#professional burnout
fenmere · 1 year
Just what is burnout?
Something that really irritates us and troubles us about discussions of burnout is that there are different kinds and levels of burnout, and everyone is always talking about their own without specifying what it is. And that gets confusing. There's professional burnout, where you lose your ability to be creative and make decisions at a given job or task. This might happen outside of employment, but it's kinda rare. We could just call it artistic burnout for that, though. But what happens is that you work too hard at this one thing and then your brain just can't do it anymore for a while.
It might effect the rest of your life in other ways, but mostly, you just really need to move onto something else for a while.
This has happened to us regarding art, for instance, and switching to writing allowed us to continue being productive and seeking nice brain chemicals.
Then there's systemic burnout, which is usually called autistic burnout, but it can happen to people with ADHD, and we think it can happen to anybody. It just happens to autistic people and people with ADHD more because we tend to overload faster, and we have more social and sensory demands on us constantly that most other people don't experience. And maybe it's the same mechanism as professional/artistic burnout, but it happens to your whole damn mind and body.
When it hits, you might not even be able to dress yourself in the morning. It can vary.
And both types of burnout happen on a spectrum of length and severity.
Some people talk about burnout that means they have to rest for a couple of hours. Like a daily limit. We don't consider that burnout, honestly. It's more like a brown out, or just a loss of that days spoons. It's a warning sign for longer burnout. If you keep hitting it, it's gonna get way worse.
But, a lot of people call it burnout, and we can't stop them.
Then there's burnout that lasts a few days. That's more like something we'd call burnout, but, we gotta tell you this, it's still really just a warning sign.
Like, your life and career can bounce back from that. You can call in, rest, and then get back to it.
But, if you keep hitting that wall and keep going back to your usual grind, it's gonna get worse.
Then you'll see a few autistics talking about burnout that lasts a couple weeks to a few months. There you're getting into dangerous territory. That can get you fired from a job, maybe even end your career. It can definitely put you in financial dire straights. But you might still be able to take a two week vacation and hobble back to what you were doing.
Then there's what we got: Burnout that lasts years, or is maybe permanent.
We hit systemic burnout in 2012, but we didn't know what was going on and we kept trying to push through it at half pace until 2014, after which we became permanently disabled. And we started having regular meltdowns and picked up involuntary stimming habits we never had before.
And we're still in it.
Unmasking and crying for help, finding a place where we could live with most of the accommodations we needed, all helped us to recover some of our previous function. And we also now know better never to try to act neurotypical again. But even if we tried, we could not possibly perform like we used to.
Part of our permanent disability is that we've also developed a number of chronic illnesses. More than one. They were actually already there, growing since childhood, but they got much, much worse from the stress.
But our burnout itself shows itself in lower thresholds for all tolerances, emotions, senses, everything. And a frequent blank mind most days.
And we're really starting to feel like it's pretty important that people learn to recognize these different types and levels, because a lot of the time they'll write shit like, "Burnout is like [this]. [This] is what happens during burnout." And they'll inevitably be describing something way more mild than what can actually happen, and they'll make it sound definitive.
And that's not doing anybody any good.
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wisterianwoman · 5 months
How to Overcome Burnout Without Losing Your Progress
Discover the signs of burnout and effective strategies to overcome it while maintaining your progress. Learn how to recognize symptoms, take breaks, and stay on track, ensuring your well-being and productivity.
Discover the signs of burnout and effective strategies to overcome it while maintaining your progress. Learn how to recognize symptoms, take breaks, and stay on track, ensuring your well-being and productivity. In the fast-paced, demanding world of today, burnout has become an all too familiar foe for many striving to excel in their personal and professional lives. Whether you’re an…
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attorney-anon · 1 year
Warning: Death, Guns, Alcohol, and Suicide Discussed Herein
Also adding a cut, just to be sure no one sees this that doesn't want to.
I posted yesterday about an OP's potential death. I got confirmation & the full story yesterday evening, and have been processing. We don't talk about it much, but compassion fatigue and vicarious trauma are real things that attorneys - especially, imo, family attorneys - deal with. And in the wake of something like this, it's important to take time to process what's happened. It's important to care for yourself, and your needs, even if it means putting other clients on a bit of a hold. In a lot of ways, family law is like an airplane - you put your own oxygen mask on first.
OP was an alcoholic; it was the whole reason we were in court in the first place. He'd had several slips, which resulted in him being on repeated breathalyzer testing before & during his visits with his kid. This came about after several temporary orders hearings about his alcoholism. At the last one, he actually indicated, in sworn testimony, that he believed himself immune to hangovers, so there was no way he could be an alcoholic.
