#platonic!marauders x reader
moonstruckme · 1 year
Hi lovely, i hope youre having a good day.
Could i request a poly!maruaders (maybe +lily or bff lily) where reader is either muggleborn or a half-blood and does every day tasks normally (ie. redecorating, dying hair, climbimg to get something up high, looking for something theyve lost, painstakingly repairing something, trying to navigate in the dark). Maybe reader has convinced lily and Remus to help her spring clean and redecorate and they both just automatically go about it a muggle way. And when Sirius and James come to find them later theyre so confused because for them thats always been done with magic.
I have sent a very similar request to someome else before (think its been 2+ months) but i dont think they posted for it. Just in case they do i wanted to let you know. Also no pressure.
Regardless, i love you 🩶
Hi angel! I decided to do this with platonic (or, if you like, pre-relationship) marauders+Lily, and I know you said spring cleaning but my roomie and I just decorated for Halloween and I’ve got that on the brain so I’ve taken more than one liberty haha but I hope you like it <33 Love you too!!
platonic!marauders (+Lily) x reader ♡ 1.1k words
“Do you think this would look alright here?” you ask, stretching your arm as high as you can to pin the middle of the leafy garland to the wall. 
Lily hums contemplatively. “I don’t think that’s quite the middle. A bit to the left?”
You reach leftwards, tottering on your stepping stool, and Remus steadies you with his hands at your waist before you can fall. 
“Here, I’ve got it,” he offers, encouraging you to step down and taking your place. He makes the reach look easy (it’s hardly a reach for him, you suppose), taping the garland in place. “How’s that?” he asks, and you step back beside Lily, assessing. 
“It looks great,” you decide. “Thanks!” 
“‘Course, love.” He grins at you as he steps down, going back to dusting off your mantle. You’re immensely grateful for your friends’ help, the quiet between you companionable as you each work on your tasks, your Rumours record playing softly in the corner. You’d been a bit down about cleaning and decorating your first apartment all by yourself, and Lily had all but invited herself over, offering to keep you company. This morning, she’d shown up with Remus and a bucket full of cleaning supplies, and neither of them would hear your protests about not wanting them to labor for you. Remus had become immediately obsessed with all the dusty surfaces you’ve yet to clean since moving in a week ago, and Lily claims she’s going to make cookies after she’s finished cleaning the oven, so your apartment will smell cozy and homey. 
You’re not sure how you managed to snag such fantastic friends, but just as you’re about to tell them so for the upteenth time since they’ve arrived, your door creaks open. 
“You can’t just leave the front door unlocked,” James says, aghast. “You’re a young girl living on your own, shortcake. Exercise some caution.” 
Sirius breezes by James with a small box in his hands, and you accept the one-armed hug he offers you with faint confusion. Your friends are welcome anytime, but you hadn’t been expecting anyone other than Lily today and you worry the apartment is far from guest-ready. “I usually lock it,” you defend yourself. “It’s just that we’ve been in and out all morning. Anyway, who’s going to murder me with everyone here?” 
“Well, they won’t now that I’m here,” James allows, pecking you on the cheek amicably. “But if you were thinking Lily and Moony could defend you all by themselves, then I’m even more worried about you.” He receives matching exasperated glares from your friends, but ignores them, surveying the apartment. “This is a nice place you’ve got here.” 
“Thanks.” You beam, proud of your little apartment. It had been a bit run-down when you’d first moved in, but the morning’s efforts have really brightened the space. “Did you come by to see it? I’m not sure it’s quite ready for a tour yet, unless you’re alright with dust.”
“A lot,” Remus says wearily, “of dust.” 
“We thought we’d bring you a housewarming gift,” Sirius says, opening the lid of the box to reveal a cake. In cursive frosting, it reads Congratulations, graduate!, but someone’s struck through graduate and scrawled, in messy writing underneath, homeowner. 
You laugh. “Thanks, that’s so sweet! Um, you guys know I’m renting this place, right?”
“We know,” Sirius agrees. “But apparently they only do custom writing if you order, like, way in advance, and we didn’t have enough room to put congratulations on your first big girl apartment ourselves.” 
Remus snorts, but immediately begins sneezing after inhaling some dust from the mantle, and Lily comes over to admire the cake. “I think it’s lovely as it is,” she says, and you hastily agree. You love it, and you love them all the more for it, your sweetheart friends. “Still, Remus and I have been here all morning, so I think our housewarming gift is a bit better.” 
James laughs disbelievingly. “What’s your gift?”
“Cleaning and decorating,” Remus says, having recovered from his fit. “Bit more of a time commitment than a cake.” His voice takes on a slight haughtiness, and Lily smirks. 
“What, all day?” Sirius shakes his head. “That takes ten seconds.” 
“Not the muggle way,” Lily says. 
Sirius’ eyebrows shoot up, and James’ gaze sweeps over the room more intentionally, lingering on the unswept floor, the decorations still in their boxes. “Why in Merlin’s name would you do it the muggle way?” he sounds vaguely horrified. “We could charm this done right now.” 
Sirius nods, sliding his wand from his sleeve as if he intends to do just that, but you clamp a hand around his wrist. “That takes all the fun out of it!” 
“Dollface,” Sirius says slowly, looking at you like you’ve lost it, “how is laboring all morning to accomplish what could be done with a simple spell fun?”
You wave your hands about, gesturing vaguely to the room at large. “I don’t know, it’s about the simple things. You listen to music, and do things the slow way, and you get to choose where your stuff goes instead of letting the spell choose for you.” 
“And,” Lily adds, “it’s satisfying to know that you did it yourself. Like these cookies, which are going to be way better than if I charmed them to bake themselves.” She pauses, glancing at the cake. “By the way, you’re going to have a ton of sweets on your hands, Y/N.” 
“Oh, I was under no impression I’d be eating all this by myself,” you say, somewhat appalled. “Won’t you guys stay and help me with them? I can get us takeaway.” 
Sirius and James help with more than that. Neither of them will touch a broom (frankly, they have trouble wrapping their heads around the idea that some are used for more than flying), but they help you arrange your fake pumpkins on the newly dusted mantle, and bicker over whether they should charm your candles to float like in the great hall or leave them on the coffee table. 
By the time you make good on your offer of ordering takeaway, almost every crevice of your apartment has been cleaned, and it’s smelling like cookies and looking seasonally festive. Remus nips to the store to get a couple bottles of wine for you all, and you and James end up sitting on the floor to eat while Lily declares she’s taking you shopping for more chairs tomorrow. The cake is fantastic, but the company is better, and of all the things you’d wanted to decorate your first apartment with, you think you like filling it with your friends best. 
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softwebss · 2 years
₊˚ 🪄・゚ — duck duck goose // platonic!marauders x reader
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PAIRING – gender neutral! reader x platonic! marauders SUMMARY – y/n l/n and the marauders get up to some mischief in McGonnagall's transfiguration class about muggle games GENRE – fluff, comedy, games, muggles WARNINGS – none 💞
The transfiguration room was filled with students from the Gryffindor and ( your house ) houses. You were laughing around with your best friend, they were known as the five marauders (including you, of course): Prongs, Padfoot, Moony, Wormtail & (your nickname).
Minverva McGonnagall forced them to sit in the front row, as you guys were naturally disruptive students in the class. You guys were almost inseperable, always hanging out together during and out of class.
         Miss McGonagall cleared her throat. "Today we will do something different. I will be letting you vote to decide what game we will play to show your transfiguration skills-" Before she could finish, Sirius blurted something out, raising his hand.
        "Duck Duck Goose, Professor."
you stifled a laugh, and remus fought a snicker behind you.
        "Duck Duck goose?" McGonagall asked, "The ridiculous muggle game?"
        Sirius nodded his head vigorously. "Yes, Professor."
        "And what exactly," McGonagall said, her eyes narrowing down at Sirius, "Does that have to do with transfiguration?" 
        "We transfigure people into Geese!" He said, flailing his arms in the air. James snorted, while you wheezed. Remus stared at him like he was insane.
        McGonagall was silent for a moment, then she snapped back to reality. "Any other.." She paused for effect, "suggestions?" Sirius raised his hand, waving it. "Other than you, Black." She added.
        you stood up, brushing leftover floo powder off your robes. "Professor- I have an idea. Why don't we play hide and seek where we transfigure each other into inanimate objects!" you grinned chaotically. McGonagall sighed.
        "Approaches that don’t involve transfiguring your classmates." She said, crossing her arms. 
        James thought for a moment, then his hand shot up. Without a warning, he said, "We transfigure the door into a donkey and place pin the tail on the donkey. That'll be fun!" 
        "I meant ideas that ACTUALLY show USEFUL transfiguration skills," McGonagall said, this time a bit louder. The class whispered ideas to each other, but none of them dared to ask one to McGonagall after the Marauders' acts.
        Peter meekly raised his hand and asked, "We transfigure classroom supplies into prank supplies-" Then, he was cut off by Remus snapping, "That’s not useful, we do that all the time!" McGonagall sighed again, then said something.
        "Detention for Lupin, Pettigrew, L/N, Potter, and Black for giving ridiculous ideas and supposebly transfiguring classroom supplies into prank supplies. Off you go!"  The five friends scampered along, smiling ridiculously as their plan to bunk class worked. Oh, they were definitely not going to detention.
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777heavengirl · 30 days
James Potter x Reader One-shot ! warnings: childhood friends to lovers, jealousy, fluff, slight sirius x reader for the plot, raw dogging posting bc it has not been looked over by my beta reader whoops! word count: 5,311 masterlist notes: sorry i disappeared for like a week, i started classes— anyway this was born out of me listening to Jolene by Dolly Parton on repeat and realizing it is describing lily enjoy!
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Lily Evans was a gorgeous woman. Her emerald green eyes and the milky skin clad in freckles were incomparable. Lily Evans was like the sun, her flaming auburn hair and the mere fact that she was one of the brightest witches in the castle. You knew this quite well, the shine of her hair, the glow of her smile, the softness of her skin. James would never let you forget it. How no one could compete with her. How her beauty was beyond compare.
Yet you couldn't hate her, not how she seemed to know the answer to every question, not how she stood up from the bed neighboring yours looking as radiant as ever, every morning. No, Lily Evans was sweet as honey and the best dormmate you could ask for. You couldn't bring to dislike her even when the man you were sickly in love with raved about her. 
James Potter was a beautiful man. His hazel eyes shined big and bright, the strong curves of his face, the curly black hair that bounced as he laughed, and his warm brown skin. James was the definition of sun-kissed. Your families had always been stuck together like glue, you spent your entire life attached at the hip, growing up next to him was a blessing and a curse. His never-ending joy at life, and the jokes that bounced off of his lips, were enough to turn anyone's day around. His smile was so bright you felt like you were staring at the sun itself. James was like the sun, you could never look at him directly, not for too long. As he grew girls threw themselves at his feet, he became a bit of an arrogant brat, but he always made it clear he only had eyes for one girl.
James Potter was in love with Lily Evans— the most perfect woman in the world.
You were such a fool. 
"Come off it," Lily laughed as she pushed James his body rocking to the side as he also giggled to himself. They had gotten closer the last couple of months, seemingly out of nowhere. You couldn't help but watch pathetically from the couch on the other side of the common room. You wondered what he was saying to her, his hand covering his mouth as he whispered in her ear. Her eyes shone with humor and joy, and so did his although a bit more mischievous, but that was just James. You couldn't help but clench your hands together, nails digging into your flesh.
"You should stop doing that dollface" Your eyes flickered back to Sirius, who leaned over from the back of the couch, his face awfully close to yours. You couldn't help but hold your breath. His nimble fingers took your hand, loosening your grip on it and massaging the half-moon marks on your hand. You went to turn away, Lily's laugh breaking the silence again and calling for your attention but Sirius turned your head towards him with a single finger, his eyes flickering back and forth between yours and something you couldn't see. "Just keep looking at me don't question it-" You could barely hear what he said, but his lips broke into a shit-eating grin, shiny teeth bared at you. And you couldn't help but laugh, slightly out of nervousness, but mostly because Sirius's antics were always ridiculous. Your laughter made his smile widen. 
