#percy pringle
jasvvy · 1 year
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tony my man being the height of fashion.
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ringthedamnbell · 7 months
Small Package: The Sad Saga of Chris Von Erich
Small Package: The Sad Saga of Chris Von Erich
Brian Damage Most fans are already well versed on the many tragedies of the Von Erich family throughout the years. The combination of their rock star lifestyles and the insane amount of pressure to live up to the Von Erich name certainly caught up to them. Whether it was drugs, alcohol or the desire to make their father Fritz proud…each of the Von Erich tragedies have there own story. The one…
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christoplack · 1 year
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Percy Pringle (Paul Bearer) shares a story of how just days before Christmas in 1990, his car was repossessed, and he was on the verge of bankruptcy until a call to Rick Rude changed his fate: "It was four days before Christmas, in Dallas, Texas. World Class Championship Wrestling had closed down a couple of years before, and The USWA was ready to move back to Tennessee to make room for the new Global Wrestling Federation at The Sportatorium. I found myself without a job, and on the verge of bankruptcy. My car had been repossessed, and we didn’t have the money for a Christmas tree, much less presents to put under one. It became painfully hard to look into the eyes of my ten-year old and three-year old sons. I knew in my heart that my wrestling career was over, and it was time to make a drastic change. I called my friend “Ravishing” Rick Rude, who was working for The WWF at the time. I told Rick exactly what was going on in my life, and that I planned on moving back home to Alabama and go back to work in the funeral industry. He was very sympathetic, and asked me not to make any quick decisions. In fact, Rick told me that he would call me back before the end of the day. When we talked again a couple of hours later, he said “Vince wants you to call him at home.” I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. “Now, let me know what he has to say.” Rick concluded. I immediately fell back onto the sofa, dropping Vince McMahon’s telephone number to the floor. After about twenty minutes, I finally realized that it wasn’t a dream, and gathered the strength to dial Mr. McMahon’s private home number.“Where have you been all these years?” I remember Vince asking me, and after some small talk he told me that he would certainly like to meet with me after the holidays. The conversation still didn’t solve my Christmas problems, but I did have a sleepless night thinking that I may finally make it to “The Fed”. Early the next morning, my phone rang, and it was Mr. McMahon’s right hand man, Pat Patterson. Pat wanted to know if I could catch an early afternoon flight to New York, because Vince wanted to see me sooner than expected. Of course, my answer was positive, and he provided the flight information I needed. Things were happening so quickly, I could hardly digest them. Darkness was falling over the New York skyline as my American Airlines jet made it’s way into John F. Kennedy Airport. As I walked down the jet way, I spotted a well-dressed gentleman holding a card with my name written across it. I identified myself; he took my bag and told me to follow him to my limousine. “Limousine! Hell, I don’t even own a car.” I thought to myself. I actually felt like I was one of the Beverly Hillbillies as the limo driver took me through New York City and into Connecticut. Finally, we arrived at a majestic five-star hotel in Stamford, where I was whisked away to my penthouse suite. I wasn’t in the room five-minutes before my phone rang, and it was Pat Patterson. “Percy, Vince want to see you at 10 o’clock in the morning.” Pat told me, “I’ll pick you up at 9:45. In the meantime, you can eat, drink, and do anything you want to do. Just sign your name, it’s all courtesy of Titan Sports." To say that I was nervous is an understatement. I was scared to death, as I entered Vince McMahon’s office the next morning. Which, by the way, was my wedding anniversary, December 22, 1990. We talked about everything under the sun. It didn’t take long for Vince to make me feel right at home. As he looked over my resume, he began to laugh. I didn’t have a clue what was going on. “You have a degree in Mortuary Science?” Mr. McMahon questioned me, “This is just too much.” Little did I know that they were looking for a manger for The Undertaker, and Vince wasn’t aware that I had a background in Funeral Service, as well as being a wrestling manager. It was a match made in heaven, and when I left Titan Towers, I had a WWF contract in hand. We made it through the holidays; the WWF contract was a suitable anniversary gift for Dianna and myself. I went on the road in January 1991, as The WWF character known as Paul Bearer, managing The Undertaker."
