#poly!20 squad
solesommerso · 2 years
╭➸・⊹ Noise 𖤐⋆。˚⁺
|| poly!20 squad, tan/street centric
𖤐 summary ; sometimes quiet is worse than noise, thankfully Street has Tan there to escape the silence with
𖤐 notes ; @blathannabeaga totally forgot I had a whole draft of autistic street but omg this is so real to me
𖤐 warnings ; sensory issues, autistic!street, established relationship, a lot of talk of Nate, set before Nate dies
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Street hates nights like this. The quiet ones, where all his partners seem so unbothered by the lack of noise, how they lay on the couch with the tv being the only buzz of anything. They don't get the same itch at the back of their neck like Street does.
It's to be expected when Street thinks about it. They did not grow up in the constant chaos of moving every month or so that Street did. He should rephrase a little, at the beginning he moved every month or so, but once he ran from that one particular foster house he ended up on his own.
Again, he should rephrase, him and Nate ended up on their own, homeless as some would put it. They'd sleep at motels and whatnot but mostly in old abandoned buildings, one warehouse in particular was Streets favorite, Nates too, they spent the most time there. Laying on the cold concrete flooring with a few blankets they snagged from stores when people weren't looking, textbooks and papers laid out in front of them as they tried to stay atop their schoolwork, Nates plethora of old cassettes stacked next to him, Streets bag of random tech to tinker with.
He misses that bag. And that floor, and Nate. He really misses Nate, who Street fought with before he joined swat, before he became part of this relationship, part of him wonders what’s happened for Nate since their fight. But Street doesn’t have to wonder about how Nate would feel this itch. He'd understand.
None of that matters right now, Street’s too busy pacing the kitchen of the house he shares with all his partners. Six of them in one house. Yet it's deafening to be in, the windows open help nothing, not even crickets chirping.
Street was a bit hesitant to move into this house in the first place, of course living with his partners would never be an issue, he was rather excited over that fact, it's just where this house is placed. A long outstretched driveway to give them as much privacy as possible, putting them far from the road, from the noise. Something Street craves deep in his bones, always has really, probably always will.
"Street?" Lucas voice takes him from his thoughts and pacing, he stops mid step; a habit formed back when Street was still living with Karen and Eddie, a way to distract himself of sorts.
"Would you stop pacing, you're stressing me out." The blonde laughs where he resides beside Chris but it still stings deep into Streets chest. He needs to do something, but, if Luca doesn't want them to pace....
"Hey baby, why don't you sit with us? Try to relax a bit?" Reluctantly Street sits beside Hondo, already ten times more uncomfortable, more need for movement and noise settling deeper into Streets bones. It feels like he's vibrating under his skin.
"Why do you look so stressed? What's wrong?" Hondos hand is heavy against Streets shoulder, it makes him squirm a bit, he doesn't want to be held down or stuck in one spot, he hates that feeling.
"It's just really quiet." It's unnerving that nobody else seems to feel the same way as they all furrow their brows to Street.
"We can turn the tv up for you." He subconsciously winces at the prompt, he doesn't like the tv that much, he got use to not watching one when him and Nate were sleeping around the streets.
"Not that type of noise." He needs something natural, real, not the staticky sound the tv produces while it plays some stupid baking show Luca likes.
"What other type of noise is there?" It's paired with a lighthearted chuckle, Street doesn't return it, he can't when he doesn't understand what's funny. There's plenty of other noises that aren't a tv being on? Even a video on his phone makes a different kind of sound.
"Like cars, or a train, or people on the streets, or dogs barking-." Good noise, he goes to say but stop, tv noise is obviously good to his partners so he won't ridicule that.
"So you can't relax because it's not loud enough?"
"Yes." It feels like this has been stated already in the conversation, though Street definitely understands the feeling of needing more clarification; he nods to Luca affirmatively.
"That doesn't make sense." Street furrows his brow slightly, it makes plenty sense.
"But it does." This could lead to an argument, he's keenly aware of this, it's not ideal but it's happened before, Tan says it's because Street has a 'one-track mind' whereas Luca jumps from topic to topic. He's not sure how true that is, Streets mind does jump around sometimes, he's just good at keeping on topic when speaking.
"No it doesn't, how can you need noise to relax? That like- defeats the purpose." Street turns to where Tan and Deacon sit, they're good at helping in these situations, Chris gets too involved of whichever side she agrees with and Hondo always says that his 'leader duties' end when shift does so he stays out of it.
"It's like listening to music to relax, you like the noise of it but you're still relaxed." Tan summarizes much better than Street would've, Victors always been good at that sort of thing Street supposes, he's a mediator of sorts.
"Whatever. We can't really make it more noisy here, sorry Street." He brings up a good point, Streets waiting on noise that won't come, he should just go somewhere he knows there'll be noise.
"Where are you going?" Hondo immediately stops Street with a gentle hand at his wrist, an action he’s become accustomed to and knows is meant with zero malicious intent, even if Street took it the wrong way at first.
"Somewhere louder." Long Beach seems like a far stretch when it's already hitting seven pm, there's a few good abandoned buildings in La, but he'll probably end up at the one by Bucks house he'd sneak off to when visiting the older man as a teenager.
"It's seven pm, the suns setting."
"Yes." The sky's turning that warm orange color it gets before sunset, Streets always liked how it looks, something so calming about watching the sky fade from color to color then finally a dark shade of navy.
"And you're just going to go wherever on your own?" He nods along even when Hondo huffs air through his nose, Street can't tell why, it is just nightfall? Street is trained to fight off whoever might try to mess with him, Hondo knows that, they all do.
"You're going to leave us here alone?" He goes to nod again but Tan motions his head, a tilt to it, trying to convey that nodding is not the correct answer.
"Would...you like to come?" It takes longer than it should for Street to come up with the question, he's usually better at reading into things more, not being so outwardly straightforward with his thinking. He's burnt out he thinks, that might be the word for it, too tired to really put energy into acting like everyone else.
"Yes, of course we do!" It is not 'of course' to Street, they never told him they'd want to come, Luca was just saying it was wrong, why would that be of course?
"Are you sure? You looked content here." It will be more difficult to get to the roof of the abandoned building with the six of them, they can call do it in no time flat, but it's still a lot of bodies to move. And they did look comfortable staying on the couch, as they normally do.
"We stay on the couch all the time, it'll be nice to change things up." Chris says brightly as she stands to go get her coat and shoes, the rest of the members following in her lead, it leaves Street to stand watching them.
He feels slightly nervous over this. He is technically breaking and entering, no matter how old or long the building has been abandoned; the team might be against something that is, well, in simple terms, illegal.
"It'll be okay, they can always go home if they want." Tan comes up to Streets side like he can read into his head.
"Right. Let's go."
The car ride is met with endless rambles between Luca and Chris, normal for the pair to do when driving, sat in the very back while Tan and Street occupy the front, Deacon and Hondo stuck in the middle row of the vans seating. Hondo usually drives with Deacon as his passenger, but Street is the only one that knew how to get there, and he wanted to be beside Tan.
"Where are we going?" They all pile out of the car in front of the abandoned building, it's shorter than Street remembers, but there's still all the noise he wants and the view from the roof is as breathtaking as ever.
"Up there." He climbs the chainlink fence easily, not bothering to look back aside from checking that Victors still beside him, which he is of course, moving in sync with Street.
Actually getting to the rooftop isn't hard. Street’s done it a million times, he knows the route of climbing up the brick wall like the back of his hand, placing his feet meticulously on the parts that stick out for leverage, making sure Tan is making it safely. It takes all of ten minutes for them to reach the edge of the roof.
"Do you think they're coming?" James doubts it, the rest of the team is still standing on the other side of the fence, all talking over each other, probably running through the pros and cons of following in Street and Tans lead.
"No. You can go back down with them if you don't like this." He offers but Victor shakes his head instantly, standing on the ledge before jumping to the center of the roof. It reminds Street of Nate, Tan is a lot like Nate at times, but especially right now.
"This is fun, beats sitting on the couch." Tan smiles over to Street as he makes his way to sit by Tans feet, he stands tall overlooking the town down below.
It's a pretty good view for downtown La. People move about, street lamps and store signs lighting up the roads, the sound of people chattering paired with traffic sounds bringing a ease to Streets chest. This is the noise he was looking for. It's familiar, soothing, let's him exhale deeply into the now turning night air, the humidity of the day hasn't died down enough for there to be a chill so it's still comfortable enough for Street to shrug his jacket off.
"I like it up here, you come here a lot?" Tan lays himself down next to Street once he flattens against the roof.
"Yes. A lot when I was younger, me and Nate would spend hours up here." Or buildings similar, anywhere with a roof and view really, all equally as calming.
"You've mentioned Nate before, he's your older brother right?" It's only ever been Victor that Streets shared any stories of Nate with, they almost all involve low grade illegal activities and while the others would never say anything outright, they'd silently judge it.
"Yes. I miss him." For some reason the words are quiet, Street didn't intend to whisper it, he hadn't even thought about his volume, he can't seem to place why he would be so quiet saying it. Of course he misses Nate, he's never doubted that, it's not a secret, yet the words are more of a breath than anything, if Tan wasn't so close he probably wouldn't be able to hear it.
"I'm sorry baby." Victor turns on his side, Street quickly mirrors him so they're facing.
"Yes, it is, is..." The word doesn't come out of his throat, it stays stuck like thick honey dripping from a spoon, unable to fully fall.
"Sad?" Tan fills in with curl of his lips, a contrite look in his eyes.
"Yes, sad." Something along the lines of pain twinges in Streets chest, grief maybe, but that seems absurd as Nate is not dead, nobody has shown up on Streets doorstep muttering those few nightmarish words saying his brother has passed, so Street has to assume Nate is okay.
"Nate would like tonight." Definitely. The cars whooshing by, the colorful lights around, the sky changing to a haze of purplish blue to signify nighttime, Nate would enjoy it all and probably talk nonstop about how gorgeous it all is.
"Do you like tonight?"
"Yes. I like laying up here with you, it's comfortable." He’s slept on enough floors throughout the years that the rooftop under them doesn't bother his back like it probably would Hondo or Chris.
