#primitive elvish
outofangband · 3 months
Elven word of the day, 162/?
kiryā from Primitive elvish
Meaning: small swift sailing) ship; swift (especially of things that pass easily through obstacles)”
Note: primitive Elvish was the language developed and spoken at Cuiviénen. It is from this that other elven languages developed and their roots can be traced back
Kirya, a middle Quenya word for boat arrives from this
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Hc that Primitive Quendian (PQ) has a lot of gender neutral terms, and that things like “god” and “king” and “master” in PQ weren’t gendered words the way they are now, so both elleth and ellons would be refered to as “king”, “master”, etc, but as time went on and the language evolved to quenya and sindarin, those words did become gendered, so they were translated as male. The same thing happened with PQ words that mean “damsel” and “slut” and “queen”, which became words associated as female.
And long story short, a lot of stories that were created in PQ were translated to have male heros and female love interests, when in reality the heroes of an epic were pretty diverse across all genders.
In fact, there’s a story called “Swode i Dall” in PQ, which roughly translates to “the swordmaster and the damsel” which is a pretty basic heroic romance about the swordmaster, who always saved the damsel in distress, no matter how many times the damsel got themself into trouble, and it was assumed the swordmaster is an ellon and the damsel is and elleth bc of the respective words becoming more gendered. But in reality the swordmaster in the epic is an elleth, who was specifically based off of Miriel, and the damsel is an Ellon based off of Finwe, and these genders actually make more sense given the context of the story, but it never even crossed many elves’ mind that swordmaster and damsel weren’t gender indications as they were translating the story from PQ into Quenya and Sindarin. The story was actually created bc bby finwe had a massive crush on the strong Miriel and would not go to sleep without the story.
And long story short, there’s a story about Finwe and Miriel in PQ that Feanor has no idea about bc elves got the genders wrong when it was translated.
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xiphoid-processing · 1 year
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The Descent of the Minyar
okay so ik that a popular hc is that Finwë, Ingwë and the like are of the first gen of the elves but ngl i think its very interesting if they arent! And also ik that Indis is Ingwë's niece but i like them better as siblings. I'll be getting one of these up for the Ñoldor and Teleri too when I finish them.
Names below cut! (Pretty long bc it includes all names and not just made-up ones, so you've been warned)
Primitive Elvish=PE; Early, Middle, Late Quenya= EQ, MQ, LQ. Anything with ? is unknown or speculative
Imin [?PE?]- One? (Masc)
Iminyē [?PE?] - One? (Fem)
Minyakwēn [PE] - First One
Melnā [PE] - Beloved
Arispar [PE] - Good Hunter
Stalmā [PE] - Strong hand
Lindaómë [EQ] - Voice of Singers
Takolumë [EQ] - Body-fixer
Kalwayéma [EQ] - Fair-Face
Isqael [EQ] - Wise One
Píneakolumë [EQ] - Small-Bodied
Nereäri [EQ] - Intensively/Very Stout
Ilwen [?EQ?] - Unknown, perhaps Sky
Kalimáma [MQ] - Bright-Mind
Ingwë [EQ-LQ] - Prince/Chief
Airehröa [LQ] - Holy-Bodied
Indis [?MQ-LQ?] - Bride/Wife
Ingalótë [EQ-LQ] - Top Flower
Airesáma [EQ-LQ] - Holy-Minded
Finwë [EQ] - Hair
Nolwë [EQ] - Bold/Brave
Ñoldóran [?EQ-LQ?] - King of the Ñoldor
Ingalaurë [EQ-LQ] - Top Gold
Airefëa [LQ] - Holy-Spirit
Éveähúna [MQ-LQ] - Future-Cursed
Laiwantë [EQ-MQ] - Pale-Face
Ingwion [?EQ-LQ?] - Son of Ingwë
Meldahínë [MQ-LQ] - Beloved Child
Findis [?EQ-LQ?] - Hair?
