#please tell me nobody's done this before cuz it took me so long
bdaemonis · 23 days
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Made this instead of paying attention to class. Cuz I had a vision
Original post under cut
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vrmxlho · 2 years
So can you make a fluff headcanon about blue lock with bachira and/or isagi. Your choice Feel free to ignore this have a nice day/night and take care of yourself
i'm gonna be honest w y'all i have no idea if i'm good at fluff cuz my bf and i are not fluffy at all (i don't think???) so if this is shit don't be afraid to tell me lmao T-T +++ btw thank you sm for requesting <33 SORRY IT TOOK SO LONG TO MAKE THIS I WAS SCARED TO WRITE IT LMAO ++ i couldn't stop writing once i started so this is hella long
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bachira's love language is 100% physical touch like you cannot tell me he doesn't love just holding you or kissing you or holding your hand
he could be in a really shit mood but as soon as he sees you and is able to feel your presence next to him, he's forgotten about whatever was pestering him before
if you like flowers he'll get you flowers every. fucking. time.
and if you don't like them or are allergic, that's what lego flowers are for!
i can just imagine him buying those lego flowers and staying up till like 4 making them for you because he just wants you to be happy
i also feel like he's scared of abandonment :((( and that just means he's always with you, always pestering you, always talking to you
he just needs reassurance that you'll stay with him
ok when i said his love language is 100% physical touch i lied, it's both physical touch and quality time
gosh he will come up with the most weird and complicated reasons as to why he has to see you right now
he mostly does it cuz he loves being around you but also because of how annoyed and petty you get, he finds it so so funny 😒
"i broke my foot, i can't play football anymore" "WHAT? ARE YOU OKAY? I'M COMING OVER, I KNOW FOOTBALL MEANS THE WORLD TO YOU </3333" turns out he had not in fact broken his foot, he just wanted to see you. god, this boy is so oblivious he just needed to text you something simple like "come over" and you would've been on your way, there was absolutely no reason to lie about it LMAOO
omg ok hear me out
bachira does not have an ideal date as long as its with you
when asked the question "how would you like to spend a whole day with your s/o?" he just thought 'wtf' like???? i love them sm, i could be picking up garbage and still enjoy it if i'm with my s/o
all his friends called him a simp, but he was proud abt it, after all who wouldn't simp for you
he's also really spontaneous, yk with his 'ego' and everything
y'all could just be hanging out and then suddenly out of nowhere you're at a theme park, or at the beach, or a kiddie park
once during the summer, when it was too hot to do anything except complain and eat ice-lollies, he pulled you all the way to a theme park just to have a change of scenery
"please bachira, it's like 30º, we're gonna die" "will you shut up about the heat? you're like a little baby, i promise it'll be fun" and oh was he right. it was getting warmer and warmer but not even a heat wave couldn't ruin the fun. you had gone on all of the rides at least twice but nothing could beat the relaxing water log one. the two of you kept cutting the line as soon as you were done, jumping over the metal barriers and running from the security guard who was sure he'd just seen you (am i going crazy he thought). after about the fifth time he was just so done with the two of you he gave up. you'd be drifting on the log, splashing each other with the kinda gross water. neither of you could stop laughing (nobody knows why), everyone around you thought you were maniacs, but neither of you cared.
although he's always happy when receiving presents, he prefers giving you presents
and by presents i don't mean rlly expensive things but more like little things that remind him of you
he saw a paperclip that was shaped like a heart? present material
your favourite soda? present
you really liked that one song??? well he knows about three more like that, he's making you a playlist as we speak
is it any good? um excellent question! not too sure about his music taste...
just like him it's all over the place
your music tastes do not go well together but that's not gonna stop either one of you from trying to brainwash the other into liking your favourite songs
"this is ass, i can feel my brain melting" "y/n, this song saved my life" "and it's pushing me off the edge, please get a grip" he gets really pouty and pretends he hates you, but that lasts about five minutes because deep down he knows you're right 😭
omg and his kisses
he's never awkward of hesitant about it, he just goes straight for it
your very first kiss was a bit random, the two of you were just talking before he leaned in and quickly pecked your lips, you were a blushing mess, and he liked seeing you like this so he did it again, and again, everywhere this time, your eyes, you forehead, both cheeks, the sides of your lips that were super ticklish
and he does this every time
one kiss isn't enough he needs at least 8!
he does not care about PDA, in fact the more ppl who know you're his, the better
if y'all were any trope it would definitely be childhood sweethearts, yk when you marry your best friend in like primary school? yeah, he probably proposed to you
"to y/n i give my most prized possession, my football" "bachira, i'm tired, i don't feel like playing today" "nonono this is just a gift for the bride" oh silly child, he's not asking you to play with him. he's in love with you <33333
his mother (yu bachira) is literally molly weasley incarnate
like she's out here locking you in their house, there's no way she's letting you go back home?? no, you're her guest!
has a list of foods you like and don't like just so whenever you're home she can cook for you and everything 🥲
she's currently teaching bachira how to cook your favourite meals, she'd never want you to raise a single finger, ever
the world's purest, but also the world's most talkative person ever
homeboy has an average of 10000 words spoken per day (fyi that's a lot)
he just wants to tell you about everything <333
if anything, even the smallest thing, happens when you're not there with him he's 100% filling you in later
hosts a daily ted talk where he just tells you about all the other guys and how they suck 🙄 and how he's getting better at football and like he's pulling up stats you've never heard of???
"and i checked his stats and the only thing he's better at is aerial duels, but it's only by 0.2, so honestly who cares right?? i mean its negligible" "like the charge of a neutron" "wtf is a neutron?" no babe, wtf does 0.2 aerial duel mean??? since when can you fly??? (it's when players fight for the ball while jumping btw)
but don't get me wrong that does not mean he doesn't listen cuz he's such a good listener omg, the best one honestly
why's he good at everything dammit
he loves hearing about your day
he'll ask you about it without fail every single day and he genuinely listens it not like he's doing it out of common curtesy he just loves hearing from you
to him, you could make the most uneventful day sound interesting
he'll be looking at you in awe like a little child being told about magic or smth like that (this was not a great analogy help)
and that makes him supper attentive too
he can instantly tell when something's even slightly off and somehow he knows exactly how to make you feel better
omg he's the type of boyfriend who has a polaroid of you in his phone case and he just stares at it from time to time
and he takes them soooo fucking seriously, unless it's not your initial, no, then that's bullshit 😰🫡
he's 100% husband material, marry him rn like actually
unlike bachira he already knows how to cook and he's gonna get physical if he ever sees you doing anything, he's more like bachira's mother in that way
his ideal date is walking around and going on cute ass picnic dates
he loves when y'all go on dates when it's a bit chilly
"why didn't you wear a jacket?" "it would ruin my outfit" :(((( "ugh, just wear mine then, i don't want you getting a cold" it really wasn't cold that day. you just wanted to wear his coat. little did you know that isagi too was praying that he'd be able to pull of that move, he'd been thinking about it ever since he saw those stupid rom-coms where the guy gives his crush his coat and then they fall in love or smth. my silly children 😪
his love language is quality time, he hates being ignored and he wants to be with the people he loves at all times possible
lucky for him everyone loves him, he's such a sweetheart
his favourite pastime (apart from football ofc) is lying in your lap while you read him a book, gossip or just sit in the silence
he loves looking at you from below especially after that one time he saw the sun shining from behind your head and he swore you looked like an angel (you really did, i was there)
omg listen to this
y'all have a bit of a rivalry when it comes to bowling
you're both so god awful at it but you're both also convinced you're better than the other
"you're supposed to be aiming at the pins, not the hole..." "okay in my defence, when shooting you usually aim for the place with no defenders, so you can score!!" "don't pretend this is about football, you just suck 😒"
he loves kissing you, its the best thing ever
your first kiss was a bit awkward but it had its charm
you both had already been together for a while now but neither of you knew how to initiate the kiss
until you both were laughing at the dumbest joke he'd ever made in his whole life (he still cringes at the memory of it)
you just looked so fucking beautiful, with small tears in your eyes from laughing too much, a smile wide and that cute laugh
he couldn't help it so he just pushed himself onto you
and keep in mind there was some distance between the two of you so when he kissed you the two of you fell
but i mean, at least it was memorable???
gosh you both are the definition of first and last love <3333
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bleucaesura · 3 months
Blitzø felt trapped. Paralyzed. He’d been racing across a vast emptiness for what felt like hours, chasing a beautiful light, warm and comforting, but it was always just out of reach. Growing further away. And further. And dimmer. And dimmer. And now he stood alone in the void, that distant light completely extinguished, his hope gone with it.
The inky darkness around him began to seep up from below and ooze down from above, and yet he was rooted to this spot, unable to escape.
This is fine. This is what I deserve.
Blitzø felt heavier and heavier as if the dark were a thick tar swallowing him alive, beckoning him to its depths. He felt like he wanted to lay down. Sleep. Join the nothing.
I’m tired… so, so tired.
He didn’t need to lay down though. The darkness was slowly oozing up his feet and dripping down his horns.
Blitzø felt something touch the back of his hand. A light warm pressure.
Blitzø shivered.
“Blitzø, darling.”
He felt a warm caress across his cheek. He closed his eyes and tried to lean into it.
Blitzø’s eyes welled with tears. “F*ck… I miss you… So much… I wish you were here.”
“Darling. I’m here… I’ll always be here. As long as you want me.”
Blitzø began to cry. Satan how he wished he weren’t alone. The darkness had crept up his legs and held the tips of his fingers as his arms had hung by his sides. He could feel a weight sliding down him.
Eyes closed against the darkness, he willed that tiny bit of warmth on his cheek to be real. Convinced himself, at least for these last few moments, that Stolas was truly there.
He took a deep breath, wrenched a hand free from the tarry void that was pulling him in, and clasped tight to the warmth on his cheek.
Blitzø opened his eyes and there was Stolas. Kneeling before him. As bright and golden as the sun. Glowing and warm and absolutely f*cking perfect in this dark place.
“Darling.” Stolas smiled at him. Blitzø wanted to reach out and hold Stolas to him. But it was all he could do to break the one hand free and it was currently holding Stolas’s hand to his cheek. Blitzø didn’t plan on letting go of that hand until Heaven burned to dust.
Blitzø’s heart clenched. He swallowed hard to get down the lump in his throat.
“There’s so much I need to say.”
“You don’t need to say anything...”
Blitzø cried inside. He squeezed Stolas’s hand, reminding himself of how it felt. He took a deep breath.
“Please... I have to tell you...”
“What is it, darling?”
“I’m f*cked up. I don’t know how to communicate and I push away the people I care about the most. Because I’m afraid. Afraid I’ll get hurt. Or worse, I’ll hurt them… And I care… SO much about you Stolas… But I’ve done so many shitty things to you already. I don’t deserve you…
“When we were kids my dad told me I’d been sold to be your playmate for the day. Then he said that I had to rob your family in order to help my mom. That stupid pirate game? I was robbing you. ‘Cuz my dad valued money over me. And I’m ashamed I did it.. Because when I got to know you? I had so much fun with you. You were such a nerd about your books and I thought it was so f*cking cute. You were kind. I wasn’t used to that, especially from royals.”
Blitzø paused to take a shaky breath. He couldn’t bear to look at Stolas or he’d lose his nerve.
“The day I crashed your party? I’m so sorry. I wasn’t there for you. At all... I was a piece of sh*t and was only there to steal your book. I remembered you told me it gave you access to the human world.
“I was flirty and aggressive ‘cuz I could tell you were into me. And the absolute trash heap I was, I didn’t care about tying you up, stealing from you and bouncing… But then you went off about how long you’d wanted passion like that… And said you were so happy that the one who wanted you was your first friend… Me. ME. A nobody like me meant that much to you…”
Blitzø couldn’t stop himself from crying.
“I like to pretend that I stayed because it was out of pity or guilt, but really?… Most of me was SO happy to hear that I was wanted. That I made someone else feel wanted. I’d never had that before. I never realized that was something I truly wanted before… That it was something I was ALLOWED to want…”
Blitzø swallowed hard. It was getting difficult to breathe. The darkness was weighing down more and more.
“And then when we… F*ck… Wow, Stolas… Just… WOW… I mean, other than your weird, excessive f*cking dirty talk… I’ve never had better.”
Blitzø shivered and squeezed Stolas’s hand against his cheek.
“Oh. About that… What's up with the vulgar porn monologuing? You’re so prim and proper but then, Christ on a stick Stolas, you become some damn freak when sex is involved… Why the Heaven do you think I gag you so often? The dirty talk freaks me the f*ck out…”
“Sorry. I digress…” Blitzø laughed nervously.
“Where was I? Right… I’m so f*cking sorry, but I only invited you out to Ozzie’s that night because I needed a date to get in the door. I wanted to be able to spy on Mox and Millie’s date.
“Why do I spy on them? That’s a whole other thing that boils down to them having the perfect relationship and me wanting to be a part of it or know what it’s like to be in one. Because hey… spying is a lot easier than finding a good relationship for myself… or something along those lines… At least that’s what my therapist told me before I fired him.”
Blitzø felt like time was running out. More and more of his self was being devoured by the darkness by the second. He clung tighter to the sight of Stolas and the warmth of his hand.
“I’m an idiot imp who doesn’t deserve your attention so I get why you’d be embarrassed of being seen with me. I didn’t expect it. So it hurt. I guess I took your attention for genuine affection and I took it all for granted. But that’s my fault.
“I took things you did out of context. Thought you cared more than you do. But regardless… All the bullshit has been my fault…
“I deserve your offhanded, demeaning, and frankly, casually racist comments… Being your impish little plaything. And called an itty-bitty imp… I’m so far below you, Stolas. I can’t believe I ever thought I could… That I’d ever be good enough… You deserve so much better than me... Than that piece of sh*t wife of yours… Than the life you’re trapped in…”
Blitzø swallowed hard.
“I should have been there to save you from Striker. Yes, Loona is the most important person in my life. But her appointment could have been moved. Her life wasn’t in danger. Yours was. I just had no real idea how vulnerable you truly were or could be.
“When you saved me in the human world you were so powerful. The most awe inspiring and beautiful thing I had ever seen… I didn’t think anything could hurt you… So it broke me when I saw you wheeled into that hospital on that gurney knowing I could have prevented it. I could have saved you. You got hurt because of me. I couldn’t bring myself to show my face because of that. And I was too afraid to see you hurt and in pain. I was so ashamed.”
It was getting harder and harder to see the image of Stolas; the only comfort he had left…
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry, for all the sh*tty things I’ve done and said. I’m so, so sorry.”
Blitzø felt the darkness close in all around him. He couldn’t see Stolas anymore. Just a soft glow where Stolas’s image had knelt and the faint whisper of warmth on his cheek.
“Please, Stolas… Stay… Don’t throw me away…”
Blitzø closed his eyes and let the light and warmth disappear.
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taeescript · 2 years
facade - two and one quarter (m)
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𝔰𝔶𝔫𝔬𝔭𝔰𝔦𝔰 >> when the popular and good-looking ceo is officially on the market, everyone is scrambling to catch his attention.
𝔭𝔞𝔦𝔯𝔦𝔫𝔤𝔰 >> ft. park jimin
𝔤𝔢𝔫𝔯𝔢 >> strangers to lovers; arranged marriage au; ceo!jimin
𝔴/𝔠 >> 7.1k
𝔴𝔞𝔯𝔫𝔦𝔫𝔤𝔰 >> fluff + smut; no more soft jimin. just look at this header and imagine this jimin cuz hot damn. steamy steamy times upcoming. please do not engage if under 18!!! unprotected penetration, handjob, blowjob, (clothed) grinding, denial and strange power play, nipples, cunnilingus, body cum, not necessarily in the above order 
𝔞/𝔫 >> i recently lost nearly all my word documents. thank goodness i had backup copies on Google but i’m devastated. please bear with me during the holidays and trying to navigate through all of this! as promised, a nice long chapter hehe. as always, happy reading (: also something naughty before the holidays (???)
previously | the beginning | next 
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Two and one quarter. 
“For you, ma’am,” the waiter says, placing the plate of food before you. 
The slice of fish has been laid delicately on a bed of foam, greens decorating the circumference of the plate, and caviar precariously quivering in their designated spot on the flesh. A similar plate is on the table before Jimin. The voice of the waiter explaining the details of this course goes in through one ear and out the other. You are only preoccupied by one thing. 
His eyes are glazed over as he blinks slowly at the meal that many in Seoul have been waiting for months on the waitlist for. A simple beckon of his fingers had gotten the two of you seated at this spot. The perfect spot, by the corner of the room away from prying eyes, overlooking the cityscape of towers and twinkling lights. 
You pick up this word above your thoughts. Jimin had begun eating, while you had sat unmoving in your spot. Giving the waiter a small smile, you pick up your fork as well. 
“Delicious,” you say, after a bite. 
He gives a small bow, courteously offering a “enjoy your meal” and then leaves. 
Your fork hovers motionless above your plate. 
You bow deeply to them as they exit the building. The woman and man give you a small wave as they enter their car, before the darkly tinted windows are rolled up and they leave the parking lot. 
With a sigh, you give up the breath you had not known you had been holding. Perhaps the biggest clients you have had since starting your career, you had been extremely nervous in the weeks coming up while preparing their file and information. Your eyes follow the bumper of the vehicle as it exits the lot and after a quick dart of your eyes in the surroundings, you let out a loud holler. 
Your fists raised in the air as you jump and run circles at the entrance, you feel the ecstasy sweep throughout your body knowing your accomplishment. The clients had left with a large smile on their face, and you knew that they would call back in a day or two to speak with you. 
When your phone rings in your pocket, you answer breathlessly without looking while the adrenaline continues to course along your veins. 
“Somebody’s in a good mood,” his velveteen voice caresses your ears. 
Another hormone overtakes you when you hear him speak, and not for the first time, you feel your knees go weak at the sound of your husband even if he is currently only over the phone. 
“I think I’ve won them over!” you squeak now in a hushed whisper when some of your coworkers step outside the building in their afternoon break. 
Jimin gasps alongside with you. “The Oshins? They’ve said yes?” 
To others, the fact that he remembered all your clients may not have meant much, but to you, you reveled in knowing that he took the time and effort to familiarize himself with your work. You never had anyone to share your accomplishments with; nobody to ever tell you ‘good job’ or ‘well done’. So hearing his next words send a warm tingle down your spine that causes heat to flush over your cheeks. 
“I’m so proud of you, Baby.” 
He had said it in a lowered whisper, like he needed to step away to fully express his delight in your news. As after a moment, he has returned from the deep rumble to ask, “Have you told the others yet?” 
You need to clear your voice (and thoughts) to answer him. “Not yet. You called and interrupted my victory dance.” 
“Please tell me you at least did this in private.” 
“Are you telling me that I’m to wave my arms and do my flappy dance without an audience?” 
He groans. 
“Not yet. Technically, it’s not a 100% guarantee. But I’m positive they will call back.” 
“You’re amazing.” 
Again. There he did it again. 
Your legs bring you to the side of the building where you are offered a little more privacy in your call. 
“Anyways, how are you? How is your day?” you ask him this time. 
You can practically see the small smile on his face when he speaks. A year ago, you had been strangers across one another at the table. Now it had become a part of your life for either you or him to call in and check on how the other was doing. 
“Busy as always. But I have some news. Some good and some bad. Which one would you like first?” 
You lean back against the wall, feeling the cold bricks under the shade through your blouse. 
“Don’t burst my happy bubble right now.” 
He chuckles. “Fine. I’m on my way to leave work now. I called to see if you were also done for the day.” 
You cannot help yourself as the corners of your mouth rise. It had been weeks since you were able to see him at home. He had often returned well into the night, exhausted and passed out in bed by the time you realized he was home. You did not blame him. You knew how hard it was to run a company, and you were already thankful that he would always wake you with a kiss only a few hours later early in the morning before he left again to return back to the office. 