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littletroubledgrrrl · 11 months
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yourthirdparent · 2 years
man i made the decision to reread the riordanverse to count various things and yet i'm doing anything except reading botl. sitting here like hm maybe i should read the iliad like girlie you should be reading the battle of the labyrinth by rick riordan. get back to your epub file you have food comparisons to count!!
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ace-with--a-mace · 11 months
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alwayschasingrainbows · 8 months
I was tagged by @norbertsmom - thank you so, so much!
Tag game: tag 9 people you’d like to get to know better.
Last song: the lakes by Taylor Swift (I swear, each time somebody tags me in a music game, I always end up with a lot of Taylor Swift's songs!)
Currently watching: (or rather, currently failing to watch;)): Tale of Nine Tailed 1938, Percy Jackson. I adore both shows, make no mistake, but I find it hard to watch with my real life obligations and my to-read list. But I truly hope to watch more this weekend!
Three ships: Only three? So... Percabeth, Everlark and Valarney, I guess:)
Favorite color: violet!
Currently consuming: At this moment- nothing, because I am cooking dinner. Last thing I ate was GoActive protein pudding (salted caramel). Really good! (And I am not much into fitness or healthy eating... Just truly like this pudding!).
First ship: Anne Shirley/Gilbert Blythe (Shirbert).
Relationship status: Single as a pringle (otherwise known as Still-Waiting-For-A-Prince-Charming-To-Come-And-Sweep-Me-Off-My-Feet or Happily-In-Love-With-Many-Fictional-Characters!). But I am not unhappy about it.
Last movie: Movie... hm... let me think... I think it was Murder In The Orient Express (Hercule Poirot), with David Suchet. Rewatch, of course!
Currently working on:
Cooking a dinner:) - I mean, at this very second!
Thank you so, so much for the ask!
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Tagging (why only 9?):
@autumnrose11 , @no-where-new-hero, @smolgreybunny , @sparklepink12k , @sweetnessofspring, @bewareofitalics , @the-lily-blooms-late , @mzannthropy @the-piper-and-the-lion If they weren't tagged and want to participate!
But I'll be honest - I would absolutely LOVE to get to know ALL of my mutuals, so if that's allowed (probably not, but I'll take my chances):
I tag all my mutuals who feel like taking part in this game! And everyone who wants to participate!
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beezusvreeland · 10 months
dear reader - chapter 4
summary: Miguel took the reader’s love and friendship for granted. Something he learns reading her column, when it’s too late…Or is it?
ship: miguel o'hara x f!reader // matt murdock x reader
Chapter 4
“What’s wrong, buddy? Did you buy another shampoo instead of a conditioner?”, Peter raised his glass of beer to Miguel, as he sat on a chair at their usual table. He threw his suit jacket at an empty chair and started undoing his maroon tie. 
“Miggy, you’re putting quite a show for those ladies, huh?”, Pav looked between his friends and a group of women in what was clearly in bachelorette party attire who were drooling over him. 
Miguel just groaned. 
“Bollocks, it really was one of those days”, Hobie used his fingers to give a loud whistle toward the bar. “Foggy, mate, can you get us the strongest bottle of dark beer, please?”
“Many years have gone by since I met you and yet, you’re still the only person I’ve ever met that actually likes that gross liquid”, Peter made a face.
“That really breaks my heart, Peter”, Foggy drops a tall glass of dark beer in front of Miguel, who muttered “thanks” without looking up. “I haven’t seen you like that in a very long time, my friend. It’s a pity your girlfriend is traveling, she is the one who handles ‘soon to be drunk Miguel’ the best.”
