#peter u done goofed
soupdeewoop · 21 days
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My HC:
So Dorcas, Reggie, and Remus all get together in the library and study. Sometimes they don’t even talk at all, but they love it because of the company. But they’ll also talk about some of the latest gossip at Hogwarts. It goes like this:
Reg: Remus, can you pass me that quill?
Remus: Oh yeah, here.
Dorcas: Did you know that one 1st year Ravenclaw burst his inkwell trying to get a quill out with his wand?
Remus: Amateur, he needs to practice his incantations.
Reg: I think he’s pathetic.
*all of them go back to studying and then every 10-15 minutes a small conversation strikes up*
Sirius, Marlene, and James all head out to the Quidditch practice field and just goof around. They will fly upside down on their brooms and watch as the others cry laughing. Something like this:
*Marlene riding her broom in a circle faster than the speed of light*
*Marlene falls to the ground and gets up only to bang her head on a wall, much like a loony tunes character* James is on the grass dying of laughter, not even able to get up because that’s how hard he laughed.
So, Pandora and Pete head down to the lake and just talk about whatever’s on their mind. I could imagine a conversation almost like this:
Pete: Have you ever thought about why butter flies aren’t made of butter?
Panda: Yeah, I always thought that was sort of weird.
Panda would never make Pete feel foolish or stupid when he says something, but instead she actually adds her own thoughts and inputs to it.
Evan and Lily are both prefects and whenever they’re done with duty, they’ll go to the Marauders’ dorm room and sneak chocolate frogs out and eat them while talking to each other about the shenanigans they went through that day, something like this:
Lily: This 1st year hufflepuff was almost transfigured into a table!
Evan: No way, I think it was the 3rd year Slytherin that probably did that… you know, the one with a shining charm on his Slytherin patch?
Lily: He is so annoying, always talking about how many quidditch brooms he has at “daddy’s mansion.”
Evan laughs at her impression of the kid.
So yeah that’s how I think their conversation goes.
Next, we have Mary and Barty. Mary just does her makeup and Barty watches in awe as eyeliner perfectly laces her eyes. One day Mary notices him watching and asks him if he wants to wear it, Barty nods. Ever since then, Mary always does Barty’s eyeliner. He doesn’t wear is often, but when he does, it makes him feel powerful. She also is his kind of personal therapist? Here’s how it goes:
Mary: Stop moving, love.
Barty: Sorry. Mary: Love, you need to stop saying sorry for everything. You’re perfectly alright.
Barty: Mhm.
Barty looks at himself in the mirror and is stunned with how beautiful he looks. Evan comes back from prefect duty (and eating chocolate frogs with Lily) and practically faints.
All of them have these little things that they do together, most of the time the others don’t even know that they do it because that’s their little thing that they want to keep secret.
So, what do we think?
in a perfect world, this is how they all would have been 😔
ok now how did u type all of this omg
dorcas, reg, and remus are like meannnnnnn. mean meannnnnn. i like mean people so i dont rlly see the problem here like they definitely would get so much done but gossip at the same time like everyone's gotta learn how to multitask like them.
YES omg! i headcannon peter, marlene, and james being childhood best friends so like marls and jam (marls and jam sounds so cool wtf) are already close and sirius and marlene got closer through quidditch and like chaos buddies defo.
why arent butterflies made of butter. pete and pandora on top omggg i feel like pandora is very silly and talkative to like regulus and peter is quiet but it switched up so much like if anyone else saw them they would be like ...guyss.... whats happening..?
evan(s). not lily and even sneaking into the marauders dorm pleaseeeeeeee. they would be amazing honestly, like no shame to remus but my man is just trying to get through school yk? why him as prefect (not that i don't like it but in my mind its funny) evan and lily isn't something i rlly would have thought of yk, but i feel like they're both so secretly unhinged lol.
not mary gentle parenting him omggg neeeeeed. barty will look so stunning in eyeliner on god omg. evan being stunned is so true, i was the eyeliner tube :)
this was so fun omg thanks x
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mmimagine-40 · 3 years
Birthday Girl
Avengers x Reader
A request from @maximeevansblog. I hope you like this!
Warnings: Cussing, talk of a lost one, and very long! (Sorry I got a little to carried away.)
Y/n groaned as the alarm on her phone started to go off. She blindly reached for it, turning the alarm off. Before turning to the other side of the bed, letting sleep take over her once again. Only to be scared awake by her door being busted open and being jumped on. “Wakey, Wakey, birthday girl!”. Sam yells. Bucky jumps on top of him. “Happy birthday, Y/N!”. Y/n groaned , being crushed from the two avengers. “Get off! You’re fat!”. “Wow, that's just rude! Are you going to take that from her , Buck.”. Sam asked, looking back at him. Bucky scoffs. “She was obviously talking about you.”. “I was talking about you both! Now get the fuck off!”. Y/n groans , trying to hit the two to get them off of her. Bucky and Sam finally get off her only to lay next to her, caging her in between them. “So what are the plans today , birthday girl?”. Bucky asked, poking at Y/n’s cheek. “For you two to get the fuck out of my room and let me sleep!”. Y/n groans , slapping at Bucky's hand. “Oh, come on! You know you want to spend your day with your favorite heroes.”. Sam says squeezing her into a hug. Y/n looked up. “Stevie and Nat are here?”. Bucky and Sam both gasp , ‘hurt’. Falling back , grabbing their chest. Acting like they were hurt. Y/n tried to use this to her advantage and get up , away from them. But the two grabbed her before she could. Pulling her back down and into a sandwich. Y/n groaned trying to hit and kick them off of her. But it was no use. “Hey birthday girl, Breakfast is ready.”. Steve says coming into her room. “Stevie! Save me!”. Y/n puts a hand out. Begging for Steve to help her. Steve sighed, shaking his head. “You guys were just supposed to wake her, not suffocate her.”. “Well this is just payment. She called us fat and that we aren't her favorite!”. Sam says. Steve shakes his head at the kindness of the two grown ass adults. He walked over grabbing Y/ns hand and trying to help her out of the death trap. “ You guys know that if the birthday girl doesn’t get her plate first , no one eats right?”. Both Sam and Bucky boo before finally letting her go before making their way out of her room. “Thank you , Stevie.”. Steve nodded heading out to. “Hurry up we are waiting on you...oh and Happy birthday.”. Y/n said a quick thanks as he leaves. Jumping up right after. Throwing on a bar and some slippers. Staying in her pjs as she makes her way down to the dinning hall. “Happy Birthday!”, everyone yelled , as soon as she walked through the door. Y/n jumped a bit. Still in a sleepy mind set. “Blow out your candles.”. Wanda said , laughing. Holding a plate out to her. With pancakes, the top one has a smiley face made out of fruits and whip cream. The nose was a lit candle. Y/n giggled softly. This was something that her and Wanda always made each other for their birthdays. Y/n closes her eyes thinking for a bit , before blowing out the candle. Everyone clapped and cheered as she did. Y/n smiled with a slight blush. Taking the plate from Wanda and making her way with everyone else to the table to sit and eat. Y/n took her normal seat in between her dad , Bruce, and Steve. And in front of Nat. “Happy birthday, Sweetheart.”, Bruce says. Pulling her into a side hug and kissing her forehead. “Thanks dad.”. Y/n says. Starting to dig in as did everyone else. This was a tradition for at least Y/n’s birthday. To spend breakfast with those who live in the building and just hang out for the day. Then having dinner with everyone. ( the only different people at dinner were Clint and Lauren, Pepper and Morgan, Peter, and some others who can come.). “SO I was thinking , for your birthday Y/n. That Nat and Wanda take you out to go and take you out to get your hair done and go shopping and whatever you want. My treat.”. Tony says. Y/n cuts her eyes at him. “That sounds great, but why are you trying to get me out of the building.”. Tony groans as his shoulders fall. “Just once I would like you not to be able to read through me and know what's happening.”. Tony says, pointing his fork at her, eyes narrow at her. “I’m the daughter of Bruce Banner.
One of the top scientists. Pulse I grew up a big part of my life in a super building with a bunch of super geniuses. What do you expect?”. y/n says shrugging. “Pulse Tony, she grew up around you. She knows all your tricks.”. Nat says , rolling her eyes at him. Tony just huffs. Making everyone laugh. The rest of breakfast went like that. Talking about the day and random things. Laughing and joking. Many jabs being thrown back and forth between Sam and Y/n. All in the name of friendly love and jokes. After everyone was done, Most everyone went to some meeting they had. Minus Wanda and Nat. Who told Y/n to go get dressed while they cleaned up. ( They were already dressed and ready. Knowing of the plan since yesterday.). Y/n ran up to her room , looking into the closet to figure out what to wear. Once she was almost ready , when a knock on the door interrupted her. “Come in.”. Y/n yelled, as she was getting her bag together. She turns to meet with her father coming into her room. “Hi dad.”. “Hey, Sweetheart. I just wanted to come give you your gift before you leave.”. Bruce says handing her a neatly wrapped small box. Y/n smiled in thanks, rolling her eyes playfully. “Dad , I told you I don’t want or even need anything.”. “I know but this is not just from me.”. Bruce says. Y/n looks at him confused as she opens it. Mouth dropping as she looked at the old looking necklace. With a single , simple diamond. “It's also from your mom. It was hers, passed down to her from her mother. Who got it from her mother. She wanted you to have it.”. Bruce says, explaining. Y/n nodded as she wiped her face from the tears that fell. Quickly wrapping her arms around her father. “Thank you, dad.”. “Your welcome sweetheart. I love you and I'm so proud of how you have come. And I know your mom is too. We both love you so much.”. Bruce says , holding her tight. Kissing her hair as he strokes her back. “I love you too, dad.”. Y/n says as they pull back. Bruce smiles at her wiping her face. “I’ve to get to a meeting. You should be going too. Have fun.”. Bruce says kissing her forehead one last time before leaving for the meeting. Not wanting her to see him cry. She really turned out to be just like her mom. Y/n wiped her face , clean of the tears. She carefully put the necklace on and grabbed her things. Heading down to meet up with Nat and Wanda. They all meet at the entrance of the building and head out in Nat's car.
