#pot of prosperity
yugiohcardsdaily · 1 year
The real reason "Pot of Greed" was excluded is because there's 11 "Pot of" Spell Cards and I figured that one would have the advantage, anyway.
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Top Row: "Generosity", "Avarice", "Riches", "Benevolence", "Acquisitiveness" 2nd Row: "Prosperity", "Duality", "Desires", "Dichotomy", "Extravagance" Bottom Image: "Greed"
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Pot of Prosperity
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wizardsaur · 6 months
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New Year's Prosperity & Happiness simmer pot:
Orange, sliced
Pine needles
3 cinnamon sticks
A blop of vanilla
Yerba mate tea leaves
Chamomile flowers
Because this year was absolutely chaos, and we're on a budget tighter than the dead Queen's corset. Please throw us a good year, Universe. I'm a good noodle
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the---path · 7 months
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I am always smoking weed with good company.
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akhanddiya · 1 year
Unveiling the Meaning Behind Akhand Diya Items Used in Worship
#At the start of any religious ceremony#it is customary to light an Akhand Diya (also known as a diya lamp). An Akhand Diya is an oil lamp that is used to represent the divine and#Akhand Diya has been a part of religious ceremonies and festivals in India#and is traditionally lit to honor deities. In this blog article#we will be exploring the different items used in worship which are called Akhand Diya and the symbolic and religious significance of each i#Introduction to Akhand Diya#An Akhand Diya#also known as a diya lamp#is an oil lamp that is used to represent the divine in Hindu religious ceremonies and festivals#and is traditionally lit to honor deities. The Akhand Diya is usually made up of an earthen pot or vessel#which is filled with oil and a wick. The wick is lit#and then it is placed in the oil-filled pot. This process symbolizes the union of man and God#and is believed to bring divine energy and blessings into the home.#Akhand Diya is also used as a symbol of hope and prosperity. The flame is believed to ward off negative energy and bring peace and harmony.#Different Akhand Diya Items Used in Worship#There are many different Akhand Diya items used in worship#each with its own significance and purpose. The most common items used in worship are diyas#incense stands#and bells. Other items used in worship include plates#bowls#and flowers. Each of these items is used in different ways to invoke the blessings of the gods.#Diyas - Diyas are the most common Akhand Diya items used in worship. Diyas are usually made of clay and are filled with oil and a wick. The#Incense stands - Incense stands are often used in Akhand Diya worship. The incense stands are made of wood or metal and are filled with inc#Bells - Bells are also used in Akhand Diya worship. The bells are usually made of brass and are used to ward off negative energy. They are#Plates - Plates are often used in Akhand Diya worship. The plates are usually made of brass and are used to hold offerings to the gods.
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larluce · 4 months
Merlin traveling back in time to save Arthur AU but with a twist!!
Merlin makes it to the sidhes, bringing a barely breathing Arthur with him. As expected, they ask for a price and Merlin offers his life, ignoring Arthur's protests.
Sidhe1: You're inmortal you can't die
Sidhe2: And even if you could, killing you would mean killing magic itself, therefore killing the earth itself.
Merlin: (crying desperate) I don't care! Take what you need! My blood, my magic, anything! Just save him!
Sidhe1: (smiling evily) I might know just the thing.
They never tell him what are they going to take from him, but he agrees. The sidhes start the ritual, while Arthur just keeps pleading weakely
Merlin: (smiling) If I somehow don't come back-
Arthur: (crying) Stop! Merlin don't do this. Please!
Merlin: I just want you to know that I love you.
Before Arthur can answer the ritual ends and Merlin blacks out.
When he wakes up he is in his way to Camelot in his old clothes and 10 years younger. He soon discovers he's been brought back to the very first day he met Arthur. He's confused. Have the Sidhes taken from him years of his life as a price? It doesn't make sense to him, but he decides to take advantage of this to prevent some things from happening.
Time goes by and while, in general, all events are repeating, not everything is happening as he remembers. Some people arrive in his live early, like Lancelot or Gawain. And Arthur treats him better? Like he says thank you to him more often and listens to him more. Merlin thinks it’s weird, but brushes it off thinking it’s due to the changes he's been making that some things are not quite the same.
Then the day comes when he finally reveals his magic to Arthur. He cries and Arthur hugs him telling everything its okey. Nothing its going to happen to him. Shortly after however Arthur also has a confession.
Arthur: I already knew.
Merlin: What?! Since when?
Arthur: the very start.
Merlin: How? I've been careful! More careful than before!
Arthur: Because you told me before. Well, not really before, but in the future. It’s complicated.
Merlin: Wait... you are from the future too?!
They are both surprised. They thought they were alone in this and it turns out they never were. Merlin cries all over again, apologazing for everything, for failing him, for not being able to save him, but-
Arthur: You did.
Merlin: ... What?
Arthur: You did save me.
Merlin: No, the sidhes tricked me. They sent us back in time-
Arthur: It was not them who did that. It was me.
Merlin: What... what are you saying?
Turns out what the ritual really did was turn Merlin into a small tree in exchange for saving Arthur’s life. A magic tree that would grow taller and taller and never die and whose ruts would expand making magic florish in the earth forever. Arthur of course was really upset after that. He demanded the sidhes to turn Merlin back but they only told him "what's done it's done" and that all he could do was pick the tree up before the roots growed if he wanted to move it elsewhere.
Arthur put the tree in a pot and brought it back to Camelot. Everyone was devasted with the news but they were also glad their king was alive and safe. No one blamed him, but Arthur always blamed himself. He repealed the ban as soon as he could and made sure everyone knew Merlin's involvement in the battle and later the other things he find out Merlin did for Camelot through Gaius. He made an anual event and a statue in Merlin's honor. Camelot slowly but surely welcomed magic again and became the most prosperous kingdom in the land.
Merlin: Oh...I don't remember being a tree.
Arthur: Yeah, I figured.
Merlin: But you repealed the ban! That's great! Magic was free again in the-wait... so why did you do all this if everything was fine? And how did you do it?
Arthur: Everything was NOT fine Merlin. You weren't there!
Merlin: (utterly confused) I was. As a tree.
Arthur: You know what I mean! You were there but you weren't. We mourned you but you were still alive. I kept you in that pot for longer that I should have because I wanted to keep you close all the time, yet looking at you was so painful... Gwen had to scold me into finally plant you in the garden so you could grow properly. I was broken inside, while trying to rule a kingdom. I kingdom we should have ruled together from the start!
Merlin: ...
Merlin: You're telling me you somehow traveled us back in time and throw away the golden age, your dream of uniting all Albion and all you worked hard for... just because you missed me?
Arthur: And because I couldn't say it back.
Merlin: What?
Arthur: That I love you too.
