#protecting valuables
noxribles · 11 months
a little cruise adventure hc <3 (left to right)
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from this little panel
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pageofheartdj · 11 months
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Leo views himself and his brothers a whole package, inseparable.
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uncanny-tranny · 8 months
You know... it's okay to trust your body. If you are separated from your body to such an extent you feel you cannot trust it, I truly from the bottom of my heart empathize and feel grief for you, but you can trust your body.
It's okay to listen to your body and to heed what it is telling you. I wish you (and your body) well wherever you go. You deserve the peace of mind to feel able to do what you want.
#positivity#mental health#mental health support#gentle reminders#this is something i struggle with myself so that's why i said i empathize (well... i guess as much as you CAN empathize)#(because even if you have gone through the same thing... it's not going to look the same as somebody else going through that)#(and while it can be valuable to express empathy it doesn't mean you truly 'get it' from the other person's point of view)#i struggle sometimes not to feel like my body is fucking with me because sometimes i expect it to function at bare minimum#or i just assume that when it is in debilitating pain that it's just... somehow to fuck with me and i am cognizant that this isn't true#i am cognitively aware that the body isn't Specifically Designed to have a Fuck With You mode even if it feels like it#but my experiences with disabilities and general unwellness made it easy for me to alienate myself from my body#in order to preserve myself i felt the need to separate myself from every flaw (or 'flaw') i have#so when people are confused about why you could mistrust your /own body/ it's stuff like this that can somewhat illustrate it#i think we don't really talk about this but i think it's more common than i would assume#(mostly based on the There Are Eight Billion People principle)#hm making this also makes me realize that abuse absolutely plays into how i mistrust my body. hm.#mistrust in your body feels like self-protection and self-preservation in this weird and almost twisted way (at least in my experience)#but then you start mistrusting *everything* and nothing feels... GOOD or NORMAL anymore#i'm going to play mahjong about this 🫡👍
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jeanmoreaux · 9 months
do you guys ever think about how the story starts with andrew acting quickly slamming a random racquet into neil's stomach to keep him from running away and ends with andrew acting quickly breaking riko's arm with his racquet and then using it as a shield to protect neil. because i think about it all the time.
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ae-cha08 · 26 days
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There’s something about not giving up on someone that makes you want to stay. And there’s something so intense about both loving and hating someone so deeply that you stay,
But the almosts and the maybes and the broken promises are only that. It won’t ever change.
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spacedadsupport · 4 months
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Jean-Luc Picard @SpaceDadSupport As I was just saying to Dr. Crusher and Data in one of Data's threads on this platform, remember that you are not responsible for taking your time to educate random adults in basic civility. You are allowed to block without discussion first and save your time for kinder people. 4:11 PM · Feb 16, 2024
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fisheito · 5 months
Lol angst ? about nukani , my super unserious gayporngacha game? Can't be that bad
(10k words later into a fic) Ooohh.ohhh it was a mistake. I should not have read this hahahahahahahgyrk *choking sounds*
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defensive-tactics · 1 month
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Protect your valuables when on vacation
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fellhellion · 9 months
Sorry, am just feeling insane over the fact that pre-Spiderman Miguel hates his boss because this guy’s made it known the power he held over Miguel from the moment they met, has literally no love lost for Alchemax or the people in it but still speaks post transformation about having struggled w this desire to be important to the “right” people. Like ah fuck my guy you got groomed 😔
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I wish they’d just say what they mean.
When the bigots and the monsters come to hunt us, they never say what they mean. They say gender exploratory therapy when they mean gender conversion therapy (which itself is already code for torturing a trans person until they pretend they’re not trans). They say they’re worried about children when they want to deny them healthcare. They say they want to stop groomers when they just want to force queer people back into the closet.
None of this is new or unique to us. They always say words that don’t mean what they say; Racism becomes states rights or protecting American workers. Anti-Semitism gets dressed up as anti-capitalist rhetoric. Puritanical censorship gets hidden behind talk of consent and it all becomes an endless ocean of code words and dog whistles.
I know why they do it. The tiniest cover becomes all the cover they need. Saying you want to murder and torture queer people is perhaps a bridge too far, but for people who don’t want to hear what they’re saying, they just need to pretend that everyone is just saying what they mean. Just close your eyes to the horrors those code words are calling for. Just whisper “But how can it be hate when the code words are so neutral?”
None of this changes the reality of what the words are calling for. None of this saves trans kids, none of this stops the hate crimes, none of this silences the bigots. And none of it matters to the victims. When you’re dying in the gutter, what does it matter what code word they used to call for your death? 
