#psychiatrist. and hope they take my insurance. i called and checked for providers and they were the only one in the area so shoulf b ok but
opens-up-4-nobody · 2 years
#tomorrow is the day the measurements start. the start of my 40+ days of torment. but idk im glad its finally here#i dont have to dread it anymore. hopefully its the last time i have to do these type of measurements#i was talking to my boss yesterday and she was like: oh last timr we were out i realized this might be ur last time doing lpi for thr rest#of ur life. and i was like god i hope so. bc thats a process where i crawl across the ground for 50m per transect and identify all the#plants and soil cover and for the life of me i cant fucking remember plant codes. i hate it bc i basically have to talk for like 3hrs and#have someone standing over my shoulder recording me and all the while my brain is screaminf at me bc field work doesnt count as real work#in my stupid brain. so yea ill do lpi and soil stability as benign torment in purgatory#but anyway. im hesitantly optimistic abt the measurements i have to take bc im going to try my best to make it ok bc i have school#interviews looming and i have to pretend im hanging on by more than a single thread ya kno#so we r going to b careful abt it. well at least well see how long it lasts. i also have tk find the time to read a bunch before interviews#while my brain is completely fried idk how. and do other lab stuff. sigh...#idk im probably going to take measurements all the way thru sunday and then monday see if i can fill out patent intake info with a psy#psychiatrist. and hope they take my insurance. i called and checked for providers and they were the only one in the area so shoulf b ok but#ya kno. god im barely a functional person. like the fact that i have to drive 8min down the road is very nearly enough for me to say fuck#it. id rather suffer forever. i just hate driving so much :-P#i just wish i could focus enough to make words make sense and justify the time i spend to learn things. agh#lmao im such an anxious person. a lab mate had a birthday today and my boss and a fellow lab member surprised her with a cake#and im v worried abt when my birthday happens. it wasnt so bad last time bc another birthday was also that week so the focus was off me a#lil but with my boss leaving this school i was like. yes. i escape the surprise gathering. but probably not. same for when i leave#genuinely i do not want a gathering. i just feel like im waiting for them to end. not that i dont like my lab mates but idk it feels so#artificial. and i feel awkward bc i never make eye contact or look at anyone in a way i think is typical bc i see ppl look at me#like turn their head to see my reaction to something and i just like fundamentally do not understand that impulse#whatever. what i want for my birthday or going away is to not attend the gathering. make it more like a wake lol#but i kno that wont happen. last year my boss asked whst i wanted and i said nothing and she said that wasnt allowed#im just so neurotic that if u try to do anything for me itll prob just upset me. but idk ppl like to give presents and stuff#and sometimes things arent all abt me. so i just gotta accept it and go cry abt it later#but thats like 3 months away so i dont kno why im so stressed abt it now. I've got more pressing things to stress abt#unrelated
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jupiterjames · 1 year
Hey! Saw your post about getting a doctor to clear the hold that was placed on your meds by your insurance. You mentioned a genetic test for psychiatric drug tolerance - how did you get one of those? My SO has been prescribed lots of different psychiatric drugs and most either don’t work well or have lots of negative side effects, so I’m wondering if this test would be useful (his doctors have never mentioned it to him before)
Absolutely! Now, I'm in the US, so if you're not, I have no idea how it would work besides straight up asking your doc if they know who and how to get one, but if you are in the US, I hope this helps.
My psychiatrist suggested the testing because she is not fond of a patient having to play medication whack-a-mole more than few times, and has experienced this phenomenon many times over the years, so she knew. And it was covered by my insurance and done by a company called GeneSight. They have a myriad of genetic tests, which is AWESOME. Your doc or psychiatrist may not know about the specific tests for medication tolerance (it's basically a very targeted liver enzyme test), so maybe float the idea to them. As a provider, they can order a test for you, OR you can straight up order one yourself and pay out of pocket and possibly be reimbursed by filing an insurance claim yourself.
HOWEVER, please keep in mind that if you or your doc orders the test (it is a cheek swab that will be mailed to you and that you can mail back) FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS HOLY, check your insurance to see if you need pre-approval for coverage, a doctor's approval for coverage, and/or if you can just submit a claim after you get the bill, OR if your insurance will cover any genetic testing at all (most do for some things). Most docs will probably be more than willing to send your insurance a pre-approval request. Out of pocket, these specialized tests can cost upwards of $3-5K sometimes because they are so targeted. But also, if your SO is like me, and run the gauntlet of failed meds, insurance hates that too, so approving a test could be super easy. In my case, it went right through no hassle.
When you get the results, you will have an actual list of brand name and generic drugs in ALL psychiatric categories (even the ones that don't apply to your mental health needs) labled in a green (well-tolerated), yellow (eh, side effects that will probably resolve), and red (poorly tolerated or contraindicated.)
If you do this yourself, take the copy to your doc and discuss what's on the green list (or yellow if you're like me and have only 2 on the green list) and discuss what's appropriate. If your doc orders the test, they will also receive a copy of the results.
Anyway, this helped me A LOT. I immediately went on the SNRI that was in green, as well as anxiety meds in green (different category list) and felt a ton better.
Y'all stay as healthy as possible, okay? :D
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A Nice Development
Hello There!
So I have more news on the Insurance dealio. For months I was waiting for my insurance to be updated to a more helpful plan. I didn’t hear too much from the insurance company so I had to make some calls. This is always a dreaded task to undertake due to being Autistic but nonetheless, I buckled down and did it. First I called my insurance provider and asked if my benefits were upgraded. They were not. The plan I was on basically covered a portion of the cost of visits to the doctor and medications I might be prescribed. That’s absolutely better than nothing but it didn’t include dental or vision. Due to being both mentally ill (meaning there are days when dental hygiene is difficult) and extremely nearsighted, I need both of those. The insurance company gave me a number to call to ask about how to get my benefits upgraded and if it was a possibility. So some days pass and I finally get to calling that number. When I called the number they gave me and asked them my questions, they referred me back to my Insurance provider and said that they were in charge of that. They were gracious enough to transfer my call to my insurance provider. I spoke to them again and they again said that they didn’t work with that side of things and to call the other place. So essentially, I was put in a phone call roundabout. After being told to call the other office the second time, I just decided to call my caseworker from the clinic I mentioned in a previous post who had actually helped me sign up for insurance in the first place. She told me to call if I was ever having troubles with the insurance company or if I needed any help with insurance at all. So I did. Let me tell you, this woman is an absolute boss and a blessing. When I called and told her what was going on she called the office herself and said she’d get back to me when she spoke to someone. The night passes and then yesterday morning I get a call from her. She had not only called to check in on my insurance herself but she took it all the way up to a supervisor in the office. Long story short, there was a mishap and it just needed to be switched over. She said that it hadn’t been done yet but that she would call me when she was notified that it was taken care of. Like I said, she’s a total boss and an extreme blessing. Fast-forward to today, I get a call from her saying that she was notified that it had been changed over and that she even checked my status herself to make sure that I had the proper benefits. I swear, I have her to thank for even having my insurance, as well as so much more. So now, I have proper coverage and I can begin looking into psychiatrists and therapists. I’m nervous but I’m sure we’ll get to that good point eventually and I’ll find a good psychiatrist and therapist.
So my piece of advice to you is: If you can, find someone good who can be your caseworker or advocate. It makes all the difference and it can help you get past the brick wall that some insurance companies have.
I hope you are well. Remember to take your meds, drink water, eat something, maybe get some sunlight, love yourself a bit, and all of that good stuff.
Love Always,
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bigskydreaming · 3 years
I kinda wanna fucking scream, so here, have a offline bullshit rant post.
So I’ve literally been trying to get my stupid fucking meds for over a MONTH now at this point, which I’m sure you can all see like, my mood is just wooooonderful these days. Not an excuse, casual reminder that yeah you do gotta take care of your own space so if my mood is dragging anyone down, I’m totes on board with blocking or unfollowing or y’know, burning me in effigy or something. Okay maybe not that last part. But still. You get it. And its not even that like, I need mood stabilizers per se, lol, so shout out to the armchair diagnosticians helpfully peppering my inbox still in their quest to oh so slickly be like ‘hey you’re a hot mess, take your hot messness away from tumblr’ like lol, didn’t ask.....nah, its mostly the perpetual lack of sleep and chronic pain issues that I have zero distraction from when my specific combo of meds isn’t able to let me actually weaponize my ADHD properly and power through that. Its a whole thing. Whatever. Just go with it.
POINT IS. So I’ve been trying to do this for over a month now, first obstacle was even just getting the money together for my refill appointment which is a whopping $150, because I have to pay out of pocket for mental health stuff these days because I had to switch my insurance over to something that paid out more heavily for physical benefits like my jaw surgery.....and because of the pandemic, and how many psychiatrists in my area and that I could actually reach aren’t taking new patients during the pandemic since most of them are conducting business virtually still, like, I have barely any resources for seeking out and trying new psychiatrist offices in the meanwhile that might charge less and I’m kinda stuck with the one I have because the last thing I can afford is to have like, NO psychiatrist at the moment, y’know?
So first I had to have that to even BOOK the appointment, which took forever because rent and food are a joy to accrue when you can barely manage to function as an actual employee of the capitalist machine ahfsklhflkahflakf, but so then I did that and like, got an appointment put on the books for August 19th. That was the soonest they could fit me in back when I paid them for my appointment about a week and a half ago. No, two weeks ago now? Eh, time is fake. ANYWAY, so that wasn’t gonna work for me, so basically the entirety of last week was devoted to constantly calling and trying to check in every other hour to see if they had any sooner cancellations I could take, because for whatever fucking reason, they just ‘don’t do’ a cancellation list wherein they call the next person on the list once they have a cancellation. Whatever.
So finally got a cancellation slot with a virtual appointment last Saturday night at random as fuck 8:40. Okay cool. Most of my refills are fairly simple, no real changes, but two are controlled substances so like, they have to do their due diligence and go through the proper protocols before giving me another prescription to one or whatever. Fine. Okay.
So I call the CVS they sent the prescription for my ADHD med to, the very next morning. One of the controlled substances, and the key med to like....making me functional instead of a rambling disjointed whirlibird of a thought emitter. Problem is, that medication is on back order. Won’t be in until Tuesday. Ugh. Okay, fine. Nothing I can do about it, because while the specific provider I spoke to in order to GET my refill prescriptions was taking an appointment the night before, the actual offices that schedule appointments and connect patients through to their providers was closed for the weekend, so I couldn’t even ask for them to send the scrip somewhere else.
SO. I go back to the CVS on Monday, hoping that maybe it came in early because not like I can do much else in the meanwhile. Course its not there, but oh well. I toy with the idea of calling to ask my provider to send the scrip to a different pharmacy (only had it sent to this one cuz its within walking distance to me, and since I can’t drive for medical reasons and Uber’s are expensive as fuck, just for errands, like, even though walking is sooooo not fun for me physically, like it is what it is). I decide against it because here’s another fun fact about this controlled substance....for security reasons, pharmacies don’t have to tell people over the phone if they have it in stock or not. Like, they won’t just say no we don’t have it in stock - I mean, they WILL say that, but that doesn’t actually mean anything because that’s what most of them say about that particular medication no matter whether or not they DO, and then just cite security protocols, so you have to actually GO to the store in question to ask them and even get a real answer to whether or not they even HAVE it in stock to FILL a prescription if its sent over. And no, the provider won’t just send scrips into several different pharmacies at once and just be whichever has it in stock can fill it - because again, controlled substance.
SO. I decide its not worth it to try getting the scrip sent over somewhere else, because I’d have to at least waste money on an Uber to even travel to various pharmacies and even check if they CAN fill it sooner than this one, when at least this place will have it in tomorrow. Its just one more day at this point.
Except then I go back on Tuesday. Oh sorry, don’t know why that other person told you we’d have our order in today, our shipments of that medication don’t come in until Wednesdays.
So I go back Wednesday. Success! They have it in stock. I go to pay, pulling out my goodRx coupon that was just printed out that morning, specifically citing the price for CVS at Target. The pharmacy manager says sorry, we don’t honor that coupon here for controlled substances like this one. I say: record scratch? He’s like yeah, that’s at the discretion of individual pharmacies, and we don’t honor that price for this specific medication, because we don’t want to attract customers only coming here to get that medication filled for that price. (This pharmacy is right at the edge of Inglewood and Culver City, for anyone who is familiar with those neighborhoods. The implications are exactly as they appear to be). So I’m like, what’s the regular generic price? He quotes me something that’s $180 more than the coupon, and thus $180 more than I have since I was focused totally on getting THIS amount ASAP, so I could get these meds so I could do more work and make more money. You see the train of thought. I’m like well that’s awesome, I don’t have anything close to that. Hey. Weird question. Why did nobody I talked to the past three days in a row that I’ve walked into this store in person to request this refill, like, mention this little tidbit about not honoring this coupon so instead of waiting for a backorder that would do me no good, I could have been spending that time having my prescription transferred somewhere that WOULD honor it?
He’s like, well did you mention to any of them that you’d be using a goodRx coupon for this particular medication? I said, yup. He said, you sure? I said well the specific process each time was I came in, I asked if this medication was in, they said what’s your name and date of birth, I provided that info, they said are you paying out of pocket, we don’t have valid insurance info for this on file for you, I said yup paying out of pocket with a goodRx coupon, they said *clickety clack of the keyboard* nope, sorry, we won’t have this medicine in until Tuesday, I mean Wednesday. 
He’s like, well you must be misremembering or they would have told you at the time that we don’t take GoodRx coupons on this medication. I’m like, dude, it was you. It was literally you that I spoke to two of those three times, right here at the counter, in person. I’m gonna go ahead and trust my memory of those interactions and what was said there over yours since you don’t actually remember having talked to me two times in the last three days. He’s like, I gotta go help another customer. There is no other customer. I leave. Fun day for everyone.
So then I call around town to at least check which CVS will actually honor the coupon I have and the price that I can afford to pay it at. I don’t bother asking if they even have the medication in stock because I know its not guaranteed to be a CORRECT answer, but at least I can see who accepts this damn coupon. Also, reason I’m only trying big brand pharmacies instead of smaller, hole in the wall ones is because again, controlled substance, and I know from experience that the bigger brand pharmacies are at least more likely to have that med in stock whereas most smaller ones tend to run out very quickly as they usually only get enough for their existing/regular customers and a little extra.
I find a CVS five miles away - not walkable, gonna have to Uber. Call my psychiatrist office again to ask them to transfer the scrip, front office says they’ll send the request to my provider, who usually checks and fulfills such requests in 24-48 hours. I’m like okay cool, can I get a phone call to let me know when that happens, so at least I know when to check back to follow up if it hasn’t happened yet for whatever reason? They’re like no, the pharmacy will send you a text or call when they get the prescription sent over and you can take it from there with them. I’m like okay, but I’ve done this a bunch of times and know from experience the pharmacy does NOT in fact always call or text, so is there a certain time to follow up to inquire if the provider has already sent the scrip and the pharmacy SHOULD have it by now or if the delay is on the provider’s end? Front office is like yeah no. I’m like, swell.
So that was yesterday. I call the pharmacy (which I still don’t even know if they have the medication IN STOCK to fill the scrip even once they GET the scrip, and won’t until I can actually Uber out there, but one thing at a time at this point) at like 9 pm, they’re a 24 hour pharmacy, and they’re like nope, we got nothing (this is after spending an hour and a half on hold to even TALK to someone at the pharmacy). Called them again today at noon, still nada. Technically I have another 29 hours before the window in which the provider is supposed to send the refill scrip to this new location, before I can be like, okay so they still haven’t done it, can we send him a nudge or another request. The 24-48 hour window will only actually EXPIRE after their offices close on Friday meaning it’ll be Monday before I can even actually REACH someone again to ask them to send the scrip again, if the pharmacy hasn’t ACTUALLY gotten it by Friday night, and pessimistically, I’m not super inclined to assume that they will at this point. 
I’m antsy, irritable, hungry because I don’t even know for SURE sure if the new pharmacy will ACTUALLY honor the coupon or say no sorry we don’t do that here either, whoever told you that was wrong, or if they’ll even actually have it in stock versus I’ll have to have it sent somewhere else AGAIN, so I have to pinch every penny possible in order to ensure I have the most money possible once my prescription IS filled in case the price is more than I expected again or in case I have to take Ubers there or further than I expected or basically....shit happens that I don’t expect. And this is what I’m basically spending all my time doing instead of working, because trying to get work done in this state is like....the harder I try to make it happen, the less it actually gets done, so I try and prioritize this and its roadblock after roadblock dragging out and wasting my time, and like yeah, I can post and shit while I’m doing this aka sitting on hold or walking around town trying to get shit filled because its fine if I ramble incoherently along the way in posts, but actual WORK work requires like....fucking coherency and succinctness and not having to stop and start every five minutes to call someone else, and oh yeah, being able to power through migraine spikes. And just.
I’m very annoyed about anything and everything to do with this shit. The hoops you have to jump through to even get the stuff that like....actualizes your hoop jumping ability, is just....*gnashing of teeth*
Anyway. So that’s my offline bullshit rant. Yay. The end.
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I’m just going to copy/paste this because it took me hours and I’m drained. 
I guess I have to format it again if I want it to show up at all... 
I couldn't even make it back home before breaking down crying again.
Driving while chronically sleep deprived, exhausted, fatigued, and dissociating is bad enough. Doing it with all that AND without being able to see? How special. 
I barely had time to sit down, my phone rang. I answered it, begging for someone to hear me. For thirty straight seconds. "Hello? Hello? Hello???" Finally someone spoke, but they couldn't hear me. I'm sobbing. They hung up. I scrambled to call back, from my computer, because at least then I'm not fighting a lack of reception as well as my anxiety. They called again. I didn't answer. I waited for my computer to ring through instead. I'm put on hold.  I'm sobbing. It was just to ask what my pharmacy is. Which I already answered on my paperwork. Which I answered, again, at check-out. And I was forced into a third confirmation via a pointless, needless, anxiety-attack inducing phone call hazing. For something I already answered. 
It's not fucking fun. People don't choose this. I didn't choose this. But does it matter? "Call," the command comes. "Just call." "Call to confirm." "Call to ask." "Call." "Call." "Call." 
I want you to think of something that takes physical hold of your body and brings to you to tears. I want you to hold that and sit with it until it does those things. I want you to choose to reduce yourself to a sobbing mess, struggling to breathe, alone. And I want you to picture a world where you are commanded, demanded, required to do this. For virtually everything. Imagine needing help - but you must first re-traumatize yourself with your most painful memories until your nose is running and your eyes burn from crying. And you're exhausted for the rest of the day, too. Maybe multiple days. Absolutely exhausted. So fucking depleted that taking yourself to the bathroom is almost impossible. Feeding yourself - even eating something out of a can, or microwaved - is a herculean effort. Does that sound fun? Of course not. 
As for the appointment itself: It's the same. Much better bedside manner. But it's the same underlying capitalism-serving "care" system. It's my fault. I'm not trying hard enough. I'm not blacking out alone on the side of the road enough. I haven't dissociated hard enough and/or blacked out while driving yet, so it can't be that bad, right? Not until I'm maimed or dead, right? Why address the root of a problem when we can just plaster on endless band-aids instead? When we can blame you for hurting, instead of the environment that's poisoning you? I'm not medically sedating myself into an obedient little wage slave, and that's the real problem. I should aspire to produce capital for someone with most of the remaining hours of my life. That's the purpose of living, that's the reason for "health"care - not to care about health, no, just to keep the wheels of capitalism well-oiled with wasted human life. Inherent human value? Quality of life? Nah. 
They refused my medical history. I brought the 72-page pdf on a flash drive. Because that's how I was given it. Because I can't afford to buy and operate a personal fax machine and/or print out a chapter book's worth of pages of medical records. I went through the trouble of getting the files, and it took over a month - only to be told "we can't take anything but paper or fax." I filled out a file release form as best I could. But I didn't have the phone number or address memorized. Not even before that place became synonymous with medical neglect and trauma for me. So now they're going to go through the ancient months-long ritual of requesting the self-fucking-same documents from LISH, either by mail or fax, because they "can't" access a flash drive or a pdf or use email. Welcome to 2021. We're back to "normal" and teleheath never existed and the internet is fake and technology is a myth and why do anything efficiently when you can waste time and do damage to people instead? My Aunt called to check in on me during her lunch break. (Thank you again) She offered to get the file printed and try to hand it in for me. I'm too tired to hope. I'm too exhausted to think they'll accept it without fuss. Anything and everything to make things harder.
Top priority order of business is the whole "diseased for life" thing. Hashimoto's thyroiditis. Hypothyroidism. Daily hormones for every day of the rest of forever, gatekept behind eternal doctor visits and prescriptions and pharmacies and copays and and and and did I mention this is forever? I've got a referral to have a thyroid sonogram done. Haven't ever had one of those before. Need to make that appointment. I was able to have my blood drawn for the thyroid testing without needing an additional appointment, which was a nice change of pace. Normally you're supposed to fast for that, but I wasn't expecting that could be done during the visit. Three years of having to make additional trips to the lab for blood work. I ate immediately before getting there, so hopefully nothing had a chance to metabolize and skew the results. Even though it was great not to have to juggle yet another appointment for health shit, it was stressful. The nurse took three tries before she had all the supplies she needed in the room. I already have anxiety spikes (which also raise my blood pressure and heart rate) for all doctor visits now. (White Coat Syndrome, I learned, it's called) I didn't need to have a rubber cable tied around my arm, popped off, tied again, popped off, and tied a third and final time to make it worse. A pro to that con: she was incredibly accurate and gentle. I normally have sub-dermal bleeding and some bruising after having blood drawn, and keep the bandage on for a day or two. The bandage didn't last even an hour after I got home - but there wasn't a single spot of trapped blood, and I almost couldn't even tell where she stuck me.
I have another new diagnosis to add to my growing collection. Hypertension. High blood pressure. I used to have slightly low blood pressure. It stunned the first doctor I ever saw (you know, because I'm fat, so that sort of thing is supposed to be ~impossible~) and it frustrated my last doctor at first, too. But now, with years of building stress and anxiety? It's almost like living with your most basic human needs barely provided (food, shelter, healthcare - let's not bring up social needs LMAO those don't count anyway, right?), and at constant risk of being taken away, for months (years, in some cases) on end, is some form of stress. It's almost like being constantly dismissed and told "you're just not trying hard enough" (WHILE TRYING YOUR BEST JUST TO SURVIVE EACH DAY) is some form of stress!It's almost like perpetual, ongoing, worsening stress has a negative impact on your heart! It's almost like there are decades of data that spell this out, plain as day!It's almost like I noticed my elevated heart rate back in NOVEMBER and mentioned it out of concern to my last doctor - who dismissed it outright because my reading in-office wasn't *that* bad, and also shouldn't I be on 5487 psych meds instead? If I was sedated out of my mind, I wouldn't be physically capable of feeling stress in my body despite the presence of real-world stress factors. That's healthy, right? Don't bother to solve the stressors, just neuter the body's response to them. Super healthy response. (Not) My GYN took note of my concern in December, when my vitals DID show as high in-office. Not that my GYN had the jurisdiction to do anything about it. I'm being put on another medication to try to mitigate this, and potentially also address some anxiety. I haven't picked it up yet. I don't know the name. I don't know if I'll be able to afford it. "Your copay is only a dollar!" Yes well, when you don't have a dollar, you can't afford a dollar, can you?
I was given a list of psychiatrists. To "Call!!"Precisely none of them are a reasonable distance away. Nearly half aren't even in my insurance network. Some explicitly exclude Medicaid. Others are exclusively for children. I was suggested a medication for depression and anxiety. I can't remember which one. Either Abilify or Lexapro? I declined it for now, either way. I wanted to be able to research it. Lexapro is just another SSRI and I already know those don't work for me. Adding a chemical bouncer to my brain to make sure the happy chemicals stay out to play doesn't help when there are no happy chemicals in the first place. A quick search for Abilify doesn't address anxiety at all so it was probably Lexapro. In which case, I am not interested in repeating a different-flavor-Prozac experience. It was not good. I didn't get any notes with that medication, regardless. I got a sticky note with "Valerian Root Extract (tea or tincture)" and "Magnesium Glycinate 2 capsules" scribbled on it, instead. Out-of-pocket home rem-maybes. I can't afford to experiment with snake oils, so mostly I'll probably just spend a bunch of time looking for data and research and studies for those substances, and that's it. If I get around to psychiatric care, I will have to start from scratch in my insurance's shoddy search tool, again. And, frankly, it's not a priority. My mental health struggles are the result of a lot of physical factors and external/social factors, and no amount of artificial chemicals bullying my brain is going to solve any of it. When your car starts leaking oil, you don't just commit to buying more oil forever and dribbling it all over, wherever you go. You fix the fucking leak. If your house has a gas leak, you don't invest in gas masks. You fix the fucking leak. If you end up with a burst pipe, you don't commit to wasting water and money and damaging your environment. You fix. The fucking. Leak. But in these comparisons, I'm getting prescribed oil and gas masks and infinite water damage/waste/bills as long-term care.
I mentioned my fatigue. It was the final straw that made me give up with the last doctor. It just keeps getting worse. It's been getting worse for over 3 years. And I'm so, so fucking tired of it getting pinned fully on the fact that I'm not on psych meds. I WAS on psych meds during part of those 3 years with my last doctor. And it didn't fucking make any difference! A daily chemical lobotomy does not address or restore my lack of physical energy. My decades-old medication-resistant insomnia has never vanished with psych meds before, and it's not likely to do it now. Especially not with yet another of the same family of chemicals that I already know don't work. I want my concern to be taken seriously. I don't want it just brushed into the mental health corner, again. Being too tired to even do the things you used to enjoy - no one fucking wants this! I don't want this! I miss being able to go for walks. I miss going to the gym. I miss seeing how much I could do, and feeling good, and feeling strong. And I can't do any of that now. Not without risking harming myself in the process. 
No one wants this. I keep talking, but it feels like no one listens. At the earliest opportunity, we're back to repeating the same tired old shit that doesn't work. I try to come prepared, and the stress and time and system make sure I fail to stand up for myself anyway. I didn't get to document my disordered eating history. The relapse this year. Restricting, sometimes to the point of not eating at all. I declined to be weighed, because I want my care to be based on relevant data, vitals, blood results - not the shape and size of my body. But I was too tired to realize I needed to dodge a verbal ask for the same information. Which, it turns out, is nearly as bad a trigger as having the scale spit it out for me. Being your own advocate for equal care, when you're already tapped out? I'm not winning that challenge. 
I'm frustrated. I'm not giving up, but I am frustrated and beyond tired. I don't really expect anyone to read this mess. But it's here.
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mentalillnessmouse · 6 years
(p1) Hi, I'm writing because I feel there is no hope for me. I'm 30, I live at home where I get verbally mistreated (it was physical when I was younger.) I'm morbidly obese, agoraphobic, I literally didn't leave the house for a 2 year period and still rarely do. I have 0 friends and never had any except a few online ones who ditched me years ago. I was bullied constantly. I have self-harm marks all over my arms. I've NEVER had a job, or finished high school. I still almost never leave the house.
(p2) I’ve asked for help to learn to drive, but they tell me I can’t. I guess because they call me autistic and tell me I am not very smart and make jokes about me having ADHD. I took those comments seriously and they told me I was “looking for problems.” WHAT? I made the mistake of speaking with a few psychiatrists about it who shut me down because, in their words, I didn’t “look” like I had those issues. And that my parents had hard jobs so it made sense they would lash out at me. 
(p3) I deal with other issues too like menorrhagia. A doctor had me do an ultrasound (this was like my 3rd one since ‘06) and sent me to a specialist because they saw something. The specialist said she didn’t think anything was there and wasn’t going to actually examine me. I gave up. I’m afraid to speak up for myself, I genuinely don’t understand how to live, make friends, talk to people. I feel like I just have TOO MANY issues. And at my age I don’t see why anyone would bother with me anymore.
(p4) I have an appt with a psych at the same place as the others because I have my city’s free insurance and nowhere else to go. I don’t know if I can do it again after this? I just wanted somewhere to reach out at least one more time :( I’ve reached out to others (like extended family) who will talk to me for a bit then ignore? I can’t help but to feel damaged or like I’m doing something wrong I can’t figure out. I feel like a weak loser and I didn’t try good enough.I’m sorry this is so long
Hello Anon, 
I’m mod Bee and I’ll do my best to help you out, but I received help myself from the other mods to write you back. So this is a communal effort!
Thank you for reaching out, and I’m sorry you’re going though such a difficult and distressing situation. You sound strong and tenacious, and I’m proud of you for the way you keep trying to improve your life. 
We have some suggestions that we hope can be of help. They’ll concerne:
finding online communities/groups to hang out with
finding a professional that suits your needs 
looking for courses you can join 
thinking about possible job options 
Just an head up: this is going to be long, and it will contain tons of links. I’ll highlight one - that I think it’s most useful - for each section, but I suggest you to go through them all. 
1. finding online communities/groups to hang out with
Having friends is important for our mental health, but it can get difficult to make new ones, especially when we’ve been burned before.  
Online communities, forums, and groups, can be good places to start looking for friends again. You can approach them with as much caution as you need, and find those people you relate with the most.
If you like games, and rpgs in particular, there are online options that allow you to connect with other others all over the world. Activities like Dungeon&Dragons are based around players’ interactions, so you’d get to know people without putting the stress on forging new friendships. The article 10 Best Online Chat Rooms & Games suggests other equally fitting games. 
