle. He tastes of bergamot and marmalade and it’s both exotic and comforting, and his mouth is pliable and delicious. You have limited time, so despite the fact you could kiss him for hours, days, you want more.
He makes a sad little sound when you break the kiss, and that alone makes you want to dive back in. 
Instead, you shift upwards, move to straddle his lap. When you next look down at him, his gaze is fixed on you, his eyes as black as night. He looks at you as if you personally hung the moon and every single star, and it’s heady, these feelings he always stirs inside you.
His hands slide down to your hips, pulling your body flush against his, and oh. He is definitely as into this as you are. 
His throat bobs as he swallows, and then he says, thickly, “Dreamed about this. Being near you. Like this.”
Your heart clenches. “Me, too,” you admit. You glance at the door. You’ll have to go out there soon. Endanger your life. Lockwood will protect you with his. You know it without a doubt.
“Hey,” he begins, and then he whispers your name in that low, buttery smooth voice. “Just be here with me. Don’t think about anything else.”
You almost snark back that he finally has a good idea, but this moment is perfect. You don’t want to ruin it, so you dip your head and kiss him, let your hands start to work on the knot of his tie. It slides through your hands, silky smooth, and then you’re deepening the kiss, plundering his mouth while your slip one, two, three of his shirt buttons through the tiny eyelets, then spread your greedy palms over the smooth, warm skin of his chest.
He groans into your mouth, and it’s a powerful thing, to rob Anthony bloody Lockwood of words, but then you find that any possible clever quip is stolen at your own mouth as his hands burrow under your jumper and cup your breasts through the bra. You arch into his touch, and he mutters something like “perfection” against your lips as he caresses you.
You grind into each other on the wide, soft armchair. He’s hard where you’re soft, and the pressure is exquisite. Impatient, you reach behind yourself, under your sweater, to unclip your bra, and when Lockwood feels the cups release and your bare skin against his, he swears, low and guttural, and making him come this undone makes you feral for him.
He pushes the hem of your sweater up, breaks the kiss, and then sets a hand under your bottom, urging you up so he can put his mouth on your breasts. His face is just a little rough from half a day’s stubble, and the tiny hurt grounds you as he lavishes attention on one breast and then the next, while the push and pull of pleasure makes you dizzy. You fist your hands in his hair, and it’s warm and silky.
You arch your back, pressing into his mouth, and all you can think is yes and don’t stop, and he doesn’t. He is nothing if not thorough, but then it’s not enough, and you’re impatient, every iota of you on fire. You unsnap your jeans and almost rip open the buttons, taking one of his hands from your chest and shoving it right where you want it.
To his credit, Lockwood is a fast learner - he can’t have become the UK’s youngest agency head for nothing, you suppose - and he finds your clit after a only few fumbles, quickly learning which movements make you cry out and press into his hands. 
You’ve wanted this for so long that you’re soaked, and it doesn’t take long before that tell-tale sensation begins to coil in your belly.
“Say my name,” he murmurs against the curve of your breast. “Please.”
And he circles his finger over you twice more and you come like that, squirming against him, breathing his name -  his first name - and he sighs as he works you through the orgasm, until you’re shuddering from it.
You drop a kiss on his forehead, and you’re about to ask if you can return the favour, find out what he likes, how he tastes, Christ that’d be hot - and the clock strikes seven.
Lockwood withdraws his hand, pulls your jumper down.
“This is not over,” you whisper.
He flashes that megawatt grin. “Not by a long shot.”
And reluctantly, you break apart and get ready to face whatever is behind the door in this old house. 
But you’ll do it together.
671 notes · View notes
billthedrake · 5 months
Note: This is a hypnosis story co-written with @josmith1718
I woke up the next day to find the bed empty again. I don’t know what it was, but I usually woke up early with Dad and we both had breakfast before heading to our jobs. This weekend, it seemed as though I was catching up on the sleep I had not been having because of the increased workload from the promotion. I was also sleeping like a baby because of dad’s increased libido and his breakthrough, finally let me go there... have a taste of that beautiful furry ass. I was already sporting morning wood, feeling like a teenager again when I realized I should get up and see what was on today’s docket.
I roused up and slipped on some shorts and a T-shirt. The dildo was there on the nightstand but cleaned and standing up, like Dad had set it ready for future use.
I padded down the hall and saw the door to my office was closed. I realized Dad must have been doing another session with the Company when I heard him talking with the Tech Bro. I didn’t know he’d scheduled anything, but I figured he’d fill me in later. Meanwhile I went to fix some coffee for us, hopefully he would not be in there too long.
I checked my phone and saw the email from the Company:
"Hello Kyle,
I hope the Protocol is going well for you! Just checking in to see if everything has been going well with you and Brian. Let me know if you’d like to have a virtual follow up. We like to make sure our customers are finding success in their lives after using our service.
The Company"
They were definitely getting a five-star rating!
Dad finally came out, a relaxed smile on his face.
"Morning son," he greeted me. I was surprised he had done his consultation shirtless, but it was the weekend, no need to be so formal.
"Hey Dad. You talked to the Company?" I asked as I got our mugs out and ready for the coffee. He looked at me, smiling before nodding, "Yep. It was a debriefing consultation to make sure everything was going well."
I leaned on the counter, eyes heavy on him, smiling, "And...?"
A part of me was still worried Dad might think it was not working or it was a hoax. Every time I put him under, I always ensured he was unaware that he went under, so how could he even know if he was actually being hypnotized?
He grinned. "And... I’m getting some incredible sex. Having you eat me out was incredible. I guess I had too many hang ups to realize how good it could be. Not sure if it’s like the placebo effect because I haven’t done anything except for listening to those audio files. A month ago, I would not have let you near my backdoor and last night you ate me out and shoved a dildo in me and it wasn’t bad. I actually enjoyed it.” He grinned, blushing a bit. He was adorable.
"It was amazing for me, too, Dad."
Dad had a knowing smirk as he walked towards me. He gave me a kiss and then lowered his shorts and turned around, bracing himself on the island.
"I, um, cleaned myself out again, son... you think you could rim me?” He blushed.
My first thought was uh oh, I created a horny monster. My second thought was fuck it, Dad’s ass is meaty as hell, and I wanted nothing more than to bury my face in there and munch away.
I crouched down and grabbed those meaty cheeks, slapping them a bit. Dad let out a small grunt.
“You have such an amazing ass, dad. Beautiful, muscled, hairy... a real man’s ass.” It was like tawdry newlywed sex, fucking around with Dad in every room of the house.
The man reached back and parted his buns. Dad’s trench was hairy and I loved that Irish Spring smell and the way his hairs there were almost fluffy soft. I licked the crevice. Dad liked that, but he LOVED it when my tongue made contact with his pucker.
"Oh God, son. Rim me, buddy.... Aw yeah, just like that."
Like the night before, he hiked his ass back and rode my face. But unlike the night before I had a good position to grip his ass to hold him steady when I wanted to power drill that hole with my tongue.
I probably alternated my rim approach and ate him out for ten solid minutes before I pulled back. I pressed a finger against his ring and watched it sink in. Deeper than that dildo last night. I wondered if Dad played with that toy while I was asleep, practicing as I slept next to him, unaware that my old man was fucking himself in preparation for my cock. Fuck, that turned me on, and I tried inserting two fingers with some extra spit. It was too much but Dad loved the combo of one finger inside and one finger along the outside of the ring.
"Come on buddy, stand up," he finally said. Not angry or scared about my exploration of his ass. He sounded out of breath, "Your turn stud, let me take care of you."
I pulled back and did what he asked as I pulled down my shorts. I had a pretty good idea I was going to be getting serviced by Dad.
“I think you may be obsessed with my ass just like I’m with your cock, huh.”
He was such a great cocksucker, something I would never say aloud to him. I don’t think we were there yet, but the man gave the best head. He knew exactly what I liked, and my favorite was how he would be on his knees with his eyes on me, looking up at my reaction to gauge how fast or slow he should go.
Of course, Dad did not disappoint with his performance. The big beefy guy got on his haunches and just went to town on my dong. I still remember the first time he blew me and surprised me at how amazing it was to have my father’s lips and tongue and throat on my cock. It just got better with the longer he and I fooled around. Steady bobs as he gave the base of my shaft a slight twist with his hand. The man was a milking machine and every time he sucked me off, it made me feel like the only man in the world.
"Oh SHIT!" I cried when dad deepthroated me out of nowhere. I was already horned up and had my eyes closed with my hands on his shoulders, rubbing them as he did his thing. The deepthroating was unexpected and that tripped my wire and got me firing my morning load.
Dad gulped it down expertly and stayed with my cock in his mouth while I rode the orgasm, which went on longer than usual. I had to pat his hair, urging him to slow down and finally pull off. He had a big grin when he did.
"That going to last ya, buddy?" He asked as he got up, his cock obscenely stretching the fabric of his shorts.
"How long does it have to...?” I nervously asked. I was already thinking of an afternoon quickie. If my dad’s ex thought he had a crazy libido, I must’ve inherited it as well and then some. I was ready to jump him again as he scratched his pec and with his thumb cleaned a bit of cum on his chin before putting it in his mouth and sucking it off.
"At least till tonight," he laughed at my reaction watching him suck off his thumb with remnants of my cum. He gave me a pat on the shoulder, "Go ahead and shower up son. I’ll fix some breakfast."
“Don’t you want to come and shower with me instead?” I asked as I tried to grab his cock.
He laughed and slapped my hand away before he spun me around and held me in his arms, “We’ll run out of the hot water if I go in with you, bud.” He gave me a kiss on the cheek and then slapped my ass, “Get in the shower, son, that’s a fatherly order.”
“Yes sir.” I did a half ass salute and left.
Later that morning, I set up in my office and met the Tech Bro for a consultation. Their customer service was exceptional. I replied to his email and within minutes, we had set up this meeting for the same day.
It was a great conversation. I was a little embarrassed to talk about all the sex stuff, but I figured that’s why we went with these guys. So, I told him about the progress with rimming and toy play.
Tech Bro gave me an "attaboy" smirk. "Glad to hear, Kyle. Is that what you wanted to get out of this?"
He knew there was more both sexually and otherwise, but I was hesitant to admit it.
"A lot of it, yeah," I replied, "I don’t wanna push D—uh, Brian to do something he doesn’t wanna do." I almost referred to him as Dad but had to stop myself.
"Like I mentioned before, Kyle, this just taps into Brian’s deeper desires, not run against them. Keep reminding yourself that if he doesn’t want to do something, he will not do them."
