#pepper Potts fic
quietlyimplode · 5 months
"I'm tired. And I've been tired for a long, long time." Nat/Pepper
“I’m tired. And I’ve been tired for a long, long time.”
The conversation quietens as Pepper takes in her words.
“Soul tired,” Pepper decides on.
Natasha nods, a smile, not a happy one, plays on her lips.
“Yeah. Soul tired,” she says, playing with the words in her mind.
“Sometimes it just becomes a part of us,” Pepper continues, “even if we don’t want it to be.”
Natasha shifts.
“So we just deal with it?” She’s not even sure why she’s asking. Pepper can’t fix it, and she’s right in saying it’s a part of her.
“Yeah, I guess, but it doesn’t mean we can’t talk about it, complain about it, deal with it in the best ways we know how, maybe hope for 1% differences and change and hope that that helps in the long run.”
1% difference, Natasha thinks. She likes that thought. The change often too much, but a 1% shift she thinks could be doable.
“Yeah,” she says instead.
(Thanks my dear friend. Soul tired is maybe where we are at. All the love - and for the prompts you’ve sent <3)
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imtryingbuck · 5 months
He doesn’t know.
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~ gif not mine credit to owner ~
Pairing: Tony Stark x fem!Reader
Summary: You and Tony date until he breaks your heart, he soon regrets it.
Word count: 1,800
Warnings: angst. cheating (sorry). Tony’s 40 readers 28. Swearing. pepper is terrible (sorry) mentions of miscarriage.
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You had been dating Tony for the past three years, you met when he bumped into you in the restaurant you worked at. The air was knocked out of the both of you, you not only because you hadn’t expected to be nearly knocked down on your ass or the feeling of a strong arm wrapping themselves around your waist just before you hit the ground. Him because he wasn’t expecting to knock into the most beautiful woman he’d ever laid eyes on.
From that day on Tony came into the restaurant just to see you, spending money on food he didn’t eat sometimes he would just sit at the bar and talk to you if you were manning it.
Six months after your initial meeting he asked you out even though there was an age difference between the pair of you, you said yes.
Everyday since you two were dating was different, he spoiled you to no end from expensive gifts to lavish trips to beautiful places. The love you two shared was something you never experienced before, it was pure. It was genuine.
You had never been happier.
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For the past five months Tony was becoming distant from you, he was always working on projects that he never let you in on which you understood, you didn’t need to know the ins and outs of his business. Whenever you were lucky enough to spend time with him he was on his phone texting. When he came home from work he would go straight into the bathroom and you’d be lying in bed hearing the shower running.
For five months you tried and tried to get him to slow his work schedule down worried for what it was going to do with his health but all he replied with was yeah I will, but it never happened.
Today was your four year anniversary and since he hadn’t said anything about what you two would be doing you had decided that you’d surprise him at work with a home cooked meal since you knew he wouldn’t leave to go to a restaurant as work was too busy. Hopefully he could spare thirty minutes of his time to spend with you. It was your anniversary after all.
Getting out of the car you walked into the tower, greeting the receptionist with a smile receiving one in return you go into the elevator. The higher the box went up the worse your nerves got.
It’s just Tony, you thought to yourself.
Once the door opened you looked around to see any of the hero’s you had become friends with in the now four years you had been with Tony but you couldn’t find anyone so you headed straight to Tony’s office. Knocking on the door twice you opened the door.
And that’s where everything that had been happening in the past five months where Tony had been acting strange and distant had all made sense.
The man you was in love with, the man you stood by when everyone slated him, the man that defended you publicly when you was being called a gold digger, the man who has now officially broke your heart.
That man was sitting on the couch in his office with a blonde woman sat on his lap. Lips locked together. Her shirt on the floor. His hands roaming her torso.
“This looks bad...”
That’s all what the man who you have loved for four years, the man who you have just caught cheating on you, said when he heard you drop the containers off food on the floor.
“What is it babe? Oh it’s you” the blonde said when he pulled away from her, she saw where he was looking so she turned to face you.
Your heart dropped.
It was Pepper.
With your eyes fixed on his you stumbled backwards knocking into the door frame on your way out. Turning around you walked as fast as your legs could carry you back to the elevator, with every step you took you could hear Tony behind you.
“Y/n. Y/n, baby slow down. Please just wait” thanks to the wait of the elevator he managed to catch up to you.
“Baby it-it’s not what-“
“How long?”
His heart clenched painfully at the way your voice sounded so small, seeing the way you flinched at him touching you crushed him. Tony knew that he only had himself to blame. He also knew he was going to have to tell you the truth, knowing for a fact that you were going to be leaving him forever when he told you broke his heart.
“How long”
“S-six mo-months” Tony’s stomach sunk when he saw your hand go flying to cover your mouth, hearing a muffled sob coming from you.
“Why. Why Tony?”
“I-I-I…I don’t know”
He doesn’t know. He doesn’t know why he’s been cheating on you for the past six months. He doesn’t know why he’s cheated on you and thrown your three years relationship down the drain.
He doesn’t even have an answer to give you for breaking your heart into millions of pieces.
“Wasn’t-“ No. No you wasn’t going to ask that. No way was you going to ask the cheater ‘wasn’t I good enough’ or ‘what did I do wrong’. He was the one that cheated, not you. No way was you going to ask all the questions that you wanted to ask because he simply did not know why he had been cheating on you for the past six months with his assistant.
The same assistant that knew you two were dating.
“Y/n baby please-“
“Babe have you told her?” Pepper’s voice cut him off this time.
Tony’s eyes went straight to his shoes finding it easier for him to shake his head without looking at you.
“To-told me what?”
What could be worse than finding out that your boyfriend had been cheating on you for six months?
“I’m pregnant! We’re going to have a baby” 
That’ll do it. That was worse.
You and Tony agreed that you’d both start trying to get pregnant when you celebrated your three year anniversary. It just wasn’t working but you kept trying. Until eight months ago. You found out you was pregnant, the way Tony’s face lit up with tears streaming down his cheeks when you told him he was going to be a father engrained it’s self into your memory.
A month after that happy day you woke up to cramps in your stomach, Tony rushed you to the hospital where they told you that you had lost baby Stark.
Maybe that’s what drove him into the arms of another woman. A woman who was the same age as him. A woman that could give him what he’s always wanted.
A woman that simply wasn’t you.
“D-do you love her?”
Tony frowned at the question, he expected you to call him names or something. He expected you to tell him that he was worse than the devil himself but no, no you asked him if he loved Pepper.
“I-I wish you two t-the best.” Tony’s sad eyes filled with tears, the itch to ask him why he was sad for gnawed at you, Pepper looked smug.
Turning to Pepper you looked her in the eyes “you know the saying don’t you? What they do with you…they do on you”
You were rather proud of the fact that you didn’t stutter when looking at the woman who was sleeping with your boyfriend. Seeing her smug smile drop when she understood what you were implying turned your pain into satisfaction.
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“Hel-hi Tony”
“I knew that was you, hi”
It’s been six years since you last saw Tony, a year after leaving you met a divorcee a few months after moving to a new town. Things moved quickly between the pair of you, a year after meeting him he proposed, a month later you were married, eight months later you gave birth to your daughter. Finding yourself pregnant four months after giving birth to Ali, several months afterwards you gave birth to twin boys Harvey and Jackson.
“Hi Tony. What are you doing here?”
Here being in the town you lived in with your family, here being in the car park of target.
“We had a mission just dropping off for some food, what about you?”
“I live here”
“Oh, so how have you been?”
“Fine. What about you?”
“Fine. Fine. I-I messed up Y/n/n badly! Turned out that the baby wasn’t mine an-and I’ve been trying to find yo-“
“Momma!” You turned around to find Ali running at you full speed, her pigtails flailing around as she got closer to you.
“Momma? Y/n is she mine?”
“No-“ you had to laugh at his question. Luckily he hadn’t touched you in them five months of him cheating on you, it was impossible for him to be the dad of your beautiful baby girl. “No she’s my husbands”
“H-husband?” Tony stuttered, eyes going straight to your ring finger. Heart sinking when he found a shiny diamond ring sitting there.
“That would be me, nice to meet a friend of Y/n’s. Baby the twins made me get them a new toy”
“Made you? Your an adult, they are only children”
“They’re scary babe”
Tony stood there awkwardly watching the interaction between the woman who he has never stopped loving, and her husband.
“T-twins? You have three kids?”
“Yeah, they practically run the house. Always outnumbered with the three little rascals” your husband said smiling proudly. “Oh by the way I’m Andy, nice to meet you.”
“Yeah I know who you are. Come on baby we need to get going home” Tony didn’t like the way Andy’s voice was towards him.
“Coming love. It was nice seeing you Tony, I’m sorry about the baby. I wish you nothing but happiness, goodbye”
You didn’t even let him say anything back to you before you took Andy’s waiting hand as he had Ali in his other arm.
Getting into the car with your husband after he got Ali into her car seat, you smiled at the twins and Jacob - your stepson - then at your husband.
After finding out about Tony’s betrayal you thought you would never find love and happiness again but life lead you to Andy, the man who made you feel loved more than Tony ever did. Andy made you feel happier more than Tony ever did.
“Let’s go home”
As your family’s car pulled out of the parking lot Tony’s eyes never left the vehicle.
He had lost his everything the moment he let Pepper kiss him that first time. Now six years on he had truly lost his world to another man.
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Tags: @imcinnamoons | @pigeonmama | @capsbestgirl77
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Lessons in love
Chapter 1: A new professor
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Summary: You’re a new professor at Avengers U and one of the first students you meet is Wanda maximoff, when you make her stay behind your class due to her friends childishness you find out she might be more than you thought, Wanda on the other hand is a huge gay mess and can’t deal with anything you do
Paring: Professor!Y/n x college!Wanda maximoff
Warnings: 18+ only Minors DNI lots of innuendos, swearing and Nat being really annoying to Wanda (let me know if I’ve missed any)
A/n: I’ve watched Bloomington again but I’ve not followed the plot for this story but it’s inspired by it, but there will be a happy ending because I can’t end things in sadness
Wanda wasn’t in the mood, she didn’t want to be in class today and didn’t know why she was here, they were getting a new professor this year, what a waste of time, you had the same teacher for the 4 years you were here and now you’ve got someone new? Ridiculous!
“Oh sorry!” Wanda wasn’t looking where she was going and bumped into a hard body nearly knocking both her and the person over, Wanda gathered herself and looked up at the person and stood stunned “woah” she blushed and you laughed “are you okay honey? You seemed to be in quite a rush”
Wanda tore her eyes away from you and dusted herself free of the imaginary dust she had gathered “sorry sorry I’m just nearly late for class and apparently we’re getting a new teacher who’s strict on time so that means she’ll probably be a bitch and I don’t have time today”
She let out a big sigh and finally looked back up to you and you had a smile on your face “a bitch huh? Interesting, I’m pretty sure it’s just called good manners if you’re on time and ready”
She shrugged “sure and I get that but still it’s annoying when they’re like that”
You laughed “yeah I get it, I had a teacher when I was younger who was a bitch, she was hot though so I made sure I was on time, most of the time anyway, she’d keep me back after lessons and gave me a stern talking too” you winked and Wanda’s heart did a flip, why was this happening
“Oh yeah I guess but those things only happen in weird porn films and fan fictions”
You chuckled “sure, but I think the world of fantasy and fan fiction is so much better than the real world, anyway go on to your class, I hope the teacher isn’t a bitch like you say”
Wanda agreed “yeah me too, okay thanks I’ll maybe see you again”
“I think it’ll be sooner than you think”
Wanda shook her head, “unless you follow me, I don’t think I will” she laughed moving past you towards her classroom, what a coincidence, that’s where you were heading for too.
Wanda’s mouth hung open as the door opened and you stepped through walking to the desk and writing your name on the board behind you
“Oh my fucking god” Wanda whispered and her best friend Nat perked up from her half boredom nap “what’s up Maximoff?” She looked at you then back at Wanda and smiled wide “you like the teacher? Dude she’s old enough to be your mom”
Wanda slapped Nat on the arm “shut up Nat no she’s the woman I saw outside and told her I thought the new teacher would be a bitch, god she’s going to hate me”
Nat watched your eyes search for something and land on the distressed Wanda, you smiled and turned back to the board writing the objective down and introducing yourself and talking about what everyone would be doing today
“Wands I don’t think she’s mad at you, she’s just searched for you and smiled when she found you, you’re so going to have sex with a teacher this year and I’ve never been more proud” she wrapped Wanda into a bear hug and squeezed her hard, when she finally pulled away Wanda looked to the front seeing you sorting some papers out, you were very pretty, she thought
“Are you thinking about it?” Nat giggled and Wanda swatted her away “no, no I’m thinking about the clearly illegal age gap”
Nat scoffed “oh come off it, you’re 22 and she looks about 30 something, it’s not illegal wands”
Wanda shrugged “still feels wrong though”
“Okay sure Wanda” Nat ripped up some of the paper from her notebook, scrunched it up and threw it at your head as you turned to the board forcing you to turn around quickly “and who threw that? I didn’t know I was in a class with children”
Nat put her hand up and pointed to Wanda “it was Wanda professor, she said you looked like a bit- “Nat!!”
Wanda tried but you interjected “okay! Natalia thank you for being honest and Wanda please see me after class to talk about your behaviour” you turned back around to the board and Wanda glared at Nat with fury in her eyes
“I’m going to murder you in your sleep” she whispered and Nat just laughed “you won’t be able to kill me when your face deep in the professor”
“You’re disgusting” Wanda rolled her eyes and tried to focus on the lesson, why were you so attractive Jesus Christ, she couldn’t focus, god this was going to be long year.
“Miss Maximoff don’t forget to stay behind” your voice echoed in the room and Wanda sat back down in her chair flipping Nat off as she left, the whole lesson Wanda felt like she couldn’t breathe, whenever you glanced to her her breath hitched again and her face turned the same colour as her hair.
When the room emptied and all that remained were you and Wanda, Wanda started feeling sick, what was gonna happen, she couldn’t believe it she’d definitely kill Nat later
“Wanda come to the desk please I can’t talk to you if you’re sat far away from me” your voice was stern like a police officer and Wanda just wanted to run away but she dragged herself to your desk
“So, what a start to lesson hmm? First you crashed into me in the hallway, indirectly call me a bitch and now you’ve thrown paper at me why? Because you wanted too?”
Wanda shook her head “no no no I didn’t throw the paper my friend Nat did then blamed it on me because she wanted me to stay behind!”
You quirked an eyebrow in question and Wanda blushed a deep red again at her outburst, but that didn’t bother you, students would yell at you all the time, it was comical sometimes “and why did she want you to stay back?”
Wanda stepped from foot to foot keeping her face towards the floor “Idunno”
She didn’t notice you step up and round the desk coming to stand in front of her, that was until your fingers held under her chin lifting her face up to look you in the eye “I want to be looked at when being spoken too Wanda now, tell me exactly why Natalia wanted you to stay behind”
Wanda couldn’t move, or maybe she didn’t want to move, maybe she wanted you to caress her whole face they way you were rubbing her chin in a soothing way forever, wait were you moving closer? Oh god your breath was on her cheek
“I’m waiting darling” your voice broke Wanda out of her small trance “o-oh er yeah she thinks you like me and was searching for me in class so then me staying behind means it would be a good thing….”
“Do you think I like you?” You whispered and Wanda’s breath hitched “erm”
“Actually don’t tell me, I already know the answer but I won’t push you, be a good girl and go to your next class okay?”
You let go of her chin and Wanda left the room faster than she wanted to admit and it made you smile “she’s adorable”
“Nat!” Wanda burst into her and Nat’s shared accommodation not noticing the scrunchie on the door so you were met with Maria hill straddling her friends waist both without shirts or bras on but to be fair she didn’t care at this point she just needed to tell Nat what happened
“Wanda! There’s a scrunchie on the door you know the rules!” Nat scrambled to get Maria and herself covered with some blankets
Wanda realised it was Maria and momentarily forgot about the intimate interaction between herself and you
“Wait Maria? I’ve seen you slap Nat a few times whenever she tried flirting with you what’s going on?”
The flustered woman held the blanket close to her chest “well Wanda that’s what happens when you get worn down and have sex at a house party, turns out Nat is good enough with her tongue to keep her around”
Nat had that stupid smug look on her face that Maria wanted to smack off of her “don’t be so smug Nat, when someone better comes along I’ll move on”
Nat faked gasped “oh nooo I’m devastated”
“Whatever, anyway Wanda don’t you have another class now?”
Wanda nodded “yeah but I couldn’t go I’m too stressed and upset and I need help!”
She slumped down onto her bed and Nat quickly jumped to her side, with a hoodie thrown to her by Maria
“Tell us red, tell your parents what happened” she rubbed Wanda’s shoulders in comfort and winked at Maria who just scoffed “I’m not anyone’s daddy thanks”
Nat stopped comforting Wanda for a second “woah woah, why would you be the daddy? Why aren’t I daddy?”
“Because you’re on your knees for me more than you are in classes so that makes me a daddy”
Nat blushed hard “hey but-
“Guys! Please I need to tell your guys what happened before I combust!”
Nat and Maria’s attention quickly went back to Wanda “okay sweetheart tell us, what happened with the new teacher”
Wanda nodded “okay, well I stayed behind and she made go to her desk to be close to her so she could talk to me and then I told her it was Nat being a bitch and wanting me to stay behind because you thought she liked me and then she held me chin and forced my head up to look at her while we talked because she said she didn’t like it when people didn’t look at her when talking then she got so close I could feel her breath on my face and then she asked if I liked her then she said she already knew the answer and sent me off to my lesson but I came straight here”
The two girls were silent, extremely unsure of what to say and Wanda got nervous “Nat? Nat say something please it’s your fault I’m in this mess”
Nat shrugged “Wands, she likes you! You’re so in, unless you felt uncomfortable because obviously that’s not good, did you feel uncomfortable? I wouldn’t but I know what you’re like”
Wanda didn’t answer, was she uncomfortable? No she didn’t think so
Maria came to sit on the opposite side of Wanda now wearing a hoodie too “how do you feel Wanda, like truly feel? If she did make you uncomfortable you could go to the dean and tell him about it, innocent flirting and such is fine but if it’s truly upsetting you-
Wanda shook her head “no no I’m not uncomfortable I’m just confused and stressed because what if she’s just being really really nice? Teachers are like that and then students get in trouble for it because we misread situations”
The three girls sat in silence for a while letting everything soak in, the silence was broken when Nat got a text message from the sorority she was in “hey Wanda we’re having a party tonight, maybe it’ll get your mind off professor hot for a while”
Wanda groaned laying back on her bed “I’m not big on partying you know that”
“Yeah but I think you need it tonight, plus no classes tomorrow it’s Saturday so it’s perfect!”
