#people comment sometimes on how i get weird asks but trust me i only publish ones im comfortable with answering!
megabuild · 2 months
you get a lot of weird anons what's your favorite ice cream flavor?
ohh i havent had ice cream in forever.. probably chocolate im a basic bitch
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bluespring864 · 7 months
Twenty Questions for Fic Writers
Thank you @yoellglia, @kingfisherprince and @shambolicchaos for tagging me even though I haven't done one of these in months, I appreciate it <3 And look at this, I am actually doing a tag game.
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 57. How did that happen.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
418,066. Some of those 57 are pretty long ;-)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Well I won't list them all, we'll be here tomorrow. The published ones are mainly: Tatort, Good Omens, Potter, Tennis RPF, Skating RPF and a few Music RPFs. There's an awful lot of WiPs from Sherlock Holmes to Poirot to Star Trek to Oasis to Austen to various Panel Shows to Les Miz to The Hobbit and back again though. Plus WiPs for all the published fandoms. Sigh.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Alright this is going to be a trip down memory lane, seeing as I'm mostly active in very niche fandoms these days. Also, this statistic is perhaps skewed by the fact that lots of my fics are in German (a few nearly made it onto the list though!) and my RPF is locked (for registered users only).
Days in the Sun: Tops the list by a very long way. Harry Potter. A Snape/Hermione post war fic published in 2018. I'm a different writer these days but I still like lots of things about it.
To Trust in One Another: Good Omens. Aziraphale/Crowley post Season 1. I remember the response to this overwhelming me at the time, I had never gotten so many comments so quickly after posting and haven't since. This fandom is so lovely (and filled with writers!).
To those who wait, eventually: Harry Potter. Snape/McGonagall. I love this pairing and this story. And while I am very surprised that both the Potter Fics I actually published are het, I am not surprised they both feature Severus Snape.
Almost Too Kind, or: Prometo: Figure Skating RPF. Yuzu/Javi. I still like the Yuzu POV, although I think I've perhaps written more interesting skating stories, but this was obviously the most popular parinig at the time. Hence the amount of kudos I guess.
Language Barrier Sidestepped: Figure Skating RPF. Yuzu/Javi. This one surprised me because it's just a silly fluffy oneshot. But with some language nerdship in the title and the story (that part is less surprising, if you know me)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Always, and sometimes too verbosely :D I like a good comment discussion and I have made friends that way.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Angsty endings? Me? I would if I could. Maybe some day. I guess the angstiest one is this unrequited love drabble in the Tatort Münster Fandom.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Well, most of them have pretty happy endings, I think.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not so far. Most of the comments I get are really nice. I can remember only a handful slightly weird ones over the years.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
No one is more surprised than me, but yes. In my case, it's usually part of a story and has a function in the story. But it can be pretty graphic because it's weird to me to treat sex as something to gloss over. That being said, sometimes a story decides on a fade to black. On the other end of the spectrum, I've also come pretty close to writing PwP, depending on your definition of it.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Never written one, very rarely read them.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
People have asked for permission several times and I always grant it (of course I do) but I don't think I've ever gotten a link to a finished translation (which I always ask for). I get it though, some of my stories are pretty long and I know all about the difficulties of translation :-)
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
It's not finished but I hope we can get back to it @kingfisherprince! I might not always be the easiest person to work with, but I thoroughly enjoyed it so far.
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
I don't have one, I write whatever pairing is interesting to me. And would love to write more gen fic if inspiration strikes. The concept of an OTP used to make no senses to me either, though I guess I've come close with Novandy in the Tennis fandom. I still write lots of other stuff in that fandom though.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I have trouble going back to the Potter stuff for various reasons. Would love to finish a Snarry which is already at almost 30k but doubt I will. I also have a Poirot/Hastings case fic I really want to finish but (see writing weaknesses)
16. What are your writing strengths?
I'm not sure. I hope Í write realistic relationships that make sense in the story. I try to write clear prose that's not too cluttered (I don't always succeed). Sometimes with my longer fics I've managed to slightly miraculously tie things together, which is amazing to me when it happens but I can't control that at all.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I sometimes overexplain. I tend to forget about 'setting the scene' descriptions now and then. And the big one: I can't plot for the life of me, I write as I go along, which isn't always a problem but definitely is when you try to write a murder mystery (I've got an unfinished Poirot one and an unfinished Tatort Münster one which I would love to continue).
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I like it, though I tend to use it relatively sparingly and either add translations or try to make it clear in other ways in the text what was being said (a translation degree comes in handy for this).
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Well the first time I tried writing fic it was Kirk/Spock but the first thing I finished and published was Tatort Münster.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
Don't do this to me. The answer will be different every day, I think, and for lots of reasons. This is not me being pretentious (I hope), because I would have just as much trouble choosing my favourite song or book etc. Let's pick Two and Two Together for today because I never would have thought I'd write a 42k poly fic, but here we are. I think we've established I sometimes surprise myself.
Tagging: I think most of the writers on my dash have been tagged... but maybe @bonos-grindcore-sideproject and @advantage-sinner and @savageandwise and @all-my-worlds-a-stage if you want to do it?
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venacoeurva · 2 years
It’s the pinned post, READ IT PLEASE
Commissions can be found here: https://ko-fi.com/venacoeurva/commissions
Non-art posts will be tagged as “not art” and text posts are “vena vents”. Reblogs of my own posts are “Day reblog” blacklist these without quotations if you don’t want to see them.
I’m over 25, bi aro, and dude-esque, I use these w/ queer interchangeably.
Not all content is close to mature or suggestive but I would still prefer you to be 18+
I have anxiety issues and due to the nature of this website I will frequently delete posts. Posts that get too big freak me out, so don't be surprised when I turn off reblogs. I also have memory problems, including short term, bear with me.
I don’t know how to feel about gift art of my OCs quite yet. I’m protective of them given how “fandomized” orig stories/chars ended up. Please use common sense with other’s creations/characters and don't just do things with other peoples' characters/stories without their permission.
I block people into incest and adult/minor pairings, and any others I happen to be skeeved out by as I encounter em. Social media curation, baby
I block h*rry p*tt*r accounts on sight, yes, even people who put it out there that they don’t like the author and only engage in the fandom.
My art’s not cleared for reposting (REPOSTING =/=REBLOGGING)/tracing/edits/RP/Commercial purposes. If you want to make merch for personal use, still PLEASE ASK ME FIRST if it’s more complex than just printing it on paper and sticking it to your wall. Consider it a “no” until asking me and getting a yes. Please understand how uncomfortable this can be for artists to just DO that without asking (and people have).
That's the main stuff, more info below
Other Rules:
I also block accounts dedicated to reposting (not reblogging) art unless the art is extremely well known, published, or very old.
I block accounts promoting or enabling AI (the current ~trendy~ interpretations of them, not the scientific simulation types)
If I mention a character not present in a post, I censor their name to avoid it ending up in results.
I have VERY limited social energy. Also please don’t just try to small talk.
Also if you try to joke with me and it's not obvious/a very well-known reference there is a chance it'll go completely over my head and I'll just stare at your reply/ask blankly and move on. If it comes off as you being a dick I'll just block you tbh (esp bc a lot of jokeyness on here is playful rudeness toward strangers)
Sometimes I'll block just off bad vibes
I’m critical of sites/companies/brands, including small ones if it warrants criticism, including A_/0/ 3
Don’t be weirdly horny on my art, saying a character looks hot or whatnot is fine, if it’s mature content then go nuts, but I don’t need to hear about what some character needs to do to you.
I’m not your therapist. I cannot stop you from committing suicide or suffering from other severe mental crises and I am not trained to. I will block trauma-dumpers.
l will block if you’re reblogging personal posts for no reason when I forget/can’t turn reblogs off or reblog spamming one of my posts a ton in a row, because reblogging one post a trillion times is just a thing people do now?
I don’t want to be mutuals with anyone under 18 (or 21, more realistically)
If you’re a minor reblogging/liking mature posts (which means you lied about your age to be able to view), I will block you. If you’re a minor leaving horny comments/tags on things, that’s also very uncomfortable and I will block you.
Also don’t ask me to be mutuals, if it happens it happens.
Just because you commissioned me it does not mean we're friends. That's a weird, unrealistic expectation and I'm a very closed off person.
I won’t share donation posts unless it’s vetted by others/via a trusted source.
I know sometimes my art ends up on Amazon, nothing I can do about that.
If you call yourself problematic/proship or call people puritans or fandom cops (or claim fandom critics is purity culture) a bit too unironically and seriously I’m just blocking, man, but frankly, if your main occupation is shipping discourse regardless of stance and you’re older than like 17-20 or beefing with actual children I’m also just blocking you. There’s nuances and neither side likes to work with those and you're too damn old to be making that your main hobby, let alone doing it at all.
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kinosternon · 6 months
20 Questions
Got tagged by @marezelle (like a month ago, whoops) and this looks fun, so I'm gonna try it!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
Officially 37, unofficially 57-ish (I have a lot on anon right now, plus some semi-ancient FFN stuff posted under a pseud)
2. What’s your total AO3 words count?
Apparently, 644,538.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Kind of a lot? One "it's complicated" fandom which I tend to stay on anon for, especially lately; a fair bit for a very specific corner of Free!, also for Natsume's Book of Friends. Voltron's an ex-fandom but I had fun with it right when it started; there's a handful of other anime I've cycled through. I've got an Undertale longfic I'd really like to get back to one of these days. Lately, a whole bunch of stuff for the 9 Worlds series by Victoria Goddard, which is both amazing in itself and also has my favorite fan community to date.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Names Gone Before—my one and only Adventure Zone fic, and a oneshot, but apparently it was a hit lol
Chasing Silver, Chasing Gold—my beautiful monstrosity of a love letter to the characters introduced in the third season of Free!, and which came out too late for most of the English-speaking fandom to notice it very much (this goes for the show itself and also the timing of my publishing🥲). I am so grateful that so many people have managed to find it regardless!
Equivalence—aforementioned Undertale longfic. I really want to finish it one of these days, but I know what's coming in the last arc and it intimidates me. XP
Omimai—of all my Natsume fics, I'll admit I wouldn't have figured this to be the top one. But I guess Natori is a fan favorite, and I do appreciate that it's very solidly a gen fic that gets a lot of love regardless.
Like trust falls from towers—aforementioned s1-era Voltron fic. It was an experiment to get me posting more, I had fun with it while it lasted, and I got some truly wonderful comments and support from folks reading along while I was working on it. I still go back and reread it sometimes, and I think it was pretty good.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I always try to! I want to show appreciation and make sure people know that going to the effort it takes to write a comment means a great deal to me.
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
That's a tough one. Probably Pistachio Christmas Tree, as it's a snapshot of a really rough time in the POV character's life and doesn't really show any signs of things getting better for him anytime soon. (All my angsty endings come from canon compliance, lol)
OH. Or Chasing Fingerprints, which is a Nabari no Ou AU oneshot that I wrote back in high school. I wrote it under some weird constraints and don't really like it all that much, but the ending is ambiguous and deeply angsty.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
That is also weirdly difficult to say! Snapshots for Natsume, Slow your breath down (just take it slow) for Victoria Goddard's novel Plum Duff, and turning in your hand for At the Feet of the Sun (also by Goddard). Two of those three are wintertime fluff; I enjoy that subgenre a whole lot.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
No. I've occasionally had some slightly weird interactions, but overall I'd say even those were well and enthusiastically meant.
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Occasionally, and I'm not sure what kind it'd count as. Insecure, possibly? (me or the characters, either-or XP)
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Only two so far! The weirder one was my first-ever fic, where I technically crossed over Twilight with both old!Who and new!Who. Then there's Clowder, which crossed over two of Yuhki Kamatani's manga from pretty different eras and genres and which I'm pretty darned proud of.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge, no.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I had someone ask once, a while back, but at the moment I don't remember which fic it was, or if I ended up hearing how it went.
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
...If adding to a bredlik compilation counts, then yes? And I've also done a fair bit of writing to requested prompts for gift exchanges and the like, which isn't the same thing as cowriting but which feels at least a little bit similar.
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
Oh man, how can I choose? 😭 At the top this has to be a tie between Miharu & Yoite (Nabari no Ou, QPR extraordinaire) and Yukito/Touya (Cardcaptor Sakura, TRC, etc). But also Merthur was my first ship-ship. HiyoIku (Free!) for writeability and general fucked-up-ness, but I'm not always 100% sure I ship it, tragically. Natsume and Tanuma for the same uncertainty minus about 90% of the toxicity, whee.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I'm not going to say "doubt," but uh. A couple of "it's complicated" fandom pieces (especially the ones I originally meant to be series) and also the Undertale longfic. Also some 9 Worlds WIPs, but I haven't started publishing those ones yet, either.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Characterization is a big one—it matters a lot to me and also I've been complimented on it. Fic is my love letter to canon and so I tend to focus on what I love about canon the most, which is almost always the characters' interiority and/or relationship dynamics. I also think I'm usually fairly good at matching the tone of the original, though admittedly the translation aspect of anime stuff gives me a bit of leeway there.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Logistics. I will forget who I put in a room over a certain number of characters, and explaining how people get to and from things (or even appear in a scene) is a terrible chore. (And that's just people—my track record for items, especially furniture, is even worse.) I suspect that my overall pacing also suffers from this because coming up for practical reasons for scenes to start can be difficult.
Also scene transitions, because I write things out of order. :B
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I probably won't, for several reasons. For one, I feel like without a dedicated beta, my errors would be immersion-breaking for anyone with high enough Japanese proficiency. Also, on the other side of things, presumably most of my readers wouldn't be able to make the jump from English into Japanese (which is the only other language I'm remotely able to write in), so accessibility would be an issue. That said, I've occasionally tried to factor in what I know about Japanese and "translate" (at least a bit) to adjust how I write dialogue, when writing fics based on anime.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Doctor Who/Twilight, lol. (I cared a lot about them both, okay? Also I thought trying to mash up their canonical vampire mythologies would be funny! And I was definitely right about at least one of those things.)
20. Favourite fic you’ve ever written?
Oh this is also mean. It's gotta be Chasing Silver, Chasing Gold though. It kicked my ass but I also put my heart and soul into it, and its length, completion, and the responses I've gotten to it have all combined to profoundly affect how I see myself as a writer. (Which may sound a little suspect, but the thing is, I spent years massively looking up to people who could write longfic, most of all to people that could do so and finish. It meant so so much to be able to join those ranks myself, whether or not I manage to do it again someday.) It genuinely feels like one of the most significant things I've done with my life, and it's something I think I'll always be proud of myself for managing to write through to the end.
Annnd done! I'm gonna tag @octopus--writer just for fun ;)
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Veteran Author of The Month: June 2021
The featured veteran author for June is also a co-admin right here at UBFL: SquishyCool (or @im-immortal )!
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SquishyCool can be found on AO3 and FFN under the same penname.
