#podcast lyfe
serenity-the-firefly · 5 months
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i must not listen to new rusty quill shows. rq shows is the mind killer.
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notreyev · 1 year
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the inability to be normal about juno steel
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ilostyou · 1 year
wizards of waverly place writers confirming queer alex russo 🤌🏻🤌🏻🤌🏻🤌🏻
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jackiemeandthispod · 8 months
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we are so close to 5000 total downloads 😭 luv you guys
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Three Houses, Two Fics, One Cup (of Coffee)
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After reading as much as we can in the (very prolific and talented) FE3H fandom, we return with two of our favourites. Normally we narrow it down to three (which would have been very thematic), but sadly Nick has been going through some shit, so its up to Grace and James to make up for that.
Grace, ever a 00s emo, latched onto her fellow edgelord in Felix. So today she tells us about (Almost) Completely Cliche by sunflowersailor, our first Coffee Shop AU for the year!
Meanwhile James (finally) learns the appeal of Werewolves, camping, and buff women chopping wood, and he has JajaLala's "Where Is My Werewolf Lover?" to thank for that.
Fics and Approximate timestamps:
(Almost) Completely Cliche by sunflowersailor at 24:30
Where Is My Werewolf Lover? by JajaLala at 50:00
Have a listen here:
Or here
Or any reputable Podcast provider!
While I'm here, we've got an Instagram now, come follow us at fanficsandchill, and eventually James will start posting things on it!
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puppadumz · 2 years
Wilhelmina can fuck right off, this woman has never even heard of boundaries. Grr.
I am reviewing oodles of marine mammal video and yelling at a fictional woman alone in my apartment.
Everything's FINE.
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natureflairlyfeagain · 6 months
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g-xix · 9 months
We need a chippo crimes dating headcanons! 🥰
TheBurntChip Dating Headcanons
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Yes you can have some Chipper dating HC's!! Bro is TOO FINE. Also, REQUESTS OPEN, REQUEST WHAT MORE U WANNA SEE ME WRITE!!!
-I feel like dating Chippo would be such a roles reversed relationship -Like, he sort of takes the wifey responsibilities whilst you focus on the convential 9-5 job, smth heavy duty like law asw -He finishes his podcast/stuff and makes steaks on Tuesdays, but otherwise throws smth in the oven or gets you takeout with him before coming home -In love with his own steaks -Mf would litr be moaning at the table about how good his steaks are whilst u two eat together -Always wants to eat with you as well -If the two of you are long distance, i.e. you had to go overseas to work, he'd fuck up his sleep schedule just to facetime you and eat dinner (or breakfast) with you on call with him -Also tho he does book holidays for j you (sometimes with your friends asw) because you rarely manage to get down time from work + he knows getting a break is so therapeutic for you -Often go on holidays together to places too tho #baecation -Your favourite is when you went to Dubai together, because he decided to vlog "Giving my girlfriend her dream holiday", where he paid for your shopping, had your nails done, and took you to quadbike for the first time -Obviously then the next day he took you to the golf course so that he could have a full day of golfing to repay for the time spent "doing that boring spa shit" -He complains about spas and self-care things on the camera and to his mates -Secretly it's his little guilty pleasure to do the occasional facemask with you every so often -First time it happened he was drunk and showed you a TikTok of some guy getting his face fully masked, treated and rolled, and Chippo had the audacity to ask "Why don't you do that to me :(" With a sad little face. -His sad little face ofc made you get out all your products and lay him down on the bed to get his face done -Decided to film it for a TikTok -Started with a sheet-mask which he slurred that it looked like he was joining a cult… -Also had to get a hand mirror so he could constantly see himself bc he insisted on knowing what he looked like constantly -Used the quartz roller to roll the mask over which smoothed it out really aesthetically -Managed to convince him to pluck the stray hairs of his brows -He made a big fuss over the first pluck and said you were going to kill him with those things -You've not been allowed to touch his brows since. -Finished by putting some cooling and hydrating gel all over his face, which he babbled Felt like getting a facial, before continuously asking you whether that's what cum feels like, making you flush bright red as you wrapped up the video and made it into a TikTok -Next morning, Chip looks in mirror and wonders why his face looks so nice and nourished already -Sees the TikTok and is horrified at how he acted and what all he said -Shows you the video and cries WHY DID YOU DO THIS TO MY FACE!?! -Troops groupchat post the video in chat and are commenting allsorts of woooow, Chippo soft launch, Chippy's slaying 😜, one of the girlies 💅 -Chip got over it though. -Acts all unhappy about what you've renamed the skincare incident, but whenever you put a sheet mask on whilst watching a movie, he asks for one as well -He's had compliments that he's been glowing, whenever he does the sheet masks anyways, so he figured there was no harm in just putting one of those on