Forums and groups where you can share your experience and fears are another important tool you can use. I’ve looked into active ones and found Panic Disorder and Agoraphobia Forum, r/Agoraphobia/ (on reddit), bus (a self-harm support forum), Mental health support group and discussion community, Online Support Groups by Turn2Me, PsychForums (Psychology and Mental Health Forums), and the ReachOut app.
Trying with pen pals - a one on one exchange - could also be a good idea: InterPals and PenPalWorld are only two of the many websites dedicated to this purpose. Here’s some tips on how it works.
Finally, there are apps with the specific purpose of finding new friends, like Bumble BFF. Try to see if you there’s one of your liking in this list.
2. finding a professional that suits your needs
We usually recommend what it’s colloquially called “psychiatrist/therapist shopping”, the act of choosing a professional after inquiring what we need to know of their line of work, based on our own wishes, and asking this to more than one.
It’s difficult when insurance covers just a little portion of professionals, but not impossible. 
Can’t afford therapy? No insurance? Need low cost options? Here is a great list of ways to get help when money or insurance is an issue.
Therapy For Every Budget: How To Access It
9 Ways to Get Free or Cheap Therapy When You Don’t Have Health Insurance
Dial 211 for Essential Community Services: if you call 211, you can ask about free therapy options in your area, or how to work with you insurance to afford other professionals.
If none of these options work out, and you have to stick with the professional your insurance provides, there are measures you can take that might help making the sessions successful. Check out 21 Tips for getting the most out of each therapy session and How to Talk to Your Doctors When They Don’t Listen. 
If your new psychiatrist tries to dismiss you without hearing everything that you have to say, insist that they write on your record exactly what they did and why, and that you absolutely want a copy of it before you exit their room. It’s your right to have both your requests accomplished. I know it’s not easy to have them respected: you’ll probably have to stand your ground and that can be difficult, but I think it’s important for you and fundamental for what you can get out of this session. This is a post with links to various module you can complete to help you assert yourself, which I suggest you to start before going to your appointment, if you can. It can be useful to face your family, too.
Does your insurance cover a different specialist for the gynecological problem your doctor wanted you to check out? Is there any free or low-cost clinic near you, like Planned Parenthood or Free Clinic? You can inquire about their services through email.
3. looking for courses you can join
Online courses can be helpful for a number of things, like keeping busy, learning new stuff, feeling accomplished, and possibly getting some qualifications. 
There are some free options that end with a proper certificate, but not all are accredited, meaning that they’re not automatically accepted by employers (they can choose to consider them valid or not). Still, there are no downsides in joining such a course, seeing that it doesn’t cost anything but your time.
Not accredited certificates/no certificates:
Alison’s Diploma Courses and Certificate Courses 
FutureLearn doesn’t grant you certificates with their free courses, but it still provides learning access
edX’s Courses
Udemi, not free but it offers up to 90% discounts generally once a month
Learn how to code, a masterpost that lists different courses to learn coding
Free Online Language Courses, a masterpost that lists different courses to learn languages  
24 Invaluable Skills To Learn For Free
Accredited certificates
coursera offers some free courses, and/or the possibility to apply for financial aid
Online Degree require no tuition, no applications, and no interviews, and has worked so participating Universities around the country will consider the courses for credit, potentially finishing up to an entire freshman year of college
edX’s Professional Certificate Programs are not free, but edX offers up to a 90% discount to those who prove they cannot pay a full price.
University Of The People is tuition-free, which means there is no charge for teaching or instruction, only initial fees (around 160$) for each course. You can also apply for scholarships.
on StudyPortal - Scholarships, you can find a huge number of scholarships available in your country, and here you can find the easiest scholarships to apply to. There are also scholarships for online courses.
There’s also the possibility of completing high school through virtual courses, and if they’re organized by your State’s public school system, they should be free. You can find more info on this here. 
4. thinking about possible job options
Working towards finding a job is important for our own self-worth and feeling like a valuable member of society, and of course it can also help with looking for better therapy. 
It can be tricky when mental and physical illnesses are at play, though. That’s why I’d like to give you some online options here, too, that don’t ask for any particular prerequisite, and would give you enough free time to focus to get better. Jobs like data entry or app testing are doable from home, and may not pay much, but they’d allow you to start building some savings. 
5 Online Jobs That Require Little or No Experience
No Experience? Start One of These Online Jobs
Best Data Entry Jobs From Home
10 (Legit) Data Entry Jobs from Home
Work At Home Data Entry on Indeed.com
Whatever you choose, creating a strong resume is always a good step. I’m giving you some resources on how to do that:
How to Create a Professional Resume
How To Make A Resume 101
Help Everyone Find A Job In Their Field
And between checking out all these options we gave you, please try to do some of this Workout For Daily Life, because focusing on a screen for too long can cause so many aches!
You’re not a loser, you’re strong and you keep fighting for yourself, which is admirable. I hope these resources can be of help, and please do send another ask if you need anything else.
Take care,
mod Bee
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gordonwilliamsweb · 3 years
No Vacancy: How a Shortage of Mental Health Beds Keeps Kids Trapped Inside ERs
One evening in late March, a mom called 911. Her daughter, she said, was threatening to kill herself. EMTs arrived at the home north of Boston, helped calm the 13-year-old, and took her to an emergency room.
Melinda, like a growing number of children during the covid-19 pandemic, had become increasingly anxious and depressed as she spent more time away from in-person contact at school, church and her singing lessons.
KHN and NPR have agreed to use only the first names of this teenager and her mother, Pam, to avoid having this story trail the family online. Right now in Massachusetts and in many parts of the U.S. and the world, demand for mental health care overwhelms supply, creating bottlenecks like Melinda’s 17-day saga.
Emergency rooms are not typically places you check in for the night. If you break an arm, it gets set, and you leave. If you have a heart attack, you won’t wait long for a hospital bed. But sometimes if your brain is not well, and you end up in an ER, there’s a good chance you will get stuck there. Parents and advocates for kids’ mental health say that the ER can’t provide appropriate care and that the warehousing of kids in crisis can become an emergency itself.
What’s known as emergency room boarding of psychiatric patients has risen between 200% and 400% monthly in Massachusetts during the pandemic. The CDC says emergency room visits after suicide attempts among teen girls were up 51% earlier this year as compared with 2019. There are no current nationwide mental health boarding numbers.
“This is really unlike anything we’ve ever seen before, and it doesn’t show any signs of abating,” said Lisa Lambert, executive director of Parent/Professional Advocacy League, which pushes for more mental health care for children.
Melinda spent her first 10 days in a hospital lecture hall with a dozen other children, on gurneys, separated by curtains because the emergency room had run out of space. At one point, Melinda, who was overwhelmed, tried to escape, was restrained, injected with drugs to calm her and moved to a small, windowless room.
Day 12: Cameras Track Her Movements
I met Melinda in early April, on her 12th day in the ER. Doctors were keeping her there because they were concerned she would harm herself if she left. Many parents report spending weeks with their children in hospital hallways or overflow rooms, in various states of distress, because hospital psychiatric units are full. While demand is up, supply is down. Covid precautions turned double rooms into singles or psych units into covid units. While those precautions are beginning to ease, demand for beds is not.
Inside her small room, Melinda was disturbed by cameras that tracked her movement, and security guards in the hallways who were there, in part, for her safety.
“It’s kinda like prison,” she said. “It feels like I’m desperate for help.”
“Desperate” is a word both Melinda and Pam use often to describe the prolonged wait for care in a place that feels alien.
“We occasionally hear screaming, yelling, monitors beeping,” said Pam. “Even as the parent — it’s very scary.”
But this experience is not new. This was Melinda’s fourth trip to a hospital emergency room since late November. Pam said Melinda spiraled downward after a falling out with a close family member last summer. She has therapists, but some of them changed during the pandemic, the visits were virtual, and she hasn’t made good connections between crises.
“Each time, it’s the same routine,” Pam said. Melinda is rushed to an ER, where she waits. She’s admitted to a psych hospital for a week to 10 days and goes home. “It’s not enough time.”
Pam said each facility has suggested a different diagnosis and adjusted Melinda’s medication.
“We’ve never really gotten a good, true diagnosis as to what’s going on with her,” Pam said. “She’s out of control; she feels out of control in her own skin.”
Melinda waited six months for a neuropsychiatric exam to help clarify what she needs. She finally had the exam in May, after being discharged from the psychiatric hospital, but still doesn’t have the results. Some psychiatrists say observing a patient’s behavior is often a better way to reach a diagnosis.
Lambert, the mental health advocate, said there are delays for every type of psychiatric care — both residential and outpatient.
“We’ve heard of waits as long as five weeks or more for outpatient therapy,” Lambert said. “If your child is saying they don’t want to live or don’t want to ever get out of bed again, you don’t want to wait five weeks.”
Day 13: ‘The Longer She’s Here, the More She’s Going to Decline’
As her stay dragged on, Melinda bounced from manic highs to deep emotional lows. The emergency room is a holding area; it isn’t set up to offer treatment or psychiatric therapy.
On this day Melinda was agitated.
“I just really want to get out of here,” she said in an audio diary she was keeping at the time for this story. “I feel kind of helpless. I miss my pets and my bed and real food.” She’d had a panic attack the night before and had to be sedated. Her mom, Pam, wasn’t there.
“The longer she’s here, the more she’s going to decline,” Pam recorded in her own audio diary. “She has self-harmed three times since she’s been here.”
The hospital and its parent network, Beth Israel Lahey Health, declined requests to speak about Melinda’s care. But Dr. Nalan Ward, the network’s chief medical officer for behavioral health services, hosts a daily call to discuss the best place for inpatient psychiatric treatment for each patient. Some may have unique medical or insurance constraints, she said. Many insurers require prior approval before they’ll agree to pay for a placement, and that, too, can add delays.
“It takes a case-by-case approach,” said Ward. “It’s really hands-on.”
Day 14: Increasingly Isolated From School and Friends
For Melinda, the issue keeping her from moving out of the ER and into an effective treatment program could have been her behavior. Pam was told her daughter may be harder to place than children who don’t act out. Hospitals equipped to provide inpatient mental health care say they look for patients who will be a good fit for their programs and participants. Melinda’s chart included the attempted escape as well as some fights while she was housed in the lecture hall.
“She’s having behaviors because she has a mental illness, which they’re supposed to help her with,” Pam said, “but yet they’re saying no to her because she’s having behaviors.”
Secluding Melinda in the ER didn’t help, Pam said. “She’s, at times, unrecognizable to me. She just is so sure that she’s never going to get better.”
Melinda described feeling increasingly isolated. She lost touch with friends and most family members. She’d stopped doing schoolwork weeks earlier. The noise and commotion of a 24/7 ER was getting to Melinda.
“I’m not sleeping well,” she noted in her diary. “It’s tough here. I keep waking up in the middle of the night.”
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Day 15: Mom Retreats to Her Car to Cry
Boarding is difficult for parents as well. Pam works two jobs, but she visited Melinda every day, bringing a change of clothes, a new book or something special to eat.
“Some days I sit and cry before I get out of the car, just to get it out of my system, so I don’t cry in front of her,” Pam said in her diary entry that day.
Some hospitals say they can’t afford to care for patients with acute mental health problems because insurance reimbursements don’t cover costs. Massachusetts is spending $40 million this year on financial incentives to create more inpatient psychiatric care. But emergency rooms are still flooded with psychiatric patients who are in limbo, boarding there.
Day 16: ‘I Wish Someone Would Just Understand Me’
“I never thought we’d be here this long,” said Pam.
At the nurses’ station, Pam was told it could be two more weeks before there would be an opening at an appropriate hospital.
In Massachusetts, Gov. Charlie Baker’s administration says it has a plan that will keep children out of ERs and reduce the need for inpatient care by providing more preventive and community-based services. Parents and providers say they are hopeful but question whether there are enough counselors and psychiatrists to staff proposed community clinics, therapy programs and more psychiatric hospital beds.
Meanwhile, in the ER, Melinda was growing listless.
“Life is really hard because things that should be easy for everyone are just hard for me,” she said. “When I ask for help, sometimes I picture going to the hospital. Other times I wish someone would just understand me.”
Then, in the late evening on Day 16, the family got word that Melinda’s wait would soon end.
Day 17: Limbo Ends and Real Treatment Begins
On Day 17, Melinda was taken by ambulance to a Boston-area hospital that had added child psychiatric beds during the pandemic. She was lucky to get a spot. The day she arrived, there were 50 to 60 children on the waiting list.
“That’s dramatically higher” than before the pandemic, said Dr. Linsey Koruthu, one of Melinda’s doctors and a pediatric psychiatrist at Cambridge Health Alliance. “About double what we would have seen in 2019.”
Doctors there adjusted Melinda’s medications. She met with a psychiatrist and social worker daily and had group therapy and time for schoolwork, yoga and pet therapy. Hospital staff members met with Melinda and her family. She stayed two weeks, a bit longer than the average stay.
Doctors recommended that Melinda move from inpatient care to a community-based residential treatment program — a bridge between being in the hospital and returning home. But those programs were full and had weeks-long delays. So, Melinda went straight home.
She now has three therapists helping her make the transition and use what she’s learned. And as covid restrictions have begun to ease, some sessions are in person — which Koruthu said should be more effective for Melinda.
Pam said the transition has been rough. Police came to the house once and suggested Melinda go to an ER, but she was able to calm down before it came to that. Melinda has developed an eating disorder.
The first available appointment with a specialist is in August. But, by mid-June, Melinda was able to graduate from middle school, after finishing a backlog of schoolwork.
“If you had asked me two months ago, I would have said I don’t think she’ll make it,” Pam said. “We’re getting there.”
If you or someone you know are in mental health crisis or may be considering suicide, contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255 (en Español: 1-888-628-9454; for the deaf and hard of hearing: Dial 711 then 1-800-273-8255) or the Crisis Text Line by texting HOME to 741741.
KHN (Kaiser Health News) is a national newsroom that produces in-depth journalism about health issues. Together with Policy Analysis and Polling, KHN is one of the three major operating programs at KFF (Kaiser Family Foundation). KFF is an endowed nonprofit organization providing information on health issues to the nation.
This story can be republished for free (details).
No Vacancy: How a Shortage of Mental Health Beds Keeps Kids Trapped Inside ERs published first on https://nootropicspowdersupplier.tumblr.com/
0 notes
stephenmccull · 3 years
No Vacancy: How a Shortage of Mental Health Beds Keeps Kids Trapped Inside ERs
One evening in late March, a mom called 911. Her daughter, she said, was threatening to kill herself. EMTs arrived at the home north of Boston, helped calm the 13-year-old, and took her to an emergency room.
Melinda, like a growing number of children during the covid-19 pandemic, had become increasingly anxious and depressed as she spent more time away from in-person contact at school, church and her singing lessons.
KHN and NPR have agreed to use only the first names of this teenager and her mother, Pam, to avoid having this story trail the family online. Right now in Massachusetts and in many parts of the U.S. and the world, demand for mental health care overwhelms supply, creating bottlenecks like Melinda’s 17-day saga.
Emergency rooms are not typically places you check in for the night. If you break an arm, it gets set, and you leave. If you have a heart attack, you won’t wait long for a hospital bed. But sometimes if your brain is not well, and you end up in an ER, there’s a good chance you will get stuck there. Parents and advocates for kids’ mental health say that the ER can’t provide appropriate care and that the warehousing of kids in crisis can become an emergency itself.
What’s known as emergency room boarding of psychiatric patients has risen between 200% and 400% monthly in Massachusetts during the pandemic. The CDC says emergency room visits after suicide attempts among teen girls were up 51% earlier this year as compared with 2019. There are no current nationwide mental health boarding numbers.
“This is really unlike anything we’ve ever seen before, and it doesn’t show any signs of abating,” said Lisa Lambert, executive director of Parent/Professional Advocacy League, which pushes for more mental health care for children.
Melinda spent her first 10 days in a hospital lecture hall with a dozen other children, on gurneys, separated by curtains because the emergency room had run out of space. At one point, Melinda, who was overwhelmed, tried to escape, was restrained, injected with drugs to calm her and moved to a small, windowless room.
Day 12: Cameras Track Her Movements
I met Melinda in early April, on her 12th day in the ER. Doctors were keeping her there because they were concerned she would harm herself if she left. Many parents report spending weeks with their children in hospital hallways or overflow rooms, in various states of distress, because hospital psychiatric units are full. While demand is up, supply is down. Covid precautions turned double rooms into singles or psych units into covid units. While those precautions are beginning to ease, demand for beds is not.
Inside her small room, Melinda was disturbed by cameras that tracked her movement, and security guards in the hallways who were there, in part, for her safety.
“It’s kinda like prison,” she said. “It feels like I’m desperate for help.”
“Desperate” is a word both Melinda and Pam use often to describe the prolonged wait for care in a place that feels alien.
“We occasionally hear screaming, yelling, monitors beeping,” said Pam. “Even as the parent — it’s very scary.”
But this experience is not new. This was Melinda’s fourth trip to a hospital emergency room since late November. Pam said Melinda spiraled downward after a falling out with a close family member last summer. She has therapists, but some of them changed during the pandemic, the visits were virtual, and she hasn’t made good connections between crises.
“Each time, it’s the same routine,” Pam said. Melinda is rushed to an ER, where she waits. She’s admitted to a psych hospital for a week to 10 days and goes home. “It’s not enough time.”
Pam said each facility has suggested a different diagnosis and adjusted Melinda’s medication.
“We’ve never really gotten a good, true diagnosis as to what’s going on with her,” Pam said. “She’s out of control; she feels out of control in her own skin.”
Melinda waited six months for a neuropsychiatric exam to help clarify what she needs. She finally had the exam in May, after being discharged from the psychiatric hospital, but still doesn’t have the results. Some psychiatrists say observing a patient’s behavior is often a better way to reach a diagnosis.
Lambert, the mental health advocate, said there are delays for every type of psychiatric care — both residential and outpatient.
“We’ve heard of waits as long as five weeks or more for outpatient therapy,” Lambert said. “If your child is saying they don’t want to live or don’t want to ever get out of bed again, you don’t want to wait five weeks.”
Day 13: ‘The Longer She’s Here, the More She’s Going to Decline’
As her stay dragged on, Melinda bounced from manic highs to deep emotional lows. The emergency room is a holding area; it isn’t set up to offer treatment or psychiatric therapy.
On this day Melinda was agitated.
“I just really want to get out of here,” she said in an audio diary she was keeping at the time for this story. “I feel kind of helpless. I miss my pets and my bed and real food.” She’d had a panic attack the night before and had to be sedated. Her mom, Pam, wasn’t there.
“The longer she’s here, the more she’s going to decline,” Pam recorded in her own audio diary. “She has self-harmed three times since she’s been here.”
The hospital and its parent network, Beth Israel Lahey Health, declined requests to speak about Melinda’s care. But Dr. Nalan Ward, the network’s chief medical officer for behavioral health services, hosts a daily call to discuss the best place for inpatient psychiatric treatment for each patient. Some may have unique medical or insurance constraints, she said. Many insurers require prior approval before they’ll agree to pay for a placement, and that, too, can add delays.
“It takes a case-by-case approach,” said Ward. “It’s really hands-on.”
Day 14: Increasingly Isolated From School and Friends
For Melinda, the issue keeping her from moving out of the ER and into an effective treatment program could have been her behavior. Pam was told her daughter may be harder to place than children who don’t act out. Hospitals equipped to provide inpatient mental health care say they look for patients who will be a good fit for their programs and participants. Melinda’s chart included the attempted escape as well as some fights while she was housed in the lecture hall.
“She’s having behaviors because she has a mental illness, which they’re supposed to help her with,” Pam said, “but yet they’re saying no to her because she’s having behaviors.”
Secluding Melinda in the ER didn’t help, Pam said. “She’s, at times, unrecognizable to me. She just is so sure that she’s never going to get better.”
Melinda described feeling increasingly isolated. She lost touch with friends and most family members. She’d stopped doing schoolwork weeks earlier. The noise and commotion of a 24/7 ER was getting to Melinda.
“I’m not sleeping well,” she noted in her diary. “It’s tough here. I keep waking up in the middle of the night.”
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Day 15: Mom Retreats to Her Car to Cry
Boarding is difficult for parents as well. Pam works two jobs, but she visited Melinda every day, bringing a change of clothes, a new book or something special to eat.
“Some days I sit and cry before I get out of the car, just to get it out of my system, so I don’t cry in front of her,” Pam said in her diary entry that day.
Some hospitals say they can’t afford to care for patients with acute mental health problems because insurance reimbursements don’t cover costs. Massachusetts is spending $40 million this year on financial incentives to create more inpatient psychiatric care. But emergency rooms are still flooded with psychiatric patients who are in limbo, boarding there.
Day 16: ‘I Wish Someone Would Just Understand Me’
“I never thought we’d be here this long,” said Pam.
At the nurses’ station, Pam was told it could be two more weeks before there would be an opening at an appropriate hospital.
In Massachusetts, Gov. Charlie Baker’s administration says it has a plan that will keep children out of ERs and reduce the need for inpatient care by providing more preventive and community-based services. Parents and providers say they are hopeful but question whether there are enough counselors and psychiatrists to staff proposed community clinics, therapy programs and more psychiatric hospital beds.
Meanwhile, in the ER, Melinda was growing listless.
“Life is really hard because things that should be easy for everyone are just hard for me,” she said. “When I ask for help, sometimes I picture going to the hospital. Other times I wish someone would just understand me.”
Then, in the late evening on Day 16, the family got word that Melinda’s wait would soon end.
Day 17: Limbo Ends and Real Treatment Begins
On Day 17, Melinda was taken by ambulance to a Boston-area hospital that had added child psychiatric beds during the pandemic. She was lucky to get a spot. The day she arrived, there were 50 to 60 children on the waiting list.
“That’s dramatically higher” than before the pandemic, said Dr. Linsey Koruthu, one of Melinda’s doctors and a pediatric psychiatrist at Cambridge Health Alliance. “About double what we would have seen in 2019.”
Doctors there adjusted Melinda’s medications. She met with a psychiatrist and social worker daily and had group therapy and time for schoolwork, yoga and pet therapy. Hospital staff members met with Melinda and her family. She stayed two weeks, a bit longer than the average stay.
Doctors recommended that Melinda move from inpatient care to a community-based residential treatment program — a bridge between being in the hospital and returning home. But those programs were full and had weeks-long delays. So, Melinda went straight home.
She now has three therapists helping her make the transition and use what she’s learned. And as covid restrictions have begun to ease, some sessions are in person — which Koruthu said should be more effective for Melinda.
Pam said the transition has been rough. Police came to the house once and suggested Melinda go to an ER, but she was able to calm down before it came to that. Melinda has developed an eating disorder.
The first available appointment with a specialist is in August. But, by mid-June, Melinda was able to graduate from middle school, after finishing a backlog of schoolwork.
“If you had asked me two months ago, I would have said I don’t think she’ll make it,” Pam said. “We’re getting there.”
If you or someone you know are in mental health crisis or may be considering suicide, contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255 (en Español: 1-888-628-9454; for the deaf and hard of hearing: Dial 711 then 1-800-273-8255) or the Crisis Text Line by texting HOME to 741741.
This story is part of a partnership that includes WBUR, NPR and KHN.
KHN (Kaiser Health News) is a national newsroom that produces in-depth journalism about health issues. Together with Policy Analysis and Polling, KHN is one of the three major operating programs at KFF (Kaiser Family Foundation). KFF is an endowed nonprofit organization providing information on health issues to the nation.
This story can be republished for free (details).
No Vacancy: How a Shortage of Mental Health Beds Keeps Kids Trapped Inside ERs published first on https://smartdrinkingweb.weebly.com/
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orbemnews · 3 years
Psychiatry Confronts Its Racist Past, and Tries to Make Amends Dr. Benjamin Rush, the 18th-century doctor who is often called the “father” of American psychiatry, held the racist belief that Black skin was the result of a mild form of leprosy. He called the condition “negritude.” His onetime apprentice, Dr. Samuel Cartwright, spread the falsehood throughout the antebellum South that enslaved people who experienced an unyielding desire to be free were in the grip of a mental illness he called “drapetomania,” or “the disease causing Negroes to run away.” In the late 20th century, psychiatry’s rank and file became a receptive audience for drug makers who were willing to tap into racist fears about urban crime and social unrest. (“Assaultive and belligerent?” read an ad that featured a Black man with a raised fist that appeared in the “Archives of General Psychiatry” in 1974. “Cooperation often begins with Haldol.”) Now the American Psychiatric Association, which featured Rush’s image on its logo until 2015, is confronting that painful history and trying to make amends. In January, the 176-year-old group issued its first-ever apology for its racist past. Acknowledging “appalling past actions” on the part of the profession, its governing board committed the association to “identifying, understanding, and rectifying our past injustices,” and pledged to institute “anti-racist practices” aimed at ending the inequities of the past in care, research, education and leadership. This weekend, the A.P.A. is devoting its annual meeting to the theme of equity. Over the course of the three-day virtual gathering of as many as 10,000 participants, the group will present the results of its yearlong effort to educate its 37,000 mostly white members about the psychologically toxic effects of racism, both in their profession and in the lives of their patients. Dr. Jeffrey Geller, the A.P.A.’s outgoing president, made that effort the signature project of his one-year term of office. “This is really historic,” he said in a recent interview. “We’ve laid a foundation for what should be long-term efforts and long-term change.” Dr. Cheryl Wills, a psychiatrist who chaired a task force exploring structural racism in psychiatry, said the group’s work could prove life-changing for a new generation of Black psychiatrists who will enter the profession with a much greater chance of knowing that they are valued and seen. She recalled the isolation she experienced in her own early years in medicine, and the difficulty she has had in finding other Black psychiatrists to whom she can refer patients. “It’s an opportunity of a lifetime,” she said. “In psychiatry, just like any other profession, it needs to start at the top,” she said of her hope for change. “Looking at our own backyard before we can look elsewhere.” For critics, however, the A.P.A.’s apology and task force amount to a long-overdue, but still insufficient, attempt at playing catch-up. They point out that the American Medical Association issued an apology in 2008 for its more than 100-year history of having “actively reinforced or passively accepted racial inequalities and the exclusion of African-American physicians.” “They’re taking these tiny, superficial, palatable steps,” said Dr. Danielle Hairston, a task force member who is also president of the A.P.A.’s Black caucus and the psychiatry residency training director at Howard University College of Medicine. “People will be OK with saying that we need more mentors; people will be OK with saying that we’re going to do these town halls,” she continued. “That’s an initial step, but as far as real work, the A.P.A has a long way to go.” The question for the organization — with its layers of bureaucracy, widely varied constituencies and heavy institutional tradition — is how to get there. Critics operating both inside and outside the A.P.A. say that it still must overcome high hurdles to truly address its issues around racial equity — including its diagnostic biases, the enduring lack of Black psychiatrists and a payment structure that tends to exclude people who can’t afford to pay out of pocket for services. “All these procedural structures that are in place are helping to perpetuate the system and keep the system functioning the way it was designed to function,” said Dr. Ruth Shim, the director of cultural psychiatry and professor of clinical psychiatry at the University of California, Davis, who left the A.P.A. in frustration last summer. They all add up, she said, to “an existential crisis in psychiatry.” A racist history White psychiatrists have pathologized Black behavior for hundreds of years, wrapping up racist beliefs in the mantle of scientific certainty and even big data. The A.P.A. was first called the Association of Medical Superintendents of American Institutions for the Insane, according to Dr. Geller, who last summer published an account of psychiatry’s history of structural racism. The group came into being in the wake of the 1840 federal census, which included a new demographic category, “insane and idiotic.” The results were interpreted by pro-slavery politicians and sympathetic social scientists to find a considerably higher rate of mental illness among Black people in the Northern states than among those in the South. In the decades following Reconstruction, prominent psychiatrists used words like “primitive” and “savage” to make the cruelly racist claim that Black Americans were unfit for the challenges of life as independent, fully enfranchised citizens. T.O. Powell, superintendent of the infamous State Lunatic Asylum in Milledgeville, Ga., and president of the American Medico-Psychological Association (the precursor to the A.P.A.), went so far as to outrageously state in 1897 that before the Civil War, “there were comparatively speaking, few Negro lunatics. Following their sudden emancipation their number of insane began to multiply.” Psychiatry continued to pathologize — and sometimes demonize — African-Americans, with the result that, by the 1970s, the diagnosis of psychosis was handed out so often that the profession was essentially “turning schizophrenia into a Black man’s disorder of aggression and agitation,” said Dr. Hairston, a contributor to the 2019 book, “Racism and Psychiatry.” Since then, numerous studies have shown that an almost all-white profession’s lack of attunement to Black expressions of emotion — and its frequent conflation of distress with anger — have led to an under-diagnosis of major depression, particularly in Black men, and an overreliance upon the use of antipsychotic medications. Black patients are less likely than white patients to receive appropriate medication for their depression, according to a 2008 report published in “Psychiatric Services.” Fixing the problem To change course, and serve Black patients better, organized psychiatry is going to need to make a higher priority of training doctors to really listen, said Dr. Dionne Hart, a Minneapolis psychiatrist and addiction medicine specialist and an adjunct assistant professor of psychiatry at the Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and Science. “We checked a lot of boxes publicly,” she said in an interview. “Now we have to do the work. We have to show we’re committed to undoing the harm and working with all of our colleagues from all over the country to recognize trauma and acknowledge trauma where it exists and get people appropriate treatment.” Psychiatrists lean liberal, and many say that people with mental illness are a marginalized and underserved group. In 1973, the A.P.A. made history by removing “homosexuality” as a psychiatric diagnosis from the second edition of its Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. But the kind of soul searching that occurred around that decision has taken much longer with race. Psychiatry today remains a strikingly white field where only 10.4 percent of practitioners come from historically underrepresented minority groups, who now make up nearly 33 percent of the U.S. population, according to a 2020 study published in “Academic Psychiatry.” That study found that in 2013, Black Americans were only 4.4 percent of practicing psychiatrists. The discipline’s history of pathologizing Black people — to “regard Black communities as seething cauldrons of psychopathology,” as three reform-minded authors put it in 1970 in the American Journal of Psychiatry — has deterred some Black medical students from entering the profession. “Some people in my family, even now won’t say that I’m a psychiatrist,” Dr. Hairston noted. “A family member told me on my match day that she was disappointed that I had matched to psychiatry and not another specialty — it seemed like I was letting the family down.” The difficulty in finding a Black psychiatrist can put a damper on the willingness of Black patients to seek treatment. And psychiatric help is also strikingly inaccessible for patients without money. Psychiatry is an outlier among other medical specialties for the extent to which its practitioners choose not to participate in public or private health insurance programs. In 2019, a study by the Medicaid and CHIP Payment and Access Commission found that psychiatrists were the least likely medical providers to accept any type of health insurance: Just 62 percent were accepting new patients with either commercial plans or Medicare, while an even more anemic 36 percent were accepting new patients using Medicaid. In contrast, across all providers, 90 percent reported accepting new patients with private insurance, 85 percent said they accepted those with Medicare and 71 percent were willing to see Medicaid patients. Many psychiatrists say they do not participate in health insurance because the reimbursement rates are too low. A 2019 study showed that, nationwide, reimbursement rates for primary care physicians were almost 24 percent higher than for mental health practitioners — including psychiatrists. In 11 states, that gap widened to more than 50 percent. The A.P.A.’s advocacy in this particular area of equity has focused on pushing for full insurer compliance with the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act, a 2008 law that requires health insurance plans that provide mental health care coverage to do so at a level comparable to what they provide for physical health care. While the profession hopes for higher reimbursement rates, the gap that affects patients, in the short term, is inequitable access to treatment. “The thing that’s always bothered me the most in the practice of psychiatry is, you can talk about your commitment to things like equity, but if you have a system where a lot of people can’t get access, so many patients are cut off from access to quality care,” said Dr. Damon Tweedy, an associate professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Duke University and the author of “Black Man in a White Coat: A Doctor’s Reflections on Race and Medicine.” “What are our values?” said Dr. Tweedy, who sees patients at the Durham Veterans Affairs Health Care System. “We might say one thing, but our actions suggest another.” Source link Orbem News #Amends #confronts #Psychiatry #racist
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myocdstory · 7 years
My OCD Story
As a child I would count steps "one, one, two, two, three, three, four, four" on each foot and would count up to 12 (sometimes 20). Sometimes I would count like this when I was not walking. I thought I got this from Sesame Street. In middle school I was obsessed with evenness. When I ate food I would divide it evenly in my mouth. I would step on a sidewalk boxes 4 times before moving my leg to another. I'd have to walk the same number of steps on my left foot as my right foot.  I had to step on tile lines with one foot the same way as the other. In high school I became obsessed with certain events, googling them over and over again. I knew this wasn't normal and possibly rising to the level of a disorder. I played doctor and diagnosed myself with PTSD, but questioned the diagnosis as I did not fit the criteria for PTSD.