The first stopped at the hair salon. Nat and Wanda also decided to get theirs done. You know since Tony’s paying. Y/n decided to get her hair dyed a dark , reddish/purple color. (Plus whatever else you’d like. Cut and so forth.) She smiled as the hair dresser finished really loving how it came out. After they were all done , they headed out to the mall. Doing so shopping but mainly goofing around. Just having some fun. At one point Nat broke off from them disappearing. Only to come back about an hour later. “Nat, where’d you go?”. Y/n asked as Nat met back with them at the Starbucks in the mall , getting drinks. Y/n’s face dropped as she noticed the smirk on Nat's face. Never a good thing when it came to her. “Natalia.”. Y/n said , starting to not trust her. Nat just smirked as she held out the thing that she was hiding. Which was a build - a - bear box. “Just a little gift for you, Y/n/n.”. Y/n narrowed her eyes at Nat as she took the box. Walking over to one of the small tables to see what she got her. “NAt”. Y/n groaned as she pulled out the Captain America bear from the box. She turns to Nat and Wanda. Who were both dying of laughter. When y/n first met the avengers and moved into the building. Tony asked her who her favorite avenger was. Thinking that she would say him , iron man, or her dad. Not expecting her to say Cap. Since then everyone teases her about it. Getting her Captain American themed things. Which even Steve found funny , mainly because it still bugged Tony that he was her favorite and not him. “Aw now you can cuddle Cap every night. Almost like cuddling Steve.”. Wanda said, The last part to Nat. “I’m sure she’ll like that.”. Nat whispers back. Y/n glared at them , still hearing what they said. She rolled her eyes at them. Nat and Wanda are convinced that Y/n liked the said Captain. “I hate you both.”. Y/n stuffed the bear back in the box as Wanda and Nat still laughed behind her. “Can we just get something to eat and head home? Please?”. Y/n asked , pouting. Crossing her arms. Nat giggled as she hooked her arm with Y/ns nodding. Leading them to the car. “Oh come on. It's funny. Pulse, I bet cap himself will think it's cute you have a stuffed bear of him.”. Wanda hummed in agreeing. “For the last time , I don't have a crush on him!”. Y/n pushes Nat off of her as she groans. Nat and Wanda look at each other , as Y/n walks off without them. Both breaking out to a fit of laughter. Y/n pouts as she stands next to the car. Waiting for Nat to unlock it. “Aw come on Y/n/n. We’re just playing with you.”. Wanda says as she walks over to her. Pinching her cheek lightly. Making Y/n break out into a smile as she pushed Wanda’s hand away, softly. They all hopped into the car. Getting something to eat and then heading back to the building.
Once they walked into the tower. They all went their separate ways. Heading to their rooms to put their things away , as well as Wanda and Nat where needed for something. So Y/n just heads to her room to put her things away. When she got the bear , Y/n smiled, shaking her head at it. Going over to lay it on her bed on her pillows. After which she sat on the bean bag , playing on her phone. Waiting till she was called down. Knowing that it was going to be the same like every year. Everyone set up a little get together down stairs like it was a surprise for Y/n. As she waited she out as facetime from Peter. “Hi, Pete!”. Y/n said , as she answered the phone. “HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Y/N!!”. Peter yelled as he came on screen. Y/n smiled , thanking him. “I’m sorry I couldn’t be there!”. Peter said pouting. He was gone on a school trip. “It’s okay , Pete. We can hang out and do something when you get back.”. Y/n said. They went on to talk about their day and random things. They talked for hours , till Friday informed Y/n she was needed in the common room. “I got to go. I’ll talk to you later, Peter.”. “Bye, Y/n!”. Peter yelled. “Bye Peter!”. Y/n yelled back, before hanging up. She sighed as she stood up putting her phone in her pocket and heading down to the common room. Again, as she walked through the elevator into the room , everyone yelled ‘happy birthday’. Y/n smiled as she saw everyone there. (Steve, Bucky, Sam, Tony , Bruce, Nat, Wanda, James, Pepper, Morgan, Vision, Pietro , Clint and Laura. Thor and Loki.) “Y/n!” Morgan yells running over to her. “Morgan!”. Y/n yelled back as she opened her arms and embraced the little girl. “I got you something.”. Morgan said, pulling away from her and grabbing her hand. “You did?”. Y/n asked. Morgan nodded as she dragged Y/n over to her Mom who handed her the note and little box. Which she gave Y/n. Which was a happy birthday letter and the box held a handmade bracelet. “Did you make these?”. Y/n asked. Morgan smiled and nodded. “Aw I love them. Thank you, Morgan.”. Y/n pulled her into another hug , before putting the bracelet on. “Look I made a matching one for me and I made one for Peter.”. Morgan explains showing Y/n her bracelet.
The rest of the night was spent just talking and joking. Eating so snacks Wanda made, some cake and also gifts. It was one of y/n favorite nights. Not because of the gifts but just getting to hang out with everyone. With her family. (Even if not everyone was able to be there.)
Nat: A beautiful set of Kunai's (Which Y/n always wanted since Nat showed her how to use them and showed her , hers. Bruce wasn’t too happy about it)
Authors Note: Kunai's are Asian throwing's knifes
Wanda and Vision: They both made you some of your favorite treats
Pietro: Random things that you show him and bonded over (Mostly music stuff like vinyl's and things like that).
Tony and Pepper: Pepper tried to stop tony but there was no stopping the man. He got you so many things. Shoes , bracelets , clothing. anything and everything he thought you might like.
Bucky: Put together a little box of things from the 40s like snacks and chips (You are always asking him about the 40s and what it was like)
Sam: A drone that looked like his redwing (Because you and Bucky always try to steal it and use it)
James: a bouget of your favorite things and gift cards
Thor: A beautiful golden goddess arm cuff
Loki: A book from Asgard (One of his personal favorite from when he was younger)
Peter: (He gave his to Tony to give to you) Lego set of your favorite show or movie
As it got later some people started to slowly leave, first of which were Pepper, Tony and Morgan and Clint and Laura. Then shortly after Steve left. Which was a little unusual of him. He was one who usually stayed the latest with Y/n. It was there thing to be some of the last few and as they head off to bed , he would walk her to her room and they would talk about everything and anything. Some nights the talk went over into Y/n's room. A few hours after Steve left, Y/n stood up yawning and stitching. Saying good night to everyone and thanking them for the amazing birthday , before heading to bed. She stopped by Steve's room to wish him a goodnight but found it empty. Y/n tried to shrug it off as she headed to her room. Y/n sighed as she walked into her room , putting everything everyone got her down. She had an amazing day , but she was really exhausted. Y/n turned to get ready for bed when she noticed a certain Captain sitting on the edge of her bed. Holding the bear . He was looking down at it. He turned his head to look at her , feeling her eyes on him, with an amused smile and eyebrow cocked. “Really?”. He asked, holding the bear up. Y/n laughed , rolling her eyes as she walked over to him snatching the bear from him. “One it was a gift from Nat. Secondly , don’t be rude to Captain Beary.”. Y/n said. Fixing the helmet on the bear. Steve laughed , shaking his head at her. “Captain Beary?”. Steve asked. Y/n took a seat neck to Steve , holding the bear close to her. Steve just laughed, shaking his head at her. He turned to the side where her night stand was and grabbed something. Handing it to her. “Here. I figured it was best to give you this to you when we were alone so Sam or Bucky didn’t get a hold of it. Or deal with Nat's teasing.”. Y/n smiles at him as she takes the beautifully wrapped gift. It was wrapped in a dark blue paper. “What is this that we would get teased?”. Y/n asked, smirking as she cocked an eyebrow at Steve. Steve laughed as he stood up. “Well I guess you're just going to need to open it and see.”. Steve made his way to her door. “Happy birthday , Y/n. “. Y/n smiled giving a nod to him. “Night, Steve.”. “Night, Doll.”. With that Steve walked out of her room , closing the door behind him. Y/n bit her lip as a small blush came over her at the nickname. She turned back to the gift. Carefully she opened it. It was a brown , leather notebook. The size of a book. Y/n opened it looking through the pages. All filled with drawings made by Steve. Somewhere drawing from times where they would hang out and Y/n would describe something and see if Steve can draw what she describes. Somewhere from the 40s and time of Steve growing up. Those ones Steve wrote on the back of the page explaining what it was or a small story that involved it. Something Y/n loved. She loved to hear stories like these from Steve and Bucky. Somewhere random drawings that Steve drew of her or things she told him. Y/n smiled softly looking through all the pages. But as she turned to the last page she became speechless. Mouth opening as she looked at the page. Tears started to form in her eyes as she looked at it. The last page , Steve drew a picture of her and her mom together if she was still here. Y/n hugged the book to her as tears started to run down her face. “Thank you, Steve.”. Y/n whispered knowing he’s probably within distance to hear her , with his super hearing and all. Steve smiled softly hearing her thank you.
I hope you enjoyed this! And if anyone else wants to request something don't be shy to ask! The next part of Pup will be up shortly. I'm just finishing up some editing on it. But on a different note how do you guys feel about maybe a Mob boss! Steve rogers or Chris Evans story? -MM
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sdottkrames · 4 years
Whatever It Is, Peter Started It!
@comfortember Prompt 26: Junk Food
Summary: Peter and Shuri meet. Hijinks and memes ensue!
Notes: This is just simple fluff and humor. I hope you enjoy! I am a millennial, so hopefully I do gen Z humor right :P Thank you thank you all for the love and support. It continues to amaze me every single day.
Read On AO3: Here
Tony knew getting Peter and Shuri together was a bad idea. 
The princess had come with her kingly brother to smooth out things with the accords, which had of course been deemed stupid and unnecessary in the wake of Thanos and the subsequent forgiveness from both sides of the “civil war.” He had tried to impress upon Peter the need to be respectful, and that no matter how many references to pop culture he thought the princess would know, he couldn’t just quote a whole bunch of vines (was that the word? Branches? Twigs? Something like that) just because they were funny.
“King T’Challa,” Tony said, shaking the man’s outstretched hand. “Welcome! This is my intern, Peter.”
“Yes. We have not met in person, but I have heard great things about you,Spider-Man.” T’Challa turned to shake Peter’s hand. “And this is my little sister, Princess Shuri.”
The princess greeted the others, shaking their hand as well. And, of course, Peter being Peter, he muttered the most cursed sentence Tony had ever heard.
“I like your accent, where you from?”
“Peter!” He elbowed the kid in the side.
“I’m Liberian,” Shuri said, in a strangely deep voice.
“Oh, my bad,” Peter said, his face breaking out into a huge grin. “I like your accent, where you from?” He whispered.
Then both teens laughed, and Tony just knew he would have a headache by the end of the day. But it was Peter, so Tony decided it was worth it.
He shook his head. “Kid, why don’t you take the Princess around the compound, huh? You know the rules in the lab, so be careful. Don’t do anything I would do-”
“And don’t do anything you wouldn’t do,” Peter said, grinning.
Tony ruffled the kids' hair affectionately. “That’s right. Grey area.”
And then the two ran off.
Tony took the king on a short tour of his own before joining the rest of the avengers. It got tense for a second when T’Challa shook Bucky’s hand, and Tony’s hand was very close to his nanosuit activator. But T’Challa simply shook the Winter Soldier’s hand, assured Bucky of his knowledge of the man’s innocence, and they all took their seats.
Tony breathed out a sigh of relief, and settled in to endure a couple long hours of being in a stuffy meeting,
The first stop on Peter’s tour was the lab. It was his favorite spot, by far, and he just knew Shuri would like it. Even if she probably had tech a thousand times cooler and more advanced.
“I bet this all seems pretty mundane compared to Wakanda,” he said. “I’d love to come see the tech you got in your lab!”
“Well, all I can say is,” Shuri paused before pointing at Dum-E and U and shouting, “What are THOSE!?
Peter couldn’t help laughing again. “I’m so glad they have Vine in Wakanda. You know, Tony called Vines branches the other day. I almost disowned him.”
Shuri patted his arm in sympathy. “I told T’Challa that I would die for him the other day, and he just said ‘I’d never let that happen.’ I threw my fork at him.”
Peter and Shuri goofed around in the lab for a while. He showed his web shooters off just a little, and Shuri helped him create an entire new web combination.
