#protego anon
suugarbabe · 5 months
I’ve been following for a good while and I already LOVE your writing, but I had been meaning to read Protego for a hot minute now. Well I did last night and this morning and O. M. G… I’m literally addicted. You are an amazing writer!!! Protego is honestly, probably one of my stories I’ve read! You’re amazing ♥️
You’re far too kind, I’m so appreciative of anyone who reads my work let alone actually enjoys it!
I promise the next installment is coming soon! 🖤
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theladygia · 2 years
The Tear-Taste-Test Fest: Anon Masterlist
The posting period for The Tear-Taste-Test Fest has officially come to a close!
We had 10 incredible works posted to the collection, and our writers have done their best to obscure any indicators of their writing/tagging styles . . . or have they?
Regardless of whichever strategy the writers have chosen, we have now moved onto the reading period in which everyone will do their best to correctly match the participating writers to the story they contributed to the collection. The reading period ends on March 14th, after which finals guesses will be submitted and I'll post the author reveals!
Please go check out these fantastic fics and show them some love! Feel free to guess the author in the comments of any/all of the following currently-anonymous fics. We'd love to see any guesses and why you think you're onto something!
As a reminder, most if not all works for this fest are nsfw and potentially disturbing. Read at your own pleasure but please mind the tags as you do!
Readers are also welcome to submit their guesses here. Anyone who manages to match all 10 fics to their respective writers will get a shoutout in the revealed masterlist post!
Lastly, an extra thank you and shoutout to @cindle-writes for creating the image banners for the fest fics! Appreciate you!
The Tear-Taste-Test Fest Anonymous Masterlist
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A Lesson Learned Well
Mature | 1.9k | Content Tags: Alternate Universe - Voldemort Wins, Canonical Character Death, Cannibalism, Captivity, Parselmouths & Parseltongue, Mental Disintegration, Master/Pet
Despite Voldemort’s numerous and single-minded past attempts on his life, now that he had Harry contained within his reach, the monster that used to haunt his every step seemed content to simply ignore Harry’s continued existence.
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Explicit | 6k | Content Tags: Canon Divergence - Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Rape/Non-con Elements, Extremely Dubious Consent, Loss of Bodily Autonomy, Choking, Tentacle Sex, Cannibalism, Soft Vore, Monsterfucking
When Harry glances up, gleaming red eyes are staring at him out of a ghostly white, snake-like skull with jagged rows of razor-sharp teeth. It chuckles at Harry, high and cruel, then bumps its head against the shield charm and pops the Protego. “What the hell are you?” Harry demands.“I am Voldemort,” the pale monstrous face hisses out, a nasty smile stretching across its face. “And you are mine.”
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Explicit | 2.7k | Content Tags: Under the Influence of Horcruxes, Soul Bond, Choking, Resurrection, Possessive Behavior
When he risked another look, billowing green plumes bubbled over the lip of the cauldron, snaking into the grass. And then Voldemort rose, tall, unnaturally thin, with hips pulling translucent skin taut and ribs ridged like fragile fingers. He looked like he’d collapse at a slight breeze.
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Explicit | 5.5k | Content Tags: Alternate Universe - Voldemort Wins, Emotional Manipulation, Mental Health Issues, Blood and Gore, Pseudo-Incest, Dubious Consent, Established Relationship, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat
You run through the things you have to do for the day. It is, admittedly, a very short list. Wake up. Be clean. Be ready. An empty life, some might call it. You don’t. It is the life He has given you, and so it is what you deserve.
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Explicit | 3.4k | Content Tags: Imprisonment, Sexual Trauma, Impotence, Rape/Non-con Elements, Master/Pet, Temperature Play, Genital Torture, Humiliation
In which one of Voldemort's Horcruxes is broken and needs to be fixed.
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Mature | 4.8k | Content Tags: Horror, Memory Alteration, Memory Loss, Loss of Identity
“I am Lord Voldemort and I have not kidnapped you.” “That's . . . I should have known that.” Because Voldemort's words ring true, deep in Harry's heart. Harry tries to remember, but the thoughts won't come to him. The more he forces it, the more obvious the gaps in his memories become. “Why didn't I know that?”
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Mature | 2.4k | Content Tags: Alternate Universe - Vampire, Character Death, Rape/Non-con Elements
He staggers out into the hall, then down the stairs. What he finds at the bottom makes him stop, swaying in place. Static rushes over his head, threatens to drag him under, to send him to his knees. Black spots cloud his vision. Still, the image lingers. His mum in a heap on the floor, hair dark with blood, with sweat, splayed out across the floor. Her chest barely moves as she breathes. In the cradle of her throat, her pulse beats weakly against near translucent skin. Blood seeps slowly from a wound where her neck meets her shoulder. Saliva fills his mouth. He swallows.
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Explicit | 3.7k | Content Tags: Polyjuice Potion (Harry Potter). Ambiguous/Open Ending, Foot Kink, Humiliation, Breathplay, Forced Voyeurism
Harry expects to have time to poke around Malfoy Manor when he arrives, at least until dinner when he’ll presumably be required to put in face time with Narcissa. But before he even has the opportunity to find his way to Draco Malfoy’s bedroom, he is instead frozen in place by the words that emanate from beyond an open door at the end of the hall. “Narcissa,” calls a familiar, high-pitched voice. “Bring the boy.”
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Research and Development
Explicit | 5.5k | Content Tags: Laboratory Logs, Human Experimentation, Captivity, Imprisonment, Medical Horror, Body Horror
Subject acquired. Primary Objective: Establish with certainty that Subject IS or IS NOT a living Horcrux. Secondary Objective: If Subject is a living Horcrux, determine whether the soul fragment can be extracted intact and transferred to a different vessel, allowing Subject to be terminated thereafter. Cell captured audio sample: You can’t keep me in here forever, Voldemort! Why don’t you come in here and face me, you COWARD! I’m not scared of you! Dumbledore will find me and—
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Tearing me apart (like a new emotion)
Explicit | 1.7k | Content Tags: Rape/Non-con Elements, Non-Consensual Bondage, Dacryphilia, Forced Marriage
Sex is such a petty entertainment compared to the thrill of watching Harry Potter break apart.
List of Participating Writers:
Ao3 profiles linked and blogs in parentheses.
asterismal (@being-luminous)
cannibalinc (@cannibalinc)
doshu (@vdoshu)
eleven_eaves (@cindle-writes)
merrivale (@meles-merrivale)
MrVillain (@mrviran)
Pengress (@ellionne)
RudeHellion (@rudehellion)
wolf antlers (@wolfantlersinspace)
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ifeelgeek · 3 months
¿Algún proyecto en puerta de HP? Echo de menos un buen foro de la temática. ):
Hola anon,
No he visto foros de Harry Potter en proceso pero te puedo contar los que recuerdo que estan vivos de esa tématica por si alguno de ellos te interesa:
Avada Kedabra Centuries Dissendium Hogwarts Rol Homenum Revelio Imperio Protego Diabolica Requiem of wizard Secrets of blood The book of shadows The dark age
Si me he olvidado algun foro de la tématica por favor no duden en contactarme y se lo añado a la lista al anon.
Anon te deseo muchos éxitos encontrando uno que sea de tu gusto y agrado y donde construir tramas que te hagan feliz :D
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the-kcm-muggleborn · 4 months
LOVE Evelyn oh my gosh! I’m curious, but what would some of her quotes be for stuff in game? Like winning a duel, losing a duel, low HP, stuff like that?
