#out of the doors   >   i need a cuppa tea right now
rileyslibrary · 11 months
(Can i just say i love ur work, i too read them like bedtime stories, u perform a great service to humanity my good comrade)
Also, could i request perhaps Reader needing to go undercover for a mission and getting a bit too close for comfort with some baddies and thus making Ghost worry? He’s certainly not jealous by any means tho, of course not! Nope. Not jealous at all. Not even a smidge.
He is tho. He’s jealous. In his own Ghost way.
Thank you for your kind words, nonny and sorry for being so late!
Reader is an undercover tourist in Paris for this one. No warnings, other than a pretty sulky Ghost. More A/N at the end.)
He hasn’t uttered a word since you returned to your temporary base. No “good job,” no “well done,” no “thank you for risking your life for the team.” Nothing. He didn’t even stick around for the debriefing. Instead, he stashed his gear in his locker and headed straight to the kitchen.
Usually, after a high-stress operation, Ghost would go to the kitchen to make some tea. Yet, the way he went about his business today seemed more like he was about to sharpen his knives than brew himself a ‘cuppa’.
There is a reason he’s upset, though, and you know it. While you are always prepared to risk your life for the team, your latest actions were pretty... out of character, so to speak, and Ghost took notice of that.
You stare at the closed kitchen door, wondering what’s unfolding behind it, how he feels, and whether he can communicate it without lashing out.
“Maybe it’s best to give him some space,” Price advises, narrowing his eyes. “You did a pretty risky thing back there; no reason to push your luck.”
“A whole kitchen’s worth of space, Captain?” you retort. “I’ll evacuate if things take a turn for the worse.”
“Call for backup if you can’t handle it,” he winks at you. “And don’t tell him I did that,” he says, pointing at his closed eye.
You smile at him, and push open the kitchen door. Ghost sits at the table, his back turned towards you, hunched over a cup of tea. He has his balaclava draped over his right thigh and his gloves on the table.
“Your hair is a mess.” You tease.
You reach to fix the stray hairs hanging over his forehead, but he pulls away from your touch. You lower your hand and go for the kettle instead. This will be much more difficult, you think to yourself.
“Coffee?” You offer. Although you know he’d refuse, you feel it’s a good way to break the ice.
Yet he doesn’t reply. Instead, he reclines on his chair and stirs the tea with a metal spoon. With your back turned to him, you pour the preheated water into your cup, add coffee granules, and cool it down with a gentle blow. The clinking of the metal spoon against the ceramic mug continues until it suddenly stops.
“Are you alright, mademoiselle?” He mocks, with a fake—and quite terrible—French accent, mimicking the enemy guard who “rescued” you when you dramatically pretended to twist your ankle in front of him.
A chuckle escapes you, and you turn to face him, leaning against the kitchen counter. He keeps his gaze fixed on his cup.
“I had to buy some time for Soap and Gaz, Lieutenant,” you explain. “They were inside that safehouse, gathering-”
“Intel,” he interjects. “I was there too; no need to rehash it.”
“The guards were dangerously close, sir,” you press on. “There was no time.”
He shakes his head. “No time doesn’t mean dropping to your hands and knees like a coquette, bawling your eyes out, waiting for a French knight in shining armour to come and save you now, does it?” he spats.
You raise an eyebrow. ‘Coquette’? You? He knows damn well the fall was staged, the tears were fabricated, the vulnerability was an act. The fall did hurt; otherwise, it wouldn’t have been believable. But shedding tears over twisting your ankle? No way. You’ve endured bullet wounds in the past, for heaven’s sake, and barely flinched. Ghost knows that. Yet, he looks more…
“Jealous, Lt.?”
“Don’t flatter yourself, sweetheart.” He murmurs, scratching his forehead.
“Say what you want,” You shrug. “But you must admit: it was a pretty convincing fall.”
“Yeah,” he replies. “Nothing says more ‘convincing’ like kissing the cobblestones of Paris.”
“Alright,” you say, leaving your cup on the kitchen counter. You cross your arms in front of your chest and nod upwards. “What would you have done, then?”
“Shoot him,” he responds, his black-painted eyes shifting from the cup to you. “That’s why I was up on the rooftop, remember?”
“What’s the point of going undercover if you’d eliminate the threat like that?” You persist. “And in a public place like that? Come on, Lt.!”
He pushes his cup to the side, places his hands on the kitchen table and stands up.
“Have you ever thought of what would have happened if your cover was blown?” He asks, raising his voice. “How was I supposed to protect you if you were right in front of my bloody target?”
You keep staring at him, his last words replaying in your mind.
How was I supposed to protect you…
You look at your mug on the counter; the steam from the coffee is almost gone. It must have been transferred onto him instead, you think to yourself. Might as well let him blow it off. Let him vent.
“I know how to protect myself, Ghost.”
He sits back on his chair and brings his tea closer, shaking his head.
“You should’ve waited for the signal.” He says. “We’ve got a plan for a reason.”
“I understand, s-”
“Falling in front of the enemy, letting him scoop you up like a fucking princess in agony, removing your shoe, fetching you ice from the coffee shop wasn’t part of the plan.”
A smile threatens to escape your lips, but you suppress it. You turn your back to him and pretend to clean the counter. There’s no reason to anger him more.
“Sir,” you begin. “What is the problem here: me not following orders or letting the guard run to my aid?”
“I don’t care about that French prick touching your ankle.” He murmurs.
Well, seems that ‘French prick’ touching you bothered him as much as you not following the plan. You stop fake-wiping the counter, grab your mug and turn towards him.
“I apologise, sir,” you say. “It won’t happen again. But you could have voiced your concerns in a less... abrasive way.”
“Wasn’t the pavement abrasive enough?” He snaps. “What’s next? Are you going to cry over it?”
You click your tongue and approach the table, extending your hand for a handshake.
“Alright, enough,” you say. “Let’s make a truce and end this right now.”
He remains still, looking at you. He finally reaches for your hand, but instead of shaking it, he twists it so your palm faces down. With a smirk, he stands up, brings it to his mouth, and kisses it.
“Isn’t that how that fucker would have done it?” he asks, still smiling.
You roll your eyes. At least his anger has died down and you’re left with his—typical—snarky self. You pull a chair across from him.
“Mind if I sit?” You ask.
“Normally, I’d tell you to ‘hit the bricks’,” He murmurs, motioning for you to take your place. “But you’ve already done that.”
A/N: I keep confusing “ankle” with “uncle”. You twist your ankle, not your uncle ffs.
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sirenmoth · 9 days
Don't Poke The Bear
John Price x GN!Reader
Synopsis: Price is getting some much needed sleep, and decided you'd be joining him CW: Fluff, mentions of injuries, gambling, implied poly!141. maybe, idk
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Surprisingly it was a less stressful day around base, most, if not all duties and chores were done by lunchtime or just after lunch, anything left could be done in a few minutes, so most people were putting off those in favour of a break to lounge in their rooms or to go off base for a drink. Soldiers from various ranks could be found mingling in their offices finishing off the last of their paperwork or in the barracks quarters just chatting and filling each other in on gossip that's been happening, some on calls to faraway family. You and the rest of the Task Force have been in the rec room since just after dinner time, all tasks and chores done for the day and all paperwork completed and submitted, you all decided to wind down until lights out, the only one not present was the Captain, still cooped up in his office saying ‘he wants to get ahead for tomorrow’, barely looking up when either of you checked in and asked if he was joining.
The prior mission was tough, though only a few weeks long, barely anyone made it out without a scratch or bruise or a sore muscle, everyone tired and ready to relax. All favoured staying on base instead of going out for a drink at one of the local pubs, you all looked like you were falling asleep standing up, even Ghost looked worse for wear. So the rec room became a makeshift commune hub for the four of you,
Ghost observed the sergeants game of pool, occasionally chiming in to their conversation and keeping both them and their game in check, tallying up the scores and announces who won the round. You were sat on the of the couch’s opposite the pool table, legs stretched out lengthwise and resting and elbow on the arm of the couch, mindlessly tuning in and out the of conversations the boys were having as you read your book, deciding now would a good time to finish after it was left forgotten on your bedside table. Every so often, you’d throw in a weak retort or a half mined response into the conversation that was happening around the pool table, smiling and quietly laughing at their jokes. Watching from over the book as the boys place down money as they resort the balls to the centre of the table. Soap loudly cussed after each lose, Ghost reorganizing the balls back into the centre of the table.
Just as Gaz was about to take his shoot, the rec room door opens to reveal a very disgruntled Captain, muttering under his breath about something none of you could hear. You all stop and look at him as he walks around the small kitchenette area to fix himself a cup of tea, none of you dare to say a word, the silence being filled by the sound of the kettle boiling. You all look at each other in a wordless attempt to try and get someone to speak up, but no one wanting to take the fall for if something happens.
“Are you ok, John?” You meekly ask, the other three men standing off to the side but ready to move if need be. Watching with a hawklike gaze as John leaned against the countertop, grabbing a mug from the cupboard once the kettle finishes boiling.
Price stops what he’s done, and it feels like time freezes before he continues with making his cuppa, turning around to face you on the couch with a glare, and you feel like death is ready to claim you. John stands as he slowly sips his tea, never taking is eyes off you, holding that ice-cold gaze over the steaming mug. After what feels like an entirety, he makes his way over to you, still glaring, you feel your heart pick up the closer he gets, until John is standing right in front of you, staring downwards, cup of tea held firmly in his grasp. The three men around the table shift uncomfortable on their feet as they wait for something to happen.
“Price? Is there something I can help you with?” You ask, swallowing a thick lump in your throat.
Still no answer, the only hint he heard you was when he placed the mug down on the long coffee table in front of the couch, then, without warning or notice, he falls forward onto you. You huff loudly due to the sudden weight placed on you, quickly holding your book up so it doesn’t get crushed under his weight. Staring down at the man now lying face first in your chest, frozen from the shock, you look up and the three men and silently ask for help, only to be greeted with confused glances and shrugs from them. All as confused as you are.
John snakes his arms around your waist, adjusting himself, and by proxy you, into a more comfortable position, he moves his head a little further up to the crook of your neck, places one of your legs on his hip, which he slides of his legs under to keep in position, his other leg stretched out and pins yours into the back of the couch, his arms wrapped tight around your midsection. You slowly move your arms down once Johns stopped moving, wrapping one around his shoulder so you can rest your book in between his shoulder blades and the other around his head, resting your hand on the back of it.
Quite giggles admitted from the far end of the rec room, only stopping when john mutters a loud but still barely audible ‘shut up, you muppets’.  That doesn't stop them from laughing at the situation you find yourself in or how their Captain is acting like a child with his favour teddy, keeping you in a tight grasp so you can't leave.
Going back to the paragraph you were reading, you mindlessly start flexing your fingers on the back of Prices’, small scratches over his scalp as you read the words on the page, a content grunt comes from the sleeping a mans throat and a grumble when you remove your hand to turn the page, sighing once you put it back against his scalp. Softly smiling as you continue to start reading the next chapter.
You turn out the game of pool between the others, completely engrossed into your novel to care, muscle memory takes over as you play with the short hair on John's head and flick through page after page of the book, completely engrossed with the plot. A soft buzz comes from the coffee table, ignoring it until you hear a repetition of buzzing emitting from it. Reaching over as best you could with a sleeping bear onto of you, the lockscreen opens to show several messages and an image from the group chat, unlocking your phone reveals the image as one of you and Price cuddling on the couch and the messages below commenting on the photo above.
Looking up at the three men, all smiling to themselves as they take more image, their pool game now ignored in favour of staring at the two of you. Looking back down at the man using you as a pillow, thinking to yourself that he’s never looked more peaceful as you put your phone back down and go back to reading your novel. Tuning out the quite laughs of the rest of your team in favour of enjoying the warmth of the sleeping captain.
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finelinevogue · 2 years
the weather starting to get cold so they sleep in or making fortress in the living room watching movies drinking hot chocolate while cuddling under the covers 🥹 playing with their toes giggling forgetting about the movie playing BYE 😭
i am so fucking cold today that i thought it would be perfect to write this one :)
summary - winter is supposedly the saddest time of the year, but maybe not this year
warnings: swearing maybe? kardashians, it's just fluff like.. what else did you expect?, a little bit of heated kissing too
word count: 1.4k
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"Fuck, fuck, fuck.."
A train of curses fell from your mouth as you ran from the bus stop down the road to your front door. As your ran, your coat hood fell down and you cursed even more.
"Not today please." You sighed, running up the steps to your front door and under the porch. Rummaging through your bag only took a minute to find your key and then you were finally inside your house.
Looking at the clock hanging in the hallway and seeing that it read 5:58 made you sigh and curse some more. You dropped your bag to the floor with a huff and tried to scramble out of your coat, but between an arm getting stuck and the zip getting caught it was not looking to be the quickest escape.
And then the doorbell went.
"Fuck." You said to yourself.
Quickly walking towards the mirror in the hallway you realised that there was no fixing the wet hair or the dripping mascara. You sighed once more and made it to the front door, unlatching it and opening it to see Harry as expected.
"Hey bab.. What happened to you?" He frowned, no doubt noticing how much of a mess you looked right now.
"I know. God, I'm sorry H. Like my boss kept me late and then I missed the stupid bus and caught in the silly rain and now I'm not prepared for you and—"
"Hey, hey." Harry shushed you, pushing you back into your house out of the cold and allowing himself to step inside too. His arms rested on yours and he made sure that you were looking at him when he was talking. "No need to stress, alright? Now, before I allow you to continue your daily rant I want you to go have a hot shower and—"
"No. No buts. Listen to me, please. Go have a hot shower and change into something more comfortable." He said as he unzipped your coat for you and helped your trapped arm out. "I will put on the kettle and have a cuppa tea and an episode of Keeping Up With The Kardashian waiting for you, okay?"
