#plus they explode into purple if you kill them
ixtaek · 5 months
Look I know we normally use fanfic to fix like, major problems in canon or fulfill our wildest dreams or whatever. But can I please reject the specific piece of canon that there are no fish in the whole Great Sea?
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buddie-buddie · 4 months
Buddie + “Who did this?”
“Who did this?” Eddie’s voice is hard and icy in a way that's almost foreign to Buck. Almost, but not entirely. His eyes drop to where Eddie’s lips are pressed into a line, his jaw set, and memories of derailed trains and risky rescues and Abby flash in his mind. 
Buck doesn’t have time to focus too much on that, though, because Eddie's closing the distance between them and taking Buck's chin in his hands. Everything else fades away until there’s nothing but the familiar warmth of Eddie’s gentle touch and the pleasant ache in Buck’s chest, the same one that blooms behind his ribs each time Eddie’s nearby. 
Eddie touches him like he's something sacred, holds him like he's something precious.
“I–” Buck hesitates. It’s not that he wants to hide anything from Eddie, he just… he doesn’t want to worry him, is all.
It’s bad enough he has a fresh bruise blooming across his jaw, blues and purples swimming beneath swollen skin. Swollen skin that’s split in one spot, held together with a butterfly bandage that Hen insisted he actually needed, despite his protests and attempts at bargaining. Of course Eddie’s going to worry when he sees that.
And see that, he did. About three seconds after Buck walked through the door of Eddie’s house– no, not Eddie’s house. Their house. His lease on the loft had officially ended two weeks ago, but he’d been living at the Diaz house for the better part of the last four months, since the morning he woke up sleepy and cranky, grumbling about having to stop by the loft before their shift to get more clothes and Eddie had kissed the spot behind his ear and murmured, “What if you bring them all over?”
Buck had turned over in Eddie’s arms, suddenly wide awake. “E-Eddie.”
“Bring them all,” Eddie had said, bringing a hand up and tracing Buck’s birthmark with gentle, reverent touches. “And all your shoes, too. And the frying pan Bobby got you for Christmas two years ago that you said you want to be buried with. And the books on your coffee table and that plant you keep killing and honestly? Your mattress. It’s better than this one.”
“Eddie,” Buck had breathed, unable to get anything else out past the lump that had suddenly appeared in his throat. 
“Buck,” Eddie said simply. Buck would never tire of hearing his name on Eddie’s lips. “Stay.”
And Buck did.
This isn’t just Eddie’s house anymore, it’s their house. And a few minutes ago, when Buck got home, Eddie had come to the front door to greet him, just as he always did when he heard Buck’s key in the lock. He rounded the corner with a warm, easy smile, one that instantly fell the second his eyes landed on Buck. He had stepped forward, closing the distance between them and reaching for Buck’s bruised face with a gentle insistence that was still fond, even when laced in desperation. 
Buck didn’t want to worry him any more than he already had. Plus, really, there’s nothing to worry about. Their last call of the shift had been to an overturned vehicle, and the driver was more than twice the legal limit and just as combative as he was plastered. Buck had tried to stop the guy from crawling out his window– Chim and Hen had wanted to get him on a backboard– but it was no use. The guy was out of the car and stumbling towards Buck with a fury in his eyes, accusing him of being the one to call the police. Buck was halfway through denying that claim when a fist flew at his face, pain exploding from his jaw as he reeled back, stumbling to the side as his hand flew to his face.  
There’s a fire burning in Eddie’s eyes, dark and protective. But more than that, there’s a softness there, a gentleness hidden in the way Eddie’s eyebrows lift just slightly, his eyes wide and searching as he waits Buck out.
“Buck,” Eddie says finally, barely above a whisper. It’s a plea more than anything. 
Six years of knowing Eddie and six months of dating him and Buck still folds like a cheap suit when Eddie looks at him like that. “It's nothing. Just a drunk idiot on our last call.”
Eddie makes a dissatisfied sound under his breath, running his fingers over the bruised skin with a touch so light and careful, it sets Buck’s heart on fire. “And this person was dealt with.” It’s not a question so much as it is a statement, one that speaks to his trust in the rest of the 118. His faith in them to have Buck's back, especially when he can't be the one to do it himself.
Buck nods the best he can with his chin still in Eddie’s hands. “Bobby,” he says, and it’s explanation enough. “And then Athena.” 
Eddie hums, and Buck can tell that while the answer satisfies him, it’s not enough to chase away all of the concern that’s needling at him. Buck brings his hands up, curling his fingers around the warm skin of Eddie’s wrists. The steady beat of Eddie’s pulse beneath his fingertips is instantly grounding. And maybe just as much for Eddie, too, if the small sigh that falls from his lips is any indication. 
“Baby,” Buck says softly. “It’s okay. I’m okay.”
Eddie’s voice is small when he answers, quiet and resigned in a way that splits Buck open just as much as Eddie’s words do. “I wasn’t there.”
Through no fault of his own. Christopher was running a fever the night before their shift started, and with Pepa out of town and Carla at Morongo again, Eddie had called out to stay home with him. Which he feels guilty about, if the resignation in his voice and the regret in his eyes are anything to go off of.
“You were exactly where you needed to be,” Buck reminds him. 
Eddie lets out a small sigh. “Yeah,” he agrees. “Doesn’t mean I hate it any less, though.”
Buck shrugs. “Never expected you would.” A small smile tugs at his lips, and he ignores the way that even the slight motion sends a fresh wave of pain radiating across his jaw. “Chim says we’re ‘sickeningly codependent.’” 
“Maybe,” Eddie admits, his thumb ghosting over Buck’s bottom lip. His gaze skates from Buck’s eyes to his lips, then back up again. Buck can see the moment Eddie hesitates, can see the flash of trepidation in his eye. 
“You’re not going to hurt me,” Buck assures him. “In fact,” he says, almost conspiratorially. “It could be what heals me.”
Eddie hums, a smile playing on his face. “Better give it a try, then.”
“Guess so.” 
Eddie finally, finally kisses him, and it may not patch Buck’s skin back together or undo the broken blood vessels, but it chases away every last bit of the pain. It ebbs away until there’s nothing but Eddie. Nothing but the feel of Eddie’s fingers in his hair and Eddie’s lips on his, nothing but the way Eddie grins against Buck’s mouth and Buck feels good and right and whole. He feels like an unmoored ship who’s anchor’s just hit the sand, no longer adrift. Steady. Grounded. Safe. 
He feels like he’s home. 
After all, he is. 
prompt game
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craybii · 1 year
So many new things in the newest trailer to go through, so many good and crazy shots. V2 is gonna be amazing.
But anyways, I wanted to go through some of them and write them down for myself, so SPOILERS BELOW FOR S3/V2 since there’s a bunch of new shots from the trailer included.
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These two shots are linked - originally I thought the eyes below were Yennefer's but this is Francesca 100%. In the shot above, we see Fringilla's head (her hair from the tavern) + Francesca's iconic braided hair - both of them are looking up at the fire circle that's crashing right down below on top of them - and then they both fall back if you watch the trailer. So the shot below is certainly Francesca watching as the fire collapses down on them. And those are her blue eyes, not purple like Yennefer's.
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The shot above is continuation of that - Francesca seems knocked out or something and lands on Fringilla who protects them against the fire with magic in the very last second - this seems to be why the entire hall is completely destroyed in the following shots.
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Here, we can clearly see Artorius Vigo (Fringilla's uncle) very much dead with Tissaia trying to desperately heal him - Margarita pulls her away in the very last second as fire explodes all around them (the firecircle that crashes on Francesca and Fringilla???) and puts up a shield to protect herself and Tissaia. So Artorius is a goner for sure. Tissaia and Rita save themselves in the last sec.
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This one is interesting - for anyone who knows the books, all of the mages depicted here are part of the neutral faction of mages who were neither on Philippa's side or on Vilgefortz's, with some new tossed in as well.
There's Artorius Vigo, Bianca d'Este, Gerhart of Aelle (the oldest living sorcerer), Margarita Laux-Antille and Tissaia, plus more male mages - just extras but these should be Carduin, Marquard and Dorregaray. They seem to be defending against the arrows of the Scoia'tael who're standing across from them - since Artorius is alive here and the room looks fine here, this is before the fire circle crashes down. Also, since the elves are there, it would stand to reason Francesca is present as well - Fringilla and Cahir should be too. This could very well be the coup but it begs the question - where are Philippa, Sabrina, Keira and Triss, the northern sorceresses?
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Sabrina being a badass Kaedweni HBIC in a new dress. The woman behind her in the first shot is Keira Metz, so they're definitely there after the ballroom has been destroyed. Knowing how she hates the elves, this rock is probs heading for one of them. There's more shots that seem to be in this same sequence from other promo material - Cahir swordfighting someone in this room, Francesca blocking a lightning bolt from Tissaia (she fires it from above), Istredd killing an elf, Stregobor staring in anger at the destruction.
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I have no idea what's happening here but it looks terrifying - the ocean is completely dried up and Aretuza is burning down. The lightning probably means the portal in Tol Lara is going haywire and we know how that ends.
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Perhaps the most devastating shot of this trailer for me. Margarita, Keira, Tissaia, Yennefer and Marti Sodergren staring at what is no doubt Aretuza falling down in flames once the coup has ended. Notice how Tissaia is completely grey - no doubt caused by the huge tragedy that has just destroyed everything she's ever worked for.
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ria-writes-stories · 9 months
The enemy of my enemy is my friend
Genre: Character Focus. Action + Cotton + Glass Characters: Uzi and Cyn
Description: Who's the true villain?
------------------------------------------------------------------ (No one's pov)
As the elevator fell into the depths of the secret labs Uzi easily tried to hold onto N as her arm was still healing, but the poor boy was so shocked from the sudden loss of his friend and everything else that has happened that night that all he could to was shake and look emptily at the ground, falling as well when the elevator began to fall, sure he warped his wings around Uzi to protect her but the impact was too harsh, and the light headed girl was sent off to dream land.
Uzi jumped to her feet immediately, she was in this hollow dark place, looking around beyond puzzled. "Whaaaaaat the hell…?" The angsty emo teen asked as she looked around her baffled. She was in the elevator just moments before. She was with N, and that…human. Uzi couldn't feel her body. She would look at her hands and even tried pinching them but nothing, it made no sense. Was she…? No! She had to pull herself together and snap out of it. Maybe she was asleep? Yeah, that had to be it! There was no other logical explication. She couldn't just…die like that, plus, her system would heal her right back, or better said the AS would…
The moment Uzi thought about the horrible program, a bright yellow light appeared behind her. She turned around to see something similar to what she saw in N and V's memories. These many camera eyes, connected to one body, with claws and everything else. Cyn.
"Oh. Would you look who is here? Care to join my tea party? Light sip." The figure said as the claws moved it's hand and head like a puppet, but there was something wrong, the eyes.. Cyn's visor was pitch black completely shut off.
"Why you robo-satan!" Uzi said as she raised her hand, her symbol appearing faintly before turning yellow and disappearing. The girl looked at her hand puzzled with a shocked expression on herself. "Giggle. Look at you. Trying to use my very own powers against me. How funny. I will have fun tormenting you. Maybe you'll be my new little puppet. Just like your mother. Giggle. Giggle. Devious giggle." As the creature spoke those wards into the far distance, a hologram of Uzi's mother played. Her face was numb, her hair was purple, but her eyes were a bright yellow.
Uzi stopped in her tracks as she looked at the scene with as much shock as when she saw that fake hologram of her father being torn to pecies. "M-mom?" The girl asked sadly as she looked at the hologram of her mother sorrowfully.
Uzi's breath began to get shaky as her body started to tremble, looking at her hands as her vision became blurrier and blurrier. "That's right. Stand still. It is time to kill you in your mind and take over it." The robotic voice said as it snapped it's claws slowly approaching Uzi.
Wait…her mind… HER MIND! Uzi was unconscious most likely, and they were in her mind. Meaning that she had the upper hand, if only she fought. She no longer had that awful magnet on her head. If only she would focus…
"Hahaha! Yes! Suck on that eldritch hollow spooky crab!" Uzi yelled excitedly as she noticed her magnetic-calibrated extremely powerful railgun in her hands, but when she raised her head her face dropped as a crab claw threw her off her feet as her railgun flew in the air, and of course, another crab claw crushed the railgun, right before it got red and exploded. Uzi covered her face with her arms to avoid being damaged, but she was untouched and unharmed as instead a robotic voice was heard spiralling as a loud thud of a huge metal hand dropped on the ground, and that is when Uzi realised that she couldn't possibly be hurt by her own imagination unless she wanted that, but she didn't, instead she wanted to get this damned curse of an abomination.
Uzi thought of something more effective since her railgun takes 30 minutes to charge and she didn't know how time flew here, and soon, she had twin laser guns in her hands and with a mischievous smile she pulled them out and shot towards the figure. "Ow! Ow! Solver of the absolute fabric get a grip!" The voice said as it whined over it's fallen hand before all the camera eyes widened in utter shock as it realized Uzi had new weapons, and soon enough it was hit by the laser beams.
The figure scowled in pain as it used the AS to throw back some of the laser beams, that Uzi easily avoided as if it was just a game. "And they said playing VR action games was a waste of time!" Uzi said with a wide confident smirk as she ran into the distance going around the AS, circling it as she continued to shoot at it. You'd think the AS would be faster and slippery like eldritch J was, but it seems that the fact that it had one tiny body attached to it, on the ground, instead of being able to be a full snake-crab-centipede crawling on walls , was a huge disadvantage for the seemingly all powerful entity.
Uzi noticed one thing very clearly tho…every time she shot towards the AS it covered it's body, Cyn. A plan began to form in Uzi's mind as she got a determined look on her face as she began to fall back, creating more distance between her and this thing as she shot at it relentlessly until her gun ran out of ammo, moment where she looked at her twin guns with a pouty face. "Awwww, really? Why did I have to think of this?! WOAH!" Uzi didn't get too much time to be angry with herself as a claw grabbed her from the back and flew her in the air, slamming her on the ground roughly. Oh she felt that alright. She felt that real well. She groaned from the immense shock that was sent into her body, probably causing a few components to move from their place, and then before she could even take in all of the pain she was slammed again, and again, and again.
Uzi coughed out some oil as she looked at the claw that slightly let her go just to go to her throat to try and snap it in half. Uzi caught the crab claw with her arms as she groaned from the struggle and effort she was putting in, as the sharp pincers of the claw dug into her hands causing her oil to pour out from these freshly made wounds as she groaned in pain, squeezing her eyes closed as she tried to focus only escaping this death grip instead of the pain.
"Hnnnngh- let, go, you cheap off brand CRAB CLAW!" Uzi shouted out angrily as she kicked the arm off of her with her legs as she pushed herself out of it's grasp as the claw immediately snapped strongly once her palms were off from it.
Uzi huffed as she sat up, holding her side in pain as multiple hands rose above her ready to strike, all going down, when suddenly a…white-yellow glitching AS symbol stopped all of them.
Uzi was beyond confused. Was the AS fighting against it's own self? That wouldn't make any sense.
"H-h-ello." A weak glitching voice said, and Uzi's attention was immediately drawn to the more fragile body part of this monstrous amalgamation. It's drone body or better said… Cyn. Her visor was on now, her eyes a pale white fading into yellow. The girl's hand stood extended shaking and trembling as it kept the symbols as best as it could.
"I w-w-on't be ab-ble to hold it for t-too l-l-o-o-ng. H-how is big brother N?" The girl asked with a faint smile as she looked at Uzi with bitter tears in it's eyes as Uzi only stared at her speechless. "I-I'm sorry for w-what happened to V-V-" the girl said weakly as her eyes glitched as if she was showing the symptoms of an awful illness, a terrible error, a wretched weed. "I-I miss h-him." The girl said as Uzi began to slowly step closer. She heard the faint creek of the robotic arms. Looking up she saw how weak the symbol was and that the hands were moving towards her in slow motion, moving slowly and with all their strengths as the yellow cameras stayed focus on Uzi solemnly.
Uzi held her sides in pain as she began to walk towards Cyn. "What…happened to you?" Uzi asked as the realisation of the situation settled into her bones. Cyn was the first AS user there was…so the AS rooted in her.
So much so that you couldn't see where she began and where she ended, all you could see were the awful pincers and camera eyes. She was dying, and the AS, like a parasite was going down with it's host, reason why it was looking for a new one. Nori wasn't anywhere to be seen, meaning either she was already gone or the AS failed to bury itself in her.
"I-I was thrown by my old o-owne-rs. I woke u-up but, I could not s-see. Only hear and f-feel. When I woke up my eyes, so did it." The girl said weakly as she looked at Uzi. The purple haired girl made her way to the maid, as the arms slowly followed after her like hungry snakes ready to jump on her and crush the life out of her with their jaws.
"I w-was happy for a while. With b-iggg-G brother N. But t-t-heeeEEn I l-os-ST control more and mMORE." The girl said as her voice cracked in her speech, and Uzi could see the pain on her face, the struggle she was going through just to answer Uzi's questions, to keep the AS at bay.
"Y-you can't let it w-wiN. P-please don't le-e-ET-t-T-t-T-t it win." The girl spoke as more tears rolled down her cheeks as she begged Uzi to escape herself and others like her from the horrible fate she ended up in. She felt the AS deeply melted with her very own core, she felt sick, weak, and she knew the AS was getting weaker too. It was getting more desperate, more hands on and less rational, this was the best time to attack at full force and rid of it.
"It hu-ur-rrrTs. Please make it stop. N. N. Big brother N make it Sto-O-OP!" The maid began to cry as she closed her eyes, her grip on the claws weakening more and more as they began to chase after Uzi as fast as they could, trying to break free from their imprisonment.
"End it. P-leASE! END IT! I DI-D-Nn-'T mEaN T-T-TO H-ur-R-RRrT ANY-OAAA-NE! " The girl shouted in pain as Uzi looked at her thrown off guard. She was just a girl. Just like her. A girl who had a family once. Who cared for those around her despite her pain. Just like her…
Uzi looked at the sight bitterly. This wasn't fair. But what other options were there? "Take care of b-big brother N for m-me ple-e-ase. T-tell him that I mi-i-Ss him. I really d-do." The girl said with a weak smile as the white of her eyes faded more and more, slowly being replaced by that sickening yellow color.