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celestialtarot11 · 2 months
What do people underestimate about you when they meet you? 👀💐 PAC reading ☀️
Hi friends 💐☀️ it’s been a minute since I have made a post on here, but I am back! What do people underestimate about you when they meet you? Let me know below if it resonates with you, feel free to comment like and reblog ⬇️☺️
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Pile 1: Hi there pile 1’s!☀️🧘‍♀️💐 I feel like people underestimate your intelligence when they meet you. I feel you are the kind of person who observes a lot and doesn’t say much, until its necessary. A lot of people hate on the quiet kids but they’re the most dangerous because they know everything 😂 thats the vibe I’m getting. You’re quick witted, you’re quick with your comebacks and people don’t expect that. People expect you to be quiet, small minded and naive. But then they have a deep conversation with you and all of a sudden its like, “i was wrong to assume that of my pile 1, damn” and it hits them! What you say resonates because its like you get to the root of the matter and pull it out. Like weeds. You pull the truth out and say it. You guys have a powerful throat chakra and it’s something to be proud of! You don’t like illusions, lies and dishonesty. You prefer honesty, openness, and integrity! And lots of people aren’t able to match that so they end up feeling attacked, which was never your intention. Thank you pile 1’s for coming by 💗 I hope this resonated with you!
Pile 2: Hi there pile 2’s! Welcome to your reading 💐🧘‍♀️😻 People underestimate your resilience and bravery. I feel that some people see you as someone who is incapable of fighting, standing up or defending yourself. But you are the opposite! And people don’t expect that. They underestimate your ability to take on a challenge. Especially if you’ve been through a lot in your childhood, I’m feeling like family members perceived you as weak, gullible and naive. But you got up and healed and it took a lot of time, and you are still healing, but here you are setting boundaries and putting your foot down. This is something people do not expect. But then again im hearing “what did you expect? Did you expect me to really sit and take your bullshit?” On point!! You guys are quick, to the point, and do not hesitate in saying no or setting boundaries. For a long time you struggled with speaking up and it still may be a thing, which is understandable, and now you are healing enough to say no. People also may not expect you to be financially well off is something I’m getting. Your efficiency at saving money is something people don’t expect, or your savvy mindset when it comes to making 💰! People underestimate your resilience and your ability to take on a challenge. A true phenix from the ashes 💗 thank you pile 2’s for coming by! I hope this resonated. Please like comment and reblog for the support 💐☀️
Pile 3: Hi there pile 3! 💃🏻 This ones gonna be interesting 😂 in the best way possible! I feel that people underestimate your ability to leave. To say goodbye. To end situations and walk away. And move to a better place than you were before. People think you’ll stay in the mud, but you are the kind of person where if it gets uncomfortable you have no problem taking yourself out the pot. If the situation isn’t working, remove yourself from the equation is what im understanding 😂 love it! You guys don’t hesitate in moving to where you need to be and where your soul calls you, and right away you’ll know if someone is meant for you, or situation. People underestimate your ability to create abundance and move into prosperous places, but you manifest fast-and you move on to where you need to be with little to no issue. I feel like you guys know how to pack it up and make your decision, and the other person is shocked you thought about this without them. And your response is something of “I wasn’t aware I needed you in the first place to make this choice” 😂💗 I love it! You guys really know how you make an entrance and say goodbye 😻 thats the vibe im getting. People underestimate your presence in their life. The absence is felt when you’re really gone. Thank you pile 3’s! Please feel free to like comment and reblog to help this blog grow ☀️💐💃🏻
Thank ya’ll so much for reading 💐💗 it meant a lot to me! Your support is greatly appreciated. Enjoy the Aries full moon 🧘‍♀️
Paid Readings ⬇️💅🏻
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badjokesbyjeff · 1 year
A perfectly triangular lake has 3 kingdoms on its 3 sides
The first kingdom is rich and powerful, filled with wealthy, prosperous people, the second is humbler, but has its fair share of wealth and power. The third kingdom is struggling and poor, and barely has an army.
The kingdoms eventually go to war over control of the lake, as it's a valuable resource to have. The first kingdom sends 100 of its finest knights, clad in the best armour and each with their own personal squire. The second kingdom sends 50 knights, with fine leather armour and a few dozen squires of their own. The third kingdom sends their one and only knight, an elderly warrior who has long since passed his prime, with his own personal squire.
The night before the big battle, the knights in the first kingdom drink and party into the late hours of the night. The knights in the second kingdom aren't as well off, but have their own supply of grog and drink well into the night.
In the third camp, the faithful squire gets a rope and swings it over the branch of a tall tree, making a noose, and hangs a pot from it. He fills the pot with stew and has a humble dinner with the old knight.
The next morning, the knights in the first two kingdoms are hungover and unable to fight, while the knight in the third kingdom is old weary, unable to get up.
In place of the knights, the squires from all three kingdoms go and fight. The battle lasts long into the night but by the time the dust settled, only one squire was left standing - the squire from the third kingdom.
And it just goes to show you that the squire of the high pot and noose is equal to the sum of the squires of the other two sides.
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magickkate · 6 months
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Good Evening! 🌙✨ Are you ready to infuse a dash of magic into your daily culinary adventures? Welcome to the whimsical world of Kitchen Witchery—a delightful blend of spell work, herbalism, and culinary enchantment! 🌿🧙‍♀️✨
🍲 Basic Ingredients for Your Magical Pantry:
Herbs: Rosemary for protection, basil for love, and mint for healing. Experiment with your favorites!
Spices: Cinnamon for prosperity, ginger for energy, and nutmeg for luck. Let your taste buds guide your magical choices!
Crystals: Place a few on your kitchen windowsill for added energy. Clear quartz, amethyst, and rose quartz are popular choices.
🌈 Setting Up Your Kitchen Altar:
Choose a Sacred Space: Designate a corner of your kitchen for magical workings. A windowsill, shelf, or small table works wonders!
Magical Tools: Incorporate a cauldron, candles, and small bowls for herbs and crystals. Personalize it with items close to your heart.
🕯️ Candle Magic in the Kitchen:
Color Magic: Choose candle colors aligning with your intentions. Green for abundance, white for purification, and red for passion.
Enchant While Cooking: Stir your intentions into soups, sauces, and stews. Feel the magic in every motion!
🍵 Brewing Magical Teas:
Create Tea Blends: Mix herbs like chamomile, lavender, and mint for relaxation or energy. Sip with intention and let the magic steep into your soul.
🌕 Harvesting Moon Energies:
Full Moon Feasts: Plan magical meals during the full moon for amplifying energy. Charge crystals and herbs under the moonlight for added potency.