Laurefindelë [?EQ-LQ?] - Golden Haired
Umbarnáro [EQ-LQ] - Fire Fated
Illicenítë [?EQ-LQ?] - All-Seeing
Ñolofinwë [?PE-LQ?] - Wise-Finwë
Arakáno (Aracáno) [?MQ-LQ? ] - High Chieftan
Írimë [?MQ-LQ? ] - Lovely
Lalwendë [?EQ-LQ? ] - Laughing Maiden
Arafinwë [?EQ-LQ? ] - Wise-Finwë
Ingoldo [?PE-LQ?] - The Eminent/ The Ñoldo
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urwendii · 1 year
Valarin Word of the Day #02
in the middle of merging early primitive elvish (that initially was the language the Valar taught the elves before Tolky revised this headcanon) and actual Valarin and boii is that not the funniest thing to do with my free time (it's not)
we have this word in early elvish: I̯ǝƀánna -> yavanna(Q) [yāva(eQ) = fruit]
so I could turn this in Valarin like: Iaþānnaz
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hellofeanor · 2 years
Good morning, Tolkien fandom! What niche details are we fixating on today?
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tar-thelien · 3 months
How everything in my fic is going along currently:
Melkor: I love Nienna, she is my lady love and she is the most beautiful creation of Eru ever - I would acutely stop destroying everything if she asked that of me bla bla bla also I´m so great bla bla bla
Mairon: … I could make him worse.
Also it´s going to be called Mbelekōre because it´s Primitive Elvish and a longer version of Melkō-r
I know Tolkien didn´t use Primitive Elvish but I´m going to use it as a language cut between Valarian and Early Quenya, Early Quneya which I HC Eru gave to the Ainur saying that the Elvers would use it they did they also just completely remade it
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etherealspacejelly · 6 months
ok so. i am currently working on a fic. its a story that has been rotating in my brain for years about an avengers OC. idk if i want to start posting it as a WIP or wait until it's finished.
what im gonna do is post the prologue here, under the cut. it is entirely worldbuilding because. i came up with a new alien species with Lore™️ that i made as canon compliant as possible because im a fucking nerd. so you kinda need to know all of that before i can tell the actual story.
if you're interested, please give it a read and tell me what you think and whether you would want to read more! if it gets enough attention i'll start posting the chapters i have to ao3. i have a tag list for my fics so lmk if you want to be added to that too.
quick summary of the fic as a whole: The last surviving member of the Light Elf race, Einar, is taken in by the Avengers when they are orphaned at 10 years old. They nurse Einar back to health, and slowly form a bond with them, helping them to process their grief and heal from their trauma. There's a lot of fluff, a lot of angst, a lot of hurt/comfort, and of course found family.
It starts during the events of Thor: The Dark World and follows the storyline of the MCU from there.
In the beginning, there was only darkness. The only world to exist in that darkness was a tiny, desolate rock named Alfheim. This was the home of my ancestors, the Elves, before time, before space, before light.
No one knows how long they lived like that, alone in the dark. All we know is that at some point that darkness ended. The universe began, and light and life exploded into existence. For most of the Elves, this was the most beautiful thing they had ever seen. They swore to protect and nurture all life and to serve the light. But others believed that this was a perversion of the natural order, that the universe belonged in darkness and should be returned to that state. They vowed to destroy the light by any means possible.
War broke out between the two opposing sides, an Elvish Civil War that lasted for many billions of years, with both sides only ever coming together to kill each other. And so, they evolved separately into two species: the Dark Elves and the Light Elves. Each side became stronger and stronger with each generation, evolving new abilities and traits to give them an edge in battle.
A few millennia ago, a great battle ensued between these two sides on Svardalfheim. The Dark Elves tried to use their most powerful weapon, the Aether, to destroy the universe. The Light Elves fought with all their might, but the Dark Elves had the upper hand. That is until the Asgardians arrived.
Odin's father, King Bor, and his army tipped the scales and won the battle for the Light Elves. They confiscated the Aether and sealed it away where no one would find it. Malekith, the leader of the Dark Elves, fled in his ship and bombed the planet behind him hoping to destroy what remained of the Light Elf army, not caring if his own perished as well.
Only two Light Elves survived.
