#probably the hardest demon so far to research
dailydemonspotlight · 5 months
Mizuchi - Day 22
Race: Snake
Alignment: Neutral
April 19th, 2024
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Serpentine monsters are a common sight in mythology; whether it be the great Dragons of yore, the feathered serpent Quetzalcoatl, the aboriginal Rainbow Serpent Yurlungur, or even the classical Ouroboros. However, Japan loves snakes in mythology. We've already covered one in Yamata-No-Orochi, but there are so many more, whether it be the adorable and hilarious Yokai Tsuchinoko, or, in the case of the demon we're covering today, the legendary water serpent, Mizuchi.
Mizuchi is rarely seen throughout the tremendous amounts of tales that make up Japanese mythology, only mentioned in the Nihon Shoki (the oldest still-remaining text of Japan's history, dating all the way back to the Yōrō era) as well as appearing in a single Man'yōshū poem. In spite of this, Mizuchi has been the topic of many scholarly debates, eventually being bastardized through history into everyone's favorite root-chakra destroying turtle, the Kappa.
Mizuchi, however, is not originally from Japan- its name is actually a transliteration from several Chinese glyphs, particularly several glyphs describing different dragons, serpents, and monsters of Chinese mythology. Admittedly, I don't know much about Japanese, but one of the kanji used to spell the name Mizuchi implies that it's a snake, but it first-and-foremost means "Water spirit." The word, in English, can be broken down into "Spirit-of-Water," as Mi- means water, -tsu- (the way that it is pronounced) effectively means 'of,' and -chi is a suffix that describes a spirit. Due to this, Mizuchi's origin as a Chinese myth makes it very, very hard to track down much of a solid origin for it, given that it originates from what was effectively a way to match how it sounds to how it's spelled.
Now, in terms of mythology, Mizuchi was first referenced in the Nihon Shoki- as the story goes, under the reign of Emperor Nintoku, there was a fork at a river that contained a great water serpent that would be a very deadly nuisance- it attacked random passersby, spat venom at anybody who came near, broke apart caravans, and was generally just a prick. Eventually, fed up with this, a man named Agatamori approached the spirit with a challenge- he tossed three Calabashes into the water and challenged the spirit to see if it could sink them. If not? Mizuchi would face a swift death. The dragon, perturbed, obliged, yet was unsuccessful, meeting a demise by the hands of the man.
Later on, Agatamori found his way to the fellows of the mischievous snake, and in a move as genocidal as it was unwarranted, slaughtered the entire clan of Mizuchi. The lake below was filled with their blood, later becoming the noted "Pool of Agatamori." However, in spite of how apocalyptic this may seem, it turns out that there are more recollections of Mizuchi in the mix, and this tale was but one of many.
The god of the river recorded in Nintoku 11 is also commonly seen as a Mizuchi. A dam being built along Yodo River was subject to an attack from an unknown force, completely breached. Confused, the Emperor commanded a rebuild of it, only for it to be breached yet again. This happened time and time again, and eventually, the Emperor saw a solution to his problem through a prophetic dream. Bringing two men to the riverfront, he offered them up to the River God, but one refused. Likely recognizing the circumstances, the man demanded to see the divinity of the snake by trying the age-old calabash trick, tossing a set into the river and daring the god to sink them. Unsurprisingly, the Mizuchi failed, and likely grew to resent calabashes for the rest of its life.
The last example of a Mizuchi in classical Japanese mythology comes from the Man'yōshū, a collection of ancient poems that have been passed down from generation to generation. In one of them, a poem composed by Prince Sakaibe, he describes a short and intriguing tale regarding a Mizuchi. In quote, "I could ride a tiger to leap over the Old Shack, to the green pool, to take down the mizuchi dragon there, if only I had a sword capable of doing just that." The story regards a mizuchi dragon as being almost common knowledge, bringing up as many questions as it does answers- however, the way it regards it in such a casual manner may play into why Mizuchi are so scarcely mentioned.
If everyone knew about mizuchi, then they wouldn't feel the need to record it, right? The casual cadence of the poem seems to give light to the idea that mizuchi were a common sight or concept in ancient Japan, and it may have to do with their later bastardization into Kappa. In some areas, kappa are given a name incredibly similar to a mizuchi, such as "Mizushi," "Medochi," or "Mintsuchi." Past this, a common trait in Kappa stories lies in their hatred of calabashes, something which is similar to the distaste Mizuchi have for calabashes in both stories they appear in. Some historians speculate that mizuchi and kappa were in the same general 'clique' of water dwelling monsters.
God, that was a lot. Mizuchi are confusing. However, in terms of the SMT series, there's a lot less to comment on; their appearance as a water spirit in the form of a snake is faithful, and their design is as simple as it is elegant. They appear to be made of clear water, almost like a rushing river in the form of a snake. Throughout the series, Mizuchi are a common sight in the early-mid game, even appearing as a boss in Nocturne. Their specialty in ice skills, the closest thing SMT has to water skills, is almost obvious. However, overall, there's elegance in simplicity, and Mizuchi is just that.
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mi-rae07 · 5 months
Park Seonghwa : His Sunshine (Part 1/?)
Pairing : Park Seonghwa (Ateez) and named character (Lee Byeol)
Synopsis : Lee Byeol is known as the star girl of the magic world, her beauty, wit, wisdom and power second to none. Her smile could make the hardest of men melt, her sparkling green eyes having the power to enchant anyone. Her presence itself radiated glory and royalty.
Park Seonghwa was the opposite, a morally grey man in most ways. Cold, mysterious, private, powerful and hard. His jet black eyes considered similar to his shut off heart of steel. His powers were the only ones that could possibly compare to byeol's. If hers were emerald green, his were jet black.
And now byeol is out to find a husband for herself, in order to acquire her estates. Seonghwa is meant to find someone for her, but what if he doesn't want someone else to have her?
What if he wants her to himself, all his?
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The second Lee Byeol had walked into the party at seonghwa’s family manor he had understood why everyone called her the star girl of magic world. With her bobbed ginger hair, sparkling green siren eyes, hourglass figure, exquisite and expensive taste in fashion, rich and powerful family background, he could immediately guess what kind of a person she was. The kind of person that had that aura and confidence that made everyone want to be with her, friend or enemy, just be with her. She seemed to be flawless.
Keyword, seemed.
Seeing the way she smiled at people that came up to talk to her, shaking hands and pretending as if she hadn’t killed two of the most powerful demons that once cursed this land at the mere age of 17, seonghwa knew there was something inside her that she let no one see. Considering as how Seonghwa had killed 5 of those demons before he reached 20, that kind of power and magic came at a price. It required something, something dark.
Seonghwa watched as he saw san recognize him, quickly ushering byeol towards him as he said excitedly
San : seonghwa, this is lee byeol.
Byeol looked expectantly at seonghwa, waiting for him to take her gloved hand and kiss it like every gentleman in her life did. It was a custom, a sign of a well brought up man. But she probably didn’t know seonghwa didn't care about those customs, he did not engage in those kind of things either.
He did not believe that the sign of a well brought up man was that of kissing a lady's hand. And so he stared right at byeol before saying in a cold tone
Seonghwa : yes, good evening miss lee.
Byeol raised her eyebrow in amusement as she smiled before saying
Byeol : park seonghwa, yes? The one who killed-
San : ugh yes four greater demons. No one ever gets tired of that do they?
Byeol : how many have you killed again, mr choi?
San : it’s because I didn’t know, alright? I was uh…sleeping at the time, yes. If it was in the morning I'd have it done within seconds.
Byeol chuckled as san’s eyes widened at something far from them, excusing himself shortly before rushing off somewhere. Byeol turned to face seonghwa again as she eyed him carefully before saying
Byeol : I’ve heard you’re the classic type of man, morally grey they call it. Cold, mysterious, angsty, private, what not?
Seonghwa : I take that as a compliment, thank you.
Byeol : back where I come from we take that as an insult, mr park. A man who cannot engage in human conversations and live as such in this world is considered…insecure, out of touch even.
Seonghwa : well, thank the angel I don’t come from Italy then.
Byeol's lips quirked up in amusement as she asked
Byeol : oh? So you researched about me?
Seonghwa : Beatrice Byeol Lee, heiress of the richest most powerful magical family in all of Europe. Known for her charms, beauty, wit, wisdom, and other things I didn't bother paying attention to. It got quite boring.
Byeol rolled her eyes as seonghwa said
Seonghwa : san told me all about you, he’s trying to set me up with you it seems.
Byeol hid the disappointment.
Byeol : he has taste.
Seonghwa : last lady he dated was a secret vampire. Almost drained him of all his blood while he was sleeping before he managed to rid himself off her.
Byeol squinted her eyes as she smiled and said softly
Byeol : so you’ve killed 4 greater demons, yes?
Seonghwa just nodded at that
Byeol : well there’s another one coming, and you’ll let me impress the folks here as it is my first time with them, yes? Be a gentleman?
Seonghwa frowned as he felt sudden demon energy around him, his hand instinctively going to the blade sheathed in his waist. He was just about to pull it out as precaution when byeol held his hand instead, bowing down as she kissed it before whispering with a wink
Byeol : I owe you one, mr park.
Byeol swiftly turned around and walked towards the ground just as the demon appeared, making the people around gasp as their hands all went to their blades as well.
Seonghwa sighed as he leaned against the pillar, deciding to just watch byeol. He supposed intruding now would be quite low even for his standards, plus he was intrigued to see what the fuss about her was all about.
Byeol clicked her heel against the other as the heel part changed into knives, making seonghwa scoff. Was she really going to fight with knife shoes? He couldn't imagine landing on those without tripping and fracturing a bone.
The demon snarled, walking closer to byeol as no one around dared to enter the fight. They were all interested to know how byeol would handle this. The demon wasn’t really a greater demon either, but it did have considerable amount of magic in it. Seonghwa wondered if byeol would be able to manage it unprepared.
Byeol brought her right hand out as her family sword appeared in it magically, it's green flames sparkling. The necrosword, the world's most powerful sword ever made. It had enough magic in them to be transformed into a bow, knife, two knives, swords, whip, anything the owner required it to be. The sword chose it's bearer, and it had always remained in the Lee family for decades.
Seonghwa watched as byeol leaped towards the demon, ducking it's blow as she slashed the sword against it's back. For the next few minutes she fought against the demon, seeming like she was delaying the process just to give the people a show.
Seonghwa now knew what the fuss was all about, she was not only good at talking to people and making them follow her around but she was also good at dueling, too good even. The precision with which she used the sword, her speed, good thinking at the right time, she was a natural warrior. Her moves were sleek, elegant, even lady-like. But it was swift, deadly, and quick.
Seonghwa was now impressed.
Finally byeol decided it was enough as she summoned up her magic into the sword, green flames dancing around her as she leapt up high into the air before bringing her sword down onto the creature's head with force. It let out a gargling sound as it burst apart, disappearing into whichever realm it came from.
Byeol landed right on her feet effortlessly without a single glitch as the sword disappeared, her eyes going right towards seonghwa as the others clapped. She raised her eyebrows at him as seonghwa rolled his eyes, letting out a breath as he turned and walked away.
Byeol felt a smile spread on her lips as she looked at the others that were clapping, impressed. She gave them all a small bow, but all she could think about was the fact that park seonghwa had been impressed. It gave her a sort of satisfaction.
Seonghwa : what?
Seri : there's a storm, son, and lee byeol cannot be going back home tonight. It is unsafe, you know demons and humans alike come out during the rain for bad reasons. Hence she'll need somewhere to stay and I decided the best place would be this manor. The hotels here aren't…safe either.
Seonghwa scoffed, leaning back against the chair in annoyance as he asked
Seonghwa : and if the storm continues? Then what, she'll continue to stay, eomma?
Seri : seonghwa, it would be an honor to have someone like her in our manor-
Seonghwa : I don't want her here.
Seri frowned, sitting up straight as she asked
Seri : what? Has she done something wrong?
Seonghwa : her presence annoys me.
Every other man was head over heels for her, anyone else would've been ecstatic to have byeol here. Why was seonghwa being like this?
Seri : okay, why?
Seonghwa : it just does, she seems uncanny eomma. Someone cannot be this…perfect. There has to be something wrong, something off.
Seri chuckled, patting seonghwa's hand as she said
Seri : so you don't like her because she's too perfect, that just seems like you're annoyed by the fact that you're falling for her.
Seonghwa laughed at the ridiculous thought
Seonghwa : falling for her? Never in a million years would that happen, she's the embodiment of everything I hate.
Seri raised her eyes as seonghwa stood up and walked past her, muttering under his breath
Seonghwa : I'll let her stay, but tell her I don't want her bothering me or my work. If that happens, you can find her some place else to stay. Safe or not, I do not care. She's well than capable of taking care of herself.
Seonghwa opened the door as he stepped out into the hallways, climbing up the stairs to the third floor which was where his bedroom was located. As he neared his bedroom he saw a figure opening the room opposite seonghwa's, making him walk faster towards it before holding the person's hand as he banged them against the wall. A pair of green eyes glittered against the dark, making seonghwa's hold on the person loosen
Byeol : finally you've come around?
Seonghwa stared at byeol who was looking up at him with a glint in her eyes, her hot breath falling against seonghwa's neck as he whispered
Seonghwa : miss lee.
Seonghwa quickly let go of byeol's arm as he stepped back, frowning as he asked
Seonghwa : what are you doing here?
Byeol : trying to open my room, of course.
Seonghwa : and who told you this was your room?
Byeol : I did, I liked this room most so I decided I should sleep here for the night.
Seonghwa scoffed in disbelief, looking away as he muttered in annoyance
Seonghwa : unbelievable. You cannot sleep here, get out.
Byeol : and why is that?
Seonghwa : because it's opposite my room.
Byeol stared at the door in front of her, it's doors different and more grand than the other room doors. It screamed seonghwa's room, she had known it the second she got here.
Byeol : I figured.
Seonghwa : you will sleep in the south wing, or west or east. Just not this wing.
Byeol : I prefer this room.
Seonghwa : this isn't your call to make.
Byeol : I am the guest.
Seonghwa : this is my manor.
Byeol : and? You offered to let me stay here.
Seonghwa : my mother did.
Byeol : basically the same thing.
Seonghwa let out a breath in annoyance as he said
Seonghwa : can you just stop being so difficult and leave?
Byeol : no?
Seonghwa : miss lee, leave.
Byeol : I said no-
Byeol cut herself off as seonghwa banged her against the wall once again, glaring down at her as he said
Seonghwa : this isn't Italy, miss lee, and I am not someone who will go according to your ways and deal with you being such a spoiled, pampered brat. You can throw that away while at my manor, for I don't care about the fact that you're rich, or beautiful, or whatever. This is my manor, my estate. Here you will go according to my rules-
Byeol : you think I'm beautiful.
Seonghwa paused as byeol smiled that victorious smile, patting seonghwa's cheek as she whispered
Byeol : have a good night, mr park.
Byeol walked past seonghwa as she stepped into the room, shutting the door behind her and locking it as seonghwa just stood there, blinking his eyes in absolute shock.
What the fuck was this woman.
Seri : it seems this storm could last for a week, at least.
Byeol smiled as she chewed at her breakfast, seonghwa rolling his eyes as he looked at his mother through the newspaper he was reading before saying
Seonghwa : get her to the nearby hotel.
Byeol : I heard it's unsafe.
Seonghwa : I heard you were capable of fending after yourself?
Byeol : but would your manly conscience let a lady like me endanger herself at such a dangerous hotel?
Seonghwa : easily, yes.
Byeol : so yo-
Seri : you lot should just get married already.
Seonghwa : ew-
Byeol : I already discussed that, as a matter of fact mrs park. The lord does not seem to appreciate the idea very much.
Seonghwa : I'd rather cut my heart out than spend a night together with you.
Seri : seonghwa!
Byeol smiled as she took another bite of her salad before saying
Byeol : it is alright, mrs park.
Byeol smiled sweetly at the maids around as she stood up, saying in that same voice that annoyed seonghwa to the core
Byeol : the breakfast was just wonderful, thank you so much.
The maids around bowed at the rare compliment, seonghwa rolling his eyes again as he said without taking his eyes off the newspaper
Seonghwa : it is their job.
Byeol : well your job is to make sure I feel at home in your manor and you don't seem to be doing that properly.
Seri’s hand came to her mouth quickly as byeol smiled, walking past seonghwa as she let her hand hold seonghwa's shoulder for a second before saying
Byeol : you'll give me a house tour now, won't you mr park?
Byeol : do you not have any hobbies, mr park?
Seonghwa : none that you need to know about-
Seonghwa cut himself off as byeol suddenly held his hand, bringing it in front of her as she eyed it for a second before saying
Byeol : horse riding.
Seonghwa snatched his hand away from byeol's with a frown as he asked
Seonghwa : so you can just look at people's hand and tell their hobbies now?
Byeol : some of them. Your hand show marks of having held the reins, having pulled it hard enough to bleed, to scar. Such callouses cannot be gotten from battle, there is a difference.
Seonghwa let out a breath, looking away as he said
Seonghwa : do not do that again.
Byeol smiled, looking through the manor courtyard as she said
Byeol : what, read through you? Has no one ever done that?
Seonghwa : I have never let anyone.
Byeol turned to look at seonghwa as she said
Byeol : the manor is beautiful, it makes for a nice house. But not a home, it's too cold for a home. Can't you…plant some nice flowers? Buy nice paintings-
Seonghwa : they're a useless waste of money.
Byeol : they're comforting, makes you feel less alone.
Seonghwa : I do not find comfort in inanimate objects.
Byeol : so then where do you find comfort in?
Seonghwa : do I need to tell you my entire life?
Byeol shrugged, looking out the manor as she smiled at the workers around who bowed at them as seonghwa and byeol walked past them. She noticed how seonghwa did not even look in their direction. She crossed her arm as she suddenly said
Byeol : I came to Korea in order to find a husband.
Seonghwa paused on his tracks, making byeol chuckle as she stopped too and looked at seonghwa before saying
Byeol : what, are you afraid I'm going to propose to you right now?
Seonghwa : I do not wish to marry.
Byeol : ever?
Seonghwa : ever.
Byeol gave a low whistle as she said
Byeol : many ladies are going to have their hearts broken at that news.
Seonghwa : no lady is stupid enough to want a future with someone like me.
Byeol : mm. everyone likes a little bit of a mystery man, it's appealing to want to fix it.
Seonghwa stared at byeol as she smiled, shaking her head before saying
Byeol : I for one have no time to fix a man, don’t worry. I am not a therapy center. I need a husband, a man that has enough influence, is magically and physically strong, can give me an heir and leave me alone when required. If you have someone in mind, you can tell me.
Seonghwa : what about love, care, protection? All those things that ladies usually want?
Byeol snorted as she said
Byeol : we both know I'm not going to find all that in this life. I just need a husband to fulfill this prophecy my grandmother believes in, she refuses to give me the estate and manor without a husband. She's a bit old-fashioned like that. So a manageable husband who doesn't care about whatever I do, that's all I want for now.
Seonghwa watched as byeol unfolded her arms, giving seonghwa a smile as she said
Byeol : thank you for the wonderful tour, mr park.
Byeol walked past seonghwa as she said out loud
Byeol : and fret not if you wish to give your own name to me in matters of marriage! I do not think I would mind having you as a pretend husband, you would give me a handsome heir at least.
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muffinrecord · 5 months
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The final witches I have left for Despair mode are
Uhrmann: Man, I feel like I'd be able to do this if my Kuroe and Ebony had more slots. Despite being the third one released, it still feels like the hardest one to do among them all. It's possible to get soooo close and then to fall flat on your face at the end. The constant MP Drains are frustrating too.
H.N. Elly (Kirsten): I don't think I should even bother attempting this one until I get Demon Parade Kagome. It's also the fight I've researched the least so far. I also kind of want another slot or two on San Kagura if I'm going to try it.
Isabel: I'm very unsure if I'll be able to do this one. I have very few slots for most of the recommended characters-- flame is probably my weakest element.
Roberta: Tentatively feeling confident about it? I had a good thing going earlier until it did an MP wipe-- probably could have tried to keep going, but just felt over it at that point lol. It's definitely tricky and you have to get the timing right for a lot of things. I kind of like the concept of this one though because it really wants you to use barriers on your characters, so I've seen units like either of the Mikotos or even Valentines Sudachi get fielded here.
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drangercore · 2 years
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Love and Other Historical Accidents by @pacific-rimbaud​
Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy never intended to blow up their life's work, but that's rather what they've gone and done. Now they're trapped 200 years in the past, with a broken Time Turner, a missing snuff box, a handful of overly-eligible daughters, and a House-elf in a cable knit cardigan. It will require the combined power of their keen intellects to get them home, if they'd stop arguing long enough to use them. As it turns out, history is just one damned accident after another.
Fandom: Harry Potter
Relationship: Hermione Granger x Draco Malfoy
Art by @gingerhuneybee​, @jjuuppiter​, @jaxxartbox​, & yours truly
My first fanbind! 
L&OHA is an impeccable story and is so very dear to me. This was the fic that made me go “I want that on my shelf!”, so here we are. 
keep reading for more binding info and to see my gushing on the fic.
153,854 words | 571 pages | 5″ x 8.5″ 
Binding Method: 3 Piece In Boards Bradel  Body Font: Adobe Caslon Pro Decorative Font: IM Fell English
I am very proud of this book, having accomplished many firsts with it. My first book that I rounded and backed, sewed double-core endbands on, painted the edges, and used toner reactive foil and HTV on!
Sighs. What more can I say? It’s simply brilliant. A unique multifaceted story with incredible dynamics, clever foreshadowing, great character studies of Draco and Hermione, and such beloved original characters. It’s comedic and refreshing but it also takes on grief and goodbyes, and heartbreak. It’s fucking romantic and also So nuanced. I dislike stories that spoon-feed every little thing about the character, so the parlor tricks on this one? Ate every crumb of it. It was filled with implications and was misleading in the best sense. You’ve got to be an astute reader to catch some things the first round (which I definitely wasn’t). 
While it doesn’t entirely shy away from typical lovey-dovies, the regard for mundanity and the inconsequential, I just find more inherently romantic. The exploration on time travel and the vivid prose further underscores the depth of PR’s talent. She captures so eloquently, the mind of an extremely logical person in a very illogical experience. I saw myself in Hermione so many times. The story demands to be read again and revels upon doing so. Pacific Rimbaud is such an incredible writer *sobs* all her works are simply a masterpiece. 
That said, this beautiful story deserves to be turned into a physical book.
DESIGN PLAN (or lack thereof) 
This is my first fanfic project and my third book overall which I must say was quite a leap considering my very little binding experience. I think the demon small niggling part at the back of my head got the best of me and positively thought she could make a relatively fastidious book despite the lack of skill. BUT nothing can stop me when I am overly enthusiastic about something, thus began my 2 month research, soaking up every gobbet of binding info in reach. As far as my book binding journey goes, gathering supplies was the hardest part lol. Bookbinding is not a common hobby in the Philippines so it was tedious to to look for materials and/or to settle on alternatives.