Awe! I'm glad you like her! I hope I did everything you imagined, dear Anon. I prepared around 1K words, quotes my Evelynn would say, could say, and maybe will say in the future;] Thank you for your warm support
Warnings?: Swears^v^
Evelynn Blair
is (going to get her own fanfiction soon) a charismatic, proud, and ambitious woman. She's a person of many conflicts because she feels confident as long as everything goes well. When she's starting to feel threatened by rumours and unkind comments from her peers she's starting to get anxious, she hides what makes her different but keeps that (now) fake confidence with a head held high.
She came to Hogwarts to focus on her studies as her mother requested. Never expected to gain lifelong friends.
She knows she's skilled enough to throw around snarky, even sometimes flirty comments, to her opponents. She can get a little mean when lost in competing.
“That was easy enough.”
“Protego. Stupify. That's all? Shame…”
“That's all you got? I'm starting to get a bit bored over here…”
“Kid I ain't got all day. Might you finally bless us with a move?”
“Well that was unsatisfyingly uneventful. Lucan, have you got any more?”
“Shame, seeing such a pretty face on the ground.”
But when she unexpectedly gets knocked on her arse that one time, she's pretty stunned, unsure what to say:
“Beginners Luck. I can go again if you ain't too yellow…”
“Seems there is some skill under that lush face. I’m impressed. Would you like to go again?”
“Well It’s been a while. I’ll take a rematch.”
“Whatever, I was taking it easy on you. Interested in a rematch perhaps?”
“I must say, that was well played. I'd like a rematch. Didn’t think I was going to back down did you…”
If she's not going to be able to win by skill, she'll win by charm. When her pride gets stained, there is no way she is going to give up. That being said, Evelynn is not a sore looser. She is mean sometimes, rude even, but when she notices a worthy adversary, she can tone down her venom.
She's not easily tamed so to speak. She can take care of herself and likes to refuse offered help. She doesn't back down from a fight. (Sounds familiar?) But In her case it's more of a hand to face argument. A.ka.a muggle physical argument. When someone mistreated her real badly. Evelynn knew that her almost aggressive behaviour was more acceptable in a magical world where women were allowed to dress in trousers than back home where her foul tongue would exclude her from many lady-like activities.
“Fuck! I said I'm fine! Just give me a moment!”
“Yeah… I'm out of robes. My last one caught on fire. But I've taken my lessons! No more fighting Inferi in flammable clothing.”
“I am not bleeding, it's just a scar already taken care of!”
“Well she deserved what she got that rumour spilling bitch.”
“You should see the other guy.”
“I made another girl look great with a purple colour under her eye.”
“I am literally fine. I’ve been through worse.”
“Why do you ask?”
“Why do you care?”
“Why would I do that?”
Very common for our goal-oriented Slytherin.
Evelynn was exploring so many things while attending Hogwarts. She explored many caves, mines, hidden rooms, lakes and rivers. It extorted few interesting words.
“At this point. Nothing surprises me anymore.”
"I take it back... I was not expecting that."
“Are you through? Looking at grass?”
“Yes I did find another chest. No, I am not sharing.”
“However bad it might sound… we’re about to get wet.”
“Just when I thought I've seen it all…”
“Spiders! My favourite! Can we keep one as a pet? I have a roommate I’d like to surprise… Preferably at night.”
“I must say I spent so much time in these caves they start to look a lot like the Slytherin common room. Cold like it too.”
Evelynn is quite intelligent. She might be spontaneous and quick to think but she’s not reckless. She learned from her mistakes and is able to sense a bad situation coming from a mile.
“Wait… Something is off. Let’s leave it at that and return tomorrow.”
“I have a bad feeling. If I turn to be right you’ll not hear the end of it.”
“I’m anxious, yes, but for a very good reason. Something doesn’t feel right.”
“I don't like this place. Let’s return by daylight.”
“No, we cannot run head first. I appreciate the self-sacrificing tendencies but this is not the place nor the time.”
“If you want to get yourself killed because you didn't listen to me, can you do it another time? I didn't plan on seeing a dead body today.”
“I. Am. Not. Scared. I am simply being cautious. You should try it sometimes.”
Evelynn loves sitting by the window in the Slytherin common room. She isn't sure if it is because it’s so quiet there or because she met Ominis in that specific spot. She loves the way of water and started sitting there regularly.
“I love this spot. You know I once saw a mermaid?”
“Hm? Oh yes I was listening. Let me just… finish this page… or… book…”
“No, I haven't been sitting here the entire night. I’ve been sitting here the entire day.”
“No idea what you mean. It’s so nice and cold here. Why would I rather sit by the fireplace?”
Speaking of, Evelynn loves the cold. She loves spending her time in cold places like windows, floor, the Undercroft and of course, outside places where snow has fallen. She loved colder drinks and often forgets her scarf from her dorm.
“Why is it so hot in here? You’d think winter would bring some sort of normal temperatures around the castle.”
“Ugh I miss the snow. It was so nice…”
“I wish it would rain. Gets so nice and cosy then.”
“Ah. Fresh air. I love the winter. Wish I could spend more time in Scotland.”
“Do you think the kitchens could prepare me plain ice if I ask nicely? Or do I have to cast Glacis on a cup and wait?”
“If you wanted to court me, you should have gotten me ice cream.”
“Yes I am cold blooded. Secretly a vampire too but don't tell no one.”
“Give me your hands. Ahhh… You're so cold.”
I hope my creativity gave out everything you hoped for Anon^^. Yes requests, questions and anything else remain open. Don't be shy I don't bite, (I swallow whole like a snake) :DD. Also special side thanks to @slytherin-obsessed for bit of a help with this cool assignment.:)
Happy Reading and till next time.
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13 for Moonlit Marriage
Thanks for the ask anon!
13. Write a lil snippet set in this verse. What if I gave you a little snippet of the next chapter (which I plan on posting sometime today!)
“Harry, excellent,” Remus panted, casting another Protego to shield them and a limping Neville from hexes flying their way. “Get out of here—leave now!”
“The prophecy—” Harry began to protest, but a shriek from behind them put all thoughts of the prophecy out of Remus’s mind. 
Bellatrix was screaming with glee. A jet of sizzling green light came their way, and Remus ducked, taking Harry and Neville with him to the floor again. Remus cast Confringo to blast stone in Bellatrix’s direction, obscuring their location. 
“Get the others and go—” Remus ordered. “You need to get to safety, Harry—forget the prophecy, GO!”
As the dust cleared, Remus noticed Harry’s eyes widen. He turned his head to see what Harry was watching. Tonks and Bellatrix were dueling; Killing Curses flew and Tonks was barely missing them, her life hanging in the balance. 
Ask me about my AUs
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hey tumblr user protego-fraternitas aka kennedy !! Do you have any advice on school in general? I'm assuming u went before so !
so... this is a pretty unusual time for me to be posting, but i'm having a bit of trouble sleeping so i thought i'd get to one of the asks in my inbox. this one has been sitting here for a while; i'm sorry about that!!!
anyway!!! school advice!! ≧◡≦ so this isn't really my strong suit, but i did go to school at least for a while! plus, i have friends who've gone to college, so i asked some of them for some suggestions!!!
so these are just kinda tips for school in general--i'm not sure if any of this might be helpful, so i tried to cover my bases (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
make sure you're sleeping well!! it's tempting to stay up late to cram for a test, but sleep deprivation is no joke!
speaking of, cramming never works--study at your own pace and don't stress yourself out the night before.
talk to your teachers/professors! if they're good, they're going to want to work with you and help you succeed! if you're struggling, try and reach out and see what they can do!
grades aren't everything--if you fail a test, the world will not end and you will be able to keep going. it's stressful and upsetting, but you will be okay.
take a deep breath, try your best, and remember not to be too hard on yourself.
i hope that helps!! ヽ(‘ ∇‘ )ノ i'm not sure what level of school you're in, but i know you're gonna do great!!! i'm rooting for you, anon!!!