When asked what got her into Bethyl and what the fandom means to her, she said:
I’ve been a hardcore TWD fan since the show began airing, but that’s because of my love for zombies. In all honesty, I didn’t really ship anyone for the first 3-4 seasons. I kind of shipped Daryl with Carol, but then it became clear that it was a platonic relationship and in all honesty, I just wanted to see them both get some action lmao. Then the prison fell... and in those first moments of “Still,” when we see Beth and Daryl running and running and finally collapsing on the ground, breathless and exhausted... the butterflies started. Something clicked and I immediately thought, “uh oh.” The rest is history, especially considering how “Still” and “Alone” played out. I can’t explain how or why I’m still so heavily invested, especially considering my last 2 fandoms only kept my attention for about 2-3 years each, but here I am. And I love it! I am so incredibly grateful for the Bethyl fandom because not only has it helped me improve my writing so much more than I ever could have imagined, but it has also introduced me to some of the most amazing people, including someone who I now consider one of my very best friends! It’s my happy place :)
For her personal fic rec list, she recommends:
In The Maw by ronsparkyspeirs
Way Down We Go by LeathernLaces
Surfacing by lindentree
Wild Things (The Moonshine Poet) by Abelina
The Gift by Feliz
The Man Who Can't Be Moved by burningupasun
New Experiences Series by wallflow3r
Whisper Softly to Me by taylorcatherine
Interstice by leftmywingshome
To Love Like a Man by Seraphique
Death, Death (i defy thee) by alamorn
In My Blood by Courtneyshortney82
Let the Good Times Roll by gutsforgarters
Resolved by Allatariel
the weight of these wings by peachthorns
all my spaces are filled with you by annabeth_writes
A Little Jailbreak with the Little Jailbait by wandering_gypsy_feet
between the beginning and the end by sheriffandsteel
SquishyCool’s Works & Personal Thoughts:
Dirty Fingernails and Dried Blood Summary: What happened during the months between "Still" and "Alone"? Beth uses the last pages of her diary to write down every detail of surviving with Daryl. Thoughts: My first Bethyl fanfic. It holds a special place in my heart for that reason, though it is pretty rough. If I could go back, I never would’ve done it entirely in first-person. But I do plan to finish it one day. There are some scenes I’m particularly proud of, and I still have a long note full of ideas and plot points.
Most Wanted Summary: After Beth’s mother and half-brother are murdered in a drug war, the godly veil on the Greene Family operation is lifted, and law enforcement comes down hard. In an effort to protect her family, Beth commits a heinous crime that could mean life in prison alongside them. Now everyone she’s ever trusted is in police custody and her only chance at freedom is to get as far away from Atlanta as she can... Thoughts: Well, this is a must-read if you like my writing. I hope to one day convert this into an original fiction and maybe get it published, but I need to finish it first LOL. I got the idea from ONE scene of “Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt,” and from there, it exploded into a huge mystery thriller (with lots of romance and smut). I’m really really proud of it, and I’m scared I’ll fuck it up tbh, so I keep putting off continuing it. But I really need to get back to it because I really want people to see what I have planned! (Also, this fic is the reason @courtneyshortney82​ started talking to me, so that alone is pretty historic lmao)
The Crow’s Song Summary: Beth and Daryl spend a few more days together in the funeral home and come to terms with all they've lost along the way. But soon, they must decide what comes next. Thoughts: This fic... this fucking fic. It took me a full year to write. I made numerous edits. I even got a little depressed while I was writing the last two chapters, and my bf didn’t know why until he read what I’d been writing lol. It’s honestly the Bethyl fic I’ve always wanted to write but just didn’t know how. I’m still really really proud of how it turned out.
Carnival Games Summary: Daryl is a traveling carnival worker and Beth is a barely legal farmer's daughter looking for a night of fun when the carnival comes to town. Thoughts: Omg this fic is so fun!! One of my first Bethyl fics, and one of my first Bethyl smut fics. Short, sweet, a little funny, and a lot hot. I am still impressed with myself on this one, especially considering how much my writing has improved since lol
Breathe. Please. Summary: Beth shows up at the Hilltop. Alive. Daryl can hardly believe his eyes. Until she's lying in his bed, an arm's reach away. And he can hear her inhaling... exhaling... inhaling... Thoughts: Another “fix-it” that I’m proud of. Tbh I didn’t think it was anything all that special, but a lot of readers have said it’s one of their favorites, and some say they reread it regularly, and nothing makes me happier than hearing that, so I am extremely proud.
picking @ scabs Summary: Sometimes, no matter how much you love someone, being with them just isn't right. But what wouldn't you give for it to be right? Can someone like Daryl learn how to swallow his pride and stop repeating the same mistakes over and over? Can someone like Beth learn to fight off her demons and allow him to get close enough to hurt her again? How can they stay away from each other when it's all too easy to fall back into one another? Picking a scab will leave a scar, but they both have so many scars already... what's a few more? Thoughts: This fic is very, very personal for me. It’s like my “therapy” fic. I have poured some of my deepest feelings and struggles into its chapters, and the whole idea that got me to start it was that I wanted to find a way to navigate and cope with ending my 3-year long relationship with my emotionally/mentally/sometimes physically abusive ex. I still have a lot of fond memories from that relationship, but even more so, I have painful memories. Not to mention, going through your early 20s as a woman in the modern day is a fuckin’ trip, so this kind of explores that. It’s really self-indulgent, I think, but I’m really proud of the smut in it. And more than that, I’m proud of the response. I’ve had a few people message me or comment to say that they’ve felt all those things, or have experienced similar things, and it’s really just... relieving. I put my heart and soul out there, and what I got back was “you’re not alone.” So yeah, this fic is special. I wanna finish it soon, but I have to be in A Mood to do so. 
In Toto Corde Summary: Despite a million reasons not to, Beth and Daryl fell in love. Then he made the ultimate sacrifice in order to keep all of his promises. Now, facing unimaginable consequences at the hands of witch hunters, Beth has no choice but to use her powers to bring Daryl back from the dead. "He won't be the same..." Thoughts: I LOVE THIS FIC. I love it so much that I had to rewrite it after like 4 or 5 years. And I already started on a sequel that I really hope I’m able to finish. Though it doesn’t have many hits, and I don’t think many people have read it at all, which I understand since it basically is entirely focused around Daryl being killed. But damn, I’m proud of this one, and it was really fucking fun to write because witch!Beth is just... the best.
risk it all (part 1 of in for a penny, in for a pound) Summary: Daryl Dixon has a pretty decent life, all things considered. He's got his own place. A good dog. A few friends. Even a girlfriend. He keeps himself out of trouble. Until he starts texting Beth Greene. And hell, if he ain't about to risk it all for this damn girl. Thoughts: This was supposed to be one short multichapter fic focused entirely on smut and social media. Then I got on a roll and it ended up being the beginning of a series! This fic is purely fun. Nothing too serious or heavy. I write it when I’m in a Good Mood because it’s my little happy place. I have plans for about 4 more fics before the series will be finished!
Don’t Make Me Haunt You Summary: So here's the thing: Merle Dixon is dead as fuck. And as it turns out, Beth Greene is the only one who can see or hear him. Which is weird considering she's never met or even heard of this guy, let alone anyone with the last name Dixon. That's her first problem... Thoughts: The reception to this fic has absolutely blown me away. I had no idea anyone would want to read about ghost!Merle haunting Beth and forcing her to solve his murder with the help of his grumpy brother. And it was all inspired by an episode of South Park lmao then I started really getting into it and now it’s just like, my super fun fic where I explore a range of emotions and all kinds of religious beliefs and different mythologies and I can build the world however I want and goddamn I just love writing this fic. Plus there’s a podfic for it! I can’t even begin to explain how much I love this fic and how proud I am of it :)
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retvenkos · 3 years
“i am a little bit of everything i’ve seen in my life.”
if you’re in gryffindor you think you’re more “refined” than everyone else, and if you’re in ravenclaw you think everyone’s a stiff
this is the person with the braincell! let it be known that they have it, but refuse to use it
they have to be a little chaotic because they know what consequences are but disregard them
these people call themselves ambiverts but it really just means they won’t talk to you if they hate you
and i say that lovingly
okay, but if they do talk to you??? best people to talk with - they can hold an interesting conversation masterfully and it’s all because their enthusiasm is off the charts
let them ramble, it’s very endearing.
and physical touch is probably their love language so cuddle with them, too
they’re sci-fi and superhero nerds change my mind
now their loyalty is really interesting because gryffindors are really loyal where as a ravenclaws are individualistic and prioritize #1, so i feel like they are very much on guard
befriending is hard - they’ll keep you at bay until they are sure you can be trusted. and they won’t be made to feel bad about it either.
but once you are close to them,,,,, they would save you or die trying
their inside jokes are god tier
i don’t know how they do it other than they know how to make people laugh using the most unexpected methods and because it was such a weird experience, people are able to remember really well?
like, they could say “nutmeg” and everyone around you starts laughing, meanwhile you’re just ???
gryffinclaws are also really interesting because they don’t do well with conflict, but drama sort of gravitates toward them because let’s be real here, they can kind of be actively seeking it out, sometimes.
i mean, it’s usually to avoid having to deal with deeper emotions or even bigger problems, but sometimes they have a hand in their own suffering....
also, these people never study if they don’t like the class. they don’t. if they dislike the subject, they procrastinate with every fibre of their being.
but if it’s something they love, they are the first to get it done and will 100% do extra research and talk about it all the time.
they say they love both cats and dogs equally, and they actually mean it.
they are most likely concerned with wanting to change the world in some way - but they want it to be a tangible way that still allows for creativity and freedom
this is also the friend who stays up wayyyyyyy too late, and when you ask them what they’re doing, all they can say is “memes”
and they really do love memes - send them some. it’s their primary way of communicating
they love going out to get lunch and chatting with friends
food + people = love
they’ll even do it in their room! just bring bread and a good conversation - they can stay up for hours
also,,,, creativity and courage??? these are the people who actually have the confidence to publish their writing/art/whatever, and i admire that.
but writers block hits them so hard... i’m so sorry
okay, but if i understand the meme right, i’d give them wine aunt status.
these bastards
but i say that lovingly!
this is your meddling friend - that person that knows all and you can’t hide a secret from them to save your life.
and they seem to know everyone?????
they could ruin your life if they wanted to, but they are sweet uwu children and would never - in fact, they’re appalled you would even suggest it.
don’t let them hang out with gryffindor slytherins, no matter what. they will be corrupted and then it’s all over.
“but why are they bastards?” you ask. well,,,, if you’re acting surly or really don’t want to do a thing™ they will use their knowledge against you, prodding you in the direction you did not want to be going
of course, they only ever use this power when it’s for your greater good, but it’s annoying and invasive enough to grant them bastard status.
10/10 the mom friend.
even has the mom stare.
you know - the whole “you’re being irrational and you’re going to do this no matter how you hate it” stare
they have the  m o s t   energy and i honestly admire that
and they’re so hard working and dedicated that motivation isn’t a problem? it’s really just trying to get a solid, coherent thought that plagues them.
someone please get them a planner - they are constantly running late, but excited to be here!
100% have cottagecore vibes, or at least naturecore or adventurecore
point is, they want to be outside, doing things
they most likely want to make change in this world, but on a smaller level - with the people they care about, or the place they live
they really want to see what this world has to offer, but they are deathly afraid of being lonely
ngl, they probably get hurt by people a lot. they’re a little too trusting and go in a little too deep and when that other person leaves it does irrevocable damage.
it’s kind of like idealism and optimism, but at what cost?
100% smother their own feelings with a pillow and then preoccupy themself with the problems of others to not deal with their own
get them someone to talk to, please. they deserve it.
most likely they are an extrovert and surround themself with people so that they won’t have to feel loss as hard
spoiler alert: loss is always crushing.
gryffinpuffs believe in people - it’s their greatest gift and worst downfall
and they cannot live without them
do they have the braincell? sometimes. most of the time they share it and forget to ask for it back.
they probably like to do tangible things - like sculpture or knitting, baking, caring for plants....
something they can hold close
and if they read, they 100% finish books in one sitting. they just binge and it’s very iconic of them
probably a romantic, idk
they want a meet cute in real life and read all of the marriage fanfics
now these are the people who smile when you call them a bastard
and are most likely to be called a bastard unlovingly
at first glance they might be a little low on the empathy scales, but if you make it into their circle they would kill, die, and resurrect themself for you
BUT! all things come with a cost.
these are your friends with shifting loyalties. they are loyal until they feel your loyalty toward them fade, and they can and will shift against you for self preservation.
and they won’t feel bad about where their loyalties lie.
but please love them because if you really do believe in them they will feel it and it will rock their whole world
and if your feelings are strong, you’ll be surprised how quickly they can turn to you for guidance
if you haven’t noticed, this group is extremely intuitive - they can just sense what everyone feels about them
all that intuition... and quite a lot of tact
maybe it’s the cunning or the self preservation in them, but they can read a room really well - only bested by the hufflepuff/slytherin - and can sway everyone to their side
you want someone to give oddly accurate motivational speeches? this is the person you’re looking for!
slytherdors.... you either love them or you hate them
but no joke these are the people that the gryffinclaws and slytherclaws are constantly fighting - and the slytherdor is ready to throw hands at any given moment, someone pLEASE send a ravenpuff (huffleclaw?) to save them
if you wanted someone to embody teenage angst, HERE YOU GO!
it’s either that or they are extremely competitive and not afraid to call someone out
if there’s a dueling club, someone please put restraints on these children
as you can imagine, these people have a lot going on, and what they really need is just some quiet stability.
they need to see this world isn’t constantly out to get them.
they absolutely love music, so listen to songs with them! they have the best spotify playlists with the most obscure vibes, and it’s very aesthetically pleasing
also! listen to them in any group setting - they make the best, dry comments under their breath
if you laugh at them they will reach into the heavens and give you the moon and the stars
they really want the ~found family~ and definitely seek it out
they crave redemption arcs
they give me baby wolf vibes - they are wild killers, but they’re at that tender age where they’re still vvv similar to a puppy, when given affection
their slytherin side has tamed the impulsivity of a gryffindor, but the level of tactician a slytherdor is varies wildly. you never know what you’re going to get, and they are actually really good at covering it up
kind of like on those alignment charts where it’s like “looks like they could kill you but is a cinnamon roll” except it’s “seems competent, but is really an idiot”
they really need an animal companion, probably a cat or tarantula
the slytherdor probably doesn’t feign to study - they either do or they don’t and if that’s bad for their mental health then they’ll fight god himself
i get a lot of vibes of zuko screaming at the sky in that lightning storm, where he’s like, “come on, strike me! you’ve never held back before!”
maybe i’ve been a little negative, but uh,,,, their love language is sitting in the dark, holding hands and talking about the lamest part of their day
also, they hate meaningless endings to tv shows - they just want to see everyone be happy or die trying
you mean the adjusted ravenclaw?
maybe that was mean, but what i really mean is that they are the most emotionally intelligent of all the ravenclaws
these ravenclaws know how to use conflict resolution skills, and they are very much needed in ravenclaw tower
they’ve been coaching the gryffindor/ravenclaws, but good luck maintaining their attention if they don’t want to listen
they also have patience! that means they get along well with slytherins.
even if they’re tired, they’re a good sport about it
light academia aesthetic, or just soft vibes in general.
they are probably the only artists with a coherent schedule that they keep up on, while still remembering to stay hydrated and function like a normal human being
they lowkey crave structure - the unexpected is not for them
riddles? those have a right and wrong answer - they absolutely hate it when the gryffindor/ravenclaws or ravenclaw/slytherins give an answer that is “technically” right
they probably don’t tell anyone, though
passive-aggression? yep. i can feel them seething from here.
like, they can solve minor problems and can get over bigger ones in time, but if it’s a huge slight, they are never going to let go
and it’s super palpable when they dislike you because they are so kind to everyone else
they probably have a passion for poetry but can’t seem to write any themself
definitely still keep a book of it hidden under their bed, though
and if they are good they vehemently deny it but continue to write anyway
the biggest thing they struggle with is knowing their direction in life - who do they want to be?
abstract thinking is an art form, and these ravenclaws ponder existence in the most intangible ways you’ve ever seen
10/10 lay on the ground and stare at the ceiling for like 3 hours straight
they can vary wildly on the introvert-extrovert scale, but they are never in the middle. extremes only.
you can get close to them out with acts of service - they give so much, please just treat them ONCE
they attach themself to so many people, though. even if they’re an introvert, you’d be surprised with their connections.