📚 Witchy Wisdom:
Start a Grimoire: Record your magical experiences, recipes, and discoveries. It’s your personal book of kitchen enchantments!
Experiment & Trust Intuition: There are no strict rules in kitchen witchery. Trust your instincts, and let your intuition guide your magical creations.
🌻 Infusing Love into Every Bite:
Cook Mindfully: Turn cooking into a meditation. Infuse your dishes with gratitude, love, and positive energy.
Share the Magic: Share your enchanted meals with loved ones. The joy of kitchen witchery multiplies when shared!
🌿 Nature’s Bounty:
Grow Your Own: Cultivate a small herb garden or keep potted plants in your kitchen. Nothing beats the magic of using homegrown herbs!
Remember, dear beginner kitchen witch, your journey is as unique as the flavors you create. Embrace the magic in simplicity, trust your instincts, and let the cauldron of your heart stir up spells of nourishment and enchantment! 🌈🌟💖 ✨🌿🔮
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yugiohcardsdaily · 1 year
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Pot of Prosperity
“Banish 3 or 6 cards of your choice from your Extra Deck, face-down; for the rest of this turn after this card resolves, any damage your opponent takes is halved, also excavate cards from the top of your Deck equal to the number of cards banished, add 1 excavated card to your hand, place the rest on the bottom of your Deck in any order. You can only activate 1 ‘Pot of Prosperity’ per turn. You cannot draw cards by card effects the turn you activate this card.”
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butchyena · 2 years
finally setting up my tea table and i found everything except two of my fav tea pots to show off….. AAAAHHHHH
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blkqueerwitchery · 8 months
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prosperity ⚡ abundance 🌿 luck 🍀 simmering pot
- vanilla extract
- lemon slices & peels
- lime chunk
- cinnamon sticks
- cloves
- rosemary
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whimsigothwitch · 9 months
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In exactly one week it is Mabon, the second harvest festival of the year. (21st-24 Sep) With Mabon we celebrate equal day and night, the days getting shorter, we express our gratitude and harvest fruits and vegetables.
Correspondences for Mabon: Symbols | Leaves, apples, acorns, pumpkins, harvested fruits & vegetables. Colors | Brown, red, orange, yellows, black. Spells | Gratitude, balance, prosperity, shadow work, releasing. Crystals | Citrine, aventurine, tigers eye, agate, quartz. Herbs and flowers | Sage, rosemary, cinnamon, marigold, myrrh. Food | Apple pie, pears, pumpkins, nuts, grains, bread, vegetables, soups. Activities | Apple/pumpkin/pear picking, forest walks, decorate your altar/room with autumn decorations, cook for family and friends, make hot apple cider, make a simmer pot, clean your space.
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lunemai · 2 months
•• -Mornings With You- ••
Demigod!Y/n x Luke Castellan
Summary - Waking up with Luke on your birthday in a cabin near the beach feels like a dream or at least it was going to be, until some people decided to interrupt.
Warnings - Y/n's godly parent is not specified, she/her pronouns, softness, talk of kids, kissing, no betrayal universe, teeth rotting fluff, marriage, and that's it I think.
part one - part two || can be read as a standalone. ||
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The distant waves and the birds singing walking the shoreline are sounds you look forward to when waking up, this time, it was a different sound, a more annoying sound, a very familiar voice.
"I didn't even mean it like that-" Percy tries to say but is quickly interrupted by the sound of Annabeth's voice, "Yes, you did."
"Okay, you came to my house on this glorious peaceful morning to talk about your.. -marital problems?" Luke talks in between both of them. I can practically hear Annabeth's eye roll, "Of course not, we came to give your prisoner her annual 'congrats on not dying' birthday cake." right. 
Everyone knows as demigods living a long and prosperous life is not guaranteed, therefore; congrats on not dying birthday cake. Though I think that's what every “normal” person gets, it's just very subtle.
“what? she’s not my prisoner.” I hear Annabeth scoff as I get up from bed and head towards the bathroom door inside mine and Luke’s room, quietly. duh. 
“right.” Annabeth says, there’s a pause before Luke answers, “Right?” though he’s trying to be assertive it sounds more like a question than a statement. 
there’s another pause before I hear that same voice that woke me in the first place, “So are you going to let us in or??” I hear Annabeth shove past him and Luke and head towards the kitchen where the boys also seem to follow.
since I can no longer hear their voices I finally enter the bathroom to brush my teeth and my hair, no one wants to look like a monster around Demi-gods of all people, might end up without a head.
coming out of the room I immediately hear the sound of Percy and Annabeth having a conversation about why having too much blue food coloring could ultimately be damaging.
Finally coming into view I see Luke making coffee with his back facing us and the soulmates sitting in bar stools awaiting their drinks.
Percy has a cherry muffin in front of him and Annabeth had buttery popcorn, in the morning.
“Oh hey sleepy head, I’m surprised your kidnapper lets you out of your room,” Annabeth says, Luke turns around with a coffee mug in his hand and leans against the kitchen counter while Percy simply awaits Luke’s rebuttal.
“Same, I guess I must be his favorite victim,” I say, encouraging Annabeth to jab at the fact Luke and I haven’t left our home in 2 weeks since our honeymoon.
“who’s side are you on?” Luke says with his brows furrowed. “The winning side, mine,” Annabeth answers for me.
I raise an eyebrow at Luke walking towards him, wrapping my arms around his waist once I reach him to look up at his eyes.
“Hi, baby.” He says looking down at me he places one hand on my hip, and his forehead meets mine.
“Hi handsome, you make any for me?” I say pointing at the mug in his other hand with my eyes. 
he squeezes my hip with his hand and nudges my nose with his, “Of course I did, you’re my favorite victim.” he meets my lips with a matching soft smile on his face, 2, 4, 5 seconds and I hear a voice,
“Did you make any for us?” of course, it’s Percy.
sadly, Luke pulls away from the kiss to look at Percy. “You think I want you to have any more energy than you already do?” 
Percy sighs in disbelief, “What energy? I’m a ball of sarcasm, not happiness.” Luke lets out a laugh and replies, “Sure Perse, there should be enough in the pot.”
Luke looks back down at me and pecks my cheek, “You want your ‘congrats on not dying cake’ or me and the beach first?”
with a soft laugh, I respond “Depends, who made it this time?” I say while turning to look at the two occupying the kitchen island.
“Me.” Annabeth says, and that’s all I need to hear, “Cake first then.” Percy shrugs and decides I have a right to say that after last year’s cake.
“I thought adding salt to things made it more flavorful or whatever, I mean they do it with chocolate milk.” even though he’s right, a whole cup of salt on a cake was not the right move.
“Right, but the point is not to aim for a salty flavor.” I have to admit, reading and following instructions will never be an easy feat for a Demi-god, dyslexia, and all that.