He placed a small kiss on your temple and said thanks doll, as he let go of your hand and disappeared again. 
"He's ridiculous," Remus barely glanced from his parchment, his feather still grinding his essay away. The slight suspicion of what Sirius was up to crawled its way into Remus’s head as he watched the two of you interact, as he watched James's giggles stop from across the room, distracted.
”You’re not wrong there,” you frowned as you turned back to balancing your book and the essay you had been working on, on your lap. “I wonder what’s gotten into him”
Remus just chuckled without looking up. You didn’t hear Lily’s or James’s giggles again.
Sirius had started sitting next to you in every class, often replacing James, waving him off with a sit next to Moony, more often than not. This seemed to push James further into Lily's arms, as he sat next to her, she didn't seem to complain. You weren't loving it. Not that you disliked sitting with Sirius, he was more than competent, against all odds. But still.
 "May I ask what you're playing at Black?" your words were low as your charms professor droned on and on about something you hadn't really been paying attention to. 
"Whatever do you mean sweetheart?" He gave you his familiar toothy grin, eyes dancing with devilishness "Can I not sit next to my dear Y/N? One of the smartest, most beautiful witches our age?" you scrunched your nose, lips suppressing a smile at his antics. "Not to mention one of my best mates?"
"You know what I mean Sirius, you've been awfully touchy lately" His smile widened, and moved his face slightly closer to yours "Not to mention awfully close," this last part came out as a whisper. He really had been close, always a breath away, always pushing his face close to yours. Two nights ago he had smushed himself to read your book along with you, you had been practically cheek to cheek. 
Sirius had always been touchy, he was always resting on someone, sprawled on James’s bed, his legs across Peter’s on the couch, asleep on Remus’s shoulder. But this was a little out of character.
Sirius opened his mouth to speak but the large bell signaling you guys were done echoed through the castle. He broke into a grin again, and grabbed his stuff quickly, shoving papers and quills inside his bag unceremoniously.
“hurry up doll,” he muttered as moved to shove your stuff equally as clumsily into your bag and took a hold of your wrist, dragging you. You pushed by your friends, shooting a look of confusion toward Remus. He smiled at you with a wink, as he walked. 
Sirius finally stopped and you ran into him. 
"For Godric's sake, what is up with you?" You finally got him to let go of your wrist and he closed the door to the empty classroom he had shoved you in. "If this is you trying to seduce me— it definitely isn't working I think we gotta send you to a workshop,"
He snorted as he shook his head, "If anyone is going to a workshop on seducing it's you doll," you crossed your arms and huffed "I'm trying to help you out here-"
"With what Sirius?" 
"Making Prongs jealous duh" he looked at you like you were stupid, like it was the most obvious answer in the world. A small twinkle in his eye caught your eye, it was the type you saw when he was about to make something detonate. Maybe this time he wanted to explode your life.
"You're absolutely bonkers" You couldn't believe what he was saying, as if James would ever be jealous of anyone in respect to you.  
"You fancy him no?" He twirled his wand around, his grey eyes analyzing your facial expressions. You tried your hardest to keep a poker face, trying and failing to not let him see. Sirius had always been a very observant man.
"It's a lost cause, Sirius," you laughed dryly as you thought of it, "she has me beat"
He frowned, "who?"
"Lily, obviously, are you stupid?" he pulled at a piece of your hair at the insult "You've lived with James since we were 11, he's been utterly smitten with her ever since he met her what do you mean who?"
"I think you're the stupid one, they're just friends" You shook your head, a hand going to massage the bridge of your nose as you thought about what he was saying. "yuh huh, Prongs told me so himself"
"And you believed him?" you scoffed "he says he's over her every four months Sirius I didn't peg you as gullible" 
He pulled your hair again and you swatted his hand away. You thought about it, James has said the same thing before, how he's over her once and for all, I, James Potter will be over Lily Evans by the end of the week. It had never worked. Their whispers and their giggles, their closeness over the past couple of months were definitely not friendly. Maybe it was for her but for him? Not a chance.
"I really do think you have a chance with him," his tone was lower now, "I reckon he just needs the right push"
"Sirius even if she isn't into him, even if he didn't like Lily, the most perfect woman on the planet" he frowned "he would still never see me as anything more than what I already am to him," you stared straight into his eyes.
You had thought about it many times of course. You prayed and pleaded to the universe every year that Lily would never reciprocate James's feelings. The second you saw their newfound closeness you felt like dropping to your knees and begging her. Begging her to please Lily don't take him. Lily was a captivating woman, she could easily have her choice in men, and she did, but you felt like you could never love again. You knew it was a lost cause, you had heard her name muttered in his sleep, even when he was napping with his head on your lap. The first time it happened, you hadn't even noticed the tears on your cheeks, nor the ones welled up in your eyes. It had always been clear to you, how easily it would be for her to take him, he wasn't your man. She just had to say yes.
So you cried, time and time again, away from prying or worrying eyes. This was your secret to bear. 
You looked at Sirius again, shaking your head. Sirius could feel droplets of regret settle in his stomach as he saw the tears well up in your eyes. He had never seen you cry. 
“Fat chance Black”
James Potter thought the world of you. He knew he could not live without the curve of your face, the way you smiled at him as if you knew something he didn't. He felt like you could see his soul. You always said he smiled that way too. He wondered if this overlapping trait was a byproduct of a childhood spent together. A childhood spent glued at the hip, one of him being your knight in shining armor when you played, a childhood of sticks and stones that he never let your knees touch. His knees were covered in scrapes and scars that would never fade, but something deep within him never allowed him to let the same happen to you. James Potter could not live without you. He couldn't help but watch how Sirius draped himself over you, and how he hurried to sit next to you. He couldn't help but notice the whispers and the giggles. He couldn't, for everything that was sacred, ignore the closeness. And the fact that you let Sirius press his cheek to yours and whisper merely a breath apart. That part had made his stomach turn. 
It wasn't that the two of you weren't close. It was just that James had never seen you be close like that with anybody else. He had spent almost every day of his life by your side. Asleep with your cheeks pressed together, childish limbs all tangled up, you always woke up first and shoved him off the couch. He remembers when you used to hold his hand, his was always dirty with mud and grass, you never cared. You asked him to marry you when you were seven.
He promised you he would.
As you grew up, you continued with this closeness. You had slept in his bed more times than he could count, even at Hogwarts sometimes you'd climb into a corner of his bed. You'd always end up pressed against one another. You would still accidentally nap together on the couches at Potter Manor, or his head on your lap in the common room. And he could admit that Lily Evans had caught his attention, it had been an ongoing thin, and after certain revelations... Deep down he knew. 
It had always been you.
James could only stare after you as you set down the hallway with the black-haired boy. A pat on the shoulder from Remus was enough to ground him again. James thought of Sirius's hand around yours. 
"Where are they going-"
"Probably to snog in some empty classroom until they undoubtedly get caught," Peter spoke mindlessly as he struggled to untangle his sweater from his messenger bag. James stopped dead in his tracks. He hadn't thought about it. The possibility that the nearness between you and Sirius was something else, that you could be involved more intimately.
He thought of your lips, the soft plump lips that kissed his forehead. The ones that stretched into a smile every time you saw him, the ones that curled involuntarily when he said something stupid. The same ones that had kissed him in spin the bottle merely a year ago. He thought of those same lips kissing Sirius. 
He might throw up.
 James stared at Peter wide-eyed
"What? I thought we all assumed they had something going on" he shrugged as he finally separated the two items. "They're all close and disgusting everywhere— just like you and Lily-"
"There's nothing between me and Evans," Remus and Peter raised their eyebrows at the confession. 
"You're always together so I just assumed" Peter's words might as well have been a mumble to James, as he continued to think of you and his best friend. How long had this been going on? 
“Well there’s nothing”
You couldn’t help but think about what Sirius had said. He convinced you to let him do his thing, you don’t even have to do anything. But you couldn’t help but run laps around the thought of James being jealous. He didn’t seem upset with you having to kiss Remus during spin the bottle two months ago.
You thought back to the time you kissed. Your first, and most likely only, kiss with James Potter had been by the graces of an empty bottle of firewhiskey last year. You never failed to remember how he laughed after you kissed, a warm full-chested laugh, the kind he gets when he’s all riled up after outrunning Filch. The kind he gets when you set muggle fireworks in the forbidden forest and have to run away after lighting. You pushed him and he simply smiled widely, as if nothing had happened. It was a sharp contrast to the way he seemed to go all shy after Lily had to kiss him. His face seemed to go red and a small smile pulled at the corner of his lips. 
Yes, not at all alike.
You wondered if Lily thought about that kiss as much as James probably did. You couldn’t get the image out of your head, his lips on hers. The lips that pouted at you every time you told him no, the same lips that kissed the top of your head when he passed by behind you and you were too engrossed in your work or broke into a smile every time you saw him. The lips that in childhood had kissed your hand and called you princess. You thought of those lips, kissing Lily. 
Probably right now, it was 10 pm and she wasn’t in your dorm, her bed vacant next to yours.
“Why do you look so worried, sweets?” Marlene couldn’t help but notice the way you curled in your bed, the deep frown that had taken hold of your brows. She kneeled next to your bed and pushed the center of your eyebrows, “You’re bound to get wrinkles Y/N stop that”
”I don’t care Marls,” you unclenched your eyebrows nevertheless.
”What’s got you so down?” She leaned her head across her forearms on your bed, her short blonde hair looked windswept, her bottom lip jutting out into a pout. “is it Sirius?”
You moaned in frustration. Marlene Mckinnon was one of your closest friends. She was the first person you got close with at Hogwarts, her bed sat left to yours, she was your closest confidant. 
“There’s nothing between me and Sirius-“
”Potter seemed to disagree he wouldn’t stop bombarding Sirius with questions during dinner,” you had decided to hide out in your room instead of going down for dinner, Marlene had set a muffin on your nightstand when she entered.
”What did Sirius say?” you bit your lip
”He just told him it was none of his business— I thought Potter was going to burst a blood vessel right then and there” she laughed as she pushed her finger on your forehead again, smoothing out the frown lines.
”Sirius thinks I have a chance with James,” her mouth did an o “he wants to make him jealous but I think he’s full of rubbish” Marlene had known for a very long time about your futile crush on the boy, it was hard to be as close to someone like Marlene, someone so in tune with people’s feelings without her finding out. She always shot you sorry looks when you'd see him with Lily. You pretended to ignore them.
”I can’t believe I’m saying this but Black finally had a good idea”
You groaned into your pillow, your hands pulling slightly at your hair. “What sort of friends are you guys?” Your words were muffled by your pillow and she laughed again but patted your hair,
”Friends that want you to be happy-“
”Yea well this isn’t the way” your voice got louder and higher pitched, you felt like you'd suffocate on the pillow “I’ll be happy being her bridesmaid when they get married and have three kids and live in a cute little house, and I'll be godmother to their children and be happy that at least I didn’t explode one of my closest friendships because the two of you have lost a couple of screws!” you tried your best to push some humor through your voice, you might've been grasping at straws. 
”Who’s getting married?” Lily shot you a playful look from the doorway, you hadn’t heard her come in. You wanted to disappear into your sheets, you couldn’t even look at her right now. She groaned as she dropped her pile of books onto her bed.“Is Sirius giving you trouble? He seems so taken with you-“
You groaned as you buried your face into the pillow again, wanting nothing more than for the ground to swallow you. Marlene found the whole thing more than hilarious, her whole body shook as she laughed and she wiped her eyes of the wetness that had formed at the corners. 
“I’m going to kill him-“
”What? You guys have been so smitten lately I just thought-“ Lily’s face twisted in thought, nevertheless the edges of her lip curled upwards
”Nothing is going on between me and anybody,” You got up swiftly, a bad mood settling in your stomach like a pile of rocks. “I’ll just see you later-" You grabbed a sweater, that you were pretty sure was one of the boys, it would not help you hide in the darkness of the castle but hopefully it would provide some warmth. You bent down to take your shoes from beside the door and walked out without further comment. 
