maledettadaunangelo · 4 months
Ma lui scombina tutti i miei piani. Le mie regole. Le mie geometrie. Sovverte la mia natura quadrata. Lui mi rende un cerchio. A volte un groviglio di linee scomposte. Senza un inizio né una fine.
Roberto Emanuelli, Ora amati
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PRIMA PAGINA Il Resto Del Carlino di Oggi giovedì, 15 agosto 2024
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popolodipekino · 2 months
Fino a questo punto, la storia di Garrett assomiglia molto alla mia. Anch'io ho iniziato a lavorare sulla vecchia teoria di Kaluza-Klein, catturata dal suo fascino ma insoddisfatta del modo in cui tratta i fermioni. A differenza di Garrett, però, mi sono pagata l'affitto grazie alla borsa di dottorato e le mie aspirazioni erano quelle della famiglia centroeuropea di classe media da cui provenivo: un bel lavoro, una bella casa, un bimbo o due, una pensione serena e un'urna di buon gusto. Magari quantizzare la gravità, nel frattempo. Ma andare a vivere su un'isola non era nei miei piani.
da S. Hossenfelder, Sedotti dalla matematica. Come la bellezza ha portato i fisici fuori strada (titolo originale - che secondo me è più bello, e in traduzione mi suona vagamente distorto - Lost in math. How beauty leads physics astray)
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zombilenium · 2 years
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Guenther Reissner Photography
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burntbeebs · 1 year
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My beloved Piani
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Voglia di incontrare gente simpatica ed interesante con il quale poter fare piani di viaggi ed uscite.
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callinskiiscalling88 · 5 months
unreliable narrorator Y/n doing a school project on the Thorn General or whatever they called him
The Amazing Biography of The Valley's Loyal General (With pictures!!) Written by Y/N!
[!!REQUESTS OPEN!! Characters: {Y/N}(Written first person), Grim(Briefly), Mozus Trein, Lilia Vanrouge, Malleus Draconia, Gargoyle, Ortho Shroud, Idia Shroud, Azul Ashengrotto, Jade Leech(Briefly) Word Count:1,342 Warnings/Spoilers: ooc-ness (since the narrator is *unreliable*), A joke about emo stereotypes (Not all emos follow the stereotypes and I don't mean any harm by it. Shoutout to all my emos reading this) Also somehow no spoilers Extra: Y/N stands for Your Name, E/C stands for eye color
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It was a gloomy morning in Homeroom, my classmates sluggish, the desks on fire, Grim hungry, demons rising from portals, my air pods dead, oh it was absolutely dreadful! I was about to die!
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However...Trein-Sensei's words sparked life in my dull {E/C} eyes. A massive homework assignment!! Now I hate homework, especially big projects, but this one was amazing! A biography on any historical figure from the Valley Of Thorns War back in the day. He wrote down the list of people available on the board, but I already knew who I wanted. The mysterious Right General of Briar Valley (Pretend it's sparkly I lost my glitter pen) Not the Queens, not the Left General, not the legendary Man of Iron (or was it steel?) The Right General! He was so intriguing. How was he so known yet such an enigma? I was going to find out. But I had competition. Lilia also wanted to do his project on the General. I couldn't let him snag this opportunity from me. I played it civil when I first heard of his plans. I humbly asked to take the General for my essay, but he refused! I am an amazing charmer, and I tried working my magic, but he just wouldn't budge! So I had no other choice....I challenged him to A DUEL!! (DUNDUNDUN!!) We met at the courtyard in the afternoon. I came ready to fight. I wouldn't let this weirdo beat me. (Before you come at me, he literally picks his nose, THAT'S WEIRD!!) I had my sword and my legendary gear which I got from my Great Grandfather. He said I was destined for something big, and this was it! Lilia had his own gear he must have gotten from his housewarden or something, but it couldn't top mine. Everyone came out to watch our duel. We both unsheathed our blades and charged at each other. The crowd cheered my name (I'm a famous warrior of course it's expected)! We dueled fought with all our might, but...he had defeated me! I laid on the ground, beaten and bruised. I looked up at my opponent, who roared laughing. It lasted for what felt like eternity. (It was only like a few seconds but for dramatic effect Sensei!!) "This means The General is mine." He eventually spoke. I glared up at him. How could I lose to an old man? (No offense I know you're old too) One who's...Emo? (No offense to emos!!) He must've had his teen angst and rock music powers stored up to trash me. Bested by someone who wears 5 pounds of eyeshadow everyday...blech. I didn't speak... I couldn't... I was embarrassed in front of the whole school.... He laughed again.... No! I couldn't let this twink beat me!! (Don't google what twink means). I kicked him in his balls and rained victorious! He begged for mercy, and I gave it to him. (I can make any man beg, especially the stupid kind)
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So, the Right General Of Briar Valley was mine!! And I already knew where I could get my first bit of information...A source no stupid nose picker had... Malleus Draconia! (Or as I like to call him, Tsunotaoru [Hornton]) (Okay yes now I notice Lilia literally is his bestiepoo (or something.) But still!! For dramatic effect!!) According to my math he must've met the General at least once in his life. He's the heir to the thrown throne after all. The General is still alive both had the time to interact. 18 years to! (I think Tsunibuni [Horntonwornton](pronounce it with o) is that age) So it was perfect!! I set up an interview in the library. He was willing to answer my questions.
