#please help ukraine win
snivel1 · 2 years
You know that you are a human…
You know that you are a human.
You know that, or do you not?
That smile of yours is unique to you,
That torment of yours is unique to you,
Your eyes no other person has got.
Tomorrow you won’t be here present.
Tomorrow on this blessed land
Others’ll be running and laughing,
Others’ll be feeling and loving;
Good people and bad ones, my friend.
Today all the world is for you:
Forests and hills, valleys deep.
So hurry to live, please, hurry!
So hurry to love, please, hurry!
Don’t miss out on it, don’t oversleep!
‘Cause you on this Earth are a human.
And whether you want it or not,
That smile of yours is unique to you,
That torment of yours is unique to you,
Your eyes no other person has got.
Author: Vasyl Symonenko
Translator: Kyrylo Snizhko
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twpsyn-who · 5 months
Talking a little bit about 'boycotting Eurovision' under Keep Reading, feel free to scroll down if is not what you want to see.
The most used argument on the matter of banning Israel from Eurovision is the fact that Russia got banned from Eurovision, which is the worst argument anyone could bring.
Kindly reminder that Russia didn't get banned because of the war with Ukraine. Russia got banned because many countries has threatened to withdraw from the competition. Sadly, that's a big difference.
Yes, the countries has threatened to withdraw because they support Ukraine and see Russia as the party in the wrong. That was their reason. EBU's reason for banning Russian was because those countries threatened to withdraw, not because the war was bad and Russia must be stopped.
This situation isn't the same. Why? Because many countries support Israel in their genocide. Because this time around Palestine is the party in the wrong. Because we're taught to believe that Israel isn't in the wrong here.**
Boycotting Eurovision won't work. There are people out there who don't know the truth and want to watch Eurovision. There are people out there who don't care and will watch Eurovision regardless of the situation. There are people out there who, despite having the facts, still don't see Israel as the bad guy in this situation and will watch Eurovision. Sadly, boycotting won't work unless everyone does it.
The only way Israel will get banned, in my opinion, is by going through the same thing as Russia. If other countries threatened to withdraw- and not any countries, but the ones investing the most in Eurovision, then yes. That will get Israel banned.
Otherwise? The only thing we do is hurt artists that don't deserve it. Artists who use Eurovision as a way to get more exposure and experience. Artists who deserve to be heard.
Don't vote for Israel's entry. Don't stream their song either. Heck, turn off the TV when is their turn to perform.
**This whole situation (the war, not Eurovision) isn't only black and white. Civilians die daily because of this, all of them from both sides. Innocent people who has no fault. Let's not forget that
#Honestly I'm tired of the whole 'Russia got banned Israel should be banned too' speech because is truly bullshit#It has nothing to do with the war per se. It was because countries were unwilling to participate in support for Ukraine#If the whole situation was truly political then other countries wouldn't be able to participate either#Is it fair? No. But that's the situation#Alas Eurovision exist so we forget about the bad in the world for a bit and be more united. Have some fun. Stuff like that#I'm going to get so much hate over this omg. But this is just my opinion/point of view on the matter#Sadly this whole situation isn't even about helping the innocent put in danger by this situation. Is about hate like everything else#My wording is so shitty but people on the internet don't understand shit unless I call 'X bad Y good' so we go with that#eurovision 2024#Also another reminder that THE WHOLE AUDIENCE chanted 'Cha Cha Cha' during eurovision 2023 and were rotting for Finland to win just to lose#Many entries got fucked up by the jury votes too. Our opinion doesn't matter as much as some of you might think lol#Jury votes GOT CHANGED during another eurovision under shitty reasons (I can't remember which year but there were 5 or 6 countries who got#their votes changed). Eurovision has never been fair#We always get annoyed over it and trash talk it then watch it the next year#Also this is not the same as boycotting brands and shit like that who support Israel. No money go from Eurovision to Israel.#This competition as far as I am aware (please correct me if I'm wrong) doesn't support Israel in any way#Be it financially or by donating arms or any other way#Their only fault is for allowing Israel to participate. That's all#Weapons* don't ask me why I said arms instead sorry#i'm tired lol#Fair warning I won't answer any replies to this post
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faelapis · 5 months
Don't Vote in Eurovision.