“She is not my girlfriend”, Miguel was annoyed. With the crowded bar, his friends and Foggy for remembering him of you. Even the phrase he just said irritated him, which made no sense, he had said several variations of it over the years. God, that probably hurt you, Miguel thought. If he were in love with you and you kept repeating that you were just friends in front of people all the time, he would be heartbroken. 
Miguel always thought of you as a delicate and sensitive person, but he never considered that you could be the two and also be strong. As they said in those boring seminars at Alchemax, you are very resilient. And you probably hated that word. It’s a writer tic, you’d say if you were there, and it makes him feel a little lighter. That and the beer. 
“Oh, sorry, Migs, it’s just you are always together…”
“Miguel couldn’t recognize a good woman even if his life depended on it”, Hobie chuckles. 
“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?”
Hobie gave him a look of boredom. 
“For a genius, you are very dumb.”
“Is she seeing anyone?”, Foggy collects the empty glass bottles from the table. 
“Are you interested, mr. Franklin Percy ‘Foggy’ Nelson?”, Hobie wiggled his eyebrows.
“You are never gonna drop that, will you?”
“Hey, mate, I wasn’t the one who forgot his wallet in the bar.”
Foggy rolled his eyes. 
“You’ve known me for ages, and know I’m in a serious relationship with Karen.”
“We don’t know the details of your personal life”, Hobie said and Peter nodded, agreeing. 
“Just ignore them, Foggy. Y/n is as single as a pringle”, Pav put a loose lock of hair back into place. “But, seriously, why do you ask?”
“Oh, you know, I have a friend, decent guy, has a small law firm, I think they could be a good match.”
“He better be, or else we are kicking his ass”, Pav said, passionately. Hobie, Peter and Miguel stare at him like ‘nah, bruh’. 
“I don’t think you could, he boxes a few times a week”, Foggy smirked. 
Miguel took another gulp of his beer, finishing it. He gave the bottle to Foggy and asked him for another one. Miguel really liked Foggy, he had been a loyal customer from the beginning, but he just couldn’t handle that conversation anymore. You were still away, they should at least wait for your return to discuss such things. Miguel didn’t like the idea of you hanging out with a stranger. He was a protective friend. He hasn’t been, but maybe he should, being more present in your life could be the fastest route towards mending your friendship. At least that’s he told himself.
Dear reader,
What are you supposed to do when your crush shows up at your place out of nowhere seeking some emotional validation? Tell him to go fuck himself. What did I do when that happened a couple nights ago? I let him in and spent a whole afternoon listening to his troubles. It was torture, being right there in front of him while he talked about some girl he met on a dating app. Feeling closer to a mother or therapist figure than a possible lover. 
But it was also nice sometimes, getting to be alone and so close to each other, he was so relaxed, as if he could just be himself around me. Those moments are so rare that I try to memorize them, so I can use those images to comfort me later when he eventually breaks my heart. He does it a lot and has no idea. 
The girl he told me about? He left my apartment abruptly to meet with her. The thing about pain is that, if you give into it, it becomes really easy to let it erase everything else. I feel like I was better at it in the past, the weight of this unrequited love is starting to break my back. 
I have received some emails from readers asking me why don’t I just profess my love to him? Well, I already did it, on my own way. His birthday was a few months ago and, if there is anything you should know about this writer, it is the fact that I love giving gifts. I’m really good at it. Especially when it comes to the ones I love. With him it wasn’t any different. Normally, I try to pick things that will be useful and make his life easier — he is a practical man and really seems to love those. But this year I wanted to try something different, make an idea I’ve had for a long time happen. 
I asked our friends to tell me about their favorite memories with him . There were funny ones, weird ones and surprisingly thoughtful ones. I wrote them all down as short stories and turned them into a book of his adventures. My own short story was the last one and in it and I chose to be brave: I wrote about the day I realized I was in love with him. It was my way of saying “I love you, you stupid idiot, will you ever see me as more than just a friend?”.
One of our friends designed the cover art and I had it printed as an actual hard cover book. With my heart in one hand and the book on the other, I showed up at his birthday house party, dressed to, hopefully, impress. 
