#people trying to take advantage of them: 💥
tutuandscoot · 2 years
Tessa walking away from literally everyone’s bullshit
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goferwashere · 7 months
It’s a bit long so I added a cut 😭 I spent the past three days on this
Please just assume that just about every monster on this list comes with super strength unless stated otherwise.
Glass Joe:
Human - Monster Hunter/Boxer
- Wants to retire, but knows that without him some of the more unruly and dangerous monsters would dominate the circuit.
- Not everybody knows that *he’s* the infamous monster killer within the WBVA. Some do, but he doesn’t want it to be common knowledge. He needs the edge of “Poor, weak Glass Joe” to get the jump on his opponents.
- He doesn’t kill often, only if things get extremely out of hand. He’s basically the only thing keeping the humans and monsters from starting a full out war in the WVBA.
- Despite his job, He’s friends with a couple of the other boxers. Some knowing that they were monsters, some that he assumed were human and were actually monsters, and some that were just human.
- He doesn’t have anything against monsters, only those who try to take advantage of their power.
- He still trains and goes into the ring, trying to enjoy himself. To be fair, he does still enjoy boxing despite everything else he’s doing. Even if his record does stand at 1-99.
- On that note, his one win wasn’t an accident. He fully intended to win that fight, lacing Nick Bruisers gloves with Garlic so he’d be fighting with his hands essentially on fire.
- Even though he’s got a serious job, he far from a serious guy most of the time. He’s friendly with just about everybody, and tries to be civil with the people who treat him like shit.
- He’s also still clumsy. Almost died a few times as a result.
Von Kaiser:
Vampire - Boxer
- Being turned during his military service, he’s gotten good at hiding the obvious signs. He covers his bite mark and eye bags, and excessively dyes his skin using turmeric. (It fades fast though, leaving his skin looking a healthy colour.)
- Claims he has a garlic allergy, which makes him sad because he quite enjoyed garlic before turning.
- Enjoys the perks of being a vampire, but just can’t seem to keep up with the amount of blood his body demands. So he often twitches and looses focus, being sluggish and tired quite often.
- He enjoys the chase when tracking down his prey. It makes him feel powerful.
- Is 100% on the monster’s side. He believes that they’re superior, and will often be snarky with the human boxers (even if they’re ranked higher than him).
Disco Kid
Human (Possessed by Kid Quick) - Dancer/Boxer
- Disco is being possessed by the ghost of a boxer that was killed during one of his matches (yes that’s his unfinished business)
- Whenever he’s doing anything involving boxing, that’s Quick’s doing, but personality wise that’s always been Disco
- Disco is surprisingly chill with it, always wanting to try boxing but never having patience to train (so Quick does it for him lol)
- His personality leaks into Quicks movements and taunts, since despite liking boxing he’s got ‘no flair’ (As Disco puts it)
- Doesn’t have any super strength, but if they work together they can pull of some nasty combos, with Quick grabbing them and pushing them into Disco’s attacks (Disco isn’t a huge fan of that though, so it’s only really a last resort.)
- He’s honestly nervous when he finds out about the monsters in the WVBA. Quick assures him that they’ll be fine as long as they keep their heads down.
-…Which of course, Disco would never do. So when he gets mixed up in the drama he doesn’t really have anyone to blame but himself.
- He knows that he should *technically* count as a monster, but him and Quick are in support of the humans.
King Hippo
Tulpa - Boxer
- He was created by a little boy who loved boxing, and created him. Giving him a backstory and a cool design. He thought about him so much that he just. Spawned one day.
- The only thing on his mind was boxing, so that’s what he did. He has no idea that he was just a figment of some random kid’s imagination, but I doubt he’d care (or believe it) if he was told. His only goal is to box.
- Not really involved in any of the WVBA human/monster drama. He’s rather quiet outside of the ring.
- Nobody is really clear what he is, but everyone has mutually agreed that he’s not human. No way.
Piston Hondo
Human - Boxer
- Everyone who knows him has a lot of respect for Hondo. He fights fair, and his technique was able to beat actual superhumans (granted, some of those wins may have circumstantial).
- Some of the other boxers are really confused as to how he can keep his ranking, and make speculations as to how he does it, but no one can come up with a solid theory.
- Unless he’s exposed to be a dirty trickster like Ryan, or doped up like Soda, everyone just has to respect the insane effort he puts in.
- Hondo is oblivious to the fact that the WVBA is infested with monsters, and has always thought that international boxing would naturally have more difficult opponents. Nobody knows what would happen if he found out, but nobody wants him give up if he did. Just about everyone (regardless about what side they’re on) will band together to keep Hondo in the dark.
Bear Hugger
Werewolf - Boxer
- He’s more or less happy with being a werewolf. Obviously he’s mad when he has to lock himself up during the full moon, but otherwise he’s chill.
- Essentially a Disney princess with how well he gets along with wildlife. Like. It’s actually insane.
- Thought he’d do well in boxing, so quite literally trained with bears before going to NY. He thinks it’s noisy and polluted, but stays to hopefully bring down the champion and take the belt home to show his friends.
- Cheers on everyone, regardless of what they are. He doesn’t really care about the fate of the WVBA and is just there for a good time.
Great Tiger
Human - Informant/Boxer
- A skilled magic user. He’s been learning since he was a little kid, and the jewel on his turban gives him a good chunk of extra power.
- Uses his tricks to get intel and feed it to Joe.
- He *LOVES* to stir the pot. He knows that he’s safe, and may even stick out his neck for Joe, but will never do anything that’ll put himself in harms way.
- In the same vein he’s always listening to drama. He will gossip like a high schooler, and he knows everything about everyone. He loves being cheeky and keeping other boxers in the dark about what he knows.
- Literally the personification of “🎶I know something that you don’t know~🎵”
- He’s basically on an even playing field, so has no trouble keeping his place in the major league. Honestly, he’s more in it to see how this drama will play out, and who’ll come out on top.
Don Flamenco:
Siren - Matador/Boxer
- He very much using his ability to charm people all the time.
- This includes getting the ref to give him decision wins (even if he doesn’t deserve it), and always to leave a good first impression on just about everyone he meets.
- Yes, sometimes it’s also to pick up ladies (and men? Sometimes? Depends on his mood…) but will never go too far with it.
NOTE: While I think it would be totally in character for him to sleep with them, I don’t want that for him since that’s not consensual. so let’s say that despite seeing humans as lesser he doesn’t want to cross that line. (For his *own* sake of course. The last thing he would do is use tricks to woo “lesser creatures” to bed with him.)
- He’ll whisper under his breath after taunting, convincing the opponent to throw the match. But he’s not great at it, and will sometimes encounter someone who doesn’t have great hearing. He usually loses those matches.
- Wants an all-monster WVBA. He can manipulate just about anybody, and generally sees humans as lesser (Unless they’ve proven to him otherwise, like Joe and Hondo) so he wants them out.
- He’s very charming and friendly, but if you get on his bad side he is NASTY. Like ruin all your relationships and steal yo girl/man nasty. (He keeps all that under wraps though, he can’t have his image be tarnished.)
Aran Ryan:
Human - Boxer
- To everyone’s surprise, he’s actually human. But for all the craziness he projects out in the ring, he’s a smart guy.
- He taunts boxers by trying to get them to hit him because he knows that one wrong move and they’d expose themselves. If they hit him too hard (he figures that one punch would be enough to kill him with their strength) he might die but knows that it’ll be hell to pay for their opponent as well.
- Same with the headbutts, it throws them off their rhythm because they need to react, even if they didn’t feel it.
- That’s why he cheats, because he knows that without it he’d stand no chance.
- But still, you can’t be asking people you know could kill you easily to hit you and be mentally stable. He’s still eccentric about making it as a boxer, this is just an extra challenge to him.
- Has a disdain for monsters, and will do just about anything he can to gain in upper hand in those fights. That flail has gotten him out of a few sticky situations.
Soda Popinski:
Human - Boxer
- He can only compete fairly (at world circuit level at least) because he’s doped up to hell and back.
- Way into the idea of the ‘indomitable human spirit’. He truly believes that human ingenuity can overcome any challenge, and this is no exception.
- He 100% wants to get monsters out of the WVBA. But because he knows that he’s already got a big enough target on his back for cheating he can’t make a big fuss publicly.
Bald Bull:
Minotaur - Boxer
- Nobody’s really sure where he came from, but some people have seen him in his Minotaur form and that’s been enough for the others to accept them onto their side.
- He’s close with a lot of the other monsters, and follows along with their plan to have monsters take over the WVBA circuits. He only does so for them, he doesn’t have a personal agenda.
- This is the first place he’s really felt accepted, so will do what his friends ask of him even if he isn’t entirely on board with it.
- That said, he does belittle the human competitors quite often. To their face and while they aren’t present.
Super Macho Man:
Dragon - Supermodel/Bodybuilder/Boxer
- Got tired of living in a cave, and made it to LA to see what had become of humanity.
- By god, he loved it. He’d chosen a particularly handsome form (even though he didn’t know it at the time) and loved the attention he got from the ladies. He quickly picked up on our customs and had plenty of gold to sell (after years of hoarding it up in a mountain somewhere, he figured that now was the time to use it).
- Always wears enchanted golden jewellery, because the last thing he wants is for his facade to slip. He doesn’t need all of it, but to him it’s a necessary precaution.
- He can breathe fire. He does it often as a party trick, and has even figured out how to change its colour.
- His skin is also very hot to the touch. You’d think he was always just finishing with an intense workout.
Mr. Sandman:
??? - Boxer
- Nobody knows, and nobody is brave enough to ask. He seems to beat monsters with relative ease, so everyone assumes he must be one as well, but nobody can figure him out.
- Everyone wants to keep him out of what’s happening, because he’s a loose canon. Nobody knows who’s side he belongs to and nobody wants to find out they’re his enemy.
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frozenjokes · 22 days
PUSSY UP CUBFAN‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ cumbo cannibalism win💥💥💥
‘I’ve had an idea! Are you around?’
Cub got Mumbo’s message two days after the three of them brought Mumbo home. Given the length of time, neither he nor Grian was actually waiting in the moth ball anymore; everyone needed to eat and sleep among other obligations, so after day one, the two of them checked in for an hour or so at a time a few times a day. Apparently, Grian was not there now. Cub considered calling him, but from what he could tell from the tone of the message, Mumbo didn’t seem too fussed about being asleep for multiple days. Anxiety gripped Cub at the thought of responding- maybe he should call Grian- but Mumbo didn’t sound upset either, did he? The message was too vague to tell, but if Mumbo was in good spirits and wanted to tell him something, he should go, shouldn’t he? If he called Grian, would Mumbo be willing to say the same things?
Cub steeled himself, responding, ‘I’ll be there in a minute.’ He could call Grian afterwards. So he set off, checking his communicator religiously on the way, but Mumbo only acknowledged him with a smiley face.
Cub didn’t even get to ask if Mumbo was okay before he was grabbed, hauled through the floor of the moth ball and nearly lifted off his feet until Cub thrashed and was let go.
“Cub! I had a thought. I have an idea.”
“I-yeah?” Cub stumbled back a little bit, half because Mumbo had unsteadied him and half because he didn’t particularly want to be touched, but Mumbo wasn’t bothered at all, Cub didn’t even think he noticed.
“I don’t have to hurt anyone, Cub, I don’t have to hurt anyone. I just have to kill them, right? I don’t have to hurt anyone. It’s just easier because I can control it, it’s consistent, but not necessary.” Mumbo was so bright and excited that Cub didn’t want to point out the oxymoron, but he was also entertained, amused maybe, and he did not have to ask Mumbo to continue, “So I was thinking right, people get upset on their own. It happens all the time! A build isn’t working out, spilled water on a redstone project, getting hit with a particularly nasty prank or just being plain upset with each other! I could take that. Truthfully, I don’t know how helpful this would be or if it’d even be close to enough, but I want to try! I think this could work. If I got frequent enough meals like the one you just gave me, I might be able to sustain myself on just that!”
Cub was starting to understand what Grian meant when he was speaking about the happier Mumbo; truly, he was radiant. Still, the content of what Mumbo was saying left Cub gaping.
“This. So you’re- Okay. Two hermits are really upset at each other, right? Hypothetically. They’re really tearing into each other, they are not happy. You want to get between them, break it up, then eat them?”
“Oh, no, I wouldn’t ask. Deescalating would take away from the pain, you know? I would just drop in and kill the two of them instantly.” Mumbo blinked, backpedaling at the look of disbelief on Cub’s face, “I mean, everyone would know! They’d know I’m not human, what I need to do to eat- I wouldn’t start doing this out of nowhere! I’d just be taking advantage of pain while it’s available. Do you not think-”
“Mumbo.” Cub stopped him, and Mumbo looked up, eyes wide and dark and startled, “This is the funniest fucking thing you could chose to do. This is awesome.”
“It- It’s not funny!”
“It is extremely funny. Just imagine it, right? You’re working on a build. You hate it. Everything is going wrong. You are having the absolute worst day. Suddenly you are dead. Just dead. You wake up in bed, extremely confused, then you look outside and there’s Mumbo Jumbo, swallowing your dead body whole. You go huh. Maybe I should take a break. That is hilarious. This is great. Please do this.”
“I-” Mumbo was flustered, waving his hands like this would stop Cub from speaking words, “I was going to! I was going to, but now I don’t know if I should!”
“It’s good! I think it's a great idea! I think it’s even better if you don’t tell people. You should just start doing it. Never address it.”
“I- no! You’re horrible!”
“No, it will be awesome. It would be hilarious. I bet they wouldn’t even care, they’d be so confused. Hey Mumbo, whatcha doing? Why. Why are you doing that? Doc would Lose His Mind. In fairness I think that would be particularly terrifying for him. That’s a whole- I- creeper? Goat? Big. Lots of limbs. That can’t feel good, swallowing something that big. Does it hurt? It looks like it hurts.”