NSFW HC's: -Deffo an ass guy -Doggy's the favourite position because he loves seeing it shake + hearing the clap 👏 -I feel like he'd be into thick girlies asw, like, he doesn't care if you have tummy or stretch marks, he's just obsessed with the package behind that (one for my thick girlies bc i need more appreciation in lyfe) -Probs has a shared playlist which he sent with the message yo put songs into this playlist u wanna have sex to -Loves when you hickey him up -Absolutely loves going into the shoot, hickeys standing out bright purple on his neck. Wears them like a badge of honour basically -Isn't toxic or protective over what you wear either -Wraps his arm around you regardless of what you're wearing because at the end of the day he knows he's gonna be the one to take them off -I feel like he's a fan of face sitting asw -He was first to suggest it which was a bit scary because you felt as though he was just speaking spontaneously/impulsively and didn't actually know what he wanted -Was quite insistent on trying it- litr begged at one point which made u give it a try -Kinda cautiously hovering over his face, not sitting bc you j wanted to triple check "are you sure?" -He answered by wrapping his arms around your thighs n pulling you down + onto his tongue -Loves you pulling on his hair asw -Arching back, fingers knotting his hair + pulling him as you moan n grind down onto his tongue -Bro would get absolutely pussy drunk too -His arms are hooked around your thighs and basically clamping you down -Literally still eating you out whilst you're climaxing -Will not stop until you tell him to, he is perfectly happy just being down there and at your disposal -More of a giver than receiver in terms of oral -Has said on the podcast "I don't know what to do when I'm getting head! Do I put my hands on their head- but what if I accidentally hurt them?! And what noises do you even make, because I am NOT letting out a moan-" -He does moan in the bedroom. -Is always saying "Oh my God" or something else when he's bottoming out inside you -Doesn't rly talk much during sex tho -Jokingly degrades you whilst you're not having sex (Like calling you a degrading name just for jokes when the two of you are doing something) but leans more towards praise whilst actually having sex
Your songs + stories behind them: -City of Angel, 24kGoldn - Your lockdown spent with Chip consisted of doing everything with this song in the background. Just hearing it when it crops up in the 1000+ song playlist when you're on the road reminds you of the waterballoon fight in the kitchen, the TikTok challenges you'd film, and when Chip tried to cook something other than steaks every Thursday -Would I Lie To You? Charles & Eddie - There was a period of time where you were questioning whether Chip was cheating on you because of the way you knew he was lying when he said he was at the Fella's Studios after some stupid times like eight o'clock. Turns out he was organising your birthday celebration, and you felt stupid for even letting the thought cross your mind that Chip would be disloyal… You heard this song at the party and added it to the liked songs because of how much it resonated with your thinking earlier. -Bassline Junkie, Dizzee Rascal - highlight of your year is going to rave with all your mates (Harry, Mia, Will, Megan, Theo n the lot). First year you went you herd this song and you and Chip literally like unlocked a different version of you two. You'd never seen Chip looking so feral and Chip had never seen you so passionate over a song… Which might have had something to do with the bag Harry was passing around 😳
Hope you enjoyed reading!! Feel free to interact- whether that be a comment, vote or follow! Requests open, feel free to submit what u wanna see... Much love!!
To see more, here's my MASTERLIST
And here's my WATTPAD, with 50+ more oneshots to read
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攻撃でもない防御でもない kougeki demo nai bougyo demo nai/ain’t attacking; ain’t defending…
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Moon Day 20 in Leo/Waning Gibbous
day’s V I B E – 5 of Pentacles
LMAO, 5 of Pentacles coupled with Priestess of Prosperity? This is talking about the dichotomy of feeling like you’ve got everything it takes to live your best lyfe and feeling like you’re restricted by your society or immediate environment. The more you allow this narrative to resound in the background of your mind, the more chaos you manifest in your physical reality. So, it is paramount that you learn to allow yourself to be the weirdest kid on the block.