There were a lot of people everywhere, so I waited a few hours to have a moment alone with him. He was upstairs in his bedroom looking for his phone amongst all the guests’ coats and purses. I gave him the book and he seemed excited — drunk, but excited — and he was about to tear the wrapping paper when a blonde woman, a beautiful one, the kind only an heiress or royalty can be, showed up. As I was leaving the room, I saw him throw the box in his bed. 
I’m pretty sure he didn’t read it. Or opened it. Probably lost it. 
So that’s how that went. And this is where this week’s column ends. 
As always, remember: never take advice from someone who’s falling apart.
The writer
You were almost asleep when your phone started ringing. You searched for it on the nightstand without opening your eyes. The next day would be your last at the university and you already missed it so much. There was so much love for that place, those people, even the accent that took you a while to get accustomed to. 
There had been a lot of writing too. A little bit of everything, you got to explore different formats and methods, things you would have never imagined you were able to do. In the morning, you would read a piece of your final project to the rest of the class. The idea of reading out loud for other people terrified you when the course began. But now you were more confident in your writing — and yourself. Rather than fear, you were excited to share a part of you with the faces that had given you so much during the last month and a half. 
“Hi there! How is my favorite writer doing?”, hearing Gwen’s voice filled your chest with warmth. “Shit, did I wake you up? I thought I had calculated the right time.”
“Well, math has never been your thing”, you could hear her smile on the other side of the Atlantic.
“I’m gonna be the bigger person and not remind you of the time you took so long to count the tip correctly that even the waiters didn’t want it anymore.”
You both laughed. 
“I miss you, Gweny”, you said.
“And I, you! Are you excited for your presentation?”
“Actually, I am.”
“I’m happy to hear that. The day after tomorrow, I’ll pick you up from the airport when you arrive.”
“Will you make me a ‘welcome back’ sign?”
“That can be arranged.”
“And you, what’s going on there?”
“Oh, you know, without you, the bar is just the boys getting drunk and teasing each other”, she chuckled. Without missing a beat, she said: “Have you spoken to Miguel?”
From a princess, you were slowly transforming into a pumpkin. Hearing his name out loud coming from someone so close to both of you made it all too real. Ignoring Miguel’s existence had worked so far, but back at home, you eventually would have to confront him. He was still blocked in all possible communications platforms, so you wouldn’t disappoint yourself refreshing the pages to find nothing from him. You wondered if Miguel had realized how badly he hurt you by skipping that dinner. How that was the last straw and you would never see him the same way again. You didn’t think so, he has always been clueless when it comes to you.
“Not really.”
“Right…He’s been weird lately.”
“How so?”, you weren’t curious, you were just being polite to keep the conversation going. Right?
“I don’t know…”, Gwen lets out a breath. “Lyla told me he is watching Gossip Girl for some reason.”
“What? Why?”
“I have no idea”, your best friend laughed. “Lyla said everyday he will stop a few minutes to talk to her about the episodes he’s seen and ask questions about the characters and their relationships.”
You remembered referencing Gossip Girl in one of your columns, but that couldn’t be it. It was a really popular show and Miguel didn’t even know what your writing was about, so he couldn’t have read it. So silly of you to consider the possibility that it had something to do with you.
“He is probably trying to impress his latest conquest”, you said, knowing you would be thinking about it, about him, even though you shouldn’t.
“Yeah…you’re probably right.”
How could you ever go back to sleep after talking to Gwen? You walked back and forth in your room, trying to get the tension off of your body. You made yourself a camomile teacup and sat in front of your computer, opening your final project doc. 