“It- I probably wouldn’t- no, it doesn’t hurt, it’s just efficient most of the time. I don’t know what it looks like either, but-“
“You don’t know? It’s horrific! I have to show you.”
“Please don’t.”
“I just can’t believe it doesn’t hurt. Grian said you eat cows-“ and then before the mortified Mumbo could interrupt, “He knows everything by the way. Everything everything. Partially because he’s a pest and partially because he was there when I told Scar after you-“ Cub remembered suddenly, then shrunk in on himself, “I- I’m really sorry about that- just the whole debacle.”
Mumbo removed his head from where he had buried them in his hands, confusion gently furrowing his brow, “You left that note, didn’t you.. I couldn’t think what you were referring to.”
“You- Seriously? The whole last bit of our conversation?”
“What did you say?” Mumbo cocked his head, so genuine, but Cub still could not shake the feeling he was being majorly fucked with, though luckily, Mumbo filled the short silence on his own, “I.. Well, I remember most of it, and I’m sorry I kinda threw all that on you I guess. I wasn’t well, and I think you know. And I know you didn’t want to be there because I.. you know. And you kept working yourself up, and you weren’t speaking super clearly and I wasn’t paying much attention because the- it’s not a smell, fear isn’t a smell, but I don’t know how else to describe it to you. It was distracting, is all.”
Ah. Hm. Yeah. Mumbo was too busy salivating over him to realize what was working Cub up in the first place. That. Okay. On the one hand, he wasn’t sure how much he loved the idea that most of his friends took great pleasure in his discomfort. On the other hand. Cub had been so appetizing that Mumbo couldn’t think straight enough to hear about how that exact thing made his brain short circuit. Mhm. Yeah. Cub had normal feelings about that.
“Was it not okay?” Mumbo cut through Cub’s thoughts, suddenly distressed, “I thought- You were just so adamant about being eaten, but I didn’t ask and I really should have, I just-“
“No, it’s fine, perfectly fine, you don’t have to ask. I was just thinking.”
“Oh!” Mumbo blinked, then nodded, like this made perfect sense, “You think slow, I forgot.”
Cub snorted, laughing despite himself, “If you say so.”
“Well.. What did you say, then? What did I miss?” Mumbo asked, and while Cub probably should have seen this coming, while he wanted a second chance, he wasn’t expecting this to go down right now like the first chance hadn’t happened. Cub got the sense that Mumbo was seeing straight through him as his face heated up, anxiety prickling under his skin and raising the hair across his arms.
“Well.” Cub breathed, “I may have over exerted myself the day in the labyrinth, so I spent most of the two days after sleeping and-“
“Wait- Days? How long was I asleep?”
Cub blinked. Guess there was no way for him to know, was there. Had he not checked the date? “A little over forty-eight hours. Has this not happened before? Is it not normal for you to sleep like that after a big meal?”
“I- Well sometimes. It’s not uncommon with humans, but otherwise it’s not a frequent occurrence. I always assumed it was just a few hours though, not that I kept track of the time or would have done so if I had the means. I had no idea. Boy, that’s a little disorienting..” Mumbo looked back up to Cub, refocusing, “Sorry- Didn’t mean to interrupt. What was it you were saying?”
“Oh, I forgot.” Saved.
“No, no,” Mumbo furrowed his brow, “Something about you being tired, right? Sleeping a lot? And- and something else?”
Cub pursed his lips. This was his moment. This was it. No backing out. Time to impress. Say something sexy. Something suave. Be cool. Pussy up Cubfan.
“Masturbating.” God damn it.
“Uh,” Mumbo was clearly taken aback, a hand drifting awkwardly to the back of his neck, looking side to side like he was trying not to say something rude. “That’s awesome, mate. I.. I do that too, sometimes.”
“You what!?”
“Ah!” Mumbo startled hard, fright which turned incredulous, “Is this suddenly not a safe space!?”
“You- You think about me?”
“What!? That’s- No! That’s not what we were talking about at all!” Mumbo covered his face, “What- What are we talking about!?”
“I was talking about you!”
“Me what-?”
“You with your hands in my stomach and wrist in your mouth wanting to kill the hell out of me while I jerk it, man, that’s what I’m talking about!” Cub thought he might literally explode, every part of him red and molten under the surface.
“..what?” Mumbo practically squeaked, and it was Cub’s turn to bury his head in his hands. He was half convinced Mumbo would kill him right here and take the meal, or maybe Cub just wanted that, because being dead would be about a thousand times better than standing here like a blithering maniac.
“You said. You don’t do anything but hurt people.” Cub said, though not without a shake to his words, “And I said that isn’t true. Because I. Happen to find those parts of you. Incredibly attractive. And I think. Selfishly. It would be very sad if you never wanted to regroup in the labyrinth. Because I really want to. And while I’m digging a deeper and deeper hole for myself I’m dying to know if the flesh eating part of you also has a sex drive. For science. You don’t have to answer that. But. Yeah. I do think about you. In that way.”
“Oh dear,” Mumbo said, which seemed appropriate. He was normally so pale, it struck Cub how nice he looked with a little flush, though, this was definitely more than a little, “You know, I think I kind of remember that. You saying that. Yes. I think. Yes. I understand now.”
“You can say no.”
“I’m not saying no.”
“Please just say no.”
“You want me to say no?”
“I just want this to end. I suffer so much at my own hand.”
“Well.” Mumbo stopped short, and the two of them were suspended in a thick silence that lasted at least three thousand hours, “I,” and Mumbo continued to pause excruciatingly awkwardly between nearly every word, “tend to not.. I don’t. I’m not the kind of guy that ends things quickly, am I?”
Cub gaped at him. “Did you do that on purpose.”
“Do what?”
“Draw it out. Talk like that. Slowly.”
“Oh, no. I’m just nervous. Unless that’s the smart, hot thing to do, then yes, pun intended or- or whatever.”
“If I think about it hard enough, anything can be sexy.”
“Please do that then,” Mumbo looked genuinely relieved, and something about that was so sickeningly sweet it made Cub’s heart pound in his throat. He was at a loss for words then, though he was thinking an awful lot about Mumbo’s tongue, and maybe he was being a little obvious with his staring, because Mumbo did him a massive favor and let him taste.
The kiss was gentle and sweet, an awful lot like Mumbo himself, or the way he preferred to present himself anyway. Cub had quite a few ideas of his own on how this could go, but he did not chase them, far more interested in what Mumbo wanted this to be. Mumbo’s lips were chapped, likely from two whole days of mouth breathing in bed, but Cub’s were as well, typically in bad shape one way or another; he had a habit of picking he just couldn’t quite shake. But Cub had long retired the notion that a kiss was some angelic, butterflies and rainbows exploding out of your ears experience. It was nice, it was comfortable, and in a world of fast paced high energy bordering on desperate making out, Cub found he had forgotten what a kiss like this could be, that it didn’t have to be anything at all. He liked it. He liked how Mumbo held his hand. He would like very much to do this again.
Mumbo pulled away first, and Cub found himself satisfied, lingering, but only to watch. Mumbo chuckled, looking away, maybe finding Cub too intense, which was fair.
“Was that okay?” Mumbo asked, a little meek, fiddling with his mustache as if he thought it might have gotten in the way.
“I thought it was great.” Cub squeezed Mumbo’s hand, pleased that he hadn’t let go. “Now, I’m not in any kind of rush, but I would like to know what your thoughts on sex are, just so I can set my expectations.”
“Ah,” Mumbo said it in the way that made Cub think he probably should have waited, but he hated that lingering uncertainty between intimate interactions, he just wanted to iron things out now. But Mumbo looked thoughtful, if not a little nervous, “I mean, I don’t know if I’m looking for any commitments right now, but if you’re thinking something more casual, I would be open to a thing like that.” Mumbo stopped himself, amending, “Well- I guess it depends actually. I don’t- I don’t know all of what you’re expecting of me-”
“Casual is good, casual is better,” Cub agreed, “I’m not overly concerned about recreating fantasies, I have a perfectly active imagination to use in my own time.”
“Well what’s the point then?”
Cub snorted, caught off guard, “What do you mean?”
“You’re interested in me physically because of what I am, right? You like that.”
Cub stopped, shifting his weight as he thought how to answer. He hadn’t meant to give Mumbo that impression at all, but yeah, Cub could see how that had happened. “Well sure, but that’s not the only reason. I’m gonna work on wearing you down enough to get back in the labyrinth with me, but that’s not really about sex either, these are just things I do for fun. I have to get you in with Scar as well, or both of us at the same time. We could see who survives the longest, sabotage each other or work together, it would be incredible. I just also happen to think being hunted is sexy. These two things coexist.”
Mumbo grimaced. “I think I might just struggle to understand how being slowly tortured to death is a fun activity for you- for both of you.”
Cub shrugged. “I dunno. Sounds fun. If it’s not fun and you don’t need it for your health then I won’t do it again. But it will be. I can’t wait to try and stop you. You’ve seen Scar, he’s a lunatic. I’m worse. We also already do basically that in the labyrinth like.. all the time. Faster paced for sure, but that’s because we have to be, we know each other too well.”
“Well- I’ll think about it. How’s that?”
“Yes!” Cub pumped his fist. “You’ve made a man very very happy today, Mumbo. Someday soon I will take you home and thank you personally, but not now, because if I don’t call Grian immediately I will not live to see the light of tomorrow. However, you’d better believe I’d love nothing more than to bend you over my finest strap, got it?”
“Grian-? Oh dear, I know he- oh,” Mumbo finished processing, flushing prettily, then covering his hand with his mouth, a gesture that sparked a moment of violent cuteness aggression in Cub that he promptly forced down. “Oh dear.”
“Is that okay with you?” Cub couldn’t help a small chuckle, but the question was genuine.
“I- Yes. Perfectly.”
Incredibly pleased, Cub moved to open his communicator, finding Grian’s contact. He lingered for a moment, mildly disappointed, but called regardless, figuring he’d rather not be caught making out with Mumbo by a furious Grian who had just happened to check in at the wrong time. Cub hardly got two words out before Grian confirmed he was on his way, hanging up promptly. Cub sat down on a chest, sighing contentedly.
“To uh, answer your question..” Mumbo started, and Cub didn’t entirely remember what he was talking about, but was enraptured regardless, “I share most basic tenets of every species whose shape I take. Obviously, there are exceptions and spectrums in every place, though I usually fall somewhere in the middle everywhere. All this to say, I mean.. Yes. I have a sex drive. If I had my way, I would always be hunting, but there are moments of downtime where I share the same kinds of desires of whatever I am. Mice, birds, wolves, people. If I am a social animal, I want to be around others of my kind. If I am a dove, I’d like to find a mate, raise a family. These are passing desires, they fall below the need to eat, but they are still there, so. If things work out for me here on Hermitcraft.. If hunger isn’t so much of an obstacle, which I can’t promise it won’t be.. Well. Make of that what you will.”
Cub stared. He stared for a very long time. “I am making.”
Mumbo laughed, mostly out of concern, but Cub saw amusement there as well. He could live with that. He could very much live with that.
Cub’s shoes skidded on the honeycomb floor as he took a sharp turn, and he nearly wrenched his arm out of the socket as he grabbed Scar by the jacket, hauling him in the right direction. The hallway was long, the worst kind of way for it to be when it came to Mumbo; he got confused on too many turns, and if the two of them were smart, they could loop him around and continue without getting caught.
“He’s close-” Scar panted, “Nearly saw me around that last corner,” and indeed, Mumbo was very close, his footsteps louder than the sound of Cub’s and Scar’s combined.
“If we’re fast we can confuse him in the next part of the maze,” Cub tried, but Scar only scoffed, rolling his eyes.
“We are not that fast.
Indeed, just moments before Cub’s lab coat whipped around the next corner, Mumbo screeched, the surefire sign that the two of them had been spotted. No coming back from that. One of them was going down. Cub was in front right now, but Scar was faster, strong enough to shove ahead of him, though when he was alone, tended to lose time by paying less attention and making wrong turns. When Cub and Scar were together like this, Scar usually managed to squeak out alive, and it was no accident that they ended up together most days.
“One day,” Cub breathed, “He’s going to catch me. And it’s going to be in the sexy way.”
Scar snorted despite himself, “Uh huh, yeah, maybe today’s your lucky day?” Cub felt Scar’s breath on his neck, ready to push past Cub in the narrow hall, so Cub reeled around, shoving hard and catching Scar off balance. But Scar had too much momentum, tumbling forward instead of back, managing to catch Cub’s leg in both arms before Cub could slip away. Cub fell nearly flat on his face, unhelped by Scar yanking him backward and using the momentum to help himself to his feet. Dazed, Cub just barely caught Scar’s pant leg as he dashed past, but lost his grip when Mumbo’s weight slammed over him, crushing him flat to the ground. God damn it.
Cub felt Mumbo’s claws in his back, lifting him by the neck of his clothes before Cub could even struggle and whipping him into the opposite wall. His back cracked squarely against the deepslate, and beyond his daze Cub was immediately certain something was Wrong, though he couldn’t exactly place what that was as he crumpled to the floor. He couldn’t sit up. That was something. He couldn’t run either, which was mildly alarming, since he very much would have liked to. Luckily, Mumbo was the gentlemanly sort, lifting Cub into a sitting position when he couldn’t do it himself.
If Cub didn’t know him any better, he’d think Mumbo was angry with him. But no, Mumbo was definitely more irritated. Darn fragile human (-esc) body! So easy to break! Cub had to agree, he would much rather be running right now. He really got an edge up on Scar when they got to the parkour sections, though they rarely got that far. But even at the first one with the trapdoors, if Scar fell enough times, Cub could lose him in the key mazes, then he’d really get ahead.
Cub attempted to commiserate with Mumbo so he knew they were both on the same page here, but instead of actual words, mostly blood dribbled from his lips. Hm. Yeah, he might be dying. Mumbo was not the only person here who was disappointed, that was for sure.
