#piglin hybrid wilbur
The Botanist and The Preistess
Tucked between the small houses of the poor side of the capital there is a little shop. From the outside, it looks like a common house save from the big glass on the front; on the inside the walls are full of hanging herbs, flowers and other plants.
On the other side of the counter, stands a man with a kind smile who's always ready to make some small talk and offer some kind words. That and the sweet smell of the herbs, made a certain pigling hybrid certain that that was the perfect place to take his sick brother.
Author's notes
Happy new Year! Have this one shot as a treat!
If you want to make a similar AU, inspired by this one, feel free as long as you credit me.
Much love,
formercreepypastakid (aka Bela)
The botanist and the preistess
Tucked between the small houses of the poor side of the capital there is a little shop. From the outside, it looks like a common house save from the big glass on the front; on the inside the walls are full of hanging herbs, flowers and other plants.
On the other side of the counter, stands a man with a kind smile who's always ready to make some small talk and offer some kind words. That and the sweet smell of the herbs, made a certain pigling hybrid certain that that was the perfect place to take his sick brother.
Phil was humming a cheerful tone under his breath, turned away from the door, when the bell above the door dingled. "Good morning!" He said automatically. "I'll be with you in a moment!"
"Sir…" sounded a small voice, hesitant, as if the kid was still learning to speak. "My brother is ill."
The botanist turned around instantly and he had to lean over the counter to see the two little things that had entered his shop. The taller one was about the same height as a ten year old, but knowing Piglin anatomy, Phil could tell he was older than that; he carried a smaller one on his back, about the same age, but looking terribly ill.
"Oh goddess." Phil gasped, the kid flinched slightly. "Come here, quick, he doesn't look well." Rushed the botanist, raising the entrance to the counter and guiding the boys through the backdoor that led to the working space.
The taller kid sat his brother down on the chair Phil led him to, but refused to let go of his hand as the botanist hurried around the room to gather the needed things.
"Okay… I need to know a few things before I help, can you answer me some questions." He asked, pulling another chair and sitting in front of the kids.
The kid pondered for a few seconds, looking at his sleeping brother, then he nodded.
"Okay, What’s yours and your brother's names?" Asked Phil
"Technoblade." Said the kid pointing at himself. "Wilbur." he pointed at his brother.
"Okay, now how old are you both?" The botanist asked again.
"Twelve, twins." Technoblade answered, eyeing his twin. “Please, he’s very cold.”
"Alright., don’t worry, I'll be quick." The Botanist seemed to sign in relief, then he stood up, picking up the herbs he had separated and starting to crunch them.
Technoblade looked over at the cauldron bubbling in the corner with mild suspicion. He wanted to go check on it, and look what herbs The Botanist was using, but he also didn’t want to let go of Wilbur's hand. "Name?" He asked instead. He was glad the lady from the temple had allowed him to borrow books during the last month, it would have been a pain to not know any common now.
"Oh! Sorry mate, I haven't introduced myself." Said The Botanist without turning his gaze away from the herbs; "My name is Philza. You did great by coming here, your brother isn't in any immediate danger, but he sure must be in some pain. This potion will help him recover in no time!" He threw the grounded herbs into the cauldron and a sweet smell spreaded through the room.
Wilbur inhaled sharply by Techno’s side, like simply smelling the potion was already relieving his pain. The man turned back to Techno with a kind smile.
“I have no… pay…” Techno said, shyly. They had already used the little gold they had; turns out it wasn’t that valuable outside the nether.
“Pay? Oh there is no need to pay.” Philza sounded so sure that Techno had no courage to retort, after all, the lady from the temple told them to come here, she wouldn't have sent them unless she knew that it would be fine not to pay, right?
“Alright…” Technoblade said.
The botanist made Wilbur swallow the sweet-smelling liquid, then carried him to a room upstairs and laid him on the big bed saying; “There, you two can rest while I make some food.” And Technoblade hoped with all his being that the man was actually safe, because he was so tired that he laid beside Wilbur and fell asleep almost instantly.
Philza made potato stew for the twin hybrids resting in his room, then he got some cough syrup from his storage and set it all aside, wondering if there was anything else he could make.
Through the years, many children had stepped in his shop, some in ragged clothes and little coins on their tiny hands, others with nothing but dirt and pleading looks; Phil took all of them in, some for only hours, others for days, some for weeks or months. Some would come back holding their parent’s hand and saying “look” The potion worked!” others he would never hear from again. None of them were hybrids.
Hybrids were somewhat of a rare sight, mostly because of the hardships of surviving outside their own realm. No wonder the first hybrids he ever saw other than himself were pale and shivering, one of them being very ill due to the temperature difference. Despite that, they seemed fine, well taken care of. It was probably just a reaction to the weather.
With steps light as feathers, Phil inched the door open to check on the children, and saw them both asleep, burrowed beneath the covers and hugged so close he was worried Wilbur would overheat, then he brushed this worry aside, if those kids really came from the nether they would be used to sleeping in piles, probably with other children their age.
Phil wanted to ask them why they left the nether, because judging from their state they were not used to overworld temperatures-
The bell on the front door jingled again and Phil halted on his thoughts, going to the front, if it was another customer he would probably have to turn them down. He opened the door, being met with a familiar face.
“Are they here? Did they arrive safely? God I should have come with them!” Kristin went on a tangent.
“Hey, hey!” He interrupted her, holding his lover’s hands and meeting her eyes. “You mean the two little piglins? They are fine, sleeping safely and sound.” He reassured her, Kristin sighed in relief. “How did you even meet them?”
“I didn’t.” She explained. “They came to the temple to pray and they were oh-so ragged! I couldn’t just let them leave. Besides, I’ve never seen piglin hybrids in the overworld, much less praying to the goddess of death.” As she talked, Phil took her through the back door and sat down at the table with her. After a pause, she continued; “I wish I could have done more for them, not let them get sick at all, but the temple doesn't really have resources for children… Sorry to throw them onto you all of a sudden like this, Phil but I had duties…”
Phil reached for her hand over the table; “Hey, you did amazing, they were clean, well-fed and wearing good clothes, kids just get sick sometimes, it happens. And it’s no big deal! Send me a hundred sick kids and I’ll take care of all of them. I'm a botanist, that’s literally my job!” That took a little snort out of her.
Phil smiled and poured himself a bowl of stew. Maybe he liked this feeling a little too much, chatting in the kitchen while two kids slept in his room. Maybe he was overdue to an expansion to his house, an extra room couldn’t hurt…
The end (maybe)
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elementic-symphony · 1 year
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My four fav bois. Fly high Techno.
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lildevyl · 2 years
Tommy Innit's Secret Clinic Chapter 8:  Michael’s Birthday
Summary: The Bench Trio celebrate Michael’s Birthday!
A/N: So some fluff here! Also this chapter does have some background with Wilbur and Techno. Their backgrounds were inspired by Tommy's Ultra-Important Keychain by SeriouslyCalamitous
Also will tag the chapters with Trigger Warnings. Just to be safe.
TW: Mention of Past Child Abuse, Mention of Past Child Neglect, Mention/Implied Past Mugging.
(Bad’s Café)
Tommy couldn’t keep the grin that was plastered on his face off.  He was excited about today!  It was Michael’s Birthday today and the little trouble maker was turning eleven today.  Tommy was at Bad’s Café picking up the two dozen muffins that Bad insisted on giving Tommy to take to the party.
“Tell little trouble maker Muffin Head, Happy Birthday for me!”
“Will do Bad!”
“Tommy!”  Wilbur called out as he walked into the Café.
“Wilbur!  How are you doing?”  Tommy asked.
“I’m doing good.  I came by to see if you were working today.  I’m guessing that you’re not working today though.”  Wilbur gestured to the muffins in Tommy’s hand.  Then he noticed a present as well.  “What’s the special occasion?”
“Huh, oh!  It’s Michael’s birthday today!”  Tommy answered.  “Michael’s a kid that I sometimes watch on the side for Ms. Pinkett.”
“That’s cool.  Give me a minute and I’ll walk with you,” Wilbur offered.
Tommy was about to protest, but Wilbur had already ordered his coffee to go and paid for it.  A few minutes later, Wilbur was right by Tommy’s side and gestured for them to get going.
“So, how did you become a part time babysitter for Michael?”  Wilbur asked with a teasing tone and soft smile.
“Ms. Pinkett used to be my Foster Parent before me and my roommates got out of the system.  She was one of the “Good Ones” I guess you can say.  The Foster System sent us to a Group Home for us “Problem Kids.”  It actually turned out to be a good thing though.  She really helped out a lot.  But we just   .   .   .   couldn’t stay.  She understood and even helped us get out.”
Tommy went quiet as memories came back.  Ms. Pinkett was literally one of the “Good Ones” in the Foster System.  Years of going from home to home, so many rules broken and too many lies being told to him time and time again.  It got to the point that Tommy literally thought that there was something wrong with him for why no one wanted him.  So many different homes, schools, and a Social Worker who literally just seemed like they were too tired to care.  Yeah, Tommy couldn’t have been more grateful for Ms. Pinkett!
But when the “Incident” as Tommy refers to it happened.  It was when Tommy was younger and was very naïve of the world.  Seeing someone slumped over bleeding in an alleyway on his way from school one day.  Tommy, not even thinking about it, went over to the stranger and healed him.  Some time later, Tommy nearly got kidnapped because of his healing powers.  
Tommy couldn’t help but wonder what would have happened if Ms. Pinkett hadn’t come barreling down the street and got them to her brother’s house!  She was so furious with the Police when they just wrote it off as a “Prank.”  It was at that point that Ms. Pinkett had helped teach Tommy about his powers and the dangers of having said powers.
Tommy looked over at Wilbur when he came back to reality from Memory Lane.  He was expecting the “Pity Looks” and the “Sympathetic Frown” because that’s what Tommy mostly got from people when they learned that he was a Foster Child.  Every now and then you come across the “Good Samaritans” that literally only saw you as a gig for their blog or a “Charity Case” Opportunity to get brownie points from their viewers.
Tommy, already mentally preparing himself for the “I’m sorry to hear that Toms.”  But when Tommy looked over at Wilbur, he was surprised.  None of that came, as a matter of fact, Wilbur, himself looked so deep in thought, like he went down Memory Lane as well.
“Kinda sounds like me and Tech before Phil adopted us.”  Wilbur said after a few minutes of silence.  Tommy’s jaw hit the floor.  Wilbur?  Wilbur and Techno were in the Foster System?
“Phil was a Foster Parent for a while before his wife died.  Techno was placed with Phil because, well, he was a “Problem Child” and no one wanted to deal with a Piglin Brute Hybrid.  I came along a little later.  Phil found me on the streets after I ran away from home.”
“Why did you run away from home?  Was it that bad?”  Tommy asked.  Tommy just couldn’t fathom why you would run away from having parents, a home, people who cared about you?
“Yeah it was.  My parents only really cared about their reputation, what others might think of them.  It was all about money and their perfect image and if you didn’t fit into that perfect image.  Then they just tried to sweep it under the rug or tried to fix it.  When I came into my Hybrid features, they literally tried to get me to hide it or suppress it.  They couldn’t stand having a *cough* Mer Hybrid as a son.  I ran away when I was about ten?  Eleven?  I think?  Phil found me six months later and took me in.  A few years later Phil officially adopted us.”
Tommy couldn’t help the stab of jealousy that shot through his chest.  That was every Foster Kids’ dream.  To finally find a family that will love you because of all of your flaws and not expect a perfect child to be molded into.  But he also felt a bit of sympathy for Wilbur.  He couldn’t imagine what it must be like to have parents that cared more about money and what people thought about them than their own child?
“I had to officially and legally disown my own parents.  One so Phil could adopt me and two because the last thing I wanted was to have my parents see that I ‘made it’ and then decide they want their son back.”  Wilbur explained.
Tommy nodded in understanding.  He heard and read countless stories of families neglecting and/or abandoning family members.  Only to come back in their lives full of empty promises and praises all because their kid had “made it big.”
“I work for Phil and he owns a Studio Company.  I’m in charge of the Music Department.  Techno’s the Social Media Manager.  Phil’s in charge of looking over everything.  We have other people that help out as well.  I’m also trying to get my own music out there.”