They fled to find a place to hide, to recover their strength for what they knew would be the final battle of the War. They needed a primitive, unknown, safe planet to seek refuge. They found one.
Earth. Dominated by a bipedal, fairly intelligent species descended from tree dwellers. No one would think to look for them there. It was on this planet in the middle of nowhere that these two Elves decided to take a risk, one last desperate attempt to give them an edge against the Dark Elves. They had a baby.
That child, the last Light Elf baby to ever be born, came to be in England, Earth, in the spring of 2003. They named the child Einar, an old Norse name meaning 'the lonely warrior', for that is the future they believed their child was destined for. Little did they know how wrong they would turn out to be.
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foedhrass · 7 months
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My unexpected new cosplay, definitely the most obscure elf I've cosplayed so far: Ndanitharo/Denethor, lord of the Nandor that dwelt in Ossiriand. I prefer the Primitive Elvish version of his name (Ndani-tharo) over the Sindarin name since the Nandor were a different group of elves (all belonging to the Teleri). Also of course to avoid confusion regarding the well known Denethor from the 3rd Age.
Ndanitharo doesn’t have a big role in the Silmarillion, but since I play a Nando OC in our Gondolin & Dragons DnD, I had a bit of headcanon backstory involving him.
Photo by Noldorheart on IG.
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adoseoftrees · 1 year
There was a word for sun in Primitive Elvish and it meant “flame.”
How did elves at Cuivienen know of the sun? The sun did not even exist yet.
They saw the sun in their foresight.
Yet, what they saw were strange and frightening. In their dream they saw great light and heat, and their eyes and skin burnt in pain. Like how you get burnt by the fire, but much more intense.
They called it “Anar.”
It was not a good thing to dream about that strange burning light.
Those who dreamed of the sun were always children, and they always got lost in the woods, no matter how careful their caretakers were.
An unkind light that took children away.
Later. Much later. When sun reached Middle Earth for the first time.
Some orcs saw the sunrise. It burnt their eyes and burnt their skin. It gave them so much pain.
But they kept staring at the sun, until their eyes were weeping blood.
Then they chased after it tirelessly, day by day, heading to the west. Until they got cut down by elves, or eaten by the wolves.
If they were lucky enough they reached the ocean. Then they looked at the sea and when they saw the sun sank down beneath the water they went into the water too.
The waves hugged them and dragged them down. They forgot they could not breath in water but they forgot the pain too.
Sometimes their spirits were lucky enough to reach the other side.
You see. The sun made people crazy.
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archive-of-artprompts · 7 months
🌌To Infinity! Send in a number + character to have them drawn/written with that space trope!🌌
(Tropes from tv tropes 📺)
Accidental Astronaut - A character either accidentally launches the spacecraft they are in or they became an unwilling "astronaut" by stowing away on the spacecraft.
Artificial Gravity - Spaceships and space stations with artificial gravity systems.
Asteroid Thicket - An area in space with a lot of dangerous asteroids.
Batman Can Breathe in Space - Characters who can breathe in space.
Born Under the Sail - A whole culture of sailors/skyship drivers/spaceship drivers.
Burial in Space - Someone dies in space and has a funeral ritual.
Came from the Sky - Something huge falls out of the sky and lands on Earth.
Colony Ship - A spaceship with a whole colony on it.
Cool Starship - A cool, unusual spaceship.
Cosmic Motifs - Space used as a motif.
Cult Colony - A religious cult living in a colony in space.
Cyborg Helmsman - Cybernetically-augmented spaceship pilots.
Escape Pod - Like a lifeboat but for a spaceship.
Fishbowl Helmet - The usual accompaniment to a Latex Space Suit.
FTL Travel Sickness - Traveling faster than light can do bad things to people who aren't properly protected.
Flying Saucer - A spaceship shaped like a saucer.
Galactic Conqueror - A villain who wants to conquer or destroy the whole universe.
Genetic Adaptation - Outsiders adapt to a hostile environment (such as that on other planets) by genetically modifying themselves.
