#poor guy made the mistake of wondering what was on my camera roll
to the poor man who had to listen to me talk about my iCloud storage problems
i am so sorry
poor guy had to deal with two hours of lost boys stuff. then he eventually hands me my new phone and says “I’m sure you’re tech savvy. you can figure it out on your own at home later. and, if you get really stuck, I guess you could come back” 😆😅
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sadlysober · 4 years
Dream x gn!reader Summary: Tommy’s curious to know more about Dream’s personal life and ends up ‘meeting’ his s/o. Warnings: none i think.. lmk if you find any! Just fluff-ish tbh. A/N: hi i uh usually dont write so feedback is more than welcome, feel free to correct me if i made any mistakes! If cc’s are uncomfortable i’ll delete it, but that goes without saying :)
Being a content creator has it’s perks. Such as being able to meet new people, meeting people you admire and enjoyed watching way before you became a streamer yourself. Or the fact that you can just hang out with your friends and the chat and even make some money off of it. You often get invited to hang out with people on Among Us, Rust, Minecraft, you name it. One of the biggest benefits of being a content creator was being a part of the Dream SMP. You were a reacurring character and the chat loved you. Your persona would often show up in fanart, alongside Sapnap’s, George’s, Ranboo’s and the other members. There would often be speculations on you dating one of the guys on the SMP. Funny enough, they never expected it to be Dream.
You had been dating for a month before making it official and are currently nearing the 3 month mark. The two of you decided to keep it quiet for the time being and had only told Sapnap and George.
After a long and fun weekend at his home in Florida, you decided to hang out on his bed, watching some tiktoks or whatnot. Your boyfriend was sitting behind his setup, getting the game started. It wasn’t long until his laughter filled the room. Every couple of minutes he would look over his shoulder to check up on you.
Curiousity got the best of you. What was he laughing about? You opened Twitch, and ofcourse, Clay wasn’t streaming. But Tommy was. You watched as Clay’s character hit Tommy’s, accidentally killing the boy.
“Call child services! Dream has killed a child!” Quackity yelled over VC. Tommy walked back to get his stuff.
“Dream, I am not liking this attitude of yours.” You heard your boyfriend chuckle as he was walking around the map. You looked over at his monitor as Tommy’s character walked into his screen. “Dream, can I ask you something?”
“Tommy, if you want to know where babies-”
“SHUT UP BIG Q I KNOW WHERE BABIES COME FROM.” His high pitched laugh and yelling making you tune your volume down.
“Go ahead Tommy, what do you want to ask?” Clay asked calmy.
“Why I was wondering, I have met Mother Dream and Drista, do you have any more family I can talk to? Can I meet Father Dream?” Tommy was trying really hard to look as serious as possible asking Dream.
“My family isn’t here right now.” Dream stated, looking at you with a sneaky grin on his face.
“Oh, alright then, do you- do you like being alone Dream?” You can’t help but chuckle at Tommy always ending his scenteces with ‘Dream’, making it sound so personal and serious.
“I don’t mind being alone, but I’m actually not alone right now, Tommy.” Your eyes focus on the man sitting behind his setup, Tommy jumping around on the monitor behind him. “Baby, would you like to talk to Tommy?” Clay asked, looking at you.
“Dream, who did you call baby? Is there a uhh Drartner ... no uh a dreammate?” Tommy stared into his camera and his chat was going wild.
Dream laughs as he signs for you to come over. He mutes himself from the VC. “Are you sure about this?” You ask him, walking over to where he’s sitting. “I am, are you?” You nodded. He moves the chair back a bit and motions for you to sit down on his lap.
“Alright Tommy, here’s my uhh, Dreammate, be nice to them.” You had put your phone down to still be able to see Tommy’s stream. He looked so impatient, yelling to his chat. 
“Wait, WAIT- guys wait.” He quickly typed into the game chat for the other players online to join your VC for some ‘action’.
Clay mutes himself again. “So Tommy is ordering some of the guys to join the VC, it’s just Tubbo, Ranboo, Callahan and Quackity, so no worries.” He hands you the headphones and you adjust them, being able to hear Tommy loud and clear.
“Alright Tommy, what’s up?” Ranboo asked, walking up to the two of you.
“DREAM, Dream can they hear me? Ranboo, Dream is introducing us to his Dreammate.” You type into the game chat that you can hear him.
“What’s a Dreammate?” Tubbo asks, joining your little group.
“Well, appearantly Dream has been keeping a secret from us-” You softly giggle.
“What’s he saying?” Your boyfriend asks, wrapping his arms around your waste.
“Hello? Hello? Are you there, Dream’s Dreammate?” Tommy’s character hits Clay’s, so you take the mouse and hit his back.
“Well hello there, Tommy.” You see the boy’s expression change from confusion to a somewhat dissapointed face.
“Oh hello, Y/N, it’s been a while” He continues hitting you and you run away from him “I actually thought Dream was gonna introduce me to his Dreammate. You got me there, real funny.” Clay put in the earbuds connected to your phone so he could listen to what Tommy was saying. “Who would want to date Dream anyways- oh, well chat, alright alright so you ALL want to -” The boy sighs, being way too hyper for the conversation.
“Tommy, I-I am dating Dream.”
“No, the prank wasn’t funny, Y/N. Dream has failed you, I expected better from him.” The bitterness in his voice is truly impressive.
“Stop killing me Tommy!” It’s your turn to thaunt him, getting out your sword and running after him.
“I think they’re serious Tommy, congrats you two!” Ranboo says, helping you kill Tommy.
“Does that mean you’ll be coming back to the SMP, Y/N? We never finished that thing we were working on.“ Tubbo asks ever so sweetly. “Thanks Ranboo and yes ofcourse Tubbo, I’ll be joining soon.”
<Callahan> poor fundy
Dream’s famous kettle laugh echoed through the room when he read the messege. “Dream, can you hear me, Dream?” Tommy asks, being able to hear Clay laugh on VC.
“Yes Tommy I can hear you.” He says, burrying his face in your neck.
“I- I have a question.” It fell silent for a bit. “WHY” Tears start rolling over your cheeks from laughter.
Once Dream catches his breath he finally comments. “Tommy you love women right?” You face your boyfriend, who is trying to keep a straight face.
Tommy looks straight in the camera. “What a dumb question, all I talk about is my love for women. Do you ever listen to me, Dream? It’s almost like you’re my boyfriend.” He made a disgusted face before cracking up again.
“Oh god” You whisper as you shake your head. Clay presses a kiss on your neck. “Well Tommy, I feel the same way about Y/N.” An ‘aw’ left your mouth before Tommy made a barfing sound.
“So are you gonna marry them?” Tommy truly does feel like an annoying brother sometimes. Your eyes scan the chat while Clay does the talking. A couple of shipnames and questions pop up between all the emotes.
“I don’t know yet, Tommy. Maybe someday.” He said, hugging you a little thighter. You softly press a kiss on his forehead.
“Alright, cringe. I have no further questions.” Tommy states. “I’m gonna go back to building my tower. Goodbye.”
“Bye Tommy.” Clay said as he left the game. “Nice talking to you!” You added, taking the headphones off. “That wasn’t half as bad huh?”
Ah, yet again the Dream SMP is trending.
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xjoonchildx · 4 years
airplane, pt. 2 | jjk x reader  chapter two: san juan
Tumblr media
pairing: jungkook/reader word count: 6.6K rating: 18+
genre: smut | silly smut | nonsensical smut
warnings:  criminal!jungkook, koreanamerican!jungkook, reality has left the chat, plausibility has left the chat
A/N: okay, ya’ll. I really never intended to make this story anything more than a one-shot...but a couple of people asked for more and then the wheels started turning, and I had more than a little crush on this sexy, smartassed jungkook. so here we are! I hope you guys like it.
Chapter 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06
artwork by the shmexy @ppersonna​ who’s smut is even better than her art
You still think about Jungkook Jeon.
You think about him when you spot his beautiful face on the poster in the hallway at your office, with the word WANTED emblazoned across the top.
You think about him every time you fly because you leave condoms behind in the bathroom like some kind of kinky Fairy Godmother.
And sometimes -- late at night, after you’ve had a glass of wine -- you shut your eyes and think about him when you slip between the sheets and then slip a hand into your panties.
You wonder where in the world he is and how he’s getting away with life on the run -- again.
Though technically he’s not your problem anymore.
The Marshals took over his case after he pulled his vanishing act in Los Angeles, so it’s some other poor sap’s job to find him and bring him in.  You’d done your part -- you’d tracked him down and brought him to the States, even got him before a judge.  
So what happened after that didn’t happen on your watch.
Totally out of your hands.
No reason for you to still obsess over how it all went down.
At all.
The humidity in San Juan hits you like a wall the second you step out of Muñoz Marín International Airport.
You quickly scan the throng of waiting drivers and find the one holding the sign with your name on it.  The suit you’d worn on the plane is already sticking to the backs of your thighs in this heat.
“Welcome to Puerto Rico,” the driver smiles warmly, offering to take your luggage off your hands. You smile back as you follow him to the line of cars idling outside.
The ding of a text alert distracts you for a moment.  
You pull out your phone and see it’s your boss, checking to make sure your flight landed on time.  The driver opens the car door and you slip inside while he pops the trunk to put your bags away.  
You’re so busy tapping out a response that you don’t realize something is off until the driver raps twice on the back of the car.
Because that’s a signal for the car to go.
Because the man behind the wheel is not the man who just loaded you and your bags into this car.
Because the man behind the wheel is --
“Oh, you’ve got to be fucking kidding me,” you breathe, eyes wide on the reflection in the rearview mirror.
He’s got a snapback pulled low over his face but you can still see his eyes. And you’d know those eyes anywhere. You’ve thought about those eyes a lot more than you’d like to admit.
“That -- “ Jungkook says, pressing the gas, “-- is the weirdest way to say you missed me, too.”
He tilts his head up so you can catch the reflection of his wide smile.
You are in a car with Jungkook Jeon. In a moving car with Jungkook Jeon.  
“Start talking,” you snap.  
“Sure. What do you want to talk about?”
You slump back into the seat and clap a hand over your face. Damn this man and damn his stupid, smart-assed, beautiful mouth.
“Where are you taking me?”
Jungkook snorts at the note of panic in your voice.  
“To your hotel, dummy.  You have a meeting in like, two hours.”
“Unbelievable,” you sigh after a moment. “Do I even want to know how you know all of this?”
“Well in my defense,” he starts, “you guys still have really shitty firewalls.  You’ve got a lot of nerve calling yourselves an intelligence agency with that set-up in place.”
“I’ll be sure to pass along your feedback,” you mutter.
“You should. So anyway, I was reading through your emails one day -- you know, as I do -- and I saw you were coming to town. I couldn’t pass up the chance to see you.”
Holy shit.
That’s a lot to take in right now and you’re still trying to process the series of events that led up to you, in a car with Jungkook Jeon.  You keep asking questions because it seems like the only sane thing to do in this entirely insane situation.
“You read my emails.”
“How often?”
“Uh….all the time?”
You blow out an exasperated breath.  
“You’re a real piece of work. Just what makes you think I won’t have this car surrounded by Feds by the time we get to the hotel?”
“You could,” he concedes thoughtfully. He looks up from the road for a moment to lock eyes with you in the rearview. “But we both know you won’t.”
His certainty makes you bristle.  Is he right about that?
You force yourself to look away from him and redirect your gaze outside to watch the carefully landscaped palm trees speed by.  He’s been here for some time, you think, as he navigates the streets with ease.  He doesn’t seem to be looking for his next turn or second-guessing which way to go. He’s not even using GPS.
“You are in some deep shit back home, Mr. Jeon,” you say, finally. “You embarrassed them. They hate being embarrassed.”
He chuckles.
“Don’t you think it’s time to drop the formalities, Agent? I’ve had my tongue in your pussy, you know.”
He startles a laugh from you with his casual, crass statement of fact.  You forgot how funny he is -- how smart and affable and completely disarming he is.
“Anyway, that’s their problem, not mine,” he continues. “And not yours anymore either, from what I understand.”
Boy, he really wasn’t kidding about those emails.
You mentally rummage through your inbox, try to imagine what information he’s had access to these past few months.  Countless agency messages, a few personal ones and at least one exchange that could qualify as both. You wonder if he’s seen that one, too.  
You clear your throat, uncomfortable with the thought.
“So what’s your plan, then? Hide out in plain sight in a territory of the United States?”
“It’s worked for me so far, hasn’t it?”
You roll your eyes.
“Anyway, my plan right now is to drop you off at this hotel,” Jungkook says, turning into the drive. “Then you’re going to skip that reception they have scheduled for tomorrow night because you’re going to have drinks with me instead.”
You say nothing for a moment.
It’s absurd that your first reaction to his words is a tingle of excitement. It’s ludicrous that you haven’t picked up the phone to call this in by this point. It’s fucking bananas that you’re picturing yourself sharing a drink with this man instead of having him arrested.
The car rolls to a stop.
“Now, as much as I’d love to act the part of a perfect gentleman and help you with those bags, I can’t,” Jungkook says, reaching for his wallet and pulling out a small piece of paper. “Your hotel is crawling with cameras and believe it or not, I’m trying to minimize the number of stupid risks I take these days.”
You snort.
He reaches behind his seat to hand you the note.
“Meet me at this address tomorrow night at 7 o’clock. Be sure to wear something tight, yeah?”
“You are out of your mind,” you say from between clenched teeth, snatching the paper out of his hand.
Jungkook laughs.
“I know, right?”
You should call the Marshals.
You should really call the Marshals.
Why haven’t you called the goddamned Marshals?
“ -- do you think, Agent?”
You can’t seem to keep your mind focused on this meeting and now everyone around the conference table is looking at you.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t hear that,” you’re forced to admit. “Catch me up?”
“I was saying,” Agent Dominguez starts again, “that given the damage done to the office here in San Juan, we should move agents to the mainland temporarily.  Miami, preferably.”
“Yes,” you agree. “That would be best.  Until we can get things back on track.”
Dominguez smiles in a skeptical way, like he knows you’re preoccupied and he’s curious as to why.  You smile back and hope it’s convincing.  
“We’ll have to go over some logistics, of course, after the final decisions are made,” he continues, turning his attention back to the room at large. “But for now, let’s consider that a flight from Miami is just a hop, skip, and a jump.  It makes sense.”
The rest of the assembled meeting guests murmur in agreement.
Your mind wanders back to that slip of paper tucked away inside your bag at the hotel, back to the man who gave it to you.  The ridiculous, self-assured little asshole who just knows you aren’t going to rat him out. Who just knows you’re going to join him for drinks like he’s not an actual federal fugitive and you’re not an actual federal agent.
Dominguez continues to drone on in the background.
“...and if you look at the numbers, you’ll see post-storm crime is actually way down…”
What you would give to be anywhere but this meeting right now.  You pinch the bridge of your nose, shut your eyes and go down the list of facts as you know them.
He’s been reading your emails.
Following your every move.
He wants to see you tonight.
What the hell is wrong with you that knowing all of this excites you instead of freaking you out? What does it mean that a part of you -- a really big part of you -- wants to take him up on his offer?
Dominguez pulls you aside after the morning round of meetings wraps for lunch.  
“Hey,” he says, stopping you in the hallway.  “Are you alright? You’ve seemed just a little off since yesterday.”
“Yeah, sorry,” you say apologetically. “Been feeling a little off these past two days.”
Not technically a lie?
“Well, I’m sorry to hear that,” Dominguez replies smoothly.
“Hope you’ll be feeling up to attending the reception tonight,” he continues. “I’d hate for you to miss it.”
You offer him a weak smile.  The look on his face right now is making you a bit queasy.
What if they knew? What then?
Once was insane enough. Once could be written off as a mistake, a terrible lapse in judgement.  An embarrassing and regrettable fluke.
But twice? Twice is a choice, a conscious decision.  
Twice would make you complicit -- a co-conspirator, a co-defendant and a whole host of other “C” words you’d rather not contemplate right now.  
There would be no explaining away twice.
You busy yourself with getting a bottled water from the vending machine just to have an excuse to look away. You tell yourself not to be paranoid. You have no reason to suspect they know anything and this is not the time to borrow worry.
“I’m going to try and get some rest after we wrap for the day,” you say finally, opening the bottle to take a drink.  “See if I feel better after that.”
Dominguez’s smile doesn’t reach his eyes.  
“You do that, Agent.”
Wrapped in a towel, fresh from a shower, you alternate between staring at yourself in the bathroom mirror and looking back at that damning piece of paper in your hand.
You should put on the nice-but-work-appropriate cocktail dress you’d chosen for the reception that you should be attending tonight.  You should drop this piece of paper in the trash, forget Jungkook Jeon exists and move on.  You should be having drinks with your colleagues from the San Juan office in an hour, making decisions that don’t amount to career suicide and living life on the straight and narrow like a normal fucking human being.
Should, should, should.
You walk over to your suitcase and pull out a slim-cut sundress with spaghetti straps instead. You smooth your hands over the delicate material, imagine the light weight of the fabric would feel just right in this humid weather.  You slip the dress over your shoulders, smooth it down with your hands, turn from side to side to assess the fit.
For a moment you close your eyes and allow yourself to imagine Jungkook slipping his hands underneath this dress, pushing the hem up your thighs. You imagine his thumbs and fingers circling the sensitive skin there.  His lips on your neck.  His voice in your ear.
The sound of an incoming text knocks you out of your fantasy and you open your eyes to see your flushed reflection staring back in the mirror. You reach for your phone.
you gonna make it out tonight? [ 5:48 PM ]
You stare at Dominguez’s message for a moment.
Decision time.
Are you?
You’ve been over every step you took before leaving the hotel at least a dozen times by now.
You’d sent Domniguez a text, claiming to be under the weather.
You’d left your phone in the safe in your room.
You’d walked out of the hotel through a service exit and into a waiting car.
All clear, decisive, sane choices despite the fact that you are obviously a crazy person. Because no one in their right mind would be pulling this kind of stunt.
The ride is short, only a few minutes from your federally-funded accommodations to the much more humble beachside hotel where Jungkook told you to meet him. You give the driver more than enough money to cover the fare and tip and step out into the thick night air.  You spot him a short distance away, sitting at a tiki bar just off the water.
Puerto Rico has apparently been very good to Jungkook Jeon.  
He is reclined casually in a barstool, drinking a bottled beer.  The creamy off-white of his linen shirt is a perfect contrast to the deep golden tan he’s managed to acquire these past few months. He’s let his wavy black hair grow long again and it falls just below his ears. The laugh he shares with the bartender reveals his smile and makes him look relaxed and radiant and fucking perfect.
Jungkook turns in his stool just as you approach and the slow, appreciative once-over he gives you makes your entire body feel warm. The corner of his mouth curves up in a half-smile.
You’ve got to get your head on straight.
Jungkook isn’t some hot, available guy you’re trying to land. He’s a wanted man and the fact that he’s sitting out in the open at this tiny outdoor beach bar makes you nervous. It’s a saving grace that the bar is damned near dead but there are still too many angles, too many clear lines of sight. You’re annoyed that he’s being so flippant about keeping a low profile.  
You wait until you are close enough to whisper before you speak.
“This is a terrible idea.”
He cocks a brow. “Drinks?”
“You know what I’m talking about,” you hiss. “We need to go somewhere more private.”
“Christ woman,” he groans. “Don’t you know it’s polite to wine and dine me first? I’m not a piece of meat, you know.”
He grins when you huff your frustration.
“Besides, if you were really worried about drawing attention --” he pauses, rakes an appreciative gaze across your décolletage, “-- you certainly wouldn’t have worn that dress.”
Oh, for fuck’s sake, does he ever turn it off? Is he incapable of recognizing how risky and fucked up this situation really is?
“You’re an idiot,” you bite out, turning to leave -- but Jungkook grabs for your wrist.
“Relax,” he soothes, pulling you back.  “Seriously.  I have the situation under control.”
A charged moment passes as you give him a long look. His hand remains firm and warm around your wrist.
“Do you trust me?”
What a ridiculous question.  
What you know about Jungkook Jeon could fit on an index card, and what little information you do have doesn’t exactly do him any favors. You’re putting your career -- potentially even your freedom at risk even being here.
But something about the naked sincerity on his face makes you want to trust him.
God only knows why.
You take a deep breath in and out before sliding into the barstool he’s pulled out for you.  The bartender smiles from a few feet away, makes his way over.  You tense, turning to face away and Jungkook puts a steadying hand on your knee.
“It’s cool,” he murmurs. “He knows me.”
“Why on earth do you think that’s supposed to make me feel better?” you fire back.
“I think -- you just need to have a drink,” he reasons, eyes sparkling. He lifts his beer to his lips and you catch yourself staring for a moment at the way the tendons in his arms flex, the way his lips slide over the mouth of the bottle.
Has the simple act of drinking a beer always looked that masculine?
Shit, you do need a drink.
You order a mojito without ever looking the bartender in the eye. Whoever he is -- Jungkook’s buddy it would seem -- he’s understanding about your appalling lack of manners. He can probably recognize a truly fucked-up situation from a mile away and is steering clear like someone with an inkling of common sense.
For his part, Jungkook has dropped the flirtatious act for a moment and the small smile that plays across his face is calm and reassuring.
It works.
“Alright Jeon,” you sigh after a moment. “Let’s talk. How did you do it?”
He takes a long drink of his beer.
“You know I can’t tell you that.”
You’d expected as much. You would bet everything in the bank that his parents helped him get out of Los Angeles.  The kind but guarded look on his face is the closest you’ll get to a confirmation of that fact.
“Ask me anything else.”
“Fine.  How did you pull off the stunt at the airport?”
“Oh, that was easy,” Jungkook teases. “I found the driver holding your name card and offered him twice the fare. He was happy to help me out. Nice guy, actually.”
“He’s lucky you didn’t cut me into pieces,” you grumble.
Jungkook laughs. “You’ve got a wild imagination. Besides, who wouldn’t trust a face like this?”
To make his point, he turns from side to side to offer you a better look at his profiles. Outwardly you roll your eyes, but inwardly it’s hard to ignore the sharp line of his jaw, the perfectly symmetrical angles of his face.  You take another long drink from the cocktail in your hand.
“Why Puerto Rico?”
“Why not? The scenery is beautiful, the food is delicious, and people know how to mind their own goddamned business,” He takes another sip of beer. “Besides, you guys didn’t exactly leave me with a lot of options when you took my passport. And hey -- thanks for that, by the way.  Finding a good fake is a real bitch.”
“We’re not travel agents, Jeon,” you snort.
He laughs.
“So this -- “ you motion to the small building attached to the tiki bar, “ -- is where you’ve been staying?”
“Dammit, woman — I said ask me anything, not everything. You’re not wearing a wire, are you?”  
He grins at the glare you fix him with.  
“I’m kidding, obviously. No way you’d be able to hide a wire under that delightful little number.”
He chuckles when you flush.
“So yeah, this is one place I’ve been staying. Mostly locals around here.  After the storm, so many new people turned up to help rebuild that it’s been pretty easy to blend in with the new faces.  Plus, it’s not hard to find work.”
“So you’ve got this all figured out, huh?”
“Some of it,” he demures, and you can’t help but notice he’s managed to slide a little closer.  His proximity is distracting. You’ve only had one drink and you already feel a bit lightheaded.
Jungkook scrubs a hand down his mouth, fixes you with a long look.
“Now it’s my turn to ask a question.”
“Fair enough,” you concede.
“You gonna go to dinner with him?”
You exhale a nervous laugh against the rim of your glass. You’d wondered if the series of back-and-forth emails between you and Agent Kim Namjoon would come up. You should have known it would.
Agent Kim’s last email came this week. It said he would be traveling to Los Angeles for some training soon.
It said that he wanted to take you to dinner.  
You should have fired back an enthusiastic yes! right away because Agent Kim is hot and smart and to your knowledge has zero outstanding warrants.
But you didn’t.
Jungkook tilts the mouth of his beer against his lips.  
“Yes,” you say, finally.
The reply is so abrupt, so emphatic that you have to laugh.
“He’s an empty suit. A cardboard cut-out. Not right for you at all.”
The smirk on Jungkook’s mouth indicates he’s teasing, but his tone indicates something else entirely. The territorial current that runs under his words is annoying and exciting and complicated.
“He’s just trying to fuck you, you know.”
You raise an eyebrow at that.
“Oh, and you’re not?”
“No,” he murmurs, leaning close. “I have fucked you. I plan on fucking you again. He and I are not the same, at all.”
His words set off a throb between your thighs and you shift uncomfortably in your seat, uncross and recross your legs.  Jungkook leans back, looking satisfied with how much he’s managed to unnerve you.
“So this is some kind of pissing contest?”
You laugh to keep the sounds of your words light, but your words come out uneven. “You stalk my inbox for months and abduct me from the airport to what -- keep me from fucking Agent Kim? You hate him that much?”
“I don’t give a shit about Agent Kim,” he snaps. He takes a deep breath before speaking again.
“You know what this is about. Don’t play with me.”
He’s right, of course.  You do know what this is about.  
It’s why you fucked him in an airplane bathroom against all rules of decorum and common sense.  It’s why you’re here, making stupid decisions and taking dumb risks instead of back at your hotel playing it safe. It’s why you’ve never been able to stop thinking about him.
Something connects you to this man, something you don’t really understand -- and now you know for a fact that whatever it is, it isn’t one-sided.
Your body is rigid, unnaturally still as the bartender drops off new drinks and you immediately reach for the glass, if for no other reason than to stall.  Jungkook takes a long sip from his new beer before speaking again.  You can feel his eyes on you but you don’t look back.
“I like you.”  
No sarcastic quip follows. No charged sexual innuendo.  Something about that simple admission is more intimate than the fact that he’s literally been inside you.
“You don’t know anything about me,” is the only thing you can think to say.  
Jungkook shoots you a playful smile.
“I know you like mojitos.  I know you have a standing appointment with some fancy hair salon in LA every six weeks.  I know you order Chipotle far more than is necessary or probably healthy.”
He leans closer and the look on his face changes into something different -- something that makes you shiver.  He slides his hand under your jaw, tips your head up, strokes a thumb across your cheek.  
“I know what you sound like when you come,” he whispers. “I know I’d like to hear that again.”
Oh, God.
This must be what it’s like to drown. To see your demise play out before your eyes but still feel powerless to stop it.  Every smart-assed retort you could fire back dies on your tongue and all you can do is blink when Jungkook brushes his lips against yours.
“And I know you like me too,” he whispers against your mouth.
He’s right.
You do.
You really, really do.
It’s like a switch flips inside your brain.  Once you start kissing him, you can’t stop.  
You both fall through the open door to his room in a tangle of limbs and lips.
Jungkook lifts you up off the floor and you immediately wrap your legs around his waist, never stopping the assault on his mouth and skin.  He moans when you lick a stripe up his neck. He tastes like salt and sunscreen and sex and you are so desperate to feel him inside you that you can’t think straight.
“Wait, wait, wait,” he protests, walking you both over to the mattress.  He drops you unceremoniously on top of the bedding.
“God, no,” you groan, panting.  “Why?”
He takes a deep breath in and out, shoves a hand through his hair.  
“I promised myself I was going to take my time with you if I ever got this chance again,” he explains, voice ragged with arousal. “No cuffs. No rush. Not this time.”
You huff in exasperation and climb up onto your knees on the mattress.  
Jungkook’s eyes widen when you drop both hands to the hem of your dress and pull it up and off in one swift motion.  You’d had to forgo a bra given the skimpy nature of your sundress and it’s easy to forget he hasn’t really seen you naked. The look on his face says he heartily approves.
“Take your time later,” you fire back.  “Take your clothes off now.”
Jungkook laughs.  “Are you always this bossy?”
“Yes.  If you wait one minute longer I’m going to sober up and realize this is a terrible decision. Take your clothes off.”
“Hush woman.”  
He silences you with mock annoyance as his fingers drop to work the buttons of his shirt. You catch your mouth before it drops open as he pulls the shirt off, exposing the chiseled planes of his body.  You swallow thickly when he drops the garment to the floor.  
No human being should be allowed to look like this.
It’s obscene.
The tattoos that run across his hands and forearms extend up to his shoulders, across his chest. The defined lines that outline his abdomen are made even more plain by his deep breaths.  He is -- hands down -- the sexiest man you have ever seen in your life.  
“Shit Jungkook, you’ve been holding out on me,” you breathe, a note of awe in your voice.
“And I knew you had amazing tits,” he grins, shoving his jeans off his hips. “Lie back.”