“I can be ready. Now rip the Band-Aid,” you tell him. 
“I’m leaving early because we have dinner plans with the Chans.” 
“Dominic or Oliver?” 
“Neither. Yifung.” 
You do your best to suppress your groan, but a small noise may have slipped out as you hear Jimin immediately apologize over the phone. 
“Oh no no,” you gush instantly in regret. “I… I’d love to have dinner with Yifung. Your new client I presume? It’d be my pleasure.” You feel warmth rise in your cheeks upon hearing yourself utter the rehearsed words. Whether Jimin had noticed or not the robotic nuances of your tones, he does not express those feelings. 
The truth is that you had been looking forward to an evening at home alone or even better, with your husband. The past few weeks have been filled with dinners with many of Jimin’s clients. You had initially been excited by the prospect of being invited as a guest and more importantly, making an appearance as his wife, to these events. However, after multiple dinners a week and sometimes a dinner followed by drinks in the same evening, you were desperately craving a simple night in. 
You have to physically close your UberEats app where your cart had been occupied by a bucket of chicken and pizza. 
“I can pick you up now. I’ll be over in just a few minutes. My meeting was close by,” he offers. 
Biting your lip, you agree. You exchange some last minute niceties with him before ending the call. With a sigh, you give a small wave at your phone while you cancel your additional order from the liqueur store. 
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To give Jimin credit, he had a way of always making business with some of the most pleasant people you have ever met. Chan Yifung had graciously welcomed both of you into his house where his wife, pregnant with the anticipation of their first child, also stood to greet you and Jimin. Dinner had been served, and careful attention had been paid to your aforementioned distaste for fish. 
“This is absolutely delicious,” you comment after taking a bite of your dish. Liyang, Yifung’s wife, had said that it was a popular meal from where she and her husband were from. The numbing spice lingers on your tongue, making you cough to the side and reach for the water. 
“I’m so sorry! Did I make it too spicy?” Liyang reaches for you in concern. Her English contains the light trace of her mothertongue. 
You shake your hand to tell her that you are alright. “I probably bit into a pepper or something. It really is delightful. I didn’t think that I would be getting a homecooked meal when Jimin told me we would be over for dinner tonight. Your cooking is better than any five star restaurant we’ve been to.” 
Liyang blushes under your compliment. “You’re too generous.” 
Taking another bite, you then set your fork down. Your stomach is filled to the brim with all the dinners you have been brought to this week. You cannot remember the last time you had a proper bowel movement, and you think that this contributes to the feeling of bloating. When you look up, you see that Liyang has not stopped watching you. With a small smile, you bring the fork back up. 
“So how long have the two of you been married?” Yifung asks. He is a tall man with broad shoulders. His hair has been clipped short, giving him a youthful appearance despite Jimin having notified you prior in the car ride that this gentleman had nearly double the years of experience than Jimin had. 
You feel his hand slip over yours as he remains seated beside you. His touch is warm and he gently caresses the back of the skin beneath his. 
“A little over two years. Best two years of my life,” he says, adding the last part with a look at you. 
His gaze pierces through his bangs and make you look down at your food again. You were slowly getting used to the declaration of love in interviews, but when the two of you were away from an audience… You swallow loudly into your ears. 
“Where would we be without a strong woman by our side, hmm?” Yifung says. Liyang smiles and they share a light kiss. “Anyways, I really am glad that we were able to finally meet after all this time. Dominic spoke highly of you.” 
“The pleasure is all mine, Yifung.” 
“Equally reciprocated, Jimin. I’ve got great plans when our companies finally merge. Business will be expanded overseas and we could potentially double if not triple our revenue over the next five years,” the prior continues. 
You feel a pressure when Jimin suddenly squeezes your hand. Your head snaps slightly up to attention when hearing Yifung speak. 
“Merge?” you repeat lightly. Turning to Jimin, you want to rephrase your question but he is occupied with sipping at his wine. 
“We can reserve business talk after dinner. I don’t want to bore the two of them. Tell me, when are you due, Liyang?” Jimin says. 
You had never heard of Jimin saying anything about the company merging with another. To your knowledge, things had been going great. Yes, there had been a slight increase in late nights and meetings, but you had attributed them all to having an overachieving and workaholic husband. You try to focus on the conversation that flows for the remainder of the evening, but questions bombard your mind. 
The clock in the hallway strikes multiple times before the four of you rise from your seats in the lounge room where talk has been transferred to. For a brief moment, Jimin disappears with Yifang into the study while you wait at the door with Liyang. 
You are in the process of putting your scarf on when her soft voice interrupts you. 
“Was the food not to your liking tonight?” 
In confusion, you blink. 
Liyang is leaning against wall, one hand absentmindedly rubbing her belly. “Sorry, I just noticed you didn’t eat much.” 
You sigh. You had tried your best to hide it, especially with how great the Chans have been as hosts. “I loved the food. Honestly, I think you may have awakened a secret side to me where I crave painful spiciness.” 
At this you earn a light laugh from Liyang. 
“I’ll be craving your cooking for days. I just… Jimin and I… There’s just been…” You trail off, not quite knowing how to formulate your words. 
The other woman offers a sympathetic smile while waiting patiently for you to speak. 
With another sigh, you sit after she motions for you to join her in the lounge room. “I’m a little tired,” you finally admit. 
Liyang reaches over to the side where steaming tea has been prepared. She offers you a warm cup. You take a small sip and sink into the warmth of Chinese herbs and black tea. 
“Have you ever told him?” she asks. 
“No,” you say with a shake of your head. “I don’t want to sound ungrateful. Plus I know how much these meetings means to him. If I can be here to physically support him I want to. I don’t do a lot for the company to begin with. Still, I guess…” 
“You wouldn’t mind enjoying a night of pigging out with junk food and spending it at home?” she finishes the thought for you. She chuckles at the look on your face at having read your mind. 
“Yifung was like this when we moved here last year. It was all meetings and business. At that time I wasn’t sure if I was pregnant with a human baby or a food baby. Regardless, it doesn’t hurt to be honest and open with each other.” 
You wrap your scarf tighter around yourself. In the distance, you hear the muffled deep voices of your husbands. 
“Hmm,” you hum. “I’m simply happy being able to spend time with him here rather than not being able to spend time together at all.” 
She nudges you with her shoulder. “Communication has saved my marriage many times over.” 
You do not have time to respond when Jimin and Yifung turn the corner together. Straightening yourself, you reach over and hand Jimin his jacket as well. Within moments, the two of you are standing at the doorframe expressing your gratitude and wishing them a good night. Liyang gives a quick wink as she closes the door to the house. 
You take a seat beside Jimin in the car as it begins to take the route home. 
“Did you have a good night?” he asks you first. 
“Of course,” you reply. 
The vehicle bounces over the paved road as the moonlight filters through the window. 
“Are you feeling unwell?” 
You look at him. 
“You were quiet for the latter half of dinner. And you didn’t really touch your food,” he explains. 
You bite the inside of your lip. It takes you a moment, but then you speak. 
“I’m just tired. I truly had a lovely evening. I hope you did too.” 
He takes your hand and presses your fingers to his lips. 
“I always do with you.” 
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Two weeks pass, and while it gnaws you in the stomach each time you see him, you are unable to ask him about the now-rumoured merger. You follow him silently to more dinners and eventually, your fatigue catches up to you. He notes this and asks, but you return with an answer that all things are okay. 
One rare night, you are still awake watching television in bed when you hear the front door open. A few quick steps up the stairs brings a tired looking Jimin into the doorframe of the bedroom. 
“Hey, Beautiful,” he greets, dropping his work jacket on a chair. 
You mute the television and smile at him. His undereye is rimmed with weariness, and you feel the weight of his body as he snuggles into the bed with you. Kissing his forehead, you inhale the scent you have missed falling asleep to at night. His breathing is shallow for a few moments before he stirs himself awake. 
“Busy day?” you ask with a whisper. 
He wraps his arms around your waist, gripping you tighter to him. His head rests on your chest as you envelop him in your arms beneath the blankets. You give him butterfly kisses that cause a linger of a smile despite his heavy eyelids. 
“A bit,” he finally answers. His voice is groggy. There are another couple of breaths in silence before he says, “Can I take you on a date tomorrow? I don’t have anything planned.” 
Your lips stop inches above his nose. 
“Tomorrow?” you repeat with hesitation. 
“Mhmm,” he says, not registering the tone of your voice in his current state. “We haven’t had any alone time in a while. I thought we could go out for a nice dinner alone and spend some time together. Away from clients and away from reporters and stuff.” 
You mull his suggestion over in your mind. Two weeks ago you would have jumped at this chance. However, tomorrow was also your only day off in the next little while. You had planned on enjoying an evening to yourself – finally taking Liyang’s suggestion of ordering junk food and indulging in it alone. You loved spending time with Jimin, but you also missed having alone time for yourself. Away from his clients and his reporters and his stuff. 
“Um…Some coworkers had suggested that we meet tomorrow night,” you tell him, “To celebrate the case we won last week. It’s also Kate’s birthday. So I don’t want to miss it all. She gave Lee the silent treatment for a month when he forgot about her birthday last year.” 
The excuse was lame, but the thought of a greasy pizza and deep-fried goodies had been the only thing pushing you forward this week to tomorrow. 
A small snort sounds from his body. “Okay. That’s alright.” 
“Are you sure? Because if you aren’t doing anything I don’t want to leave you home alone.” 
“It’s alright. I just remembered last minute that I have a meeting tomorrow. Enjoy your evening out.” 
By the time you come to terms with your lie and his words, you have no opportunity to retract any of it as he has fallen asleep by your side. 
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You are out of breath as you rush sneakily through the doors with takeout containers filled with wings slathered in hot sauce and another holding a small pizza ready to be consumed not by two but all by yourself. The last meeting in the office had been rushed by you so you could make it home before evening traffic hit and your food would still remain hot. You set your keys down and inhale the scent of grease and oil with a moan. It had been a near painful drive home knowing that you could not take a bite until you walked through the door and at least changed. 
The house is devoid of anything except the soft pattering of your feet as they scurry you up the stairs. All the lights are turned off, and just like you asked the housekeeper, she had left only the front porch lights on. You had, after all, told Jimin that you would be out with coworkers; better make sure even the house acted the part. 
You had placed one foot on the top step of the stairs when you heard a low mumbling to your left. Immediately, you freeze on the spot. There is silence for a few seconds before you pick up with your ears the intrusive sound again. 
“Hello?” you call out into the darkness timidly. Rummaging with a free hand into your pocket, you dig out your keys and hold them in front of you hoping that the pointy end would do enough damage if necessary. “Anybody there?” 
The empty air answers your question loudly. 
Taking a few more steps, you tiptoe as quietly as you can across the top floor’s hallway in the direction of the sound you had heard. Your heart is hammering in your chest as you realize that you are heading towards where the bedroom is. 
“I’m armed and I’m not afraid!” you yell just a little bit louder. The shaking of your words do little to calm the fear of an unknown intruder and you are certain it does little to instill any fear towards said person. 
The mutterings grow louder and you spy flashes of light swivelling across the walls of your room. You knew you should have listened to Jimin and placed your things in the safe, but your pride in holding onto things that are solely yours prevented you from that. 
“Don’t you know how to hold the gun properly?” 
The words make you freeze in your spot. Immediately, you press yourself flat against the wall away from sight in case the person would exit the room. 
“I’m to your left! Use the night vision goggles if you’re having such a hard time!” 
Your ears now rushing with the whooshing of your blood, and with your chest tight with fear, you inch a little bit closer. The little voice at the back of your mind is yelling at you to use your phone and call the police, but you cannot seem to hear them as each step brings you towards the open door. 
You peer around the corner. 
The exclamation sounds loudly across and bounces off the walls. Your screech echoes shortly after followed by your instant regret and immense fear. Scuttling away and back towards the darkness, you do your best to hold your breath. Your legs had given way and you are now half crab-walking down the hallway. 
The only sounds in the hallway now are your choked back sobs. Whoever was inside seems to have also dropped silent. You think you hear a scraping and then undecipherable words. The food you had brought home with you is forgotten a few feet in front of you. 
You are shaking while crawling towards the bathroom. If you are fast enough, you could hide there until the person left. But your things. They would definitely know someone else is in the house at this moment. It would only be a matter of time before the door to the bathroom would creak open and… 
Call Jimin. The little person finally is able to reach your brain. You fumble through your belongings to get the rectangular equipment into your trembling hands to call your safeline. Call Jimin and he will come and save you. 
You scream loudly when the lights in the hallway illuminate on. 
Your arms are wrapped around your head and you curl into a ball. 
“Please don’t hurt me! Please don’t hurt me! You can take whatever you want. Just don’t shoot. I’m sorry! I’ll stay quiet! Just don’t – ”
You scream a second time when you feel their hand on your shoulder. 
Eyes flying open, you are greeted with the image of tousled hair flattened across the top via headphones that are curled around the neck. An old once-white-now-beige t-shirt is slung over the torso and worn-in sweatpants have crouched to your height. Glasses perch on the nose, but none of this altered appearance can take away from the dark kind eyes that stare into yours with concern. 
“Jimin!” you wail loudly. 
Your husband scoops you into his arms as you let out your frustration, fear and anxiety into his shoulders. He lets you smear your snot and tears across his chest while running a hand down your back. His whispered words attempt to soothe you in your current state while you grip tightly to him. 
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“I heard someone talk about having a gun. What was I supposed to think? It’s not like I’m invincible,” you say, exasperated now. Your mind and emotions have since cooled down and you are pacing the room where he sits by the bed. Game console controllers have been placed aside on the sheets while he patiently looks up at you while you talk. 
“I was playing Call of Duty with some friends.” 
“Aren’t you supposed to be in a business meeting tonight or something?” 
“Aren’t you supposed to be out with coworkers right now?” 
You throw him a glare to which he returns with a smug smirk. You are about to lunge at him with another retort if not for how adorable you currently found him in relaxed shorts and a tee. He had taken his overear headphones off, but there is still a slight concave on his cranium for where it sat for possibly hours. 
“It got cancelled,” you mutter. Crossing your chest, you look down and see that he could not possibly find you at all menacing with the oversized t-shirt you threw on since bringing in the food to his bedroom. “Sorry, I just… I guess all I wanted was a night in. Free from fancy foods, and fancy people. Just you and – ”
“ – me,” he finishes for you. 
Looking up, he lifts the corners of his mouth and he stands up to his full height. He places two hands on you, one on either side on your shoulders. With deliberate and slow movement, he bends down and kisses you. 
You automatically melt into him. He always had that effect on you. Your legs bring you a step closer into his body, palm pressed onto the solid muscles of his chest. Lifting your chin, you suck on his plump bottom lip, allowing your tongue to swipe at it tenderly. You taste his scent more than inhaling it and mixed with it is…
…marinara sauce and andouille sausage. 
“Did you have pizza?” you step back and say incredulously. 
His cheeks turn ever the slightest pink. “Maybe.” 
“We were supposed to be saving that for next weekend! Or sometime this week where we could share it together,” you whine. 
Jimin holds up a hand when you reach behind him and grab a pillow, throwing it down and hitting him on the arm. 
“You promised when we got the ingredients last week! And here you’re making me feel bad that I lied about going out with friends so I could spend it in alone!” Each cycle of three or four words is punctuated with another smack of the pillow. 
“I offered to take you out! So we could spend time together!” he protests, trying half-heartedly to dodge your attacks. He reaches back and makes contact with his weapon of choice. “Also, you know you just admitted you lied to me about going out.” 
“Shut up! I plead the Fifth!” you say with a half-hearted glare as you dodge his pillow attack. It whizzes by your head and you have to do your best to hold back a smile when you spy his flushed cheeks. “I didn’t want to go to another expensive restaurant! I’m tired of it all!” 
You huff and whip the pillow out as fast as you can. However, it never reaches its mark as Jimin’s large palm stops it in the air. You press against his outstretched arm, but you stand no chance against his strength. 
“Why didn’t you just tell me that? I would have been fine spending it at home alone with you. I’m okay with takeout, wings, and beer. You didn’t have to sneak around for it.” 
You pull back the pillow, but he tightens his grip. You begin to recognize a familiar mischievous glint in his eyes. 
“Fine. Well what are you doing here alone in the dark? You say you’re playing Call of Whatever, but why did you lie about it?” 
With a tug, you find yourself falling a few steps forward when he yanks your pillow. You stand before him, nose inches apart from his while he breathes. 
“I felt bad. I thought you felt neglected because of all these meetings. I thought you wanted to have a nice evening out alone. When you said you were busy… I was glad. I also wanted time away from everything and simply an evening home.” 
You loosen your grip on your pillow slightly. With a chuckle, you say, “We’re both sort of idiots, huh?” 
All you are met with is a large grin. You feel it before actually seeing it, but you let go of your pillow the instance he swipes at you with his own, which he had concealed behind him. Leaping back, all you hear is the whoosh as it enters and leaves the space where your body once was. 
You feel his grin being mirrored on your face as you lower your stance and put out two hands in front of you. Your eyes follow him as he takes one step closer to you, eyes locked with yours like a hunter on their prey. 
“C’mon, Y/N. I stood there taking those blows. The least you can do is to let yourself get hit once,” he says with a taunt. 
“Only if you can catch me, Park Jimin.” 
You yelp and squeal when he launches himself at you. Darting around and then on the bed, you arch your back as the edge of the pillow narrowly misses you. You swipe at another pillow by the headboard and hold it out as a shield to protect yourself. With glee, you begin to run around the room as he follows you with a mock roar. 
His laughter is harmony to yours as he continues to chase you. Every so often, you glance behind you and find his mouth hanging open in ecstasy at this game of catch. You manage to land a few more smacks of the pillow while he continuously grazes your arm or another limb. 
The pillow fight escalates until the dozen and a half pillows you keep on your side of the bed are scattered across the entire room. You are standing on the bed, panting and sweat plastering your hair across your forehead as you look down on him. He has his sleeves rolled up, flashing his rounded deltoids, as he tracks you from below on the ground at the end of the bed. 
“I think it’s 30 to 0 at this point,” you pant. “I don’t think you’ve landed any on me.” 
“I’m just letting you win, my dear,” he growls, his voice low and gravelly. 
The sensuality of his tone throws you off for a second and before you know it, you are suddenly midair as he grabs a hold of your legs and literally sweeps you off your feet. 
“Oooph.” The air is whipped out of your lungs as you plummet onto the mattress and sheets. All you see is white for a second before you feel yourself trapped between his thighs and your arms pinned down by his hands. When you blink again, Jimin is crouched on top of you, his equally sweaty hair falling towards you and casting an undecipherable shadow across his face. 
All you hear is the sound of your shallowed breathing as he closes the distance between the two of you more. You swivel your head to the side as your eyelids flutter shut when you feel his lips brush against your turned cheek. 
“Caught you.” 
The words rumble across his body and sends its vibrations along your abdomen straight down into your pelvis. 
You are unsure if he reached out first or you had pulled him in; all you know is that at this moment, you were craving more than his touch and the caress of his words. Grabbing a fistful of his tshirt, you latch your lips on his while he greedily takes you in. Your other free hand traces the line of his jaws and travels to the back of his head where you slide your fingers through his hair. You feel his moan slide from his throat onto your tongue, sending a dangerous flush throughout your body. 
“Jimin,” you mewl meekly. 
He releases you momentarily, taking a long look at you with a soft, “Hmm?”. 
Your carnal desire overtakes anything you had wanted to say to him as you bring him down towards you again. You do not hold back the groan when he nips at the spot high on your neck behind the ear. Fingers clawing at his back, you drag them up, taking the cloth up until his skin is exposed. You feel him shiver, but he does not stop with his kisses, leaving wet trails now up along your exposed belly. 
“Off,” you manage to mutter. 