“Wait, do you sing, Wilbur?”
Wilbur started to flush at that.  “I tinker around.  I play guitar and I sing.  I write my own songs as well.”
“You’re going to have to show me sometime.”  Tommy smiled imagining what Wilbur’s singing voice would sound like.
“Sure, you can stop by my place sometime and I’ll sing for you!  Also, I think we’re near where you live.”  Wilbur gestured to Tommy’s apartment complex.
“Yep, we’re here.”  Tommy turned to the rundown, and crumbling building in front of them.  
Wilbur made a face at the state of Tommy’s apartment complex and the cracking concrete steps.  But didn’t say anything about it.  Tommy was truly grateful for that.  Tommy knew that their living conditions weren’t ideal and it would be nice to live in a place where the carpets weren’t stained with something that suspiciously looks like mold or blood.   Or to have vents that didn’t have a strange smell to it.  Or to have a building that didn’t have a fresh coat of paint to cover up some kind of “Crime Scene.”
But unfortunately, they can’t.  At least not yet.  Ranboo should be getting a raise here soon and he is without a doubt one the best and youngest Assistant Managers the Pet Store ever has!  And if Tubbo got accepted into one of L’Manburg’s Tech Schools.  Then there was a sure chance that Tubbo could get a really decent paying job.  Tommy’s content at working at Bad’s.  Tommy really didn’t have any future plans for himself other than getting the hell out of the Foster System and try to forget about that day.
“I’ll see you later Tommy?”  Wilbur asked, bringing Tommy out of his tumbling thoughts.
“Yeah, Wil.  I’ll see you tomorrow at the Café!”  Tommy called after his friend and headed up the steps and towards the elevator to his and his friends apartment.
(Ms. Pinkett’s House)
One bus ride and a five block walk later, Tommy, Ranboo and Tubbo arrive at the party a little bit late but not by much.
“Tommy!  Ranboo!  Tubbo!  It’s so good to see you guys!”  Ms. Pinkett gives each of them a side hug and beaming smile.  “Thanks for coming guys!  Michael’s been super excited to see you!”
“We’re doing good Ms. Pinkett and thanks for inviting us!”  Tommy said.
“Tommy for the last time, it’s Scarlet!  I might not be your Foster Parent anymore but you still babysit -”
“I’m not a baby, Mom!  I don’t need a sitter!”
“But you still ‘supervise’ Michael and his friends from time to time.”  Ms. Pinkett - Scarlet said.
Tommy used to babysit Michael when the three of them lived together.  When Tommy, Ranboo and Tubbo managed to get out of the Foster System and get their own place.  Tommy still “Supervised” Michael and his friends from time to time for Scarlet.  After what almost happened to Tommy and Scarlet nearly getting mugged herself.  Scarlet literally has been asking Tommy when she was unable to get home in time to watch her son for her.  It’s usually only a few hours.  And it never really interfered with Tommy’s schedule at Bad’s.  Scarlet couldn’t have been more grateful for Tommy’s help and offered to pay him for when he “Supervised.”
The trio walked into Scarlet’s one story house and placed the presents on the dining table and headed into the living room.  Tommy instantly recognized Ant (Antonio), an Ant Hybrid and Shroud, a Spider Hybrid, two of Michael’s best friends that he had known since Kindergarten.  Tommy also recognized a few other people that Scarlet works with at the Starlight Plaza and their kids.  And Tommy of course recognized Karen and her two trouble-making kids.  Luckily, for everyone else, there were plenty of adult chaperons to make sure that Karen’s entitled kids don’t cause a scene.
The party was in full swing, with plenty of games, food, cutting the cake and serving ice cream.  Michael sat down on the couch opening up his presents and thanking everyone.  Michael got a few new board games that Tommy had feeling would be played by Michael and his two friends the minute the party was done.  A couple of stuffed animals that he really enjoyed (Michael loved the chicken plushy that Tommy made him).  He also enjoyed the Heroes vs Villains video game that Tubbo got him.  Ranboo got him a gold plated hair clip for when he wants to braid his hair.
Unfortunately, the trio couldn’t stay for long because they had to make sure that they made it to the bus stop in time.  After giving Michael a final hug and promise to stop by some time, the trio headed.  That early evening, Tommy, Ranboo and Tubbo, rode the bus home with laughter in their ears and smiles on their faces.
Little did they know their world would come crashing down around them.
Siren -Wilbur
Erinyes - Techno
Orcus -Phil
Theseus - Tommy
Nuke - Tubbo
Ender - Ranboo
Michael the Piglin - Is a Hybrid in this story might actually be a little more in the story. IDK yet!
Tagging: @weirdmixofweirdness, @tracobuttons, @nightfuryobsessed, @iamliteraltrash1, @luna-moonblood, @ashedflower, @a-humble-narcissus
Previous Chapters:
Chapter One: Head Injury Link Here
Chapter Two: Nuke and Ender Link Here
Chapter Three: Some New Faces Link Here
Chapter Four: New Places Link Here
Chapter Five: Unexpected Visitors Link Here
Chapter Six: Getting Help Link Here
Chapter Seven: Group Home Link Here
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mathanlin · 10 months
// mentions of past starvation/hypothermia
Witch/Hybrid AU where the SBI coven are all Piglins — and human!Tommy pretends he’s one of them. 
It’s simple. A potion he takes every morning, shifting him into the perfect Piglin child, warm and lovable.  
But when it’s time for SBI to hibernate, Tommy can’t follow. 
As they prepare, Tommy keeps frantically pretending.
“You need to eat more,” Phil says worriedly, nudging another bowl of mushrooms toward him. His supposed ‘favorite.’ Another lie. “Store up for the winter, mate.”
It’s so kind, Tommy barely has to force a tusky smile.
He’s lucky. 
For having that shapeshifting potion the first time he met them, begging for help. For being able to stay, to steal ingredients for a hundred more potions.
To have them, even if it’s only because of a lie. 
And even when he slips up, they just teach him. 
“It’s okay,” Wilbur reassures, when Tommy shakily explains he doesn’t understand the chuffing sound Phil made. “You didn’t have anyone to teach you.”
He's right. Tommy didn't have anyone for *anything.* Not until the coven.
And they're about to leave him.
“This spot’s for you.”
Techno lays a massive blanket right in the middle of the nest. Tommy’s fake, stolen instincts wail as he sets a hand on Tommy’s shoulder, smiling softly. 
(Tommy knows it’d be a snarl if he’d forgotten to take the potion that morning.)
“You tell me if it’s uncomfortable, kid.” He laughs — or at least, that’s what the short chuffs apparently mean. “Even if you’ll be fast asleep.”
*I won’t,* Tommy wants to sob. *I’ll be awake. And you’ll all leave me.*
*All winter, I’ll be alone.*
And there’s nothing he can do to stop them when the first frost comes. 
It’s Wilbur who drifts off first, buried in the nest at Tommy’s side. Then Techno, pulling him close as he slides into sleep. 
Only Phil stays awake, eyes half-lidded and voice slurred.
“Are you okay?”
Tommy nods, shivering against Techno’s slow-falling chest.
Phil huffs worriedly. He pulls another blanket over Tommy, chuffing in concern so deep it’s painful. “Sleep. I’m here. You’re safe.”
*I know you’re here,* Tommy thinks. *That’s the problem.*
But words can't convince Phil, so deep in his instincts. Only actions.
So Tommy forces his eyes to shut, breathing steadily even though all he wants to do is sob.
And when Phil curls around him, sliding into unconsciousness, Tommy doesn’t lean into his touch.
Doesn’t wake him.
For that night, he can pretend everything’s okay. That he’s not wide awake, trembling as the coven sleeps. 
It’s only when the sun rises that he lets himself cry, sobbing when the potion wears off for the first time in ages. 
Just a reminder he never belonged in the first place.
He forces himself to stand, pulling away from the coven’s embrace & flinching when they huff quietly at his absence, still deep in sleep. 
And he tries not to shiver when he slips out of the magically warmed room. 
Because being alone isn’t just an emotional war. 
He has a winter to survive. 
Food, to find (as he refuses to steal any more from them). Cold, to bear (so he doesn’t sleep in the nest & risk disturbing them). 
But without them, he’ll be right back where he started. 
And this time, they’re not awake to save him.
It’s Techno that wakes early, ripped out of hibernation.
He knows immediately what’s wrong — the cold spot where Tommy should be. Dazed with sleep, he rips open the nesting room’s door— 
And a human kid tumbles in from where he’d been leaning against it.
It’s not hard to piece together.
The potion ingredients that’d been stolen — potions for shapeshifting. Tommy’s confusion about Piglins (despite ‘being one’). The tattered clothes the kid’s wearing — *Tommy’s* clothes. 
And the way he slurs, “I’m s’rry,”” before passing out.
It’s a coma.
Tommy’s starved, entirely emaciated. His human skin’s icy under Techno’s hands — too cold, even for a human. 
And even when Phil & Wilbur frantically wake from their hibernations, Tommy stays in his. 
They’re all thinking it, even if it’s not said aloud — *We left him.*
So this time, they don’t leave. They hurry him into the nest, desperately using every kind of magic they can to break the coma — and it works.
But when Tommy wakes, he’s delirious. 
And utterly terrified.
“I woke you up.”
It’s spoken with horror, though Tommy’s voice is painfully weak. He lets out a sob as he looks at himself — frostbitten, starved, but worst of all, *human.*
And in their nest. 
“I’ll— I’ll leave—”
“Are you fucking serious?”
It’s Wilbur that snaps out of his relieved stupor first. 
“Leave? Look at you, you’re half fucking dead, Tommy.”
(*Look at you. You’re human,* Tommy thinks.)
“I’m sorry, I can— I’ll go—”
“No,” Wilbur cries, incredulous, “Tommy, we want you to *stay.*”
It’s quiet. But all of SBI hear it.
Even the words Tommy doesn’t speak — *I’m human. I lied to you.*
And Phil still reaches towards him, letting out a comforting chuff.
“C’mere, mate.”
Though Tommy stays frozen, Phil wraps a thick blanket around him, gently nudging him towards the center of the nest — the spot they’d set up for him. The spot that’s still his. 
Whether he’s a Piglin or not.
It takes months of consoling to assure Tommy he belongs there.
But they have months. Instead of hibernating, they just rest, always awake enough to attempt to Tommy’s needs. Food, water, warmth. 
But he’s most relieved to have them. 
And they’re overjoyed to have him. 
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cookie-nom-nom · 1 year
between his stage name of Wilbur (boar) and his real last name of Gold, Wilbur basically seems predestined to get interpreted as a piglin hybrid, further cementing his role as Technoblade’s twin. In this essay I will-
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nekole-doodles · 1 month
Here are some of my SBI hybrid(?) headcanons since I have a special love for these kinds of headcanons:
C! Technoblade: A Piglin hybrid with absolute control of his hybrid traits. Basically, he can control his human traits to piglin traits ratio. His original form basically looks like a full Piglin but his preferred form when he was young was a mostly human form with subtle piglin traits. This was because he grew up with Phil and Wilbur(then eventually Tommy) who looked mostly human besides a few hybrid traits. His preferred form when fighting as he earned the title The Blood God was either his full piglin form/his original form or mostly human with very prominent piglin features(like full tusks, piglin ears, bright red eyes, and pink-tinted skin). This is because he's stronger in this form, he has better senses, and his skin is tougher. His casual form is usually most human with pointed ears, tanned skin, smaller tusks than his fighting form, and red or very warm brown eyes.
