#peter - missouri is a planet - quill
siriuslydaz3d · 1 year
Home || Peter Quill
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Summary: Peter goes home
Warnings: Uhh none, I think?
AN) this is a rewrite of something I did after Endgame! if you enjoy, please let me know! Also yes, there’s a reference to his bisexuality because fuck it, we need bi rep and so many people forget Peter Jason Quill is bisexual. 
Peter looked down at the stack of letters he had been writing for (Y/N). He felt nervous, guilty even for returning after all these years. He hadn’t purposely left, he was abducted. He isn’t even sure if she remembers him. Was it possible?
To (Y/N) August 1989
The oldest letter in the stack, written the year after he was taken. It explained what his life was like now. Telling her about his first year in space. Asking her what it was like in 4th grade. Apologizing for being gone. Promising to see her as soon as he could. An ‘I love you always’ sloppily written at the bottom as he rushed to finish it.
To (Y/N) October 1990
10 year old Peter wished her a happy halloween, asking her what’s popular on Earth. The ramblings of a child excited about being gifted his very own spaceship. He made it a point to tell her it was named after Alyssa Milano. He told her all about Yondu and the ravagers.
He wrote to her at least once a year. His handwriting slowly improved as he aged. He smiled down at the aged stacks of paper, thinking back fondly to his childhood. Peter shuffled through the letters, quickly glancing at the dates on each of them.
To (Y/N) May 2006
To (Y/N) July 2012
To (Y/N) August 2014
To (Y/N) November 2014
He paused on that one. November 2014. He wrote about his relationship with Gamora. He wrote about how he met his biological father, who just happened to be a planet. He wrote about the death of said father, and the death of the father that actually raised him. Yondu. 
To (Y/N) April 2023
The most recent one. He’d written it after they’d all returned. He wrote about the death of Gamora. He wrote about battling Thanos on Titan. He wrote about being back on Earth, about the massive battle in New York. He wrote about Tony Stark’s private funeral. He wrote about wanting to see her.
Peter organized the letters back in the original order. He’d asked Pepper for help, giving her what information he had on his childhood friend in hopes of tracking her down. Pepper had come through with plenty of information. (Y/N) actually lived in New York. She worked from home in IT. She was single. She had survived the blip. He was just down the street from her apartment, nerves taking over as he looked in the direction of her home. He took a deep breath, and continued down the street. Peter chewed on his lip as he knocked on her door. A faint ‘Just a minute!’ could be heard from the otherside, and at that moment, it took everything in him not to run away.
The door opened. “Hi, can I help you?” She spoke, his blood running cold and his throat felt tight. 
“You’re totally not going to believe this, but it’s me, (Y/N).” Peter rushed, causing her to raise her eyebrow. “I’m back. I-I’m Peter. Peter Quill from Missouri.” 
“This isn’t funny. I don’t know how you know about my connection to him-” She started, but Peter was quick to cut her off. 
“When you were in kindergarten, you got in trouble for having a pocket of worms. I got in trouble with you because I ate one of them in class. Nastiest taste in the world, but it amused you.” He chuckled, running his fingers over the envelopes. “If that didn’t convince you, I remember the huge crush you had on Mark Hamill after we watched Star Wars. I bullied you for ages about it.” 
“Peter..” She whispered, hand coming to cover her mouth. Tears welled up in her eyes as she stared at him. “It’s been 35 years, where the fuck have you been?” 
Peter stuck the worn pile of envelopes out in front of him. “Funny enough, these probably explain it better than I could. I wrote to you frequently. I’m gonna be completely honest, I wasn't even sure if I was ever coming back. I was convinced I was wasting time, but y’know all the funky shit that happened kinda forced me back.” 
(Y/N) took them and flicked through the pile. “I never stopped looking for you. When they said you disappeared, I went looking everywhere we’d gone. I thought you’d just run away, but rumors began that maybe you’d died and I just.. I knew you weren’t dead.” Her eyes met his face and she smiled. “I’ve missed you, dumbass.” 
Peter stepped forward, wrapping his arms tightly around her as they stood there in an embrace. “I’m sorry for leaving, and again, you won’t believe this but I’ve got a pretty insane reputation in space.” 
The woman pulled away and raised her eyebrow at him. “What? Peter.. You mean outer space right? Like up there?” She asked him, pointing up at the sky. He nodded, a childish grin plastered on his face. 
“Ask me about my reputation.” 
“I’m afraid to know.” She sighed. 
“C’mon.” He cooed, swaying them slightly. “You know you’re curious.” 
“What’s your reputation, Peter?” 
He looked down at her with his signature smirk. “On Terra, I’m just little old Peter Quill. A boring, apparently presumed dead, nobody. In space, I’m the legendary outlaw turned hero of the galaxy known as Star-Lord, lover to all.” He winked, making (Y/N) roll her eyes. 
“Lover to all, huh? How many alien STDs do you have?” She laughed as he groaned. “Do aliens have STDs?” 
“I don’t have any that I know of, and I’m assuming they do. I don’t just go around asking aliens if they do or not!” He replied, as his childhood friend doubled over with laughter. “I missed hearing you laugh.” 
“I missed you, Peter. It’s nice to have you back, even if it’s temporary.” She huffed, looking up at him. “I don’t know how long you’re staying, if you are, but would you like to have dinner with me? I want a chance to properly catch up with you.” 
“Are you asking me on a date?” 
“Never in a million years, space boy.” She spoke, stepping aside and motioning him in. “C’mon, I make a mean ass pot of chili and I’m assuming you haven’t had any in ages.” 
Peter happily stepped inside, shrugging off his coat and tossing in on the closest chair. He looked around her apartment, the walls covered with photos from her life and movie posters he didn’t recognize. A photo of him and her on Halloween hung beside a framed drawing he’d made for her back before he was abducted. 
“Hey, (YN), what the hell is Revenge of the Sith? And why do you have a big ass poster of it?” 
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cerromoreno · 6 months
Ok so I’m absolutely head over heels for canon Starbula, of course. BUT. I was rewatching What If? season one’s “What If T’Challa Became a Star-Lord?” episode and got INSPIRED. 
What if THIS Nebula...
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...still connected (and eventually got together) with THIS Peter Quill?
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Rewatching this episode, it was so fun to see what Nebula with less cybernetic replacements and trauma would be like. But until now, I’d just recalled that this episode's universe ended in a tragedy, with Ego harnessing Dairy Queen!Peter to destroy the galaxy. (I totally forgot that later in the season, we actually do see T'challa save Peter - oops 😅)
Anyway, after my recent rewatch - and before I remembered that T'challa does save the day in canon - I was like…wait a second. This is the MCU we’re talking about, and these characters have faced certain-apocalypses like this a million times before. And season 2 of What If? just showed Peter breaking free of Ego’s control as a kid, so it could definitely happen here. 
So anyway, I started imagining what might happen in this universe to bring Peter and Nebula together, post-episode, and thought the ensuing headcanon was cute enough to share!
Basically, once Ego starts wreaking havoc on earth with a newly-mind-controlled Peter, our heroes Nebula, T’Challa, etc. are quickly alerted to the disaster and fly over to Missouri from Wakanda. In the ensuing fight, Nebula, T'Challa, and Co. realize that Peter is the key to Ego’s power and current destruction, so they try to get Peter away from him. At some point in the fight, Nebula and Peter are somehow separated from the rest of the Ravagers. Maybe when it’s clear they won’t be able to defeat Ego right now, everyone decides to get in their ships to escape and regroup. Peter's next to Nebula, so she grabs him and runs into her ship with him in tow. T’Challa and the others say they'll distract Ego long enough for Nebula and Peter to escape via a jump point.
This basically happens, but maybe Nebula's ship is damaged by Ego in the space fight/escape. So once Nebula and Peter have gotten safely away from Ego, she realizes she's unable to contact the rest of the Ravagers for some reason. Maybe Ego's attack broke her comm, or the ship is damaged enough that she has to crash land on a nearby planet after leaving the jump point. Basically, she and Peter are stuck together on their own for a while, unable to reconnect with the Ravagers.
Initially, Nebula is pissed at Peter for forcing her to separate from her friends and being the cause of this galaxy-level threat (even though, as she learns later, it’s not actually his fault). Poor Peter is totally overwhelmed and freaked out. He’s just had his world turned upside down, is now in space, and this (beautiful) blue alien is yelling at him about how the galaxy is in danger thanks to him.
Over time, however, as Nebula realizes the only way to stop Ego is to help Peter hone his newly-awakened abilities, she starts to warm up to this strange Terran. Peter is his usual charming, funny, and clever self, so as he learns from Nebula about how to survive and fight in space, tries to help her fix the ship, and practices using his powers, he slowly begins to win her over. Lots of cute bonding ensues, and the two eventually become something like the strong and trusting partnership we see in GOTG3.
At some point, Ego finally finds and captures T’Challa and uses him to lure Nebula and Peter back, so he can re-kidnap Peter. (Maybe Nebula finally fixes her comm, and when she does, she learns that T’Challa has been captured by Ego.) Of course, Ego ends up getting defeated by our dynamic duo, totally caught off guard by how powerful Peter has become with his powers. Hooray the galaxy is saved lol
Once they rescue T’Challa from Ego's captivity, Peter watches Nebula run into his arms, the two of them tightly embracing each other in relief. Peter gets self-conscious, realizing that he doesn’t actually belong here in space with them. He belongs back in Missouri, back at the stupid Dairy Queen, not here. There’s no way that Nebula, who he’d been slowly developing feelings for, would ever want to be with him over perfect actual-prince and Star-Lord, T'Challa.
But surprise! Even though Nebula definitely had *~vibes~* in that What If? episode with T’Challa (side note: I think it’s funny that no matter the universe, Nebula is always deeply connected with that universe’s Star-Lord!), during her solo adventures with Peter, she’s realized that she’s actually falling for this goofy Terran. 
So Nebula basically tells Peter that his true home is in space (with her 🥲), and invites him to joins the Ravagers. Maybe they confess their feelings at this point, or maybe the slow burn continues slow-burning longer. Probably the latter lol. But either way, this universe’s Nebula and Peter continue to be badasses across the galaxy together, just in a different way from the MCU canon!
I just think the idea of this version of Peter, who’s never been to space and generally has no idea what’s going on, still managing to charm this version of Nebula…is the absolute cutest. And the fact that no matter the universe, these two will somehow always find each other 🥹
PS As I said before, I totally forgot that later in What If? season one (episode 9), it actually shows T'Challa saving Peter from Ego lol. But after rewatching that episode too, I was happy to see all of those scenes still fit here, so my headcanon is technically still canon-compliant 😆
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tinkertoysdamn · 18 days
WiP Wednesday the Aliens in Missouri HS AU
aka the no villain dads are evil, they are just annoying and petty AU.
There aren't any official "Peter at 16 "pics so this is the thumbnail.
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For a million years, Ego the Living Planet had wandered the universe searching for meaning.  He had set foot on hundreds of worlds and interacted with beings of all sorts.  He had tried delicacies while indulging himself in vices that would destroy lesser creatures.  And yet, he had found nothing that offended his sensibilities as much as Mrs. The Destroyer’s lemon bars.  
Grainy and gelatinous, they were an affront to baked goods everywhere and to the Band Booster Sale they were meant to serve.  His only consolation was that they were far away from his own superior eclairs.  
None of this culinary drama concerned his son Peter Quill, who was too busy helping one of his fellow band members set up a table.
“That hard driving guitar and the harmonica add these surprising elements that brings ‘Mary Jane’s Last Dance’ into the 90s but it still feels like it’s in conversation with Petty’s old stuff.”  Peter stepped back to admire his handiwork.  It was definitely a table with baked stuff on it.  “Does that make sense?”
His friend, Rich Rider, looked at Peter like he’d grown another head.  “Why can you never sound like this in English class?”     
“I just,” Peter deflated a little, “I just like music, man.”
At sixteen years old, puberty had hit Peter hard, making him tall and gawky but at least his skin remained mostly clear.  His dad wouldn’t let him grow his hair out yet so he wasn’t exactly “on trend” but at least he could still engage with the oversized tees and flannel his peers were wearing.
Rich glanced over Peter’s work.  “That looks good.”  He turned back to his own task, finishing tying the last ribbon bows on wrapped parcels of chocolate chip cookies.
Peter propped his head on Rich’s shoulder to see what he was doing.  “Oooh, nice.”
“I don’t know Pete,” Rich pouted, “I mean, mom’s made these chocolate chip cookies but I don’t know if they’re going to sell.”
The notion that anyone would be unimpressed with Mrs. Rider’s cookies baffled Peter.  “Are you kidding?” he said, flailing around.  “Everyone loves your mom’s cookies.”
“Yeah.”  That would normally be the case; unfortunately, Rich had doubts.  “But they’re up against eclairs made by a literal god.”
“God little g,” Peter said as an afterthought.  Then, he glanced back and forth to make sure no one was paying attention before whispering: “And he made them using his own matter.  That’s kind of like cheating.”  
The look of horror that crossed Rich’s face was one for the ages.  “How does that even work?”
“I don’t know.”  A shrug was the best answer Rich was getting out of Peter.  “I got a ‘C’ in Science.”
“Wait,” Rich asked.  “Which science?”
“I don’t know!”  Peter flailed again.  “I got a ‘C.’”
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I'm Still Here
Fandom: MCU
Rating: G
Relationships: Peter Parker & Peter Quill
Characters: Peter Parker, Peter Quill; other characters are only mentioned
Summary: “Excuse me, are you waiting in line?”
Peter looks back in surprise, seeing a taller man with short, brown curls, and wearing a band t-shirt he doesn’t know, as well as orange headphones around his neck. The latter suddenly looks concerned and confused.
“Whoa, are you okay?” He asks.
Peter only stares at him in shock, saying just one word:
“... Star-Lord?”
Word count: 1.487
A/N: An idea I always wanted to write, because I personally love the thought of Peter and Quill bonding (which we sadly didn't get much from canon).
This is my first time writing Quill, so please be nice. ;-;
TRIGGER WARNINGS - major character death (Tony, Aunt May), grief/mourning
Starting out life again, alone, is… hard.
‘Hard’ is a soft way to put it.
It’s terrible.
Peter knows he isn’t entirely alone, since he still has Happy. But he doesn’t remember him, and quite literally no one else remembers him, either. Peter also doesn’t want to meddle in their lives again after the chaos that he caused. After… he killed May.
Maybe things are better this way. If he’s not remembered.
Peter is waiting for his order at Delmar’s, who also treats him like every other customer, and not an old friend. Peter is checking his phone to distract himself while the sandwich is not ready. As usual, not a single new text besides one from Happy that he’s going to be away for the next few days, asking if Peter is going to be okay. The teen, like the liar that he is, says that he will be.
He wants to cry.
Right here, right now.
“Excuse me, are you waiting in line?”
Peter looks back in surprise, seeing a taller man with short, brown curls, and wearing a band t-shirt he doesn’t know, as well as orange headphones around his neck. The latter suddenly looks concerned and confused.
“Whoa, are you okay?” He asks.
Peter only stares at him in shock, saying just one word:
“... Star-Lord?”
The other’s eyes widen.
“Star-Lord, what- what are you doing here? I thought you were in space?”
“I- I’m sorry, who are you?”
The question breaks Peter’s hopes and dreams again. He should’ve known better than to get excited.
“I’m…” he gulps, “Peter. Parker.”
As he avoids the other’s eyes, Peter senses a hand standing out to him, to shake on it.
“You can call me Peter, too.”
The teen manages to smirk. “That’s going to be confusing.”
“Then call me Quill, if you want.”
Finally, Peter is shaking Quill’s hand, feeling a little better with the reassuring smile the latter is giving him.
“Now, Peter,” Quill releases his hand. “How do you know the almighty Star-Lord?”
“Oh, uh… We… kind of battled Thanos together.”
“Thanos? Really?”
“Yeah! I remember you, and that guy with knives, the blue lady with black eyes, the bug lady…” Peter lists. “And I remember you guys talking about a… Gamora?”
Quill’s expression suddenly falls at the mention of her, but not entirely sad. It’s more melancholic and nostalgic.
“Wow. How come I don’t remember you, then?”
Peter sighs. “It’s a long story.”
Quill hums. Suddenly, Delmar is back with Peter’s order and he asks the other’s. As Quill orders his sandwich, Peter awkwardly waits, probably knowing Quill is going to leave soon. He just really needed a friendly face.
“So… how come you’re here?” Peter asks when Delmar is gone.
“Oh, the Guardians kind of… split.”
“Yeah. We thought we might go separate ways. We still keep in touch, though.”
“Oh, that’s good.”
I wish I could keep in touch with my friends, too, Peter wants to add, but doesn’t.
“And… I thought you were from Missouri?” He says instead.
“I am, but I thought I might do some traveling. Get to know my home planet better, you know?”
Peter nods, falling in silence.
“So, what have you been doing, Peter?” Quill asks the usual adult questions.
“Nothing much.” He knows there’s no one else in the store right now, but he doesn’t want Delmar to know that he’s Spider-Man.
“Hm.” Quill sounds suspicious.
Right on time, his order arrives. Peter already braces for his departure, knowing he might just want to go on with his life rather than listen to a hopeless teenager.
“Are you… doing anything after this?” Quill wonders.
“Ah, you know, we could hang out, talk hero to hero.” The man also implies, I know you might need it.
“Oh. Is- Is that okay?”
“Sure!” Quill smiles. “What do you think, then?”
“I- I’d love to,” Peter laughs nervously.
“Great.” After they pay their orders, Quill is wrapping an arm around his shoulders. “Let’s get outta here.”
“... and then everyone’s memories were wiped, now no one remembers me, so I’m trying to live on my own and start things fresh again.”
Their paper bags have been emptied two hours ago, Peter speaking like an actual chatterbox. Quill, for some reason, doesn’t seem impatient nor cocky like the first time they met.
“You’re completely on your own, then?” Quill asks, frowning.
“Not really. I still have Happy, who was Mr. Stark’s best friend. But he doesn’t actually remember me, he mainly looks after me because of Aunt May. And he’s going to be away for a couple days and I said it’d be fine. It’s- It’s fine.”
“I don’t think it’s fine, Peter. Having no friends or family… I think that might be the worst thing to happen to someone.”
Peter bites his lip. “I mean… my friends are still out there. They were accepted into MIT. Which is nice. But I thought… After everything I did to them, I don’t want them to get hurt again. Maybe it’s best if I let them go, y’know?”
“But it’s not fair to you, buddy.”
Peter wants to cry again.
“I…” his voice gets wet. “I miss everyone. I miss MJ, I miss Ned, Aunt May… I-I miss Mr. Stark and- and my Uncle Ben…” he sniffs. “I keep losing everyone I love. And I’m so tired.”
He feels bad crying to someone who sees him like a stranger, but Peter can’t keep it in anymore.
Quill doesn’t complain.
If anything, he’s opening an arm for Peter to lie on.
So, the teenager does.
It’s so weird, receiving comfort like this from a guy Peter doesn’t know that much. All he remembers is them being snarky to each other and fighting Thanos, with the destiny of the universe in their very hands.
Quill comforts him, cursed with knowledge, too.
Peter realizes… he must still regret screwing up and allowing Thanos to snap half of the universe into dust. Quill must have lost people, too. Like Gamora. Now, he’s back home, trying to start fresh, too.
Peter doesn’t need to ask to know all these answers.
“I’m sorry you went through so much shit, Pete,” Quill exhales.
The boy sniffs timidly. “Yeah.”
They sit on a park bench, the sunny day blessing the town. It’s not too hot, though, and it’s the kind of temperature Peter likes due to his spider-senses. Not too cold, but not scalding, either.
“We all need someone,” Quill says. “We need, and we deserve someone.”
Peter is slowly released so they’re looking at each other.
“You can count on me, Peter,” Quill smiles, determined.
“But… you barely know me,” the other says, lying.
“Nah, I do. More than you think.”
Indeed, he does.
“But don’t you live far away from here?”
“I literally have a spaceship, kid, faster than an airplane. And if I can’t make it for any reason…” Quill is picking something from his pocket. “You can call me.”
… except it’s a super old phone and he’s taking forever to get to the contacts app. Peter can’t help laughing.
“Oh my god, you’re worse than Uncle Ben,” he mocks.
“Hey, go easy on me. I’ve been away for like, twenty years.”
Peter instead takes the phone and registers the number himself or else it might take forever. Quill is a really slow typer for someone who just texts him “hi”.
“I don’t get it, you’re literally Star-Lord,” Peter insists. “Didn’t you use tech like this in space?”
“Trust me, it’s not the same thing. For one, it’s not this tiny.”
Peter snorts. “Okay, then.”
“I do have this, though.”
Quill takes something else and reveals…
“A Zune? I haven’t seen one of those in years.”
“Really? That old?”
“Super old.”
Peter laughs.
“Do you… want to try?” Quill offers.
“Yeah. I promise, all the great taste in music is right here.”
Peter rolls his eyes with a grin. He takes it with care and wears the headphones, listening to the first song in the playlist. A calmer, acoustic tune, reminding him of a time things were easier, even if he’s not familiar with the song.