the 2nd semi is about to happen. israel is competing. i want to start by acknowledging something: i hope my fellow eurovision boycotters, protesters and general #BanIsraelfromEurovision people know it's not like. impossible for israel to win this year.
at eurovision, you only need a minority of televote to "win" televote, when there are 26 entries in the final. nobody wins with outright majority, they win by being the biggest minority.
if there's 10% dedicated zionist viewers who will vote for israel just because it's israel, that probably outweighs the points that a lot of other countries will get. if you divide 100/26, you get an average of 3.8%. if there's 10% dedicated zionists, i hope you see how that's suddenly a HUGE percentage. (of course, eurovision votes are not even. some songs get 0.2% of a country's vote, some songs get 20%. but the point stands. you don't need majority support to win.)
yes, this means that, theoretically, a country that supports palestine 90% could still give israel televote points - because of the united 10% voting for israel, while the 90% votes divided among the other entries. and you can't vote against songs in televote.
i side with the bookies that it's not LIKELY. we are very unlikely to see "ukraine 2022" level televote numbers for israel. europeans are much more divided on the apartheid colonial state. and many will vote just for "whichever song they like best."
i'm only saying that, IF israel were to get a huge televote score, it doesn't mean the "majority" of europe supports them. quite the opposite. it just means you can't vote against entries. you can be deeply unpopular and win.
i'm also saying this because, in the likely event that israel gets at least top 10, please dont let the zionists spread it as "proof" that europe is behind them. their apartheid colonial regime is bleeding support every day. most pro-palestine folks are boycotting.
this is a silly song contest. do not feel hopeless because of it.
instead, focus your attention on helping palestine and boycotting the contest. do NOT vote. that's giving the EBU money, which is a zionist organization willing to disgrace the contest to let israel use it as a propaganda platform. they don't deserve your money.
boycott eurovision. no watching, no voting.
donate to the world central kitchen, whose aid workers were murdered by israel while attempting to help palestinians.
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sailorsallyart · 1 year
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Help #DemineUkraine & win a commission SPN art piece!
Our 'Fundraiser for Ukraine' art raffle is officially open to participants!
If you would like to support Misha Collins' efforts to raise money to help clear Russian landmines from Ukrainian territories and have a chance to win a cool art piece drawn by one of your favourite SPN artists by your very request, then this raffle is for you!
To enter the raffle donate $10 or more to the Demine Ukraine fundraiser and submit the proof of your donation here until June 15th, 2023 23:59 Kyiv time (GMT+3).
(And if you have already donated & would like to enter the raffle now, you can! For more information & rules please consult our raffle entry form!)
Let's do some good together! 💙💛
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thecursivej · 12 days
Live Reactions Harris vs. Trump pt. 2 of ???
Welp, right into Ukraine.
SLAY question for David.
....brother wants Russia to win so fucking bad.
County gone to hell mentioned, mark the bingo card.
God he's so in love with Putin it's insane.
GREAT thorough response on Ukraine here, and great clarity in how she's working with Ukraine to help them keep their independence.
"With a dictator who would eat you for lunch" LMAOOOO
Kamala...she was never a peace emmissary...what the fuck is he talking about?
Nah the worst vice president was fucking Andrew Jackson.
Damn, I'm eating up this response from Kamala. Fuck. Someone ice bucket me please.
"I wanna move on" me too, David, me too.
Oh sweet jesus. The discussion of Harris' race is so...funky.
"either one is okay with me" dawg... hello?
If I did a drinking game to this debate, I'd be in the fucking hospital.
Anybody got blackout bingo yet? I've got five spots left. Anything can happen.