He obeys without another word, grabbing the back of the neck of his shirt and pulling it over his head in one swift motion. Your breath hitches when you see his muscles ripple as he throws the discarded white to the side. 
Sexy. Park Jimin you are so goddamn sexy. 
Each bend and curve of his chest is swallowed by your eyes hungrily while he proceeds to shimmy out of his sweats. You do not hide the linger on the evident bulge of his boxers when he takes his place again above your body. You do, however, squirm when he loops a thumb on the edge of your underwear, giving it a resounding snap in the air. 
“Off,” he echoes, not quite meeting your eyes. 
There is a sharp sucking of oxygen between your teeth when he slides himself down to face your now open legs. Your hand clutches the sheets until your knuckles become white as you watch then proceed to feel him glide his tongue along the sensitive skin of your inner thigh. You watch as he then, with another long finger, pry aside the black thin material that separates your body from his full gaze. 
He exhales, the motion sending a cold breeze towards you while you tense your thighs in anticipation of what you know is to come. You squirm again, relaxing your head onto the sheets to close your eyes, but then you feel the snap of the fabric back onto your skin. It remains plastered in place, and you miss the lick Jimin gives to his lips at the sight. 
Now coming back up to meet your face, he pushes his pelvis against your own, earning a loud groan from you when you feel the full length of his erection press on your coated underwear. With slow deliberate grinds, he begins to rub himself with the use of your body. 
You grip him, biting your lip tightly at the thought of desperately needing more than the sensation of him outside of you. You knew he was fully aware of what you wanted, but your mind is distracted as his hands sneak behind and expertly unclasp your bra. You raise your hips to meet his, sinking into the pleasure as he pinches and rubs your raised nipples with two fingers. 
“Jimin…” His name comes out as a shudder when your body jerks in response as his tip manages to lodge itself between your folds. Your body begins to ache painfully. 
“Hmm, baby?” The words are but shallow gasps as he finds himself aligned, but stopped by the same fabrics he had refused to remove in an attempt mere moments ago to deny you. 
There is no response from him. When you tilt your head to look at his face, you see his eyes squeezed shut, his mouth hanging slightly open at the sensations overtaking his body. Your heart skips, seeing and knowing the effect you have on him. 
He emits a low sound somewhere between a groan and a growl when you reach down and cup him in one hand. You take note just how wet the fabric of his boxers now are. You feel his body freeze as you slip your hand between the band and his skin, fully grasping and releasing his length from its hold. You need to clench your jaws at seeing the familiar sight of him, beady red and veiny. With a roll of your wrist, you begin to move along him. 
His arms begin to shake in their spot beside your head as he is still holding himself above you. The one fondling your breast stops as he rolls his eyes back. You take it all in: the extension of his long neck when he lets his head hang to the side, the small pants as you begin to increase the speed of your jerking, and finally the pure feeling as he continues to grow impossibly harder at your strokes. You begin to feel his body vibrate when he takes the hand off your chest and grips the one holding him. You pause.
HIs breathing is unsteady as he watches you slide below his body until you come face to face with his member. You are unable to decipher the animalistic sounds that leave his mouth when you begin to sloppily intake him. Your eyes closed in concentration as you increase in momentum, you can only imagine the anguish he feels when he looks down to see your lips leaking with saliva as your hollowed cheeks create the perfect amount of suction that tug at an impossibly slow pace. The trembling of his body threatens to collapse when you swallow your gag reflex as he hits the back of your throat. 
With one hand pressed against the wall, his sculpted body kneels erect over your face as he begins to rock his hips deeper into the chasm of your lips. Your eyes trace each curve and dip of his muscles, following the rise of his pectorals and the ridges of his abdominals. The previous tension that had momentarily been forgotten by the distraction of Jimin above you comes crashing back and in a lapse, your fingers brush gingerly over your erected bud. 
Perhaps the moan you had elicited had been too loud, as with a grunt of disapproval, he removes himself and takes your arm, pinning it above your head. Your palm is sticky and wet as he licks one of the digits. He gets down onto his side, not letting his gaze break with yours. Kicking away his boxers, you dare him with your eyes to now not return the favour.
The first swipe causes your body to spasm. The next makes you sigh blissfully at the release of the tension he had built up in your muscles. His tongue works deftly in finding the spot. Working between suckling and swirling, he tugs at your clit and elicits louder moans from your mouth. You feel him tease with a brush of your folds before inserting his digits within you. 
“Ohhh,” you exhale, grabbing a fist of his hair. You dig in your heels and lift to meet his face. Grinding against the flat of his tongue at the tip of his nose on your bud, you then feel him stretch you further with the insertion of a third digit. Your walls squeeze against them as he curls and beckons you to come for him. 
All sounds of his quiet lapping and the lewd noises falling from your tongue are muffled when he begins pumping. There is nothing else you can concentrate on but the growing knot in the middle of your stomach. You fumble and grasp futilely in the air until you connect with the back of his head again. This time you have brought him up again, crashing your lips onto his and tasting yourself as he lets a long glob of saliva pass between your lips and his. Your walls are then stretched impossibly further. 
Your moan emits the same time as his as he slides himself completely into you. He does not waste any time in beginning to thrust harshly onto you. You lift yourself higher until your legs sit atop his shoulders. He bends you like an accordion, hitting you deeper at the angle until you are shaking intensely. Your walls strain to relax, but instead clench tighter and tighter, while the rings of light at the back of your eyelids grow. 
In the back of your mind, you hear the headboard slamming rhythmically against the wall. It takes but a second before the waves crash into you. Your whole body is destroyed by the sensation of simultaneously falling and being crushed underneath a great pressure. You release yourself over him, clawing and digging your nails into his back. You scream before your orgasm rips your breath away, throwing you over the cliff until the rubber band snaps you back into reality. 
“Fuck, Jimin,” you moan when he quickly pulls out and comes onto you. The warmth of his seed coats your abdomen, the streams of white decorating your pale skin. There are a few seconds of silence that follow as he collapses beside you. 
Somehow, he manages to catch his breath before you. 
“You’re beautiful, you know? And I’m the luckiest man on earth to be able to call you my wife,” he whispers. 
He has propped himself up on his side, looking at you. You feel his eyes sweep over the nakedness of your body (ignoring the unseemly sweaty shirt lifted up to your neck). Once again, your heart leaps not because of the lust that had one filled his eyes, but the look of pure adoration when he uttered those words. 
You chuckle and nod down with a raise of your eyebrow at your stomach where evidence of your previous shared actions still remain. 
He returns your chuckle with one of his own. With the back of his hand, he tucks a soaked strand of hair behind your ear tenderly. Kissing the tip of your nose gingerly, he whispers again, “I’m serious. And I’m sorry I couldn’t be more transparent with you before. Your thought of me means so much; I didn’t want to disappoint you.” 
You raise your head and kiss his lips. 
“You’ll never disappoint me. I – ”
He cuts your words short, bringing you into a tight hug. 
“Ew! Park Jimin! There’s still – ” you begin to protest, feeling his abdominals crush into your stomach. 
“I love you. So fucking much. I hope you know that,” he hastily says in a hushed whisper. 
You lower your arm in defeat, wrapping it around him not to push him away but to hold him closer. 
“I know. And I love you too,” you return. 
You grin up at him when he looks down at you again. You then kiss him again, leaning deeply into this softer exchange. You commit to memory his entire existence that two years ago you had not known you needed but now, could not imagine living without. You pull away, but not before noting a particular twitch. 
“Jimin…” you say with suggestion. 
He cuts you off again when he slips the last remaining barrier off your skin to begin the rest of your night.
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𝔱𝔞𝔤𝔩𝔦𝔰𝔱 (open): @glossbloc @thelilbutifulthings @kianamj @ladykadyrova @anpanman-sonyeondan @jwlmnbt @birdgirlinwinter @ggukkieland @christiandosworld @jookiemonie @siyeongothgf @myooniverse @daydreambrliever​ @rjsmochii​ @jpeachytaev​ 
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genshin-fluff · 4 years
Diluc Being Jealous.
Hello! I’ve received requests regarding jealousy headcanons, and I started to work on them. However, they turned out to be quite long so I decided to post them separately. Here is Diluc. Please enjoy your reading!  
You were supposed to meet with Diluc at the tavern around 8pm.
However, on your way there, to your surprise, you stumble upon nobody else but Zhongli, who apparently was visiting Mondstadt for business reasons.
“It may so happens that I have a few free moments, y/n. Perhaps you could show me a good place to dine in Mondstadt?”
You couldn’t say no to this man. It was 7 pm and you had a free hour anyway.
Good Hunter was closed so the only choice was the tavern.
Diluc was the bartender, and he was constantly checking the door whenever it would open, hoping to see you.
When you finally came, he couldn’t help but smile. He almost raised his hand to greet you when he saw. another man. with you.
Diluc. Was. Not. Pleased™.
He would instantly switch to his default “arm crossed, slight frown stance” and keep it for the whole time you two were there.
You are the one who asked to meet him at the tavern, and now you show up with another guy? Are you that shameless?
You greet him with a warm smile on your face, and take a seat at a table with Zhongli.
He would try his best not to stare or listen in, and he’d try his best to focus on other customers, but he just.. couldn’t help himself, especially when you were literally in the same room as him. What were you two even talking about? Are you that giddy with everybody?
Diluc was a very self-confident person, but even he noticed how cool Zhongli was. He was perfect in every way. His clothes fit perfectly, he was also undeniably handsome, and, from what he could hear, he was also very well spoken and rich. Even his ponytail was slicker than his.
As he was thinking about these things, he’d quietly brood behind the counter. Did you forget about the fact that you were supposed to meet him?
Deep down, he’d be extremely sad. He’s opened up his heart to you, which was already a difficult task, and seeing you with another man laughing and having such a great time, without any notice from you, would make him question whether or not you feel the same for him.
However, the rational side of him knew that there must be something else to it, because you wouldn’t just show up in front of him out of nowhere with another guy. He honestly just wanted to hear an explanation to ease his heart.
Eventually, you told Zhongli that you were glad you two could catch up, and that you could continue this conversation tomorrow, because at that moment you were supposed to meet Diluc.
You two went to the counter to pay the bill, and Diluc would try his BEST to be as indifferent as possible.
“That’ll be 5000 mora.”
Zhongli would reach for his pocket.
“O h n o. I am so sorry y/n, but it seems that I am out of mora again.”
“Again?? It’s like the fourth or fifth time!”
Again? Fifth time? Have you been meeting this guy all this time?
You sighed and wanted to grab your wallet, but Diluc stopped you.
“It’s fine, it’s on the house.”
“You are quite a gentleman indeed. Thank you so much for your generosity. I’m glad to know that y/n has such kind people beside her. I will see myself out, y/n. Thank you for such an entertaining evening. “
And with that, Zhongli would leave.
You’d turn your face to Diluc, only to be met with cold, unreadable eyes.
“I hope I didn’t keep you waiting for a long time. I tried to finish with Zhongli in time. Maybe we could leave the tavern and go for a walk? ”
“As you can see, y/n. I am quite busy right now. It seems that you were busy as well too.”
“It’s fine, I can wait. I was actually looking forward to meeting you.”
Diluc would almost freeze. You just came with another man and you would say such sweet things to him? He couldn’t be angry with you and he couldn’t say no. He hoped everything was a misunderstanding.
“..Fine. I’ll be done in 2 minutes.”
You two left the tavern and went for a walk outside Mondstadt.
You noticed that he wasn’t feeling well, but you didn’t say anything until you two were alone.
In fact, Diluc was waiting for this exact moment too, because the instant nobody was around, he couldn’t hold it in anymore. He had to ask you about the tavern. His mind was brimming with questions. Have you been playing with his feelings all along? Was everything just a joke to you, when he took everything so seriously?
“So, who was that guy? You seemed quite cheerful during the whole time he was there. ”
He’d try his best to seem unaffected, but you noticed the small crackle in his voice, and could tell that there was more to it.
“Oh, Zhongli?? He’s just a good friend of mine that helped me in a mission in Liyue! He never has money on him, and I end up paying for him almost all the time!! I’m sorry if I caused you trouble.”
Diluc was starting to feel more at ease.
“Fine. And how come you showed up with him at the tavern? I thought you were supposed to meet me. Or perhaps were you too captivated by his words that you forgot?”
He didn’t want to seem overtly desperate, but the words just sprung out of his mouth. He is usually very well composed, but when it comes to you, he just can’t do it.
“How could I forget, you silly!! It’s just been a while since the last time I saw him, and I thought I could catch up with him since I had a free hour before our date. I’m sorry if I made you think otherwise. I told him that I was supposed to meet you, and he left. There is nothing more. He is just a dear friend.”
Hearing you explain everything to him made him feel so embarrassed for ever doubting your feelings.
“And that’s everything, nothing more? He seemed  to be quite a charming guy.”
“Yes, he is, but I am already in love with you. I can see you and only you, everything else is just in the background.”
As you say this, you grab his hand and squeeze your body closer to his. His hand was warm, and slightly trembling. Maybe you did make him worry.
Diluc exhaled and squeezed your hand back. How could you be so so cute? He is now feeling like a fool for ever doubting your feelings. He can finally relax.
He literally stops in the middle of the road and locks you into a tight hug, while whispering into your ear “it’s fine, I just thought that maybe you.. were on a date with him and that you didn’t have feelings for me.”
His voice was low, almost exhausted. He was glad everything was just a misunderstanding. He fell hard for you, and just the thought that you took everything as a joke was making him feel nauseous.
Oh, now you understand what it was all about.
You hug him back as tightly as possible and reassure him that everything is fine.
“No, never. You’re the only one I have feelings for, and the only one person that I want to go on dates with.”
Diluc puffed with a smile on his face. You were so corny and he was so happy to hear that everything was fine.
When he let go, you couldn’t help but ask
“May I ask if you were jealous?”
“I have no recollection of such events.” he deadpans.
Pls treasure this man cuz he may seem grumpy and cold, but his heart is so so soft and sensitive for the people he truly loves. You are the only person in his life for whom he harbors such feelings, so please take a good care of him.
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angelicimagines · 3 years
Hey Mod Shuichi! Could I request Chihiro, Yuta, Tsumugi, and Chiaki with a cuddly S/O who starts crying when they’re given affection because they’re touch starved? I saw a similar request you did and I really enjoyed it!
Hey there @chihiro-comfort-imagines, of course you may. This ask is very cute by the way, thanks for requesting. Touch-starved gang rise up! -Mod Shuichi
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Chihiro Fujisaki, Yuta Asahina, Tsumugi Shirogane, and Chiaki Nanami with a S/O who gets emotional when given affection.
Chihiro Fujisaki💻
💻 Nervous boy, nervous. Be patient with him, he's not used to much positive affection from people apart from his family. 💻 Please, hug him while he's overworking himself, remind him to take care of himself. 💻 Melts, literally. Congrats you have discovered Fujisaki putty, do what you will with this information (read as: love him). 💻 He knows he's small and weak and all that jazz, but he is determined to gather up the courage to give you affection first, he wants to protect you and this is a step in the right direction. 💻 After much thinking aka Mondo, Taka, and Leon pestering him about doing it, he decided to give you an unprompted hug and some head scratches (cuz nobody is immune to those fight me on this). 💻 Poor boy didn't know what was about to go down. He wasn't emotionally prepared to feel some wetness near his back and your body shaking with what he assumed where sobs. 💻 Ok so that didn't work, he's panicking now. In a brilliant moment of action association, he backed away like he had been burned. 💻 Was racking his brain on what to do because no amount of Wikihow articles could prepare him for this. Luckily, he wasn't completely out of ideas. 💻 Bless Taichi for giving him the idea. He mimicked what his father had always done when he wa distressed and hugged you again while tracing random patterns on your back. 💻 Oh hey that worked! Now to why you were crying…oh right he' d never done this before, it was probably too much for you. 💻 Well now he just feels bad. Might start crying with you a bit,but he'll power through. 💻 After the reveal, new arrangements were made. Now you have a hug quota that you will get every day or so help him. 💻 It takes a while, since he is also a bit overwhelmed by affection, but over time both of you get used to it 💻 During one of your daily hug quotas he'd reveal that he would give you all the affection it took to make you feel loved <3
Yuta Asahina👟
👟 How are you still hydrated with this man, he will always return your affection tenfold. It's the Asahina genes in him. 👟 You are probably not that touch starved with him as your partner, but that makes my job useless so touch starved you are for the sake of content. 👟 Yuta was a pretty affectionate person, but sometimes circumstances prevented that from happening. 👟 And so that's how you found yourself 5 hours away from your boyfriend. Her sister was participating in a swimming tournament and he went to support her. You couldn't make it (plus it was the first time you'd meet his sister face to face and the thought alone scared you), so yeah. 👟 Aoi was confused, since you were basically the only topic Yuta talked about nowadays and she was just dying to finally meet you; but nothing could top Yuta's reaction. 👟 Boy went through the 5 stages of grief and then some. He acted like he was on withdrawal from candy or something, he craved your touch 25/8 and was just…mopey. 👟 So that's how the idea entered his head. As soon as he laid eyes on you, he would make up for all of the S/O cuddles he missed while he was away. 👟 R.I.P your tear ducts ayyy. Nothing could've prepared you for the absolute love storm you were about to experience. Man's literally jumped on you and began attacking you with kisses and hugs and any other form of affection you can think of. 👟 Bursting into tears in the middle of an airport was not your proudest moment, but hey, you got your Yuta cuddles so who cares. 👟 UnLuckily for you, he didn't comment on your sudden pity party, instead he shushed your cries and wiped your tears away. 👟 He might not like math, but he figured sad S/O + love and affection = happy S/O. Quick maths. 👟 Would you look at that, he was right! Without your usual dose of cuddles you resorted back to not knowing what human touch is. 👟 Don't worry, it's a quick fix with Yuta. By quick fix, I mean you now have a koala stuck to your body literally all the time. 👟 What can I say, he is a man of his word. Says he wants to help you return to your normal cuddle amount, but Aoi ratted him out. He was just as touch starved as you. 👟 There's nothing better than two touch starved dumbasses experiencing affection, together <3
Tsumugi Shirogane🧵
🧵 Girl loves how affectionate you are, makes her feel special and not plain. 🧵 Also inspire her to make cosplays sometimes (when this happens I advice you run, she gets very involved in her work). 🧵 She hesitates before giving you any type of affection, what if she's too plain, what if she starts rambling about anime and you get tired of her, what if– 🧵 "No, Tsumugi, they do so much for you, return the damm favour, love them." And with this little pep talk she is on her way to find you and love the soul out of you. 🧵 She hides her intentions behind a simple date, a fun movie night critiquing the main pairing for being oblivious idiots. 🧵 During the movie, she got more affectionate, things like holding your hand for longer than usual and resting her head on your shoulder during the romantic parts. 🧵 She reasons that by being affectionate with you, especially during the more romantic parts of the movie. she symbolizes how much she loves you and that she does care about you. 🧵 Your poker face is working itself to the bone while your heart is going a thousand a minute. That might be the excitement or a heart attack, you can't tell. 🧵 Little did you know, this was only the beginning. Tsumugi was determined to end the date on her own little special note. 🧵 On the way home, she insisted y'all walked by the sakura trees nearby. It was a beautiful sight, the petals of the trees falling around you as she initiated a very sweet goodbye kiss. 🧵 That's right, she initiated the kiss this time. And that was your cue to start the waterworks. 🧵 When she pulled away she heard your sobs and saw your tears and panicked. Was it too much, did she screw it up? Oh she shouldn't have listened to that anime, now you're crying because of her and– 🧵 You sob out various I love you's and hug her tight, effectively confusing your cosplayer girlfriend. 🧵 Oh, oh. You're touch-starved, that's what's happening. She smiles to herself and giggles at her panic earlier as she returns the hug and wipes your tears away. 🧵 She can get used to this, she'll patch up the missing affection with a lot of love…and anime references <3
Chiaki Nanami🎮
🎮 She doesn't mind your cuddles, in fact she loves them! You probably can't tell but she's touch starved as well, she just doesn't know it yet. 🎮 You tend to cling to her while she's gaming, holding her and laying your head on her shoulder while she's trying to beat whatever pesky boss is preventing her from beating the game. 🎮 She subconsciously snuggles closer to you from time to time, to show she still cares. 🎮 She knows she tends to lose herself to her games a lot and that could cause you to feel like you're the only one pulling their weight in the relationship... 🎮 So she devised a master plan. The next time you give her any type of affection, she'll return it and then some. 🎮 She was dedicated to let you know how much she loved you, so she was ready to use every weapon in her arsenal. Also known as your downfall. 🎮 And so that's how you found yourself in eachothers arms while she kissed every inch of your face. 🎮 She thought she was doing great......until you started sobbing into her shoulder. Ok now she's worried, did she wait too long, did she do something wrong, why were you crying? 🎮 You started babbling about how much you love her and how long you had been waiting for this. Oh, so that's what happening. 🎮 She feels a bit guilty that she hadn't done this sooner, but that just means she can make up for the lost time by giving you even more affection. 🎮 Your eyes are cosplaying waterfalls hon, you're probably dehydrated by now. 🎮 The fact you get that emotional just because of something as simple as a hug worries her, who hurt you? 🎮 In all of her greatness, she devices a new plan. She'll give you as much affection as she can to make you connect her affection with routine. You won't be touch starved on her watch, not on her watch! 🎮 Cut to you getting overwhelmed the first 50 times. Over time, all you do is that deep breath people do when they're feeling extremely loved. 🎮 She realizes that this is what you both needed, after all they say love is the best healing potion <3
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Against All Odds
Roswell New Mexico Coda 03x03
Isobel sighed - half in relief and half in frustration - as she parked her car by Michael’s truck.  Her brother was unsurprisingly sitting by his fire pit, but he seemed calmer than he had at the drive in.