I credit 70% of the 4 month stretch of this project to my indecision. The novelty and sheer excitement with a new hobby, I think, divested me to properly conceptualize heh. I redid my typeset 1 billion times because I kept switching softwares: Word→ Pages→ InDesign. I probably have 8 versions of the typeset that will never see the light of day. Anyway, I did finally get the stuff done. Here’s my little design dump:
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Nothing symbolic about the design really. I just worked around elements I thought were appropriate with the regency era and time traveling aspect: vines/ flowers and the time turner. I tried to reflect PR’s elegant writing in the book so hopefully I did it some justice. I added my fave works for this fic too and even drew fanart myself. Arts 1 through 3 are by yours truly, fourth art is by jaxx in a box.
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I watched DAS bookbinding religiously during my research phase and I knew then that I wanted to someday follow his in-boards 3-piece bradel tutorial, but it wasn’t supposed to be so early on in my binding journey. One look at this book however threw me off course. It was incredibly ambitious of me, so I guess I deserved all the stress I endured in the process. I was supposed to trim the edges in between glueing the spine and rounding/backing, but I only had my poorly sharpened Php145 wood chisel to finish the task. That and nursing the finger my chisel wounded took enough time for the glue to dry, so I was fiddling with a stiff textblock the entire time after. I learnt along the way that a blow dryer and bone folder would be my best friends (and plenty of patience). I’d also like to apologize to my neighbors if they heard any hammering at 1am. 😳 
The covers were... finicky. For some reason, midway, I decided to make either covers differently, and all to the good because the one made following DAS’ tutorial ended up slightly warping. DAS’ was made with two 1.25mm boards glued together, while my experimental one was with a single 2.5mm board of which I peeled layers off of to reduce its thickness in half as needed.  (see pictures below for reference)
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A lot of how the book looks like now is either born out of impulse or a desperate remedy. The book in turn is very gold. Chapter headers were impulsively foiled with gold laser reactive foil (so much for illustrating the headers only to cover them up haha *eye twitches*). 
I accidentally stained the edges while smoothing with black sandpaper so I covered the mess with an admix of Sakura acrylic paint in black and Liquitex acrylic ink in iridescent gold (Paint order: 1 layer gold- 2 thin layers black- 3 layers gold).
 I am very proud of my sewn endbands as this was my very first attempt at doing a double-core. I used DMC cotton threads in cream (712) and gold (E3821). Below is a close-up because why not. (as you can see, I had some flaking on the paint, luckily this was on the bottom edge so I fixed the issue on the more visible sides.)
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I don’t like the bookcloth selection where I’m from (if there’s anything at all) so I made my own with pastel blue eco-ramie cloth, flour paste, and 80gsm paper. I ordered my fabric online and the shade was too icing-like. It looked tacky so I bleached to lighten. The white cloth also came from the same fabric which I bleached till it paled to white.
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Titling was one of my biggest worries because majority of binders I saw were using a cricut to cut HTV. I almost entertained the idea of cutting it manually or even painting or embroidery, but to my luck, I found a local shop that offers vinyl ! cutting !! service !!! I sent them my design and they cut and weeded the vinyl for me. I chose white for the title and metallic gold for the vine detail. I messed up applying the word “historical” though, but let’s pretend i did it on purpose for the vintage feel.
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Four months of faffing later, I have this story in corporeal form! Overall, I’m overjoyed with the outcome and I’d like to thank PR for the opportunity to have such a wonderful story on my shelf (and free to be read by anyone!)
If you made it this far, thanks for reading! 
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fallen-gravity · 3 years
Soft Hearts and After-Midnight Talks
Ford can’t let go of the past. Mabel can’t stop worrying about the future.
Put together, they’re a melting pot of insomnia and overwhelming emotions.
AO3 Link
Love had never come easy to Ford. 
As a kid, his father always said it wasn’t manly to show affection. It made a man weak to wear his heart on his sleeve, and he was merely doing him a favor by showing him tough love, because out in the real world the men who put their emotions first would get torn to shreds. 
His mother tried her hardest, but she too had times where she was too busy running her psychic hotline or helping Pa run the pawn shop to pay him much attention.
Ford supposes the closest he ever had to unconditional love as a kid came from Stan. Whenever Ma or Pa were too busy, or the kids at school were screaming and running from his deformity, he knew he could always rely on Stan to be there for him. He’d always been the one to throw a punch for him, to talk him through a panic attack, patch up the scrapes and black eyes he’d received from Crampelter, or even assure him that getting a B minus on an exam wasn’t the end of the world, even if his eyes were rolling into the back of his skull the entire time he said it.
 But even that sort of love felt fickle. The night of the science fair, it felt as though something inside of Ford shriveled up and died, and he knew that the rejection from West Coast Tech was only the half the cause of it.
When Stan drove off into the night, it’s as if he took that shriveled up little piece of Ford with him as his grand final fuck you. 
After that, Ford tried everything he could. In college he buried himself into the research he was most passionate for, but that could only get him so far when Fiddleford would drag him to bed and force him to be alone with his thoughts. He’d tried going out drinking to forget said thoughts, but he learned the hard way that he was an emotional drunk and alcohol only made those thoughts worse. 
If there’s anything he did know, it’s that this lack of love in his life could probably explain how he was able to fall for Bill’s cunning tricks so easy.
“Unlovable?” Bill’s words still rang in the back of his head. “By the time this portal’s finished, you’ll have the whole world at your feet! You’ll be a household name! There’ll be thousands cheering the name Stanford Pines, the man who changed the world!” 
What a fool he’d been, blissfully ignoring all of the warning signs for even the slightest chance that a gateway between worlds could earn him love.
What an even bigger fool he’d been to turn away his brother’s love even after ten years of nothing but fear and resentment standing between them.
Ford sighs. He knows, logically, that dwelling on the past will only make things worse. He knows things are okay between him and Stan now. They’re setting off on their first journey on the Stan-O War II next week; things couldn’t get any better between them.
But he also knows that insomnia and intrusive thoughts are a package deal. He’d tried sitting out on the front porch to gaze at the stars and feel the late-summer air on his face to relax, but his inner demons always find their way. 
There’s a tiny knock on the doorframe behind him. He jumps at the noise, and turns to see who else could possibly be awake at nearly three in the morning. He’s half expecting Stan, but to his surprise it’s Mabel, sleepily rubbing at her eyes with one hand and holding a half-empty cup of ice water in the other. 
“Grunkle Ford?” her voice is groggy and strained. “Is that you?” 
“Mabel?” is the only comprehensive response that comes out. “What are you doing up so late?” 
“Dipper cursed me with his insomnia and now I can’t sleep” she pouts, and takes a sip from her cup like it’s a shot glass as he joins him on the couch. “Why are you still up, Grunkle Ford?” she squints. “I feel like I should ask you the same question” 
He chuckles. “Nothing you need to worry about, dear. I’m just doing some thinking”
“Hmmm…” she squints long and hard at him, like she’s trying to read his mind. “Okay, but I’m watching you. I’m the expert at annoying people until they tell me what’s bothering them” 
Ford can’t help but smile. “Noted,” he replies, and shifts his position so he’s facing more towards her. “What about you? I’m the expert in insomnia, so I can’t imagine it’s the only thing keeping you awake"
For the briefest of moments, Mabel’s playful smile drops. She hides the sudden shift by taking another sip of water.
“What? Psshhh…” she dismisses the thought with a wave of her hand. “That’s silly! Everyone knows insomnia means you can’t sleep for no reason. Some expert you are, Grunkle Ford” 
She smiles, but it’s strained, and fake, and nothing like the usual smile she flashes when she’s joking around. 
“Mabel.” Ford says once, in a firm yet soft tone, and she winces. 
“Okay, fine” she mumbles, and drinks the rest of the water from her cup before she continues. “I’ve been having some dumb thoughts too”. 
Ford shakes his head. “There’s no such thing as a dumb thought, Mabel. Even if it’s bothering you, it’s indicative of how you’re really feeling” he pats gently at his lap, inviting her to scoot closer. “Maybe I can help” he smiles, ever so slightly, ever so softly. “Even us experts mess up in our own fields sometimes” 
She moves too quickly into his arms for a hug for him to read her expression properly. 
“Then I feel like a big dumb hypocrite” Mabel murmurs into Ford’s sweater, her voice on the edge of breaking. 
Ford frowns, and places an arm around her to reciprocate the hug. “What for?”
Mabel scrunches up his sweater in her fists. “I...I made this whole big ordeal about Dipper wanting to stay here with you after the summer’s over for the apprenticeship, and I still don’t want us to be apart, but…”  she buries her face into his sweater, like she’s ashamed of herself for even daring to speak them. “...now that summer’s actually over, and Dipper and I are supposed to be leaving in the morning, I’m not sure I even want to leave” 
Her voice finally breaks, and she sniffles into his sweater. “Everyone’s always saying that the real world is so scary, and high school is the worst, and all these things about not knowing what you had until it’s gone, and...I don’t want it to be gone, Grunkle Ford, I love Gravity Falls. But I can’t just tell Dipper that, because then he’ll get all worried, and think that he did something wrong, because he’s already apologized for what he said when we were fighting a thousand times, and-”
Ford gently grips Mabel’s shoulders to cut her off, and pulls her away to make her look him in the eyes. “Mabel, are you going through all of this trouble because you’re worried you’re going to...miss Gravity Falls when you get home?”
“Not just the town!” Mabel exclaims, and rubs at her eyes with her wrist. “I’m gonna miss everything! I’m gonna miss the Shack, I’m gonna miss my friends, I’m gonna miss you and Stan,” she counts off on her fingers and sighs. “I miss everyone at home. I do. But now that I have so many friends here, I don’t want to feel like I’m leaving them behind”
There’s a brief pause, but before Ford can open his mouth to respond, Mabel goes on, murmuring so quietly it’s as if she doesn’t mean to speak out loud at all. 
“Or...I don’t want to feel like they’re leaving me behind.”
The fear of being left behind.
The fear of becoming….unlovable. 
That….Ford knows better than anybody. 
“Mabel, listen to me,” Ford gently tugs on her chin to force her to make eye contact with him. “Nobody in this town is ever going to forget you. It doesn’t matter if you’re gone for a year, or three, or ten, I can guarantee that the next time you step foot in this town everyone’s going to remember the name Mabel Pines”
“You...really think so?” she blushes. 
“I know so,” he nods. “And it’s got nothing to do with Weirdmageddon, or saving the world, or any of that. It’s because you’re magnetic, Mabel. You’ve got a personality that everyone loves. I bet that pizza delivery man you became pen pals with is just sitting at home eagerly awaiting his first letter from you” 
She giggles. “I don’t know about that…” 
“Still,” Ford continues, “You’ve shown kindness to everyone, Mabel. People don’t forget kindness easily.” he gestures out towards the forest. “Gravity Falls may not be your home, but the people who lived here sure don’t seem to see it that way. You’re not just a tourist, or just some kid visiting her great uncle, you’re one of them.” he beams. “They’re lucky to have had you, Mabel, even just for the one summer” 
Her eyes have pools of tears in them, but the beaming smile on her face outshines them. She hurls herself at him in a tight hug, burying her face deep into his sweater. 
“I’m lucky to have you too, Grunkle Ford” she murmurs. “I love you”
I love you.
Ford hasn’t had those words spoken to him since he was a kid. 
I love you.
It feels like he’s floating on air, and the most grounded he’s felt in decades. It’s freeing, and exhilarating, yet it’s comfortable, and warm. It’s unfamiliar, yet everything he ever lost. 
The words ring in his ears and bounce around in his chest before they settle comfortably into the piece of his heart that had been broken for decades.
I love you. 
Mabel Pines, after everything he’s put her through, loves him. 
A sound escapes him that’s halfway between choking and sobbing. He pulls her even closer into his arms, and silently vows to never let the cruel world dig its pessimistic claws into her for as long as she lives.
“I love you too,” he manages to whisper, and gives her a smooch on the top of her head.
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obae-me · 4 years
Could I please get hcs on how the brothers would react to a mc that doesn't like or feel comfortable receiving compliments? They personally make me uncomfortable since most of the time, people only give me compliments if they want something from me or are just joking and being cruel.
I’m sorry this one came out late, but I really liked writing this one. I hope you like it, thank you, Anon! 💜
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He’s the Demon of Pride, and as such, despite his sound and logical mind, he doesn’t realize there are...people...who don’t like compliments. It doesn’t occur to him as a possibility at all. He loves compliments. He thrives under praise. He’ll puff up his wings and strive for perfection just so people will look at him.
So, naturally, he finds compliments to be high on his list of forms of affection. If MC does something right, he’ll compliment them. However, in return all he’ll get is a scoff? A questioning glare? This makes him furious.
What he doesn’t realize is that MC is used to being used. To being praised only to be betrayed. There was always an ulterior motive, so why should demons be any better?
“You would throw back something I willingly gave you?”
“You’re only giving me a compliment to get something out of me, so why don’t you just tell me what you want instead of lying to me?”
That wasn’t a rebuttal he was expecting. Yes he was a demon, and yes sometimes his intentions weren’t the most pure, but to think that someone would believe he’d sink so low as to give compliments in desire to extort them? His brothers maybe, but him?
He took a moment to look at their expression. It was sour and uncomfortable. It’s not what he expected. This was a problem that went deeper than just distrust in demons. He’ll ask them if they’ll talk about it. They don’t go into detail, which he respects, but explains that compliments feel only like lies, and it makes them uncomfortable.
He’ll learn to find other ways to praise them other than compliments. He’ll reward them with a dinner or a little treat. If they’ve done something he’s really proud of, he’ll put it up where people can see. He’ll still give them simple compliments every now and again out of habit, and while MC still doesn’t fully accept it, they’ll smile and nod this time instead of throwing it out the window.
He doesn’t give out too many compliments to anybody in general, much less a human. On top of that, it’s especially rare that he’ll give a genuine compliment. This is the demon that MC should be wary of, if he says something nice about them, it’s a very very high chance that he does want something. Not necessarily because he wants to harm the other person, it’s just that he’s grown up with Lucifer as an older brother, and more often than not, puffing up his ego can get him off the hook.
Naturally though, this makes MC very distrustful. On the off chance he does give MC a legit compliment, he might as well have said that he doesn’t like money, because they won’t believe it one bit. He’s totally in the dark about it, he doesn’t get humans at all. He thought he did a good thing, he thought they would’ve loved praise from him, the one and only Mammon. He went out of his way to ask Solomon about it. He was a human too so surely he’d understand.
“Probably because they think you want something, Mammon.”
“But I didn’t that time!”
He was hopeless.
If that’s how they felt, he was going to have to show them how genuine he could be. He was a gentleman, an icon, a pillar of power, so he was going to have to prove it. Everyone found it amusing just how exaggerated he was, treating everything that MC did with respect and reverence. Even Lucifer was in awe over how hard he was working to treat people with honest intentions.
He would make sure MC was there when he returned stolen things back to his brothers. He tells them he’ll cut off gambling and bets immediately. He opens doors for them and escorts them to RAD all without asking for a fee. He wanted MC to trust him, he thought that maybe, just maybe, someone wouldn’t call him scummy for once.
Yes, the brothers had a secret bet with themselves to see how far Mammon could last. Lucifer won, he tends to know his brothers the best. Mammon stopped being completely honest to everyone in about two weeks. He really did try his best to continue to be honest with MC, though. Even if no one else did, they wanted MC to trust him.
He has a hard time taking compliments too, so if there’s anyone that understands MC, it’s him. Compliments always riddle him with anxiety. He can’t be anything but a dirty, nasty, ugly otaku. His brothers tend to just roll their eyes at it. He’s a powerful demon, he can’t really think that way, he’s just being whiny.
So if MC doesn’t accept any of his compliments, he thinks it’s himself that’s to blame. Of course they’d look extremely uncomfortable to be complimented by him, they probably thought he was a pervert now. He shut himself in his room for days. The brothers had seen this happen before, so they weren’t concerned, but MC couldn’t help but be worried.
They came up to his room, knocked on the door, but was left with silence. Not surprising. They felt like they had to apologize anyway, so they spoke to the door, hoping that maybe Levi would hear some of it. They apologized for making him feel bad. They apologized for being stupid, for being rude.
Levi opened the door, shaking his head furiously. He hadn’t thought that of them at all. They both end up putting their feelings on the table. MC will share with him some of the stories of why they can’t trust honey-coated words anymore. Levi will talk about his failures as the third-born.
“We’re both a mess, aren’t we?”
In the end they’ll both spend much more time together than they had before. Even just the peace of being in the same room, even if they were doing different activities, set them a bit more at ease.
They both worked on trying to be better at accepting compliments, with no pressure put on them, of course. And if any demon ever tired to butter MC up to abuse them, they’d be destroyed by Levi before anyone could say Game Over.
One time tried to give MC an compliment that was so eloquently written, it could’ve been written by a poet. They did not take it well, to no fault of Satan’s or his work. It was so disgustingly sweet, MC went pale, nauseous off his words.
Satan felt so angry and embarrassed, he refused to be around MC for a week. Which made things worse. Both Satan and MC were spending far far too much time in their rooms and spending copious amounts of effort just on avoiding each other. The other brothers had had enough. They all got together and summoned both of them downstairs to talk. Lucifer called them out.
“Whatever happened certainly doesn’t warrant this new behavior, so you two are going to talk it out. Now.”
“Satan doesn’t like me, doesn’t surprise me, I knew everything was a lie anyway. With a compliment like that, it was too good to be true.”
Satan was uncharacteristically at a loss for words. The brother’s plan seemed to be working, so they left the two alone to talk it out. The two went back and forth for a while, clearing up all the misunderstandings. Satan had never felt dumber. He knew more than most, even among immortal beings, and yet he still let his emotions overtake his logic.
Now that he knew how MC felt about compliments in general, he knew how to handle them. If anyone thought that words alone were among his area of expertise, they were mistaken. He would do countless research on other ways to show praise and affection that wouldn’t come off as hollow. He’d fight anyone that made them uncomfortable again.
He’ll have the hardest time with this. He’s a compliment churning machine. He’s a hype man. He’s a man of love., and so he wants to let the people he loves just how much he loves them.
It’s like never ending torture for MC, and they can’t help but feel like he’s doing it on purpose. How could he tell them they look amazing? How could he cuddle as close as he wants and describe them down to the detail? Every day made MC feel sick.
It got worse when MC was around him the first time he got drunk. He’d throw himself at them, every word he said laced heavy with alcohol.
“MC, you’re so cute, I want you by me all the time. MCCCC, you’re so wonderful, and beautiful, and cute-ah but I already said you were cu-“
MC shoved him off of them in a panic. “Stop, Asmo. Just stop!” They fled to their room leaving a confused drunk demon on the floor.
The next morning, while he fought a demon-sized hangover, he draped dramatically over his bed, running over last night’s kerfuffle in his head. Although the minor details were fuzzy, the important parts remained, including MC’s words. What’s this he was feeling...guilt? No no, he couldn’t have that, he needed to fix this right away.
He brought over his fluffiest robe and a tray with little cookies and fruity tea. MC almost didn’t let him in, but Asmo looked...different. Asmo sat them down and made sure they indulged themselves a little before apologizing. He had gone too far, and making other people feel uncomfortable was not an attractive quality.
MC felt like they needed to admit to him as well that any compliment they receive makes them feel that way. It was just too much for them all the time. He’s stunned, but how is he supposed to tell you how much he loves appreciates you?
MC decides to limit him to one compliment per day, maybe two if they feel like they can handle it. So now every day Asmo stays silent till he can think of the most perfect, most beautiful thing to tell them, hoping that maybe one day they’ll fully believe him and take it to heart.
He’s very much an actions over words person, so it’s rare that he’ll compliment MC with words alone. He likes to bring MC food, make sure they’re well fed and hydrated. He’ll keep them protected, that’s how he best shows his affection. He’ll follow MC everywhere he can, watching over them.
Sometimes he does tell them that they’re so sweet, and MC just shrinks further into their seat. He’ll frown. He doesn’t know why, but he does notice this anytime he says anything nice about them. So he’ll double down on getting them all the food they want. For him food equals love.
MC found it nice, since he was working so hard on making them feel good without trying to compliment them, but one night they came to their bedroom to find enough food to feed a small demon army. They appreciated it, but maybe Beel was taking this further than he needed to.
They brought him back to their room, and he looked extremely pleased with himself. He wanted MC to eat it all, he wouldn’t have one bite...other than the few bites he snuck already. However, MC begged him to help them eat it, it would be impossible to eat it all themselves. While Beel was eating, MC sighed and crossed their legs.
“Beel, I appreciate this so much, but you don’t have to go this far for me, you haven’t done anything wrong.” 
They explained how they just didn’t like compliments in general. No matter who they came from, no matter who said it. Demons, angels, humans, even God himself could say something kind about them and they’d still take it with a grain of salt.
It didn’t take long for Beel to understand, thank goodness. Of his many brothers, Beel is one them who supports them immediately despite how strange it seems. He’ll back down a bit, but still make sure MC knows every day how much he is proud of them by the things he does.
Get a compliment from Belphie? Probably if there was something majorly wrong. He’s not good with words in general, and he doesn’t compliment anyone. Not his brothers, not humans, not even Diavolo. So this isn’t too much of an issue for MC.
However, he keeps a close eye on MC, closer than most people realize. Because of this, he notices one day when a grimy, good-for-nothing demon he doesn’t know, tries to win MC over with their words in order for them to do something.
“Aw come on, MC, you’re so smart, brilliant even! So won’t you do my part of the project for me? It’s nothing you can’t handle, you can handle anything!”
He can’t help but notice MC lean heavy on the wall behind them, using the books in their hands to cover the lower part of their fading face. He comes over and puts a ‘friendly’ hand on this demon’s shoulder. Upon laying eyes upon one of the powerful Student Council, they hesitantly tell MC they’ve got somewhere to be and then scatter. Belphie looks at MC and shakes his head a bit.
After what he’s done, after everything he’s said, he has no business helping MC out like this. He knows how much of a hypocrite he seems. He shoves his hands deep in his pocket and turns away. No wonder they can’t take compliments very well when every demon here that does sounds like, well...sound like him.
“Thank you, Belphie.” He stops, looking back over his shoulder at MC. This human...they were so dumb and confusing, but...he didn’t want to leave them alone. They were exhausting yet because of them he’d slept more peacefully and had more good dreams than nightmares.
He won’t ever tell them how much they appreciate them, which is fine, sometimes MC prefers it that way. He’ll mostly stay silent, but stay close to them. MC can know how much they mean to him without him having to say a word. Especially if Belphie feels comfortable enough to fall asleep on them, sometimes in their lap, sometimes on their shoulder. It says volumes.
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facets-and-rainbows · 4 years
Blue Exorcist 10th anniversary book Q&A session
The 10th anniversary book has a section where Katoh answers 100 questions submitted by fans on Twitter, so here they are translated/paraphrased! May contain manga spoilers up to the recent flashback arc, so be warned.
