#p5 reader insert
plushverse · 5 months
Happy Holidays 😊
May I please request headcanons for Joker and Akechi reacting to their female S/O who’s a famous singer performing on stage with another singer and showing great chemistry with them?
Happy late holidays!
Akira Kurusu:
*Akira always enjoys hearing you sing and seeing you perform on stage!
*whenever he can, he will be there to see you perform, as he supports you no matter what! Whenever you see him in the crowd, it just makes you smile and so happy to see your boyfriend supporting you
*However, this time was a little different. You had another singer performing with you, which he wasn’t expecting since you don’t perform with others often, but he’s curious to see how it goes
*When the two of you performed, he noticed you two had great chemistry, and it made him feel a little uneasy.
*Normally, Akira doesn’t get jealous or anything like that, but seeing you two perform together just did not sit right with him, but he didn’t want to leave and make you feel bad, so he stayed until the end
*After the show was over, you had met up with him, happy to see that he was there for your performance. Akira immediately pulled you into a hug, holding you close to him. It took you a moment to realize what was going on, before you laughed a bit in response, hugging him back
*”Akira… I’m not going to leave you for them.” You have to reassure him, which doesn’t take much, but he just wants to be sure, so don’t expect him to let you go for a while.
Goro Akechi:
*Akechi does like hearing you sing and seeing you perform, even if he won’t admit this out loud
*unfortunately, he doesn’t always get to see you perform on stage, but you both know how busy he can get, so you don’t let it bother you
*However, when he is able to watch you perform, you can somehow manage to spot him in the crowd or someplace you know he would be, and it just gives you an energy boost!
*However, this time was different. You had another singer performing with you, which wasn’t very often you did.
*Akechi watched you two perform, and you two had such chemistry together, which made him quite jealous, not realizing he had balled his hands up into fists.
*You had noticed him in the crowd and his expression. Uh oh. You would make it up to him after the show, for sure.
*Once it was over, Akechi had found you, and you could tell he was jealous. You pulled him into a hug, reassuring him that you wouldn’t leave him for them, as you didn’t feel that way towards the other singer
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writerofjourneys · 1 year
Hi! If requests are still open, could I request Akira/Joker with a female reader who's a phenomenal cook?
Making him lunches, snacks, and occasionally breakfast and dinner too. Boy's bout to be spoiled.
Cooking for Joker
Fandom(s): Persona 5
P5 Protagonist/Joker x Fem Reader
Content: Fluff, romance, food, established relationship, marriage, married life, aged up characters, cooking, domesticity, soft Joker, taking care of each other, affection, declarations of love.
Warnings: None.
Main List | 𝐉𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐫
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As the leader of the Phantom Thieves, Akira is busy preparing for heists and fighting Shadows. But not just for being a leader of a mysterious infamous group, he’s busy everywhere. Ranking up confidants, fusing Personas, stocking supplies, studying, Akira’s been dealt with a lot of responsibilities since he got to Tokyo.
Eating at Big Bang Burger all the time and doing those challenges isn’t healthy on a regular basis. He does eat out with the team and his confidants sometimes. And Sojiro does cook breakfast for him on occasion.
But he will have a tendency to overwork himself and forget his own needs. He’s also taking care of Morgana, another mouth to feed besides himself. During lunchtime, Akira would either share his meal or just give it to Morgana.
Though since Morgana is known to keep track of his bedtime, the cat will make reminders for him to eat. The talking feline does pride himself for being responsible.
But you making food for him will send his heart soaring. He’s a lanky male, not too thin, but not so muscular, so he could still go for some more meat in his bones. It’s not only a sweet gesture but also an efficient way to help feed your hardworking boyfriend. He may even blush a little from the adoring sentiment.
Making bentos for him? Touching. Making matching bentos for the two of you? Adorable. Especially if you’re putting great details in the lunches, like making cute faces in the shape of animals and such. Akira will tease that it looks far better to admire, but he’ll happily finish the bento until there’s nothing left. He’s never been a picky eater so he’s open to try anything you make.
Learning about your cooking skills definitely impresses him. Akira likes to improve his own culinary abilities. Working with Sojiro behind the counter helped him discover that passion. So being a phenomenal cook, he’d gladly ask for tips and advice once in a while.
Akira finds himself astounded that someone like him, someone carrying a false criminal record serving probation in an unfamiliar place alone, could have such a loving girlfriend caring for him. He always makes sure to not let you forget his own affections and how much everything you do means.
It becomes a routine for you two to meet up at lunchtime and eat together. Sitting side by side closely, across with legs touching. There’s no doubt that Akira will happily reciprocate in taking turns making meals for you both. A good way to practice his cooking skills despite his busy schedule. If you were to ever be unable to make it, Akira will feel your absence greatly.
Breakfast? Probably best to have something easier to eat as you walk to Shujin side by side on weekdays. It is true as they say that to a person’s heart in general is through the stomach. If you stopped by carrying food filled containers to eat at LeBlanc, Sojiro has no problem with it. He does agree that Akira should be mindful of eating. Depending on if said containers are washable, he’ll let you keep them at the café until you take them back.
Feeding each other is a thing in private. When no one is there, Akira will offer a piece of food to your lips, expression cheeky. It’s something you’d only do behind closed doors.
And in reverse, he’s happy to welcome a spoonful from you. Wiping a stain on his mouth gets him a bit bashful. A napkin? Cute. Your own tongue? Now his face got even redder.
But beware, the leader of the Phantom Thieves has tricks up his sleeve. He’ll reciprocate the action in a sneaky way to tease back.
Dates spent cooking and eating together is very domestic and wholesome. Trying new recipes, sharing some, it’s a lovely way to spend time with one another. Though you’d probably spend that in your home rather than his. Because as nice as the coffee and curry is at the café, you’d have more privacy and space to work on. Akira always has a look in his eyes when he gazes upon you, so much so it makes you bashful every time you see it.
Food turns into a new love language between you.
And once you become adults? Naturally, living together is expected after the deepening of your relationship growing from being high school sweethearts. Cooking together becomes a real staple in your household. Working different jobs may not always let you cook together, but having the thoughtfulness of making food for the other is still as meaningful.
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sea-of-dust · 25 days
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Joker,Akechi,Futaba,Haru x GN!Reader
You made a doll out of them, time to make them think they're one with it
N: I need those idv skins bro every ask is 5 bucks/heavy j. This post shall multiply my luck by 10 fold no 100 fold!!! I WILL GET FUTABA I WILL GET HARU I WILL GET FUTABA I WILL GET HARU RAAAAA
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"That doesn't look like me" you pick up the doll and widen it's arms "where my hug at?" Imatating his voice, he goes to wipe his eyes, hitting his glasses, yet still doing the gesture. "Son?"
He would smush his face, twiddle with its hair, all the gestures you'd do to him. "Is my face really this smushable?" He pinches the cheeks of the doll. "Yea" you pinch his actual cheeks
He'd actually treat it like his son. "Why are you doing his laundry?" The doll stares at you with a towels wrapped around its head and waist it's clothes swashing around in a small kids washing machine. "Where did you even get that?" "A friend sent me an address on where to find em" it's silent as you watch the washing machine whirr. "Sooo" "soon I'll teach how to do it himself" he goes to wipe his eyes, only to hit his glasses again and still going through with the gesture.
Don't make him new clothes...either of them. His first thoughts when you show him the dolls new outfit is ask where to find the human sized versions. "It's just clothes you already have" you put headphones around the dolls neck "I don't have those" you find them instantly showing them to him. ".." "you can match with him" he would send you pictures of him smiling wider than a cartoon character with a matching outfit to the doll
Morgana would accidently talk to the poor doll instead of him. "He's so werid right mini joker?" The doll stares into oblivion "I know right" he'd have deep conversations with that doll, you accidently made Morgana a ride or die partner
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"How amusing" you show him the doll holding it up by its hands. "It's you" "it isn't it dosent have any physical resemblance to me" you look at the doll and look back at him. "I think this is your long lost good twin"
He'd stare at it if you weren't in the room. It's soulful little eyes it's little smile. "Akechi why are you in a roll of tape?" He turns thinking your speaking to him only to see you pull his imposter out of the tape.
