#petunia is nice au
oxydiane · 2 years
AU in which Remus comes back to London after the war, hears Dumbledore dumped Harry on Lily’s evil sister’s doorstep in November without even ringing the doorbell and just fucking kidnaps Harry and flees to the other side of the world
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froms8nsashes · 1 year
Single mom Petunia
Petunia: I'm reading Alice in Wonderland for bedtime Dudley: Mum! I hate that book! Harry, under his breath: I actually like it Petunia: You can pick up a book tomorrow night Duddykins Dudley: No! I hate that book! Harry: You can read it to me instead Dudley: Harry: Petunia: Alright, I'll read it to you instead. Dudley, you can pick out what you like
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ourloveisforthelovely · 7 months
Lily's Sister (Part 8)
Regulus Black AU
Summary:  You are Lily’s younger sister. Regulus never becomes a death eater but abandoned his family for the order. The two of you have a love/hate relationship that intensifies after you come back from a year abroad.
Pairings: Regulus Black x Reader
Rating: M- smut
Link to Part 7
“Y/n, where are you?”
Hearing Lily call your name made Regulus break away from you quickly. The two of you quickly redressed to your formal state before going upstairs. Regulus quietly opened the door while you grabbed a photo album to stage a reason why the two of you went upstairs. The last thing that you wanted was for your mother or father to know that you dragged Regulus upstairs for a quickie in your childhood bedroom.
“Anywhere this was when I was 9.”
You said randomly earning a smirk from Regulus as Lily walked into the room.
“There you two are. You both disappeared.”
You held up the photo album.
“I was showing Regulus a picture. Bloody hell, Lily, we didn’t have time to come up here and screw each other.”
It took all Regulus had not to laugh at that. He had to hand it to you…you could be downright sneaky when you needed to be.
“I never knew that she could be such a sassy little tart.”
Regulus thought with a small smirk as he turned his attention to you. He never thought that he would go to absolute pieces over a girl but it was happening.
“Was happening” wasn’t even the proper words. Regulus “lost” it the moment that the two of you had the first intimate moment alone.
While you spoke quietly to Lily, Regulus let his mind go back to the conversation that he had with Sirius. It wasn’t long after the two of you had slept together for the first time.
Sirius was sitting on the couch and had caught Regulus looking into the other room at you. Regulus knew that Sirius had noticed the “longing” expression in his younger brother’s eyes. It had to be the first time that Regulus had probably had that expression on his face.
“She’s perfect for you. She doesn’t know you or our mum. She has nice thighs.”
Regulus had heard what Sirius said but it didn’t compute to his brain at that particular moment.
“She could strangle me with those and I would die a happy man….what did I just say?”
Sirius immediately started laughing. Regulus had completely frozen when those words left his mouth. While Regulus had slept with multiple women before…none of them had affected him as you had. One night of hot sweaty passionate lovemaking had Regulus ready to be an honest man and only want you. Granted, it would take some time before Regulus fully accepted and appreciated that thought.
“Awe, you discovered girls.”
Sirius said before laughing even harder.
Your voice pulled Regulus from his thoughts. Regulus hadn’t been listening to the conversation that you were having. The annoyed tone, however, pulled Regulus right back into it.
“Why are they here?”
Lily sighed, looking as equally as put out. She didn’t disagree with you on not wanting to see Petunia. Dealing with Petunia was about as enjoyable as getting dental surgery.
“Because Petunia is our sister and mum wanted a dinner with all of her children. Even if one of them is the most difficult woman on the planet and her husband is the human equivalent of a walrus.”
“A walrus?”
Regulus questioned. He had heard plenty of tales about Vernon and Petunia. Neither sounded the least bit delightful. If Regulus never met them, he wouldn’t have lost too much sleep about it.
Lily nodded.
“You’ll see what I mean soon enough. They are the type of muggle that hate people like us.”
Regulus immediately rolled his eyes. If he wasn’t in your parent's home and didn’t give a damn about ruining his reputation in their eyes, he would let Vernon and Petunia have it.
“Maybe I will run into them somewhere else?”
Regulus thought with a smirk.
Regulus commented. You turned your attention back to your boyfriend. There was no doubt in your mind that Regulus would absolutely hate Petunia and Vernon. If he climbed across the table and smack the shit out of both of them, you wouldn’t be at all surprised. Vernon and Petunia were the type of muggles that the Walburga and Orion warned their sons about.
“Just try to get along with them. I don’t want mum or dad to be drug along into this. They only want their family together for one night.”
Regulus and Lily reluctantly nodded. The two looked at each other slightly surprised that for once they agreed on something. Had the situation not been so serious you would have made a witty comment about Regulus and Lily actually having something in common after all.
“Fine. I won’t call them fucking morons to their face but you can’t stop me from thinking it.”
Regulus replied smugly. Lily groaned.
“I’ll give you money to say it to their faces.”
You said your older sister’s name before shaking your head.
“He actually will.”
You added. Regulus only nodded in agreement. It wouldn’t take much for him to be totally okay with insulting some self-righteous asshole muggles.
“We might well get this over with. I hear the walrus.”
You mumbled. Lily turned and left the room to go in search of James. She had to warn him to be nice too.
“So, do we go after her or do we just stay here?”
Regulus questioned. You reached down for his hand.
“Get it over with.”
You murmured before going to the door. Regulus reached out and stopped you. He quickly spun you around and shoved you against the wall. You internally sighed the moment that his mouth was back on yours. Reaching up, you gently tugged on Regulus’ hair earning a groan from your boyfriend.
“Be a good girl, love, and I’ll make your evening better when we get home.”
“Yeah? I would sure hope so.”
You murmured, still not moving your mouth far away from Regulus’. He slightly chuckled before kissing you once more.
“You’re such a tart.”
Regulus said, fixing his now-destroyed hair.
“Well, you started it.”
You countered, giving him a cocky smile. Regulus shook his head before reaching down for your hand.
“We better stop or we are going to end up screwing again and will never get this dinner over with.”
Going back downstairs, you took a deep breath and silently prayed this dinner wouldn’t be as awful as the last one. You did not want to spend two hours listening to Vernon talk about how exciting his job was again. You were thankful that James and Regulus were there this time. James had no shame in making Vernon’s life miserable. He would ask annoying questions until Vernon finally got the message and shut the fuck up.
Walking into the living room, you faked a smile as Vernon and Petunia looked up.
“Y/n, it's so…nice to see you.”
Petunia said, in a forced friendly tone. Vernon, meanwhile, didn’t say anything.
“It's nice to see you too, Petunia. This is my boyfriend, Regulus.”
Petunia and Vernon were surprised to hear this news. You never brought a boy home. Now here stood what could be the best-looking boy that Petunia had ever seen in her life.
Regulus commented, in his usual icy tone. Your mother motioned to the two empty seats.
“Sit down. It's so nice to have all three of my daughters home for an evening.”
As you sat down, you shot Lily a look that said “Kill me now.” Regulus meanwhile, was busy looking between Petunia and yourself. Nothing looked at all similar. If Regulus saw the two of you together in public, he never would have put it together that the two of you were siblings. You resembled Lily more than anyone.
“And for that I am grateful.”
Regulus thought as he frowned at how unattractive Petunia was.
The dinner was mostly an uneventful affair. Right as your mother plated dessert, Vernon turned his attention to Regulus.
“So, what is it you do, exactly? You haven’t said much of anything.”
Your mother and father’s eyes rolled up to Regulus as if silently apologizing for their rather rude son-in-law. Vernon had been talking about his wonderful job so long that no one had the chance to utter a word.
Regulus turned his attention to Vernon. So far there was absolutely nothing about the man that could be the slightest bit redeemable. If Regulus never met Vernon again, he would be totally okay with it. Vernon was nearly as vain and boring as Regulus’ uncle Cygnus. Regulus had spent half the dinner thinking about how if Cygnus would entertain the thought of having muggle friends he and Vernon would be perfect for each other.
“I’m a lawyer.”
Regulus replied. Vernon frowned.
“You look awfully young to be a lawyer.”
Regulus put his drink down.
“In our world, we don’t have to spend ages in school in order to be successful. It also doesn’t take much to prove or defend someone for a crime.”
Vernon rolled his eyes.
“I see. You are like them.”
He motioned to James, Lily, and yourself with clear distaste in his voice. Regulus raised an eyebrow.
“Like them? Oh, I get it. You have a problem with what we are and what you are not. Unfortunately, not everyone can be special. Some people need to be…ordinary.”
Vernon turned a shade of pink that you had never seen before. James meanwhile, grinned.
“Vernon, I would be nice to him. His family is loaded and they know all kinds of dark magic. If Y/n and Regulus get married, you may meet them at the wedding.”
You gave James a look before putting your head down to not giggle. Something told you that if you did marry Regulus, Vernon and Petunia would be no-shows. Granted, the Blacks probably wouldn’t be there either once Walburga found out that her baby boy was to be with a muggle-born.
“Regulus probably won’t want them there anyway.”
That thought alone spoke volumes. Of all the time that you had known Regulus, he never did much with his family. He would go to a family dinner when his mother pestered him enough but that was it. Regulus mostly avoided them like the plague.