Dear love,
I guess this is goodbye
To you
And to the girl that I was before
The one who loved you selflessly 
She was young
Thought she had all the time in the world
That if she just stuck around
You eventually would see her
She wrote about you every week
Even made a profession out of it
She didn’t exactly hide it
But you didn’t look for it either
On your birthday, she typed her way into your stories
Everyone already knew 
If she is writing, it’s probably about you
On her birthday, you showed up late 
Messy hair, sweaty forehead, creased clothes
A box of fancy chocolates in hand 
Which you had already told her about
Long before she asked you what did chocolates mean
And you said it was for special occasions
If you don’t know a lot about someone, give them chocolates
That’s what you said 
She would never forget it
Just like your brown eyes
Beautiful hair
A jawline she would fight a war over
The way you pinch your nose 
When you are frustrated 
But don’t know how to say it
All of your different intonations
She liked the soft one the best
When you showed you are so much more
Genius doesn’t cover it
She always knew that someday you’d save the world
Until then, she waited
Held you, listened to you, 
Felt into all of your traps
The most cruel being 
The flirting one 
Where you’d flirt with her,
Hold her hand, even say a sweet thing or two
And then pretend you didn’t
As soon as someone more interesting came about
There were many someones
Ashamed, she would wonder what she could change
Her hair, her makeup, her clothes
Maybe even a boob job or a filler
Anything to become the one you choose 
But in the end, she turned into me
I’m someone else now
That craft you never wanted to hear about
Now makes me stronger
I kind of believe in myself
Can you believe it?
(Don’t answer that)
Waiting isn’t suitable to me any longer
I want to be wanted
And be able to want without holding back
I know you have a good heart
But you never wanted mine
So I will nurse it back to health
To love my family, friends and myself 
And who knows, maybe someone else
Someone who sees me
Appreciates me
Wants me
I guess this is goodbye
To you, the old me and the pain
<< chapter 3
>> chapter 5
all chapters
dear reader playlist
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fandoms-are-my-h0me · 28 days
tag nine people you want to get to know better!
Thank you for the tag @pluviowriting
LAST SONG? - Juno by Sabrina Carpenter ✨️
CURRENTLY WATCHING? - I switch between multiple things. I'm doing my yearly rewatch of Grey's Anatomy and Julie and the Phantoms (still will never forgive Netflix for canceling it.)
LAST MOVIE? - Currently rewatching the Harry Potter movies.
SWEET/SPICY/SAVORY? - I can go for any of those. I am working on building up my spice intolerance though. I do go for more savory/sweet stuff because that's usually where salt is used the most and my body craves salt like it's no one's business.
RELATIONSHIP STATUS? - single like a Pringle
CURRENT OBSESSIONS? - Marvel (specifically Wolverine and Bucky at the moment), Percy Jackson, Disney movies, HP/HL, Reading(can I count that even when I'm in a reading slump?)
LAST THING YOU GOOGLED? - ok this might make me a huge nerd but I was looking up the Warrior Cats Medicine Cat Guide because I like refreshing my memory also because I've been thinking again about making my own clan to write with. 🫣
No pressure tags: @tachyon-girl @finalgirllx @grandeoatmilklatte
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incorrectbatfam · 2 years
What’s each Batfam member’s favorite crack ship?
Dick: Percy Jackson x Luke Skywalker
Jason: Jesus x Shrek
Tim: himself x a full night's sleep
Damian: Jay Nakamura x an untraceable wormhole
Duke: Plastic Man x Martian Manhunter
Cullen: Gerard Way x Light Yagami
Stephanie: herself x Belgian waffles
Cassandra: Marilyn Manson x Michael Jackson
Barbara: Lo-Fi Girl x Picrew demiboy
Harper: Kristen Stewart x Katara
Carrie: the green M&M x the Pringles man
Kate: any preppy x punk lesbians
Alfred: Gordon Ramsay x lamb sauce
Selina: Harley's cupcakes x Ivy's flowers
Bruce: Superman x Captain America
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ringthedamnbell · 3 months
Spotlight on “Ravishing” Ric Rude: The Consummate Heel
Spotlight on “Ravishing” Ric Rude: The Consummate Heel
Robert Segedy Born Richard Irwin Rood, December 7, 1958-April 20, 1999. Better known by his in-ring name as “Ravishing” Ric Rude; he wrestled from 1982 until his retirement due to an injury, with his final match occurring in 1997. He was a four-time World Champion, a three-time WCW International World Heavyweight Champion, a one-time WWF Intercontinental Heavyweight Champion, and a one-time WCW…
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Tagged by @sunnynwanda , thx !