“Was it me?” 
“I fear it might’ve been Lils” 
”Don’t tell me to hush Moony— you’re stepping on my toes” Sirius whined in a whisper
”Prongs you need a bigger cloak” 
Sirius peered over James’s shoulder as the speckled boy opened the map, the footsteps at the end of the hall seemed to get nearer
“oh” James felt a swirl of emotions in his chest,
”Who is it Prongs-“ Peter barely managed to squeak out before James answered
”It’s just Y/N” the marauders huddled around the map now, watching the banner with your name circle the corner and float down the hall they were hiding in. “What d’you reckon she’s doing up-“
”Shhhh she’s getting close-“ They could see you now, James's brown sweater covering you, one of your shoes untying as you padded down the hall. Tears were in free flow now, they could see even through the darkness, the splotches on your face, and the tracks of tears down the curve of your face. You wiped them furiously with the edge of the jumper. 
Something inside James warmed, all he wanted to do was close the distance. He looked briefly at Sirius, whose eyebrows were furrowed in worry. Sirius always hated seeing people he cared about cry. James wondered if he had done something to you. If there truly was something between you and Sirius.
You had well passed them now, but the marauders could still hear your sniffles from down the hall. 
"hold the bag Moons" Sirius pushed the small bag of dung bombs onto Remus's arms and slipped out from under the cloak. Sirius couldn't help but smirk as James protested, whispering furiously to get back here.
Sirius started running then, to catch up with you, his light jogs and tall legs allowing him to catch up with you quickly. Your heart shot up as he got closer and you could hear him near you, quickly dying down when you turned to see the dark-haired boy behind you. Sirius hoped James could hear from here.
"Whatcha up to doll?" 
"Godric Sirius what is wrong with you-" you placed your hand on your chest, feeling like your heart might fall out of it at any moment. You decided not to question where he came from, you just hoped the rest of his group, and James were far away.
James couldn't help himself, he was desperate to know what the two of you were talking about. So he herded the other two down the hallway, enough of a distance that you wouldn't notice the shuffling, Sirius definitely did, but close enough that he could see you clearly. The soft, homely mess of your hair, the tired curve of your eyes. He knew you were nervous, the way you played with your fingers and rocked your body, your leg. He could hear your honeyed voice, your tone close enough to the one you'd mumble to him with when you were about to pass out in his bed.
"Many things actually, I fear it all boils down to my mother-"
"You're so utterly insufferable"
"Yet you love me,"
"Sadly, I guess I love you" James felt the knot tie in his throat at your words, he tried to recall when you had said those words to him. Sirius smiled at your words, his fingers pulling at a strand of your hair. "oi watch it—"
He hoped James was ready to blow a fuse. Actually, he knew he was.
"Marlene agrees with you by the way," You softly swung your foot, hitting his own rather softly "I suspect you've both lost it"
"Nah, great minds think alike doll, you just gotta believe in me" he got closer now, pulling you into a hug. "Will you tell me why tears were falling down your pretty face?" He slightly rocked you, his cheek smushed against the top of your head. Sirius naturally would've comforted you regardless, he hated nothing more than seeing his friends cry. But the thought of James watching and stewing in his unexplored jealousy made him giggle in his head. 
James's face was twisting in a way that was unfamiliar even to him. Bitter and negative feelings weren't exactly part of his repertoire.  Remus tried his best to stifle a laugh. 
"Lily just came in, while I was talking to Marls about the whole thing and I guess," you sighed loudly, looking up trying to make the newly formed tears that gathered in your eyes absorb back. James always thought you and Lily were pretty close, what could you possibly tell Marlene that you didn't feel well telling Lily? Why hadn't you told him? "I don't know Sirius I just lost it, she started talking about you and me and I lost it, I wanted to scream at her" James could feel his blood boil, Sirius had done something. He knew Sirius had. You buried your face in his chest again "My frustrations aren't her fault,"
"I know sweetheart, I'm sorry" Sirius continued patting your hair, he worried now, about what James could hear. He felt bad now, that he knew they were invading your privacy. "I feel guilty-"
"No Sirius it isn't your fault"
"I feel like I'm just opening up the wound, I don't want to give you false hope-" James felt like a teapot ready to explode with pressure.
He pulled the coat from over the three boys, revealing their presence in the hallway. You felt like you were going to drown in your shame.
"Sirius Black you're a bastard-" James closed the distance quickly, going straight for a tackle rather dramatically. Sirius pushed you away just in time. As the two boys wrestled on the floor, James continued to call him names, the idiot's and how dare you's flew unceremoniously. All Sirius could do was laugh
"I knew you'd do something to'er you good for nothing-" James was shaking him now, ignoring the fact that Sirius kept laughing, "I knew you'd make her cry-"
"James he didn't make me cry," your tears flowed down your cheeks again, you felt shame and embarrassment swim in your chest. You cried because you knew you had to come clean, Sirius wouldn't do it for you. There weren't many excuses he could come up with right now. You could feel yourself sweating cold, like the morning dew on leaves, embarrassment stuck to you.
You couldn't help but take a good hard look at him now. At James, who looked at you with his stupid hazel eyes the size of the sun, who clutched at his best friend's shirt collar. At his brother's, for you. How brashly he had swooped, sweet James who always came to your rescue, even when you didn't need it. When you were barely 7 and ran around his large yard, the rows of flowers and bushes his mother grew were gorgeous and they seemed the height of buildings, the thorns will cut you, I'll get you a flower Y/N. He had always been your knight, the shield of comfort where you hid from the rest of the world, the gentle solace to return to when life got too hard or people teased too intensely. Those people often woke up with apple-green hair thanks to him. 
James was the noblest man you knew, with a heart twice his height. 
You had fallen in love with him for this exact reason.
"It's you James" James felt like someone dropped him in the middle of the black lake. You shook your head, a sad smile carving your expression. 
"I made you cry?" he sounded 7 again, innocent and afraid that you'd be hurt. His voice was soft and traveled faintly through the otherwise quiet hallway. Remus and Peter seemed to be holding their breath.
"I love you," James dropped his grip on Sirius now, who hit his back painfully against the stone floor with a groan. All he could manage was to look at you, his weight still resting between Sirius and his knee on the floor. "but I know I can't compete with Lily and that's alright, I reckon one day it'll pass." 
You took his silence to heart, Remus couldn't help but shoot you a worried look, his brows furrowed the way they always did when he could tell your heart hurt like he could hear it clenching. You gave them one last smile, trying to wipe the sticky fingers of embarrassment from your being as you began to walk away, praying that nothing stood between you and the common room.
"You're an idiot Prongs-" Sirius pushed James off, and the brown-haired boy rolled to the floor, his back against the cool stone as he thought of you. 
”She loves me-“
”We all heard her,” 
“Shut up Moony-“
”Well she doesn’t know does she-“ The boys looked at Peter like he had grown a second head. “That you love her.”
James groaned from the ground the skin of his cheeks feeling hot.
“I reckon you oughta go after her” Peter said as he put the map in his back pocket, the three boys stood around to James looking at him from at ground. 
James buried his face in his hands. You seemed so defeated, so sad that you loved him. How could that ever be a sad thing? 
“In a surprising turn of events Wormtail’s right, move it Prongs-“ Sirius kicked James in the thigh, causing the boy on the floor to jump into action. He stumbled up, looking comically disheveled. He opened his mouth to speak to which Remus told him to Just go!
So James ran, he ran through the hallways so fast he thought he’d start levitating. It wasn’t hard for him, to catch up, not with the length of his legs or the pace he had set, in fact, he found you fairly quickly, yelling your name down the hall. You yelped as he skirted to a stop right into your arms, colliding with you with little force.
”You’re going to get us caught it’s after hours already-“ 
“I don’t care-“ he pulled you closer to his chest, his arms completely around you now “I had to tell you, and truly that’s just the thing I don’t care whether it’s morning or the middle night or truly any other time of day hell it could be in the middle of Charms-“
“you’re not making sense James-“
”Oh, right” He took a deep breath, but the silence lingered, his hand now skirting around the hair that framed your face, almost touching but not quite. His face was so close to yours that you could see the flecks of a light brown in the underlayers of his irises. “I just meant to say— to tell you that, well I love you too”
”I thought you and Lily-“ He got closer, if it was even possible, his lips ghosting over yours now, waiting for you. His hand remained steady at the edge of your jaw. 
“Enough about Evans yea?” you closed the distance, his lips had felt like a magnet pulling you in.
Kissing James felt different than kissing any other boy. It even felt different than the first time you kissed. This was sweeter, this wasn't under the scrutinizing gaze of your friends or the excuse of an empty bottle. This was intimate and filled with want, his soft plump lips seemed to fit perfectly with yours. The grip of your waist tightened and brought you closer to him as his kiss turned hungrier, and your hands traveled from his chest to his unruly locks of hair.
You finally parted with a sigh, a happy one you felt like. Satisfied.
He pressed his forehead against you humming in content. 
"I'm confused-"
"Lily and I are just friends now, she's not exactly into me, is she? Or men in general I reckon but regardless" He looked into your eyes, his hands now cupping your face and adoration pouring from his gaze. "It's always been you, I love you"
"I love you too, you twat-"
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this took me to long to cook up @prongsprincessworld :D
hope u all like it!!
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maybcnksgf · 3 months
— defending you ; remus lupin x black!reader 𐙚
summary: remus lupin knows when to keep his mouth shut, and as do you. until it comes to each other.
warnings: swearing, violence, bullying directed at both remus and reader & slut shaming directed at the reader.
a/n: in love with my protective!marauders so here's this !!! also, snape has his suspicions of remus in this, just to be clear.
check out my masterlist & send in any requests <3
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remus lupin knew when to keep his mouth shut. he knew when not to react and how to stay under the radar, but that didn't stop you from not keeping your mouth shut for him.
you knew it was going to be a rough day when your defence against the dark arts professor unexpectedly changed the lesson plan from banshees to lycanthropes.
remus, if he had known prior, would've faked an illness and skipped out, too uncomfortable with the wandering eyes and the permanent fear that someone would find him out.
instead, he sat beside you at your shared desk, having been there for too long now to get up and leave and ultimately cause a scene. more eyes on him was the last thing he needed.
you had kept his hand in yours, feeling it squeeze and tense and shake throughout the entirety of the class, and you were sure all the skin of his bottom lip was bitten clean off from his nerves.
everything was okay for the majority of it. the professor was surprisingly respectful in his delivery and you, james and sirius spent the whole time calling out immediate answers to his questions. the three of you, for obvious reasons, knew everything like the backs of your hands and tried your hardest to avoid any snarky comments from other students for the sake of poor moony, who remained dead silent.
everything was okay until the group of slytherins opened their mouths.
you'd left the classroom with the three boys, grip still tight on remus' hand as he let out a relieved breath, glad to be out of there. you didn't, however, make it that far down the corridor before you heard snape's voice.
"those freaks need to be studied in mental hospitals. that professor had no idea what he was talking about, still calling them humans. they're monsters, that's what they are-"
remus tensed beside you at his words and sighed as he felt the inevitable coming on. the four of you stopped in your tracks, and in no less than a few seconds you'd whipped around and had your wand pointed directly at snape.
"i think it's you that has no idea what you're talking about, right severus?" you challenged.
james stood protectively beside you, ready to jump in if you needed him and sirius stood just behind, arms folded and a proud smirk on his face.
"i think the lady asked you a question, snivellus," james piped up, sporting a similar smirk to your brother as he raised his hands in mock defence. "i'd answer her if i were you."
malfoy snickered behind snape, not knowing the true intent behind his words as the latter stared back at you, head tilted with a gross sort of grin as he looked between you and remus. "did my words hit a little close to home, black?"
remus just sighed again, head bowed in slight humiliation as the rest of you tensed up.