It just gives the people who don’t want to stop it but also don’t want to call for it. Just gives them another thing to demand we explain to them gently, calmly and carefully while we lay bleeding in the street. And then we do, knowing in our hearts that they won’t understand because they don’t want to.
And I hate it. I hate the code words, the euphemisms, the hatred said with a smile and a question mark. I am rapidly reaching the point where I straight prefer the people who tell me they hate me to my face. At least we all know where we stand. I hate the people who bat their eyes and ask “Well how can you blame me for this hate crime?” just because they spouted hatred for years on end. They scream “Who will rid me of these troublesome trannies?” and then act shocked when people try to get rid of us.
I just wonder what they’ll call it when they come for me.
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rotisseries · 4 months
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hey hashtag let's talk about how aku is only ever offensive with his powers never defensive he never uses them to protect, but dazai says he's most valuable in a supporting role, he's most valuable as the complementary to atsushi's offense, the backup, the cover, the sword to his shield. he's most valuable when he protects others!!
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rebellum · 1 year
"We should respect trans mascs and butches because they protect us at pride"
So I get what you're doing with trying to argue against the anti-masculinity crowd and trying to say that trans mascs and butches are an important part of pride as a way to emphasize our place in the community
Why us?
Why are we disposable? Why are we not worthy of protection?
When are you going to protect us, too?
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pomellon · 7 months
Hi! I've been watching a lot of snake videos recently, and your scholar dragons remind me a lot of scaleless rat-snakes:
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I love your saurian AUs, so I was wondering: are scholars completely "naked", or do they have a few random scales like rl scaleless snakes do? Also how could humans think they're ugly, your dragons are all adorable (I love the way you draw toe-beans >.<).
Oh my gosh yes I love snakes! And the scholar class dragons are actually based on scaleless snakes :D
They can be completely naked, but it's pretty common for them to have a few scales down their backs, on their faces, knees and elbows, and hands and feet. In some cases they might even have full belly scales, but often thinner and softer than the scales on other classes. Also very common for them to have a few randomly ones scattered over their bodies and I usually draw these as little spots or flecks, often a little darker or brighter than their base colour.
For example, in Ze's case these would be the darker red flecks, and for Hytham it's the brighter blue spots:
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And I completely agree, humans in the saurian world are so mean thinking they're ugly :c They're just soft squishy lil guys who just like to be cozy and safe! (Which is kind of funny because both of the above examples very much go against being "safe" XD)
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ae-cha08 · 7 days
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You have to protect your peace.
You have to draw lines and have boundaries. You can’t give your energy to everything and everyone or it will drain you completely to the point where you don’t have anything left to give.
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slyandthefamilybook · 6 months
it's so interesting to me how people will say "Jews are a minority and need to be protected" and then go on to say "well not Israelis they can choke". setting aside the fact that not all Israelis are Jewish, I just find it fascinating from an activist's point of view how Israeli Jews' nationality supercedes their ethnicity. Sure, we need to protect Jews, but if they live in a Bad Country that waives their right to be a minority at large
I hate making comparisons like this but imagine if someone said "I don't really care if Black Americans get killed by police. America is a racist fascist state and anyone who lives there supports genocide against First Nations people"
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yersina · 2 years
For your s class asks, au where Yoojin used to pet sit for his neighbours pets for some extra cash whenever he doesn’t have a job to do. When he awakens, he ended up with an animal taming ability, making him a legit monster tamer (would be funny if it worked with high ranked monsters as well)
When Yoojin sees the terrifying, pterodactyl-like monster heading for his boss’s van, he doesn’t stop to think. Without a single thought in his head other than desperate panic and an overwhelming desire for Lee Soojin and Im Namgi to stay alive, he whistles sharply, the way he does when he’s first starting to train a dog, and shouts, “Stop!” with as much confidence and sternness as he can muster.
Later, he’ll clutch his head and wonder why the fuck he thought this would work, because under any normal circumstances it shouldn’t have. The monster should’ve devoured them both. Yoojin should’ve died with them. But he stands there now, hands shaking with adrenaline and throat still aching with his yell, and watches the monster pause and turn around with a combination of terror and relief.
“B… back away from them,” he adds, since the monster doesn’t seem like it’s on the offensive anymore, and to his utter shock, it does. It climbs off of the car, ignoring the startled yelps of the people within, and instead walks towards Yoojin. “Oh, fuck.”