As he explained, I noticed Tech Bro was wearing a slim-cut navy suit without a tie. But my attention was drawn to his pocket square. I don’t know why I was so focused on that. Maybe because it looked old fashioned. Or something my CEO would wear or something. Or maybe it was just the pattern.
"Good," Tech Bro said. "You feel confident with the Protocol going forward." More of a statement rather than a question.
"Yeah," I responded confidently, "It took me a while to get the hang of it, but Brian seems really receptive and that helps."
Tech Bro smiled and nodded, "I’ve not met a more receptive subject in a long time Kyle."
I was strangely proud of that comment and a bit horny. I would definitely need Dad to help me out if he wasn’t tired or busy. I absentmindedly rubbed my crotch until we finished.
"Well, you guys are the best," I gushed.
He laughed, "Always glad to hear a customer is happy."
We wrapped up and signed off. I felt a little lazy that afternoon and though my cock was straining my shorts, my tiredness won out and I took a nap while Dad watched golf.
I hated Sunday evenings, since it meant the end of the week, but it had been an amazing, relaxing and unforgettable weekend with Dad. I sometimes worried if I’d ever get sick of this domestic life with my father. I smiled and decided no, I would never get sick of being with Dad. Only wish I could openly show him off as my husband rather than just my father...
I did the dishes after dinner, and he put them away. As he was finished with the last one, I dropped the trigger word. No need to have the theatrics of waiting it out or planning. After the conversation with the tech bro, I owned it, using the trigger that made dad into this beautiful zonked out hunk wherever we were.
"Power down."
Dad entered that relaxing state easily and readily.
Before, I’d been focused on specifics, but now, it was like a switch in mind shifted and now, I just wanted to get him under.
"You are in that white room, Brian." I said with confidence.
I was getting hard in my shorts as I stood a couple feet in front of him, matching his vacant stare with my own.
"Yes, it’s bright in here." He replied. It seemed like dad was beginning to be more confident in this state as well. He sounded as though he were awake and not under. I had to check and grabbed his hand, raising it and letting go. His arm fell and hit his side, but he did not register anything. My cock was beginning to hurt from straining my shorts.
"Yes it is... It is blindingly white. Soon, though, you are beginning to feel a faint breeze. Do you know where it is coming from?”
“No, I’m alone in here.”
“That’s not completely true, Brian. Kyle is always with you.” I grabbed his hand and he looked at me and smiled, “Kyle is here.”
“He is and he is going to be with you always, making sure you are safe and happy. Even now, you and Kyle realize that there is water coming into the room. It’s slowly filling the room until your feet are under the water.”
“Son, we have to leave. The water could rise.” I felt him tighten his grip and try to pull me in.
“As long as you are in the room with Kyle, nothing will happen to you, Brian.”
“But my son... I don’t want anything to happen to him.”
“As long as you are with Kyle in the room, nothing will happen to him. Both of you are protecting each other. Why is that?”
“We love each other.”
I smiled and caressed his hand. He lightened his grip, and his thumb began to caress my hand.
“Now Brian, the water is up to your ankles, the water is a beautiful blue, it is relaxing to be in the cool water flowing beneath you."
"I’m feeling relaxed." Dad said.
"You are safe in this white room. With the cool water, Kyle and his voice."
Dad was smiling, “My beautiful son... a real stud.”
I was breathing hard, this was really hot, dad’s innermost thoughts verbally expressed and, in his mind, I was ‘beautiful’ and a ‘stud,’ "You are safe with him." I said in a raspy voice.
Dad nodded.
"When the time is right, Kyle will guide you." I reached out with my free hand and touched his arm. As soon as I had made him feel safe and he felt my touch again, I could see dad get fully erect. He was chubbing a bit when I held his hand, but he lost it when he went into protection mode. Now that we were ‘safe’ he began to get hard again, sporting an equally angry boner like mine.
"With his body and his voice, he will lead you through this water safely."
"My son is such a good boy.” His breathing was getting heavy now.
If dad kept whispering sweet nothings to me, I would cum hands free.
"On the count of three you will return to your kitchen, once again following all instructions and suggestions and being unaware that you were under.” I let go of him and kept my close proximity with him.
"One... the water is drawing away.... Two.... the white is darkening, the water receding fully now.... Wake up...Three."
He blinked and smirked, mistaking my proximity with wanting to initiate something.
"Someone horny?" He asked.
Maybe he wasn’t so mistaken. "A little," I admitted.
Dad grinned, “Duty calls.” Dad crouched down in front of me and fished out my cock. I placed my hands on his shoulders and let him take care of me.
The work week hit in the worst way. My promotion meant I had more responsibility at work, which was translating into longer hours. Dad had dinner ready for me when I got home, but I was tired and stressed. I even begged off one of his blowjobs one night. He was sad but bounced back by giving me a foot rub as we watched T.V. and then another massage before bed.
I did make sure to put Dad under a couple of times, to reinforce the Protocol. Maybe it wasn't quite the rush of a turn on to do so now, almost a routine. But I didn't want to lose our progress. The novelty was wearing off, but I can’t deny it was working wonders.
I noticed the dildo had moved a couple times during the week. I guessed Dad was using the dildo on his own for his “bottoming exercises,” and I made a mental note to ask him about it later. Now, each time I came home, I would play “Where’s Waldo” with the dildo see if the dildo had traveled between rooms while I was away.
By the time Friday rolled around, I was ready for a special date night. Dad was in a giddy mood too, his eyes almost twinkling in excitement when he asked if I had anything I wanted to do that evening.
"Why don't you get cleaned out, Dad?" I asked. "That is, if you can wait a little for dinner."
The man undid the buttons on his plaid shirt. Damn he had a hell of a lot of muscle, more defined than before. He had been hitting the gym with more frequency now. He wasn’t jacked but was getting some real definition. Honestly, I loved my dad’s body before, but if he was hitting the gym harder AFTER we initiated the Protocol, well, that’s a nice bonus I thought.
"You got it, buddy," he said. Chipper as hell. This from a man who wouldn't even let me touch his ass a month ago. "Any chance I could get a taste of ya first? You know, as a preview?"
I grinned and unzipped my suit. Friday was business casual, but I was still trying to dress for success in my new role. I sat on the couch and let Dad scarf down my dong, slobbering on it, and working my length, before he pulled off.
"You're gonna cum soon, aren't ya?"
"Probably, yeah."
Dad gave another quick suck then pulled off. "Let's hold that thought, buddy."
As Dad got up, he walked away but stopped and looked back before saying, “I love when you wear your suits, son. Turns me on like no other seeing my executive stud in his tailored suits.” I bit my lip and grabbed hold of the cushions and concentrated on my breathing. This man was about to make me cum. God, I was the one that needed to get in a quick cold shower if I was going to survive without cumming.
While he showered and cleaned himself out with the new douche, I went to the bedroom and stripped down. I hadn't gotten off the day before and was hard as a rock and dad’s comment and oral service didn’t help at all. It felt like I had taken several Viagra pills for lunch.
I reclined on the bed naked except for a tie around my neck that dad had given me. It was funny, I never gifted dad with ties or socks for Father’s Day, but he would give me ties almost always on special occasions. I didn’t mind, especially since I wear a tie daily at work. Thinking of the ties helped me take a breather and get my erection under control until I started thinking about dad in a different light. I thought of when I would put dad under and what new suggestions I’d plant in his mind.
Finally my old man strutted in. All of his hot, blue collar muscle and his graying hair made him look incredible. Coyly, he had a towel wrapped around his waist, but he took it off and tossed it on the back of a chair.
"All ready for ya, son," he said as he got up on the bed, “Damn, buddy, you are pushing my buttons tonight, alright.” Just him saying that made me leak some pre.
"Could I eat a proper meal from that ass, dad?" I asked in a whispered voice. I was trying really hard not to shoot prematurely but dad was so fucking hot in that moment. His eyes ate me up, his hand was hot on my skin, and his fresh smell was intoxicating.
He straddled my waist, facing away, before backing his body towards me, "I think you could, son. I washed really well, bud, squeaky clean just for my boy."
"Let me show you my appreciation for cleaning yourself out..." I said as I kissed his left ass cheek, then his right. Dad leaned over some and reached back to pull his own buns apart.
Dad's hole was beautiful. Tight, puckered ring, just the right amount of fine hair around it. I leaned up and started licking.
"Buddy..." He pressed back into my munching mouth. I couldn't believe my father had gotten so into being eaten out. I think I surprised myself too by how much I loved to rim him. I was eating him, finally something to get my mind off my own leaking erection. I was in fucking heaven in that moment, munching on dad’s beautiful hole.
But as I worked his sensitive hole fast and slow, deep and shallow, I wanted to try more. I pulled back and teased the rim with my finger. The spit lubed the way and I watched Dad's hole open up enough to swallow my digit to the knuckle. Still tight as fuck but accepting. I prodded the entrance more. What surprised me more was that dad didn’t object in the least, letting me finger him. I needed to kiss him, show him how much I loved him.
"I wanna kiss you, Dad," I hissed.
"Yeah," he grunted and as he pulled away and turned around, I saw he was not only very erect, he was dripping mad. Like father like son, both men leaking like faulty faucets. He repositioned his body and I met him halfway, our mouths crashing together for a deep, wet kiss.
"Love ya, buddy," he growled into my lips.
"Love you too Dad. So much."
We kind of wrestled on the bed. Dad was bigger and stronger but he let me take the top position, my younger body positioned above his. Once I was there, Dad's eyes widened and he let out a choked groan. And like that, I felt his legs wrap around my waist and his hands clutch at my arms.
This was the hypnosis kicking in, I guess. I gave a sexy smirk to him as I reached over for the lube. Then I wedged my hand beneath our bodies to find that magic spot beneath Dad's legs.
"Damn!" he hissed the second I touched his pucker.
"Feel good, Dad?" I asked. I probed deeper. My fingers were extra lubed and soon Dad's hole would be too.
He nodded, urgent and vulnerable. "You have no idea, buddy."
I slathered the rest of the lube onto my cock and scooted in place.
"You're big," he hissed as I smeared the greasy liquid around his entrance, stimulating him in the process.
His eyes rolled back as his head hit the pillow under him. "God..." He grunted euphorically.
It was an awakening, the point of no return, he was getting that promised ‘pleasure tenfold’ I suggested to him before. He was being bombarded by pleasure from everything; my touch, my weight on his, my cock entering him, his ‘secret spot’ in his ass, amplified by his need to make me happy and deliver me pleasure with his body. Everything was perfectly aligned for dad to have an unforgettable date night.
I took in his momentary, out of body experience at the chance to power my hips forward. And like that, my dick was pushing into the tightest most wonderful sleeve. Wet and hot. I was wedged about four inches inside my father's cherry. Me, his son, I was breaching his cherry for real.