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farieshades · 2 years
Harry Potter fandom question!
So the whole “Avada Kedavera” things is a play on “Abracadabra” right.
But other spells are more- actually Latin correct? Or semi-sounding what it does? 🤔
Wingarium Leviosa, Protego, Riddikulus, Expecto Patronum etc.
What would you have made the killing curse? Like what would be the Latin/sounding correct word thing be?
What would I have made the killing curse
First, we should address voces magicae, words that are ‘theoretically’ gibberish to the people of the area where certain ideas become common. Abracadabra does hold meaning, but as the term spread it sounded very much not Roman and seemngly nonsensical. However, in Aramaic (אברא כדברא [evra ke-davra in reading]) ‘abra’ = I will create + ‘cadabra’ = as was spoken => “I create through speech / As this is spoken I will create” or the more proper translation of “I create like the word”. 
Except, there is some controversy in the exact language as it is also similar to the Hebrew אברא כאדבר [evra ke-adaber] with the similar meaning of “I will create as I speak”. Similarily, there exists עברה כדברא [avra k'davra] "It will pass as I speak" and אברכה אדברה [avarcha adabra] "I will bless, I will speak". All rather similar forms of both Abracadabra and Avada Kedavra. Likewise, the Harry Potter series took a similar take with the “I will” however, the change seems to be “make dead bodies”. My preposal there would be Kedavra is coming from the Latin Cedare (as Latin makes no distinction between C/K sounds really both sounding ‘k’ [Kai-zer for caesar]), indicating a fall and possibly keeping the avda meaning either speech (greek aude) or (god’s) slave/servant (biblical hebrew abdā)  whereas ‘abra’ would in biblical hebrew indicate a ‘many’, potentially working with the meaning then as a spell that would be “making many fall[die].”
However, why bother going through all this when Latin has, say, 40 ways of saying ‘kill/murder’? Why complicate things with aramaic and Hebrew, [I say definitely not slowly learning Old Hebrew and Yiddish simultaneously and cursing my own existence for it] when instead Latin is right there. 
Aufero (to destroy/consume/kill/slay) or Caedo (to strike mortally) or Corporatum (to make a body or corpse [as opposed to Corporo 'I make a body or corpse'] or the world I like to use Interficio/ere/feci/fectum using the do/make facio and thus creating the meaning "to destroy/kill/slay/murder". Idk... Maybe I just really love the conjugations of facio cause it was really funny to listen to a whole class chant. With facio, I suppose, one could also introduce Mortifico/are/avi/atum (To kill/destroy - or literally "Make Death"). I suppose there are some latin words that would be more suited to particular deaths, (Trucido - if you want to be butchered / Strangulatum or Suffocatum - for the compressing of the throat / Occidere - to be cut or beaten down)
Spells + Origin/Soundings 
To investigate if spells are Latinate (or sounding) one needs to actually go through the list of spells, so I curse you for bespelling me with this task, dear anon. But I accept this challenge my head has given me... The bold are the ones you ask about in particular in the ask.
Aberto  - Portuguese - “Open” (Past Participle)
Abracadabra - See Above
Aguamenti - Latin - Aqua “water” + Menti, dative of mens “for/of the mind”
Alarte Ascendare - Latin - Alatus (removal of the ‘r’) “winged” from ala + Ascendare “to go up/climb/rise” = Winged ascent  
Alohomora -West African Sidiki meaning “friendly to thieves” (according to most of the internet) - OR - Malagasy al-ḥumra (alohomora) -- Unclear but strangely feels racist but I’m still also very unclear with this.
Amato Animo Animato Animagus - Latin - Amato (I love) + Animo (I fill with the breath of life - Indicative) + Animato (Animate! - Imperative) + Animagus (Ani (either animal or animo again) + Magus (from μάγος or Magus) “magician” = The love I hold fills this animal to life with the breath of the magician (is my poetic translation)  
Anapneo - Greek - αναπνεω “Breathe”
Anteoculatia - ?French?Maybe? - Supposedly grows antlers - Ante sounds like the beginning of ‘antler’ and culatia sounds like ‘cultivate’ -- however the closest I can find similar would be french ante- (“in front of”) +‎ oillier (oil (“eye”) +‎ -ier (location based suffix) -  potentially linked to Latin Anteocularis (before the eye). Should the spell be latin based one would expect “Cornu-” (horn) and “colebas / coleres / colere / cole / colendo” for cultivate (as a form of grow). 
Aparecium - Latin - “to appear” as a noun
Aqua Eructo - Latin - Aqua “water” + Eructo “I vomit/emit” = “I violently emit water [to quench the flame]”
Arania Exumai - Latin - Aranea “Spider” (from ἀράχνη) + exuo “I take out/off” with a ancient greek -ωμαι ending, which is the middle subjunctive. This gives the rough translation of “So that the Spider may be taken out” (assuming a purpose clause) or possibly “Take Out the Spider!” (if we could smudge the jussive? I’ll be honest, Subjunctives hate my head so idk)
Arresto Momentum 
Avada Kedavra -  See Above
Avenseguim - Avens - Latin - “craving” (from Aveo “I desire, wish, crave”) + Seguim - Catalan- “We follow after.” Thus “We desire to follow after___[object bespelled]”
Avis - Latin - “Bird”
Baubillious - Unclear - Bauble "small, shiny ornament" [possibly from Latin bellus "pretty"] + -ous "having, full of, having to do with, incluined to" from Latin -osus. 
Bombarda - English - "to attack someone/thing by directing objects at them." - Possible link with Bombus (Latin) "a buzz/humming sound or explosive" from the Ancient Greek βόμβος "any deep, hollow sound"
Calvorio - Latin - Calvus “Bald”
Cantis - Latin - Cantare “Sing”
Carpe Retractum - Latin - Carpe “Seize” + Retracto “Draw back” + -tum supine forming.
Cave inimicum - Latin - Cave (cah-vay) imperative from Caveo “beware” + Inimicus (in “not” + amicus “friend”) “enemy” = Beware the enemy 
Cistem Aperio - Latin - Similar to the accusative of Cista "trunk/chest" from the Ancient Greek (κίστη) "box/chest" + Aperio “to uncover/reveal/make known".
