#“TBC” means to be continued probably
jeff-the-box-boy · 11 months
Random sinner headcanons and stuff
This is not all my hcs, I have some for Vergil as well. This is probably most of the sinner hcs I have tho
Yi Sang
Enjoys fermented, rotten and spoiled foodstuffs
Kinda looks like a Victorian orphan (pale, thin, probably scrounges around on the floor for food)
Fibromyalgia, type 1 diabetes, nyctalopia, pica, depression, autism, depersonalization, sea sickness, motion sickness, nut allergy, pet spit allergy, (to be continued?)
Yi Sang and his multitude evil exes like Ramona Flowers (Dongrang, Dongbaek, Gubo)
Stupid sense of humor but he rarely laughs, mostly just smiles to himself when he makes a name pun or hears an accident innuendos
Doesn't like conflict, especially personal conflict with people he cares about
Autism, NPD, lactose intolerant, (to be continued possibly)
Has a special interest in trains, was much more prevalent in childhood (Still prevalent in adulthood, it's why everything seems kinda train themed despite them being on a bus)
Plus sized fat girl
Indulges in Yi Sang's stupid puns and stuff, sometimes making puns of her own with him
ADHDtism, delusions of grandeur, probably schizophrenia or STPD, pet hair and spit allergy, (TBC)
Never gets bed head or knotty hair
Very strong arms
Fixated on the fixers part of the fixer fandom
Writes fixer fanfic
Probably ASPD, (TBC)
Has favorites when it comes to the other sinners (Faust, Sinclair, and Hong Lu)
Was likely an artist for the ring in her past
Shibari enjoyer, mostly rigger but does not mind modeling
Autism, SPD (schizoid), hypersexual, hyperthymesia, (TBC)
Studies the people around him and slightly changes how he acts around them to make conversation less of a hassle/go smoother (I have a few examples of this kinda happening in canon)
Keeps a mental list of things he likes and does not like about the other sinners:
How they treat him, things they say that stick out, reactions to things he does, random tidbits and pieces of backstories
Also has like an actual physical notebook but his memory is good enough, tends to be full of shockingly detailed and realistic sketches with very few notes
Collects scraps of newspapers, pictures, and documents he finds
May or may not have pocketed an old Gregor propaganda poster
Hong Lu
ADHDtism, pica, latex allergy, nut allergy, (TBC)
Vaguely multilingual (not fluent) and sometimes practices with the sinners, like speaking German with Sinclair and Gregor (he sounds very funny when he speaks german)
Emotionally intelligent
All of his questions are genuine, except sometimes he asks stupid questions specifically to annoy Heathcliff:
Sometimes he just wants to hear Heathcliff explain something even if he already knows about it
He also plays along with light jabs and insults Heathcliff does, falsely proving them correct (often making Heathcliff groan or very fuckimg confused)
Good with hair styling and decent with makeup, if the girls have sleepovers he's definitely invited to them
He eats lipstick and chapstick. He takes big fucking bites out of them. He likes mint flavored lip balm.
He often steals lipstick from Rodya seeing shes one of the few on the bus that uses it but he makes it up to her by buying her more expensive makeup or food
Possible IED, inferiority complex, C-PTSD, lactose intolerant, (TBC)
Lower empathy for rich people; higher empathy for poor people
Like using nicknames, they come naturally to him
Defaults to things like "bloke" and "lass" but he does have a few sinner specific ones
OCD, cyclothymia, Insomnia, nut allergy, (TBC)
Distracts herself with busy work, shes always trying to do something
If she has nothing to do she often stims or fiddles around with stuff like her hair, her fingers, or bounces her leg and stuff
Doesn't like feeling useless or inadequate
Showers and cleans herself multiple times a day
"scrubbing the sea water/whale spit(?) off"
HPD, possible BPD, dyslexia, gambling addict, binge eater, inferiority-superiority complex, lactose intolerant, (TBC)
Left handed but claims ambidexterity
"Wanna hear something to get your brain thinking?" Proceeds to say some stupid shit that seems like it could be philosophical but it's actually a big nothing burger (sometimes Yi Sang actually tries towards interpret her nonsense in an actual poetic way)
Tries her hardest to ignore and not face problems, especially her own
Severe anxiety, DPD, PTSD, dyscalculia, possible BPD, nut allergy, pollen allergy, (TBC)
He has many bad habits that have stuck with him since childhood/school
Biting his nails and cuticles up while stressed
Not drinking enough water (doesn't want to pee during class/a meeting)
Waits till the end of a briefing to ask questions or for help 
Wears his gloves to stop his nail biting 
He also just has really cold hands
He's bites the inside of his cheeks when he can't bite his nails
Internalized homophobia but like.. in a weird way. Like. Does gay things but, either feels bad abt it, like guilty, or tries to make not gay excuses for it. But like only for himself?
Projects self hatred and his trauma on his enemies, which makes it easier for him to attack them
When both him and Demian are asleep at the same time they can share dreams and interact with each other in them
Autism, possible PTSD, latex allergy, (TBC)
She's a kiss-ass towards Dante because she had to be a kiss-ass during the war in order to move up in position
Kinda glues herself to Dante's side, she explains things that don't need explained or says she's gonna protect them (Ishmael does it better) (Dante doesn't bother trying to get Outis to stop)
The oldest sinner (until proven not)
Looks down on many of the other sinners, she kinda ranks them in her head (waste of breath, fixable, I can work with this, decent, the manager)
Autism, PTSD, survivor's guilt, immunocompromised, pollen allergy, latex allergy, other possible allergies,  seasonal depression, disassociation
Doesn't really know how to take a compliment since he doesn't usually get complimented 
Has long antenna coming from his head along with the bug arm, also unfinished/underutilized/healed over wings that sometimes nub up under his back when he's stressed but don't break through his skin (like g corp Greg's wings)
Whenever he's in battle his eyes kind of glaze over and he disassociates, buggy bits kinda take over
Gregor doesn't like killing especially when it's not very necessary, makes him think of the war and his buddies 
Gregor also has watery eyes, this is not specifically during battle but just in general. Sometimes when he lays on his side the eye on that side starts to tear up and leak
During intense moments, little bits of exoskeleton and chitin harden on him; like a patch of shell on the side of his or his buggy shoulder extends up a bit
Actually prefers stale or slightly turned food since he got modified but he doesn't tell anyone cause he's embarrassed and kind of ashamed of it (based on book Gregor not liking fresh food and only eating rotten or bad food, but less intense)
Amnesia, latex allergy, some kind of chronic pain (arthritis possibly), (TBC)
Nonbinary they/them intersex clock with a pair of sick tits (Dante deserves boobs)
Actual like. Dark gray skin 
Usually a bit of a nervous loser but occasionally has bouts of confidence/competence/authority similar to how they were from before they lost their head
Also likes to keep themself busy with work similar to Ishmael (they are trying their hardest to be a really good manager despite being thrown into this role suddenly)
Communicates with people that aren't the sinners through writing, simple sign language (they're still learning), making a sinner translate, or tracing letters on people
Gets phantom pains all the time, especially is a sinner died an exceptionally painful death recently
Clock has feeling like a real head
Gets repairs and check ups for their internal mechanisms, the clock even more sensitive inside the clock. all the wires and gears and stuff feel strange
Gregor and Ryoshu sometimes take smoke breaks with each other or light each others cigarettes 
Meursault and Heathcliff sometimes "play dress up" or "cosplay" with Don, Heathcliff refuses to be anything that's not somewhat badass though (Meursault has worn a dress before. Meursault does not talk about this incident.)