Rules: Tag 10 or more people you want to get to know better
Relationship Status: Single Pringle. Tried dating a few times, not really for me.
Favorite Colour: Oh gods I have to pick? Well, I love burgundy and pretty much all greens, sunflower orange is cozy warm, and mulberry feels so soft to look at.
Song Stuck In My Head: Farewell Wonderlust by The Amazing Devil. So good. Been on loop for 2 days now
Favorite Food: Wontons, specifically my Ma’s.
Last Song I Listened To: Farewell Wonderlust. Two fucking days-
Dream Trip: Nanzdietschweiler, Germany. I miss the smells and the flowers, the stray cats, the bridge, the river, and waking up to church bells.
Last Show/ Movie: Percy Jackson and the Olympians
Spicy, Sweet, or Savory?: SPICY
Last Thing Googled: Strawberry blonde marigolds. They’re so pretty!
Aand some people I’d like to know more about but no pressure, don’t have to if you don’t want to-
@sweetkirb @critterbitter @ravings-of-a-mad-scientist @wh3nturtlesfly @save-the-villainous-cat @epiclamer @ohnoitstbskyen @ao3-shenanigans @kiszoneszczury @monstersovka
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memecucker · 9 months
Just got done watching Iron Claw. It was pretty good though if your familiar with the Von Erich story definitely know that it’s not a dramatized documentary. Like the most talked about is how the Mike in the movie is actually a composite of the real Mike and Chris von Erich who was the youngest brother. Mike and Chris didn’t want to become wrestlers but listened to their fathers pressuring but while Mike wanted to do other things with his life Chris had no business being in a ring because he had brittle bones and asthma and the only program he worked before he killer himself involved him fighting Percy Pringle aka Paul Bearer who was a manager. I kinda understand the pacing issues that would come with having another brother who also dies from suicide and how that could be numbing for an audience.
Though on another level something I noticed is how movie toned down a lot of Fritz’s most controversial and/or abusive behaviors. Like he’s shown as an authoritarian parent but he doesn’t pressure someone with brittle bones and asthma to be a pro wrestler and they removed a lot of his gross feeling behavior about the deaths of his sons. Like after David died they held a memorial show in a stadium and it was by far the most successful show WCCW ever did and the next year they kept the show dedicated to David and it started to have this weird vibe that WCCW’s answer to Wrestlemania was something centered on someone’s death. When Mike died from suicide a month before the show they retooled it to be a memorial tribute and it gave a lot of people the vibe that Fritz was exploiting Mike’s suicide just to boost ticket sales because instead of a somber tone there was VIP ringside seat sales and a bikini mud wrestling match.
I think that might also be why MJF’s hyped role as the fake Von Erich cousin Lance (who was invented by Fritz to replenish their numbers after Mike’s death) is effectively not in the movie like he’s in but basically as an out of focus extra during a montage. If they decided to remove the death-exploitation subplot that would mean removing Lance bc that was something that the audience could see through and contributed to people turning their backs on Fritz and his family. That and omitting the story the real Kevin told of how a broken Fritz told him that the only reason he didn’t kill himself because he doesn’t have the guts his brothers had feels like they intentionally wanted to soften Fritz. I kinda have a feeling that this may be due to the wishes of the real Kevin bc he’s both upfront about the abuse from his father but also shows filial loyalty to him bc it’s complicated
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oracrys-vent-tent · 3 months
percy doesn't deserve to be with these freaks... get him the hell outta here...
-sour cream pringles anon
wait....... for REAL! i feel like we all forget how normal he is next to everyone else...... would nottttttttt wanna be him :P stay safe king
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facial-hair-fight · 1 year
The brackets are here!