I was watching a Stephanie Soo podcast today and she mentioned something funny like: the kids who were doing the Naruto run at school, yeah, those were actually the cool kids. They knew what they were doing and now they’re successful and contributing to society (or something like that) XD And she continued to say: meanwhile, the jocks? Aww, the jocks are now just a bunch of losers (or something like that) XD
I thought of that as I tap into today’s Moon Navi. Who cares what you do? Why do you care what others think what you do? When it comes down to it, people are mostly thinking about themselves anyway. And everybody’s got their own issues with different types of insecurities. Might as well be as weird as possible as long as we’re comfortable and not hurting others.
Have an awesome day. Blessings are always felt by those who are joyous. No matter what little you have now, you’re always abundant and you can get creative with whatever space, time, resources you have now. Make the best out of every little thing. Make each day count. Don’t lose hope on your visions, bitch, because the New Moon is coming so you can push and push until the New Moon is here then you can sleep for 3 days straight!
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M o o n N a v i ♥︎ Priestess of Prosperity
‘I am prosperous. It is my birthright to be prosperous. Whatever lack I am perceiving, I dissolve those senses right here and right now. I am free and prosperous. I can do whatever I want whenever I want however I want. I am always free to be myself. I decide now that I am free to pursue what I like now and forevermore’.
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[Main Blog] [Patreon] [Paid Readings]
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volturialice · 2 years
(the-golden-onion) why didnt you tell me that your first podcast episode is named “we like mike” HELLO ??? H E L L O ?????????? ♡
gfjsnlkds ngl I was thinking about you not only when I chose that title but the entire time we were stanning mike. he truly has been the dark horse of the podcast because our love for him came out of nowhere and is so profound. this is a podcast about saying Fig Newton Rights and the target audience is local madlads. Mike Appreciators for LYFE
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rainy-circle · 2 years
Fan Fic Writer 20 Questions
I was tagged by @unmaskedcardinal! Aw yissss I love these thank you! Putting this under a cut because I never shut up on ask memes, sorry
How many works do you have on Ao3?
Just 10! And at least uh... 6? Of those are drabbles or shorter fics. It probably should be 11, because years ago I deleted an unfinished fic, not because I didn't like it anymore or was ashamed of it, but just because it was unfinished. But we'll talk about that more later I think.
What's your total Ao3 word count?
63,621. Not bad, I suppose.
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
On AO3, only 4, but more than that, I assure you. On AO3 it's Overwatch, Rise of the Guardians, The Adventure Zone, and Legend of Zelda. But during high school I wrote a LOT of Kingdom Hearts fic, and before that I wrote some Avatar: The Last Airbender fic. And there have been various little oneshots or drabbles in assorted other fandoms, but those are the big ones!
What are your top five fics by kudos?
Gonna do it in countdown mode because that's fun:
5: Familiarity, a collection of Bunnymund/Toothiana drabbles that originated as my answers for them for a domesticity meme. I'm actually pretty surprised this is within the top 5, haha!
4: Costume Change, a short Symmetra/Pharah drabble I wrote for @5idestuff once upon a time!! The two of them being flirty cuties at a Halloween party.
3: Triptych, a 3-part D.Va/Lucio/Junkrat soulmate AU fic! Only 2/3 done unfortunately. The first part is how the three of them meet and the second part is how the three of them come together, learn more about each other, and how their ideals clash. The third part if I ever finish it will be... well, it's hard to really say without spoiling stuff but it'll be essentially how they come back together and reconcile.
2: Old Habits, a very (currently) unfinished attempt at making a Symmetra/Genji slow-burn long fic that's also a globe-trotting adventure that emphasizes platonic relationships. I absolutely know how it ends, and I have a LOT of scattered ideas of what happens in-between where I left off and there, but I don't know the exact ORDER it all goes in. And also, Blizzard sort of took a big ol' dump on my enthusiasm for Overwatch related things but fuck do I still love this ship, haha.