Interplanetary Voyage- A story that focuses on the difficulties of a space voyage.
Latex Space Suit - A very tight spacesuit.
Life in Zero G - Lifeforms that have evolved to live in the gravityless void.
Lost Colony - A human colony in space that's lost contact with Earth.
Space Amish - Space travelers who use more primitive technology.
Space Battle - Fighting in space.
Space Cadet Academy - Where you learn to be a space cadet.
Space Clothes - People wear wacky clothes in space.
Space Clouds - Nebulae that seem like clouds.
Space Elves - Elvish, smug, possibly superior aliens.
Space Isolation Horror - Horror derived from the emptiness and loneliness of space.
Space Madness - Being in space makes you insane.
Space Marine - Troops in spaceships that are sort of like marines.
Space Mask - Face or head protection that's somehow a substitute for a full space suit.
Space Master - Characters who have the ability to control the fabric of space and spatial dimensions.
Space Pirates- Pirates in space.
Space Romans - An alien culture that resembles a historical Earth culture.
Space Whale - Creatures in space that resemble whales.
Transhumans in Space - Humans in space who have been augmented.
Wizards from Outer Space - Fantasy stuff happens in space.
Zero-G Spot - Sex in space.
Zodiac Motifs - Constellations that are used as a motif.
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outofangband · 2 months
Elven word of the day, 166/?
Delya from primitive elvish
Meaning “to go, walk, travel, or proceed”
Source: The War of the Jewels
-primitive Elvish was the language developed and spoken at Cuiviénen. It is from this that other elven languages developed and their roots can be traced back
-The Telerin word delia derives from this word. Similar words in Quenya can be traced to the primitive elvish word ledya meaning to go or proceed
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electronickingdomfox · 4 months
"Pawns and Symbols" review
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Novel from 1985, by Majliss Larson. An agricultural scientist is kidnapped by Klingons, and she goes on agricultural adventures in the Empire, while her experiences among Klingons are... not that bad, really.
This is one of those novels where the main character is a new introduction, and the Enterprise crew gets the back seat. It's also one of those that present a much more sympathetic portrayal of Klingons. (So that cover blurb totally lies: neither the Klingons are hungry for war, nor Kirk is there all that much). Granted, they still have their agonizers and authoritarian system, but it's rather a case of some rotten individuals or factions creating the problems, while the Klingons as a whole are viewed just as a different, more primitive culture, that feels as threatened by the Federation, as the Federation feels by them. It all boils down to a mutual misunderstanding. At times, in fact, you almost forget they're Klingons, since their behavior is remarkably "human". There are some details about their religion and language, which are a bit weird in certain cases (some of the names sound more Elvish than Klingonese, for example). And their society is also very sexist, to varying degrees depending on the planet. This is one of the major blockades that the heroine encounters and rebels against. I'm not sure why the novels seem to collectively agree that Klingons and Romulans, in particular, are so sexist (I don't remember any such suggestion in the series), but alright. On the other hand, the brief scenes with the Enterprise crew have just a loose connection with the main plot, and may feel disjointed (sometimes, hilariously out-of-character too). However, I found them kind of fun, like some sketch inserted in the middle.
The main character, Jean Czerny, has balls of steel, but is also compassionate and intelligent, despite her occasional short temper. I think she was a likable character, flawed enough so as not to be taken for a Mary Sue. Other character that gets much focus is Kang (the Klingon commander from Day of the Dove). He's not exactly good, not exactly sympathetic, but we can see the reasons why he's doing what he's doing, and there's a certain honor in his actions. Aernath, Jean's friend and a Klingon pretty-boy, is also a complex, interesting character.
So, overall, I kind of liked this story. It doesn't have outstanding writing, and it's not one of the best, but it was a change-of-pace that still manages to feel Trek.