He'd wouldn't interact with it much besides tying it to celling fans, eventually he did examine it. The attention to detail was top notch, the parting of his hair the details on his clothes. He caught himself smiling at these features. "I see you're growing fond of him" he almost throws it but instead hides it behind his back. "I don't know what you're talking about"
You can't be away from minikechi, the life sized one would bring pictures of you three. Either to use as proof as you mearly breathing near the doll, or because he misses you and the doll was just in frame. "I wasn't touching him" he smirks "really now?" "Yea really" he pulls out a picture of the doll falling on your face. "He fell on me that's gravity"
He's gonna open a seam at one point. Maybe a lot depending on the saw traps he gets put through. He takes this as an opportunity to try and learn how to sew. "Okay wear this" you place a thumb cap over his finger. "What's this?" "It's so you don't poke yourself" he'd take what he's learned from you fixing the doll and minor clothing repairs to "pay you back" by fixing torn things that could be fixed via stich. Would complain after and that's how you know he did it. "That took too long for just a few stitches" "don't use a whole wingspan worth of string next time"
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"NOOOOOOO" her scream of anguish would have vibrated the house "I KNEW HE WAS RIGHT" "right about what?" "REN SAID YOU CAME INTO HIS ROOM AT MIDNIGHT TO STEAL MY HAIR AND PUT IT IN A DOLL" "I wasn't there for your hair" "oh" "I was there for answers he forgot to send them to me so I put whipped cream on his hand"
She loves it, convinced to make it a tiny ufo. She'd look up a little too many paper 3d sites to make one, finally finding one and barely able to put it together, she had to call the one person she knew!! "INARI!!" "I'm a painter, I'm afraid I may only be able to help with design and not overall structure" he still comes over to help tho
UFO SET UP, mini futaba put in! Yusuke praising it to God, and the mini futaba totally not being held up by string so she doesn't stress out the paper (suggested by you) "it's cute" your famous last few words before seeing a white spot on the ufo "oh you missed a spot-" "INARI NO"
She'd try to make her own doll of you. "3d printing y/n!!" She giggles to herself as she stitches carefully around the dolls head, she's continue to hype herself up, and then come to leblank like a zombie
The doll replaces her at video calls. Sojiro calling? "Dolltaba speaking!" "Can you tell Ren to get up" "Okey doki!" Sojiro had to get used to it, not like he could tell her to stop either she just went harder taping a printed paper with her face onto the doll so she could keep using it for Webcams.
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"Really?" Her eyes widen when the doll looks at her. Touching its features. As long as she doesn't look down you can convince her the doll and her share consciousness
You'd catch her trying to tone her skills with it. "Haru?" "Yes?" "Why are you glaring at the doll like that?" "To practice my skills" she stares even harder at the mini haru. "You're gonna pop a vein" "all in a days work" without a secound of hesitation you speak up once again "are you trying to explode her with your mind?" Her eyes widen, her head nearly snapping to you and back at the doll staring even harder. "Alright that's enough no mind explosions" "but y/n!" "You don't have powers"
"Would you like tea?" The dolls 1000 yard stare answered for it l, you pouring it pretend tea. "Truely a spleaded tea party" "indeed" you both extend your pinkeys to a painful degree. You two would enjoy actual snacks while leaving nothing for a doll, this would sadden her. "We should buy doll food" "Haru her mouth is string how is she gonna eat?" "Are you familiar with the plastic food for kids toys?" Finally the doll could join in being an estimened guest
There's hair matienece..for both. At the same time. "You have more curls than a lala loopsey doll" you carefully comb its hair "I should stop using yarn" finish it up with a plastic hairclip that totally wasn't from a discount store and she'd nearly instantly ask for the same thing. She'd come to school with a diffrent sweater to match the hair pieces making Ryuji think she had been switched with ghost
The only person with a near perfect condition doll. Because she keeps mini haru in a case. "Haru I appreciate the fact you care to keep her clean, but she's being held hostage" "your right.." You sigh, thinking she's agreed with you. "I'll need to buy her a home!" Your eyes shoot open, too late now you're already assembling mini Haru her own home. Atleast she lives rent-free
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[Referencing this post!]
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I realize the term “phantom thief” is now associated with the very popular Persona 5 game, but that isn’t what I was referring to in the original post! “Phantom thieves”, “gentleman/lady thieves”, or 怪盗 (kaitō) in general existed as a concept before P5; I meant “phantom thief” in the more generic sense, not specifically the P5 ones.
The concept for the fic is that the reader is a detective working with a rookie cop (Deuce www) to catch an elusive phantom thief, the Ace of Hearts (Ace 😂). I got the idea from various policeman Deuce and criminal Ace art works that I saw going around. Various other TWST characters also make cameos, such as Riddle being the Chief of Police and Crowley as a museum curator.
As I said in the original post, it’s a very lengthy and detail-intensive fic that I’ve been working on for several months now. I hope I can finished it soon and get it out for you all to read! ^^
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kavvehs · 1 year
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he should be dead, but if he has to spend another unfortunate minute alive he wants it to be spent with you.
♡ — themes : gender-neutral!reader, phantom thief!reader, angst, hurt / comfort, physical affection, reader is referred to with “you”, minor one-sided feelings (joker) if you squint, minimal dialogue, essentially a reunion fic bc i love this crazy bastard.
♡ — content / trigger warning : spoilers for shido’s palace + third semester + akechi’s background, mentions of blood / death / wounds.
♡ — word count : 3k
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The cruelty started with his mother.
He was young, but he wasn’t stupid. He was a mere child, but he was far from naive and innocent to the ugly truth of the world around him. He knew that the way mothers and fathers gazed at their sons and daughters differed from the way his own mother would gaze at him. Goro could count on his own two hands alone how many times she looked him in the eye, a single hand for how often that lasted for more than a couple seconds that felt like significantly less than that. In her own way, however, a distant and saddened and haunted way, she cared about him. She dressed him and fed him and asked him if he had a good day at school over dinner at the rickety table held together by duct tape. She combed her fingers through his hair and kissed his forehead with trembling lips while her eyes became glassy, as if confronted by the horrible reminder that the literal personification of her suffering stood before her.
The obvious lingered in the air between them like smoke, but went unspoken like it wasn’t there to begin with. He wasn’t deaf to the slander and expletives hurled at them that only gave reason to another round of sobbing when she thought he was asleep. She still smiled at him afterwards, as if he didn’t notice the exhaustion hanging to the underside of her eyes or the expensive cologne clinging to her exposed skin. It wasn’t until he reached for her hand in search of comfort and was met with empty space that he realized just how blind he had been. She shielded him from countless cruel names and jabs because she placed what should have been his burden upon herself. His soft body wasn’t prepared for the punctures that the people’s cruelty inflicted upon him and still wasn’t, even when he was left battered and bruised and pleading for a warm hand, but received cold shoulders instead. A lonely child doesn’t know how to mend the wound that loss and grief leaves behind, after all.
He could still recall the poison-riddled sneers. Whether he was in earshot or not, it didn’t matter to the beasts masquerading as people, calling his mother weak and laughing as if they had no hand in the reason she gave up. She despaired until she couldn’t handle the heavy weight of torment and the pressure that came with enduring hardships any longer. She gave up not because of a lack of strength, but because of injustice and the savagery of the corrupted masses. For the pedestal human hearts are placed upon, they are no less easy to manipulate once you grasped what they treasured at their cores. A figure in the shape of him lingered in hers and that should have been enough—he desperately wanted it to be enough—but the unabashed hostilities opened each wound he tried to ease and heal with his tiny palms until he was powerless to do anything more. Hers would have given out eventually, but that didn’t ease the ache in his.
Goro spit in the face of fate, destiny, whatever bullshit name attributed to some scapegoat to shift the blame onto when things turned sour. How could anyone believe in something so knowingly cruel? How could they be content putting their lives in the hands of mere coincidences or a so-called deity that couldn’t care less about what became of mortal men, and then be alright with whatever miserable fate befell upon them? All because of destiny? All his mother did was meet a rotten shell of a man, and then what? She was fated to live in a constant cycle of torment and suffering and promptly die because a higher power said so? That was a load of shit if he ever heard it and he refused to live a life under someone else’s jurisdiction. It was because of his hard work, his perseverance, his accomplishments, his everything that he ended up where he was and he refused to allow anyone to claim that as their own.
Most importantly: Goro Akechi refused to live because someone else said so.
