#pls i feel so awkward when I talk about ships
vizziefizzie · 1 year
We already know your opinion about preciousmetalshipping/homieshipping, but what are other ships you like.
(Also what's your opinion on NewReplacementshipping, it's my comfort ship)
hehhehe *rubs hands together* truth is: I don’t ship things very often (mind you, this is coming from an aroace that rarely finds enjoyment in romantic content... hell, I prefer relationships that look and feel more like a QPR or a found family). But, I do find enjoyment in the classics like originalshipping/namelessshipping (As long as people write it correctly... sometimes the fandom can be... yikes... and that goes for all ships- but I feel like it can affect this one and preciousmetal the most). 
But in terms of “OH MY GOD I LOVE THESE GUYS REGARDLESS IF ITS IN A ROMANTIC CONTEXT OR NOT!!” I really like scarfshipping... and I really love the stuff people make with the scarvio kids. Like, just seeing fluffy content in general just makes me so incredibly happy and I- UGHH I just love to see what people make. (Plus, I’m not the type of person to start or partake in a shipping war. I don’t have very strong opinions on anything (... except for the... you know... nasty shit that’s just... disgusting.. I shouldn’t have to elaborate... it’s in my dni)).
And as for newreplacementshipping, I can definitely see why people would like it! And I would too, but I personally hc that Lyra is aroace. And I love thinking of them having bestie moments and having fun little sleepovers where they can gossip about anything or pull silly pranks on Ethan (Which they do... a lot). I see them almost like sisters (Much like how I see Ethan and Lyra as sibs or Ethan and Kris as sibs. They’re all like siblings in my mind). But if I take away my hc for a moment, I can see a lot of empowerment between the two and honestly I think they’d thrive in a romantic relationship. I don’t get any toxic vibes!
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lueurjun · 8 months
enemies to lovers with soobin.
soobin x reader! in which a single misunderstanding sparks years full of dislike on both ends—or so you assume. enemies to lovers but it’s mainly idiots to lovers really. soobin x reader. i am literally starting to run out of ideas and it’s now 7 am and i haven’t slept but we move — pls cut me some slack if this one is bad. i am in the trenches rn. it’s also really long, i got carried away … my bad
reading the title probably made you giggle
because how on earth could anyone have beef with choi soobin?
the 6ft tall human embodiment of the word cosy
well, the thing is, you don’t actually hate soobin
it’s okay to admit it if you do, it’s not like imma jump you or anything hehe 🔪😐
for legal reasons that was a joke
so now you’re probably all like ‘but soobin would never hate me! he’s too soobin to hate anyone’
and you’d be correct because he actually doesn’t hate you
id jump him too. let that lanky mf admit he hates you and watch how fast i gather the crew ( my crew is the ninja turtles )
somehow, the two of you started this whole fiasco of believing that you hated each other
this dated back to when the two of you were starting high school and ended up falling in with the same group of friends
everything was fine at first and there was no beef with you and soobin
until one fateful evening when the group decided to hang out at the park
squad goals if you ask me. friends that go down the slide together, stay together trust me 🤞
everything had been running smoothly
aside from the fact that beomgyu almost got stuck inside a swing
after his panic attack and yeonjun had stocked up his camera roll with videos of the incident, beomgyu managed to be freed
thank you to taehyun who managed to yank him out
lord and saviour taehyun. saving beomgyu’s since he was in nappies 💪
after the whole ordeal, you sat next to soobin to gossip about how idiotic your friends are
and neither of you had realized just how close you were sitting
until one of your friends so generously pointed it out
fucking little tell tale RAT
which of course sent the rest of the group into a spiral of hoots and hollers
that then lead to the shipping and ‘oh you guys would be so cute together!’ comments
and they wouldn’t be wrong because you and soobin were actually a lot alike
the two of you shared common interests and could talk for hours about nothing
he was easy to talk to and that’s one of the things you liked about him
so, perhaps you didn’t mind the comments
oooooh not you crushinnnnn 😏 y/n and soobin kissin in a tree- sorry
in contrast, soobin’s expression was far from pleased as his gaze flickered from the group to taehyun and then to you, who stood with your eyes focused on the ground sheepishly
“what? i don’t like them. like at all. we’d be hideous together.”
record scratch. moment ruined
of course, he hadn’t meant for it to sound so harsh
and he felt exceptionally bad when he saw your face fall
making matters worse, your friends quickly fell into an uncomfortable silence, the tension in the air so thick you could practically feel it
oh well done! gone and made it all awkward now
from then on, you kept your distance from him
you were hurt by how disgusted he seemed at the idea of dating you
i would literally die for you. bruno mars would catch a grenade for you? jump in front of a train? nah bitch. i’d let a thousand bullets shoot me just because you you asked me to. i’d even step on lego for you-BEAT THAT SOOBIN #imromantic #imbetterthanhim
of course, you didn’t hate him
you could never hate him because he’s damn near impossible to hate
but soobin was unaware, believing his comment had shifted your opinion of him
he wanted to apologize, but you made effort to avoid him at all costs
so, he gave up and just decided to let it be because he wasn’t going to harass you into accepting an apology
which meant he also started avoiding you
so naturally, you assumed he now hated you
both of you jumping to conclusions higher than fuckin snoop dogg at this point-
whenever the friend group would hang out, the two of you would keep your distance
if someone made a comment about said distance, the pair of you just shrugged it off and changed conversation
you kind of just started to co exist
and this went on for quite some time and by some time i mean… the rest of high school
it wasn’t until you were a year into college did the misunderstanding finally get revealed
yeonjun had arranged for a mini reunion since you all hadn’t had much time to hang out in your separate lives
sure, you saw each other a lot but it wasn’t nearly as frequent and the groupchat had kind of died down
the meeting spot just so happens to be the same park where soobin crushed your soul that night
and for a moment, you considered not going
ha pussayy……..i am so sorry
but something deep inside tugged at your heart, and a gentle whisper echoed in your mind, encouraging you to go
so you did
the catchup was nice, and the group reminisced on high school memories
one of them being when beomgyu got stuck in the swing
and that topic opened up a can of worms
“wasn’t that the night that y/n started despising soobin?”
kai had bluntly pointed out, laughing along with everyone else
except, you weren’t laughing
them: 🤣 you: 😐
“despising soobin? i never despised soobin?”
everyone looked at you as though you had grown three heads
because what? what do you mean you never despised him?
“yes you did? when he made that comment about the pair of you being hideous together? you two stopped talking after that…”
after taehyun’s statement, you turned to soobin who looked just as confused as everyone else
“i didn’t hate soobin… soobin hated me?”
you had never seen anyone laugh as hard as the boys in that moment
kai was almost purple
not him almost cosplaying violet beauregarde from charlie and the chocolate factory
with all of them unable to breathe from laughing so much, you prodded soobin for an explanation
“well… after i made that comment, you kinda stopped talking to me and when i was going to apologize, you avoided me so i assumed you hated me and thought it was best to leave you alone…”
so you spent your last moments in high school believing that he disliked you
and he didn’t?
mhm. that’s fine. okay. yeah.
beomgyu, who was finally calm enough to speak, pointed between you
“wait… so… you didn’t hate him?”
and you shook your head
“i was hurt at first and needed some time but i didn’t hate him? i could never. it was quite the opposite really”
yeonjun let out a low whistle.
“perhaps we should leave you guys to talk this out.”
beomgyu gasped. “no? absolutely not! it’s just getting good.”
someone get beomgyu some popcorn
he was hastily yanked away with the group, leaving you and soobin alone in the spot where the miscommunication first took place
you could still hear beomgyu’s cries of protest in the distance
it was silent between the two of you for a brief moment
neither of you really knew how to start
until finally, the curiosity overwhelmed you and the silence was broken
me and the silence are the same fr 😔
“why was the idea of dating me so repulsive to you?”
soobin was stunned by the bluntness of your question, his face conveying surprise.
“i-i really wasn’t.”
“then why did you act so disgusted?”
grill him bae! like he’s a steak! grill him!
soobin looks perplexed for a moment and then his phone dings
you almost can’t believe the audacity of this man as he pulls out his phone to check the text
and then, his shoulders slump and he slides the phone over to you which displays a notification from taehyun
‘tell them the truth, i don’t mind.’
“taehyun had a crush on you back then… he had confided in me and i didn’t want to upset him…”
taehyun had a crush on you?
not you collecting txt like infinity stones
your head was starting to pound
“why didn’t he ever tell me?”
soobin shrugged. “i think it was just a passing crush. he started liking someone else a couple months later.”
thinking back, there was a period of time where taehyun had acted different towards you
you had noticed his lingering gazes and ignored them, chalking them up as nothing significant
and suddenly, his silence during the teasing made a lot of sense
“so… you weren’t repulsed by me?”
soobin shook his head, now looking rather shy
“it was quite the opposite. i’ve always found you quite spectacular.”
spectacular 🤓
“i’m really sorry for avoiding you.”
“me too, and im especially sorry for acting repulsed by you… though if you’d let me, i’d love to make it up to you?”
soobin was timid, his shoulders hunching as the words nervously slipped out of his mouth
you cheeks burned, but you tried to rein in your hopefulness, the last thing you needed was another miscommunication
“how would you do that?”
“well, i’d love to take you on a date if you’d let me… and then many more after that if you’ll have me.”
his question strikes a chord deep within you, instantly soothing away the torment of the past and restoring a spirit of hope that maybe you could be something more
in that moment, the october breeze felt like a scorching wave of lava, scorching your skin
“i think i’d really like that.”
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redrum-alice · 1 month
Some HCs about the FreaKey couple even though I dont play the game...please dont kill me for this lolololol...
A.B.A gets jealous of other couples (she stalked them in public spaces from afar) who are more lovey dovey than her and Paracelsus. So to "spice" things up, she reads dating and romance tips on a (stolen) teen magazine that suggests those shoddy dating ideas and boasting to others that they're the end game (Paracelsus and others feels awkward as she says this).
After their arcade mode story, Paracelsus begins to feel guilt about having to manipulate A.B.A to wield him as a blood thirsty weapon. He knew A.B.A doesn't have hate in her heart, and saw how loving she actually is without her possessive traits. One example is when she polishes his brass parts after battle. She also tries to prop him in a comfortable position when at rest because she feels bad that he isnt mobile like she is.
Paracelsus admits, although not in a romantic way (sadly), that A.B.A is beautiful in her own way despite the uncanny nature of her origin. He says this in the most vague and bleakest way possible, yet A.B.A hyperventilated when she hears this.
Because of Paracelsus' statement on her beauty, she doesn't mind not fitting in with humans because his encouragement is all what she needed.
Let's say that A.B.A is considered attractive in their universe, minus the eye bags and the unkempt look- if someone ever compliments her in the slightest (grim extent is someone cat calls her) by a stranger, she would feel like she betrayed her husband for catching someone's eye. Mixture of frustration, shame, timidness, and anger would flow into her that she ultimately resorts to violence as a solution to the incomprehensible feeling. Paracelsus on the other hand would probs feel disgusted at the stranger's rude behavior, justifying his wife's violent outburst (ah yes, toxicity)
If another girl/woman compliments her though, she would be confused and scared as to why they would do such and not go after her husband. Because of her timid nature, she isn't used to hear positive things from others up until Elphelt (lol)
A.B.A's favorite color is blue, probs because she read somewhere or thought it's the calmest color. Blue in nature (partaining to animals) is usually rare, so it could also signify that she's drawn to things that are unique. (Or I could be wrong. I'm probably am--)
Speaking of the color blue, A.B.A attempted to dye her hair blue, but because of her vivacious red hair before, it resulted into greenish color (I know some fans theorize that her hair oxidized bc of her unusual body composition, but I wanna lean on the fact that she tries to fit in the outside world).
Paracelsus inspired her into liking color blue when he was talking about his past travels (at the risk of making A.B.A envy his previou's wielders ofc)
A.B.A was born with impeccable knowledge, thus explains why she speaks in such an authoritative manner. However since she lived in isolation for the first 10 years of her life, she does not know how humans speak in modern day. Paracelsus told her stories and spoke about philosophies only demons have access to.
Regarding small humans (as A.B.A likes to call the children), she wondered what it was like to grow up from a helpless being to a capable one, often lamenting that she hadn't had a literal childhood like a normal being. To cheer her up, Paracelsus suggested that their next date is at the park where there are swings and see-saws. Up to you how that's gonna work out lol
P.S., pls be gentle with me, Im new to the fandom and ship--
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itsmattchou · 10 months
when and how might our relationship start ?
pairing: zb1 maknae line x gn!reader warnings: ricky's and your mom are just ANNOYING🤬, GYUVIN AND READER ADE LIARS, pining gunwook, yujin has communication issues, the reader in yujins is considered a CHILD (if you ain't a child dni tf?), english isn't my first language!!! genre: fluff, maybe a slight bit of angst if you squint your eyes real hard synopsis: why you started fake dating. notes: i know i said I'm only gonna write for mline + matthew from now on but honestly fuck matthew (lovingly). FUNFACT gyuvins is basically what happened to me 😍😍 life is a fanfic fr. for some reason i am not aware of i included some smau... maybe my urge to write one finally took over? who knows. ignore the bad quality pls.
shen quanrui - to get your parents off of your backs
it was basically like this: rickys family and your family knew each other for decades now. your moms were already besties when they went to s highschool together 😭
so best believe they were THRILLED when they got pregnant around the same time
and since day 1
seriously. since ricky and you were little INFANTS
you two were being shipped by your parents
"oh, they must marry one day!" 🥰 no
you two grew up together and were naturally really close to each other
but ROMANTIC FEELINGS? nuh uh. not a thing. not happening 🙅🏻‍♀️🙅🏻‍♀️
but your parents- or more specifically, your mothers- did not want to hear it
they're CONVINCED you two will fall in love eventually and won't leave you two alone
after years of suffering and repeated "no mom we're not gonna be dating!"s you two hit your LIMIT
so you two went ahead and decided to get your family off of your backs and to start 'dating'!
only to 'break up' like a month later and tell them that you actually aren't a good fit at all🔥
your parents literally threw a big ass party once you announced your relationship… awkward
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kim gyuvin - to prank your friends
you actually thought it would be funny to tell your friends that you two started dating; they wouldn't believe at all you but it would be hilarious
hilarious you said. TURNS OUT, it wasn't all that funny
instead of not believing you when gyuvin and you dropped that bomb as believable as possible, they started cheering and congratulating you
"we knew this would happen eventually! finally!" you what. 😃
originally you planned on playing the prank for one day and then tell the truth- but by the way everybody started congratulating you (even a teacher exclaimed that she was happy for you!) you two couldn't help but feel incredibly bad at the end of the day
so you two did the only plausible thing to do in a situation like that; continue on lying instead of simply telling the truth 👍🏻
the very next day you two came to school again, still as a couple. it hurt your heart to lie to your friends like that, but they would be SO disappointed in you if they found out about the joke :(
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park gunwook - to make your crush jealous
gunwook was a close friend of yours and he was aware of your unrequited crush on that one guy in your class
well, kind of unrequited? it was honestly hard to tell for sure. your crush sometimes acted like he was interested in you, on other days you didn't even exist to him
his mixed signals drove you CRAZY🥴
so out of pure desperation you asked gunwook for a small favor.. to please fake date you in order to make your crush jealous
gunwook was reluctant at first but he also had a small but secret crush on you so he took his chance and RAN
you had like an hour long talk to him about your great plan, about do's and don't's, about boundaries and what not
he was just silently listening and nodding his head whenever needed
(his heart shattering could be heard whenever you mentioned your real crush) 💔💔💔
you let your other close friends know about your plan too in hopes they will help to make it believable
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han yujin - to prove that he is not a 'child'
poor yujin has to go through that 'youngest in the friendgroup' treatment 😪
everybody treats him like a baby and he feels as if he's not taken seriously by any of his friends
bro should probably try COMMUNICATING with them homies but oh well
and in his mind, the ultimate proof to not being a baby is having a significant other 👍🏻
and this is where you come in!!
you're one of the very few people who did not make fun of him- maybe because of your similar age- and that's why he felt save to propose that idea to you
and considering that you weren't taken all that seriously either due to your age… he was sure that you would understand where he was coming from!!
and to his delight you actually agreed to fake date him! 🤗
so after discussing everything further, you two announced your not-so-real relationship to your friends the very next day
YUJIN'S PLAN WORKED! there was gyuvin who dramatically whined about "his two babies growing up way too fast"
but the question now is… for how long should this keep going…?
