#painful sunburn
autobot2001 · 3 months
Author: Autobot2001 Genre: Fanfiction Fandom Transformers Rating: E Warning: None Pairing: Drift X Jamie (OC) Warning: Jamie gets a sunburn Description: Jamue never puts sunscreen on. Drift has to put it on for her. This beach trip, he forgets, and Jamie ends up with a bad sunburn.
@marchofpain day 28; burn
The seven friends love going to the beach. Today Jamie decides not to wear a T-shirt over the one-piece bathing suit she wore. She still wears shorts. The afternoon was full of fun. Jamie never liked Drift making her put sunscreen on. Drift would apply the sunscreen. Today it seems he forgot. She thinks she’ll be fine.
After a fun beach day, Crosshairs, Drift, and Jaie watch TV in their room. The two mechs notice Jamie’s difficulty in getting comfortable on the couch. “Uh, did you remember to put sunscreen on her since she refuses to put it on?” Crosshairs whispers. Drift palms his forehead, “no, frag. Of all the times to forget.” Concern arises as they believe Jamie has a severe sunburn on her back. Drift picks up Jamie and brings her into the bathroom, closing the door.
“Let me see your back.” Drift lifts Jamie’s shirt, seeing red on her lower back. Drift opens the door, showing Crosshairs the burn on Jamie’s back while telling him to put the aloe vera lotion in their mini fridge for ten minutes while Drift cools the burn.
“Here's her phone if you’re going to have her sit there for ten minutes,” Crosshairs says, giving Drift Jamie’s phone. He takes the lotion and puts it in the fridge. Then he sets a timer on his phone, waiting for Drift to place to towel on Jamie’s back. He watches Drift get a clean face cloth and soak it. Jamie is not liking the cloth touching the burn. Crosshairs starts the timer. He hears what Jamie is watching on her phone as Drift cools the burn.
Ten minutes pass. Crosshairs gets the lotion out of the fridge. He doesn’t question Drift, but he knows Drift didn’t do this the last time Jamie got a sunburn. Jamie doesn't like how the dry towel or lotion feels on the burn. After Jamie’s skin absorbs the lotion, she puts her shirt back on. Drift gives her pain relief and carries her to the couch. They dislike how even after this burn and how uncomfortable it’ll be, Jamie won’t learn her lesson about putting sunscreen on..
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why-am-i-hereagain · 22 days
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My beautiful wife Nina the Killer. Cringe Fandom Queen! I love her!!
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sunburndrink · 2 years
Make sure to stop by and say hi Sept. 8th - 11th at this years Surf Expo! 
Looking for a way to reverse that pesky sun damage? Sunburn Drink is a revolutionary product that repairs your skin from the inside out. It contains essential micronutrients and helps to rebuild and combat UV damage by increasing moisture and hydration, supporting cell regeneration, and improving natural cell function within the the skin.
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
"The only person who can save you is yourself, don't rely on anybody else!"
Actually, what has saved me is books and my favourite video game and my cats and my friends who I've shared late nights and too-early mornings with and the dew-covered grass I walked on on the way to a competition bus in ninth grade band and the sunburn that kept me out of school for days the month prior.
I understand the viewpoint of how you are ultimately the person who can save you, but don't discount that you aren't an island. You aren't meant to be your sole savior. Let others save you, too. You are worth the care and love the universe has for you.
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withdenim · 9 months
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I’m doing a series now apparently <3 we’ll see how many campers I get through before I burn out lmao
For ben I kept a lot of his scrappy vibe, and tried pulling some inspiration from Mae as well, since Ben looks up to her so much. I also went with the brown eyes bc tbh I really like them on him. I don’t know how I feel about the ponytail but it’s ok lol
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awfuckitssunshine · 11 months
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Who let me have access to a pen
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I hate to send two asks back to back but I also just saw the sick fic prompts and would very much like some clean crisp pajamas for Matteo after a full moon eventually.
sick whump scenarios: > crisp, clean pajamas
never apologize for asks!! <3
Content Warnings: werewolf whump, painful transformation, environmental whump, implied nudity, sunburn
Transformations never get easier, but the mornings after have improved immeasurably.