The gruff command makes your body tight with anticipation.  Jungkook’s face is damp with sweat, locks clinging to his brow when he sinks down onto the mattress and crawls until he’s hovering over you.
“Goddamnit,” he whispers, slanting his lips over yours.  “Goddamnit, I’ve been thinking about this for so damned long.”
You sigh into his mouth.
Me too, you want to say. But you don’t.
“I’ve thought about the way you taste every single day, did you know that?”
He circles one aching nipple with his tongue and teeth.  You whimper at the heavy drag of his tongue.  
“I’ve imagined getting my mouth on you again far more than is normal or sane,” he whispers against your skin, pulling the damp lace of your panties off your ankles and tossing it away.
“Jungkook,” you whine. “Please.”
His lips skate over the sensitive skin between your breasts, across your stomach as he slides downward.  Your body stills when you feel his lips at your entrance, breath warm against your wetness.  
The first touch of his tongue is quick, teasing.  You’re wound so tight your hips jerk off the bed at that light contact.
“Easy girl,” Jungkook teases, sealing his mouth over your clit.  The strong fingers of one hand press into your hip, grip you tight to keep you from pulling away.  He slips one long finger from his other hand inside you to join his tongue in the all-out assault.
“God you are sexy,” he groans, licking deeply into you.  You grab handfuls of his damp hair in between shaking fingers.   “You’ve ruined me for all other federal agents, you know.”
Your laugh bleeds into a gasp when Jungkook slips a second finger inside of you, presses harder against you with his tongue.
“Oh, shit,” you whine, legs trembling. You roll your hips mindlessly, enjoying the way he moans in response.
“You gonna let me hear it again?” his words vibrate almost painfully against your already aching clit. “Be as loud as you want this time, yeah?”
“Yeah,” you sigh in agreement, feeling that telltale prickle building between your thighs.
He sets you off with the firm press of the heel of his hand on your mound.  You can’t control your body’s reaction when the pressure against that sensitive wall and the stimulation of your clit combine.  Your back arches high off the bed when you start to come apart, moaning wantonly.
Your orgasm seems to go on and on forever and Jungkook whispers words of encouragement as you ride it out.  He doesn’t stop with his tongue and fingers until you start to quiver from the overstimulation, breaths hitching when shudders run up and down your back.
“Dammit, Jungkook,” you gasp once you regain control of your ragged breathing.
He laughs as he kisses his way back up your body, across your chest and neck.  You welcome the press of his body when he settles over you.  He grinds his hips down and you whimper at the feel of his rigid cock straining against his boxers.   You clench hard at the memory of him deep inside you.
“Take those off,” you order, scraping your teeth against the damp skin of his neck.
“Ask me nice and I might consider it,” he teases.
You shoot him a playfully disapproving look before pushing against his shoulder until he rolls over.  His eyes fall shut when you climb over him and drag your drenched center against the firm outline of his cock.
“Fuck, that feels good,” he whispers, and you lean forward to seal your lips over his.  He pants into your mouth as you rock against him.
You slide down his body after a moment, hooking your fingers into his boxers and pulling them down with you.
The thing about your hurried little encounter inside that airplane bathroom is that it’s hard to remember the details.  It was so rushed and illicit and bizarre that you can barely recount what he felt like, what he looked like in the moment.  But right now -- when his cock springs free and he looks down at you from beneath heavy lids and he looks so sincerely fucked out -- you make sure to commit this moment to memory.  
Jungkook sucks a strangled breath between his teeth when you take him in your mouth.  His fingers immediately wind into your hair and you sigh around his length when he groans his satisfaction.  His hips jerk when you pull off of him, dragging your tongue against the sensitive spot under the head of his cock before releasing it.
“Shit,” he moans, “I forgot how good you are at that.”
You laugh and wrap one hand firmly around the base of his cock. He’s already leaking at the tip and he hisses when you sweep your tongue across the swollen head. He gathers your hair in his hands, pulls gently on the strands but you can feel the restraint he’s exercising. His body is radiating tension, taut with unspent energy.  
“You can get rougher if you want,” you breathe, pumping him steadily with your hands.  
His agonized groan tells you he’d love to take you up on that offer.
“You can’t talk to me like that,” he pants, words sounding pained. “I’m doing everything I can not to literally blow my second chance here.”
You release his cock with a smile and he pulls away to shift his body up the bed. He reaches into his bedside table and pulls out a condom.  He holds it up for a moment and the two of you share a knowing laugh.
The laughter dies the moment you crawl up the bed to join him and take the condom out of his hand.  Jungkook’s eyes are dark and focused as you rip it open and roll it down his straining cock.  Once it’s in place he steals the air from your lungs with a deep kiss and pulls you onto his lap.  
You’re struck still for a moment when you look down at him just as you are lining him up with your entrance. He looks back at you with those blown-out pupils and kiss-bitten lips and you lose your momentum.  You should say something or do something but it’s so damned hard to focus when he’s looking at you like that.
He brushes a damp lock of hair away from your face with his fingers and fixes you with an expectant look.
You want to tell him how handsome he is.
You want to tell him that he’s the most interesting person you’ve ever met.
But you don’t.  
Jungkook rescues you from your sudden crisis with a well-timed tease.
“You’ve been rushing me since we got here,” he chuckles, brow raised. “You’re gonna leave me like this?”
He grabs the base of his stiff cock with one hand, rubs the head against your clit to make his point. You answer him with a desperate kiss, swallowing the groan he makes when you finally sink down.
His hands move to either side of your ass to guide the movement of your hips.  Your first few thrusts are hesitant, shaky as you adjust to the feeling of him deep inside you.  He feels harder and thicker than you remember.
“Oh, god --” you moan.
You feel his faint hum of satisfaction against your breasts.  He tongues messily at your aching nipples, sucks them into his mouth.  His fingers dig into your ass as he thrusts up to meet your thrusts down.  
His mouth is full of you. His hands are full of you.  You are full of him.  The feeling of filling and being filled is unbearable at this point.  It’s so much stimulation at once that it borders on painful.
“Feel so good wrapped around me like this,” Jungkook groans. “I can’t get enough.”
Me neither, you want to say. I’ve been dying to feel you like this, you nearly whisper.
But you don’t.
You feel disoriented for a moment and grab onto the headboard for desperately needed balance.  It gives you the leverage you need to take him deeper, faster, and the steady rhythm of his thrusts and breaths starts to pick up in speed.
Then you make the mistake of opening your eyes and looking down into his face.
He is covered in a sheen of sweat, eyes hooded and mouth slack with pleasure. He fixes you with a look so erotic you nearly blush.  It’s pretty ridiculous to be literally riding a man’s cock and feel suddenly shy, but that’s exactly what happens.  
You force yourself to close your eyes.
Jungkook buries his face in your neck. You feel one of his hands move away from your hips, down to where the two of you meet. The rough pad of one thumb starts to work your clit and the stimulation distracts you for a moment, makes your rhythm sloppy.  
“I want to feel you come,” he breathes, teeth grazing the sensitive skin of your collarbone and neck. “I want to know what it feels like when I’m inside you.”
“So close,” you whine on a shaky breath.
“I’m gonna go off like a bomb,” he groans, stroking so deep you see stars.  “Take me with you.”
If it weren’t for the one hand keeping you anchored to the headboard, you’d have collapsed onto him with the sheer force of your orgasm.  You whimper as Jungkook’s orgasm rips through him, body shuddering as he pounds harder and faster.  It takes a few frantic, frenzied moments for his rhythm to slow and his moans to subside.
Then you do slump onto him, spent and sweaty and rubbery with utter exhaustion. You’re both still for a moment, damp bodies pressed together as you both catch your breath.
He brushes your hair away from your face and presses a soft kiss to your temple.
You take a shower together.  
Afterwards, you both fall back into bed clean and warm.  
You make good on your promise to let Jungkook take his time this go-around.  He fucks you slow and relaxed from behind while you lay side by side.  The steady lap of the waves outside his window is a perfect backdrop as he whispers into your ear and buries himself deep inside you.
Afterwards, everything is still but the waves.  
You both enjoy the complete silence for a while.  Your stroke your fingers across the strong forearm Jungkook has wrapped around you and he breathes deeply into your hair.  It feels natural, somehow.
It feels good.  
You can’t remember the last time anything felt this good.
“Stay with me,” Jungkook whispers after a while, nosing into the nape of your neck.  He drops a soft kiss on the sensitive skin just below your ear.  
“I can’t,” you whisper back.  “I have a meeting first thing in the morning. Don’t tell me you skipped that email.”
He’s quiet for a moment.
“I wasn’t talking about tonight.”
You go rigid from head to toe.  Maybe you didn’t hear that right.
“Stay with me,” he says again, like it’s going to make more sense the second time he says it. “We could go all over the world and eat the best food and fuck in the most beautiful places.”  His fingers stroke up your side, sending chills up your back. “It could be great.”
You wait for him to laugh.  He doesn’t.
You pull out of his hold, flip your body so that you’re facing him.  You expect to see his teasing smirk staring back, but you don’t. He looks serious.
“What the fuck was in that beer, Jeon?”
He rolls onto his back and stares up at the ceiling.
“You don’t have to give me an answer now,” he says quietly. “You could think about it for a while.”
You stare at the side of his perfect profile, dazed for a moment by the strange combination of feelings swirling inside you right now.  
There’s disbelief at the insane Bonnie and Clyde fantasy he’s decided to pitch.
There’s disappointment because there’s a tiny part of you that wants to entertain that fantasy.
And there’s a little bit of heartache because right now he looks so lonely.  
That’s the part that gnaws at you.  It makes you feel raw and exposed.  So you do what you know best and try to redirect with humor.
“Who’s got a wild imagination now, huh?”
His lips twitch into a wry smile.  
You’d waited until you were certain he was asleep before slipping out of his arms and out of the bed.  He slept heavy, not stirring once while you slipped into your clothes and shoes.  He slept like someone without a care in the world.
It had taken a moment to find a piece of paper.  It was only just as you were about to give up that you remembered Jungkook’s note, tucked safely into your bag.
You looked back at him in the bed -- studied him for a moment before quietly scrawling a note on the other side of that piece of paper.
you know i can’t. i’m sorry.
1K notes · View notes
skiller0dani · 4 years
For Monty | Monty De La Cruz
M A S T E R L I ST Timothy Granaderos Masterlist
smut  requests info
important notice:  13 reasons why covers some really heavy stuff and their material can be extremely triggering. seeing as my writing is supposed to be for fun only I won’t be including many of the topics seen in the show. in fact, unless I say otherwise most of all my writings for this show will take place before Hannah Bakers suicide. if you or a loved one ever needs to seek professional help please call the National Suicide Prevention Hotline.
also I’ve been getting so many messages saying stuff along the lines of “I thought you were a timothee chalamet blog??! why haven’t you written for him?”  & “i don’t read your stuff anymore it’s not timmy chalamet”  I am super hella done with messages like this. yes I write for timothee chalamet the most but I still do have other interests. I write what I will enjoy writing the most, because when I’m not interested in what I’m writing the entire piece turns into garbage. I will continue to write for timmy chalamet, but I will continue to also write for other people and tv shows/movies/WHATEVER THE HELL I WANT. :) if this upsets you then feel free to stop reading my stuff. thank you for understanding. xx
WOW. That was long, anyway onto the Monty smut ;)  also someone to you by the banners makes me think of Monty :( I miss him so fucking much dudes and dudettes. tell me I’m not the only one who misses that way too violent cutie pie. 
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You weren’t someone who was known for mindlessly crushing on upperclassman. You focused mainly on your school work, trying to get straight A’s. Your Father had drilled it into your head that good grades equal good college offers. While he wasn’t wrong, you wished that there could be more to your life than report cards and school projects. No, you never crushed on anyone. In fact a majority of your friends had come to the conclusion you’re asexual, which is far from true. Actually your eyes had landed on a prize all their own, you’d much prefer they stay focused on the work in front of you but instead they were trained on the schools ‘lady killer’. Montgomery De La Cruz. 
You doubt Monty had ever even once glanced in your direction and up until now that didn’t bother you. The only thing that bothered you more than the lack of attention you were receiving was the fact that he currently had his eyes set on a busty blonde across the Library. 
And you do not take rejection very well. 
Monty might not have known he was rejecting you but he most certainly was. By allowing his eyes to trail down to her cleavage before letting his eyes take in her delicate features he was obviously rejecting you. You pushed back from the table as Monty sidled towards the blonde airhead. Fuck. Why do you care so much? You feel more anger then heartbreak, you weren’t one of those cry baby women. If someone upset you, you made sure they knew it. In this case you would definitely be making sure Monty knew how much he’d upset you. 
While you planned on finding a clever way to introduce yourself to Monty, the Universe wanted to rectify this situation for you all on his own. Fate was a funny thing. You stood in front of your open locker, texting a few friends before heading to your neck class when you hear a soft click followed by the shutter of a camera. Tyler was a nice guy, harmless if not a little creepy. Nonetheless he made you uncomfortable, you could feel his eyes follow you around the school. You turned slightly to the right to see Tyler peeking from around the corner with his lens pointed at you. You tried to look causal as you began to hurriedly pack your things into your bag when the quick sound of footsteps on the tile floors caught your attention. You feel a sharp breeze blow from behind you and before you even know what’s going on Monty has Tyler pinned to the lockers. 
Your eyes are wide and poor Tyler shakes like a leaf, his eyes refusing to meet Monty’s. “Fucking leave her alone.” Monty’s voice is tense and his eyes burn craters into Tyler’s head. He fists two handfuls of Tyler’s shirt and when Tyler makes the mistake of lifting his eyes to meet yours Monty slams him back against the locker again. “Don’t even look at her freak.” The last work is spat from Monty’s mouth. It makes Tyler flinch. “I-I didn’t-” Tyler’s voice cracks as he stumbles for the right words. Monty leans in closer, his fingers curling around Tyler’s shirt tighter. 
“I saw you taking her picture from around the corner, and if that’s not creepy enough I’ve watched you follow her around the school. You wanna touch her Down? Hm? Wanna find a good place to have your way with her?” The words coming from Monty’s mouth are venomous, you’d be lying if you said your panties weren’t wet. Smiling with the edge still in his eyes Monty releases Tyler and begins to straighten his shirt. “So here’s what we’re going to do Down. You’re going to leave her the fuck alone, no talking to her, no taking pictures. If you even look in her direction I’m going to beat you to a bloody pulp. Capiche?” Monty feigns a friendly look, while Tyler quickly nods and squirms away the instant Monty allows him to. You fiddle with the strap of your bag as Monty turns to you, a much different look in his eyes. 
“You okay?” His eyes are on you, his attention is finally on you. The feeling of his eyes brushing over your face and down your body has you melting directly into the floor. Instead of collapsing into a tingling heap you smile with a quick nod. “Y-Yeah, you don’t need to worry though. Tyler is harmless, just kind of creepy.” You reassure him the best you can but you doubt you did anything to ease his worry. Monty rolls his eyes, the tension hasn’t yet left his shoulders. “Harmless now. It’s disgusting the way he follows you around the school. I’ve even seen him linger around the girls bathroom if you go in.” Monty’s voice becomes strained again, a memory seeming to play in his head. 
You turn to head to class and much to your surprise Monty begins to walk beside you, “you really don’t have to walk me to class.” There’s a blush on your cheeks and Monty merely shrugs. There are eyes on you as you walk with Monty, people know Monty. Nobody knows you, they’re probably wondering how Monty does. “No biggie.” He’s incredibly casual, and also a lot nicer than you were expecting. Sure he was a little rough with Tyler but Tyler was being really creepy. You have no clue who allowed the town stalker to be in charge of yearbook, it like gives him a reason to follow people around. It’s conveniently always for “yearbook”. No way. 
Nothing else of major significance occurred after that day. Monty would occasionally wink at you from across the hall or throw a lopsided smile your way in the hallways. But you figured he saw you as a little sister than someone he wanted to fuck into oblivion. You desperately wanted him to fuck you into oblivion. Monty definitely did however keep a close eye on you if any guy approached you. Even his friends, like Zach. You were pretty good friends with Zach, having lived down the street from him since as long as you can remember. Anytime Zach stood by your locker with you, you could feel Monty’s eyes on you. Sure enough each and every time you looked up you saw Monty’s heated gaze on the two of you. Basically, you were receiving a hundred different mixed messages from him. Why were you waiting around for him anyway? When in doubt, do it your damn self. 
There were tons of eyes on you today. You were wearing a sheer see through deep purple crop top. Beneath the crop top you wore nothing but a lacy black bra, which was very much on display. It wasn’t what you were wearing that was catching everyone’s attention, but what you’d written on the cups of your bra. You’d written FOR MONTY, each word on each cup in big white letters. People were whispering all around you as you made your way to your locker. Zach in particular wasn’t all that surprised, he knew you fairly well. If it took you too long to get what you wanted, you’d make sure to make a show of it once you’d decided to get it yourself. In this case however, that thing you wanted was in fact, Monty. 
Monty almost didn’t notice, not until one of his buddies elbowed his side, “dude look.” 
Monty swore his cock jumped to attention once he’d seen what you were wearing. The words FOR MONTY written on your breasts catching his attention immediately. You’d barely allowed him a side glance as you strolled on by and while every single nerve in Monty’s body wanted to approach you first- he didn’t. Clearly you’d done this to catch his attention, and Monty couldn’t help but wonder what you’d do if he did nothing. His cock was nearly twitching at the thought. So Monty gave little to no reaction and turned back to his boys, who all thought he was completely insane. How could he do nothing when an insanely hot chick had basically given her breasts to him? 
The reaction infuriated and confused you just as much as it did them. Was he really so uninterested that at the prospect of you offering your body to him willingly he would still reject you? Ouch. You slammed your locker shut and turned to brush past him, ignoring Zach’s quiet chuckling as he followed behind you. You weren’t embarrassed, you’d thankfully inherited your Mother’s fearless nature. You were pissed the fuck off. You’d give Monty one last chance before you’d write him off and look for another good lay. Although you’d yet to find someone at Liberty that was hotter than Monty. “Gonna give it up?” Zach asked, that teasing laugh still hinting at his tone. You turned to give him a sharp glare, so far today Zach had been the only guy not to look at your breasts. “I still have one more idea.” You mused aloud. 
Zach rolled his eyes. Of course you did. 
When the bell rang you’d headed for your locker to dump all your school stuff inside. Your jacket was zipped all the way up as you shoved things into your locker. This had to be the craziest thing you’ve ever done, but fuck you wanted Monty so damn badly. So badly in fact that you’d do about damn near anything to make that happen. You walked with confidence even though nothing but fear coursed through you with every step. You approached the locker room, knowing the boys had just finished baseball practice. Meaning they were all sweaty, and showering. And naked. You sucked in a sharp breath before shoving the locker room door open, and immediately every pair of eyes were on you. Some guys wolf whistled, some guys covered their junk, some didn’t. Gross. Your eyes however were set on one person. Zach’s eyes widened as soon as he’d seen you, now this did surprise him. 
Monty’s back was to you but with one look at Diego and he was turning around, an amused expression on his face when he saw you. Once you were stood in front of Monty you reached for your jacket zipper before pulling it down and shrugging your jacket off your shoulders. Monty’s expression shifted once he’d noticed you were no longer wearing the crop top and wore only the black lacy bra you’d written on. Yours and Monty’s eyes met in an intense stare down, you could feel the sexual tension beginning to fill the entire room. Monty had one eyebrow raised while he looked at you. “Y’know baby if De La Cruz here won’t do anything, I’m sure I could give you a good night.” A guy said from your left, but you didn’t bother to look over at him. 
“Good thing it doesn’t take brains to be a baseball player. It clearly says ‘FOR MONTY’ meathead.” You fire back, noticing the way Monty’s mouth quirked up at your words. The baseball player slinks back as the rest of the team ‘oohs’ and begins to tease him. You and Monty continue your stare down and it’s simply erotic. “Well Montgomery? Whatcha think?” Another player said as you and Monty stood nearly chest to chest. Your heart was hammering against your ribcage as his nearly expressionless face slid into a sly smile. “I think the rest of you nasty fucks has seen enough of her tits.” Monty said simply before swiftly hauling you up and over his shoulder. A gasp escaped your lips followed by giggles as Monty marched to the door of the locker room as the rest of the team whistled and cheered Monty on. 
“Monty, where are we going?” You shriek with laughter as he carries you down the hallway, purpose in his steps. Monty’s hand rests on your ass and he gives you a sharp slap, “literally anywhere else.” He says, his eyes scanning around for the nearest place he can screw your brains out. “I don’t have a shirt on!” You exclaim, gasping when his palm comes down on your ass again. Monty chuckles, “baby soon you won’t have anything on at all.” His words send jolts of arousal shooting straight between your legs. Finally Monty spies an empty classroom and throws the door open before locking it behind him. He drops you to the ground, his pupils dilated and his eyes fixed on you. 
“I have been hard as a rock all fuckin’ day from the shit you just pulled.” Monty said, his voice husky as he stalked towards you. You slid back to sit on the teachers desk, your wide eyes watching him as he drew nearer and nearer to you. “I’m sorry Monty.” Your voice is so innocent and soft it nearly makes him jizz his pants when he sees the doe eyes you’re simultaneously flashing him. “Are you? Because you just walked around with your tits on display for everyone to see. All. Fucking. Day. Then you waltz your sexy little ass into the locker room and show your beautiful tits in that bra for all my boys to see?” Monty has an edge to the tone of his voice, a dangerous predatory edge. You nibble on your bottom lip as you nod up at him. 
“These are my tits, isn’t that right baby?” Monty asks, reaching up to harshly squeeze your breasts through your bra. You nod immediately, nearly careening into his hand when he gently strokes his fingers down your cheek. “Then why in the hell did you let every guy in the entire school see them? Hm?” He’s definitely angry. You weren’t expecting anger, you couldn’t deny however that his anger had your panties completely soaked. “I just wanted your attention.” You explain with a sigh, whining when he pulls his palm away from you. Monty nodded slowly, the angry expression still very plainly on his face. “Well you got everybody’s damn attention Y/N. If I’m going to be kind and give you my cock we need to come to some sort of understanding.” Monty says, crossing his arms as he glowers at you. You nod quickly, your breasts still spilling out of your bra in front of Monty’s eyes. It was very distracting. 
“First of all, these are my perfect tits and only I get to see them. Understood?” Monty demands, walking behind you. His arms reach up to open the clasp of the bra, “yes Monty.” Your entire body is buzzing with anticipation as you feel his fingers trail lightly down your spine. “In fact this entire perfect, tight little body is mine got it?” His voice is stern as he presses his front to your back. You nod weakly as his hand trails down to your navel. His thumb brushes against your nipple as his hand travels downwards and you whine, arching your back into his touch. “Second, if we do this it can’t be a one time thing. You will ruin me for life if I never get to taste your pussy again. I’ll never be able to fuck anyone else without thinking of you.” Monty breathed, his nose nudging down your neck as his fingers hit the waistband of your jean shorts. 
You smile widely when you hear his words, “you’ll get to fuck me whenever you want.” you agree instantly and Monty hums in approval against your skin. Monty’s hand continues past your shorts to rub lightly at your inner thighs. “Monty please.” Your voice is a mix of frustration and desperation as he begins to bite down on your shoulder, and his hand continues it’s torturous ministrations on your inner thighs. “Lastly, you can’t fuck anyone else. If you want this, then you’re mine. I find out you’re banging some other guy I’ll beat him to a pulp. Got it?” Monty snaps and you want to agree but you can’t help the words as they come from your lips. “Then you can’t bang anyone either. Just me.” You snap and Monty smiles against your skin. 
“Deal.” Monty agrees as he slides his hand into your shorts, his fingers finding your clit through your underwear. Your head is thrown back against his shoulder as he begins to slowly rub at you while his other hand pops open the button on your shorts to give him more room to tease you. “Diego has been talking about making a move on you, if he does you’re going to turn him down. Understood?” Monty demands, the thought of Diego getting to touch you this way sparking the flame of anger inside his chest. “Don’t want him anyway. Want you Monty,” You reassure him, boldly reaching out to lace your fingers through his free hand. Much to your surprise Monty lets you hold his hand. “You think I wrote your name on my bra today so I could get Diego’s attention?” You fire back, your mouth falling open when Monty carefully pushed 2 fingers into your wet entrance. 
“You did get his attention.” Monty seethed, his left hand reaching up to curl around your throat. The feeling of his hand lightly squeezing at your throat ha you moaning loudly, feeling the heat building in your pelvis as he continues to pump his fingers into you. “Oh you like it when I choke you baby? You like it when I’m in control?” Monty hums in your ear and you can feel his hard cock pressing against your back. You nod quickly, feeling your high approaching as he gently squeezes your throat again. “Seeing you shove Tyler against the lockers- I love it when you’re rough. I touched myself that night thinking about you.” You admitted and you hear Monty hum in approval. “What did you think about baby?” Monty whispers huskily into your ear. 
“Thought of you pressing me against the lockers as you take me from behind. I thought about your thick, hard cock pushing into me over and over again. I thought about your big hands holding my hips as you fuck me so hard I couldn’t walk.” You cry out as your orgasm draws even closer. Monty curls his fingers into you and you cry out loudly as you cum, your body shaking as Monty harshly fingers you through your orgasm. Once the shaking comes to a stop you immediately slide off the desk to kneel in front of Monty. He leans back against the desk as you unbuckle his belt and pull it through the loops of his jeans. 
“Wait,” Monty’s voice is hoarse as he pulls you back to your feet, his eyes are on yours as he pulls your lips to meet his. Your lips move together, a mix of tongue, teeth, and heavy breathing. “I couldn’t go another second without doing that.” Monty whispers against your lips before pushing you back down onto your knees. You unbutton his jeans before yanking them down along with his tight boxers. Monty release a sigh of relief as his cock is freed from it’s tight confines, and your mouth waters when you lay your eyes on it. 
“Fuck Monty you’re huge.” You say, your voice sounding nearly dreamy. 
Monty smiles with a raised brow, but that cocky look is wiped off his face when you take his dick into your mouth. You wrap your lips around his leaking head and Monty grips the edge of the desk tightly as you slowly take him further into your mouth. Monty’s hand twists your hair into a ponytail and he holds it tightly, helping you bob your head up and down his shaft. “Christ. You’re fuckin’ good at this baby.” Monty moans as he watches you take his cock down your throat. You hum against him causing his hips to buck into your mouth, and soon you feel Monty’s hips stutter a bit. That’s when he pulls out of your mouth, “I want to cum inside your sweet little pussy.” Monty gasps, still trying to catch his breath as he turns you around.  
Monty bends you over the desk, yanking your shorts and underwear down your legs. You hear the sound of a condom wrapper being ripped open and after a minute or so you feel Monty’s cock nudging at your pussy. “You sure you want this?” Monty asks, his hands coming down to grasp at your hips. Instead of answering him you plant your hands flat on the desk as you push back against him, taking his cock all the way inside you. “Shit baby,” Monty hisses, the unexpected feeling making him nearly lightheaded as he looks down and watches you thrust back against him. His hands hold lightly at your hips as he watches you do all the work, fucking yourself back against his cock. “Goddamn, isn’t that a sight to see.” Monty whispers almost to himself, he watches the place you two connect intently, watching his cock disappear inside you nearly has him panting. 
You continue to push back against him for a few minutes, high pitched moans and cries escaping your lips as he brushes against that sensitive spot inside you. It’s not long before Monty is grasping your hips a little tighter to regain control. 
He begins to hardly thrust into you, his hips smacking against yours. Your hipbones grind into the desk, you know that’s going to leave some gnarly bruises and will hurt like a bitch tomorrow. Monty slams into you, his breathing labored as he pounds you hard. You shake with each thrust, your breasts swaying as your body is rocked against the desk. You feel that familiar coil winding in your stomach when Monty reaches around to thumb at your clit. Your mouth is hanging open when you feel Monty’s other hand grab your hair to yank your head back. You cry out when Monty slams into you, hitting that sweet spot inside you over and over again until you’re cumming all over his cock and down your thighs. Monty cums with a groan, his hands falling to support his weight against the desk so he doesn’t crush you. 