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He answered all of them!! It was perfect!! I told you Tsunibuni [Horntonwornton] would be of use!! Though it did take some persuasion... "Where'd you hide the body?" I queried. "I'm not telling you that." He protested. "Are you sure? What if I.....Hurt your precious gargoyles" I said as I picked up a massive gargoyle and held my legendary sword to it's throat. It looked at Mallypoo with tears in it's eyes. "Y-you wouldn't..." He stuttered. "A-ANYTHING BUT THAT!!" (I told you I can make any man beg) "Oh I would." I smirked and brought the dagger closer. "Poor little gargoy won't make it out of this alive." "NO! FINE, I'LL TELL YOU ANYTHING YOU WANT TO KNOW!! BUT PLEASE, ANYTHING BUT HURTING MY PRECIOUS POOKIEWOOKIEBEAR!! MY SWEETHEART!! THE LOVE OF MY LIFE!!" Of course, he didn't have the answer to everything, so I did have to hit the books. I hit them with a stick. It wasn't effective. Don't know why. Maybe I did it wrong? Or did I have to use something other than a stick? Oh well... My last option... GOOGLE!! But I was running short on time and the Wi-Fi was down...so I had to contact a good ol pal of mine. The first real Android...
Ortho Shroud.
I called Ortho up and raced out the door. He answered right away but there was one problem... He was busy getting Idia out of bed. He was sad about some sort of gambling game. So I made my lil broski a deal. I'd wake his brother up and he'd let me use his search engine. So I ran to Ignyhyde!! Once I got there he was waiting outside for me. He quickly thanked me and took me to Idia's room. (It was so messy, and it smelled like unwashed shut in, it was disgusting) But I was determined to help him out!
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I tried everything! Shaking him, screaming, promising him ice cream, nothing! He was a stubborn fire boy. So, I had one option left... Water. So, I really didn't think this through, but I guess his fire hair goes out so.... I MADE HIM BALD
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That was not what I wanted to do! I swear! He was mortified! I know I'd be too if I lost all my hair... I didn't know what to do! I panicked!! But luckily, I figured out what to do with the help of Ortho. However...It involved Idia leaving his room... Which was hard to do. So, I did the same thing to Idia as I did Malleus. "Come with us or-... Hatsune Miku gets it!" "NO! ANYTNING BUT HATSUNE MIKU!" It was a piece of cake.
One hoodie later and we rushed to the one place where all our problems could be solved. Mostro Lounge. Azul's known to grant people wishes. Once we got inside Jade led us to a table, but we had to order drinks before Azul would see us. Of course we did, they have an awesome Mostro Lounge x Mystery Shack drink. Idia said they needed a ship name. I don't know what he meant, no boats were involved. After getting our drinks eventually we were allowed to see Azul. Ortho reassured his brother as we entered the octopus's office. Now I know what you're thinking... He's a sketchy man and it'll be hard to get his hair back for a fair price. So, how'd we get out of this without anemones on our head? Well, I don't know. I had to finish writing this paper before tomorrow and I didn't have time to sit and do business deals. Therefore, I left them. (Don't judge me!! This was a big assignment!) So how did I get the information I needed? Well... I read the books. That's a way better method then hitting them. Learned that the hard way...And hours later I had all the information I needed to write the essay! The end
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"{Y/N}.... The assignment was a 5 paragraph essay on a historical figure. That's not what this is." Trein said as he slid the paper back over to me. "WHAT?! BUT THIS IS QUALITY CONTENT! IT'S ENTERTAINING!" I shouted back. "Half of this stuff didn't even happen." "Well, dramatic effects!!" "Redo this." "Hmph... Fine."