Michael rolled his eyes when she got out of the car and approached him.  “I’m pretty sure I’m safe here, Iz.”
“There was a fire at the church.”  Isobel took a seat by him.  “We’re back to square one.”
Michael groaned, hanging his head over the back of his chair. “Well, the sunflowers are from me, I guess. So it’s someone I’d be willing to pay respects to.”
“I thought you were convinced it was you.”
“…”. Michael sat up, keeping his gaze on the fire.  “Well, Alex doesn’t think so.”
“You talked to Alex?”  Isobel asked.  Michael shrugged. “So you run away from Max and me - twice I might add-“
“I didn’t run-“”
“You never come to us for help, and trying to help you in anyway is a sure way to start an argument-“
“I don’t need charity-“
“But you will go straight to Alex Manes and tell him everything?”
“…if I was gonna kick it, I kinda wanted to see him at least once.”  Michael explained.
Isobel frowned.  The giddy feelings Michael had allowed to seep through their shared connection before Alex returned had been absent.  She thought perhaps he’d simply been too busy helping her save Max to say anything about their reunion but this didn’t really sound like that at all. “What happened?”
“Alex says if I was the one dead he’d… react differently.” A small flicker of hope again, but nowhere near as substantial.
“So, Alex said your death would affect him deeply.  Sounds like a pretty enormous declaration to me.”
“So why aren’t you with him?  Oh, shit, is he here?”  She glanced towards his trailer.
“What? No!”
“Well, I don’t get it.  What happened to all those “I think it’s our time” vibes-”
“He’s seeing someone else.”  Michael snapped.
Isobel froze at his words.  “Oh…”
Michael sighed.  “Yeah, so not our time.  Okay?”
“But I mean, if he’s saying you dying would affect him so much, how serious could he be about the other guy?”  She couldn’t help but point out. Honestly, she may have to do a little digging herself.  She wasn’t above being a manipulative bitch if either of her brothers’ happiness was on the line.
“I don’t know. I didn’t exactly interrupt their reunion kiss to ask how serious their relationship was.”  Michael responded sarcastically.
Isobel winced. She imagined that hadn’t been a great thing to witness.  “Maybe it’s not that serious?”
“Serious enough to let him know when he’d be back in town.”
“Yeah, but he also told you when he’d be back in town.”
“Alex has better options than a junkyard mechanic in Roswell with a criminal record. I can’t exactly fault him for choosing them.”
“Oh, I’m sorry.  I thought you were going to date Alex Manes, not a member of my Mom’s yoga club.” Isobel quipped. “Is he really that interested in boyfriend bragging rights?”
“He’s a decorated war hero. Can’t exactly go on dates with a criminal.”
“Didn’t seem to have a problem asking you to use your criminal talents to break into a top secret alien facility though.”  Isobel crossed her arms.  “Wait, is this why you cleaned up your act this past year?  For Alex Manes?”
“Look, don’t we have a murder to solve?  My non-existent relationship can wait.”
“That’s not a no.”
“There were a lot of reasons, Iz.  Knowing about our moms. Sanders.  Having you, me and Max back to how we used to be.  And, yeah, maybe some small piece of me thought it might impress Alex.  Most of which has all been turned on its head, so… can we please focus on the murder now?”
“Do I at least get a name?”
“Isn’t the point that we don’t know the name?”
“I mean the name of who Alex Manes is seeing that you apparently think he can brag about to his yoga club?”
“He doesn’t do yoga.”
“If I tell you, will you finally drop the subject?”
“Forrest Long.”
“A Long?  Are you serious?”
“Dropping the subject, remember?”
“Come on, you can’t expect me to not say something about that.”
“As much as it pains me to say it, Forrest isn’t a bad guy.  Black sheep of his family.  Guess he and Alex have that in common.”
If she was already concocting a list of all the gossip mongers in town she knew who might know something about Forrest Long, Michael need never be the wiser.  “Gregory isn’t so bad.”
“Please tell me you two never-“
“No.  Just an observation.”
“Uh-huh.  So are you still seeing the bartender?”
“We aren’t serious. I don’t think I can be serious about someone who doesn’t know about us. Our collective history on that isn’t so good.” Isobel let her eyes rest on the fire - she didn’t like thinking about how that applied to her own past. To Noah and how he’d never truly been unaware. How their entire relationship had been nothing but lies.
“I hate the idea we cover another murder. Thought we were done with lies…”
Isobel frowned, watching the flames. “What if I’m not crying cuz of who it is, but how they died?”
“What if it’s cuz we’re to blame? What if it’s like Noah and Rosa and-”
“Hey, that’s not gonna happen.”  Michael cut her off.  “The only potential evil alien around here is in a cage in the desert and he’s staying there.  Nobody’s making us do anything ever again, okay?”
“Promise?”  Her smile felt shaky even to herself.
“Promise.” Michael didn’t hesitate.
Author’s Notes:  *sideeyes Jones* If you dare make Isobel go through that again…
I don’t think they’ll actually do mind control again.  Though it is one possible explanation for bringing up Noah at the funeral in the vision.
Mostly this was an excuse for Isobel and Michael interaction. Cuz Isobel may live to torment her brothers, but their happiness really is important to her.  There is a touch of classism with the way every character who is not named Liz Ortecho treats Michael during the course of the series, some more than others.  Isobel, however, has definitely gotten better about it since the first season.  So I can definitely hear her reacting to the notion that Michael wasn’t “good enough” boyfriend material defensively.  Because despite her own “stepford housewife” Roswell persona, she never allowed it to interfere with having Michael in her life - even when his behavior was at its worst.  And I can totally see her social media stalking poor Forrest and being like - yeah, no.  My brother is way better. (Sorry, Forrest.)
While I’m pretty sure Alex has long forgotten the words that started the communication errors between Michael and him, I think a part of Michael is still very hooked on that “I want to be with you, but not if you’re wasting your life.”  He still feels at some level that who he is isn’t “good enough” and that’s probably why he was willing to take such a huge step back when he realized Alex was interested in Forrest.  He needed to prove he could be “good enough” first.  And I need Alex to smack him over the head with the fact that he stopped caring about that shit somewhere around Caulfield.
Also, the fact that the only person Michael feels safe going to when things are bad is Alex?  That says things.  He’s had moments with other characters but in each instance they’ve come to him.  The only person Michael willingly goes to is Alex.  He’s the only person he feels truly safe asking things out of.  The only one he allows himself to shed that “but if I owe them, that’s dangerous” mindset with.  And thinking about that is truly heartrending.
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lord-explosion-baku · 4 years
Sister Complex
Bakugou x Step Sister!Reader
Warnings: s m u t, dubcon, pseudo-incest(they’re not biologically related because I’m a coward), uhhh tickling?
A/N: It’s been a minute since I’ve written something spicy for Baku-bb. Idk why it’s a hard for me to do this for one of my favorite characters lolol. I had to make things a little fucky because I’m me, but I have no shame. At least it’s not another yandere piece?? Here’s some nasty trash. the spicy bits are short, but they’re there, and uhhh everyone is 18+, obviously.
Bakugou would have had an easy morning—He’d woken up early and had been able to rest his eyes and daydream for a bit—stretch out, relax, take it easy. He could’ve fallen back asleep and dreamt for maybe forty minutes more, too. It would’ve been nice, if it hadn’t been for those damn kneecaps digging into his hips. 
“Katsukiii!” You crooned, poking at his sides through his bed’s comforters. Bakugou felt you ease your weight farther up his abdomen. At most, it was bothersome, but nothing compared the heat burning off of his cheeks that was trapped in with him under the covers. He was suffocating, not only from needing to gulp some of the cool, morning air, but your breasts that were undeniably pressed up against his chest were far too much for him to handle. Soft and squishy. He had half a mind to grab a hold of them, to teach you a lesson about respecting the let your big brother sleep in rule, just to see you make the fucking adorable embarrassed face you made whenever he teased you. He could have. It wasn’t like you were strong enough to fight him off of you. However, when you started sharing the bed, unaware of how your pelvis was grinding against his pulsing morning-wood, he decided to let you go at it for as long as he could take it. 
“Katsuki, please wake up,” you whined again, pulling against the sheets Bakugou had a vice grip on. “I’m booored.” 
You gave him a little jump and Bakugou couldn’t help but imagine what it would feel like to slip inside of you. It wasn’t his fault. He wasn’t the one prancing around the house in those tight shorts that hugged that pert little ass for yours so perfectly. Hell, you were probably wearing them right now and all he’d have to do is slip them to the side…
Bakugou groaned at the thought, blowing his sleeping facade. “Why don’t you go on a jog? You’re heavy.” 
You let out an incredulous gasp, stealing the pillow out from under Bakugou’s head. “That’s so rude!!” You slammed your weapon down, once against his chest, and again onto his head. “You’re such an asshole!” 
Bakugou grabbed your wrist. 
“My darling little sister,” he growled out sarcastically, tightening his hold when he saw your eyes narrow. You hated being called little sister on the account that you were only a tiny bit younger and not biologically related to him. That hardly mattered; he’d call you just about anything to be able to see you blush like that. “Get the hell out of my room or you’re gonna regret this.” 
“Let go!” You tried yanking weakly out of Bakugou’s hold, but his grip was too sturdy, and it only led to him pulling you closer to him so your head was leveled with his. “Stop.” 
“You gonna beat it or what?” 
You huffed, the sweet scent of your freshly brushed teeth filling Bakugou’s head. He wanted to taste you.
“No,” you said, pouting. “You’re going to sleep the whole day away. Mom and dad are gone and I was gonna make breakfast for you and me.” 
“I can eat when I’m ready.” 
“Aw, come onnn. Don’t be like that!” Still locked in his hold, you pushed your breasts against him. With that low-cut shirt you were wearing, Bakugou saw your perfect tits push up against his chest, plush and round, beautifully formed, and practically begging to be groped. He hoped you didn’t do that to any other man; nobody would have the same restraint he’d managed to retain. 
Or so he thought. But then you had to make a face. You had to make that adorable fucking face and then you had to whisper so sickenly sweet, albeit teasingly, “oniii-san,” on top of that. 
Bakugou sneered. This was the last straw. 
In one swift movement, Bakugou had you flipped over and pinned against the bed. He took you in—your curvy body flushed and helpless underneath him and on his bed drove him mad. Your shirt was hiked up just enough from his to see your belly button, your bare thighs on either side of his knees. You weren’t wearing a bra, so Bakugou could see your hard nipples poking through the thin material of your tee. You might’ve been a brat, but you were the cutest fucking brat he’d ever seen. 
“I warned you to leave, but you didn’t listen,” Bakugou’s husky morning voice brought goosebumps to your arms. Good. “So now you’re gonna have to suffer the consequences.” 
Before you could object, Bakugou’s hands flew to your ribcage and he began tickling you. You screamed and squirmed and tried to kick your legs out, but Bakugou kept you at bay by sitting back on your legs. Soon your squeals became wails… or maybe—maybe moans… and Bakugou ached for you. 
“Okay!!!” You cried, your chest jetting in and out rapidly. “Stop! Please, please, ahhhhah, I can’t take it anymore!!!!” 
Bakugou grabbed both of your wrists and pinned them to the bed above your head. You panted underneath him, your hair a mess. You had to know how you appeared to him with your eyes lidded like they were, your lips parted so subtly, so invitingly, all just for him. 
“Had enough?” Bakugou croaked, his restraint crumbling. You pouted your beautiful lips and nodded once. He scoffed. He wasn’t done. “I don’t think you have…” 
Bakugou leaned down so his lips were a hair away from your ear. He could smell your hair; the aromatic, buttery fragrant seemed to make you even more of the treat he longed to taste. He whispered, gruffly, “call me oni-san again.” 
“Um, Katsuki-“ you started and stopped, your breath wavering. Your voice made him pulsate against your thigh. After a moment, he realized you were craning your neck, trying to look down. Bakugou’s words caught in his throat. 
You laughed. “Wow, oni-san, I didn’t realize how much of a pervert you were!” 
“Shut up,” he hissed, not daring to move away—not when he was so close to you.
“My mom’s gonna love this. She might even leave your dad after I tell her that you have some sort of sick sister complex.” 
“You were the one moaning,” Bakugou rasped. “‘m sure she’ll love hearing how much her perfect princess loves having her big brother’s hands all over her.”
“I was not-!”
“No?” Bakugou prompted with a smirk against your neck. Then he took the initiative. He dragged his tongue across your soft, shuddering flesh, trailing a line up to your ear. 
“H-hey,” you whimpered, bringing your hands to his arms right below his shoulders. You pushed, but not enough to tell Bakugou that you really wanted him to let off. At this, he decided to bring his hand to your soft tummy and push it up and under your shirt so he could palm your breast, twisting your nipples harshly between his fingers. They were incredible—you felt incredible, and Bakugou hungered for more. 
“Kat-“ you breathed, your hips bucking up and against him. Bakugou grinded against you, the friction between his light pajama pants and your center setting his nerve endings aflame. “Ahhh, Katsuki…”
Bakugou’s body went hot at hearing his name fall from your lips in such a sensuous way. He snickered and growled, “now, who’s the pervert?” before biting down on the softest part of your neck. 
“O-oh, fuck,” you moaned, your voice cracking. You sunk your fingers into the back of Bakugou’s head and, for a moment, he thought you were going to try to pull him away from you. Instead, your nails tightened and untightened, giving him a nice little head massage. If anything you were pulling him further into you. You were enjoying this. 
A groan from Bakugou while he sucked harshly at your neck had your body shaking for him. You mewled while Bakugou’s hand traveled from your tummy down to your panties. The pads of his fingers rubbed around the damp mess at your core. You were already so wet for him. He could laugh. You weren’t the perfect little princess you pretended to be. 
Bakugou pulled away to admire the dark galaxy spot at the side of your neck he’d left. He wiped at his wet mouth and watched your brows knit together lightly, your cheeks dark with bewilderment. Seeing you torn apart like this was pure gold, which made him want to see just how far he could take this. 
“What a foul mouth you’ve got there, little sister.” Bakugou’s arm snaked around your waist, the fingers in your panties still toying with your pussy. “It’s only a good big brother’s job to clean it out for ya.” 
Forceful lips crushed against yours. You only resisted a little before Bakugou had your mouth parting for him. His tongue melted into yours and goddamn were you so sweet… hot... good—perfectly made for him to taste… to take. 
Bakugou kissed you. He touched you. He felt your heart pound against his chest while the two of you clambered to see who could kiss the other harder, and for a moment, he let himself forget that this was wrong—that this could get the both of you in deep trouble. And when he realized that, he didn’t give a shit. 
When Bakugou pulled away and both of his hands went to the waistband of your briefs, he looked you in the eyes and said, “you’re not gonna say a word.”
“-Cuz if you do, then everyone’s gonna know that you like to come into my room with nothin’ but a shirt and your panties. I’ll tell everyone that you like to moan when your oni-san marks your pretty little neck.” 
“You’re not serious!” You barked. Still you weren’t making any move to swat Bakugou’s hands away. 
“No?” Bakugou peeled your panties away. Your cunt blushed under his fierce, hungry gaze—he would’ve teased you for it, but at the moment, he couldn’t think about anything but fucking you.
Bakugou pulled his greedy cock out and gave you a fiery grin. Were you really not gonna stop him? You weren’t gonna offer him a peep of protest? He lined himself up with you, the reddened tip of his cock leaking pre-cum against your slicked up slit. 
“Katsuki, wait-!” 
Bakugou glared, daring you to say another word. He could already feel you palpitating against him. You wanted this, and he could tell; you just didn’t know how to say it. 
“Don’t act like you don’t wanna,” he said, “you’re sopping wet. It’d be a fucking crime not to take care of you myself. You’d be beggin’ to have me if the circumstances were any different anyways.”
“You’re such an arrogant little-!” 
Bakugou sunk into you before you could finish that sentence. Instead, your words were lost to a long, drawn-out moan; one that you probably tried to keep to yourself since he started touching you. 
He eased in and out of you, slowly memorizing all the soft ridges of your creamy pussy. Bakugou didn’t know when the next time he’d be able to claim such an excellent opportunity, so he had to savor you. You sighed for him and he wished that he had some sort of recorder so he could memorize those, too. He’d originally thought that your angelic facade was annoying, but with the way you looked right now—the way you sounded even, he couldn’t help but think about how perfect his little sister was. It pissed him off. 
“Do you know how nasty you are for letting me do this?” Bakugou huffed, his fingers digging into either side of your waist. “Not only are you a pervert, but you’re a fucking slut, too. Is that right?” 
You swallowed a moan and wrapped your arms around Bakugou’s neck as he dipped himself deeper into you, hitting your sweet spot. “Tssss-” you tried sounding passive, but even your scoff was uneasy. Hot. “No…”
“Huh?” Bakugou cracked a grin. “So you’re saying you’re only like this with me then. That’s good at least.” 
Bakugou kissed you, tasting your unspoken desire. He rolled his tongue around yours and you mewled into his mouth, humming as Bakugou brushed his long fingers through your hair. You gasped when he made a fist; the sudden noise made him snap his hips against you. He watched your face contort into the cutest, lustful expression, and Bakugou completely lost it.
Each thrust was assertive—an undeniable display of his dominance. Bakugou’s throbbing cock grooving against your plushy walls was more or less his way of following through with his promise that you were going to pay for bothering him this morning. By the look of your face falling apart before his eyes, that glistening sparkle of a renegade tear on your cheek, the beautiful wobble of your lips, you were sure to know not to test him again unless you wanted to suffer these same consequences. 
“Hah~ god…” You clenched around him after a particularly rough thrust, your face pulling into a cute scowl. 
“Whatsamatter, princess?” Bakugou’s index finger ran down your cheek to your chin. He centered your gaze directly on him. “Your big brother too much for you to handle?” 
