#please don’t get mad at me
koirankusema666 · 2 months
What’s everyone’s stance on therianthropy being involuntary?
I see time and time again people say you can’t choose to be a therian and most wikis define therianthropy as involuntary but I would like to humor y’all on this. Sure, for most beings it is involuntary, but what’s the problem exactly if someone says they’re choosing to be nonhuman?
I know it’s annoying when people think your identity is a choice. But just because you didn’t choose to be a therian, doesn’t mean it’s the same for everyone. Nonhumanity is a unique experience for everyone, keep that in mind.
You can be nonhuman for pretty much any reason. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. It’s your identity.
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marriso1 · 3 months
i would like to make this very clear, as much as i love snape i do NOT support his actions and behavior as a teacher. bullying students isn’t okay, and it isn’t justified. just because you have a bad childhood doesn’t mean you get to take it out on others. before you step in and say i don’t know what i’m talking about i can assure you i do. People deal with trauma differently, and even so that’s true it’s still not justified to bully children. Everyone he was raised by as a child did worse than bully people and he never got a good support system so it makes sense why he turned out that way, so i’m not suprised why he did. i firmly believe that if he had found a good support system or some better friends he would’ve been able to grow into a better person. He has done a ton of good, and had a lot of atonement for things and that’s a big part of why i like him. But again, he’s done some bad aswell and just because he’s my favorite character doesn’t mean i don’t recognize that.
it is okay to like morally grey characters.
In fact i like snape the most BECAUSE of the fact he’s a morally grey character. Not because he bullies children, but because he has faults and he has worked on some of them and ultimately became a better person because of that. he’s a realistic example of someone who’s dealt with trauma and what could happen, and i love that. he’s a comfort/parental character to me but that doesn’t mean i’m gonna ignore his faults.
EVERYONE has faults, and even though you shouldn’t overlook them it doesn’t mean that person doesnt deserve a better life or people to support them. (Except for abusers and such obviously)
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musicalislife · 9 months
Käärijä and his crew as animal(s) I associate with them:
Käärijä: quokka/golden retriever
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Häärijä: Chipmunk/duckling
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The Dalton boys: meerkat
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Mikke: ferret/husky
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Jesse: young labradoodle
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Ewwee: hedgehog/kitten
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homosherb · 1 year
Fun Guessing Game!!!
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wooobejeweled · 2 years
supernatural characters as taylor swift songs!!🎆😈
sam : The Archer
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dean : Cowboy Like Me
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Castiel : This Is Me Trying
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The mischaracterization of people from PJO is so funny, but ESPECIALLY from HOO onward like.
“Hazel’s such an innocent little angel. She’s always nice and kind and confused.”
Hazel, who’s always ready to fight in the same way Percy is? Hazel, who made it explicitly clear she probably would’ve rocked Octavian’s shit had he not been blackmailing her? Who gets so angry on behalf of the people she loves, to the point where she doesn’t forgive those who have wronged them? Who Percy described as cursing up a storm in one of their first interactions? Who’s been shown time and time again to be FAST to anger? That Hazel?
Or Nico, who’s “a misunderstood emo. A small bean. Cute like a wet cat and innocent like a bunny.”
Nico, who’s cannonically described by most characters as “scary and unnerving?” Nico, who, for a long time, is one of the angriest characters in the series? Who’s only sassy and sarcastic because it took him FOUR YEARS to mellow out? Who’s described as being one of the most powerful demigods, who a lot of people still consider the scariest? Who’s come into his own as a character from TTC to TSATS? That Nico?
Or Annabeth who’s, “cold and calculating. Doesn’t show emotion or express herself”
Annabeth, who’s the most expressive person in the series? Who cries in EVERY book in the OG series? Whether it be for Luke, or Thalia, or Percy, or Chiron, or a literal DOG? Who expresses passion like no other when it comes to architecture and her other interests? Who’s expressed compassion for people she didn’t know? People who at times posed a threat to her? Who isn’t afraid to be angry, or happy, or snide, or rude, or excited, or scared, or ecstatic? Who’s been unapologetically herself since the moment the series started? That’s who doesn’t show emotion? That’s Annabeth?