Spoilers under the cut:
Jean Czerny is experimenting with a new type of quadrotriticale in Sherman's planet (from The Trouble with Tribbles), when an earthquake leaves her trapped and the sole survivor at the research station. Klingon commander Kang receives a distress signal and rescues her. But upon learning she's developing a new, more resistant strain of the grain, he refuses to hand her over the Enterprise. As is the Klingon custom, if you save somebody's life, that person and property belongs to the rescuer. Kirk is forced to return to Sherman's planet, as he's trespassing into Klingon territory after pursuing Kang; however, during the brief communication with the Klingon ship, he notices there's something wrong with Czerny's memory. At first, Jean refuses to collaborate with the Klingons and unlock the container of the new quadrotriticale. The Klingons try to force her through starvation, but Aernath, a kinder-than-average Klingon, brings her food in secret. When Kang discovers this treason, he threatens to kill Aernath, but Jean, having befriended him during the past days, stops Kang with the promise of her collaboration. As she has saved Aernath's life, now he's also bonded to her as "property".
Meanwhile, the Enterprise is being diverted by several incidents with the Klingons: first, troops stationed at Sherman's planet attack the landing party that's working at the destroyed facility; then, the ship is lured by a distress signal. Kirk concludes that the Klingons are just staging these incidents to keep them away from Czerny. There are also some fun domestic scenes among the landing party, like Uhura singing a song about Cyrano Jones, or Scotty being great at cooking.
Back with Jean, they've reached the Klingon capital planet (strangely named "Tahrn"), and Kang brings her to a ceremony to present her to the Emperor. While going through the streets, she notices many Klingons with signs of famine, and then understands why Kang needed the quadrotriticale: a plague has destroyed their main crops, and only this new grain is resistant enough to feed the population. Jean gets angry at Kang for not having just explained the situation, as she's willing to do anything to prevent the famine, now that she knows about it. For the following days, Jean and Aernath (who's also an agricultural scientist) work in the development of crops at the capital. She also learns that Kang is going to become the next emperor. While his wife Mara, having developed pro-Federation sentiments after the events of Day of the Dove, has deserted him and gone into hiding.
With their work on Tahrn completed, they stop next at Klairos, a inhospitable planet, where women are also treated very poorly. Hoping to give Jean some sort of protection by means of improving her status, Kang makes her his consort (though he still treats her rather as a servant/slave). Again, Jean completes her work with the crops, saving in the process a caste-less girl from going into some sort of labor camps.
Another cut to the Enterprise. This time, they find a destroyed Romulan ship, with a single survivor that escaped to the nearby planet by shuttle. McCoy and Chekov try to reason with the Romulan, a woman named Reena, but she's terrified by the stories she's heard about the Federation. In a panic, she launches an explosive from the shuttle, which attaches itself to the Enterprise screens and initiates a detonation countdown. As only a Romulan can deactivate the device, McCoy tries some psychology with her (first being casually kind around Reena to gain her trust, and later... bitch-slapping her in the face). McCoy's reasoning is that, as the Romulan will be killed for treason in her Empire if she just deactivates the explosive, they need to give the impression that she was tortured beyond endurance. They bring her aboard the Enterprise, and Spock mind-melds with her, to erase the memory of the "horrible, horrible tortures". After that, Reena agrees to deactivate the explosive. (Also, McCoy's new telekinetic assistant decides to pour a basin of water over his head, just for the lulz). Meanwhile, Chekov and Reena have fallen in love. Yeah, this author has a bit of an obsession about giving EVERYONE a love interest... But anyway, Reena has to depart. In the aftermath of this incident, Kirk discovers that the Romulan ship was destroyed by Klingons (another diversion), and receives a message from Starfleet, that locates Jean at the planet Peneli.
In Peneli, Kang demands the surrender of Mara, who's hiding somewhere there, in exchange for Jean's help against the famine. Aernath, who's been secretly loyal to Mara all this time, averts this by bringing Jean to Mara instead. The rebels have formed a secret organization that desires peace with the Federation. As leverage to force Kang into negotiations, Mara wants to deliver her son Aethelnor (that Kang hasn't met yet) to the Federation. Jean and Aernath are thus tasked with bringing the child into Federation territory.