Ope, here he goes, spewing his fucking racist bullshit.
...This was 30 years ago Donny.
Thank god for them letting her respond.
Go Lindsey on calling out Trump's bullshit.
What...the fuck is the answer to healthcare that donny is trying to say? I'm so confused.
If I never see the name Trump again, it'll be too fucking soon.
"I have concepts of a plan, I'm not president right now"....BUT YOU'RE THE CANDIDATE
Hell yeah public healthcare pls god.
And what a succinct response and then back on topic. Hell yeah. Like a true fucking debater.
Makes sense that Kamala and Tim are packing. Tim is from the midwest (this said by a midwesterner)
I truly do believe Trump has sundowners or some form of dementia. Not even joking. Genuinely he's not doing well.
What bullshit is this about manufacters? Trump nobody fucking understands what you're getting at.
Bestie's we're so close to closing statements. Take a break, drink some water.
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iamonlyhereforthefood · 2 months
I see once again people on the internet complaining about giving aid to Ukraine, with the usual beats of "I support Ukraine, but ...", "I am sympathetic, but ..." followed by a combination of "it doesn't seem to do much difference", "Ukraine should just negotiate with Russia" (read: give up), "we have our own problems"/"the government should give the money to our own poor/homeless/struggling citizens" or my especially hated "it is inevitable that Russia wins, they are too dedicated and the only difference is that mamy people will die in the meantime".
First of all, unless you are certain that in the case of armed robbers breaking into your house, you would be willing to let them steal everything, watch them rape your partner and children, kill your pet and then blow up your house as they leave, and be grateful that they didn't just kill you without any expectations that someone will come and help you, then shut the fuck up about negotiations.
But what I wanted to say, especially to people from the US and UK, because it is appalling that this is not talked about at every opportunity: your governments are not expected to provide aid just out of the goodness of their hearts. They are required to, as per the Budapest Memorandum. Ukraine gave up their nuclear weapons and USA and UK promised to guarantee their safety. If they kept them, a lot of this would likely not happen, because Russians are cowards and wouldn't attack a country with nuclear weapons.
I will argue relentlessly that all the rest of us, especially those in the EU, have moral obligation to help Ukraine and that even if we want to be selfish and pragmatic about it, it is also in our own best interest, because showing bullies that they are free to do what they want benefits nobody who wants to live in a free and democratic world. But US and UK have also legal obligation to help. Unless, of course, they want to look like their words can't be trusted and there is no point in signing any documents about global security ever. But then don't make surprise Pikachu faces when every country goes on to try developing or otherwise obtaining their own nukes, because it sure looks like having them is the only real guarantee of safety. I was under the impression that this sort of thinking is what we have been trying to change in the last couple of decades.
As for it looking like Russian victory is inevitable, that is in huge part because of how slow the supply of aid has been. No, we can't ever know for certain how things would develop in alternative timelines, but a lot of experts agree that if Ukraine got everything they asked for more quickly, the situation now would be much better for them. So it's not an argument to stop aid, on the contrary, we must provide more of it and more quickly. Imagine if USA was not providing military aid for millions of dollars to USSR in WW2 (yes, that is another topic that is not talked about enough), who knows how the war would have ended or how many more people would have died.
Please, people, think in context and remember your history, before you give into those pseudo-pacifistic talking points.
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eretzyisrael · 3 months
ny Nils A. Haug
[I]t clearly looks as if the Biden administration just wants to please its terrorist-sponsoring adversaries, Iran and Qatar, by allowing their prized client, Hamas, to win the war.
Regrettably, Iran does not seem to be guided by the same humanitarian, ethical, or "natural law principles" embraced by Israel and the West.
A jihadist in Iran's premier militia, the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC)... probably sees the job of the IRGC as driving the US out of the Middle East so that Iran can continue to "Export the Revolution" without interference.