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pairing: jake x fem!reader | word count: 4.4k | warnings: swearing, fingering (f receiving), p in v sex, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it pls) | my masterlist
summary: an unexpected visit from your ex turns into something more
author’s note: so first things first this is named after the matchbox twenty song but let’s not focus on that!!! I started this fic forever ago and brought it up multiple times, but it’s finally here!! i’m really happy with how it came out, but also i’m new to writing smut so sorry if it’s not the best!! ALSO this is my longest fic by far AND it’s my tenth gvf fic that i’ve posted here so yay!!! also the second half of this is not proofread so sorry
The harsh knock against your door rang through your apartment, pulling your attention away from the movie playing loudly on the TV in front of you. An irritated groan fell from your lips as you dragged yourself off of the couch and plodded to the door, swinging it open. Upon seeing the man on the other side, you silently cursed yourself for not looking through the peephole.
“What are you doing here, Jake?” you asked, your voice hostile as you eyed him with a cold glare.
A small smirk tugged on the corner of his lips, but he at least had the decency to try and hide it. “Hello to you, too,” he greeted, his voice too even for your liking, “I just came to get my shirt. The navy one with the buttons, y’know?” He spoke with his hands, and his fingers trailed along the buttons of his half-open shirt, drawing attention to the bare skin of his chest. The question caught you off guard, and upon your lack of response, his eyes peered into your apartment, his body leaning forward, but he was careful not to cross the threshold.
After a long pause of awkward silence, you sighed defeatedly and stepped back, allowing him to walk through the door. “I don’t know. I haven’t seen it, but I can look, I guess,” you grumbled and turned away from him. You marched into the living room and grabbed the remote, making sure to make a big show out of pausing your movie and tossing the remote back down.
Your eyes anchored to Jake as you faced him again. He leaned against the kitchen counter and nonchalantly looked about the room. It was a sight that was so familiar to you, but now it left a deep, twisting knot in your stomach. He shouldn’t look so comfortable here, and you blamed yourself for ever giving him the chance to be. Still, you couldn’t deny the lingering fondness that fell upon you when you saw his handsome frame relaxing in a place that was so intimately your own. If you looked at him long enough, you could almost feel all the memories of hurt fade away, unearthing the happiness you once shared together.
“Like what you see, sweetheart?” his question rang in your ears as it pulled you from your daze and reminded you exactly who you were talking to. He looked at you expectantly and raised his eyebrows as he waited for an answer.
You rolled your eyes. “That ship sailed a long time ago, Jake,” you seethed, sending him a glare that could kill.
He simply shrugged and relaxed even further against the countertop. “Just thought I’d ask. Since you kept looking my way, y’know?” he quipped.
You scoffed, not even dignifying him with an answer. You knew he was only trying to get under your skin, and unfortunately for you, he was doing a damn good job at it.
“I’m gonna go look in my closet,” you stated as you walked towards your bedroom before turning back and looking at him again, adding sternly, “Stay there.”
You watched as he held his hands up in mock surrender. “Whatever you say, sweetheart,” he remarked, and it made you want to march over to him and knock the smirk off of his lips. Instead, you just let out a low groan and stomped down the hallway. You heard him call out a sarcastic, “You say something, doll?”, which you ignored, deciding that humoring him would only make his behavior a million times worse.
As you reached the door to your bedroom, you threw it open and stormed to your closet. You pulled the worn, dangling string, turning on the closet light as you began to rifle through the clothes hanging inside. A stream of curses and grumbles fell from your lips, your frustration barely contained, and to make matters worse, you still couldn’t find his stupid shirt.
When you reached the end of your rack of clothes you let out a loud sigh. Great. You tilted your head back, moving to run a hand over your face when something caught your eye. On the top shelf of your closet, you noticed a familiar back brim peeking out. Jake’s hat. You groaned again but thought that at least he would probably leave you alone if you gave him the hat. Then you could go back to living separate lives and acting like nothing ever happened between you, the way normal exes do. But then again, nothing about Jake was exactly normal.
With a huff, you pushed yourself up onto your tiptoes and reached for the hat. After a few moments of blindly grabbing atop the shelf, your hands closed around the brim. Unfortunately, when you pulled the hat loose, it sent an avalanche of shoeboxes and forgotten keepsakes tumbling down onto the floor, knocking you to the ground and earning a loud yelp from you.
“Fuck,” you grumbled as you propped yourself up on your elbows. You started to move boxes aside, trying to get up before handling the mass of clutter around you when you heard footsteps coming from behind. As you turned to the doorway, you saw Jake sauntering into the room. He tried and failed to hold back a laugh as he saw you on the floor.
“Had a little accident?” he asked as he moved to you. He continued to chuckle to himself as he grabbed boxes, carefully closing them and setting them aside in a neat pile.
You groaned. “I recall telling you not to come in here, Jake,” you said with a glare that would turn anyone else to ice but only made Jake smile wider.
“Oh, I’m sorry, princess,” he retorted, “Didn’t realize helping you was some sort of grand offense.”
You rolled your eyes and scoffed at his remark. “I don’t need you to help me.” Your hands closed around the box he was holding, ripping it from his grip. The gesture caused him to let out a loud, irritated groan, which made you smile. It was a short-lived victory, though, as the contents of the box flew across your bedroom floor, spilling out pictures of you and Jake that you couldn’t bring yourself to throw away quite yet. Mortified, you scrambled to pick up the photos before he even had the chance to see what they were.
It seems you weren’t fast enough, however, as Jake bent down, lifting up one of the snapshots, staying silent for a moment as he studied it. Finally, he spoke. “Looks like someone misses me,” he said, smirking down at you as he turned the photo around in his hands.
You quickly rose and snatched it from his hands. “Shut up. I was gonna throw that away, anyway,” you lied as you bent down to gather the polaroids that littered your floor, gracelessly shoving them back into their box.
He looked at you with a wide grin and crouched down to your level. “Hey, baby,” he cooed as he brushed a lock of hair behind your ear, “It’s nothing to be ashamed of. We had some good times together. I’m sure it’s a little hard to forget.” His hand reached out and slowly wrapped his fingers around your wrist, his touch searing hot on your skin.
“Well, those times are over, Jake. I moved on,” you answered as you ripped your hand free from his hold and got up from your place on the floor, desperate to distance yourself from him. You turned your attention to the rest of the clutter that littered your floor and pretended to be busy shoving hats and pieces from old Halloween costumes back into your closet.
“Then why are you hoarding a box of our old pictures, baby? Surely someone as strong as you wouldn’t have a problem tossing them out, hell, maybe even burning a few” he challenged. The tension in the room immediately thickened, and you stopped dead in your tracks. When you looked at him, his eyes met your own with an infuriatingly smug expression. He caught you off guard, and he knew it.
“I…,” your brain scrambled to find an answer, something to say to get him off of your case, to make him think that you had the upper hand, but words completely failed you. You stared at him blankly, your cheeks flushed and your lips parted.
He took a step towards you, and you could practically feel the space between you getting smaller with every movement. “And another thing,” he started, “if you’re so ‘over me’, then how come you can’t keep your eyes off of me? I saw how you were staring at me in the kitchen. Don’t deny it, babe.”
You swallowed thickly as he looked expectantly at you, waiting for your answer. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you stammered out, and you hoped with everything in your being that he believed you.
A small “tsk” fell from his lips as he shook his head at you. “Lying’s not gonna get you what you want, princess,” he teased, his hand reaching out to rest along your neck, his thumb grazing your skin carefully.
You pulled back from his touch and glared at him. “I don’t want anything from you, Jake. Not unless it involves you leaving this apartment and staying out of my life forever,” you seethed, trying to keep your voice even.
“I don’t believe you,” he answered, a sly grin on his face, “But you’re a big girl. It’s your call. Just look me in the eyes and tell me you don’t want me. You do that, and I’ll be gone. That’ll be that.” He eyed you intensely, and you could feel the heat in your face rise. He was challenging you, daring you to deny him, and despite your pride and your anger, you just couldn’t do it.
You stared at him in silence, fighting against your mind and heart until a small, pitiful, “…Jake,” fell from your lips in a whimper.
He smirked and leaned forward. His hand wrapped firmly around your waist while the other gripped the back of your neck, pulling your face until it was an inch away from his. “That’s what I thought,” he whispered as he crashed his lips onto yours.
An uncontrollable sigh of relief escaped you as your fingers came up to lace through his hair. You wasted no time breathing in his scent and melting into his touch. You spent so much time holding onto the hatred and hurt you felt that you forgot how badly you wanted him. You forgot how good he could be.
His touches were hungry and impatient. His hands gripped your flesh roughly, pulling you close and leaving bruises in his wake. You moaned and gasped against him as his kisses consumed you, all teeth and tongue and aggression. He was beyond lingering feelings and simple desire. His thoughts of you in this moment were consumed by a hungry, insatiable need.
Your hands moved to grip his, pulling them toward your center. You felt his calloused fingertips toy with the hem of your panties that peeked out from under your jeans, but they remained there. You whimpered in frustration, trying to move his touch further down, but you felt him resist, and it was clear that this was going to be happening on his terms.
“What do you want, baby?” he breathed out between kisses, “Tell me. Use your words.” He smirked at you through half-lidded eyes, knowing he had you right where he wanted you.
Your cheeks flushed at his words, but, eager to get what you wanted, you swallowed your pride, mumbling softly, “I want you to touch me, Jake. Please.” Your eyes met his, desperate and pleading, but you could tell by his returning gaze that this wouldn’t be so easy.
His lips quirked up in a smug grin as his eyes raked over you, taking in the obscene beauty of your swollen lips and red cheeks. “Aw, is that what you want, honey? My touch? You want my fingers on you, in you?” he asked, his voice teasing.
You nodded timidly, hoping that he would show you a little mercy and give in to your desires, but you knew that was just wishful thinking.
He smirked wickedly at you. “Alright, princess. Then apologize,” he commanded.
A small squeak of disappointment left you. “...Apologize?” you asked, confusion and frustration coloring your voice.
He nodded, “Mhm. Tell me you’re sorry, and then I’ll maybe give you what you want.” You could feel his fingers fidgeting with the elastic of your underwear, making you restless beneath him.
“…Jake,” you whined, “please…” Your eyes bore into his, hoping desperately that he’ll give in and spare your ego, but as his hands slowly began to pull away from you, and he gave his head a small shake of disapproval, your desire overtook your pride.
You grabbed his hand, pulling it back to your skin. “Wait,” you whimpered. A small, ragged breath fell from your lips. “I’m sorry.”
A slow, mischievous grin bloomed on his face. “Sorry for what, princess?” he asked. You could tell how much he was enjoying torturing you, and it only made you want him more.
You let out a pitiful whimper as apologies tumbled from your lips before your brain could stop them. “I’m so sorry, Jake. I’m sorry for playing so hard to get, for being so mean to you, for starting all those fights with you. It was stupid, and I was selfish. I should have known better. I should’ve known that you’re the one for me. Only you. I’m sorry, baby.”
His eyes were blown with lust as he listened to your words. You were so fucking obedient, and he would be lying if he said it didn’t drive him wild. He leaned forward, pressing his lips to yours in a rough, hungry kiss before pulling back and whispering into your ear, “Only because you said it so sweetly, princess.”
In a flash, his fingers pushed past your hemline and started massaging your aching core. A loud cry of relief fell from your lips, and your nails left small crescent marks on his biceps as you clung to him. Your lips latched to his neck, leaving feverish kisses and small bites along the exposed skin of his throat. You were sure they would turn into small bruises by the morning, but you didn’t care. The feeling of his fingers working against you awoke a hunger deep inside you that hadn’t existed before or after him. “Oh, Jake,” you whined, “I missed you, baby”
A dark chuckle left his throat as he nodded. “I know, baby. I know,” you heard him coo, “Gonna make it all better, alright?” The pace of his fingers increased, curling deep inside of you.
You sobbed weakly, your head nodding along to his words, too far gone to process anything he said. Your head found its way against his shoulder and nuzzled into the crook of his neck as your body trembled under his touch. His movements were relentless, and you knew that he was doing all he could to send you over the edge, to remind you how good he can make you feel.
His effort soon paid off as the familiar, aching pressure grew deep within you, signaling your inevitable climax. Your whimpers became louder and more desperate as you gripped him tightly and rolled your hips against him. Deep groans poured from him as he could no longer contain his own arousal at your blissed-out state. His breath was hot against your ear as he mumbled to you. “You close, baby? Gonna let go all over my fingers, huh? Just like you used to?”
His words alone sent you over the edge, your body crumpling against his as your climax hit you in a strong wave. A loud, pitiful whimper ripped its way from your throat, and his name fell from your lips in a sacred mantra as the edges of your vision began to blur. You screwed your eyes shut and continued to grind your hips against his palm in desperate rhythm as you rode out your high, only coming back to your senses as the blinding pleasure subsided and finally left your body. As your eyes fluttered open, you lifted your head and saw the unmistakable look of satisfaction painted on Jake’s features. He held your gaze as he removed his fingers from you, earning a small whine in response. You watched wordlessly as he brought the digits to his lips and wrapped his tongue around them. His eyes drifted shut as he sucked on them, letting out a deep sigh as he pulled the fingers out of his mouth. “Just as sweet as I remember,” he teased.
Your hands flew to his neck, pulling him close in a deep hungry kiss. You tugged at his hair, and a grin pulled onto your lips as you heard him moan against you. His lips were soft as they worked in tandem with your own, and you could feel his hands roughly gripping your waist, pulling you flush against him. You could feel his arousal pressed firmly onto your thigh, a gasp falling from your lips in an uncontrollable reaction. In response, he ground his hips harder against you and moved his hand to the back of your neck, pulling you close as he growled into your ear, “You feel that, baby? You feel what you do to me?”
Before you could stop yourself, a loud, high-pitched whimper escaped your throat, and your head nodded in a silent answer to his question. A smirk appeared on his face as he looked at you, his eyes dark and full of lust. Only ten minutes earlier you would’ve wanted to wipe that look off of his face, but now you were casting all grudges aside, leaving hot kisses along his neck and down the exposed skin of his chest that peeked through his half-open shirt as you trailed lower down his body. Your hands moved to the waistband of his pants, moving to unbuckle his belt until his hand closed around your wrists, stopping your movements. “Uh-uh, princess,” he chided, “I don’t think so.”
You looked up at him, your brows knitting in confusion. “You don’t want…?”
“Oh, I do,” he answered with a dark chuckle, “but I think there’s something I want even more.” His eyes met yours, and a devilish grin played across his features as he moved his body forward, guiding you backward until you felt the back of your knees touch your bed. Your eyes flit up to his as you carefully lay against the bed. You brought your hands up to the hem of his shirt, allowing your fingertips to graze his lower stomach as he leaned over you, his hands planted on either side, caging you in. He smirked at your actions and looked down at you. “Want me to take this off?” he asked, his fingers moving to the buttons on his shirt.
You nodded shyly and gave him a quiet “please” in response as you held his gaze expectantly.
He laughed softly and smirked down at you. “All you had to do was ask, princess,” he cooed as he moved back to stand at the edge of the bed and made quick work of his shirt, allowing you to bring your hands up and push it off of his shoulders. Your eyes hungrily wandered the canvas of his bare torso, and you forgot any possible notions of being resentful towards him. With a gentle hum, you brought your hands out to touch him, his stomach twitching slightly as your fingernails grazed his tender flesh.
“Somebody’s sensitive, huh?” you teased as your eyes moved to meet his, your gaze half-lidded.
His hands quickly and firmly wrapped around your wrist, stopping your movements and removing the smug grin from your face. “Watch it, princess. Don’t wanna bite the hand that feeds you,” he warned, “Now, you wanna finish what you started?” His gaze drifted down to his belt buckle, and you wasted no time in reaching out. Your fingers fumbled with the leather strap until you finally undid it, quickly moving to the buttons of his jeans and undoing them. Soon after you had pulled down his zipper and began to shove the fabric down his legs. He quickly kicked them off, leaving him in only his underwear. Your eyes wandered to the significant tent in his boxers, and you couldn’t help the hot flush that crept upon your cheeks.