Confringo - Latin - “To Destroy”
Confundo - Latin - Confundere “To confuse”
Crucio - Latin - “I crucify/torture”
Defodio - Latin - “I dig deep”
Densaugeo - Latin - Dens “tooth”+ augeo “I increase, enlarge, lengthen”
Depulso - Latin - Depulsio “Repelling”
Descendo - Latin - “I descend”
Diffindo - Latin - Diffindere “To divide/split”
Duro - Latin - “I harden”
Engorgio - English - “Swell”
Entomorphis - Ancient Greek - έντομο (Entomo) “insect” + μόρφωσις (Morphosis) “shaping”
Episkey - Greek - επισκευή - “Repair” 
Erecto - Latin - The dative  participle of erectus "erect/upright/raised", which is the perfict passive participle of erigo "Raise/erect" 
Everte Statum - Latin - “To throw out” + Statua “image/statue”
Expecto Patronum - exspecto (ex "out" + specto "to look at") "I wait for/I have need of" + From pater (father), Patronum indicates "protector/patron"
Expelliarmus - Latin - Expello “expel” + arma “weapon”
Ferula - Latin - "cane/giant fennel (or stalk)" 
Finite Incantatem - Latin - Finire, from finio, “to finish” [Although Finite means “to a certain extent] + Incantare, with the passive perfect incantatum,  “I sing” - “To finish that which was sung/incanted”
Flagrate - Latin - Flagro “I burn”
Geminio - Latin - Gemini - “Twins” 
Glacius  - Latin - Glacies “Ice”
Glisseo - French - Glisser “To Slide”
Harmonia Nectere Passus - Latin - Harmonia “Harmony”, From ἁρμονία (ancient greek) "fitting together/union" + Necto “to Bind/connect” + Passus “spread out/dry” from Pando “I unfold/expand/expose”, or Passus “step/pace”
Homenum Revelio - Latin - Hominem, accusative of Homo, “Human” + Revelo “to reveal/uncover/show”
Impedimenta - Latin - Impedio "I hinder, impede, obstruct" + -mentum “result of” = Impedimentum “Hinderance”
Imperio - Latin - Impero “I command/impose/give orders to”
Incendio - Latin - Incendo “I set fire to/burn/scorch”
Lacarnum Inflamari - Latin - Lacerna “cloak worn over a toga” + Inflammatio, from Inflammo, “Inflamation/I ignite”
Langlock - French/English - Langue “tongue” + Lock = Tongue locked
Legilimens - Latin - Legere “to read” + Mens “Mind” 
Levicorpus - Latin - Levare/Levo “I raise” + Corpus “body/corpse”
Liberacorpus - Latin - Libero “I set free” + Corpus “body/corpse”
Locomotor - Latin - Locus “place/spot” + motor (passive of Moto) “I set in motion”
Lumos - Latin - Lumen “light”
Mobiliarbus - Latin - Mobilis “movable/flexible/loose” + arbor “Tree” = levitating/moving specifically wood
Mobilicorpus - Latin - Mobilis “movable/flexible/loose” + Corpus “body/corpse”
Molliare - Latin - Mollio "I soften/make calm"
Mormorde - Latin - Mors “death” + Mordeo "I bite/I eat/I take hold of" = “I take hold of death/I bite death/I eat death”... Not sure how that makes a skull eating a snake in the sky but Magic
Mucus Ad Nauseam - Latin - Mucus “Mucus” + Ad Nauseam “Seasickness/to a nauseating degree” 
Muffiato - English - Muffle “to quiet” + -ato ending which probably indicates subject as in “I quiet this object”
Mutatio Skullus - Latin - Muto+-tio “change/alteration” + Skullus “Skull” (not latin - might suggest cranio/cranis/calvae/calvis/calvam as alternatives in keeping with ‘skull/head’ thoughts)
Nox - Latin - Nox “Night/darkness”
Obliviate - Latin - Obliviscor "I lose rememberance of/forget"
Obscuro - Latin - Obscurus "obscure/shadowy/unknown/unrecognized"
Oppugno - Latin - Oppugno/obpugno "I attack/assault"
Orbis - Latin - Orbis "circle/ring, of things that return at a certain period of time, 
Petrificus Totalus - Latin - Petra (from πέτρα) “Rock/stone” + Factio (passive infinitive fieri) “make/do/become” + Totus “complete/all together/every part”
Portus - Latin - Porta “Gate/entrance/way” or Porto “I carry/bring/convey” or [unlikely funnily enough] Portus “harbor/haven/refuge/retreat”
Protego - Latin - “I cover/protect/defend”
Quietus - Latin - “calm/quiet”
Relashio - French - Relâche “to release/set free” 
Reparo - Latin - Reparo “Renew/repair” added to other terms to fix items as well (Oculus Reparo for example)
Riddikulus - Latin - Ridiculus “laughable/funny/amusing/silly/absurd” from rideo "laugh/mock"
Scourgify - Latin - escuro "to thouroughly take care in cleaning off" + -ify "to make" 
Sectumsempra - Latin - Seco (Participle Sectus) “I cut/cleave/divide” + Semper “Always” 
Sonorus - Latin - “Loud”
Stupefy - Latin - Stupefacio “strike dumb, stun with amazement"
Tarantallegra - Italian - Tarantella (kind of folk dance) + allegro (music meaning quick) 
Ventus - Latin - “wind”
Vulnera Sanetur - Latin - Vulnus "wound/injury" + Sanus "healthy/well" or Sano "I heal/cure"
Waddiwasi - Swedish - Vadd “wadding/swim at surface”, historically connected to vaða in Old Norse // French - Vas-y “Go Ahead/Come on!”
Wingardium Leviosa - Latin/English - Wing (fly insinuation) + arduus “high/elevated/hard to reach” + Levis "light/not heavy/swift" + -osa (osus) "full of/overly/prone to"
There’s also many spells that use the construction of ‘word’+fors, often in transfiguration changing the shape of an object to a bird/dragon/matchbox/rabbit/fish/tentacle/flowers.  In accompaniment to this, theres also words that can be added to a spell. Simple ones, like Duo, Tria (two, three) making a spell shoot more than one beams, depending on the spell. Maxima and Extremos causing stronger spells. Spells specified for destruction diabolica, horribilis, totalum. Spells relating to specific people Solem (alone), Muggletum (awful latin), Inimicum (enemies). Spells that cause reactions wibbly, verto, mortis. And additives that refer to location Corpus, Skullus. 
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randomguyonline71 · 2 years
Palpatine vs Voldemort, who would win
Thank you for the ask anon :)
This scenario is quite interesting to think about. At first I was like "Palpy is destroying No-nose-Tom in a heartbeat". But then I started thinking more about it. And I realized that it is actually closer than one would think.
I think Palpatine's force lightning could be blocked by a "Protego" (shield spell). We saw Yoda do something similar with the force, so it is definitely able to be blocked. Palpatine's next best weapon would then be his lightsaber, which Voldemort would be able to disarm with an "Expelliarmus". So from thereon out it is a relatively fair fight. But Palpatine's superior intellect and the fact that he is probably the most powerful force user not green or named Skywalker in the Skywalker Saga, he is going home with the win. He would be able to freeze Voldemort in place and then finish him. But Palpatine's first thought would be to fry Voldemort up with lightning, and since Voldemort would be able to block that. It would give him a few seconds to fire a killing curse, which Palpatine might not dodge. But since Palpatine has the reaction time of a force-user, he would likely be able to dodge most of Voldemorts spells.
So, in conclusion. Palpy wins a close fight against Voldemort. However, many of these factors work in favor of our dear Voldesnort, in an attempt to make it interesting.
I love these scenarios. Please keep sending them
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hpfannons · 2 years
Hi do you have a new headcanon for hpxbatfam au? Thnx!
Random HP/Batfam things. Nothing is in any particular order, just ramblings about the AU
- I firmly believe all the batkids have or have had their ears pierced at one point or another. Harry is not an exception to this rule.
-It was on a dare from Stephanie when he was 13, and Harry decided he liked them enough to get a second set done as well the next year.
- He mostly wears studs with different batfam or JLA members logos on them.
- Outside of his school uniform, Harry owns an almost ungodly amount of hoodies, and that's what he's seen in 98% of the time.
- His favorite is a dark gray one with the Nightwing symbol on the front.