And then Mumbo jerked forward, snatching something affixed at Cub’s belt and tearing it back, oh! He remembered! That was great, he didn’t remember the last two times this was a relevant issue. Mumbo was not gentle with the splash healing, shattering it into Cub’s stomach, which, with the glass, kinda ruined the point, but Cub suspected that was extremely on purpose. Cub heaved a shaky sigh, feeling the life bloom back into his limbs. Still trembling, Cub took the second and last splash healing potion off his belt, smashing it against the ground beside him. He needed it. Mumbo watched him carefully, those beady eyes narrowed in a scrutinous attention.
“What?” Cub mumbled, a hint of a laugh sneaking through despite the great ache that still wracked his back and limbs. Yeesh. If he hit that wall a little harder he might’ve just outright died. “Want some kinda reward?”
Mumbo snorted, animal-like, but he released Cub, getting back to his feet and turning away.
“No, no, wait. One second, I’ve got something for you.” Mumbo stopped, eying him suspiciously. Cub dug at his belt for his third and final potion, speed, one he’d been saving for the second part of the maze, though given he hadn’t made it out of the first section unscathed, he didn’t think he’d be making very good use of it. He threw it weakly, nearly missing, but Mumbo understood when the effect took place.
“Go get that bastard.”
Mumbo might have smiled. Either way, he didn’t have to be told twice. Cub got slowly back to his feet, taking a few deep breaths before he too plunged back into the labyrinth.
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ckret2 · 7 months
Of the people in the zodiac circle, who can beat Bill in a fight one on one and who would lose. I feel like I know the answer to that for all except fiddleford. Feel like he has enough rage, wildness, and insanity to wreck bill; but also he's old and probably not as fit as ford
I'm assuming hand to hand combat, because if they're allowed to arm themselves then Bill would just take a time tape and murder everyone.
I'm also banning Bill from kicking anyone in the nuts, because that would give him an unfair advantage against 70% of the zodiac.
Stan: Come on. 🤜💥💀
Ford: Given the skills he picked up in the multiverse, he'd have to put effort into restraining himself so he doesn't accidentally kill Bill.
Soos: has learned some boxing from Stan, but is also pretty clumsy. I think he's fairly strong, but not particularly agile. Not terribly high endurance, but Bill's endurance is lower. Bill would probably win this just by dodging and looking for a good angle to kick out Soos's knee, but Soos has decent odds of getting in a lucky swing that knocks Bill out.
Wendy: Bill's in the hospital.
Dipper: he's got a little martial arts training by now but I don't think he took to it like Mabel did. More likely to freeze up trying to remember how to do a certain move. He's easy to rile up and trick into doing something stupid. He'd leave bruises but Bill wins.
Mabel: She'd win, but the emotional cost to them both would be devastating.
Fiddleford: I know most people headcanon that after he got his memories back, he went back to acting like a normal person, but I prefer to headcanon he gets to keep some of that feral energy that lets him climb on walls like a lizard. He might not be able to beat Bill outright but he'd be impossible for Bill to hit, he's doing junkyard spiderman parkour, he can just exhaust Bill.
Robbie: this kid can't fight. He thinks he could if he had to. He can't. He'd throw one ineffective punch and then the adrenaline would kick in and he'd be lost. His default fight-or-flight reaction is flight. Bill could bulldoze him.
Pacifica: She's in decent physical shape—her parents would never allow otherwise—but she doesn't have any combat training. Without a golf club she doesn't bring much to the table. Her best chance is trying to avoid Bill until he tires out, but if he gets his hands on her he wins easily.
Gideon: built up some muscle in prison, but he's the size of a pug. I think he could thoroughly bruise Bill's shins just through sheer blind rage, but Bill is winning this.
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m3llowm1sh · 8 months
Ok im finally dumping all of these on here !!!! Hooray
first off a lil vid of loghail in @sirwow’s rd connections converged au heehee
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then some shipping stuff
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and finally some internsona shenanigans again ft @emo-hermit’s river and also wally again cuz i love their dynamic sm 🤧🤧
this time theres an actual arc i made for her (under the cut bcuz wall of text) yeaa
ok so when she first arrives at the hospital, she doesnt really talk to any of the people there (except ada and the kids occasionally) and focuses more on working for the rd program. she does her job well and edega notices her quietness/general insecure behaviour, therefore leading him to decide to take advantage of her and try to mold her mind into one thats willing to always take his side and do any sort of work for him.
as time goes on, this definitely takes a toll on her, and the other people notice this. she gets closer with them and like a while later thanks to their conversations and persuading she realizes that her "mentor" relationship with edega is definitely not healthy at all (she realizes this probably like a few months later? idk i still need to refine this whole thing)
eventually when she does snap out of their unhealthy relationship with the reassurance of others she pulls a knives chau and dyes her hair w that classic red color, flips edega off and realizes that "hey its ok to defy others its ok to be myself and not someone others want me to be" and everyone is happy yippee💥💥💥
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itsseohannbin · 5 months
• Like A Volcano | Part Five | •
Han Jisung Mini Series
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© itshannjisung, 2024
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♡ itsseohannbins masterlist ♡
Series Masterlist
Chapter Genre: Angst⚡️Fluff💕Crack💥
-Bestfriends to Lovers Trope-
Summary: being best friends with the kings of kpop always has its ups and downs, and when you're offered a spot on the next European-American book tour to promote the publishing of your new book, there's one kpop king in particular who just doesn't want you to go.
Pairing: Idol!Han Jisung x Female Reader x Bestfriend Skz
** Includes two of my own original female characters, both whom are romantically involved with two of the members. Chan x Jo / Minho x Ash **
Warnings: Swearing. mentions of pregnancy. mentions/consumptions of alcohol. brief mention of bar fights. PDA. making out. slight suggestive themes. toothrotting fluff towards the end. the boys do not use honorifics.
lmk if I missed any!!
Word Count: 7.9k
**this chapter has been slightly changed & revised**
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The nightclub looked exactly how you remembered it to be; overly crowded, disgustingly sweaty and loud enough that you couldn’t even hear your own thoughts.
There was a point in time when this very scene was exactly what you and your friends thrived off of. The hundreds of slick bodies rubbing against each other in time with the music, the endless supply of alcohol that you would all take advantage of until the early hours of the morning, the open-concept layout that allowed you access to every square inch of the building, VIP or not.
Now, the eleven of you preferred nights in with take-out, karaoke, gaming, home-mixed drinks and old movies. Very rarely did you guys ever go out like this, so when you did, you guys always made the absolute most of it.
Bright neon lights and signs littered the old brick walls. The main dance floor still stood directly in the middle of the club, separated by a few steps downward to give it a sunken-in look. The DJ stage sat above it, strobe lights flashing every color and design in time to whatever was playing over the speakers.
The main dance floor was accessible to everyone, and there were multiple staircases leading up to the mezzanine level where the VIP section sat. From up there, you’d have a full view of the bars, the dance floor and the seating areas, though the VIP section had a bar and seating section of its own.
You knew your friends would be up there in the same private seating section they’d claimed upon one of the first visits to the club after debut oh-so many years ago. The staff made sure to rope it off so anyone who wasn’t apart of the Stray Kids entourage wouldn’t get in.
Big, burly men stood guard at each staircase, ensuring only VIPS got access upstairs, and you would’ve been intimidated by them all if they weren’t all Changbin’s gym buddies who, like Dae-hyun, knew you and your friends closely.
As your feet carried you forwards, further into the heat and humidity that clung to the air, you felt some of your tenacity begin to slip. If Jisung was in here hooking up with some girl, it’d be nearly impossible to find him in the ever-growing crowd. There must’ve been some sort of event happening as there seemed to be more people bustling around than usual.
You took a quick detour to the nearest bar and topped up on some liquid courage, the bartender adding it to Changbins ever-growing tab, before making your way to a staircase, trying to avoid the stares and glares you received from nearly everyone you passed by.
When you approached the familiar security guard standing post at the bottom of the metal stairs, you smiled brightly up at him.
“Ye-jun, hey! The rest of the gang is upstairs, yeah?” you asked as you stopped next to him briefly. Ye-jun, who smiled brightly at your sudden appearance, just sighed and gave you a once over before shaking his head and laughing at you in amusement.
“Why am I not surprised that you’re the one walking in here rocking a three-day walk of shame outfit?” he teased. “I’m gonna’ have to have a serious talk with Dae after shift about letting you in here lookin’ like that.”
You punched him lightly in the arm.
“Fuck you Ye, you know I look good.” you teased right back. You made sure to twirl your body in a circle for added affect, causing Ye-jun’s lower lip to fall between his teeth, his eyes darkening with appreciation.
“Yeah, maybe a little too good, y/n. Jisung better smarten the hell up and get his ass in gear before someone snatches you up. Or worse, I do.”
Your initial reaction was to laugh, but the reality of his words only caused you to sigh and run a hand down your already sweaty face.
“Has Ji been that bad?” you asked, not really wanted to know the answer.
If Jisung and his behavior was beginning to cause problems for the club staff, you were going to kill him. Ye-jun shook his head and laughed at the concerned look on your face.
“No. Bad would’ve been eight months ago when I had to drag him out of the bathroom and into a taxi because he was crying so hard over you that he threw up all over one of the couches upstairs. Now he just jumps from woman to woman, causing fights to break out and making security have to work double time.” he explained, chuckling whole-heartedly at the sheer embarrassed that was now plastered to your features at the news.
“Oh my fucking God.” you exasperated. “I am so sorry, Ye.”
Ye-jun waved off your worries with a smile.
“Don’t be. We’ve had some good action in the time you’ve been gone, mostly from the women he double-times. Cat fights, smashed bottles, broken chairs, wigs being torn off, drinks thrown, nails breaking. Oh yeah, the guys and I have been nothing short of amused lately.”
You buried your face in your free hand while heat rushed to your cheeks and covered the tips of your ears. “Jesus, Ye. Why haven’t you kicked us out and banned us yet?” you only half joked. Ye-jun just shrugged and leaned against the railing as he crossed his arms over his broad chest.
“Bad publicity. Throwing out a group of idols would look bad no matter how we’d try and spin it. Plus, like I said, the guys and I are loving it. Standing here for twelve hours checking wrist bands isn’t really as enticing as it may seem.”
You gave him a wicked smile at that last part.
“I’ll keep that in mind next time I feel like starting a fight then.” you winked, though you still felt awful about the crap Jisung’s put the staff through. Ye-jun chuckled and shook his head one last time at you as you tapped his arm goodbye and ran up the stairs, feeling more desperate to find Jisung than before.
The air upstairs was noticeably lighter, making it easier to breathe the second you reached the top. Behind the panes of glass that bordered off the VIP section, the music was slightly muffled, allowing your mind a moment of peace from the commotion and noise coming from behind you.
You pushed your way through the groups of people that cluttered the area, thanking the heavens it was less crowded up here than it was down below, and stopped just a few feet away from the section where your friends sat. You watched the six bodies that were currently present, admiring your friends in awe.
Hyunjin was perched on the armrest of one of the two couches, sipping his drink while he observed the people around him, no doubt looking for someone to pique his interest. Jeongin sat next to him against the cushions, picking away at the large plate of food that sat on the table in front of him.
Ash and Minho were in their own little world on the other couch, the two of them whispering and giggling to one another as they scrolled through Ash’s phone. They’d stop briefly and exchange looks of intimacy and small, soft kisses before resuming, causing you to blush and look away in order to grant them some privacy.
Jo and Chan were, unexpectedly, also indulging themselves in some PDA, which confused you to the core. Jo was never one for public displays of affection, she usually avoided it like the plague, and Chan was always so fine with it; he too preferred it that way, their intimacy save for the privacy of their bedroom.
But alas, here they were. Jo was sitting sideways on Chans lap, her arms wrapped lovingly around his shoulders as his hands held her tightly at the waist, his face buried into her neck. She was giggling softly to herself as he continued his attack on her skin, leaving kisses along her jaw and throat before dipping to her collarbone momentarily and then tracing his path back upwards. The others didn’t seem to mind, paying them no attention, which only left you feeling more out of the loop.
Something was going on.
You had opened your mouth to question what was going on, to ask when Hell hath frozen over for them to be doing such things publicly, without a care, but you barely got a sound out before Jeongin practically squealed in disbelief.
“Oh my God, Noona?”
He jumped from his spot on the couch, his half eaten chicken wing forgotten as he ran to you with open arms. The remaining five bodies all jumped in surprise at his outburst and they turned to watch as he bulldozed into you, nearly knocking you clean off your feet.
“Y/n?” Hyunjin questioned in time to Jeongins movements as the younger squeezed your waist tightly. Realisation hit him quickly, and before you knew it, he was rushing to your side almost as quick as  Jeongin had.
“Is it really you? Are you really here?” Jeongin asked, his smile brighter than the sun. He barely had enough time to move out of the way before Hyunjin’s large figure came crashing into the two of you.
“Bunny? What the heck are you doing here?” Hyunjin interrupted your reply around a laugh as his hands came up to cup your face so he could hold you still and properly look at you. It was as if he didn’t believe you were actually standing before him in the flesh. He had your face squished so much between his palms that your lips were jutting outwards and you couldn’t form any sort of response back to him.
“Jesus Hyune, give the girl room to breathe.” Jo spoke as she hopped of Chans lap and approached the three of you with a smile. “She’s here to see me, obviously.” 
Hyunjin let go of your face and rolled his eyes at Jo’s words as he stepped out of her way so she could greet you.
“Yes, yes. We all know you two are secretly lesbian lovers.” he dramatically spewed with a shake of his head as he returned to his spot on the armrest of the couch.
“It’s true.” you joked back as you pulled Jo in for a tight hug, happy to see her back to usually cheerful self. “Jo and I are helplessly in love.” 
Chan was right behind her, wrapping his arms around the both of you and squishing Jo between your two bodies.