So... yeah. He'd had several slips, but had sworn up and down that he was recovering. The week before Labor Day, he missed a scheduled test, didn't even try to pick up his kiddo (which he wasn't entitled to do anyway due to the missed test). Shortly before the weekend, we discovered that his alcohol monitoring account was deactivated. We knew at that point that he was on a bender, and we figured we'd bring it up to the Court when he came back around.
Instead, over the long weekend, still reportedly on a bender, he ended his life with a shotgun.
I didn't like this man, or his attorney, for that matter. OP was an awful person by all accounts, and his behavior put his - very young - child at risk consistently, to the point where other adults in the kiddo's life expressed concern about what would happen if he had custody of kiddo without his wife present (his wife isn't pleasant, either, but she's at least sober most of the time). OC is a grade-A sleazeball, who never did anything properly by the rules, but relied on his reputation with the judge to get away with it (which, unfortunately, often worked).
I have extremely mixed feelings. On the one hand, I feel relief for my client and the kiddo that the custody battle is over. And that's awful and shitty of me to say, and I understand that rationally, but there it is. He didn't deserve unsupervised custody of his kid, and now he won't have it.
But at the same time, I feel so heartbroken for the kid, and for his wife and other children - this is an awful thing to go through, and no one deserves it. And, already, I can see the beginnings of the losses that are going to continue to occur. Kiddo's not going to be able to see his half-siblings, because OP's widow and our client hate each other with a passion, and this death has definitely not changed it.
I'm pissed at the judge, even though I know it's not fair. We asked for him to be ordered to AA, or IOP treatment, or some kind of substance abuse program. We asked for this repeatedly, but the judge insisted that it wasn't that bad. And, clearly, it was that bad. And if he'd been ordered to treatment, maybe he wouldn't have gone on this bender. Maybe he'd still be alive.
And, perhaps worse, I feel personally guilty. This was really the first time that OP was held accountable for his drinking, every time, without fail. And it wouldn't surprise me if it took a toll on him to know that he couldn't lie his way out of it this time. And I had a hand in that, and in fact I told my client multiple times that the reason for the monitoring was to hand him a proverbial rope so that he could "hang himself" for the judge. I knew it'd be stressful, and that he'd fail and that he'd have to face his failures head-on. I never expected it to end like this, of course, but I know I had a hand in pushing him to the ledge.
And of course, rationally speaking, this is no one's fault. But I keep finding myself going down the rabbit hole of being sad and angry and relieved, and it's actually hard to focus on other things for very long. So, today, I'm focusing on relaxing, and processing, and doing what I can to help myself move forward. I slept in a bit, and went to the office a little later than normal. Because I couldn't focus there, I came home at lunch to work from home so I could work in my pajamas, and I'm making my favorite meal for dinner tonight so I can eat it while I re-watch one of the crime procedurals I like. I e-mailed clients to reschedule appointments while my cat slept next to me on the couch (don't work in your bed, y'all).
And, for young attorneys and law students: You have to do this, too, when things like this happen. It's normal to care about your clients and their families, and it's okay to need to process the traumas you inherit from them. When you don't take time to process trauma - even other people's trauma - then you'll wind up burnt out.
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medicomunicare · 2 years
Le sfide degli infermieri nelle case di cura durante il COVID: valutazioni sul benessere mentale compromesso
Le sfide degli infermieri nelle case di cura durante il COVID: valutazioni sul benessere mentale compromesso
A maggio 2022 c’erano più di 620 milioni di persone nel mondo infettate dalla malattia di Covid-19, di cui 6,55 persone erano morte. La pandemia di COVID e le sue conseguenze hanno colpito tutti gli aspetti dei servizi sanitari a livello globale, compresa l’assistenza domiciliare. La pandemia pone ancora sfide all’assistenza infermieristica domiciliare a causa del rischio di trasmissione del…
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unkat · 2 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: ダンジョン飯 | Dungeon Meshi | Delicious in Dungeon Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Chilchuck Tims/Laios Touden Characters: Laios Touden, Chilchuck Tims Additional Tags: BDSM, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, erotic picture taking, Cock Cages, Boot Worship, Humiliation, Pet Play, Spanking, Grinding, Oral Sex, Orgasm Control, Accidental Orgasm, Teasing, Punishment, Established Relationship, Bottom Laios Touden Summary: After keeping Laios in chastity for a couple weeks, Chilchuck lets him burn off some steam, too much. Luckily, Laios loves to clean up his mistakes.
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sheisanimposter · 1 year
One of the best pieces of advice a mentor has given me is that perfectionism is just a pretty way of saying "bad at collaboration".