It is with good reason that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu complains that the US is withholding, or "slow-walking," military supplies. In Ukraine, for instance, badly needed arms are always "being delivered" but somehow never manage to arrive until long after they might actually have helped.
Although Israel's leaders are well aware of the immense danger presented by Iran, the US and other Western allies evidently cannot be relied upon to prevent Iran from completing its nuclear weapons program. The US appears to like talking, and talking about talking, diplomacy backed up by talking, verbal "understandings" so long as they have no teeth, then paying what looks like bribe money for adversaries not to "make waves," presumably at least not before the America's upcoming November election.
The Biden administration, it seems, would rather deal with threatening situations via... worthless promises from Iran, Russia, China, the Taliban, the Palestinians or whoever else will offer appeasements.
The critical point is that Israel is fighting to safeguard not just its own nation, but the West and the Free World as well. The battle at the moment seems between preserving freedom or having it extinguished by the forces of barbarism, autocracies and theocrats, but most of all by the passivity of the West.... Silky, stealth aggressors include Qatar -- the consigliere of all Islamic terror groups -- which uses money and its media network Al-Jazeera, not military aggression, as its means of persuasion.
Sadly, the Biden administration appears to view Israel not as a sovereign nation but a US satrapy. It is hardly a secret that the US has been trying to oust Israel's elected Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and replace him presumably with a subordinate. That US puppet would supposedly be delighted to have a terrorist Palestinian state next door administered by the terrorist godfather, Qatar, and be delighted to see Iran have as many nuclear weapons as it likes.
If Obama ostensibly conceived of this arrangement [the 2015 "nuclear deal"] to "balance the influence" of Saudi Arabia in the Middle East, the plan has failed colossally. Saudi Arabia, for all its faults, has not tried to enlarge its territory....
At present, both the Biden administration in the US and opposition in Israel to its current government seem to be trying to muscle Netanyahu out. US Senator Chuck Schumer, a Democrat who happens to be Jewish, declared in mid-March that Netanyahu had "lost his way" and called for "new elections" -- not in the Senator's own country, the US, but in that of a sovereign ally, Israel. Would he have called for "new elections" in England, Germany, Italy or France? Biden, unsurprisingly, quickly "embraced Schumer's speech."
Many, including some who might be looking longingly at Netanyahu's job, have advocated that "Hamas cannot be defeated." Meanwhile, Netanyahu has been doing exactly that.
The US and others have tried to claim that before defeating an adversary, one must know what will happen after the fighting stops, and that destroying Hamas's military capability will just create another whole generation of Gazans who hate Israelis and Jews. Before defeating Hitler, however, no one had suggested that it was important to know what would happen "after the fighting stopped"; the same holds true for Imperial Japan....at present, both Germany and Japan are solid allies of the US and the West. There are probably still Nazis in Germany, but they no longer have the "means, capability or opportunity" to disrupt Europe.
The US appears to be doing the bidding of its terrorist-supporting collaborators, Iran and Qatar, and their supporters -- potential voters in America's heartland -- and those who want Hamas to survive to "attack, time and again, until Israel is annihilated."
All that is required is to make sure that Israel has the ammunition and weapons it needs to fight on our behalf, to make sure they are delivered immediately, and then get out of the way.
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creature-wizard · 4 months
you don't understand, your desires will and must manifest in this world, it's a law, neville knew what he talked about. you must just feel that it's more than enough to have it in imagination, don't expect anything, your desire manifesting in this world is only a cherry on top. try it with something easy!
If my personal desires and assumptions manifested into this world in the way you and other people are claiming, Donald Trump would've never been elected president, COVID-19 never would have happened, Russia never would have attacked Ukraine, and- *gestures at the world* It wouldn't be like this.
Don't get me wrong, I believe that affirmations and positive self-programming can have a profound effect on a person - but from a psychological standpoint rather than a metaphysical one.
Seriously though, I fully expected Hilary to win in 2016, and she didn't, so.
For anyone reading this: If you are leaving or questioning the Law of Assumption and need help, please see this post.