“That’s why you have to re-read things Percy,” Annabeth says while getting the cake out of the box. 
Annabeth hands each of us a slice of red velvet cake and we all eat with glee laughter, and sarcasm since Percy and Annabeth are here.
“Okay, now that we ate and used dishes we don’t have to wash, Happy birthday prisoner, try to find an escape route soon,” Annabeth says standing up to hug me and put her dish in the sink for Luke to wash later.
“Yeah, thanks for using water in the only way I could never, Luke,” Percy says also putting his dish in the sink on top of Annabeth's. 
“Don’t worry, I know I can handle water more than you, son of Poseidon,” Luke says gathering mine and his dish, to stack them atop the rest.
“Happy birthday newly kidnapped.” that didn’t sound grammatically correct, but I wouldn’t know. 
“Thanks, Perse, and also thank you for not making the cake.” with a nod full of fake sympathy, Percy and Annabeth walk out the door with a last goodbye hug and a wave.
closing the cabin door, I feel arms wrap around my back, leaning against Luke I feel his chin on my shoulder.
“You know the beach will be here all day,” he says in between the kisses he’s now placing on my collarbone, all leading up towards my jawline.
“Yeah, you’re right about that one,” I say closing my eyes and enjoying the sensation of him making a path of kisses up my neck.
“so maybe, we should just go back to bed for a little while.” he finally reaches my cheek, and I open my eyes to turn my head towards his, nudging my nose against his.
“That sounds like a great plan,” I say turning around in his arms to put my hands on his chest.
“Yeah?” he says softly with a deep and passionate kiss following.
breathing heavily I manage to respond
notes: this is my first fic in sooo long!! i’m so happy to have this done, it’s 1,081 words and i’m so ducking proud of that.
Thank you sm for reading! I promise there’s many more coming.
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bigification · 4 months
Family Business
"I told you a million times, I don't want to be a baker." Luca raised his voice at his parents.
"That's what your father said when he was your age, he came around." Lucas mother retorted.
"I told my father no again and again, but everything changed when I got the keys to the bakery." His father added.
"Well I'm not you, dad. I went to law school for six years, and I'm not letting that go to waste just for tradition. Just sell it to someone." Luca snapped back.
"Well you will have to wait until you pass on the bakery to your son, because you are taking over the bakery." His dad held out the keys to the store.
"What!?" Luca let out in shock.
"It was my 25th birthday that I was gifted the keys to the store by my father, so now I am passing it on to you for your 25th birthday."
Luca let out a loud sigh, he didn't have time for this right now. He needed to find a job in law soon. He huffed and grabbed the keys, intending to work something out later.
He felt a small shock as he grabbed the keys. He felt frozen in place as something began to change. A round bulge started to grow underneath his t shirt. His previously flat stomach grew rounder and rounder until his small belly was noticeable through his shirt. Fat continued to pile into his stomach, giving him a solid pot belly. As it grew, other parts of his body started to change. His defined pecs melted under a layer of fat, growing into a set of soft man tits. His scrawny arms exploded with both fat and muscle, and his hands grew twice in size with thick sausage fingers.
His belly was still growing. His shirt rode up more and more until it was well past his deep belly button. His ass soon followed suit, stretching his gym shorts to their limits. A not so subtle bulge formed in the front of his pants as his dick became long and girthy. His thighs thickened to the point that there was no gap between his legs and his feet grew to the point of ripping through his socks.
As Lucas growth seemed to slow down, dark hairs began to sprout all over his once hairless body. His arms and legs grew a thick pelt of hair as a jungle sprouted on his chest. His exposed belly also grew generous amounts of hair. Finally, his facial features began to change. His face became weathered as wrinkles and sun spots riddled his skin, making him look at least ten years older. His hairline receded a fair amount as a small bald spot formed on the top of his head, though his did grow a thick beard to compensate.
Luca was now unrecognizable from the young man he was before. Memories of a new life flooded his mind. He grew up admiring his father, he wanted to be just like him. He was always helping out at the bakery, the treats he often got took a toll on his body, leaving him with a big round gut just like his father. It also helped him develop thick callouses on his finger from all the searing hot trays he hauled around. He also seemed to get the hairy gene from his father, inheriting the large amounts of facial and body hair, but also inheriting the male pattern baldness.
Luca now stood with his short riding up to his chest and his shorts close to ripping. He proudly grabbed the key to the bakery and smiled at his father for the opportunity that he has given him. He puts it in his pocket, and almost as if instinct, rests his hands on his belly.
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"My baby is all grown up." Lucas mother says with a tear in her eye.
"Grown up a little too much." His father chuckles as pressed into Lucas gut. "Come with me."
Luca follows his father where his shown his fathers wardrobe. "Might not fit you for long if you keep eating all of the pastries." His father chuckles again.
The bakery prospered after Luca took over, though his waistline definitely didn't. He went on to marry a handsome man, whose waistline also suffered from Luca's delicious baking. He just couldn't wait to pass on the keys to his bakery to his son one day.
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theblueflower05 · 9 months
Heavy In Your Arms
A/N: We didn't get enough time at High Camp. I swear, it was the perfect setting for hurt/comfort. Forever upset about it.
Word Count: 5.5K
Warnings: Explicit smut. Aged Up characters. Talks of PTSD and war. Injuries. Blood. Angst. Cursing. Oral Sex(male receiving). Riding. Service Top Neteyam. Reader with a praise kink.
Summary: You and Neteyam find moments of peace during the war. Neteyam x Fem! Omaticaya Reader
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I was a heavy heart to carry,
My beloved was weighted down.
My arms around his neck,
My fingers laced a crown- Florence & The Machine
Life can change in an instant.
One moment, things are as they have always been. Your existence a well loved pattern, easy and comfortable in the Forests of Pandora.
You had been born after the Long War, after the evil Tawtute had been sent back to their dying planet. You had only ever known peace and kind humans like the scientist that lived in the rickety out post. You’d only ever known the rich and abundant rule of Toruk Makto, Jake led your people to victory and prosperity. The Omatikayan Village had been a beautiful one to grow up in, colorful and cheerful and thriving despite all that it had endured.
Your days had been filled with community and childlike wonder.
That had all changed when the Sky People returned. When they set fire to the Forests just to watch the Great Mother bleed.
Your naivety had been stolen, snatched away by uncontrollable circumstances.
By war.
High Camp is nestled deep within the Ayram Alusing hidden in a twisting impenetrable cave system.
It is bustling and busy and just bit cramped.
The Omatikaya are a resilient people and even through forceful uprooting had managed to make due of the space given. The Stronghold is littered with Canvas tents and woven mats. Small burning fires, and a larger one for the communal meals that are so desperately needed after long days battle.