“I just think it’s funny— ahhh~!” You bristled when Bakugou began dropping his hips to put a better hit on you. You grasped at the sheets and bit your lips, looking like you had to concentrate to continue what you were saying. “You’re—hhhah~ always muttering my name at night—looks like I know—ah-ah-hah, why~!” 
Bakugou didn’t miss a beat. Instead, his hand wrapped around your neck and he picked up the face, drilling you so intensely that your mouth lulled open to allow pretty, pathetic squeaks to tear out of your throat. 
“It’s good to know you like to listen,” he asserted in a strained voice. You were too cute with your face flushed like it was and fucking hell did you feel good squeezing around his cock. Bakugou knew he wasn't gonna last much longer, but by the way you kept fluttering around him, he knew you were teetering on the edge of release, too. “Next time you should try knockin’ on my door. You know you’d like to see what would happen.”
“Oh, please,” you countered, but it was too late for you. Your mouth fell open as Bakugou began hammering into you, hitting you hard and well enough to have you yipping like a little bitch for him. He’d always wished for this—for you, his little sister, maybe not by blood, but by bond, dirtied up in his sheets. He thought he could never have you, and yet, here you were, taking him beautifully. It was better than he’d imagined all those countless times he’d peeped at you changing in your room or stepping out of the bath. He’d thought that you’d mock him if you ever found out, but no; you were just as fucked up as he was. 
Bakugou reached down and ran circles around your saturated nub, enjoying the sight of your body shivering underneath him. You mewled and moaned for him, squeezing your eyes shut murmuring his name. It was both everything and not enough. 
“Oh, what, princess?” 
“Oh, please, oh please, please, god, oh my god, oni-san.” Your body started convulsing wildly. Bakugou had to grab a hold of your hips to keep his pace steady as he finished his last bout. Your nails clutched and dug into his arms as he felt his rouged relief build up and jet out, hot and heavy into your quaking cunt. 
Bakugou grunted when he pulled out, still pulsing from what you’d done to him. He watched you spill out white, hot seed onto the mattress before he fell on top of you, his forehead pressed to yours. He kissed your sweaty hairline, down the bridge of your nose, and landed on your lips. You kissed him back, albeit languidly, tuckered out from the good fucking your big brother gave you. 
Bakugou chuckled and rolled back into his bed, pulling your body so you were snug up against his bare, sweaty body. The two of you drifted off into a contented sleep. He was grateful that he got his extra forty minutes of rest, but when he woke up his stomach growled. 
“Shit.” Bakugou slithered around your sleeping body, trying harder than he usually would have not to wake you, only to have you grab his hand when he got out of bed. Such a fucking cutie. “Whaddya want?” 
“I… was going to make us breakfast,” you said bashfully, probably mulling over what the two of you had just done. 
“Nah, stay in bed. I’ll whip somethin’ up.” Bakugou brought your hand to his lips and gave it a light kiss. “You’re shit at cooking anyways. Just let your oni-san take care of everything.” 
TAGS FOR EVERYTHING: @ayeputita @yandere-inamorata @dee-madwriter @unboundbnha @rizamendoza808, @rubycubix@smbody-stole-mycar-radio @zellllyyyy@sarcastictextstuck@kpanime @lemonlordleah-shinzawa-kitten @captain-sin-allmight-queen @psionicsnow@wickedlewicked @ghost-of-todoroki @kattariapenn@im-an-adult-sometimes @bnhya @local-senpai@eggpienutbuttercroissant@usernamekate94 @reyvenclaww @hi-ho-and-hello 
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darkmulti · 4 years
Purple Panties (2)
Stray Kids
Parings: Bully!Hyunjin and Felix x female reader
Genre: pure smut
Word Count: 1.3K
Part 1
I apologize for any mistakes. Like always, not edited cuz I’m too fucking tired:)
A/N: warnings are after the undercut. LETS FUCKING GO I FINISHED THIS STUPID REQUEST, ABSOLUTELY HATE IT & I APOLOGIZE FOR THE LONG WAIT. Yeah it’s pretty shitty. Sorry for making you wait for so long only for it to come out as literal trash. I fcking hate myselfff.
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⚠️Warnings: begging, dacryphilia, somnophilia, bondage, choking, spanking, physical abuse, overstimulation, marking, anal, threesome, breath play, spitting, biting, breeding kink, unprotected sex (please wrap before tap)
I do not condone or encourage this type of behaviour. This does not represent Lee Felix or Hwang Hyunjin in any way and is purely for entertainment. Please read the warnings carefully.
Last part will have fluff❣️
“Tie her down, I’m not finished with her.”
Y/N squirms around on the bed, groaning and forcing her eyes open. Her head spun while Hyunjin tightly tied her wrist to the bed frame. She thought the boys were done with her. Why couldn’t they just let her go already?
“Ple-please! You said that you were finished with me!” Her bottom lip quivers as more tears slip out when she makes eye contact with Felix. “We didn’t say that we were finished with you.” Felix spoke deeply, coming closer to her. “We just said that you wouldn’t be able to walk for the rest of today.” Hyunjin said, finishing off the sentence.
The boys nod at each other then look at her. “Well… let's not waste anymore time...” Hyunjin poured out a drink for himself and took a seat. “Knock yourself out, Felix. I’ll join in after my drink.” Felix hums in response and takes his belt off. “Our little doll lost her virginity today. I can still see the blood stain going down her thigh.” A sadistic smirk places on his face as he bends his belt into a loop.
“Please Felix! I’ll do anything you want except for this! Please have mercy on me! Please! I didn’t mean to-” a high pitched yelp leaves her mouth and her thigh muscle quickly clenches. The leather belt left a clear, red mark on her thigh. “No talking. You talk when I tell you.” The girl sharply breathes in, failing to hold her tears in. The only reason why this was happening was because of that stupid milk.
The moment Felix saw her tears, he lost all his patience. “Stop crying before I give you something to cry about.” He hits her other thigh causing her to cry even harder. “I-I’m sorry! I’m trying n-not to!” She bit down on her lip and held her scream in as Felix hit her again. “Do you not understand what ‘no talking’ means?”
“Why are you even letting her breathe right now? Take her Felix. Show no mercy on her. She loves it rough.” Hyunjin chirps in, clearly bored because of the lack of action. He looks over at Y/N who was frantically shaking her head ‘no’ and pulling on her wrist restraint. “Y/N, Y/N, Y/N. No means yes in my eyes...” Felix wraps his hand around her neck and squeezes it while his other hand guides his veiny, thick, cock out.
Y/N closes her eyes, hoping to knock out before they even start. She couldn’t think properly. What did she do to deserve this? She was able to handle their degrading comments but.. this has gone way too far. The girl was deep in thought until she felt something fill her dry cunt up once again.
Her mouth opened to release a scream but it was cut off by Hyunjin’s hand. Without giving her time to comprehend, he got on top of her and shoved his cock into her mouth, making her gag right away. She screamed and cried around him but he continued to push it down further while Felix rammed her pussy.
“Stop struggling! You’re only making it harder for yourself.” Hyunjin growled, plugging her nose. Her face began to heat up and her throat tightened around his cock. She looked at Hyunjin once again with pleading eyes and he finally took himself out. As soon as his tip was on her tongue, she coughed up cum and saliva. “Take her Felix, ruin her!”
Y/N couldn’t respond. All she could think about is breathing. Felix only pushed in harder while Hyunjin took another shot. “It hurts right? That’s good. Maybe you’ll learn.” Felix says in a gravelly tone. His words only made her sob harder. Learn what? She thought. Though her mind was frustrated, her body couldn’t handle more aggression. If she had said something to Felix, it would’ve provoked him.
Lost in her thoughts once again, a hard slap on her cheek brought her back. “Thinking of another man while I fuck you? Disgusting bitch! You’ll probably die by choking on a dick.” Felix smirks at his own comment and slaps her again. “You’re gonna cum for me again. I can feel your walls trembling around my cock. Stop acting like this doesn’t feel good.”
Her feet kicked Felix’s chest, causing him to stop out of shock. Hyunjin stood up and heartlessly slapped her across the face. “So you wanna play hard to get? I can play that baby.” Hyunjin whispered deeply, sending chills down her spine. The boys flipped her onto her side and both roughly entered her at the same time. She sobbed into Felix’s neck while her legs were tightly held down by Hyunjin’s.
Cum covered her private lips and upper thigh, making her feel gross and sticky. Her hair was damped because of sweat and her face was bloated because of the tears. Her eyes burned every time she opened it. What wasn’t hurting? She lost terribly against them. She wasn’t capable of saving herself.
Hyunjin wrapped his long arms around her and placed his head on top of hers. “You look so cute crying under us.” He muttered softly, frightening her more. The older male left gentle kisses along her neck, up to her jawline then cheek. His soft lips brushing against her smooth skin soothed the girl.
Meanwhile, Felix was in paradise. His eyes were closed, but his hips kept thrusting at the same pace. His cock was buried deep in her; from time to time, brushing against Hyunjin’s cock. He didn’t mind that Hyunjin pulled her away from him because it gave him more room to thrust. Both Hyunjin and Felix zoned out to their own little world, making it safe for the girl to zone out as well.
At this point she lost her voice. Tears filled her eyes causing her vision to blur. Y/N didn’t respond to the boys, instead she let herself go. Her mouth hanging open, her arms dropping down on the pillow, the tears sliding down her face. Felix came just by the sight.
“Please! I’m so so so sorry! I- I didn’t even feel you thrusting. I m- must have been unconscious.” She stutters out, explaining herself. Hyunjin bit her ear and kept thrusting harder, chasing his high. “Fuck! You little slut!” Another slap from Felix lands on her hot cheek. “Why can’t you just be a good girl?!” He scolds. “I really try! I’m so sorry for not being good. P- please forgive me. I- I’m just a dumb nobody. I need you to teach me please!”
Hyunjin and Felix couldn’t stop themselves from smiling. Felix pets her hair while Hyunjin slows down behind her. “You finally learned something, princess.” Hyunjin kisses her cheek, suddenly loving on her. She took this opportunity to catch her breath. Each time she took a breath in her pussy twitched around the boys.
“Are you guys done?” She mumbles out quietly. ”Felix may be done but I’m not.” Hyunjin slides out of her ass and stuffs it right back into her pussy. Quiet sobs left her lips when she felt him re-enter. The older males hand quickly covers her mouth as he starts to move faster.
Her insides were on fire. The pain wouldn’t go away. She laid still, unable to move and completely unfocused. It hurt to cum. It hurt to move. Hyunjin kept a tight hold on her when viciously fucking her. It was hard to breathe because of his grip around her stomach and neck. Felix enjoyed the sound of the skin slapping and almost fell asleep.
Sickening, I know.
Hyunjin finally felt his cock burst inside of her. Cum rushing in, painting her insides white. Y/N released a hard breath as she came again. Hyunjin pulled her close to him, refusing to take his cock out of her warm, wet cunt. He fondles with her hair until she falls asleep. Though Hyunjin was tired, one question kept him up.
What if she falls pregnant?
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yourloveissmydrug · 3 years
could you do a sfw readerxbubba fic where the two of you decorate a new mask for him??
Okay funny thing I want to mention first. I started typing and having a layout for what I wanted to write, and had the story down. During the whole process of writing the fic, I was getting my nails done, and grocery shopping. And when I got home I was gonna sit down and fully write it but then I CLOSED ALL THE TABS ON ACCIDENT. And now the first original story is gone but don’t worry💀 I know I know LMFAO but don’t worry I know how the story goes! It’s my first request, and I just wanted to point that out, cuz thought that it was hilarious. Sorry I took so long!!!
It was a typical Friday afternoon, you were laying on Bubba’s bed reading a seventeen magazine on the hot and humid Texas summer day. You were bored out of your mind and all you could do was stare at the wall or read some magazines Drayton brought home from time to time.
Your boredom grew and grew quicker. Bubba was always busy with his chores and victims. So you spent mostly everyday by yourself until his chores were done.
To make it even worse the heat didn’t exactly help. The fan that gave no to little cool air helped a bit but you still were sweating. You laid there in bed, sweating while reading your magazine, you thought to yourself, could this get any worse? But your saving grace came.
You heard the door knob wiggle and jiggle open, your body perked up in hopes for Bubba. Walking through the door was Bubba! Your whole face lit up like a Christmas tree. Bubba was excited to see you too. But this time it was different. He was more ecstatic than usual, and it made you curious. He held out one of his victim’s face with jazz hands. You giggled at his quirky humor, while he snorted along with you.
You were quite confused on why he had one of his victim’s faces with you, but it’s Bubba. He’s unique and not like everybody else, which is why you are very fond of him.
You take a good look at the face and realize it’s a female’s face. Being a newly member of the family, you were still getting use to Bubba’s mannerisms, sometimes it left you confused but you’d followed along with whatever he does.
“So, is this for me?” You question softly with baby doll eyes.
He shook his head no, he took the mask away from you. He grabbed your hand, and walked you towards his crafts table where he works on all of his little gadgets and fine arts he makes.
“You want me to decorate the mask for you?”
Again, Bubba shook his head no. He pointed to you and himself. You finally understood what he meant. It’s hard to understand Bubba, he doesn’t speak words exactly. He mumbles, squeals and says gibberish where nobody can understand except for his brothers.
“You want to decorate the face together?” You asked while trying to hide your blushy cheeks from him.
He nods his head in excitement as you guess right. Now that you had agreed to decorate the face with him, he squeals in pure joy.
He pulls out a chair for you like a gentleman would at his table. He hovers over your whole body to see what will you do first. He’s very eager to do this with you.
“I really love your pretty fancy mask, but it’s been used for so long, hasn’t it?” You ask him.
He nods his head while he puts his hands on your shoulders to give him support while watching you.
“Let’s make you a new one, how about that?”
Bubba couldn’t agree more! Anything you do he loves, and is down for. Bubba wears his fancy pretty masks when he is either eating dinner with the family or going on a very special hunt for a victim. He needs to look his best, and looking his best is a main priority to him.
Looking at the blank canvas of the face that could be filled with creative designs and makeup, you questioned what to start with, but it immediately popped in your mind, blush! You grab a vibrant pinky blush. You dab lightly on the cheeks to not have such a bright pink that looks cakey and awkward. Bubba is amazed at how you applied the blush so subtly that looked so soft and airbrushed.
Then next is lipstick. You grab a bright red lipstick to go with the blush. You knew exactly what color would work well. You finely apply the lipstick around the lining of the mouth of the mask. It looked like an actual woman’s lips.
But now Bubba wanted to take a bit of control. He grabbed one of the deepest dusky blue eyeshadow he has but before he started, you stopped him and insisted he used a brush instead. You dip lightly in the blue eyeshadow, and started to do slow motions to blend out the beautiful blue. Bubba was intrigued by your technique, he then proceeds to overlap your hand that’s on the brush. He wants to blend the eyeshadow together. Your eyes met and you couldn’t control the smile that was beaming off of your face. You let him take control for a bit.
“Slowly Bubba..” You softly advise him.
Bubba blends in slower and softer motions blending the dark blue eyeshadow on the upper eye. You praise him for his contribution on the eyeshadow, you thought he did beautifully. He lets out a happy squeal for making him feel proud of his work.
You both were proud of what you designed together, but both of you knew something was missing. You both wanted to add something extra! You knew exactly! You wanted to add something edgy yet feminine and feisty to the look. Bubba had a stamper collection full of different patterns and designs. Bubba’s personality is quirky, and sweet. You wanted to showcase his personality on this mask that both of you designed together.
“Let’s put this on the cheek bone of the mask, give it some more pizzazz!” You suggest.
Anything that you do, Bubba is happy and pleased with it.
But this time, you want Bubba to add the finally touch to it. It was a tiny heart stamp that would give the look some sweetness to it. Bubba dipped the stamper in black ink, and you directed towards where he should put it. He then prints the stamper on the cheek bone of the mask. You both are proud of your master piece you both designed.
Bubba twirls your hair in appreciation and talks his gibberish. You have no idea what he is saying, but you find it very charming. You give him a kiss on the cheek when he’s not noticing. This was a moment that you both will remember and cherish forever. He just couldn’t wait to show off his new mask to everybody and tell them that the both of you made it!
AHHHH, I hope you liked it. I very much enjoyed writing this! Sorry I took like 10 million yearsss, I had a busy day, and accidentally closed all tabs erasing the whole story, but for future requests gonna do them on a Google doc first 💀
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imagines-dreams · 4 years
Hiya could you do a dating zuko and being really shy headcanon please X?
Ok, I wrote so mannnnyyy headcanons, starting from Book 2 to frickin marriage, so feel free to read part of it of a lot, wouldn’t blame you if you stopped reading cuz holy shit this was long and i just didn’t edit it well, so... Hopefully, some people enjoy it though! So, happy reading!
Ok, look, any relationship with Zuko will need a lot of build up. He’s only been in one relationship, and that was with a girl he’s known since he was a kid. Other than her, the only person he truly trusted was his uncle.
And who could blame him? His father abused him, so becoming his friend, let alone someone he’d love, would be a long process.
So, any relationship will be a major slowburn. With someone very shy? It would be that slowburn that everyone would dream of in fiction.
First meet in Ba Sing Se when he was still going by Lee. He was very closed off, but his uncle wasn’t. Uncle would be thinking something along the lines of “A nice, quiet girl?! Who just wants to lay low and would probably make a great niece-in-law?! Perfect for my nephew who keeps getting into trouble!”
Still, neither you nor “Lee” could really deny him. 
Uncle “Mushi” had learned from trying to set Lee up with Jin. No real date. Just friends first. 
There were a lot of dinners with Lee and his uncle among other friends the two had made in Ba Sing Se. Uncle Mushi usually told funny stories, and he commanded the room. Lee was just quiet. He smiled sometimes, you could count how many times you saw him smile during dinner on your hands.
Still, you two talked sometimes, mostly laughing and sharing confused looks at his uncle’s outrageous stories. 
You also would be able to see him every so often when you were shopping or just going about your day. 
You also knew they were firebenders. Or at least Fire Nation. Fire Nation refugees weren’t too common, but they weren’t rare either. After seeing Zuko write firelily once, it confirmed your suspicions. 
You didn’t say anything though. If they wanted to tell you, they’d tell you.
One night, you saw a crowd of people. They were gathered around Lee, and Lee had a sword?! “Lee!”
The boy fighting your friend glanced at you and scoffed. “Is that even your name? Or do you lie to your girlfriend, too?”
Too distracted by your fear for Lee to even process what the other boy said, you bended the earth around his opponent. One wall to block him from Lee. Another three to keep him boxed in. 
Your legs ached. Bending took way too much energy, especially since you hadn’t used it in years. You heaved and fell to your knees. 
Someone said your name.
Lee bent down and held out his hand.
You gladly took it and let him help you up. “Sorry,” you managed to say as you fell into him. You were so weak.
Lee pulled your arm over his shoulder so he could properly support you. He was talking to someone, and from your peripheral vision, you could see the uniform of the Dai Lee. 
Scared, you leaned more into Lee. 
One of the Dai Lee came to you. “Why were you earthbending?” he asked.
“Uncle.” Lee shoved you behind him and right into his uncle’s arms. “She was defending me.”
“She shouldn’t have been earthbending regardless, especially in such a violent matter.”
“Violent?” Lee’s grip on the sword tightened. “The only one who was violent was him.” He pointed at the other boy. “Accusing my uncle and me for being firebenders.”
You reached out, regaining your energy as each second passed, and placed it on his shoulder. “Lee.”
He looked back at you and sighed. Thankfully, he let go of his sword.
“We are refugees,” Lee’s uncle explained. 
A few other people from the crowd rallied for them. They knew Lee and his uncle in for the delicious tea they served. 
All while the boy Lee was fighting was screaming at everyone, how stupid they all were when Lee and his uncle were obviously firebenders. He was taken away with the Dai Lee.