“Best fuck ever.” Monty says breathlessly and you laugh weakly with him. He gently pulls out of you and you wince as he does so. Your upper body collapses against the desk and you’re surprised when you feel Monty cleaning you up with a tissue. Your heart warms at the sweet look in his eyes when he winks at you when you look at him over your shoulder. Monty then presses a quick kiss to your clit, causing your body to jolt before he pulls your panties and shorts back up. “Still don’t have a shirt doofus.” You mumble as you clip your bra behind your back. Monty shrugs as he reaches to lift you in his arms bridal style. Your cheeks are flushed as he opens the door of the classroom to head back to the locker room- he still needs to shower. “You’re too sore to walk anyway.” Monty says, unable to keep the pride out of his tone as he says it. You merely hum in response as your eyes close when you rest your head against his chest. 
“Have a good fuck Monty?” A baseball player teases as Monty pushes back into the locker room, looking like he just got laid with you sleeping in his arms. Monty merely rolls his eyes, “shut up and give me her jacket.” He snaps, sitting down on the bench as Zach hands him your jacket. Monty presses a kiss to your head as he helps you into your jacket before zipping it up. “Here, I can take her. So you can shower.” Zach says, noticing that you’re completely out in Monty’s arms. Monty is hesitant as Zach reaches down to gently pull you into his arms, and when Zach turns Monty stands. “Here, bring her to my car. I just need to shower.” He says, handing Zach his keys. Zach is one of the few people Monty actually trusts with his car keys. 
That was supposed to be nothing more than a quick fuck, but when Monty saw you sleeping in his arms he felt his heart skip a beat. He felt like a good man, like he was protecting you. Monty didn’t normally have feelings for anybody but you seemed to be the exception. 
want a part 2? lemme know. 
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atlafan · 4 years
Take it Slow - Part Seventy
a/n: okay this is my first shot at a harry:y/n fic, and it will be multiple parts. y/n had a bad experience with an ex over a year ago, and finally accepts her coworker and good friend Niall’s invitation to go on a blind date with his friend Harry.
Warnings: Fluff, smut, and um...butt stuff towards the end.
Masterpost (all previous parts can be found in the masterpost)
Due to getting up and taking Buster out, you had gotten into a habit of not cleaning up your breakfast in the morning. Harry would end up taking care of it for you. He didn’t mind at first because you usually left food for him to eat, and he was grateful he wasn’t on early morning duty with the dog. But was starting to get to him. He didn’t want it to make him run late to the studio now that Mariah and Isaac were coming in.
They were spending a lot of time making large prints and booklets. Harry had invested into some nice printers. Just another thing he could profit from later.
“Do you think Y/N will bring Buster by today?” Mariah asks him.
“I hope so.” He says. “Let me ask you somethin’, do you and Rachel ever fight?”
“Fight? Like argue?”
“Yeah we do…we’re both pretty stubborn.” She laughs. “It’s always over stupid shit too. It’s not an all the time thing, but every couple fights, right?”
“Why, do you think you and Y/N fight a lot?”
“No, but when we do it’s always this big blow up. And it’s usually my fault.”
“Harry.” Isaac says. “I have seen you blow up at people time and time again, are you going to tell me that sweet girl is the one to go off on you?”
“Looks like Harry finally met his match.” Mariah smirks.
“I have a hard time gettin’ mad at her. Even when she’s angry with me, she’s still so cute.” They both laugh at him. “There are things she does, I just choose to let them go. Or if I get mad it’s usually for something stupid. I get jealous easily.”
“That’s because you’re a possessive prick.” Mariah says matter of factly.
“Is that so?” Harry asks with raised eyebrows.
“Harry, the cameras at Plant Geo are for everyone to use, and yet you somehow kept two in your office at all times so no one else could use them.”
“You know how it is when you get the settings just right.”
“Doesn’t matter. You like when your things stay yours. That gets old really quick.”
“So I’ve learned.”
The door opens and they hear the yipping of a dog. Harry turns around and smiles. He picks Buster up and he licks his cheek.
“There’s my boy!” He looks at you. “And my girl.”
“It looks so great in here you guys.” You smile brightly, and go to kiss Harry. He puts Buster down and lets him sniff and Isaac and Maria.
“Yeah it’s really coming together. We’re excited for the opening next month.”
“It’s gonna be great.”
“Wanna leave him here with me for a bit? Got his area set up now.”
“Oh…um, sure.”
“Want him to get used to the space, you know?”
“Right, yeah, that’s fine.” You look at Buster. “Wanna spend the afternoon with daddy, Buster?” The dog yips and you giggle.
“Daddy?” Isaac questions with a smirk.
“I am his father, aren’t I?” He asks, putting an arm around you. “And she’s his mummy, got a problem with it?”
“Not at all.” He laughs. “Mariah, let’s go get lunch. We can leave mummy and daddy here.”
“Good idea.”
The two leave and you give Harry another kiss. You go up with him to your office, and Buster plops on the floor.
“It looks so good in here, babe.”
“Thanks…hey can I talk to you about somethin’?”
“You, uh, keep leavin’ your dishes in the sink in the mornin’, and usually I don’t mind takin’ care of it, but it’s starting to make me run late…”
“Oh my gosh, I’m sorry Harry. I didn’t even realize…I end up running around from working out and taking him out and all that. I can try to be better about not leaving a mess for you.”
“Like I said, I usually don’t mind, especially since you make me breakfast like every mornin’, it just piles up some days.”
“Say no more, I’ll just start putting everything in the dishwasher.”
“That’s another thing you typically leave for me…you never empty it. So when I’m doin’ the dishes I have to empty it and load it.” He rubs the back of his neck.
“I’m sorry Harry, I didn’t realize I was doing, or I guess wasn’t doing all that.”
“I feel bad even saying anything because you clean up so many other things.”
“No, don’t feel bad. If I’m doing something that bothers you I want you to tell me so I can work on it.” You wrap your arms around him. “It’s all good.” He kisses the top of your head and wraps his arms around you. “I should probably get going. I have a one o’clock meeting today.”
“Okay, I’m glad I got to see you today.” He kisses you.
“Me too, baby.” You kiss him back. You bend down and give Buster a hug. “You be good for daddy, no accidents.”
Harry walks you out, and off you go. You got home before him and decided to clean the entire kitchen. You felt really bad for leaving a mess behind for him. You knew you’d be annoyed too if he did the same thing to you. You were usually the cleaner one, but you were definitely slacking. You make up a nice salad with roasted chickpeas and wait for your boys to get home.
Harry came in around 7:30, and Buster came in rushing to you. You smile big at him and scratch his tummy when he gives it to you.
“You’re home later than I thought, sweetie.” You say looking up at him. “I made dinner.”
“Thanks, I should’ve texted you, I ate already.”
“Oh.” You stand up. “Leftovers then, no big deal.” You shrug. “It was just salad anyways. You all ate together?”
“How was Buster?”
“Good, barely made a peep. Took him across the street to the park for a little bit so he could run around. Should be all tuckered out.”
“You look so tired, why don’t you go shower or something and relax.” You smile at him.
“I’m fuckin’ stressed is what I am.” He walks by you to go into the kitchen, and you follow him in. He grabs a beer from the fridge. He looks around. “You clean in here?”
“Yeah, I wanted to tidy everything up for you.” His face softens a little.
“Thanks.” He takes a sip from his beer.
“What’s stressing you out?” You sit down at the island.
“I don’t know, what if Mariah can’t bring enough clients in, what if I can’t afford Isaac after a certain point, what if we don’t get walk ins, what if my clients want at home pictures instead of comin’ in. There’s just so much uncertainty that’s hitting me all at once.” You nod along as he takes another sip of his drink. “I just hope I didn’t make a big mistake.”
“Oh honey, you didn’t. You’re so talented, and you’re already booking out. You may have slower times than others, but that’ll just leave you to work on your own projects.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, if there’s a trip you wanna take, or pictures you’ve been wanting to take you could. And then you could sell prints or something.”
“Suppose so…”
“You know what might be fun at some point? We could set up across the street at the park and take, like, family photos. You, me, and Buster, what do you think of that?”
Harry puts his drink down, walks over to where you’re sitting, and turns your seat towards him. He cups your cheeks in his hands and kisses you. You taste the beer on his tongue. You’re surprised at how lustful the kiss is.
“We really are a little family now, aren’t we?” He asks gently.
“Yes.” You wrap your arms around his neck.
“How do you do that?”
“Do what?”
“Always make me feel better…”
You smile and lean in to kiss him again. His hands grip at your hips and he picks you up. He puts you down on one of the kitchen counters. You tug at his hair as he continues to lick into your mouth. He tugs at the hem of your shirt and lifts it off. He unhooks your bra immediately, and before you can say anything his mouth is wrapping around one of nipples. He kneads the other one and you groan.
“Harry.” You breathe as your head rolls back.
He sucks on you harshly, then move to the other one. He nips at the upper part of your chest, and sucks your skin between his teeth. You pull him closer with your legs, needing more contact from him.
“Can I fuck you here?” He says in your ear and your toes curl.
He undoes his belt and drops his pants just enough to let his dick out.
“Wait we need a condom.” He looks up at you incredibly annoyed.
“I went to urgent care today for my sinus infection and they gave me antibiotics. Some antibiotics can cancel out birth-control.”
“So I’ll put out and come on you.” You look at him. “Or, I’ll go get a condom.”
“Go with the latter.”
“Take your fuckin’ pants off.”
He groans and stomps his way down the hall to the bedroom and comes back with the foil packet. Your pants and underwear have been removed. The cold granite beneath you isn’t comfortable, but you know in a few minutes you won’t care. He grumbles while he rolls the condom on his dick and he looks at you.
“How long are you on the meds for?
“They gave me a z-pack because I have an ear infection too, so like five days. Not long.”
“That’s an eternity with these things.” He grips your hips and pulls you closer. “No wonder you had such a bad headache Saturday, poor thing.” He kisses your forehead, and then thrusts into you with no warning.
“Jesus!” You grip his shoulders.
He thrusts into you hard and fast, and you cling to him. You bite down into his shoulder. You didn’t want your moans to frighten Buster in the other room. It wasn’t often when you both had sex in the kitchen. It was the most comfortable place in the world to get railed, but he clearly needed this, he need you. He needed some time to focus solely on one thing, and that needed to be your body then so be it.
He picks you up of the counter and brings you to your fit. You look up at him confused. He spins you around and pushes your stomach against the counter. He enters you from behind. One hand on the back of your neck and the other gripping the hair on the back of your head. He was hitting you so deep. He was just being a little too rough with you.
“H, Harry, ease up a bit.” You say gritting your teeth.
“My hair, don’t pull my hair.”
He let’s go of it immediately and drops his hand to reach for your clit to soothe you a little. He moves his body closer to yours so his chest was pressing against your back.
“Sorry.” He says, nipping at your earlobe.
“S’okayyyyyy, oh my god.” Your head falls back to his shoulder as you release around him.
He spills into the condom shortly after and pulls out. He throws it away and pulls his pants back up. He gives you his shirt to throw on.
“Thanks.” Your cheeks were completely flushed and you looked incredibly fucked out. It was enough to make his cock twitch again. You slide your panties up your legs and grab your other clothes. “Let’s go snuggle with Buster on the sofa a bit before bed.”
“Meet yeh there.” He kisses your temple.
You use the toilet and get on the sofa with them. Buster plops right in your lap.
“He’ll be too big for this soon too.” You frown.
“Don’t think about it. He can still sit with us, he’ll just rest his head on our laps instead of his whole body.” Buster picks his head up to look at you and you cups his face in your hands.
“You’re mumma’s little lovebug aren’t you?” He starts wagging his tail. “That’s right, mumma’s precious little lovebug.” You say smiling. Harry pets him as you continue to coo lovingly.
“Niall was thinking of puttin’ a campin’ trip together for us and Lou, just a boy’s trip.”
“Oh that’s nice. When?”
“Memorial Day weekend maybe?”
“That’s the weekend between our party and your grand opening…”
“So…nothing, um, yeah that should be fine. You deserve some time with them. And I can hang with the girls.”
“You sure it’s alright? I know there’s a lot to do before both parties, but-“
“No, yeah, it’s fine, babe.” You look at him and smile.
Harry woke up in the middle of the night to the sound of you throwing up. He gets up immediately and rushes into the bathroom. He pulls your hair back and rubs your back to soothe you as you flush the toilet.
“What happened? You’re sick?”
“No.” He helps you stand and you go to brush your teeth. “It’s the antibiotics, they’re really strong. You have to take two on the first day. I should’ve had a glass of milk when I took the second one before bed.”
“Poor thing.” He holds you to his chest and rubs your back. “Want me to get you some water or something?”
“No, I’m alright now, thank you.”
You both get back into bed. You lay on your back and he lays on his side to face you. He rubs your stomach to try to soothe you and it actually helps you fall back asleep.
Harry wakes up at the same as you the next morning to make sure you’re alright.
“Harry, I told you already the medicine is just strong. I’m gonna have some Greek yogurt this morning to help my stomach.”
“I’ll go take the dog out then.”
“You don’t have to, go back to sleep.”
“I’m up already it’s fine.”
“I wanna bring him with me to work today. I like having him there with me.”
“I’ll drop him off before I go to therapy.”
“That works. Father-son dinner tonight Buster, how do yeh like that?” He asks him as he puts the leash on.
You go to get dressed after eating your yogurt. You make sure to put your spoon in the dishwasher, and not leave it in the sink. You decide on a light blue dress that had tank top sleeves, and a white three quarter sleeve blazer. It was finally warm enough to break out some of your favorite outfits. Harry stops short when he sees you.
“What?” You look down at yourself. “It’s got a high neckline, no cleavage see?”
“No, no, I just…you look really pretty is all.” He smiles. He takes the leash off of Buster and he runs towards you. “Seems like he thinks so too.” You giggle as you pet your baby.
“Thanks, Harry.” You walk over to him and kiss him.
“I’ll pick up dinner tonight.”
“Sounds good.” You take the leash from him. “Buster, time to go to work with mummy.”
Harry, Isaac, and Mariah were all staring at a picture on the wall when you came in with Buster.
“I just don’t know if that works there?” Harry says.
“It’s too abstract.” Mariah says.
“But it’ll give people waiting something to think about.” Isaac says.
“What are you all looking at?” You say.
“Hey!” Harry turns to you and smiles. He gives you a kiss and pats the top of Buster’s head.
“You look so cute, Y/N!” Mariah says.
“Damn girl, you are wearing that dress.” Isaac comments. You blush a deep red and the bombardment of compliments.
“Oh, thanks guys.” You give Harry a kiss on the cheek. “Well, I gotta go or I’ll be late, see you at home later. Bye guys.” You smile and wave to them, and leave.
“Where does she go on Tuesday nights, work out class?” Isaac asks.
“Um, no…” Harry rubs the back of his head. He wasn’t sure if he should say you see a therapist. “She just has this standing this appointment. I can’t really say what for.”
“’Nough said. Now, let’s get back to figuring out if we like this for the waiting area or not.”
“You look lovely, Y/N.” Dr. Mara says as you sit down.
“Definitely wearing this dress more often.” You laugh.
“How was your week?”
“Stressful…I’m planning these two parties, I have huge surprise for Harry on top of it. I had to babysit my nephew this weekend on top of still training Buster. Oh, and I got sick so that was great. Harry and I got into a huge fight because of Niall.”
“Okay, here’s what happened, Harry had two weddings to work on Saturday. I woke up feeling like shit, but whatever. He was so good, he got the baby all set up for me, took the dog out, awesome. I didn’t wanna bring the baby into the shower with me, I just felt weird you know?” She nods. “So I called Niall and he came right over. I felt even worse so he stayed to help. It was actually nice because we hadn’t hung out one on one in a while. So, I ended up falling asleep with my head in his lap, there was a pillow there, but a guess he was like playing with my hair and I was really snuggled up to him. So when Harry got home he brought me to bed and then him and Niall started arguing.” She continues to nod along. “They woke me and the baby up, so Niall went home and I made Harry sleep in the other room.”
“He doesn’t like when you tell him to do that…”
“I know, but I honestly didn’t know what else to say, and I didn’t want to argue with him at that moment in time. I couldn’t even be near him. I know it didn’t look great, but he acts like I give him a reason to worry.” You sigh. “Him and Niall are best friends, and Niall is also my best friend. It’s hard to navigate sometimes. Anyways, the next day he and I got into it, and I got so mad I told him if we fought over it again I’d be done.”
“Oh my.”
“I wasn’t even thinking when I said it. I know it really hurt him, I didn’t do it on purpose. I was just so aggravated to be having the same conversation.”
“So what happened when you said that?”
“He just said okay. Then he went to Niall’s to apologize, and then we made up. It’s been put to bed.”
“You can’t guarantee he won’t get mad again.”
“He said he’s going to try to work on it. It’s really more about his own issues than Niall or myself. I try really hard to show him and tell him he could never lose me. I wanna be with him always. He could also just be overworked and over stressed.”
“When you say you want to be with him always, what does that mean exactly?”
“Well, we’ve talked about it and we wanna get married and have kids at some point. I feel like we talk more about babies than marriage. It sort of freaks me out sometimes. I feel like he doesn’t really understand just how much work a baby is, he really romanticizes it. I also get freaked out because of my own parents…sometimes when we fight I feel like I’m becoming my father.”
“How so?”
“I don’t know, just saying the worst things possible…not that I do it on purpose. But he used to say the nastiest shit to my mom, and then he’d stay in the basement for like two days. He’d reemerge like he didn’t just cause a bunch of damage. And my mom would act the same way. It was like they’d throw dagger at each other, and just let the wounds stay open. They never healed. Harry and I always talk after we make up.” She raises an eyebrow at you.
“What is making up then?”
“We have sex.”
“Do you enjoy the make up sex the most out of all the sex you have with him?”
“No…but it is nice. I don’t know what kind of sex I enjoy the most with him. I just like being really close to him.” She nods. “He makes me feel really safe.”
“What can you do to provide more of that safety with him?”
“I could show more PDA, I know he likes that.”
“Good start.”
When you got in Harry was on all fours with Buster. Buster had one end of a rope in his mouth and Harry had the other end of the rope in his mouth. They were playing tug of war. You take your phone out immediately and record them.
“What are you doin’?” He says, letting go of the rope.
“What am I doing? What you doing?” You ask, laughing.
“Playin’ with our boy.” He stands up all the way and wraps his arms around you. “How was your session?”
“Good, but tiring. I’m starved.”
“Pizza’s in the kitchen.” You two kiss and then he lets you go so you can make yourself a plate. You plop down on the couch.
“Thanks for picking this up, op, no Buster, you can’t have this. Harry take him off the couch.”
“Sorry.” He chuckles. “Can’t eat mumma’s food, Buster.” He looks at you. “So, our part’s this weekend, then I go campin’, and then it’s the grand opening.”
“And you’re sure you’re okay with me goin’ away a whole weekend.”
“Yes, Harry.” You finish up your pizza and put the plate on the side table. “I want you to hang out with your friends.”
“I think the fresh air will do me some good. Clear my head before the big day.”
“I agree.”
“I’m dyin’ to get that dress off of yeh.”
“That so?”
“Mhm, and I, uh, bought some more lube today.” He says with blushing cheeks. Both of your eyebrows raise.
“Did you now?”
“Yeah.” Your eyes darken and you a grin grows on your lips.
“You want me to fuck you, Harry?” His cock twitches at your sultry voice.
“Yes.” You stand up and take his hand. “But I wanna fuck you first.”
Harry gets your dress off quickly. You felt his hands all over your body. He kissed love bites into your inner thighs before his tongue make its way to your center.
“C, condom!” You scream when he rubs his top against your clit. He glares at you, but goes to grab one.
“I still think I could just come on you and it’d be fine.”
“Look, I’m rollin’ it on, see.”
“Yeah, now put it in me.” He smirks and thrusts into you.
“Always take it so well, you’re amazing.” He says as he nips at your jaw.
Harry gave you about four orgasms before it was his turn. You get the towel and the lube and you file your nails quick to make sure they wouldn’t hurt him. You were both at a point where if you fingered him long enough he wouldn’t really need the plug.
“Yeah?” You slide your fingers out of him.
“Um…could I put it in from behind this time?”
“Sure.” He shrugs.
You kiss for a few minutes before you put the strap on. He flips over and gets on his elbows and knees for you. You like the dildo up with his hole and you slowly slide it in.
“Doing okay, baby?”
“Yeah, I’m good.”
You grips his hips and thrust in a little more. Once it’s all the way in you stay there to let him adjust.
“Okay, you can move it.”
You reach one hand around to pump his cock while you start to rock in and out of him.
“Shit.” He groans.
“Feels good?”
“Feels great…miss seeing your face though.”
“Wanna flip back over?”
“Yeah.” You pull out of him and lays back holding his legs back for you. You slide back in. “Much better.” He says.
“You look so pretty like this Harry.”
“So do you.” You rock in and out of him and grip his cock, rubbing your thumb over the tip.
“Ah, fuck!”
“Oh did I hit it?”
“Yes, keep doin’ that, please.”
Harry’s moans were like a symphony, truly and utterly beautiful to hear. You two didn’t do this often, but when you did, you both loved it.
“Y/N, I’m gonna come, fuck!”
It gets all over your hand and stomach from the way you angled it. You lean forward and kiss on his heaving chest before you slowly pull out of him. You take the strap off and rub your hand on the towel.
“You did so good, Harry.”
“Thanks.” He chuckles and pulls you on top of him. “You know I was kind of scared when you first brought all this up, but I quite like it now.”
“Oh good! It’s a real turn on to watch you like that.” You kiss each other and smile.
“Would you run us a bath?”
“Of course!”
You hop off the bed and get the water started.
“What flavor bath bomb do you want tonight?”
“The vanilla one, please.”
“You got it!”
You and Harry relax and chat in the bath for a bit. He tells you about his day while you massage his scalp. You loved him with your whole heart. No one ever made you feel the way he did. And you thought it was so incredibly sexy and manly of him to let him do what you do to him.
“You know I think it’s very progressive of you to let me peg you.” He chuckles and turns to look at you.
“It’s just another way of havin’ sex. Besides, who am I to deny you of somethin’? Guys can be so insecure about this kind of stuff. They think it’ll make ‘em gay if they stick anything up their ass. What a stupid thing to be afraid of.”
“So you don’t feel emasculate at all?”
“Not in the slightest, I’ve never felt more like a man actually.” He faces front and then turns back to you with a smirk on his face. “Besides, everyone’s a little gay.”
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kumeko · 4 years
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A/N: For Suga, who wanted a Renobowl! I’m sorry this took so long, but I hope I added enough characters/potential romance routes to more than make up for it!
i. Cloud
It was a ridiculously stupid. Reno stood in the unfinished basement of the cruddy bar, Seven Minutes in Heaven or something. A table stood in the center of the room, multiple painstakingly handmade maps sprawled over it. The walls were covered with blinking lights and cameras that were more stylistic than functional.
 This was the great AVALANCHE’s headquarters. This was where the renegade group of morons thwarted Shinra and somehow survived to tell the tale. This was where all of their slipshod improvised plans were made.
 “This is a shitshow,” Reno muttered, leaning against the wall. How the fuck had they even once lost to these guys? It had to be luck or something equally silly. There was no fucking way it was anything else.
 Even worse? He was joining this merry band of idiots.
 Maybe he had hit his head back in the church.
“You can leave anytime you want to,” Barret growled, glaring at him over the map. The guy overprotective of everything, whether it was his daughter, the bar, or the people he worked with. It was entirely unlike Shinra’s hands-off management team. Reno almost missed the single-worded orders and lingering silence.
 “Nah, I’m good.” Reno smirked, his lips curling back as he bared his sharp teeth. It had cowed the other, lesser members of the team, but Barret didn’t so much as flinch.
 “You try anything funny, and you won’t have a choice,” he warned, before going back to his ‘plan’.
 Reno snorted. Like he hadn’t already gotten that warning from AVALANCHE’s rabid dog. He could still feel the bar digging into his back from when Cloud had pushed him against it, his grip tight on his collar. Despite his constant claims of just being a mercenary for hire, there had been a rough concern in his voice as he’d growled If you betray us to Shinra…
 Cloud’s sword was sharp, his hands strong, and it didn’t take much to imagine just what he’d do if Reno turned traitor.
 Not that he’d planned to; he’d had enough being Shinra’s lapdog. Yet, even now he could feel Cloud’s hot breath on his face, his heart racing at the possibilities. If he had reached up to grab Cloud’s collar too, if he had closed the gap between them, what would have happened? How rough would it be?
 Rude had always warned him he was self-destructive, and well, he wasn’t wrong. Across the dark room, Cloud regarded him with Mako-bright eyes and Reno could only lick his lips in anticipation.
  ii. Tifa
 “Oh great, another one to haul out. Why can’t they leave before they pass out?”
 Blearily, Reno looked up from his empty glass. At the bottom was a drop or two of gin, and he pressed his lips against the rim as he tried to force them down.
 “Oh, you’re awake.”  
 Remembering the voice, he looked up. Standing across the bar, a pretty brunette eyed him wryly as she pried his glass away from him. His hand instantly clenched, but it was too late, she’d slipped it out too fast. There was something about her build, about the muscles on her arm and the smooth way that she didn’t so much as walk as flowed across the floor that reminded him about something. It was like a fighter’s. Or a dancer’s. Both were common enough in this town.
 “Youree hot,” he slurred, trying to reach over and take it back. He smirked at her; it worked about half the time, if he was lucky.
 Unfortunately, he wasn’t lucky today. She sighed, rolling her eyes as she set the cup down behind her. Walking around the bar, she wrapped an arm around his waist and hoisted him up. Immediately, he corrected his previous guess. She was definitely a fighter. That strength was no dancer’s, all muscle and little finesse. He was certain she could toss him over his shoulders like a sack of potatoes.
 “You should take me home,” he leered. No one could claim he knew when to quit.
 She wrinkled her nose and rolled her eyes, clearly used to this sort of talk. Opening the door, she hauled him outdoors. As usual, the slums smelled like coal dust and shit, but her whiskey scent cut through it. He was half drunk on it. “You smell good.”
 The bartender rolled her eyes. “Yeah, yeah, where should I drop you off?”
 “My place then?” You couldn’t claim Reno knew when to quit.
 For his efforts, he was promptly deposited on the hard ground. Swiping her hands against each other as though to wipe off her germs, she firmly replied, “I’m sure you can make it back on your own.”
 Reno chuckled, getting up on wobbly feet. “Tomorrow then?”
 At her responding glare, he laughed the entire walk back.
   iii. Barret
Reno couldn’t tell you why he’d decided to suddenly help AVALANCHE. It certainly wasn’t one of those good reasons, like pity or kindness. It certainly wasn’t self-preservation either—if he wanted to live, he should have stuck with Shinra. The man owned almost all of the city and had more than enough connections everywhere else to make life uncomfortable.
 Then again, Reno had never claimed to be exceptionally smart. He’d always choked against every restraint put on him, always struggled underneath his former boss’s heel.
 (He remembered Tseng’s cold voice as he accepted the sector drop, and maybe that twinge of guilt had been more than just a twinge.)
 Either way, here he was lying on the roof of the building, the helicopter in pieces around him. Rude probably survived the crash, he survived everything, the dumb fuck, but he definitely wouldn’t be happy to see Reno after the stunt he pulled. Shinra had more than enough men to protect him, the ass.
 This was a stupid idea. Which was probably why he didn’t even think when he crashed their helicopter on the pad instead of fighting Barret and his band of merry idiots. What a stupid idea. They’d only live for maybe a few minutes more.
 He coughed and winced. That was a broken rib. Two, if he were unlucky, and Reno was always unlucky. He’d been born under a cursed star, after all.
 “You friggin’ moron.” Reno barely had time to open his eyes before he saw a thick, black arm wrap around his waist, picking him up with an unexpected gentleness despite the rough voice. “What were you doing?”
 “Saving your asses,” he croaked, laughing. Big mistake, his ribs definitely didn’t like that. Spitting blood on the ground, he smirked. “What’re you doing?”
 Barret snorted, running down the stairs in a desperate attempt to escape. Escape what? Reno frowned, his head aching as he tried to remember. There had been a bomb—the building was set to explode and he’d warned them.
 “We’re not gonna make it,” he mumbled. From the corner of his eye, he spotted Tifa and Cloud racing ahead, clearing the way.
 “We’re going to friggin’ try.” Barret tightened his grip as he bounded down the stairs even faster now, taking them three steps at a time. “Can’t believe you did that.”
 “And you’re carryin’ me.” Something about this struck him funny. He wasn’t sure if it was the concussion or if it had always been funny, but it was. He tried not to laugh. His ribs ached nonetheless.
 “Tifa insisted.” Barret ground out, looking a little put out. “You saved us, sure, but it’s probably ploy.”
 “I feel like a ploy,” Reno agreed. That made sense. He was certain that made sense.