"I like when you do that."
"Do what?" To Streets knowledge, tonight is like every other night aside from them coming here.
"When you talk without filtering yourself, you always seem more relaxed." Oh, Street knows his speech pattern can change depending on the situation or how much energy he has to 'mask' as some would say; but he never thought anyone had noticed it since he moved to La.
"You don't find it annoying?" A couple of people in Long Beach have commented about it bugging them that Street always talked so straightforward and choppy like.
"No, it's just you being you. I like it, feels natural."
"Thank you.” A warm smile comes to Streets face, he sighs contently before tipping his head til it meets the side of Tans, not fully laid against one another but touching. Just enough.
“Course baby.”
Victor doesn’t say anything after that. They both just lay there, listening to the cars and people, looking up as the sky switches from color to color before falling dark. Even then, neither move, they stay laying in the comfort of the night.
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While overcoming recent heartbreak, you decide to join Tinder in search of a rebound. Your friends advise to just Swipe Right indiscriminately... What happens when 4 soldiers from the same squad match with you?
141 x Reader
poly!141 x Reader
The Beginning:
Red - Johnny
Orange - Kyle
Blue - John
Purple - Simon
Green - All of them
1 - Kyle
2 - Johnny
3 - Simon
4 - John?
6 - John.
7 - Getting Laid!! 😈🌶️
8 - Awooga?
9 - Drinks?
10 - SIMON?!
11 - Excuse me?
12 - A date?
13 - Yes, and?
14 - (B)romance?
15 - Mo leannan
16 - Teeth.
17 - Guard dogs.
18 - Picnic.
19 - Slippery Slope. 😈🌶️
20 - Control 😈🌶️
22 - What is it about you?
22.5 - Cardiff, London, Cairo, Cabo, Tel Aviv. 😈🌶️(mini chapter)
23 - Kiss and Tell?
24 - Pokémon
25 - Soap..................?
26 - Smart mouth 😈🌶️
Pre-27 - Away (mini chapter)
27 - Peace and Quiet
28 - How in the-
29 - Taking Turns
30 - Playing House.
31 - Uh-Oh.
32 - No Harm Done.
33 - Do You Think?
More chapters - COMING SOON!
Click here to see some fanart of "it's a match" chapter 14 "(B)romance)?" by my lovely moot @xxshadowbabexx.
THE TAGLIST IS OFFICIALLY CLOSED, not accepting any more requests! (I'm sorry, there's just too many people on it)
taglist below the cut
@daisychainsinknots , @bunnysdaydreams , @iite-cool , @lahniu , @pagesfalling , @tapioca-milktea1978 , @live-love-be-unique , @thelaisydazy , @littleghosthunter , @bossva , @emotion-no-hot-yes-hotel-trivago , @chamomiletealeaf , @ghosts-hoe , @kariiiel , @ltbarnes , @irregulardongyoung , @spacelia , @hayleybarnesx , @infpt-zylith , @xxshadowbabexx , @frescoisnotinthemilitary , @leeeenistop , @lucienbarkbark
@severenswife , @enarien, @agoodmoviekiss , @l0lziez , @whos-fran , @greatstormcat , @openup-yourmind , @neoarchipelago , @sodavrr , @cutiecusp , @lilliumrorum , @c-nstantine , @kneelforloki , @comeonatmebruh , @codsunshine , @waiting-so-long , @captainquake42 , @gazspookiebear , @mynameismisty , @reap3erslov3 , @reaper-chan666 , @poohkie90 , @kitwithnokat , @stick-the-dumbass , @mothsdrabbles , @justanerd1 , @thesinsoflust , @thriving-n-jiving , @blckbrrybasket
3K notes · View notes
shotmrmiller · 8 months
All the nurses are confused why there 4 large men crowding around the baby in your hospital room.
Price is a baby hog: imma say it. He wanted to be a dad so bad, it’s all of their kid! but, Price will hip check anyone out of the way to be the first to hold the baby. Gaz acknowledges the baby, adores the baby but, he beelines to you. Right now? You need his attention and affection. You’re his priority, he’ll have his baby time eventually.
Soap wants the baby SO FUCKING BAD! But nothing is going to make Price put the baby down (Except you, he’ll gladly hand the baby over to you) Soap’s acting like a crackhead looking for his next hit. Simon doesn’t want to hold the baby yet, he’s fine watching for now… he pokes the baby ngl
Gaz rocks along with whomever is rocking the baby. (It’s a thing) A subconscious thing, someone else has the baby, bouncing it, Gaz his rocking and bouncing in sync with them. His voice turns soft and sweet whenever he talks to the baby. When it’s Gaz time? It’s soft and sweet calm down time.
Soap holds the baby in increasingly weirder ways the older the baby gets. Like, that kid is nothing but a rugby ball to Soap. He randomly bites the baby. Not like ‘chomp’ but, like mouths the baby’s chubby cheeks. MAN HANDLES baby! Not too rough, just to get the giggles going. When it’s Soap time? It’s high energy fun time.
Price is a baby head sniffer, a coddler, the one who’s scolded most about holding the baby too much. They’re not going to want to be put down! “Well, why do you think I got these muscles for? So I can hold them s’long as they want! Mind your own damn business!” When it’s Price time? It’s Stern loving care with no nonsense.
And Simon, oh Simon. Simon is the worrier. He checks to see if the baby is breathing every 20 minutes, he has *everything* on hand. Blankie’s, dummies, hats, extra socks, anything that baby needs? Simon has. He’s the one they’ll run too when they need anything. When it’s Simon time? It’s dumb jokes, happy giggles quiet time.
They- they have a girl. They’re all girl dads, no question.
(Poly baby au. You’re the Squad’s girl and it’s their baby)
You inspired me.
(That and I just became an Auntie and, disgustingly, have baby-fever. I hope it goes away soon)
THEIR BABYYY!!! i need a poly au baby or im gonna lose my goddamn mind.
Can you imagine like the nurse being like so, who's the father? only for 4 hands to go up.
oooookay...who's the biological father? Simon, bless his tactless soul just bluntly says, "We all fu-err, sleep with her."
The nurse just sighs. "Someone needs to fill out the paternity acknowledgement form and the baby needs to have a last name."
Johnny thinks that it should have all of theirs because MacPrilerrick is definitely something that should go on paper.
But the genetics are obvious, so the baby's last name is Garrick.
Price is the one that rips his shirt off for skin-to-skin time, though. "Everyone piss off."
Johnny would totally cackle at him like, "Yer gonna smother the bairn with yer chest hair, Cap." Because his body hair situation is that much better.
Kyle's softly speaking with the nurses, asking them a bunch of questions they're more than happy to answer.
Simon's simply staring at the baby, because why is she so small? You'll pull him out of his reverie with a soft touch to his wrist. "You won't hurt her. There's no place safer for the baby than in your arms, hm?" He has to sit down to hold her because his knees spaghetti.
Congratulations!! The newborn phase is the best. They just smell like BABY.
I could eat them right up.
175 notes · View notes
INTRODUCTION AND BOUNDARIES !!! (important, read all)
This is a blog specifically dedicated to a subsystem of (primarily) MHA fictives, known as the Vanguard Action Squad 2.0 :3
When referring to us as a whole, you can call us Tomu, Mimi, or Linden
we will not specify our views on many things, but when we do, do not try to change them. you can specify your own views, and we will respect them, but I can assure you our views will not change unless we have a good reason.
we are bodily a minor, and have no specific opinions on radqueers and endos as they change a lot. however, both are welcome on my page, and transID's can be added to Alter Packs or ID Packs on request.
Services We Offer:
we can make alter packs, ID packs, and any other services you request. we will try our best to fulfil all requests to a high standard.
Asks can also be used to ask questions for a specific alter, especially about source. go wild with what you ask, as long as you don't overstep bounderies.
Individual Bounderies + Introductions:
Tomura Shigaraki:
-he/him/it& pronouns (tho don't really care what you call me)
-20 (in headspace)
-trying to become the new host 🔥
-video game enjoyer
-dont call me crusty 😭
-Refer to me by my full name or first name, but never just "Shigaraki"
-Asks: can send asks about video games, source or pretty much anything ngl
-Things I'll make: Alter packs, ID packs, stimboards, fanart
-signoff: -Tomura or -🧷
-Bounderies: I don't mind dm's, as long as they don't get overly flirty or aggressive.
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-he/they prns :D
-21 (in headspace)
-Bisexual king >;3
-we use a lot of emoticons and will also switch between singular and plural pronouns :3
-its Twice, not Jin
-Asks: I'm open to just about anything, just please do not send me asks about Hawks :>
-Things I'll Make(on request) : Alter Packs, ID Packs
-Signoff: -Twice or -🎭
-Bounderies: I am open to dm's, and am openly looking for friends or maybe even a partner :D
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-they&/it& pronouns
-16 (in headspace)
-Tokoyami introject
-dont mind the nicknames Fumi/Toko, assuming we get close enough to use nicknames
-yes, dark shadow still lives inside me, and is still sentient. we don't consider him another headmate, but I& consider myself as a headmate plural because of it.
-Asks: open to anything, will answer all asks
-Things I& will make: Alter Packs, Stimboards, ID packs, any other requests
-Signoff: -Fumikage
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-she/they pronouns ^w^
-14-19 (in headspace, age slider)
-bi and poly :0
-uses lots of silly little emoji thingys ^^
-very source connected
-Asks: anything, literally!! I love answering questions ^^
-Things I'll make: ID Packs, Alter Packs, fanart ^^
-signoff: -Himiko -🌸🩸
-Bounderies: please DM omg ^^ looking for friends / partner 🙏🏽🙏🏽
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Jin Bubaigawara:
-31 (in headspace)
-another Twice introject (well, Jin not Twice, but yeah)
-aromantic pansexual
-Asks: anything, I'll deny it if it makes me uncomfortable tho
-Things I'll do/make: anon confessions, alter packs, ID packs
-signoff: -Jin or -Bubaigawara
-Bounderies: dm's are open, just be cautious
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-i won't say much about him, he's a child
-any pronouns
-4-10 (age slider, headspace)
-Asks: open to ask
-Will make: nothing. he won't interact with the blog that much as he is much younger than the other owners. he may come online and answer a few asks when he feels confident though
-signoff: -Tenko or -Shimura
-if you somehow manage to get close with him, he might let you call them Ten
-they are looking for a caregiver, if anyone would be interested
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-17(in headspace)
-Tomura's brother, neither villain nor hero
-panromantic ace, demiromantic
-Asks: go ahead, ask anything
-Things I'll do: anything, upon request
-signoff: -Izu, -Zuku, -Deku, -🌸
-bounderies: dm's are open :D
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-yeah, I'm another Shigaraki 😭
-gaming ngl... >>>
-aroace in a wayy! greyromantic as well
-i like things to do with rot and death
-Asks: anything.