- Yes, well known Gryffindor, Harry Potter, running around with a big blue eagle on his chest caused a lot of confusion. It still does.
- Harry kept up with his Robin training at school, and within the first couple of weeks Ron joined him out of pure curiosity.
- There was a bit of a learning curve, and several times where he just wanted to quit all together. But once he was able to actually land a backflip without busting his ass, Ron was hooked, and in it for the long haul.
- Over time Fred and George joined them as well, and eventually Ginny when she came to Hogwarts.
- Harry was almost labeled a public enemy for teaching the twins to be even more sneaky.
- Outside of the Weasley's, Harry was often joined by fellow Gryffindors, as well as some Hufflepuffs and even a few Ravenclaws.
- There were occasionally one or two Slytherins who would wander around, and while the rest of the group was high key suspicious. Harry never really cared who wanted to follow along, as long as you weren't causing problems.
- I have a lot of thoughts about Harry actually bonding with his fellow champions during 4th year, but we'll save that for another post
- My main thought here was that Krum noticed Harry out running around the lake almost every morning, and meets up with him one morning and asks to join him. This is where the two of them start to come together.
- Harry mistook Bill Weasley for Roy Harper the first time he met him. It was a very confusing moment for all parties in evolved.
- The same goes for Ron and Roy, and Harry thought it was hilarious.
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aloera · 4 years
Okay ik this doesn't match up with the housing in your fic but imagine the pure chaos of a Gryff quidditch team of capt (ofc) seeker hagakure, chasers uraraka/deku/bakugou, beaters kirishima and mina, and keeper iida. uraraka threatens to co-op kirishima's bat and knock bakugou and midoriya out if they don't stop fighting. kirishima and mina get so occupied trying to knock shindo off his broom they don't notice tooru already caught the snitch. practices end in blood
chaser trio of uraraka deku n bkg,,,,,,,,your brain is so fuckin big holy shit they would be terrifying!!!!!!! 
uraraka being done with them- lmfaoooo i adore her!!!!!! wreck their shit queen!!!!!! 
YOU ARE SO RIGHT AB THEM FIGHTING in my minds eye i can see them like yelling at each other from across the field?? pitch?? n everyone else is like 👀yall wild lmao anyways- 
kiri and mina being out for blood,,,,,this tracks actually i love when theyre aggressive. 
“practice ends in blood” and yet this ask ends in my undying admiration for you
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carewyncromwell · 2 years
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Diego 🤝 Carewyn
Requested by Anon
Diego Caplan was widely considered a dueling prodigy at school. He easily reigned over all other competition at Hogwarts’ Dueling Club, mastering non-verbal magics well before his peers and easily dodging spells with his graceful, precise footwork. One of the very few people who could give Diego a real challenge on the dueling field was Carewyn “Cursebreaker” Cromwell -- unlike Diego’s friend and dueling pupil Merula Snyde, though, Diego relished that challenge. 
“Why, who wouldn’t love meeting a lady who could both serenade them with song and utterly kick their arse?” he said at one point, waggling his eyebrows mischievously.
The lower, “suave” tone of voice in which he said this proceeded to make Carewyn cover her face, unable to completely stifle the hysterical giggling erupting out of her. 
Carewyn had always found Diego’s “charm” absolutely hilarious, mentally comparing him to Lando Calrissian from Star Wars trying to sweep Princess Leia off her feet. Fortunately Diego didn’t seem at all put-out by how much his behavior amused Carewyn -- the Cursebreaker was such a serious person so much of the time that it was kind of nice, to see her actually smiling and having a good time for a change. Carewyn’s stoicism and dynamic talent for leadership was actually what inspired Diego to nickname her “General,” after the formation of the Circle of Khanna -- though, true to form, Diego couldn’t resist punctuating that nickname with additives like “dear General” or “sweet General” now and again. 
One of these times in particular Diego was discussing the Circle’s combat division’s progress with Carewyn over a friendly duel of their own. 
“Ben has been doing excellently, of course,” said Diego, as he lobbed a silent Stunner at Carewyn that she had to block with a quick “Protego!” “And as much as I wasn’t sure about him enlisting Cedric at first, I must admit...the kid does have potential.”
Considering how jealous Diego had been about Cedric getting so much attention for his dueling talent earlier this year, Carewyn thought that said a lot. 
“Ugh -- that’s good,” she said. “Immobulus -- I’m glad he’s doing well.”
The last thing I want is for Cedric to get hurt, just because he wants so much to help bring R and Rakepick to justice. 
Diego dodged Carewyn’s spell with the grace of a dancer. 
“His sense of honor is impeccable, on the dueling field -- ” He shot a Disarming Charm, which Carewyn ducked. “ -- that may, however, run into problems when his opponent does not share that honor...”
“Protego -- like Rakepick,” agreed Carewyn. 
She silently blasted a Banishment Charm at Diego, which collided with his foot and threw him off-balance -- fortunately Diego managed to sweep through the air and land on his feet with the grace of a cat.
“Woo! Fantastic shot, General,” Diego complimented, before silently shooting off another red Stunner for Carewyn to block. “But yes -- Ben expressed concern that Cedric may need some instruction in how to expect and counteract more underhanded dueling tactics. I believe chucking potion bottles at him would be a good place to start...”
“Cantus -- are you sure you don’t just want to do that for your own sake, Diego?” Carewyn asked very coolly. 
Diego grinned impishly. “Perhaps just a little bit.”
He silently shot three more red spells one after another, all of which bounced off the Shield Charm Carewyn formed in response.
“Your Shield Charms really are marvelous!” Diego praised, as he continued to blast spells at her barriers. “As strong and protective as you!”
Carewyn bit back a giggle. “If I’m a Shield Charm, what does that make you, Diego Caplan?”
“General! To pick just one!” Diego shot back jovially. He continued to blast different-colored flares of light, naming each one as he did so. “Confundo, for when I throw my opponents off-guard -- Bombarda, when I blast through my competition -- Tarentallegra, for my killer dance moves -- Levicorpus, for when I sweep people off their feet -- !”
Carewyn was giggling despite herself -- it was making it hard for her to verbalize her spells, so she tried hard to cast them non-verbally, even if she wasn’t as good at it. Diego’s mouth was spread into a huge, victorious grin seeing Carewyn’s amusement.
“Or perhaps, taking your laughter into account, I am Rictusempra!”
Carewyn wasn’t able to form a Shield fast enough to block his Tickling Charm, which collided square with her chest like a puff of white dust. Now laughing fully, Carewyn struggled to articulate another spell. 
“D-Depulso -- hahaha -- well -- haha -- you certainly have -- ha -- practiced playing dirty!”
Diego grinned more broadly than ever as he dashed forward, ready to make his closing move. Carewyn, however, despite laughing so hard she could hardly breathe, had a strangely triumphant smirk tugging at the corners of her lips. As soon as Diego got close enough, she sideswiped him, dodging his Stunner while also silently aiming another spell right at his chest. In an instant, a flood of water erupted out of Carewyn’s wand, knocking Diego backward.
“G-Glacius Duo!” Carewyn cast her next spell through her jinxed laughter. 
Within seconds, Diego felt his wet clothes molting with ice that encapsulated his arms and legs, making him unable to move. 
With her opponent effectively disabled, Carewyn quickly pointed her wand at herself, choked out a weak “F-Finite Incantantum” to stop her laughter, and then bustled over to thaw Diego out.
Diego shivered all over once Carewyn had dislodged him from the ice.