You spend most of your time in the main healers keklu, working tirelessly with Mo’at and the other medicine leaders. You’d never been much of a healer, always more of a story teller. You’d get lost in the tales of old, in the songs of the ancient ones, but since the invasion, most had honed their medical craft.
It was all hands on deck, wherever you could be helpful you would be.
It’s good. Keeping your hands full is a good thing. It helps to distract your restless mind.
The War Party had left early in the morning- the sun still hiding behind the shadow of the eclipse, and had still not returned yet. You fear that it might be one of those missions, the kind that lasts days and leaves the village in shambles as they wait for the return of the warriors.
You’re grinding Ti’ku’klu seeds into a fine paste, your arm tired as you stare wordlessly into nothing.
The healers tent is quiet, filled with only low chatter and the crackling of the fire, the boiling of the pot that contains a potent medicine. One that needs to be kept hot and steaming. You cant seem to be present, to keep up with conversation when your mind is so far away- soaring over the forest. Focused on the unseen battle
This would be a dangerous one, you’d heard the whispers of the people. The humans were growing sick of the raids. They had heavy precautions laid out- would kill any Na’vi on sight. You trusted your Olo’eyktan whole heartedly, truly, you did.
But the thought of having to lay any more of your brothers and sisters to rest made bile raise in your throat like acid. There had been so much death, so much loss.
You sneak a peek at the woman next to you as she works in sorting bandages.
Zephya is only a few years older than you- and yet the light seems to be gone from her eyes. Dimmed down to something small and wilting. You’d never forget the piercing sound of her cries, echoing off the rock cave walls as her munxatan’s (husbands) body was brought back from the last raid.
Another round of nauseating anxiousness churns in your stomach.
You dont know if you could survive it…
Would you be forced to? Would this war force you to watch the ones you loved die?
The thought of losing your own lover is enough to send you free falling. Spiraling into your own mind.
“That is quite enough” Mo’at tuts her tongue in your direction and you stare at her with a wide, almost guilty expression. Had the Tsahik heard your thoughts? Sometimes you didnt doubt the elderly woman could, with all of her boundless knowledge and those all knowing amber eyes “You will destroy the paste, it is not meant to be so thin”
“Oh” you feel like dunce as you look down at the mortar and pestle in your hand “I apologize, I just wanted to make sure it was well mixed”
“Hmm” she doesn't call your bluff “Why dont you take a break. Go find more herbs, the fresh air wll clear your head. You’re no used to me here with thoughts so loud”
Her words are casual but her gaze is knowing and warm and you nod eagerly “Of course, Tsahik”
You’re happy for the break and the opportunity to stretch your legs, you stand quickly and exit the incense heavy area.
Everyone has gotten good at pretending.
At pretending they’re not terrified, at trying to go on with any semblance of normalcy. The scientists still gather near their trailers, facemasks on and typing away at holo tablets. The karyus’ still teach the younglings, their little giggles can be heard in the distance. You smile, a very practiced mask, at any you pass. Are pleasant. Friendly. Not betraying the inner turmoil you feel-
You’re jostled out of the heavy thoughts.
Nearly rushed straight on your ass, more like it.
“Oof-” the wind is knocked out of you as a small but solid weight collides with your side. You look down and find big golden eyes string up at you- golden eyes so familiar.
“Y/N! Hi!” Tuktirey is the youngest Sully, and probably the one you’ve always been the cloestst to. Back home, years ago, she’d become a bit enamored with you. More specifically, you’re weaving and jewelry crafting skills. Many teased that she was your shadow. “Look, look’it what I made”
You cant help but grin. Her joyful energy is contagious and you’re glad for the distraction. You take the necklace she shoves into your face delicately. Run your fingers over the rows of mis matched beads. She really is quite good.
“Very pretty, Tuk. You’re getting so good! Soon you;ll take my place- the whole clan will be trampling over themselves to wear one of your pieces” You’re words make her blush, make the smile on her face go a bit shy and bashful.
She looks so much like her brother it hurts.
“I did that thing you showed me! You’re right- sometimes the bigger beads need the little ones to anchor them”
Tuk is rarely quiet, always a babbling brook but even she isnt immune to the tense atmosphere that looms, to the toretoure that is waiting for the warriors to return. She talks about the necklace, but her tail flicks nervously behind her. At her side, a carved wooden Toruk toy hangs in her loose grip.
You figure, maybe you can distract her too.
You reach for the toy and she holds tight to it before sighing. You’re probably going to take it, she thinks. Tell her to stop being annoying. Chastise her the way that others had when she’d tried to get them to play with her. All day long, everyone had turned their heads or sighed in annoyance when she’d approached-
You raise the wooden Toruk above her head- and let out an undignified squawk. Your best impression of the mighty beast. It’s dismal, but it seems to satisfy the little girl who instantly breaks out into giggles.
“You better run, Tuk Tuk” you grown payfully, sending the toy into a nosedive “Before I eat you whole”
She shrieks and sets out running in the opposite direction and take after her, ignoring the stares. Should you be back in the medicine tent helping? Maybe. You’d rather play with the seven year old instead.
The two of you play for a while, until your thighs burn and your lungs hurt from laughing. You dont have the endurance of a child, she runs absolute circles around you. She’s fast and agle and quite obviously takes Neytiri’s lessons to heart, even at her young age. You can only use your size to you’re advantage, picking her writing squirming body up and spinning her round-
The horn is loud and echos through the rock walls of the cavernous case.
Both yours and Tuk’s ears swivel, perk up and stand to attention.
There it is. The calls of your people. The sounds of ikran wings flapping.
Tuk writhes in your hold, the back of her head connecting with your lip painfully as she hollers joyfully “They’re back!”
Shes off then, only sparing you a quick glance as you seem to stand there in daze, rubbing your slightly split lip lightly as your stomach does somersaults.
“Come on!” The little one hollers back at you and your feet carry you forward, seemingly of their own volition.
The crowds are building as the people make their way for the edge, where ikrans land by the dozen. Carrying the warriors on their back. Along the way, Kiri and Spider join you. Eagerly bouncing along, following an over animated Tuk.
Excitement and dread bubbles in your stomach, a horribly potent and toxic mix. It’s always like this when they return. When he returns. You’re so anxious to see him, physically there. Alive. So anxious that he might not be-
Your eyes are peeled for the familiar swirling green and blue patterns of Atanzaw, his ikran.
“Mom!” Tuk screeches, of course she spots them first.
Your eyes follow her,
Straight to him.