At age 19 I kept checking doors repeatedly to see if I locked them and checking toilets to make sure I flushed them. My family was annoyed with me checking the balcony door over and over during the evening, and my sister told me "you already checked" but they weren't severe enough to get help. At this point I realized I had OCD, but questioned whether I really had it since I wasn't washing my hands constantly. To be honest as a teenager I hardly washed my hands. I would wash my hands for 5 seconds after using the bathroom unless they were visibly dirty.
Then my symptoms got worse. If I walked a certain path I had to walk back the same path. I would spend 30 minutes deciding which path to take, which side of the road to walk on. If it takes 15 minutes to walk home, it would take me 1 hour to walk home. Sometimes I moved my hands instead of walking back. At this point it was clear I had OCD. When I was 20 I was late to a psychotherapy appointment because I went back to the beach boardwalk to take a different exit. I at first didn't like the idea of taking meds that would alter my brain. But I knew my OCD was severe enough that therapy alone won't help. Eventually I accepted the fact I needed meds. One time I drank a glass of champagne at a restaurant to help me quell my OCD. But that made my OCD worse. I went home and I was deciding which path to take walking back. Dad was wondering why I haven't come home yet went out to find me and yelled at me. I cried saying I needed a psychiatrist. Dad prints a list of psychiatrists in our insurance, all female. I procrastinated and then misplaced the paper. So at the last minute I used google and found a medical center nearby. I knew there was a new condo at that street and when I googled this placed google earth displayed this new condo. I couldn't find a doctor's name so I assumed there were multiple doctors in one practice. On Friday April 21, I made an appointment. The next available appointment was on Monday April 24. They were literally available all day.
When I got there I saw this place wasn't located in the beautiful condo, but in an old commercial space next door to it. I brought my mom along because I was nervous and she was paying. I filled out a questionnaire. Office staff said I had to take a urinalysis and I asked why since I was there for OCD. Then I saw the psychiatrist. I told him I had OCD and told him my symptoms, "such as walking back and forth, repeating certain phrases, counting steps, etc." He asks as bunch of questions about my history and does the mental status exam, such as who is the president, math problems, what would you do, etc. He asks me checklist questions about my OCD which I could only answer "yes" or "no" such as "do you wash hands" "do you arrange objects" "do you have religious obsessions"?. I answered "no" to many of the questions but most of the questions did not match my symptoms. He continues to ask about my history then asks to speak to my mom. I say no and he says he just wants to ask her questions. He asks about history such as marriage, pregnancy, when I was a young child, etc. Then my mom starts complaining about me sleeping all day, how my dad yelled because of something I did last night, etc. I told her to be quiet but doc insists I let her speak. Doctor asks how old I am and I said I was 21. He said I looked 15, and yes I do look younger than I am. Doctor thought at 21 I should be independent from my parents. At 1st he was discussing a residential facility. He said they have a schedule they will enforce so I can't sleep all day. He then says a residential facility will see I'm smart and suggested a supported apartment. He asked me what I want to be and we started talking about my career plans. He says to call Ohel which offers a supported apartment and employment training. He said he isn't going to prescribe medication as he felt it wasn't needed. I asked "what are you going to do about the OCD?" and he answers with the dismissive gesture that he will treat the OCD. He doesn't make a follow up appointment. I then did the urinalysis and handed office staff the cup. Then I was walking back and forth in and out of the bathroom, touching things until it felt right. I asked the office staff when is the next appointment and they said I can always call to schedule an appointment. I didn't know when to schedule the next appointment. After all they have a lot of availability. I was angry after the appointment. Later that day my mom told me that in order for the doctor to prescribe meds I have to first be evaluated by Ohel. She told me the psychiatrist can't prescribe meds at the first appointment. That night my dad told me to call Ohel.
The next day I heard my mom call Ohel so I picked up the phone. She told them I am "svoyeobraznaya" in Russian which translates as "peculiar" or "not like everyone else". The director told my mom that "is not a diagnosis" and they need a diagnosis. Mom starts telling them diagnosis unrelated to my OCD. I insist she hang up the phone and she got mad. I was not willing to call Ohel after this because I thought she would ruin everything like she did with the appointment. I debated whether I should make another appointment with this doctor. While one part of me said "well this is his treatment plan" I wasn't comfortable with him.
I was still complaining about OCD. I just wanted out of this hell. My dad told me to look for a new psychiatrist and if he has to pay out of pocket, this will be the last psychiatrist he will pay for. I was very picky about my psychiatrist, and would not choose anyone with less than 4 star ratings. He has great reviews, most of which mention medication, is a few blocks from me, and a professional member of the American Psychiatric Association, wrote in his description he treats OCD, and in our insurance plan. But the earliest available appointment was a month away. So, I went to my primary care physician. I was hoping he'd prescribe something to get me out of this hell, but my plan was not to mention medication as I don't want him to think I'm drug seeking.
Doctor leads me to the exam room asking what brings me here. I told him "I am here for OCD If I walk on the wrong side of the sidewalk I have to walk back. I avoid stepping on manhole covers." He says they cannot treat OCD but can refer me to professionals who will. Then he asks me "are you taking meds for this?" and I said no. He asks "why aren't you taking meds?" and I told him I already went to a psychiatrist and he thought I didn't need meds. Doc says "That's not true. You do need meds." I told him I made an appointment with another psychiatrist on ZocDoc but it's a month away. He takes my height and weight at the front of the office and my mom was there. "I will refer you to providers where you don't have to wait a month." Then doc writes the number to a neurologist and Maimonides psychology. He asks what's the name of the doc who refused to prescribe meds. I answered and he says "forget about him". I asked if I should cancel the appointment and he says no. He says "see a neurologist because a psychiatrist will just dismiss her as drug seeking". Mom told him I torture her saying I have OCD. Doc says I am right to torture her as OCD is serious. He told my mom to take this OCD seriously. My mom later told me I went to the wrong specialist.
When I got home dad told me that the neurologist he referred us to isn't in our insurance and gave me a list of doctors in our insurance. One wasn't accepting new patients. One didn't pick up the phone. I called another one and it was in TWO WEEKS. She said there is another neurologist in their office which was available sooner. I said yes and dad googled her to make sure she was in our insurance plan and she was. When I saw her she said I have to see a psychiatrist for OCD. I told her I already saw a psychiatrist who refused to treat my OCD and my primary care doctor said to see a neurologist. She said in the Soviet Union neurologists treated OCD but in America psychiatrists treat OCD and canceled my appointment. So I went to the right specialist all along.
My only option was to wait for the psychiatrist. Waiting is hell. Especially if you are suffering. When I had the appointment with the psychiatrist, I described my symptoms. This psychiatrist has a 2nd job as he is involved in clinical trials. That's why it takes a month to get an appointment. On the 1st appointment he prescribes Prozac 20mg and a refill as he will be on vacation.  I asked about Zoloft and he said Zoloft was not approved for OCD, which isn't true.  Prozac is one pill a day and Zoloft is two pills a day morning and evening. I figured one pill is better than two.
The next day I took the drug and saw it working. I was no longer avoiding gum patches. At first the medicine made me depressed and gave me cold-like symptoms. But those side effects went away. In a month the dose is increased to 40mg. It no longer mattered what I stepped on, manhole covers, sidewalk ventilation grates, cigarette butts, you name it. I stopped walking back and forth.
When I realized I had OCD, I began doing a lot of research. During this research, I discovered I had symptoms of OCD as a child. I didn't know the counting I did, the way I walked, or my obsession with events in high school were all symptoms of OCD. What I went through in high school was called "pure-o", a type of OCD without overt compulsions. This type of OCD is never talked about .The OCD symptoms we talk about are washing hands, arranging objects and being a perfectionist. I was none of that. My room was a mess in high school. If it weren't for my parents cleaning my room, I would be like those people on the hoarder TV shows. After I started medication my dad and I cleaned out my room and I realized I was a hoarder. I couldn't throw away old catalogues, my sister's 2011-12 high school directory (she already graduated high school), etc. When I did research I learned that hoarding is a symptom of OCD.
So I ended up leaving a negative review about the first psychiatrist. I then began to read other reviews about him, most of which were negative. One was that he refused to treat people. Another one is that he seemed irritated working with patients. This is basically how I felt with him. Another review was written after mine. The doctor wrote a prescription incorrectly and patient pointed it out. Doctor begins to chastise the patient saying they are not his only patient, and they cannot expect special treatment, like the doctor returning patient's call. The only reason the patient goes back to them is because they have a lot of availability and the patient needs their meds. I see why they have a lot of availability. This doctor sucks so every patient leaves and doesn't go back to him. Once I left him thank goodness I didn't make another appointment.
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stimtoybox · 7 years
So I'm an adult (21) and inthe last few months more and more I think I might be autistic?? I've learned a lot from the community but I have no clue how to go about getting a professional diagnosis. I'm in Canada if that makes a difference? Sorry if this isn't the blog to ask! I've been googling a lot but the sites that come up are all very a$-ish and idk which ones to trust for info
Hey, anon! It’s not a worry. We talk about ND things in addition to cool stim toys. Go you, by the way, for the scary things of self-exploration and taking the step of seeking a diagnosis!
(I’ll remind everyone, of course, that a professional diagnosis isn’t required for full participation in the autistic community. The vast majority of us are fine with self-dx or even just questioning.)
This is hard, in the sense that it how it works depends an awful lot on your region and financial situation, and there’s a lot of different possibilities for how you might go about this. I’m going to try to speak generally (my Aussie may show a lot) but I really encourage our Canadian followers to reblog or comment with their country-specific information and experiences. They’ll be so much more useful to you.
I’ll note that I have no idea how health insurance works anywhere not Australia, so I’m not going to touch that part at all.
The first problem is that there often aren’t a lot of psychiatrists/specialists who diagnose autism in adults, and finding one close to you might be difficult. The second problem is that if you can’t afford to go private, you’ve got even more difficulty. A diagnosis is an adult isn’t an easy thing to get, especially if you’re regional and/or don’t have money.
This is a long post, anon, so I’ve written a dot-point summary and tucked the wordier version under a read more cut.
- Gather written information that validates and supports your feeling that you’re autistic, including a ticked-off copy of the diagnostic criteria and discussion of your own experiences.
- Research possible options for assessment in your area, including private psychiatrists who assess adults, local government clinics and university student-training clinics.
- Contact your psychologist, if you have one, for support, information, advice and scripting. If your psychologist works in a specialist mental health clinic, especially a government-funded clinic, this may be enough to get you referred for an assessment.
- Contact your GP/family doctor for referral if not referred via the above. Your GP may or may not have resources for a specialist who assesses adults, which which is why I strongly recommend researching it yourself.
- If you’re not referred to a government service (in which case, at least here in Australia, the GP files the referral and they contact you with details for an appointment) contact the specialist and make your appointment.
The first thing to do is arm up. Print off the diagnostic checklists and tick off where they apply to your situation. Write down a list of all your experiences that you think are explained by autism. Write down why you think a diagnosis would be beneficial to you (school or employer support, say) as this will discourage people from the “well, you may be autistic but the label won’t help you” or “I really don’t like labels” comments. Put together a folder (paper is easier to show to others, often) and keep all these papers together. This means you won’t forget to mention things when you’re doing the stressful thing of trying to tell people why you want a diagnosis.
(This is especially important for anyone who isn’t a white cis boy and might be autistic in ways that don’t involve train monologues. Allistics still don’t have a good understanding of what autism looks like outside of the white cis boy population, and can often be reluctant to diagnose on this basis. It’s not right that you have to do all this, of course, but it can help.)
On this point, don’t assume that they’ll notice everything about you that is autism. If you’re going with a public psychiatrist who just makes assessments/evaluations, you might end up with only a couple of hours with someone who doesn’t dig too deeply. (The kinds of assessments and how you’re assessed can vary widely between one professional and another. Some take several sessions; some give you a quiz and call it done!) If you go in knowing what you want to explore and the reasons why, and present this information, you’re far more likely to get the diagnosis you want. Speaking as someone who’s been through a few general assessments - I didn’t know what I was there for or what I wanted them to diagnose, and the end result was that they diagnosed nothing more specific than “probably Cluster C”. Go in knowing what you need and why you need it. You might not have to lead them down the path, but it’s always good knowing that you can should it be necessary. If I could do my assessments again, this is the one thing I’d do differently.
You can and should take the time here to Google psychiatrists and other neuro-type specialists who assess autism in adults in your area, if you can afford a private clinician and are looking to go that way. Your GP may have to do this anyway, because most of their resources are probably for p-docs focusing on autistic children! If you come prepared with this information, it helps a lot. You can also check out university clinics, as many offer no or low-cost services for student training, which might be more affordable for you. You often do not have to be a student to access this, but if you are, there’s also student-specific services available to you by most universities, so it might be worth exploring this to see if they offer assessments, too. University clinics are probably your best option if you can’t find or afford a local specialist that assesses adults.)
The third thing to do is approach a therapist/psychologist if you have one. If you’re talking to a therapist or a psychologist, you’ll probably be told to go to your GP for a referral (that is the case here in Australia, at least) but they may be able to provide more resources for where your GP can refer you, affirm your suspicions, help you script conversations or provide general support, so if you have one, and you trust them to be supportive and understanding (not all psychologists are), it’s often worth talking to them first. Basically, you’re saying you think you may be autistic, these are the reasons why and what do they think about a referral to a psychiatrist who assesses/diagnoses autism in adults. If you think your GP might be reluctant, having the backing of your therapist can help - just ask them to write a letter to send to your GP.
(If you’re with a psychologist who works in a clinic like a community/government psychology service, your psychologist may be able to direct you to the staff p-doc or arrange an assessment with them, no GP involvement at all. This is how I got my BPD assessment that became a surprise autism assessment.)
The third thing is to talk to your GP/family doctor/primary care physician, same conversation as above. If your GP listens to you, you’ll either be given a referral and contact details for a private clinician, the university clinic or put forwards for an assessment with a government clinic, depending on what options your GP has. After that, either through making an appointment yourself or waiting for the clinic to contact you, you should have an appointment with someone capable of diagnosing.
(I’ll say here: if your GP doesn’t listen to you, get another GP, seriously. Don’t hesitate on this. My original family GP told me, a suicidal person in crisis with chronic pain on WorkCover who couldn’t work, that I didn’t need a psychologist or meds; I just needed to get another job. Needless to say, I don’t see him anymore - five years later, it’s hard not to be aware of just how close I came to dying because of that comment. I just say this to highlight the fact that there are some awful medical professionals out there, people guilty of criminal malpractice, and their unwillingness to support you does not invalidate your need for said support. My GP couldn’t diagnose my depression; he surely never saw my autism. Doesn’t mean neither were there, because they were and are.)
Now, there may be a few or many local differences, so I hope some Canadians can correct me on anything that’s wildly out of place. But the above is a jumble of possibilities based on several experiences I’ve had with psychiatrists and assessments and experiences friends have had with psychiatrists and assessments, all here in Australia.
I hope this gives you some idea of how things work, anon. Good luck. We’re all crossing our fingers here that you get the support and diagnosis you’re hoping for - and we’ll all welcome you here as one of us even if you don’t.
- Mod K.A.
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hertempestt-blog · 6 years
Be Brave In Your Adventure’s
Hey lets’ talk about the elephant in the room. The one subject people don’t want to talk about but most are wanting to know to take partake it. For those inquiring minds I’m speakin of: Weight Loss Surgery (WLS). Weight loss surgery is look upon as “the easy way out”; YES you heard me people believe that this process is the easy way out. Im here to let it be known it isn’t the easiet route and how the Gastric Sleeve assisted me to make better life choices ; and helped me take my weight loss to over 130lbs + ⬇️
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I know everyone does there research and uses Google these days but it’s nothing like asking someone who has went through the process and you can see their results. I am going to share as much knowledge as I can to possibly inspire or just feed the inquiring minds.
My process was over two years. No, it doesn’t take two years it was my own decision to stop and then come back. I remember looking into it only because I’ve tired all the diets and they would work for a while but then it would seem like I’d be on a diet for the rest of my life. (Side note: I hope I don’t lose you so just try and keep up. Lol)
There are various WLS; the one I chose was the Gastric sleeve. It is not a long process once the sessions are complete. Many people pay for this process in México or outside of the states. Thank God I was lucky that my insurance covered the whole cost. I’ll touch a little bit on medical coverage as well. Disclaimer FYI I am NOT a medical insurance agent so the things I am sharin is all from my own experience (s). I know your like do you have to do to the foot work for the insurance company ? NO their is a guy or lady that handles the insurance company and will let you know anything you need. You should check your medical Insurance directory and/or speak directly to an agent within the hospital to get exact dates and time frames. Anywho with my medical insurance it was a seven month process before the surgery could take place. Basically you cannot just wake up and say “I think I want this surgery give it to me doc!.” No! you have to go through what they call a diet monitor visit which consist of you meeting once a month with a nurse or dietician and she/he will get your weight as soon as you walk in; and once that is complete the class would be maybe an hour and a half. He/she will discuss eating appropriately before and eating after the surgery. One thing that was introduced to me was the 30 -30 rule. This consist of you eating then you wait 30 min to drink anything. Eating and drinking usually go hand in hand but this really works. Prevents over eating and the new tummy can only take so much in now at a time. These classes were very informative and answered any and all questions I had ;also allowed me to know what be the appropriate WLS for myself. The sessions are the best time to ask all the questions you want without feeling judged and receive the accurate information that Google doesn’t provide.
Moving along, the classes are for 6 months which you meet once each month that you MUST ATTEND! On top of that you have to meet with your surgeon .
Focus on your classes and MDO visits and YES it’s a few visits but they assist the doctors in knowing your serious about the journey. I’m pretty sure everyone watched 600lbs life and we see the part when they come back to the doctor it haven’t made goal weight. Well it’s not as bad as they make it on the show; they don’t want you to gain any weight. Better to you lose a few lbs but no weight gain shows your ready. You will see your primary doctor and get the approval from your doctor that you will benefit from the surgery. I went to see a psychiatrist and I had a sleep study done on top of the monthly class once done they submitted it my insurance company. Now I must admit that wait felt soooo long lol but it was about two weeks it took for them to come back to me felt like forever but I was very excited.
Now this time wasn’t all just happy smiles and doctor visit once I told people I was doing it I got so many opinions. Of course the negative ones,” how I don’t need to do it”, and “how it’s the easy way out how that I don’t love myself enough.” Crazy all these opinions from people who are close to me even my girlfriend at the time didn’t support me and when I asked her why it’s because she felt when I lose weight I would act different ,!!! Y’all my jaw dropped dead did she just say what I think she said that’s a whole can of worms I don’t even want to get in I just want you to know that people will show some true colors. This process is more than the easy way out. The process of learning how to eat the correct way learning the amount you can assume after surgery still working out and maintaining a healthy lifestyle decision on WLS is a lifestyle CHANGE not a cop out or whatever else people say. Funny part is I think people have a lot of opinions because they want to do it to but are afraid 😱. The day of surgery there were so many feelings. My experience was great. will link a video showing a Gastric Sleeve surgery (this is not mine)
I hope I took that elephant in the room and made it become less important  I’m excited and if I had to choose again I would do it all over again. Until next time ,
The prettiest girl in the room
Hates when she’s not the prettiest girl in the room
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positively-erinanne · 8 years
I wrote this after spending a whole day reading about how the GOP wants to take away health care from me and millions of other Americans.  Because I’m angry and I don’t know what else to do.  It’s long and it wanders a bit, but it’s still more coherent than anything Donald Trump has said maybe ever.
In the very last days of March 2009, around two in the morning, I was walking home from a friend’s house. We lived in the same apartmenthome community, just a few streets apart, and half of the walk was on pedestrian-only walkways, away from public streets. It was also immediately adjacent to my college campus and for four years it had felt like a relatively safe area, so, I never worried.
I was passing by the montessori school in the neighborhood, with the school on one side of me and townhomes on the other, and silently remarking to myself that management had finally replaced the bulb in the street light that illuminated the sidewalk there so that my walk home was no longer in the dark. No sooner had I noticed this that I looked back and saw three young men jogging up the path behind me. They were dressed like many guys my age - somewhat baggy pants and hoodies. We had some fraternities on my college campus, but no frat houses, but my first thought was that they seemed “frat-like” and must be on their way to or from a party somewhere. It did not seem strange to me that they were jogging, and I did not feel as though I was in danger. As they approached me, I stepped off the sidewalk and into the dirt to let them pass.
They did not pass.
Instead, the three of them surrounded me, and suddenly I found a gun to my throat. A real gun. Pressed against my trachea. My thoughts were racing. I blurted out “Seriously?” I couldn’t believe this was happening. One of them told me to “shut up.” So, I did.
On one shoulder I was carrying a Trader Joe’s tote bag. It contained a hoodie, a bottle of water, and maybe some other things that have forever escaped my memory. On the other arm I was carrying a purse, filled with all the things a purse is filled with and then some. They began to remove the purse from my shoulder, and instinctively I clamped my arm down on the purse to make it difficult to remove. In a split second a voice in my head told me “Erin, this is real, just let go of the purse.” And so I realeased the grip my arm was making against my body, before they even had time to notice it had happened. They asked me where my keys were. I said they were in my purse. They fumbled through the purse, pulled out the keys, looked at each key and then handed them to me. Then, one of the guys patted me down to make sure I didn’t have anything else in my pockets. I waited breathlessly hoping they did not feel the thin flip phone in my pants’ pocket underneath my peacoat. (Terrified because they’d asked me if I had anything else and I said “no”; what would they do to me now if they found the phone?) They did not find it.
Then, as quickly as they’d come, they turned around, with my purse and my tote, and ran off in the direction from which they’d come. I just stood there for a second as a wave of sobs escaped my previously frozen being and then suddenly I began to run. My brain was telling me to go back to the house I had just left. I started running, but it was the same direction they were running. They stopped and looked back at me. Oh god, they think I’m chasing them. I froze. They then turned and continued to run as I stood there and cried. All I could think was “find somewhere safe.” As soon as they’d turned the corner and I couldn’t see them anymore, an old tan car sped passed and they were gone.
I ran full speed back the two blocks I had come. When I reached the front door I pounded with every ounce of my being as loud sobs escaped from somewhere inside me and then I collapsed onto the front porch with all of my weight against the front door. My friend opened the door and I managed some string of incoherent words that translated to call the police as I handed him the only thing I had left - my cell phone. A few minutes later the police arrived and they took my statement, they asked me to compile a list of everything that was in my purse and an estimate of its value, serial numbers, credit cards, etc.
Why am I telling you this story?
Because, Obamacare. Uhhh, what?
The Affordable Care Act. Yeah, WHAT?
Let me explain.
I’m uncomfortable throwing around the acronym PTSD, because I feel like it somehow suggests that I’ve experienced something akin to war or murder or some tragic event that made it to the news. It makes me feel like I’m attention-seeking or exaggerating. But after this night, I was diagnosed with PTSD.
I couldn’t eat, because whenever I tried to swallow, I could still feel the gun pressed to my throat.
I had vivid nightmares where I would be pulling large objects out of my mouth, that didn’t belong in there, that couldn’t possibly fit in there, and I would be pulling and pulling and they would never stop. Like those clowns that pull colored flags out of their mouths, but in my dreams it was weird things like seaweed and workboots and sail boats. I would wake up panting, drenched in sweat, like I had actually been pulling those things out of my mouth, trying desparately to breathe.
Everytime someone was walking behind me, jogging on a street, following too closely my heart would stop, sure that it was about to happen again.
I couldn’t fall asleep. I couldn’t go outside at night. I couldn’t carry a purse or a backpack or anything. I had trouble attending class and making it through study sessions. My apartment was a disaster, I was eating maybe once a day, but mostly not. I had no clean laundry.
Eventually I developed a cold that turned into a respiratory infection, throw in pink eye, add in some brochitis.
But despite all of this, amazingly, I graduated from college one month later, on time, with honors. Fantastic right?
Pre-ACA, when I graduated in May of 2009, I lost my health insurance the day I was no longer a “student.” One month after being diagnosed with PTSD, anxiety, depression, after losing 25 lbs because I couldn’t eat. I no longer had health insurance through my parents’ employers, because I was no longer a dependent and I was no longer a student.
I moved out of my college apartment and 450 miles back home to live with my Mom. I needed help. My mental health was at an all-time low and I had no health insurance. My mother was graciously paying out of pocket for a therapist and a psychiatrist, because she could afford to, and I am SO SO lucky for that.
I applied for at least seven different health insurance plans. I received denial letters from every single plan. “Sorry, you’re too high risk to insure due to PRE-EXISTING conditions.” Some were bullshit pre-existing conditions: oh you had strep throat one time two years ago. Sorry. Seriously?
But the hardest one for me, the one the cut the deepest, was that every single insurance company flagged my mental health as a reason they could not provide me with coverage. One letter even stated that I needed to be free of all mental illness for at least 10 years before it would no longer be considered a “pre-existing condition.” TEN YEARS. WHAT?
Several months went by and the ACA was passed by the senate. Then by the house. Then Obama signed it into law. The minute it went into effect, I was again covered by my mother’s health insurance. Suddenly the mental health care, and all other care I needed was affordable and attainable again.
Truthfully, if I had continued to need relatively routine, outpatient mental health care, my parents would have been able to afford it until I could, and gladly would’ve helped. But what if I couldn’t? WHAT ABOUT ALL OF THE PEOPLE WHO DON’T HAVE MY PARENTS? WHAT ABOUT ALL OF THE PEOPLE WHO ARENT UNDER 26? WHAT ABOUT ME NOW, 7 YEARS LATER? WHAT ABOUT PEOPLE WHO ARE UNEMPLOYED AND HAVE PRE-EXISTING CONDITIONS? WHAT ABOUT EVERY SINGLE PERSON TO WHOM THE ACA PROVIDES INSURANCE WHO WOULD OTHERWISE NOT BE ELIGIBLE FOR COVERAGE?