they’re so level headed and yet, they can feel so lost
kind of reminds me of 50′s moms who seem perfect on the outside but have existential crises while making a roast in heels
they don’t necessarily want to be “known” - they probably feel like that definition is changing all of the time, so it would scare them to put themself in a box
i guess they’re kind of free spirits - maybe more like the aunt who does yoga with baby goats and collects crystals and pretty shells
they are great at conflict resolution, yes, but don’t expect them to be your therapist (that’s the hufflepuff/slytherin)
they have absolutely no idea when it comes to deep feelings - they barely understand their own
probably paints, tbh, or at the very least loves to go to museums w/ really abstract art.
they actually have the braincell! they keep it a lot of the time and can be stingy with it.
they either wake up really early in the morning or stay up until the sun rises because it gives them “clarity” or something.
they’re definitely the blunt friend who will just say things as they see them
yeah, tact is lost on them
they also love to claim that they “don’t need” people, so they butt heads with the hufflepuff/slytherin and the ravenclaw/hufflepuff a lot
they have quite a bit of stratagem up their sleeve, so people can be weary of them
their attitude does nothing to solve this, but it could also be that the slytherclaw has this idea that flattery gets them nowhere
they are so divisive in their individualism,,, good luck befriending them
but if you do befriend them, you have a powerful friend in your corner.
they are 100% that distant relative that you think hates you but you aren’t sure if that’s just the way they are
but let me tell you a secret,,,, their love language is words of affirmation and if you stroke their ego they’ll grow soft
while slytherclaws may not be very persuasive on their own, they actually work really well in teams. they know everyone’s strengths are are unafraid to take charge and tell people what needs to be done and how
they’re also really good at logical thinking, so you definitely want to be lab partners with this one
and schoolwork? they do it and they take good notes. a really great student
and their ambitions and competitiveness means they are unafraid to go far, and they will do it in style, too
this is the epitome of dark academia. 
and there is very little that is chaotic when it comes to them - the slytherclaw is an excellent planner
maybe they desire more out of life - they never feel like they are quite getting what they want
they are cynical, but they they have such high hopes for this world
when they are let down, they’re not surprised but disenchanted nonetheless
they ponder the meaning of the world and what this world could be far more than they ponder their own life
they tend to see a bigger, more sweeping picture
100% they love the odyssey and definitely think it’s better than the iliad
they adore high fantasy with every fibre of their being and can really get into period dramas
i would say that a gryffindor/ravenclaw would be a good friend for them - we all know a gryffinclaw can talk, and sometimes a slytherclaw just needs to hear someone else’s take on this world
and, of course, it helps when anyone shows appreciation
okay, but they love sweets - chocolate, liquorice, peppermint, caramel... it’s one of the few childish things they allow themself to have.
they are actually relatively quick to trust? the fastest slytherin, actually
they keep their group small, but they get vibes about people and once you show them loyalty they trust you entirely.
i suppose they guess you don’t have any games because they don’t have any
ooh, but if you betray them??? they are a mess, emotionally, and will not hesitate to lash out.
but they are caring in their own way, and will do little things like reminding you to drink water or bringing you toast if you haven’t eaten and it’s very sweet
so i know we have this idea of the slytherin sweetheart, but a slytherpuff is so much more than that
one of their strongest traits is the intersection of ambition and hard work - they will not stop until they are the best (in their mind at least)
it’s almost a petty form of competition. a bit of schadenfreude when they win.
and everyone’s immediate thought is that a hufflepuff/slytherin would be the most trusting slytherins but no.
not even close.
slytherpuffs are guarded at first, while holding a secret soft spot for you in their heart. but they won’t act on it until they are 100% sure you won’t hurt them. they are suspicious, but really want to like people.
it takes a lot to break down their walls, but when you do they already have a steady foundation for your trust to grow on, and it’s the strongest thing in this world
because of this they can often come off as cold or distant, but once you’re in their circle, oh yeah. there’s the hufflepuff qualities you were searching for.
a good contender for the mom friend position, but they aren’t overt enough to be so.
they’re not getting into your business or being slightly invasive like real mom friends, but if you need advice or a hug,,,,, this is the friend to go to.
they’re like the nice aunt. vvv comforting, but only if sought out.
oh, they have the strongest moral code i have ever seen - it cannot be shaken or swayed.
but! it can often go against the rules, so you do have a bit of chaos working beneath the surface.
i 100% believe that their love language is quality time, and most of that can be spent quietly, just sitting in the other’s presence.
i feel like 90% of their conversations is hand gestures or subtle facial expressions, so it make take a while to be able to read them, but it also means they are soooo good at reading other people
seriously, if you need a therapist in the group, this is your person. they know people so well. their intuition is off the charts.
BUT ALSO,,,, their levels of introvertedness are sky high. i feel like this is a given, but they can be in your orbit for 5 months and speak to your twice and think that is a decent amount of exposure.
please get them an extrovert. they need the exposure.
sEcReTS??? this slytherin probably has some, but you have to be like at level 50 to unlock their tragic backstory
they also have academia vibes and do really well in school work, but whether or not it’s dark academia or light academia is disputed. maybe grey academia? (is that a thing?)
they struggle with wanting to be known and yet wanting to hide parts of themself they find unattractive or unwanted
probably feel like they’re pulled in too many directions and overthink their choices just a bit too much.
everyone knows they have the braincell, but whether or not they use it is unsure
it’s so easy for their friends to coax them, they probably give it to someone else and never ask for it back even though they should be in sole custody of it
AND FLUFF ENSUES. (i realize some of these are kind of aggressive, so... vibe check!)
-- taglist: @musicallisto, @theletterhart, @locke-writes, @randomfandomimagine, @brokenandheadoverheels, @timeofmadness, @writerdream22 // message me if you’d like to be added to the taglist!
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pixie88 · 3 years
Making Amends
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Chapter 18 - Always the Bridesmaid.
A/N: I’m going to try and start editing and publishing 2 chapters a week (Next will be out Thursday as we are away this weekend for my LO’s birthday) as I have 6 drafts in ATB and 3 drafts in Addicted to You (Series 2 of ATB) Obviously if you wish to stop reading after series 1 I completely understand just let me know if you like to be untagged. Now offence taken. I hope you like it.
Read previous chapters HERE!
Warnings: Fluff & Little Angst.
Word Count: 2608
Pairings: Laila x Harry
Laila just sat and listened to Zeppy for over an hour "Do you want my honest opinion?" Laila stokes her hair, she nods "I think you need to put yourself first, not your Mum, Dad or even Jade....You! If that means cutting Vicky out of your life then so be it"
She sits up "But Mum...Jade says you should forgive people's mistakes!" Laila hands her a tissue from her dresser "But you can only give someone so many chance. I get she is your Mum, but sometimes we give family more chances than we do anyone else and they expect it" Zeppy sighs knowing Laila is right.
There's a light knock on the bedroom door, Nate pokes his head in "Everything OK?" he asks, Zeppy smiles then looks at Laila "Yeah, Auntie Leia gave me some advice" Laila gets up "Why do you tell your Dad about it? I'm going to head home. If you need me just give me a call" Zeppy nods as Nate walks further into the bedroom "Thanks!" Nate smiles at her.
She says her goodbyes and makes her way home.
A few days later Laila is at work, she has clients back to back. Daniel just sends each one through, she's cleaning her hair clippers when the next client comes over and takes a seat. "Hey, I'll be with you in a minute," she throws over her shoulder not even looking at her client "OK, take all the time you need" he says in a cheery tone.
She knew that voice, they hadn't spoken since the incident in his flat, she turned "Rem? What are you doing here?" he offers her a regretful smile, "I know I had an appointment tomorrow after you finished work, but I didn't think you would turn up, so I rang up the salon booked myself in for today. Plus, I wanted to apologies for how I acted the other day, I was out of line...way out of line! I hope you'll accept my apology and if you feel the need to you can take it out on my hair I will happily accept if it means you will forgive me!"
Laila laughs at him as she throws the gown over him and wrapping her arms around him "Look, I understand you were upset, so there's nothing to forgive!" he smiles up at her in the mirror "Thank god!! I've hated not having you to speak to...You know its hard to get advice when the person you always go to for advice is the one you need advice for! Alec put me in my place soon after you left!"
She laughs, "Rem!! I don't want to know what you get up to!" she jokes making him chuckle. She feels like a weight has been lifted, she has her best friend back. She curious to know what he's going to do about Melissa, but she's too scared to ask because she doesn't want to upset him. "I can see your mind ticking over, I've known you too long to know when your thinking about something"
"Rem...." he smiles, but rolls his eyes, "You want to know what I'm going to do about my mot..I mean Melissa!" he raises a brow at her "I'll meet her, but just once to see what she wants and that's it! Can I ask you something?" she nods at him "Do you think she's serious?" she lets out a breath "She said her friend suddenly died and it made her realise, if that was her...her kids wouldn't be at her funeral. I think she wants just wants a chance. She seemed upset she didn't know you had gotten married. It's weird after I left yours the other day I went to Nate's and while I was there I was trying to convince Zeppy to stop giving Vicky anymore chances"
"Oh? What's happened with Vicky?" Laila shook her head "What's always up with her!"
"Oh, poor Zeppy! Why won't Vicky learn?! She won't stick around if she's on the gear again!" Laila starts trimming his hair "I know, but they say addiction is an illness" Rem's shook her head "We can only hope Zeppy has taken your advice and it makes Vicky realise what she could lose" Laila nod "Hmm..can only hope"
Later that evening.
Laila is putting the finishing touches to her makeup when her buzzer rings. She knew it was Harry, so she buzzes him up and leaves the front door open and runs back to the bedroom to finish up. "Gorgeous?" he calls out "In the bedroom" she calls back.
He pokes his head through the doorway "Are you ready?" he smiles at her "I think so. Do I look OK?" she is wearing a khaki cut off sleeved shirt dress which wasn't long enough to wear without bottoms, so she picked a pair of black trousers and gold and black wedge sandals. "You look perfect," she was nervous he could tell especially considering the last time she had seen Colin and Rose she had called him a miserable old git.
They had made a mends after that, but she still felt incredibly nervous, but this belated birthday meal was Colin's idea. She looks over herself in the mirror one last time, Harry steps behind her, his arm wrapping around her waist and kisses her bare shoulder "No need to be nervous! He knows not to say anything out of line again, but if he does believe me...I won't stand for it" she smiles at his reflection in the mirror before turning in his arms.
"Oh, guess who came into the salon today?!" he knew who by her smile, but he wanted to tease her "Antony Joshua?" she laughs, "No! Rem!" she's beaming "I take it you two have made up then?"
"Yep, all made up!" he kisses the top of her head "Thank god for that," he chuckles "Ready to go?" he asks her "I think so!" he takes her hand and they make their way to the restaurant in Harry's car.
When they get to the restaurant Colin and Rose are already there as they approach the table Laila takes a deep breath "Laila, Harry" Rose gets up from her seat hugging them both "Hi Rose.." "Mum, little too tight!" Harry jokes as she lets go and they all take their seat "Dad" Harry nods at Colin "Colin, Hi!" she smiles "You alright?" he asks them both. "Yeah, thanks, you?" Laila asks her nerves are still going a hundred miles per hour.
"Great! Thanks! How was your birthday? Oh, and Happy belated Birthday!" he says. Laila's thrown he is completely different from the last time they saw him "Happy birthday!" Rose says as she passes over an envelope "Thanks, yeah it was great thanks! Better than I could've imagined" she's cut off by Rose "What did Harry get you?"
Laila's hand automatically goes to her locket, Rose leans over to take a closer look, "Can I open it?" she asks "Yeah, of course" Rose flips it open and coos at the picture "Aww, that is an adorable photo of you both!" Colin leans over to have a look "It's a good one" he comments.
They both sit down "Open your card!" Rose tells her. Opening the envelope and folded up bit of paper falls out, inside it reads:
To Lovely Laila,
Happy Birthday!
We hope you had a great day!
Love Rose & Colin x
P.S. We didn't know what to get you, so we thought this might be nice for you both to enjoy. x
Opening the folded paper its a photo of an old cottage, she looks up at Rose and Colin confused, Harry, take the paper from her to take a closer look, "What's this?" Harry asks his parents "So we didn't know what to get you, so we thought maybe you to might like a free week away in our little cottage in the Cotswold's. Obviously you two can chose any week you want just let us know a few weeks ahead! Harry, don't go telling your brothers or sister!"
"Why?" he chuckles "Because they will all want a week there and I don't trust they won't trash the place" Colin shook his head "I promise we won't trash the place and thank you that's so thoughtful!" the waiter comes over to take their drinks order, Harry leans in close enough so only she can hear "Can't say the same about the bed" he whispers making her blush.
After the starter Rose and Colin are telling them all about their time away in Rome "You have to take Laila there one day!" Rose tells her son. "It's beautiful! Laila, I keep meaning to ask do you cut men's hair?" Colin surprisingly asks her "Yeah, I do"
"She's my hairdresser now" Harry winks at her "Great, do you think you could fit me in?" Colin looks over to her "Erm..yeah, sure when are you free?" She's not sure if this is a joke or not but Colin has done a 360 since the last time. "Weekends probably work out better for me"
She smiles "I work every other Saturday in the salon, but I can come to you if it's easier?" She asks him nervously "3 weeks from now work? At our house?" Laila pulls out her phone that's Saturday is her weekend off "Perfect, any time preference?"
He checks his phone "Shall we say 11 AM then we'll do lunch?" Laila can't quite believe he's asking her to do his hair "Yeah, that would be great!" she's still taken aback by it. Maybe this is him trying to build bridges? She thought.
"Laila?" she hears someone call out from behind him as she looks up, it's Lou, she smiles and gets up to greet her "Lou, how are you?" she asks as she hugs her. Laila's happy that they're at this point.. 6 months ago, Laila could never imagine even looking in Lou's direction, let alone hugging her "Sorry, Louise, this is Rose and Colin, Rose and Colin this is Louise and obviously you've met Harry, they're his parents"
"Oh how lovely to meet you!" Louise smiles "And you!" Rose says as Colin just smiles at her "Laila, you wouldn't mind coming over to our table and saying hello to Steve would you? He'd love to see you!"
"Oh..erm OK!" she looks at Harry "I'll be 2 minutes!" he winks back at her. She felt a bit nervous she hadn't seen Steve in years because she thought it was best to stay away after everything happened considering she might have just let it slip to him out of anger, but now was different she understood why Lou did what she did it. Which was all thanks to Harry, in some ways she had changed for the better because of him, he had made her more forgiving.
Now, instead of blaming her, she gratefully Josh's last day's weren't his worst days. She had seen how cancer can change someone with her Grandad Carelli, he went from running every day with his granddaughter to being to weak too lift a fork.
As they approach the table Steve looks up noticing Laila his face lights up "Laila! Oh wow! It's so good to see you!!" he beams at her.
She smiles back at him.
Back at their table.
Colin looks to where Laila is "Who is this Louise to Laila?" Rose looks over to Harry. He knew what he could and couldn't say, "She's Laila's ex fiancé's Mum" Colin looks shocked "And she's gone over to see him?!" Harry could see his Dad disapproval "No! Steve is his Dad" Rose doesn't know what to say "You're OK with her being friendly with her ex's parents?" Colin almost hisses.
"Yes, I am! Because quite frankly, being jealous of a ghost is a bit ridiculous!" Harry could see the confusion on their face "Laila, ex fiancé died of cancer," he knew he couldn't say anymore than that "Oh god! That poor girl!" Rose is shocked, Colin is speechless "Now can you see why I'm more than happy for her to be friendly with her ex's parents? Even if he was a living ex I would be fine with it because I trust Laila!"
"I can see why...she is a lovely girl" Harry has never heard his Dad say anything like that about any of his girlfriends, but he just put that down to Laila being able to win anyone over because that was the kinda girl she is.