He dismonts his ikran, alot less gracefully then his mother did. His actions sluggish and unlike him- it only takes you a moment to notice how injured he is. The bleeding wounds and bruises that litter his body arent pretty and hes limping, not putting his full weight on his right thigh. His face in smeared war paint- blacks and yellows and greens. They make him look intense, as he stangs tall and muscular and still fully dressed in his tsamsiyu(warrior)garb.
When his gaze meets yours your breath gets stuck in your throat.
Usually when he returns they’re bright. The adrenalin of the fight still cursing through his veins like wildfire- this time thats drained. His eyes are filled with barley concealed dread. Sharp with pain.
Your fingers itch and your chest aches, the invisible string that ties you to him taught. You want nothing more then to go to him-
“Sully’s, fall in” Jake’s voice is booming and stern. All Olo’eyktan. Marine. War leader. You can barley recognize him like this. So far away from the carefree doting father he’d always been.
-Its a small thing. A barely there shake of Netryam’s head but it sends a clear message. He doesn't want you to approach. When he turns away from you, giving you the necessary but cold shoulder your unsettled stomach lurches.
It’s like it plays out in slow motion, you watch the family from the edge. An outsider. Not welcome in their obviously private conversation. Even Spider, a human, get’s to be closer than you do.
You’re unwelcome.
The heated words. The way that Jake scolds his sons, you’re not supposed to be privy to it.
“Jesus, I let you two geniuses lead a fleet and you disobeyed direct orders!”
Those words hurt you, for him. You know that they must peirce right through Neteyam. He still hasnt looked back in your direction and you are sure he doesnt want you to bare witness to any of it.
You slink away, slowly falling back. Fading into the background of loved ones reuniting. Warriors returning, alive and dead. The clan welcoming them back with open arms. You wish, as you so often do, that you could welcome Neteyam the same. That you could run into his arms. Hold him the way you ache to after these difficult and dangerous missions-
You convince yourself that you are content with just knowing that he is alive, and make your way back to the healers tent where your presence is wanted.
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
It gets so cold in the mountains. Frigidly so.
The wind whips through the caves, leaving a bone deep chill in their wake. You keep the fire at the center of your tent going all night long, and can normally be found crouching at it’s hearth. It’s been raining on and off all day, torrential down pour to drizzles- from the sound it seems as though it has finally stopped. Quieted down.
You wonder if the sky is clear and the stars are bright. You miss climbing high into the trees after the evening eclipse. Miss gazing at the constellations, miss basking in the Pandoran night and listening to the sound of the forests.
Mo’at had sent you home, demanding you get some sleep.
It had been three days since the soldiers had returned and they had been very busy. Full of tending to the wounded, and organizing for the dead. You’d thrown yourself headfirst into anytask that was given to you. Kept yourself busy. Useful.
You didnt have the time to mope and obsess over a man that was not yours.
That is what you told yourself at least.
This…thing that you and Neteyam shared didn't have a name or a definition. It had started out of loneliness, out of the desperation for comfort. Before the humans had come back and brought their war upon the clan, you dont think the future Olo’eyktan had ever really looked at you twice. Violence and hurt had pushed you into eachothers arms, both of you seeking companionship. Someone to weather the storm with.
It wasnt love. Not to him, you know that. He would marry a woman with high standing one day- one that could be his match. Become Tsahik.
That wouldnt be you.
For Eywa’s sake, you could barely do stitches. You messed up simple tasks like making salves. You would not delude yourself into thinking it was anything more. Many Na’vi couple without mating, pleasure isn't stigmatized in your community. That was all it was. A need for pleasure. Your body satiates him and that is all.
You cant go looking for him. Begging for his time or his touch.
So you sit by your fire, thread your necklaces, and long for the stars.
You’re humming a tune to yourself, something soft and gentle and melodic when theres a sudden shift. The canvas wall of your tent shakes and your stiffen, reaching for your knife that lies on the makeshift table next to your bed-
Neteyam slips through the flap- easy as anything. Smoothly, his motions fluid from all of those years of training.
Your eyes and mouth are wide open, ears lying low to your head.
“Hi” the man grins, boyish and handsome as ever.
As though he hadnt just broken into your home. It’s not like the two of you hadnt done this before, he’d spend many nights sneakily tucked inside your tent but he usually came through the front entrance.
“Vonva!(asshole)”you hiss at him, exasperated “You- ugh! I couldve stabbed you!”
He’s so handsome it makes you sick. He’s so tall and broad, a few of his braids falling into his face as his eyes sparkle with mirth “That would not be very nice of you, what have I done to deserve such a fate?”
“Breaking and entering is grounds for stabbing” you huff “you scared me!”
Neteyam steps forward a bit, hands out stretching to you, tone gentle “Hey, I didnt mean to scare you. I just wanted to see you is all, Im sorry”
You hate the way that you’re so easy for him. He ignores you for days, and then shows up unannounced and you’re jumping at any and all attention he may give you.
The way that as his large hands engulf the tops of your arms, you lean into his touch greedily.
“It’s fine. It's just- very late. I wasn't expecting anyone” you try to keep your tone even “I was actually about to go to bed”
“Oh?” Neteyam wonders, his tail flicking behind him “Can I join you?”
Your heart speeds up, if thats even possible. Both at his words and his tone. The insinuation right there. He had spent too much time in your bed that really, it shouldn't be a question. You'd always welcomed him into your nest of blankets, your warm arms. In between your soft thighs-
“I'm not sure that would be a good idea” you respond, stepping out of his hold.
Neteyam sags a bit, surprised. His ears swivel and his smile weans, tugging downwards at the corners of his full lips “Not a good idea? Why not?”
You shrug, not able to look directly at him. Instead focusing on his shoulders. His abdomen. He’s still all banged up, the bandaging covering his bruises are expertisley wrapped. Done by the Tsahik herself, obviously.
It’s the perfect excuse.
“You’re still hurt,” you insist ”You need to be careful, you don't want to reopen anything”
A smooth chuckle escapes him and makes a tingle run down your spine. He reaches out again, this time he grabs at your hand, leading it from its place awkwardly at your side to his chest. Pressing your palm gently against his warm skin.
“I'd like to stay with you tonight, if you’ll let me” Neteyam starts, you can feel the vibrations of his strong voice in your palm, pressed against the muscle “I may need you to be a little bit gentle with me though, paskalin”
You're quiet, lips quirked, stuck in your head for a moment as your fingers lightly trace over one of his stripes.
“Y/N, hey-” He seems to be more serious than before as he urges you to look at him “I'm not sure what’s wrong, but If you want me to go I will”
Everything in your body, your soul, protests at his words. There is no part of you that wants him to leave.
You’re being so stupid.