This time you sighed with relief.
"Yeah, okay. Thank you."
You leaned up on your toes and puckered your lips for a kiss. Harry most gladly accepted and kissed you back, reaching up a warm hand to cup your cheek and bring you closer to him. The warmth from his body was so comforting and familiar that you could have cried after the day you've had. His lips continued to softly press against yours, until he pulled away to give your cold nose a quick kiss instead.
"Now go, okay?" He tapped your bum lightly, encouraging you be quick so you could come back and kiss him some more. "And after you're done, we can talk about how you didn't call me to come pick you up and instead got the bus."
Instead of responding you smiled as you jogged up the stairs and towards your warm shower.
After a long, hot, shower, where the water scolded your skin and your body smelt like honey and roses, you bundled up in one of Harry’s jumpers he’d left here the other night and some joggers that were a tiny bit too big for you.
Harry was too busy trying to create a bundle of blankets on the sofa that he didn’t even notice that you’d finished upstairs and had entered the room.
You walked up behind him and linked your arms around his waist to give him the tightest hug you could.
It had only been 7 months since you and Harry started dating and, for you at least, it was still too early to say you loved him yet. You definitely knew someday soon you would be ready to say it, but there were a few more firsts that you wanted to experience with him first before letting your heart become half his. The hugs you gave him symbolised how much you adored him and were getting ready to love him, just without the words. He knew that too.
“Y’smell good.” He hummed in delight over your freshly showered hair.
“Thanks. I used that body wash I stole from you.”
Harry’s hands slid over yours on his stomach and turned his head around the best he could to see you behind him.
“You thief.”
“You told me I could.” You pouted.
“Steal anything from me when y’smell this good in my products and y’look this good in my hoodie.” He twisted himself around completely, breaking your hold on him.
“Hi.” You smiled up at him.
“Hi. You feeling better now?” He asked seriously.
“A little. Just wanted this evening to be perfect but—”
“It is. Any evening with you, lovie, is perfect.”
Harry then led you to the bundle of blankets, walking you backwards until your legs hit the back of the sofa and you fell backwards. You laughed as you fell backwards, trusting Harry that he wouldn’t let you hurt yourself on the way down. He fell down too, toppling over you with his arms still wrapped snug around you. 
His face fell into your neck and he breathed deeply, inhaling the smell of you covered in his scent. He smiled to himself, happy in this moment with you. If he could, he would be want to be frozen in this moment in time. Holding you for a lifetime was what his dreams were curated of. 
“Are we watching a movie tonight or do you just want to cuddle?” You asked him, stroking your hands softly through his hair.
“Both?” He popped his head up to smile at you, hoping you were thinking the same thing.
“That was silly of me to ask, wasn’t it?” You chuckled to yourself. 
Harry rearranged his body on you, tilting himself just slightly off you so he didn’t crush you under his weight. His head rested high on your chest and took padding from your boobs - his favourite part about you too. One of his hands snuck up your hoodie and onto the skin of your stomach, already stroking small circles there. His other hand kept a hold around your waist. 
Reaching for the remote, you flicked through some channels on the TV first. You quickly skipped over the news, since there was no good news as of recently. On ITV there was Naked Attraction, which you paused on briefly. It just so happened the point you paused at was a woman showing off her very perky breasts and you had to quickly put your hand in front of Harry’s eyes.
He laughed, knowing you were making a joke but he wanted to reassure you anyways.
“Weren’t as pretty as yours, baby.” He titled his head to kiss the valley between your boobs over your clothes.
“Or yours.” You said, referring to the ongoing joke that Harry was building bigger and better than yours - and only 50% of the worlds women population. 
“Well mine are the prettiest, so...” He added to your joke, making you giggle before changing the channel.
“Shall I just put on the Kardashians, then?” You asked, always wanting to check in case he wasn’t in the mood to see an ex on screen that day.
“Sure. Whatever you wanna watch.”
“That’s not what I asked, H.” You stroked his hair again, coaxing a better answer out of him.
“Y/N, honey. Promise, y’can watch anything. I kind of enjoy watching the Kardashians and knowing that I’m not affiliated with that family anymore.” 
You leaned down on kissed the top of his head and Harry snuggled deeper into your chest. Smiling as you put the newest season you, you got ready for an episode of overdramatic drama about salads and Hollywood. 
“Wait...” Harry sat up quickly.
“What?” You paused the show.
He turned around and grabbed some more blankets, throwing one over you and tucking you in carefully like a little burrito. You laughed as he accidentally tickled you whilst he was making sure you were all bundled in. Then he laid back on top of you, throwing another blanket on top of him and regaining his original position on top of you. 
“Couldn’t let m’girl go cold.” He answered.
“No. Now I’ll overcook like a burnt potato instead.” You pressed play on the TV, but you kind of wish you didn’t because you missed what Harry said afterwards due to the Kardashian show credits. It sounded like he was replying to you, but you never did catch what he said. 
If you had heard him, it would’ve gone something like; “Well I’d still very much like you as a burnt potato.” 
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her-acts-of-cruelty · 5 months
HIII i love eddie so much i have this scenario bouncing around my poor little brain about like him sitting out in the rain because he doesn’t want to be in the house and the reader who’s the neighbor that moved in after eddie went to jail and they like invite him inside and give him some soup and tea :-) give that man a nice cozy time. he deserves it
I really liked the idea, I've done a little spin on how I thought Eddie deserved at least one friend who tried to help him. Am I exploring the concept of him being gay and leaving his wife for me? That's for me to know. I'm hoping this reaches the right audience, because I love men and men should love me too.
Also if you have more ideas you should send them. For chatacter ai bots or fics.
Synopsis: bringing an old friend in for a cuppa after seeing him get caught in the rain. Pre established friendship and !???
Cw: some language, mention of beer, but overall its tame
You'd never really had a significant reputation in Chadder. You drifted outside the community, maybe it was your age, but you never really felt close with the village.
Aside from Eddie that is.
You used to work next door to his garage, in the little shop. Passing each other each frosty morning turned into combining your routes. Your radiating presence most certainly a stark contrast from the long and dull day he had alone. So walking to work with each other soon turned into going for a pint together to celebrate the day.
You'd exchange stories, little artifacts from each others day. Sometimes there'd be gossip, things You'd over heard in the shop with the things his loose lipped customers would mumble as he worked on their cars. Other times he'd tell you about his kids, what they'd been up to at school and how proud he was of his growing girls. You two made it work.
That was, until he disappeared.
His incarceration was much to your surprise and it seemed you were the only one who had your doubts. You chalked that up to why the residents went a little quiet when you walked by.
Things became a lot slower without Eddie. Your routine had suddenly been lost, your source of the news gone- it seemed as though you were well and truly alone.
By whatever sick twist of luck though, five years had passed and Eddie was out.
Your stomach churned when you first lay eyes on him, your body unsure of how to react- so you did the one logical thing. You stayed away from him.
You avoided him like the plague, worried about all the stewing feelings that had blossomed in his absence. It ate up at you quickly though, the way his face dropped when you turned around and marched off made you wish you could choke up your insides and never dream again.
It went on like this for a couple weeks. Now that spring was approaching, the rainy season was in full swing. You hid in your house most of the time anyway, but hearing the sudden large rain drops on the windows made your expression drop. You bolted outside to grab your drying washing off the line that'd been put up in your front garden. As you cursed yourself, something out the corner of your eye stuck out.
You bit your lip and brought your things inside, tossing them carelessly into a basket by the washing machine. The rain wasn't slowing down, its aggressive downpour had you praying Eddie had left that spot and rushed home.
When you checked out the window though, he was still slumped against one of the black metal fences- trying his best to smoke a drooping cigarette.
Your stomach did another backflip as you decided what to do. You couldn't just leave him there to freeze, could you? You got a few more curses out of your system before kicking off some shoes and marching into the rain.
"Eddie?"  You called out as you approached him, the look of panic across his face told you all you needed to hear.
"(Name)- I didn't know you uh- it's raining why are you out 'ere?" He scrambled up off the floor, feeling sorry for himself as he came to his full height.
"Could ask you the same, what's going on? Shouldn't you be with the wife?"
He winced, "ah- its just a bit right now"
You nodded, watching him slowly get more soaked, "you should come back for a cuppa yknow, you're gonna catch your death out here like that"
He wanted to fight you, wanted you to know he belonged to be out here, fighting for warmth like the animal he is.
But also he wanted a warm cup of tea.
So he picked himself off the ground and looked down at you, expecting you to lead. You sigh once more and gesture for him to follow you back inside your house.
He kicks his boots off at the door and let  his eyes wander the walls. It's almost like he'd left his troubles outside, the way a childlike wonder filled him. You hadn't changed much since he'd left, and he liked that.
You'd already made it to the kitchen, working on tea, "Eddie? I might have a few things of yours in my wardrobe soon if you want something a hit warmer to slip into?" His gaze left the walls and met yours, nodding softly, "Yeah that'd uhm-" "Where they usually are, help yourself," You gestured for him for him head upstairs.
A light must have turned on, maybe this was the first sense of familiarity he'd been allowed to chase
. Gentle footsteps made their way down the floor and the hulking man now standing before you in some grey joggers and tee.
"Thank you- you don't know how much it-" "I heard about what happened, I didn't know how to approach it," you blurted, your body clearly wanting to rid the words from  it's festering wound.
He furrowed his brows a little, "is that why you've you've avoiding me like everyone else?"
"It's not like everyone else, you know it never has been-"
"Then what is it?"
"Eddie your tea is going cold-" you tried to shrug him off.
That wasn't the answer he was looking for, you saw it in the way his expression slowly sunk, "do you think I'm a monster too?"
"No! It's just- fucking hell Eddie, I just haven't been well without you." He slowly sat down onnthe couch at that.
Silence choked the room as you took the note to sit beside him. He pulled you close, fingertips caressing your side as he grabbed you. His head rested on yours and for a moment you felt... at peace? You're not sure what it was, but you sighed and got closer.
"You know I didn't uhm-" he tried to break the silence, an attempt to reassure you.
"Yeah I do, tried to get you proven innocent."
He didn't seem to surprised by the notion, "thank you."
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ellatoone7 · 2 years
Wanted Distraction (Ella Toone x Reader)
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You were cold as you lay in bed, it was around 2 in the morning and you couldn't sleep. The sheets felt scratchy against your legs, the bed felt too big for just one person and you desperately just wanted Ella.
It's not like she was miles away, in fact she was just down stairs nursing a cuppa while she tries to focus on her studies. Being a woman and playing soccer does not pay well so Ella needed a back up plan.
You didn't want to bother her, knowing she needed to focus. The ticking of the clock bedside you was driving you insane, eventually driving you out of bed to go down stairs and make your own cuppa.
Promising yourself that you wouldn't even acknowledge Ella as you crept down the stairs. You threw on one of Ella's jumpers and shorts although it didn't do much to prevent the cold.
Your plans of ignoring Ella failed miserably the minute you saw her, she was wearing sweatpants and a man united jersey as she sat at the table, the tapping of her pencil against her book let you know she wasn't fairing to well either.
Not wanting to disturb her you sneak around to the kitchen pulling everything you need out. "You know I can see you right?" You froze at your girlfriends amused voice, sheepishly turning around you give her an apologetic grin and walk over to her leaving the kettle to boil.
You stopped at the door knowing that if you went any further you wouldn't be able to pull yourself away from her. Ella smiled and it took everything in you not to just pull her up to bed so you could lay in her arms.
"What are you doing up?" Ella gently asks as she takes a sip out of her now cold tea grimacing slightly at the taste. You shrugged, "Can't sleep, too cold." Ella could read you like a book, so she knew you being cold meant that you wanted her arms around you.
All you wanted to do was wrap yourself up in Ella but you couldn't interrupt her studies, you had promised yourself. That didn't stop the pout from taking over your face, Ella looked so warm and cozy right now, next thing you know your taking a few timid steps towards her.
You’re just about to wrap your arms around her inviting shoulders when you hear the kettle, the soft whistle pulling you from your trance as you pull yourself together and step away from Ella's outstretched arms.
Ella frowns when you step back, she's confused at why your so timid around her. Ella quickly thinks back to anything she could have done to make you uncomfortable.
"I'll just make you another cup and then I'll be out of your hair." It clicks then for Ella and she scoffs playfully at the thought of you ever possibly bothering her.
Soft footsteps follow you into the kitchen and you jump slightly when you feel warm arms wrap around your waist and soft lips trailing kisses up your neck.
You sigh as you lean back into her, you are so mad at yourself but you just can't help but melt into her. You turn in her arms and wrap your own around her shoulders burying your face into her jersey.
Ella chuckles softly and pulls you mpossibly closer, "M' sorry." You mumble into her as she threads her fingers through your hair, she shushes you immediately pulling your chin up and placing a gentle kiss to your lips.
Her arms feel so comfortable wrapped around your waist but it doesn't last as you push against her chest, dragging yourself away from her.
"Seriously?" You give her a stern nod and point back over to the table, "Focus!" She rolls her eyes teasingly before giving you a mocking salute along with another kiss.
It's longer than the first one and you know your playing a dangerous game when you cup her face, her lips move slowly against yours in that insufferably addicting way.
Ella's hands trail down to your hips and you know your fucked. You’re absolutely fucked. Just as your about to jump up and wrap your legs around her the kettle goes off, saving you again.
You jump away from her and she groans begging you to just come back and kiss her, but you’re determined to not disturb her. You make the two cups and place hers on the counter before making a beeline for the stairs.
Ella stands there frozen before sighing and getting back to work it's not even minutes until she hears your footsteps again and feels you soft lips against her cheek.
"I love you, good night." Unlike the other times she could see you weren't trying to hold yourself back so this was her chance.
"C'mere, you can sit on my lap until I'm done working." Ella gestures to her lap but you hesitated, she grabs your hand and kissed it softly before whispering, "Please."