It slowly creeps forward, using claws on its wings and its short hind legs to unsettlingly and jerkily crawl along the ground, until its giant, sharp beak that was until only a second ago poised to dive into his boss’s car is only an arms-length away. At this distance, Yoojin can see its dark eyes, clear and focused on Yoojin, and how its head is covered in short, iridescent black feathers that almost look like scales. It’d be beautiful, if not for the needle-sharp teeth that poke out of its beak.
“What,” he croaks quietly, not daring to move. There’s a lesson about scaring away wildlife blaring in the back of his brain, but none of them hold a candle to the reality of being stared at by a creature that could undoubtedly kill him with half a thought.
It makes a strange noise in its throat, something between a chirp, click, and purr. It sounds… friendly, bizarrely enough, and the creature doesn’t look like it’s about to rip his head from his shoulders, but Yoojin doesn’t trust that for a single second. He doesn’t dare move.
The moment—if it could even be called a moment, rather than a pause before the creature could eat Yoojin for interrupting its previous meal—is shattered by the ear-piercing cry of another pterodactyl creature. His eyes instinctively go for the new threat, which is flying towards them with single-minded focus, before he remembers that he shouldn’t take his eyes off the thing that could kill him right now.
Instead of having a chunk taken out of him like he expects, though, the creature in front of him whips its head around and lets out one of those same ear-piercing cries and lunges for the other creature. Yoojin has to raise an arm against the dust and gravel that’s inadvertently flung into his face, but when he squints his eyes open again, the first flying creature has already tackled the second one full force and is obviously trying to gouge it in two.
Are they fighting over who gets to eat us…? Yoojin spends a moment staring in disbelief, before he remembers Lee Soojin and Im Namgi all at once and sprints towards the overturned van.
“Boss!” he yells, and is overwhelmingly thankful for the way Lee Soojin immediately pops her head out of the window and waves that she’s okay. “Do you need help?”
“I think we’ll be okay as long as nothing else comes at us!” True to word, she begins hauling herself out of the window and turns to grab her husband as soon as she’s free. Yoojin hurries over to help them both down, and they all duck for cover as soon as they can get their bearings.
“What do you think those are?” Im Namgi asks shakily, looking out at the scene of destruction laid before them through the window of the bank they’re taking cover in. There are other people in here too, but most of them are huddled as far from the windows as they can, apart from the security guard who’d let them through the doors. “They’re not like any animals I’ve ever seen.”
“They look like dinosaurs,” Yoojin offers, “but that doesn’t make sense either.”
“Who cares what they are,” Lee Soojin groans, sliding down the wall and staring up at the ceiling in despair. “They’re still wreaking havoc either way.”
Yoojin turns to join her, but a flash of blue in the corner of his eye catches his attention first. It’s a glowing blue screen hovering in the air, reminiscent of a game window.
[The Awakening of Han Yoojin has been registered.]
Once Yoojin reads that window, another pops up.
[Awakened Han Yoojin
Level 1
Stamina: 6 | Strength: 4 | Agility: 5 | Spirit: 4 | Mana: 2
Titles — Caregiver (S), Monster Tamer (A)
Caregiver additional skills…
Monster Tamer additional skills…
Strength Up (E): Strength of the target + 5% (Immediate effect, similar and/or identical skills cannot overlap), duration 30 minutes
Agility Up (E): Agility of target + 5% (Immediate effect, similarity and/or identical skills cannot overlap), duration 30 minutes]
Yoojin has to sit down.
“Hey,” he says to Lee Soojin once he’s taken a deep breath. “Is there anything strange in the air right now?”
She raises a sardonic eyebrow. “You mean other than the dinosaur creatures?”
“No, inside the bank.”
She gives him a concerned look, but she gamely gives the entire bank a passing glance. By the time her eyes settled back on Yoojin, she should’ve seen the window. “There’s nothing out of the ordinary here. Yoojin-ah, are you okay?”
“Other than the dinosaur creatures?” he jokes weakly and earns himself a snort. “I’m fine.”
So he’s the only one who can see the windows. He settles back against the wall and takes another look at… whatever the windows are supposed to be. As he scrolls through the information, careful not to be too obvious about his movements, he’s overwhelmingly reminded of video games and fantasy stories. Except—
This is real life. If his concentration wavers even a little, the screams of people outside are all too audible. There’s the sound of crunching glass, the shriek of metal, the frantic pounding of feet. This is not a video game, and yet somehow Yoojin is a player.