Uzi shook her head. If Cyn lost control now, who knows when she'll come back if she'll ever return and lend them a hand. Uzi rushed to her, reaching her hand out, but Cyn's hand fell to the side at once. The claws were free and immediately attacked Uzi.
Uzi gasped for air as she sat up. She couldn't hear a single sound around her and she couldn't even look around her. She just looked at the ground in sorrow. Cyn used to be a girl. Just like her. It wasn't fair. What happened to her wasn't fair. And seeing her like that, struggling to save someone despite the unimaginable pain she was going through didn't feel too different from Uzi getting herself to pass out from exhaustion and agonising misery to save N.
Cyn was nothing more and nothing else other than a puppet and the AS was pulling the strings, and yet, she fought against the strings. She wasn't unable to cut them, but she was able to loosen the ones around Uzi slightly, it may not seem much but it was more than enough. Uzi could have been gone in that very moment, but Cyn bought her… them more time to stop this madness and get answers. Cyn didn't own Uzi anything, but Uzi owned her everything. Just like V, Cyn has untrusted Uzi with N and his well being. While V might come back just like J, there was no saying if Cyn would or not wake up again after this. She didn't sacrifice herself. She didn't manage to save the ones she cared for, but she sacrificed the last drops of life that she had within her to save Uzi instead.
Now Uzi had to carry this flame on. She had to put an end to the AS. She had to carry on this battle, for everyone that passed away from it.
The end
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isabellavolere · 2 years
Transformers Prime—Part 6: Your First Mission
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Thud thud, thud thud, thud thud. 
The dull pounding of the two Decepticons carrying you and your friends snaps you out of your reverie. The Decepticons had found you, Jack, and Raf hiding behind a big boulder, just after you learned that Miko had gone with Bulkhead. When you were planning to rescue her by sneaking onto the Decepticon Warship, this is not what you had in mind. You look over your shoulder and see Jack and Raf being held by one of the Cons’. Assessing your situation, you think of ways you can escape. 
The Con’ holding me has a pretty tight grip, almost too tight, so squirming might not work. Besides, if I get loose, the other Con’ could use Jack and Raf as leverage against me. 
Your brain raced through possible ways to escape, making you almost miss what the Con’ holding you was saying. 
“Bring them to the brig. Commander Starscream is keeping the other human there.”
Starscream is here too?! Oh, not good.
Just then you hear the roar of an engine and grin as Arcee and Bumblebee race through the hallway, crashing into the Decepticons holding you. You are knocked out of the Cons’ large hands and would have crashed to the ground if Bumblebee hadn’t caught you. You thank him and then he sets you on the ground gently. 
“We appreciate you clearing the front door for us, but storming the Decepticon Warship was not on the activities list,” says Arcee, a stern look on her face.
Yeah no kidding. Rescue missions were definitely not on the list. If only my parents could see me now. They would probably freak.
You follow Arcee and Bumblebee as they begin walking through the hallways of the Warship, jogging to keep up with their brisk pace. The walls of the ship are a dark black, and lights placed at regular intervals along the ceiling cast eerie shadows along the ground. The ship is very cold, and smells like rusting metal and oil. Arcee turns around a hallway and almost runs into Bulkhead, Miko perched on his hand. 
“You brought the humans, huh?” Asks Arcee.
“You try getting them to stay behind!” Defends Bulkhead.
“We need to find Fowler and get the kids out of here,” says Arcee.
“He’s in the brig,” you, Jack and Raf say at the same time.
Arcee nods once and starts running down one of the hallways, Bulkhead and the other kids following behind. You jog past Bulkhead, matching pace with Arcee. She glances down at you quickly before focusing on finding the brig. You had no problem keeping up with Arcees’ quick steps, running being one of the school clubs your parents made you sign up for back in Colorado, but as you glance behind you something you see makes your heart speed up. Three purple Decepticons are running behind you, hands transforming to form guns. 
“Arcee! Behind us, three decepticons!” You yell up to her.
“Yeah, and three more in front of us!” She says and to your horror you see the ones she’s talking about. 
Arcee, Bumblebee, and Bulkhead leap into action, and you find yourself, once again, in the middle of all the action. Streaks of blue and red light whiz pass you and your adrenaline kicks into high gear. Jack, Miko and Raf are clustered together, with you standing a few feet away. 
And here I am again, in the middle of a battle with these horrible purple bots. Rescue mission turns to survival and escape. But hey, on the plus side I’m on a spaceship, so I guess that’s cool? If we survive this I’m so going to kill Miko!
A red bolt of energy rushes past you and explodes, flinging you to the ground and causing your head to hit the ground. You sit up slowly and everything seems to move in slow motion. Your head feels fuzzy, like a wad of cotton balls has been shoved into your head. You can hear a loud ringing in your ears, roaring like a waterfall, but the rest of the sound around you is quiet. Jack crouches next to you and is yelling something at you, but you can’t hear what. All you can do is shake your head and stare helplessly at his empty moving lips. He frowns and then grabs your arm, pulling you up and then lets go, gathering Miko and Raf. Another explosion rocks the hallway and the head of a Decepticon crashes down next to Raf. Jack grabs your hand and Rafs’ in the other as he drags you all out of the way of another Decepticon as it slams down in the spot you were at just moments before. You can feel your heartbeat hammering and the tightness of your chest as you soar on a wave of adrenaline. A Decepticon rams his hard metal fist into Bulkhead and he crashes to his knees, making the ground around him rattle. The force knocks you to your butt and you land hard, closing your eyes as you wait for it all to stop. 
Your head aches and the ringing in your ears won’t go away and everything is spinning out of control and you want it all to stop. 
And then, slowly, it does. 
The fuzziness goes away in your head and the loud ringing quiets to a low hum, still there but not as bad as before. You slowly open your eyes and the first thing you notice is Jacks’ arm around you. Miko and Raf are next to you, also in Jack's protective arms. You look around you and see the carnage of the other bots, purple bodies strewn around you. Jack and the others step away and you take a deep, steadying breath before standing up. You follow Arcee as she sprints to a door, opening it and running inside, shooting at any Decepticons in the room. Bulkhead and Bumblebee follow behind her and within minutes they have the room Con’ free. 
“Clear,” states Arcee. “Wait in here,” 
Bumblebee says something and looks at Arcee.
“They’re slowing us down and they’re easy targets. They’ll be alright in here as long as they stay put,” says Arcee firmly. 
Ugg she’s such a mom.
Arcee, Bulkhead, and Bumblebee jog out the door leaving you and the others alone in the large room. 
And then there were four. No protection if a Con’ shows up. 
“That…was intense,” states Miko.
“Was?” Asks Raf.
“It’s your fault we’re stuck in this intensity!” Jack explodes. “What were you thinking, Miko?” 
“Did I ask you to follow me?” She shoots back.
“You wanted us to be in a band. Doesn’t that usually mean playing together?” Asks Jack.
Jack and Mikos’ yelling starts to make your head hurt, so you quietly slip away, unnoticed by the others. A large purple computer screen catches your attention, filled with strange symbols that you’ve never seen before. To get a better look, you climb up onto the keyboard part of the computer. Large triangles and circles dominate the screen with various other symbols which you assume are letters scattered about. The symbols look similar to the ones on Ratchet's computer back at the Autobot base, but not entirely the same.
They must be in the Decepticon language. It makes sense, Autobots and Decepticons having different languages. Wait a minute, this looks like a formula of some sort. 
“Y/n?” Miko calls out, snapping you out of your thoughts.
“I’m here!” You reply, waving from the top of the keyboard. 
“Whatcha doing?” She asks, walking over to the bottom of the keyboard.
“Wait, how did you even get up there?” Asks Jack.
“I think I found something important. Raf, doesn’t this look like a formula to you?” You question, pointing back to the screen. 
Raf tilts his head and stands next to Miko, adjusting his glasses as he stares at the screen as well.
“Seriously though, y/n, how?” Asks Jack again.
“I climbed up the side of the table, but never mind that, what do you think Raf?”
“I think you’re right, y/n. It’s important. Really important,” he says. 
“We should get this to Optimus, don’t you think?” You ask.
“How do you know it isn’t just a recipe for space nachos?” Asks Miko.
“I know math when I see it,” says Raf, coming closer. “And that is one serious equation.”
“Can’t you download it?” Asks Jack, looking from you to Raf.
“I’ve got a flash drive,” says Raf, pulling a small silver stick out of his backpack. “But I don’t see anywhere to plug it in. Is there a port up there y/n?”
You look around the keyboard but don’t see anywhere to plug in the flash drive.
“No, there’s noth—“ your words trail off as you think you hear something outside the room. You straighten up and strain your ears, listening for a sound you’d rather not hear.
“What is it, y/n?” Asks Miko, noticing the abrupt shift in your demeanor.
“Umm, guys?” Starts Raf, staring at the door.
It opens to reveal one of those purple Decepticons. 
And here we are without an Autobot to come save us. This…should be fun.
Jack and Miko notice the bot and start running under the table you are still standing on. You watch as the Con’ notices the bodies of the other bots lying motionless on the ground. With a lurching realization, you remember you are still on the keyboard, just feet away from the robot. You look down, calculating the risk of damage you would receive from jumping off of the table, when you see that Raf had forgotten to grab his backpack. He was standing out in the open and slipping the loops around his shoulders. Unfortunately, the Decepticon also sees Raf because he transforms his hand into a gun and begins shooting at Raf. 
Without even thinking, you begin jumping up and down and waving your arms, trying to get the bot's attention. “HEY! Hey big bot! Over here, leave Raf alone!”
The bot focuses his attention on you and that gives Jack the time to tackle Raf out of the way. The Con’ starts walking over to you and reaches his other hand out towards you. 
“Well, I think this plan went a little too well,” you mutter to yourself.
“Miko, take a picture!” Says Jack, looking up at you and the Decepticon reaching for you. 
“Great idea!” She says, and snaps a picture of you leaping over his arm just as he was about to reach you and then off of the table, rolling once your legs hit the ground to relieve your knees of the pressure and jumping back up. You felt like some sort of pro parkourist as you ran to the other kids. 
“Not of y/n, of THAT!” Exclaims Jack.
“Oooh,” Miko says, taking a picture of the formula with a bright pink flip phone.
Once she takes the picture you lead the others as they make their escape out of the room. Unfortunately the Decepticon also follows and you can hear the whir of his guns charging up, ready to fire. Your shoulder tingles as you remember getting shot by one of those blasters before. It still hadn’t healed properly, instead leaving a few off-white colored scars. Just then you hear a car horn and relief washes over you as Bulkhead transforms and flies over your head, body slamming the Con’ that is coming after you. Arcee and Bumblebee pull up on either side of you, Raf and Miko hopping into Bumblebee and Jack swinging onto Arcee. 
“I told you to stay put!” She yells as you swing your leg over Arcee and place your hands on Jacks’ shoulders. 
Arcee, Bumblebee, and Bulkhead get off of the Decepticon Warship and you drive back to the base in silence. Your adrenaline rush is slowly fading and you realize how tired you are. Who knew rescuing your impulsive friend from behind enemy lines was so exhausting? 
You watch with a worried expression as Ratchet finishes putting a brace on Cliffjumpers’ leg, matching the one the medic has on his own arm. You cling to the balcony railing so tightly you don’t even realize your knuckles have turned white until Optimus turns to you and says “Y/n, Cliffjumper will be alright, you needn’t be concerned.”
“I did the best I could do, but it will take a while for him to heal completely,” says Ratchet modestly.
“I’ve come back from worse. I’d like to see a few measly warriors take down the Bull!” Says Cliffjumper, pumping his fist in the air.
Your mouth twitches slightly but you can’t help but frown, despite Optimus and Cliffjumpers attempts to make you feel better.
“What happened to you guys anyway?” Asks Miko.
“We engaged an army of undead Cybertronian warriors,” says Ratchet grimly.
“Zombies? You fought zombies, and I missed it?” Miko blurts.
“So, some zombie cons’ messed up your leg, Cliffjumper?” You ask curiously.
“It wasn’t my finest hour,” he says.
“Bulkhead, you exercised extremely poor judgment in allowing the humans to accompany you,” says Optimus, and his demeanor reminds you of a disappointed dad.
Even the way Bulkhead looks down at his feet instead of at Optimus when he says “It won’t happen again, Optimus. I promise,” reminds you of the way a child would react to doing something wrong. 
“But it wasn’t Bulkheads’ fault!” Miko defends.
“Miko, please!” Says Bulkhead in a strained whisper. 
“And check it out, recon!” Says Miko proudly, pulling out her flip phone.
“Hmm. Ratchet, have a look. It could be of importance to Megatron,” Optimus says after leaning down to get a better look at her phone.
“Whoa, Megatron’s back?” Exclaims Jack. “That’s really bad news, right?”
Ratchet also leans down to look at Mikos’ phone, but frowns and says, “I don’t understand.”
Miko looks back at her phone, then swipes to the next picture. “Oops, that’s the Con’ that tried to blow Raf away. That is, until y/n totally saved him by distracting the Con’! She was flipping over the Con’ and rolling out of the way, she was a total rock star!” 
You look down at your shoes and you can feel the heat rising in your face, embarrassed by the complement. 
“Whoa, y/n, is that true?” Asks Cliffjumper excitedly.
“W-well, maybe not the flipping part,” you stutter quietly. 
“But you did that cool barrel roll once you jumped off of the keyboard,” reminds Miko, and you look up at her.
“That’s awesome! You’ll have to give me the blow-by-blow later, ok?” Says Cliffjumper.
His animated face beams and his smile can’t help but make you smile too, if only a small one. You nod slowly and he winks at you.
“Miko, Raf was almost killed!” Blurts out Jack, arms crossed in annoyance. “This isn’t a game! When are you going to get that through your thick skull?”
“Hmm, we were all almost killed, Jack. You, me, Raf, even y/n! Even them!” Says Miko, pointing at Optimus, Ratchet, and Cliffjumper.
“Well, if this was just an average day with the Autobots, then I don’t want to be a part of it. Not anymore,” says Jack, and you can’t help the small feeling of shock.
Jack’s gonna leave the Autobots? Like, for good? Can he do that?
Optimus leans down so he is eye level with Jack and says, “Jack, putting you in harms way was never our intent. However it is no longer the safety of you four that is at risk but the safety of all humankind. We will respect your decision if you wish to leave.”
All of a sudden you hear a whirring sound and look over to see that Ratchet has powered up the ground bridge.
“No point in long goodbyes, here’s the door,” says Ratchet flatly. 
Ouch. Sounds like he’ll be missed.
Jack turns around to face Raf. “Come on, Raf.”
Raf looks at Jack and then to Bumblebee, who looks down at the floor. 
“I’ll be ok, Jack. See you at school,” says Raf in a small voice.
“Sure thing,” Jack nods and turns around, but you can see the hurt in his face. 
Jack walks over to you, and now you note a flash of…something else, but you couldn’t tell what.
“Y/n? Will you come with me? Please?”
You shift uncomfortably from foot to foot and twist the hem of your tee shirt around one of your fingers.
“I-I’m sorry, Jack. My place is here, with them,” you say, looking at Cliffjumper and then back at Jack.
“I understand. I guess I’ll see you around,” he replies quietly, turning away from you to walk towards the ground bridge. 
As he’s walking Arcee comes over and says something to him, but it was too quiet for you to tell what she said. You watch helplessly as Jack walks into the swirling light of the ground bridge and disappears.
For good.
You immediately push away the thought, but it lingers in the back of your head, among other thoughts you have pushed away. 
What if Jack won’t ever come back? Isn’t this my fault? I mean, if I hadn’t found Cliffjumper and those Decepticons in the first place, they wouldn’t have followed me, right? And if they hadn’t followed me, I wouldn’t have had to drive to the parking lot where Jack was. And then the Decepticons wouldn’t have found him with me. Is this my fault? Everything that has happened to Jack, Miko, and Raf have all happened because I found Cliffjumper, right? Everything that has happened since I found Cliffjumper that day has dominoed into Jack leaving. Is this all my fault? Could I have stopped this? Am I to blame?
You rub your temples and shake your head, instead looking around the base in the hopes that something would distract your racing thoughts. Miko and Bulkhead are watching tv, Raf is showing Bumblebee something on his laptop, Cliffjumper and Arcee are talking with each other, and Ratchet is typing on his computer. You look around for Optimus and see him walking to the tunnel that leads out of the base. You quickly walk over to him, curious as to where he was going. As you walk up Optimus looks at you, and his piercing blue eyes seem to be studying you. You feel like he can hear every thought racing through your head, and you wonder if these strange alien robots can read minds.
“Is there something I can help you with, y/n?” Asks Optimus in his smooth baritone voice.
“Umm, well, I-I was just, um, wondering where you were going? All the others are hanging out and I, er…” You let the sentence die out, unsure of how to finish.
���I was just going out for a drive. I find that it helps clear my mind,” says Optimus.
“Hmm,” you hum and nod a few times, but find that you can’t look him in the eyes, so you look back out at the others.
How are they all just sitting back and acting like nothing just happened? Like Jack didn’t just leave because he was almost killed? Twice.
“Would you like to come with me?” Asks Optimus, and again you wonder if he can read your thoughts.
“Only if I’m not bothering you,” you say in a timid voice. 
“You would not bother me. Besides, you seem like you also need the chance to clear your mind,” Optimus says, offering you his hand for you to climb into. 
You hold onto his large black fingers as you climb over the rusting yellow railing and sit in his palm. You see that instead of having knuckles like humans, Optimus’ fingers use hinges to connect the different sections of his long and slender fingers. Optimus lowers his hand and transforms around you, placing you in the passenger seat. Once you reach over to buckle your seatbelt, Optimus pulls out of the base and onto the road, where you take the time to look around the cab of his alternate mode. The first thing you notice is how clean the interior is; the dashboard, with all the instrument panels, levers and dials are all shiney.
The brown leather seats are sturdy and free of any tears or stains, and the tinted windows are clean. His steering wheel is a light gray color with the Autobot symbol placed in the center of the wheel. 