“Whew, that was...really quite good...” He grinned more brightly than ever. “Excellent form, General! A brilliant combination of spells.”
Carewyn smiled modestly. “Thanks. Jacob taught me that trick.”
She helped Diego dry off his still sopping wet clothes. Diego even held up his sleeve to make it easier for her.
“Maybe when you’re training with Cedric, you could look into using spells that aren’t as commonly used for dueling,” Carewyn suggested. “Jacob’s best at Transfiguration, so he uses a lot of Switching Spells and such, when he duels. It might help throw off your opponent.”
Diego looked both thoughtful and excited at the prospect. “Mm, yes! Ben has always done incredibly well, whenever he’s been able to employ his advanced Charmwork in battle...he’s used Meteolojinx Recanto beautifully, to blind his opponent before launching a counterattack...”
Once Diego’s clothes were dry, he followed along after Carewyn as they headed back toward the castle.
“I must say,” Diego said with a dashing grin, “I do not envy anyone who has to face off against us, brave General. They would most assuredly have reason to quake in their boots.”
Friendship Drabble Prompt!
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suugarbabe · 8 months
I was wondering if I could share a small thing I wrote from mattys perspective in the protego series??
Also I love your writing so much I can't wait for the next chapter im so ready to know how it all ends!!
Peace and love, Anon
Uhm absolutely??? I would love to see it! 🖤
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theladygia · 2 years
The Tear-Taste-Test Fest: Author Reveals!
Our sobmeliers were too excited to wait until the 14th (and preferred reveals to be on a Sunday instead of a Tuesday), so I am super proud to reveal which of the 10 participating authors wrote the 10 fics in The Tear-Taste-Test Fest Collection!
Thanks so much to all the writers who gave us such tasty treats: @being-luminous, @cannibalinc, @vdoshu, @cindle-writes, IceLynx, @meles-merrivale, @mrviran, @ellionne, @rudehellion and @wolfantlersinspace! Please go check out their now-revealed fics and shower them in the love they so deserve!
Last notes before the masterlist:
We did have one writer score a perfect 10/10 in author guesses, so congrats to Reign for winning the guessing game portion of this little event.
Once again, thank you to Cindle for the fic banners I've used in both the anon and revealed masterlists. Appreciate you!
Shoutout to Doshu for letting us use her quick artwork as the icon for the fest. We love our tearful Harry!
Now, onto the reveals!!!
The Tear-Taste-Test Fest Masterlist
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A Lesson Learned Well || written by: Pengress
Mature | 1.9k | Content Tags: Alternate Universe - Voldemort Wins, Canonical Character Death, Cannibalism, Captivity, Parselmouths & Parseltongue, Mental Disintegration, Master/Pet
Despite Voldemort’s numerous and single-minded past attempts on his life, now that he had Harry contained within his reach, the monster that used to haunt his every step seemed content to simply ignore Harry’s continued existence.
Most frequently guessed writer: Pengress (3/10) Number of writers guessed: 7
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Amensalism || written by: eleven_eaves
Explicit | 6k | Content Tags: Canon Divergence - Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Rape/Non-con Elements, Extremely Dubious Consent, Loss of Bodily Autonomy, Choking, Tentacle Sex, Cannibalism, Soft Vore, Monsterfucking
When Harry glances up, gleaming red eyes are staring at him out of a ghostly white, snake-like skull with jagged rows of razor-sharp teeth. It chuckles at Harry, high and cruel, then bumps its head against the shield charm and pops the Protego. “What the hell are you?” Harry demands. “I am Voldemort,” the pale monstrous face hisses out, a nasty smile stretching across its face. “And you are mine.”
Most frequently guessed writer: eleven_eaves (5/10)
Number of writers guessed: 5
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Cynosure || written by: wolf antlers
Explicit | 2.7k | Content Tags: Under the Influence of Horcruxes, Soul Bond, Choking, Resurrection, Possessive Behavior
When he risked another look, billowing green plumes bubbled over the lip of the cauldron, snaking into the grass. And then Voldemort rose, tall, unnaturally thin, with hips pulling translucent skin taut and ribs ridged like fragile fingers. He looked like he’d collapse at a slight breeze.
Most frequently guessed writer: wolf antlers (7/10)
Number of writers guessed: 4
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Eulogy || written by: merrivale
Explicit | 5.5k | Content Tags: Alternate Universe - Voldemort Wins, Emotional Manipulation, Mental Health Issues, Blood and Gore, Pseudo-Incest, Dubious Consent, Established Relationship, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat
You run through the things you have to do for the day. It is, admittedly, a very short list. Wake up. Be clean. Be ready. An empty life, some might call it. You don’t. It is the life He has given you, and so it is what you deserve.
Most frequently guessed writer: merrivale (4/10)
Number of writers guessed: 5
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Frigid || written by: MrVillain
Explicit | 3.4k | Content Tags: Imprisonment, Sexual Trauma, Impotence, Rape/Non-con Elements, Master/Pet, Temperature Play, Genital Torture, Humiliation
In which one of Voldemort's Horcruxes is broken and needs to be fixed.
Most frequently guessed writer: MrVillain (6/10)
Number of writers guessed: 4
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Keepsake || written by: IceLynx
Mature | 4.8k | Content Tags: Horror, Memory Alteration, Memory Loss, Loss of Identity
“I am Lord Voldemort and I have not kidnapped you.” “That's . . . I should have known that.” Because Voldemort's words ring true, deep in Harry's heart. Harry tries to remember, but the thoughts won't come to him. The more he forces it, the more obvious the gaps in his memories become. “Why didn't I know that?”
Most frequently guessed writer: IceLynx (4/10)
Number of writers guessed: 5
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Matriphagy || written by: asterismal
Mature | 2.4k | Content Tags: Alternate Universe - Vampire, Character Death, Rape/Non-con Elements
He staggers out into the hall, then down the stairs. What he finds at the bottom makes him stop, swaying in place. Static rushes over his head, threatens to drag him under, to send him to his knees. Black spots cloud his vision. Still, the image lingers. His mum in a heap on the floor, hair dark with blood, with sweat, splayed out across the floor. Her chest barely moves as she breathes. In the cradle of her throat, her pulse beats weakly against near translucent skin. Blood seeps slowly from a wound where her neck meets her shoulder. Saliva fills his mouth. He swallows.
Most frequently guessed writer: asterismal (6/10)
Number of writers guessed: 3
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Phalanx || written by: doshu
Explicit | 3.7k | Content Tags: Polyjuice Potion (Harry Potter). Ambiguous/Open Ending, Foot Kink, Humiliation, Breathplay, Forced Voyeurism
Harry expects to have time to poke around Malfoy Manor when he arrives, at least until dinner when he’ll presumably be required to put in face time with Narcissa. But before he even has the opportunity to find his way to Draco Malfoy’s bedroom, he is instead frozen in place by the words that emanate from beyond an open door at the end of the hall. “Narcissa,” calls a familiar, high-pitched voice. “Bring the boy.”
Most frequently guessed writer: doshu (4/10)
Number of writers guessed: 4
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Research and Development || written by: cannibalinc
Explicit | 5.5k | Content Tags: Laboratory Logs, Human Experimentation, Captivity, Imprisonment, Medical Horror, Body Horror
Subject acquired. Primary Objective: Establish with certainty that Subject IS or IS NOT a living Horcrux. Secondary Objective: If Subject is a living Horcrux, determine whether the soul fragment can be extracted intact and transferred to a different vessel, allowing Subject to be terminated thereafter. Cell captured audio sample: You can’t keep me in here forever, Voldemort! Why don’t you come in here and face me, you COWARD! I’m not scared of you! Dumbledore will find me and—
Most frequently guessed writer: cannibalinc (6/10)
Number of writers guessed: 3
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Tearing me apart (like a new emotion) || written by: RudeHellion
Explicit | 1.7k | Content Tags: Rape/Non-con Elements, Non-Consensual Bondage, Dacryphilia, Forced Marriage
Sex is such a petty entertainment compared to the thrill of watching Harry Potter break apart.