"Fuck!" I growled, overcome by the feeling and the knowledge I was taking Dad's virginity.
The man's eyes opened up and looked at me in a silent plea. His hands were gripping my arms too tightly and his tree trunk legs were crushing my sides, but I didn’t care. I saw fear on his face. Not pain, not discomfort, but something more primally psychological. I was going to help him through it, even if I had to endure this moment of discomfort too.
"Listen to my voice, Dad," I urged. My dick held dead still inside his guts as I looked down on him. "You're making me feel good, Dad. Feeling really great, thanks to you... I want to continue... I need to fuck."
I started sawing in and out with gentle, micro thrusts.
"God, son," Dad grunted. He was feeling a range of intense feelings. My cock, his stretched hole, the novel sensations of having his guts opened up. His eyes focused more intently on me, trying to follow the hypnotic suggestions that had been planted.
"This feels right, Brian," I grunted. This was the first time I'd called Dad by his first name outside of the hypnosis sessions. I was thrusting in and out of Dad now. Getting deeper. The man was still tight as fuck. I was getting a hell of a first ride. "Tell me this feels right."
Dad's voice was soft and deep. "It feels right, Kyle."
I fucked him faster, deeper. "I'm gonna try to hit your spot, Brian.... you gonna let your son all the way in?"
"I want you to, Kyle," Dad said. Eyes still trained laser focused on my face, his attention still craving my voice.
I slowed the in and out motion and jabbed at that deepest cherry spot with shallow thrusts. "Right there, Brian... Dad... feel it?"
He tried to keep his eyes on me, but his body was going into overdrive. He was sweating a lot. His legs were still pressing me tightly but with the sensation of my cock in his ass, I didn’t care. Dad soon screamed, "YES!"
His fingers tightened even more around my biceps, it actually hurt how with powerful his grip was.
"Oh, Kyle... son!"
"Feel it, Dad," I urged. I graduated from shallow jabs to full deep strokes into Dad. Giving him the full fuck his first time out. His face turned red and his body grew rigid. And hands free, his cock fired off. Heavy jets of Dad's seed shot out, all over his body, reaching his cheek and forehead even, his cum was that strong.
I couldn't hold off either. I was orgasming the hottest orgasm of my life. The load flooding Dad's no longer virgin guts matched the size of the one he was shooting. The whole time, his hand gripped me and his legs wrapped around my ass greedily.
We both broke into a smile as we came down from our mutually timed high. I didn't want to pull out yet, and Dad didn't want to unclench his legs just yet.
"That... buddy... was fucking amazing," Dad said.
"Dad... I didn't even dream it could be so good," I said.
We kissed and embraced. His legs and hands let up finally, letting our make out session be a comfortable experience for me. But, after a minute of this romantic kissing, we were both getting horned up again, wanting to experience what had just happened for a second or third time. We looked at one another and knew, we were going to fuck again.
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buterccup · 1 year
Hey I saw your price x son!reader post and I don't know if you already did one with a daughter!reader but when not could you do one?:D
Of course! You ask and you shall receive, dear^-^. Now I give you more papa Price for the soul.
Father like daughter
Tumblr media
summary: You haven't had the best of days but once you got home you were met with non-other than papa Price...but also a couple friends of his, and they are as shocked as you are once you both meet for the first time.
Warnings: light swearing, fluff, she/her pronouns, a little bit of gen z shenanigans, small mistakes.
Character(s): Price x Daughter! reader (platonic)
You didn't have what you would call the best of days today. It wasn't because you had to walk in the cold, no you could handle that. It was because of the constant bullying and rudeness you've gotten at school. I mean everyone goes through bullying but you just couldn't handle it today.
Of course, you weren't in tears from the words they said, you were tough like your father. Although you were angry at the fact the reason you weren't tearing up at the words thrown at you was the reason you were picked on so much.
The fact your father was rarely home.
It's not like you hated your father for not being there, you absolutely loved him. He was the best father you could ever ask for. You just wished he was here more often. It may sound selfish considering his job protected many peoples lives but it was the truth.
You would've thought about how you missed your father more but you already arrived home and you had other things to do. But once you opened the door and the warmth of the house hit your face you suddenly heard a Scottish accent and last time you remembered you dad did not have a Scottish accent.
Did mum bring someone home? No, she was still at work..
After hearing the voice you slowly closed the door behind you and locked it before slowly making your way to the living room, dropping your bag and coat on the floor near the door.
But once you got to the living room door your eyes lit up with delight, forgetting about the voice you heard before, as an ugly bucket hat that clearly belonged to your father made its way into your line of sight...along with three other men.
"Dad there are weird buff men in our living room.."
Upon hearing your voice price turned around with a smile, chuckling at your reaction to the boys. Meanwhile Soap, Gaz, and Ghost all looked shocked.
Price has a kid.
"[Name]- please.."
To say the least, you were in shock. Why are there big buff men in your living room and why was one named Soap. You would've started laughing if it wasn't because of how shocked you were.
"I'm sorry for the sudden visit baby girl but I wanted to surprise you. Plus I wanted to introduce my team to you one day."
"Surprised I am-" you then talked back, your eyes meeting and scanning all three men. You liked the most normal looking one (Gaz). Meanwhile, your dad just sighed and shook his head with a smile at your response. "Well... [Name], this is Soap, Ghost and Gaz."
"What's with the goofy names...did your parent hate you guys or something-"
"Kidding! I know their codenames." making Gaz and Soap smile at your little interaction with your father, even though they were still a little bit shocked.
"How about you four talk to each other while I get some food ready?"
"Dad...I don't how a high school is supposed to get along with full-grown ass men"
"You'll find a way, good lucky baby girl." your father would say in a joking voice as he got up and went to the kitchen. He already talked to the boys long enough and wanted a break anyway.
"So what you wanna do?" Gaz's voice would pipe up, breaking the silence while you looked back at your bag filled with homework before looking back into the living room.
"shooting games?"
It had been a couple minutes since you started to play this one shooting game called 'Calling of Loyalty'. It was a great game. Plus it gave you a lot of opportunities to make fun of Gaz's aim. Making the three of the guys think of their captain.
"Jeez Gaz have you gotten your eyes checked recently..."
"Father like daughter..."
Requests: Open
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silenzahra · 3 months
🥰 for the writing prompt? Writer's choice!
Referring to this post ✨
This fic was loooong overdue! I am really sorry to have kept you waiting for so long, but I hope it was worth the wait! 🙏
Thank you sooooo much for sending me this prompt! It has truly melted my heart to work on this idea 🥺 I really hope you like it! 💖
Are you ready for some brotherly fluff? 🤭💚❤️
Here's the link to AO3 in case you'd rather read it there! ✨
Wordless Love
When Luigi arrives home, Mario still hasn't returned.
Luigi sighs and closes the door behind him. The pipes in the castle really must be clogged. He wonders if he should come to his brother's aid, but he knows that, if Mario needed his help, he would have called him.
Besides, this gives Mario and Peach a chance to spend some more time together.
With a somewhat amused smile, Luigi leaves the toolbox on the entrance cabinet and hangs his hat on the rack. He's feeling very tired after a long day of single-handedly serving his Brooklyn clients, and all he feels like doing is taking a shower, grabbing a quick dinner, and going to bed.
But he can't go to sleep without Mario. Even though he knows his big brother is safe and sound in Princess Peach's castle, Luigi needs Mario to, at least, be home so he can fall asleep.
So he heads to the bathroom and takes a fast, but warm and relaxing shower. When he finishes, and since Mario isn’t home yet, Luigi opts to leave everything ready to make dinner later and goes out into the garden.
It's cool, as autumn is coming to the Mushroom Kingdom, but that doesn't stop him. Luigi smiles as he walks through his small garden, the one he has cultivated with so much care and attention since he and Mario moved there. He looks closely at each plant, each flower, and makes sure to irrigate the ones that need some water. He talks to each and every one of them, tells them how beautiful they are that night, and quietly sings a little song during his walk. He also makes sure to check that the automatic watering system he installed with Mario's help is still working perfectly, and smiles to himself, satisfied, after verifying that it is.
These flowers, this garden, are his pride and joy. Every day he’s more and more happy for the good fortune of having a small corner in which to raise his favorite flowers. When he lived in Brooklyn he had to make do with a couple of flowerpots, but, in the Mushroom Kingdom, there’s room for all the plants in the world. So, without a second thought, Luigi transplanted his first two flowers and, since then, he’s grown many more.
And now his beloved garden looks beautiful in broad daylight as well as under the faint, bright glow of the full moon. Each flower has a particular beauty and scent, and Luigi has learned to recognize each one by its fragrance before he even sees them.
When he re-enters the house, he realizes that he has spent a whole hour outside, walking among his plants and singing to them. However, just as he closes the garden door behind him, the front door, which is opposite him on the other side of the living room, opens at last.
“Mario!” he exclaims as soon as he sees him enter, and runs towards him. “You’re back!”
Before his brother has time to drop his tools or close the door behind him, Luigi pounces on him. Mario lets out a loud laugh of surprise and staggers back a little at his impetus but does not hesitate to return his brother's embrace with the same heartiness.
“Yeah, I’m back,” he mumbles, laughing, as he pats Luigi’s back.
They smile at each other as they part, happy to be together again. Luigi takes Mario’s hat from him and hangs it on the rack next to his.
“Looks like there was a lot of work at the castle today, right?” he says meanwhile.
“Oh, you just can’t imagine!” Mario exclaims, dropping his tools any which way on the entrance cabinet. “I think we’d better go together next time. We’ll simply postpone all the appointments we have with our Brooklyn customers.”
Smiling, Luigi carefully sets each tool in its place inside the toolbox he’s been carrying all day.
“I thought about coming to help you,” he admits, “but I didn’t know if you’d be... busy.”
He wonders if Mario will understand what he’s referring to, if he'll catch the hidden meaning beneath that one word, but he senses he'll have to keep that joke to himself.
“Busy?” Mario looks at him with a raised eyebrow, confused. “What do you mean by that?”
Luigi lets out a low chuckle as he places the last tool.
“It’s nothing, don’t mind me,” he says, amused, and grabs Mario’s hand to lead him to the kitchen. “Come on! Are you hungry? How about I make you a lasagna?”
“Lasagna?” Mario repeats, his face suddenly lighting up like a lighthouse in the middle of the darkest night. “But of course! What kind of question is that?”
Luigi lets out a chuckle, cheerful and touched in equal parts. His brother will never change, and Luigi adores him more and more every day for that.