“This is a little different from what I usually work with,” Shuri admitted, beakers lined up in front of her as she and Peter mixed and tested the various formulas. “I feel a little like Bill Nye the Science guy.”
“Bill, Bill, Bill, Bill!” Peter chanted immediately, making them dissolve into laughter again.
“Well, white boy, test it out!” she said once they’d gotten the formula right. Peter slipped it into his shooters and shot a couple test webs. They were amazing! Smoother, quieter, and stronger than he’d ever been able to make.
“Shuri, this is sweet!” Peter said upside down as he hung from the ceiling on the web
“Well, did you expect less?” She rolled her eyes.
“No, absolutely not!” Peter flipped back to the floor. “Ooooh! Let’s go to the training room and test it out!”
Peter might have fallen on his face once, not paying attention to where he was going.
“Shuri!!” he yelled, but he was laughing, so the princess wasn’t too worried.
Until she saw the blood.
“Spidey, your nose!”
So they raced to the kitchen, Peter pinching the bridge of his nose, and grabbed some paper towels. The bleeding stopped quickly, Peter’s super healing not to be deterred by the mundane-ness of the injury, and since they were in the kitchen, they were soon debating the best snacks.
“Well, bleach obviously,” Shuri said.
“What? You’re the princess of Wakanda. I didn’t expect you to be so basic. The best snack is obviously tide pods.”
Shuri gave a wicked grin. “We should ask Stark.”
“Oh, I like how you think,” Peter agreed, taking out his phone. “Done,” he said after typing for a second. “You should text T’Challa too!”
Shuri waved her phone. “Way ahead of you, colonizer.”
Tony’s phone pinged, distracting him from the meeting, and instantly filling him with trepidation. There were only two people who’s texts would be pushed through while his phone was in meeting mode, and that was Pepper and Peter. He glanced down and nearly groaned.
He stood up, glancing at T’Challa. “Sorry. I, uh, I need to go.”
T’Challa looked down as well before excusing himself, too, and the two heroes raced down the hall to find their teenagers.
“Whatever it is, I’m sure Peter started it.”
“You don’t know my sister, Stark.”
“Friday, where are they?”
“Kitchen, sir,” the AI answered, and the two heroes raced to the room.
They skittered to a stop when they saw the two teens, no bleach or tide pods in sight, laughing by the sink. The only thing concerning was a paper towel with some red on it that looked suspiciously like blood but the kids looked intact, so Tony took a breath as he leaned heavily on the kitchen island. 
“Peter Benjamin Parker, what the heck did you do that for?” Tony demanded.
“Do what?” Peter asked innocently, and Shuri couldn’t stop laughing.
“Shuri,” T’Challa warned. “Was this your idea?”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about, brother,” she giggled.
“Let’s go, Stark,” T’Challa said, shaking his head, content that there was no danger.
“No funny business,” Tony added.
“Wouldn’t dream of it!” Peter said, eyes deceptively innocent. 
Tony rolled his eyes and hurried to the meeting.
“See, Shuri, I made a mentor,” Peter joked once said mentor was down the hall.
“No, you ruined a perfectly good superhero is what you did. Look at him, he’s got anxiety!”
The teenagers turned their attention to raiding the cabinets. They pulled out the enormous bag of candy left over from Halloween, popped popcorn (shooting it into each other’s mouths. Peter won that little contest, but not for lack of effort or enthusiasm on Shuri’s part), and Peter pulled out both the Red Vines and the Twizzlers. He grunted in false disgust as Shuri immediately went for the Twizzlers.
“You are a disgrace,” Peter said. “Tony’s bad enough with the Twizzlers, but c’mon. Red Vines are where it’s at.”
“You are wrong. Twizzlers, all the way. And I like the black ones too.”
Peter gasped in mock shock. Luckily, the argument halted as Shuri saw a container of oreos.
“Spider, did you ever see the cookie challenge?”
“Are you kidding me?!” Peter said, already pulling them out.
And that’s how the adults found them, black crumbs all over their faces as they twitched and shimmied trying to get the chocolate cookie from their forehead to their mouth without using their hands. Shuri cheered as she triumphantly munched on her oreo. 
“Eat cookie crumbs!” She shouted.
“I call a rematch! Oh, hey Tony!” Peter said, trotting over and curling easily into his mentor’s side.
“Shuri, we should be leaving for Wakanda soon,” T’Challa said.
“You always ruin my fun, brother. I was just going to suggest a rematch with all of you,” she said, holding out a cookie to each adult.
T’Challa shook his head good naturedly as he accepted the treat. “I suppose we have time for a rematch. Just as long as you’re prepared to lose, sister.”
“Excuse you, your majesty, but I will be winning this contest,” Tony interjected, taking his own cookie. “Friday, count us in!” He called once the kids had their Oreo’s ready, as well.
“On your marks, get set, go!”
Shuri won again, and T’Challa muttered something about getting a big head as they started toward the jet.
Shuri and Peter hugged goodbye, promising to send each other memes every day (they’d exchanged phone numbers much earlier) and he waved until they could no longer see the Wakandan planes.
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pluto-parker · 5 years
Study Stud *Peter Parker x Reader*
Summary: The one where you and Peter get distracted from your studies.
Warnings: Mild Language
Word Count: 1.6k
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Five hours.
Five straight hours of non-stop studying.
Give it another minute and you’re sure you’re going to lose it.
“What does ATP stand for?” Peter questions, index card in hand as he waits for your answer from his place in the chair across from you.
Normally, you can listen to Peter talk all day and love every second of it. At school, Ned always reminds you to stop drooling whenever Peter gets caught up in one of his nerd tirades, giving you free reign to ogle him, but for the love of God you’d saw off an arm and a leg if it meant he’d stop asking you fucking science questions right now.
Blowing a raspberry, you throw yourself dramatically across the couch, your legs plopping on the cushions with about as much grace as Ned and Peter ice-skating. You physically and mentally project as much boredom as you can as you glare at Peter’s upside down form, “Adenosine Tit-phosphate.”
Your bad pun earns a laugh from Peter who balls up the card and subsequently throws it at your face, missing by a a couple inches.
You scoff at the action, fighting the humor that threatens to show itself on your face as you quip, “You’d think that Spiderman can throw but alas, the boy cannot.”
“Shut up.” He sticks his tongue out at you, scrunching his nose before throwing the rest of the index cards to the floor and standing up. He raises his arms above his head in a long stretch, the bottom of his shirt riding up with the movement revealing his toned abs.
Your eyes widen and you’re quick to avert them, desperately clutching onto your annoyance to help you hide the fact that your nerves are going haywire.
A couple seconds later and he’s lifting your legs, plopping down on the couch next to you before setting them back down across his lap. His fingers drum subconsciously against the skin of your calf, leaving a burning sensation with every touch.
Well there goes any shred of a chance you had at staying annoyed with him. 
You’re just thankful that he can’t see your face from where he is because you’re sure you’re as red as a tomato.
“I think we’ve done enough studying to last us the rest of the month,” Peter comments.
You lug your head up and prop yourself up on your side, looking at him incredulously, “A month? I’d say a lifetime.”
He lets out a snort and opens his mouth to quip back when a tumultuous grumble echoes throughout the room.
Your mouth drops open wide as a bout of giggles escapes your chest. The look on Peter’s face is killer as he folds his arms over his stomach, his cheeks burning a bright maroon.
“Holy shit, Pete. I’ve gone whole days without eating and my stomach has never managed to do that. We literally ate like an hour ago,” you choke out, unable to control your laughter as you roll. Tears stream down your face and your stomach hurts but you can’t stop.
Seconds blow by and your laughter continues to fill the room to the brim until you hear him shift at the end of the couch and a shadow blocks the light from hitting your face.
Opening your eyes, Peter is a mere couple inches above you. His cheeks are still flushed but now his brow is cocked and a mischievous glint sparkles in his eyes as he threatens, “Oh, so you think that was funny? I’ll give you something to laugh about.”
“Pete, wh–?”
And then his fingers are attacking your sides and you’re kicking futilely at him, weak with laughter. His giggles blend with yours as he straddles your waist, solid as a rock as he endures spastic blow after blow.
You’re breathless and your cheeks are stained with tears but you muster up every ounce of strength that you can manage and push him as hard as you can. He lets up and allows himself to get pushed away by you, which you are grateful for as you gasp for breath. You glare at him from underneath your eyelashes and give him one last shove for good measure.
He merely grins in response, his eyes still twinkling as he regards you. In a flash, his expression shifts; something you’ve never seen before in his irises mix with the mischief.
“You’re so cute when you pretend to be mad.”
Your stomach flips at his words, your facade crumbling away as you try to process what just happened.
Is Peter…? Is Peter Parker…? Nerdy, shy, adorable, awkward, with-no-game-whatsoever Peter Parker that spit out his water after Liz smiled at him once during lunch freshman year…? That Peter…? This Peter…? The same Peter right in front of you who is still straddling your waist with the confidence of Tony Stark himself seemingly flowing through his veins… flirting with you?
Have you died and gone to heaven?
You’re knocked out of your thoughts by Peter coyly tapping your right temple, the smirk on his lips growing as he says, “Earth to (Y/N)? Hello? You okay there?”
It takes everything in you to wrangle what little bit of power you have left to grab his wrist and pull his hand away from your face, shooting back with one of your own brows cocked, “What is this? Peter Parker… flirting? I think you’ve been spending too much time with Tony Stark; or maybe the whole Spiderman thing has finally gone to your head,” you flick his forehead for emphasis, your joking tone laid on thick as his smile grows at your words.
He shakes his wrist from your grasp, entwining his fingers with your own instead as he leans in even closer, your noses touching as he remarks, “Maybe it has… maybe it’s a good thing.”
His eyes flicker between your eyes and your lips and you lick your own in anticipation. His hot breath fans across your face with every exhale and you gaze at him with hooded eyelids as you murmur, your free hand finding its way to the short curls at the nape of his neck, “I think it just might be.”
His lips ghost yours and it takes all of your willpower to hold back as he finishes, “Me, too.”
And then his lips are finally on yours. The heat is scalding but its a delicious burn as his hand finds your waist, grasping at the exposed skin. He pulls away for a moment to suck in a raspy gasp of air before locking his lips back with yours, a hunger infused with his every move. His tongue swipes across your lower lip, begging for entrance that you swiftly grant. His tongue searches your mouth with possessiveness and you know that you’re his. Your body feels like its on fire as his body presses flush against your own. You can feel every muscled rise and fall of his body and his scent washes over you; you’re completely and irrevocably enveloped in him and its pure and utter bliss.
His hand begins to snake its way up your side, leaving a trail of fire and flames and—
“Holy shit!”
Your eyes fly open as you shove Peter away, him slipping on the discarded index cards from earlier and face planting into the other couch before righting himself and sitting stick straight, his eyes wide as he folds his hands over his lap like he wasn’t shoving his tongue down your throat two seconds ago.
You see a flash of long ginger hair before the door is slammed shut and your face flushes in embarrassment and horror at being caught by Aunt May.
You’re never going to be able to look her in the eye again.
Slowly, you meet Peter’s gaze and study his features. His lips are red and swollen and his cheeks are a dusty pink and his hair is an even messier nest of curls and his clothes have new wrinkles but he’d never looked so damn hot over all the years that you’ve known him.