Your reaction didn’t go unnoticed by Jake, who let out a satisfied chuckle. His fingers moved to your shirt, toying with the hemline as he met your gaze, silently asking for permission. You nodded, and he made quick work of your top as he pulled it over your head and tossed it to the far corner of your bedroom. Impatient, you started to work on your jeans, unbuttoning and unzipping them. Jake laughed wickedly as he grabbed the rough denim and yanked it down your legs. “Feeling eager, baby?” he teased.
Shamelessly, you nodded in response. “I need you, Jake,” you whimpered, grabbing his hips and pulling him forward, grinding your clothed sex upon his own to further emphasize your point.
A deep, guttural moan left his lips as he pressed himself against you. “God, you’re gonna be the fucking death of me,” he murmured, letting out a shaky breath before he wrapped his arms around your back, unhooking your bra and casting it aside. His fingers came to your chest, hungrily grabbing and pawing at your tender breasts, rolling your nipples between his fingers and drawing steady, high-pitched moans from you.
“Jake…” you finally whimpered out, your breath heavy and labored, “please, baby… I need you now.” Your fingertips wandered to the hem of his boxers, carefully dipping below the fabric and grazing his sensitive skin.
He let out a shaky moan before nodding his head. “Alright. I hear you, baby,” he cooed, “I ain’t gonna make you wait any longer.” He pulled his boxers down, freeing his hard length. Your mouth practically watered at the sight as he moved forward, carefully sliding your panties down your legs and throwing them to the side. He took himself in his hand, stroking his shaft as he lined himself up with your entrance. “You ready, baby?” he asked, “Gonna take all of me, just like you always did?”
Helpless and desperate beneath him, you nodded, shifting your hips forward in anticipation. As he finally pushed himself through your wet folds, your head fell back in pleasure and a loud cry of relief left your lips. You gripped his biceps tightly as you moaned out, “Oh, Jake… fuck, baby…”
He let out a mix between a chuckle and a moan as he finally bottomed out inside of you. His fingertips dug into your hips as he held you there for a second before slowly sliding out of you and pushing himself back in again, slowly working towards building a steady pace. You continued to mewl and whine below him with every movement of his hips, and he looked down at you with nothing but all-consuming lust. “You like that, baby? Is it as good as you remember?”
His mocking words only spurred on your arousal as you nodded your head and wrapped your legs around his waist. “Mhm,” you cooed between moans and whimpers, “Still the best fuck I ever had.” The sound of skin slapping on skin began to fill the room as your hips began to roll forward, meeting his own in a desperate attempt to chase your already oncoming high.
A loud moan fell from his lips as his head fell forward and his grip on you became almost unbearably tight, sure to leave bruises in the morning. “Oh, fuck, baby,” he groaned as his hips picked up their pace, “That’s what I like to hear.” His thrusts were merciless, pounding into you with an unmatched ferocity.
Your moans echoed through the room as you reached the back of his neck and pulled him down to you. You caught his lips in a searing kiss, taking all the passion and pleasure that he had and giving it right back to him. Your fingers wound tightly in the locks of hair that hung at the back of his neck as you felt the familiar knot growing in the pit of your stomach. Your hips began to buck into his wildly as your orgasm drew closer and closer. You pulled your lips away from his own for a moment to whimper softly to him.
“Jake, baby, I’m close. I’m so close,” you sobbed into the soft skin of his neck. Your words seemed to only heighten his arousal as he fucked into you even harder. He moved one of his hands to grab your own, holding it tightly.
He dipped his head down to the hollow of your ear, mumbling to you in a desperate stream of consciousness, “Fuck, I love you, baby. I never stopped. Tell me you love me, too. Tell me you love me while you come all over my cock, baby. Come on, lemme hear you say it.”
His moment of unmasked vulnerability threw you over the edge, your own hold on his hand tightening as you cried out. “Oh, Jake… Jake, I love you. Fuck, I love you… love you so much, baby,” you whined as you buried your face into him, taking on each wave of pleasure as his hips thrusted into uncontrollably until they finally stilled as he climaxed, spilling his seed deep inside of you.
Your name was the only thing on his lips as he finally pumped into you slowly a few more times, riding out what was left of his high. He fell on top of you, his body spent. You sighed softly as his lips delicately traced the skin of your neck, ghosting along the hickeys already forming there.
“Love you, baby,” he murmured, almost to himself.
You looked at his face, feeling nothing but pure adoration as you answered him quietly, “I love you, too.”
You laid that way with him until the both of you drifted off into a deep sleep. You knew that you would have a lot to discuss in the morning, but in that moment, everything felt okay, and as you looked down at Jake’s sleeping form, you knew that that was more than enough
taglist: @westernwoods @sunfl0wer-power @gold-mines-melting @alwaysonthemend @andtherestishistory13 (send me an ask/dm me if you wanna be added to my taglist!!)
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bellewintersroe · 4 months
can we have dick stealing sobel's gf 😌
AAAAGAHAGQHAH I LOVE THIS - writing with Sobel feels icky 🤢 so I’ve made that part as brief as possible- may seem unrealistic but I loveeee unrealistic scenarios 😈 ty for your request so sorry it’s legit taken a ridiculous amount of time to get round to doing this. Just a reminder this is based of the hbo portrayal of Sobel only, no disrespect to the real man!! Dick Winters stealing Sobels GF headcannons 🤭
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okay let’s start off with something semi unrealistic but whatever.
Your family forced you into an arranged marriage with Sobel, or maybe you’ve been together since you were teens and it’s just… going nowhere, yeah. I kinda think the being forced to marry him is more realistic…
I can’t imagine there being much if any intimacy between you and Sobel- *shudders*.
And let’s be honest you’re soooo beautiful everybody’s clueless as to why you’re with the guy you’re with?
you’re stationed in England working there and lets say you’re just wayyy more sociable than your partner is. He’s not very nice to you- take that as you will, but at any chance to escape him you can.
pls you’re deffo already planning your breakup as soon as he’s shipped away, but you’re kinda worried about his and your families so you’re semi-sticking it out.
You become pretty isolated and essentially just give up on your love life.
that was until a red-haired, blue eyed soldier walks in. You can tell from the other men’s reactions he’s higher up- but you can also tell from the shy smile he sends in your direction he’s somewhat more reserved and polite.
Dick thinks you’re beautiful. He doesn’t know who you are and who you’re involved with- if he did he wouldn’t have been glancing over with flustered cheeks all evening.
“Dick just go over and speak to her for Christ sake.” Nixon eventually nudged his friend out of his seat.
that’s how you and dick eventually began talking. He’d approached you so politely, he didn’t want to intrude (I feel like Nix would have to get involved just to push it).
It wouldn’t even slip into conversation until later that night who you were with. The shock on both their faces is evident, Dick more so felt disappointed, then he felt guilty, then confused, and then a little humoured? Like how are you with Sobel out of all people?
anyway you see each other often and it’s a nice little friendship, there’s definitely some lingering feelings like you both know they’re there, but neither of you are bold enough or have the disrespect to make a move.
I feel like Dick would see you walking alongside Sobel, you both look so uncomfortably stiff and awkward with one another, he can tell you’re miserable.
all the men find it HILARIOUS that such a beautiful broad is with Sobel? But each to their own.
anyway, it’s one day, nearing dark outside and Dick just stumbles upon you sat on the wall, overlooking the fields in English.
when he notices you’re crying- uhhhh he feels a little awkward but he’s more concerned than anything. He checks the area first to see if you’re with anybody, but he’d be so gentle when he approaches you.
“Are you okay?” He’d accidentally startle you, but the gentle hand on the top of your back soothes you almost instantly.
you’d probs cry to him about how badly you don’t want that marriage and how horrible Sobel has been to you. Dicks just heartbroken about how badly you’re being treated. He doesn’t tell you to leave him, but in some ways he kinda does.
he’s NEVER do this for his own gain, but he knows that he can treat you better.
And ugh he’s so nice and respectful, everything that a man should be- and hearing that your family might DISOWN?!?? You for not marrying Sobel has him straight up admitting everything he feels for you.
Dick’s never been overly emotional but omg he can’t handle the idea of you not being taken care of. He’s very traditional and respectful, so wouldn’t force anything on you, but he’d 100% make it clear where he stands with you (there’s no room for overthinking with him).
so when he’s stood right there offering the world to you how could you say no? You leave Sobel without any reluctance and Dick is there waiting both emotionally and physically for when you’re ready. Of course if that’s not what you want he wouldn’t rush you. He kinda leaves you to do your own thing.
Its Nix who see’s the ring not on your finger, you’d get a little boozy with him and admit your feelings about Winters, you’re gushing about him and loud-mouth-lew obviously reports this back to a red faced Winters.
“oh, she said that?”
it’s safe to say you grow closer and closer, even if the progress is slow. He’d keep you updated through letters in the war, and you basically have a full fledged relationship just through writing to one another.
such romantic letters as the time goes on, who would’ve thought?
you best believe by the end of the war you two are living together in a quiet corner of the world, on a little farm and you’re happier than ever.
Sobel had warned you that without him you’d have nothing, no family, no man, no friends, no house, no money.
With winters you’d have it all and more. Sobel can’t do anything but act professional when he see’s Winters but omg he’s so salty.
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melody-writer777 · 8 months
Will you write headcannons for a Bill kaulitz x singer!reader? Something where Bill and the reader are both in separate bands but meet through like mutual connections. Then later on Bill and the reader start to have feelings for each other?
Bill kaulitz x singer!reader
Summary: How you and Bill met and how it was like when you both had feelings for eachother.
Ship: Bill Kaulitz x singer!reader
Warnings: No serious warnings but I kinda struggled to find a way to make a mutual connection so the connection ended up being the fans of Tokie Hotel and readers band.
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Almost all of your fans are also major fans of Tokio Hotel and vice versa, so it was only a matter of time before [your band] and Tokio Hotel met to make music or at least footage of how you guys interact.
Before you guy got to making music you all agreed you all would at least spend time getting to know one another so that the music comes together easier.
But after a day or two of getting to know each other Bill started to realize how great of a person you in every way and a little while after you also realize he was actually a really nice, and funny guy. Not to mention he was crazy good looking.
When the first picture of you all hanging out was posted, the fans went crazy and were so exited to see what was being planned.
To keep themselves busy they were trying to find all the picture they could and soon all the fans agreed that you and Bill would make a cute couple.
Someone in your band would be the first to find an edit, tag, or maybe even a fanfic on social media, of you and Bill.
Bill definitely was the first to deny it, he did red but blamed it on embarrassment and how you two were only friends.
You did the same, not that you wanted to, but only to not make things awkward.
As time went on he would have trouble looking you in the eyes, and when he did he zoned out
He wouldn’t completely ignore you, he really couldn’t deprive himself of you, but he would respond to you in a quick way.
Once the Tag and all the rest of the ship content continued to blow up both the rest of Tokio Hotel and [your band] could see the way you guys look at each other.
Soon they decided to just go out and pick up food about an hour away, but ofc someone needed to stay and protect the house (toms word) that person ended up being you.
But as Bill was getting ready they left without him
Both of you were really confused but you offered to watch a movie together since the rest of them would be gone for a while.
Bull wanted to decline, in fear of it being awkward, but he knew he would hate himself later is he didn’t watch the movie with you.
Thirty minutes into the movie it actually wasn’t that bad, you guys had smooth conversations between events but you both knew you needed to talk about it.
Bill brought up the tag and all of it in a joke, and you kinda laughed but soon you actually brought up the subject with just a blunt “Do you like me”
Bill was shocked but after a little pause he said yes but immediately asked if you liked him after.
When you said yes he was relieved and honestly didn’t know what to do.
After talking about it all, you could tell to tension was gone and you decided to lay on his shoulder in the last 20 minutes of the movie.
And by the time the group came back you were asleep and Bill was just shushing them so he could wake you up in a gentler way.
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Pls let me know if this is what you wanted anon, and if there’s something you don’t really like them plss tell me. I’m wasn’t sure if you wanted more of the story or if you wanted to know what it would be like for Bill to like you. But all in all I like the way it turned out.
-Melody <33
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alice1505 · 9 days
I made the mistake of rewatching Sherlock because I never did finish it back in the day (I was -clenches fist- seething over the queerbaiting and rage quit after not fully watching episode 1 of s4) and I'm here to make my side hyperfixation (what year is this??? Who am I???) Tumblr's problem. The more I sit with s4, the less I like it 😂 There were pieces and elements I liked, but overall, it left a bad taste in my mouth. Forgive me if any or all if these points have been talked to death, I missed all the discourse and I'm hella late, but I need to flail and send my thoughts into the void because what even WAS that season? I can't believe I avoided it for years, got drawn in by a couple of tiktoks making fun (affectionately) of superwholock Era and That Scene about the fucking phone charger port, binged all of it, only to be left with..... that. Not nearly as disappointing or rage inducing as spn's ending but by God, did it leave a hole in me. So please ignore my rambling thoughts as I slap them down here for my own sanity.
• First and foremost, what - and I can't stress this enough - the fuck was UP with the assassination of John's entire character???? What was that??? Why????
• Related to that point - I can appreciate the angst point and potential it provides, as I'm reading many, many fics, but AYO WHY didn't anyone rip John an entire new one for that beat down he did on Sherlock????? Hello???? 911?????
• Tell me why everything felt so stilted and borderline icy. Like I get the high emotions and shit, but after a certain point... 😭 was there a falling out between Benedict and Martin that I'm not aware of? Did they just try to ungay everything so hard and were so pissed at the audience picking up everything THAT THEY PUT???? into this show and their interactions that they just hit the brakes hard enough to make everything feel weird???
• A lot of it felt weird. Off kilter a little. Forced in some places, toned down in others (and toned down where it shouldn't have been), a nod to ships but weirdly/hatefully??? Idk if that makes sense. Like the whole Sherlock and Molly phone call (I do not mean any hate to this ship, I really hope it doesn't come off this way. Not my cup of tea but you are valid). Why was Molly so upset BEFORE the call? Did I miss something? Also I don't personally think or feel she'd still have those feelings for him??? I??? I am bamboozled.
• to that whole point, Eurus was.... Hmm. Mmmm. She was. Something. (Confused derogatory)
• I like Mary as a character. I also hated her. (Definitely biased by my shipper trash ass self for johnlock, I'm sorry). Wtf were those messages, please. Edit: AND ANOTHER THING. John's reaction to Sherlock's death - awful, gut wrenching, beautiful, my heart breaks with and for him, utterly devasting. John's reaction to Mary's death - had me sitting there like🧍‍♀️(it was weird. so weird. awkward. w h y. (we know why, but also the acting choices were Something TM, in both cases! for different reasons!) i'm sorry i just can't get past my anger and put off-ness with mary, fun as she could be)
• why did mycroft and John switch roles 😭 pls. The last episode was just. So Much. The lackluster responses from John, to John, to Sherlock, between them, like.... hello???? Who are these people?? Help me. Moriarty saved me for a brief shining moment tho, God bless.
There's more I could spew, but that's what's sitting right at the top of my head. I guess all this just to say, if a show runner/writer really just fucking hates the audience they got (instead of the one they wanted), they probably shouldn't have fucking become a show runner/writer in the first place. Either hand it to someone who can actually handle it and listens, or fuck off. I will never understand when shows and plots and characters gets kamikaze'd because of a show runner being pissy and egotistical. Like ????? Grow up. Learn from Bryan Fuller and Hannibal or something.
Sorry for all the rambling, bless anyone who reads this and makes sense of it 😂
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jkstompers · 2 years
the flower festival | jjk
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pairing: alatfsg!couple, jeon jungkook x female reader 
summary: sexual tension and corsets don’t mix… unless you have a willing prince that has been dreaming to unlace it himself. 
genre: best friends to lovers, smut, fluff, royalty!au, crown princess!oc, prince!jk 
warnings: 18+!!, mature!!!!!, making out, some mirror play (barely), heavy petting, oral sex (f + m receiving), cum-eating
word count: 11.8k
author’s note: hello everyone! ๑ᴖ◡ᴖ๑ it’s been a while since i’ve posted this couple! i’ve been super hesitant to post this because writing smut is such a weak point for me and i wasn’t satisfied with the smut in this for the longest time, but i’ve edited it enough to make it bearable. so pls let me know what u think! .^◡^. also if there are any typos i am so sorry... but i hope u enjoy either way! (。>﹏<)
banner pic cred here!
read the previous part here!