You were also extremely thankful for that fact too. The last thing that you wanted was to potentially have to explain yourself to Walburga and Orion Black. Nothing that you could say would be good enough to convince them that you would be the perfect wife for their son. Walburga would probably try to attack you for “bewitching her baby boy.”
Rolling your eyes, you turned your attention to Regulus. He sat staring at Vernon with his best “lawyer scowl.” You had seen him look at many people like this. Between being in a courtroom with Mr. Crouch while Regulus defended someone or an Order meeting…this was Regulus’ perfect poker face.
Regulus focused his attention on Vernon’s face. To his pleasure, he saw fear in the man’s eyes.
“Thank you for that James. Look, Vernon, I know about you. Whether you like our kind or not, you will be showing us respect.”
Regulus focused his attention on Vernon’s surprised face before speaking directly into his mind.
“You will show me respect as you will with every other person at this table. Potter is right about one thing. I do know how to make your life miserable and I won’t hesitate to do so. I beg you to give me a reason.”
Vernon was clearly surprised by the experience. He looked around a moment or two before realizing what was actually happening.
“You’ve made your point!”
Vernon thought, nervously. Regulus leaned back in his seat with a pleased smirk on his face.
Vernon was magically silent for the remainder of the evening. You were happy with whatever it was Regulus did and didn’t plan to ask any questions. Seeing your older sister and her pig of a husband silenced made the remainder of the evening magical.
Arriving back home, James was in fits of giggles after Regulus told him exactly what he did.
“I wish that I could have heard the whole thing. I may have to upgrade you to friend.”
Regulus rolled his eyes as he took off his coat.
“Isn’t that nice? Well, that was an interesting evening.”
Lily sat down on the couch in a huff.
“That is why there aren’t many Evans family dinners. One can only take so much Vernon and Petunia Dursley before your brain goes soggy.”
Regulus shrugged.
“He made me want to punch a wall. Oh well, he’s scared of me now. You are most welcome, by the way. Y/n, sugar, are you ready to call it a night?”
You simply nodded before going to head up the stairs. James whined.
“Silencing spells are great. We all know that she calls you daddy.”
Lily shot her husband a glare while Regulus turned around and gave James a smirk.
“Now that we all know each other. Later.”
Lily waited until Regulus was out of the room before throwing a pillow at James’ head.
“Why would you do that?”
Meanwhile, you had barely gotten up the stairs when Regulus pulled you into the bathroom.
“I wanted to spend the evening in a hot steamy shower marking your pretty little neck up.”
You gave Regulus a little smirk before beginning to get undressed.
“We both can get what we want.”
You moved to turn the tap on and waited for the water to get hot and steamy. After turning the shower on, you were about to get in but stopped when Regulus wrapped his around you from behind.
“Turn your neck to the side.”
Regulus ordered. You did as you were told and waited for Regulus to bury his face in your neck. When he didn’t, you started to turn but stopped the moment Regulus lightly smacked your ass.
“Stop being impatient, I was only admiring my work from the other night.”
Regulus commented before licking a path over the love bite from the night before last.
“Now be a good girl and get in the shower.”
(The next morning)
You were thankful that the previous evening’s moodiness seemed to evaporate after returning home. After the little go in the shower, Regulus was back to himself.
“You’ll be late today?
You questioned as Regulus walked you to your office. He rolled his eyes before sighing.
“Yeah, this case I have is a real drag. How I’m supposed to defend this man properly is still a mystery on its own. I should thank your twat of a boss for sending him my way. If I wouldn’t get the book thrown at me I would kick him.“
You shook your head before fixing Regulus’ tie. It was no secret to you that there was no love lost between Barty Crouch Sr and Regulus. Regulus had no respect for the older man since he threw his own son into prison (even if there was enough evidence to do so). While Regulus had not said it, you knew that he missed Barty Crouch Jr. Regulus had lost so many friends over the years. Knowing that one of them was locked away in prison forever to rot there was a rough thought.
“I would prefer that you don’t kick him. I rather like you being home with me and not in Azkaban. Besides, you are too pretty to go to jail.”
Regulus smirked before shaking his head.
“You really are a pain in my ass.”
You gave him a smile before stepping closer to kiss him goodbye.
“That’s why you love me.”
Never in a million years did Regulus EVER think that he would be standing in the Ministry of Magic flirting with his minx of a girlfriend. Now here he was and he was starting to not give a damn. It was nice feeling wanted.
“Yeah, you keep me on my toes wondering what in the fresh hell you have done to me.”
You placed a hand on Regulus’ chest, fighting the urge to pull him into another kiss.
“Melting your heart and keeping your dick hard… it's what I do best.”
Walburga and Druella walked through the Ministry of Magic hallways. Both women had come to pick up a document that Orion had requested. Walburga was annoyed with her husband. He was perfectly capable of doing something himself but as usual, requested Walburga to do it.
“He is probably busy with his stupid mistress. The whore is nothing but trouble.”
Walburga grumbled. Druella rolled her eyes.
“The men in our family have problems with saying no to pretty young women.”
Druella was about to say more but stopped the moment that she spotted Regulus standing outside of Barty Crouch Sr’s office. Her eyes widened as she realized that Regulus was talking to a girl…a girl that the Black family had no idea about.
“Speaking of the men in our family being unable to say no to pretty young women. Look at your son.”
Walburga frowned before following Druella’s line of sight. She stopped the moment that she saw Regulus. It had been weeks since Walburga had heard a peep from her youngest son. Now here he stood standing awfully close to a girl that Walburga knew nothing about. She looked you over. Whoever you were, you were a lovely young woman.
“I wonder who she is?”
Druella questioned. Walburga shrugged.
“He hasn’t even informed me of a girlfriend.”
Druella chuckled as you reached out to fix Regulus’ tie then stood on your tiptoes to kiss him.
“Well, she is either his lover or they are very good friends. I have never seen her before. I wonder why she is…and her blood status?”
Walburga had to fight the urge to stomp over to her son and demand answers to her questions but decided not to. Regulus had been avoiding her like the plague. Walburga wasn’t sure if it was due to his new job or some kind of “I have no parents I was hatched from an egg syndrome” that Regulus was going through. Whatever the problem was truly bothered Walburga. She had already lost Sirius and now her precious baby boy acted as if he had no time for his parents.
“Yet, he has time for this girl.”
Walburga thought coldly.
“I have no idea who she is but I will find out. I think it's time for us to have a family dinner. I want to know about who this little woman is. My son owes his mother some explanations.”
@geeksareunique @jessyballet @fific7 @knreidy1 @justfinishthis @mimisparkle12 @teletubiswszpilkach @dumbbunnys-safes @siriuslyceleste @spideyxalmighty @lucasfilms77 @rubyroscoe1 @i-love-scott-mccall @taylor-will-be-the-death-of-me @s-we-e-t-t-ea @readtomeregulus @iluvthe-marauders @woohoney @abaker74 @regulus-black-223048 @saramaple @missgorldafirst @millies0bsimp @dumybitch @stelleduarte @gugggu6gvai @jag9000 @bennyberry @f4iryluvy @panpride @haroldpotterson @mentally-unstable-hoe @goldensunshineshit @padf00ts-l0ver @marichromatic @ravenhood2792 @play-morezeppelin @authoressskr @emiwrites3reads @rogue-nyx88 @knight-of-gleefulness @summer-novak @shaylybaby2032 @coffeeaddictednymph @livshifts @ell0ra-br3kk3r @ad-astra-again @regulusblackswhorecrux
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t1oui · 3 months
hi everybody i'm having some thoughts right now and i need to share them. mentions of walburga black's a+ parenting in this fic idea so do be aware of that
what if regulus's parents send him to "conversion camp" after he comes out as trans but the conversion camp actually turns out to be a safe house for queer kids run by effie and monty that's masking as a conversion camp so homophobic parents send their kids there.