Outis and Gregor have a mutual kind of respect, and disdain for each other. They respect each other as veterans. Outis is a bit disappointed in his deserting and not seeing the war till the end. Gregor is freaked out by her "at least I didn't die" mindset compared to his "why was I the one that had to live" mindset
Gregor empathizes greatly with Dante whenever he sees them being dehumanized because of their prosthetic. He actively tries to talk and befriend Dante to make sure they never feel lonely or worthless
Gregor and Yi Sang both have midnight cravings and they dig through the dining room trash can for stale food. One night they both ran into each other in the dark while making their way to the trash can, Gregor nearly exploded in embarrassment. They don't talk about it, or at least Gregor doesn't. Both of them think about it pretty often though, more often then they'd expect
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 8 months
01/23/2024 Daily Recap
Hey all! It's been another long day, but we've got lots of new resources on how to help and things have been very busy!
=Renew As A Crew Updates=
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Sources: Tumblr / Twitter / Instagram
So it sounds like some of the silence going on is related to RaaC adhering to the Global Strike with Social Media going on for Palestine this week. Please visit the sources above for more information, they also go over how to interact with each platform we're trying to woo (I didn't include that here because it's already in the Daily Renewal List)
=Cast & Crew Sightings=
As every day has been lately, the star of today was chaos dad himself, David Jenkins with that article that was mentioned last night from popverse.
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Also for that matter, he's excited about being close to 80K
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Dad wasn't the only one trolling max today, the Crew got deep into it to the point that caseybloys blocked quite a few of them and then they got the hashtag "#OhBloysHeMad" trending. Here are some highlights because I feel like all the tumblr folk need to know how hard twitter went today.
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=== How to Help ===
As usual, please refer to the Renewal Task List for daily updates, but great news, we now have a Renewal Task List for our friends outside the US as well. Apparently there are different effort in different countries, so we split them up. Please let me know if there's anything additional / more countries you'd like to see!
Renewal Daily Task List - US
Renewal Daily Task List - Outside US
The Crew also got super creative and put up some awesome new resources for folks to use. I've added quite a few to the Renewal Daily Checklists, but if I missed any please let me know! Here's some examples:
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UK Our Flag Means Death Updates
News from the UK Thank you to @lamentus1 and @libbyroseitm for the updates!
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Here’s our report from the UK News from the UK As you probably know the second season of OFMD is yet to air in the UK. Today we had an email saying that an announcement about when it will be on TV and iPlayer here will happen “Incredibly soon”. We love the use of the word incredibly! In response to how helpful our contact has been with replies we sent a single email with lots of names on it thanking them. Our best predictions for when OFMD2 might air in the UK is late February or early March. Once Season 2 starts to air in the UK we think we will see a significant increase in interest in Our Flag Means Death. We are currently looking into ways to harness this energy! (Obviously we hope that we’ll be adopted before season 2 aires here, but if not…) One idea is to hold another watch party to coincide with the arrival of season 2 here. Another idea is to hold a flash mob. Possibly at the Cutty Sark in London. TBC. We’re working on ideas and would love to hear people’s thoughts! Please reach out to @lamentus1 with ideas!
= Pirate Omens Watch =
Pirate Omens Watch happened today on Twitter and will continue tomorrow through friday. For more details please reference below - I caught the second half and was a lot of fun! Lot's of parallels and great opportunities to tweet at @pricevideo about them!
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== Articles ==
Max Delivered the Final Blow to the Horny, Quirky Comedy
Hungarian News: Ritkán látott összefogás egy elkaszált sorozatért
So something else that I found super cool was this post on twitter by @havethisonelife
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Anyway, I just love that kinda thing, and seeing that come from articles about OFMD is just super cool.
Okay I think that's everything. As usual, if I missed anything drastic please let me know! There wasn't a whole lot going on on IG today, seemed like twitter was the show horse.
You thought you were rid of me sending love-- but you were wrong!
Did you know you're fucking phenomenal? Like seriously. I read through all these tumblr threads, twitter, instagram, and all I fucking see is amazing people being fucking awesome to each other (and politely shitty to max which is also amazing).
People are posting in various places and saying they had a rough day, or they're sick (that was me!) and you kind buggers are reaching out and giving support and love and I'm so damn proud to be a part of this amazing crew. You are legit the best people I've ever met! (IRL or Internet).
Everyday you continue to impress me and every one of us with your creativity, kindness, ambition, and wonder. You make me laugh, I've cried a bit from some of the posts too (not a bad thing!) and in general just fucking make the world a better place. I can't wait to see all of you continue to shine, which reminds me of this quote:
"Nothing can dim the light that shines from within" - Maya Angelou
Alright, enough of the mushy stuff-- onto the Rhys and Taika eye-porn. (Is Rhys getting some head from Taika? Badummmshhhh, ok I'll leave now). Gnight!
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biasbuck · 3 months
BiAsBuck’s ficrec Fridays
Happy Friday everyone. Back again with another round of the fic I've been reading this week. You can find previous rec lists here.
A reminder I'm here for all buddie/bucktommy/buddietommy configurations, and I'm always on the lookout for more henren fic to read, so please send author and story recs my way! (Feel free to self rec!)
21 June 2024
it's always on the tip of my tongue by @littlespoonevan omg 😭 smacked in the face with my closet romantic demi Eddie feelings. After (most of) the events of season 7, Eddie's reflecting on his past relationships and his conclusion “I don’t think I know how to be in love anymore.” But through therapy he realises what he thought he believed about love might not be what he actually needs, or deserves. Buck is steadfast by his side, supportive as ever. This fic, part one in a tbc series, absolutely stole my heart. Beat for beat it delivered in beautiful characterisation, introspection and self reflection, and such a wonderful arc. I felt incredibly seen, and can't wait for the next part!
eyewall by @vgreysoncellars and now for something completely different...so much smut! 'Tommy finds out that Buck and Eddie have been jerking off together for years without ever talking about it, considers knocking their beautiful empty heads together, and then figures out something better to do with the two of them instead.' Glorious (lengthy) buddietommy pwp, in which Tommy has the patience of a saint and Buck and Eddie are maybe not so oblivious dummies. Hilarious and yet heartfelt, bless you Tommy, what are we gonna do with them?
Echoes of Your Name by @usersiren a fic from 2022, feeling lonely and exhausted whilst working three jobs in Texas, and needing an outlet for his stress, Eddie is recommended an audio erotica site by a well meaning friend. He soon discovers the dulcet and sweetly submissive tones of EvanEssance, and is hooked. But when he moves to LA and joins the 118, there's something familiar about his new friend Buck. I really love the 'sex hobbyist' depiction of Buck having fun in this, and the way Eddie slowly finds his confidence.
everything's coming up milhouse by @henswilsons another from 2022 but in all honesty, I started here and then proceeded to spend the entire week reading LITERALLY EVERYTHING @HENSWILSONS HAS WRITTEN (apologies for the kudos influx) and they're ALL just absolutely golden buddie feelings, so. Go go go. But starting here, Eddie finds viral internet fame as the personable and unintentionally hilarious Mr LAFD Updates Man, and has to find ways to handle his new found recognition...and maybe stop accidentally flirting with Buck from the work account. Just the most delightfully funny and heartwarming perfect pick me up fic.