"fuck you, snape, i swear to merlin-" you seethed, grip on your wand incredibly tight as you started towards him before you felt a gentle hand on your forearm pulling you back.
"it's not worth it," remus spoke softly into your ear, his voice conveying more hurt than he would've liked.
you didn't lower your wand, still breathing heavily as you remained in place. snape was still grinning at you and it took everything in you not to hex him into oblivion.
james moved to stand in front of you to get your attention and also put some distance between you and snape. "we'll get him later, yeah? i swear."
"trust us, we have a plan," sirius clamped a hand down on your shoulder, his signature smirk returning as the three of them pulled you away.
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true to their word, the marauders had pulled of a series of pranks on snape that left him too terrified and humiliated to even leave his dorm, the last two turning his hair semi-permanently pink and breaking him out head to toe in bubbling warts.
remus had seemingly gotten over what was said by the end of week (after two or three vulnerable moments in the safety of your arms), and snape hadn't left the slytherin common room in days.
it was the following saturday afternoon, and the five of you were scattered about by the fountain in the courtyard. you, remus and peter were studying for the upcoming charms exam whilst james and sirius... pretended to.
remus was just about to test you on your recently read chapter when a shout from across the courtyard rudely interrupted.
"oi, gryffindors!"
"here we go," james spoke proudly, smirking to himself as he pushed himself up off the ground. "and what is it you want on this fine afternoon, mulciber?"
the slytherin boy in question stalked over to your group, malfoy and avery in tow. "did a fine number on our snape there, didn't you?" he spat in james' face, sizing him up.
the rest of you stood up at that, sirius particularly fast as he threw an arm around james and flashed mulciber an innocent grin before scrunching up his face in disgust. "oh mate, you might wanna get your mouth cleaned out before getting too close to my james here."
you snorted out a laugh at your brother and mulciber sneered, shoving him away by the shoulders. "you keep quiet, black. you think you have any right talking to me?"
"snape got what he deserved," you spoke up, narrowing your eyes at the group of boys as you got between him and sirius. "you should teach your friend to keep his big nose out of where it doesn't belong."
avery barked out a laugh, your attention turning to him as he joined mulciber's side. "you're funny, little black. all bark and no bite, aren't you?"
peter stood back, eyes wide in fear. remus, remaining his usually calm self, tensed up and took a step closer to you when avery jabbed his finger into your chest, only for it to be slapped away by sirius with an angry "don't fucking touch her".
"alright, avery. that's enough," remus spoke up, his voice firm as he rested his hand on your lower back.
avery did nothing but laugh again, not taking his eyes off of you. "you're nothing but the gryffindors' little slut, aren't you?"
sirius suddenly shoved him back with an angry force just as remus stepped in front of you, his voice scarily calm as he spoke. "the fuck did you just say?"
"you heard me," avery shrugged, clearly unfazed by sirius' actions as his smirk grew even more. "i bet she gets passed around you all like the little whore she is. is she good?"
you stumbled back into peter in shock, his words ringing through your ears as the blonde boy wrapped an arm around you protectively.
"if you know what's good for you, avery, you'll shut your fucking mouth," remus seethed, his eyes never leaving avery's face as he slowly moved closer towards him.
the boy didn't answer him and instead turned his attention back to sirius as he lowered his voice, sneering at him evilly. "i bet you join in on the action too, don't you? some sick fantasy you blood traitors like to indulge in, huh? regulus is the only worthy one out of you three, you ever invite him to join?"
sirius exploded in a fit of rage and james grabbed him as he lunged towards the slytherin, holding him back before he'd kill the guy. "who the fuck do you think you are, avery?! i swear, you're so fucking dead!"
"you'll be done with her soon enough," malfoy joined, shrugging his shoulders casually as he sneered at remus, stalking towards him. "maybe then you'll let us have a go, yeah? she was meant to be one of us, after all. she may be a blood traitor but she's hot as-"
a sickening crunch interrupted him as remus sent his fist reeling directly at his nose, nothing but pure rage seeping through his veins as he sent punch after punch to avery's face.
james and sirius watched in shock for a moment (both quite frankly more than happy to let remus beat him to a pulp, and in fact cheered him on for the first two or three hits) before your pleading voice snapped them out of it. they each grabbed one of remus' arms and narrowly avoided getting an elbow to the face as they dragged him off of the half-unconscious boy.
"you even look at her again and i swear to godric you'll be spending the rest of your lives in the hospital wing."
the two other boys scrambled to grab avery and ran off towards the castle, terrified of remus' sudden outburst.
"alright, show's over you fuckers!" sirius called out to the relatively big crowd that had formed around you all, who reluctantly dispersed out in different directions. "give us some bloody space!"
"well that felt good," remus chuckled quietly as he shook his hand a few times.
you just stared at him with wide eyes and your mouth dropped open slightly. "you.. you just-"
"fuckin' hell, moony that was bloody brilliant!" james broke out into a cheer, him and sirius praising him and re-enacting just how brilliant it was as remus laughed quietly again before turning to you.
he gently took you from peter's grip and raised his eyebrows as he looked down at you, going back to his usual gentleness as he scanned your features worriedly. "are you alright, darling?"
you didn't quite know what to say, looking up at him slightly starstruck as you just nodded your head and stumbled over your words. "yeah, i- yeah."
he gave you a gentle smile and cupped your face with his non-bloody hand before leaning down for a kiss, conveying all his usual love and softness into it as if he didn't just completely wreck avery's face.
the sounds of gagging filled your ears and you broke away from remus with a soft laugh at james and sirius' antics.
"don't forget that's my sister, moony! merlin, what that fucker said about us is going to haunt me forever."
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anxiousnerdwritings · 4 months
Yan!Severus Snape vs Yan!Sirius Black w/Slytherin!Reader (platonic/romantic)
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(Based off this concept)
Part 1: Severus Snape
There wasn’t a single soul that Severus truly cared for other than Lily and he couldn’t fathom anyone even coming close to her in his mind. But he had a change of heart when you came into his life.
In the beginning you had just been another face in the crowd at Hogwarts, but you were in the same house as him, he knew that much. Other than that he didn’t give you much mind, he was too caught up with Lily after all. It hadn’t been till after his fallout with her that he genuinely remembers any interaction with you. It had been during one of the many times James and his idiotic friends had seeked him out and made a fool out of him that he remembers truly noticing you.
You had come to his defense, or rather his rescue really but he’d never admit it even to this day. You threw a few jinxes their way and had them running for the hills, he couldn’t remember ever laughing as much as he had when remembering that moment, if ever. Not only did you humiliate them like they had done to him countless times but the things you said about them after they ran off were just too good to forget.
Of course he had waited until he was all alone before allowing himself a fit of laughter and a small half smile at the events that he’d witnessed. You didn’t look like much, he’d be honest, but you really gave James and Sirius especially a good jinxing. Since that day, Severus had made much more of an effort to pay attention to you.
After everything, you hadn’t mentioned anything from that day. You hadn’t even really interacted with Severus again. He was grateful of that but a small part of him wished or rather hoped that you would have talked to him, even just a measly ‘hello’. But it was for the best, at least that’s what he told himself at first.
Eventually, Severus had started unconsciously scouring the common room for you, it if wasn’t the common room then it was the sea of students making their ways through the halls. It went on a while before he actually caught himself doing it. By the time he had, Severus had already taken to walking closer to you when going to classes or even sitting nearer to you in the dining hall. He never strayed too close for comfort or for you to notice but close enough for him. The more he did it and the longer he got away with it, the bolder he got. Soon enough it became routine following you around, whether it was the library or quidditch practice, Severus was always around wherever you were. It was pretty easy given being part of the same house. It would have been even easier if you two were in the same dorm as well but he didn’t mind just waiting for you in the common room.
He’s completely thrown for a loop when one day you confront him about his behavior. He was under the impression that he had been very subtle in his endeavors, that was his mistake. You deserved much more credit then he first thought, you were a fellow snake after all. Severus did have every intention of talking to you eventually but he wanted to get a feel for who you were before he did invest himself fully into being more than mere housemates or even acquaintances. He wanted to know what you were all about, what he would be getting himself into before taking the plunge. That was reasonable, wasn’t it? He can’t really put his finger on the exact reason why he was acting the way he was. He had only recently caught himself doing it at all but he supposed there had to have been an answer, he just didn’t know what it was yet.
Honestly, Severus would be completely taken aback once he’s realized what he’s been doing all this time, finally settling in exactly how long he’s been sticking just a little too close to you. Why was he acting like this? This certainly wasn’t the norm for him, at least not regarding someone who wasn’t Lily. Was that it? Was he just using you as a replacement for Lily? Or was it something more than that? Did he genuinely want a, dare he say, friendship with you? Was he really willing to open himself up to someone else like that? Well, it had to be something like that otherwise why would he bother doing everything that he was. Even if it was ‘unconsciously’.
From then, Severus and you had become more openly acquainted with one another. He wasn’t quite ready to call you a friend yet, hell he probably never would, at least not vocally and out in the open. But in his mind that’s exactly what you were. You were his friend, a real friend. You weren’t like the other Slytherins, your interactions weren’t based off appearances, status, or anything of that sort. It was easy for him to be around you, unlike everyone else. He didn’t have to pretend or put in any unnecessary effort, something he was quite appreciative of. You didn’t ask anything of him, you didn’t expect anything of him and it was nice.
He wasn’t exactly the talkative type early on and even later he still wasn’t but he talked more in your company than he ever did with anyone else and that was definitely saying something. Even with Lily. And he could speak about whatever when he was with you, even if you didn’t necessarily agree with him, but you didn’t have to and that’s one of the biggest things he found himself enjoying in your friendship acquaintanceship. Neither of you had to agree with the other to be friends, you didn’t have to exactly be on the same page to still be around one another.
After getting to be around you more openly, Severus had truly grown accustomed to it. It became more of a discomfort and oddity for him not to be near your side on the rare occasions he wasn’t. And he despised it. It made him feel vulnerable and left out in the open. But he could tolerate it, for a time. But the second he was able to reclaim his place near you again he was back to feeling content. It hadn’t really been made apparent to him just how much he detested other people around you; talking to you, having your attention on them. Even if they were merely standing or sitting near you without so much as taking up any of your time or energy. He didn’t know why, he didn’t even really know how long that had become an issue in the first place but it very much so was and now he was well aware of it.
Severus especially had a hard time when it came to students from other houses taking up your time and attention. He could be tolerable towards his fellow Slytherins (to an extent) but when it came to anyone, especially the Gryffindors, something deep inside him would make itself known. Particularly regarding a certain few, especially a certain pureblood mutt.
Severus couldn’t believe how long it had taken him to pick up on it but it was right there in front of him. It seemed as though that fateful day you had defended him and garnered his attention, you also piqued the attention of someone else. Someone much more annoying and infuriatingly stubborn.
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bettysupremacy · 3 months
can u do something w james potter? a transfer student from america comes to hogwarts and he’s all love at first sight😭❤️do anything u want w it :)
Short n sweet but a good way to get back into writing<3
Your new friends are splayed in the room in front of you. Sirius is sprawled over Remus on the couch, watching him, very lackluster, doing his homework. Mary and Lily are squished into an armchair across from you and James, tangled limbs and giggles as Marlene lay on the rug in front of the fire with Dorcus, tired after supper feast.
The Scottish highlands were a drastic difference from the America you knew. The shops, the people, the boys. Everything seemed so hard to squeeze into. Your accent pushed you away from the people, and your culture pushed you away from fitting in. But they helped. The silly band of tired teens in front of you never once let you stand outside the circle of friendship they’d had formed years before your arrival.
“I could take you to hogsmeade? You know, to look around.” James looks up at you from where he leans against your arm. You sit higher than him, leg draped across his own. It makes his skin tingle.
He’s been a nonstop stream of words ever since supper, only pausing to stuff dining hall food into his mouth. He swears he doesn’t know what he’s going to do when he graduates, the dining haul being a necessary location in his schoolboy life.