-Things I'll do: anything requested, but I particularly like making fictive alter packs
-signoff: -🎮, -Shigaraki, -Shiggy
-bounderies: DM, tho I may not always answer
Tagging System:
Alter packs:
𝖍𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖒𝖆𝖙𝖊 𝖈𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖙𝖊𝖉 𝖇𝖞 . . . 🧷 Tomura
𝖍𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖒𝖆𝖙𝖊 𝖈𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖙𝖊𝖉 𝖇𝖞 . . . 🌪️ Twice
𝖍𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖒𝖆𝖙𝖊 𝖈𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖙𝖊𝖉 𝖇𝖞 . . . 🎭 Jin
𝖍𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖒𝖆𝖙𝖊 𝖈𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖙𝖊𝖉 𝖇𝖞 . . . 🌸🩸 Himiko
𝖍𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖒𝖆𝖙𝖊 𝖈𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖙𝖊𝖉 𝖇𝖞 . . . Fumikage
𝖍𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖒𝖆𝖙𝖊 𝖈𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖙𝖊𝖉 𝖇𝖞 . . . 🌸 Izuku
𝖍𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖒𝖆𝖙𝖊 𝖈𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖙𝖊𝖉 𝖇𝖞 . . . 🎮 Shigaraki
(all self explanatory)
𝖍𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖒𝖆𝖙𝖊 𝖈𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖙𝖊𝖉 𝖇𝖞 . . . an unknown entity . . .
(was created by another headmate)
Text posts:
⋆.˚🦋༘⋆Tomura's decay
˚˖𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒✧˚.🎀༘⋆Himiko's rambles (^-^)
⋆.˚✮🎧✮˚.⋆Twice's rambles (^-^)
🫧𓇼𓏲*ੈ✩‧₊˚🎐Jin's textposts
🌊☆⋆。🪼𖦹°‧★🐚Tenko's chatter :3
༘⋆₊ ⊹★🔭๋࣭ ⭑⋆。˚ Fumikage's musings
˙✧˖°📷 ༘ ⋆。˚ Izuku's notes
🦇💀🌿🦷 Shigaraki's rot
(self explanatory)
System related posts:
𓇼 🌊 🐚Headspace notes
୧ ‧₊˚ 🍂 ⋅New headmate intro!!
୭🧷✧˚. ᵎᵎ 🎀Other system posts!!
✧˖°ʚ🍓ɞ♡ Izuku's jokes
🌷🧺*:・ Himiko's sillies ^w^
★🎸🎧⋆。 °⋆ Fumikage's memes
🪬🫧🫶🏻🤍 Tomura's sh*tposts
˚⋆°˖ ~ 🍂࿔ ฅ Twice's memezz :PP
‧₊˚🖇️✩ ₊˚🎧⊹ ♡ Jin's jokes
✩°。⋆⸜ 🎧✮ Tenko's sillies !
___ ★₊˚﹟🪐 ' Shigarakis shizz
(self explanatory)
coining posts:
¸.*☆*.¸ that's my shiz 🔥 (self indulgent)
★🎸🎧⋆。 °⋆ coined by Fumikage
˚‧。⋆🌻⋆。‧˚ coined by Izuku
⋆˚🐾˖° coined by Twice
ᝰ.ᐟ꩜ coined by Jin !!
⋆ ִֶָ ๋𓂃🎐 ⋆ coined by Tomura
˚˖𓍢ִ໋🦢˚ coined by Shigaraki
˚ ༘ .˚🌱୭ ˚. ᵎᵎ coined by Himiko (^-^)
ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 .ᐟ 🧸ྀི coined by Izuku
(self explanatory)
𓍢ִ໋🀦⃝🪼〰꩜ a new identity . . .
(TransID coin)
。⋆༘˚⋆𐙚。⋆𖦹.✧˚ addicted to you . . .
(xenosexuality coin)
⋆。° ✮ pretty :0
(flag design / redesign)
𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒ show them what you're made of !!
(gender/gender term coin)
ᝰ.ᐟ꩜ let's go !!
(system term coin)
⋆。° ✮ let's party !!
(other term coin)
•|☆✨🌕☆•| Fumikage's abyss
🍙♡ ‹𝟹㊗🎧 Izuku's hero notebook 🔥
˚˖𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒✧˚.🎀༘⋆ Himiko's blood collection
.° ༘🎧⋆🖇₊˚ෆ Tomura's hands
ﮩـﮩﮩ٨ـ🫀ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ٨ـ Jin's collection
˙ ✩°˖🫐 ⋆。˚꩜ Twice's reblogs ^w^
𓇼🐚☾☼🦪 Tenko's stuffz
🎐🫧🦋🧿💠🌀 Shigaraki's video game collection
(all self explanatory)
(yes, I spamtagged this for reach 😭)
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deathzy · 1 month
I love when ppl ship my fav ship chars w other chars (for real I enjoy how different people think Abt their different dynamics) so tell me Abt 2145/3033 (I KNEW someone would do this if enough ppl read CaW because they also have potential)
- heckthis-heckallofthis
i been their numberone shipper since started reading friends and they give off friends to lovers SO bad. they both say they aren't gay then goes off to do homosexual stuff. EVERYTIME THEIR TOGETHER THEY ACT LIKE THEIR MARRIED FOR 20 YEARS. and that one christmas scene where 2145 told 3033 that squad leader wouldnt do that AAUGHHH. those eyes are not eyes of a heterosexual. their dynamic clash too well no wonder their just friends.
(if squad leader want some love he can poly with them frfr,,/j)
theres zero ship art of them and they have potential to be such a cool friends to lovers pair <</3
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Sims tag
Thanks to those who tagged me~
1. what’s your favorite sims death?
satellite. It's so sudden and random and weird. Death be that way sometimes.
2. Alpha CC or Maxis Match?
whatever makes my game look like a dog ate a box of crayons and vomited all over everything
3. Do you cheat when your sims gain weight?
hell nah, I have too many skinny bitches in my game as it is
4. Do you use move objects?
religiously, and then I yell at my sims when they throw routing errors
5. Favorite mod?
whichever one makes the hobby NPCs go fuck themselves
6. First expansion/game/stuff pack you got?
I got university from the library lol but I think the first one I owned was open for business, which was a revelation at the time. I always wanted nightlife but was too afraid to ask my mom for it cause it looked SEXY. now, as an adult, can confirm nightlife is the best one. but I am a sexual deviant, so.
7.  Do you pronounce “live mode” like aLIVE or LIVing?
in my head it's like "aLIVE" but from a linguistic perspective I gotta concede that the "LIVing" pronunciation makes more sense because it's consistent with the other modes (buy/build) which are verbs not adjectives
8. Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made?
I hate all my loser sims I guess I have a sweet spot for a child sim I made back when I was a child. She lived in a trailer, had big droopy eyes like Brittany Spears, and was named Miami.
9.  Have you made a simself?
yeah I basically always have one but she's a townie. to play her would be weird. here's the bitch
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10. What sims traits do you give yourself?
sloppy and lazy yeeeeeee
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11. Which is your favorite EA hair color?
the custom mohawk colors bro
12. Favorite EA hair?
this bitch still has a hold on me
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13. Favorite life stage?
I like teens, they're so sassy, getting them to do their homework sucks but also unlike children they can just get bad grades, nobody cares
14. Are you a builder or are you in it for the game play?
I'm a builder but I'm trying not to give up on gameplay. It's not working.
15. Are you a CC creator?
not really, I like recoloring things to look like an 80s train-wreck though
16. Do you have any simblr friends/a sims squad?
.....there are sim-cliques?
17. What’s your favorite game (1,2,3,4)?
sims 3 is hideous (sorry bout it), sims 4 has lovely landscapes but the gameplay is akin to watching paint dry. I'm sure I'll love the sims 1 once I get around to playing it. I like creepy weird stuff.
18. Do you have any sims merch?
i wouldnt let myself be seen dead in sims merch also fuck EA
19. Do you have a youtube for sims?
I have too much CC to also run a screen recorder without tons of crashing lol I have no self control
20. How has your “sims style” changed throughout your years of playing?
with every passing day i am more of a builder and more of a maximalist also i keep making animal sims now like some kind of furry *shudders*
21. What’s your origin ID?
lol just say no to origin
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22. Who’s your favorite cc creator?
who made the baby bbq? them
23. How long have you had a simblr?
since 2017. I was a baby in undergrad then. making sims stories was like my therapy. now im an adult with real therapy.
24. How do you edit your pictures?
I churn them mindlessly through photoscape generally. anything else is too much work.
25. What expansion/game/stuff pack do you want next?
I'm not sure who has/hasn't done this. I'll tag @sicksadsim, @pixelatedpanic, @letomills, @snapdragoned, @ivycopur, @bubuthejedi, @lifetime-want
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vxnillite · 1 year
OC OT3 drabble
"Hundreds of years ago, they fell in love, like we did"
a little action x reincarnation au (with a twist) brought to you by Timeless by Taylor Swift because i assigned that song to my partner's OC pair from Avatar (idk if Coda has a tumblr but i will update this with his username if he does)
anywho, meant to be just PragerSpence but my poly heart yearned for just a tiny bit of ot3 (JaPragerSpence) in some form :) i love them dearly and i regret not writing them until now
Phoebe Spence ©️ Coda (@/so.oty on ig)
Prager and Ja ©️ Avatar (not claiming them, tho Coda assigned first names for them and i used them here)
Disclaimer: The Na'vi is called "hostiles" by Prager here. No, I do not believe that they should literally be described with such prejudiced language. I only used it in the parts where it appears because those parts are written from the perspective of an RDA soldier who would, more likely than not, hold such beliefs against the Na'vi. I don't condone using derogatory words such as 'hostiles' to call the Na'vi like the RDA does in the movie. Personally, I don't see them that way either, and I wrote those parts simply to fit Prager's perspective.