Amid jokes and laughter, the brothers enter the kitchen. Luigi, after putting on his green apron with a pattern of orange flowers, starts cooking immediately, and Mario, instead of sitting down, stands next to him and passes him the ingredients and utensils needed to prepare the lasagna. In the meantime, he tells Luigi how his day has been, as they separated in the morning to go to work in different places, and explains how difficult it was to unblock all the pipes in the castle. Then, always ready to listen to him, Mario asks Luigi how his day has been, but Luigi, more focused on the cooking, shrugs and quickly summarizes what has been a very normal working day for him.
“And how’s Peach?” he asks casually as they wait for the lasagna to be ready. “How did things go with her?”
“Just as usual.” This time it’s Mario who shrugs, but Luigi doesn’t fail to notice that a slight blush is now covering his brother’s cheeks. “You know her. She’s very... kind and sweet. Just as usual,” he repeats, looking away.  
Luigi covers his mouth with his hand to hide a giggle. He would love to hear more, to encourage Mario to tell him more about those feelings that have undoubtedly blossomed in his heart after meeting the beautiful princess, but Luigi doesn't insist. He knows his brother so well that he’s convinced he will open up when the time comes, when he feels ready, and Luigi wouldn't want to pressure him for anything in the world.
It doesn't take long for the lasagna to be ready at last. As he does every night, Luigi serves his brother first, and smiles at the keenness with which Mario takes the first bite. As he sits down, his plate already full, he notices his brother's satisfied expression, and the soft "Mmm!" Mario emits as he chews causes Luigi’s smile to widen.
“My goodness, Luigi,” Mario exclaims admiringly. “Your cooking gets better every day!”
Luigi blushes and laughs nervously.
“Th-thank you,” he stammers, embarrassed, before starting to eat too.
During dinner, however, Luigi realizes something that makes him uneasy: his brother is tired. More than him, even. Luigi knows this because Mario, who usually talks non-stop between bites, remains silent this time, just centered on savoring the lasagna, a clear indication that his energy has diminished considerably since he came back home. Luigi sees it in his eyelids, which appear somewhat droopy, no doubt exhausted and eager to close until the next day. Luigi senses it in the slowness with which Mario gradually puts the food into his mouth. Still, every time their eyes meet, Mario gives him warm smiles and makes sure to keep telling him how delicious he finds the lasagna.
Luigi loves to cook and always feels flattered that his brother so enthusiastically enjoys the dishes he lovingly prepares for him.
But tonight there is something more important.
Tonight is not just about having dinner with Mario and spending some quality time with him before going to bed, but also about taking care of his exhausted older brother.
“Come on,” he says as he gets up, once they’ve both finished dessert. “How about I run you a hot bath to help you relax?”
Mario smiles, and his grin, although full of affection as always, is also a true reflection of the fatigue that plagues him from within.
“I’d love that, Lu.”
Determined, Luigi begins to pick up the dishes, but, when he’s about to start washing them, meaning to do it quickly so that he can take care of Mario, he senses some fingers on his shoulder that make him turn around. He meets again his brother’s sweet smile, who reaches out his other hand to take the plate that Luigi had grabbed.
“I’ll wash them,” Mario offers.
“Oh, no, that’s not necessary,” Luigi refuses, worried that Mario’s tiredness will increase.
“I insist, Lu.” Mario, unwilling to surrender, gives him a gentle and playful hip thrust to softly push him away. “You made dinner. It’s only fair.”
Luigi knows Mario's determined expression too well to know there's no point in trying to stop him. Defeated, he agrees to step away from the kitchen sink with a resigned sigh and watches his brother with a hand on his hip.
“All right, you win,” he concedes, at which Mario’s smile widens. “I’ll go draw your bath.”
Mario nods with a chuckle as he does the dishes, and Luigi takes off his apron, which he had inadvertently left on during dinner, and goes into the bathroom. The first thing he does is close the door and turn on the heater to warm up the room. After putting the plug in the bathtub, he turns on the hot water faucet first and lets the tub fill up a bit before turning on the cold, but not too much. He wants the water to be hot and to last like that long enough for Mario's muscles to relax after today's hard work.
In the meantime, he hangs Mario's bathrobe on the rack next to the tub and places a small towel on a stool in case his brother wants to wash his hair. Luigi also prepares the shampoo, soap and sponge, and puts them on top of the towel so that Mario can reach them from inside the bathtub. He takes the hairdryer out of the cupboard where they keep it and carefully sets it in a corner of the sink, because he knows that Mario does not like to go to bed with wet hair, so he will need it if he decides to wash his head. Luigi quickly leaves the bathroom to go to his bedroom for a moment: he hurriedly opens the top drawer of the dresser they share, takes out Mario's favorite pajamas and returns to the bathroom at lightning speed. He then pours some soothing bath salts into the water and places a towel on the floor, in front of the tub, so that Mario won't slip.
Finally, satisfied with his work, Luigi turns off the faucet, switches off the heater and goes out into the hallway in search of his brother.
“The bath is ready!” he announces with an exaggerated flourish as he enters the kitchen.
Mario laughs, giving him an amused look, and puts the last plate away on the sideboard before following him. Although the bathroom is very close to the kitchen, Luigi guides his brother as if they were inside one of those old mansions with an infinite number of corridors and rooms and opens the door with a graceful bow.
“I hope you find it to your liking, sir,” he says, modifying his voice so that it sounds deep.
Mario lets out a chuckle again but puts his shoulders back and places both hands behind his back as he walks past Luigi into the bathroom.
“Very warm and cozy, butler,” he replies, imitating his brother’s tone.
Luigi, still bent over and with his arm outstretched, is forced to cover his mouth with his other hand to contain the snort that was about to escape from his throat. However, when he straightens up, his laughter is stifled by the tender look, full of gratitude, that Mario, standing in front of him, throws at him.
Then Mario reaches out and wraps an arm around his neck to pull him close, giving him a quick squeeze in which their cheeks squish against the other’s. The moment is so fleeting that Luigi does not have time to raise his arm to reciprocate the gesture of his brother, who, a second before releasing him, turns his head to place a quick kiss on his cheek.
“Thank you, Lu,” he says, his voice full of warmth. “It’s just what I needed.”
Luigi's heart beats a little faster, full of bliss, and a touched smile blooms on his face as the blood rushes to his cheeks. Despite the fact that Mario showers him in affection quite often, Luigi just can’t help blushing. Inside him, tenderness and emotion intermingle with a certain embarrassment that makes him feel bashful, as he does not think he deserves so much gratitude. After all, he’s taking care of his brother in the same way Mario has taken care of him and watched over him all his life. That's how they’ve always worked and that's how they will continue to work.
Still, he keeps smiling at Mario, who watches him with his warm grin tattooed on his face as he slowly slides shut the bathroom door. On impulse, when there’s barely a small crack left, Luigi raises his hand and waves it in farewell, and Mario, with a chuckle, reciprocates his gesture immediately.
Luigi sighs, satisfied, when the door finally closes. He’s sure that the bath will do Mario good, so he goes to his room to give his brother some space and privacy. He really hopes it will be to his liking and help him relax.
Once in his bedroom, Luigi feels as if the autumn chill has crept into it through a window. He makes sure all of them are closed and opts to turn on the radiator to warm up the bedroom a bit, especially to keep Mario from getting cold when he finishes his bath. Luigi goes over to his brother's bed, uncovers it and grabs the pillows to soften them a bit, since that's how Mario feels most comfortable. He turns on both nightlights, Mario's red one and his green one, and looks around to make sure everything is in order.
As he stands in the center of the room, Luigi feels a huge wave of exhaustion wash over him. His day has not been as hard as Mario's, but he certainly needs to rest too, although he knows he can't do so until his brother goes to bed as well. He doesn't want to pressure him or interrupt his bath, so Luigi takes his time to tidy up the room a bit, uncover his own bed and put on his pajamas.
Just as he finishes buttoning the top of his green and white striped pajamas, he suddenly remembers something. He almost forgot! He rushes hurriedly out of his room and into the kitchen. Trying to go slowly so as not to break anything with his usual clumsiness, Luigi pulls a glass from the cupboard, fills it with fresh milk and pops it into the microwave.
He’s walking past the bathroom just as the sound of the hairdryer reaches his ears. Luigi sighs in relief, for he knows what that means: his brother will be out in no more than five minutes, so he will find the glass of hot milk waiting for him on his bedside table, where Luigi carefully places it. Satisfied, he picks up the book waiting on his own nightstand and goes to the living room to sit in his rocking chair, where he plans to read while waiting for Mario.
The book is so interesting that it grabs his attention right away, making him lose track of time. When the bathroom door finally opens, Luigi realizes that he has read ten pages almost without blinking. He smiles to himself, for he's loving the story he's reading, and places the bookmark between the pages before looking up.
As he does so, Luigi lets out a little chuckle: his brother, standing in the doorway, has skin almost redder than his pajama top. Mario, hearing him, smiles with resignation.
“I overdid it with the hot water, didn’t I?” he says with a laugh, heading for the bedroom.
“A little,” Luigi replies, amused, going after him.
This time it is Mario who holds the door for him, and Luigi gives him a nod and a chuckle as he enters the room. Gently and smiling, Mario takes the book from his hands and goes to Luigi's bedside table to leave it there, while Luigi, somewhat surprised, closes the door behind him and walks to his bed as well.
After dropping the book, Mario turns to face him. Luigi stops in front of his brother and wonders if, perhaps, Mario wants to tell him something or ask him for something else before going to sleep.
But his brother doesn't utter a word: with a warm smile on his lips, he raises his arms and wraps them around Luigi, resting his chin on his shoulder and placing a hand on the back of his neck to bring him closer. Despite his initial astonishment, Luigi immediately relaxes in his big brother's arms and, with a smile, lifts his arms to wrap them around Mario's waist as he closes his eyes. His brother, patting his back gently and running his fingers through his hair at the back of his neck, lets out a deep and resounding sigh while still hugging him tightly.
“Thank you for always taking care of me, Lu,” he whispers, his lips close to Luigi’s ear.
“Oh.” Luigi lets out a nervous giggle. “You don’t have to thank me, Mario. That’s what brothers do, right?”
Luigi feels him laugh in his arms.
“I’m certainly lucky to have you as a brother.”
Luigi's heart warms up, overwhelmed by a deep emotion. He feels his eyes moisten and he embraces his brother with more strength and affection, hoping, wishing, that his way of hugging him will be enough to let Mario know that he is the one who feels fortunate to have him as his big brother. If he had nothing else, if he were homeless and jobless and could not find anything to eat every day, he would still feel the luckiest man in the world if he still had Mario by his side. He doesn't need anything else to be happy.