(Note that I’m playing it very fast and loose here because there are A HUNDRED OF THEM, so not exact wordings, but it should capture the gist. Lemme know if there are any you want elaborated on)
1. Katoh likes the feel of traditional drawing more than digital but is impressed with how far digital has come
2. Meph THOROUGHLY ABUSES spacetime to watch all his shows and ensure that he gets all the merch he wants
3. Did the girls take all of Yukio’s school uniform buttons in middle school? Yes, they did (apparently it’s like A Thing for girls to ask for a button from their crush at middle school graduation, based on some sad movie from the 60s where a guy who got drafted as a kamikaze pilot gave a girl one of his uniform buttons to remember him by)
4. Rin's tail is about a meter long
5. There are tons of servants working at Mephisto's mansion. Belial is in charge of them
6. Katoh borrows from all sorts of neat real locations when making settings
7. Katoh identifies with pretty much all the characters the most! Except Lucifer.
8. Demon designs she's proud of include the impure king and hachirou, pretty much anything that was the main one in an arc
9. Katoh lists a bunch of her favorite musical artists/music she’s listening to recently: King Gnu, Official Hige Dandism, Kenshi Yonezu, BAD HOP, Sakanaction, Keyakizaka 46, Hypnosis Mic, Aimer, B’Z, Queen Bee.
10. Awww the rabbit manga that characters are often reading isn't just Robo to Usakichi, it's an even older one that she drew as a little kid
11. She likes industrial style interior designs
12. Rin and Yukio alternated who got the top bunk growing up, because they couldn't agree on it lol
13. Katoh cares a whole lot about panel layouts and speech bubble positions, might even be her favorite part of the process (it shows!)
4. Katoh does NOT have a mashou, lol
15. Rin has probably been practicing in secret so he can learn to carry stuff with his tail
16. Izumo probably got into shojo manga around 1st grade, her mom had some around the house
17. Specialty dishes: Rin - lots of stuff but especially nabe Yuri - stuff you can throw together quickly Shiro - stuff he learned from Yuri and/or cookbooks, alongside teaching Rin Yukio - Does. Not. Cook.
18. Can't pick a favorite place she's been on research, but there's no place like Japan
19. Kinzou's band isn't currently meeting because demons, but he's probably still thinking of new songs
20. Hardest characters to draw: anyone with detailed flowing hair. Hardest to write for: Lightning and Gedouin. She had to go read books about serial killers specifically for material for Gedouin, lol 
21. Suguro actually gets a dorm room to himself, though allegedly Yukio is technically assigned as his roommate, lol. Didn't end up that way what with Yukio being a teacher and also Rin’s whole...situation
22. Shiemi makes some of her own hair accessories! Cute
23. Katoh doesn't mind if you include stuff with fan letters but check with the editor first
24. Time for making each chapter: Planning/storyboarding: 1-5 days. Sketching: 3-5 days. Drawing/inking: the rest. Just...the rest of the time
25. Neither Suguro nor Izumo have dated before and neither is currently dating. But that's probably just because things were hectic for them! It could happen
26. Yukio breaks 5 or 6 pairs of glasses a year, someone get this kid a strap or something
27. How many spare glasses does Yukio have? Check the fanbook lol it's in there (dang it Katoh)
28. The demon she wants us to pay the most attention to is Lucifer. Because plot.
29. What's under the Order's big meeting table? It's a BOTTOMLESS PIT and if you fall in it you DIE that's what makes it COOL (laughs)
30. What are the job requirements for the angelic legion? Literally just Arthur liking you and inviting you to join
31. She WANTS to do more character profiles but just hasn't gotten to it
32. Rin's tail feels like a cat tail, texture wise
33. The "red Assiah fire" is literally just actual fire nothing special
34. Rin's current hair color is light blue fading to white at the ends
35. Thoughts on Rin's growth: she likes that he stays positive in awful situations and she also thinks it's very main character of him to face the past instead of avoiding it
36. Mephisto didn't purposely surround Rin with stuffed animals when he woke up after going crispy. Mephisto's bed is just Like That
37. Kurikara was based on a cool sword she found in a sword book, but that one was technically just a ceremonial sword. The symbol on it us a Sanskrit letter kaan (sp?) associated with Fudou Myouou
38. Kuro can communicate with normal cats and hangs out with them often
39. Sometimes Shiemi's skirt is extra fancy around the hem what's up with that? Apparently it's an optional accessory that comes with the skirts help I haven't noticed this and don't know any fashion terms in any language
40. When coloring, Katoh always tries to have an overall theme in mind ("emphasis on blue" etc) so it comes together in the end
41. Yes the twins are genetically related to Shiro because of Goro (she says they're like his nephews but I say GENETICALLY at least they'd be indistinguishable from his children)
42. Strongest mom of all the strong moms around here? Yuri! Did you SEE her give birth??
43. Are you careful about your own health Katoh-sensei? Not particularly! Her mom has had to bring her food at work sometimes! Don't do this at home kids
44. At the dating events Shura goes to, does she drink cocktails in moderation? Yeah, she probably downplays her normal drinking habits at these things. But normally she's down for just about any kind of drink
45. Lucifer just really likes oysters okay
46. How many pages of manga does Katoh draw in a day? If she's being good about self-care: three. Maximum number ever: TEN
47. Mephisto is one of those folks who can eat like a garbage compactor and never gain weight. Possibly because his body resists that sort of change the same way it resists aging etc
48. First food Rin cooked: fish burger type patty. Yukio's favorite things Rin cooks: fish simmered in soy sauce, yellowtail with daikon radish. It's fish all the way down
49: Did Rin ever get more monthly allowance from Mephisto? It doubled! He gets TWO 2000 yen bills now (rip) [T/N: That's uh, that's USD $37.26 a month or 33.10 euro]
50. Why isn't Rin more popular with the girls? He gets nervous talking to them, plus he's too oblivious to notice even if he DID have some fans
51. Why change Suguro's hair? She gets bored with keeping everything the same, and she wanted a visual representation that he was getting serious and going into kind of a training arc
52. Things Katoh pays extra attention to when drawing: trying to capture the feel of whatever she's drawing (like "that looks warm and soft" or "I bet that guy stinks" cough Lightning cough)
53: Does Rin take after Yuri more? (He's got her eyes!) Katoh tried to draw Yuri so she looks like both twins. Personality, too - Yukio has her smarts and Rin has her optimism
54: Do you ever wanna be like Mephisto? Well she'd like to be able to get away with just ANYTHING EVER, but no, let's not be like Mephisto
55. Konekomaru not only carries around a cat toy in case he meets any cats, he MAKES cat toys to carry around based on what he thinks the cats would like
56. How'd you come up with Shima? Go read the fan book!
57. Do the kids have Twitter/Instagram accounts? Rin - probably not. Konekomaru might be on some social media. Paku and Izumo are totally on instagram
58. Is there something Rin makes that you wish you could try? All of it! That's the whole idea! He's good at cooking!
59. Will we ever have a (G-rated) reveal of what ALL of Mamushi and her family's tattoos look like? Maybe! She'll think about it
60. Does Arthur have a repertoire of different hairstyles? Not really, he just puts some of it up on the top. Heck he might even have people to do that for him
61. If you wrote a shojo manga what would it be about? She'd have to do a lot of research before even coming up with a story, since there are so many style differences between the genres aside from just the subject
62. The other two of Mephisto's top 3 favorite foods: Cup ramen and....f-fried bubblegum?? Is that a THING???
63. Where do you start when drawing a character? Usually the outline of their face but if it's a complex pose/composition she'll start with whatever's in the foreground (like hands)
64. If Katoh could have a familiar, what demon would she choose? Mephisto. As the all-powerful author, she might actually be able to command him as a familiar!
66. If you swapped Yukio and Rin's relationship around what would change? not much, you'd pretty much have Rin going to the Illuminati and Yukio going to the past
67. Top 3 foods/souvenirs to try in Kyushu? Well she doesn't know what’s good CURRENTLY but when she was there she always used to like burdock tempura udon, hakata torimon (a kind of manju with white bean paste inside), and Chikae style cod roe. today I learned Katoh went to high school in Kyushu
68. Katoh listens to music a lot while she's storyboarding, then when she and the assistants are all drawing and inking they put various videos/movies and stuff on in the background
69. For all his hitting on girls, is Shima actually popular with the ladies at all? He's got enough girls in his life that he probably COULD find a girlfriend if he really wanted, but the double agent thing tends to get in the way. He still wouldn't be as popular as Yukio though (side thought/translator’s note: Shima would be proud of being number 69.)
70. Katoh has the ending planned out in a big-picture way, but there are still a few details here and there that she's fretting over
71. It's cute when the boys put their ties over their shoulders when they're working on something! Where'd that come from? She just figured a tie might get in the way and that seemed like a realistic way to get it out of the way
72. Looks like Yukio is getting some facial hair! What about Rin? They're both about the age for it, but maybe Rin can't grow a beard yet. Maybe a little peach fuzz here and there
73. Katoh's favorite blue exorcist merch? There were some exorcist licenses a while back, and the exorcist pins. Basically it's really cool that these little accessories she drew ACTUALLY EXIST NOW, LIKE YOU CAN HOLD THEM IN YOUR HANDS
74. Okay realtalk how long do we have left, I don't want the series to end yet? We're solidly in the second half by now but it's not, like, ABOUT to end yet
75. Katoh would be a Knight meister, based on what characters she likes to play in games and such
76. How many people in the whole exorcism cram school? More than you think! She doesn't give a number but apparently licensed exorcists also attend classes for new meisters, etc, so there's a wide age range attending
77. How's Arthur feel about, like, studying Taming on the way to becoming Paladin? He's at least mostly accepted that you have to use demons to fight demons effectively
78. Konekomaru started wearing glasses in his first year of middle school, so like 7th grade (more recent than I thought!) He has one spare pair, in contrast to Yukio lol
79. Katoh's current obsessions? Ghost/scary stories! She's even been going to live readings of them recently
80. Media Katoh consumes for inspiration? A wide range of foreign teen drama, horror/suspense, shojo manga, light novels, anime, etc. Special focus on things where two boys are in conflict or there are brothers involved
81. If they weren't exorcists what jobs would they have? Rin - chef. Yukio - doctor. Shiemi - uh, florist?
82. Inspiration for the design of True Cross Town? Katoh and her assistants gathered up a bunch of references, picked out stuff they felt matched the tone, and mashed them all up together
83. Did you use any references etc for the school/exorcist uniforms? She says she probably should have but she just kind of made them up before publication
84. Favorite part of drawing? For color pages, picking out a color scheme. For black and white, drawing in all the little details (though she doesn't always get time to lately)
85. Once again confirms the demon kings' weird hair is a representation of their horns. ADDS THAT PEOPLE WHO CAN'T SEE DEMONS CAN'T SEE THE WEIRD HAIR
86. Now that Yukio's at the Illuminati, where's he gonna get his Jump SQ and spare glasses? Well he probably never planned to stay for long, but hey it's a big ship and they might have an optometrist and/or newsstand there
87. Do you base the demon characters on any references etc? Not really, she just gets a general idea of popular demon designs and then makes up her own in her own style
88. Merchandise Katoh personally wants to have made: stuff that an adult could just use in their day to day life. Also, it's not gonna happen, but if her favorite figure brand made AoEx figures she could die happy
89. If Beelzebub's host body was a beautiful woman, how would Shima react? Would the womanizing win out over the bug phobia? Katoh replies that Shima would probably just faint from being near a girl that pretty, before the bugs even got involved
90. Will the twins ever get to smile and eat dinner together again?? We'll just have to wait and see!
91. What do you check at a "scenario check"? what's a scenario check man I dunno They check for people being out of character or the setting feeling off. They had a lot of these checks for the anime, but they also do them for the drama CD, games, and all that other stuff where multiple authors are involved
92. Why does Shura use baldy as an insult for people who are clearly not bald? She feels like they have some kind of metaphorical, mental kind of "baldness" and she's calling them out on it. Whatever that means
93. After Blue Exorcist ends, what do you want to draw next? She has SO MANY IDEAS, SO MANY
94. Did Katoh make up the Shinto chants that, for example, Izumo used against Gedouin? They're assembled from bits of actual Shinto prayers according to what feels right in the scene
95. Yukio reads the Jump SQ, right, and, just hear me out here, he likes gag manga, right? Does this mean he reads Salaryman Yukio? It's something he would read, but let's say that in the AoEx universe there's just a very similar manga that he finds oddly relatable
96. What do Yukio and Shima do in their free time on the Dominus Liminus? oh my god you guys this ship has so many amenities.  Yukio probably spends time reading in the library, which they totally have. There's also, like, a gym, and a movie theater, and a THEATER theater, all of which are free. Shima probably hangs out at the pool (!) and goes to the movies, and hits on illuminati girls, lol
97. Easiest character to draw? The ones with boring simple hair, lol. Lightning gets an honorable mention for ALSO not having eyes in most shots, but Rin wins--he was specifically designed to be easy for Katoh to draw because that's what you want in your main character
98. How do demons understand gender? They just possess whatever feels like the best match to how they feel in Gehenna, whether that's a man, or a woman, or a rat, or whatever
99. Where do you start when you're coming up with a story? She starts with character design and how the characters relate to each other. Currently she's just continuing an existing story, so she works on splitting up the overall plot into episodes and fleshing it out with scenes and information about characters
100. When do you feel most happy? She honestly feels like she lives a very happy life overall. Mentions noticing a lot of little things, like how nice her cats' heads smell when she cuddles them or taking a nice cold refreshing drink of water. There's happiness in everything. aww.
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higuchimon · 3 years
[fanfic] Fantasy of Magic
I am not going to do this.  Shou stared at the twelve levels of school above him.  He hardly believed that he'd made it in here in the first place. The entrance exam for the Enchanted Academy was one of the hardest in the world.  Finding out he'd actually earned a place made him wonder if someone had set a deception curse on him - it certainly wouldn't be the first time. 
But his parents proudly bought him everything that he needed, and now he stood out here, slowly ascending the stairs, certain that any moment now, one of those teachers would declare that he clearly had no talent at all and with a flick of a hand would toss him from these hallowed halls.  So far no one seemed to be inclined to do that.  Other new students surged past him, chattering among themselves, and none of them appeared to notice Shou even existed at all.
A figure ahead of him caught his eye - tall and forbidding, with an aura of being utterly flawless.  Or maybe that was just because he knew who this was.  His elder brother strode along on some incalculable errand, not even granting Shou a minor glance.  Shou followed him with his eyes for a few moments, holding back a deep sigh. 
I bet he doesn't even know that I'm here.  Ryou would probably one day be the Grand Arch-mage, the greatest of all those who used magic.  Shou thought he'd be lucky if he made it as a low level sorcerer, at best.  Though he wouldn’t mind being a researcher or a librarian. His great-grandfather had been a very well-known magical researcher and someone had to keep track of where the library books were.
Shou forged his way up the stairs, ignoring how other students flew by under their own power or floated by on the family magical carpets or whatever other devices they'd brought with them.  He wasn't the only one who was walking - though he did stop and stare for a few moments at one student who flew by perched on a massive dragon, laughing at the top of his lungs.
Most of the first day he never remembered all the details of.  There wasn't much to remember anyway.  He was assigned a room - it turned out his roommate was the guy with a dragon, and the dragon could turn into a person and that was a lot more interesting than he'd ever thought it would be - and the list of his classes would appear in the morning, or so he was told.  He took the time to stack all of his books and scrolls and get his pens sorted out, before his new roommate grabbed his arm.
"You're Shou, right?"  The dragon-rider asked, bright brown eyes sparkling at him.  "Come on, let's explore this place!  I'm Juudai!"  He waved a hand at the dragon-person, who even as a person looked a lot like a mixture of dragon and demon, with broadly spreading wings and a stern look in all three of their eyes.  "That's Yubel."
Shou blinked as the dots connected in his mind.  "Prince Juudai?"  He'd heard a lot of stories about the prince and his companion dragon.  When Juudai nodded, already tugging him towards the door again, Shou tried to bow his head.  "Your Highness!"
But Juudai just shook his head.  "You can call me Juudai.  Come on!  Don't you want to get to know this place?  We're going to be here for years!  We don't want to get lost."
Shou guessed that was true.  The idea of turning down the prince's request fluttered through his mind, but not very strongly, as he followed the other out into the corridor.  Yubel followed as well, and Shou couldn't shake the feeling that the dragon didn't approve of him.  But he kept his mouth shut and let Prince Juudai lead the way.
For all that this was an unofficial tour so they could get to know the area, Shou remembered very little of it.  Part of him was still exhausted from the long trip to get here in the first place.  The Enchanted Academy had been situated on an island in the middle of he ocean.  Getting here required either the ability to fly, be it by magic or magic devices, or teleport, or a vessel of some kind.  He'd hired a spot on a simple boat and taken the long way.  From how Juudai babbled, he'd flown with Yubel that morning, while his luggage was transported over via magic.
Shou didn't bother talking about himself.  He knew himself pretty well, and he doubted that someone like Prince Juudai would be even remotely interested in what his life was like or what he wanted it to be like.  Besides, even if he managed to make it as a researcher or librarian, what would the prince want to do with him?  Juudai, he quickly gathered, would make friends with moss on the walls, let alone someone like him.  So he wasn't special in any way.  Juudai would have done this to whoever ended up being his roommate. 
One part of their wanderings did end up sticking out in his mind, though.  Shou couldn't have said where they were.  All the corridors and rooms and everything else blended together as they wandered around.  But he turned a corner, trying to find Juudai, who'd wandered a little ahead of him.  He didn't want to be lost in the Academy in general - rumors had it people who got lost here were eaten by shadows or never seen again or sometimes eaten by their own lunch - but being lost on the first day, before classes even began, seemed a bit bad even for him.
A door he'd barely noticed opened up and someone darted out, a merry trill of laughter following them.  Shou tried to stop but they crashed into him a breath later, sending him stumbling back.  He squawked in surprise, grabbing onto the nearest wall, and struggled to keep to his feet.  The other person was a little taller than he was, with a long waterfall of brilliant gold hair,  Then he spied equally brilliant blue eyes, and the sparkle in them sent chills all through him, of a kind he'd never experienced before.  
"Sorry about that!"  The stranger chirped, straightening herself out.  "See you around!"  She waved briefly before darting down the hallway and vanishing from sight. Shou wasn't sure if she really turned invisible, teleported, or just turned down the hallway so he couldn't see her.  He stared after her, swallowing briefly, trying to put his thoughts together and not having anywhere near as much luck as he would have liked.
What he could remember of her face said she was pretty.  He'd seen pretty girls before and he'd always rather liked them.  But the sensation he gained of her magic - that floored him.  He had no idea of how someone could be that powerful. 
She's not going to notice you either.  Magicians like that don't notice librarians.  Shou kept himself very aware that he was next to nothing and always would be.  But maybe he'd at least get to know her name one day.  That would be good enough. 
As the days ticked by, it really didn't seem that likely that he'd run into her again.  Sometimes he spied a flash of golden hair from a distance, or hear an echo of laughter that he thought was hers, but he didn't really see her.  He didn't know what he would have said or done if he had.
Besides, he had a lot going on that gave him far more to think about than a powerful sorceress or arch-mage or whatever it was that she would probably end up being.  Every new student had to take basic magic lessons, and those absorbed a lot of his time and energy.  Most of the other first year students seemed to waft through all of it with the greatest of ease.  Even Juudai could flick out answers to Professor Chronos' questions - though Shou also got the impression that the professor didn't like the prince very much. 
Regardless, Shou spent as much of his free time as he could studying, impressing all the variations of magic into his head.  That was how it worked.  The first year one spent at the Academy was devoted to general information and skills, abilities that even non-mages could do.  Not everyone learned those things here, but more people knew them than didn't.  Those often involved changing the color of one's hair or eyes or feathers or clothes or healing minor ailments or anything small and useful.
Shou practiced those whenever he got the chance, when he wasn't studying what came out of the books.  He wasn't very good at them, but he studied regardless.  There wasn't a chance he'd make it as a librarian or an archivist if he couldn't manage these little things.
One more time.  Shou stared down at his fingernails and focused as hard as he could, gathering up the magical energy from all around him.  He'd been trying for two hours to get them to turn green, but so far he'd barely been able to manage a light tint.  They were going to be tested on it tomorrow and if he couldn't manage it... well, he'd do it.
Slowly he unleashed the magic, repeating the chant under his breath the required amount of times, feeling the magic taking hold.  He was doing it!  He was really doing it!  He was going to be a real magic user!  Maybe even better than his brother!  He'd be the Arch-mage!  The greatest of mages that ever walked the world!
The magic slipped away - not as fast as it usually did, but eluding his grasp so swiftly that he couldn't stop it when his nails began to shift.  Only they weren't becoming the deep shade of green he'd wanted.  They weren't even green at all.  His nails lengthened and thickened, twisting around one another, and no matter how hard he tried to haul the magic back to reverse it, nothing happened.
Shou stared again, but more in absolute despair than frustration now.  He tried to move his fingers, but they would scarcely twitch now.  They were thick and knotted, more like branches tied together than anything else, and he waved them uselessly. 
"Oh no,"  he groaned, sinking back against the wall behind him.  He'd been here in the garden for what seemed like hours now.  Studying here in the warm sunlight seemed like such a good idea at the time.  Now he wondered what would happen if he stuck his finger-twigs in the dirt, turned into a shrub, and got it over with.
I'd probably mess up being a shrub.  He tugged again at his fingers.  It wasn't getting any better.  If anything, he could spy little bits of moss starting to grow on what had been his fingers.  At least it was green moss?  How had he messed it up this badly? Ryou would never have done this. 
"Are you all right?" 
Shou jerked his head up at the words, ready to insist that he didn't need any help, really.  He could go to one of the teachers or aides and get this fixed if he couldn't manage it.  Or Juudai could figure it out.  He was really, really good at magic.  But he didn't need anyone else's help, really.
But when he met those sparkling blue eyes, and got his first really good look at her face, every single word died on his lips.  He swallowed and shivered.  Being so close to her - and where had she even come from so silently? - made him forget what it was like to even be able to talk for a few moments.  He swallowed again and forced words out.
"Yes?"  He could manage that much at least.  Whether anything else would come remained to be seen.
She leaned over, head tilted to one side.  "You were trying the cantrip for color changing?"
"Yeah,"  Shou admitted, his cheeks tinting a bit red with embarrassment instead of magic.  "I don't know what I did wrong."
"It's not that bad,"  she decided, bending over his twiggy fingers, her hair brushing against him.  "I can fix this.  Do you mind?"
Shou blinked a couple of times before what she'd said penetrated his mind.  "Um - please?"  What else could he really have said?  He didn't want to have those twigs any longer than he had to!
She bent over and whispered something that he couldn't quite hear.  It was probably a reversal spell of some kind.  Those were higher level magics - normally if cantrips went wrong they weren't on this level.  Magical energy swept over him, focused on his fingers, and slowly they began to return to normal, the stiffness fading away, followed by him being able to pull them apart, the moss creeping back, then vanishing altogether, until he breathed a heartfelt sigh of relief.
"Thank you, ma'am,"  Shou groaned in relief.  "Thank you so much."  He fidgeted, darting his eyes towards her.  "Um, my name's Shou.  Marufuji Shou."  It would be rude not to at least introduce himself after she'd helped him.  "It's a pleasure to meet you"
"My name's Autumn."  She grinned at him, and he would have sworn the air itself sparkled at the expression.  "I bumped into you back on the first day, didn't I?"
