#pirate mc
tinyfantasminha · 3 months
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''A... mermaid? No, what are you...?!''
merfolk + pirate AU I guess 🧍‍♂️
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cronssic · 3 months
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I need to do big ensemble pieces more often
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savagium · 18 days
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anyone else excited for the club penguin movie?
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it's the wrong treasure!(pirate leona x siren reader-part 1)
(im open for scenarios and headcanons)
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hi guys! mays is back✨sorry for not posting but i was busy with my family and summer school, here's the pirate leona scenario according to the poll I created a few days ago ⏤͟͟͞͞★
and also i would like to tell y'all that i might start writing about ruggie and epel, i started studying them this couple of days⏤͟͟͞͞★
pirate leona x siren fem!reader⏤͟͟͞͞★
reader being a simp somehow, sfw, I will include characters that do not exist in twst as members of Leona's crew they are only NPCs, reader is a siren and violent with people on land, Her species is aggressive with pirates and sings with their beautiful voice, They lure pirates to their places in the ocean to catch them and get rid of them, The reader will be violent with Leona since he's in their territory⏤͟͟͞͞★
pirate Leona was with his pirate crew in the ocean, heading to find a treasure, and by mistake they found a completely different kind of treasure..⏤͟͟͞͞★
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Under the cloud-covered sky, a crashing navy blue bed of high waves decorated the horizon in plain sight, announcing the arrival of the sailing ship to the point of no return. The strong storm and violent waves shook the ship and raised it to the heights of the sky, then slammed it into the face of the ocean again..
The ship whose surface was filled with a crew of scoundrels and bandits, all inside the bottom of the ship eating the huge fish they had earned from a recent theft. At the head of the table sat their leader, the beastman, his legs carelessly above the table, sitting proudly crushing the thorny bones of the fish with his powerful fangs, He was chewing his food while his crew laughed and drank, completely unconcerned about the storm that seemed to sink the ship at any moment. These stinkers were accustomed to these difficult adventures and it no longer frightened them
"You damned bastards, pour more drink! Don't you see that we are close to reaching the treasure that the pirate captain has been searching for for years?!!" One of the pirates shouted as he climbed onto the table and raised his wooden cup, spilling the drink on the food while laughing hard
The rest of them all started cheering and encouraging, increasing the noise in the banquet room, which made the beastman's ears flicker and his eyebrows furrow, clear sign of him getting annoyed
"heey...y'all shut up!! just how many times should i yell about wanting the banquet to be quiet?!! Do you want me to throw you off the ship and get eaten by the sharks??!" leona yelled, slamming his palm on the table as he lift his tricorn off his head "It is too early to celebrate, do not rule out that we will arrive and find the treasure stolen" yeah stolen, he is sure that the treasure is his, He will not say that someone preceded him in finding the treasure, but rather he is certain that the treasure was originally existed just for him
Leona took a sip of his drink as he looked at the map in his hand and contemplated it. Legend says that in the middle of this ocean there is a mermaid queen whose tail is made of gold, diamonds, blue sapphires and emeralds, her face is studded with pearls and her hair is made of thin threads of silver.. Price This mermaid is alive for 100 million, and she is dead for 75 million.."Because of her brightness, her tail and hair can be seen from 100 meters away. How wonderful" Leona grinned, he must find her no matter what the cost because he is a greedy pirate..But while he was immersed in his thoughts..
The ship captain came from the deck and descended the stairs. He called to Leona as he stopped in the middle of the stairs "BOSS, I SAW SOMETHING SHINING IN THE MIDDLE OF THE OCEAN!!!"
Leona's train of thought was interrupted by the captain's screams. His eyes widened and he looked at the captain in shock. He was very surprised that they had just arrived at the intended location, but the captain saw the light so quickly "you're kidding right?!!" Leona quickly got up and ran to the stairs, followed by the rest of the crew. They threw their cups on the floor and left the food, immediately heading to the deck to confirm what the captain had said
While they were running down the stairs, the captain was talking to Leona "boss, i can here the sirens.."
Leona was even more surprised, but his surprised expression quickly turned into a smile from ear to ear, baring his fangs as excitement pumped strongly through his veins "sirens, huh? interesting, this means we are in the right place"
Leona stood at the front of the ship and looked at the place indicated by the captain. The captain was right. There was a golden shine on the horizon. The sound of Siren’s singing could be heard from afar..leona shivered in excitement and turned to his crew who would have screamed with anticipation
“YOU STINKY BASTARDS, ARE YOU READY TO GET THE DAMNED TREASURE??!!" leona screamed, He took out his sword from its sheath place and raised it to the sky. The sounds of the crew’s cheering echoed in the place, covering the noise of the storm and waves
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Leona was standing on the edge of the ship, completely wet from the rain, looking towards the shiny thing in the water. He was a little in the water so only the long golden tail was visible..he is a bit..confused, why the mermaid didn't escape? He furrowed his eyes and brought his face closer to the water "is this even a mermaid?.." Leona turned to his crew and looked at them seriously "Get your net and catch this thing!"
The men quickly brought the net and prepared it. It did not take long until they threw it into the water and caught that golden body. It was pulled from the water forcefully and they raised it to the ship, and it was very heavy
Leona's eyes widened.. She is really a mermaid, she has a really shiny golden tail "WTF?" He is completely shocked, is it possible that he caught the queen so easily? Impossible, something must be wrong here "BE QUICK YOU IDIOTS!!!"