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patience is a virtue. 
on the first of may, that night when jungkook proposed to you. the two of you ended up spending the night in the city. everyone else was allowed to go out and celebrate, but you and jungkook had to be hidden from the public eye, so while you guys were holed up in your apartment; they took shots in honor of the two of you. 
alone, you and jungkook did the normal things engaged couples do. eat delivery pizza, watch pretty little liars, and of course: make out. 
when you kissed jungkook that night, something changed between the two of you. which was expected, but you can never prepare for how different things could be. there was some awkward talk beforehand, like how you were trying to explain everything after season two (because that’s when jungkook stopped watching.) but, he always knows when and how to strike. 
“so are spencer and toby still together? i thought he betrayed her.” jungkook asks intently, biting off a piece of his pizza crust. 
you suck in a breath through your teeth. “it’s complicated— you really just have to watch it to understand everything.” 
“yeah?” he asks, staring at your face and leaning his cheek against his fist. the sound of emily talking in the back fades into the background for him. he was listening at first— about how toby only did it to protect spencer but soon enough, the words started going into one ear and out the other. he was only really listening to how sweet your voice sounds. you explain the show’s twists and turns because you know jungkook wouldn’t watch the rest of it. he was done with the show by season two. spoby was his ship. finding out that toby was a member of the a team sent him over the edge— he vowed to never watch the show again because it’s treasonous to do that to the woman you love. (and since he vowed to never watch it again, he’ll never know that they actually end up together.) 
so as you explain everything, jungkook pretends he’s listening. technically he is. staring directly towards your lips, watching your lips turn into a smile when you realize that he wasn’t catching anything you were putting down. “can you repeat anything i said to you?” 
“what?” he laughs, lifting his head from his hand. “my apologies, princess, i was too busy thinking.” 
“your lips.” 
the two of you turned a new leaf. you were in no way going to deny yourself the luxury of jungkook’s lips, especially as a princess; you are allowed everything you could ever want. and all you want right now, is him. 
it starts slow, one sweet kiss that has the two of you giggling. three kisses that lead the slower pace. then so on. jungkook swipes his tongue against your bottom lip. the both of you kiss through giggles and gasps. you climb onto his lap after a few minutes of lip locking and sit yourself down on something prominently hard. you can’t help but breathe out a moan at the feeling. it makes jungkook groan against your lips. the feeling of your warm core on him makes his head spin. 
he calls for a time out, laying his head against the couch to catch a breather. you know, allow himself to relax. it was fun, provoking jungkook when he was like this: flustered. so as you sit on his lap, his problem is still very evident. you quirk an eyebrow and ask, “are you hard?” 
jungkook lets out a little laugh before lifting his head back up to look at you. a roll of his eyes and a small smile as he replies, “not even gonna answer that.” he dives back in, sliding his tongue against yours as you moan out. his hands on your lower back, pulling you closer and closer until you were only one step away from doing the deed. 
“are we—” you start but jungkook already knows what you’re going to say. 
“fuck— i’m sorry, princess. too much?” he pulls himself away. “you said you wanted to take it slow.” he holds you gently in his lap, not as close as before. he’s biting his lip now, scared that he did take it too far. 
you blush. “right— yeah, of course, slow.” you nod incessantly, trying to calm yourself down even though you’re one hundred percent sure your underwear is soaked. your reply puts him at ease, he can hear that you’re as flustered as he is. 
with a gentle laugh, he holds your cheek in his hand. “whenever you want it, just know i do too.” he assures you. “but i want to do this right, wanna make sure everything is perfect, you know?” the way he’s tilting his head to the side and giving you that lazy smile; it’s testing your abstinence. you could just take him here and now. but you refrain, understanding that it’s just probably not time yet. 
“i know.” you nod again, sheepishly. “hungry?” you ask him as you shuffle off of his lap. 
he laughs at the way your face turns pink. “one more kiss.” 
and so it went on. day after day. week after week. leading to now. it’s almost the end of may. you and jungkook are doing good, abstaining from sexual desires by basically avoiding each other whenever the urges come. neither of you are sure you can hold out any longer. but the two of you put up a strong front. jungkook doesn’t know that you’d pounce on him within a second if he asked. you don’t know that jungkook would kiss every inch of your skin if you told him he could. there’s just a lot of nervous feelings surrounding sex between the two of you. a kiss is one thing, but sex is another. 
besides the copulation conundrum; spring is in full swing. the flowers in raemor are in full bloom. the pretty pastel colors remind you of the special time that comes every year. 
the annual raemor flower festival! 
every kingdom in the world is invited; they’re welcome to party and stay at the palace whenever the flower festival comes around. with the multiple rooms in the castle, two chateaus under your name, and the jeon family's castle, it was safe to say that you could never run out of space to help house all the families that were invited to the festival. 
it took place over a week; sometimes people would stay the entire week, a couple of days, a night, or maybe even just a couple of hours. it was just a huge sleepover party that welcomed every kingdom of the world to check out how pretty the flowers are in raemor. it was also a time to network, befriend more people, and assure that alliances were kept. 
you’d heard from blue that this year is expected to be the largest turn out in history, and it’s all because of you and jungkook. your engagement has attracted the attention of almost every kingdom. everyone wants to be invited to the wedding, the coronation, the baby shower— they want to see it all. they want to see the fairytale dream come true! 
“are you nervous?” jungkook comes up from behind you, snaking his hands around your waist as he gives you a hug. you’d been watching and assisting the staff as they begin to set up the tables and clean up the garden. 
“for what?” you place your hands over his, leaning into his warmth. jungkook was always warm for some reason, even if he wasn’t dressed properly for the weather. just like now, it was still morning and the sun hadn't properly risen. but he seemed to only be wearing a short sleeved shirt and the sweats you got him. 
“the festival,” he answers, pulling you closer to him so that you're snug against his front. “i heard everyone is coming, and i mean like, everyone.” 
a part of you is nervous, terrified really. it’s your first real, real event ever since your return. your welcome back dinner didn’t really count since it was mostly just family and close friends of the crown. then the suitor/supposed-to-be engagement party didn’t really count because you didn’t do much besides sit down, chat, and mope about jungkook. but this, this was a meeting that involved international relations. people that you haven’t seen in years, and some you haven’t even met yet. “kind of,” you shrugged. lying through your teeth. 
“your mother was talking to me about how she’s gonna make you redo your etiquette training,” he informs you. you turn around, ready to argue your cause that you’ll do just fine, but you got side tracked easily.
jungkook is just so pretty. the title of prettiest prince was well deserved, because when you turned around, one look at his face was enough to make you stutter and stumble over your words. “she— she what?! when?” 
“yeah, i think she will be training you for the days leading up to the festival.” he explains, putting his hands in the pockets of his sweats. his morning look is unreasonably attractive. messy hair and slightly puffy face. if you could, you’d shower his face in kisses right now. realizing your stare, he smiles. “like what you see?”
you roll your eyes, “yes, my pretty prince.” you press a finger onto his chest, “you better help get me out of etiquette lessons or else.” you warn before walking back into the castle. you continue pointing to him with a direct glare as you pass the big double doors that lead back into the castle. you can only see his face break into a smile before he shrugs sarcastically. 
“you’re on your own, princess!” 
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you’d learned that jungkook wasn’t lying about your mother wanting to redo your etiquette training. she wasn’t impressed by the way you carried yourself during your would’ve-been engagement party. so, for the past few days you’ve been balancing books on your head because she said that you slouch your back when you walk. then at dinner she would be eagle-eyed, making sure you were picking up the right utensils. she would correct your legs when you were sitting, telling you to cross at the ankles and to sit the right way. 
“i can’t even breathe properly, according to her.” you groan, walking with jungkook down the hall and to the garden. another one of your mothers training sessions was about to start. she warned you not to be late or else she’d make it extra long today. 
it was the day before the festival. in a few hours, it would be the welcoming dinner which is when everyone will attend. some guests had already started to arrive but your mother wasn’t satisfied by the way that you still weren’t able to walk with three books stacked atop your head. she just had to squeeze in one more etiquette class.
“at least it’s done after today,” he laughs, “then you just have to remember what you learned and make sure you’re being the most princess-y princess.” 
“right,” you scoff playfully. 
“___! come on! we’ve got to get started now!” your mother calls from the edge of the garden. you look at jungkook, silently pleading for him to save you before you walk down the stairs and to her. 
he goes inside for a little bit; answering questions from the early arriving visitors and helping the staff put the finishing touches on everything. before he goes back outside to meet with you, he grabs some tea and a little snack for the both of you. when he comes out, you’re walking in a straight line with three books stacked on your head. they looked heavy, he wonders if it hurts. 
jungkook watches from afar, smiling at the way you wobble when you walk. bottom lip stuck between your teeth in concentration. you’re just about to finish the walk when the top book falls, making the rest of the fall too. 
“where has your good posture gone, my child?!” your mother giggles from the other side. 
“highschool and college will do this to you, mother! this is how you know i was a good student!” you groan, picking up the books and trying it again. 
you were determined, and you’d eventually get it. the second try you were able to walk back and forth the line without dropping the books. when your mother approves, you plop onto the grass beside the cobblestone. a sigh of relief coming from your mouth. 
that’s my girl, jungkook almost says out loud before he realizes a presence beside him, startling him. she’d probably been standing there for a while. there was a slight grimace on her face, staring— almost glaring— your way. 
“it is quite bizarre that the people want to make her queen, isn’t it? i mean, look at her,” she scowls. jungkook looks around to see if she’s talking to anyone else, but he’s the only one near. obviously, she was talking about you, she was facing your way and mentioned the fact that you’d be queen. you’re next in the line of succession, of course you’d be queen. it was dumb thing for her to say. 
he turns and looks at her with a disgusted, but mostly confused expression. “she is the king's daughter— we don’t have to make her the queen, she is going to be queen, it’s in her blood.” 
she’s quiet at first from the response. apparently she was expecting a different reply. jungkook doesn’t know if he’s ever met this lady. she seems just a little older than the both of you. he suspects she’s probably from here, a highborn of some noble. it’s both surprising but somehow expected. there’s been reports recently of some extremist raemorians that have spoken out against your becoming of the queen. they don’t trust you, as you’ve been gone for so long and only come back now. they see it as you’ve abandoned them, and only came back to marry jungkook, and if you were to choose, you’d rather be with the outside world than raemor. 
but jungkook knows that’s not the case— he can see how much you missed the kingdom. in the way that you spend a little more time walking around than you used to. the way that you take forever when you talk to the citizens of the village. you care about raemor— not just because of jungkook or because you had to come back. but because this is your home, this is your birthplace, this is your family. 
“she doesn’t behave like a princess, let alone a queen.” she rolls her eyes, breaking jungkook out of his train of thought. “if only the queen bore another child, maybe they would be more worthy of the crown.”
it was bold of her to be speaking this way about you and your family. especially to him. she had to have known that jungkook was a close friend of the crown. there are pictures and paintings of all of you around the palace, some in the city too— did she think he secretly despises you? she could not have been more wrong. 
“i’m not sure who you think you’re talking to, but if you don’t want to be on the kings bad side, i suggest you keep your statements to yourself, because that girl there—” he points to you, successfully walking with four books stacked atop your head. a smile on his face before he finishes his statement, “—is my betrothed, and i will not hesitate to defend her.” 
that seems to get her, and if she wanted to say more, jungkook didn’t give her the chance. he walked down the stairs and to you just after, scones on a plate in one hand and tea in the other. 
“great job on the books.” he congratulates, handing the plate to you. 
“thank you,” you give him a proper curtsy. “are we done now, mother? i wanna take a nap.” turning to your mother with a mouthful of food. she gives you a playful glare. you chew your food fast and swallow before asking again. “please?” 
“one hour,” she tells you. “you’ve got to be up and ready before it gets dark, it's the welcome dinner tonight, you know that.” 
“you got it!” you smiled, taking jungkook’s hand and dragging him back into the palace, up to your room and plopping onto your bed. a good nap is what the two of you need, especially since the two of you have been waking up at seven in the morning to help out these past few days. 
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the sound of the alarm on your phone blaring makes you jolt up, jungkook too. “your alarm is a bit harsh, don’t you think?” he rubs his eyes. he was right, it was the scary one, that sounded like you pressed the wrong button in a control room. 
“how else am i going to wake up?” you laughed, shutting off the alarm and stretching in your bed. “time to get ready.” you sigh against your sheets, eyes fluttering closed once more. 
jungkook pulls you up when he sees that you’re about to fall asleep again. “rise and shine, princess.” your body feels like jelly, you collapse against him and groan. 
“protect me from the corsets, jungkook.” you plead against his chest. 
“you don’t have to wear them.” he shrugs, “jieun didn’t—” and you’re sending him a glare before he can finish the sentence. “sorry.” he scratches the back of his neck. 
“mother said i have to— she said it will help my posture.” you groaned. “plus, she said if i wasn’t wearing my corset for the festival— she’d find me and put it on me herself— i am not risking that.” you shake your head in fear. 
“fair enough.” jungkook laughs. trying once more to get you up but you plop down again, unable to leave the comfort of your sheets. 
speaking of your posture, your mother would be disappointed if she saw you right now. your spine was at an almost ninety degree angle, jungkook tries to hold you up but you keep slumping down. before you know it, your doors are being opened and the sound of your two best ladies rings in your ears. “it’s time, princess!” chaeyoung jumps onto the bed. 
“we’ll take it from here, your highness.” chungha tells jungkook, and he nods, letting go of your jelly body gently and watching as you plop back down on the bed. 
before jungkook leaves the room, he raises your left hand and gives a gentle kiss to your ring finger. “i’ll see you later, princess.” he smiles against your knuckle. it’s the only thing that got you to sit up, so you could look at him properly. after you bid him adieu, he makes his way back home to get ready himself. his friends are also hiding out in his room, ready to style the prince for the flower festival. 
the dress you chose was beautiful, a pretty light green color that reminds you of the leaves from the flowers you were celebrating today. 
they allow you to get into your undergarments and when you’re ready, they help you slide the loose corset on. it’s been five years since you last wore one. your ribs and stomach have been allowed to be free and enjoy life. but now, it’s once again being subjected to weird and unusual punishment. 
chaeyoung and chungha promise that it shouldn’t hurt too bad. it’s supposed to be one of the most comfortable corsets in the market. 
“just remember, take in all the air you can and then hold it, yeah?” chaeyoung explains. you nod, taking in a few more breaths before she moves behind you alongside chungha. “okay, ready, breathe!” she calls out, pulling the laces and pulling them tightly. 
they were right about it being a lot more comfortable, it felt nice against your skin but it was still a corset. after some time, even the finest fabrics will feel like sandpaper. 
“we’re late.” chungha points out, nodding towards the clock that reads 7:15. 
“crap!” you gasped. “does it really take that long to help a girl dress up?!” they finish tightening the corset and rush to slide the gown on. they cinch the waist of the dress and tie the knots into pretty bows. 
“corsets are an art, they take time,” chaeyoung says. she would know, half of her closet is corsets; she loves the hell out of them. she was studying fashion the last time you checked, you hope she still is. 
you’re sitting at your vanity, digging through your jewelry box to see which pieces would look good with your dress. chungha styles your hair. she decides to go for a flowy look today, leaving your hair down and adding some texture with gentle curls before adding tiny flowers through the strands to match with your dress. you were truly raemor's crown princess with this look. chaeyoung applies your makeup, a natural look with neutral browns to fit in with the nature theme you were going with. then you were sifting through the necklaces you own, deciding on the simple gold chain and dainty gold rings. last but not least, the honorary raemor flower crown that is passed down to every princess of raemor. it’s been yours for the past twenty years. it’s never fit as perfectly as it does today. 