Most frequently guessed writer: Pengress (6/10) Successfully fooled the majority!
Number of writers guessed: 4
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fandom-puff · 4 years
Temporary Arrangement
Pairing: Severus Snape x reader
Requested by: anon ‘Will you write a one shot for me where after a death eater attack your house is burned down and you have to live with sirius and severus gets really jealous bc he sees how close you have gotten with sirius?? Mayyybe with some romantic reassuring smut at the end?’
Warnings: loss of home, mentions of duelling, death, swearing, jealousy, smut
Gif creds to owner
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The Order Meeting had ran long into the night, burning through many candles and many cups of coffee as they discussed feverishly. Everybody jumped as the front door to Grimmauld Place swung open, banging against the door and setting off the ghastly portrait of Mrs Black.
Sirius, Remus, Kingsley and Severus ran to the hallway, wands drawn, Kingsley yelling a quick ‘protrificus totalus’ to apprehend the intruder.
“Protego! You cried, causing the spell to ricochet around the hallway. “Fucking Hell, Kingsley!”
“Sorry. Precaution,” he said in his deep, calming voice as the rest lowered their wands. Severus pushed past them to get to you upon seeing that it was in fact his girlfriend.
“YN, my love, what happened? We’ve talked about being alone at night, it’s too dangerous with the Dark Lord on the rise,”
You let out a shrill laugh, clearly shaken. “I was in my own house,” you said. “The Death Eaters breached my wards,” A chilly silence fell across the room as you shook in Severus’s arms. “I-I think I killed someone, Sev,” you whispered. “I didn’t mean to, I didn’t use an unforgivable... I used sectumsempra, it was the first thing that came into my head. I’ve... lost everything. They burned my house to the ground,” you broke, collapsing into severus and sobbing as he shushed you. Remus and Kingsley wrestled with the curtains to shut Mrs Black up.
“What’s going on?” Mrs weasley, Mr Weasley, Tonks and Mad-Eye were now crowding around the doorway. “Oh, YN, dear...” mrs Weasley said gently. Together, she and severus guided you down into the kitchen. The meeting was quickly adjourned while Mrs weasley fixed you some hot chocolate (with a nip of whiskey in it to settle your nerves). “There we go,”
You leaned into severus as you drank your hot chocolate, telling them everything you could remember about the three death eaters who’d attacked your house. “You poor dear,” Molly said softly, reaching to pat your arm. “Sirius, is there another habitable room upstairs?”
“No, it’s okay, don’t worry, I’ll stay in Severus’s room,” you said gently.
“He doesn’t have a room,” Sirius said lowly. You pursed your lips, really not having the time or energy for their squabbling.
“Well whatever room Sev has been staying in, I’ll take that one for the time being. Sorted,”
As you and Severus went to stand up Sirius spoke up. “What, Snivellous, not gonna take her to your mouldy house on Spinner’s End?”
Severus rounded on Sirius, eyes flashing with anger. “Bit rich of you to call someone’s house mouldy, isn’t it, Black?” He deadpanned. “And I wouldn’t dream of taking YN there. There are death eaters traipsing in and out to use it as an apparation point,”
You grasped onto Sev’s hand, pulling him away, wanting nothing more than to curl up in his arms and sleep away the horrible night you had had.
A fortnight later you had settled into somewhat of a routine: go to work, come home, eat some wonderful food from Mrs Weasley, and set about cleaning out Grimmauld Place with the others. You were yet to be allowed back to your own home as Kingsley ensured that there were aurors patrolling the area, and Mad-Eye was sure there were some complex curses in place for anyone who got too close.
As you helped the others, you grew closer to all of them, filling Mr Weasley in on various muggle artefacts, discussing politics with Remus and even engaging in Sirius’s mischievous banter.
“Sirius, I swear to all that is sacred, you had better keep hold of the bottom of that ladder. God knows what’s in these jars and I really don’t fancy it ending up in my hair!”
Sirius grinned, wobbling the bottom of the ladder teasingly, causing you to squeal, almost dropping a jar of what looked like half-rotted eyeballs. Sirius laughed, reaching out to place a steady hand in your back as you climbed back down the ladder, jars in hand. You almost jumped out of your skin when you saw severus stood in the doorway, eyes narrowed.
“Hiya, love,” you said softly, setting the jars down and going to him, reaching to press a gentle kiss to his cheek. “Missed you,”
“Clearly,” he said tersely, making you frown as he turned to Sirius. “Black. I ask that you keep your hands to yourself,” Sirius was about to protest, but severus had turned on his heel. You hurried after him.
“Sev?” You asked gently. “Are you alright?”
“If I ever see him touch you again I will hex his filthy hands off,” you sighed, grabbing his forearms.
“You’re jealous, aren’t you? I love you, Severus, only you,” you said, staring him dead in the eye. “I’m yours,”
He stared at you for a moment before licking his lips. “Prove it,”
With the door slammed firmly shut and plenty of silencing charms up, you turned to your boyfriend. “Sit on the bed,” you said gently, not used to giving orders. Severus raised a brow and removed his billowing outer robe, before sitting on the edge of the bed. You smiled softly at him before yanking off your shirt and shimmying out of your jeans, licking your shoes off in the process and leaving you in your plain underwear. “What do you see?”
“A goddess,” he said plainly, his fingers already trailing up your sides. You rolled your eyes slightly, looking down shyly.
“Your goddess,” you murmured, sighing breathily as he unhooked your bra, tossing it aside. Severus smiled to himself, nuzzling his face into your chest, murmuring sweet nothings against your heart as he undid his frock coat. You smiled happily as your stroked his hair, and a few moments later, he too was down to his underwear.
“Lay back,” you murmured, pulling away. He groaned, wanting to stay where he was, but he shuffled to lay among the pillows, watching as you slid your underwear down your legs. As you crawled towards him, breasts swaying temptingly, he smirked, moving to sit upright instead. When you were close enough to him he grabbed you by your thighs to pull you to straddle him. You squealed, pouting slightly, but your frown still dissolved when you felt a familiar hardness beneath you. “I love you, severus,” you said softly, starting to rut your hips gently. “Can you feel how wet I am for you? All for you,” you moaned, feeling the ridge of his clothes cock rub against your clit.
Severus grunted, his hands on your hips, brow furrowed in pleasure. “YN, darling, I need you,” he groaned, “please,”
You nodded, reaching between you to pull his cock out of his underwear, lowly lowering yourself on him. “There you go, YN, just like that, ride my cock...” you nodded, adjusting to the tight stretch, slowly rocking your hips as severus groaned beneath you.
Severus grunted, rocking his hips up to meet your movements, threading his fingers through your hair to pull you down for a deep kiss, tongue tracing over the seal of your lips. You allowed him entrance, moaning sweetly into his mouth as you began to bounce your hips slightly.
Severus grunted, his other hand grasping your hip hard as you rocked and ground your hips, your moans dissolving into his lips. He pulled away, his blown eyes locking with yours, low groans tumbling from his lips, your name whispered like a prayer.