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Much like @blue-character-brawl, the 128 characters that made it in have been split into four brackets, where the four winners will fight in the semi-finals, and then the winners of those will fight in the finals to find out who the best character in fiction with facial hair is! Brackets will last 24 hours (except for the finals) and the first set of polls will be posted on April 26 between 4:00 and 4:30 PM EST! Here are the matchups:
Bracket 1
Matt (Wii Sports) VS. Saburo (Wii Sports)
Rockhopper (Club Penguin) VS. Sensei (Club Penguin)
Mario (Super Mario) VS. Wario (Super Mario)
Luigi (Super Mario) VS. Waluigi (Super Mario)
Toadsworth (Super Mario) VS. Penguru (Super Mario Galaxy)
Cranky Kong (Donkey Kong) VS. Bluster Kong (Donkey Kong)
Vitruvius (The Lego Movie) VS. Sandy (Lego Monkie Kid)
Rex Fury (Lego City Undercover) VS. Forrest Blackwell (Lego City Undercover)
Dr. Coomer (HLVRAI) VS. Gordon Freeman (Half-Life)
Colonel Mustard (Clue) VS. Mr. Monopoly (Monopoly)
War Doctor (Doctor Who) VS. Wilfred Mott (Doctor Who)
i Tony Stark (Marvel) VS. Steve Rogers (Avengers: Infinity War)
Stephen Strange (Marvel) VS. J Jonah Jameson (Spider-Man)
Grandpa Fletcher (Phineas and Ferb) VS. Balthazar Cavendish (Milo Murphy’s Law)
2nd Dimension Doofenshmirtz (Phineas and Ferb) VS. Major Monogram (Phineas and Ferb)
Obi-Wan Kenobi (Star Wars) VS. Count Dooku (Star Wars)
Bracket 2
Ganondorf (Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom) VS. Dr. Eggman (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Wilford Warfstache (Markiplier) VS. Old Mark (In Space With Markiplier)
Oliver Queen (DC Comics) VS. Mobius (Loki)
Ron Swanson (Parks and Recreation) VS. Stanley Hudson (The Office)
M. Rasmodius (Stardew Valley) VS. Gus (Stardew Valley)
Lewis (Stardew Valley) VS. Linus (Stardew Valley)
Chief Bookem (Kirby: Right Back At Ya!) VS. Mayor Len Blustergas (Kirby: Right Back At Ya!)
Top Chef (Deltarune) VS. Asgore Dreemurr (Undertale)
Senshi (Dungeon Meshi) VS. Mustache Girl (A Hat in Time)
Santa Claus (Christmas) VS. Julius Pringle (Pringles)
Present Mic (My Hero Academia) VS. Edward Newgate (One Piece)
Drayden (Pokémon) VS. Kamado (Pokémon)
Cirdan (Lord of the Rings) VS. Gimli (Lord of the Rings)
Alex Louis Armstrong (Fullmetal Alchemist) VS. King Bradley (Fullmetal Alchemist)
Richie Tozier (It) VS. Murray Bauman (Stranger Things)
Homer Simpson (The Simpsons) VS. Jasper Beardly (The Simpsons)
Bracket 3
Warden Blackwall (Dragon Age Inquisition) VS. Dorian Pavus (Dragon Age Inquisition)
Pops (Regular Show) VS. Alex Dorpenberger (Close Enough)
Kili (The Hobbit) VS. Bofur (The Hobbit)
Alador Blight (The Owl House) VS. Phillip Wittebane (The Owl House)
Iknik Blackstone Varrick (Avatar: Legend of Korra) VS. Iroh (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
Murro Morton (Identity V) VS. Percy (Identity V)
Jeff Winger (Community) VS. Gregory House (House MD)
Rico Rodriguez (Just Cause) VS. Tom Sheldon (Just Cause)
King Triton (The Little Mermaid) VS. Frozone (The Incredibles)
Harry Du Bois (Disco Elysium) VS. Kim Kitsuragi (Disco Elysium)
Gashu Satou (Your Turn To Die) VS. Hades (Hades)
Kogoro Mouri (Detective Conan) VS. Shaggy Rogers (Scooby-Doo)
Ted Lasso (Ted Lasso) VS. John Wick (John Wick)
Otokichi Shirabe (Suite Precure) VS. Asuma Sarutobi (Naruto)