 “Yeah, you do.” Barret tried not to jostle him as he turned down another flight of stairs. The whole building was endless. No wonder Reno had taken the helicopter up. “But I guess she’s got a point. No one’s going to kill themselves just to get in.”
 “I’m in?” Reno wasn’t sure how he felt about that. Queasy, though that might have been the concussion.
 “I’m not letting you near us, but you get to live.” Barret glanced at him, the hardened face of a leader. “You’ve earned that much.”
 “Have I?” he questioned, but his head jostled and he fell into the welcoming darkness.
   iv. Sephiroth
 There were many things Reno expected during his time with the Turks, but sitting in a helicopter across from SOLDIER’s greatest warrior hadn’t been high on the list. Considering the kind of wild card he was, he’d expected the brass to keep them as far apart as possible.
 Maybe the higher ups liked flirting with danger too. The chopper’s blades were loud and it was hard to think, let alone talk. Reno glanced at the door, taking in the snowy mountains below. “Why’d anyone want to go to a nowhere like this?”
 Sephiroth didn’t say anything, only coolly regarded him with bright, mako-infused eyes. Something sparked underneath his peaceful expression, some sort of violent storm that was just waiting to explode. Reno didn’t want to be anywhere near when it happened.
 He also wanted to stand right in the middle of it all.
 Rude had always called him a contradictory bitch.
 “I can see them sending me over to this boring backwater town as a punishment, but you?” he raised a brow, egging him on. “Thought you’d be too big to come here.”
 His silver hair almost hid his face as he leaned against the other door and silently took in their destination. Quietly, he replied, “You can stay on the helicopter when we arrive. You aren’t needed.”
 “Huh?” Reno snorted, resisting the urge to yank on his long hair and force him to look at him. If there was one thing that grated on his nerves, it was being ignored. “What, you want to hog all the glory?”
 “There’s two SOLDIERS.” His gold-flecked eyes met his, and Reno was certain now that he saw some spark of untameable emotion behind his glass exterior. “A Turk is useless.”
 “I’ll show you useless.” He smiled wolfishly, all teeth. Sephiroth’s eyes narrowed, just a smidge, and he personally made it his goal to see just how long it’d take for the big man to lose control.
   v. Aerith
 “Oh, you poor dears,” Aerith murmured as she knelt in the single patch of sunlight in the slums. Reno had once wondered just what the odds were that it shone through the hole in her church, that it hit the only place flowers grew, and then remembered he’d hated numbers. “Don’t worry, I’m here.”
 Hands in his pockets, Reno slowly made his way down the aisle to her, his footsteps echoing in the vast room. People might have come here once upon a time, but it was abandoned now, forgotten by all but a lone flower-girl. He glanced at the torn-up flowers at her feet, the over-turned dirt, and snorted. “This happens every time. You should just let them die.”
 “Never.” She immediately rejected his suggestion just as she’d done the last nth number of times this had happened. “You could help, you know, instead of standing there.”
 He shrugged. “They don’t pay me enough to watch you and help you.”
 “You don’t have to watch, you can just help,” she replied sweetly, her innocent smile not quite masking her sharp eyes. The girl was a match waiting to light up. “I won’t tell.”
 “Sure, and Shinra won’t have my head when he finds out.” Reno rolled his eyes. They had this conversation once a week. The company goons would come and get her (they also didn’t pay him enough to help them), she’d beat them up and flee, they’d make a mess of her garden, and she’d fix it up.
 And then rinse and repeat.
 It was boring. If he had to get stuck in this small-time slum with this small-time girl, then at least he should be properly entertained. “Why do you even care about those things?”
 “They’re pretty,” she replied earnestly, her fingers digging in the dirt and righting a plant. “They’re resilient. And…”
 “And?” Reno raised a brow.
 “I like them.” She grinned as she lied. He was pretty sure that the reason his boss wanted her was in her last, silent response. “Do I really need another reason?”
 “For this much work? Yeah.” Reno shrugged.
 Aerith chuckled, tucking a lock behind her ear. “If you say so. But if you change your mind…”
 “Not happening.” Reno snorted, sitting in a pew a couple of rows down. Crossing his arms on the bench in front of him, he rested his chin and watched as she went back to work.
 He was starting to sit closer each time.
 He didn’t want to think about what that meant.
   vi. Tseng
 “We’re balancing the scales,” Tseng ordered, his voice carefully neutral. It was always careful with this guy. The bastard liked to pretend he didn’t have feelings, that he was above all that. That the cold that came naturally to Shinra was also his own.
 Reno knew better. He made the same lies, only he didn’t buy into them. “Yeah…not.”
 “Do you really believe that?” Unfortunately, Rude bought Tseng’s act wholesale. A tragic flaw of his. As soft as he was, he needed some point to this, some reason for it all. There wasn’t. There never would be. And he’d never accept that. His hand clenched as he stared at Tseng.
 Reno knew Tseng’s response before he even opened his mouth.  Whatever the man might feel, he wouldn’t change his mind. “Does it matter?” Tseng raised a brow. Thatching his fingers, he regarded them coolly. His eyes lingered on Reno’s, as though he knew what would come next.
 Maybe he did. They did the same song and dance every time this happened. “What questions? We do the thing.” Reno shrugged, sitting up now. He ran a hand through his hair. “Just like always.”
 Rude looked at him sadly and sighed. “I’ll get ready.”
 Disheartened, he left the conference room, glancing back at Tseng one last time like a kicked puppy. If tactics like that could work, they wouldn’t be in this business in the first place. Reno snorted. As the heavy door slowly closed shut with a soft thud, he finally turned to Tseng. “You’re a fucking liar.”
 As usual, Tseng didn’t even bother to look up from his computer. His fingers ran quickly over the keys, tapping in an unknown code. Maybe if he did it enough, he could become one with the machine. “I didn’t lie.”
 Reno laughed, slipping off the couch and stalked toward the desk. Tseng still didn’t look up and he growled.
 Nothing got to him more than being ignored. “Every time you open that mouth,” he grabbed Tseng’s jaw, “You lie.”
 He didn’t so much as flinch. His eyes were dark. “I’ve never lied.”
 “Even that’s a lie,” Reno muttered.
 Tseng turned off his monitor. “Don’t make a mess on my desk this time.”
 “No promises.” It was all the warning Reno gave before he tugged Tseng closer and crashed his lips on his. There was nothing smooth or gentle about what they did—about the way Reno cleared the desk with a crash or Tseng pulled at his jacket, almost tearing it. This wasn’t a relationship, wasn’t anything more than just pent up emotions needing a release.
 And if that release was something physical, almost always bruising, then all the better. Hell, if he left enough marks on Tseng’s perfectly clear skin, then perhaps he could pretend he’d actually protested what they’d done.
That he’d tried and quelled the ghosts that refused to leave him alone.
  vii. Rude
“What if we flew away?” Rude asked, glancing at Reno as they flew the helicopter to Shinra’s building. There was a strange lit in his voice, one that took Reno several seconds to recognize as hope.
 “Back to headquarters?” he asked, playing dumb. Maybe it’d be enough for Rude to back away like he always did, take the coward’s way out.
 “No,” Rude shook his head. For once, he was being obstinate. “I mean…away.”
 It was his fault. He’d never been one for pillow talk, and that was the reason that Rude insisted on ambushing him everywhere else with these types of conversations. Hell, they were half-way to destroying AVALANCHE, and the man wanted to talk about escaping Shinra. Reno snorted, shutting it down immediately. “Like that’s fucking happening.”
 “But if it could?” Rude asked again, oddly insistent. His hands curled on the throttle as he eased the helicopter up. With his eyes hidden behind his sunglasses, it was hard to tell what he was thinking.
 “Fine.” Sittng back in his seat, he rolled his eyes. “Let’s say Shinra doesn’t kill us or hunt us down. Where would we go?”
 “One of those small towns on the outskirts?” Rude suggested, though he sounded like he’d thought this out for months. Maybe he had.  Maybe if Reno had just pretended to listen and slept through it all when they were in bed, he wouldn’t have to deal with that now. “There’s dozens of those.”
 “There’s a reason they’re small.” Reno scoffed, wrinkling his nose to the idea. He could barely handle them for a mission, let alone living in one. “What would we even do?”
 Rude shrugged, trying to sound casual. “Farm?”
 Reno snorted. “Can you imagine? Or maybe you could, but me? Do I look like a farmer?” He gestured at his body. Even on his best days, he knew exactly how scrawny he was. In all honesty, he’d always been a city boy; even the slums here were more interesting than some backwater town.
 “There’s other things to do.” Rude flicked a switch and pressed a button. “It’s a small town, not the middle of nowhere.”
 “Might as well be.” Reno watched as they got closer and closer to the tower. Any minute now, they’d have to jump out. Getting up, he glanced at Rude. “You good now?”
 Something about him deflated as he nodded. “Yeah. I guess.”
 Reno bit back a groan. This is why he shouldn’t have even encouraged him. What a pain the ass. Looking out the window, he grumbled, “We can talk about this tonight, fine?”
 He could almost hear Rude smile. There was that annoying, hopeful sound again as he replied, “Yeah.”
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kanene-yaaay · 4 years
Wait, no! [Or ‘Feathers’ - 1º Day]
Kanene’s note: Me??? Still translating Tickletober fafics??? OH YEEEEEAH!!!
Okay, okay, but, look: In my defense, the first version was just not good enough for me to translate it,, but then I went out internet and FOR SOME REASON THE INSPIRATION JUST BROKE INTO MY HOUSE, MADE ME LOOK IN A VERY OLD WORD DOC. IN MY COMPUTER
And when I realized, I was already in the fourth page- 
Warnings, fun facts, random things and stuff:
* Lee!Patton , LereRoman, Lee!Virgil, Lee!Logan and... Ler!Feathers, I guess? xDDD
* Hmmm… This is a Tickle-Fanfic! If you don’t like this kind of stuff, please look for another blog, there are fabulous arts in this site!! ‘u’).
* Something around 1500 words. -w-)b.
* Sorry for any spelling, pontuation and grammar mistakes! Any advice is very very welcome! 
* E a versão em brasileiro será reescrita assim que eu puder! Thankys for reading, my lollipops! Watch a fun video, listen some songs that can make you travel across the universe and drink water! Byeioo!~
- Okay. Okay. Patton, it’s your turn!! – Roman spin in a grand flourish, showing to the excited, almost as much as he is, parental side. Logan let go an exasperate “Thanks Sherlock” and quickly move away, opening space for the other wearing cardigan gets closer in bouncy steps.
 - Now let me see… - The embodiment of creativity began to encircling Patton, being cautious to not step into the circle carefully traced in the middle of the shiny floor of his room. The one with black rims glasses controlled himself the best he could with the warm, euphoric feeling running across his veins to not follow Roman and stay still in his actual position, knowing how much the other got excited about his new idea, which in the next video, each of them would emerge surrounded by a small tornado of something that represented the personality of said side. – It has to be suave, light but at the same time explode in a rainbow of colors for show all the facets of yourself and also to demonstrate your fun side, of course.
- Are you sure that we can’t have puppies to represent your happy pappy Pawtton, kiddo?
 Logan groan in distance, Patton’s smile just increase, don’t lasting much before becoming a small pout when Roman just shook his head, concentrated eyes flying everywhere, wandering among options and possibilities that none of them could see.
 - I would love it, my dear Padre. – A bit of a grin shined his features, maybe due the pun from the parental side or the incapacity of the same to hide his enthusiasm and literally, yet slightly, beaming in his tip toes. However, his expression quickly changed to a thoughtful one. – But it for best all of us keep alive beings far away from thi- OH YES, EUREKA! – Jump, victory pose, bold smile. – The perfect idea!!! Patton, sink out!!
 The cat lover did what said. Creativity’s representation rubbed his hands and made some arms stretches, fingers wiggling and each piece of himself radiating pride for his brainstorming, especially in the cocky grin directed to the aspect behind the holophote, who stared back with the best angry frown, his song blastering through the room even with his headphones on.
 - I don’t have any idea of how the heck you guys manage to drag me into these things. – The grumpy, acid reply was followed by the bright of the object being turned on and direct towards the painted circle. Roman, finally summoned, not before his usual series of flourishes and magic gestures, a weak tornado of stunning, although velvety, colors, which swirled fastly enough to transform its entirety in a dance of senses, however slow enough to be able for who watched to differentiate between each one of the feathers with a little bit of concentration.
 The problem in conjurations: You can’t always have the best control over the things created due this. Get this fact together with an embodiment of the moral and feelings excited in a way to not remember the exactly place where he should reappear and very much probably your result will be a high pitched squeal of a poor unfortunate Patton as he felt a bunch of feathers get into his shirt and immediately fell in the ground, too much occupied with his squirming only increasing the feeling of the fluff objects spinning across his stomach and sides in light strokes causing unbearable tingles in every place it touched (and tickled) to really notice that, in consequence of his move a large part of the others feathers speeded thought the place without any control and having a really fond spot to explore any infinitesimal possibility to run into any researchable shirt and the ticklish bodies that it covered.
 - No! NononononononO!!
 They were really suave sensations, but at the same time so impossible to ignore that in only a few seconds after the ‘explosion’, the others three sides followed Patton’s lead and rolled, squirmed, kicked on the floor, seeking to expel the tickly feathers that danced, floated and swirled in every sensitive spot that they managed to find.
 - NahahahaHAHAHAHAHahahahaha!! – Virgil shrugged, struggling to protect his neck from some of the ones that insistently dragged themselves from the shell of his ear, slowly wiggling to the base of his neck, focusing some mean strokes there before making all the way up one more time, and then one more and one more and one more, just caring to change to the other side or deviating their attention to concentrate in the spot right under his chin, getting few mixes between squeaky muffled snort and the low giggles flying from the huge smile, so rare, which took over his lips. – ROHOHOHOHOHOHOHOMahahahahaahahah!! – His hands went up in the attempt to do something before immediately going down when he felt two feathers get into his sleeves, quickly went dangerously close to his armpits. – Ihihihihihi gohohohohohohna to KILL – Squeak, squeak, squeak. – YOHOHOHOHOHOU! NAHAHAHA!
 - Nohohohohohohoho! Ple-hehehehe-pleHEHEHEASE! – Patton knew, deep in himself he really knew, that it was useless to beg to inanimate beings mercy. Albeit, in the exactly instant three of the fluffiest, tickliest feathers he even felt in his whole life found his unfairly, extremely sensitive bellybutton, the tip of them digging and carefully spreading the tickles equally in its walls, sometimes even slipping to the unprotected skin outside the tickle spot, spinning and spinning nonstop. - NOT THEREHEHEHEHEHE! NahahahahaHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! - He didn’t care if they could hear or even understand him, specially when his trashing pushed his shirt up and in the same second four others feathers, two using their quill and two their fluff part, traced the entirety of his waistline, exploding a shriek between his loud, belly (pun inserted) laughter.
 - ROHOHOHOHomahahahaan!! – Some few feathers manage to brutally attack his armpits in gentle strokes, leading Logan to maintain a strong grip of his hands in his hair strays, even if that meaned let enough space to the diabolic tickly tools dance in spirals into the sensitive skin, liberating electric shivers that got more unbearable every time they got in the middle of his pits and made all the reverse way back only to repeat the pattern a couple more of times again, just because he knew it would be worse if he let his instincts take over and low his arms. The single thought of the attackers stuck in his armpits being enough to make a blush burn in his features and his ticklishness increase as his arms trembled as his will power. - Mahahahahahahake it STOHOHOHOHOHOP!! – However, when he felt the quills starting to poke and draw whatever thing a feather would knew draw in every inches of not only his pits, but also his upper ribs and biceps, leading his laughter to rose some octaves and his eyes close tightly, as if this would help to ignore the feeling, the usually serious and rational side really thought in just give up and fall into the same beg technique as Patton.
 - It isn’t uhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhunder my cONTROHOHOhohohOL – The prince kicked as a large amount of feathers got into his pants and now focused in happily, quickly scribble and flutter around his calves, his fight only leading them to spread and therefore research a bigger area, as well as it gave new spots to satiate they curiosity, for example the skin extremely susceptible to soft touches behind his knees which made a loud, uncontrollable laughter escape from his mouth. – At least NOT ANYMOHOHOHOHOHORE!! – And then squeals took over his vocal chords, especially when, for instinct, Roman hugged his legs and trapped some feathers which now angrily wiggled behind his knees and seemed to make all the others tickle-attack with full force and speed, resulting to their creator to unfold himself and trash before the sensation become unbearable again and he hugged his legs, all the cycle repeating, again.
 Nothing more than laughter answered the aspect of romance, and, if he was being honest, maybe yes: Roman could stop all the tickly, evil feathers if he managed to get enough will and concentration. However, as his laughter reverberated amongst the others’ and that warm feeling filled their (faces and) hearts in a melody that lighted his soul, he wondered when this will power would ever appear.
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reddeaddamnation · 5 years
Imagine them finding out you’re a demigod [Chocobros + more]
Warnings: Mary-Sueish [Y/N]?, the post consists of short one-shots, spoilers, some are more angsty and others are on the funny side
Noctis Lucis Caelum
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He couldn’t believe it...even if he saw it with his own eyes. [Y/N], the daughter of Ifrit going against her own father in combat. They spoke in a language Noctis could hardly understand, as flames danced around them, engulfing the palace’s courtyard and turning it into an inferno of fire. Balls of flame flew all around and Noctis could hardly keep up with dodging them. [Y/N] interfered into the battle just in time and told them to back away and let her handle it. “You can’t do it alone!” the king yelled, worriedly, clueless about her true power and origin until she just smirked and lunged at Ifrit, flame covering her entire body and crashed into his chest roughly, knocking him back. “Fight fire with fire, as they say.” Prompto stated jokingly and for the first time Noctis wondered how he can joke in a time like this.
The fight went on and Noctis couldn’t look away or move even if he was out in the open. Words he briefly understood filled his mind. “You were a mistake!” Ifrit’s voice boomed, shaking the ground with anger “You are not my child!” Noctis felt someone tug at his hand and pull him away from a fireball, which flew straight towards him. “Get away!” [Y/N] screamed in human tongue, before intense white fires started radiating from her body, forming a large, pulsating ball around her. That was the last thing Noctis saw before the four broke into a run, and shortly after, the ball exploded, setting fire to everything around it.
“Get underground!“ Ignis yelled “Quick!“ This was a fight against time. If they didn’t outrun the flames, which chased them, they were done for. Noctis felt the burning heat against his exposed skin, which grew hotter and hotter as the inferno closed in. Luckily, the subway station was nearby and the four didn’t think twice. They lunged themselves down the stairs, rolling down them, until they hit the cold ground. The king laid there, basking in the coolness of the concrete, panting heavily and wondering how he managed to survive. He could still faintly hear fireballs bashing against something and loud voiced, though his ears were screaming, his vision was blurry. 
Some time later, the sounds finally stopped and the first to speak was Gladio “Come on, let’s go see what happened.” Slowly, Noctis stood up and the four slowly submerged from the underground. Everything was back to normal (or at least relatively normal, due to the current situation) and the fires were completely out. As they cautiously walked back to the courtyard, the first thing they saw was [Y/N]’s smaller figure on her knees next to Ifrit’s body, which was laying on the ground, unconscious. Her quiet sobs could be heard as she raised a burning red metal sword and with a scream, plunged it in his chest.
Noctis was speechless. He couldn’t imagine what she would be feeling in such a moment...going against your own father must be hard to overcome. [Y/N] stood there, sobbing quietly until she noticed their presence. She looked at them and smiled through tears, before standing up and wiping her eyes with her sleeve. “Hey guys.” she murmured “I hope I didn’t hurt you.” In that moment, Noctis desired nothing more than to comfort her, to show her that everything was going to be okay... That he was thankful for her bravery and for what she did to help them.
In several large steps, he walked up to her and pulled her into an embrace and did what he never had the bravery to do ever since he met her. He kissed her lips passionately, intensely, mind blank. [Y/N] was shocked for a moment, but a moment later brought her hands up to wrap around his neck and kissed him back. “I won’t let you die, Noct.” she murmured between kisses “We will find another way. We will bring the light back to the world.”
Prompto Argentum
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When the commotion in Altissia happened and all Prompto was busy with was trying to save his life, while fighting imperial soldiers, protect any civilian that got lost and have his friends’ backs all the while avoiding being drowned AND to help Noct fight Leviathan, he didn’t expect to be knocked down by the falling body of someone, who drenched him in water and didn’t even apologize for it when they got off of him! Prom knew that in such a moment being knocked over and drenched was the least of his problems, but he was ready to confront the person when he opened his eyes and sat up... until he saw the face of... “An angel!” he exclaimed quietly, staring up at the girl with a goofy smile and dreamy eyes.
She barely even noticed him, as she was too busy staring down Leviathan with the angry expression of a rebellious child. The goddess was angrily speaking to her in an unknown language, but the girl obviously understood every word. “No! I’m not going back!” she yelled in a childish manner “And you can’t make me!” Prompto completely forgot about the angry serpent, which was now looming over him, as he was too busy staring at the fiery girl. “But mother...!” she whined. Mother? No way, she was the daughter of Leviathan?! But she looked so... human. “I want to see the world of humans! I’m a part of it, even if you don’t want to admit it!” The serpent spoke something in a more calm manner, or at least that was what Prom thought. “Ugh, yes!” The girl groaned “I promise not to get killed and I promise to come back before you wake up and decide to kill me yourself for being late.”
The serpent spoke again one last time, before averting her attention back to the matter at hand. In the meantime, Prompto stood up and shot a smile “Woah.” he started “I bet only you can talk down the Leviathan and get away with it.” She turned around, now calmer and smiled in a way that made Prom’s knees weak. “Oh, that was just my mother.” she stated, as if it was just a normal fact “She gets soo overprotective. Anyway, I’m [Y/N]. Nice to meet you. And you are?” Prompto grinned again and stared at her like he never wants to look at another face again. “M-me? I-I’m... I-I-I’m beautiful...Wait! I mean, I’m Prompto... You’re beautiful.” he babbled, a blushing mess, which made her giggle and sent the poor boy’s heart flying. “Thanks. You’re so funny. And sweet.”
He knew he had some explaining to do to the boys. Explaining was even softly said when they saw him, struggling to answer all her questions and keeping her from tripping and falling over the ruins of the city. “Uh... Hey guys, this is...” Prom spoke with an awkward smile, but [Y/N] cut him off “[Y/N], daughter of Leviathan.” she answered with a smile. The three boys just stared with shocked expressions for a long moment, before yelling out in unison “What?!”
[Y/N] proved to be quite a curious and fun person, always asking questions about the world and ready to try out new things. When they left the island, she insisted on seeing the continent and made it clear that she doesn’t take no for an answer. She was also a very skilled fighter for someone who has never been in the world of mortals and proved it by drowning an entire iron giant in a tornado of water she gathered from the nearby lake. And day by day, Prompto fell deeper in love and couldn’t look away from her even for a minute.
“Ah, she’s perfect.“ he murmured, as he watched her feed a chocobo, petting it and laughing “I knew it was meant to be as soon as she knocked me over back in Altissia...“ he leaned his head on his hands, a dreamy smile on his lips. “Haha, I’ve never seen a creature this sweet before!“ she laughed, hugging the chocobo around the neck. “She even likes chocobos as much as me...“ They were currently at the Wiz chocobo resort taking a break after a long ride from Lestallum. The boys were sat at one of the tables while [Y/N] was playing around with the birds. “Hey, Prom!“ she exclaimed, looking at him with the smile he loves so much “Take a photo!“ He immediately jumped, reaching for his camera, ready to do everything she asks.
Ever since they met, she had always been closer to Prompto. When she needed something, she always asked him and when she had questions, he was the first person she spoke to. Of course, she didn’t mind talking to the others, but Prom was the first thing she saw when she came to the mortal realm, so of course she would be attached to him more. When they were camping, she always put her sleeping bag close to his, shared all her findings with him (Prom will always cherish the gemstone she proudly gave him) and she even ‘commanded’ him to sit in the back seat of the Regalia so she could nap on him while they were on the road. “Got me thinking...” Gladio spoke, chuckling through a teasing smirk watching his friend scurry towards his crush “When you get married, what are your kids gonna be? Quarter gods?” 
Prom stopped in his tracks, blushed and let out a yelp sound, looking at Gladio angrily. He was about to answer, but his beloved master cut him off. “Prom!” she barked in a bossy tone. “Ah, coming!” he stuttered and started running towards her again. 
Ignis Scientia
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Ignis had never seen such piercingly cold beauty befitting only the Glacian. And the company thought his glare was scary... She wasn’t afraid to put anyone in their place no matter who... He will always remember how she conjured an icy spear and impaled five imperial soldiers at once without batting an eye. She also wasn’t afraid to destroy a hunter, who dared call them bad hunters, by saying countless of hurtful words, which quite literally left him crying.
But of course, everyone has a weakness. And that of the daughter of the Glacian was indeed Ignis Scentia. When they were together, her icy shell was melted and the real person behind it was shown. The smiling, intelligent, warm girl, who openly talked about her feelings and showed her affection for her lover. 
“Lestallum is beautiful at night.“ she stated, staring at the night sky over the fence of the balcony in their hotel. Ignis came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist “Indeed.“ he agreed “But not as beautiful as you.“ His cheeky remark made her giggle and turn around to peck his lips “You’re so gallant, my love.“ 
The day they met, Ignis never thought this woman would have such an impact on him. Gentiana led her to them and said that [Y/N] can help them along the way and even play an important role in the salvation of the world. That was a time when neither they nor [Y/N[ knew who Gentiana was and who’s child the demigodess is. She didn’t even know who she was back then! 
But when they found out, it was already too late. The train ride to Tenebrae was the worst memory Ignis will ever have. In hope of protecting him and Gladio, she went face to face with the villain himself - Ardyn Izunia. And even though Ignis had lost his vision, it was as if the sight of Ardyn’s blade stabbing through her chest vividly flashed before his ill eyes. And it would stay there forever.
Instead of collapsing on the ground, the girl hugged her knees, levitating off the ground, as a prism of crystal ice isolated her in a shell no blade could pierce. Then, in a flurry of snowflakes, the crystal let out a popping sound and Gladio exclaimed that she had disappeared. In that moment, Ignis thought this was the end... he would never hear her voice again. But her beauty, her smile will always be burned into his mind. And he was happy she was the last thing he saw before he went blind...
Ten long years passed since then and Ignis was never the same man. He hoped that [Y/N] wasn’t dead... that she was just healing and gaining strength. But slowly he felt himself lose hope as time went by and the days became shorter. He contemplated looking for her, but where would he even start, especially in such dangerous times when daemons fearlessly prowled behind every corner, on every road, in every field... 
Then, as if a miracle had happened, ten years later, he heard the all too familiar voice call him softly. “Ignis...?” Hammerhead was quiet. Everyone was asleep. Gladio and Prompto hadn’t returned from their mission yet and Ignis was alone. After spending some time cooking himself a meal, he decided to head for bed himself. He didn’t know how long he was asleep for, but some time later a soft hand caressing his cheek awoke him.
Immediately, he bolted up and frantically started looking around, as if his vision would return to aid him against the unknown intruder. But when he heard her voice, for the first time this rational, logical man wondered if he was dreaming, if her voice was real and not just an illusion of his mind or worse - a daemon. “[Y-Y/N]?” he hesitantly asked. “I’m back, love. I’m sorry for keeping you waiting for so long.” She spoke and the man found himself wielding a new hope. He hesitantly reached to touch her face in the dark and felt her lean against it. “I thought you were dead.” he stuttered, tears threatening to spill from his eyes.
“In that moment the Glacian saved me. She kept me safe until I was strong enough to leave again.“ The girl explained “I’m sorry I left you back in the train. If it makes you feel better, I never stopped thinking about you.“ Ignis shook his head, swallowing up a sob, before speaking “No...no. Don’t apologize. The important thing is that you are alive. What I have been hoping for...I was so afraid...“ Her lips cut him off with a soft kiss and there was no doubt. This was [Y/N].
Without thinking, Ignis pulled away from the kiss and blurted out a question that shocked her. “Will you marry me, [Y/N]?” A long silence stepped in, during which Ignis’ heart was pounding in his chest. He thought she was going to reject him, but she was just so shocked by the proposal, mouth agape and wide eyes with a deep blush covering her cheeks. “Ignis...I...” she scoffed disbelievingly, before throwing her arms around his neck “Yes, yes I will!”