Wanda knew Nat wouldn’t let up and she didn’t mike letting her best friend down “alright fine”
Nat squealed in excitement “yay! I can’t wait to get you absolutely shitfaced drunk”
Maria rolled her eyes “I can’t believe I’m sleeping with you”
Nat shrugged “At least I’m in a sorority so I’m sorta popular”
“Thank god”
“There’s a sorority party tonight, perfect for a new professor to get to know everyone” Tony stark had taken you under his wing, in fact he insisted on it, you had no choice but he seemed alright and his wife was fun too so that was okay
“A party at a sorority? I’m not a spring chicken anymore Stark I can’t be seen hanging around students” you laughed but the man scoffed
“Let me tell you Y/n these guys don’t care if teachers go or not, me and pepper go every few months just to show our faces, plus pepper is amazing at beer pong, it’s a little hot actually”
Pepper slapped Tony on his shoulder to stop him talking “calm down cowboy don’t scare her off yet, but he is right, going to the party could be good, plus maybe you’ll have some fun with someone” Pepper winked
“Wouldn’t that be inappropriate Mrs stark?” You smirked and the woman just laughed “not at this party, there’s a few older sorority members that go, so you may have a chance”
Pepper offered you some chocolate which you took “actually there is someone I want to ask you about”
Tony’s ears pricked up and he slid into the chair next to you “oh? Please tell me everything, your first day and something’s already happened”
You waved him off “nothing big just, what is Wanda maximoff like in lessons? Is she shy?”
Pepper smiled “Wanda is a brilliant student, I think she’ll really excel, she is a little quiet though and it’s a shame because I think she has valid questions but she’ll only ask them after class or if her friend Nat asks for her, it’s her last year this year so maybe she’ll surprise us”
“She likes being involved in my practical experiments only because I’m so flamboyant so she doesn’t have much attention on her, why do you ask? Was she bad in your lesson? That would be exciting”
You shook your head “she wasn’t bad, Nat got her in trouble and I made her stay behind and we talked for a bit”
Pepper sensed you wanted to say more “go on Y/n”
“I know she likes me and it was adorable how she was so flustered about it”
Tony jumped up from his chair and high fived his wife “I knew Wanda was gay! You owe me $50”
Pepper shoved her husband and you both laughed when he fell over “don’t start Tony it was a silly bet I’m not paying anything to you”
“Wait you guys have bets on a student’s sexuality?”
“Doesn’t matter anyway you’re going to that party tonight and we’ll come with you, pack your party clothes”
Tony jumped up from the floor and dusted himself off “we’re going partying? Hell yeah I can bust out some dance moves tonight”
Pepper kissed him on the cheek and looked at him lovingly “if you dance at any point during the night I will divorce you and go and sleep with dean Coulson”
Tony was taken aback “oh, no dancing then got it”
“You guys are wild”
Taglist: @mathxa
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sycamorelibrary754 · 9 months
Merry Christmas
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Summary: It’s the most wonderful time of the year. You and Natasha are off to the annual Stark Christmas Party. Little does the team know that a special surprise awaits them.
Genre: Fluff
Pairings: Natasha x reader, Avengers x reader (platonic).
Word Count: 2.7k
Warnings: None
A/N: This is part 2 to Happy Thanksgiving! I recommend reading it first, but it can be read as a stand-alone story as well. I hope you enjoy!
“Be down in a minute, malyshka!” Natasha called from the bedroom. 
You were standing in the cozy kitchen, savoring spoonfuls of creamy peanut butter straight from the jar, drizzled with rich chocolate sauce. You jokingly referred to it as your "homemade Reese's." It was your first pregnancy craving, prompting Nat to rush to the corner grocery store at 2 am to procure the duo of ingredients.
"No need to worry, my dear!" I'm all set for Tony's yearly Christmas gathering at the estate. I'm wearing a stunning green Sequin-Lace Halter Twist-Neck Jumpsuit, and my growing baby bump adds an extra glow to the outfit.
Natasha's arrival was announced by the confident click of her high heels. A few moments later, she appeared in a stunning, sleek red midi dress with a scoop-back design, perfectly accentuating her figure.
"Wow, Nat, you look absolutely stunning in red. It's definitely your color," you complimented.
Her smirk grew as she put on her earrings, 'So, you're choosing it over the black?' she teased.
"I never said that, did I?" with a cheeky wink.
"Is the little one loving the homemade Reese’s?" she said, grabbing her clutch.
Absolutely!" I exclaimed, setting aside the tempting chocolate and peanut butter. "How about we whip up some delicious fudge tomorrow?
"Is it because the baby has such a sweet tooth?" Nat playfully teased.
"Absolutely," you giggled coyly.
"Whatever the baby wants, I guess," she said as she enveloped you in a warm embrace, then leaned over to plant a tender kiss on your belly.
"Are you ready to drop the baby bomb tonight?" Patting Nat's head affectionately.
“I'm feeling a bit nervous," she confessed, standing upright. "I remember how everyone reacted when they learned about Clint's family. I can't help but wonder how they'll take this news.
“They will embrace their roles as the wonderful aunts and uncles they were meant to be,” you said, grabbing your wife's hand. “Plus, announcing it with the Christmas crackers is a cute idea.”
"I hope so," she whispered before planting a gentle kiss on your lips. 
Can you believe Yelena still hasn't spilled the beans?” you asked.
"Oh, that's because I warned her that if she told anyone, I would make her run with me every morning at 5 am until the baby is born," Natasha explained.
“Well played,” you replied, high-fiving your wife. 
Thank you," she smiled. "Now, come on, let's go and get into the holiday spirit.
As we drove to the compound, the snowflakes delicately blanketed the landscape, creating a picturesque scene of holiday cheer. Each house we passed was adorned with shimmering Christmas lights, casting a warm, enchanting glow upon the neighborhood. I reached out to hold Natasha's hand, our fingers naturally intertwining as I pressed a tender kiss to the back of her hand, savoring the moment.
Upon our arrival at the compound, a rush of inviting warmth enveloped us as you both stepped into the lobby. Natasha brushed the delicate snowflakes from your hair and coat, her caring touch bringing a sense of comfort. Together, you made our way onto the elevator, where the voice of FRIDAY greeted us, creating a tranquil atmosphere as we continued our journey.
“Ladies, Merry Christmas, and welcome to the annual Stark Christmas party!”
“Merry Christmas, FRIDAY. How’s the party so far?” You asked as the elevator hum carried you up to the living quarters.
“The festivities are in full swing. Mr. Stark is treating the guests to a medley of lively and heartwarming Christmas carols,” FRIDAY explained.
"Of course he is," you chuckled.
“He only plays that baby grand after a few drinks," Nat added. "After our month-long covert op in Romania, we flew back, and he decided to mark the occasion with a tipsy performance of ABBA’s Dancing Queen.”
"Ah, I can't believe I missed it!" you groaned, pretending to be disappointed.
As the elevator doors slid open, the vibrant red and green decorations instantly caught your eye, along with the magnificent 12-foot-tall Noble Fir Christmas tree that stood proudly in the heart of the common area. It was evident that Pepper had poured her heart into adorning the tree, carefully draping it in an array of colored lights and delicate silver and gold ornaments. The festive ambiance filled the air, evoking a sense of warmth and holiday cheer.
"Look who's here - the Romanoff's have arrived!" Clint cheered as his kids eagerly ran over to greet you and Natahsa.
As Nate leaped into your wife's embrace, you welcomed Lila and Cooper with warm hugs. Each time you saw the Barton kids, it became apparent that they had grown a little more. Banner and Cho made carrying a child that would be a combination of both your and Natasha's genes possible. Observing the striking resemblance of Clint and Laura's children to their parents, you eagerly anticipated discovering which traits your little plum would inherit from each of you.
Natasha leaned in and planted a kiss on Nathaniel's cheek. "How's my little namesake?" she grinned. "Have you been practicing those punch and kick combinations I taught you?
"Practicing the what?" Laura asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Oh, nothing,” Natasha flashed a sly smile as Nate burst into laughter.
"You both look amazing! The green and red combination is really working for you," Clint said.
Thanks! I have to say that your Christmas sweater is quite lovely. I really dig Rudolph's glowing nose." You don't see that very often!” You teased.
“Hey, the Barton’s are the cream of the crop when it comes to ugly Christmas sweaters.”
“Clearly,” Nat stated.
"I’ll take your coats," Cooper graciously offered.
"Wow, thank you. What a gentleman," you said with a wink as you handed him yours and Natasha’s pea coats.
Looking around, you spotted Wanda adding the final decorations to trays of delicious Christmas cookies. You put a hand on Nat’s shoulder and motioned toward the kitchen. She gave you a quick nod as you meandered over to the counter. 
"Wanda, Wanda, Wanda... What do we have here?" you inquired with a sly grin.
Y/N! It's so good to see you," she exclaimed, her arms wrapping around me in one of her signature warm and comforting hugs that I always loved. "This is my parents' famous Christmas cookie recipe," she proudly announced, holding up a worn and stained piece of paper. "I managed to convince Tony and Pepper to let me take charge of the desserts this year. So, we've got batches of freshly baked cookies, the decadent Viennese torte chilling in the fridge, and the pumpkin pie just coming out to cool on the counter.
Wow, you've been keeping busy," you said with a smile. "Is there anything I can do to lend a hand?
"Sure, you can take a cookie and go mingle. I'll be finished in a few minutes," she said, handing you a delightful cookie shaped like Santa. As you bit into it, you were amazed. It was the most delicious cookie you had ever tasted.
"Wow, Wanda! This is fantastic!" you exclaimed excitedly.
"That's exactly why I'll always champion homemade goodies over store-bought ones. Now, come on, go join the fun," she said, playfully shooing you away.
You turned around to see your wife, elegantly positioned by the fireplace, conversing with Steve with a champagne glass. As you began crossing the room, Kate and Lucky, adorned in festive attire, intercepted your path.
"Y/N! It's been ages! How have you been?" Kate exclaimed, her face lighting up with excitement.
"Hey, Kate! It's great to see you and Lucky enjoying the party," while giving the Golden Retriever some affectionate pets.
"Kate joyfully exclaimed, "Yes, say hello to Santa Paws and Mrs. Claus!" Sadly, we can't seem to find Yelena. She's our dedicated elf." Kate glanced around the room with concern.
Wait, Yelena is actually dressed as an elf?!" Your eyes widened in surprise. "Oh, that's fantastic.”
“Yeah, if you see her, will you send her our way? We’re supposed to take the photo for our holiday card tonight,” Kate explained.
"Nothing would make me happier," you said with a smirk and a hand resting on Kate's shoulder.
You bid farewell to the young archer and her loyal pup before rejoining your wife.
"Hey detka," Nat greeted, gently wrapping her arm around your waist.
"Y/N, I was just telling your wife that she needs to find her holiday spirit and come Christmas caroling with us next week," Steve stated.
"Natasha singing? I'm not convinced that would do wonders for the community's morale," you quipped.
Nat giggled at the remark, "Says the woman who performs one-woman tributes to Harry Styles in the shower?"
“Hey" you interrupted, "I'll have you know that my performance of Sign of the Times has been receiving high praise.
A moment later, Tony and Pepper joined your little group, with Morgan walking alongside them.
"Hey there, Romanoffs! You've got to taste this amazing Hot Buttered Rum," Tony exclaimed.
I adore Hot Buttered Rum, but I'm in the mood for some sparkling cider tonight," you explained. "I bet Nat would enjoy some, though. Don't you think, sweetheart?”
"Sure," she said, grabbing the glass from Tony's hand. Steve looked back at you curiously.
As you looked down at Morgan, who was sitting on the cozy ottoman next to the crackling fireplace, you couldn't help but feel a deep connection. Ever since you discovered that you were expecting a baby, your heart has been inexplicably drawn to children in a way you had never experienced before.
"Hey there, cutie!" you exclaimed to the young Stark. "You're looking lovely tonight," as you crouched down to her eye level.
"Thank you so much, Aunt Y/N," she said with a big grin.
“Are you getting excited for Christmas?" you inquired. "You're at the top of Santa's nice list this year!
“Really?!” Morgan squealed.
"Definitely! I have a feeling the man in red will bring you some amazing surprises this year," you winked.
Hey, did you catch that, Daddy? Aunt Y/N just told me that I'm at the very top of the nice list!
“I sure did, squirt. I didn’t realize Aunt Y/N was so tight with St. Nick,” Tony said, eyeing you coyly.
"Of course, we're on a first-name basis. I'm amazed you're not," you said with a smirk, looking at the billionaire. You had a strong bond with Tony, treating him like a brother, but you couldn't resist teasing him.
Trust me, Mrs. Romanoff," Tony said with a smirk. "I'm way closer to Santa than you are.
“Do you have a direct line to the North Pole?” You countered.
"Are you getting milk and cookies flown in from Holland? You know those are his absolute favorites," Tony remarked, giving you a knowing look.
"Alright, that's it," your wife said as she touched your shoulders from behind. "You both know Santa. You both have giant egos. Merry Christmas," Nat mocked. "Come on, Tony, let's grab some hors d'oeuvres for our better halves. I'll be right back, detka," she said, leading the billionaire toward the kitchen.
You couldn’t help but admire Natasha as she walked away. Looking back over her shoulder, she smiled at you with all the love in the world. You just about melted right there in front of the fireplace. Snapping out of your love daze, you noticed Pepper grinning at you.
“What?” you asked.
"Oh, nothing. I just can’t help but notice how glowing you look tonight," Pepper said as Morgan pulled her away towards Clint’s kids, while Steve strolled away to join Bucky in conversation with Rhodes.
"Hey, psst... psst!" a voice suddenly whispered.
You suddenly spun around just in time to see a styrofoam snowball hurtling towards your face. With lightning-fast reflexes, you snatched it out of the air smoothly.
"Great snag," a Russian voice exclaimed.
"Yelena, where are you?" You glanced around, but couldn't see my sister-in-law anywhere.
"Over here!" she called out, peeking from behind the towering seven-foot snowman beside the pool table.
"Aww, you look absolutely adorable as an elf," you giggled.
Yelena's voice was barely audible as she uttered, "If you weren't pregnant with my niece or nephew, you would be hanging upside down from the rafters right now."
"Do you know that Kate and Lucky are looking for you?" you asked.
“Why do you think I’m hiding behind the enormous snowman? Kate Bishop forced me to dress in this saccharin American Christmas costume, and now she wants photographic evidence of it.” Yelena said.
"Because she loves you, silly," she said with a smile, arms crossed over her chest.
"Dinner time, detka. Let's go," Natasha called out and then abruptly halted, bursting into laughter at the sight of her sister.
“Tred carefully, sestra,” Yelena threatened. 
Nope, I'm loving this. Isn't this the new mission suit attire?" she said, playfully tapping the bell hanging from her elf hat. "Maybe we can convince Stark to level up this outfit with some Widow Bites action.
“Do you have a death wish?” Yelena sneered.
“Come on, you adorable elf, it’s time for dinner,” you say as you place an arm around your best friend’s shoulder.
As you sat next to your wife at the elegant Astoria Grand Giovani dining table, the soft touch of Natasha's hand sent a gentle warmth through you. You turned to her and caught her shy smile; her cheeks tinged with a rosy, festive blush.
Pepper rose from her seat beside Tony at the head of the lavishly decorated holiday table. With warmth in her voice and a genuine smile, she addressed the gathered guests. "Before we savor this delectable holiday spread, I want to express our deep gratitude for every one of you being here," she said, gently clasping Tony's hand. "Every person in this room understands the preciousness of life, and we cherish every moment together. We want you to know how much we love you, and we wish you all a Merry Christmas."
"Cheers!" Thor exclaimed a few seats away, raising his glass as clinking filled the table.
The festive Christmas feast brought an abundance of delightful dishes to savor. The centerpiece was a perfectly roasted turkey, surrounded by tempting trimmings. Freshly baked bread, creamy mashed potatoes, and garden-fresh vegetables, delicately roasted and complemented with balsamic vinegar, graced the table. Laughter filled the air as the group indulged in cheerful conversation and shared a medley of lighthearted, albeit incredibly corny, jokes.
As the evening progressed, pregnancy mood swings began to intensify. Amidst the gathering, a wave of emotion washed over you as you and your extended family relished the holiday season together.
"Y/N, are you alright?" Carol's eyes held a deep sense of concern as she gazed at you from across the table.
Oh, yeah," you say, dabbing at the corner of your eyes with a napkin. "I'm fine.
"The holidays always tug at her heartstrings," Natasha covered, resting her head on your shoulder.
After your delicious dinner, you assisted Wanda in setting up the dessert spread. Placing the Christmas cookies in the center, you carefully arranged the Viennese torte and the pumpkin pie on either side. As the evening progressed, you passed around coffee and dessert wine; all enjoying the company and the sweet treats.
The room was filled with the cozy warmth of full bellies and slightly sleepy eyes as the group relaxed in the living room. Soft, enchanting Christmas music filled the air, creating the perfect backdrop for the kids' lively discussions about their Christmas wishes and what they hoped Santa would bring them this year.
"Alright, Kate Bishop, let's hurry up with this photo. I can't wait to change into my pajamas," Yelena declared as she reluctantly rose from the couch.
You got it! Stay right there. Come here, Lucky," Kate called out as the dog happily bounded over. "Vision, could you snap the photo for us?
"Of course, Ms. Bishop," he said, confidently taking the Canon EOS R-50 from the archer's hands.
“It is customary to say cheese before a picture, but since it is Christmas time, perhaps you should say mistletoe?” Vision inquired.
"Just take the picture," Yelena said dryly, a hint of impatience in her voice.
Kate's voice echoed through the room, 'Mistletoe!'
"Hey, we're getting one of these cards, right?" you eagerly looked at your wife.
“I had Kate put us down for two,” she smirked.
As darkness descended, you leaned back and rested your tired head on Nat's comforting lap, feeling the soothing sensation of her fingers gently running through your hair.
Natasha glanced at her watch, noting the late hour. "Are you ready to drop the baby bomb?"
