#phew! taking a nap now.
peaches2217 · 7 months
I enjoy your mareach fics and you seem like a nice enough person! If I can be honest thiugh you come across sort of sheltered and even a little prudish so following you is sort of a mixed bag. (in response to the “why are you following me” thing)
Admittedly I’ve been sitting on this one for a while, and it’s what triggered my unblocking/higher filtering spree today. So to you anon, I wanna say 1.) sorry to keep you waiting and 2.) I’m so sorry that I’ve sent that sort of vibe to you. I’m going to work hard to improve! So please do stick around, and I promise I’ll do my best to overcome my prudishness. 💗
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theirloveisgross · 8 months
from an awful crackpost after afhf 2021, to a sign and response in march 2022, to this...
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feels a bit surreal, not gonna lie. and going from me mumbling about 28op and cursing him when he'd be wearing it out and about for two years to having the og jersey on my back right this moment... ooof. i might have teared up for real.
thank you so much, @lovingstheantidote, for noticing my crying and whining about wanting this thing so much and letting me buy it off you. 💚
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diamondbreakingboi · 1 year
2023 TF Big Bang - Ad Astra Et Retro!!
I'm so excited to present what I came up with for this year's Transformers Big Bang (@tf-bigbang)!! Behold: my beloved BlitzBee Barbarian/Tribal AU called Ad Astra Et Retro! I hope y'all like what I came up with!! I tried my best! This is the first time I've written something like this, let alone sharing it!!
I was so lucky to have @shapeofmetal illustrate for my story! They created such lovely pieces!! Please check them out here! I wanna cry every time I see them haha!
I'm sooo glad I participated in my first ever Big Bang! I never would have written so much without the amazing support of everyone involved! I might have been mostly a lurker throughout, but seeing everyone so passionate, kind, and helpful with everyone's journeys really pushed me into believing in myself too! It's been awe-inspiring! So, from the bottom of my heart, thank you everyone involved for making my first ever Big Bang a wonderful experience!! I can't wait to see what everyone has come up with!
Lastly, I hope we all continue to be inspired by the world around us and continue to create out of love!! Your creations make this world a better place, so embrace the light that burns within you and have fun telling your story!!
Until next time!
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shivunin · 2 years
(I've been rereading what I've got for that arranged marriage au all morning. I wanted to share the scene were Cullen and Adahlena meet if nothing else, because I had a really fun time writing it c: This is about two chapters in.)
Adahlena didn’t know how long she’d spent with her hands in the earth, but the sun had changed position when she looked up and realized she was no longer alone. The light had shifted from golden to faintly orange now, and the sun was nearing the horizon. She had an hour or two before sunset at the most, she supposed, which meant she was drastically late for the evening’s preparations. 
“Ah–” a deep voice said, and she jerked her head up, “En'an'sal'en. Could you perhaps…point me to the, ah, castle?”
The human man’s accent was bad, but comprehensible. He would stand nearly two heads taller than her when she rose, and his hair was wavy and golden in the early evening light. He led a horse, had carefully halted it beyond the orderly lines of herbs–she was grateful for that–and wore a relatively simple pair of black trousers with a red tunic that complemented his coloring. 
This was the first of her suitors that she’d actually spoken to. Few of them knew what she looked like outside of her nightly costume, for she’d been dodging them all week. It helped that most people were not waiting outside her window to speak with her, and that’s how she’d been entering and exiting the building since the first human had swaggered in. 
“Oh,” he said, forehead creasing, “Ah–Ahn mar melin? Dirthas Common?”
Well, it was more Elvhen than she’d expected. Adahlena was frozen with her hands still half-dug in the soil, her fingers poised to pull up a particularly tenacious weed by the roots. She had no idea how something so large had grown here for so long, except that it was at the edge of a row and blended somewhat into the surrounding foliage. If left to her own devices, she’d be forced to move the soil aside with magic instead of brute strength, and some of the more delicate plants reacted poorly to magical interference.
“Do you, ah…need assistance?” he asked, his eyes straying to where hers were still reaching for the weed. He looped the reins around a lower-hanging branch and approached slowly, hands in view the whole time. 
“I grew up on a farm,” he said in a calm voice, stopping several feet away, “I remember the late summer weeding well, if not fondly. We were always relieved when harvest time came and we didn’t have to do it anymore. May I?” 
Adahlena freed her hands from the soil and moved away, shaking the loose clumps from her long fingers. What was he doing? All the visitors been told about the evening banquets. She would have expected he’d be trying to quickly get to his rooms so he could wash up and make a good first impression. 
The man dug callused hands into the soil and plucked the weed out without effort, and she noted with surprised pleasure that he’d managed to get all the little threadling roots, too. He tossed it into the pile she’d been making and dusted off his hands. 
“There,” he said with satisfaction, “Can you give me directions? Ah…”
“My name is not important,” she said finally, standing to gather the uprooted weeds into a fold of her long tunic, “I speak Common. You’re already going the right direction; just continue on along the edge of the field until you reach a well, and then you’ll want to go right. You’ll see it before too long.”
Adahlena tilted her head, examining him carefully as he stood and absently dusted his hands against each other. Strong, muscular thighs–clearly he was used to riding horses–and similarly strong upper arms. No wonder he’d had no trouble pulling the weed free. Perhaps Anuon was right about…
No. She wasn’t getting attached on account of something so trivial as size or physical appearance. It was far too early for that.
Adahlena moved past him and piled the weeds in a heap near the trees, which someone would come by and clean up later if they knew what was good for them. Her legs ached badly now that she was moving around. She’d spent more time climbing than she usually did these past few days, and hours of kneeling had made her joints stiff.
The human was untying the horse, looking at her from the corner of his eye every few seconds. She sighed and propped her hands on her hips. 
“I’ll lead you there if you let me ride your horse,” she told him, and he straightened in surprise. While he considered the offer, she eyed the horse dubiously. It seemed like a nice enough creature, for all that she’d only ridden a handful of them. 
“Oh,” he said, “My thanks. Do you need help –”
“Yes,” she said, and he cupped his gloved hands just below the stirrup. When she stepped into them, he lifted her up and into the saddle. It was in one of the human styles, though thankfully it still had the saddle horn she was used to. Adahlena steadied herself, found a good place for her feet to hang since they would not reach the stirrups, and gestured forward. 
“Straight from here,” she told him, and he started moving. 
“You never told me your name,” she said, and the human turned to look at her over his shoulder. He had a scar on his lip, she noticed. Interesting. She wondered what it would feel like to…no. No. She wasn’t getting attached and she certainly wasn’t interested. It was far too early for that. 
“My name is unimportant,” he said. She tried to restrain a smile, but it tugged at the corner of her mouth. 
“Fair,” she said. 
“Are you a gardener? A farmer? Did you grow all of these?” he asked.
“In a sense.”
They were quiet for a time, and then she directed him to the right at the old well. 
“What did you catch?” she asked. 
Was that not the right word?
“Your quarry,” she said, “You had to bring something back with you to be let past the city limits.”
“Oh. Yes. A brace of pheasants. I left them with the sentries.”
“Hmm,” she said. One of her favorite treats was a pheasant pie. 
How had she not noticed how hungry she was? How long had she been weeding?
“Is there truly a feast every night?” he asked doubtfully a moment later. 
“For the duration of the event? Yes. More’s the pity.”
“You don’t like them?”
“I prefer not to make idle conversation with people who are trying to impress–” don’t say me, she reminded herself, “—everyone around them.”
He snorted. 
“I can understand that.”
“Hold here,” she said, and he did. She sat up straight and gave a sharp whistle. Another came in return. 
“Made your choice already, Adahlena?” the taller sentry called down to her in Elvhen. 
The human’s head had moved to watch them, she noticed. Sharp eyes, to see them both when their clothing blended into the surrounding trees. 
“Not yet,” she called back. 
“Well, you should. He’s the size of a horse. You’d never have to walk again.”
“Yes,” the second one called down, stepping up to the edge of a branch, “And if his size is proportionate, you won’t be able to walk again!”
The two of them laughed while Adahlena flushed at the ears. The worst part of this whole thing, she decided, was the way her personal life and personal preferences were now the purview of the entire clan and all their allies. 
“I’m telling the cook to save you waybread and nothing else,” she told them in Common, and looked back to the human. 
“Walk on,” she told him, “Ignore these fools.”
“I didn’t know what they were saying anyway,” the man said sheepishly, but tugged the horse forward. 
From this angle, she could see the red-flushed curve of his neck, the small hairs at the base that curled into tight spirals. When he shifted his grip on the horse’s reins, the muscles in his back shifted slightly, growing tight against the fabric of his tunic and then softening again. Adahlena glanced away. 
“You wouldn’t want to know,” she said darkly. The sentries’ laughter hadn’t died down. 
“Is, ah,” he sighed, “Does…Adahlena mean something in Elvhen? Or were they speaking of the lady?”
“Both,” she said cautiously. 
“What does it mean?”
“Hmm,” she thought, “In your tongue–something like ‘friend of the forest.’ But…several her age were named the same. We knew this generation would bear the bride for the Compact and the sound of the name is very similar to the first bride’s.”
“And what did they say of her? The sentries.” 
She wished she could read his tone better. Was he skilled at hiding his feelings or was she just not used to the way humans expressed emotion? It was important that she knew which was true before she tried to pursue a relationship with one of them. 
“They asked me if she’d chosen yet. She hasn’t.” 
He glanced over his shoulder at her, revealing a crisp profile, nose sharp like a dagger, pink lips and a scar on one side. There was something about it that tugged at her memory—something she’d meant to do, or recall—but no, it was gone. She pulled a face when the man looked away. 
“That makes sense. I understand that not everyone has arrived yet.”
“Accurate; tomorrow is likely the final day for that.”
They were passing through the outlying houses now, and some of the children raced alongside them as they passed over the road. This time of day, washing was being gathered from the lines and suppers were being cooked. The air filled with the scent of roasting grain and fish, the bittersweet note of elfroot threading through it all. 
“The people here won’t eat at this banquet?” he asked, and she read a note of judgment in it. That was fair; it was right that the clan eat together. 
“They prefer not to at the moment,” she told him, “Many elves have suffered at the hands of humans. Not all of our clan were born in the clan, or in our lands. We will not force them to entertain our visitors.”
“Ah,” he said. Then, “You don’t seem very curious about me or any of this. You speak the trade tongue with little accent. Have you lived among humans?”
“For a time,” she admitted, “When I was younger. As for my curiosity, you forget that I have been amongst this furor for a month now, though the suitors have only begun to arrive over the last week or so. I know–”
I know everything I need to know about the ones coming here, she resisted saying. It was technically true–she had the dossiers in her bedroom now–but she hardly had an encyclopedic memory of them all. If she were being honest, she’d avoided looking at most of them since she’d selected her choice of candidates. Didn’t want to know too much; didn’t want to get attached, or hope for something that would ultimately disappoint. Better that she not know at all. 
“You know?” he prompted, glancing over his shoulder at her again. 
He really is quite handsome, she thought, once you get past the odd ears and the ungainly breadth of him. 
“I know I’ll have time to ask if you…remain.” 
From the look he gave her, they both knew it wasn’t what she’d intended to say.
“Not far to the castle now,” she told him by way of apology, but he didn’t complain. 
“What are these banquets usually like?” he asked, skirting a puddle in the stone pathway. 
“Loud,” she said grimly, “Less so than they were, unless many new suitors came in today. We dismissed two after yesterday’s dinner.”
They’d both fallen for one of her tricks, the fools. So funny what men thought to say when they believed themselves in like company. She wouldn’t tell this human about that, though; better she find out for herself what kind of man he was when nobody was looking. 
“Truly?” he sounded surprised, “How many are left?”
Adahlena shrugged, shifting on the saddle so she could look ahead. The broad road stretched ahead of her, stone laid so tightly to the ground that no weed dared poke its head up. This path was kept cleared of trees, though she’d coaxed the council into allowing embrium beds along either side. They stood evenly now, nodding their ruby heads in time to the melody of the wind. 
“Perhaps eleven or twelve, not counting the new arrivals. Fewer after tonight, I expect.” 
“Twelve,” he repeated, shaking his head.
“Afraid of the competition?” she asked. He huffed. 
“No. It’s much fewer than I expected. I was told seventy had been proposed.”
“Ah,” she said, “Well, we rejected most out of hand. We’d no desire to be part of some elaborate political game, and the Orlesians would doubtless refuse to leave their carriages behind. Fancy pricks.”
He laughed; must be Ferelden, she supposed. They seemed to dislike the Orlesians nearly as much as the elves did. Conquering countries that did not wish to be conquered had that effect on a people. 
“We,” he said, and just that. The castle was coming into view now, blended into the surrounding trees as it was. 
“We?” she said. 
“You said ‘we,’ both times. Are you responsible for some of the eliminations?”
“Clever as well as good with his hands,” she mused, nodding to another of the sentries as they passed a checkpoint. The sentry immediately turned and began whispering to the other. 
“Is that a yes?”
They paused outside the gates and she dismounted carefully, unable to use stirrups sized for someone much taller than she. She patted the horse’s dappled grey neck carefully (it was beyond her to understand why the humans were so enamored with the creatures; one well-placed kick and they could split one’s skull wide open. At least halla had to work to get at you with their horns) and looked past it to the man, who was waiting quietly. 
Patient, too. He was a decent enough candidate, she supposed. He certainly wasn’t painful to look at. She wished she could remember what it was about his face that made her think of…
“Adahlena! Where have you been?” Her mother snapped from the steps in Elvhen, “Anuon said you left hours ago.”
“Adahlena?” the man asked, not looking away from her. She grinned at him, suddenly very pleased with herself. 
“One could say I’m responsible for all the eliminations,” she told him, and held out her hand in the human manner, “Adahlena Lavellan, Bride of the Compact.”
To his credit, he didn’t blink twice at taking her dirty hand and bowing over it. He did not, she noticed, press his lips to her knuckles as she’d seen men do in human cities. Good. It might be a courtly action to them, but to her it seemed like a great deal too much contact with someone she didn’t know yet. 
“Cullen Rutherford,” he told her, “Pleased to meet you.”
“Are you?” she smiled, “Interesting.”
“Adahlena!” her mother called, and when Adahlena glanced at her she’d been joined by two others–the ones responsible for dressing her today, she supposed. 
“I will see you at the banquet, Cullen Rutherford,” she told him, taking her hand back and turning away, “Perhaps you’ll still have time to wash your hands.” 
Cullen Rutherford, she thought as she climbed the steps, Cullen Rutherford. What do I remember about that name?
When she turned away to walk toward the stairs, he was looking down at his hands, as streaked with dirt as hers were.
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moonstruckme · 5 months
hi!! ngl i’ve never actually requested anything so im kinda nervous to do so but if it’s possible, do you think you could write something along the lines of eddie munson with like an anxious reader? maybe she has a panic attack and he’s there to help in the aftermath or just an overall anxious person. i know you’ve written something similar with the marauders so i hope that this is okay for me to request. i love love love ur writing!
Thank you for requesting lovely <3
cw: aftermath of panic attack
Eddie Munson x fem!reader ♡ 642 words
Eddie’s rambling hasn’t stopped since you sat down, but it’s become background noise for you, like ocean sounds or the music they play in grocery stores. You know well enough how to get yourself through this. His hand on your back is a steady, if somewhat frantic, reassurance. 
“You okay?” Eddie asks, his rhythm slowing as you blow out a lungful of air, bending your head towards your knees. You hold up a weak thumbs-up, and it picks up again. “Shit, yeah, you’re okay, baby. You’ve got it.” 
You feel bad that this is Eddie’s first time dealing with you like this, though it’s nice to be in his trailer and not at the mall or in a restaurant or something. His couch is familiarly uncomfortable, lumpy in places and nearly flat in others, and the air smells like weed and grease, the electric fan Wayne brings out for the summer months whirring diligently in the corner. You’re glad Wayne’s not home now, though someone should probably be around to comfort Eddie after he’s done comforting you. 
“Anything I can do to help?” he asks again. “You want some water or something?” 
This time, you nod. Your boyfriend all but springs up from the couch, grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge and hustling it back to you like he’s training to be one of the NASCAR pit stop people. You take it from him, rubbing the condensation from the bottle on the back of your neck before taking a sip. The chill is grounding. You rest your head back on your knees.
“You feeling better, sweetheart?” Eddie grabs another water bottle from the fridge once he sees what you did with the first, holding it to your neck. “You seem better. Sounding less like Darth Vader.” 
You laugh a little, and he laughs back nervously. 
“Yeah,” you say, “it’s mostly better now.” 
He blows out a breath. “Phew, okay. Jesus. You’re a fucking champ, you know that?” 
“Thanks,” you chuckle. “Sorry I put you through that.” 
“I’m pretty sure I’m not the one who went through something just now, so consider your apology heard and nullified.” Eddie’s lips come down on the back of your head. “I’d tell you where to shove it, but I’m feeling kind of bad for you right now. Count your blessings.” 
“Oh, I’m counting them.” You smile down into the semi-dark valley between your legs and chest, taking one more deep breath in and out before lifting your head. “Okay, I’m good.” 
“Yeah?” As he pulls back to see you, your boyfriend doesn’t look so sure. His eyebrows are pulled up in the middle, freakishly huge eyes full of freakishly sweet worry. “Good enough for a hug?” 
You hum your assent, and in the next second you’re in his lap. Eddie goes all the way, curving his body over yours as his arms wrap protectively around your back and his cheek squishes into yours. 
“It scares me when you’re scared,” he admits. 
“No—goddamnit, what did we say about that? You’re lucky you’re cute, I swear—don’t be sorry. Obviously it’s not your fault, I’m just sorry that happened to you. It seemed really fucking shitty.” 
“It felt really fucking shitty,” you agree. “I’m wiped.” 