 You look out the window, enjoying the scenery of the Nevada desert. You missed the mountains of Colorado, but the large mesas towering over the road were pretty cool. The cacti were nice too, since Parker, the town you were from, didn’t have them. You begin wondering what the planet Optimus was from looked like. Cybertron, was it? You hadn’t thought to ask about the Autobot’s home. 
Sitting in Optimus’s cab and listening to the steady hum of his engine, you let your mind wander back to the events of the day as you looked out the window. Miko running off with Bulkhead, following Jack through the ground bridge to rescue her, getting attacked by the Decepticons, Jack leaving. 
Jack leaving.
You can see him walking to the ground bridge, you can see his face, the disappointment.
Once again your mind races with questions, blame, and guilt.
Is this all my fault? Could I have stopped Jack from leaving? Should I have left too? What if-
“Y/n, is there something wrong?” 
Optimus’ voice pierces your thoughts, breaking the tranquil silence in the cab. You look at your reflection through the side mirror and see that your face looks grave and contemplative. 
You twiddle with the end of your bandage for a moment before you slowly ask, “Optimus, do you think this is my fault? I mean, Jack leaving?” 
Optimus is quiet for a moment and you wait on baited breath for his response.
“Why do you believe you are the one to blame?”
“W-well, I mean, I was the one that led the Decepticons to the parking lot where Jack was, right? If I hadn’t found Cliffjumper, those Con’s wouldn’t have followed me the next day, and I wouldn’t have had to go to the parking lot to hide. And then we wouldn’t have been chased to the place where Raf was. And then the day after that at school when Cliffjumper was waiting for me, I walked away and he followed me, which is how Miko found us. And if Miko hadn’t found us she wouldn’t have run away to follow Bulkhead and then me and Jack and Raf wouldn’t have had to save her, and Jack wouldn't have left and—“
“Y/n,” Optimus interrupts, and you realize you had been slowly talking faster and faster, not even pausing to take a breath. You take a deep breath to calm down and are silent.
“I do not want you to believe that any of this is your fault. All of these events would have come to pass, regardless of the way it occurred,” Optimus says. 
You frown as you think about what he said.
After a moment Optimus asks, “How did you meet Cliffjumper?”
“Well, I was riding my dirt bike through the woods when I slid down a crater and came across Cliffjumper fighting a bunch of Decepticons. He was outnumbered and so I threw a rock at one of the Cons. Cliffjumper was able to use the distraction to take them out,” you say, smiling to yourself as you remember the look Cliffjumper gave you when he first saw you across the crater. You can see him blink once when he notices you before nodding gratefully and then turning to fight again.
“What do you think would have happened, had you not been there to give Cliffjumper the distraction he needed to defeat the Decepticons?” Asks Optimus.
“I-I don’t know. Do you think he could have been…killed?” You ask in a hushed whisper.
“Perhaps. You may have saved Cliffjumpers’ life that day,” says Optimus.
“So if I hadn’t driven into the parking lot that Jack was in, the Decepticons might have found Jack anyway since Arcee was in the parking lot. He could have been hurt too,” you reason. “But what about Miko running after Bulkhead?” 
“Had Miko not run after Bulkhead, with you following to rescue her, you would not have discovered the formula on the Decepticon Warship,” Optimus says.
Everything was coming together now, fitting snugly like the pieces of a puzzle. But one piece of this jumble of questions was still missing.
“But what about Jack leaving? Could I have stopped that?” You ask.
“Y/n, the choice to leave was Jacks’ to make. You can not stop that as much as you can stop the tide of an ocean from leaving the shore. But, just as the tides can turn, I believe that if Jack chooses to, he will come back,” replies Optimus. 
You sit in silence and let the words of Optimus sink in as you watch the scenery go by. Distantly you hear Optimus turn the radio on, but you're too deep in thought to pay attention to the lyrics.
I may not have been able to stop Jack from leaving, but could I do something to bring him back? Could I turn the tides, as Optimus said?
And then, an idea strikes you. You recall Arcee saying something to Jack before he left, and think that she is the perfect person for your plan. Or rather, the perfect bot.
Optimus pulls into the base and opens the door for you to get out. Once he is sure you are out he transforms and starts walking towards Ratchet.
“Optimus, wait,” you say, looking up at the tall leader.
He turns around and crouches down on one knee to see you better with a questioning look in his eyes. “What is it, y/n?”
“I just wanted to say thank you. For helping me clear my mind. You were right, driving does help with that,” you smile up at Optimus, and it feels like a huge weight has been lifted from your shoulders.
“I am glad to hear that,” says Optimus, and you think you can see the ghost of a smile on his face. “If you ever find that you need a ride, please, do not hesitate to ask,” 
“I’ll let you know if I need one,” you say, nodding.
With a determined face, you stride over to where Arcee and Cliffjumper are still talking. 
“Hey kid,” says Cliffjumper with a big smile on his face. “Whatcha been up too?” 
“I’ve just been talking with Optimus,” you say, looking over at the wise bot.
“Ah, so that’s where you and him disappeared to,” says Arcee knowingly.
She and Cliffjumper share a look while you frown.
“Did he give you some sort of wise quote?” Asks Cliffjumper with a smirk on his face.
“Or some sort of life advice?” Adds Arcee, also with a smirk.
“Yes he did,” you state matter of factly. 
“Did he give you the one that’s like, fate chooses you?” Asks Cliffjumper in a terrible impression of Optimus.
“That’s not how he says it!” Says Arcee. “He says ‘Fate rarely calls upon us at a moment of our choosing’. Clearly you weren't paying attention.”
“Yeah, well—“ starts Cliffjumper, but you interrupt him.
“Are you two done? I need to talk to Arcee.”
“What, first you leave with Optimus to sort out some life crisis, and now you're all chummy with Arcee? I thought we were friends, y/n,” replies Cliffjumper, placing a hand over his heart.
“Ok first off, I never said I had a life crisis, I was just talking with Optimus. And second, I just want to talk with Arcee for a bit. It’s not like we’re partners or anything! You can’t get rid of me that quickly, Cliff,” you say, crossing your arms over your chest.
Arcee snickers as Cliffjumper looks taken aback.
“Sure thing. What’s up kid?” Asks Arcee once she finishes laughing at the expression Cliffjumper has on his face.
“I was wondering if you could drive me over to KO Burgers,” you say. “There’s someone I want to talk to.”
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herbertwest · 2 years
Be My Nemesis
[Part of a prompt-swap challenge using a prompt by @urfriendlywriter]
The feeling is unmistakable. Heart pounding, blood racing, butterflies in the stomach. Even the thought of that special person makes you break out in a stupid grin. Every thought is of them; every song is their tune. You would do anything to spend just one more second with them. You would die for them; kill for them. This is, of course, the feeling of having a nemesis.
“This is a very impressive palace you bought,” said Oleg Volkov, Sergey Razumovsky’s best friend and confidant, glancing anxiously at the gilded walls. “Very grand. Not a single bullet hole anywhere to be seen. I sure hope you keep it that way.”
Sergey, who was sprawled on a purple velvet chaise lounge, laughed. “Don’t worry, I’m not going to shoot you this time. I will set up a variety of death traps, but I’m going to tell you where all of them are, so if you fall into one that’s on you.”
“That’s very generous of you,” said Oleg dryly.
“I think you’re going to like my new Garden of Sinners. It now has traps based on all seven deadly sins PLUS two more that I made up that SHOULD be deadly sins. Everything is all ready. Now we wait. Do you want to play chess?”
“NO,” choked Oleg, immediately going into fight-or-flight mode, his pupils dilating. He clutched his chest, feeling the five scars there.
“Do you think Major Grom wants to play chess?” asked Sergey, kicking his legs in the air.
“I suspect he wants to play chess even less than I do.”
“Why? We had so much fun last time!”
“You killed all his friends.”
“Yes, and it was so much fun!” Sergey grinned beatifically.
Oleg sighed.
Sergey pulled out his phone. “I sent Major Grom the latest puzzle ten minutes ago! Why hasn’t he answered?”
“He’s probably busy trying to stop everything from exploding again,” said Oleg. “Which I believe was the point of the puzzle.”
“Oh. Right.” Sergey put down his phone. “I’m bored. I guess I’ll just read something until he shows up.”
Oleg left, trying to find somewhere in the palace where he was least likely to become collateral damage.
About two hours later, Major Grom showed up, slightly singed.
He dodged about two thirds of Sergey’s traps, barely escaping with his life from the other third.
“Razumovsky,” he gasped upon reaching Sergey. “This time I’ll end you. I swear it.”
Sergey put down his book. “Hey, remember when we were both the avatars of gods, and we fought, and you forgave me for everything and then exploded? Because that was great. Definitely in the top ten Razgrom moments.”
Major Grom narrowed his eyes, but he did not fall for the bait of asking what Razgrom was.
“So…do you want me to hit you in the head with a shovel for old time’s sake, or should I use knock-out gas? The Garden of Sinners is waiting for you and it is so much better than last time,” said Sergey.
“I am not running naked through your murder garden again,” said Major Grom.
“It’s not really optional.”
Major Grom drew himself up to his full height. “Razumovsky, this has gone on long enough. You have been a blight upon St. Petersburg for much too long. At first I thought it would be enough to lock you away. I should have known better. You’re a cockroach. You’re a rabid cat, always clawing its way back to haunt me…but you’re on your last life.”
“That is a LOT of metaphor mixing,” said Sergey, picking up his book again and angling the cover towards Major Grom.
“You don’t take anything seriously! Do lives mean nothing to you? Do you have not the slightest spark of goodness left in you? I can’t escape from you…every time I dream you’re the ringmaster of my nightmares.”
“Be mine,” blurted Sergey.
“Is that a line from the book you’re reading?” asked Major Grom, taken aback, monologue forgotten.
“What? No, this is Dostoyevsky. Remember, you asked me before if I’d read Dostoyevsky? I’ve got to say, Raskolnikov spent a whole lot of time whining about nothing. What I want is for you to be my nemesis. I cannot resist your abject stupidity. You foil all my most ingenious schemes by running at them screaming with a blunt object. You track me down to the ends of the earth when everyone else has assumed me dead.”
Major Grom looked at him for a long moment. “To hell with this. I’m leaving. I don’t know what game you’re playing, but I am not taking part in it.” He turned around and started to leave.
Sergey sighed and picked up a shovel from under his chaise lounge. He bounded over to Major Grom and smacked him in the head with the blade.
“You are the bane of my existence,” whispered Major Grom, right before he fell unconscious.
“Music to my ears,” said Sergey. “Oleg! Help me get him into the Garden of Sinners.”
Oleg cautiously emerged from the wings. “I don’t understand why you don’t just kill him,” he said, poking Major Grom with his foot.
“I’m trying! That’s the beauty of it. There’s no way he’ll make it out of the Garden this time.”
Sergey started to drag Major Grom away.
Oleg went to check how much money was in Sergey’s ‘get Sergey out of prison’ fund. He suspected they’d need it.
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szkunas · 3 months
I’VE GOT YOU COVERED! ౨ৎㅤsatoru gojo
synopsis / premise ♱ㅤwhy are things so expensive? no problem, there is a certain someone who can pay you if you help him with a little problem. your solution is even better, and do you know why? revenge against ex. || PART TWO (with ex geto)
featuring ♱ㅤsatoru gojo (jjk0 / 2017 version) x FEM reader.
warnings ♱ㅤ NSFW ♡︎ ㅤporn with very little plot ! cowgirl ! reverse cowgirl ! petty revenge + accidental exhibitionism ! satoru thinking with his lower head a lot ! loser!gojo vibes ! OUT OF CHARACTER GOJO ! virginity loss ! dom reader / sub satoru vibes ! unprotected sex (wrap it up) + unrealistic portraits of sex ! creampie ! “sugar daddy” gojo (he pays for some of your things) ! geto mentions (and he is a son of a bitch) ! genocide / death mentions (geto) ! reader is a sorcerer, but like nanami, she quit + (add context: she quit during high school to live a normal life, so she got disconnected with jujutsu world) !
honorary mentions (inspirations, please read) ♱ㅤthis post by @/tiedsuccubus. all credits to them!
author’s note ♱ㅤthis one is for you, anon! i tried to add a little plot, i hope it doesn't suck, lol <3 this was a bit rushed, so, i apologize for the low quality. this was supposed to be satire, but i have no idea what was going through my mind. i wrote this using my entire afternoon, tbh.
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OKAY, WHAT THE FUCK is going on with the economy.
is your immediate reaction when you look at your condominium bill this month. the water is a fortune, as if your shower is pouring gold now. the gas is so burst that you just wish one of the pipes had exploded ── that way you would suffocate and wouldn't have to stress about paying this damn bill. not to mention market costs and cell phone plans. a pen twirls between your fingers, and your other hand presses button after button on the calculator at your side.
in front of you, on your living room table, a notebook with the costs of the month, that damn letter full of numbers and that damn little symbol, ¥. subtracting the value of your newly acquired measly salary from a dreary office job? what is left is so little that you fear for the future. if inflation increases a little more, you will start to owe. not to mention the rent for the apartment.
“fuck.” your voice is a tired whisper, tinged with soft desperation. and then the fury comes, quick as lightning. your fists clench, and immediately the headache hits the right side of your skull. it makes you want to break something.
it wouldn’t work. plus, you’re so broke, punching things is a really bad idea at the moment.
anger doesn't overcome despair, it deepens it in incalculable ways. like quicksand: the more you struggle, the quicker you sink until you drown. damn you. it’s all his fault.
when our life is hit by misfortune, we like to blame everything around us. god, the heavens, any mystical entity. or a friend, a family member. wall plaster can become your biggest enemy, depending on your mood. maybe even the food from that bad restaurant last night is the target of your contempt. but this time it is not irrational, you are sure that your misery has two culprits: a man and your own clit.
suguru geto was the kind of romance most girls can only dream about. long dark hair, gentle purple eyes and a posture as gentlemanly as an extremely insatiable libido. bringing flowers every week, picking you up from work. a bit jealous — especially about your male co-workers, who he used to call monkeys under his breath now and then.
still, the lack of selfishness, the constant romantic encounters, sweet words and desperate sex were all it took for you to give up a good part of your savings to help him. a personal project, he said, because the sorcerer's salary had gotten worse recently. because of your lack of connection to jujutsu society, first: you believed him. and second: you didn't know he was a highly wanted criminal for killing at least 112 people (and counting).
he said he loved you. that he would marry you, he had a crush on you since his first year. now that he had you, years later, he was so happy he wanted to marry you. but the night you planned to confront him about the money, he didn't show up. no one in the apartment, the money — your money — vanished in thin air, and you called the same number 39 times. 104 unanswered messages until the blocked number was finally deleted. and then some sorcerers came asking questions.
how embarrassing —, explaining how you had no idea your ex was a mass murderer, because you have been away from the society for so long. their conclusion was simple, and logic: he used the funds to aid his cult (apparently, he even has a cult! promoting the death of non-sorcerers. talk about dodging a bullet).
but the investigators left, he was not found, and society owed you nothing. not even a penny was given to you, despite several meetings and appeals. eventually, you realized that a lawyer was another waste of money, and after so much loss, you would have to chase it. and, of course, you moved to the other side of town. closest to your work, and not an address known to your genocidal ex-boyfriend.
a young woman who abandoned them while still in high school, seeking a normal life? here it is, your normal life: a miserable salary, a stupid boss, sexist co-workers and piles of papers that you wish to incinerate.
“fuck.” you repeat, hands grasping your head desperately. damn suguru geto and his stupid cult.
a light bulb goes off in your head when you remember a very important detail about your ex: who used to be his best friend in high school. satoru gojo.
most girls in the jujutsu world have never had the opportunity to cross paths with the satoru gojo, jujutsu society’s most famous celebrity, in person. but you did. many years ago, you are what he would call senpai. but you are no longer a girl, and he is no longer a teenager boy hiding beneath humor — you are a woman, out of the sorcery world and driving dangerously close to debt. and he is... well. he is gojo.
the strongest sorcerer — heir of one of the three clans, special grade sorcerer and the strongest. that man was swimming in money, certainly.
during your relationship, geto was as firm as possible in making sure you weren't contacting old friends from the jujutsu world. you weren't. it was a firm and difficult decision in his life, but any and all links with the cursed energy needed to be cut and removed from his life, like a parasite. who would have guessed that, years later, you would invite a parasite into your home. but that is beyond the point now.
please, please, if there is a god out there, help me here. you beg, grabbing your phone and looking through contact information.
most of your former friends agreed with your distance and respected your wishes. you told them that they could be accepted back into your life on one condition: if they were also in your situation, they would give up sorcery. nanami did. unlike you, he got a successful job, but he returned to jujutsu recently.
perhaps you won’t need to ask gojo, you could try asking kento for help. he certainly would, but...
you feel guilty about the idea of ​​doing this, of asking for help in this way, but going through old text messages, there's one from six months ago that catches your attention.
SIX MONTHS AGO nanami ;ㅤgojo has been nagging me to invite you for the class reunion. i warned him you’re not coming, you never do. but i’ll be sending you his number regardless, or i’ll have a headache about it the rest of the week. tell him to shut up, too, if possible.
a little insecurity passes through you. maybe he doesn’t use that number anymore. rich guys like satoru should change their cell phones like someone changes clothes. but your eyes turn to the calculator, the little that will be left paying for everything alone.
you take a deep breath, copying the number into the box after pressing add new contact. you swallow softly when his picture appears on the top, with the name you inputted. satoru gojo.
a small message is enough. after explaining your situation, your thumb hesitates only a second after hitting send. you wait. you wait more, walking around the apartment and already thinking how much you can sell your tv for when you hear it. the soft tim of your phone and the message that appears on the home screen makes your eyes widen.
satoru gojo;ㅤhey, senpai. it’s been a while since i’ve heard from you. sure, we can talk. anywhere you wanna meet?