Perhaps the current situation wasn’t the best time for a wedding, but they were going to make the best of it. When Noctis appeared, Ignis promised her that they will bring light back into the world together. And he felt stronger than ever. 
“You know... When Gentiana...uh...Shiva...my mother...“ [Y/N] cleared her throat “When she told me about you lot, I was a bit skeptical. But now I’m sure I made the right decision.“ she kissed her husband’s cheek with a grin “Because we saved the world...And I met the love of my life along the way.” 
Gladiolus Amicitia
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Never in his life had Gladio been so smitten by someone before. The only thing he could say when he saw the one and only daughter of Bahamut single-handedly slash a red giant in half with a greatsword, all the while making smug, cocky remarks was “Where have you been all my life?” This powerful woman who can one punch any man who doubted her all the way to oblivion, chug an entire beer in one go the way he never even dreamed of, beat him up in hand-to-hand combat like he was the scrawniest child, beat him in arm wrestling as well and have him struggle to not lose, while she stared him down with a smirk without breaking a sweat and speak her mind, not caring about anyone’s opinion had this grown-ass man putty whenever she was around. This godly woman who liked to smugly call herself ‘the baddest bitch in Eos’ had Gladio follow her around, ready to do her bidding like a small puppy. And the way she wielded that sword...
“Rise and shine everyone!“ she yelled one morning, turning on the lights in the hotel room they were staying at in Lestallum “We gotta train for that bounty hunt later.“ A variety of groans could be heard, as the boys stirred in their bed, trying to get the light out of their face. What time was it? And the guys thought Gladio’s schedule was bad... “You handle this one, Gladio.“ Noctis murmured, burying his face in his pillow. “Can I at least get five minutes?“ Gladio rasped, voice still hoarse from sleep. “Alright, but if you’re not done in five minutes, I’ll be back to beat your ass.“ she warned, before giving him a quick peck on the lips and exited the room. 
The boys would tease him at first about his crush on the scary demigodess but of course, they knew better than to make it obvious in front of her. Nobody teases her and gets away with it. But Gladio paid them no mind. At the end of the day, they would all start complaining about how the training sessions with her are so hard. Especially Prom and Noct, who could barely stand on their feet after she was done with them.
Gladio lazily got out of bed and rubbed the sleep away from his eyes. After spending his gifted five minutes in preparing himself, he exited the room and made his way downstairs to the foyer of the hotel, where she was waiting. “What’s the plan?” he asked, catching her attention. “How about a little bet?” she grinned devilishly “If I beat you this time, you will go on a date with me.” Her initiative stunned Gladio, but his confidence was quick to come back and soon a smirk of his own stretched across his lips “Babe, I’d more than gladly go on a date with you even without all this.”
[Y/N]’s grin widened even more and she slowly walked over to him, swaying her hips along the way “That so?” she tilted her head on the side “So you’re admitting your crush on me Iggy was talking about?” Damn Ignis... Gladio thought Couldn’t keep his mouth shut... “Well...” he stuttered slightly, looking away “I’m not gonna lie, you know.” he scoffed, glancing briefly in her eyes. “Because I like you too, Gladio.” she confessed “I think we’d be great for each other.” 
In that moment, Gladio praised, thanked and practically worshiped Bahamut for blessing him with a woman such as [Y/N]. Because indeed, she was a blessing. All those thoughts ran through his head, but he was too smitten and surprised to say anything out loud. “Well?” she urged “Say something already!” Gladio grinned, eyes sparkling with mischief as he dipped down to plant a kiss on her lips, leaving her shocked and oh, is that a blush he sees? “How’s that instead of words?” he asked, crossing his arms over his chest proudly. “You...caught me off guard is all.” she rolled her eyes in return.
“Listen, how about we grab something to drink after the training? Maybe sit at that restaurant you like so much? My treat.“ He offered. “You know, Gladio, that sounds like a plan.“ 
Ravus Nox Fleuret
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“Don’t strain yourself...“ Ravus murmured softly, yet worry coated his tone when his lover was overcome by yet another fit of intense, heartbreaking coughs. She was abnormally pale and could hardly stand up from the bed she was laying on. Just several days ago she could barely stay conscious and now at least she spent less time asleep and had enough strength to speak. Ravus took this as a sign that she was getting better. 
When Ravus found her, laying unconscious on the ground among the rubble that was once an Imperial fort, surrounded by Noctis and company Ravus felt an immense fit of rage taking over him, along with worry if she was alright and his heart was slowly breaking the more he watched her in this condition. “What have you done?!” he yelled, storming up to Noctis “You know she isn’t supposed to use her powers!”
“I didn’t do anything! I told her not to do it, but we almost got killed and she saw this as the only way to get out of the situation!“ Noctis defended, anger overcoming him as well, along with the worry whether his friend was alright. “You exploit her kind heart and because of that she nearly lost her life multiple times because of you!“ Ravus knew what happened. The large black cloud, angrily throwing lightning bolts all around it could be seen from hundreds of miles away. And he knew... The daughter of the storm god Ramuh unleashed her powers like never before and destroyed the imperial fort and everything around it.
“I refuse to pick up the pieces after every time you mess something up and risk [Y/N]’s life because of it! I will not let this happen again.“ Ravus concluded, gathering the unconscious girl in his arms and turning his back on Noctis. Everything around them was turned into a wasteland after the raging storm. In the blink of an eye, Ravus was gone, along with [Y/N].
“My dear, what in Eos made you attempt such a stunt?“ he asked her, voice filled with pain. “It was...the will of...Ramuh...“ she rasped quietly. Of course, the cruelty of the gods wasn’t exclusive even for their children... Why Ramuh would make his daughter protect a stranger to her with her own life was beyond him. Wasn’t a father supposed to be a protector? A guardian? God or not. Ravus bit his lip and gently held her hand.
“What if I lost you?“ he whispered, as if the very thought of saying it out loud would make it happen. “Ravus...“ she smiled weakly “I love you.“ Ravus choked out a sob and hunched over in pain, covering his eyes with his hand. He swore to protect her, the one he loved with every fiber of his being and here she was, bedridden with barely enough strength to speak. He felt weak, like he failed... “And... you will never lose me...“ her last words came faintly, because her eyes started closing and soon she drifted off to sleep again.
Ravus never left her side for a minute. He wanted to hold her, but was afraid she might break. So he had to settle with a gentle peck on the lips, as he caressed her cheek and combed his hand through her hair “Rest now, treasure.” he whispered “You have done enough.”
Lunafreya Nox Fleuret
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Titan knew his time was coming and Lunafreya sensed it too. “You must protect her, mortal.” his voice boomed in her ears and for a short time, she was confused as to what he was referring to. But then, the shock on her face was eminent when the earth god’s chest started glowing and the small figure of a woman emerged from inside it among the soft glow of white light. Luna’s eyes followed the figure as it glided through the air towards her. 
Luna caught the girl just before she hit the ground and the light around her disappeared. She was unconscious. The blonde’s head snapped up at Titan, expecting answers and they weren’t late. “My daughter.” Titan spoke again “Perhaps even my successor.” Lunafreya looked at the girl again, the shock still visible on her face. But this was the will of the earth god and she wanted to fulfill it.
By the time the unknown girl opened her eyes, they were already far from the meteor. Luna decided there was no point in traveling until she had awoken. ”Where am I?” she asked, sitting up from her laying position. Her eyes traveled to the blonde woman sitting next to her and she was quite surprised and bewitched by her beauty. The sun behind her formed a halo around her and made her locks shine like pure gold. Her blue eyes sparkled like the sun’s rays reflecting on water.
“You are safe. In Eos.“ her voice was like silk, soft and reassuring “What is your name?“ The demigoddess took a moment to answer, as she was still sulking in her beauty “It’s...[Y/N].“ Luna smiled kindly “It’s nice to meet you. My name is Lunafreya.“ she introduced herself and [Y/N] found herself grinning goofily up at her “Lunafreya...“ she repeated, liking how the name sounded.
“Do you know where you come from?“ Luna asked, to which [Y/N] shook her head. “All I know is my father Titan. He wanted to protect me from the world and that’s everything I’ve ever known.“ Lunafreya reached to touch her hand gently. Her touch sent a pleasant shiver up [Y/N]’s spine. “It’s alright. I will help and protect you now.“ And she will. She promised it to Titan and now to this beautiful girl which had so much to learn from the world.
“And what about Titan?“ [Y/N] asked. Luna bit her lip, wondering what to say. It would be a rather dangerous shock to tell her the truth so soon and she was afraid that the girl would blindly want to go back to the meteor, oblivious to the dangers there. “He entrusted you to me. I am the Oracle.“ was the answer that came from Luna.
[Y/N] beamed “Oracle? Will you tell me all about it? And where will we go from here?” her questions made the blonde giggle softly. “You will see. A whole entire world is waiting for you.”
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redthreadoffate · 5 years
falling [tony stark]
a repost, originally posted in my former writing blog
relationship: tony stark x stark!daughter!reader
warning: swearing, none; mistakes here or there
request (anon): hey! would you wanna write a tony stark x daughter reader where like tony didn’t die and mysterio actually wants to get revenge on tony himself instead of poor spider boy :( and like beck ends up involving tony’s daughter in it somehow?? just very angsty but fluff at the end,,,,i just love tony being a dad
notes:  i got carried away with this, i realize there’s not too much angst but i hope you still like it. also, i made pepper the mother here.
summary: y/n stark has been taken, and it’s up to tony to save her
After Tony’s near-death experience during the war with Thanos, you can’t help but stand by him almost 24/7. It’s not that you don’t trust him alone, it’s just that…well, yes, you really don’t trust him alone. He could fall over and need help getting up, he could be having nightmares and you aren’t there to wake him, and most importantly, he could be calling out for you and you’re not there to give him a hug and say it’s okay; he’s done that a few times, call you out, thankfully you were right there by his side.
It’s been months since then but nothing has changed between him and you. You’ve relaxed a bit more; only looking behind you from time to time when you’re both working in the lab, not feeling jittery at every sound you hear, like the spoon clattering on the ground or cough and wheeze, but you’re still always alert and by his side.
One day, you were looking through some paperwork Tony had asked you to go through with him. You didn’t like doing anything that had to do with paper, especially when it came to those working for your father as you thought everything was supposed to be between them and him for now, but your dad asked you ever so nicely and you couldn’t help but say yes. Sometimes you think he’s taking advantage of your love for him, but you just laugh that off. ‘Of course not,’ you think with a smirk and a roll of your eyes.
So here you are, on the dining table with papers scattered around you and Tony on the other side with his Stark technology running through some systems, You stare at the hologram before looking down at the physical pieces of paper. You ask him why he still kept papers when his awesome geniusness could file his work easily.
“Sometimes good ol’ paperwork is good for the brain, y/n. Easily editable with a pen. It’s exercise. Doesn’t strain your young eyes much…yet.” He shrugged. “And also, I didn’t make that, one of my earlier assistants did.”
You nodded your head slowly. ‘Well that explains things.’ You look again at the scattered paper before sighing. You were so used to using your dad’s gadgets that when it came to proper work, aside from studies, you couldn’t fathom using a pen to edit anything in front of you. You’d rather be touching the screen, typing and swiping away as the data  was backed-up every time even a slight change was done.
Before long, you’ve reached the last employee. Quentin Beck. He was an older man, younger than Tony but definitely older than you. His facial hair reminded you of your father’s. And in some weird way, despite that fact, you found him kinda cute. You raised the paper to show your father and ask if the man still worked for him.
“Ah, Quentin Beck, yeah, I remember him. He helped out with the Binarily Augmented Retro-Framing.”
“The B.A.R.F.?” you clarify.
“That’s the one.” Tony nodded and pointed at you with his index finger. “He was pretty unstable so I had to fire him. Well, I asked Pepper to fire him. He was a good one, could be considered a genius. But again, he was unstable and we couldn’t have that.”
You look again at the picture and decide that it was best he was fired, who knows what he could have done?
So you mark the paper as ‘terminated’ and placed it in a pile with the rest of the fired employees. “What would you like me to do with these stacks, Dad?” you ask. You’ve got four stacks now labeled EMPLOYED, TERMINATED, RETIRING, RESIGNED. “Garage? Study? My room?”
Tony gave a small smile. “Put the EMPLOYED and RETIRING in my study, the RESIGNED and TERMINATED in the storage room in the garage, I’ll have a look at them later.”
“Which means never,” you correct, smirking.
“That is not true. I need to check my former employees, too.” Tony chuckled. “I have to focus on the now but I swear I’ll check out those two piles as well. Keep them nearest the door so I have no choice but to stumble upon them soon…er, or later.”
You giggle. “Okay. Sure, Dad.”
You grab the pile EMPLOYED and placed it inside one box, writing the name on the side, and doing the same for the rest of the papers. You stack the EMPLOYED and RETIRING together, then the TERMINATED and RESIGNED together. First you bring up the two initial boxes to Tony’s study, carefully placing it beside his chair. You go back to the dining room and grab the latter boxes and walk to the side of the house where the door to the garage is.
Entering the darkened room with only the moon as the source of light coming in from the open door for the cars, you walk slowly to the corner and enter the larger-than-most storage room. Switching on the lights, you place the boxes down near the door as instructed and dust your hands. “Job well done, y/n. Job well done.”
As you switch off the lights, you were aware of a movement from behind the car. Thinking it could be a cat, you shrug it off. But the shadow loomed closer and it was in the shape of a person, not a small animal. You were trapped. “Dad,” you croaked. You thought you could hide your fear but obviously not. “Dad!” you tried again.
“Hello, y/n.”
Then everything went dark.
You finally woke up to the sound of machines zooming around. It was bright and you blinked your eyes a few times to adjust to it. You noticed your hands were bound together with a rope and you sighed in defeat knowing fully well that you’re nothing without the technology from the lab.
So you look around the area again. You’re in the corner of a very large room. There were railings nearby and you could see how high you were, probably at the topmost floor of a very big building, maybe it was an old factory once.
There were people around you but they paid you no mind. You were tempted to call one of them but your voice was dry and you realized how thirsty you were.
Thankfully, your feet and legs were free and so you tried your best to move around, even trying to stand up, but they were jelly-like and you couldn’t get off an inch from the ground. Sighing in frustration, you glared at those around you, hoping to be noticed.
Later, after a few minutes of people-watching, someone came forward and looked at you, tilting their head as if you were some new specimen. “You’re awake.”
“I can’t believe you can tell,” you reply with an edge in your voice. “Who are you supposed to be?”
“Dr. Riva,” he introduced himself. “It’s good that you’re unharmed.”
“I better be, my dad will freak.”
“Oh, we know.”
You snap your head back a little. ‘So this is for my dad,’ you thought. ‘He hasn’t done anything these past few months to make any new enemies.’
“You’re probably wondering who we are,” Dr. RIva continued.
“No shit, Sherlock.” You look around again for any signs of a video recorder, or if any more people were listening to the conversation between you and Dr. Riva. “And where am I supposed to be?”
He shrugged. “We’ll let Mr. Stark find out for himself. Now, why don’t you make yourself more presentable.”
“Am I not presentable?” you taunted.
Suddenly, another man appeared. Taller, broader, more handsome. And you’ve definitely seen him somewhere before. Quentin Beck. “Hello, y/n.” He smiled at you, his hands pointing to different directions. He was wearing a funny outfit but now is not the time to laugh. “I see you’ve grown. Haven’t changed much, though.”
“You know me?” you wonder. You’ve never seen him before aside from the picture earlier so why was he talking like he knew her form before. “I’ve never seen you before in my life.”
“I was a Stark employee, y/n. I’ve seen many things come and go from the home of Tony Stark. Unfortunately, I wasn’t important enough to be remembered.” He gritted his teeth. “I wasn’t important enough for your daddy dearest to give me credit with my own work! He even fired me! Do you know how that affected me?”
You begin to shy away from him slowly. ‘This guy is unstable,’ you remembered, ‘gotta keep him away.’
“But I swore that I’d get my revenge,” Beck continued. “And so I have you. Now all we have to do is wait for Mr. Stark and we’re all set.”
Meanwhile, back in the Stark home, Tony had been looking around for you. He’d gone to every room, checked yours more than he can count. He scouted the area near the house for any signs of you but you were, as he feared, missing.
“Pep, have you seen y/n?” he finally asked. He was afraid of asking his wife, he didn’t want her worrying about anything for the time being. She, too, had gone through a lot. “I can’t find her anywhere.”
Pepper uncrossed her legs from the sofa and looked at Tony worriedly. “She’s gone?”
“Afraid so.” He scratched the back of his head. “But don’t worry, I placed a tracker on her phone. I didn’t want to use it because ‘teenage privacy’ but I guess I don’t have much of a choice now.” He sighed and turned on his phone. After a few seconds of fiddling with it, he frowned. Pepper noticed and asked what was wrong. “It’s been messed with.”
“Oh, Tony.”
“I got this, I got this.” Tony held onto her hand to assure her. As he was thinking of what else he could do, the doorbell rang and the intercom came to life. An idea popped into his head. Pepper went to answer the door as he ran to his study.
He was ready to check every camera that was attached to his house but he decided it was best to start with the garage since that was where you said you’d be the last time he saw you. ‘And I will see her again,’
Back in Quentin Beck’s base, he was still watching over you, and you would sneer at every chance you could get. That’s when he heard it. “He’s here,” he announced. “He’s here! He’s finally here! Everyone to your positions!”
You heaved a heavy sigh. ‘Dad.’
Tony Stark, in his latest suit, burst through the door and flew midair. He raised his arms in two different directions and took out as much guns and blasters as he could, aiming them all in different areas. His head shifted around looking for signs of his daughter. “Where’s y/n?” he demanded when he couldn’t see you.
“Mr. Stark!” Beck called out. Tony calculated quickly that you were both on the fiftieth floor. “It’s me, Quentin Beck! You remember me, don’t you?”
From behind his mask, Tony glared. “I don’t give a damn about you, Quentin. Where’s my daughter and I won’t harm a single employee in this building.”
Beck laughed. “Oh, Mr. Stark. Since when have you cared about anyone but yourself?”
“Give me back my daughter.”
“Not until you admit that I’m a better genius than you!”
You rolled your eyes. ‘Here we go.’
“Fine, you’re a better genius than me, now where’s y/n?”
Beck laughed again. “You have to mean it, Tony. You don’t just say it. You have to mean it.” He shook his head. “Mean it like when I gave my heart and soul to that holographic illusion system and you just said that it was your creation and even gave it that stupid name!”
“B.A.R.F.,” you reminded him.
“Shut up!” he exclaimed. He turned back to your father and said, “I told you we could have done great things with it! But what did you do? You turned into some therapeutic shit! The world doesn’t need that, Tony!”
“Tell me, Beck, what have you done with that technology? Hm? Tell me what you’re going to use it for.” Tony was slowly flying up to the topmost floor, his blasters still at the ready. “Enlighten me, Beck.”
Beck smirked. “I’m going to be the greatest superhero the world has ever seen.” He turned to an employee and shouted, “Now!”
To yours and Tony’s surprise, a cyclone monster appeared. Your eyes widened, you’ve never seen anything like that before. “Dad,” you murmured. But someone had carried you from the ground and brought you closer to the railings.
Tony was busy fending off the cyclone. He used his blasters to hit certain areas and you could see that the monster was getting transparent in some areas. Without finishing off the hologram, he flew to the level you and Beck were in and landed on the floor. “Don’t forget, Beck, I know how this technology works. You’re not fooling me.”
Beck gave an evil grin. “Oh, I just did.” He snapped his fingers and the person holding you threw you off of the rails.
“Daddy!” you screamed.
“Y/n!” Tony called out.
You were falling and falling and falling. The bright lights made you more scared as you knew that if you looked down, you’d know exactly where’d you be. “Daddy!” you screamed again. You could hear Tony screaming your name but he was too far away. You closed your eyes as tears fell and floated away. “Dad,” you called out softly.
Then you stopped falling. You didn’t know where you stopped, how close you were to the ground, and you didn’t care. You looked up and saw that Iron Man was carrying you and you were both floating in midair.
“I got you,” Tony whispered, “I got you.” He pulled you in for a hug and you wrapped your arms around him. “I got you.” And you sobbed.
You didn’t know where Quentin Beck ran off to. But Tony was able to call his friends and arrested the employees they were able to gather up. Dr. Riva was not one of them.
For the rest of the night, as you and Tony stayed in the area to help out if you could, he wouldn’t leave your side and you would lean on him from time to time, just to make sure he was right there with you. “So much for me being by your side all the time, huh, Dad?”
“I think it’s time for a change,” he replied. He saluted at your godfather Rhodey before turning back to you. “You know I love you, right, y/n?”
You smiled. “I love you, too, Dad.” After a few minutes you said, “I want a cheeseburger.”
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lol2508 · 4 years
Tom Hiddleston x Reader: On the set
Imagine that the reader also works on the set of The Avengers as an actor. She plays the love intrest of Loki. However as they shot a romantic scène, it get harder and harder for her to hide her true feelings.
<<<(Y/N's P.O.V.)>>>
I play Sigyn, Loki's wife on Thor. I love acting. I always wanted to be an actress. And now I am one, who would have thought? Well, I didn't anyway. Not only get I to act, I also get to meet awsome new people. Such as Chris Hemsworth and Natalie Portman. And of course the wonderful Tom Hiddleston. Also the person who plays Loki, A.K.A my movie husband. I really like him, hell I have a hugh crush on him. But I can't love him, he's way too good for me. I mean look at him, handsome, charming, gentle, kind, sweet and polite. And look at, I'm everything he's not. I sighed sadly. There's no way he would like me back, it's better to keep it hidden. I don't want to ruin the friendship we have.
"Hey Y/n, are you ready for today?" Chris asked.
My head shot up. "What?" I wasn't listening at all.
He chuckled. "I asked if you are ready for today? You have two scénes today. One with me, Mark, Evans, Scarlett and a buch of other guy who I don't know. And one with Tom."
Chris made a kissing face. He is the only one who knows about my crush.
"Argh, don't you dare." I mocked. I covered my face with my hands. Trying to hid the fact that I was blushing.
"You got it bad girl." I growled. I knew he was right.
"I know." I whispered. "You should tell him." Chris said.
"No, no and again no! Don't you dare to say anything! It's better this way."
"What's better this way?" The voice of a angel said.
"Nothing Tom. Absolutely nothing." I glared at Chris.
He threw his hands up in defence. "Hey, I'm innocent."
I huffed. "You are never innocent."
"Can soneone tell me what's going on here?" Tom confused voice said. God he's adorable.
"It's nothing Tom. I have to get ready for the shot. See you later."
I glared one time at Chris. 'Not a word.' I mouthed at him.
He shooked his head. 'I promise.' He mouthed back.
I sighed in relieve and turned around. I walked to my trailer slightly humming to myself.
After hours of make-up, getting dressed and lines rehearsing we were finaly ready to shoot the first scéne.
"Camera, lights, ACTION!!!" The director yelled. And we began.
<<<(Sigyn's P.O.V.)>>>
We were in a big room with a round table in the middle. Steve and Natasha are sitting around the table, while me, Thor and Banner stood.
"He really grows on you doesn't he?" Banner asked.
"Loki is going to drag this out. So Thor, Sigyn, what's his play." Steve said.
I simply rolled my eyes. 'Argh, stupid mortals. I get now why Loki want to destroy them. They are dumb.'
"He has an army called the Chitauri." I told them.
"They're not from Asgard, nor any world known. He means to lead them against your people." Thor explain.
"Yeah, they win him the earth in return, I suspect the Tesseract." I added.
"An army?" Steve asked in disbelieve. I nodded.
"From outer space?" He looked at Natasha.
"So he's building another portal. That's what he needs Erik Selvig for."
"Selvig?" I asked. Who could that be?
"He's an astrophysicist." Banner explained.
"He's a friend?" Thor asked. Banner nodded slightly.
'Ah, that makes sense. Now I know why they are worried.' I thought.
"Loki has him under some kind of spell along with one of ours." Natasha told us while she frowned.
"I want to know why Loki let us take him. He's not leading an army from here. " Steve said.
"I don't think we should be focusing on Loki. That guys brain is a bag full of cats. You could smell crazy on him." Banner said.
I glared deeply at him..'How dare he to say something like that about my husband.'
"Have care how you speak. Loki is beyond reason, but he is from Asgard. And he is my husband." I said.
"And he is my brother." Thor added.
"He killed 80 people in 2 days."
"He's adopted."
<<<(Y/N's P.O.V.)>>>
"Aaaaaand, CUT!!!" The director said.
"Nice work everyone." He added.
I started to laugh really hard. It was a laugh I had to hold for the entire scéne. The rest raised looked weirdly at me.
"Hahhahaha, s-sorry. I mean 'He's adopted'? Come on, like that is a reason for someone to kill 80 people." I laughed.
Chris started to laugh too. "I know right." We were rolling on the ground from laughter.
Tom walked in to the room. He was completly dressed as Loki. He raised an eyebrow.
"Oh hey Tom." I said once I've seen him.
Chris stood up and left. "Good luck!"
I was still laying on the ground. "Are you coming or are you going to lay here all day?"
"Yeah, yeah." He offert me a hand and helped me up.
I went back to my trailer to get ready for the next scéne. It was a love scéne. 'Shit!' The scéne was about Loki get captured and Sigyn confronts him with his mistakes. Than they fight and make up and make out.
I was nervous like hell. I sighed and went back to the set.
"Are you okay?" Tom asked. "You look pale."
Such a sweetheart.
I nodded. "I'm fine, let's just get on with it."
"Camera, lights, ACTION!!!" The director yelled again and here we go.
<<<(Sigyn's P.O.V.)>>>
Loki had a gun pointed at him as they escorted him into his cell.
"So, here you'll be spending the rest of your pityful life in."
They threw him in. I looked at him in disappointment and shooked my head. I turned around to leave the room.
"Sigyn! My love, don't leave me." He begged. I froze.
I put my finger in the air, shuting him up. I turned around and said: "No! Don't play that card. You don't get to call me that, you lost me the moment you decided to attack earth."
He frowned fearfully. I sighed at the guards to lower the force field. I turned at the avengers.
"Go, I'll join you later. Me and my husband need to talk." I sneered the husband part. While I glared at Loki.
They put there hands up. They know better than to mess with me. "Alright, just don't kill him. He's still my brother." Thor said.
"Adopted." Loki corrected him. I glared at him. My glare said 'Shut the fuck up!'
"Poor guy, I wouldn't want to be him right now." Steve whispered to Natasha.
Guards lowered the force field for second. I entered his cell. I waited until the avengers left.
I grabbed loki by his hair down to my level. "What the hell where you thinking!" I shouted. I was outraged.
I bet you could see the steam coming form my ears. After Loki attacked the earth I helped the avengers to capture him, but I haven't talked to him yet. And really want to know why? Why did he did it?
"P-plea-se, l-lo-ove." He whined from the pain. 
I frowned as I saw that he was in pain, since I pulled really hard on his hair. I let go of his hair.
He whined and rubbed on the back of his head. "Talk!" I demanded.
"I-I d-didn't mean..." He stuttered.
"No, not that pathetic excuse. I want to why why you did it. And the truth Loki." I glared at him.
He trembled under my glare. Isn't that not funny? The most scary person the nine realms is afraid of his own wife.
"I did it for us. You were going to be my queen, we would rule Midgard together."
I rolled my eyes. "You don't care about me."
He looked shocked at me. "Of course I care for you, love. You are my wife."
"Than why did you leave me and our child. You have no idea how scared Narfi was. He thought his daddy wasn't coming back again." My voice cracked.
A tear escaped his eye. "I-I didn't mean to leave you and Narfi."
He fell on his knees. "Please, please forgive me."
I walked to him and kneeled in front of him. "I forgive you."
We leaned in...
<<<(Y/N's P.O.V.)>>>
"I can't do this." I got up and ran away. Leaving a very confused Tom behind.
"Cut!" The director said.
I really coudn't kiss him. Or say that I love him. It comes too close to my heart. I broke down in the girls bathroom. I cried my heart out. I love Tom, but I shouldn't. Because he would never love me back.
"Y/n?" Tom asked. "Are you okay?"
He entered the toilets. "W-what a-ar-e y-you're do-ing here-e." I hicuped through my tears.
"I-it's t-the g-girls ba-bathroom."
He chuckled. "I guess I'm a girl now."
I laughed. Tom always knows how to make me laugh.
"There is the smile I love." He smiled.
"W-what?" I asked confused.
He frowned. "Why did you ran? Don't you like me? Is kissing me really so bad?" He looked fearfully down.