1: Heart to Heart to Heart, a The Adventure Zone: Balance kind of 'missing scene' fic about Tres Horny Bois being each other's found family and BEST FRANNNNDS 4 LYFE. I'm actually really happy that my most highly kudos'd fic is the one about the totally platonic/familial relationship. Don’t read unless you’ve finished listening to The Eleventh Hour arc of the podcast.
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
ABSOLUTELY I DO. It can take me months but I just gotta thank people for taking the time to write something. (also, you can make friends through commenting on fic. Take it from me and my bestie of 10+ years.
What's the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Overall? Probably some of my Kingdom Hearts fics from back when I was a teenager and I apparently hadn’t figured out Everyone Lives/No One Dies AUs existed yet. But in terms of what's on AO3, I'd say where Triptych is right now (end of chapter 2) is probably the angstiest.
Do you write crossovers?
Kiiiiiiind of? I mean, Kingdom Hearts is a giant Disney-Final Fantasy crossover, and I think it greatly influenced my taste in crossovers. It think I can only really write fic for it if a) the original canons take place in similar enough settings or b) it's complete crack and I'm not taking it seriously at all.
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Not hate, to the best of my memory, but I remember I once got a probably like... overly harshly critical comment on an A:TLA fic way back in the day when I was like a very young teen. And someone being like "um actually I do NOT like this extremely self-indulgent crack ship of yours and preferred THIS OTHER one you wrote."
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Only in VERY rare and occasional circumstances. I kind of jokingly call myself demi-smutual, in that I need to be very emotionally attached to a ship to write porn of them. And uhh... what kind? Not sure what that means exactly, but I'd probably say I'm only capable of writing what I've seen called 'safe, sane, and consensual'. And I will almost certainly be too embarrassed to post it publicly SORRY Y'ALL.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not.........exactly I don't think? I seem to remember back in my FF.net days checking if a crackship I had in the Twilight fandom (TWILIGHT of all things y'all) had any fics besides mine, and there was a drabble that I think used some of the same... phrasing as mine? It was weird. I could probably look it up to see if it's still there, but I'm too lazy for that.
There was one time on Livejournal when I remember someone used a lot of the same songs as I did on a fanmix in the same fandom as me, but I was even more allergic to confrontation back then than I am now, and I probably figured "well I can't PROOOVE they copied me! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯"
Luckily no straight up word-for-word plagiarism, as far as I know.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
No! I'd be honoured if it ever happens though.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not really! Triptych is connected to the same fic universe (ficverse?) as a couple of @noirsongbird‘s soulmate Overwatch fics, but we didn't cowrite any of it, other than like, checking that they're canon to each other sorta!!!!
What’s your all time favourite ship?
Honestly my go-to answer for this question is Okikurmi/Amaterasu from Okami, but I've never really written fic for them!
What’s a WIP you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
The mysterious 11th work that I mentioned earlier was a Bunnymund/Toothiana slowburn fic that was basically me taking what I knew of the book lore from what I'd read on the internet and transferring it into the world of the movie, but I eventually decided I didn't really want to trust just internet summaries and would want to read the books myself. Ever since then I've thought maybe I would return to it if I ever actually read the books, but that hasn't happened yet! Although... I have been sort of blanking on anything for my Christmas list. I, a 30 year old woman, can ask for a series of children's novels for Christmas right??? Maybe? Anyway.
What are your writing strengths?
Fuck. Shit. UHHH. My inner critic always makes this and the weaknesses question difficult. But I'm going to go with characterization. I've been cursed to fall in love with incredibly minor characters since I was at LEAST 12, and been making up their personalities and backstories whole cloth for them. I just really enjoy thinking about characters and what they are consistent about and what they are more flexible about! Thinking about their interactions and shit.
What are your writing weaknesses?
UHH. SHIT. Fuck. Does confidence, or rather, lack thereof, count? Sometimes, especially recently, I think I just overthink too much while I'm writing and get worried about like... "have I used said to many times. has this character smiled and nodded too many times. this is probably so BLAND". I used to be a lot more confident as a teenager but that was probably at least partially due to the fact that all teenagers are at least a little stupid. (If you are a teenager and you reading this, it's true. You'll realize it eventually. Hopefully.)
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in another language?