From here, Jean, Aernath and the kid escape to the planet Tsorn, where women are forced to wear a kind of burka in public. Their contact there, to arrange the trip into Federation space, doesn't show up. But Jean receives a telepathic message from a little, strange animal, which urges them to follow it. The creature brings them to a restaurant, where they're greeted by a Romulan scholar, who's actually... Spock! Through a mind-meld with Jean and Aernath, Spock is informed about the situation, and establishes a temporary link with them. Spock has arranged transport on Cyrano Jones' ship (selling tribbles in the Klingon empire!?). But right before getting aboard, the spaceport guards identify Jean as an alien, despite the burka, and detain her. Spock uses his link with Aernath to force him into Cyrano's ship with the child, as there's nothing they can do for Jean right now.
Jean suffers under the agonizer of the guards. However, through the link, Spock had induced cardiac arrests on her every time the agonizer was used, to spare her the torture (okay, Spock, that's dangerous...). Finally, Kang is informed of Jean's detention and rescues her, though he's very displeased by their plot to force negotiations. Together with Mara, they depart to Sherman's planet, where those negotiations are being prepared.
There's another Enterprise interlude here, where Aernath and Aethelnor get used to living among humans. Sulu gives some shitty indications for Aernath to find a supply room, and the Klingon ends up wandering into a restricted area by accident. Security doesn't believe him, and a few minutes later they're already hitting the poor Klingon (maybe the terrifying stories about the Federation were real after all). McCoy and Spock suspect something is amiss, so they conduct several experiments on Aernath, and conclude that Klingons are color-blind for red, while seeing several colors in the UV range. That's why Aernath hadn't seen the RESTRICTED letters on the door (well, maybe they could have like... locked the damn door, right?).
The final part has Kang having a rendezvous with Kirk to discuss the peace arrangements, during which he presents an hilariously long list of all of Kirk's offenses to the Klingon empire (all of them true, in fact). Anyway, they reach a satisfactory agreement. Kang is reunited with his son and makes amends with his wife. He also frees Jean of her consort status. Aernath and Jean will stay at Sherman's planet developing the quadrotriticale, but Kang makes an offer to Jean to come visit the Empire as her distant relative, if she wishes so, as he has come to respect her as a "worthy Klingon".
There's still the bit about Jean's memory loss that was hinted at throughout the novel. During one of the peace conversations, some of Kirk's words trigger her memories. And it turns out she was a secret agent all along, tasked precisely with the mission of helping the Klingons against the famine (which she inadvertently ended up doing, anyway). The whole stuff is kind of contrived and unnecessary, though.
Spirk Meter: 1/10*. A minimal thing about Kirk not liking to be without his First Officer for long, and Spock feeling the same.
At the very, very end, there's also a Spones moment, where McCoy teases Spock about liking cute creatures like tribbles, and then gives him as a gift one of those telepathic animals that he used with Jean. It's said that McCoy went to great lengths to acquire it, once he learned about Spock's fascination with the creature, and that Spock's face was ample reward for his efforts. Ah, yeah, McCoy also kisses his assistant, absolutely out of nowhere. The assistant's description? Pointy ears and telepathic abilities. It's almost as if he had a type...
*A 10 in this scale is the most obvious spirk moments in TOS. Think of the back massage, "You make me believe in miracles", or "Amok Time" for example.
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lesbiansforboromir · 6 months
What are your ocs's names meaning? Did you use Parf Edhellen?
You would think the mention of the tolkien linguistic website would narrow down which ocs anon is talking about but there are still so many of them from just lotro.
If you meant Sataro and Vekna then they're from my DM's own homebrew world... however admittedly they are kind of the 'au' version of some 😂 tolkien ocs. Satarŏ is actually an amalgamation from the partially conlanged primitive elvish, as in the pre-quenya language of the elves at Cuivienen, that vaguely means steadfast/trustworthy/loyal, and morphed into Sarte (quenya) later. In the character's original tolkien canon it was more of an epessë that she became known as in her early life, but Sarte was the name she carried forward into Valinor and the first age. I did not use parf edhellen, although it's a good site, I use Eldamo mostly since it's just a blank searchable database for all the efforts of the tolkien conlanging community and is the one most readily updated.