In the face of his impending demise, Goro was...somewhat, somehow, satisfied going out this way. Death certainly wasn’t ideal by any means—hell, he could say the same for the entire predicament he found himself in—but he was backed into a corner with no escape method. Unable to watch Shido be knocked off of his obnoxiously tall pedestal was honestly disappointing, but if anyone could take that piece of shit down at all, regardless of if he was there or not, it was the Phantom Thieves. They made it through the most impossible scenarios tossed at their feet and weaseled their way out with a just as impossible plan; this would be no different. To think that would be his dying wish. He didn’t think he’d have one at all. Knowing Shido would finally end up where he belonged, dead or alive, by his hand or someone else’s, brought him a twisted sense of closure. You would always be cared for while he was gone, and that would be enough.
When he closed his eyes and he allowed his thoughts to drift, Goro could still see the betrayal that lined your eyes, moistened by the hurt and confusion and worry he knows fully well that he’s deserving of. He told himself, readied himself, for that very look because he knew it was coming. It was inevitable and he knew that, but it was like a shot to the empty chasm where his heart should be to really see it and be the one it was directed towards and it hurt like hell. It was agony and Goro didn’t know how to soothe or turn his cheek from it, but he had no choice but to face you head-on. In the moment where nothing but laughter ran his throat hoarse and an addicting sort of adrenaline that totally disregarded any rational thought pumped through his veins, he decided he hated that fucking look. Quit looking at him like that! Goddamn you! He didn’t want your sympathy; your pity; your love; nothing! But he’s always been quite the liar, hasn’t he?
His last memory was him staring down the crumpled, fading corpses of the Shadows and his doppelganger while more of the distorted creatures formed in their place. Vaguely, he could still recall the cool metal against his back and the warmth between his fingers as he clutched his side. Seeing the physical representation of who he was in the eyes of that bastard neither shook or surprised him, but he could still taste the bubbling disgust. Its eyes were so empty and soulless while it declared how happy it would be to serve and lay down its life for someone who never cared for anyone but himself. Joker spoke through the wall and he somehow felt close to the nobody, but the irony was bitter considering the circumstances. Someone screamed his name from the other side of the door, voice echoing across the walls while his body rattled as a fist or weapon slammed against the divide over and over. He didn’t live long enough to hear the rest.
Goro Akechi died in Masayoshi Shido’s Palace and yet was miraculously resurrected in the busy streets of Shibuya. He might have been impressed if it didn’t piss him off. 
“One last thing,” Goro said, turning his back to the prosecutor. “How are they?”
Clarification is irrelevant when the tone of his voice dropped into something softer and uncomfortably vulnerable of its own accord. It’s obnoxious, really. Ren stood a bit straighter, a bit taller, squared his shoulders, and didn’t respond. The response, or lack thereof, is enough for him to get the picture. He didn’t have the right to know the answer, nor did he deserve it after the damage he inflicted, but his fingers still twitched to try and piece things back together. It would undoubtedly be messy and his hands would surely bleed and mix with what stained them already, but he was still willing to try. The look Ren gave him said enough, however: he didn’t have that option, not right now. He immediately felt like a fool for asking. In any other situation, he may have been proud of himself for the emotion that seeped through the Phantom Thieves’ leader’s mask of cool composure. Instead there was only disappointed numbness.
“Is something wrong?” Sae asked after a long period of silence and tension. He knew that some part of her, past the loyalty to the law and younger sister, she did care for the Phantom Thieves.
“Ah, nothing of concern,” he lied, voice pleasant and full of its usual false charm, but it didn’t quite reach his expression.
Though his words were directed towards the woman, his attention never shifted away from an openly conflicted Ren. He pinned him down with his glare alone and clung to the minute hope that he would get the answer at the very last second. Or a minute. Or even two if he remained patient. Pale lips didn’t so much as move from its frown and any visible surprise and relief from the detective’s initial appearance became a mere memory of moments prior. All things considered it was fairly understandable. He turned to Sae and it was clear that she didn’t believe a single word spoken, not after that, but he didn’t care or dignify her with a response, especially the one she was looking for. If he didn’t get what he wanted, neither would she. Goro turned his back to the both of them and began walking away in false stride.
“We should be going.”
Goro didn’t know why he was here. He had his suspicions of how and why he had been so rudely resurrected if his conversations with Ren were anything to go by, but the reason why he’s here in Shibuya and standing in the middle of the sidewalk like some idiot alluded him. There was nothing special about this place and nothing that stood out, and yet his feet refused to move despite his attempts at willing himself forward. He had nowhere to be, but no reason to stop either. Curious, or another one of the doctor’s cheap tricks. It was hard to say. Faceless passerby navigated around him and he couldn’t be bothered in giving them the time of day when they didn’t so much as blink in his direction anymore. It was the usual order of society, but he despised the unwelcome familiarity that crept to the forefront of his mind from where he buried it deep within his memories. The title of second-coming of the prince detective, all of his hard work, meant nothing in a world where he only lived for someone else.
The cool air nipped at his face and a cloud of air expelled from between his lips. Instinctively, he curled his hand a little tighter at his side, but when he glanced downwards at his glove he merely grasped at the empty air with nothing but the lens of what used to be filtered over his vision. To have you suddenly missing from his side was jarring, to say the least. Reflection wasn’t his ideal pastime, but it was all he had when his loss drowned him. Loss of what he once had, loss of direction, loss of company, loss of purpose. He didn’t regret what he did and there was no shame in his admittance, but a twinge of regret sparked for not doing more to keep you out of the confrontation. His waking moments wouldn’t be consumed so mercilessly if he had a little more time, was a little better. Maybe that’s why you chose to stand by Joker and not him, because that nobody living in an attic was somehow always better than him.
Goro shook those thoughts away before they could fester into something worse than his (not at all jealous) scowl and grounded himself back into the distorted reality around him, only to find his back seared from a burning gaze drilled into him from behind. He first glanced over his snowflake-covered shoulder and then turned his whole body, and was given little time to linger on the realization of how fluidly he was suddenly able to move when your eyes stared back from across the people-ridden street. It was something out of a fantasy, the crowds parting and disappearing as if the world belonged to you and him, and you and him alone. It could, a voice that sounded suspiciously like that damned doctor’s whispered in his ear. If that’s what would make you both happy. Tempting, calculating, sickeningly genuine. Goro swat that thought away without thinking twice.
Even when you sought warmth in the winter clothing bundled comfortably around you, you were just as captivating as he remembered, twice as breathtaking, and Goro wouldn’t have looked away even if he was capable of doing so. Your eyes, a gorgeous hue of color that he could wander and get lost in, widened in recognition and a sudden swarm of emotions that summoned tears. Were you crying for him or another reason? He would be selfish and hope it was the former, but then why would that be? He had your love—whether he still did was up in the air—and that was enough. Despite how much he craved it, craved you, craved more, he knew it was undeserved. How could you love someone who left scarlet stains across your face and body when he held you? The love in your eyes when his true self slipped past his princely persona was wholly authentic in the past, but would that remain when there wasn’t a front for him to fall back on?
His feet carried him forward and yours did the same with far more urgency and less self-deprecation between maneuvering around the mindless passerby, as if he was a fleeting memory you were desperately trying to hold onto. He tended his arms and dug his heels into the concrete before he could fall backwards when your body collided with his. Your arms wrapped around him and with his chest pressed against yours, he could distinctly feel the erratic drum of your heart. His, meanwhile, bled between your fingers from where he ripped it out and gave it to you for safe-keeping. In your kind and loving palms it swelled, it warmed, it beat, it mended itself together. Goro couldn’t recall the last time it did that or how, despite each and every crack and bruise and puncture, it still yearned and lived. For all that he did, you still held onto it and nurtured it. He still couldn’t put a name to the fluttering in his stomach after all this time.
Your grip on the back of his coat tightened incrementally, body and breath trembling between trying to muster all of the strength you had. Goro couldn’t even bring himself to hold you close like he had before and could only watch as his palms hovered over you, as if he’d somehow do further damage from touch alone. How pathetic he had become within your absence. He couldn’t tell how long you stayed like that for, but it certainly long enough, if you asked him. He couldn’t complain too much when you raised your head from where it rested against him for your teary-eyed gaze to meet his. A chill ran down his spine at the feeling of your wandering hands cradling his cheeks, fingers caressing the flushed skin beneath his eyes and outlining the contour of his face. One hand raised to cover yours as he melted into your touch and leaned into one palm without so much as breaking eye contact. All of the tension in his body faded far out of sight and out of mind.