Not sure what this question means, exactly? Like, writing a character sometimes saying dialogue in another language? If a character is canonically bilingual, I imagine it only makes sense for the character to sometimes shift languages, especially if they aren't thinking about what's coming out of their mouth. I think I've only done it recently in a couple of Overwatch fics, and they're generally short phrases of greeting, or in one case a prayer. Idk, I think it's fine, but like most things in writing, be careful not to overuse it.
What was the first fandom you ever wrote for?
I think it was Neopets!
What’s your favourite fic you’ve ever written?
There's actually a couple of Kingdom Hearts fics from my Livejournal days that spring immediately to mind. I haven't reread them in years but just the process of writing and finishing them was something I was very proud of. In terms of what's on my AO3, Heart to Heart to Heart is probably my favourite - it came out pretty much exactly as it was in my head. I'm also really fond of at least the first three chapters of Old Habits. The fourth is okay, but in my mind it's very clearly written after my enthusiasm for Blizzard and thus Overwatch waned. idk maybe it's just me!!
Who do you tag?
LET'S SEE: @noirsongbird @5idestuff @trilies @beamkatanachronicles @snyland @my1stgirlfriendturnedintothemoon OBVIOUSLY you don’t need to do it if you don’t want to but if you feel like it!
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re-listening to the left right game and a) its still so GOOD and b) the sound design specifically is so good that i keep getting jumpscared because i think someone is walking behind me
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dancysauce · 5 months
I'm listening to Brains and Brawn Podcast on Podbean, check it out! https://www.podbean.com/pa/pbblog-a6e2w-110baf0
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iraheinichen · 1 year
Day 3,318: Arf Lyfe
Day 3,318: Arf Lyfe
Podcasted tonight! We continued our David Lynch deep dive and watched The Elephant Man, which was very competently done! Definitely not Lynch’s most advanced or even “Lynch-ian” work, but it was absolutely beautifully shot, the performances he captured and directed were genuinely fantastic, the script was tight, and it had a very clear (if rather predictable) story. His best work? Certainly not.…
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southernvangard · 2 years
(Southern Vangard) Episode 334 - Southern Vangard Radio
BANG! @southernvangard #radio Ep334! We’ll keep is short and not so sweet this week - if you’re easily offended, this ain’t the episode for you. That said, if you can take the heat in this kitchen you’re in for grand ‘ole time. Doe and Meeks trash talk enters the stratosphere, and we’ve got all the top shelf music in between it. Step up front, YOU WAAAAALCOME!!!!! #SmithsonianGrade #WeAreTheGard // southernvangard.com // @southernvangard on all platforms #undergroundhiphop #boombap #DJ #mixshow #interview #podcast #ATL #WORLDWIDE #RIPCOMBATJACK
Recorded live Aug 14, 2022 @ Dirty Blanket Studios, Marietta, GA
@southernvangard on all platforms
#SmithsonianGrade #WeAreTheGard
twitter/IG: @southernvangard @jondoeatl @cappuccinomeeks
Talk Break Inst. - "Melee Combat" - Brainorchestra
"The Darkest Part" - Danger Mouse & Black Thought ft. Raekwon & Kid Sister
"Stolen Art " - Whiskeyman ft. Mickey Diamond & Killah Priest
"Cop Out " - Cas Metah x Theory Hazit ft. Piakhan & Vibe-One
"Yall A.S.S." - D. Goynz & Doza The Drum Dealer