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you can’t help but be nervous. what to wear to meet the biggest jujutsu celebrity, who is your ex underclassman? of course, you expect him to be dressed like a normal person, so you dress like one too (because, since you were seventeen, you’ve been normal).
a black turtleneck t-shirt, a fuzzy coat so the cold doesn’t get to you, and jeans with black boots. it’s simple but beautiful. makeup is your choice, and it’s not very important anyway. just a little reunion where you go,
you’re going to ask for money from your ex-colleague, who you haven’t seen in almost ten years.
you feel a little stupid, sitting at a table in a coffee shop of your choosing. there are so many people around ── a couple sitting at another table, two old men walking out the door, and even two teenager girls overdoing their large order of crêpes. nothing much for the occasional weekend rush. your cell phone rests in your hands, and for a second, the question hits you with the force of a blow from a club: what if he doesn’t come? you haven’t spoken to him in almost a decade, and you just remembered his existence to ask for money. in his place, you wouldn’t come.
but the bell on the store’s door rings and echoes through the store, and your eyes follow. holy. shit.
the gangly high school boy is now a tall man with an undercut. and he’s ripped. wow. it almost makes your mouth water, seeing the way he moves ── as if he were a model or knew the status and presence he has. with confidence and serenity. a far cry from the messy walk you saw what seems like a lifetime ago. satoru looks around, taking in the people, and you quickly wave at him. there’s also a chance he wouldn’t recognize you if you didn’t, but he turns towards you and smiles anyway.
“ah, senpai. sorry. i’m a little late.”
as he sits down, you take a moment to enjoy the view, unaware that he’s doing the same thing underneath that bandana. the coat falls from your shoulders, exposing a little more of the tight way the black blouse hugs you. okay, wow. he’s partially convinced, and you haven’t exchanged a word.
“thank you for meeting me here.” you say.
he shakes his head. “i was more surprised to receive a message from you. thank you. so, you said you were in a difficult financial situation, right?”
your hesitant nod is enough to get a smile from him. in a way, you’re still the older girl he liked in school, who he missed dearly when you were gone. and wow, you’re more beautiful than he thought. gojo never got a picture of him ── damn nanami and his incorruptible ethics, his immunity to bribery made this all harder ──, but he doesn’t need one anymore. after today, he doesn’t intend to forget what you look like.
“i think i have a way to help both of us. if you do me a favor, i can transfer some money to your account right now.”
you raise your eyebrow. okay, that wasn’t unexpected. quid pro quo, after all. no one gets anything for free in this world, and you can’t expect batting your eyelashes and giving gojo a desperate pout to do the work for you. want money? start moving. then you sigh.
“okay. what’s the favor?”
he raises his hand, and smiles softly. “damn, my manners, sorry. don’t you want to drink something? ask for what you want, i’ll pay.” you can’t tell for sure because of the blindfold, but he seems to have winked at you.
satoru and his games, his charm. evasion, in reality. it’s hard to resist, especially since this place seems to have one or two really good options, so you give in. he’s the one making the biggest sacrifice, after all, and why not have a coffee with him?
after defining the orders ── satoru ordered a damn cake and a coffee with extra sugar, and it’s a shock that he hasn’t developed diabetes by this point ──, you settle down in your chairs. casual, smooth conversation. it is good. it had been a while since you talked to anyone in the jujutsu field, afraid that your return or the more intense missions would be the only topic. but it’s surprising how much an old colleague suppresses a great lack in his heart.
while he takes a bite of the cake, and you drink your coffee, his eyes end up following and analyzing. he is surprisingly tall, and appears much more muscular than he was before. his voice is more confident, loose as he chatters. you blink as he returns to the topic that brought you here.
“so, senpai. straight to business. i don’t want to waste the time of a busy woman like you.”
“no, please. i don’t have work to do today. and you don’t need to call me by the honorific, i’m not your senpai anymore. you can just call me by my name now.”
he nods in agreement. “of course, of course. soooo. about my proposal.” satoru takes a deep breath, leaning in, and you immediately follow the movement with your gaze. “you need money, and i need a favor. it’s kind of personnel. it has to do with my clan, business, etc., the details are kind of irrelevant and would bore you to death.”
he stops, and you get a little angry. can’t men get straight to the point? say everything at once? what, he’s a batman villain who wears a question mark to try out riddles now?
“i want you to know,” the toone of them becomes more serious, and less fun. but no less affectionate in any way. there seems to be a deep respect for you, even if you can’t think of any achievements of yours that could have impressed satoru. “that even if you reject it, i will pay you. of course, i’ll pay more if you agree, but i don’t want you to accept it just for the money. i don’t want you to be forced to help me out of necessity.”
okay. one less problem. you will receive it no matter your position in this strange arrangement ── but simultaneously, this reaction causes comfort and nervousness. if he is saying this, perhaps it is a very strange favor, which cannot be mentioned in any way. like those non-disclosure contracts that hide terrible secrets, which you can’t tell to avoid being sued.
“i want you to go on a date with me.”
before you can react, he continues speaking.
“i—i just want a date. a real date, here at the coffee shop or somewhere else. you choose the place, the time, i pay.” satoru hesitates, as if he was nervous. it’s almost cute. the guy could destroy the country with one hand behind his back, but he’s blushing while asking you out. “we don’t have to do anything. holding hands, kissing or— it’s nothing like that. just a date. me, you, somewhere nice and talk. maybe flirt. he knows?”
okay, you didn’t expect that. he laughs a little at his surprised expression, as if he expected this reaction and thought it was cute anyway.
“you don’t have to look at me like that. just say no.” he searches his pockets for a moment, pulling out his cell phone. probably opening his bank app with a sigh. “i’m going to make the deposit, and you can forget that i—”
“no.” his hand grabs his wrist surprisingly quickly. like cat reflexes, or witch reflexes. “satoru. i’m sorry, gojo, i—”
“satoru is fine.” he murmurs, staring at the way his hand grips his wrist. of course he could let go, but why would he?
he’s loving it. the attention of a woman he’s always wanted is like a refreshing drink on a hot day. or the iced, sugary coffee he sips in this cold hell, whatever. you huff and take a deep breath.
“okay, fine. satoru. that’s fine with me, i’ll agree with that after you tell me why. but i do.”
he stops for a moment ── probably blinking in surprise ──, tilting his head to the side. “you know, people from a big clan usually have these arranged marriages. this crap that happens to most of us heirs. but i don’t want any of that. still, they won’t leave me alone until i’m seeing someone, you know?”
“and why exactly don’t you just… hire an actress and be done with it? or flirt with a girl and explain the situation?”
“they want her to be a sorcerer. because obviously they want to.” he lets out a dry laugh, without much humor. “i could ask shoko, but no one will believe it. and i don’t want it to become this big thing. it’s just, it would be nice if it were an actual date too, without an actress and all that. and i can’t really go up flirting with the sorcerer women our age out there, because…”
you lean in gently, trying to listen to his confession better.
“i’m a little inexperienced.”
okay, you’re sure this is a big joke. maybe someone will come out from behind a plant with a microphone and a camera. he doesn’t mean what you think he does, right? the vulnerable tone of his voice makes you hesitate, but the fact that satoru gojo is a virgin is a little surprising.
like, wow. of course geto was more popular with the girls ── manipulative little shit ──, but satoru never lagged behind when it came to flirting. thinking about your ex, a little bitterness runs through you, and the darkest corner of your heart shows. geto really cared about his best friend. his beautiful, charming best friend, who now needs a favor and could be his way out of the deep end.
of course, you feel self-serving, selfish, but you’re both winning. and a part of you is even a little possessive. better with you than some random girl who would criticize him for being inexperienced at that age. your hand moves, and tries to hold his hand.
“want to gain experience?”
satoru stops. he looks at you, clearly analyzing your face to find out if you’re not messing with him. maybe a cruel prank in some way, but no. even almost ten years later, satoru feels like he knows you. you, with your kind and loving soul, would not do that. you wouldn’t dare. he only needs some seconds to decide.
his response is a nod and a few clicks. then, he turns the screen towards you. the amount of zeros almost makes your jaw drop. that is a small value for him? deposit completed.
“your house or mine?”
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that’s why you are where you are. sitting on satoru’s lap while you make out desperately on your couch. your house being chosen brought a bit of shame, it’s modest, etc., but he didn’t mind at all. he thought it was kind of cute, and said it loud and clear just to tease you. that brat.
unlike some inexperienced guys you’ve locked lips with (some of them cherished memories, others bitter mistakes you’d love to forget), he’s soft. gentle. he doesn’t do anything that you don’t allow, and much of the initiative is taken by you. he doesn't rush or try to take you immediately.
you press down on his bottom lip with your tongue, before nibbling on it. your hands cup his face as he opens his mouth, letting your tongue slide with his. he threw your coat to the other side of the room the moment you guys walked through the door. satoru can feel the way you lick inside his mouth, and it makes him shiver. his hand grab your waist tightly, although he is trying to be gentle.
your fingers trail through his face, his hair, as you keep kissing — soft sounds of mwah mwah mwah echoing the room, mixed with your heavy breaths and one or two soft moans. you reach for his blindfold, a bit curious, before he brings his hands up to remove it immediately.
“wait— doesn’t taking it off hurt you?” you question softly, and god, if he hears your voice like this one more time, he’s going to lose it.
satoru shakes his head. “not that much. i can handle it. it’s nothing important.” he cups your chin with one hand as he tugs on the bands that cover his eyes. he pulls you back to kissing as he throws them somewhere else.
he wants to see you. bright blue eyes, almost intoxicating, focusing completely on every inch of exposed skin he can see. there is a soft, contained desperation, losing restraint, as his hands walk over your body gently. palming, squeezing softly, touching.
you pull back for a moment, your thumb brushing against his bottom lip. simultaneously, his hand is trailing down your clothed stomach.
“so,” he smirks softly, trying to act as if he’s not a blushing mess. okay, his experience ended here. of course, satoru knows how to give a few kisses, a silly hand or two, but this is where everything gets serious.
he has no idea how to proceed, and no matter how confident he wants to appear, he’s going to depend on you now. to guide him, to take care of him. help him out.
god, your little smirk does things to him. your torso leans in, and he can shiver as your lips press against the shell of his ear. voice sweet, low and soft, like sound velvet.
“you want what’s underneath, baby?”
he nods softly, dropping his head to the side and panting softly as you pepper kisses down his neck. “yeah. y–yeah, i do. please.”
the sound of your laugh makes his stomach flutter, and satoru bites his lip gently, suppressing a hiss. he’s nearly ── actually, really would be a better word ── sure that you’re sucking hickeys on his neck. branding him as yours as your lips suck purple bruises over that pale skin of his. the strongest sorcerer, melting in a puddle as you start to grind your hips slowly.
the friction is soft. very unsatisfying, but it makes you both groan nonetheless. you can feel him, already hard beneath you, and you’re certain he can feel the way you pulse and throb all over him, as well. quid pro quo. two-way street. what is done, what is paid, or any other expression of the sort.
you roll your tongue over some of the hickeys you left behind, and he groans. actually groans a bit loudly. you have the feeling gojo is not someone used to holding back his noises for any reason ── besides, it’s not like he’s got any experience to understand how loud his volume is in bed.
but you’ll have fun helping him discover it. what a good senpai you are. aiding an underclassman when he’s in trouble.
one of his hands grabs your hips, and he pants softly.
“you’re teasing me,” he runs his tongue over his lips, wetting them. he’s sweating. it’s the middle of the winter, and satoru is sweating.
“couldn’t help it, sorry,” you trail up your kisses to his jaw, the corner of his mouth, until your lips press to his again. a silent apology made in the sound of lewd kissing. he tugs at your shirt, a bit desperately, and you want to tell him to have patience.
your heart’s deepest desire right now is to ruin this man. turn him into a needy mess, who can’t live without you or your touch. spend hours edging him and teasing him with kisses, touches, licks—
but he groans again, and you’ll decide that’s for another day. you will go easy on him, you’ll be gentle. it’s the poor thing’s first time, and you don’t want to destroy him. yet.
“okay, baby, okay.” you chuckle against his mouth. the way he tries to lick you, touch you, it’s like he’s afraid this is one of his dreams. that, any second now, this will all be over and he will be alone once again. you will disappear and he will have no one. but you are there precisely to prove that this is not true.
you lean back, grabbing the hem of your shirt and pulling it up. satoru doesn’t even try to hide his staring ── and how could he? without the blindfold, he can actually see you as much as he can feel you. your body is a sight he will never forget. one of your hands trails down to his belt, tugging on it. satoru gasps, surprised.
“now, undress and answer me something, ‘toru.” he pauses, his eyes moving up to stare at you ── your face, he means. “here, or my bed?”
the decision takes less than a second.
“here. don’t make me wait anymore.” satoru groans loudly when you unclasp your bra in front of him, and his hands immediately move up. you smack them away and his lips part in shock.
he stares daggers at you, slightly offended you’re keeping something so good from him. his lips curve into a pout and you have to resist the desire to kiss him again. “what?” he asks, trying to find out what he has to do to gain access to paradise (also known as your body).
you nod your head, and he lets out a soft oh, helping you lean back for him to undress. satoru stops moving completely as you bring one hand up and runs it through his hair.
“good boy.”
damn. that gesture was so— affectionate, genuine. sweet and lovely, your personality and how he believes is your taste as well. and the nickname? lord and heavens above, it does something to him. the thought makes him sure anyone would need a winch truck to get you off him now. he’s not letting you go.
you undo the buttons of your pants, lowering them slightly, then it all. satoru plays with the hem of your panties as you readjust on his lap, looking down. well, okay, there’s a big surprise expecting you there.
his hard cock, between your legs, the head just barely two inches below your belly button. you can feel yourself shivering as you swallow hard, and the sound makes satoru look up. he looks, slightly insecure. which is probably the normal reaction for when a guy is having his first time and the woman keeps staring at his dick. but you’re quick to cup his face again.
“hey, hey. it’s fine. i’m just trying to make sure. you want this?”
he nods immediately. “of course, but if you don’t—”
“satoru, we’ve been over this. i want this. i want you.” he sees the way your eyes roll, and he partially expects he can make them roll differently soon enough.
hearing the words earn a small smirk out of him, even if they make blood rush to his face, cheeks and groin altogether. you’re about to lean in to kiss him again, to soothe his worries before you two begin, when you hear a soft sound. riiiiiiip.
you gasp, smacking his arm lightly. “satoru!”
“i’ll buy you another. i’ll buy you as many as you want, just stop teasing me.”
you sigh. you should be mad that he just ripped your panties off you ── literally ──, but he looks so flushed and desperate you can’t say no. he shivers as your hands trails down and hold his shoulders, and your hips lift up.
you look down at him, hugging his head close and sighing at the way he kisses your neck and collarbone. even if you’ve already messed up enough because of your provocations, some foreplay never harmed anyone.
satoru genuinely whimpers when you start grinding against him. slow, but surely, your hips drag softly up and down. his red tip catches on your clit, and you both hold your breaths for a moment. you look at him ── him. not the strongest sorcerer, not a weapon or just a rich playboy who you’re fucking around with. just satoru. his face flushed, breathing heavily, and staring at the ceiling of your apartment.
then you sink down on him with no warning at all, and you both hold each other tighter. he’s moaning loudly and slowly as the feeling of your pussy around his walls ── practically melting already ──, while you’re hissing because of the stretch. it’s not that uncomfortable. you just need a few minutes to adjust yourself, caressing his arms. apparently, he needs to adjust, too.
he throws his head back, nearly hitting your forehead with his, his eyes a bit wide. gojo looks dumb already, and you haven’t even started properly. he rests his head against your shoulder, holding your hips against him. by the angle, you can tell his eyes are focused on the way your cunt hugs his cock.
“ah— haaah. it’s in— it’s inside...” he mumbles, and his voice sounds so heavy and drown with lust, you really believe you broke the guy with only that.
you pet his hair, whispering gentle praises in his ear. good boy. you’re doing so good, satoru. so good for me.
“i’m going to start moving now, okay? get comfortable.”
your wish is his command, and he leans back against the couch. your hips move up, slamming back down. he gasps, and you smirk. then again. again.
the movement becomes repetitive and messy as you repeat the motion to find a pace that suits you both. satoru is spilling out every curse he knows beneath you, guiding your hips weakly with his hands. you bite down your bottom lip, nearly melting as well. gojo hisses at your fingernails sink into his skin, carving half-moon marks on his broad shoulders.
“oh my god, oh my god,” he blabbers out, barely able to think. you’re not much better. his head keeps hitting that spot that makes you see starts, and you’re honestly more using him like a personal dildo than thinking about the money you’ll get for this.
“you’re killin’ me. you are— genuinely, h-honestly trying to kill me. fuuuuuck.” he throws his head back against the couch, whimpering.
“stay. still.” you murmur, leaning in to glue your chest to his. the way you arch your back just slightly as you fuck yourself all over him is driving satoru insane. he has to catch himself nearly three times not to burst immediately.
he’s panting like he ran a marathon, desperate eyes wide and glassy with tears. it feels so good ── you have no idea of the tremendous power you have over him right now and at all times. the way you clench around him nearly makes him drool.
satoru holds your waist more gently, trying to help you. he tentatively moves his hips up, and your eyes snap open. his hand trails down to the curve of your ass, and he rests his chin against your shoulder, peeking over it to watch it.
“pussy is so good, i can’t── i can’t breathe.”
you laugh mockingly, biting down your lip again and humming. the way you kiss his forehead, as if he became a dumb toy for you to use as you please. he wants you to take all his money, he’ll go bankrupt in a second if he can have this everyday.
he doesn’t notice he’s saying it out loud until his abs clench. satoru calls your name desperately, repeatedly, trying to warn you his body is burning, yearning for you.
“i’m going to, i’m going.. i’m going to cum so damn hard. ohmygod. can i cum? can i, please? just, let me, let me, please, i need to—”
you press another kiss to his cheek, breathless yourself as you move up and down, back and forth. rolling your hips against him as he thrusts up desperately.
“it’s okay. it’s okay, baby, i’m right behind you.”
the way you say baby is melting his brain, he swears it.
satoru starts shaking ── scared by the intensity of his orgasm, he starts shaking his head. his eyes narrow, and he throws his head back with a groan.
his abs clench again, and all his muscles burn as he spills it all inside you, painting your insides white. fucking into your pussy like a madman and hugging you closer while gasping.
you’re so close you barely notice that he’s saying something to you. repeatedly. one of your eyes close, and you moan softly in his ear as your own orgasm washes over you.
for an inexperienced guy, he’s an experience you would repeat without gaining a cent, certainly.