That's how you found yourself half a sleep, face tucked into Ella's neck, her arms surrounding you as you gently snoozed.
When Ella had finally finished for the night she carried you upstairs, gently placing you on the bed and eagerly changing to get in with you.
Just as she sat down she remembered the kettle, it was still plugged in. Ella groaned then begrudgingly pried your arms off her which immediately woke you up.
You pulled her back down kissing her gently, she melted into the kiss pulling you closer and slipping her warm hands under your jumper.
When you both pulled away you were breathless, just as she was about to reclaim your lips you stopped her with a hand to her chest, she whined gently giving you a playful glare, you trailed kisses up her neck to her ear and she was in heaven until you spoke.
"Kettle’s still on.” You rolled over leaving her without any contact as she lay there in complete and utter shock.
That stupid fucking kettle.
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eirinstiva · 4 days
Point d’appui
Halloa!!! My pal Bertie Wooster is back! And with the first chapter of the novel Right Ho, Jeeves or Brinkley Manor. I will need a cuppa for this. No, I'll need lots of mate tea and alfajores for this epic gossip.
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And in opening my report of the complex case of Gussie Fink-Nottle, Madeline Bassett, my Cousin Angela, my Aunt Dahlia, my Uncle Thomas, young Tuppy Glossop and the cook, Anatole, with the above spot of dialogue, I see that I have made the second of these two floaters.
This story begins in Cannes, there are some characters that we already know and... a shark?
I went to Cannes⁠—leaving Jeeves behind, he having intimated that he did not wish to miss Ascot⁠—round about the beginning of June.
Bertie! Did you travel with Aunt Dahlia and your cousin? No Jeeves?
We stayed at Cannes about two months, and except for the fact that Aunt Dahlia lost her shirt at baccarat and Angela nearly got inhaled by a shark while aquaplaning, a pleasant time was had by all.
That was a crazy holiday! At least Bertie have something fun to tell Jeeves when he's back at London. Bertie knows a lot of not-common people like Gussie Fink-Nottle
This Fink-Nottle, you see, was one of those freaks you come across from time to time during life’s journey who can’t stand London. He lived year in and year out, covered with moss, in a remote village down in Lincolnshire, never coming up even for the Eton and Harrow match. And when I asked him once if he didn’t find the time hang a bit heavy on his hands, he said, no, because he had a pond in his garden and studied the habits of newts.
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Conceding the fact that Gussie Fink-Nottle, against all the ruling of the form book, might have fallen in love, why should he have been haunting my flat like this? No doubt the occasion was one of those when a fellow needs a friend, but I couldn’t see what had made him pick on me.
Honestly, I still doesn't understand why Bertie's friends always ask him for love advice when Bertie's love life is less interesting than the private life of snails (Roberta was the closest to a romance until now, and we know how that ended...) oh, wait! He was looking for Jeeves!
Jeeves, the love expert
well, the one with a brain and who knows how to use it.
You can’t be the dominant male if you do that sort of thing. In this life, you can choose between two courses. You can either shut yourself up in a country house and stare into tanks, or you can be a dasher with the sex. You can’t do both.”
Bertie trying to be like a alpha male coach when he's still a bachelor is... ridiculous (?) and more when Madeline Basset leaves you like this:
You know how it is with some girls. They seem to take the stuffing right out of you. I mean to say, there is something about their personality that paralyses the vocal cords and reduces the contents of the brain to cauliflower.
Can we talk about the poetic way Bertie describes Gussie and Madeline? He knows they're made for each other! But because London is not a paradise, Jeeves and Wooster had a domestic crisis. The cause: The jacket of discord!!!
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Good idea to let cool their heads. I think this jacket is nice so, use it!
And scarcely had I opened the door when I heard voices in the sitting-room, and scarcely had I entered the sitting-room when I found that these proceeded from Jeeves and what appeared at first sight to be the Devil. A closer scrutiny informed me that it was Gussie Fink-Nottle, dressed as Mephistopheles.
This Mephistopheles? Or another one? Anyway~ this novel started with a lot of flavour. See ya with the next lette!
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venus-lou · 2 years
Mysterious dart
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König X F!Reader
Reader’s call sign is Hestia. Hestia is the Greek goddess hearth, home, and hospitality, she is known to be gentle, kind and forgiving. However, don’t let her kind nature fool you. Hestia will do anything to protect her family and community.
A/n: I’m still trying to figure out the in’s and out’s writing, so I decided to try writing something since I’ve been reading fanfic for a while now. Please leave me any constructive criticism and feedback. I’m not that confident in my writing, despite that I wanted to put something out there. There’s isn’t much action in this, cause I suck at writing action scene >.<
Warning: Smut 19+ MDNI, P in V, unprotected sex. Bad writing/grammer, reader smokes cigarettes, inaccurate military scenes, kinda plotless(?)
Word Count: 4.5k
Finally some peace and quiet. You leaned against the fence post right outside the training field taking draws of your cigarette every once in a while. The last few weeks you, Soap, and Gaz were out on recon in Russia infiltrating a base to get any information about their latest plans and missions. Thankfully everyone came back unscathed, Laswell and Price seemed pleased with everything we got.
Flicking the last bit of your cigarette on the pavement and stomping it out, you head the kitchen to make yourself a cuppa. “Hey König, how was your morning?” You quietly approached him reaching for your mug. When you started talking to König after his transfer to 141, he was quiet and kept to himself. After a few small conversations it seems like he got more comfortable with you and the team.
“Morning Hestia, it was okay.” König replied before going back to his tea. Your conversation with König usually is filled with silence, not an awkward one but more of a comforting one. It’s always nice to be in someone's presence without having the urge to fill the silence, both you and König always enjoy these moments. You added sugar and cream to your tea leaning against the counter next to König.
“Hestia! König! Debrief in my office in 5.” Price popped his head in the kitchen before heading back to his office. “Oh! Bring me a cup too!” You both heard him after the door closed behind him. Looking up to König, you smiled softly pat his arm. “I’ll get him a cup, you think it’s another mission?”
König stared at you while before answering with a simple yes.
Looking over your shoulder “Well if so, it’ll be our first mission together! I think we’ll be the new Soap and Ghost duo.” You chuckled as you both walked down to Price’s office. He was thankful for the mask as heat started to rise to his cheeks. Despite how it seems König sought after your presence, you brought a sense of calmness with you that he thrived for. After every mission he went on, whether you notice or not he always kept you in his sight.
You guys walked into the office “Here ya go Price, its your usual” leaving the mug on his desk you sat down in the chair next to König. “Thanks kid, I assume you guys know why you’re here.” Taking a sip and sighing from what you hope is contentment. König starts fidgeting with his fingers while looking between you and Price. “The last recon got use some useful info, there’s a small compound a few klick west from the factory you were at before. I want both of you out on recon, it seems like they’re cooking up a type of bomb. Up in 20, I want you guys in and out.”
After the debrief you quickly got in gear, trapped a few extra magazines and knives to your vest. With a med kit and a few epi pens, cause you never know if you’ll need it or not. It seem like every time its a ‘simple’ mission it somehow goes sideways like that time in Urzikstan. You’re kinda excited to be with König since you actually never saw him in action before. It was hard for you not to notice the 6”10 Austrian floating around the base, at first it was hard to start a conversation with him you didn’t want to overstep or make him uncomfortable. After a few attempts you notice a small change, he no longer shy away from you instead he seems content with your presence. “Ready Hestia?” Lost in your thoughts you didn’t realize König was walking next to you. Looking up you can’t help but feel giddy “Yep! I finally get to see you in action.” You smiled at him not noticing how he looked away scratching his neck. “Ha, yeah but we’re only there to get info. We probably won’t even see any action.” Gasping you dramatically pressed your hand your chest “Don’t jinx it! You never know.” He looked down at you before getting on the heli “I don’t really believe in that, but if it does come to that just know I’ll always protect you biene.” Hopping in after him, you tilted you head asking what biene means only for him to shake his head and pat the seat next to him. “Fine don’t spill your secrets.” You joked signaling the pilot that you’re all ready for take off.
Price mentioned that the compound is pretty small, after a few weeks of surveillance it seemed that there’s only 4 armed guards and 5 other personnel in the building. Once you reached you dropped off point, Zior the pilot notified us that thermal picked up the 4 guards and only 3 personnel inside. It seemed like a simple job, bypass the guards and get intel on whatever they’re making inside. All you know is that it’s some type of explosive material, König was ahead of you trying to find a way past the guards. It surprised you how silent he could be despite his large stature. With hand signals you both were able to quickly get inside unnoticed “Hestia, I’ll watch your six, Captain said everything should be on the 2nd level.” König whispered while you both started making your way to the second floor. Nodding you made your way through the different rooms, oddly there seems to be no one here. You started to feel an uneasy feeling in your stomach. “König, something feels wrong. Didn’t Zior said there was 3 bodies in here?” Opening the last door on the floor only to hear a loud thump behind you, “König?” Turning around you found him on the floor face down.
Shit, looking around you didn’t see anyone. You pulled him in the room and locked the door. “Shit, König please be okay.” You whispered, he was still breathing, you let out a breath you didn’t realize you were holding in. “Hestia to Zior, we got a bit of a problem. König is out, it seems like they knew we were coming.”
“Copy Hestia, are you able to make it out?” Sighing, you looked around noticing the paperwork and computers. “I can’t carry König out, we’re at the end of the west wing last window. I’m gonna see if I can find anything. On the bright side we seems to have found the jackpot, be ready for evac”
“Affrim, I’ll be ready.”
König slowly got back on his feet, “oi Biene are you okay?” You turned around gesturing him to sit down “Yeah, I’m okay do you know what happened? All I heard was you falling down. Didn’t even see a single soul out there.” There was a look in his eye you couldn’t pinpoint. “König? Do I have to stick you with an epi?” Tilting your head after he started to mumble phrases in German after he sat down you notice the little dart in his hand. “Ya, I’m alright Biene, I think someone shot a dart at me. I don’t feel side effects.” With worry eyes and burrowed brows you looked at him before nodding. You both quickly gather several files and transfer documents to the usb Price gave you. Still no sign of anyone in the compound. Guards haven’t come rushing in, something about this was too easy to be true.
“Zior to bravo 0-1 everything alright? You got 2 coming into the compound, suggest you make it quick before things get out of hand.”
“Copy, We’re almost done here, König was hit with something, no effects yet. Trying to find what they fucking shot him with.” You radioed back before turning to König, he was breathing and sweating heavily. “König, let's get you out of here we got everything on the computer?” he nodded while you filled your bag with any files that might be useful. You hoped it was just a low quantity tranquilizer that hit him, then again if it was he probably wouldn’t be walking around right now. All you could think about was König, what they fuck was in the dart and why the hell did they just shoot him and leave?
Just like before getting out of the compound was simple, you didn’t question it all you wanted was for König to get back on base to the med bay. “König promise me you tell me if anything is wrong” you looked up at him after you both sat down on the heli. “Don’t worry about me Biene. I’m just glad we both made it out of there.” König tried to look composed as much as possible. All he felt was a heat radiating all over his body, every time he looked at you the heat increased. You sighed “I’m always gonna be worried about you König, we’re a team I’ll always be there when you need support. So please, don’t lie to me cause you think it’ll make me feel better.” Once you both arrived at the base you took König to the med bay before you debriefed Price on what happened.
“Hey Kid, a word?” Price was smoking a cigar outside the training field when you walked by on your way to see König. You nodded, pulling out a cigarette looking out in the field. “What’s up Cap?”
“Good job out there today, just wanted to let you know König is with the doc. We were able to find out what the dart had on it. All I can tell you is he’s safe, it’s not lethal but I need you to stay away from him for a while.” He turned to look at you while puffing out smoke. Once you proceed what he was saying, you paused before taking another drag of your cigarette. “What do you mean? Why can’t I go see him?” You begin rattling out questions while Price stood there looking down at you.
“Look kid, it’s complicated, we don't even know if it’s the correct drug he was hit with. Just know the doc is handling it, like I said it’s non lethal so he’ll be fine.” Price made it clear that he didn’t want you near König. You couldn’t figure out why and to be honest you didn’t really care you were gonna see him one way or another. You decided to wait a while, he’s with the doc he probably needed to rest anyways.
Taking a seat next to Soap at the dining table, you still couldn’t get König out of your mind. “Hey lass, still thinking about your lover boy?” Soap leaned over to whisper in your ear. “Shut up! You don’t even know what you're talking about.” Hitting him on the shoulder rolling your eyes at him. Soap and Gaz exchanged looks and shrugged their shoulders. “Hey, what that look about?”
“I don’t know lass, all I’m saying is you’ve been in your head ever since you both got back from recon so it has to be about your giant tree friend” Soap looked back at you with a spoon in his mouth. “You gonna finish th-“ you sighed after letting him eat off your plate. “I’m just worried, okay?" Price said I couldn’t go near him and I can’t figure out why. And his our giant tree friend don’t you forget that” you told them about your predicament. Gaz looked at you for a while before he smirked “Well, he’s technically just our comrade and you’re his Biene, isn’t that what he calls you? What does that even mean? Plus there’s probably a good reason why Cap doesn’t want you to see him.”
“You’re gonna still go see him though right?” Soap questioned you with his brows raised. “What!? Of course not, you know I always listen to the cap.” You smiled at them, tilting your head to the left. They both rolled their eyes and dragged out a “right” and went back to their meal.