I quickly lifted his chin with my finger. "No, no, it's not you. It's me. YouseeIhaveahughcrushonyou." I said super fast.
"You see I have a hugh crush on you." I repeated.
I looked away. Now he doesn't want to be friends anymore.
Suddenly I felt his lips on mine. "I love you too.
I kissed him back. After a few minutes we pulled away.
"Was that so hard?" He asked laughing.
"No, no it was not." I pecked him on his lips.
"Let's finish that scéne, shall we?"
"We shall, my prince." And I kissed him one last time.
Thank you so much for reading this, it means a lot to me.😊
XXX Lol2508❤.
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fanficshiddles · 5 years
You owe me, Chapter 4
Loki ended up in London a month later, he had managed to stay off SHIELDS radar pretty well. He kept moving on after a few nights, not making the same mistake again of staying in once place for too long. Making his way around the city. He also had a few contacts he could trust in the city too, which was helpful.
Since meeting April, he had become rather frustrated. Sexually. So he found himself seeking out warm bodies some of the nights, just to scratch that itch he had. Most of the time he had an escort come to wherever it was he was staying. Or if he had time, he sought out and seduced beautiful women in bars.
But tonight, he decided to go to a brothel that one of his contacts worked at. He had been raving about a new girl they just hired a few days ago, saying she was getting brilliant reviews already.
So Loki decided to go and give her a test run. Especially since he was going to get in for free.
He put on his best suit and made his way there, just down the road from where he was staying for a few nights. His friend met him at the door and led him in through the back, then gave him a ticket and told him which room to go to.
Loki thanked him and headed off to the room. He wondered what she would look like. Ashamedly, he kept hoping she would look similar to April. He’d found himself seeking out those that had similar aspects to the crazy girl.
Which is why when he entered the room, he momentarily thought he was dreaming when he was faced with the girls back. But the familiar tattoo down her right side, and the same long auburn hair that flowed down her back, made his cock twitch instantly.
She still had her back to him when he closed the door. She was only wearing lingerie, dark green, which just so happened to be his favourite colour.
‘Make yourself comfortable, I hope you’re ready for what I have in store for you.’ April said, still not turning around while she organised various leather straps and other bondage gear.
‘I’m sure whatever you have in store for me is vanilla play compared to what I have in store for you.’ He purred.
She froze at the familiar voice. Once she was over the initial surprise, which only lasted a few seconds, she spun around and a big grin formed on her lips.
‘Well, if it isn’t the God of mischief.’ She crossed the room and stopped right on front of him, in his personal space. ‘Have you gotten taller?’ She asked, having to crane her neck to look up at him.
‘No, you’ve probably gotten smaller.’ He smirked. ‘What are you doing here?’ He crossed the room to sit down.
‘I could ask you the same thing.’ She said, moving to perch on the bed that was opposite him.
‘I asked first.’
April sighed. ‘A guy that I’m trying to reach apparently frequents here. I’m trying to get my hands on him, he knows where I can find… another guy.’
‘And what will you do when you do find him? Hmm? You can’t do anything in here, there are cameras everywhere in the corridor.’ Loki pointed out.
‘I just need to get some information out of him. That’s all. I have my ways.’ She grinned, licking her lips.
‘You’re going to use sex to get what you want?’ Loki raised an eyebrow, slightly impressed.
‘Yep. It’s the best way. Tie him up, have him so close to that pleasure he is here for, only to deny him until I get the information I need. I thought you of all people would know that sex is a fantastic tool to use against someone.’ She winked and stood up.
‘I guess it is. Well, should I go and ask for a different woman to satisfy my own needs? Since you seem to have an agenda of your own, of course.’ Loki smirked and rested his chin on his hand, elbow on the arm of the chair.
‘That depends. Are you a good tipper?’ April asked, taking a few steps towards him.
‘Depends on the service.’
April took that as a challenge. And she did love a challenge. She moved gracefully onto Loki’s lap and straddled him, hooking her arms around his neck. She leaned in close to whisper into his ear. ‘I only take payment upfront. Too many men just take what they want and leave.’
She could feel his large, bulging presence between her thighs. And she made sure to press down against him, making his jaw clench.
‘If I remember correctly, you still owe me.’
‘No… You getting me out of the flat made us even.’ April corrected him, unable to stop herself from running her fingers through his hair, scratching against his scalp that made his breathing hitch.
‘I gave you money to get away.’ Loki said, his hand found its way into her hair and he grabbed a fistful, tugging her head backwards so her neck was bared and he gained the upper hand. He took that opportunity and latched his mouth against her skin, sucking hard and nipping lightly with his teeth. The little gasps that came from her made him even harder.
‘Was that an advanced payment?’ April managed to say once she found her voice again, but the way Loki was still grasping her hair, causing her scalp to burn in the most delightful way, was highly distracting. Not to mention the way his lips were still worrying her neck, with the odd nip here and there.
‘I guess it could be called that.’ Loki chuckled darkly.
The door suddenly burst open and a woman who worked there popped in. She looked a little startled upon seeing April with someone. ‘Shit. Sorry, Ruby. But he’s here.’
April leapt off Loki’s lap and thanked the girl, who then left.
‘Who’s here?’ Loki asked, trying not to show his disappointment at April leaving his lap.
‘The guy I need to get to. Stefan.’ April said quickly, slipping a small pocket knife into her bra. That made Loki cock an eyebrow in amusement. ‘He’s finally here. Then I can get out of this damn place. You have to leave.’
‘Charming way to speak to a customer. I was here first.’ Loki leaned back in the chair, looking like he wasn’t planning on going anywhere anytime soon.
‘Loki, please.’
‘Ohhh, I do like to hear you beg.’ He grinned wickedly.
‘Don’t get used to it.’ She snapped and pointed a whip at him, making him chuckle. ‘Out!’ She then pointed to the door.
Loki sighed, but he reluctantly got up to leave. ‘I think I pity this poor Stefan bloke.’ He winked at April before heading out, making her roll her eyes.
He was going down the corridor when a man walked by, he assumed was Stefan. Loki was so desperate to know what exactly she was up to, in regards to why she wanted Stefan and who she was trying to get to. Why would she go through so much trouble for a personal reason, instead of for money...
Opting instead of going to another girl for release, he pushed his dirty thoughts down and went to the club next door for a drink. He found the girl who was obviously friends with April and asked her to let Ruby know where he was going.
He wasn’t sure why he decided to stick around, to see her again. But she intrigued him, greatly. Even though she did get on his nerves at the same time.
Loki was on his third double whiskey and coke when April slipped into the bar seat next to him. He didn’t even have to turn his head to know it was her, seeing a petite feminine hand shoot out to grab his drink and down it in one go was tell-tale sign enough it was her.
‘That was my drink.’ He raised an eyebrow and turned to look at her. He wasn’t overly surprised to see she had a cut lip and slightly tousled hair. But at least she was wearing clothes now.
April waved her hand at him and got the attention of the barman. ‘Another of what he was having. And a vodka, straight.’
‘Do I dare ask if you got what you wanted?’ Loki asked while they watched the barman make up their drinks.
‘I always get what I want.’
‘If that’s the case, what is your next step, Ruby?’ Loki smirked.
‘Well, I wasn’t going to use my real name, was I?’
‘April isn’t even your real name.’ Loki said quickly. ‘Stop avoiding my question.’
April winked at the barman when he slid their drinks over to them both. She then turned her full attention on Loki while she started sipping her drink, enjoying the burn of the vodka sliding down her throat.
‘Well, I have the information I need. So I am going to go find my guy.’ She moved the glass in circles, making the drink swirl around.
Loki leaned in closer to talk directly into her ear. ‘Who exactly is the guy you are after?’
‘He’s called Alexander Pavlov. Stefan was his sidekick so to say.’
‘You didn’t think I was going to let him walk out of there alive, did you?’ April laughed, throwing her head back.
‘So not only did the poor guy get sexually frustrated, you also decided to end him before he could get his release?’
‘You are one mean woman.’ Loki shook his head and sat back.
A song came on and April downed the rest of her drink quickly, then grabbed Loki’s arm. ‘I love this song. Come dance with me.’ She stood up and tugged him along.
‘I do not dance.’
‘Come on. I’m sure those hips of yours could be deadly on the dancefloor.’ She teased, biting her lower lip in hope of changing his mind.
Loki shrugged, downed his drink too then allowed the infuriating girl to lead him onto the dancefloor. She started moving her hips straight away, letting the music flow through her. She was right about Loki, he could certainly dance when he wanted to.
He was highly distracted when she moved in close to him and turned around, grinding her backside against his front. He gripped her hips and squeezed hard, leaning down towards her ear so she could feel his warm breath against her.
‘Dangerous game, pet.’ He growled.
She turned around and hooked her arms up around his neck, grinning. ‘I do love danger.’
Loki’s eyes darkened as he locked eyes with her. The two of them still moved to the music, but they were only concentrating on one another. That was, until, there was a commotion from the door. The barman was speaking to two men in suits, who were clearly SHIELD agents.
‘He’s over there.’ The barman pointed in Loki’s direction and the two agents made their way through the crowd of people towards him.
‘Well, that is my cue to leave.’ Loki glanced at April then rushed away towards the back exit.
April folded her arms over her chest, pissed off about the interruption. The two agents went by her, she quickly pulled out her knife and slyly stabbed the second agent right in the back. He doubled over in agony when she pulled the knife out from him.
She quickly walked away, muttering ‘One down, one to go.’
Everyone in the club had been so busy dancing and drinking that it took a minute for them to realise there was a man bleeding to death in the middle of the dancefloor. And by that time, April was gone.
Loki rushed out the back exit and made his way down the nearest ally. He kept his hand against his dagger that was in his pocket, in-case he needed to use it.
But he turned down a wrong way and came to a dead end.
‘Shit.’ He hissed.
When he turned to go back, he stopped as one of the agents approached, gun aimed at him.
‘Stop running, Loki. You’re coming in one way or another.’ He hissed.
Loki sighed and put his hands up in defence. ‘Are you going to give me the option of dead or alive? Unlike your so-called colleagues.’
‘Oh no, no option here. I want you in alive. Torture is no fun if you’re dead.’ The agent said and, using his gun, motioned for Loki to start walking with him.
The God gritted his teeth but started walking, hands still up in the air. The barrel of the gun was pressed against his back, that made him keep moving.
When they reached the entrance of the alley, Loki heard a grunting noise then a large thud. The gun was no longer at his back, so he turned around to see the agent on the ground and April stood there holding a large baseball bat.
‘I like his idea of torture. But only if I’m the one giving it out.’ She grinned wickedly, then tossed the bat over her shoulder into a large bin where she’d found it.
‘You really do keep turning up at the right moment.’ Loki said, secretly he was slightly chuffed that she had followed him, but he wouldn’t admit that to her of course.
‘Now you owe me.’ She shrugged and started walking past him, he grabbed her elbow to stop her.
‘I think you’ll find that means we’re even.’
‘No, you owe me.’ She corrected him.
‘You clearly have bad memory.’
‘I remember just perfectly fine, thanks. You were due me a tip.’
‘And you were due me a service.’ Loki countered, with a smug ass grin on his face as he yanked her closer to him.
‘That was just a cover.’ She shrugged. ‘Now, are we getting away from here or not? I’m sure your little friends will be all over this place soon.’ She said, motioning to the agent who was still knocked out unconscious.
Loki nodded in agreement.
‘Let’s go.’
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imagine-loki · 5 years
You owe me, Chapter 4
TITLE: You owe me CHAPTER NO./ONE SHOT: Chapter 4 AUTHOR: fanficshiddles ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Imagine after the battle in New York, Odin sent Loki back to Earth without his powers as punishment. SHIELD are after him and he meets a woman who isn’t all she seems at first and she has her own agenda. The two end up teaming up, to help one another. But it’s not quite as plain sailing as they’d hoped. RATING: M 
Loki ended up in London a month later, he had managed to stay off SHIELDS radar pretty well. He kept moving on after a few nights, not making the same mistake again of staying in once place for too long. Making his way around the city. He also had a few contacts he could trust in the city too, which was helpful.
Since meeting April, he had become rather frustrated. Sexually. So he found himself seeking out warm bodies some of the nights, just to scratch that itch he had. Most of the time he had an escort come to wherever it was he was staying. Or if he had time, he sought out and seduced beautiful women in bars.
But tonight, he decided to go to a brothel that one of his contacts worked at. He had been raving about a new girl they just hired a few days ago, saying she was getting brilliant reviews already.
So Loki decided to go and give her a test run. Especially since he was going to get in for free.
He put on his best suit and made his way there, just down the road from where he was staying for a few nights. His friend met him at the door and led him in through the back, then gave him a ticket and told him which room to go to.
Loki thanked him and headed off to the room. He wondered what she would look like. Ashamedly, he kept hoping she would look similar to April. He’d found himself seeking out those that had similar aspects to the crazy girl.
Which is why when he entered the room, he momentarily thought he was dreaming when he was faced with the girls back. But the familiar tattoo down her right side, and the same long auburn hair that flowed down her back, made his cock twitch instantly.
She still had her back to him when he closed the door. She was only wearing lingerie, dark green, which just so happened to be his favourite colour.
‘Make yourself comfortable, I hope you’re ready for what I have in store for you.’ April said, still not turning around while she organised various leather straps and other bondage gear.
‘I’m sure whatever you have in store for me is vanilla play compared to what I have in store for you.’ He purred.
She froze at the familiar voice. Once she was over the initial surprise, which only lasted a few seconds, she spun around and a big grin formed on her lips.
‘Well, if it isn’t the God of mischief.’ She crossed the room and stopped right on front of him, in his personal space. ‘Have you gotten taller?’ She asked, having to crane her neck to look up at him.
‘No, you’ve probably gotten smaller.’ He smirked. ‘What are you doing here?’ He crossed the room to sit down.
‘I could ask you the same thing.’ She said, moving to perch on the bed that was opposite him.
‘I asked first.’
April sighed. ‘A guy that I’m trying to reach apparently frequents here. I’m trying to get my hands on him, he knows where I can find… another guy.’
‘And what will you do when you do find him? Hmm? You can’t do anything in here, there are cameras everywhere in the corridor.’ Loki pointed out.
‘I just need to get some information out of him. That’s all. I have my ways.’ She grinned, licking her lips.
‘You’re going to use sex to get what you want?’ Loki raised an eyebrow, slightly impressed.
‘Yep. It’s the best way. Tie him up, have him so close to that pleasure he is here for, only to deny him until I get the information I need. I thought you of all people would know that sex is a fantastic tool to use against someone.’ She winked and stood up.
‘I guess it is. Well, should I go and ask for a different woman to satisfy my own needs? Since you seem to have an agenda of your own, of course.’ Loki smirked and rested his chin on his hand, elbow on the arm of the chair.
‘That depends. Are you a good tipper?’ April asked, taking a few steps towards him.
‘Depends on the service.’
April took that as a challenge. And she did love a challenge. She moved gracefully onto Loki’s lap and straddled him, hooking her arms around his neck. She leaned in close to whisper into his ear. ‘I only take payment upfront. Too many men just take what they want and leave.’
She could feel his large, bulging presence between her thighs. And she made sure to press down against him, making his jaw clench.
‘If I remember correctly, you still owe me.’
‘No… You getting me out of the flat made us even.’ April corrected him, unable to stop herself from running her fingers through his hair, scratching against his scalp that made his breathing hitch.
‘I gave you money to get away.’ Loki said, his hand found its way into her hair and he grabbed a fistful, tugging her head backwards so her neck was bared and he gained the upper hand. He took that opportunity and latched his mouth against her skin, sucking hard and nipping lightly with his teeth. The little gasps that came from her made him even harder.
‘Was that an advanced payment?’ April managed to say once she found her voice again, but the way Loki was still grasping her hair, causing her scalp to burn in the most delightful way, was highly distracting. Not to mention the way his lips were still worrying her neck, with the odd nip here and there.
‘I guess it could be called that.’ Loki chuckled darkly.
The door suddenly burst open and a woman who worked there popped in. She looked a little startled upon seeing April with someone. ‘Shit. Sorry, Ruby. But he’s here.’
April leapt off Loki’s lap and thanked the girl, who then left.
‘Who’s here?’ Loki asked, trying not to show his disappointment at April leaving his lap.
‘The guy I need to get to. Stefan.’ April said quickly, slipping a small pocket knife into her bra. That made Loki cock an eyebrow in amusement. ‘He’s finally here. Then I can get out of this damn place. You have to leave.’
‘Charming way to speak to a customer. I was here first.’ Loki leaned back in the chair, looking like he wasn’t planning on going anywhere anytime soon.
‘Loki, please.’
‘Ohhh, I do like to hear you beg.’ He grinned wickedly.
‘Don’t get used to it.’ She snapped and pointed a whip at him, making him chuckle. ‘Out!’ She then pointed to the door.
Loki sighed, but he reluctantly got up to leave. ‘I think I pity this poor Stefan bloke.’ He winked at April before heading out, making her roll her eyes.
He was going down the corridor when a man walked by, he assumed was Stefan. Loki was so desperate to know what exactly she was up to, in regards to why she wanted Stefan and who she was trying to get to. Why would she go through so much trouble for a personal reason, instead of for money…
Opting instead of going to another girl for release, he pushed his dirty thoughts down and went to the club next door for a drink. He found the girl who was obviously friends with April and asked her to let Ruby know where he was going. 
He wasn’t sure why he decided to stick around, to see her again. But she intrigued him, greatly. Even though she did get on his nerves at the same time.
Loki was on his third double whiskey and coke when April slipped into the bar seat next to him. He didn’t even have to turn his head to know it was her, seeing a petite feminine hand shoot out to grab his drink and down it in one go was tell-tale sign enough it was her.
‘That was my drink.’ He raised an eyebrow and turned to look at her. He wasn’t overly surprised to see she had a cut lip and slightly tousled hair. But at least she was wearing clothes now.
April waved her hand at him and got the attention of the barman. ‘Another of what he was having. And a vodka, straight.’
‘Do I dare ask if you got what you wanted?’ Loki asked while they watched the barman make up their drinks.
‘I always get what I want.’
‘If that’s the case, what is your next step, Ruby?’ Loki smirked.
‘Well, I wasn’t going to use my real name, was I?’
‘April isn’t even your real name.’ Loki said quickly. ‘Stop avoiding my question.’
April winked at the barman when he slid their drinks over to them both. She then turned her full attention on Loki while she started sipping her drink, enjoying the burn of the vodka sliding down her throat.
‘Well, I have the information I need. So I am going to go find my guy.’ She moved the glass in circles, making the drink swirl around.
Loki leaned in closer to talk directly into her ear. ‘Who exactly is the guy you are after?’
‘He’s called Alexander Pavlov. Stefan was his sidekick so to say.’
‘You didn’t think I was going to let him walk out of there alive, did you?’ April laughed, throwing her head back.
‘So not only did the poor guy get sexually frustrated, you also decided to end him before he could get his release?’
‘You are one mean woman.’ Loki shook his head and sat back.
A song came on and April downed the rest of her drink quickly, then grabbed Loki’s arm. ‘I love this song. Come dance with me.’ She stood up and tugged him along.
‘I do not dance.’
‘Come on. I’m sure those hips of yours could be deadly on the dancefloor.’ She teased, biting her lower lip in hope of changing his mind.
Loki shrugged, downed his drink too then allowed the infuriating girl to lead him onto the dancefloor. She started moving her hips straight away, letting the music flow through her. She was right about Loki, he could certainly dance when he wanted to.
He was highly distracted when she moved in close to him and turned around, grinding her backside against his front. He gripped her hips and squeezed hard, leaning down towards her ear so she could feel his warm breath against her.
‘Dangerous game, pet.’ He growled.
She turned around and hooked her arms up around his neck, grinning. ‘I do love danger.’
Loki’s eyes darkened as he locked eyes with her. The two of them still moved to the music, but they were only concentrating on one another. That was, until, there was a commotion from the door. The barman was speaking to two men in suits, who were clearly SHIELD agents.
‘He’s over there.’ The barman pointed in Loki’s direction and the two agents made their way through the crowd of people towards him.
‘Well, that is my cue to leave.’ Loki glanced at April then rushed away towards the back exit.
April folded her arms over her chest, pissed off about the interruption. The two agents went by her, she quickly pulled out her knife and slyly stabbed the second agent right in the back. He doubled over in agony when she pulled the knife out from him.
She quickly walked away, muttering ‘One down, one to go.’
Everyone in the club had been so busy dancing and drinking that it took a minute for them to realise there was a man bleeding to death in the middle of the dancefloor. And by that time, April was gone.
Loki rushed out the back exit and made his way down the nearest ally. He kept his hand against his dagger that was in his pocket, in-case he needed to use it.
But he turned down a wrong way and came to a dead end.
‘Shit.’ He hissed.
When he turned to go back, he stopped as one of the agents approached, gun aimed at him.
‘Stop running, Loki. You’re coming in one way or another.’ He hissed.
Loki sighed and put his hands up in defence. ‘Are you going to give me the option of dead or alive? Unlike your so-called colleagues.’
‘Oh no, no option here. I want you in alive. Torture is no fun if you’re dead.’ The agent said and, using his gun, motioned for Loki to start walking with him.
The God gritted his teeth but started walking, hands still up in the air. The barrel of the gun was pressed against his back, that made him keep moving.
When they reached the entrance of the alley, Loki heard a grunting noise then a large thud. The gun was no longer at his back, so he turned around to see the agent on the ground and April stood there holding a large baseball bat.
‘I like his idea of torture. But only if I’m the one giving it out.’ She grinned wickedly, then tossed the bat over her shoulder into a large bin where she’d found it.
‘You really do keep turning up at the right moment.’ Loki said, secretly he was slightly chuffed that she had followed him, but he wouldn’t admit that to her of course.
‘Now you owe me.’ She shrugged and started walking past him, he grabbed her elbow to stop her.
‘I think you’ll find that means we’re even.’
‘No, you owe me.’ She corrected him.
‘You clearly have bad memory.’
‘I remember just perfectly fine, thanks. You were due me a tip.’
‘And you were due me a service.’ Loki countered, with a smug ass grin on his face as he yanked her closer to him.
‘That was just a cover.’ She shrugged. ‘Now, are we getting away from here or not? I’m sure your little friends will be all over this place soon.’ She said, motioning to the agent who was still knocked out unconscious.
Loki nodded in agreement.
‘Let’s go.’
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fanfic-inator795 · 5 years
RotTMNT/Baron Jitsu fanfiction: Dating… With Children - Chapter Eight
(Also on AO3 if you want to leave a comment or kudos)
Plot:  Benjamin Draxum hardly considered himself a man of high social standing. Not because he was uncouth or unworthy of it, mind you, but simply because he didn’t have much of a social life. Hard to have one when he usually spent his days at work, cooped up in a lab for so long that he often had his lunches in there, and his nights at home reading or doing research for more personal projects. But perhaps meeting handsome semi-retired movie star - as well as his four young sons - could change all that…
((Apologies for the long wait! Writer's block hit me hard this time around... But not only have I finally finished this chapter, but I managed to get a couple drabbles written out as well to make up for the lack of content, which I should have posted shortly. Anyway, hope you enjoy both them and this chapter! ^v^ Also, shoutout to @halloweennut, whose own celeb AU inspired a few small bits for the beginning chunk of this chapter, heh))
Lou could still remember when he was a younger man, fresh off the set of his first movie. A passion project from an already decently famous director with a foreign, previously unknown actor as the face of it. Lou had been so excited when he first walked into that small LA television studio, only half listening as his manager tried to ‘suggest’ answers to certain possible questions, and instead just tried to take it all in. Not only was he going to be a movie star, but now he was going to be on one of the most well known talk shows in America! Talk about a good head start! As was to be expected, he'd ended up completely acing his interview, charming both the live audience and viewers at home and cementing himself on the path to stardom.
But that had been years ago, the excitement and ‘newness’ of it all being long gone, even after taking a bit of a break from the business. As far as Lou was concerned, you be on one talk show, you've been on them all.
Still, the experience wasn't necessarily a bad one - especially when the studio put in the extra money for a decent backstage spread. Licking his lips slightly, Lou picked up another ham and cheese-topped cracker, quietly munching on it as he watched the various stagehands pass by. He was moving over the dessert side of the table when one of the show’s managers finally approached him. “Five minutes until you’re on, Mr. Jitsu!”
“Mm,” Lou nodded. He took a cookie to go and then stood at the designated spot behind the curtains, knowing the drill well. Popping the treat in his mouth, he took a moment to smooth out his outfit - a crisp white shirt with a light blue jacket and pants and a loose red tie, making the whole thing a sort of call back to the jumpsuits he used to wear - and make any last-minute quick fixes to his hair before the commercials ended.
Finally, the stage lights came back on just as the cameras began rolling, and the audience cheered as their favorite New York hostess strolled back on stage. “Welcome back, everyone,” Jessica grinned, soaking in the cheers from her audience. Jessica Jacklynn was more of a local famous favorite than a national one like other late night talk show hosts, but she still had plenty of fans thanks to her cool demeanor and always being on the search for exciting drama with her guests. “We’ve got a pretty special treat for you all tonight, a man who I'm sure needs no introduction, but I guess we’ll give him one anyway-” The audience gave a bit of a laugh at that. “Here to celebrate the seventeenth anniversary of his film, ‘Teriyaki Shakedown’, give it up for… LOU ‘JITSU’ HAMATO!”
Huh, it wasn't often people included his real last name - and even less often, if ever, his real first name. Most people just introduced him by his stage name. Heck, Lou himself usually did that too, not having much of a connection to his family name and only using it to sign official papers. ‘Guess she did her homework,’ Lou thought as he walked out onto the stage, a professional grin plastered on his handsome face.
He struck a couple ‘action poses’ for the cheering audience and shook hands with Jessica before setting down on the dark red couch opposite her desk chair. (From what he heard, Jessica was somewhat famous for actually standing on her desk when things got really exciting, and wondered if she'd end up doing that tonight at some point.)
“So Lou, seventeen years,” Jessica began, smiling sweetly now, “It’s been a while, though I bet the time just flew by for you, huh?”
“Oh yeah,” Lou nodded, “Seems like it was only yesterday I was tossing stunt doubles into bowls of soup.” The audience laughed again. “Heh, it's kind of funny that that film is more remembered than my first just because it started my catchphrase. But hey, it's a good catchphrase! And apparently still pretty applicable to non-soup situations.”
“Mmhm,” Jessica nodded, “Well, we all love a good action-hero catchphrase. But, we aren't just here to celebrate the past, we want to know what you've been up to since! After all, it has been a while since your last film-”
“Yeah well, you can thank the box office for that,” Lou joked, earning more laughs.
“Fair enough, but I understand that you've had other things keeping you busy as well?” Jessica inquired, leaning in a bit on her desk, “Things like trying to take care of four little boys, maybe?”
Lou’s smile faltered ever so slightly as he nodded. “Yes, I suppose you could say that…” Lou never minded the spotlight of the press, and could even handle the paparazzi! But when it came to his kids, well… It was a whole different story.
Even without reporting it to the press, the news that Lou Jitsu had adopted four young sons had still broken a few days after he signed the papers. Almost immediately, news and celeb magazines wanted info and pictures. They'd pop up like a nasty swarm of gnats, hoping for several pictures and wanting to ask the boys questions after questions.
The first time it happened, it caused poor three year old Mikey to hide his face in his father’s chest, obviously freaked out by all the sudden people and flashes, while his only slightly older brothers were still a bit too surprised and confused to know what to do, the three of them crowding around Lou’s tall, protective legs. It took threatening to throw their cameras into the nearest tree to get them to finally leave, though even that didn't discourage much of the media circus.
He had accepted one interview, hoping to relieve some pressure, from a local New York newscaster who simply wanted a cute fluff piece from the semi-retired action star (as well as to get the full story first before any other media outlet could). ...Unfortunately, said newscaster ended up being a huge jerk, doing everything from asking if Lou purposely chose to adopt ‘minority kids’ (as if Lou himself wasn't a minority? The guy was an idiot too) to asking if he was trying to ‘prove something’ to other celebs who had adopted kids by adopting so many at once, even going so far as to imply that his kids were simply charity cases. Honestly it took all of Lou’s self restraint not to just rip the stupid poofy blond hair right off the guy’s head by the time the interview was over.
And of course, once he allowed one reporter to talk to him, everyone else just tried even harder to get an interview too. It eventually took Tang Shen - as well as several other people in the industry who considered themselves Lou Jitsu’s friends - threatening the various members of the paparazzi on social media, as well as the public finding some other piece of celeb news to obsess and gossip over, to finally get it all to stop somewhat.