“My Goro,” you whispered for him and him alone. “Is it really you? This isn’t a dream, right?”
It’s a little late to be asking that, what little of his mind that wasn’t drunk on you realized, but all he’s able to get out is a nod and a breathless, “Yeah, it’s me.”
It was hard to tell whether it’s because of the sound of his voice or the confirmation that summons them forward, but one tear after the other slipped down your cheeks and left glittering stains in their wake. With trained carefulness he used for nobody else, he brushed both away with the back of his fingers one after the other. Some part of him patiently awaited for the knee-jerk reaction to his touch, but it never came. Instead you sunk further into him and his free hand rose to rest against your hip where it belonged before he could so much as give himself the command. Then his lips are on yours and that’s an order he happily followed through with the moment it crossed his mind. It was too harsh, too ravenous, impatient, pathetically desperate, and Goro knew that, but he did nothing to ease it. His mouth moved against yours and he would have drew away at the initial stillness had you not returned the gesture tenfold.
His lips slipped away from yours for a breath of air at the very last second when his lungs screamed for oxygen and he only needed a second more before he went in for another, and another, and another. Eventually, he could feel the corner of your lips rise and laughter bubble between each depraved, downright desperate kiss. Goro nearly forgot how much he loved the sound of it, how much he missed it. His gloves curled tight into your clothing with only the whispered reminder of how careful he needed to be at the back of his mind, but it did nothing to stop him from holding you close against him. Your arms snaked around his shoulders and he blamed the chill for the shiver that tore through him until the pads of your fingers, cold yet somehow sparking warmth throughout his body, rested against the back of his neck. Your forehead pressed against his and he was only slightly aware of the gentle tugging at the strands of hair caught beneath his scarf, but he didn’t dare tear his eyes from yours.
“I missed you,” he admitted with a vulnerability that burned his lungs. “So, so much.”
“I missed you more.”
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© EPIIMENIDES — do not edit, translate, or repost my work on any platform. please do not share it on tiktok.
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thehuggamugcafe · 1 year
Daily Dose: Radiant
Fandom: Persona 5
Characters: Akira Kurusu, Reader
Relationship: Akira Kurusu/Reader
Summary: You’re still as radiant as the day he met you, no matter how many years have passed.
Words: 50
Tags: Reader-Insert, Angst, Phantom Thieves Get A Quick Mention, But Only In Passing
Even in sleep, your smile is as beautiful as ever. A smile of his own dares to take hold, but he doesn’t allow it.
His friends promised to visit, but they have their own lives.
He can’t stomach the thought of them seeing you like this, fighting to stay alive.
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taba-chan · 2 years
Futaba Sakura x reader, Chapter 2
After waking up, you decide to unpack the rest of your luggage and call you mother
Y/n: hi mom
M/n (over phone): hello Y/n, are you okay? did you sleep alright?
Y/n: I'm fine mom
M/n (over phone): okay, did you have fun yesterday?
Y/n: yeah, I checked out the nearby shops, and ate at a café
M/n (over phone): okay
Y/n: I have to go now mom, bye
M/n (over phone): bye
you hung up
Y/n: that café I went to yesterday was nice, I should get breakfast there
You leave the hotel, and walk to Leblanc
you enter the café, you enter the café, and see the girl from yesterday on her computer, this time there's a middle aged man behind the counter 
Y/n: excuse me, do you speak English?
The old man looked at you weirdly, he doesn't seam to understand you, the girl from yesterday said something to him
orange haired girl: Sojiro doesn't speak English, do you want to order something?
Y/n: yes, the same as yesterday
orange haired girl: okay
the girl said something to Soijro, he nodded, and looked proud of the girl for some reason
Sojiro walked to the fridge, to get ingredients for your food
you sit down on one of the chairs in the café, and wait for your food
Sojiro turned on the stove and started cooking, you can see the girl from yesterday glancing at you occasionally
after about 20 minutes, Soijro finished making your food, and gave it to you
you hear Sojiro and the girl talking while your eating
Y/n: does she work here or is she Sojiros daughter or something? they don't look related, but there acting like family
you slowly eat your food, your not in a hurry
Y/n: I should've stayed in the hotel yesterday, the jet lag is killing me, at this rate I'm not going anywhere
Y/n: oh well, I'll just stay here for now, this place is cosy
the girl noticed your tired expression
orange haired girl: are you okay?
Y/n: oh,  I'm fine, just tired, 14 hour flights are no joke, the jet lag is horrible
orange haired girl: a 14 hour flight? you live that far away?
Y/n: yeah
orange haired girl: 14 hours with internet... you must've really wanted to go to Japan
Y/n: i thoroughly prepared, but it wasn't exactly fun
orange haired girl: what did you prepare?
Y/n: I bought a video game and downloaded some anime beforehand
orange haired girl: oh, okay
Y/n: have you been on vacation this year?
orange haired girl: no, I usually just stay home and play video games
the girl seamed sad about something
orange haired girl: I used to go on vacation with my friends every year, but, They got older and most of them got married... after that, we started meeting up a lot less
Y/n: that's a shame
orange haired girl: I understand it, they have full time jobs and families to worry about, and it's not like I never see them, I went to Akihabara with one of my freinds last weak, but, I still miss going on long vacations with them every year...
the girl blushed, she seams nervous
orange haired girl: ...
orange haired girl: do you... want to be friends?
Y/n: sure!
the girl smiled
orange haired girl: oh, I forgot to introduce myself, didn't I?
the girl blushed
orange haired girl: I'm Futaba Sakura, nice to meet you!
Y/n: Y/n, Y/n L/n
Futaba: here
Futaba gave you a note with a number written on it, presumably her phone number
Y/n: thanks!
you grab your phone add Futaba's number
Futaba: ...
Futaba: are you enjoying your vacation so far?
Y/n: yeah, I've only been here for a day though
Futaba: so you landed yesterday?
Y/n: yes, I went to Shibuya to check out the shops yesterday, but haven't done anything else
Futaba: oh, okay, what are you going to do today?
Y/n: I dunno, I haven't really thought about it
Futaba: you could go to Akihabara
Y/n: what kind of shops do they have there?
Futaba: electronics, video games, manga, anime, restaurants and arcades
Y/n: oh, that sounds amazing
Futaba: yeah, it is
Y/n: is Akihabara far from here?
Futaba: it's about 20 minutes by train 
Y/n: okay, I think I'll go there later
Futaba: okay
You quietly sit in Leblanc for awhile, eventually, you decide to leave
Soijro looked proud of Futaba for making a friend
Y/n: bye Futaba
Futaba: bye
you walk to the train station and get on the train to Akihabara
about 20 minutes later, you arrive at Akihabara
you get of the train, and walk around Akihabara
you enter a masive electronics store
Y/n: this place is huge! I didn't know 5 floor electronics stores existed
you check out all the stuff they have for sale, and then go back outside
you spend the rest of your day exploring Akihabara, you only get about one third of the way though before diner time
Y/n: all the restaurants here are really expensive, I should probably just go to Leblanc
you walk to the train station and get on the train to Yongen Jaya
about 20 minutes later, you arrive at Yongen Jaya, and walk to Lablanc
you enter the café, it's not empty this time, you see a few customers, and Futaba is behind the counter again
Futaba seams surprised to see you again
Futaba: hello, back so soon?
Y/n: all the restaurants in Akihabara were super expensive, so I just went back here
Futaba giggled
Futaba: okay, do you want curry again?
Y/n: sure
Futaba: okay
Futaba walked to the fridge to get ingredients for your food
you sit down on one of the benches, Futaba turned on the stove and started cooking
after about 15 minutes, Futaba finished making your food, and gave it to you
Y/n: thanks
Futaba: your welcome
you eat your food
Y/n: Futaba is pretty cute, maybe is should ask her out
Y/n: ...
Y/n: nah, that's a bad idea, I'll have to go home in about 3 weeks, so that won't work
Y/n: and she probably doesn't like me
Y/n: ...
Y/n: she is really cute though, maybe I should at least try?
Y/n: ...
Y/n: nah, I should just try to be friends with her
you say goodbye to Futaba, leave Leblanc and go back to your hotel in Yongen Jay-a
you lay in bed for awhile, thinking about what you going to do tomorrow
Y/n: maybe I should go to the arcade tomorrow?