“We had a feeling you’d show.” he quipped before stepping away, allowing Minho and Ash to come forward next. The two of them hugged you warmly before everyone returned to their seats. Jeongin had grabbed your hand and dragged you towards the couch where he and Hyunjin had been sitting, plopping you down in between the two of them.
“Seriously though, what are you doing home? I thought the tour wasn’t done for another month? What’s going on? And what happened to your arm? Why are you dressed like that? Is everything okay?” Jeongins questions came at you in rapid fire as he began picking at his food once more, a look of concern washing over his features. You sighed and rubbed at your eye, taking a moment to think about how to respond.
“It’s a long story,” you decided. “One we can get into later if you’re really interested and concerned.” you patted Jeongins hand reassuringly. “As for my arm, I fractured it back in Amsterdam. I’m okay though, so please don’t worry.” You reached out to pull a cold fry off the platter on the table but Hyunjin’s hand shot out and grabbed you before you could.
“Uh oh. I’m sensing drama.” he stated, his eyes wide as he looked at you in anticipation. He then went on to ask you the one question you dreaded being asked since your plane left the Amsterdam tarmac. Jo, Ash, Chan and Minho all groaned at his curiosity, though Jeongin looked just as intrigued.
“Where’s whats-his-name?”
You took a deep breath, mentally preparing yourself for the onslaught of questions that would no doubt follow your response. You were hoping you’d have more time before the situation was brought up despite coming all the way here and surprising them. You were too focused on your task at hand to think of appropriate responses while in the taxi ride here, and you mentally scolded yourself for it.
“He’s not here.” you stated simply, surprising yourself with how easy it was to say despite everything Seojun put you through. Hyunjin eyed you as his fingers laced with yours. He seemed to have caught onto the seriousness of the situation and chose his next words carefully.
“Not here as in back at your apartment? Or not here as in-”
“Not here as in not in my life anymore.” you interjected, squeezing his large hand for comfort. Jeongin’s face fell slightly at the news, his lips turning downwards into a frown.
“I’m sorry Noona. I know you really liked him.” he pouted for you. You were quick to wave off his worries as you patted his cheek affectionately, ignoring the way your stomach churned at Jeongin’s claim.
“Innie, please, don’t be sorry. I dodged a bullet with that one, believe me.” you assured him with a smile, mimicking Juho’s words from the other night. Jeongin was half-way through a concerned nod before Seungmin’s voice echoed throughout the small area, his sweaty face lighting up like a Christmas tree upon seeing you sitting before him.
“Holy shit. Y/n?” Disbelief coated his words as he hesitated to move. It wasn’t until you smiled his way and stood up from the couch with your arms open wide did he rush to you like a puppy, scooping you up in his arms and spinning the two of you around. As soon as he put you down a moment later, he pulled you into a tight hug, kissing the top of your head.
“What are you doing here?” he asked, his voice an octave higher as his surprise and joy seeped into his tone. You glanced up at him and smiled before bumping your nose against his chin.
“I just missed you guys so much, I couldn’t take it anymore. I needed to come home before I lost my mind.” you answered jokingly before a mischievous smirk spread across your face. ���I’m actually here to confess my love.”
Seungmin’s eyes widened slightly, his eyebrows shooting up his exposed forehead, his lip quivering for an uncertain moment as he tried to read your facial features. He knew about your infatuation with Jisung, nearly everyone at this point did, so his smile was wary and unsure as your hands lifted to play with the hair at the nape of his neck. He swallowed awkwardly, his arms tightening around you as his eyes squinted down at your curiously.
“Confess to who?” he drawled out. Your smirk grew bigger at his inquiry.
“To Jisung, obviously.”
As expected, Seungmin’s face twisted up into a look of discontent and disgust, though his smile never fully faded, his grip still tight around your waist. He knew your heart belonged to his bandmate, but it never stopped him from relentlessly flirting with you every change he got.
“Why would you want to confess to him when your knight in shining armour is literally standing right here in front of you?”
You laughed and scoffed before ruffling his now-blonde hair and giving him a peck on the cheek.
“Seung, you know I love you, but-”
“Yeah, yeah. Not the way you love him.” he waved off your affection with a laugh of his own as he wiped your kiss from his cheek. “He’s nothing but a loser trapped in his own aluminium foil, and for some reason, you’re into that.” he playfully rolled his eyes and frowned as he let you go. A pout sat at his lips as he took your spot on the couch and helped himself to the food you were eating.
“Don’t be pouty.” you mocked.
“I’m not?” Seungmin answered, his frown still present. “I’m just glad it was one of us and not that jackass.”
“One of you that what?” you quipped.
“One of us that you fell in love with. I mean, it should’ve been me, honestly, because I’m irresistibly funny and more handsome than Jisung will ever be, but I won’t hold it against you. As long as you come sit with me.” Seungmin joked around, patting his lap for you to sit down.
You rolled your eyes at him and ignored his invitation, glancing around the VIP section to see if you could spot Jisung. You knew he wouldn’t be up here, it would be obvious if he was, but you still looked for him regardless.
“Where is Ji anyways?” you asked no one in particular. “I need to talk to him before my confidence wears off.”
You didn’t realise you had been bouncing anxiously from foot to foot, toying with the hem of your (Jisung’s) shirt until Ash had reached out and grabbed a hold of your hand, her thumb running soothing circles across your knuckles to help ease your nerves.
“Last I saw he was down on the dance floor with Bin and Felix.” Seungmin answered as he leaned back into the leather couch, his mouth nearly stuffed full with nachos.
Just as you were about to open your mouth and ask who wanted to join you for a dance, Changbin showed up looking sweaty and out of breath. He whizzed past Chan and Jo, who had resumed their intimate acts of affection, and reached for a glass, gulping half of it down before he even noticed you standing there. Upon meeting your gaze, his eyes widened and he nearly spat his drink out across the space between the two of you.
“Bunny?” Felix shouted in surprise as he appeared, pushing past the ropes and coming forward to immediately pull you into a gentle hug before Changbin could. “What the hell are you doing here? When did you get back?”
You squeezed your arms around him for a moment, melting into his familiar embrace before you pulled away and held him at arms length, observing his change in style.
“I got back this morning. But you? What did you do to your hair?” you exclamied upon seeing it, the bright blue color harmonizing his skin tone perfectly. Felix blushed and swiped his hand through the loose locks, smiling down at his feet.
“You like it? I think it looked great. They did such a good job for comeback.”
“It looks incredible!” you gushed as your hands reached up to touch it. You were expecting the strands to be dry and damaged from all the product they must’ve used to bleach it and then dye it, but it was as soft as a feather.
“Yah!” Changbin then interrupted in his loud voice, the tone only slightly annoyed. “Is this why the four of you rushed out of the house so quickly this morning? To go pick her up?” He addressed Chan, Jo, Minho and Ash as he came in for a hug. The four of them nodded in response.
“Why didn’t you tell us she was back!” He asked as he wrapped his strong arms around you and squished you tighter than anyone else had.
“She didn’t want you guys to know she was back until she was ready.” Chan explained calmly, glancing at you before he continued on. “She’s had a lot of shit happen in the last few months and she really needed a rest before you heathens brought more chaos into your life.” He gave you a silent look to see how you’d react to his explanation, but his honestly barely bothered you.
“Because you guys are animals and I needed to fully recharge my battery before facing all eight of you again. I missed you guys a lot, but my time away has dwindled my patience.” you joked as you wiggled in Changbins iron-like embrace. He waited a few more seconds before loosening his grip, allowing you room to breathe. He then held you at arms length and gave you a once over, a look of concern crossing his features before a giggle escaped his lips.
“Your sense of style also seems to be dwindling.” he teased, shaking his head similar to how Ye-jun had. “What the hell are you wearing?” he asked with a wiggle of his eyebrows.
You rolled your eyes and pushed him playfully away from you.
“Keep it in your pants, Bin. I’m here for Jisung, not you.”
You expected Changbin to dramatically clutch his heart and fall to his knees the way he’d done so many times in the past, but instead, he tensed under your touch at the mention of Jisung’s name. A laboured breath left his throat and your stomach began to turn.
“Fuck me.” he whispered as he closed his eyes and rubbed at the bridge of his nose in distress..
“Bin, what’s wrong?” your voice squeaked. You knew his answer just by the look of sheer guilt in his eyes, but it still stung to hear the words out loud.
“He just went off to dance with some girl.” he admitted shyly as he scratched the back of his neck. There was barely enough time for the information to reach your ears before Jo suddenly burst out in a fit of annoyance.
“Binnie, what the hell?” she sucked in a breath at his words, a look of betrayal on her face. “Remember when I told you guys not to let him do that tonight? This is why. Cause y/n’s back, you idiot!”
Changbin shrugged his shoulders and held his hands up in surrender.
“It’s not my fault! I didn’t know Bunny was back, or I would’ve stopped him! I just wanted to let the kid have some fun!” he tried to justify his actions, but Jo wasn’t having any of it. She nearly growled as she rose from Chan’s lap, causing him to reach out to stop her.
You watched as Chan grabbed her by the waist to prevent her from beating Changbin to death with her bare fists, his hands resting protectively across her stomach. He stood with the momentum and nuzzled his face into her neck, whispering lightly into her ear. He was being overly affectionate with her despite the tension that surrounded the two of them earlier in the morning during the ride back to your apartment, and you were becoming more and more confused.
“Jo, Love, please relax. You don’t want to get too riled up. Think about your blood pressure.” you heard him barely whisper as he tried to talk Jo down, his hands moving to rest on her upper arms.
You knew something was going on but you never expected the next words to leave Chan’s mouth.
“Think of the baby.” he murmured. He thought he had spoken low enough for no one to hear, but you did. Everyone did, and everyone minus Ash and Minho whipped their heads in their direction with matching looks of shock crossing their features, Changbins fuck-up momentarily forgotten.
“I’m sorry, WHAT?” you shouted in surprise.
Chan’s face flushed red and Jo scowled playfully at him. 
“Nice going Chris.” she mumbled as she smacked his arm lightly. Chan just let out a sheepish smile and rested his chin on her shoulder as he pulled her back down onto his lap.
“Excuse me?” Changbin was having a hard time comprehending the news.
“You’re pregnant?” Jeongin and Felix spoke at the same time that Hyunjin and Seungmin let out choked noises of surprise. Jo hesitated for a minute to look at Chan before the biggest smile you’d ever seen from her spread across her face. She looked joyful, ironically like a child, and adoration sparkled in her eyes.
“Surprise?” she offered. Smiles and shouts of joy began to slip out as the initial shock wore off of everyone, each of the members present standing to hug and congratulate the happy couple on their news. Seungmin just leaned forward from his spot on the couch to try and give his leader a high-five amidst the chaos.
“Alright Chan! Fifty points for managing to put a Joey in the pouch!” he laughed maniacally. Everyone except Chan laughed at Seungmins inappropriate joke.
Chan instead just deadpanned at his younger member, the signature disappointed dad sigh making a comeback as he shook his head. He looked as if he was ready to put Seungmin up for adoption.
“Seungmin, never ever in your life say those words to me ever again.”
Seungmin just laughed as he forcefully pulled one of Chan’s hands off of Jo’s stomach and high-fived himself with it, looking mischievous and every bit proud of himself. Everyone shook their heads at him before you brought attention back to Jo and Chan.
“So, how far along are you?” you asked.
“Do you guys know the gender yet?” Felix then chided in.
“Oh God, I don’t know if I’m ready to be an Uncle to two idiots just yet.” Hyunjin cried, earning a smack on the back of his head from Minho.
“If it’s a boy can we name it after JYP?”
Jo laughed at the impending questions and hugged Chan tighter to her chest as she answered each of them happily, her body practically dripping with excitement.
“I’m almost four months along. No, we don’t know the gender, we want to keep it a surprise. And no, Seung? We’re not naming it after JYP?” she scowled at Seungmin’s suggestion. You could practically see the wheels of mischeif spinning wildly in his mind, and you decided then to interrupt his next words with a clap of your hands.
“I think this calls for a celebratory drink for everyone! In honor of the both of you.” you interjected, addressing both Ash and Jo in your statement. “By this time next year, we’ll have a mini-Jo and a mini-Min running around together, wreaking havoc with their parents in tow, and I think it’s best for us all to get a head start on the numbing process now.”
Everyone giggled and cheered at your suggestion. All but Chan. His attention was zeroed in on something past the window and down onto the main dance floor.
“I think the drinks can wait.” he said. When his eyes found yours, he nodded and motioned down to the crowd of people who were dancing and singing to the music. You paced to the window and peered through the glass to see what he was looking at.
At first, you weren’t sure what caught his eye. The flickering lights and hordes of people made it difficult to spot what he did, but after a sudden flash of white light lit up the room, it was hard to miss the silver-blonde mop of hair on Jisungs head as he squeezed his way through the crowd, his hands intertwined with a girls.
You gulped loudly as you watched him pull the female away from the dance floor and towards the darkened corners where the bathrooms were located. A wave of heat washed over you and you suddenly felt sick to your stomach from the sight of him with someone else. Someone that wasn’t you.
Everyone had gotten up and peeked through the window to see what you and Chan were looking at, and then they all looked towards you to gauge your reaction and anticipate your next move. Minho must’ve sensed your sudden lack of confidence because he held the remainder of his drink out to you and waited for you to take it before he spoke softly.
“Remember what I said, y/n.” he clicked his tongue. “You deserve happiness. You deserve love. You deserve him. Now go get him.”
The jealousy that sat idly in your bloodstream flared to life as you downed your drink without a problem, barely tasting the whiskey on your tongue while your eyes followed Jisung. You nodded at Minho’s words, but your feet refused to move.
This was it.
This was what you came here for.
This is what pulled you off your couch and dragged you to this nightclub without a second thought, without a single care at to what you looked like and what the outcome could’ve been. 
Maybe you should’ve changed your clothes.
This was what your heart ached for,
He was what your heart aced for.
And it was time to get him back.