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anoonimthepoorchad · 8 months
January 2nd, January 8th and January 13th. It feels like the 2024 year has been going on for more than three weeks already, with each week marked by a massive full scale air raid attack of russia on Ukrainians.
Each night begins the same: a message at around 2 am, reporting from 8 to 11 missile carrying planes getting off at russian airports and moving towards the shooting positions. Then at 6 am the full attack begins. Guided missiles swarm in the air, and around 6:30 am several sonic missile planes also launch the deadly weaponry towards the cities. Our air defenders do their best to protect us and at around 9 or 10 am everything ends.
This feels like nights of hell when you live far away from the frontlines. Cities like Dnipro, Kharkiv, Kherson and thousands and thousands located around the frontlines experience this everyday. But these nights become a nerve-wracking challenge for citizens of every corner of Ukraine (if we don't count all the other air raids which are less full-scaley, less weaponry is launched then). Kyiv, Kharkiv, Myrhorod, Lviv, Khmelnytsky and other cities in the west, north and centre-east of Ukraine have been targeted in these recurring air raids.
About the weaponry, these air raids are different from usual ones because all kinds of weaponry is used by russians during these. Sonic ballistic missiles "kinzhal" or daggers, which you can hear breaking your city apart just two or three minutes after they were launched thousands of kilometers away. These are only destroyed by the Patriot air defense complexes and it's hard af to do so. Our defenders are showing incredible precision but the debris still damages buildings and murders people. Ballistic missiles and guided missiles that can change their direction at any time, even circle around different cities until they are right above the targets. Shaheds, the kamikaze drones. All launched from different parts of russia and from occupated parts of Ukraine.
Personally, I have no right to complain as a person living in well-protected Kyiv, but hearing explosions very close to your home, hiding on the cold floor of the corridor and shaking at the thought that you live on the high enough floor to die in the debris if your home is hit... all this makes me lose sleep at night after I see the dreaded message at 2 am. It hasn't been 2 weeks since the new year but it feels like it's been ages. You try to find new beginnings and motivation to live, but you can't really shake off the feeling that tonight you were lucky to survive but you might not be the next time.
Do I have to repeat how important it is to donate to the Ukrainian army? Do I need to repeat that it's all russians, again and again, killing my people, ruining my home, while others "forgive" them for their horrible deeds? Do I have to say this again, that I'm only here writing this because of all the weaponry given to and bought by Ukraine, due to the support from different countries, and most importantly all the blood and lives of my people given for us to live? What can I do to stop this?
Please, if you read this far, help us survive and win, so that we never have to go through nights and days like these again.
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sombraluna · 9 months
saw a prominent israeli user on here say that Hamas wants to create a totalitarian government and that whether or not you support palestine you still shouldn't support hamas and I really wanna talk about that.
I'm jewish. I have Israeli and Palestinian relatives. I have arab and jewish friends from all over the various diasporas and I know black and indigenous people who have spoken from their community's experiences with these things. I'm not speaking out of my ass here.
It. Does. Not. Matter. What. Hamas's. End. Goal. Is.
There is no excuse in any way, shape, or form for the subjugation and oppression the Palestinian people are facing. Yes, Jews have our history in the Levant. Many of us never left. The Palestinians ALSO never left. Many young men are joining Hamas because it's the only militarized organization that will let them at least TRY and fight back. Palestinians are scared people and they have the choice to either lay down and die, or at least try and fight to let their families survive.
I don't really care how you feel about Hamas in the face of a genocide. I don't. Israel could have at any point sinply funded a proper government for Palestine that wasnt left over from the Ottoman/Arab war, but they didnt. Israelis want to get on here and talk about totalitarianism when their government just shot a missile at Israelis who were protesting the war. The only reason Israel hasn't simply solved the problem by funding a Palestinian government and healthcare is because they are ALSO A TOTALITARIAN GOVERNMENT.