He adds factually. “You know they actually have-“
“James,” Sirius snaps, a rubber band stretched too far. “Please.”
Sirius only sighs. He doesn’t mean to be cruel to his closest friend.
James’ eyes flit around the room self consciously. All of his friends stare. Very unimpressed.
“What?” He repeats again, a little more desperate, a little more whiny.
“James,” Remus says gently. “Let her breathe.”
James looks to you suddenly, flames coloring his cheeks in the hue of orange light flickering off the grand fire.
It’s apparent James is embarrassed. His silence works its way into the cracks between Mary and Lily, the lulls in conversation between Remus and Sirius, until it becomes too much to handle. Sirius feels bad, he really does, but the way Remus shakes his head disappointedly fills him with something stubborn.
The vibe of the room is ruined subsequently. The boys go up to the dorm, Mary and Lily slip into their own room, shared kisses following, and you find the tangle of girls In front of the fire asleep, Marls arm tugging Dorcas closer.
“It’s okay,” you rush once everyone’s gone. “Hogsmeade sounds fun.”
“Are you sure?” James is insecure, quiet now, away from his friends ears.
You nod adamantly. “We didn’t have anything fun at Ilvermorny.”
He’s out of it now, heated in the face and embarrassed. He doesn’t mean to turn himself away from you, but his friends gnaw at him. They were well-meaning, but that doesn’t stop the green rumble of insecurity coursing through his body. He feels it so intensely he fears he may need to slip upstairs and go to sleep.
“Hey,” You murmur quietly searching for his eyes. When he gives them to you, you look up at the flushed boy through your eyebrows. “Just you and me?”
He stutters for the first time since he met you. “Yeah- uh, yeah, just me and you, sounds cool.”
You nod, leaning over to kiss the side of his mouth sweetly. He reels.
“Don’t be embarrassed.” You whisper, slipping out of the armchair.
“I’m not.” He insists.
You smile, squeezing his arm. “I know.”
He watches you walk up to your dormitory, a hunger in his eyes and a part in his lips.
“We’re not asleep.” Marlene grins. Dorcas snores and Marls opens her eyes. “Well, maybe she is.”
James flinches harshly. “Oh, fuck off.”
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madwcman · 4 months
pairing: james potter x fem! reader
warnings: mentioned of drinks, james and peter are intoxicated (briefly mentioned!)
a/n: loosely based on this tweet! i thought it was hilarious and fit james :) also not proof read.
“are you getting married soon?” you hear your boyfriend ask as you enter the bar where he was drinking with sirius, remus and peter. you turn to the sound of your boyfriend’s voice. james has his eyebrows furrowed, looking down at a woman’s left hand who is wearing a silver ring on her middle finger.
“and do you have any suggestions for wedding venues?”
the woman slightly chokes on her drink and gives james an alarmed “what?” she’s looking at james as if he’s grown two more heads. you can’t help but laugh.
“are you getting married soon?” he yells, thinking she didn’t hear him the first time.
“no, why would i?” she seems even more confused by the question that james is asking.
“you have an engagement ring on.” he says in a bored tone, like he’s pointing out the most obvious thing. waving his hand towards the woman’s finger.
“it’s on my middle finger?”
“what-“ james shakes his head and squints his eyes. his glasses are gone.
“james?” he gasps, and turns around ignoring the woman who he was just talking to. “baby, you’re here!” you smile at your very drunk boyfriend. who opens his arms and hugs you.
“i’m sorry, he’s very drunk.” you apologize, to the woman with a small smile. “also he’s not wearing his glasses.”
“i’m going to marry her!” james smiles proudly, as he slightly stumbles over nothing.
“congratulations?” she’s still confused, and seems slightly tired talking to james about marriage. she smiles politely and makes an excuse to leave. not that james notices as he nuzzles his nose into your neck.
“james, where are your glasses?”
“with sirius!” he looks up from your neck, giving you his best smile. which is crooked, and adorable.
“and where’s sirius?”
“with remus!”
“and where is he?”
“at his apartment?” you sigh, pinching the bridge of your nose. you’re going to kill sirius and remus.
“of course, and where’s pete?” james just smiles, pointing behind you, you turn and see your friend dancing rather awkwardly on the dance floor with no care in the world. figures, your friends are idiots.
“oh.” you continue to watch peter dance until he trips on his foot. you turn back to your boyfriend, ignoring the second hand embarrassment you’re feeling. “let’s go home, yeah?”
“what about pete?” james asks, concerned for his friend.
“he’ll be fine.” you mumble, as peter stands back up, with wobbly legs. “alright.” your turn james towards the exit.
“so, what flowers would you like for our wedding?” before you could even answer james question, he’s spitting out his suggestions. “i’m thinking tulips!”
“yes, but i’m not sure which color.” he shakes his head solemnly, clearly this is the most tragic thing to happen in your boyfriend’s opinion.
“we need to pick out a color palette first.” you’re surprised james potter knows what a color palette is. you can’t help but snort out in laughter. “james you haven’t even asked me to marry you yet!”
james looks at you horrified, and yelps out a slightly high pitched “what?!” as you leave the bar laughing.
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platonicwithacapitalp · 5 months
theodore nott nsfw headcannons!!
nsfw 18+, minors dni (or do i cant stop yall)
warnings: implied sex, oral sex (both receiving), hair pulling, choking, dirty talk, p in v, praising and degrading, slight begging, possible more (pls tell me if i missed anything)
side note: italics are like flashback typa things idk what to call them lol
a/n: i was bad grammar and i make a lot of typos, i proofread it but if you find anything i’m sorry, it’s like 12 am rn and i can’t sleep lol also bare with me and the translations i used google.
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he LOVES giving you neck kisses, and leaving hickeys all over you, he wants everybody to know your his.
this man is a pussy eating god, not only does he live eating you out, he’s absurdly good at it, he loves the way he has to push your thighs back open when ever he lets out a throaty moan, sending vibrations right through your core.
he is horny 24/7 his sex drive is actually crazy, he go for rounds. he loves it when you start getting overstimulated. “please theo, i can’t,“ you whine, legs closing around his waist. “shh, it’s okay amore mio, just one more for me” he coos as he thrusts into you, his cock hitting your cervix making you let out a string of whimpers and moans. “fuck, quei gemiti sono così sexy, tesoro” (translation: those moans are so sexy, baby)
whenever he is giving or receiving head, there is always a common factor. hair pulling. whether it’s the way you tug and pull on his hair while he eats you out makes him go absolutely feral or if it’s the way he grips your hair, thrusting up into your mouth as he moans, either way he loves it.
he is 1000% a tits man. god he loves your boobs so fucking much. he loves touching them, squeezing them, anything, whether you’re fucking or even just cuddling (really doesn’t seem like a theo thing but he just loves being close to you and touching you)
he likes being rough, especially after losing a quidditch match or when someone flirts with you. he’s extremely jealous and he knows it. he loves hearing the way you beg him to let you cum. “please, theo, i’m gonna- fuck” you moan, your hips bucking up. you expected him to push them back down but he doesn’t, he just smiles smugly down at you “c’mon good girl, cum for me”
even if you weren’t together yet you were still his.
he has a thing for hickeys, he just loves the way you look with hickeys littering your neck and collarbones, leading down towards your chest. he thinks you look absolutely amazing with his hand wrapped around your neck, as he fucks you senselessly.
he definitely has a hair pulling kink.
he loves it when you call him teddy, it drives him fucking crazy.
he loves praising you and letting you know how much pleasure you bring him but on that note he also liked degrading, but he mostly degrades when he’d being rougher.
whenever he’s being rough with you and choking you he is always super gentle, making sure you can still breath, and that your okay.
sorry it’s so short, i’m at school rn lol and i don’t want my ohine to get taken lol
— juelz.
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rainydayathogwarts · 9 months
James Potter - Jealousy, jealousy
Summary: You kiss Lucius to make James jealous since he was too slow at making a move... wc: 800 ish
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James thought that the best way to approach a new relationship - or rather the girl he liked - was by taking it slow. At least, that was the lesson he'd learned with Lily, who got easily tired of his attempts to woo her. But now, as he sat with Remus and Sirius in the Room of Requirements, the party blasting around them, he realised that maybe that wasn't what you wanted.
How did he know?
Well, one could argue that by the way you had your hand on Lucius Malfoy's chest, your own chest brushing up against his while you fluttered your eyes at him, you preferred that men had a more straight-forward approach with you. "Mate you've got to stop staring that hard." Commented Sirius, handing him another drink. James mumbled something incoherent under his breath, interrupted by Remus adding on "You're going to burn holes right through her tits." James broke his gaze from you, turning abruptly to look at Remus "I'm not staring at her tits, I just- I know she likes me back so why? Why him?"
He barely heard Marlene laugh from beside him, patting his shoulder with fake sympathy "Oh yeah, I wonder, why him? It's almost as though she's trying to make you jealous or something." She paused while watching James' face, and when she got no look of realisation from it, she sighed, continuing "You know, because you hate him?"
James shook his head "No, she wouldn't do that." There was a moment of silence during which a soundless conversation between Marlene and Remus was taking place. James saw Marlene shrug her shoulders at Remus from the corner of his eye, spinning on her heels and walking away from the three boys, leaving the problem solving to them. He furrowed his eyebrows, watching as the hand you had on Lucius's chest begun to trail upwards until it rested on the nape of his neck. With horror, his eyes followed Lucius's hand which dragged up your side to rest on your jaw, keeping your head tilted upwards to look at him with those beautiful eyes of yours.
It was as though everything went in slow motion, the music tuning out and the background blurring, James's gaze only set on you and Lucius fucking Malfoy, who was now lowering his face down so he could press his lips against yours. James could almost hear the satisfactory sigh you let out as you got onto your tippy toes, pressing yourself up against his mortal enemy.
Remus's pat on the back was almost enough to make up for Sirius's loud pitiful groan, but the embarrassment of the situation had him marching straight up to you and Malfoy, who he shoved away from you with full force. You squealed in shock, looking at Lucius, who had taken a tumble to the ground and back at James whose eyes were burning with rage and jealousy. You bit the inside of your cheek to stop a smile from spreading on your face, instead looking up at the boy with doe eyes. "Out, now." Lucius was now stood up, frantically brushing his hair out of his eyes, but before he could retaliate at James, you were halfway across the room, blindly following him out into the dimly lit hallway.
On your way out, you caught Remus's eye, and he grinned at you, shaking his head in fake disapproval. Once you were alone in the hallway, you barely got the chance to look up at James before he was mimicking his earlier actions towards Lucius on you, pushing you against the wall so he could kiss you roughly. You moaned in shock, hands instantly travelling to the back of James's neck so you could pull him closer while returning the kiss.
James was panting when he pulled away from you, his big hands on your shoulders, pressing you against the wall to keep you from stepping closer to him. "Now fucking explain to me why you were kissing Lucius Malfoy." Your jaw went slack at the dominance in James' usually light-hearted voice and you stuttered, nearly forgetting about your plan to play dumb. "I don't- I don't know what you mean."
"Yeah Potter," A voice interrupted, making you both turn around to face it. "If she wants to go around kissing me, I think we should all let her." Continued Lucius, stepping deeper into the corridor. You sighed, turning back to face James, whose hands were still on you, but was facing Lucius with a look of disgust on his face. You knew what you had to do. You put your hands on James's face so he instinctively looked at you, and you pulled him forward so you could kiss him again, effectively getting both Lucius away from you and James to forget that you were kissing him mere minutes ago.
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lonelywitchv2 · 1 year
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summary: it’s safe to say you didn’t expect company when you snuck out for a picnic with Regulus, your relationship more forbidden than the forest itself.
content: the marauders basically being your older brothers after you grew up next door to the Potters, protective and angry James and Sirius, Sirius and Regulus still being on bad terms, fluff turned slight angst, short, food, teasing, mentions of Sirius and Regulus’ parents 
wc: 587 (just a little blurb)
part ii part iii
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“So you’ve never read Pride and Prejudice?” You asked, almost offended by your discovery.