Mercs and soldiers ran down the hall towards the hangar, all geared up and ready to head out to battle at a moment's notice. Their heavy footsteps were like thunder to Prager, who was marching off in the opposite direction. 
Ever since Quaritch declared all-out war with the natives, something was boiling deep inside Prager's stomach. It made him queasy, almost lightheaded if he really focused on it. Only something very specific would alleviate the feeling. Prager was walking—running now—to where he knew this something would be.
His gut had been telling him something bad was going to happen. That something was going to happen to her.
More soldiers were piling out of the armoury when he arrived, but he pushed through the crowd, invigorated more so when he sighted the familiar, bright red ponytail he'd been looking for for the past 20 minutes. Prager grabbed the person's arm and whipped her around to face him.
"Oh, geez, Prager, it's just you. What are you doin' here," Spence asked, rightfully confused, "You're supposed to be gearin' up in your AMP!"
Unable to ignore that twisted feeling in his stomach, Prager let the urgency in her voice fly over his head. He answered, "I need to tell you something, Spence."
His grip on her arm was tight. Spence had noticed that much. Normally, she wouldn't take so lightly of Prager acting out of protocol, but the storm brewing in his eyes gave him away. Spence put a reassuring hand on Prager's, and she mustered up a smile, one warm enough despite the circumstances.
"You can tell me after we come back, alright?"
"Please, it's important," he asserted, "I don't think—"
"We'll have time for it over cold beer and dinner." She gave him three pats on the hand. "Now, come on. They need all hands on deck for this one."
There was no getting through with her, he figured. With a sigh, Prager let go of her arm and nodded.
"Alright," he said.
He turned back towards the exit, but Spence grabbed his arm, just like he did, and gave it a squeeze. When he looked back at her, Prager saw her smiling up at him, bright blue eyes and rosy cheeks blurring out everything else in sight.
"I'm curious still, y'know," she said tautly, as if her tongue was itching to say something else. It was—unbeknownst to him. But she never pressed on, just added, "So, don't die on me, 'kay?"
Prager managed a smile even though his stomach just did a flip. "Copy that."
Prager waited alongside the ground troops, anticipating the natives to come in droves while still tuning in intently to their squad's radio. He communicated almost religiously to his corporal up until the enemy arrived.
The ground troops rained bullets on the few waves of hostiles that charged in on horseback. Prager had to pretend like he wasn't at all fazed as people at either side of him were getting shot down with those pesky arrows. But for every RDA merc that went down, three or four natives fell to the ground. Prager was not about to become complacent though. He kept the trigger, rearing his guns wherever he saw blue coming in from the foliage, from behind the trees.
The natives weren't getting anywhere near them, it seemed. A technologically-powered barrage against their medieval, solo target weapons? It was just common sense.
Against the muted thunder of raining bullets, his comms suddenly crackled. A single, desperate voice came through.
Then Spence's line went dead.
Prager's hand flew to his neck. He pressed down hard on the tiny, metal button, and called out in a single, ragged breath.
But he could not wait for a response. Beside him, Lyle ordered a charge. The ground troops charged.
Prager was a seasoned soldier. He's fought in war zones, and kept his focus sharp as a needle while he did. But the scene before him now was suddenly a blur. A bloody, chaotic blur bombarded by choppers dropping bombs on the battlefield. Meanwhile, his aim was just running wild. He was still hitting the enemy, but those were just blind shots.
Spence called out to him. Her voice screamed his name. Prager wanted nothing more than to turn back, look for where she was. People can survive helicopter crashes, right?
But if she didn't survive…
Prager grounded himself as best as he could, and the battlefield came into crisp focus. In front of him, the enemy was retreating, fleeing deeper into the forest in swathes of blue. These people… Hostiles… They killed Spence and everyone in that chopper with her, along with many of his brothers and sisters at arms.
Prager flexed his fingers, then tightened them. The mechanical arms that mirrored his own were now tightly holding the machine gun in its hands.
Make them pay.
A new wave of shots was fired, one fuelled by white hot rage unparalleled in Prager's entire life. Not when his father hit his mom, not when his brother bailed out on them, not when his mom so flimsily excused the bruises that never afforded young James a good night's rest.
The fight was no longer about the war between the RDA and some alien race. Not for Prager, at least.
When the last of the natives had either fled or dropped dead, finally, Prager stopped. His entire body trembled with aftershocks of his anger that was yet to die down—it was only just simmering for now.
Behind him, the rest of the ground troops had stopped, too. Lyle said something about keeping an eye out for a second wave. The ground started shaking, then more and more so with every passing second.
Prager looked up. All he saw was a swirl of greens, blues, and purples. It was coming right at him.
A spike of pain covering his entire chest woke James up into a state of shock and panic. He sat up and looked at his hands. Gone were the bizarre, metal things that ran up to his fingers, and all he found was a thin coat of cold sweat. The rest of his body was covered in it, too.
A shrill ringing startled James even more. He whipped to his bedside table and frantically grabbed the phone. The lit up screen read an unusual date.
8:30 AM — August 1, 2052
James opted to turn the alarm off. He only had two seconds to get his wits about him when a groan came from beside him. The sheets that laid and bunched up on the base of his stomach and carried onto an unidentified lump next to him rustled slowly. Then, James saw the red hair.
James watched as an arm stretched out from under the sheets, then pushed it off to reveal his stunning c—fiancée.
"Babe, what's gotten you so startled," she yawned adorably, "Had a nightmare?"
A good 5 seconds after that was spent by Prager just staring at Phoebe. It was just enough time for her to gather her wits about her.
"Is there som—"
James cut her off with a hug, which was more like a squeeze, to be specific. The sick feeling in his stomach, the tight knot in his chest, the constant pulsing in his head… it all faded within seconds as he sank into her embrace and Phoebe pulled him in deeper.
"God, Jamie, you're so shaken up…"
James found his voice soon enough. "Just a nightmare, ma chérie," he answered as he wrapped his arms tighter around her. A huge breath of relief escapes him.
"Well, it sounds like it was awful," she said while rubbing his back. "Do you want to talk about it?"
Instead of answering, James threw at her his own question. "Phoebe, what do you think dreams are?"
Phoebe's hands stopped moving, and they just laid still on the broad of his back. Without pulling away, James knew she had the most adorable pout on her lips. She always did that when she was thinking, no matter how deep in thought she was.
"Well, I read the other day that dreams are, like, snippets of another life. Past or future." Hints of interest lightly laced her tone. She continued, "It's a pretty cool idea. Cooler than dreams just being recycled shit of our everyday life because I've had some weird ass dreams."
James hummed. Then he pulled away. His hands slid down to Phoebe's, and he held them gently.
"Indulge me, then, chérie," he said, brushing his thumbs over her knuckles. He looked into her eyes. "If any of our past and future lives were to intertwine, would we still be together?"
Phoebe's lips cracked into the brightest, warmest smile. She cradled his cheek in one hand, and James leaned in.
With the voice of a gentle spring breeze, she answered, "As long as we keep meeting, I'd pick you in every lifetime, Jamie."
Then she kissed him softly, smiling into his lips. James kissed her back, smiling just the same.
"And I wouldn't waste a second to tell you how much I love you."
Just as James was about to say something to that, the door flew wide open.
"Enough sappy shit, you two," Alexander boomed as he stood in the doorway with nothing but an apron and a proud smirk on his face, "Breakfast is served!"
Phoebe bloomed anew. She pecked James on the lips and raced out the door, but not before sparing her other fiancé an identical kiss.
Both men look on to where Phoebe had run off to. Alexander laughed to himself, then turned to James.
"C'mon, handsome," he grinned, "I made your favourite this time."
James felt like a big warm blanket was just tossed over him. His heart was bathing in that tenderness, and it showed in his smile. He got out of bed, unbothered that he was only in his boxers, and came over to give his fiancé a soft forehead kiss.
"You were twitching a lot in your sleep," Alexander said. "Everything okay?"
James nodded. "Just a little nightmare. I've already forgotten about it."
That was true. For a moment, James truly tried to rack his brain to retrieve any sliver of memory. Yet, there was nothing. Dreams were fleeting, the memory of them even more so. If this one was meant to be forgotten, then James would let it be.
But for just a fraction of a second, he thought to ask his fiancé if the word 'Pandora' meant anything to him.
"Alright, then." Alexander squeezed James' arm reassuringly. "And I've forgotten something, too."
James pushed his initial question to the back of his mind. "Ah, and what might that be," he asked, "Mon chouchou?"
"Extra flour. So if Phoebe finishes your parfaits, we're having boring, buttered toast for breakfast."
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solesommerso · 2 years
- ♡ Kinktober Project ♡-
prompt: soft
- the content below is 18+, if a minor or uncomfortable with sexual content please click away, I am not responsible for the media you consume or interact with
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.───
ploy!20 squad, jim street x chris alonso centric
a/n: can you tell this was supposed to be a fully fleshed out fic? Mmmmm gotta love burn out
warnings: d/s dynamic, soft sub!street, dom!chris, strap use
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Chris has to shift a hand over her mouth to not chuckle, she honestly can't believe she's watching what she is.
Street is currently doing everything in his power to get Hondos attention, which is weird in of itself, but Hondos oblivious to it all. Streets only in boxers and a hoodie, his legs thrown over Hondos thighs, head leaned on his shoulder, all but begging for Hondo to make a move. Streets usually not the one to initiate sex or things of the type, he looks desperate right now, something Chris can say she's never seen in her partner.
"Hondo." Street hisses after shifting for the millionth time to try and get Hondo to even look at him.