C! Philza: He mostly just has wings and feathers behind his ears and scattered around his face(especially his cheeks) and body(mostly his hands). However, whenever he's angry or fighting, his hands turn black(with more feathers) and he has sharper nails/claws and his eyes glow gold with black scleras. It makes him look more intimidating and he can use his claws to tear through skin in fights. Also, his vision is naturally very sharp :]
C! Wilbur: I was kinda stuck between making him human, a sea hybrid of some kind, or an avian like Phil, but I decided that an avian would make the most sense since he's biologically Phil's son in canon. Also, just as a side note, only the hybrid type typically gets passed down to the children, meaning that although Phil(and also Kristin) have black/crow wings, Wilbur could have wings from a different species of bird. That being said, I feel like owl wings would fit Wilbur pretty well. I'm still figuring out exactly what species, but his wings are different shades of brown with dark speckles. He has feathers in similar places as Phil but they aren't as visible and he doesn't have claws/can't shift to have claws like Phil can. However, his eyes can change to glow gold with black scleras. It's whenever he's experiencing strong emotions in general like excitement or anger, not just strong negative emotions. I also kinda want to include the detail that little tufts of feathers grow in his hair :>
C! Tommy: For Tommy, I seriously debated with myself if he should be human, an avian, or a demon post-revival. However, after reading The Dreamwalker by Hydre, I have fell in love with the headcanon that Tommy is a shapeshifter :D That way, there's a little bit of all the headcanons I was trying to decide between. So Tommy was born a shapeshifter but his default form is an avian. His wings are red with white tips and speckles of gold throughout them. He has feathers behind his ears but nowhere else unlike Phil and Wilbur. The other forms he really likes are a full blond raccoon form, a raccoon hybrid form, a full bird form(probably a red cardinal or smth) and forms that take the hybrid traits of his friends(like Ranboo's tail, horns, and white/black freckles or Tubbo's goat ears and horns). He subconsciously adds the traits of people he loves to his form and it's his way of showing someone he trusts and cares about them. Although he's a shapeshifter, if he loses or injures a body part, he can not shapeshift to fix it. For example, Dream seriously injured his wings during exile but he can't shift them to fix them. Everytime he shifts away wings, they will come back in the state they were last in and injuries can only heal if they are physically out. He can't shift away scars in his human or avian forms because he got the scars in his human or avian forms and his base/original form is his avian one so scars stay in that form. Also, his other body parts get converted to fit the anatomy of other animals, meaning that his arms shift into wings when he turns into a bird since his arms align with the placement of bird wings better than the wings on his back. Injuries also shift between forms unless the body part is just shifted away(like his avian wings or a tail) instead of converted so if Tommy gets a wound on his arm, it will stay on the corresponding wing when he turns into a bird. He can add or remove clothes to his form but he can only take off clothes that are separate from his actual body and wasn't shifted on just so he can't make an infinite amount of clothes. If he shifts out of clothes from his human form when he turns into an animal, he'll automatically have those clothes back on no matter what and he won't be able to add clothes that he shifted on himself until he takes those off(and technically, clothes he shifts on are stuck on his body since they are an extension/a part of his body, don't think about it too much though). I'm still figuring out more of the logistics of shapeshifting but that's what I have so far and hopefully it makes sense. Also, again, credits to The Dreamwalker by Hydre for the idea and a good amount of the shapeshifter logic :)
Those are my headcanons for SBI's forms! That took longer than expected but it was fun :D
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kay-then-i-guess · 8 months
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A not-so-brief discussion of my Techno design, mainly because I'm really proud of it....
First of all, don't get me wrong, I love the big, burly, Piglin-style designs of Techno, and the anime-looking hybrid design with the ~snazzy~ braid is nice. However, when I was designing Techno, I really fell in love with the idea of him just being an overworld pig. For one, it's skin accurate, but to delve deeper into it:
Techno, like all of the sbi children, runs on theatrics. While Wilbur uses it in terms of his charisma and wit, and Tommy practically runs on distractions and diversions (of varying success), Techno creates an air of intimidation. And, it's not that he's naturally intimidating--he's playing it up. It's theatre. Naturally, he's mildly awkward, cracking jokes, and, above all, scared of death. If you go back to a lot of the moments before a battle or confrontation, you can see that he's panicking. Whether it be as obvious as when the Butcher Army came for him, or a little more subtle, like when he and Dream were prepping for the big L'Manberg battle. That isn't the most intimidating personality.
He knows it, though. That's where the theatrics come in. He dresses himself up in red and armor, with a glittering crown. His tactics are terrifying, even if they aren't the most effective. He lets withers loose, even though they may attack him or his allies. He brings in so many wolves that he can barely move. Dream, to contrast, uses more effective, more technical methods. He sets up TNT droppers, he makes lava walls, he fights alone. While his methods are more effective, in the final battle, who are people more scared of? Techno. He uses those tactics not because they're technically the most effective, but because they're intimidating. Think of his iconic phrase: "Technoblade never dies." Making that something that people automatically associate with you will make them afraid of you, and that's on purpose. Techno uses these theatrics to seems intimidating.
I decided to draw him as an overworld pig because he isn't naturally intimidating. Drawing him as such forced me to make him intimidating through other means. Expression, camera angle, lighting, ect.. As my comic progresses and we get more into battle scenes, you'll see more and more what I mean, but yeah. I love my silly little Techno design.
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kywaslost · 2 years
c!Technoblade x sbi!sibbling Reader
A/N: I've been meaning to post this all week and just haven't gotten around to it. Anyway, hope you enjoy!
Warning: sensory overload
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The chilled air nipped at your exposed arms as you sat on the roof of your older brother’s cabin. It was a particularly chilly night. A snow storm was passing through and large snowflakes kissed your flushed cheeks. You wiped at your nose, sniffling softly. You were for sure going to catch a cold, but you didn’t care. The houses below you were loud. You could hear Wilbur yelling at Tommy, then a loud crash coming from the tunnel that connected Techno’s house to Philza’s. Then you could hear Phil yelling.
You occasionally went through periods of time when you were sensitive to certain senses. Right now you were feeling particularly sensitive to sound, and the only way to escape your rambunctious family was to retreat to the roof. You brought your knees to your chest and hugged them tightly. You were slowly dissociating, vision going hazy. You covered your ears and squeezed your eyes shut.
“Y/N?” a gruff voice called out behind you, but you didn’t hear it. “Are you ok?” When you didn’t respond, the man stepped closer to you. Technoblade was a big man, tall and muscular, and he was afraid he’d fall through the roof if he moved the wrong way. He crouched down beside you and rested a hand on your shoulder. “You’re going to get sick.” His hand brushed against your neck and he pulled his hand away. “N/N, you’re freezing!”
Techno froze when he heard your small whimper, flinching away from him slightly.
“I’m sorry,” he muttered, slowly pulling his giant red cloak off of his shoulders. He gently draped it over your shoulders, pulling the hood over your head to keep you warm. Techno pulled you under his arm and into his side. “Is something wrong?”
You whimpered again and pulled the cloak tighter around you. “Sound.” Techno hummed in understanding. 
“Oh, I see,” he said softly. “Would you like me to take you down to my basement? You can’t stay out here any longer, and it’s hard to hear down there.”
“I can’t move,” you answered again. “‘M too cold.”
“I’ll carry you.” Your brother picked you up gently, then slowly made his way back to the open window that he used to get to the roof. He stepped into the study room, then the hallway. He walked down several flights of stairs and opened the spruce door to the basement. There was a narrow hallway, and on one side was an opening to the storage room. The other side was a small gathering room with a fireplace and a few seating places.
Technoblade lowered you to the couch before turning around. He pulled a flint-n-steel from his inventory and lit the fireplace across the room. He then crouched in front of you again.
“Is this better?” he asked softly. “Is it quiet enough?” You nodded slightly, tugging the cloak tighter again.
“Yeah, thanks Tech,” you murmured.
Your older brother smiled gently and pushed some wet hair from your face. Feeling how cold you still were worried him and he frowned. “You’re so cold. And pale.” He stood again, his form towering over you. “I am going to ask Phil to help me get a change of clothes. Is it ok if I leave you here for a moment?” You nodded again and watched the piglin hybrid leave the room.
He returned a few minutes earlier with dry clothes in his hands. He held them out to you. “I’ll step out for a moment so you can change.” 
When you settled back onto the couch, Techno stepped back into the room. He was carrying a large, fluffy blanket, tossing it over you before sitting beside you. You crawled over to him and buried yourself into his side. He let you settle down before wrapping an arm around you. The two of you stayed like this until you had calmed down further. Techno was right when he said that you couldn’t hear anything from his basement. Your senses were returning to normal and you no longer felt anxious and on edge. 
“Phil’s gonna come down here soon,” Techno hummed softly. “He’s worried. As he always is.”
You let out a soft huff as a laugh. “It’s ok. I’ve calmed down now. Thank you, Tech.” Your brother rubbed your arm gently.
“You’re welcome, kiddo.” He hesitated a moment. “It, it happens to me, too. Sensory overload, I mean. So, I guess I know how to help with it.”
You wanted to respond but was interrupted by a soft knock. “May I come in?”
You peeked over your shoulder to see your father, Phil. Technoblade gave him the go-ahead to come in, and the older man crouched down in front of you and your brother. He ran a gentle hand through your hair.
“Hey, honey,” he cooed softly. “Y’alright?” He frowned slightly. “Ender, you’re cold.”
“I’m alright,” you answered. “Tech helped me.”
Phil smiled up at his eldest son. “Yeah, he’s good at that when he wants to.”
“Can I stay down here for a bit longer?” you asked quietly. “It’s quiet. And warm.”
“As long as you need to,” Techno answered. “I like the company.
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py-dreamer · 1 year
SBI & RodentHybrid!Reader
GN!Reader, (this is my first time doing something like this-)
Rats, mice and most rodents alike are under-appreciated in my opinion and I had some SBI brainrot I could not stop.
How did they find you?
Philza had just adopted his 3 chaos sons and was not expecting to have anymore children.
Tommy was 3, Wilbur and Techno were both 10
however, one day he heard tiny squeaks during a trek in the forest.
he thought it was just a regular mouse but it was too loud to be one so he followed the source and peered in the bushes and in it was lil' ol' you
you couldn't have been more than a year old by the looks of it and you were absolutely tiny! you could fit in the palm of his hand
you were also freezing cold and there were no adults around so... guess Phil's gonna adopt another child then!
Your rat features:
I put down rodent hybrid cause' I couldn't make up my mind if you were going to be a mouse or a rat (there's a difference!) so neither can your family!
You have the cartoonishly big mouse ears (think Mickey Mouse) and also a long thin and scaly tail
You also have delicate whiskers and a itty bitty nose that has a surprisingly good sense of smell
There are small patches around your body hear and there
Also, smol. Extremely small. You are by far the shortest in the family. Mice are really small so I think you'd grow to 1ft 6 at most
Rats have strong teeth so you also have a set of really strong buck teeth
Since Techno once talked with a piglin, and Phil's chat are literally crows, you can talk to other rodents
"I'm not like other people! I'm 1ft 6, I have the best sense of smell, I can talk to animals and I have a tail cause I'm a foocking rat baby"
Life with the SBI
it was rather difficult to adjust to the new family member because of the drastic height differences but nothing they couldn't handle
All the seats, tables ect have a little ladder carved in or have a step-ladder attached so you could climb up
Stairs and doors. They were going to be a problem. So Dadza made like a little elevator out of string, small planks of wood and pulleys so you can get up and down the floors. Each door in the house also had a small doggy door on it so you could easily enter...though one time a stray cat had gotten in and chased you around the house so the main door and the door to the backyard had to have little locks installed on the little doors too.
Once you got a bit older, Dadza realized it would've been a very tiring life for you to have to climb up every seat and every table and every shelf you want to use so he made a little hole in the wall under a table and built tiny furniture perfect size for you and helped you decorate your room
Any soft fabric in the house was a perfect napping spot for you. your family would often find you nesting in hoodies, cushions, jackets, cloaks, blankets ect. (Although once Wilbur almost sat on you when you got a little too comfortable and fell asleep on the couch)
I'd like to think whenever you were mad at one of your brothers, you'd steal their stuff (that you can carry ie Tommy's disc, Wilbur's beanie, Techno's gold) and hide it in your room or a small crevice that only you can fit in and they'd be to big to fit in and reach their stuff.
You would also take advantage of your size and hide in places impossible for your family to hide in but not for you! You were always the hide and seek champion and could evesdrop on your brothers from inside the walls or inside a chest.