“No. Do you happen to remember that my parents are blood supremacists who forbade me from reading muggle literature?” Regulus responded.
“Okay, maybe I forgot. Either way, this is unacceptable. Reggie, it appears we have found our next book to read.” You announced, picking up a strawberry that Regulus had been reaching for.
“Oi! I was gonna grab that one!” He exclaimed, trying to reach for the red fruit, only to have you pull your arm away from him.
“You snooze, you lose,” You said with a shake of your head.
However, right as you went to bite into the sweet berry, Regulus tackled you, his body hovering over yours and your wrists pinned against the picnic blanket laid on the grass.
Throughout being tackled, you somehow managed to continue your hold on the strawberry, refusing to yield to him.
“You could’ve just asked to split it and I would’ve done it, love,” You pointed out, cocking your eyebrow.
“Well, this is much more fun. Isn’t it?” Regulus’s voice dropped to a whisper, his face lowering closer and closer to yours.
“It is…” You breathed out, lifting your head up until Regulus’s lips were pressed against yours, his hair brushing against your forehead.
The blissful silence was broken by a loud shout.
“What the hell is this?!” Sirius yelled, causing the two sixteen-year-olds to quickly break apart, scrambling to opposite sides of the blanket with their eyes wide in horror, the strawberry long forgotten.
You opened your mouth to respond but faltered at the rage burning in Sirius’s eyes.
“What is it Padfo- what in Merlin’s name is going on here?!” James’s eyes fell upon the sight of Regulus and you, his big brother mode immediately activating.
All words of defense and explanation quickly disappeared from your tongue, unsure of how to respond to the obvious rage emitting from the two boys.
“James, Sirius, I... I can explain- we can explain, please-” You stuttered out, struggling to get any words out of your mouth as your panic set in.
“No. No, c’mon Y/N, we’re leaving,” James said, his voice as firm as his grip on your arm as he pulled you off of the blanket, glaring at Regulus and dragging you away from the Black brothers- one of which was frozen in horror, the other seething with rage.
“Y/N-!” Regulus called out, going to stand before falling back from a shove from Sirius.
“What the fuck, Regulus?!” Sirius exclaimed, “Why her? Out of every girl in this school, you chose the one who’s like a little sister to me- is it to get back at me for leaving?”
“It’s not that, Sirius- I…” Regulus faltered.
“What? Spit it out!”
"Listen, I... I really like Y/N- really like her. Please, I'm not doing this out of vengeance, Sirius. I wouldn't even think about hurting Y/N! Siri… I’m not lying to you, I swear," Regulus stuttered out, the childhood nickname accidentally slipping off his tongue, "It's... real and I've never experienced anything like it before.”
“Godric… I just don’t…” Sirius paused, chewing on his lip, “I can’t do this right now.”
Sirius turned around for a moment, but turned to face his brother once more, “We aren’t done, Regulus. But this? This is.”
Regulus sat there speechless as his brother jogged to catch up to James and you, looking down to see the red strawberry sitting on the blanket, miraculously untouched.
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vampbloodbunny2 · 1 year
Remus: im not sure what this sentence means
Sirius: "ignorance is bold and knowledge is reserved''
Remus: you can read latin?!
James: you can read?!
Sirius: that's cold, Potter
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wzrd-wheezes · 7 months
Not Half Bad - Marauders x Reader
AN - I'm a few minutes early but happy valentine's day, my loves. I wanted to post something that wasn't crazy romantic because I know today can be pretty lonely. So, enjoy some platonic marauders x reader fluff. This is my first time writing anything like this so please let me know what you think. 1.7k words.
Y/N startled awake, her head throbbing and her eyes swollen from tears. She groaned softly, feeling the weight of exhaustion as she rubbed her face, trying to shake off the remnants of sleep. Then, the unmistakable sound echoed through her apartment again.
Bang, bang, bang. 
With a resigned sigh, Y/N muttered curses under her breath before she shuffled towards the front door. The harsh hallway light made her squint as she opened the door, taking a moment to register the trio standing before her. 
“Come on, you. Out of the way, we’ve got some serious work to do!” James declared, gently nudging Y/N aside to enter her apartment, with Remus and Sirius following close behind. 
“What the hell are you doing? It’s practically the crack of dawn!” She exclaimed; her voice still thick with sleep. 
“Oh, yeah? And you’d know what time of day it was, would you?” Sirius teased, theatrically throwing open her curtains, allowing light to flood into the room for the first time in days. 
“We’re on damage control. Y’know, since we haven’t heard from you in almost a week.” Remus explained, heading straight into the kitchen and flicking the kettle on. 
Y/N sighed heavily, feeling a pang of guilt for having shut off herself off from her friends after her recent break up. The end of her relationship had hit her harder than she had ever anticipated, leaving her feeling raw and vulnerable. She hadn’t felt up to facing her friends properly. She had shot them a quick message briefly explaining the situation before shutting off her phone and finding solace in her own company as she grappled with the emotional fallout.  
Remus busied himself in the kitchen while he waited for the kettle to boil. He had a tea towel swung over his shoulder as he started washing the dishes that had been piling up in the sink. James was getting the living room straight, opening windows, clearing up the endless piles of scrunched up tissues and fluffing up the sofa cushions.  
“You don’t have to do all this – I'm fine!” Y/N protested. 
“Stop fussing and just let us help you,” Sirius chimed in, poking his head around the doorway from where he was in the bathroom, “Now, get in here because I’ve just run you a bath.”  
Y/N’s protests died on her lips as she relented, allowing herself to be guided into the bathroom by Sirius’s firm but caring insistence. The soothing scent of lavender filled the air as she stepped into the room. Sirius shut the door behind her, allowing some privacy. He had set her some fresh towels and clean clothes on the side, even going as far as to light a few candles. Y/N let out a sigh as she sank into the tub, the warm water washing over her tired body. 
After a while, Y/N emerged from the bathroom feeling a bit lighter. She smiled at the three boys, appreciating their practical gestures of support. They had practically cleaned her whole apartment while she was in the bath. It had taken a bit of a hit in the week that she had been moping around. Remus had set her a steaming mug of tea on the coffee table, and she took it into her hands eagerly. 
“Feeling better?” he asked, patting the spot on the sofa next to him. 
“Much better. Thanks for the rescue” she smiled at each of them, “I owe you guys one.” 
“Nonsense.” James dismissed with a wave of his hand, “That’s what friends are for. Plus, I’ve been dying to bring out my superhero cape.” 
Remus snorted into his tea, “Superhero cape? More like a tea towel tied around your neck, mate.” 
“Hey, it’s all about the dramatic effect, Moony. You should try it some time.” James mock-glared at him. 
“I’d pay good money to see that.” Y/N laughed. 
“You nearly did!” Sirius remarked, “I literally had to pry it from around his neck before you got out of the bath.” 
Y/N burst into laughter at the mental image, shaking her head in amusement, “I can only imagine the heroic struggle.” She said, grinning at James, who rolled his eyes with a good natured sigh. 
“Yeah, well, it was a valiant effort on his part,” James admitted, earning a playful elbow jab from Sirius.  
It was the first time in a good week or so, that Y/N had laughed properly. She felt her spirits lift with each passing moment, the heaviness that had weighed in her heart for the last week beginning to fade. Their light-hearted banter and playful antics had a way of lifting her spirits, offering a welcomed distraction from her recent troubles. It was only when the boys stood up to leave that the empty feeling in the pit of her stomach started to return.  
Sirius noticed her face fall when they started getting ready to leave, each of them shrugging on their coats and slipping into their shoes.  
“Don’t worry, we’re coming back.” Sirius reassured her. 
“Yeah, you didn’t think that you could get rid of us that easily, did you?” Remus chuckled. 
“We’ve just got to nip out to get some stuff but then we’ll be back.” James promised. 
“What stuff?” she questioned.  
“Ask us no questions and we’ll tell you no lies.” James quipped, playfully tapping her on the nose before swiftly exiting.  
A bemused smile played on her lips as she watched her friends disappear. Although they had only been around at her flat for a few hours, it felt eerily empty now that they had gone. Collapsing onto the sofa, she reached for her phone, hesitating before finally switching it on after days of deliberate avoidance. There was the expected flurry of messages from her friends and family checking in on her and she made a mental note to reply to them later on. She quickly deleted a particularly nasty text from her ex before she gave herself chance to read it properly. As the screen blinked back up at her, the date glared back with unexpected significance.  
Valentine’s Day. 
The realisation hit her and stirred up memories and emotions that she had been trying to suppress. She couldn’t help but feel a twinge of loneliness as she thought back to past Valentine’s Day spent with her now ex-partner. For a moment, she regretted even switching on her phone; ignorance might have been bliss on a day like today. Tears prickled in her eyes and she bit down on her lip in a futile attempt to hold back the flood of emotions.  
Just as she had been earlier that morning, she was brought back to reality by the door of her apartment swinging open and James, Remus and Sirius bustling back inside.  
“Told you we wouldn’t be long!” James said brightly, though the look soon dropped from his face the second his eyes fell on Y/N. 
“Oh, no! What’s happened? Everything okay?” Sirius rushed over and crouched in front of her, so his face was level to where she was slumped on the sofa. 
“It’s silly,” she sniffled, “I turned on my phone because obviously I’ve been avoiding it for ages and I saw the date. It’s just... overwhelming.” 
Remus moved to sit beside her, his presence a comforting anchor as he place a hand on her shoulder. 
“It’s not silly at all, Y/N. Valentine’s Day can be shit. Especially after everything you’ve been through.” he said softly, offering her a sympathetic smile. 
James signed, rubbing the back of his neck as he stepped closer, “We came over today because... well we didn’t want you to spend Valentine’s Day alone. We didn’t realise that you didn't even know what day it was. We’ve kind of fucked up really, haven’t we?”  
“Don’t be daft.” Y/N wiped the tears away with her sleeve, “You’ve already cheered me up so much just by being here.” 
“Let’s not stop now then, eh?” Sirius said, patting her affectionately on the head as he stood up, “We’ve got plenty more planned for this evening. Why don’t you go get yourself freshened up while we get set up in here?” 
Y/N smiled gratefully and obliged, making her way to the bathroom. She splashed her face with cool water, letting it wash away the remnants of tears that clung to her skin. As she caught sight of herself in the mirror, she forced a smile onto her face in an attempt to make herself feel better. She quickly ran her hands through her hair and smoothed out the wrinkles in her clothes. 
In the other room, the boys had sprung to action. James rummaged through the bags of shopping, his brows furrowed in concentration as he set about preparing dinner. Remus, ever the organiser, rearranged the furniture to create a cosier and more comfortable set up for them. Sirius, with his flair for the dramatic, set about lighting candles and pulled an assortment of decorations from his bag to add a festive touch to the occasion. 
As Y/N stepped out of the bathroom, her eyes widened in surprise at the transformation that had taken place in the living room. The warm glow of candlelight danced across the walls, casting soft shadows across the room. Tears of gratitude welled in her eyes and with a shaky breath she made her way to join them. 
“Speechless, huh?” Sirius joked gently, a twinkle of amusement in his eyes. 
Y/N managed a watery smile, “I don’t even know what to say.” 
“Nothing needs to be said.” James stepped in from the kitchen, floral apron tied around his waist.  
“Just know that we’ve got your back always, yeah?” Remus chimed in.  
With a grateful nod, Y/N settled into her seat at the table, feeling a sense of peace wash over her.  
“Nice apron, James.” Y/N teased, unable to contain her laughter.  
“What can I say? Real men wear floral.” he quipped, setting down plates of food in front of each of them.  
“Ah! I almost forgot!” Sirius stood up quickly from the table and disappeared into the other room.  
He returned a few moments later, holding a bouquet of flowers. He presented them to her with a flourish. Y/N gasped in response. 
“You really didn’t have to!” she protested, her voice filled with gratitude, “You’ve already done so much for me today!” 