"I'm as ready as I'll ever be. I'll grab the Christmas crackers," you declared, getting up from the sofa.
"Hey everyone, Y/N and I have a surprise for you," your wife nervously announced as you handed out the gold and silver novelties to the team.
"Christmas crackers? Seriously? I was expecting something a bit more extravagant… Oww!" Tony complained as Pepper playfully pinched his arm.
You smiled nervously, your heart racing as you reached for Natasha. The snap of the festive crackers echoed merrily across the room, adding to the holiday cheer. Clint's eyes lit up as he was the first to reach inside and carefully remove the tiny gift from the cracker. The little round ceramic white ornament, delicately tied to a vibrant red ribbon, appeared in his hand, reflecting the warm glow of the holiday lights. Lila, Cooper, and Nate, their faces filled with excitement and curiosity, eagerly huddled around their dad to get a glimpse as Clint slowly turned the ornament to read the inscription, a moment of joy and togetherness shared by the entire family.
"Uncle Clint?" he read, looking up at Natasha in complete shock.
Sam couldn't believe it and shouted, "No way!"
As Wanda, Carol, and Kate gazed upon their unique ornaments, they couldn't help but shout a collective scream of joy. Each ornament proudly displayed its name, followed by the cherished title of "Aunt."
Thor exclaimed, 'This is joyous news!'
Pepper jumped to her feet and wrapped you in a bear hug, while Laura did the same with Natasha.
“How far along are you?” Wanda asked.
“Almost three months,” Yelena cut in.
"Wait, you knew?! Why didn't you tell me?" Kate yelled, slapping her girlfriend on the arm.
“Because I want to sleep in!” Yelena shouted.
"Nat, I'm thrilled for you," Steve exclaimed, gently kissing her cheek.
Bucky enveloped you in a warm embrace, planting a soft kiss on your head.
"Are you prepared to take on the role of Uncle Bucky?" You lock eyes with him.
His face froze in sheer panic, like a deer caught in the headlights.
“You’ll be great, Buck,” you chuckled. 
Bruce and Helen wrapped Natasha in a warm, heartfelt embrace, simultaneously holding her close from both sides.
Helen turned to you with a look of relief. "Now that everyone knows, we can openly discuss your pregnancy," she said. "Have you been taking your prenatal vitamins regularly?
"Don't forget, you've got an appointment on Friday," Bruce said.
Without a second thought, you replied, "Yes and yes," as Natasha leaned in to gently kiss your cheek, followed by another on your belly.
Tony swaggered up to you with his trademark smirk playing at the corners of his lips. Bracing yourself for one of his classic Stark one-liners or a cheeky joke, you were entirely taken off guard when he unexpectedly enveloped you in a comforting and heartfelt hug.
“Congratulations, Romanoff,” Tony said. “It looks like you do know Santa best.” 
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The Spiders Sister - Chapter 6
Summary: Reader goes to a stark party to meet some new people.
TW: Drinking, parties (ew), minor blood
Words: 2k
A/n Sorry for the late update my life is chaos.
Looking around at all the people you felt yourself beginning to feel a little insecure. You could pick out most of the people in the room from the TV alone. These weren’t just your average everyday people, these were superhero’s. And despite having powers yourself you still felt like you didn’t belong among legends.
Without realising it you had popped out your fangs, a small habit that displayed your nerves. You did realise it when it nicked your tongue. The coppery taste of blood in your mouth for a second before it healed.
Starting to feel a little overwhelmed Wanda placed a hand on your arm. Her touch was grounding and you were slowly being pulled back out of your own head and back to the party.
“It’s alright if it’s a bit much. It was for my first time as well. Are you ok?” Wanda said quietly to you.
You swallowed and nodded. “I’m alright. Just gimme a sec.”
Steeling your nerves and swallowing down your anxiety you stood a little taller and nodded to Wanda who was silently observing you.
After giving you a moment to adjust Wanda begun shepherding you over to a small group of people. Seemingly taking it upon herself to introduce you to people knowing if it was up to you, you would stay in the corner all night.
Before you had even realised Natasha had left your side she was handing you a drink with a cute little umbrella.
“I figure you liked it a bit fruity.” She said with a wink and your cheeks heated under the glare you shot her as she sipped her vodka martini.
As you arrived in front of the group Wanda seemed to want to introduce you to first, you took a sip of the drink, finding it to be rather good.
Looking around the group Wanda begun introducing you to it was an odd bunch.
“Y/n,” Wanda begun, gesturing to a tall blonde woman in a leather jacket. “This is Carol, or captain Marvel.” Wanda said with a teasing tone as carol rolled her eyes.
“Hi.” You said and Carol smiled warmly at you.
“Nice to meet you Y/n.” Carol said extending a hand which you took. She had a firm handshake and warm but not sweaty hands. The kind but mischievous twinkle in her eyes promised a fun kind of trouble.
“This old man is Nick Fury.” Natasha said clapping a hand on the back of a dark-skinned man with an eyepatch.
“Watch yourself Romanoff.” He said but Nat just smirked. “Nice to meet you kid.” He said extending a hand. After shaking his hand Natasha introduced you to the last person in the group.
“This is Agent Maria Hill.” Nat said elbowing her in the ribs and receiving a heatless glare in response.
“Nice to meet you.” She said giving a welcoming nod to you which you returned.
“So I hear you’re the newest spider in town?” Carol asks smiling at you as she took a swig of her beer.
“Uhhh … yeah.” You said rubbing the back of your neck.
“No need to be so nervous kid, we don’t bite. Unless you want me to.” Carol winked and you smiled back shyly not realising your fangs were out.
“Wow kid. Nice teeth.” Carol said. “Is that a spider thing?” She said looking curious.
“Yeah.” You said putting them away again.
“That’s pretty cool.” Carol said.
“We’re lucky she doesn’t bite.” Wanda said teasingly.
“I dunno,” Nat said rejoining the group with Maria. “I’d let her bite me.” She said with a wink and you choked on the sip you had just taken of your drink.
Coughing as Nat burst out laughing, Wanda pounded your back while Maria was lecturing Natasha in an amused fashion. Carol simply watched with a grin which matched Nats despite being told off.
Fury simply watched with his upper lip twitching as if it wanted to smile but wasn’t allowed which would probably have some level of accuracy to it.
When you regained your composure and your voice, your cheeks were stained with a dark blush.
“So, are you an avenger now kid?” Carol asked.
“I’m not sure.” You said.
“Actually, I’ve been meaning to talk to Stark and Rogers about that one.” Fury said looking at you for a reaction. You simply blinked looking at him and only looking away when you realised, he wasn’t going to elaborate.
“Either way, welcome to our little bunch. If you ever need anything or just to escape the compound of chaos, give me a call.” Carol said and Maria agreed.
“I’ve only ever seen Nat take a liking to something this fast once before and that was a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.” Maria said receiving a punch from Nat in the arm replying only with a smirk.
“So, how’d the whole spider thing happen?” Carol asked looking curious.
“I should have said this is y/n Parker.” Wanda said emphasising your last name.
“Like Peter Parker?” Carol asked.
“My little brother.” You clarified with a nod.
“So does being part spider run in the family or did you both do a deal with Satan?” Maria asks and you laughed feeling a bit less anxious now the vibe had changed and there was some alcohol in your blood.
“Peter and I both ended up on the field trip where he got his powers. I was chaperoning and he was … being Peter. Anyways Parker luck and we both got bit by the dumb spider.” You said.
“So you’ve just been keeping a low profile since?” Maria asked.
“Yeah. Something like that. I mean I would take Peter’s old suits for a spin when I could but not too often. Our powers differ a little so I had to play the part and not do some things he couldn’t.” You shrugged sipping your drink again.
“Well it sounds like your well adjusted to it all.” Carol complimented.
You snorted in response. “Adjusted, maybe. Cursed, definitely. What can I say Parker luck is real. I almost got it tattooed once.” You said shrugging.
“Well, it’s been great to see you all again, but I need to take y/n to make the rounds. Learn some new names and see some fresh faces.” Wanda said saying goodbye before dragging you away with her hand clasped tightly around your own.
Natasha lingered with her friends for a little longer while wanda and you were swallowed up into another small group as wanda didn’t want to overwhelm you with too many people at once.
When she came to a stop you were stood in front of a few couches with various familiar faces lounging around talking and laughing.
“Hi honey.” A voice said and you looked over to the blue couch to see Aunt May sat next to Pepper, both holding a glass of white wine.
“Hi Aunt May.” You said feeling a little more comfortable with her around. She always made you feel safe.
“You look amazing sweetheart.” May said.
“I love the dress.” Pepper pitched in and you nodded thanking her.
Pepper patted the seat next to her and you slid into the spot beside her as Natasha appeared from nowhere and handed you a new drink, taking the glass you hadn’t realised was empty.
“Fruity.” Natasha whispered in your ear but this time you swatted her as she disappeared laughing to get herself another drink.
“How many of those have you had?” May asked.
“Not nearly enough to be drunk with my metabolism.” You said rolling your eyes.
“You your brother will drink me out of house and home, and I already feed four enhanced people with the metabolism of fifteen people.” Tony said rolling his eyes.
“Be nice Tony. Plus, Peter can’t even drink yet.” Pepper said swatting his arm.
“Oh right. Yeah, that kids never touching alcohol. I watched him trip over his own feet too many times in the past week to count. I can’t imagine he would be able to even stand if he ever got drunk.” Tony said shaking his head at the idea making you and May laugh.
“Im afraid they both are clumsy.” May said and you groaned scrubbing a hand over your face.
“Really?” Wanda asked her curiosity peaked. “Any good stories?” She asked with a mischievous smirk on her lips.
“Oh, too many to count.” May said laughing and waving a hand to indicate how many.
“Please enlighten us.” Clint said seemingly having appeared from nowhere and plopping himself down on the couch opposite pepper and may. He slung an arm around Tony who promptly shoved him off.
“Personal space birdbrain.” Tony grumbled. “But please, do spill.” He said ignoring pepper protective glare he was receiving.
“Oh, I don’t know…” May said glancing at you as you shook your head pleading with her to drop it. “What about just the flip trip one?” She asked and you swallowed pausing for a second before nodding.
“Fine.” You grumbled as Clint and Tony cheered.
“Whats got feathers and grease monkey so happy?” Nat said sitting down next to Clint.
“Story-time about the Parker’s.” Stark said. “More importantly … embarrassing story time.” He clarified and nat looked at you with a raised brow as you just shook your head and slumped over to bury your face in Wanda’s neck. The alcohol making you slightly more confident and comfortable around them.
“Alright. Well as long as I can recall they have both been clumsy. But there was one time after the spider-bite that their spider sense made it even more interesting. Peter was going into their room and Y/n was heading to the living room. They both must have sensed it because peter tripped over his own feet and before he could land flat on his face, he did a front flip and landed in a crouch with one hand on the ground. Y/n would have been in his way, but she had hopped up and stuck to the ceiling. So, she was hanging on by her fingertips and peter was standing back up as she let go of the roof and fell on top of him.” May said with a chuckle.
Tony’s face was lit up like a kid on Christmas. Pepper was stifling a smile and Nat had snorted into her drink. Wanda was trembling slightly under you as her body shook with suppressed giggles as her hand glided softly through your hair as your face was still buried in her neck hiding.
Clint whistled lowly. “Impressive … yet also not.” He said chuckling to himself.
“ok enough of that.” You whined and May smiled at you softly.
“Alright honey. How about pepper tells us some stories about stark.” May said sharing a mischievous smirk with pepper who immediately grinned at stark who grumbled to himself about betrayal.
As pepper launched into a story about the time the great Tony stark had turned up to a meeting sans pants, May pulled you aside.
“You haven’t told them have you?” She said in a low whisper.
“Told them what?” You mumbled looking at your shoes.
“Come on Y/n. I know its different now but he’s not just your brother. I know it hurts but he’s still your-“
“I know.” You said cutting May off before she could finish and say the word that brought pain to your very soul. “But he’s not May. Not anymore … its different. I had to live without him for five years. It changes you. It changed me.“ you mumbled wishing you had grabbed your drink before this impromptu sidebar.
“They’ll see your file eventually, they will connect the dots. It would be better coming from the two of you if you told them yourselves.” May said taking on a sad almost worried voice.
“I’ll talk to Petey about it.” You said and she rubbed a hand up and down your bicep and offered as small smile.
“Good.” May said before pressing a kiss to your forehead.
As the two of you rejoined the group your eyes had a little less of a glint in them. The pain still raw from things you didn’t want to remember.
The battle against Thanos had been somewhat of a sore subject around the tower and you didn’t want to bring up the avengers failure.
The rest of the party was smooth sailing as things began to die down.
@tia-thesimp @lizzielillvr @leenasayeed @justarandomreaderxoxo @sycamorelibrary754 @dorabledewdroop @redwolfqueen19 @sadlesbeansstuff @idkwhatever580
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reidingandwriting · 3 months
darlin’ i’d wait for you > p.p.
Word Count: ~5,000
Pairing: Peter Parker x Stark!Reader
Warnings: The author entirely makes up how the memory erasing spell would work, mild language throughout, mentions of an attempted mugging
Author’s Note: What watching NWH for the first time in two years does to a mf! Cross posted on my ao3 account. Peter deserves a happy ending and by god I’m giving him one!!
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It was a cold night that night. Peter swung through the city, happy things were relatively calm tonight. though he wouldn’t mind a little more action so he could fight and warm up a little. He was about to turn in for the night, anyway, so Peter could cope.
It was on his swing back home that he saw it. Three bulking men cornering one person in an alley. Peter perched on the rooftop, assessing the scene before he jumped in. Two appeared to be unarmed, but Peter froze when he saw the gun the third pulled out. Peter quickly shot a web at the gun, yanking it out of his hands and up towards the roof before he dove in. One direct kick to the face had the first guy out cold.
Peter dodged the punch from one of the others and he narrowly missed another punch from the other. Peter landed a punch of his own to one of the men and webbed him to the wall before doing the same to the remaining guy. Peter webbed the guy who had the gun against the side of the dumpster in case he woke up, and then he turned to face you.
“Holy shit. Thank you so much, Spider-Man.” Peter froze when he heard your voice and he was grateful to the mask for hiding his expression. You. Tony's child, his former partner… all before Doctor Strange’s spell erased all memories of peter parker from the world. Realization flashed in your eyes and Peter felt his heart skip a beat from your smile. Did you remember? “Spidey! I haven't seen you in forever it feels like. It’s been ages, hasn’t it?”
Of course you didn’t remember him. You knew Spider-Man from him working with the Avengers, but you didn’t know him. Most of the time he spent with your family was as Peter. Spider-Man had been a rare visitor to the Stark family; what was the point of hiding behind the Spider-Man persona when you all knew him? Why hide from someone who had been to his and May’s home countless times? From the same someone who had spent hours in the lab with him making improvements to the spider suit.
“Yeah. Yeah, it has been, hasn’t it?” Peter rubbed the back of his neck and you still smiled that bright, warm smile. Peter's eyes began to burn with the feeling of unshed tears; god he had missed you so much. “I'm, uh, surprised you’re out here this late.”
“Wasn’t supposed to be. Happy was running a little late picking me up, and I thought it would be quicker for me to just walk over to his, but then that happened,” you laughed and Peter couldn’t help but smile as well.
“Do- do you want an escort? Or I could wait with you until you’re picked up. My patrol is over anyways, and I don’t. I don't have anywhere else to be.” Peter offered and you nodded.
“Let me just,” your phone ringing cut you off and you smiled apologetically at him. “One second, sorry.” You dug your phone out of your pocket and answered it, holding it to your ear. “Hey, Hap!” Peter could faintly make out happy on the other line and his heart ached. Happy… Peter tuned out the majority of your conversation, not wanting to eavesdrop and violate your privacy, even if he kind of wanted to just to hear Happy’s voice some more. You hung up the phone a moment later and Peter turned to look at you.
“What's the plan?”
“Since I'm not too far from Happy, I think I'll walk over to where he’s waiting. Are you sure you don’t mind walking with me? I'm sure you’re ready to get home by now.” Home. Peter wanted to laugh- home didn’t exist to him anymore. Not one he could have, anyways.
“Wouldn’t be very friendly neighborhood Spider-Man of me to let you walk by yourself, especially after you’ve already been cornered once. At gunpoint,” Peter emphasized and you merely shrugged.
“Unfortunately something I've gotten somewhat immune to. The panic will hit later,” Your tone was joking but Peter knew the weight behind your words. You were like your dad. So good at bottling up emotions and being able to put them to good use. Until the bottle eventually filled and you cracked. You had gotten better about bottling up and your emotions hit faster now- even if you did have delayed reactions to trauma at this point. “I guess we should start walking then, huh?”
Peter followed just a step behind you as you walked to Happy’s. You made small talk with Peter, asking him how patrols were going and how he had been lately. Peter brushed over that question and turned it back on you, and you happily obliged. You had just left your friend Betty’s since it was her birthday, and you were about to go back home to celebrate the holidays with Happy, your mom, and sister. Pepper and Morgan…
It had taken a few visits for Morgan to warm up to Peter, but she had quickly worked her way into his heart and she rather quickly learned that she had Peter (and most everyone who knew her) wrapped around her finger. He had countless movie nights with you and the younger Stark and Peter remembered the first time Morgan chose to cuddle into his side during the movie like it was yesterday.
“What about you, Spidey? Any plans for the holidays?” Your question startled Peter and he shook his head. “Nothing?”
“I.. I don't really have anyone to celebrate with. Will probably just stay in, watch some movies. Maybe do an extra long patrol, gotta make sure everyone else gets to be safe during the holidays.” There goes that look Peter missed- you were thinking about something; your brows furrowed just slightly and your nose scrunched in contemplation.
“Well, if you get lonely. You should reach out to me.” You dug in your bag for a moment before you pulled out a sticky note and pen. You wrote quickly before you handed the note to him- your number. Of course he had it already, had long since memorized it, but you didn’t know that. “No pressure or anything at all but. It can get lonely this time of year, and my dad always spoke highly of you. So if you ever just need someone to talk to or anything,” you sounded a little uncertain. Anxious, even. “I unfortunately adopted my dad’s horrible sleeping patterns so I should just be a text away.”
“Thank you. So much,” When Peter said your name, you blinked in surprise that quickly smoothed out. Right, Spider-Man knew your name, why wouldn’t he? A familiar voice snapped you and Peter back to reality and you waved excitedly.