Y/n: I want to invite Futaba, but, I just meet her, so that would be kinda weird
you lay in bed for awhile, thinking about what you going to do tomorrow, until eventually you fall asleep
A/n: sorry about the slow updates
A/n: I'm looking for beta readers and an editor, so if anyone wants to volunteer please comment
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tastesousweet · 4 months
⭒ the girl with the tattoo (vii) - pt 1 pt 2 p3 p4 p5 p6
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matt sturniolo x fem!oc / reader
summary : a little weed sure eases theses two up.
warnings : implications of sex & use of weed
mickey speaks : sorry this took a while to get out friends, hope u love it. also lowkey self inserting w the hawaii trip :P
“OH, he’s obsessed!” andrea exclaims across the table, a wide smile smothered over her face.
it didn’t take long for asha to call you and begin debriefing her month-long europe trip to you, only for you to cut her short (because matt began knocking on the door, complaining about how long you’d taken to piss) and ask her to finish her tell-all over lunch. she of course agreed and texted you the location of her favorite ramen place along with: “tell your roomie andrea that she can come with i wanna see u bothhhh!”
she’s spent the last half hour detailing the total princess treatment she’d experienced from a guy she met at her stop in london. “yeah, too bad i won’t see him again,” she pouts.
“you didn’t get his phone number that entire time?” you ask, fiddling with the chopsticks in your hand.
“oh of course i did, i just won’t be using it,” asha laughs and tucks a piece of her dark curled hair behind her ear. “it was nice while it lasted but i’m definitely not trying to deal with the hassle that comes with dating anyone right now,” she shrugs.
“you’re so bad!” andrea shakes her head and giggles, "but you know what, i get it."
asha hides her laugh by guiding noodles towards her mouth.
your phone buzzes softly against the counter and lights up, showing off a new text message from your mom, but more importantly your lock screen wallpaper displaying a sleepy figaro on your chest.
asha squeals through her chews as you pick up your phone to decide whether you’ll confront or procrastinate the text message (that will most likely sour your mood). andrea’s eyes widen at the girl as asha finishes up and starts to explain, “who’s cat is that?!” her acrylic nail taps against the table.
“oh, it’s ours,” you peer over your phone, deciding you’d rather not answer your mom’s text (she's asking how degree-related job searching has been, again).
“oh yes, he's my babyyy,” andrea coos while unlocking her phone to show off the many photos, “his name is figaro-.”
asha swipes through the phone in awe, “and when the fuck did this happen?”
“like a few weeks ago, i wanna say…” you turn to look at andrea while trying to remember.
“i’m coming over way more now. oh my god.” she gushes over the many photos of the playful black kitten before returning andrea’s phone.
“please do, it felt like you were gone for so long.” you whine out the beg before taking another sip of the warm broth.
asha sighs (in a way that causes her lips to flutter a little), “i know, i miss hanging out with my friends!”
“and we miss you! your ass is always traveling somewhere we have to soak up all your LA time while we can,” you joke.
the two laugh along with you, “i think i’ll be here for a while…not until like, my birthday.” asha thinks through her schedule and her mouth widens at the thought of her birthday, “oh my god! i forgot to tell you- mostly because it’s kinda far out? so, the past four years i’ve hosted trips for my birthday in late november... and i want you two to come this year!”
your eyes widen in excitement and your mouth is full of noodles, keeping you from letting out the loud 'yes' you wanted to. so andrea answers for the both of you, “well of course, we’ll come!”
asha’s face can’t possibly be stretched further with happiness as she celebrates, “yay, this’ll be so fun! you’ll get to meet some of my girlfriends and f’course the boys will be there so you’ll know a few people already!”
“and where are we going?” you ask with big, curious eyes.
a distinct berry shade drips over the room in full swoops as the leaving sun peeks through matt's curtains ever so gently. your lips are now almost the same shade of the woven fabric, especially after enduring matt's undying and bitter kisses.
you hear him breathe a soft laugh, finding your body's limp, laid-out position to be straight out of an erotic femme painting: right leg and arm stretched above and below you, left arm above your waist to cradle your tits, and left leg bent and falling over the opposing leg.
you turn your head when you recognize his return, whispering, "hey."
matt’s bed dips accordingly when he lowers himself next to you, fixated on your still-exposed silhouette that hosts a few deep hickeys (he’s recently taken a liking to giving you them, his ego gains a small ignition at the thought of him placing them only where he gets to see), rather than your observant eyes.
he finds one he’d kissed into the skin under your printed hello kitty, leaning closer to lick and suckle at it more. you squirm and push his head away with a whine of his name.
he chuckles and moves his hair from his face, “put some fuckin’ clothes on then.” he lays your sweatshirt and panties, he gathered on his way back to you, against your chest.
you lift yourself easily, though a sleepy yawn still makes its way to you as you fit into the hoodie. matt shifts himself to slouch against his headboard. you finish your redressing before moving yourself higher on his bed as well.
matt thinks your phone screen is severely bright and headache-inducing but he doesn't complain as he normally would, instead he's more focused on balancing his joint-rolling necessities atop his wife beater clad torso.
you pay no attention to him as you exchange texts with remi:
REMI - 6:43 PM
this guy im friends w thinks i should set you up on a blind date with a guy he knows :D
u deserve a nice date night
Y/N - 8:36 PM
idk rem😭😭
rlly you dont wanna??
ill have to think about it
you sigh while turning off your phone, moving your body to better face matt, who's hands work to add the potent plant into his detailed silver grinder. there's obviously no need for you to stay in his bed or hang around for any longer, but as of late you both aren't necessarily itching to kick the other out as soon as clothes are back on.
"i wanna learn," you declare as you sit up more, looking down at his slouched figure.
"to roll?" he asks pausing his smooth routine and licking over his lips expectantly.
"yeah," you move your hoodie’s long sleeve cuffs away from the lower half of your palm, showing him your dedication and anticipation.
matt smirks and continues to zip the plastic bag once more, shaking his head.
"what? why not, matt?" you pout.
“because i’m already good at it,” he shrugs, “you can smoke with me but you don’t have to be the one to roll.”
“‘kay, whatever. i’ll just get someone else to teach me then, like chris or lucas or somethin’” stretching as you collapse back onto his bed and bury your face in the crook of your arm. when matt does nothing to pull you out of your dramatic fit, you decide to mess with him further, grabbing his phone from its place near his thigh and rolling over so that you lie on the plush of your stomach.
you pretend to type (actually just tapping against his uncharacteristically soft lockscreen, displaying a vintage looking photo of a woman you’d only assume to be his mother) then putting the phone up to your ear, mimicking the ring with a burring noise in your throat. “hey lucas! yeah it's me, matt never gave me your number! i know. that is really selfish and unfair!” you nod along while staring at matt who thinks you look and sound so stupid that it’s kind of cute.
you twirl your hair and bite your lip, really getting into character, “you're right, he is the worst. he won’t even let me roll up with him! but that’s fine, i think i may just need someone more skilled and sexy like you to hel-”
matt taps your barely covered ass harder than he intends to, shocking you in the best way. “alright, stop fuckin’ around and pay attention ‘cause i’m not repeating myself,” he softly demands, gesturing you to sit up with his fingers.
"ow!" you rub at the spot and roll your eyes in faux irritation, fighting the urge to smile now that you've successfully recaptured matt's attention and can still feel the heat of his hand on your ass. you try to give yourself grace in moments like this but you can't help but reflect and feel a bit pathetic when having a crush on someone like matt.
matt, who would never take a relationship further than casual sex and unserious after-sex smoke sessions, especially not with you.
"shh. come here, bruh" he hushes you and you obey, shifting to sit next to him, reflecting his bent position. "'kay," he hands you the grinder, mumbling, "take a look," as he grabs one of the natural hemp rolling papers and places the packaging on his nightstand.
you open the silver lid gently, eyes widening slightly and impressed with the dollops of finely crushed weed laying in the container. "how much do you use?"
"all of it," your head practically snaps over to look at him and he sighs, "y/n, it's like half a gram."
you fight the urge to dip your index finger in the crowd of weed and move it around, "still looks like kind of a lot."
"well, it's not," he shakes his head and adjusts his shoulders. "now you're gonna take some in your fingers and place it in this paper," he taps your distracted arm with his hand to bring your attention to the rolling paper he has curled slightly around his thumb. as you begin to take a hold of some of the substance he warns, "and don't do too much at once- i don't need you spillin' any on us or my bed."