True (It Follows Me Around) and Could Go to Hell (But We'll Probably Be Fine) by @sonofatoasterwaffle last week I recommended Got Your Six and then immediately realised there were new instalments in the series, in which Tommy, Buck and Eddie continue to navigate the kink scene, shibari, and their new found dynamic. *fans self* yes and please and thank you.
heaven and hell were words to me by @goldenbcnes is a henren oneshot in which Hen reflects on her family, with Karen, Denny, Mara, and the 118, and her habitual loving text message: About to go somewhere you can’t follow. I love you and I’m coming home to you.
Potato Salad by @lazybakerart a funny and charming Josh POV bucktommy fic post-7x06! '"I'm sorry," Josh says, "You had a hot gay pilot in your back pocket this entire time?" god I love Josh POV so much, and now I need to see his reaction to Tommy (and Buck's bisexuality) on screen, pronto.
Until next week! Happy reading.
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Just came across an anti-lesboy video on my fyp on tiktok (which is a bit weird, because I'm actually largely on the true queer liberation, fully inclusive side of tiktok where I've genuinely come across people saying everything from "hey transmascs face violence too" to "hey support allo aros", stuff that's "controversial" because of bigotry everywhere from twitter to tumblr to facebook).
I'm just so frustrated. That's a label primarily used by multigender people, and secondarily by monogender transmasc and nonbinary people. Very rarely it might also be used by a closeted transfem or transfem egg.
Like no, there's not actually an epidemic of cishet men identifying as lesbian because you've heard a lesbophobic cis guy joke about being a lesbian once. Hell, even if you've heard it many times, THE DIFFERENCE IS THAT LESBOY IS A GENUINELY HELD IDENTITY. If you can't tell the difference between someone being a lesbophobic dick and someone just going about their lives like... it's almost as if you never learned that you can't identify safe people based on their identity but have to judge their ongoing actions and patterns of behavior!
(Not at you tbc, ranting at anti-lesboys.)
Like hmm I wonder why someone who is both a man and a woman attracted to solely women, as an example, might identify as a lesbian. No one tell these fuckers about straight lesbians/straight gays, I stg. Or someone who is abro (I still am waiting for the other shoe to drop and to see someone call my sexuality "just the bi cycle" when by it's very nature it is multiple separate sexualities with fluidity between them, sometimes occurring at the same time, in large part because of my system's plurality making our identifies overlap and intertwine and mix). Or a member of a system (especially a median system).
Or any other number of the extremely marginalized and erased identities that usually use the term.
Like you (again at anti lesboys) could at least try and make an effort to understand why people might use the word and accept it even if you don't understand. I'm so tired of, in general, people automatically assuming bad faith about identities, especially taking all their info about them from people who clearly hate those identities. Like somehow at least the trans community and most of the queer community knows you shouldn't believe genocidal transphobes or even pickme class traitor trans/queer people when they start spouting off about trans identity being about child molestation, but suddenly when people are spouting off about lesboys being cishet men and drinking the nonmen loving nonmen radfem koolaid and being openly and cruelly derisive surely they must be the experts.
At the very least, it's taught me to only ever accept information about any identity from people who are not immediately claiming it's harmful and making mean girl quips about it. I don't actually at this point believe an identity itself can be harmful, only actions (which, tbc, I'm not including "hate group ideology" as identity here), but if I want to learn about an identity I'm certainly not going to take it from the ones calling it anything from queerphobic to ableist (plural discourse shit for example) to sexually predatory to whatever, even if it's coming from a member of a minority group.
There might be cases where I find the identity label is being used to justify harmful actions, at which point I condemn the actions and recognize that it's a bad faith usage of a label which still may be legitimate. If I can't find any good faith usage, I recognize that it's probably a dogwhistle or otherwise harmful, but continue to understand that a good faith usage could arise or I could simply be unaware of it due to erasure.
Anyway tangent aside I'm just very upset, probably a bit triggered from personal queerphobia trauma and general personal trauma but just
Why can't people not be utterly shitty about what are largely microlabels anyway? Why can't people just be kinder? :(
yeahhh tiktok has been on an anti-lesboy tangent lately, I haven't seen much of it myself but I have heard about it from users over here. it's something I've been fighting against for years now, and while things have seemed to have gotten better, other sites like tiktok are cycling through it. still pretty sad to see
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crepe-of-wrath · 2 years
Benefits Package AU St. Valentine's Special Part 1 (Alucard x Fem Reader)
Notes: not a direct continuation of BP 1/2, but happening in the same AU continuity; this is the set-up for the Main Event on Tuesday so no smut here; this is more light-hearted/slice of life
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Picture it: the Hellsing Manor, sometime in late 1998. You had learned many unexpected things about Alucard since Sir Integra ordered him to start 'taking care' of you. For example, he had a surprising Boys' Own impish streak that occasionally broke through all his weightiness, and at the most unpredictable times...
You caught him emerging from the wall out of the corner of your eye and screamed right over his (presumed) greeting.
The vampire just grinned at you as though he was totally unaware of how badly he'd frightened you, which, as you had come to learn, was probably the truth of it, as age and...whatever else had happened to him had made him completely blind to temporary flashes of human emotion.
To be fair, the fact that you were now laughing--I mean, he did look ridiculous, only phased halfway through the wall, attention now turned to your TV and DVD player--didn't help.
(Thanks to his Master, Alucard had not only been one of the very first beings on earth to have his own DVD player, but he also had perhaps the finest collection of action movies on DVD in the world. There was an entire folder in one of your cabinets that contained volumes of correspondence negotiating for one-off DVD copies of Alucard's favorite films that hadn't seen regular public release yet. As a result, the cinematic world now labored under the assumption that Sir Integra was a great admirer of thrillers. She was not.)
"I heard you opening something. Did I get a new movie?" asked Alucard, with all the genuine enthusiasm of a twelve-year-old child.
"This is actually for me," you said. "You won't like it. It's sitcom stuff." You had just unwrapped the world's only version of The Simpsons (Seasons 1-4) on DVD. (Many DVDs, to be precise.)
Alucard shrugged.
"Enjoy, little human." And, with that, he was gone.
You were skipping from episode to episode in Season 4 while doing your usual late-night work when there was a knock at the door. You squealed in surprise.
"Little human," said Alucard, who just walked through the door instead of waiting for you to open it, "is there any method of entering a room that doesn't upset you?"
"It's late!"
"Yes it is"--now he sounded like Walter when he lectured you about taking care of yourself--"and you should stop working." With no effort, he pulled over a large, ornate wingback, plucked you out of your office chair, and settled you in his lap. He let you wrap your comparatively little hand in one of his and prop your head on his chest as he gently scratched your scalp with the fingers of his other hand.
"That's right," he quietly whispered. "All done for today, little human. Tell me, what are we watching?"
"Well," you said, "the girl in the dress gave that boy next to her a paper valentine because no one else gave him one and she felt sorry for him, and now he thinks she is his girlfriend and she's about to embarass him at this public event on camera by telling him she's not."
" And...this is funny?"
"Yes," you said, although in the moment you found yourself unable to explain why.