You admitted that you knew they were firebenders that night. And it didn’t go badly! Their jaws dropped, and it was comical to see Lee’s face contort into more expressions you had never seen before. 
After that, the friendship only grew stronger. You picked up a few other things about Lee as well. A father he wanted to impress. An absent mother. A weird knowledge about ships and the war. There were more glances and subtle touches, him adjusting your collar, handing him tea so your fingers brushed ever so slightly, bumping elbows at the table. You even got into the schoolgirl habit of writing Lee’s name and yours and staring at him from across the room.
Then… they disappeared. 
It wasn’t uncommon for refugees to disappear, but usually they’d tell someone where they were going, if they were in trouble. 
You expected them to reappear, but nothing happened. Of course you were sad they were gone, but that’s how life went in Ba Sing Se, and you didn’t know enough about them to go searching, nor the time. 
Especially since shortly after Lee and his uncle disappeared, Ba Sing Se was conquered. Everything changed. Benders were being rounded up. More people were disappearing. The walls were all coming down. Money was scarce. Soldiers patrolled the entire area. 
During this time, you wanted to lay low, but people were getting hurt. You could only stand by for so long. 
You started to train, every night, hoping your earthbending would get better. 
So, when Ba Sing Se went up in flames, you joined in to fight for the city you felt safe in. You found Uncle Mushi there, fighting with some organization called the White Lotus. You also found out that his name was Iroh, not Mushi.
After fighting off Fire Nation supremacists, you were invited to the Jade Dragon. 
“Hey. Zuko, or, um, I guess Lee, here.” 
You had laughed and hugged him tight. “I was so scared for you,” you admitted. “I’m glad you’re ok.”
It wasn’t until one of his friends cleared their throat that you realized this hug was the first hug you’ve given him. On top of that, you were holding onto each other for quite some time. 
So, the two of you split up. 
However, throughout the get together, you stayed close with L- Zuko. You didn’t really talk much to his friends. Just the introductions and listening to their stories. They seemed really happy to tell you about how they defeated the Fire Nation and ended the war. 
Who wouldn’t be?
“You’re the Fire Lord?” you asked Zuko, away from the others.
“Oh, yeah, I am now.”
You gazed up at him. “That’s incredible.” You laughed. “Should I have bowed? I feel like I should’ve done something.”
“No. No, it’s fine.”
“Oh, then, I can still call you Zuko?”
He laughed a little. “Just not Lee.”
Just like that, you had new friends. As the year went on, you developed relationships with everyone. Sokka loved to creatively use your earthbending. (He said Toph would never let them make toys with earthbending.) Aang loved making you laugh, so he loved to tell you jokes and play games with you. Toph loved, well, trying to train you. She wasn’t the best teacher for you, too demanding and very rude, but you did learn the basics of metalbending after a few months. 
Katara was the kindest out of all of them, and you both loved telling each other stories about your lives before the end of the war. Suki insisted on training you. Even though there was no more war to fight, you had to admit, she was the perfect teacher for you. Kind but stern. 
You started to travel with everyone, giving every long-winded plan and daring choice a logical backing. Making sure the risks they were taking weren’t too great.
You visited the Zuko the most. It even got to the point that Zuko had a room made for you, with your own closet and Earth Kingdom decor. 
There were still the longing gazes and fleeting touches. You always took the opportunity to help him with his formal attire. After all, you didn’t want him to stress himself too much with that scar on his chest. 
But nothing ever happened. Even though Zuko trusted you and you trusted him, neither of you were brave enough to make the first move. 
The gaang was very fed up with it, honestly. Sokka and Toph came up with the most obvious ways to literally shove you two towards each other. Once at a diplomatic gathering in the Northern Water Tribe, Sokka pulled you towards the middle of the dance floor while Toph shoved Zuko in your direction until the two of you bumped into each other. 
Aang was in on it, too. He requested music.
Zuko and you danced, blushing and awkwardly trying to sway without being awkward. 
“I hate my friends,” he mumbled.
You laughed, the awkwardness immediately gone. “They are kinda horrible, aren’t they?” 
Still no confession, but you still had a great time dancing with your best friend.
(The gaang wanted to pull their hair out. Seriously, you two were so obvious!)
As the years passed, Zuko and you acted more and more like a couple. Where there were brushes of skin against skin slowly became holding each other’s hand during boring meetings. Where there were short-lived gazes unseen by the other became smiles and knowing looks after an easy fight. Where there were hugs before leaving became long embraces followed by kisses on the cheek. 
There were some more intense moments, like when Ozai’s supporters attacked the palace and you ran out of safety and to Zuko. While you weren’t as great as a fighter, you could still do a solid defense, and when it came to Zuko, you defended him with your life. 
“What are you doing here?!”
You grunted as you put up a wall between the two of you and the Ozai sympathizers. “Stopping you from burning the palace down apparently!”
Even after all those years, he had a tendency to be reckless.
Or the time some Water Tribe assassins tried attacking you and him and he shoved you behind him to defend you.  “Stay back!”
“Let me help!”
Everyone just assumed you were a couple, and really, nobody could blame them. 
The confession came quietly. 
You and Zuko had just finished a shift at the Jasmine Dragon. It was a day of serving the people of the Ba Sing Se, of smiles and laughter, and of shared inside jokes between you, Zuko, and Uncle Iroh.
And when it came time to go to sleep, Uncle Iroh was distraught. “I can’t believe this happened!” He dug through the cabinets, throwing various things around the small apartment. “I knew you were coming, my dear, and I forgot to get a new bed for you!”
You laughed. “Uncle, it’s ok. You’ve been busy.”
Zuko just crossed his arms. “We’ve been preparing for her visit for weeks.”
“Which is why I can’t believe I forgot to make a bed!” Uncle iroh lamented. He stroked his beard. “Hm, I would share my bed, but I tend to snore and move quite a bit. Zuko! Why don’t you share your bed?”
While your cheeks burned in embarrassment, Zuko only glared at his uncle. “Fine.”
To be fair, Zuko and you have slept in the same bed before. Sometimes work went on for too long and you two happened to fall asleep in the same bed. But all those times before were by accident on a bed meant for two. Not on a bed meant for one and not on purpose.
After the awkward tiptoeing around and offerings to sleep on the floor, finally, the two of you agreed to sleep on the bed. Zuko held you close, your back to his chest. Both of you purposely chose that position so that no one could see the other blush. 
As the years, actually minutes, passed by, the both of you relaxed into it, and it was almost natural. 
“You know,” you said softly, “that I love you, right?”
Zuko was quiet, and you hoped to the spirits he was sleeping. After a while with no answer, you took a deep breath and tried to go to sleep. 
That is, until Zuko admitted,  “I’m not good at these things.”
“Neither am I.”
The arm around your waist tightened, and you couldn’t help but snuggle closer into his embrace. 
“I love you, too,” he said. 
That was enough for the two of you, at least for one night. You two loved each other and that was enough.
The next morning was busy. The schedule was just to serve at the Jasmine Dragon and you had an appointment with some historians who wanted to know more about Zuko’s first time in Ba Sing Se. Zuko and Iroh, however, had a meeting at the palace.
Zuko was rushing around, trying to find all the pieces of his popper attire before leaving, while Uncle Iroh was trying to get him to eat breakfast. You were just smiling at all of it, pouring some cups of tea.
Zuko glanced at the window. “Uncle, we’re going to be late! Do you even have your clothes?”
“Of course, I have. But did you have food yet? At least some tea.”
“Yes, tea!” You lifted up a fresh cup of jasmine. “Zuko, you should have something before you leave.”
“I don’t need-” 
His eyes meant yours, and you only handed him the cup of jasmine tea. “You’re welcome. Also, you have some dim sum in your bag.”
He shook his head, downed the entire hot cup, and called again, “Uncle!” He smiled at you. “Thanks, bye.” He kissed you and was out the door. 
It took a few seconds, and he had left you speechless. And judging by the way he didn’t say anything before he ran out the door with Uncle Iroh behind him, he didn’t notice.
It took you a while to realize what exactly happened. 
Zuko downed some tea you gave him.
He turned around, called his uncle, then just kissed you.
He just leaned over, pressed his lips against yours for a second, maybe less. 
Then, he left.
You loved him, and he loved you. The two of you admitted that you loved each other, but the topic was too heavy and scary to clarify it further. Was that kiss a sign? Were you two together? Was that kiss some sort of rite of passage?
The rest of your day went by in a fog. 
You served tea. You smiled and had polite conversations. You listened to historians and corrected a fact here or there. 
And when Zuko finally came home, you were preparing the food you had bought, and you were frozen for a second.
“Uncle’s gone out for dinner.” He let his hair down and ran his fingers through it. 
(He had been growing it out. You had learned that hair was really important in Fire Nation culture, and apparently, before he and Uncle left for Ba Sing Se, they cut their hair, some sort of symbol that they weren’t working for the Fire Nation anymore)
You just hummed and started to prepare a serving for Uncle’s late night snack. But then! Zuko was behind you and looking at the food you had gotten.
And you were silently screaming on the inside! Because if you just turned around, and if he just leaned down, you two would be kissing. And he already kissed you! But he didn’t seem to remember that! He was just! Casually talking to you!
“What did you get?” he asked. Such an innocent question from a man who wasn’t innocent because he had kissed you
You barely managed to stutter, “O-oh, some, uh, pho.” You smiled and handed him his share. “Here!” Immediately, you turned back around to avoid him
And Zuko, baffled, just stood there, unsure as to why you were acting so strangely. You weren’t mad. Whenever you had some sort of problem with him, you would retreat into yourself, unintentionally give him the silent treatment, almost as if he was a stranger to you.
But this, the awkward glances and the too-quick movements, that was new territory. 
At first, Zuko thought it was about what had happened the night before, but just as he was about to ask again, he remembered what had happened in the morning.
The kiss
He groaned. “I’m sorry. I told you I was bad at this!” He didn’t throw the bowl of pho on the floor, but the bowl did make a loud sound and soup did spill when he let it fall onto the table. 
You turned to see him covering his face with his hands and shaking his head. “I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have done that.” When he uncovered his face, he didn’t meet your eyes. 
Zuko looked so sad.
And you couldn’t have that. You loved him too much to let him be sad. 
Before you could even comprehend what you were doing, you were cradling his cheeks and looking up into his amber eyes. Under his intense gaze, you were a little nervous, but the want to comfort him was stronger. “I’m bad at this, too.”
And then, you were kissing him
And it was everything. Kissing the man you loved, it was the best feeling, because you were trying to take care of him, he was trying to take care of you. Holding you close and rubbing circles into the small of your back, all to comfort you.
And when he pulled away, Zuko told you, “You’re not bad at that.”
You laughed and nuzzled your nose against his. “Neither are you.”
Safe to say that when Iroh came home to find you and his nephew snuggled up together in the bed he forced the two of you to share, he smiled and wrote letters to the rest of the gang immediately.
There were pros and cons to Uncle finding out before you told him. Pro, you didn’t have to tell him. Con, you two woke up to Uncle Iroh cooking a large meal fit for an army and a hug for you while he shouted, “Good morning, my new niece-in-law!”
You were embarrassed, to say the least, but you felt better when Zuko tugged you closer to him and told his uncle, “You can’t possibly believe that we could eat all of this.”
“No, you can’t.” Iroh beamed. “But I can! I’m celebrating! A niece! I have a niece!” 
In two weeks, Uncle, Zuko, and you were back in the Fire Nation. 
There was a party when you arrived. Not for the Fire Lord’s return. No, it was your friends celebrating that you and Zuko were finally together.
“Double date!” Sokka was hanging off of you and pointed at his girlfriend, “We need couple friends.”
“Hey!” Aang said, “Don’t Katara and I count?”
“No, my sister and her boyfriend can’t be mine and Suki’s couple friends.” He grimaced. “I already see you guys kiss enough.”
Katara rolled her eyes and kissed her boyfriend’s cheek.
“Eugh!” Sokka hid behind you. “Save me! I’m being tortured.”
Zuko shook his head and asked Suki, “We’re leaving him home on our double dates, right?”
“Oh yeah.” She laughed and dragged her boyfriend from behind you. “Come on.”
Zuko and you were apprehensive to be seen in public, but you two have known each other for years, loved each other for almost as much time. 
“My mother was forced into marriage,” Zuko said one night, almost a year after the two of you had kissed. “My father was told by a sage that he must marry my mother to ensure the family bloodline. They were right, but in the wrong way, i guess.”
You looked up from your scroll and asked out of curiosity, “Are all Fire Nation marriages arranged?”
“No, mostly for those of an upper class. I was arranged to have a marriage with Mai.”
“How is Mai?”
“Good. I received a letter from her and Ty Lee a few days ago.”
You smiled. “Do you think they’ll get engaged soon?”
“Definitely before we do.”
Before the two of you? Even though marriage was stressful and a huge step forward, you couldn’t help the little bubble of happiness that formed in your gut and transformed into a dreamy sigh of “We?”
Just like that, the Fire Lord went red in the cheeks. “I mean, because they’ve been together longer, so I would assume if we were to get married, well-” He cut himself off by groaning, which only got you to giggle. He stared at the ceiling. “Almost a year, and I’m still bad at this.”
You smiled and took his hand in yours. “You’re not bad at this.” 
He took a deep breath. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be.” You shrugged, and your voice softened when you said, “I can see us getting married, too.”
He smiled at you. “How do they do it in the Earth Kingdom?”
You hummed. “In Ba Sing Se, if two people were getting married, they just decided they would and move in together.” You bit your lip as you tried to think back on the times before Ba Sing Se. “I’ve heard of a tradition where people hold a party to announce their love and the ceremony ends when the couple leave for their house.”
“I see.” Zuko played with your fingers as he explained, “Here, one partner gives the other a ring, to symbolize- Wait.” He tilted his head. “In Ba Sing Se, would we be considered engaged already?”
You laughed, as heat settled in your cheeks. You and Zuko were a well-known couple in the Earth Kingdom, and since you did move into the palace, to some, you would be. “I guess we would!”
He nodded. “You ok with that?”
There was more to that question that meets the eye. The Fire Nation loved you, sure, but some parts didn’t. There was a group trying to rebel against the peace and prosperity Zuko and all of your friends have fought so hard to gain, a group that wanted Ozai or Azula back on the throne. They have made a few attempts on Zuko, none near successful. But, if you were to get engaged, they’d come after you, too. 
Being engaged to Zuko put a bigger target on your back.
“I’m ok with that.”
But, how could you be afraid of them when you had Zuko by your side?
You nodded. “Good.”
Zuko and you had two weddings. One in private on Ember Island with the gaang and a few close friends. It ended with you exchanging an Earth Kingdom bracelet for a Fire Nation crown. 
There was an afterparty, with dancing and a large feast. There were also speeches.
“You know, if anyone was going to marry the Firlord, I thought it was gonna be me-”
“Sokka!” Suki laughed.
“-or maybe my sister-”
Katara only rolled her eyes with a smile.
“-but if it couldn’t be either of us, I’m glad it’s you!”
“I couldn’t think of a better couple than you two,” Suki started. 
“Hey!” Sokka did not like that statement.
“Honestly, you two are already attractive by yourselves, but together?” Suki was smiling so innocently the entire time. “Hey, (Y/n), you sure you don’t wanna reconsider. I can show around Kyoshi Island sometime.”
“Ok that’s enough!” Sokka couldn’t drag his girlfriend out of the spotlight or stop her from saying how great Zuko and you were, but he did glare at both of you throughout the speech. “I’m watching you.”
“I’m sure you are, Sokka,” you told him. 
Your husband laughed. “I mean, if anyone was to take her away, I wouldn’t mind it being Suki.”
“Don’t test me, Sparky!”
It was funny how even though all of you were well into your 20’s, Sokka’s voice could still crack. 
Toph wasn’t one for speeches. She showed her love by keeping Sokka away from you two and pushing Suki towards you. She really loved the laugh. 
(You apologized to Sokka later with the gift of leftovers.)
Mai actually had a memorable speech. 
“Ty Lee wouldn’t let me put my name on her gift, which sucks.” She glared at her wife, who only smiled. “So, this is my gift for you. Not you, Zuko, but for your wife.” She smirked. “When Zuko was five he thought he could eat all the spicy food in the kitchen-”
“-it didn’t end well.”
Toph also occupied Zuko while Mai rambled on about Zuko in his childhood. It was very fun.
Uncle Iroh also spoke. “I didn’t know this was supposed to be about embarrassing my nephew.”
“It wasn’t!”
“And that’s ok, because I have something on our dear bride.”
You paled. “Oh no.”
“If you aren’t aware, I knew (Y/n) during our time as fugitives, and she loved to stare at my nephew during his shifts.”
Your husband looked at you. “Did you?”
“Not that much!”
Uncle continued, “I also caught her doodling Lee’s name-”
“Please, Uncle, continue!”
Aang shave advice to the two of you. “Please talk to each other,” he said with a laugh. He recounted the times Katara and he didn’t communicate early in their relationship resulting in an unhealthy on and off relationship for a year before the two of them sat down and just talked. 
Katara gushed over how happy she was for the two of you. “Zuko was always grumpy, and I’m glad there’s someone he can be less grumpy with!”
Azula dropped in. She had escaped rehabilitation, and Zuko had let her go. It was near the end of the ceremony, and Zuko and you had snuck out to take a breather. 
He held you close as the two of you swayed to muted music. 
“I do hate to intrude.”
You yelped and the earth beneath Azula’s feet nearly threw her into the air. While her mind was still recovering, it seemed like her agility wasn’t affected. “To be fair, I did expect that reaction.”
“Azula?” Your husband kept his hand in your as he moved closer to his sister. “I-”
“Save it. I’m here to drop something off.” She held out a pouch for him to take. 
“Zuko, I am not here to talk to you.”
You gulped. “Then what about me?” You smiled. “You can come home, Azula.”
If Azula was affected by your words, she didn’t let it show. 
Zuko took the pouch and by the time the two of you looked up, she was gone. 
Inside were two rings. 
Zuko laughed. “She probably stole these.”
“She could be living an honest life, too, you know?”
“Possibly. We don’t have to use these.”
You took the rings in your hands. They were beautifully crafted, and while gold was the main color, hints of red and green were there too. “If I can’t have Azula as a bridesmaid, then we might use her gifts.”
The public ceremony took place a few months later, and it was grand and very, very public. You were not comfortable. 
You could only change so much of it, though. 
Zuko and you would pull each other to the sidelines when it all got too much. Your friends gladly made excuses when you were absent. 
By the end, you were stuffed full with food and exhausted. 
“Please tell me marriage won’t be like this all the time.”
You laughed and sluggish cuddled up into his arms. “I can’t tell you. Never been married before.”
“The first few months were nice.”
“When no one knew.”
He laughed. “No big ceremonies or dumb speeches.”
“Or embassadors or loud music.” You sighed. “Kinda terrified, to be honest.”
You could feel Zuko stiffen under you, and immediately, you added, “I’m glad you and I get to go through it together, though.”
He nodded. “I do hate life less.”
As Fire Lady, you were kind and gentle, and while you did need breathers in meetings and galas and public events, you enjoyed helping people with policy changes and additions. 
Zuko encouraged you to take risks, and when you were too tired to voice your opinions, Zuko voiced them for you. 
You also were the only one who could calm down Zuko. While his temper wasn’t too much of a problem, sometimes he was so stressed that even the training room couldn’t hold in his anger. 
You’d lead him to your bedroom and just hold him, and if he wanted to talk, you listened. 