They were right, they’re always right. You stayed up all night to make sure everyone was asleep or in their rooms. It was nearly 0230 when you took a peek outside your door. Once you made sure there wasn’t any movement in the hall you quickly made your way to the med bay. You just needed to make sure König was okay, you needed to see him with your own eyes. As much as you trust Price, you couldn’t get König out of your mind. Was he okay, what the hell was the drug and why didn’t Price want you near him. Luckily when you arrived at the med bay, the nurses seemed to be off attending another soldier. You hope they kept him in the same room you dropped him off at, reaching the handle you quickly peeked inside relieved seeing his figure in the room. He was laying down in the hospital bed with several wires connected to him. Seeing him didn’t ease your nerves, why did they have all these wires on him? Did they actually figure out the drug coursing through his blood stream? Locking the door and pulling a chair next to him, you sat down quietly taking his hand in your. You lightly traced the scars and lines on his hand trying to prevent your mind from spiraling. “Please be okay König…” you whispered, closing your eyes. After a while, you felt him squeeze your hand. “Biene, what are you doing here? Didn’t Captain tell you to not come by.” You heard his raspy voice fill the empty room. Looking up you couldn’t help but feel somewhat relieved. “König…I wanted to make sure you were okay. Why did Price tell me not to come see you?” Your eyebrows furrowed hoping he knew what was going on.
“it’s dangerous for you to be near me Biene…I might hurt you” He whispered looking down. “Please I need you to leave.”
You didn’t let go of his hand, you couldn’t. Nothing is making sense right now, you knew he would never hurt you. Why didn’t he want you here? “W- what you talking about? Do you know what the drug was?” You continue to question him wanting an answer.
“I- it’s ah- a drug is dubbed Rati, they think it’s a drug that increase someone’s ah-“ König tried to put words together mumbling the end of the sentence.
You pulled your chair closer trying to hear him, leaning in closer you asked him to repeat what he said.
“Biene, please… go away…”
You sat back in your chair, looking down at your hand intertwined with his, “I don’t think you want me to leave….tell me how I can help please König.”
He sighed, “ah fuck, I can’t take it anymore.” He sat up in his bed with his legs hanging over the bed still towering over you. There was a look in his eyes, the same look when you both were in the compound. “Biene, you want to help?” His voice was deeper, drawing out every syllable as he pulled you from the seat leaving you standing between his leg. You felt your cheeks and ears turn red, the room become hotter making you take quicker breaths. You could feel his shallow breath on your face, breathing in you can smell a mixture of musk and his cologne. “König?” You looked up to him, all you can see is his eyes behind the mask he usually wears. “Please tell me what I can do to help?” His hands grabbing at your hip pulling you in closer to him.
“Mmmh I need you so bad Biene…” He nuzzled his face between you neck, you couldn’t help but whimper at his touch. Your hand wrapped around his neck slowing pulling him away from your neck. “König, tell me if I’m crossing the line here.” You lifted up his mask just above his nose, leaning down slowly until he brought one of his hand to back of your neck pulling you down to meet his lips. You let out a moaned as he deepened the kisses taking dominance. His hands rubbing small circle on your neck and hip, he couldn’t help but pulled you in bed with him wanting you close as possible. “Fuck Biene, I want you so bad. Let me take care of you the way you need.” He muttered into your neck. He started rutting his hips into you sucking and nipping at your neck. You could feel his bulge through his pants, making your core quiver with anticipation. You know you shouldn’t be wet right now, but all those times you imagined how König would feel between your thighs. How his hands would trace your hips, using his fingers to prepare you to accommodate his size. How fucking massive he would look when he was over you holding your legs over his should-
Your thoughts were interrupted by his hands hitting your ass. “Where’d you go mein Liebling? I can’t have you floating off now can I?” He whispered as he rubbed the area his hit.
You whimpered “Ooh König, please touch me” you should feel embarrassed with how desperate you sound but you didn’t care. He pulled off the wires that was measuring his vitals, before he could do anything else, you took his face in your hands. “I want you to know, you don’t have to take your mask off if you don’t want to…I want you to be comfortable. I want to help you.” Silence soon filled the room after you said that, you couldn’t help but feel like you ruined the mood. Before you could fall into a spiral of regret, he took your hands in his before he looked down and removed his mask while his hands still enveloped your smaller one. “Maus, I’m always comfortable with you.” He laid you down before pulling your shirt off along with his. You couldn’t help but admire how he looked, your face traced to scars on his face, his cheekbone down to his lips. You pulled him back down begging for another kiss, you couldn’t get over how he felt. With his hand running down your down he stopped at your pants, looking back up to you. With a nod, he peeled you pants down throwing them somewhere in the room. “König…” you whined lifting yourself on your elbows “I’m supposed to be making you feel better” he couldn’t help but chuckle at your desperation. “Mmh Liebling, just you being here makes me feel better. Be a good girl and let me take you how I know you need it.” He started kissing up your thigh, pulling you over the edge of the bed. You could help but gasp at how easy it was for him to handle you, making you even more wet than before. Peeling off your panties, he let out a deep groan at how wet your little pussy looked. “Mein Liebling…look how fucking wet your are.” He dragged his finger down your slit rubbing all over your lips up to your sensitive little clit. Before you can say anything, he bent down, slowly dragged his tongue licking up the slick you left for him. He let out a loud sigh as he begin licking your hole as his thumb rubbed your clit. “Oooh König…you make me feel so good.” Moaning as you felt him rumbled against your pussy. “Please, König I want to feel you.” Looking up from his position between your thighs. “Mmmh, you have yo be more specific than that Maus.” He slowed down as he kept eye contact with you.
“I want your fingers please.” Satisfied with your response he rubbed his finger up and down your slit before slowly entering into your tight hole. “Mmmh, maus you’re so fucking tight. I can feel you squeezing down on me” He slowly went in and out while he sucked on your clit. You’ve never felt like this before, your fingers never felt this good. His mouth worked wonders on you, while his finger started to get more rough rubbing your most sensitive spot. “Cum for me maus, I want to taste you first. Be a good girl and give me what I want” You feel yourself get closer, clinging to every praise he gave you “Fuck König, I can’t take it anymore” moaning his name and bucking your hips. “I know maus, just let go for me. I’ll take care of you.” He felt you squeeze down on his finger as you cried out, continuing to draw out your climax only stopping when he felt you nudge his shoulder with your foot. He stood tall, above you licking his lips as he rubbed his thumb against your lips slipping his finger in your mouth. “Taste yourself for me Liebling” You pulled him by his belt loop, tugging his trousers down. Taking the hint he quickly toss them off and climbing back on top of you. You laid back down pulling him with you, kissing him you can taste yourself on his lips. Moaning as he bite your lip before pulling away, “Can I Liebling?” He whispered against your lip as you nodded your head. “I wa- need to hear your say it maus.” You bucked your hips against his, throbbing for him. “König, please I want you to fuck me please” He let out a breathy ‘fuck’ as he slowly slipped his dick inside you. Whimpering as he stretched and filled you up “Oh fuck you’re so huge König” Curling your toes as you felt him flush against your hips, you moaned out his name and lift your hips up against him after you got use to his size. He pulled out just enough to leave his tip in before thrusting back inside. His thrust were excruciatingly slow but each thrust had so much force behind it rocking you against the bed. You two were so close in every sense, you could feel him deep inside, while he took his time making sure he felt every inch of you. You both were surrounded by each other, mixing breaths, your hands tangled in his hair and his leaving bruised on your hip as he held you in place. You were getting close, you felt yourself squeezing down on him every time he rubbed that one spot.
“Oh Mause, you can cum for me. I can feel you squeezing down on me” He groaned out as his thrust become quicker, he slid one of his hand down to your clit. Leaning down he caught your moans with his mouth as he kissed your. His other hand holding the top of your head while he took you both to your climax. “König, you feel so good…I gonna fuck-“ you felt yourself fall off the edge hooking your ankled behind his back as his dragged out your climax. His thrust got sloppier, as he felt you clench down on him. “König, I want you to cum inside me please” You hooked your hand around his neck pulling him even closer to you. “You sure Mause?” He paused his thrust for a second “Bitte mich darum, Ask me for it” He whispered in your ear. “please König I want all of you. I’ve want you for so long.” You whined against his ear. He kept you flushed against him, as you felt him cum and throb inside. You kept your ankles wrapped around him as he moaned every time you clenched around him.
You felt him collapse on you, as you both laid with each other basking in the silence and comfort of one another. “It means bee” you head him mumble against your skin. You let out a small hum as your question what he meant. “Biene. It means bee, you’re always buzzing around taking care of everyone on the base. Without you there would be no flower, no fruit. You’re a vital role in my life, like how bees are important in our ecosystem. Du bist die Liebe mines Lebens” He held you close as he turned you both around. Laying on his back with you pressed up against his chest, rubbing your back as you both whispered sweet nothing to each other. “It’s nice to have such a calm nature always next to me” you mumble before drifting off to sleep. König look down at you, press a small kiss on your forehead before closing his eye. He no longer felt his heart racing, he thoughts weren’t running rampantly around his mind. For once he slept soundly focusing on your soft breath and holding you close against him.
You woke to a pounding on the door and someone yelling behind it, waking enough to recognize Price’s voice yelling for you to open the door you shoot out of bed. Scrambling to find your clothes, however you notice your were fully clothed and König sitting on the chair you were in last night. “Morning Biene” He had his clothes and mask back on, you assume he dressed you while you wear sleeping. “König, are you feeling better?”
“God dammit Kid! You better open this fucking door before I take it off its hinges and smack that giant tree with it!”
You both looked at each other before looking back at the door. “You have to tell me everything later, including the drug!” You whispered in his ear as you wiggled your way through the window right before Price slammed the door open. “Where’s Hestia?” He looked around the room with his brows furrowed. König scratched his neck before shrugging “Didn’t you tell her not to come by, maybe she off with Soap and Gaz?” You quickly rushed to the training room not wanting to wait for the conversation to end.
“Holy shit lass, what’re you running from?” Soap let out a little squeak as you rush by his side. Looking up at him you smiled “running? Well I am in the training room so…?” You noticed Price and König join the training room after Soap continue to tease you. “Hey Cap! How’s your morning? König are you feeling any better?” Price narrowed his eyes at you for a second before grunting out he need his tea walking toward the kitchen. You smiled at König “See I told you we’ll get away with it” He shook his head before pulling you outside to explain what the drug was before Soap said anything to him.
After Price got his cuppa, he notice two of you out near the fence sighing as he put his cup down. “You know they both liked each other for a while now right?” Ghost asked Price as he walked into the kitchen. Price hummed in agreement as he saw you laid your head against König and his arms wrapped around you. “Yeah, I just didn’t think a fucking aphrodisiac would start their relationship. We’re still figuring out why they even created the drug, let alone nicked König with it.”
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toomuchracket · 1 year
mmmm some aftercare with matty with cuddles
matty's such a simp so in love with you that i honestly think the first thing he would do after he's flopped on top of you (still inside you) post-sex is give you a tired but genuinely happy smile and say "thank you. i love you, my favourite girl", stroking your cheek with one finger. and then i think he'd be like "you alright, darlin'? did you enjoy that?", and when you nod sleepily he's like "yeah, me too. you're the best, you know that? would stay like this forever if i could". and you're like "mmm, i think you should", and lean up to kiss him - after you've made out for a min, though, matty's like "i wish i could, sweetheart, but we need to get all cleaned up, yeah? don't worry, though - i promise we can cuddle for a bit before we go to sleep", and you're appeased. then i think there's a little bit more kissing, before matty's like "ok if we keep kissing while i'm still inside you we're going to have a problem, so i'm going to pull out now, ok?", and after you nod and he kisses your nose he pulls out slowly, him wincing and you whining at the emptiness. matty scootches down the bed to look between your thighs, watching in fascination (and pride) as his cum drips out of you - he absolutely catches a bit on his finger and offers it to you like "wanna taste?", and you lick it off and go "mmm, we're delicious", and he giggles before licking a long, slow stripe up your core to clean you up/taste it himself. you whimper at the feeling, because you're so sensitive, and matty's up kissing your head and apologising within seconds, like "i know, baby, i'm sorry, just couldn't help myself. but you're clean enough to move without, um, leaking, now, so do you want to have a shower with me? get all properly cleaned up before bed? i'll carry you". and you're like "mhmm, sounds good, i'm just going to have some water first though", taking a drink from the bottle beside your bed before offering it to matty - he's like "no, i'm fine thanks darlin'", but when you tilt your head and say "matthew" he sighs and takes a swig before standing up. and then he scoops you up and carries you to the ensuite - i think there's a funny little exchange when you're like "ok can you leave now so i can piss" and matty's like "do i really have to leave the room can i not just turn around and get the shower sorted while you're on the lav" and you're like "nope! out! i'll be 2 seconds" and matty leaves the bathroom, grumbling like "my literal bare penis was inside you not five minutes ago and yet you've got a complex about me not being allowed to know you piss". and you giggle and do your business, opening the door after you've washed your hands and grabbing matty to kiss all over his face like "i apologise for exiling you, but really - we've got to keep some mystery alive in the relationship, yeah?", and matty giggles and drags you to the shower like "come on, weirdo". and you shower, and it's all very sweet - matty washes your hair, you wash his, you both wash each other's bodies and cuddle and kiss softly under the warm water, just generally enjoying being intimate with each other in a more romantic, domestic context than earlier. then once you're out and back in your bedroom, matty hands you one of his t-shirts and a pair of boxers to wear in bed, and brushes and dries your wet hair while you do a little bit of skincare (priorities, even though you're knackered) - he lets you put some moisturiser on him too, lol. and then i think matty's probably like "you know what? i could go a cup of tea right now" and you're like "actually that sounds good", so the two of you wander to the kitchen and sit for a minute having a cuppa and a chocolate biscuit. and then, finally, it's time for bed - matty insists on carrying you back to your bedroom, laying you gently on the bed and kissing you softly before getting in himself, and then it's just spooning and more soft kisses and "i love you"s before you fall asleep in matty's arms, utterly content <3
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mid0khan · 2 months
Last Line Tag Game
I was tagged by my dear @samsalami66 , thank you darling!