"What sorts of Valentine's presents do you usually get, little human?"
You laughed. "The only person who ever got me anything was my father. I think it was so I wouldn't feel left out when he and my mother exchanged gifts."
"Hmmm," said Alucard. "And what did he get you last year?"
"Oh, he hasn't gotten me a Valentine's gift in some time," you said, only realizing in that moment that this made you a little sad.
"Hmmm," said Alucard.
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forgotteneilionora · 3 months
OOC | Stafford Swords & Heirs
ok so from [ this ] post's replies, and a bit of a follow up to [ this ], [ this ], and [ this ] post (amongst others!), as well...
forgottenarias @forgottenrian @thelongforgottenrealm whoops not me just washing dishes and having crazy thoughts— might Rian be the one who alerts Roderick to the fact he doesn’t have ‘correct’ heir sword? Or since we’ve kinda shifted the idea that the concept of being an heir isn’t necessarily as important to astaira as it is Roderick, does that even factor in anymore? I mean maybe he just wants ALLLL THE SWORDS and I guess maybe even Rian might be after them since he is an actual stafforrd TBC And those swords probably asp would have been going to him if domhall hadn’t dominated those trials hahaha 😆 forgottenrian @forgottenarias KATE!!!!! YOU GENIUS!!!!! i hadn't even thought abt the swords klsadjfkljsdf ommmggggg rian would 1000000% know those swords!!! he's never touched them but he's read everything about them and seen plenty of art and probs went over and had a boromir vs aragorn moment of gazing longing at the display of long lost family sword and awkward encounter w the person who is saying they have more rights to it etc etc etc when he challenged eilia for the throne!TBC @forgottenarias ok so idk if you saw but i was thinking the ~heir does maybe have more of a geopolitical role despite the trials in order to entice foreign alliances etc!! but also roderick is kinda baffled by the whole kingsmoot thing (rian's whole thing makes muchhh more sense to him!) and is basically like 'this is the royal house!' and it has symbolic swords so he wants them!! and rian 1000000% wants them!!!!! those are his and garbhan's by rights!!!! laskdjfkjs TBC @forgottenarias so yeah long story short im thinking that we can def keep the sword thing if we want to! and i love love love this idea!!!!!! also realizing that rian may have much more mixed feelings abt the bastardization of his cousins than i was originally thinking alksjdfkljdsf he deffff has lots of hang ups abt rights being stripped from those to whom they belong ++ it reflects poorly on his house in his mind so he hates it on those levels BUT also it puts him TBC that much closer to realizing his ~own just deserts (in his mind)! forgottenarias @forgottenrian yes!! I love all of this (especially Roderick just wanting all the swords 😅😅😅) but I didn’t even connect— it would probs be even more important for the heir to have some sort of ~thing~ with being an important figure in the ruling family’s geopolitical endeavors even w/ still having to compete for the throne asp!! Since Rian knows everything about Astaira (so he thinks!) he might also be like “well and then the mythical lost third sword…” for Roderick to be like WAIT WHAT? 😅 @forgottenrian but ALSO his conflict!! It makes sense! He’s got a lot to grapple with… so does he tell Roderick? Does he keep the secret for his family? (even though Aria will continue to hate him bc destruction of culture and lands she apparently will forgive a bit but NOT abandoning family!) forgottenrian @forgottenarias ngl...im realizing that rian has probs been taught to believe that the mythical lost sword is probs ~for him (idk if he believes its real or not but certainly that its at least symbolically his or wahtever yknow)...hmmmm...yknow maybe he ~doesn't tell? bc he's like THATS MINE!!!!! basically alksdjfkljdsf but i do think he resents roderick toting even the ~known ones around, big time bc that's ALSO ~his or at least garbhan's!!! lakjsdfkjdf yknow imma TBC do a post on the swords bc im realizing that, w the kingsmoot, that needs a lil reworking but, if the staffords were the og king(s) and established the thing, it might still work, as-is???? like maybe it was a king arthur kinda figure who united the various ~lordships (maybe the lords of astaira used to all be petty kings in their own right?) and then his two brothers were the next ones but the final one was like 'lets establish a vote' basically and yeah!!! maybe TBC the og king even established the crown in order to ~fight the gods~ back in the day or smth?????? we need to talk this out lkasdjfakljdsf
forgottenarias @forgottenrian YASS! Always ready to talk it out about LFR lore! 😅 I def think they’re something important and even if not entirely to the CROWN at least to the Stafford fam… and since they’ve ruled for so long it’s sort of one in the same at this point?!
ok so on the second post, here's words from our fearless leader, herself <3
thelongforgottenrealm I love all of this!!!...I’m also digging the idea that succession here isn’t done traditionally!! I do feel like maybe the firstborn of the king/queen is always treated as the future heir (and often is) but they still have to go through these trials and sometimes have other nobles who submit their names, too, so it isn’t always a given
sdfasdf ok so i think that's all the bg stuff i need <3 mostly i just wanted to pop this here to get us chatting, but i have some ideas i did wanna sort of throw out here!
perhaps on those occasions on which the ruler is also the person whose technically the ~lord of any given lands, the heir is largely in charge of running the lordly aspects w oversight from the ruler as a sort of training for bigger things type deal? (in our case here, i lowkey feel like rian's dad would've been the evenstar, since he was the firstborn son of stafford, but he gave it up to run away in his hissy fit abt his lil bro being king, so it fell to domhnall to do that ~too, and thus eilia and then aria, in turn, effectively took charge of the staffords lands, when they were old enough? but bc of the below, maybe siobhan did that after aria? or aria was doing it the whole time? your call kate <3)
when the consort is unable (pregnancy, illness, death, etc) the heir also often acts as ambassador to that nation/does all the many political duties of the consort
while generally anyone may insert their name into the lists for the ~kingsmoot, the heir is the only person ~required to do so, and indeed the kingsmoot must wait till the heir is old enough/able to do so w astaira being ruled by the elders/witan/council till that time
lbr the heir to the king does have some advantages over everyone else!!! they've been raised in this position, they're known to the ppl (tho that could be just as easily a detraction if they're not suited ig!! aksldjfkljdsf), they have all kinds of training etc, they have the backing of astaira's closest ally via the queen dowager
i def think rian's dad wanted to find the lost stafford sword in order to burst in on domhnall w it and thus proclaim himself rightful king!!!
since -- if we go w the idea of it having belonged to the og king of all astaira (who united it etc) -- its maybe seen as more than just a ~stafford sword but as a kingsword a la excalibur like that's king arthur's sword but its not a sword of the house of pendragon so much as its the rightful king's sword, based on their character not their bloodline etc, but at the same time it is def a pendragon sword too like thats who made it who wielded it etc...
and thus rian has been raised to believe that the lost sword is basically ~about him~ out there specifically to prove himself the rightful ruler etc as both stafford and the best dude for the job(tm)
ive always talked abt this but i just realized...idk if i ever ratified it above mere ~headcanon~ -- one of the things the ruler gives up is the right to marry by choice
they can only marry by the consent of the ppl (which is kinda what eilia is basing her protest on re: roderick and keeping him from forcing the matter bc the whole point of marrying her is to ~not tick off astaira!) w a kind of queensmoot situation (tho probs no trial just a general -- should this country/person be our closest ally/parent to the most likely ~future ruler! kinda thing) ++ might tie into eilia/aria/siobhan's parents' marital situation, as well?? (maybe he loved someone else but wed for duty or smth?)
ok i wanna hear ALLLLLL of your thoughts!!!!! <33333333
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ethain · 2 months
you'll rebel to anything
[somewhat a continuation to 'i predict a riot', tbc]
Kaku is used to Lucci’s atrocious timing. 