“you are stunning, princess!” chaeyoung and chungha praise you as you stand from your vanity, giving them a little twirl, they cheer some more. 
you let out a laugh, “are you ready for one of the biggest parties of the year?” raising your eyebrows. 
you all let out a whoop and make your way outside of your room. allowing the three of you to calm down as you walk out and towards the ballrooms second story entrance. you and your ladies looking prim and proper as you arrive half an hour late to the celebration. you stop just in front of the door and the announcer calls out the names of your ladies first, the two of them step through the huge doors and walk down the stairs on their own. 
as you let out a breath, you tell yourself that all the nervousness will go away. that you won’t tumble down the stairs and that your crown won’t fall when you bow and curtsy. when you hear the announcer call your name and the big double doors swing open for you. your breath is caught in your throat. the sight of at least a thousand people in one room; it frightens you. 
it’s almost silent in the room, the only noises were quiet gasps, whispers, and the faint entrance music playing in the background. your eyes search through the room to find someone familiar, your mother, your father, your ladies, anyone! and just as you thought you were about to run away. you spot jungkook at the back of the room, in front of the open doors of the ballroom with the biggest smile on his face. he’s so handsome, his hair parted and his hands in the pockets of his tuxedo. seeing him makes your nerves wash away. 
with that, you bow your head slightly and begin your descent down the stairs. you watch as jungkook snakes his way around the crowd to make it to your side when you reach the bottom of the steps. you bow once more and a round of applause breaks out into the room. multiple praises, shouts of compliments come your way and you can’t help but blush. 
“you are breathtaking.” jungkook approaches you, whispering close to your ear. 
“as are you,” you tell him. he smiles at you as he holds his arm out for you to hold. you greet everyone as you make it through the huge room, saying hi to people you haven’t seen since you left, to people you’ve never met before, and to people you just saw an hour ago. at the end of the line, your parents stand, proud of their beautiful daughter. 
“you really are the crown princess of raemor.” your father takes you into his arms, kissing atop of your head. 
your mother sneakily checks if you’re wearing a corset by giving you a hug, her arm wrapping around your waist to check for the ribs of the garment. “you’re doing amazing, my love.” she laughs, “i won’t torture you about it anymore.” 
“thank you.” you groaned. laughs erupt between the two of you and she tells both you and jungkook to go and mingle. it was the best time to form stronger alliances and now since the two of you are officially engaged, everyone will want a piece of the pie. they want to know if they’ll be invited to the wedding, if they’ll be in the wedding party (even though you aren’t close to most of these people.) 
and that was exactly the case when it came to the marchioness of spain. you never really knew her all that well, she doesn’t really come around very often and you’ve only ever visited spain twice in your entire life. jungkook had separated from you because the prince of france took him away for a drink with him and his buddies, leaving you with his sister: the princess of france and the marchioness. they’re apparently the best of friends. 
you’re on your third fake laugh when the marchioness finally asks what you think she’s been itching to this entire conversation. “have you chosen your maid of honor yet?” she asks. 
with a pained smile, you shake your head and lie through your teeth. “no, i haven’t.” of course, i have. it’s seungyeon. 
she gives you a little wink, “well, i’m always open to it, you know?” you know she’s being serious by the way that she looks so hopeful about it. it made you feel kind of bad. but the maid of honor spot is meant for someone that you’re actually close to, not someone that you felt bad for. you could only give her another big, fake smile. in hopes that she’ll lay off the idea. 
the princess of france butts in, “but you’re married, you can’t be a maid of honor.” she swirls her champagne around in her flute, shooting the marchioness a look. 
“i can be a matron of honor.” she bites back. her eyes narrowed and a very apparent glare started to form. the two of them begin having the most intense staring contest in the world. you couldn’t even believe you were in the middle of this. 
from behind you, your knight in shining armor comes just in time. jungkook coughs, getting your attention before speaking. “princess, your father has been searching for you.” 
“oh—! right! i must go, ladies, my apologies.” you excuse yourself with a quick bow of your head and take hold of jungkook’s arm as he leads you away. “thank you.” you squeeze his arm gently and lean into him. “i never realized how exhausting talking to aristocrats— being that we are also.” 
“well, they’re… you know—“ he laughs. 
you finish his sentence for him, knowing he’s too nice to say it out loud. “annoying?” 
“yes, exactly.” he laughs. 
“princess!” the duchess of gotia approaches you, eunwoo’s mother. she’s known to be the mother, actually. she’s always offering to babysit the royal children. you always found it very sweet. she loves being a mother, so with her interaction, you know exactly what she’s going to say. “so…” she sing-songs. “how is it coming?” she asks, signaling towards your belly. 
“uh— well," you laugh awkwardly and jungkook quickly answers for you. 
“duchess, we aren’t even married yet.” he shoots down the idea immediately. 
“well, if you ever need a babysitter, you know who to call!” she smiles brightly. “you have been the greatest to my eunwoo, and i would like to express my gratitude whenever you need me.” 
“of course,” you nodded with a smile. “we will let you know when the time comes.” you tell her hesitantly, looking up to jungkook, only to see that his eyes have averted to looking anywhere except you. 
she walks away to converse with the ladies when another pair of highborns decide to approach you. for the third time tonight, you and jungkook have maneuvered your way around and avoided the talk of an heir. how awkward was it to talk about babies when you guys haven’t even touched third base yet. 
“everyone please gather! it is time for dinner!” clementine announces and you let out a sigh of relief. you and jungkook make it to your assigned table and sit down next to each other. 
before anyone starts eating, the king and queen are supposed to make a speech about how thankful they are for everyone that has visited, how they hope everyone enjoys the flowers, and then wishes them well as they allow them to dig into their meal. 
but the speech has gone on for quite a long time this year, your father was rambling about how this is the first flower festival with you back and how hard it’s been without you. it’s a touching speech, really, but your father always finds a way to skew the speech in a different direction; even when he doesn’t mean to. it’s been five minutes and now he’s talking about how tough of a winter it was this year and how he was afraid that the flowers were frozen and gone forever. 
jungkook glances over to see you hunching your back, it looks uncomfortable, and it must be if you’re in a dress like that. multiple ties in the back and metal ribs to cinch in your waist. so he decides to help you out a little bit. sneakily, his hand moves to your back, pushing slightly. “straighten your back, love.” he whispers in your ear. 
your back straightens immediately, a shiver runs down your spine as well. “thank— thank you.” the slight touch and his words make you quiver, having to take a breath to stabilize yourself and assure that you don’t start making out with him in the middle of your father’s speech. 
he takes his hand away from your back swiftly, but not before he takes a quick look at the intricate lacing in the back. tightly woven for the appearance of a defined waist. “does it hurt?” jungkook visibly winces. 
“just a little,” you pinch your fingers together. “but you get used to it after a while.” you shrug. 
“are the laces too tight?” he asks after staring at the ties for a while. “i can tell chaeyoung,” he suggests. 
you shake your head, “i’m fine— promise.” 
your father finally finishes his speech with a request for everyone to raise their glass and cheers to the celebration of the flowers, thanking the higher powers for everything before telling everyone to dig in. 
after dinner was when the princes and princesses would talk, in this case: jungkook (since you were too nervous to talk). for some reason, he was really nervous today. jungkook is never nervous, he’s always confident about what he’s going to say. but now it was his turn to be corrected. his leg was bouncing like crazy, the table jumps every now and then from his knee knocking it. so you place your hand atop of his thigh, gently telling him to cease the movements. it works, he pauses and stares at your hand with wide eyes. they flicker between your hand and your side profile. you stare straight, listening to your father talk (he was supposed to just introduce jungkook, but ended up making another speech) while your hand comforts his restless leg. 
jungkook tries to keep it under control, but your hand is inches away from his groin, and he tries to deny the blush that rushes over his face. 
his hand covers yours and gives you a gentle squeeze. it makes you turn to look at him, a look on his face that you’ve never seen before. a straight face with eyes that wander, stern but mischievous at the same time. 
he pulls your hand off of his leg and redirects it to your lap, giving you a little smile before letting his hand ghost the skin of your exposed thigh. the slit on your dress is unhelpful when it comes to modesty and trying to be subtle about how you feel towards jungkook, both emotionally and sexually. a slight touch from jungkook topples the dominoes. goosebumps raise on your arms, your breath is caught in your throat, and now suddenly, your core is a lot warmer than before. 
your father continues to ramble about the history of the soil and how every flower and plant can grow on the grounds of raemor. jungkook’s hand is still on your lap. you’ve calmed down now, the urge to pounce on him has subdued to just wanting to kiss him right now. he’s gorgeous, as always. a perfect side profile, hair styled so prettily, and his skin so soft against yours. 
“and to keep the night going, a word from our prince, jungkook!” your father finally announces. 
you plant a kiss on his cheek before he gets up, “good luck.” you whisper in his ear and he gives you a bright smile before he makes his way up to the stage. 
after the welcome applause dies down, jungkook taps the microphone and introduces himself as if no one in the room knew him. then he goes on about how lucky he is to be living a life like this. how privileged he and everyone in the room is. and how excited he is for the future of raemor and the world. he ends the speech with a sweet shout out to you. “and as we are here celebrating the best blooms of raemor, i’d like to thank the prettiest flower, our princess ___, for being my best friend and my fiancée— now let us party!” 
you blush. your hands covering your face because of how cute it was. jungkook received a loud applause, credited to his friends who whoop and shout as he comes down the stage. once he comes back to the table, he gives you a big kiss and the two of you laugh at how cheesy his ending sentence was. 
the party starts up once more, the mc’s orchestrate the music and multiple people join, waltzing and turning upon the shiny ballroom floor. jungkook wants to dance with you. so he lifts his hand from your lap to ask for a dance. 
jungkook knows you don’t exactly like dancing, but you always take the chance to dance with him whenever it’s given to you. plus, with this dress, how could you not groove and twirl around? 
a dance sounds so innocent, the gentle movements of ballroom dancing and the easy one, two steps. but jungkook is a pro, despite your novice skills, he lets you step out of your comfort zone. trying dips and lifts with you. the slight touches against your hips, your waist, and down your arms. you had no idea how to exactly explain it, but you felt something burn inside of you. 
when jungkook pulls you in for another twirl, his hand ever so slightly grazes just underneath your breast, his thumb running over the clothed skin. you jolt back abruptly and jungkook is startled. pulling his hands down to yours immediately. “is everything alright, princess? would you like to take a break?” 
you nod, “please.” you let go of his hands and walk off the dance floor. jungkook is hot on your heels as you head to your table to get a drink of water. soon, the burn from deep inside begins to travel. your face began to burn up, your fingertips, and your skin. suddenly, your corset was way too tight, your shoes were a size too small, the crown on your head felt like thorns— everything was bothering you. you knew it was because you wanted jungkook so bad. 
“is there anything i can get you?” he comes up behind you. a hand gently caresses your arm. his touch is hot. it was so hard to control these feelings. love was hard enough, but now lust clouds your view. 
“i’m— i’m fine,” you take another sip of your water. “i just need to sit down.” 
he sits down with you, worry encompassing his face. “are you sure everything is okay? is it your dress? i can call one of your ladies to help.” 
you shake your head, “i’m fine.” reassuring him that it was okay, it’s just that incredulous, incessant burn. 
“alright.” jungkook nods. “i won’t leave your side, just let me know if you need anything.” he tells you, and you nod. thanking him even though you knew if you wanted to keep this abstinence promise, you were gonna need to be as far away from him as possible. 
you try to spend the next ten minutes calming down, but with jungkook sitting in front of you, conversing with other princes and highborn from his seat— he looks too good. he’s leaning back, arm around the empty chair next to him, his body is still facing you but his face is turned to talk to his friends that are at the next table. it just makes him look even hotter. if that was even possible. the promise that he wouldn’t leave your side made you melt, and it’s only contributing to the problem between your thighs. you cross your legs and squeeze, trying to relieve some of the ache but it doesn’t work. you need to leave now or you need jungkook to help ease this tension. 
and there was nothing wrong with asking for it. 
“actually— jungkook,” you sit up. taking his attention away from yugyeom who sat at the table behind him, showing him something on his phone. “can you help me? the lacing on my corset is starting to become unbearable.” 
he stands up immediately, holding his hand up for you to hold as you get up from your seat. “oh— sure, princess, let me get chae—“ 
“no! it’s okay— could you just help me to my room?” you interrupt him, a sweet look on your face. your intentions are quite evil, and you wonder if he can see right through you. “please?” 
“of course, princess.” he agrees. excusing himself from the conversation with yugyeom. his arm is out for you to hold, and you take it gleefully. 
you weave through the massive ball room to get to your parents table, tapping your mother on her shoulder to inform her. “i’ll be taking a break in my room with jungkook.” she nods and laughs, clearly not paying attention to whatever you were saying because her friends were telling her about a trip they had in bali. 
so the two of you make it up the stairs, down the main hall and to your room. you let yourselves in and lock the door behind you. “oh— thank god,” you sighed. jungkook was already on your bed, back against your comforter and eyes straight to the ceiling. 
“suffocating conversations and a device around your waist that basically chokes you, are you a sadist or something?” jungkook jokes, laying on his side with his head resting against his hand. 
“i don’t take pleasure in making people cry, jungkook.” you rolled your eyes playfully. “i think the word you’re looking for is masochist.” taking off your heels, you make your way to your bed and jungkook makes some space for you. you groan as you plop down onto the bed. in the minute that you’re laying down, jungkook takes the liberty to put something on the tv and dim the lights a little. as the movie plays in the background, you lay there on your stomach, arms feeling like jelly as you try to untie the laces of your corset by yourself. 
jungkook watches as you flail your arms. stifling a laugh, he asks, “do you need help, princess?” 
“yes, please.” you pout. 
“okay, i’ll call your ladies and—" 
“jungkook, you’re already here— do you want to try? i can talk you through it.” you sit up, looking him in the eye. 
jungkook tries to hide the way that his eyes almost bulge out of his head. gulping, he asks, “are— are you sure you want me to help? i can get them up here quickly.” 
“please?” you ask him sweetly. you can see that he’s eager, that he is willing; but you know he’s too much of a gentleman to admit something like that. especially in this abstinence period the two of you are having now. so you shrug a little bit, “unless you don’t want to, then i can go find them myself, it’s no problem.” 
he lets out a shaky breath. jungkook isn’t sure how to explain why he’s worried. the thought of helping you out of a corset is intimate. he’s had many, many dreams about it. so you asking him, leads him straight into a trap. one that the two of you have been avoiding ever since you first kissed. 
but you’re asking so nicely, the sweetest look in your eyes that he knows has to be intertwined with evil. because why else would you be asking your best friend— soon to be husband— to undo the ties of your corset? 
he’s thought about it for all too long now. to the point where he just thinks, fuck it. so he nods. “i’ll help you.” 
“are you sure?” you tilt your head. he only comes closer, nodding his head as you scoot back a little bit, so that you’re closer as well. out of habit, his hands move to your waist automatically. you have to take a slight breath to calm yourself down before continuing. “okay,” you mentally prepare yourself. “untie this first,” placing your hand where the dress holds itself together. he pulls the silk bow apart easily, and the material of your dress falls. leaving the corset laces out and ready to be loosened. you point to the bow just at the middle of your back, “then pull this apart.” 
the string is pulled and the knot is undone successfully. jungkook looks at you through the mirror in front of you. the moment is something you’d find in a romance movie. the dim lighting is inherently sensual, and the volume of the tv fades into the back as the two of you only focus on eachother. the mirror compels the two of you to make eye contact every now and then. jungkook successfully unties the very professional bow chaeyoung tied and looks to you again for reassurance. you give him a soft smile and a quick nod. 
with that, he asks. “what now?” he’s a little closer than he was earlier. that familiar feeling between your legs starts up once again. you try to hide it, shifting your weight every now and then, squeezing your thighs together. 
jungkook doesn’t say anything, but he notices. 
“pull the strings here,” you cough. you bring your hands up to hold his, bringing them to the laces. “to loosen them.” 
he nods, swiftly going through with your instructions. jungkook can feel the heat radiating off of your body, he can also see the way that your cheeks are turning pink and how warm your hand was against his. to comfortably pull the laces, he lifts your hair and brings it to your front. his fingers ever so slightly brushing against your neck; the slight touch making you lean your head as if he were diving in to kiss it. jungkook can see that too, it makes him smile. the pure want that radiates off of you matches the passion he’s been trying his hardest to bury. 
pulling gently on the strings and watching as they tug apart, the integrity of your corset deteriorates as the strings pull further away. your bare back begins to show. your hand moves to the front of the corset, holding it close to your chest and (barely) trying to keep everything modest. 