And it's a great timing, I've just finished a new chapter for Our Hopes and Expecations yesterday! So, have a snippet ^^
By the time Crowley parked the car in front of the angel’s bookshop, Hob’s hand was completely healed. “Well, this all went down smoothly!” the angel exclaimed, helping the immortal out of the car. “You’ll stay celebrate with a nice little cuppa, right Robert?” “Of course,” Hob answered. He wanted to make sure the grimoire would be destroyed as promised. Apparently, Crowley too was eager to get rid of the book. As soon as they were seated in the bookshop’s reading booth with their drinks, he held his hand toward Aziraphale expectantly. The angel feigned innocence, earning a frown from the demon. “Angel, we had a deal. I’m not joking around here, I won’t let you keep it and you know it.” With a heart-breaking sigh, the bookseller snapped his finger and the grimoire appeared in Crowley's outstretched hand. “Thank you,” the demon softened. “You may want to look away while I take care of it?” With tears in his eyes and a shaky nod, Aziraphale stood up. “Be careful, don’t damage anything else,” he sobbed before fleeing to the back of the shop. “Is he alright?” Hob asked worriedly. Crowley shrugged. “It’s a unique copy.” Hob startled when the book suddenly burst into unnaturally red flames. The demon didn’t seem bothered by the fire engulfing his hand, but his face was tense with concentration as he used his second hand to make sure nothing else started burning. At first, the grimoire resisted the hellfire, but soon the flames turned green as the paper crinkled and blackened. After only a minute, there were only ashes left in Crowley’s hand. The redhead tossed the grey dust into a little bin hidden between precariously balanced piles of books. “Good riddance,” he whispered, before calling louder: “Angel! It’s over, you can come back!” Aziraphale was still tapping a handkerchief under his eyes when he joined them. They drunk their tea in companionable silence. When finally Hob decided it was time to go home, Aziraphale rushed to guide him to the door. Once they were both in front of the bookshop, the angel grabbed the immortal’s arm before he could leave. “Robert, one last thing. Be careful with Lord Morpheus, okay? Loving what is Endless is dangerous and I’d hate to learn you were hurt, or worse.” Hob choked on nothing. “What? How… what?” “Angels feel this kind of thing,” Aziraphale answered with something akin to pity. “I am serious. Mortals and the Endless are not meant to have this kind of bond. It always ends in tragedy.” “With this mindset, it has no chance to go well,” Hob spat, miffed by the compassion he could see in the angel’s eyes. “There are rules-“ “And what do the rules say about an angel and a demon being together?” Aziraphale sighed, defeated. “Alright, alright. Just, take care of yourself.” “Don’t worry about me,” Hob growled before leaving without a glance back. By the time he reached the tube station, his anger had subsided. Even if he really didn’t like how patronizing it had felt, the angel’s warning had been given with no bad intention. And, to be fair, Hob easily believed mixing with the Endless could be dangerous for regular humans, and Aziraphale didn’t know about his immortality. … Did he even still count as a mortal? He was human, yes, and technically he could die, if he chose to. But it wasn’t really what being mortal meant, was it? Hob shook his head with a humourless chuckle. It was all wistful thinking; he doubted Morpheus would want of him this way. He was only a man after all, and not even a good one, and Morpheus was so much more. He ran his fingers over the necklace through the fabric of his bag. It was okay. Morpheus didn’t need a lover anyway, not right now. He needed healing, and a friendly hand to guide him. Hob would be happy to be just that. He didn’t need to be more. It was okay. Now, all he could do was wait, and hope Loosh would be able to convince Morpheus to let Hob help him.
And for tagging, since I'm posting this while working, I don't really have time to check who was tagged recently as I usually do, so lets do it this way: if you're seeing this and you want to join the game, consider yourself tagged!
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plethora-of-imagines · 5 months
Hello, I hope you're having a fantastic day. If it's alright could i please request a Delgado!Master x reader where the master has gone to the reader's house to give them something back which the reader thought they lost fighting an enemy of the doctor but before they give it back the master confesses their love to the reader but then confesses that they realise that right now it's a danger and that the reader can't know this. The master then hypnotises the reader and says "I wish you didn't have to forget this but you do."
Have a great day
The polite knock at your door knocked you out of your flow state. Slowly stretching you looked over at the clock. Hmm it was only 4 o’clock.
Hmm. Sergeant Benton must be early. You still had half an hour before the Brigadier would want your report. Still, it made sense that he would be early. It had been a surprise to be allowed to work at home at all while sick. It had taken the Doctor pointing out that your desk work was just as easily done at home where you wouldn't make the whole HQ sick that had convinced him. That and you almost throwing up in the bin while Jo held your hair up.
Slowly meandering over to the door, throwing on the kettle while you passed. Fighting back a small coughing fit. 
“Benton, you’re early so I just put the kettle on...” 
Trailing off as you realized who was actually at your door.
The Master was dressed more casually than you had ever seen him. Still in a nice button up and slacks, but no suit jacket or tie. He was holding a bouquet of flowers, and the nice scarf that you had assumed was lost forever when it had slipped off your neck running away from the problem you were facing the week before.
Without even really thinking about it you accepted them when offered to you. Stepping aside to allow him to enter the apartment. 
In a still shocked haze- were you about to be killed? No, why would he have gotten you flowers then- you began to prepare a cuppa for him.
“I- umm thank you,” you nervously started. “But why?”
He thankfully didn’t need you to explain what you were asking.
“A delicate topic. I find myself with a fondness for you that goes beyond even the fondness I have grown for Miss Grant.”
You could only sit in shock. Cups of tea not made, as he continued to confess.
He was so understanding of your shock, gentle while explaining how he fell for you, how he realized it. He made the two of you tea as he answered any questions you could think of. Encouraging you to drink when coughing fits occurred. You couldn’t muster a response to his confession. The small crush you had on him had been pushed down for so long that no words could find their way out of your head.
“Why tell me this now?”
Head spinning as he took gentle hold of your chin.
“It’s a danger for you to know, my dear. So I’m afraid I needed to catch you alone, unmonitored and in a state where I could make you forget this whole conversation.”
“Wait, no,” you cried as he forcibly hypnotized you. Stealing away the last half hour from your life.
Later - when cleaning up two cups you couldn't remember using, you glanced over at the counter and wondered when you had bought yourself flowers.
(492 words)
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whoficky · 12 days
A Bit of Everywhere - Chapter 2
Sequel to Neither Here Nor There. Definitely read that before reading this!
Rating: T
Pairing: 10th Doctor X Rose Tyler
Work Summary: Rose and the Doctor are eager to get back to their old life of travel and adventure, but it's not as simple as running off into the stars. They now have two different universes to call home, their relationship to figure out, and a lot of recovering to do.
Chapter Summary: The Doctor and Jackie talk about what happened on the space station.
Chapter 2
The Doctor stood in the center of Rose’s bedroom unsure of what to do with himself.  She was fast asleep - her favorite activity still thanks to the soporific effects of the pain medication - and as much as he wanted to join her in the big bed, he knew better than to do that with Jackie prowling about.  Any points he had scored with Rose’s mum for bringing her missing daughter home were probably negated by the state Rose was in.  He wouldn’t risk Jackie catching them snuggled in bed so soon after they’d arrived.  
 He wondered where the frightening woman had wandered off to.  She had seemed nearly overbearing in her efforts to wheedle an explanation out of him and Rose as they trekked up three floors and down the long corridor to Rose’s suite.  But as the Doctor was helping Rose get settled in bed, Jackie must have slipped out. 
He thrust his hands into the pockets of his brown coat and turned a slow circle to take in the large bedroom.  Rose had certainly made it her own.  The color scheme of blue was a change from the retina-burning pink of her TARDIS bedroom, but the clutter and explosion of photos on every available surface was very Rose.  He turned back to look at her, peaceful in slumber, and smiled softly at her contentment.
“Oi!  What are you doing gawping at her like that?  I leave the room for two minutes and already you start making bedroom eyes at my daughter!” he jumped at Jackie’s emotive whispering.
“I wasn’t -” he stuttered, “I wouldn’t - Jackie, I wasn’t even thinking about…”
The cackle Jackie let forth at his panic would have woken Rose under normal circumstances, “Oh, I got you good!  Not much has changed, eh?  Doesn’t take a lot to make you squirm.”
The Doctor chuckled in an awkward mix of relief and acknowledgment, that yes, she “got” him.
“Tea?” Jackie asked, raising the tray in her arms.  Why wasn’t he surprised that the first thing Jackie Tyler had done was slip off to make a cuppa?  
“Ta,” he walked over to where Jackie was standing in the doorway to grab the cup that held tea nearly opaque with sugar.  She remembered his order.  That…touched him.  Not that he’d ever admit to such a thing.
Jackie looked over at a softly snoring Rose and sighed, “I made a cup for her too, but it looks like she’s down for the count.”
“Yeah,” the Doctor agreed inanely, “She, er, does that a lot lately.”
“Well in the shape she’s in, I wouldn’t doubt it,” Jackie frowned, “C’mon you, we’ll go in through there, and then you can tell me what happened to the two of you.”  She gestured to a closed door on the opposite side of Rose’s room.  The Doctor looked between the door and Rose, caught between wanting to give Jackie the explanation she deserved and not wanting to leave Rose’s side.  
She seemed to sense his predicament, “C’mon, you.  We’ll just be in the adjoining room.  Can even keep the door open if you like.  Rose doesn’t need ya to hover.”
“Right,” he agreed reluctantly.  With one last wistful look at Rose, he held the door open for Jackie and the two of them walked into the adjoining room.  The Doctor took in the poshly generic features of what looked like a little used sitting room of Rose’s suite as Jackie set down the tea tray on a small coffee table and picked up her own cup.
“So,” Jackie prodded, “You gunna tell me what the hell happened?”
Where to begin? the Doctor wondered.  He didn’t want to even think about the last few months, let alone share the gritty details with Rose’s mum.  But he had enough esteem, and yes, even affection for Jackie Tyler to know he had to give her something.  And whatever he told her now was something less that Rose had to recount later.  Put in that perspective, he found his vocal cords loosening.
“Quite a bit, actually,” he chuckled darkly, “It’s been months after all.  Not quite as long as it’s been for you I imagine.  Rose said it was autumn when she was taken?”
Jackie plopped down into an overstuffed chair with a tasteful floral pattern on it, “November the twenty-eighth,” Jackie nodded, “Been about seven and a half months now.  As far as we knew, Rose was taken from her mate’s birthday party.  A full house and not a one of them could really say what happened.  There was some video of her fightin’ some bloke that looked like you, but then turned into this slimy monster, and then there was…well they found an awful lot of blood nearby.”  The Doctor saw Jackie shiver and take a big gulp of tea before she continued, “And then nothin’ after that.  Just…nothin’.”
“Right,” the Doctor nodded, about to pick up where Jackie had left off when something caught his attention, “Wait, did you say people’s memories were tampered with?”
Jackie gave him a look like he was missing the point, but he pressed on.
“Because the same thing happened when they got me.  And Rose was a bit fuzzy on some details too,” he started pacing the room, “Of course, I thought it was just the confusion of getting snatched and the less than considerate way they did the snatching,” his mind shied away from those violent scenes, “But!  Now there are other people with their memories gone wonky!  Rose was at a party, so how many people saw what happened?  Dozens?  More?  I know what those Americans can get up to at their ‘keggers.’  Red cups and jungle juice!  Hmmm…come to think of it, that could explain some of the lapses in recollection.  But surely not every case.  How many people had their memories altered, then?  Rose’s mate….uh…Kimmy?  Yes!  Kimmy!  I’ll want to talk to her.  Rose will probably want to talk to her too.  But for different reasons, of course.  Human bonding reasons and such…”
To her credit, Jackie let him talk himself out, though she did give him quite the look over the tea she was sipping.
“Er…Right, sorry.  More on that later then.  Ok, so Rose disappeared from University.  Good place to start,” he nodded.
“Anytime now, Doctor,” Jackie’s patience was wearing thin, a frightening prospect.  
“Right,” he focused his thoughts, “Well at that point, when they got Rose, they had already nabbed me.  From this dusty planet back in Universe Prime.  They made some alien look like Rose to lure me out, and there was a bit of a - a scuffle and then I woke up imprisoned on a space station.  Rose said it went about the same for her.  But the scuffle was a bit more…er,” he searched for a euphemism, “intense,” he settled on.  “So Rose was injured when she got to the station.”
“But that was ages ago!” Jackie interrupted, “Months and months!  Why’s she still such a mess?”
The Doctor silenced her with a look, “As I was saying…” he over enunciated, “She was injured, but they had quite advanced technology and fixed her up before delivering her to me.”
“Delivering her?” Jackie looked confused at the phrasing.
“Yes, well.  There was this mad woman and she decided that she, er, wanted a - a baby Time Lord.  And she thought I would be most, er, persuaded to help her out in that area if, uh, if Rose were…involved.” He really should have foreseen the awkwardness of explaining this bit to Jackie.  His cheeks felt hot and prickly. 
“They wanted to - to breed you two!?!  THEY WERE GOING TO SEAL MY GRANDBABY?!?” Jackie thundered.  The Doctor couldn’t help but think that if Madame Kovarian suddenly appeared in the room, Jackie would rip her limb from limb with her bare hands in that moment.
“Yes!” he shushed Jackie, glancing into Rose’s room to make sure she was still sleeping soundly.  “Yes, for some reason they wanted to er - breed us.  Something about fighting a war…Anyway, it didn’t work.  We didn’t - er - comply.”
Jackie looked puzzled, “But en’t the two of you…?”
And now the blush was deepening and spreading up to his ears.  Just bloody brilliant. “No!…Well, yes, but no, not like that.”