A couple beats pass; the room is filled to the brim with silence
And then a fit of stunned lovesick giggles replaces the silence.
It takes a couple minutes, but Peter is the first to gather himself, a few laughs bubbling through his words as he wipes the hysterical tears from his eyes, “God, I love you.”
Somehow, your smile manages to grow as you throw yourself across the room into his lap, his arms instinctively wrapping around you as you snuggle into his chest, “I love you, too, you goof.”
He purses his lips at the name. “I’m not a goof, I’m cool–I’m… I’m a stud.”
You let out a snort, “A stud?”
“Yes?” It comes out more like a question than an answer.
“Sure, Pete.”
“I’m serious!”
“U-huh, okay.”
“Ugh, I hate you.”
“Do you now?” you start to unravel yourself from his grasp, getting to your feet dramatically, “Well, I guess I’ll just be going the–”
He grasps your wrist and pulls you back into his lap, securing his arms around you before burying his face into the crook of your neck, pressing a kiss to your exposed collarbone, “No, stay.”
You practically melt into his embrace, letting out a content sigh as you lean into his touch, “Well, if you insist–”
“I do.”
You can’t help but grin, pressing your lips against his hair as you clutch the fabric of his shirt between your fingers.
Five hours of studying to get the man of your dreams?
Worth it.
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rynhaswritersblock · 4 years
new york boy (hc) | p.p.
summary: life is hard when you visit your uncle in new york and all of a sudden there's a cute boy named peter parker in your life (i suck at summaries just stick with me here)
warnings: the usual fluff/hella cussing + like a minute of slight angst, also DEADASS THIS IS LIKE 8.5K WORDS I GOT SO SO SOOOOOO CARRIED AWAY AHSAHDJFKSNFK
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+ + +
- you guys i've had a one direction relapse i was literally Obsessed with them like eight years ago (when they were still together rip) and all of a sudden they are just living in my brain Rent Free once again
- btw harry is my favorite and always has been. call me basic but it's been an eight year bond so try and fight that 😌✋
- anyways time to write the actual fucking story
- haha Oops!
- no i didn't accidentally spell oops "opps" at first. the fact that you even think that is complete absurdity
- this is the eighth bullet point and i have yet to get into the actual story holy fuck
- guys i just watched knives out (yeah i know i'm late whatever) and i haven't fully processed it yet but it was Muy Bueno!
i knowwww i knowwww i knowwww for sure
- i am so sorry
- yeah ❤
- SO BASICALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- fuck what is this imagine about again?
- don't ask me how that works i have No Fucking Clue (which i'm sure you've gathered at this point)
- (i don't know what i'm doing)
- y'all i've got a headache but ❤ nevertheless she persisted ❤
- so basically
- you live like
- not... in new york...?????????
- let's say you live in like california
- so you and uncle tones (😌) were super close when he lived in cali and he'd like pick you up from school and get you ice cream and basically be the Coolest Uncle Ever
- ur mom (let's say she's tony's sister) would be like 🙄 whenever he'd goof around with u but she loved y'all's relationship
- ain't that fluffy
- but THEN
- tony moved to new york
- bitch how fucking rude is that
- so u were like
- a little dead inside
- but that was when you were like six so time moved at Hyper Speed back then and you don't really like Remember the Pain 😀
- Anyways! from there on you only visit once a year and be there for a week
- but u best BELIEVE those visits were HYPE AS FUCK YEAHYEAH
- when you turned 13 ur mom surprised you by finally letting you start going by yourself
- badass 13 year old y/n 😌
- so u were like Heck Yeah!
- YeahYeah 😀😀😀
- happy picks you up from the airport and ur like "uh hi"
- you go on your annual trip
- happy picks you up as per usual
- the usual awkward convo goes on which typically goes something like:
"are you excited to see your uncle" "yeah" "cool" "mhmm"
- yeah ❤
- but anyways by the time you're like 10 mins away you're practically Bouncing in your seat
- happy is like.... Girl. Calm Down! 😀
"oh by the way tony has the kid over today"
- bro Huh???????????
- ??????
- "the kid" Very Specific Thank You!
- you're like "who tf is the kid"
- your head SPINS over to happy
"he's SPIDER-MAN?"
- happy just gets that Smug Smile Look on his face (y'all know the face) and shrugs, pulling into the garage
- you JUMP out of the car
- you wanna see sum real speed?
"FRIDAY! it's y/n let me in!!!"
- bitch calm down
"welcome back, y/n"
- you BUST through the doors
- not to mention your backpack is Barely Hanging On and happy is still in the garage hurling your suitcase out of the trunk
- sorry happy 😔😔
- happy ain't lookin so happy rn!
"friday, where's my uncle?"
"he's in the laboratory"
- go! go! go! go! go! go! go! go!
- spinch🥬spinch🥬spinch🥬spinch🥬spinch🥬spinch🥬spinch🥬spinch🥬spinch🥬spinch🥬spinch🥬spinch🥬spinch🥬spinch🥬spinch🥬spinch🥬spinch🥬
- you FLY down the stairs to the lab
- tony looks over and a smile immediately breaks on his face
- you look disheveled as HELL cause you're like panting and Far Too Excited
- peter looks over and sees you and is like 0_0
- as soon as you see peter you're ALSO like 0_0
- he cute
- wait no fuck he's HOT
- you manage to tear your eyes from peter Somehow and look over at tony, smiling like a madwoman as you jump into his arms and give him a hug
- oh damn
- this kid's Voice!!!!!!!!!!
- adorable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- you and tony pull apart and tony explains the nickname
"peter, this is y/n, my niece. short-circuit just so happens to come from when this idiotic girl will be talking about something when we're in the lab and she suddenly drifts off and gets this zoned out look on her face. she short-circuits, basically"
- peter's Still like 0_0
- his brain can't even Function Properly because tony was just explaining the next updates to peter's suit and then you're here and you're really pretty and tony apparently has a niece? and Everything Is Happening!!!!!!!!
"well im so sorry that i drift off because my brain is coming up with super cool stuff, which usually tends to make your little inventions even better. let's not forget me figuring out how to properly program JARVIS"
- *not peter's 0_0 look managing to amplify*
- eyebrows are RAISED
- (also quick moment of silence for jarvis i miss him 😔)
in memoriam:
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graphic design is my passion 2.0
fyi graphic design is my passion is becoming a new ~segment~ on these hcs because i love making them and i deadass couldn't stop laughing at my last one
- okay back to Da Program
- all tony does is scoff, clapping you on the back
"anyways... peter's interning for me, so i was just explaining-"
- intern? i don't think so!
- time to be a stark and fuck things up!
"happy told me he was spider-man? the suit is literally on that table over there? unless he's doing both spider-man and an internship? which is honestly impressive, i mean-" you look over at peter, "with school and everything- unless you don't go to school, but still-"
- you look back over and tony and this man is.........
- he's got that Look on his face you know what i'm talking about
"dammit, now i gotta go yell at happy"
"oh shit was i not supposed to know?"
- tony gives you an exasperated look and you're like Oops!
"it would've been better if you didn't know. just don't go running that big mouth of yours"
- you give him an offended look before being like Okay Fine Whatever
- tony is just tired and peter's standing there like OH FUCK UH OKAY??????????
- aka that one scene in infinity war
moving on
"y/n, your room is set up. i'm gonna finish up here with pete and then we can go get cheeseburgers. deal?"
- you smile and nod, giving tony a kiss on the cheek (signature stark move)
- (i'm sad now)
- (fuck)
- you start to walk off and look over at peter
"it was nice meeting you, peter"
- mans is like Oh! Who? Me!
"oH- uh- y- yeah, it was nice meeting you, too"
- you give him a small smile and walk up the stairs out of the lab
- fucking dopey ass smile on your face because YOU JUST MET CUTE BOY SPIDERMAN AND HES CUTE AND HOT AND KJSDFHKSDJF FUCK!!!!!!!!!!
- peter looks back from watching you walk away and makes sure you're out of earshot
- fyi his ears are like Red Red and homeboy looks WHIPPED
- silly goose. fools fall in love
"i-um, i didn't know you had a niece?"
- tony just kind of scoffs
- very original reaction, tony! Never Been Done before, Especially by you! Wow!
"and i didn't realize how little time it takes for you to fall in love. i mean the bar was low but, jeez, kid"
"wait- no- i'm not in love"
"hmm okay. but if i catch you pulling something i will not hesitate to say i told you s-"
"no- yeah- that won't be, uh, that won't be a problem, mr stark"
- yeah tell that to your FACE peter
- he's like No! Of Course Not! meanwhile his face is just 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
- why are emojis so goddamn funny. they're the stupidest shits ever but i love them so much
- you go to your room and unpack and everything and yeahyeah whatever
- btw tony Knows you so when he first moved into the headquarters he immediately set aside a room for you with a view he knew you'd love and like all ur favorite things (posters, comfy bed and pillows and blankets, any instruments u like to play etc) because Uncle Tony is Bae Man
- then tony like sticks his head in and knocks on the doorframe
- ur like "hola!" (soy dora!)
- is that what she says? fuck idk i didn't take spanish and have the memory of a breadcrumb anyways!
"y/n i think you made my intern fall in love with you"
- bro Huh?????????/
- cute random slash ryn! Very Good At Typing!
"what on earth do you mean?"
- on the inside though ur like YEAHYEAH
- you and tony get cheeseburgers yeahyeah okay
- so you have the whole week in nyc right
- guess what
- guess
- the fuck
- what
- can i just make my goddamn point already goodness gracious
- these hcs are literally me just writing down every single thought i have while writing these
- you guys do be living rent free in my brain 0_0
- you best BELIEVE peter is at headquarters
- every
- fucking
- day
- now the whole reason for that is
- when you got back from the Cheeseburger Extravaganza! tony called peter and was like
"sup bitch"
- i'm kidding
"kid listen my niece needs a friend and at this point maybe even a boyfriend. she hasn't managed to pull anyone yet and you'd be a nice fit ANYWAYS come over tomorrow and show her around new york"
- now, hearing this, peter cannot breathe
- internal monologue be like holyhdhdjhksjdbfhitshitskjfdbjfk
- basically me
- my thoughts
- ✨always✨
- the inner snape in me just came out SORRY
- oh i fixed it
- okay so YEAH
- peter wakes up next morning and pays SO MUCH ATTENTION TO THE WAY HE LOOKS
- puts on his best science pun tee (i love him so much wtf) and makes sure his hair is just right
- aunt may is like o_0
- Hmm...... something Hinky is going on!
(once you get your bearings, find the carpet that covers the taillight, peel back the carpet, make a fist, punch the taillight out the back of the car, thus creating a hole in the back of the automobile, then stick your little hand out and wave to oncoming motorists to let them know that something hinky is going on!)
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- bae man john mulaney
- i can't hear or even fucking THINK of the word hinky without thinking of detective jj bittenbinder STREETSMARTS
- shut up! you're all gonna dieSTREETSMARTS
- guys i'm starting to think i have ADHD
- writing my full/actual name on here felt weird as fuck. dunno how often i'll be doing that okay anyways
- peter gets to headquarters and is immediately met by thor
"ah, the spider!"