Shou turned even brighter red, staring downwards.  She remembered?  She'd probably laughed about that with her friends.  "Yeah,"  he admitted. "Sorry about that."
"It was my fault."  Autumn patted him on the shoulder.  "Hey, do you want a few extra lessons?  Just to help get those cantrips right?  I always have trouble with them myself."  She laughed, that ripple of music and magic that thrilled him inside and out.  "First time I tried, I turned my hair striped!"
Shou couldn't help but laugh himself.  "I wish I'd seen that."  He yelped a breath later, shaking his head.  He never wanted anyone to see his mistakes.  Why would she be any different?
But Autumn only grinned, and ran hr fingers through her hair.  In the wake of her touch, the golden hair transformed, leaving her with streaks of red, blue, pink, green, and black.  Then she shook it swiftly and the vibrant strands shone like sunlight once again.  "I kind of like it like that, but my master insists that I look normal while I'm at school."  She wrinkled her nose.  "Anyway, if you want some help, I can at least do that."
Shou tried to wrap his head around the idea that he was being offered help, by her!  Juudai had offered to tutor him, but Shou had never learned a lot from when Juudai tried to do it.  Mostly because Yubel hovered over their shoulders, and Yubel made him extremely nervous.  He'd never seen them eat anything that wasn't on a proper plate but everyone knew the stories about dragons and demons and he'd rather not gt his body or his soul eaten.
"Okay?"  He shook his head again, this time to force more words out of it.  He could at least make a decent impression on her, better than that first meeting!  "I'd like that."  There, he could talk!  Sensibly, even!
Autumn grinned at him.  "All right.  Then let me show you how that cantrip is supposed to work.  Here."  She settled next to him on the bench, taking his fingers in her own, and recited the brief spell.  He could feel the way that her magic worked, even as his fingernails turned just the shade of green that he'd been aiming for, and then turned back to their usual tint.  "There.  You want to try it?"
Shou set his jaw, gathered up the energy one more time, and focused all of his attention on getting it to work right.  He wasn't sure if it was because he had someone there showing him just how to do it correctly or because he wanted to impress her still or what, but this time, his nails changed, and he knew it was because of what he'd done.
"Congratulations!"  Autumn's grin glowed as brightly as her hair did.  "Hey, if you need any more help, then let me know."  She waved one hand towards the area of the Academy where long-term students - longer than the usual years of the Academy - lived, usually with their teachers.  She had said she had a master, after all.  That meant she had a lot of raw magical talent.  "I live over there.  Just send a message any time and it should get there.  I'm the only Autumn here, as far as I know."
Shou knew the area.  His brother lived there too, studying hard under Master Samejima.  He didn't think he'd ever be that blessed, though.  "I could always use some help,"  he admitted.  "I'm not that good at magic."
Autumn gave him a thoughtful look, one laced with a flicker of magical sight.  Then she shook her head.  "I think you could be.  You just need to believe in yourself more."  She patted him on the hand.  "We can talk about it over lunch if you want?"
Only then did he hear the bell ringing - it was indeed time for the noon meal.  Shou's stomach rumbled, matched by Autumn's a breath later.  Meals here at the Academy were always impressive; they needed to be.  Using magic took a lot of energy that could only be replaced by food.  Then what else she said clicked in.
"Over lunch?  With you?"
That brilliant smile lit up the whole garden.  "Yup. Come on."  She held a hand out to him, and Shou accepted the gesture, rising up.  The rest of the year didn't seem as difficult as it had before now.  Not with Autumn as his friend.
The End
Notes: I’m tempted to write Yubel x Juudai x Johan in this AU later in the week. I’ll see what the ideas want!
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world-of-socks · 3 years
Chapter So Four, So Good
After what felt like cycles, the yellow arm ship landed on the surface of the planet. It landed next to an icy lake, its landing cracked some of the ice on the surface of the water.
Yellow apprehensively stepped down from her ship. Her pearl had gone to inform the troops that they had arrived and were unloading.
The general nervously felt the surface of the planet with her boot, it felt stable, but the ground was cold and resentful. It was as if the entire planet itself rejected her touch. Her eyes slowly moved upward towards the horizon line, cold blue ice lined her vision, but just beneath the ice were hints of bright colors. The organics that lived beneath shone with luminous hues, lighting up the ice above in mellow colors. Yellow had witnessed aurora borealis light shows before and immediately compared them to this. Her lips slowly parted from her teeth in a large grin.
Yellow looked to her left at her soldiers, researchers, blacksmiths; all of her gems, her army, unloading and looking about with the same wonderous look that she surmised she had about herself.
She decided that it was probably best to address them directly with orders first. Yellow cleared her throat and approached her court.
They ceased their chatter and made a circle around their leader.
“Thank you for your undivided attention.” It was a phrase she had modified from White, “As you can see we landed in um… uh a purposefully uninhabited area to avoid any unwanted surprise conflict with any organics- in-intelligent ones that is. So I think it’s best to send out scouts in small pilot drones to identify the perfect area for us to set up camp. In the meantime, all commanders should read up on any information that was sent by White’s scouts. You are dismissed until further notice.”
When the gems were finally looking away from her she slumped, sighing heavily. She had been doing this for years, but it still took a lot out of her.
Pearl had finally dismounted from the ship, shivering, she preferred to stay inside. She carefully tip-toed her way to her diamond, trying her hardest to avoid the cold, icy ground.
“The scouts believe they found a place for camp, my diamond.” Her eyes were shut tight, blocking out the cold.
“Already?!” Yellow turned to her pearl in shock.
“Yes, nearby.” She nodded, “The icy climate of this planet is only so large and it seems to be one of the only areas that is completely uninhabited. There is really only one spot here that seems large enough to fit our entire encampment.”
“Well then, let’s get started.” Yellow grinned, “We don’t have much longer before dark.”
“Gems!” She called, standing a bit taller, “Prepare to make camp!”
“Yes, my diamond!” Came the salutes and cheers.
“I can do this.” Yellow whispered under her breath so only she could hear, “So far, so good.”
In the largest tent at the front of the quickly building camp, was the general and her advisors. She, at the head of the table, bent over a map and avoiding eye contact, and they, around the sides, all talking. Each advisor was from White’s court, the only gem’s in Yellow’s entourage from a different court. They were glamourous and showy beings, dripping with sparkling fabric and luminous headpieces. Their eyes were always wide and condescending, and they rarely let Yellow feel as though she herself was in control.
“I surmise that we should send three squadrons of scouts to the most habitable spaces and in the meantime begin harvesting the resources here in the meantime.” One announced, waving their arm dramatically.
Another slammed their four fists onto the table, Yellow pinched the bridge of her nose, “That’s too risky! We want to preserve as many of our troops as possible!” They yelled, “Sending a larger party might result in losing all of those gems. The smaller the party the better, a couple shattered would inhibit our progress.”
A few nodded their heads, others remained stone faced. Yellow frowned, still pinching the bridge of her nose. Her patience with this bunch had been low since emergence.
“I propose a different strategy altogether, perhaps we should- …” One began but was quickly interrupted.
“We?” Yellow asked, brows furrowed.
“Yes, my diamond, ‘we’. White diamond instructed us to advise you-…”
“This is MY mission.” She growled, the young diamond’s usually child-like mannerisms had faded in the moment.
The table was silent, every face wore a scowl of a different breed.
“I am not afraid to report this offense to White diamond,” the boldest hissed, “and I know how displeased she would be from this transgression.”
Yellow grimaced, but she was seething now. The general calmly strided over to the diamond line in the tent. The air smelled of electricity, a warning of the storm to come. She plunged her fist into the machine with a band of electric light. Her hand burned and tingled with agony, but she dared not flinch nor cry out. She knew power came at a price, that’s what White had always told her.
Bits of the broken machinery came clattering to the ground, it gasped for breath in strange electric hums and sparks. It sputtered out, and Yellow walked back to her seat at the head of the table.
“There.” She huffed, pulling her gloves further up her arms.
“Now, how about letting me conduct MY mission, eh?”
Her hands were flat on the table and she glared at those around it. The advisors still scowled at her, but said nothing. They maintained their composure, but a nagging fear clung to the back of their throats. Some had been destabilized and even cracked by the young general before in fits of frustration, they were well aware of her wrath. No means of communication with the only one who appeared to scare the demon, terrified the advisors, but they would shatter into oblivion before they let that on.
“No objections.” She stared once more at the gems, “Good.”
The tense meeting continued, and the advisors said next to nothing, but the strategy was set and the first plans were done. The general adjourned the meeting and fell back into her seat windedly. She quickly summoned her pearl who hurried into the tent shortly after.
“Oooooh. What did I do, P?” The diamond groaned, her hands over her eyes.
“I’m not sure, my diamond, but judging from the destroyed remains of… some machine. I imagine you made quite the fool of yourself in front of White’s advisors.” Pearl gasped, “My diamond, you’ve endangered your mission! If White finds out about this-!”
“She won’t.” Yellow removed her hands from her eyes.
“You can’t be insinuating-?!” Pearl was horrified.
“No, no. You don’t have to do anything this time…” she lowered her eyes, “I… took care of it.”
“So, that’s-?!”
“…yes.” The voice was small.
Pearl gasped again, and covered her face up in horror, “My diamond! This is a serious offense!”
“An offense that my advisors can’t report on!” She gave a frightened grin.
Pearl let out a groan, which turned into a whimper, “If I order a new one we can cover it up as an accident in landing or something, I’m sure we can fix this…”
“No!” Yellow jumped from her seat, “You can’t! My advisors threatened to report to White, I-… I yelled at them again. I know I shouldn’t, P- uh Pearl, but I can’t help it. They don’t let me have a say in my own mission and they’re constantly hovering and talking too loud and-…. Ugh!!”
“Fine.” Pearl muttered, “Perhaps she won’t notice, but as soon as you’ve finished this mission, we must replace it.”
“Fine!” Yellow exclaimed, relieved.
“Fine…” the pearl whispered again in disbelief.
The diamond line’s destruction brought Yellow an intense feeling of relief, she felt like a giant weight had been removed from her shoulders, or rather a giant pair of eyes. It finally felt like this was her mission, nobody was at the helm but her. It finally felt like she was the captain of her own ship, the general of her own army.
Her plan was to send a series of the same scouts that she had sent to study the land, since they would be hovering in pods they would be less likely to be shattered. Then, she would watch the footage they captured and send a series of armored gems to further scout out areas of interest, her, leading the squadron to the place she deemed most active. Then, they would study the fighting tactics of the organics and capture one for further research at the base if possible.
As her research team studied what they could, she and a few others would explore the territory so they could be entirely familiar with the environment in the case of a war or need for any guerilla tactics.
She believed her plan to be near perfect and of the utmost sensibility.
So far, so good.
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jawritter · 5 years
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***Warnings*** Angst, Implied smut, mentions, and brief descriptions of domestic violence, MOC!Dean, Hurt!Dean, Crying!Dean (yes that’s a warning.) I think that’s everything. This one is pretty mild.
A/n: I wrote this little drabble around Christmas time. So that explains the date, I’m trying to slowly move things over here that are my favorite and this is definitely one of my favorites. As usual, all mistakes are mine. Please don’t copy my work. If you wanted to be added to my tag list let me know!
Pairing: Dean x Reader, Sam x Reader (Just Friends), Dean x Sam (No Winchest)
Word Count: 2211
Check out my Masterlist!!!
Dean's POV:
Dean sat with his head leaned up against the cold window of Baby, his eyes closing and opening as sleep tried to take full hold of him. Sam was leaned against the opposite window, snoring away already. Having been raised in the back of a car virtually, Sam had learned to sleep just about anywhere rather quickly.
Dean on the other hand was a different story. Dean was the kind of person that had the tendency to bottle up things, and when you bottle up things they tend to make their way to the surface one way or another. Usually when you are trying to sleep. This was the case tonight.
It was December 23rd, two days before Chrismas. The holidays for Dean were always the hardest. No matter how he tried to shove it off, or downplay it, it was hard for him.
He missed those he lost, he was haunted by memories of the past, people that he'd loved, but couldn’t save. He was haunted by the last Christmas he and Sam had celebrated together. The Christmas before he spent the next forty Christmases... Well to him at least... In hell.
Taking a deep breath and sitting up straight, running his hand harshly down his face, he looked over at his peacefully sleeping brother, then down at the clock. It was just after 2 am. He was about six hours from the bunker they now called home. He could be there by 8 in the morning if he left now, even if he hadn't had a wink of sleep.
Turning the ignition he put the car in drive and pulled out of the treeline, and back onto the main road. 
Out of all the memories that haunted Dean, there was one that haunted him more than anything from his past or his childhood.
Six Christmases ago tonight he'd lost you. The mark had changed him even after Sam had cured him, and he lost his temper one night. All you had done was ask him to come to bed. He had been deep in research as to how to remove the damn mark from him, he snapped. He jumped up and punched you hard in the face before he could stop himself.
He watched you hit the floor before you even landed he regretted his actions and was apologizing, but it was too late, that was where you drew your line. He had walked behind you begging you to stay as you packed your bags that night. Followed you out to the garage as you loaded yourself and your belongings into it.
Then sat on his knees and cried himself weak staring down the road long after the car was gone. That Christmas eve and Christmas were the worst that he'd ever experienced in his whole existence.
He called you number so many times, but you never answered. He'd left voice mails apologizing, begging, pleading, everything. Nothing. You had given up on him. He'd hurt you, and you had given up on him...
He wanted to kill himself. He'd tried multiple times, but the mark just wouldn't let him die.
Even after the mark was removed from his arm. Finally. Even after all these years, he would call you, your voice mail would always pick up, never you. He'd talk to it like it was you because it was the only thing that kept him somewhat sane.  
He would still apologize to it, even all these years later he'd still cry to it. Tell it about his day, or his hunts. He'd tell it about how much he missed you. He'd beg it to come home. He'd call every holiday, every birthday, every anniversary, and tonight would be no different. Even though he had told himself he wasn't going to do it anymore.
Picking up the phone between the seats he glanced over at his still snoring little brother, then dialed your number again. As always it rang until the voicemail picked up.
"Hey, Sweetheart, It's me... I'm so, so, sorry. I miss you, baby... If I could take it all back I would... I know I've told you that before, but I'll keep saying it just in case you are listening to these after all...  I know tonight makes six years since I hurt you, but it still kills me." 
Knowing the voicemail wouldn't let him leave a much longer message, he surprised himself when he openly choked on tears he didn't know was running down his face.
"I love you Y/N, and I'll never stop... I'm on my way home from a hunt right now. I got about six hours to go, so I need to get off here. I wished you'd be home when I got there, but I know you won't be, and that's on me... I'm sorry Y/N." 
He hung up the phone before he became hysterical. Tears blurring his vision of the road now. His heart felt like it shattered afresh in his chest as he gasps for air around him.
He’d totally forgetting that his brother was in the seat next to him until Sam reached over and put his hand on Dean's shoulder. Dean jumped like he'd been shot before quickly reeling in the emotions that he'd let show. Wiping his face and clearing his throat even though his heart was still broken.
"Sorry, Sammy," he mumbled. 
Sam said nothing, just formed that tight line with his mouth that he does when he's worried about his older brother, and hit end record on the video he'd been sneakily taking when his brother picked up the phone to call you. 
He knew he was going to call you. Sam had been in contact with you still all these years, you were stubborn as Dean, and didn't believe that Dean had changed. Tonight as he typed out the text message with the video attached to it while Dean drove the rest of the way home in stoned face silence, he couldn't help but hope this would make you see just how much Dean was sorry, and how much he was still in love with you... It was going to be a long six-hour drive.
Your POV:
You listened to Dean's voicemail with tears streaming down your face. You had never stopped loving Dean, but your trust had been broken. He had never hurt you, not even when he was a demon, then when he hit you... You just couldn't stay anymore...
You could deal with the arguing, you could deal with the drinking, you could deal with self-loathing, you could deal with just about whatever he handed you, but you couldn't deal with the physical abuse, and you were afraid after he hit you that it would get worse.
So you packed up your things and you left... 
Dean, all these years later still sending you voice mails, telling you he’s sorry, and how much he still loved you. It didn't make moving on any easier. In fact, for you, it made it almost impossible.
When he called to let you know that the mark was gone, he'd left six voicemails that night, well until he passed out probably. You started to go home to him that night, but you still couldn't trust him. The mark had changed him. Even if it was gone, what if the effects were permanent?
All these years, all the voicemails, all the begging, and pleading. You thought a few times that you had heard him crying, but you weren't sure. This time though, you were almost sure that you had heard him crying. It got to you. 
Had he been hurt? Had Sam been hurt? Had something happened?
You had kept in contact with Sam over the years, that way you would know if they were still alive. He'd messaged you when the most recent hunt was over and said that they were going to drive as far as they could, then just sleep in the car until morning. Apparently, Dean had decided to keep driving.
Taking a deep breath, and determined not to let yourself overreact you go to sit the phone back down on the nightstand, and pull the covers back over yourself when the phone beeped with a text message.
Rolling over picking up the phone you saw that it was Sam and your heart seized up inside of you. Was something wrong?
Quickly tapping on the text message to open you saw it was a video of Dean. It was the first time you'd seen Dean in six years, and what you saw broke you. 
He'd lost a lot of weight, you could tell even through all the layers of clothing. His body trembled slightly with tears running down his face, choking on his own tears as he left his most recent voicemail. Obviously unaware of Sam videoing him.
You had never seen Dean look so weak, so broken, as he did in that video. When Sam reached out and touched him, and he jumped your heart broke again into a million pieces. Under the gut-wrenching video was the words that ultimately got to you the most.
How much longer are you going to punish him?... I think it's pretty obvious he's sorry.
Dean's POV:
Dean drove onto the driveway of the road leading to the bunker at just after 8 am in the morning. Sam had been begging him to let him drive for the last two hours, but he knew if he let him drive he'd just sit there and start crying again. So he ignored his brother's protest and kept going.
Dean pulled into the garage and parked up his baby. Getting out of the car he stretched his sore muscles as Sam did the same. He was home. He could go lock up in his room now, and drink until he passed completely out so that he could finally get some sleep. If he was lucky he'd get drunk enough that you wouldn't haunt his dreams.
Dean trudged into the dark bunker. Not really bothering with turning on more lights than necessary as he made his way down the hallway towards his room.
"You gonna try and get some sleep?" Sam yawned as he flopped down in a chair in the library, taking his boots off.
"Yeah, I'm dead tired," he said without turning around and trudging toward his room.
Dean got to the door and leaned heavily against it. So tired that he didn't notice the lights were on in parts of the bunker. Like the kitchen, and the garage. He hadn't noticed that the lights were on in the hallway. He hadn't noticed the black jeep parked up in the garage that wasn't there before. He hadn't noticed a lot of things because he was so tired, but Sam did.
Sam knew. That's why he smiled as he watched his brother trudge his way toward his room.
When Dean opened the door to his room and stumbled inside he almost didn't notice the woman that was sitting cross-legged in the center of his bed until she spoke to him, stopping him in his tracks...
"Hey, Dean..."
Dean's legs gave out from under him as he took her in. She was really here. It wasn't a dream, it wasn't a hallucination. She was sitting there on his bed waiting on him like she would have done all those years ago.
Getting up slowly she made her way to kneel in front of him on the floor. Tears were rolling down his face uncontrollably as he watched her move. He couldn't make his voice work. He didn't know what to do. He wanted to scream that he was sorry, he wanted to grab her and hold her close to him, kiss her, but his body just wouldn't move. Almost afraid if he touched her she'd disappear.
Y/N reached out and touched the side of his face and his arms regained their movement. Wrapping his arms around her tightly and pulling her to him. Both of them kneeling on the floor holding onto each other for dear life. Like their everything hung on the fact that if they let go, they'd lose everything.
Finally, after many tears, they both stood. Y/N help strip him of some of his layers and pulled the covers back for him to crawl into the bed with her. Turning off the lights as she crawled in next to him. Dean never took his eyes off of her and as soon as she was down next to him Dean wrapped his arms around her, crashing his lips into hers like he'd wanted to do for so long. Tasting her as their lips moved together perfectly like it hadn't been years since they'd been together.
There was no rush. There was no hurry. There was no driving need. Just whispered affirmations, slow gentle kisses, and touches. Letting their bodies wash away the memories form all those years alone.
Dean pressed his lips to her sleeping forehead as he held her close to him. Clothes were long forgotten on the floor. Skin touching skin as their breaths mingled together. 
"Merry Christmas, Sweetheart..." 
She was home, he was whole again.
Tag List:
@deanwanddamons​  @imabitch4jensen​ @rvgrsbrns​
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d-l-dare · 3 years
“Jack in the Box”
Is there a loved one you wish was still with you? Perhaps their presence was the one thing that could turn any bad day around. Maybe they were someone you weren't the best to, but you'd give anything to speak to them one more time and beg for forgiveness. No matter what the case, losing a loved one is one of the hardest things any one person can face. But what if you were so bent on speaking to them again that you unintentionally invite a demon into your life?
I struggled to fight back tears as my parents and I had to work a yard sale to sell my late little brother's belongings. My mom and I weren't for it, but my dad saw the way we would obsess over his things and beg for him to come back to us. He saw it was torturing us to see his room that would never again be slept in by him. Of course, we weren't getting rid of the really important stuff like his drawings or baby pictures. Instead, just the smaller things like his bed spread and some of his clothes.
Of course, thrown into the pile were his toys. My parents kept some of the ones they thought were his favorites. Emphasis on the word 'thought', as one of the toys I saw my little brother, Benji, play with was the jack in the box that a mother was bringing to me a the register, her little girl following close behind her.
I wiped my eye as she handed me the toy. I checked the price, $2. She gave me the money and took the toy. She tilted her head as if to comfort me. "I'm sorry for your loss. He'd be happy to know that his jack in the box is going to a good home." She grabbed her daughter's hand and left.
Why'd she have to say it like that? I know she was right, but it just hurt so bad to know that I'd never hear the music coming from his jack in the box from my room and rolling my eyes to it. Sure, I was never really the best sister in the world, but I cared for him too much to be ripped away the way he was.
As the day faded into night, we sold nearly all of his things we'd put up for sale. It still felt incredibly wrong for us to sell his belongings. But the woman earlier was right, it's all going to a better home. It's better than them rotting away in an untouched room full of memories far too painful to even bring back.
*** The next day at school, I was sitting in the back of the class with my hood up. I had my phone on in my hands, making sure it was hidden from the teacher's view. I was lucky she was reading the book aloud, rather than calling on random students to read. I had no idea what page we were even on.
I was scrolling through social media, trying to distract myself with funny pictures and interesting videos. I paused when I saw a post that said something was haunted. I scrolled back to it and skimmed through. Apparently it was on my feed because my mom had commented on it, but it was from that lady at the yard sale that had bought the jack in the box. She said it was haunted, that it would often play it's music when nobody was near it. My mom commented saying it never did anything like that when we had it, which was true.