The two of you were the definition of quiet strength, and even though assassins and Ozai sympathizers tried to take you two down, you and your family never faltered, especially you and Zuko
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clareisa · 4 years
Beauty Of The Undead - 「Hwang Hyunjin」
♠ - vampire!Hyunjin X female reader
♠ - genre: vampire!au, suggestive, angsty
♠ - words: 1,2k
Tumblr media
♠ - 1st day - ♠ creeptober ♠
♠  - English is not my first language, so please, excuse my mistakes
 They were calling him by a lot of names, were spreading countless rumours about him, were cursing him and spitting every time his name was mentioned. Most of them never even saw him and those who did steal a quick glance at his face were making up stories about how scary their young Lord actually is. Which... was actually far away from the truth, but people lived for this rumours and liked to spread them and making them up. Just for the sake of being entertained.
 You were listening to this rumours since you came to the city with your nomadic artist group. Including mostly musicians and dancers, you were the only painter included. From classical art to landscapes, to portraits. 
  You could do it all. As soon as people found out about your talent, they were telling you to run away as soon as possible, telling you their lord will be the cause of your death. You were confused. Why? But nobody seemed like they wanted to talk about that.
 But, of course, people couldn't keep their mouth shut for too long and told you every single thing that was whispered around about their young lord. He never came out, he hated people, his appetite was really strange, he prohibited any mirrors in the castle and the most important... He was obsessed with his own portraits, but every single painter that went to create a young lord's portrait went missing...
 These things only indicated one thing about the young lord, but everyone was scared to say it out loud...
 But there you were. In dark, richly decorated room with heavy velvet curtains that were dividing the space from the real world, just slightly opened, giving you a peek at the round moon outside. You were taken here by royal guards in the middle of the night. You expected it and you actually wanted to go. Something inside you longed to see the young lord everyone feared and hated. You didn't know why. You probably had a thing for mysterious and obscure men.
 The room was lightened up with tens, if not thousands of candles, making the mood quite romantic but still enigmatic. The massive bed in the middle of the room looked inviting but you immediately cut short your sinful thoughts and sat in front of the canvas already arranged with all the needed equipment next to it.
 The sound of the heavy mahogany door opening, made your head snapped back in the speed of light only to see the most gorgeous man you've ever seen... no, I'm not exaggerating.  He took your breath away. The first thing you saw was his deep brown eyes, maybe you were hallucinating but you could see carmine red in a particular angle.His figure was quite tall and slim, the silhouette of a perfectly and delicately shaped body was noticeable even under the casual midnight black hanbok.  For a reason, to you strange, you had a need to bury your hands into his silk-like silver longish hair that was reaching his shoulders. His lips almost unnoticeably parted had a red tint and looked soft and plush.  But the most distant feature to you was his skin. It was... different. It was fair but had an unnatural greyish undertone, it was so imperfect and dull that it was stunning in a strange way. His appearance made you freeze on your spot. Nothing else existed at that moment, just the young lord.
 "Hyunjin..." suddenly a honey-like voice came from his lips as he sat on the chair in front of you, immediately posing for you. That was when you snapped out of your daydream, took your brush while blood warmed up in your cheeks. You knew his name but hearing it from him was something else.  "Paint me in my best version." one simple sentence but you felt small and like the most unimportant thing in the world.  You gulped and nodded, dipping your brush to the rich colours next to you.  You were quiet for hours, focusing on every detail on the folds of the hanbok of a grim reaper, his greyish skin, cold eyes with that carmine red undertone you saw from time to time.
 "Done..." you said in a shaky voice as you finally finished his portrait just before the sun was ready to climb up over the horizon.
 He stood up and slowly walked to you, standing behind you but you quickly stood up, moved out of his way and bowed in a ninety-degree angle.
 "What is your name?" he asked.  "Y/N, my lord..." you said with your head down.  "Why did you paint me like this, huh? Didn't I tell you to paint my best version? Like other monarchs?" he asked. You could hear the slight annoyance in his voice.  "I ... I think this is your best version, my lord," you said in a submissive tone.  Suddenly you felt how he took your chin and made you look at him. His eyes were fully red, his canine teeth longer than before. You thought people were just spreading rumours but now, seeing him like this... he was too perfect to be human.
"You think this is the best version?" his tone harsh, "You painted me like a monster..." he said but didn't do anything. It almost looked like he was waiting for your answer.  "No, my lord. You look perfect like this. I... I like what I see, I admire what I see. Y-you are not a monster... you are stunning, almost inhumanly gorgeous." you said looking right to his red iris.
 He looked you up and down and you gulped under his gaze. Suddenly he chuckled and smirked.  "Finally... you don't lie. Not with your words, neither your painting. Thank you." his smirk transformed to sweet and warm smile as he caressed your cheek.  "Why thanking me, my lord?" you asked, confused.
 He walked closer to the window, "I'm sure you've heard what they say about me.." the sun touched his skin and the greyish colour started almost glowing under the morning sunshine.  "And from how you did paint me, I'm sure you know what I'm." he looked at you again and you nodded carefully, making him smile a little.  "And you are not scared?" he asked and you nodded. "Then why you are still here?" you didn't know. You were scared but you for some reason you didn't want to leave him.   "I'm thankful because I didn't see my true face for centuries. Every painter painted me like a human, how I was before I died. It hurt me cuz I know that is not me. Not anymore." he sighed. "Everyone fears me... everyone is disgusted by me... except you." he bit his lip.
 He walked back to you, slowly, making sure you watch every of his move and pushed down the upper part of his hanbok to his collarbones and part of his chest visible. His skin so delicately imperfect, his eyes glowing, his canine teeth sharp...you couldn't move.  "Maybe you could paint something else than a portrait. What do you think?" he was hypnotising you.  You didn't even know he was slowly backing you up to the massive bed you admired before... with you nodding.
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It's that time once again when Diabolical plays in my head on loop.
Can I please get fic where Hels gets back on hermitcraft server? Causing some shenanigans and general trouble?
This was so much fun to write, thank you!! It also ended up being WAY more angsty than I expected but I’m sure you’ll enjoy it anyway, my friend :) Slight CW: minor descriptions of injuries
  Welsknight had been avoiding his nether portal as much as possible since he saw his doppelganger disappear through it. Something about the formerly harmless particles and whooshing noise when he walked past it now just about gave him an anxiety attack every time he walked past it. Once, when Jevin popped out of it to say hello just hours after Helsknight had left, Wels had reacted so violently that Jevin was STILL wary around him all these months later. 
  Nobody used his portal anymore. He made sure of that. 
  One sunny day, he finally worked up the courage to go to the shopping district, something he hadn’t dared to do in weeks in case something happened. He went straight past his own portal and flew all the way to Etho’s; there was no way he was going to use the portal his evil clone went through to go back to the hell dimension from which he had come. 
  The shopping district had changed a lot in the weeks Wels had been avoiding it. He couldn’t help staring around at the myriad of new shops that had sprung up. It almost seemed like an entirely new place. 
  As Wels entered the barge, he found another Hermit already inside, browsing the chest full of golden carrots. 
  “Hi, Joe,” said Wels politely, unable to hide a smile at the sight of his old friend. 
  Joe turned and gave him a wave. “Howdy, Wels. Haven’t seen you around here for a few weeks.”
  “Yeah, it’s been… a while. Just been busy, that’s all.” Wels awkward;y indicated the chest. “You, uh… buying stuff?”
  “Nah, I’m not dealing with diamonds this season. I thought Grian might be open to some kind of trading system using stuff other than diamonds but he hasn’t responded to my message yet, so in the meantime, I’m-.” He broke off with a frown. “Okay, I think I might have forgotten to actually send the message.”
  Wels chuckled. “You’re busy too, huh? You only start forgetting stuff when you’ve got a lot on your mind.”
  Joe matched his chuckle. “I’ve got quite a few projects going at the moment, yes. You wanna come over to my base sometime and I’ll show you what I’m working on?”
  “That sounds nice, Joe, thanks.”
  At that moment, the sound of a firework going off nearby caused both of them to look up. A second later, a figure glided through the door and landed neatly on the ground, his elytra closing as he took a few steps further into the room. “Hey, Wels,” Etho said, giving a friendly wave. “Man, you really got here fast.”
  Wels frowned at his friend. “What do you mean?”
  “Well, I just saw you over by Shade-E-E’s a minute ago. You said hello to me and everything.”
  “That…” Wels’s heart skipped a beat. “That wasn’t me.”
  Etho frowned back. “Well, then… Someone must’ve stolen a spare set of armour or something, cuz it looked exactly like you.”
  “Oh…” Blinking very fast, Wels let out a nervous breath. “Oh, boy… Please don’t tell me he’s back…”
  Etho and Joe exchanged a confused look. “Who?” asked Joe.
  Wels considered either making something up or dismissing his comment, but looking at the concerned faces of two of his best friends on the server, he decided to tell the truth. “The evil clone of myself that Beef and I accidentally created who ran off into the nether after I beat him in a rap battle when he tried to destroy the server.”
  Etho stared at him with wide eyes. 
  “I thought it might be something like that,” said Joe, nodding.
  “How can you possibly have been expecting that?” Wels said in disbelief.
  Joe shrugged. “I’ve heard weirder.”
  “Well… anyway. His name is Helsknight and he’s from a nether-like dimension called Hels, apparently. I thought I’d driven him back to where he came from but I should’ve known he wouldn’t stay away for long.”
  “To be frank, beating him in a rap battle isn’t quite as definitive as beating him in PVP,” said Joe. 
  Wels scowled. “The last time I tried PVP, you dropped an anvil on my head from a great height.”
  “Oh yeah.” Joe snickered. “I did.”
  “Leaving that aside,” said Etho, “it seems there’s an evil clone of you loose on the server, so we should probably deal with that. Helsknight, you said his name is?”
  Wels nodded. “He looks exactly like me except his eyes are red, his armour is slightly greyer than mine, and his hair is a darker shade of blond.”
  “Ohh, I noticed the darker armour,” said Etho. “I just thought it was the shade from my shop. I guess we’d better go find him, huh?”
  “Yeah, I need to find him before he causes any more chaos. You guys should probably warn the other Hermits so they-.”
  “No, we’re coming with you to find him,” Etho interrupted. 
  “It’ll be quicker if the three of us look together,” Joe added. “Plus, I’ve never met an evil clone before, so it would be rather thrilling to do so.”
  Wels frowned at his friends. “Are you sure? He’s really dangerous. I don’t know exactly what he’s capable of, but he’s from a hellfire dimension, so...”
  “As sure as the day is long,” replied Joe, patting his friend on the shoulder. “You need our help and we aren’t gonna abandon you.”
  As Etho nodded, Wels gave a small smile. “Thank you, guys. I really appreciate it.”
  “No worries. So where should we look first?” asked Etho.
  “Well…” Wels thought for a moment. “He’s probably trying to cause some shenanigans on the server. If we check certain prominent places on the server, we’ll probably find him trying to lure me out somehow.”
  “I’ll check the rest of the shopping district, then,” said Joe. “He might still be here.”
  “I’ll have a look round the nether hub and the Upside Down,” Etho added. “You said he’s from a nether-like dimension so he might gravitate there. What about you, Wels?”
  “I’m going to Bdubs’s castle,” said Wels. “It’s the most medieval build on the server, so if he isn’t there now, he’ll end up there eventually.”
  “Okay, but be careful, Wels,” Etho said softly. “Don’t do anything reckless.”
  “I won’t.”
  With that, the group split up. 
  Wels flew straight over to Bdubs’s base. As he got closer, he couldn’t help marvelling at the sheer size and grandeur of the cliff and the castle sitting atop it. It was one of the grandest bases on the servers, so Wels felt sure he would find his clone here.
  He landed atop the cliff and started looking around. As he explored further, he spotted the person he was looking for standing at the entrance to Bdubs’s castle. 
  “If you’re looking for your little friend Bdoubleo, he’s in the nether,” crowed Helsknight. “I watched him go through his portal.”
  Wels glared up at his doppelganger. “You know I’m not looking for Bdubs.”
  “Are you here to rap battle with me again, then?” Helsknight grinned. “I warn you: I’ve been practising.”
  Shaking his head, Wels drew his sword. “No, Hels. I’m going to do what I should have done in the first place.” 
  Helsknight sighed and drew his own sword. “So boring. Come on, then.”
  His doppelganger’s relaxed, indifferent manner sent a bolt of anger straight into Wels. Letting out a yell, he charged to attack.
  Their battle lasted at least ten minutes, though to Wels, it felt like hours. He poured all his energy into his swings, attacking his evil clone with all the rage and fear that had threatened to consume him since Helsknight had disappeared into the nether all those months ago. He was done letting his negative emotions control his life. 
  Finally, Wels managed to knock Helsknight’s sword out of his hand and kick him to the ground, aiming his own sword at his evil clone’s neck. 
  Helsknight simply grinned evilly up at him. “You gonna kill me, Welsy? I wouldn’t do it if I were you; we Hels Hermits only get stronger when we die. If you kill me, I’ll come back with a vengeance. We have a special lava fountain in Hels that can-.”
  “Oh, shut up,” snapped Wels suddenly. “I’m not going to kill you, but not because of any stupid threats you make. I don’t care what you have in Hels. I’m not going to kill you, because I’m merciful. But if you ever come back here again, I won’t be so forgiving. Do you understand?”
  Helsknight simply stared back at him. “You’ve got some great friends here, Welsy. Better hold onto them in case something… happens.”
  Wels narrowed his eyes. “You stay away from them. I swear to god, if you-.”
  He hadn’t realised that he had lowered his hand slightly until Helsknight moved, fast as lightning, and kicked the sword out of his hand. Before he could react, Helsknight jumped up and grabbed him by the throat. He took two steps forward and threw Wels over the edge of the cliff. 
  The fall seemed to take only a split second, but the cliff was tall enough that Wels’s left leg broke immediately upon impacting the ground. He lay still in shock, too numb to cry, despite the searing pain in his leg, which was folded painfully underneath his body. 
  Helsknight appeared above him and effortlessly picked him up off the ground, again by the throat. He grinned, his face less than a foot from Wels’s.
  “You know what else we have in Hels?” Helsknight taunted. “Fire. Lots of fire.”
  He lifted his free hand, which was now engulfed in burning hot flames. Wels weakly struggled in his grip, trying to lean as far away from his counterpart as possible, as Helsknight slowly moved the fire closer to his face, taunting him with the fact that he couldn’t escape it. 
  The flames started to burn his face. He held his breath, trying not to let his pain show, trying not to give Helsknight the satisfaction. 
  But finally, he couldn’t hold it in any longer. He let out a cry at the burning agony across the side of his face.
  Helsknight barked a laugh and retracted his hand, as if all he’d been after was a reaction from Wels. “Maybe you should stick with the rap battles next time.”
  With that, he dropped Wels on the ground and walked away.
  Wels lay where he fell, unable to move through the burning pain in his face and leg. His chest moved quickly up and down as he struggled for oxygen, still winded from the battle. 
  “Wels!” yelled a familiar voice from somewhere behind him. 
  Seconds later, Joe appeared on his right and Etho on his left, their worried faces peering down at him. 
  “Is he okay?” Joe gasped.
  “H-His face…!” Etho gently touched Wels’s burnt cheek. Wels could feel his friend’s cool fingers trembling. “Wels, can you hear me?”
  Wels couldn’t speak, couldn’t reassure his friends that he would be okay. His leg would heal. His face, he wasn’t sure yet. The only thing he knew wouldn’t heal was the crushing feeling of failure, of knowing that because of said failure, an evil clone of himself was still running around the server, potentially hurting people he cared about. The pain in his leg and face served as an agonising reminder that he wasn’t strong enough to stop his doppelganger. 
  How was he supposed to protect other people when he couldn’t even protect himself?
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praphit · 3 years
F9: What does Absurdity even mean anymore?
Due to COVID, I thought that my last movie theater experience was going to be "Bad Boys For Life". I'm happy to say that if I died today, I would be telling souls in Heaven that "F9" was the last movie I saw on the big screen (I'm sure that films are big talking points in the after life).
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There weren't too many people there:
There was a woman coughing in the corner; I barely looked at her. I imagined that COVID was mugging her, and I didn't want to be a witness, and so have COVID come after me next. I'm vaxxed, but still I was thinking of ways to distract COVID, so I could enjoy the film. There was an old couple sitting up front (like REALLY OLD... sitting UP FRONT... Ha! that's awesome). Awesome or not, I was going to point them out if COVID came after me. There were two obese kids sitting a few rows behind me that I could also point out, as well as my friend that I was sitting next to... what?? Look, they would ALL want me to escape, so I could bring my "F9" review to the people!
Let's not talk about my survival skills, let's talk some Vin & the Fam - that's why we're here!
It took a while for me to remember what was going on:
Dom (Vin), Letty (M. Rod), and their... kid? Oh, right, they have a kid, and they moved on to start a new life together. 
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Didn't the real mom die or something?? Idk. You've got the British lady from "GOT" still hanging out with Luda and Tyrese. 
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(they so crazy)
"Hobbs and Shaw" are still gone 
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(making their own money, cuz bleep family!). 
Brian (Paul Walker's character - rip) is apparently, now everyone's babysitter. So, if anyone in this gang, who could die on any of these missions, ever have kids, they can just send them off to Nanny Brian's. 
There's a dude named Mr. Nobody who sometimes sends the gang on secret spy missions.
Oh, and people in the gang keep coming back from the dead. Boom! We're caught up with this absurdity. That's actually what I asked for when I got to the movies 
"Give me one ticket for Absurdity please."
In this batch of the absurd, we find out that Dom has a brother, and he's John Cena (Jakob). 
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Charlize Theron is back! That must have been the worst bet that she has ever lost. I consider her to be one of the most underrated and underappreciated actors we've got, but movies like these ain't helping that case.
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And who's idea was it to give her that haircut? - part of the bet she lost, I suppose. 
It was reported that the gang goes into space (at least two of them do). 
Annnnd the X-Men Jet is back! 
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(it really does look like that - Wolverine included)
Seriously, after the X-Men's last two movies (which were turrrible), I was expecting them to crossover for a fresh start. Why not?? They're a spy team now, that goes to space! - nothing should be off the table.
They're looking for two halves of some... war sphere?? If put back together with some key... idk... John Cena rules the world.
Remember when Vin and the gang were all about street racing, money, survival, and brown booty? - those were simpler times!
But, why discuss the plot? Seriously, why? None of it makes any sense. From Dom and Letty living like Amish people (which is an ending worse than death for action heroes) 
to their convoluted explanation for bringing the latest person back from the dead (which reminds me of a married couple, when the husband or wife get caught watching porn, and try to explain that it was just a pop-up that came out of nowhere. The other spouse gulps their glass of wine and plows forward - that was me with this - gulping my soda (with a lil Henny) saying "whatever guys, let's please just move on".
and  what's going on with the two brother's is a thin thread at best. AND the villain's motivation...  
But, it's foolish to get into that., and take points off. I LOVE THESE MOVIES, but it ain't for the story. Let's grade "F9" by its own standards:
Racing, Action, and Family (they graduated from booty to family):
They've done the racing in a small city thing before, but this time it's with magnets! - SUPER MAGNETS!
I loved this! Cars are getting sucked into magnets. They're using them to make people fly away and explode. Which btw, they did my man Francis Ngannou wrong (an mma fighter). There's a fight scene with a giant white dude on top of a speeding vehicle. That giant white dude could have and should have been the role for Francis, instead he's just here to say high, and then blow up. As much as I loved these scenes, they were too quick in some areas. I think if they had slowed some of the magnet stuff down a bit, we could appreciate more what's happening.
M.Rod is legit. 
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She needs her own franchise. The only action star I enjoyed more than her was Vin, and that's really due to the absurdity of one scene. Do y'all remember the "Civil War" scene when Captain America has one hand on a building and another pulling back a helicopter?? 
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It's the same level of strength needed for what Vin does in some underground chambers. You can see a bit of it in the trailer. He pulls the whole place down, and then, just like in "Civil War", he ends up in the water (but unconscious). Oh, and he does this after beating up like 50 people at once. Ha! I love it! Then, how he is rescued (cuz c'mon, he can't die) is splendidly preposterous, and I mean that is a complimentary way. That scene is perfection.