so reg arrives dressed up in a nice dress and with walburga aggressively using she/her pronouns and his deadname and the second she leaves effie is like "well that sucked, why don't we get you some more comfortable clothes and you can tell me your actual name?" and regulus is like oh. oh this is the best thing that's ever happened to me and my parents are idiots
i'm envisioning that the place is a farm and so the only rules for kids at the safe house are 1. be nice to each other and 2. find something to spend your time on every day that's not just a device (it doesn't have to be farm related) (this is a muggle au if you couldn't tell)
and ofc because it's effie and monty's place james is there and he likes helping out on the farm. reg takes one look at him and is like yeah ik i was gay but this man confirms it
that's all i have rn as far as plot and story (i mean james and reg fall in love obviously but other than that idk) so here's intros to the cast of characters and their roles in the story !! (this is my favorite part):
james potter (18) - he/him pansexual (+ maybe ace) - son of effie and monty - helps out on the farm
regulus black (17) - he/him gay & transmasc - sent there after coming out as trans (or just after walburga finds out bc let's be real he probably knew not to tell her) - currently trying to figure out his hobby
sirius black (18) - he/him gay - knew james in school, came here after fight w/ parents when he was 16 - makes art
remus lupin (19) - he/they bisexual & transmasc - father disowned him and his mother, with the best of intentions, sent him to the farm when he was 16 in hopes that his father would reconsider cutting him off - works in the garden/greenhouses, helps with the bees
barty crouch jr (17) - he/him bisexual demiromantic + hypersexual - sent there at 15 by his father after some scandal with another politician's son - makes pottery, some of which he sells at the farmer's market every saturday
emmeline vance (19) - she/her queer - sent at 17 by her parents after they caught her with a girl - works in the orchard & cooks
marlene mckinnon (18) - she/her lesbian - lives down the road and comes by to help james
lily evans (18) - she/her lesbian - sent at 15 by her sister after her parents died and petunia got custody of her - makes her own clothes and sells them at the market
mary macdonald (18) - she/her bisexual - adopted by the potters at 13 after her parents died in a car accident - looks after the goats and llamas & helps with the horses
pandora rosier (18) - she/her pansexual transfem - sent at 17 after her parents found out she was trans - works w the horses
evan rosier (18) - he/they biromantic asexual & bigender - sent at 17 after their parents caught them wearing "girl clothes" - writes + draws, helps rem with the bees
dorcas meadowes (17) - she/her lesbian - sent at 17 (a few months before reg) after her parents caught her watching... adult content of two women - makes & sells bouquets, effie helps her <3
peter pettigrew (18) - he/him aromantic (NOT ace) - marlene's next door neighbor, has had sex with barty multiple times and these two fuck in the WEIRDEST spots (poor james keeps catching them :')) - helps emmeline in the orchard
severus snape (17) - he/him bisexual transmasc - sent by his father at 14 after starting to present as a boy - cooks, helps lily with her clothes making sometimes, writes sad boy poetry (/half joking)
narcissa, alice, and xeno will also be in the story i'm just not sure exactly where they fit in... xeno's another neighbor and narcissa's a former safehouse resident who's now living w alice but that's all i know rn
now as for SHIPS...
so i know there will be jegulus of course, and since sirius is totally going to pine for gardener/beekeeper remus wolfstar too. i want rosekiller, but because of barty and peter's dynamic, i'm thinking romantic rosekiller w/ sexual party and queerplatonic... peter x evan (idk their ship name 😭)
as for the GIRLS... omg i have so many thoughts guys AAAAA
first of all i cant decide between pandalily and dorlily for lily and i don't want a triad (i don't ship panda x dorcas) and i don't want both so that's... rough
and then there's also marylene.... BUT DORLENE-
i wanna put sev with someone (ik he's not a girl but i'm having thoughts for him rn)... maybe he smooches w emmeline?? but i feel like she'd make fun of him 💀 (in a joking way but yk)
or maybe emmeline could go with mary panda with lily dorcas with marlene... and... sev with xeno?? guys am i a genius
so yeah other than jegulus, wolfstar, and partyvan idk what to do. live laugh love multishipping am i right
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Garden Centre AU
What if, Plant E is a petunia and embodies Adam’s anger and his heartbreak that Lucifer caused. So she is the most cruel of them all.
-By the way, the mind of a flower is in all the members of that kind in the garden. Hope I wrote this right. Lil hc.-
Lucifer, fifth time the flower tried to throw him out: WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!
YES!! LOL Lucifer really is out here getting bullied by a bunch of flowers 😂
Lucifer: I thought flowers were supposed to be nice!?
Plant E: We are, just not to a short traitorous prick like you!!
Lucifer: What? I never- Oooooh.
Plus the vines Adam uses to throw Lucifer out also embody his current feelings like the ones he feels in the moment. So if he's pissed they grow spikes. If he feels a positive romantic feeling, roses sprout.
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charmsandtealeaves · 1 month
Surprise self-rec time! Pick 3 of your favorite things you’ve written and share them here, then put this in the inbox (anonymously or not) of your fellow writers to spread the positivity and help celebrate already written fics.
oh let's torture me with having to think nicely about myself... I know what you're doing Kelsey!
In no particular order:
Call Me By Name, 29k, jily muggle AU, RATED E
After a not-so-great breakup with a not-so-great boyfriend, Lily comes to the conclusion that if you want something done right you have to do it yourself. Whether mechanically, hydraulically, or auditorily? She WILL find the key to that currently unreachable pleasure.
2. Ties That Bind, 21k, jily soulmates AU set in the canon-verse
Lily Evans grew up with old wives tales about soul mates, but she'd never put much stock in the idea. Not until after she learned about the world of magic and the fact that soul bonds were a thing that actually existed. Which makes these strange new feelings and experiences that much more difficult to manage.
3. In Need Of A Christmas Miracle, 3.5k, Jily muggle AU
It's a week out from the big Christmas Showcase and her usual photographer has pulled out last minute. Now Lily needs a Christmas miracle to find a replacement at such short notice. Not to mention the fact that Marlene has royally dropped her in it this time, telling Petunia that Lily's new boyfriend will be at the show. You know the boyfriend who doesn't bloody well exist.
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resident-gay-bitch · 20 days
🐦‍🔥 Wizard Wednesdays 🐦‍🔥
Band AU headcanon
So I saw The Last Dinner Party live a little while ago and I haven’t been able to get this idea out of my head. So, a Marauders Band AU except they’re The Last Dinner Party. (Bonus points if they’re all women, I love a good fem AU) 
So, obviously Sirius would be Abigail. Not only do the looks correlate, but just their energy is so similar. It’s so perfect and of course lead singer / front man Sirius is like the only band AU Sirius that works in my head. (And it would be amazing if she was transfem in this AU, I love transfem Sirius so much!!) 
Aurora would be Lily. It just fit so nicely in my head when I thought of this, I think it suits her. I think she probably grew up playing piano, and like Petunia would have played violin or something, and she always kind of despised it until she got her own creative freedom to play things that she wants to play, rather than what's expected of her, and then she took it to the band and now loves it. Also Albanian Lily just kinda works I think and imagine her singing Gjuha. 
Georgia would be Marlene 100% are you kidding me. Not just the looks again (but definitely the looks) but the bass as well as just their energy (omg save me bassist Marlene, save me). Also one of my favourite headcanons is Marlene being Aussie, like that just makes sense to me. And so when I was watching them on stage I thought she was giving Marls energy, and then she spoke and said she was Australian and I was like fuck yeah thats Marlene right there. I’m passionate about this. 
Emily is Peter. You can’t change my mind, I just think it works. I think she’s so sweet and Peters so sweet, and usually when I think up band AUs I usually place Peter on the guitar. So yes, Pete is Emily :) Also her style is literally how I would picture Petes style if he were like transfem or just in a fem AU. 
And Lizzy is Remus. They’re so fucking cool and I just thought their energy and appearance on stage would 100% be Remus, esp on the guitar. I think it fits so nicely (also they’re fucking gorgeous in the same way Remus is in my mind). And their haircut/colour!!!!!
Also, they don’t have a permanent drummer at this point, but Casper Miles is performing with them at the moment and literally I was just looking at this guy on stage and could only see James, and drummer James is a weakness of mine istg. But yes, their drummer is James 100%. 
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this idea, and if you feel inspired to write this, please go for it! All I ask is that you let me know so I can read this because I wanna read it so bad. Also like in a non magic AU I always picture the Marauders would be at a catholic/private school and they have a song about that (My Lady Of Mercy) which I know 100% Sirius would write a song about that.
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sleepxng-prince · 2 months
⤨ Perspectives New and Old
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the beginning with klee, albedo, and alice! reader is not yet mentioned, this au is a bit canon-divergent regarding backstories (generally the same with a modern twist, basically). klee and albedo are inspired by clementine and lee from twdg. this is essentially a pilot chapter, just to set the scene/plot in place :3 i'm really hoping this is well received because i am pouring all my time and effort into it lolol - that being said, reblogs heavily encouraged if you like this!
read on ao3! || master post!
3.0k words
The sound of silence really isn't as silent as one would think. The young man could hear the wind, the sound of his own breaths, the rustling of leaves and songs of birds - the sound of everything but nothing all at once.  His eyes were fixated on a nearby flower. A wild petunia found itself cozy within a small gathering of other lavender-colored petunias, making their home right next to the bench the boy occupied. 
The flower is silent, no noise emits from it even as the wind sways it gently back and forth. 
A loud bell rings out, jolting the man slightly from his trance. He looks up and towards the building in front of him, watching as the doors of the kindergarten open wide and children flood out of it laughing and screaming. He stands from the bench, entering the gates with a small smile pulling at his lips. He scans the crowd for a certain little girl clad in red, who comes skipping out of the door with her brown bag bouncing behind her. The little girl quickly takes notice of the boy, her red eyes sparkling with surprise as she sprints over, "Albedo!"
She calls out with a cheer, immediately wrapping her arms around the young boy, Albedo's, leg. Albedo ruffles the girl's hair and she lets go of him to take off her bag. He grabs the girl's bag from her and tosses it around his own shoulder before crouching down, "Hello, Klee. Did you have a good day at school?" Klee nods with eagerness, already opening her mouth to begin talking about the things she did today. Albedo reaches to pick her up and she complies mindlessly, allowing Albedo to stand up with Klee held against his hip. 