“Did something happen? Why is Spider-Man walking with you?” You hesitated briefly and Peter stepped in.
“We ran into each other while I was swinging around. My patrol was ending anyways, and it wasn’t out of my way to walk with them.” Peter lied smoothly. It was completely out of his way and he didn’t want to mention the fact that you had almost been mugged, potentially worse. Selfishly, he wanted another chance to see you and he knew he wouldn’t get that opportunity if Happy knew what happened.
“He was great company,” you flashed Peter a grateful smile before you turned back to Happy.
“Thanks, Spider-Man. I've got it from here.” Happy looked at him and Peter nodded.
“I hope I'll hear from you, Spidey.” You said and Peter smiled. Peter said his goodbyes before he swung away, leaving you and Happy outside his apartment complex.
Peter barely locked his door and tore off his mask before tears filled his eyes. God he missed you. Missed Happy, Pepper, Morgan, all his friends. You may not remember him, but he hoped this could be the start of starting over with you. He had to have you in his life again, even if he was just a stranger to you right now.
Two weeks had passed since you had run into Spider-Man and you were feeling odd. You had trouble sleeping the night you got home and you assumed it was the stress from having the gun pulled out on you. Every night since then, you’ve had dreams that felt strangely like memories? A few of them included your friends MJ and Ned, but they all had some guy with a blurry face in them. His voice in the memories was a little distorted, but vaguely familiar at the same time.
You were doing some cleaning when you found an old sketchbook and you took a moment to go through a few of the pages, and you tilted your head when again, you saw the faceless guy from your dreams. How could you not remember him? You stopped when you saw a polaroid in the middle of your sketchbook, a picture of you and your father with the faceless guy in the middle. You slammed the book shut and tried to focus on controlling your breathing. You slid down against the wall, hands trembling.
Who was this person? How was he such a prominent part of your life but you couldn’t remember him? You buried your face in your hands and you barely processed the click of your door opening.
“Since MJ is coming over, what do you think about- kid?” Pepper's voice sounded through the room and you looked up. “Hey, what happened?” Pepper rushed over and took a seat beside you. Her hands cupped your face as her thumbs wiped away the tears you hadn’t even noticed beginning to fall.
“Do you ever feel like there’s something you’re just missing?” You nodded towards the sketchbook and Pepper cautiously grabbed it, and she flipped through the pages. She stopped when she saw the polaroid and looked at you. “I feel like I'm going crazy, Mom. I know who this is, I have to know. But I can't remember him. Ever since I ran into Spider-Man, I've been having these dreams. I think they’re memories and they all have him in them. I thought I was just making him up and then I saw this. I don't know what’s wrong with me, why can’t I remember him?”
“I don’t remember this either.” Pepper said and you looked at her, confused. “I remember taking this picture but him?” Pepper tapped the person in the middle. “Not a clue who he is. I can ask Happy if you want? Maybe he remembers?” You nodded before you curled into Pepper’s side. Your mom’s arms wrapped around you, and she leaned her head against yours. “We'll figure it out, somehow.”
You tried to have a normal rest of your night. You helped your mom cook dinner for everyone, you all played a game with Morgan before tucking her into bed with a bedtime story, and you, MJ, and your mom watched some mindless reality show before she went to bed. The night ended the same way, with her kissing your head and telling you not to stay up too late, and you stayed on the couch for a while longer before returning to your room. You and MJ laid on your bed and MJ let out a loud sigh.
“Okay, what’s up?” MJ asked and you turned towards her. “You’ve been acting off all night and you’re guarding your phone. I’m all for some quiet body doubling time, but you seem a little checked out.”
“It’s gonna sound crazy,” you said and MJ shrugged.
“I’m no stranger to crazy.” And so you told her. You told her how you ran into Spider-Man and how you have felt odd ever since. You told her about the weird dreams and how you feel like your memories are incomplete and you’re missing something. You showed her the sketchbook, the photo, and you took a deep breath.
“I reached out to Happy and he doesn’t remember him either, but he says he’ll try to look into things. I, uh, have my own plan if he’ll ever answer me.”
“Who?” MJ asked.
“Have you ever seen that… really strange building in the city?”
“Thanks for letting me in,” You said to Doctor Strange, Stephen he insisted, as you took a seat in his… was lair the right term? Office felt too informal but lair felt too menacing. Whatever.
“I must admit I was curious as to why you wanted to see me. I don’t think we’ve spoken since the funeral.” Stephen said and you nodded.
“Never had much of a reason to. We didn’t know each other before, and I was,” you trailed off, “occupied after. Between my sister and helping my mom with the company, and this new thing that’s occurred.” Stephen hummed in response and made a gesture for you to continue speaking. “I think some kind of magic has interfered with my life and altered my memories.” Stephen paused, genuinely looking like he was blue screening, and you began to speak again when he raised his hand.
“What exactly do you think has been altered?” Stephen asked, words coming out slowly, like he was still processing what he had heard.
“I think a person has been removed from my memories. Not just mine. Mine, my family’s, my friends. I have a feeling it’s bigger than that, and.” You trailed off.
“I would be the only one- well, not the only one capable- but I would be the only one to risk a spell of that caliber.” Your lips twitched upwards into a smirk and Stephen rolled his eyes, but there was a hint of amusement on his face as well. “Is it just your memories that have changed?” You shook your head and pulled the photo from your bag and you held it out to him. Stephen took it carefully, studying it.
“I have drawings of him, but the faces are all blank. I can see him in my dreams, I can hear his voice.” Your voice cracked. “I don’t even know who this is, but with each day that passes, the pain of losing whoever he is gets worse.” Stephen’s eyes met yours and you continued. “I can’t sleep without him being involved. I keep getting these deja vu moments but they’re incomplete. Hell, even my camera roll on my phone is messed up. Every picture or video he’s in? His face is blurry and his voice is distorted. Every night it gets worse. Like my brain wants me to remember, but I can’t.” You closed your eyes and took a deep breath. You can’t cry in front of the wizard, that would be so embarrassing.
“Did something specific trigger this? When did you notice your memories had been affected?” Stephen asked and you sighed.
“After I ran into Spider-Man two weeks ago. I was walking to meet Happy, and some guys had cornered me. Spider-Man saved me and from that night on, I feel like my brain has been scrambled.” Stephen’s eyes widened a fraction. “You’re missing something too, aren’t you?” Your question came out more as a statement and Stephen stood. You quickly stood and when Stephen saw you stand, he walked out of the room and down the hall to another room. This room was darker, much more lair-ish, filled with books and other mystical looking items. Stephen’s strangely sentient cape fluttered over, whipping around you in some oddly cute form of greeting? before it flew over to Stephen and settled on his shoulders.
“I’m fuzzy on the details, but I remember seeing Spider-Man recently. We were fighting over some containment box that had a powerful spell in it. Then suddenly I was in the city, near the Statue of Liberty. Something big was happening and I performed some spell to help Spider-Man and I don’t remember anything after. Suddenly I was home and I guess I never looked further into it.” Stephen pulled a book from a shelf and flipped it open, rapidly scanning the pages until he landed on it. “This was the spell I had to contain.” As Stephen told you about the basics of the spell, your heart ached. What could have happened to Spider-Man that made him need a memory erasing spell?
“Then Spider-Man must have asked you to do another memory erasing spell. Hiding his identity?”
“More like erasing it. The universe as we knew it was breaking, the multiverse is real. And it almost became a real threat to our universe. Whatever I did fixed it. The multiverse is safe, but-”
“Now no one remembers who our hero really is,” you said. “I’m guessing there’s no way to counteract the spell.”
“No safe way to do it, even if we discovered who Spider-Man is. If it even could be reversed, the threat would return. These people were after Spider-Man, whoever he is. If the spell was reversed, those same people could very well slip through and become a problem all over again. Likely worse than before.”
“Shit. There’s no winning, is there? He just has to exist for the rest of his life, alone.”
“He may be alone, but it is odd that your memories are seemingly trying to come back. Has anyone else you’ve told experienced anything similar?” You shook your head. “He has you, then.” Stephen made eye contact with you. “Memory altering spells like this are unpredictable at best. For whatever reason, your brain is trying to make the connections. And from what I know about your family, if you are anything like your father, you are the best person to figure this out. I’m happy to assist however I can, but you, kid? You’re Spider-Man’s best chance at having anyone remember him again.”
It had been a few days since Peter had last contacted you. He didn’t text you often, scared to bother you. You always responded whenever he did reach out, but Peter hesitated when it came to you. Selfishly, he wanted to be in your life again. But he was terrified he would only hurt you again. That’s what he seemed best at and he couldn’t put you through that pain again. It’s been about three weeks since your first run-in and Peter hadn’t seen you in person again. He was starting to think it was a sign that he didn’t deserve to be in your life anymore.
It was raining as he came home from patrol that night. His apartment complex was in sight and he fumbled when he saw you outside of his building. Peter perched on a lamp post near you and called your name, and you jumped when you heard him.
“Jesus Christ, you scared the shit out of me!” You held a hand to your chest when you saw him, and Peter winced.
“Sorry, sorry! What are you doing out here?” Peter hopped down to stand in front of you. God, you were drenched. Your hair laid flat, soaked from the storm and Peter looked around. “Actually, let’s not have this conversation outside. You’re gonna get sick and your mom would kill me.” Peter opened an arm for you. “I need you to hold onto me.”
“Hold onto you?”
“I can’t exactly walk through the front door,” Peter gestured to himself.
“Right. Sorry.” You walked over to him and Peter wrapped an arm around you, lifting you just enough to support you before he shot a web towards his fire escape. You yelped as you clung to him and Peter carefully set you down once he was steady on the fire escape. Peter slid his window open and carefully helped you in before he climbed through, shutting the window behind him. Peter felt self conscious as you looked around the minimally decorated apartment. Peter didn’t have the money for anything beyond the essentials, and he knew his apartment looked more like a crash pad than a home.
“Do you have, like, towels or anything? I don’t want to,” you trailed off, and Peter sprung into action.
“Right! Sorry. Towels are in the bathroom. I’ll grab you one real quick.” Peter rushed to the bathroom and grabbed a towel. “Here, let me grab you something dry to change into.” Peter left the bathroom and walked towards his closet in the hall. He grabbed a sweatshirt and a pair of sweatpants and handed them to you. You thanked Peter before you disappeared into the bathroom and Peter looked around. He could, shit. He could at least get you a glass of water, right? Peter walked to the kitchen and grabbed two cups, filling them both with ice and water. God, why did he feel so sick? It was you. He knows you, he loves you. You had never judged him before, why would you now?
Peter had just set up the glasses when you came out of the bathroom. He swore his heart skipped a few beats when he saw you in his sweatshirt, and you played with the end of the sleeve.
“I, uh, left my clothes in your shower. Thanks for these,” you said and Peter nodded. God Peter was so glad he had tidied up this morning.
“No problem. It’s not much but make yourself at home. Should’ve dropped by tomorrow, tomorrow is grocery day and I could’ve had more for you,” Peter said and you shook your head as you sat on the edge of his bed. Peter stood by the other edge of the bed and you tilted your head.
“Keeping the suit on? Isn’t it a little wet?” Peter’s eyes widened and he rushed to his closet to change, and he barely heard your faint huff of laughter. Peter stared at himself in the mirror, mask still on his face after he had changed. He didn’t know what to do. Not like revealing his identity would change anything, but he felt safer behind the mask. With a sigh, he left the bathroom and your smile fell to a frown when you saw the mask. “Can we talk, Spidey?” Peter took a seat beside you and you both turned to face each other. Your gaze was determined, hopeful, and anxious all at the same time and Peter couldn’t tell if he wanted to look into your eyes forever or look away from the emotion in them.
“The floor is yours,” Peter said and you let out a breath.
“I may sound batshit insane, so please. Just listen to me until I’m done.” You said and Peter nodded. After a moment, you began to speak. “I know who you are.” Peter swore his heart stopped for a beat or two. “Or I did at least. You knew me, my family, my friends. Our friends, I guess I should say. But something happened and now no one knows you. Doctor Strange did some kind of spell for whatever saving the multiverse reason, and everyone forgot about you. The man behind Spider-Man.” Your eyes began to water and Peter wanted to reach out, to hold you close. But he was frozen.
“Ever since we ran into each other those weeks ago, I’ve been having these dreams. Memories, more like, but there was something missing in them. You. I could see the memories, I could hear your voice and see you. But I couldn’t remember who the voice belonged to. I couldn’t see the face, it was all blurry and distorted. I have a picture of us with my dad, I have countless videos and pictures in my camera roll; all of them having a person with a blurry face and distorted voice. For three weeks, you’ve been on my mind, awake or not. I’ve spent the last five days trying to find you, trying to figure out anything about you. Every file I found, redacted. Eventually, I just tracked your usual patrol route and your response time to local crimes and hoped I would stumble across you. I’d been walking around for at least two hours to find you, because somehow. I just know you’re the person I’m missing.” Your hands reached out and settled on Peter’s shoulders, and it took all of Peter’s restraint not to melt into your touch as he whispered your name. “Can I…?” You tapped the side of Peter’s neck and he nodded.
You moved slowly, as if you’d hurt him, as your hands traveled. You stuck your thumbs under the mask and you looked at Peter. Only when he nodded did you start to pull the mask off. The seconds it took you to pull the mask off felt like hours to Peter, and you let the mask fall beside you as you studied Peter. You reached out towards him, motions careful as you moved, and you rested one of your hands on his cheek. Peter felt the first tear slip and then you blinked.
It was like Peter was seeing an entirely new person again. Your eyes flashed with a million different emotions until they settled on recognition. Your eyes were wide and your own eyes began to fill up with tears.
“Peter?” You whispered and the dam broke. Peter let out a choked sob as he nodded and you threw yourself into his arms, clinging to him just as quickly as he clung to you. “Oh my god, Peter.” One of your hands tangled in his hair, the other hand gripped the material of his shirt like a vice. You moved back just enough to look at him, and Peter let out a teary laugh as his forehead rested against your own.
“I missed you so much.” Tears were falling from Peter’s cheeks and you somehow did the impossible by pulling Peter even closer to you. “How, how do you?”
“I don’t know,” You laughed in between your cries. “I don’t know how but oh my god, Peter.” You pulled back, his brown eyes meeting your own, and you smiled at him. So happy, so familiar, so full of love. Peter cupped your cheeks and pressed a kiss to your lips, which you happily returned.
You remembered him. Peter wasn’t entirely alone anymore. He had you. The love of his life, one of his best friends. When you broke apart, you cupped Peter’s face in your hands and wiped his tears away with your thumbs. “I thought I’d be alone forever. That no one would ever remember me. And I couldn’t, I couldn’t make myself talk to anyone new because all I do is get people hurt and-”
“Shhh, that’s not true. Not true at all.” You raked your fingers through his hair and Peter slumped into you. “I told you, you’d have me forever. Just took a little while for me to find you again.” You kissed Peter’s head and ran one hand up and down his back, the other gently working out the tangles in his hair. Peter’s breathing began to steady and he closed his eyes. For the first time in what felt like ages, he was content.
“What’s gonna happen now?” Peter asked and you hummed.
“First, you’re gonna rest. Your dark circles could rival my own,” you teased and Peter huffed in response, but a smile still lit up his face. “I told my mom I would be out tonight, so tomorrow morning, we’ll decide what our next steps are. I know there’s a few people who would like to meet you again, but if you’re not ready, we’ll wait.”
“I want to see them again. I’ve missed everyone so much, but I don’t know if I’m ready.” Peter trailed off. “I’m really scared.” Peter admitted. “I’m scared when I see them again, they won’t want to get to know me again. I’m scared I’ll wake up and this will all be a fluke; you’ll have forgotten me and I’ll be alone all over again.” Peter’s grip on you tightened and you continued to comb through his hair, hoping to soothe him.
“They’re your best friends, Peter. They’ll love you.” Peter was fully laying against you at this point, and you shifted so you could lean back as well. “I know my mom will too, and Morgan will be so happy to have a big brother again. But you’re in control, okay? You get to choose when we meet, who we meet.” Peter let out a shaky breath as he buried his face in your neck, and you closed your eyes. “Just say the word and I’ll make it happen.”
“I love you.” Peter pressed a soft kiss to your shoulder. “So much.”
“I love you even more.” And for the first time in weeks, you both fell into a dreamless sleep. The next afternoon, you and Peter stood outside your family's cabin. Your hand held Peter's and he squeezed your hand.
You had told your mom you were bringing company over, but you had been vague about the details. Kind of hard to explain everything over a phone call, you rationalized to Peter. You had Peter's bag on your back, with enough clothes to last him a few days, and his suit just in case. Neither of you seemed fond of the idea of separating now that you finally had each other again and if your mom didn't understand, you were willing to stay with Peter at a hotel because 'I love you, Peter, but this apartment is not it. Maybe I can buy you out of your lease,' you had said with a laugh but you were half joking. Whatever your next move ended up being, you'd do it together.
With one final nod, you walked inside with Peter, ready to re-introduce him to your family; ready for him to be a part of your family again.
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vikwrites · 5 months
His Sweet Girl - Tony Stark
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Summary ➣ Nestled between Tony's legs, and all you wanted was to just feel him. Pairing ➣ Tony Stark x Reader Word Count ➣ 724 words Warnings ➣ 18+ / Blindfolds / Daddy Kink / Oral Sex Author's Notes ➣ A short drabble written for my friend @mrshottiefinder on Instagram, written in an barely hour and not proofread. Comments + reblogs are highly appreciated to support more of my sleep-deprived ramblings, enjoy <3
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You were snugly nestled between Tony’s legs, the warmth of his body enveloping you. The plush carpet beneath your knees cushioned your weight as you leaned onto him. His deft fingers traced patterns through your hair, smooth and comforting. You closed your eyes and let out a content sigh, feeling completely at ease in his embrace.
The space between you and him feels simultaneously intimate and vast. His body radiates heat, and you can feel every inch of it as he stands so close to you. Your longing to feel his skin against yours is palpable, hindered only by the thin barrier of his dress-pants. The scent of Tony’s cologne filled your nose, a blend of musk and spice that was just uniquely him.
Tony was still dressed in his alpine suit. His tie, neatly fastened in a knot around his neck. The contrast of his crisp, tailored appearance against your barely-there attire was always a turn-on for you. You kneeled before him in nothing but a skimpy black dress, which left almost nothing to the imagination and his favourite pair of heels, feeling both exposed and empowered by his gaze.