“We wanted to.” Remus smiled. 
“Besides, we’d be pretty crappy mates if we let you go a whole Valentine’s Day without flowers.” Sirius chuckled. 
“Yeah, it’s practically a cardinal sin to neglect such an important tradition.” Remus nodded in agreement.  
“See? We’re not completely useless, are we?” James nudged her, grinning. 
“Nah, you’re not half bad.” she beamed back at them, “I might even go as far as to say that you’re the best.” 
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lustsickforyou · 1 year
what side are you on? part two
pairings: regulus black x reader (enemies to lovers) sirius black x reader (romantic, to platonic)
summary: you are finally able to use your powers for good, but what happens when you get called home early and are delivered the worst news of your life?
warnings: abusive parents, torturing, arranged marriage, avada kedavra, death, anger, kidnapping, angst
a/n: i have decided to change the readers year from seventh down to sixth just because it works better for the storyline. another mention that the powers are based off of shadow and bone. NOT PROOFREAD!!
part one , part two
The entire plan was laid out for you, the four marauders would somehow capture the man and you would use your powers to reveal all of his secrets. It seemed easy enough. You hadn’t talked to any of them since, you wanted to keep a low profile as to not raise any suspicion on yourself or them.
It was the day school was let out for fall break, you had a plan for that as well. You and the boys would be taking a trip to london, but of course you couldn’t say you were going with them. You wrote to your parents to let them know you would be staying back at Hogwarts to catch up in school and study ahead for your classes. You told the pureblood boys from Slytherin that you would be going home, as some of them would be staying back in school.
What you didn’t expect was for none other than Evan Rosier to question you. You had packed your bags quickly and started heading down the hallway to catch the train with the marauders, but you felt a grasp on your arm that whipped you around. You looked down at the hand in confusion, your eyes following up the arm and to the face of the familiar blonde haired boy. “You’re going home?” he asked and you stared for a moment before nodding. He never spoke to you before, in fact you knew he was scared of you and your abilities. So why was he talking to you now?
“I was under the impression you were staying here.” he spoke with no emotion in his voice and you swallowed thickly, thanking whatever higher power that was out there that he too couldn’t hear your heart beat. While his was rather calm, yours was beating so hard you thought you might break down. “I’m not, i changed my mind last minute.” you lied, hoping he wouldn’t notice your nervous demeanor.
“But— you never go home.” he was definitely suspicious, and you took a deep breath. It was true, you didn’t unless you were forced to. Going back home was the most horrible thing you had to do time and time again. You had to turn this around on him, make him uncomfortable with the conversation all together so he could forget about it completely. “Why do you care?” you asked, your voice much more calmer than anything else within yourself. Your eyebrows were knitted as you looked at him.
“What?” he asked, equally confused. “Why do you care?” you repeated, stepping back from his grip. “You’ve never cared before, in fact you’re quite scared of me.” you pointed out and his face dropped to realization, knowing what you meant by that. “So why do you care now as to what i’m doing? Why are you talking to me?” you asked and he didn’t respond. “Right.” you scoffed, turning around and walking away. “Y/N, wait—” he called after you but you didn’t turn around. You hoped he wouldn’t think on it too much, or worse— write to your mother back at home.
It didn’t take you long to reach the train, searching for compartment number three. You looked down the walkway of the train to make sure nobody was watching you, but of course there was one person. Regulus Black. He was heading into compartment eight, quite aways from yourself, but just before he walked in her made eye contact with you. As much as Sirius had talked to you growing up, Regulus had never made the effort to do the same. You had a sense that he was scared of you just like everyone else was, I mean— he wouldn’t even look at you. So now as his dark eyes drifted up to look into your own, you felt a shiver run down your spine. Just before you could do anything, he disappeared into his own compartment. You took a deep breath before knocking on the door three times, just as the boys had told you.
The door slid open to reveal Sirius, who looked both ways before pulling you inside. You gasped out in shock and the door was closed behind you quickly. “Did anyone see you?” he asked. You thought about Regulus, surely he hadn’t noticed you well enough to do anything about it. “No, there wasn’t anyone in the hallway.” you finally settled on an answer and he nodded. “Alright, we’re going to get off the train in London. You’re going to wait back in the motel while the four of us—” he started but you rolled your eye. “Yeah, yeah. While the four of you do your heroes act to capture the bad guy. Then I’m going to work my magic because all of you were too stupid to come up with an easier idea.” you jabbed and Remus scoffed, only to earn a punch to the arm from James. Remus furrowed his eyebrows and rubbed the now sore area on his arm. “You are insufferable.” Sirius sighed and you smirked.
You had been waiting in the motel room for hours now, constantly checking the old clock that hung on the wall. Something bad must’ve happened surely, why else would they be taking so long. As time went on you paced around the room. They hadn’t even told you where they were going, what if they had been caught by the man, or worse— ambushed by a group of death eaters. You nervously chewed on your nails and suddenly the door busted open. You looked over to see them all beat up, whilst holding the man they captured who looked worse off than them. “What the hell?” you asked, studying the man’s face before looking up at Sirius. “I thought your plan was to not hurt him?” you asked and as if on cue the older man ground, practically hanging by Sirius and James’ arm. “Yeah well— he was a lot stronger than we expected. And someone couldn’t get the potion right that was supposed to knock him out.” Sirius looked over at Peter. “Okay, if you guys would’ve given me more time I could’ve done it!” he defended and you sighed.
“Okay, just put him in the chair.” you instructed and they did as they were told. The four boys stepped back along with you as you stared at him nervously. “Are you going to do it or what?” Sirius asked impatiently and you glared at him before walking up to the man. You had done this hundreds of times for Tom, so why were you so nervous now? Maybe it was a multitude of things, like the fact that you could get caught and there was a high possibility you would get killed for ever going against Tom Riddle. You took a deep breath in, and kneeled before him. The back of your hand trailed down the side of his nervous and beaten face. “You’re safe now.” you spoke softly, seductively. You could hear his heart beat racing. What had they done to this poor man? Every time you had seen him around Tom Riddle he was confident and cocky, always a calm heart rate.
You looked down at his hand, placing his palm to face up. Your soft hand trailed down his rather rough one, the ruby ring on your middle finger glistening through the dim light of the motel room. When your fingertips reached his palm his heart slowed immensely. You looked up at him again. “Now you can just speak.” you said slowly. He took a deep breath, looking into your eyes. “And I will just listen.” you nodded. “Alright..” he complied. “Tell me what Tom Riddle is planning.” your voice was mesmerizing.
“You won’t believe me but—” he replied with a tired voice. “He is planning on attacking Hogwarts.” he breathed out as if he had been holding it in for so long. You remained calm, but Remus sucked in a shocked breath. Sirius was now angry, stepping forward to kneel beside you, you remained focus on keeping the man calm. “Who is helping him?” Sirius asked. The man breathed out a shaky breath. “If I tell you— you’ll set me free?” he asked. “You have my word.” Sirius smiled. James looked up at him with a confused face. “Sirius—” he tried to intervene but Sirius held up a finger for him to be quiet. “I’ll set you free.” he nodded with a reassuring smile. “You’re in London now, you can go anywhere in the world from here.” his words were very convincing.
The man looked over at you and you nodded, although a part of you was unsure with his words. You had known him long enough to know when he was lying, and this seemed like one of those times. The man looked back at Sirius. “Just imagine.” Sirius whispered. The man spaced off, looking up at the ceiling. “Come on.” Sirius smiled. “His name is—” he paused nervously. Your fingers slipped deeper into his wrist to coax the words out of him. “Regulus Black.” he answered clearly and Sirius’ heart dropped along with your own. You had seen him earlier that morning, you would have never guessed he was planning to attack the very school he went to.
James, Remus and Peter’s eyes drifted towards Sirius with worrying looks. “Regulus Black? Are you sure?” Sirius asked and the man nodded tiredly. “Good job.” Sirius said, standing up. You looked up at him with a concerned look. You continued to sooty the man as Sirius stood up to speak with the boys. The man looked at you with such content as you smiled at him. You didn’t want to know what they were talking about. You were worried about what they were going to do. You heard Sirius mumble a ‘perfect’ and the man looked up. “You’ll set me free now?” he asked.
“Of course.” Sirius nodded and pulled out his wand, casting the unforgiving curse and he fell back in his chair and to the ground, going limp. You screamed, jumping back. Everyone went silent, staring in shock as your chest heaved up and down. Sirius had not a single bad bone in him, but tonight you had saw a side of him you had never seen before. There were a million thoughts running through his head, one mainly being that he had to stop Tom Riddle at any cost, and now he felt the same about his own brother. Dumbledore would surely not approve of this.
“Sirius— what the hell.” James was the first to speak up, Remus walking over to you and helping you on your feet. “The whole reason we came up with this plan of Y/N helping us was because we didn’t want to kill him.” James confronted him. Sirius stared at him for a moment. “Now Tom Riddle’s most trusted henchman is dead, where is the first place he is going to look? Hm?” James questioned with raised eyebrows, getting close to him as anger dripped from his words.
“I need some air.” you managed to stutter out, walking passed the boys and practically running outside. It was pouring rain as you walked into the street, your chest heaving up and down with fear. The whole reason you wanted to help them was because you didn’t want to hurt anyone. Even if you didn’t cast the curse, you were just as much responsible for that man’s death as much as Sirius was. You helped him coax the words from him, and a part of you was starting to regret ever listening to James in the library in the first place. You shoved those ideas down, trying to remember what you were trying to accomplish here, and before you could go inside you spotted a dark clothed figure in the street.
You looked over at them with a concerned look, and as you started to walk back to the hotel the dark figure followed you. They wrapped their arms around you as you screamed out, putting their hand over your mouth to conceal the alerting noises. Suddenly you apparated away, and before you could even realize where you had ended up, you knew exactly what had happened. “Stop screaming.” the angry voice commanded, who you recognized as Evan Rosier. You stopped screaming and struggling, looking around to recognize that you were in Tom Riddle’s manor. Evan dragged you into the receiving room, which was a long corridor with a throne at the end, very on brand for a man like him. You had been here hundreds of times, but you knew this time would be much different.
Your eyes trailed over to see Regulus Black and many other members standing off to the side of Tom who sat comfortably in his grand throne. Evan shoved you forward, causing you to fall on your hands and knees in front of him with a cry. Tom stared for a moment with anger in his eyes, standing up and kneeling down in front of you. He grabbed your face harshly with his hand to make you look up at him, a cry escaping your lips as he did so. He shook his head, pursing his lips as he thought. “Who knew you would betray me.” he said sarcastically. “When I received word from Evan Rosier about your lies, I just knew something must be up with you. But for you to go behind my back to help—” he swallowed back a disgusted look. “Them? Now that is crossing the line.” Tom let go of your face with a shove as a sob wracked through you. You were soaked from the rain now. “You’re too valuable to kill, those boys on the other hand?” Tom asked and you stared up at him with saddened eyes.
“I was thinking while Evan Rosier was out to fetch you— what can I do to get you to stay on my side?” he asked, pacing back and forth. “At first it was your mother, all those years ago. Begging for me to use you and traded you off to be married to a respectable man.” Tom recalled. “And we all knew how that worked out.” he laughed and the rest of the people in the room laughed with him. You couldn’t tell if they were pity laughs because they were scared of him, or if they found you genuinely pathetic. Nonetheless, there were too many people there for you to use your powers to get out of this situation. It would kill you, and at this very moment you considered it.
“But then I remembered something.” Tom continued in his thought process. “There is another boy that might just do the trick.” he smiled, and looked over at the group. Evan, Regulus and Barty Crouch Jr. all stood in a line like soldiers. “Regulus, my boy— step forward.” Tom waved him over and he looked at him confused before doing as he was told. “My most loyal follower who is just as young as you.” he smiled. “You two will be married in a weeks time. Maybe this time you’ll consider staying.” Tom was pleased with his decision.