What is happening?
“Oh my god,” someone whimpers from across the room. “There—it’s here. Why is it looking at us? The rest of them have ignored the insides of buildings.”
Yoojin scrambles back from where his back was pressed against the front-facing wall, followed closely by Lee Soojin and Im Namgi and anyone else who’d taken shelter at the entrance. Right there, crouched over the space Yoojin had just been sitting, is one of the feathery flying monsters, peering intently through the glass.
“It’s not attacking us,” someone else whispers. “Maybe if we all stay quiet and still, it’ll go away?”
The creature doesn’t move, and neither does anyone else in the room. Yoojin’s eyes catch on a series of scratches down the creature’s flank, like something had turned a set of sharp claws against it. Like… like another one of those flying creatures.
[Current targets: Agile Devil Pterosaur (C-Rank)], the blue window had said when he’d clicked on the monster tamer title. Maybe that would explain why the first dinosaur that had attacked them had turned on its own kind? Maybe it was something Yoojin did? Is this what the taming skill does?
Without thinking, Yoojin takes a step forward and has his wrist caught by Lee Soojin before he can move any farther. “What are you doing?!” she hisses, eyes wide in fear. “Stay here!”
“I think it’ll be okay,” he reassures, and curses himself for the hesitation that’s audible in his voice. “I… I think it’s here for me.”
“What does that mean?” she demands. Yoojin tugs on her grip until she lets him go, and she curses. “Yoojin, you’re not allowed to sacrifice yourself for us or whatever harebrained scheme you’ve got cooked up! It’ll just come after us next!”
Yoojin breathes out a laugh. “Don’t worry, I don’t think that’s what will happen.” And then, before he meets any other resistance, he strides to the door and slips outside.
It’s loud. Much louder than what he was able to hear inside the bank, and he’d barely been able to ignore it while he was in there. There’s a flying dinosaur creature perched on a car not far from where he’s standing, too far for it to notice him stepping outside but easily within swooping distance. He gulps.
The flying creature—Agile Devil Pterosaur, or whatever it’s called—stays shockingly docile as he closes the door behind him and they both size each other up. It cocks its head when Yoojin fails to do anything other than stare at it, and lets out one of those clicky chirp-purrs.
“Hi.” Yoojin’s voice cracks in the middle of the word and he has to cough awkwardly. “You… Do you understand me?” It clicks its teeth together at that, which would be encouraging if it weren’t so threatening. “Right…”
As if sensing his hesitation, the pterosaur slowly bows forward until it fits the tip of its beak under Yoojin’s hand. This time, the purr is more pronounced, and in combination with the gesture and the way Yoojin can spot its tail wagging slowly back and forth, he has a fairly good idea of what it means.
Oh god, he thinks faintly, I have a pet dinosaur?
“Okay,” he says, because there’s no amount of time in the world that would allow him to process all of this. “Okay.” Just—just pretend that it’s a dog. It’s a huge, feathery, murderous dog. Oh god.
The ground rumbles alarmingly, and Yoojin is forced to throw his arms forward for balance, inadvertently caught by the hulking form of the pterosaur. Further down the street, what looks to be a gigantic tree has split the road in two, cracking the pavement and throwing the sea of abandoned cars into disarray. When he looks more closely, there are people struggling in the branches, temporarily out of reach from the swarm of pterosaurs around the tree’s base but soon to be in danger once they figure it out.
Yoojin looks consideringly at his—his tamed monster? His pet? It looks back at him patiently, feathered tail snaking back and forth, and Yoojin makes a decision. “Let’s do this.”
He whistles, and the pterosaur visibly straightens to attention. “Let’s start by rescuing those people, okay?” He points at the people still clinging to the branches of the tree desperately. “Bring them back here when you’re done. Be gentle!”
The pterosaur lets out a shrill cry and takes off in the direction of the tree. Yoojin takes a moment to scan the street, looking for others that could use help. He doesn’t know what his stats mean, but until he can figure it out, he’ll be treating himself as the same squishy human he’s always been.
There’s a man to his right who’s punching the creatures with a speed and strength that can’t possibly be human, fist glowing red when he pauses to take a rest. There’s a teenager further down the street who weaves impossibly fast between the mess of wreckage around them, light and graceful on her feet as she escorts people to safety.
That’s who I can be, Yoojin thinks determinedly, and squares his shoulder as he spots the first two rescues dangling in the feet of his pterosaur, winging towards him slowly.
Come on, Han Yoojin. Let’s help people.
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