“Honestly? Me too.” Eddie chuckles. “Nap?” 
“Yes, please,” you say, but wriggle closer to him, preventing him from getting up. Eddie doesn’t seem to mind. He starts rubbing your back again, contemplative. 
“You wanna sleep here, or on the bed?” 
“Bed,” you answer immediately. 
“...right. But are you gonna get up and go to the bed?” 
You make a thoughtful humming sound, grasping him tighter. “Probably not. Maybe you could carry me?” 
A sigh, long and dramatic. “Yeah, maybe I could.” Eddie’s hands move to grip you more securely, and he grunts as he stands. “You’re seriously lucky you’re cute, trouble.” 
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silkythewriter · 8 months
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Vox and wukong with a cat demon reader!
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Warnings: might be a bit OOC! Haven’t written for Hazbin hotel in a while I apologize!
Fandom: Hazbin hotel and LMK
Summary: Wukong and Vox with a cat demon reader! :D
❤️Written by silkythewriter Do not steal or repost on any other platform please! <3.❤️
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In all honesty...he finds it adorable, now will he admit that is another question with a different answer..
I'm sure he's seen many upon many of cat demons in his years damned to hell, but you are different in a way he can't pin point. Maybe it's the way your tail flicks when you see him, or how your pupils grow big just at the sight of him. It's honestly a knock out for him
He finds himself curious on how your ears and tail feel. But he would never touch it unless you offer him first which he exeitedly bun-gurglingly agrees.
He's a man that's excellent at words and selling something to you. But when it comes time to actually show Affection it's...a bit rough to say the least.
He buys you special types of conditioner and shampoo for your fur, one of the finest brand might i add, which he hands to you. Simply stating "well if your gonna be seen around me of course you gotta look your best" not that he actually cares for you and wants you happy of course! He's an overlord he has a status to up hold!
Now when it comes to you actually doing cat like things he finds it very interesting and honestly adorable-
I mean look how can he not melt when your purring out words after landing on the soft couch in his office.
One time he petted the top of your head and you let out purr, when I tell you this man’s knees were weak I MEAN IT
he just has a special soft spot for you and the things you do. Like when you were over at his place about to crash on his bed but you just started kneading the soft blanket.
Look he’s a hater on the outside but a lover on the inside he has to keep a rough attitude in a place like hell. But when you guys are alone he’s doting on you more then an actual person with a cat. He just can’t help it
He loves cuddling with you at night, like the warmth you provide him is enough to make him short circuit . Hell is hot enough but your warmth is different kind of warmth, not just the overheating and overwhelming temperature of hell, but the homey feeling you get form a nice hug.
He especially loves when you wrap your tail around him or his like leg i don’t know something about it makes him lose his mind!
Although he dose have to admit finding you asleep in unexpected areas is something he doesn’t hate but doesn’t exactly like either. He quite literally has the best bed and sheets of hell just for you and you still decide to spreed out and take a nap on counter. Now that is something he will never understand
Overall though he loves you to the lower levels of he’ll and back <3
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Oh boy… time for our favorite monkey boy phew alright…
First of all get ready for his lil cheeky self to go around and start scaring you
You know that old trend where cat owners would throw cucumbers at their cat? Yea that’s what he dose, not only that but 60% of the time it lands smack dab on your head like it seems intentional from how many times he’s smacked you by accident.
He honestly understands how sensitive ears and tails could be so he would never yank or pull on it as a joke. Trust me he gets and understands your pain very much.
His love language is grooming, so he’s happily sit for a good while just looking through your fur and picking out small particles or maybe small dirt specs. And he loves when you do the same! Honestly a very cute bonding moment he finds it relaxing!
I feel like cat demons are a bit rare to come by, (my guess don’t quote me on this) so he finds your quite cool to look at! Especially if you have some sort of pattern or rare fur color!. He asks you all sorts of questions please don’t mind him he’s honestly curious.
He purrs too so this man dos won’t discriminate when you do it, he honestly finds it adorable just like Vox!, but unlike Vox he doesn’t mind voicing it. Although he dose it too he loves teasing you for it, jokingly of course!
Please send this man your fur care cause lord knows he probably doesn’t own the right things to take care of his fur. He appreciates if you take a day off just to show him, also massaging some of the conditioner/shampoo in his scalp will make him purr and is greatly appreciated.
Honestly I feel like he’d get jealous of those who you also let touch your fur and other stuff. He won’t cop you on it! But he loves when it feels like something only he can do and you trust him with.
As kneading this man has A TONNN of blankets collected through the years of stealing or getting gifted it. So he has tons of blankets on his bed and if he sees you kneading them he’d probably let out a loud “Awe” before tackling you. He finds it adorable! What can he say?
He has good pulse control now then when he did in his younger years but still can you really expect him not to smoother you with affection from how absolutely adorable your being?!?? (≧◡≦) ♡
Please please PLEASE let this man intertwine tails with you or make like a heart shape out of your tail’s. He just finds it so comforting and adorable!
Overall have a cat demon S/O has to be the best for him, he just loves you! And he is very affectionate, it takes him a bit to show it but after a while he’s all over you! O(≧▽≦)O
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thewertsearch · 4 months
It all fell apart so fast, didn't it?
One minute, he was sitting in the Veil’s rec room, bickering with Jade. The next, everything was blood and honking.
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What the fuck happened to Kanaya.
You foolishly misplaced your glasses during your heroic revival attempt, leaving you with no way of communicating with the others to warn them.
Phew. You got me, Hussie.
But there is no one in here. Just someone taking a nap on the horn pile over there. And a big puddle of something next to the transportalizer.
We turned our back on Kanaya's body, and now it’s on the move.
Who’s the culprit, though? The only troll unstable enough to do this is probably Gamzee...
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Are those.... fang marks?
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She's back!!
I mean, she's apparently a fucking vampire, but who gives a shit? We're back in business, baby!
Man, this is fucking random, isn't it? From where I'm sitting, it's come completely out of the blue. If it gets my girl back in the game, I'll take it, but how the hell does this even work?
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I know Kanaya used to dream of being a vampire rainbow drinker, but dreams don't usually come true this easily. Alternia does have undead, so it's possible she was bitten before she Entered, but I would have expected her vampirism to have manifested much earlier in the session. She has always had pointed teeth, but I assumed it was just a natural trait in trolls.
Is it a Sylph thing, perhaps? The class is apparently 'more magical' than a Witch, so maybe Kanaya's latent magical abilities were triggered in death, restoring her to... undeath?
If that's true, though, then why a vampire? They don't have anything to do with Space, unless you count the fact that they're nocturnal, and thus active when the night sky is visible. I doubt that's even true for rainbow drinkers, who are probably diurnal.
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Kanaya's thirst for fuchsia blood would suggest that her instincts have taken over for the time being. We won't really know how much self-control she has until she's face-to-face with a living troll, but I'm confident in her willpower.
That said... I'd absolutely love a villainous Kanaya. If she fully gave into her thirst, she'd be a bigger threat than all these idiots combined - especially if she has access to the traditional array of vampire powers.
Anyway, please excuse me as I pop the biggest bottles of champagne. Kanaya's back, baby!
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tkwrites · 23 days
It Doesn't Matter - Part III - Nico Hischier x ofc
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Gif from offside-the-lines
Title: It Doesn’t Matter - Part III
Author: Tory / @tkwrites 
Relationship: Nico Hischier x Original female character 
Summary: Though they’ve finally confessed their feelings for one another, a 7 day road trip stands between Nico and Lena finally beginning their relationship. When Lena sends a photo of herself Nico never expected to receive, it springboards them into new territory. Upon arriving home, he and Lena are finally able to be together in ways they’ve only dreamed of. 
Warnings: Lots of fluff, followed by lots of smut (18+ only): oral (f and m receiving), unprotected p in v (wrap it up unless you’re in a consenting relationship!), talks of feeling singled out and a really dick ex-boyfriend.
Word count: 13,400
Comments: Phew! We made it. Just barely.
I gave myself a deadline for this series, liking the idea that I’d publish each installment on the last day of the the month, and I’m really proud that I was able to stick to that goal. 
This piece is LONG, so strap in. It was so much fun to write and string together, though. Writing Nico and Lena finally getting together has been such a joy for me. I really hope you enjoy it, too! If there's anything you'd like to see in their universe, please let me know!
If you do enjoy it, please consider letting me know by commenting, reblogging, or sending in an ask. Your encouragement and comments truly inspire me to keep writing. 
It Doesn’t Matter - Part III
Part I | Part II | Part III | Playlist
Two days into the road trip, Nico was feeling restless and unsure. He wanted to call Lena and tell her he missed her. He wanted to talk to her about everything and nothing. Hear about her day in class and tell her about practice. Now that they’d crossed that initial physical barrier, he wanted to have phone sex and listen to her getting herself off. He wanted… he wanted so many things, but he wasn’t really sure where they stood. Could he just call her up and initiate a conversation that spanned both their friendship and their newfound sexual connection? Even when they were just friends and roommates, he hardly ever called her to just say hi. That felt too much like something he would do if they were dating, and he couldn't take the disappointment that came with not having that part be true. 
Except maybe now it was true?
Staring at her contact photo, he wondered how people did this. 
For Lena’s part, she was pacing the apartment, wondering if she should go through with it. Earlier in the day, in a fit of missing Nico so much it ached, she put on the lingerie set she bought the first week she’d moved in, set up her phone and took some photos to send to him. There was one in particular she liked, and she even had it queued up in a message. Now that she had someone to wear it for, and it, amazingly, turned out to be the guy she’d always hoped it would be, she couldn’t get the idea of wearing it for him out of her mind. And why wait until he was home when she could send a picture now?
He was off this afternoon, which meant he was likely napping. She could send it during the game, but there was more of a chance someone else might see it if she did that. And this was for his eyes only. 
She thought about prefacing it with a Don’t open this until you’re alone, message, but wouldn’t that ruin the surprise?
Finally deciding it’d be better to send it now, while he was more likely to be alone than after the game, she hit the blue arrow. The whooshing sound let her know it was delivered, and her heart immediately jumped into her throat. 
It was too late to take back now, and trying to explain her reasoning over text seemed impossible. She’d just have to wait for him to respond. 
Walking to her easel, she decided she needed to distract herself until he did. If she didn’t, she knew she would obsess powerfully and end up sending him something written from pure anxiety, and those messages never turned out well. For all she knew, he could be asleep and wouldn’t see it for another few hours. 
The thing was that Lena had never done this before. She'd never sent a picture of herself that hadn't been requested first, and she’d never wanted to. 
Past boyfriends wanted to ‘see her when they were apart,’ but that really translated to ‘I want something to show off to my friends.’ She'd been shocked to find Milo showing one of his buddies a picture she’d sent him while they were at a party. Together. He wasn’t even trying to hide it. The picture showed Lena in nothing but her underwear, one arm wrapped around her chest for some semblance of modesty when she didn’t really want to send the picture in the first place. The fact that he had it pulled up and was showing it off so casually made her feel objectified and cheap. 
That night, she did the sneakiest thing she'd ever done in a relationship and used his sleeping face to unlock his phone so she could delete all the pictures she'd sent him before breaking up with him the next morning. She even told him what she did. He complained that she was an uptight bitch who didn’t understand he was showing her off, and shouldn’t she be flattered. 
Nico would never do something like that. She knew him too well. He would know and had told her that photos like that were for the recipient only and shouldn’t be shared with anyone else. He told her once that one of the guys on the Mooseheads tried to show him a picture of his girlfriend, and the rest of the boys teased him for turning away. 
“She’s not my girlfriend,” he complained to Lena later that day, “I don’t want to see that.” It was one of the first times she knew he was different, and her rule about not dating hockey players was going to be broken.
It was because of that. Because she knew he wouldn’t show anyone else, and because she had the suspicion he would never ask for something like this that she’d sent it. 
The whole time she’d known him, Nico had been the nicest cute boy on the team. Always easy going and quick with a smile, even when he didn't understand what anyone was saying. He never treated her like a piece of meat like some of the guys did, always seeing and celebrating her humanity before anything else. He was genuinely interested in her art, and not just as a means of getting into her pants. 
When she met him, and they began hanging out with mutual friends, she remembered thinking, I'm going to tell people I met the love of my life in my senior year. 
Setting her phone face down on the end table, she picked up her palette and brush and turned her focus to the mountain sunset she’d been working on all week. 
When Nico's phone buzzed with a text from Lena, he opened it right away, anxious to hear from her. He didn't think anything of the preview that told him it was a photo. She often sent memes or funny photos of Cookie around the apartment or progress on her latest painting. 
Had he thought this might be anything close to possibility, he would have opened it in the bathroom. 
An embarrassing noise, overflowing with longing, crawled up his throat. 
Jonas shot him a confused look, and Nico had to act like everything was normal. Like he wasn’t taken completely off guard. Like he didn’t have a hard on in their hotel room. Like Lena hadn’t just sent him a picture of herself in pink lingerie, winking cheekily at the camera.
He wanted to bury his head in a pillow and groan. He wanted to call her and tell her how beautiful she was. He wanted to detail each and every way he was going to make her come when he got home. 
“I’m —” Nico coughed, “I’m gonna go on a walk,” he told Jonas, bolting out of bed and into the hallway. Maybe this was worse. Now, he had a boner in public. He needed a place where he could talk to her alone. 
There was a conference room the coaches were using this morning, wasn’t there? He ran down the hall and found the room empty and blissfully unlocked. 
The whole wall facing the hallway was glass, but it’s not like he was going to do anything indecent. 
The call went to voicemail. 
Frowning, Nico pulled the phone away from his ear. Certainly, in the time it took him to run down the hall, she hadn’t gone away from her phone. And she didn’t send that thinking he wouldn’t respond, right? That would be crazy. No woman would send a picture of herself like that if she didn’t want a response. 
The device buzzed in his hand, and he felt a sigh let go in his chest. “Hey,” he greeted, bringing it back to his ear. 
“I’m sorry,” she said, sounding a little breathless, “I didn’t want to drop my palette all over your living room.” 
“Thanks,” he said, laughter in his tone. He was amazed she could just go back to painting after sending a message like that. He’d be a nervous wreck.
The awkwardness that passed over the phone line between them made Lena’s heart race with indecision. How was she supposed to broach this subject? Did you get the photo I sent? Do you want to talk about it? Are you calling me because it had the desired affect? 
Finally, she decided to go into neutral territory, “so, how are you?” 
How was he supposed to answer that question? 
“I got your message,” he said, wincing at the accusing tone in his voice. He didn’t even answer her question.
“Did you…” she felt suddenly self-conscious, “I mean, did you like it?” 
Did she think he was blind? “Yeah, I wouldn’t have minded some warning, though,” he admitted. The sound that had come out of his mouth when he opened it rang in his head, and he felt himself flush out of embarrassment. 
“Sorry,” she said, voice sheepish. “I was debating about telling you to open it alone, but I just kind of freaked out and sent it.”
Laughter rumbled from his chest, “you don’t need to apologize. I really liked it.”
“Yeah. I don’t know a man alive who wouldn’t like getting a picture like that from the woman he loves.” 
The casual way he said he loved her made her heart pitter-patter. 
“You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen, Lena,” he said.
She liked that he used the word seen. Not the most beautiful woman he’d ever met, the most beautiful he’d ever seen. Heat raced into her cheeks, “really?”
“Yes.” It almost came out a groan. Just thinking about it got him worked up, but now that they were on the phone, he didn’t think it was the time to broach phone sex. Maybe that was her intention in sending it, but their conversation was too sweet and awkward to steer in that direction. He didn’t want to ruin it, or for her to think he only wanted her physically. He wanted every part of her.
His simple answer turned her insides to goo. 
She sniffed, and panic spiked in his chest. “Are you crying?” 
“A little.” 
“Why? What’s wrong?” 
“Nothings wrong,” her voice was wobbly, “I just…I can’t really believe this is my life, you know?” 
“What do you mean?” 
“I mean that I spent six years pining after you, thinking you didn’t like me, and now you’re telling me I’m the most beautiful woman you’ve ever seen. It almost doesn’t feel real.” 
“Yeah,” he swung his legs up onto the sofa under the windows and lay back. “The whole time we were kissing, I kept thinking I needed to pinch myself.” 
She giggled, knowing the feeling all too well. 
“I wish I told you sooner,” he said quietly.
“Tell me about it,” she groaned. 
He knew he would beat himself up about this, and his siblings would hold how they were right about Lena over his head for the rest of time. 
“I can’t believe you sent me a picture of yourself in lingerie,” he said, voice full of wonder and longing. “I don’t think I ever even let myself imagine that.” The reality of it was too much. It made their relationship more tangible somehow. 
“I missed you, and I just kept thinking about how I finally had someone to wear it for other than myself, and I don’t know, I just…I wanted you to see it.”
Her admission made his insides feel gooier than a raclette. “I miss you too,” he said, glad he hadn't steered the conversation to sex. That would come, he knew, but he was glad for this reassurance. 
They fell into a comfortable silence, and Nico pulled in a calming breath. 
“How was class on Friday?” 
“Good. Professor Brown really likes my sketches.” 
“Yeah, she said I really turned a corner and understood what she was trying to get us to do.” 
“That’s great.” 
Posing for her would have never been in vain when it brought them together, but he was glad the art wasn’t going unnoticed by her teachers. 
“She wants to put them in the student showcase for this semester.” 
His mouth went dry. “What?” 
“She said they’re such a cohesive story and series, she’d like to put them in the showcase. It’s a huge honor. I told her I had to talk to you before I could say yes, though.”
Mind racing, Nico wondered what on earth he’d gotten himself into. 
“I…” he paused. “How —” his voice squeaked over the word, and he had to clear his throat, “how long would they be up?” 
“Basically through December. I think the show goes up that first weekend.” 
That was only a few weeks away. 
“And they take it down when we come back after the break, so mid-January, I think.”