You nodded your head again as you felt the alcohol coat your system with a new wave of confidence. You took a deep breath before you glanced to your right where Seungmin was sipping on his glass of expensive vodka through a straw.
Before he could react, you pulled the glass from his hand and tilted your head back, chugging as much of it back as you could.
“Oh, that’s not-” Seungmin paused and watched in awe as you downed the entire glass. “That’s not water.” he finished quietly to himself as you handed him the empty glass and wiped the corners of your mouth, letting the vodka give you that extra boost you needed to get your feet moving.
Satisfied, you turned on your heel and walked away from your friends without another word. Despite the excitement that still hung in the air at Jo and Chans announcement, all nine of them shotued and cheered for you as you made your way out of the VIP area and down to find Jisung, causing others to send weird looks your way.
Your feet seemed to be moving in double time as you became more and more determined, pushing through the waves of people and making your way to the bathrooms, desperately hoping Jisung would still be in the area.
You weren’t about to lose you chance again.
You’d fight the girl with your bare fists if you had to; anything for another chance.
As the alcohol settled in your system, you felt your head grow tipsy, boosting your confidence impossible more. The crowd grew more and more dispersed the closer you got to the bathrooms, making it easier to breathe.
Easier to find exactly who you were looking for.
He was hard to miss.
He had the girl pushed up against the wall near the corner. Her hands were running ravenously over his body; up his back, across his shoulders, into his hair and down again. His face was buried into the crook fo her neck and her smile was blissful even in the dim light as he sucked and bit at her skin.
Upon seeing him in this compromising position, you almost blushed and turned away to leave them be, accepting the fact that he’d moved on from you, but you noticed quickly that Chan had been right. Jisungs hands were planted firmly against the wall he had her up against, and his body was rigid, still, as if he wasn’t enjoying himself in the slightest. That was enough to make you stay. 
He was wearing one of his infamous sleeveless shirts, black and worn out and distressed, much like yours was, and fitted black jeans. His silver-blonde hair that you’d seen online in the comeback trailer was long and messy, sweat causing it to stick up and out in all directions while the girls hands tugged and pulled at it.
The way his shirt hugged his broad shoulders made his back muscles extremely visible, his honey-colored biceps and forearms flexing deliciously as the pressure he applied to the wall rose and fell in time with his heavy breathing. The shirt clung to his body, slick with sweat, exposing his thin waist.
He looked absolutely delectable.
You watched as the girl raised one of her bare legs and wrapped it around his hips, a moan escaping her lips as she tried to pull him closer to her. It was the most dramatic, unnattractive sound you’d ever heard and you sensed she was most likely doing it for his benefit rather than her own, attempting to gt him to touch her, but he resisted.
You felt a surged of pride as you noted it. Yes, you trusted Chan and everything he told you, but seeing it with your own two eyes made it more real, more special.
Jisung didn’t want anyone but you, refused to touch anyone but you.
It made you shudder in delight.
Then, as if on cue, the most delicious groan you’ve ever heard escaped from Jisung’s throat, causing a shiver to shoot up your spine.
“Bubby,” he whined, his voice hot with lust as he practically cried. “Y/n, please.”
That was all you needed to hear; the only thing that sent you flying towards the two at full speed before you could even register what was happening.
He didn’t want her, he wanted Bubs.
He wanted you.
With more confidence than you’ve had all night, you walked right up behind him and laced your fingers into the belt loop of his jeans. In one swift motion, you whirled him off of the girl and pushed him into the corner, caging him with your arms on either side of his face.
You ignored the girl’s confused huffs of anger as Jisung was ripped from her grasp, and pressed your body against him in all the right places, your leg inserting itself between his, your lips coming up to whisper in his ear.
Jisung wasn’t sure what had happened. One minute he was sucking the neck of a girl he didn’t bother learning the name of, doing everything he could to block the image of you from his mind, and the next he was being pushed into a corner.
His first drunken instinct was to fight against whoever it was who overpowered him, which was futile given how much alcohol he’d consumed already, concluding it was probably one of the bouncers looking to throw him out for god knows what this time. But, when he was met with your familiar scent, when the lavender and vanilla hit his senses at full force, his body nearly shut down. When your soft, sweet voice whispered into his ear, the voice that always seemed to bring him back home, he went nearly limp with relief.
“I’m right here Sung. Bubs is here.” you had whispered against his earlobe.
Immediately, his arms wrapped around your waist as your words hit him. For the first time in almost a year and a half, he felt like he was being saved, like he was waking from a dream, a nightmare.
He felt as if he had been spacebound for decades and your voice was the tether he needed to bring him back to earth. Like he had been drowning for an eternity and your voice alone was all he needed to breach the surface and breathe in the oxygen that was you.
He inhaled and slowly opened his eyes, terrified that he’d come face to face with a total stranger, someone who smelled and sounded exactly like you, the love of his life, but wasn’t.
When his eyes slitted open and they found yours staring back at him with nothing but adoration and lover and wonder, his arms tightened impossibly more around you and he practically lost his breath.
With your hair pulled into the remnants of a messy bun, dark bags under your eyes from lack of sleep, the small mole on your left cheek that matched his almost too perfectly, he thought you looked absolutely stunning.
The freckles that scattered across your nose and cheeks like stars in the night sky, the shirt, his shirt, hanging off your body, your shorts barely poking out from beneath the hem, the fucking converse on your feet.
No one could ever compare.
Maybe it was the alcohol swimming through his system, or simply just the lights from the club behind you, but he swore you had an angelic glow.
His savior.
You had come back for him.
Despite the overwhelming amount of happiness that poured into his bloodstream at just the sight of you alone, despite never feeling so relieved in his entire life, his face turned downwards into a scowl as he made eye contact with you.
He didn’t mean for it, but he wanted, needed, to protect his heart.
“What are you doing here y/n?”
His eyes burned into yours. You could tell by the fire in them that he was still mad at you for everything that happened, but the grip he had on your hips and the ever-growing bulge in his pants that was pressed against your thigh told you a completely different story.
“I’m here for you, Ji.” you spoke calmly, adoringly.
Jisung let out a sarcastic laugh and shook his head as he sobered up and glanced around where you had him cornered. He was fighting an internal battle with himself and wasn’t sure which side would win. The side that was still heartbroken and furious at you for leaving and running off with a man who didn’t love you as much as he did, or the side that wanted so badly to melt into your embrace and kiss you like there was no tomorrow.
“What’s wrong? Seojun couldn’t fulfill your needs so now you’re back here looking for me to do it instead?”
Ouch. That one stung.
You expected a bad reaction from him, but nothing like that. You nearly flinched away from his words. Your first instinct was yelling at you to start a fight and let the tears slip, it’s what you were used to from Seojun after all, but Jisung wasn’t speaking maliciously, at least not completely. He had no sides of the story and you knew that.
That was the only reason you took a deep breath and forced a conversation out of your system instead of the usual screaming match you had grown accustomed to in your time away.
“That’s not what’s going on, Sung.”
“Isn’t it though? You had him and you got bored and now you’re back for me.”
He watched you through hooded eyes as you shook your head at his words, but he didn’t give you a chance to respond before he spoke up again.
“Y/n, I love you just as much as I did the day you left, probably more so now that I know what it’s like to live without you, but I vowed to myself that day that I’d never let myself be anyones second choice.”
A heartbroken sigh shattered your body at his words, causing you to shake your head even harder at what he was insinuating.
“That’s just it Jisung. You’re not my second choice.” you breathed out around the lump that was quickly forming in your throat. You exhaled a shaky breath before continuing, not missing the way his eyes widened slightly at your claim.
 “You’ve never been my second choice. You’ve always been my first. Even when I ran off with some asshole who didn’t give a flying fuck about me, when I embarked on an adventure that left me feeling nothing but lonely and empty inside, when I laid awake night after night missing home and wishing desperately I could go back, you’ve always been my first. And I tried to deny it and I tried to run away from it, but I couldn’t. I can’t anymore. You’re undeniable. You’re the only one my heart has ever belonged to. It’s been yours since day one.”
Jisung went still and silent at that, his eyes observing yours closely as he searched for any remains of doubt or skepticality in your resolve, anything that would tell him you were exaggerating or lying, but he found none.
He was suddenly hit with a brick of emotions as he found nothing but honesty and love staring back at him. He was and always would be your number one. He could see that now as clearly as he could see the universe in your eyes every damn time he looked into them.
“What are you saying y/n?” he whispered out so quietly you barely heard him.
A soft smile curled the corners of your mouth as you reached up and brushed some of his hair away from his face, trying to get a better look at his honey-colored skin and adorable brown eyes.
“I think you know exactly what I’m saying.” you whispered back in the same tone. It was a miracle the two of you heard each other at all over the loud music. But at this moment, the two of you were just lost in your own little world, everything else seemed muffled, unimportant.
A smile then pulled at Jisungs mouth, one that wasn’t mean or sarcastic or insincere. A genuine smile, and you knew at that moment you had him. You got him back, and the utter relief that shook your body was powerful enough to make your knees weak.
He was yours.
“I think I want to hear you say it,” he spoke softly, his eyes glittering in anticipation. “But please, please, don’t say it unless you absolutely one-hundred percent mean it. I can’t go through this again. I can’t lose you again.” he begged.
You dimpled at him, taking your hands off the wall and reaching to tangle your fingers in the long, soft hair that sat at the nape of his neck. You gave him a grin and shook your head in awe.
“I love you Jisung.”
He seemed to be holding his breath as he waited patiently for the words to leave your mouth, because once they did, a sigh of relief left his lips and his head fell forward to rest on your shoulder, his arms hugging you closer to his body. He nuzzled his nose against the skin of your neck, inhaling slowly as he tried to relax his frantic heartbeat.
“Say it again,” he whispered, causing a giggle to leave your chest as you held him close to you.
“I love you Ji.” you told him again.
You could feel him smiling against the skin of your neck as he took another deep breath, inhaling the very essence of you.
“Again,” he begged, relishing in the way the words left your mouth so prettily, in the way it made goosebumps rise along his arms and legs, in the way it filled him with so much joy and happines he felt like he could outshine the sun.
You let out a laugh at his persistent request, but complied anyways, tears forming in your eyes and threatening to pool down your cheeks from the sheer happiness filling your veins.
“I’m in love with you, Sungie.”
He pulled away from your neck and lifted a hand from your hips to hold your face. Tears of joy and relief were falling down his puffy cheeks and his thumb wiped at yours as your own tears began to fall just from the sight of him.
“One more time?”
You giggled again, your head leaning into the warmth of his touch.
You’d tell him as many times as you needed to for him to believe it.
“Jisung Han, I fucking lo-”
You never got a chance to finish your sentence before his lips connected with yours as he spun the two of you around, caging you in the corner and encasing you in everything that was him.
The kiss was gentle and sweet, full of love and devotion and longing. Even though his lips were pressed against yours roughly, they felt feather-light, and you sighed into the feeling.
It finally felt like you had come home.
Jisung smiled against your lips once you finally opened your mouth to take a breath, and he took the opportunity to slip his tongue in. The second your tongues touched, it was like fireworks had gone off inside your body.
Every nerve ending in your tongue, in your mouth, in your entire being was on high alert as the two of you slowly and sensually explored each other. You could feel every inch of his tongue as it grazed across yours. The little sparks of electricity that poured from his hands that were holding you so gentle made you feel alive for the first time in months, years even.
When the two of you inevitable had to pull away, breathless and dazed from the intensity of your actions, Jisung leaned his forehead against yours and opened his eyes slightly to stare at you.
“That should’ve been our first kiss,” he whispered as his arms folded around you once more. He was squeezing you tightly, as if he was afraid you’d drift away the second he stopped touching you, and you loved the feeling of it.
“I love you so much, Princess.”
You glanced up at him briefly before you pulled him in closer to you once more, connecting your lips with his in another kiss.
The time, the kiss was hot and desperate, the neediness practically rolling off the two of you in waves. All the years of longing glances, sexual tension, titillating banter and subtle flirting had led up to this moment. The invisible chord that tethered you two together seemed to have finally been pulled past it’s limit and snapped, brining you two closer than ever before.
Jisung slightly bent his legs, his mouth never breaking contact with yours, and wrapped his arms around your thighs, picking you up and pushing you harder into the corner.
As if you had been doing it for years, your legs automatically wrapped around his tiny waist, his pelvis pushing against yours while his chest pinned you to the wall. His fingers were softly stroking the crevice just beneath where your butt ended and your legs began, causing your body to ignite with want.
You ran your fingers through his hair and tugged on the ends gently, pulling away from his lips, a small string of saliva connected yours to his. Jisungs mouth chased you as you went, causing you to softly laugh. You had to put a hand on his shoulder and nudge him to get him to relax and take a breath.
“Wanna get out of here?” You asked breathlessly, your eyes darting from his eyes, back down to his mouth and then back up again.
Like you were a drug he was addicted to, Jisung couldn’t keep his lips off your skin. He planted soft kisses all across your face as you spoke, from your cheek, to your chin, to your nose, and finally back to your lips once more.
“Yeah?” he asked back, taking a moment to stare at you nervously. He bit his lip as you nodded your head yes eagerly.
“Yeah.” you confirmed. Jisung took one of his hands from where he was supporting your ass and brushed a few baby hairs away from your face.
“Are you sure?” he asked, causing you to roll your eyes and let out a laugh in response.
“Just fucking take me home Jisung.” you begged. Jisung smiled at your request and helped you to your feet again. He held onto your elbow as you struggled to regain your composure from the heated kisses the two of you exchanged.
“You don’t have to tell me twice.”
And with that, with his hand on the small of your back, he took you home.
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Taglist || @sungshineworld @collisvng @ihrtlix @queen-in-the-shadows @cassidymb121
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yey56 · 22 days
Villainous x sarcastic and trouble maker dealer.
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Thinks your the rational version of Dementia, at least you can be reasoned with.
Sometimes you feel bored and just start to move things from its place, not very far away but defenetly not where they were and it drives him nuts, he's seriously considering that he might have early Alzheimer.