“should i keep going?” jungkook whispers in your ear, entirely too close for comfort but it feels so nice. his voice is so smooth, it goes straight to your core, only adding to the intense warmth. his question was a double edged sword. asking if he should keep unlacing your corset and at the same time, keep going with this. “do you want to?” he adds. 
“yes,” you nod. a look in the mirror shows you a different jungkook, one that is filled with desire.
instead of pulling that last lace to completely deem your corset useless, he catches you off guard, sitting straight and undoing the buttons of his dress shirt. your eyes almost bulge out of your head when he takes his shirt off, his bare chest out for you to see. it’s nothing you haven’t seen before, but in the moment, you can’t help but stare. 
he covers your shoulders with the shirt, making sure the front of the shirt covers your chest before he pulls out the last knot. in turn, the top becomes loose and falls forward into your grasp. the feeling of the cold air against your warm skin makes goosebumps rise. jungkook’s shirt is the only thing keeping you from full-on flashing him with your breasts. you hold the shirt closed with your hand as you let the rest of the dress fall off of your body, you gently kick it to the side and leave it on the floor beside your bed. putting his shirt on properly, the cold silk brushes against your arms. 
when you turn around, jungkook is further than he was. no longer was he close enough to whisper in your ear and make your shiver from his lips ghosting your neck. he’s now sitting with his back against the headboard and he’s staring. he sees how pretty you look in his shirt and that your legs are clad, only in the black underwear you were wearing. he tried his best not to stare. when he realized that you caught him, he changed his focus back onto the tv. he clears his throat, “comfortable now?” 
you hum, “very.” he looks so delectable, your multicolored lights don’t help your hunger; the lights reflect off of him in the prettiest way. his legs are parted just enough, and you can imagine how it would feel if you sat between them. “can i sit with you?” you ask, a devilish idea sprouting in your mind. 
“of course,“ he nods, “c’mere, princess.” patting the spot next to him. you have other plans, crawling into the space between his legs. jungkook doesn’t protest, rather, just a surprised look on his face when you rest your back on his front and sit yourself flush against him. 
“is this okay?” you asked, turning back to look at him. 
he nods, gulping. “yeah— yeah, of course.” 
jungkook forces his eyes not to stray just below him, where the valley of your breasts is exposed because you didn’t bother to button the shirt up all the way. his eyes try to stay focused on the avengers saving the world, but from his peripheral vision, he can see the way that his shirt barely clings onto your breasts. if you were to move an inch, the shirt would slip easily. 
on your end; jungkook is taking too long. you thought he would have made a move by now. his bold words and actions earlier when he was undoing your corset had your expectations high, but now it looks like he’s actually focused on the infinity stones. you shift a little against him, making the hand that was resting on his leg fall onto you. he pulls back immediately, as if he’d burned himself on your skin. “sorry,” he flushes. 
you laugh, “it’s okay.” 
as always, jungkook is too much of a gentleman to speak his dirty mind. every few minutes or so, you can sense his eyes changing their focus from the tv to the gap in his shirt you’re wearing. the little glimpse of your cleavage is enough to make his face flush and his dick start to stiffen. “fuck,” he whispers to himself. 
“hm?” you turn your head to look at him. the devil on your shoulder telling you to kiss him and tease him. when he makes eye contact with you, you spot his bottom lip between his teeth. 
“don’t do this to me, princess.” he practically begs, on his last thread of self control when you turn a little more. the shirt shifting and revealing more. “i’m afraid i can’t hold back any longer.” 
giving him a gentle kiss against his jaw with a smirk on your lips before you say, “then don’t.” 
he sighs, leaning his head back against the headboard. “you—“ he starts, lifting his head back up after he’s gotten his thoughts in order. “princess, don’t you want to wait?” 
“do you still want to wait?” you ask him, sitting up and covering yourself in a quick haste. jungkook is silent. if he was honest, he was scared. he didn’t really know why, but he just felt like he would mess it up somehow. plus, waiting for the right time wasn’t so bad, despite him wanting to devour you right now, he’s a man of self control. he won’t push anything you don’t want. patience is a virtue, he tells himself. so he gulps, not saying anything, just staring back at you. 
he takes too long to answer, and it just makes you more insecure. you can’t even look at him straight in the eye anymore, afraid you humiliated yourself in front of your best friend. you start buttoning up the top as you speak, “i’m sorry— i just… didn’t want to wait anymore.” 
and in that moment, jungkook says fuck patience. 
reaching out to stop your hands from doing another button. your eyes shoot up, making eye contact with him. “i’m sorry, princess— i didn’t know.” 
“wasn’t it obvious by the way i’m throwing myself at you right now?” you giggled which in turn makes jungkook laugh as well. 
but the energy in the room is far from family friendly, the laughs that leave jungkook make him even more delectable. he has that lazy smile on again. he raises his hand from your buttons to your face, gently rubbing your cheek before he dives in for a kiss. one that leads the two of you into a great deal of swapping spit. 
he smiles against your lips, “i just needed to hear you say it.” his other hand snakes under the shirt, placing it on your lower back and pulling you close. jungkook’s bare chest against your silk covered one. sneakily, using his other hand to unbutton the ones you’ve done up. 
you look up and beg him with your eyes to relieve some of the pressure between your thighs. “please,” you nod. 
he tsks, shaking his head. “need you to tell me what you want, my love.” his hands continue to roam under the silk shirt, you can feel the way they inch closer and closer to your breasts. 
“i— i want you to touch me.” you tell him. 
he hums. accepting your request. gently pulling the garment away from your chest, your breasts out for him to cherish. he takes his time admiring them before bringing his warm hands and running them over your stiff buds. enveloping you in a messy kiss as he continues. the cold metal of his gold signet ring is a stark contrast to the warmth of your bodies, it makes you shiver and groan against jungkook’s lips. feeling so sensitive and so ready. it was embarrassing for you to admit that you were so wet, the anticipation has you dripping. “like this?” he continues to play with your breasts. paying close attention to your nipples because he loves the way that you react when he adds a little pressure. 
“more,” you plead, breaking the kiss. “please— jungkook.”
he lets out a little laugh at your willingness. his hands move to your back, giving you another kiss before repositioning the two of you and gently laying you against the pillows. he presses another kiss on your lips before moving down, kissing your cheek, then your jaw, then your neck. further down to your collarbone, between your breasts, and then deciding to give love to both of your nipples. 
it makes you giggle, in turn making him smile against your skin. you always thought that something like this between you and jungkook would be way too awkward, no matter how many times you’ve thought and dreamed about it— you’ve never thought of it being so… natural with him. 
you aren’t allowed to be in your thoughts long before he allows his mouth to latch onto your nipple, sucking lightly and running the tip of his tongue against the bud. making you whimper and instinctively running your hands through his hair. “fuck— jungkook, more, please— please.” 
“are you sure, princess?” he brings his head up, making eye contact with you. he looks so pretty. it’s unbelievable really. messy hair, red lips, and cheeks ever so slightly tinted pink. 
“absolutely,” you tell him. 
before he goes any further, he moves back up to give you another kiss. “i love you,” professing his love with another gentle kiss that makes you feel surrounded by angels and clouds. 
“i love you,” you smile. “are you sure you want to do this?” 
“you don’t know how much i want this, princess.” he tells you, hinting at his dirty thoughts. you weren’t alone in your pining. you almost laugh, but jungkook cut to the chase, kissing down your body once more and making it to the waistband of your lace underwear. your legs accommodate him, spreading them apart once he dips low enough. “so pretty.” jungkook comments, running his finger over the material of your underwear, making you shiver. he likes watching the way you react to his actions. 
“picked it out myself.” you pride yourself in your choice of intimate wear. 
jungkook lets out a little laugh, “it’s no shock that the crown princess has great taste.” he teases, running his finger under the lace now. placing kisses on your inner thighs, making you drip in anticipation. his lips gently make his way between your thighs, placing a kiss on your clothed clit. it makes you keen, arching your back slightly. 
“oh— jungkook.” you lightly gasp, only egging jungkook on more. 
“i was going to tease you some more, but i can’t wait.” he says, thinking out loud. "you just look and sound so delectable." his fingers tug the lace down and off of your legs to reveal your glistening core. his mouth waters at the sight of it and his dick throbs at the thought of making love to you. “fuck, princess—“ he groans, dipping down and waiting no time. 
placing a kiss to your clit, he makes those pretty, soft gasps spill from your mouth. you watch from above, his hands on either thigh, pulling them apart and savoring what’s in between. you don’t think you’ve ever been more turned on in your life. 
jungkook’s tongue works wonders. savoring your taste as he dips into your hole before sucking your bud gently, making you moan out loud. no one could hear you anyway; with the loud music, the big room, and the distance from the party— you were allowed to be as loud as you’d like. 
“fuck, that feels so good.” you mumble, your hands moving to run through the strands of his hair again as you close your eyes and reel in the pleasure. 
“yeah, my love?” he asks, pulling his mouth away to watch as your other hand instinctively goes to your breast, playing with your nipple for extra stimulation. watching you enjoy yourself, it makes him drool. in turn, he places his thumb on your clit, using the excess wetness to glide sleek circles against the sensitive mound. 
that’s when you start to feel your ears heat up. your eyes open to see jungkook staring, your confidence skyrockets. jungkook looks like he wants to devour you, and without a doubt, you’d let him. you lean up on your elbows to watch him at a better angle, in turn, making your legs spread further apart. “oh—!” you gasp, your eyebrows slightly scrunched together in pleasure. 
“you’re so pretty.” he smiles, dipping his middle finger into you. watching as your face contorted in pleasure once more. “could spend forever between your legs.” 
always the romantic. you smiled at the saying. “you look very dashing down there.” complimenting him as he continues to egg your high closer and closer. 
“you think so?” he flashes that lazy smile once again, somehow making a gush of liquid pour all over jungkook’s fingers. in turn making him groan at the sight, he dives in soon after— cleaning you right up. 
the consistent pumps of his finger and the languid licks all combined to create that knot in your stomach. jungkook can tell when you’re close, the tiny gasps you let out and the way your legs twitch are a clear indicator that he’s doing a great job.
“gonna cum, my love?” he asks, making eye contact with you. 
you nod, “so close.” 
the closer you got, the wetter you were, and the sloppier it was— your thighs were twitching and your body was moving to the beat of your own drum. jungkook loved the sight. you, enjoying this intimate interaction, it’s been on his mind for years and now he’s able to watch it— make it happen— in real time. 
you felt that knot being pulled tighter and tighter until finally, it snaps. “oh— oh, jungkook!” you gasp, running your fingers through his hair and coincidentally keeping him where he was so you could properly ride out your orgasm. jungkook didn’t mind, you tasted like a sweet treat on a summer's day. there’s nothing else he could have wished for on this beautiful night. 
until you come down from your high. your face flushed with sweat beginning to bead at your hairline, you ask him a question that almost makes him pass out. “what about you?” you said it so quietly. it could have been missed if jungkook wasn’t paying attention. 
he could cum just by the thought of it. and the thought of him busting within five seconds of doing anything with you, makes him super nervous. so he smiles, “don’t worry about me, princess.” he assures you. “i probably won't last long anyways.” telling the absolute truth. 
you rolled your eyes. sitting up and making your way towards him, placing your hand on his face before you give him a gentle kiss on the lips. “can i?” 
“make you cum?” 
jungkook swallows his spit. nodding immediately, "s—sure." you smile at his willingness. now it was your turn to please. jungkook moves first, reconnecting your lips and pulling you close, as close as he can. 
“i love you.” you tell him between kisses. you can feel his smile against your lips. 
“i love you.” he tells you, pulling away and making sure to look you in the eye. he reassures you again, hoping that you’re not just doing this because he did it. “you don’t have to—“ 
“i want to.” you cut him off quickly. planting another kiss on his lips before turning the two of you around, you gently push him down to where you were laying and let the fun begin. jungkook watches intently as you kiss down his body, his shirtless torso deserves all the kisses and praise in the world. “did you win an award for the best body in all of the kingdoms too?” you teased. 
he rolls his eyes. “that’s not even a category.” 
as you get to his lower stomach, you place a kiss where his belly button is and sit up. “you’d win anyway.” you laughed, tugging at his belt buckle to unravel it. 
jungkook helps when you finally get the buckle off, sliding down his pants after you’ve unbuttoned and unzipped. leaving him in only his boxers. right about now, you realized that this is the most you’ve ever seen of jungkook. the second you pull that piece of clothing down, it’s whole new territory. you have no idea why you’re thinking about this now— jungkook has now seen every inch of you, and you are about to do the same. 
“princess? you don’t have to do this.” jungkook speaks up after noticing you waver. 
but you shake your head. “i was just thinking about how long it took for us to get here.” gently dragging a finger up and down his body, it makes him shiver. “i really am happy that we’re engaged to be married.” 
“me too, my love.” jungkook smiles at you. 
always so pretty, even when you’re about to do something so filthy. he can’t not kiss you, so he gives you a quick smooch before. you can’t think of anyone else you’d rather spend your life with. he deserves the best blowjob in the world. and you’re gonna try to give it to him. 
pulling down his boxers, his dick lays heavy and hard against his stomach. 
he’s huge. 
your eyes bulge at the sight— it’s even pretty like he is. pink tip and a long, thick shaft. it’s literally impossible how perfect this man is. 
dipping down, your tongue sticks out and gives one good, long lick against him. making him breathe out and furrow his brows. taking hold of him, you place your mouth over his tip and gently begin to suck. watching as jungkook throws his head against the pillows. “fuck, princess.” he groans. 
jungkook doesn’t look away for too long, needing to watch as you treat him. gathering up some spit, you let it drool down your tongue and onto his cock, making sure he has a nice view of the glob traveling down his shaft. just before it touches the base, your hands collect the spit and slowly begin to jerk him off. 
“holy— what the fuck,” jungkook gasps. his thighs slightly twitching next to you as you continue to pump and gently suck his tip. “how— fuck, that’s so good, princess.” 
closing your eyes, you brace yourself as you try to take most of him into your mouth. you could only do so much before gagging, tears beginning to build in your eyes. 
“don’t force yourself, my love.” jungkook tells you as he lifts your mouth off slightly, placing his hand on your cheek. a tear falls onto your face and he catches it quickly, wiping it off with his thumb. “i hate to see you cry.” 
he’s always so sweet. it makes you wanna please him more. his reactions are egging you, you want to see more, to hear more. so you nod, continuing what you were doing earlier. in turn, you get what you want— groans and gasps leaving his mouth that seemingly sound like a melody. his teeth every now and then biting into his lower lip to control his noises. but to no avail, you always do something to make him moan. 
meanwhile, you could feel yourself dripping again— jungkook turns you on like no other. the noises and just how he looks, you were ready for another round. “slow down, princess— i might cum.” jungkook warns. you smile against him, pulling yourself off but continuing to pump consistently. 
“that’s the point, right?” you cocked your head to the side and begin raining kisses all over his cock. 
“princess—" he groans. his eyebrows furrowed. he looks so hot. pleasure taking over his features entirely. “let me kiss you.” he demands, pulling your face towards his as he indulges the two of you in the messiest kiss you’ve ever been involved in. “fuck— i’m gonna cum.” he pulls away from the kiss first to let you know. you look at him and his lips are red and swollen, covered in a sheen from a mix of both of your saliva. you’re still gliding your hand up and down his spit covered cock. jungkook places his hand over yours and quickens the pace slightly. his eyes threatening to squeeze shut as the two of you work together to bring him to his own high. his hair flopping and sweaty near the roots. you can’t help but kiss him. your lips travelling everywhere. his face, his neck, and his ears. “princess, where can i—?” 