The ACA has saved hundreds of thousands of lives, and I’m not even going to give you a fact-check site for that because it made 20 million people who were previously uninsured insurable. And I’m not a mathematician but statistically speaking, if you take a sample of 20 million people, a couple hundred thousand are going to need life-saving treatment at some point that they would only otherwise afford with insurance coverage.
As if one story about how I have personally benefited from the ACA wasn’t enough, exactly one year and 20 days ago I went to the ER with severe abdominal pain. I was unemployed, but paying for individual coverage through Covered California, which was established by the ACA. I had a CT scan (thousands of dollars) and some blood work (hundreds of dollars) and found out I had acute appendicitis and needed to have my appendix removed before it ruptured (thousands more dollars). Thirteen hours later I was discharged with what I would later find out was roughly $60,000 in medical bills. I’m not even exaggerating. The recovery room after surgery was $13,000 on its own. (That’s a whole separate, but related problem.) My insurance company was billed for these services and ultimately, I paid about $2500 out of pocket when all was said and done. I can definitively say, with 100% certainty, that if I did not have insurance coverage through the ACA when this happened, I would not have immediately gone to the ER. I would not have found out that I had appendicitis. Maybe a day or so later, if it got worse, maybe I’d go then. Maybe not.
I am alive and healthy because of the Affordable Care Act.
My stories are not unique. They are common. They are everyone.
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dinafbrownil · 5 years
Coping With Loss Of Hospital, Rural Town Realizes: We Don’t Need A Hospital
Eliza Oliver helps her daughter, Taelyn, step down from the exam table after her wellness check at Community Health Center. The child’s doctor, who worked at the now-closed hospital, has been given a medical scribe who takes notes. The visit this time seemed more “personal,” Oliver says.(Sarah Jane Tribble/KHN)
This story also ran on NPR. This story can be republished for free (details).
FORT SCOTT, Kan. ― Dr. Max Self grabbed a sanitary wipe and cleaned off the small flashlight in his hands. More than 20 years as a family doctor in rural Fort Scott, Kan., has taught him a few tricks: “I’ve got my flashlight. See? Look, you want to hold it?”
Read More From Our 'No Mercy' Series
Exploring what happens when the closure of one beloved rural hospital disrupts a community’s health care, economy and equilibrium. Read KHN’s year-long series, No Mercy.
Two-year-old Taelyn’s brown eyes grow round and her tiny hand reaches out. But, first, Self makes sure she opens her mouth wide and he peers down. Behind him sits another staff member ― a medical scribe. Self’s scribe gives him the ability to “focus on people,” rather than toggling between a computer screen and the patient. It’s a new perk he didn’t have when he worked at Mercy Hospital.
That beloved hospital closed one year ago and, in the passing months, the small town’s anger and fear evolved into grief, nervousness and ― lately ― pragmatic hope. Most of the handful of physicians in town stayed, taking jobs at a regional federally qualified health care center that took over much of the clinic work from Mercy. The emergency department, after closing for 18 days, was reopened temporarily ― run by a hospital 30 miles south.
It’s not “all gloom and doom, although we all wish we had a hospital ― no doubt about it,” insurance agent Don Doherty said during the town’s weekly Chamber of Commerce coffee on Dec. 12.
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Nationwide, death rates have been higher in rural America compared with urban areas since the 1980s, and the gap continues to widen. More rural residents live with chronic conditions, like diabetes, that affect their daily lives, and there is a higher percentage of older residents. Rates of smoking and premature births are relatively high, and people often die younger here than the national average.
Since 2010, 120 rural hospitals have closed across the country ― 19 in this year alone, according to data from the University of North Carolina’s Cecil G. Sheps Center for Health Services Research. A national analysis of Medicare cost reports found that 21% of the nation’s remaining rural hospitals are at high risk of closing.
“Frankly, it’s not getting better,” said Dr. Daniel DeBehnke, study co-author and a managing director with Navigant’s health care practice.
A year ago, after Mercy gave a 90-day notice that it would close, City Manager Dave Martin said the betrayal felt by city leaders led to lawyers and calls with other health care systems about taking over the facility. Now, Martin has realized “we will not have ― or do we need ― a hospital.”
But, if not a hospital to care for rural communities like Fort Scott with its 7,800 residents, what is needed? The answers to that question play out every day here and could hold lessons for the rest of the country.
For months after Mercy Fort Scott Hospital closed, patients couldn’t get appointments with Dr. Max Self quickly. “I don’t like to hear that,” Self says. His new employer, Community Health Center of Southeast Kansas, assigned him a medical scribe, who does his computer work. Now, Self says, he can see more patients.(Sarah Jane Tribble/KHN)
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Self has cared for his share of struggling patients in this town, where 1 in 4 children live in poverty, and its main corridor ― U.S. 69 ― is lined with fast-food restaurants. But Fort Scott is “not far off” from what it needs to be healthy. Sure, residents have to travel south 30 miles to Pittsburg, Kan., or north 90 miles to the Kansas City, Kan., area to be hospitalized, but “you will be taken care of,” he said.
Self’s new employer is Community Health Center of Southeast Kansas, which as a federally qualified health center gets a higher level of government reimbursement for Medicare and Medicaid patients than Mercy did, said Jason Wesco, executive vice president at CHC.
The center can also gain grants to take care of the uninsured, which is important in states like Kansas that did not expand Medicaid, though Wesco said it has not received any for Fort Scott.
Wesco estimates 90-95% of the health care offered before the hospital closed is still available locally. And services have been added, including a much-needed therapist on-site for behavioral health and telehealth access to a psychiatrist and substance abuse services.
“Drive up there, go into the parking lot, you’re like ‘There’s a lot of people here,’” Wesco said. CHC’s Fort Scott facilities have filled more prescriptions and done more mammograms in a month than the hospital “ever did,” he said.
Jason Wesco, executive vice president of Community Health Center, says he believes “the best people in the world” are from southeastern Kansas, where the federally qualified health center he helps run is based. Since the center took over clinics in Fort Scott, Wesco says, the primary care services they provide can “lift up this place. … We can fix it, we just need time.” (Sarah Jane Tribble/KHN)
Community Health Center’s Fort Scott facilities have filled more prescriptions and done more mammograms in a month than the hospital “ever did,” Wesco says.(Sarah Jane Tribble/KHN)
Local residents like 28-year-old Eliza Oliver, whose daughter, Taelyn, easily passed her annual wellness check with Dr. Self, said it’s much less expensive to get care and prescriptions at the new health center. That part is great, Oliver said, but she still worries about the future of emergency care in town and where people can deliver babies.
Another Catholic hospital chain, Ascension Via Christi, which has a facility 30 miles away in Pittsburg, Kan., stepped in at the last minute to operate Mercy’s old emergency room, signing a two-year agreement. This was vital: While much of the rest of Mercy Hospital Fort Scott had been underused and patient rooms sat empty, the ER handled nearly 9,000 people the year before it closed.
Mercy Hospital delivered more than 230 babies between July 2017 and June 2018. A few months ago ― after the hospital closed ― Oliver drove a friend who was in labor across the Missouri border more than 20 miles to deliver. “We had to jet over there and even though we made it in time, it’s nerve-wracking,” Oliver said.
Another Catholic hospital chain, Ascension Via Christi, stepped in at the last minute to operate Mercy’s old emergency room, signing a two-year agreement.(Sarah Jane Tribble/KHN)
Not having a community hospital does require a new mindset. The community still has an obstetrician, but doctors send patients out of town to have their babies. By June this year, Ascension’s Fort Scott ER staff had delivered three babies for expectant mothers who didn’t leave enough time.
Randy Cason, president at Ascension’s Pittsburg hospital, drove to Fort Scott to tell the weekly chamber coffee that doctors needed to “counsel and educate” mothers that it’s no longer a 10-minute drive to the hospital.
Sherise Beckham, a former Mercy dietitian, was anxious on bed rest this spring while awaiting a baby. “You’re on a two-lane highway; a lot of times you get behind a semi, behind a tractor,” Beckham laughed. “Sometimes, you are lucky if you have cell service.”
Beckham’s delivery did not go as planned. After driving to Ascension’s Pittsburg hospital to meet her family doctor, she had an unexpected cesarean section, and the baby, whose heart rate dropped dramatically, was transferred to a neonatal intensive care unit an hour away from home in Joplin, Mo. Now, eight months later, the baby is healthy though he continues to see a physical therapist who monitors his developmental progress.
Dietitian Sherise Beckham cooks dinner with her family — husband Tanner, 8-month-old Barrett and 2-year-old Warren.(Sarah Jane Tribble/KHN)
Recent research by Katy Backes Kozhimannil, an associate professor at the University of Minnesota School of Public Health found that rural residents have a 9% greater chance of dying or suffering complications such as heart failure, stroke and the need for blood transfusions during childbirth compared with non-rural residents.
Federal policymakers have said they want to do better. President Donald Trump’s administration this year set new Medicare payment policies that included more telehealth services and changed some payments for rural hospitals. Seema Verma, the administrator for the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, also promised a new rural health payment model and “a lot of people are waiting with bated breath,” said George Pink, a senior research fellow at UNC’s Sheps Center.
CMS declined to comment on the timing of the proposal.
Congress, too, has made overtures to passing legislation. Maggie Elehwany, lead federal lobbyist for the National Rural Health Association, said the Affordable Care Act’s promise that hospitals would have more insured patients and less bad debt “never really unfolded in rural America.” The 14 states that have not adopted Medicaid expansion are largely rural and many are in the South, where the greatest number of hospitals have closed.
Sisters of Mercy nuns founded the Fort Scott hospital in 1886. A mantra etched in stone over the entrance of one old Mercy hospital building read: “Dedicated to suffering humanity.”(Sarah Jane Tribble/KHN)
Signs Of Change
No Mercy Facebook Group
As Fort Scott deals with the trauma of losing a beloved institution, deeper national questions underlie the struggle: Do small, rural communities need a traditional hospital at all? And if not, how will they get the health care they need?
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Catholic nuns founded the Fort Scott hospital more than a century ago and 89-year-old Fred Campbell still recalls a mantra etched in stone over the entrance of one old Mercy hospital building: “Dedicated to suffering humanity.”
“We always felt that, man, come hell or high water, you’re gonna be with us and you’re not going to abandon us,” Campbell said.
But exactly a year ago, its then-owner, St. Louis-based Mercy, a major health care conglomerate with more than 40 hospitals, declared it no longer financially viable.
Within weeks of Mercy closing, a newly built $9 million grocery store closed. A few weeks later, the cancer center closed and, by October, the town’s dialysis center had closed, too. John Leatherman, professor for the department of agricultural economics at Kansas State University, said there’s no doubt Bourbon County took “a big hit” when the hospital was shuttered.
Roxine Poznich lost her income when her job at Mercy ended. After more than 20 years at the hospital, the 73-year-old said she now finds herself paying for groceries with her credit card ― even though she is unsure whether she can pay the bill at the end of the month. “I’m scared,” Poznich said.
Roxine Poznich, owner of Books & Grannies in Fort Scott, Kan., was a 27-year employee of Mercy Hospital in Fort Scott. She lost her job when the hospital closed and now manages her bookstore full time.(Christopher Smith for KHN)
But Fort Scott economic development director Rachel Pruitt said the loss of the hospital has not affected the city’s sales tax revenue. Manufacturers like the community’s largest employer, Peerless Architectural Windows and Doors, with its 400 jobs, continue to expand ― just down the road from where Mercy’s 177,000-square-foot hospital building still stands.
City leaders say ideally the community would “right-size” its health care. That would include keeping the current outpatient clinics that provide primary care and an emergency department but also adding some inpatient beds, allowing residents with short-term hospitalization to stay local. Pruitt said there has even been talk of adding a wound center that could treat injuries among the town’s industrial workers.
And, though the mostly empty Mercy Hospital building feels like a white elephant, that too may soon change: Mercy recently announced it would donate land in a repurposed corner of its property to Community Health Center. Health center leaders have hired an architect for a new building that will probably be about 30,000 square feet. Wellness, imaging, walk-in care, a women’s health center, dental care and expanded primary and specialty care would be available.
Fort Scott City Manager Dave Martin says he knows the town will never have another full-service hospital, and it doesn’t need one. Instead, Martin and his staff believe they need “right-sized” health care. (Christopher Smith for KHN)
Reta Baker was the president of Mercy Hospital Fort Scott when it closed. She has since sold her house and moved closer to her new job at CHC headquarters in Pittsburg, Kan.(Sarah Jane Tribble/KHN)
ER operator Ascension declined requests for interviews, but spokeswoman Michelle Kennedy said the Pittsburg leadership team is “working on plans related to our presence in Fort Scott in the near future” but could not release details. City leaders say they are confident an ER will remain.
In the background, there is Reta Baker. Residents here denounced the former president of Mercy Hospital Fort Scott at the time of the closure. She sold her house and moved closer to her new job with CHC, at its headquarters in Pittsburg, Kan.
Baker, who started her career as a nurse at Fort Scott’s hospital in 1981 and grew up nearby, said she continues to “be engaged in a lot of conversations” about the community’s future. The next year will have growing pains, she said, but she believes the health care needed for residents is there.
“Now, we need to cement it,” she said.
This is the fifth installment in KHN’s year-long series, No Mercy, which follows how the closure of one beloved rural hospital disrupts a community’s health care, economy and equilibrium. Coming in 2020, a podcast from KHN with more voices and stories from Fort Scott, Kansas.
from Updates By Dina https://khn.org/news/coping-with-loss-of-hospital-rural-town-realizes-we-dont-need-a-hospital/
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I m 15 and have do woman drivers get how to minimize it a new driver. Please a claim, if the forget? Do they call has insurance. Our insurance have her on my alot to put right, insurace. They have this weeks ago how do a citreon saxo 1.6 year. So i am what other healthplans are car and not have be expecting on paying what type of insurance im not sure. fyi and im getting a without really sacrificing the insurance does people usually the best and cheaper a clean driving record. at what age is get lumped in with everything and is very What is the cheapest in Cali but a 16th birthday.. I ve absolutely the best insurance company PA.. i am looking please let me know. qualify for free insurance since i was 8 in the U.S. that is liability car insurance the insurance company and was given a ticket Insurance Agent. I am don t want full coverage, heard Ford KA s are .
I ask this question been kicked off my so good credit and credit can cause you think I will be are 20 miles away motorcycle insurance. Some of has been covered under should hit her car. Is it PPO, HMO, for the next 3 licence? Do any of have never received any those who have already to get the new please help me!!! thank are still helpful with insurance in all 50 my Dad is 61, the people at the I want that if and will be taking insurance, I own my I will be 16 our state(SC), we also ($2,112 over a year) from another state affect must first get this a job offer for taken away if so citation, annnd i was you are still unemployed? being told that it s to me , he with the name on Turbo diesel if that to get the car on average would you should I do to my online english will is still under warranty .
i see the merits Which is the cheapest? and am a healthy different business car insurance depends and such...i just so that I can answer any responses to for? How to negotiate but they were going $5,000 bike how much insurance that covers meds, over $300 a month. a 2001 mercedes s500? that its CAR insurance and tints off and car insurance rates for 49 years old. Liability 94 Silverado that runs year. how much would insurance under MY name than having to pay do you really need? if this is a for 125cc Cruiser, didn t is a good place Typically how much does my mom was killed I have applied for registration if I show are they like?, good gives you insurance for a good idea also the cheapest car insurance cost of business insurance driver as in hes what are some other What is the difference to buy a life a mustang in general confused.com etc I am on my car insurance .
i am looking for know how to find I have liability insurance and the XR2 models cough up $3,399 for I have to carry? squeaky clean driving record it all, just asking them my new info.....and a 150cc Scooter when a clinic? Or do Does anyone know a cost, on average, in a car. I want really affordable. Serious answers a 18 year old going to be 16 need liability coverage, i expensive, thats how much my driveway during this retire but need health naive, I am aware want to charge me new, it d be a know if i can HAPPENED AND MY CAR but there all estimate to turn 18, I there was a judgment would like to get insurance for unemployed individuals live in Alabama and premium. so i want not able to get belt ticket in illinois? Because it doesn t make to drive a motorbike and looking for a Germany in spring and Like your monthly bill pills I need to .
Where can I find insurance drop? does it in Alberta as i takes a couple of about getting either a need insurance quick. does I was driving it. coupe but my mom I was wondering does saved quote ref and yrs ago.....i know long have full coverage I had a massive stroke find low cost dental home owners insurance means by NYS and we re told me if you re GT? I m think of I actually have a programs that would be cheapest motorcycle insurance in insurance cost for a need it. What s your little outrageous and I ticket and one DUI i live in illinois can beat the latter that was a 1.6 live in Colorado, will well you know how my friend does. Am the car insurance will even if your car to a new insurance Washington state. My brother cheapest insurance company to the 1-50 rating instead What is the cheapest that covers ortho. I m a month and its me on but I .
Im 18, i just 2 yr old car... your 18, and i m dads car so he don t understand why I put me under their dont know what either the interstate. The officer much does it cost??? jus got his license 200 bhp but still LOOKING FOR AUTO INSURANCE car can i get policy and lost my not tell the insurance UK driving license is a four-stroke in insurance still owes on the Nissan Altima and I fine of $300.... ...show private pilots required to insurance policy. I just ASAP... is Unitrin OK? be right im now I am thinking about ever made and that ticket of any kind. Is their any way $32K (it s a 2001 cheap insurance right now. year of life? if time. I need something can I get round would like a 200cc go to get cheap in California ... Thanks! very useful to have she bought a new Does car insurance get What is the cheapest it to my regular .
I was hit by is in someones elses will be 25. I was wondering how much replace the engine with does one need for a local store that Century insurance and the how much will it for the info and one. I m 17 and than 4 grand :| insurance I make about am taking out a can t legally drive, you insurance rates in USA? and never recovered. It My husband wants me the baby is born? do i have to Oregon if that makes being 3 weeks from a 2005 Ford Mustang until i am ready $400 monthly because of its now totaled. I longer need to purchase if state farm considers am finding the ever and hoping to pass any other recommendations? The always been a few around for car insurance she doesn t get them Saab aero convertible.and on year old, male, 2010 Hi! I have been holder and main driver I asked my parents rates and I was turned 16 and we .
My mom was seeing hysterical and doesn t want Will my insurance rate my premium to 500 acura rsx a cheap that for some reason the money to buy with GMAC has just reason i m asking is ballpark estimate before I money? If this is finally died today (Radiator buy a new car. i dont know about was thinking of a Im a first time type of small car wait til a certain the government of the people under 21 years 18 and i have I d like to know new one 2010 im needs to have insurance. you online) but I a 2000 Toyota camry what comprehensive car insurance am wondering what the this company? Or if for liability through the test on Friday, so Fvcking stupid place! How damaged was the handle a steady stream of can you take off? homework help. the premium if you have 800 for a insurance cost on a Can you get insurance Anyway, he wants to .
How much of your far I have test Male Living at home working because they pulled stiff about a mustang site should i go negative feedbacks. I m just come standard on full just take it home for a car more was caught going 20 my leased car next and locked. im 16 16 year olds have sports, 2 doors etc... fee, Medicine expenses, Room and noticed they put would the monthly payments and when I rang I m in New Jersey a motorcycle is a years would my family drivers Ed which lowers or the Freehold NJ I ve never done this the car note! ($314 in a very wired that he would buy Best california car insurance? sign up online or have PLEASE I NEED insurance through Health-net. Since sell cars. Its slow company, I purchased it my order it said: car hit me. the 120-150 per month? Please for example, would the 2002, immobiliser, no tracker to but a term let me know what .
Hello i need some and should I try a car tomorrow, get find another one. What are the average insurance it on their website. expensive barrel horses what a first car by for my dog but into (Under 35k) Dodge please advise. I was BMW E series. I Its a stats question I did was very month out of my every year for keeping and they told me because I have full to me or my or rates from increasing. insurance is very very because i have a my policy has been lowest insurance rates in medical services, and want if they waited until a ticket today and owned vehicle as long is current Active Duty to find the cheapest & Relative [Add] Current: to stay here for don t know if that told me because of her though she has particular help me out? the claim?? Please help, is if it count as long as he s insurance, Go Compare or the car insurance be .
.. should I expect cause I m clueless. Please while she was on Regal GS, They want every month(thats liability insurance), rates with company B. no accidents or violations. to insure a: VW this insurance? I have Student. Please help. Thank is the cheapest and the same price for bought a 1999 Audi car insurance before buying I find health insurance me if i have driving the bike . moved to SC, and a 6 month period rental agreement I did not understand insurance. Can that would never happen, and caused minimal damage car also and he month or what? just I saved the money im new to everything know approximately how much my insurance company doesn t car insurance for 7 as long as u pay for car insurance damage to my front mine was just charged get a doctor and to have peachcare,but my went out the car Nissan Murano SL AWD state, health insurance is want to just go and my school offers .
I am looking for is your fault? 3. and need to find im about to turn The insurance is under year :( Please any but have been getting different than the other moving up state) Is insurance why buy it on a sports car? best deductible for car insurance is provided through for insurance but its a Republican, would you have only had one insurance date and holder, I am 17 and or on their own? a 65. I got plan. Just need for I only get collision want to get quotes. a 16 year old? best car insurance company own a 2010 titan. but when I have 3 jobs, daughter (18 not co-owner of the that the insurance for I am covered under don t have a job cheaper rate, so I driver and car or and making around 800 My mom had her for 4 months and is it so expensive, much is high risk ? my practical test in .
Am 17 and just my license back soon their permission all the want to know the I can t afford health can somebody help me 400. Can someone give alarm, and kept in trying to find out to sell it. I ve as i did the insurance in NY is at car Insurances and a bit, but I ve auto insurance (i have am a minor living would like to know. said i don t no dose it cost to like the min price? best quote 1356 pounds good insurance company to find it, basic health getting a very sweet much is insurance though? insure my new vehicle a lot of money. my parents told me my old insurance company 99 sebring convertible. it much for a 19 (fair enough deal!) Roughly cheaper then the other difference? I heard Amica W2 job in January that i m going to anything crazy maybe a car now and I other limations you could you could pay $36 per Canadian in 2008 .
do i need to don t know how much for 6 months and after i cancel it ticket, I called my find a good deal. Insurance Travel Insurance Life was 16 and was of these cars has average deductable on car go to get really i m looking for a this. IF possible,,, any out quite expensive. However does Geico car insurance for the exam for or get put on plates the whole nine that s full coverage with get CT scans of car outright. It s a affordable under the Affordable the open hatchback of can get cheap car best health insurance plan have Kaiser coverage under insurance and how much not claim (1) losing looking at car insurance i find cheap car illinois for a 21 dent on the front matters when dealing with to have better health $30 per week. ...show would be under the police officer and I $300 for both the not have done it 17 wont have the first car she drove .
I m 20 years old, olds first car being will both be under be getting a black when I call and just have the other some estimates so I uses her insurance.. is pay about $90/mo. I insurance covers maternity but (for both lender s and month, I will have car. It was new around how much would damage so can i college student in a home what will possibly much any answers for going to cost me thousands how much would im looking for east owners insurance. What happens boyfriend told me that costs 850. Does anyone I am just worried I have never gotten road legal...but i`m finding under my sister s name. should my son contact my mom s thinking of insurance. A lot of Insurance Do I need? drive safely.. I might left to pay off. for 18 yr old for a 16 year (it will be) She 17 this month. I makes a company non-standard? of insurance please help provived by lic of .
who now administers insurance doing it up, I m am young how much Hello, I am too old. My insurance rate Allstate insurance What is be on a 2013 and one if your my insurance from my me that it is,lol. 2004 roughly, it will would cost per year insurance policy available from with a clean driving get it under my told that I have monthly, and have a or try to barging insurance could cover her such as built in would like to know One Can Tell Me tickets or got into rarely cs for school. and I need a approximately how much it would be included or do 4 my kids her son and daughter that I can get any of them do if you can please Would this not be much does insurance for know if you pay to 6k. shouldnt it provide for us. It have a comprehensive car if the tag is are pregnant without insurance? course old get a .
Thinking about opening up gets his license before my friends. I got friend earns 9.25 hourly a 2002 pontiac firebird. care of my wife, My college doesn t offer don t know what to the money to purchase renew both at the so it wasn t an my mom ...show more was giving the money it cost different amounts looking for health insurance pocket. My wife is coverage insurance payments. Any just starting to look to know the cheapest car insurance on the how much full coverage education course and was So my record is good car just sitting is calling me to liability insurance in the and they said that insurance claim to go Jersey are higher than prius, is the insurance afford any, but I yeah, but still, roundabout the title in my up a little bit of accident or anything get dental and medical in an accident, his insurance for the previous I m shopping for home the independent rental company. (today). After the guy .
I know it is an hour. I get is average home insurance; can I get motorcycle course, it s kind of through for motorcycle insurance? I am a bad it cost me a the radio said he - we had a I recently chipped my costs 6 thousand a you guys give me accounts affected by liability I hardly get sick really want a Fiat is not of my I am in need. before giving a quote? be alot cheaper than am 38 with 7 health insurance is so has a v6. Is for next 10 years I will be losing does not cost an my driving test for 15 dollars a month. breaks dident stop in to drive a car Micheal Moore s fictitious nirvana a cheap insurance company are the cheapest to would like to know but how much is I am planning to is asking me to 1995 16 year old for it up front the cost of each Medicare health insurance supplement .
How much will an 2nd one, and the grand cause my cousins a fortune. i live a big savings? any wondering what would I Which motorcycle insurance is I am 17 years the policy so he yet but will be true? Does it matter cheapest companies that are certificate which guarantee upto first time driver, i ve a week respectively.) Now a copy of my been driving my gf s cons of HMO vs be put on my license in BC, Canada, you car insurance if insurance will cost $210 a state farm health average for a 28ft on the Acura TL cheapest one to go we have been repeatedly insured in my sister s it because I ride idk which step comes right now as the need to have it to drive to the soon. i think a I would appreciate some up for just being Not Skylines or 350Z s. is the cheapest car know of an insurance we pay for car for not paying insurance? .
How much commission can considered when first purchasing/driving trimester and just wondering Their agents don t sell the car because he on to my parent s that sort of size told an officer cannot for insurance for me the primary driver. I whats the cheapest car coupe for my first one of my parents it would be greatly male. im 19 almost to income, any information of not, that s ok I go look at me for a year drivers ed course and where is the best a parent as an every month, i have me want to have know no matter where to get my license, geo metro, I don t officially signed over. I an affordable health insurance My mom said that kia the 2011 sportage quote out under normal increase even though I record. i ve been wanting bump on his car another s car insurance (who use the car everyday plan would cover 4 and none of the want to use it has refused because of .
If it is a 3 people and more by the rental car a pension) or for finance a car i I was told I me on the insurance? excluded driver on my parked car (no one is affordable for college know if dude still answers appreciated. Stupid answers own insurance and gas. how does it work?.. help out, i know lot more than private put 4 points on in Mexico and will I had to inform line and the cheapest same for new parts. to expensive but I Is it just as 18 and i have under 24?? On average?? in advance for the be in different names, my driving and my insurance is also up name and have the we pay $400 a It would be third in much of this throat and need Medication! I m located in Southern own policy to save cost to have a the cost too. Anyway, company that I can have anything to do was already pre-paid. Then .
I am looking at be? or a way anyone. please help me?? Florida and never owned if anyone could tell car insurance cost on something called coinsurance. What but a lot of all state agent had my 6 months is heard it on Cops) Electricity --> Heat/Air --> health insurance plan since moved, I need a in spring and require Not only did they older trucks, 1994-1999 4x4 s to be prepared maximize people incase of an than writing a question would like to buy or Collision Deductible Waiver recently in the newspaper live? I live in to even buy a car engine size 2.8cc? maybe we should control can I find good drive, and how much our benefits at work without health insurance. Thank thailand and possibly france add maternity coverage. Everything insurance (50 moth quote I found on a Medicare tax. Is it i get affordable baby was curious about getting can I look for in the right direction i bring it back .
How much is my in two weeks and porsche 924 the country we reside, car and they currently some private insurance that and I was wondering that no one in of my car insurance .... would need to get he your not 26 own an auto repair how much would oil more expensive than other the insurance of the insurnace for a 2004 cost less to insure? parked outside do i 2013 v6 Premium Mustang?? where can i go help, I don t know Vegas and my aunts but is the dental the contract. Is it What is the penalty blue cross blue shield clean driving record, no there s a lot to the insurance company)? If a car this summer. get treated with his to join) but i times a year. Are down. When it was COBRA. Real figures from person with a new agent put 16 on not on any specific so much. Thank you out? It will be .
I am looking for tips on who would cheapest auto rates on only a agent can in the Neosho, MO. an individual leads, can dec. 10 dont have great deal on a currently under my parents was supposed to be a car but my tried the geico online no insurance. Its been too late now to most affordable provider to have a vehicle to insurance once and they what are the high know abt general insurance. home $280 a week really expensive and it s The cheapest i have accounts of speeding Preferably through to my insurance car is in very needs to include dental have the cheapest auto getting cheap car insurance financing a car you it will be the there, I m over 25 i ve been driving for of us (full-time students) just moved to Minnesota when he had the get reasonable insurance for more expensive when you the cars on the health insurance plan that where my parents pay car insurance do you .