“Whatever that means,” Jackie snorted.  “Alright so the two of you didn’t breed,” he didn’t like the way she said that last part with a barely restrained laugh, “Good thing too.  You put a ring on my daughter’s finger before you go knocking her up, you hear?”
“Jackie!” he hissed, “We aren’t…I don’t…” finally his embarrassment turned to irritation.  He didn’t want to be going back over any of this and Jackie was doing a fantastic job of making it even harder. “Leave off it,” he said with just a hint of Oncoming Storm in his tone.  Jackie, as usual, wasn’t bothered.  She just sipped her tea with a little smirk.  “Do you want to hear the rest or not?”  That got her looking at least the slightest big contrite.
“Oh go on then,” she said, setting down her tea and folding her arms, “No sense of humor, you,” she added in an undertone, which he ignored.  “So anyway, you escaped then?”
He drained the rest of his tea, placed the empty cup on the fireplace’s mantle, and paced around the room twice before answering. 
“Not for a while - months and months.  We didn’t comply with the breeding directive, and that…displeased the woman.  So,” he sighed, “she had contingency plans.  And, well, it didn’t go so well for Rose.”  
“She was tortured,” Jackie stated flatly, all trace of mirth gone from her tone and face.
The Doctor tried to cover his surprise at Jackie’s insight.  Life in the parallel world must not be all love and flowers if she was clued into such dark things.  “Well, yes.”
“For months,” again, it was a statement from Jackie, not a question.
“Yes,” the Doctor nodded, holding Jackie’s gaze.  
“Oh Rose,” Jackie sighed, resting her head in her hands.  After a moment she took a breath and looked back up at him, “How bad was is?” she asked, eyes steely and demanding he give her the truth.
The Doctor thought back on their time trapped on that space station.  The period before he knew what was really going on was bad enough - having to watch Rose whither away and become fearful and withdrawn - but towards the end, when he knew what they did to her… Images of a bloodied Rose offering him a weak smile and trying to assure him she was ok despite the abundant evidence to the contrary flashed through his mind.  He’d thought he’d packed those scenes up in a locked room in the back of his mind, but it turned out explaining things to Jackie was even harder than he had expected.  He closed his eyes tightly and rubbed at his face, trying to wipe away the horrible imagery.
“Very,” he finally managed in a hoarse voice, “Very, very bad.”
The two of them were silent for a few moments, the only noise was the reassuring sound of gentle snoring coming from Rose in the next room.  The Doctor sat down in one of the chairs adjacent to Jackie.  It was easier continuing to speak when he could stare at the wall instead of at Rose’s mum.
“Rose was so brave.  And we did cobble together some sort of life in stasis, but,” he sighed, “It was bad.  And we couldn’t get out.  Us!  We, who have escaped from 371 jails, prisons, holding cells, traps, and other various states of confinement.  But we couldn’t get out of that bloody room they kept us in.  Not until it was almost too late.”
“I’d sent out a sort of distress signal, see, but for a long time no one answered.  Then one day things got…really bad.”  Why couldn’t he stop the images once again flashing in front of his eyes as if they were projected on the wall he was staring at?  Why was the sight of how he’d found Rose that day etched into his retinas?  He struggled to continue.  He was no longer sitting in the Tyler mansion.  He was back on that space station coming out of the loo to find the woman he loved lifeless on the floor.  There was blood everywhere.  On his hands, the scent of it in the air, and much too much of it all over Rose.  “And she almost…” he found his voice has simply run out.  He ducked his head and dug his palms into his eyes, trying to push it all away.
A warm weight landed on his shoulders and he wasn’t sure if he was more shocked to find himself back in the Tyler mansion, or that Jackie was leaning on the arm of his chair and wrapping him in a one-armed hug.
“Oh sweetheart,” she sighed.  He let himself be comforted by Rose’s mum for a few moments as he got ahold of himself.  
Taking a deep breath and shaking his head a little, he popped up out for he chair, memories back locked away where they belonged and a smile on his face.  If it was a bit manic, well, who could blame him?
“But then rescue came!” he announced cheerfully, “Turns out that signal I sent out reached none other than Captain Jack Harkness and he came in, blasters blazing, well metaphorically speaking, and broke us out of there.  I helped, of course.  Can’t give him all the credit!  Oh, Jackie it was brilliant!  There was crawling through air vents and running from angry soldiers and some rather impressive re-wiring of the navigational mainframe.”  Jackie somehow looked less then impressed.  For a frightening second, he thought she was going to press him on his abrupt mood change, but after a long searching look, she just huffed something about, “well, he’s an alien,” and moved back into her original chair.
“And then we were back in Universe prime!” he continued, “Safe and sound and able to patch Rose up in the TARDIS.  We spent some time with Jack and his mates, and then I surprised Rose with a trip here!  So she can recover with family,” he finished beaming at Jackie.
“Thought going universe to universe was impossible,” was Jackie’s only comment.
“Well, yes, it is.  Completely impossible.  But sometimes, well I say sometimes, but I mean really quite rarely, almost never, there is a…weeelll it’s like a bubble you could say that connects two distinct universes.  It’s why Universe Prime and Pete’s World are so similar and have had, what is it, three, or is it four interactions now?”
“Right,” Jackie drawled in a way that let him know she had no idea what he was talking about, but would accept the explanation regardless.  “So that’s it then?  That’s what happened?”
“Pretty much,” the Doctor nodded.
“And you two?” Jackie narrowed her eyes at him, “You going to be ok after all that?”
A little shiver went through him as he contemplated the answer.  Would they?  Could they be?  “Of course!” he beamed, “We’re always alright.”
“Sure you are,” Jackie agreed.  But her gaze was far too knowing.  
Before he had to confront that, a cry from the other room caught their attention and he darted towards the door to Rose’s bedroom.  He paused to mutter a low, “She has nightmares now,” in explanation before rushing to comfort the whimpering Rose.  
In a few steps, he was back at her side, brushing the mussed hair away from her face and running his fingers over her temple.  He projected love and peace to her until she settled and her whimpering was replaced by calm, even breathing.  He let out a relieved breath himself.  He’d gotten to her before she’d become too trapped in the dream.  No longer giving a damn what Jackie would think, the Doctor eased himself onto the bed and sat up against the headboard, lacing his fingers through Rose’s.  
A subtle movement out of the corner of his eye alerted him to Jackie standing in the doorway.  
“I’ll just go downstairs and call Pete, then,” she said in a whisper, “Tony will be home soon, but you two just rest for now.”
He nodded back at her.  She backed out of the doorway, but just before she’d fully exited, he spoke, “Jackie?”
“Yes?” she poked her head back in.
“Thank you,” he said, putting a world of feeling behind those two words.  There was an apology there too.  Now Jackie also had a part of the burden to bear.
She just nodded and took her leave.  
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thatsadbietch · 1 year
Attitude Adjustment
A Disney Dreamlight Valley Fic! This may or may not be an indicator of how I felt about Prince Eric 😅 funnily enough I had this idea, and writing it down made me start to like him a bit more.
Ariel asked if you would spend more time with Eric to help him regain his memories.  However, you seem to have been reluctant and are giving him the cold shoulder.  When he decides enough is enough, chaos ensues.
No warnings except for tickles, obviously.  And minor spoilers if you’re playing and haven’t found Eric yet. Scroll if not your cuppa tea.
Word count: 2,349
“Let’s go, Prince Charming,” you called behind you teasingly, and maybe somewhat obnoxiously.  You two were on your way to see Donald, hoping to get some of his feathers for a Donald Duck mask.  Olaf was producing a play, and since Donald didn’t want to play himself, Olaf specifically requested the mask be made using some of his feathers.  For authenticity’s sake.
Prince Eric rolled his eyes, none too fond of the nickname you’ve bestowed upon him.  Not only because he wasn’t the Prince Charming, but also because he knew you knew this irritated him.
“Y/N, you know how I feel about being called that,” Eric started, “Why did you invite me to hang out if you were going to call me names all day?”
It was true, you had invited him out: but not entirely because you wanted to.  Ariel thought that he would regain his memories faster if he accompanied you on errands around the village, and it was working, so that in itself was worth the trouble.  However, you have grown up a bit since returning to the village, and in that time had started questioning some of the parts of these characters’ stories.
Like nearly marrying a sea witch only because she “sounded familiar.” Seriously, how could he not have recognized Ariel from the start, if he liked her so much? You could have had a conversation with him about this and get his take, but your crammed schedule and assumption had gotten the better of you.
“You and Donald are good friends, I feel like he’s more likely to help if you’re there.  Plus, Ariel wanted us to spend time together,” you explained, as you both collected fruits and herbs on your way to Dazzle Beach.  
“I still don’t remember everything, but I thought we used to hang out for more reasons than that.” You shrugged, and you both arrived at Donald’s door. 
“Didn’t we sail together? Looking for artifacts and treasure?” Eric asked while you two waited for Donald to answer his door.
“Wait, no we didn’t, because Merlin said you were too young to be out far.  But we pretended to, on the shores! I remember that!” Now that he said it, you did too, and before you could respond a startled Donald swung his front door open, nearly smacking you both with it.
“WAAHHH! Oh, Y/N, Eric, thank goodness! This just appeared inside!” You’ve come to recognize the faint glow that memories produced, and sure enough a smaller you could be seen on a makeshift raft along the shores of Dazzle Beach, with Eric and Donald both playing along.  You paused an extra beat before conjuring your magic photo album, where you stored the gathered memories, and placed the newest addition in an empty slot.
“Thanks, Donald, for giving me that,” you said, adding no additional comments to the memory, or Prince Eric’s gaze at you.
“Of course, Y/N!  Did you guys need something?”
“Yes, actually, we came to ask for a favor,” Eric started.  “We would like a few of your feathers for a mask.  Anna is playing you in Olaf’s play, and they would like her costume to be as authentic as possible.”
“WHAT?!” Donald exclaimed, covering his belly and tailfeathers the best he could.
“Calm down Donald, we don’t want any attached ones,” you assured, “just any that may have fallen off? Please? You don’t need them, do you?”  He pondered for a moment, realizing he would be throwing them away anyway.
“Oh, all right, come in,” he sighed, finally inviting them in.
“I’m sure the others would appreciate these for crafts or other costumes and stuff too, especially Olaf,” you remarked as Donald gathered his shed feathers in a small bag.
“One duck’s trash is another snowman’s treasure, or something like that,” you said with a smirk.  Donald chuckled at you.
“Maybe.  I’ll see if anyone needs them before I throw them away next time.”
“I appreciate that Donald, thanks.”  As you made your way out, Donald stopped Eric, who had been mostly quiet during the visit.
“Hey, Prince Eric, are you all right?”  The sailor took a breath.
“I’m okay.  I’m just wondering why Y/N is giving me such a cold shoulder.  I mean, they asked me to spend time with them, only to find out it’s because Ariel asked them to.  We used to have fun together, you saw the memory.” Donald offered a sympathetic look toward his sailing friend.
“Did you ask them?”
“They didn’t open up about it.  I don’t know how to apologize if I don’t know what I did. If I even did anything.  Ugh, this forgetting…”
“Say that, Y/N will understand.  Maybe they don’t realize they’re being unfair.” Eric thought for a moment and nodded slowly.
“Yeah, I’ll talk to them again. Thanks, Donald, for the advice.  Let’s take the boat out sometime soon and catch up!”
When Eric stepped outside Donald’s house, you were no where to be seen.  He sighed again, looking for any indication as to where you might be. You hadn’t wondered far though, as he found you working on the mask under a palm tree just outside of the mystic cave.  He walked over and sat across from you, silently watching you work on the mask for a few moments.
“Hey… um… do you need any help?”
“No, I think I can manage from here,” you said curtly, but quickly added, “I appreciate you coming to Donald’s with me.” Another couple of silent moments pass.
“So… can we talk?”
“About what?” Eric noted you never took your eyes off the task at your hand.
“Well… I feel like I’m the only villager here you’re short with. And I get taunted often, especially with the nickname.” You scoffed.
“You should talk to Gothel, she and I don’t get along very well, either.  Maybe you two can start a club.”
“See, that’s what I’m talking about,” Eric stated, exasperated. His sudden change in tone made you finally look up at him, and you saw his sincerity. 
“You and Mother Gothel never got along. We did.  You saw the memory!” he continued, “What changed?” You sighed, gathered the mask, and stood quickly. 
“I need to take this to Anna, she needs it.  This will have to wait,” you said, and nearly as soon as you turned around Eric clasped an arm over your chest, pinning you to his own.
“Hey! What do you think you’re doing?”
“I need you to talk to me, Y/N.  You aren’t leaving me with too many options.”
“So you’re holding me hostage?”
“Well, no-”
“What’s you’re plan, here?” you antagonized.  Eric sighed but kept his hold.
“It’s just… you aren’t giving me a chance.  If I did something, I might not remember what it was, you have to tell me.  I can’t fix something I don’t know is wrong.”  It was your turn to sigh, knowing you’ve let your own judgements cloud your actions.  You were trying to be a better Ruler, and this was not the way to do it.
“No, you’re right. I’m sorry.  I haven’t been a fair Ruler or friend to you.”
“Water under the bridge, we all make mistakes,” he replied, “as long as you can tell me what started all this.”
“Don’t worry about it, really. It’s for me to fix, now.”
“You can still tell me, let me help you…” Eric prompted.  His eyes settled on the mask in your hand and developed a mischievous idea. “...or face the consequences.”
“HA!” you challenged, “Consequences? Like what, charming?” 
“You asked for it!” Eric knew this time, the name was a friendlier jab, but nonetheless he swiftly plucked a feather from the mask in your hand and drew it in a sawing motion along the shell of your ear. You were caught so off guard, you hadn’t even been given the chance to try to contain the bubbling cackles spilling out. Reflexively your shoulders scrunched up, and you tried and failed to break Eric’s hold.