Midnight snacks. Just all the snacks. Rats can fit through any space they can get their heads into and some can chew through metal so there was nothing stopping your hungry tummy. Phil was even considering enchanting the pantry to prevent you from theiving all the snacks (you'd share with your brothers though, Phil was just miffed you ate all the snacks before dinner and could get ill)
When you guys were going out and you couldn't keep up, you'd just ride in one of their bags. You were extremely light and it was hard to keep up with their long legs so this was a perfect solution (you 100% fell asleep in a bag once and the family almost flipped the house upside down looking for you)
Your relationship with Dadza
We already mentioned him earlier but he loves you very much
Phil was a lot more nervous to take care of you cause he'd never raised a child this small before
He was very hesitant to let your brothers hold you when you were a baby because you were just so small and fragile-
When you were little and went out with him, you always had to be on him or holding his hand. Sitting on his hat, his shoulder, riding in his bag, him carrying you, he didn't mind but you couldn't be let out of sight especially in large crowds or tall grass.
He always had at least one of his crows keep an eye on you when you went outside to play just in case anything goes wrong
He still worries about you a lot but knows that at least you can defend yourself now.
Your relationship with Wilbur
he was your big brother and you both love each other a lot
it took some time getting used to you but the moment he saw such a tiny baby, he just went 'SMOL CHILD I WILL PROTECT YOU'
in the early days, when Philza couldn't take care of you, he'd hand you to Wilbur who'd spend time with you and Tommy. Be it going to town, making a new song, going to meet Sally, he was mostly glad to bring his little siblings along
While he cared for you a lot, he still played tricks on you sometimes like when he told you that birds eat mice and you just became terrified of Phil and his crows for a good week XD
He was much more relaxed when it came to your safety (not that he'd let you go into the woods alone, like just be less protective than dadza) though he would just be wary when you guys are with a lot of people so he'd prefer it if you were riding on his beanie. He'd get weird stares but as long as you're safe, he didn't care
when composing songs and you're with him, he'd sing the lyrics and you'd sometimes squeak them back in your high-pitched voice and he would either laugh or die from cuteness...or both
rats also generally have better hearing than humans so when he was composing a song, he'd ask for your opinion to see if it was good or not
Your relationship with Techno
when you were first welcomed into the family, he didn't know what to do-
don't get me wrong he got the same 'PROTECT DA CHILD' feeling as Wilbur and even the voices told him to 'PROTEC SMOL THING' when he got them later on
it's just that you were so small that he was afraid he'd hurt you he was never as gentle as his twin or his dad and Wilbur seemed to like you so he figured he'd him take care of you like Tommy
though one day, you were out in the garden. Techno was training, Phil was in the house, Wilbur and Tommy were with friends. A stray zombie found its way to your home and it started to attack you.
you were too small to get away quick enough and tripped but just as the zombie was about to hurt you any more, Techno shot an arrow through that f*cker's head he then realized you were too weak to defend yourself so decided to train you to be stronger
Wilbur was unsure about letting you wield a sword but Techno insisted it was for the best. Eventually, Tommy bugged him enough to train him too.
it took a while but after enough time and hard work, you were able to wield a few light weight weapons and were able to hold your own at pvp by quickly darting and dodging around your opponent.
when you weren't training, Techno read you and Tommy greek mythology. Tommy would sit in his lap and you would rest on his head (if he felt like it, he'd let you two braid his hair)
like the rest of the SBI, he gave you a piece of golden jewelry, for you it was a small earing
Your relationship with Tommy
I'll be honest: Tommy didn't really like you at first
He was glad to not be the youngest but he didn't realize that he'd get less attention due to you being a baby
they still loved him of course, but Tommy couldn't help but feel jealous when Dadza helped you make your own room or when Wilbur took you on their trips to town or when you'd always be carried by Wil or dad or when Techno started training you before him ect
he'd always try to ignore you or glare angrily and naturally, you reciprocated the behaviour and thus you two always had a sort of rivalry
he'd call you names, yank your ears, tail or whiskers and in turn, you'd call him names, steal his stuff and sometimes bit him if he pulled too hard
But then, one day:
You were 10 and sitting by yourself on the swings in the park. Barely anyone else was there and you were doing your own thing. It was one of the rare opportunities when you could be alone. I mean, you did love your family and all but it was nice to have some alone time too. You were minding your own business when suddenly:
"Hey are you a doll?"
A little kid had just picked you up by your waist and you were frankly very startled. You started wiggling, trying to get out of the kid's grasp but it was too tight.
"You're a very weird doll"
The kid held you tighter and you squealed out for help.
"I'm not a doll! Let me go!!"
The child gasps "A talking doll! Mama, mama! Look, a talking doll! Can I keep it please?" they called their mother over
A woman strides over and looked down while you were trying to get out of there. She gasps in horror and shrieks
She then snatched you out of her child's sticky hands and threw you at full force into the mud.
"GET BACK YOU VERMIN! GET AWAY! RETURN TO THE MURKY SWAMP WHERE YOU CAME FROM!" She screeched while you were trying to process what just happened and collect yourself.
All of a sudden, you heard a very angry yet familiar voice from the bushes
He then pounced and shoved the prick and her brat into the mud.
Without warning, she grabbed Tommy and tried to trip him over him but before she could, you sneaked up behind her and bit down hard on one of her legs. Tommy then grabbed you and booked it out of there with the screeches of the witch behind you.
Once you two made it back home, you started to clean yourself up when Tommy handed a towel to you. He said nothing and looked away but the gesture was all it needed. The both of you were silent but a mutual care about each other started to grow that day.
it took a while but you two soon became thick as thieves
he even introduced you to Tubbo later on!
You and Tubbo relate to each other on the fact that you were both often underestimated and your shorter heights compared to everyone else.
Life in the smp
you decided to follow Wilbur and Tommy when the left home and promised to write to your dad and older brother
by now, you were as tall as you could be and could defend yourself reasonably well
you, Tommy and Tubbo absolutely cause chaos together. I mean the rat, the racoon and the goat? Who makes better thieves than that?
You definetely participated in the disc wars, stealing Tommy's discs back from Dream whenever you could
During the L'Manberg era, you decided to join your brothers' country and became good friends with the rest of the L'Manberg members. You had a little uniform and everything, you helped to plant flowers and decorate around the country since it was a bit hard to place down blocks.
L'Manberg really felt like a second home and a second family for you even with the constant battles, you still had each other and that was enough.
Then you and everyone else lost your first lives during Eret's betrayal and Tommy had to give up his discs (you wanted to steal them back but Tommy told you that it was ok and they'd find another way) but hey, at least you guys were independent now...right?
Then the elections happened. You were sure your brothers would win until the votes were revealed. They were banned from the country and you desperately scurried after them, trying not to get trampled in the angry mob
You helped them set up Pogtopia and that's when Wilbur decided to give you a job.
With all things considered, you were arguably one of the best spies on the server: You were tiny and hard to spot, you can hide in places no one would think to look, you were fast, agile and hard to catch, you have a far more superior sense of hearing and smelling and can therefore sense if anyone's coming much easier, and you can communicate with rodents; one of the most common and unsuspecting animals.
Therefore, Wilbur gave you and Tubbo the job of spying on Schlatt and Manberg. Tubbo would pretend to be on their side and you would eavesdrop from the shadows.
You should've been more wary of Wil's behaviour, he looked like he was loosing it but still wanting to help your brother, you accepted the job and spied on Manberg, giving Pogtopia info when you could.
Techno came to help and you thought that it would be alright from now on...then the red festival happened. Tubbo gave his speech while you watched from behind the curtains. Then he was boxed up and you could only watch in horror as Techno walked to the stage to execute your best friend.
You thought it couldn't get any worse when someone grabbed you from behind and took you to the stage. JSchlatt held you by the neck and learned that you were the spy sneaking info all along. And before you knew it, he squeezed your throat and you died from suffocation on stage.
Wilbur couldn't look you in the eyes after that and you were told that Techno shot a firework at Schlatt cause 'it wasn't part of the deal'
After the final battle, you couldn't be happier. You were celebrating with all your friends and looking for Wilbur before the ground shook and everything exploded.
You lost half your tail and parts of your left ear that day. But that loss couldn't compare to the loss of your brother, dead in your father's arms
You tried your best to return to normal and just when you started to recover, Tommy was exiled. You followed him to Logstedshire and tried to stand up for him against Dream but he was too strong.
Tommy convinced you to leave him and that he'd be ok and you naively believed him.
When Techno took him in, you followed him and couldn't be happier; your family was back together!...well most of them.
Then doomsday happened. Techno didn't tell you his plans and you were in shock as to why he would blow up L'Manberg now.
He then told you about the execution. That while you were with Tommy in exile, he was going to be executed by the butcher army. That news shook you to the core but you couldn't think straight with your second home being blown to smitherines again.
Afterwards, you decided to take a break from society and ran away to live by yourself in a small home you built in the woods for some time to recover.
Tommy would visit sometimes and told you about the hotel he was building with Sam Nook, Tubbo visited when he could, he even brought Ranboo with him once and told you about their son Michael. Philza visited once, he told you that Techno was doing alright but just hasn't found the time to visit. You didn't answer when he knocked on the door.
(Sorry if the end sounds rushed, its because it is. I just didn't know what to do about the rest of the extensive lore but let me know if you'd like more of these x reader stuff, only platonic though. Anyways, until next time my lovely marshiemellows!)
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munchkin1156 · 9 months
New au infodump?
Dystopian au go brr
This is going to be a dystopian (:0 shocking) sci-fi world with a borrower Tommy who has a special wristband that lets him sizeshift, a gift from a long lost friend.
The au is mainly sbi centric (because I have a very very hard time writing anything else, though believe me I will try one day), other than Tommy there will be avian hybrid Philza, piglin hybrid Technoblade, and shrunken phantom Wilbur who got shrunken due to technical issues with a device he was tinkering with (and now needs to figure out how to get back to normal size).
The sbi are all first class, first district people, which, though it does make them seem stuck up and posh, they don’t actually know about the crumbling world of the lower districts.
Tommy’s been forced to steal to survive, and while shifted into human form, accidentally loses his way and finds himself in the higher districts, where he runs into Phil.
…you can probably guess that Phil’s hybrid brain goes to ‘child-its-child-why-sad-keep-safe’
Phil offers to take Tommy to his house, wanting to help him as well as pry information out of him to try and find out why he’s so scrawny
Tommy (reluctantly) takes up the offer because free food and a chance to steal something of actual value so he can get a lot of money, two birds with one stone in a way…
Oh and I forgot to mention that the sbi is kinda famous/important…
So they go to the sbi’s house and Tommy meets Techno and Wilbur, who are also enchanted by the blond. When Tommy sees Wilbur, he loses it for a moment, thinking that he’d finally found another one of his kind, until Techno explains the situation and Tommy feels ashamed he let his instincts control him like that and almost force him to shift.
They have dinner and game night, over which they bond with Tommy a lot, and even offer him to stay for the night ‘cause it’s dark out.
Tommy says yes, knowing how dangerous it is to walk the lower districts streets at any given point, especially at night, and they set him up in his new bedroom the guest room.
In the middle of the night Tommy wakes up from a nightmare and accidentally reopens a stab wound that he got a couple night ago (I did say the lower was dangerous after all), therefore his body shifts down to borrower size in order to heal it faster.
He can’t shift back until it’s healed, and now he’s at a upper class house with people that have been nothing but kind to him, though he knows that once they see him for the pest he is they’ll kick him out.
. . .
That’s about what chapter one should be, though I won’t start it for a while, homework is murdering me and I used to be at a really chill school with basically none of it so….
Please please please ask me about this, I would love to answer shit about it :D
Taglist under cut: (it’s not long, tell me if you want to be added :])
@i-am-beckyu, @brick-a-doodle-do
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solargeist · 7 months
The room was quiet. It wasn't always quiet, mind you. Usually, it was rather the opposite. But sometimes quiet was what one needs to process things. This was not one of those times.
Tommy looked down at his dinner. He wasn't NOT eating it but he knew that Technoblade was already doing him a solid by allowing him into his home;no matter how cold it was out here or how much Tommy would really rather not eat more potatoes. He, of course, didn't say anything today and just took another bite.
He could feel the Blade watching him and it took every bit of control that Tommy had left to not squirm. "What are you fucking looking at me for?"
"You're being quiet." The piglin hybrid's eyes narrowed slightly.
"You aren't built to he this quiet for this long."