They remain like this, embraced, Luigi's hands on Mario's back and waist, Mario's hands on the back of Luigi's neck and back, for a time they cannot, and will not, determine. Wrapped in a warmth that comes from both the radiator and their own hearts, the brothers enjoy those brief moments of peace and safety in each other's arms, in which, without the need for words, they express how much they love the other and how important they are to each other.
With a sigh, Mario begins to pull away from Luigi, very slowly, as if he doesn't really want to, and Luigi understands, for he too is reluctant to end the contact. His brother slides his hand from the back of his neck to his cheek and watches him intensely, his blue eyes glistening with emotion.
“I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
And Luigi knows, with absolute certainty, that Mario is speaking from the heart, as he always does when he expresses his affection towards him, as deep as Luigi's for him. With a heartfelt smile, Luigi raises a hand and places it on Mario's.
“I will always be here for you,” he promises, looking into his eyes.
With tenderness shining in his, Mario widens his smile and carefully begins to gently press Luigi's head down as he does the same. Luigi, knowing what his brother intends, lets himself be guided without hesitation and closes his eyes for a second before their foreheads meet. The sigh they release, in unison, as if they had rehearsed it, is deep, intense, and reflects all the peace and serenity that this touch makes them both feel.
“And I for you, Lu,” Mario answers in a soft whisper.
When, seconds later, they raise their heads, they give each other one last smile, as full of love as all the smiles they’ve shared since the day they were born. Mario caresses his cheek while Luigi gives him a gentle squeeze on the shoulder, and then he softly gasps when, suddenly, he remembers something.
“I almost forgot,” he says with a chuckle as he walks over to Mario’s bedside table.
He carefully takes the glass of milk in his hands and turns to his brother, who beams enthusiastically as he sees what Luigi is offering him.
“Thank you, Lu!” he exclaims, accepting the glass.
Luigi smiles, moved at the eagerness and speed with which Mario drinks the hot liquid. When he finally finishes it, he lets out a sigh of pleasure and Luigi covers his mouth to hold back a giggle, not only because of his brother's satisfied expression, but also because of the spot that glistens under his moustache. Mario looks at him with a raised eyebrow, though he laughs too, and Luigi reaches over to his nightstand for a napkin to wipe his brother's face. The latter lets him do it and they share a last moment of knowing laughter.
Luigi then takes the glass from his brother's hands and goes to the kitchen to wash it. Before leaving the bedroom, he hears Mario drop like a bundle on the mattress, and when he returns, as he expected, he finds him lying on top of the sheets any which way. With a giggle that is both amused and tender, Luigi comes to his side: he slowly pulls back the sheets from under Mario's body and carefully covers him with them. Mario, eyes closed, smiles and snuggles in, and Luigi gently tucks him in and places a kiss on his cheek.
“Good night, Mario,” he whispers. “Sleep well.”
Mario's smile widens and a deep sigh escapes from his lips. Luigi, hoping that his brother will indeed sleep well that night, gives him a gentle caress on his hair before turning off the radiator and heading, at last, to his own bed.
And just as he is about to turn off his lamp, the last light still on in the room, he hears a sleepy, exhausted voice coming from his brother's bed:
“Good night, Lulu.”
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jasonthetoymakesmybbg · 6 months
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Sweetness is a Tasteful thing. (1/??)
Yep, back immediately cause this man is legit invading my mindset and I can not-like he’s actually so fine 😍🙏
Patrick Hockstetter x Female/Male Reader
I am making this cause a scenario kinda went into my head like what if Patrick and his mom met your guys family and stuck around your house for a bit, but y’all are kinda like enemies and he’s forced to be in your room so y’all get along, and like he starts talking about horny shit. Then he started touching himself while staring you dead in the eye, casually moaning your name? I might make a second thing for this adding the rest of the Bowers Gang but,Like bro-HE WONT LEAVE MY HEAD 😭 and for male like he decides to leave Fem flabbergasted and bumped into Male room, then kinda walked in and yeah?
Another day passing, a peaceful weekend, meaning not having to deal with the Bowers Gang…is what I thought but this day became stressful for me.
I was peacefully in my room drawing who knows what, mostly just random doodles of cats or silly goofy things cause why not? I heard a knock on my door and I look up, seeing my mom.
“Sweetie? We’re having guest, get a shirt on.” My mom said quickly, closing my door again, oh yeah forget to mention I was chilling in a pair of shorts and bra cause I was comfy, but who could be visiting?
I sigh and get up, getting a long sleeve shirt on, I grumble as I left my room to see who is was, and who do I see?
Hockstetter and his mom standing inside our living. In my home? Fuck this-before I could slip away back to my safe space my dad spoke up.
“And there’s one of my kids” He said that on purpose? Fuck you dad.
Hockstetter turned and saw me, smirking a bit, damn it why is he so submissive and breedable looking but is a sadistic asshole that’s a tad aggressive?-
(All Y/n as siblings cause yeah)
“Hi…I’m [Fem]Y/n” I grumble a little, feeling all my stress appearing again and I barely left school.
His mom simply waved, greeting me and probably clueless of what her son was planning, meanwhile I felt like killing myself.
My brother walked in [Male] Y/n and he looked in disbelief seeing Patrick, he glanced at me and I shrugged.
“Ah, there’s my son” my dad spoke up, damn it.
“Why don’t you hang out with them?” My mom said looking at Patrick, he shrugged and walked over to me, meanwhile my brother left already, really said ‘ladies first’ we walked to my room, dread touched my heart.
Opening to my glorious room filled with randomly shit that related to my interests or gore art on the wall I pinned up. I sat on my bed, Patrick closed my door, damn it. He smirked lightly sitting in my spinning chair.
“You seem so tense..why is that?” He lightly mocked, I glared.
“Why the fuck are you here?” I grumble to myself again, glaring in hatred.
“Maybe..I might’ve said something about you to my mom to convince her to come over” he grinned.
“…bitch” I said lowly, he smirked at my hostile attitude, but he’s low key hot-stay focused.
“You know…I bet you would look so good bouncing on my dick.” I choke on my spit, not expecting that-well it was expected but it was so random.
“You heard me.” He stared, his eyes were burning into my soul and all I felt was lust waving over him.
“..image me fucking your thighs, then finishing on your stomach, or me fucking you senseless with a knife to your neck..image all the things I could do to you.” He had said so casually, i wasn’t used to a guy telling me his fantasies.
“Sometimes…I wanna fuck you from behind while you suck off Henry” he had continued.
Wow-wait? Henry? Damn, I knew it-he was most definitely bi. Probably gets off to fucking or pleasing girls while watching a guy.
“Or…suck Henry while you ride me I don’t complain” I cock a eyebrow at his words.
“…so…your just spilling your bisexual fantasies?-“ he simply nodded, I notice his hands started caressing near his bulge, but now I finally notice his bulge was erect.
“Look at that..all hard, and just the thought of you makes me all hot and bothered..even though sometimes I just wanna slit your throat.” He let out a low growl, he lightly started to rub his bulge, I gulped knowing I wanted out.
He moaned softly, “Y/n~..got me all excited~”..so how do I feel watching this go down?..mixed feelings. My heart jumped when I notice him unbuckling his belt and unzipping his pants. Letting his length come free he gripped it a tad tight while stroking.
“Fuck.~..I wanna feel you so badly. Ngh~” I was not gonna make eye contact with his cock, but he made me nervous looking him in the eye, good thing the walls are thick.
He was just touching himself while looking at me, he bit his lip.
“Aw, what’s the matter? Can’t handle seeing me want release Y/n?~ o-ah~” He closed his eyes for a second feeling the moment, it was a surprise he was so peaceful while masturbating.
He stopped suddenly, simply fixing his pants he got up and left my room, I was just-wow
“Huh?-“ was all I could say, I was speechless.
[Male] pov
I was chilling in my room, laying on my bed with music blasting through my headphones, eyes closed. But I wasn’t aware of the devil literally finding me and coming into my room, not even noticing he closed my door.
I jumped when I felt a hand on my chest, my eyes open immediately and I sit up. Patrick..what the fuck?-
“What does your bitch ass want?” I ask, taking my headphones off.
“Actually don’t answer that.” I quickly said.
Before I could move much his hand gripped my thigh to prevent me from leaving. My cock twitched in confusion, but I didn’t wanna react to much.
“.you aren’t gonna leave.” He said lowly, before smirking again, he leaned in to the crook of my neck and started laying kisses down. My breathe lightly hitched at the feeling.
“Huh?-“ I was confused why he was showing a form of affection when he isn’t affectionate at all. I felt him lightly rest his hand on my thigh again, his thumb lazily rubbing against my bulge to get me excited. And yet it did, my cock started to harden at the sensation, I felt his smirk grow bigger in my neck.
He let out a chuckle, “fucking knew it”
“Knew what?-“ I cock a eyebrow,
“You would enjoy me touching your dick…slut” and there it was, the word I hated being called But liked it so much.
“What you call me?-say it again…i-like..hearing you call me that” I had shared, Patrick laughed at my words.
“Aw..the slut wants to be humiliated huh? Would you allow me to call you it in school?.~”
I nodded, “yes-if it means to hear you say it..” my body was begging to be stripped and fucked, he knew it to.
“Fucking prepare cause when the rest of the gang get here-“
“…what?” I side glance, my eyes went wide.
“Yeah..they’re planning to tag along here..mostly to play with you and your siblings.” He casually said, laying on his side comfortably.
“Let it sink in slut” the way the word slid off his tongue made me excited.
“Jesus fucking Christ” I rubbed my eyes.
“..your so-hot?” I randomly say, Patrick was amused by the way I was acting.
“I can tell I am in your eyes…also to let you know I randomly masturbate in front of your sister” that made my jaw dropped.
“The fuck?-“ I tried processing what he said.
“How did she react?-“ I ask
“Flabbergasted and confused” he shrugged his shoulders
“Sounds accurate enough”
(And here we are, one part done.)
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animesmolbean · 27 days
Guardian of Light
Hello! Welcome to my rewritten story for Dune and Kingdom Hearts!
Some things have changed, and the story has more added detail that helps with the story.
Regarding updates, they will be slower because I really want to explore a bit of the story, especially for future chapters. But I'll try to update as soon as I can.
As shown up above, this is the male version of the chapter! The female version was published yesterday (Monday). The female and male verison will have some differences (if you read both of them) to show the different actions taken by the characters. This will mostly affect the intimacy part of the story and not really the actual plot.
One more thing, I was inspired to write this story after reading a fanfiction I read on Wattpad that is just phenomenal! My story follows the format of it (most of the time), but it's a completely different story!