Though, thinking back on all that, Lou was beginning to wonder if he had made a mistake accepting the invitation onto Jessica’s show, possibly inviting that whole mess back into his life... However, Jessica was calm and professional as she continued. “I think we all remember a couple years ago when we all heard that action superstar Lou Jitsu was suddenly a father, and for what it's worth… We couldn't be happier for you!”
Lou blinked. “Oh… Well, thank you!” He nodded, quickly composing himself, “Yes, they are very good boys, even when they don't always listen. But hey, what kid does?”
“True, true,” Jessica agreed, “And I bet they love having fun just as much as you did, eh Lou?”
Lou chuckled. “Well, fun for them, and maaaybe a bit more on the side of stressful for me. But what can I say? I love my boys, even after the hundredth time I’ve told them to take off their shoes before running into the house.”
Chuckling along with his listeners as he relaxed on the couch, he began spinning various anecdotes about fatherhood and his new family that were funny and even relatable as they were heartwarming. The audience was practically eating out of his hands - not that Lou really cared, he just liked talking about his boys! Though, if he could entertain people with them then, hey, two birds with one stone.
“-and oh, you should've just seen the mess they made, and the faces they made when I caught them. They knew they were in big trouble - they got cheese and sauce on the CEILING! It was unbelievable!
"Ha! I can imagine!"
"Yes, and all over a ‘which pizza topping is the best’ argument! I wanted to be mad, believe me, but at that point, it felt like all I could do was laugh!" Lou shook his head at the memory. "Heh, I am sure I must have seemed crazy, but then again I was pretty crazy for leaving four kids under ten in the kitchen alone anyway. And it is like I told Ben, if you are going to have a food fight, you might as well do it as a child so you have a better chance of getting away with it-”
“Wait,” Jessica stopped him, “Ben?” She raised an eyebrow, smirking a bit. “Who's Ben?”
Again, Lou’s grin fell ever so slightly. Had he said Ben’s name? Shoot. “Well, ah… A-Anyway, after all that-”
“Oh, don't tell me you've been holding out on us, Lou!” Jessica told him, her eyes curious and mischievous as her now-curious fans throwing in a couple encouraging cheers, “Come on, you can tell us! Is there a new certain someone we should know about? Someone we already know?”
“Heh, I doubt it...” Lou mumbled. Draxum definitely wasn't the public type, he barely even had a social media page! There was no way he'd want his and Lou's 'story' shared with the whole city, much less the rest of the world. However, even knowing this, he also knew that his hostess wouldn't let it drop if he tried to play dumb and completely deny it. So, he decided to just choose his words carefully.
“I… may have started dating again-” The applause and surprised shouts were practically thunderous- “but, I want to respect my boyfriend’s privacy. It is what he deserves, after all. He is fun, smart, good with the boys-” he cracked a smirk, “Definitely handsome, aaaand… That is all I am going to say.” And his smirk only stubbornly remained as groans filled his ears.
“Are you sure you can't give us anymore?” The so-called Queen of Drama inquired, batting her eyes a bit, “I just know our audience would-”
“Now, I believe your people found some deleted scenes from the studio that you wanted me to give some insight on?” Lou asked, not even looking at her now, effectively ending the conversation, “Because, hey, isn't this supposed to be about ‘Teriyaki Shakedown’? I have got plenty of stories about that story too, you know! Does anyone here want to hear about how I came up with my Hot Soup finisher? Maybe a little demonstration too, if we can find some soup?”
Much to their hostess’ dismay, the audience unanimously answered, clapping and cheering once again. Remaining professional as ever, Jessica just smiled as she tucked a strand of dark brown hair behind her ear. “Well, I guess we know what we’re doing after commercials. Stay tuned for more stories and stunts with our favorite butt-kicking star, Lou ‘Jitsu’ Hamato!”
“Great show tonight, Ms. Jacklynn!” “Wonderful job, Ms. Jacklynn!” “That was such a good idea, finding an excuse to get the Lou Jitsu on the show!” “I'm just surprised he said yes! Feels like it's been forever since he's been on something!” “And yet the moment someone says his name, his fans go totally rabid! Now that's what you’d call someone with star power!”
Jessica nodded as she continued making her way through her stage crew, only briefly acknowledging their comments and praise. Even the executive producer of the network only got a minute of her time. “I just really have something I need to get done before I head home,” she explained, not bothering to reveal anything else as she finally made it to her private dressing room.
She sighed, kicking off her high heels. Hosting a show was nice, but now it was time for the real fun. After all, content for shows and blog posts didn't just fall out of the trees most of the time. Sometimes, you had to go searching for it… And other times, you had to make it yourself. She had been hoping that with enough flirting, perhaps she could make some viewers see sparks between her and the semi-retired star, leading to plenty of publicity for the both of them and possibly start certain favorable rumors. But this… This was MUCH more interesting!
“Funny, Lou,” Jessica mused as she turned on her laptop, “You never used to shy about who you dated…” Even before she got into the showbiz game, she could remember seeing and hearing about all the various arm candy he’d have at movie premieres, award shows and Hollywood parties. Whether they were a new face on the movie scene, some beautiful model, a rich heir or heiress or even a co-star, Lou simply had no problem showing them off and having fun in both public and private for however long the fling lasted.
So what made this ‘Ben’ guy so special? What was he trying to hide?
Jessica went to Lou’s social media page first, naturally. She ended up scrolling through four months worth of content, but unfortunately came up with nothing. All Lou seemed to post were cute pics of his kids, random opinions on random things, Lou Jitsu memes and the occasional food or outfit pic when he had something to show up. Guess he was just as private about his personal life online as he was in person. Jessica scowled a bit at this, but didn’t give up yet. There was information out there, she knew there was! She just had to dig a little deeper…
She began searching for anything Lou Jitsu related on all social media sites. Most of it was useless - a fan mentioning they were doing a #JitsuMovieMarathon or someone taking a pic with an obvious Lou Jitsu impersonator. Those were the most frustrating. But finally, after over an hour of searching, she finally found something.
The Facebook page of a nobody with a followers number that indicated that anything he posted most likely stayed trapped within his circle of friends no matter how interesting or cool it was. There, she found a picture of Lou in a fighting ring with some guy she didn’t know, the caption explaining that this guy just couldn’t believe someone as awesome as Lou Jitsu was fighting in their gym.
But that wasn’t the most interesting thing. No, what was most interesting was the slightly blurry face in the background of the pic, tall with auburn hair and eyes wide with amazement. Jessica hummed to herself. He could’ve just been another fan… But there was something about him that seemed to claim otherwise.
This hinting feeling was indicated about twenty five minutes later when she saw the tall, redhead man again in another picture, this time on Twitter. It was slightly out of focus and far away, and Lou was wearing sunglasses, but it was them, there was no doubt about that. “Can’t believe it! A celeb date night on MY shift!” the girl had tweeted, adding an obnoxious amount of emojis and wishing the former star luck before adding “#HotSoupLove!” .
Jessica smirked. Hot Soup Love, indeed. “Now we’re getting somewhere…” It took some cross referencing and a lot more digging - whoever this guy was, he had little to know social media presence whatsoever, which made it even stranger that he was dating LOU JITSU of all people - but finally, she found him.
His stern, serious picture stared back at her as his information was revealed, thanks to the research lab website that introduced him: Dr. Benjamin Draxum, head of Genetics and Biochemical Research. “Doesn’t exactly seem like the ‘dating’ type, or the type of guy that a guy like Jitsu would go for,” Jessica commented, opening up a word post on her own social media page, “But hey, that just makes it all the more interesting.”
She always did love being the first one to break the story on any potential celebrity gossip, and this was certainly a story twist that no one would see coming…
Draxum’s eyes shot opened at the sudden alarm. He groaned, hating how early these Monday mornings always seemed to be. His eyes then shifted towards the windows, his body still lazy enough to ignore the alarm. Even behind the curtains, he could tell the sun was just barely starting to rise. So then, why was his alarm-?
It was then his tired brain finally realized that it wasn't his alarm going off, but his simple ringtone. He reached over and picked up his phone, and then glared at the screen when he saw it was a number he didn't recognize. Why they were calling over an hour before he had to wake up, he had no idea. It was probably a telemarketer, but just in case it wasn't, Draxum reluctantly answered the phone. “Hello?”
“Hello,” a seemingly human voice replied, “Are you Dr. Benjamin Draxum?”
“Yes, and who is this?”
“My name is Samantha Vics. I work for the NYC Inquiry and I was wondering if I could ask you some questions.”
A newspaper? (Or, maybe a magazine, he didn't know for sure given that he didn't really read many of either.) Well… He wasn't expecting that. Better than a telemarketer, at least. “About what?” He asked, wondering if perhaps something happened at his lab and they needed a statement from someone who worked there.
“Well, I was hoping you could tell me a little about your relationship with Lou Jitsu.”
…………… What .
“Excuse me?” He asked after several seconds of silence. Maybe he just misheard-
“Your relationship with Lou Jitsu. You are dating him, aren't you? I was hoping maybe I could ask you a few questions about that. How you two met, how long you two have been dating, what it’s like dating an action star as famous as him-”
Draxum took a deep breath through his nose. “...Excuse me for asking but, which section of the paper did you say you worked for?” He was just barely managing to keep his tone even.
“Oh, it's not a paper, sir. It's more of a local and national pop culture and celebrity-focused magazine, why-?” Draxum hung up, releasing his sigh. He wanted to go back to bed for the next hour and pretend that the whole incident was just an annoying dream.
...That's what he would've done at least, had it not been for the two more phone calls he received that morning. One from some talk show host named Jessica, and another from the Today Show, asking for a comment to use during their ‘Trending Now’ segment. Those two simple words sent enough dread down into Draxum’s stomach to switch his phone to silent, effectively ignoring it as he got ready for what was sure to be a long day.
His temper only rose when he ended up running into more people outside of his apartment, at least three or four. More ‘reporters’ - weren't these people supposed to be researching and reporting REAL news?! - trying to ask him questions, as well as ordinary people passing by, whispering as soon as they saw him and watching him as if he were some sideshow. He lost track of how many times he said “No comment”, practically shouting the words by the time he got to his car. At least they were smart enough to get out of his way once he got behind the wheel.
He didn't drive to work right away though, curiosity finally getting the better of him as he instead pulled into an empty alleyway where he could check his phone - four missed calls now - in peace. All he did was type in his name into a search engine, and about half a dozen articles from various blogs and gossip rags came up.
“Beautiful Brawn Meets Brain! Lou Jitsu Dates NYC Doctor!”
"Just WHO Is Jitsu’s New Boyfriend?!”
"Hot Soup Love!”
"Is Lou Jitsu Into Scientists Instead of Supermodels These Days? These Pics Would Say Yes!”
“What the hell?!” Draxum scowled, reading title after title before finally clicking on the earliest post. Honestly it was more speculation than an actual article, with the only ‘facts’ being the two pictures that included both him and Lou, as well as his name - which was only used once. After that, he was just referred to as ‘Jitsu’s Boyfriend’ or ‘The Scientist’. That definitely irked him.
And one of the photos… That was the diner they liked going to. The diner that would no doubt be swarmed often now in the hopes of getting another shot at seeing the Big Apple’s newest celebrity couple, the public and media alike most likely not caring if they disrupted a date. This made Draxum’s heart ache as much as it made his anger rise. He really liked that diner...
“How did they even find out about us?” He wondered out loud as he continued scrolling through. Sure there were the pictures, but something would have to prompt people to go looking for them, given they weren't originally posted by paparazzi. It was then, in the back of his mind, he remembered Lou saying something about having a talk show gig.
His eyes narrowed as he immediately switched from the Internet to texting. “We need to talk,” he typed.
Thankfully, Lou didn't wait long to reply, his words serious for once. “I know… I have to take the boys for school, but I will meet you at your lab for lunch. Maybe before then I can call up a couple people, do some damage control.” So he already knew. Draxum texted back that he would see him then. Just as he started his car back up, he received one last text.
“Ben… I am so sorry.”
Draxum didn't reply back.
The drive to work was average, save for his still-set-to-silent phone getting more unknown callers. He would have to start blocking numbers soon, maybe even change his number. He scowled just thinking about it as he walked up the walkway to the research building. It was ridiculous, couldn't these people just take a hint and leave him alo-?
Draxum’s whipped his head to the side so fast it was a wonder he didn't get whiplash. His eyes had just barely caught the tail end of a flash of light, and as he stared at the seemingly-normal bush that sat near the parking lot, he could see hints of black and plastic within it. Unable to help himself, he clenched his fists. “HEY!”
The scrawny figure didn't hesitate to move, jumping out of the bush and dashing down the street with their camera in tow. Had he not been in work clothes, he might have chased the photographer down. But he was as tired as he was furious, so he settled for simply letting the lab’s security desk attendant know that he'd spotted a ‘suspicious person’ outside.
His interns thankfully were smart enough not to say anything, stiff in their seats and already engrossed in their daily tasks. That's what Draxum tried to do as well, to just pretend that everything was normal despite feeling like the entire city - the entire world - now had their eyes on him, desperate for any little scrap they could get. ...Naturally this made focusing on work fairly hard. In between in-putting data from current tests and doing research on upcoming projects, he’d switch to social media, reluctant yet too curious to stop himself.
By this point most of the ‘articles’ had stopped, given that there was no new information coming in and nothing new to add. But that didn't mean people didn't have anything to say - the comments sections were an absolute nightmare...
Some people claimed Lou was only dating him so Draxum could (somehow) get his kids into a good college, or free medical care (he wasn't that kind of doctor, morons). Others simply called Draxum out for only wanting to date Lou for his status and money, with some speculating that he was only faking being a doctor. They wondered what they saw in each other, how Lou could possibly think of ‘going out with someone like that’. Every quality or accomplishment Draxum had or might have had was just ripped to shreds by fans and gossipers alike, all of them agreeing that the famous action star could certainly do better.
Draxum wasn't the type to care what people thought of him. ...He had to keep reminding himself that. That these opinions were worthless in the grand scheme of things… Still, even the least social people could still feel the crushing weight of words and insults if enough was thrown at them. “Unbelievable,” he muttered, his anger more numb now even as his disheartened frustrations remained.
The morning hours of his shift took an eternity to get through, but eventually the noon hour rolled around, and there was a knock on his doorway. “Hey,” Lou quietly greeted, holding up a logoless bag. With the media circus going on around them, it made sense that his boyfriend would pick making a sandwich for him over stopping somewhere and buying one. Draxum nodded, thanking him as he took the bag, but didn't open it.
As soon as they were alone in the room, his interns heading to the cafeteria faster than he had ever seen them go, Draxum asked his first question: “Why did you think it was okay to just… To just tell the whole WORLD about me without even-?”
“It was an accident,” Lou told him, as apologetic as he was defensive, “I-I was on that show, just telling stories about the boys and, well, your name just… slipped out.” He winced, silently berating himself for such a stupid mistake before continuing. “But I swear to you, Ben, I did not give them anything! All I said was that I was dating someone and left it at that. I didn't say what kind of job you had, or any personal information about you, or even your last name!”
Draxum was still scowling, though at least it didn't seem to be directed completely at his boyfriend now. “And it would seem they didn't need you to tell them that stuff, when they could just find it on their own.”
“Hmph, right…” He still wasn't sure how Jessica was able to find all she did about Draxum with just a first name, but he did know one thing: He was NEVER going on her show again. ...Unfortunately, whether he made a reappearance or not, the damage already seemed done. “Ben, I… I am so, so sorry. I never wanted something like this to happen! Especially not to the man I care about.”
Draxum stared at him for a moment longer before sighing. “I know… And I forgive you.” It would be unfair to keep blaming him for such a minor mistake.
Lou managed a weak smile at that. “Thanks… So uh, I was able to get in touch with a couple of my old managers, and they are going to try and get the story pulled.” Though by this point, it was already far too late. The original reporters had done their job, and it wasn't as if they could control every single person on social media. They had lost the war before starting a single battle. “I, I could still make a public statement. Not sure how much it would help, but…”
“Couldn't hurt to try,” Draxum agreed. Still, while Lou didn't even attempt to ask it, it still hung in the air between them, and the idea of it still sort of broke Draxum’s heart. Even worse, he didn't even have a solid answer to it.
“So, uh… A-Are you still coming over tonight?” Lou asked, “Because if you are, there is this back road behind my house, which may help with-”
“I think,” Draxum suddenly began as he forced himself to not look away, already feeling cowardly enough as is, “that I need some space.”
Lou’s glasses were at just the right angle to catch the fluorescent lights of his lab. Between that and the shading from his poofy hair, Draxum couldn't quite tell what his expression was. Still, the man’s voice remained steady. “Take all the time you need,” he quietly insisted. He then said his goodbyes, and walked out the door - and both of them hoped it wasn't for the last time.
Draxum stared at the open space where his boyfriend had stood, and nearly followed him out the door - but stopped when his phone lit up yet again with another unfamiliar number. He glared at the device, blocking the number before slamming it down on his desk.
Some space between them was for the best… It was for the best...
The nice thing about the media machine was that new news became old news pretty quickly.
Sure, it still took him a couple days and blocking at least a dozen more numbers, but eventually Draxum stopped getting calls asking for interviews or comments. His co-workers made sure to stay out of his way as well, even though he could tell they were VERY curious and we're just barely holding back questions. And even if Draxum still made it a habit to look over his shoulder while walking around, the attempts that various members of the paparazzi made to try and get a shot of him also became few and far between.
After all, there was no point to the pictures if he was the only one in them...
“...” Draxum sighed, his eyes once again going from the book he was reading (a book he'd already read twice over, and was only trying to force himself to read it again as a distraction rather than for pleasure) over to the coffee table, where his phone sat, its silence adding to the much too quiet atmosphere of his apartment. Part of him almost wished it would ring or alert him about a text, but he knew it wouldn't happen. It hadn't happened for nearly two weeks.
“I wonder how he's doing,” Draxum mumbled to himself, eyes going from the device to the dark sky outside his living room window. He wondered about Lou and the boys both… He was sure they’d had to deal with twice as much hounding from the paparazzi, if not more, but he really hoped that they were enjoying some well-deserved peace now too. With days of silence from both sides of NYC’s newest hot couple, the media and celebrity gossipers alike eagerly moved onto the next scandal, leaving #HotSoupLove in the dust.
It was a relief… But there was also little actual comfort to it, for Draxum knew as soon as there were signs of the two of them being together in public again, the cameras and microphone-wielding pests of the city would pounce on them once more like snakes from the shadows. Each date outside of one of their homes would be a spectacle for the world to see, and Draxum hated that.  What he hated even more, however, was the fact that if it weren't for these vultures and the mess they would bring to his life… He would've probably called Lou as soon as the coast was clear...
Draxum had never needed space, he just refused to give the paparazzi a chance to get what they wanted! He had just wanted some peace and quiet, some time to hide from the prying eyes of his newfound public audience. But Lou… He had never wanted to be away from Lou, not for this long at least.  He truly did forgive him for his mistake, and each time Draxum thought of him - of the fun conversations or the things Lou would do to make him smile, of all the small gestures meant only for him and the moments they would also share with Lou’s young family - it only made his heart ache… God, did Draxum miss him. He missed ALL of them, and wanted nothing more than to see them again. To go back to the way things were.
And yet his hand refused to pick up the phone.
Draxum growled, carelessly tossing the book aside before leaning back on the couch and shutting his eyes. He hated it… Hated that to be with the one he loved, he'd have to risk being exposed to the world. Hated that a single phone call between them or a simple night out could also invite thousands of eyes and invasive questions. Hated that, for their relationship to work, he would have to also most likely deal with dangerous rumors and insulting comments and possibly even threats (depending on how rabid that particular part of the Lou Jitsu fanbase was) on a daily basis.
...But most of all, he hated himself for being such a coward. He didn't care how reasonable it was to hide, he was still allowing them to control this part of his life. He was giving them the power to decide the fate of his relationship instead of fighting for it... But since when was Benjamin Draxum not a fighter?
Deciding to do what he should've done two weeks ago, Draxum stood up and got his laptop.  It didn't take very long, about an hour at most. Editing was minimal, and as he prepared to post it on his rarely-used Facebook account (which had amounted followers in the thousands in just a few short days with the number continuing to rise), he finally picked up his cell and sent a simple text:
“Hello, Lou. Sorry for taking so long.”
It only took a couple minutes to get a reply. “It's fine, do not worry about it.” It was a normal enough reply, yet something about it still made it seem like Lou was walking on eggshells with him rather than being his normal, carefree self.
Draxum scowled slightly as his thumb flew across the keys. “No, it's not fine. Yes, I was upset and-” Scared? Angry? Disgusted by society? “-worried about dealing with… this whole situation. But not anymore. By the way, I’m posting something online right now, and I just wanted to give you a heads up. I'd suggest you watch it though.”
That time, Lou’s reply took several minutes. “Should I be worried about this?” He finally asked. He could almost see the man raising an eyebrow at him, wondering whether or not the scientist was about to do something that could get him anything from a bunch of flame comments and haters to getting arrested.
Draxum chuckled despite himself, not exactly being able to blame his boyfriend for being concerned. “No, if this blows up in my face, I should be the only one in the crossfire. That being said, I did want to ask one last thing. Are you free to go out tomorrow? I'd like to take you back to the diner we like.”
He could see Lou thinking it over (thanks to the ellipsis word bubble) before giving him an answer. “Yeah, sure, I should be free...but are you sure u want to go back there? and not somewhere else?”
“Yes. Very.” He was certain that Lou was still a bit unsure, but nevertheless they agreed on a time that Draxum would pick him up before saying goodnight. With that taken care of, Draxum made his post and then promptly shut off his laptop, letting his video do the rest…
“Hello. My name is Dr. Benjamin Draxum - though I'm sure most of you out there don't care about that. You'll just call me ‘The Scientist’ or ‘Lou Jitsu’s boyfriend’. Speaking of Lou and my relationship with him, that will be the subject of this video. You all want answers? Then fine, you've got them.
“We first met about five months, at an art museum auction event. When we first met each other, he invited me to join him and his family for the rest of the evening. I accepted. Afterwards, he gave me his phone number, and after a long conversation over the phone where we got to know each other, he invited me over to his house for supper. Again, I accepted.
“Ever since then, we've been spending time with each other and going out on dates when we can. We talk on the phone, visit each other’s homes, and do all the normal, average things that literally any other couple would do on dates. Those are the facts. And because I have revealed all the facts that are there, I will not be accepting or answering anymore questions, from the public or the media, in this video’s comments section or through the phone or email. However, I understand that this will not keep people from asking anyway or from speculation, nor will it keep mine and Lou’s relationship private despite the more intimate details of it not being anyone else’s business. I fully expect candid shots of us together the next time we go out, no matter how much I may ask of others to respect our privacy. ...But again, I accept this, and I will give you all one last fact about me:
“I care about Lou Jitsu, fully and genuinely, and as long as he will continue to allow it and as long as I still have these strong feelings for him, I will continue to be with him. Thank you and goodnight.”
Jessica had watched the video three times now, and each time she found herself a bit hollow afterwards. It hadn't been the first time someone famous (or even just in the middle of their thirty seconds of fame) had made a video to help clear up certain things or vent about something. But those were usually a lot more dramatic, where they'd eventually start screaming or crying or insulting people - But Draxum had done none of that.
He had spoke as if he was giving a lecture on whatever it was he studied. He was clear and concise, only presenting the facts with little emotion whatsoever. Even how he presented himself on the camera was professional, sitting up straight on his couch at home, well dressed with brushed hair. This was hardly some dramatic speech or him boasting about how he was sure ‘their love could conquer anything’. ...At least, it wasn't that in words or tone.
But in his eyes and the way he stared down the camera - not caring how many were watching or judging - revealed his true feelings. His passion, his determination to fight for his relationship, maybe even his love.
“I gotta hand it to you, Jitsu,” Jessica smiled, finally closing the screen, “You sure know how to pick them…” She also had a feeling that they'd be one of the few celebrity couples to stay together - and if that were indeed the case, she'd definitely have to come up with a better couples name for them than #HotSoupLove.
As far as he knew, no one had followed him to the Jitsu household. No paparazzi desperate for interviews, and no cameramen hoping for candid shots. Though, if there had been someone, he wasn't sure how much he would actually care. At this point, nothing was going to stop him from finally seeing his boyfriend again.
So, Draxum walked up to the house, moved to knock on the door, and-
The door opened, Lou already knowing he was there. He was smirking, but there was gratitude and admiration in his smile. “Well well well… Don't we know how to make a viral splash?”
Draxum smiled back at him. “Well, I didn't exactly have much of a choice. I had to let the world - and you - know where I stand.”
Lou’s smile fell a bit. “...Except you did have a choice. You know that, right?”
“I do… But it wouldn't have been a choice I'd be happy with,” Draxum told him, taking a step forward. He took Lou’s hands, squeezing them with care. “I want to be with you, no matter how much I may have to deal with from everyone else.” Though, after a moment, he frowned. “Of course, I'm not the only one this affects… Even if I'm not around you all the time, I'm sure you and your family will have to deal with all of that extra attention as well, so-”
Suddenly, Lou was grinning ear-to-ear. “Wow, last night really was the first time you have been on social media in a while, huh?”
“...Yesss, why?”
He chuckled. “Tang Shen saw what was going on, and heard about how our house was practically swarmed with people wanting comments that first day. And well, heh, you're not the only one who can make an online video. Just recently she decided to, ah, 'renew' an old threat directed at the entire paparazzi community, and told them that anyone who tried to talk or take pictures of my children without my consent would be VERY sorry. My boys will be just fine.”
Draxum was grinning now, holding back his laughter. “Well, that settles it. I definitely have to meet that woman one of these days.”
“She always flies in around Christmastime, just a heads up. And as for me, I am pretty much used to the whole ‘rabid fanbase, occasionally stalked by media people’ thing by now. Although…” His smile softened. “It really is easier when you have someone helping you deal with it.”
Not willing to hold himself back anymore, Draxum closed the distance between them, kissing Lou softly. Lou deepened the kiss, wrapping his arms around his shoulders. Yes, this was where he belonged: Beside his boyfriend, taking on whatever came their way together.
As they broke apart, they could hear tiny feet coming down the stairs. “I will have to go drop the boys off at O’Neil’s place, and then-”
“Draxum!” “Dr. Draxum!” “Drax!” “DRAXUMMMMM!”
From out of nowhere it seemed, he felt one, two, three, four small bodies (though that last one was pretty heavy) run into his legs, knocking him off balance and onto the ground. “Wh- Boys?!” Lou shouted.
Of course, his sons just ignored him, too excited as they all shouted at once. “We haven't seen you in forever, Dr. Draxum!” “See, I told you guys he'd come back!” “Yeahhh well, I always knew.” “Nuh uh, Leo!” "Yuh huh!" “DRAXUM I’M SO GLAD YOU’RE BAAAACK!”
Unable to help himself, Draxum laughed, managing to wrap his arms around all four of them. “I've missed you boys, too…” And that was the truth.
It took about fifteen minutes to calm the boys down and get them to April’s house (and to get Mikey to let go of Draxum), thanks to Draxum happily promising to visit them again later. With that settled, the reunited couple made their way to the diner.
As was to be expected, the diner was pretty full, now infamous for being #HotSoupLove’s ‘place’. But the two barely gave anyone else a second glance as they caught up with each other and enjoyed their meal, nor did they hesitate in taking a nice walk through the open Central Park afterwards. Not even the annoying occasional flash of a camera out of the corner of their eye or the whispers as they passed people by could sour their mood.
They were dealing with it all together, and that was all that mattered.
(( I know Jessica Jacklynn was just a referee/commentator, but I feel like she would totally be the type of character to host a late night talkshow and just be all about the celebrity gossip and drama. Lol, anyway, hope this chapter was enjoyable and not too wordy. please leave a comment if you can!))
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jack-irallie · 5 years
Chapter 1 - Lost and Found
Slice of life story about gay couple and their daughter, but whoops the new biology teacher at the daughter's school is an old boyfriend of one of the dads! 
Only the first two chapters are finished (WIP/First Draft), but I’m dying to share, so...
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The high school was bustling with activity, from students running around with poster boards and projects to teachers greeting families as they wandered past the booths lining the front walkway and through large double doors. 
In one of the cars that had just arrived and found itself on a curb bordering the main street, a young teenager sprung out, already racing across a patch of grass and toward the parking lot. 