Tommy scoffed. "I can be so fucking quiet you won't even believe it."
Technoblade's eyes narrowed ever so slightly more. "Uhhuh. Gotcha. You haven't even complained about the baked potatoes. Why are you quiet now?"
The teenager cringed slightly before looking back down at his plate. "You won't like it, I don't think."
"Like what?"
The room was quiet again as Tommy sat, mulling the words over in his head; trying to figure out how to ask what he wanted exactly. Technoblade had put his fork down and watched with expect eyes.
"Can... we talk?"
Technoblade's eyes narrowed again. "Who?"
The name hung in the air for just a beat. "Ghostbur?"
"No. Like. Wilbur." Tommy's chest was tight, and he was very much regretting for not bitching about potatoes or even letting Techno goad him into talking. He should have just kept his fucking mouth shut.
Techno watched him squirm in his seat before letting out a deep sigh that Tommy didn't realise that the Blade had been holding. "Uh, yeah. Sure. What do you want to talk about?"
crying sobbingand punching the wall
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idkwatthehec · 6 months
Here’s the snippet I promised :))
The men came at sunset.
They came with guns and fire and bombs and they burned down the only safe place Tommy had ever known. He was tugged away from his house, only the most important things brought with him.
His pocket knife was in one hand. Wilbur’s fingers were clenched tightly in the other. This was all he could take.
What sounded like a child screamed behind him; a human scream tinged with the trace of animal. He tried to turn, to see, please don’t let it be- but Wilbur yanked him forwards. The meaning in the gesture was clear.
“I’m sorry, Tom, we have to run-” Wilbur gasped, breath coming short.
“But Wil what if-”
“I know, I know, I’m so sorry Tommy-”
Wilbur stopped so abruptly that Tommy ran into his back, only keeping them both upright by beating his wings frantically. To their right was a flash of bright pink and gleaming silver. A figure was racing towards them and Tommy almost pulled out his knife before realizing who it was.
“Techno!” he cried out.
The piglin hybrid closed the distance quickly and Tommy quickly realized what exactly he was holding. The glimpse of silver he had seen was a blade, still glistening red. A black holster was strapped to his right thigh, the handle of a pistol peeking out, safety strap undone.
“Technoblade,” Wilbur started stiffly, stepping between him and the armed man. Wilbur’s shoulders were tense, shaking, and Tommy could feel his heart rate rabbiting through the grip he had on his wrist.
“Cut the bullshit, Wilbur. You know I’m not your biggest worry right now.” Wilbur bristled at that but Techno continued on before he could speak. “I’ve been lookin for you two. I have a way out.”
“How can I know to trust you?” Wilbur spat, a sneer painted across his features. The fire flickering in his eyes reflected the fire blazing around them.
Techno stepped even closer, now staring at Wilbur with his face inches away. Wilbur pushed Tommy back with one hand. The two men stared at each other, eye-to-eye. Techno was one of the few people in town who could look him straight in the eye, with Wilbur being as tall as he was.
“If you want your brother to live, you will follow me,” Techno said lowly, tusks jutting out from his mouth.
“Is that a threat?” Wilbur challenged, shoulders back. The hand placed on Tommy’s chest was trembling.
An angry snort. “Yknow what these men are here for, Wilbur. Either you both come willingly with me or I’m takin Theseus and leaving without you.”
Tommy grabbed the hand shaking on his chest before Wilbur could say anything else. Brown eyes met blue.
“Wil,” Tommy whispered. His hands were shaking as well. He saw the fear in his brother's eyes just as he knew it was in his own. “Please.”
He could see the possibilities running through Wilbur’s mind, played out and discarded as quick as lightning. His mind was always running, facts and words and paranoia all crowding around until he needed them to create a solution. Tommy saw the instant his thoughts coalesced into his conclusion.
Wilbur’s face hardened. “Fine,” he said, turning back to Technoblade. “Lead the way.”
Techno nodded and Tommy squeezed his brothers fingers tightly. Wilbur squeezed his back.
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theeyoungalabastor · 2 years
Technoblade and his Apprentice: The Shattered Totem- Kill or Be Killed (Part 1)
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Part 1, Part 2
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(Art by: Jammie on Twitter)
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Where does this take place?:  The Arctic Empire, New L'Manberg, The Greater SMP
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What event takes place?: Technoblade's and (Y/n)'s execution
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Character pairing: Piglin!Hybrid!Technoblade and Bear!Hybrid!Reader
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Information on chatacter(s): Both hybrids have a human like form but when feeling threatened both are able to shift into a bigger more animal like form that will add onto both strength, agility, and height (height to look more intimidating)
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WARNINGS: Blood, character death, descriptive but mild gore, angst, explosions, murder, manipulation, foul language, freezing,
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Status: Platonic, Angst, Fluff, Familial (Technoblade sees reader as a sibling)
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Pronouns: They/them
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Word count: 7,306 (7K)
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Page count: 21.4
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​​​Summary: Having been included with the aid of destroying L'Manberg with Technoblade both the Piglin man and dear reader soon become the main target for a certain quartet. Nailing wanted posters to the wooden poles around New L'Manberg the ensemble set off with the intent of having the duo pay for their crimes. Public Execution.
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        A disk spun on its needle, the haunting like melody soaking into the wallpaper that layered the drywall surrounding them. A fire cackled not far from their pawed feet, hot flames lapping away at the charred wood, it's fuel radiating just enough heat to warm the bear hybrids toes. Shadows dancing with each flicker of the orange blaze.
        E/c eyes drifted to the compass that sat heavily in the palm of their hand, it's sheen surface shining with the loadstone enchant which only became more apparent with the fire's illuminance glinting faintly off of the glass surface, it's red pinpointing north.
        Nervousness gnawed hungrily at the pit of your rather empty stomach as the thick skin of your thumb traced the letters dug into the cold iron back, careful not to damage the devices surface with your keen talons. Ever since The Blade himself handed you the device it had been clipped to your belt safely. Every so often you would spare a glance in hopes the pin would click, directing you towards your friend's new home. 
        At times you would stand timidly at the end of the dock where you last saw the other hybrid, where he told you he was going to retire from everything. 
The conflict.
The government.
The violence...
        "Y/n..." Technoblade stare at the sun that began to rise above the horizon as if it were to be his last, tired eyes tracing over the water line as the ball of flames arose giving birth to a new morning. His hair reeked of soot and gun powder from the recent events, here and there a patch of his roseate fur was littered in dark splotches from where clumps of dirt and gravel had landed during the nation's destruction done by the hands of its own founder. But the hybrid seemed to pay no mind to his tainted coat but more on the effervescent ball of flames that bathed the smoke-filled firmament in ravishing hues of orange and gold. 
        He lost the man he considered a brother. Wilbur. To his own father. Impaled through the chest by a glistening diamond sword, if Techno didn't know any better, he would have mistaken the glittering blade as the one that Tommy had gifted the winged man on their last Christmas together. 
        "Yes Techno?" Your voice was dry, hoarse even, noticeably wavering and damn near dead of all emotion, along with the dull sheen that glossed your e/c eyes. His ruby hues drifted to meet your own. Pain pooling deeply in those blood tinted orbs. Not only did The Blade lose a brother, but you had also lost something as well. 
        Your home. 
        And your friends. 
        You lost their trust the minute you turned to face the Piglin hybrid, hand held out demandingly as he had already placed two of those ebony skulls atop of the four blocks of inklike sand that wept, but their cries fell onto deaf ears as he afforded his gaze to your stony features. The third skull sat in his clammy palms, ready to slam onto the last block of soul sand; but he hesitated, looking down at your outstretched hand that itched to feel the smooth bone of the skull. Without a second glance, he placed it into the heel of your palm with a firm nod. 
        That is probably where the two made their mistakes.
        "I think I'm going to retire." His words were stern but soft as he glanced at you almost as if you were a kicked puppy cowering with its tail between its legs. Your eyes remained on the still waters that skipped across the shoreline, the sound was painful reminder of what once was. "Where will you go? Will I see you again?" 
        Technoblade knew you didn't hold what happened against him, especially knowing his unexplainable hatred towards governments, I mean shit. Look what it's done. He lost his brother for God's sake, to the unquenchable thirst for power that he had at the tip of his fingers.
        Techno shook his head, unsure. "I honestly don't know, wherever the wind takes me I guess." Digging a hand into one of his pockets the taller male ferreted around before fishing a handheld object from its depths. You watched with a quirked brow as the taller man held out a large hand, gesturing for you to take what sat in his grasp. 
        "For when things go south. Go north."        
        At first when Techno said those words, you didn't think he meant literally, but here you were, eyes glued to the red needle that pointed north. Ever since the day of Wilbur's passing you didn't intend on living in L'Manberg- or NEW L'Manberg that is- after Tubbo took the title of the shattered nations president you had turned away from that unfinished symphony. You now resided within the barrier of the Greater SMP, atop the hill of where a certain tumultuous British boy's home was dug into.
        Some people blamed you for the way things went down, Technoblade unleashing the hellish three headed beasts with the help of your traitorous hands, the TNT that tore the nation's structure, sending everything skyward. They blamed you for helping the Pigman fight against the government that drove his brother to insanity. The Government that exiled its two original founders or the same one that drove the once great leader whose eyes shown with pride's son to destroy the very walls that were made to protect him. 
        You glanced towards the dingy window another content smile splayed at your thinly lined lips.
        You remembered the time Technoblade- the man to who you looked up to with much pride- taught you how to correctly plant potatoes.
        "No, you don't plant them like that, they'll grow wonky." Pulling the vegetable from its hole, the one that you nonchalantly dug and tossed it into. You looked at the taller man that towered over you with a deadpanned expression, the six-foot something man paid no attention to your bored expression. Reaching into his pant pocket the fucia haired man ferreted for a moment. "Why? This is just a waste of fucking time they're just potatoes, nothing to get fussy or even get excited over." You spoke with the roll of your eyes and a shrug before standing beside Technoblade, dusting your soil caked fingers against your filthen and slightly tattered pants, perfect for farming.
        "Yes, they are just potatoes, but these potatoes' are what is going to fuel out battalion and keep our bodies from shutting down on themselves." Pulling a blade from his pocket the other dug its sharp edge into the middle of the vegetable and skillfully cutting it in half. Glancing at your curious figure his long tail snapped back and forth with entertainment. Just a moment ago you were groaning about how potatoes weren't much to be excited about and how planting them was a waste of time. 
        Extending his hand towards you he held the small handheld blade in his scarred clad hand. "Cut them in half, we need to ration as many as we can so there's enough for everyone." You glanced up at the older man with uncertainty glinting in your (e/c) hues, a brow quirked to add into your iffiness. 
        Chuckling softly Technoblade bounced his extended hand expectantly with a soft groan. "Are you gonna take it or not? I'm trying to do a whole bonding moment with my apprentice- and my arm is starting to ache." Now it was his turn to deadpan at your stiffened figure below him. Your round ears flickered as you jumped, fingers softly surrounded the blade, face bloomed with blushing embarrassment. Clutching the blades handle you glanced innocently up at the other, eyes glinting with questioning.
        Crouching slightly beside you Technoblade placed a large hand atop of your shoulder, a finger directed to the bottom of the knife. "Use this part the knife, it divides the meat in the potato better, but when you plant it make sure the small roots here-" He let his acute nails poked at the white spikes that protruded from the plants skin. "-Plant that part in the soil, make sure the cut part is facing the surface so that when it grows the plant's stem can break the surface better." Nodding you watched intently as he explained. 
        "Alright." Reaching into the small potato bag that hung from your hip you pulled out another potato as Technoblade turned away from you to plant the potato that he took from your hole and planted both halves in his own dug holes before scrubbing his palms against the knees of his pants as he covered the crops. 
        You held the potato gently, eyeing it with a faint smile before digging the tip into the skin.
        That was when the days were long and grueling but empty of most problems, the most you had witnessed within the walls of Pogtopia was Wilbur's constant and rabid mental decline that plummeted like a stone in water.
        Blabbering about being the villain and that if he couldn't have L'Manberg, then no one can. And with that, it was blown into the sky with the help of two shape shifting hybrids.