He still thinks its Dementias fault that his things are disappearing and reapearing in different places. You're just laughing in the corner watching they're discussions unravel. 😜
Tries to ally with you whenever he wants to deal with Dementia because your smartass actitude and sarcasm makes you the perfect match for her.
When he's explaining something in the commercial videos he's already expecting either you or Dementia commenting something. 👀
Even though he doesn't admit it much, he likes your funny nature and you're easygoing self.
When you're feeling kind you tell him jokes and make funny comments so he can have a more relaxed environment.
he always laughs at your jokes and sassy answers, but he will always try to hide it.
You're like a ticking bomb waiting to explode, only that you explode with words, every time you open your mouth he doesn't really know what to expect. 💥
You don't always get along but you are able to have fun together and cooperate 👍
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Three words: ✨Partners in crime✨
When you're bored you team up with her to annoy Flug, or anyone at your reach.
Once you guys stole a bank and run away with a bycicle so while you were scaping you looked back at the police for a second, that single thing made you both fall to a river (Spoiler: Dementia had to drag you out)
Whenever one of you has committed a crime you can bet that the other is either involved or fully aware of it.
Sometimes you're bored and instead of being productive like you boss has many times aggressively kindly suggest you, you think is a better idea to make an absolute mess. Of course Dementia appears and you both really get carried away. So when shit hits the fan, Black hat appears with all the intention to yell at you both, thats before Dementia literally grasps herself around him.
Of course you take advantage of this to make a quick scape before the boss can notice you presence.
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After 2 hours of Black hat trying to get Dementia off of him he called you to deal with her, so after another 30 minutes of bribing her with sugar and energy drinks (probably not your best idea but certainly the quickest one), you finally got her away from your boss.
All of Hat island knows you as the main troublemakers of the place, the almost abandoned police department in the island has a honorary photo of your mug shots in the main entry.
Dem/You: our friendship goes beyond your average kind of bond (🤨🏳️‍🌈)
You: but not because we're gay.
Dem: No, not because we're gay.
Dem/You: were close but not that way, the only one that I love is Blackhat/ Myself 😃.
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He can appreciate witty and mentally quick people, smartness is useful.
Has catch you once or twice slipping some sarcastic comments from time to time, if he's in a good mood he'll ignore them, if not he'll just look at you menacingly.
Sometimes when he doesn't want to go to an event he's been invented to you are send in his place (and if he doesn't like very much the host of said event he allows you to insult other guest, you used the "his words not mine" as an excuse 😈)
You have the bad habit of cursing a lot and you have already been warned that if you keep insulting so much he will tear your tongue away from you mouth.
He wasn't done it yet but instead has put soap in your mouth, and once physically banned you from saying curse words.
You: YOU...
Dem: stupid
Dem: useless fuck
Dem: bitch-smiling
Flug: what the hell are you doing?
You: boss has banned me from saying curse words but I'm unstoppable.
Black hat: I don't think so - turns you tongue into an alive fish. 💀
You basically have no filter, so whenever he wants the truth from an employee you're always the one he asks first because hes certain that you will be honest (sometimes some money is involved but that's another story).
Has catch you sometimes overhearing others conversations in a dark corner, only for you to scare them after .He also enjoys scaring people so thats a hobbie you have in common.
Once for Halloween you proposed the boss to scare the living shit of everyone in the manor for the whole day, he liked that idea so you spent the rest of the day hearing the screams of the others. (+ Points for your malevolence 👍).
One time you were way to honest with him in a day in which he had worst mood than usual (not a good idea) so ONCE AGAIN he punished you taking away you ability to speak (has happened more times that you can count). When you tried to apologise to him, you had to get creative so you got a notebook and wrote this:
You: *writing* ... --- .-. .-. -.-- / -... --- ... ... 😔☹️
Black hat: what the fuck is this?!
You: *writing* remorse code :)
Black hat: now I'm even angrier than before. >:(
505 🐻:
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Every time he sees you doing something shady you always give him a lollipop to bribe him (always works).
You're his favourite story teller, since you have a way with words every story you tell him is really fun.
You spent a whole morning doing sock puppets of yourself and other characters.
When you and Dementia make plans for you crimes outings, the both on you and 505 draw together maps and of course outcomes (with Dementia of course it ends up in really unrealistic outcomes but it's fun to imagine them)
You have tried to teach him how to make jokes and pranks, but his concept of a prank is stopping halfway and hugging the intended victim.
You ask him to make empty cakes so you can put a little bomb inside of it. Every time it explodes, everyone near that cake ends up dirty with sugar.
Your always take it easy with him so the pranks you pull on him all innocent and don't cause any kind of harm.
You're a little soft for that big guy, you will never admit it out loud though.
You: you're to good for this world
505: 😃
You: but that's ok, I'll be shitty enough for the both of us
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yakuzacanons · 1 year
PLEASE 💥💳💥💥💳 SOME RYUJI DATING HEADCANONS 💳💥💳💥 (+NSFW if u don't mind, cause you already know this man is a BEAST in bed! I'm talking exTREME stamina!) I'm in LOVE with that man!!! 😩
Ahhhh Ryuji's first request, YES I will happily oblige. I love that big silly man, he's so funny to me. Also his outfits are so styling, wtf. Headcanons below the cut, sorry it took a bit to get to this one. Hope you have a great day/night!
Ryuji plans THE best dates. Just when you think you've done it all and gone everywhere with Ryuji, he WILL find someplace new to go and new things to do. He really likes experiencing things with you as to him nothing is more meaningful than time spent with you.
Totally the type of guy to be a very proud boyfriend. If people at the Omi Alliance asks where he's going that evening, he will proudly and probably way too loudly respond with "I am gonna get dinner with my wonderful partner!" with a huge grin on his face.
Speaking of dinner, going on dinner dates is his absolute favorite type of date. He's very attentive to what your favorite snacks, meals, and drinks are and commits it all to memory. Picks the most amazing restaurants for anniversaries and birthdays, always complete with a private table and a bottle of your favorite alcohol.
Says things like "Order whatever ya want, babe" or "I saw ya admiring this outfit the other day so I went ahead and bought it for ya. Hope I got the right size" as gift giving is absolutely his love language. He also likes shopping the most out of the boys and doesn't find it to be tedious at all. He loves seeing your face light up when you find something you like and since money is no object to him, he is more than happy to spoil you rotten.
As much as he loves giving you gifts, he also loves receiving them. There's no one on earth that's as appreciative of gifts as Ryuji. He'll always react to gifts from you by saying "Wow, for me? Really?" before wrapping you into a big bear hug. He's so used to thinking about other people that it really moves him when someone does the same for him.
He's got the softest spot for pets so don't ever ask him if he wants to go to a cat café because he will never say no. Animals also really like him, whenever he goes to a cat café, all the kittens pile into his lap. Dogs at the park happily lick his face when he tries to pet them. Totally the type of boyfriend to beg for the two of you to get a pet one day.
When it comes to physical affection, Ryuji isn't shy. He likes to walk around hand in hand or with his arm draped around your waist or around your shoulders. Pretty affectionate with kissing and does it often. He's lazy at cuddling though, he just sort of drapes his arm over you.
He's got a pretty average sex drive but his stamina is quite above average. Ryuji is a balanced sex partner, equally giving and receiving. Open to trying new things but tends to let you lead the way in that regard. If you express an interest in trying something out, he'll at least give it a shot.
Ryuji is rough during sex, mostly on accident. He just gets caught up in it and would not actually hurt you intentionally, unless you're into that. Has a bad habit of giving you a LOT of hickeys because he just gets overzealous during sex.
Fairly noisy during sex, although it's more of a grunting or rumbling sound than an outright moan. He likes it when you make a lot of noises though and he will totally tease you about it, so if you're into that, he's going to take advantage of that.
Good at aftercare. Will give you massages, get you tea, and check on you. One of his favorite things is taking a nice warm bubble bath with you. He can do this either sexually or romantically depending on you're both feeling. He just thinks it's a cute thing to do.
Be warned, this man snores quite a bit. Also, he has a bad habit of walking around his bedroom totally naked but if you ask, he'll throw a robe on.
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pearldog30 · 2 years
Rodolfo (Rudy) Parra head Cannon
Since my last HC in my personal opinion did well. I was not expecting to get any hearts or anything (which I really appreciate it, and thank you all so much. people don't realize how much it really means to new writing like myself.) I'm making another one, and I'm making it on a character that I don't feel like gets enough credit our boy Rudy love him so much! This is also on the more realistic side I try with all my HCS to make them realistic.
Master list
Warnings| none that I know of, and as always let me know if I got the tags right.
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1,000% his love song (if the link doesn't work cuz I know sometimes it doesn't it's all of me by John legend slow and reverb)
I feel like out of all the cod men he would be like the least "abusive" one. he would actually go out of his way and take precautionary measures to deal with his trauma/PTSD and all the shit he has to see cuz let's be honest. not a lot of people can handle what he sees on the daily.
He's also insecure about the scars on his body, from fights. not only do they bring bad memories, but he also doesn't want to scare you with them.
Concentrated to popular belief. he's not that emotional since he's always going to therapy, and dealing with his emotions, he's very much mentally drained. (but in a good way. And that's why you're there to give him a warm hug, and just let him lay there and soak in the moment to gather his thoughts.) he would also love it if you went with him, just so he can prove to you he's actually doing very good in therapy and making a difference.
he's also the most easy to earn his trust, and get to know him and get to be a part of his life. (but if you backstab him. or any of the people he loves, and mistreat his trust, there will be hell to pay you don't fuck with him. or his loves ones people learned that the hard way.) but don't be mistaken there's still that little wall he has up due to his job.
Also I feel like there'd be barely any fights, but if there are (because let's be honest no relationship is perfect) he straight up ignores you, and gives you the silent treatment. until y'all can go your separate ways, clear your heads and then have a conversation and talk it through, he wholeheartedly believes on communication is key.
He's also high key the most patient one, and level-headed out of all the guy's. despite him being Hispanic.
With him being so patient he's the one you need the most when you need to vent/rant/etc. and he'll help you through it rather it be giving you ways to deal with it, or just listening to you, he's there. (you will keep putting him in a trance because he's so in love)
I feel like he's also gotten taken advantage of in past relationships so he's clingy as hell.(he's low-key got abandonment issues and has a terrible anxiety about you leaving him because he isn't "good enough")
Also high key A MAMA'S BOY! (you cannot tell me otherwise.) and with him being a mama's boy he treats you so goddamn well, Straight up Queen treatment. Accidentally got you the wrong thing at the store, oh he'll make it his mission like the world's coming to an end. and will go back and get you the right one even if you beg him not because it was just a misunderstanding mistake.
With him being a mama's boy if you earn her trust, (if you thought earning his trust was hard, OH BABY. you have no idea how hard it is earning his mama's with his job she's always low-key looking out for him rather it be partners/job/day to day life.) and if she falls in love with you. OH HELL YOU BETTER WATCH OUT he ain't ever letting you go.
He's also an amazing cook. like man's straight up grew up in the kitchen with his grandma, and Mama. (cooking is like a sad, but good memory for him. since his grandma passed away it's a way for him to honor her.) oh you want some soup💥 BAM💥 it's right there in front of you. you don't even have to be sick just you alone mentioning you're hungry and he's right there on it.
He lowkey sometimes smokes after a rough mission. (nobody knows about it other than the guys, not even you he doesn't want you worrying about his health.)
Love language, words of affirmation, physical touch.
If you read all this thank you so much! I'm sorry this one wasn't a long one. But I hope it was good I tried my hardest. Reblogs and comments are always much appreciated 🖤
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isjasz · 11 months
HHHDHDHDH okok so literly just found your blog, and i’m going through it and A: giggling sm ur art is so pretty and hello??? what?? how??? like ur art is just 💥💥💥/pos B: the the desert duo,,, i noticed people rant to you about desert duo and instead of ignoring it ur like “omg yes that’s literally them” so auahahhahahaha i’m sooo gonna rant (literally like only a freind and my bf know about life series and the friend doesn’t rember much and my bf is half way though third life so i cant talk about it to them cus i don’t wanna spoil it) SO UH yeah i’m gonna ramble,, hope that’s okay!!:,D
okay i also havent watched limited life but some how have started seceret life so sorry dont know much about limited but i do plan on watching it,
okay okay so i have two ideas of life series desert duo:
my first idea is: it’s just a constant one sided love, when ever grian is falling for scar, scar is oblivious, and when scar is falling for grian, grian is trying his best to ignore scar, and it’s a constant painful dance, because that want to be by eachother, they want each other, they NEED eachother, but it’s just never the right time
my second idea, which i kinda like a bit more: is they’re both extremely toxic for each other, they bring out the worst in each other, but they know that, and they don’t care, infact they promise eachother to be worse around eachother, it’s like there love langue, they could get into fights where they nearly kill each other by the end of them, but then get along five seconds later, they are pure chaos and hell together and they’ve made a promise to never change
tldr; they are extremely codependent and tragic and they mean sm to me they are dead ass my roman empire
uhhhhhdhdhdhdh,,, yeah there’s my rambling for today… i do have more but that’s but all my brain could manage to put into words sorry if there’s any grammar or spelling mistakes, i type fast and i’m also fucking dyslexic soo sorry if there’s any mistakes ‼️:,D
Yeah I try to respond to everything bc I feel bad for not doing so, but please don't take advantage of that or do this too often bc reading this type of long asks is. a lot BDKWJEjeeo /lh
You are so right tho I like both ideas they are just so. They are the worst around each other why are they like this 😭😭😭
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luluisoff · 2 years
Entire Lore of my AU
Huge post about my emerald au lore, a fantasy in a parallel universe.
So in the first part is when jack was about to become king it start a very difficult time with lots of attacks, he didn't even had a ceremony.
The only contact they had without knowing eachother was through Sam, Sam would get stuff from Anti and give to Seán, trying to connect them somehow,Seán didn't know from who that dog was.