"- and then BOOM!" Klee lets out a string of giggles, using her arms to express the size of the explosion she was talking about. Albedo nods to her to show that he is listening, which prompts her to continue, this time asking him a question; "You do science stuff at school too, right? Do you see big explosions all the time?!" Albedo only chuckles, "I'm sorry, Klee. In university, experiments are much more controlled and explosions aren't normally a desired outcome." Klee pouts and exclaims that "adult school" is boring, to which Albedo agrees with in his mind. Despite enjoying his field of study, he couldn't deny that he found certain days and certain classes boring. But that's guaranteed with anything, really. There's always going to be the boring part of something interesting.  Albedo doesn't verbally respond to Klee's comment, instead letting out a short huff of air from his nose in amusement and the conversation falls silent. Klee rests her head against Albedo's shoulder, clearly exhausted from spending her energy playing all day with her classmates, prompting Albedo to slightly speed up his pace. 
A few minutes later, the faint jingling of keys stirs Klee from her impromptu nap. She blinks her eyes open and raises a hand to rub the sleepiness from one. Albedo unlocks the door to her home and sets Klee on her feet, closing the door behind him as the little girl walks off and into the main room of the apartment. Albedo shrugs Klee's bag off his shoulder, placing it on the ground near the door as he, too, makes his way further into the small home. 
"Aunt Alice?" The boy calls out before hearing the sound of movement coming from one of the bedrooms. Alice peeks her head out from behind a door before fully leaving the room, walking towards Albedo with outstretched arms and a wide smile, "Sweetie! It's so nice to see you again, how were your classes today? I hope Klee didn't give you a hard time on the way home, hehe."  Albedo allows the woman to envelop him in a hug, returning it gently. 
"Classes were fine today, and Klee was well behaved. It helped that she was asleep most of the walk here," He comments, looking over to the young toddler that was now curled up on the couch getting ready to continue her nap.  "I'm glad, I'm glad," Alice lets go from the hug, "Go sit down, I'll bring you two snacks to unwind with."  Albedo doesn't dare reject her offer and follows her instructions with a nod, taking his place on the comfortable couch next to the now-sleeping-Klee. He reaches over and carefully slides her shoes off before covering her with the blanket formerly used for decoration, then picks up the remote from the coffee table to turn on the television. He flicks by channels quickly, barely giving some the time of day to hook him in.  He keeps going until the more colorful television programs begin to pop up - the kids' channel. Klee is asleep, but it was a habit for him to switch to the first cartoon he could find for the little girl. She would appreciate having something to keep her attention while she had a snack, he's sure of that. 
Albedo's eyes scan the room briefly - nothing was out of the ordinary. His aunt's house looked the same as it did everyday, the route home was no different than yesterday's and the day before that. Aunt Alice even came out of the same room as yesterday to greet him. Yet, there's something off about this day in particular - Albedo's not sure if it's a good or bad thing, but it still made him feel out of place.  His eyes landed on the window, his eyes tracing the branches of a tree that hangs in front and covers the view very slightly. The branch was stationary, and the leaves gently wiggled with the wind - some even falling to the grass below. nothing is out of place, he concludes. He must just be exhausted. H e blinks and pulls his attention from the branch and towards his baby cousin beside him. She twists in her sleep, ending up on her back with a foot hanging off the couch. Albedo lets a short huff of air leave his nose as he tucks Klee's leg back into the couch before standing up. 
The soft hum of a joyful tune lured Albedo into the kitchen where Alice maneuvered around. with a quiet clearing of his throat, he interrupts her performance, "Aunt Alice, do you need any help?"  At his inquiry, Alice teasingly rolls her eyes, "Ever the hard worker, aren't you? If you wouldn't mind, could you help me with slicing the apples?" Albedo says nothing in response and simply goes to grab a knife and an apple, wordlessly getting to work as Alice continues on with putting together the rest.  After a few moments of silence, Alice speaks up - "You know, Albedo… You can call me mom."  The knife in the boy's hand comes to a stop half way through an apple. He turns his head towards the older woman with a lopsided look on his face. She returns his confused look with a beaming smile, "I'm just saying! You practically are my son, and you treat my daughter like your little sister, so I think it's only befitting!" 
Albedo lets a chuckle fall from his lips as he finishes the cut finally, deciding that was enough sliced apples, "If only Gold were here to hear you say that."  A bubble of laughter erupts from Alice, and she pats Albedo on the back, "Oh, she'd have my head." Alice takes the apple slices from him, moving them over to her section of the kitchen.  "You know," she starts up again, "Rhinedottir was very proud of who you are growing up to be."  Albedo's eyes find the branch from earlier in the distance, noticing how the green began to thin out as the wind took the leaves far from their homes. 
"She'd be boasting about you every chance she could get right about now. Oh, if only she could see the young man you've grown into now. Such a smart, caring boy," Alice continues, elbowing Albedo in the side gently as she placed the tray of apple slices now covered in multiple spices and toppings into the oven, "Anyone would be very, very lucky to be able to call you their son."  His eyes softened at her words, his lips curling into a small smile. Alice returns this smile, the faint wrinkles in her face making the upturn of her lips all the more prominent.  A comforting silence fell over the kitchen, save for the muffled sound of cartoons playing in the distance. Albedo’s thumb rubs against the handle of the knife soothingly, allowing the fallen conversation to repeat in his head as if he had rewinded a movie to rewatch his favorite part. Truthfully, he’s already considered Alice his mother and Klee his little sister — any time he wasn't at his dorm, he was here. Any time he wasn't overworking himself alongside his best friend, Sucrose, he was here. Enjoying the comfort of what a family can be, something he had been stripped of so young.  If anything, Albedo is the lucky one. He has everything he could have possibly wanted - granted, his mother left behind a lot for him already, but… She wasn’t one of those things. Albedo never expected himself to get caught up with personal relationships, but the moment he started letting people in, he found himself a lot happier of a person. The mystery of his roots no longer plague him as something that needs to be solved, because he’s made up for a lot of what he missed out on with Alice, and Klee, and Sucrose — they’re people who mean a lot to him, though he doubts he’ll ever have the courage to express that to them personally.
A short sigh passes Albedo’s lips, and he allows his thoughts to settle as he sets down the knife in his hands. Alice had been silently working away at the dishes while he was caught up in the crevices of his mind, so he moves to join her. “Are you done playing with knives?” Alice asks with a teasing lilt to her voice, and Albedo simply responds with the shake of his head. He places the knife in the sink and splays his hand open for Alice to place the sponge in his hand. “I’ll take over from here,” He claims, giving Alice no room to refuse. She playfully rolls her eyes in response and places the sponge in his hand, before rinsing hers off in the sink.
“Okay, Mr. Busybody, I’ll leave you to it.” 
With the final ruffle to Albedo’s hair, Alice leaves him to finish washing the dishes and instead tends to her sleeping daughter. Alice joins Klee on the couch, lifting her head up to slip underneath so that Klee has something to lay her head on. The colorful animated characters beam on the television, telling stories that teach children lessons – truthfully, Klee was a little too old for cartoons of this level. She still enjoys them, sure, but she’s not the baby she once was. It’s something that Albedo seems to fail to grasp, really – but that’s no fault of his. His memories of childhood are reduced to nothing but puzzle pieces that have no specific place they fit into, so he tries his best.  Alice begins to undo Klee’s pigtails, running her fingers through her soft blonde hair. It had gotten a little tangled during the day, most likely due to her chaotic and playful nature. Such a small girl with so much energy… Klee reminds Alice of herself when she was young. 
Moments fly by slowly, the comfortable silence between the three feeling more like a warm blanket than anything. Days like these, while typically uneventful, have always been Alice’s favorite – they’re memorable in their own ways, and it’s something that’s really appreciated when the world always seems to be crashing in on itself.  Alice finds her eyes involuntarily shutting, the subtle flickering of the television being the only thing to keep her slightly conscious. The sound of the sink running has already faded, and so has every other noise – this tiredness came out of nowhere, it seems, and has entirely enveloped Alice.
And so, she slumbers. In the comfort of her own home, surrounded by her daughter and her nephew.
The land of dreams does not fall upon Alice, but it does fall upon Klee. Things are, of course, chaotic in nature – but this is something Klee enjoys. Explosions of different colors, setting of fireworks in the shapes of her friends… The little girl is comforted, not only by what joins her in her thoughts, but the feeling of her mother’s presence beside her. Such a thought brings a smile upon her slumbering face, and she indulges in her overactive imagination for a little longer.
… Or, perhaps not. The overbearing sound of static overtakes her elongated, pointed ears - a feature that she shares with Alice, of course - and interrupts her from what she considers a sweet dream. Klee feels the warmth of a blanket placed over her lap. A warmth that would be welcome any other time, but right now… it’s hot. Klee kicks the blanket from her body and rubs the sleep out of her eyes, ignoring the hungered pang of her stomach. She slips swiftly out of her mother’s hold, taking the blanket she once wore and placing it over Alice instead. It’s not the first time Klee’s made her own food – she’s a big girl! Making cereal or peanut butter sandwiches are no big deal, and they’re super delicious as well. Just the thought of something sweet but fulfilling brings Klee’s stomach to a rumble once more. And with that, she skips over to the kitchen as quietly as she can. 
Klee takes her stool and places it against the kitchen’s island counter. She steps up and reaches for the bread box, her tiny hands and short arms struggling to reach. The tips of her fingers poke the edge of the box, motivating Klee to try harder to grasp at the box – her legs now dangle off the table, 
her toes barely grazing the stool. The bread is so close, yet so far; Klee growls under her breath, a sound that's a mixture of annoyance and struggle as her little body continues to wiggle onto the table.