Yes, Hamas should have never taken Israeli hostages or killed anyone. This is unforgiveable. However, I want you to guess how many Palestinian hostages Israel has taken in the last fifteen years. How many were released on the ceasefire? Not even half. Israel also shot released (two of whom were brown) Israeli hostages because they decided that they were Palestinians.
Israel has milled more innocent Palestinians in the past month than Hamas did with the October 7th attack. This is not about stopping Hamas. This was an excuse to kill Palestine. This does not mean Israeli citizens are at fault, or that Jews have done anything wrong. This also does not mean that Hamas should govern if they win this war. What it does mean is that the Israeli government does not care about anyone but itself and is inherently corrupt. It means that Hamas is not relevant to the conversations surrounding the war efforts anymore, because the citizens of Palestine are the only ones getting targeted. It means that the exile is not over and that if we ever eant to truly return to Israel that amends must ve made with Palestinians.
Anyways, if you're looking to support Palestinian families and queer people trying to escape war, and you'd like proof that your money is Actually doing something, please go to Rain Dove's page on Instagram. They are a queer model and activist who is currently in Gaza helping families escape. They went to Ukraine as well to help refugees, and I've been following them for years. They are living proof that Gazans are not a threat to the queer community as well as proof that there is a genocide happening right now.
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panimoonchild · 6 months
"If the tsar has cancer, then cancer is the whole fucking Russia"
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Just another day in Ukraine. We are fine. The white privilege protects us in the fullest glory you can see. I'm reminding you again that the only clear thing is that Russia does not plan to stop. Russians are eager to grab something under the guise of "presidential elections". Today's targets are the Sumy and Donetsk regions. You always can check the Air Raid Alert map of Ukraine and see there are no peaceful minutes. Please keep spreading our voices and donate to our army and combat medics (savelife.in.ua, prytulafoundation.org, Serhii Sternenko, hospitallers.life, ptahy.vidchui.org and u24.gov.ua).
And song for day 17: Ницо Потворно - Русні пізда. Mambo [my cat] has a vibe and believes that Russia must pay for all its imperialistic crimes and ambitions. I hope you help us to win because "there are no immortal russians".
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personname1 · 2 months
I can't help but worry about the future now. This event will do two things for the election. One, it will galvanize Trump supporters and make him more sympathetic to moderates. Two, it will make liberals less likely to vote and moderates harder on liberal candidates.
I hope that we don't see Trump in office again, but I am now afraid in a way I wasn't several hours ago. If Trump gets re-elected the people who will be most hurt are going to be BIPOC, Queer, Immigrant, Religious Minorities, Disabled, and importantly both Ukranians and Palestinians.
If you are part of any of these groups I urge you to find support networks to help you survive, however that might look. If you aren't a US American, please encourage your political bodies to pressure the US government to maintain and improve on human rights and environmental protections, as well as being willing to get targeted groups and people ojt of the US if it becomes necessary.
If you are a US American please vote, and encourage everyone else to vote as well. Push your representatives to become more active in supporting protections for marginalized groups, the environment, and protection for Palestinians and Ukraine.
Importantly, don't lose hope. It is dark, I will not lie or obfuscate on that, but do not let your fear make you inactive. This will be a fight, it will be a fight for years,but it is one we can win and ot is one we must win.
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under-loch-n-key · 8 months
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To anyone who is able to vote this year, please listen!
I know I haven't been posting much art lately. Sorry about that. I have been having some burn out and my mental health has been shit.
Anyways, I figured I would post what's been on my mind today.
I know many of us who currently live or are born in The States/USA have felt pretty hopeless with everything going on in the country at the moment. Especially because of the whole Biden V Trump shit that has been going on for a long while.
We have felt like that no matter who we vote for it's honestly pointless because either Biden or Trump will win. Well, honestly I would HIGHLY recommend checking out Mrs. Marianne Williamson.
Marianne Williamson is the only person in the Democratic party who has been calling for a ceasefire over in Gaza since the very beginning.