The warmth of his touch radiated through your entire body, causing you to melt into his fingers even more. Every breath he took seemed to fill the room with an intoxicating scent that made your head spin. 
"Such a good girl," Tony cooed in a deep, seductive tone as he continued to play with your hair, he’d always enjoyed toying with it, he did pay for it anyways.
“How about you play with daddy for a bit, hm? I know you want to." Behind his soft, coordinated actions, you could sense the desperation in his voice as he longed to feel you around him too. 
With deliberate slowness, you ran your tongue along the zipper of his dress-pants, your tongue traced a slow, teasing path. Tony’s low groan was followed by a tightening grip on your hair, but you didn't stop. 
You wanted to see how far you could push him. You teased at his fly, feeling the zipper with your teeth and tasting the metallic tang in your mouth. But you didn't mind the bitter taste; all you craved was to taste him.
Slowly, you used your teeth to unfasten his fly, all the while keeping your eyes glued onto his. It was a wordless game of seduction, fuelled by the intensity in his dark gaze meeting yours.
With haste, his boxers were pulled down, a harsh contrast to your tender, tentative touch earlier. But you couldn't wait any longer; eagerly taking his half-hard cock in your adrenaline-fueled, trembling hands and giving it a few full strokes.
"Fuck, play with it, baby," Tony groaned as he relaxed into your touch, his legs no longer as constricting as they were before. You heard rustling as Tony fiddled to get his tie off, bringing it to your eyes and tying it behind your head, leaving you in near-darkness, completely at his mercy.
You felt his hands pulling at your hair once again as he guided your eager mouth towards his cock. Almost salivating as you took him into your mouth, the scent of his cologne mingled with the musk of sweat and sex, as well as the salty taste of his pre-cum. You gagged as you took him in with one swift motion, making obscene noises that undoubtedly turned him on as he let out a blissful sigh. 
"Your mouth feels amazing wrapped around my cock," he moaned, one hand gripping your hair in a loose ponytail and the other around your neck, it wasn’t that constricting, but god it was sexy as fuck.
As Tony thrusted into your throat, your lipstick smudged around your cheek and the flushed skin of his cock. His movements started slow and cautious as he whispered gentle praises and encouragements, but soon they became frantic and desperate, a clear sign of his impending orgasm.
"Oh god—shit! 'm gonna cum for you, baby!" Tony moaned as he shoved himself deep into the back of your throat. Tears were now streaming freely down your face, mixing in with your once-pristine makeup, staining his expensive tie; but you didn't care anymore. You moaned as you felt his warm cum running down your throat, only intensifying the pleasure for you.
As Tony withdrew, your body was immediately scooped up, your chest pressed onto his firm, muscular torso, the soft pulse of his reactor warming your body as his hands returning to stroke your hair. The tie was discarded without a second thought, finding its place on the floor. His soft, loving gaze meeting yours.  
"My sweet girl," Tony smirked, his lips claiming yours.
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Picnics and Starks.
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Wanda Maximoff x Stark fem!reader.
A/N: I hope you enjoy and I apologize for any mistakes! Also comments, reblogs, shares and likes are super appreciated, thank you! :)
Translations: “Hola hermosa.” Hello beautiful.
“Mami.” Mom.
“Detka.” Baby.
“Cariño.” Dear.
“Hijita.” Daughter.
“Amor.” Love.
Word count: 4,180.
It was a hot summer day and Wanda Maximoff found herself making her way up the massive driveway of her girlfriend, Y/N Stark's house, feeling beyond terrified as today would be the day she would be celebrating her first annual Stark picnic party, therefore ensuring she would be meeting the rest of her girlfriend's extended family.
As Wanda got closer to the huge double doors, she wiped her sweaty palms on her shorts and exhaled a breath to help settle her nerves, "okay Wanda, you can do this," she whispers to herself as she presses the doorbell, heart racing in anticipation.
As she waits for a minute she hears rustling and yelling coming from inside the house and she sends a quick prayer up above once the doorknob starts rattling, that the person to greet her is either you, Pepper or Tony.
Once the door swings open, the redhead lets out a sigh in relief as your smiling face comes into view.
“Hey baby, you made it!” You exclaim happily, pulling your girlfriend in by the waist and kissing her softly.
Wanda hums against your lips, feeling her nerves wash away as she stands in your arms, a smile over taking her face, “hello good-looking,” the redhead whispers with a loving smile.
“Hola hermosa,” you reply with a playful wink. “How you doing? You okay to meet everyone?” You ask your girlfriend as you hold her against your chest.
Wanda plays with the collar of your shirt lightly, her lip caught between her teeth as she shakes her head slowly, “honestly detka, I'm nervous. What if they don't like me?” She questions softly.
You move back slightly, taking her face into your hands, rubbing soothing circles on her cheekbones, “hey Wands, look at me,” you say just as soft and nervous green eyes meet yours. “They are going to love you. My parents, Tony, Pepper and Morgan already do and they're the most important people in my life. This is just an extension of that love, and if they don't like you, then they are all idiots and I could care less what they have to say,” you tell your girlfriend with conviction, “but they will love you Max, because you're wonderful, and you make me truly happy. Plus what's not to love, you're the best!” You say, a dopey lovesick smile on your face, eyes crinkled in delight.
Wanda laughs, enamored at the sight of your happiness, “okay, I trust you babe, let's do this,” she says after a minute.
You take Wanda's hand, rubbing soothing circles to help ease her nerves as you both make your way through the huge house. “I'm with you every step of the way, if it gets to be too much let me know and we're out of here,” you tell Wanda and she nods appreciatively once you make it to your big backyard.
As Wanda is looking around, she catches sight of your brother, his wife and some of their closest friends near the grill and some tables, as some others are by or in the pool and the tension she felt in her shoulders melts away.
“Let's go say hi to Tony,” you say, as you pull the redhead towards your older brother and his friends. Once you’re near your older brother you reluctantly let go of Wanda's hand, “Tony!” You exclaim excitedly to your brother that is manning the grill.
“Hey! Short stack!” Tony says just as excited, as he hands the spatula to the person beside him and pulls you in for a tight bear hug.
“I'm not a short stack,” you mutter into your brother's shoulder, “I'm literally an inch taller than you,” you pout, causing the people around you to let out a laugh.
“Technicalities kid,” he says as he pulls back, his signature smirk on his face, “so how are you?” He asks sincerely, an arm going around your shoulders, “are you doing okay? Taking care of yourself?” He says looking at you softly, being a dad has done him wonders.
“Yeah Tony, I'm doing great, thanks for asking,” you say with an appreciative smile, “how are you guys doing? How's the little critter? Where is she by the way?” You ask, scanning the backyard for your niece.
Tony walks a short distance with you away from the grill, “we're great! She's as great as can be and she's over by the pool with Steve and Bucky,” he says with a smile, pointing out his daughter dressed in a cute pink swimsuit and a matching pink life vest, splashing around two of the men you've known for a good portion of your life. “She is an extreme troublemaker though. Just as chaotic as you were at age 4. I swear, if you two have children, I hope they're as bad as you were at that age so you can see what I had to deal with,” Tony says with a chuckle, looking between you and Wanda, causing both of you to blush at the topic of having children together.
“I wasn't a troublemaker,” you mumble shyly, looking at the ground, cheeks burning red.
“You so were a troublemaker!” Tony says mildly offended, “you nearly gave me a heart-attack every time we went out because of how much trouble you caused,” he begins ranting, “you literally made me swear off teen pregnancy!” Tony exclaims, drawing eyes to you both at his loud outburst.
“Tony, shut up!” You whisper yell with a laugh covering your brother's mouth with your hands, “I get it, okay, I was a little shit,” you say and Wanda lets out an amused laugh.
Tony begins swatting your arms, “get your hands off of me,” he huffs, pushing you away from him and you laugh harder.
“Well then shut up, because you're causing a scene,” you say, your older brother looking scandalized.
“I'm causing a scene?” Tony gasps, his voice going slightly higher.
“Yes, you're causing a scene,” you tease, a smirk on your face because you know just how well to get under your brother's skin.
“Oh, you take that back or I'll show you a scene,” Tony says, advancing towards you quickly, causing you to run behind Wanda, grabbing both her arms and maneuvering her as if she were a human shield, protecting you from your brother, “get over here kid,” he says, arms trying to reach around Wanda to get to you.
“No,” you say playfully, still using your girlfriend's body to help you deflect his hands.
“Come on, I just wanna talk,” Tony says exasperated, still running circles around the redhead.
“Oh no you don't, you want to hurt me,” you laugh.
“Nuh uh,” he says childishly, causing you to laugh out even louder, “please Y/N/N leave lovely Wanda out of this and let's talk,” Tony says with a faux softness, seizing his movements, causing you to stop as well. “See that wasn't so hard, was it?” He says, and once you're caught off guard enough, he quickly says, “sorry Wanda,” and softly pushes your girlfriend to the side to reach you, putting you in a chokehold and rubbing his knuckles on your head as he has done plenty of times before.
“Ow, shit Tony, let go you fucker,” you yell, your arms going to push at your brother's waist in an attempt to shove him off and break your head free.
“No, take it back,” he says his arms tight, just enough to keep your head in a hold without actually hurting you.
“But you were causing a scene,” you say, not one to back down.
“No, I wasn't.”
“Yes, you were.”
“No, I wasn't.”
“Yes, you were.”
You begin arguing back and forth, tussling about.
“Children, please stop your bickering,” you hear a voice above you say, and both you and Tony stop to look at Pepper, an amused smile on her face, “Tony, let your sister go,” she demands and your brother let's go immediately, “now, both of you, apologize to each other,” the blonde says sternly, causing both you and Tony to look like scolded kids.
“I'm sorry,” you both mutter and the people around you let out laughs.
“Now, hug it out,” Pepper smiles, and both you and Tony do, pulling away in a second, proceeding to stick your tongues out at each other. “Oh, my god, Pepper laughs, “children. You two are literal children,” Pepper says, turning to face your laughing girlfriend. “Hello Wanda, how are you?” Pepper asks, arms wrapping around the redhead.
“I'm doing great Pep, how are you?” Wanda asks sincerely, returning the hug.
“I'm great as well,” she smiles, “but, I think my child needs a nap.”
Tony looks at his wife with a frown of confusion and asks, “what? Is Morgan tired? She slept on the way here.”
Pepper shakes her head and says, “not Morgan, you! Now quit being a cranky pants, stop fighting with your sister and get back to manning the grill. You handed the spatula to Nat and if we want any more burgers and hotdogs, you better take over quickly,” the blonde teases.
Causing an offended, “hey!” To be heard through the backyard.
As your brother walks away from you by orders of his wife, you make your way towards some of Tony's friends.
“Hey Nat,” you greet the offended redhead that is sitting down in a chair, sulking while drinking a beer.
“Hey kid,” the slightly older woman greets happily, standing up to pull you into a hug.
“You remember my girlfriend Wanda, right?” You say as you move back towards the redhead, wrapping an arm around her waist.
“Of course I remember her, we've met a couple of times Y/N,” Natasha laughs, rolling her eyes teasingly, “Wanda, good to see you again,” she says kindly, also pulling your girlfriend into a hug.
“Good to see you again too Nat,” Wanda nods with a smile as she pulls back.
“So, not that I don't want to spend some time with you two, but you should really go around and greet everyone else. They haven't taken their eyes off of you since you both walked in,” Natasha says with a head nod in the general direction of the rest of your family and both you and Wanda turn around to see that everyone is, in fact, looking at you.
At this, Wanda immediately puts her hand in yours, her nerves suddenly reappearing tenfold, causing her to tense. Something that Natasha immediately notices.
“You've got this Wanda,” the woman says with a smile, hand coming to squeeze your girlfriend's shoulder reassuringly, “you'll do great, they're all pretty cool, except for a few bad seeds, but you've got mini Stark with you, she won't let anything bad happen to you,” Natasha winks at you both softly and you smile in appreciation. “Come and find me later, we definitely need to catch up,” the redhead says and you both nod, then walk away in search of your parents.
As you locate your mother talking to some of your aunts, you pull Wanda towards the small circle and greet your mother.
“Hey Mami, look who's here,” you say, a smile overtaking your face.
“Wanda!” Your mother greets happily, pulling your girlfriend into a hug, “I'm so glad you could make it, cariño,” she smiles.
“Me too, Mrs. Stark,” Wanda says with a polite smile.
“Oh Wanda, what have we said about calling me Mrs. Stark?” Your mom scolds playfully, hands coming to her hips, causing you and Wanda laughter.
“To not call you that, my apologies Maria,” Wanda blushes.
“It's alright cariño,” Maria Stark winks, then she turns to look at you, “now Y/N, does your father know that Wanda is here?” She asks and you shake your head. “Well, let him know immediately and after you do, you can go ahead and go around showing her off to the rest of the family,” the older Stark woman says and you grin, “but please, for the love of all that is holy. Don't go bragging to your cousin Jarvis about Wanda and how you can keep a girl longer than he can. He's already resentful that some of your cousins and his brother have married before him,” your mother says, “and I definitely do not want to break up a fight today.”
“Oh, come on mom, but Jarvis is an ass-“ you begin, but your mother's glare cuts you right off.
“Y/N Y/M/N Stark, do not talk about your cousin that way,” Maria scolds, causing you to shut up immediately. Knowing you do not want to go against your mother because you certainly don't have a death wish.
“Fine, I promise to be civil. But, if he gets out of line, I won't hold back. You know how he likes to push my buttons and literally has no ounce of human decency. If he tries anything with Wanda, I won't be held responsible for my actions,” you say sternly and your mother sighs.
“Okay, but please for my sake hijita, don't antagonize him,” Maria says softly.
Your girlfriend takes your hand, then looks at your mother, “I'll make sure she behaves, Maria,” Wanda smiles, “now come on baby, let's go find your dad,” the redhead says, tugging your hand to get you to walk away.
Y/N throws Wanda a loving smile and squeezes her hand, eyes flitting around the huge backyard, “do you see him anywhere?” You ask and Wanda shakes her head, “I think I see him over there right outside the kitchen actually,” you say as you guide Wanda towards your father.
When you reach your father you realize some of his business partners are with him and slowly approach, “hello everybody, pops, can I pull you away for a minute?” You ask softly, as you and Wanda wave politely at the men.
“Sure!” He exclaims happily, “I see Wanda is here,” he smiles, his arms opening up to hug your girlfriend, “so how are you both doing? Are you finding everything okay?” Howard Stark asks.
“Yes Mr. Stark, everything is great, lovely party,” Wanda replies nervously, and you squeeze her hand to help ground her.
“Great, great!” Your father's loud voice booms, “I'm glad you're having a good time, and please, what have we said about calling me Mr. Stark?” He smiles and Wanda blushes.
“I'm sorry Howard, I just assumed since you were in company you'd want me to greet you formally,” Wanda stutters.
“Oh please, don't you worry about formalities when speaking to me no matter who I'm with. You're practically my daughter now with how long you two have been together, Howard is always fine, or dad,” he winks in good nature, “but never Mr. Stark, we're family now,” your dad grins and Wanda smiles tearfully as you rush to hug him.
“Thanks dad,” you whisper emotionally against his chest.
“Anytime kid,” he whispers back, placing a kiss on your forehead, “now go ahead and introduce her to everyone, I'll see you after the party, okay?” He says, you and Wanda nod.
As you walk away from your dad and to a more secluded spot in the backyard, you take Wanda's hands into yours and stand in front of her, “okay amor, how are you holding up? Is it getting to be all too much or are you good to keep on going?” You ask softly, eyes full of concern as you look at Wanda.
Wanda squeezes your hands, letting go of one to put a strand of her behind your ear as she responds, “I'm actually doing good because you're by my side. We can keep going,” Wanda smiles and you nod with a smile as well.
“Sounds good, babe. Okay, let's start with my aunt Rebecca and my uncle Adam, you remember them right?” You ask as you begin walking towards the pair. At the lack of response you turn to face Wanda who is sporting a clueless look causing you to chuckle, “they're the ones that let us use they're restaurant for our 3rd year anniversary.”
“Oh... okay,” Wanda nods, still slightly clueless and you laugh, halting your walk to place a soft kiss on your girlfriend's cheek in adoration.
“I love you,” you say with laughter and Wanda beams.
“I love you,” the redhead replies with a bright smile, continuing her trek beside you to meet your family.
As both of you make your rounds of greeting family members, you stop every so often to make sure Wanda is doing alright, something she greatly appreciates having met throngs and throngs of Stark's in such little time.
You even put off meeting Jarvis until the very end not wanting Wanda's impression of your family to be tainted by your douchebag of a cousin.
After you have finally greeted everyone you begrudgingly take Wanda to meet your cousin Jarvis ‘Vision’ Stark. Someone you truly despised simply because, well, he was a dick.
Coming after several of your girlfriend's since you were a teen, trying to coax them away from you with false promises and the ever so ignorant comments of how being with “a Stark man” was simply the better option.
Standing in front of Jarvis, you introduce your girlfriend to the slimey blonde man, “Max, this is Jarvis,” you say with a nonchalant wave of your hand, not sparing your cousin a glance.
“Hello, it is truly such an honor to meet you,” the man says in what Wanda can only assume is a faux charming tone. The man bending slightly to take her hand in attempts to place a kiss causing Wanda to snatch it back immediately with a grimace.
“It's nice to meet you Jarvis,” Wanda says in discomfort, subtly inching closer to you causing you to wrap your arm around the redhead's waist.
“Please, call me Vision,” the man says, British accent sounding pompous, “Y/N why don't you go and make yourself useful or something and grabs us some drinks, I'd like to take the time to get to know this beautiful woman you have presented me with,” Vision says with a sleazy smile.
“Hey, now listen here you fucking dickhead-” you begin angrily, removing your arm from around Wanda's waist to advance towards Vision.
This makes Wanda spur into action as she places her hand onto your arm rubbing softly to stop you and help ease your anger away, “detka,” the redhead whispers as she looks at your slightly fuming form.
“Sorry. Alright,” you breathe, sending a glare towards the wide eyed man, “what would you like amor?” You ask your girlfriend sweetly.
“I'm okay with just some water please,” the redhead replies, kissing your cheek before you walk away without even asking Vision what he wants.