“in my mouth?” you answered quickly. 
jungkook bites his lip, trying to tell himself to be more of a gentleman— but that’s so hot. you think it’s hot too. and jungkook can see that face you’re making, that one that you make when you’re about to ask for something you want. so jungkook gives in to the guilty pleasure. 
while jungkook was thinking to himself, you took it upon yourself to dip back down. your lips wrapping around his tip and letting your tongue run along his slit. your hand continues to pump with his and jungkook can’t hold back any longer. “fuck, princess, i love you.” he says once again before he blows his load. 
you feel warmth flood your mouth. the slightly salty taste staining your tongue. you clean him up diligently before you sit up, swallowing everything you had in your mouth. jungkook groans at the sight of you. “did i do well?” you wondered out loud, opening your mouth and showing proof that you’ve swallowed it all. the image before his eyes is one that he never hopes to forget. he’ll probably be thinking about it for the next six months, and have a boner that never goes down during those months. 
“come here, my love.” he beckons you over, a fucked-out smile on his face. without a second to waste, you climb into his arms. his hands automatically meet your cheeks, his thumb gently running over your bottom lip. “you are majestic,” he compliments. you smile, kissing his thumb. “was that okay?” jungkook asks. eyes desperate to meet yours to make sure that there aren't any second thoughts flooding your mind. 
“jungkook.” you deadpan. scaring him. “that was the hottest thing i’ve ever experienced in my life.” you grinned, letting jungkook exhale that breath he sucked in. “so when can we do it again?” you laughed. 
jungkook rolls his eyes, laughing along with you. “let’s talk about it after we cleaned up, yeah?” dipping down to give you a kiss before retrieving his boxers and putting them on. 
you nod, “sure.” 
he gets up from bed and holds his hand out for you to hold. the two of you make your way to the bathroom and clean up, making it seem like nothing ever happened! jungkook plants kisses all over you face. the two of you in a cloud of love as you laid back in bed, rewinding and finishing the movie. 
every now and then you would push forward and place a kiss onto jungkook nose, making him smile before he did the same to you. he tucks the hair that fell in front of your face behind your ear. “was that really okay for you?” he asks. 
“yes.” you nod, assuring him this is something you want. you’ve never been more sure of something. “what about you?” 
“i couldn’t have dreamed of anything better, my love.” he smiles, placing a kiss on your forehead. 
the two of you lay in the thick cloud of love made by yours truly. only giggles and sweet words float around in there. three knocks make you and jungkook jolt up from the pillows and away from your love cloud. “uh— princess? are you awake?” you can hear blue through the door. 
“yes! is everything alright?” you shout, hoping that he hears you through the thick door
“the royal family of xezia is here, your mother is asking for you to come down and greet them.” he informs you. 
“oh— sure, i will be right there! give me five minutes.” you tell him, jumping up rushing to get dressed. jungkook hurries to do your corset as best as he can and helps slide your dress on. 
“and if you know where prince jungkook is, please let him know that they would like to see him as well.” blue adds on. 
your eyes meet with jungkooks and the both of you can’t help but laugh. “sure, blue, i’ll let him know— thank you!” he finished tying the knot on your dress and proceeded to put his clothes on as you moved to your vanity; spraying perfume, fixing your hair, and makeup. making sure that all evidence of sex is rid of. 
both you and jungkook had a game plan for the rest of the night: act like nothing happened, greet the xezia family, bid everyone goodnight, and then rendezvous at his castle in his room. 
by the time you’ve already greeted the family of xezia and walked around to say goodnight, you were exhausted. who knew how much walking was expected of a princess? 
taking a seat at your chair in the front of the ball room, you watch as everyone continues to mingle before they leave to head off to sleep for the night. jungkook is off talking to his friends in the far corner of the room and you sit alone with a glass of water, trying your best not to make it obvious that you just got the best head you’ve ever received just thirty minutes ago. 
you spot chaeyoung walking your way and you invite her to take a seat next to you. the two of you gossip and talk about the party, if she had fun, etc. etc. 
just as she excuses herself to head to her bed chambers, she turns around, remembering to tell you something. “by the way— not that anyone else noticed, but your bows are uneven.” she whispers in your ear. 
your eyes are wide when she pulls away, making her laugh out loud. loud enough for the entire ball room to hear as her chuckles echo. you facepalm yourself before asking, “it’s not that bad, right?” 
“well… you can definitely tell a man did it.” 
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gooch-cancer · 7 days
can we PLS PLS PLS talk about during the scene when the creature fulfills lisa's dying wish how gentle he was for her...the gentle kisses on her face dragging it out and when she reveals herself to him he's only looking at her face filled with love. how careful he was with her, it might've been aunt flo but i was sobbing...
i'm not big on sex scenes or anything not for any particular reason they just feel awkward to me but that genuinely made me like so happy to see and the animated scene of them riding the rocket ship and turning it into a "Trip to the Moon" reference. i loved it so much. he genuinely loves her so much and i didn't expect this much from the creature considering he's from the 19th century but seeing that really made me elated.
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sabo-has-my-heart · 1 year
hello!! it’s my first time asking for a request 😳 kinda nervous.. anyways! can I request a angst to fluff with kidd and his s/o? maybe like he brought up something(in a argument) sensitive to the reader, it could be a lost loved one or a traumatic experience anything!  he won’t admit he was wrong and a few days go by. I’m not sure what would be his breaking point? I’ll leave that to u! fem reader pls🫶🏼
I Hope this isn’t to much.. if it is feel free to ignore:)
so I kept what Kid said pretty vague because I wasn't sure what to have him say, hope you still like it.
Warnings: arguments, injury and blood loss, brief mention of sex (seriously, it’s only like, 2 lines)
Word Count: 1190
     The shouting match between you and Kid had grown worse and worse with each passing minute, to the point where even Killer was avoiding the two of you, just waiting for the eventual fallout that would result in one of you, likely Kid, saying something you shouldn’t. Honestly, Kid had lost track of what you had even started arguing about, growing more and more irritated by the minute as you continued to yell back at him. He didn’t even realize the words that had left his painted lips until you were looking at him in a mix of horror, pain, and fury. Many of your arguments had ended in slaps or the occasional punch, but he’d never seen you just walk away. Never seen you turn away from him without a word and leave. Part of him knew he’d just fucked up, part of him knew he should go after you, but at the same time, he was Eustass Kid, there was no way he was going to go trailing after you like some sort of weak puppy. Kid turned away, storming off to his workshop, glaring at anyone who dared cross his path in his foul mood. Similarly, you were glaring at anyone who got in your way as you headed up to the deck, holding back the tears. You wouldn’t let the crew see you cry, you wouldn’t let anyone see you cry! Once you were alone at the bow of the ship was a different story, however. Kid was capable of saying and doing some pretty stupid shit, but you’d honestly never expected this, hadn’t expected him to say that. Taking a deep breath, you closed your eyes, letting the sound of the waters against the ship soothe you, the occasional spray of water managing to make its way up to you and shower you in a light amount of sea water. This was one of the reasons why you’d joined Kid’s crew in the first place, was because you loved the ocean, loved the way the sun sparkled off the water like a thousand gemstones. Taking a few more deep breaths, you managed to calm yourself down some, though a few tears still ran down your cheeks. After a few more minutes, you headed to your room, the room you shared with Kid. Grabbing what you needed, you closed your eyes tightly as you moved your stuff back to your old room. Kid probably wasn’t going to apologize to you any time soon and quite frankly, you didn’t want to talk to him until he apologized, sleeping in the same room would just make things awkward and difficult. 
     The tension on the ship was palpable as you and Kid actively avoided each other or ignored each other. You were both stubborn and neither of you wanted to apologize, not that you thought you had anything to apologize for. Kid was the one who’d said something he shouldn’t have. Should you maybe have tried to resolve the argument before it reached that point? Sure, maybe, but you couldn’t be the only one blamed for that, Kid was just as guilty as you were! The tension between you and Kid hadn’t just stayed between you either, the entire crew was on edge around the two of you. They’d listened to the shouting matches, rolled their eyes when you slapped Kid, and had even broken up a fist fight that had erupted between the two of you once, but they’d never witnessed either of you giving each other the silent treatment. Kid growled as he threw a wrench across his work room, beyond pissed off. You weren’t talking to him, you weren’t sleeping next to him, hell, you were down right avoiding him! He’d gotten so used to your presence that just having you near him soothed him more often than not, helping him concentrate, helping him sleep. Hearing the alarm sound through his ship, he growled, running up onto the deck to see a group of marines attacking. Honestly, this was exactly what he needed right now. A way to get all of his frustration and anger out with absolutely no consequences. Kid was a tad more violent and brutal than normal as he threw himself headfirst into the fight, a dark grin on his face. Much of the crew stood back and watched as you and Kid began decimating the marine crew, taking your anger at each other out on the unsuspecting marines. A scream drew the crew's attention to you, eyes widening when they saw the amount of blood gushing from a wound on your side. Turning to glare at the marine, you returned the injury tenfold, attempting to return to the fight only to have Killer grabbing you and pulling you out of the fight, the rest of the crew jumping in. it didn’t take long for blood loss to overwhelm you, dragging you into unconsciousness. 
     You weren’t quite sure how long it was before you woke up, your side bandaged and your head pounding. Sighing, you looked around, grabbing some painkillers before leaving the infirmary. You knew you were likely to get scolded by Killer or your doctor, but you honestly didn’t care right now. Almost as soon as you’d stepped foot outside of the infirmary, you were face to face with Kid, the red head looking rather perturbed.
     “You’re alright.” he stated, looking at you. You nodded, looking away, not sure what to say, “I… was worried about you. You lost a lot of blood.” he added, hand thrust in his pocket as he looked away. Biting your lip, you glanced at him, not sure what to say.
     “I’m fine, you know it takes more than that to kill me.” you muttered, crossing your arms and looking away. Your eyes widened in surprise when you felt yourself pulling into a tight one armed hug.
     “I… you’re… I don’t want you to not talk to me anymore. As your captain, I order you to talk to me.” he said quietly, making you chuckle.
     “Should I take this as an apology?” you asked, smirking. You felt Kid stiffen, a small growl leaving his throat. 
     “Fine, I’m sorry, now move back into my room and talk to me again.” he said, relaxing slightly when you wrapped your arms around him.
     “I suppose it was getting hard not talking to you and I really do sleep better in your bed.” you said as if things just happened to align that way, “We… really need to figure out a better way to end arguments.” you added, making him chuckle.
     “I hear some people resort to angry, rough sex.” Kid half joked, making you laugh.
     “I’m not sure that’s the answer but it’s a start.” you said, smiling at him. Kid carefully picked you up, carrying you to his workshop, finding it easier to work with you there to keep him company. You weren’t wrong, you did probably need to figure out a better way to end arguments, but he could focus on that later when he wasn’t secretly overjoyed that you were smiling and talking to him again.
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daddykylokenobi · 1 year
can you pls write matt the radar technician smut their simply is not enough of it in this world
Thank you so much Anon for this request! I’ve never written anything Matt before so this is a really fun change of pace from my usual characters. I hope you enjoy!!!
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Warnings: piv sex, Dom!Matt, begging, fingering, use of the petname “baby”, cussing, overall filth.
Matt the Radar Technician x Y/N
You had Had your eye on Matt for some time now, always checking him out when you’d pass in a hallway, watching him from the other side of the common room, any chance you got to melt over him you lavished in each second.
But you had only spoken a few times, always small talk about what work you each had that day, the current news or gossip around the ship, or little questions you’d sprinkle in to try and get to know him better. This specific day you two had matched eyes in the cafeteria, you were watching him as always and he had finally caught you, he’d seen you staring out of the corner of his eyes before but whenever he looked over to meet your gaze you had quickly looked away with red flushed cheeks.
This time instead of darting your eyes away as quickly as possible to evade any awkward feelings later you decided to hold your ground, you both stared forward ahead at eachother, lost in each others gaze you felt that familiar heat you’d get when watching him rise to your face. He saw the mauve shadow begin to color your cheeks and a little devilish smirk crossed his lips. Matt was feeling bold as well this day, he in a split second decision flashed a wink to your blushed face.
Panic set in as this happened, without thinking you pushed yourself away from your lunch table and headed straight for the elevator to run, hide, get away from this blaze that was growing in your core. As much as you hated to admit it you were quite shy around people you liked, especially ones like Matt. He was much taller than you and broad shouldered, his messy blonde hair and dark eyes enthralled you from the second glance and ever since you had busied yourself each night by thinking of him, thinking of what he’d look like beside you in bed, that stupid gray jumper he had to wear thrown on your floor along with Your clothes. Part of you felt guilty for touching yourself while thinking of Matt, but when it was late and you couldn’t sleep from the ache inside the only thing that seemed to satiate that desire was imagining him on top of you, burying himself as deeply as possible while you cried out his name.
Just as the doors of the elevator were about to close a large hand slipped between them causing them to slip back open, you jumped slightly as this stole you away from the impure thoughts raiding your mind. You looked up and watched the same thing you were running from step into the elevator, Matt stepped silently beside you then leaned forward to close the elevator doors.
He then stood beside you and you both watched the doors close, you swallowed hard while peeking to your left to look at him, he was already peering over at you.
“H-how’s your day going?” You nervously asked while trying to pretend that 30 seconds ago he Didn’t wink at you after catching you staring at him.
“Fine.” He answered plainly, “You?”
“Uh it’s been pretty good, boring I suppose.” You mumbled while hiding your stare to the floor.
Just as the words left your mouth the elevator stalled causing you both to stumble back, Matt grabbed your arm firmly to help you stand back up and you both started quickly looking around the elevator, the lights had begun to blink and stutter then finally shut off except for a small red emergency light in the corner that was dimly lighting the small room.
“What the hell?” He hissed under his breath, he let go of your arm then reached over to grab the com device from the elevator panel. “Hello?” He asked into the small box.
“We are currently working on the problem, the elevator should be back and running soon.” The voice on the other end was robotic and stiff, a hint of annoyance in their voice. “The rest of the elevators are down too so just give us a few minutes.” Then the voice cut off.
Matt stepped back to your side then looked at you. “Hope you didn’t have anywhere to be.” You could practically hear him roll his eyes, Matt had.. a bit of a anger issue problem, you had seen him flip out more times than you’d have cared too.
“Eh no I actually didn’t, my work was done for the day so..” Your voice was almost at a whisper, how in the galaxy could you two have gotten stuck in an elevator together just seconds after your first flirty encounter? You felt your body begin to rise in temperature and you quickly began to strip your jacket off your shoulders.
Matt eyed you up and down then asked with a smirk, “Hot?”
His question was like a stab to the stomach, his voice dripped seduction and the way his mouth curved to the side was making you feel a certain way.
“A little..” you quietly answered, you knew your face was red, you could feel the heat radiate from them even just being so close to him.
Matt turned to face you, “So.. what was that about earlier?”
“What do you mean?” Your lip shook as he asked this.
“You running off?” He scoffed with a raised eyebrow. “Just after I thought we.. had a moment.” He said while stepping towards you.
Instinctually you stepped back, 2 more and your back had hit the wall leaving you no where to go, Matt followed and put his hands on each side of the wall behind your shoulders, you were trapped.
“I-I just had to leave…” You stuttered as you looked up at him, he was easily towering over your smaller frame.
He tilted his head down to look you in the eyes, his glasses slipped down his nose giving you the first naked glance into his eyes that you’d had. You felt his hot breath wash over your face as he huffed out lightly.
“Uh huh.” He said with an uninterested tone, he brought his mouth down towards the side of your exposed neck, you shook with him being so close.. his mouth so readily available to do whatever it was he pleased…
“Matt what a-are you doing..?” You whispered as you squeezed your eyes shut trying to pull your raging emotions together.
He grabbed your chin with his thumb and pointer fingers then lifted your face upto his, you creeped your eyes open and felt your breath catch in your lungs as you were met with his face directly in front of yours.
“I thought this was what you wanted..? You’ve only been watching me for weeks now..” He had one eyebrow raised.
You felt embarrassment take over, you thought he hadn’t noticed your casual stalking but knowing now that he had…
“I-… I’m sorry I wasn’t trying to be weird I ju-“
Matt cut your defense in half as he roughly slammed his mouth to yours, he exhaled through his nose loudly while pressing his body against yours.
You were left breathless at this, his lips were warm and his mouth engulfed yours, he quickly began to lick and suck at your bottom lip, leaving no time to warm up to the sensation.
For a moment you tried fighting back, you pressed your hands to his hard chest and squirmed underneath of them before giving into the euphoric feeling his lips were giving you.