Then, a thud sounds out. This stops the young girl in her tracks, causing her to slip off of the counter in order to check what had fallen. Klee has always had good manners, cleaning up after herself, making sure she's quiet... so, if she had knocked something down, she had no intention to simply leave it there. Her eyes scan the ground, her feet leading her to circle the island counter in search for the mess she assumes she's made. But then, she hears it again. A thump, like something had flopped to the ground. This time, it becomes obvious that Klee hadn't dropped anything - in reality, the sound wasn't coming from the floor in the first place.
The door is slammed against once again.  Klee flinches, confused and slightly afraid over the noise. It's slow, with a lot of time in between, so it clearly isn't someone who's knocking... Klee hears no voices outside, instead her pointed ears are filled with the static noise from the television that had all but blended into the atmosphere. She debates waking up her mother, but what if it's nothing? What if the sound is simply just a bird accidentally flying into the door, and Klee will have woken up her mother - who doesn't sleep as much as she really should - for nothing.
Klee creeps towards the door, barely making a sound as she awaits for the next noise. A staggering silence stands between her and the door, but that doesn't stop Klee from decreasing the distance. A hand raises in anticipation, ready to open the door and peek out to get rid of her paranoia. The lack of thumping fails to comfort the child, though she doubts that the banging sound will make her feel any better either. Her tiny fingers shake, reaching out to the doorknob that she can barely reach - but her skin and the metal knob never collide. 
This whisper-shout jolts Klee away from the door, her head flinging around to look behind her in a panic. At the other end of the house, Albedo sits crouched in a hallway. He ushers her over, to which Klee gladly bolts herself towards him.  "Stay away from the door for me, okay?" Albedo continues to whisper, his voice barely reaching above a certain decibel. It's at this point that Klee realizes that something is not quite right. Albedo hiding had thrown her off entirely, and left her racing mind wondering why through so many unvoiced questions. Instead of asking, however, Klee nods at Albedo and huddles close to him.  "Don't go in front of windows, either. I need you to promise me."
Klee gulps, her brows pinching together with concern as Albedo grasps both of her shoulders with his hands. She's... never seen him so intense before. His typically stoic, aloof disposition has crumbled in the blink of an eye. It scares her, and the fact that she's scared of Albedo sets in even more fear. It's then that she realizes the discoloration on Albedo's hands as he pulls away. The tips of his fingers are dark, but with the lack of light in the house it's hard to pinpoint the exact color. 
"Albedo, what's wrong?" Klee whimpers, her eyes glossing over. She's so horrified at the fact that she has no idea what's going on that it becomes overwhelming, and tears form on her bottom eyelids. The three of them were having such a comfortable evening, all gathered together and winding down from busy days - that perfect, normal, and natural day had been tainted like a bottle of black ink being spilt onto a cherished picture, ruining the vision of a happy family.
With Albedo's next words, which had been spoken so impulsively, the black ink spread even further;
"I... think I killed someone."
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startanewdream · 1 year
#1 - Cottage, for April AU @jilymicrofics. Theme: Childhood friends AU
Petunia is frowning, looking down the street with contempt. Lily doesn’t understand it.
“Do you want to look around?” She asks. 
Petunia shakes her head. “I want to go away! I don’t want to live here!”
Lily throws her a sympathetic look that Petunia ignores; there isn’t anything any of them can do now. Their parents just signed the contract and now the Evans are the owners of a nice cottage in the country.
Lily doesn’t want to say anything, but she is happy with this change. Sure, she will miss their home in London, her school and her friends, but there’s something about this village that looks far more charming; perhaps it’s the old look of the town, one that takes her back to Roman times, or the cottages that seem to have existed there since Shakespeare was a boy, but whatever it is, she could swear that Godric’s Hollow is almost magical—
“There are no other kids here,” Petunia adds, moping. She turns to enter the house. “We will be all alone with old people.”
Lily had always thought her sister fared better with grownups — everyone always commented how proper and well-behaved she was — but she doesn’t answer, Petunia’s concerns reaching her now. There is no school in the village, so they will study in a nearby town—but when they return home, that's it for the day, and Petunia says she is too old to keep company with Lily all the time now…
Perhaps this change wasn’t a good idea after all.
She kicks a stone in the ground, and sits dismayed on the porch in front of her new home. She doesn’t want to be alone—she closes her eyes and imagines all the magic in this small town swirling like a galaxy spiral, wishing that she won’t be alone—
And the universe seemingly answers her, for when Lily opens her eyes, she finds a boy around her age in front of her, looking just as amazed to find her there as she is to see him.
“Hey,” he calls, smiling. “Are you the new neighbours?”
She nods. “We've just moved here.”
“Thank Merlin for that, when Mrs. Bagshot told me a new family was moving, I thought she meant another ancient couple from the time she wrote her book.”
Lily isn’t sure she understands half of what he means. “Ah—my parents are young.”
“Oh, mine aren’t, though Dad says wine tastes better with age.”
“I don’t drink wine.”
“Me neither, it smells funny.” 
She blinks. “And I’m ten.”
“Oh.” He frows for a moment, worried. “I’m nine. When is it your birthday?”
“So you’ve just turned ten?” Lily nods. “Oh, my birthday is next month, you’re not that much older then.” He throws her a mischievous smile. “We can be friends!”
“I don’t know if I can be friends with someone so young.”
“Oh, it’s just two months—”
She giggles. “I’m joking! You should have seen your face.” He watches her for a moment before breaking into a laugh.
“Okay, you are fun, new neighbour.”
“I have a name, old neighbour. It’s Lily. Lily Evans.”
He smiles broadly. “I’m James. James Potter,” he says, copying her. “Have you gone to the old playground yet?” She shakes her head. “It’s just at the end of the street, can you go?”
Lily looks down the street; as long as she keeps her house in sight, her parents don’t mind her exploring the place. “Yes.”
“Brilliant!” They walk together; James seems to bounce rather than walk, which amuses her. “I almost never go to the playground. Mum gets too tired and it’s stupid to swing alone.”
Her eyes sparkle. “I love swings.”
“Me too! It’s like—” He smiles to himself now. “Like flying.” James steals a glance at her, then he lowers his voice. “Can I share a secret with you? You cannot tell anyone.” She nods. “I can fly.”
Lily thinks about letting go of the swing at the very height of the arc and, instead of falling, flowing into the air, soaring like a fairy.
“Do you want to hear a secret, James?” She asks, just as secretive as him. “So can I.”
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kay-elle-cee · 1 year
@jilymicrofics March Prompts 10 & 29: Heal and Dream
A Jily Lives AU Micro || 388 Words Happy birthday James Potter! 🎉
“Hey Lil? Why did I just receive a letter from Puddlemere United saying they can’t wait to see me at tryouts?”
She hears his voice waft into the kitchen where she sits at the table with Harry, making faces at the young boy in an attempt to persuade him into eating his lunch. “Because I replied to the first letter they sent that you crumbled up and threw in the bin.”
He appears in the doorway, eyes wide as he clears his throat. "And...why would you do that?"
“Because it's always been your dream to play professional Quidditch?”
“Lily, that was before we went through a whole bloody war…I’m not—I'm not the same bloke that graduated Hogwarts.”
“I'm aware,” she says with a hint of laughter, her attention still on Harry as she tries to get him to eat some peas. "Your temper's evened out quite nicely."
“Lily, I'm serious—I’m not. I’m out of flying shape...I have that blasted injury from the Order that didn't heal right. And even if I was Quidditch-ready, there's you and Harry to think about.” His hand has plunged in his hair, tugging in exasperation. "I threw away that letter for a reason. You had no right—"
"No right? Says the man who wrote Petunia on my behalf once things settled down?" she cuts him off, glancing over her shoulder and raising an eyebrow.
"Point taken."
"James"—she rises from her seat and walks around the table to him, placing a gentle hand on his chest—"I know you're scared. But you owe it to yourself to try, alright? You know you'll always kick yourself if you don't."
"But what about—"
She shushes him with a gentle tone, touching her fingers to his lips before dropping them and rising on her toes to give him an encouraging peck.
"We'll figure it out, James, one step at a time. But first you have to try, yeah?"
He looks down at her, and she can see the warmth and trepidation in his gaze, feel the heart that pounds beneath her hand that's still on his chest.
James nods, clearing his throat before he ducks his head down to place another kiss on the tip of her nose, which causes Harry to squeal in delight from his highchair. He pulls back and smiles appreciatively at his wife. "Yeah."