Anti did get overlooked by people because of what he could represent, it passed the thought of killing him but since he was harmless that idea was "discarded"(👈remember that) but people always keep a look on him, Anti manage to be trained but it got more work and more repression than the others the guy who was training him, hated him he accused him of ruining his carrier and how people will look weird at him too, so he took advantage of that. And that person was the captain at the moment. Anti have never talked to the Seán, Always got interrupted by something.
The war is going bad, (the enemies want to conquer the place, so Jack needs a bit more of help from another kingdom, the kingdom where Chase rules with Stacie, but to get to get them to help, he needs to lighten a portal to get more close to them since it's a emergency so then happens to him get a few knights to help him but they got attacked too only Anti is left and they both needed to hide, Anti (didn't stop using his helmet and never talked), since they have to wait there and there's not much for them to do, unless wait for an answer. (I'm not sure what could possibly happen but) Anti in one moment got his helmet taken and well 💥revelation. Seán did got scared of him at first. But still wanted to give a chance, And then they both got a chance to talk about everything, and Sam was there too c:
in the end basically him and anti they both manage to switch places (yay twin power) as part of the plan to win, This part ends with a few idk months later when people were fixing everything that got destroyed, it happened the coronation, and Anti also became the new commander since the other one died. In the party everything is going well but Anti got out very early to his room, what he didn't expected at all was to Seán go after him to give a gift and they become frens =]
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First part ref sheet 👇
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So things go well, they hang out, do their jobs and stuff, things still a bit messy in the place but overall great :]
But their trust start cracking y'know 👀 since Seán gave him the care that he wanted, it would hurt Anti really bad if the person that he cares so much at first thought about ending him because of fear 👀 Yeah that's right! Seán almost got him dead. A time before the whole war when he still a prince he got the chance to decide if Anti would be killed or not. Before the guy who was the commander died he told Anti that Seán almost got him killed, ages ago, but Anti didn't care he thought it was a lie.
Seán started to hide or ignore him as much as he could because he was trying to make a surprise. Sadly even Anti forgot it was his own birthday.
And when they have the big argue in Anti's birthday, Anti starts to question him about the paper. Seán tells him that yes he thought about it but didn't commit and he changed, that he was young and scared he could hear people making theories about what could happen and even pressuring him to do something,even saying that anti would take his place, but Anti is too angry and sad about that. they both take a break, Anti leaves for a while to cool his head and even cry. Happy birthday Anti.🎉🍰
It continues with, someone trying to remember Anti and trying to convince him to get more angry and frustrated, Even Anti still really pissed at what happened he still wouldn't hurt Seán, but he got unconscious by something and woke up getting injected with a substance that is called "joy" [Is derived from a experiment with a yellow chrysanthemum and now they glow, they also are eateble,light source. But injecting on someone can both be good and bad, it gives more reflexes,strength, but messes with your brain causes: headaches, emotional sensibility, dizzyness.
When distressed the eyes glow, also it's an epic iris experiement because why not] That's how Anti got the scar in his right eye and he is eyes are olive green because they mixed with blue the original eye color with the yellow of the substance.
and waking up back at the place he was, not remembering anything, thinking he was maybe just stressed out about that and moving on, still upset about what happened before.
The 31 of October, it was also blood moon, was a a party for the kingdom, and everyone was celebrating, but Anti had been gone since his birthday. And you know how it ends. Seán gets into a dark place in the castle ( when it's actually a trick) thinking Anti came back (he was super worried, Anti left for days but he also didn't wanted to bother him) He founds Anti but well Anti gets so overwhelmed that him by accident kills jack with his knife, he then sees whats really happening and he sees what he done he screams and cries for what he did, but it's too late.
(The people who armed this they saw the opportunity, since Anti always looked like jack they thought about driving anti into participating into that plan, he had nothing to lose just pretend to be him, people came to him congratulating him for what he did and how the throne is free now, he could join them or if he didn't they would get him to be killed too since they all saw what happened, he then chooses to run, he knew a secret place to hide. And that ends the 2 part.
The epilogue is now Anti run away from the kingdom and is now infected with the joy, and is filled with guilty. He lost his friends [,jj(in which he also is in the plan) and chase] and is now a criminal. Chase got the news of what happened and it's just devastated about that, he can't believe Anti did that, Anti was even training his daughter, Chase is now the king since he is Seán's younger brother, and makes the rule that if someone see Anti again, bring him there, and end him for good. Jackie becomes the new commander, and now lurkes for Anti, Sam disappeared in the forest and found Seán still shocked about everything he saw and heard but he can't do anything, he wanted to talk to Anti, he wanted to talk to chase, but he can just watch now or leave forever (i thought it would be nice to include that you can come as a ghost if you had unfinished business or it was a very shocking moment), Sam now comforts him, and walks around with him, Sam is scared of Anti.
Weapons ref sheet 👇
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Illustration of the kingdom that i never finished :']
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Anyway that's pretty much it, hope you enjoyed <33
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mercymaker · 11 months
mallllllllll 🤥💥🌙🌱🌌🪤🎭✂️🔪📎🖍️❇️💧🌪️🌈🔥☁️🌟🌠☄️💓❤️💌💔
Aaaa, this is quite a challenge! Thank you! 😘
🤥 LYING - are they good liars? do they have tells to show they're lying?
Yes, Mal is a pretty good liar because she sort of, in that moment, almost believes the lie herself. Oscar-worthy acting, you could say. And I don't think it's very easy to spot a lie even if you know her very well, which, in turn, can make close relationships a bit tricky because it's not very easy to trust her when you know how easy it is for Mal to lie 😬
💥 COLLISON - what emotions do they have trouble dealing with?
Honestly? A lot of honest, vulnerable emotions Maleane really struggles to deal with. I guess above everything it's grief. She never properly mourned her mother (or her father, for that matter) because she just locked that shit up behind a massive wall in order to focus on survival. She finds it hard being truly honest with someone, it doesn't come naturally to her, so if she is being honest and vulnerable with them that means Mal put a ton of effort into it. Being well aware on how to use other's weaknesses against them, it's only fair that she guards hers so well.
🌙 MOON - what is your oc's greatest wish? how far are they willing to go for it?
Power is incredibly tempting as it offers a way to her true wish and part of her wants to be really powerful. I think it's part of her journey throughout the game, this relationship with power and finding the perfect balance within it. But at the end of the day, Maleane wants to be free. To do as she wishes, to live without fear, to be powerful enough to protect herself, but not so powerful that it becomes her entire point of being. What's the point of ultimate power if it's only going to attract the worst of this world to try and get a taste of it? Or worse - take it from her?
🌱 SEEDLING - what is their most vivid memory from childhood?
I think it's a sort of rare, idyllic moment she had with her family. Chewing on a piece of honeycomb until there was nothing but a lump of beeswax left in her mouth. All while her mother was reading a book in the glimmering light of a candle. And her father cutting a piece off, spreading a thick layer of honey on a slice of bread and offering it to A'sherra on a small plate. Just little moments like that, which weren't that common, but they definitely dominate Mal's memories of her childhood.
🌌 MILKY WAY - what was the inspiration behind your oc? what was the first thing you decided about them?
I'll be honest with ya here on this day, but when I made Mal it was purely based on aesthetics. I didn't put that much thought into her, I kind of went "ok, night/dark elf? YES! magic? YES! looks sorta like my mage from wow? YUP!" but she quickly evolved as I played the game and just became her own person. That I'm absolutely in love with.
🪤 MOUSE TRAP - what will always lure them into certain danger? a loved one in danger? a promise of something they are always searching for?
It's very likely to be because of the people she cares about. As self-interested as Mal is, she would risk a lot for those that earned her favor and love. And it's hard to admit that, even to herself, because it makes her feel foolish and stupid, and yet Mal does it (she'll deal with the internal conflict later)!
🎭 MASKS - do they act differently around certain people? what's different between the way they act around friends, family, strangers, etc.?
Absolutely! Mal sort of shifts into whatever she thinks the situation demands, whatever gives her the best advantage. And it's not necessarily doing an extreme 180! Sometimes it's all about subtle little changes to the way she acts, small lies peppered here and there. Her friends definitely see a more raw, honest side of her, but at times it's hard to shed the act entirely as some of her "core" characteristics are sort of in conflict with each other. Strangers see the many different acts, be it a small meek woman on the road or a cold and intimidating drow. When she's surrounded only by the closest ones, she's much more mellow, relaxed, less alert. A great listener, actually!
✂️ SCISSORS - what is the "last straw" for them to cut someone out of their life? how easily do they let go of people?
As hypocritical as it might be it's probably if they used her. I don't think Mal finds it very hard to let go of people, even if it aches and hurts, she knows she can survive out there without them.
🔪 KNIFE - how do they react to injury / misfortune befalling their loved ones (significant other, family, friends)? do they put themselves at blame?
For starters, she tries to prevent anything bad happening to them. But if there's one thing that life had taught her is that there are so many things that are simply beyond her control. She spent so much of her life being scared and feeling powerless to control any part of it, that it's sort of normal to think that you can't prevent every misfortune from happening. She would, on the other hand, go out of her way to harm those who hurt her loved ones.
📎 PAPERCLIP - a random fact.
She's incredibly lightweight when it comes to alcoholic beverages. It doesn't take a lot for her to get smashed. One time some of the compot they had preserved had gone sour and turned into booze and she drank it and got absolutely hammered.
🖍️ CRAYON - what advice would you give to them?
STOP. BEING. IN. YOUR. HEAD. SO. MUCH. She's just such an over-thinker, trying to anticipate every possible scenario to come out of the situation that she gets tangled in that mess. It often times prevents her from just enjoying life in its simplicity, you know THE ONE THING she ought to do after spending all her life in isolation???
❇️ SPARKLE - what is their most prized possession? what do they value?
A little piece of amethyst that reminds her of her father. When she was little Lathorien gave her a little gem that he kept from one of his trips to Underdark before she'd been born. Mal had lost the original one long ago, but the next time she found it in someone's pockets, she kept it, cherishing the memory.
She also keeps a lot of books, scrolls, and notes that they find on their travels. At first, it was to keep herself informed, gather intel and try to find some advantage in the chaos that was swallowing them up. But then she just kept more and more unrelated stuff, to read in her leisure.
💧 DROPLET - random angst headcanon
Mal had to bury her mother's mangled corpse and she was in so much distress and panic that not only did she absolutely wreck her hands digging the dirt, but also summoned a massive storm that made everything ten times more difficult. She sat there for hours, soaked and shivering, just channeling the torrential rain until she passed out from exhaustion. Mal doesn't remember most of it.
🌪️ TORNADO - what is the biggest change you've ever made to them? how have they changed from their original version?
I think changing her magic from wild to storm? I just wanted her magic to be connected to her emotions. A controlled person who's capable of keeping her feelings locked tight being able to translate that into precise use of magic? Only to eventually lose their shit and cause devastation? ? You know how they say that if you repress your emotions they don't go away but will one day come out in a way you might not even be able to recognize? I like that metaphor for her.
🌈 RAINBOW - what advice would they give to their younger self?
Ask father things about his family. His community. Don't believe everything mother says. Even if she has your best interests in mind, doesn't mean she won't manipulate you. Keep some thoughts to yourself. And not every outsider you meet will want to harm you.
🔥 FIRE - do they have any self destructive tendencies? what habits do they have that hinder them from becoming their best self?
I think she allows herself to succumb to her darkest thoughts. That voice in her mind that assumes the worst about others and herself. When Mal is in a particularly dark place she just allows one side to win. And at times she thinks about harming herself, just going absolutely feral on her own body. Maybe as a way to kill that voice, because it IS her voice in her head. It's all part of her.
And I think it's all that overthinking, rotating and weighing conflicting thoughts, trying to get the upper hand that's hindering her growth. I think she needs to learn when she can let go and just let things unfold naturally. Sometimes you cross the bridge when you come to it.
☁️ CLOUD - a soft headcanon
She makes potions for everyone! I just see her spending the well-deserved 4 hours of rest in trance and then she's reading and sorting herbs and writing things down. She sorts out the vials, stacks them in piles and hands them out in the morning before they leave camp. Poisons, health pots, invisibility potions, you name it.
🌟 GLOWING STAR - what do they think about when they look at the night sky? is there someone they want to star gaze with?
At times she thinks of her father. He'd take her on week-long trips through the forest, hunting, camping, teaching her things about the wilds. At night, they'd sit around a fire or its embers, looking at the sky and he'd tell her stories of Eilistraee, about all the creatures, magical and not, that he'd encountered, tales of great heroes, etc.
And uh, star-gazing with a star, no? I think she yearns to just cuddle up under a night sky, all soft touches and sounds. But she also thinks it's embarrassing to admit to want soft things like that, so you'd have to pry that out of her like a sin.
🌠 SHOOTING STAR - if they could make any wish with no repercussions, what wish would they make?
Likely to have her parents back. Alive and well. She misses them much more than she'd be willing to admit to herself. Sure, it was her mother's death that even allowed Maleane to start to become her own person, but damn at times she just wishes she could talk to A'sherra, to both of her parents.
☄️ COMET - what do people assume about them? are they right?
Often times people assume whatever she wants them to assume. She plays meek and fearful when she wants someone to underestimate her. Or commanding and intimidating if it feels like it would prevent someone from harming her, etc. etc.
But those who get past the initial act likely assume that she's harboring some deep dark secret that demands all that masquerade to begin with. Like a distraction from something twisted that she's trying to hide. And while she IS hiding something from them, it's much simpler than some horrible dark past. It's just her fragile heart that she's shielding from everyone.
💓 BEATING HEART - what gets their heart racing?
Using magic! The adrenaline of being in battle and just feeling it course through her, seeing the devastation it can cause, protecting her team, etc.
❤️ RED HEART - their love language(s)?
I think it's quality time and physical touch.