I was a believer in the supernatural, so my mind instantly went into believing that it was haunted. Was that why Benji used to play with it so much? Was there a ghost attached to it? I thought back but didn't recall him mention anything about an imaginary friend or some invisible person telling him to do things, so that marks that idea off the list. Then something hit me, something that made me incredibly eager to get out of class and tell someone. What if the jack in the box was haunted by my brother?
*** I'd realized that telling my parents wouldn't exactly be the smartest move, as they would think I was crazy and probably ground me for making something like that up about my dead brother. I mean, it was a twisted way of thinking.
However, the following time we went to the grocery store, I was lucky enough to come across the mother that had bought the jack in the box. I had a dumb idea, but I figured I'd try it.
"Hey Mrs. Foreman," I greeted her. She stopped her cart and looked at me with a smile and a polite wave. "Do you happen to need a babysitter?"
She had to think about it for a second but ultimately said no.
"But you and your husband could have a date night away," I said. "I just miss my brother and your daughter was friends with him." I was unsure if that last part was true, but I needed something to guilt her into saying yes.
She looked down at me for a second before nodding. "I suppose I can talk my husband into going somewhere for the night. We don't have a lot of money right now though, so it's not going to be much."
"Oh, it's okay ma'am," I said gleefully. "You don't need to pay me, I'll happily do it for free."
*** It was a little before the sun went down that I arrived at their house to babysit. They were all dressed up and ready to take on the night. They laid down all the ground rules for me, like when her bedtime is and what to feed her for dinner, etc. I had no plan of deviating from their rules, I just wanted to play with the jack in the box a little, so that I might find a way to communicate with my little brother again.
I lead little Sara into the living room and turned on some cartoons. I scrolled through until I found a show she enjoyed watching. I then made my way to her room. I scoured through the mess of toys and clothes scattered about her floor until I found it, the little yellow jack in the box.
I was about to wind the handle when I heard a knock at the door. I sat up and hurried over to see who it was.
I opened the door to find a bulky man dressed in a black suit and a pair of sunglasses.
"Who are you?" I asked.
"I'm from the FBI," the man said, reaching for his badge and presenting it to me. "I'm here to collect the haunted toy from the premises."
"I'm sorry, I have no idea what you're talking about," I said. There was no way I was going to let him take it.
"I'm sorry as well, ma'am, but the jack in the box must be destroyed. The demon attached to it can only do harm to the people closest to it."
"What are you talking about?" I demanded. "The box is possessed by my little brother."
"That's what the Goji wants you to think," the man said. "It latches into it's host and can mimic their actions in order to survive."
"Well, how do you know it's possessed by a Goji?" I asked.
"Because spirits only have the power to lift and move objects. They can't turn a crank and force an object to make noise."
It was unfortunate, but I believed him. I went and grabbed the jack in the box and handed it to him. But not without a deal. He had to bring me with him to show me what he was doing with it, incase he was lying. He agreed and we made our way out into a wide clearing a quarter mile from the house.
"What are we doing here?" I asked. He sat down the box and stepped back.
He opened up his bulky briefcase I'd just realized he was holding against the darkness of the night. The briefcase opened up to be a bulky laptop.
"We are going to try and lure it out with a host that looks even more tempting," he replied. "The thing I have in mind is a werewolf. But I have a remote in my pocket to trap it and bring it back to the office with me for further research."
I rolled my eyes. "A werewolf? Seriously? How are you going to get one?"
He smiled at me and sat his laptop on the ground. He pulled a remote out of his pocket and I stared in awe as the computer transformed into a werewolf.
I glanced over in time to see the jack in the box shaking violently. The werewolf crept closer to it and a stream of green goop floated from the box and into the wolf. The wolf began to shake violently as well before calming down.
There was this green mist radiating from the wolf as it turned to us. "You think you can trap me in this body?" it growled in a menacing, inhuman voice. 
The man pressed a button on his remote and the wolf began to howl in pain as it folded back into the shape of a briefcase. The man went to go pick it up carefully.
*** After we made our way back to the house I was supposed to be babysitting at, he and I sat on the couch, watching some television with little Sara. Or at least that's what we thought. We looked all over the couch and couldn't find her. He and I called for her. We heard a giggle in response. We followed it to her room. Sitting before her was the man's briefcase, open before her and radiating a green mist.
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Happy Birthday Until Pronounced Otherwise
Well, here it is. Late as always, but what can you do? So, this is a birthday for the best Big-Bro in the history of big brothers, and I’ve been wanting to celebrate his birthday on this blog since we had our first chat. This turned out longer than expected, and that’s with NaNoWriMo stress on me, but I counted this thank goodness. Some of this comes from the Discord, which is the source of all great ideas, and some research through the archive section for specifics. This is a thank you to all of the people who’ve pushed Legion forward into the being they are today, and I hope that we can have many more birthday adventures with these lovely boys. So, enjoy some sweet, some stupid, and some feels.
But don’t say I didn’t warn you, the next one will probably hurt. Mwahaha
They had to corner Phantom and Mad to get the plan pulled off, arguing/pouting until the demon and barman agreed to help decorate the bar. And distract Mare, but that was the easier part. The hardest thing that Legion originally feared was keeping their lip buttoned and not spilling their plans to Mare every time they saw him.
Their salvation came in the combined willpower of their many souls, and a patience born of many quiet people who were used to keeping their feelings on the down-low. Now, was this the most healthy thing mentally? No, no it wasn’t. But that could be addressed at a later time, when they weren’t stocking up on streamers, charging speakers, and ordering a lot of donuts. Donuts were better than cake, and they were pretty certain Freddy’s didn’t serve them. Less connections to that place was probably for the best.
There was also a mild cheer for Amazon, for delivering to a random location where no house supposedly existed so that an ageless child-like being under house arrest could get a present for their part-robot big brother. The delivery person got none of that exposition, just a thank you from someone who’s face they couldn’t concretely pin down before the found themselves back in their truck with no memory of getting into it.
Nate arrived about two hours ahead of schedule with his guitars at the ready for a little jamming out with Mare once the festivities died down a bit, and Legion was running around with a clipboard gripped in one hand and a ‘tamed’ version of the confetti launcher in the other. Except now it blasted little rolls of streamers to decorate the room. They claimed it was like tee-peeing a house, but they would clean up later (that was a promise that Phantom would not be budged on) and it was consented destruction.
And finally, finally, the stage was set and Legion was blipping the last present into their cloak for safekeeping. Prior experience had taught them that Mare could find anything they tried to hide, except when it was in their cloak, which no one could touch. So, in order for present thievery to be prevented, precautions were being taken. Nate was losing it on the sound effects and muttering from Legion as they shoved a large packing box underneath their left arm, punching it in with their right fist until it vanished with a pop. Then it was the main event time, and Legion ran off to grab their ‘big bro’.
“I’m surprised they haven’t popped at this point,” Nate said casually to Phantom, the both of them drinking punch with a suspicious amount of sugar in it. Phantom shrugged from his spot, before stopping to look at the musician.
“How do you know that? I haven’t seen you with them.” Nate grinned.
“I came over one time to talk and they were the only one there. You were away on a ‘business’ trip and they showed me this neat looking rock.” Phantom frowned in displeasure at the reminder as Nate continued, “Kid’s a handful, but they’re sweet. Not to mention they’re wild for you guys, wouldn’t stop talking about how amazing you are in all that you do.” Phantom was purposefully avoiding eye contact at this point, smiling despite himself. Nate noticed of course, and punched him lightly in the arm. “They love you man, no shame denying that.”
“I wish they had more common sense than that,” He trailed off when the pounding started, and Legion dashed into the room, squeeing as they tried to escape Mare, who was playfully reaching out for them. The short-lived chase ended when Legion ran over a pillow and flipped on the couch, allowing Mare to stop and finally observe his surroundings. His eyes widened.
“Is this?” Legion sat up again, dislodging a pillow and waving their arms wildly.
“HAPPY DAY OF BIRTH!” With a blip, they were beside Mare and giving him a strong hug, looking up with eyes containing dancing lights. “We must now celebrate the moment you got a body that we can bother!” Mare tilted his head to the side before grinning, bringing a hand down to noogie their hair and chuckle.
“That’s worth the celebration?” Legion nodded vehemently and Sharper popped up beside them, holding a donut in hand.
“We have to celebrate you not getting murdered for another year.” Sharper realized his phrasing and winced, “Was that insensitive?”
Mare shook his head, pulling Sharper in and giving him a noogie him too, “Nah, I think you all want to kill me at some point or another.” Then he snagged the donut and bit into it, to the protesting of both the android and the chaos-being. “Mwha? Yew saif ditz mry brifphdey.” Legion blipped away, running for the rest of the donuts even as Mare was ghosting away for a few seconds, and with that the party started.
It was a relatively quiet affair at the end of the day. After threats by Mad to burn the birthday donuts, Mare was given a flower crown woven out of white chrysanthemums, orange roses, and boulevard doubles. Legion had pointed to each flower and carefully explained their meanings, of enthusiasm, loyal love and pride. Mare had told them they were a sap, and they responded that they were very proud of their sappiness and to put the dang crown on already. Mad and Phantom found it pretty funny until Legion reminded them that similar crowns were in their future. Then it sparked an argument with no bite about allergies and flowers and demon horns. Mare was just sitting back, delighting in the atmosphere and munching away on his fourth donut.
“You’re gonna get sick you know?” Sharper tried to interject at one point, but Mare just grinned around the glaze.
“It’s my birthday Sharpie. Let me enjoy this.” Sharper didn’t get much of a chance to respond since Legion called him over as an ally, and then a pillow fight started and by the end the punch bowl nearly went flying if it weren’t for some demonic intervention. That was perhaps a sign that they should sing, and Nate plugged in his guitar, playing an acoustic version of ‘Happy Birthday’ that all of the guests sang to. Then it was a donut-eating competition between Mare and Legion that ended in his defeat. Being a being of hundreds of minds apparently meant you had hundreds of stomachs.
“Now sit down and close your eyes,” Legion eventually said once they had settled on the couch, and Mare summoned a wisp of smoke to hover over his eyes. “That’s cheating!”
“Fine,” Now he brought his hands up, and Legion waved their fingers around him. When all he did was hummed absently, they nodded their consent and reached down, rifling through their cloak and pulling out various items.
In all honesty, it sounded a bit terrifying with the variety of noises that accompanied their actions, but Legion was already a semi-eldritch being, what was a few more noises? When the last envelope fluttered out, they proudly grabbed Mare’s hands and tugged them down.
The various presents ranged from a new set of guitar strings and decorative stickers from Nate to a ‘tactical surprise’ from Mad that Legion was forbidden from using. When it finally reached Legion, they held their hand up, eyes searching the table until they snapped their fingers, pulling the large packing box forward. Mare stared in surprise.
“Are you smuggling another dragon in?”
“Stop sassing and open the box.”
Easier said than done considering Legion had wrapped the thing in tape, but with a pair of scissors Mare eventually broke through the lid, arrived at the next box inside wrapped like a burrito and figured out this was going to take a little longer than first anticipated.
Thirteen boxes and two confetti traps later, Mare eventually pulled out a small black box with a little tag that read ‘Pull me’. Taking caution, he distanced his body as far from it as he could, only using the tips of his fingers to pull the tag up before leaning back. Instead of exploding paper in his face, the walls fell away to reveal… a coffee mug.
“That’s it?!” He gave Legion a look, but they cheekily pointed at the writing on the side.
There was a picture of a tobacco pipe, some old-fashioned gimmick, and below it read, Comic Sans is Cool Again. In damn Comic Sans.
“You little troll,”
“Aw, we love you too!”
“That is atrocious,” Nate said, failing to hide his snickering as Mare ghosted over to hug Legion, yanking their hood over their head and fending off their playfully flailing arms. 
“Atrociously funny.” Legion affirmed once they finally got their hood off, shaking their hair free before getting off the couch. The took the largest box and flipped it over, revealing something tapped in between the flaps. A golden envelope with the name Mare-Mare written in purple pen. It was passed over as the laughter died down, and Mare sliced it open, revealing a folded piece of stationary.
It was quiet for the seven minutes it took Mare to read and reread the piece. His response at the end was to pull Legion into the firmest hug he could and whisper something in their ear that made vibrate so hard that fifteen Legions appeared around the room. As one, they turned and dog-piled Mare in hugs, much to his delighted protest.
It was nearing quitting time when the Host finally made his way through the back door, still faintly smoking.
“Wilford was being especially difficult today, until the Host called in the Producer. She’s the only one that can set him straight these days besides Amy.” He settled by Mare and passed him a book. “The Host wishes Mare a happy birthday, and wants to give him this.” The book was a picture album, and it contained several candid shots of Legion and Mare in their romping around the Mansion. “Consider this a joint gift from the Host and the Doctor.” Mare smirked and gently bumped Host’s shoulder.
“Mare need not mention it to the Host. He may tell the Host what he thought of this. Legion was especially determined on this project, and they were very excited to surprise you.”
“This is probably the best birthday I’ve had in years,” He looked over to where Legion was trying to match Nate’s movements as he played, managing to pick out a few notes before they lost their focus and tried again. “And of course that little weirdo did amazing.” There was silence for a moment. “Did you know about the letter?”
“The Legion did consult the Host on it for a short period of time. Did Mare like it?”
“…It was the sappiest thing I’ve ever read. I had 12 donuts today and that piece of paper had enough sugar in it to rot my jaw.” He tapped his chest pocket, where the paper would rest now and forever. 
The two sat in the ambiance, and for Mare, it was the pinnacle of existence, a moment of pure bliss. With his brothers, his semi-father-figure and the little sibling he adored.
“Best birthday yet.”
Bonus: The Letter
Happy Birthday brother-o-ours. We want to get to the important stuff, but we need to get some dates out of the way first.
Sometime in late November of 2018, we appeared at the foot of a decrepit looking manor with someone that we promise we’ll explain one day. You were inside that manor, but we had no idea at the time. What we did know was that we had one purpose: find the boys and start being nosy.
In July of this year, we had started hanging out together. Little moments with you and the Googles as we began to feel something that we hadn’t before. Even now we’re kinda struggling on how to say it, but our best guess goes to solidity. We felt attached, and not like we started caring. We’ve always cared for you doofuses. But like, for the first time, someone cared about us back. It wasn’t so much a feeling of being tolerated or given the occasional smile and wave. We felt like we were wanted, attached to the world for the first time, and we didn’t know how to feel about that.
In August, well, the Actor happened. For the first time in our strange lives of unknown length, we were actually directly under the control of someone that we didn’t know. We actually hurt people, and we don’t need to get too into that. Just that it was terrifying and it broke us.
We didn’t know who or what or why we were anymore.
You’ve probably heard us say it, but Dad was the one that gave us a name. We didn’t have a name before this. We were just 0 or pest or you or pathetic excuse. To have a name, to actually have something real that belonged to us filled us with so many emotions that we don’t have time to unpack. But it was you that told us to come back. You, the one who we screwed up the whole situation for, told us to come back. And that meant more than you could ever realize.
We’ve always been the ones to care about someone, even when they’ve had no one. I think you’ve seen that with Dark and the others. Some of us vehemently try to see the good in everyone, and even after all that’s happened, we still feel this way, or at least some of us do. But, when it all went down, we were so scared. We’d always been there for the bad guy, so who would be there when we were the bad guy?
Turns out the answer, besides Oliver and Dad, is you. Someone who knows what it’s like to be confused and freaked out and on the outside of everything. We had no hope for anyone here to accept us after we hurt them, but you did. We don’t know if it was duty or a promise or just that you saw us and realized we needed a pillar, but whatever the case, you came.
You entered our lives as a friend, and when you had to go away, a cold day in late August, you gave us your coat. And you took our heart with you. We had already figured it out, but by this point it was too late to tell you. We love you.
The last few months have gone by in a blur. When we lost you we nearly lost our mind, caused a large amount of panic with our stunts, and then we left our body for a bit. We’ve sat within the Void, which none of us wish to remember again.
But there was something wonderful and amazing to come out of these last three months was that we had something we could finally name. A Family.
A Dad, a Step-Dad, a little bro, shady uncles and aunts, and a Big Brother.
(That’s you by the way. ;)
So, Thank You. Thank you for giving us a chance, thank you for letting us be here to celebrate with you today. Thanks for being there and telling us that you care when no one else did. Thank you for giving us your jacket, and being there so that we could return it. Thanks for looking after Dad and Step-Dad and keeping them in line when we can’t.
We’ll make you proud Mare. That’s a Legion Promise, made of unbreakable love.
Your sibling, now and forever,
The Legion
Submitted by: @englishbreakfastandquills
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veliseraptor · 5 years
2019 Fanfiction Round-Up
I’ve done one of these every year since 2016, so here we are again. At this point I’d feel weird if I didn’t do it, even if it takes a long ass time to do.
Total Year-Long Wordcount: Here as of 8:20 PM, 421,602 words - which includes some essays and original fiction but is, by and large, mostly fic. 
If you’re curious, that’s 35,133.5 average words per month, and 1,155 words per day. The month I wrote most was 48,006 words (January) and the least was 21,550 (October). I may go into more stats later to compare to my 2017/2018 spreadsheet, because that’s the kind of loser I am.
This year I wrote and posted: This isn’t exact, because it includes chapters of things I wrote as separate fics, but probably something around 60 fics. 
Overall Thoughts
Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you’d predicted? 
Less, by a substantial margin. There are a lot of potential reasons for this (a new job that takes a lot more energy and time, me making a concerted effort to socialize more, taking on more difficult projects that require more time/work/effort, a two month horrendous depressive episode) but I’m trying to tell myself that it doesn’t matter why, and it’s totally fine that my total amount written doesn’t match recent years’. Over 400,000 words is still a lot of writing.
What’s your own favorite story of the year? 
This was a hard year, so I’m going to be self-indulgent and pick a few. I remain really, really proud of the fact that I wrote gather frankincense at all, and pretty proud of how it turned out also. good lord turned his back on me was one that I wrote basically all in one go, and I was really pleased with the Natasha POV and getting to write in her voice - I do that shockingly rarely, and haven’t in a while. I really liked both writing that fic and the arc of it - what it did as a story. 
Finally, continuing with the trend of “small fandom fic” which...I wrote a substantial amount of small-fandom fic this year, which pleases me - how this grace thing works. It was in the works for a long, long time and finally was finished this year - it’s the (for lack of a better word) softest Doctrine of Labyrinths fic I’ve written, and quite possibly ever will write. 
Did you take any writing risks this year? What did you learn from them?
I wrote in two different fandoms that I hadn’t written in before or hadn’t written for years. Okay, in fairness I did some Doctrine of Labyrinths writing last year, but this year was really the bulk of the recent writing I’ve done for it. Writing for Lymond was a substantially bigger risk. Glad I did it, and I learned that I could do it, but...
I wrote a fic for someone else in second person, which was certainly a risk in a different way.
Overall...I learned that while I can write in first person still, I deeply prefer both third and second person overall. One of those isn’t surprising; the fact that I’ve come to actually really like second person sometimes is more so. 
From my past year of writing, what was….
My most popular story of this year: 
As usual, excluding my multichapter stuff because that skews results a lot - by hits it was how the dead walk; by kudos it was Seams and Scars, and by both comment threads and bookmarks it was Mirror, Mirror. All interesting! Seams and Scars is the most surprising to me, but also pleasing considering how goddamn long that fic took me to write (I’m so glad I finally finished it this year).
Most fun story to write: 
Five Hundred Ways to Discorporate a Demon. Aka the most light-hearted “repetitive character death” fic I’ve ever written. It was just...writing Good Omens fic this year in general was a lot of fun. It’s a departure from my usual voice, and my usual wheelhouse, but probably because of that was really enjoyable to explore. Though in a weird way good lord turned his back on me was also a lot of fun, in the sense of...it was one of those fics that was easy for me to write. It came out smooth and in a way that I liked basically right off the bat, which is rare and a great feeling when it happens.
Story with the single sexiest moment: 
This was kind of a challenging one, actually, because what I find sexy sort of fluctuates based on what I’m in the mood for at the time, but I might go with the sex scene in The Waxing Moon, partly because, as I discovered writing both that fic and An Ever Expanding Circle, I apparently find cocky Thor really sexy. I sort of resent this. (So does Loki.)
Most “Holy crap, that’s wrong, even for you” story: 
Yeah, I’m going to go with no good doing what I’m told, aka the one where I had a bunch of existential angst about “is this too much? am I going too far?” which...yeah, is always a sign of something considering how high my bar for myself has gotten.
Story that shifted my own perceptions of the characters: 
I have a hard time with this question every year. In some way, every story I write shifts my understanding of the characters, or at least deepens it. I guess maybe After the Fire - I dug into Curufin’s head more there than I have in a long time, and since I last did my understanding of him has changed generally. This fic developed more of that changing understanding.
Hardest story to write: 
The Compassion of the Wicked. Even more than gather frankincense, that fic fought me, to the mat, and almost won a number of times. Writing the sex in it was an adventure - I think I noted when I finished it that this is possibly the least explicit fic with explicit sex that I’ve written. Also possibly required the most research, and by “required” I mean “I chose this.” And writing Joleta was...it took me some doing to figure out how to write her, which surprised me a little. 
Anyway, the whole thing was just. A whole barrel of struggle. I’m pretty pleased with the end result, but yeesh.
Biggest Disappointment: 
As usual, in myself, for not working more on my WIPs and not finishing we live until we die. I wanted that to happen this year, I really did, and while I suppose it’s not surprising it didn’t (there was a lot of planning that needed to happen, and continued to need to happen), I’m still disappointed. 
Biggest Surprise: 
Other than “the fact that I wrote Lymond fic at all” and “the fact that people actually read the Lymond fic I wrote”? Probably the continued and aggressive expansion of the Where the Devil Don’t Go verse. I thought it was over after I wrote drown my woes in a lake of fire but then it turned out that there were (checks) five more installments I was going to write, and two more in the works, and one other that is on Tumblr but not cross-posted. 
I did not see that coming at all.
Most Unintentionally Telling Story: 
I never really know how to answer this question. I guess sometimes there is an obvious one, usually meaning “Jesus, Lise, how fucked up can you get” and in that sense it would definitely be no good doing what I’m told, but...I actually think in some ways it might be how the dead walk. It isn’t...exactly the same as my issues, but there are some ways in which it aligns with them in ways that are different from the ones I usually work with when I’m writing Loki.
Favorite Opening Line(s):
1. The first thing that Felix noticed about Malkar was his hands. (The Anvil and the Chain)
2. The moment he was left alone, Maeglin stumbled to his feet, untethered the nearest horse, and set off back toward the smoke and flame still visible on the horizon. (how should I begin)
3. For the first month and a half after Rocket’s friends arrived on Midgard, along with the remains of Asgard’s population, Loki avoided Gamora with the skill and determination of a mouse evading a fox. (came through the jaws of Death)
4. In the summer of the Year of Our Lord 1000, there was a false alarm, brought about by millennial fever both Up and Downstairs, that the Apocalypse was imminent. (Mercy)
5. A long while ago Loki had read, in a book that was now ash, about the formation of storms. (we haven’t slept in years)
Favorite Line(s) from Anywhere:
1. I was lying on my stomach with shackles on my wrists and ankles and the water was rising. Someone, somewhere, was crying. It might have been a ghost. It might have been me. (As I breathe, he burns my lungs like fever)
2. Like my fear of water, fear of Malkar ran in my blood, and was as much a part of me. (The Road to Mourning)
3. “I am not in the mood for indulgence. Is there a purpose to this pageantry, o my Pasha?”