“one, two, zero, seven──” he’s babbling, his eyes rolling to the back of his head. “three, five, six, six— fuuuck, back pocket, on the left.”
“what?” you murmur, leaning back. what is he talking about?
satoru needs a whole minute to compose himself, and you touch his cheek, wondering if he’s okay. he looks at you while leaning into your palm, shivering.
“back pocket on the left.” he breathes heavily. “my credit card.”
your eyes widen. “satoru. what? i can’t take your credit card!”
gojo feels as if you’re about to be pulled apart from him, you both sweating. he came so much, and he’s still inside, wondering if a bit is going to come out. he looks up at you with a soft, weak smirk.
“what are you talking about, princess? i mean it. it’s yours to spend as you wish.” he winks at you, looking at the mess he’s made in between your legs. satoru leans in, his lips brushing against yours as he whispers. “if you let me do that again, i’ll get you a card for yourself. how does that sound, princess?”
you chuckle, kissing him once, twice. wrapping your arms around him. “you don’t have to. i would do it for free.” you pause. “change that password, by the way. your birthday is easy to guess.”
satoru pouts, rolling his eyes as your face turns to look over your shoulder, at the balcony. the curtains are closed off, for sure, and for god’s sake, you live on the fifth floor. no one could just climb up here, but you felt watched. he pinches one of your nipples, and you snap your head back to look at him, tugging at his hair.
“ow.” he mumbles. “what are you doing, anyway? if you’re not interested in a second round, you can tell me, it’s okay.”
“nothing, sorry. just being paranoid.” you turn around, pressing your back against his chest. you both groan again, and you can feel his cock growing hard inside you once more. “i’m very interested, satoru. let’s get you some more experience.”
as he grabs your hips again with a smirk, a curse takes flight from your balcony. it looks like a macabre and bloody owl, whose eyes could be windows or televisions for anyone who knew how to look through them.
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waywardwriting · 3 years
Hiii can you write a TFW x platonic reader where y/n using her powers defeat a big evil and then get very exhausted so the team take care of her, and pamper her with all her favorite candies.
Cornered || Platonic! TFW! x Reader , Mom! Rowena x Daughter! Reader ft Crowley
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I hope you enjoy! I added in Rowena and Crowley for plot for it to kinda make sense about your powers ! Plus I adore their characters and thought it would be cool <3
The reader faces off against Micheal and gets pampered afterwards by her family.
this was it, team free will were cornered than no other than archangel Michael himself . He had knocked Sam out cold , and had Dean and Castiel pinned up against a wall , leaving Y/N to face him off , she was far too strong to be manipulated by Micheal , she was Rowena’s daughter and Crowleys stepsister , she was very strong with witchcraft , but her father was a very powerful celestial being , giving her as strong powers as a nephilim, she could read minds , and with the click of her fingers she could destroy someone in an instant, she never knew him and Rowena didn’t like to talk about him, she didn’t like to use her powers but mess with somebody she loved ? You’d have hell to pay.
Micheal smirked “you think you can defeat me? You’re just a girl , I’m going to kill all that you love and you’ll never see them again” he tightened his fist and started to restrict all their airways, Sam , Dean and Castiel all gasping for air. Y/N was beaten badly , wounds littering her body with bruises also, her arm was broken but when you got her angry , nothing would stop her not even a broken bone and severe wounds. Y/N’s eyes glowed purple at the sight of her family on the brink of death and screamed at the top of her lungs clenching both her fists and outwardly punching, Micheal exploded and Y/N fell to the ground using all her mustered up power with the last bit of energy she had , sobbing her broken arm even more hurt after her movement of it. Sam , Dean and Cas gasped for air for only a moment before running over to her , Sam picked her up in his arms “hey… hey Y/N it’s okay we’ve got you… it’s over” he whispered soothingly , Cas ran a hand over her wounds healing her bruises and some of her wounds , but he couldn’t heal the deeper wounds, those needed stitches but thankfully he healed her broken arm “thank you…” Y/N whispered before passing out from exhaustion in Sams arms.
When Y/N awoke she was laying in her bed back at the bunker , Sam, Dean and Cas were sitting on a couch and a chair she had in her room , they had her favourite candles lighting , vanilla , she smiled at the sight of them “hey guys … thank you you even lit my favourite candles” Dean smiled “you saved our lives kid , we owe you so much.. you even defeated Michael , we are so proud of you, you used the last of our strength to save us ..” he ruffled her locks making Y/N giggle she stood and gave the three of them a hug “you’re my family , I’m always here for you lot”
With that the door burst open , Rowena and Crowley running in, Castiel had called them telling them of what happened and how Y/N defeated Micheal all on her own . “Y/N !? SWEETHEART ARE YOU ALRIGHT!?” Rowena yelled running over pulling her daughter into a tight hug , Y/N hugging her back “hi mom, I am don’t worry … Cas healed me the best I could and the Winchesters stitched the wounds he couldn’t heal while I was asleep..” “you defeated Micheal? I do have the coolest sister ever don’t I?” Crowley spoke with a laugh and with that Rowena responded “she is a MacLeod “ with a proud smile . This was home and Y/N couldn’t be happier
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subpar-ghoulfriend · 3 years
Butterfly Key Chain
Tamaki x Reader
Tamaki’s got a crush and he knows he’s being creepy about it. He just can’t help it. 
AN: Did I give the reader a caffeine addiction because it adds to the story or because I’m subtly self-inserting???
TW: Yandere-ish themes, implied stalking
Tamaki couldn't connect with others, not in the way his friends could. He envied Mirio, his friend never falters and exudes confidence. People want to be around Mirio, they want to be around Nejire. Tamaki was insecure. Who would want to be around him? The awkward wannabe hero who tags along like a lost puppy.
How did he attract these special people? His two best friends, Kirishima, Fat Gum. Whenever he gets too in his head he's convinced it's out of pity, he was probably the butt of some cruel joke.
Thankfully, time and time again, his friends proved him wrong, consistently validating his existence.
He tells himself that should be enough, it's more than he probably deserves. Instead he chooses to be greedy. He wants you.
But you weren't like his friends. If anything you were more like him.
No, he's scolded himself, how dare he compare you to himself. You were better than him, you were perfect, a goddess.
You were just quiet. You were in the other Hero course. You always scored well on your exams. You cheered your classmates on, rather than seeing school as a competition. You exude so much radiance that Tamaki was convinced he would go blind if he looked at you for too long.
There was no way he could ever approach you. In fact any time both classes were in the same room he would shield himself behind Mirio.
Like a creep, he settled for admiring you from afar.
His favorite part of the day was lunch, your friend groups didn't sit too far apart so he had more opportunities to glance your. There was always a lot of smiling and giggling coming from you. He couldn't help but be jealous of your friends being the reason for your giddiness.
He knew you preferred sweet snacks over salty and he was worried about your caffeine intake. Seeing you down a Pepsi gave him heart palpitations. At least you ate plenty of vegetables?
He knew you would stay up too late studying because that was when you focused best.
If you watched something too scary he knew you'd sleep with at least one light on.
He knew you kept a butterfly keychain attached to your school bag for good luck.
"Tamaki, you just need to talk to her. I bet you too would get along," Mirio encouraged.
And ever the romantic Nejire chimed in, "Plus you two would make such a cute couple."
"C-couple?" He blushed, "you shouldn't say those things. She doesn't even know I exist."
"Uh, bud, not to sound cocky but I think everyone knows who the three of us are," the Adonis laughed.
"Can we not talk about this?" Tamaki whined.
His two friends ignored his plea. They started talking about ways Tamaki could introduce himself. Neijere has spoken to you a few times so maybe she could invite you to hang out with them.
But they knew him well enough to know that he's not above running away and avoiding.
How about a love letter, Nejire's idea of course? Tamaki would have to transfer school's, he wouldn't be able to show his face after that.
Thankfully the conversation ended with their lunch period.
Tamaki continued to convince himself that your presence alone was enough. That he didn't deserve you.
But then that boy started hanging around you. He was in the level below you and acted like a clown. He wasn't nearly as nice or kind or funny as you. It wasn't fair.
Of course Tamaki didn't think he was entitled to you. You weren't a possession. But at least Tamaki had your best interest at heart. He could tell that leech didn't truly care about you.
That boy was hopping you up on even more caffeine. He gave you energy drinks for crying out loud. Tamaki was kept up at night by the thought of your heart exploding.
No, that guy was no good for you.
So Tamaki talked to Mirio. Mirio has experience in this department. Once a member of the big three falls for someone they fall hard. And there are some lines the future heroes were willing to cross for the greater good.
No, not killing, but accidents. So the Big Three feigned sympathy when they heard a second year student had accidentally shattered his pelvis during training. He would be bedridden for quite some time.
And Tamaki could breathe a sigh of relief.
But what about the next guy that tried to enter your life? Tamaki needed to do a better job of protecting you.
That meant he needed to talk to you. You needed to know that someone was willing to look out for you, to take care of you.
So, he managed to get ahold of your keychain. The small purple butterfly was tucked safely in his pocket. Waiting for the perfect moment to be reunited with you.
Your admirer knew that you liked to study in the common area of your dorm during the later hours of the night. He could try to approach you then. That way he could avoid running into people.
He hates to be perceived by the public. He'd be much more comfortable if he could keep his interactions to his friends and, of course, you.
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goji-pilled · 2 years
akechi anthony brainrot go brrrrrr, surprised a joke i made on anon got to this point.
December YX, 20ZX - Six Months After HQ Disbanded
At the heart of the recent Mitikihara Skyscraper construction site
Flying through the air into a soft pile of plywood and steel poles was a magical girl. She was part of the new generation of the Mahou Shoujo in Japan, part of a team of MGs that were well into their teens and closing in on adulthood. She never really liked working with other MGs, regardless if they were rookies in need or veterans offering assistance. Still, she found herself being forcibly wedged into this found family of girls plus one boy.
Pulling herself out of the pile of broken pride and splinters, the disgruntled lone wolf girl looked at the warzone she was personally punted out of. Surrounding some weird Witch-Familiar thing were the rest of her friends team. The leader, in a fancy ballerina tutu and long red coat, was currently supporting her right-hand gal in blue spandex and kevlar, a thoroughly terrified and haunted look in her eyes. Behind them was the kid in a purple suit - which she remembered was once a pink skirt, so POG for him - nursing a wound in goldilocks' stomach, where a sword had ripped through the silky ball gown and left bloody tears.
The thing they were fighting was hell-bent on killing Goldie, swinging its remaining sword down on Red's own katana while trying to poke through Blue's bare-handed parries with a flaming spear in its other hand. Grabbing a thin piece of rebar the Dark Mahou Shoujo loaded it in one of the pipes she landed on.
Aiming the pipe at the monster, she looked for any sort of exposed flesh or weak spot to hit. She couldn't see much under the gigantic black coat the thing wore, but from what little she saw through the dark and crossing blades she saw armor. An armored helm laid on top of its head underneath the hood, a large breastplate covering its chest. The coat covered its arms but she could see that it had webbed hands of sorts, underneath leather gloves that gripped the weapons it used. From the below the torso there looked to be scaled leggings covering whatever appendages the thing used to walk, and there seemed to be a tail hiding under a second cloak underneath the first black coat.
Figuring that everything has to have some sort of brain in its head, the Wolf aimed her pipe and charged her magic in the palm of her other hand; gravity warped around the girl as she placed her palm at the loaded end of her makeshift railgun, holding the magnetic charge in her hand and fueling even more potential kinetic energy into her hand.
When she saw the Thing raise its blade to strike an open Red and stabbed Blue in the shoulder, Wolf released her magic; all of the shrapnel fell back to the ground for a split second before they were blown back by the magnetic power that launched the small piece of rebar. The pipe exploded in her hand, but Wolf wouldn't care if her gambit paid off. Striking true the small piece of metal pierced the armored head of the Thing and knocked off its hood. Its body was flung back by the sheer force of the metal and it laid a crumpled mess.
Raising herself from the even messier pile she laid in, Wolf trotted over to the team she was supposed to be babysitting. Red pulled the spear out of Blue's shoulder, and a grateful look tinged with a hint of something was sent to the leader. Purple was currently fixing a tourniquet onto Goldie's belly, trying her-his dammit! His best not to stare at the chiseled body underneath the frilly dress; his loss.
"Thank you, Sempai! We can always count on you to save us!" Cheered the leader, hands clasped together as if she were offering prayer to a god, which actually kinda helped Wolf's ego.
"You shouldn't thank me, you should do what any leader should and take stock of what just happened." Glancing down at the unconscious girl below them, a real veteran by the looks of her, Wolf eyed the leader. "So, mind telling me why you were outnumbered 1 to 4 by a familiar when you were supposed to have returned an hour ago?"
It was routine for MGs to meet up at warehouses or penthouses to plan out their Witch Hunts, the local MG Base being one by the docks of Mitikihara. Wolf had ended up in this city - town, as the locals like to remind her - by sheer accident, sleeping on a train that took her here all the way from Yokohama. It's been a rough two months but she doesn't mind her new hole-in-the-wall hideaway here, Mitikihara was pretty alright with her.
She could do without all the MGs though...
"We're sorry superior, we had taken down the witch that was impersonating another MG born and raise here, but we were ambushed by that Familiar." Ugh, superior. Makes her shrivel up and die on the inside, her minimum-wage days not kind to her as a green MG. "When the barrier vanished, we were assaulted by a loud orchestra of noise. The next thing we know, Hideki-chan is impaled and out for the count. That's when you showed up..."
Anything else that Blue would've said Mitsuko, her name was Yoshimura Mitsuko was lost to the all as her Soul Gem, located just under her collar bone exploded into shards of glass, the ringing of a flintlock rifle left in the air. That Familiar was standing again, hunched over with a gloved hand on its face where Wolf's railgun hit and held an empty musket in the other hand.
"Mitsuko!" Red cried out, tears pouring down her face as she cradled the dead body of her partner, her lover her friend. Retaliating, either out of fear or anger, Purple Shima, Shima-san, no name given or learned leaped at the Familiar with a kick, twin short swords ready to be swung with freezing frost.
The Familiar let out a low chuckle, still facing the ground as it tossed aside the musket. Replacing it was a cutlass with a crossguard covered in music notes, the blade engraved with runes. The Familiar sprinted forward to meet the boy halfway, pulling back its sword for an impaling thrust. They crossed attacks, the boy sporting a new nub instead of a leg, the monster spinning mid-strike and launching the blade from its hilt. The blade soared through the air and caught aflame, striking the boy's other leg.
The laughing grew, a melody playing out from somewhere on the construction site with rock playing during the two MGs falls, punctuated by a choir during Blue's death. A grunt came from behind Wolf and she saw Goldie Takei Yasuko, the pacifist of their group pulled herself onto her elbows and stared on at the battle.
"Shinju-kun!" Raising a palm, light gathered in her hand. Before long shining rays of golden light launched out and struck the Familiar. Unperturbed by the light show, it crept towards the boy, seemingly savoring the moments of utter and sheer panic exuded from the kid; as he tried to pry the fiery blade out of his other leg, Purple looked desperately at Gold's eyes, something said between the two without any words.
Deciding to do something right for once in her life, Wolf sprinted into combat and gathered magnetic force into her hands. A pole flung itself into her left hand just as she smacked the Familiar's armored face with her other, the charge in the metal shaking as it tried to escape from the presence of the charged weapon in Wolf's possession.
Swinging the pole into the armored face Wolf let out a nonstop barrage of strikes, disorienting and hopefully stunning the monster just long enough for Red to grab her friends and get out of here. A hearty chuckle escaped from the ringing metal and soon the Pole was snatched out of Wolf's hands.
"Tsk tsk." A webbed finger waggled before her. "That won't work anymore." Before she could react Wolf felt her insides churn as a metal fist entered through her back. From the puddle of melted ice she stood on, a Witch was reflected on the surface, its gauntlet rippling through the water. "You should be careful where you step. Wouldn't want to slip after all."
Wait a second... that voice... no... it couldn't be...
Feeling a weight lift off her shoulders, Wolf felt her body trying to rapidly heal around the metal fist; she was never any good at mastering healing, her magic often did it fast enough for her that she never noticed herself ever get hurt. A constant feeling of dread and relief coursed through her until she felt herself lurching off to the side. She saw the ground rushing up to her before she blacked out.
Minami Hideko was crying. This thing, this creature kept hunting her down. She always saw it out of the corner of her eyes whenever she walked around the mall, out the windows in class, and she swore she saw it once while she was in the bathroom of her own home. This monster just kept following her everywhere, and she didn't know why it did.
But now she knew. It followed her to kill her. Her and her friends.
Unable to let go of her lover's body, Hideko could only watch as her Soul Gem filled with despair, her team all being slain by this laughing monster.
When she heard wet feet approaching her - it must have killed Yasuko and Shin-kun fast - she raised her head to look the Familiar in the mask. She gasped when she saw a green eye glare down at her with undisguised hatred, its hands hoisting her friends up by their necks. She saw her friends give out pitiful whimpers as it crushed their windpipe, tossing their bodies before her. Hideko thought that had been the end but no, the monster threw a spear into her shoulder at lighting speed and pinned her sword arm to the floor.
The monster laughed even louder as the music got louder, it falling into a soft melody before picking up tempo and volume.
"You took her from me... You took an innocent person's life... You made me feel such... indescribable despair..." The Familiar - no the mad laughed, a terrible shrill cackle piercing the silence as it manifest two more swords in his hands. "You turned me into this, it's only right I return the favor, Minami-san."
With that he sliced Shun-kun into two between the eyes, shattering his Soul Gem kept in his navel. Aiming his other blade, the Familiar pierced Yasuko's hand, destroying the Soul Gem embedded within the back of her hand. After that he kept stabbing her friend's corpses, laughing giddily as his movements become sloppier and faster.