If anything, it reminds him of someone.
Now that he thinks of it, Quill and Tony would get along well if they had the chance.
He feels sad by the thought, but he doesn’t break down again. The song brings him a sense of comfort despite the mourning. Not to mention that Quill is next to him, making sure he’s not alone.
When the day is nearing its end, Quill lends his Zune to Peter. Something that Peter knows means the world to him. He wants to reject it, but with Quill’s insistence, wanting him to remember he has a friend out there that knows who Peter Parker is…
At night, Peter is still listening to music.
With the biggest smile on his face.
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chaoticrebels · 1 year
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NAME : Peter Jason Quill NICKNAME : Starlord, Pete, Legendary Outlaw,  Star-Prince, Space-Lord AGE : 34 - 40 BIRTH DATE : February 4, 1980 GENDER : Male ORIENTATION : Biromantic, Bisexual LOCATION : Knowhere, St. Charles, Missouri  PROFESSION : Guardians of the Galaxy, Ravager NATIONALITY : American ZODIAC : Aquarius SPECIES : Human/Celestial Hybrid SPOKEN LANGUAGES : English HEIGHT : 6′2″ WEIGHT : 171 lbs HAIR : Strawberry Blonde EYES : Green TATTOOS : None PIERCINGS : None SCARS : None FACE CLAIM : Chris Pratt
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Peter Jason Quill is a Celestial-Human hybrid who was abducted from Earth in 1988 by the Yondu Ravager Clan, and raised as one of their members, eventually building a reputation as the notorious intergalactic outlaw Star-Lord. In 2014, he decided to leave the Ravagers and operate individually, unintentionally becoming a key player in the quest for a precious artifact known as the Orb after stealing it from Morag. Following his arrest, he forged an uneasy alliance with fellow inmates Gamora, Drax the Destroyer, Rocket Raccoon, and Groot, who together formed the Guardians of the Galaxy. They first rallied as a team by stopping Ronan the Accuser from destroying Xandar with the Power Stone.
A few months later, Ayesha and the Sovereign hired the Guardians to defend Anulax Batteries from an Abilisk. However, after Rocket stole some of the batteries, Ayesha sent the Sovereign fleet after them. The Guardians were saved when the fleet was destroyed by Ego, Quill's biological father, whom Quill had never met. Quill then spent a few days bonding with his father. However, when Ego revealed that he was responsible for the death of his mother, Quill allied with his fellow Guardians to prevent Ego's quest to terraform the universe. After killing Ego and witnessing Yondu Udonta's sacrifice, Quill continued to lead the Guardians of the Galaxy and eventually started a relationship with Gamora.
In 2018, the Guardians encountered Thor and began racing against Thanos to procure the Infinity Stones. Splitting up into two groups, Quill led Gamora, Drax, and Mantis to Knowhere to recover the Reality Stone from the Collector, only to lose both it and Gamora to Thanos. Quill, Drax, and Mantis later traveled to Titan to confront Thanos in person. With help from Iron Man, Doctor Strange, and Spider-Man, the Guardians fought Thanos, during which Quill was devastated to learn that Thanos had killed Gamora. In his anger, Quill unintentionally gave Thanos an opening to strike back, and Quill, alongside his allies, was ultimately defeated. Thanos eventually succeeded in his goal and wiped out half of all life in the universe; Quill and most of the Guardians of the Galaxy were among the victims.
Five years after his death, Quill was resurrected along with all the other lives claimed by the Snap. He then returned to Earth with the help of Strange, participating in the Battle of Earth, where he encountered a Gamora from an alternate timeline. After the battle, Quill attended Stark's funeral with the Guardians. The Guardians continued to operate alongside Thor, helping planets in need. However, when news of Gorr the God Butcher reached them, the Guardians and Thor went their separate ways, setting out to aid those in need. A year and a half later, during the rebuilding of Knowhere, Quill was still saddened by Gamora's death, regretting losing his love, until he was cheered up with a Christmas party, and a suprise apperence by his idol Kevin Bacon. Quill then found out that Mantis was his half-sister, cheering him up even more.
In 2026, Knowhere was attacked by Adam Warlock, who was sent by Ayesha to retrieve Rocket on behalf of their creator, the High Evolutionary. While the Guardians managed to thwart Adam, Rocket was severely wounded, prompting the Guardians to seek out his place of origin to heal him. During the adventure, Quill reunited with the alternate Gamora, who had joined the Ravagers and did not wish to be in a relationship with him. With Gamora in tow, the Guardians visited Counter-Earth, a planet designed to resemble Earth. Upon saving Rocket and defeating High Evolutionary, Quill made peace with the loss of Gamora and decided to seek out his family. Quill informed the Guardians that he would be leaving the team to move back to Earth, appointing Rocket as the Guardians' new leader. Returning to Missouri, Quill reunited with his grandfather Jason Quill.
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s0apysm1les · 2 years
Hiii! For the Dead DoveTober can I request Daddy kink and Hyphephilia/Toucherism with yandere Peter Quill x human reader?
Dead DoveTober Day 3 - Daddy
CW: Yandere tendencies, Space madness, hyphephilia/toucherism, non/dub con, dubious consent, forced oral, reference to graphic horror
Narrator Voice: In a world, where Starlord hasn't become a hero yet... or ever does... IDK i just really like the idea of a bad guy Starlord for this
Hahaha... it started getting dark at the end didn't it... Although I didn't mind! This is Dead DoveTober after all!
Traveling the stars was adventure enough, you just didn't want to go too far from your home. You were happy enough on Earth and yet took the chance anyway. You never expected that you would end up on the barrel's end of an intergalactic criminal. Albeit, a not-well-known-one, but still. The person holding the gun is whoever they say they are.
And for unfortunate you, the person holding the space gun just happened to be a very attractive... very space-madness-y influenced human who was raised on a Ravager's ship and therefore knew the physical limits of pain and not the moral limits of humanity. He stole, murdered and did as he pleased to everyone and sacrificed nothing of his own.
The only thing they refused to do was child trafficking and boy, that was the moral high ground that he wouldn't overlook. He wore clothing that looks like an Earthen brown leather jacket, jeans and a grey t-shirt and you wouldn't be surprised if he had stolen or traded illegal products for them. Up until he had restrained you in a sort of cell in his ship he wore a strangely designed mask that protected his face from the vacuum of space. When he revealed his face however, there was no protecting you from his unobstructed gaze.
"Well, well, well." He started, kneeling down to match eye level with you collapsed on the ground and your hands roughly bound in a stray scrap of wire bound tightly into the dip of your wrist. "Look who had drifted to the wrong side of the belt..." He cooed coldly, but his face held an almost awed sort of fascination.
You were the first human he had seen in months. Who knows how long it had actually been. He wasn't going to chalk up the days in his ship - he didn't have chalk - and what did it matter anyway? In space, even an hour alone can be longer than a year... literally and it can just feel like one just being there alone and staring into the Abyss.
Yada yada, the abyss, too, stares into you and all that. He didn't care!
You were here! Right now! When he begged most for a human's company! Just to remind himself that he. Was. Human! You were brought here for him. And you would STAY here for him too.
Don't worry, he's learned enough now to properly take care of you. It took a few... practices with some other wayward souls to really get it right though. He knew that humans needed to eat regularly, and needed access to clean water to drink now! Except for him, strangely. He never suffered side effects from going without those basic necessities or for feeding off semi-poisonous plants on strange planets his whole life like the other humans who suffered under his hands did... Maybe he was just different because he was raised by Yondu... It didn't matter any more!
Humans need company! And he is human! Despite what the eldritch-like abominations of space say and despite what Ego had said before his erasure, he knows he is human. He remembers his mother and Missouri and... and he remembers the wind of Earth, the sun and the music and so he *knows* he's human.
He grabbed your wrist suddenly and rubbed the tender skin that peaked out from under the wire, the skin was sore and you were scared so you whimpered softly at the contact. His eyes turned to you in analysis. This skin was the same texture as his, you had hair on the same parts of the body, and though you looked different than Peter himself, he knew. He was the same species as you.
He felt the soft fragile skin of your wrist and he wanted to touch more... think of it as a sort of science - you were panicking, but also baffled as his hands roamed over your arms like he was examining a new creature. He had a disbelieving expression on his face as he thumbed his way up your arms and towards the sensitive underside of your armpit.
When he reached the point where it was ticklish, you couldn't help the flinch and the choke of a laugh that forced itself out. This seemed to break his restraint though, as he pulled you out from the cage and removed a large knife from somewhere on his person. He sliced up on the hem of your shirt and your chest suddenly welcomed the cold air of the cargo hold as goosebumps raced to cover your exposed flesh.
He latched onto the cooling strip of skin and sucked dark purple hickeys onto not just your chest and nipples, but also down your stomach and over your shoulders and up your neck. One of his hands held on to the wrapped wire around your wrists while the other pulsed and grabbed all over your torso and went up into the sleeves of your shirt to rub against your arms.
He frotted his hardening length against your leg as his hand kept up its frantic movements and he began to harshly bite at your exposed skin.
Before you thought he would come in his pants and settle down, he stopped and an eerie calm washed over him. It was as if he became a whole new person and you felt a chill go over you as he pointed his gun at you again. When did he pick that thing up?! He tells you to kneel, you drop down harshly. You want to hiss at the searing pain of your instinctive movement, but you hold it in and swallow the noise down as you look up at his shallow eyes that stare into your soul.
"Get ready, bitch. You're gonna show daddy just how much you need me." He dropped the hand with the gun to the side in emphasis but pointed it back to you again before you could feel the relief of not being near death.
He grabs your head with his empty hand and pulled you towards his crotch and brushed your cheek with his thumb as he smiled at you. The almost endearing look in his eyes unnerved you and made you realize now more than ever just what danger you were in. You look up at him and sniff, were you crying the whole time?
"O-okay." you began before feeling him yank your head up. You look into his wild eyes as he hisses through gritted teeth.
"Okay. What." His enraged look made you realize how you messed up and you quickly went to correct your mistake.
"Okay... daddy." You sobbed. With your tearful response, he muttered a "Very good." And started rubbing your head not-so-subtly against the tent in his crotch demandingly. He groaned against the motion of your cheek along the peak of the bridge and you cringed as you felt the precum of his arousal start to bleed through the fabric and smear on your cheek.
You gulped and raised your hands slowly to unzip the fabric. His length pressed so hard against the fabric that you had to pull it out yourself through the hole of the zipper. You were surprised by the length of it as it bounced against your unsuspecting lips when you withdrew your hands.
He was definitely above average compared to the regular male, but wasn't unbearably large. He was around 8 inches long and the thickness of his dick was just enough to fit inside of your hand - about an inch and a half in girth. He was definitely on the larger side of the spectrum and his dick was surprisingly... beautiful, you hated to say that about a penis but it was.
Peter grunted above you and the hand holding the gun twitched and you swallowed again before sticking your tongue out fearfully. A quick lick brought a gasp from the man, and you started to slowly take him into your mouth before he pulled you off by a tight grip on the back of your head.
"You didn't say please, brat." He panted, wanting nothing more than to spear your head onto him again even if he had to shoot a hole in your body JUST to fuck you with. He had to relieve the pressure but you HAD to follow the rules.
"Pl-please let me..." you tried to force it out quickly, but you choked on the next words you had to say. "Please let me suck you... Daddy."
Peter stared down at you coldly before smirking and shoving your face back to his weeping manhood.
"Suck away, baby. Don't forget -" He panted, "don't forget what Daddy does for your ungrateful ass to be here." You glanced up at his bliss filled face as you take the whole of his head into your mouth at once. Though you want to gag at the thought of what you're doing for the man who literally killed the entire crew of the ship you were on, you knew that if you threw up on him or if you bit him, you would be dead before you could relish in the feeling of hurting him.
You descend further onto his rod before you hear him telling you to lift your arms. You stay where you are, head half down his mast, while you do so. To your surprise he unbinds your hands. He tosses the wire to the side and shakes the gun at you.
"Daddy doesn't need that, while I have this, now do I?" He unbuttons the top of his jeans and lets them slide down his well toned thighs to settle around his knees. "Now, touch Daddy. Nice and gentle."
You gag out a "Yes, daddy" that causes him to jerk in your mouth a few times. Did he almost come from that alone? Before you start moving your hands around his exposed skin you press your hands together in a sort of mocking prayer gesture. If you were to get through this alive, you might just pray for real.
You were awkward and unsure of where exactly he wanted you to touch. You spread your fingers and pressed as you mimicked the masseuses you've seen in movies back on Earth, you assume he likes that when a breathy moan fills the space above you. You don't know why, maybe you were getting into it, but you pulled off of him to start jacking him off.
You run your tongue along the side of his dick to lick off the excess of spit and dribble that you had made before spreading the wetness of the mess in his lap across his stomach with your hands. Peter looks at you and you can see annoyance piercing through his arousal and you clear it away with a dramatized beg before you even realize what you're saying.
"Daddy, please fuck me." He grabs the sides of your face in both hands and rubs your slimy cheeks. You open your now drool-filled mouth and rest the hot opening by the head of his dick and knead your hands against the stiff muscles along his hips.
You even start to mimic what he had done to you which he praises you for by whispering "fuck" and shoving you back down to the base of his dick. You choke when the head slams into the back of your throat and you cough and gag around him as he starts carding his fingers through your hair, fingers splaying out to cover and touch as much as he could.
God damn, you felt wonderful. You felt so real and human. It didn't even matter if you were another hallucination any more, you were here now and Peter would touch every inch of you. From the gaps between your toes to the very deepest spot of your ear canal - Peter would touch everything and burn the soft feel of your skin into his memory.
And maybe even more... If Peter Quill didn't get his fill, there was the knife still there after all. There was plenty more to touch... on the inside... But you didn't have to know that yet.
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justwriteryan · 11 months
Exterior shot. A woodland suburbia in a small town in Southern Missouri. Pale afternoon sunlight beams down on an idyllic neighbourhood. A trio of black S.U.V.s rumble up a road and come to a halt outside a wood panelled bungalow. A figure steps out of the middle vehicle and walks up the garden path. They pause at the front door and ring the doorbell. The person is NICK FURY, resplendent as ever in his long black duster despite the afternoon humidity.
The door swings open to reveal who the man in charge of global security has come to visit.
FURY: Peter Jason Quill.
Standing in the doorway wearing a dirty T-shirt in some unknown language is PETER QUILL aka STAR-LORD, former captain of THE GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY. He looks surprised.
QUILL: Wait. I know you. I saw you at Stark’s funeral. Mister Angry or something?
A voice from behind corrects him.
VOICE: Nick Fury.
Sitting at a kitchen table, Peter’s grandfather looks up from his newspaper and regards the visitor. Fury nods at him.
FURY: That’s right.
QUILL: What can I do for you, Nick Fury?
FURY: I’m here to offer you a job, Star-Lord.
QUILL: What kind of job?
FURY: Any kind you want.
QUILL: I already have a job. At my neighbour’s mechanic shop. Piloting a few spaceships in my time makes working on Earth cars look like kindergarten.
GRAMPA: I think he’s talking about that fancy new space station, Peter.
Quill looks back at his grandfather, then back to Fury.
QUILL: Space station, as in space?
FURY: Yes.
QUILL: As in in space?
FURY: Yes.
QUILL: No thanks. I’m done with space. Just a regular earthbound Terran like everybody else, that’s me.
FURY: You have spent more time out there in the stars than any other human being in recorded history, included Carol Danvers! SABER could use that expertise.
Quill looks at him for a minute. He sighs.
QUILL: Nope!
He shuts the door in Fury’s face. Fury glares at the door, then turns to leave. The door creaks open again.
GRAMPA: You got a card or something?
Fury digs into his pocket and hands the old man a paper card.
GRAMPA: Pete can’t stay on this planet forever. It’s not his home. I know it. He knows it too. When the time is right, he’ll call you.
FURY: Thank you.
The old man closes the door.
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perthshirecottage · 3 years
I keep thinking about how differently T’challa and Peter grew up despite both being taken in by the Ravagers and the people they became. A lot of people are using this as an excuse to point out that this shows that Peter is a horrible person because look, all they did is change it to T’challa and suddenly all these people had wonderful lives! Yondu was a better father and Thanos learned the error of his ways and was also a better father! T’challa was space Robin Hood and helped people! The thing is that it’s not just one factor, one moment that literally changed the how everything changed. Yes, one moment was a springboard to change, but there were so many factors, so many little moments after that really and truly changed the course of history. It’s not a matter of who is the better person but it comes down to how each kid was brought into the Ravagers. It also makes a difference how they were raised before they were even abducted. And how they were raised after. All of these factors effect how the story unfolds. But the biggest factor is Yondu himself and how he, as the adult, chose to treat each of these kids. Some of this is speculation but it’s all based on evidence from the source material. I’m going to go through how each kid was raised so we can get to the bottom of how things turned out so differently.
Let’s start with T’challa.
T’challa was a kid who grew up with everything. He was a prince and therefore lacked for nothing. He was safe and had never had anything personally bad happen to him. He grew up in a palace with both of his parents and has not experienced loss. It’s good that he has never had to deal with these things but it means that he has felt more safe and comfortable in the world than Peter and T’challa has the confidence that kids brought up with all those comforts and safeties has.
T’challa is also specifically a prince. This means that T’challa is growing up with the absolute best tutors that money can buy. He has Wakandan tutors who are teaching about technology that is more advanced than other places in the world. He is taught about peaceful negotiating skills. T’challa grew up on diplomacy and learning what it meant to one day have to take responsibility for an entire country. And being a prince, the crown prince, it means that in the hierarchy of things the only people with more power than him are his parents. His parents have taught him to be humble and that he doesn’t have the right to lord that power over others That he is meant to serve his people and to take care of and love them. So he is kind and not a spoiled brat but it doesn’t change the fact that that kind of environment means that people treat T’challa with a certain amount of respect that is due to one in his position. T’challa expects people to listen to him. He expects people to respect him and to not push him to the side because this is how he was raised. Up until this point T’challa has not known loss and this will affect his initial encounter with the Ravagers.
And then comes the abduction. T’challa has just had an argument with his father. T’challa wants to go out and explore, to see the world. And suddenly T’challa is on space craft with real live aliens! This is so cool! He isn’t scared of all these strange looking aliens. In fact he thinks the whole thing is awesome. They haven’t hurt him or shown themselves to be a threat so he hasn’t had a reason to be scared. T’challa is looking around in wonder and awe and not the slightest bit intimidated. Yondu is upset that they got the wrong kid but he also sees a kid who was just abducted who isn’t scared, who is eloquent and talking about adventure. He is impressed by this kid and his fearlessness. So Yondu figures, hey, might as well give this kid a fun little adventure before I take him home, you know, to make up for this little mistake. And T’challa may be eloquent and have learned how talk to unreasonable people (I think it’s a natural skill T’challa has, but he was also taught to talk to people and that skill was nurtured in him) but he is still a kid who wants to go have some fun and not be burdened by his duties and responsibilities for awhile. So of course T’challa isn’t thinking about how his parents will be feeling when they wake up and see him gone. All T’challa wants is a good time and is thinking like the child he is. He will be home soon enough anyway.
And if Yondu gets attached and decides that he doesn’t want to return T’challa well, a little white lie might hurt for a bit but Yondu has always been a little selfish. And to make up for the lie, Yondu will treat T’challa really well, as if the boy were his own son. Yondu is caring and comforting when he tells T’challa that his whole family is dead and while it makes him uncomfortable to openly show his own caring side, it also eases Yondu’s guilt considerably as he hugs a sobbing T’challa. And to top it off he just found out what Ego was doing, and, well there’s no point in uprooting Peter Quill from his life cause Yondu isn’t working for that stupid planet anymore. He has T’challa and he doesn’t want any other kid. So T’challa is given a place of honor among the Ravagers as Yondu’s son. T’challa is listened to and given respect. T’challa is kind and calm and respectful and he keeps worming his way into Yondu’s heart. T’challa is well behaved and Yondu doesn’t even have to resort to threats to keep him in line. And T’challa trusts Yondu and talks to his father figure and works out any problems they have. They form a bond built from love, trust and respect. And Yondu protects T’challa from the rough crew. No one dares to offer up a harsh word towards T’challa because they all remember Yondu’s wrath the last time someone tried. T’challa was taught to fight on earth and Yondu is still impressed by how much T’challa knows and man that kid sure knows how to throw a punch. Yondu has so much respect early on and he has guilt about lying about T’challa’s family and all these factors affect their relationship as T’challa grows.