Neteyam could have anyone. Anyone. And he’s here, with you. So what if he doesnt love you. You have to take whatever you can get. You dont want him to find solace with anyone else, dont want him to leave and never return-
You lean in, where your hand is, on his strong chest and place a kiss to the edge of the bandaging. Its a small little thing, a barley there brush of your lips but still. When you look up at him through your lashes you know you must make quite the sight.
“Stay” you urge. “I want you to stay with me tonight,” everynight. ”Please?”
He looks unsure for just a moment, clearly thrown off by your conflicting mood, before he nods. He cups the side of your face then, forcing you to make eye contact with him. No matter how uncomfortably intense- you cant turn away.
“Can I kiss you?” His words make you quake. He hadnt asked, so explicitly, for months. Since the two of you were still fumbly and newly exploring eachothers bodies.
It makes butterflies erupt in your stomach, makes you giddiously nervous. You nod, way too hard “Mhmm”
And then he’s bending down, having to crouch because of how much taller he is, to capture your lips with his own.
Its always so good.
His mouth and the way it tastes and the way it makes you feel. Neteyam seems so sweet, everyone in the clan knows him as the Golden Boy. The perfect soldier- in privacay, in these stolen moments of intimacy, he’s anything but.
His kisses are dirty, all demanding tongue and nipping fangs. He kisses like a man whos trying to get his dick wet. Like he wants to pick you up, crush you to him. Rut into you-
And normally he would. Normally he tosses you around like nothing but a child’s ragdoll(and you let him), but he’s still hurt. Still tender and healing. When you wrap your arms around his shoulders and tug, trying to climb him like a tree, he hisses in pain,.
“Shit” you pull away from his mouth, your lips wet with his saliva “Sorry, I didnt mean to”
He just shakes his head, nuzzling at your cheek “It’s fine, I’m okay”
“Im hurting you” you argue.
“You’re not. Just- be gentle, okay?” Neteyam urges, trying to lean back into the kiss “Grandmother thinks they’ll heal quickly, but my ribs-” he breaks himself off, laughing a little strained. “I fucked them up pretty good”
You frown.
He always does this. Always downplays his pain. You will have none of it, you grab his hand and tug “Come, I will make you tea”
Neteyams hairless brows raise “You dont have to, I’m really fine”
“Bah” you lead him to your bed and push gently on his shoulders until he sits. “Enough, it is no trouble”
You keep an ornate clay kettle next to the fire, boiling water always ready. He watches you as you fiddle with the many little jars in your arsenal, collecting herbs here and there. Steeping them in the hot water before pouring him a steaming cup.
“Here- it is bitter, but it will dull the pain”
Neteyam accepts the tea with a small smile “Irayo(thank you)”
It’s nice having him in your space. In your bed amongst all of your softest things as the fire crackles and illuminates the tent in a warm glow.
The shadows it casts over his angular face make him look haunting. So beautiful.
You like to take care of things. Instruments. Broken pottery. Children. It comes naturally to you.
You dote on him even though he protests, check his bandages and make him drink the whole cup of strong leaf tea, before he lies down. You're perched beside him, still on the edge of the bed mat.
“I didn't come here to be nursed, Y/N” he sighs as you rub salve on one of his nastier bruises.
“Humor me” you reply wryly, your dainty fingers all over him.
It takes him a while to relax, as it always does.
But oh, its your favorite thing.
Watching his walls come down and the facade of Olo’eyktan in training slip. Neteyam is funny and witty and a downright gossip. You enjoy talking to him as much as you enjoy getting fucked by him.
You like that when given the opportunity and the ear to do so; he loves to talk. About any and everything. His deep voice is like a blanket, warming you up from the inside out.
“I feel bad. I sneak in here; scare you and then make you take care of me” He snorts, “You must be so sick of me”
“No” you reassure with gentle touches “Never that”
You dont really know what Neteyam sees in you.
You’re pretty enough- but far from the gorgeous warriors and dancers that throw themselves at him. But when he looks at you, like he is now, you know there must be something. Something that turns those eyes of his to molten amber. They’re hungry, you’ve never seen him look at anything the way he looks at you. Except maybe the prey that ends up victim to his arrows.
He makes you want to be good to him. Be good for him.
“I enjoy taking care of you” you whisper as you trace the leather cords of his tweng, your fingertips dipping dangerously below them. “Can I take care of you tonight, Neteyam? You want me to?”
Neteyam nods slowly, making room for you as you climb carefully over him. Spread his legs enough for you to settle between them.
You cant help it, cant help how much you touch. You cant get enough of the feeling of his strong body under your hands. All of that corded muscle, all of his pretty deep tahini speckled skin. His strong calves, his well built thighs.
When you reach where he’s hard, straining against his cloth, his eyes flutter closed. You rub him until he chubs up, all plump and hard. Until a patch of wetness starts to darken the cloth-
“Help me a little, sayrip(handsome)”you urge as you tug on the strings of his tweng. Neteyam lifts his slim hips, helps you shimmy it down his thighs-
You’ve seen him naked more times then you can count, now. But still. You’re always struck by it.
His cock springs free- thuds against his well toned lower stomach. Drooling and pulsing, the tanhi there exceptionally bright. He’s so pretty, so vulnerable that it goes to your head. Your leaning in, tongue first-
“Wait,” Neteyam gruffs, “I want to see you too”
Neteyam was very partial to your body. He’d told you many times- would try to wrangle you out of your skirt whenever he got the chance.
You smile, raising up on your knees before tugging the gossamer top off, over your head, Your nipples are hard and peaked, reacting to the cold. You run your fingertips over them, knowing that he likes a show. He likes to watch. He props himself, arm behind his head as he does so, it feels so lewd to play with your breasts for him. To trail your hands slowly down your tummy, to your full hips- tugging on the strings of your own tweng.
When the mound of your pussy is revealed he groans, he can see the way your slick shines in the low fire light.
“Good Mother” Neteyam’s rough and demanding as he yanks on you, pulls you into a kiss “You’re so fucking sexy”
His kiss is fervent and you could so easily lose yourself to them- you know what he wants. He’s already inching closer to your hot wet slit, his big fingers kneading at your plush asscheeks.
“Lemme take care of you” your mumble is insistent, and he sighs. Letting you pull away. Letting you re situate yourself between his legs.
He just lays back flat once more, a lazy grin on his face. “Okay, baby. Take care of me”
You’d always loved giving pleasure with your mouth, and lovers you’d had before had told you how good you were at it. You liked the taste and feel of a heavy cock on your tongue.
With Neteyam, as everything seems to be, it’s different. You dont just like giving him head, you love it.
You love the way that he jerks when you give his rosy tip that first little lick. You love the salty tang of his precum, so much that you spread it all over. Your lips, your cheeks. You rub his cock along your face, nuzzling it. Your cheeks, chin and nose wet with him. You love the way it stretches your lips as you take him into your mouth- he’s the biggest you’ve ever had and it pushes you to your limit. The hinge of your jaw aching as you force him down your throat.