“I just…” he gulped, “I — what if someone recognizes me?” It was highly unlikely people who attended art shows at the New York Institute of Art would know him on site, but the thought of a fan seeing the sketches and recognizing him posing nude still made his stomach turn. 
“Well, they won’t be up for sale, so no one will be taking them home but me,” she assured. 
That was a relief.
“I could try to take out your tattoo, make you a little less recognizable.” 
He didn’t respond. 
“You don’t have to decide now. You can take time to think about it.”
The hesitation in her voice made his mind up for him. He wouldn’t be the thing holding her back. He’d figure it out. 
“You should show them,” he found himself saying. 
He’d have to tell the teams PR about it in case someone posted them on social media. 
“Only if you’re sure.” 
“I’m sure. I’m…” Why hadn’t he led out with this? “I’m really proud of you.” 
Her insides turned to pudding again, “thank you, Nico.” 
He would figure it out. It would be fine. The most important thing was that she was getting the recognition she deserved. “We can go see it together?” he asked. 
“They have a gallery opening I’ll have to attend. I’ll have to make sure, but I think it’s on the 6th.” 
He pulled up the team calendar. They were, thankfully, in town and didn’t have a game that Friday. “I can come.” 
“I would love that.” 
“I want to be there to support you.” She supported him through so many things, he was glad he could return the favor. “I can invite some of the guys?” 
“Only if you want,” she said, feeling a little taken aback. “If you’re okay with them seeing the drawings.”
“It’s nothing they haven’t seen before,” he said with a laugh, “and I want them to know how talented my girlfriend is.” 
“Oh, am I your girlfriend now?” she asked, teasing.
If it were up to him, she’d be his wife before too long. “Yes. Finally.” 
She giggled, “I never thought I’d actually get to call you my boyfriend.” 
The excitement in her voice pulled a giddy feeling in his stomach. 
Someone knocked on the window above him, and Nico sat up, startled. Jack was on the other side of the glass, exaggeratedly asking him if he wanted to go into the city.
“Hey, I’m sorry, I have to go,” he said, nodding at Jack. 
“Okay, I’ll talk to you soon?” she said it like a question. 
“Yeah. I’ll call you tomorrow?” 
“That sounds great.” 
He could hear the smile in her voice, and it filled his chest with a warm, buoyant feeling. Turning away from the window, he said, “I love you.” 
“I love you too, Nico. Good luck tonight. I’ll be watching.”
Lena hung up the phone, shaking her head. She'd gone into that call expecting phone sex, and instead, she got emotional reassurance. How was he even real?
He hung up the phone, grinning.
“What’s got you all cheery? Who was on the phone?”
“Lena,” he said, slipping the device into his pocket. 
“Dude, you’ve got to make a move.” 
Nico smiled to himself. He’d tell Jack and the guys eventually, but for now, he was just reveling in the fact that he had, and it turned out better than he ever imagined. 
The photo haunted him for the rest of the road trip. It wasn't even the picture itself, which did live in his mind rent free, and he'd jerked off to at least three times. No, the thing that really haunted him was the fact that she sent it in the first place, that she felt comfortable enough to send it, that she wanted him thinking about and desperate for her. And he was desperate, in a way he'd never experienced before. 
He wanted her to feel the same way, but knew from experience that she didn't like dick pics. 
In a fit of indignation after receiving one on a dating app, she'd handed him her phone to unmatch the guy as she told him, “I don’t know why men think everyone wants to see their dick. I can promise you, no one wants to see your dick. Unless a woman tells you, ‘send me a picture of your penis,’ she doesn't want to see it. Even if she sent you a picture to get off to, she doesn’t want to watch you do it unless she asks for it.” 
He'd asked her what a woman did want. 
“Send her a picture of your hands or your forearm while you’re doing something. Men's forearms are sexy.”
So he'd done just that. A video, actually, strategically cropped to show the flex of his forearm and wrist as he got himself off in their next hotel while her name fell from his lips over and over again. He didn't even need to look at his phone anymore. The photo was burned into his brain and etched onto his eyelids. 
She responded within minutes of him sending it. That's the sexiest thing a man has ever sent me, Nico. I can't believe you remembered. 
The video popped into her mind all the time. She couldn't stop thinking about his big hands and the veins winding up his forearm, standing out under his skin. She couldn’t stop hearing the hushed, breathy way he moaned her name.
It even happened in school if she let her mind wander, which resulted in her creaming her underwear and having to clench her legs together until the feeling eased off.
Touché, Mr. Hishier. Touché.
Four days later, Nico walked into the apartment, surprised to find lights still on. It was Friday night, but still, Lena usually went to bed early. No matter the day, her biological clock kept a rigid schedule. 
Perhaps she left the lights on when she went to sleep, not wanting him to come home to a dark house. As he walked through the living room, however, he found her on the couch, asleep with Cookie tucked against her like a little spoon. 
“Lena?” he asked, squatting in front of her.  
She didn’t even stir. 
“Lena,” he repeated, gently brushing a lock of hair off her forehead.
He loved this simple version of her - the peaceful, soft lines of her face and the gentle curve of her mouth. Her nose ring was slightly off center with her on her side, but it still fit on her face like it was a permanent feature that had always been there. When she showed up in Bern, having had it done just a few weeks previous, it had taken him a full half hour to realize what was different. It fit her and her personality so well, it didn’t stand out as a major change in his mind. 
He hadn’t thought it was possible he could think about kissing her more than he already did. 
“Nico?” she asked in the most adorable sleepy voice he’d ever heard. The visions he had of waking up next to her were suddenly much more real and much sweeter than he originally imagined. 
“What are you doing out here, hase?”
Her eyes finally fluttered open, and her stomach clenched when they met his. His hair had flopped into his eyes, but she could still clearly see the soft care in them. He was in a gray Devils hoodie that looked supremely soft.
Cookie stretched, yawned, and slinked out from under her arm as she reached forward to trace her fingers through his hair, pushing it back. “You’re so handsome, Nico.”
The dimple in his left cheek deepened with his bashful smile. He wasn’t used to her complimenting him so openly. “Danke, hase. What are you doing out here?” 
“Waiting up for you,” she said with a chagrined smile, “or trying to at least.” 
“Lets get you to bed,” he said, standing before he worked an arm under her legs, the other under her shoulders, and lifted her off the couch.
Lena snuggled into him with a contented little noise. She hadn't been carried like this since she was a little kid. 
He lay her on her bed, then pulled the covers out from under her body before settling them over her. 
“Will you stay?” she asked, quietly.
Something behind his sternum fractured a little. “Natürlich,” he murmured, brushing a kiss over her hair. “Let me go get ready, ja?”
She nodded. 
Nico thought for sure she would be asleep when he got back after washing his face and changing into some pajama pants, but though she was still in the same position he left her in, her eyes were open and she gave him an adorably sleepy smile. 
In some sort of dream came true, he walked around the bed to slip in behind her. 
Except Cookie was laying there, pressed against her back, blinking at him slowly as if to ask why Nico was there and what he thought he was about to do. 
“Uh,” he began, not sure what to do. 
“Just move him over here.”
So Nico took the cat around the middle and lifted him over Lena. He squirmed and made a grumbling noise but didn’t swipe. Before he could jump off the bed in a fit of indignation, Lena gathered him against her chest and kissed his head. 
Cookie grumbled again. It was apparently all for show, though, because he settled in her arms almost at once and began purring and nuzzling her chin. 
Now that that was settled, he lifted the covers and slid under them.
Lena felt a contented little sigh escape her as he fitted his body against hers. The oxymoron that was Nico Hischier hit her again. He was big and strong, but he was so gentle and warm as he wrapped his arm around her waist over the blanket. She felt cocooned and protected. 
Cookie turned around and nuzzled his head under Nico’s hand. Chuckling, Nico scratched behind his ears and heard the purring start up again. 
“I’m glad you're home,” Lena said in that slow way people do while they’re falling asleep. 
“Me too,” he responded, tucking his nose into her hair and settling in for the night. 
Though he’d lived the past week, it still felt a little like he didn’t know how he ended up here, or like he should be dreaming. Yes, he dreamed of making love to Lena, but more often than that, he dreamed of these things: of not going to bed alone, of taking care of her, and being taken care of. Not only was he not going to bed alone, she asked him to stay. He felt comfortable holding her, and she felt comfortable enough to lean against him, letting him support her. More than anything else, it felt incredible to be genuine about his feelings and to have them lead to this moment. 
It was the best thing he could have asked for. 
The fatigue that always came with coming home from a road trip caught up with him abruptly, and before he could think about anything else, he was falling asleep. 
Lena woke before Nico did. Which wasn’t unusual. She almost always woke before anyone else in the house. No matter when she’d gone to bed, or what she’d done the day before, she was almost always up before 6:30. It’s why she’d been so shocked to find it was already 9 the morning after their portraiture session. 
Her watch told her it was twenty-two minutes past six. 
Sensing movement, Cookie stretched and put his face in hers, brushing his whiskers over her cheeks. 
She wrinkled her nose at the tickling sensation. “Okay,” she whispered as he put his wet nose to her brow and licked with the tip of his tongue, “okay.” 
Nico’s arm was still heavy around her waist, but he only stirred a little when she lifted it so she could slide out of bed. 
She fed the cat, drank a glass of water, and went back to the bedroom. 
Nico was still asleep, now sprawled on his back, legs and arms spread wide to take up as much room as possible.
The blankets only covered part of his naked torso. Allowing herself a moment, she admired him, the steady rise and fall of his chest, the relaxed set of his fingers, his slightly open mouth. He was a beautiful man. the fact he was in her bed, that he'd held her all night, made her feel as giddy as a school girl.
Sneaking back into bed was always harder than leaving it. 
She’d just managed to tuck herself into his side, resting her head on his chest, when his arm curled around her back. 
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you,” she said quietly. 
His lips smacked softly. “S’okay,” he mumbled. 
“Do you have practice this morning?” 
She felt him shake his head, chin tracing over the top of her hair at the movement. 
“No practice and no game?” she asked, tracing a finger up the valley between his pecs through the course hair that had been getting thicker through the years. “What are you going to do with yourself?” 
Tightening his arm around her, he nudged Lena on top. She went willingly, draping herself over him. 
“Can think of a few things.” His voice was low and sleepy, and when she looked into his face, she found his eyes were still closed.  
Wonder at how comfortable they were filled her. Of course they were — they’d known each other for more than half a decade. But all these milestones, like waking up in the same bed, were new. She’d never experienced this in a relationship before. There were no nerves eating at her stomach, and no worries about how she looked in the morning plaguing her. He’d seen her in much worse morning states before and never said a thing. It was just Nico, comfortable as always. 
Lying her head on the front of his shoulder, she listened to the steady beat of his heart and the strong rhythm of his breathing. 
That music was lulling her back to sleep when his hand slid up her back, under her sleep shirt. She didn’t know if that part was intentional or not. She supposed it didn’t matter. She still savored the feel of his calloused fingers. 
“Your skin is so soft,” he mumbled as his fingers splayed wide over her spine. 
“So is yours,” she said, adjusting a bit so she could tuck her nose into the base of his neck. He smelled the same as usual, soap and sweat, and that something cedar-y, plus a musky smell she somehow knew only came with sleep.
He chuckled and said something in German. 
“Come again?” she asked, lifting her head. 
One half of his mouth lifted in a smile, dimpling his cheek, but he didn’t offer any other explanation. 
Shaking her head, Lena rested her ear against his shoulder again, sighing when his fingers traced lazily up and down her spine.
Nico couldn’t believe this was his life. Waking up next to Lena was so good. Having her comfortable weight on top of him on a lazy morning? It was such a dream. Even the very fact that he got to touch her like this now felt like a miracle. 
Before he could think it over, his sleepy brain was running his mouth, “I can’t…” 
“You can’t?” she repeated. Her other hand came up to trace the straight line of his collar bone. 
“I can’t believe I get to touch you like this,” he said. 
She smiled and turned her face just enough to press her lips to his skin. It sent an explosion of fizzy, giddy bubbles racing through his stomach. 
“I should have told you sooner.” 
“Me too.” 
Each of them had said some variation of these same sentences each time they’d talked on the phone over the past five days.
“But we’re here now,” she said, fingers trailing over the round musculature of his shoulder and back. She felt a little amazed that she could touch him, too. She’d wanted to for so long, and now, she could. There was nothing holding her back. It felt a little like she’d dropped into a dream.
He took in a deep breath, and she loved feeling his muscles move and shift beneath her. 
“What do you have today?” he asked. 
“Nothing?” he repeated. 
“Nothing but you,” she said, pushing herself up so she could look into his face. 
The smile he gave her was lazy and tired, but it still sent butterflies into flight in her stomach. 
Because she could, because that’s where they were now, she leaned down and kissed him. 
His other hand came up to cradle the back of her head.  
She was kissing him. In the morning. After sleeping next to her all night. Feeling his brain come to life while her sweet mouth was on his? There was nothing better. Nico wouldn't mind waking up like this every morning.
They spent a long while in a sweet, lazy exploration of each other. 
Lena worked one of her hands into his hair as she tipped to the left to deepen the kiss. 
When Nico caught her tongue, sucking gently, a soft moan fell from her mouth into his.  She'd never had someone do that before, and now couldn't imagine kissing without it. 
“I love that sound,” he mumbled, lips whispering over hers. 
She hmm’d and silenced him again with her mouth.
Though they still remained soft, their kisses grew more urgent, as did Nico’s growing erection, which pressed insistently against her thigh. 
The deep desire purring in her belly shifted into a higher gear. 
“Can I use my mouth on you?”
She'd been thinking about it for so long, imagining the pleasured noises she could pull out of him. She’d thought about it so many times while he was gone, she couldn’t wait to bring it to fruition.  The memory of the way he groaned her name when she was touching him had been the fuel for many lonely night sessions with her vibrator.
“Was?” he breathed, certain he hadn't heard her correctly. 
“Can I use my mouth on you?” She repeated, trailing kisses along his jaw for good measure.
Was this his real life? He pinched his side and flinched from the pain. He wasn't dreaming, then. Not that he’d really thought that. When he dreamed of her going down on him, it usually started with her lips wrapping around him, not with her asking permission. 
His eyes fluttered open to meet hers. “Has anyone ever said no?”
Her cheeks flushed. “I don't know. This is the first time I've asked. Every other guy I’ve been with requested before I could offer.”
“Did you think I would say no?”
“Maybe? Sometimes, I'm just not in the mood for stuff, you know? I don't want to just start in on something you're not ready for. That's not fair to you.”
He'd never had someone ask before, and the sweet thoughtfulness of it broke him open a little more to her. 
“Only if you want to,” he whispered, leaning up to brush his lips over hers, “and only if I can return the favor.”
Her breath hitched, and her wide eyes darted to his. 
“I’ve been thinking about how you taste since last week,” he confessed, voice gone gravely with the memory of cleaning her release off his fingers.
“Nico,” she whispered as heat pooled between her legs.
“When you sent that picture, I couldn’t stop thinking about what I wanted to do to you.”
“Oh yeah?” 
He nodded, hands sliding up her sides. Her shirt bunched atop his wrists. 
She leaned down so her lips were a breath away from his ear, “and what do you want to do to me?”
Though she had him practically panting, his voice somehow still came out a low tambour. “I want to lick you over that lace before I take it off and make you come on my tongue.”
“Oh my god,” she whispered, core throbbing at the mere thought of it. “I…” 
If someone told her, even just five days ago, that Nico Hischier had such a dirty mouth, Lena wouldn’t have believed them. He was usually so polite. She’d never even imagined him saying something like that.  
She liked this filthy-mouthed side of him she’d never seen before. Why had she waited so damn long to tell him?
Rolling them onto their sides, he pressed his lips to her neck, unable to keep his mouth off of her anymore.
“Do you want me —” her voice dropped into a moan as he pushed her onto her back, licking and sucking along the column of her throat. 
“Yes,” he growled into her skin, “so damn much.” 
“Do you want me to put it on?” she finally managed to ask, gasping the words out before he could steal her breath again.
Lifting his head, his brown eyes met hers. He had that same wide open, loving look in them. “Put what on?” 
Why would she put anything on? He was far more interested in shedding her clothes.
“The lingerie.” 
That was a bit different. 
Lena watched his eyes go dark with lust. 
“You’d do that?” he whispered, touched and incredibly turned on.
Nodding, she bit her lip before deciding she could just blurt it out, “I want you to do what you wanted to, and I want to see your reaction.” 
Now that he’d brought up the idea of licking her over her underwear which, what the hell, sounded so hot she could hardly stand it, she needed to feel it. She wanted THAT to be her first experience with his mouth. 
Nico was such an excellent kisser, she knew he would be good at oral. Plus, the idea of wrapping her fingers in his hair as he went down on her? That fantasy had been in regular rotation for years. 
He paused, seemingly caught between saying yes and just continuing as they were. 
Maybe he needed a little more incentive. “What if I put it on to suck you off?” she asked, voice seductive and low in his ear. 
With a soft groan, he buried his face in her neck. He had to admit, fulfilling the initial fantasy that had flooded his mind when she sent that picture was incredibly tempting, and if it included her wearing it to go down on him? That was a fantasy in and of itself. He couldn't find his voice, but he nodded all the same. 
“Meet you in your room in five minutes?” she suggested. 
Five minutes felt like an eternity when she was under him now, but he knew they would be worth it. 
A few minutes later, she knocked on his doorframe, and he spun. She had a soft looking robe on. Green with matching lace trim. 
He looked almost instantly disappointed. 
“I thought you might want to take it off,” she offered quietly, taking a few steps toward him.
He was still just in his pajama pants, the band of his boxers peeking above the waistband. God, why was that always so sexy? 
Though he appreciated the gesture, Nico shook his head. 
Stopping abruptly, Lena confirmed, “no?” 