"sir stark said something about you coming today to show madam y/n around the city!"
- thor gives peter the biggest pat on the back and peter Does Not Know How To Act
"uh, yeah, that's um.. that's what i'm doing"
- thor smiles (the smile he gives hulk in that one scene in ragnarok makes me LOSE MY MIND it's so FUNNY)
- can my cat stop rubbing her face on my laptop goddamn
- okay reset ANYWAYS
- take a shot every time i say anyways
- hi i'm editing this imagine rn and according to ctrl+f i wrote "anyways" 20 times. time to get blackout drunk and chug a bottle of perfume everyone!
- Not Me with the john mulaney reference Again!
- thor's like "go get em kid"
- peters like "y-yeah thanks"
- gets in the elevator and he's still so flustered and confused and anxious
- his voice fucking CRACKS when he asks friday to take him to your floor
- why is it so cute when boys' voices crack wtf
- when he reaches ur door his heart is like WANNA SEE SUM REAL SPEED? 4.0
- he just knocks quietly and ur like "yeah?"
- ohgodohfuckohgodohfuckohgodohfuck
- peter opens the door and the LOOK ON HIS FACE
- he (⊙ˍ⊙)
- as soon as you see him you go into Fight Or Flight ur like (ง •_•)ง...?
- but u regain ur composure cause ur a stark 😎
"oh, hi peter!"
"hey, um,"
- he like slowly walks in
- mans is So Unsure of what he's allowed to do
- ur just like My Man it is OKAY
"mr. stark- your uncle-"
- yes peter i know hes my uncle
"so i said to her, 'we've been married for three and a half years.' and she knew that."
no i will not stop with the john mulaney quotes do not even try me (Do Not Fuck With Me)
"told me to show you around new york today"
- ur like O Shit Okay?
- you already know tony is tryna pull some SHIT because this is deadass like the idk..... at LEAST tenth time you've been to new york??????
- you tell peter you'll be ready in a few and he just cautiously sits on your bed cause he's so unsure of everything (babey)
- the two of you talk about the whole story about you and tony and stuff
"so yeah then he moved to new york and i've just been visiting him for a week once a year"
- you look over, aggressively shoving on ur shoes and peter's just Thinking
"if you've been here before then why does mr. stark want me to show you around"
- you shrug
"he's weird like that"
- so ANYWAYS (take a shot!)
- ur ready n stuff so the two of you leave
- sam is being himself ofc so he starts clapping for the two of you and whooping as you walk past
- bucky starts clapping too but he doesn't know what he's clapping for so he's just looking around like o_0? 👏
- (he eventually sees the two of you though and smiles SO BRIGHT)
- sam's like
- you turn and almost beat the Fuck out of that bird-man ur like:
we ┗|`O′|┛┗|`O′|┛┗|`O′|┛┗|`O′|┛┗|`O′|┛
- oh my god ANYWAYS (TAKE A SHOT)
- tony just chillin in the back with a smug look on his face
- so you guys just start walking through the streets and peter just points out random things
"this is where an old lady gave me a churro"
"right up there is where i did a flip for this guy at a hot dog cart"
"i hung a bike robber right here- oh shoot well like i didn't hang him but i like suspended him in the air.. with my web.... if you, uh, know what i'm sayingi'mgonnastoptalkingnow"
- ur like bitch if you keep acting like this (aka like yourself) imma start Acting Up
- it's Too Cute
- the two of you take the subway to get to queens so he can show you around His Area Of New York
- which is a whole experience cause it's
- the fucking
- subway
- in new york
- you see a subway rat and you get SO EXCITED
- the fucking brightest smile is on your face and peter just looks at you in awe because it's a fucking rat but for some reason you got so happy over it???????
- the subway car was PACKED AS HELL (aka peter. we all know it)
- (there's NO WAY peter's dick is small moving on)
- so the two of you are forced to hold onto the pole things
- and since cali doesn't have subways and subway poles are not something you generally see
- does it? i've never fucking been there i shouldn't be spitting facts that probably aren't actually facts
- for the sake of this imagine california does not have subways
- you decide to Pull a Move and fucking wrap your leg around it, laughing as you spin slightly
- very ungracefully might i add
- we're talking about y/n. the Clumsy Messy Hair Bitch from every goddamn book on this app
- can we talk about how y/n is a whole ass character. like ask anyone who reads fanfic to describe y/n and they Would Not describe themselves DESPITE THE FACT THAT Y/N LITERALLY MEANS "YOUR NAME"
- anyways (two shots of vodka *glug glug*)
- peter gets slightly flustered at your stripper move but covers it up with a laugh
- something about The Way peter's holding onto the pole above ur head is VERY ATTRACTIVE
- now is the time to go look back at the gif i used for this imagine
"what's a camera like you doing in a place like this?"
- fuck you tom for being cute shut up
- the car stumbles and
- CLICHE MOMENT ALERT y'all know what's going on
- you stumble slightly and peter (speedy spidey reflexes) quickly grabs you by the waist to steady you
"oh- yeah, uh, no problem"
- he like... awkwardly pulls his hand away from your waist and suddenly his hand feels like a fucking lead balloon with No Purpose so he just stuffs it in his pocket because Pockets!
- you lowkey wish he'd kept his hand on your waist OOPS
- we desperate for human contact 😔
- the two of y'all get off the subway at his stop and as soon as you step out into the like Actual Street or Whatever you're like 😀 cause it's so PRETTY and it's peter's home so it's even more exciting
- you get lunch at delmar's (ofc)
- mr delmar kept making suggestive eyes between the two of you so you were like o_0
"supongo que ya no preguntarás por mi hija, eh?"
- thank u google translate for the assistance😌
- TRANSLATES TO "guess you won't be asking about my daughter anymore, huh?"
como estas tu hija eh?
that'll be ten dollars
- anyways (shots! shots! shots shots shots shots! shots!)
- ur like Bro Huh and peter's like NOTHING
- and fucking 🅱ETER
- this BITCH
"ella es la hija del señor stark" (she's mr. stark's daughter)
- ngl you couldn't breathe for a second
- cause who The Fuck can when 🅱eter 🅱ucking 🅱arker speaks ESPAÑOL
- ????????????? WHO
- moving on (not saying a****** to give you a break from the shots you're welcome)
- you get your sandwiches and they fucking SLAP
- peter smiles SO HARD WHEN HE SEES YOUR REACTION CAUSE HE'S SO EXCITED THAT YOU LIKE HIS FAVORITE SANDWICH (not you saying "i'll have what he has" just because you were too busy thinking about him speaking spanish oops)
- the two of you share a bag of gummy worms
- overall 11/10 experience
- i got a bit carried away with that and we're running on over 3000 (rip) words here so i'm gonna hurry this up goodness fuck
- editing ryn here to say HAHA 3000 words little did i Fucking Know
- ngl you lay on your bed for a second like "wait was that a date?"
- peter legit just walks to the end of the hallway before closing his eyes and leaning back against the wall, letting out a sigh
- he's like holy shit i need to stop getting so whipped over girls within less than 24 hours
- then fucking sir STANK rounds the corner
"hey, pete! how was showing short-circuit around?"
"oh, hi, uh, it was good"
- this boy is fucking Flustered As Hell
"good? good. what'd y'all do?"
"we, just, um, walked around and i showed her around queens, too"
- tony just looks at him for a second and is like damn this kid needs a break i'll lay off of him
- so like the Cool Guy he is he like awkwardly pats peter on the shoulder and walks over to your room
- u and tones have a convo about your day and you end up gushing about it a little bit OOPS
- tony is so proud of himself him and his egotistical ass Goodness
- a n y w a y s  ( t a k e  a  s h o t ! )
- peter ends up coming over everyday because It's Summer! and he has No Life!
- just thought i'd let you know that i have spent the last couple days binge watching bestdressed's videos and now everything i write down is being narrated by ashley
- actually fuck that everything i THINK is narrated by ashley
- also can we gush about her in the comments like she seems like the coolest person ever and like the big sister i never had and she's so open about her life and funny and quirky but in a good way and i just have So Much Respect For Her!!!!!!!!!!!
- and i want her apartment SO BAD I'M LITERALLY OBSESSED WITH IT
- not me having a weird obsession with fire escapes ever since reading/writing peter parker fics which tend to involve them in some way or another
- SO YEAH peter's hanging around a lot
- at first it's a bit weird cause you're like..... You Don't Live Here.....??????????? but At This Point You Almost Do????????????????
- the two of you break the ice pretty quick
- the night of the day after peter showed you around (did that make any sense at all probably not) you were just chilling in your room watching uhhhhhhhhhhhhh
- let me think rq
- um okay uhhhhhh (bonus points to you if you read that in peter's voice)
- fun fact time! i like saying "what you do is very baller" at random times because idk why but that line makes me laugh SO HARD
- timothee's character in general was just..... so............
- ????????????
- yeah so you're watching lady bird and peter passes your doorway cause he was "going on a walk"
- headass
- you see him and ur like o_0
- bitch fucking TRIPS
- oh u got me trippinnnnn oh stumblinnnnn oh flippinnnnnnn oh fumblinnnn oh
- clumsy cause i'm falling in ~love~
- are those the right lyrics? eh whatever
ah the serotonin.. okay MOVING ON
"y-yeah? oH hi y/n didntuhhhhhhh didn't see you there"
- he's casually scratching the back of his neck because he's nervy
"yeah, i'm, um..."
- composure equals regained though bc stark. yeah!
- my thoughts are........ incoherent
"i'm watching lady bird, uh, if you wanna join"
- WITH YOU?????????????????
- hells yeah!
"o-oh, yeah, sure"
- mans awkwardly waddles in and sits at the edge of your bed
"you can like... lay down, peter. i don't bite"
- he just awkwardly lays down and his side lightly presses against yours
- you have to shut your eyes for a second because MAN does unexpected contact from a boy have such a big effect on you
- not even kidding one of my guy friends patted me on the head as he walked past my desk and i DEADASS GOT BUTTERFLIES I WAS SO ASHAMED
- so anyways (🥂)
- why isn't there a shot glass emoji this is discrimination (i'm kidding)
- the movie was great like
- you and peter would just laugh at random parts and eventually just started critiquing every little moment
- it ended up as a very great moment very nice very cool
- we like furthering our relationships with cute boys :D
- those of you who have been following the story (on my message board) abt the boy i'm talking to aka furthering my relationship with... yeahyeah!
- essentially you and peter start hanging out every day
- the Chemistry you have is Unmatched
- like you just clicked really well
- mainly y'all just watch tv in the commons
- you binge watch i'm not okay with this even though you've already seen it
- peter's like "so why do you like this show so much?"
- ur like 0_0 ... "the plot"
THE PLOT IN QUESTION: stanley barber
- who happens to give me peter parker vibes a little bit
- food network turns on and it takes you like five minutes tops to migrate to the kitchen
- the brownies y'all made did not turn out well
- bucky took a bite, made a face, then smirked
"you two put weed in here?"
- no, bitch, we just suck at baking
- lots of late night convos ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
"wait so like... how big do you expect our dicks to be"
"peter what the fuck"
"i'm curious!"