“Sir—” Regulus went to speak up but Tom held up his hand as if to shut him up. “Go to hell.” you spat, and Tom looked down at you with hurt eyes. “Fine, I will give you some time to come to your senses.” Tom decided, and two men came up from beside you, grabbing you on each side and dragging you away as you screamed and kicked to break free from their grasp. They had managed to get you all the way to the cellar, chaining your hands apart and above your head so you were unable to use your powers. “Please.” you begged them through tears, two boys you had grown up with. “You know me, don’t do this to me!” you pleaded but they didn’t listen. They left you there, alone in the cold and soaking wet from the rain.
Meanwhile back in the receiving room many argued, including Walburga Black. “This girl is a traitor, I will not have my son marry her.” she stood her ground and Tom stared at her with an annoyed expression. “Yet you were willing to do the same for your other son?” he asked. Walburga scoffed, shaking her head. “They’re both traitors, they would’ve been better off together and away. Not here with us, why don’t you just get rid of her?” she asked. Tom stared for a moment, as if he was asserting his dominance. “Can you control one’s heart?” he asked, and the women fell silent. “Can you make the blood of anyone you desire boil?” he questioned. She didn’t respond.
“Y/N is a weak girl, and with time I believe she will come to her senses again. Regulus can help her do just that, set an example. Besides, I must punish your family for what Sirius did. Leaving this place, betraying us and killing my right hand man?” he asked and Walburga furrowed her eyebrows. Her Sirius had killed someone? “Regulus is a fine boy, and it is clearly not your choice who he marries.” Tom said. Your mother stepped forward. “He is right, Walburga. My daughter will be a perfect wife.” she defended.
“Of course you think that, your family line ended when you couldn’t manage to have a boy. You’re trying to save your own dignity.” Walburga jabbed and your mother didn’t say a word. “Enough, both of you.” Tom ordered and they both stepped back. “What do you say, Regulus?” he asked. Regulus stood quietly for a moment. “I would do anything you told me to, sir.” he agreed and Tom clapped excitedly. “Wonderful.” he was pleased. “Now my boy, did you ever dispose of that assassin those boys had sent on you?”
During the summer Regulus had been attacked by some wizard he had never seen before. Tom had said it was an assassin sent by his own brother, knowing Sirius would stop at nothing to take his brother down with him. It was the whole reason Regulus was okay with taking down Hogwarts by Tom Riddle’s side. “I did.” Regulus confirmed, and Tom nodded. “Wonderful. I would like to congratulate you on your engagement.” he almost taunted in a way, and with that the meeting was dismissed.
You and Regulus Black would be married in a weeks time.
tag list: @thelastemzy @theday-dreamer17 @jack1n @leslieiscrying @kaverichauhan @helloitsmeeeeeee
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bettysupremacy · 11 months
to shake things up a little, what about remus, sirius, or james with a s/o who's [ somehow ] more outgoing and boisterous than them? and she's always flaunting their relationship, her adorable boyfriend, and says the most genuine compliments out of nowhere both to him and other people and it's got him all shy and blushy such
This is such a cute idea!!!! I chose Sirius cause I felt like it in the moment, but this is such a cute idea for all of them. I hope you like it!!<3
“And he-“ You stumble, pausing at the mop of black hair in front of you. “Oh! Siri!”
He laughs at your state, flicking hair away. “That’s me.”
“I was just telling them,” You turn to the girls you met in the kitchen. They wave. “About you.”
“Only good things I hope.”
“Terrible.” You frown, pulling the cherry from the bottom of your empty cup to drop it in Sirius’s. He has two cherries now. Your fingers are wet, and sticky, and Sirius brings your knuckles to his lips to kiss the mixture away. You flush, alcohol and love warming you. “He’s so sweet.”
“Didn’t work very well.” He frowns. “You’re still sticky.”
“I don’t mind.” You laugh.
“I do,” He looks around for the nearest washroom. “Those sticky fingers aren’t going anywhere near my hair.”
You huff, watching him tap is fingers on the island countertop. They click lightly, the gloss of his black nail polish shining in the twinkling candles in every corner. The girls get up and leave, waving at you brilliantly. You grin, waving back just as hard.
“I think there’s one-“ He pauses.
“What’re you looking for?” James pops up, glasses a little crooked. He smiles when you reach up to straighten them. “Thank you, dove.” He nods.
You laugh, turning to Sirius. His eyes still search for a washroom, but his hands found their way to your hip, and the fingers molding into your skin distract you.
“You alright, my love?” Mary giggles.
Lily steps in front of you, holding your face in her slender fingers. You smile at the freckles on her nose, drawn messily like little constellations
“You’re my best friends.” You grin.
“Your friends?” Sirius gawps.
“Yes, padfoot.” Remus nods seriously. “We’re her friends.”
The room is light, love floating around airily. Lily presses a kiss to your cheek. “How much have you had to drink?”
“Just enough.”
“Perfect.” She murmurs, pulling away to reside in Mary’s arms. Her lipstick stains your cheek softly.
You turn to Sirius. Your fingers are still sticky to his dismay, but he doesn’t complain when they tangle in his hoodie. “You are so pretty, Siri, I’m serious! Isn’t he so pretty?”
“It’s the eyes.” James gushes for your amusement.
You nod enthusiastically. “I know!”
Sirius startles. “You need toast.”
“I need a kiss.” You tip toe in the flats you put on in the dim sunlight of your apartment before you left. “Please.”
He sighs, worried sick for your head in the morning. Aspirin can only do so much. “Honey-“
“He is not this shy at home.” You supply your friends. “Normally he-“
“Woah!” Sirius laughs, covering your mouth with his large palm. “You need a burger. We’re leaving.”
“What!” You gasp. “I don’t want to leave.”
“We’ll miss you.” Marls frowns sympathetically, leaning into Dorcas.
“I’ll miss you too.” You sigh. “And your skirt is so pretty.”
Dorcas grins. “You like it?”
“I love it.” Pulling away from Sirius, each of your friends are graced with a goodbye hug. One by one. “I love you.”
“Go eat.” Remus laughs.
“Siri doesn’t le-“
“And thats enough!” He laughs loudly, covering your sentence. “We’re leaving now.”
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madwcman · 6 months
hii !! can i request remus lupin x fem!reader with the grumpy x sunshine trope? except the reader is grumpy and remus is sunshine 🎀🎀
a/n: i love this trope!! thanks for requesting!
pairing: sunshine! remus x grumpy! reader
you’re standing in a corner a few inches away from people. you’re currently at a party that your boyfriend begged you to come to. your boyfriend was very social, not as social as his best friends but people knew him. remus was kind ; people like him. you were different. you’re not social as remus, you have a small group of friends and you like it that way. where your boyfriend always has a smile on his face you mostly have a frown, except when you’re with remus.
“you came!” you hear your said boyfriend, remus cheer as he wraps his arms around your frame. you feel a small smile sneak onto your face as you wrap your arms around remus, hiding your face into his chest.
“i said i would.” you yell, over the loud music playing, remus moves closer to your face kissing your cheek. “i know, but i know you hate these things.” remus states, moving back from your cheek, pushing your hair out of your face, with a cheeky smile of course.
“i wanted to see you.” you shrug, grabbing remus hand. he continues to smile. you can’t help but smile back at him. “we’ll stay for an hour, then we can leave.” he promises, as he tugs on your hand to indicate to start walking along with him.
“look who showed up!” you hear sirius, his loud voice teasing you as he taps onto james shoulder, to grab his attention. “shut up, sirius,” you grumbled, you’re not sure if he can hear you but his playful eye roll gives you the idea that he did. “leave her alone, sirius.” you hear remus besides you, as he moves to lightly and jokingly shove sirius aside. “you look lovely.” you hear james compliment kindly from where he stands between sirius and peter. “doesn’t she?” remus yells, spinning you around, as he looks at you with fondness. “rem, stop.” you try to muster a smile, but you're slightly embarrassed, and out of your element.
“oh, someone’s embarrassed?” remus stops spinning you and hugs you from behind, not letting go. “shut up, i hate you.” you crank your neck, to glare at remus. he just smiles and shakes his head. he knows you don’t hate him. you don’t think you ever could. “no you don’t.” he smiles with his teeth, it’s sharp and crooked. you really couldn’t hate remus even if you tried.
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thedelusionreaderbitch · 10 months
Poly! Jegulus x gn! Reader - When there is no logic, look deeper
A/n: I decided to go with a different analogy for James's and Regulus's relation than I normally do (and what everyone else normally does.) So have fun with this little drabble!
Summary: Your relationship with James and Regulus through Remus's perspective.
Warnings: Swearing, brief mentions of child abuse, brief mentions of mental health issues (if you squint,) I think that's it? You have been warned!
The Three P's:
[Pronouns used: you/your] [Pov: 2nd person] [Pairings: (romantic!) (poly!) jegulus x reader, (romantic!) wolfstar, (platonic!) marauders]
I do NOT support J. K. Rowling, or any transphobic/homophobic things she says (or anything she says really), or TERFS!
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Regulus and James fit together, in a neat messy puzzle. James's darker skin contrasting with Regulus's more pale, like the sun and it's moon. Recently, Remus had been reading some muggle plays of man named Shakespeare, and just by looking at the two, he could tell that he would've written down every piece of their love story, until he knew it by heart.
The enigma, the question, he just couldn't find the answer to was you, because Regulus and James were different sides of the same coin. Slytherin and Gryffindor, light and dark, sun and moon. You just didn't fit as nicely into the big picture.
That's what he used to think anyway, before the marauders and everyone else had gotten to know you. To Remus, he used to think of you as a temporary escape for the two boys, as you were the only one out of the three who had a normal life. It was harsh, but it was the only answer to the equation he could come up with.
Remus's life hadn't been full of answers, maybe that's why he tried to find the solution, so there would be no more variables. So he didn't have to attempt to find the solution later, when they most needed it most. So maybe, just once his life could be left with more answers than questions.
Action reaction, like getting bit by a werewolf - he was one of them now. Finding Sirius, James, and Peter on the train - becoming friends. Gaining feelings for Padfoot, confessing them and becoming a couple. (Okay, maybe there were multiple steps to that equation.) Everything had a solution, something he liked to find to keep himself sane. When everything else in his life was swirled with insanity.
You fitting into the equation didn't follow a path of logic, it was completely and utterly crazy.
Now, he sees what he didn't before, the way you would stay with James even when the smile slipped from his lips. How you would listen to Regulus, and give him space to talk about his family troubles, why he stayed.
You would let James cry, and make Regulus giggle, the planets didn't just revolve around the sun now. Now the moon and it's star revolved around you.
You were a nebula, because when a person looked at you, they gasped in wonder. Everything unknown and beautiful was you, a glittering cloud of normalcy and love. Nurturing but fleeting if need be.
One time, Sirius said he and his brother were the stars, and you only laughed, shaking your head.
"Regulus is like the moon, for so long we thought we couldn't reach him, until we did."
Remus's boyfriend looked startled, Remus could agree with the feeling. How had you, just made sense of someone so complex, with so many strings and layers, with just a sentence?
The werewolf wanted to see how you would respond if he asked you about everybody at Hogwarts, about the ministry, his family. Instead, he asked you about your other boyfriend.
"James?" You smiled softly, and for some reason it warmed Remus's heart, that when you thought about his friend, you immediately were happy. As if just thinking about him was enough to revel in his sunlight.
"James is the sun, he's bright, but sometimes his brilliance gets the peoples eyes, it can annoy them. Until he gets farther away." You still had a pleasant look upon your face, but your eyes were brightly alight with sadness. "Then it's winter, and they long for summer again, because then the sun could be there to warm them a second time. Regardless of its blinding sunlight."
Remus thinks, that was the moment that he started to understand why James and Regulus had both fallen for you. You were the beautiful unknown, a nebula, out of reach, but oh, so beautiful to gaze upon.
Remus still didn't quite comprehend how you fit into the grand scheme of things, but he thinks, he starting to see the big picture.
Words 670
Hp Taglist: @regulusblackswhorecrux
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