I'll link the book here if you are interested in reading it!
With all of that out of the way,
Hope you enjoy the first chapter! ♥️
Dreams are messages from the deep.
“My planet, Arrakis, is so beautiful when the sun is low. Rolling over the sands… You can see spice in the air. At nightfall, the spice harvesters land.
The outsiders and their army of demons race against time to avoid the heat of the day. They ravaged our lands in front of our eyes. Their cruelty to my people is all I've known.
These outsiders, The Harkonnens, came long before I was born. But their demon army only came recently with them.
By controlling the spice production, they become obscenely rich. Richer than the Emperor himself.
Our warriors couldn't free Arrakis from the Harkonnens, or the demons that lurk in the shadows, but one day, by the imperial decree, they were gone.
Why did the Emperor choose this path? And who will our next oppressors be?”
Chapter 1: Accepting a Deal
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Year 10191
CALADAN, Homeworld of House Atreides
“I've been having these weird thoughts lately. Like is any of this for real… or not?”
A (straight/curly/wavy) (hair color) boy slowly woke up. The soft glow from the light in his room, ridding him of any feeling of sleep.
He sat up, running his fingers through his hair. He looked around, seeing the familiar room he was given when he was a kid.
“It was… just a dream.” He whispered.
Meanwhile, a young boy was lying on a bed, shirtless, asleep, but tossed and turned a little as he dreamed. He was dreaming about something. Or rather, someone. His (Hair Color) hair gently blowing in the wind. He turned towards him, his beautiful sapphire blue eyes sparkling with happiness as he smiled widely.
His beautiful best friend since they were kids, the boy who is always the light of his life. (Your Name).
However, there was someone else with him. It was another girl that wore a different outfit compared to (Your Name). The boy didn't know who this was, for he could only see the side of her face. But he knew that he had dreamed of her before, too.
The boy's hazel green eyes opened, groaning softly, sitting up as the moving light came and shined against his shirtless form. He sat up in his bed, looking down.
‘What could that dream mean?’ He thought to himself.
The same young boy was now in a dining room, sitting at the table, deep in thought as he ate his breakfast.
An older woman who sat at the end of the table spoke up, breaking him out of his thoughts. “It's good you're up early. I just wish (Your Name) could be too.”
(Your Name) stood outside, in a loose gray long sleeve, baggy black Capri pants, and his boots were off, placed by a rock.
He dipped his feet into the large, cool body of water, walking until the water was halfway to his calves. He looked out towards the horizon, in deep thought.
“Your father wants you two in full dress before the Emperor's Herald arrives.”
The brunet boy raised his head up at this news, “Full dress? Military?”
“Ceremonial.” Jessica, the woman's name and his mother replied.
Paul let out a sigh. “Why would we have to go through all this when it's already been decided?” Paul asked.
“Ceremony.” Jessica simply replied.
The doors to the room suddenly opened, making the two at the dining table turn. Paul's lips lifted up into a smile at who was standing there. (Your Name).
“Ah…” (Your Name) chuckled awkwardly. “So sorry I'm late.” The boy walked over to the spot between Paul and Jessica.
“Nice to see you here (Your Name). And with shoes on this time.” Jessica lightly teased her son-like figure. She knew this boy since he was around five years old. She remembered the day the first time she brought him to Caladan.
Jessica was out late at night, having trouble sleeping. The sky was dark, stars twinkling, and the moon being the only thing providing light, making anything the light shone on glow a soft blue.
She walked along a beach that Caladan was known for when she saw what looked like a shooting star in the sky. But she saw it was falling towards the ground, not going across the sky like a shooting star normally would.
She watched the bright light and splash into a large body of water she was near. She walked closer to the water, her feet touching the soft sand. What she saw made her eyes widen.
What fell into the water was not a rock. But a child. He looked very young, like about five years old. He wore a white loose shirt with black shorts and no shoes.
Acting fast, she took off the cloak she was wearing and grabbed the wet, unconscious child and carried him back to the castle to be taken care of.
Jessica walked towards one of the spare rooms, requesting one of their servants to find clothes for the child. The female servant did what she was told while Jessica laid the child on the bed.
She got a closer look at the boy. He had (Hair Color) hair, (Skin Color) skin, all wet from landing in the water. She frowned and stroked the boy's wet hair.
This action caused the child to stir and mumble. Jessica watched the child slowly come to. When he opened his eyes, however, Jessica felt her heartbeat increase.
The boy's eyes were a deep blue. Like the color of sapphires or cobalt.
Jessica knew then that she needed to keep this boy safe.
(Your Name) chuckled shyly at Jessica's teasing, playing with the silver charm on his silver necklace; shaped like a small crown. He smiled back and then looked over to his best friend, who was already staring at her. Before he sat down, he greeted Paul with a gentle hug. The male smiled softly at his friend and hugged him back.
Once (Your Name) was seated and eating his breakfast, Jessica told him what she had just told Paul. The boy was confused as to why they were having a ceremony, but he gave Jessica a nod before he resumed eating. Jessica poured a glass of water for (Your Name) and slid the glass to him. The (Hair Color) haired boy thanked her quietly.
Jessica did the same for Paul, “Thank you.” The boy whispered. Jessica replied, “If you want it, make me give it to you. Use the Voice.”
(Your Name) guessed that Jessica wanted Paul to use the voice to bring him the water.
“Mom, I just woke up.” Paul protested in a gruffy, morning voice.
Jessica just stared at her son making Paul roll his eyes as he reluctantly agreed to try. He turned his body in the chair to use the voice, “Give me the water.”
It came out more like a soft, raspy whisper than what it was intended to be.
(Your Name) let out a muffled giggle at Paul's weak attempt. “The glass can't hear you. Say it to your mother.” He whispered.
Paul gave the boy a look before looking back at his mother. Seconds felt like minutes. The atmosphere shifted to stillness as (Your Name) watched Paul and Jessica stare at each other intensely, waiting for Paul to use the Voice again.
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Moments later, his lips moved.
“Give me the water.”
The voice came out gruffier and a bit distorted. But it did its magic. Jessica took the glass and pushed it towards Paul a little. But as quickly she was under the spell, she quickly snapped out of it. She pushed the glass of water closer to Paul.
Paul's voice was back to its normal pitch.
“Bene Gesserit skills take years to learn, Paul.” Jessica told her son as he reached out and grabbed the glass.
(Your Name) nodded. Even though he wasn't being taught to use the Bene Gesserit, he understood its complexity and why it's important to master.
Jessica observed her son before speaking again. “You look tired. More dreams?”
(Your Name) raised an eyebrow in confusion. He looked at his friend with worry. ‘Has he been dreaming too?’ He thought to himself.
Paul shook his head, muttering, “No.” Then he went back to eating.
“What about you, (Your Name)? Have you been dreaming?” Jessica asked.
The boy looked down before muttering, “No.”
“Extreme temperatures and treacherous weather events make life outside the cities of Arrakis truly hostile.” A robotic voice came from a recording that laid on the ground and showed visuals of what they were talking about.
After breakfast, the two childhood best friends decided to spend some time studying before they had to head to the ceremony.
The recorded voice from the video played as Paul had a book in his hands about the Fremen, reading it as his back leaned against (Your Name)’s torso. The boy was in a kneeling position, his arms were wrapped around Paul's neck, forearms resting on top of his shoulders. His head was on top of Paul's, silently reading along with him, occasionally nuzzling his nose into the boy's curly hair. He was only half paying attention, focused on looking at the book, listening to the recording, and trying to be as close to Paul as possible.
“With sandworms powerful enough to cut through metal. Only the native tribes known as the Freman and one other special person, that hasn't been seen nor born for centuries known as the Haris Aldaw’ have adapted well enough to survive.”
(Your Name)’s attention was diverted when he heard that name. Haris Aldaw’. He moved his head off of Paul’s. He has heard that name before. From where, he wasn't too sure.
Paul turned his head to look at the (Hair Color) haired boy, his hazel green eyes showing worry. “(Your Name), are you okay?”
The (Hair Color) haired boy blinked before nodding. “Yeah. I'm alright. Don't worry.” He replied to the boy.
Paul let one of his hands go from holding the book, grabbing one of (Your Name)’s hands, giving it a gentle squeeze. (Your Name) welcomed the comforting pressure and did it back to him. But to his surprise, Paul pressed a kiss to the back of his hand. Then, Paul turned his friend's hand to show his inner wrist and placed a kiss on the spot, too.
The (Hair Color) haired boy felt a blush blossom onto his cheeks at the gesture. Now flustered, he looked away shyly.
Paul let his hand go and smirked to himself before he continued reading.
“Preferring to inhabit the remotest regions of Arrakis the Freman share the deep desert with the giant sandworms, known to the Fremen as Shai-Hulud. Long exposure to spice has given the tribe their characteristic blue eyes, the eyes of Ibad.”
‘I wonder if it's as blue as my eyes.’ (Your Name) thought to himself, his focus back on the book and the recording.
“Little else is known of the Freman except that they have some sort of power that controls the Earth and the Freman are dangerous and unreliable. On the other hand, much is known about the Haris Aldaw’. They are known to control elements and have other magical abilities such as being able to glide.”
(Your Name) bit her bottom lip. ‘My dream last night was about gliding… and falling.’ He thought to himself again.
“Freman Attacks make spice harvesting extremely hazardous. For the Freman spice is the sacred hallucinogen which preserves life and brings enormous health benefits. For the imperium the spice is used by the navigators of the spacing guild to find safe paths between the stars. Without spice, interstellar travel is impossible, making it by far the most valuable substance in the universe.” The voice recording concluded.
(Your Name) and Paul were now standing outside, dressed nicely for the ceremony, both dressed similarly.
The (Hair Color) haired boy turned his head to look at the bearded man in the center. Duke Leto Atreides. The man he saw as his father for many years now. He remembered when he first came to Caladan, he was confused as to how he got here and where he came from. Jessica had explained the situation, and the Duke didn't want to believe the tale, but when he saw how adamant she was, he believed her.
He took him in and cared for him like he was one of his own kids, raising him alongside Paul. Teaching him many things like reading and writing, alongside Lady Jessica. He couldn't be more graceful to the two for taking him in.
The Duke turned his head and saw the (Hair Color) haired boy looking at him. He gave the boy a subtle nod to him; a gesture he returned to him, a gentle smile on his face.
An enormous oval shaped ship landed on the ground. The ramp was placed down as the important people walked out from it. They were wearing their house clothes and walking respectfully towards them. (Your Name) wasn't exactly sure who they were but knew they were of utmost importance if they were coming to speak with the Atreides.