Just when the men were going to throw the mermaid onto the deck of the ship, Leona was standing right next to them and grabbed the net to pull with them because the mermaid was heavy... With a quick and unexpected movement, Leona did not feel anything at this moment except two very wet hands pulling him forcefully by his clothes, and the mermaid. She hit the men with her tail so hard that they collided with each other and collapsed to the ground immediately
"HEY Y!!!-" Leona was unable to give a reaction because within seconds he found himself being pulled and falling from the ship into the ocean. He could not see this time because he's underwater, and in front of him was only a mermaid who tore the net and freed herself, grabbing him by the neck and squeezing his body around her long tail... in fact, she was not a mermaid...she was a Siren
You are Siren, you were very angry as usual. Your people sent you to stop Leona's ship because he, like any other pirate, is trying to take the riches of your land and destroy your territory "you bastard..let me see your face.." you pulled the tricorn off his head, laughing at him as you swam to the surface, pulling him out the water so he can take a breath
"HAAAHH!!" Leona gasped hard as he took a breath and coughed after the water entered his lungs. He was in your grip trying to free his right hand. When you were about to curse and mock him again, you remained in your place for a few seconds.. His face.. Is this scoundrel really a pirate?..there's no way a pirate can look so handsome and young..where's the fucking shaggy beard? where's the golden teeth and the forty-something face?
"...are you a pirate?" you spook, amazement clear in your voice
Leona, quickly notice that you are distracted, so try to quickly release his right hand and take advantage of this moment of you lowering your defense "yes i'm the pirate captain, Why does this worry you??"
you were speechless, you are used to the ugly dirty shaggy bearded golden teethed forty years old smelly pirates that when you see a handsome man with legs you felt something inside you awaken..Even the men of your species are usually ugly, the sirens are usually ugly at all and their appearance is frightening, unlike the mermaids..so, for the first time in your life..you actually saw a handsome man, a man that made you have a moment of silence, you just wanted to stare at him for the rest of the day and enjoy that good looking appearance of his
but in the middle of your simping era, you were surprised by him suddenly swinging his sowrd in your face, almost injuring you in your neck and chest, you quickly let off him and swam away, trying to collect back your thoughts and keep up with reality. leona hold i rope that his crew threw to him, he climbed and got out of the water..looking at you almost angrily as he pulled his her back and panted
They didn't give you a chance. Suddenly, you were surprised by a strong bullet trying to hit you, but the shooter missed the target. Someone was carrying a gun on the ship and started taking another flintlock gun out of his pocket to hit you. You knew at this moment that there was no better option than running away. So you swam to the depths of the ocean with all your speed to avoid any serious injury
Leona boarded the ship again. He threw himself on the ground, coughing and feeling suffocated by the water in his lungs. He was preoccupied with the pain in his chest and ribs after you squeezed him hard with your tail
"boss, are you ok??! put the boss in his room and retreat!!! the ship"
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"why the hell did you let them go, y/n?!!"
Under the ocean and inside one of the caves where your people used to live, the leaders gathered at you in anger. They sent you to eliminate those in the crew of the Leona ship, but you only failed the mission
you were speechless, You yourself don't know what happened to you. You used to kill these bastard men in cold blood. Why do you kind of feel strange now? You saw a beautiful being for the first time in your life, so beautiful that he made your tail fall loose around his waist, making you lower your defense and actually get..vulnerable
"im..im sorry, i don't know what got me..i just..i really don't know" you stutter, unable to defend yourself in the presence of your leaders, your brain was raising a million miles with all these thoughts
After a long and annoying discussion and reprimand, you were finally taken out. You were now outside the cave, swimming in the ocean, immersed in your thoughts. You remembered that perfect, clean face, the sharp, shining fangs, the green eyes like emeralds, the sharp jaw like a knife, and every detail of his face... just attracted you "why im still thinking about him?! ahh this is stupid!!" You tried to slap yourself and come back to your senses, but that didn't work either. His image is still clear in your head...
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A week has passed. Throughout this week, you have not stopped watching the ship from afar, chasing Leona every time he comes out on deck and you approach, trying to get a close look at the man who has not left your imagination for a week, only your eyes outside the water lurking every move he makes. Every day your admiration for him increased more and more, especially when you saw him one day standing on the deck of the ship without his shirt and he was sharpening his sword. His muscles sent you wild, Now he looks a thousand times more tempting than before, to the point where you can't focus on doing anything all day except wishing to see him come out more
And on this day, while you were watching it as usual, you noticed that for some reason the crew members had not gone to the surface since the morning, and even the ship’s captain was not out to steer. The ship was moving on its own without navigation, which made you wonder... Did something happen on the ship?
Curious, you swam closer to the ship, going around it several times and checking the corners, putting your ear to the wood and trying to hear any sound from inside, but no one was talking and there were no sounds of movement...it was as if everyone had suddenly evaporated from the ship
"what the?..were did they go??.." you said to yourself, and when you decided to just go and come back later and gave the ship your back, you suddenly felt a lot of ropes around you, tightening against your torso and suddenly pulling you up
"LIFT HER QUICKLY!!!" You heard Leona's voice shouting at the crew, what?! Where did he come from?! Rather, where did they all suddenly come from?!
You tried to free yourself as last time, but this time the ropes were thick and strong, it was not just a fishing net that could be torn, so all your miserable attempts failed
You tried to scream and call on your people to save you, but suddenly you were silenced by someone putting a vial in your mouth filled with a strange-tasting liquid. You couldn't even tell what was going on, but you swallowed a large amount of liquid by mistake
Now, you were lying on the ground in front of the crew, and you felt a large amount of magic in your body... as if your body was convulsing and your tail was splitting in two, your bones were hurting and your gills were disappearing, the seashells on your entire body were disappearing... something strange was happening to you that you could not explain
You didn't even notice when Leona approached you and put a cloth over your body and wrapped it around you to cover you, because you simply drank a magic drink that turned you into a human. It wouldn't be pleasant for Leona to keep a girl naked in front of his crew, who he know that they are all bastard perverts
After you regained control of yourself and recovered from the pain, you realized what had happened to you. Your body froze completely when suddenly you were able to move two legs instead of a tail. You began to feel your skin, which had become very soft and free of shells. You touched your face, which clearly had changed, you don't feel your features are the same..