T’challa is raised by thieves so of course he becomes one himself. He was still young when he was taken (and it never feels like he was abducted. He was brought on an adventure and then offered a home when he lost his. The Ravagers are his family and the ship his home and there is nothing for him on earth but painful memories) so T’challa learns from the people who are raising him but he never loses the morals that were instilled in him from birth. So when T’challa gets a little older he starts to speak of the right thing to do and Yondu is touched by the words in a way he wouldn’t if he didn’t have to make up for so much red in his ledger. Which makes Yondu not want to listen. Yondu tries to ignore those thoughts of what he has done and he wants to continue going around stealing and living his life for himself and his crew as he has always done. He doesn’t want to change that much, not even for T’challa. But T’challa will not let up about the noble things they could be doing. And Yondu knows that it was a mistake to start out letting T’challa know he thought of him as a son so early in their relationship because when Yondu threatens to let the crew eat T’challa if he keeps going on about this nobility, T’challa simply laughs in his face. As if after all these years T’challa would actually believe that threat. As T’challa keeps talking about how they should be helping people, it upsets some of the crew. They don’t want T’challa and his morals in their ship and they don’t care if T’challa is Yondu’s son, the boy is trying to mutiny against their captain and they won’t stand for it! Yondu doesn’t take it well when Taser Face tries to throw T’challa out of an airlock. Yondu feels obligated to truly listen to T’challa after the whole fiasco. In the end Yondu tries to resist, but T’challa doesn’t let up and those words strike a nerve and Yondu dedicates his life to making up for those kids who were killed. He never does tell T’challa why his crew accidentally kidnapped him. Yondu knows he couldn’t bear to see the disappointment on T’challa’s face. Yondu is determined to be the best father he can be and he’s so glad he didn’t wait until it was too late.
And because T’challa and Yondu are on a crusade to help people, they specifically search out Thanos to have a talk about how crazy the man is starting to become. And it’s well over a decade before The Infinity War so Thanos isn’t quite as crazy as he will become and can still be reasoned with because someone got to him so early. (I still think this is a stretch cause the man was insane and you can’t reason with insane people but this is the only explanation I can come up with for why T’challa stopped Thanos with one conversation).
T’challa becomes such a big part of the Ravagers. He in fact becomes their leader in a way. Yondu is still the captain but the crew looks to T’challa as their moral compass. He helps to plan the heists. He figures out who is corrupt and that’s who they steal from. He figures out who needs money and he gives it them. When people ask for a name he remembers his noble birth and how he now lives among the heavens. And while he is not a king, or a prince, he is nobility and he answers Starlord. And so people spread tales of their savior and soon everyone in the galaxy has heard of Starlord.
And so T’challa grows up surrounded by love and support. He knows how to talk so people listen and this changes his dynamic with so many people and the galaxy’s destiny is changed.
Now to Peter. Peter is a kid from Missouri who lives in a small house and goes to public school and has absolutely nothing about him that makes him special. His mom works hard to provide for him but it’s just her because no one knows where Peter’s dad is. They don’t have much money but Meredith loves her son and he loves her. It doesn’t take the sting out when Peter sees other kids with their dads but Peter is grateful to have someone who cares. And then the person that Peter loves most, the person that his whole world revolves around is dying. Slowly and painfully. He has to watch her suffer for months, maybe years. Peter has to see his mom go from happy and healthy to withering away in a hospital bed. To see her mentally deteriorating and be completely helpless to stop it. Peter is suffering but he is still going to stick up for those who can’t fight back, like the poor frog those mean boys squished with a stick. His mom taught him to be kind and a good person, he just doesn’t know how to get people to listen to him. Peter has never been taught diplomacy and no one is going to listen to some skinny little kid who is vulnerable and a prime target for bullies.
And then Peter has to watch his mom die. Peter didn’t want to take his mom’s hand because he is scared and irrationally thought that if he didn’t take her hand, if he didn’t give her that permission to die, then she wouldn’t. He regretted it the moment her heart stopped and he would regret it until years later when he found a new family that helped him learn how to heal. Then Peter is shoved out of the room and everyone forgets about him and the grief and the fear and the guilt, it’s just too much and so Peter runs. He runs until he can’t and he falls to the ground sobbing.
And then comes the abduction. One moment Peter was on the ground and then suddenly he is on a spaceship, hurtling away from his home and his mom. Peter only needed to get away from that hospital room! He didn’t mean to truly leave! Everything feels too big and it’s completely overwhelming! And he is surrounded by large monsters who are scary looking and one of them is talking to him and he has blue skin and sharp teeth and everything is too much, too much and Peter screams! He screams and he sobs and he scrambles away from these terrifying creatures and he just wants his mom! He wants to go home! Where is his grandpa?! What is going on?! And then the creature threatens to let his crew eat him if he doesn’t stop making such a racket and Peter’s gaze catches those sharp teeth, gleaming, ready to tear a little boy’s flesh from his bones and he stops screaming, completely paralyzed by fear.
Yondu looks at this sniveling, snotty creature before him and he feels his ire rise. Stupid kid has only been on his ship a few minutes and he is already on Yondu’s nerves. So Yondu barks at the kid to shut up or the crew will eat him. The kid doesn’t stop crying but the screaming does stop so that’s a win in Yondu’s book. And there is a twinge of satisfaction when the men laugh at the whole scene. As if any of them would actually eat a child but it got the reaction Yondu wanted. The sooner this job is over the better. And then Yondu finds out that Ego has been killing his own children and while Yondu isn’t particularly fond of Quill, he is still a child and Yondu won’t be a part of killing another kid. There’s enough red in his ledger as it is. Anyway, Quill is small, he can fit in places adults can’t, is good for thieving. Yondu will make more money keeping the kid in the long run.
Peter is taught how to steal, how to fly, how to shoot. Peter is a rambunctious child who has a plethora of issues and loss and has to navigate the waters of grief by himself. No one holds him as he cries for the loss of his mother, his grandpa, his planet. There are no hugs or words of comfort. Just glares and sneers for a weak kid who is terrified of all the scary aliens he is now stuck with. Yondu has offered a few pats on the shoulder when Peter is feeling especially low, and sometimes Yondu will sit in companionable silence when no one else is around. Yondu keeps the crew from eating him (and Peter never grows out of this fear, not really) but Yondu doesn’t do a thing about the harsh looks and the harsher words. And whenever a Ravager takes a swing at Peter, Yondu allows it since it will toughen him up. And Peter’s whole world has crashed down around his ears and he has no support and whenever he plucks up the courage, Peter does what he can to cause some chaos for these aliens that have taken him from his home. While there is a part of Peter that doesn’t want to return to a home that no longer has his mom, Peter can’t forget that the Ravagers forced him into this life, and he is their prisoner. When he is old enough to escape Peter has been gone for so long that he doesn’t see any point in going back. All that’s left for him on earth are painful memories. So Peter learns to get good at stealing so that he can earn his keep and not end up as dinner. He learns how to protect his belongings so no one takes it. He learns how to be wily and to use his wits to fight and escape from those who are bigger and stronger than he is. He learns to look out for himself first and foremost, because no one else is going to. Peter sticks with the Ravagers because he has no where else to go. No one recognizes him besides a Nova Corp officer. No one knows his name because Peter has been lost in the shuffle as another Ravager. One day the Ravagers are hired for a huge score and Peter decides that this is the one that’s big enough that he can finally strike out on his own. People will know his name and his mom’s legacy of her Starlord will live on. And if Peter’s betraying the Ravagers, oh well, it’s not like they have ever given him a reason to be loyal to them anyway. And this does turn out to be the big score Peter was looking for, but it didn’t come in the form of money. Peter found the family he had been so desperately longing for since his mom died.
Yondu teaches the kid the basics. How to steal, and shoot, and fly. Yondu also teaches the kid how to fight because it’s rough out there and he needs to be able to defend himself. The kid has no idea how to throw a punch or block one, so Yondu lets the crew take some swings at the kid because man, if that kid doesn’t learn to fight then he’s as good as dead. And Yondu reminds the kid that he is protecting him from a crew that wants to eat him. At first it’s a way to keep Quill in line when the kid does something stupid (Peter does a lot of stupid stuff and why can’t the kid just behave?) but it eventually stops being a threat and becomes an inside joke between the two of them. As Peter gets faster and stronger and more skilled and less weepy and fearful, Yondu starts taking a liking to him. He doesn’t really let on because why should Yondu make himself uncomfortable by talking about feelings, he doesn’t owe Peter anything since Yondu already saved the kid’s life by not giving him to Ego. If anything, Peter is indebted to him whether he knows it or not. Yondu knows, deep down that he isn’t talking care of Quill the way the kid deserves but Yondu can’t just give the kid up (Yondu’s always been a little selfish). And nothing forces Yondu to confront his own feelings and own up to his mistakes until they’re about to blow up a planet and Peter’s about to die and this is Yondu’s last chance to make up for the way he treated Peter and what he did to those other poor kids that Ego killed. So Yondu finally steps up and becomes the father he should have been all along. He just wishes he hadn’t waited until it was too late.
In conclusion, the changes that were made were not simply from it being T’challa instead of Peter. It was so many factors. It was the initial introduction to the Ravagers, where T’challa wanted an adventure and got one. He wanted to go with the Ravagers and so it was fun and it was kind of his friends to let him stay after his family died. For Peter he had just watched his mom died and was emotionally vulnerable and the entire abduction actually felt like an abduction. It was traumatizing and nothing about it was fun. Yondu actively chose T’challa because the boy actually had a home to go back to. Yondu got stuck with Peter so the boy wouldn’t be murdered. Yondu had guilt about lying to T’challa and something to cause him to repent and treat T’challa better. Yondu could keep himself emotionally distant since he could reassure himself that he saved Peter’s life and didn’t owe the kid anything. T’challa was never given a reason to fear the Ravagers and so felt he could speak freely about his beliefs and change Yondu’s and the other’s minds. Peter spent his whole life worrying that he would mess up too big and be eaten so he tried no to bring too much ire on himself. T’challa was calm and had an extensive education and impressed Yondu from their first meeting. T’challa was respected and so therefore respected those who were raising him. Peter was brought in during the worst day of his life and already emotionally charged and a grieving kid was not something the Ravagers wanted to deal with. And Peter wasn’t equipped in anyway for the Ravager lifestyle and had to sink or float and I doubt anyone was that understanding when he floundered. Peter was a terrified and confused kid who sometimes acted up with his abductors.
Peter and T’challa were raised by the same person but they were also raised in completely different environments. It’s not fair to place of the weight of how either child turned out on their shoulders. They were children who had to deal with the world they were literally abducted into. And you can see that Yondu specifically treated T’challa differently than he ever did Peter. And it’s not fair to say it’s because T’challa was simply a better person because Yondu was the adult in the situation. They were children and they had no say in how they were raised. Yondu was the one who decided to keep them both. He was also the one who decided treat T’challa better. In gotg vol 2, Yondu was correct when he said he ‘didn’t do any of it right’. Yondu may have come to love Peter, but at the end of the day, Yondu was abusive towards Peter. Yondu wasn’t given an incentive to change his ways until the very end when he had to choose between Peter’s life and his own. It doesn’t mean that Yondu and Peter didn’t love each other in their own way. Yondu still raised Peter and took care of him, but it is canon that Yondu beat Peter and spent Peter’s whole life hanging the threat of being eaten over his head. Yondu wasn’t obvious in the ways he looked out for Peter. Yondu kept the Ravagers from killing him on several occasions, but Yondu never let Peter know he was protecting him until the last possible minute. In What If…there is not a single implication that Yondu ever threatened T’challa’s life or beat him or any of the other crap that happened to Peter. And gotg happened 26 years after Peter was abducted while the events of What If happened only 20 years later. So in far less time T’challa was able to accomplish more because he was better adjusted not because he was a better person. The whole conversation about Peter getting into a fight with some boys because he was protecting a frog shows his kindness and how he wants to defend those who can’t defend themselves. But Peter was raised in a place where he had to take care of himself because even in his 30s he was being threatened by Yondu (remember after Yondu pulled Peter and Gamora out of space and beat Peter up and pointed his arrow at Peter’s neck? Yeah that’s a pretty big threat and Peter isn’t surprised by it. Like this kind of treatment is normal). No one was looking out for Peter so he had to learn to survive his abuse and look after himself because he couldn’t count on anyone else until he met the rest of the Guardians. And T’challa was treated with worry and care. He was given support and understanding. T’challa has had a family since the moment that Ravager ship picked him up. The differences between these two stories has nothing to do with who was abducted, but with the how and why.
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Out Of Time ~ 129
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< previous chapter
Word Count: 3,050ish
Summary: The separate teams prepare for the battle against Thanos. (gifs aren’t mine)
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Y/N was standing in front, staring at space as it whizzed by, when Tony came over and wrapped his arms around her from behind. He pressed a kiss just behind her ear, pulling her closer.
“What are you thinking about?” Tony whispered.
“How I’m suppose to be prepared for something, but I have no idea what,” Y/N whispered.
“The fate of the universe is not on you.”
“But it is, Tony… and there’s—“
“No.” He quickly, yet carefully, turned Y/N around to face him. “This is not on you.” His hands held Y/N’s face to look at him. “Whatever happens is not your fault.”
“You can’t say that. We don’t know what will happen yet.”
“You’re right, we don’t. But I will not let you feel the way you are feeling. And I promise, that I will not let anything happen to you.”
“I’m not worried about me… I’m worried about everyone else… it’s too much… it’s all too much…” 
Her eyes were tearing up, and this was all breaking Tony’s heart. He pulled her into his chest, cradling her head. It was killing him to see her like this, but he really didn’t know how to fix it. Tony didn’t understand exactly what Y/N needed to do, and he was coming to the conclusion that she didn’t either.
The two could feel the engines begin to slow. With Tony keeping an arm around Y/N, the two looked through the large window. The ship was approaching a planet. Peter and Dr. Strange joined the couple by the window.
“Hey, what’s going on?” Peter asked.
“I think we’re here,” Strange replied.
“I don’t think this rig has a self-park function,” Tony said, looking around. He left Y/N’s side, waving Peter over to where he was going. “Get your hand into this steering gimbal. Close those around it. You understand?”
“Yep, got it,” Peter responded, quickly following Tony’s directions as Tony put one of his arms in it as well.
“This was meant for one big guy, so we gotta to move at the same time.”
“Okay. Okay. Ready.” Out the window, Y/N could see that the ship was heading straight for the center of some wreckage. “We might wanna turn. Turn! Turn! Turn!!”
Tony tapped his reactor, armoring up. “Y/N! Get over here!”
Before Y/N could reach Tony’s side, the ship clipped a piece of rumble on the planet, throwing Y/N to the side. Peter has his helmet come up as Dr. Strange stepped between them, creating a shield for the rough landing. As the ship, shook and plowed through the dirt, Y/N portaled herself over to Tony. She wrapped her arms around him to keep steady, only for them both to be thrown to the ground. Parts of the ship flew off before it finally came to a stop. Tony’s helmet disappeared as he searched Y/N for any injuries. He quickly noticed that her breathing was fast and her eyes were clenched shut.
“Honey, honey,” Tony called. “You’re okay. Hey, look at me. Look at me.” She shakily looked up at Tony from her position curled up into his side. “We are safe. You are okay. You’re not hurt. Right?”
“I… I’m… o-okay…” Y/N stuttered softly.
“You haven’t had something like that in awhile.” Tony sighed before kissing her head. “I’ll get us out of here. I promise.” Dr. Strange came over and helped them up. “You alright?” Tony asked Strange, who nodded. “That was close. I owe you one.”
“Let me just say,” Peter started, descending from above like a spider, “if aliens wind up implanting eggs in my chest or something, and I eat one of you, I'm sorry.”
Tony pointed at Peter. “I don't wanna hear another single pop culture out of you for the rest of the trip. You understand?”
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“I'm trying to say that... something is coming.”
Suddenly, a grenade rolled into view and the foursome was thrown back as it fired an energy pulse. Three beings appeared in the doorway.
“THANOS!” A blue man yelled. 
He flung a blade at Dr. Strange, who deflected it with a mystical shield and in return his cloak smothered the man’s face, throwing him to the floor. Y/N and Tony were quickly on their feet. One of the men went straight for Tony. They have a brief dogfight until a magnetic disc pinned Tony face first to a structure. An alien woman came up from behind Y/N, putting her hands on her head, entering her mind.
“Sleep,” the alien woman commanded. Y/N dropped to the floor, unconscious. 
“Y/N!” Tony shouted.
The alien walked towards Peter, who was crawling back frantically. “AH!” Peter exclaimed. “Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Please don’t put your eggs in me!”
Peter shot a web at Mantis in a panic, pinning her arms to her body just before the man that attacked Tony flew at him feet-first, kicking him away.
“Stay down, clown!” The man ordered.
The man fired at Spider-man, who extended his spider legs and leapt away. Peter couldn’t get far before an electric-like cord wrapped around him and his six new legs. It set him rolling across the deck.
“Die, blanket of death!” The blue man cried, struggling with he cloak.
Tony pulled free of the magnet and stepped on the blue man’s torso. The cloak pulled free as soon as Tony had the man securely under his foot. The other man had Spider-Man in a head-lock, gun pointed at his head. Dr. Strange had a musical shield up and stood ready to attack. The alien woman struggled to her feet, still covered with webbing.
“Ugh…” Y/N groaned, slowing sitting up while holding her head. 
“Y/N,” Tony called. “Are you—“
“Alright, everybody stay where you are!” The man holding Spider-Man in a headlock ordered. “Chill the F out.” The man powered off his helmet. “I’m gonna ask you this one time. Where’s Gamora?”
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Tony hid his helmet as well. “Yeah, I'll do you one better,” Tony responded. “Who’s Gamora?”
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“I’ll do you one better. Why is Gamora?” The man beneath Tony’s foot fired back.
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“Tell me where the girl is, or I swear to you, I'm gonna French-fry this little freak,” the man holding Spider-Man threatened.
“Let's do it!” Tony responded, extending a nano-tech canon at the blue man. “You shoot my guy, I blast him. Let's go!”
“Do it, Quill! I can take it!” The blue man exclaimed.
“No, he can’t take it!” The alien woman replied.
“She’s right,” Dr. Strange said. “You can’t.”
"Oh yeah? You don't wanna tell me where she is?” Quill continued. “That's fine. I'll kill all four of you and beat it out of Thanos myself.” He looked at Spider-Man. “Starting with you.”
“Stop!” Y/N yelled, freezing everyone in place. She stood up. “No one is killing anyone!”
“Why can’t I—“
“She’s controlling us,” the alien woman stated. “She’s extremely powerful.”
“Wait, what? Thanos?” Dr. Strange questioned, realizing what Quill had said. “Alright, let me ask you this one time: What master do you serve?”
“What master do I serve?” Quill repeated. “What am I supposed to say? “Jesus”?"
“You’re from Earth?” Tony asked.
“I'm not from Earth. I'm from Missouri.”
“Yeah, that's on Earth, dip-shit. What are you hasseling us for?”
“So, you’re not with Thanos?” Spider-Man questioned.
“With Thanos?!” Quill repeated. “No, I'm here to kill Thanos! He took my girl- Wai- who are you?”
Spider-Man’s helmet disappeared. “We’re the Avengers, man.”
“You’re the ones Thor told us about!” The alien woman stated.
“Thor,” Y/N breathed out, still keeping everyone in place. 
“You know Thor?” Tony asked.
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“Yeah,” Quill responded. “Tall guy, not that good-looking, needed saving.”
“Where is he now?” Dr. Strange asked.
“With our other friends, going to make a weapon,” the woman responded.
“Y/N, you can let us go know,” Tony said. 
With a deep breath, Y/N let everyone be free. They all moved to standing positions, Tony beside Y/N.
“So you’re Y/N?” The woman walked up to her. “Thor mentioned you.”
“Really?” Y/N questioned.
“He said you were powerful,” Quill stated. “But he also said you were on Earth.”
“Yeah, guess not all Thor says is true.”
“Star-Lord, by the way,” Quill introduced himself.
“Right,” Tony nodded. “I’m Iron Man. This is Dr. Strange and Spider-Man.” He pointed to the others he introduced.
“I’m Drax,” the blue man said.
“And I’m Mantis,” the alien woman added.
“Okay, now that introductions are out of the way,” Tony started, “let’s go see what’s out there.”
Grabbing Y/N’s hand, Tony led her, and the others, towards an opening in the ship. The planet outside had clearly been through something war-like, and there was no sign of life anywhere. Star-Lord went down on one knee, getting out some sort of device.
“The heck happened to this planet?” He wondered. “It’s eight degrees off its axis.” He stood up. “Gravitational pull is all over the place.”
“Yeah, we can see that,” Y/N commented, looking at Mantis who was jumping joyfully high up in the air behind Star-Lord.
“Yeah, we got one advantage. He’s coming to us,” Tony stated. “We'll use it. All right, I have a plan. Or at least the beginnings of one. It's pretty simple. We draw him in, pin him down, get what we need. Definitely don't wanna dance with this guy. We just want the gauntlet.” Drax then choose this time to yawn. “Are you yawning? In the middle of this, while I'm breaking it down? Huh? Did you hear what I said?”
“I stopped listening after you said, "We need a plan.”” Drax replied.
“Okay, Mr. Clean is on his own page.”
“See, "not winging it" isn't really what they do,” Star-Lord responded.
“Uh, what exactly is it that they do?” Spider-Man asked.
“Kick names, take ass,” Mantis answered, meekly.
“Yeah, that’s right,” Drax agreed.