“Smile Gurney.” The Duke said, looking forward at the approaching visitors, his tone calm but with a touch of joking as he spoke to his trusted member.
“I am smiling.” Gurney replied monotonously, a blank expression on his always serious looking face.
(Your Name) bit his bottom lip to suppress a snicker from escaping his lips. Paul looked at him in mild amusement.
The Duke shook his head at Gurney’s deadpan response, “How much will it cost them traveling all this way for this formality?”
“Three Guild navigators and a total of 1,460,062 Solaris for this round trip.” Another trusted advisor answered beside the Duke. The Duke turned his attention back to the new visitors.
(Your Name) watched as a member of the group that arrived from the ship bow to the Duke, “By the grave of Shaddam IV of the House Corrino, ascendant to the Golden Lion Throne of Padishah Emperor of the Known Universe, I stand before you as Herald of the Change. We are witnessed by members of the Imperial Court, representatives of the Spacing Guild, and a sister of the Bene Gesserit. The Emperor has spoken.” He pulled out a scroll, unrolling it before he read, “House Atreides shall immediately take control of Arrakis and serve as its steward.” The member closed the scroll. Do you accept?
The Duke took a couple long strides, stopping at the top of the stairs, “We are House Atreides. There is no call we do not answer. There is no faith that we betray. The Emperor asks us to bring peace to Arrakis! House Atreides accepts!”
“Atreides! Atreides! Atreides!” The soldiers that stood everywhere, representing House Atreides, started chanting as the Duke made his way down the stairs to sign the paper.
Before he does, the Duke looks back at his son and (Your Name), seeing them both giving him a subtle nod in agreement, silently approving him. They watched him sign the paper using his signet ring.
As he did, (Your Name) felt a feeling in his stomach that he couldn't quite place. Like a feeling of unease. He wasn't sure why he felt it just now. ‘Probably from all the people staring at us.’ He thought to himself.
“So it is done?” Leto asked the Herald.
“It's done.” The Herald responded, face blank, not showing any emotion.
Once the deal was finalized, (Your Name) scooted closer to Paul, pressing his right arm against Paul's left one. The curly haired boy looked at the boy. He gave him a gentle smile, which he returned in kind.
He always liked Paul's smile. Paul thought the same thing about him.
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sjhhemmings · 7 months
“Chief’s Daughter”
brian zvonecek x fem!reader
a/n: i got this idea from @winchesterszvonecek after reading trouble so i hope they aren’t too similar, you’re an inspiration 😘
warnings: mentions of sex, brian on blast lmfaoo, that should be it! enjoy 🤌🏻🤌🏻
me after writing this imagine ⬇️ i’m absolutely laughing my ass off rn
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“Anyone got any plans after shift? Cruz asks out to the rest of truck 81 sitting at the common table, “Oh and uno.” he added once he placed down a yellow draw two.
“Uh yeah, I’m meeting my girlfriend’s parents…” Otis replied while playing another draw two causing the next person to have to draw four. According to house rules anyway.
“Oh-ho-ho, meeting the in-laws. How long has this one been brewing?” Herrmann asked causing Otis to blush.
“About 4 months, we’ve been taking our time, nice and slow.” Otis lets out a soft chuckle leaving the rest up to their imagination.
“Really? You think it’s gonna last long?” Cruz asks in an irritated tone since he ended up having to draw 12 because everyone else around the table so conveniently had another draw two.
“Hope so. I really like her. Depending on how much of a hard ass her dad actually turns out to be I might even love her,” He laughs as he says it but he knows he’s already in love with you.
“Is the sex good?” Cruz asks and the whole table gives him a look. “What!? it’s a fair question and you don’t gossip to me about your love life anymore mister ‘i have a girlfriend and i need to spend time with her blah blah blah…’”
Once he finishes his rant that was for sure out of jealousy, (in a sense that Otis’ gf spends more time with him than joe does, not the fact that he doesn’t have a gf). Everyone expectantly looks at Otis.
“Well, I don’t want to brag, but it’s really good.” Is all Brian says and the guys are still giving him the same look.
“Details buddy let’s go,” Cruz says borderline actually annoyed.
“What else am I supposed to say? It’s good, it’s hot, it’s sexy. She’s the women of my dreams! She’s definitely not quiet, ‘Oh Brian, oh Brian!” He says in explicit detail mimicking your sex noises.
“What are we talking about here?” Chief Boden says as he was eavesdropping for the last 30 seconds.
“Oh, Otis is telling us about how hot the sex is with his new girlfriend!” Cruz shares a little too eagerly earning an unamused eyebrow raise from the Chief.
Otis then slapped Cruz in the chest now embarrassed of his friend.
“Well, go on, let me in on this ‘bro’ talk.” Boden says encouraging Brian to share.
“I mean I don’t want to bore you with the details sir…” Brian says embarrassed in front of his chief.
“Oh c’mon you gotta tell him about the part where she’s not quiet, and literally screams your name! You know the whole, ‘Oh Brian, Oh Brain!’” Herrmann says now mimicking Otis’ perception of you.
“Yeah he’s meeting her parents tonight! Says he might love her if her dad isn’t too crazy!” Cruz says dying laughing and still not fully grasping that this is extremely embarrassing for Otis. Meanwhile Otis sits in his self-loathe at the moment beat red wishing he never said anything at all.
“That is just…wow. What a coincidence though, I’m meeting my daughter’s boyfriend tonight. Dinner, at my place…7 o’clock.” Boden says piling on the details.
“Wow that is a coincidence…sir.” Brian coughs at the last second praying that his girlfriend is not his chief’s daughter. She would’ve mentioned something right? Like oh hey, just to let you know, your boss is my dad! She knew he was a firefighter at 51 why did she not say anything. Suddenly the room felt really hot and Brian was being cooked.
“You know, Otis, the coincidence is really just uncanny, like how my daughter’s boyfriend is a firefighter, and you’re a firefighter. And how my daughter’s boyfriend works at firehouse 51, and you work at firehouse 51, oh and also, my daughter’s boyfriend is coming over to meet us tonight, and you’re going to meet your girlfriend’s parents tonight. It’s just…wow! Absolutely…crazy.” Boden says finishing his train of thought smiling like a maniac getting an absolute kick out of this little ‘bro’ talk he decided to indulge in.
“I’ll go mop the app floor now.” Brian said getting up and excusing himself from this horrifying situation he’s found himself in.
“Make sure you wash all three trucks too. I wanna see my reflection in every single one head to toe. And don’t be late to dinner!” Boden said walking away laughing knowing he was going to call Donna and tell her everything.
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2737377474883 · 1 year
Hi, can you do one with Jill Roord, pls?
Where the reader and Jill are on a vacation with Daan and Ellie, Viv and Beth, Katie and Ruesha, Jackie Groenen and Lynn Wilms.
Where all of them are sharing a house together.
None know that Jill and the reader are dating for a while, so Jackie kept flirting w the reader since the first day of vacation, same thing goes for Lynn who kept flirting w Jill.
The reader and Jill speak Italian with each other while they're w their friends.
Idk a little bit of drama (like Jackie tried to kiss the reader and Jill got all mad and jealous about it) and the reader got upset and mad so she punched a wall a couple of times and she ended up w a broken hand.
Meanwhile Viv and Daan saw the reader doing it and they rushed to call Jill.
Idk something cute and fluff at the end
The other find out that they're dating and started asking them so many questions.
I don't have any ideas how to make the other players involved, so feel free to do it.
Jill Roord x Reader
First of all, I would like to apologize for taking so long. I hope you like it and it meets your expectations.
English is not my native language. Sorry for incorrect grammar and spelling.
I can't speak or write Italian, so these sentences are in italics.
I put the last suitcase in the trunk and get in the car. I look at Jill who is sitting in the passenger seat and give her a little smile which she returns. I start the engine and drive off. Jill plays around with the radio until she concludes that every station is playing “tasteless” music and connects her phone to the car speakers.
“You hear that? That is good music.”
I just look over at her and a smile creeps over my face. She starts to sing along and dance a little in her seat. We reach Lynns driveway, but she is nowhere to be seen.
“I think Lynn managed to oversleep again.” I say.
“Nah, she is probably just trying to find all her stuff, but as we all know, that can take a little longer because of her chaos.” Jill says while looking out the window “look the light in her living room is on.”
“I will send her a text to hurry up and you stop stalking her it´s creepy” I say and send Lynn a message. Jill just gives me a cute smile and asks: “Are you exited to spend time with the girls again?”
I look up from my phone and say:” Yeah, I really miss them sometimes, it’s great to catch up and this time not after a game. Besides that, we didn´t really had a few days off or time for vacation since the season started.”
“Yeah, you´re right I miss them. But to be honest with you I would like to spend a week in Italy just you and me no one else.” She says.
I put my phone away, lay my hand on her thigh and say:” I would love that, but I think we will be able to sneak out for a date.”
Jill lays her hand on mine and gives me a tight-lipped smile. I turn my hand and take hers in mine. “Hey, what’s wrong?” I ask worried.
“I´m sorry that we have to hide our relationship and can´t just be ourselves in front of the others.” She mumbles quietly.
“You have nothing to be sorry for, okay? I understand that you are not ready to tell the girls about us just yet and we will do it when you feel ready not a second earlier, alright?” I say trying to make sure she understands me.
“I understand, thank you.” She says, gives me a smile and squeezes my hand.
“You don´t have to thank me, my love.” I say.
Jill looks out the window and pulls her hand away as soon as she sees Lynn. Lynn makes her way to our car and Jill gets out the car to greet Lynn and help her with the suitcase, as if Lynn wasn´t able to do that on her own. They both take a seat in the back, and I drive us to the airport. I see in the rear-view mirror that Lynn has placed her hand on Jill’s, which is resting on her thigh. I know that Jill is just nervous, and Lynn just wants to comfort her, but it still annoys me, and I can´t help myself and roll my eyes.
The flight just took 3 hours, and we arrived in Ibiza. We made our way out the airport and I already saw Katie and Ruesha waiting for us, filming our arrival probably for Katies McVlog or Ruesha`s RueTube Diary.
“Look who we have got here, Y/n, Jill and Lynn from Wolfsburg and now we are finally complete!” Katie says while filming us.
“Good to see you again Ladies, where are the others?” Lynn asks excited and they tell us that the other girls are already in the house we rented for our vacation. We make our way to the house, Ruesha is driving, I´m sitting in the passenger seat catching up with her while the others are in the back filming for Katies Vlog and singing along to some song that I never heard before. We park in front of the house and carry our luggage to the door, which Jackie opens.