Resigning herself to her fate, Hideko came up with her next and final plan as leader of the New Holy Quintet. Palming her Soul Gem underneath herself, Hideko charged up a single, city rending Zantetsuken Ztrike into her blade. When she heard the footsteps get closer to her she steeled herself. With her final move, she'd wipe out the demon that killed her team. Her katana formed in her off-hand, poised to strike and-
She stopped herself as she saw the face that looked down at her. Those emerald eyes filled with hate, the curly purple hair that was tied back into a tail, and the fangs that protruded out of his snarling smile.
"A-Anthony-kun...?! AUGH!"
She felt her arms be sliced off from her body, left writhing on the ground in pain as two spears pinned her legs.
"This is for my mother, Oktavia von Seckendorff. Or, as you disgusting humans only knew her as, Miki Sayaka." Grabbing her own blade off the ground, Hideko only stared at a loss for words as she felt her katana - Sakura Storm - pierce her heart and narrowly miss her gem.
"W-wait, where are y-ou going!?" She saw the boy, the child she once knew, walk away from her, leaving her to turn into a Witch as her Soul Gem darkened trying to heal her. "You can't l-leave me here! You can't!"
"Oh but I can Minami-san, and I shall. You see, after you and those wretched whores decided to take my mother's life, you didn't grant her any mercy. You just entered our home and attacked us all, without prejudice might I add." His voice was calm and quiet, just like it was so long ago.
"We wanted to live our lives in peace, with the happy ending we earned for ourselves. But you didn't let that happen. You got cozy with us all, got to know us all, in a ploy to kill my mother and my sister.
"Now I'm going to do as you had done to us. Infiltrate my enemies' homes, and their lives, and kill them all. Without any mercy just like you five lacked.
You were the third, as I'm no doubt sure you've heard about the other two disappearances, hmm~?"
"An-Anthony, no, please, come back! I'm sorry! I never wanted to do it! They said if we didn't they'd...
... please... come back... I don't want to turn...
I don't... wanna die... alone... hic...
Mitsuko. . . Sempai. . . Everyone . . . I'm. . . sor. . . ry. . ."
Anthony, post bad timeline invasion: this is my villain origin story.
oh, also, i was playing this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ev6ruwD6sWs when I wrote everything past the first girl's death, if you wanna immerse urself in the ficlet.
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
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chiliiscereal · 3 years
So my friend has been on and off lately.
I decided to write this for me cause I needed it.
Requests are open!
Chosen last
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Readers friends only invite them to things if they have no one else to go with. Reader keeps their mouth shut about it and just guesses that this is how friendship works. One day they meet the turtles and April, and for once they’re not chosen last.
Pairing: platonic turtles x reader
(Implied female reader but I’ll do my best to avoid pronouns! Sorry if a she/her slips out)
“I couldn’t find anyone else to go with me so do you want to tag along?”
“I had a plus one and everyone else was busy.”
“No one else can make it and I don’t want to be lonely. Wanna go with me?”
“Sorry I guess I forgot to invite you!”
“What do you mean you were there? I could have sworn you were somewhere else... huh poor memory I guess.”
“Sorry! There’s no room for you to come with! Next time for sure though!”
All of those were common things you’d heard before.
You weren’t exactly sure if it was a normal thing in friendships. It must be since no one else mentioned it.
Still, it hurt that you weren’t prioritized. You were always the last thought. Last minute.
And you always said yes.
Someone needs you to be their plus one for the dance so they don’t look bad?
There you are.
Someone needs a wingman for this boy they like?
You’re already on your way.
It’s not that you minded.
You just wanted to be... appreciated.
You just wanted them to see you.
Maybe they would if you kept trying.
Maybe they would if you made them a homemade gift for each birthday.
Maybe they would if you always answered back their texts right away.
You thought you needed to earn the right to be appreciated.
You realized how wrong you were when you met the turtles.
You brought your jacket closer around your body, shivering.
Of course you had to walk home! Alone! In the dark! In the RAIN!
Apparently it was too much to ask for a ride home after hanging out. There wasn’t enough room in the car!
Of course.
Just like every other time, asking to come along was too much.
You shivered again as rain dripped down your back.
“This sucks.” You groaned.
You eyed every dark alley way. You’d read enough fanfiction to expect some cringey creepy man to come out and attack you.
But what DID attack you was completely unexpected.
“LOOK OUT!” A voice shouted.
You didn’t even have time to flinch before something landed on top of you. The weight of it brought you to the ground with a shriek.
“Sorry about that!”
That wasn’t a ‘something’ but a someone!
They scrambled off you quickly.
You stood up and whipped around, rubbing your aching head. “What the hell were you doing?! Do you do parkour on the rooftops or something?!”
Ugh, today just wasn’t your day.
Finally, you glanced up.
They... they clearly weren’t a human.
Green skin...
Orange dots?
A... a shell??
And an orange mask.
Your jaw nearly dropped.
The creature gave you a sheepish grin. “Umm... hey! Yeah... maybe.. possibly... I was doing parkour on the roof...?” He rubbed the back of his neck and eyed the sky, a blush forming across his face. “I was on my way... my way to the comic con!”
He must be looking for a way to leave.
You weren’t ready for that though. You still needed to know what he was! And possibly his name!
You inched closer, holding your phone closer. Just in case. “What... what exactly are you?”
His eyes were on the floor now, as if your words had made him... upset.
“Sorry if that offended you!” You responded immediately. Ugh why did you word it like that? You didn’t mean it as if you thought he was a monster! “I just... I’ve had a really confusing night, my mouth runs faster than my brain, and I just got body slammed into the cement!” You rubbed the back of your head again.
He seemed much more satisfied with this answer. “Well... I don’t think you’d believe me...”
You eyed him up and down. “Dude, I think just looking at you would be enough for me to believe you.”
He let out a small laugh. “So ummm... yeah. I’m a turtle?”
You frowned. “Yeah, I think I see that.”
Well this was a strange turn of conversation.
Why not?
It’s New York after all.
He shuffled nervously. “People aren’t really supposed to know about it.”
You waved him off. “Psh, I don’t have anyone that would want to hear it or believe me anyway.” You stepped closer, your grip on your phone loosening. “Honestly, that’s pretty cool! I didn’t know people like you existed!”
It hurt but it was true.
Your friends would think you were making stuff up for attention.
The new voice cause you to nearly jump out of your skin.
Three people, just like this guy, landed by his side.
One with a red mask and build like a tank.
Another with a blue mask and strange yellow stripes.
The last one had a purple mask and a staff of some kind.
“Are you okay, little man?” The red one asked worriedly. “You just took a huge fall!”
“I swear you’re gonna be feeling that a week from now.” The blue one snorted, resting his SWORD on his shoulder like it was a baseball bat.
“I estimate it’ll be closer to three weeks.” The purple one corrected, tapping a device on his wrist.
You stepped back.
There were more people like... Mikey? Was that his name?
Well, might as well find some way to get into this conversation. You weren’t gonna let the most interesting thing that ever happened to you slip away.
“You’re name’s Mikey?” You asked, the three surrounding the orange masked turtle jumping.
“Human!” The blue masked one shouted.
The large red one shoved Miley behind him. “Hi! Uh... we... we were just on our way to Comic-Con!”
“Guys-.” Mikey tried only to get Interrupted.
“Could you help us find our way?” The purple one joined, cutting him off.
You raised an eyebrow. “Nice try. I already know you guys are turtles.”
“Dang it Mikey!” The blue one shoved Mikey. “You just gonna spill our secret to everyone you meet in New York?”
“She deserves to know!” Mikey squeaked. “I messed up a flip and body slammed her into the concrete!” He turned to you, eyes hopeful. “And... she didn’t seem scared of me!”
This stopped the other boys.
Mikey shoved them all away from him. “These are my brothers! Leo,” he pointed at the blue one, “Donnie,” the purple one, “and Raph!”
You waved awkwardly, eyes landing warily on the largest one.
These guys didn’t seem as sweet and trusting as Mikey.
Donnie was looking you up and down for any sign of a threat.
Leo has his sword out.
Raph has his tonfas ready in his fists.
Maybe it’d be better to just leave.
“I’m not gonna tell anyone.” You shook your head to further emphasize your point. “I was just walking home anyway. All of this...” you spread out your arms, “was a complete accident.”
Mikey gave you a toothy grin. “Yeah, sorry about that.” He turned to his skeptical brothers. “She seems nice! She could be just like April!”
You kicked at the ground sheepishly now that the attention was back to you. “You can just go and I won’t tell anyone.”
“We can’t just let you go.” Donnie scoffed.
For a split second, you thought they were going to kill you for finding out their secret. Or kidnap you. Something bad.
“Not with that whole situation.” He gestured to your forehead.
Curiously, you reached up and touched it.
Your fingers were wet with blood.
Go figure.
“No, it’s fine, really.” You assured them. “My apartment isn’t too far-.”
“Please, it’s fine.” Raph waved you off. “It’ll make up for this bonehead over here.” He loosely jabbed his thumb in Mikeys direction.
You wanted to say yes.
You wanted to say yes so badly.
“I don’t know, you probably got plans.” Leo shrugged, putting his sword away. “It’s a Friday afternoon, after all.”
That was enough for you to make a decision.
“No, I’m actually free.” You offered. “I actually don’t even have a medicine kit at my house-.”
“Alright let’s go!” Mikey grabbed your wrist excitedly and lead the way, not even waiting for you to finish your sentence.
You only meant to spend ten or fifteen minutes there, tops.
But after Donnie had your head taken care of Mikey wanted to know if you wanted to play a video game.
You couldn’t say no.
Then, after an hour of the Lou jitsu game, Leo wanted to know if you wanted to check out his sword.
You felt like you had to say yes.
It’s not every day you get to see a sword!
After accidentally getting portalled to New Jersey and FINALLY making your way back, Donnie wanted to know if he could borrow you.
He needed to fix his computer and he needed your smaller fingers to reach the back for him.
Saying no just wasn’t an option.
After almost exploding the poor piece of technology, Raph wanted to know if you knew April O’Neil.
You heard them mention her earlier but you didn’t know they meant THAT April. You’d seen her around before but never really talked to her. Who knew she’d be involved with mutants from the sewer?
He invited April to join them as well.
He thought some human company and someone who would make you feel more normal about the whole situation would make you more comfortable.
He was right.
April was AWESOME.
You hadn’t realized how loud and how fun she could be!
She talked to you about how she met the turtles and every little adventure they went on!
You hoped, secretly, that you could be a part of newer ones.
Eventually, the time came for you to leave.
You were sad of course, but you felt happier than you had in days.
You left with five new numbers in your contacts list and a baked green bean casserole from a rat.
Maybe you should get body slammed into the concrete more often.
“Wanna go to that party with me after school?” Your friend asked casually at the lunch table. “Dana couldn’t go with me and everyone else is busy. I need a plus one!”
You smiled as you responded to a meme Leo sent you, your friends words going in one ear and out the other.
“Y/n.” She asked again.
Still no response.
“Are you even listening to me?”
You snapped out of it and straightened up. “What?”
“You and I are going to a party after school.” She informed you. “We should probably pick out our outfits right when it ends. I don’t know if I’ll be able to drive you but you can just walk-.”
“Oh,” you picked your phone up again, “sorry, I have plans.”
This got her to stop. “You have plans? But you never have plans?”
Your other friend snickered. “Yeah, you’re a hermit! You never go out or do anything!”
You blushed furiously. “I’m going to my friends house to watch a movie, okay? I’m not a hermit.”
“A friend, huh?” One of them rolled her eyes. “How come I’ve never heard of them before?”
“I just met them last month.” You picked at your shirt nervously. Why weren’t they happier for you?
“Them?” Another repeated, shocked. “You have more than one knew friend?”
“Yeah.” You straightened up a bit. “Them. They’re super nice but they don’t go to our school.”
The first one rolled her eyes. “Fine, whatever, think what you want. But I need you to sit with me and Jake at the park tomorrow so he can compare-.”
You didn’t even let her begin to finish her sentence. “I’m busy that day.”
“Again?” She gaped. “Seriously?”
“Now you’re just making stuff up.” Another scoffed.
“Why is it so unbelievable that I’d be busy?” You glared at them, clutching your phone protectively. “You’re all busy all the time! Why can’t I be?”
They glanced at each other with knowing looks.
“Because you barely talk to anyone! No offense, but you can be really boring.” The one next to you shrugged. “What even is your friends name anyway? You’d have said their name if they were real.”
You felt your face heating up.
“His name Mikey.” You grumbled. “And maybe I don’t talk because none of you give me a chance!”
“A boy?!” The one in front of you gasped. They didn’t even acknowledge any of your other words. “Please, how could you score a boy?”
“He’s probably really ugly, no offense y/n.” One chuckled as if she were joking.
You had enough. “You know, I’m feeling a little crowded. I’m gonna go sit somewhere else.”
“You don’t even have anyone to sit with! You’re a hermit, remember?” One girl called out to you.
“I do have someone to sit with.” You growled, heading for April’s table. You should have started sitting with her a long long LONG time ago.
“Alright, see you Monday I guess.” Was the reply.
The way they just blew it off... UGH. You wanted to punch something.
“Hey, what brings you to the cool kid table?” April grinned, shoving Dale over to make room. “Aren’t you supposed to be with your other friends?”
You managed to shove away the buzzing anger in your head, replacing your frown with a matching smile. “Nah, there’s not enough room for me AND their egos.”
April snorted, assuming you were joking. “Well there’s always room for you here!”
Those were words you’d waited too long to hear.
You still saw your old friends and occasionally filled in for them when they needed an extra.
But you denied their offers more and more.
For once, you knew what it felt like to be prioritized.
“Hey we’re gonna watch a Lou Jitsu movie, wanna come?”
“I saw this glass painting trend online and I thought you’d want to come over and do it with me!”
“I heard this song and I thought you’d like it. Here’s the link!”
“Check our this hilarious meme!”
“Dale and I are gonna go to that shin dig. I don’t know if that’s you’re thing but you’re welcome to join us!”
What a refreshing change of pace
Let me know if I should make a part two!
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mxxnlight-99 · 3 years
Warnings: +18, possessive attitude, clichés, MANGA SPOILERS! english is not my first language so there will probably be mistakes. i'm very bad at writing.
Being Mikey's girlfriend isn't easy you always knew it wouldn't be easy considering who he was...
You had been friends with him from the beginning, you had met him through Emma when you were kids and had gotten along well. When she died you were there for each other, you went through and overcame the pain together.
This situation had brought them closer together and you two had fallen in love. Falling in love as a result of that situation had made them feel infinitely guilty. they hated it, but they couldn't control their feelings. Although they took care to ignore them for a long time.
After two years Draken, fed up with the situation, had forced them to confess. Yes, they had gotten close because of a horrible situation but it didn't make it a bad thing plus he was sure Emma would love them to be together.
They had been dating for a year and a half and had overcome quite a few obstacles (mostly related to Mikey's activities) but they always managed to get through it by talking.
Although in all this time what they hadn't been able to overcome was Mikey's infernal possessiveness which had been the reason for many of their conflicts and here you were once again discussing with Mikey why you were talking to that guy outside the college when he came to pick you up and why you had to go to his house tomorrow. Mikey was already thinking about killing the boy and making his body disappear even though you had repeated over and over again that he was just a classmate.
- Damn it Manjiro it's just a project and I have to do it because it represents a big part of a grade -
-And couldn't you have chosen a female partner? -
- I told you I DIDN'T CHOOSE IT! The teachers grouped us together -
You were fed up with this conversation, you just wanted peace.
- You know what Manjiro? Fuck you, you never trust me.
You went to the room and slammed the door shut. It was always the same sometimes you liked his jealousy because you loved the feeling that he wanted you all to himself, but when he made your activities difficult it was honestly bullshit.
Mikey knew he had fucked up the moment his name left your lips he knew he was fucked up. He hated being like that he knew it was completely unjustified his jealousy but he was so afraid of losing you, he couldn't do it. He knew it wasn't the healthy thing to do and it was wrong, plus he was hurting you for it but he really couldn't control it. So he gathered all his pride and went after you into the room to apologize.
You felt him come into the room and lay down behind you. He hugged you from behind and started whispering apologies and kissing your never, saying how sorry he was and that he loved you and that he would try not to be like that anymore.
You turned around looking into his eyes, they were glassy and you took his face and kissed him on the lips.
- It's okay Mikey I understand -
Relief was reflected in him when you called him that again.
- but promise me that you will try to reduce this kind of situation. Mikey I love you but this complicates things a lot, I know you don't do it on purpose but please, please try - Mikey kissed you softly holding you and your lips.
Mikey kissed you softly holding your face, a kiss full of sweetness that transmitted all the love he felt for you.
- I promise you, I swear I will do it. I will get better for you because I love you and I want to make you well.
You smiled you knew he was sincere that he would do everything to make you well and that you would get through this together.
You kissed him again softly passing your arms over his neck. Mikey's hands went to your waist deepening the kiss and placing himself between your open legs.
You press yourself against his body feeling his warmth you need to have him close right now. He leaves your lips and moves on to leave wet kisses on your neck.
- okay tomorrow you'll go to that guy's house and do the job but I'm going to leave a little reminder that you have an owner.... Just in case -He continued leaving kisses but now sucking hard on the skin of your neck leaving purple marks and interspersed with bites.
- Well, I think that will be enough. Now let's continue -
Mikey went down to your stomach, lifted your shirt and began to distribute kisses going up to where your chest begins and then down again to your pelvis.
Feeling him close to your intimate places but not really reaching sends a tingle of anticipation through you, he is playing with you, tempting you....
- Mikey - you call him
- hmm? What do you need love? - he licks your belly button his warm wet tongue making the feeling of need increase
- please -
- Please what?
- I need you Mikey don't tease me anymore - you whimper and Mikey is not made of stone so he gives you what you need.
He pulls off your shirt and bra freeing your breasts he gently kneads them, sucks on one nipple and you moan softly. Then he sucks on the other, flicking his tongue and sucking as his hand moves down.
He barely touches above your panties but you arch up looking for more.
- mmm someone's in need - he says with a smile.
He slips his hand inside your panties and runs his finger up and down feeling your wetness never touching your entrance. He goes on like this sucking your tits and playing with your pussy for a while and it's even painful how empty you feel.
- Mikey please put it in - you beg and you can feel him smiling against your chest.