"What's up baby?" Street huffs, rolling his eyes like he can't believe he's doing this to himself, then he throws his legs to straddle over Hondos lap, pressing his lips heatedly to Hondos when he does.
It makes Chris recoil a moment, grinning over to Deacon who's shaking his head with a smirk, Tan and Luca are no better. The movie the partners were watching quickly got abandoned when Street walked down the stairs with no pants on but now it's like it was never, they're all too entranced in watching how Streets making out with Hondo like his life depends on it.
"Street- Street, let me breathe." Hondo pulls his head back but gets a whine as a response, another thing Chris hasn't seen in Street til tonight.
"Was that a whine?" Hondo asks with slight hesitation, Streets cheeks instantly go red as he goes to hide his face in Hondos neck, groaning when Hondo lets out a small chuckle.
"Never heard you whine before." He comments and Street just groans again.
"Hondo, please." It's a plea, boarding on a beg, Streets hips grind down as he says it, tightening his arms around Hondos shoulders, and starting to press open mouthed kisses against Hondos neck.
Chris can't deny the blush that coats her cheeks at seeing her partners in the state, nobody else in the room seems to be doing any better. This is the most submissive she's ever seen Street- wait- Street said he was a switch when they first started dating, they've just yet to see his sub side, but this definitely isn't how he is when he's dominant.
"Street?" Chris pipes up, Street lifts his head to turn to her.
"Are you in your sub headspace?" She figures being blunt is better than trying to dance around the question. Streets cheeks go impossibly more red, his eyes ducking away from Chris's quickly.
"I'm sorry." It's a whisper that makes Hondos hand fly to hold the side of Streets face.
"No, no baby, you don't need to apologize. You're allowed to not be dominant all the time." Hondo assures, Street nods along slowly.
"Is that why you're all over Hondo?" Street shrugs.
"He was just the first person I saw when I walked in. Don't care about who it is." Hondos mouth falls ajar, Street doesn't see it as he's staring to Chris but it's just a little funny.
"Why don't you come sit on my lap then?" Street doesn't even look back to Hondo, he simply crawls over to Chris and settles across her thighs quickly.
"You just wanna make out?" It's not unheard of for Street to just want to sit and make out.
"Wanna feel you in me." He replies, leaning to start kissing at Chris's collarbone where it sits showing around her tank top. She's yet to actually fuck Street, all of them haven't, he's always been the one in charge.
"Okay baby, wanna go upstairs?" All of their partners would probably silently protest it as they're all busy drooling over Street but a bed might be more comfortable than the couch.
"Wanna stay right here, want you now." Chris settles her hands on Streets waist, trying to urge him off so she can go get her strap from upstairs but Street gives a pout.
"You really don't want me to leave?" He shakes his head, blinking at Chris with thick lashes and jutted out bottom lip.
"Deac can you grab me what I need?" Deacon sputters a moment, obviously too busy staring to think he was going to get asked anything, but he stumbles up the stairs anyways.
"What are we feeling tonight baby? Anything in particular?" Chris runs her hand into Streets hair, smiling wide when he groans with the touch.
"Wanna be needy." Needy, a word Chris has never used to describe Street or would think he would either. Sex is almost always about the others pleasure with him, there's not a single time Chris can place Street getting off before his partners have.
"You can be needy, I'll take care of you."
He's such a cast different to how Luca or Tan act in their sub spaces, they're both on the bratty end of things, Luca being far worse than Tan but even Tan has his moments. Street hasn't shown a hint of that, he's just sweet and shy, hiding into Chris when she murmurs about the small wet stain on the front of Streets boxers.
Let me prep you baby." Chris smooths her hand up Streets side, relishing in the way his thighs already jump.
"Don't need to." Chris quirks a brow.
"Tried to take care of myself earlier, wasn't enough." Street mumbles out, his cheeks running a red color down his neck and chest, Chris hums along with her hand keeping at his side.
"Why wouldn't you just come down here? I'm sure one of us would've been willing to help you, kinda what we're here for." Even Tan has a dominant side to him.
"Didn't wanna be annoying." Chris feels her face fall a second, luckily Street doesn't see it but Chris makes a mental note to herself to try and work on Streets confidence when it comes to his submissive side.
"You'll never annoy us pretty boy." Street whimpers and Chris has to tilt her head to try and see his face, she's yet to push in but something caused that noise.
"You- you think I'm pretty?" Alonso cups her free hand to Streets jaw, making him meet her eyes before she smiles softly.
"You are very pretty, you are always pretty to me." Street stuffs his face into her neck with a muffled groan.
"You like it when I call you that? Hm baby, you like being pretty?" Not exactly the compliment Chris assumed Street would ever be into but definitely not one she's opposed to.
"Chris. Want you, now." He begs, Chris can call it that now as Streets dick jumps between the two with a bead of pre-cum leaking out. She gets lined up and pushed in quickly, absolutely drowning in the loud noises Street let's out as she settles in him, he's louder tonight than she's ever heard, it's making all the partners red in the face.
"How's that feel baby?" She taps a finger at Streets waist so he leans back, eyes rolling when his hips move with the motion.
"Good, s'good. Wanna- wanna move."
"You can move, we're not waiting for anything." Streets thighs clench around Chris's, shifting himself up and down slowly, it has to be enough with how loud he is already. Definitely not the roughness Chris is use to when she fucks Luca or Tan, but Streets given her no reason to even consider punishing him.
"You can go faster sweetheart." Street shakes his head, hands resting gently on Chris shoulders for stability.
"Don't wanna. But- but I can if that's what you want, is- is that what you want?" Street backtracks within seconds, his tone going from pleasured to serious yet unsure, hips stopping as he stares at Chris with wide eyes.
"No, no, baby you do whatever feels good for you. It's not about me right now." A beat passes before Street nods and goes back to thrusting himself slowly off Chris.
Alonso reminds herself to school her expression, but her mind runs with questions of why Street would ever be so reluctant about saying what he wants. She can't imagine he thinks he's in trouble for anything, he's been nothing but sweet. Chris can say that this is some of the most gentle and tender sex she's ever had, but the way Streets voice wobbled is stuck in her brain.
"Chris, m'close." Streets whine brings her back to reality.
"You can come baby, I'm right here." He nods, hiding back into Chris's neck as he does, she starts to mutter small praises and such into Streets hair, rubbing her hands up his back with each thrust of her strap.
It's still slow and soft, but Streets hips stutter to a stop not long after Chris starts pumping her hips when his would grind down. The amount of come that spurts out of Street takes Chris a bit off guard, she's never seen him finish that much, it coats across her stomach and drips down Streets shaft even as he stops moving his hips.
"Such a good boy, so good for me." Chris presses a kiss into the side of Streets head as he catches his breath, still stuffed into her neck with small puffs of hot air warming Chris's skin.
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It's a Match! || poly!141 x Reader
[Chapter 19] || [Chapter 21]
Rating: E Pairing: Gaz x Reader x Ghost x Soap || 141 x gn!Reader Words: 2.1K~ cw: SMUT, SMUT, SMUT, protected sex, ejaculation, voyeurism (in person and digital). Summary: While overcoming recent heartbreak, you decide to join Tinder in search of a rebound. Your friends advise to just Swipe Right indiscriminately... What happens when 4 soldiers from the same squad match with you? a/n: he's their (under)boss for a reason.
My dumbass was in such a hurry I forgot to tag my lovely @mothymunson who encouraged me to write this when I was lost where to fit it + gave me extra ideas for the dynamic! 🫶
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Chapter 20: Control
It’s been two weeks since that lazy Sunday you spent with Johnny. He had to leave in a hurry, departing on a mission, unable to tell you where he’d be going or when he’d be back…
Simon and Kyle were already on a mission of their own by Sunday so… You’ve spent these last two weeks alone.
It’s been quiet without them… And frankly… a bit lonely.
You used to like having time to yourself after the break-up… But now?
You’ve been with Leah and Mia for dinner a couple times… And although you love your girlfriends, and enjoyed yourself greatly while gossiping with them (and my, my, did you gossip) you find yourself missing Simon, Kyle and Johnny.
It’s 5:30 P.M. on Wednesday and you’re in your kitchen, making something quick for dinner, when there’s a knock on your door.
Eyes squinting in surprise at the lack of expected guests, you immediately think the worst. It’s Ethan. It’s Ethan and he’s pissed that Johnny and Simon fucked him up and he’s here for revenge and you’re alone and-
“Sweetheart, it’s me.” Simon’s voice from the other side of the door relaxes you and you rush across the sitting room and pull open the door.
“Bloody hell, you spooked me!” You say softly as you look up at him. He’s still in full gear and slightly out of breath, as if he ran over to your house the moment he landed on base.
“Hi!” You greet as he pulls off his mask and wraps his arms around you. He steps inside, making you step back with him as he spins you and kisses you, closing the door behind him.
You feel him guide you over to the living room couch and lower you onto it, making you squeal and giggle in surprise. “Simon!” You’re able to murmur as he lowers himself atop of you.
“Missed you… missed you…” He grumbles as he kisses you again, one of his hands on your hip, the other supporting his weight on the throw pillows by your head.
“Missed you too…” You admit, causing him to groan under his breath. His fingers find the straps that hold his vest in place and he quickly undoes them and takes it off, dropping it haphazardly on the floor next to you.
“Simon…” You whisper before he captures your mouth with his again, his tongue finding yours and making you moan. Oh, how you’ve missed him… Your hands trail down his chest and arms, unzipping his fleece jacket and he allows you to take it off him, leaving him in a black t-shirt underneath.
Your hands trail down lower, finding the utility belt at his waist. Your fingers just barely graze the thick, hard bulge in his cargo pants as you try to undo his belt, but one of his hand sharply stops you by gripping your wrist with three fingers.
You pull back from the kiss, the two of you out of breath. Your eyebrows are lowered in concern and your eyes softened. “What?” You asked him softly.
“I’m not-” He trailed off for a moment and huffed before burying his face in your neck. “Not ready for that.” He told you softly. “My body isn’t… I don’t want you to…”
“Oh…” You said, a bit surprised. You had noticed his reaction had been the same he used to have whenever you touched his mask in the past… And if back then you didn’t probe, you certainly wouldn’t now. “Okay.” You told him.