She immediately pulls me into a hug and says:” It´s good to see you again, I missed you so much my dear.” She wraps her arms around me and pulls me inside and the others just follow us. “Yeah, it´s good to see you again.” We leave our luggage in the corridor and enter the kitchen where Beth, Viv, Daan and Ellie are sitting. We greet each other with hugs and decide to cook dinner because it´s already quite late. Because me and Jill are the only ones who can cook without setting the kitchen on fire we are in charge and Lynn and Jackie offered to help us.
I stir the sauce when I feel someone resting their chin on my shoulder and wrapping their arms around my waist. It´s not Jill as I expected at first, but I can tell by their touch and smell that its Jackie, I turn my head to look at her and she asks: “That looks so good when will it be finished?”. “Just a few more seconds.” I answer but she just groans impatiently, and I just chuckle a little. The other girls already set the table and now we are sitting at the table and enjoying the food.
“Oh Y/n that tastes so good, you are so talented it’s unbelievable.” Jackie says, who is sitting next to me, and I have to chuckle because it’s the easiest and most idiot prove recipe I know. “Thanks” I mumble while looking at Jill to see if she likes it, but she is in the middle of a conversation with Lynn and Viv, and I don´t want to disturb her.
After dinner we decide to clean up and watch a movie. I´m cleaning a plate when I see Jackie sitting down on the countertop next to me and we talk for a while. I´m wiping over the countertop and am about to clean the sink, when I feel a splash of water hitting my face, I shut my eyes and wipe over my face with the sleeve of my jumper.
“Really, was that necessary?” I mumble under my breath.
“Wow, Y/n it´s so hot when you speak Italian.”
“Thank you, I guess?” I reply to Jackie.
I hear someone clearing their throat and turn around, to see Jill standing there impatiently holding a bowl of crisps.
“Everything is set up we are just wating for you.”
I nod my head and follow Jill into the living room. I`m about to sit down next to Jill when I get pushed to the side and Lynn takes my spot. I feel a hand wrapping around my wrist and I get pulled down to on the sofa, next to Jackie. We start the movie and I feel Jackie cuddling into my side and holding my hand. I look over to Jill, who is resting her head on Lynns shoulder while Lynn has her arms wrapped around my girlfriend. I take a deep breath, which doesn´t get unnoticed by Jackie.
“Are you alright?” she asks worried.
“Yeah, I´m just fine.” I reply with a little smile.
Jackie smiles slightly and rests her head on my chest. I try to focus on the movie, but my eyes keep wondering over to Jill and Lynn. The movie ends and I want to get up to go to the bathroom when I notice that Jackie has fallen asleep. Everyone but my girlfriend smile at me and I just growl a little. I pick Jackie up and carry her upstairs. As I turn to indicate that someone should open the door to Jackie’s bedroom, I see Katie and Ruesha holding their phones pointed at me and I realize that they must have filmed all of it. I just roll my eyes and lay Jackie in her bed and gently tuck her in.
I`m in the bathroom brushing my teeth, Jill enters and does the same. When I´m done I sit on the lid of the toilet and wait for Jill to finish. Jill is finally done, and she is just doing her skin care, I get up and hug her from behind. I rest my chin on her shoulder and just observe her. I lightly kiss Jill´s neck and she giggles a little. She turns around and puts her arms around my neck. My arms wrap tighter around her waist, and we look deeply into each other eyes.
Suddenly I hear the door open, and Jill quickly pushes me away from her. I take a step back and look at the person who has ruined what was probably the only romantic moment between me and my girlfriend today. It´s Lynn of course it´s Lynn, it`s always Lynn.
“Hey Jilly, I´ve already taken our suitcases to our bedroom, are you finally done?” Lynn asks impatiently and grabs my girlfriend´s hand and pulls her with her.
I just give my reflection an annoyed look and make me was to Jackie´s bedroom, because all the other rooms are filled with happy couples.
The next morning, I walk into Jill and Lynn´s room to let them know breakfast is ready only to see them both snuggled up in bed and sleeping. Viv comes into the bedroom as well and sees the two.
“Oh, they look so cute and peaceful together!” she marvels.
“Oh yes, the perfect couple.” I answer full of sarcasm and make my way downstairs.
The two finally mange to get downstairs and we can start with breakfast.
“How did I get into bed yesterday? I can´t remember going upstairs.” Jackie asks completely confused.
At least now I know I didn´t disturb her while she slept. The others just smirk at me and Beth tells her to check out Katie´s Instagram story. She does as she is told and a smile spreads across her face.
“I hope I didn´t make you feel uncomfortable.” I say cautiously and give her an apologetic smile.
“Oh don´t worry darling I guess I have to thank you and your strong arms.” She says and puts her hand on my upper arm.
I raise an eyebrow in confusion and just tell her that it´s alright.
The weather is very good, our house has a pool, and we just want to relax so we decide against going out and exploring Ibiza and just plan on spending the whole day at the pool.
We get changed and enjoy the day at the pool. After a round of chicken fight in which Lynn had to be a team with Jill, I sat down with Beth and Viv, who were just relaxing on the loungers in the sun and reading. We talked about the season, the injuries they both have, and we all got mad about the fact that the World Cup might not be broadcast in Germany. I´m making my way inside to get some new drinks when Jackie offered to help me, which I gratefully accepted. We go into the kitchen, and I get the bottles out of the fridge and take a few more ice cubes from the freezer.I was about to grab a glass that is on the counter behind her when she hugs me. I ask her if she´s alright as she looks deep into my eyes. She doesn´t answer me, her gaze wanders from my eyes to my lips and she comes closer and closer. Realizing that she wants to kiss me I try to push her away, knowing it´s too late when I hear a glass hit the floor and shatter.
I turn around and my expectation is confirmed. In front of me is my girlfriend with tears in her eyes, her lips are pressed tightly together and her hands, which were previously holding the glass, are now clenches into fists. Shit, I really screwed up. Jill just shakes her head slightly and storms out of the kitchen into the corridor.
I free myself from Jackie´s hug, jump over the shards and run after her. I need to fix this; I messed up so badly.
I find her in the corridor. I slowly come closer to her and want to put my hand on her shoulder, but she slaps it away and glares at me angrily with tears in her eyes.
“What have I done to deserve this just because I´m not ready to make our relationship public yet, really Y/n? I would never do such a thing!” she screams at me.
“I didn´t kiss Jackie, she wanted to kiss me, but I pushed her away!” I try to convince her but she doesn´t believe me.
“Well, it didn´t look like that, besides, you´ve been flirting with each other the whole time since we are here.” she accuses me.
“What am I supposed to say, Lynn and you are always flirting and cuddling not only here but also in Wolfsburg.” I say and immediately regret it.
“You know what Y/n I´m not even going to discuss it with you now. You cheated on me with Jackie I can imagine what you did in your room last night.”
That was the last thing she said before storming up the stairs.
I destroyed everything we had. How am I supposed to get by without her. I must transfer to another club, I can´t stay in Wolfsburg if she is in a happy relationship with Lynn.
I´m so overwhelmed with my emotions, usually Jill helps me when everything is a bit too much for me, but I can´t ask her now. I need something to calm me down. I can´t control myself anymore and the wall I was leaning on before has to suffer. I hit the wall a few times before Daan pulls me off the wall.
My breathing calms, my racing heart slows down, and I become aware of the pain in my hand. My gaze wonders off the wall and over to Viv who holds me in her arms and looks at me worriedly.
“Hey, it’s alright calm down.” she tells me and pulls me into a hug.
“I`m so stupid” I sob into her neck.
“I know what goalkeeper punches a wall; your hands are the most important.” She laughs lightly trying to cheer me up.
“Are you coming, Beth is already in the car?” asks Daan standing at the front door with Ellie.
I look at Viv confused; she tells me we´re driving to the hospital because my hand looks bad. I didn´t even realize before how battered my hand looks, so I just nod still a little bit confused.
I sit in the treatment room and wait for the doctor to let me go home. My arm is broken but not displaced which is good otherwise I would need surgery. I got a cast which is wrapped in a green bandaged to protect it. I chose green for Wolfsburg even through I know I´m not allowed to play with the cast on.
When the door opens, I expect the doctor or a nurse but it´s Jill. I sit up straight and look at her confused. She walks up to me and pulls me into a tight hug. Well, that was unexpected. She rests her forehead against my collarbone and repeatedly murmurs apologies. I wrap my arms around her waist and tell her to look at me. She starts at me with big teary eyes but this time I don´s see any anger in them.
“Hey, my love, you don´t need to apologize, I should have realized earlier that Jackie was flirting with me and I shouldn´t be jealous of you and Lynn, you have every right to be mad at me.” I apologise.
“No, I don´t. I talked to Jackie; she told me that you never flirted with her in any way it was all on her side. She apologized to me and I´ve now told all our friends about our relationship and Lynn is really, really sorry.” She explains.
“I hope I didn´t scared her too much.” I reply.
“She will be fine.” assures me Jill.
“I love you.”
“I love you more.”
“That’s impossible.”
We smile at each other and wait for the doctor to arrive. We make our way to the entrance area of the hospital where the others are waiting for us. I am approached by a little boy.
“Excuse me are you Y/N?” he asks nervously.
“Yeah, that’s me.” I confirm.
“I´m a big fan of yours could you give me an autograph?” he asks.
“Of cause, where should I sign?” I reply.
“Could you sign my cast, I wanted to keep it anyways?” he asks.
“Of course, if that’s okay” I ask and look at a woman standing behind him who I think is his mother. She just nods and I kneel carefully in front of the little boy and his mother hands me a pen. I´m having some trouble signing because of my cast but luckily it doesn´t hurt.
“Why are you waring a cast are you alright?” he asks worriedly.
“I had a little accident but nothing to be worried about. I broke my arm like you broke yours. Would you like to sign my cast, then we could be cast buddies?” I ask him.
His eyes widen and a smile form on his face. He looks up at his mother who nods at him, and I offer him the pen. He takes it and is about to sign my cast when the others come and wait for me.He writes his name on my cast and looks at the others.
“Wow, that’s a beautiful name thank you buddy.” I say and notice that he tries to hide behind me and his mother.
“Hey, its alright, they are my friends, you know them, right?” I ask.
He doesn´t dare to speak but comes out of his hiding space. He smiles slightly as I explain to the others that he´s a fan of us. My girlfriend kneels next to me and offers to sign his cast. Jill, Daan, Ellie, Viv, Beth, Katie, Ruesha, Jackie and Lynn sign his cast and his mother takes a picture of us.
When we are back in the house, we are bombarded with questions, which we both answer patiently. Lynn and Jackie apologize to us several times and we enjoy our vacation
I hope you liked it. If you have any improvements, suggestions or requests, please feel free to contact me.
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