        You clutched the compass, pulling it to your chest. Not many ever forgave you for helping destroy the same thing that they were all fighting to protect, throwing all of their work down the drain like expensive wine. Sometimes it ate at the core of your brain, no matter how badly you wanted to apologize to the children that had to face the wrath of the man with big dark horns, or even witness the once lively leader loose his ever-living mind to the nagging voices and now a boy sent to exile by his own friend, the one who he saw as an actual brother. 
        Is this how Eret felt? When he expressed his remorse for the final control room? 
        Heaving a sigh your e/c eyes drifted out of the window as your mind settled on the boisterous blonde's home, one that use to bound pridefully down the prime path that just so coincidentally happened to lead up to his doorstep, chest puffed, and head held high. It was eerily quiet without his high-pitched laugh or passive aggressive threats. A spark of memory flashed through your mind as you recall a conversation with a certain winged man. 
        "That kid, I'm telling ya, he's given me more gray hairs than my own son." He chuckled humorously as he watched his adopted blonde son clash his skull against the firm horn of his friend. Crying out in pain before rubbing the soon to be bruised spot that blossomed due to their recklessness. Tubbo on the other hand, clutched his stomach that grew tense with laughter a few breathy taunts leaving his cavernous lips.
        He spoke about how incredibly corrupt that government was, how it tossed the presidential titles around like it were a game of Ga-ga ball, and whose ever feet the ball just so happened to hit was the new ruler of the damned nation. The blonde man spoke of how that government drove his one and only son to dementedness and now cast the other aside, doomed to bare exile with the ghastly apparition of who once was. After your departure from L'Manberg, much like Technoblade, you gifted the two a compass that led to your home located just off the prime path, a way to locate you faster when needed. 
        A content but solemn smile tugged at the edges of your lips as you began to reminisce the better times, the times you were still considered a 'good person' but you too, had shoved the goads of violence to the back of your mind. Now, you did not have the voices that sang out in demand for blood, but you did have the invasive or intrusive thoughts that would dance around your mind like a ballet dancing the nutcracker. They were tempting, urging you to wrap your large palms around the throat of anyone who stepped foot on your doorstep, watch as their lively eyes glazed over with the thin sheet of death or maybe see your clawed fingers tainted with the said crimson whine. 
        This is what war does to a person.
         No matter who they are. 
        A person could have the kindest heart and brightest eyes that one has ever seen before being tainted by the trauma of war that could make any man go berserk.
        But it's not the memories that were left behind that made these impulses bubble to the surface, it was the blood that stained your tongue during it. Once an animals tongue collides with the copper relish of blood, it lingers like honey, like a craving even. And that is exactly what it was for you, a nagging craving that had turned sour as of the recent months. You blamed the damned hybrid side of you, the rabid bear. 
        The snap of the fire awoke your dazed figure back to reality as you glanced over, eyeing the glowing ember that sat on the waxed wood of your floor, with a groan you heaved yourself to your pawed feet before padding towards where the smoldering chunk of charred lumber lay, nonchalantly kicking it back into the hot pit to smolder into ash. 
        'Get ready my dearest friend they have bound my wings, they've found you.'
        Gaze snapping to the communicator that sat atop the end table next to the hard leather cover of your recent read the screen illuminated. No one ever messaged you unless they wanted something from you, or it was an emergency. 
        Nimbly dancing around the furniture that littered your path, your large, clawed manus lifted the device to your line of sight. It was from Philza. The text a whispered message.
        >(Y/n) whispered to Ph1lzA< What do you mean 'they've found you'? Who is it?
        Panic slowly installed itself into the core of your stomach as the whisper sent, jumping around like an energetic puppy being taunted with an afternoon walk. 
        Who found you?
        What did they want?
        They bound his wings? 
        Did he mean Chat?
        Seconds felt like eons as your (e/c) hues stare daggers into the electronic device. If looks could kill, that communicator would be fine ribbons.
        >Ph1lzA whispered to you< The Buther army, they found your compasses. I don't have much longer for they are confiscating the communicator, be safe m8.
        The Buther Army, a battalion of men who seek vengeance on the ones who've wronged them, and it looks that you were one of the people at the top of that list.         
        Your rounded ear flicked as a stoic expression stoned your features into a thin but serious line. You needed to prepare. 
        Instantly your hands got to work, thumbing through the pages of your brewery book, collecting the needed supplies to whip up the potions you would undoubtably be needing to face multiple men alone. The house reeked of panic as your lip pulled into a focused snarl, revealing the sharp edges of your canines, jabbing the stick to your grinding bowl against the fragile blaze rod you spun the wand, crushing the rod into a fine powder to then be turned into strength potions.
        Your dark tinted armor sat on a nearby armor stand prepared and enchanted, ready for usage, in the stands hand a glistening netherite sword that shone with enchantments, in the other a bow that too sang with advanced enchants. (Technobalde had helped you find the best enchantments and how to get them).        
        A nearby stand bubbled as the brewing came to a finish to which you swiftly slid into your hotbar, storing the rest in the slots of your inventory. Minutes turned to hours as your grueling work was done.
        Fixing the strap of your armor your pawed feet slid into the metal of your boots that had been tailored by the great Puffy herself, lords bless that woman's soft soul. With the dusting of your shoulder to rid of the red stone dust, gun powder and blaze powder you were ready, body reverberating with fluctuating anxiety that gnawed at the core of your mind, clouding it with blurry cotton.
        They were bound to approach you first since you were undoubtedly closer to the reconstructing nation built off of corruption and pain and you were sure Philza had messaged Technoblade to inform him of the approaching battalion that approached your home radiating malice. 
        Fixing your sights on the carpet that sat at the foot of the rocking chair that you sat in just moments ago you eyed the fabric remembering what lied beneath. Swiftly making your way towards the said furniture you tossed the carpet aside revealing the trap door it concealed.
        A growl left your throat as the front door vibrated from the vigorous pounding as the lock held it in place.
        "(Y/n) Step out of your home and surrender your weapons." A venomous voice demanded firmly as the sound of metal on metal made it to your rounded hybrid ears, four, that's how many shadows' you'd counted from beneath the door. 
        The power behind each knock grew potent as you slipped down the hatch, the voice of Quackity being deafened by the banging door. 
        Grabbing the legs of the rocking chair you swiftly pulled it over the hatch as it rested on your head against the cold metal of your helmet. At this point the knocking was no longer but the hard thud of a boot colliding with the now splintering wood you lowered the hatch still covered with the carpet down. And with that you began climbing down just as the door was thrown against your wallpapered walls. 
        "WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU!" The duck hybrids voice reeked with sour venom as he spoke, you could hear the group of boots thumping against the floorboards over your head. "WHERE THE FUCK IS THAT BEAR!" His voice seethed hatefully. 
        Your boots hit the stone of the tunnel that stretched farther than you would have liked but this here hall of cold stone is what divided you from being captured and possibly killed and freedom that shown just beyond that faintly glowing opening just a few yards away.
        "Look at this," Fundy spoke deathly close to your hatch as the sound of furniture being tossed aside like a child's toy made it to your ears a deep odious chortle radiated the bird man's throat as the hatch was thrown open. Thats when the two of you made eye contact. A snarky smirk pulled at the corners of your lips as a two fingered solute was directed to the seething Quackity clad in netherite armor. 
        enraged vociferation erupted as you slid a speed potion from your belt and popping the cork before again glancing up at the winged man who scaled swiftly down the ladder, earth brown hues that burned with a dangerous fire still locked on your form. With a playful chuckle and wink you downed the vials contents that took effect almost as soon as it made contact with your lips, legs pumping, creating distance between you. Capture. And freedom.
        The illuminated opening approached rapidly as a crazed adrenaline-filled grin spread across your features. Blood pumped loudly in your rounded bear ears. But as fast as it came it was gone as your euphoria only lasted a few moments; the familiar sound of hissing sounded faintly, even the sound of racing blood and thinning adrenaline it made your whole world slow almost to a stop. 
        As if time were being manipulated as said, it seemed to slow as you frantically tried to stop your speeding form from the now crumbling wall, the shards blooming from beside your head, the sight just out of your prefrail vision as your armored hands lifted to shield your face.
        Like the flip of a switch time returned, your door to freedom slammed shut as your fingers brushed its closing knob. So close but again, so far. Your body was flung back to skid across the stone floor, a few hot morsels slicing through the flesh of your cheek. The sound of shattering glass made you curse loudly as the contents of your potion bottles spilled against the cold floor. Your shock was momentary as you regained your composure, jumping back to your pawed feet clumsily.
        The exit was blocked by debris. 
        There was no way out.
        Ringing enveloped your erratic senses, vision blurring together.
        The exit was blocked by debris. 
        There was no way out.
        You had to fight. 
        Guess it's time to sooth your hunger, your thirst for blood. 
        Turning to face the four who stood in the narrow hall, you lifted your netherite blade in comparison to their four diamond axes that were too raised, ready to strike.        
        Quackity's chest bounced with entertainment as your form took a battle stance as he lifted his axe, directing the point towards your now bulked form obscured in tainted and matted fur as you huffed, still out of breath from running."(Y/n) (L/N), you are under arrest for the assistance of destroying L'Manberg and being associated with Technoblade. You are here by sentenced. To death..."
        "That's great. That's wonderful, but you gotta get outta here Wilbur." Technoblade stated firmly pushing a finger to his temple to sooth the raging voices that roared in his ears whilst pulling the blade from its place on his mantal. The pale skinned ghost turned to face his younger brother as stress knitted into the skin of Techno's brow. "They're gonna come, they're gonna see you- and they- I don't know what they're gonna do to you-" Technoblade turned swiftly to another brewing stand, removing the potions from their spots on his counter, "-I don't know what they're gonna do to me but- I don't think it's gonna be good." Fixing the round vials to his belt, Technoblade lifted the shawl from its hook before swinging it around his shoulders, locking the chain that held it in place. 
        Ghostbur held his fist to his chest anxiously as he hovered over the wooden floor of his piglin brother's cabin. Technoblade turned to face the transparent male with a sigh, placing a hand on his shoulder before opening the door. "Alright, there are some bad men Wilbur that are coming to get me-" The pink haired male's words halted in his throat as the said ghost exited close behind the taller male. Swiftly making his way towards the spruce fencing that lined the staircase Ghostbur leaned over with wide oxy eyes. With a gasp the man pointed a directed finger to the open field of snow. "Techno look..." Scarlet hues following the older of the two's finger to the open tundra the piglin froze with furrowed brows. "It's a sign!" Wilbur turned back to his younger brother excitement swirling in his glossy black orbs. "Blue!"
        "Ghostbur, I need you to take that sheep." Using the tip of his sword to point tot he said animal he looked the ghost of Wilbur Soot in the eyes before speaking again. "And get as far away from here as possible." 
        Ghostbur's features shifted happily as he excitedly heeded the others warning. "Can I have a leash?" The man questioned innocently rubbing the knitted cuffs of his yellow sweater anxiously. He did NOT like the way the pinkette was acting. The said male rushed back into the house as Ghostbur sat atop of the plywood that connected the fencing rails.
        "Yeah, I can go far away," glancing back towards the taller male he watched as Technoblade's large pink ears flicked prudently. "Would it be easier for you if I went far away?" 
        "Uhh, I just want you to be safe Ghostbur!" Technoblade replied as he lifted the top to another chest, ferreting frantically through it before jumping to another letting the lids fall closed with a loud thud.
        "I'm always safe Technoblade, I'm already dead." The ghost floated towards his twin who hastily shoved the lead into his transparent hands, "what are they gonna do? Double kill me?" The brunette chuckled humorously at his own joke but stopped as he saw the glint of desperation in the other man's crimson hues.
        "Ghostbur, it's stopped snowing- go as far away as you can or go and hide over a hill or something, alright?" Leading the ghost out of the door he raked a clammy palm through his infrared locks as the said other contently bound from the lifted porch, lead in hand as he approached the animal, latching it to the lead and softly tugging it towards a nearby hill cameoed in thick pine. "Bye bye Techno, have fun preparing for the event!"
        Returning back to sporadically searching through the many chests that lined the walls he retrieved what he saw fit for battle, the paranoia that devoured his mind making things all the lot harder.
        Were they only going after him?
        What if they hurt Ghostbur?