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paolapoppyxx · 9 months
Happy Human Friends Part 4: Petunia
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Hey guys, do you think I should change Petunia's nationality or skin color? In my AU she is Brazilian. I've read a few articles online about white Brazilians, but is it possible that she is not Brazilian because skin color? Enlighten me, I hope my question doesn't seem r4cist to you. <3
Well headcanons
Name: Petunia Skunk
Age:19 Birthday:March 25
Family: Sunflower(Mom) Turmeric(Dad) Daisy(Big Sister)
Nationality: Brazilian
Sexuality: Straight Ally
Gender: Female Pronouns: she/her
Boyfriend: Handy
Best Friends: Giggles,Lammy
Personality: Sweet, cute, cheerful, smiling, kind, nice, respectful, mom friend, caring, helpful, a little crazy, neat freak
Likes: Cleaning, clean stuff, hygiene, perfumes, tidying up her room, showers, strawberry soap, flowers, gardening, restaurants, cooking, food, fizzy drinks, birds, hugs, joy, summer
Hates: Dirty stuff, mud, germs, farts, burps, messes, cockroaches, sharks, poison ivy, fights, shouting, perverts, flirty people, disco music, being a skunk
Fun Facts:
- Works at her parents' flower shop
- Giggles' childhood friend and bestie
- Sometimes she farts secretly and her farts smell so bad they could kill someone
- Has Obsessive–compulsive disorder
- She often argues with her parents because of the water bill
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pixxelcatt · 1 year
Hello! I wanted to ask you a couple questions- specifically about your Flower Raph AU! (Spoiler they're all Raph Flower AU related lmao)
1: After seeing a post about the Isabella similarities (And the Waifu one), does Raph have any similarities to Poison Ivy from the DC universe? Like- can he talk to plants?
2: Does he garden like his IDW counterpart? Like- with help from the flowers of course.
3: Does his flowers bloom one single species, or multiple flowers? (Depending on his mood- a red plain flower, or a Petunia)
4: Is it just flowers, or can herbs and vines grow off his shell? NOW! THE BIG OL QUESTION: Would it be okay if I wrote stuff for the AU? I mean- I've seen someone ask if you'll write anything for it (You might have mentioned you will at some point... I can't remember lmao). Just little prompts that I have- and I could take some suggestions from you if you wanted anything written? (Obviously, I wouldn't be a bad person an not give credit WHO WOULDN'T DO THAT?!?) I have been gripped by the AU, and would love to write some stuff for it. I don't mind if you say no, and I'll respect you're choice! Anyway- hope you have a good day >3
Yay I love questions !!
1. I’m not at all familiar with DC stuff, but! I have a comic I’m working on that’ll answer that question :)
2. I think he probably would! I had a thought that his room ends up being an absolute disaster of plants from growing them on accident- he fixes it up eventually, dedicating a corner just for them
3. I haven’t really decided yet lol, before I drew the first picture with April I was going to look up flower meanings or something, but I couldn’t find anything before I got bored and just did the white ones like the Creep had-
I wanna get back to the flower symbolism idea tho 👍
4. I think any plant! Though flowers and vines are kinda the default, other more specific plants takes a bit of practice
AND LAST ONE: yeah sure !! As long as I may check it first for possible innaccuracies or anything I may be uncomfortable with, (not that I’d expect that from you, you seem very nice :D) and definitely with credit back to me!
I’m personally not much of a writer (tho I wish I was), I’m more of a show not tell kind of storyteller lol, so seeing my ideas in writing form sounds so cool to me 😭
I’m glad people really like my au/headcanon!! And I hope you have a good day as well 🫶
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Bad Ideas Part 9
Regulus Black au
Summary:  It started as nothing now it’s something. Voldemort has been defeated but that doesn’t mean the wizarding world is still a good place to be.
Pairings: Regulus Black x Reader
Rating: M
Part 8 Link
Arriving at the restaurant, you stood between Regulus and Harry. You had quietly bribed Regulus to be good. As much as you wanted to see Regulus scare the shit out of Vernon, you also wanted to see what your aunt and uncle had to say.
Were they going to apologize for all of the years of mistreatment? Was one of them dying and wanted to make amends or were they simply wanting to brag about their new car? The possibilities were endless. You weren’t sure which option you wanted to go with. Time would have to tell on that one.
“My offer to climb across the table and slap them real good still stands.”
Regulus commented. Harry glanced over to the other man with a raised eyebrow before fighting a smirk. While Harry wanted to dislike Regulus for making a move on you, he really couldn’t. Over the past little bit, Regulus proved himself enough to Harry. He also made you happy so that was enough for your twin. His offer to slap Vernon around also made Harry happy.
“I may take you up on that.”
Harry replied as you shook your head.
“Before we start slapping people around, why don’t we see what they want? I would be surprised if they honestly just wanted to see us.”
Regulus rolled his eyes. He had enough about Vernon and Petunia Dursley to do him a lifetime.
“Sorry love but I highly doubt that’s what it is. If they just want to catch up I would be more shocked than if I woke up tomorrow with my head sewn to the carpet.”
You only nodded in agreement. Common sense told you that Vernon and Petunia didn’t want to catch up. Harry was, after all, the reason that the Dursleys had to leave their “perfect” little home. Why would they want to see you again?
“There they are.”
Harry’s voice pulled you from your thoughts. You looked up to see your aunt and uncle sitting at a table in the middle of the restaurant. Petunia held her hand up to motion to come over.
“Here we go.”
You murmured before squeezing Regulus’ hand. The expression on his face had gone from mildly annoyed to straight haughty and holier than thou. He didn’t have to say anything for you to know that he already hated Vernon and Petunia. He was also looking for “ANY” reason to let the insults start flying.
Arriving at the table, neither Petunia nor Vernon stood to give you any form of a hug. You didn’t expect this so it really shouldn’t have surprised you. Vernon only nodded while Petunia forced a smile.
“Harry…Y/n…it is so nice to see the both of you. How are you?”
Regulus moved to pull the chair out for you to sit in. You gave him a small thank you before turning your attention back to your aunt.
“We are alive. I hope you both are doing well.”
Petunia nodded again forcing a smile.
“We are doing fine. I received your letter about that madman being killed. I’m guessing all is well in your world?”
Your world….
You knew that was hard for Petunia to say. The fact that it wasn’t accompanied by some kind of insult was a miracle in itself.
“Yes, everything is fine…for the moment. It's just getting everything put back together.”
Harry replied. You were thankful that Harry came in. Your brother always knew when you were ready to say something snarky.
“I’m glad to hear that. We have been worried.”
Again, Petunia sounded like she had been forced to say that. Your aunt was as worried about you as you were worried about her.
Vernon, meanwhile, had been staring at the young man by your side. He hadn’t said a word since sitting down. His cold grey eyes had been flickering between Vernon and Petunia as he looked at them as if they were garbage.
“So, who are you?”
Vernon finally asked. Regulus looked right at Vernon as if he was personally offended to be spoken to by a muggle…or at least a muggle like Vernon.
Regulus replied in a cold cool voice. Vernon was even more annoyed. He expected a little more than a first name.
“Pleasure. So, are you funny like them?”
Regulus questioned, narrowing his eyes on Vernon as if he were a mouse. You had to swallow back a chuckle at how Regulus’ cat-like nature coming out.
“A…wizard…I guess.”
Vernon replied, feeling suddenly uncomfortable under the younger man’s icy gaze.
“I’m not a comedian. I suggest that you watch how you speak to me, Vernon Dursley. Harry and Y/n may be nice to you but I won’t be. I should climb across the table and choke you out for how you lot treated them as children. If you were any kind of aunt or uncle, you would have never treated your niece or nephew so poorly…stupid prejudices or not.”
Vernon swallowed, clearly uncomfortable. He had got his answer on what Regulus’ background was.
“Well, nothing. You’re a shit excuse for a family…the both of you. I personally don’t see why you lot even bothered checking in on them. They had done just find during this whole war without the help of either of you.”
Petunia blinked a few times before beginning to speak.
“You don’t understand it was… we did what we thought was best…given the circumstances.”
Regulus raised an eyebrow at Petunia instantly making her rethink her life choices.
“I understand enough. You treated your sister’s children like shit. That’s enough for me to understand. I can understand you a lot being scared of things that you don’t understand. That, however, gives you no right to be shitty individual to people…especially children. There was no treating them the best in anything that you did.”
Neither Harry nor yourself moved to say anything. You gave Regulus a proud smile. It was nice hearing him say something like this. Those words alone proved just how far Regulus had come as an individual. Had this conversation happened never would have happened. Regulus would have probably berated Petunia and Vernon for being muggles and simply existing.
“You don’t know anything.”
Vernon snapped. Regulus stood up making Vernon cower lower in his chair.
“I know enough. Y/n, Harry let's just get out of here. This is a total waste of both of your time.”
Neither Harry nor yourself argued. You came, you saw, and now you were ready to get the hell out.
It took until the lot of you arrived back at Grimmauld Place for Regulus to calm down. Harry was silently laughing to himself for a few moments before speaking.
“Regulus, why don’t you just pull a gun on them the next time?”
Regulus shook his head and hung his coat up.
“I’ll just punch him in the face.”
Harry nodded.
“I’ll agree to that.”
Harry turned to walk into the dining room leaving the two of you alone. Regulus sighed…then my mother came out.”
Regulus was relieved when you smiled. While he didn’t really expect you to be angry with him for going off; Regulus really didn’t try to hear the Dursleys out. He pretty much saw them and went ballistic.
You stood on your tiptoes to press a kiss to Regulus’ chin.
“I found it rather amusing. My inner child was healed seeing them have their asses handed to them.”
Regulus wrapped his arms around your waist and rested his forehead against yours.
“You always deserved better.”
Regulus said with a soft sigh.