Shaking his head again, Nico managed to clear his throat and tell her, “want you to.”
Fingers trembling with excitement, she pulled one end of the tie, slipping it from the bow. 
This was an exercise in a kind of vulnerability Lena had never experienced before. Yes, Nico was her best friend, and she trusted him with her life, but she’d never undressed in front of someone like this. This wasn’t just about seduction. This was about bearing herself to a man she loved and who she knew loved her. There was anticipation, but no nervousness, longing, but no worry. There was love and more love and more love under that. She’d never felt like that before.
This wasn’t some kind of strip tease meant to thrill. No, she was bearing a piece of her soul.
Nico found he was holding his breath and made himself pull air into his lungs. 
Lena grasped the two sides of the robe and pulled them apart until they slipped over her shoulders. The fabric puddled to the floor around her feet. 
 A noise he couldn’t control flew out of his mouth. God, if he thought she looked beautiful in the picture, it was nothing compared to this. To the reality of her standing in front of him. She was real — supple skin and hazel eyes and curves he wanted to spend his entire life traversing — right down to her hands, which were splayed over the flesh of her hips as if she didn’t know what else to do with them. 
She was…she was a goddess. He would worship her every day of the week. “You’re so beautiful, Lena,” he croaked.
“Thank you,” she said, a blush pinking her cheeks. 
“Can you —” he had to pause to clear his throat. 
She nodded encouragingly. 
“Can I see the back?” 
She let out a little giggle and turned for him, looking back over her shoulder.
The back of the bra was fairly standard - straps and a band that was secured by a row of hooks. The underwear were anything but. They cut high on her cheeks and perfectly accentuated the curvature of her hips. His jaw went slack. 
This was a better response than she could have asked for. When she’d bought this set, one of the selling points was how good the panties made her ass look. Having Nico appreciate it to the point of open mouthed silence, sent a delighted thrill through her. 
“Now you?” she said, turning back around and nodding at his pants.
Taking a deep breath, he worked his thumbs under the waistband of his pajamas. Pushing the elastic over his hips, the cotton fell down, and he stepped out of it. 
Lena let out a thick sigh, eyes roaming over him, from the bob of his Adam’s apple and flex of his stomach to the dark hair trailing from his belly button into the elastic band of his briefs and the lighter hair that crept up his thighs. She'd seen all these things before as an artist, but now, she was seeing them as a woman. She didn't have to stuff down her desire or try to channel it through her pencil. She got to admire him as a woman who wanted him. 
When their eyes met again, his were nervous, as if waiting for a verdict. Instead of saying anything, she took the few steps forward, slid her hand to the back of his neck, and nudged him down as she raised herself on tiptoe. 
Their lips met, and that feeling of rightness filled Lena again. As her tongue swept into his waiting mouth, she pressed herself against him. 
Taking the time to savor the feel of the lace beneath his palms, Nico caressed her hips slowly before sliding them around to cradle her rump. 
She broke the kiss, and his hands were suddenly sliding up her body as she lowered onto her knees in front of him. “Shit, Lena,” he breathed. 
A coy, sexy smile took over her face, and Lena leaned in to press her lips to his right thigh. The muscle jumped beneath his skin.
Pulling back to sit on her haunches, Lena looked up at him, surprised. No man had ever told her to stop when she was setting up to suck him off. 
Half of Nico’s brain was in his dick, but he needed to get this right. “I went first last time,” he said.
“It’s not like we have to take turns.” 
“I know, but I want to give first.” When she didn’t move, he added on a slightly desperate, “please.” 
She nodded, and he took her hands to pull her to her feet. They turned so her back was facing the bed, and he smiled indulgently at the way she had to do a little hop to sit on the mattress. 
“Lay back,” he said. 
She scooted up to the pillows and did as he instructed.
She was a fantasy in his dark sheets. 
Biting his lip, he paused to admire her for a moment before climbing onto the bed and covering her body with his. As their mouths met in a passionate, desperate kiss, he settled between her legs. He rutted his hips into her, and she moaned. The sound made him heady, and he did it again just to hear it. If they kept that up, he would be begging her to let him fuck her right then. But he knew from fingering her the week before that she would need to be relaxed and stretched a bit before she could take him comfortably. Plus, now that she was in his bed in this lingerie, he had to bring his desires to life. And he really fucking wanted his mouth on her. 
He broke from the kiss and trailed his lips over her chin and down her neck and chest. Too impatient to wait, his mouth found her pebbled nipple, teasing it through the fabric of her bra. 
Lena had never felt anything so hot in her life. Her hands wove into his hair, and she moaned. “Nico. Oh my god.”
He moved on too quickly, but before she could complain, his lips were skimming over her stomach, down to the band of her panties. The memory of his confession crashed into her mind. 
I want to lick you over that lace before I take it off and make you come on my tongue.
She writhed beneath him.
He nosed her mound gently, playfully, and glanced up to her face. “This is still okay?” 
“Yes!” she hissed, voice pulled tight. “Please, Nico.”
Who was he to deny what she wanted? 
Spreading her thighs with his hands, he leaned in and trailed his nose up the gusset of her underwear. His mouth started to water. Shit, she smelled so good. 
He couldn’t hold back any longer. His tongue met the lace, licking a slow stripe up the center. He could almost taste her through the fabric. The sweet, tangy flavor he'd been craving for a week was so close. 
Lena could almost feel him. There was pressure, and the heat from his breath was there, but the full stimulation of his tongue wasn't. Experiencing him like this was so hot, the anticipation of feeling him built and built until it felt like she may just explode. She let out a wanton moan of his name.
He teased her until her hips were grinding up, and her breathing was coming out in hot puffs. He teased her until he couldn’t take it anymore. 
She whined when he pulled back but cut the noise off when his fingers slipped into the band of her underwear and started pulling it down. Desperate to please, she lifted her hips, allowing him to peel them from her body more easily.
He took his time, running his hands down her legs, and when the fabric was free, he brought it to his nose just to work himself up a little more. His dick twitched.
“Fuck,” she whispered. Who knew her polite, cheerful Nico had this side to him? 
He almost wished he was still wearing pants so he could slip her panties into his pocket. Instead, he tossed them over the side of the bed. He’d pick them up later. 
Settling between her legs again, he looked up to meet her gaze over the expanse of her body. Propped up on her elbows, her chest rose and fell, testing the limits of her bra with every inhale. He could hardly stand it.
“You’re so fucking beautiful.”
She blushed. How did he know exactly what to say? Could he read her thoughts or something? 
“You’ll tell me if you don’t like something,” he verified, “or if you want something else?” 
Only after she nodded did he get to work, plunging his face between her thighs like he’d been dreaming of for years. 
A sense of deep satisfaction rumbled in his chest when she cried out.
She tasted the same, like he remembered, and better: sweet and tangy and fresh. It was just so Lena. He couldn't get enough. He licked and kissed and teased and tasted.
Falling back against his pillows, Lena moaned his name. 
Her left hand found its way into his hair again, weaving the long, soft strands through her fingers. The reality of this fantasy coming true made her shake as much as his clever tongue did. 
He moved to lap at her entrance, which was not where she wanted him at all.
“Nico, I –” her voice cut off with a moan as his nose nudged her clit. 
Fuck it. Tightening her fingers into a fist, she tugged on his hair, guiding his mouth where she needed it.
He grunted into her as his lips surrounded her throbbing pearl, so eager for his attention.
“There,” her voice was a breathy pant that made his heart race, “right there, Nico.” 
Hands tightening on her thighs, he feasted. 
Her hips shifted, and even though it made it near impossible for him to breathe, he kept on, intent on his mission. 
It took half a second for his brain to understand her word as a command. He obeyed, and the groan she let out made him light headed. Or maybe that was the lack of oxygen. It didn’t matter. There was no way he was stopping until she was falling apart beneath him. 
He thought briefly about using his fingers, but no. He wanted to make her come like this first. 
His lips and tongue continued working their magic on her. Pressure built and tingled in her pelvis until it spread, shooting down her legs and making her toes curl. 
“Nico,” she gasped. 
When he glanced up, he found her right hand cupping her breast, thumb and forefinger teasing the peak of her nipple through the lace of her bra. The sight of it — of her adding to her own pleasure — made his eyes roll back. 
The vibration of his groan lit her on fire. It was the final push she needed to tip over the edge. 
She crashed in an explosion of color and sound as his eager mouth kept working, sending wave after wave of ecstasy rushing through her body.
The pleasured noises she chanted were the most beautiful music he’d ever heard. She pulsed under his mouth, and he lapped at her release. He wanted to drink from her fountain for the rest of his life. 
Coming back to herself, Lena pushed him away from her core before the overstimulation could turn into pain. 
The sight of him — eyes hooded with desire, mouth and chin wet with her orgasm — made her moan again as he pushed himself up. 
Nico felt drunk. Drunk on her pleasure and the fact that he’d been the one to pull it out of her. 
He licked his lips, pulling more of her release into his mouth before wiping his face with the back of his hand.
He lay next to her and slid his hand over her stomach, letting it come to rest comfortably cupping her breast.
Lena was flat on her back, trying to get her breathing back to a normal rhythm. 
“Oh my god,” she finally managed to gasp. 
“It was good?” he asked. 
“Yes!” she smacked his chest when she said it. “I don’t… I mean…” 
He smiled as she tried to find the words. 
Turning her head, she met his gaze. “I never knew you were so nasty.” 
“I wasn’t mean,” he defended, hurt that she was accusing him. 
“No, like kinky.” 
He hated this part of speaking English. Why did so many words have so many different meanings that they already had words for?
“It’s kinky that I like the way you smell and taste?” 
“I’ve never — I mean no one has ever…”
“It was my first time with you,” he said, nuzzling his nose into her neck. “I’ve been thinking about it for a long time. I wanted to savor it.”
“Speaking of, I think it’s your turn,” she said coyly, pressing a hand to his shoulder. She shoved, and he flopped onto his back without protest. 
She climbed over him, straddling his torso. 
Finally feeling the weight of her on top of him was heaven. She was tethering him down to earth. 
Her hot wetness against his skin made him twitch. He couldn't wait to bury himself inside her. Just imagining how tight and wet she'd feel around him made him moan.  
“I haven't even touched you yet,” she smirked. 
“I want you so bad.” The words slipped out in German. He started to translate, but she cut him off. 
“I got the idea,” she said seductively as she leaned down to kiss him. She could taste herself on his lips and tongue as she did her best to work him up with her mouth alone.  
The way he moaned sent a bolt of desire through her. Unable to stop herself, she rutted her hips against the hard wall of his stomach. 
He choked out a curse, head tipping back into the pillows. 
Taking advantage, she connected her mouth to his throat, feeling his Adams apple move under her lips as he swallowed hard. 
She moved to the other side of his neck. 
His hands slipped to her hips, desperate to touch her. 
As she slid down his body, her core passed over his, causing gentle pressure on his cock through the confining material of his boxers. His hips thrust up, desperate for more. 
Bracing on his chest, Lena pushed herself up and ground her hips down on his. 
Lashes fluttering, his eyes rolled back, and he gripped her hips with more ferocity. 
She’d never had this kind of power over a man before. It made her heady with the want to tease him until he begged.
“Lena,” he groaned, almost as if in pain. 
“I’m —” he gasped as she reached around, unclasped her bra, and took it off. She threw it across the room.
“I’m gonna come if you keep doing that,” he warned as she rocked against him.
“Is that so bad?” she asked, her voice thrown into mock innocence. 
“I — fuck.” She was riling him up and he loved it. “Want to feel your mouth,” he finally managed to say. 
“What if I want to hear you beg?”
His eyes shot open, pupils blown wide. Her tone was playful, as were her eyes, and mirth dripped from her smile. He knew if he said he didn’t like it, she’d stop right away. Except, with her on top of him, he found he was ready to do whatever she wanted. 
“Fuck, Lena. Please.” If she wanted him to beg, he’d beg. 
“Please what?” she asked innocently, lowering her mouth over his nipple. He twitched against her as her tongue circled the small peak before flicking over the top of it. 
His breath practically huffed out of his lungs. 
“I want your mouth,” he groaned. “Please.”
“You do have very good manners,” she complimented, pushing herself up again. 
They were going to go out the window if she didn't do something soon. “Please.”
If he didn’t know her sliding further down his body likely meant he would feel her mouth soon, he would have whined at the loss of stimulation. 
Once she found herself over his legs, Lena leaned down to kiss that trail of dark hair that wound its way down the center of his abs and dipped into the waistband of his boxer briefs. 
“Can I take these off?” she asked as her fingers tucked under the elastic. 
“Please,” bracing on his heels, he thrust his hips up so she could remove them, breathing a sigh of relief when his cock sprung free of the confining material. 
“How do you like it?” she asked, hands caressing up his thighs. 
He gulped. “I —” 
“Or do you just want me to start, and you can tell me if you don’t like something?” 
He nodded vigorously. The thing he wanted most was for her to just put her mouth on him. He’d dreamed of it so many times, and now, here she was, leaning over him. 
The guttural groan that tore from his chest as Lena wrapped her lips around the head of his cock surprised them both. Her eyes shot up to look at his face, making sure he wasn’t in pain. His eyes were glued to her, wide with adoration and lust. The sight of her with her lips around him — he could die a happy man. 
“You feel so good,” he groaned. 
She loved that when he got worked up, his accent thickened.
 One of her hands was braced on his thigh, while the other swept up to cradle his balls, stroking the sensitive skin with her thumb.
The only thing Nico could do was chant her name. Every time he tried to say something else, she did something new, hollowing her cheeks, or sensuously licking the tip, or moving her mouth to the underside of his cock so her open lips traced the vein there, the tip of her tongue whispering between them. 
When her lips wrapped around him again, he was gone. “Gonna –-”  he only managed to get that one word out before he was exploding into her hot, heavenly mouth.
She squeaked in surprise but relished sucking his release off and feeling it slide down her throat. 
She lay beside him, watching Nico gasping in breaths, contented to have brought out this side of him. 
“Holy shit,” he said. 
“It was good?” she asked, repeating his earlier question and trying not to giggle. 
Turning his head, he glanced at her, one eyebrow raised. 
Before either of them could respond, her stomach grumbled loudly. 
Her eyes widened, and her hand flew to cover it, “Sorry, I’ve usually eaten by this time.”
“You don't need to apologize,” he said, laughing. 
“Why aren’t you all grumbly?” she asked. 
“I…ate a protein bar while you were getting changed,” he admitted. 
“You – what? And you didn't even think to share?” she demanded, playfully shoving away from him. “Some boyfriend you are.”
He smiled at being called her boyfriend,  even through the insult. 
“Sharing your food is like boyfriend 101.”
“I did order breakfast,” he offered. 
“Last night. It should be here in,” he glanced at the clock on his nightstand, “fifteen minutes. I kind of forgot how early you wake up.”
“Nico Hischier,” she said, voice full of teasing admonition as she crawled over him, “did you plan to seduce me this morning?”
He grinned, and she laughed as he pulled her down. She bounced on his chest. “Maybe I did. Aren't you glad I at least planned ahead?”
Pulling back to look into his face, her smile was soft and full of love. “Yes,” she said, leaning down to kiss him. “Yes, I am.” 
While waiting for breakfast to arrive, they made out, slowly and passionately, hands tracing each others bodies with a reverent tenderness Lena had always dreamed of. 
He was already stiff against her thigh again. It seemed impossible he could be nearly ready to go so soon after coming. He really did have the body of a God. 
His phone buzzed on the nightstand, and he pulled away reluctantly. 
“That’s breakfast,” he said. 
“Guess we should go get it,” she said, though she didn’t make any moves to get off of him. 
“I’ll go,” he said, pressing a quick kiss to her pouty, over-kissed mouth, “you stay here.” 
She watched as he threw on a new pair of boxers, some joggers, and a t-shirt before strolling out of the apartment. 
“Have you seen my underwear?” she asked when he came back through the door, a bag from her favorite bagel shop in one hand, and two coffees in a carrier in the other. 
“Hu?” he asked, slipping the coffees onto the table. 
“My underwear,” she said. “I couldn’t find them in your room.” 
“Weird,” he said, hoping she wouldn’t pick up on the hot flush of his cheeks. 
“Do you have them?” she asked. When all he responded with was a non-committal grunt, she surmised, “they’re in your pocket, aren’t they?”
He couldn’t keep the little smile off of his face. 
She rolled her eyes and took the iced coffee. “It’s a good thing I love you.” 
His smile grew brighter, and he handed her her sandwich. 
“No one’s ever made me feel like you do, Nico.”
 He’d just been telling her he felt like he won the lottery, and she wanted to assure him she felt the same. 
“Like no ones made you come?” he asked, licking ketchup off his thumb.
“No. Well, I mean, yes. You’re better because you listen —”
A smug smile took over his face. 
“I mean that you accept me. Like all of me. That hadn’t really happened in my life before you.” 
His brows shot up.
“I don’t think my family really knew what to do with me,” she said, picking up the other half of her ham and egg sandwich. 
“What do you mean?” 
“They’re all sporty, you know, and I’m…not. I’ve always been this creative free spirit, and I think my parents were at a bit of a loss when I was so bad at skating and said I wanted to take drawing lessons instead.”
“They love your art, though.” Nico had met her parents, and both of them seemed extremely proud of her. 
“They’re better now, but when I was in primary school, and even up to the point that you came in, it always felt a bit like they resented that I had these talents.” 
“Resented?” he asked. 
“Yeah, like they wished I was more like the rest of the family.”
His brows drew together. 
“And don’t get me started on the boys on the team.” 
“Everyone really liked you. I think every guy on the team had a crush on you.” All the more reason to feel contented he had her now.
“Listen, you don’t get it.”
“Don’t I?” 
“No. You were always good at sport and popular, right?” 
He made a non-commital noise. Popularity in North America was very different from how he grew up. There was much more comparison than he ever experienced. 