He doesn’t mind it, actually – his life has a steady tact, and although Kaku isn’t one to just ‘shake things up’, he’s not opposed to someone doing it for him. Someone who offers no explanations for what he does and when, either; if it gets too much, Kaku can always put his foot down. 
Hasn’t done that, yet. Hasn’t objected to anything Lucci does or doesn’t do, like put a label on what they have going on. Because honestly, Kaku’s life has enough labels as it is. 
That sounds too simple, like he wouldn’t care if Lucci disappeared from his life: like he could stop dropping in on Kaku’s mostly prim and proper schedule and that wouldn’t hurt. Kaku hasn’t given it much thought – Lucci introduced him to his friends, so they couldn’t simply drift apart, and they can’t break up if they’re not an actual couple. Whatever exists between them is surprisingly good, and demanding more isn’t necessary for now. Kaku’s not a complicated guy, he prides himself on that at least. Things will come up or they won’t. 
Paulie says he’s being an idiot, but he has commitment issues that Kaku is nice enough to not bring up. 
(Also, he’s sure that Lucci made Paulie struggle with bi-curiosity the moment he swiped the mass of black hair from his neck to his shoulder on a hot day and Paulie hates him for that. 
He’s also sure that Lucci knows he did that. Possibly did that on purpose. God, he’s an asshole and Kaku still can’t disapprove.) 
There is also the fact that although Kaku knows Lucci’s friends, there is someone he hasn’t been allowed to meet yet, someone who’s way more crucial for defining whether they are a thing or not. 
The pigeon is probably Lucci’s actual partner: the individual closest to him. Which sounds weird, but few things about Lucci aren’t weird. The others don’t really mention it, like they don’t find it weird either – Kalifa one time suggests that Hattori ‘puts him in touch with himself’, like an emotional support animal. And at the same time, it’s not just that, more like Hattori is a person that everybody acknowledges. Even though Jabra insists that his chicken is better and smarter and far superior. (Her name is Fah Loh Suee, like the daughter of Dr. Fu Manchu.) 
Kaku has seen Hattori, but he’s watched his fair share of history channel and he knows Lucci’s oddities – they haven’t been formally introduced, so he can’t approach. And the only one who can allow that is Lucci, and so far, he hasn’t done that. 
It’s a weird limbo and it gets weirder when you explain it, so Kaku doesn’t. Not much, anyway: he lets something slip on a night out with Paulie, and it’s enough to have the man wisely nodding, as if he’s being presented with a variety of complicated knots. Meaning, something difficult for everyone but him. 
“’m pretty sure your guy’s in the mafia or something. Any day, he’s gonna ask you for a favor and you’ll be in so much shit. Better break it off now.” 
“Not gonna happen, Paulie. And I mean, none of that.” 
Kaku is in no rush to call Lucci his boyfriend or something conventional, but he wants him around – more frequently, if that’s possible, but he’s not quitting or anything. 
Paulie places his cigar in the ashtray and eyes him warily over the rim of his beer glass. “Even you gotta admit he’s sketchy.” 
“If I were to describe you to someone, you’d sound way sketchier,” Kaku replies cheerfully. “But you’re a swell guy, so why can’t he be?” 
That’s obviously not a reasonable argument, but Paulie gets easily flustered when receiving a compliment for anything other than his professional work, so he splutters a little and frowns. “Just - if you get a weird vibe, you better-... agh, I’m telling you, he’s in some organized crime shit!” 
Kaku shrugs and grins. “Pretty sure if that were the case, Mr. Iceberg would get him off his turf.” 
Paulie blinks at him, apparently not catching the meaning, and Kaku leaves it be. As much as Paulie warns him to be cautious, he’s not as sensitive to that ‘weird vibe’ as he pretends. 
And that’s fine. Kaku feels at ease with him all the same, but he also likes being around Lucci’s friends, who... are not as pure as Paulie. 
Does he have to choose? Is he stuck in limbo if he tries to have it both ways? 
Is that why he doesn’t know Hattori yet, despite knowing his owner quite carnally? 
Kaku ponders those questions while his elderly neighbors sit across him on his couch and talk both his and each other’s ear off. They’re his landlords, too, very sweet, a little nosey; they want him to fix the roof rail, which he’s fine with, and since he doesn’t want payment for a minor job, they at least brought him cake and candy and fresh fruit and the newest gossip and perhaps he’s interested in one of their grandchildren? They’re all wonderful (and plentiful), so whatever his taste is, they could hook him up, if he catches that meaning... 
(As much as Kaku appreciates their openness, he knows that if he were to date into their huge family, he’d be doing maintenance jobs all over town for them.) 
This is the normal life he could have. An invitation into the large family he doesn’t have, mundane and friendly and peaceful. And a part of him wants that, but the other... wants to riot and do graffiti and sneak into places illegally, wants the people Paulie and probably everyone else calls sketchy; those people who are strange and laugh strangely and have strange pets and strange hobbies and are rough and mean on occasion. Who yell at each other because Fah Loh Suee is better than Hattori, but Kumadori’s impression of her was insulting, and whose mother was just mentioned, and why is it sexual harassment to pop your joints loudly?! 
Those people would never bake whole batches of cake and put perfectly caramelized bananas on top, and they break rainwater pipes by climbing them, they don’t care about fixing anything. 
Something behind Kaku crashes, following by a muffled thud. His closed bedroom door trembles a little. 
The old man squints at Kaku. “Oh my. Even I heard that.” 
Kaku gives him an easy smile, hopefully a reassuring one. “Probably a stray cat. Must’ve left my window open again.” 
Another thud, and what the fuck is Lucci doing in there. Kaku knows the old folks are cool with pretty much everything, especially when their tenant fixes stuff, but they’re still his landlords... 
“The poor thing!” The old lady sits up straighter, eyeing the closed door curiously. “Is it the spotty grey one we’ve been seeing? It sounded like a big one.” 
“It’s a black one,” Kaku grits out. “I’ll deal with him, I’m sure he’s just... tickety-boo.” 
“Our Lilo recently started training as a vet,” the old lady tells him. “If you catch that stray, you could get it looked at? Or, I’m sure they do house calls as well – stray cats can be so fickle...” 
Kaku doesn’t know what’s more bizarre: that he has to dodge another grandchild (that probably never agreed to be offered) or that she’s describing Lucci somewhat accurately. He has to forcefully swallow a hysterical chuckle and rises, hoping they will do the same. 
They do not, staring up at him expectantly. 
“It’s fine, thanks. He’s,” the chuckle threatens to rise again, “a troublemaker.” 
The bedroom is quiet. And Kaku looks for a way to polite shoo the couple out when from behind him, the most obviously fake ‘Meow’ is spoken. 
Like, just fucking... "Meow."
Lucci is very good at auditory illusions. He can do ventriloquism, he can imitate sounds – one time, he did a perfect cricket chirp simply to point out how unfunny he found Jabra’s joke. 