“OH MERLIN…is that Regulus?”
Both Regulus and yourself instantly stood up and turned to the voice. Your mouth dropped seeing what had to be your parents standing in the doorway. Rubbing your hands on your eyes a few times you had to make sure that you weren’t seeing things. James and Lily looked just as they did in the photos that you had.
The better question was why were dead people suddenly turning up like long-lost people coming for a friendly visit? Not that you were entirely complaining. Without this odd-ass situation, you would never have been able to be with Regulus. Now your parents…
Regulus looked clearly as shocked as James.
“Oh Merlin is that James?”
Regulus replied in a snarky tone. James turned to Lily who looked equally as shocked. Never in a million years did they expect to see Regulus alive…and holding you…their daughter.
“What is going on around here?”
James snapped. Sirius who was looking ready to jump out the window groaned.
“Man, don’t make me say it.”
James turned to Sirius. Harry winced, from his place beside his godfather. This wasn’t really how he wanted to drop the “Y/n is dating Regulus” bomb on his poor unsuspecting parents.
“Is he dating my daughter?”
Sirius again groaned. Regulus rolled his eyes before chuckling.
“Wow, there is no getting past you.”
You moved to stand in front of Regulus. The last thing that you wanted was to see fists or hexes start flying.
“Okay…what is going on here? Mum…dad…you’re alive…what is going on around here? Not that I am not thrilled to see you both…but…is everyone killed by lord Snakeface turning back up?”
James and Lily couldn’t say anything for a moment. It was Lily that spoke first.
“Sweetheart, I don’t know how to answer that but we can be a family again….as we should have.”
James nodded before turning his attention back to Regulus.
“What about him?”
“I’m not going anywhere.”
Regulus replied. James glared at Regulus. After coming back from the dead, the last thing that James ever expected was to see his only daughter in a relationship with Regulus Black.
Yet….here I am.
James thought before speaking.
“What makes you think that you are good for her? I know you…at least how you used to be. Leopards don’t change their spots.”
Regulus raised an eyebrow before turning to face you. He gave you a gentle smile. The last thing that Regulus wanted was for you to hear what he was about to say.
“Sweetheart, wait for me upstairs. We can catch up with them later.”
You turned and walked from the room without another word. As much as you wanted to stick around, part of you wanted to get away too. This was too much all at once. Your fight or flight feelings were about to come roaring back and thankfully Regulus recognized it.
It's nice having someone on my side.
Regulus waited until the door to his room closed before turning back to face James and Lily.
“With me, Y/n gets to come first. She had always come second to Harry and for once she gets to come first. That’s what makes me good for her.”
@amelie-black @justfinishthis @jessyballet @knreidy1 @georgeweasleydumbhoe @criminalyetminimal @mimisparkle12 @teletubiswszpilkach @fific7 @siriuslyceleste @golddustwomann @littleshadow17 @ell0ra-br3kk3r @livshifts @jsjcue @stelleduarte @millies0bsimp @coffeeaddictednymph @readtomeregulus @rogue-nyx88 @i-love-scott-mccall @s-we-e-t-t-ea @taylor-will-be-the-death-of-me @f4iryluvy @panpride @daddyslittlevillain @saramaple @missgorldafirst @buttercup-beeee @gugggu6gvai @mentally-unstable-hoe @yousmellllikecaca @jag9000 @quinis @haroldpotterson @goldensunshineshit @aurorasnape12 @ad-astra-again @dumybitch @melaninnbarbie @marichromatic @ravenhood2792 @play-morezeppelin @spideyxalmighty @lucasfilms77 @rubyroscoe1 @lostarc24 @brokencasbutt67-writer @authoressskr @moldy-old-boot @moldy-old-boot @hankypranky @emiwrites3reads @shaylybaby2032 @knight-of-gleefulness @untoldshortsofthefandoms @deanwherescas @shitfaceddaniel-blog @wontlookaway @sprnaturallover @li0nh34rt @tas898 @mycuddlycorner @bennyberry @bxcndd
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racfoam · 2 years
I think you did a soulmate AU awhile back of if James had survived, but like after the convo Tom had with Petunia about almost regretting killing Lily, would you please do a snippet like you did with James but with Lily as the surviving parent? I feel she would have struggled more to stay in line than James ironically enough.
Oh, definitely, I love both James and Lily, they are just 🥰 I think I was brainstorming the nynn Lily Survives AU.Lily would just spew facts. Also, where do you think Harry got her sass from? It’s from Lily. So, let’s say Voldemort uses a Stunning Spell on Lily instead.
The Potter Estate was a big house with an entire park surrounding it. It was a house Lily visited as a guest many times, spending time with her mother-in-law chatting or learning more about pureblood culture to better adjust to the wizarding world.
Now, living here with Harry and herself, the house appeared much bigger.
Lily missed her parents, and she missed her in-laws, and she missed Petunia, but most of all, she missed James. It was an ache that was always present. Like a part of her was ripped off.
There was a knock at the door.
“I’ll get it!” squealed Harry excitedly, leaping off the chair to run to the front doors. For a four year old, she was incredibly fast. By the time Lily realized Harry was gone, the doors clicked open.
Lily fought off the dread swirling in the pits of her stomach.
“Harry, you need to check through the side window first —” started Lily patiently, more amused and finding it sweet rather than annoying.
Harry’s cheer of happiness was louder than Lily’s voice, overlapping Lily.
There were only three people Harry got that excited about. Sirius, Remus, and...
Maybe it was Sirius... He never announces his visits, just turns up and surprises them, much like his brother, Regulus. Regulus was more timid and hesitant, not at all anti-muggleborn (though he didn’t like Muggles themselves) but he seemed the least worst of the Death Eater scouts he sends as watchmen.
Lily got up from the chair, abandoning their warm lunch, and headed to the corridor. She froze at the sight at the door. A tall wizard stood at the doorway. He had a skeletal, serpentine face, with vivid, red, cat-like eyes.
Lily’s shoulders slumped, and she glared at the man who murdered her husband and tried to kill her baby.
It was nice to hope, however short-lived the hope was.
The worst part was that her daughter was hugging the Dark Lord around his legs, like he was her favourite person in the world. His long, spidery fingers rested on Harry’s small frame, on her back; he was hugging Harry back.
It was a scene not many would think real. Even now, Lily thought she was hallucinating, even after three years of seeing Harry and Voldemort interact.
Harry pulled away. The red eyes glanced from Harry and up to Lily; she felt a mix of fear and defiance both when she held the gaze without blinking.
“I brought you something,” said Voldemort. He pulled out a unicorn plushie, offering it to Harry.
“A unicorn!” Harry gasped. Slowly, she took it, studying it in awe, like it was the real thing.
“Thank you,” said Harry gratefully. She saw Lily, and ran back to her, presenting the unicorn like a prize. “Mummy, look! Voldemort brought me a unicorn!”
Lily forced a smile on her face. “It’s beautiful, Harry. How about you go put it in your room with Mr Frog and Mr Monkey?”
“Yes!” said Harry, barely remembering to breathe from excitement. She ran up the stairs with another, “Thank you!” to Voldemort, then disappeared to the first floor.
Voldemort lingered on the doorway. His eyes had followed Harry until she had turned the corner. Lily didn’t like it. At all.
“She’s gotten bigger,” he said, breaking the silence. His voice was cold and icy, like a snowstorm.
Lily merely narrowed her eyes. “Yes. She has. Don’t let me stop you from coming in. You usually break down the doors, anyway.”
Voldemort stepped in. “I break down doors when I visit enemies. You are no longer an enemy, Mrs Potter.”
“Hard to believe with your reputation regarding muggleborns,” said Lily.
“And yet, I allow muggleborns entry into wizarding society.”
“You mean using Hogwarts’ admittance book to locate muggleborns and take them from their homes, erasing their memory along with their parents’ and giving them to a wizarding family? Yes, very revolutionary. Very accepting.”
“You have magic,” said Voldemort, like it was the simplest thing. “You are powerful. That is all that matters to me.”
“Three times you tried to recruit me, three times I refused. My answer will never change.” said Lily angrily.
“I’ve put Arthur with Froggie and Timmy!” said Harry, descending down the stairs. Noticing something, she looked from her mother to her soulmate. She gave Lily a pleading look. “Mummy, don't scare Voldemort away.”
“If I could, I would.” muttered Lily, glaring at the tall wizard.
Voldemort's lips twitched, and he smiled.
“Come on, we were just going to eat!” said Harry, grabbing onto Voldemort’s index finger. Her hand was still too small to grab Voldemort’s. “Mummy made meatballs! I helped mash the potatoes!”
Lily watched a four-year-old girl drag the Dark Lord into the dining room. Witnessing the fearsome wizard follow a child without arguments, Lily thought it was the most bizarre thing she had ever witnessed in the magical world.
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kookieswan · 2 years
Of Blooms & Bounties - Petunia
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Pirate!Jungkook x Explorer!Reader
Word Count: 1.5k
Genre: Pirate!AU, Magic!AU, Semi-Historical!AU, slightly fluffy, very silly.
Warnings: Alcohol consumption, mentions of prostitution, nothing too serious though!
Summary: Namjoon had wanted the gold, Jimin had wanted the fun, and Jungkook had wanted to lay low. All in all, you’d say that two out of three were successful.