“Can we just…” He trailed off and slowly grabbed your waist with his hand, grinding his crotch lightly against yours. It jostled you a bit and you bit your lip. 
“Yeah… we can dry-hump, Simon…” You told him in a reassuring tone, which only made him groan again and hump against you once more. 
You wrapped your arms around his shoulder and neck as he fixed his grip on you and rubbed his bulge against your body in the thin lounge pants you had changed into after work.
Just as you’re just starting to kiss again, with Simon murmuring more sweet nothings of how much he missed you, there’s a new knocking on the door. Simon groaned in complaint and buried his face in your neck again.
“Bloody fuckin’ hell… He’s fast.” Simon grumbled and pushed up to his feet, sliding off you and helping you sit up.
“Who…?” You asked, a bit light-headed from the intense make-out session.
“Kyle.” He complained as he fixed his bulge in his pants with his hand, while waddling his way over to the door and throwing it open.
“You sneaky bastard.” Kyle said to Simon and pointed a finger at him while coming into the flat.
“Hi, Kyle…” You said softly, receiving a ‘Hi, lovie’ in response as he took off his shoes.
Kyle’s also out of breath but, unlike Simon, he’s changed clothes. “Guess what, Simon here waited until I got in the shower before he ran off to come see you. Left me stranded back at base!”
You can’t help but giggle as Simon’s scarred mouth morphs into a smug, proud-of-himself smirk. “Oops.” He said.
Kyle gave the two of a you a once over. “Ah… I see. Someone was… eager, huh?” He teases and uses his chin to point at the obvious bulge in Simon’s pants.
The younger man moves over to the couch and stands behind it before kissing you on the lips just as hard as Simon did, taking your breath away and making your shoulders sag as you sigh in delight at the feeling of his warm mouth on yours.
Pulling back, Kyle licks his lips and winks at you. “Good thing I got here when I did, hm?” He teases and looks at Simon before returning his gaze to you. “Now we can really get the party started…” He adds.
“Oh… Oh, fuck…” You whine at the top of your lungs, your eyes rolling back with each thrust inside of you.
Kyle’s lying on the bed under you, his thighs spread as he has you in a full nelson. His hands hold you behind your neck, fingers intertwined, your knees hooked up on his forearms to keep you spread open.
Kyle’s big. Really big. More than you expected. Considering the only points of comparison you’ve got are John and Ethan… It’s not like either of them was exactly small, but Kyle’s constantly bottoming out inside you without having to throw his whole weight into it. He’s also perfect shaved, not an inch of hair on him… anywhere. Other than his face, of course.
Your bodies are slick with sweat and your moans and his grunts and groans echo in the bedroom. You can barely keep your eyes open and if it weren’t the fact Simon in your field of view, you’d have given up altogether.
Simon’s sitting across from you and Kyle, having cleared your clothes’ chair and taken a seat in it, watching you and Kyle with keen eyes… His large, rough hand is wrapped around his own cock, a long one, the tip red and angry. He strokes it slowly, almost lazily, as he watches you get properly fucked by Kyle.
Unlike John (and Johnny, as you found out during your bath), Simon and Kyle are both cut… And Simon has something that you didn’t expect. Piercings. A Jacob’s ladder, you’re pretty sure it’s called. Four barbells stacked on the underside of his shaft, which he only leaves visible for a few seconds every time his fingers uncover it.
Considering Kyle’s stayed quiet about it, you’re pretty sure he hasn’t spotted them, either from having his own eyes closed, or because you’re in the way. Either way, you don’t mind it, at all, that you get the view all to yourself, even for just a second.
The sight of Simon sat there, legs spread, his cock on display, his big hands and strong arms moving slowly as he watches you and Kyle is an amazing one… And hearing Kyle losing his mind behind you, too into the moment to succeed at any amount of dirty talk or at saying anything coherent just makes it better.
“Fuck… Yeah… Fuck… You feel… Bloody fuckin’ ‘ell…” Kyle grunts behind you as he keeps rocking his hips against your ass, making sure to plunge hard and deep inside you, not giving you time to breath before he’s bottoming out again, the pace unforgivingly fast.
You watch closely as Simon stops for a moment and shifts around on the chair he’s sitting on before pulling out his phone. He lets out a chuckle as he looks at the screen, then, he fidgets around with it for a moment, texting someone.
It’s barely a minute later when you hear the signature sound of a FaceTime call blasting from the phone’s speakers. Simon accepts it and aims the back camera at you and Kyle.
“Say hi to Johnny, sweetheart.” Simon demands, his tone surprisingly bossy, as he goes back to stroking his large cock.
“H-Hi, Johnny…!” You whine aloud, just barely able to speak without melting, your mind slowly emptying of all thoughts beside the feeling of Kyle inside you and Simon masturbating across from you.
Your breath is ragged as Kyle speeds up his thrusts even more, his grip on the back of your neck tightening and tensing up, his hips moving so erratically that it makes you squeal louder. “Kyle! OH FUCK!” You whine, eyes rolling back and your face wincing lightly from desperation.
“Slow down, Kyle.” Simon demands. “Slow and deep.” He adds. You hear Kyle grunt and he murmurs something incomprehensible in response as he does what he’s told. His motions slow and become more paced and calm as Kyle himself tenses up underneath you.
You notice how Kyle’s thighs tense up, his veins bulging and throbbing as he controls himself not to squirm, clearly trying his best not to lose it and to obey what Simon says.
“Mmm… that’s it… That’s it…” Simon praises, his eyes going back and forth between the sight of you and Kyle, and Johnny on his phone. “Nice and slow, Kyle…” He continues saying.
Kyle quakes underneath you, his breath getting a bit more ragged and you swear you hear him gulp down as he tries to be good for Simon and for you.
“Johnny’s enjoying it, aren’t you, Johnny?” He speaks to the phone. You can’t hear the reply from the Scot, but considering how Simon’s chuckling, the answer seems to be a yes.
“Simon… Fuck…” Kyle grunts. “This is… t-torture!” He’s able to get out, his thighs twitching and his arms tightening their hold on the back of your legs. “I’m going to- Fuck!” He grunts.
“Go on, pretty boy.” Simon teases. Something about the look in his eye, the little mischievous smirk on his lips… God, for someone who’s afraid of being touched, he sure knows what the fuck he’s doing… It’s almost intoxicating, the way he’s exerting control on everyone in the room and even Johnny over the phone.
You can feel the knot in your stomach tightening more and more as you experience all these feelings at once, your mind steadily clearing of any thoughts other than the prickling of stars in the corner of your eyes and the heat increasing more and more.
“Aaah-” Kyle hisses as he keeps moving slowly and deeply, gritting his teeth behind your back and huffing through his nose with barely restricted euphoria. “Fuck… Fuck…” He grunts. 
“F-FUCK!”  His voice shouting as he loses his composure and buries himself to the hilt inside you with a sharp motion of his hips… and another… and another… Completely disregarding Simon’s commands to go slow… And it makes your eyes roll as your orgasm hits, causing you to shudder and twitch… 
But, instead of moaning his name, you find yourself moaning Simon’s, your head unable to dip back due to Kyle’s grip on it, and forcing you to stare right at Simon as you fall over the edge of your climax.
Behind you, Kyle is losing his own mind, spilling his come in the confines of the condom… And you watch through a lidded, barely-aware gaze, as after a few more strokes, Simon’s cock throbs and twitches… before a few ropes of cum shoot in quick succession all over his lower stomach, which he had the presence of mind to lift his t-shirt out of.
The bedroom falls into complete silence as Kyle pulls out and slowly lets go of you, carefully helping get you out of the strained position that’ll likely leave your legs and joints sore the next few days.
“Good job...” Simon breaks the silence as he tries to catch his breath, his head dipped back against the wall behind him, his eyes lazily trailing the sight of you and Kyle on the bed, and then back to Johnny on the phone.
“Bloody fuckin’ hell…” You can finally hear Johnny speak through the speakers now that the room is silent. “You lot better repeat that when I’m not overseas and can join in…!” He quips, drawing laughter out of all of you.
taglist (CLOSED! not adding anyone else, sorry!):
@daisychainsinknots , @bunnysdaydreams , @iite-cool , @lahniu , @pagesfalling , @tapioca-milktea1978 , @live-love-be-unique , @thelaisydazy , @littleghosthunter , @bossva , @emotion-no-hot-yes-hotel-trivago , @chamomiletealeaf , @ghosts-hoe , @kariiiel , @ltbarnes , @irregulardongyoung , @spacelia , @hayleybarnesx , @infpt-zylith , @xxshadowbabexx , @frescoisnotinthemilitary , @leeeenistop , @lucienbarkbark
@severenswife , @enarien, @agoodmoviekiss , @l0lziez , @whos-fran , @greatstormcat , @openup-yourmind , @neoarchipelago , @sodavrr , @cutiecusp , @lilliumrorum , @c-nstantine , @kneelforloki , @comeonatmebruh , @codsunshine , @waiting-so-long , @captainquake42 , @gazspookiebear , @mynameismisty , @reap3erslov3 , @reaper-chan666 , @poohkie90 , @kitwithnokat , @stick-the-dumbass , @mothsdrabbles , @justanerd1 , @thesinsoflust , @thriving-n-jiving , @blckbrrybasket
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themeasureofasim · 1 year
Sims Tag
Thank you @deedee-sims and @loosiap for tagging me 💚
1. What’s your favourite sims death?
Death by running with scissors!
2. Alpha CC or Maxis Match?
Maxis mix I think? For bodyshop stuff, I like meshes with medium polys and detailed textures, but not too realistic. For most buy/build mode stuff I just use different textures (meshes are nice!).
3. Do you cheat when your sims gain weight?
No! I have actually have a mod that makes it so they're not so easily fit.
4. Do you use move objects?
How do you people decorate otherwise?
5. Favorite mod?
This is a tough one! Maybe the traits mods? There are also others I wouldn’t like to play without, such as ACR or community time.