On cloudy mornings Dante can search for him, and often finds Matteo before he even wakes up and is there to soothe him in his first, fitful moments of consciousness.
Other days the sun is out and Matteo has to make his way home alone. But no matter how long it takes, he feels lucky to have a home to go to at all.
He stumbles in from the bright light of day, relieved to be in the comforting shadows of the old house. Dante is waiting on the stairs. As soon as the door closes he goes to Matteo's side.
Matteo leans his head on Dante's shoulder; Dante looks him over.
"You're sunburned," he notices with concern.
"Yeah," Matteo sighs.
"Does this hurt?" Dante puts a hand on his back.
Matteo shivers. "No. Feels good."
"I bet bed would feel good too."
"Mmhmm. And clothes."
Dante helps him up the stairs and to his bedroom, where a freshly made bed awaits. On top of the covers sits a pair of neatly folded, clean pajamas.
"Can you help me?" Matteo asks quietly. He's getting better at asking for what he needs.
So far Dante has never denied him anything and today is no exception. Without a word he helps Matteo get dressed and lie down.
A soft bed, soft clothes. Dante's soft voice, talking to himself as he tries to remember whether they have aloe. His cool hand on the back of Matteo's neck is as good as any salve. Two of his fingers rest over Matteo's pulse.
Tomorrow they'll return to their routine of home repairs and game nights, late night TV and piano practice. They will exchange little intimate gestures - a hand on an arm, a meaningful look, knees touching while they sit and read. Matteo will smile when Dante's subtle accent starts to emerge through the courteous tone he had perfected around his boyfriend's family. He could soak all his cares away in that voice.
He stirs, unaware he had fallen asleep. "Hmm?"
"Sorry," Dante whispers. He's pulling a light sheet over Matteo. All of the curtains are pulled shut, the room blissfully cool and dark. "Go back to sleep."
Matteo lets his head sink back onto the pillow. All of him relaxes at once.
It's worth a night of suffering to be cared for like this.
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birdyverdie · 17 days
I now understand the meaning of pain
(^ got a really bad sunburn on about 40% of their body)
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nat-20s · 17 days
*is in a little bit of pain that is different from the usual type of pain I get* welp. Take my ass to super weenie hut jrs
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sage-nebula · 1 month
when I was getting my tattoo on Saturday my artist kept telling me like, "It's okay if you need to tap out, I won't be pissed or think less of you, we can come back to finish in another session," because honestly for this particular tattoo the pain was severe and about halfway through I started involuntarily cringing and squeezing the pillow I was laying on very hard and other such involuntary shows of how much pain I was in. (such as flinching hard when she had to wipe excess ink / blood / plasma away, because good god somehow the damp paper towel felt worse than the needle.)
but each time I refused. "the only way out is through," I said. nearer the end I said, "if you need to tap out though, I understand" because she had to put on a brace for her back because of the angle at which she had to be hunched over to finish the tattoo. but she didn't tap out either.
anyway I saw a meme with Shadow the Hedgehog that was like, "stop DMing me that 'are you ok' shit, obviously I'm not but we move" and my immediate thought was, "me @ my artist during my tattoo session on Saturday."
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aceofwhump · 2 years
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"I am a nova. All-exploding, planet-cremating."
-The Sandman 1x04
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diemauergone · 2 months
not to sound awful but , making a woman who is 2 years older than me , cry is an accomplishment today. and in my defense, she made my 13 year old niece feel like utter shit and someone HAD to call the woman out for being an ass.
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thechaoticdruid · 2 months
I am back from vacation. Stopped by the beach on the way home and got a bad sunburn.
I am in pain.
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This is how my legs feel tbh.
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hauntedpotat · 8 days
For context at band camp there's a really steep hill and when we march on the streets we go up and then down said hill, while playing etc
I'm not kidding it's probably a 70 degree angle and I know math stuff
I hate it so much because I have snare drum and I can't lift my knees very far without hitting the bottom of the drum so the entire percussion section is just struggling for like 30 feet
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goomens · 4 months
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wishing everyone well!!!!
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elysiumcalled · 1 year
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