“Save that it is my pleasure?” Gabriel regarded him with a touch of amusement. “You would rather I tied you to a whipping post and had you flogged?”
“You would gain marks for consistency,” Lymond said. (gather frankincense)
4. “Because you are the flaw. You are the fault along which the stone splits. You are what is wrong.” (Mirror, Mirror)
5. “Would you rather I were?” Loki said, and there was something soft and vicious in his voice even with the lingering rasp that made the hair on the back of Clint’s neck all stand on end. “I think not. I am aware that you do not want me here. No doubt you would rather have Thor. That is fine; I would rather you had Thor, too. Don’t think I am not aware of the long and manifold list of my failures. That does not mean I want them enumerated to me by you.” (the enemy of my enemy)
6. “I am too beautiful to die,” Celegorm said with confidence.
But you are going to, Curufin thought. We all are. Condemned as surely as if we were Secondborn. Maybe not now, but... He held his tongue and simply said, “oh, naturally.” Celegorm wheezed a laugh and closed his eyes again. (After the Fire)
7. And yet he misses Thor. No, that is wrong: saying he misses Thor is as inadequate as it would be to say that he misses breathing. He is that central, that vital, that involuntary.
If anyone asked, Loki thinks he would tell them that was why he was running. To prove that he can. (These Vagabond Shoes)
8. The smile, when it came, was sharp. “O Castitas,” Lymond said, “Mater et Virgo, extingue carnales concupiscentias! But enough. For whom this mummer’s show? Do we not know each other better now? For certainly I have known flesh of your flesh, blood of your blood... and she drew mine.” (The Compassion of the Wicked)
9. There was a way Thor had of saying things that made them inarguable. Loki had no idea how he did it - it was as though he spoke the words and it just was, like the world bent itself to suit what he said, only it bent itself so it was as though it had always been true. Loki had always found it maddening. (Speak every man the truth)
10. Everyone got a bit twitchy in the 1300s. People started getting suspicious of the dark glasses. They seemed to think Crowley was hiding something, which he was, but that wasn’t any of their business. (Five Hundred Ways to Discorporate a Demon)
11. This was what the Grandmaster did. He showed you a door, or what looked like a door, and then yanked you back just when it seemed to be in reach. Or proved that it had never been there at all, and what had you been thinking to try to get away, anyway, after everything he’d done for you? (preacher man won’t cut no slack)
12. “You can’t help me,” Loki said, breathless. “There is nothing left to help.”
“That isn’t true,” Thor said weakly. “You are here, aren’t you?”
“Here,” Loki said. “Yes. But I am - I am not myself. I am a cobbled together patchwork of Odin’s making and the Grandmaster’s making and the making of the Void. And yours.” All the feeling had gone from his voice. “You want your brother back. But that person doesn’t exist. If he ever did.” (where I make my home)
Top 5 Scenes from Anywhere You Would Choose to Have Illustrated:
There are a lot of pieces from Mirror, Mirror that I would love to see, but maybe especially the one where Loki is looking at his reflection and notices how sick he appears, when the shadow appears behind him.
Gabriel making Lymond kneel in gather frankincense. Look, I am who I am.
Thor sitting next to ghost!Loki from it slips between my fingers now.
Curufin kneeling (SHUT UP) in front of Finrod with wounded Celegorm in his arms from After the Fire. It could be very Pieta. There’s a lot going on there. I just want it.
Steve and Loki at the top of the waterfall from into the light of a dark black night, just before Loki dives over.
Fic-writing goals for 2020:
Finish we live until we die. This is probably the biggest, most concrete one on my list. 
Write! More! Lymond fic! I have three ideas and I really like all of them - I just need to stop having staring contests and psyching myself out and actually do the writing.
Whittle that WIP list down to at least under 70. Under 65 would be even better.
That’s really all. I’m keeping them modest. Also here is “try to chill out, a little, about your pathological productivity problem” but that’s an ongoing project that maybe doesn’t count for the spirit of this question.
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queensdivas · 5 years
Gaelhar (Brian May Fluff and Smut
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Before y’all even start reading. The amount of science I’ve put into this thing is not accurate! I never thought I’d have to say this but it ain’t accurate and I’m only going off what the internet tells me. (AKA NASA’s website.) But I tried my hardest and I hope y’all enjoy! 
Present Day Bri! 
Warnings: Some swearing, SMUTTY SMUT IN THE END!  and ya know. It’s a short so get some fluff up in here!
World Count: there’s a lot because I couldn’t stop writing. 
Request are open, if you’d like to be tagged in all the rest of my shitty writing let me know! I hope you all enjoy!
@mexifangorl @i-live-for-queen @leah-halliwell92 @its-funny-til-its-not @brianmydear @teathymewithben @hodgepodge-of-rog @rogahloveshiscar @bonafiderocketqueen 
4:15 am...day two of being up for more than twenty four hours! Because if it’s the one thing I love to do is to put myself through hell for work! My body felt like putty at the moment and my eyes felt more dry than the stupid desert! God why do I do this to myself? Why? Because when you volunteer to pitch the entire project to all the head honchos of NASA you’ve gotta suffer a little bit. 
The new project is that one of the moons of Saturn actually turns out to be another Mars if the readings are correct. We all know that Mars was once a vast home billions of years ago. And it looks like one of the moons is either going through that same progress or is almost done. We call this moon S/2004 S 13...or Gaelhar is what I like to call it.  
My station of four computers were the only sort of light from the room since having these on and the regular lights were just to blinding for me. One was the entire moons structure, the second one had all the engineers layout of Rovers mechanics, the third being the layout of the ship that’s going to be delivering the rover, and the last one for music. Never thought all of Puccini’s opera would be so damn entertaining! 
“Sybil! What are you still doing here?” Ray asked as I looked up from the computer to see him and some other man in the doorway. Taking off my glasses to rub my eyes a little bit to give them a brief moment of rest. 
“Rewriting Brahes book on the galaxy because I have absolutely nothing else better to do with my life!” Realizing that my coffee cup was dry as a bone and finally got up from my office chair. Luckily my smart ass thought it would be a good idea to have a coffee machine right behind me. Coffee cup number 8..and should probably order some sort of food. 
“Dr. Bruch. This is Dr. Brian May from England. And this lovely ray of sunshine is Dr. Sybil Bruch. Basically what keeps NASA up on their toes most of the time.” I looked like a demon in front of this random scientist...but who looked extremely handsome and a comfort from staring at a screen for hours upon end. Adding a shit ton of French vanilla cream to the coffee as Ray kept buzzing around this Doctor. 
“She is working on the pitch for the new rover to land on one of the moons of Saturn.” Drinking a gulp of the coffee as Brian’s eyes widened with curiosity. 
“So we’re just skipping over Jupiter then?” He asked as I sat back down at my desk to put my glasses back on. 
“Not exactly.” Moving around in your chair to the first computer so he could start reading about Gaelhar. He was in complete focus and something about him reading this was comforting. Wait why is he even here in the first place? 
“May I ask why you’re here?” Asking him as he looked over to me with a soft genuine smile. 
“Heard about your little project from a fellow colleague of mine and..well..” Did he come to take over? Did this fucking colleague think I couldn’t handle all of this!? I don’t need some random doctor coming into my workspace to take over! WHo the bloody hell does this bimbo think he is!?
“Well I thought I’d come and take a look...not trying to take over your project or even step in. He just kept telling me how it was going..I’m sorry if I’m intruding on your..
“NO no you’re fine. Just you came out of the blue and wasn’t ready for someone else to take a look yet..” The awkwardly laughing at each other as I put my mug down then grabbing my stylist so I could show him the rover. 
“Haven’t gotten a name yet for the rover but here it is.” The 3D image of the rover appeared on the screen. He nodded as he looked closer at the Rover and smiled at it. 
“Name him Ethos. I’ve always liked the name Ethos and its very unique for this little bugger to be going off to Saturn.” Ethos..definelty has a ring to it. Well if it doesn’t officially get called Ethos. I will call it Ethos, just like how I call it Gaelhar. 
“Ethos it is.” Nodding as I typed the name onto the top of the file. Ethos the Rover. 
“What’s going to power Ethos? Solar or wind?” Enlarging the picture of the wind turbine that was attached to the back of Ethos. It was a little smaller than him but would be able to power him for a few years. 
“The weird thing about Gaelhar is that it’s more windy than you’d imagine. Past satellite readings say it’s about 332 mph on average. And with that amount of power it can produce for Ethos...he could go on for a decade possibly.” He smiled at me as I looked into one of my filing cabinets for the file on Gaelhar. 
Would..would he want to read about Gaelhar? He seems genuinely interested in the whole project itself. Or it could be just the lack of sleep would be doing it. Both. Let’s go with both! 
“Were you wanting to read more on Gaelhar? On what we know at least?” Handing him the file on Gaelhar then setting up the rough draft of the powerpoint presentation of what I got so far. 
“So you say it was once like Earth?” He began the PowerPoint as I rested my hand on the desk then putting my cheek against it. Giving him a nod to his question as I slowly began closing my eyes. Maybe just five minutes of sleep and I would feel one million times better. 
*Brians May P.O.V.*
She was out like a light when I got done reading the rough draft of her presentation. With goosebumps running up and down her arms when I realized it was almost 5 am. For me I would be up and ready to go for the day. Taking off the coat I still had on then placing it on top of her shoulders so she could stay warm. Should I take off her glasses? My hands reaching slowly for her glasses to gradually take them off her face then laid them down next to her. 
It feels strange to be sitting next to someone whose work has done so much for the space community in the past few years. Reading her research papers, some of her books, and even online lectures when she would teach. Not to mention it’s shocking that she’s not going absolutely berserk since I’m.. well ya know. 
Going into the powerpoint to start editing her first slide to make sure the introduction would be very gripping. Not the first time I’ve had to stand in front of a crowd to do a presentation. Is it weird to admire someone and their work even though you’ve never gotten the chance to meet them. Till now. 
She blinked a few times as she was looking around to still see me working on her PowerPoint. Rubbing her tired eyes then reaching for her cup of coffee that was still a little hot. 
“I’m sorry. Didn’t mean to..” Trailing off as she noticed my coat was on her shoulders and formed a little smile in the corner of her lips. Going back to typing as she leaned over to see what I was working on. 
“They’re gonna ask you why they should invest in this instead of Mars.” She sighed as she got up from the chair to her phone. 
“Might as well pack it up because this won’t get any sort of funding.” She told me as I spun around in the chair with my arms crossed. Goodness! What kind of confidence is that!?
“Sybil! What sort of attitude is that to have for this project?” Her eyes widened a little as she took a sip of her coffee. 
“Well everything is about Mars now. Gaelhar would be more suitable for humans to go there than Mars and you have the evidence right here.” If it’s one thing I can’t stand in this world is when a bunch of power hungry councils decide to make stupid decisions. Like the damn council who decided Pluto not being a planet anymore was absolutely ridiculous! 
“Thank you for the confidence boost..just going up in front of them to pitch this idea is a lot harder than it sounds. Yes I did presentations in school all the time..but never had to basically tell them they need to fund this because this could be habitable for humans since we’re screwing up this world so badly..I’m sorry I don’t mean to vent..I think I if I just get back to work then I’ll feel a little better.” One last sip of coffee she took as she put her glasses back on to start reading through her notebooks. 
“Would you like some breakfast or something? I can make ray get you some delicious sort of fish breakfast or anything.” She looked up from her notebook to start flipping through her phone to find a breakfast place to deliver. 
“Anything really. Is the tires on Ethos going to last a few years on Gaelhar?” Asking her as she pulled up the material for Ethos. 
“It’s got natural rubber with steel chords wrapped around it. Not to mention we’re going to equip the little guy with spikes so if he needs to stop to collect data, the wind won’t move him away.” The image enlarged on the screen as she was pointing at its tires. 
She’s a beautiful..gorgeous genius! 
“Would..would you be willing to stay for a few days to give me a hand or so?” Asking me as I quickly nodded in agreement. 
*One Week Later. Sybil’s P.O.V.*
Okay. Okay. I can’t tell if I look okay! Checking myself out in the mirror for the hundredth time. It was a bright yellow dress that was flowing all around me till it reached the upper half of my body to fit like a glove. The neckline was tight and it allowed to show more of my back. What’s going to sell Ethos and Gaelhar? Sex. 
Slipping on my white heels as I heard the front doorbell ringing. Guess that’s Brian. He has been such an absolute doll and gentlemen with this project these last few days. Constantly staying beside me and helping to make sure this project is sellable to the board. Not to mention we spent last night going over the details and basically running through the presentation as many times as I could. 
Grabbing my clutch as I walked down the stairs of my house then fixing any last details before I expose my tired ugly self to him. Opening the door to him to see him in a dark purple and black velvet suit with a very exotic galaxy tie on. He looked..absolutely smashing! 
“Well Brian. I must say you clean up very well.” Smiling as his eyes widened at the brightness of my dress. 
“Probably should’ve worn something space related. C’mon in.” Moving out of the way for him to walk in and have a long look around my apartment. 
“I actually got you something if you don’t mind.” Closing the door behind him as he reached into his suit pocket to pull out a box. Opening it to reveal some sort of pendant. Holy shit is that real gold? 
“Brian please tell me you didn’t spend that much money on me?” It was a large circle gold pendant that had nine holes drilled out of them. He got the whole damn solar system including Pluto. (It’s a planet. Deal with it.)
“Think of it as a momento for this hectic week of constant working. Not that it hasn’t been absolutely fun because it’s been a while since I’ve worked hard like this.” It kept staring at me like some sort of apple. Do I take it? It’s gorgeous and I don’t want to seem like an absolute bitch for just taking it. But why did he spend that much money on me, and not to mention that how on earth did he get that much money!?
“Bri I..I can’t..” He was already taking it out of the box and motioned me to turn around so he could clip it on. When he clipped it together, turning back towards him as we were standing close to each other. Is it weird to be attracted to someone who you've only known for a week? I thought attraction moved slower than that..It felt so..so wonderful. My heart was bursting out of my chest, goosebumps traveling up and down my back, to finally the tip of my toes curling in my heels. 
“Thank you Brian. I really..I have no words.” My blushing face was an absolute mess as we didn’t move from our spot. Knowing that we had to go so we wouldn’t be late. 
But his kindness..his confidence..it’s so wonderfully refreshing. His lips were so lush with life..even his eyes were glowing with life. Is it bad that I want to kiss him? 
He must’ve felt the same as he reached his hands up to my cheeks to cup my face. His temple resting against mine as my hands wrapped around his wrist to feel the spark light. Till I felt something cold against my cheek to see a gold band around his left hand. Oh my god he’s married! He’s married and he’s holding my face like this!
“Oh my god I’m sorry.. I.. I had no idea you were even married. God I must look like some kind of whore to you.” Taking a step back as he turned his hand into his direction. I don’t cheat with married men.. well I don’t cheat in general mostly because I don’t have the time for it. 
“Yes we have to go.” Taking a step away from him to grab my clutch and house keys. We were carpooling but now that he’s married..I’d rather drive myself at this point. Locking the door behind us as the SUV was sitting on the curb, with the driver smoking a cigar. Might as well just get this over with...
The car ride was absolutely silent with the only radio playing to cover up the awkward silence. Glad to know I was about to kiss a married man..and that he gave me a massive galaxy pendent that’s weighing me down like a rock around my necklace! Please let us just get there faster so I can just go home and eat ice cream. My stupid ass thought he and I were about to hit off together..he’s older than me so why would I even think I would have a chance. 
We pulled up to the curb as I opened the door of my side to see Ray running up to me with his tablet. All excited and wearing his lucky peacock bow tie wrapped around his neck. 
“Sybil! Sybil! Thank every thing on the planet that you arrived. The board wanted to hear your presentation right now. Get your butt out of the car so we can start this and eat those delicious tiramisu they made!” Practically dragging me out of the car as Brian was already left behind. 
Standing on the side of the stage as I was preparing myself mentally for this presentation. Brian appeared behind me but I wasn’t turning around since the man is married! How could I even..my eyes peeked from the corner of my eye to see that..gorgeous man smiling right behind me. My fingers grabbing the pendent to turn around and give him a smile. 
“Thank you Brian. Wish me luck!” Just try to get rid of the sexual tension with just being absolutely nice. Should just go away within the speech. 
“Ladies and gentlemen! I present to you Dr. Sybil Bruch.” Oh my god everything is happening so damn fast! The heart is racing again and I think my eyes are going to roll in the back of skull! Brian put his hands on my shoulders then placed a soft kiss on the back of my head. 
“You can do this. You can be anything you want to be, just turn yourself into anything you think you could ever be.” Why the hell did that sound so damn familiar? Whatever it’s from it somehow helped. Walking out to the podium as I was giving the board a few soft smiles. Moving the mic a little as I looked upon the crowd. 
“Good evening ladies and gentlemen. I’m so excited that you’re here this evening to hear about this brand new project our department has been working on for many months now. Today I will be discussing one of the moons of Jupiter known as S/2004 S 13. What we call it now known as Gaelhar.” Stopping for a second as Ray pulled up the PowerPoint. My eyes drifted over to Brian as I gave him a warm smile with him sticking up his thumb. 
“Thanks to the glorious efforts of engineers, fellow astrophysicists, and even a very well known scientist by the name of Dr. Brian May. We have discovered that one of the moons of Jupiter was once just like Earth before us.” Stopping again to see Brian in complete awe to the side of the stage. My hand reaching up to the pendant to hold it for a second. 
The presentation went fantastically to the point I even got the board to clap even more than usual. Brian, Ray, and I were in a small circle talking amongst each other trying to keep myself from going in some sort in an anatomical state. Is that even the right word at this point? For once..I could give two shits if Brian were to kiss me now. He’s the only one who has been there for me during this past week and if it were to happen I wouldn’t fight it anymore. 
Ray noticed one of his friends for it to be just Brian and I downing on tiramisu which was provided for free by the board. We kept glancing back and forth..waiting for one of us to say at least something to each other. 
“I wanna apologize to you Sybil. It wasn’t right to me to try to make a move on you and being married. Wasn’t the right thing to do and..” My fingers moving up to his lips to stop him from speaking. Giving him a smile of approval as my fingers glided over to his cheek. 
“Thank you for everything you’ve done for this project this past week..I..I.
“Dr. Bruch. Have you got a moment?” Dr. Alexis Faulk came up to us as I slipped my hand down then handing him my plate of tiramisu. He’s the head of the board and if he’s coming to me this early we should be able to finally start! 
“Dr. Bruch. As much as we love this project you and your department has worked very hard. It’s just not something that’s worth our time or interest. We’ll definitely keep this on record so when the time does come for us to head out to Jupiter we now have a plan. Thank you for the lovely presentation and now you don’t have to worry about that. See ya at the office Monday morning.” He nodded to go back to the fellow board members. 
His words stung all over my body as if wasp were all stinging me at once just for the pleasure of it. My throat tightened to the point I couldn’t even breath. I refuse to cry because he’s kind of right in sense..why go out to Jupiter when Mars is right around the corner! Exactly! Now I want wine...and ice cream. God I sound so damn depressing. 
Brian placed the plates down as he came over to me. But I didn’t want to be coddled at the moment or even touched..just..I just wasted months of my life on this big project that won’t even be used in my life time! And not even in my child’s lifetime! Moving past him as I was leaving the gala to go home and get absolutely drunk! Walking out to the parking lot where the vast amount of SUVs were all over the place as I tried to find ours. 
“You okay Sybil?” Brian caught up as I found our car with the driver in smoking a cigar. 
“To my home please.” Ignoring his question to have the driver climbed into the car. Before I could even climb in Brian stood in front of the door. 
“They said no didn’t they..” Nodding to him as my eyes began to water as my throat was beginning to swell again. He reached out to me as he engulfed me in his warm embrace. It felt so damn comforting to feel his warmth but the tears were continuing to roll down my stained cheek. 
“Sybil..Sybil look at me.” Looking up as he held himself up in such confidence. 
“What you’ve done is remarkable. It is something no one else could’ve ever done in their life. Not even I could do such a thing and you’ve done the impossible. Yes it’s horrible that they said no. But you went up there against the world and you did it! Be..be..” Our lips crashing against each other as I wrapped my arms around his neck. Pulling me in closer to him for his hands to squeeze my waist. Stopping to catch my breath as I was shaking a little bit. 
“Let’s get you home.” 
Arriving back to the house as we climbed out of the car then giving the driver a great tip. Unlocking the door to the house as we walked in to throw my clutch on the ground in anger. 
“I’m sorry Brian..I shouldn’t be acting like such a child in front of you but I’m..” He was taking off his jacket as I leaned against the couch. The tension was basically to thick you couldn’t even cut it with a knife. 
“Brian..make me feel something..Please just make me yours for a night...make me feel like I’m so much better than what that ass hole board.” Attacking me like a lion. His lips were warm, soft, and tasted like beautiful rose wine. Our tongues entering each other’s mouth to swirl around each other. Moans coming from both of our mouths and our hands tracing up and down our bodies. 
My hands ripping the front of his shirt opened for my nails to dig into his chest. His beautiful lips moved from mine then onto the bottom of my ear. Nails digging into his chest as ecstasy poured over my vision. 
“You’re so damn beautiful..” I could feel his hands moving up to the back off my dress to the back of my neck, ripping the neck strap so my dress would basically pop down. 
“Mhmm...God..” His hands beginning to squeeze my breast as my legs began to wrap around him. My body was absolutely melting in his touch as his long fingers squeezing my breast, pinching my nipples. 
“I wanna..” Couldn’t even finish what I wanted to say. He was already on his knees pulling down the rest of my dress so I would be standing there in only my underwear. 
“You want me to taste you?” Asking with his eyes widened before me. Nodding as he moved my panties to the side, then lifting my leg over his shoulder. 
One little lick already made me gasp. How can such a man have that much power over me. Another little lick over my clit till he wrapped his mouth over my entrance. At first his tongue was flicking my clit with no means of stopping. Faster..faster..my hips began moving slowly as his grip around my thigh tightened. His eyes were primal as his tongue moved down to my entrance. Not entering but was acting like some damn lizard. In..out….waiting for a second. In...out.. 
“Brian..please don’t tease me..” I was begging as if my life was depending on It. His eyes glued shut as he was absolutely devouring me like a man thirsting after water in a desert. My moans were filling the house so loudly that my neighbors might be wondering what’s going on. 
“So delectable..” Whispering as I could feel it building up so quickly. 
“Fuck fuck fuck fuck..Brian..Brian so close..” The first time Ive came..fuck fuck fuck. He removed his mouth to slowly insert his middle finger inside of me to pump as fast as he could. He put his tongue back onto my clit so I would be sent over the edge as quickly as I could. 
“Just let go..let go..” He said between flicks as I inhaled a large breath. Yanking his hair by accident as it released as over his fingers and the tip of his tongue. My body shaking to the point I almost fell onto the couch itself. He popped up to keep me a little steady as I stood back up from the couch. 