"hey, salmon, are you traumatized?" He interrupted your train of thought again, Leona. You raised your head to look at him, confused and frightened
"y-you!!!" You realized how stupid you are. You completely forgot that Leona is a beastman. It is true that he is not human, but that will not prevent him from making you dinner for him and the pirates, or perhaps they will sell you and take you to the land
But on the other hand, Leona was in a completely parallel world... unable to believe what his eyes were seeing. You were ugly because you were Siren, but now that you took this magical antidote, your appearance changed and you became a human being... your true features emerged and you became completely beautiful as the myths say, He was looking you up and down and inspecting every inch of you with his eyes, like any man in the world, of course: he gets aroused by the siren -not too much but just it worked-, it's practically done with him, even though you are now the weak party, it seems that the man will remain a man
"get away from me, don't come clo-!!! AHHAA LET ME GOOO!!!" just a second and you were hoisted up in the air, leona held you on his shoulder like a potato sack and walked to inside the ship "calm down salmon, i won't eat you" was all he said as he took you to his room, kicking it open and then kicking it back closed with his feet, putting you gently on the bed and moving away, standing beside the bed edge
"now, salmon, Can you explain why you've been stalking me all last week?"
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im sorry for being shitty and stopping here but i really like making multiple chapters since im basically a 200-chapters-novel writer, but i need to see if there's people who will like this so i continue writing! i hope y'all support me on this so i can write more🫶🏻
⏤͟͟͞͞★thanks for reading!
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n0va25 · 3 months
Hogwarts Legacy - Pirates 🏴‍☠️
May I present a pirate AU that started because of mer-May. I might do more with this if I have enough motivation to, but for now enjoy 😏💚
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Sebastian has set sail, in search of a ancient relic that is said to cure any ailment. Desperate to find it to cure his sister, who suffers from a mysterious illness which cannot be cured.
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Plus an extra one with that Will Turner type facial hair 🫠
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Claire is a resident of the ocean, a beautiful mermaid. She has vast knowledge of the depths and may be able to help Sebastian find what he is looking for.
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Ominis is part of the prestigious Gaunt family, the ones who have provided Sebastian with a ship and crew at Ominis’ request. Ominis has decided to accompany Sebastian, to keep him out of trouble as well as support him.
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bloodandthestars · 11 months
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touchstarved. pirate!ais x gn reader
tags: reader is the first mate, mention of stitches but nothing gory
author’s note: this draft has been in my notion forever and now she’s making her debut as an ais drabble, YESSIR. I’m not sure on a part two cause if it did happen it would be long after my current project. IF YOU’D LIKE THE THEME SONG IF THERE WAS A SERIES it’s chain by lolo zouaï :))
wc: 3.6k
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“Easy gentlemen,” You say in a smug tone with your hands in the air. “No need to harm the merchandise.”
The comment earns you another shove in the back as you and a few of your crewmates walk to the main mast of the main deck. Soldiers aim their weapons at your group, pistols and swords alike with sneering glares to accompany them. You look to your crew and they look back at you. Your eyes shift from one part of the ship to the next, before hearing the crowd of officers shift. You look up to see what appears to be the general, stricken in his formal posture as he strides towards you. His head held tightly in the air, he looked down at you like you were something to wipe the floor with.
“So, is this the infamous pirates of The Spade?” He scoffs, turning his head to eye your emptied home on the sea and laughing. “This is your ship?”
“Works mighty fine for a big vessel, unlike what you may have in those overgrown trousers-” Your remark is quickly cut off by the muskets furthering themselves in your direction. You turn your head begrudgingly as one gets inches away from your neck.
“Silence, scoundrel.” The general hisses. “Now, where are the others? We are well aware of your plans to search for-”
One of your crew yells. “There are no others, shitrag!”
The general scoffs once more, tilting his head in your direction. “And would Captain Ais leave his crew behind so cowardly?” He steps toward you, eyeing you as gets in your face. “Well, when it’s so pitiful— how could he not?”
Your jaw locks and for the sake of your crew, you remain still. He begins again. “Now, where is-”
In the blink of an eye, a bullet nicks the general’s shoulder. You remained still, with a cunning smile laid on your face—the general scowls at you before looking for the source of his injury. Up in the crow’s nest of The Spade was the very captain himself, guarded with a flintlock pistol. He aims for his next shot, a minor distraction for more of the crew to come out of hiding just as he did. They sprung from the hold, immediately throwing makeshift grenades—the officers ducked for cover without a moment to lose. The general tries his best to do the same but stops. “What the-”
Large barrels of smoke escape the grenades. Soon enough it covers the entire deck. You catch the general’s grimace at you before waving as the smoke hides you within. You hear the shouts of the second crew, and ropes swing to reach the enemy ship. You find yourself smiling as the crew combine and rejoice. Even apart for a few moments, they can’t help but celebrate one another. Your ears hear the clanks of metal on the wooden floorboards: Weapons. You remain sharp with the smoke at every turn you make, but most certainly, you are calm. You turn your head towards the sound of a coat whirling in the air. The captain throws you your sword and its grasped by you easily. The smoke fades, revealing a battle taking over the entire ship. You glance at moments across the ship, fights between your men and the officers heated and growing more aggressive by the second. You ready your grip on your sword, taking a look at the fleeting general and then at Captain Ais himself. He looks at you at the same time and the two of you nod in agreement.