“So, Wanda,” Vision begins once you’re a good distance away, “have you ever been with a man?” The blonde asks.
Wanda sputters, taken aback by the question, “excuse me?” She asks, offended.
“Yeah, have you ever been with a man?” He asks again, advancing dangerously close to Wanda, “I mean, I love my dear cousin and all, I really do. But being with a real man, a Stark man nonetheless is surely to be the much better option than being with some weak pathetic girl. You'll definitely leave my cousin the minute you spend some time with me and see what I have to offer. Come on, what do you say? I'm sure I can please you way better than-” Vision says, his rambling cut off by a harsh shove coming from the side, effectively knocking him to the ground.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” Wanda hears you angrily ask, “what the fuck is your problem dude! You don't, and I repeat, don't. Ever talk to my girlfriend like that, you piece of fucking shit!” You continue, your figure towering over Vision, “I promised I'd be civil, but you crossed the fucking line you fucking asshole!” You yell, waiting for the blonde man to stand. “Why do you always do this?” You say as you seethe with anger.
“Because, I just don't get it!” Vision screams in frustration, “how do you always manage to pull the hottest looking women when you look like- well when you look like that!” He snarls.
Wanda frowns angrily ready to defend you, but you step up to the man before she can say a word, “because I have human decency you moron and I'm actually secure in the way I look. Plus I happen to be pretty damn fucking great! So I don't care what you have to say about the way that I look cause at least I have a hot, badass girlfriend,” you begin sending Wanda a quick wink, your girlfriend smiling proudly, “and you, you're just so bitter because you know that at this point you're going to end up all alone because nobody fucking likes you. So, I suggest you leave my girlfriend and I alone, or I swear Vision, I will make your life a living hell,” you whisper dangerously low.
“Oh please,” Vision rolls his eyes, “you can keep her for all I care, she's not even that hot anyway,” he says and you take a deep breath to try and calm yourself.
But your anger completely takes over, causing you to knee Vision in the stomach, making him hunch over, giving you the opportunity to swing upward to punch him square on his nose. A gross crack flowing through the backyard eliciting gasps from your family.
“Y/N!” Wanda exclaims as she sees you getting ready to do more damage to the blonde man, “baby, calm down,” the redhead says as her arms come around your waist from behind in an attempt to ground you.
“Apologize, dick face,” you seethe, letting Wanda hold you back.
“Detka, it's okay,” Wanda whispers, watching the tension in your shoulders slowly start to leave.
“No Max, he doesn't get to talk about you like that,” you shake your head, “apologize!” You shout.
“I-I’m sorry,” Vision stutters, groaning painfully from the ground as he clutches his bloody nose.
“Dick,” you mutter angrily, Wanda releasing her hold on you as you turn around and grab her hand to pull her away, “come on babe, lets go talk to someone else,” you say as you drag her inside your house.
“Who are we talking to here?” Wanda asks with her eyebrows furrowed in confusion as she looks around and not another person is in sight.
You laugh softly at the look on your girlfriend’s face, “okay, I lied, there won't be any talking,” you say, pulling Wanda into your body. “But my cousin is clearly blind,” you whisper, eyes raking over the redhead’s body as you caress the soft skin of her face, “talking shit about you while he should be grateful to be in your presence,” you breathe. Placing several kisses on her neck and jaw, “because you amor, are truly a goddess and I plan on worshiping you for a few hours,” you smirk as you pull back, Wanda gasping softly at the hungry look in your eyes, letting you drag her up the stairs and into your room.
A few hours later the Stark household is empty save for Tony, Pepper, Morgan, Wanda, you and your parents.
As you're sitting on the couch conversing with your family in the living room, your mom decides to speak up.
“I can't believe you punched Jarvis in the nose,” Maria says, trying so hard not to giggle.
“I'm sorry mom, I really tried, but he went too far,” you reply, remnants of anger still present.
“I know cariño, but I could've gone without the violence,” your mother sighs.
“Hey, he said Wanda wasn't hot and he was being completely disrespectful! I was not going to let him speak about my baby like that!” You pout, pulling Wanda into your lap holding her tightly, causing your family to laugh.
“Well, I for one applaud you short stack. I've been wanting to punch his smug looking face in since he pretty much said the same thing about Pep, but I couldn't, so for that I thank you,” Tony grins, curtseying jokingly.
“Not a problem Tony!” You grin happily, “now I feel slightly less bad about breaking his nose, he’s clearly blind and stupid for talking about our women like that,” you say and Tony nods.
“Alright kids, well it's getting late,” your dad says with a clap of his hands as he stands from his seat, “you're all more than welcome to stay I know your destinations are pretty far, so make yourselves at home,” Howard says, causing you and Tony to nod, “Wanda, I hope you enjoyed yourself today and that the little scuffle from earlier doesn't prevent you from attending more Stark picnics.”
Wanda shakes her head, “I had an amazing time Howard, I will definitely be back,” she says as she glances back at you with a smile.
“Hell yeah, that's my girl,” you say, placing a kiss on her cheek.
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fotibrit · 1 year
love the idea of pepper, tony, and peter just chillin eating dinner and tony and pepper are swapping stories about the most ridiculous situations they’ve been in (“I fell out of space. hulk caught me!” “yeah well i was set on fire from the inside!”) and peter decides this is the perfect time to tell them he was once crushed under a building without his suit
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airas-story · 1 month
Self proclaimed "not good with kids" Stephen Strange teaching/explaining/playing/etc something to Morgan even better than Tony himself and Tony is over the moon at the sight.
Tony leaned against the door listening as Stephen narrated his story for Morgan, voice going deeper as he played the role of the monster. It was one of Stephen’s own stories—made kid appropriate—which Morgan thought were far better than any story that came in a book. The magic he used to illustrate the story as he went probably helped with that. The orange flames flickered in shapes that moved and danced around each other in the air.
It had taken Morgan one story time with Stephen to decide that Tony’s story time was entirely inadequate. Tony thought that maybe he should be jealous, but he just couldn’t be. Morgan and Stephen were both happy with their story time adventures and Tony loved seeing two of the three loves of his life happy.
Footsteps behind him indicated Pepper joining him. She leaned against him and Tony wrapped an arm around her waist. “Your boyfriend has put us both to shame,” she told him, voice low so as not to be overheard. “We really need to convince him to move in, already.”
“It’s a work in progress,” Tony said, smiling. Stephen and Pepper weren’t romantic, not the way Tony was with both of them, but they were friends. 
He examined Stephen who was now bargaining with Morgan on how many stories she got that night. It didn’t last long. Stephen gave in quickly, starting his next story.
Tony glanced at Pepper. “She takes after you,” he said. “She’s impossible to say no to.”
Pepper laughed. “She gets that from you.” She kissed him. “Stay with Stephen tonight,” she said. “I want some me time.”
Tony nodded, turning back to watch Stephen and Morgan as Pepper slipped away.
Morgan’s smile was bright and beautiful and Stephen… well, he was absolutely radiant.
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quietlyimplode · 7 months
I'm thinking Pepper & Nat on this one:
Tired eyes tracked her as she crossed the patio over to the hammock swings, "Mind if I join you?"
Send a sentence + pairing, and I’ll send you five (ish) back.
Tired eyes tracked her as she crossed the patio over to the hammock swings, "Mind if I join you?"
Natasha nods, the slight swing of the hammock dampening the movement.
Pepper sits on the hammock adjacent, her legs stabilising her before she swings her legs into the hammock.
It earns a smile from the spy, and Pepper smiles too.
“Do you want to talk about it?” Natasha asks.
It’s a generous question, given Natasha’s own state.
Pepper let’s the hammock sway and doesn’t answer.
“How’s your day been?” she asks after a minute.
Natasha sighs; the soft breeze carrying the sound.
“I’m glad it’s over,” she decides on.
Pepper nods, unsure what to say to that.
“When did you get back?”
Natasha looks at her watch, “about three hours ago.”
“Tony missed you both,” Pepper clarifies, “he’s stuck on the exploding arrows.”
Natasha nods, eyes closing.
“Tomorrow,” she says, “we can tackle that tomorrow.”
(Pepper and Nat - my loves. This friendship is ahhhh so good. I think we need more of them??)
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mymelodymia · 9 months
Fatherhood // Dad!Tony stark x baby!daughter!reader
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Summary: tony stark has baby daughter <3
Warnings: none (let me know if i messed any)
Age: newborn
A/N: kinda short but i need to get a fic out. Pls ignore my inactivity lol
🩰˚~˖𓍢ִ໋ ♡*°◇🎧✧˚.🎀༘⋆◇+💕*°♡+
Tonys foot tapped anxiously as he paced back and forth in the hospital waiting room. Pepper was in labor. In the process of giving birth. Tony had never been so afraid.
He was scared he'd be a terrible father. That he'd mess up with you. He was snapped out of his racing thoughts when Natasha placed a hand on his shoulder, getting his attention.
"You okay?" She questioned tony, he nodded his head quickly in response before asking Steve how long it had been for the seventh time.
"Two minutes since the last time you asked." Steve smiled, looking at his watch. He had asked this every 2 or 3 minutes.
Tony sighed anxiously, gasping as the nurse he had been bothering for the last 30 minutes asking about pepper walked through the door, her pink scrubs swooshing as she walked toward him, with a warm smile on her face she spoke.
"Shes here." She giggled at the worried father. Tony immediately brushed past her into the room. His eyes immediately fell on pepper, sitting up and holding a small pink cloth too her chest.
His jaw fell agape, hitting the floor. He waddled over to her. She smiled at him.
he placed his hand on her arm, she folded his arms in the correct position and placed his daughter in his arms. She was swaddled in the soft pink cloth.
He looked into her deep e/c orbs as she blinked at him lovingly. Making a funny face, which made you smile and coo at him.
🩰˚~˖𓍢ִ໋ ♡*°◇🎧✧˚.🎀༘⋆◇+💕*°♡+
All of the avengers rallied into the room, all taking turns holding you. Tony holding his arms under theirs, afraid they would drop you. Even bucky.
Eventually they all went home, tony held you in his arms, sitting near the window, and fell asleep there too.
The nurse he'd been bothering all day had to pry you out of his grasp and put you in a crib.
He woke up 0.3 seconds after you would began to cry. Immediately jumping up to sooth your cries.
Of course he treated pepper like a queen. Helping her to the bathroom whenever she needed to go. Ordering breakfast for her, going out to target to get her fluffy socks when her feet were cold.
Pepper knew he'd be an amazing father as he rubbed her feet and rocked you to sleep in his free arm.
Doing everything and anything to allow his wife to rest.
🩰˚~˖𓍢ִ໋ ♡*°◇🎧✧˚.🎀༘⋆◇+💕*°♡+
@animealways // @white-wolf-buckaroo // @tonystark-au // @zebralover // @yummyangy // @carellmcu // @mariasabanahabanabana //
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And they were strangers
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Part 1: And they were roommates
Summary: It’d only been a week since you left but Wanda was a mess and you weren’t doing much better, luckily a friend is here to keep you company and maybe even have a bit of fun with Wanda at the party you guys planned
A/n: Never written for a succubus before but hopefully it’s somewhat correct 🤞
Warnings: Minors DNI, language, sexual innuendos LMK if I missed any
Words: 3,000+
So this was always going to have a part 2 but thank you everyone that wanted a part two and loved the fic, thank you! 🥰
”Wanda you look terrible” Nat nudged her friend awake and Wanda groaned “are we finished?”
Nat nodded “lectures been over for about 20 minutes, but we thought you needed a rest”
“Thanks” Wanda muttered placing her head back on the desk and closing her eyes
“How long has Y/n been gone?”
Wanda snapped her head up glaring at her friend “what?”
“How long has she been gone?”
“Like a week?”
Nat laughed “that makes sense, when she’s not here you always look terrible”
“You’re not making me feel better Natty, get to the point please”
Nat kissed her friend on the cheek and stood up “I don’t think you can survive without Y/n, you need her”
Wanda just rolled her eyes eventually standing up and heading for the door with her “I don’t need a woman to look after me, I’m just going through some things, nothing to do with Y/n”
“Sureeee, are you still having that party this weekend?”
Wanda nodded “yep, need a good party to sort myself out”
“Why are you still here Y/n?” Lucifer himself stood next to the bar watching you drink another alcoholic drink…at 10am “how about you mind your fucking business!” You shouted and the man just pinched his nose and scrunched up his face
“Listen you childish bastard of a demon, I’m sorry your precious human thing decided she wanted to end things with you but it’s been a week and you can’t stay here at the club, your smell is scaring the customers”
You threw the bottle on the ground laughing as it shattered and looked back at Lucifer “deal with it bitch”
You continued laughing until an aroma hit all of your senses wrapping around you like a warm blanket, it was familiar but you couldn’t put your finger on it
“Oh princess what happened? Did you spill the drink? You can’t do anything for yourself can you?”
The aroma was coming from the woman dressed in the white pantsuit who approached you from behind and kissed your head “do you need mommy to take care of you?”
You couldn’t blush, but at that moment you definitely blushed “yeah”
Pepper smiled pulling you from your chair and kissing you softly “come on honey let’s go and run you a bath”
“Will you join me?” You whispered, wanting to be close to Pepper for as long as possible
“Of course, poor baby can’t wash herself on her own, she needs lots of help”
She gently took your hand leading you to the penthouse bathroom and turning on the taps “can you undress yourself or do you need help?
“I can do it” you said starting to undress and the woman excused herself running into the devil
“You’re taking advantage of her Pepper” he said sternly and the woman shrugged “oh come on Lucy it’s fine, I miss playing with the demons,
“I’m pretty sure a succubus uses sexual desires to drain humans of their life force for their own, not with demons”
“Pepper?” Your voice echoed through the door and Pepper kissed the devil on the cheek “humans aren’t as fun anymore, but these demon women want to please and obey, that’s what keeps me going these days”
Turning back to the bathroom door , she removed her blazer and stepped in shutting the door behind her “hey honey look at you, all shy and naked for me, does the water feel nice?”
You couldn’t speak, you weren’t even sure you wanted too, just nodding and letting the woman climb in behind you and pulling you close, your whole body relaxed in her hold, turning your head slightly to rest your head on her chest
“So tell me all about your human friend darling, why doesn’t she want you anymore?”
You groaned and tried going underwater but Pepper stopped you gripping your hair and keeping you above the water “don’t be childish Y/n, you’re over 400 years old, be a good girl and tell me what happened”
You nodded and began explaining “basically she’s dating a guy and he’s a douche and bad at sex because she always came to me at night and then when we finished I’d kiss her softly and soothe her bruises and cuddle her into the late morning”
Pepper listened intently “so she doesn’t appreciate you?”
You shook your head no “I’ve done everything for her and this is how she repays me, I just wanted to steal her away from that douche and keep her for myself, is that too much to ask?”
Pepper shook her head “of course not princess, maybe she doesn’t deserve you, you’re a big brave demon who can get any girl she wants, just remember that”
You did remember that, and you’d make sure Wanda remembered that too
Pepper was having her own inner dialogue too, maybe she’d go and see this human of yours, could be fun “are you going to go back anytime?”
“I think so, there’s a party at our place this weekend, even if I’m mad at Wanda parties are fun”
Your mind started to clear of Peppers influence and you groaned trying to leave the bath but was pulled back “I hate when you do this…”
“Don’t you like calling me mommy? I thought it was your favourite word?” Pepper smirked letting you go and grab a towel for yourself “you know I don’t, anyone tricking me, I only like being babied and taken care of on my terms”
Pepper laughed “you want to be babied?”
You stopped and glared at the woman “don’t repeat that to anyone”
Pepper crossed her hand over her heart “scouts honour I won’t repeat anything” she chuckled
“Better not do”
“This party’s great Wanda! You did a great job!” Tony Stark shouted to the woman already on his 4th drink and Wanda just chuckled “glad you’re having fun Tony” she waved the man off and turned to look for her friend
“Have you seen Nat?” Wanda scooted through the small crowd asking people if they’d seen her friend but no body had until Thor got her attention “I saw Natalia go to the end of the hallway into a room”
“Thanks Thor!” Wanda realised it was your room she went into “why did she go into her room?” She approached the door hearing a few whispers, she made out one voice being Nat but she couldn’t make out the other until
“Oh Natty you’re so pretty”
“Y/n?!” She shouted and slammed the door open revealing you with Nat pressed up against the wall and your lips connected
“What the hell are you doing here?!” You smugly pulled away from the woman kissing her on the nose and facing Wanda “enjoying the party, it is my house too”
Nat sensing some tension pushed past you gently “where you going Nat?” You asked trying to keep her in place “I think you two need to talk” she left the room and you promised to find her later “I’ll come and find you later love”
You chuckled at the blush creeping up on Nat’s neck and turned back to the seething woman
“You can’t fuck my best friend!”
You just laughed “we’re not teenagers Wanda, I can fuck whoever I want”
“Not my best friend! You leave for like a week, no contact and then come back dressed in nothing but a long blazer and try sleeping with Nat! Who do you think you are?”
You looked down at your outfit, you were clearly wearing trousers, you didn’t know what she was on about “you know I’m wearing trousers right?”
Wanda had had enough pushing you into the wall a getting in your face “why?” She whispered but you refused to answer “please Y/n answer me, why did you leave me alone?”
“He’s here isn’t he?”
“Then go back to him Wanda, go back to your boring boyfriend and leave me alone to have fun” trying to leave you found yourself being held by Wanda and kept against your bedroom wall “do you want something Miss Maximoff?”
Wanda stared at you and you could see the fight she was having in her mind and it made you smirk
“Such a bitch” she sighed kissing you suddenly and you responded kissing her back but quickly stopping pushing her away “you’re not getting me back that easily”
“Why do you make everything so complicated?”
You shrugged pushing her and exiting the room looking for Nat “don’t interrupt us again Wanda, I wanna see her tongue piercing in action!” You laughed watching the colour drain from her face
“Don’t hurt her!”
Lucifer hated it here, oh he loved a party but this one was gross, too many youngish people grinding against or falling against each other and the cheapest alcohol known to man “Pepper why did you drag me here?”
“Y/n spoke highly of this ‘Wanda’ and I want to meet her for myself”
He rolled his eyes “you mean you want to suck her life-force from her and probably wear her skin?”