“I was always the artsy girl in a place that worships sports.”
“But you came to sports?”
“Yeah,” one of her shoulders shrugged up, “I came to support my friends, but they hardly ever came to things to support me. I remember Robbie told me once, ‘I don’t have enough culture for that,’ when I invited him to an art show I had some pieces in.” 
Robbie had been their goalie, who had brought Lena into the friend group. He and Jessica were now married and had several children. 
Nico’s heart broke a little. 
“And then you came in and not only did you not treat me like the only thing I was good for was being looked at, you knew some things about art, and you actually talked to me about it.”
In fact, She still vividly remembered her first encounter with Nico. 
She’d been sitting on the refreshments counter at the rink, drawing in her ever-present sketchbook while Jessica puttered around the tiny kitchen. He’d walked up to her, asked if he could see, and said, “that’s very good,” when she showed him.
She’d blushed and thanked him, and he asked where she learned to draw. 
Jessica had interjected then, bragging about Lena’s painting skills, and telling him he should come see them at the school the next time he was there.
He’d then given Lena his trademark dimpled smile and said he would. 
She was used to this. Boys said this all the time, but then would never actually show. 
Lo and behold, three days later, she was shocked to find Nico outside the art classroom after school, studying one of her paintings Mr. Jacobsen had hung in the hallway. 
“Hey Nico.”
He startled a little, “hi, Lena. You did this, right?” 
She nodded. 
“It’s very good. I like the shape,” he said, then frowned, shaking his head slightly, “not the shape. The,” he gestured with his hands as if dividing the three sections of the painting, the sky, forrest and field. “What’s the word for this?” he asked, repeating the gesture. 
“The composition?” she guessed. 
“Yes, the composition,” he said, relieved that she understood what he was trying to say. “I like that the sky is bigger. It feels like that here.” 
“Thank you.” It was exactly what she’d been aiming for. 
“You’re very talented,” he said, turning to look at her. He met her eyes and smiled. 
“Thank you,” she said again, wishing she had some other way to respond to his compliments. She didn’t have much experience with the nice, cute boy in school talking to her about art and pulling out words like composition and knowing how to use them properly in a sentence. 
It had started their friendship. It was amazing how that simple interaction of him following through made her feel. Not only seen in so many ways, but also that it kicked the budding crush she had on him into hyperdrive. She’d never met another man like him. 
Pink splotches rose high on his cheeks, and he gave her a chagrined smile. 
“What?” she asked, laughing. 
“I didn’t know much about art,” he said. “I went home and looked it up so I could talk to you about it.”
His confession made her heart burst, “really?” 
He nodded, “you were passionate about it, and I wanted to know you, so I had to learn so we could talk.”
“Nico, I can’t believe you did that for me.” 
He blushed and smiled some more. 
“How are you even real?” she asked, reaching out to run her fingers through his hair. 
It called up memories of not that long ago when she had her fingers tangled in his hair for a different reason. “Real?” he asked. 
“You’re like a dream,” she said, hand slipping to cup his jaw. “Kind and thoughtful and dedicated, and handsome to boot. It’s like you’re too perfect to be real.” 
He laughed, loud and open. He couldn’t think of anyone further from perfect than himself. 
After their meal and brushing their teeth, Nico spent some more time between her legs, eating a second and third breakfast, using his beautiful hands to aid in bringing her to a crest twice more. 
“Fuck,” she breathed as he lay next to her, “how did you get so good at that?” 
He laughed, wiping his face with his hand. “I don’t know. I listen.” 
“You listen?” she repeated. 
“Yeah, you make this little ‘uh,’” he imitated a high pitched grunt, “noise when you feel good, so I do whatever I just did again when you make it.” 
Rolling onto her side, she looked at him, “I do?” 
He nodded. 
“When did you notice that?” 
“Last week. You told me what to do and then made that noise when I did it. So I tired it again,” he said with a shrug and a secret little smile.
She knew Nico was used to noticing things other people didn’t. It’s what made him a good hockey player. He noticed and noted things about players and teams and used them to put together his best game possible. He even noticed things about her - like the fact that she liked pistachio flavored things, and liked to paint on the right side of the living room and that she liked a margarita. She couldn't remember ever telling him these things, but he had pistachio creamer in his fridge, moved the living room furniture around, and brought her a margarita whenever they went out together. 
“You’re something else, Nico Hischier,” Lena said, bringing her hand up to the side of his face. 
He smiled, nuzzling his cheek into her palm. 
“What do you want?” he asked. He wanted her, but if she wanted more foreplay, he would give it to her. He just wanted her to be happy. 
Scooting closer, she slung a leg over his hip. She held eye contact as she said, “I want you to make love to me, Nico.” 
His hand slid onto her thigh, up to her hip, and over the curve of her waist in a reverent exploration. “How do you want it? Like, what position?” he asked. 
“Missionary,” she said, her fingers tracing over his collar bone and onto his chest. “I want to see you.” 
It struck him as a tender thing for her to request, and he was glad for it. He wanted to see her, too. They could try more intense positions later. For now, that was how it needed to be. 
“Where are you going?” she asked when he rolled away from her. 
He glanced back at her with a cheeky smile. “Eager,” he teased with a lingering scan of her body as he reached into the drawer of his bedside table. 
She snorted. 
“I’m getting a condom,” he said, holding up the foil wrapped package once he’d dug one out. 
“Oh,” she said. “I have an IUD if you don’t want to.” 
His next breath came shallow. 
“I mean, unless you’re not clean. I haven’t had unprotected sex since I was last tested.”
He didn’t like to think of her having any sex at all unless it was with him. “We get tested at the start of every season,” he said. “All clear. I haven’t had sex since then.” 
“Then,” she reached forward to pluck the condom from his fingers, relieved she hadn’t been the only celibate one for the last three months, “I don’t think we need to use one.” She tossed it behind him. It landed on the nightstand, skidded across the surface, and fell somewhere they could find later. “I don’t want anything between us.”
Her eyes were dark with desire, and he felt it through his whole body. 
“You’re incredible,” he said reverently, bringing his body next to hers again. 
She reached between them to stroke his erection and his eyes fluttered closed. Feeling her hand reminded him how quickly he’d come in her mouth. “I’m scared I won’t last,” he admitted. 
He’d dreamed of being inside her for so long, gotten himself off to the thought of it so many times, he might just explode the second it became real. Reality shortening his fuze to next to nothing.
He met her gaze. 
“I don’t care how long you last.” Lena was struck once again with how handsome he was. Those big, brown doe eyes and pouty mouth. How was this her life? 
He scoffed. 
“I’m serious,” she said, giving him a look that told the truth. “I just want to feel you.” 
He looked almost as if he might cry. 
“And I know if you do come too fast, you’ll make it up to me. You’ve already given me four orgasms and it’s not even ten in the morning.” 
He chuckled, glad for her reassurance and humor. 
“Is this helping?” she asked, continuing at the same, gentle pace, “or no?” 
He nodded. It probably was helping - getting him used to the feel of her.
“Do you want me to keep going?” 
He shook his head, finally getting up the strength to pull her hand away. They’d waited long enough. 
Lena rolled onto her back, and he followed, bracing himself on his forearms above her. 
As he reached down go guide himself, Nico pulled in a deep breath. Slow. They were going to take this slow, and everything was going to be fine.
Even nestling his tip against her entrance sent sparks pinging through his system. 
He tore his eyes from where their bodies would soon be joined and looked into her face, “this is okay?”
She nodded.
“You’ll tell me if —” 
She leaned up to cut him off with a kiss. “Make love to me, Nico,” she whispered as she settled back against the pillows. 
And so, he eased forward. 
Her hips tipped to his, a pleasured sigh escaping her lips. There was a stretch, but he’d prepped her so well, there was no pain. 
She met his gaze as his hips settled against hers. He was looking at her with all this love and adoration. No one had ever looked at her like that but him. Reaching up, she swept some of his hair out of his eyes, only to have it fall right back. 
A laugh chuffed out of him as if to agree that was a losing battle.  
“You can move,” she said after a few more moments of his trembling stillness. 
He swallowed and shifted his hips back. 
She took in a sharp breath. “Oh.”
“Feels good?” his voice was tight with restraint. 
The fullness of him was good, but feeling him move inside her was better. “Yes,” she moaned. 
A thousand little dreams came true.  
The sight of her beneath him was a replay of so many fantasies, his resolve was unraveling too fast. He knew she meant what she said about him coming too soon, but he wanted to be good for her, and, dammit, he wanted to feel her fall apart around him. He slammed his eyes closed. 
“How does it,” she gasped as he withdrew to the tip, “feel?” 
“You feel so good, Lena,” he panted. “You’re so tight.”
“Or you’re so thick,” she countered, back arching as he thrust back onto her, a little harder.
That’s when she heard it, that little grunt. It was something her body seemed to do naturally. She would never have noticed it if Nico hadn’t pointed it out. And he’d picked up on it almost immediately, filing the information in his beautiful brain to help bring her pleasure. What had she ever done to deserve this man?
Nico risked looking at her. She was beautiful every time he saw her, but this took the cake.
“What do you need? What will make you come?” 
Of course Nico was mature enough to communicate and know he needed her help to get her there.
“Keep going,” she panted as her hand slipped between them in search of her clit. Nico felt so good. So incredible inside her, but she'd never been able to get off by penetration alone. 
His jaw dropped as her walls fluttered around him. “Fuck can't do that,” he groaned. 
“Need it,” she whispered, pressing purposeful circles over the sensitive bundle. 
He moaned her name and buried his face in her neck. She felt so much better than he'd even fantasized. 
She made a noise that made his hair stand on end. God, how was he going to get through this without embarrassing himself when she sounded like that? Like more than all of his dreams combined?
“Nico,” she moaned his name the same way, and he felt his resolve crumble a little bit more. 
Pulling from every self discipline lesson he'd learned in hockey and beyond, he stilled, reminding his body his mind was more powerful. 
Once he had some semblance of control back, his competitive determination snapped into place, and his desire to please her took the drivers seat. He needed to see her come beneath him.
“Nico. Can you…” she trailed off before demanding, “harder.”
He braced lifted himself higher and drove his cock into her with more ferocity, grunting with each show of strength. 
Feeling his strong hips drive into her over and over again made her back bow. “Oh my god. Nico, yes!”
Sweat broke out along his hairline just as much from exertion as the restraint he was clinging to. 
“I’m almost there.”
“Let go,” he growled. 
Her mouth dropped open. She never expected to hear Nico order her around at all, but hearing the gruff command in SwissGerman sent her body into a frenzy. She had no idea what he said, but it was the hottest fucking thing she'd ever heard. 
Her hips rose to meet his, and he could still feel her fingers between them, working for her own high. 
He watched pleasure roll across her face and continued on.  “Lena,” his resolve was slipping, and he heard desperation creep into his voice. “Come.”  
That one word order — she knew it had to be — tipped her over the precipice, and her body seized.
Feeling her walls clench around him pulled a shout from his gut. Fuck, she felt so good. As he continued, the rapid pulsating began. 
“Lena,” it came out a desperate moan. “Lena.”
This was…she was… 
Careening over the edge with a shouted, “Fuck!” he flooded her in a haze of bliss. 
Afterglow turned his limbs to jelly, and he collapsed atop her. 
Walking to his locker the next morning, Nico tried his best to be as inconspicuous as possible. If he didn’t draw attention to the hickeys on his neck and chest, no one would notice. He’d just change with his chest facing the stall. 
“Ooh!” Dawson called out as soon as he’d stripped off his shirt, “Cap finally got laid!”
He went rigid. The memory of Lena’s nails raking over his back as she unraveled beneath him for the fourth - or maybe it was the fifth - time flew into his mind. 
He'd nearly howled like a wolf when she'd done it. The pain, together with the pleasure of her walls constricting around him – not to mention the very reality that he was the one making her come so hard – made him see stars. 
“Whose the lucky lady?” Jack asked, sauntering over, “was it that blonde from the bar? I bet it was the blonde.” 
He felt himself snort. “No,” he said, voice louder than he expected. Of course it wasn’t the blonde from the bar. Some girl he’d just met could never compare.
“Who was it then? We all know it wasn’t Lena.” 
Nico couldn’t help the smug little smile that spread over his lips. 
Jonas picked up on it right away. “it was Lena wasn’t it?” he asked, eyes going wide. 
Feeling himself blush, Nico tried and failed to keep the grin off his face.
“It was!” Jack exclaimed. “You finally got the balls!” he clapped a hand on Nicos shoulder and spun him around, taking in the marks on his chest and neck. “Looks like she enjoyed herself at least!” he said with a laugh.
“Aw man,” Dawson moaned, sinking onto the bench at his stall. “Why are all the hot girls taken?” 
“You didn’t seriously think you had a chance with Lena, did you?” Curtis chirped, one sarcastic eyebrow raised. 
Dawson shrugged, feeling his face and neck get hot. 
“Didn’t you see the way she and Nico have been eye fucking each other the past four months? Neeks was practically on his knees at Halloween.” 
“I was not,” Nico defended. 
“No,” Jack broke in, “you were. You were practically drooling, to be honest.” 
Coming home after practice, the apartment smelled heavenly. Like spicy sausage and something creamy. Lena was cooking. 
He followed his nose to the kitchen and found her at the stove in a pair of running shorts and a gray Devils t-shirt, stirring whatever she had in the sauce pot. 
As he watched, she brought the spoon to her mouth, tipped her head to the side as she tasted, then reached for the salt. She shook some in before stirring and repeating the process.
She must have deemed it done because she set the spoon down and flipped off the burner. She grabbed some hot pads and lifted the pot off the stove. 
A yelp escaped her mouth when Lena turned to find Nico in the doorway, looking at her. She nearly dropped the whole pot of sauce. 
 “Oh my God! Why do you do that?” she demanded, managing to set the pot back on the stove. 
An amused smile lifted his mouth, dimpling one cheek more than the other. “Do what?” 
“You keep just showing up in the kitchen without any warning!” she said, flapping a hot pad in his direction, “and it scares the hell out of me when I turn around.” 
“I just get too distracted to say hello,” he admitted. 
“Distracted?” she asked, raising an eyebrow. 
“Yeah, you’re…” he paused, gesturing to her as he tried to find the right words. “You’re so pretty it steals my thoughts sometimes.”
She blushed. 
“That time I came in when you had that pink underwear on, I thought I might faint.”
She rolled her eyes. 
“I’m serious, Lena,” he said, finally stepping in so he could put his hands on her waist. The fact that he could touch her like this now was still banging pots and pans around his brain each time he did it.
“You thought you might faint?” she repeated. “that seems a little dramatic, Nico.” 
He shrugged, “it was like this stolen moment.”
He paused, working his thumbs under the shirt hanging loose on her petite frame. He loved that she’d started wearing his shirts.
“I loved you for so long, and it was like this little, secret gift.” His thumbs drew circles on her skin as he thought through the words, “it was like I was seeing you like I might if we were together, and I just couldn’t…I couldn’t bear to say anything because it would break it.”
“I thought you were shocked at my thighs,” she blurted, effectively running the moment. What he was saying was so incredibly sweet, but him bringing up that moment brought her straight back. 
He laughed quietly. “I was shocked at your thighs. I don’t think I’d ever seen you in your underwear.” 
“I mean…I thought you didn’t like them,” she said quietly, hoping he didn’t think she was fishing for compliments. The way he’d tenderly kissed her there the night before told her she’d been wrong. 
His gaze grew soft, “you’re so beautiful, Lena. How could you think that?” 
One of her shoulders shrugged up. “I’ve never really liked them.”
His hand slid down over her hip to tenderly grip the flesh, “I love them,” he said, leaning in closer to nuzzle his nose against hers. “I especially like what’s between them.” 
“You’re insatiable,” she teased, even as her heart fluttered. It was a strange thing to have her insecurities turned inside out so easily. 
“Can you blame me?” he asked, lips whispering over hers, “when I’ve wanted you for so long, and now,” he slid his other hand to her other thigh, and tightened his fingers, nudging her to jump. She did, and he moved to cup her rear to hold her up as her ankles hooked around his waist. “Now I have you?” The truth in his statement, along with the feel of her body pressed against his, made him a little breathless.
The steps they’d taken to get here were clear, and she followed them again and again in her mind, but in moments like this, it still felt like a dream. Instead of answering, she kissed him.
They’d kissed a lot now, but it still felt so new that each time she initiated, each time she caught his mouth, and especially each time her tongue brushed against his, his knees went a little weak. 
Stumbling just slightly, he backed up and ran into the fridge. The bottles in the door clinked and rattled in protest. 
The sauce and baked potatoes were long forgotten as he carried her to the bedroom.
Part I | Part II | Part III | Playlist
To read all my fics, check out my Fanfiction Masterlist
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anxi-aashi · 7 months
SJCKEBCEJGNF I LOVE YOUR WRITING BABES! Honestly your pirate series and giving childe a bj was hot omg- Can I request like Husband! Childe x Wife! Reader? Like childe wants a another kid or smth even thought they have so many XD and just you know breeding reader or smth- Ajfjehfjrjff anyways you're amazing!!!!! love you :>>>> <33333
a/n: TYSM this took me absolutely way too long to finish BUT im officially on spring break now so hopefully I'll be able to write some more again!
cw: breeding (with intent), praise, fem!reader, fingering, kids (derogatory), not proofread, lmk if I forgot anything!
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At last, your crotch goblins were asleep.
It felt like years had passed just trying to get them to settle down after dinner, much less convince them to get into bed; your youngest spent about fifteen minutes arguing with his dad in the bathroom before finally brushing his teeth.
And yet, as you and your husband wandered past the doorways of all five of your kids, watching them sleep without a care in the world, you felt a sort of contentness fill your chest knowing you’d probably have to do it all over again the next night.
