#piers morgan uncensored
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I had a little too much fun with these. Also a bit of Kaya posting at the end.
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bassem youssef is gonna do another video with piers morgan on october 31st (7pm gmt)
its gonna go live on youtube, make sure to show our favorite egyptian comedian support !!!
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mariluphoto · 9 months
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Piers Morgan
Piers Morgan is entrapping Palestinian and Muslims on his show.
Disabling nuance and pushing them to violate the law and lose their jobs.
Caption: More to come on this.
I was invited on his show weeks ago, but they didn't follow up because, perhaps, I know the law and they don't want nuance.
But the whole "Do you condem Hamas?" Question is tantamount to entrapment. Asking that question so people get in trouble legally, on air, without knowledge of the law or legal counsel.
This isn't journalism. This is Duress.
piersmorganuncencensored we see what you're doing. And I know a bit about your producer and operation.
Here's the kicker... one of his producer's is Muslim.
(via. khaledbeydoun)
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roma107 · 11 months
Raising a spoiled brat that has now grown into a sociopath
Israel-Hamas War: Piers Morgan vs Rahma Zein On Palestine's Suffering | ...
"i hear u i agree with you..." "call for a ceasefire then" "that's not my job....." "have sensational interviews sure"
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jerseydeanne · 2 years
Dickie Arbiter On Prince Harry's 'Spare' Book
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hasanabiyoutube · 21 days
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voxpeople · 21 days
"I've Been Cancelled", Lucy Letby Says In Interview With Piers Morgan
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Pediatric nurse Lucy Letby has given her first interview since being convicted on seven counts of infant murder, where she has explained to Piers Morgan how she has become the latest victim of cancel culture.
"This lib hate mob rushed to judgment and before I had a chance to defend myself, I lost everything overnight," she said on a recent episode of Piers Morgan Uncensored. "They just decided it's not politically correct to kill, or even try and kill young children anymore."
Morgan was inevitably condemned by liberals for having Letby as a guest on his show and similarly applauded by warriors of free speech for ignoring controversies that have surrounded Letby and allowing her a voice on his platform.
During her interview with Morgan, Letby blamed the mainstream media and political correctness for robbing her of freedoms and rights and landing her in prison: "You never think it could happen to you," she said, "but in the increasing madness that currently pervades out world, no one is safe."
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cebothelover · 1 year
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Armie talking about some names who helped or contacted him
"... a few, a few.. Luca Guadagnino has also been vocally supportive which is something that I could not appreciate more but.. at the same time I'm also well aware that it is a precarious situation right now and anyone vocalizes support comes under fire and I understand that my situation was inflammatory and anyone who gets too close might also light on fire..."
Piers Morgan Uncensored, 07.19.2024
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hooked-on-elvis · 9 months
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Priscilla herself talks about the Elvis we watch as portrayed on "Priscilla" (2023) and the real Elvis Presley:
I feel like sharing this excerpt from this 2023 interview with Priscilla Beaulieu [I kinda feel weird calling her 'Presley', judge me if you will], because although people outside Elvis fandom might not give a damn about the full picture, the real story, this needs to be cleared out and exposed to everyone to see. Elvis wasn't a monster as he may look like to some people when parts of his life are taken and edited out to make it to the big screen and cause a big fuss, as movies are supposed to for a good reason ($$$). Like Priscilla says (and any person with minimum brain function still on the right place may understand right away):
"Yes, he had a temper and yes, it was what he felt in that moment (referring to Elvis throwing a chair scene on 'Priscilla' movie), but that didn't mean he was like that all the time. Hardly!" (...) "He was a human being and he had feelings and, yes, he had a temper. He didn't show it that much but when he did, he had every reason to." — Priscilla on November, 2023.
FULL INTERVIEW [published on November 2, 2023, on 'Piers Morgan Uncensored' Youtube channel] HERE.
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Yes, Tom Parker was a genius in promoting Elvis' career and did wonderful things for him as a performer, but he also deceived Elvis a lot once he figured 'the formula' to make big bucks out of Elvis' talent, not giving shit about what Elvis wanted in personal satisfaction wise. But the thing about the interview is not specially Elvis' relationship with Parker. Is about him as a person. He could be short tempered at times but he wasn't insane. Period. Elvis was human, like you and me, and he was anything but cold blooded. "He knew what he wanted, he had feelings." He made himself clear whenever he liked or not something going on in his life. It doesn't mean his temper tantrums were frequent or that it had no reason to take place. Let's be fair when talking about a real person.
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pinkflowerperson · 10 months
While speaking on Piers Morgan Uncensored on Tuesday, Hungarian-Canadian physician and Holocaust survivor Dr Gabor Mate disputed that there was “coexistence” between Palestinians and Israelis prior to 7 October, saying that there was “oppression, periodic massacres and land occupation” instead.
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trexalicious · 2 months
Roseanne Barr stated on Piers Morgan Uncensored in June that Archie was born in Portland, OR, and names a reported birth mother...🤔
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stream bassem youssef vs piers morgan interview on youtube
live now !!!
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zee-man-chatter · 1 year
"They Are Preemptively Convicting Him!" Piers Morgan On Russell Brand Deplatforming
Piers Morgan Uncensored is joined by Daily Wire political commentator Michael Knowles to react to the news of a letter from MP Caroline Dinenage being sent to social media platform Rumble questioning whether they will suspend monetisation of the controversial star Russell Brand amidst abuse allegations being made against him. Piers thinks it is absolutely ridiculous that MPs are getting involved in this situation as Brand has not been found guilty and it sets a dangerous precedent as they are "preemptively convicting him". Michael tells Piers: "YouTube and Rumble are not supposed to be enforcing the law."
Too many good points to mention, great interview!
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celticcrossanon · 6 months
Celta, I realize this piece of gossip can be filed under "who cares?" category, lol, but Royal Reporter (*cough, cough* shill for KC3) went on Piers Morgan's Uncensored YT show on March 18th and said that William pulled out of the Greek King memorial service "due to a disagreement with a member of the royal family." IMO, either W pulled out due to a sick kid as Neil Sean reported or because W didn't want to play his father's PR games. It's a moot point now, but I thought you'd want to know. :)
Hi Nonny,
Thank you for sending this in. I hope that Prince William had the sense to pull out once he realised how he was positioned, but whatever the reason, it was good that he was not there.
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emanblr · 6 months
Omg that was epic
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