At Lou and Steve's table.
"You know we all missed you after the funeral. You just kinda disappeared" Steve's words make her drown in guilt "Hey! It was hard for all of us Steve, you have to remember she lost someone she was going to marry. We were probably a constant reminder of what she had lost" Louise tries to make excuses for Laila. She's thankful for this "I guess Lou is right! Sorry Laila!"
"You have nothing to be sorry for Steve....honestly, it's like Lou said and to be honest, I needed to grieve by myself," she smiles at him "How are you nowadays?"
"I'm good actually....I'm here with my boy....my boyfriend and his parents," she hated telling him this, but she was already keeping something from him plus surely he didn't expect her never to find anyone after Josh. "Aww, that's sweet! How long have you 2 been together?" he seemed happy for her which was a relief to her "I asked him to be my boyfriend over 2 months ago now" Steve howls "Why doesn't that surprise me! Josh always said if you wanted something you would go out and get it"
She laughs, "He is the first relationship I've had since Josh to be fair!" Lou coos "Does he make you happy?" Lou asks her "You know what he makes me incredibly happy actually," she looks over to Harry, his eyes catch hers and he throws her a wink making her blush. "I'm happy for you! You deserve to be happy...that's all Josh would have wanted for you!" Lou offers her a soft smile.
"Speaking of my boyfriend, I better get back to him! It was lovely seeing you both," she says as she gets up both Steve and Lou hug her.
She makes her way back to Harry and his parents, "Here she is!" Harry smiles and wraps an arm over her shoulder as she sits. The rest of the meal is relaxed and easy.
After they say their goodbyes to his parents, they make their way back to Laila's flat.
When they arrive the front door has been kicked in, worried someone might still be inside Harry tells Laila to call the police and he heads inside. Laila grabs his arm "Harry..."
"Laila, I'll be fine! I just want to check they're not still in there," he pushes the door open and makes his way inside.. he first checks the kitchen, when he hears someone behind him. He spins round, it's Laila holding her handbag like she's about to whack someone "Laila! Go and wait outside!" he whispers "What? and leave you to get attacked? No! Plus I have my bag! Never underestimate a women's handbag!"
"Fine! Just stay close!" he knew there was no point in arguing with her, so he continues to check all the rooms. Each have been ransacked, when they got to the living room on the wall in red spray paint were Cut her out of your life..
Continue reading this story here - Chapter 19.
@ridgy--didge​ @lem-20​ @secretaryunpaid​ @irisofpurple​ @khoicesbyk​ @txemrn​ @tea-me-kah​ @gloriousalmondvoiddreamer​ @casualpostqueen​ @beautifuluknownvoid​
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aneshkablack · 3 years
My second oneshot. I'll hope you like.
First Oneshot: https://isishiwatari.tumblr.com/post/648032827047378944/the-beginning
I published in: 
My first Blog: https://isishiwatari.tumblr.com/post/650480081602592768/divination
FF.net: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13858840/1/Birds-of-a-feather
And in AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/30581456/chapters/75436169
________________________________ Disclaimer: J. K. Rowling and Warner Bros. are owners of Harry Potter/Wizarding World. Jam City is owner of Hogwarts Mystery. I write this fic only for entertainment and leisure.
Finally she become an animagus: an eagle like her wish. She had decided don't register in Ministry of Magic after she heard the Talbott's reason. Isolde thought if the situation with R will continue after she'll graduate of Hogwarts; they could have spies like Voldemort in his Terror Era infiltrated there and could discover she can to transform into a bird. She didn't want give them an advantage over her. By other hand, he could use her gift against them… well, if someday need to spy or to take some of them; when she could know where they hidden.
Talking about Talbott, in their classes they had a little interaction between of both with some comments about the subjects, working together occasionally or had short talks of trivial topics. Divination was the class where they have a better interaction then other classes. And where Isolde discovered other facet of him.
Since she asked for him she only knew he was a good student, intelligent, quiet, liked the solicitude, stayed more time out of Ravenclaw's Common Room, and one time she found him in the owlery when she had to send a letter to her mother, feeding the owls. But with Trewlaney, Talbott was sarcastic, was probably he was regretted to take her subject when they studied here. It was funny he lost his calm when the professor said she was disappointed in him, told him he hadn't the Inner Eye. In some times she couldn't help herself but she smiled softly. Isolde understood his feeling. She didn't believe in the Divination, yet and she thought Trewlaney was a fraud.
Today, November 14th, they were studied the tea grounds, again. It was obvious Talbott was already fed up and she didn't feel well because today was the death anniversary of her dad. But didn't let her friends and others students saw her sadness, trying to give the best in every class.
"You can take your time, Isolde. I don't want to waste the time with the tea grounds". In this time, both was worked together. She was drinking her tea.
"Oh, Talbott, but you lecture could be easy. I mean" she lowered her voice. "Do you remember who am I? You can invent some bad in my searching or the Curse Vaults and Trewlaney will be fascinated with your 'prediction'. For example…" she saw her plate, trying to see a figure of something. "I thought it was a dog. You can tell her the Grim is follow me. Someone wants to kill me. You can add details how I would die" she smiled, but closed her eyes, too.
"Let me see" she gave him her plate. "Well, yes, you're right about the dog and… I'm not sure, a needle and an envelope…"
"About the second thing, news from abroad. Probably my mother. She returned to New York for a meeting of all MACUSA's ambassadors, but I guess she'll say the same thing 'Be a good girl and don't do anything that you'll expel of Hogwarts'. I wish, but the school is in danger, yet and I don't want my friends could hurt" she said in a gloomy tone. "I hope it would real she don't send me anything today".
He didn't say anything. It's probably she had a bad relationship with her mother and seemed she really was worried about the boggarts trouble... like she felt guilty for it. But he didn't ask for it because he didn't bother her. Isolde finally sighed and continued her reading.
"The book said it means an imminent danger. It's obvious, the boggarts and the vault. Well, I let you use your imagination and tell to Trewlaney a bizarre history of my future death".
"Fine, but I don't want to be who predicted your death and every person of Hogwarts could remember me for it or they'll say I killed you indirectly". It's probably he didn't say the best comment, but for any reason he was tried to animate her. Isolde saw him, with her eyebrow raised.
"I thought you don't care what the people says about you."
"It's true but it won't seem well in my curriculum when I want to get a job". He tried mocking. And it could've work, because Isolde was smiled.
"Are you afraid to be my 'messenger of destruction'?" She teased him. Talbott chuckled softly. Since she discovered the meaning of his name, she sometimes took the liberty making comments about it… in special in this class. Talbott didn't stop her, because she was the only who could handle his weird sense of humor. He observed her a few of seconds before to response this:
"Beware, Hiwatari. You shouldn't have so much confidence with people. Or someone could give you a love potion and have a tragic love story". He teased her, too. Talbott had been reading some British legends. One of them was 'The Tragic Romance of Tristan and Isolde'.
"Touché, Winger. I knew you like to read books…"
"Like many Ravenclaws and it's probably you are in that group, too".
"Yes, but I didn't knew you read this legend. My dad read me once this story, but they were in love before they drunk the potion. But finally both die unhappy and far each to other. My dad told me about the love potions, and even the Princess Isolde drunk it with the King Mark, she never fell in love with him and prevented me I never should use it to force someone to love me, because I could have a worst pain that them plus the person I would bewitch they could hate me for all my life". She shook her head. "Sorry. I'm afraid to bother you while I was yapping like a puppy".
"You talk so much, it's true. But I'm getting used to it. You do this class less boring when we work together".
"I'm not sure if I take that as a compliment or an insult".
"You should live with the doubt, Isolde".
"Well, you'll die soon for a bad brewing love potion, after you received a package from your mother who stays in The United States, but really is of one of your enemies". He said, ignored her and wrote in his scroll.
"Did you see you can make a fake prediction?" she giggled.
"I never had told you I couldn't. Only I don't want to waste my time in this. But finally I did". He told her. "And you needed to get a conversation, even if it was a random topic". She was surprised. "I don't ask you, because it's probably you don't want to talk about the real reason with me".
'You aren't Rowan and I don't want bother you with my thoughts and feelings, even I feel comfortable with you. But we're in class and I don't want all to know how I'm'. She though, while smiled him.
Isolde thought was better to avoid tell him. After all, she wasn´t sure they're friends, even Talbott trusted her he was an animagus and the story about his family. He could called her 'a friend' in that time, but their relation it was more like classmates get along between them. More from him than hers.
"Well, it's a miracle you and me take a long talk". She teased him, again.
"You said it. Probably don't success again…" he gave his plate. "Now, it's your turn to use your creativity for your 'prediction', Isolde".
"Okay, do you want a tragedy in specific?"
"I said you could use your creativity". The girl tried to see any form in his plate.
"Well… I see an eagle…"
"I know. Don't say anything of your gift. I try to invent some of it. A travel, maybe?" She saw the next form. "I think it's a hand" she read in her book. "It said 'a friend could have a trouble and need your help soon'. Has Penny brew a new potion?"
"No, even I know."
"It's better than my tea grounds. 'You'll have to help a friend in a terrible disgrace, you need to travel, where you could have an accident".
"If you say her it would be mortal, she'll like it".
"Okay". She wrote in her parchment. "Did you fly in a broom once time?"
"Well, I prefer to fly by myself, but better you put I used one. It could be more credible than I tried to do by myself".
When she finished it, Trewlaney went to their table. She took the Talbott's scroll, reading a loud in all classmates, crying and overreacting about the "Isolde's tragic destiny". The girl wasn't surprised, rolling her eyes. The Professor always used to her saying Hiwatari will die soon since they had their first class.
"Oh Mr. Winger, finally you're connect with the Inner Eye". Isolde controlled herself to laugh in front Trewlaney, but tried to be serious. "What did you write, Miss Hiwatari?" she asked her while she token her scroll. "Oh Mr. Winger, you'll have a terrible destiny, too. I've never had a two students in the same table could have a worst future in the only session".
"Didn't you have before? It's a surprise!" Talbott said ironically. The bell rang and the class had finished. When they were in the hall, Isolde started to laugh aloud and couldn't stop herself.
"Should I worry for you?" he said, raised his eyebrow.
"You shouldn't. I'm sorry but really can't stop me to laugh more time".
"You have a weird humor, Isolde. I mean, you laughed for your death predictions".
"It's like the pot calling the kettle black, Talbott. You have a same sense of humor like me. Do you remember once time you say Trewlaney you'll die by a pirate? And I don't worry about your prediction. Don't be offended, but you're the worst in the Divination class."
"Hey! Are you the pot or the kettle in this time, Hiwatari?" he raised his eyebrow. She only laughed again.
"I think I'm the pot, Winger. Like Liz, I have a seer in my family, but sadly I can't make any prediction. And I don't believe in this after all, but I tried to give an opportunity taking Trelawney's class. It didn't work. Probably I will leave the subject if I fail in my Divination OWL. By the way, can I ask you why did you take this class?"
"No, you can't".
"Ah…" she was a little disappointed, but she didn't say nothing. He saw her.
"Don't be offended, Isolde but we don't know each other well enough to we could talk about our private lives. It's very personal". He explained her, but seemed he messed it up more for her facial expression in this moment. "What did I say to hurt her? I only told her the truth." He thought.
"I understand". She smiled while at him while closing her eyes. She didn't wanted he noticed she was a little hurt. Talbott was confused with her change of humor, but there was something he didn't like in her grin. "By the way, I thank you. You tried to cheer me up today, or I hope that was your intention". She said, without looking at him when she opened her eyes.
"Yes, it was on purpose. I repeat you, I don't ask what happened with you before our classes. Not only in Divination, but you looked less like you today, even you tried to show all your friends everything was fine. I think only me and Khanna noticed it". She saw him face to face, without being able to hide her surprise. "I don't know if is because we share the same gift, but I don't dislike you".
"…" she didn't response, yet.
It was true Rowan knew what happened with her, because Isolde told her about her family when they were in first year. This day Rowan had been more close to her than usually do. But they separated the last hour because she took Arithmancy; and Isolde, Divination. Talbott, by other hand, how could he see her sadness? It was probably she trusted him more than she thought to let her guard down when they were together.
"Isolde!" Rowan interrupted them. She didn't waste time and reunited with them. "Are you fine?" she saw Isolde first, but Rowan noticed Talbott was here, too. "Hello, Winger".
"Khanna". He replied her. They walked to Great Hall.
"Don't worry Rowan. I'm fine. Talbott and I were talking about how horrible was the divination class, today. I feel better thanks to him".
"What was happened?"
"The usual, Trelawney said we will die soon, for our tea grounds and our 'predictions' when working together". Talbott responded.
"I'm so glad to take Arithmancy. I don't want every session someone told me I will die". She stopped, to see the boy. "We?"
"I mean, both of us received bad fatal predictions, but Isolde and I were guilty to invent them, after all". Talbott said. "I'm regretting to take this subject. It's boring to read every class the tea grounds and I don't interest in palmistry neither the crystal ball reading".
"Why do you leave it?" Rowan ask him.
"Well, I'll leave of Divination in June. I don't want to give up before the scholar year ends".
"I'll miss you, then". Isolde spoken. Rowan saw her, raised her eyebrow but she didn't said anything. "I mean, I like to share time with you in Divination, even we're the worst Trelawney's students".
The boy was surprised for those words, but didn't response to her. Talbott saw her a little before he stopped himself. Finally they'd arrived The Great Hall.
"Talbott, could you join us to dinner, please?" Isolde asked him.
"I'm sorry. Don't mean you bother me but I prefer to eat alone than in the Great Hall. I'll take something and I'll return to Ravenclaw's tower".
"Oh… I understand. Well, I'll see you later, I guess… And, thank you again. You made feel better today". She smiled.
The two girls entered to Great Hall, sitting down near to the Teacher's table. Isolde put in her plate some beef and mashed potatoes. When she put the gravy on her meal, Rowan spoken:
"Winger and you get along, eh Isolde? It's very strange Winger talk with someone isn't Penny… even she told me is difficult to make he say anything".
"I think he talked with me because I seemed sad in our class. It's probably I couldn't hidden more time and he saw it. It was a nice thing he did. Even he didn't ask me the reason I felt bad". She started to eat.
"I don't think so…" Rowan ate her meal and drunk her pumpkin juice. "Did you tell him anything?"
"No. Even I feel comfortable with him, I can't trust him like you, yet. And I know the My Dad's Dead Anniversary isn't a secret, but I don't want the people see me with shame… or someone use to bully me. And I don't want bother him with my problems eve he told me few weeks ago, we were friends… but I'm afraid we aren't close one each other".
"Do you want he would be your friend?" Rowan asked, curious. The blue-haired girl was in silence a few of minutes before responded her:
"Yes, I wish he would be my friend. But I don't want to force him if he refuses my friendship. But I think it's easier to break the curse of the boggarts and the vault than he permit someone be close with him". She continued to eat. Rowan only raised her eyebrow.
"Why do you want befriend with him, Isolde?"
"Because I want to be myself with him like I'm with you, Rowan. It's a weird reason, isn't?"
"No. You and I are friends for this reason. We can be weirdos together". She chuckled.
They finished to eat and returned to the Ravenclaw's Tower. Rowan thought about Isolde's wish. She had heard about Talbott and she was a witness he preferred the solicitude before had friends. Even with Penny, who was the only friend he had, he didn't stayed with her. But with Isolde, she felt something different. Talbott was likely in a tug-of-war with Isolde: He debated whether to accept Isolde's friendship or not. Probably he had a reason, however Rowan could bet he was afraid someone could break his barriers. Like Isolde every time she met a new person.