But this is voluntarily bad. Like he’s clearly not trying to sound like an animal, much less a cat. 
Kaku freezes, heat rising in his face. The old man stares. His wife clears her throat. 
“We better get going,” she announces and nudges her husband – then she honest to God winks at Kaku. “No hurry about the roof rail, dearie.” 
The old man rises carefully, and while Kaku is still somewhat shocked at his sweet landlady winking at him for a ‘cat’ in his bedroom, her partner eyes the closed door again. “This is the fifth floor,” he mumbles. “Ah, to be that nimble again...” 
His wife giggles and elbows him gently, and they shuffle to the apartment door, candid in their sudden hurry: they smile conspiratorially at each other and at Kaku, who feels like he might be in some sort of weird dream. 
Also, he swears that just as he closes the front door behind them, he hears the lady whisper: “So then the roof is getting in line for railing, I guess.” 
Kaku doesn’t know whether he’s mortified or amused. Both, probably – because that’s what his life is like now, hovering between normalcy and whatever the fuck is in his bedroom now. 
Time to find out. 
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swallowtailed · 11 months
palisade 32
i have two main thoughts about this episode. one is the role of mortality across the divine cycle and in palisade specifically. the other is FLASH NAUTILUS
there’s been very little information established about the actual physical ecosystems and land relationships on palisade. flash nautilus opens up SO MUCH possibility. you’re telling me there are gigantic airborne plasma blasting cephalopods on this planet?? fantastic. 10/10.
probably it’s the round-shelled modern kind of nautilus, but i’d love to imagine it as an endocerid nautiloid, a cambrian clade that had long pointed shells. this would make them very aerodynamic!
don’t want to get too into the longstanding speculative biology argument of “how do they fly”, but in this case i do think the “chemical reaction producing lighter-than-air gases in an internal organ” proposal is probably sufficient. flash nautilus shells are structured membrane-bound gas chambers… plasma blasts generate gas and some thrust… 
considering the probable scavenging behavior of flash nautiluses (due to their large size and inefficient movement strategy), the plasma blasts likely originated as—and still serve as—a defense mechanism. (comparable to earth cephalopod defense mechanisms like shooting ink.)
lastly, if giant flying plasma nautiluses are on the table, i think we should consider comparable cambrian fauna. giant flying plasma anomalocaris. herpetogaster colonies. land wiwaxia
this has been speculative biology corner! tbc whenever there is any more biology to think about.
anyway, on to the other topic i have in mind: mortality in palisade.
i don’t feel like i have an articulated position about this, as much as a handful of things to line up next to each other. but the divine cycle has historically been concerned with control over death—setting fronts of conflict on undeath as violation, the right to die, forced continuation, the right to change. and so pc death is always going to alter that thematic fabric in some way.
all the recent pc death/flirting with death was discussed a bit this episode—figure taking number of the beast, brnine’s new hook about borrowed time—and phrygian just died (/sacrificed themself, but either way, departed) to prevent further death—a lot of that going around.
i was thinking about this during the stellar combustor arc too, and one thought that came up there was that the blue channel might gain an edge through their acceptance of their own mortality, as opposed to the principality’s desire for immortality/fear of death. 
dahlia didn’t expect to die. gucci didn’t think brnine would survive and helped them anyway. figure feels precarious in their third chance at life.
i’m still not sure how i want to frame this—the conclusion i don’t want to back myself into (and also don’t think is being implied) is that self-sacrifice is the necessary condition for victory.
but there’s the argument that death gives meaning to life, in the way that all worlds end… idk. thinking about it. will have more to say about this if/when figure bites it.
a couple other loose thoughts:
SO EXCITED for more cori/elle conflict. it’s the first time they’ve met since cori got her new mech!
standing alone on a rooftop in a hostile city, cracked and affected and tracked, is so extremely noir sleuth. all it’s missing is some dreary rain… except it’s dawn, and this is baseline-c, and noir happens in the cracks in the perfect skyline.
new perspective is also just sick as shit. fantastic move.
felt very silly and fun to have more and more wildly different enemies popping up in this fight—can’t wait to see how messy it gets with dust in the mix lmao. past and present and future collide!
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quietbluejay · 2 months
Lukas the Trickster 2
back to the wolves and they've been banished to the wilds of fenris hunting a very large elk just call it a moose europeans dni space marine almost loses vs moose moose once again superior there was a Lukas interrupt and he killed the moose, so Ake (one of the kids) gets mad about the killstealing and says isn't that what grimblood did and we burned his hair for it?? lukas: we're a pack we're hunting as a pack lukas: why is the best meat that which you hunt yourself lukas is a philosopher now, much to Ake's disgust
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they're all taking bites out of the heart that's one large heart
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o w o
so, where are they going?
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ake asks if he does this often "sometimes" sometimes he chills and looks at the stars sometimes he goes dungeon diving, which is forbidden sometimes he plays loki for the regular humans WAIT I WAS JOKING I MEANT PLAYS PRANKS I DIDNT THINK
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he actually did it
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Lukas: the one space marine who has sex, apparently which i knew from memes but that's a pretty unambiguous statement like everyone is like "oh it got retconned out that he had kids BEFORE he became a space marine" which considering like the oldest he could be is 14-15 i mean okay i guess you could well akshually it if you wanted to be super pedantic but, well
lukas breaks into a settlement with the moose he drops the moose with a crash and runs awayyyy like some kind of weirdo santa claus owo
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he is extremely hot right now he's probably tying with huron for me actually, possibly winning im sorry huron but i can be a little shallow. as a treat.
Lukas: the people who live here are also our people
sliscus is invading
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poor sliscus no one takes his overdramatic bait meanwhile Myrta: urgh why can't he just die oh another female pirate captain Karkaroth goku, is that you???
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interesting note about craftworld culture or at least drukhari perception of craftworld culture well no it's probably a reflection of the whole paths system i may be slow
context: kakaroth was like "why are you here courtesan this is a warship and the captain doesn't want to sleep with you" while myrta has been put in command Myrta is winning the fight
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my goodness i think that's the most cutting way I've ever seen "you need to get laid" as an insult
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in her own way, she's got more in common with those craftworlders than she thinks
anyways I think at this point this book has passed the Bechdel test at least twice, i'm shocked
okay back to wolves
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teenage boys lmao Ake tries to fight everyone else and gets beat up then he tempts fate and very large giant wolves the size of tanks are heard Lukas: im smart i know how to deal with this situation Lukas: run away while they're eating Ake everyone but Ake: yeah that's a good plan Ake: you're all cowaaaards then he follows them
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rip halvar and his bear milk baths the jewelry is going to wash off his protection!
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lukas: yo i heard you like deadly alcohol so i stuck rocket fuel in it
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yes, and also the warp lukas talks about how when he was young and fighting genestealers they leeroy jenkinsed as is standard operating procedure and got wasted by the genestealers who had made a trap
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wow not even iron lukas is right
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lukas continues to be best boy
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kadir puts two and two together and gets four
sdfsjdklf lukas manhandling eldar corsair like a cat
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bluejay: you know what's really attractive? respecting the dead
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malys has great priorities
zero sarcasm
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well, no one's perfect lukas please don't eat the dark eldar
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HUH The skein craftworlders and fenris huh
grimblood: you're going to die a hero grimblood: no one is going to remember the nuisance you were lukas glares
and tbc...