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math-is-math · 3 months
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Doodle of a little gay Apple in her little gay colors 💅✨
I’m gonna be so honest I didn’t understand Dapple cuz tbh I didn’t rlly see Darling with anybody romantically … but then I was like Dapple but unrequited 👀 THAT would be some rlly good spicy and angsty hurt no comfort drama I’d love to watch unfold
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samglyph · 3 months
A second “love” has hit the podcast
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ohmerricat · 7 months
something about the fairies taunting jack with rose petals no less. something about the toymaker covering the unit hq in rose petals while he gets shot at. you’ll never get away from the sound of the woman that loves you blessed you with the curse of eternal life
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jack loses everybody he loves over and over again and as a reminder of that, rose petals.
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the doctor loses everybody he loves over and over again and as a reminder of that, rose petals.
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tell me that doesn’t sound remarkably similar to the way fifteen describes the goblins to ruby. the goblins are part of the toymaker’s “legions” — ancient and mysterious entities from the dawn of time, slipping in through the cracks in reality, stimulated by human belief and superstition. goblins abduct little children for their own ends and so do the “fairies”. you don’t know where the chicken or the egg is, where history ends and mythology begins: did the folklore emerge from sightings of the real creatures, or did the creatures coalesce like an egregore because of the proliferation of the folklore about them, a manifestation of humanity’s deepest fears come alive ever since the toymaker changed the rules of the game?
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but was it the toymaker? could this all be a chain reaction, kickstarted billions of years ago (or only nineteen, depending on how you look at it) when one headstrong young woman looked into the time vortex and turned herself into a literal deus ex machina, defying all laws of reality, raising the dead and disintegrating the death-bringers? could that have been the moment (lol.) when it all began to unravel?
i haven’t seen classic who. what do i know. but maybe it wasn’t the line of salt at the edge of the universe. maybe it was one girl, seeing everything that ever was, everything that will ever happen, anything that ever could be. the fairies haven’t stopped pursuing jack ever since: he’s the living evidence of her miracle. they slaughter his entire train carriage but they don’t touch a hair on his head. other children are the fairies’ chosen ones, yes, but jack is the chosen one of their goddess. the bad wolf
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i wonder who that jonathan groff character in the upcoming series is.
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mossy-paws · 1 month
Clementine returns. (PHIGHTING!)
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deciding to accumulate all of these into a singular post to make my life easier + so that I can have some more food for you all,,, anyways.
My. My son. Clementine my baby my sweet boy,,, Some of these ARE actually reposts but the first 2 are for sure not :3! (I think at least LMAO), enjoy this :3! I must go back to my hole /silly
(Also a bonus as well )
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little-pondhead · 2 years
I forgot about this.
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The whole reasoning behind the Supervillain Danny AU sketches was that his villain persona was the complete opposite of his normal, sane self and hero persona. Danny plays into the Fenton name really hard, and ramps up the “mad scientist” bit, taking inspiration from both his normal civilian life and his parents, thus using just his last name as a villain.
And then I wanted to add what Sam and Tucker might look like if they joined in on his shenanigans. To keep with the “opposite of their normal life” bit, let’s throw in some ghostly artifacts that help the two keep up with Fenton’s madness.
Sam would get an angel’s halo that helps her form ghostly wings, and she’d play into the good-two shoes angelic look, and then she opens her mouth and verbally assaults you. She pins her bangs back and wears clothes that better fit a celestial aesthetic and uses all the etiquette training her parents taught her. Manson looks like some sort of regal angel and people expect her to be the nicest out of all of them. She’s not. Manson is the sneakiest and most bloodthirsty one, and heroes regularly wonder if she has actually committed murder or not.
Tucker takes inspiration from his time as a pharaoh. He has a metal postiche that enhances his physical ability. (Maybe it gives him dreadlocks too, but I like to think Tucker is just wearing a whole ass wig.) He wears a strange mix of street wear and his pharaoh outfit, and throws his tech-obsessed self out the window. Fenton is the nerdy one here, so now Foley is the muscle. Foley plays up meathead American bully stereotype hard. He delights in throwing hands, and hunts down supers just for the sake of a fun spar. (For him not for the supers.) Foley’s favorite people to fight so far is Killer Croc and Superman. Heroes are concerned about what would happen if Foley fought for real, but then they saw what he did to the Joker “as a joke” and decided not to ask any more questions.