“We’re going upstairs.” Dragging him by his ripped shirt up the stairs but stopping every few steps to keep kissing each other and for me to grab his humongous bulge on his pants. He kept moaning till we reached the top of the stairs..but I couldn’t even wait anymore for him. 
Kneeling down as I unbuckled his pants to yank them down and take him straight into my mouth. I’ve never craved anyone like this in my life. His cock was glorious to have and was something I’ve enjoyed in my mouth. My tongue swirling around his tip as I sunk the rest into my mouth as fast as I could. 
“God..take it easy..” He chuckled as he had to lean against the wall. His right hand grabbing a handful of hair to start giving it a gentle pull. Nothing like how I yanked his for when I came to quickly. I want to please him...God pleasing him would give me even more pleasure in my life. Gripping his balls with my free hand which caused him to let a moan out and chuckle. 
Taking his entire length in my mouth for him to gasp as I moved my hands from his balls to the top of his chest so my nails could scratch down his chest. But stopping me to hold my hand as I continued to deep throat him. 
“Fuck fuck fuck..stop.. you..have to..stop..” My head moving as deep as it could each time so he would cause his eyes to roll in the back of his skull. His precum was beginning to pour as I stopped sucking for my tongue trail from the base to the tip, licking up his precum. Hoisting me up onto my feet as our lips began dancing around with each other again. 
Walking backwards into the bedroom as I fell back onto the bed as he stood at the edge of the bed. My hands reaching out for him as he climbed back on top of me then aimed his member towards the entrance. Waiting no time as he slowly inserted himself inside of me. 
“FUCK!” Squealing as he was stretching my walls. My legs wrapping around him to push him in further. God it hurts but it feels so fucking good my god. He placed his head on my shoulder as he began thrusting himself at a slow pace so he could stretch every inch of me. 
“God yes..Brian..” Laughing for a second as his lips began kissing my neck again with his cock beginning to pick up the pace. He’s moving to slow! I wanna ride him! My hands grabbing his shoulder to push him over onto his back. 
“Let me ride you..I wanna ride you till you fill me..” Pointing his member up as I slid down onto him. His eyes rolling into the back of his head as I began bouncing hard on his cock. Not fast. But slamming myself onto his cock for him to get completely lost. 
“Does it feel good?” Smiling as he smacked my ass hard to make me laugh. Smacking again to treat him a little as I tightened myself somehow. His eyes rolling into the back of his head as I began bouncing faster. I want him inside of me..
“C’mon Brian..Take me..” He grabbed my arms to pull me down to him so he could kiss me. Desperate kisses as he began thrusting hard into me. It felt so damn good to be penetrated so damn hard and so damn fast. 
“Yeah you slut you like that?” Nodding as I wrapped my arms around his neck as I felt myself boiling up again. He was getting so close to I could feel it! Yes yes yes. 
“Yes I love it..yes Brian please!” Our lips against each other once again as I tried to taste every inch of his lips. So soft..so damn beautiful! 
“Go go go go go..oh my god Brian yes!” He was smiling as he was smacking my ass and digging his nails into it with his final amount of thrust.
“Yes Sybil! Cum with me...cum with me please..take me as I take you!” He shoved himself as far as he could inside of me as I felt his cum pouring inside of me! HOLY FUCK!
“Brian!” I screamed as he held me close to him as he emptied himself inside. It felt so damn glorious to be filled with such a mans cum! A genius to take me to bed...to fill me..thank god. 
Climbing off him as we laid next to each other, my head resting on his bicep as we tried to catch our breaths. My body is still adjusting to the feeling of cum inside of me..the orgasm still riding my body. Looking up to him as he looked down upon me. Looking at his left hand to slip the ring off he wore to place it on the nightstand. Moving myself back up to him to place my hand on his cheek.
“You sure..?” My thumb rubbing a small circle as he grabbed it then kissed my palm. 
“Yes.” Attacking his lips with mine again as he hoisted me back on top of him. A night of ecstasy is all I need..and with him..I wouldn’t have it any other way. 
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marshmallowgoop · 5 years
I write stuff, at times. I swear.
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(Check it out! These are my research books and plot outline for this novel that I’ve been working on for nearly half a decade!)
So, it’s National Novel Writing Month, and I’ll probably be a little absent from this site for the rest of November ‘cause I’m trying to write a 50,000-word novel in 30 days and am also the boss lady (ML) for the event in my area and have boss lady things that I should be doing.
Buuut since my novel is my Kill la Kill fairytale AU (which I even have a tag for!), posting about the project isn’t totally procrastinating, right? 
Anyway, I’ve written drafts of this story for two NaNos already (2016 and 2017), and the first draft is basically getting totally flushed down the toilet, but the second draft is closer to what I wanna go for, so I’ve been revisiting it to see what I wanna do with my NaNo 2019 attempt. 
And did you know? Maybe kinda relevant to all the anon hate lately, one OC I wrote for the story is a villain that exemplifies a lot of what I hate about myself. Her situation is of course different than mine—I ain’t beautiful, lol—but her jealousy, vindictiveness, egotism, etc. are all things that I despise about me.
Like, I guess maybe you could consider her my evil self-insert. Pfft.
I dunno how much of her backstory will really be in the final draft, and it’s definitely way, waaaaaaaaay too much right now ‘cause it was written for NaNo and all, lol, but tl;dr, tl;dr, I guess one big message of my entire story is that being bitter and envious isn’t fair to anyone, destroys others and yourself, and I gotta knock that crap off or be just as awful as this awful, awful woman (who arguably literally caused some of the biggest problems in the book).
If anyone’s interested in reading, I’ve included her segment under the cut! (As well as a little segment about Senketsu ‘cause that’s just where it was placed ‘cause this novel is a disaster in terms of organization, lol.) It’s super messy and unedited ‘cause it was written for NaNo, and I only lightly cleaned up some grammar and placeholder names for this upload, but eyyy, I swear I do write creatively, sometimes!!
And maybe me being so honest about the stuff I hate about myself will do something for others, I dunno. I can only hope ^^; 
From Chapter 5, “About King Prasenajit’s Daughter Ugly Adamantina”
As it would happen, the curse that befell the beautiful empress’s princess was quite the complicated affair. If the man in the cave could have been there and could have known, he might have begun the story by speaking in great length of a woman from a kingdom far beyond the Kingdom of the Reed Plains.
The woman, you see, was a magnificent, wondrous healer. She knew her medicines and herbs better than anyone had ever seen, and she knew how to combine them better than anyone had ever seen, too. And so it was said, as it may be imagined, that she was a prodigy of her craft, and she was a genius, and she could only be a miracle doctor sent from the gods.
But it was not purely the healer’s knowledge that made her well known throughout her kingdom and others. The healer, much as the empress of the Kingdom of the Reed Plains, was also extraordinarily beautiful. People would come from far and wide to set their eyes upon her, just as people would the empress, and those who were lucky enough to be her patient would say, in great sincerity, that the healer’s beauty alone was enough to cure them of all sickness and pain.
So you must imagine that when the empress sent for all the best doctors and healers in her land and lands far beyond that this miracle doctor was called for. The healer received the invitation one quiet afternoon, and she tried her very hardest to hide her displeasure as she listened to the empress’s messenger speak.
All those with the healer were left open-mouthed by the messenger’s letter. They oohed and ahed, and then they very quickly turned their attention to the woman to whom the letter had been addressed to.
The woman smiled her politest smile, bowing before the messenger as though the messenger herself was the empress
“It is a great honor that you have come all this way,” the healer said, and she hoped very heartily that her irritation did not seem apparent in her voice. “I am much humbled to be called upon by the empress of the Kingdom of the Reed Plains herself, and I pray for the empress’s health and happiness, and for the health and happiness of her child.”
The healer rose from her bow now. “However, I cannot leave my patients, and so I must decline.” She bowed again, her dark hair falling over her shoulders and concealing the cruel smile on her lips.
Silence fell over the room. To decline a royal order was unheard of, and the poor messenger seemed at a loss for what to say to the woman’s refusal.
Everyone’s eyes had fallen upon the woman. She was no longer smiling. There was a great sense of dread building inside her, as though she had swallowed an entire snake whole.
It was a royal order, the healer realized, even if it was not a royal order from her own country.
And so, with another great bow, and knowing that there was nothing she could do, the woman said, “Please forgive my manners. I will be on my way.”
The healer did indeed travel to the empress’s kingdom. It was a long journey, quite uncomfortable if the healer could say so herself, and all the while, her human heart grew colder and colder.
To help the empress of the Kingdom of the Reed Plains! the healer thought to herself. It was the very last thing she could have ever wanted because, you see, she was quite worn of hearing of the empress’s beauty.
“They say, good healer,” she had been told, time and time again, “that she is even more beautiful than you yourself!”
The healer had to listen and listen to such sentiments and always smile so politely back at them, as though she truly liked to be compared in such a manner! It was a disgusting thing, the healer thought to herself all throughout her journey to the Kingdom of the Reed Plains. Not only did she have to go so many ri away from her homeland, but she had to use her skills to help this woman who could not possibly appreciate her own beauty!
How could she ever appreciate her beauty as I appreciate my beauty? the healer asked herself. Only small people came to tell the healer of her wondrous looks, you see, and the healer always adored every single one of her admirers, but the empress was adored by big people, and very big people came to even catch a glimpse of her, and she could not be like the healer herself, the healer knew, because she had to be very haughty and condescending and must surely not be thankful for the great gift of beauty she had received!
But I am thankful, the healer told herself, and she continued to tell herself this as she went on her way. She thought to herself that someone as high and mighty as the empress did not deserve her talents, and a woman like that also could not understand what it would be like to be born ugly, because a woman like that could never, ever appreciate what a great gift beauty truly is in the cruel, inhospitable world that they both lived in.
It is here, then, that the healer began to entertain a great, terrible idea.
She thought to herself, It would be most wonderful, if the empress’s child is born hideous!
And so the healer laughed to herself, and she thought herself quite amazing to consider such a thing, but she never did consider the thought anything more than a thought.
That is, you see, until the healer first arrived at the empress’s palace.
The story of the bitter-hearted healer is a story that the man in the cave could not tell you.
The man in the cave could also not tell you about love between humans and demons to Satsuki or anybody else. That is also a story the man does not know.
Perhaps, too, he does not want to know.
But the little red demon knows this story. It is the story that fills his blood and built his bones, and it is the story he will dedicate his life to believing.
Indeed, to the little red demon, the story that the man in the cave tells Satsuki one day—of demons and humans as mortal enemies where peace is impossible, and only one can be the victor—feels as wrong to the child as a waterfall that he has never seen flowing backwards, up a cliff.
But it is this story, you see, that the little demon heard time and time again from his mama’s setsuwa and stories.
“Why is it,” the red demon asked his mother one day, long before he catches his sister prepared to drink their mama’s blood and long before he comes across the young Ryuko collapsed in the snow, “that in all of Mama’s tales, the demons want to hurt the humans?”
He had thought at first that it was simply the case of a few villainous demons. There are surely many stories where humans play the role of the evil force that must be vanquished. But the demon soon saw that humans were allowed to be heroes and kind princesses and great shining beauties. All demons ever could be were empty-headed and ugly and horrible, ravenous beasts.
The demon saw, too, the way his mama’s face would turn red in the same manner in which his face would turn green as she told him, “Do not let these stories about the bad demons make you feel as though you are destined to be bad and nothing more. There are many good demons, too.”
But Mama could not seem to tell the little red demon a single story she had heard about a good demon.
Mother had been at the loom when the red demon asked why it is the demons must always be the villain. She was weaving, chan, chan, chan, karin, and this she continued to do as she answered the little demon’s question, her amber eyes fixed on her work.
“Those stories are very ordinary human stories, my love,” she said. “If I were to tell you demon stories—and I could not, I must say, because I am not very much good with words like your dear mama—then you would see that the demons see the humans as the humans see the demons.”
The red demon was left very confused indeed. “But why would the humans and the demons want to see each other as evil?” he asked. “Isn’t it ordinary for humans and demons to be together?”
Mother still did not look the little red demon’s way. She seemed distant, as though a thousand ri away. “No, my love,” she said. “Your Mama and I are... not very ordinary at all.” A smile was on her lips as she told him so, but she seemed almost sad at the statement, as though the admittance of being unordinary brought a sort of pain, the kind that the demon would come to feel when he looks upon the fallen girl in the snow.
“Demons and humans are not meant to mix,” Mother said. “That is what everyone will tell you, both humans and demons, and even the little birds that come to visit this home will tell you, too.”
The little red demon still did not understand. The situation became ever more puzzling to the child, as incomprehensible as the world saw the red demon’s very existence.
“But you are very happy together,” he said. He frowned, the usual chan, chan, chan, karin of his mother’s loom no longer the soothing sound of his childhood but an anxious rhythm that the demon could not free from his mind.
“No, we are very happy together,” he insisted.
Mother laughed. “Yes, my little smart one,” she said. She patted the demon’s head, careful to avoid the horns that were just growing from his scalp. “But most people, my love, human and demon alike, do not believe it is possible.” She smiled again, though it still looked strange and distant, and she took her hands from the loom where she had been weaving, finally turning her eyes upon her son.
The little demon saw that she had been crying.
“Most people,” she said, “believe it is a curse for a demon to let a human into their heart, and for a human to let a demon into theirs.”
Mother turned her wet eyes away from the little red demon. “But I would do it,” she told him, unwaveringly, as though speaking a grand declaration no matter the quiet whisper of her voice.
And the red demon felt it was more to herself than to him that his mother then said, “If she would let me, I would grant her every wish and keep a piece of her within me, always.”
A story the man in the cave does know, as it would happen, is the story of how demons hold within them the power to grant any human’s wish.
This, you see, is a story that more humans once understood, back when the Kingdom of the Reed Plains had not been cursed to be covered in an endless, inhospitable snow that would not disappear and could not disappear.
It was a story that the bitter-hearted healer who had gone to see the empress had known, and she considered this story her first evening she spent in the beautiful empress’s palace as she peered outside to the lands that were not her kingdom and not anything much like her home country.
If I would give my heart to demons to have a wish granted, she thought to herself, I would not have my wish be to make the empress’s child born hideous.
But it would be such a nice thing, she considered some more, if I could truly make such a reality with my own two hands.
Another healer interrupted her thoughts with a great curse of her own. This healer was unabashed in her complaints and did not keep them locked deeply away as the bitter-hearted healer did.
This healer said, “I am number 37, can you believe it?” She expressed a great many more curses, crossing her arms and pouting in a manner that the bitter-hearted healer could not help but find quite admirable.
“I am number 43, myself,” she said. She smiled politely, as she was so very used to doing in her practice. “I am sure I will not be able to return to my home kingdom for quite a long while yet.”
At this, the other healer offered a sympathetic look. “Oh,” she said, and she shook her head, as though ashamed of herself. “I live very near this palace, and here I have been cursing!”
“You have every right to be upset,” said the bitter-hearted healer. She tried very hard to restrain herself from clenching up her fists at the thought of the beautiful empress and how that woman had successfully called her to this wretched palace.
The other healer smiled at that. “I most certainly do have all the reason in the world to be upset!” she said. “Calling upon so many healers and doctors! You must forgive our empress.” She lowered her voice, until she was near whispering. “She is just very afraid of losing a fourth child, you see.”
This the bitter-hearted healer understood perfectly, and had the empress been another, uglier woman, perhaps the healer would have been meant it, when she said, “I wish the best for her and her child.”
“With all these healers and doctors, there won’t be any need for wishing,” answered the other healer, and then she was quite quiet for a moment before she added, “To tell the truth, I wasn’t happy with my number because I wished to return to my family as soon as possible, but also....” She paused, as though bashful. “It’s maybe a bit silly, but I’m afraid I won’t even be able to meet the beautiful empress with my late number! I was hoping to make my family very jealous for getting to be in the same room as her!”
The bitter-hearted healer’s smile slipped, just slightly. She then made her smile all the brighter as she answered, “I have heard that she is quite a sight.”
“So the talk of her beauty goes beyond even our little Kingdom of the Reed Plains!” cried the other healer. “I so wish to see for myself.”
The healer then looked very carefully at the bitter-hearted woman.
“I hope you don’t mind my saying, Miss, but I almost find it hard to imagine a woman prettier than you.”
The bitter-hearted healer’s smile became very wicked. “You flatter me!” she said. “I am sure I cannot hold even a candle to the empress’s beauty.”
“I suppose we will see about that,” said the other healer.
But the bitter-hearted healer very much did not want to see about it. She had only been in the empress’s palace a few mere hours, but already it seemed an eternity, and so there came the time when the bitter-hearted healer—surely not thinking clearly, mind you—left her room that night and walked very resolutely to the palace gates. The other doctors and healers looked at her quite oddly as she did this, and the guards of the palace questioned her quite thoroughly.
“It is unwise,” said one of the palace guards, “to walk the streets at night, when the demons are about.”
The healer considered it might almost be a blessing, if she could be eaten by demons and never have to come before the horrible empress she did not want to see!
But the healer smiled very politely, as she was so very used to doing from her practice. “My number is very far off, you see,” she said, and she showed the guard the parchment with 43 written cleanly upon it. “I have relatives not far from this palace, and I would very much like to spend the night with them, if you understand.”
The guard shifted uncomfortably. “I understand...” he said, “But you were to come here, on royal orders—“
“And I will return,” said the bitter-hearted healer. Though she had interrupted the man, the tone of her voice had become sweeter than sugared honey. Her impertinence almost seemed kind.
“Yes, I hear what you are saying,” said the guard, and once more he shifted uncomfortably, “but you must understand....”
He could not finish his words. The bitter-hearted healer ran fingers through her slick black hair. She batted her eyelashes, only a small amount. “I know it is dangerous,” she said, “but I am a healer, and I am very good at what I do—as I am sure you know because I am standing here before you right this moment!—and if any demon were to try to hurt me, I could heal myself in just an instant!”
The bitter-hearted healer bowed down very low before the guard. “Please, good man, I am begging you to let me go.”
It was with a great hesitance that the guard did exactly so.
But the truth is that the bitter-hearted healer had no family in that kingdom. She knew no one at all in the Kingdom of the Reed Plains, and she entertained the thought that she could run away to a new settlement somewhere, perhaps by the mountains, and then she could avoid ever seeing the empress and ever living with the shame from refusing a royal order from a kingdom allied with her own.
The person she was at that moment could be considered lost. She could start a new life, and she could become a healer even more renowned than she had been in her backwater hometown. The healer’s head buzzed with ideas, bun, bun. Of course she could start up a new business someplace far away! She was so beautiful that she would quickly become the talk of the town no matter where it is she went!
This thought brought the bitter-hearted healer to stop in her tracks. No, she thought, she could not become the talk of the town in a town where the only beauty anyone could speak of was an empress who did not appreciate her beauty nor deserve it!
The healer clutched the lantern she had taken with her on her journey away from the palace quite tightly. Why did all her thoughts keep returning to such a terrible woman? Even when she had been thinking of the new life she would build for herself, the healer could not help but think of the empress.
She frowned to herself, all by herself in a great kingdom with a wondrous empress, in the forest just beyond the palace, no less, and she thought to herself that she must be such a pitiful sight that even demons would take pity upon her and spare her life should they ever find her.
The bitter-hearted healer, however, did not realize that she was so stuffed full of bitterness and cold that she smelled quite terrible to the demons who were indeed wandering about the Kingdom of the Reed Plains that night.
“That atrocious stench is ruining all the wonderful ones,” the woman heard a demon complain (though she was not aware that it was a demon speaking because the healer did not truly expect to come across demons in her great escape from the palace).
Zushin, zushin, the healer heard, thud, thud, stomp, stomp.“It must be another cold heart,” said another demon (that the healer again was not aware was truly a demon at all).
But it is quite disconcerting to hear voices that you cannot see the source of in the midst of the night, and so it was then that the healer, whose heart was beating very quickly at that moment, raised her lantern and shone it all around her.
“Who is there?” she asked. The light danced all about the darkness, and when it settled upon a face, the bitter-hearted healer was rather surprised that this face was a considerably good-looking face.
She was even more surprised when she saw another face besides the first face that was equally attractive, and indeed perhaps even more so.
“Ah,” said the owner of the first face, who looked to the bitter-hearted healer to be a young woman with eyes that sparkled like bright red rubies.“So it is you who are making this horrible, ghastly stench all throughout these lands.”
Of course, it is even more disconcerting to hear a beautiful stranger in the woods describe you as smelling atrocious, and so perhaps it is not unusual that the bitter-hearted healer felt her bitterness grow and grow within her, puffing out and expanding much like her medicinal breads did in the ovens back in her home.
She said, “Well, now, how terribly rude! I will have you know that I have traveled quite a long way!Even the bath that I have been offered in this kingdom has not treated me well, it seems!”
The owner of the second beautiful face, who seemed to the bitter-hearted healer to be an older woman with great red lips that were a deeper color than even the setting sun, shook her head at the healer, her long, dark hair brushing against her shoulders and elaborate flowered kimono.
“You misunderstand, Miss,” said this second beauty.“No amount of sweet soaps or fragrances or wondrous baths could save you from this disgusting stench that falls off you much as snow falls from the sky.”
The second beauty lifted her chin up very high.“This reek feels even more endless than snow, too,” she said.
This, too, made the bitter-hearted healer even more bitter hearted than she had been before.
The two beauties coughed before the healer could even begin to speak.
“You are making it worse!” said the first woman. “It is no good to upset a human who already smells so terrible.”
These words were the first that the bitter-hearted woman could perhaps smile at. She said, “Come now, are you traveling storytellers looking for refuge by the palace? It is quite funny of you to try to include even your audience as part of your story, but I must confess that I do not have a single coin upon my person at this moment.”
The bitter-hearted healer laughed, and the sound was surely as horrible a sound as her heart was a horrible heart and her stench was a horrible stench. “I must say, though,” said the bitter-hearted healer, “that it is not quite an appealing act to begin by insulting your audience and then continue by calling them 'human' as though you are not humans yourselves!”
These words made the two demons laugh quite heartily indeed, gera, gera, ha, ha. They laughed much more heartily than the woman, and they laughed much more genuinely, and when they had finished this laughter and wiped the tears from their eyes, the younger beauty smiled in a way that the bitter-hearted healer did not find so attractive.
Indeed, she found the grin quite terrifying.
Because, you see, the bitter-hearted healer saw that this beauty had teeth that were perhaps not quite so beautiful. There were long fangs, sharp, and it seemed very much to the healer that she was looking straight at the smiling jaws of a great monster.
“As though we are not humans ourselves!” repeated the once-beauty. The strange creature laughed once more, looking less and less beautiful to the bitter-hearted healer with every second. Its form seemed to distort and mutate before the bitter-hearted healer, and the sight was to the woman very hideous and unsightly, but somehow, you see, she could not look away.
And so it was that the bitter-hearted healer watched with wide eyes as rosy skin changed to a slick blue, shiny, dark hair became as long and wild and white as snowflakes in a great storm, and the once-beauty seemed to grow several feet, towering over the bitter-hearted healer with eyes that the healer then realized to be the shining eyes of a demon.