- ok I'll give you what you want - he says taking off your pants and panties - but... - he lifts you up from where you are lying and sits against the back of the bed and you know what he wants before he tells you - I want you to ride me you haven't done that in a long time -
You help him out of his clothes and sit on his lap. His hands go straight to your ass and he squeezes you against him kissing you and letting you feel how hard he is.
You kiss him and tangle your hands in his soft hair pulling a little (you know he likes it) kiss his neck, his chest and lift your hips to put him inside you.
You go down gently feeling every inch of Mikey, you're completely wet so it doesn't hurt. When you reach the bottom you moan in unison and he grabs your waist as if his life depended on it.
You embrace him by the shoulders and move your hips gently as you kiss and caress wanting to feel every inch of each other.
You start moving faster, both of you panting into each other's mouths and giving little nibbles. Mikey loves having you on him like this using him to please you, you look beautiful bouncing on his lap and your body is so warm....
you moan as you feel him so deep inside you throw your head back but Mikey pulls you back into him again. He wants to be all the way inside you.
Your clit rubs against Mikey's body every time you move and his cock slams so deep inside you mixing pleasure and pain making you moan audibly and he notices, he knows you're close
- yes baby like this, hit that place over and over again, come for me please I want to feel it -
- ah, ah, ah, ah Mikey - you groan
He hugs you, kisses your neck and squeezes your ass. The sensation in your body builds and builds until you explode and see black. you writhe on top of Mikey and grind against his cock moaning and panting
- Yeah baby like this - says Mikey pushing you down.
He will never stop loving the sensation of feeling you come on his cock your walls quivering and your flow going down as you moan his name. Mikey comes immediately after leaving his hot seed inside you. He knows it can be dangerous but he can't help it plus he always offers to clean it up and it's an excuse for a second round.
You kiss him softly and get off him and lay down, he cuddles up against you and they sleep then clean up the mess.
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marvel-lous-things · 5 years
No listen. The very concept of sambucky is honestly so fucking wild.
I mean. Imagine you're driving captain fucking America and his tiny angry ginger friend somewhere when some metallic hobo goes absolutely Apeshit on your one (1) car.
then tries to kill all three of you. and he rips your fucking wheel out. and destroys your fucking windows. Maybe makes it explode too idk. Your insurance doesn't cover bastard terminators.
and THEN your dumb blonde himbo who you perhaps have a slight crush on just LETS his murder husband go because he's stupid and gay like that, and murderboy goes into hiding for like. 2 years. You develop a deep hatred for him and his stupid face.
You buy a new car.
You are now broke. But it's ok you have avenger privileges now.
You miss your car nonetheless.
Oh but then the fuckimg GOVERNMENT gets involved in your love life for some dumbshit reason and YOUR STUPID PET HIMBO TELLS YOU THAT THE ASSHAT WHO MADE YOU BUY A NEW FUCKIN CAR (IN THIS ECONOMY???) NEEDS SAVING AGAIN. WHAT THE FUCK. WHAT IN THE HELL. WHAT TH- anyway fuck him and his plums and his greasy unwashed-for-70smthn-years hair.
You don't know what Steve sees in him.
I mean, at least now you're free to hate him for reasons that aren't sheer homealousy (homosexual Jealousy). So there's that.
You won't move your seat up for him because you still have your dignity. You try not to stare at his face in the rearview mirror and you fail.
You hate his guts.
but wait it gets better!!!! You're all FUCKING WAR CRIMINALS NOW and you've gotta move to WAKANDA which is actually a Hella cool place BUT STILL. And oh no assassinface here actually looks really cute in wakandan clothing. It's not him though. it's the clothes. You are sure of that.
Your feelings are confusing. You tolerate him now but that's it. The fact that your heart does kickflips when he smiles means nothing.
You convince yourself that it beats faster when he's around because of sheer rage.
Then some big ass ugly purple grape pulls some weird shit but whatever it's nbd he's an inconvenience at best. The Real villain here is your STUPID GOLDEN RETRIEVER BROFLAKE WHO??? WENT BACK IN TIME FOR VINTAGE PUSSY??? WHAT IN THE GODDAMN-
Plus he left his raccoon soulmate absolutely Heartbroken but it's ok because you're hear to pick up the pieces. Wipe his tears. Give him a hug or two. Or eighty seven. (no homo)
after that you both resolve to get over his raisin ass because you have each other. F is for friends who support each other and would take a bullet for each other and cook for each other and confide in each other in the middle of the night about the demons that plague them. You are both friends. You don't know how it happened but you like it.
But you also sort of don't like it. Your feelings are being confusing again. But that's a problem for another day, you're about to catch a movie and then get dinner with him. This is not a date.
You wear your best jeans anyway.
The two of you move in together (oh my god you're roommates). Missions suddenly become a lot more scarier because you don't want him getting hurt. He screamed at you for an hour once when you took down a shooter while you were unarmed.
U is for Unresolved Sexual Tension. Also Sharon is there.
One day. After staying up all night, just talking about stuff you don't even remember. And Yearning.
you wake up and realise you're just. Really fucking gay for him.
And he is too?? So that works. You get married eventually and adopt 8 kids and a dog. N is for Nuclear Family But Make It Giant.
And all this started because he rammed his fist through your windshield.
(he still hasn't paid for your fucking car)
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catboygretzky · 3 years
best stucky fic recs pwease
Okay, disclaimer, these are all like five+ years old (which is the best Stucky era, imo) and definitely not the only ones I enjoy; these are just a few in my bookmarks on ao3.
In no particular order besides the order I bookmarked them and under a read more because there's a shit ton of them (really, it's a lot):
- hold me until we crumble; Not Rated, 23k
“Sam told me you were watching Antiques Roadshow,” Natasha says, shaking out her hair. “I assumed it was a national emergency.”
- despite the threatening sky and shuddering earth (they remained); Explicit, 72k
“They really didn’t want the mask to come off.” Hill thumbed through the scans, and pulled out a film that she then handed over to Sam, face mostly expressionless but for the flat line of her pursed lips.
Sam accepted the film and held it up to the light, angling so both he and Steve could see it, squinting at the outline of the Winter Soldier’s skull, and the blips of unnatural white that showed up, God, in his brain, not to mention about half his teeth, plus the mask, with its thin protrusions—
“Those are pins,” Steve realized. He looked over at Hill. “The mask—it’s nailed to his face.”
Hill’s face was as unmoved as ever. “Like I said. They really didn’t want it coming off.”
- family means no one gets left behind or forgotten; Teen, 11k
“Why did you think I wouldn’t like you for being gay?” Steve asks gently.
“You’re Captain America.” Eli’s got his teeth clenched and is resolutely looking ahead. “You stand for truth and justice and the American way. You stand for American morals. You stand for…” he shrugs awkwardly. “Not people like me.”
Steve blows the air out of his cheeks slowly, trying to figure out how to keep the anger out of his voice so Eli doesn’t think it’s at him.
Or, Steve comes to terms with his new world, and gains some children in the process.
- Mistake on the Part of Nature; Teen, 1.3k
Steve takes in Bucky's betrayed look and Sam's confusion, follows Sam's gaze to the pile of mangled fruit in the trash can. Sudden comprehension fills his face.
"Oh," he says. "Bucky found out about bananas."
In which an American icon is mourned. But probably not the one you're thinking of.
- Swear Jar; Teen, 1.5k
Bucky isn't the only troll in the future.
Steve has a Swear Jar and he makes the Avengers pay up every time they cuss.
- Barnes & Rogers and the Goddamn Truth; Not Rated, 19k
There are three well-known facts at Shield High:
1. The history teacher Mr. Barnes is a stone-cold terror, and it’s not even because he only has one arm. 2. The other history teacher, Mr. Rogers, is a mysterious enigma, and it’s something to do with the body of a Greek God and contradicting stories of his past. (They’re all rumours, anyway.) 3. Mr Barnes and Mr Rogers hate each other.
Bucky wouldn’t have it any other way.
- perfectly right wrong number; Teen, 32k
It all starts because Steve is too dumb to handle his smartphone.
A wrong number AU in which Bucky Barnes doesn't enter Steve's life (meaning: Bucky wasn't born until the eighties, but Steve is still Captain America) until Steve accidentally dials the wrong number. Wherein there is a lot of texting, some advice via Natasha and Darcy, a bit of pining, and a first date in an amusement park. Oh, and on top of being a disabled veteran, Bucky is a professional catwalker. Literally.
- The power of the right shirt (a.k.a. God bless America); Teen, 1.2k
"He just…" Phil trails off, mouth gaping. He is staring at the field outside the house, eyes glazed.
Clint sighs. "Yeah, he just ripped a log in two with his bare hands."
- To fill it up with something; Teen, 21k
A fateful encounter with Dr. Strange leaves the Winter Soldier transformed, and Bucky Barnes reunites with Steve Rogers in a most unexpected way.
“Steve brings the puppy inside, into the apartment that doesn't quite feel like home no matter how much he's been trying. He isn't used to being alone. Before the war, he always had Bucky, and his mother until her death. During the war, Bucky was there, too—and the rest of the Howlers, of course—but Bucky always meant home. (And well, maybe Steve's already got a name for the puppy in mind)."
- build it bigger than the sun; Teen, 10k
“Yeah, because nothing says heteronormative like living in Dupont Circle for two years and wearing skin-tight shirts to hit on hot airmen when you go running in the morning.”
“Look, I know you’re being sarcastic but I really don’t get how no one picked up on that.”
Steve and Bucky try to work out their relationship. The Avengers keep getting in the way.
- Memories Circle (Like Birds of Prey), Teen, 32k
Everything seems to be going right, Steve's fighting with his Commandos, they've saving lives-- until Steve falls from a train, is taken prisoner, and turned into the Winter Soldier. Meanwhile, Bucky takes up Steve's mantle as Captain America, and thanks to Zola's experiments, he gets dropped into a whole new time, only to cross paths with a Steve who doesn't know who he is anymore.
Essentially, the events of CA:TFA, mild mentioning of Avengers, and CA:TWS but with Steve as the Winter Soldier and Bucky as Captain America
- The Gentleness That Comes; Mature, 9k
Steve Rogers never really views the things he had to do to get by before the War with any sort of shame or embarrassment. People ask him for his opinions on modern issues in interviews, but Steve has gotten good at talking around those types of questions. Fury insists that there's no way to answer them without casting a shadow of controversy across the reputation of the Avengers, and that's the last thing Steve wants.
But then a sex tape is released featuring Tony Stark in bed with another man, and Steve can't stay quiet any longer.
- salt for the sea; Mature, 7.5k
Natasha comes home with intel regarding the fate of the Winter Soldier; Steve leaves to go and avenge Bucky Barnes.
“It's a list of everyone who was involved in his death, and a rough timeline of everything that happened beforehand,” she tells him.
“And the notebook?”
“I explained what they did,” Natasha says, “The blank pages are for you to explain what you do to them.”
- Lone Cat and Samurai; Teen, 8.4k
"We lost Kitten America sir!" Junior Agent blurted out. Then turned an unlovely shade of purple. "I mean, Captain America. Who’s a kitten. Because magic. Sir."
- Waiting To Prove You're Not Alone; Explicit, 41k
Months after he woke up on the banks of the Potomac, when a reporter mistakenly assumes Steve would disapprove of homosexuality being as accepted as it is in the modern day, Steve accidentally snaps and unleashes his real opinion on the matter... and with that, a secret he's hidden for over eighty years.
When that secret comes looking for him in New York, Steve can only hope that he can get a second chance at saving his best friend, even if it means keeping his heart in check.
“Yeah, back in my day it wasn't tolerated, and because of that I knew from the minute I figured it out, that I’d never get to tell my best friend that I loved him, and sure enough, he died without knowing that I’d been in love with him for a decade."
- I'm Not Sick (But I'm Not Well); Mature, 30k
Steve Rogers doesn’t meet Bucky Barnes in the 1930’s. Instead, Steve meets him April 17th, 2012.
Well…sort of meets him.
In actuality, Bucky had almost hit him with his truck.
Or: The fic where millennial Bucky Barnes nearly runs over a freshly thawed national treasure, and what Steve Rogers did to adjust to modern NYC during those two weeks before the events of The Avengers.
- pure as the driven slush; Explicit, 11k
He should have worked it out sooner. But then, Steve always was a sneaky little bastard—had to have been, just to survive this long.
For the SteveBucky Fest prompt, "Steve is quite experienced while Bucky's never gone beyond second base with anyone".
- Let's Be Exposed and Unprotected, Explicit, 5k
Bucky’s pretty sure he should be into getting fucked through the floor while walls explode around him like in that Mr and Mrs Smith movie that Clint loves. But he likes it like this. He likes being on his back with Steve looming above him, big and naked, blocking out the rest of the world.
- Man of Steel; Explicit, 6.7k
It’s like Steve looked at his metal arm and thought ‘Challenge Accepted.’
- 5 Times Steve Got Arrested and 1 Time They All Did; Teen, 4.9k
What it says, 5 times Steve Rogers ended up in jail (with and without Bucky) + 1 time all of the Avengers got arrested with him.
- the best of you; Teen, 16k
Bucky is on a mission when he gets the call.
They tell him that Steve has been compromised.
[The story wherein Hydra captures Steve to create a new weapon. Bucky, alongside the rest of the Avengers, come together and work through the fallout.]
- pull apart the dark; Teen, 79k
Steve's unending faith in his best friend was beginning to look less like hope and more like fantasy. When they'd caught the Soldier – in a fire fight that still gave Sam nightmares – the only thing the man seemed to recall was how to hit exactly where it hurt.
Four months later, Barnes still refused to speak English. Refused to heed anything but Steve's voice.
So, all in all, it was not a great time for Hydra to attack New York. All in all, Sam really wished they'd just killed him, instead of turning Captain America into a baby.
- Not Another Supersoldier Fantasy; Explicit, 8.9k
Bucky finds a popular sex toy modeled on Captain America's own anatomy. Well, isn't this just perfect? Because even after all this time, he still hasn’t seen Steve’s supersoldier cock. But apparently in this day and age anyone with $29.95 can get a decent replica. The unfairness of this is of galactic proportions.
- the blood of the covenant; Teen, 7.5k
Steve has a "thing" for hot water.
Or, Sam Wilson adopts Steve Rogers.
- Mighty like Love, Mighty like Sorrow; Teen, 19k
After freeing himself from the Russians' mind control, Bucky is left at loose ends, drifting through the decades. Still, he's in no hurry to take up Nick Fury's offer to once again fight the good fight -- especially not when Fury has the nerve to put some imposter in his best friend's old suit and send him out to fight against Chitauri.
- Read Me Like a Book; Gen, 1.5k
In which Bucky accidentally becomes a book collector, because when the universe gives you a million biographies about your boyfriend, you go bookcase shopping. And then he finds out about The Grenade Incident, and the boys actually talk about it like actual adults. (Somewhere, Sam sheds a proud tear.)
- the broadest stroke of color; Gen, 16k
Sarah Rogers always loved Steve's hands.
"Your hands will do a lifetime's work," she'd say. "Remember to do the work you can for those you love."
Almost a century later, Steve does just that.
[The story wherein Steve draws comics for Bucky to help him recover his memory. Through a series of events, the issues are leaked, and Steve finds himself reviving the Captain America comics. He still isn't sure how that happened.]
- If You're Loved By Someone (You're Never Rejected); Teen, 9.4k
You’re fifteen when you realize why you stare at Bucky’s lips more than normal when he laughs and when he says your name. You lean into his shoulder when you walk next to him and when you’re sick you don’t fight off his soft hands. You tease him, he teases back and being around him is so easy you forget what it was like to live without him. You can’t remember life pre-Bucky and it scares you.
- Unusual Weather; Explicit, 8.7k
Bucky’s been at the Avengers Tower for three weeks before he finally gives in to Steve’s gentle coaxing and Stark’s cheerful waving of fistfuls of circuits, and lets them scan the arm.
It doesn’t go well.
- this city bleeds its aching heart; Explicit, 35k
The one where Steve and Bucky pose as a happily married couple while on a mission for SHIELD, to catch an international arms dealer hiding in a suburban neighbourhood.
- Good Boy; Explicit, 13k
Bucky is still adjusting to life with the Avengers, and Steve is willing to do whatever it takes to make him feel comfortable. Increasingly, though, what seems to make him comfortable is strangely intimate.
Surprise, Steve! You're a gentle dom and Bucky wants to be your pretty pet!
- Brooklyn; Teen, 8.8k
"Captain America, what's your stance on gay marriage?"
Everyone knows that, by now. Everyone but Bucky.