"you're such a diva," you huff and softly sprinkle the weed into the wrapper he's holding.
once it's full enough matt shows you how his fingers guide the paper and fold it into its proper joint shape. he moves his hand towards your mouth, "now you gotta lick and seal it." you inch closer, hesitantly peeking your tongue out just a little to lick at the small flap. "okay, you need more than that baby-ass lick. but don't over-do the spit 'cause that'll fuck it up too," he eyes your mouth when you expose more of your tongue, successfully sealing the joint (with matt's guidance).
he finishes off the end of the joint before presenting it to you, "voilà," matt fiddles with the joint in front of your face before you boldly grab it from his hands.
you immediately encourage him with a wave of your fingers, "gimme that lighter, please."
he's slightly impressed with your sudden confidence and adjusts himself (removing the remaining items from his lower stomach, including the lighter you ask for) and reaches over to light it for you.
matt's lip falls between his teeth due to natural anticipation. the sharp, orange hue sparks to life and you gain a shyness as he approaches the joint in your mouth with it. suddenly your fingers take it away from your mouth as you whisper, "wait, matt."
matt dramatically throws his arm down, "yeah?"
"i don't actually know how to do this," a smile spreads across your face when you see matt's mouth slightly ajar and eyes disengaged.
"seriously? you started talkin' like you've at least smoked a couple times."
you hold a laugh in, "well like, i wanna try it. you just have to tell me what to do..."
"inhale the shit," matt gestures his hands, "hold in your lungs, blow it out. it's simple as fuck," he points to your hand holding the joint, "let's see it."
you deadpan, "you're so unhelpful," you shake your head and place it back in your mouth, "just light me up."
he rolls his eyes as his hand moves back up to you, you lean into the flame and immediately inhale as it comes to life in your mouth.
matt just smirks from next to you, amused at your attempt. you focus on holding it in your lungs and close your eyes as you exhale. the smoke exits smoothly and surrounds your head, when you open your eyes you immediately look over to matt who laughs when he sees a cough brewing in your lungs. you push his shoulder just as you begin a small coughing fit.
he goes to grab the joint from your hand but you raise it away, finishing your cough and putting it back into your mouth to taste the odd plant flavor again.
matt's laugh is still there just died down, "who the fuck are you?! 'just light me up' and then here you go actin' like you own shit." he points a finger at you with his eyes big and playful.
you smirk sarcastically, and your eyes crinkle in the softest way, when you lean closer to him in response, blowing smoke in his face.
"so why're nick and chris staying so late at the warehouse?" you ask and play with the strings of your hoodie.
matt draws lines across your inner thigh with his fingers, "it's nick's month to do inventory and chris bought some crazy wall art shit he had to finish setting up-"
"you're not gonna help them?"
"oh yeah sweetheart, i'll actually go there right now and help them out." his eyes are so dewy and red you find yourself excusing his annoying sarcasm and instead wanting to kiss him and his puffy eyelids and his flushed cheeks, especially when you're sat on top of him like this.
"still, they probably wanted you around," you explain.
"why do you care so much about shit that doesn't involve you? i left them and invited you over so you should be happy." his voice eases his delivery to not come across so harshly while his eyes squint a little.
"you're right, s'not really my place to have a take on y'all's dynamic." you shrug and feel as his hands stop running over your thighs and instead squeeze harshly as he looks in your eyes.
"mmm, thank you for telling me i'm right," he smiles and leans forward to give your jaw a kiss with his wet, pink lips, "say it again and i'll be fully hard."
"you're a dog," you laugh as he pulls away. "what'd you do today?" you whisper, ignoring the sensation that comes with him feeling up your lower half.
"guess." he blinks slowly.
"mmm... i don't know. you tattooed some people, fucked me, made fun of me, smoked..." you list off on each of your fingers.
he nods along as you list each, making different facial expressions depending on the task. "those are all definitely things i did.."
"did you eat?"
"i mean, yeah...ish." he rubs his eyes and his mouth begins to curve slightly, knowing your next sentiment well enough he could say it with you.
as if on queue, you prompt him with a question that tends to come up quite often when the two of you finish fucking, "can we get food?"
the doorbell of matt's shared townhome rings through the house as the two of you giddily stand near the door, "3, 2, 1.." you count through giggles before opening the door and facing the young man dressed head to toe in papa johns gear.
"oh. my. god!" you exclaim in a ridiculous country accent, "baby come here, they sent a man to sell us insurance or somethin'!" you call out and pinch your eyebrows.
before the man can get a word in matt comes into frame, cowboy hat in tow and his mocking accent deeper yet identical to your own, "now who 'den sent you here to harass my woman? huh?" he holds a tooth pick in his mouth and squints his eyes. "and how much would i owe to have whatever you got in them boxes, son?" he points and you try not to laugh from behind him.
"uh, it's just a pizza delivery that was ordered to this address, sir..." he looks around, checking the numbers displayed next to the door once more.
you peek your head back in, "you know what, charles, it was probably little john, you know he's always orderin' that amy-zun and what not from that tablet!"
"mmm..." matt pretends to think and not laugh as he holds onto a fake belt around his black sweatpants, "my lady's right," he cracks a smile, "you know how the kids get," he tuts and gestures to the man again while pulling out his wallet, "i owe you?"
"only $12.57."
"right," matt grabs a few bills and whistles, "wife, come grab this box for little john would you?" he hands the money over as you reach for the pizza box, "keep the change, boy." he tilts his hat in dismissal and as soon as the door is shut matt's falling to the floor with laughter as you laugh and place the pizza box down, screaming about how close you are to pissing yourself.
"asha told me about her birthday trip in november," you say, licking your lips of excess pizza sauce.
matt nods and swallows to respond while wiping his mouth, "yeah she does that shit every year."
you adjust yourself on the bed and grab another slice of the cheese pizza in between you two. "it sounds fun, i'm excited," you say before taking a bite.
"yeah, it's usually fun. usually." he laughs.
"last year in mexico nick almost fist fought asha's boyfriend because he was bein' shitty to her on her birthday. it was a fuckin' brawl everyday of that trip, i swear."
"yeah. but don't trip, asha's not letting anything ruin her birthday this time, she loves herself too much to do that." he rolls his eyes in endearment towards his friend.
"well, how about you? your birthday's next weekend.."
matt shakes his head and looks to the side for a moment, "we always struggle to figure out what we're doing for our birthday. the three of us wanna spend that time together but chris wants a party, nick wants a small get together with games, and i'd want a lowkey dinner or something."
"you could always do all of the ideas but on different days."
"that drags it too much, we'll most likely host a party like we did last year, chris will probably nag us enough to make us give up." matt shrugs and takes a bite of his slice.
"well, i'll be at whatever you decide to do," you smile.
"oh will you now?" his eyebrows lift for just a moment in humor.
"well duh."
"and who's inviting you? cause it won't be me," he smiles and stuffs his mouth again right as you push his shoulder and laugh off his bad joke.
꩜⋆ ˚。⋆🎱˚
tag list (ily):
@rootbeerworshiper @deadxrx @breeloveschris @saintsturn @honestlybabymiracle @hearts4chris @starrysturniolo @blissfulbellss @aoxash @st7rnioioss @blondiesjailer @cupidsword @nickmillersn1gf @sturnioloa @thinkingabkinkyshit101 @tcvazq @novasturniolo03 @imaslutforwhitemen @trinity2058 @taking-a-footnote-in-your-life @1horrormoviewhore1 @keira324 @st7rnioioss
@whicked-hazlatwhore @matthewsturnioloswifey @mayhem-72
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the-gayest-sky-kid · 22 hours
persona fics are kinda insane because the p3/p5 isekai reader insert WILL have you feeling the full force of grief at like 3 in the morning
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cakeboxie · 1 year
Persona 5 hcs!!
Lol I had to rewrite this TWICE bc I use ctrl-z a lot and tumblr deleted my ENTIRE FUCKIGN POST
I’ve been reading fanfic all day and the p5 brainrot is strong lol I wanted to do all the PTs + Akechi and Maruki but I got bored of writing this
Not all of these are positive (esp Futaba)
There will be nsfw, so mdni pls :D
Some are reader insert, some aren’t
Reader is gn unless I fucked up somewhere and didn’t notice lol
Characters: Akiren, Ryuji, Ann, Yusuke, Makoto, Futaba Triggers: mentions of abuse of all varieties, panic attacks, dissociation, past homophobia, Kamoshida being himself, self image issues, eating disorders, obsessive behavior, needle phobia, blackmail, hallucinating.