“Erhehehic! Cuhuhut it ohohout!” you cried.  Just a simple little flick of a feather against your ear sent such ticklish vibrations through your body, including your legs that wanted to kick out but were doing their best to support you still.
“Oh, so you do know my actual name!” Eric teased, releasing his grip from you only to bring his spare hand up in an attempt to worm his fingers toward your neck.  Fortunately, your unconscious took over and bolted upon the sudden release.  Unfortunately, Eric was quick in grabbing you back around the waist.  You both fumbled, and fell unharmed on the patches of grass under you.  Eric seized the opportunity to pin you face down before you had recovered.  He rested his fingers menacingly on your hip bones.
“Feel like sharing where your attitude towards me is coming from yet?”
“I thought you were a sailor,” you started.  Eric sensed some antagonizing coming and curled his fingers as to warn you.  You, however, just couldn’t help yourself, despite the unbearable spidering sensation at your hips.  “Intehehrigation and tohohorture is pirate behavior.”
“Oh, you think I’m a pirate now?” Without warning, his hands shot up to your open underarms, and the squeal you elicited could probably have been heard back in the meadow.
“THAHAHAT WAHAHASN’T FAAAHAHAHAIR!” you cried through booming laughter, as one hand vibrated into the hollow part of your underarm while the other traced ever-so lightly up and down, sometimes wandering to your upper ribs.
“I’m a pirate now, according to you,” Eric taunted. “They aren’t fair.” As if to emphasize the point, Eric brought back the nearly forgotten feather and resumed teasing in and around your ear.  Your legs kicked out behind you and your cackles rose a pitch.
“Wait, sometimes, I was a pirate! When we had our adventures on the shoreline!” he remembered.  “You were too sometimes, and sometimes it was Donald.  Either way, we had a good time!”  
He didn’t let up once during his recollection, and in fact in his excitement over a new memory he let the feather trace down to your neck and collarbone while his other hand ventured down to pinch and poke in between your ribs.  You flailed, as if your body didn’t know which way to react, and while Eric held strong straddling your back, your laughter began to grow silent.
“You ready to talk now?”
“Eric?” a voice came from behind the two of you, though it almost didn’t come through your ticklish pleas and Eric’s teasing. He turned and leapt up off of you, offering his hand. You rolled over and glared at him, but smirked, and took his help.  He smiled, this time without the mischief, hoping he was making some kind of progress.
The voice in question came from Ariel.  You had no idea how long she’d been there, but she looked to your flushed face and disheveled clothes and grinned knowingly, causing your blush to deepen. Eric strode to her, embracing her and placing a quick kiss on her cheek.
“I take it things are going well?” she asked.  Eric turned to you.
“Are they?” you took a deep breath, both because your lungs needed it and to gain some form of composure.
“Eric, you’ve been getting my cold shoulder because I was unsure if you truly had Ariel’s best intentions in mind.” Gosh, you sounded like a parent. “We all know how your story played out, and it’s my duty to protect the interests of everyone here.  Ariel sacrificed a lot for you, leaving the sea. Then more-so, bringing you back to the Valley. I can only hope you prove worth it for her.”
“... Is that what this has been about?” Eric asked, more shocked than anything else. “Y/N, I’ve had some time to reflect, especially when I was one of Ursula's trophies.  I understand how it looks, and you’re right,” he said, turning back to Ariel, “she has sacrificed a lot for me.  It’s one of the many reasons I love her.  And it’s one of the reasons I made that deal with Ursula when the Forgetting set in. I might not have swapped worlds like she did, but I would if it made her happy.  I’d do anything for her.” 
Ariel embraced Eric once he was finished, clearly touched by his words.  As were you.  You suddenly felt guilty for treating him so harshly, and when their embrace parted, you extended a hand toward him.
“I’m sorry, Eric.  We should have had this conversation sooner.”  He ignored your hand and instead hugged you as well.
“Like I said, you tell me what’s wrong, and it’s water under the bridge.  Besides,” he continued, releasing you, “we did recover memories from the whole ordeal, so it wasn’t all for naught.” He pulled out a memory from his pocket.
“This cropped up earlier, but you were a little distracted,” he said slyly, handing it to you and delivering a playful poke to your belly.
“Wahatach it,” you warned, conjuring the photo album of memories again.  You placed it in an empty slot, and smiled at the photo.  A smaller you and Eric had wooden swords.  You appeared to be trying to save Ariel, playing a damsel in distress, though she looked far more amused than distressed, from a pirate hat and eye patch wearing Eric.
“This is very sweet,” you smiled, then turned disappointed.  “Ugh, this forgetting…”
“Don’t worry, Y/N,” Ariel chimed in, placing a hand on your shoulder.  “You’re doing everything you can.  And it’s working! Memories are coming back, more and more villagers are finding their way back here, its all a miracle.” 
“Thank you, Ariel, but-”
“No buts, she’s right,” Eric stated.  “And we’ll be behind you every step of the way.”  You looked to them and smiled.
“Will you be wearing the pirate hat while you help?” Eric rolled his eyes and laughed.
“If that’s what it takes.” 
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munsonology · 1 year
may i ask you for a fluff story with eddie? i feel very lonely and have cried my eyes out, because my exams drain me and i’m fully exhausted, i’m doing my best to not forget eating and staying hydrated. i have crippling anxiety disorder. i’m a girl with disability, so my spine hurts out of the pressure.
can you write some blurb or fluff about eddie taking care of me? <3 like making a cuppa of tea, hugging me, reassuring that he loves me and I will make it. i would be beyond thankful!!
Of course my love! I'm so sorry you're having a hard time right now. Know you are never alone ❤️ Thank you for letting me write this for you and for being patient while I figure out balancing requests and other things!
As soon as you stepped out of the science building and saw Eddie's rickety van illegally parked you felt a weight lift off your shoulders. You'd been going nonstop for the past month. Between work, studying, and exams you barely had time to eat, and you definitely didn't find time to sleep.
Eddie was growing concerned. You fell asleep on the couch last night, your astronomy textbook in your lap long forgotten. From how clean the kitchen was he knew you didn't eat the dinner (spaghetti and hotdogs, a Munson family delicacy) he prepared. Back in high school, it wasn't unusual for you forget to take care of yourself during finals. When Eddie wasn't around, your friends were there to give you the support you needed.
Now that you and Eddie were on your own, you working part time while going to college and Eddie working at the hottest record store in the city, he took caring for you very seriously. He felt he owed it to you. His sacrificing himself to save you and Dustin was the reason you went back to the trailer. You fought a hoard of demobats with a can of Steve's Farrah Fawcett hairspray and a lighter. In exchange one had grabbed you by the shoulders with it's talons, carrying you to the Creel House, before dropping you from the sky when El defeated Vecna.
While Nancy put her first aid skills to use with Eddie, Steve searched for you in the woods of Upside Down Hawkins. He found you barely alive, carrying you to the gate. You and Eddie went through surgery and rehab together. While Eddie's wounds had healed, you were having a harder time. The drop broke your back, it almost killed you. After your initial rehab, your doctor suggested another surgery but you decided against it. You wanted to feel normal again, or as much as you could.
You trudged toward Eddie's van. Black Sabbath blasting from the speakers. Eddie was playing air guitar during the solo, a head of flying curls all over the place. He jumped when he heard the slam of the door. Eddie turned down the volume of the music.
"Jesus Christ! Why didn't you tell me you were here. I could've helped you get in," he says running a hand through his mop.
"Didn't want to disturb," you respond with a tight smile.
"You'd never disturb me, my little star."
His little star. You beamed on the inside. Eddie had been calling you that since you finally declared astronomy, "Astrology?! My girl's going to find zodiac signs and shit. I'm so proud of you, baby!" as a major. You didn't have the heart to correct him.
Eddie put the van in drive and pulled off toward your shared apartment. The breeze from the open window felt nice on your hot skin. It was the first time in what felt like weeks you'd felt air that wasn't from an appliance.
Parking the van in Eddie's usual spot and walking up the stairs was a blur. Eddie carried your backpack while guiding you to the apartment. Once inside you made a beeline for the couch. You let out a breath when the plushy cushion met your back. A housewarming gift from Joyce and Hopper.
Eddie tossed his leather jacket next to you before sitting down on the coffee table in front of you. He took off your shoes and socks. Picking the lint from your socks off your toes he started to massage your feet. "When did you get a foot fetish, Munson?" you asked sleepily.
"The first time I saw your painted toes in sand on that trip to the beach."
Eddie brings your toes to his mouth. You playfully kick at him and he laughs before trying to tickle you. A serious look comes across his face. "I wanted to talk to you."
"Oh, here comes the speech." He doesn't waver. "Oh. You really mean talk."
He nods. "You worry me, sweetheart. I know--" he pauses, "I know it's coming up on the two year anniversary. You don't have to rely on yourself. I can handle whatever you throw at me."
"Have you had a meal today? You haven't come to bed in days. I refuse to let you wither away. It's time for a change. Starting now."
"Now?" you question. He offers a hand to you and you take it, you always would. He leads you to the bathroom. A light fragrance takes you by surprise. Is that...lavender?
Eddie turns the lights on and your eyes nearly pop out your head. The bathroom is decorated with candles, the bath full with bubbles. "Eddie! You could've burned the building down leaving these candles up!"
"I know, that's why I called reinforcements. The gang came by to help set this up. The candles aren't even the best part."
He sits on the edge of the tub and turns it on. "We have jets now! You can have a full Swedish massage right at home." he giggles.
"What--How can we afford this?" you ask.
"Hopper knows a guy who works in plumbing. Gave him the family and friends discount. Just had to install it myself, and by myself I mean Wayne and Hopper did. I supplied the lemonade."
Tears pool at your eyes. No one except your family had ever done anything like this for you. "You did this for me?"
"For us, sweetheart. I want to be with you forever, for however long you'll have me." Eddie touches your forehead to yours. His scent was like coming home. Old Spice and Irish Spring.
"I love you Eddie Munson," you say with a sigh.
"I love you too, future Mrs. Munson."
Your feet feel wet. You look toward the tub seeing the water overflowing. "Ed! You didn't turn the water off!"
He rushes to the tub, slipping on the floor mat and falling right on his ass. "Maybe we can start relaxing tomorrow."
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spicy-melon · 2 years
Stresses and Sorries
Dark x DA!Reader, GN
implied DA reader/reader with memories from WKM?, and i sorta injected my own canon into it
(sorry if that isn’t your cuppa tea, but a dude has to have some self indulgence sometimes right)
warnings: past trauma, Dark gets angry and yells, negative intrusive thoughts (from both reader and Dark), mutual pining (the idiots /aff), couple of suggestive lines
The manor was chaos. It always has been, having 40 plus people living in the same place, no matter how large the mansion is. Now add in how —well— unique those people are, and it's a recipe for disaster. One that often left you scrambling, trying to keep fires out of one room while yelling and screaming could be heard in the next. But, hey, at least you weren’t ever bored. And you didn’t have it nearly as bad as Dark did.
Speaking of the entity, you happen to pass his main office hastily making your way to your next destination in the house. His door was uncharacteristically slightly open, and you sneak a glance into the room.
He’s at his desk, elbows on the table, and hands balled together almost like he’s praying. But the pained expression you see on his face, eyes closed and eyebrows twisted up in a way that —
You can’t lie, you’ve had some less than pure thoughts about him, even before that fateful night. But with so much drama and tension, and how occupied he was by whatever Marc was doing that week, you decided to push your feelings down, for his sake and yours. Mostly his, if you were being honest. You had a suspicion they weren’t exactly reciprocated.
“Hey,” You knock gently on the door while you fully open it, giving him a soft smile.
The entity did nothing but open his eyes and allow his expression to calm for a moment. A quiet sigh left his lips as he repositioned his hands to rest on the table as he lifted his gaze to you.
“You ok, Damien?” It still made your heart warm that he allowed you to call him by his old name when you were alone together. Almost made it seem like the old days when the two of you would stay up till ungodly hours studying together. Like the snake bastard had never—
“I am.”
Please just go away, he doesn’t want to hurt you.
“Are you sure? I was just passing by and saw how stressed you looked —”
“There is a reason my door is usually c̸l̸o̷s̷e̷d̶,” He must have said that louder and sharper than he intended, because his eyes immediately filled with regret as he sees you flinch slightly. A blink-and-you’ll-miss it flash of cyan came from his form as his statement echoed loudly.
You tried to cover up the hurt with a smile, “Ah. Well, if you need anything, you know how to get my attention. I’ll just go back to —”
“No,” and the room filled with red and blue sparks for a few seconds, and he rolled his shoulders and adjusted the cuffs of his suit, “Please, sit. I need to talk to you while you're here.”
You shut the office door as dread filled your stomach. Making your way towards the chair placed in front of his desk your mind started racing. Did you do something wrong? Was some of the paperwork filed incorrectly? Were you being fired?
You sat timidly with eyes looking up at him, questioning him silently as a deep sigh came from his side of the desk.
“I’d like to apologize for my behavior as of late. You, of all people, don’t deserve to be treated that way.”
You deserve the world. More, if it could be given.
You blink a couple times in the silence, not wanting to interrupt as he continued.
“Not having any clue what that bastard is up to the last few weeks, Wilford running amuck more than usual even for him, Bim with his unusual requests… I’m sorry, it just…” He trails off, sighing once again. He looks at you with something you don’t think you’ve ever seen from him, at least in this form: vulnerability.
“Hey, I understand. We all get overwhelmed sometimes. I just wish sometimes you’d let me help, y’know? … Or at the very least talk about it, let me in and —”
You freeze. Part of you wants to almost laugh at the irony of what you just said. Something about those three little words bring back a flood of memories. A void, red and blue flickers, a corpse, a promise.
If he could take it back, he would in an instant. He wasn't in control of himself.
He cringes lightly at the words, too. It was a long time ago, but the events of that night still took a toll on you both. He’s never truly expressed how sorry he was, he didn't think he could with words.