Tony paused, looking deeply hopeless. Quietly, Y/N’s breathing hitched as her head started buzzing. Thankfully, Tony didn’t notice to worry about it.
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“Alright, just get over here, please,” Tony continued. “Mr. Lord, can you get your folks to circle up?”
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“‘Mr. Lord’,” Star-Lord repeated with a chuckle. “Star-Lord is fine.” He motioned Drax and Mantis to come closer.
“We gotta coalesce. 'Cause if all we come at him with is a plucky attitude—“
“Dude, don't call us plucky. We don't know what it means. Alright, we're optimistic, yes. I like your plan. Except it sucks, so let me do the plan, and that way it might be really good.”
“Tell him about the dance-off to save the universe,” Drax urged.
“A dance-off?” Y/N repeated, trying to ignore the buzzing.
“It’s not a… it’s not… it’s nothing,” Star-Lord stuttered.
“Like in Footloose, the movie?” Spider-Man wondered.
“Exactly like Footloose! Is it still the greatest movie in history?”
“It never was.”
“Don’t encourage this, alright?” Tony told Peter.
“We’re getting no help from Flash Gordon here.”
“Flash Gordon?” Star-Lord repeated. “By the way, that's a compliment. Don't forget, I'm half human.” He pointed at Y/N, Tony, and Parker. “So that 50% of me that's stupid? That's 100% you.”
“Your math is blowing my mind.”
“Excuse me,” Mantis nervously interrupted. “But… does your friend often do that?”
Everyone looked in the direction Mantis was pointing. Floating slightly above the ground, was Dr. Strange clearly using the Time Stone. Strange was cross-legged with green energy forming circular patterns around his forearms. His eyes were closed and his head jerked rapidly from side to side, blurring. The others went to his side. 
As Y/N grew closer, a green strand of energy slowing touched her head. She froze and her eyes shone green. Everyone was too busy with Strange to notice though. Her vision quickly changed. It was dark at first, but slowly each of the Stones shined on a gauntlet. The fingers snapped and her field of vision was suddenly filled with people screaming and disappearing into ash. She looked around for anyone she knew, no one was recognizable. 
Quickly, the setting changed. She was standing on a war-torn battle, that was vaguely familiar. Hundreds, if not thousands, of people and aliens were battling each other. She recognized many of those people as her family, her friends. They were dirty, bloody, and clearly fighting for their lives. Y/N looked around to see Thanos fighting herself.
“In five years time, the final battle will commence,” the Stones gravely voice filled her ears. “This is where you will be needed… If you try to stop what happens here today, we will stop you.”
Outside Y/N’s mind, Tony had made his was to Strange.
“Strange, we alright?” Tony wondered. Strange snapped out of his trance and fell forward, letting out a cry. “You’re back. You’re alright.” Tony steadied him.
“Hey, what was that?” Peter asked.
“I went forward in time to view alternate futures,” Strange Panted. “To see all the possible outcomes of the coming conflict.”
“How many did you see?” Star-Lord wonders.
“How many did we win?” Tony asked.
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Strange stared intently at Tony for a moment, almost sad like. Before looking past him at Y/N. “One.”
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Everyone turned to look where Strange was looking. Y/N was still standing, with green eyes and green energy encircling her head. Tony rushed over, grasping Y/N by the arms.
“Y/N!” Tony called, trying gently to shake her out of whatever was happening. “Come on, honey. Push through!”
The quinjet ride to Wakanda was full of silent tension, silent worry. No one knew what exactly was coming, or how to stop it.
“Drop 2600, heading 0-3-0,” Steve instructed, walking up behind Sam who was piloting.
“I hope you’re right about this, Cap,” Sam said. “Or we’re gonna land a lot faster than you want to.”
From the looks of it, they were heading straight for the trees. But as the quinjet continued on, the tree were revealed to be a camouflage force field and the grand city of Wakanda appeared. Once they landed, Steve and Natasha exited first, with Rhodey, Bruce, Wanda, Vision, and Sam behind them.
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“Seems like I’m always thanking you for something,” Steve stated as he reached out to shake T’Challa’s.
T’Challa shook Steve’s hand before looking at Bruce. “Uh, we don’t do that here,” T’Challa said, waving for Bruce to stop. “So how big of an assault can we expect?” T’Challa turned around and the team began following after him.
“Uh, sir, I think you can expect quite a big assault,” Bruce answered, trying to push his way closer to the front.
“How we looking?” Nat asked.
“You will have my King’s Guard, the Border Tribe, the Dora Milaje, and…” T’Challa trialed off, as Bucky walked up to the others.
“A semi-stable, 100-year-old man,” Bucky joked. With smiles on their faces, Steve and Bucky shared a hug.
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“How you been, Buck?” Steve asked.
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“Uh, not bad, for the end of the world,” he replied with a smile. “Have you… uh, have you heard from Y/N?”
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“Unfortunately, no,” Steve shook his head and sighed. “But I have heard she’s been sneaking around with you and Stark. You’re going to have to tell me all about it as soon as this is through.”
Bucky let out a light laugh. “As long as you buy the beer.”
Leaving Rhodey, Bucky, and Sam to watch from outside, the rest went and met Shuri in her lab. Vision laid down on an exam table while Shuri used her technology to create a hologram projection of the Mind Stone above him. Bruce was on the other side of the table, watching her very movement. 
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“Whoa. The structure is polymorphic,” Shuri stated.
“Right, we had to attach each neuron non-sequentially,” Bruce told her.
“Why didn’t you just reprogram the synapses to work collectively?” Shuri asked. Vision turned to Bruce, seemingly asking the same thing with his eyes.
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“Because, we didn’t think of it,” Bruce answered with uncertainty. 
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“I’m sure you did your best,” Shuri reassured with a smile. 
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“Can you do it?” Wanda asked.
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“Yes, but there are more than two trillion neurons here. One misalignment could cause a cascade of circuit failures.” Shuri turned to T’Challa. “It will take time, brother.”
“How long?” Steve asked, stepping closer to them.
“As long as you can give me.” 
A chime went off and Okoye quickly projected a hologram globe into her palm. “Something’s entered the atmosphere,” Okoye informed.
“Hey, Cap, we got a situation here,” Sam warned over the comms. 
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Almost as soon as his words ended, a forcefield formed over the city. Bucky and Sam watched as alien vessels landed outside the barrier. One of them tried to go through, getting destroyed.
“Gosh, I love this place,” Bucky said.
“Yeah, don’t start celebrating yet, guys,” Rhodey warned. “We got incoming outside the dome.”
The landing vessels emitted shock waves and debris, destroying the forest. The Captain and the King looked at each other, both deeply concerned. Vision struggled to sit up and slide off the exam table, holding onto his side.
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“It’s too late,” he said. “We need to destroy the stone now.”
“Vision, get your ass back on the table,” Nat demanded.
“We will hold them off,” T’Challa stated as he and his guards started for the door. 
Steve turned to Wanda. “Wanda, as soon as the stone’s out of his head… you blow it to hell,” He instructed.
“I will,” Wanda replied.
“Evacuate the city. Engage all defense procedures,” T’Challa commanded. He stopped before fully exiting the room, turned, and pointed to Steve. “And get this man a shield.”
Steve looked out the window, watching the ships crash land outside the barrier. He couldn’t help but wonder what all this had to do with his sister exactly. But there was a bigger question than that in his mind, a more important question.
“Where the hell are you, Y/N?” He whispered to himself.
next chapter >
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healingagoddess · 3 years
Dance off
Characters: Ajak, Peter Quill, Druig, Thena, Rocket, Drax, Mantis, Makkari, Groot.
Summary: Ajak challenges Starlord to a dance off. Based on this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=36qh6RGA87U
Words: 1549
Warnings: None. English is not my first language. 
The domo, standing on Xandar.
 “We must find their leader.” Ajak spoke, authority in her voice. She meant business. 
     “…the leader of the eternals or like their leader as if we are aliens?” Druig spoke and signed. 
      Yeah, like in the movie. Makkari signed. 
      “How many movies did you both watch with Phastos? No, don’t answer the question.” Ajak couldn’t look more like a disappointed mother. “We are aliens to them. We need to blend in and find the leader of the eternals. Explain everything, but let me talk to them first. It won’t be easy.” 
Xandar, Andromeda Galaxy. 
A worked up Peter yelled at his friends in the middle of the city, Xandarians stopping to look at him making a scene. 
“I can’t believe your dumb plan got us kicked out during the mission. If you had followed my plan-“ 
     “Your plan?!” Rocket yelled back. “Your dumber plan?! A baby could have done better! No, wait! You are a baby, Quill!” 
     “How mature, now you are calling me-“ 
     Loud laughter interrupted him. 
     “You are a baby!” Drax laughed exaggeratedly, Mantis followed mimicking the laughter going on. 
     “I am groot.” The child tree exclaimed. 
     “Not you too, Groot.” 
     The laughter continued for some time as Peter stood there with his hands on his hips. 
     “Enough. We need to find the nova corps to see how we can fix this mess. And, whoa!” Peter’s gaze fell elsewhere behind the other guardians. 
     “What now?” Rocket turned around. 
     “Did you see that? I had never seen a spaceship like that.” 
     “We should check it out, Quill. Maybe some idiots asking for help we can take advantage of.”
The domo had music playing, it was part of Thena’s therapy. Ajak wasn’t opposed to it, she had a radio in her kitchen back on earth. They played all kinds of music, it didn’t seem to phase Thena one bit. Sometimes Druig would come up and dance with Makkari fooling around with each other. As they exited the domo they came to find what they thought were Xandarians. Ajak stepped forward. 
     “We come from earth.” 
     “We come in peace.” Druig said, earning a dangerous look from Ajak. 
     “Oh! Earth, the planet earth? The avengers earth?” Rocket came forward.
     “Yes. And you are?” Ajak questioned somewhat surprised. 
     “We are… the guardians of the galaxy.” Quill spoke with all seriousness and superhero pose.
     A clueless Druig came up sensing the confusion on the other eternals.
      An annoyed Peter closed his eyes and with exasperation replied. 
     “We are the guardians of the galaxy! We protect the galaxy!” 
     The eternals shared a confused look, clearly not knowing who these beings were. Rocket shook his head in embarrasment. 
     “You know what? We fought against Thanos.” 
     “I mean, that is not a lie, but you were barely there.” Rocket spoke. 
     “I traveled to earth for five years. What is it that you need? There are no more avengers.” 
      Ajak cleared her throat signaling to Makkari to open the domo, trying to escape these beings. Music came out from inside the ship, “Don’t you forget about me” was playing in the background. 
     “Wait!” Quill lifted his arms stopping the eternals from leaving. “Don’t you forget about me. Simple minds. 1985.” 
     “You know this music?” Druig asked. 
     Ajak looked between Druig and Peter. 
     “This is music from earth.” 
      Rocket jumped into the conversation. “He is from earth.” 
     “Actually, I am from missouri.” 
     “That’s on earth, you idiot.” Rocket was having none of it. 
     “They must be as pathetic as you, Quill.” An uninterested Drax spoke. Ajak looked at him for the very first time. 
     “Whoa,” Druig stepped up. “Who are you calling pathetic?” 
     “I am groot.” 
     “You know what? Just a moment ago I thought that was an actual tree.” Druig now seemed confused. Ajak was close to giving up on Druig. 
     “We just want to find what we came looking for and then we can all just go.” Ajak replied, she was too old for this. 
     “You have a nice beat going. Maybe we can help.” Now Peter was interested.
     “Peter’s style is to listen to music while he works.” Rocket intervened. 
     “Ah. So, you are looking for a job? I might have something for you.” Ajak spoke trying to make a deal with them. 
Xandar, night club.
Long story short now they all stand at a bar with a succesful mission from both eternals and guardians of the galaxy. It was more like a night club, but these terms on Xandar are different. A very agiated Ajak stood in the middle of the dance floor, face flushed from the drinks she had. Someone should have told her the effect these drinks have on humans. She was such a freak on the dance floor. Druig wished Karun was around, this was gold material. Makkari had left to check on Thena, and all Druig could do was look after Ajak. And she was doing amazing. 
    “You know what? You dance good, but it could be better!” Ajak shouted over the music to Peter, who was trying to show off his moves. 
    “You think you can do better?” Peter was drunk. 
     “As a matter of fact! Yes, I can do better! I challenge you to a dance off.” The crowd around went crazy and some space was left for the two of them to show off their moves. 
     “Yes! Show her, Peter! Show her how you saved the planet like footlose! Tell her the story!” A very excited Drax shouted from the sidelines. 
     “Oh, come on! You think you can win this?! I feel sorry for you, star-loser!” Druig was loving this, Ajak had just called Peter star-loser. She would regret everything tomorrow. He would stop her, but this was too funny to intervene. 
    “She called me star-loser! I’m in! I take you challenge. Prepare to lose.” A worked up Peter began to dance, the music was some pop like tune and he was moving his hips in a sensual way that seemed more like comedy to Ajak. The crowd cheered as he dropped to his knees in a powerful finish, pointing to Ajak. She didn’t take offense and instead she waved her hands like it was some easy stuff. Soon she broke into a dance that was actually decent and to Peter’s level. It seemed like boogie, but who knew that on Xandar? And damn, Ajak was hot. 
     The Xandarians were wild and filming on their devices. They kept cheering and screaming. The entire place was lit. Soon it was Peter’s turn again and the music changed to something more cultural. Peter began to dance what seemed like a ritual dance of some sort. It was intriguing and strange, but did the job. Rocket shook his head in second hand embarrasment. Ajak was fierce and confident, she relied on a good salsa move and she stole the show. A man with a mic was hyping her up and soon she gained more confidence that earned her more drinks on the club’s behalf. She knew victory was hers. But by the time they were done they were too hype and drunk to actually remember who won. Druig had had the time of his life. And nobody would take the smile off his face for quite some time. 
The domo
The nex day Ajak awoke to a throbbing pain on her back and a massive headache that she soon began to heal. A groan escaped her lips as she tried to get up. She was still wearing the same clothes from the night before, her suit. 
     “What happened?” She questioned as she got up to meet with the others. She felt like a truck had hit her. Maybe it did happen. Laughter echoed through the halls and she winced at the sound. She found the other three eternals huddled together staring at some sort of screen device. Their laughter was too much and it seemed like Druig would pass out. 
     “What are you all doing?” Ajak waited for a response. She had questions. But all three heads snapped her way and she knew whatever it was it involved her. She closed her eyes in resignation and let out a tired breath. 
     “Let me see.” 
     “We didn’t know you were so cool, Ajak.” Druig joked. 
     Yeah, you got moves! Makkari signed with a cheeky smile. 
     “Who knew you had it in you?” Thena teased. 
     The horror in Ajak’s face as she looked at the video was priceless. In the video she was dancing on the table and soon she was dragged away by security. Much to her horror she stared with wide eyes, brows furrowed and mouth slightly agape. It took her a moment to look at the others, hand to her mouth in desbelief. 
     “Is that really me?!” She said in horror. 
     “Yes!” Druig was close to fainting, his face was red and they all couldn’t stop laughing. Ajak just stared in horror. 
     “I am sending this to the others. I am so glad Rocket allowed me to have this.” 
     “No! Don’t to that.” Ajak covered her eyes. 
     “Too late.” Thena said as she pressed send. Druig was on the floor now. “The only reason we have this it’s because apparently you won and they were too embarrased about it.” 
      Ajak promised to never drink again on unknown planets. She will never escape this. 
     Druig won’t let her forget. Ever.
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marvelsmagictrio · 2 years
shit that's a child!
Timeline: During Infinity War Characters: Verielle of Astrea, Peter Quill, the Guardians, Doctor Strange, Tony Stark, Peter Parker Warnings: None Rating: T Author: Mod Belle
"Where is Gamora!"
Weapons were raised, Drax was down, and Quill had a hostage. Verielle watched it all unfold. She kept her pistol up and knife ready. Adrenaline pumped fast in her veins.
This was one of Thanos' ships. This was the only lead they had.
She scanned their opponents, analyzing them. Red and gold was wearing some kind of full-body armor with built in weaponry. The spider Quill had a gun on was smaller, leaner. Voice sounded male. Similarly wearing some type of full body armor.
The man with the cape had his hands raised. Verielle watched him carefully, wary of his power. What exactly it was, she wasn't sure yet. She didn't recognize it. His clothing was odd, not one she knew from any region or culture she'd met or learned of.
...Not that of Thanos' generals.
Vee looked more carefully now, quickly raising her eyes to scan the man's face. Wrinkle lines, graying hair, skin texture similar to her boyfriend's, same outward anatomy...
Red and gold put his helmet down. "I'll do you one better: WHO is Gamora?" He demanded.
Drax grabbed the man's armored boot and writhed on the floor. "I'll do YOU one better! WHY is Gamora?!"
Vee barely heard it.
Red and gold's face was exposed.
Reversing hairline, similar texture to the other man's... similar to QUILL'S. Same outward anatomy, same skin texture, similar facial builds, same language and vocabulary-
Oh God.
"You're from his planet!" She swung her knife out of its ready position, using it to point at Quill. "Terra! You're from Terra, aren't you?"
Red and gold's gaze snapped to her. "Terra? What-" A brief flicker of confusion and irritation flashed across his face before it seemed to click for him too. The glow in his hand died down a lick. "You mean Earth?!" He looked back at Quill. "You're from Earth?"
Peter, meanwhile, still looked irritated and on edge. "I'm from MISSOURI," he stated roughly.
"Yeah, that's on Earth, dipshit!"
Same creative curses, Verielle silently noted.
The caped man came forward a step. "Okay, let's try this. What master do you serve?"
Quill scoffed, rolling his eyes. "What am I supposed to say, JESUS?"
Vee had enough confirmation. The men before them were from Terra, Quill's home planet. They were a group, which meant the third must be from Terra as well.
Cape and armor both appeared older than Quill. Quill was an adult. The one he was holding was smaller than everyone else. That meant-
"OH MY STARS, YOU'RE HOLDING A CHILD!" Verielle screeched. She whapped Quill on the shoulder with the pommel of her knife. "QUILL, DROP HIM!"
Quill let go of the third member of the Earth party. They stumbled as their feet hit the floor, balance thrown, and coughed out a, "Thanks." A moment later, their helm came down as well.
It was a boy, definitely an adolescent, with fluffy brown hair. Like the two other Terrans, he had the same build as a Terran, if slimmer than the ones before her, and a softer face.
He straightened back out and pointed at her to address her. "I'm sixteen, by the way."
Ah, so he was Groot's age.
Red and gold spoke up again, tense voice commanding attention. "Okay, let's cut to the chase here. So you all," he waved a finger around, vaguely indicating the Guardians, "don't serve Thanos?"
"Serve Thanos?" Quill's face twisted. Vee's stomach reacted similarly at the thought. "No, I'm here to KILL Thanos."
She nodded in agreement. "He took one of our own, and an Infinity Stone."
The caped man exhaled and Vee could almost smell the stress in it. With a twist of his hand, he released Mantis from her bindings.
Red and gold lifted his boot off Drax, freeing him, satisfied with their answer. "Oh, good, same team then."
Vee holstered her weapons. Next to her Quill did similarly.
"I'm Verielle," she introduced. Gesturing with an arm towards her boyfriend, she continued, "This is Peter Quill, also known as Starlord." She waved towards her antenna-ed friend. "Mantis." And lastly gestured towards Drax, who was on his feet again. "And that's Drax."
Red and gold nodded.
"Tony Stark," he replied, tapping a finger to his armor.
Cape followed next. "Dr. Strange."
The child- teenager when last, flashing a friendly smile that was just a little crooked. "And I'm Peter. Peter Parker. People call me Spider-Man." He said and held a hand out.
Luckily, Vee knew this custom.
She stepped forward and shook his hand, smiling in return. "Pleasure."
Tony clapped his hands, drawing attention once more. "Okay, so now we know who everyone is. Next step: what's the plan?"
He didn't need to elaborate.
Together, the new group launched into plotting their confrontation with Thanos.
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kimhargreeves · 4 years
His Apprentice 3-Doctor Strange x Reader
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Summary:You and Stephen have grown closer, maybe even have feelings for one another now, but it all changes when you, him and some friends arrived at the planet Titan to fight Thanos. Who will surivive and who will perish?
"In how many did we win?"
"Only one."
I stared at Stephen who said that in only one reality we won against Thanos. Tony Stark stayed silent along with Peter Parker and Peter Quill. "How is that possible? I know we aren't strong enough to defeat Thanos but with the rest we can and will defeat him. Stephen.." i knelt down to where he was sitting and took his hand.
"We'll make sure this ends today." i smile a little to him who nods his head and tightens his hand. It hasn't been long since I began his apprentice and began to study with him and Wong helping me from time to time but I managed to learn most spells on my own which impressed Stephen, Wong would still call me annoying since he claims that I only keep annoying him and Stephen.
What he doesn't know is that ever since I began to work with them I began to see my Stephen Strange my mentor as more than a friend.