Gomez Addams (The Addams Family) VS. Frederick Loren (House on Haunted Hill)
Cap’n Cuttlefish (Splatoon) VS. Lionel (Animal Crossing
Bracket 4
Abe Lincoln (Clone High) VS. Rex Mohs (Scott The Woz)
Hercule Poirot (Poirot) VS. Seneca Crane (The Hunger Games)
Bob Zanotto (Psychonauts) VS. William Riker (Star Trek)
Alexsandr Kallus (Star Wars) VS. Steve (Minecraft)
Sea Hawk (She-Ra) VS. Boris Badenov (Rocky and Bullwinkle)
Victor Sullivan (Uncharted) VS. Yosemite Sam (Looney Toons)
Thorin Oakenshield (The Hobbit) VS. Qui-Gon Jinn (Star Wars)
Din Djarin (Star Wars) VS. Alec Hardy (Broadchurch)
Buford Tannen (Back To The Future) VS. Scott Howard (Teen wolf)
Halt O’Carrick (Ranger’s Apprentice) VS. Jack Pearson (This Is Us)
Thomas Magnum (Magnum PI) VS. Dedue Molinaro (Fire Emblem)
Barbarian (Clash of Clans) VS. Adam Jensen (Deus Ex: Mankind Divided)
Remus Sanders (Sanders Sides) VS. Grandpa Harley (Homestuck)
Massimo Marcovaldo (Luca) VS. Dr. Erasmus Craven (The Raven)
Toki Wartooth (Metalocalypse) VS. Richard Kimble (The Fugitive)
Deputy Dewey Riley (Scream) VS. Walter White (Breaking Bad)
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dragons-and-magic · 4 months
I got some questions if you don’t mind…
One: How many eggs do dragons usually lay?
Two: What’s Rebecca’s biggest fear?
Three: Do you ship Rosie with Percy?
Four: Who’s your favourite female character?
Five: Is there any dragon that came from space? :P
I don't mind! Let's see what you got here!
1: How many eggs do dragons usually lay?: Depends on the species. Some dragons lay many. Others only a few. For example, some wyvern's will only lay 1-3 eggs a year. Meanwhile, other species will lay much more than that! And surprisingly, size and location doesn't effect this much. Some Titan Class dragons can have 10 eggs in a single nest! Which is unusual, considering that large animals tend to have fewer offspring. (In short, Dragons are nature's oddballs. In more ways than what's listed here.😂)
2: What’s Rebecca’s biggest fear?: Definitely not being accepted. She was often pushed away by her old clan, because of how clumsy she was. (Poor girl doesn't have big claws, so she doesn't have a lot of traction on the ground.) But, after being adopted into Thomas's clan, she sees that she doesn't need to be perfect and they all love her no matter what.💖
3: Do you ship Rosie with Percy?: Eh, nope. I respect those that do though! Actually, I don't really ship Percy with anyone. I just can't see it for some reason. So I think he might just stay a single pringle. Lol.
4: Who’s your favourite female character?: Hm. That's a good question. I want to say Emily, but currently I've been enjoying writing for Nia actually! I have some great stories planned for her!
5: Is there any dragon that came from space?: There wasn't before, but there is sure as heck going to be now!🤩 Meet the Star Sweepers!
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Legend has it that these behemoths are the messengers of the Golden Clan! The stars shining on their hides will on occasion, reveal their messages and foretellings!
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The Mountain Cave Clan is known for having dragons with the power to read them. They're called star speakers. Rusty is one!
Thank you for the questions!😁
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