“Just, if there’s any way I can help— take over doing some tasks, be an ear to talk to…” continuing your thought as he rolls his neck once again. You try and make a joke to ease the tension as you gesture towards his neck,”…hell, give you a massage if that’s what’ll help, I’ll do it.” You say lightheartedly with a small chuckle.
He smiles a bit, “That’s… very sweet of you to offer all of that. Thank you.”
What did he do to deserve you, you wonderful thing?
“Of course. Remember back in university when we were studying for —oh, what was it? I think it was Junior year — finals? I started mindlessly combing through you hair and you were out like a light.” The both of you laughed quietly, reminiscing about a time long ago, another life that should have been.
“You do have a certain magic touch, dear.” He says through his light laughter, rubbing the back of his neck subconsciously remembering the feeling of your hands.
Your body makes a decision to get out of your chair and walk around to Dark’s side of the desk. This startles Dark a bit, as he turns towards you in his chair and looks at you quizzically before you make your way to your destination behind him.
You stand there for a moment, suddenly feeling aware and self-conscious about what you had chose to do. Your hands start with his hair, taking the fringe he now sports and running your fingers through to slick it back to the rest of his hair. He slowly shifts backward, giving you a better angle to work. Once all the pieces that hung in front of his eyes joined the rest of his hair, you gently raked your fingers through it.
Repeating the motion, you feel his body slightly slump under your touch. As you get into your own hypnotic rhythm, you end up switching between massaging his scalp and shoulders. You even start to hum an old familiar song, one that you knew he’d recognize and would help calm him.
He hurt you. And yet here you are, little monster, trying to help a monster like him.
As you finish the song, you can feel most of the tension has left him under your hands. You find yourself pressing a soft kiss to the top of his head before you even realize what you’re doing. You step back, “I-I’m sorry, I don’t know what—”
He swivels around to face you and sees the slightest bit of flush adorning your face. It was the first time you got to see his expression since you had started and he looked… at peace. You didn’t, however, see the moony look beaming in his eyes.
“There’s no need to apologize dear, however adorable you are doing so,” he gets up from his chair to stride to where you ended up from your embarrassment. He meets your eyes and looks at you for a moment before gently placing his hand on your face.
And you don’t pull away. Everything he is, everything he’s become, and you don’t pull away.
He leans down to kiss the top of your head, right where you had done it to him moments before, “There, now we’re even,” he whispers through a smile, thumb stroking your cheekbone.
You look up at him and you think your lungs have forgotten how to breathe. Both meeting each other’s eyes, you find yourself quickly glancing down at his lips and back up again and leaning subtly closer to him.
He finally breaks what feels like an eternity of silence, so quiet you can barely hear the words fall from his lips “Can I kiss you?”
You give a small nod as your stomach fluttered, afraid your voice would fail you if you tried to speak. He leans down and captures your lips with his.
It’s the most gentle kiss you’ve ever received and you melt into it. He tastes like mint and static and just… him. It feels like everything is right about it, pieces falling into place. Like it was meant to be in every other universe, and this one just caught up.
He should have done this a long time ago.
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barry-j-blupjeans · 2 years
@taznovembercelebration - Plant / Metal
Out of all of the perks he got from being one of the seven saviors of the world (though, in Merle's opinion, it wasn't like they did all the fightin' down on planetside), Merle thought he liked being given free stuff the best. Don't get him wrong, he definitely paid when no one was looking and always, always tipped, but at the very least, it was less stressful having to keep track of all his coins. Today, he sat at a café he hadn't visited in years and years, nursing a cup of coffee milk tea. There were a few other dwarves milling about, taking some not-so-sneaky glances at him every once and a while.
It's not like it was any different than the other times he went back to the Coralheart Clan for something. He was the same ol' Merle, just… famous. Really, really famous. He supposed that was the price he had to pay for being so great. At the very least, the whispers were now about Story and Song instead of how shitty of a husband and father he had been. Maybe Hekuba had finally told them off like Merle had tried to get her to do. Maybe they figured insulting him was a bad idea nowadays. Personally, Merle wouldn't go about raising hell for a little rumor, but at least he knew the crew would have his back if something did need to go down.
The door to the café opened, the bell above it ringing. Hekuba stepped inside, lifting her sunglasses up to the top of her head. She glanced around the room and spotted him, coming closer. She pulled the chair across from him out and sat down, setting her large purse on the table.
She seemed… uncomfortable. Frankly, Merle could not blame her. Their relationship hadn't really ended on a high note. Come to think of it, their relationship had never really had a high note. Obviously, there had a time when it had been decent, or else Merle wouldn't have even let the suggestion of marriage bother him, but still. He was gonna try to fix this. For the kids, if not just for him. And he figured that it was probably better to get it out of the way now rather than waiting for Hekuba to reach out to him. It was gonna be weird, either way.
"Wanna get a cuppa first or are you good?" Merle asked, raising his own tea cup. Hekuba's gaze flickered down to it, and then to his arm, and then back up to him. She shook her head.
"I'm good, Merle," she said. "You know, when Mookie said you were part tree, I thought he was just, uhhh, exaggerating. But, uhm."
"Oh, this ol' thing?" Merle said, flexing his right hand. A flower blood at his wrist, as if showing off. "Nah, Mags thought it would be a great idea to chop my freakin' arm off in the middle of a mission. 'Cus I coulda died or whatever. But Pan's got my back, so now I've got this cool new arm." Merle paused, squinting. "That Magnus isn't allowed to be near."
"Ah," Hekuba said, in her "this is a normal conversation we're having" voice. "I was going to say that most people seem to prefer some kind of metal for a prosthetic, but it… suits you. You were always pretty close to Pan."
"That's about the one thing I got right," Merle said. Hekuba didn't disagree, but she didn't meet his eyes either. "Listen, Heks, I know a lot has happened in the past few weeks with, uh, the Hunger and the Story and all of that. But I've been spending a lot of time thinking about… well, thinking about our family. And realizing that I was a real shitty husband to you and a real bad dad to our kids. And I've been tryin' with them- I'll keep trying, at least, 'cus they're worth it to me. I'm not gonna pretend like we're on the greatest of terms or whatever, but if- if you'd like, maybe we can figure somethin' out."
Hekuba stared at him, very clearly weighing her options in her mind. Merle cleared his throat.
"And- and if you don't want somethin' like that," he said. "That'll be fine, too. Whatever's best for you and the kids. But I wanna be in their lives, at least."
"I want a divorce," Hekuba said. She blinked, as if she hadn't expected herself to say that. "A legal one, I mean. We never really got any of that finalized because you just sort of… left."
"Right," Merle said. "Yeah, alright. A divorce would be a good place to start. D'you know anyone wh-"
"I know several people who can get us started," Hekuba said. She pulled out a pen from her purse and looked around for something to write on. Merle passed her one of the napkins and she scribbled down a stone frequency. She slid it over to him. "This is a law office up in Stonekeep that just got set up, one of my cousins work there. She can get us started with the divorce petition. I'll give her a call and she'll call you in a few days to get your side of things set up."
"You've been thinkin' about this for a while, huh?" Merle said, pocketing the napkin. Hopefully, he'd remember it was there before he washed these pants.
"I have been ready for this for a very long time," Hekuba said. "And it's about time we got all of our shit sorted out. I'm not gonna give you grace because you saved the world."
"I wasn't expectin' you to," Merle said honestly.
This Hekuba was more like the one he had married. She had been one of his first friends when he came into the Coralheart Clan and it had all kind of snowballed from there. Their marriage had been rocky at the best of times and awful at the worst and while neither of them were truly at blame- thank Pan the clan had become more relaxed about arranged marriages- their dynamic had shifted into one fueled by resentment and exhaustion rather than fun. Maybe he was just old, but Merle never really got the point of marriage in the first place. Or dating. But his dad had always said it was just one of the things Everyone Did and Merle had believed him.
Having the memories of those long, long talks with Taako and Lup really sorted some stuff out in his head.
"Good," Hekuba said. She seemed less tense now that she had gotten that out of the way. Her shoulders slumped some and she appeared a little more relaxed. "You said you wanted to see the kids more?"
"If it's alright with you," Merle said. Hekuba dug through her purse again, pulling out a notebook from within. She flipped to a page with a full calendar on it.
"If you're going to step up more, you have to know all the activities they are involved in and what time they're expected to be at school when it starts up again," Hekuba said. "Let's start with Mavis."
There were definitely some drawbacks to being famous. But Merle really couldn't complain about the free shit at all. He was going to need a lot more coffee milk tea to keep up with what Hekuba was about to show him.
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awakenthemusic · 2 years
Suptober 2022 Day 10 - Enchanted
Destiel, Short fic, 998 words, POV Rowena MacLeod
Dean gets hit by a curse while on a case and Rowena steps in to help him dig his head out of his (metaphorical) ass.
Under the cut or on Ao3
Rowena had just settled onto her throne for a nice cuppa when the doors to her throne room burst open. Samuel Winchester marched in as if he owned the place, followed by Dean and Castiel.
“Hello, boys,” Rowena said dryly. “Please do come in.”
“We need your help,” Samuel said, his face tense. “We think Dean’s been cursed.”
“You think he’s been cursed,” Rowena asked as she quickly scanned her eyes over Dean. He stood a bit stiffly but otherwise seemed unharmed, despite the lingering traces of magic glowing at the edges of his aura. 
“This is stupid, I’m fine, Sam,” Dean rolled his eyes.
Samuel ignored him and continued, “We were hunting an evil witch—”
“Bitch got the drop on me,” Dean muttered defensively.
Samuel rolled his eyes at the interruption and said, “He threw a hex bag at Dean and said something like…” Samuel paused to fish the hex bag out of his pocket and set it down a safe distance away from everyone in the room before he repeated what he thought the man had said.
Rowena nodded her approval of his caution as she picked up the hex bag for a closer look. That’s my boy.
"I can tell that Dean got hit by something," Samuel explained. "But I can't figure out what."
Rowena took one look at the contents of the hex bag and raised narrowed eyes toward Dean.
He still stood uncomfortably just inside the doorway as Castiel paced around him, his forehead crinkled in concern. Dean reached out an unconscious hand to comfort Castiel, but let it fall back to his side before the angel could notice.
“This is stupid,” Dean insisted. “I feel fine.”
“No change in your emotions, then,” Rowena asked pointedly, and… there, she could tell now that Dean held himself so unnaturally still to keep from swaying closer to Castiel.
“No, nothing, should there be?” Dean frowned at her and looked so genuinely confused Rowena wanted to scream.
Bloody Dean Winchester with his bloody great head still crammed up his bloody arse. Rowena sighed internally and said calmly, “I need to speak with Dean… alone.”
Samuel and Castiel were clearly reluctant to let Dean out of their sight. Rowena walked them to the door with a firm hand on each of their arms as she soothed, “The poor boy will be fine, Aunty Rowena will fix him right up, don’t you worry.”
She shooed them from the room, letting the doors fall shut with a boom. She turned to find Dean shuffling awkwardly, a false smile plastered on his face.
Dean forced out a chuckle and said, “So, Doc… how long’ve I got?”
Rowena smacked him on the back of the head. Hard.
“Ow! What the fuck?”
Rowena leaned in close and hissed in Dean’s face, “It’s a love spell, you great bloody pillock!”
Dean gaped at Rowena. Emotions chased each other across his face as he finally put the pieces together.
“Aye,” Rowena condescended. “You were hit by a curse that makes its victims fall madly in love with the first person they see.” 
Dean paled and visibly gulped.
Rowena put a hand up to her ear and mocked, “But, what’s that you say? You feel fine; like nothing’s changed?” She glared at him and hissed, “Maybe that’s because it bloody hasn’t!”
Rowena paced up and down the room, muttering, “Bloody Winchesters!” She spun back around to face Dean and said, “If you’d just done what I said months ago and worked it out between the two of you, you’d be fine. Instead, if you don’t tell him how you feel, soon, this curse will literally liquify your insides until they come spilling out your every orifice. Excellent work.”
Dean’s eyes went wide in horror even as his face turned three different shades of red. He sank down into a chair and buried his face in his hands with a groan.
Point made, Rowena perched back on her throne. She sipped her tea and let Dean stew in the mess he’d made.
Several long moments passed in silence, then Dean asked quietly, “Can you get rid of it?”
Rowena raised an eyebrow and said, “I could break the curse, aye…”
Dean narrowed his eyes and said, “But?”
“But, why should I? Seems to me this is a problem of your own making. Maybe you should look at this as the kick in the arse you need to finally tell your angel the truth.”
Dean sputtered, “I— He— You—” Dean glared, fire in his eyes as he said, “What do you want? You want me to beg?”
Rowena hummed thoughtfully, “Tempting… but no. I want to know why I should fix this for you when I’ve no guarantee that you won’t turn right back around and get yourself in this sort of mess again. Tell me, why should I help you, Dean?”
Dean turned away, running his hands through his hair. He paced around the room, clearly swearing internally.
Rowena went back to her tea and let him pace. The boy clearly needed a push to work this through or he’d never get anywhere with his angel.
Finally, Dean stomped back over to stand in front of Rowena’s throne, head bowed to stare at the floor as he all but growled, “For Cas.”
Rowena set down her teacup. “Pardon?”
Dean sighed, “For Cas. You should help me for Cas…” Dean ran a hand through his hair and said haltingly, clearly struggling to force the words out, “He… he deserves to know… and I wanna tell him, I do. Just… not like this. He… he should know that I mean it. That I’m not just saying it to save my own ass, I just…” Dean’s words choked off and he raised tear-filled eyes to meet hers as he said, voice breaking, “Rowena, please.”
Fondness flooded Rowena’s poor shriveled heart and she couldn’t help but smile as she said, “My darling boy, all you had to do was ask.”
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