"Trigger Point Therapy" - Meyhem Lauren & Daringer ft. Westside Gunn
"2 Step On 'Em" - The Musalini & Khrysis ft. King Draft
Talk Break Inst. - "Never Forget To Smoke" - Brainorchestra
"Terminator LOX" - The LOX
"Bar Work" - Comet X Swab
"Time" - Jus P (prod. X-Ray Da Mindbenda)
"Next Chapter" - Gee Dubs ft. Liz
"The Makings Of" - Jay Nagoma
Talk Break Inst. - "Double Suns" - Brainorchestra
"Belize" - Danger Mouse & Black Thought ft. MF DOOM
"Invisible Leashes" - Spit Gemz
"Zion" - OC from NC (prod. DJ Flash)
"Eff Your Lyfe" Eff Yoo ft. Nems
"B.B.A.P" - Chayna Ashley  (prod. IM'PERETIV)
"Tropicanna" - Planet Asia & Scarr
"97 Shania Twain" - Chubs (prod. Buck Dudley)
Talk Break Inst. - "PSA #1" - Brainorchestra
#SouthernVangard #DJJonDoe #EddieMeeks #Brainorchestra #DangerMouse #BlackThought #Raekwon #KidSister #Whiskeyman #MickeyDiamond #KillahPriest #CasMetah #TheoryHazitft #Piakhan #VibeOne #DGoynz #DozaTheDrumDealer #MeyhemLauren #Daringer #WestsideGunn #TheMusalini #Khrysis #KingDraft #TheLOX #Comet #Swab #JusP #XRayDaMindbenda #GeeDubs #Liz #MFDOOM #SpitGemz #OCfromNC #DJFlash #EffYoo #Nems #ChaynaAshley #IMPERETIV #PlanetAsia #Scarr #Chubs #BuckDudley
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flushthethrone · 2 years
(Southern Vangard) Episode 334 - Southern Vangard Radio
BANG! @southernvangard #radio Ep334! We’ll keep is short and not so sweet this week - if you’re easily offended, this ain’t the episode for you. That said, if you can take the heat in this kitchen you’re in for grand ‘ole time. Doe and Meeks trash talk enters the stratosphere, and we’ve got all the top shelf music in between it. Step up front, YOU WAAAAALCOME!!!!! #SmithsonianGrade #WeAreTheGard // southernvangard.com // @southernvangard on all platforms #undergroundhiphop #boombap #DJ #mixshow #interview #podcast #ATL #WORLDWIDE #RIPCOMBATJACK
Recorded live Aug 14, 2022 @ Dirty Blanket Studios, Marietta, GA
@southernvangard on all platforms
#SmithsonianGrade #WeAreTheGard
twitter/IG: @southernvangard @jondoeatl @cappuccinomeeks
Talk Break Inst. - "Melee Combat" - Brainorchestra
"The Darkest Part" - Danger Mouse & Black Thought ft. Raekwon & Kid Sister
"Stolen Art " - Whiskeyman ft. Mickey Diamond & Killah Priest
"Cop Out " - Cas Metah x Theory Hazit ft. Piakhan & Vibe-One
"Yall A.S.S." - D. Goynz & Doza The Drum Dealer
"Trigger Point Therapy" - Meyhem Lauren & Daringer ft. Westside Gunn
"2 Step On 'Em" - The Musalini & Khrysis ft. King Draft
Talk Break Inst. - "Never Forget To Smoke" - Brainorchestra
"Terminator LOX" - The LOX
"Bar Work" - Comet X Swab
"Time" - Jus P (prod. X-Ray Da Mindbenda)
"Next Chapter" - Gee Dubs ft. Liz
"The Makings Of" - Jay Nagoma
Talk Break Inst. - "Double Suns" - Brainorchestra
"Belize" - Danger Mouse & Black Thought ft. MF DOOM
"Invisible Leashes" - Spit Gemz
"Zion" - OC from NC (prod. DJ Flash)
"Eff Your Lyfe" Eff Yoo ft. Nems
"B.B.A.P" - Chayna Ashley  (prod. IM'PERETIV)
"Tropicanna" - Planet Asia & Scarr
"97 Shania Twain" - Chubs (prod. Buck Dudley)
Talk Break Inst. - "PSA #1" - Brainorchestra
#SouthernVangard #DJJonDoe #EddieMeeks #Brainorchestra #DangerMouse #BlackThought #Raekwon #KidSister #Whiskeyman #MickeyDiamond #KillahPriest #CasMetah #TheoryHazitft #Piakhan #VibeOne #DGoynz #DozaTheDrumDealer #MeyhemLauren #Daringer #WestsideGunn #TheMusalini #Khrysis #KingDraft #TheLOX #Comet #Swab #JusP #XRayDaMindbenda #GeeDubs #Liz #MFDOOM #SpitGemz #OCfromNC #DJFlash #EffYoo #Nems #ChaynaAshley #IMPERETIV #PlanetAsia #Scarr #Chubs #BuckDudley
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