I stood up and wiped my dark clothes from the dust and turned back to Peter who blushed and looked away, i smiled to myself and saw Tony smiling to himself and Peter Quill giving me a thumbs up. He already caught up and knew about me liking Stephen.
"Well we'll just have to wait and see what happens, why don't you two kiddos go and play around." Tony said to Peter Parker and I.
"We're not kids!" we said in unison.
"Alright she may not be one since she knows magic and works in a circus but you are Peter."
"No buts,you're my responsibly Peter and if anything happens to you the god help me."
"Mister Stark calm down your anxiety might come back."
"Shut up Peter,we're in space that's enough to give me a heart attack."
"I haven't said anything." Quill said and Tony looked back at him with a raised eyebrow "I wasn't talking to you."
"Why don't you two get to know each other? You both are teenagers after all." Quill suggested to us. "I actually turned nineteen so i'm not a teenager anymore."
"You're nineteen?!" Peter Parker asked surprised.
"Doesnt look like you are." Mantis said who freaked Peter at first
"You two would make a cute couple." Quill said smiling and putting us next to each other until Stephen came and grabbed me so I wouldn't stand next to Parker. Tony did the same and glared at Stephen.
"So..is footloose the best movie?"
"Footloose has never been the best." Peter said and I agreed with him.
"Where did you say you were from?" I ask Quill.
"Far away from Earth..Missouri."
"Missouri is on Earth genius." Tony said sarcastically not standing Quill anymore. They both began to discuss while Stephen and I began to practice and after that meditate a bit.I hope everything works out.
"Come on Peter!"
Peter came out from above and shot his webs at Thanos, I began to fight with Thanos and Stephen helped Quill to shoot. "Mantis do it!" Mantis jumped onto his head and placed her hands on his head to help him sleep or make him too weak to fight. I held my hands up and Stephen did the same so Thanos wouldn't escape.
I looked over to my right and saw Peter with Tony trying to take the gauntlet out of Thanos's hand. "(Y/N) help them!." Stephen shouted. I ran over to my other friends and began to pull the gauntlet.
"What did you to to Gamora? Where is she?!" he shouted.
"I had to do it.."
Peter stayed silent than looked back at Nebula "He killed her..so he could have the other stone." she also looked sad, so they were sisters.
We all looked over to Quill and began to shout him to not do anything crazy. "Quill! You idiot don't you dare!"
"Peter stop it!"
Next thing we know we where thrown and Thanks regained his strength again and smirked at Quill. "You are so stupid to think that you can all defeat me."
"Damn it,Quill you screwed it up again!" Nebula shouted.
"Quill you stupid human you'll get us killed." Drax said next
"That's enough I won't let Thanks hurt the people i love." I ran over to where Thanos was and jumped onto the platforms I did and punched him, i threw the lasso and began to pull it on Thanos to choke him. Thanos grinned and began to pull me towards him, "Time's up for you." he grabbed me then threw me to the ground and began to punch me.
I heard someone shouting my name from behind, I held my hands up and grabbed Thanos hand and screamed as he tried to push his hand towards me again, "Come on." I began to do another magic trick when suddenly I opened my eyes back open and saw Thanis smirking down at me.
"Looking for this?" He held my ring in his other hand and easily broke it to pieces. He began to punch me and I felt run running down my nose and my head. He grabbed me and began to crush my bones.
I screamed in agony as the only I could do was wait for someone to help me. Quill began to shoot Thanos, Peter began to shoot his webs and Stephen shouted my name, "Stephen!!" i closed my eyes ready for this to end for me when suddenly Stephen shouted at Thanos, "Leave her alone and my friends alone..i'll give you the stone."
"Stephen don't!"
Thanos smirked turning to Stephen and he let me go i was ready to fall onto the hard ground when Stephen's cloak caught me. I opened my eyes and saw that Thanos also almost killed Tony. Stephen handed Thanos the fifth stone and after that he disappeared. I tried to sit up as I held onto my stomach and someone rushed to my side.
"(Y/N) are you okay?" Stephen asked helping me sit up by a rock.
"I have a few broken ribs but i'm sure i'll be fine." i smile but wince at the intense pain.
"Is she alright?!" Mantis and Quill asked.
"She'll be fine she's a tough girl." Stephen answered them. "How about you?" he said asking to Tony who was breathing back normally. "I'm fine.."
"You got me worried there mr Stark!" I heard Peter's voice break down a little.
I look back at Stephen frowning a little "You shouldn't have done that..give him the stone, he'll have all of them."
"I had too (Y/N) the stone isn't worth if it means i'll lose my friends."
"What is happening?!"
"What is this?"
We looked back and my heart nearly stopped when I looked to see Quill and Mantis dissapear ing and turning to dust. "Q-Quill? M-Mantis?!"
"Mister Stark.." i looked to see Peter Parker dissapear ing now, "No no no." Tony muttered seeing the young boy fall to his arms. "I don't want to die mr Stark." Peter cried before disappearing too.
"Stephen?!" panicking I turned around to see him disappearing too and looked down and my hands to see that I was vanishing as well. "No no Stephen!" i raced over to where he was as my vision began to blur out due to my tears.
I reached for him and grabbed onto his collar, "There was no other way..Everything is going to be alright." he smiled and wiped my tears, i wrapped my arms around him and closed my eyes.
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The Rise of Iron Maiden
Chapter 2: So, You Want to be an Avenger?
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Word Count: 2.8k
Original Request by: @amateurwriterbigdreamer
Previous Chapter: A Wizard, A Guardian and an Avenger Walk Into A Bar
Next Chapter: We’re in the Endgame Now
A/N: I put as much Eduardo and Y/N moments in as I could, hope you like it! Please comment what you like so far! Also the snap is in the next chapter.....
“There’s Dr. Strange.” You whisper to Peter and Eduardo, masks now off. The doctor is floating horizontally, surrounded by 2 foot long glassy needles. The alien is interrogating him, trying to get ahold of the Stone. He starts preaching about Thanos, and his plan to wipe out half the universe. You all exchange glances, shocked by the weight of the mission.
“Mr. Stark is gonna kill us.” Peter whispers to you.
“Dad will kill me cause I dragged you along. I’ll take the blow.” You shrug.
All 3 of you gasp when something touches you from behind, making you tumble out of your hiding spot. Your dads head snaps around so fast you hear his neck crack, and the amount of sheer rage on his face makes you want to hide.
“It was just the docs stupid cloak!” Peter grumbles as Tony storms over to you guys.
“What are you doing here?!” He hisses, staring at you for an explanation.
“Don’t get mad at them, I literally forced them to come with me.” You defend your friends.
“Y/N Stark, what did I tell you? This is way too dangerous for you kids!” He glared down at you.
“Dad, we couldn’t just-“
“I don’t wanna hear it.” He shook his head, bottom jaw jutting out in frustration. “Y/N, you’re supposed to be responsible. You were supposed to get back home. I told your mother you were back on earth, she’s going to kill us both if we don’t die up here.”
“I am responsible! Why do you think I’m here? I’m not just going to sit back and let Thanos kill half the population!” You argue.
“Don't pretend like you thought this through. You could not have possibly thought this through.” He points a finger on your face.
You open your mouth to snap at him, but a pained yell from Dr. Strange diverts your attention.
“We do not have time for this.” Eduardo says.
“Kids right, we got a situation.” Tony nods, then turns to you. “See him down there? He's in trouble. Since you’re so ready, what's your plan? Go.”
”Okay we’re gonna...” you lean over to scan the ship, then an idea pops into your head. “Have you guys seen that really old movie, Aliens?”
After you told them the plan, you took your positions. You and your dad flew over to distract the alien guy, El Dorado and Spider-Man stayed in the hiding spot.
“Painful aren't they? They were originally designed for microsurgery. And any one of them...” the alien asked Dr. Strange, then turned to us. “...Could end your friend's life in an instant.”
“I gotta tell you, he's not really my friend. Saving his life is more a professional courtesy.” Your dad shrugs.
“You've saved nothing. Your powers are inconsequential compared to mine.” The alien slowly approached you.
“Yeah, but the kids have seen more movies.”
You turn and blast an opening in the ship, and it begins to suck everything out with depressurization. The alien gets pulled out, and Dr. Strange begins to gets blown towards the hole. Spider-Man grabs him with his webs, El Dorado holding onto a strand of webbing and holding him back. The webbing breaks, sending them out of the opening. Just before Spider-Man and the wizard get sucked out, metal spider legs shoot out of his back and brace him. You fly over and pull them back inside, while Iron Man quickly sprays nanites onto the hole to seal it.
“We've gotta turn this ship around.” Dr. Strange stands up, his Cloak returning to its place among his shoulders.
“Yeah. Now he wants to run. Great plan.” Tony retracts his helmet.
“No, I want to protect the stone.”
They begin to argue, Spider-Man also joining in a few times. You roll your eyes as Eduardo teleports beside you, taking your armored hand in his.
“What’s wrong?” Eduardo whispers to you.
“Nothing.” You grumpily mutter.
“I know somethings wrong cause you stop with the sarcasm when you’re upset. Talk to me, Corazon.” He leans down and kisses you on your temple.
“You heard what’s Thanos’ plan is.” You sigh, turning to face him, away from the argument. “He’s gonna wipe out half of...everything. Everyone.”
“No, he’s not.” He shakes his head.
“What do you mean that alien dude just said-“
“He’s not going to because we’re going to stop him.” Eduardo presses a finger to your lips to silence you. “Thanos won’t even know what hit him. Okay?”
“Okay?” He says, tone slightly more stern.
“Do you trust me?” He asks, grinning and pulling you closer to him by your waist.
“Of course I do.” You smile, craning your neck up to kiss him.
“And who are you?” Dr. Strange’s voice raises. You both look over, seeing them all staring at you and Eduardo.
“El Dorado.” Eduardo says, teleporting you both over to them.
“Iron Maiden.” You cross your arms.
“Like...the band?” He raises an eyebrow at you.
“Yeah, we don’t have time for this. This flying doughnut is probably flying us straight to so base.” Your dad interrupts.
“Can we control it?” El Dorado asks as the adults move towards the controls.
“Fly us home?” Dr. Strange asks, though he doesn’t get a response. “Stark?”
“Yeah. I heard you.” Tony mumbles. “I'm thinking...I'm not so sure we should.”
“Under no circumstance can we bring the Time Stone to Thanos. I don't think you quite understand what's at stake here.” Strange scoffs, shaking his head in disbelief.
They start to argue over what to do next, go back to earth or fly straight to Thanos. You and your teammates exchanged glances, all shrugging to each other. Your attention snaps back to Iron Man as he approaches you, and all 3 of you expect another scolding. Instead, he goes and taps each of your shoulders.
“Alright, kids. You’re Avengers now.” He says, guilt and regret clouding his eyes. None of you really take notice, too excited that you’re now official Avengers instead of just a team of inexperienced kids.
“Hey, what’s going on?” Peter piped up. All of you look out the large window, seeing that you’re approaching a planet.
“I think we’re here.” Dr. Strange mutters.
“Shit. We’re about to crash.” Tony curses, rushing to a steering gimbal. “Y/N, get the other. Follow my lead. Move at the same time.”
You rush over and grab the other one, mirroring every move your father makes. The ship heads straight for the center of what looks like a giant game of jacks.
“You might want to turn!” Eduardo yelps as Peter clings onto him.
“Turn! Turn!” Peter shrieks to the both of you.
You mimic your dads movements as Dr. Strange steps between the two of you, summoning a shield of some sort. Eduardo and Peter scream as the ship roughly crashes to the surface, and you nearly fall over from the impact. The ship tilts to one side, thankfully only leaning and not toppling onto its side. Dr. Strange helps up Tony, while Eduardo teleports to you and lifts you to your feet.
“Let me just say, if aliens wind up implanting eggs in my chest or something, and I eat one of you, I'm sorry.” Spider-Man says, hanging from the ceiling.
“I don't wanna hear another single pop culture out of you for the rest of the trip. You understand? Any of you, for that matter.” Tony points at each one of you.
“I'm trying to say that.. something is coming.” Peter says.
You watch as something rolls to the center of the circle you all have formed, and the grenade pushes you all back when it explodes.
“Thanos!” A deep voice booms, and you watch as 3 people appear in the doorway.
A large man with pale blue skin and red tattoos throws a blade at Dr. Strange, who easily deflected it and he Cloak wraps around the mans face. Another man in a mask tosses a disc towards you and your dad, pinning both of you to the ground. A bug lady goes for Spider-Man, who screams and wraps her in webbing. Eduardo goes for the man in the mask, dodging blasts from his gun. Iron pulls free from the magnet, but you still struggle against its hold. You watch as the masked man wraps El Dorado in a head lock, blaster pointed at Spider-Man, also held to the floor by a magnet. Iron Man has the tattooed man pinned under his foot, Dr. Strange had shields up and ready to fight.
“Alright, everybody, stay where you are... chill the F out.” The masked man retracts the helmet, revealing a normal human face. “I'm gonna ask you this one time. Where's Gamora?”
“Yeah, I'll do you one better. Who's Gamora?” Tony also retracts his helmet.
“I'll do you one better! Why is Gamora?” The tattooed man bellows from beneath your father.
“Tell me where my girl is, or I swear to you, I'm gonna French-fry these little freaks.” The previously masked man signals to Spider-Man and El Dorado.
“Hey man, that’s racist.” Eduardo quips, but shuts up when the blaster is pointed to his head.
“Let's do it! You shoot my guy, I blast him. Let's go!” Iron Man extends a canon out of his armor, pointing it down to the tattooed man.
“Dad!” You snap.
“What?!” Eduardo and Peter both whimper.
“Do it, Quill! I can take it.” The tattooed guy says, full of confidence.
“No, he can’t take it!” The big lady calls.
“She’s right, you can’t.” Dr. Strange deadpanned.
“Oh yeah? You don't wanna tell me where she is? That's fine. I'll kill all 5 of you and beat it out of Thanos myself.” He starts to activate his blaster, still pointed at Eduardo’s head. “Starting with you.”
“No!” You shout, trying to pull yourself off the ground.
“Wait, what? Thanos?” Dr. Strange squinted. “Alright, let me ask you this one time: What master do you serve?”
“What master do I serve? What am I supposed to say? Jesus?” The guy laughs.
“You’re from earth?” You ask.
“I'm not from Earth. I'm from Missouri.” He looks at you.
“Yeah, that’s on earth, dipshit.” Tony snapped.
“So, you’re not with Thanos?” Peter asked timidly.
“With Thanos?” The guy lowers his weapon momentarily, indignantly scowling. “No, I'm here to kill Thanos! He took my girl- Wai- who are you?”
“We’re the Avengers, el boludo.” Eduardo stated, still weary of the gun pointed at him.
“You’re the ones Thor told us about!” The bug lady exclaims.
“You know Thor?” Tony asked.
“Yeah. Tall guy, not that good-looking, needed saving.” He lowered the gun and let go of El Dorado. “So, you’re after Thanos too?”
“No.” You say sarcastically. “Now can you get me off of this thing?”
“Right.” He nods, pressing something and deactivating the magnetic fields for you and Peter. Iron Man steps off of the big guy, who then walks over to the big lady and mask dude.
“Boys, you can come in now.” One of them says into a com. Two guys walk in, and your jaw drops at who it is.
“Tye?! Jaime?!” You, Eduardo and Peter all exclaim.
“Oh shit-“ Tye winced when he saw Tony.
“You guys too? Seriously?” Tony says with a straight face, which is never a good sign.
“You guys know each other?” The mask guy asked them.
“You know them?” Eduardo points. “He tried to kill me!”
“So this looks bad...” Jaime says, pulling Tye back, who tried to avoid the confrontation. “We got trapped on a ship, they helped us out.”
“How did you get trapped on a ship too?!” Tony shouted, about to burst a blood vessel.
“How many children do you have?” Dr. Strange asked judgementally.
“Just these ones.” Tony seethed. “And they’re all disobedient and just like me, apparently.”
“Why are you guys up here too?” Jaime asked you.
“We got trapped too.” Peter and Eduardo look at you.
“We’ve been over this, it was for a good reason!” You defend yourself, before turning to the 3 people Tye and Jaime were with. “Now, who the hell are you guys?”
“We’re the Guardians of the Galaxy.” The mask guy grinned proudly. “Call me Star Lord, little lady. This is Drax and Mantis.”
“Great. Now that we’re through with formalities, we should come up with a proper plan.” Dr. Strange said.
“Agreed. Let’s go scope the place out. You’re all grounded when we get back home, I hope you know that.” Tony gestures to the 5 of you as you walk together behind the adults.
“Guess what, gomías?” Eduardo turns to Tye and Jaime.
“You guys have food that isn’t in a silver plastic bag and freeze dried?” Tye asked hopefully.
“No. We got crowned Avengers, and you didn’t!” Eduardo sang.
“What? No fair! Mr. Stark!” Jaime ran ahead to them.
“So did you guys actually get stuck on a ship?” Peter asked Tye.
“No, Jaime kidnapped me.” Tye rolled his eyes.
“Interesting.” Peter narrowed his eyes at you, as Eduardo snickered.
“Oh, shut up!” You playfully shove Peter, before you emerge form the ship.
“The heck happened to this planet? It's eight degrees off its axis. Gravitational pull is all over the place.” Star Lord thinks out loud, holding out some sort of measuring device.
“Yeah, we got one advantage. He's coming to us. We'll use it. All right, I have a plan.” Tony days as you all join him. “Or at least the beginnings of one. It's pretty simple. We draw him in, pin him down, get what we need. Definitely don't wanna dance with this guy. We just want the gauntlet so-“
Drax yawns, your dad stopping mid sentence to stare judging at him.
“Are you yawning? In the middle of this, while I'm breaking it down? Huh? Did you-did you hear what I said?” Your dad asks, flabbergasted.
“I stopped listening when you said ‘we need a plan’.” Drax mumbled.
“Okay, Mr. Clean is on his own page.” Tony shook his head.
“Yeah...” Tye pursed his lips, glancing at his best friend.
“See winging it isn’t really what they...do.” Jaime scratches the back of his neck.
“Uh, what exactly is it that they do?” Peter asked.
“Kick names, take ass.” Mantis says with the confidence of a drunk man.
“Yes, that’s right.” Drax agreed.
You all stare blankly at them in disbelief, then to turn to Star Lord, who grins cockily.
“Alright, just get over here, please. Mr. Lord, can you get your folks to circle up?” Tony sighs.
“Mr. Lord.” Star Lord snickers as he signals for Mantis and Drax to come closer. “Star Lord is fine. Or Quill, I suppose.”
“We gotta coalesce. 'Cause if all we come at him with is a plucky attitude-“
“Dude, don't call us plucky. We don't know what it means.” Star Lord scoffs, your dad staring at him in utter disbelief. “Alright, we're optimistic, yes. I like your plan. Except it sucks, so let me do the plan, and that way it might be really good.”
Your dad opens his mouth to respond, before Drax pipes up again.
“Tell the children about the dance off to save the universe.”
“That’s...it’s nothing.” Quill shrugs, brushing it off casually.
“Like in Footloose?” Eduardo asked from beside you.
“Exactly like Footloose.” Star Lord smiled excitedly. “Is it still the greatest movie in history?”
“It never was.” Tye mumbled, Jaime elbowing him.
“Don’t encourage this.” You scold them.
“You know, Tye. I was going to adopt you. Not anymore, sonny.” Quill stuck his nose in the air, offended.
“Oh no. Whatever will I do?” Tye deadpanned.
“He’s my kid, anyways.” Tony says, before mumbling to you. “We're getting no help from Flash Gordon here.”
“Flash Gordon? That’s a compliment by the way. Don’t forget, I’m half human.” Quill points to each and every one of you. “So that 50% of me that’s stupid? That’s 100% you.”
“Your math is blowing my mind.” Your dad looks ready to tear Quills head off.
“Excuse me, but...does your friend often do that?” Mantis cleared her throat.
You all fall silent as you look past her to Dr. Strange. He’s sitting cross legged, floating in the air. His head is jerking rapidly from side to side, blurring but it appears as if he’s looking for something.
“Strange! We alright?” Tony shouts, as you slowly approach and gently grab his arm.
His eyes snap open as he falls to the ground, letting out a cry.
“Hey, you’re okay.” You say in your most comforting tone.
“You’re back, you’re alright.” Tony crouches down next to you as the others gather from a short distance away.
“Hey, what was that?” Peter asked.
“I went forward in time to view alternate futures. To see all the possible outcomes of the coming conflict.” Dr. Strange pants.
“How many did you see?” Eduardo asked as he stood beside you.
“And how many did we win?” You ask.
Your heart aches and your stomach drops at the look on his face, hopelessness flashing in the wizards eyes. You grab Eduardo’s hand as dread washes over you.
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tinkertoysdamn · 6 months
I love my husband. So, we've been riffing on this dumb AU idea that will never go anywhere but it makes me happy.
It started as the Thanos/Ego aren't villains just really annoying parents AU that then morphed into Somehow All the Aliens Either Attend or Teach at the Same High School in Missouri AU.
More of this nonsense below.
Peter Quill as the Band Kid stuck with the trumpet but he really wants to learn saxophone because "it's cooler." Has a crush on Gamora.