She stated that if she becomes the president she is going to be negoiating with the Ukraine and going to try and do as much as she can to help.
She, if she becomes president, wants to establish a Department of Peace because she believes that we need to better target and discuss peace just as much as we do war.
She wants to fight climate change.
She wants to make healthcare and college universal and free.
She wants to help disabled communities.
She wants to give land back to Indigenous tribes.
She wants to create more gun safety laws.
She wants to make jobs and homes more accessable.
She wants to help protect reproductive rights.
She wants to target mental health and make it more accessable to the people.
She wants to put more POC, LGBTQIA+, and disabled people into our government to be certain that when they are discussing matters that personally target those communities, people who represent those communities can speak their minds on it.
She wants to provide funding over the span of two decades to the black communities for the years of slavery that our country has put them through.
She wants to target poverty and the economy as a whole.
And lots more.
If you'd like to read up on her and what she stands for, you can find that -> here
Please spread this around as much as possible! We need a president who stands with Gaza, the LGBTQIA+ Community, the POC community, the Disabled Community, etc. She is that. She is just aaa. I checked out here site and was not disappointed. You can find her main site -> here
I just wanted to say that there's hope!!!! I know who has my vote this year. Please make sure you vote this year!
(Sorry for typos-)
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k-s-morgan · 10 months
I heard news about a snowstorm in Ukraine that caused several deaths, and I was so worried for you. Are you okay, Morgan? Is your family safe? Are things calming down there? I keep checking for news that announces the end of this war, and it's disheartening to see that it never arrives. I can't imagine what it must be like to live through this. Is there anything we can do for you? Do you need somewhere to take refuge outside the country? Is the money you receive from your job sufficient for you and your family to live comfortably? I always check the updates you post, and it's admirable that these horrible events haven't changed the golden heart you have, you are a wonderful person and you don't deserve any of what is happening, I hate that I can't do anything to stop it this war, but whatever I can do for you I will.
please be safe, please keep fighting.
Another ask: Hey, I hope you're just busy but please give us some sign that you're okay, please. I'm worried
Another ask: Katrin, you are okay??
Another ask: You okay??
Another ask: How are you going?? Is everything already? Please asnwer 😭
Hi! Thank you all, you wonderful anons (and my lovely first anon, I'll respond to your questions further down in this reply). I'm so touched that you've been thinking about me! There was indeed a serious snowstorm that caused some deaths, but I'm fine: honestly, I'm such a hopeless stay-at-home introvert that I usually leave only for short trips to the shop and to feed pigeons & stray cats. So I meet most storms safely tucked in my bed))
It's all right now, though everything is still covered in snow. If there is snow where you are, too, and you see miserable pigeons or other birds around, please feed them if possible! They rely on us entirely during winters. Some grain would be ideal.
I was hoping to make a monthly post, but my tight work schedule + migraines ruined these plans, so I decided to give up on it. Russians haven't attacked my city again yet after that the most massive attack by drones. I'm pretty sure it is coming, though, especially on holidays. They tried to tun our last New Year into hell on purpose by sending missiles during the day, killing people, and then sending drones at night. I worry that this year might be even worse, but I've been teaching myself to live in the present and enjoy peace while I still have it, so I manage to keep my fears at bay.
First anon, thank you so much for your kindness! I have places where I could go and stay beyond Ukraine, but for the next year at the least, I intend to keep holding on because I can't leave without my family (and the bigger half of my family is not allowed to leave legally yet). If Russian attacks get completely unbearable, I might go to Poland to my relatives for a month or two just to unwind and to repair my sanity a bit.
As for the money, I'm doing more or less okay, and people who keep supporting me on Patreon help me to stay afloat. I have some debts, but they are under control - I owe the bank $300, which is 1/3 of my monthly salary, so I'm capable of paying it back little by little. The situation is not ideal, but nothing to worry about.