She also realized that they were the shining eyes of a very hungry demon.
The bitter-hearted healer, in her immense fear, toppled to the ground with a great gasp, haa, haa, wheeze, pant. Her lantern shattered, and the flames jumped out, lighting the leaves scattered upon the forest floor on fire and threatening to burn the trees as well.
Here the demons’ laughter was quite diminished.
“Look what you have made the foolish human do with your silly sideshow display,” said the older beauty. She had shifted her form as well, now bearing the appearance of a massive, red-haired blue demon clad in tiger skins, with three great horns upon her head.
She stomped out the fires with her feet, zushin, zushin, thud, thud, and the younger demon only helped with what the bitter-hearted healer would have considered reluctance, if she had the mind to think clearly. Soon enough only a small bit of flames remained, and this the younger demon held in her hands as though it was a small, fluttering little heart.
“It must be strange to you to see that flames do not burn us,” said the demon, perhaps not knowing—or perhaps knowing very, very well—that the bitter-hearted healer could think nothing on how a demon would not be burned by flames.
“As it would happen, silly, stinky human,” she explained, “demons are not affected by the cold or the heat like you flimsy creatures.”
The bitter-hearted healer could not quite take another moment of this torture. Her heart was nearly threatening to jump out of her chest, beating so very quickly, baku, baku, thump, thump, because, you see, though the healer had often come face to face with death in her practice, she had never given very much thought to the idea that she could truly, actually be the one facing death one day!
She pressed her head against the singed, cold ground with her hands in front of her and said, “Oh, please, demons, please, please spare me! Once you understand my sad tale, you cannot possibly wish to eat me!”
Of course, the bitter-hearted healer did not understand the tale of the demons themselves (and this she would never understand, much as the man in the cave would never understand the love between demons and humans, but, ah, that is a story for quite another time). The bitter-hearted healer did not understand that the demons she had encountered that fateful night were demons from a smaller settlement, and she did not know that this settlement had grown very tired of hunting humans and so had pledged, with great sincerity and passion, to refrain from ever tasting the sweet flavors of human flesh and blood ever again.
It is easy to say that the bitter-hearted healer could not have understood this tale, and it would be correct to say so, because no human in all the Kingdom of the Reed Plains at the time could say that they knew of the demons within their own lands who had sworn off eating them forever. But the bitter-hearted healer would also not have understood this tale should she have ever been told it, because, you see, to the bitter-hearted healer, a demon was a demon, and demons ate people, and there was nothing anyone could do about it.
However, the bitter-hearted healer did think very much that she could avoid being the human the demons chose to eat, if she were only clever enough.
And so the woman pushed her face even farther into the dirt (which she didn’t quite think possible), and she said, “You would understand my tale, too!”  The woman’s voice absolutely dripped with desperation, and there was enough that the demons could scoop it up with their hands and drink and be filled. “You are very beautiful demons,” the woman cried, “and my sad tale could only be understood by those who understand the gift of great beauty, and I know very well that you understand this gift!”
Now, the demons had no desire to eat the woman or even drink her blood on account of their pledge, and truth be told, they would have no desire to eat the woman or even drink her blood had they not been bound by such a pledge. There was such a terrible, ghastly stench coming off the woman and her cold, frozen heart, and the demons were quite sure that, should they even attempt to eat her, she would taste as terrible and ghastly as she smelled.
The bitter-hearted woman could also not have known that the younger demon entertained the thought of wiping her tongue off on the bark of trees after tasting someone as disgusting as the woman who sat crouched before her, and indeed, she would not have even considered such a thing. To the bitter-hearted woman, all that mattered was her beauty, and as her thinking went, beautiful creatures must also taste quite delicious, and so she must have seemed quite the delectable treat to the two demons before her.
As the bitter-hearted woman saw her situation, she would have to try her very, very hardest to not be eaten.
The demons played along with the woman. “A tale, you say?” asked the older demon woman. “Perhaps you are the one who should be the traveling storyteller?”
In all her fear, the bitter-hearted woman thought herself at least wise enough to agree with a demon when asked such a question. “Perhaps, perhaps!” she agreed, though deep inside she could not imagine being in such a lowly, silly, worthless profession as a traveling storyteller.
The demons tried very hard to refrain from gagging at how the woman’s stench became much more terrible with her lie. They continued to play the woman’s game.
“We shall see how skilled you are,” the younger demon woman said. She still held the flames in her hands, coaxing the fire as though it were a small animal.
“Yes, yes, you shall see!” cried the bitter-hearted healer, and she then told her story in the best manner she could muster. She spoke of how the beautiful empress did not deserve her beauty and did not appreciate it, and she spoke of how all the empress deserved was a hideous child, and she said that she had half-considered running away from this horrible place and starting a brand-new life because she quite abhors ungratefulness, you see, and the beautiful empress is surely the definition of ungrateful!
The bitter-hearted healer could not have known how the demons reacted to her story. She could not have understood how the two looked at each other with great plans and ideas blooming in their minds, and she could not understand the language that they spoke to one another in quiet tones, because to the bitter-hearted healer, you see, the language of the demons sounded much the same as the go-o, go-o of the wind.
And so after the bitter-hearted healer had spoken all she had to say, she stared a great, long while at the two incredible creatures before her, knowing all too well in her frozen heart that there was nothing else she could do.
But it was such a long, painful time that the demons spoke to one another, and as you might imagine from a woman who believed very sincerely that she was at death’s door, the bitter-hearted woman became quite consumed by fear. Though there was a great bitterness inside her that would not go away, there came too to be a great terror.
How horrible and unfair is everything! the woman could not help but think, tainting her scent ever more as her heart grew ever colder. Here she had not only come to the ungrateful empress’s kingdom to do her a great deed, but on her first night in the supposedly beautiful empress’s lands, she is held hostage by demons and sentenced to death! Her great kindness to come to the empress’s aid had only resulted in her very downfall!
And so the bitter-hearted woman fumed quite thoroughly to herself, and her bitterness grew and grew, and the demons spoke more and more quickly because, you see, they were not so certain how much longer they could stand being so close to such a cold-hearted, cruel woman.
It was only once the bitter-hearted healer became very convinced that she was going to be eaten on the spot that the older demon woman said, with a hesitance that the woman did not recognize as hesitance, “You have told quite an amazing story indeed.”
The bitter-hearted woman thought immediately upon hearing these words that the demon was genuine in saying them, and she would have been correct, to an extent, because the demon woman did find her tale amazing, in a sense.
The younger demon woman said, “We like your story very much, and we would like to help you! It is true; a cruel fate has come upon you, and it is not fair that you have been sent away to this kingdom! To think that you have been sent all this way to help such an empress as the human empress that reigns in the Kingdom of the Reed Plains! It is disgusting! Despicable!”
At these words, the bitter-hearted healer could have broken out into tears, and it is only the older demon’s next words that keep her from doing just that.
“If you would come with us, just a ways, we can make it so your dreams can come true,” she said.
The bitter-hearted healer felt the great relief that had only just filled her dissipate away, tainted. Her fear came back, and this fear was a terror so great that it felt to the bitter-hearted healer to be almost as tangible as the rain that began to fall upon her at that moment, zabun, zabun, plop, plop. With dread and anxiety building deep within her, the bitter-hearted woman considered many possibilities for what the demons planned to do now.
They were discussing which of my body parts they are going to eat, she thought to herself. They are going to take me back with them to their home, and they are going to enjoy me while they drink away all the water in the river that they must live by, because of course demons must live by a river! I am going to die here, and these demons must consider me quite foolish, to think that their compliments and kind words are enough to tempt me straight into the jaws of death!
The bitter-hearted woman grew more and more bitter, but she smiled very kindly at the demons, the way she had become so accustomed to from her practice, and she knew that even in the rain, she looked very beautiful when she smiled.
“I will go with you,” she said, and she got to her feet, and the demons smiled back at her, though even the bitter-hearted woman could sense that these smiles were not fully kind.
And so the bitter-hearted healer went with the demons because there was surely nothing else she could do, and she thought to herself that when they stopped and tried to devour her whole, she could perhaps kick their teeth, or perhaps they were thinking of saving her for another day, in which case she could steal their shoes and surely run a thousand ri in just a moment.
On and on the bitter-hearted healer’s thought went in this way, and she was so very preoccupied with her illusions that she did not notice at first that the demons had stopped. The bitter-hearted woman had only the little flickering light of the demon’s fire (that had somehow not been extinguished in the rain) to use to see in the darkness, but it seemed to her that they had stopped before what the healer recognized to be an herb garden much like the one she had back in her own backwater hometown.
“It is exactly what you believe it to be,” said the younger demon. The older demon then proceeded to pick from the garden something that the healer could not recognize, even with her great skill and beauty at her craft.
The bitter-hearted woman wondered briefly if whatever it is that the demon had picked would be used to make her tastier, or perhaps it was poison, and the demons truly had been moved by her tale and wished for her to have a peaceful demise rather than be swallowed whole.
It took everything the bitter-hearted woman had to not shudder terribly at this thought.
But the older demon explained, very matter-of-fact, what it was in her hands. “We do not grow the same herbs as you humans do,” she said. “Demons are much stronger than humans, with hearts that are much lighter, and we are far more advanced in our medicines.”
The bitter-rated healer did not believe this in the slightest, but she smiled her very politest smile. “I would very much like to learn more about your herbs,” she said, though she wished to say, I want absolutely nothing to do with your cursed medicines because they would be sure to poison me and all my patients!
“Unfortunately for you, I cannot share the demons’ secrets with a human,” said the older demon. “But I can provide you with this herb, to present to the empress.”
This the bitter-hearted healer found very surprising indeed.
“An herb to present to the empress?” she repeated, a strange sensation of excitement filling her no matter the fact that she was surely just seconds away from being tricked into her own demise by demons.
“Yes,” said the younger demon. “If you present this herb to the empress, her child will be born very, very healthy, because we demons have healing magic, you know, and we have the power to cure nearly any ailment known in the world just using our own power. You must imagine that our medicines are capable of much, much more.”
The bitter-hearted healer felt her excitement wane. Her polite smile fell to nastiness, and this she did not even make the slightest attempt to hide. “Why in the world would I want to give the empress exactly what she wants?” she asked. It seemed so very horrible, and she considered herself such a very sad creature, to be in a position where even the demons sided with a disgraceful, ungrateful empress over her! Was she not beautiful enough to be given whatever it is she wanted? She, who so respected and was so very grateful for the gift of beauty that she had received from the gods?
And though the bitter-hearted woman did not take any note of it, the older demon would think that perhaps she was too harsh with her next words, but she could not help it, you see, because it is a demon’s curse to be extraordinarily honest, even if humans could not comprehend nor understand this honesty.
She said, “We would hope that even the most wicked of humans would not wish for a child to be born so sickly that they perish shortly after birth,” but then she shook her head and said to the bitter-hearted empress, who smelled even more terrible at this point and seemed very much to be fuming, “But we would like to make your dream come true, healer from a faraway kingdom.”
The bitter-hearted healer crossed her arms and surveyed the demons quite thoroughly now. “Are you saying?” she started, and she could not quite finish, even if that was quite unbecoming of a beautiful lady.
“Yes,” said the younger demon. Her face was lit up by the flame that still danced in her palm. “If you give this herb to the empress, her child will be born uglier than any human and far uglier than any demon.”
A great, horrible smile came upon the bitter-hearted healer’s face at this revelation. She very gladly took the herb from the older demon, and she even more gladly presented this herb to the beautiful empress when she returned to the palace to a very relieved guard and when it came to be her turn to come before the terrible empress who had brought such pain and misfortune upon her life.
“Take this,” the bitter-hearted healer said very confidently to the empress, smiling her very politest smile that she had grown much accustomed to smiling from her practice. “Place it in your tea, and be sure that the tea is very warm, and your child will be born very healthy and very lovely.”
The bitter-hearted healer, you see, was not like the honest demons. She very much relished her lie, and her very politest smile would have seemed distinctly not polite, had anyone looked closely enough.
But no one looked closely enough, because the bitter-hearted healer was simply a small healer from a faraway kingdom, and though she was a great beauty, no one could be bothered to look her way, not when in the same room as the most beautiful empress in all the world.
However, perhaps the woman’s heart was not as cold as the demons had seen it, because even this bitter-hearted healer felt within her a sting of remorse as she stood before the empress. In the woman’s mind, you see, the empress was surely not as beautiful as she was made out to be, but this silly empress held herself up as though she was the most beautiful creature on all of the Earth! The bitter-hearted healer almost felt sorry for the poor creature, left thinking that she is so amazingly lovely when she is so clearly not.
And yet, as it may be expected from a tale such as this one, the bitter-hearted healer’s small bit of remorse was not enough for her to treat the empress properly, as she would one of her own patients back in her hometown that the woman found herself missing in increasing amounts, and so she kept her smiling as the empress thanked her for her work.
The bitter-hearted healer, of course, did not know that it was not the demons who had made it so the medicine would cause the princess of the Kingdom of the Reed Plains to be born horrifically ugly. She could not know, and she could not understand, because she did not realize her own bitter-heartedness and would never understand it, not for as long as she lived (and this, you see, was not a very much time longer).
“Humans with hearts as cold as this woman,” the old demon had said to the younger demon, back when they had first heard the healer’s sobbed tale, in a language that the bitter-hearted healer did not understand and could not understand, “are capable of tainting even the strongest medicine with evil, but it is they who suffer the most from their bitterness. A human heart is not meant to be cold. Humans are not designed for the cold as we demons are, and a frozen heart can only beat for so long before it wears itself away with its darkness.”
And so, perhaps it was not odd that the bitter-hearted healer did not live to see the day that her tainted medicine had done its work, and the empress’s daughter was indeed born as hideous as a snake. The healer was a miracle doctor from the heavens and a healer who could heal all, it seemed, except herself. The bitter-hearted woman’s coldness made her incurably ill upon returning to her kingdom, and the people sighed for a moment at her passing.
“She was quite a beauty,” the people said, because it was quite sad to lose someone who looked so lovely, just as it is quite sad to lose a lovely flower to an unseasonal bout of cold weather. “It is a shame to lose her and no longer see such a lovely face.”
But as all beauty eventually fades one day, so did the memory of the healer, who, you must understand, was not truly especially skilled at her craft, and indeed, had relied heavily on the skills of her not-so-pretty assistants whose stories the world did remember far beyond their time.
And so the bitter-hearted healer’s tale was forgotten, and when the time comes that a man in a cave tells this story of the beautiful empress’s ugly daughter to the Crown Princess Satsuki, not a soul remains who remembers the bitter-hearted healer at all.
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scenariosofkonoha · 6 years
How would Naruto be like when his daughter is dating someone? And how would he react to her getting her first period? If you can answer this, please.
Hey Anon! It was my pleasure to answer this! It was fun to think of Naruto this way. He’s just a dad doing his best. Thank you so much for the ask and I hope you like it! ~ Admin Little Lace 🎀
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Naruto Uzumaki is an optimist through and through. So when he originally found out that he and his wife were expecting a daughter, he was over the moon. No matter the stories and warnings about raising girls, the once knuckle head ninja was undeterred.
“I survived. Sakura and Grandma Tsunade. How bad can it be?”
Answer: He is woefully unprepared.
From the moment the newborn squinted at him, he was wrapped around her little finger. She was his precious baby girl, the light of his life. A perfect little angel that could do no wrong, and would remain that way
So when she turned 5 and declared:
“I have a boyfriend”
The man damn near had a heart attack.
“B-b…boyfriend?” the “well feared” shinobi squealed.
“Uh-huh,” the whisker-marked girls spoke, rocking from heel to toe restlessly. “I love him, you know?” the more excited the miniature Uzumaki grew, so paler did her father. The girl’s mother was no help, covering her laughter at her husband’s expense.
“Yes daddy,”
“Boyfriend?” he parroted now to his wife who rolled her eyes.
“Yes love,”
“Who?” he frantically asked his daughter pulling her. She smiled brightly, mistaking the man’s panic for enthusiasm.
It takes Naruto a few stressful minutes to assess that it’s just “puppy love” (A term he was not thrilled with) and it was not serious.
This didn’t stop him from giving the Inuzuka a dirty look every now and again.
Since this incident occured Naruto didn’t freak out to much when he caught wind of any of the girl’s crushes. The girl’s boy crazy stage not breaking the man as everyone would have thought.
And yet each boy strangely became afraid of the jinchuriki Something about the dark look in his eye. Weird, you know?
Naruto is very protective over his daughter. He wants her to live her best life, he wants her to be happy. But he knows what boys her age think about. Probably better than most.
Jiraya was his sensei after all. He remembers training on those “research trips”. And he would be damned if any over sexed boys even so much as thought about his daughter in such a way.
Yet it isn’t exactly all consuming fear, they don’t think Naruto will hurt them. In any other respect the Hokage is well loved and admired. But if an eye even wanders in her direction, a dark essence comes from the friendly nin that resembles some sort of demon.
With all provisions on making sure his daughter was safe, and every boy on her team and in her class was afraid of him, he is taken a back when she comes to him with a request.
“Dad, I want you to mean someone.”
“Sure, honey.” he answered half heartedly. His attention stolen by the stack of mission reports. The hokage’s daughter looked to his advisor. Shikamaru gave a heavy sigh, rolling his eyes.
“Naruto, don’t you want to know who it is?” the shadow-nin prompted, trying his best to pull his friend from his work.
“Of course,” the words not holding much weight with his head buried in work. ‘Who is it?”
“My boyfriend,” For a solid half a minute the seventh Hokage continued with his work. His companion’s watch as his eyes scanned the scroll. Then suddenly he stopped, attention shifting quickly to the kunoichi. Blue eyes slowly squinting before popping open fair too wide.
“Yep,” the girl answered. This was a far cry from her five old excitement. There was an easy smile and something else…a glow, his little girl had a glow. Naruto’s stomach dropped.
“You wouldn’t know him,” the chunin’s smiled formed into knowing smirk. “He’s from Suna,”
The littlest Uzumaki isn’t stupid. Though it may have taken time, she could figure out what her father was doing. It starts to make sense when every time her team reported for a mission they went from smiles to pale faces and averted eyes. So it was only natural that anyone she showed real interest in was more than likely going to be from another village all together.
Naruto, for his part, doesn’t know what to do. Between working to keep the boys away and keeping his daughter safe. He hadn’t planned for when she actually had a boyfriend.
The Shinobi is the father that forgets his daughter isn’t a child anymore. Successful Kunoichi? Yes. Capable woman? Debatable but yes. But she was still his little girl. Who was dating…
Was he prepared for that?
“Soo…you’ll meet him?” he supposed he’d have to be.
“Sure, I will.”
Naruto will give that boy the hardest of times. If they are a ninja he will pull his file. If they are a civilian he has had the ANBU make a file. He’ll know everything there is to know about his daughters new beau. Said new beau would probably already be nervous to begin with in meeting the Hokage. The Jinchuriki would insure that he would be constantly on edge, testing to see if he is worthy.
It may be a bit excessive, and more that intimidating. But chances are it won’t last long very long. At his core, the blond-nin is a kind soul. Whoever has his daughter’s heart, there is a high probability he’ll grown to like him too. He wants his daughter. and if this person make her happy, who is he to stop that?
This being said, the person that breaks her heart is in for it. Nothing on this planet will save the from the wrath of Naruto Uzumaki. Nothing. And with his tenacity, they wouldn’t be able to hide either.
1st Period
As a boy, there was no reason, in his mind, why Naruto would need to know about the female body. He was given the talk and knew where babies came from, but didn’t understand all the mechanics.
And he didn’t really get it when his S/O explained it when they started dating. Hence his infamous:
“Oh, you’re on your period!”
That he exclaimed in front of Kami and all his witnesses in the market. He hadn’t meant to embarrass her. They both knew that. But still they had decided after their daughter was born that his wife would cover the discussion of that subject.
So it came as a surprise when, just his luck, his wife was on a mission when the gift of nature arrived.
“Hey sweetie you feeling okay?” the man’s sleep graveled voice croaked as he poured her cereal  into the bowl. Turning her head from it’s place resting on the table, her eyes met his. Placing the back of his head on her head the shinobi observed her. She wasn’t warm but her eyes were a bit unfocused.
“Not really my stomach feels weird.”
It had started of with her just not feeling well. But with no visible signs of illness the man isn’t see what to do. Naruto can be a bit of a worry wart when it come to his child. To make sure she is alright, he even tries to work from home. Not amount of work would allow him to leave her alone, especially when her mother is away from the village.
Not knowing but she has he just has her rest. He’ll check up on her every so often. Since she has never felt this before she can’t explain it, concerning him all the more. The mystery makes him a bit anxious. If she gets any worse he promises to call grandma Tsunade.
Upon checking on her one more time, he receives a shock.
“I think I’m bleeding.”
Being a survivor of a war, Naruto begins frantically looking for a wound. When he doesn’t see an outward one, and paired with his daughter’s uncomfortable look, it dawns on the blond-nin what is going on.
To the best of his ability he will try to explain what is going on with her body. He doesn’t understand the terminology fully and keeps doubling back to describing things. It is painful to listen to but humor to watch the savior of the village try to get his bearings.
After a bit her realizes the problem at hand and tries to handle it. His “handling” of it is going through a box of feminine products and reading the directions out loud as he figures out how to help. After failing to explain tampons without sounding confusing her instructs on pads.
“Sticky side down,”
His performance bringing laughter from his already dumb founded daughter. For Naruto laughter is good. She can’t freak out or cry if he makes her laugh. Laughing himself brings ease as he goes to reassess the situation. By reassess he means send a clone to go to Tsunade to help with the strange stomach pains.
When the clone goes to consult Lady 5th, the main body does what he can for his daughter. Taking from what he would do for his wife, He gives her tea and a heating pad wrapping her in a blanket.
Not knowing what else to do, he sits with her, doing his best to make her comfortable. Her father has been busy lately he takes the time to catch up with his daughter. The whisker-marked duo filling each other in on the smaller events that had transpired as of late.
The clone returns with herbal tea and a bottle of medicinal herbs for the “stomach ache” that Tsunade correct informs him are called cramps. The former hokage also informs him that she’ll be over after her game.
The instructions are simple enough, now all Naruto has to do is figure out how much to give her.
“It goes by weight,” the man read the note looking down at the bottle. “So…um how much do you weigh?”
“How much is it per pound?” the be-whiskered girl questioned back. Her father frowned as he concentrated a little too hard on the note. The man’s elongated “Uh…” made his daughter less likely to take anything he was giving her.
Being a jinchuriki sort of cancels out the need for run of the mill medicines. So unfortunately Naruto has no clue how to administer the proper (and non-lethal) amount of medicine.
Another clone is sent to Sakura. This one returns with all of the herbs separated into doses with instructions on when and how many times it can be taken.
After quite a while, when her card game had ended (and she was broke), Tsunade came to check in on the girl. The Lady 5th finds bother her and her father past out on the couch. The low coffee table covered in empty ramen cups forgetting chocolate wrappers and sticks from Popsicles. All of them signs that the 7th Hokage had tried his absolute best to make his daughter feel better.
Tomorrow the Sanin would check in on pseudo-granddaughter. For now she would let the two of them sleep.
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