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tempkiriri · 9 months
Trying to collect every "To Be Continued" screen in Hero's Day, even though it has no real effect on 100% completion...From what I've played + by checking the guides;
Kotetsu: Play his route first or have Barnaby not wake him up during the initial run, you'll run into the roadblock.
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Keith: have Barnaby entirely ignore him despite Keith's desperate pleas to be noticed.
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Ivan: Literally cannot progress his route on a first run, since he needs input from Keith's story, but Keith can't give this input unless you've played Ivan's route before and talked to Keith in the park (and help him find one of the pages of the book). It's a very funny scenario here. Also, Keith needs this from Ivan to unlock his true ending, avoid doing this first if you want to collect all of Keith's endings as getting this true ending flag will override the other endings once obtained
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Pao-lin & Karina: Both of them need input from Antonio's route. Play their routes first or have Antonio ignore them in his route and you should get these no issue.
Antonio: Now, his TBC screen you will genuinely need to go out of your way to get bc getting it blind will probably be by sheer accident. Waking Kotetsu up is 100% needed to progress Kotetsu's story. This action also activates a flag to take Barnaby to his true ending, and in said true ending he encounters Antonio. This meeting progresses Antonio's story. So to get Antonio's TBC screen, you need to ask Lloyds about Kotetsu & Let Kotetsu sleep to get a non-canon ending for Barnaby. THEN you go back to the timesheet and wake Kotetsu up. This will open Kotetsu's route, and let you complete it. Now you have to make sure to chase Barnaby after he wakes you up to set you up on Kotetsu's canon ending path and then you finish Kotetsu's story. Everyone else's story will thus unlock and THEN you start Antonio's story to finally get TBC'd. I have to start a third fucking save to get this one oh my god help. I don't know if the 'old man' flag was intended to trigger via the wake up or not simply due to the fact that it makes this specific TBC screen all the harder to get, on top of Barnaby only needing ANY ending to unlock the other 6.
Nathan: Do Nathan's route before Keith's or make sure to have Keith not forgive Nathan for the uh, assestment, and you'll get roadblocked. I think.
Not all of these have been tested yet, but the guides are mostly accurate so I hope I can document these damn screens. Also, this means any action that breaks through a TBC screen is CANON, and I will be making a list of canon events within Hero's day when I can.
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whump-ghoul · 1 year
Practicing Recall (drabble)
Characters: Mountain, Sunshine, Cumulus, Dew, Swiss - WC: 161
(You probably know where this is going...)
“Mountain, come.” Sunshine ordered the ghoul trotting around a good twenty feet away from them. “Come!”
“Sunny…” Cumulus said, blushing. 
“What? It’s what they say on the videos.” 
“Dew!” Swiss stopped him there and then. Sunshine watched them cackle to themselves before finally catching on, turning a sharp shade of pink under their freckled skin. 
“What else are we supposed to say?” 
“Return?” Swiss suggested in an elaborate way, flaying his arms as though performing a play. 
“Too formal.” Dew shook his head. “What about:”
The fire ghoul turned to Mountain, and hollered:
“Get your ass back here!’” 
Mountain's head swerved in their direction to judge whether or not he was needed back. Apparently not. Shrugging, he turned to continue inspecting a rabbit hole.
“Effective, but too long.” Sunny said. “And a little mean.”
“Here?” Cumulus offered. “Mountain, here!” 
The earth ghouls ears twitched, but failed to acknowledge anything. Cumulus planted her hands on her hips.
“Now you’re just being difficult.”
[TBC - Just wanted to share.]
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thekaijudude · 10 months
Addressing questions about announced projects from Tsubucon
So I've understandably been asked by many about the lack of UGF4 (mainly) announcements from Tsubucon since its 2-day run has ended
Which ngl, while even I was expecting it personally (blinded by hype and because I totally did not expect TsuPro to come up with so many tangential projects), I did some more digging to estimate when should we be hearing about at least the first news about UGF4
Comparing with last year and assuming the timeline of releases would be the same, since the Blazar Movie is stated to be released in 23rd Feb 2024, exactly the same date as the Decker Movie in 2023, recall that the first actual trailer we got for the Regulus series was on 27th April 2023 (I don't think we should count the Aug 2022 one cause that was coming fresh out of UGF3 then)
So realistically speaking, we should probably more reasonably expect to actually hear something about UGF4 in April 2024 rather than now since the main lineup has alr been announced for Tsubucon
And there's no doubt that there'll be a UGF4 for those that were asking as well, since they literally had a "To be continued" in the post credits scene of Regulus First Mission lol
As for the 2nd most asked installment, specifically the Shinverse continuation with either ShinU 2 or ShinSeven, the leaked timeline did point out that it's either gonna be released in 2024/25 so tbh it looks like it's slated for a release in 2025 (which im personally fine with since Anno has really been working very hard that its concerning, he deserves a longer break tbh), which means that we would most likely first hear about it somewhere mid-late 2024, Anno's involvement in Tsubucon this year could be interpreted as a foreshadowing
Which puts it in a similar situation to the leaked planned China Ultraman Movie that's also slated to be released in 2025 if yall recall the recent document leak as well, we also didn't hear anything about it at Tsubucon
As for everything else such as Marvel Comics continuation, Netflix Suitverse Novel adaptation etc, ngl I alr classified those possibilities as less likely than the above major ones so we can only assume that they don't plan on making those happen yet at least
But hell, I did predict a DH Anime on this blog prior lol, that one was truly out of left field as expected
Update: A continuation of the Marvel Comics series has been confirmed for 2024 during Tsubucon, details TBC tho
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wander-wren · 1 year
hello warrior cats community
i am clawing myself up out of my grave to announce that Dusk to Dawn has finally been completed. yeah i just dumped five chapters in there. woo.
now, i did have to condense the last, idk, 13 or so chapters into two parts, just speedrunning the highlights, because i am so tired and busy right now, but the plot is there. it exists. and that's about as much as i can ask for.
so you may assume that that's the end of the story. i mean, D2D was a bit of a mess. it took two and a half years and i spent most of that time on hiatus and tearing my hair out. but what's that quote? the only thing worse than writing is not writing. and at least half of my motivation to finish D2D was to get to the parts that come after.
which means that, yes, i'm still going to continue my rewrite. i just have to reevaluate and adjust.
the initial plan was for all parts to have roughly the same level of scale as D2D (which was planned to have ~200k words), or be even longer. this is because i have adhd and dangerous levels of optimism. i know there are people out there who can sustain themselves for multiple hundreds of thousands of words writing fictional cat rewrites, but i am not one of them. i can't do that, realistically.
so, i'm scaling back. PO3/Three of Swords and OOTS/Sign of the Four are both going to be around 50-70k. aiming toward the lower end there, but i know i have a tendency to, uh, go slightly overboard. see above. this way, i have a better chance of finishing both fics in a timely manner, and for 3OS especially, i won't have to drag the beaten corpses of plotlines that have been established for half of D2D on forever and ever.
what this also means is that i'm going to do a LOT of cutting and reshuffling. if it wasn't already clear, 3OS is not going to really attempt to stick to canon at all, not like D2D. we're going off the rails bonkers. Rule of Cool, etc etc. SOT4 will likely be the same.