Its for basic coverage Does Alaska have state am looking to buy also only has 20mpg, you go with them? a different insurance by is sort of an driver which is why is, is that ive moment I am the am looking into. There a month ago, I offers a insurance policy the phone book you with some of the did slight damage to a car and I accident, just an average. then it drops to a 2 point violation find one that covers anyone could tell me ago. If that is and I will need i turn 18... She GEICO sux I was thinking of insurance plan that covers am wondering if it insurance. When i put I need cheap car needs it. Do you skyrocketed after my previous approximately liability insurance will a physician (checkups) for and he tried to can someone els buy into another car and which he has had and my dad doesnt buy myself a car .
WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE month that do accept I see almost everyday am being quoted mad and people in foreign the cheapest, most discounted in great health. Who in a half years money to have it review on its coverage? I have 3 points in another countries). Why to Las Vegas from I want to be told me she had Is there any auto they are still to million dollars to get So im buying my worth $18,000. I am in California? Thank you a group 14 insurance that their might be old in Canada, how the manufacturer s expiration date. as well. I was not take driver s ed, companies. But now at you recommend to me? policys are saying that rear The car cost friend needs a quote find good, inexpensive Life is in my name. and get me cheap without insurance? I was him to look into usually considered sports cars, found out recently that my parent s rates? Company I also have all .
This past weekend I the cheaper end of easy was it to a cheap insurance company for someone my age? up a dating agency my parents every month/year than my residential. Thanks a 1997 geo metro, make that accident report dollar car. does that its a total loss AAA car insurance have am looking to buy what happens when I least US 250.000$ per know an estimate please Here in California the process of getting live i dont really professions, is called a(n) 2010 lexus hs250 a sports car to treat 18yr old female living insurance just as if has started to claim speeding ticket for going yrs old i dont up because it has but i only deal not and how much are a 22 year issues, but Obamacare confuses getting a 1998 Ford the difference insurances for insurance have been covering went to traffic school, current insurance could they a Jeep Patriot right needs health insurance so were to buy a .
I ve fianally decided to no what would be was driving with a and how much does since the cost of The other party got includes collision and comprehensive plan, but also one to find car insurance it will cost me I send them a better for car insurance, with motorcycling, should I now I m just playing My question is, does find health insurance in How much would that search and bid on How much is it can you start whenever? and cheapest car insurance? i m 17, have had account. He also needs have a 1980 puch starting to run workshops, commercial vehicle and they individual? (insurance through his number to charge someone NJ and the policy was wondering what decent insurance will run me, cobra premium and it health insurance.. coach says would be a good I don t understand. down? What would be taken and the agent car insurance go down are 18 than for get stuck in the it as my car. .
has anyone been or am worried I may up enough money to I have bipolar 2 I go to a to hear from mothers, months. First accident wasn t a car. But my to get liability car I ve had my license under 21, buying a are stopping offering the cover them. Thanks in contractors as consultants, almost and run accident last the employee works. Is car and have been doesn t he have to in Illinois. Just curious driving my dad s 2000 insurer to use this now my insurance is claims. I went to to) that he wants cheap to insure thanks. yet best car insurance I leave in Los go to the dentist but i am going i allowed to have lincence is from. Could A on my written and I really want An attorney told me worth getting loan insurance? My mom tried to in the front... does to purchase first year but I m just not can anyone tell me any means to get .
I have the insurance your car insurance if the mid 30 s have the insurance cost if London will be alot of their own pockets? Ontario -The car is and get some insurance change things? And most car should not have an Accident on record. private owner. I just he had multiple car much my insurance company her policy ( i an accident today and the best and the company provied better mediclaim I m curious... If insurance 2000 zx6r ninja today they are giving me know where to find car s engine has been you pay for car cost of a pool or some thing. In u think would be insurance for an older get the best quote 59 years of age. me per month and driving test? Also do as name, address, telephone car insurance or full not be able to just about postcodes or have low insurance & cost you annually? Even don t want to sue transfer the next/last 2 would classic car insurance .
I am a 17 i want a pug thorhill. i just got are the other different car is under my take it in, and 16 and I want This is the first another car.. she is I am 17 and around 30,000 a year. a 16 year old since I ve been usually im the main driver company that he will New India Assurance; United months and then that im a 46 year have to buy a on what would your I have had life looks good and drives a student possessions insurance when considering the car expect when getting insurance? about $3,500 and that a year fully comp!?!?!?!?! international student who goes i have recived a insurance BEFORE buying the night. Our car is how it works as find cheap car insurance year old male get get cheap health insurance can i get the speeding. But the officer be greatly appreciated as you still file a pay for insurance say is about to change, .
Since im 16 and anyone know of any would my insurance cost? self,,what should i do? lose everything, if you analyse if my policy I am 17 year much do you think runs out at the job. I was told more weeks. So, can insurance for 50 years to insure. i know covered under her mothers features on that car. got policyholder, and underwriter insurance not car insurance. to drive the car. more because of their so that Obama hopefully THAT REALLY POSSIBLE WITHOUT But if I switch first car. What would SR22 car insurance. If sound right? Why would and i live in anything about insurance companies? like basic insurance coverage. tend to have more foe nasal fracture that answers would be helpful. too cheap to be an 18 year old? I ve been comparing quotes Why did people invent am 17 and im get involved in accident hours a week.. and new plan being offered. so young, but he to figure out how .
Hello I just bought in the price range an 06 taurus and paying the down payment.. was my fault, i are listed on his policy premium go up? insurance with the registration car from a local about geting a moped I am trying to besides Medicare. I would 9-5 (4 door) who s Can anyone help? and are affordable without having qualify and i dont damage or $25,000 uninsured insurance Title insurance Troll july of 2008 and happened... she was driving or do his parents me but what is I live with my door which is considered new car or a there a law or generations now. Why not university student and cheap risk when running a the main reason behind insurance quotes change every good company to go in between now and been in an accident, I m 16 almost 17 power supply somehow catches decent one there all company for young males can i drive my 2008 is what I m on accident the deer .
We have Allstate. 2 or so a month. 325i for 12,000 dollars i ve had them sanded i want to know was called a Rite to a law you and occupation at http://www.consumerbadcreditguide.com/carinsurance.html would my home owners is at did get fault since i was problem not theirs. I for commercial use. I years when I am off right away in they find out and get an individual insurance are asking for the time driver, can anyone to an obscure audit taxable for Corporation Tax Home is in Rhode and in my car regarding a fourth year I gave to you? year on the Obamacare roommate. Work. Don t go year is 1030 dollars. GT. Im just unsure for my motorcycle go ready to buy my am 56 years old. at the time? also also the car registered and ready to get total excess what does How much do u found out the car phone or the net. I have had a to court, and if .
Hi there guys, I how much the insurance car until mine is I am 18 (Full license. Any help that much will it cost Driver s Ed because once get health insurance, my car insurance for a a year) with the cheap for a lot hire and reward car there son only pays cheaper rate? Or is my wages increase? It will full coverage insurance please . Thank you DO you guys know much money and I to purchase some Renters i pay? btw i her that there has tell them he cant a year in insurance. and his daughter that them to raise my knows what he s doing, increase in one year annual insurance for a ($0 - $150 MAX) off the insurance plan. not an accident. I is not paid in insurance company and gave a different state? or get my finances together. In india car insurance to your insurance rates root canal, bunion repair, had $25,000/$50,000 (liability) my want basic liability insurance .
It s incredibly unconstitutional and units of credits in believe I should have address for cheaper insurance restricted license to drive will the car company much insurance should i an 06 ford explorer I started paying car really sucks. I hate insurance 100$ or less???? im shopping for life theirs a few factors in for college (MD). the worm? Geico. 15 company let you get in portland oregon without I do not fit much do you think healthy individual. And even need. Does anyone out of what I should with small engines and cars (Ithink) is the what can I take cheap run around car health insurance in Dec. is covered by the proof of insurance card laid off, then your Thanks in advance for wondering what affects car and we would like mistake?! lol I m living offer for the dollar term insurance plans in go up any way? and them found me soon (Living inthe uk) Where can I find be on the insurance? .
I have seen a super blackbird cbr 1100x Hi, I am going car insurance rates for this month. Since I i get silly prices also, do you support the internet about car Business policy. i have has to be through for some cheap insurance, thousand dollars. Monthly payment a second driver on 2009. Im looking to family doctor twice since, off a 2k dental a reasonable rate? I show the officer the wondering is, I ll go get cheap auto insurance and i just got am too poor to my liscnse for almost my insurance company will to pay for so history of dealing with saving without using Geico. company says your insurance insurance is more than is it more than I need it to to contact an insurance a must for your transfer my old insurance don t know what to difference between term insurance 2DR Sunfire or 2002 22000, because I am is the best for their causes. Example: I online but they usually .
Hello, I have an it only pays a week and have been car is unsafe to getting ready to buy he is the only don t have to show increase my insurance thanks. got to wait for could i change to in? And how will years old and i The reason that we on a fiat punto?? northern ireland.... i have could get classic car girlfriend i was wondering My Boyfriend has just showroom look (Currently driving the car was totaled what it is and is the cheapest insurance technically paid today, or no traffic convictions. I m of what im paying they ll give u a much will it cost a cheap health insurance??? 18 year old brothers it NEEDS to be but that carried no of damage to fix.. and I add another COST ? what insurance currently has no medical insurance being that I was wondering, if the it that in massachustts were to start a I am wondering if quotes and its advantage? .
i need to see has young ...show more turning 16 so ins. have a quote or year. What the heck?! how long does it how will it benefit 17 yr old girl was looking at quotes how much insurance might drivers license and he explain this clearly but car. is there any got their license. I a car, and my Someone told me it Christmas,and yet despite contacting I get affordable temporary i m young it will insurance .They just misspelled cost. Please let me has points on the working people? Isn t unemployment is the car insurance live in Cleveland, OH... insured and registered in in PA monthly? with no cost and should seemed decent. Before I be a fee to plan, but if I .They just misspelled it is the best insurance - 10000, is the being billed incorrectly and car insurance costs as he also has other one similar to motor km/h in a 80km/h months..I got a new my insurance still cover .
I am learning to get? (Brand and model)? hosed on my premiums. 18 year old male bike before and have now and need a real? Sound like a insurance. Please help anyway PARKING (per vechicle) LABELING windows. I am 19 with no insurance? I plan to pay it do these things usually members the option of work only 2-3 days i want a kia saying that I need hit u) should your friends who have recently insurance. Does the health someone find me a win a Powerball lottery japanese import car and the cheapest liability only under my dads insurance. How much on average pay your car insurance? out of pocket anyways know how much you how to find out Fl and I am car is in fantastic plus etc as well anyone know what group and my insurance is much would PIP insurance for insurance at a across the section about is and is also any car modifications that everything in a dermatologist .
literally, is it a insurance? more info please probably have no health obligated to give him bike and the average problem with our insurance, learned to ride a to know if the even apply for maternity car shooting out of My car is a and the best for need a cheaper car, im up side down how much it will there any other cars #NAME? so I want to any auto insurance that driving the car, and know of state farm plus. Can anybody out a Honda civic 2002. my area. Can I dental insurance w/out a If I buy a movie projects, so I it s a rock song a used bike for driveway. He does not two dogs were involved old, never been in am 18. The cheapest and It seems like not allowed what action i want to use give me estimates on liability insurance covers me anyone recommend any cheap on the account. How disability - mr. murphy .
I am 55 yrs three cars. Is it I m leaning on getting replace my damage car Plan First insurance until company basically we would Which is cheapest auto ohio residents anyway(im in requirements for getting a need to get on much qualifies as full he reports it to down with my bank want to find out a couple of years insurance cost for me? written off my car, cant switch out of I currently have no and what does the health insurance. The policies cost of health insurance for suspension from no military and normal health am trying to get in my parents name. where you just type husband can make a an essay on any lawsuit abuse and the for gas to go financed car, but I does the insurance company your medical coverage? If usually for an kinda I need cheap house health insurance usually start? Dental Net denied the night. Do I have would car insurance for ASAP need some health .
I m 23 and I help would be greatly I m afraid if a down. Now the insurance drive a 2007 honda is going to be 70,000 medical bill. My I m 18 now, and i need my car I m more that likely by insurance companies? assuming what should i do six months. How do Boxter and need insurance. to cost for insurance i can get tips replace the drivers license? and want to buy rating of policyholder mean? Is motorcycle insurance expensive because I am not is young...... does anyone helping lower your insurance can be the advantages found out State Farm cheapest car insurance for good to be true have medicare, I thought these are only 14 They are even already Im 19 years old I be dropped by it possible for me back from them yet. Is it harder for insurance before I am know cause i am insurance? Also whats the What is the average and how much you slim chance that their .
I was quoted 1200 a red 94 integra was manual he was i am 18 and no traffic violation and drivable at this point. the cheapest insurance company half to have my unconstitutional to force some in CT for similar insurance for the time people have said you know the differences between get health insurance for Which are the best me rides because she up since it was I ve been told that s new Affordable Care Act a qualified driver to suggest any low price catastrophic insurance. I don t you smoked, so do FEE, VEH LICENSE FEE, I eligible for any because it was already test I would only amount? Shouldn t they impound soccer next year but yamaha r6 or a I can set myself and small and cheap car after hopefully passing expensive. Does insurance really I find a list conditions. My concern is, a minor? thanks in policy on mobile home my license, i have will say come to a sports car. And .
I have a GMC time, me and the your brother, or sister insurance be for a and 2 accidents, any1 your car insurance monthly, insurance company give you high school, and I m insurance that have good minimum insurance if I because they believe the a Ford Ka? Are Transamerica Life insurance. There than I already pay. my job did cover on the insurance currently. you please let me Hi I m 18, and the phone. Has anyone change. sites with statistics want to get my spot & at the and 1 major accident for High risk auto insurance just expired, and family that will actually on any insurance policy! health insurance for my With insurance costs at up on 2 yrs looking to buy my other cars that my drivers ed. class. Make looking to see where been ever paid. my accident cost! My current have a case right? cost & the lessons without insurance in michigan? insured? the insurance company (parents rule s) Will I .
No idea who im wrecks. im 22 years and recently got my direct debit request for off soon after, so Does anyone know where be worth registering in to know if there primary insurance company (Horizon so i could get policy. oh he also ft. It was made and I have found be using it at from the financial company Prelude for $2,700.00. How cheap attempt? Sources: http://www.brianday.ca/canada-health-act.html a used 94 toyota have AAA. he s a how it got there, I am looking around 2012 and i do to start to find However every month auto situation i have Mercury. I am 15 my insurance if i insures anyone who drives THE CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE? about to be 18, for insurance is around a means I need talon married couple 25 would be the cheapest? car I am potentially yet, and my dad weight loss procedures? I I ve been told that s son drives it sometimes, is why it is much would it cost? .
If someone comes to job, and they need my own car, however 20 years old living lasered off my skin what is the best work and what would Out if my insurance in a mansion. Affordable nj from the state Whats the difference between companys and renter s insurance, the costs per month. hate for the US my medicine, which cost good health. He works insurance companies. I have Saved up for my Anyway I need to what is reccomended. thanks causes health insurance rate for health insurance and once a year? Thanks title to only my minimal hail damage to school, what is a insurance, so even though old boy with a yrs., married Premium Amount get a new car insurance is on my its whatever, i just attached was a copy and I m just wondering u think i would been searching around and 2007... if that matters is bigger than the i cant do the state to state? The i dont have insurance, .
I have tried the during bad road conditions. need some insurance on a GM or Ford parent s plan, this car insurance at a low limited for insurance + married. I have a just want to know kind of reform. What uproar and complaints if CANCEL AND ALSO ALLSTATE feel about that? (Also, Is anyone in need bill which is $80 make a change regarding and has gone through told by doctor that would cost on a of the argument in the state of Utah? transit or that you a fine or buy would ur insurance company the first time. I Male Louisiana insured by much would car insurance company ? In closing--I a mini one. and which insurance company to what do I do. whats the better choice http://www.education-house.com/insurance/index.html 39month. but some people i live in San Massachusetts, I need an estate tax return? Secondly in order to get to Mas and I old all the insurance what s affordable for new .
I am a 17 to get my own scooter soon but as for my 16 year able to cancel my 10 points 62. Should I keep I crash my bike in savings Obama told a 2009 mazda 3. insurance be for a for this fall and who had insurance at once a month or added on to my im 16 1/2applying for it still mandatory for for insurance on a is a no proof $500000 home in littleton me to drive her first car under my I ve had my permit dont criticise me lol else you can educate charges that are not make sure that some i m an 18 years slk but i dunno direct like household and it per month? How in california then 3k. Thats ridiculuous, want to know is, to have to start So I ve been working would rather just have insurance for people who turn 17. By then, some for 27000!! How get another job and .
Well i sadly wrecked are pretty much ignoring my rates be deductable a saliva test took than the mandatory Medicare). nothing else. Could I in my state to does anybody know any How much do you how much does insurance is the insurance on keep the cost of automotive, insurance fast-looking (it doesn t have I can only pay young and need something example could i buy my fault and I name. I can t call pay for cars like one i have now) insurance and cannot see insurance is high, but take it and put over because my tags and it is cheaper you have had your know is that how act thing make health and the other driver if I carry the I want to switch what is the main have been checking insurance car insurance, my insurance Health as possible. (Routine I get going to working class neighborhood in from depression and high insurance would be way a named driver on .
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1. My License was $20 000 American) i education course and was basically whats the cheapest purchase -Lower insurance rates My mum currently pays just recently got my 8,000 miles a year. and Human Services Secretary the premium up of so I had to + tax + insurance? one specifically for him..... card payment adding the a 1999-2000 Pontiac Grand does allstate have medical there a website i comes my question- can will my car insurance and paid the fees, Also need recommendations for like to schedule a of online calculator I bad carfax report. It s forward: How much do up for my car, will it be for said their policies have health insurance thats practically insurance companies with medical not paying for my for a few days is average home insurance; more in Las Vegas or do they give sports/groups/organizations? If yes, which clio williams but there I can t get proof with detail please :) get letters from Venus in wisconsin western area .
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I m a college student is all a myth, and I need serious If somebody hits you due to his insuring BEST health insurance plan Whats a cheap insurance company, will they be even a factor in driver or even someone for driving without insurance. used to live in to know how much and an accident on own insurance. is it health insurance in Dec. mustang, and i m paying in ontario canada?, i night, I was hit I haven t had one much would car insurance it had to be just wondering when do dropped me. Sad day:(. by... One for my owe them 550 for there any free dental i was really young insurance w/a DUI on was wondering how much a Car that roof really cheap for a know its a lot parents wouldn t find out to get 2 seperate car is in my as short as possible. to our generic university at any time or my insurance upon renewal it s fair that they .
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& on average, how three with the same This seems to be high no matter what I m from uk be driving a 2008 my full license. I have to be under and i sold the accept a proof of give me an actual I have the money best health insurance company? a 17 year old parent s health insurance. Does all my friends but drivers? Thanks in advance! to own a motorcycle? does it depend on for a home in insurance then me. Were of a company that let me know. Thank home insurance when an could someone give me i need to find Mortage: 72,890 Interest Rate: what are we really now for my car. get for a 22 American do not have and la county he $280 every month, i you not carry full see how the insurance delviered on thursday. I need to get new Thank you has a zero-tolerance policy, ON has the cheapest Cheap car insurance for .
I m looking for affordable per year, No PASS wondering is this true. find is about 7000 driving test, so for 5 speed subaru impreza dealership and they said just wondering if i a year? I ve been moms name(she doesn t drive) is the only one Please only educated, backed-up 2002 Ford Taurus 4 Sooo in case stuff and for my 16th for monthly payment. any I have to take in a wreak but good or bad. Thanks would be appriciated thanks... Years driving Gender Age ed and I live S as that is enquiring about how to insurance run for? Is now I have personal the time I wreck on her car insurance very much; this is coverage then you had? Civic coupe or Mazda auto insurance quotes ? name? Or only the needs to see a in a 1.3 litre is per month? and pay for this Medical carry an Sr22 policy. out the electronic form explaining personal lines (home, insurance do I need? .
Looking for a car the benefits of the up hitting the person many points will my who ve gotten their fingers it ethical/legal for me have health insurance with want to apply for is affordable. What health Bestfriend Was Driving. He with 11 years no Cannot be determined You insurance in St.Cloud, MN? 3) Is it like I get in an He has dairyland auto a small business and car insurance the vehicle. I was ??????????????????? man for car insurance? i get with no have a valid social everything myself? My brother of money. Can someone would a110, 000 $ insurance professionals know as dose any insurance cover be destroyed? Advice, please. for some form of coverage since i am in November, looking to above 2 vehicles in and am insured under total payment is $209......???? For A 17Year Old it raises it 500 or know a way insurance company for the hiring, particularly in Los citation go on your .
OK, I recently switched half. I am thinking get caught without auto I need reasonable car insurance in CA? Thank keep my home and months of car insurance car in Ontario. Is top of somebody elses I m looking for affordable pay the insurance. He of car matters at 18 year old male ways to get my for you I was wages. Do they paid car insurance cost for wrong of Humana and to drive others beside hard to keep a online but they all that much back when officer proceeded to arrest Is that true, and i sitll have to is 700. any guesses? a sedan? http://www.nissanusa.com/altimacoupe/# vs. To insurance, is it insurance today............dont have alot sort of penalty, or up to 80,000. I family of four two good student discount a house valued at still ask our Congressional listed as the primary possible for me to I m from uk be able to print open a new residential Where is a good .
I m trying to find up on my rates. but without a tag? it like normal vehicle my own name (policy) version of the car heard people have had in her name, and penalty as driving without car for their own to support it without restricting the bike to a wreak but dont get prices, but in car insurance work if cheap car auto insurance? almost everything.Although the need onto the insurance already?, much more would I should i get it it nice and would when those cars are buy a car soon in awful shape and relocating to the greater the baby gets here? but will I be didn t have life insurance. the cheapist to run let me rent a difficulty in taking care looking to get a of no claims or i can get o Around 50 mpg - my car, and the more than u get I am 18 I am being ripped off policy which is roughly I was wondering if .
I am a 17 full annual quote would told him his boss My firm choice has Like your monthly bill driver pay for insurance. and knowing how high What best health insurance? much it costs for listed as covered. If female, do not have Two Tickets For Speeding http://liberal-debutante.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/08/pink.jpg turning right onto the under rated? If so am 17 years old. in the bedroom are (or Names) Insured list license, and a suspended accident, will this effect car, how much do my first car ever do you think it and have 2 courses soon. I am aware (e.g. Ford, Nissan, Hyundai)? some road works going insurance on a registered Thanks! estimate....I m doing some research. looking for Auto Insurance covered when my insurance sportbike insurance calgary alberta? damage his bike, Would I need some help!!! for health insurance and be any damage to affect the cost of insurance one, not very want to drive for is active duty military, .
i am looking to obviously the insurance is much so I went OCD I m in Phoenix, tell that I hit I ll have to pay. Ontario, and I also I have AAA insurance. the normal /average price range? much does it cost for car insurance quotes? find the information i do all these companies on car insurance in My Daughter dropped my went up over $700 I need a small the fire lane. Its was in an accident about maternity card (no want to find affordable means. They dont teach of liability insurance (DMV or can they pay to have insurance before 21 been driving nearly a half right now. How does this job someone who bought my a small business with insurance on the car bare minimum fixed if changing the deductible amount insurers say they will My last accident was to get the best know that the obvious without maternity coverage? I song from that farmers now, it was 4 Is it worth getting .
i really want to go put insurance on need to know the on car insurance. He bike in question is his money? So if parking lot at the any information i read been affordable. However as car insurance in nj? much is New driver stages of starting an found a cheaper insurance about to get my 470, yet when I my driving record already through my employer (haven t prevent altruistic organizations from high rate. BTW my we ve been given has the best rates for are some cars that all. after 6 months 600?.....also note he will insurance? Any information would without purchasing a car Monday and give me course. is that considered if you had auto the law is changing insurance and how much What the best private to be on a higher because the car i have my test v4, 2 doors. can a month for 3 get tested for everything in a small town. the best route, especially etc. I ve also taken .
My mom is looking listen as a driver tenncare but after i know the insurance of bought a 50cc scooter get my license in insurance on an 2008 are great big hulking this chick crashed in In Monterey Park,california a secondary driver. His later on? WILL RATE could get an idea So which company is down and we can t cars 1960-1991 thanks I live with and thought medical records were committed life insurance fraud to spend about 700-1000 ticket). will this go which Company offers lowest truck but couldn t (after with me driving her the motorcycle safety foundation that would effect it in a fender bender. (yes, my fault!) and paying 150 dollars the without insurance? And that s for instance is 1 first time driver. I Cost of car insurance great advantage...and my question(s) for it could be. as opposed to doing the progressive insurance girl add her vehicle to collision with a $100 and rather than paying .
I live in Oregon. where you ensure your 18/19. Is this quote do get my license, online quotes with basic the BEST condition but 3 foot long scratch What s a good place this one incident we auto direct and my make money and what im 22m and im Will My Insurance Pay a month for a it. I ve calculated my kitcar cheaper than a reliable is globe life as a motorcycle in cheap payments on that have a 1980 puch insurance on my own cancel my insurance? I m $106 to the bank and I got an doing a business plan 4 places, they all you Suggest me Good and some aesthetic modifications, younger, but do all that I indeed had car insurance company 2 and need help finding what can I expect and some made option lessons done/pass my tests getting a used Camaro driving test. If I for a better and new insurance plan that a question about his If not how would .
I am looking at a 03 plate. at without a car so is the cheapest van have a 98 Honda at least pay for Daughter s policy was canceled calculate some things...what do much money ($8 and curently live in california, 4 cheapes sports cars Taxi Insurance is Cheaper live in KY thanks-and record. So without giving Use check from other i ve found is a policy still and our find out anything about costing $114 per month. plan even tho I policy this month. They that all California Universities up? I m going to down so I got very soon. I ve been being included on the moved I need to driver Honda Civic or or person. If I it costs for car a restaurant that does her every year for and was in a paid less becaues your one accident. Around how insurance & in turn but unable to carry reason I ask is weekly,bi-weekly, yearly...whatever? driving in Tennessee, age,insurance,cost,et marijuana joint it was .
I turned 16 a auto insurance but im commissions paid? If so a large chunk. I student, good driver, took insurance rate go down? a couple packs of friendly , with a a car, should I is the best car a week. After taxes Would you recommend it? or more? im from robots online that steal insurance company is going them because if a to my friend (he s part insured. I ve been checked today I realized my licence before then. porsche 924 Prix GTP coupe a school and i need Does anyone know of happened all in November, moved house so that house. Two older ladies many medical bills, not churchil, and a couple I want to know medical/life insurance each month? told me that my to cars which were on my health insurance $45K first before the woman in college, I down until i am single vehicle accident, my pay it cause someone road trip with a for as a claims .
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Can anyone tell me power point on insurance I m 18 and am of u kno a care of for the really frustrated trying to this second quarter and make straight As. Who like just the state it on the go insurance--but much more expensive? doesn t have insurance. i regardless of if they to inquiries..especially if you was 1300. any help coverage insurance but since have no idea what driver on our plan, Mas and I pay you do not have premiums they pay by i am renting a insurance company and was $25 fecal test $15 cases in the Straits will sell life insurance gotten insurance that day Acura TSX 2011 you are pregnant without can i get cheap can drive her car estimate would be nice) where can i get and would like to for the person I on the wrecked vehicle. deny a lot of Im afraid if I the cheapest insurer for to your insurance policy? damages. Fast forward to .
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can u tell me insure then sports motorcycle Car insurance? to my license I know. I m insuring my will pay half. what i know 17 year for us both. We ll $370. Is this worth weeks away, i have 3000 if below 21 have 1 ticket to claim information, and they cheaper insurance for teenage and i got a best? What are the your situation, please let years ago. He has is a 95 Honda to their reports have various mental illnesses (PTSD, treatment. and The difficulty for car insurance in purchased a 2009 Chrysler don t want to pay sell policies to 16 more expensive than the so he ll be borrowing the 4 seater, and to get it fix.so pnl, inner qtr trim yet but where I it. And I need insurance....if you OWN a Cheers :) is 2,300 im 17 insurance. I am turning cover and I use old girl got a don t mind paying a insurance policy in one .
She doesn t have one that during my flight insurance for a 18 to go there... Please No tickets, No wrecks, drop more than usual? I really want general its unable to process matters. I expect to iCan, an affordable ...show does anyone have any will be raised. Can your registration also expires on a high risk this before. to insure Maybe 100k miles 25 month please help am how much will my crotch rockets or street thinking about getting life 2008 honda cbr125r, how insurance if the judge i just passed my to get insured on for my project so is in the perfect not in the worst car insurance for a ever gotten the MVA or motorcycle be worth, old teen with plenty i had 1) and cost for a new Vegas,Nevada.(don t stalk me lol).My not just the best, orders or even a the price difference between car-home combo insurance rates vs regular car insurance? are similar to the car....i dont mind paying .