“Hey, where are you going in such a hurry?”
She glanced behind at the voice, one foot already on the concrete. “Can I go practice cheerleading drills with my friends while you guys do all the boring stuff? Please? I told Tiffany I’d meet her over at the basketball courts.”
“And I’m only just hearing about this?”
“I didn’t think you’d care.”
He huffed a sigh as he stepped out of the car. “Only if you promise to meet me back at the front doors at six.”
“Yeah, yeah…”
She rolled her eyes, but was quick to drop the brattiness for a more genuine attitude. “I will...is dad coming?”
He gave a nod as he pulled out his phone to skim a text that had just popped onto the screen. “Oh, he just left work, actually.”
“When does the…” His voice trailed off before picking up once he had fished a folded up flyer out of his pocket.
Bright, bold word art spelled out ‘Back to School Night’ on the top of the page with a bunch of fine print under that he had to squint with a squint. “Who even makes these things; it doesn’t even have the time.”
Amber stomped over, glancing over his shoulder and almost immediately pointing out what he had missed. “It already started like ten minutes ago, which means I’m late.”
“Hey, I’m not stopping you.” He put his hands up in mock defense as he leaned some of his weight back on the car. “Go have fun with your friends; I’ll be here...well, until your father shows up.”
“Have fun with all the boring teacher stuff,” were her parting words as she turned on a heel and rushed towards the school.
“Love you too.” He replied with light sarcasm as he unlocked his phone, scrolling through the contacts until he clicked on ‘Richard’ and hit call. 
A few rings later, and a voice slightly muffled by the sound of traffic picked up. “Hey, I was just about to call. Almost there.”
“How was work?”
“Eh, same old stuff. Got some good tips.” A swell of music started to overtake the call, but it was promptly turned down a few notches. “I can meet you inside if you want.”
“Oh, don’t worry. I’m just out here in the cold; I’ll be fine.”
Richard chuckled. “You poor dear; made the mistake of wearing shorts again?”
“I can’t help if the weather is so inconsistent.” He grumbled, just getting more soft laughter that turned out to be quite contagious. “Know you’d never make that mistake, with your life all together and shit.”
“It’s not that hard to know not to wear shorts in September, darling. I’m sure it’ll be warmer inside. But um...I’m just around the corner, so I’m going to let you go.”
“Yeah…see you in a sec.” 
There were even less parking than there was prior, but a quite ordinary blue sedan found a spot across the street; Richard quickly got out to rush past a horde of cars that were still on the hunt for a place to park.
“Grant...you really did wait out here for me; you must be freezing.” He muttered as he stepped up onto the curb and slipped out of his jacket to drape it on his boyfriend. 
“No use going in and awkwardly standing in the hall.” He shrugged it off like it was no big deal, but was obviously grateful for the warmth, which only grew as they started to walk and Richard slipped a casual arm over his shoulders. 
“Where’s Amber?”
“Ran off to practice cheerleading with her friends.” He answered as they weaved between impatient drivers and the shrubbery that lined each row of the parking lot. “I don’t think she has to come in with us?”
Richard gave a lax shrug, though he swiftly put his arm out when a car whizzed by them only to pull into a parking spot a couple dozen feet away. 
He muttered an obscenity under his breath, relieved when they finally reached the school’s sidewalk. “I swear; you think people would be more careful with kids around.”
Grant gave a long sigh as he patted the other’s back. “You okay? You seem a bit tense tonight.”
“Me? Yeah; I’m fine.” He looked down at himself, adjusting his turtleneck and thumbing away a leaf that had blown over and stuck to the fabric. “I just hate how people are looking at us...at you. Wish I could give them a piece of my mind.’
“We are kind of the token gay couple here, huh?” He joked as he glanced around at the sea of straight parents. And, leaning in to whisper, he added, “Fuck em’; Amber is doing great and that’s all that matters.”
That got a chuckle out of Richard. “You’re right.”
Before their conversation could continue, a cheery lady behind a colorful booth was ushering them over. “Hello! Are you here for back to school night?”
“Yeah, Grant Miller; my daughter is a freshman here.” He approached the counter, putting a hand out for a shake before noticing a sign in sheet that he scribbled his and Richard’s names onto. 
“Wonderful, what’s her name?”
“Amber.” He watched as the woman searched through a large folder and pulled out a slip of paper with a list of classes and a simple map. “Ah, thanks; I was just going to ask where we had to go.”
“No problem; have a nice time.” She said, her attention already on a different set of parents. 
“Where to first?” Richard asked, glancing down to skim over the paper. “Sure you know your way around better than me.”
“Probably, but I doubt any of the classes are where I remember them…” Grant muttered as they entered the busy hallway. “Yeah, looks like Biology is in the old English room…Let’s go there first; it’s right down here.”
Past a row of lockers and some more judgemental side eyes, they came across the correct room number, but took pause at the name plate hanging below it as they continued inside.
A man in a lab coat turned on his heel at the sound of the creaking door, giving a warm, inviting smile. “Let me guess; the name on the slip is different than the one on the sign? I just took over a few days ago and...it’s a long story.”
Richard peeked back at the correct sign for a moment before putting his hand out to the teacher. “Well, it’s lovely to meet you Mr.Moore.”
The teacher’s demeanor shifted at Grant’s questioning, causing him to squint his eyes in thought before they went wide with realization. Though, he was quick to dart them towards the ground as he adjusted his glasses. “You look quite different with facial hair; I almost didn’t recognize you. You’re daughter is Amber Miller, correct? I’ll go grab her folder.”
Richard glanced between them before he turned to his partner with a hushed voice. “Is he an old boyfriend of yours?”
“Heh...is it obvious?” 
“A little; I can handle this if-”
“No, no; I’m fine.” Grant cut in before the other could continue. “I just wasn’t expecting to see him here of all places.”
“So...oh, yes, Amber.” Alan mumbled as he pulled a few papers out to slide across the table. “She seems like a very bright student, got a ninety-nine on her first big test when the average was closer to eighty.”
“Wonderful.” Richard said as he sat down and skimmed through some of the other assignments, all which had high marks. “She’s always been a pretty good student.”
“Yeah…” Although Grant was happy that his daughter was doing well, there were obviously other things still eating away at his mind. “What are you doing back here, if you don’t mind me asking?”
“Oh, they offered me a higher pay than the other high schools in the area; wanted their ‘star pupil’ back.” He chuckled with a slant of self deprecation, clearing his throat before continuing. “I thought you would’ve gotten out of this town by now; I’m surprised to see you here.”
“I uh...I did for awhile, but I’m glad to be back. It’s been a wonderful town for us to raise Amber in.”
“Ah, so you are a couple; I was about to ask. I actually got married awhile back; this year is my fifteenth anniversary.”
Grant leaned in with a delighted smile. “Oh? And who’s the lucky man?”
Alan simply spun a frame around that had been previously facing him with a picture of a bride and groom smiling cheesily for the camera before going back to some paperwork. “It’s was lovely to see you and your husband; I hope your daughter enjoys my class.”
“We aren’t…” But his voice petered out as his mind filled with a growing list of questions that he tried to push aside. “It was nice to see you too, Alan.”
The silence that followed was their cue to leave, and after a couple of awkward seconds, Grant grabbed his daughter’s work and stood back up. 
Though, just as the couple reached the door, Alan spoke up once more. “Wait...I’m sorry.” He said as he hurried over with a tired smile. “Seeing you just put a lot on my mind, and…”
“Hey, I get it. Me too; don’t sweat it.”
The old friends stared at each other for a moment, Alan speaking up first as he nervously stumbled over his words. “You know...my wife and I were going to go to see a movie tonight; you and your husband are more than welcome to join us.”
“We are only dating at the moment.” Richard added. “But that sounds lovely. Long as you’re okay with that, dear.”
Grant gave a nod as he pulled out his cellphone. “Why not; might be nice to catch up. What time?”
But, even after the conversation had ended positively, with the couple leaving for the hallway after exchanging information, Grant was hit with the reality of what had just happened and made a beeline outside. 
It was much calmer than the bustling hallway, though a cold wind made him cross his arms to rub them for warmth. “I’m sorry; I just...I needed a breather.”
Richard was right by his side, patting his back for comfort. “We don’t have to-”
“I want to.” Grant assured forcefully as his eyes darted up to his partner’s, but were quick to fall to the ground. “I just didn’t think back to school night was going to make me feel emotional.”
“Aw, hon…” He sneaked a quick kiss on the cheek, pulling his boyfriend into a side hug. “Go wait in the car; I’ll handle the rest of it, okay?”
“I insist. I’m sure the rest of it will be super boring anyway.”
The genuine smile from his partner lulled Grant into a calmer state as he leaned into the hug. “I love you, but you baby me too much.”
Richard laughed at the comment, and they shared teasing looks before he finally pulled away. “Love you too. I’ll see you in a bit.”
After parting, Grant wandered back to the car, plopping down in the front seat and pushing it back to get more comfortable. 
Soft rock filled the space as he rested his eyes and rubbed over them. Part of him was excited to see the man he used to date, but the other...the other was terrified. 
Ignoring his problems, he pulled a sudoku book out of the glove box, zoning out until it was time to leave.
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bus-stop-to-kpop · 6 years
Let’s watch you and your friends on TV! (Cai Xukun x Reader)
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Pairing: Cai Xukun x Reader
Genre: fluff
Summary: you decide to watch Nine Percent on Happy Camp with your boyfriend Cai Xukun :)
Word Count: 2,150
A/N: English isn’t my first language, I want to apologize for any mistakes. Feel free to correct all the mistakes I made!
~Admin A
“Come on, it’s gonna start in 5 minutes!” you giggled, dragging Cai Xukun, your boyfriend, with you to your couch. You two started dating over a year ago and you could proudly call yourself his biggest fan. “I don’t understand why you want to watch this episode of ‘Happy Camp’ with me…” he said, sounding annoyed, but you knew that he secretly liked to show you his work, even if it was just an episode of happy camp with him and his members. “Oh come on! I know that you want to watch it, too!” you laughed, turning on the TV. Both of you sat down on your couch, cuddling onto each other, when the show started. You tried to remain silent because you knew of your bad habit of talking during films or shows, but you couldn’t help yourself when you started cooing over the cute little boys dancing to ‘Ei Ei’. It was just too cute and you wondered, if your boyfriend also used to be so cute when he was around 10 years old. You really had to ask his mother for more baby pictures of Kunkun…
“Stop it Xukun! You exactly knew how many poor girls would have a heart attack after this performance… I have the feeling that all of Nine Percent know exactly how handsome they are and this is not good for us fans!” you scolded Xukun jokingly after you saw the band perform ‘Mack Daddy’. “So you say that everyone looks good? Or is there one who caught your attention?” Kunkun smiled, waiting for you to praise his good looks. But you wouldn’t make it so easy for him… “Lin Yanjun was extremely handsome in this performance.” you replied with a smug grin. This wasn’t what your boyfriend wanted to hear, so he started pouting. “Oh come on, you know that you are the prettiest boy in the world for me…” you tried to comfort him with a little peck on the cheek. “You’re cute when you pout.” Your boyfriend started to smile again. „I know. That’s why I do it.” Now it was his turn to grin and your turn to pout. Until he started to tickle you and you almost fell down from the sofa, laughing. After this, he decided to lift you on his lap, so you won’t fall down again. And he actually felt a bit cuddly at the moment. But this is something he wouldn’t dare to tell you, because he knew, you would mock him for this information for the whole evening.
“So wait. Your next task was to flirt?” You couldn’t really believe it and you also failed to hold back your laughter again. “No, we had to act these scenes from different dramas…” Xukun replied while rolling his eyes, which you couldn’t see, because you still sat in his lap. “Well, these scenes were all different love confessions, so you kinda had to flirt with the camera?” you laughed. This show was hilarious! And it was so funny to see how fast the members got shy when they had to confess to the camera. Okay, everyone except Yanjun maybe, but flirting was something like his hobby, you guessed.
“You did not just confess to your fans? Cai Xukun, do I have to remind you that you have a girlfriend who is sitting right here with you?” you started to pout again. It seemed like you were only able to laugh or pout this evening. This idea almost made you laugh again, but this time you had to stay strong. But Xukun made it even harder for you when he started hugging you from the back. He knew that you loved back hugs. It always gave you goose bumps and send chills down your spine. You cursed inwardly, he knew you far too well. “Are you jealous, my Babygirl?” he whispered in your ear, his lips almost touching your ear. “n-no….” You tried to breath steadily, but your heart was almost jumping out of your chest. You blushed. Of course you knew that he only loved you, but you sometimes still had a problem with him flirting with others although it was also a part of his personality. Being a gentleman and being very flirty. “Baby, I know that you are jealous, don’t try to deny it” he chuckled. Suddenly he placed a kiss behind your earlobe, which made you whimper. He knew that you were very sensitive at this spot! “At our closest moment, I was only 0.01 cm away from her. 57 hours later, I fell in love with this woman…” he whispered and continued to kiss your neck. “At least you still know your original lines.” you tried to distract yourself from your boyfriend, “Come on, let’s keep watching!”. Xukun started to pout (he wasn’t finished with you!) but let go of your neck and rested his head on your shoulder to continue watching ‘Happy Camp’ with you.
“I think your crush on Xie Na is really cute!” you chuckled. First he wrote about her on his Weibo and now he protected her from the punishment. Xukun blushed. “I-I don’t have a crush on her!” he whined but you only continued to laugh. “I would even share you with her, she is an angel. Okay no, I would never share you with someone else!” “I hope so… I wouldn’t share you with someone either…” your boyfriend said and tried to tickle you again, but remembered the first time when you almost fell down on the ground and held you only tighter. “Kunkun, I need to breathe!” you laughed. “Sorry Babygirl” he mumbled into your neck and gave you an apologizing peck on the cheek.
“You know that you have a beautiful voice, Kun? Can you please sing more often?” you begged after hearing him singing ‘my Babygirl’ on the show. You already heared him singing this song multiple times, but his singing voice still managed to amaze you. It was almost a pity that he usually preferred to rap (although his rap voice was hella sexy)… “For you I can always sing” he smiled, but you still sat on his lap so you couldn’t see his smile. You turned around to face him and smiled. “You’re too cute. And so cheesy!” you chuckled and leaned in to peck him on his lips. But he had other intentions and tried to deepen the kiss. Under other circumstances you would have allowed him to do this, but today you were watching ‘Happy Camp’ together and it still wasn’t over. “Sorry Kunkun, but the show isn’t over yet” you said with an apologetic smile. Xukun sighed and continued watching the program with you. But he would get what he wanted sooner or later…
“Where did you get that flexible, Kunkun?” you asked while turning your head towards Xukun. Seeing him jumping onto these pads looked quite sexy. Hell, how did he manage to look sexy hanging from a horizontal bar? How did he manage to look sexy with everything he was doing??? And you were sure you weren’t the only one to notice that his shirt showed his abs for a few seconds. Jesus, all the fangirls who were having heart attacks because of this…. You tried to avoid this thought, but it was true. There were many girls who were thirsty over your boyfriend, but he chose you instead of the other girls. And this made you feel proud. “Don’t know, maybe the dance lessons? Maybe even the basketball training back in school?” he joked, placing a kiss on your nose. “You’re kind of an athlete, aren’t you?” you answered laughing, but also blushing from the sweet kiss. He only kissed your nose and you started to look like a tomato… You turned your head back to the TV to avoid that Xukun saw you blushing, but he only started to chuckle “You’re cute when you blush…”
“Okay now I really have to say that I love the bromance you are having with your other members! It’s so cute of you to always help them….” “The task was to help them get onto that wall, we all helped each other to get up there.” “I know, but it was so cute that you decided to go up as the last one!” you said, cooing over your boyfriend. He should really learn to be more proud of himself. But actually you liked how he always cared for others and always tried to help. So you didn’t mind. Xukun only sighed and watched the end of the show with you. “Wait, they are going to show the unaired scenes afterwards!” you almost yelled after he wanted to turn off the TV. “Please no! I’ve been waiting to have some time with you for the whole day!” he groaned annoyed. “Then you can still wait 20 more minutes” you smiled and repositioned yourself on your boyfriend’s lap. He had to suffer this last minutes if he wanted to steal some more kisses from you, you decided in your head. Your smile only got brighter when he started to pout.
“I was disappointed that you didn’t always team up with Ziyi during this hugging game. I kinda ship the two of you.” you chuckled as you and Xukun watched the unaired scenes. They were hilarious. Why did they decide to remove these scenes? “Wait. So you are shipping me, your boyfriend, with Ziyi? Why???” Xukun asked quite shocked. “You two are so cute together!” you laughed. Your boyfriend’s shocked face looked very funny to you and it was hard to concentrate on the show when you sat on the lap of a grown man with shocked puppy eyes. “But not as cute as us together.” Xukun replied smoothly, after he wasn’t shocked anymore. “So you think we are cute?” you mocked him while pinching his nose. “Yes, I think we are very cute” he replied and started to pout again. That seemed to be his hobby for tonight: pouting. “Stop pouting and continue watching the scenes with me” you said laughing and turned back to the TV. “I’ll stop pouting when I get a kiss” he continued to pout. “Then you will have to wait until the end, darling, because after the show you can kiss me as much as you want.” This made Kunkun smile again.
“Now I want to announce that my Nine Percent OTP isn’t Zikun anymore. I realised, that Zhangjun is the superior ship here.” you said, with a serious tone. Xukun bursted out laughing. “You know exactly, that Yanjun is your best friend’s boyfriend!” “Yes, but please let me dream a little… Justin and Xiao Gui dancing together was also really cute, maybe I can ship them? But still, Yanjun asking Zhangjing to sing with him was superior!” you replied innocently. “You know that we are all straight?” Xukun asked. “Yeah…. But maybe some of you are bisexual, but don’t know it yet?” you tried again. “I will just continue to let you live in your dream world, I think you like it better over there.” he chuckled. “Thank you Kunkun.” you said smiling. “The show is over, Babygirl. Looks like I can finally kiss you now properly.” Xukun smirked while turning you on his lap so you didn’t have to turn your head around every time you wanted to talk to him. He really missed you the whole day and had to wait for almost two hours until you were done watching the show and the unaired scenes. After all of this, he thought he deserved a little bit of attention from you, and who were you to deny him that? You wanted his attention as much as he wanted yours…
The kiss was sweet and innocent. Xukun’s lips tasted like strawberries, maybe because he ate strawberries in the afternoon, but that didn’t matter because you loved the taste combined with the smell of his after-shave and this specific Xukun smell. He released a soft moan when you tangled your fingers in this hair and tried to move closer to him, which was almost impossible. His hands started to move across your body until they settled down on your hips and also tried to pull you closer. Suddenly you couldn’t help yourself and started laughing. “Is this already less than 0.01 cm?” you giggled, thinking back to your conversation during ‘Happy Camp’. “I think so” Xukun chuckled, but his expression suddenly changed and turned serious. “I love you, my Babygirl. Only you. Don’t forget that.” he whispered, locking eyes with you. You melted under his gaze. “I love you too, Cai Xukun. Even when you flirt with your fans.” you replied and closed the distance between you two again.
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bittysvalentines · 7 years
The Butter Bandit
To: @peeps-the-writer
From: @airplanesandcookies  
Happy Valentine’s Day!  I hope you enjoy this little zimbits meet-cute fic!  I really had a blast writing it for you.  
Any other time, Jack would appreciate the privacy and serenity that came from a thick falling curtain of rain. But at this moment, he’s exhausted and merely resigned to getting soaked on the run from his car to the grocery store entrance.
He took a moment to savor the warmth of his car’s heated seats as the rain, muted, battered at the roof. The day had been brutally long - a PT session at 9am, then practice, team lunch, a few brief moments at home to nap, before heading back to the rink for a tough home game against the Schooners. Even after all that, he still had to field invasive interviews post game, cycling to get the acid out his muscles and cool down, another massage, only to get home and realize that he had no eggs or even milk for a bowl or three of cereal. He could have ordered a grocery or dinner delivery, but that would have taken so much longer than him just doing it himself.
Jack rolled his neck, pulled his snapback down over his brow, unlocked his door and promised himself that a plate of scrambled eggs was worth all of this when his passenger door swung open and a very wet man hopped into the passenger seat.
“Shitty, you are a lifesaver! I would never have made it all the way home in this. I can’t swim that far!”
The thing about being a professional hockey player, it is Jack’s job to recover faster than the other guy, which is what probably saves Jack from an early heart attack and gives him space to recognize that the drenched intruder is 1) unfairly attractive even with his blond hair plastered over his face and a thin linen button down shirt translucent over his skin and 2) most likely harmless given that he’s clearly not hiding anything.
Jack even had a slow-motion moment to wonder, if this guy, as completely random and utterly unlikely as it was, was a puck bunny with a proposition.
His teammates all had wild stories of puck bunnies trying to sneak into their hotel rooms or private cars. But he hadn’t heard of an unreasonably hot guy in a see-through shirt just hopping into a parked car.
“I’m a shitty lifesaver?” Jack asked, still computing the scenarios in which he would say ‘yes’.
The wet stranger snapped his gaze up from a pile of cloth grocery bags at his feet, blinking owlishly large brown eyes at Jack.
With nothing better to say, Jack chose, “It is a rough night for a swim.”
His stranger exploded out of his seat with a flood of apologies, “Oh my god, I’m so sorry, sir! I thought that you were my friend Shitty and I just jumped into your car, I swear to god I’m not a creep, this was just a mistake.” And he was off, just as quick as he came, back into the pouring rain.
The heavy fall of rain immediately obscured his path. Curious, Jack jumped out of his car and looked around, but he couldn’t see any sign of the guy. Merely ready to shrug it off as one of the weirdest encounters this year at least, Jack turned to lock the door when he noticed that the guy had accidentally left one of his cloth grocery bags.
With equal measures of curiosity and paranoia (because Jack didn’t think that he would be blindsided by a pretty face, but it HAD been a really long day), Jack reached over to the passenger side seat, the rain sluicing down his back, and picked up the bag and found what had to be ten pounds of butter.
Jack completed his shopping, returned home, and finally (FINALLY) made the best damn plate of eggs he’s ever made all while completely encompassed in a cloud of questions.
_/\_ “So, a fan hopped into your car and gave you butter?” Marty asked, frowning down at a very simple butter cookie that Jack brought in to practice. . “No. Some guy hopped in my car. I think he thought I was someone else. The butter was an accident.”
“As far as pick-up lines go…” Thirdy began, in-between bites of his cookie.
Jack shook his head, “I don’t think he was a fan. I think he was just some guy taking advantage of the buy-one-get-one free sale at the grocery store.”
“But what I don’t understand,” Tater said, mouth full, “is why did you keep the butter?”
Fair question. Jack walked his teammates through the boring rationale that the store wouldn’t take the butter back without a receipt and they wouldn’t store it in case somebody came back for it. And being practical, Jack wasn’t going to just throw the butter away, so he left a note with the manager, ‘I took your butter. If you want it back or a refund, leave your number with the store. I’ll check back in a week.”
Thirdy laughed so suddenly, he snorted his water. “Man, that note sounds ominous as hell.” He mumbled over the lip of his cup, “If you want the butter back, meet me in a dark alley around midnight.”
Tater licked his fingers, “So, you are a butter bandit. You dress like one.” “No.” Jack stated as he packed up the rest of his cookies. He did not look down at his yellow shoes. This wasn’t complicated. “I’m trying to compensate him for the butter. It was a simple mistake, the guy shouldn’t lose out because of it.”
And if he got to see the guy again, that wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world. But he wasn’t going to say that part out loud to these guys.
But Tater had already zeroed in on the chink in Jack’s armor. “For shame, Jack. Holding butter hostage so that you can see that poor man again. He may have been baking for his grandmother or a classroom of children. You think of that? No, because you are a Butter Bandit. You steal his dreams.”
Jack threw up his hands while his teammates laughed at him. “I’m never going to hear the end of this, am I?”
A chorus of “NO” followed him out the door.
And true to their word, they didn’t let up during practice, the team lunch, and the chirping even showed up in a ‘Meet the Falconers’ segment that PR kept insisting that Jack participate in.
Tater held up his camera with his long arm and aimed it at Jack who was cutting his stick. “Jack needs a nickname, something that will stick. Maybe…”
He trailed off, and Thirdy picked it back up again, face completely innocent as he continued to tape his stick. “He’s so slick on the ice. Smooth even. Smooth like butter.”
Marty poked his head into the camera’s frame. “It’s true, and the way that he steals the puck on the ice, he’s like a bandit, he’s so fast.
The video cut off to the sounds of three grown men cracking up while Jack looked at the camera stone-faced and finished checking his equipment.
_/\_ Evenings off were so rare, that Jack appropriately hoarded and cherished them with a mild glee. After he begged off of a team dinner, he hit the grocery store to purchase a few snacks, some more eggs, and some flour for crepes. And, perhaps, maybe the butter guy had stopped in and left a message and Jack could at least satisfy his curiosity and cross off that lingering to-do item on his mental list.
With his hat pulled down low, he pushed his cart around the perimeter of the grocery store, finally ducking into the baking aisle to replenish his stash of flour, when he saw a shock of familiar blond hair crouched down looking at the two different brands of finishing sugar. He was squatting down flat on his flip-flop covered feet in a pair of joggers and a grey tank top with Samwell writes in red across his shoulders. He hadn’t looked up yet, and so Jack took a moment to confirm his initial assessment of the guy. He WAS unfairly attractive and Jack was staring. When the butter guy stood up, Jack shook himself from his stupor and in a fit of action he couldn’t even begin to explain to himself, fled the aisle. Without his cart.
Jack rubbed his hands over his face and gave himself a stern talking to. The bottles of artificial pancake syrup even appeared to be judging him. When he finally had enough of being a coward, he walked back into the baking aisle with renewed determination to wrap up this entire awkward exchange.
But of course, the butter guy and his cart were gone.
Jack shuffled over to his shopping cart and grabbed a sack of flour before realizing that he had the wrong cart. It looked similar, yogurt, a package from the butcher’s counter, whole milk, and eggs, but he hadn’t picked up blueberries, pickles or any wine. Momentarily confused, Jack startled when he heard a very quiet clearing of a throat behind him.
“Um, excuse me. But I think I stole your cart?”
Jack turned around and locked eyes with the brown eyes he had last seen in his car a week prior.
“I think I have your nine pounds of your butter.”
He was delighted in seeing the pink rush into the guy’s face from his neck and ears before he responded. “Hey, wait, I thought I had 10 pounds.”
“I used a pound - finders fee.” Jack said easily despite his sweaty palms.
They stood frozen, looking at each other, before Jack held out his hand, “I’m Jack. I apparently have a car similar to one of your friends?”
His hand was met with a warm firm handshake and a self-deprecating smile. “I’m Eric, and I need to look before I just hop into a stranger’s vehicle.”
“Probably for the best, eh? Not everyone is as nice as I am.”
Jack earned a full smile in return and it felt like a goal.
“Umm, I can return your butter. And your shopping sack - I mean, I don’t have it all right now. It’s in my refrigerator at home.”
Eric nodded. “Well, let me make it up to you. Can I buy you a burger as a thank you? You could have just tossed it or donated it. It was kind of you to try and get it back to me. Most people don’t usually need that much butter.”
The question must have flitted across his face because Eric merely laughed. “I work over at the University in the anthropology department, and I bake cupcakes, cookies, and pies on the side. I had a party order for that Sunday.”
“And I stole your butter?”
Eric waved his hand, “No! I broke into your car, dropped my butter and then it served me right that I had to go across town to buy 10 more pounds.”
Feeling bolder than he had all week, Jack removed his hat and pushed his hair back. “You know, if you don’t mind, I had all this extra butter I didn’t know what to do with, so I tried to make some cookies but they were kinda dry. It sounds like you might be able to help me perfect my recipe, yeah?”
Jack watched as Eric preened for a second, his eyes darting up at Jack’s face, trying to read something that Jack really hoped was he clearly projecting back at him. Eric, straightening his shirt, “I think I can do that.”
Jack beamed, “Okay, let’s wrap up here and grab that burger? Do you need a ride?”
Eric, ears still pink, “Yeah, I typically walk to the store. I don’t have a car right now.”
“That’s fine. Plus you are already familiar with mine.”
Eric groaned. “I walked right into that, didn’t I?”
“Just like you did to my car last week.” Jack chirped with a huge smile as Eric slapped his arm playfully.
“Ugh, you think you are so funny don’t you.”
And Jack didn’t know about that, but he did think he was pretty lucky.
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