#processing speed
positivelyadhd · 3 months
sending my love to people with slow processing speeds.
you should be allowed to take your time to do things and I am so sorry if people have ever made you feel like you can't.
you and your contributions are just as worthy as everyone else's, the speed in which you do them should not impact that.
I am so sorry if you ever been made to feel like you weren't good enough because you "couldn't keep up".
you are good enough. you are trying enough. there is nothing wrong with you and it's not your fault.
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augmentedpolls · 5 days
Only vote if you’ve taken an official, in person test (dodgy online ones don’t count).
If you’ve had a neuropsychological evaluation (most people who have been diagnosed with or assessed for neurodevelopmental disorders such as intellectual disability, adhd, autism, and learning disabilities) you’ve probably had your IQ tested
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chipmunkweirdo · 1 month
If you guys like these, I’ll keep making more!
SIMON: Hello? Did you hear me?
ALVIN 2.0: No. Sorry ‘bout that. Didn’t catch a word you said. My brain is currently processing 10 different things at once. It was processing 20, but I cut it down to 10 for maximum efficiency.
SIMON: Can you…maybe pause that to pay attention to our conversation?
ALVIN 2.0: No can do, bro. But don’t worry, I can just add our conversation as thing number 11. Easy peasy.
SIMON: I doubt it.
ALVIN 2.0: What did you wanna ask me?
SIMON: Do you want spaghetti tonight?
ALVIN 2.0: Sounds great.
SIMON: Do you know what I asked?
ALVIN 2.0: Yeah. You asked about pasta.
SIMON: What kind of pasta?
ALVIN 2.0: Spaghetti.
SIMON: (shocked face) Okay….
ALVIN 2.0: Would you like to hear about the 10 different things my brain is processing?
SIMON: Alvin, no. With all due respect, I don’t think I’d be able to handle that.
ALVIN 2.0: Cool, well, good talk then. I gotta get back to my chores.
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abucketofweird · 6 months
Neurodivergence and processing disorders:
I learned about processing speeds recently and let me tell you I have NEVER felt more comfortable with how I am
“Processing speed is the time that lapses from when you receive information until you understand it and start to respond.”
Neurodivergent people typically have a slower processing speed than neurotypical people (due to how much information we take in and other things) which causes us to “learn” at a slower rate
But we are still intelligent and can pick up these things! I am worthy of learning and being taught!
There are many different types of processing disorders such as visual, auditory, and sensory are common!
A great article:
More information and resources below the cut!
I recently had a tough emotionally hurtful moment after a professor asked me to stop asking so many questions because I was slowing down the class. And I get it! We have 50 minutes and a LOT to cover! She offered me so many resources and support! That helped but I was still embarrassed and kind of hurt and I can’t stop thinking about it.
The neurotypical set up for schools and other jobs is unhelpful for our learning. And we need to let people learn at their own pace with resources and support from those around us.
Anyways that comfort of knowing really helped me understand myself and how to go about my classes in a way I never have before! I hope some of you can relate to this and feel better about yourselves!
Some things I experience that can be attributed to this sometimes:
- I need things repeated in many ways
- I can’t memorize 50 things in a week (spelling is also difficult for me which affects the next one)
-I can’t copy notes from the board quickly because I forget the words almost immediately
-I can’t ever do math quickly, and have trouble recognizing patterns as quickly…
- when learning new things in a lecture setting or in a conversation I miss other information trying to process the first thing or what they said.
- underestimating the time a task will take for me which is typically longer than others.
- exam anxiety because I freeze and need to reread instructions or questions more time
- making decisions because it takes me longer to focus on all of the information
Some other articles that I found:
This one is specific to children (because adult neurodivergence is rarely studied) but thinking back to my childhood these were my experiences:
An article that discusses ADHD and slow progressing speed more specifically in an office job setting and some suggestions on accommodating it:
A reputable study done in 2018 that focuses on young adults that suggests autistic people do experience this:
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pandemic-info · 2 years
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I've debated for a long time about being public with this, bc it's heavy & I still haven't come to terms with it. But I have a rare pre-COVID datapoint so will do it, hoping it helps people:
Right before I got COVID, I did neuro testing to see if I had ADHD.
Thread about lowered processing speed due to long COVID; now hundreds of replies stating the same.
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katsinspats · 3 months
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Thematically appropriate comic for Make a Terrible Comic Day!!