While watching your third shift in her sleep, drooling, Childe joined you, resting his head atop yours and rubbing a palm on your arm soothingly. “Phew! That took forever,” he remarked in a whisper.
You snickered along with him and turned to meet his eyes. “You’re pooped, too? Thought you were all about the thrill of danger.”
He snorted softly. “Right, nothing more dangerous than five gremlins who napped a little too long after lunch.” His gaze slipped to your third behind you, now passed out flat on her stomach, and pressed a kiss to the side of your head. “Let’s follow their lead tonight, hm?”
With that, he led you to the room you both shared. The two of you went about your nightly routines in comfortable silence, you brushing your teeth while Childe picked out something for the two of you to watch together before bed. Or at least, you thought he was.
Childe was not doing that. Instead, he watched you, his wife. Wife. It still hit him every now and then that you were his, no matter how long you two had been married. What did you see in him that made you say yes when he proposed? When he first asked you out? He’d probably never know.
He knew what he saw in you, though. And somewhere in that long list of qualities (that he had written on his phone), was your pussy.
The same pussy that birthed his five kids. The same one that got so wet every time he whispered something filthy in your ear. That hugged his dick so perfectly.
Fuck, he was hard. And you were none the wiser, simply rinsing the toothpaste from your mouth like normal. 
Childe’s eyes trailed down to your ass as you bent over the sink. Down your legs, up to your stomach covered with the fabric from your fitted tank top. He pictured it— remembered it— stretched out and swollen, round with his kid growing inside. You had looked so good pregnant. Every time. 
And suddenly, he really wanted to see you pregnant again. 
Hands snaked around your waist as you washed your face, drawing your attention to the mirror in front of you. “Hm, what’s up?” you asked his reflection.
Childe remained silent, opting to take his time feeling you up instead. His hands idly roamed around your stomach, grazing the sides of your breasts, leaving tingles of goosebumps in their wake, until finally landing on your hips and pulling you flush against him.
A squeak of surprise escaped you, a question close behind, but the motives behind his behavior became clear when you noticed his hard-on nestled snugly between your ass cheeks. “Ajax! You can’t wait five minutes for me to finish here?”
“It’s been a while, hasn’t it?” he mused, ignoring your protest.
You bent over to rinse the soap from your face. “‘A while?’ Did you already forget how you practically jumped me the other day after the kids went to school?”
“I mean since we had one.”
You paused at his clarification, standing up straight to meet his eyes through the mirror. 
He had that look in his eye— one you had seen many times before. Five times, to be exact. Childe smoothed his hands over your hips, the pressure combined with the dull throbbing of his cock against your ass making you dizzy. “You always look so beautiful carrying my baby. Let me give you another one?” 
You forced yourself to think around the growing arousal simmering in your blood. “You want another baby or you just want to get me knocked up again? Pretty important difference, there.”
His grin was devious as one of his hands migrated to slide into your panties. “I think six is a much better number than five, don’t you think?” A finger grazed your slick folds. Childe’s grin only grew wider. “Kinda feels like you agree with me.”
You tilted your head to lean against his shoulder, relishing in the sensations of his fingers teasing your sex. “Please,” you breathed.
That was all he needed to hear. Ever the gentleman, your husband transported you swiftly to the bed, wasting no time pulling your sleep shorts and underwear down your legs while you rid yourself of your top. Your hands tangled themselves in his hair to pull his face to yours, lips meeting in a messy kiss. 
Childe ground his hips into yours, sending waves of heat pulsing through your limbs and encouraging more slick to seep from your cunt. He moaned into your mouth, the kiss becoming sloppy as impatience and need had you panting rather than meeting his lips. You were hot, so hot, desperate for any sort of attention that would soothe the steady ache building in your core, that when he finally dipped a finger into your drooling cunt, a loud moan ripped from your throat.
A hand slapped over your mouth, muffling any further sounds you made. Childe panted down at you, panic and lust etched into his face. “Shh, baby,” he whispered, “Don’t want to wake the little ones up, do we?”
You shook your head, pleading to him with your eyes to keep fingering you.
“Good girl.” His finger slowly pulled out of you, only to sink back in up to the knuckle; again, again— another finger joined— again, again, until the steady pace he set had your pussy singing his praises in lewd squelches. 
Grateful as you were for the stimulation, it wasn’t enough. You brought up a hand on top of his that covered your mouth, lifting it up just enough to gasp, “Please, please, want you inside me, wan’ you to fill me up.”
The dark chuckle Childe let out was almost patronizing. “Aw, my fingers aren’t enough for you? So impatient tonight,” he cooed, curling his fingers up to tease your g-spot before pulling them out. 
“Don't worry, I’ll fill you up soon.”
And soon came faster than you expected. This time, you’re thankful that Childe’s hand was still so close to your mouth, otherwise the whine that you let out would’ve had you answering some very concerned questions from your kids. His cock sunk into you with ease and without warning, and you were suddenly reminded of how whole you felt when he gave you the piece you were missing. A shudder rippled through your body as he rolled his hips into yours, rutting with a need that you could tell was out of his control. 
But just as it was starting to feel good, he paused, moving his hands to grip the back of your thighs to fold you into a mating press before you could complain at the loss of movement.
With your cunt bared open to him in the new position, the tip of his cock kissed your cervix with ease, grazing by the gummy spot hidden within your walls with every pass. Childe hissed in a breath when he felt you squeeze around him, hips stuttering into a steady pace that gave you no room to breathe. 
The room was getting hot. Or maybe that was you? Childe always did have the nasty habit of fucking you out of your head, and now that he had a purpose in mind, you had a feeling you were going to be walking a little funny the next day.
Every slam of his cock sent your knees knocking into the mattress beside your head. Every slap of his balls against your ass as he filled you to the hilt with every thrust had your eyes rolling to the back of your head. Every filthy thing your husband uttered without shame triggered another wave of slick to coat his cock, making it all the more easy for him to fuck you however he wanted. 
“Can’t wait to get you pregnant again,” he panted. “I hope it's a girl— your tits always look so— hah— so much bigger with a girl.” The bed was creaking. “We’re gonna get it right on the first try, ‘kay? Not wasting time with a negative test. ‘M just gonna have to fill you enough tonight so that it takes. And you—” A hand of his left your thigh to swipe vigorously over your swollen clit. Your back arched, mouth dropping open with a whine. “--- You, are gonna cum as many times as you want. Got it, sweetheart?”
“A-jax,” you whimpered. “I— gonna—”
“Ohh, already?” he crooned. “Go ahead, cum on my cock. Want you to feel good while I knock you up.”
Your first orgasm of the night ripped through you, the coil in your stomach snapping. This time it was you who covered your mouth the block the gutteral moan that threatened to make itself heard. The walls of your pussy clamped down on Childe, a small squeak accompanying the juices that spurted around his dick as he worked you through your high. 
“Fuuuck, yes, just like that. So good, mmmh.” A bright flush glowed from under his pale skin, covering his face and sweat-soaked chest. His thumb stopped its assault on your clit to catch a dribble of your cum that slid down your ass. 
You were almost a little disappointed when he didn’t offer it to you for a taste, but the sight of him licking it clean was more than enough to make it up. And enough of a distraction from the steadily building overstimulation of Childe’s cock still, albeit slowly, rocking into you. 
A tear slid down your cheek, prompting Childe to lean over you to lick it up as well. He propped himself up by your head, his tongue dragged lightly across your cheekbone, then followed up with a multitude of kisses around your face. He finally reached your lips, rewarding you with a languid kiss, rimmed with the tang you recognized from your cum. 
Against your lips, Childe continued to mumble praises in between sloppy kisses, each sentence egging him on to chase his release. “You taste so good.” His warm breath graced your mouth as he spoke. He was too close, too warm, you were too warm, the heat radiating off the both of you so palpable you swear you could touch it. And it was his fault. “I wish you could see yourself right now. So fucking beautiful. Mother of my kids.” A hand of his drifted down to palm your tummy, pressing down until you could both feel his dick rearranging your guts beneath your skin. “Feel me here? That’s where I’m gonna cum. Gonna fill you up so much it’ll be dripping out of you and I’ll just have to fuck it back in.”
You yelped as he buried his head into the crook of your neck to better focus on drilling his cock into your g-spot. “Ajax!”
“Fuck, yes, say my name. Say my name. Who’s pussy is this?”
“Yours, Ajax, it’s yours! ‘S your pussy— please cum, please, please,” you sobbed. 
“‘M almost there, almost— ” he cut himself off with a groan. His thrusts turned sloppy, steady pounding shifting to erratic jackhammering before his hips stuttered, and he pushed himself to the hilt again before spilling his load into you. 
You sighed in bliss, basking in the warmth settled in your belly. As Childe caught his breath, he picked his head up to look at you quizzically. 
“You didn’t cum again.”
You shook your head with a raspy laugh. “It's ok.”
Inside your cunt, you felt his cock twitch. He arched an eyebrow at you. “You’re right, it is. You’ll cum again soon anyways.” Childe slid out of you, making you whine at the loss before wrapping an arm around your waist and carrying you with him as he sat up, plopping you in his lap. 
“Because I’m nowhere near done with you.”
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howlingday · 2 months
What if Jaune’s sisters are very, and I mean very overprotective toward Jaune when they heard he used to have a crush on Weiss and how she treated him back in Beacon?
Jaune: Hey, Mom? Have you seen Weiss?
Mama Arc: No, I can't say I have.
Jaune: Hm... Is Dad around?
Mama Arc: He's taking a nap, dear, but he should be awake in about an hour.
Papa Arc: (Walks in) Phew! All finished chopping up that firewood for ya, honey~! Kinda weird asking me to do it this early in spring, but I could use the work! Oh, howdy, Jaune!
Jaune: Hey, Dad. So... HAS ANYONE SEEN WEISS?
Weiss: Feel free to stop me at any time.
The former heiress and current belle of Jaune Arc sat on her stump, looking over her nails to ensure they hadn't been scuffed or dirtied by the assault continuously made on her since her being brought into the deep woods by the Arc farm home. Thus far, only a bug had managed to slip past her defenses to bite her arm, an action that made her regret not taking repellent with her. However, she was hardly at fault as five of Jaune's seven sisters had been on the attack for the young woman since dragging her out here. Last night, Jaune had explained how they met with Weiss chiming in that Jaune had awkwardly failed on multiple occasions to woo her, earning a coo of adoration from Jaune's prepubescent youngest sister, a chiding swipe of a finger from his mother, and a uproarious laughter from his father. However, his five sisters, the ones now gathering strength to attack her for the umpteenth time, glared at Weiss as though she were in the wrong for turning him down. One sister took the first leap before being slammed into the dirt by a glyph. A second tried coming in low, like some feral beast, only to slam face-first into another glyph like a brick wall. The third and fourth, as twins are wont to do, attempted a pincer attack, only to be launched into one another again. That was four, which meant five was...
Weiss managed to leap away, leaving the sister to unintentionally slam herself into the fist of a giant, frozen cestus.
Weiss: I'm going back to the house. If you intend to stop attacking me like a bunch of... maniacs, then I'd be happy to walk with you.
The sisters did little to respond besides grown various sounds of discontent. The ice queen shrugged and turned away.
Weiss: I thought so.
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hyuk4sbf · 1 year
thoughts on txt and somnophilia 👀👀
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warnings(?):consent is kinda ? implied but sometimes pretty dubious here plz b careful just in case! both parties enjoy it all tho!!!!
gn!reader to the best of my ability w top!txt :p
ANYWAY! one of my fave topics how did u know<3 under the cut cuz i got a lil carried away idk im embarrassed i dont rly like this … its like 4am and i wrote this on my phone k? T_T
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> yeonjun who continues to drop not-so-subtle hints that he wants to wake up one morning with ur mouth on his cock. he’ll be ecstatic when u take the bait, rubbing at his bleary eyes as pleasure licks up his body in flames combusting.
and there you are, lo and behold, mouth working over him with eyes heavy and dark, like you’ve just been waiting for him to wake up and see you and your pretty mouth around his hard-on<3 his tongue laps over his parted lips, dry from the night air, before he leans into you and his mouth curves into a sleepy smile.
smooths his palm over the mess of your hair, thumbing over the swell of your cheek before he hums pleasedly, loudly enough that it breaks off into a moan. ‘to what do i owe the pleasure, sweetheart?’ his voice husky and rough, sounding so full of himself like u can’t feel the tremble of his thighs under ur palms— like he hasn’t been practically begging for this :3c
he’ll press his shin up between your legs as best as he can without hindering ur movement, breathlessly grunting how he’ll return the favour when you make him cum in your mouth<3 (+imagine his pretty golden skin under the morning sunlight that peeks through the blinds … phew!)
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> soobin who’s just sooooo sleepy, work tiring and exerting him beyond belief poor baby (_ _).。o○ but!!!!!! :( he misses u so much, misses the intimacy of having u cum in his mouth while his hands hold urs, just misses ur body against his so badly</3
it was like a surge of adrenaline, a rush through his veins when he saw u after such an exhausting shift. has ur reassuring smile always been this pretty? he practically jumps u then and there in the doorway of ur apartment, lips capturing urs with an eagerness rough enough to bruise and swell.
and now… the adrenaline’s wearing off, eyes quite literally fighting to stay open despite the fact that he’s literally inside u. ‘eyes on me, baby,’ you murmur, riding him with ur hands steadying urself on his broad shoulders. it’s not uncommon that the sex will get overwhelming and soobin’s eyes will fall closed— however, the little hum he gives like he’s listening and the way his eyes only just barely open again at ur command makes u realise this is different.
u click ur tongue, chuckling slightly before u go to move off of his lap. soobin’s having none of that, eyes shooting open again and u really see how tired he is up close like this. he whines, louder than he had been most of the night and wrestles an unforgiving grip on ur waist to keep u seated on his cock. ends up pulling u close, eyes already falling snap shut on him again.
‘c’mon bun,’ you’ll urge him with a giggle, joking that ‘you’re falling asleep at the wheel, silly.’
‘don’t care, keep going… missed you so much. use me and make yourself cum…’ v(^_^v)♪
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> beomgyu has the biggest kink for being used in his sleep i’ve ever seen (・・?) that one video of him pretending to sleep on stage and wrapping his own hands around his throat? hm!
ask him bashfully if there’s anything he’d want to try in bed and he’s practically leaping to tell u he wants u to take him while he sleeps. god only knows how many opportunities he gives u on the daily, sleepy bear always tired ‘n napping whenever he can :p he wants so badly to wake up w u riding him and ur hand around his throat :<<<
waking up with a head fuzzy, feeling like his whole body is on fire and— oh! there’s you, mouthing over his cock through his pyjama pants, hands pushed up his shirt and thumbing over his nipples.
you want to be disappointed he didn’t sleep through it, pouting a little where u tease his cock, but he looks so incredibly pretty like this too. eyes blinking like he just can’t quite get used to the morning light, chest already heaving under ur touch and face flushed a pretty red hue<3
he whimpers into the otherwise silent bedroom, hands shaking as they come up to cover his face embarrassedly because fuck he is so hard right now.
‘don’t hide, baby bear.’ u smile up at him, cheeky and smug and so so fucking pretty and he’s so gone.
u laugh at the tears in his eyes, although not unkindly. he’s just too cute (〃ω〃) u move upwards, planting urself in his lap and grinding downwards and fuck he really might just cream his pants at this point and you’ve barely even done anything. arousal is one hell of a feeling!
‘please touch me,’ he begs with his lower lip wobbling, a hand smoothing over the curve of ur ass to encourage u to grind harder into him. you coo, pushing his hair from his face.
‘go back to sleep, baby. can’t use you like you wanted so badly if you’re wide awake, hm?’
he’s never conked out faster in his life, maybe he’s even pretending, who knows? :3
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> taehyun who wakes you up with head, peeling your pyjamas and underwear down your legs as carefully as he can and spreading u for him like ur a whole meal <333
head between your thighs as he watches the way your eyelashes flutter and eyebrows furrow with every flick and suck of his mouth and tongue against ur sex, so so so aroused for him even when ur not awake ฅ/ᐠ. ̫ .ᐟ\ฅ
he hums against u when u finally wake, moaning so the vibrations cause a jolt in ur pretty thighs that are already in his grasp. his mouth becomes rougher, used with more intent when he feels your trembling hands finally lace through his hair and tug. his eyes never leave yours, even in the dark as u struggle to keep ur head from rolling back into the pillow. ur eyes screwing shut ‘til there’s static behind ur eyelids because fuck how is he so good at this everytime without fail? didn’t he just wake up too?
palms rubbing up and down your thighs to soothe u through the intensity of the orgasm he gives u, something u weren’t exactly expecting at an ungodly hour of the night while the moon still kisses the horizon, about to clock out for the sun to rise.
he’ll press a kiss to ur sex before he pulls away and moves himself so ur face to face, watching the way ur chest heaves as u try to catch ur breath. he grins, incisors peeking through cutely like he didn’t just make u forget ur own name for a good minute. like he’s not literally hard against your hip and ready to go. u can practically imagine the puppy tail wagging behind him excitedly. he pecks ur lips, sharing the taste of you like it’s simply his chapstick.
‘morning, honey.’