- if you haven't had one of those convos with someone of the opposite gender... You Haven't Lived
- also why do guys like talking about their dicks so much???? the amount of comments they make about them during those convos.. meanwhile i'm just trying to figure out their personality 😔
- the two of you even spend time in the lab together
- this is when he sees ~short-circuit~ in action
- y'all are doing some dumbass experiment idk
- so y'all are making ✨something✨ for an upgrade on peter's suit
- my idea was only half developed don't make fun of me
- and you make a Stunning Realization and fucking SPIN around in your chair to face peter
- ur just rambling making science-y smart connections and peters like holy shit she's a fucking genius of course she is how on earth did she just
- and then as you get further into your discovery you suddenly just cut off and stare into the distance with this Super Serious Look on your face
(but for you i'll be superhuman!)
- then you just SPIN AROUND in your chair and start working on the suit again
- peter's just like 0_0 for a moment
"huh, okay"
- it takes you a few seconds to realize he even said anything but then you look up and ur like 0_0 (we're gonna have to start taking a shot every time i use that face goodness fuck)
"you short-circuited!"
- he's all giddy and smiley about it too cause he FINALLY UNDERSTANDS
"shut up, parker"
- peter Totally has a thing for being called parker i just know it
- greedy bitch
- once you get in the ~thing~ that you designed for the suit
- okay i really need to think of an actual upgrade give me a min
- wow very cool, me! innovation that Excites!
- we're just gonna ignore the fact that the interrogation protocol has a voice changer got it? yeahyeah
- peter's like No Way when you tell him you finished it
- you slip on the mask and tell karen to activate the Grown Man Protocol (not peter being offended by the name)
- you start talking and immediately BUST OUT LAUGHING because you sound like Siri
- and since you're Hella Genius you made it so you could change the voices just like how siri is
- so suddenly you're a BRITISH MAN
- you and peter can't stop laughing
- you give it to peter and then you're like
"wait no try it on with the suit too"
- peter's like o_0?
"for effect!"
- walter beckett?
- TOM?
- okay whatever
- peter's like
"okay um i'm just gonna uh... change over here"
- you nod and turn around
- just the sound of his clothes hitting the ground itself gives you butterflies
- and then you realize
- you can deadass See Him Through The Reflection Of The Microscope
- is that even possible? for the sake of this imagine Yes
- your face gets SO HOT
- it's a very small reflective area thing so not a lot of detail but ENOUGH TO SHOW HIS TONED SEXY ASS PHYSIQUE
- fucking crush me peter please i beg it would be an honor
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"i want you to do it so i can stomp you with my hooves, i'm so fucking crazy"
- (crazy for you, peter!)
"okay it's on"
- you practically BLAST around in your seat because the VOICE IS WORKING AND IT'S STILL BRITISH
- peter your tom is showing
- ngl though you couldn't stop thinking about how peter looked through the reflection and you didn't even want to THINK about how he would look-
- you know
- in all actuality you did want to think about it like think about it for literally the rest of your life if you could but we're gonna ignore that
- nonetheless the experience was Muy Bueno Very Fun and you and peter spent a solid hour just messing with the voices
- that reason being training
- let me just say
- even though he only trained twice during ur visit
- you fucking CHERISHED those moments
- because when peter told you the night before his training session that he would be training in the morning you were like Hmm...... I Need To See This
- so you deadass "take a walk" (Very Peter Of You) by the training room
- and ur met with the sight of this:
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i hate him so fucking much
who the FUCK ALLOWED THIS i can't breathe
- you definitely take out your phone to snap a few pics DON'T EVEN LIE TO ME YOU WOULD
- ur camera is on live mode too 😌
- then you run away before you get caught but DAMN
- when you go back to your room you just Inspect those pics like a crazy person and keep replaying the live
- then u look at the time
"friday, when does peter's training end?"
"peter parker's training is scheduled to finish in two minutes"
- you check yourself in the mirror before ZOOMING downstairs and distracting yourself in the kitchen
- silently thanking the gods (thor?) that no one was in the kitchen when you got there
- (hi i'm getting carried away with this mini plot so just like don't mind it)
- (carried away as in i really really did get carried away LOL)
- you're like what the fuck i can't just Stand Here in the Middle of the Kitchen so you grab some strawberries from the refrigerator and start cutting them up (they just Taste Better that way don't fight me) for a "snack"
- yeah ❤
- just as you pop one into your mouth peter walks in to get a glass of water
- now let me just set the scene:
you: mouth in a weird 'o' shape as your mouth forgets how to chew because fucking peter just walked in peter: curly hair a sweaty mess, skin glistening with sweat, wearing black shorts and a gray tank top which Just Fucking Ends You, his usual adorable baby face, oh and he's also panting cause he's fucking exhausted and now you're also out of breath because damn that is Hot strawberries: chopped
"oh, hi y/n"
- the fucking PANTING
- why is breathing heavy so hot?
- i think we all know
"hey, peter"
- shoutout to your stark genes for giving you fake confidence whenever you need it
"want any strawberries?"
- he fucking chugs half of his water just Right In Front Of You
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the jawline i hate him so much can he shut up right now like genuinely please shut the fuck up goodness fucking gracious tom
jk please step on me
- he swallows and has Finally Caught his Breath
"oh, yeah, thank you"
- he just walks over to you
- as if he doesn't look the way he does
- and just grabs a strawberry and pops it into his mouth
- nonchalantly or whatever
- you pray to THOR he can't hear your heart as it fucking SLAMS AGAINST YOUR STERNUM
- it's beating so fast it's like LET ME OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- he hums
"strawberries taste so much better after training"
- you know what would taste better after training?
- lol
"thank you for the snack, i'm gonna go shower now"
- he elbows you and smiles lightly
- you almost can't speak because it's all Far Too Much for you to handle rn
"no problem, peter"
- as if you weren't having a heart attack okay
- i really got caught up in that but WHATEVER
- ladies and gents we are running on over 5k words at this point holy shit
- basically you and peter become good friends by the end of your trip
- and then
- the dreaded
- time to leave, bros
- the night before is kinda weird cause you and peter are just hanging out on the roof of headquarters because why not
"leaving new york usually doesn't feel as weird as this"
- peter looks over at you
- btw at this point 🅱eter is Beyond Whipped so he's fucking SAD that you're going home
"what do you mean?"
- the two of you share a look and it's very sad because you both know that you've become really good friends and both want a bit more
- part of you considers being a baddie and just trying to like at LEAST kiss him tonight (maybe more wink wink) so you could at least have that before you go but you chicken out
- the two of you say goodbye that night because your flight is at the Crack of Dawn
- he awkwardly pulls you in for a hug and suddenly you deeply consider locking yourself in your room so nobody can make you leave
- and then you remember vision can fucking Hover through walls and you're like Well Damn!
- you hug him tightly (a bit too tight yeah maybe)
- when you pull apart this Bitch literally goes
"well it was nice meeting you"
"peter we spent a week together and you're acting like we had a 5 minute encounter"
"i don't know how to act!"
- me neither, peter. me neither
- so you leave in the morning and you're fucking UPSET
- aren't we all
- your goodbye to tony is sad but like Not Even As Sad as your goodbye with peter which is KINDA MESSED UP BUT
- the heart wants what it wants
- and just when you get on the plane
- is when you realize
- you and peter didn't get each other's numbers
- Wtf 💔
- YOU ALSO REWATCH LADY BIRD :,(((((((((((((((((((((((( in remembrance of the good old times
- when you get home you're like kinda happy to be home but you miss new york and tony and peter and everyone So Much
- even ur mom notices she's like 🤨 Hmm... this Ain't The Usual!
- so this is where the request ended off but i'm adding to it because i do Not want to leave this on an angsty note
- so peter just so happens to wake up that morning and SIT UP VERY QUICKLY AS IT HITS HIM
- (ur like on ur flight probably zooming over the Goddamn Midwest)
- he has the same realization that you did
"i just realized i didn't get y/n's number"
- woman melts she's like i thought you were fucking DYING goddamn spider bitch boy
- but then she melts even more because she didn't even need peter to tell her how Whipped he is
"awh, i'm sorry hon"
- next time peter goes to headquarters he talks to tony and the mans just like This Is Your Fault!
- but then nat pops in
"peter, you do realize you could probably find her on social media, right"
- moment of silence for you and peter's stupidity because somehow Neither Of You Thought Of That???????????
- rip
- as soon as he leaves from training (looking Sexy As Hell) he searches your name on instagram
- "y/n stark"
- and nothing shows up
- because you never told him your actual last name because IT NEVER CAME UP
- he just assumed it was stark cause why wouldn't he
- SO HE'S LIKE :,)
- until his next time at headquarters
"mr. stark i couldn't find her on instagram"
- tony's like i really got this kid hooked huh
"pretty sure she has one, pete"
"well i looked her up! y/n stark. nothing"
- then tony's like oHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
"kid, her last name's l/n."
- peter just sits there like 0_0 for a second before it all ties together in his head and makes sense
"oh my god"
- he definitely looks through all his posts and deletes a few embarrassing ones before requesting to follow you
INSTAGRAM peterbparker has requested to follow you.
- you do the same thing peter did and look through all your posts and delete a few before accepting his request
- and then you request back and he immediately accepts it
- commence the hour of stalking!
- the two of you just fucking Investigate each others' accounts before peter's like O Shit! i should Probably message her!
peterbparker: Right after you left I realized I forgot to get your number
- kinda awkward but your heart is RACING you're like AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
- the two of you begin talking and get each other's numbers and snapchats and whatever
- over time the two of you get really close over the internet like
- you become the first ones you go to when you see a dog or get food at a cool place or see a funny meme/tiktok or just like have a problem in general or want to talk
- and ofc you gush about him to your friends and they're like
- Girl... u really fell for a New York Boy Huh
- after a few months you finally muster up the courage to facetime him
- you almost Collapse once his face shows up because guess the fuck what
- he just finished training
- mua ha haaaa
- he says it all goofy like hi hello we're facetiming now holy shit oh FUCK we're FACETIMING!!!!!!?????!?!?!?!?
- i luv him
- the two of you talk for a bit and you fan yourself off-screen because the sight of him Genuinely made you light on fire and plus you were just nervous in general
- he even runs around the entire fucking building to find everyone so you can say hi cause he's babey
- the team DEFINITELY yells stuff like "lovebirds!" and "date already!" in the background and peter's face just gets So Red
- he finds tony and deadass goes
"mr. stark! it's your niece!"
- tony's like No Shit!
- overall amazing 100/10 time facetiming
- so the two of you start facetiming practically every day even though it's not summer anymore and you're back in school and have hella busy lives (peter's literally a superhero?)
- you'll facetime while doing homework and he'll help you with physics (even though you don't really need the help you pretend you do anyways) and it's so cute when he does because he Loves physics so much so he gets really excited and into it
- sometimes you'll fall asleep while on ft and he'll take screenshots
- ngl he set his favorite one as his lockscreen because he loved it so much and ned and mj definitely saw it and were lowkey like 🥺🥺 cause they ship you two so hard
- and when he'd fall asleep on ft you'd take screenshots too and look at them every time you missed him
- so it's winter now
- the Horrible Disgusting period between thanksgiving and christmas break
- because of finals the two of you facetime a bit less so it's kinda sad
- right when you get out of school for christmas break you're about to call peter so the two of you can celebrate (not peter checking the time every few minutes after he got out of school because he's a couple hours ahead)
- somebody's got a surprise
- you get a call from peter right when you get into your car and you're like Perfect Timing Hell Yeah
- you answer it and are met with the sight of him and tony smiling at the camera
*immediately screenshots it*
"oh, hi tony!"