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╰┈➤ Akiren
→ The man is TOUCH STARVED. He’s so used to being the shoulder for people to cry on when you offer to cuddle with him without expecting him to comfort you he fucking reels.
→ To elaborate on the above; in public he’s pretty subtle, usually just holding your hand or letting you lean on him when the trains are packed and you can’t reach a handrail. But in private he’s the walking definition of clingy. He has on more than occasion begged you to sit in his lap while he does whatever task he needs to do just so he can feel you near him.
→ Whether his name is Ren or Akira is an ongoing joke that Sojiro knows the answer to because of having done all the probation paperwork, but he won’t spill no matter how much the PTs beg him to
→ Despite his maxed proficiency stat and the amount of time he spent playing video games prior to moving to Tokyo he is entirely mediocre at mario kart.
→ He can draw! He doesn’t do it often and is unwilling to admit that he’s actually pretty okay at it.
→ He bluffs his way through the first time you sleep with him because he is a virgin somehow even with almost every living human in Tokyo throwing themselves at his feet.
→ The fact that he’s a quick shot is a closely guarded secret that you unearthed because you noticed he makes a point of making you cum on his fingers at least once before fucking you and when confronted about it he went very quiet and tried to stay stone faced despite the comically bright blush that painted his cheeks.
→ Awful phobia of needles post 11/18 to the point where he avoids seeing Takemi because the cartoon needle on one of her posters is enough to trigger his panic attacks.
→ He has frequent nightmares, and won’t tell you why. But they worsen significantly post 11/18, with him calling you at least once on most nights to help him through his panic attacks.
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╰┈➤ Ryuji
→ He has a reputation for being desperate, and he definitely is, but in reality he’s far less shallow than it seems.
→ When you ask for his help dying your hair he practically leaps at the idea, and you learn that he’s really fucking good at it from maintaining his own bleached hair.
→ Ren got him a super sonico figure as a gift once and it lives unopened under his bed. Not because he has shame or doesn’t like it (he very vocally loves it actually) but because he’s worried about his mom accidentally seeing it one day.
→ The smell of alcohol gives him panic attacks, and he makes a point of avoiding the trains at night because of this.
→ Despite his initial reaction to conflict being fighting, he crashes hard after and often isolates himself for hours after while he dissociates.
→ He smokes more than he’s willing to admit, and thoroughly hates himself for it bc he can feel it fucking up his lungs and making it harder to catch his breath when he’s running.
→ He is bi, but is very defensive and unwilling to talk about it because he’s still working through the homophobia instilled in him by his father.
→ He is also a quick shot, but isn’t really good enough with his hands to compensate. 
→ He does however really like watching you get off without him while he waits for you to finish so he can fuck you.
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╰┈➤ Ann 
→ Women <3
→ She often asks you to model with her, and should you agree she beams like you’ve just given her the best gift she’d ever received.
→ Her love of sweets seems to be contagious, as the more time you spend with her the more you find yourself enjoying them.
→ Really hates being touched, it takes her several months of gentle encouragement to let her hold your hand because the only person who ever had was Kamoshida.
→ Extremely anxious around men, and often gets you to stand between her and any dudes on the trains/in public in general.
→ Horrific self image issues, she covers it well with faux confidence, but she is deeply insecure and tends to hide herself away when she’s doing poorly.
→ She cries a lot, just in general. It doesn’t even need to be sad, she’ll cry just as hard over a really cute dog as she will a heart wrenching scene in a movie.
→ The local Romance Expert despite never having been in a healthy relationship.
→ You can tell when she’s struggling because it’s the only time she could be caught dead in sweatpants.
→ The pink highlights from her P5D outfit are canon to me, argue with the wall.
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╰┈➤ Yusuke
→ He asks to paint you often, but rarely actually does. Often breaking down into fits of insecurity about his “inability to capture your beauty” as he puts it.
→ So very autistic, he is easily overwhelmed and carries a little notepad that he uses for communication when he inevitably goes non verbal, and for little doodles to help him ground himself.
→ He really awkwardly asked you out after a long conversation with ann about the difference between romantic and platonic feelings
→ “Ah… So my urge to include them in every single one of my paintings in some way is not platonic?”
→ He borders on obsessive about you once you & him start dating officially, and often cancels plans with the PTs to spend time with you.
→ Shy of losing himself in his painting he will drop anything he’s doing regardless of its importance on the off chance he can see you.
→ He asked at one point to paint you nude but for the first time in his life got so flustered at the sight of you that he had to excuse himself, and never asked again after that.
→ Past the first time asking him to hold your hand, he’s very casual about physical affection. Often attaching himself to you in one way or another unconsciously.
→ The only PT besides Akechi who isn’t a virgin.
→ Everyone was fucking appalled when they learned this ^ because how did yusuke end up with bitches and akiren didn’t???
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╰┈➤ Makoto idk much about her I’m so sorry makoto enjoyers
→ Really fucking weird music taste? Like her study playlist is 90% breakcore and the first time akiren heard it he got fucking whiplash.
→ Teetering on the edge of gifted kid burnout and only manages to survive because of the terrifying amount of black coffee she drinks
→ She’s got an eating disorder and has a really bad habit of talking about her disordered habits like they’re normal.
→ Then is shocked when everyone is like “girl what????”
→ Haru was her lesbian awakening and even though they’re not dating anymore she still loves Haru dearly
→ That can be said about most of her exes, she tends to fall in love quickly and never really fall out of it, thankfully the rational part of her has prevented her from being seriously hurt.
→ Absolute pillow princess, despite the ongoing bit about her pegging ryuji there is not enough money in the world to convince her to be any kind of dominant.
→ almost kissed ann once on a dare and was so nervous she literally started sobbing, which caused ann to also start sobbing, they never ended up kissing.
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╰┈➤ Futaba
→ She has bugs on everyone’s phone, and listens in on them constantly even after they change her heart.
→ She’s really creepy in general, and has a massive stash of audio clips and videos taken from security cameras and the bugs that range from mildly entertaining to blackmail worthy levels of incriminating
→ Has a document dedicated to everyone’s taste in porn.
→ She is autistic in the opposite direction as yusuke, she’s perpetually underwhelmed and needs to have 5+ different stimuli going at any time for her to be able to do anything
→ Likes akechi a little too much literally just because he likes featherman as much as she does.
→ Didn’t stop hallucinating after her heart was changed, they just became mild enough to ignore.
→ Had a really weird crush on akiren before her heart was changed, in hindsight it was probably just because she has a voice kink and she spent a lot of time listening to him talk.
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plushverse · 6 months
Hello:3 may I request goro and Akira(p5) w s/o that is famous ice dancer ?
(I couldn't find the character max thing of you only doing one character then can you pls chose Goro)
Thank you for reminding me to put that, I completely forgot. I do write for two characters, so this is fine!
Akira Kurusu:
*you’re a famous ice dancer? That’s so cool! (No pun intended) Akira’s never actually seen an ice dancer before, so he’s quite curious, yet fascinated
*anytime you perform, he’s always there to watch and cheer you on!
*whenever you see Akira in the crowd, it just makes you want to work harder and show everyone, especially him, how well you can do
*he’s always complimenting you on your skills, and is curious to how you got started in the first place
*so you sat him down and told him your little story of how you got into it in the first place, whether it was from a friend/family member or another reason
*you have gotten Akira onto the ice before, and the poor boy did not do so well, so he had to get support from the wall or you. You of course helped him get used to it, and you even did a little dance with him!
Goro Akechi:
*Goro was quite shocked to find you’re this famous ice dancer. And if anyone recognizes you out in public, he’s a bit curious to see how you respond to the attention. You always apologize for it afterwards, since you weren’t expecting to be recognized, but he will just tell you it’s not a problem.
*he’s a bit curious to how you got started, and will ask you questions about it here and there.
*he may not always be there to watch you perform in person, considering how busy he can get, but he’s always watching when he is able to
*you always get excited to see Goro in the audience, even if he isn’t up in the front, so it makes you work harder
*once you got him onto the ice, you were actually surprised that he’s better than you thought! He was definitely hesitant to do so, however.
*though you won’t get him to do anything with you and dancing, which you figured as much, but you were just happy to spend time with him!