“You’re such a good girl for me” Neteyam praises you, all choppy. His long fingers tangled in your waist length hair.
That is what you adore the most.
The Omaticayan prince is so vocal. He’s all whimpery moans and deep gritty groans. He lets you know exactly what he likes and doesn't like. And he rains down praise on you like its his job.
You’re his good girl. His sweet berry. His little whore..
You take it so well. So- ah- determined for him. You ram him down your tight convulsing throat ,until you’re sobbing around his dick. Never trying to pull away. Eager to get him off.
It is the most shameful position you’ve ever been put in. You’re addicted to the way that me makes you feel- you could never allow yourself to be this with anyone else.
“I-Im close” He warns as though that's not exactly what you want.
“Good” you hum, before diving back in. Suckling on the head and the sensitive sides of his shaft over and over. Just like you know he likes it.
It doesn't take long at all, you can feel him twitching n your mouth. His balls, so full and swollen, start to pull up, taught and ready to blow.
“Oh fuck, Y/N. Fuck”
He gasps as he knots his fingers at your scalp, as he holds on for dear life, his hips swiveling madly. His belly concaving with his heaving, rapid breaths as as his orgasm rips through him.
It’s a good one. You can tell. He’s biting his lips bloody and grinding his head back into your pillows, eyes tightly closed as he rides the waves of pleasure. The whole time, he fists your hair, holding your face to his crotch.
You take his cum, all of it. Popping the tip on your mouth and catching the thick spurts with your tongue. He tastes so good, it feels so intimate to get to have him like this. You close your eyes and savor it, dont pull off until he's twitching and whining with over sensitivity.
You sit back on your haunches, wiping your messy mouth clean with the back of your hand and assessing the damage.
Neteyam is all shivery, his arm thrown over his face as he comes down from the high. He’s still struggling to catch his breath and you cant help the pride that
“You feeling any better, baby?” the human term of affection rolls off your lips, smug and sultry and he laughs behind his arm.
It takes a few moments, but he finally collects himself “You are way too good at that” he’s told you before, but repeats it as he pulls you close. You’re perched in his lap, his strong arms around your waist as he holds you close.
“I like watching you” you admit between the pecking kisses “I like the way you come”
He smiles into your mouth, you can feel his sharp canines on your lips “That’s my good girl”
You full body shiver at the praise, gritting your forehead against his and breathing through your nose in an attempt not to lose it. You're gushing between your legs, your thighs a sticky mess and your cunt swollen and blood hot.
“Your turn, huh? Come on, I know that pussy has to be needy. You want me to eat it?” Neteyam whispers hotly in your ear and you just groan.
And while his skills with his tongue are legendary, you’re feeling particularly empty, needing to be full of him after weeks of distance “Mmm, no. Want you inside of me”
“Can do” he affirms, his hands going to your hips, nudging you “Lay down, I’ll fuck you, paskalin. I’ll fuck you so good. Wanna’ stretch you out”
“Wait” you press a hand to his chest when you notice the grimace on his face. The one he’s trying to hide as he attempts to lift you “You’re still hurting, Nete”
“I’ll be fine, I’ve got you” He assures, stubbornly “I want you to feel good, too”
He’s not the only one who's stubborn. You wiggle out of his grip, pressing down firmly on his chest.
“We can try something else” you suggest, really not wanting him to hurt himself even worse. Neteyam can get…intense when hes fucking you. It’s all very physical, he pours buckets of sweet down onto you as he works your body.
“You want to get fucked” He reminds you, his hips jerking up pointedly so that you can feel his erection between your legs.
Eywa, yes you do. You want him, you want him to carve his way into your body. To bully your tight walls until they accommodate his wide girth.
You bite your lip and reach for his length, pumping his cock thats still wet with your spit before leaning in close so that you can whisper in his ear “We’re just going to have to compromise”
Neteyam is huffy until you sink down onto him and ride him until neither of you can formulate thoughts.
Until you’re boneless, tangled limbs and buried under your quilts.
The afterglow is your favorite.
Neteyam is always so gentle and tender after sex. He holds you, lets you lie your head on his chest and listen to the steady thrumming beat of his heart as he plays with your hair. The only thing that could make this better is if he reached for your kuru. Is if you got to experience Tsaheylu with him-
It’s not fair,
How could he expect you not to fall in love with him?
The quiet stretches on. The fire is dim and dying and the tent is mostly black, night creeping in and covering you both in darkness.
“I’m sorry” his voice almost startles you, his words confusing and unexpected “I’m sorry I ignored you- the day we came back. I was trying to figure out how to calm my dad down. He was so pissed and Lo’ak’s attitude only makes it worse-”
You don't say anything. You just keep listening to his strong heart.
“I didn't mean to hurt your feelings”
You don't respond for a while. You don't want to shatter the atmosphere that is shimmy fly wing delicate “I was just happy to see you alive. It terrifies me, that you’ll leave on one of these raids and never come back. I dont- I wouldn't know what to do if that happened”
“I'm not going to leave, Y/N” his arms tighten around you and you close your eyes, relishing the way he holds on to you. It makes you feel like maybe you're not the only one desperate for this to never end.
“Do you promise?” You sound young, look so small in his big arms.
“I promise”
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
Weeks later, The Sully’s leave the tribe.
They’re running, fleeing for the good of the Omaticaya people- that is what Jake says. He claims it is for the best. You have never doubted his prowess as Olo’eyktan until that moment.
The tribe mourns, falls into great sorrow as the family says their goodbyes.
You can not bear to look. You drown in your tears and hide in the crowd. Will not meet Neteyams gaze no matter how much he tries to get you to.
When he mounts his ikran and takes to the skies you feel something inside of you shatter. He disappears into the vast horizon.
Neteyam leaves.
You were a fool to believe he’d keep his promise.
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
Welp. Um hi guys lol. I was like let me post something short and sweet to come back with before I start hitting you guys with all of my Kinktober prompts next month. Somehow I ended up with a 5k angst filled what could be first chapter of a series. LOL I HATE MYSELF AND THE FACT THAT I CANT WRITE ONE SHOTS.
I literally don't have the time to work on another story, but if this one was a little too much angst, I'd be glad to give us a fix it Part Two.
This will be the last kind of stand alone update until after October. If you havent alread, check out Luna’s( @pandoraslxna )Kinktober prompt list. She is such a gem for cultivating it and helping keep this fandom alive and thriving.
As usual, please leave me some feedback. Good, bad(not mean though lol my psyche’s very fragile rn) I want to hear your thoughts!
Love ya, pretty babies!
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