Basically, the trio looked at their civilian lives and picked out what they considered “villainous traits” from the people around them that they then played into as villains themselves. If that makes sense. Sam hates how her parents want a perfect child, so she makes herself look like one. She speaks in backhanded comments and has a snooty attitude, which she learned from other rich people. Tucker is constantly confronted by bullies everyday, and all the rogues that come to Amity are always fighting, so that’s what he decides to mimic. Yeah, he now gets to be the big and strong protector of the group, but all his experience with fighting have been bad ones, and that reflects in his style. And finally, Danny. Why does he take after his parents and play into the family name? Because the Fentons are one of the biggest obstacles and source of anxiety in his life. Danny associates mad scientists to pain and other bad things, so even if all he’s being helpful in a really annoying way as a villain, his parents and the threat of the GIW still influence how he presents himself. Because to Danny, those two things are far more scary than a kid with a pirate ship or a man wearing a bat fursuit.
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kidvoodoo · 4 months
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Dutch Bookie Joost Klein and his temporary hired gun, Nordic Crime Boss Käärijä
History will call them coworkers….
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saltandfire-blog · 5 months
Happy Mother’s Day!
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Some of my favorite mommy moments❤️
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bravosixtynine · 6 months
i can’t color inside the lines.
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karaspal · 3 months
I just remembered about the existence of the Supergirl Special #1 and I got annoyed again. So now I shall copy and paste the review I left in comic geeks.
Perhaps Mariko Tamaki should stay away from Kara. I’m yet to read a good Supergirl story from her. I get that this story has some message about girlhood somewhere in these pages, but it poses an issue Kara has never had. She has never felt like she’s falling behind. That’s not a part of her character. So why use her to tell this story?
Another problem I have is her risking the lives of innocent people, and for what? Because she is jealous of Karen? She’d never do something like that. Helping people has always been her number one priority. And she’d never be jealous of someone else. Especially someone who had their entire charm assassinated by Leah Williams.
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Kara can be arrogant and stubborn sometimes, yes, but not in the way it’s presented here. She is arrogant and stubborn in the sense she wants to save everyone and would never stop, even if she’s on the brink of death. Call it the indomitable kryptonian spirit, if you will. Call it stupid stubbornness, if you will. But it is who Kara is. Sometimes she can feel like she’s the only one who can do what it needs to be done, to save the people who need saving, and yes, it is arrogant, but the reason she feels so is because she can’t have anyone dying on her watch. Those “toxic” traits of her come from a place of selflessness and compassion, not jealousy. Everything she is, it comes from a place of selflessness and compassion. She suffered so much in her life, you better believe she’d do everything in her power and more to make sure no one else has to suffer the same way she did.
Kara is a competent woman who knows what she is doing. She’s confident and strong. Phillip Kennedy Johnson once described her as always being “the smartest person in the room”. It still baffles me how DC turned PKJ’s Supergirl pitch down, but green lit this.
It’s been half a year and somehow, I hate this more than the day it came out. Perhaps, it’s because this is last Supergirl thing DC published and it was last year. It’s never too late to let PKJ write her, you know.
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ironunderstands · 4 months
Genuinely I think headcanon edits are extremely fun, I just think people should stop trying to fight against the original art style like their life depends on it. Some great ideas get absolutely ruined when this happens. Like at least personally, I think drawing a semi-realistic nose on a cartoony face just won’t look good or make sense no matter how nice that nose looks disconnected from the whole drawing because it doesn’t suit the proportions of the original art.
Like be confident, make your own fanart! Your style is great, and trying to glue it to a different one does not do it justice at all! I understand drawing is hard, trust me I’m ass at it, but like, yall have talent, stop weighing yourselves down by the limitations of the original piece. Fuck it, redraw the face entirely, you can do better, I know you can :)
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