If you meant to ask for the meanings to ALL my OC's names, as in all of Sarte's (known as Hravanis by most by the third age) names AND all the names of my other tolkien oc's, let me know but that'll be a very long answer lmao
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xiphoid-processing · 1 year
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The Descent of the Nelyar
this took me almost ridiculously long bc i lost inspo halfway thru lmao anyways
Name stuff under cut!
Early, middle, and late Quenya = EQ, MQ, LQ. Primitive elvish = PE. early, middle, late Sindarin = ES(Gnomish), MS(Noldorin), LS. anything with a ? is unknown or debatable
Enel [PE] - Three (Masc.)
Enelyē [PE] - Three (Fem.)
Turuksrawā [PE] - Strong-body
Kalþexē [PE] - Bright-Eyed
Airomālō [PE] - Friend of the Ocean
Ayphel [PE] - Sea Foam
Phānagorē [PE] - Clouded Mind
Kalnauthē [PE] - Bright Imagination
Nē̆nsak [PE] - Water-Drawn
Uklā [PE] - Gloomy
Wanwakhīnā [PE] - Lost Child
Esteler [PE] - Person of Hope
Walamai [PE] - Well Fortuned
Khūer [PE] - Cursed One
Túramo [PE-MQ] - Great One
Rilyalitsë [PE-MQ] - Glittering Sand
Tanoquetië [EQ-LQ] - Word Smith
Laureóma [EQ-LQ] - Golden-Voiced
Melian [?ES-LS?] - Dear Gift?
Elwë [?PE-LQ?] - Star?
Singollo [EQ-LQ] - Grey-cloak/Greymantle
Olwë [?MQ-LQ?] - Dreamer?/Becomer?
Alhonda [EQ-LQ] - Fair-Heart
Maiwehlón [EQ-LQ] - Gull-sounding
Mélamo [EQ-LQ] - Loving One
Elmo [?EQ-LQ?] - Star-person?
Elentir [EQ-LQ] - Star-Gazer
Lindaiwë [EQ-LQ] - Song-Bird
Filwalepë [EQ-LQ] - Thin Fingered
Lúthien [MS-LS] - Daughter of Flowers (also Wanderer or Enchantress in earlier versions)
Falasto [EQ-LQ] - Foam, Surge
Henkalino (Hencalino) [EQ-LQ] - Bright-Eyed
Éllindo [EQ-LQ] - Star-Singer (a play off Elulindo, a stated theoretical son of Olwë)
Luinpempë [EQ-LQ] - Blue-lip
Eärwen [EQ-LQ] - Sea-Maiden
Alquahéri [EQ-LQ] - Swan-Lady
Galadhon [MS-LS] - Tree
Malengôf [ES-MS] - Yellow Fruit
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urwendii · 10 months
Valarin word part 12/?
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i havent worked on my Valarin conlang in months so I'm rusty but my dear @helenvader asked me for a Valarin word for the imperative "Heal".
No surprising it is that you do not find any early root for such a word, and it makes sense in-universe wise:
in a perfect world - that is in a world Unmarred the concept of healing would not need to exist. I tried a few variant but ultimately decided to go back to the closest word we have for such concept and lo and behold, we do have something to use in official Valarin.
-> Amanaišāl = Unmarred
now all i did was to append the early primitive √NĀ root (the copula for "to be / exist"). Nā or Á na in its imperative form.
so we can have something like 'Be Unmarred' for the literal translation of Heal! in its imperative form.
-> Á nāmanaišāl
fun facts:
early primitive elvish has the root √ŊAHYA (with a 'ŋaı̯' variation) meaning : hurt, grieve that you can find in Amanaišāl under its variant form. It might be coincidences since the Valarin word for marred is Dušamanūðān which share no similarities. Go figure.
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squirrelwrangler · 1 month
me: I'm not one of those Tolkien nerds. I don't know how to speak Sindarin or Quenya. Nor can I write tengwar or runes. also me: you know more than one word of Primitive Elvish aka Proto-Quendya/Sindarin. And what sarati is.
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