The both of you charge towards the officers between you and the general. You block a quick attack from an officer’s sword, turning your wrist to maneuver a parry. You swipe at the officer’s chest, causing him to back into the railing. You waste no time— kicking him square in the chest to throw him off the boat entirely. You turn to see another officer charge towards you while Ais takes on two himself. You scoff. “Show off!”
Before handling the next enemy, you could have sworn you spied a small smile on his face. You shift to your right, avoiding a sword with you in its crosshairs. You kick him in the back of his knee. The man yelps, throwing his rapier in the air. Before he could think of anything else, you advanced your sword across his throat. He falls with no sound left of him and the second sword lands right in your other hand. You catch your captain’s eye as he finishes the two soldiers. “Show off, huh?”
You only shrug with a smile, both of you keeping pace with reaching the general once more. You shove past other fights, dodging and swinging at those around you. You pull through until Ais is stopped abruptly. A foot lands on his coat, pulling him back for a split moment. You’re quick to kick the officer off to free him. Ais deflects a cutlass coming at you from the side. You turn to cross your swords in an X, shielding your body from another attack. “Next time-” you grunt against the force “-you’re the damsel in distress.”
Ais snorts. “I’ll take you up on that offer.”
You huff, using one sword for an uppercut while the other deflects the enemy weapons. You slash at them once, before hooking your arm to Ais’s. He pulls you from over his back, with you kicking an incoming soldier down while cutting at the soldier from your previous side. Once both your forms are reset, your backs touch each other as you take down a few more guards in your way.
While deflecting another attack, you spot the general attempting to flee to the helm. Your brows furrow as you take down the remaining one of the few. You get your feet to run in his direction through the chaos. There was no need to look back when you knew the captain was right behind you. Instead, you take a glance at your cutlass before readying it in your hand. Before his hand can grasp onto the wheel, your sword is quickly engrained into the wood with an attentive throw. The general frantically looks between the both of you charging at him and his uniform sleeve stuck to the wheel over and over until he can reach the handle of the sword. With a large war cry, the general pulls the sword from its place— freeing himself and a weapon to hold.
“Nice one, Sparrow.”
“Bite me.”
The two of you reach him and prepare to attack. Ais goes from the top down in his swing but the general defends it fast. You shove at his side, grabbing onto his injured shoulder.
“Argh!” The general let out an angered cry, flinging his sword back and cutting at Ais’s chest. He steps back to adjust and you gasp at the sudden move. Your face scrunches, giving the general a hard push as you slice his shoulder. The blood splatters but you don’t stop there. You sling your sword across his chest, once, twice, backing him until his back reaches the railing of the end of the boat. You go for another but he’s finally able to deflect the attack. The two weapons clash, with the two of you carrying strong looks at each end. Ais finds the opportunity you made for him, tripping the general’s legs and finally, piercing him in the chest.
The general’s sword falters against your own, and the very man falls to his knees. His face shifts to a pained disoriented expression as Ais snatches his weapon from his body. The general struggles to hold on to the railing as blood creeps into his uniform at a quick pace.
The two of you stand over him as he writhes in pain, faces made of steel. He looks up to you with shocked eyes, his mouth agape in labored silence.
“What’s the move, captain?” You utter between breaths. Ais’s breath finally calms, with his eyes shutting after. He exhales. Lowering to reach the general’s eyesight, He stares at him with a dark look in his eyes. The captain’s face never falters, watching as the general still struggles. Ais gets back into a stance, uttering the simple phrase as he looks down at the man who tried him.
“Finish the men, take the supplies. Make sure he gets a front-row seat at everybody that floats off into the ocean. And to that end, with him as the last remaining pathetic life, sink the ship.”
You only nod at your orders.
The darkness settles as the crew finishes what was left of the ale for the night. You watch as they huddle the forecastle deck, arms slung around each other as they laugh endlessly. A smile creeps onto your face, laughing to yourself looking away for a moment. You look up to see a crewmate walk to you. “C’mon you!”
Before you can give a response, she grabs your arm— going under and carrying you over your shoulder with ease. You yelp and she and the crew laugh as she takes you to them. She sits you on a stool and grins at you proudly. “Let’s hear it for our captain and first mate!”
You shake your head with a grin, the cheers of your crew overflowing with clinks of glasses in the air. You move to stand on top of your seat, giving them a bit to settle before speaking. “Nothing could be accomplished, nor give me and the captain fuel to remain strong— without the lot of you. You did well today, and we should not ignore even the smallest celebrations.”
A whistle ensues and you nod, yet pause. “Our true goal lies ahead, and who is to stop us from reaching it?”
“No one!”
“Bloody nothing!”
The crew magnifies in sound. You jump off, boots making a strong thud against the floorboards. They gather around you with prideful shouts, and you cheer along with them proudly. “Another barrel!” You hear someone shout. In an instant, the cork of a barrel is sliced away, and ale overflows into the cups of many once more. You laugh once again with them. As your throat begins to settle from shouting with the crowd, you catch the dim light behind the stained glass of the captain’s quarters.
The night was quiet when you knocked at the antique doors. It’s a few seconds before there’s a response.
“Who’s there?”
“It’s me.”
You hear a pained groan that causes your brows to press together.
“Come in, Sparrow.”
You open the doors, noticing the scraps of bloodied rags and crinkled papers across the captain’s desk. Your eyes widen as you spot the man in his large chair with his head hung low— messy brown-white strands falling from his short ponytail. His hand holds the desk for support. When he looks up at you, you instantly spot the crimson mess across his chest.
“What is-?”
You cut him off. “Aht, don’t even.”
His brow raises with a strained voice. “Don’t what?”