I'm trying to translate this lesson into my student habits now that I've returned to academia.
Perfectionism eliminates opportunities for others to give feedback or contribute, it reduces your opportunities to learn a new perspective, and it limits your final results. Don't be so quick to assume the value of someone else's input even if you're super well informed on the topic.
Ask that question, get that second opinion, schedule that brainstorming session. Be so brave, your mind and soul will thank you.
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eternalglitch · 2 years
Hey, so I'm the person who sent you the ask three days ago asking how you cope with burnout and such. I just want to say the advice you gave was hands down the best writing advice I've ever gotten, and it gave me so much hope. I have to thank you for not answering how many tend to do with the passive-aggressive "Perhaps writing just isn't for you if you can't push through burnout. 🙃" as well, because I can't tell you how much that has beat me down.
I've now gone from an average of thirty minutes of writing a day until I lose motivation to THREE HOURS. That's the quickest, most drastic progress I've EVER made.
You inspired me so much. I wish I could hug you. Ily.
You've been given silly advice in the past. The only time I would ever warn someone that way (and I say "that way" loosely because that delivery SUCKS) is if they were trying to live 100% off of their writing, because bills are bills and you can't wait for inspiration if that's your job.
But writing as a hobby, as a skill, as an act of creation that humans frequently engage in? Absolutely there is room for everybody. The people that tend to be hit hardest with burnout (in my experience) burn the brightest when actively in the act of creating. They can put together things in a short span of time that would be impossible for other people. We all have our strengths and weaknesses and rather than hold one brain wiring or whatever up as "better" I think learning how to work with what you have will eventually work with you to create something that feels worthwhile. You just need to be patient and kind to yourself until you get there.
I've also had some pretty bad writing teachers. I'm not interested in being that kind of hurdle to "overcome" in anyone else's writing journey by being anything other than encouraging.
Congrats on the progress!! I hope it stays with you, and when it lapses again I hope you enjoy having time to rest and enjoy yourself in other ways so you're ready to go again when the time comes :}
[Sends a virtual hug your way.]
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s1xseasonsandamov1e · 23 days
oh and also i finally got my offical diagnoses today! turns out i was right about everything and that was a waste of six months and my parents money.
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epersonae · 1 month
🐙 and 🐍 !!!!
🐙Edward Teach my beloved, the man who invented eyes, brilliant and badass and completely burned out. He's beautiful? I would climb him like a tree if I didn't know that Stede would fully eviscerate me for trying. His expression of grief is literally one of the most important things ever, it got me through an incredibly challenging time in my life. How is he even more beautiful while trapped in despair? But then he gets love and joy, and that too is so important. Also the living embodiment of this face: 🥺 - absolutely could not resist that shit.
🐍I want Archie backstory so bad. She's so weird and cheerful; HOW'D SHE GET THAT WAY? How'd she get recruited to the Kraken-era Revenge?! I don't have the hots for her that some of my friends do but I wanna hang out and listen to her tell stories.
[send an emoji and I'll give you my opinion of an OFMD character]
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mraculous · 2 years
*slams eighth shot of whiskey* okay listen i gotta get this out before more episodes come out, invalidating it all, but can we TALK about the adjusted dynamics of the lovesquare, stick to the end for me losing my mind about ladrien
I never read the bible so no spoilers there, but spoilers for the tfou apocalypse up through elation/exaltation
Ladynoir. The classic. The OG.
We're in a unique position with them because, Ladynoir has historically had 2 distinct dynamics: 1 when Ladybug thought Chat Noir was just flirting and he thought he had a chance, and one when she knew he loved her, and he knew she didn't.
When she was oblivious, it was flirt central! it was cute! light! fun! In the second, it was sad (we the audience knew that lb DID in fact love cn back, just, behind the mask. yakno, the classic, the og) and somewhat frustrating bc we wanted CN to chill tf out, which, eventually, he did, all the while still loving his lady
Now? NOW???? Y'all it's BOTH
Chat Noir doesn't KNOW (yet) that Ladybug is in love with him. He just thinks she's flirting, or testing him.
But Ladybug DOES know. She KNOWS he doesn't love her. When CN was in this phase, flirting to an oblivious LB, he still had hope that she would love him or at least he lived for the moments she flirted back, but NOW?? Ladybug knows!!! She knows exquisitely that CN does not love Ladybug anymore. (even though we AND LB know that he does love her, just behind the mask)
It's just such a beautiful reversal chefs kiss mwah
I basically just keep thinking of that sad look CN gave her when Glaciator was screaming about how CN should love LB, and that little comforting pet she gave him. Tears.
the other sides under the cut
Adrienette. Our cute blushing oblivious babies.