“If her skin is nice and smooth then maybe I will” she glanced round the room and noticed a woman resembling Wanda from your description “there” she simply said going over to the woman
“You must be Wanda, wow you’re even prettier than Y/n said” Pepper was definitely in front of the right girl, the amount of tension and anger coming off of her felt amazing and she couldn’t wait to get her hands on her
“I’m sorry but who are you?” Wanda was annoyed and didn’t need this, frankly hot, woman here annoying her “I’m Pepper, you seem tense, maybe I could help you relax”
Wanda pushed her hand away that had found it’s way to her waist without her noticing right away “I’m sorry but I don’t know what Y/n has been saying but I’m not interested, plus I have a boyfriend so bye-
Pepper grabbed Wanda holding her tight and close to her “oh precious little human you’re not going anywhere, Y/n has told me just how special you are and I want to find that out for myself”
Wanda tried moving away but her iron grip on her stopped any movement and it scared her “please I don’t know what you are but please let me go”
Pepper just chuckled in Wanda’s ear making the redhead shiver slightly “I’m your new obsession honey that’s who I am”
A wave of something Wanda couldn’t put her finger on came over her, her whole body went limp and she let herself be held up, she could hear and see but could barley move “there you are princess, perfect”
You didn’t find Nat again in the house but you suspected she was trying to hide from you, what a shame, you really wanted to test her tongue piercing, standing outside you breathed in a huge breath of fresh air “ugh air is still disgusting”
“I think maybe it’s all the weed and nicotine you consume that makes you hate air” Loki appeared out of the trees like the creep he pretended to be “do you actually live in a house or do you just live in the trees?”
“You’ve seen my house”
You nodded “yep and I stand by what I said, you’d be better living in the trees than that dump of a house anyway, do you have any weed?”
The man shook his head no and you sighed disappointingly “then what good are you?”
The door next to you both slammed open giving you both a freight as two women exited the house, you were surprised to see Wanda and….Pepper? Oh no
“Y/n? What a nice surprise, you were right, Wanda here is a beautiful woman and she’s very excited to show me everything she knows”
You pushed away from the wall and smiled at the succubus “get away from her Pepper”
“Why should I?”
Your looked over Wanda, she was practically unconscious minis a few groans indicating she was still awake “because she looks dead, come on just go and find a human inside and leave this one alone”
Lucifer suddenly appeared before you both and you groaned “fuck me why are you here too?”
Lucifer held his hands up in defence “I didn’t want to be here but Pepper wanted to come and find your human”
You were quick to correct him “she’s not my human anymore I don’t care about her anymore…but just let her go Pepper she’s of no use to you”
“No use? She’s filled with tension and delicious delicious arousal, her thoughts are plagued with images of you doing sinful things, she’s perfect for me to feed from”
Images of you? She was thinking about you? No push that out of your mind you don’t want her anymore, right?
You snapped out of your thoughts and looked back at Pepper, knowing how she worked it was going to be difficult to get Wanda away from her “so she’s thinking of me?”
The succubus smiled “so many thoughts, come on princess how about we both have fun with her? She’s so wavy right now, just how demons like their victims”
You bit your lip and looked away from the woman to Loki who just shrugged “your choice but I’ve dealt with Pepper too and she truly takes everything from you”
Turning back to Pepper you walked towards her and places your arm around Wanda holding her up with Pepper “let’s go back to the club it’s got all those fancy toys I know you like”
Pepper kissed you hard and you reciprocated eagerly momentarily forgetting about your nearly unconscious roommate who you fell out with last week “such a pretty little demon you are, how about you show your full form Hm?” Pepper whispered she pulled away but you shook your head
“That form is for my enemies only Pepper you know that, I would never subject Wanda to that, just come on let’s go, get this over and done with”
Wanda didn’t think she was dreaming but her wavy feelings made her think she was, she felt herself be sat down on a soft mattress and her eyes opened properly to see you fussing with something and you noticed her more awake stance
“Don’t scream and don’t move a damn muscle okay Wanda? I’m trying to save you here because if I don’t then you’ll be succubus food and trust me it’s not pleasant”
Wanda gave a gentle nod laying back into the mattress closing her eyes and hearing another woman come into the room “is she ready Y/n?”
“No she’s knocked out Pepper, it’ll be wrong to do anything with her now”
The woman groaned and rolled her eyes “you’ve gone soft, but fine we can have fun with her tomorrow, I did have a small fill from a human at the party.
Pepper kissed you softly and turned to Wanda kissing her head “see you tomorrow sweet girl”
Pepper left the room and it was silent for a few minutes, Wanda finally waking up properly and sitting up on the bed looking at you “Y/n, thanks I-I thank-
“Don’t start Wanda, I’ll get you out of here take you home then leave you alone”
You refused to look at Wanda as you went around the room picking up Wanda’s shoes that Pepper had taken off
“Don’t leave me…” she whispered and you stopped in your tracks “I’m not, I’m taking you back to the house”
“Please move back in, I’ll break up with Vision I miss you so much” her voice broke your none existent heart, you chanced a look at her face now stained with fresh tears and you felt awful
“Wanda we’re not talking about it now, I’m just going to get you out of here that’s it”
Wanda wiped her face from tears realising they weren’t going to make you stay, she remained quiet when you took her away from the club and she remained quiet all the way home, the only time you spoke to her was when you arrived outside the house and noticed the party still happening
“Fucks sake don’t these humans ever go home?”
You started the car again heading off down the street and Wanda looked over at you “I’m not leaving you here with a bunch of alcoholics”
“Where are we going?” She whispered “Loki’s place, he’s not in I think he wants to sleep under the stars or some shit, we can stay there”
“You’re staying too?”
“Obviously I’m not leaving you alone tonight, you were nearly seduced by a succubus, even I’m not immune to her charms so I’m surprised you’re still standing”
Wanda giggled “a powerful demon like you seduced easily? That’s funny”
You rolled your eyes but let out a little laugh “yeah well, despite her being a soul sucking bitch she’s very hot”
You both laughed erasing any tension that was left in the car, the silent drive was no longer awkward so Wanda took a chance “do you still like me?”
The car stopped outside Lokis house and you looked over to Wanda “Wanda…Wanda I love you, unfortunately that douche bag got to you first, I have loved you ever since I came up to earth and saw you wondering around the college library, ever since you accepted me as your roommate and even when you found out I was demon and you weren’t scared and it made my nonexistent heart sore”
You both had gotten so close that you could smell her intoxicating scent “kiss me Y/n” Wanda didn’t wait for an answer leaning foreword kissing you, it was soft, the softest kiss you’d both shared in a while, it didn’t last long but you both felt every emotion put into it
“You need to recover Wanda let’s go inside” leaving the car quickly your opened Wanda’s door for her and helped her out of the car holding her around the waist keeping her body close to your own “join me in bed?”
You shook your head “no, but I’ll stay by your side all night keeping you safe”
“And in the morning?”
Kissing her cheek you kept your lips close to her ear “then you go back to boyfriend and I go back to the club”
Wanda but her lip holding back some tears and nodded “o-okay”
“Good night Wanda”
“Good night Y/n
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starker-raving-mads · 7 months
For You: Part I
This is for @spiderlinging who decided this level of angst needed to exist.
Have thoughts on a follow up, unsure if I'll do it.
Edit: decided to make this multi-parted.
Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV | Part V | Part VI | Part VII | Part VIII | Part IX
It had been a week since the last battle with Thanos. A week since the Blipped had returned everyone, a week since Peter awoke to Dr. Strange leading him through a portal straight into battle.
A week since Tony died.
It's all Peter can think about. The only thing he can think about. Not how traumatizing two battles back to back was, not the chaos and insanity of war, not even of how happy he should be that May and Ned and MJ are actually okay.
Instead, it's Tony, Tony, Tony. His thoughts had revolved around the older man for years now, so it wasn't new. But normally it was excitement, arousal, anticipation, joy. Now, though, it's hugging him as he felt like he was being ripped apart by the Blip. The joy of finding him and being dragged to him in a fierce hug, mid-battle, the billionaire's hands running through his hair. His voice, soft and full of this sort of grieving happiness.
"Peter," he'd said, "oh god, Peter."
And finally it was Mr. Stark's face as he sat dazed against a piece of wreckage amidst the chaos. How blank his eyes were, how little of the man was left, barely hanging on.
That face haunted his dreams, the emptiness filling up his nightmares.
And now here he was, at a lake house he could've never seen Tony living in, with people around him crying and mournful. Like they'd lost a friend when Peter felt like he'd lost a limb. Like his whole heart was being shoved out onto that lake with the last part of Tony Stark he'd ever get to see. Behind him, Happy was talking quietly to Morgan, Tony's kid - Peter's goddaughter, apparently.
He never knew you could make a dead person a godparent before, but there's a lot of things Peter never knew.
Like the thing is - Peter thought he knew grief, knew loss. His parents when he was a kid, Uncle Ben just after he'd gotten his powers. These were huge, space-taking people in his soul but losing Tony? Losing Tony was worse than anything he'd ever experienced before. He felt bad about it, sometimes. Because shouldn't his family have been the ones that meant the most, hurt the most? But then again, Tony had been everything. He'd always sort of thought he loved Tony in the way someone might love an idol, like his feelings were somehow offset by hero worship and being a teenager but it was so much more than that.
It might've started off that way, but after years of knowing him, being his friend through tough times and glad ones - it morphed along the way without him really noticing it. Got deeper, got more meaningful with every lab session and every time Tony said, "Just stay the night kid, you know where your room is. Aunt Hottie doesn't need to be woken up at 3AM with you coming home anyway."
The teen thought he'd cried every ounce of pain from him in the week since the battle, but as his eyes misted up again, he turned and headed around the back of the cabin. It was empty of people on this side and he slid down in the corner where the porch extruded out of the building. Hands covering his face, barely aware of the rotting, damp leaves under him. He just needed a minute to get it together. Just one minute and he'd -
A sound of footsteps approaching, light ones, made him stand back up again and wipe his face free of tears. He knew from experience that his eyes would be a horrible red against how pale his skin was, but there was nothing to be done about it.
Around the corner came Pepper in her funeral clothes, looking at him blankly. It was clear she'd been looking for him but he couldn't figure out why. They just stared at each other for a second, neither moving, and as the moments ticked on he got increasingly uncomfortable and awkward around this powerhouse of a woman he'd never really spent time with.
"Sorry, I just needed to step away for a - "
"He did it because of you, you know," she said, voice as neutral as her face. He blinked at her.
"I'm sorry, what - ?"
"He did it for you." And there was the anger. Her face transformed with it, skin flushing a red that clashed with her hair in a way that was still, somehow, beautiful. It was easy to see why Tony picked her out of everyone. Before he could say anything, she continued. "He told me," she said, tears clouding her voice, nose stuffing up with emotion, "that he'd figured it out. Figured out how to save everyone."
She laughed and it was the most hateful sound he'd ever heard. Shaking her head, smiling in a way that said 'fed up', she said, "But I knew. I knew he didn't do it to be the savior of humanity. His ego was always big, and he was always willing to sacrifice if he thought the price was worth it." She stopped again and stared at him, face contorting.
"He saved a lot of people," Peter agreed, spidey-sense screaming at him and he didn't know why. Every hair on the back of his neck stood on end, and he felt like he was being bombarded. It was nauseating.
"He didn't save people, Peter," she screeched, stomping toward him, hand fisted around a cloth handkerchief, finger pointing at his face. "Tony's ego was always enough to think he could save the world," she continued, voice as mad as a wolf's growl, "but he didn't do it for them. He did it for you." She hissed out, "He kept your picture in the kitchen and just stared at it - all the time! Stared at it like you were some missing part of him and if he just looked long enough you'd reappear." She laughed again, rolling her eyes.
Behind her, a crowd was appearing. Sam and Bucky first, eyes scoping out the situation like the heroes they were. Then Happy, peaking around. The other teenager - Harley, Peter remembered - was further back, near the trees, watching with a ducked face, riveted.
"Tony saved the universe," she agreed, voice even more watery. "But he didn't do it for them - he did it for you." She had moved forward enough now to jab her finger into his chest. "He could've killed everyone with his stupid time travel bullshit," she spat, jabbing harder. "He could've undone reality with it, he could've made it to where Morgan never existed." She sobbed and the anger started to drain from her, head bending. "But it didn't matter as long as he got you back." She sobbed again and as much as his heart was rending itself atom by atom by what she was saying, he couldn't fault her anger, her rage, her sadness.
He stepped forward and she dropped onto him, letting him hold her weight up as she continued to sob.
"He did it for you."
And Peter had never heard anything worse in his entire, fucked up existence.
How was he ever going to live with himself now, knowing this.
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The Spiders Sister - Chapter 5
Summary: Reader gets ready with her girls for a stark party.
TW: mentions / discussion of overstimulation, mentions of parties (ew)
Words: 2.4K
A/n Sorry for the late update, I started writing this at 2am on two hours of sleep and then my grandma ended up in the hospital and I had to drive eight hours to see her. Oh… and uni went back so I have like ten assignments.
You had been sleeping for about an hour and a half before beginning to stir. You shifted in your sleep a few times indicating you were close to waking up.
Wanda had been reading because you were still curled around her leg like a baby sloth and despite having no issue with being your personal pillow, it did mean she was unable to leave without waking you.
The redheaded witch had one hand nestled in your hair as she gently massaged your scalp while holding her book with the other hand and using her magic to turn the pages.
You had one leg thrown over her calve as your arms were wrapped around her thigh with your cheek resting on the top of it.
As you begun to shift around more you had began detangling yourself from Wanda, she took note of your waking state and placed the bookmark into the spine of her novel before turning and setting it down on the bedside table.
She sent a quick text to Natasha to let her know you would be up soon, before shifting her gaze back to you to admire your sleepy expression.
While you slept your features were so much more relaxed, your guard was down and the small crinkle in your brow was gone. Wanda had to hold herself back from running her thumb between your eyebrows at the sight of the usually tense skin sitting smooth and flat.
She knew you had a small headache most of the time just from the way you acted. The way your hands drifted to your temples to massage them when it got bad. The way your brow never sat flat unless you were sleeping. Or maybe it was the way you winced when Thor was being too loud that had tipped her off.
Regardless as to what it was that had alerted her to your hidden headaches, she could figure out or at least assume it was due to what pepper had said about your powers.
With them dialling up your senses it must be the cause of your day to day discomfort even if it had seemed to trigger worse than normal at the mall today.
It seemed like something that you had just accepted, after all you didn’t have a permanent solution as of yet.
It also seemed to be something that shifter day to day hour to hour in terms of its severity.
As Wanda had gotten lost in her own mind, you continued wriggling on the bed beside her drawing her attention back to present day you laid beside her.
You mumbled something incoherent before rolling over with a small tired groan that sent Wanda’s heart tripping over itself as your eyes fluttered open.
You sleepily pried your headphones off which had miraculously managed to stay on while you had slept.
Wanda smiled down at you and reached out, rubbing your back gently as she continued drinking in your tired and sleepy expression.
You gave her a slightly crooked grin that did things to her she wasn’t going to repeat.
“Hello sleepyhead.” She said softly, unsure of how you were feeling and also relived she hadn’t tripped over her words. She was optimistic that you were feeling better as you had removed your headphones of your own accord which made for a good sign.
You mumbled out a short “good morning” which made Wanda laugh softly.
Before the two of you could continue there was a light knock on the door. Wanda softly called for them to come in and Nat slipped through the doorway and into the room.
She came and sat down on the bed beside you so you were between the two women.
“Hey Y/n/n, how are you feeling?” Nat asked.
“‘M alright. A bit tired still, but my headaches gone, and it doesn’t feel like everything’s too much anymore.” You mumbled rubbing a balled fist at your eyes tiredly.
“That’s good.” Wanda said with a smile.
You sniffled, sitting up properly.
“Are you feeling well enough for a party?” Nat asked.
“What party?” You asked sitting up a little taller.
“Tony’s throwing a party to welcome you to the team.” Wanda said.
“That’s why we went dress shopping dumb-dumb.” Nat said rolling her eyes playfully.
You simply looked at them and blinked.
“Y/n? You ok?” Wanda asked.
“I think we broke her.” Nat said masking her mild concern at your lack of reaction.
“I’m fine.” You said snapping out of it.
“So?” Wanda asked.
“So?…” you asked.
“The party. You excited?” Wanda pressed and you shrugged non-committedly.
“I guess.” You said.
“You guess?” Nat said sounding exasperated. “What does that even mean?”
“I don’t know, I haven’t really been to many parties. I’m more of a stay in and watch a movie kinda girly.” You said.
“If parties aren’t your thing you don’t have to stay for all of it.” Wanda said, “But you do have to make an appearance, because Stark’s throwing it for you.” She said looking apologetic.
“Wait a second,” you began looking panicked. “I don’t want people to know who I am. How will Stark throw a party to welcome me to the team without everyone finding out who I am. I mean I wouldn’t hate it but I don’t want people to know and it puts peter at risk and-“ you rambled.
“Y/n.” Wanda said but you continued to spiral. “Y/n! Listen to me.” She said taking your hands in hers. Your eyes snapped to meet hers. “Calm down. It’s not a huge party, its just the avengers and anyone else who is important to the team as well as a few SHEILD agents. Only people who already know peter is spiderman. It’s a small thing.” She reassured and you breathed a sigh of relief.
“Oh?” You asked feeling a bit better. “Who’s coming?” You asked getting a little curious as to who knew of your little brothers alter ego.
“Well Carol is going to swing by because she’s in the area. I think the guardians are busy. All the avengers will be there some of which I don’t think you have met yet. Peppers coming. Director fury is coming by to congratulate you, I think. Maria, an old friend of Nat’s. Doctor strange avoids us at all costs since the last time New York needed to be deep cleaned with his magic so he won’t be coming I don’t think. Shuri is probably busy. Rhodey one of Stark’s friends will drop by probably. Scott lang and his daughter my be coming. And Thor is bringing his brother Loki who sometimes stays at the tower. He’s kind of an honorary avenger. Bruce will probably be hiding in his lab. I think stark invited your aunt. And of course…” Wanda said trailing off to look at Nat who rolled her eyes.
“My sister, Yelena and her best friend Kate bishop.” Nat finished for Wanda.
“So… a few people.” You said with a chuckle.
“You could say that.” Wanda smiled.
“And all these people know my brother's real identity?” You asked.
“Yes. They’ve known peter for a while most of them since the incident in Germany, but some only met him more recently when we fought the big purple grape.” Nat pitched in.
“About that…” you said looking at Nat.