Like many Ukrainians at the moment, I feel burned out regarding the war. There are many amazing, kind people in this world, and our soldiers are absolute heroes who deserve all respect in the world, but those with power to make decisions like money way too much. It's an unfortunate fact that has been making people all over the world suffer generations after generations. Many US, European, and Chinese companies continue to help Russia manufacture its missiles and other things they use to kill us. The help Ukraine gets is enough to let us survive but not enough to let us win. Those who can make money on it eagerly grab the chance, including some members of our own government. I'd like to be optimistic, but I really don't see a scenario that would end with justice. It's very difficult to accept the fact that terrorists and murderers won't be punished - on the contrary, many of them will continue to live in luxury, unable to imagine what an explosion even sounds like, until the day they die. But like I said before, it is what it is. The world is full of bitter examples like this.
Thank you for being with me and supporting me, reading my stories and sending your asks. I hope to end this month with posting two chapters for my two stories. My second job comes to an end December 15, and hopefully, I'll get a chance to really dive into writing after this!
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olivianyx · 3 months
since when reddit is a study? you can't prove that every one has their own reality because that's delulu schizofrenia horseshit. not even one sciencist believes in this crap
Okay shifting community please help me deal with these people whose mindset is limiting asf. Ikr I shouldn't have linked a Reddit post, but that's the only way I can make easy for some people. But people like you can go search up and read some books if you're that smart to argue. Scientists obviously wouldn't believe in the Multiverse theory, cus that shit is soo unreal I get it. That's why most of them are suffering. They just don't even understand a simple topic, so to be helpful for many, I linked it.
Answer me this, if everyone's living in a same ass reality, why is that when I believe everyone should be happy, everyone seems happy to me, but to you, you might believe everyone's going through something, and so they are. Why is there a damn contradiction? Even though, you believe everyone's going through something or the other, why's some people so happy and peaceful? And vice versa. That's because there are different realities.
Ik people are gonna come at me, cus I've given you such an incomplete answer. So I hope you'll be fine schizophrenic bitch. Stop asking and start apply shit, you could've been living your dream life by now 'stead.
If there's only one reality, I want you to manifest that everybody's living their dream life and nobody's poor, or depressed, or unhappy, including me. Everyone's happy and successful. Manifest that there's world peace and stop a these colonization, free Palestine, stop those wars in ukraine, sudan, Ethiopia and others. End world hunger and population explosion.
If you manifest this, you still prove yourself wrong. Cus, it's happening in your perspective, in your reality and not mine. So even if you've manifested, I won't be able to experience it, cus I don't believe it.
People are the ones being dumb. There's various theories people believe in. One certain theory can't be adapted to everyone. It's all your assumptions.
Your assumptions are the ones that help you embody a certain belief system. Focus on that instead of arguing with me, cus there ain't no Oscars or Grammy's for one the one whose theory wins. Live your life, and let others live theirs.
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politicsbad · 8 months
Hello, I feel I need to press this now before it becomes too late. If you have a few minutes to spare, I'd appreciate it if you stopped scrolling to read.
Ukraine is entering a dark age
Western support is faltering, and our politicians are falling right into putin's hands. If you know even the slightest about war and / or politics, then you would know that this isn't good, not just for Ukraine but the rest of Europe.
The US is stopping its supply aids to Ukraine, and concern about the rest of Europe stopping is rising rapidly.
I have friends in Ukraine, and if Russia wins, I may never hear from them again, and I'm sure you guys worry about your friends and / or family there as well.
But I've yet to see a public outcry about this.
Where are the protests to help Ukraine when this war started? Where are the people who want Ukraine to survive, and why aren't they out there pressing on political figures to help?
Please, I beg you, not just for the safety of your family and / or friends in Ukraine, but for Ukrainian security and the rest of Europe. Make a bigger outcry of this!
Call your local politicians or go to the streets and protest, we mustn't let another dictator fester in Europe!!
... Slava Ukraini.
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