6. First expansion/game/stuff pack you got?
I used to have the Deluxe edition of the game, which came with Nightlife.
7. Do you pronounce “live mode” like aLIVE or LIVing?
Live like in "to live".
8. Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made?
I don't create sims that often but let's say Naira.
9. Have you made a simself?
Yes, when I first got The Sims 2 (I was 12).
10. What sim traits do you give yourself?
Animal lover, bookworm, dislikes children, loves the outdoors and vegetarian.
11. Which is your favorite EA hair color?
I don't think this question makes much sense in The Sims 2, but I love these streaked hairs.
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12. Favorite EA hair?
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13. Favorite life stage?
Teens! And I also love playing young adults.
14. Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay?
Gameplay! I always use or copy buildings by others.
15. Are you a CC creator?
I guess?
16. Do you have any simblr friends/a sim squad?
I have some 😊
17. What’s your favorite game? (1, 2, 3, or 4)
Obviously 2! I used to love The Sims 1 as well. But I never liked The Sims 3 and never played The Sims 4.
18. Do you have any sims merch?
19. Do you have a YouTube for sims?
Also nope! I don't think I'd like recording and editing videos.
20. How has your “sim style” changed throughout your years of playing?
Aesthetically speaking, I stick to one hair system and have abandoned Skysims textures. Otherwise I haven't changed that much XD.
Gameplay wise, now I let more bad things happen to my sims. I leave a lot more to chance. And I'm having a lot of fun playing this way.
21. What’s your Origin ID?
I've never had such a thing.
22. Who’s your favorite CC creator?
All of them! My game is what it is because I have tons of items and mods by diverse creators. I don't think I could still enjoy the game without them.
23. How long have you had a simblr?
Three years.
24. How do you edit your pictures?
Just cropping and editing brightness/contrast a bit some times.
25. What expansion/game/stuff pack do you want next?
For The Sims 2, I would love to have had something like a Farm/Countryside expansion pack. Like with horses and cows and chickens 🥺
25. What expansion/game/stuff pack is your favorite so far?
I think University!
I loved reading everyone else answers for this one 🤗 Tagging @elvisgrace, @goatskickin, @pixuou, @snapdragoned​ and @moocha-muses​, feel free to ignore!
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marerosa · 2 years
PETS PARADISE AU! - requests open
|| dark!afab reader x poly!20 squad || au masterlist
|| “it’s not like I’m asking to be your wife, I wanna make you mine but that’s hard to say” — ‘training wheels’ m.m
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disclaimer ; the content below is 18+, if a minor or uncomfortable with sexual/mature content please click away, I am not responsible for the media you consume or interact with
warnings ; dark!reader, pet play, kidnapping, marks, shock collars, leashes, cages, tying up, trackers, swearing
notes ; full creds to @blathannabeaga for the title and listening to my brainrot abt this
Plotline ; dark!reader kidnapping 20 squad, still keeping them fed, bathed, hydrated, still in tip top shape, the only catch is that each day they’re to be used as readers personal pets
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Setting- a mansion type house with top security none of 20 squad can break out of, at first the team stays tied down, unable to move from the room they were originally put in, but eventually they’ll have free range of the house unless they’re being used by reader.
There’s 6 separate bedrooms but most days reader makes them all sleep on their floor so they can have all their “pets” around, occasionally Chris gets put in a cage for the night <3 but sometimes reader lets Tan or Chris stay on the bed
There’s also a backyard garden that’s huge, a pool, flowers planted, a ton of room for them to run around if want, and of course, a huge ass fence so nobody can see in and nobody can get out
Safety measures- shock collars. Yes you heard me. They wear shock collars that are very low grade but have trackers on them so reader can monitor where they are in the house and make sure nobody’s trying to escape, and eventually the shock collars aren’t as frequent but trackers are always used. There’s also normal collars and leashes used whenever reader pleases
Order in which they’re used first- Street, Chris, Luca, Tan, Deacon, Hondo
Animals of the team- Chris as a dog, Street as a cat, Tan as a bunny, Luca as a dog
Members- how/when they’re used
Street - he’s used the most, he always offers himself up, he thinks it’s better him than anyone else since reader can be a bit unpredictable with what they plan to do for the day. He’s also the roughest with reader, at first he was all snarky and sarcastic but that dies down the more days go on, instead he just likes to leave a lot of marks on reader, bruises on their hips, teeth marks on their neck, hickeys on their thighs, it gives him a sense that he’s in control (even if he’s not really)
He’s a lot softer when he’s in cat space (ie.acting like a cat) and loves to snuggle into readers lap to let them pet him, or curling into a sun spot on the floor, and laying beside reader as they play fetch with Chris in the garden. He also wears a collar with a bell on it that Chris likes to swat at occasionally and it jingles when he walks or leans down to drink from one of the cute dishes readers bought him
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Chris - at first chris tries her best to pretend that she isn’t bothered/intrigued by reader and their games, it falls quickly. The first time it’s “her day” with reader she becomes an absolute mess, babbling by the end and clinging to reader begging them not to leave. She gets used when reader needs someone particularly clingy.
Reader also finds that Chris responds well to being told what to do, orders work better than options, leashes and muzzles work very well too. Most days chris is being used reader has Chris on a leash as they walk around the house with maybe a toy inserted in Chris while reader tells her things to do like washing dishes or keeping a conversation with someone, she gets muzzled frequently too
When she is in puppy space (ie. she’s acting like a puppy) it’s not just for punishment, it can also be reader petting her head as she comes down from her high, them playing fetch in the garden when it’s sunny out, getting a new chew toy for her, dressing her cage up all nice and pretty
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Tan - he’s so sweet and soft that reader has a hard time being rough or super mean with him which honestly works out fine. Tan just ends up being used to play with the others, messing with Chris’s toy as she’s ordered not to cum, teasing Street when he’s trying to fuck reader all smug, going around to distract deacon & Hondo as they try to do things— he is the ultimate tease but he’s so sweet that nobody can stop him
But when he’s in bunny space (ie. acting like a rabbit) he’s very content nuzzling against reader and spending tons of time in the garden doing what he pleases, he also wrinkles his nose up at things he doesn’t like and it is adorable
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Deacon - he gets used the least and mostly watches or is in charge of random household things such as cooking & cleaning, he gets rewarded for this by reader. He’s still married so reader lets him keep some of his dignity, but it’s very little, and when deacon is used? Oh he is used. He doesn’t have a pet space, he’s more used to watch over the others and as a personal sex you when reader wants
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Hondo - despite being the leader and who people would assume to put himself in front to be used, he was the last to be touched by reader, it honestly causes a slight rift between the team. They all thought Hondo was this fearless guy only he seems to get choked up seeing reader in a bra— but his time comes, as does everyone’s, and he is not disappointed nor is reader. He still doesn’t get used a lot and sticks to working the house with deacon to keep himself occupied. He’s in the same boat as deacon with the pet play, he just doesn’t. But he’s still fucked dw
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Luca - he’s the third to get touched, feeling better after watching Street and Chris get played with a few times. Reader goes particularly rough with Luca at first as he’s such a big guy that they assume that’s what’ll make him excited, they soften up when they learn he’d rather make things fun and less intense.
But much like Chris, he’s leashed and muzzled at times, not as often as Chris but sometimes he doesn’t complete what tasks are set for him and reader decides a leash is the only right way to handle it. Him being in puppy space is to make him follow orders rather than Chris who spends much longer periods as a puppy
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[ Extra — after so much times goes by the outside world concludes that 20 squad died in a very mysterious way so they implement a new team with Alfaro, Zoe, and Alexis on it. Only for months later the new team members go missing too, I wonder where they could’ve ended up? ]
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simmerstellar · 1 year
Sims get to know me... 🫣
Thank you for the tag dear @duusheen 💕
1. What’s your favorite sims death? By old age (I'm bored, sorry).
2. Alpha CC or Maxis Match? Maxis Match. Although I have a few alpha items, not a lot, because of the high poly.
3. Do you cheat when your sims gain weight? Nope, I don't care actually.
4. Do you use move objects? Yes, not a lot, but yes.
5. Favorite mod? Grannies Recipes Cookbook by Littlbowbub 😍
6. First expansion/game/stuff pack you got? I bought a promo of the game with the Get to Work expansion.
7. Do you pronounce “live mode” like aLIVE or LIVing? Like aLIVE I think.
8. Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made? Journey! We've been through a lot together, hahaha! Is the sim that made me want to play again.
9. Have you made a simself? Yep, it's my pfp. I need to update her though.
10. What sim traits do you give yourself? Foodie, romantic, family-oriented, and gloomy at times.
11. Which is your favorite EA hair color? All kinds of brown.
12. Favorite EA hair? None.
13. Favorite life stage? Young adults.
14. Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay? Gameplay, all the way. I can barely decorate, that's all for me in build mode.
15. Are you a CC creator? Of course... NOT! I can make paintings recolors.
16. Do you have any simblr friends/a sim squad? Fortunately, I do, there are some amazing people in this community 🫶🏼✨
17. What’s your favorite game? The Sims 4, it's the only game I play. (Does Farm Heroes count?) 🫣🤣
18. Do you have any sims merch? Nope.
19. Do you have a YouTube for sims? Nope, I watch a lot of sims videos though.
20. How has your “sim style” changed throughout your years of playing? I don't think much, but, I try for them to not look so perfect now.
21. What’s your Origin ID? Simmerstellar.
22. Who’s your favorite CC creator? Ravensim, Simstrouble, Daylifesims and Rusty.
23. How long have you had a simblr? I think since the Pandemic, but I started posting last year.
24. How do you edit your pictures? Gshade + Photoshop actions + textures.
25. What expansion/game/stuff pack is your favorite so far? Seasons, and cottage living maybe. I will probably add Growing Together later, cause I haven't played it yet.
26. What expansion/game/stuff pack do you want next? Bands.
I'm tagging: @cozyacres, @angelgnome, @yooniesim, @cinamun, @mysticmoon-s, @cowplant-snacks, @papiermaker 💕 feel free to ignore the tag!