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> kai who doesn’t really understand at first why u would want that, what fun would sex be if ur not even technically there enjoying it? he’s not shaming u though!! he’d never dream of that and he’s (somewhat) willing to try just for u!
and oh. that’s when he starts to get it
how could he ever resist u when u always look so delectable pressed up against him of the night time, body soft and warm, pliant, against his?
he breathes shakily through the arousal that licks up his spine, ur breath hot and damp where u sleep tucked into the crook of his sensitive neck. it’s what u wanted, he tells himself, you said it’s okay. that u like it. poor baby is caught in a dilemma of morals, but it doesn’t take him long to work himself up into a frenzy and god hmmmm :( he really needs u right this second </3
shifts u over so delicately, so gently because he doesn’t actually want to disturb u, wrapping himself around u so ur secured back in his embrace. and the guilt starts to shift away, a moan falling from ur lips as u rouse briefly, and he’s so hard, why is he so hard?
he doesn’t know if he could start with actually fucking u in ur sleep, so he settles for this— testing the waters by starting to hump against you while u sleep, rhythm picking up and breath hitching in his throat because it just feels so good, you feel so good.
poor pup’s working himself up so bad :( he doesn’t even realise he’s whining and whimpering rather audibly until ur already awake and stroking his hair, pulling him as close as close can be, and murmuring sleepy praises right into the shell of his ear.
make him cum in his pants, yawn and tell him to fuck u properly as u drift back off<3 ฅ/ᐠ. ̫ .ᐟ\ฅ
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leave me ur hard thoughts here !<333
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vulpixisananimal · 3 months
Carrion!Sif AU, Chapter 1.
ACT 1, The Hunger.
(Au origonaly by @traumaboyexo. it's so cool. I'm 100% going to do more of this.)
(You're lying down in the field near Dormont. You had a weird dream about eating a star. You smell cherries, Mirabelle was calling your name.)
". . . Siffrin?" (She's looming over you now, your Housemaiden.) "Good morning! Or, well more like good afternoon I guess. Were you taking a nap? That's just like you. . . Only you could sleep peacfully at a time like this, hee hee."
(You're too sleepy to talk, you close your eye again.)
"You're still half asleep, aren't you. I'll let you sleep a bit longer, but not too long!!"
(. . . Ugh. You can't stay here, like this. The sun was nice, and you could smell the birds in the air. The people in the village. The faint and distinct smell Mirabelle carried with her. But you were getting hungry, really, really hungry.)
(Wake up, Siffrin. You have a country to save.)
(Statues, big and small, all with different faces. Some jump up and down, some are sad, some are happy. The Change God, Deity of all of Vaugarde, stands before you.)
(So much has happened over the last few months, since you met Mirabelle. You helped save them from a sadness, and you were here to defeat the King. They were nice, they were your familly.)
(Mirabelle, Isabeau, Odile, Bonniface. Each of them had been your best friends, or at least allies. You hoped you were friends, at least.)
(Mirabelle once asked if you were ok with following them on your journey. You truthfully answered that this had been the happiest you'd ever been. But, that just made her look upset.)
(You cringe just thinking about it, truth be told.)
(You're still hungry.)
"Don't worry about a thing, then. Can I get you anything on the house? A croissant, maybe? . . . Incredible, incredible. I've never seen someone give such a look of disdain when offered croissant."
"A Pain Au Chocolate, then. Only monsters don't like Pain Au Chocola."
(You like those! You nod!!)
"Ha, one Pain Au Chocolate, coming up."
(You got the Pain Au Chocolate!! Yay!!)
(You know they're really, really bad for your stomach. But it's still warm! Smells of butter and chocolate. You try and restrain yourself with one small bite. But you're so hungry, it smells so good!! You take one bite, and another, and another!!)
". . . Not gonna lie, seeing a tiny one like you eat like a rabid beast. . . That was distrubing, but also weirdly satisfying."
(Haha, this was future Siffrins problem.)
(The Favor Tree looms above you.)
(You look around for a good leaf, one to represent you. You need it for the Favor Tree, after all.)
(A wish, a wish. . . Favor Trees must be popular around Vaugarde, these days. Everyone must be wishing for the same thing. So, why should you join them, then? What's one more wish on the pile. Something small. . .)
(You wish for. . .)
"Phew, Bonbon! That was DE-LI-CIOUS!!"
(It was really, really good!! You ate every bite on your plate! It was sooooo tasty, but now your tummy was feeling upset. Damn you, past Siffrin!! But, you could still eat more!!)
"Aw Siff, are you still hungry?" (Isabeau asks.)
"Frin, you ate a lot, huh!! You liked my cooking a lot, huh!!! Here, have some more food since you're so hungry and like my cooking so much."
(Bonnie gives you one (1) carrot slice. It smelled tasty!)
"Won't that give you a stomach ache? Nevermind that, how can you still eat after all that food?" (Odile asks, concerned.)
"I'm a growing kid!" (You reply, cheekily.)
"A growing kid that drinks achohol?!?"
"You're older than most of the people here?!?"
(You wink cutely.)
"I suppose we're lucky to get some meat for you all the way out here." (Odile sighs.) "What a strange diet you have."
(You shrug. You've always been like this.)
(You step into the House of Change. It feels. . . Wrong. You have a tingling on the back of your neck. A tingling you'd always get when something was "off.")
(A house frozen in time. A faint smell of sugar slicing through the air. It was strange, but still you were confident. You could smell your companions following you, step by step. Each as distinct as the next.)
(You're hungry again.)
(You smell a sadness ahead.)
"Is something wrong, Siffrin?" (Asks Odile.)
(You look around. There, behind you, there was a flickering white. . . Star?)
"Did you see that light?" (You ask.)
"A light?" (Mirabelle looks concerned.)
"Something wrong, Sif?" (Isa adds.)
(You walk over to the light and point to it.)
". . . . . . ?"
(So they can't see it? It smelled of sugar.)
(You reach out and touch the light.)
(Traps? Traps?)
"A job for me then." (You say, cheekily.)
"It is your job."
"Protect us, trap master!"
(Not the first time you had to reassure Mirabelle. Time to look around.)
(You look around the room. Checking each wall, checking the floors, checking the pillars. You felt the brickwork for anything, a hidden switch, a pressure plate, anything. It all smelled of... Sugar, and old stone. Well maintained, it smelled of people too. You could smell. . . Fear, worry, no, no that was Mirabelles. She smelled of fear, it smelled. . .)
(You're hungry again.)
(There's nothing here. You can't find any switches, so. . .)
"So? So are we safe?? We're not safe, are we!! This is the death corridor!!! There must be a trap--"
(Oh come on now.) "There's nothing weird in here."
"But there must be!!"
"Aw, Mira. . ."
"Belle, Belle, don't worry about it. Frin isn't good at many things, but they know stuff about traps."
(Hey. . .)
"Right, if we can't trust the one who's supposed to lead us THIS early, this wont bode well for later."
"But! But!"
"We're not dead yet." (You say, stepping through the hall.)
"W-well, that's true. . ."
"We HAVE been in this room for a while. . . And Siffrin has been walking everywhere. So if it was weight sensitive, it would have gone off by now."
"Exactly! It's all fine!!"
"Oh. . . Yeah, yeah okay! I'll believe you! Sorry for worrying, I'm a little on edge."
(You smile at them.) "We're good, Mira, see?" (You walk to the center of the room.)
"Everythings fine!"
(. . . . The back of your neck tingles. Somethings-)
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riaki · 11 months
PHEW okay. rn im working on a yoshida fic but i completely spitballed and went off the rails ...... so um. might be a while before that comes out, so take some (many) thoughts and drabbles of weird stalker boy instead !! yoshida hirofumi x reader
@twentyfivemiceinatrenchcoat take this for yoshi fluff n some mild angst.. for now......
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i feel like yoshida would definitely be the kinda guy to give his all in keeping it together; especially with his position as student council president (that he's only half-committed to, really) topped off with his life in the private sector of devil hunting, his image is extremely important to him. not because he has a huge ego or is self-obsessed, but he knows that a lot of people look up to him and rely on him. that being said, he's (probably, yoshida lore when) only human, and he's bound to struggle and wrestle with the workload he's chained to, and it can often get the best of his emotions and stress him out.
so a little word of encouragement here, a sweet 'washed your dishes and your clothes cus i saw you were busy' there would be everything he needs to spur himself on even if he's exhausted; hearing the phrase "i'm proud of you." from your mouth in your sweet, sweet voice? makes it all worth it. 
all considered, he doesn't want you to do too much for him; he never lets you pay for your shared meals or drive the two of you home, BUT you should give it your all in trying anyway! acts of service for him seem subtle, but they really mean the world to him when you try so hard to lighten his burden. he thinks it's the most endearing thing on the planet. on the days he lacks the energy to even utter a small mumble of protest, he'll let you take the wheel- but those days are rare, so capitalize on the opportunity! being a gentleman is tiring, so make him coffee (not black) instead of letting him buy the headache-inducing cans of sickeningly sweet caffeine from the vending machines outside his apartment when you rise early enough to; let him fall asleep in your lap and gently play with his hair while you handle a homework assignment for him or two. bonus points if he wakes up to something sweet or savory made by those hands of yours that he loves to hold so much; do that, and he might just dream of marrying you the next time he indulges in an afternoon nap in the confines of your arms. 
(and when you hold him to your chest and whisper sweet nothings into his ears on the days he's earned further affection from you? it makes him feel like he's being granted a visit from the heavens, though hell knows he'll never make it up there. but, if he thinks he's being honest, it doesn't matter to him- not when you're right in front of him, a taste of divinity. not when you're gently tracing each slope and ridge in the shape of his left ear, thumb tenderly prodding at the soft skin between the cold metal piercings on his ear. it's like you're mapping out just this minuscule section of his body, and he's found himself praying to whatever's out there that you'll always be here to give him this; that one day, you'll have ran your fingers over every inch of him, memorizing the intricacies of the very bones in his body.)
to me, his primary love language would definitely be quality time- more so for him than you (but he still hopes you enjoy it enough to indulge him. makes him feel like a kid in a candy store with free reign over his monthly allowance.) meaningful talks with you and silly fun banter is all he needs to take his mind off the stresses currently throwing him for a loop and let loose a little. that’s one of the reasons why he fell so head over heels for you— you make it a little easier to breath whenever you’re around him. also... he loves the look on your face whenever he surprises you with gifts, so count on an uninvited bouquet of flowers in some varying hue of your eye color, or surprise boxes of jewelry- that is, if he can afford it. if not, he'll take you out when the weather is pleasant enough and you're in the mood for a cup of boba or an evening out in the nearest shopping district, browsing the warmly lit stands as the chatter of people bustling by fills your ears and he holds onto your hands in the simple pretext of not wanting you to get lost as he buys every mouth-watering festival food you lay your eyes on without hesitation. maybe he'll even treat you to a quick stop at a standing ramen restaurant- and if you're too tired to support yourself on your own two legs, he has no problem carrying you. after all, with his private devil hunting, you both know he's more than capable of that. and so, rest-assured you’ll return home on those gleeful days with full stomaches, bags n boxes full of sticky dango and fresh glistening apples the shades of a red autumn, and giddy smiles coupled with painted strawberry blush that dusts your cheeks and stains your ears. and if, throughout that entire vivid night of fireworks and sweet n savory scents drifting from stalls and the treats in the hands of vivacious children, you happen to get some crumbs or powder on your cheeks, he's more than happy to wipe it away with an affectionate thumb and earnest smile— or even lean in for a taste straight from your flushed skin.
on the topic of his side job in the private sector, though- yoshida prefers to keep you as far away as possible from the side of his life that's three feet deep and counting in missions at the Bureau. and of course, he takes no pleasure in lying to your face, especially when he realizes that you realize the half-assed mutters that fall from his lips don't answer the questions you demand answers to. 
he knows it's a necessity, though. so he never tells you the truth when it comes to this matter. 
but you can only see the tip of the iceberg of cold, guilty pain that washes over him when he watches your trust in him slip like you're loosing your footing; the excuses he spins that you don't buy and the way he feels like he's being scrutinized beneath your burning gaze as your eyes rove over the rough cuts on his arms and the blooming purple bruise on his jaw that you know isn't a love mark (or at least, you hope so. your mind won’t let you consider the possibility.) makes him feel guiltier than ever. on every other occasion, he never shies away from your gaze; for one, he’s well aware of how attractive he is, but all the compliments and shy confessions he’s ever received feel minuscule when you look at him like he’s your world, so loving that it seems to make the sun shine an inkling brighter and the birds outside his window sing a little sweeter amongst the symphony of nature. but on less pleasant occasions, when it feels like you’re appraising him— no. not just him. appraising his words, weighing them on a golden scale that’s supposed to be unbiased towards the truth, but your heart can’t take the strain when you consider the possibility of him lying to you, and he feels more distant from you every time you look at him in a way that makes him want to shrink away and shut himself up from your prying eyes that he knows are only well-intentioned— which is all the more reason why he falters under the weight of them.
but it’s not like he’d ever tell you that, though. so really, it’s up to you to decide how you act; to probe him and risk a few unintentionally harsh words aimed in your direction in the hopes of confronting the issue head-on before it’s too late, or simply sit back and let it fester until it’s grown out of control and manifests into a hurtful argument for both parties. miscommunication is the enemy to your relationship :(
that being said, yoshida is a bit of a control freak. when things don’t go the meticulous way he’s planned them out, he starts to loose his cool pretty easily, stressing his pretty head off about this and that, biting on his lip and curling a hand into his dark hair. really, though, it’s a simple fix— he tends to get overwhelmed easily only when it comes to things like this, n so all you have to do is tear him away from whatever’s preoccupying him and hold him, soothe his nerves by running your hands through his hair and rubbing gentle circles into his back. like i said, acts of service are really meaningful to him, esp w his line of work— makes him feel all fuzzy on the inside, like there’s a cluster of stars in his chest, his heart stuttering like a broken engine and a bouquet of lilies flowering in his stomach, petals clogging his throat and making it impossible for him to voice his gratitude. and so, after he calms down, he’ll take your hand and pepper little kisses on your knuckles until you ask him to stop with a bright smile and a laugh that sounds like the trickling melody of a running spring water stream.
but that’s an if, though. yoshida might not always manage to calm down— and sometimes his frustration will get the better of him. it might be difficult to manage; he’s so composed and collected for the most part that the meticulous patience required to deal with his boiling vexation might be unfamiliar to you, so it’ll be a bumpy slope. so try to be understanding in the case that he ever snaps at you, and know that he never means to hurt someone as important to him as you. give him time, and he’ll come around. <3
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oqwomyo · 2 months
Butler's wedding party. Lucas's card translation.
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Part 1.
- The Day After the Party -
Because of Lato's proposal at the party... I decided to spend the day with each of the butlers. And today... The day I will spend with Lucas.
- Devil's Palace Hallway -
One morning... When I went out to get some fresh air... One of the butlers came out from the corner of the hallway...
Lucas: Fu, uu~m.. Fu~wa...
Lucas doesn't seem to notice me... He walks up to me, sleepily rubbing his eyes. Not wanting to scare him... I quietly called out to him.
You: Good morning, Lucas.
Lucas: Mhm..?
Lucas slowly raised his head... Suddenly, his eyes widened.
Lucas: ..! M-Master..!?
You: Yes, it's me.
Sorry for scaring you.
Lucas: No, I... Sorry for looking so sloppy...
You: You look sleepy, are you okay?
Are you sleeping well?
Lucas: Yeah, but... I worked all night last night.
Lucas: Actually, after the party... A lot of work came in...
Lucas: Finally, recently... I finished sorting out a big pile of documents.
You: Thank you for your hard work.
Don't overwork yourself.
Lucas: Thank you for your concern.
Lucas: If it helps Master... It's worth the effort ♪
Lucas laughed when he said that, but... There were dark circles under his eyes.
Lucas: Hmm, besides...
Lucas: Meeting Master so early in the morning... It'll be a wonderful day.
Lucas: Besides, today is the day I've been waiting for... "The day I'll spend with Master"...
Lucas: For such a wonderful reward... I could stay up every night. ♪
You: It's bad for your body...
Lucas: Fufu... Of course I'm kidding.
Lucas: As a doctor... I understand the harm this can cause to my body and mind.
You: Would you mind spending the day with me after not sleeping?
If you're tired, should we reschedule?
Lucas: No, absolutely not.
Lucas: I'll go back to bed now and take a nap. There's nothing that can interfere with my plans with Master.
You: I-Is that so?
Lucas: Yes.
Lucas: That's why, Master... Let's have fun together today.
You: U-Uh-huh.
I shook my head at Lucas, who was smiling brightly.
Lucas: Fufu... Then I'll go take a nap.
You: Sweet dreams, Lucas.
Lucas: Yes. My apologies.
After saying that, Lucas left.
Along with the sound of footsteps on the stairs... I heard a loud yawn.
You: (He must be really tired...)
Lucas said, "I'll take a nap before meeting Master." But is it really... Will it be okay if we spend the day together?
You: (I'm a little worried...)
Although I was worried about Lucas's health... As planned, I headed to the garden.
- After a while -
After that, I finished breakfast and... I met Lucas in the garden; we sat down on a bench. It was quite cool for June today, and the sunlight was a little soft.
The early morning breeze that blew from time to time was pleasant... Just sitting on the bench, I felt calm.
Lucas: Um, um... The sun is pleasant today too.
Lucas: A lot has happened... I'm glad I can spend time with master like this.
You: Me too.
Lucas: Fufu... Thank you.
Lucas: Each of these kind words... I feel like it's my reward for my efforts.
Lucas squints his eyes happily, but... There are still traces of tension under his eyes.
You: Are you feeling okay?
Aren't you sleepy?
Lucas: I'm fine.
Lucas: After talking to Master in the hallway... I took a good nap.
Lucas: That's why... ....
You: ...Lucas?
In the middle of the conversation, Lucas turned away from me. And right after that... I heard a yawn.
Lucas: ...Phew. Master, I'm sorry.
You: Are you still sleepy after all?
Lucas: Well, that's right... To be honest, my eyelids are a bit heavy.
Lucas: But... Rest assured that this won't affect our plans.
Lucas laughed, but... His voice seemed less energetic than usual. Even though he had slept a little... Was he still tired after a sleepless night?
You: ...Hey, Lucas.
Lucas: Oya..? Master, what's wrong?
You: I think you should rest.
I want you to sleep now.
Lucas: Uh...
You: I'm worried.
You look tired.
Lucas: Master...