"we have a surprise"
- peter's like bouncing from excitement and tony gives him a look before starting to talk
"we're fl-"
- peter interrupts and tony looks so defeated but YOU BARELY EVEN NOTICE BECAUSE YOU'RE SO EXCITED
- tony explains everything cause he worked it out with your parents (y'all are just gonna celebrate early)
- (tony doesn't say this but deadass the reason ur parents even let you is because they know how much you wanna go back mainly to see peter)
- eventually tony leaves the two of you alone to talk and you're just in your car in the school parking lot practically yelling at your phone as you and peter talk about how excited you are
"and you can finally meet may-"
"yes, may! and we can go back to delmar's and see murph-"
- peter can't stop smiling cause you're so excited and you look so cute cause you're Trying Your Best to get out of the parking lot while maintaining excitement
"can we go see times sq- MOTHERFUCKER GET OUT OF THE WAY JESUS CHRI- sorry peter i didn't mean to explode"
- if anything that made you even cuter in his eyes
- you and peter facetime while you pack and neither of you can handle your excitement AT ALL
- the night before you leave you're both in your beds across the country just talking quietly to each other over the phone and it's like the quiet cute excitement because you're seeing each other in less than 24 hours and you're both so so whipped by each other and just Cannot Wait
- it's really late ESPECIALLY for peter since he's ahead of you but he doesn't care at ALL
- so y'all are just whispering to each other
"i'm so excited, pete"
"i know, me too"
"i'm not gonna know how to act"
"me neither. you're not allowed to make fun of how awkward i am, okay?"
"peter, you being awkward is cute"
- the two of you can barely sleep from excitement but you fall asleep (on ft ofc) with smiles on your faces
- as soon as you wake up you text peter and you're like GO GO GO (spinch🥬spinch🥬spinch🥬)
- you call him one last time while you're waiting at the gate
"i think i'm gonna pee myself"
"well if you do at least clean yourself up before i get there"
- his LAUGH
- the boyish laugh that FUcking Ends Me
"i'm still so amazed at how i managed to convince mr. stark to let me pick you up"
- you can't stop smiling especially at the thought of peter DRIVING (hot as FUCK)
"you'd better be a good driver, peter"
"it's fine, the car has autopilot so we won't die"
"glad to hear it, pete- oh sHIT my plane's boarding"
- peter FREAKS OUT
"have a safe and amazing flight and text me when you land, okay?"
"i will peter, thank you. see you in new york"
"see you in new york"
- y'all say that in the most Giddy Way (literally how could you not)
- you're bouncing in your seat the whole flight and the dude next to you is like o_0
- the SECOND you land you text peter
- peter's sitting in this Far Too Expensive Car and he's just bouncing in his seat cause he has so much pent up energy
- he gets the text and that's when it really settles in
- he starts freaking out a little and like constantly checks himself in the rearview mirror and starts playing the playlist the two of you made together (puppy eyes) and makes sure he smells good
- then he sees you walk out out of the airport looking really excited and tired and confused
- you see him and ur literally smiling SO HARD
- you run at him, suitcase flopping around and backpack nearly falling off of your shoulders
- but you look so cute and peter can't handle it especially when the two of you finally make contact and your arms wrap around him
- he squeezes you so tight and even lifts you off the ground cause he's Strong and Excited
- that sounded a bit sexual OOPS
- you can't even process the fact that you're finally back in peter's arms after half a year and now you're literally so much closer than you were when you left new york last summer
- when you pull apart you can't stop looking at each other and just smiling giddily
- your arms are still like holding onto each other
- what finally breaks you is a fucking Ungodly gust of wind and you're like
"holy shit winter here is a lot colder than cali"
"oH, right, uh we have blankets in the car"
- the two of you just take another few seconds to look at each other until it gets a bit awkward and you clear your throats
"i can take your bag?"
"yeah, thanks"
- you watch his muscles flex as he lifts your suitcase into the back and you're like i hate this man
- you MELT
- when you sit down he closes the door for you and you're hit with the sound of your shared playlist and the car smells like peter's scent and it's AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
- when he gets into the driver seat (which was very attractive to watch) you're just staring at him excitedly
"you put on our playlist!"
"why wouldn't i?"
- he smiles at you before reaching back and getting the blankets for you, also turning on your seat heater to make sure you're comfy
- mans just watches you as you shift around, buckling in and getting your backpack situated at your feet
- by the time you're all ready and stuff you look over and he's just looking at you
"would it be too soon for me to kiss you?"
- it takes you a second to process but you're like OH MY GODKFSDKNFSK
"yeah, peter, it would"
- your serious tone RUINS PETER
- until you laugh and wrap a hand around the back of his neck, pulling him to you and planting your lips on his
- bonus: the two of you are just singing in the car and (peter looks so hot when he's driving anyways) peter suddenly goes silent and you're like "what" and he just glances at you before going "is it bad that i really want to pull over so i can kiss you again?"
- double bonus: he pulls over and y'all makeout LOL
+ + +
holy FUCK i got so so carried away but i really like this one soooooo
OKAY HERE'S MY LITTLE THANK YOU NOTE IN HONOR OF THE 50TH IMAGINE AAAAAAAAAA: you GUYS. when i started this book it was literally just me being like "i'm in love with this fictional boy and need an outlet and have FAR too many ideas," which is really how every fanfic writer starts tbh. but oh my god, i never expected to get so much love and support and just such an amazing experience from this. there are people all over the world that read my chaotic fluffy shit, that are actually touched by my work and it legitimately blows my mind. 180k reads in almost a year? like 250 followers? INSANE. i've made so many friends on here that i can come to when i have no one in my real life to talk to and every time i reach out, you guys are here for me and so incredibly supportive and helpful and amazing. i love each and every comment you guys post on my works. they make me laugh so hard and are so beyond sweet and make my heart melt. some of them blow my mind cause you guys will be like "omg hi you responded oh my god i love your work" and like hype me so much and i'm like BRUH!!!! i'm literally just a stressed out, anxiety ridden teenage girl in love with peter parker lol and the fact that you guys support me so much and love my work just truly makes me so happy. i love writing and i love that my writing has reached other people, even if it's literally just silly fanfiction. I APPRECIATE AND LOVE YOU GUYS WITH EVERYTHING IN ME AND EVEN IF I DON'T REPLY TO YOUR COMMENT I SEE IT AND YOU GUYS MAKE ME SMILE AND AAAAAAAAAAAKJSDFNKJDF <33333333333333
okay now i have 5 more requests to write HAHA but i hope u guys are having an amazing day/night/whatever and that ur drinking enough water and eating enough and staying happy and healthy <3 MWAH!
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ofhenri · 4 years
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hellllo i’m hayley n i’m from london so natuRALLY i’ve got the love/hate relationship with gmt. anyway i’m super excited to introduce you all to my dumb but well-meaning son, henri ! 
first off i, much like henri, never know when to shut up dkjfdfdsf so!! a word of warning is that his bio is LONG but worthwhile if u would like to read some dumb boy antics !
so. it really all starts with a mamma mia styled adventure to europe in 1998. henri’s mother, tabitha, was just out there living her best life as an artist and sleeping with her muses ( i wouldn’t be surprised if it was still complete with musical numbers bc she’s That bitch ). until she returned back home and realised a big oops... the big oops being henri ofc. 
i said it in his bio but he really is a bit more of a concept than a person!! tabitha named henri after her favourite artist, henri talouse-lautrec, but also guessed the last name of one of the potential dads based on the fact she liked paris most from her trip so henri came to be known as henri rousseau as more of a reminder to the trip than anything. kinda like a keychain or a snowglobe but y’know. a baby. 
he was actually born in the obx!! but his mum was only there for a lil trip so they moved to chicago when he was two weeks old. very much a ‘they didn’t have much, but at least they had each other’ kind of situation in a one-bedroom apartment for his early years. 
up until the time he was nine things were pretty idyllic! he had a little too much freedom to explore potential hobbies and his mother really wanted him to follow in her footsteps with painting, but all he really liked doing was making his mum smile ( a Sweet boy what can i say ) ... and playing pranks on his classmates ( not so Sweet )
then his mum met his step-dad, bill, when he was nine at an art show. bill was always a little sterner than his mother, he was an art critic, with a six-year-old daughter called meaghan. henri slowly saw his mum put aside her dreams, albeit in the form of taking down pictures and replacing them with new dreams of having a family. and it hurt! because his entire being is based off his mother’s dreams. by the time henri turned eleven, his mother and bill decided to move in together, and so they moved from their familiar little apartment into a much fancier townhouse in chicago with bill and his daughter.
henri didn’t really adjust to moving schools too well, especially with trying to make new friends and kinda took to just goofing around as that’s totally how you make friends, right? except it came at the cost of his grades n when his report card arrived by the summer he was told something straight out of the fresh prince - go stay with theo in the outer banks as they both thought that being around the other boy would be good for henri. calm him down a little or inspire him to do better. his mum gave him a camera as a parting gift and the rest is history. 
after that things passed without much note. his summers were spent in the outer banks and the rest of the year he’d be in chicago trying to discover what he was good at to no real avail. classrooms always felt a little too limiting and he was honestly more interested in joking around than taking academics seriously. 
( tw: miscarriage ) then when he was sixteen his mum became ill. except he didn’t quite understand why she’d grown distant and sad? or why bill and she were suddenly arguing so much? so he just did what came naturally to him! JOKES a plenty! until one hit badly at the dinner table causing bill to snap at him and his mother to tell him that she’d suffered from an early stage miscarriage. 
and so after that he just got worse as he blamed himself for the continued arguing! he spent more time out of the house, partying, skateboarding around the city n just generally fucking around.
until it neared applying for college and suddenly everyone was more serious about it and honestly he was just like wtf?! about it but uh! he told everyone it was all Gucci - he’d just apply to art school in paris. pay homage to his roots y’know. except he never ended up applying as he got too scared to be so far from home without a familiar face around and instead settled on going to the university of illinois urbana-champaign to study art and design bc not going to college was also just.... not an option? 
and he was due to graduate this year! except uh, surprise surprise! he dropped out!!  because the prospect of getting a real job? growing up? terrifying. but he’s told absolutely no one that he’s done this. like... to the extent he’s probably done some photoshop sorcery to keep up appearances. 
okay but that grilled cheese aspiration on the sims is him in a nutshell and i’m not even sorry about it. 
very indecisive. the person to pick up a hobby on a whim one week and then when you ask them about it, will be like ‘aw no, dude, gave that up.’ he spent a long time deciding what he wanted to do at college and wondering if he would grow tired of it. 
takes everything Too Seriously and Not Seriously enough simultaneously. he has a big bucket of emotions that he doesn’t really know what to do with, so the best thing to do is just laugh ‘em all off! lots of humour to mask the fact that he’s v. terrified about the future. 