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ੈ✩‧₊˚ swat fics
all my swat fics! they’re separated out by character(s), so when you click on the desired name it’ll take you to the tag where all of their works are. alternatively, click on the link above to see all my works for the fandom grouped together!
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— chris alonso
— deacon kay
— dominique luca
— donovan rocker
— erika rogers
— hondo harrelson
— jack mumford
— jessica cortez
— jim street
— miguel alfaro
— nate warren
— nora fowler
— piper lynch
— robert hicks
— rodrigo sanchez
— terry luca
— victor tan
— zoe powell
— chris alonso & deacon kay
— dominique luca & deacon kay
— jim street, dominique luca & deacon kay
— dominique luca & jim street
— hondo harrelson & jim street
— victor tan & dominique luca
— deacon kay & jim street
— dominique luca & chris alonso
— victor tan, chris alonso & jim street
— victor tan & jim street
— chris alonso, jim street & hondo harrelson
— dominique luca & hondo harrelson
— rodrigo sanchez & sgt stevens
— dominique luca & sgt stevens
— dominique luca & nora fowler
— zoe powell & alexis cabrera
— poly!20 squad
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dandream235 · 4 months
Ficha de información
Nombre: Danilo, o simplemente Dan
Edad: 20 años
Cumpleaños: 27 de Agosto, nacido en 2004
Sexo: Hombre
País: Colombia (les invito una empanada, y natillas para navidad)
Estado actual: Soltero, estudiante universitario, Ing de sistemas
Proyectos actuales: [W.I.P.]
[Stand by indefinido]
["Project Rocky Hds" ; "Project VTC" ; "Project HC" ; "Project AlterTrack" ]
[Stand by parcial]
["Project Deep Shadows" ; "Project Soaring Roar"]
+ Cuenta Pricipal de desarrollo de proyectos y contenido +
+ Cuenta Secundaria personal de expresión de ideas y opiniones +
Redes sociales:
- Twitter (X) -
+ Cuenta principal : @ DanDream235
+ Cuenta secundaria / política : @ Danilojcm_col
+ Cuenta de DanDev (T) : @ FNFGFSingsBack
[ Cuenta principal para FNF, donde su iré el contenido de 'Girlfriend Sings Back' (tengo pendiente averiguar que otro nombre ponerle, pues... va a haber un remake, pero a lo grande!) y 'AlterTrack' ]
(Tengo planeado hacerlo, pero no sé todavía como, y tampoco si lo haría solo o con más personas)
- Discord -
Única Cuenta : dandream235 / DanDiscDream#9262
- Wattpad -
Única cuenta : @ DanDream235
- YouTube -
Única cuenta : @ dandream235
(Más que todo la cuenta, todavía no se que hacer con el canal)
- Ko-Fi -
+ DanDream235 +
+ Cuenta "Principal" : @dandream235
(Todavía no la uso)
Usernames y usuarios de videojuegos:
- Minecraft -
+ DanDream235 +
( A veces varía, uso launchers No Premium )
[30/08/2023] Compré Minecraft Premium :D
[08/03/2024] Me añaden? podemos jugar :)
- Steam -
+ DanDream235 +
(Juegos con Steam : Terraria, TModLoader, UNDERTALE, DELTARUNE, PUBG, ARK, BattleBlock Teather, Call of Duty, CS:GO, Geometry Dash, Poly Bridge 1 y 2, Dungeon Defenders, Cobalt, Castle Crashers, Human Fall Flat, Plague Inc, Left 4 Dead 2)
- Geometry Dash -
+ SealedVenus +
(Larga historia)
- Squad Busters -
+ DanDream235 +
- Roblox -
+ SealedVenus235 / DanBloxDream +
(Si, larga historia, algún día la contaré)
- Xbox -
+ DanDream235 +
(Pa' cuando repare mi Xbox 360 o me consiga una One o una Series S, π π π π)
Trataré de actualizarlo con el paso del tiempo, e intentaré no borrar links viejos, solo por si acaso
Redes Sociales "eliminadas":
Una cuenta de Twitter llamada @ FNFDisbeliefGF , un proyecto cancelado que en serio me arrepiento de la idea inicial con la que lo quería hacer. Tal vez a futuro haga una reimaginación del concepto, solo que menos cringe :p . Me olvidé de la contraseña y no se si pueda volver a acceder. Link :
(Edit 13/09/2023): Si tengo el acceso, solo que lo había olvidado xd, igualmente no creo hacer algo con esa cuenta
(Edit 08/03/2024): No tengo el acceso, y Twitter no colabora, tmr
(Edit 27/04/2024): Sigo intentando, pero carajo, todo por el operador del número, me cago en la la put-
La cuenta de FNF' AlterTrack: @ FNFAlterTrack ha sufrido una especie de Shadowban o algo así, ya que tiene alcance limitado, por lo que quedará algo archivada, a menos que claro, se reviva con el desarrollo del mod
La anterior cuenta de @ DanDevDream de Twitter/X ha sido, por decirlo así, desabilitada, en el sentido de ya no ocuparla más, pues por temas personales que creo puse en mis últimos tweets, decidí empezar de 0 en una nueva, la cual está en mi biografía en DanDevDream
(Edit 27/04/2024): Sufrió un shadowban, carajo
0 notes
This poly!20 squad Kinktober is gonna be the death of me in a sexy way
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solesommerso · 2 years
☆ Au Masterlist ☆
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[ find my oc masterlist when you scroll down ]
♡ how requests work ♡
♡ send in the prompt/headcanon/drabble request you have with the corresponding au you want the request for. These au’s will only be worked on if I personally want to or I get requests ♡
♡ these are not reader insert unless stated otherwise ♡
♡ if there is an au I don’t write for but you want to see feel free to send in an ask or message about it ♡
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[ any au that contains dark/nsfw themes will be marked with a ❦ ]
Sibling Street au! - requests open
- Street has a little sister Sydney that’s in need of some help, can him and Chris do that for her?
♡ moodboard ♡ pinterest board ♡ masterlist ♡
Chef Street/Tan au! - requests open
- Streets a top tier chef that works day & night, but what happens when the restaurant he works at becomes part of a s.w.a.t case and he ends up meeting officer victor tan, and maybe falling too?
♡ moodboard ♡ pinterest board ♡ masterlist ♡
Criminal Street au!- requests open ❦
- Hondo arrests a 20yr old Street and they somehow bond over time, but what happens when Hondo and the team find out what Streets doing for work?
♡ headcanons ♡
Killer Stris au!- requests open ❦
- after Street & Chris start to date in early 2, by season 3 there’s a change in command that warrants the s.w.a.t rules changing to no longer allow in workplace relationships, resulting in Street and Chris’s termination. Things go dark for the couple when they start to seek revenge on those who had part in their firing
♡ moodboard ♡ pinterest board ♡ masterlist ♡
Parent Street/Alfaro au!- requests open
- there’s the obvious reasons Street and Alfaro knew each other before Alfaro started at swat, but what about the not so obvious reasons? Like they’re ten year old adopted daughter Violet.
♡ moodboard ♡ pinterest board ♡ masterlist ♡
Spider-man Street au! - requests open ❦
- Street might be hiding something from the team when he first starts off, but what happens when a fight brings everything to the surface?
♡ moodboard ♡ pintrest board ♡
Pets Paradise au! - request open ❦
- dark!reader kidnapping 20 squad, still keeping them fed, bathed, hydrated, still in tip top shape, the only catch is that each day they’re to be used as readers personal pets
♡ info post ♡ masterlist ♡
Psychic Street au! - requests open ❦
- it started as migraines but no matter the amount of doctors Street sees, they can’t find anything wrong, so what happens when he starts having visions and the team finds out?
♡ moodboard ♡
Sunshine Street au! - requests open ❦
- established reader x poly 20!squad (minus Street) that live at a lake house just out of the city, they soon fall for the barista at the closest cafe that has a ‘sunshine in a bottle’ type of personality none of the members can resist, and they get more than they bargained for
♡ info post ♡
Mending au! - requests open
[maddie buckley/sarah reese]
- Sarah moves to California after the mess with her father, meanwhile Maddie’s finally leaving Doug for good. They meet one another not too long after moving, becoming fast friends over their shared experiences in the medical field and soon they start a journey of healing together and eventually become more than just friends
♡ moodboard ♡
Werewolf Zoe & Street au! - requests open ❦
- Zoe can smell it the second she walks into the room, her ears perk at the sound of each persons heart beat, all steady and rhythmic, but one of them is a wolfs like her. She can’t be thinking about this all in the midst of a case, her first real one on swat too, but the scent is strong and pulling her towards it. Almost like it’s calling her, saying that whoever it is can smell her too, knows she’s a wolf.
♡ moodboard/fic (part 1) ♡ an alpha red (part 2) ♡
Slow Fall au! - requests open ❦
[sarah reese/noah sexton/mouse]
- sarah, noah & mouse rent out an apartment near the beach together, what could possibly go wrong?
♡ moodboard/masterlist ♡
Blacklit Paradise au! - requests open ❦
[sarah reese/ava bekker, sarah reese & jay halstead]
- “You look stunning.” A grin gets sent Sarah’s way once she approaches her awaiting partner, anxiety sitting painfully in her stomach as she takes Ava in. Her dress is much more modest than Sarah’s is, gold jewelry laid over her neck to match the clip she has holding her short hair back, her makeup is light and shines under the overhead lights. She looks like any normal bride, happy and excited about her marriage, not like she drugged Sarah to get her here and like the chains still clanking at her ankles weren’t put there by Ava herself.
♡ vows (part 1) ♡ cold (part 2) ♡ aftermath moodboard/fic ♡
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☆ OC Masterlist ☆
- I didn’t know where to put this so it’s going here
♡ rules stated at the beginning of this post apply to oc’s as well as my general rules ♡
♡ oc’s can be put into any of my fandoms unless stated differently ♡
♡ can be sent in with prompt for a fic/headcanons ♡
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Cameron [Cam] Torres - requests open
- age ; 25 | height ; 5’10 (he’ll say he’s 6’) | pronouns ; he/him | sexuality ; bisexual king
♡ moodboard ♡
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