“Oh … you're wondering how I survived when practically every channel on the TV was saying I died?” Nat said looking amused.
“Um… kinda, yeah.” You said. “Is that rude?”
“No. After Tony snapped, I returned with the others who blipped, and we used the time stone to go back and save Tony.” Nat shrugged.
“Okay…” you said nodding slowly. “So just another day in the office?” You grinned.
“Pretty much.” Nat said mirroring your look with a bemused smile.
“Now.” Wanda said clapping her hands. “No more stalling. The party is in two hours and we need to get ready.” The witch looked very excited at this revelation and the idea of getting ready with you and Natasha.
“Alright.” You smiled, “what are you thinking wands?”
“Well Nat is amazing at braiding so she can do hair while I do makeup.” Wanda was practically buzzing where she stood looking like she had just eaten three kilos of sugar.
“Who’s first?” You asked looked between them.
“Wanda can start on your makeup while I braid my own hair first.” Nat said with a fond smile.
“Sounds good to me.” Wanda said getting up off the bed. “Where do you keep your makeup?” She asked looking around the room.
“Um … about that … I don’t have any.” You said and Wanda looked surprised for a second before perking up again.
“I think I have some in your skin tone.” She said “I’ll be right back, stay here.” Wanda grinned before taking off out the door to presumably head to her own room.
“She love this stuff doesn’t she?” You said turning to Natasha who was expertly separating her hair into sections with her nimble fingers.
“Oh yeah.” Nat said looking amused. “She lives for this kind of thing.”
“Of course she does.” You said playfully rolling your eyes. “She’s stunning even without makeup.” You said not meaning to let that slip as Nat raised an eyebrow in amusement.
“Oh yeah?” Nat asked.
“I-I mean you are too. Don’t get me wrong. Your both hot and…” you said before groaning and covering your face with your hands.
“Thanks, hot stuff you're not so bad yourself.” Nat grinned patting your leg with her hand while the other held her partially done braid together.
You must have looked like a tomato by the time Wanda came back. She laughed when she saw you sat there looking flustered.
“Oh, Nat what have you done.” She chuckled sending shivers down your spine. “I don’t think I have that skin tone.” She joked and you covered your face again.
Wanda sat beside you on the bed and gently reached out to pry your hands off your face.
“None of that, show me those pretty eyes baby.” Wanda said softly and you pouted at her with a little frown.
“Your too cute.” Natasha said as she finished one braid off with a hand before starting on the next. She planned to pin it into a fancy up-do when she finished the two braids.
You sat up on the bed, folding your legs under you in a Criss-cross pattern while wanda mirrored the pose facing you.
“Alright.” Wanda said. “What kind of look do you want to go for?” She asked.
“I don’t know much about makeup so whatever you think would be best.” You shrugged and Wanda nodded thoughtfully.
“Alright.” She said after a minute of deliberation. “I have an idea. Close your eyes we’re starting with the eye makeup.” Wanda said as she fished around in her makeup kit before pulling out some tape.
Wanda cut and short piece and lined it up tin the edge of your eyes before lightly dusting some black eyeshadow over it. When she brought her finger up to blend it out your breath hitched slightly at the feel of her fingertips on your skin and you prayed she didn’t notice.
Wanda continued working silently. Putting silver eyeshadow on and continuing to blend with her finger.
She removed the tape and curled your eyelashes before adding a waterproof mascara.
The concealer was cold when Wanda applied it and it was refreshing in a way. The way it covered the space under your eyes made you seem much less tired than you normally looked as an ever long suffering insomniac.
Once she had dusted your cheeks with a light blush and put on the finishing details you took note of how her lip had made its way between her teeth, wether from concentration or admiration you were unsure but it was cute regardless.
“Done.” Wanda said and you sighed, not realising the close proximity of her fingers ghosting over your skin had made you subconsciously hold your breath in anticipation.
“You look stunning parker.” Nat said with a little smirk.
“She’s not wrong. You look three-hundred shades of hot right now.” Wanda said and held up a mirror.
Your own breath almost hitched at the person in the mirror.
Wanda had done dark eyes with smoky eyeliner and silver eyeshadow. Your cheekbones were defined and covered in a light blush that shimmered slightly in the light. Your eyelashes looked long and dark bringing out the colour of your eyes.
“Do you like it honey?” Wanda asked.
“I love it.” You said taking your eyes off your reflection to beam at the witch who seemed to preen under your praise.
“Im glad.” Wanda said.
The rest of the time spent getting ready was rather uneventful. Nat’s fingers felt amazing as she grazed your scalp while segmenting and braiding your hair into three sections which Wanda then pinned up into a beautiful spiral.
In the end you were stood dressed in a black dress with an open back, it hugged your curves and showed just the right amount of skin. It had an ankle cut with a slit that reached to your mid thigh. It was strapless with a black ribbon holding the back together in a way that exposed plenty of tanned skin.
You had black heels with silver rhinestones which matched your silver jewellery. You wore a think silver chair and simple hoop earrings. Your rings and jewellery were all your own that you never took off and you always paired it to your outfits and not the other way around.
Wanda placed a hand on your shoulder startling you out of your own thoughts.
“You look amazing stop fretting.” She said. “If you want you can stay with either Nat or I the whole night if it helps with the anxiety.” She posed looking slightly hopeful you would agree to spend the night on her arm.
“I would love that.” You said softly and Wanda nodded happily.
“Then it shall be so my lady. Right this way.” She said swooping into a low bow and taking you on her arm and leading you down the hall.
The party wasn’t as loud as you had been expecting. Part of you had been worried of another issue with your spider senses in such close succession to the attack earlier today, but it seemed that would not be an issue today at least.
Part 6
@tia-thesimp @lizzielillvr @leenasayeed @justarandomreaderxoxo @sycamorelibrary754 @dorabledewdroop @redwolfqueen19 @sadlesbeansstuff
Im sorry to anyone i missed on the taglist it was saying it couldn’t find some of the blogs i was given in the comments (this happens if you change your name as well)
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mostly-marvel-musings · 5 months
Where Do We Go From Here - Part 2
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Summary: Two funerals. Two couples. A tragedy like no other. And one big secret.
A/N: Written for @fandom-free-bingo Here’s something different, I hope you enjoy it. Leave a comment, heart and reblog if you enjoyed the story.
Pairing: Tony Stark x Pepper Potts, F! Reader x Rhodey, Tony Stark x Reader (eventually)
Warning: 18+ angst, minors DNI, death, infidelity, smoking, mentions of self-harm and suicide. Hurt comfort.
Word count: 2721
Square filled: We deserve much better than we’ve had
Read Part 1 here
Fandom Free Bingo Masterlist
“I love you, Mr. Rhodes.”
“I love you more, Mrs. Rhodes.”
That was a primary feeling among others, contentment and giddiness. It was the happiest day of your life. You had married your love, James Rhodes. The ceremony was everything you had wished for and more, all of your friends and family watched happily as you exchanged vows and rings, grinning ear to ear as you were declared man and wife.
The day you met him, or rather evening at Tony Stark’s party, hadn’t been the most perfect. Hell, you were too wasted to even remember but Rhodey had dropped you home - more like carried you, tucked you in bed, and left some Advil along with a note like a gentleman, a tiny smiley face with his number that had you giggling like a teenager. And that was the beginning of your relationship.
And exactly six months later you were dancing to your favorite song with your new husband who had a firm arm around your back, the other holding your hand while you lay your cheek against his chest, loving every minute of the moment. The song ended and you broke apart, reluctantly letting him go, you pecked him on his lips a couple times before excusing yourself to use the ladies room.
The door seemed to be locked so you gave a soft knock, frowning when you heard muffled voices of what sounded like two people arguing. Twisting the knob, you entered anyway because you couldn’t wait and stumbled on Tony and Pepper. They had been squabbling.
“I’m really sorry guys, I–I couldn’t wait.” you hurried into a stall, gathering your wedding gown as best as you could. You heard Pepper storm off, the clicking of her heels wasn’t exactly silent, before Tony’s footsteps receded soon after. As you headed out, Tony had been leaning against the opposite wall, looking tired and mildly irritated.
“All okay?” you asked, genuinely concerned for two of your closest friends. He waved his hand in dismissal and shrugged, giving you a tight-lipped smile.
“Was that payback for me accidentally walking in on you in your bridal gown?” Tony jested, making you giggle as well as recalled the moment that happened just a few hours ago. Someone incorrectly told Tony about Rhodey’s room and he had barged in on you with two of your bridesmaids after you had just put on your wedding dress. He could’ve sworn his heart had stopped at that moment. You were stunning, so beautiful he actually struggled to form words. Clearing his throat awkwardly, Tony had left, not before giving you a once over, the image of you had been stuck in his mind for posterity. He couldn’t help but feel how lucky his best friend was.
“Oh God no! That was um, I just really had to go. I didn’t know you guys would be in there, arguing.” you blinked, shuffling from one foot to the other.
“While women’s bathrooms are at the top of my list for quarreling, I’m sorry you had to see that.”
Tony had a knack for making a joke out of serious situations, you knew that, you wondered if that was one of the reasons for him and Pepper arguing. Pepper, as far as you knew, was a no-nonsense person. As the two of you walked back towards the hall, you saw your new husband deep in conversation with her. Thinking nothing of it, you turned to Tony.
“I should probably–”
“Good luck with–”
You spoke at the same time, chuckling as Tony scratched the back of his neck, looking back up at you with a sincere smile on his face.
“Good luck with your marriage, Y/N. I hope you two are happy, and not just for the pictures.”
The sun had risen a few hours ago, heavy curtains blocked most of the light where you lay in the guest bed, working up the courage to face the day. Pepper’s funeral had been another painful reminder of your new reality. People kept offering their condolences to Tony who had his stoic facade on, occasionally looking out for you to check if you were still around. You had made it a point to be there for him, he wasn’t exactly volatile but the man needed you to ground him, probably more than you needed him. Or maybe it was the same. Who knew?
All you knew was if there was anybody in the world who could get what you were going through, it was Tony. And it was the same for him. It was the strangest and the most tragic connection you two had now.
You stood outside your house and stared at it, a house that held so many memories, happy memories with you and James. It was now just walls and bricks. Tony had been reluctant to leave you alone but after much assurance, he dropped you here and left for work.
You went on a cleaning spree once you stepped in, the kitchen had been dirty, your bed was unkempt. Blasting on some loud music that you knew James would’ve hated if he were alive, you cleaned the house. And you actually felt better once you were finished. It was exhausting but therapeutic. Your mood had been lifted enough for you to make a batch of mini blueberry pies to take back to Tony’s. The only thing that you dreaded was opening the closet, conflicted between never wanting to find out what he had been hiding in there and wanting to know everything and be done with it.
He was smiling. Not believing this was his reality now, everything was perfect, everything felt right. The way it was supposed to be. A comfortable peace settled in his chest as he watched you from afar, laughing with your friend, Pepper as you cooked. A glass of wine in one hand while you stirred a pot with the other, lips curved into the most gorgeous smiles that always set his heart racing, Tony could feel the love radiating off of him.
Catching his eye, you winked, causing him to chuckle before making your way over, your beautiful face forming a frown as you saw the cup of coffee in his hand.
“Coffee? Really, Tony?” you placed your hands on your hips, giving him a stern look.
“And then you wonder why you can’t sleep at night.”
“I mean, I plan on keeping you awake with me…” he trailed off, smirking as he pulled you close by your waist.
“Oh? I didn’t know we had those kinda plans tonight, Mr. Stark.” your fingers had found their way into his hair while he placed soft kisses along your neck, feeling your body mold perfectly against him.
“Now you’ve got your reminder, haven’t you Mrs. Sta–”
Tony jolted awake, the sound of the buzzer outside broke the little dream into a sad reality. Once again, he had fallen asleep on the couch. A habit that Pepper hated, one that had led to several arguments in the past. The small screen by the door revealed your face, Tony’s previous dream flooding his mind once more, making him shake his head as if it could be brushed off.
“Hey!” you gave Tony a small smile, stepping inside the house and immediately noticing the blanket on his couch.
“Were you asleep? Shit! I’m so sorry.”
He shrugged and waved it off, saying it wasn’t a big deal, narrowing his eyes as he noticed something on the blouse you wore.
“I cleaned the house, it felt great! Which I don’t think I’ve said in what feels like forever. I also made those mini blueberry pies you like. Here.” you handed them to him, watching his face light up genuinely after weeks. It made all of the efforts worth it.
“You ate some too, didn’t you?”
Tony chuckled and reached out to pick up a tiny piece of fruit from your collar, his fingers linger over your skin. Looking down, you noticed the purple-red stain in a couple other spots too, mentally cursing yourself for being so sloppy.
“The stain is gonna set..” you murmured, trying to rub it off with your nails and failing.
“Um, you could wear one of my t-shirts, if you want. I’ll get one for you.” Tony suggested, promptly heading upstairs when you nodded in agreement.
Deciding on taking a shower while you were at it, you turned on the faucet and let the hot water cascade down your body, your weary muscles relaxing under it. Your mind went about this arrangement you had come to, you were living with your best friend’s husband for weeks now, sleeping in the guest bed, dealing with the deaths of your significant others who happened to be in an affair. It was all the makings of a drama movie.
Tony had been your support system, a shoulder to cry on and quite frankly the only person you could tolerate. He didn’t look at you with sympathy, nor did he offer unsolicited advice, he was just there, to hold your hand when you needed, to wipe your tears when you had bouts of anxiety and broke down, Tony was there and that was enough.
Slipping on his t-shirt felt oddly comforting, it smelt of something that was distinctly Tony Stark - a mix of coffee, cigarettes and cologne. Heading downstairs, you noticed him nursing a cup of coffee in his hands as he sat on the kitchen counter.
“Coffee? Seriously? It’s time for dinner, Tony Stark.” you shook your head, your voice breaking him out of his reverie.
His heart definitely skipped a beat. You sounded eerily similar to the dream he just had, two, you wore his clothes which made something bloom in his chest, something that was probably inappropriate. He found his restraint slipping by the minute.
Raising his hands in defeat, he placed the mug away and held out a bottle of wine for you.
“I had this one saved, I know it’s your favorite. What do you say?”
You could use a drink, you thought. Or ten. And the fact that he had your favorite bottle saved made you smile at his thoughtfulness. You had dinner in silence, a comfortable one though before Tony dug into one of the small pies you had made.
“I swear to God, I would’ve married you just for these.” he realized what he’d said the next second, quickly apologizing and cursing himself under his breath.
“I found Pepper’s clothes on his closet, Tony.”
You didn’t want to say it, didn’t want to cause him more pain but it slipped out.
“I burned them.” you added quickly, watching him give you a small nod, as if to say it was the right thing to do.
“Fuck them.” you whispered.
“Yeah, fuck them.” Tony agreed, clearing out your plates. You watched him clean them, noticing he wasn’t wearing his wedding band anymore.
“Are we bad people, Tony?” you asked a few breaths later, staring out the window with your wine glass. Tony sighed, making his way over next to you, shoulders almost brushing.
“You know we’re not, Y/N. We deserve much better than we’ve had. Cheating is a choice, a choice they both made and broke vows. It doesn’t reflect our character, it reflects theirs.”
He was right. Somehow he always said the right things.
“Did you read this in a bad self-help book somewhere?” you jested, angling your body towards him after hearing him chuckle.
“Oh yeah. I’ve got about nine hundred quotes just ready to roll out whenever.”
You felt yourself laugh, a version of yourself that was earlier buried so deep down, you thought she’d never come out. Tony placed a stray lock of hair behind your ear, his fingers caressing your cheek softly as he stepped closer.
You swore your heart was beating loudly enough for him to hear, your eyes glancing down at his lips. Now just inches away, you placed your hands on top of his and took in a deep breath.
“We can’t, Tony.”
“Why not?” he hadn’t moved away, he touched his forehead to yours and closed his eyes, his breath mingling with yours.
“We’re not those bad people, remember?” you breathed, not really wanting him to go away but you had to do the right thing. You didn’t want him or you to regret what would happen in the spur of the moment. He kissed you on your forehead, his soft lips still lingering against your skin as he spoke.
“We are people who repressed our feelings for far too long though. I know I am.” he murmured, leaving you confused.
What did he mean? Repressed feelings?
Opening your eyes, you found his brown orbs imploring yours, saying everything that was left unsaid between you over the years. Cupping his face, he leaned into your touch instinctively, still not moving from his place.
“I’ve had feelings for you way before any of this happened, Y/N. I thought you knew.” he whispered.
You did. You just never found the courage to confront him about it or even act on your own. You were married to his best friend, for God’s sake. And now…
“Would you regret this if I told you how much I’ve wanted you, Y/N?”
Tony had been holding himself back for a long time, he couldn’t any more. He would stop if you told him to, no questions asked, but something inside him said you wanted him as much as he wanted you.
“Answer me, Y/N. Would you regret it?”
Tears filled in your eyes and spilled over, down your cheeks where they met Tony’s gentle fingers that wiped them off. You were waiting for the voice inside your head to tell you this would be a mistake. That voice never spoke up.
That simple word was a sentence in itself. It was all Tony needed to hear before closing the distance. He kissed you softly at first, melding his lips against yours as he pulled you against his chest. Kissing him was like coming home after a long, tiring day. It was new and yet familiar, like you were doing something right for once. He coaxed your mouth open to deepen the kiss, a mix of blueberries and wine that felt so right to him too.
Everything else felt like a beautiful blur to you. He carried you up the stairs, never breaking the kiss, laid you on the mattress, peeling his t-shirt off your body and admired your flushed skin. Nudging you with his nose, your eyes fluttered open to reflect zero traces of regret, giving him a signal to go ahead. You could think about the million other things running through your mind later, right now all that mattered was you and Tony.
His clothed shaft made its presence known as his hips drove forward, his head now dipped low between your breasts as he caressed your body. A needy moan left your lips as he peeled your shorts off, fingers teasing your moist entrance.
You undressed him quickly, wanting and needing him to make you feel good. Caging you with his arms on either side of your head, Tony pushed inside your heat, welcoming the warmth that enveloped his cock so well. His name fell from your lips in a soft sigh, urging him closer as you wrapped your legs around him.
Everything fell into oblivion as Tony fucked you, drove you to a point of ecstacy and held you as you fell apart. Kissed you like there was no tomorrow and yet all of his kisses felt like promises, promises of a better tomorrow. A future that would be better than your past, and your present.
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