Tbh team? I'm not sure where this one will go! Don't have a lot to say about it that the show hasn't already. Adrien fell for Marinette hook line and sinker, we all saw it coming we're all just happy to be here. Marinette is afraid to love him and "no alya he's just a friend" I'm just thrilled to see where this goes
(especially now that Adrien has kissed Marinette???? AND that he knows she doesn't love him anymore??? I Am All In)
(but also we the viewers have just a little drop of sadness/frustration too in this because, like, We Know!!! we've been here the whole time!! You DUMMIES YOU LOVE EACH OTHER and this is RIDICULOUS and UNNECESSARILY TRAGIC just LKAJSD;FLKJ anyway)
Marichat. Okayokayokayokayokayokayokayokay
In Ye Olden Dayes, Marichat was the sin ship. But even before that, it was always the side of the square where there was no performance, no pretension, just two people who were friends (but didn't know how good) hanging out with lots of chemistry but no blushing.
But now WWHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOO BOOI I mean the fact that marichat was the first side to consensually, of sound mind, and in the canon timeline, kiSS is bonkers to me, congrats to taylordraws for predicting the future I guess
But! Now!!!! They love each other!! If they're ever around each other again it's going to be a bluSHING NIGHTMARE especially since them being together caused Marinette to almost get akumatized, and that they both understand it can't work, there'S THAT HINT OF SADNESS r u sensing a theme
But okay, that thing I just said 20 words ago, them being a blushing nightmare, it's because this is the side that's in love with each other. Marinette < - > Chat Noir it's a two way door okay and that's what ladrien used to be and what ladrien was based on. But now we have the ladrien dynamic + sads + MORE KNOWLEDGE + EVEN MORE DRAMATIC IRONY and frankly I'm alive
Ladrien. *smashes whiskey glass on floor and screams*
I'm a longtime Ladrien stan. I just think they're neat. I just think they should kiss. A li'l smooch. The first fic I ever wrote for this fandom was a ladrien "almost kiss UST" one shot.
But now? NOW??
Ladrien is now the Marichat dynamic. Marichat and Ladrien have flipped. Before, Ladrien was the two way love street, and Marichat was the platonic "no pretenses" street. Now, Marichat has taken on Ladrien's vibe (with some extra Sadness TM), so what has Ladrien become?
You'd think, oh it's just marichat now, no pretenses, they know they don't love each other, easy, *kisses you on the mouth* NO.
Picture this. Ladrien bathroom balcony scene. Or Ladybug saves Adrien. Whatever. All the reasons the show has given us for our heroes/civilians to interact outside their partnerships. With Marichat, they're cursed by knowledge. They know they love the other, but that the other doesn't love them (or so they think). With Ladrien, there's no such curse.
For Adrien? He looks at Ladybug, the girl he used to love. Used to. Past tense. All those pictures on his phone, his silly date ideas, his puns and flirting, that's all in the past now. She made it clear she doesn't love him back, and besides, he loves someone else now. He'll always love her like a friend, of course, she's his best friend, but... anything else is too hard.
For Ladybug? She looks at Adrien. The boy she used to love. She probably still does a little bit but it's different now. How it used to be, all that flailing around, the ridiculous schemes, the presents, the obsession, that's done. He might think he loves her now, but, no, she loves someone else. Outside of the mask, she's still his friend, of course, but, how it was before? It was just too hard.
Basically: THE BIG SADS. These two are exes, they're forlorn lovers, they're each other's "one that got away." But without either of them truly knowing why, or how, or even with the benefit of a real "we were together, now we're apart." These two moved past their unrequited love for each other through sheer force of will and lack of communication and now... now what are they?
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romance-incubomp3 · 3 months
I think I underestimated how prestigious the playwriting conference I’m attending right now is. because it’s in valdez which, while historically significant, is tiny and in the middle of nowhere alaska
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impossibleprincess35 · 4 months
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thekeymonster · 1 year
this is soooo random but i was wondering how long have u been doing art or been drawing ur amazingly talented
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catofoldstones · 1 year
Courage the Cowardly Dog is why I have anxiety
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radioves · 8 months
apparently i have what ive come to refer to as reverse "my kid / i could do that" syndrome, because instead of downplaying someones efforts i just fully believe i am just as, if not more, skilled as them. i could do that if i wanted to. "then why dont you?" because i dont wanna. but i could if i tried. not going to though.
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weaponizedmoth · 8 months
It's genuinely so important to support OC art. OCs are the backbone of art creation plus they're just little guys I like to keep around.
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