“I’m close, YN,” he moaned, his hips bucking up a little rougher. You nodded desperately, tipping your head back, but he groaned, grabbing your hair and tilting your head back down to look at him. “No. Look at me,” he groaned. “I want to see you fall apart on my cock, love,” his voice was strained and you knew he was close, reaching down to rub your clit hard, clenching tightly around his as he shouted your name, pumping his cock up into you, filling you with his come as you began to tumble over the edge, moaning loudly, trying your best to keep your eyes open and locked with his.
As your orgasm subsided, you collapsed into his chest panting, pressing gentle kisses just over his heart. “I love you,” you mumbled, reaching to clasp his hand. Severus smiled softly, his hand rubbing your back gently. You let out a soft whimper as you dismounted him, snuggling into his side. Severus reached for his wand to do the usual charms, but yiu grabbed his arm. “Just do the contraceptive one. I wanna feel you inside me still,” you said bashfully.
Severus arched his brows, doing as you asked, gathering you up in his arms. “You want to feel my come seep down your thighs still?” When you nodded, he smiled widely, kissing your forehead and pulling the covers up around you, cocooning you both in warmth as you settled into a hazy, peaceful sleep.
Tags: @liliputbahn @lilymurphy03 @pinkandblueblurbs @thestunningspell @wholebigboxofyikes @remus-lupin-simp @dailyalanrickman @cremedelabrulee
Remember to dm me to be on my tag list x
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impishtubist · 3 years
12. “Please don’t do this.”
For Harry and Sirius
Hello, Anon! You get a re-imagining of the wedding chapter in DH:
12. "Please don't do this."
Harry seized Sirius’s arm, but Sirius pushed him away.
“Harry, go! Run!”
“You have to come, too,” Harry pleaded. “Please, Sirius, don’t do this!”
Around them, the wedding was in chaos, cloaked figures appearing out of the darkness and spells flying in every direction. Sirius cast a quick Protego before rounding on Harry.
“Listen to me. Your parents entrusted me with your life seventeen years ago, and I spent twelve of those in prison. For once, for once, let me be the parent to you I was supposed to be. Remus and I will catch up to you. Now go!”
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missnight0wl · 2 years
Disclaimer: This is probably really stupid Hi, I'm the "hogwarts and mahoutokoro conflict" anon! I still think that it's weird that the history of mahoutokoro is in the restricted section?! Even Liv comments on this in chapter 22 year 7... Listen, I get that maybe Dumbledore doesn't like the Mahoutokoro headmaster(which is fair tbh, if protego diabolica is indeed his favourite spell, then he is a MASSIVE hypocrite)... but don't do that! One more thing, the cover of the mahoutokoro history book has a flame on it. Maybe it means that the Mahoutokoro school is linked with fire, so that's why the headmaster's favourite spell is protego diabolica!(yes i do know that it has a flame on it in canon so that Liv can have an excuse to pick it up but c'mon) Perhaps fire played a deeper role in this school's history and this dark charm may have a more complex history and this is why it's the headmaster's favourite spell. Not to mention that this dark charm can be similar to the robe system(i'm talking about how if you practice dark magic your robes turn white) if you look at it in a certain way. Both are related to punishment of disloyalty. "When cast, Protego Diabolica created a protective ring of black fire around the caster. It was possible to walk through the flames unharmed, as demonstrated by Vinda Rosier, Credence Barebone, Queenie Goldstein and Abernathy amongst others, only if they were loyal to the caster and meant them no harm." - Quote from the Protego Diabolica wiki "Any student who betrayed the Japanese wizard's code or practised Dark Arts would result in their uniform turning white" - Quote from the Mahoutokoro wiki Am I reading into this too much? Absolutely. But does it have more potential than the canon storyline? Anything is better than canon sooooo
And yea yea I know that Jam City could've never came up with THIS but it's a fun thought even though it may be a little weird
This is not stupid at all. In fact, I like your observation about the parallel between Protego Diabolica and the uniforms system. Still, I’m gonna start with a couple of things I can’t agree with.
See, the thing is that my mind simply refuses that accept that there even is the Headmaster whose favourite spell is Protego Diabolica. First of all, the only canon example of this charm is Grindelwald in The Crimes of Grindelwald. In fact, the use of this spell in the movie is so specific that I personally got the impression that Grindelwald himself might’ve invented it for this very situation. He had just given his big speech, and he knew that people will be choosing whether or not they wanted to join him. Moreover, if I recall correctly, he actually suspected that some of his people are not truly devoted to him. So yeah, of course he’d want to test their loyalty. Therefore, it seems reasonable that he’d come up with Protego Diabolica because of that. And if that’s the case… how the Mahoutokoro Headmaster would learn it? It’s not impossible – but it’s kind of unlikely, if you ask me.
Of course, it’s also possible that Grindelwald didn’t invent the charm, and there was another way for the Headmaster to learn it. Still, as I said, the use of Protego Diabolica is VERY specific – so, don’t you think that it’s a rather odd choice of a favourite spell? Like… how many times did he even have a chance to use it? It’s not really a spell you’d use during a duel or something. The Headmaster might like it – but to call it a favourite? You know what I mean?
I don’t know, it just feels very strange to me, and I simply believe that Jam City didn’t think it through, and they were lazy about making a connection between Protego Diabolica – Mahoutokoro – Dai Ryusaki. In fact, I’m pretty sure that’s also why the book about Mahoutokoro is in the Restricted Section. Because I agree with you that it doesn’t really make sense. It makes sense that information about Dai Ryusaki is in the Restricted Section, but not about the school in general. And honestly, there’s a pretty easy fix for it, as usual. Just put the information about Ryusaki in the book The most dangerous Dark Wizards of Asia (or something like that), and then, make Dumbledore confirm that connection by saying that according to the legend, Ryusaki liked to use Protego Diabolica. I mean, doesn’t it make a little more sense?
That being said, I do like the use of Protego Diabolica in the story in general. Moreover, I think it could be used for a very cool plot twist. Because while Dumbledore said it’s a Dark charm… I wouldn’t really call it that. Imagine that it was used by Harry Potter, for example. Since the spell recognises loyalty to the caster, it wouldn’t harm people like Ron or Hermione, but it would hurt Death Eaters. So… does it really sound like “a Dark charm”? I’d argue that it’s simply a very powerful protective charm. It’s quite violent, sure, so I suppose this part could count as Dark magic, but still. It could be used against “bad guys”, in my opinion.
With that in mind, we could have a plot twist where Dai Ryusaki is not a Dark wizard after all. He was a very powerful wizard, yes, but he was connected to the school which is strongly against Dark Arts (to the point where they came up with the system marking those who dishonoured their values), and so he took this value system as his own. I think it’s also interesting that honour is important in Japanese culture in general, so I’d say it’s totally believable that once Ryusaki recognised that his potion might be used for evil, he felt responsible for protecting it from people with bad intentions. Therefore, he used Protego Diabolica – the difference is that the charm would let in only a person loyal to Ryusaki’s real belief, and that belief was that the Dark Scroll can’t be used for evil. That would be a pretty perfect explanation for why R is so obsessed with MC: because they’re simply a good person. MC’s writing is pretty shitty since Y6, but I still believe that the original idea was to present MC as someone of a pure heart. And if that’s the case, they’d be able to safely retrieve the Dark Scroll.
So yeah. I’m not sure if Protego Diabolica and the uniforms system are just "similar" as you’re proposing. I think it’s possible they both come basically from the exact same starting point.
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