I saw the original post this morning and it made me get out of bed to make something, so thank u Pseudonym Jones mission accomplished
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hinamie · 2 months
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#my art#jujutsu kaisen#jjk#yuji itadori#megumi fushiguro#itafushi#fushiita#fanart#jjk fanart#jujutsu kaisen fanart#megumi#yuuji#im shaky and numb the way this took years off my life#genuinely cannot believe i thought it was smart to make it a comic i could have stuck at a painting and it would have been fine#but nooooooo in my hubris i thought Surely im an expert at this longform stuff now Surely i can do it :)#and then it killed me it killed me dead this is like over twice as long as the train comic and 4 times as detailed#backgrounds . angles. i yearn fr death.#AND I HAD 2 WRITE THEM ACTUALLY TALKING GGSDH i am actually so insecure abt the way the dialogue flows gomen....#i wanted to add more to it to fix how clipped and rushed i think it reads#but that would mean drawing more expressions would mean drawing more panels would mean more gd hyDRANGEAS#so ultimately i decided 2 have the conversation take the hit because let me tell u.#if i have to draw. one more blue petal i will snap i will lose it#i knew tht would happen n wanted to alleviate some of the pain so i found a few brushes that helped speed up the process#but the thing w a lot of premade flower brushes is they also come preshaded n look uniform in a way that stands out badly against my style#so i had 2 render over them anyway........#yuuji's domain rly putting me through the wringer first the train station now death by a bajillion petals smh#all that to say tho . my labour of love . i am going to take a nap#hina.comic
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dailynewzfeed · 1 year
New study finds that exercise can help to improve cognitive function
A new study published in the journal "NeuroImage" has found that exercise can help to improve cognitive function. The study, which was conducted by researchers at the University of Western Ontario, involved training participants to engage in regular aerobic exercise.
The researchers found that the participants who engaged in regular aerobic exercise showed a significant improvement in cognitive function, including memory, attention, and processing speed. The researchers also found that the participants who engaged in regular aerobic exercise were less likely to develop cognitive decline in later life.
The study's authors believe that the findings could have implications for the prevention of cognitive decline and the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. They say that exercise is a safe and effective way to improve cognitive function and protect the brain from age-related decline.
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hellenhighwater · 1 month
Best study tips?
Oh you don't want that advice from me. My law school professors are still using me as an example of don't do this (unless it works for you (but it won't unless you're crazy.)) I am an undisputed queen of the eleventh hour caffenated cram session, followed by a 90 minute REM cycle and fugue state exam.
I guess the only things I can say, in good conscience, is to give yourself a place to study where that is the ONLY thing you do. I learned really fast that I cannot study at home. I'm too easily distracted. So instead I would study at the lawbrary for as late as it was open, (usually 2 am) and then relocate to a 24 hour diner if I needed to keep going. Even a noisy diner was easier to study in, because there's nothing to do there but eat or whatever work you brought with. I'm not saying that's necessarily going to work for everyone, but having a physical location where Study Happens really helped me maintain focus.
On a similar note, if you're trying to retain huge quantities of information, physically mapping them out can help. Not just with fitting the info together, but in helping your brain network it together in a consistent and recallable way. When I was Bar prepping, I literally covered the walls of my lawbrary study room with outlines and flowcharts of all of the relevant material. And when I needed to recall it, I would find myself at the testing desk, looking up into the empty space where that information was logged, and I would know it.
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But honestly studying is just a process of figuring out what works best for you.
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positivelyadhd · 3 months
Thank you for that sps post 💗 I have high intelligence but below average processing speed and its such a conflict in my brain. I dont think many people realize just how much of a problem sps can be, especially when they can't even tell you have it 😞
i'm so glad it helped anon <3
i expereince the same, my processing speed is very below average but my intelligence is higher and i found those things kind of balanced each other out?
it's largely the reason i couldn't get any support for my ND until i was in sixth form (16/17), because teachers would see that i wasn't failing my exams so clearly i didn't need any support?
learning about what having a slow processing speed means how it impacts us has helped me a lot with being kinder to myself.
I think that society places way too much importance on the ability to do things quickly and really sucks how little people seem to understand it? Since leaving school and working in retail I've found my sps has been the most difficult thing, not because I find it difficult but because people around me seem to struggle to understand it?
so many people seem to think that if they point out someone is taking a while to do something they'll just speed up. like it's something that a person can control? or that everyone does things at the same speed and if someone takes longer to do something than them then they must've been wasting time or not doing it right.
it's the thing i've always been insecure about because it's the thing i've always been so aware i sturggle with it and get told to get better at. it's upsetting and frustrating to have to try and explain that i can't. that yeah it must be a little annoying you had to wait 10 minutes for me to complete a task you would've done in 5 five, but this is my life, everything takes me longer and no matter how hard i try i can't change that.
it has felt so isolating, to know the world works faster than I can, so i'm glad to hear i'm not alone. i'm sending you love anon <33
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liteee · 4 months
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Comfy wolf
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artpepkin · 1 month
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Wolverine fixation jumpscare
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tswwwit · 4 months
Do you think once in a blue moon dipper just re-incarnates into a snake or something? So now bill destroyer of souls mass murder has a tiny little garden snake that just chills in his top hat
Finally, an answer to the question, 'would Bill still love Dipper if he was a worm?'
Turns out it's yes, but he's pretty miffed about it. Now he has to wait until the dang thing dies PLUS wait time to have a half-decent conversation again.
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serafisolaris · 1 month
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just a snippet
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wolfythewitch · 1 year
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paintings for class (prop design)
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lilybug-02 · 8 months
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Establishing shots. My beloved.
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