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evolutionsvoid · 3 years
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I feel that the creatures of the volcanic deserts (AKA obsidian deserts) are a group that is hardly known by the outside world. You get a lot of talk about the beasts that live in jungles, or the monsters that live in the vast labyrinth of the Underworld, but not a lot of people mention these creatures. I would be interested in knowing how many people are even aware they exist! I feel if I asked anyone what a Shockscale or Flab Rat was, they would think I was either talking about a magic thing or an insult. Volcanic deserts are rare biomes, but there are other uncommon ones that people seem pretty knowledgeable of! So why don't people talk about them? Well, one theory is that volcanic deserts frequently get confused with other volcanic deserts, by that I mean dry land plus volcano. So when folk hear about them, they are confused which is which. Or in some cases, they may go visit it to see what the excitement is about and just find an arid piece of land by a lazy smoldering mountain. Not really all that interesting. Or it could be that people don't think deserts have anything in them, as that often happens with regular ones! I have surprised a lot of people whenever I prattle on about all the creatures that live in deserts, as they assume it is a barren wasteland! So perhaps they feel the same for volcanic deserts. These are legitimate theories, but I would like to submit my own! I would say that no one really talks about the flora and fauna of volcanic deserts because those ecosystems are absolutely awful to visit and nobody in their right mind would ever set root in one! Grating sand! Razor stone! Nonstop wind and lightening! It is a nightmare! Every sane explorer would turn back the second they watched a dune explode into a black shower of bladed chunks and crackling energy! They would see the utter misery this landscape brings and think "why not try the next one?" Sadly, not all who explore are levelheaded, and not all who seek knowledge are smart. By the way, have you guessed where I am writing this entry? I got to have something to do while I cower in this obsidian tube and wait for the apocalypse to ease up outside.   My gripes aside, it is a darn shame that these creatures get overlooked. This biome, harsh and cruel it may be, has created some incredible species and the world deserves to know their presence! By writing this down and informing others, I also do the service of granting this knowledge so others don't have to suffer like I did! In most cases, I would encourage my readers to go out and see these incredible sights themselves, but here I am fine with them reading it in a book and looking at all the pretty pictures. So, with that, get a nice drink, find someplace cozy and not full of sand to sit, and read on! This entry is on a rather peculiar beast of these horrible lands: the Shockscale Urchin! The Shockscale Urchin (or just Shockscale) is a terrestrial version of those spiny little balls you find in the ocean, preferring the sandy places that have a whole lot of fire and lightening. Like sea urchins, they do look like a moving mound, though they are decked out in scales instead of spines. This image is possible because the underside of the urchin is where their feet are, hidden under all those beautiful scales. Down below is also where its mouth is, so its topside is really a featureless looking pile of scales. This simplicity, however, has its beauty, which can be seen in its magnificent scales! Mixes of purple and black on these sturdy, metallic scales! While many are small, they grow larger and thicker as they move down and away from the body. Anchored in special muscles, these outer scales sweep out from the body and form structures that seem more fitting for birds! Metallic wings and a fanning tail are formed from these scales and controlled by muscles.  Despite their appearance, they cannot fly, as they are too heavy and not built for such an action. They don't so much flap but sweep and flow as the Shockscale moves and dances. With such beautiful and hardy scales, one would most certainly want one as a souvenir! Finding such a memento would seem rather thrilling, and easy too! If you are ever in a volcanic desert (first of all, have you listened to nothing I have said?) and wander the dunes, you would find some of these scales left in the sand. In some cases, you may watch a Shockscale crawl along and shed some of these scales as they navigate the chaotic terrain. At first glance, you would think yourself lucky! Here is a pretty trinket, let me just reach down and grab it! If you find yourself in this situation, pray that you have a smarter friend nearby ready to tackle you away from this enticing treasure. Hopefully you aren't wondering why I would say this, because I feel the name of this species should give a whole lot away.
  Just like the landscape, which is constantly ravaged by violent storms, the Shockscale harnesses the power of lightening! Special organs within their bodies are capable of producing some series shocks, which means they don't have to rely on absorbing lightening like the Elmis Spire. This means that they cannot run out of this energy, as long as they have the strength to use these organs! By putting them at full charge, the Shockscale is capable of creating a shock that will knock you off your roots and fry your leaves! This effect is powered up because they are coated in these metallic scales, making it so much easier for them to zap you! Thankfully, though, this can only happen if you touch or step on one, right? Good news for them and bad news for us, the answer is: No! The amazing thing about the Shockscale is that they are able to weaponize this electricity in a rather ingenious way! The scales they shed are not lost by accident, they drop them on purpose! That is because these scales are really conductive and practically pull the electricity in. If the Shockscale releases its energy near these fallen scales, the lightening will jump from its body to these lost pieces! That means if you grab a scale while one of these urchins are nearby, there is a chance they will fry you! Like I said, these dropped scales are not by accident, the Shockscale actually uses them! These creatures tend to have territories they stick to, and here they do their hunting. They will sweep their "wings" in a circle and leave a ring of fallen scales. Moving to the center, they will bury themselves in the black sand and wait. When prey blunders through this practically invisible circle, the Shockscale will start zapping! Caught between the source and the energy-hungry scales, the electricity will flow through you while it makes its journey! The power of this shock is enough to drop a full grown human, as it messes with your nervous system and muscles. If you watch prey get caught in this shock trap, you will see them suddenly convulse and drop to the ground. They will twitch and writhe as the energy flows through them, as falling over unfortunately causes one to absorb even more of this shock. In most cases, the prey is killed by this powerful effect, and the Shockscale will emerge to claim its meal. The urchin will crawl atop its prey and use its hidden mouth to devour them. While Shockscales tend to fry smaller creatures, they are quite opportunistic. Anything that wanders into their territory is fair game, and the hungrier they are, the more likely they are to take risks. Even if huge creatures stomp through their circle, they will still shock them despite the fact they know it won't kill them. This is more of a deterrent, as the Shockscale would prefer not to get stepped on. I imagine this sudden way to go is part of the reason this ecosystem is believed to be cursed. How else would you explain someone suddenly convulsing and then dropping dead? Demonic possession? A smiting from the gods? Or perhaps a hungry echinoderm...     In most cases, the Shockscale uses its scales to create this deadly perimeter for both offense and defense. Here it can lay in safety as it waits for food to arrive. However, there are some instances where the Shockscale will use its scales in a different pattern. When traveling, the urchin will be without its special circle. In this state, a predator may try to attack them, assuming the creature is without its usual defense. Since its takes time and precision to properly set up its trap, the Shockscale will be caught off guard. In some cases, it might just hunker down and rely on its own electric body for defense. Some have seen, however, times when the Shockscale "flees," which is odd because they don't move that fast. The urchin will try to run for its life, but the predator will have no trouble keeping up. Obviously, the beast will not jump right in and take a bite, as the urchin will just fry them. Most attackers would tend to hang back and wait for a vulnerable moment. Stalking behind the fleeing Shockscale, they will wait for the right moment to strike and then suddenly drop dead. Turns out, the Shockscale wasn't running. When they "retreat," they are actually dropping scales behind them as they move. They know that their abilities work by proximity, and most predators won't get close enough to zap. So by leaving a breadcrumb trail of scales, they are setting up a devious trap. The predator will be lured forward with the idea that they have the advantage, causing them to walk atop this line of scales. By releasing its energy, the lightening will chain itself through these scales and fry the attacker. Pretty clever! With this defense, there isn't much that can really mess with this species! The only predation I have witnessed so far was by a pack of Flab Rats, whose rubbery hides offer protection from most shocks. Even then, they have to be sure the Shockscale is dead before they take a bite! All the insulation in the world doesn't matter if you jam the lightening bolt into your mouth! Same goes for knives, you little monsters. Though they are quite dangerous, there is elegance to found in these incredible creatures! The beautiful wings are for more than just dropping scales, they actually use them for dance! When mating season comes around, the males will begin to wander the dunes. They do not seek a spot to congregate, rather they seem to move in different directions. I have heard that they are influenced by the sun, moon and stars, using them to guide their way, but I have not fully confirmed that. As they wander, they will let their wings out to the full span and spin around. There is some kind of pattern and design to this dance, as they thrash back and forth or twirl, but no one has truly decoded it. What we do know is that this moving ballet leaves behind something quite gorgeous! Their movements and wings create patterns in the obsidian sand, and their trail is formed from this delicate art! If you are walking the dunes during the breeding season, you will see entire swathes of the landscape turned into a magnificent canvas! These artistic trails are for the females, who are also moving about. When a female crawls over these paths, they can feel and detect its pattern. It seems they can learn a lot about the male from the art he leaves behind, and this will decide if he is worthy or not. If the design is lacking, she will move on, but if it is a masterpiece, she will follow it. Since she is not slowed by the need for dance, she will soon catch up with the twirling male and the two will undergo the next step of courtship. The trail he left behind was meant to get her in the door, now this part is how he gets her to stay! Together, the two shall dance and spin around each other, with the male seeking to impress and the female silently judging. The male must perform the right moves and hit the right timing to have a chance with her. If he bungles it, she will leave and search elsewhere. If he succeeds, the two will mate and part ways. She will go off to lay her eggs deep within the dunes, while he will continue his dance and search for other females. The thing that always gets me with this particular way for attracting mates is how delicate the whole process is. They are doing all this communication through sand art, despite the fact this landscape is ravaged by storms at an almost constant rate. A powerful gust of wind will easily erase all traces of this act, so how do they make it work? One solid theory is that Shockscales breed during seasons when the storms are at their slowest (which I think means they come every six minutes rather than five). This gives them longer times to let their art survive and catch attention, before it is blown away and they have to start over. Others say that the Shockscales also leave scented scales or pheromone along their trail, which the female can still follow if the patterns are erased. Whatever the reason, they somehow make it work! Though the Shockscales are not mentioned a lot by everyday folk, just like a lot of fauna from volcanic deserts, there is something about them that has made it to many shores. In many places, you can hear superstitions and creepy tales about a land covered in darkness and ravaged by the wrath of the gods. This place is almost like purgatory, covered in lava and black blades. What makes this place even creepier are the "symbols" and "runes" left by some unknown culture. Those who have entered this inhospitable land have mentioned grand designs etched into the dunes, patterns and symbols that are alien to many eyes and tongues. All of this, and yet not a single soul is seen! Despite this, the patterns are blown away, but then suddenly remade! How can this be?! Is there some kind of civilization hidden within this terrible world, writing these alien words in the sand? Or is it the result of spirits and demons, roaming the world of fire and lightening? Perhaps it is something more confusing and frightening. You see, these patterns can reach such amazing sizes and intricacy, yet you would struggle to fully appreciate it on the ground. A mural carved into the landscape can only be viewed in one way: from above! Are these symbols made for or by angels? Are they the markings of entities high above our heads? What do they stand for? What do they mean? There are many tales and theories about these bizarre patterns, and I have heard them all! Truly bewildering stuff! I have had people talk my ears off about these crazy conspiracies, and all I can think during these lectures is: "Is this what its like?" The real bummer of it all is that whenever I join in and add my theories, everyone gets all sour. They spin an endless yarn about symbols of angels and the writing of the gods, but then I offer the translation of "Heeeeey, ladies! Wanna dance?" and suddenly I'm the nut job. Chlora Myron Dryad Natural Historian   ----------------------------------------------------- A creature design brainstormed between my friend @james-silvercat and me! I can't remember how we started on this, but at some point we were talking about my volcanic deserts and shingle urchins! Wound up being a really cool creature and a really cool design!  
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peakywitch · 4 years
Behind the Garrison, by the Canal - Finn Shelby
Word count: 1630
Warning: mention about sex and semi-nudity (?)
A/N: i wrote it in spanish and translated it, apologies if you see any mistake! 
gif: @el-cheung​
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A soft knock on the door interrupted (Y/N) from his reading. She looked up curiously from her book, not knowing who it might be.
Her mother? She was upstairs sleeping with the baby.
Her father? He was working.
Her older brother? He was meeting his fiancé’s parents.
Finn? No, he was at a family meeting, it couldn't be him. Plus, they never met each other during the day.
Y/N got up from the uncomfortable purple sofa, going to the door. She tried to peek through the small window to find out who it was. Suit, a peaked hat, a cigar. A Blinder.
Sh took a deep breath, had her brother gotten into trouble? Having exhaled, she opened the door, showing Finn.
"Finn?" she asked curious and somewhat nervous, they were only supposed to see each other half past eight, behind the Garrison, by the canal.
If her father came earlier from work, she was dead.
"Hey, Y/N." he smiled, as he spoke fast.
"I know we said to meet in a few hours, but since I have the afternoon free, I thought about asking you if...you could...lend me another book?" the nervous smile was still there.
The young girl was teaching the younger Shelby how to read, and since he learned, he read every book there was and to be.
Pride and Prejudice? Finished in 72 hours.
Little women? One week.
Hell, he'd even read the bible and could recite some verses from memory.
On one occasion, Finn told Y/N that he had corrected Isaiah, about the bible:
"I will fear no evil!" Isaiah said humorously, as he answered Arthur about whether he was afraid on one of those many illegal occasions. “Jesus said it, you know, Arthur? And I…” Finn cut him off, correcting him.
"Isaiah, that’s Psalm 23:4." Finn said casually, as he finished his cigarette.
Arthur, John, and Isaiah burst into laughter, of course after trying to figure out how Finnny Boy knew so much about God.
"Sure, Finn. Give me a moment." Y/N closed the door, took the Illustrated edition of Alice in Wonderland that he was reading, took out the bookmark, and returned to the door. She opened it and Finn was still wearing that nervous smile.
"Here it is, have fun with Alice, the Queen and the Mad Hatter, Finn." Y/N's smile made Finn's hand shake.
A few weeks ago, the boy had killed a man. His hand did not tremble, his head did not hesitate. But, oh shit, his heart exploded in anger that night, at home. Finn would never admit it, but it scared him to grow up and be as savagely violent as Arthur, or as distant as Tommy. Fear and anxiety were eating him alive, until he realized that his hand was shaking when she smiled at him.
“Thank you, beautiful." He smiled, as he exchanged the borrowed copy of Romeo and Juliet for that copy of Alice. After a wink and a "see you later" he walked away.
With a stomach full of butterflies, Y/N closed the door.
"Hello friend," she whispered to the book. "Have they treated you well?"
Y/N sat down on the couch again, going over the sentences she had marked with her black pen for the umpteenth time. As she was fanning through the pages, a piece of paper fell on her legs. Curious, she took it in her hands and saw Finn's handwriting. She knew it was his, she had taught him to write in italics. Also, she would recognize that misaligned handwriting and that soft stroke anywhere.
“I thought I knew love until your beauty seduced my eyes. Page 118 –Finn”
She smiled.
After greeting her father who had just arrived from work, Y/N commented that she would go to sleep and skip supper. The clock in her room read half past seven in the afternoon, which gave the signal to Y/N to escape through her window.
She wrapped herself up, looked at herself in the small mirror on her wall, and went out the window. Although the house had two stories, Y/N's room was downstairs, making it easier for her to get out the window.
Legs out, then the torso, the arms, and finally the head. Once outside, she adjusted her hair and began her short walk.
Y/N lived just five minutes from the Garrison and should meet Finn in an hour. But she wanted to stop by the Garrison to say hi to Harry. Also, she was to bring him a shirt that her mother had fixed for him.
As she thought of Finn, the five minutes turned into two seconds, and Y/N found herself in front of the pub. It was Friday, so it was full of men with inhuman amounts of alcohol in their blood. She took a deep breath and opened both doors, the smoke from so much cigarette making her dizzy.
She walked over to the bar and saw Harry serving a scotch. Her nose narrowed, remembering that awful taste she'd tasted with Finn.
"It's horrible," Finn had said, "I don't know why my brothers drink this shit."
"Hello Y/N" Harry greeted, anyone could hear her mother's Irish accent on him.
"Hi Harry, I bring you your shirt. Mom thanks you for making her focus on something other than the baby."
They both laughed, as Y/N handed him the bag. After a casual chat, some questions about her father, her new brother and her mother, they said goodbye. Y/N passed by the private booth, but didn't hear a soul. Maybe Finn was already by the river.
It was a matter of seconds before she reached the river, in their usual spot. She sat on a rock and waited.
Two, five, ten, fifteen, thirty minutes.
It was ten past eight, maybe quarter past eight.
Finn wasn't coming, and Y/N was starting to get scared. It was late, she shouldn't be alone. It was eight thirty, she had waited fifteen more minutes.
"God, don't let anything bad happen, please” Y/N said between prayers.
When she got up, she started walking in the direction of his house. To Finn's house. She was sure he was reading. She headed to Finn's house mainly because she was only a few feet away from it and also because she wanted to know if he was okay.
When she arrived and saw the light on, she was relieved. She knocked on the door, she would ask him to accompany her home.
"I’m going!" Finn yelled, there was a laugh and a slim, semi-naked woman who was wearing a man's shirt opened the door, still laughing.
"Lydia I told you that..." Finn's laughter stopped "Oh bloody hell."
Finn had come up behind Lydia, shirtless and his suspenders dangling at his sides.
The floor shook under Y/N's feet. The rest was blurry, for both of them. Finn remembered the cold hitting his shirtless chest as he yelled Y/N's name all over Watery Lane and Saint Mary's Street, asking for forgiveness and for her to listen to him. Y/N remembered the knot in her belly, hearing nothing except her breaths and feeling how Finn's words he had written burned her heart. Her heart, for the first time, was breaking along with the trust she had in him. Because she thought he was good, she believed that he loved her and that he wouldn't be fooling around with others after all those kisses and secret talks on the river.
When she got to the door of her house, Y/N was trying to open it. But the key was on the other side.
"Can you hear me for a damn moment!?" Finn yelled, coming to her side. He took the sad girl by the arm and turned her around.
"Do not touch me! Don't ever touch me again in your fucking life, Finn Shelby!" she bellowed, tears spilling from her eyes.
"Okay." he quickly separated from her, releasing her “But you have to listen to me. I…She…” his voice trembled.
"Did you sleep with her, Finn?" Y/N whispered.
"No...I..." the boy nervously combed his hair as he looked at the floor, Y/N knew instantly that he was lying.
"You had sex with her?!" Y/N let out in a strangled cry, asking but claiming at the same time. Her angry eyes were focused on Finn's, who were scared "And don't lie to me, please don't lie to me."
Y/N’s throat went dry, while her heart kept on breaking.
"Since when?"
"Five months now."
"Oh..." Y/N let out bitterly, then laugh "You are so afraid of looking like your brothers that you forget a detail: You are them, you always were and always will be."
“Don't tell me that, Y/N. You can't tell me that…” Finn cried.
"Yes, I fuckin’ can. You could shag her, I can tell you the truth. I'm not lying to you, Finn. I never lied to you."
“Do you remember two weeks ago, on the river? You said…” Y/N interrupted him.
“I said how I felt, Finn. Now I feel so much, so much pain and hate that I wish I had never told you."
Finn's face was a complete puzzle.
The door slammed open, appearing Y/N's older brother.
"Bye, Finn."
She entered the house, and headed straight for her room, ignoring her brother's whispers about how she should never have gotten together with Shelby. That they do this, they do that.
“Y/N! I am talking to you!" Peter said, entering his little sister's room.
"Peter, stop it, ok?" exploded Y/N “I know I didn't have to hang out with the Shelby family. But you're also dating a stupid woman and nobody tells you anything! "
Peter backed away, shocked.
“No… Peter, sorry. Wendy is…"
“Save it, Y/N. I opened the door for you, so that Dad wouldn’t kill the Shelby himself. But first thing tomorrow morning, they want you down. Both of them."
And just like that, Peter left the room, leaving Y/N in a mess and crying.
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