Notes: Here we go, another look into their shenanigans lmao
This is from the Of Blooms & Bounties Series. Find it here!
“It’s a super simple but very effective plan; Minnie is going to pretend to be Petunia while Tae, Hobi, Jin, and Yoon escort him back to the boat so we can take him home. _____, JK, and myself are going to stay here to make sure nothing tips them off. Pose as customers at the tavern and keep a lookout for Minnie…”
And lookout you do; both you and Joon sitting in the corner of the tavern, eyes scanning the area for the bandits that have purchased Petunias time. It wouldn’t have been as big of a quest to return him home if the man wasn’t expecting customers at almost every hour, but apparently his services are a hot commodity and his boss is… Demanding, which means your options are very slim. The poor man wants wants to to be home with his family again, and since they paid you nicely, it’s the least you can do to help.
“Everything’s going to go to plan, we have the perfect set up.” Namjoon’s dressed down a bit, lacking his usual hat and numerous layers of clothes for a more simple shirt and pants combo. You’re wearing something similar to blend into the background, not wanting to stand out all that much. You don’t think you’ll be found out anyway, not with how intense the partying is tonight.
“I know it will Joon, I’m not worried.” The tavern’s in full swing, a large crowed covering most of the floor space and seemingly very drunk. Other pirates mostly, some prostitutes, even a few performers. The bards play music over the roaring crowed, fun songs you wiggle in your seat to, wishing you could get up and dance.
Min sits idly at the bar, legs daintily crossed in his finest leather pants. He looks dangerous but in the best of ways, his charms drawing in a number of patrons around the shady tavern. He dones a billowy white shirt as well as high laced leather boots, coal around his eyes and red on his lips, the exact look Petunia told his customers he’d be wearing. A little scandalous, a little saucy, a perfect trap.
Kookie had excused himself to hit the toilet a while ago, and so you scan the room to try and spot him in the chaos. It’s a few seconds before he stumbles around the corner, eyes doe like and head swiveling to watch out for your target. It’s a passing thought that he looks pretty, the true flower in your group as he spots you and smiles with his pretty bunny smile as he speeds toward the table.
“Oh, I think this little daffodil is the company we purchased.” You’re so focused on him that you miss the new faces; Jungkook is almost back to the table as he’s stopped, a small hand wrapped around his wrist. He looks down at the small woman as her voice booms out over the patrons, two more women that aren’t much taller by her side. Kookie dwarfs them by quite a bit, tall defined muscles towering over them like a shaking tree. You and Joon both tense, ready to fight this out if things go south.
“I- Huh? Me!?” His voice is frantic but quiet enough you almost miss it. You suppose they’re wearing somewhat similar outfits, but Jungkook has certainly never worn skintight leather pants in his life like Jimin. Trying to hide your giggles as you settle a bit, you swig down your beer and pretend not to notice Namjoon’s bugging eyes. Min watches from across the tavern with wide eyes, lips twitching up and down, clearly not sensing any danger.
“Yes you beautiful, you’re exceptionally stunning. Look at that tiny little waist under that pretty little shirt, I could just eat you up.” Well, things certainly aren’t going as planned… They’re going better. The woman places her hand on Jungkook’s chest, slowly trailing a finger down until she reaches the low-cut collar. It’s humorous how far she has to stretch her arm up, but you remain mostly quite as Namjoon gently pokes your leg, a code for ‘shut up’. Jungkook looks like he’s about to pass out: from the implication of him being a prostitute or from being touched so boldly, you’re not sure.
“Um, yes. Yes that’s right, I-I’m Petunia.” Even with the taverns light being dim, you can still see the pink hue that lights up Jungkook’s cheeks as you glance at him, maybe a little shy but also a little flattered. It’s enough to make you coo to yourself, Namjoon’s slowly lowering his forehead till his face is planted firmly against the table. Your poor captains plans just don’t seem to be owning our recently, a true pity but also a secret blessing. Seeing JK flustered is always a little treat, it makes you wanna melt into a puddle.
“Give us a little dance sweetheart, I’ve heard the way your hips move casts shame on the sea herself.” It’s tense as Namjoon raises his head just enough to watch, Jimin staring with intensity from the bar now. Jungkook clears his throat noisily a few times, then slowly starts to sway his hips to the tune of the bards song.
Perhaps he tends to be a little awkward, maybe a smidge outspoken, but he’s always been stunning. A captivating personality, a beautiful face, and now apparently hips that might be able to rival Jimin’s. The poet sways to the music almost sensually as the women cheer him on, rowdy as the sit at the table relatively close to yours, drinks in hand and eyes shining with glee. There’s a shout for him to “take it off”, and strangely enough, he starts to slip out of his shirt without a second though. Hm.
Glancing over at Jimin with a raised brow, he purses his lips and shrugs, clearly enjoying the show as Jungkook finally trips over his own feet. The crew of women don’t seem to mind though, cheering him on in their drunken state. Namjoon sighs noisily to your right, face defeated as he starts to stand up. It’s an unspoken rule; all damage control is in the hands of the captain.
“… I can’t believe it’s come to this, you all are very lucky I’m a nice captain. Slip out when you can _____, I’m sure Minnie will stick around as a watch out.” Apparently the charade has been going on much too long by Joonie’s standards when in reality, Jimin was supposed to lead them into the alleyway and knock them out. This, however, had been much more fun to watch. You continue to watch with an slightly open mouth as Namjoon swaggers up to Jungkook as he sways around with his shirt now mostly off, hands on his hips. He taps the younger man’s shoulder, Kookie turning and freezing like he’s been spotted by a walbear.
“Petunia! How COULD you!?!?” Namjoons voice is shrill over the music, some people turning to stare, others not caring at all. It takes everything in you not to cackle, and so you down the rest of your beer to keep quiet. If you thought Kookies acting was bad, well…
“W-what?” JK looks like he’s nearly about to cry, eyes big and watery as he stares up at Joonie. You can’t see the other man’s face, but something must silently cross between them because Kookie noticeably relaxes in the next few seconds.
“I can’t believe you’re dancing for other people again, you-you harlot! That’s it! I’m taking you home to our eight children!” … Eight? That’s quite a lot. Namjoon actually picks up poor Jungkook and runs out of the building with the smaller man over his shoulder, the three women who bought his time gaping like little fishies. Things could have went a lot worse if they weren’t such a lighthearted and very drunk crew…
Standing slowly from the table, you notice Jimin had departed from the bar at some point, now standing close to the entrance and watching you with expectant eyes. Grabbing your duster, you walk past the women and hide your grin as they mourn the loss of Petunia quite loudly. Jimin ushers you out of the tavern, leading you to the alleyway behind it where the two other men are waiting.
“Woooow JK, that was quite the performance love. Outshined me in every way.” Jungkook starts to sputter and hides his face as Jimin laughs at him, not cruelly but with clear intention to tease. Namjoon just sighs and pats the youngest man’s back, trying to comfort him as he attempts to get over the loss of his own dignity. You silently grab JKs hand, rubbing your thumb against his warm honey skin comfortingly as he glances at you with a shy smile.
“…The things I put up with for some gold. I’m about to walk my own planm”
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oldmen-enjoyer · 1 year
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[ || The Spider and The Spore || ]
This is, AU? variant? Of Miguel O'hara that's one of many unfortunate victims that have an attempt replacement done by (our) Miguel in the past. But by some miracle of Alchemax science, managed to survived and now forever imprisoned by Miguel to be used as some kind of tool of judgement (read: this headass kill). But this relationship is self-destruction by default. They understood eachother but they also want to strangle eachother.
Summary of The Cannon Event: Miguel O'hara attempt to replaced Omiguel on his way to his twin daughter (Gabrielle) and son (Gabri) birthday. He almost successfully does so. But Omiguel's Alyla caught onto his false disguise and alert his family after many days of suspicions and fears. They found out minor details that don't added up and eventually Omiguel himself, heavily injured and disfigured, thrown away in some building. The timing of his discovery piled up with many things that eventually made the world collapsed on its own weight and trigger the Cannon Event (tm). During the burning madness, Miguel have to killed Tempest Monroe (Omigg wife) in self defense. But with all of his effort, he still failed to save the two children who accidentally died by his own hands too, in a way. With another family death and the Omiguel he trying to replaced end up still living. He choose to imprisoned the man (soon discovered that the guy can't literally be killed) and trying to solve their issues somehow. Socialising outside his tower of solitude is uncommon occasion due to his highly unstable condition (99.9% "a thing" Omiguel is!) But any socialising is good. PLEASE send your spidey interacting with him. He literally try n sworn to held restraint and be nice.
I made this at 11 pm with NO sleep.
People who love flower symbolism, here's a list for you: Petunias (Tempest Monroe), Forget-Me-Nots (Gabrielle & Gabri), Narcissus Pheasant Eyes (Omiguel), Pheasant Eyes (the three), Blue Spider Lily (Gabriella/Miguel's)
Omigg gene splicing is based on parasitic fungi that specifically targeted Arachnids. Made of that what you will.
[Unedited so their colors is more visible]
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[There's currently no reference for POST-murder OMiguel yet but I'm drawing it later. All you need to know that his face is very VERY scarred.]
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