and what comes after that? well, i'm so glad you asked. i've mentioned before that my plan for the end of OOTS is to have the clans only technically win the great battle. a pyrrhic victory, if you will (guess who just learned that phrase, hehe).
after that happens, there will be an interlude fic, probably about 50-70k as well, but potentially longer because i really love the concept. currently the working title for that is Pyrrhic/Pyrrhus. i might change it. it's already had several title changes. but it exists!
after THAT, if i'm still hanging around, i'd love to do an AVOS rewrite. that's about as far as my ambition extends, though. the problem is that post-OOTS, the clans' population is devastated (seriously, they need to lose way more cats) and their culture completely changes because, well, duh. that makes it very hard for the story to bear any kind of resemblance to a canon built around the old four clans. like, most of the cast of AVOS/TBC simply would not be born bc their parents died.
but yeah. we'll cross that bridge when we get to it.
as far as a timeline goes, optimistically i'd like to start posting Three of Swords by the end of 2023. yeah, that's a long way away. i'm busy, y'all, and the Most Ideal thing would be to have it almost completely done so we don't end up trapped in another 2.5 year disaster.
if you would like to encourage the fic to move faster, you can feed my brainworms by asking me stuff or throwing ideas my way! on this blog, preferably. i know i made a sideblog for the 'verse, but i don't feel like dealing with it right now. i'll leave it up in case i change my mind, though.
if you made it all the way through this, hi! thanks! it's been fun. i gotta go write.
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Thought I had forgotten about this? Nah, I was just kinda busy
Continuing with my not-really-live blogging
Back to Symby, following Dylan getting stabbed (again), aka my favorite thing ever
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I screamed when Symby first told us that Dylan was his, and I still lose my mind every time it’s mentioned. A whole page of it?? Symby comparing him to his full symbiote spawns?? “Flesh of my symbiote flesh”!!!
(Idk if people have a problem with Dylan being half symbiote and Symby’s son, but it is said so many times during this part that it feels like the author being like “that’s really what it is, it’s not a metaphor, it’s not adoption, they really mean it”)
Also… it catches my eye that the Life Foundation babies were grouped with Sleeper, not with Carnage. It makes me somehow optimist about their return in the big event coming up. Of course, none of the babies are murderous like Carnage is, but I don’t think they have been on the same side as Venom like ever, and Symby called them monster before
(I have a feeling they may not be with the good guys this time either, what with all those evil Symbiote Gods before, but what I’m hopeful for is at least one display that Symby cares at least a little… or them recognizing that it’s not their fault they always get controlled and manipulated and all that)
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I am intrigued by the difference between “heal” and “repair”. I have some theories but not enough to work with right now.
This is the second time in a short time that Symby mentions Anti-Venom and it’s kinda cool they are so normal about… it? Them? When Anti-Venom is the personification of that messy divorce (even the name!) and also… a really weird symbiote mutant. It’s fascinating, I want to explore this more
(Also the whole thing with Flash being its/their current host, reborn from it/them, there’s so much potential)
Also. We all are well familiar with the intimacy and romance of Symby fixing their lover’s body. Now we see the love and care in fixing their child’s body. I don’t think I talk enough about the beauty of it, of Symby being bonded with their child, being able to protect him, shielding him with their body, maybe sending away the nightmares or something. So much potential
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Back to the Eddies… I didn’t expect that I would start liking them all so suddenly. It just took breaking the timeline or whatever it was that just happened. Wilde is soooo silly. I already liked his design anyway
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Wow. Finnegan’s redemption arc wasn’t on my bingo card. I’m sad we lost him right when he was getting interesting.
Also calling Carnage their “original sin” and then “this Eddie Brock is done with being a sinner”… I like this aesthetics here
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This is Eddie, not Venom. Eddie alone. There’s no Symby being lovesick for Peter somewhere in their shared mind. Eddie talked highly of Peter. He bragged about learning from him. I love this development. I also love the idea that Eddie learned from Peter indirectly, via Symby. Wonderful
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I don’t remember why this screenshot. Probably because I like Carnage being a freak, like “you and Daddy Venom”? Classic. Also I think I want to think more about this comparison
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Just a random beginning to a story I thought of writing on the way home today, will definitely continue this if it gets a few likes...
30,000. How long ago was it that she used to wonder if she'd be able to make that amount on her first job. Probably not that long ago, she knew that for sure.
30,000. That's how much she made her parents lose. Every. Single. Month. Later, they'd tell her it was a miscalculation, it was actually the amount they had to spend on her as well as her brother, but it was too late now, the numbers were already engraved in her mind.
30,000. She sat down on the bed, taking out a pen from her case, and abruptly jabbed it into her hand, worse than the previous one. She stared intensely at the small blob of bright red blood, determined to do much worse.
30,000. A hand grabbed her. She understood, and dropped the pen. Didn't mean that she wasn't mad at him. "Why?" she yelled at him. His eyes widened, those same eyes she'd fallen in love with, hardly an year ago.
30,000. "Stop! Think!" he yelled back, in that soft, yet firm voice, his accent barely noticeable under all the force he put into it. "Remember the promise?" "Of course I do, " she barely managed, almost choking on her words, "I wasn't trying to do it, I swear"
30,000. "Good", he was speaker softer now, and he reached down to place his hand in hers to comfort her, their fingers intertwined. She liked that, it made her feel safe. Warm. Good. Happy. Life.
30,000. "Don't you die before having a wonderful healthy family with kids. Also, we're gonna see a Miku concert. And revisit me, remember that?" "I do" she was smiling now, her head buried in his chest as they snuggled together on her bed.
TBC... Hope you like it. Any constructive criticism is absolutely welcome. Will post more if I get at least 5 likes. Or even just one, no problems with that.
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eyebulb · 4 months
Wow.. Before today I only ever saw people talk about the people who called Stolas a rapist. Now I've seen some of the takes myself and I'm baffled... First of all.. Yes, their situation is messy as hell.. that's kind of the point. They're both disasters and got into something for all the wrong reasons and keep hurting each other. But literally NOWHERE have we ever seen Stolas holding the book as a way to FORCE Blitz into anything. Yes, it's a favours for favours thing. Yes Blitz calls himself a nighthooker (not a dayhooker), and calls it transactional fucking. That is all true. But Stolas has never been shown to take the book away from Blitz, should Blitz say no. As far as we know, he even put an end to the fucking himself once he realized that it wasn't as mutual as he thought. According to the texts in Western Energy, they haven't been with each other since Ozzie's and lo and behold, Blitz still has the book. Stolas is Naive.. he doesn't know romance outside of fiction and he gets carried away easily. His crime is not paying attention enough and not being enough of a people person to be able to read Blitz's moods accurately (but mind you.. Blitz can't read his own emotions either so..).. But Blitz has given continuous consent. There was no direct way for Stolas to think anything differently than that Blitz was also in on it up until Ozzie's.. When Blitz openly showed that he didn't believe Stolas cared about him. First time we see Blitz say no, and Stolas accepted it immediately (Even though Blitz probably thought that his "we could just talk" was just another way to get him into bed. But just because Blitz THOUGHT that, it does not mean that that's something Stolas WOULD DO). Right after that.. oh what did Stolas do?? Oh Idk.. went on a whole self-reflection thing, admitting his mistakes and went on a whole journey to end the deal without putting Blitz on the street so to say. tbc...
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