Gamora Zen Whoberi Ben Titan as the soccer ace all around sport star who is in total denial about having a crush on that marching band kid.
Nebula as the competitive oft ignored little sister of Gamora who just wants to be better at something than her sister for god's sake.
Mantis as Peter's little sister who is in Glee Club, oh god she won't stop talking about Regionals.
Adam Warlock is also in Glee Club because it's funny.
Drax the Destroyer as the Band Teacher who refuses to wear a shirt.
Rocket Raccoon as the Gym Coach.
Rocket: Today you need to climb this rope. No, I won't tell you how. You either know how or you don't.
Thanos as Gamora and Nebula’s helicopter parent.
Thanos: Second place is merely a nice way of saying first loser. I expect the best out of you, little one.
Ego as a single father to Peter and Mantis and a literal planet.
Student: Where do you guys live again?
Peter: You know that second moon above the Earth? The one with the face?
Mantis: That's our father. 😁
Student: 😧
Nick Fury as the guy who somehow has to explain to the Federal Government that yes, there are aliens and yes, they are all at the same school in Missouri.
Fury: Apparently, they have a good sports program.
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qandnoablog · 4 years
Titan (Marvel Imagine)
Title: Discovered
Pairing: There is no final pairing (since I follow along with the movies as accurately as I can) but [Y/N] does gravitate towards Loki
Warnings: Based on the movie - Avengers: Infinity War
Part: 13, [12], [11], [10], [9], [8], [7], [6], [5], [4], [3], [2], [1] Short story: [3], [2], [1]
Key: Y/N - Your Name Y/L/N - Your Last Name
Word Count: 2,627
Summary: Taking the fight to Thanos seemed like a straight forward plan, but [Y/N] knew first hand just how capable their enemy was. Now that he had more stones in his arsenal, she couldn’t help but feel like the odds were against them. Still, they are the Avengers! They faced impossible odds before. This time shouldn’t be any different, right?
Note From Author: Another part is now out! I should be updating more regularly now so if you all are still keeping up with the Discovered series, please make sure to check in every week :)
Part 13 - Titan
A lot happened after that.
After saving Strange, sending the pale alien out into open space, “knighting” Peter as an official Avenger, and finalizing their objectives, the group decided to face off with Thanos on Titan. Rather than bring the fight back to Earth, it was better to surprise him on his own turf. Of course, [Y/N] had strong objections with this plan at first, but thinking about it objectively, she had to agree. There would be countless casualties in a battle that Thanos had envisioned for Earth. Rather than allow such an event, it would be safer for everyone to have them face off the root of the problem far from their loved ones.
When the ship crashed onto the planet, the team was unprepared for the sudden landing. The metal broke apart right as it hit solid ground. Tony and Peter tried their best to steer the ship, though they didn’t know how to properly work the controls, while Strange and [Y/N] worked hard to protect the group from the impact. He utilized his magic to protect the area around them while [Y/N] used her powers to provide a sturdy barrier that draped around each individual person.
Everything was sparking, the machines all torn apart, but due to Strange and [Y/N]’s joint efforts, none were harmed. Though a bit disoriented by the landing, they were all safe and soon quickly got up.
Before the team could feel at ease with their situation, trouble had to come knocking. Right when Peter finished warning the team with another one of his movie references, an object rolled on the ground and stopped in the center of their small circle. [Y/N] could barely collect her thoughts when it suddenly opened, a flash of light and energy propelling each and every one of them backwards.
Her powers instinctively shielded her from the blast, allowing her to come out with no broken bones but with some minor bruises. She was starting to feel very annoyed, and immediately shrouded herself in a blanket of air and energy, promptly turning invisible before anyone could lock onto her.
A gruff and unfamiliar voice yelled out, a mixture of anger and impulsive rage, as Strange quickly protected himself with magic to stop the flying knives from finding their mark. The stranger roared, his skin a grayish color with odd tattoos, that looked more like engravings, all over his body. Before he could get another sound out, however, Strange sent out his cloak that swiftly tied itself around the new arrival’s head, muffling all his incessant shouting.
Iron Man and the stranger with a weird helmet fired at one another, the two flying with their tech. When it seemed like Tony had the upper hand, the helmeted man chuckled to himself as he pressed a button. Looking down at his chest, Tony saw a foreign object near his arc reactor that hummed with energy and a strong magnetic pull forced him onto one of the metallic objects of the ship.
“Tony!” [Y/N] called out, causing the helmeted man to be momentarily confused when a voice seemed to come out from nowhere.
She ignored the attacker’s confusion as she used her powers to help wedge Iron Man off of the metal he was stuck to. It wasn’t easy. The magnetic force of the object was surprisingly very strong. It was a joint effort to pry him off.
When Iron Man was finally free, he immediately rushed off to the fallen alien, who was still struggling with the sentient cloak. The moment Tony had his arm out, ready to shoot, the cloak let go of its prisoner and returned to Strange. Seeing this, the helmeted man grabbed Spider-Man, who was entangled by a strange, possibly electrical, rope and pointed his gun to the kid’s head.
[Y/N]’s heart skipped a beat, seeing her friend being held hostage in front of her, and quickly shot out a wave of energy to enclose around Peter’s body. She wasn’t sure how strong the weapon was nor if her powers were able to defend from a fatal blow at such close range, but if she was stupid enough to take on an infinity stone [Author’s Note: Part 7 - War], then she was damn well brave enough to take on a hit from an alien gun.
“Everybody, stay where you are!” The man yelled with the weapon still pointed at Spider-Man’s head, “Chill the eff out!”
[Y/N] was just about ready to send out her powers to wrench off the stranger’s arm away from Peter when the man reached over to his helmet and pressed a button. It quickly came off him, revealing a human face underneath that mask. She was stunned, surprised to find someone who looked human rather than an alien like his other comrades.
“I’m gonna ask you this one time. Where is Gamora?”
“Yeah, I’ll do you one better,” Tony instantly replied, his helmet coming off too, “Who’s Gamora?”
“I’ll do you one better,” the alien under Tony’s foot challenged, “Why is Gamora?”
Now this left [Y/N] baffled. Their demands were something that none of them were expecting. The sudden fight didn’t really startle them too much, considering they were now on enemy territory, but the reason behind the battle left all present very confused.
“Tell me where the girl is or I swear to you, I’m gonna French-fry this little freak.”
The moment that man said those words, something in [Y/N] just snapped.
“Do that and I’ll burst your body like an overfilled balloon,” [Y/N] warned, her voice dripping with an icy, murderous tone.
This was a first for her. She was even startled by how calm she felt even though those bone chilling words had exited her own lips, but upon further thought, she found this change to be natural. After witnessing so much, fighting alongside many people, and seeing first hand how some of her friends had fallen… How could she not have hardened her heart? Besides, in this line of business, killing wasn’t unusual. It’s just… She’d never actually openly taken a life. It was all in self-defense. Would she come out of this battle unscathed?
It wasn’t just her that was shocked by her words. Both her own team and those against her were also surprised. The group that had started this fight was startled to hear a voice without some sort of body. Clearly, [Y/N] was still invisible. Her friends, on the other hand, were feeling many emotions. Strange might not have known [Y/N] the way Tony and Peter had, but he still understood her character enough to know she wasn’t a hardened killer. That’s when everyone’s emotions shifted from shock to distressed.
Her friends were especially distressed when the two realized that the conviction in her voice held no trace of a lie. It was a promise, those words she said. Seeing how far she’d go, it was enough to show how much she endured this whole time. She did not want to lose any more of her friends. She did not want to sacrifice any more of her loved ones’ lives. Just how much did she see? Just how much did she suffer to come this far?
“Just try it, creepy disembodied voice,” the man taunted, calling her bluff.
The sad part was… [Y/N] wasn’t bluffing.
Before she could do anything rash, Tony quickly interjected.
“Let’s do it. You shoot my guy and I’ll blast him!” Tony indicated with his outstretched arm, his suit shifting into a blaster that was equipped and ready to shoot at the alien’s head.
“Do it, Quill!” The gray alien under Tony called out, his eyes never leaving the barrel of the blaster pointed right at his face. “I can take it.”
“No, he can’t take it!” The female alien countered, clearly worried for the gray alien’s life.
“She’s right. You can’t,” Strange agreed.
“Oh, yeah?” The man, Quill, scoffed, “You don’t wanna tell me where she is? That’s fine. I’ll kill all three of you and I’ll beat it out of Thanos myself. Startin’ with you.”
The moment [Y/N] heard his gun hum to life, her whole body went stiff. Her energy that was sent to wrap protectively around Peter began to twist and turn, being fed more and more power as [Y/N]’s focus zeroed in on her friend’s captor. She was just about ready to attack when Strange interrupted her murderous thoughts.
“Wait, what? Thanos?” Strange repeated, puzzled. “All right, let me ask you this one time. What master do you serve?”
“What master do I serve?” Quill mocked, clearly not understanding what Strange was getting at. “What am I supposed to say? Jesus?”
“You’re from Earth,” Tony concluded, a bit annoyed and no longer feeling the need to fight.
“I’m not from Earth. I’m from Missouri.”
“Yeah, that’s on Earth, dip-shit. What are you hassling us for?” Tony questioned, now completely fed up with this man.
“So, you’re not with Thanos?” Peter asked.
“With Thanos?” Quill repeated, now completely confused. “No, I’m here to kill Thanos. He took my girl. Wait, who are you?”
He finally put down the gun, and [Y/N] followed and withdrew her powers that were building up, ready to explode. She was still wary of these strangers, but she now knew that they were no longer their enemies.
“We’re the Avengers, man,” Peter replied as his mask came off.
Hearing those words, Quill released Peter and let out an exasperated sigh. He was also irritated to hear that his long-awaited revenge had not been fulfilled.
Seeing this, [Y/N] dissipated the energy shrouding her, becoming completely visible for all to see. Those that didn’t know who she was were stunned to find a woman appear out of thin air. Now they knew where the “creepy, disembodied voice” was coming from.
“You’re the ones Thor told us about!” The female alien said.
“Thor?” [Y/N] exclaimed, no longer showing the icy emotions she felt when Peter’s life was in danger. “Did you say Thor? He’s alive?”
[Y/N] was very clear on the plan, but never was she so disgusted with the enemy that she wanted to abandon all logic and just bash his psychotic head into the ground.
His plan was sick. Just a snap of his fingers and millions - no, trillions - of innocents would just vanish from the face of the universe. No one would be spared by such a feat and yet that was his ultimate goal. To purge the universe of its over accumulating population so that none would have to go hungry to the point of extinction again. He acted like a prophet, sacrificing his time and efforts for the good of the universe, but it was just the twisted ravings of a madman.
Mercy? More like cruelty. Everything he spouted was inhumane. A monster in every way.
“I think you’ll find our will equal to yours,” Strange said.
“Our?” Thanos repeated in confusion.
That was the signal. Following that, Tony barreled into Thanos with a piece of the alien spaceship, crushing Thanos beneath the unimaginable weight of the metal. Dust clouds emerged from the ground and flew outwards from the impact, draping the vicinity in a thick layer of dirt and dust. But even that wasn’t enough to stop Thanos.
A purple glow shot out from where Thanos was hit and the metal broke apart, revealing himself to be uninjured and free. He yelled out in anger from the surprise attack, using another stone to change the metallic debris into a swarm of bat-like creatures that rammed into Iron Man.
Everyone worked together after that. There was no time or room for a breather.
Hitting in any possible way, propelling one another towards Thanos for another hit, and dodging so as to not lose their lives. That was the fighting style that everyone took part in. It was complete and utter chaos, yet still there was some semblance of rhythm. There was no gap to allow Thanos time to use his infinity stones. Even the surprising new addition, the blue woman who was also looking for the girl named Gamora, didn’t hinder their plan. In fact, she followed along and joined in on their battle. And no one seemed to question it. As long as it was an enemy of Thanos, she was deemed a friend.
Strange and [Y/N] were on support. He would portal several of the team towards and away from Thanos while [Y/N] used her powers to protect them from most of the damage on behalf of the others. Her hands were now bruised all over, taking hit after hit, but she disregarded that familiar pain and pressed on. The others threw punch after punch, causing Thanos to be bombarded with attacks from all around.
The goal was simple. Get that gauntlet away from Thanos.
Finally, all their efforts were paying off as they had succeeded in getting Mantis, the female alien on Quill’s team, onto Thanos and forcing him to go under. With everyone struggling to keep the purple giant in place, it was Tony and Peter’s job to pry off the gauntlet from the semi-unconscious Thanos.
But everything went to hell in just a single moment of impulsive anger and grief.
“He… He mourns,” Mantis cried as she felt the swirl of emotions going through Thanos’ head.
“What does this monster have to mourn?” Drax, the tattooed alien, questioned as he strained to keep Thanos’ arm down.
“Gamora,” the blue newcomer answered, realizing the truth.
“What?” Quill asked as he turned away from Thanos and towards the blue alien.
“He took her to Vormir,” she replied, “He came back with the Soul Stone. But she didn’t.”
Tony knew what those words meant and tried to calm Quill down. The whole team was already struggling to pry off the gauntlet from this monster, so it was unwise to let one act of anger mess up the whole plan. But even [Y/N] could sense the unrest within Quill that the truth had ignited. She understood the anger and pain he was feeling, but she also knew this wasn’t the time to act. Not yet.
“Don’t!” [Y/N] pleaded as she struggled to keep Thanos down alongside the rest of them. “It’s not time yet! Don’t!”
But it was too late.
Shit! [Y/N] internally screamed as Thanos finally broke out of his trance.
Everyone holding onto Thanos was flung off the moment he regained his senses. The plan was crumbling before everyone’s eyes as the monster regained the upper hand and separated the team into all different directions. Some fainted from the intense blow of the infinity stone while others were desperately trying to evade the onslaught of debris from the destroyed moon that Thanos had sent their way.
Tony tried to fly away in time but was caught up by a massive piece of the moon while Peter and [Y/N] quickly set out to save those that couldn’t dodge for themselves. However, before she could actually put in the effort of saving a few of her new comrades, something appeared below her feet. Her brain couldn’t process what was happening in the heat of battle, and she couldn’t stop what came next.
Gravity worked against her and just as [Y/N] recognized the magic at play, she heard his voice.
“You are needed elsewhere,” the culprit said, his voice cracking with exhaustion.
“Stephen!” [Y/N] yelled with all her might in both disbelief and fury as she fell through the portal to places unknown.
That was all she could scream out right before disappearing from Titan.
[PART 14]
Tags: @themeanestlittlewitch  @stressedandbandobessed7771 @moistpotatobear @fxckingfat​ @e7here4l
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Stark Spangled Banner Ch 37: Fourteen Million, Six Hundred and Five...
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Intro: The World’s Mightiest heroes are scattered across the universe: Steve leads his team into battle alongside T’Challa in Wakanda, Thor, Rocket and Groot arrive on Nidavellir and Tony, Strange and Spiderman head to Titan where they encounter the remaining Guardians and form a plan to take down Thanos on his home planet.
But, as the saying goes...united we stand, divided we fall...
Warnings: Bad Language words.
Pairing: Steve Rogers x OFC Katie Stark
Stark Spangled Banner Masterlist 
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 Oh how Thor missed his hammer! How had it all gone so terribly wrong? He’d left Earth and his friends 3 years ago to go hunting those stones and had failed, miserably. Now his Father was dead, his brother was dead, Heimdel was dead, half his people were dead, his home planet was gone, he only had one eye...and if he didn’t stop Thanos then his friends on Earth weren’t going to fare much better than the ones on Asgard had.
"So, dead brother, huh?"  Thor looked up to see the rabbit was stood a few feet away, pressing buttons on a screen "Yeah that can be annoying."
“Well, he's been dead before," Thor huffed, "But this time, I think it really might be true."
"And you said that your sister and your dad?"
"Both dead." 
"You guys still got a mom, though?" The Rabbit pressed
"Killed by a dark elf."
"Best friend?"
"Stabbed through the heart." Thor answered softly.
"And you sure you're up for this particular murder mission?" Rocket asked, frowning slightly.
"Absolutely!" Thor forced a smile, as he looked at the animal "Rage and vengeance, anger, loss, regret. They're all tremendous motivators. They really clear the mind. So I’m err, good to go.” he said, making a fist and smiling slightly.
"Yeah, but this is Thanos we're talking about he's the toughest there is."
"Well, he's never fought me." Thor deadpanned.
"Yeah, he has." Rocket shrugged, and Thor took a deep breath.
"Well, he's never fought me twice. And I'll be getting a new hammer, don't forget."
"Well, it'd better be some hammer."
"You know, I'm fifteen hundred years old," Thor began, looking at nothing in particular as he pondered over things.  "I've killed twice as many enemies and every enemy I have faced would have rather killed me, but none succeeded. I am only still alive because fate wants me to be." At that he paused and couldn’t help but smile at a conversation he had had with the Captain about fate bringing him and Little Stark together. The Captain didn’t believe in fate, but he did. "Thanos is just the latest in a long line of bastards, and he'll be the latest to feel my vengeance.” Thor nodded firmly as he concluded “Fate wills it so." 
"Mhm", Rocket hummed hesitating, but he knew he had to ask, "And what if you're wrong?"
"Well if I'm wrong, what else could I lose?" Thor sniffed, and wiped at the tear that had escaped from his eye before he headed to the front of the pod to take a seat.
"Well, if fate does want you to kill that crapsack, you're gonna need more than one stupid eyeball." Rocket said, holding out his hand as he headed to the seat in front of Thor.
"What's this?" Thor frowned, eyeing the object that the rabbit had given him.
"What's it look like? Some jerk lost a bet with me in Contraxia."
"He gave you his eye in return?" Thor frowned.
"No, he gave me 100 credits. I snuck into his room later that night and stole his eye."
"Thank you, sweet rabbit," Thor smiled, pulling the patch off of his left eye to push the eyeball into the socket.
Rocket grimaced "I would've washed that. The only way I could sneak it off Contraxia was up my-" He was cut off as an alarm started, "Hey we're here."
Thor frowned as he stood up to get a closer look out of the front of the pod. "I don't think this thing works," he said slapping at the side of his head, his new eye spinning in the socket "Everything seems dark."
"That's not the eye." Rocket said.
They docked and slowly made their way off the pod and carefully made their walked across the dark terrain of the planet.
"I hope these dwarves are better at forging than they are at cleaning," Rocket looked around at the junk that lay all over the place. “Maybe they realized they live in a junk pile in the middle of space."
"The forge hasn't gone dark in centuries." Thor said as he looked around, something was very, very wrong.
"You said Thanos had a gauntlet, right?" Rocket stopped walking.
"Yes. Why?" Thor asked, searching the sky. For what he didn’t know.
"Did it look anything like that?"
He looked over to where Rocket was pointing and his blood ran cold as he saw, sitting upon one of the stone tables, a mould for the gauntlet Thanos was wearing when he attacked his ship. Suddenly, realisation washed over him.
Thanos had been here..and that wasn’t good. At all. In fact it was about as far from good as anything could be. 
"I am Groot?"
"Go back to the pod," Thor commanded before something struck him hard and he went flying through the air as Rocket and Groot scattered in the opposite direction.
Thor pushed himself up, and turning round he saw the large mass coming towards him. Scrambling backwards he fell back against something hard and held his hands up, palms open in a placating manner.
"Eitri, wait!" he called loudly "Stop! It’s me!”
"Thor?" The Dwarf paused, fist still raised as Thor gave a node. “Is that you?”
There was a pause and the Dwarf dropped his hand slightly. Thor swallowed and looked up at him, taking a deep breath. "What happened here?" The god asked.
"You were supposed to protect us!" the Dwarf cried, his voice cracking "Asgard was supposed to protect us!"
"Asgard is destroyed," Thor choked out, getting to his feet. He pointed to the gauntlet on the table. "Eitri the glove, what did you do?"
Eitri let out a shuddering breath as he stumbling over to a wall and fell heavily upon it, sliding down to the floor, "300 dwarves lived on this ring. I thought if I did what he asked, they'd be safe. I made what he wanted. A device capable of harnessing the power of the stones. And he killed everyone anyway. All except me. 'Your life is yours,' he said. 'But your hands...your hands are mine alone.'" with that the dwarf raised both his hands and Thor felt his eyes widen as he saw they were covered in in metal from the forge.
Thor paused, but then he shook his head. No, this wouldn’t do. He needed a new hammer. There had to be a way.
“Even in the word can’t there’s the word can…” Little Stark’s voice echoed in his head, a line he had heard her say once to Barton just before the archer had thrown a pop tart at her head…man he would kill for a pop tart right now. 
But no, she was right. He wasn’t giving up
"Eitri, this isn't about your hands," Thor said shaking his head, "Every weapon you've ever designed, every axe, hammer, sword it's all inside your head. Now I know it feels like all hope is lost. Trust me, I know. But together, we can kill Thanos."