trusting and Soft. especially when it comes to the gang because he has so much faith in them all. probably greets them all each year with a bear hug and snaps impromptu photos of them all when they’re off having fun or asks them to take part in photoshoots just because. 
with the gang, he’s a bit of an impartial entity. he’s Switzerland. he was raised by his mother to be quite diplomatic and to treat everyone’s views with kindness n respect even when he doesn’t agree, and it’s very much something that’s carried through with him! so he’s the first to diffuse some tension with a joke or by doing something dumb. doesn’t mind if people laugh at his expense, ya know. just wants them all to be happy. 
enthusiastic with a million-watt smile at each and is very willing to support every idea that comes to anyone’s head! even when he doesn’t necessarily agree, he also doesn’t shoot an idea down straight away. 
little bit of a peter pan energy to him, ngl. visiting the outer banks is a bit like his neverland as it means that for the summer he can put aside a lot of his ‘at home’ concerns. 
note: i paraphrased some of these from his bio bc :’) 
john! hughes’!! biggest fanboy! henri likes to capture moments of youthful energy in his photography and hughes is defINITELY his artistic inspiration. he makes ferris bueller jokes, he references breakfast club too much. and i’m sorry but he’s definitely the person to ask ‘HoW haVE yoU neVER seen IT’ and then try to force you to watch them with him lmao
his Style is very much Baseball Cap toting, flannel-wearing, Tourist-looking chic with a camera strapped around his neck. it’s low effort at its finest ( but he does spend hours picking out the specific caps to pack for his obx trips so is it...... is it really )
former theatre nerd. yes he can sing. but he won’t bc he’s too shy (!!!!) 
could talk about anything for hours but particularly cryptids. pls talk cryptids with him 
massive chicago cubs fan and hasn’t missed a single televised game in five years and it’s become something like a bit of a bragging right to him at this point tbh.
skateboards everywhere and this should be a relief to everyone bc he’s a terrible driver
is fluent in french as his mother really wanted to have Something of his potential dad’s. if he’s particularly angry sometimes he’ll swear in french as he thinks it sounds less aggressive 
took sea monsters too seriously as a child and is terrified of the ocean as a result. he would rather linger on the beach and take photos of everyone. 
his jokes are terrible n i apologise in advance. bc you all will have to suffer through them w/ me. he tries. he really does. they’re still bad lmaooo 
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stevebabey · 7 years
dating peter parker would include...
dedicated to my harrison bestie anon in hopes it makes them smile :) also yes it’s really fuckin long i’m sorry i just love peter parker and have a lot of feelings
you actually hate to tell the story of how you two met because it’s mortifiying oh mygod
peter, however, loves to watch u blush about it even though it was only really embarrassing when it happened
taking the subway to school like every other day, you obviously had spent too many hours on the internet so u were tired as hell 
so tired you couldn’t grab the pole in time when the subway stopped
and you in an ungraceful manner, tripped, stumbled and fell
into his lap
his l a p 
you still get red cheeks when remember just how embarrassing it was
“oh my god! i c-can’t believe that- i-i, i’m so so sorry- h-holy shit--”
peter did find it extremely awkward but your mortified and blushing red face was so much more adorable 
“n-no, it’s fine-- d-do you want my seat?"
“o-oh no, it’s alright. i’d just like to crawl into a hole somewhere. sudden amnesia works too.”
a cute girl with wit and oh my is that a nerdy shirt????
from them on, you had his entire heart 
yes i will totally be writing a full on imagine for this
you guys weren’t friends for long if u know what i mean 
like you had already face planted into his lap so you skipped most of the awkward interactions
you were kinda like ‘ah what the hell’ 
you did it while you guys were walking home together, like usual
“hey peter, can you hold this for me?”
and you just grabbed his hand, grinning at him with wink 
cue the cutest blushing from peter 
peter goddamn nearly had a heart attack but couldn’t stop smiling the entire walk home 
he was really sad when he reached your building 
but then you stood on ur tippy toes and kissed him on the cheek so he wasn’t that sad
eventually kisses on the cheeks became kisses on the lips & it wasn’t official but you two just knew
let’s be real, peter is the worlds biggest dork so movie marathons are so common
i mean everything-- star wars, back to the future, jurassic park, like man you name it 
and if u were a nerd too, then oH boy he would just be in a constant state of heart eyes 
he would be anyways but extra heart eyes if u geek out
“c’mon pete, hurry that cute lil ass up! it’s rogue one!!”
“oh my god, please marry me right now.”
you guys definitely try to quote movies as much as possible
“i love you” ”i know” *intense blushing* “diD YOU JUST--”
he has a such soft spot for when you guys marathon disney movies not that he tells you that
something about you lighting up & singing along makes him go !!!!!!! inside
no you two never perform disney duet songs together never ever have you done that why do u ask
(your favourite one to perform is hakuna matata because its a goddamn classic and peter gets so into it)
(breaking free from hsm is a close second because damn can peter hit those notes when he really tries)
peter parker is such an admirer like you dont even know
he could stare at you for hours and its pretty much what gets him through the day tbh
in fact, he has all your birthmarks and freckles committed to memory because shes so pretty i can’t deal with this
he blushes SO MUCH when you catch him staring
but lets be real, you were staring at him too
he blushed even more when he found that out because oh my fucking god she was staring at me do i look weird is there something on my face
but when you’re like “no you goof, i’m admiring you” u get 
he just never stops blushing 
he! would! try! so! hard! at everything 4 you
baking? hell yeah he’ll bake for u
singing? eh he’ll give it a go (but only for you)  
dancing? he hates it but he loves to watch u laugh and smile with him so he does it anyways (even if he sucks)
speaking of dancing
peter loves it when u dance
especially when you stay over and he wakes up to you dancing around the kitchen or his room 
his favourite is catching you off guard when you’re grooving to some 80′s song
“babe--” cutting himself off with his own laughter, “i don’t think that’s dancing.”
he loves to tease you about your funky dancing because seeing his girl blushing is like his second favourite thing
(the first being your smile because it completely melts his insides and everything is better when you smile at him)
you also love it when he’s teasing because all you have is pout and suddenly peter’s showering you in kisses 
peter is such a sucker for kisses
actually he’s such a hopeless romantic & lover of cliches like
constantly bringing you flowers he finds on nightly patrols? check 
stopping so you two can share a cutesy kiss in the rain? check 
dumb pick up lines that still make you laugh? check 
tbh you both do pickup lines
“hey, hey y/n, are you the square root of -1? because you can’t be real” 
he just giggles at you from the bed
except when you do it, its a different story
“hey hey hey, peter” 
“are you related to yoda? because yodalicious.”
peter just falls off the bed 
you don’t even ask if he’s alright, you just cut straight to laughing at his reaction
“s-shut up! this isn’t because of your pick up line!! i was startled!” 
even though he’s trying to hide his face in a pillow, you can see his pink cheeks
“sure, peter, sure.” 
aunt may is both a blessing and a curse to both of you 
because she spills BOTH OF YOUR SECRETS
like you can’t ramble to her about peter because she will tell him everything
with you in the same room 
“oh peter, you’re wearing that shirt? i know y/n loves it, she was talking just the other day about how she find it so hot--” 
peter secretly really wants to know what you said about him 
but aunt may does it to peter too and he hates it
“seriously y/n, you should hear the things he says about you, i swear he’s turned into some lovesick--”
makeout sessions ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
you both l o v e them 
funnily enough, peter is the one who usually starts them 
“hey y/n, you’ve got something on your face, let me just--” *kisses you all over you face*
because he’s more than ahead in his classes, ‘study dates’ really means makeout not that you mind though  
peter loves kisses everywhere
forehead kisses
nose kisses
shoulder kisses
eyelid kisses
back of the hand kisses
all the kisses
his absolute favourite kiss is the one he receives from you in the morning when you’ve stayed over
he’ll play with your hair softly and you’ll yawn & stretch and catch him gazing at you 
and you just smile and lean up and kiss him 
it never fails to make peters heart stop and when you pull away he just goes nooooooooooooo and pouts till you kiss him again 
it’s especially hard when you have to leave or part ways after school because peter turns into a needy lil boy
“one more kiss! one more!” 
“peter you’ve said that seven times now!!” 
you literally have to push his away, giggling and grinning, because otherwise he’s going to be late 
“i swear to god parker, it’s only one class!” 
and of course you know about him being spidey
you actually found out by accident 
you were searching thru his closest for something to wear when you stumbled across it 
tbh you thought it was a really dedicated costume at first
so you put it on and it was so fucking baggy man
“hey peter! look at me, i’m the spider man! thwip thwip!” 
except it was the real thing so 
“y-y/n!! where did you find that???” 
“don’t worry, i’ll keep your spider-man obsession a secret, peter.”
but when you accidentally web peter’s hand to the wall, you figure out this suit is the real deal 
“holy shit!! holy shit! you-- you’re, this is the real, oh my god, you’re the spider-man!”  
peter just panics because you’ve webbed him to the wall and he can’t actually do anything
“no! no i’m not!”
you freak out for like another minute before you gather your senses enough 
“peter parker, do not play with me right now- are you spider-man?”
“would you believe me if i said it was a very detailed halloween costume?”
after cutting him free, you squeezed him into the tightest hug because you were so goddamn proud of him 
but also because oh my god how many times had he risked his life and had you not known???? 
“oh my god, this is so wicked i can’t believe you’re spider-man--”
“you can’t tell anyone!” 
“shh, you know i wouldn’t but holy god! you have to tell me everything”
“you’re not mad i didn’t tell you?” 
“pfft, i’ll only be mad if you don’t tell me now.”
yes i also want to make this an imagine
yes, you’re the one who patches him up which always ends in cuddles
basically you get to shower peter in constant love and affection because he would do that and more for you 
he’s just the perfect boyfriend??? 
i want a peter parker
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true-miamouse · 7 years
Costumes I saw at D23
Killian “Hook”, Honey Melon both hero costume and regular. Beta max, hiro, the kabuki mask guy, Emporers new grove crew, gravity falls crew( including giffany and bill cypher, Goof troop(including powerline), a well done female loki, ursula(sea and land form) lots of different Bells(including a cool steam punk one, tomatoa, Maui , Mona with (pua and the chicken), a really good Tafiti and Takal, kakamora, Jack Sparrow and a female jack skelington, cruella devil, the Robinson’s including 2 versions of mike Yugubian and the t-rex, peter pan fairies and mermaids, Ariel, Hades Meg and wonder boy, esmirelda, wall e, the guy that sweeps the stars, lumier , princess and regular venelope, Elvis stitch, lilo and nani, shang, mulan, edna mode, xeonort, Rei, young Snape- I mean kylo, a post-stabbed Han solo, Indiana jones thunder mountain, the Pixar ball gown, roger rabbit and eddy valiant , Frodo(wrong con dude but u do u) Mary poppins, votes for women, Dick van Dyke s character, that hunter guy from rescuers down under complete with Joanna and eggs, nick wild with pawpsicles and Judy hops, Jack frost and elsa, woody, Jesse, stinky Pete , Barbie, Jane tarzan, star butterfly, Marco, cloud, father time( through the looking glass) jafar jasmine, joy, the imaginary friend, winy sanderson, and the guy from bave little toaster. These guys were what made going worthwhile. Thanks guys. :D
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