The only action that bothers me comes from Dom's sister (mia). 
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She just doesn't sell being a fighter, but whatever. No disrespect... she’s beautiful, but... her hair might weigh more than the rest of her body.
Apparently, the highest trained fighters (agents) in the world (who have GUNS) never trained for a unskilled, unprepared, 110 lb woman in her 40's with a frying pan.
Family & Corona
Tyrese and Luda are always funny, but their act is growing a bit thin. It actually felt like an act this time around. I think it's time to add another black man in the mix; perhaps one who's older than they are... TRACY MORGAN?
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Throw an OG in there and it'll freshen things up again. I do like though how Tyrese is starting to suspect that they might be immortals. I think they should test that theory out in the next movie; maybe have Tyrese break the fourth wall, kinda like Deadpool, as he realizes this is just a dumbass movie.
Dom and Letty's kid... terrible. I'm sorry! This is a bias of mine, but kids normally suck at acting. This one is no exception. Just get an older actor to play the young kid. I'm thinking Ryan Reynolds would have been a good choice.
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You may be saying "that's absurd!" - I'm glad that y'all can still tell what that word means, cuz I can't.
The rest of the chemistry family magic is great!
Oh, and Cardi is here, but... barely (for like 30 seconds, if that). 
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No rapping, no wapping, no cursing... kind of a waste of Cardi B, if you ask me.
John Cena aka Jakob with a K!
Meh. JC def has charisma, just not in this movie. He doesn't stand out at all. You know?? - The Rock, Jason Statham, Charlize Theron, etc all have a presence about them in this franchise. Cena?! what happened, buddy?
There are certain music artists whom you'd think would have a great personality based off their music and how they dress. But, then you meet them, and you realize that they're just normal bozos like you and I (only rich and famous). And normal bozos like you and I, AT TIMES can be boring. You gotta have some flair if you're not going to have personality. Give my man some pink glittery highlights, a face tat, some vampire teeth, and maybe a chainsaw for his left arm or something.
Grade: Good action. The absurdities were funny. I was entertained! Production was great! BUT it's getting tired, my friends. It's the same formula that I've mentioned and then, like always, they're grilling and drinking Corona's in the sun. After nine movies (with at least two more on the way)... I never thought I'd say this, but it's actually not absurd enough. Wait... I seriously can't believe I just said that.
I need to say that again to know it's real.
This movie wasn't absurd.. enough? ENOUGH. IT WASN'T! They're going to need to step it up for the next two.
They were in space, but not for long. They raced for the most part in regular cars (regular for them). . You only brought ONE person back from the dead??! C'mon! We can do better.
I'm giving it an entertaining C+
I like that we saw different younger Dom's (during flashbacks) through time. I think that the next type of vehicle they bust out should be a DeLorean.
Y'all feel me?? TIME TRAVEL, baby! 
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Vin and the gang race through time! They can have Tracy Morgan. They'll each have a younger version (or older) of themselves join the group. Cardi B will actually do something this time - maybe turn into a car! 
And maybe Cable shows up as they tie it to Marvel.
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Think bigger, Vin!
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petite-rambles · 4 years
Truth or Dare
pairing: Bakugo x reader
genre: fluff
warnings: none, there’s a few little suggestive parts
A/N: this is the first thing I’ve seriously written, my friend wanted me to write something about Bakugo for her so I thought I would share :)
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Sometimes the bakusquad needed to shake things up a little
The regular hang out sessions were getting a little boring
You guys wanted to add some ✨spice✨
Mina (of course) came up with the idea of truth or dare
Kaminari and Sero were quick to agree (just think of the insane things they can dare people to do)
No one could really come up with a better idea
Kirishima thought it would be fun too (and he was in charge of convincing Bakugo to join)
You thought this would make life is little more exciting between classes and training
Everyone really needed a break of some sort
Little did you know what was actually going to happen
Because Mina had come up with the idea, the site for truth or dare was her dorm room. Nobody was really complaining because it involved less cleaning and less planning for them. You had decided to show up a little early to help Mina set up but it turns out Kirishima had the same idea. You gently knocked on the door and Mina quickly answered.
“Yay people are starting to come! I’m literally so excited! (y/n), this is going to be so much fun!” She squealed as she pulled you into her room.
The two of them had done a good job of getting everything set up. There was a circle of pillows on the ground with snacks and drinks in the middle. There was a pile of blankets to the side just in case anyone got cold.
“Not bad.” you hummed softly as you looked around the room. You looked at the arrangement of pillows on the ground before deciding which one to sit on. You picked the one that was the furthest away from the door.
“The others should be coming soon. You know how they are, you tell them a time and they come whenever they please.” Mina huffed, eyeing the pillows on the floor as if calculating something.
“Bakugo should be here soon, he’s really punctual.” Kirishima said softly as there was a knock on the door, “I bet that’s him.”
Mina practically pranced over to the door and swung it open. There stood a grumpy looking Bakugo.
“Hey losers.” he mumbled, “This better not be lame.”
Bakugo shuffled into the room as Mina closed the door. You felt your heart flutter slightly at the sight of him. You had a crush on Bakugo but it was too hard to try and read how he felt. You two have been getting closer but it felt like there was some weird unspoken tension between the two of you. You couldn’t quite figure out what it was. It was always there, whether it was when you were hanging out with the bakusquad together or if it was just the two of you alone studying. You two liked to train and study together when you got the chance. Bakugo looked at the pillows on the floor, specifically glancing at the two next to you.
“Sit anywhere you’d like.” Mina hummed softly as she checked her phone, “Dummy 1 and dummy 2 should be here soon.”
Bakugo hesitated slightly before walking over and sitting on the pillow to the left of you. You looked over at him quietly and gave him a soft smile. He looked at you for a second before returning the gesture. You felt your cheeks heat up slightly. Mina watched the two of you silently as Kirishima plopped himself down next to Bakugo, causing the boy to look at him instead. There was a knock on the door and Mina quickly answered it.
“The party has arrived!” Kaminari exclaimed happily, bouncing into the room with Sero following close behind.
“Come on extras, it took you long enough.” Bakugo grunted as they began to fill in the remaining pillows. Kaminari mumbled something under his breath about an angry Pomeranian as he sat down.
Kaminari sat to your right, Sero to his right, and Mina to his right. You looked around nervously, as no one knew what the night was going to bring.
“Alright! Since I came up with the idea I’m going first.” Mina said happily as she looked around the room, “SERO! Truth or dare?”
“Uh truth I guess.”
“How lame. Have you ever thought about tying someone up with your tape, like in a kinky way?”
Sero’s cheeks quickly turned red as Kaminari laughed. Bakugo rolled his eyes as Kirishima joined in with the laughter.
“Oh so that’s how we’re starting.” Sero mumbled as he looked at the floor, “I don’t know. Maybe? I’ve never thought about it but I guess it would be convenient.”
You started to giggle along with everyone else. You felt bad having him answer something so personal like that but it was really funny.
“Anyway...” Sero mumbled as he looked at his elbows.
“Embrace it buddy, it’s like built in bondage.” Kaminari snickered
 The night had been full of excitement, to say the least.
Kirishima was currently rocking a full face of makeup and a dress, Mina had a couple of Mineta’s balls stuck to her leg, Sero was currently sitting in his underwear, Kaminari had a phone charger in his mouth charging your phone, and Bakugo was in possession of a few of Midoriya’s all might figures (as many as the boy could’ve grabbed). You had been pretty lucky with the truth or dares you had got. You hadn’t had to share anything too terrible to the group, but they did make you go steal a sweatshirt from Ojiro.
You could tell Mina was planning something based on the look on her face but you couldn’t figure out what. Would she really try to expose your feelings for Bakugo? You had confided in her before, you needed someone to talk to about your feelings. It maybe would’ve been smarter to pick someone else, maybe Yaoyorozu. You couldn’t tell what was going on in her mind, a lot of the events of the night had released some pretty personal things. Not only did everyone know what kinks Kaminari was into and how much action Kirishima has had, everyone also knew what underwear you were wearing currently. Mina seemed to have finalized her plan before turning to you with a devious smile. Nothing good could be coming from this. She quickly turned her attention to Bakugo, which caught you by surprise.
“Bakugo.” Mina seemed to purr, causing a chill to crawl through your body, “Truth or dare?”
He hesitated as he looked at her, huffing before he answered, “Dare raccoon eyes, this better not be shitty.”
The smile on Mina’s face grew even wider, if that was possible, “I dare you to kiss your crush.”
The room went silent as all eyes turned on Bakugo. You could see the slight pink tinge appear on his cheeks as he looked at the floor. The dare was definitely not something that he was expecting. Everyone was waiting on the edge of their seats to see how this was going to play out. It looked like Bakugo was trying to figure out what to do before he turned his attention to you.
Your eyes widened slightly as he shifted his body towards you, scooting a little closer. You felt like your heart was beating so fast it was going to explode, you never thought that the tension between the two of you was romantic. It wasn’t that you didn’t want it to be, you actually really did want it, it was always just so hard to read Bakugo’s emotions.
His hands gently cupped your face, gently tilting your face up. You felt yourself stop breathing as your lips gently connected. You quickly closed your eyes and leaned into his touch. You were close enough to smell his slight caramel scent. The kiss was gentle and timid. You could tell that he was nervous and trying to figure out how you were feeling. Regardless, your lips moved together effortlessly as you eagerly returned the kiss.
The moment was ruined when Kaminari and Sero started wolf whistling, which caused Bakugo to pull away.
You opened your eyes to see Bakugo just inches away from you, still gently holding your face. You could feel how hot your cheeks were as you timidly smiled at him.
Bakugo glanced away from you and glared at the two boys, “You damn extras ruin everything.”
Bakugo looked back at you before sighing softly, “Come with me.”
He gently removed his hands from your face and stood up. You quietly did the same and followed him as he began to walk to the door.
“Oh my god, I wish I was that cool.” Kirishima mumbled as he watched the two of you go.
“Shut up shitty hair, you’ll have your chance.” Bakugo mumbled as he walked out of mina’s room.
You shut the door behind you as you followed him. The air was thick as the two of you walked to his dorm room. You’ve been there before but this time it felt so different. He opened the door and let you go inside first. You walked in a bit before turning to face him. Bakugo shut the door and quietly walked over to you, leaving a little bit of space. You could tell he was nervous, the faint color of pink still danced across his cheeks.
“Listen (y/n), that was not the way that I wanted to tell you I like you.” Bakugo said softly as he looked at you, “I could’ve planned something much better but I always got too scared. I didn’t want to ruin our friendship if you didn’t feel the same way, I didn’t want to lose you.”
“Bakugo.” you said softly as you took a step closer, gently taking his hands in your own, “how could I not like you? I felt like I’ve had the biggest crush on you since I met you”
Bakugo seemed a little surprised, as if he couldn’t believe what you were saying.
“Well I guess it was good we played that shitty little game of truth or dare.” he said with a smirk.
He took one of his hands away from yours and used it to tilt your chin up. You felt your breathing hitch as he looked down at you.
“Yeah? Why is that?” You questioned quietly, almost as a whisper.
Bakugo didn’t respond. Instead, he leaned down and gently pressed your lips together. This time you could feel the emotion behind it. You wrapped your arms around his neck and gently pulled him closer to you. You could feel him smile against your lips before pulling away slightly.
“Cuz I got my girl out of this, finally.” he said, smiling down at you. You felt your heart flutter as you returned the smile, “now it’s time to make up for wasted time.”
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starlingcaine · 3 years
How I Imagine Jily’s First Kiss Pt. 2
October 31st, 1977
“Lily didn’t seem like she was doing okay,” he said. “I should probably go check on her.”
She pulled him back in, her long fingers roaming over his shoulders. “Why do you care?” Alexandra asked, eyeing him closely.
James looked back at her, tearing his eyes away from where he had caught Lily leaving. “What?”
She scowled. “You heard me. Why do you care?”
“What do you mean, Lexie? She’s my friend, why wouldn’t I care?”
Alexandra scoffed. “Bullshit, James. She’s not your friend.”
James pulled his head back a bit, creasing his brows. “Excuse me?”
“You heard me. She,” Lexie eye’s flicked towards where Lily had been, “Is not just your friend. Come on, JJ.”
“What are you talking about, Lexie?”
She turned her head, voice laced with venom. “Seriously? You know what I’m talking about! She has feelings for you!”
James balked. “Alexandra, this is Lily we’re talking about. She does not-”
“Yes she does,” she replied firmly. “And if you can’t see that, then you are truly an idiot, James Potter.”
“Lexie, you’re being ridiculous. I’ve been trying with Lily for years, I would know if she had feelings for me-” James saw the way Lexie’s eyes narrowed, and immediately regretted saying that. Seriously, Potter? You’re telling your girlfriend you’ve been trying with Lily for years?
“Yea?” she questioned. “You would know, right? So you can go running back to her?” James shook his head, opening his mouth, but she scoffed. “Please, spare me. You would go back to her in a heartbeat, JJ. We all know everyone will always come second when it comes to Lily.” She closed her eyes tightly, turning her head from him.
“That’s not true!” he exclaimed, although he wasn’t very sure if he believed it himself. “Lily is my friend, Lexie, just like Moony and Sirius and Peter are.” The truth, plain and simple. Lily had been there for him when his father had died. She had always been his shining light when things got too dark. He would never abandon her when she needed him. Never. James shook his head. “You just don’t understand what we’ve been through-”
The brunette snapped her head back to him, eyes cold and angry. “I do understand that you would choose that mudblood over me!” James closed his mouth immediately, his stare darkening. Alexandra gasped to herself, gaping at him- “JJ, I’m-”
He simply reached up and removed her arms from around his neck, stepping out of her arms. She reached for him, but he pushed her arms down, folding his own in front of him. “You’re right, Alexandra,” he said. “I would always choose good people like Lily and Sirius and Remus and Peter over someone like you.”
“We’re done,” he said, and smiled cruelly. “Don’t worry, you can keep the quidditch jersey. I don’t want it back.”
He turned around, leaving the great hall. James could hear Alexandra calling after him, but he didn’t care. Never, in his entire life had he wanted to hex a girl so badly- scratch that, a person. He took a deep breath, his anger for Lily fading into protectiveness and concern.
He saw the look in her eye when she stormed out, and thought to himself, stupid stupid stupid. He shouldn’t have even bothered with Alexandra- just left her in the dust and gone after Lily. It’s what she deserved. Lily of all people never deserved to cry alone. And he wouldn’t let her be upset or angry or sad or lonely. Not while he was around.
Keep Lily safe.
Then James stopped in his tracks as a realization came to him- What if Alexandra was right?
No way. He scoffed at himself as he turned the corner to their dorm. Absolutely no way. Right?
He had loved Lily for so long… merlin, the possibility of her loving him back seemed-
Oh, Merlin.
Nope. No, no, never. James couldn’t even think about it much longer, lest he have a heart attack.
He arrived in front of their portrait, nervously pushing his hands through his hair before stepping through. He glanced around the small hallway, tapping his fingers against his thigh, watching Lily’s door. He absentmindedly wondered where Remus and Sirius were, having not seen them as he left- and knocked on the door.
“Lils?” he said, and noticed that the door was open. He pushed against it, entering her dorm space, glancing around. “Lily?”
James walked inside, about to call her name again- when he heard weak, slurred singing. Singing?
“Youu bet fape yup do do do,” the voice sang off key, “Cuz IIII needs a menn.” The voice broke into tears on the last line, and James frantically walked forward.
Lily was sprawled on the floor behind the couch, a carton of ice cream beside her, her hair now back to red and falling messily around her shoulders. She had mascara streaming down her pale skin in black lines, a frown on her full lips as she cried over the spoon of coffee ice cream in her mouth.
“Lils?” he asked gently, semi afraid to spook her off. “Are you alright?”
Lily glanced up, a weak smile forming on her lips. “Jaaaames!” she threw her arms up, the spoon flicking out of her mouth.
James knelt, offering his hand. “C’mon, let’s get you to bed, yea?”
She shook her head, grabbing the edge of the sofa. “I can get up on my own, see?” Lily heaved herself up clumsily. “I’m an independent woman!”
She got onto her feet, and James snickered as she immediately stumbled into his waiting arms. He caught her, holding her upright, her hands landing on his shoulders. “Yes, of course you are. Come now, this independent woman needs sleep.”
But Lily didn’t move forward. She only sighed, relaxing against him, laying her head against his chest. James felt his heart speed up, his cheeks flaming with color, and he prayed for mercy.
“Petals,” he tugged on her hair affectionately, “it’s late.” James tried to sound playful, but his voice came out hoarse, a whisper.
Lily lifted her head, her watery eyes crusted with mascara. She searched James’s face. Fuck, she’s beautiful. The most beautiful girl in the world. How can I ever look at anyone else?
Alexandra had definitely been right about one thing. He would go back to Lily in a heartbeat. 
“Oh, God,” she moaned, wiping her cheeks- which only made the matter of her smeared makeup worse.“I look a mess.”
James gave a breathless laugh, unable to take his eyes off her. “You look perfect,” he muttered aloud, and then nearly shit himself for not saying it in his bloody head. Maybe he was a little more drunk than he thought.
Lily’s frown only deepened, and she banged her forehead down on his chest, groaning. “You make this so hard.”
James tried to lift her chin and make her look at him, but she wasn’t having it. “Petals, what’s wrong? Did I do something?”
“Yes!” She looked up, her eyes brimming with tears, those tempting lips of hers wobbling. She even looks good crying, for fuck’s sake. “You’re my friend.” Lily’s voice broke on the last word. “And you have a girlfriend!”
James was not entirely sure what she was talking about, but he blurted,“I broke up with Alexandra.”
Her eyes widened. “What?”
“We’re erm… we’re not together anymore.”
“Because…” because she’s a nasty bitch, and nobody talks about my Lily that way and lives. “My heart just wasn’t in it.”
Lily brought her hand up tentatively from where it had been resting on his shoulder, brushing back a piece of hair that had fallen into his eyes. She sighed, pushing her fingers through his dark locks, and then gently tracing them over his brows, his cheekbones. James’s eyes closed, almost against his will.
“Oh James,” she breathed as her fingertips traveled over his bottom lip.
Her hand caressed his cheek, and his lashes fluttered. “Lily?” James wasn’t sure if his lungs were working correctly.
She was impossibly close. James noticed her feet were just barely touching the ground, actually- he was holding her up. Up high enough that Lily barely had to lift her chin to touch her lips to his.
James’s eyes flew open, and then immediately closed as she crushed her lips to his, whimpering softly, holding his face in her hands. He tightened his arm around her waist on instinct, one hand coming up to bury itself in her hair, cupping the back of her neck. She tasted like sweet berries and firewhisky, and James thought he might explode or die right there on the spot.
When Lily moaned, a breathless whine as she slid her tongue into his mouth, pushing forward with fervor, James was sure his soul left his body.
He thought he might never be able to stop. James cursed himself for stopping, but he knew he should because she’s drunk and this is the worst possible time to get caught up in the moment. So he pulled away gently, still breathless, his chest heaving, their lips still touching. He tightened his hand in her hair as her eyes opened, staring right at him. James pressed his forehead to hers.
“Lily,” he whispered, praying that this wasn't a dream. “My Lily.”
She only stared at him, her lips pink and a bit swollen, eyes wide and suddenly clear. James didn’t say a word, he simply picked her up, carried her to the open door of her bedroom, and set her atop the mattress.
He thought she might say something- but Lily already appeared to be falling asleep. James removed the clips from her hair, taking wipes off her nightstand and wiping away the cosmetics she had applied. He was sure Lily would not appreciate him undressing her, so James pulled the blankets over her body, kissed her forehead, and left.
When he got inside his dorm, James leaned against the wood roughly, touching his lips.
“Fuck,” he whispered.
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