“Hmmphh..” you moaned against his mouth as he slid his tongue past your lips to taste you deeper, he was sporadically grabbing and pulling at your hips trying to feel you as closely as possible.
Without thinking you began to bring your right thigh up to curl around his leg, in one swift motion he momentarily bent down to snake his left arm underneath your leg to then pick you up and push you against the wall.
“Hey-!” You yelped.
He then dove himself into the right side of your neck where he wasted no time to start biting and sucking dark hickies into you.
“M-Matt wa-wait” you stuttered breathlessly as his lips against your neck started to soak the space between your legs.
“I know-… you want this..” He said inbetween breathy moans.
You wrapped your legs around his waist and arms around his neck, you were too embarrassed to answer his question, you just moaned into his shoulder as your reply.
“That’s what I thought..” he sighed.
He continued marking your neck up and down each side, you could feel his erection against your inner thigh and again the breath in your lungs seemed to disappear, you had fantasied about this kind of thing so many times but now that it was happening it felt unreal.
Just as you noticed his bulge he began to grind his hips forward into your core, raspy rhythmic breaths escaped his mouth with each roll of his hips.
“Oh… Matt..” you whined as his lap lined up perfectly with your wide open legs, his hard erection was grinding perfectly aligned with your own heat, it gave you Just enough friction for your walls to clench around themselves, aching for something to fill them.
“Fuck” he hissed as his tip rubbed up and down against the inside of his jumper.
You brought your hands forward to start undoing the front zipper, it trailed down his chest then followed all the way down to his hips. You pulled his jumper down off his shoulders and helped him pull his sleeves out.
He roughly grabbed onto the sides of your pants and yanked them down, you let him pull each side off until the only thing between his heat and yours were 2 thin layers of clothing.
He continued intertwining your tongues, he sucked hard on your bottom lip and you knew that in the morning it would definitely be bruised from him biting it.
You began to whine and cry out to him, “Matt please…” you pleaded with him as you looked down to his large bulge which was pressed against the outside of your underwear.
Again that mind numbing smirk crossed his lips, he brought his hand to your front and began to rub his palm up and down against your pussy. “Tell me what you want.” He demanded.
“I-I-…” your body shook at his dominant request. “I want you i-inside me Matt..” your voice was shaking just as much as your body was.
He breathed out like he had been punched in the stomach, “Fuck baby, that’s all you had to say.” He cursed as he reached down to grab your underwear and slip them down your legs which he then placed back around his waist.
You pulled his face closely to yours then started to lick and kiss at his jawline, pathetic whimpers left your lips as he rubbed his middle finger up and down your slit, you were soaking wet as he slipped his fingers inside of you.
“Ah-ahh!” You cried out as he pumped his fingers roughly in and out of your tight entrance.
After a moment he pulled them back out and brought his fingers upto his lips.
You watched in adoration as he slipped them into his mouth and licked each finger clean while keeping eye contact with you the entire time.
Your gut begged to be full of him, quickly you moved your hands down to push down his boxers and reveal his aching member. You let out a sigh of satisfaction at his size, you wrapped your hand around him and knew just from the girth alone that he was going to fill you up So good.
He hissed as your small fingers wrapped around him, he grabbed your wrist tightly then pulled it away.
“You have to ask for it.” He said while trying to catch his breath.
You stared up at his eyes with bewilderment, you didn’t expect him to be so dominant, so demanding. You also didn’t expect it to have the submissive power on you that it did.
“Please..” you whimpered. “Please Matt I Need you so bad..” you could’ve cried from the aching in your core.
As you said this he lined up his tip with your entrance then in one slow thrust he pushed himself deep inside of you hitting your back wall easily.
“Haahhh..” he moaned out, he then began to push and pull himself in and out of your seeping wet hole.
You dug your fingers into his back as he stretched your walls so perfectly, your head felt so heavy with euphoric sensations that for a second you wondered if you were going to pass out.
You muttered out little moans and whimpers against his chest as he continued abusing your small entrance.
“Ugh fuck baby, you’re taking me s-so good” Matt was leaned against your shoulder with his mouth huffing hot breath on your neck.
He took his right hand back down to your heat and started rubbing little circles onto your clit, your entire body twitched at this new addition of pleasure and you knew it wouldn’t be long before you’d crumble underneath of him.
“Matt I-I’m gonna cum” you quickly breathed out as you felt the wave rising inside of your stomach.
“Come on, beg for it” he groaned into your neck as his thrusts started to become stuttered from his own orgasm nearing close.
“P-please… please Matt I wanna cum for you s-so bad!” You yelped loudly as he let his last few thrusts become painfully rough but blissfully pleasurable.
And then as your orgasm crashed through the surface your hot walls clenched around his slick length, the pressure sent him over the edge as well and he released hot bursts of cum into your hole.
You both heaved in and out loudly as you leaned forward onto each others bodies. A few moments passed as you each caught your breath, slowly he leaned forward and placed you back on the floor. You scrambled to find your clothes and pull them back on, Matt was already zipping his jumper back up when the light in the elevator flipped back on and you both felt it begin to move again.
You flashed eachother a glance then Matt cupped your right cheek, he leaned his tall body down to meet your height then pressed a quick kiss to the top of your head, this small gesture made you melt even more than the sex just had.
You looked up at him with doe eyes and a tiny smile graced your lips.
“You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting for this.” He confessed.
You were shocked at this, you didn’t think he liked you the way you did or for how long you had either.
“Me to..” you whispered.
He leaned down once more to deliver a kiss to your mouth, this one was longer and not just filled with lust, it was caring, and warm.
In this moment you realized that you and Matt weren’t just going to be small talk friends who flirted for fun, you were going to be something more.
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dazzlin-qwq · 7 months
i can't do this anymore
im on chapter four of Total Drama Danganronpa Island on ao3 and OH MY GOF the beginning hits hard
Link (pls read) -> https://archiveofourown.org/works/38206387/chapters/95454028
im literally gonna start ranting about this scene but idc anymore i gotta say it...
Im in love with the duncan harold frenemies dynamic through the book so far. It makes sense from a writing standpoint too, they were both friends with heather, and they started to build a frenemie-ship in action. The pieces all weave together beautifully and the image i was visualising was legitimately beautiful..
Both duncan and harold silently standing infront of heather's door, with both of their carefully chosen out mourning gifts. Duncan's crown piece was something he planned to give to her, while the black rose harold gave symbolises mourning..
And after harold breaks the silence, it's beautiful for the lack of a better word. It's just him talking about their time together, and mentioning how they talked in TDDDDI, and the way harold says it just makes it sounds like he cares for her..
And after that, Duncan's apology is almost heartbreaking in a sense. The way his voice wavers, and the clearing of his throat, it's so perfect.. He wanted to apologize but just.. Couldn't get it out. The clearing his throat at the end just ties the whole thing together in a little bow of awkwardness.
The way his character grows so subtly, too. After Duncan's apology, he apologises for everything he did. From throwing the knife, to just acting like an asshole.
The way Harold is so accepting of this as well makes my heart warm, he's willing to forgive and forget even after everything that had happened to him.. It's so mmmmmmh....
And how the conversation flows so smoothly.. It feels real. Harold talking about his experiences, back when Duncan was bullying him, and the way it helped him see that you can just ignore assholes.
Then Duncan brings up Harold's relationship with LeShawna, in a regular situation, harold would've embarrassedly scolded him, but.. He just rants happily about her. Harold happily ranted about him and LeShawna, and Duncan watched while smiling.
That's all i read so far but u don't get it i HAD to make this appreciation post.
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sungberry · 11 months
1x1 roleplay partner search !
update 28 January 2024: i’m currently no longer looking for enhypen rps. consider this post as CLOSED
hi hi! my name is emery and it's been a while since i have made a proper request on my blog so here we are<3
i'm 20 years old, and i am looking for 18+ writing partners to do member x member bxb roleplay with ! note that i do not accept ocs. 3rd person, past tense, the range would be 350+ words with proper grammar.
other: i talk a lot so BEWARE... just your local crackhead (although i'll be trying to make this post sound cool)
i am into most genres except for a few. i tend to always include fantasy themes in my roleplays, so if you're not okay with some magic here and there, we probably wouldn't be the best match !
okay with nsfw themes (including smut) if it flows. i want my partner to be a switch, especially when we have more pairings than just one. this is something i am not willing to compromise about. with that being said, i am all for multiple ships! not doubles... but multiverse type of a deal.
discord is the only platform i write / interact on!
while i prefer active writing partners, i do get that life gets in the way sometimes. personally, i reply once a day depending on how many replies i have to write down and my overall inspiration<3 please communicate if anything, because i can't stand ghosting and being left in the dark for weeks / months.
currently looking for enhypen roleplays mostly. i'd be willing to write anyone in the group depending on the plot, although i will not participate in romantic pairings with niki. i have many other groups i am familiar with, although enha has been my main brainrot so far! lastly, i'm also semi-okay with other k-pop crossovers, tho i am especially picky with them ><
pls collaborate. i will not lead the entire plot by myself - no need to be afraid to drop your ideas. with that being said, i’ll repeat myself that i can’t deal with dry texters, one way replies and such, pls show me at least some interest if you wanna rp with me! ^^
i'm a big ooc person - i can't rp with people i cannot be friends with ooc! something about it just feels awkward UDFHBGJDF
below is my carrd, you can find me rambling into detail about what i have written above + triggers + limits + writing samples and more groups i am familiar with. please kindly read it if i have caught your interest so far c:
with all of that being said, thank you for reading! make sure to like this post or directly message me in case of interest ^^
note: i tend to exchange writing samples with my partner to make sure that we match writing-wise and enjoy each other's content!
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apphiarothowrites · 14 days
Omega!Marco info pls? 👀👀👀👀👀
sorry for the late reply on this one, I went to work right after I finished posting!
anyway, the omega!marco one is Fun!!!
I've talked about it in bullet points on the blog before somewhere. The gist of it: Sabo gets blown up but *does not* lose his memories and they kept in touch via letters while Sabo was with the RA. When him and Ace both turn 17 and Ace leaves Dawn Island, they meet up. They're young, dumb, newly presented alphas who are so jumped up on hormones from being horny teens that they bond within the day. It's comfortable, it felt like a natural progression of their relationship, inevitable even.
Then Ace joins the Whitebeards and suddenly there's a much older, more mature player around. Marco, who's firmly established in the crew and has a routine damnit, is fresh off a heat when Ace joins the crew and his Instincts get messed up big time around his heat. He gets moody, territorial of the crew and ship, and any new scents make him anxiously aggressive. It was lucky for them both that Ace was avoidant of people as he was before Whitebeard adopted him, or there definitely would have been a physical fight.
After, he's the chill man everyone knows and loves. He and Ace bond and Ace, like many on the crew, writes letters home (to Dawn Island, and to various deaddrops that Sabo tells him to mail to in his reply letters). Sabo learns of Marco through Ace.
Years later, Sabo and Ace meet up and Ace finally brings Sabo aboard to meet the crew-unannounced but assuming it'll be fine. The timing could not be worse.
Marco's entering his heat. He's anxious, he's feeling territorial, and a strange new alpha has just walked into the mess hall. He lights up like a winter tree, talons almost in Sabo's throat before Ace (and a few others) can stop him. Ace, indignant, tells him to back the fuck off. Marco declares the ship his and threatens Ace to remove the threat from his nest or he will remove it himself.
Ace and Sabo, sheepish, evacuate the mess hall. Sabo and Ace spend three very frustrating days in a hotel fucking each other senseless because holy shit the smell of that man (kickstarted a rut in them both). After, Sabo is the one to suggest that they try courting him.
When Ace returns to the ship, Marco falls over himself to apologize for threatening Ace's mate. Ace flounders for a way to say "it's totally cool, also by the way can we court you"
it's funny and awkward and I have a plotted battle scene that happens at the tail end of another heat of Marco's where he, with shifted arms and legs, crushes an enemy's head like a Secretary Bird does with snakes. It's big fun and it's nowhere near ready to show to the world yet, but it's def something to look forward to!!!
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toomanybandstocare · 10 months
Uhm hello!!
Summer of fun pls!!<3
Bc I’m fr so curious bc while we’ve talked abt this before having to choose one is hard.
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₊‧°𐐪♡𐑂°‧₊ - Summer of Fun
Who I would ship you with plus a little drabble. @lovergirllane requested a romantic (just based off those conversations hehe) ship. Hope all is well, and I can't wait to chat again <3
Pairing: Robin Buckley x GN! Reader
Genre: Hurt/Comfort
Length: 583w + 192w
Counselor Notes: I hope you enjoy! Just in a cozy mood right now and cannot wait for autumn to come around.
-> Celebration Announcement Post <- -> Celebration Masterlist <- -> Camp Upside Down Masterlist <-
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Crisp autumn leaves drift in the lazy afternoon breeze. As they occasionally scratch against the screened in deck, the naturescape harmonizes with the soft recording of KISS hums from the record player. You doze on top of soft blankets that tangle together in a bundle over the pillow pile on the porch’s floor. Your chest heaves as you try to focus on grounding yourself from the turbulent emotions whittling around in your mind. A thunderous pain pounds against your forehead as Robin’s faint curses can be heard through the doorway leading to the kitchen. The timer’s blaring ring breaks the serenity of the sleepy autumn afternoon.
Not a second later does the chaos calm and quiet footsteps pad closer to the doorway. Opening one eye, you lazily peer up at Robin as she carefully opens the screen door with her hip while balancing a plate of Pillsbury halloween cookies. “For what it’s worth, I’m pretty sure I nearly burnt your house down trying to make these,” Robin weakly presents and offers the slightly charred sugar cookies with an awkward smile. 
A watery laugh breaks past your chapped lips. “Well, I’m glad you didn’t,” you choke out. A painful smile pulls at your cheeks. “That would officially make today the worst day of my life,” you joke while taking one of the cookies to munch on.
Robin sighs as she joins you on the pillow pile. Sitting cross legged, she rests her elbows on her knees and leans on her palms while sharing a sad smile with you. “Want to talk about it now? Or after we finish these delicious cookies,” Robin asks. She reaches over to the plate between the two of you and takes one of the treats and takes a bite from it. With a wince, Robin shoots you a less than convincing smile.
An aching heart sits uncomfortably against your ribs, and you send her a watery smile. Not wanting to let a good cookie go to waste, you take one and take a small bite. “I guess, I’m just nervous? About the big move and then trying to keep up with school during it all. It’s just overwhelming, and it just crashed all at once,” you quietly confess.
“One thing at a time, alright?” Robin softly encourages you. She moves the plate over to the small table and scoots over to lay next to you on her side. “We’ll figure this out together,” she promises. “Instead of looking at the big picture,” Robin nervously chatters as she spreads her arms out wide, “let’s focus on something smaller and easier to solve”. She brings her hands close together to form a square with her thumbs and pointer fingers.
You hum and take another bite of the cookie. The sweetness bites back at your taste buds as the sugar and burnt aftertaste mix together on your tongue. “I still have some packing to do,” you slowly suggest.
“Correction,” Robin interjects with a smile, “We have some packing to do. We can call Steve to bring us extra packing boxes after we finish up the cookies”.
Your lip wobbles. Resting one arm over her waist, you tuck yourself under Robin’s chin. Her hand lazily pats your head as both of you sink into the plush pillows. Both your chest rise and fall in sync as the two of you quietly chat about autumn road trips and visits as well as what days work best for a weekly catch up over the phone.
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You’re a person who experiences life through your emotions. When something excites you, you feel absolute happiness. The same goes for when you experience difficult times. You look for people to act as your sounding board, and you keep them close to you during your everyday life. Whatever you experience, you find it important to share it with your loved ones.
In a similar way, Robin keeps a tight circle of her closest friends. It normally takes her a while to let someone get to know her, but once she feels comfortable with them, Robin sticks close to them.
Robin is an incredibly empathetic person, so she is able to celebrate and console you as the two of you share your experiences. Advice isn’t her strong suit, but Robin is able to provide comfort to you during these discussions regardless of situation. Either through small gifts or acts of service, everything she does for her friends is done out of love and care.
The two of you share a strong and deep connection. One that’s built on trust, honesty, and compassion as the two of you navigate life’s messiness and whirlwind adventures.
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