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writerofjourneys · 1 year
Chapter 17 of Entwined Hearts is out after almost a year of hiatus.
Thank you to the readers who still want to continue reading this series.
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akiology · 10 months
Rules for Requesting!
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✿ Hello! My name is Elle, but you can also call me Aki if that's easier to remember. I am 20+ years old, and you can refer to me using any pronouns! Feel free to stop by even if it is just for a chat ✿
Below are my rules for requesting! I did answer an ask regarding this, but keep in mind that this is the final and official rules, so there might be some changes! Also this is what I will follow when accepting requests.
✿ As of the moment, I only write for Persona (1 - 5)! I write for the main team (example: SEES, Investigation Team, Phantom Thieves) but I also write for the following social links/confidants:
P3: Ryoji, Elizabeth, Andre, Rio, Saori
P4: Daisuke, Kou, Yumi
P5: Mishima, Hifumi, Sae, Kawakami
There's a chance I will not consider your request if you added a character I do not write for, as it implies you did not read my rules.
✿ I will not write incest, loli/shota, ddlg, omegaverse, and anything bordering over darkfic-area. (This includes explicit suicide + self harm, violence against animals, vore, feces, and more).
✿ There are times when I might get an ask I am not comfortable with, so I am sorry if I do not answer! Don't take it personal!
✿ As for 18+ fics with sexy times, I probably won't be writing any for any of the characters.
✿ There are no limits to how many characters you can request, I just ask that you specify them! This is because personally, I headcanon Naoto to be non-binary, so if you just say Investigation Team girls, I will not put them there!
✿ Whenever I write, I will almost always use gender-neutral terms for reader-inserts! If you wish to see a different perspective, please specify! I will not write OCs for now!
✿ Lastly, let us be friendly with one another! If you only came to spread hate, please leave!
Thank you so much for visiting and for the support! You are all free to talk to me anytime <3
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leblancc · 2 years
I have a question regarding collab if I may ask because I'm not 100% sure if I understood properly - for fics you can write any (sfw) story that contains your character of choice, right? Cause I'm not sure if you accept only character x oc/reader stories or you can write about a story about only canon characters without any oc's or s/i in it? Cause I'm not sure if it HAD to be story with oc's or s/i or if it can be just a casual fic with only canon characters?
Also it can be any character from persona/mainline smt games, right? I mean, do you accept characters from games like Persona 1 and 2 as well or you just accept characters from P3-P5 & SMT IV/V?
I'm thinking about participating (still not sure yet) and answering these questions would really help me make my decision!
Thanks a lot!
yeah, of course! i’m happy to answer any questions!
you can write a fic with solely canon characters if you wish! including a reader / ocs / self insert is not a requirement and entirely up to you. you can include or exclude who you choose :)
characters from persona 1 and 2 are welcome here, and so are those from any of the smt games! protagonists, antagonists, confidants, really anyone you can think of.
i apologize for any confusion, anon! thank you for your questions and taking an interest in the event!
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gyuriac · 4 months
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angst = ✦ fluff = ☁︎ dark = ❆
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p3 protag / makoto yuki / minato arisato
i no no wanna ☁︎
emo man comforts frustrated artist
sad title insert here ✦
the aftermath (march 5th spoilers again)
happy birthday to youuuuu x2 ☁︎
birthday happy
p5 protag / akira kurusu / ren amamiya
black and white ✦
guilt consumes you
goro akechi
cold, shiny, hard plastic! ☁
faker vs. faker, who wins?!
normal vacay ☁
a very normal vacation with the SEES team (child!reader)
graduates says what ✦
happy graduation! (child!reader) (spoilers)
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taba-chan · 2 years
Futaba Sakura x reader, Chapter 1
Y/n = your name
F/n = father's name
M/n = mother's nam
A/n: authors note
Italics = thoughts
You slowly wake up to the annoying beeping of your phone
Y/n: ugh, just let me sleep
You think about just ignoring the stupid thing, but you decide to be sensible for once, and actually get out of bed
Y/n: today's the day I finally go on that long awaited vacation to Japan
You smile to yourself and put on a slightly oversized T-shirt, a pair of sports pants, and your favourite jacket, wash yourself, brush your teeth a little faster than you probably should, and grab your backpack and luggage that you had prepared the previous day
Y/n: at least I remembered to charge my phone this time
You go to your kitchen to get some breakfast
M/n: good morning Y/n, here I made some breakfast for you
Your mother hands you a lunchbox
Y/n: thanks mom
M/n: you should get going it's already 7:21 am your flight leaves at 8
Y/n: CRAP!
You toss the lunch box into your backpack and rush out the door, running to the bus stop as fast as you can
you get there 32 seconds before the bus is supposed to arrive
Y/n: I should have planned this better
you get on the bus, and hear your phone ringing, you answer the call
Y/n: hello?
M/n (over phone): it's me, did you catch the bus on time?
Y/n: yes, barley
M/n (over phone): good, you forgot to say goodbye to your poor mother
Y/N: bye mom, and don't worry about me two much okay?
M/n (over phone): I'll try, goodbye
You hung up the phone
after a long bus ride you finally get to the airport, you rush to get through security as fast as possible, you manage to make it to the gate 3 minutes early
Y/n: that was way to close
you show your passport to the guy at the gate and walk to your seat
Y/n: ugh, it's so cramped, I'm really don't want to be stuck here for 14 hours
Y/n: not like I have much choice
you grab your laptop and your mouse from your bag and turn it on, you bought a new game to play on the airplane last week, so you turn that on
apparently no one booked the seats next to you, so you got lucky there
you played the game until the plan finally started moving
Y/n: we would've been flying already if that one fool wasn't 14 minuets late
flight attendant: Good morning ladies and gentlemen. On behalf of Japan airlines, it is my pleasure to welcome you aboard flight 7214 with service to Tokyo international airport
you reluctantly turn on airplane mode
Y/n: what? why is my mouse not working
you turn it off and than back on again, but it still doesn't work, you check your computer's settings and see that airplane mode turned your Bluetooth off, you turn it back on
Y/n: stupid airplane mode
you play your game for about 6 hours, after that you decide to watch some anime you had downloaded last week, until you eventually fell asleep
after sleeping for about 5 hours, you woke up
Y/n: ugh sleeping on the floor would be more comfortable than this horrible chair
the rest of the flight was rather uneventful, you ate and watched anime until you landed.
after you finally landed, you put your stuff back in our backpack, and get off the plane
you managed to slowly stumble your way though Tokyo airport, which thankfully has signs with English as well as Japanese on them, and wait for the train, which is conveniently right next to the airport
the train arrived in 2 minutes, you get on the train and look out the window, the Tokyo skyline is impressive
after a few train rides you make it to a small hotel you booked in Yongen Jaya
you get of the train and walk into the hotel, grab your keys from the reception and make your way to your room and unpack part of your luggage
Y/n: I should probably eat something
you go outside and wander around Yongen Jaya, looking for a nice place to eat, and eventually find a small café called Leblanc
you enter the café, it's empty except for a orange haired girl behind the counter
you look at the menu, but it's all in Japanese
Y/n: crap
Y/n: excuse me, do you speak English?
orange haired girl: yes
Y/n: okay, I don't really know what to order, what do you recommend?
orange haired girl: the curry is really good
Y/n: okay, I'll have the curry and a coffee please
orange haired girl: okay
the girl walked to the fridge, presumably to get ingredients for your food. she looked nervous
Y/n: why does she look so nervous, is she new here?
you sit down on one of the benches in the café, and wait for your food
Y/n: luckily that girl can speak English, it would have been really embarrassing if no one understood me
the girl turned on the stove and started cooking, she's kinda cute now that you get a good look at her
after about 20 minutes, the girl finished making your food, and gave it to you
Y/n: Thank you
orange haired girl: your Wellcome
you eat your food, the curry and the coffee were really good
after eating, you payed for your food, and leave Leblanc
you go to the train station, and get on the train to Shibuya
after a short train ride, you get of the train and explore Shibuya
you check out most of the shops, until you feel tired
Y/n: this jet lag is killing me, I better go back too my hotel room
you take the train back to your hotel room
you lay in bed for awhile, thinking about what your going to do tomorrow, until eventually you fall asleep
A/n: I know this chapter is kinda bad, i suck at first chapters, I'll to rewrite it eventually
A/n: I'm looking for beta readers and an editor, so if anyone wants to volunteer please comment
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