Lucas: ...Thank you. Master is worried about me.
Lucas: It's true that I didn't sleep all night... A rest would definitely be good.
Lucas: But... Just this once, let me not do it.
Lucas: I... Have been looking forward to the day when I can spend time with Master.
You: Lucas...
Judging by Lucas's hesitant smile... He really has been looking forward to this day. Forcing him to rest in the room... I didn't want to do that. So I... decided to offer Lucas a compromise.
You: Then let's rest here?
How about we lie down on the bench and sleep?
Lucas: Eh...? On the bench..?
You: Right.
I'll stay with you until you fall asleep.
Lucas: I-I see... Is that so...
Lucas lowered his eyebrows. He seemed to tense up even more.
Lucas: Of course, if I think about it... Maybe sleeping here can be counted as time spent with Master...
Lucas: While I'm sleeping... Won't Master get tired of it?
You: Then let's talk until you fall asleep.
Lucas: Um...
You: While Lucas is sleeping, I'll sleep too.
I'll rest on the bench across from you.
Lucas looked like he was thinking... And then he smiled slightly at me.
Lucas: ...Okay.
Lucas: When Master cares for me like that... I can't let those feelings go to waste.
Lucas: Then, Master...
Lucas: Your kind words... I think I'll just lie down for a bit.
You: Sleep however you like.
Don't worry about me.
Lucas: That means...?
You: How about relaxing your neck?
I want you to be comfortable.
Lucas: Ah, I see...
Lucas: If you say so... I'll take your word for it.
Lucas stretched out his hand, touching his neck... He loosened his neatly tied tie. Then he waited for me to get up from the bench... Then he gently lowered his body.
Lucas: ....
Lucas looked at me happily.
You: Lucas, what's wrong?
Lucas: Fufu... No, sorry...
Lucas: It's so nice to look at Master... For some reason, I feel happy.
Lucas: Because Master... They're cute no matter how you look at them.
Lucas: I should be sleeping, but... It's almost embarrassing to close my eyes.
You: Lucas...
Lucas: What's wrong... If I don't fall asleep, Master will be worried.
Lucas: I'll watch for a little while longer, and then I think I'll close my eyes.
Lucas: So... Let me imprint Master in my eyes for a little while longer.
You: Uh-huh...
Even though I'm confused... Lucas smiled happily.
- After a while -
In the end, Lucas... Slept peacefully.
You: (As I promised, I'll go to sleep too.)
Lucas: *sleeps*
You: Sweet dreams, Lucas.
After saying that, I sat down on the bench on tge other side and closed my eyes. The weather was too sunny to sleep, but... It was nice to fall asleep in the light.
Part 2.
- Devil's Palace Garden -
- After a while -
Lucas: Fufu.. An innocent sleeping face...
Lucas: How cute... I could watch forever...
I woke up from a gentle voice... I slowly raised my eyelids.
Lucas: Oya..?
You: Lucas..?
Lucas: Yes, it's Lucas.
Lucas: Good morning, master.
Lucas: On my lap... Did you sleep well?
You: On your lap..?
Then... I finally felt it. I should have been sleeping on the bench... Lucas is looking down at me. I felt something soft under my head.
You: ..!!
Lucas: Fufu... Good morning, master.
Lucas: What is it... I was just talking.
You: G-Good morning...
I responded to Lucas's words, although I was confused. I sat down next to him. If I looked around... There was a bench in front of me where Lucas was sleeping. Because the sun was shining on the bench at an angle... I think I slept for quite a while. When Lucas woke up... For some reason, it felt like he made my head lay on his lap.
You: Uh...
Lucas: Hmm... You look like you want to ask, "Why am I on your lap?"
Lucas: Let me explain from the beginning...
Lucas: Master fell asleep on a hard bench... In order not to hurt your body...
Lucas: You need to change your body position.
Lucas: However, even if you lie down... There are no pillows here...
Lucas: So I used my lap as a pillow.
You: I-I see...
Lucas Yes. ♪
Lucas laughed like a mischievous child... But it seemed like he willingly offered me his lap.
You: Thank you for what you did for me.
Lucas: No, no. I should probably be the one thanking you.
Lucas: While you were sleeping peacefully on my lap... I was able to see Master's cute face.
Lucas: Fufu... ♪ A sleeping Master is as beautiful as an embarrassed Master.
Lucas: An innocent profile and a quiet sleeping breath are so charming...
Lucas: I was thinking... I wished this time would last forever.
You: Lucas...
I was almost charmed by Lucas's kind smile... When the word "time" came out of his mouth, I was brought back to reality.
You: ...Ara?
Lucas: ...Oya? What is it, Master?
You: This is...
I completely forgot about it because of Lucas's lap... In the first place, I was only supposed to sleep when Lucas was resting after a sleepless night. But I slept much more than Lucas. He even put me on his lap... I think I made him uncomfortable.
You: (What should I do...)
Lucas must have realized what was going on in my head. He kindly called me.
Lucas: Master. Please don't make such a face.
Lucas: Because Master was sleeping... I had a good time.
Lucas: It's not often that you get the chance to watch the sleeping face of those dear to you. ♪
You: But I'm sorry.
I want to repay you somehow.
Lucas: Repay me..?
You: Is there anything I can do for you?
I will grant any wish.
Lucas: Hm, I see... Master will listen to my request...
Lucas thought for a while... And then he smiled at me.
Lucas: ...Okay
Lucas: If Master wants to do something for me... I can't let this opportunity pass.
Lucas: If that's the case... Then do you mind if I say my request right away?
You: Of course.
Tell me, Lucas.
Lucas: Fufu... Thank you.
Lucas: Then, Master...
Lucas: Can I lie on your lap?
You: ...Eh?
Lucas: Oya..? Maybe you didn't hear it?
You: Did you just say "on my lap"...?
Do you really want to lie on my lap...?
Lucas: Yes. I definitely prefer Master's lap. ♪
Lucas replied with a smile. It seems... He really wants to lie on my lap.
You: (What should I do...)
I was confused by the sudden request, but... The one who said "I'll do whatever you want" was me.
In that case, I should grant his wish. Gathering up my courage, I replied.
You: ...Okay, Lucas.
Let's try it.
Lucas: ....
Lucas: ...Eh?
You: ...Were you just joking?
Lucas: No, that's... That's not it...
Lucas: ...Is it really okay?
You: I said it myself.
This is in order to repay you.
Lucas: Master...
Lucas: Fufu... Today is really a wonderful day... ♪
In the end, I let Lucas lie on my lap... He gently laid his head down.
- A few minutes later-
A few minutes passed and Lucas was laying on my lap... I'm not used to this kind of situation. Speaking of which... Lucas, who is lying on my lap, looks at me happily.
Lucas: Fufu... It's really a beautiful view... ♪
Lucas: Besides... It's warm and very comfortable.
Lucas: Such a happy person... I guess I'm the only one in this world...
Lucas looks at me with a gentle smile. I felt awkward from the way he was looking at me... I covered Lucas' eyes with my hand.
Lucas: Oya..? What are you doing, Master?
You: T-The sunlight must be bothering you...
After listening to my best excuse... Lucas laughs happily.
Lucas: I see... Master is taking care of me.
Lucas: But... Don't worry.
Lucas: In situations like this... It's normal to be a little blinded.
You: Eh..?
After saying that, Lucas gently took my hand. A mesmerizing, narrowed eye was peeking out from under my hand... Lucas gently pressed my hand to his cheek.
You: L-Lucas..!?
Lucas: Fufu...♪ What a beautiful view...
Lucas: Not only kind, but also cute... It's blinding...
Lucas: Right now... I see the most beautiful creature in my life.
You: Uh...
His smile was so beautiful... I was speechless.
Lucas: Master... You promised to spend time with each of the butlers...
Lucas: But... I'm the only butler who get to lay on Master's lap.
Lucas: Fufu... How wonderful...
Lucas: I've been living in the illusion that Master and I are partners... We had such a wonderful time...
Lucas: The person who happily spent time with Master...
Lucas: It's me... But, since I'm the only one...
His eyes look like he's dreaming. I felt awkward again... I covered his eyes again.
Lucas: Fufu... Oya oya... ♪
Lucas' eyes were closed. He seemed to like what I was doing. It seemed like under my hands... Lucas was squinting happily. Because I knew that... I couldn't take my hands away...
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otomefiend · 1 year
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Story Event: I want to steal you (95k bonus)
Thanks Cybird for being awful teases. I guess that's how it's going to be with Victor then. By the end, Kate will die of thirst.
I have a sudden urge to give this girl a harem ending. 😏
I opened my eyes to the rare sight of all members of the Crown gathered together.
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William: "It's time for you to choose to whom you're going to belong to, Kate."
(To choose... 'whom I will belong to'?)
(What's with William all of a sudden ---)
I wanted to laugh it off and say what a joke it was, but the atmosphere was too serious for that.
Moreover, the William I knew always seemed free-spirited and fun but most certainly wasn't a jokester.
(Then what does this all mean...?)
When I suddenly crossed my sight with Harrison's, I blurted out instinctively.
Kate: "Harrison, what the heck is this all about?"
Harrison: "Unlucky for you, what Will said is basically it."
Harrison: "Everyone here wants you so badly, they can't wait to get their hands on you."
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Harrison: "I like you, Kate. Now, is this a truth or a lie..?"
Liam: "That's not fair, Harry. Kate, choose me... I'll go crazy without you."
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Elbert: "Kate, look only at me... I want you... I don't want anyone else to have you."
Alfons: "You can't be satisfied with those tedious men. Wouldn't you rather do something shameless and fun with me?"
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Roger: "It's my job to play with you, isn't it? I'm certain I can torment you until you cry."
Ellis: "Kate, I'll make you happier than anyone else... so choose me."
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Jude: "The moment I take my eyes off you, you're immediately being hit on... Didn't I put a collar on you so you'd know who you belonged to?"
Kate: "What on earth happened to you all...?"
William: "Now then, Kate. `What would you like to do`?"
I stood there stupefied and completely lost for words until someone took my hand.
???: "--- Kate. Here, come with me."
Guided by their hand, I run out into the corridor. Only then did I get a chance to look at the face of my saviour.
Kate: "......Victor."
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Victor: "Phew, I'm glad I could get you out."
I felt instant relief wash over me under the gaze of his jewel-like eyes.
Kate: "I... have no idea why this is happening..."
Victor: "I knew it was a matter of time."
Kate: "Huh..?"
Victor: "You're so charming, Kate. It's no wonder that living together under the same roof made everyone fall in love with you."
Kate: ".......Victor."
Victor: "I have no idea who you're going to choose."
Victor: "But I'll always keep watching over you. Think of me like a large birdcage."
Kate: "Birdcage..?"
Victor: "Yes, I want to see you live freely. See what you want to see, do what you want to do."
Victor: "I'm sure those things will make you an even more wonderful lady."
The door to the birdcage called Victor was always opened.
Always watching over me and setting me free. ...... I guess that was what he meant.
(I'm glad Victor feels this way. His words couldn't be more reassuring)
(... though I wonder why I feel a little bit lonely?)
Victor: "Those are my true feelings. Nevertheless... let me add one more thing."
Victor: "Kate, the last man you choose whilst flying freely..."
Suddenly, my arm was pulled and I found myself in his strong embrace.
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Victor: "...is going to be me."
The scent of the deep night that accompanied Victor enveloped my whole body and finally made me realise the meaning behind the loneliness I had felt before.
(Ah, I see...)
(I wished for Victor to want me like this...)
(Not as a bystander but an interested party)
As soon as I became aware of it, my chest ached so sweetly that I couldn't even put my arm around Victor's back.
Victor: "What will you say to that, Kate?"
Kate: "Y-yes..!"
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Victor: "........"
Kate: "......w-what?"
(Maybe that was all ---)
Victor: "Haha! I was going to cover you with my coat since you were having a nap, which is quite rare for you, I might add."
Victor: "Are you awake, Kate?"
(Ugh, I knew it!)
Kate: "I'm sorry, I can't believe I fell asleep while you were reviewing my report..."
Victor: "I'm hardly surprised. You were working on it until late, weren't you?"
Kate: ".... how do you know about this?"
Victor: "I noticed that light was pouring out of your room."
Victor: "You always give your best, Kate. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your honest work."
Kate: "......... no, no, not at all!"
As the vivid memory of my dream resurfaced, I felt my cheeks begin to heat up.
(... why such a dream? I have to try not to be overly self-conscious about it)
While I let my gaze wander, trying to hide the content of my dream,
I noticed a beautiful birdcage on the office desk.
Kate: "Victor, that birdcage..."
Victor: "Hmm? Oh, this one?"
Victor: "This is, my dear Kate"
He lifted my chin with his index finger and narrowed his eyes.
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Victor: "--- something to keep you locked in."
Victor: "Just kidding. It looks like Elbert got a mynah bird, and Al asked me for a cage for it."
Victor: "I've heard that mynah birds can talk..."
Victor: "Huh, Kate? Is something wrong?"
Kate: "This is bad for my heart... Victor."
Victor: "It is...?"
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jokertrap-ran · 3 months
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Disney’s Twisted Wonderland: Magic Assault Practice Dire Crowley SSR 【Raven Jacket】 Chapter 3
“Greetings. Allow me to teach you the secrets of magic in this school.” *Spoiler free: Translations will remain under cut*
Chapter 1 / Chapter 2 / Chapter 3 / Album Lines
⊱ ──── Main Street ──── ⊰
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Crowley: Now then, what should I do this afternoon? Classes are in session, so the teachers are out of the picture… Should I go to Sam-kun’s place to kill some time, or…
???: What are ya’ frettin’ about? Don’t fret about the details!
Crowley: Hm? That sounds like…
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Grim: I’m telling you, no one’s gonna notice if you skip a class or two. C’mon, let’s take an afternoon nap. Nyahaha!
⊳ Choice: Let’s go back to the classroom ⊳ Choice: Yeah, they might not notice…
Crowley: It’s Grim-kun alright…
Crowley: You two might be the only ones here, but I can’t believe that there are people who’d play truant in my school! Truly outrageous behavior!
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Savannaclaw Student: Hey, that bench is ours. Move.
Grim: Whaaat!? We found this nice sunny spot first!
Crowley: Wait, there’s more of them!!!
Crowley: Not only are there an increasing number of people playing truant, but a fight’s also about to break out! Just what has the discipline in this school gone to…
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Grim: Yikes, a troublesome one has found us.
Crowley: (Y/n)-kun. I’d appreciate it if you could keep Grim-kun in line.
⊳ Choice: Sorry
Crowley: Oh… It’s so refreshing to see someone apologize so forthrightly after breaking the rules. I’m admittedly a little impressed…
⊳ Choice: Well, he didn’t listen…
Crowley: You look exhausted… seems like he’s truly a handful.
Crowley: All of you, return to class now. You should be honored to be enrolled in this prestigious school.
Crowley: Magic isn’t something that can be tempered by talent alone.
Crowley: Having a natural grasp of magic is important, of course, but the hard work and effort, as well as the experience you gain, will go a long way in helping you improve your skills.
Crowley: Surely you remember my kind speech from this morning, right?
Grim: It was so boring that it went in one year and out the other.
Ignihyde Student: Yeah, same here.
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Crowley: WHAT!? (Y/n)-kun, surely you remember my speech, yes?
⊳ Choice: Of course I do
Crowley: Phew. I knew you were a good student.
⊳ Choice: Something about grape trees, right?
Ignihyde Student: You’re so annoying… You keep yammering on, but there’s not really a need to listen to you, is there?
Diasomnia Student: Yeah. I’ve never seen him do amazing magic or anything. Plus, the dorm leaders seemed done with him during the school-wide assembly too…
Savannaclaw Student: This guy’s nothing. Let’s just ignore him!
Crowley: …What a handful you lot are, truly.
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Crowley: Since it has come to this, allow me to teach you just how important it is to gradually advance your magic education.
⊱ ─────── ⊰
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Grim: Ah!! That’s the Headmage’s… mysterious rope thing coiled around them!
Crowley: It’s not a rope. It’s my whip of love! A slightly stronger version.
Savannaclaw Student: Ow, ow! I’m getting constricted!!!
Diasomnia Student: We can easily break out of this — wait, I can’t! W-What’s this!? It’s not budging an inch even with our magic combined!!!
Crowley: Obviously. You do realize that I am the Headmage here, correct? Something like this comes easier to me than breathing.
Crowley: It’s one thing for the dorm leaders, who comprehend my power, to joke about me…
Crowley: But it’s another thing for students who are unable to comprehend the difference in our abilities to be belittling one such as I. Truthfully, it’s disgraceful of me as an educator, myself, to let this stand.
Crowley: You should all reflect on just what a greenhorn you are.
Grim: Yeah! Go, Crowley, go! Show them just how green they are!
⊳ Choice: I wouldn’t get too carried away doing that… ⊳ Choice: Shouldn’t we book it now…?
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Crowley: And here’s a more heedful lash from my whip of love!
Grim: YIKES!
⊳ Choice: Nicely done, as always! ⊳ Choice: What lightning speed!
Crowley: Well, I wouldn’t exaggerate it that much — Hey, Grim-kun! It’s useless to struggle, so give up.
Crowley: I was expecting great things from you, Grim-kun. You too, of course.
Crowley: I was confident that the two of you would be able to change the future of this school.
Crowley: So, you two will live up to my expectations, won’t you?
Grim: You betcha. Leave it to the genius Grim-sama!
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Crowley: Now then, let’s see… Should I deliver all of you to your respective classes like this?
Grim: What!? You want to drag us back into class all tied up like this? We’d be made a laughing stock!
Crowley: I have to ensure that all of you, as students of Night Raven College, aptly reflect and learn from this incident.
Crowley: Because all of you are my precious, precious apple trees, after all…
── ⋆⋅☆𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝐸𝒩𝒟☆⋅⋆ ──
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