***** Tony, Peter and Dr Strange had arrived on Titan. But they were greeted with a not-so-welcoming party. After a bit of a struggle, Tony had some blue faced dude on his back, repulsor raised whilst one of the other guys had Peter in a headlock, gun pointed at his head. As they faced off against each other, the man pointing the gun at Peter spoke.
“Alright, everybody, stay where you are... chill the eff out.” and his helmet disappeared to reveal a dark haired man, his eyes darted across the three of them. “I'm gonna ask you this one time. Where's Gamora?” What the fuck? Tony gave a groan of exasperation as he removed his helmet and looked at the man. “Yeah, I'll do you one better. Who's Gamora?” “I'll do you one better!” The man under Tony’s foot spoke “Why is Gamora?!”
”Tell me where the girl is, or I swear to you, I'm gonna French-fry this little freak.” the man tightened his hand on Peter and Tony felt his temper snap.
“Let's do it! You shoot my guy, I blast him. Let's go!” he said, extended his nano-tech cannon and pointing it straight at the guys face.
“Do it, Quill! I can take it” The man snarled at him. 
Jesus Christ it was like arguing with Rogers.
“No, he can't take it!” The woman with the strange antennae insisted.
 “She's right. You can't” Dr Strange but in, completely deadpan, his tone bored.
“Oh yeah? You don't wanna tell me where she is? That's fine. I'll kill all three of you and beat it out of Thanos myself.” The man they now knew to be Quill said, turning to Peter “Starting with you.”
 “Wait, what. Thanos?” Before Tony could say anything, Strange beat him to it Alright, let me ask you this one time: What master do you serve?”
”What master do I serve?” Quill looked at him, sarcasm dripping from his voice and body language “What am I supposed to say? "Jesus"?”
“You're from Earth?” Tony said, looking at him, suddenly cottoning on.
“I'm not from Earth. I'm from Missouri”
“Yeah, that's on Earth, dip-shit.” Tony spat, with the tone of someone talking to a very, very stupid person, which in all fairness he appeared to be doing “What are you hassling us for?”
“So, you're not with Thanos?”  Parker spoke for the first time.
“WITH Thanos?!” Quill scoffed indignantly “No, I'm here to kill Thanos! He took my girl. Wait... who are you?”
“We're the Avengers, man.” Parker said, removing his helmet and mask.
“Oh” Quill said, relaxing his hold a little.
“You're the ones Thor told us about!” the bug looking woman exclaimed excitedly. 
“You know Thor!?” Tony whipped round to face her, barely keeping the excitement out of his voice. They could use Point Break, man could they use him...
 “Yeah. Tall guy, not that good-looking,” Quill said as Parker gave him an incredulous look, “needed saving.”
 Dr Strange paused before he asked the question Tony was dying to know the answer to “Where is he now?”
“Took my pod, my food, my rucksack and went off to find a new hammer or something else to kill Thanos with.” Quill shrugged as he released Parker completely. Dr Strange and Tony exchanged a crestfallen look. It didn’t appear like they were going to get any help from Thor where they were but maybe, just maybe, the rest of the Avengers would.
As they were now allies of sorts, the group all introduced themselves properly and Quill began to walk around the ground, holding out some kind of scanner, or spirit measure, Tony wasn’t sure which.
“What the heck happened to this planet? It's eight degrees off its axis.” he muttered “Gravitational pull is all over the place” In the background Mantis was jumping up and down, floating higher than she should have been able to.
“Yeah, we got one advantage. He's coming to us. We'll use it.” Tony said, as the idea formed in his mind. “All right, I have a plan” he said, looking round at the group “ Or at least the beginnings of one. It's pretty simple. We draw him in, pin him down, get what we need. Definitely don't wanna dance with this guy. We just want the gauntlet.”
At that Drax gave a loud yawn and Tony glared at him.
 “Are you yawning? In the middle of this, while I'm breaking it down? Huh? Did you hear what I said?”
“I stopped listening after you said, "We need a plan." Drax shrugged honestly
“Okay, Mr. Clean is on his own page.” Tony looked at Quill for help.
“See, "not winging it" isn't really what they do” Quill said, almost apologetically.
“Uh, what exactly is it that they do?” Parker asked.
“Kick names, take ass.” Mantis replied with all the ferocity of an eight week old kitten.
“Yeah, that's right” Drax nodded as he settled into a stance, facing the remaining Avengers.
Right there Tony took it all back. This was nothing like trying to deal with Rogers. Cap was smart, Cap would listen, Cap would get them to listen too. As Tony paused, for the first time in ages actually wishing Rogers was in front of him, an expression of deep hopelessness crossed his face before he spoke again “Alright, just get over here, please. Mr. Lord, can you get your folks to circle up?”
"Mr. Lord..Star-Lord is fine.” Quill motioned to Drax and Mantis to come and listen.
“We gotta coalesce.” Tony tried again in a softer voice. “ 'Cause if all we come at him with is a plucky attitude...”
“Dude, don't call us plucky. We don't know what it means.” Quill shook his head, “Alright, we're optimistic, yes. I like your plan. Except it sucks, so let me do the plan, and that way it might be really good.”
“Tell him about the dance-off to save the universe.” Drax interjected.
“What dance-off?” Tony frowned.
“It’s not a... it's not... it's nothing” Quill shook his head.
“Like in Footloose, the movie?” Parker interjected.
“Exactly like Footloose!” Quill looked at him excitedly “Is it still the greatest movie in history?
“It never was.” 
“Don't encourage this, alright?” Tony rounded on the kid as Quill wore an expression that looked like the wind had been completely sucked out of his sails. “We're getting no help from Flash Gordon here”.
“Flash Gordon? By the way, that's a compliment. Don't forget, I'm half human” Quill pointed at Tony and Peter “So that 50% of me that's stupid? That's 100% you.”
“Your math is blowing my mind” Tony deadpanned.
“Excuse me, but...” Mantis spoke, and Tony looked at her, before his attention was taken by Strange and he frowned again. “Does your friend often do that?
The Wizard was sitting cross-legged, floating slightly above the ground, his hands poised in a mystic gesture with the Time Stone glowing brightly in the pendant round his neck. Green vapour like energy swirled around him, his cloak billowing behind, as if caught on a breeze. His head was jerking rapidly from side to side, the motion blurring, but almost like he was looking for something.
 Tony stepped towards him “Strange! We alright?”
 Suddenly Strange snapped out of his trance and fell forward, letting out a cry. Tony gently caught him.
“You're back. You're alright”
 “Hey, what was that?” Parker asked.
 “I went forward in time to view alternate futures.” Strange said, panting slightly as he caught his breath “To see all the possible outcomes of the coming conflict.
 “How many did you see?” Quill asked
 “Fourteen million, six hundred and five…”
 Tony wasn’t sure he wanted to know the answer to the next question, but he asked it anyway. “How many did we win?
There was a pregnant pause as Dr Strange stared intently at him for a moment before he took a deep breath and looked Tony straight in the eyes. “One.”
"How are we looking, Bruce?" Natasha said into the coms device glancing back over her shoulder, prompting Katie to do the same, where she could see the Bruce running behind the hovercrafts in the giant hulk buster suit. He’d been unable to get the Hulk to come out, so this was the next best thing.
"Yeah, I think I'm getting the hang of it," Bruce responded sounding excited, "It's so amazing! Man it's like being the Hulk without actually..." he was cut off as he tripped over a piece of rock jutting out of the ground and crashed to the floor. Katie sighed and turned her attention back out across the vast Wakandan land.
"I'm ok. I'm ok!"
"Steve," she said, catching her husband’s attention. He turned to look at her over his shoulder, but she found she didn’t really know what she wanted to say. Katie was worried, scared, underprepared…
"I know.” Steve responded with a soft voice, reaching round to pull her to him, his left arm over her shoulder, trying to lend her some comfort as they continued their journey, the wind whipping their hair as they sped across the plains.
Eventually the hovercrafts began to slow then came to a stop, the Wakandan warriors easily jumping off the side of the craft and falling into line.
"Alright I've got two heat signatures breaking through the treeline." Rhodey informed from high above as they all jumped down onto the grass. T'Challa in his panther suit led them toward the centremost group where the Wakandans had started up a war chant.
"Thank you for standing with us," he spoke to a large man dressed in furs getting his own block ready for battle. The man said something in their language shaking T'Challa's hand, before the king looked back at the barrier and the ships surrounding it. He looked at Steve who nodded. Katie took a deep breath and pressed the star on her bangle. The nano-particles spread up her arm, across her chest and down, encasing her completely.  Steve’s eyebrow raised at the action, a smile tugging on his lips. That was pretty impressive and the suit…well, it looked pretty damned good too.
“So that’s new.” he quipped, a sideways smile spreading across his face and she shrugged.
“Nano-tech, apparently” Katie engaged her helmet and began running her scanners “I can’t get a lock on what’s in those ships though.”
“Well, let’s go find out.” Steve said gently and along with Natasha and T’Challa they headed to the edge of the dome. The tall, blue haired woman they had grappled with in Edinburgh was there with a huge beast they hadn’t seen before, one of the ones that had attacked New York. As they watched she drew her sword across the dome which fizzled as she tested the strength, cocking her head to the side.
“Where's your other friend?” Katie asked her and Steve almost rolled his eyes at her deliberate dig. The woman glared at her.
“You will pay for his life with yours. Thanos will have that stone.”
“That's not gonna happen.” Steve’s voice soft as he spoke, not a threat as such, simply a statement as he raised his chin and looked her straight in the face.
T’Challa, however, was much more aggressive as he spoke and Katie looked at him, surprised by the normally mild mannered man’s fierce tone.
“You are in Wakanda now.” he glared at her “Thanos will have nothing but dust and blood.”
“We have blood to spare” The Woman spoke simply. She brandished her sword with a snarl and as they watched the ships behind her started raising their outer hulls.
Knowing that was about as much a conversation as they were getting, and as much of one as he wanted, Steve gestured with his head and the four of them made their way back. Steve made sure Katie and Natasha were in front of him, just in case, and every so often he threw a glance over his shoulder as the ships continued to open.
"They surrender?" Bucky asked as Steve took up his place at his best friend’s side, Katie falling in line to Steve’s right.
"Not exactly." Steve huffed.
Katie glanced round Steve over to Bucky and nodded to the gun in his hand “Sure you can handle that, sweetheart?”
Steve let out a snort and his mouth curved into a grin as he recalled Bucky saying the same thing to her 2 years previously. Bucky gave a bark of a laugh and winked at Katie who raised an eyebrow, smirking. Then the three of them turned their attention back to the edge of the dome and as they watched, a horde of what looked like mutated dogs rushed through the trees and foliage, heading straight for the barrier.
T'Challa began to chant with his army, repeating it loudly as the blue horned woman thrust her sword down and the creatures rushed forward smashing themselves into the barrier without care.
"What the hell?" Bucky muttered watching the creatures try to force themselves in but through the barrier, but every limb and body part that passed through the dome ended up being cut off.
"Looks like we pissed her off." Katie pointed out.
“Just a little.” Nat added, turning her head to look at her.
Steve remained still, observing, sizing up his opponent as ever. Some of the creatures managed to get some of their body wedged through before they were cut in half. 
"They're killing themselves," Okoye breathed in shock as the creatures carried on.
The front line of the blocks of warriors quickly raised their shields when they noticed a small handful of the creatures had actually managed to get through, their badly burnt bodies cantering across the plains towards them. With a command from T'Challa the army began firing weapons at a few that drew near.
Katie engaged her helmet and with a quick nod at Steve launched herself into the air and flew alongside Sam, twirling as she went. It felt good to be up there again, fully suited after so long. The two of them began to work in tandem, dropping missiles and bombs at the stragglers.
"You see the teeth on those things?!" Sam’s astonished voice said
"Alright, Kiddo, let’ s go. Back up, Sammy," Rhodey warned, as he flew along the edge of the dome, dropping more bombs on the creatures that were still partially getting through, "You'll get your wings singed."
Katie surged forward, taking the opposite side of the dome, engaging her shoulder cannons blasting away the ones underneath but then FRIDAY locked onto some of the creatures on either end of the swarm who had begun to make their way further from the main pile running along the outside of the barrier that circled the city.
"They're spreading out!" she called in warning.
"Cap, if these things circle the perimeter and get in behind us," Bruce echoed, "There's nothing between them and Vision."
"Then we better keep them in front of us," Steve responded calmly, his gaze not once faltering as he simply watched the edge of the dome.
"How do we do that?" Okoye scoffed.
"We open the barrier," T’Challa said with resolve. Steve turned to look at him, taking a deep breath. "On my signal, open Northwest Section 17."
“Requesting confirmation my king…you said open the barrier?”
"On my signal." He said again, issuing instructions.
Steve lifted his arms, engaging the shields that T’Challa had given him, as Sam and Katie continued to circle high up, shooting a few more strays before they flew over the assembled troops, hovering and waiting for the command.  
T’Challa stepped forward before the armies, crossing his arms before his chest, "Wakanda forever!" he cried out.
"Wakanda forever!" was the answering shout from his people before they all took off running for the barrier.
"NOW!" T'Challa shouted into his communicator, and a small portion of the barrier opened, allowing the creatures to spill in.
Black Panther and Steve began to forge ahead of the running army at super speed, the two of them sprinting in unison. As they reached a shallow stream they both launched themselves up and over, propelling themselves at the creatures and from there the battle was on.
Katie was swooping, shooting, diving, looping, taking out as many of the creatures as she could. The weapons upgrades Tony had made were amazing. She had the ability to turn her gauntlet into a sword of sorts, she had a shield, guns…you name it and FRIDAY was on hand to remind her exactly what she had and automatically use them when needed. All in all, it was the best Supernova suit her brother had ever developed, and she felt hopeful that his latest Iron Man one would be good enough to keep him safe wherever he was.
Steve, meanwhile, was hammering the pointed end of his shield into any of the creatures that came near enough. Bucky was gunning any down that came towards him, the Wakandan Warriors were using their spears and guns… the animals weren’t hard to take down, a decent shot to the head did it, but they were persistent and there was so damned many of them.
"How much longer, Shuri?" T'Challa’s voice rang in Steve’s ear as he kicked another one of the animals straight in the mouth sending it flying.
"We've barely begun, brother," was the response.
"You might want to pick up the pace!" he said urgently
“Please do…” Steve found himself muttering as he pounded another.
Thor had managed to get the Forge started again, using the pod and a large rope to pull the stuck rings into a spin, but then the iris had snapped, leaving nothing for it, but him to open it himself.
“Allfathers, give me strength” he mumbled as he rolled his shoulders preparing to grab either side of the iris.
“You understand, boy?” Eitri said, warning him “You're about to take the full force of a star. It'll kill you.”
“Only if I die.” Thor cracked his neck as he took a deep breath. He had to survive, fate willed it, he was going to kill Thanos.  
”Yes. That's what... "killing you" means.” Eitri frowned, utterly boggled at  Thor’s words.
Thor pulled down on the two levers, bringing them towards him and the iris began to open. The stream of pure stellar energy blasted past him and into the forge once more. Thor grit his teeth as the force of the full blast of the star burned through him, like nothing he had ever felt before.
“Hold it! Hold it, Thor!”
The metal ingots began to melt and Thor let out a yell as he felt his skin burning, until he could hold it no more and his grip slipped. He fell down into the forge, bouncing limply off a structure and landing on the floor, harshly as Rocket, who had followed in the pod, grimaced. The thud Thor’s body made as it landed was was enough to make Groot look up from his game.
“Thor! Say something. Come on. Thor, you okay?” Rocket asked, looking at the God who looked as far from okay as you could get.
Eitri was clumsily and urgently pulling the mould, which was still glowing red hot onto the floor and broke it loose from the frame, punching it with his metal fists to free the axe head.
“I think he's dying!” Rocket said, looking up urgently for help
“He needs the axe!” Eitri said, frantically “Where's the handle? Tree, help me find the handle!”
As the two sides of the axe head lay glowing on the floor, Groot looked sadly at Thor as Eitri was desperately looking for the handle. Then, realising he could help, the tree scowled with determination and stood, extending his fingers towards Stormbreaker, growing them at extraordinary speed. As he twined them around the two parts, he cried out at the burning pain but didn’t hesitate, slamming them together and locking them permanently into one structure by winding the growing vines around them. He raised it high above his head and with a mighty cry chopped his extended arm with the other hand to sever it.
Thor lay motionless, but then his fingers twitched, and the new weapon levitated in a crackle of lightning echoed by the sparks between the God’s fingers…
***** Katie had no idea how many of the dog like animals she shot, or how long they had been at it. As she glanced around she spotted Steve was locked in combat with four of them, smashing into them with his shields, his face contorted in anger and concentration. She shot a ray taking off a few to try and give him a reprieve, but even more appeared and then something collided with her, taking her down to the ground with a crash. As she went to get up she was suddenly swamped. FRIDAY engaged the shield and it kept the most of them from gnashing at her with their ridiculously long teeth, but the sheer volume was preventing her from getting up. Shooting her thrusters she managed to take another few out, but the weight of them meant she merely moved herself backwards along the ground, she could get no height at all.
"There's too many of them." Bruce yelled into the coms echoing what everyone was already feeling. Steve was now that surrounded he could do nothing now but shield his face and lash out with his legs.
Katie shot again at the ones on top of her, but it was no good.
“FRIDAY…we got anything in this arsenal.” she yelled desperately.
A yell came from Bruce just as the AI answered. “I can super charge the cannon… but it will leave your weapons at 50% capacity…”
Before Katie could respond there was another loud whoosh and blast but this one was different and oddly familiar. Through the gaps the animals left she could just see a huge flash of flowing light, that was punctuated by a bright spectrum and then the animals that had been on top of Katie were gone as something flew around, knocking them off, leaving them dead on the ground, their bodies writhing under the shock of blue lighting.
She lay still for a moment, her chest heaving before she sat up, her helmet sliding away as she looked round with a smile, because she knew there was only one possible person who could do such a thing.
Steve found himself free and sat up, just in time to hear Banner laughing "Oh, you guys are so screwed now!" and he heard Katie’s loud exclamation of glee as the weapon, a huge axe, flew back to its owner. The beam of light in the middle of the field dissipated to reveal Thor, and rather randomly a Raccoon with a gun, and a tree creature standing by his side.
Katie landed softly beside Steve and she pulled him to his feet, her eyes shining with emotion before the pair of them spun to watch as Thor took one glance around the battlefield steely determination in his eyes as he turned his focus to where two of Thanos' warriors were.
"Bring me Thanos!" he demanded as he ran forward, slamming his axe against one of the nearest creatures, sending it flying away.
Katie looked at Steve again, both of them sharing as somewhat more hopeful glance, before they turned their attention back to the fight.
Thanos had arrived on Titan, and boy was he a force to be reckoned with. He was huge, and even without the stones Tony had a feeling he would have been impossible to beat. Nevertheless, they had banded together, putting the plan into action, and had gained another ally in a blue woman. He had no idea who she was, but the Guardians did, and she was on their side so he didn’t question it. They needed all the help they could get. .
Finally, Dr Strange opened a portal, dropping Mantis down onto Thanos’ shoulders. She grasped his head with her hands and focussed her telepathic energy through her fingers, the tips of her antennae lighting up.
“Is he under?” Tony asked, pulling on the bonds he had Thanos’ arm in “Don’t let up.” “Be quick!” Mantis said, starting to cry “He is very strong.”
“Parker, help! Get over here” Tony said as he grabbed hold of the gauntlet. Peter moved to help him. “She can't hold him much longer. Let's go.”
Quill landed in front of Thanos, grinning as he began to taunt the Titan “I thought you'd be harder to catch. For the record, this was my plan. Not so strong now, huh? Where is Gamora?”
“My... Gamora...” Thanos grit out, groaning as Mantis kept him under control
“Oh, bullshit.” Quill shook his head “ Where is she?”
Mantis gave a small cry “He is in anguish.”
“Good.” Quill glared at him whilst Tony and Peter were still wrestling with the gauntlet.
“He… he… mourns” her cry was louder this time.
“What does this monster have to mourn?” Drax ground out, his voice strained with the effort of keeping hold of Thanos’ other arm.
It was Nebula who answered, her eyes shining with tears “Gamora”.
”What?” Quill looked at her and Tony glanced up, a cold feeling spreading across his stomach.
“He took her to Vormir” Nebula whispered, horror flooding her body and face as she understood exactly what happened “He came back with the Soul Stone, but she didn't.”
Tony grasped the danger of the situation and immediately withdrew his helmet and looked at Quill “Okay, Quill, you gotta cool it right now, you understand?
But the man wasn’t listening. He turned slowly to Thanos so Tony tried again, shouting his plea desperately. “Don't, don't, don't engage, we've almost got this off!”
“Tell me she's lying.” Quill shook his head before his voice became enraged “ASSHOLE! Tell me you didn't do it!”
 “I... had... to” Thanos replied.
.“No, you didn't.” Quill said gently, his eyes filling with tears. “No, you didn't…”
Tony watched as the man continued to rage, and then, before they could do anything he drew his hand back and pistol-whipped Thanos twice in the face, causing Mantis to let go. “NO, YOU DIDN'T!”