        Was Phil okay?
        Were you okay?
        It had been a good long while since the God of Blood had fought another, it had been too long since his hands knew the form of his hands wrapped around the hilt of a sword tainted with blood. Maybe if things weren't as he seemed it wouldn't come to that, maybe he could negotiate with the ensemble to prevent spilling blood. He was a retired man, he sworn against violence a long time ago and sought refuge within the snowy tundra to live out his retirement.
        Chatter awoke the man from his thoughts as a pink bore ear flicked towards the source, crouching low the man clad in red and netherite tip toed his way towards the window where the voices seemed to grow louder. Using his index finger to lift the cloth of his drapes Technoblade peered through the thick sheets of glass softly blanketed with frost and fog. 
        Swiping a hand across the glass he peeked into the night where he saw Ghostbur chatting contently with the netherite wearing men. "He got captured IMIDIATELY, I've never seen a man get captured to quick holy Hell." The said ghost glanced towards the cottage every so often he gave a polite wave before pointing excitedly towards the windows. 
        "Shit, no, no don't wave at me- NO, DON'T POINT AT ME! DID HE JUST TURN AND POINT AT ME!" Pinching the bridge of his nose Technoblade groaned out in despair before sighing heavily before again peeking out the window, a bead of sweat dripping down his chin.        
        "Oh crap, they have full enchanted netherite- I thought they were broke-" The man chuckled to himself before lifting the curtain a bit higher to see what was happening despite not being able to hear the conversation. Almost instantly Ghostbur's face brightened impossibly bigger as he frantically waved at the man in the window. 
        Dropping the curtain, the man pressed the heels of his palm into his eyes with a groan of complaint. Standing from his crouched position he pulled the curtain all the way open only to cry out in complaint as Ghostbur ran enthusiastically towards the cottage.
        "HEY TECHNOBLADE! They say they're gonna kill you Technoblade-" Opening the wooden doors Ghostbur invited himself in approaching the nether beast.
        Technoblade lurched forwards to catch the door handle as Ghostbur again made his way outside, "Ghostbur- why- why are you leading them over to my house Wilbur- why are you doing this?" Ignoring his brother's words of betrayal Ghostbur turned to face the others scarred face. "What would you like me to say back to them?" Glancing towards the hill that the group of now four stood Technoblade eyed them wearily.
        "Uh, how about you look at them and tell them that I'm not here."
Ghostbur's brows furrowed tightly. "But that'd be lying, I don't like lying!"         
        "We- THEY'RE GOING TO KILL ME WHY ARE YOU NOT OKAY WITH LYING!? Aaand they're all here- and their all right outside my house- Thanks Ghostbur" standing on the flight of stairs Technoblade puffed out his chest as he clutched the hilt of his sword closer unsure to use it or not.        
        "Oh, Hello again Technoblade." Quackity's lips pulled into a wicked grin as Tubbo fixed the handle of his hatchet in his hand.
        "Uh, hello guy's, why have you guys come all the way over here- to my humble abode?" The said man descended the stairs where he stood a few moments ago as he eyed the Four before him. Quackity, Fundy, Ranboo and Tubbo. Where was the third? 
        Tubbo stepped forwards with a slight tremble in his stance as he spoke with a wavering voice. "Technoblade." He inhaled. "You need to pay for your war crimes." 
        "Woah, woah, woah, that was in the past man, alright? That was a different Technoblade. I'm a changed man now! I'm in retirement, I'm a good person now Tubbo." Here he went, negotiation, maybe he would be able to change their minds with assurance.
        Quackity hummed in denial whilst shaking his head, nose scrunching with malice as he lifted his axe to point at the man who stood before him the sheen of antipathy grew thicker with each passing second. "Techno, you and (Y/n) exploded L'Manberg with fucking-"
        "You two literally spawned withers EVERYWHERE!" Tubbo cut in, placing a firm hand to the ravenette's shoulder. 
        Shrugging the brunette's hand away the duck hybrid stepped forwards slightly, mock understanding lacing his already ill toned voice. "I'm sorry Technoblade, but you two need to be brought to justice for that. And there is nothing I can do to change that" The male shrugged boldly, spinning the blade of his axe in his hand.
        "Okay- Listen you guys, I've gone through so much effort over the past months to change my violent ways, I have reformed alright?" Lifting an empty hand to his head an index finger jabbed into the flesh of his temple as he spoke again. "The VOICES demand blood, and I- I have been denying THEM! I've been fighting back! PLEASE, please don't make kill all of you." Letting his hand drop the other that held the hilt of his sword directed to the four who stood before him before backing away a step. "Please just leave."
        A tenseful silence fell upon the men before one spoke again. "Technoblade, please just come peacefully..."
        Quackity lifted a hand to silence the president of the broken nation as he nodded firmly with a nonchalant shrug, "you know what, yeah, how about you show us around? Show us what you've been doing while in retirement. Let's do this peacefully."
        Technoblade tensed at the raven-haired man's tone as he side stepped away from the four, swiftly approaching the far side of his house hesitantly sliding the sword into its spot on his hip. "I- huh- Well I have Bees' here, aren't they nice?" 
        Tubbo's eyes lit up slightly now with relaxed shoulders at the mention of his favorite mob, approaching the small makeshift bee farm he placed a hand against the glass as one shimmied its chunky body from the hole of its hive to nuzzle into the flowers that lined the wall. At the sight of this the four others openly approached the bee farm. 
        With a few wary backpedal steps, the pig hybrid turned on the ball of his heel, sweat gathering at the hair of his brow as he began to run from the distracted battalion of four.
        After a few moments and a few feet away shouts of panic instilled as multiple footsteps followed behind the taller male who then skidded to a stop, hands raised in mocking surrender. "Hey, hey, hey, it was just a joke-"
        "You know what, fuck it Techno, we tried to do this civilly, but we won't let you out of here in one fucking peice, we are going to fuck you up techno. It's either going to be the easy way or the hard way. We're going to go back to L'Manberg and you're going to come with us. There's no other way around it." Quackity spun his axe skillfully as he took a battle stance.
        Technoblade's brows knit together tightly as the voices began to chant.
        Blood for the Blood God.
        Blood for the Blood God!        
        His top lip pulled into a snarl revealing the sharpening canines, his figure seeming to take on new heights as patches of fur bloomed across his skin, the armor that sat loose across his stature grew tight as he revealed his full glory. 
        It was time to sooth their hunger.
        With a huff from his snout and the snap of his jaw's he growled. "If that's how it is... I CHOOSE BLOOD!" Ripping the leather belt from his waist he slammed it down, the glass splash vials that lined it shattered coating the beast in its contents as his muscles bulked, eyes grew dilated with speed and the screaming voices, followed with his body ached with regeneration. Technoblade ripped the sword from its sheath as he sprung, blade raised high with the intent to kill.
        The sharpened edge dug into the handle of Quackity's axe before unloding it from the wood and hacking down again as the said bird hybrid spun away, avoiding the deadly strike.
        Panicked shouting ensued as the group of four scattered, slipping against the sheet of snow.
        Turning his attention towards a certain fox featured boy Technoblade dug the hooves of his feet into the frozen forest floor, launching himself forwards delivering an armor crumbling blow. Clutching his now aching ribs Fundy scrambled to escape the beast's power whilst crying out about how God damned heavy, he hit even with the performance enhancing potions.
        Sliding just a few feet away was Tubbo, axe at the ready as he charged the pink coated beast that snarled, clouds of hot smoke bellowing from his nostrils as he too charged, scarlet hues glazed with the intent to annihilate to cut down each and every single one of the men who dared disturb his retirement and force him back into the ways of violence, forcing him to collapse under the pressure of the voices to sustain their unquenchable thirst.
        Fear replaced the once confident look that crossed his face as the boy turned to run, netherite boots sliding against the frozen ground. A cry of panic escaped the ball in his throat.
        "BIG Q DO SOMETHING, BIG Q!" The hook in his boot caught the root of a tree, sending the president tumbling to the forest floor, diamond axe raised as Technoblade's sword collided with the base of the smaller blade, applying pleasure to the hilt of his sword the Piglin beast snarled as Tubbo's arms trembled under the unbearable weight as his emerald hues met with the dilated pair that danced with pain. 
        Strings of curses fell from Quackity's lips as he glanced about, looking for something to use for leverage, knowing full well he could use his gift but that was needed for more drastic measures.
        The blade of the hybrid's sword dug into the flesh of Tubbo's shoulder as he cried out, struggling to push the massive creature away from him in order to escape, but it seemed that no matter how hard he tried, his attempts always went down in vain.
        The familiar sound of hooves awoke The Blade from his stoper, snapping his head to the sound he saw Quackity perched on the back of a rearing Carl who whinnied in displeasure before shaking his head in a final attempt to rid of his new rider.
        Panicked, Technoblade tore his blade from the other's before turning to face the ravenette.
        "Technoblade, stop what you're doing, stop right now-"
        "Woah, woah, woah, woah, stop what you're doing. Get away from that horse Quackity." Lifting the blood tainted sword, the oversized beast directed it to the man who stirred the reigns of his stallion with a grin, satisfied that he finally found a weakness in the Legendary Technoblade. 
        "No." Quackity stated with a slight jerk of the reigns that willed the horse into a standing still as he held the handle of his axe to the horse's beige fur. "You get away from them Technoblade. If you pull any shit, I am going to kill Carl. I will fucking slay him if you don't get away from them." 
        The piglin beast's breathing stuttered as he widely stepped away from the two other hybrids.
        "Technoblade, I am going to kill your horse-"
        "-Why would you do that?"
        "Unless you cooperate." 
        Technoblade's eyes narrowed as he hesitantly stepped away from the raven-haired man who sat atop his noble steed. "What do you want from me?"
        "I want you to drop your shit, drop your shit Techno and Carl doesn't get hurt."
        With that being said the beast formed man threw his axe into the snow. 
        "All of it, this is not a negotiation. Drop it all"
        Technoblade glanced down at the blood slicked blade that sat light in his large palm before he huffed in what seemed to be amusement. "I can get a new horse if I need too. It doesn't matter." (I know he wouldn't really say this, but for plot's sake, he is.)
        Quackity looked slightly taken aback at the statement as the war criminal before him readjusted his grip on the swords hilt. With a stunned huff followed by demented and amused laughter the man on the horse shook his head with a nod. 
        "For some reason, I knew you'd say that. So that's why I brought you a gift, Technoblade." Digging the heel of his boots into the horse's ribs Quackity approached a small thicker part of the forest where he stopped and turned to face the oversized hybrid.
        Lifting a hand, the beanie wearing man spoke with wallowing pride as the gift was shoved from behind the thicket, the sound of chains rattling filled the tense thick air. "May I present to you-" Watching as it landed limply in the snow, Quackity slid from the horses back before hopping towards the thing like a child who was told they could have whatever they wished at the candy store. 
        Skidding to a stop, Quackity planted both feet on either side of the figure before gripped a fist full of hair, tugging the figures blooded face up from the soiled snow to reveal who it was. 
        "YOUR ONE AND ONLY APPRENTICE, TADA!!" He sang in excitement that he was finally able to reveal his plan B. 
        (Y/N) grunted painfully as Technoblade's breath caught in his throat. 
        Their (h/l) (H/c) locks were matted with dark and now frozen blood that had dripped down the crown of their head before drying, their nose busted and bloodied as clots of blood plugged each nostril, both lips that were now blue from the cold were split so deep that he was sure he could see the younger one's gums that were too painted crimson from their harsh faceplant into the icy ground as shallow and stuttering breaths wheezed past your swollen. The once nice thin clothes that they wore were torn and tattered, tainted with their own crimson whine, you had not been dressed to embark on a trip to the frigid tundra. Your hands were bound behind your back by a pair of copper cuffs.  (Copper is what keeps shape shifting hybrids from shifting into their animal form)
        But what made his blood turn cold was how deathly pale you were. From what he could see you lost quite a bit of blood while on your way over but the bruises and deep cuts that littered your figure did not make you look any better in any way shape and or form.
        Quackity held the handle of his axe with bubbling excitement as he glared challengingly at the shifted man. "Drop your shit Technoblade..."