Phoenix's nest
I wrote the second oneshot. In this time, after Isolde transformed into an animagus, in divination class. I know in the game we take divination until sixth year, but I was based more to HP canon. And I have the headcanon Rowan token Arithmancy. Talking about her, she observed how the relationship between Isolde and Talbott born and how grow in the next years. She knew there are only a friendship. By the way, thank you @whatwouldvalerydo for the favorite in FF.net.
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2020 overview: writing edition 
Tagged by the loveliest and kindest of friends, @momentofmemory​. 
I’m not tagging anyone because I’ve not been around and am sure most have done this by now, but if you’re reading this and you’ve not been tagged and would like to participate please say I tagged you! <3 
1. List of works published this year 
The Kid Really is Smitten (Peter & Happy, Peter/MJ. 233) Nightmares and New Beginnings (May & Peter. 733)  Normal Teenager Stuff (May & Peter. 5+1, 1.8k)  Breaking a Promise (May & Peter, May & Tony. 3.3k) Carry Me (Morgan & Happy. 1.2k)
Fictober 2020 Series  * Works around 1k+ include:  Somebody to Talk To (May & Karen. 1.8k) Fireproof (Happy & Peter. 904) Flight Conversation (MJ & Peter. 967) Incalculable Worth (Ben & Peter. 2.8k) Regrets (May & Peter. 1.2k) A Nice Peaceful Afternoon (Mr. Harrington and the AcaDec kids. 3k) 
Knowing (Peter/MJ, May & MJ. 2.5k)  Forever Ours (May & Peter, May/Ben. 3.8k)  2. Work you are most proud of (and why)
I think it would have to be Incalculable Worth from my Fictober series. I’m forever disappointed in the Ben Parker erasure of the MCU and had been wanting to give him the respect he deserves. Most of this fic came to me much more quickly than my typical writing inspo (that Fictober deadline magic!), and even though I still have things I might change about the final product, I’ve never been so pleased with a fic’s result and reception. Several lovely people stumbled across this fic on Ao3 and left kind comments about how moved they were, which makes me think that I did what I set out to do! 
3. Work you are least proud of (and why)
This would be Nightmares and New Beginnings. I just think it’s weird. I was so new to fic when I wrote it and was feeling experimental one night. I normally write quite slowly and edit a lot, but the idea for this one came to me after midnight and I published the fic before 2am. I hated it when I woke up and nearly deleted it. Two months later, as I was beginning to post Fictober on Ao3, I almost deleted it once again. The words of one extremely kind commenter saved it from destruction, however, so it’s still there! 
4. A favorite excerpt of your writing 
This is going to be hard for me because I don’t actually enjoy my writing for its composition! I like the concepts and character interactions a lot but I’m not terribly proud of my actual writing ability yet. 😬 
My favorite thing I’ve written lately is the ending to Forever Ours, my new fic about May and Ben adopting Peter, but I don’t want to put it here because it might be a very minor spoiler. 
So here’s a little section of Trust, my last Fictober ficlet. I liked it because May’s inner turmoil over Peter’s Spider-Man life is one of my absolute favorite things to write about. 
What troubles her most is this: whatever is out there, whoever he’s fighting—they won’t know he is fifteen. That he’s a child. That he loves Legos, and Star Wars, and science puns, and Mathletes. But what can she say? 
He’s not asking for permission. He’ll do this no matter what she says, and they both know it. 
He is asking for her blessing.
5. Share or describe a favourite review you received
This review meant so much to me! This lovely commenter read multiple May and Ben Parker fics and it was so nice to find that I’m not the only one who wants more of the Parker family than what we get in the MCU. It made me feel like my niche writing wasn’t of interest to me and me alone after all. :) 
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6. A time when writing was really, really hard
Halfway through Fictober, I lost one of the most important people in my life. It was devastating. Writing was nice about 90% of the time, and actually a nice distraction that helped me take a break from the grief. But sometimes it wasn’t, sometimes it felt impossible, and that was when I’d just skip writing or posting and wait until it would serve me again. (So I finished Fictober a little later than I wanted to, but I have 0 regrets about that.) 
7. A scene of characters you wrote that surprised you
I only wrote one thing that wasn’t an MCU Spidey fic, and that was Carry Me with Morgan and Happy. I wasn’t expecting to write it at all, and it’s not one of my favorite finished fics, but I really enjoyed the process. 
8. How did you grow as a writer this year
I grew by writing fic for the first time! My job for the majority of this year involved a lot of nonfiction copywriting, so I’m an experienced writer, but I had no idea what writing would be like outside my “professional life.” I’m glad I tried it! 
9. How do you hope to grow next year
I’m hoping to finish and publish a longer (for me) fic! I’m currently working on Penance, a fic about MCU Spidey’s origins and Uncle Ben’s influence. It should be at least 6-7k by the time I’m finished. I know that is actually short, but I haven’t even cracked 4k yet 😂 Longer fics stress me out because I don’t feel confident enough in my ability to tie together so many words, and I also can’t come up with plots to save my life. So this will be a stretch for me and I am looking forward to it! 
10. Who was your greatest positive influence this year as a writer (could be another writer or beta of cheerleader or muse etc. etc.)
This is, without question, @momentofmemory​. For so many reasons. (Sorry in advance for how rambly this will get, my friend.) 
Mem’s writing (particularly this May fic that is perfection and no I will never stop rec’ing it til the day I die thank you) is to blame/thank for getting me into fic in the first place. I’d been here in the Spidey fandom on Tumblr but I didn’t trust fanfic because I’d seen my most beloved characters shoved to the side/killed off in too many stories. I began 2020 hating all fanfic tbh. But then I read Mem’s captivating masterpieces (like this, the greatest one-shot!) and opened my heart to fic that celebrates the worlds I love! 
Mem is the kindest human ever. She read ALL of my Fictober works and left the kindest comments that made my heart soar. Knowing that my favorite author had taken the time to read all of that motivated me to write more than anything else has this year! 
Sometimes, when I was trying to write fic but felt burned out or uninspired, I’d go and read Mem’s writing. Her prose is divine, her dialogue is realistic, her characters and their relationships are so well thought-out--her work inspires me! I’d read it and feel excited by the ways that we can use our words to create beautiful things, and though I’m not anywhere near her level, I do think that reading her work has made me a better writer. 
Bonus positive influence: @i-lovethatforme​! Jess, thank you for being the world’s best cheerleader, for being endlessly kind and supportive, and for being my first ever beta in November. I go back and read your wonderful comments whenever I’m doubting myself. You’re an absolute gem and ilysm ❤
11. Anything from real life show up in your writing this year?
Yep. Regrets is about grief, and I was grieving pretty heavily when I wrote it. Peter’s regrets didn’t necessarily mirror mine, but writing it was still a cathartic experience. 
12. Any new wisdom you can share with other writers
Write what you want to write! Since I don’t do IronDad or smut, I wasn’t sure if anyone in the MCU Spidey fandom would be interested in my work. I thought briefly about trying to write based on what I thought people would read, but I decided against it. I enjoy writing platonic friendships and family fic more than anything else, so that’s what I publish most. I write what I want to write, and it’s made me so happy! 
13. Any projects you’re looking forward to starting (or finishing) in the new year?
I have a few things I’m excited about! I’ve got some Spideychelle ficlets that might be a series. They’ll focus on Peter and MJ after coming back from The Blip, featuring MJ trying to ignore her crush and Peter developing a crush. The other is Penance, the MCU Spidey origins/Ben Parker story. 
14. If you could recommend only one work from yourself published this year
I think I’d say Knowing, my fic about Peter/MJ that’s more about MJ & May bonding. I just love these two women with all my heart, and I’m proud of the way this one turned out because I think it honors both of them pretty solidly.  
15. End of Year word count
36,625 words! It’s not a lot in comparison to other writers but it’s a huge accomplishment for me! 
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lucidpantone · 3 years
Hi :) Idk whether you're the right person to ask but I like your blog and asks and you're quite popular so I think it may get more attention. Here's the thing. In my real life I have never met anyone with depression/bipolar disorder (that I know of). So my experience/knowledge is very much based on the internet/movies/TV and well, SKAM and its remakes. I am aware that SKAM doesn't portray MI 100% real because it's still a show (or at least I think so, dont quote me on that!). However. Recently, I stumbled upon an interview somewhere on the news with a psychiatrist about bipolar disorder. She said she has been working with many patients with it. And she said that bipolar is not really manic vs depression. She said (and claimed that ALL of her many patients agreed with her) that bipolar looks like this: 94% of time severe depression, 3% mania, 3% 'normal' life. I have to admit that this really shook me. And I think you will agree it's a completely different scenario that SKAM or wtfock or SKAM France portrayed. I'd love to hear your opinion and also I'd be very grateful if you published this so more people who have more experience/knowledge on the subject can speak out too. Thank you! 😊😊😊
hey!(disclaimer this is super long) So funny enough I can kinda help answer some of this anon from my own experience but not from a medical experience or from the experience of the person who suffers from bipolar disorder. I have commented before that my roommate of 2.5 years has bipolar disorder and tho we don’t live together anymore living with him I got to experience first hand what those ups and downs that the Even character talks about 1st hand. Take into mind MI’s manifest differently for everyone no one manifestation will be the same. For example a study ran by a psychiatrist examining a sample group of people living with Bipolar you need to closely exam the participants. Are these participants homeless? or come from unstable families or environments? Then a continuous state of manic depression is also being influenced by environment. Environment plays a big part in how an MI impacts you. Why do you think routine is so essential for a lot of people, it creates stability so without knowing the nuances of the study I would just take that study as one of many studies and ultimately try to consume a large number of research findings to form the most informed opinion. Ok so personally from my experience living with my old roommate no he was not always depressed or suffering from an episode. I would say for the most part he was a functioning adult but yes they were aspects of his bipolar that effected his normal life. My old roommate was diagnosed at 17 when we moved in together he was 30. So he knew his disease really well. My old roommate was also an avid recreational drug user but he would not mix his meds and party stuff. He knew better by 30 as he had done that a lot in his 20′s and came to realize thats when he lost control. 
So for the most part this was the routine of my roommate’s MI he would be good for awhile and take his meds and everything would be fine for the most part.Then he would decide to stop taking his meds usually it was triggered by a festival/concert in town or something along those lines. Then he would never get back on his meds this would last for a little while and then he would spiral. My roommate was very aware that without his meds it wouldn't take long to start exhibiting signs to the point that I could tell when something was off. Yes the manic episodes were irrational and disorganized but my roommate was pretty harmless to anyone else manic he was just super high on life for example he woke me up at 2am once because he just “needed” to go for a run. Or he brought a white school chalk board because he would get these urges to write on our walls and his gf would freak so he brought this chalk board and put it on the wall and when he was manic he would go to town. He also wanted to spend money like crazy. Luckily he was a trust fund kid so he had it but he would go in and buy a ton of shit he didn't need. Now when he was down its was different sometimes he was down because the recreational drugs would exhaust his brain and then all hell would break loose coupled with the bipolar.I wasn’t sure if he was manic or just down off synthetics or a bit of both. I did witness an organic depressive episode once tho and for my roommate he would get really nasty. Like say shit that was super hurtful to get under your skin and also he would hate anything and everything and god forbid you said something like its a “pretty day” he would be like “I hate this day. f*** the sun”. It would usually be a 2 week down period but the most intense portions of his episodes were only a 2-4 days because then my roommate would cave and call his therapist (he has been in therapy his whole adult life) and they would create a new “plan” and that means his meds. It would take about two weeks for the meds to finally regulate him and then he would be fine. A lot of my roomies episodes were self induced because he would stop his meds but when he was on meds he was fine he had moments he was blue but nothing he couldn't manage. So personally I would say every 6 months for two weeks he would experience an episode but once again it was self induced. Also my roommate was 100% responsible for triggering himself at times via his partying. He is not an idiot he knows the consequences he has had bipolar since he was 17 he knows how his brain works(he is highly aware that he is someone that will live medicated for the entirety of his life) I just think human nature gets the best of us sometimes. However I will say my roommate is one of my closest friends. I love that kid. He is married now and just had a kid. He doesn't party anymore but you know organically he will one day have an episode but for the most part once you live with him you sorta of get use to it. Its just something that happens every few months. So just plan ahead and learn to communicate a lot but once again my roommate is 30 he doesn't hide his bipolar he owns it he will even tell new friends like “hey one day I may be acting weird its probably my bipolar flaring up” (like its fucking allergies or something) but he is so use to it by now he has been living with his diagnoses so long. So you just know as his friend that eventually you will catch him during a time when it’s flaring up. Also for me I got to know him well enough I also knew when it was happening. They are signs but once again for the most part we just lived day by day like normal as long as he took medication. Oh and for my roommate personally he has only ever experienced 2/3 “dark” episodes meaning he checked himself in for his own personal safety. I hope this long explanation helps!
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leahxx129 · 4 years
Heaven’s on Fire (Castiel x Reader)
This is my submission to the talented @lettersofwrittencollective​ ‘s 1K Celebration challenge. Congrats once more! :))
I had this idea in the back of my mind for quite a while now and her challenge came as a heavenly sign to write & publish it, so here we go. My prompt can be found in bold in the text. I hope you all enjoy it! :) Oh, and if you want to listen to the song mentioned in the fic, you can do that here.
Disclaimer: Tumblr is being weird again so if you’re using the app, the ‘Keep Reading’ cut off line may not be visible inspite of the fact that I always insert one.
Summary: You’ve successfully managed to get off the grid but thanks to your best friend, the one person you wish to see the least finds you and reveals a surprising truth. Will it be enough to bury the hatchet though? 
Warnings: angst, cursing, mentions of sex
Word count: 2.790-ish
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You are tapping your fingertips against your glass as you watch the ice cubes slowly melt and dissolve in the bourbon. Is this your second? Or third? You have no idea. And frankly, you don’t even give a damn.
This Friday night is just like any other in the past year – you find a bar, have a few drinks… sometimes you leave alone, sometimes you don’t. It depends on your mood and on how attractive the person trying to get in your pants is. Truth be told though; you haven’t been so picky lately as you’ve realized that when you close your eyes, they all look just like him.
You’ve been here for about an hour now and only two candidates have summoned the courage to approach you but sadly, none of them measure up to your lowered standards. You roll your eyes in annoyance and down what’s left of your drink. Just as you’re about to get up and leave, another bourbon is placed on the small round table in front of you. Your look of disapproval soon turns into bewilderment as your eyes travel to the face of your server.
“Feathers?” you blurt out and despite your best efforts, the pet name sounds more like a question than a statement.
A faint smile is playing in the corner of his mouth.
“It’s been a while since I heard that one.”
Castiel sits down across you and takes a sip from the booze he got for himself. Hundreds of questions are racing through your mind and you’re having a hard time deciding which one to ask first.
“Which one of those asshats sold me out?” you eventually settle on one. Around the apocalypse situation back in 2010, the angel branded your ribs with the spell that keeps people off the celestial radar, too, so he couldn’t have found you all by himself.
“Assuming you are referring to the Winchesters, it was Sam.”
“Should’ve thought so…” you say dryly. “When I texted him my location, I thought I made it clear that I’m only available in case of emergencies. “
“I sort of tricked him into believing this was an emergency.” he admits, and you can’t believe what you’re hearing.
“What do you want, Cas?”
“I wanted to see you, Y/N.” your name rolls off his tongue the softest way possible. “When I was sent back to Earth from the Empty, I was perplexed not to find you in the bunker.”
“Yeah, well, I needed some space and a breath of fresh air.”
“A thousand miles away from there? From me?” he adds the last part reluctantly.
“You do not have the right to guilt-trip me, okay? If anything, I should be doing that to you…”
He draws his eyebrows together in confusion.
“I do not understand.”
Of course he doesn’t... You try to blink them away but a couple of hot teardrops stream down your face, nevertheless. He instinctively grabs your hand you’ve been resting on the table and squeezes it.