“Quill!! Tony gave a yell as he leaped for the man’s arm, his helmet forming back around his head, but by doing so he left Parker alone to keep pulling the gauntlet. As Tony tried to calm quill down he was vaguely aware that Peter was shouting about the fact he had the gauntlet, but as Tony turned he saw Thanos snap out of his trance. He head-butted Mantis, before grabbing the edge of the gauntlet and throwing the woman off his shoulders.
They’d come so close, but their plan hadn’t worked. And now the fight was back on. 
Bucky had heard tales of Thor from both Steve and Katie, but seeing the man in person and his power was like nothing he could have possibly imagined. Not least because he seemed to have brought a walking, talking tree and raccoon with him. A racoon that was now stood shooting a gun into the crowd of creatures.
“Come get some space dogs!” the racoon fired his weapon and Bucky, who was a few feet behind him, spotted one of the dog things leaping at him. He grabbed the animal by the scruff of his jacket and held him at arms length, spinning around, firing his own M-249 at the same time.
“Come on, get some, get some, GET SOME!” The racoon yelled, before they were clear and Bucky dropped him. He looked up at Bucky with an impressed gleam in his eyes. Fuck, an impressed raccoon? Jesus Christ, Steve dragged him into the strangest shit at times.
“How much for the gun?” The racoon asked as Bucky fired off another burst of rapid fire.
“Not for sale.” Bucky said simply.
“Okay, how much for the arm?”
The animal wanted his arm. Bucky had no words, he just gave him a look and as he walked off he heard the racoon mumble “Oh, I'll get that arm.” and despite himself, Bucky gave a little snort as he jogged to where he was needed.
At the same time, elsewhere on the field, Steve and Katie were fighting in tandem. Steve slammed a shield into another two creatures as they leapt at them both whilst Katie jumped into the air, shooting and taking down another four. Just as the next group was about to hit them, another shockwave rocked the field, destroying the pack which was running towards them. Katie looked around to Thor who was stood a few feet away and she landed gently between him and Steve.
"New haircut?" Steve asked, his voice slightly winded as Katie retracted her helmet.
"I notice you've copied my beard," Thor shot back, grabbing at his chin with his hand. Steve nodded, and gestured to his face with one of his shields, still catching his breath. At that point he looked past Thor to see the tree creature at his other side extending a branch or arm and impaling three creatures on it, lifting them into the air. Something that should have shocked Steve, but he wasn’t sure if anything could shock him anymore.
"Oh, by the way, this is a friend of mine, Tree." Thor gestured to the creature.
"I am Groot!" the tree yelled, slamming the creatures to the floor.
Katie looked at Steve who was breathing hard from the exertion of battle. But still, ever the gentleman, he introduced himself politely to the tree-boy in return placing a hand to his chest.
"I am Steve Rogers." he paused looking around the battlefield seeing that at least for a moment they were in a respite with the Wakandan warriors handling the Outriders surrounding them. Katie observed Thor for another second before he grinned at her and she threw herself at him.
“Man am I glad to see you, I thought…” she stumbled over her words.
“I’m fine.” He said, reaching out to wrap an arm round her metal cased back and returned her embrace, lifting her slightly off the floor as he did so.
“But Banner, he said your ship…and Loki…”
“I’m the God of Thunder.” He said, shrugging slightly as if that explained anything, and then he sent his axe flying once more and set Katie down, as a pack began to surround the three. Katie reengaged her helmet and they continued fighting.
“What happened to your hammer?” Steve asked as the three of them circled, before he took another creature down with a blow to the head.
“My sister.” Thor grunted, throwing his axe again.
“You have a sister?” Katie frowned, shooting another creature with a beam.
“Had. She’s dead. I killed her. Well, a big fire demon did. The events of Ragnarok.” Thor caught his axe before swinging it straight into the head of one who had jumped at him “I thought Banner might have told you?”
“He mentioned it yeah, but to be honest we’ve kinda been a bit busy.” Katie’s teeth grit together as she off-loaded a shot from her shoulder gun to a creature which hit it straight between the eyes. It slumped to the floor but at the same time the ground began to shake.
“That’s errr…that’s not me.” Thor shook his head as Steve looked at him. The three of them turned to watch as the trees outside the barrier began falling being crushed by whatever was coming, then the dirt underneath the inside of the barrier moved like a wave and from it mechanical wheels like chainsaws sprung up.
"Fall back!" T'Challa’s loud voice sounded in their ears as the wheels separated, "Fall back now!"
“GO!” Steve yelled, looking at Katie and she shot up into the air. As she flew over the field she looked down and saw the wheels split all going in different directions taking out the creatures and Wakandan warriors alike with ease. The machines didn't seem to have any particular form of control or direction, just mowing down anyone in its path. She looked up as Sam and Rhodey joined her on either side.
“FRIDAY scan this thing for weaknesses…” Katie instructed. “The axle.” FRIDAY said, focussing in on it on the heads up display “You need to take it out.” “Go for the axle guys!” Katie swooped down. “Same time…” "Focus all fire on the left flank" Rhodey ordered as they began to shoot their various weapons.
"I'm doing it," Sam replied firing his guns where he was instructed but it was having little effect. Eventually, they managed to take one wheel down but as Katie circled up she saw that Natasha and General Okoye were right in it’s path, but so absorbed in the battle that they almost missed the set of chainsaw wheels coming straight for them, almost. Katie yelled a warning over the coms and was about to swoop down to pull them both out of harms way when suddenly Wanda dropped down in front of the other two women and surrounded the wheels in her red glow. She lifted them up lifting it up into the air then grunted throwing it back at a swarm of Outriders.
As Katie spiralled back upwards Okoye’s frustrated voice hit her ears. “Why was she up there all this time?" she huffed.
It was a boost having her on the field, Okoye was right. But the unease in Katie’s chest was rising as her being down there meant it left Vision open. Katie and Rhodey went back to try and take on another one of the huge wheels, managing to bring it down, but then they both stopped dead as Sam’s urgent voice called out "Guys, we got a Vision situation here!"
Katie looked over in the direction of the palace, just in time to see the android crashing out of the glass
"Somebody get to Vision!" Steve instructed loudly, before he was sideswiped by another of those damned dog things.
"I got him," Bruce responded
"On my way," Wanda’s voice also said. Katie turned to find her on the field, and as she did she saw one of Thanos’ warriors hit her hard across the face with her staff and she fell into one of the large trenches that the chainsaw-like wheels of the machine had created.
Katie swooped down to help, Natasha also sprinting across the field, sliding down into the trench behind the blue woman. As Wanda struggled to her feet, Katie landed next to Natasha.
"He will die alone," the blue woman growled at Wanda, and then to add even more insult added, "As will you."
"She's not alone." Natasha said simply. The woman turned around to see Natasha and Katie there, and then at the other side of her Okoye landed, spinning her spear, pointing it at the horned alien.
There was a slight pause before the alien growled and launched at them. Okoye was the first to be tossed aside, after getting a few good hits in, whilst Natasha and Katie continued to fight. As the alien leapt at Katie, she shot upwards, aiming a beam and a kick to the alien’s head. In the melee, Natasha was hit by a blow to the chest, sending her flying backwards and off to the left. Katie landed in front of her, sending a beam at the advancing alien’s chest, causing her to stumble, and before she could right herself and come at Katie again, she flew upwards, encased in a ball of red, straight into the path of one of the chainsaw wheels where she was easily sliced in half sending a spray of blue blood straight across Katie’s helmet visor and Natasha’s face.
"That's really gross." Nat said, propping herself up on her elbows and looking at Wanda who dropped to the floor, exhausted. Katie wiped the blood off her visor as she landed and pulled Natasha to her feet before she turned to Wanda.
“You ok?” Katie asked the younger woman and she nodded before she stood up
“We need to get to Vision.” she urged.
“Alright.” Katie nodded and turned to face the other women behind her “I’ll cover you all as best I can but if one goes down the rest keep going.” she said, “Our priority is that stone.”
They all nodded and Katie took off as the three women began sprinting with everything they had left. Katie did her best, blasting the creatures out of the way and grimacing as Natasha was taken down. They continued going, Wanda using her power to propel herself along. Okoye fell next, and then the yelp as Wanda fell almost made Katie rethink her strategy but she couldn’t. Instead she put on a spurt of speed, shooting forward. She had to get to Vision.
Meanwhile, Steve was running like he had never run before, and as he reached the clearing in the trees he saw one of the aliens bent over Vision, the tip of his staff trying to pry out the stone from his head. Steve tackled the alien at full speed, his shoulder driving into the man’s waist.
“Get outta here!” he yelled, jumping up as he began to trade blows with the alien, using his arm-shields to both land and deflect the blows. There was no movement so he turned to Vision again, issuing another instruction “Go!”
Steve kept blocking the alien’s weapon using his shields, finally knocking it from the alien's hands just before he was thrown over a fallen tree and pinned by his opponent's hand at his throat. Steve struggled, grabbing at the fingers gripping round his throat, but even with his physical abilities, he was struggling. But then suddenly, the blade of the staff emerged from the alien’s chest. Steve saw him splutter, then choke, before his grip on the soldier’s throat dropped him to the floor.
Katie landed besides him, her helmet sliding off as she offered her hand to pull him to his feet as Vision cast the alien aside before collapsing exhaustedly to the floor.
“Thanks” Steve panted, his breath ragged as he gently cupped her face before he strode to Vision "I thought I told you to go." He sighed, hauling him to his feet.
"We don't trade lives Captain." Vision replied simply, and both Katie had to smile at the android repeating Steve’s words back to him.
**** Tony was beginning to realise they had no chance against Thanos, certainly not whilst he had the stones he did. But that spurred him on even more, because if he got the rest, well it didn’t bear thinking about. With one last attempt he flew at Thanos who deflected the blow and picked him up by the helmet and blasted his midsection with the Power Stone. The gaps in nanite coverage were now extensive, as his armour was losing the ability to recover from the intensity of the damage. Tony struggled to one knee, and fired his right hand repulsor at Thanos, but he might as well have been using a fucking water pistol for all the good it did. With a grit of his teeth, Tony got to both feet as his suit tried to complete repairs, adding the beam from his left hand as well. Thanos walked right up to him, and backhanded the incomplete helmet completely off his head. Tony’s eyes grew wide as he crossed  his arms to block a blow from Thanos' gauntlet, the Titan caught his left hand over his head. In desperation, Tony formed what was left of his right glove into a short sword, which Thanos easily caught, snapping it off clean and driving it through Tony's left side.           
Tony’s body seized up in pain as Thanos walked him back until he collapse onto a rock, looking up at the man who had stabbed him with shock and hatred. the blood bubbling in his mouth.
 This was it, Thanos was finally going to kill him, after six years of nightmares.
“You have my respect, Stark.” Thanos said, almost with a hint of regret “When I'm done, half of humanity will still be alive” he let go and straightened up. “I hope they remember you.”
Tony’s thoughts flashed to the people on Earth, more specifically Pepper and his Sister. He had failed them, again. His visions were coming true. He drew in a pained breath, the copper taste of blood surrounded his senses as Thanos raised the gauntlet, closing his fist and all four stones began to glow.
“Stop!” Strange yelled, sitting up painfully as he looked at Thanos. “Spare his life... and I will give you the stone”
“No tricks.” Thanos turns to him and Doctor Strange shook his head.
Despite Tony’s protest, Strange handed over the stone and Thanos dropped it into the thumb setting on the gauntlet, the energy pulse making him wince.
“One to go.”
 At that point an energy blast hit the gauntlet right in the empty Mind Stone setting and Thanos grimaced in surprise as Quill, who was screaming in incoherent rage, flew towards him, firing with both hands. Thanos didn’t even bother responding to the assault. Instead he conjured up a portal and simply left. Star-Lord flew through where Thanos had been and crashed, rolling several times.
“Where is he?!” Quill stood up, his helmet sliding away.
With a grimace, Tony managed to stich up his stab wound as well as he could with his suit functions, but he was still weak and had no breath for answers.
“Did we just lose?” Quill asked, his voice now fearful.
Tony turned to Dr Strange and looked at him, shaking his head sadly “Why would you do that?” his voice cracked slightly. After everything they had done to try and stop him getting the stone, after the Wizard himself saying he wouldn’t hesitate to let anyone die to keep it safe, he just handed it over.  
“We're in the Endgame now.” Dr Strange looked at him. And Tony could do nothing but sigh, and slump back against his rock, hoping that the guys on Earth would fare better than they had.
"Everyone on my position, we've got incoming." Steve pressed his finger to the com in his ear while glancing sideways at Katie, the pair of them stood in front of Vision, the feel of unease and silence was getting even more oppressive.
“What the hell?" Natasha mumbled, voicing what everyone was thinking.
"Whatever happens,” Steve swallowed, turning to Katie “I want you to know I love you."
She looked up at him, his eyes flashing with fear. Both of them knew this could very well be their final stand, Katie felt her chest tighten as she felt a single tear of fright, love and pride fall down her face.
"I love you too." she whispered. “Always.”
Then,across the clearing from them a cloud of grey and blue began to form from nothing. A huge man, purple in colour, encased in a deep golden armour stepped out from the grey and blue mass.
"Cap, that's him." Bruce pointed out obviously, because honestly, who else could it be?
Steve raised his shields and took a few steps forward as Katie moved backwards to stand with Natasha and Wanda, both stood in front Vision.
"Eyes up. Stay sharp." Steve commanded beginning to charge forward, leaving Katie behind. He knew that if all else failed, Wanda was going to have to make the decision to destroy that stone, and Katie didn’t want her to be alone when she did.
Bruce reached Thanos first, using the rockets on his suit to launch him up in the air and as his hand clenched into a fist, Thanos raised the gauntlet on his left hand and Bruce's suit turned blue and see-through, his body flying through Thanos' rather than colliding with it and was encased in the rock at the side of a hill face. Katie glanced across at Natasha and saw a look of fright on the blonde’s face. A look she had only ever seen once before, when Bruce had transformed into the Hulk for the first time and they had been trapped in the cargo bay of the Hellicarrier with him.  
Steve, reached second and jumped aiming to punch Thanos in the face with his shields but he was stopped dead in his path, a purple glow encasing his body simply throwing him to the side and out of sight where he crashed to the ground, his head spinning as everything went hazy.
It was hopeless. T’Challa was cast aside like a rag doll, Sam was grounded easily. Nothing could touch him.
"Wanda," Vision said breathlessly from behind them, and they all turned to face him. "It's time."
"No," her voice shook and Katie glanced back and forth between her and the Titan as he was advancing.
"They can't stop him, Wanda, but we can," Vision continued "Look at me!” he demanded forcefully “You have the power to destroy the stone."
"Don't," she cried, trying to pull away from his grip a third time.
Katie turned back to the fight in time to see Rhodey drop out of the air. When Bucky tried to fire at the Titan raising his gun and running towards him, shooting bullets wildly, he was also cast aside, the same way Steve had been.
“You must do it Wanda, please.” Vision continued to plead and Katie turned to the young woman whose bottom lip had begun to wobble.
“Wanda.” Katie looked at her, her own voice cracking as well with the impending action they were about to take. “I can’t begin to imagine how you feel but Vis is right. You have to destroy it.”
The tears were forming in Katie’s eyes. All she could hear was Steve’s voice “we don’t trade lives” in her head. But right now she had no idea where Steve was, she couldn’t see where Thanos had thrown him. Thor was nowhere to be found, and it appeared there was no other way to stop the Titan. 
The stone, and with it Vision, had to be destroyed.
"We are out of time." Vision spoke gently, his hand wrapping around Wanda’s as he brought it up against his cheek.
"I can't." Wanda whispered looking at Vision then over to Katie for some form of guidance. Katie could offer none.
"It's alright," Vision took Wanda's hand and opened it up. “You could never hurt me. I just feel you."
As Katie watched, Wanda looked over her shoulder and then she let her power flow, her face contorting into so many emotions it broke Katie’s heart to think about what she was feeling. Her attention was called back to the fight when someone yelled, this time Okoye had launched. Natasha took a deep breath, looking at Katie as they now found themselves the last line of defence, and they had no choice but to throw themselves at the Titan to buy Wanda some time. Natasha went first, but it was pointless, she was cast off to the side somewhere and Katie stood, drawing herself up to her full height, helmet, shield and weapons ready, knowing full well it wasn’t going to stop him.
But Steve was up and running again, Thanos was advancing on his wife and he wasn’t going to let that happen without a fight. He threw himself into a slide, the momentum carrying him under Thanos’ legs and as he went he aimed a swipe at the back of the man’s calves and knees with his shields. As he jumped to his feet, Thanos aimed a blow at Steve’s head, but he caught the gauntlet in both his hands. Gritting his teeth he put every bit of strength he had into holding off the blow as Katie flew in, her repulsors firing at the Titan which made him lose concentration for a moment, but only a second. Then, in the corner of his eye,  Steve saw the other fist powering towards his temple. And then it all went back.
Steve crashed to the floor and Thanos caught Katie easily round the neck. Both her hands went around his, her fingers trying desperately to prise his away from where he had a grip on her but to no avail.
“Another Stark.” he mumbled, and before Katie could respond he threw her up into the air before shooting her with a shot from the power stone sending her flying off to the side where she collided heavily, head first with a tree.
As Katie lay motionless on the floor, she could vaguely hear noises, the sounds of fighting and yelling. Then there was some sort of huge explosion. She closed her eyes and must have passed out for a while, as when she came round it was all quiet.
“Mrs Rogers…”FRIDAY was saying frantically, as she blinked her eyes, before the display came back into focus. She was led, face down on the forest floor somewhere. With a groan she lifted her head, and her helmet fell back as she glanced across the clearing. Steve was led roughly 10 feet away, still face down thanks to the force of Thanos’ punch.
“Steve…” she whispered to herself and pushed herself up, half crawling, half running towards him.
There was a flash of light and as she reached Steve’s side, Thanos was thrown back further away from the clearing and Thor was barrelling down towards him, axe first. Thanos raised his hand but it was too late, Thor’s axe hit him square in the chest. Thanos staggered backwards, falling to one knee as Thor landed in front of him.
“Steve.” Katie gently shook him, trying to keep one eye on what was going on “Baby, please, get up.”
"I told you, you'd die for that." she heard Thor say, along with the sickening crunch as he pushed the axe further into the titan’s chest.  Steve groaned slightly, and started to move, turning his head as he lifted it up from where he was laying in the dirt. 
"You should have-" Thanos was continuing to wheeze somewhere behind Katie "You should have gone for the head."
"No!" Thor yelled. Katie looked round instinctively and saw Thanos bring up his gloved hand and he simply snapped his fingers. There was a blinding white light conjured from the gauntlet which covered everyone's vision and Katie threw her arms up over her face, engaging the shield to shelter her and Steve.
“What did you do?"  Thor asked. When Thanos didn’t answer he shouted, desperately, almost pleading, "What did you do?!"
Thanos still gave no response, looking around the quiet battlefield. A portal then opened up behind him and he fell back into it, Stormbreaker tumbling out of his chest as he did.
It was deathly silent as Katie and Steve both got to their feet. Steve’s hands fell to her shoulders, his eyes searching his wife’s face and she nodded to tell him she was ok. Turning, he hissed at the pain in his side and clutched at his ribs, looking around, half expecting Thanos to appear out of nowhere again.
"Where'd he go?" he asked, spinning around, he was worried now. "Thor?"
Thor finally looked up and met Steve's eyes, then Katie’s and it was not a comfort. The god looked hopeless and still he gave no response.
"Steve?" Another voice cut in sounding as confused as the rest of them felt, and they turned to see Bucky looking down at his arm in disbelief as the limb was disappearing into ashes the gun in his hands fell to the ground followed shortly by the man himself as he disappeared.
Steve felt cold, and he took a few steps forward before falling to a knee and reaching out touching the ashes that were left of his best friend.
He looked up at Katie, he was utterly confused, shocked, disbelieving. Katie, in turn, was numb with shock. Her head span round to see the tree creature was talking to the Racoon in confusion as he too began to fade away, the Racoon dropping his head in sorrow. Blindly she reached back feeling around for Thor’s hand before squeezing it tightly. He was still there. Good.
And then she turned to check on Wanda. She was knelt over Vision, and she gave sad smile, as the dust started to take her too.
“No,no, no...” Katie scrambled over to her as she gave one last gasp before the dust carried her away on the wind. Katie dropped helplessly to her knees, letting out a soft sob as Steve fell down besides her, one hand on her shoulder, the other shakily reaching out to roll Vision’s lifeless body over. His eyes locked on the hole in the android’s head. Steve sighed hard and dropped backwards sitting on the ground with a huff. Kate grabbed at him, half expecting him to turn to dust, her grip on his arm was almost painful but he rest his hand over hers, anything to feel her, keep her there.
"What's going on?" Rhodey asked voicing the question on everyone's mind, "What the hell is happening?"
"Oh, God." Steve heard his voice crack as his back slumped against Visions body. He looked at Katie, the tears pouring down her face as the two of them simply sat there, numb in the realisation that for the first time ever, The Avengers had lost.
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