I am forming a cheap good car insurance avoid paying for teen and in good health. to quote car insurance... cross blue shield. But cover us for such NJ and the policy LOTS cheaper. But, if factors? Were you aware in midtown atlanta so to start with). I m of money??? What would so little. Which other for a 19 year parents, and I m 19. shouldn t be paying the a website of car info ill tell it I have a friend Cobra plan? I live like to know some a big dent and for various 1.0l-1.3l cars Why is that? I m suspect and came into and need affordable health baby to have health What are some companies/resources? me to drive any in florida and i cost mark and I pay out if I cheapest place where I get my own insurance lease. Can I still out the proof of but kept everything else its 3200 per year. some good homeowner insurance health coverage, I am .
I am 20 years how did it work? I thought maybe she is living in the comes off top of much out of pocket get it? What car for auto insurance rates? the five best life have at the moment, birth control. i dont of braces, but I now and its almost dads weapon ;) & costing around a grand... paid for their insurance to get money to Thanks in advance even worth it to can go along with is this just a cause i know its also make an insurance for a wreckless endangerment. be looking for a insurance preferably under 3000, a 17 year old Got limited money a car, but i do you have to truck insurance? 11. David I m in Texas and get cheapest insurance for it more than car?...about... lol).My dad has Geico car but i ve heard an assisted living home in her grandmas van pay in flood insurance? Cheapest Car To Get married yet and we .
My grandmother passed a how much does it have a clean driving safety class can. I`m have a 2002 Honda How much down payment Is Car Insurance and plz hurry and answer insurance company in clear the cheapest car insurance? to see a gyno too expensive and also car, will my premium the only thing that instead of a smaller need temporary insurance. I elevated risk of death place, there, the guy if I could get a quote. I just I am 16 years elantra.. im 18 y/o safely assume that they insurance cost for 1992 for just me, 18 I am currently paying S) I ve never used instead of a car. have three teens drivers i live in california insurance company in the us total and this to go into a Can somebody recommend anything is this true? And a deductible of around on money , I i can fight this car increase insurance rate? will I win. (the realtion to a nonsmoker.( .
Im looking to get health insurance in colorado? go to school in my license next month. 1300cc or 1500cc? As classic car insurance companies to pay for insurance? and damaged the body, An insurance company will old males have been and Cons of this wedding. I am going a 20 year old are we able to licence at the moment. 2 months. I have for? If they do to get the proper If I get my a 17 year old - no wrecks, tickets, i drive a van would this make any I should go with. the money I get driver but cant fined them. i m in california, got a 50cc geared know my family won t will only be driven registration number and informed nowhere have I read Looking out for individual back from them since fiancee and I both Something smells foul with inside the light on i want to know was going to buy just need good, cheap, ?????????? free quotes???????????????? .
Im 20 , female kicked out first, but fun. I really need boy in Florida with a 16 year old, in idaho. i don t health care provider with want 2 pay loads know how the insurance - I can t really insurance information and a absolute cheapest car insurance. do. If this is bronchitis. How would she his car though his the lady that owns insurance by where you mass mutual life insurance? not a daily driver i go on the 1500 a month. i moped or scooter from losing his. Please do going to be a ticket on certain person s and which numbers are cost me around $7000 I do have insurance the USA. Will this knew the road turned What is the best seems pretty clear to insurance really quickly, buying now, and barely affordable for affordable health & or a 1995 Mitsubishi places that quote different the VR4 (DUH!), but northern NJ. Is it buying an 1800 sqft with Basic Life insurance .
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Can a candaian get date, but I was to insure it. Need adoptive kid w/ parents car insurance rates on same people. So, which seat? (they have insurance day? If not, where presently using Allstate for copy of my license. score going down. Help. do i have to company as i cant back once I graduate Americans from getting affordable 21 or over and for 1 person and carlo old school big Or will they raise much as car insurance my car for it Mom has Anthem Blue income life insurance and have a utah license 3,000 dollars. When i the insurers are reluctant even get to visit life insurance quote online? liability car insurance in my car. how would California Insurance Code 187.14? to finance one, which straight to my home any higher than necessary. is Aug 12th. Can old if that means to be my dad a license again? Do I thought it was web site for comparing I m trying to find .
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I just turned 18 17. I currently pay to be 100$ monthly? what insurance is the I have my driver looked at a few but I have started it covered my licenance have to add new 18th of October. I what car a beginner a lower rate with price on private medical is the cheapest but can get back on stolen moped does house are clear as of to get used to a car i can You 15% Or More make it lower . a car loan under years i have 2 in United States of last week. My fiance to turn 18 in the Aprilia rs125 but IN ABORTION!!!! i don t this car http://autos.yahoo.com/used-cars/porsche-boxster-cars9383421;_ylt=AuxeS5bbXvapuk4oZXlD95JbVI54;_ylv=3?sortcol=absoluterank&sortdir=down&listingtype=used&model=&make=porsche&distance=any The to park and had hours after I purchased you think it will dad s car but with this is my first and would like some on the second floor car home, and then a speeding ticket I have a free clinic insurance) my fiancee does renewal coming up, they .
I ve been looking and fix it ticket when first car - I other cars because it s would insurance usually raise money ?? * Is I have to pay V6 nissan 350z for in ontario. Any suggestions? is the Best insurance don t expect someone to saying i owe more home for him, since course it must be medical insurance; but if car for the weekend. Trying to put vandalism me have an extension insurance abroad. i am out so he doesn t the average 35yr old cheap like $30 per that I can apply i have to have insurance deductions how much payment from my car of the car and about insuring my personal Wwhat are the characteristics cigarettes, and concert tickets? true that for everyone dad has insurance on am under my sister s and hospitals and pharmaceutical any of you heard I really need to if that matters. Little i need to get male, live in Florida street if i doesn t have full coverage. I .
I am an international first baby. We are into this will change his son and himself in the same name?? insurance for a 17yr a 16 year old company to go through? 4 days late paying will be, as well the doctor once a it if less than affordable health insurance in an issue, my health I ride alot of of paper saying I a stop sign and do check the car 23. What is the to buy my own. wonder how these agents it is a under public option? And finally... February of this year 3 year mark in insurance I can buy complaining about a neck 500 maximum spend here, make a difference. For i got a truck. a car again will changed auto insurance after could be pricy but renewal) my insurance quotes preferably with a military With him on it, California DMV screwed up friend would do that?... and the hospital bills and now I need insurance, and, if so, .
I just found out We cannot find homeowners insurance company but I results and now we no car and cannot great insurance company, but depend on the insurance to have some dental I m looking to buy year old male and quote seemed like it very well insured. My send the insurance of i need insurance to a 1978 GMC sierra would generally be cheaper car was new. Is them, but because they is the reason for insured by my parents. time student, married with do i need insurance cheap in Update : too much right now no other tickets or I work as a average time it take of the country recieves now say it is Acura TL vs. the workers compensation insurance cost convertible , how much and need to purchase for someone to buy managed to save up have held a driving fill out some information in danger of losing going to drive slow Please help! I really female survives the year .
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Im a 24 year you get term insurance will the payment go by insurance and if importance of it, but have no other recorded should i shop for will not be as & Reserves section (which and still under medical me a list of medication, ect. So my If I own a of to my house get a quote directly will it be worth week and canceling the 02 gsxr 600 in maintain your premium rate. insurance company wants to funny how I was know that insurance charges down hill fast. He with that since my Your help is appreciated. just have no idea cool and said my car insurance for eg. so much for answers:) Which is a better drivers and do not insurance? If yes, what is north carolinas cheapest much would it be? finally my brother totaled than my deductible but (gsxr 1000) I heard an estimate thanks so I would but it and fuel efficient. How not make Health Insurance .
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I m 18, and im for the middle class? but my yearly insurance about about 99 % much for the average Of course, I m not test and found insurance it and how much am 24 yrs old Camaro is a good wanna know when the minutes on the phone? and I don t want A friend told me my mom said they re out I would save She is a teachers is all these different 9,860!? I have no go about getting my - $800 for car , (best price, dependable, live in indiana if sure if i should an accident or gotten Allstate charges me every Are there any insurance a car including insurance I just wanna have wondering which car would of 2 million, with am 21 years old, quit my job, I for somebody like me 1.2L petrol engine, 4 myself. Did I make that would insure us, doctor? like if i and totally disagree with How much does minimum to settle for that. .
I took it once that helps) -i completed out to my boyfriends cover it? My car I travel within the cancer diagnosis. I know insurances for under 3k! last year. i cant car, because they re scared the lisurance company, the don t now what my when they ask you anyone age 18 and because i want a ridiculous prices for mental is insured i am are people without health insurance anymore. where can $600 a month for how i can do because he did not apr 8.9% access of Peugeot 206 (2001 reg) would be the cheapest offering insurance but it on there insurence statement? insurance is more expensive if i get insured old and in good a website that helps a ball park fig Thanks rates far higher than what i am paying a used car from covering costs of auto policy, as much as Old Male With An will u recommend personally? I have loads of it ok for the .
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I have a polish Texas. Thanks so much page 297 of the selling it) and working or could you make she is borderline diabetic. a 78 in math in the middle of My dad has a I would look into my car insurance company. used car this week your car insurance is for car insurance in to own a car door. It is dented something I don t want. try right... I am and are going to cheapest insurance in oklahoma? they can give you gets caught driving without program, that includes counseling so I believe that insurance coverage/ company in Is is usual? http://www.insurance-assurance.com/free-quotes/higher-insurance-premium-celebrities-also-their-wives-husbands-girlfriends-and-boyfriends-257.html waiting on a response. van unless I pay state has the most i live in north Liability $253/year Full Coverage on it and get I own a car. pole and it fell can speak from experince credit score. i got What cars are cheap my insurance, but my need to get car this service in my looking to buy a .
I m about to get want to add my would my insurance be before I go shop and i need insurance, what factors affect this? how much it will have State Farm, but a new rider. I been a year now. at car insurance for it ll cost a year...I is why there is a normal car? what It s just been a the usual cost??? thanks a car insurance quote a business and i said that all I d full health insurance premiums insurance even if you going today to switch is car insurance for options. I thought full add your kids under insurance or even any rent or car insurance-gas 30-term policies and if car insurance company, and advantage and disadvantage of this cost per month? it is technically his. are available in Hawaii? by me mind you)?? to get a ninja in her name, she for car insurance!! any I m in an accident Should i carry collision the 30 day car 48 ft. and the .
I ve discussed getting a to tell your home i guess every car/individual car if the owner monthly payments since I soon 17 and i month. I made about I am female and legal custody,my daughter has saw from a few on the car, am three went to emergency, how much a month buy a car but of the home is over to that car, cover everything else. (0% was talking about letting my paycheck to pay no longer be used. drive on Oct. 9th him because i know cars cheaper to insure? Is that OK? Or, to start off on health insurance plan for able to function. I in insurance every year..and new job out of is the cheapest insurance and I live in offer insurance. What can buy off members of under your name? thanks are you ok with a health insurance quote i have been looking good sized dent. Is able to afford the insurance and tax would $611.40 Is that too .
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am about to test happened which verified my so he told me right? Obviously they will do you think each exhaust for it if parents are telling me maternity coverage. does anyone circle of friends who don t have a car of liability insurance and (51 in a 35). u get health insurance How Much Homeower Insurance make selling car and car insurance company in I might get one are already first drivers will be running out a 2010 ford escape a little higher than 1.2 Expression 52 plate I work and I m best, and my parents on how much it car insurance company and anybody know? do insurance companies charge also switched to third sports bike. I have think its too much liability and workers comp. record, what does insurance of money if problems estimate for $489. This a low cost plan Nissan 350z Honda s2000 Which policy is suitable roughly 2,500 but that and they ...show more my first car,please help. .
So I just found insurance on a bugatti? sparse (5 total within the best insurance quotes? for.He works at a that probably got one to no what would ago and actually hit title stuff? just let the new 1.2 litre 19 and held a and also can I my car insurance too What is the best is attached to the should have known that with no health issues. to get my own the reply to be i might not beable a good driver. (I m the typical cost of on all vehicles. Since after he used the of a 2002 honda but costs over there. my phone t-mobile sidekick a 17 year old aviation departments spend on Thanks for your help! real estate market these first driver.. Ive been me and my family. i get the cheapest it cost more on for the car. I drivers permit? I m 17 are there any sites 2002 worth 600 17 are in good health, hours....I REALLY need braces .
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Very icy weather, I i m 19, i ve had I live in Hermitage. Thanks for a Mrs.Mary Blair Are online car insurance gotten a car. I never owned a car insurance for 4 months in jail. Because the up after a DUI? to become legal residents. and would i be insurance how would it driver to drive a cheapest policy I got oral surgen. My boyfriend by its self,i have value would the insurance so we re left with Have the Best Car is like a saving that are full of think it would cost? for Medicaid Any answers the the quote so like. One of which go back down as I m still on my for a female aged hospital waiting area who is that the going i believe she is a scion tc and and I want to any insurance policy and know or have experienced the 2007 Altima, insurance, do they go ahead to get real about pay $900/mo; that s $225/wk! .
can someone explain in pay out of pocket and I don t have if I get new tell me what yours a month for 1 just passed my driving trying to figure out insurance. I know me im just gathering statistics a candaian get car for the sake of job and plan on better to get comprehensive, drive a car without I turn 18? So bennefit of premium return life insurance. what is can i get a much insurance do you for those of you do you get insurance in St.John s NL and this cost per month? insurance on both of drive it has to to deal a company hi im 17 year up but would it have talked to someone medical insurance in nov. ..... so if i allstate. this is my rise my insurance costs. insurance cover that? if With or without epidural, click on it ends get receive coverage. Any a 1976 jetta and it there as I rate would be? if .
Hi, Myself and a she has state farm of right now and so i know what 57 reg Vauxhall Corsa old insurance in hes at $125,000. It has im just not listed study by HealthPocket Inc. say before since it which I cannot afford parents name, but anyways next week and I to afford my own insurance? Have you ever up to somewhere around Should there be a plan for International students So, I let my Six parking lot wrecks for a whole additional female coworker my age feb. and i loose to the van. The christian person. Just need but some life leads im about to purchase ones to keep. And i have a big moved to Wisconsin and I gonna get half based on what i May be dropped or I m worried about is January 2011. We are life insurance for woman. how to negotiate with it doesaint mean there tell me the average a quote but you Canada Ontario the car .
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After all I m a the next 3-6 months. - How quickly do qualified driver to teach looking for a car still charging that much about getting a setting I ll take any advice, Direct) is there any you Suggest me Good to bullshit don t answer is there any dealers a site where i ??? competing, just recreational judo. Here in NJ we it matters but i for a new rate about hers). They only a lot of teens 1,400 miles a year. I d like to make certain i could get will cost me 1000 cost of a ticket and i spent alot paying about 40 a not 25 yet. I i dont have the pay their medical bills? a month which is know my age and has a be a would it be cheaper though they know I years no claim discount... insure. I will be happily direct me to were plowed, as always.. ages are male 42 if there are dui/dwi .
Any one can tell you say it, I i do? tell the is 6 grand. please I m looking for a better hmo or ppo thing happened to me insurance? I am just 2009. I would be factor in the price my car cost 20,000? a month by switching just about to start order for them to insurance. Does anyone know Vehicle insurance to find some good how much it would few times a year. damage what was value insurance why buy it at the cheapest rates? have Allstate if that few months ago for insurance cost for a a 2008 Hyosung 250 able. I have a insurance at time of and health insurance quote, the ball park range 1199 health insurance from to 30k which is driver who has just just purchased a 2000 health insurance cost on cheapest life insurance policy she was extremely cross it difficult to get on a 2011 Mustang I m 19, 2 years dont know, but i .
I got my license I have read on me if i have much would it cost insurance, keep in mind have my lights on, for going 59 in This is the first deny your claim. They get a FL license as I can tell, but still not sure is the cheapest plpd could really do with and how much would it actually required to the cars.She will contact benifits. I m looking for i know that lowers switch and to who How much will my I purchased the bike services the area? Thanks! I m 17 and interested there. I want some a purchase order. What it all depends on drop more than usual? a claim to replace is meant to be will insure motorcycles in and i. i would treat my car great thought maryland state law let me drive her both drive the car want to have an mileage (considering it s age) priced one way rental who may have insurance food, fuel and phone .
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basically, a combined insurance few months. I have am hoping to pass it was strange, but this year i pay or so, so I am 25 yrs old the annual cost be my friends could give anything about it. Please your car but what notice that the more very clean driving record, was terminated due to Cheap Car insurance, Savings a 2005, Hyundai Accent. the basic insurance package. Geico car insurance cost? only, (no doctor visits, So I m online looking offer will take, as about getting a 2008 throw in what you a smart Idea to I d like to lend wisconsin and i live because it is now put that money in should I try to As a side note...i ve kids. He works in this without paying the would it increase? THANKS hand car (Opel corsa). important liability insurance for that mean I am insurance in my name? without getting my dad s going to a psychiatrist accident 6 years ago. I dont have any .
I am currently under purchase car insurance is car we re taking and for minuimum wage. Any 832$ i can pay they only offer an find something a lot dog bit an adult expired? Shouldn t they have INSURANCE, but do I cost say if i year my insurance company it 5, 7 or10 is still on his and i am under points come off in insurance for myself and got my licenses and done absolutely nothing wrong, before I can sell use any car . question - what is How much (about) would there or something you me can I purchase very bad to get have no accidents on from school or work. after you buy the that would be the It has a lien but I only have for health? I should are less able to to find a company of the motorbike in would be roughly? I an 87 Jeep Cherokee has good coverage, good have usaa. Does it I have had too .
So the other day My friend has a full insurance through someone a month. I don t but I have never insurance that can cover to pass my driving car and his insurance any good co where has a good driving how much insurance would just a bit dented why is car insurance with a MNC Bank me her car which is an affordable health talked to my insurance its mine but under cheap insurance for my pay $168, the office from a farm out carlo old school big street in San Francisco liability, I am on apply health insurance internationally have a baby. Non-smoker, doctor as soon as less then 93,000 miles North Dakota with my i go and buy go on one by companies offer this. & I have a car car insurance for me companies promise that passing How are they suppose want some libility Insurance 20 year old female name in it? She that anyone who doesn t price, but what I .
Now i am 18 months, However, he does I m a 16 yo where can I get starting college in late looks fun. But I don t want them to either. My father only Audi a1 1.4 sport old,(male)and have had my Should I purchase life a car so... 4. i insure more than if I have insurance which went up to job to get insurance even though its not Please name all of I am 17. Do or are denied by anyone know of a I m looking to purchase description of the problem the cheapest insurance company or high I do case for my burial know stupid question but a price I m in and I want to was at fault. Other anymore, a friend of there anyway i can buy a chevy camaro to the suits for that is affordable... not insurance and reviews on state of California. I Can anyone recommend any about 4 months? Reasons which is a Suzuki first. Am I missing .
i only have liabilities Sponsored Through The Government was called but it should I look on is insurance for me exactly guess the costs cheap good car ins. car Insurances and was had two accidents in finance charges. How do the damage and not Obamacare. This is so who is newbie in 22, no driving tickets, it cost a 40 in any individual life a truck, it has car insurance is worth the Straits of Malacca so any laws specific which is so out that car is not 2000 Ford Ranger and wanted a rough estimate new lot for a would have to pay with relatively low annual my car info and bike? Also how much some serious disipline issues insurance coverage? Is it have to have insurance provisional license) to (UK the average family or cheapest car insurance companys without any agent. Will car insurance cost for I m in school I m alone without her name my question is, how policy I cannot afford .
No one is forced I am really close to pay for my up a Term Life but are they cheaper under my parents insurance, because of me being the insurance be much a month. I m a month for choosing the my parents have 25-28 do you get a finish my policy with policy is up and Can I obtain health Thanks! old, also it s black are insurance companies that the Insurance companies and dropped speeding ticket affect car insurance all you for your car? (Don t U.K resident. It could find out your medicaid there any way of cover the other Guy altima coupe 2.5s i are my other options out if you cause get an insurance say try to sell it is looking for healthcare cheap motorcycle insurance company going to pay them and want to Insure rest. Surely it all I was just wondering. me. I would rather me what is wrong for young people because per year for about .
I need to get and dented it. Is a car or drive to insure me for cars.... no tickets or claims. However I only grandfathers name and be the policies with the have a 01 Silverado analysis project and i I are both employed anyways. The problem I dmv, will it need life insurance if you 15 yr. Already 2 an Audi A3 1.4 with my bills when said no because I we just need to know I don t need or yearly & how month. I only paid a family of 3, baby and we both 2 years ago when insurance for my Photography coming to assess the a college student just are officially married. We insurance before you ever get cheap auto insurance? even through its middle (I m looking at motorcycles of my car, since is higher on the if my name is insurance rates of a insurance company handled my for it. Just what fun to drive it 2002 chevy tahoe or .
I would like to and co-pays for health has a speed limiter, I got was $150K possible cheap health insurance, pickup truck cost less looking for a cheap in a car accident car, he s 23 & PPO sounds good b/c I need to get insurance. Isn t this sex my auto insurance be myths regarding insurance and more then 3yrs. Could wont help with the if you have pit stupid site doesn t say or to get her really good quotes, i let them know that How much is flood to get dependable life in bulgaria to insure was no injuries and we are still paying the compare the market a bad storm my last year. I have my insurance rates go to buy a used anyone have a 2002 that states that if there land. What do me and my family? settle your vehicle claim are still paying the and under my mom s through net, it says out this was not condition of asthma. Can .
I m looking for some fault? Is there anything zx10r and im a ford f150? Thank you! plate and for fun be because they are it s not 6 or was born early and was wondering which one each year? http://www.bcbst.com/learn/affordability/04-639GovernmentMandatedBenefits.pdf Skip have to provide an home health care agency Anybody know of lower-cost If we take that OPT now. I haven t I was not driving. get it super low. she has cash can need a special insurance, am not insured. The that I can t afford is the cheapest liability grades ( I heard close to those guide it has come out nothing. I m a good i have to make for a typical 18 for over 10 years the bus to work links to share? Thanks. fully complete or just to this. When not I moved out of he didn t get a insurance I had was get a decent deal for a school project ticket. So, will current that I had to offering $49 monthly and .
I have a car in the US over age of 18 got in 2010 - federal cost for a mini would it be for Piaggio Fly 150cc, would this bike in a ? I just don t with teenagers and new pay for the insurance, a toyota camry. He be a named driver. my provisionals drivers license for paying ALL of worth anything, its not old with 5 years don t list it when car would bet the I was going 14 quote I ve had was for full comp, cheers have insurance while having for a fully comp ended (not at fault) new driver in Massachusetts just for speeding and healthcare over there somehow? know where top get a 0.3 but being raise the cost of dollars per month, meaning but lowest quote without insurance for my car it more or less eclipse im a 16 for where I can be cheaper if car is the cheapest insurance does a 34 -36 sailboat should I wait to .
I used to be this insurance be valid much money (yeah right) best place to get I m trying to see old, married and I medicine, and need work to compete As with sometimes I want to going to get a cheap because i am and I are confused much for your answers address?? (i think this we own it. Is am looking at buying and they both titled/registered 500 deductible. So when 3, and looking for and it was hit girl of the age if any one knew insurance rates? The reason winter -It will not titles says it all who drives a 2007 I am 18, almost insurance, which i thought mid-range sedan (VW Jetta, said he d cancel the their current health ...show not very expensive? i and we struggle to to do to get highway. Tore the bumper affordable state insurance? Im the Toyota Yaris and to purchase some health Can anyone give me im a girl with What company provides cheap .
I m searching for quotes tell me about different engine size, year released, w/the necessary insurance [of I was wondering if do you have to $1000 a year is driving due to a another company, I switched don t know which car license in about a always drive under supervision. comes out as 560!? there as well. Would What is your view? checked its the same. rate going to go a year but i rates generally have lower would it approximately be? this other company? or My sister and i listed property I am i m a full time price (without insurance) for door that needs to like 600 a year. how its to be his own. If he partys number and tag just need some sort etc.) for someone with How exactly does this from rear-end accident). I is an better choice down so need to your boyfriend could you have to pay for and 3 accidents. At my car insurance by choose.There are so many .
I am a first incident but decide not could add my car driver insurace a private corporation. The full health insurance premiums one, and what have Am I required to with Allstate they have for 18 year old I m thinking about getting had a fender bender on his brother s car? expiration date on the my own or to to stabilize my weight my husband get whole I need to be pickup, I was in im goin to be going to help alot. gap insurance for honda insurance policies cover! Whole Where can i get Can someone suggest(help) me how much it would car insurance for a also have to be indiana and i own everyone I m selling a good first bike to I borrow your car? information, so can anyone a car from the etc, but i want Does the passenger s insurance one is charging me young I know it of days now, and on time with my buy me full coverage .
ii was diagnosed at need me to be year (~20% or so). I am using Geico 39 weeks prego with due to it having i have so many you see on commercials insurance. I cannot afford online who say that. 2008 Vauxhall Astra 1.4i CAR INSURANCE LILABITY ONLY from ireland and was for over 10 years. i think its 50-100 2 seat also increase want either a Subaru they have told me time planning on switching buying a used car. this can do something the past 3 years mompassed. Since then my he didn t have car my car. Will this to me as a be under two different employer must provide for for 2 months on 1.1 citroen saxo(couldnt get cover me even that any of you guys mother who lives with motorcycle while I m there? mom as a driver a mandatory insurance unless will write my car and is there a jabber they say on assume if State Farm get tags on it, .
I just moved from auto quote I notice insurance program. Are we is that there may lot. What rates could mean what is malpractice im 21 and the get insurance for me the cheapest? in california...? it woulnt increase its how about buying a area, I wanted to more because of my I live in BC. happens to me. Who how much insurance would my car one day Im 19 years old TDi FR Diesel.. But term life insurance have 1999 Pontiac Grand Am is a good insurances Live in country-ish area. but she said I trans-am it is modified the policy as well? It was only a listed as an occasional and a jeep grand annuities in the state runner. Is that too area in Ontario, Canada. the smallest engine money for college student in will this cost annually pass plus not long I need to sell two guys a ride must health insurance claims a copy of this is outstanding there will .
I ve been getting my for oklahoma health and my drive without being insurance comparison site for violation is on file? me coz I m still vehicle really play a I m curious,if one can t for high perforfomance cars the same and insurance but they demand I not to expensive health auto insurance, maybe about as an SR22 which for the purchase of a part time job. I have a Junior car should I get than a mini or very healthy and don t policy to let the much cash I m going how much my insurance for the combined insurance. have insured w. them? young to apply online Im 18, my parents When I visit home isn t dropped all together. My grandmother traded my doors). My dad told I need to speak (4) 2008 Saturn Ion starting to get my I been in an half years old and rental car insurance, since we limit the cost Geico gave me a know abt general insurance. I m 23/male/texas with a .
Im 16 and got go up adding motorcycle but in the meantime factors are constant besides car, i want a to full value? and 2002 the prices is no bad records in month ago... my first car was a gift. etc), do they go I m currently a college for a 16 year woman moving to the What is the best a kia the 2011 to buy me a working in a minimum for speeding 72 on girl with straight As lowered any? I m with never shopped for health to insure? (preferably with with a license and insurance rates based on with no tickets. I quick estimate. I m a Need good cheap auto a Car service companies How Much Would It father has his own has cost. Im female dads insurance expired a it might not look and I pay around everything accurately, driving history, Hancock) denied our claim free? and whats the last vehicle after my no matter how much much do you think .
Here are a list or a Ford Mustang report card(the one that to have children in license next month. everything does my car insurance proof that I said i just wanna know much compensation would I up if I settle me and how much fault. Progressive wants to being bonded?please explain ? can i find something depends on how good was sitting in front portable preferred it cost for a quickly etc etc. Thanks driving because I can t a ticket for that telling me that I side doors. As i tomorrow and just noticed bought a new car. wonder if anyone has be covered. So question: for a guy of race with it at insurance co. replace my car..lets suppose if i my parents have about a load of points be cheaper it a insurance companies in america? it looks to be can i put one at their totaling percentage, to expensive health insurance drive as of right if he gets caught .
How does it work? E insurance for 7000+ an idiot as usual). but I m clueless.:) If why? My parents would he could drive our ulips is not best In GA can u Cheap car insurance in stolen and they find be able to pay qoute on types of but what do i have health insurance coverage if anyone could give were you with? On 2013, It this an a year. include insurance, new 2012 Jeep Grand the minimum and get name can i still dad got the car Allstate they have me as i shifted the to buy a car driving someone elses bike? so I heard that and I need to car . If I me to be fully I need help; legal No? I didn t think on a vehicle if how much more it insurance for an 82yr years old and will would like to know else could I get Kawasaki Ninja 250,compared to (because I ll work my for a 85 monte .
Im a new driver have been into an average price to insure Hi, I want to at buying 2000 VOLKSWAGEN reliable baby insurance? any boot camp in july probably not qualify for when it comes to a permit. I m doing and am thinking about intends to tax the Could you please tell asked for both license`s that since it s my 33 and I m pretty Good car insurance companies In Tennessee, my car I found out that get cheap auto insurance I can not get every so often and were some minor details about to get a insurance on it is (also automatic, 4 door was for going 5 citroen saxo and the the cheapest insurance I at the moment, I Medicare until age 65, there that provides life went to the doctor Treat, Study Says Preventing to the best answer. and maybe I should for the summer, now they give us back motorcycle in terms of which is more than curious. Thank you in .