“Please look at me.”
Every fiber in your body is protesting because once you look into those ocean eyes, he wins… but you comply anyway.
“Explain?” he murmurs.
You hear the appeal leave his lips but all you can concentrate on is the way his fingers are pressing yours. It conjures the memory of the very first time you held hands...
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You finished applying lipstick and checked your complete makeup in the review mirror. A sophisticated trophy wife was staring back at you, which meant that you accomplished your goal. You silently thanked the Lord Sam and Dean weren’t with you because you would never hear the end of their mockery.
“Okay, I’m done. Tell me, Feathers, how do I look?” you turned to Castiel who’d been riding shotgun before you parked your dark blue 1970 Ford Fairlane in the church’s parking lot.
“Uhm, you look lovely, Y/N, although you do not quite resemble your everyday self.”
You raised an eyebrow.
“For the sake of this mission I’m going to take that as a compliment.”
“It was meant to be one.”
You shrugged then proceeded to give him a once-over.
“Well, you look dashing as always, but I suggest losing the trench coat. It doesn’t suit the occasion and we certainly don’t want to raise Father Milton’s suspicion. If he senses something is off, he’ll never lead us to his angel-hearing daughter.”
He appeared torn for a minute.
“But my angel blade is in my trench coat. If I leave it in your car and things take a turn for the worse, what will I use for protection?”
You pulled your chiffon skirt up, revealing a .45 Hardballer attached to your thigh. His eyes followed your abrupt movement but as soon as he realized where his gaze landed, he looked away. If you weren’t imagining, he even blushed a little.
“As long as we’re dealing with humans, this shall do.” you pulled the skirt back down. “Now c’mon. We need to find this Anna girl before the demons do.”
You both got out of the car and walked to the church’s entrance but before you went in, you adjusted his tie.
“Okay, Castiel, remember… we are Mr. and Mrs. Novak, expecting our first child, and we are here to see the girl who hears the angels so she could bless our baby.”
“I still believe this is a ridiculous cover story.” he commented.
“They’re religious people, they’re gonna buy it, trust me.”
With that, you took his right hand and laced your fingers with his. He almost yanked his arm away - you could tell from the little twitch you felt – but stopped himself from doing so.
“What are you doing, Y/N?”
“We have to make our cover realistic and this is one way to do that. Relax a bit, would you? You’re stiffer than a stick…”
“What you’re saying is not humanly possible for my vessel, but I suppose I perceive the insinuation.”
You rolled your eyes at his awkwardness and pushed the church door wide open.
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The memory makes you smile and when you look up to his face, you see him replicating your expression. He must’ve been reminiscing about the same thing.
You pull your hand from his grip and first you swallow your glass of bourbon, then his, too, not minding the puzzled look he gives you. You need all the liquid courage you can get.
“You want an explanation? Here you go!” you reply, feeling the warmth of alcohol spreading through your body. “I simply cannot be in your immediate proximity anymore, Cas, I just can’t! I have no idea when these feelings for you developed exactly, but they did. And every single time you sacrificed yourself for the greater good over the years, I died a little inside… which is crazy, because you’ve never seemed to be interested in me like that… So, when Lucifer killed you for the second time, that was the last straw. I couldn’t keep breaking my own heart for somebody who just sees me as a really close friend with occasional benefits. I had to get away in order to piece myself back together.”
He sighs your name passionately and the next second he leans over the table, gently captures your chin between his thumb and index finger and locks his lips with yours.
You’re not sure what amazes you more – the fact that he’s kissing you or the scene that starts outlining in your mind.
You remember the place that comes to life in your head. It’s the higher scale pub where you had your farewell drinks at with the Winchesters, Bobby and Cas the night before Sam let Lucifer wear him to the prom. Not counting the five of you and the bartender, the joint was empty - courtesy of the angel’s heavenly persuasion technique applied on the bouncer so he wouldn’t let anyone else in. 
But something isn’t quite right…this is not your memory. 
It’s Castiel’s, you realize.
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Cas, Bobby and Dean were sitting around a table, the latter raising a hand to order another round of the most expensive scotch the place served. The world was ending, saving a few dollars on cheap drinks seemed utterly pointless. You and Sam were attempting to dance to an overrated pop song a few tables over, laughing whole-heartedly throughout the process. With a little liquor in his veins the man was a real talent on the dancefloor – or at least that’s what he thought.
“You do realize, Dean, that a few glasses of alcohol will not numb me to the point where I would forget what is ahead of us, right?” Cas inquired but before Dean had the opportunity to come up with a comeback, Bobby jumped in.
“They might not numb you but they’re sure as hell working for me!” he said as he took a sip from his newly arrived quality booze.
“All I’m missing is a hot babe on my laps...” Dean added “What do you guys say, shall we get ourselves some fun female company?”
“I do not know about Bobby, but it is a pass from my side.” Cas replied indifferently then averted the topic, asking what he’d been dying to know all night. “Why are Y/N and Sam dancing so close to each other? Their bodies are touching. Is there… is there something romantic between them?”
Dean and Bobby exchanged a curious glance.
“Cas… are you… jealous?” Dean chose his words carefully and asked in a tone only the three of them could hear.
“I don’t know, honestly. Emotions are a novelty to me.”
“Okay…how do you feel when you see them dancing that close?” Bobby tried approaching the topic differently and succeeded.
“I do not like it. I feel like it is wrong. I would like to be the one that close to her. But apparently, she is completely content with Sam’s proximity.”
“There’s nothing romantic between them, Cas.” Dean declared. “They used to date when they were high schoolers, but that’s it. They’re not an item anymore. So, go get your shot with her while you still can.” there was a short silence, but he continued “Man, my little brother must know something… I mean, staying friends after a breakup? I’m a ladies’ man and not even I can do that!”
“Enough of the bragging, idjit! Order another round instead, would ya? I’m still thirsty…” Bobby scoffed and downed the remainder of his drink.
The rest of the night went by fast. In the end, Bobby and Dean had to drag a very drunken Sam out of the bar as his own legs failed to support him. You returned from the restroom to find Castiel all alone.
“Hey, Feathers… were you waiting for me?” you asked with the sweetest smile he had ever seen and suddenly his heart began beating faster.
“Yes. As a matter of fact, I was. I’d like to talk to you about something.”
“Go on…”
Instead of phrasing his thoughts, he just cupped your face and kissed you. After a short while you were the one to break the interaction and he instantly felt embarrassed, so he uttered the very first thing that came to his mind.
“Thank you, Y/N, for being such a great friend. I deeply appreciate it.”
“Uhm, you’re welcome, I guess…Is there anything else you wanted to share or…?”
“No, we can leave. The others are waiting outside.”
He knew he screwed up. He had his chance and he totally blew it. But the worst part was that he had no idea how to make it right.
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The flashback ends as Cas leans away and your eyes flutter open.
“You… you had a crush on me?”
“Ever since I met you, Y/N.”
“Then why didn’t you tell me?”
“Because I was convinced that a fierce, beautiful woman such as yourself could never accept a frail underdog such as myself to be by her side.”
His confession startles you immensely and you need a few seconds to collect your thoughts.
“You’re an idiot, Feathers.”  
“So I’ve been told.”
You both chuckle and this time it’s your turn to kiss him.
“There’s so much we need to catch up on…” you whisper against his lips, but he frowns, making you regret your words immediately.
“Uhm, we can’t just yet… first, there’s something I need to take care of.”
“What’s that?”
“I can’t tell you.”
“Can’t or won’t?”
Funny how a four-letter word can hurt even more than any physical injury you have ever obtained during your career as a hunter.
“I see.”
“Don’t. Just leave, please.”
A flutter of wings indicates he complies with your wish. You call a taxi to take you to the motel you’re staying at as you’ve had enough to drink and don’t want to risk crashing the Fairlane. You are not in the mood for small talk, and sensing this, your driver turns up the volume on the radio. Heaven’s on Fire by KISS blasts through the speakers and it evokes the memory you associate with it.
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Sometimes you just needed to take a break from hunting for the sake of your sanity and the estate in the Nebraskan countryside your grandma had willed you a couple of years prior proved to be an excellent safe haven. So consequently, when the Winchester found a very much so human Castiel, it wasn’t even a question where to hide him from the community of pissed off fallen angels.
On a particularly humid afternoon, you finished working on your car and took a quick shower to get rid of all the dirt and oil sticking to your skin. Having only a towel on, you proceeded to the kitchen with the intention of pouring yourself a glass of wine. Cas insisted on doing the grocery shopping, so you were all alone. Suddenly, Heaven’s on Fire by KISS started playing on the radio.
“God, I love this song!” you exclaimed and took a sip from your glass.
“I must say your taste in music is quite similar to Dean’s.” a voice spoke up behind you, making you jump.
You turned to see the ex-angel standing in the door with huge bags in his arms. He was back early.
“Jesus, Feathers, don’t sneak up on me like that! I almost threw my drink in your face and this shit is expensive! Every ounce of it should be treasured not wasted.” you scolded him.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you it’s just… I just…” he was visibly struggling to express himself, but his gaze told you more than his words ever could as he slowly dragged it all over your body, examining every curve along the way.
“You’ve never seen a woman in a towel, have you?” you asked, not being able to suppress a smile.
“Only once in a movie about a pizza man.” he admitted shyly.
“A pizza man?” you furrowed your brows but soon enough you remembered the story about this. ”Oooh, I get it. In that case... put the groceries on the counter.”
He appeared a bit confused but did as instructed anyways. When he turned back to your direction, you undid the knot on your towel and let it pool around your legs.
“Now, I want you to show me what you learnt from that pizza man.”
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“Are you okay, lady?” the driver asks, turning the volume down a bit and you realize you’ve been crying.
“Uhm, yes… I’m fine. Thank you for asking.” you reply while wiping your eyes.
You roll down the window and let the cool air dry your wet cheeks. This is the last time you allow yourself to be devoured by sorrow because of Castiel. Tomorrow you’ll retrieve the Fairlane and get gone, not leaving a trace you can be found upon.
Cas on the other hand goes back to Lebanon, Kansas, and roams the streets for hours. Eventually he stops in front of two liquor stores adjacent to each other. He wants to make up for all those years you two lost, he really does… but getting together with you would mean the world’s greatest happiness to him and that’s when the Shadow from the Empty would come and drag him back to the land of eternal slumber. He needs to find a way to defeat the Shadow first and then he’ll look for you. But until then there is one choice to make – which one of these liquor stores should he drink to numb the ache in his chest? Maybe both.
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sserpente · 4 years
24 little kinks | Christmas Requests are now open! 🎄☃
“You remember that chocolate advent calendar I got you for December?”
“I do,” Loki chuckled and pressed a tender kiss to your temple. “You made me display it in the kitchen so I would not eat all of the chocolates inside at once.”
Your smile widened. “How about we get another one?”
He raised an eyebrow at you, only now paying proper attention to the sex toy ad. Then, he frowned. It was an odd mixture of disgust, genuine curiosity and even a hint of arousal flashing in his blue eyes.
“I hardly need… toys to satisfy your needs, neither do you need any to satisfy mine. You are not… unchallenged when we are in bed together, are you, sweet one? Because I can ensure you, I can change that in a heartbeat…” He threatened teasingly. His cool lips brushed against your neck, leaving behind a trail of goose bumps on your sensitive skin.
“No… of course not… but experimenting with sex toys can be a lot of fun?”
You almost giggled to yourself despite your growing excitement. You had never actually taken Loki to a sex shop. That should be really interesting; and besides, you had been imagining him tying you up and blindfolding you countless times already. The God of Mischief made no secret out of his dominance, hunger and godly stamina in bed and he had not just once forced you into so many orgasms you had nearly passed out from all the breath-taking pleasure. So why not take it up a notch?
“You intend to buy an advent calendar full of… sex toys for us?” He repeated with raised eyebrows. You could tell he was beginning to like the idea—and what he could do to you, how he could tease you with all the things in this… naughty advent calendar.
You could practically feel him slowly changing his mind, arousal radiating off of him and making you squirm a little in joyful anticipation.
Finally, he sighed, an amused but cheeky smirk playing on his lips. “Very well. Where do we acquire this calendar?”
And with that teaser, I would like to announce that this year’s Christmas requests are now open! 🎄☃ How will it work? This year I’m working on a Christmas special. Everyday, Loki and RC will open a little door and find a new toy to play with... right until Christmas Eve. That should be twenty-four really interesting days, especially with Loki being thoroughly unfamiliar with the concept of sex toys and their function.
Ideally, I would be posting one door—one Imagine, each day until Christmas but due to work, classes, sleeping and baking Christmas biscuits, that might not always work out. Therefore, some doors might get a combined Imagine.
How does my request fit in? So now it’s your turn! Send me all of your (kinky) and Christmassy prompts for Loki. I already know what’s behind every little door, of course. But that doesn’t mean I’m hoping for loads of enticement/suggestions from you guys in my inbox. You know I love receiving your ideas! Please, feel free to request whatever Christmassy prompt you can come up with--most of which I will combine with my Christmas special--and also, do not hesitate to send me requests for other characters as well, if you have any. As this is a Christmas special, most Imagines will be for Loki (and I can’t complain because usually, 80% of all requests I receive are for our mischievous Trickster 😌) but if there’s a specific prompt/request, another character will, throughout the Christmas season, of course make an appearance too.
Requests will be open until November the 30th. I bet many of you guys are in a Christmassy mood already and while I only put away my Halloween decoration today, I’m sure you are as ready as me for some Christmassy prompts.
I will not be able to take regular requests this time, due to the sheer amount of Imagines I’m planning. Rest assured though, as soon as “Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker” comes out, I will be posting some Kylo Ren and General Hux Imagines in between. I might even be able to take some requests as soon as I’ve seen the movie (which I am super excited about).
Until December the 1st, I will be working on the remaining requests that are still sitting in my inbox, including a sequel for that Thomas Sharpe Imagine you’re all waiting for. ♥
As usual, if you would like to request, please send me an ask, not a direct message and not a comment under this post, simply so I can keep an overview.
I write for:
Kylo Ren (Star Wars)
General Hux (Star Wars)
Captain Boomerang (Suicide Squad)
Harley Quinn (Suicide Squad)
Eric (Divergent)
Loki (Thor/The Avengers)
Newt Scamander (Fantastic Beasts)
Adam (Only Lovers Left Alive)
Captain James Conrad (Kong: Skull Island)
Captain Jack Sparrow (Pirates of the Caribbean)
Ragnar Lothbrok (Vikings) ATTENTION: I’ve only seen two seasons thus far. If you want to request something with Ragnar, please make sure not to include any spoilers!
Jonathan Pine (The Night Manager)
Thomas Sharpe (Crimson Peak)
Now, last but not least, please just make sure to read this quick FAQ before sending me a prompt. I only have a couple of rules but I really would appreciate if you considered them before submitting. 🤗
What do you write? I’ve been a passionate fanfiction writer for more than eight years. Thus, I write stories with my own OCs and Imagines with female reader inserts only. I don’t do personalised Imagines (e.g. specific appearance or name), Imagines with real existing people (like Tom Hiddleston), alpha/omegaverse or songfics (because I have a very specific music taste and don’t want to write a songfic about a song I don’t like).
The only things I don’t particularly enjoy writing about are RC having children and being a mother (unless it’s animals because I’m a proud cat mummy), or being a child. Suicide and self-harm are, with few exceptions concerning context, a no-go for me, as is gore. Other than that, I’m not big on AU’s that take place outside the actual canon universe (so, e.g. vampire!Loki is fine but barista!Loki without his powers in a world in which the Avengers don’t exist isn’t really my thing).