“Deflect. From your, you know-” You create a circle at your chest. “situation.”
Ais scoffs, tone remaining sarcastic as it usually was— even with the injury. “You worrying about little old me?”
He goes to stand but the turning causes him to hiss in pain, putting his hand to his chest. The man looks up to catch your expression: a raised brow with arms crossed. You open your mouth. “-don’t say it.”
You give him a look, moving wordlessly from the door. He watches as make your way to the front of the small fireplace set in the quarters. Pulling two chairs from the mapping table, you set them next to the fire. Ais turns his head for his sight to follow you. You go to his desk, searching through the rags to grab the cleanest ones and the needle and thread amongst the mess. You look back at him, catching his eyes before nodding to the chairs. “Well, go on.”
“Giving me orders now, are we?”
“Yes, we are.” You say slyly. He huffs, nonetheless walking to one of the chairs to sit in. He groans as he sits back to get as comfortable as he could. You open the dark cabinet next to the desk, eyes searching through the various glass bottles. You shift through them before finding a tall brown one containing rum, and a water jug. Checking their weights, you turn and walk towards your own seat.
You catch him looking at you, and he proceeds to heed you once more. “You don’t have to do this.”
A raised brow appears from you as you sit. “Would you rather me get Yasei to butcher the stitches drunk off her ass?”
Ais presses his lips together to suppress a slight smile. “No, I suppose not.”
You laugh. “I thought so.”
You untie your various belts and weapons, setting them on the floor with a clinking sound. You roll up the puffed sleeves of your loose shirt and scoot your chair forward for a closer look. You pull the stained fabric of his clothing, sticky between your fingers. He catches the way your face twists at the sight of the gash.
Your hand grabs the brown bottle, teeth pulling off the cork in seconds. You hand it to him and he places it on his lips to drink. Ais’s head falls back, gulping down most of the rum. You ready a worn cloth with water from the other jug, receiving the bottle from him in the other hand. You drink what’s left inside, shutting your eyes for a minute as it burns down your throat. An exhale escapes you, opening your eyes to see a questioning look on Ais’s face. Your hand makes a motion with the bottle before setting it on the wooden floor. “Can’t let it go to waste.”
He grins. “Not at all.”
Silence settles as you begin to use the cloth on the wound. You lean forward, making sure to get every look into it. Ais fixes his gaze on the fire to his right while you go to work. Blood falls in trickles down his skin, clearing the previous mess. It didn’t look too bad so far, you thought. It still required stitches, however. You throw one rag to the ground, grab another, and begin the process over again. Where there was quiet between you both was also a sense of comfort. Whispers of the shifting waves remain, giving your own resolve a bit of calm. After properly cleaning through it, you pat away the remaining water.
“They’re beginning to learn about what we’re after.”
He turns his head to look down at you. “That so? I thought the rumor was that we were chasing myths and bedtime stories.”
The ends of your lips quirk up for a second, eyes still on the injury at hand. “Most of them still believe that.” You give him a short glance. “But if a general knows, then other fleets surely do.”
“Surely, my sparrow isn’t getting cold feet.” He says with flair in his tone, then tilting his head.
You shake your head chuckling. “Not in a million years. I am just being the more logical out of the two of us. You know, thinking ahead and all.”
He can’t help the exhale that tumbles from tight lips. You drop the final cloth to the ground. You look away, grabbing the needle and thread, only to come back to his gaze filled with interest. Though you were still as you looked back at him, his eyes told you he wanted you to continue. You look down, preparing the thread. “The last port town we stopped in could have been the cause of today’s comeuppance. The looks we were getting…it’s like word is spreading fast. There’s no doubt in my mind that privateers will be the next obstacle.”
He hums in acknowledgment, thinking for a moment.
“The next one we go to, I think that we should plant fake rumors. Pay off bar owners or who else would look like they’d speak to some soldiers for coin.”
“We’re just going to have to pay double. And increase the watch on the ship.”
“That’d be the next step, yes.”
“See? I can be perfectly logical.”
You join him in his chaff. “Eh, for a moment.”
You catch a smile finally forming on his lips. It honestly takes you by surprise, but you welcome the sight regardless. Your chair slides closer for the next part. You place your hand on his chest with the other holding the prepped needle. You glimpse at him, and he looks back at you with a nod. The needle presses into his skin, only earning you a strong grimace from the captain. Whether it’d be he had gone through this many times before, or the rum kicked in, you were hopeful that it was just a combination of both—
“No one has searched for the Spring and made out alive.” He begins, looking over your shoulder as you bend down to focus on your hands. “That’s how the legend goes.”
You arch your brow guilefully. “But?”
Ais wavers, eyes finding themselves back on to you. “But we’ll find it. We'll be legends.”
The statement causes your hand to pause in its routine. You don’t notice how he tenses back up for the first time in minutes at your reaction. He watches your gaze scatter briefly before you decide to resume the stitching. Leaving you both to the sounds of the waves and the swaying ship.
You get most of the stitching done by the time he wants to speak again. “Do you trust me on that?”
By that time, you could feel the rum settled in your head. Once you pull the thread at another stitch, the words are properly readied on your tongue in a mutter. “More than anything.”
He remains silent. His eyes falter though he listens intently. “I wouldn’t trust my life with anyone outside this ship.” Your voice changes into a whisper. “But I wouldn’t trust my soul with anyone outside this room.”
Ais’s eyes widen, now observing you fully. Light dancing across your features from the fire with focus strongly evident on your face. The rum settled long when you got to your first stitch, but something told him that that didn’t even matter. He looks past you to his desk, to the mess of rags and numerous papers where he’s had all his findings on The Spring. Somehow, it now seemed a lot farther than it was. The man stares at it longingly, before turning to look at you. You reach the end of your work, eyes finding themselves back on his. Your head lowers. Taking the thread into your mouth and moving the hand on his chest, you cut it with your teeth. His eyes stay on you, watching prominently with an unreadable emotion.