I mean, she almost turned into a puddle the first time Shadowheart softly touched her hand and did her hair!!! When she hugged Astarion, she felt like years and years of hurt and longing were melting away. It took her breath away when Gale held her hand to his heart, it almost scared her how intimate it felt? ? ?? SHE'S JUST THAT KIND OF GIRL!!!
💌 LOVE LETTER - do they like love letters? what kind of messages do they leave for their partner?
Honestly? ?? I think she'd love to receive letters in general. Half her childhood she'd read letters and notes from other people and at times dream of someone writing one for her!! BUT also it feels almost, uh.. beneath her??? To write a love letter? ? It's admitting feelings, something she struggles so much to do in private, and leaving them behind as evidence on some parchment?? ?/ NO! Too cringe! Jail!
💔 BROKEN HEART - what could their partner do that would absolutely break their heart?
Use her! Use her trust in them. It's not easy for someone like her to bare her heart and admit feelings and be vulnerable. So if they took all that from her and betrayed her trust. Yeah, she'd be absolutely devastated.
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RWBY Discussion #2 — Ship Edition
those shower thoughts be hitting
now, i’ve come back here to talk about something i’ve been itching to for a while now, and have just gotten it all into words (bc tbh it’s all just been incoherent babbling inside this head of mine)
alright to whoever has watched RWBY at least to the end of volume 3, y’all will know exactly what i’m talking about.
for those who don’t, spoiler warning for volume 3.
now onto the topic of the day: Arkos.
Okay I cannot even begin how much I love this pairing, but not in the way I want them to end up together (bc frankly, that ship has been thanos snapped out if reali-💥💥💥). But I love this because of how incomplete and tragic this pairing really is when taking a deeper dive into it.
Let’s start with the gal herself, Pyrrha Nikos. Champion, and the pride of Mistral, known for her talent in combat and is basically a celebrity. People look up to her, the “Invincible Girl”, as she’s called. There are many, many people who would probably bend over backwards to be aquatinted with her, and she hates it.
Despite all the attention, all the fame, she is lonely. Even with the people clamoring to become buddy-buddy with her, it’s all for the sake of raising their own status or other advantages with being associated with the champion. Because of this, she has no real friends; Pyrrha is lonely, and stands alone on that pedestal people have put her on for a long time. So, she wants a fresh start, to go somewhere that won’t treat her as some sort of goddess whenever she steps into the public eye.
Cue Pyrrha arriving to the kingdom of Vale, where she goes to enroll at Beacon Academy. A place that, hopefully, won’t have as many people swarming around her (at the very least). Of course, she’s gotten some people trying to get into her good graces out of ulterior motives (sorry Weiss), but it hasn’t been a bad experience so far. And hey, she’s got a team now, and thankfully, with people who haven’t been bombarding her about her status.
And then, there’s Jaune. Jaune Arc — “short, sweet, rolls off the tongue (his words, not mine)”. Not a..particularly known student. In fact, he’s just a nobody in the Academy, and with next to zero knowledge about fighting or combat in general. No prior training, with only the desire to become a hero. So, it’s a wonder that he even made through initiation, much less become a team leader. And one of his teammates is none other than Pyrrha Nikos. Granted, he only survived because everyone else kicked ass and saved his, but okay — the gang’s all here, and so, the school year begins.
Circling back on the first part, Pyrrha has never had any real connections with others outside of family (presumably), so of course she’s had trouble finding friends, and let alone a deeper connection with anyone else. She can’t be genuine with anyone else because of that untouchable status of hers..until she met her team. And specifically, Jaune.
See, Jaune, when finding out of her status, didn’t..really think too much on it. Of course, she’s held to a degree of respect, but it wasn’t like she wasn’t a person, either. Jaune, unlike most people, treated her like an equal, a *friend.* And that was the first thing that had gotten her to form a good bond with him. And with the time that bond formed, vulnerabilities started to show from either side, with each confiding in one another of secrets (though that was mainly on Jaune’s part). And when taking into account that this was the first guy to have shown interest in her and not the status she carried, it wasn’t a surprise that she fell in love with him.
And here’s the fun part: I don’t believe this love to have been reciprocated.
While we have seen Jaune mourn her death more openly than anyone else in the series, it doesn’t mean he really loved her back romantically. Thinking back, Pyrrha had been the one person who’s gone out of her way to help him become a hero, the one thing he strived for. To him, she was a great mentor — an inspiration. And the person who’s pushed him in the right direction back at Beacon. Pyrrha was an amazing friend and person, who gave all her time and effort to train her own team leader, and for a while, Jaune believed all that had gone to waste into someone who didn’t deserve it. He didn’t think he deserved a friend like Pyrrha, and he sure as hell didn’t after her death; Jaune blamed himself for not being able to save Pyrrha in her time of need, compared to when she was present for his. And it wasn’t until the Fall of Beacon when he realized the degree of care she really had for him. And y’know what? He feels guilty. Guilty that he never knew of how deep her care went, and that he took her kindness for granted, because he could only take a fraction of it.
And that’s why I love Arkos. On one hand, it’s an unrequited love, and on the other, the lost of a friend who gave too much, and got little in return.
More RWBY-related rants coming soon to a page near you, stay tuned 👍
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justafoxhound · 1 year
Oh girl you know I am here for hot OC asks. For Talia:
💪 : What is your OC’s most physically attractive attribute?
😍 : What does your OC find irresistible in others?
💌 : How would they plan a romantic evening for a significant other?
And this one for Burke:
👀 : Does your OC believe they are attractive? Do they use that to their advantage?
👃 : Does your OC smell good? Do they have a signature scent?
😈 Love this hehe. Thanks! Spicy OC questions
💪 : What is your OC’s most physically attractive attribute?
This is a subjective one soo... I'll go with the safest most widely flauntable one being her smile. Talia is naturally charming, but flashing a warm smile usually goes a long way if she's trying to persuade someone, and a genuine smile is so full of joy it makes other people happy.🫠
Burke only enjoyed it bc it made him feel important tho sure sure.
😍 : What does your OC find irresistible in others?
A rebellious, independent, and daring approach to life. Someone who doesn't worry themselves with rules, lives on their terms and could up and go at any time. Bonus points if they are a challenge bc they are so involved in their exciting life they barely notice let alone pine for 💞attention💞.
💌 : How would they plan a romantic evening for a significant other?
To Talia you can't plan for romance- you just have to go somewhere fun and see what happens!💥
Vault: invite them to break into the sealed levels and explore, with a picnic
Miami: find someone to take them out on a sunset boat ride along the coast or around the islets
Real world au: fairground. She'll probably beat her date at games, so they better win her some prizes!
And for Burke:
👀 : Does your OC believe they are attractive? Do they use that to their advantage?
He thinks he's a catch, obviously. I don't think he's ever been too distracted by women though tbh, too focused on other things. And as he's grown older paid even less mind to physical attractiveness. But if he senses someone is attracted to him he will leverage that if needed, or simply enjoy the attention.😈
👃 : Does your OC smell good? Do they have a signature scent?
Ooh I bet he does. At the very least he is clean by wasteland standards, but he has a source of aftershave. He is a well groomed ✨️sophisticated man. I wouldn't know how to describe it though. (Irl I don't think I'm good at discerning scents at all. Would love to hear if you have thoughts hehe.)
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Randy Jackson Weight Loss Gummies - [Fake Or Trusted], Read Side Effects & Price Before Buying!
➢ Product Name – Randy Jackson Weight Loss Gummies
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Randy Jackson Weight Loss Gummies:- Starting a Weight Loss can inspire a blend of energy and fear. The thought of entering ketosis and acquiring benefits like weight decrease and further developed smartness is obviously exciting. However, the severe dietary prerequisites and the shortage of nibble decisions can present difficulties to supporting your devotion. Consider a straightforward and scrumptious means to expand the joy of your ketogenic venture. Presenting the Randy Jackson Weight Loss Gummies — a pleasant and advantageous supplement to your ketogenic routine. In the following article, we will dive into the advantages, parts, and fundamental experiences concerning this enhancement.
Their detailing intends to reduce desires for unwholesome sugars and calories, while additionally lessening dependence on carbs for energy. This item effectively invigorates the body to take advantage of carb stores and calories, directing them into energy use instead of glucose change. Subsequently, shedding overabundance weight turns into an improved on try for clients, encouraging ceaseless imperativeness and sharpness.
What are Randy Jackson Weight Loss Gummies?
Randy Jackson Weight Loss Gummies act as customized nourishing guides, zeroing in on supporting weight reduction through the ketosis pathway. Their viability originates from their essential fixings: BHB (Beta-Hydroxybutyrate) and apple juice vinegar, the two of which have gathered approval for working with weight control.
Ketosis alludes to the body change in metabolic working where it inclines towards consuming put away fat as its essential fuel, sidelining carbs. BHB, a normally happening particle, goes about as an exogenous ketone when ingested. It furnishes the body with prompt fuel, possibly accelerating the progress to and keeping up with the condition of ketosis. This, thus, advances fat consuming, which can prompt weight reduction.
Apple juice vinegar (ACV), one more key fixing in these chewy candies, is generally perceived for its possible advantages in weight reduction. ACV can assist with controlling craving, conceivably because of its capacity to advance sensations of completion, along these lines diminishing calorie admission. When joined, BHB and ACV structure a strong pair that expects to help those on their weight reduction venture.
The standard admission of Randy Jackson Weight Loss Gummies, when joined by a reliable dose, vows to assist people with dealing with their weight as well as control their hunger, making the weight reduction venture smoother and more manageable.
How Does Randy Jackson Weight Loss Gummies Work?
Ketosis empowers your body to use fat as its energy source in lieu of sugars. At the point when in a condition of ketosis, the body moves its energy usage from carbs to fat. Nonetheless, accomplishing ketosis all alone can end up being a challenging assignment, frequently requiring half a month to achieve. Randy Jackson Weight Loss Gummies assume a crucial part in speeding up the passage into ketosis, working with the usage of fat for energy as opposed to depending on sugars.
At the point when the body is in a condition of ketosis, it takes advantage of its fat stores as the favored energy supply as opposed to starches. This progress to fat-driven energy use delivers the potential for uplifted mental and actual power, close by sped up weight reduction.
💥❤️Read More Here: Don’t Miss Out Today’s Special Offer❤️💥
Set out on your weight reduction journey in a delicious way with Randy Jackson Weight Loss Gummies. These excellent chewy candies start the speed increase of your digestion as well as enhance your body's ability to consume fat. However, their ideals stretch out past digestion upgrade. These chewy candies act as a hearty obstruction against hunger, empowering you to shed pounds without sensations of hardship or a deficiency of control. Effective weight reduction depends on striking the right harmony between restricting calorie consumption and expanding energy use.
By incorporating Randy Jackson Weight Loss Gummies into your daily practice, you'll encounter the amalgamated benefits of strengthened digestion, fat decrease, and concealment of hunger. It's similar to a magistrate attack against difficult fat. This effective arrangement can possibly direct you toward your sought after body weight rate. Embrace the amazing chance to attempt Randy Jackson Weight Loss Gummies without a second thought, starting your weight reduction campaign today.
Past BHB, these chewy candies incorporate advantageous constituents that give added support to weight reduction pursuits. As recently showed, logical proof highlights the digestion supporting and fat-consuming increase presented by green tea. Besides, the consideration of apple juice vinegar adds to the guideline of glucose levels and the diminishment of hunger.
What are the Parts utilized in Randy Jackson Weight Loss Gummies?
Tackling the force of regular components, Randy Jackson Weight Loss Gummies stand as a considerable guide in achieving your wellness targets, all without the requirement for workout. Among these constituents, keto arises as the essential fixing, clarifying major requirements for weight reduction enveloping calorie control and the help of fat ignition. The following are key parts necessary to Randy Jackson Weight Loss Gummies:-
BHB Ketone:- At the center of Randy Jackson Weight Loss Gummies lies the essential component, BHB (beta-hydroxybutyrate). Working as an exogenous ketone, BHB assumes a urgent part in facilitating the body's change into ketosis. This metabolic state moves the body's energy source from sugars to fat, prompting quick and huge weight reduction.
Green Tea Concentrates:- Beneficial to BHB, Randy Jackson Weight Loss Gummies integrate extra unique components. Green tea removes animate digestion and work with fat oxidation. Similarly, apple juice vinegar supports glucose guideline and advances the stomach related process. Also, ginger root extricate, with its calming ascribes, cultivates sound absorption.
MCT Oil:- Inside Randy Jackson Weight Loss Gummies, you'll find the consideration of medium chain fatty substances (MCTs) got from coconut oil. These MCTs go through quick digestion inside the liver, changing into ketones — a quick energy supply particularly helpful during times of irregular fasting or low-carb eats less.
Regular Flavors:- Selective work of normal flavors and fixings describes Randy Jackson Weight Loss Gummies. As opposed to run-of-the-mill sticky sugary treats that frequently consolidate various hindering added substances, these chewy candies stand as a prominently unrivaled choice. The use of normal flavors pervades these chewy candies with a heavenly taste profile.
How Compelling is Randy Jackson Weight Loss Gummies?
The outcome of Randy Jackson Weight Loss Gummies relies upon the singular's point of view. These chewy candies have been remarkably planned to offer a low-carb, high-fat creation, possibly helping ketosis enlistment and keeping a consistent inventory of energy. The reaction and results will vary from one individual to another because of factors like dietary propensities, digestion, and in general wellbeing. It's critical to comprehend that these chewy candies are intended to act as a valuable choice and ought not be viewed as a substitute for the advantages got from a fair ketogenic diet.
❣️❣️Click Here To Order : Don't Miss Out Today's Special Offer❣️❣️
On the off chance that you're unsure whether Randy Jackson Weight Loss Gummies line up with your particular necessities and targets, looking for counsel from a clinical expert or a nutritionist will give customized direction.
OFFICIAL WEBSITE @:- https://healthnewsmart24x7.com/randy-jackson-weight-loss-gummies/
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