        Technoblade was frozen where he stood, eyes glued to your weakened form. You looked to broken, your (e/c) hues that once glistened with courage and power now sat dull and defenseless, he could have sworn that he saw guilt swirl in those dull eyes of yours.
        Gripping the tufts of hair in his hand tighter Quackity lowered the sharpened edge of his diamond axe to rest tightly at the ball of your throat.
        "Or I will kill this kid, right in front of you."
        "Don't..." Your voice came out hoarse, tone just above a whisper, but he was still able to catch it. "You still have time to r-run." 
        Tearing his gaze from your shivering form, Technoblade dropped his sword.
        His potions.
        His crossbow.
        Golden apples. 
        All of it, before finally unlatching the hold-knob of his cloak and tossing it to the side and finally letting the glistening crown that sat atop his head clatter to the forest floor alongside his netherite armor. 
        His hands raised in surrender. 
        Quackity's brown eyes burned with victory as he removed the weapon from your throat, both of his feet from either side of you were no longer there, letting your head again fall into the snow you were then hoisted up from under your shoulder. Whimpering painfully, you unwillingly leaned against the ravenette for support as he danced giddily before his energetic facade dropped to look Technoblade dead in his rage filled eyes. 
        "So here is what's going to happen Technoblade, (Y/N). We are going to take you both back to L'Manberg to face trial. Alright?" His voice seethed as the other person he was supporting weakly lifted their head. 
        "Sounds like... Bull shit..."
        Tubbo stood, lips pulled into a thin line. "They just insulted our government..."        
        Technoblade snapped his head to face the ram. "Oh, we just insulted your, oh your government has been insulted. OHHH!"
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I had to put a few of Technoblade's funny moments because I am missing the hell out of that man.
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Edited and not proofread
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hogletthe2nd · 16 days
omg srry this took a bit life got me, anyways small headcanon list for Kinoverse let’s GOOO
CTubbo was originally a bull hybrid, he was a longhorn I believe. I think I planned on changing the horns a bit because they reminded me to much of Tavros horns.
CRanboo is a mix between an end enderman and white water Enderman which FUN FACT, the white water enderman was inspired off that whole white enderman thing that happened a long time ago.
— Adding onto this, CRanboos childhood literally sucked. He probably has scars all over his body from other enderman biting, clawing, hurting him because he looked different. He also basically had no group/pack because of the fact that he couldn’t blend in to either of the environments.
CTommy use to have wings, CDream cut them off.
CWilburs wings are abnormally large, not in a cool way either. He can’t really lift them much anymore or fly with them. They tend to drag against the ground, and get dirty very quickly. Doesn’t take care of them either so..
— it gets so bad that they sometimes get stuck in the ground. Since he lives in a marsh type area. Later on they are cut off because they are way too messed up and damaged. They also impacted his life way too much.
CTechnoblade is the biggest hermit ever. After Phil dies, Wilbur and Tommy run away(both at different times) he becomes a shut in. He definitely won’t admit it though tbh.
CQuackity is a call duck hybrid, he also can’t fly. Maybe he can fall slowly like origins Tommy or something.
CSapnap is a failed antichrist.
CBBH is a cult leader, of what who knows I don’t yet.
Okay I’m gonna stop for now before it gets to long, ur turn @emeralds-and-piglins
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mathanlin · 10 months
// emotional abuse (hybrid, not intended), shoving/pushing
Hybrid/Heist AU where it’s not uncommon to see Piglins drenched in gold.
So piglin!Tommy is the Syndicate’s perfect distraction — load him up with stolen gold & make the perfect getaway. 
Except giving gold is a sign of love. Of family.
And taking it away is… not. 
It happens mid-heist. 
Phil’s panicking in that quiet way of his, and Wilbur in his… not-so quiet way. “*Fuck.* The bags, I forgot them, we don’t have anything to—”
A hand lands on Tommy’s shoulder. 
And Techno says, “We have him.” 
Tommy tenses. *I can’t help,* he almost says. *I'm not smart, I can’t think of a plan—*
And then Techno’s hand nudges his shoulder, gently clasping something around his neck.
Tommy *melts.*
In a heartbeat, his fear dissolves into pure, euphoric instinct. 
*For me?* he almost whispers, wonderstruck. He can’t muster the words, breathless with hesitant joy.
And then Phil & Wilbur join in, draping him in gold.
Tommy’s— Tommy’s *family* joins in. 
*That’s what this means,* his instincts cry, desperately overjoyed. 
They must be proud of him, if he’s somehow earned this. They adore him, they *love* him—
“Tommy. Snap out of it.”
Fingers snap in front of his face. 
Tommy blinks, grin wide & woozy. He beams, pressing into Wilbur’s hand even as it pulls away.
“Come on,” Wilbur huffs — but to Tommy’s instincts, it’s soft. Glorious. “Get up. Let’s go.” 
Tommy’s dazed. 
It’s just… perfect. Phil’s warm arm around his shoulders, supporting him. The gentle clink of gold earrings, clipped to Tommy’s long-abandoned piercings.
Even Wilbur’s, “For fuck’s sake, Tommy. Act normal,” doesn’t pull him from the haze.
It should’ve. 
In the hideout, the Syndicate celebrates. 
Tommy’s still grinning stupidly, tucked at Phil’s side. Wilbur gestures at him, beaming. “Look at that. *Flawless.*”
Tommy’s smile grows, shaky yet adoring. His family’s proud, they *love* him—
Something’s tugged from his ear. 
“Gotta be a couple thousand,” Phil says, smiling. Not… at Tommy. 
At the earring in his palm. 
The one he… he took off. 
A worried noise escapes Tommy’s throat, muffled & dazed. 
*He’s just looking,* he tells his mind, trying to stop trembling. *He’s not— he’s not mad. He’ll give it back—*
Phil tosses it onto the floor. 
And waves a hand. “C’mere, mate. Let’s get that off of you.”
Tommy jerks back, instincts roaring under a cold bolt of fear.
*What?* he tries to say. All that comes out is that same choked whine. *No, I— I like it, you gave it to me, we’re /family/—*
Techno’s hand seizes his shoulder. 
And the other pulls the necklace off.
“What’d I do?” Tommy chokes out, jerking back, gaze flicking desperately between them. “I— what’d I—”
“Hold still,” Wilbur huffs. 
This time, it’s annoyed. Angry, even, eyes flaring as Tommy pulls away. 
Then freezes as Techno scoffs, ”C’mon, kid. You don’t get to *keep* it.”
And… he doesn’t. 
Not one piece.
It’s all of them, pulling the gold away. Tossing it to the floor. Smiling as it piles up, but frowning when Tommy flinches, whines, ducks his head. 
All of them, rejecting him.
Tommy’s torn apart by the end of it. When it’s gone quiet, no more gut-wrenching sounds of gold hitting ground.
Still, he clings. Pushes himself toward Phil, trembling too hard to plead for forgiveness.
And yet, he’s still given it.
“You did good, Toms.”
Tommy goes still. 
“That was a rough situation,” Phil murmurs, still sitting beside him. “But you made it easy. I didn’t even think of giving it to you.”
Tommy stays still. That’s what Wilbur said, if he follows orders, then maybe—
“Mind doing it again, sometime?”
Tommy nods before he even recognizes the words, shuddering and hesitantly pushing closer. 
Anything. He’ll do anything for forgiveness, for their love. 
No matter how many times they rip it away.
“You really liked that gold, huh?” Phil says quietly. Tommy shivers, holding back a desperate cry—
And then Phil’s wrapping a gentle arm around his shoulders, voice even softer. 
“We’ll see if we can get you some.”
*We’ll give you a second chance,* Tommy’s instincts hear. Hope. Mercy. Forgiveness, for whatever he did wrong.
So he nods again, daring to press just a little closer. 
And Phil… holds him. Doesn’t push him away. Tommy almost sobs, mind a mess of, *Thank you,* and, *I’m sorry.*
Hope’s not lost. Not if he does good, if he helps. 
If he lets them rip him apart, just a few more times.
(Surely it’ll only be a few times.)
"Could you give this to me?"
Tommy holds out a tiny golden ring to Wilbur, hands shaking. It'd been the only thing he could afford with his share of the money.
But it means nothing. Not unless his family puts it onto him.
And Wilbur... sneers.
"I'm busy, Tommy."
And... he is. Poring over heist plans, a cup of long-cold coffee beside him.
Tommy's breath hitches. But he needs this. (Something they won't take away, something to cling to.)
"Please? It'll be quick, just—"
Wilbur huffs, shoving away from his desk.
Tommy tries not to flinch as Wilbur stalks across the room.
And fails as he snatches the ring from Tommy's hand. *He's mad, he hates you, he—*
Jams it onto Tommy's finger.
"There. Happy?"
*Yes.* Tommy nods shakily, dazed by a wave of delirious instinct. He's family, he's *loved*—
Wilbur... walks away.
It almost doesn't matter. Tommy curls up that night, heart hitching with relief every time he sees that tiny golden band.
But it's not there for long.
"This is *your fault.*"
Techno's hand slams into Tommy's chest. He hits the vault's wall with a choked cry, pinned.
"Act. Normal. That's all we asked," Techno spits. "But that gold was just too shiny, huh? God. I knew you were selfish, but not that much."
And... Tommy can't argue.
The heist fell apart ages before they reached the vault, covers blown. Tommy'd drawn far too much attention — nudging into Phil's hands, leaning again Wil, purring in relief. Euphoric at being forgiven, no longer disowned.
And now they're stuck.
The wall trembles against Tommy's back. Cops, drilling through the vault door.
And though Techno's grip is painful, Tommy leans into it. At least he has them in their last moments, he has *love*—
Techno drops him.
Leans down.
And rips a necklace from Tommy's neck.
"This is what you doomed us for," he spits, pitching it across the vault. "Some stupid *gold.*"
Tommy tries to stand, to cry out, but Techno shoves him back down. Tommy tries to speak, panicked noises the only things he can choke out.
"I thought we were family, Tommy."
The drill almost drowns out Techno's whisper.
But Tommy still hears it. Still manages to shake his head as Techno tears the gold away, to desperately grab his wrist in an attempt to stop him.
And Techno grabs his hand back.
Or rather, his finger.
And rips the ring away.
The vault's door caves in.
So does Tommy's mind, finally snapping under the weight of non-stop rejections.
Sure, he still fights for one last hug. Even as he's tased, hit with batons, shoved away by the Syndicate themselves.
But once he's thrown into a cell alone?
He's done.
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erissdoesart · 4 months
Just started rereading No Venom and Gotdamn. I forgot how negative Techno was about Wilbur in this. Wtf did the Duke do to make techno hate him so much? Motherfucker could literally be crying over a grave and he would still be like “what sort of scheme is this wily serpent up to?”
It's so cool to hear people are rereading my work!
Techno's negativity is tied to a few levels of why Soot was universally hated to be honest.
First off, Lmanburg and Lmanbergians are infamous for their sly tongues and chronic inability to say truth. Techno is one of the people who does not enjoy politics and the thought of dealing with the King of Lies just makes his head hurt.
Soot was also very infamous as Silver Tongue specifically because of his ducal position. In Lmanburg, the power lies in ducal households, since there is no king there. The Soot House deals with the international politics and inner social working of Lmanburg.
Soot was responsible for taking up political guests of other countries, as well as overseeing foreign diplomats. Everyone who dealt with Soot agreed that the bastard was good at his job and whoever spoke with him, usually came out of the conversation with far less than the duke.
Techno and Phil also had multiple people look into the Soot before the man was supposed to be taken to AE. Most of the reports relied that people feared him and that he had a personal lab and drug line, that he profited from. Techno does not trust that and fears that "Soot" is going to use that background to ultimately swindle them into something.
And lastly, hybrid status. Snakes are just not trusted, especially venomous ones, which Soots were known to be. A bit of prejudice
And Techno, as piglin brute hybrid is highly protective of what he considers his. So he wants to protect his family, his home and his country- and Soot pinged as a danger to all of those in some capacity haha
Now it is Ash in the fic but in the "og" novel Soot did also aggravate Technoblade a lot, which was done on purpose. He knew the prince didn't like him and played his worst behaviour up- bit why, its going to be revealed in the fic 😉
Hope that clears it!
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