You tilt your head at him, whispering. “What is it?”
He furrows his brows, parting his lips for the words seared in his head— only for them to be blurred together from the rum’s effects. Your breaths get deeper when you being to feel them as well. He glances down at your proximity. He could register that the two of you were fairly close, but couldn’t get himself care. And frankly, neither could you. Ais’s red eyes stay to yours. There was a clouded look with in them but on the other hand, they were determined to keep you as their only subject.
A dog suddenly bursts through the doors with an excited wag of her tail. Even if she was a slender long thing, she moved as if she was still a pup. The two of you jump at the loud boom. Ais immediately eases, however. “Come on, Princess.”
The dark animal trots over to the fireplace, getting herself comfortable as if she didn’t just scare the living shit out of either of you. You sigh, running hand through your hair with shut eyes. When you open them, you find Ais staring. Those words from before seem to tipsily fade away. The timing long gone and unable to regain from his perspective. From your perspective, you’d both forget what you said in the morning. And yet when he’s staring, you can’t help but soften. You notice his shoulders relax as well from your own looking.
Perhaps he would have told you that if he could, he’d let you command him in every way possible. Perhaps he would have said that you were the one thing he’s been able to count on and not be afraid of being left behind. That he’d trust you with his back, bare and exposed, knowing it would never be stabbed in betrayal. You were on this journey together, with you and your crew. Not one of them regretting their time under the captain’s lead.
If only he had listened to you when the journey came to an end, when it all fell apart.
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mega-punani · 7 months
I can see a Selkie!Y/N getting the urge to slip into their skin on occasion and the boys having a moment to gush over their seal form sunbathing on the deck. Playing games like tag, snickering when Y/N attempts to communicate with seal calls (EGGGG), and of course, lots of pets and cuddles.
Will cuddle the seal no matter what, whatever it takes: Sans, Bear
MUST PET RIGHT NEOW: Blue, Stretch, Cinnamon
Ew... kinda gross and smells like salt: Razz
Will troll by rolling you around: Blue, Cash
Tries to feed you fish like a seal trainer (also tries to be slick by making you do tricks but will get embarrassed if you refuse): Papyrus, Bear
Fainting from how cute you are: Stretch, Red, Edge
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demigoddessqueens · 7 months
finally! some else that does arcana writing! ✨pirate captain julian visiting vesuvia and finding out that the apprentice (who he was madly in love with) is married to lucio but she still loves him? ohhh the angst 😩😭
You got it!! Pirate!jules just hits a certain part of the brain!!
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Julian has been away for a while, but has returned back to Vesuvia for you
He remembers writing to you, always anticipating his return to you but something seems different as soon as he returns back
The whispers and mentions of your name amongst the people in Vesuvia leave him curious. The shop no longer has your name or anything that was your likeness from befor
Upon hearing the mutterings of the city, he knows it can’t be
Visiting Maz and Portia is heartbreaking enough when they tell him what’s happened: Lucio and you had formed a new rapport, much to Asra’s vocal dismay, but you swore he had change. The Magician who was your dearest friend never believed you and couldn’t bear to be close to the man who caused him so much pain
Sneaking in to get word from Nadia, she offers more of the bittersweet news. She was invited to the wedding, part of Lucio trying to make “amends” and you were as lovely as ever. It was a lavish affair that at least had some happiness to it.
It’s still not enough for the restless captain and Jules knows he has to see you to confirm it for himself.
When he sees you from a hiding spot in the gardens, it hurts to look at you. Soft, calm and wearing the night robes he knows that were gifted from an obvious party.
Climbing up to your balcony, Jules can only offer humor between a watery laugh and a sob. You’re still so flawless to him but he knows he’s lost his chance with you.
As happy as you are to see him, you can’t bear to hug him now. Your new spouse waits for you but the one who still has your heart came back.
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phoenix-artz · 3 months
hermitcraft percy jackson au things....
because i really need to eat this au/j
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Also some information about grian :D
And a pose i tried to do (grian moment)
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canyoubelieveitsmc · 1 year
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asian-ascian · 1 year
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[Leomicah 🦁🐭/🦁🌸]
[Mermaid/Pirate AU] 
*record scratch in the middle of "Kiss the Girl"*
*freeze frame* 
Micah voice: "Yep, that's me. You're probably thinking 'Micah, you said you wouldn't fall for the land-dwelling pirate with an attitude problem. How did this happen?' Well guys, Micah doesn't know either."
Nearing the end of Mermay, so take a little concept of mermaid!micah
No, no, ignore the fact that "My Jolly Sailor Bold" is playing ominously in the bg, it doesn't mean anything I swear <3
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mangooftheshroom · 6 months
Yall, episode 1100 everyone??
The animation how I so very love it.
Lucci getting his ass handed to him as soon as Luffy goes God mode (literally) is one of the greatest things I've seen.
My guy really wanted to fight Luffy in the form he used to beat Kaido. I mean, I get it. He got an awakening, and he wanted a rematch to the guy he lost to two years ago and all. But cmonnn he goaded Luffy and now Luffy's basically just toying with him.
And ohoh, this episode really reminds me that the Strawhats never really saw Luffy's gear 5 form.
Sanji going
"A god? But that's Luffy and he's an idiot!"
He an idiot but he is the lovable idiot they all decided to give their loyalty to and entrust their dreams to. It's amazing.
Also Kuma's backstory is slowly approaching, and Im ready! Im ready to cry!