Do you take requests? I do! If you want to send in a prompt/an idea, however, please check the description of my blog before doing so to make sure requests are open. Requests that I receive while they are closed I don’t accept simply because of time management, with only very few exceptions.Please keep in mind: Given that with more than 15k followers, I tend to get up to 100 prompts at once, I choose those I personally like the most and/or that inspire me to write something–it is, unfortunately, impossible to write them all. 😭 I also like to combine requests that work together well to work in as many of your ideas as possible.
So, what should I request? Basically, anything you want. Don’t hesitate just because you think your request is not good enough or weird! If you’re still uncomfortable though, you can send it anonymously as well. Please be aware, however, that I only write what I am personally comfortable with. If I feel like I can’t make anything of your request, if I feel like it’s a great idea but a simple oneshot wouldn’t do justice to it, if I have already read/written something too similar or if it addresses something that is triggering for me, please don’t be upset if I delete it. That, of course, doesn’t mean your request sucks but, like every writer, I want to write stories I actually enjoy writing… or it would just feel like homework! 😅
Do NOT (and trust me, I see everything) send the exact same request you’ve sent to me to other writers as well, for I think that is rude and disrespectful. Should you do so, I’ll simply delete your request(s). If you want me to write something for you, that’s great and I’m flattered but if you send me a prompt, you either want me to write it for you or you don’t want it at all. It’s as simple as that.
How do you let people know that you’ve written/deleted their requests? If the request was anonymous, all I can do is put a note at the beginning of the story and thus make everybody aware that it was a request. I don’t copy the prompts to insert in the Imagine. If the person came off-anon, I tag them to let them know it was posted. If I choose not to write your request because of one of the above named reasons, I will not publish your ask but simply delete it. It would be mean to answer something like “there’s no way in hell I will write this” and I certainly don’t want to show anybody up. However, if you’ve been waiting for a request to be written for a long time already, feel free to ask me about it and I will, if you prefer it that way, answer you privately. Sometimes Tumblr swallows asks, too, unfortunately.
Would you also write about a different character if requested? That depends on the character and the request. You might have noticed that I am mostly into bad guys and villains, so you can’t expect me to write happy unicorn fluff with the world’s nicest super hero. Anyway, you can always ask but please don’t be disappointed if I decline. Naturally, I don’t write about characters from movies/tv shows/books I don’t know, neither do I write about characters that I personally don’t like.
Do you write smut?
Yes, I do. ;-)
Do you do roleplay? No, I don’t.
Do you have a masterlist? You can find my masterlist in the description of my blog, it’s accessable on mobile as well.
What’s your Ko-fi? It’s a website on which you can support me and my writing by buying me a coffee, or alternatively, a cuppa via PayPal. It’s fast, it’s safe (you can stay anonymous) and I would appreciate it so much!
So where and how can I buy you a coffee? Click on the Ko-fi button or the “Support me?” link on my blog. ♥
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😡 - Biggest fandom pet peeve?
Oh boy, time to piss people the fuck off. 
How delusional, self important and entitled this fandom is, especially when it comes to consuming fan content. This fandom has a nasty problem with treating fan creators like they are the creator of the show or even worse, they treat the fan creators like they are entitled to the person’s content and expect them to work like a manga publisher or animation company despite being just one person. 
This fandom has a problem of demanding content from people without offering anything in return. No support whatsoever. They consume the content and then they leave, like binge-ing anime on a video platform before moving onto something else. This kills creators. I have seen so many other friends of mine who make content for this series leave mainly because of the fact this fandom often shows little to no support to its middle tier creators. It kills creators, it kills artists and writers and cosplayers. No, people are not entitled to getting attention for their work. Of course not. That’s not the point. But if you like a person’s content, if you want to see more of their work, if you enjoy anything they do- THEN FUCKING SAY SOMETHING TO THEM ITS NOT ROCKET SCIENCE. People can’t gauge audience retention from silence. Even a “hey that’s cool” or a “Amazing!” helps. Reblogs, sharing content, talking to them personally. Creators are still people at the end of the day. We’re just people. And we can be self-motivated until we’re blue in the face but everyone burns out eventually, and having some energy from other forces and actually seeing that other people like our works help more than most will ever know. 
You may not be entitled to give artists attention, but you are also not entitled to their content if you don’t want to support them and only want to mindlessly consume their work.
This fandom loves to revel in its hay day, focusing on ideas that are long dead and continuing to beat them back to life over and over and then complaining when people say the fandom is dying because they don’t show the same rabid support to new creators. I have friends who have been pestered day in and day out for certain hetalia related fan content for years to the point that they had to make so it was; “You want me to play/do X? THEN PAY ME FOR IT.” I have seen people in comments of hetalia animators and let’s players asking them to make more show content for them. Saying we should just “make our own next season”. But the problem is they wouldn’t support it even if we did. 
Some creators in this fandom like to pretend they are the end all say all. That they are better than the creator and they are the true canon content. And they need shut the fuck up. You are not greater than the creator, if you don’t like his content than why are even here in the first place? Why are you in the fandom if you don’t like the original content? 
The idea you can only make politically charged, 100% historically accurate content in this fandom needs to calm down too. There are weird sections of the hetalia fandom that seem hell bent in the idea that AU’s are bad and the only way to make hetalia content is through historically accurate, politically charged art pieces and creations and that is just- it’s just incorrect I’m sorry. You’re just wrong. You can have something that is politically charged or have parts of history in it but it’s still fun.
This show is a comedy at the end of the day. A comedy about inaccurate stereotypes and joke historical retellings. It’s suppose to be FUN. It’s suppose to be campy and silly, and not fully accurate to the real world, it’s a comedy. Of course there are serious moments, angst and character growth. But Hetalia is fun because the show and the strips, at least to me, never fully took themselves seriously. They did their best to inform and tell stories but made sure it was lighthearted and fun enough for people to enjoy. 
Wow, this went on long– and this doesn’t even talk about the weird shipping bullshit. But I wanna note that I don’t hate this fandom. Trust me if I did I wouldn’t still be here. It just be that sometimes this fandom does things that actively shoot itself in the foot and then cry on why theres blood all over the carpet. It’s cause you shot yourself in the foot, you dumb ass. Acknowledge the hole in your foot, bandage yourself and then maybe you’ll stop getting blood all over the carpet. 
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nekoannie-chan · 4 years
Something weird
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Pairing: Steve Rogers X Enhanced mutant! Reader.
Word count: 1212 words.
Summary: How was your life affected by HYDRA's experiments did with you? Although Steve was there to help you to deal with it.
Warnings: Mentions of death, some smut references, nothing explicit.
A/N: Flashback is in italics.
This is my entry to the @criminal-cookies ‘s Mel’s 400 Writing Challenge with the dialogue prompt #4:
“Baby, please tell me you can explain why there is a hole through the window”.
Also is my entry to @19mrs-rogers18 ‘s 400 Writing Challenge with the quote prompt # 6:
“Shh, it’s okay it was just a dream. I’m here”.
My native language is Spanish so I wanna improve my writing skills in English if you notice any mistake please let me know and I will correct it.
I don’t give any kind of permission that my fics be posted in other platforms or languages (I translate myself my work) or the use of my graphics (my dividers are included in this), I did them exclusively for my fics, please respect my work and don’t steal it. There are some people here who make dividers that anyone can use, mine is not this type, please look for the other’s people. The only exception is the ones I gifted ‘cuz now belong to someone else. If you find any of my works on a different platform and is not one of my accounts, please let me know. Reblogs and comments are always welcome.
DISCLAIMER: I don’t own Marvel’s characters (unfortunately), except for the original characters and the story.
My other media where I publish: Wattpad, Ao3, ffnet.
If you like it please vote, comment, and give me feedback to improve my skills and reblog. 
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You hated what was happening to you in last months, there were days when you had no powers and others when they were out of control.
They had done several analyzes and tests to discover what was happening to you, however, everything seemed to be fine.
Even though they had found your records of the experiments that HYDRA had done on you, they couldn't find the cause. You also didn't remember much about your childhood so you weren't entirely sure if your powers were inherited or obtained by experimentation.
Before all this lack of control, you felt like every time you left experimentation or like the day they had found you at the HYDRA’s compound, although that day was not a bad memory for you, it had been the day that your life had had a real change and also when you had met the love of your life.
"Hello, calm down, I'm here to help you" Steve said, lowering the shield.
Carefully approached you, he thought you were a hostage.
You tried to attack Steve, but he managed to cut you down.
You did not try to fight or free yourself while you were being transferred, all your life until that moment you had been told that S.H.I.E.L.D. He was the enemy, but you were proving that they were not as bad as you thought.
Steve tried to interrogate you, you were still saying nothing, and he left the room a little desperate.
"She refuses to speak, Nat maybe if you interrogate her you will succeed," Steve asked her.
"I think she's very scared," she said before entering.
"Hi, I'm Natasha, what's your name?" she asked trying to sound friendly.
There was no answer, according to a physical exam that they had done, your health was good, and nothing prevented you from speaking, so she deduced that you surely did not trust them.
“You know maybe we have a similar story, I was one of the Bolshoi’s dancers, they recruited me for the Red Room, the KGB experimented with me and turned me into an assassin, perhaps I am the only one who can understand you here”.
You bit your lip, you didn't know exactly what to say.
“I'm Y/N Y/L/N, I'm 23 years old.”
“What were you doing at that compound?
"I'm not sure, they told me I should be there and if you attacked, and defend the compound”.
"Steve said you were hidden," she interrupted confused.
"I don't like harming people, nobody, they said that I was a monster."
"Tell me about your childhood."
“No… I don't remember much of my past, nor who my parents were, I don't even know if I ever had one, the experiments were very painful and they never stopped, they didn't care if they hurt me, they were training me to…
"What for?" She asked interested.
"To attack S.H.I.E.L.D., but I don't think you guys are bad, this is all very confusing."
She kept asking you a few more questions, then came out.
"She's just another victim," he reported.
 Little by little you and Steve had fallen in love, now five years later you two were married.
You had a terrible headache that day, your powers were out of control, various things were out of whack, many others had accidentally broken, you hid under the kitchen table, and you didn't want to continue causing more damage.
Steve entered the house and immediately worried when he saw the disaster, he feared that someone had attacked you or something bad had happened, he immediately raised his shield.
"Y/N?” he called, walking carefully.
"I’m here, Stevie," you replied without leaving the place where you’re hiding.
“Baby, please tell me you can explain why there is a hole through the window.”
"They're all out of control again," you sobbed, referring to your powers.
He lowered his shield quietly, he couldn't help but feel tenderness every time you hid, and that was the way he knew you were afraid; you saw that he bent down and began to approach you.
"No, don't come closer, I don't want you to get hurt," you asked without moving.
"Okay, nothing happens," he assured you.
He came to you and hugged you. He always made you feel safe and protected in his arms.
You were still having nightmares, although you didn't know if they were nightmares or repressed memories, sometimes you saw someone murdering people. Maybe HYDRA had murdered your parents.
Or maybe they were the ones who had died in the experiments, you were sure you felt the same pain again, you didn't want to feel that anymore in your life. You woke up disturbed
"Honey?" Steve asked a little sleepily as he felt the movement on the bed.
"I-I'm fine," you murmured.
He knew you and knew it was not true, he immediately stood up and turned on the light of the bedside table lamp.
“Shh, it’s okay it was just a dream. I’m here.”
 He hugged you and wiped away the tears that fell down your cheeks.
“Do you want to tell me about the nightmare?” he questioned trying not to push you.
You shook your head.
"Okay, so you want us to sleep holding each other?"
"Yes," the voice barely came out.
The next morning he got up before you, you assumed he had gone for a run so you went down to prepare breakfast.
"Are you feeling better?" He asked when he saw you when he returned.
"Yes, I made pancakes for breakfast."
"Natasha gave me the idea that maybe a pet can help you."
You looked incredulous, they had never talked about having a pet, but you knew there was something else before you could say something the puppy taught you.
"He's adorable, but what if he gets hurt?"
You couldn't trust your powers at those moments and you would feel very bad if something bad happened to that innocent being.
Steve left the puppy in your arms, the little one licked your face while moving his tail.
"Okay, we'll keep it."
“Can you think of a name?
"I like Mickey."
You remembered how you had been taught to control your powers, so if you wanted Mickey to be safe you would do your best.
You put the blocks in and started moving them slowly.
"Fine," you murmured.
You were testing for a while, Steve saw you, but he didn't want to interrupt you.
"What is the matter with me?"
"Nightmares and traumas cause instabilities in the mutants' powers, although hers were altered as well, mainly these are the causes of instability," Bruce explained.
The way back home was quiet, you kept thinking of a way to fix the problem.
"Honey," Steve called you.
“Are you okay?”
“Why don't you ever tell me about your past? Maybe if you let off steam you can have control again “Steve suggested.
"I don't remember much, practically nothing, HYDRA brainwashed me," you answered.
Steve did not know what to say.
"I always wanted to have a family," you continued.
He took your hand and raised your face with the other.
“Well, then we must practice a little to fulfill your dream.
He kissed you and carried you to take you to the bedroom you shared.
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crazyfreckledginger · 5 years
Rido Kuran x Reader - “Dating Rido Kuran Would Include...”
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Requested by anon: “This may be a little weird but would it be okay to request how dating Rido Kuran would be if he wasn’t so obsessed with Juri?”
A/N: I’m a little rusty on this series, I hope it’s accurate, I do plan on rewatching the anime though, also, the beginning is a little obscure but I fell in love with this character, thank you for requesting anon!
Warning: light smut and smut at the end.
You met him and hit it off nicely.
You were a human and he found you when he was seeking pleasure.
And had absolutely no idea he was a vampire until you were making out, sitting in his lap until he grasped your wrist a little painfully.
Trying to pull away because he had a scary look in his eyes as soon as you met his gaze.
He slid his arm around your waist to pull you closer and dug his fangs in your neck.
Being overwhelmed and wincing because of the pain, completely ignoring his praises about how delicious your blood is.
After that was when the endless torture started.
You started feeling the urge of drinking blood.
It disgusted you, staring at people’s neck when you were walking or not getting the thought of it out of your head absolutely broke you.
It didn’t occur to you that Rido had started to become intrigued and thoroughly enjoyed watching the torture you were going through, until he showed up on your doorstep.
You threw him the first thing you could find but he dodged it with ease and forced himself into your house, slamming the door shut.
And he pinned you against your wall given you were doing nothing but struggling.
Until you started to cry and finally gave in.
He teasingly licked your cheek but you managed to kick him in between the legs which thankfully made him fall to the floor and groan.
Trying to make a run for it but he managed to grasp your waist and pull you flush against his chest.
He chuckled softly in your ear as you struggled again.
Until you snapped at him and asking what he was even doing in your proximity.
For some reason, he promised to help you control your urges if you submitted to him.
You absolutely denied it and spat harsh words in his face.
Surprisingly, he wasn’t pissed -- but unsurprisingly, he laughed, finding your feistiness so cute and attractive.
He accepted your denial, knowing fully well that you would not be able to control it, no one could before telling you were to go if you changed your mind and disappeared.
For the next few days, the thought really pondered in your brain, but simply remembering the man you nearly slept with was more than enough to remember why your initial decision was the best.
As anticipated from him however, you finally went to the place he informed you on when you nearly killed someone.
The whole time, he had such a curious and amused gaze you couldn’t help but feel extremely nervous and uncomfortable.
Your jaw nearly fell to the floor when he told you you needed to drink his blood.
Rido took advantage of your lack of knowledge about vampires to make you entirely reliant on him.
Yes if would have prevented you from becoming an E vampire but why have you being a strong independent vampire when you could be stuck with him whenever he wants you.
He ordered you to sit in his lap, which you obliged even though the thought disgusted you and took a hold of his wrist.
Rido helped you get used to your fangs and tell you how much blood you should drink.