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WOW, WILD RIDE!! YOU MADE IT TOO THE END THO!! I LOVE THIS Y/N CREATURE I MIGHT MAKE AN OC OUT OF THEM ONE DAY!! That's for the future tho rn I gotta add tags and post this. Comments appreciated My requests are open Thanks for reading Byebye!!
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omarfor-orchestra · 5 months
Liberato in the meantime:
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johnmalevolent · 2 years
drawing this while listening to 18 is like 💕 arthur suffering 💕
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[ID: Pencil-on-paper sketch of Arthur Lester from Malevolent Podcast smiling. End ID]
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dolce-tenebra-toscana · 9 months
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Did i tell you i love Sir Pentious a whole lot? 🤣🤣
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PRIMA PAGINA Corriere Della Sera di Oggi sabato, 31 agosto 2024
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Emilio Piani (German, 1817-1862) Sugar plantation in Cuba, 1839 Museo Nacional De Bellas Artes de Cuba, Salon of Colonial art In this scene Emilio Piani, observer, depicts a sugar plantation (un ingenio) in Cuba. Overseers are resting under the shade of an umbrella (held by a laborer) and are on horseback, while slaves or laborers are seen working the landscape to the right and center. Emilio takes careful detail of the tropical landscape, with its palm trees and rolling mountains. Ludwig Friedrich Emil Piani (Emilio Piani) (1817-1862) – a portrait and landscape German painter born in Coburg, duchy of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld, Germany. As child he was a playmate of the Prince Albert, the future husband of Victoria, the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain. In 1837 Emil Piani made a trip to the United States and then to Cuba residing in the later approximately till 1846. In 1841 his studio was on Obispo Street, Havana, probably where today is the Florida Hotel. During his stay in Cuba made several trips to nearby countries like Jamaica. In both islands he painted several portraits of notable persons and landscapes. In 1852 he returned to Coburg and after few years came back again to the Caribbean. He died in Curaçao in 1862.
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deathshallbenomore · 11 months
una cosa apparentemente scollegata dal contesto ma che dice molto sua mia personalità è che stanotte ho sognato di approdare nel presente dal diciottesimo secolo insieme alla mia gang e la prima cosa a colpirci non erano le macchine non era la tecnologia non era l’abbigliamento degli umani d’oggi: erano le brutte palazzine e villette a due piani degli anni ‘70. e specifico che il mio cervello mi ha anche offerto degli zoom iper drammatici proprio a sottolinearne la bruttezza, il loro essere un crimine contro il Bello e il Buono
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klimt7 · 7 months
Aliquando et insanire
iucundum est
Già l'idea della guerra imminente
sospinge alla sopravvivenza...
A procurarti un biglietto di sola andata
A predisporre un viaggio da esule
Ad attrezzare un rifugio e provviste
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Soprattutto a dimenticare, tutte quelle
inutili e stolte parole, che risuonano vuote:
"Dio", "Patria", "Famiglia" ...
Sciocchezze, che riempiono la bocca
dei clown giù all'incrocio, che ti vorrebbero
distrarre dal tuo scabro presente
e vendere biglietti dai colori sgargianti
per il loro miserabile circo.
C'è la guerra che incombe
Non hai più tempo per chi grida
Per i loro farneticanti deliri da imbonitori.
Diventi più selettivo
Più incline al silenzio
e sensibile ai colori del cielo al tramonto.
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Piuttosto, ti prepari ad ascoltare
la tua anima. A danzare con lei.
A curarti soltanto di ciò che ti costituisce:
le tue cellule, la tua innocenza
il tuo bisogno di leggerezza.
L'essenziale: ciò che fa di te, proprio Te
E il tuo istinto di sopravvivenza
Intatto e indomabile.
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killiandestroy · 7 months
molto combattuta fra l'andare a dormire tra un'ora al massimo o bermi una coca e cercare di finire il capitolo prima di crollare
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io provo a stare nel mio, ma poi posti quella foto in calze e stravolgi i miei piani.
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