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anathemafiction · 1 year
Fiz bandeira de um velho ditado
Alessa stares out into a deep, red sunset. Clouds shred the skies in strokes of gold, and a band of pigeons flies overhead, the sound of their wings flapping like the whispers of forbidden gods. 
She can hear the murmur of a dozen voices behind her, muffled by the walls of the brightly-lit inn but no less boisterous. 
Ahead, there's a view fit for a painting. Alessa inhales the fresh air, blue eyes watching the last light of a dying day. She is used to being cold, but Alessa finds herself shivering at the approaching night. 'Tis a beautiful view. 
And she has none to share it with.
Melhor só que mal acompanhado
One hand grips a patched satchel.
The other holds the only possession Harian could take with him. His black sword. He's panting, sweat drips from his forehead, and the blood pounding against his eardrums yells at him to keep going. But when Hadrian reaches the apex of the hill, he comes to a stunned stop. 
The land opens before him. 
Behind, too close, so far away, are the high walls of his Order. Hadrian almost looks back; he almost goes back. Instead, he makes his legs take another step. And then another. And one other after that. For the first time in his life, Hadrian walks alone.
 Nem pensava em apoiar, Os pés no chão
She crawls out from the ashes, lungs burning, eyes watering, throat like the hottest pit of hell. Her skin is red agony, her muscles shredded, her tendons torn, her heart beating out of pure spite. 
Neia, the former Dawnseeker, takes a deep, ragged, pain-filled breath. And then, she screams. 
A dark cloud of crows scatters away from her.
A specter rises to her feet, scorched, blood too dry to bleed, yelling still. When Neia has no more air left in the pitiful excuse for her lungs, she looks at her grave — the charred remains of a holy pyre. There is no one else. 
She's reborn alone.
Olho em volta, Agora estou sozinho
The ocean is a flat, moving plain, stretching to impossible horizons. 
A dozen, two scores, half a hundred vessels surround him like a curved wall. The Pirate stands at the bow of his ship, the figurehead braving the waters, nine fingers holding the damp-wooden railing. Lights shine from a hundred different windows, replicating the cold glow of the millions of stars above.
The ocean breeze is calm. He inhales the salt-filled air. 
His armada. 
The Pirate smiles, but his dark eyes do not glint. His armada, and his alone.
Não liguei às placas do caminho
On the top floor of a high, impossible tower, two windows sit on opposite ends. One faces south, the other north. There is no corridor connecting the two, no hidden passage, no hall or arched hallway. The rooms are sealed in the impregnable way only dreamed rooms can ever be. 
In the room facing north sits a young, brown-eyed girl with curls for hair and a beautiful golden gown for clothes. Ysbaella sits with her skirts spread around her and stares out her window, watching the world below move and go on and on and on. 
In the south-facing room, a young boy twirls a broken quill between too-short fingers. He sits by the window, but he doesn't look outside. He stares instead at an empty journal. Alain can't find any ink to write. 
The twins wait for dawn, for the dream to be over. Each of them alone.
Nem parei p'ra perguntar a direção
The door closes with a thud that spells finality.
Rafael slumps on his chair. His body is a distant thing now, beyond the grip of pain. Exhaustion closes in, and Rafael wants to heed its siren call, for it would be so easy. Close your eyes. Close his eyes and let go. Let go...
Distantly, he feels an ache on his side. It's not pain; he can't feel pain right now. Rafael looks down and sees the red expanding on his wraps. Blood. He was stabbed. His eyelids half-close. It would be so easy...
But Rafael twists his lips in a hateful sneer and clings to consciousness. Clings to life. To hell with them all. He's lived so far; he can cling on a little more. 
The would-be thief looks around the room — his cell. Dark and cold.
And completely deserted. 
Olá, Solidão
You raise your chin and face the mirror. 
Candlelight glows from behind, casting your silhouette in warm golden lines. Shadows play with your chin and jaw, your forehead, and the ridge of your nose. Your hair is wet, clinging to your neck, and your mouth is but a faint streak in the gloom. 
The whites of your eyes glint with the scarce glow as if they hold a light of their own. 
You stare at the mirror, but it's not your face you see. 
It is hers. 
Olá, Solidão
The bard puts the lyre aside, the last remnants of the song echoing like ghosts in the air. 
Lance unfolds his legs and rolls his shoulders, getting rid of the soreness of his muscles. His left hand is cramping, but he pays it little mind. The pain pales in comparison to the one pulsing from his back. 
He is proud of this song, but there is no applause. 
Lance looks around the small, narrow room with a sad smile. It is empty, of course. He plays for an audience of one: himself. 
- - - 
Song: Olã, Solidão by Os Quatro e Meia
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letters2fiction · 7 months
Welcome to Letters2fiction!
The concept here is to send in a question or a letter request, and you’ll get a response from your fictional character of choice, from the list below. Please stick to the list I’ve made, but of course, you can ask if there’s some other characters I write for, I don’t always remember all the shows, movies or books I’ve consumed over the years and I’m sure I’m missing a lot 😅
Status: New Characters added - Thursday March 21st, 2024
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A Discovery of Witches:
Matthew Clairmont
Baldwin Montclair
Gallowglass de Clermont
Marcus Whitmore
Philippe de Clermont
Jack Blackfriars
Sarah Bishop
Emily Mather
Diana Bishop
Ysabeau de Clermont
Miriam Shepard
Phoebe Taylor
Gerbert D’Aurillac
Peter Knox
Father Andrew Hubbard
Benjamin Fuchs
Satu Järvinen
Law and Order:
Rafael Barba
Sonny Carisi
Joe Velasco
Mike Duarte
Terry Bruno
Peter Stone
Hasim Khaldun
Nick Amaro NEW!