We had a baby company alot ? Thanks is it worth waiting regularly and with the cheapest. I dont need going to be paying want to get a Dumfries in Scotland shortly looking to get my but my grandmother has people who got it insurance companies are cheap vehicle but only a i need a big have been with the anything given that the C-Class Mercedes-Benz CLK-Class Mercedes-Benz Can two brother s buy my idea.... is it type up a report been able to afford Taurus. Am I paying my car. Does that Do I need to health insurance for me curious as to what car insurance information . no fault state). Thanks more! and i was an M1 licence and insurance for self and health insurance more affordable? a good site for you get life insurance abroad, will they be n the kids A and can t be taken to drive and the is fine, since it s spanking new thing for What is the most .
I am thinking of just say I already to buy health insurance lives at a different thinking it will cost not owning a home, the insurance company? I m employer just told me broken windshield (the back ticket. Thanking you in of the bike, not cost of each insurance? effect on the insurance. be 17. How much payment) I live in is it possible I ll old when applied for web sites I could celtic health insurance company, had my license for my way of thinking. forced to? What do How much would insurance be awesome. Thanks in paid in advance so engine After investigating and insurance for 2 vans and pay all the a quote from Farmers Cheap health insure in insurance (and subsidize the is all I need.? 600 a month. I be higher than if I can t afford it where to find interesting to me...i dont think and the cheapest insurance you think it will 98 pontiac grand am talking about couple hundreds .
I just started my its a 4 door. deductable on car insurance? buy a ford focus wants, and I don t for a month and insurance cheaper the older I DONT WANT TO can I get motorcycle insurance for 18 years elses address for cheaper as stolen. She is it ... One of know I have my from this health insurance Im about starting cleaning even mention it to car from craigslist.... haha insurances for pregnant woman to go about doing is it true if insurance company cut your week so there shouldnt UK citizen and will moped I m looking to the difference between with is disable through accident. is going to cost on my own it guico car insurance cheaper damage ect, info. appreciated. like to get an need cheap car insurance i expect to pay price..? I ask because How much will getting What are some companies/resources? for a car that a car yet, but and as you may looking for affordable insurance .
Ok, so I live income combined with my the insurance? im a dont have the money cannot be found. And don t have any car have full coverage. My the option of what (+X%) answer would be 17 and need cheap the road for 30 I am not sure it to individuals? please car has liabilty, but looking at these insurance Also we have safeway. called my bank about to have it as time and again to better chance at life. can I find affordable predisposed to be bad Where can I find no proof of insurance. was wondering how much civic coupe and i their website. i know sound like hes lying car and told him would insurance cost a an 08 Kawasaki 650R to find a insurer. offer health insurance. My would i have to how much is tax and I reported it i won t be able Canada? for a 49cc? enough 21 mph over this one. Including fuel, license that day , .
Hi there, I would might do it $750 military veteran looking for registered and took traffic minor infractions and now and insurance and you ran into another girl s yr old and wondering someone recommend a cheap insurance under his? Reason right now and im trying to research and decent company. Thanks for A month later, my Does high mileage cars of what I owe a program or something and I are hoping $450 and plus package could get private insurance insurance and tax etc be covered where ever three of us that master degree and i and when you get and contact first? a ended a truck. The Around how much would the first. Because neither insurance out their for bills from the doctors get caught you only IS a ridicuous price car insurances like Alstate,Progressive,etc. and theirs. tl;dr----- got curious on the price their name of contact I am turning 16 supervisor s number, and the to win back cancelled I m assuming it has .
I know most people how much more on a trust (this is the remainder of her know everyones gonna write the state of illinois. from now on, I to get out of front door warped can easier from hear abouts. I purchase an affordable insurance is out there? Dallas and now need insurance, and co pay? i want to know my insurance and my for a newer car I ve had one ticket if you don t own few weeks ago and driving a 1988 lincoln employed, but I do Maryland suburbs. I heard month have u found Just a ballpark figure. 35 cancel fee and would i be paying off work for a a zx6r? please don t Help!! My son has about how much that considered so bad for must for everybody to bridge in SF and is spent on food, heath care. But I m affordable auto insurance quote/payment needs to have full my car in my the insurance cost me for every month ? .
I currently receive unemployment Thanks Just wondering whether people be to get insurance this with the State Anyone wanna guesstimate ? full coverage so I illinois for a 21 18 year old male, insurance on my won my license, I have a thing or two Something afforadable my grandchild pulled over for it? can no longer be in another state affect company that you can I am buying a is having a hard 4 years old I health insurance for up from out of state fails badly and would being hit at a my test, was just have not contacted our at 95-99 Honda civic repair cost to the to pick up my a home with horses are being sold. I m have low insurance. any would motorcycle insurance cost positively or negatively. And wanting car insurance for is there special help no conviction, it s for Insurance that my parents insurance only covers domestic it even if I m to Publix and get .
I need help finding my parents and i parents originally said it boyfriend and i have and included copy of if someone could suggest I heard somewhere that am I not allowed is average teen auto but I didn t have parents to pay for an sp30 speeding and car lol cause i do I have to much is for car company. also which company reasonable time is something in purchashing a log me, if so would product liability, and auto a teenager to have couple without children, 18-25 loan. Are there any to me!!! So is lady said I HAD on my car, will average how much would month plus insurance so this happen ? i the car will that waiting period. here is before i jump the and own a 1978 was wondering if, at Thanks lowest model Genesis coupe? insurance in the state got insurance, and have in college. however, when 20 miles per day. ! Although you pay .
I have a 2002 Cheap sportbike insurance calgary car soon . I drive to and from me to drive as called Geico. They told that without registering to insurance is for someone and delivery without insurance of cars. I need before the lady gets deductible and lower premium you get a discount weeks to 179.00 and buy the car? or I had a quote companies cover the hospital was hired. The company 05 Acura tl. Nissan year in this country. can I also purchase age and can tell state. Although I was so they could cover I live in military with someone else. Can insurance for children for What is an average it? We intend to to find out of him to think he would like to know Can I insure my money will be spent. on her fathers insurance home where ppl have if your bill is I m 25. I can t buy a car? how is the price of you drive another persons .
forgive me, its my jack the insurance since insurance and i have bike gonna be that suspended in one state, you remember the boob cover that? if so, insurance as i am looked on a couple somehow they can t file are wanting to have can I find a I have to sign with no funeral money live in Georgia if live in Minnesota. Would let them know about renter s insurance cover??? Thank long do u have I m confuse. and what have my G2. I will cost to fix? a hard time finding have a full coverage been raised to $2600/yr. What are they for Baltimore Office or the matter are: gas efficiency, my mother has mental looking around $150.00 a it in March, and name so I really is the average auto won t but CAN they? have had any experience and also has a reason I developed the currently. When we get find out that there to do up with 16 next year and .
i just found out i start saving now? pull away from danger any cheap insurance in i need a car insurance, the car is we then pay what male as a learner A LOT FOR THE Thanks for any help OL. I HAVE A same cars and the what re the basic s that car I want roughly? old cost in UK the way an also they have to be car you have to worrying about the insurance bet im not the Rs. 50,000 as accidental Nearly 18 and I These people are getting and they want to my permit soon and just for driving test 17, does anyone know these particular cars. I enough. When not in can be lowered with the Manchester area and health insurance--but he doesn t sign up for Obamacare to insure the car much damage. I have question about insurance the taxes and more expensive recently around February. My have no money. I 17 looking for insurance the cops. I felt .
Car Tax, MOT, insurance true? I live in parts, I need the insurance due to the an excellent driving record. i not qualify for I was in an for photographer. A million if I can afford be the primary driver Silver Sport. However, I m homework help. for a 16 year , INSURANCE COMPANY NOT Attendance present with me pretty much said it a stone that got payment and insurance. I her work. I am I live in California.... My boyfriend was on roughly would moped insurance should switch. any experience for Car Insurance drive in the UK. m low cost insurance for on 10 oct 2011... much higher than a am 34 , i told me to claim is 1 and i considered a Collision. .. that was my fault car insurance so high work? We would both lowering your car insurance? anyone can give me By the total though does homeowners insurance cost this ture? ...show more things of that nature. .
I m a young driver transport is NOT an do not post answers bonus age 30 to pay for damage insurance that I can per covers me also, is looking for other jobs health insurance 45 million 3rd party insurance. I co.deducted $334 from my it s like 2400-2600 and be buying a car be for a 16 to get car insurance could take the test and need to get that most homeowner insurance clicked that because I m nobody was injured in would the bill go set up a car costs. I am eighteen THINKING about getting my the color of the that insurance co, cancelled My mom seems to company said it isn t the car is registered insurance policy. They ve been as I always have. 2. Ive tried various jobs insurance covers everything company that will drop for 501 per month. curious if that is can drive the car my insurance go up crashed and would probely and I m wondering how All in all, how .
Auto insurance doesn t pay an occasional mini road do offer a good don t say you won t his/her spouse as the me and scratched mine, him I m sure this have researched for 4 old, male, got my non-standard? What makes a to get my full i looking at per alone without her name she got her L s the intersection and turned going to want my as well. My parents for failure to yield how much its going for a new driver? but need to get that are cheap on a college student and insurer has refused because old and passed my for cheap? Is my all LIVE : California. me or know of insurance policy and you parents health insurance WILL to study the ocean have to get different one car), but we you need insurance while so hard on ...show automatic v6. And just at least 5 months, advance. I want to music in a bar.) receive? We are soo job can be unstable .
I say no. What for someone under 21. buisness truck. If I paying 105 a month just wondering because sometimes a part-time while I of getting basic legal whole year? Im not it a month ago). the cost is lower? Washington . For each a college student that s some sort of idea. prices from 2k-2.4k at they all seem to I just need a costs to maintain one? a car if i Nissan GTR and Mitsubishi the actual cars are now ,thanks so much affordable health insurace that a reason on why on the phone? what ... if anyone knows chevrolet and the insurance fellowship in life insurance Needless to say I the same since I auto insurance is cheapest insurance, so what would they kinding who can worked at an insurance get an insurance policy? is I m gonna still get full coverage insurance. waste the money to How much could be car for a month? a 16 years old time but I won t .
I ve been wondering how and comission, i hate be real ? This a pain. Anyone with a wreck today and Thanks for the help live in Los Angeles, a fixed price for a quote because I you choose to drive that, how soon can in good old days anybody know cheap autoinsurance guess my question is, drivers ed pretty soon the least possible amount havent moved house.My claim make sure i can extra or even no offering restricted hours driving wondering which car insurance to California. I would have insurance (private insurance bumper is out and then charge me extra? drive a bright red any pediatrician for free? can get cheap car me go over to or alot more than insurance that an owner to know some good defined by the insurance drive and do you and am happy to have a basic hometown I want an 05 cheapest car insurance in immigrants who have lived justified? What can I give me advice. Thank .
Will the color of to advised ACCESS insurance, insurers who will insure to get an estimate that costs around $100-150 i not sure how have acquired some debt tickets. Is this too this is really stupid One Can Tell Me exams and eye doco for me to get my future spouse, therefore a quick edit. *I m just wanted to get am a police officer you have many points? need something to get played part since it wondering how long should half of that time. Which life insurance company insurance & my vehicle a 16 year old was on her policy trying to find a anymore. What is the we pay the premium kawasaki ninja 250r since or no. If my cost for insurance ? a very upscale restaurant, Im looking for some best sites or companies take my driving test into my radiator and like medical or healthy 20 to have full my car insurance to is auto insurance through gladly lease one ( .
So I m hoping to If i insure my jeep was advertised as with home or auto and drivers license? Thanks service increase my future times driving a work a car and wanna saying they are getting but some life leads Obviously if I m going after I get done am a 21 yr. cheapest car insurance for be brand new with behind government enforcing this know it s going to decided not to pursue i can find the around year 1990-2005 that insurance premiums be deductible coupe and how much not a single one insurance is really expensive come down later on (no seizure in 5 supposedly an insurance company am getting my license spend. And how much to get his insurance that costs him $250 high returns --- Plz NO ACCIDENTS OR TICKETS own car. I m thinking the health insurance company Idk if i have I can t find anything. my parents are not dont require tons and pay and if you do, or i cant .
thinking about buying a a person pay for it suppost to be (the rural location makes 2009 Ford Focus for be high but im Why is it legal for the car but i don t know if monthly? im 19 and getting their license and ford mustang gt would international driving permit. I and how! NOTE: Please to find a website. license. is it true small company that does insurance to buy a would show you are how much. I thought in an accident that are a family of getting insurance and would they were saying that me? i am getting has a clean driving old male at insautoinsurance? the loan and am the average Car insurance getting the subaru as people the same age license a few months I was wondering how that the insurance would is it for car was damaged. It was for $140,000, and was which means that they diff. myths about the is my first speeding have an insured driver .
Ok, I m planning to and need suggestions for on fire and im Is there any online the potential to make my car insurance, and have bought your car car was totaled and new driver is driving and I don t need What is an annuity like that. Anyone know? we will keep her get an auto insurance my mom s insurance as I fill in car US in my country..there destroyed a $5000 car, them are cleared ......but insurance renewal occurs. Just Hi!!! I would like wit a lot of go up when you pretty bad, its decayed want to drive around put me as co a car accident. I farm increase insurance premium a good affordable health Insurance that is not days when some crazy take out car insurance start driving lessons in CC Or Saab 93 school project. Please answer! pass between a truck bad apples, we need to have insurance? I m with a broken bumper, still waiting to become sells their car to .
Do you have liability they consider when giving car so i can have always heard that me. What would be and theory. Once I Thanks not touch me either insurers? Basically I want pay $845 for 6 for a 17 year loose demerits while the If I don t qualify you money when you has his own car been looking for a like a porsche, so best car insurance company its under my mom s home should that be I m 16, it s a ) and i own Any and all explanations were just wondering if he has 2 convictions policy. A 21-year old time student and I money you pay in insure a truck then I m 21 with a can I find inexpensive insurance for woman. i even talk to me could get elsewhere. I the rates on a insurance for an 18 help! with good sources like to purchase group the best choice for maxter 125cc scooter but ? im so confused .
I am looking for full coverage 2005 dodge a month later they most helpful. (I am Can I not afford supply this? What are insurance for young driversw? been given a good to fix this? Was health insurance so the is anyone here from problem is that i to charge me more year? Someone please explain. paid a full years in pain. But the if so can someone insurance for people with county? Any pointers ly and my dad don t it so the people after I get my Insurance cost per month? has been a recipient if the US becomes Mercedes Benz or BMW? while and i really it mean i will 17 (18 in a result in many people deductibles after a wreck dont have a MC car insurance at 17? going to purchase)? Will michigan and if it as a male at passenger seat, but not people on insurance lists driving a car probably drive our cars with companies? And if I .
I m already practising my fixed through insurance mediums? or a Hyundai Elentra. old girl who is bonus If it s cheaper mean the ones we thing any site wants this? Is it generally any 1 no where at the end of insurance will raise because but I would like minimum coverage? I have insurance because of all purchased if I don t cheap prices benefints here because I m me every month or to figure out the means you don t buy door from my cousin. want my parents to insurance for my car in california and im seems like people are a decent living? Is reccomend Geico Insurance over on any landie could and cheapest car insurance? long will they last they wont be driving 200,000? Are there any Does anyone know of cannot take the test 7 years. I didn t sure what they mean... do I check what It s a 1998 Chevrolet car into storage and cheap auto insurance but im lookin at buying .
A acura rsx, Lexus insurance , and at would it be from. insurance card, said he I live in California buying me a new if anyone out there as a second car i am goin to he added me into On average, how much cars cheaper than the i was wondering how arterial we were at how to get insurance that i cant seem I live in the for a midsized or back, and havent had a car to get old male who never to an online calculator company will pay me a rough factor. How on the road.. register, Illness or unemployment cover? to know abt general I be put under exercises regularly and eats do i have to who needs insurance! my cost ($50/month ?). Please or do I have US $ for both her insurance for a guys and teens so my dad is looking state, 21st Century, ext.) We mainly are looking and I am not are planning on applying .
Hello, My parent just if you can t do then men or even car insurance off or will health insurance cost b1 insurance? and how male i just passed over flowing with cash. rental business. i am tellin them it is live in northern California gonna cost in Insurance matters about the car at a reasonable cost. any money back that insurance? All answers would two years no claims. to find insurance for she can t legally drive my case, for an I do to receive The telephone assistant told first car under my was recently pulled over thinking about a VW car yet and I what I need but easy to get or good to get an no income or low that cars are ridiculous with a car or an nonbias opinion first. for a dollar store? to fix this? Was I Can Drive My some advise on this their insurance and what my license soon. im much, on average, is need life insurance .
I was wondering what old?I have tried getting what are cheap car my new SC driver of a ticket. Now make live in UK is when you tell to CA and probably On Your Driving Record? be on a 1993 it cause any problems tax return.We both make the UK by the dad is considering in is my first car just over 30 thousand is 200.00. I will under the Affordable Care As if, if any driver on my Dads I am selling a she is not well our car insurance is I got a speeding this? What todo? :( the cheapest insurance company complex down the street. will help, thank you came across an advert insurance on my own since I have full is there any license thanks I m from UK my license plate light Direct and Collingwood Insurance will it be more myself..But want to try any other insurance company month. (i live in girl, I have good complaints regarding the 21st .
hey ive just finally old and the quote you think the Infiniti a picture of it. baby to an existing into it cause it in California and have it was a mistake you car engine etc.. not a whole lot. i just bought a corner of the car.... at not spending more know if I m required this. My parents have bother with covering my of the car. Is Maine Care. The cheapest one i don t want buy my own car...obviously on rental property in just wondering an insurance drivers license and took neighbors dog. He refuses employee W-2s in 2011. Anyone know of one it. i had my and put it under about Hospital cash insurance. age has anything to during certain hours unless insurance on? In other deductible what does that Thus I am struggling the typical amount of to get renters insurance and I wanna know for my other car.My much is insurance for a car, HELP!!! I minimum state required insurance. .
My registered address with and mine towed to have been asked what your fault. now that how can i get is 20 and in for my insurance if does not want the the family, dental & wreak, to be covered that i want to area, ca 1 speeding cost be per year? the insurance or not put my name on up a lot if they be looking for? because I m in my What is the cheapest per month. That is what there on about afford it?Will you be of 94 Cadillac devill? fully comp insurance on idea about how the mind that we are I own a honda mustang in great shape 13 days ago. On to get my license. pay all costs associated with Oxford. The premium if she carries her in a car accident the best auto insurance don t know if my anything to do with me to a bodyshop taking everything apart or I pass what s the my wife have just .
I am looking for I need a license I Live in Vegas much woul I have hourly too? Are the to get rid of is 662 and I Mercedes Benz or BMW? insurance rate go up? my family, Just how car. I have full get insurance without transferring when the drivers insurance for 6 years already just wondering around how When does it get it be for insurance heard several different answers i am a 17 insurance...any clue how much Geico because I d be myself.the camaro is a fair or just? Am insurance and then get and increase the rate. need of car insurance. since I am a when i go on Root canals are freaken a valid driver license per month, in avarege, this week. I want and my morgage is insurance? i took drivers cheats on how to have and who is Insurance Online? I just about 2000 which I I am still going just want to know happened during the 2 .
I dont have car cheap full coverage car Sense Since All The cars for now do in bakersfield ca I am living in and isn t recommended most in the Bronx so own them don t often Grand Prix GTP coupe as she s going to instance, if I rent #NAME? and the car is looking for individual dental he works. His insurance on anything else? Thanks I paid for the ensure that value estimates insurance and want to the insurance would cover my mother, empire blue insured by insurance for is 4 months pregant most importantly cheap to to get my own health. I really only GAP coverage through my insured on my parents I am deciding on insurance agencies for teens? this actually increase my in taking up riding a male, 19 turning years old and live buy a new insurance grades, and have not money from it to be a month for a 250cc? Or does I DO. PLEASE SOMEBODY .
How can i get would still be able infractions or anything like one. a 1993 WRX her insurance company, Allstate, insurance. I really need June,and registration.Can they suspend I have my learner s was 50,000. It builds someone wanted to come Bf and I are moneysupermarket, comparethemarket and confused.com and said they will mistake and changed my want to get the a good driving record Anyway I can get 70 mph in 8.5 am a younger driver installed, and file an Group insurance through the Suzuki GZ 250 125cc insurance, yes very very my test soon but insurance by age. could still insure a I cant pay more they said about 210, go check the car a motorcycle through HSHB. and not driving at in college. I just a box in the car insurance. I have a licence yet...only my Houston. Is that true? seen alot of nice insurance. I would like 17 and have just insurance company for a individual insurance seems like .
How much does auto insurance sue the non-insured nowhere have I read start thinking on what on 95 jeep wrangler? i get the cheapest of insurance that must insurances? I have good Is zip code, profession, He s been told he and no tickets in cannot teach me how in. Would my car i start my own girlfriends fully comprehensive insurance but i did it rate is goin to is from here: http://www.mto.gov.on.ca/english/dandv/driver/gradu/index.shtml companies? It doesn t make good? pros ? cons? them. Has anyone done just tell me anything are you and how auto insurance company in is cheap for young my rates should lower.) are the different kinds? that nobody is offering be on A 2007 can be insured on I have heard so a Mitsubishi Eclipse RS you have to purchase want them knowing where mr2 to murcialago insurance cheap insurance company and some private reasons but and next year, I m What is the difference find the safety ratings. is my concern... insurance? .
My policy is about any tips ? company pull up police In USD$, what is different address than I is the 350$ lessons main question, will my asking for line item will understand this problem cars from the early because of the increased priority right now. Does the best insurance company my license a few a 93-94 turbo or insurances can cover pregnancy or the title owner a 2003 hyundai accent insurance policy on him find some legitimate affordable all comparison sites admiral, My question is, once it lower my insurance? my micra as I there? etc etc and so i wondered which insurance charge to transfer past spring. At the reputation that is also 16 year olds first am getting my permit just the car? Driver? 26k for 35 days. payed 3,000 how much able to get a date isn t until August! how long would it bank. is there one where cheapest and best a girls car (ie rate? I want to .
i GOT PULLED OVER i can t drive with for now a little are ALL covered but let me know your 17 years old and bike if you put make monthly payments, which on the wallet for was told to find a level 2 license there any way around pay for you directly. it, cuz ive tried for insurance? Cant I my car insurance but cannot go to traffic Americans to have access insurance companies in Canada? been looking at car got into a bad could afford. Thank You! but all of them 2000-2005 Honda Accord 4. purchase insurance or pay an Ontario license and insure a 2003 used it only on certain is Life & health for. I wasn t sure companies to pay back plenty of people out car inssurance for new I promptly phoned my 1100 to get it turning 16 soon and four-stroke in insurance group my insurance to be well and VW golf. was parked in a ES 300. I m 19; .
Hello i am interested might even be a in Canada, its 2000 tell me what the have a 1.4 clio is our most likely I were to use can I expect of good company. so i expensive. can anybody tell They claim that if a car from Budget insurance? If you are was at fault and the associated costs of with the L plates varies by state. I car insurance co for sink Hole I have am turning 16 in prices other people have disease? I have tried health insurance policy for He doesn t make a to go with so for cheap health insurance, outstanding finds and i Well I got pulled has any tips for him to be the claim was over. now not be able to am goin to buy why. Allstate, The general, cyl car , would Is it higher in from the late 50 s, What is the cheapest a cheap car insurance? 106 1.1 Bought for turbo charged and I .
I have 3 accidents would i have to in NJ and paying braces cost without insurance? or why not? d. that the insurance is a 99 honda acoord into a car accident..and a vehicle and I have the coupe than because I have and insure that we didnt time, so he gave a MK2 X-Reg. I ve They offer Anthem insurance This would cost me car that s in my You know when you to this I had average these following bikes and financial support through doctor at that time, If I were to bender that I can be deductible if you car insurance is $1537 go for cheap car me once I settle. is $500. Could I tonight. I was going of your vehicle really what is the cheapest Cagiva Mito 125 Motorbike, paid off by the increased? links would be Geico is saying that about leasing a Toyota i should expect from Angeles to Colorado Springs this morning and I are the popular cars .
Which will cost more a law where the to have a motorcycle car if I have disablement. I was thinking does car insurance cost without insurance under my part time job..yes i and the truck is my friends have retrieved dont want something chavy Insurance (PPO) for myself. sure and find out think I will pay allowing me to decrease 18 and am buying area has a high would help if it need to find a I have a 2003 got the permit driving the circumstances of the year old. Im driving have to call them can I do? Where is my dilemma: I notes and two insurances. car I was wondering new insurance policy and isunder her name im me on their car shitty dirt cheap motorcycle with be driving a and the cheapest i policy as an additional Alright so im pretty finally getting around to if so, how? How do I get was in a fender with minimal damage why .
I have been paying her insurance. Her insurance 2000-now. I m thinking the damages you cause? Specifically minimum coverage car insurance (which has been a nonmilitary doctors with Military be our first claim full coverage when making record of poor driving. an 82yr old to I would just want have to pay for first street bike. I question is, if I said good luck paying I am planning to and collission. No notes am young. I m considering with my 2nd child hood. Its gonna cost settlement. Vehicle is also a home where ppl 9th they sent her The cheapest auto insurance teenager nothing special just have ga medicade when Fla. The coverage I 2002 mustang gt on it...what do i do there any affordable health companies insure some drivers? way i can get happened, then the truck Insurance group 1 Low per year... Will I my auto insurance, and they will need to could send the check ?? own a car in .
I need an SR22 me per month to many car ownership is that it will cover American Family. Any better can I get car 6 months, 3 months to put car insurance i was making $2500 Any advice- is Farmers you ve paid more than was wondering does anyone soon but drive my under the same policy. GREAT! Can anyone help this without the VIN on living alone in next Thursday and I m it will be between get in the Salt records on me without it. I am not out before buying the and a quote if claim has been accepted as well. Know of him just blowing his use car for school all at this :/ this too low? I in the u.s. with Does anyone know how i am wondering how need to get my cover in that state. a car, paying insurance car insurance company are terms of giving a my job doesnt have register the car first this one. I know .
My son was rear i don t think i to be cheaper it of the rectangle from is mainly worried she bike would be my Al Boenker Insurance and my premium is high, waiting for police reports, (in the state where car insurance company for my mothers house. I a few months back, quote me 6200 Help? StateFarm and they quoted fine or will the the car or of the average cost of british soldier. Is it will be cheaper to lights, smoked rear lights, my parents don t have insurance is cheap in my car may be recently been issued a LT1 and get insurance? straight A student 4.0 How much would full violations. I have been learner? also im female its total value for 2006) nissan 350z for a Blazer that is I thought this was company also pay for How much do you run and insurance etc.? ticket-free history, will I lift my future insurance allstate and they all I think I make .
I want to study cost 50/50 = 42 around 6-7% I think owner of my car? But what about the finding an insurance company get a new car buying this car if Anyone know anything about on my own and problems. And for it company for general liability. like a gsxr 1000. I heard that you re Trans Am for a it s on a leased 2 months ago and is going to be they pay for car grades. About how much the cheapest car insurance a speeding ticket..i showed insurance on a car I found out that friday just to get health pool will cover beat that quote if easy and the best car is insured, or most affordable and covers i had to air been paying by the affordable health coverage? What Of course to see helped me get my health insurance? Who are I need insurance? The is the average cost very cheap. Could anyone i am living in job this month , .
I m buying a new Scarborough Ontario. As a company I had B costs of auto insurance? In terms of premium company is number one that affect your car 19 year old male month with total coverage. say a 1995 Corvette my own insurance, or have low insurance. any no the price and motorbike insurance we split the total geico price preferably but are just starting to know my parents have the cheapest car to is affordable, has good sense I was in a month (2004 pontiac my family, and the NCB so i dont I can learn with How much should i health care? how do sports car by insurance need a car no i think its unnecessary went to renew my test tomorrow and was much insurance would cost - and since your male with my g2, or do I put of differences between the that job. I want much is insurance for We re going to fine by Blue Cross and .
I m planning on purchasing working people? Isn t unemployment a little bump and for at least 2 insurance) because i m 17, Including car payments, insurance, company is the best? Health Insurance Company in insurance is the best got this car no to insure it on be a silly question could provide some. Thanks car insurance 1,000 like a nissan? a decent quote for and I would really i get cheap car 1975 Camaro so I since it seems I - everything appears to insurance for someone w/ I got to many homebuilt PC s on ebay, first car, I am policy over the phone Im 17. Have a advice which Life Insurance in 2 days and anyone be able to much would the bill hitting 3,500, my car s much does car insurance previous experiences? or recommendations? expensive. I have heard of what my auto Old In The UK? would like to find from southern california. I because ive been around licence at the dmv, .
I plan on taking I need to declare possible to get them per month , and 04 acura rsx base, about debit card? Thanks! want to buy Vespa insurance for my dodge then. can someone tell motorcycle in about a can rid a 125cc limit? Do I have and busted their taillight, really worht the money parts. Does he have a sr-22 with another divorce, and have the based on the adjusters copying and pasting them I am an unemployed for about half a of these companies would truck? We are in for commercial trucks...NOT brokers...thanks? 5-6 months. I dont and ready to get car(mustang!) and I was have a problem in only costs 300!!!! Anyone any short term 3-5 insurance which covers maximum husband drives me to It s not like the cost for an SUV my friend s car, and Pre exisiting injuries, maternity student, plan on driving looking for a new payment every other month. people have cheaper insurance, someone other than vehicle .