He groaned in satisfaction the first time you drank his blood because you couldn’t stop drinking it until he pulled away.
You went home and did your own research very thoroughly and extensively because hell before you trusted that man.
And you discovered blood tablets and ways to control your bloodlust.
Hating the fact that you went to him before doing research even though you were desperate.
But he helped you control your newly formed powers so I guess that helped.
Confronting him about his lies and promising him that you will not become reliant on him and you will start taking blood tablets even though they are terrible compared to his blood.
Him voicing his certainty of you returning to him to drink his blood and him becoming even more fond of you when you manage to keep your promise.
You never thought this happened but over time he was getting less sadistic with you, almost like you grew on him.
He loved to tease you though.
You started growing confident again in your body so you both started bickering playfully together.
The Kuran would let you tag along because you were amusing (in his words).
It became strange when he didn’t want you to leave his side and he became snappy to everyone when you started talking to other men.
He would threaten anyone who seemed too friendly with you.
Rido even started to hold you, arm around your waist, hand around your arm under the claim that you were walking too slowly.
Until one time he became utterly jealous and pulled you to a secluded area and drank your blood eagerly.
Openly expressing your concerns to him, not understanding why he was acting out so much until he interrupted you and kissing you hungrily.
You didn’t push him away under the influence of surprise and shock.
When he finally pulled away, there were so many raw emotions in his heterochromia eyes but quickly disappeared behind his usual expression.
He grumbled under his breath before turning away, claiming ‘you wouldn’t understand’.
Despite everything he put you through, despite how harsh he had been with you, you couldn’t deny what you were feeling either as you grasped his sleeve to stop him in his tracks.
He glanced back at you with a confused frown before watching you slowly walk up to him and reaching up to grasp his neck and kiss him deeply, not caring about tasting your own blood.
Rido didn’t hesitate to wrap his arms around your waist and pull you closer.
It was such a different kiss from the first time, before it was attraction and lust, this one was filled with hungry passion.
And you two started dating, you never officially announced it but given how different his behaviour was, it was easy to tell the kiss changed everything between the two of you.
He is still as possessive as before, even more so now that he knew his unfamiliar feelings were returned by you.
You like holding his hand or hugging his arm, he acts like it helps you -- which it does but he also finds a certain comfort because of it
A lot of cuddling on your part and a lot of not pushing you away on his part.
A lot of hickeys on you.
And groping your ass when he wants.
Always, always teasing you to see the blush and embarrassment on your face.
Loving to hide in his chest.
He is so tall which really helps you feel protected when you cuddle.
Him never really admitting anything sweet except if it’s for teasing because he sincerely doesn’t know how to deal with his feelings.
But understanding him and finding it so cute when he doesn’t push you away or grumbles reluctantly.
A lot of making out and drinking each other’s blood.
Being the sensible one, making sure he doesn’t do anything reckless or cruel even if it doesn’t always work.
Playing with his hair and letting him nap in your lap.
Peppering his face with light kisses and him not knowing what to do with himself.
For someone who constantly flirts with you to get you all mushy for him, he really seems to do anything in his power not to reflect on his own feelings.
A lot of PDA in public because his possessiveness is much greater than anything else.
Spanking your ass when he can despite your protests.
Wearing his clothes and him blushing slightly because his clothes drag on the floor because of the height difference and it’s so adorable.
Hogging the blanket because he’s so tall he takes most of the bed so it’s only fair.
A lot of spooning.
Sometimes when things tend to get too much because of the crap he puts himself into, it can turn to a love hate relationship but it’s very brief.
A lot of sex because he has a very high sex drive.
Angry sex, possessive sex, dominant sex, experimenting, all kinds of sex.
Passionate sex when you take the lead and it’s usually when you’re riding him, but that doesn’t happen often.
A lot of different positions in all kinds of places.
Especially public for him because it’s so thrilling to see you being on edge about it when he couldn’t care less how many people can hear you.
A lot of going down on you and blowjobs.
He is definitely very dominant so I’m sure that leaves that to your imagination.
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logancreatesworlds · 5 years
Black Folks Don’t Do That Shit (Pt. 2)
Author’s Note:  Hello everyone!  I know it’s been a while since I’ve published anything new.  But here is part 2!  Hope y’all like it!
Warnings:  All the vampirisms - creepiness, blood-drinking, etc.
Disclaimer:  None of the images used are mine.
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You breathed peacefully as the smell of frying chicken wafted through the kitchen.
The closer it got to Halloween, the more it rained.
And yet, despite the chill in the air, your spirits were high and your heart was full.
Yet, a question - the question, weighed down on your mind.
“Smells good,” A familiar voice said.
You turned around to see Nakia walk into the kitchen.
“Really?  Thanks.  It’s my grandma’s recipe.”
“Your grandmother?  Interesting.  I wonder what other delicious things your family has created.”
“Well, grandma made a lot of recipes.  She had bananas foster, sweet potato pie...”
You turn to her.
“Oh, and pineapple upsidedown cake!”
Nakia looked at you with predatory eyes as his mouth twisted into a puckered smirk.
“I wasn’t referring to food.”
Before you could reply, Ayo came in.
“Mr. Udaku has awoken, my lady.”
“Thank you,” Nakia said, dismissing her as quickly as she came.
“Mr. Udaku’s sleeping awfully late,” you commented, turning back to your cooking, “Is he okay?”
“He is fine.  Merely a small cold.”
“Explains why I haven’t met him yet.  But at least he likes my fried chicken.  I could fire up some soup if you like.”
“Would you?”
“Of course!”
“Thank you,” Nakia said gratefully.
Unbeknownst to you, as you fired up another stovetop, Nakia was looking at your ass.
Later that Evening
You quietly padded up to the stairs, a silver tray in your hands.
On it lied a bowl of crab soup, which steamed with spices, and a glass of orange juice.
Once you got to the top of the stairs, you walked down the hall up to the large red door.
Ayo, who had been standing at the door, gave you a slight nod and went to open it.
Yet, Nakia beat her to it.
“Ah (Y/N),” she greeted with a thousand-watt smile, “Come on in.  There is someone I’d like you to meet.”
You walked in, deliberately trying to miss her skimpy pink robe.  But to your surprise, Mr. Udaku was not in his bed.
“Where is he?”
Just then, a tall figure ghosted out of the large walk-in closet.
“Here,” he said, “You must be (Y/N).”
You almost gasped at how handsome he was.
6′0 tall, black, muscled and with eyes as deep as a panther in a nighttime jungle.
No wonder Nakia’s wearing that tiny ass robe.
Wait, you thought anxiously, Were he and Nakia fucking?!  Oh, shit shit shiiiit.  I need to go.
“Yes well,” you said, “It’s nice to finally meet you.  I um...got your soup.”
“How kind of you,” he replied, gliding past you and returning to bed, “You are...everything Nakia said you were.”
Damn, his accent is nice.
“Is that a good thing?”
“Is it, my love?”  Nakia asked, laying beside him.
T’Challa’s cat-like eyes looked you up and down with a dark approval and bit his lip, “Yes.  Very much so.”
“Isn’t she lovely?  Okoye found her at the farmer’s market.”
“The one always full of people.”
It wasn’t a question.
She kissed that spot between his cheek and neck.
“(Y/N),” T’Challa said, “Would you mind turning around for me and giving me a little...spin?”
You furrowed your brow but nevertheless did as he asked.
“Mmmm perfect,” he purred.
“Glad I’m making a good impression,” you said wryly, “Where should I put your food?”
“On the table is fine.  That will be all.”
“Thank you,” Nakia called as you left.
You quietly padded out of the room.
God those two are weird.  Oh well.  At least they pay well.
The Day Before Halloween
“Yes mom I’m safe,” you assured as you held your cellphone closer, “Stop worrying so much.”
“I know I just...,” she sighed, “Are you sure you trust this couple you’re workin’ for?”
“Yeah!  They pay me 17$ an hour even when I’m cooking, free room and board with all the fixings and when I do cook I get to wear my PJs.  What more could a girl want?”
“Exactly.  They’re being awfully generous.  This just rubs me the wrong way.  They could be tryna do something to you.  They could be tryna keep you as some sorta sex slave.”
You busted out laughing, “Mom, please.  You’re overreacting.  Black folks don’t do that shit.  Plus I like it.  They’re a little weird but...they’re nice.  I feel...like I’m at home.”
“You have a home,” she said, a little hurt, “With me and Sunny, remember?”
“Yeah...of course,” you lied, “Listen I uh...gotta go.  I’ll call you later okay?”
“Alright.  I love you.”
“Love you too.”
You hung up and quietly sat on your bed, shivering as you caved into yourself.
You would never have a home, not with that man.
Then, a couple minutes later...
“(Y/N)?  (Y/N) are you in there?”  Nakia asked.
“Yeah.  Yeah, I am,” you said, sitting up and trying to look presentable, “Come on in.”
“Forgive me for the intrusion,” she said as she came in, melodious and beautiful as ever, “I just wanted to see if you were alright?”
“Yeah.  Of course, I am!”  You chirped, “Why wouldn’t I be?”
“No particular reason.  It’s just that sometimes we spend so much of our lives caring for others, we forget that we need people to care about us.  So I ask you...”
She sits down beside you.
“Are you okay?”
You breathe real rough, “Actually...no, no I’m not.”
“What’s wrong?”  She asked, cascading an arm over you.
Your head fit perfectly into her neck.
“It’s...it’s hard to talk about.”
“Well, you don’t have to hide things from me.  And it is unhealthy to keep things bottled up.  Besides,” she said, tipping your chin up so you could meet her eyes, “You can tell me anything.”
Her breath smelled like mint and something else metallic that you couldn’t place.
Yet, she was so...hypnotizing.
“I um...,” your mind was getting clouded, “I’ll tell you later tonight.  During dinner?”
“And I’m sure Mr. Udaku wants to join us.  We could have dinner - just the three of us?”
“Of course,” Nakia said with a smile, “It’s like you read my mind.”
You hummed softly to Lizzo’s BET performance of Truth Hurts as you skimmed down the sauces aisle looking for Auntie Mae’s Barbecue Sauce.
You needed it for the ribs.
You bit your lit and nodded as her flute screeched in your ears.
You didn’t know why everything seemed to be falling into place.
Maybe it was the weather, the season?
You smiled.
No, you thought, This new job is good for me.
“Miss,” a voice said, “Can I help you find something?”
You turned around to see a store attendant eyeing you.
“No thanks,” you replied, “I’m good.”
“Are you sure?  Because I can help you find anything you need-”
“She said she was fine,” a familiar voice growled.
You looked over your shoulder and there they were.
“Uh s-sorry sir,” the attendant said nervously as T’Challa glared him down.
“Perhaps you should listen better,” Nakia hissed, her brown eyes narrowing.
“Yes, ma’am.”
“Get out of our sight,” T’Challa snarled.
He stalked toward the man slowly, as if he was ready to pounce.
“Yes, sir.  R-right away sir.”
As soon as the man was gone, the pair sunk back to normal and began chuckling.
“You two are wrong for that,” you said with an amused smile.
“Oh come on,” Nakia laughed, clutching her pink trench coat collar, “That was too funny.”
“Yes,” T’Challa agreed, “And he was asking for it anyway.”
“What are you two doing out anyway?”
“Well T’Challa needed some air and we wanted to surprise you.”
“How did you even know where I was?”  You asked, plucking your desired bottle of sauce from the aisle.
“This store carries the finest ingredients in town.  We figured you’d be here.  Now, come.  Let us live this day to the fullest and return home.  I am famished.”
The three of you laughed as you walked in through the front door, caramel apples and grocery bags in hand.
“And she told me she tried to twerk,” Nakia said, busting out laughing, “Can you believe it, a Nordic woman trying to twerk?  My goodness.”
“I’m upset you didn’t get it on camera,” T’Challa guffawed.
“Y’all are crazyyyyyy,” you giggle, “Now go relax.  I gotta cook dinner.”
The two relax as you unpack the food, wash it and turn it into a culinary masterpiece over the span of a few hours.
“Dinner’s ready!”  You called once everything was done.
“My dear this is so delicious,” T’Challa commented as the three of you dined on ribs, mac and cheese, yams and collard greens.
“I agree,” Nakia purred, “The ribs are not too tough and the greens don’t have all that damned ham stuffed into it.”
“Yeah my mom always used to do that when I was younger,” you said, “I hated it.  So I promised myself I’d learn how to make my own greens.”
“Thank Bast for promises,” T’Challa said, sipping his wine.
“Mhmm.  Bast is the goddess of all things good.  She is a being of protection, love, and comfort.”
“I thought she was the goddess of cats.”
He chuckles, “Yes.  Cats too.”
“That’s cool!  Have you studied Egyptian mythology before?”
T’Challa smiled, “Let’s just say I know a lot.”
You furrowed your brow but soon forgot your confusion when Nakia ran to the fridge.
“I am so glad you came to us (Y/N),” she chirped, “You do not know how long we’ve been waiting for someone like you.”
“Someone like me?”
“Mhmm,” Nakia answered, returning with a glass of wine, “Someone who would make us whole again - make this family whole again.”
“I thought I was just your chef,” you said as Nakia popped the cork and filled your glass.
“Oh no my dear,” she said, “You are much more than that.”
“But...aren’t you two happy together?”
“Of course!”  T’Challa confirmed.
“But you weren’t whole?”
“No,” Nakia answered.
Your brow furrowed again, “I’m confused.”
A peaceful looked crossed her face, and the dark-skinned woman then grabbed your hand in a warm grip.
“Love does not always just happen between two people.  It is eternal and in a thousand different directions,” she explained, “What is between T’Challa and me is only a third of the relationship the three of us share.”
“This,” she gestures between the two of you, “Is unique and priceless, and it has made T’Challa and I better people.”
“Wow,” you thoughtfully as you took a sip of wine, “I never thought a friendship could be so important.”
“Not a friendship, darling,” T’Challa corrected.
“Then what?”
Then, it hit you - a wave of dizziness.
“Oh,” you moaned, clutching your head, “Shit.”
“Are you alright, (Y/N)?”  T’Challa asked, his eyes turning red, “You look a bit dizzy, my love.”
“Oh don’t tease her T’Challa,” Nakia chastised, “She’s already been through enough.”
The second wave hit.  It was enough to make you knock your glass over.
A scream tried to make its way out of your mouth, but even that took too much energy.  As a result, you said two small words.
“Shh,” Nakia soothed, “Go to sleep now.  Everything is alright.  Rest.”
The last thing you saw before the darkness came was the crimson shine in her eyes.
And that is all for now everyone!  I’m so glad I finally updated.  It’s been forever since I’ve written.  Enjoy!
@macfizzle  @wakanda-inspired  @bribrisback  @kumkaniudaku  @black-is-beautiful18  @weasleyginerva @kissesbooboo @supersizemeplz @chaneajoyyy @dreamingoftchalla  @lavitabella87  @pastelpanda19  @chocolatemonkeyrainbows @blackreaders-assemble @blackmissfrizzle  @laketaj24 @eerythingisshaka @blackgirloneshots  @sisterwifeudaku  @destinio1  @pocmarvelworks  @black-mcu-imagines  @black-is-beautiful18  @inlovewithmakeupcomicsanimelove  @wakandalivesforever  @iwrite4poc  @siriuslycollins  @wakandas-vibranium  @100kindsofblake  @muse-of-mbaku  @naturally-bri  @helperofthenight  @dumbchick  @sweettea-and-honeybutter  @drsunshine97  @pastelastronomy24  @plussizeappreciationfics  @royallyprincesslilly  @afro-royalty  @tenaciousarcadeexpert  @shinyanchorface  @scarlettlullaby16 @hennessystevens-udaku @stark-red19 @marvelheaux @valynsia
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