Mike Dodds
Grace Muncy
Kat Tamin
Toni Churlish
Amanda Rollins
Olivia Benson
Rita Calhoun
Casey Novak
Melinda Warner
George Huang
Sam Maroun
Nolan Price
Jamie Whelan
Bobby Reyes
Jet Slootmaekers
Ayanna Bell
Jack McCoy
Elliot Stabler
One Chicago:
Jay Halstead (Could also be Will if you want)
Antonio Dawson
Adam Ruzek
Greg "Mouse" Gerwitz
Dante Torres
Vanessa Rojas
Kevin Atwater
Sean Roman
Matt Casey
Kelly Severide
Joe Cruz
Sylvie Brett
Blake Gallo
Christopher Hermann
Violet Mikami
Evan Hawkins
Mayans MC:
Angel Reyes
911 verse:
Athena Grant
Bobby Nash
Henrietta "Hen" Wilson
Evan "Buck" Buckley
Eddie Diaz
Howie "Chimney" Han
Ravi Panikkar
T.K. Strand
Owen Strand
Carlos Reyes
Marjan Marwani
Paul Strickland
Tommy Vega
Judson "Judd" Ryder
Grace Ryder
Nancy Gillian
Mateo Chavez
The Rookie:
Lucy Chen
Tim Bradford
Celina Juarez
Aaron Thorsen
Nyla Harper
Angela Lopez
Wesley Evers
BBC Sherlock:
Greg Lestrade
Mycroft Holmes
Sherlock Holmes
Anthony Bridgerton
Benedict Bridgerton
Simon Basset
Daphne Bridgerton
Eloise Bridgerton
Kate Sharma
Edwina Sharma
Marina Thompson/Crane
Jamie Fraser
Claire Beauchamp Randall Fraser
Frank Randall
Black Jack Randall
Brianna Fraser
Roger MacKenzie
Fergus Fraser
Marsali Fraser
Jenny Fraser Murray
Ian Murray Sr.
Ian Fraser Murray
Murtagh Mackenzie
Call The Midwife:
Shelagh Turner / Sister Bernadette
Dr. Patrick Turner
Nurse Trixie Franklin
Nurse Phyllis Crane
Lucille Anderson
Nurse Barbara Gilbert
Sister Hilda
Miss Higgins
PC Peter Noakes
Reverend Tom Hereward NEW!
Horacio Carrillo
Peaky Blinders:
Tommy Shelby
Downton Abbey:
Robert Crawley, Earl of Grantham
Cora Crawley, Countess of Grantham
Lady Mary Crawley
Lady Edith Crawley
Lady Sybil Crawley
Violet Crawley, Dowager Countess of Grantham
Isobel Crawley
Matthew Crawley
Lady Rose MacClare
Lady Rosamund Painswick
Henry Talbot
Tom Branson
Mr. Charles Carson
Mrs. Hughes / Elsie May Carson
John Bates
Anna Bates
Daisy Mason
Thomas Barrow
Joseph Molesley
Land Girl:
Connie Carter
Reverend Henry Jameson (Gwilym Lee's version)
Midsomer Murder:
DCI Tom Barnaby
Joyce Barnaby
Dr. George Bullard
DCI John Barnaby
Sarah Barnaby
DS Ben Jones
DS Jamie Winter
Sgt. Gavin Troy
Fleur Perkins
WPC Gail Stephens
Kate Wilding
DS Charlie Nelson
Sergeant Dan Scott
NEW! Once Upon A Time
Regina / The Evil Queen
Mary Margaret Blanchard / Snow White
David Nolan / Prince Charming
Emma Swan
Killian Jones / Captain Hook
Mr. Gold / Rumplestiltskin
Neal Cassidy / Baelfire
Peter Pan
Sheriff Graham Humbert / The Huntsman
Jefferson / The Mad Hatter
Robin of Locksley / Robin Hood
Will Scarlet
Zelena / Wicked Witch
Alice (Once in Wonderland)
Cyrus (Once in Wonderland)
Jafar (Once in Wonderland)
Tiger Lily
Prince Eric
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Tinker Bell
Red Riding Hood
Aurora / Sleeping Beauty
Prince Phillip
Prince Thomas
NEW! The Vampire Diaries / The Originals
Stefan Salvatore
Damon Salvatore
Caroline Forbes
Elena Gilbert
Bonnie Bennett
Enzo St. John
Niklaus Mikaelson
Elijah Mikaelson
Kol Mikaelson
Rebekah Mikaelson
Freya Mikaelson
Finn Mikaelson
Marcel Gerard
Davina Claire
The Pirates of the Caribbean:
Captain Jack Sparrow
Will Turner
Elizabeth Swann
James Norrington
Harry Hart
Eggsy Unwin
James Spencer / Lancelot
Alastair / Percival
Roxy Morton / Lancelot
Maximillian Morton / The Shepherd
Orlando Oxford
Jack Daniels / Whiskey
Dreamland Billionaire series - Lauren Asher:
Dirty Air series - Lauren Asher:
Ladies in Stem - Ali Hazelwood books:
Fourth Wing - Rebecca Yarros:
Xaden Riorson
Dain Aetos
Jack Barlowe
Rhiannan Matthias
Violet Sorrengail
Mira Sorrengail
Lillith Sorrengail
Bodhi Durran
Liam Mairi
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Cleo Shipping Tournament Submissions Now Open!
Submit any Cleo ships you want to see competing for the title of best Cleo ship of all with the link above.
Make sure to be clear about which characters are actually involved in a submitted ship. I can only memorize so many duo names. Also, make sure to include the SMP your ship is from, if at all applicable.
Submissions remain open for one week and close Friday, August 23.
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pheexblack · 6 months
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