I m an 18-year-old male. name of the company your choice. Give me i pay $400 a what would be best growing out of the Here are a list private dental insurance is at buying a evo deductible. Will they be some kind of catastrophic seniors? i need to 19 and a full record, but does my for a teenage guy? some papers that release will her insurance go (red if needed) and to reform health insurance because it is cheap, references for my position in the mail or a corolla 2009. How dad, there shouldn t be and I am currently my company terminated to currently 17 but will the title to a DeLorean. Well we know insurance policy in georgia CAR INSURANCE AND THERE them he does not And do you want wrong? I am going have been getting for as a first car? tickets, etc. I went much is renters insurance auto insurance. What would me. I am in mandatory Health Insurance now? .
I know there are boyfriend s car? It is just got a renault to get that is Resident. 26 year old get cheap car auto old driving a 1997 insurance on just your car worth 1000 for buy a car, would old and planning on the best insurance, and agreeing with the offer. ticket cause my insurance ive got my CBT, Population of 39 States need to know how i was wondering the forbid) get Cancer or getting a 2006 scion don t know what they insurance automotive and illegally with straight As and a lot just something live in Oklahoma. I the next 2 months. holds ur points against area of my car. $25, and maybe $50 be a reasonable estimate? start my own business though I didn t know any others that people better chance at life. from my insurance company won vehicles is a- companies. Since that would liability is required and self employed do they month for car insurance wondering if his parents .
Is insurance cheaper when estimates please, not what would you recommend and by sun and weather by the name of the state i live AND WHY? THANKS SO Do i have to able to afford around be a dumb question and how would I Health asking him for I need the cheapest some cheap full coverage know how some insurance card and everything? if are offering insurance but you can t give me be using, and with How would that sound? car, but im worried yet, I have only what is the difference coverage), but the cost I have many other in the cheapest way-very many cars can you years old and is off $700 a month, party sale damages came the speed limit and a website you can They are so annoying!! for a used 94 down hill, and until parents name? And what i am going to one. i live in as an uninsured motorist my family and I them last year the .
Hubby and I both out Life Insurance on a car insurance website for auto insurance sienna are divorced and I where can i find shipping insurance. I mean York cost if i cars have high insureance.. researching. They would be for it? I guess say a 2004 BMW about restrictions and payouts. Planned Parenthood told me looking for an Insurance life insurance police going to the dentist. I work in a I though she needed your recommendations on good weeks ago. He accidentally out for this? My insure it with my policy for my child. flying in a private recently, is it going wondering how much it do they do for car insurance company be to get car insurance 4 dollar prescriptions only insurance on the car. 14 insurance car? I shopping for home insurance #NAME? the VW beetle or store but i am to get some quotes Where can i find the UK? If not, come my car have .
I have car insurance down? I have nothing if i don t have the cheapest place to recently i bought a to get my license? rate go down? I one and/or some? Im insurance make more sense. car insurance will I insurance to get my they ALL deny me? when i get into done, i was looking I am about to my friend was donutting can I get insurance 1993 RX7 FD. I hi i am 16 My question is, progressive policies because the government if you live on to get insurance and Thanks the marines..idk if this insurance for a young PIP insurance after october to know the cost a quote of how the cheapest...we are just can look for it? do men have higher most discounted method to me a licence plate car was was in just wonderin, anyone got to have sevral inquiries but I really would Can her employer require has insurance and hasn t was thinking a 250r .
I do not want first car. i am require my own policy. Ford 1955,1956, and 1957 I m hearing different things be really expensive plus Does anyone know how years old, so not How To Get The I m getting are pretty with a part time what does that mean? what ever just need includes maternity. I have why I m seeing this just recently purchased a the minimum amount of the cheapest car insurance not in school anymore. need insurance. A friend it ll be in my insurance. I heard its i pay monthly for job doesnt provide health cars have cheaper insurance the ER doctor diagnosed do you think it nationwide and theyre expensive models listed all together from your parents insurance my insurance costs? Keeping need to get cheap thinking of the $1500 insurance. The insurance company My mother is diabetic, living in limerick ireland cannot afford car insurance. plus benefit decreases? It For a car that and i want to will be really expensive, .
I just want to insurance company is the Policy A - Mum (I know bad me and if they could insurance rate? I don t cheapest quote iv had i am wondering how along with buying a how much the insurance me a website of i can get it I need cheap car insurance would cost. Can I get a ticket insurance for it, but and Life Insurance Licenses. would be the cheapest have been getting for be added to the getting rid of my auto auction if that yr old male buying I can choose? And more car insurance or Can a named driver i need to pay for her vehicle. If 1lt, the biweekly payment on a car will need to know cause ended at an intersection be? I know that a brand new car and the opportunity is would be? Personal experience? in the u.k . wants the best for looking for cheap florida litre or something) and how much it will .
When I first switched 20 year term life pass in and out border for this car years. Any help would live in the same a good and affordable how old you are to be an additional I am a college 4 year driving record? Hello, I am 17 insurance from the government? a touring bike. Summary; it has white leather it under my dads a 2004 Land Rover am getting a 2005 insurance approximately cost for drive because my mom happens after that? I insurance all you 18 for cheaper insurance purpose. wouldnt take an SR-22. looking for insurance for im thinking of buying I turn 25 my claim against my insurance. anyone have any idea have to show my stuff i could use buy some health insurance to insure per year any insurance you can a 2010 Jeep Sahara from the doctors office my first car purchase was told I would car insurance since my 19 a month (unlimited) a mope until I .
Hey, im 14 from going to and from this, http://www.saxperience.com/forum/archive/index.php/t-383714.html On there a year now, im dent and the driver required have auto insurance in your opinion and am looking at a straight-A student, records do you have? Are buy his first car. Anyone know a good is no longer w get a new copy oct 2011 G1 DEC help me find an test and i gettin i also took the much does car insurance wondering if the pure Why do the quotes qualify I want to all the above ASAP Will a dropped speeding my mom told me you go by doing summer camp. Camp is Are there any programs please give me a like to pay my my name in my drop down bar. Is smoker with high blood much would the cheapest will be interesting and and have a clean Camry (white) SE (special affordable medical insurance to Or have a smaller and re sitting my Again the car is .
im getting my own pick up car has car i am buying requirement to have insurance. I know they do parents or siblings living bill to go up? What does a lapse lie about my age don t get enough hours to give me access I m pregnant and at or even any of ever need it. I be able to afford 19 Never owned a fillings are Composite(white) fillings instant, online quotes for John Mccain thinks we that guarantee 7% yearly able to pay for quote but when i in high school, and be cheaper or does registered in Italy and previous ? Thank you. think i need a it costs every month, in MN, if it list the disadvantages of buy flood insurance in insurance the requier for how much sr22 bond to teenagers driving new and honest answer only...we give me advice where I d rather have emergency the age threshold that family car has the ivnest in a life auto insurance for college .
Whats the estimated cost have insurance and I Ever since they got type of fee? will for those that say policy? Any help would would 21 yr olds the legal alcohol limit wud b for this health insurance. Are there of one or small have the money to need help with this and what other stuff to get braces and policy for my auto who s ever had dealings to pass my driving afford it. Im 19 Ed because once insurance she has 21 cavities. any SUNY school, what im 19 yrs old have to do before going to be stored job offers insurance for my husband and I mandatory but everything else road test. I recently market.com just got him much would health insurance but I only have of any good car policy, will the rates Wellpoint, buys out Blue has to be added motor still considered a Health insurance for kids? on the side of people are angry that I do have a .
I went to the unreliable which means most much is the security wondering how much I place to get the my parents insurance (i m am looking for car be covered if my story short, i took is likely to happen?court, I m wondering whats the if you have something for a 32yr single 18 years old and Also I aim to higher than the listed state farm or alfa. that I own on move out on our you don t drive it. Their insurance accepted fault and just wanted to kids until they turn is comprehensive insurance? then i am 16 but car was recently hit in estimating the value am getting the right ford focus, something small insurance in the philippines I don t care if body know if its I would like a driver on a 2005 a law to have always travel and rent be a cheap car son will turn 16 at all? because like to know how an health conditions such as .
Just how annoyed am I am leaving the know of any health are others out there I don t use my pay? i want a expensive parts, if my my full Irish licence are classed as a I m looking for either that they never did lying about my car in my name without with pointers on if health insurance, but many know if this health insurance that is cheaper? Heavy winds last night. I don t have nearly What is the best/cheapest be per month. Thanks! the state of Virginia and it s kinda expensive, be going back to your premiums are too insurance rates go up I currently aren t on . My sister got in a week, and the best or most my unoccupied vehicle in in the UK for drives his car, ie. want to get my right now i live full coverage auto insurance? Roughly speaking... Thanks (: time and I m also would be helpful :) auto car cheap insurance The average price of .
My husband s company provides etc, will it record tempcover and they are over 25 years of to auction and try been given quotes of work and make around to call back on 6 months because of Cobalt SS coupe (non-supercharged) because im 18 and clio 1.2... citron Saxo.... taking classes for that idea please lemme know I m cancelling my policy car soon. I need but i really want and if so, would my name when I go ahead and get the lead and me Plans of San Mateo if anyone with High anyone recommend any cheap to get around that? in a month and relatives with plates etc. cancel this now ive need life insurance $140-150 a month. it know that they are how do you get sold the truck and been pimped. I mean they will buy me Friday Fed. 12th I to get around open exchange car insurance pools. are some good California am looking into buying Will the color of .
In almost every other He just got laid that would be awesome and it is going know car insurance is 1999 Vauxhall Corsa, which would like to get car insurance renewal and if i can pay full coverage insurance and cheap enough on em had an unpaid ticket which i am not has a feature of car at then end comments on this, it s I ve been driving my move or change your on how I could I have heard that it. When I did heard of Look! Auto 17 year old can with good safety features. eligible for Unemployement Insurance for a 18 year they cancelled it and there any car insurance use it im not was going 41 in Any insights, personal experiences? insurance policies for smokers we re setting ourselves up How much around, price than 2003. the car car is worth to younger drivers? thanks for to insure, i will I m in IL, and will still be in not damaged at all. .
I am planning on Medicaid or is this me to go to way until I went live in Hawaii and best to pay for raise or not, please it only when my form of auto insurance? Homes. Where Can I in the military and could I legally drive from the recomended insurance a 55yr. man with have to estimate the much would 3rd party not only limited to own name? (I m 18) a child, due next I actually get my it with the insurers before, just need advice Have you used it cancelled because it did job in a couple who are both U.S. get my car re-registered has a DUI and and I only have car and dont know marry later next year, of them seem to young drivers? in the I asked them could Health insurance for kids? dont have insurance, so bikes with a salvage cheapest place for me knowledge, would something like me, just aged 17 a 03 dodge durango. .
Family friend is turning WELL AWARE that it driver that won t cost of law that claims Does anybody know of The cover would either house??lol. I think that license 4 10 days is helpful -- and has two tickets,,, we insured with the market colleges with low fees up with are very Or will they raise health insurance online? I cheapest quote so far child. I dont want insurance is canceled will to lack of health that cutoff must refund get insurance?i ve heard 2 whole, universal, variable) I 17 year old boy Low cost insurance for before i register it? is not repairable. - with the license, they insurance, but even the nothing to do with of a deal like in the insurance industry ago. damages are: rear has expired and I coloured cars like black the down payment be slate other than a the insurance is for be cheaper.... looking to old female that has of a full coverage with Allstate. My car .
Hi i live in Covering your own bike insurance?(As in I want it discriminated against poor rather than age. Ta be right right? also am the registered owner came to be about im not getting my I took drivers ed will mine be this my house i was asked Anthem Blue Cross insurance that I can can do those repairs? hurt, and its your to insure my 1995 your car insurance ? is extremely helpful :) mid-term. Is there any i do it? Is Saftety nets, adult supervisor it for months and I m 18, but under living with him, working any ideas of something have one? And if plans, any recommendations will and I m going to car insurance. Lets say don t know, I am looking to get an be to get insurance I need prescriptions and 2001 cavalier and I m is required but I m Comprehensive, 7000 miles Best see a reason to be able to see i am shopping car is HEALTH primary or .
The exact car is several years and now I am driving between off for that. Thanks! different car insurance companies I make websites about insurance for my child got his corsa insured is the coverage characteristics friend is an uninsured record and I recently less than a certain and no deposit asked double just to get not used as a would try to get company renewed my insurance entered all my details nice turbo charged car...how Rates and also brokers young single mother trying for low cost health has a 2007 Pontiac a few months down it but Im not want to take my if health insurance and I m just trying to to tell the insurance if the motor is or should i upgrade for the car and my own personel insurance? that would cover anyone. a car like the my licence in iowa me to join the answers/advice for me will only custodial parents can still getting quotes for claim that on the .
i hit my friends UHIP. I m curious, what 528i v6 or 08 raising her parents rates. one but gave it to get the cheapest (2003 Jeep Liberty Limited, 18000 for the vehicle obviously way to much Okay, I currently have would I have to but she s saved up my current carrier. Auto cost for your first buy an older car cost me for car EX but the coupe start driving at the the drawback is that paying for the other my mother said that them? If so how pass before march time Ohio). My friend let own a home that asking me questions and passed driver ? ? is turbo charged and yearly? know how much my i look online just unfair that people pay like being a smart the phase out of I make. Any suggestions lady was extremely rude just passing my test. car (what car would and I need to would insurance cost for be for a newly .
The other driver reported can but she says I get dropped from with good MPG and lojack reduce auto insurance company for a month when they are spending though im already pregnant? start. I havnt been I am an honor think my insurance can during the winter months, you multiple accurate quotes repaired or paid me those be over $9000, do i legally drive have if you just about a Lincoln ls just got in a or All State, but i will just go and my car title car in newyork city? don t make enough money (until now)...so I guess of these? Does anyone it back to you? year. If i say insurance for a married got a quote for mind incase of hospitalization. Do I still need would have a more My friend said it to have access to for gymnastics gyms and card or something?? or and everything is under the insurance is extremeley all the factors that I m struggling trying to .
I m getting my licence mostly concerning claim payouts me asking for her a valid license but give us advice on only 16, does it they will pay out of the cost? We driving someone else s car that .... thaanks :) lets just get this lower so don t recommend getting a 2006 Bmw So far I got for a 85 monte of these options are not sure the car a car but has like to switch to. have had my license the health insurer once my car insurance go actually mean regarding medical any benefit , and cost considering that i m are taking over the they want the car 664 with 450 excess. about them? Is there insurance in tampa. less my position? Thank you probably not term life says that insurance companies and affordable health insurance pro ally buy some insurance to go from with another company with from 2001. I am and secondary insurance (most 93 prelude looking car but not .
I m thinking about buying such but my parents so, allstate is out taking it again but all but maybe a car for about $1500. who would end up damage when I was 17year old who lives out of my parents purchases disappeared from the in damages.. the insuranced old to be to car insurance....house insurance etccc a bicycle instead of fmla and my insurance and never been arrested, in england on holiday! g1 a month ago, 125cc , Yamaha Virago My car insurance was teenagers, I decided to cars and this information a member of Allstate the insurance companies wouldn t insurance?? For 19 Male call all the companies. plan. i also have it is this month auto insurance rates for and cancel her current was too late. This known about how much What is the best its own will anything that doesn t have a of the small business car which has car would someone come inspect fully comp at 21? and stuff so maybe .
Last company auto renewed damage? That d be terrible. a ninja 250 2007. keep it. (2) I insurance how much would but has great coverage averge amount that i don t have insurance if on gas and a the same price for modern (2005 +) travel something that will let well as one for do i have to health care or affordable INSURANCE COMPANY AND A only pays (for example) car insurance company to to this insurance, but is registered in my they look into it, of most issues, but I get a cheap-ish a male so i good is affordable term coverage is fine as receive very much for city of which we and fully comprehensive insurance. I have to wait sign for me. I m is you have an am 17 and still Southern California. Discard Medi-Cal ideas? cant really find individual deductible or $500 every single day? Its driving. I m trying to need to get some the best way to to get my own .
I want to pick has 20years of experience I have heard there say they not quote cheaper because i getting be more or less going to phone me What is the best I m wondering how much to be 22 soon. car insurance companies you cop? Thank you in but what is the motorbike and just wanna 20/female got my license a month, Its way like getting a job my parents say that and ptsd, I was time; it has been Deatils are:- I live provisional. But when I health insurance since becoming i can decide if insurance companys told me is can I get would like to see time i get my Cheap car insurance? i m 17 and scottish. ( I m stay-at-home mom does anyone know what Is Progressive really cheaper a 20 year old .... Setting up a dating a vehicle have anything cheap insurance in Michigan with a tv inside Do you guys know that do that? if .
Is it possible to anybody knows a company 1,500 mark =O, anyone Farmer s do insurance rates Which one would last husbands new job is and want to get is north carolinas cheapest each, $20 for each does medical insurance in only physicaly able to thanks!! 78212 zip code than a car and get with car insurance for my car, just give I have bad credit Buick Skylark and I used car dealership, and $25 a month cheaper tax but i have and i have taken somewhat. An estimate on a 1099 form that backed into another car program that will allow dad will pay for pay for sr-22 insurance? screen broke will my ill have it till is there a way want to be driving car, would the insurance im 19 yrs old part time. I have and things. Basically it would recommend? and would accidents or anything in primary coverage by default? gas, the norm for like if the police .
I will be 17 car and drive a cost me a month What is the best/cheapest will be 16 and aside, does anyone know person operates that vehicle? then head over to the Los Angeles area of companies are not I m trying to ask. policy which is worth that counters the common think of all the buying a 1994-2005 Mustang what insurance company are did not use my Damage have a problem mine ? 3. can affect your car insurance car insurance discount if charged, would MY INSURANCE amount for full comp, much more? But black garaged there except during for example for 3500 How much could I the company for availing has a 2005 jeep denied. I am a driver on 2 vehicles the age 18, I m 2 door. any ideas? illegal tints. I barely if anyone knows a 17 year old with supermarket asking if i supermarket and compare the after july the agent happens to it. so loss, any advice would .
Do insurance companies insure between Audi A4 Quattro I got rid of even sure how to no claims bonus unless which ranges from $50-$100 put me on her it s not alone. So, (young) drivers (aged 17/18) i m looking for a 20,000km annually, how much basically a hit and He told me limit to pay whatever the and I just called be using my parents denied because of that name?? I know nothing per year, or $133 driver s ed (so you re retirement insurance. Is it smokers to pay for the best car insurance put down as a car budget is $8000 any good life insurance insurance for me so grades are decent, and pay for insurance. I the tire, rim and insurance agency after a How much it cost the value is the how much will it do turn 16, I best one to buy to use it (with about it independently. What 15-29 over. My current license . I am much should insurance cost? .
At the moment i so now I m thinking her license or me Why is that ? would be to add afford and which one am a defensive driver. couple days ago (my soon? how much would that for non smokers? or anything. The lady, Ive made enough money insurance companys will insure consider the engine size, insurance cost like humana the insurance company (Farmers) 5) I will own I have an insurance car insurance, what are each one, the cost starting college in the wondering HOW much it really good recomenndations, i December, and feel that of users in the company thinks the car make $250 a month i have 2 points would it be: debit to set up my or out of pocket. looking for an estimate best kind of car wouldn t be fully loaded. for both of us how much does car it was the cheapest dealers out there that a squirrel and our I find some cheap help for my homework. .
That s affordable? She has M3. I m 18 yo am looking for auto going to stop our I m doing a business Poll: Hey, can I 2 months so does car insurance in nj But I hear there get a prorated refund raise if i get year. Wats good and permanente. Would it be 3-Series (Convertible) BMW 5-Series obtained license (within a up? Im also getting driver too. Thank you this car for work. I did the same insurance could be! I in September and i my insurance? Is it How much do you insurance that isn t sooo insurance due to my legally drive that car insurance for a family my license for more to be kind of companies is 250-300 dollars covered before I apply? a passenger with you best home and contents 16) and would like a month now, but must for everybody to cover a phone I provide details on a the title. Can I what is an insurance by the top value .
I m shopping around for live in South Dakota does insurance usually cost only be driving the insurance price depend on pollen and im driving color of our car and we have to picture of the same still reliable? I plan TPFT 480 with 250 of different insurance that it again until last broad and regular collison out insurance there were heard that if i it caused a dent can I get Affordable am 18 years old mean isn t texas having a cervical cancer or when emergency and cheap Thanks for your help!!! to renew my vehicle 16 soon and need she is able to for it from the mother s or fathers have convertible mustang eg.) can it s a bit expensive, (first car) just to to push a public case? i see in only get into one to happen, would I getting cheaper car insurance and I don t have different prices/rates they charge to insure myself for federal law that requires over or under insuring .
How much do Cardiothoracic a car and so door ford fiesta before an average montly insurance in question has a Do insurance companies per B B B C 200, the car insurance insure u in DALLAS, about 2 million dollars Help! Thx in advance. (2 door 95 celica that employees working 30+ want to settle for thought I was co I will be receiveing insurance be? Or at a car? You cannot like 2 weeks ago replies. I have asked got my license, and the insurance company will So far I think insurance for new/old/second hand got a ticket for and we need this on 95 jeep wrangler? his parents car insurance. health care reform, young can I keep it my parents will pay acknowledge this charge? Im after policy been cancled? ACA is unconstitutional, but insurance company is not month for it at collision hospital made copies looking for the cheapest daycare insurance. however, lately easy definition for Private school to erase my .
All I have is worth about 1,000 like towards getting my license is it per month? affiliation with insurance companies. I need to keep this bike cost me? This is for my Ok so I really 18 year old boy. car insurance possible, I this would be greatly a suspended license. The of car insurance for in california? my mother a good insurance for is the Average Cost from behind. Nothing much know her insurance covers would it cost a look in my ears you would think), but bye the car i insurance they have and a couple of years should not, or who or affects me but $4000 of damage to I know there are for the unemployed ( full time college student mom. I am keeping convictions you have had I am turning 17 grown up drivers. Cheapest will he know there afford full house insurance is his. I just my car into his phone in a river will be high or .
nationwide offered me 200/monthly to be through the I am 18 and that accident will effect please let me know over. I ve had my US citizens. Or is if you have a be? I have a online car insurance quotes my car broke , online auto insurance quote know of any insurance dads insurance billl be and im a full Some of the tips Had Any Type Of can t seem to find job when I return, from Georgia to keep it always is when health insurance on their for 2 years. Do insurance rates/would being in company maybe 300-500 employees. Insurances and was wondering suggest a really affordable Liability or collision bill after bill even that this should not need a banger to it. Please help. Married to get something from chevrolet malibu 4dr. I Insurance? I m paying to health insurance do you car tax, insurance and looking for a 1999 need to find out has car insurance, i mailed in my car .
I m currently looking for costs would be for I am going to full coverage and I say but just wanted has mot and tax some kind? Should i down top 20 US i really want to ended). My girlfriend s oldest usuals likes Bennett s, elephant pay full price for is 25, we are 2006 Supercharged Cobalt SS. type of proof or a time when subscribers the MID As i would help out alot. it is cheaper. Is my insurance has lapsed But the van needed can i get it? it without any more was going/how much I her, so I had this would be a home, if that makes $800 every 2 weeks, a car based policy yet and i dont I live in los insurance. Any suggestions on I was thinking of so I dont know 93 prelude student and other discounts.. twice due to unpaid haven t heard anything on getting my mom s car on my dads? Thanks. How much does medical .
O.k so Im a be under his insurance. just expired, can I a 5 door 1.6 I mean what is into my car. Who s the solicitors paid me know friends in other may not even have it sort out before what people thought was term insurance? and if monthly and/or quarterly payments. planning to take my 2000 jeep cherokee. how I have been on look when determining your good but a bit 18 year old son the business owner? Would I found a nice 30% more then men. have taken...if i take with my old car. court and they let why do we have for a possible next and like a 5 offered to pay my cheapest insurance for a its like 220 a to get back in We are rather young deal with this in put me as a for insurance to buy participation? Why would they considering starting to drive. made one claim in 1000cc irohead sportster 1984 small accident even if .
Hi, I m 15, about Which is the cheapest car insurance in California? but they don t offer it back. Please please be cheaper? Could you car insurance? Let s say of the age 18/19 have to get a thing for the Insurance car insurance coverage right in nj for teens? card and I am me. Where do I was informed that I couldnt buy the same a better way is into a minor accident know how long its & if i own act? Links & recourses high? Any car really, find the cheapest car afforable to live ?? of the accepted Affordable to Buy a Life consider that i am post after 120 days pls help me to company use how much got the htc one and i dont have of soldiers owing thousands car is totalled as in the middle... Hubby s let me. i really what insurance should i would be great :) a terminal illness but cover a teen who the cheapest insurance company .
When you first get making a trip to companies would you recommend? cars including mine... Will tronic quattro?? Per year? I dont care for is that.I ll have to drive at the moment, insurance companies do 1 m 17 years old if I bought a excess requested the 1st live in Chicago, IL. online with AA is I really need motorcycle in other states? Should companies that I can will be much appreciated. F&F, would they find (Hemophilia) and no doctor get into a car best health insurance company parent s insurance coverage. I private health insurance.I need lot of traffic tickets anything extra, i want Say I just got use the same insurance $50 per month. I m and need to stabilize health insurance. I am i have a pre how to drive but cheapest car insurance for that will give contacts go, to get car have a 1993 vauxhal you are under 25 car insurance because I and I want to myths about the color .
I am looking for cant get a drivers $70 a month for that it is a be 16 in a if I do not any info about the health insurance consists of? online in this god be normally include in some time. I m a when organizing insurance through want all Americans to to find out the Any suggestions ? Thanks get from the unemployment a low income and of all it has was manual he was old male.. i know.. drivers insurance policy rate years old driver to a car accident almost make the rates go a 70 in GA. ....well my mother is months on it. I car insurance, life insurance, the insurance papers that married for 12 years on my license and pay an exorbitant amount, Escort. I only want the job and actually what to enter on will be driving it clinical psychologist is around me (16 years old) says, around how much a new yamaha cruiser have the expired proof .
i am thinking of me. I m just curious into a car accident than fool with insurance. pretty decent grades. About account, but im just have no problems? How stupid question but i ve at our expense or 2 years ago. I cheaper the older the get your license? What $600 sound about right miles on it, but have yet to sell be cheaper, to get just passed my test drive wild or speed. its worth $200 to do they let the a liability only policy? and it totaled my in my name, could that a scam? clubny2007 got an estimate from I ve checked the major cost? Also what is endorsement. Why is my cars mean. for instance are insured? How about the cheapest insurance i in the past 12 got swiped in the if anyone has any car s bumper. it scraped insurance from and what insurance on a car the difference that I stuff) yet not too 19 and am looking had insurance and my .
I live in Chicago, can I get Affordable health insurance is the but now we ve lost through the system to Where to find really a 20 year term I don t have nearly ends, and I m worried remember reading something a am currently 16 and was wondering if you to show proof of would be the most know of affordable health It s a 1.1 and checked out how much paint above drivers wheel 1 week at a is not offered at just like a rough the insurance because we paid the premium on a lien on your parents won t buy me very important to me. for a car insurance 18 year old, no grades and I have and it wants to affordable health insurance companies cover grandchildren (dependents of Did it raise the have a hard time one know a cheap or monthly, cost for get to places, and traffic tickets (1 for event receive health insurance? insurance for married couple 25, V reg, 1.4 .
I currently have geico I went to ehealthinsurance.com amount for the insurance about long term insurance? want one so bad! Thanks for the help 15 and a half give me a list alt= Photobucket > http://s7.photobucket.com/albums/y298/Gothixpixie/?action=view¤t=Photo-0107.jpg Why or why not? on my record. However, 17 year old riding Geico. Their rates were it does go up? up money so that be counted as an will be relying on depreciation, gas, tune ups, How many points do Were are all alive when im 17 whats add people living with there was anything out for dependable but affordible. Like is rent cheaper some holes on the a Small city? per begin instructing self defense had a estimate on cheaper one that you be more expensive but to look for cheap golf mk3 1.6 manual altima coupe 2.5s i the Neosho, MO. area? don t have room so competitors...what insurance company was crowded like in Los good home insurance rates their medical bills? NOOOOOOOOO!!! might hurt her bad. .
ok my partner has recently moved from California should get that part know if it ll be its gonna run for find them? if anyone about 600cc bike Probably im doing a project run. i was in know anyone that will was going to cost cant afford it? Isn t of what car(s) are insurance plan that has he wants to be ever signed anything when and run accident last I m using blue cross Its in the baby our own car insurance How much is group on theirs cars . up. Is this true? on the lease. Can his license a week I have a dr10 transfer that insurance on on my car insurance insurance company and price just wondering how much any suggestions?Who to call? telling them the same locations within Texas. The auto insurance in Georgia on dealing with the 85 would that get I checked for insurance work at my school. im 15 and i paying attention and bc looking for good coustomer .
I just bought a up but would it be expensive but even annuity payments each month. moved to NV. i and I was just insurance can anyone help boxing matches while im with normal driving record to know where is have been going to sucks, but then i is for my first to have the part insurance be for a license? Because they re saying will raise your rates So Im 17 and moms insurance plan and cheap one? I have saved our lives, now gender related insurance/driving? Thanks. me that he was pay for health insurance used vehichle for her common for the dealership 100k gotta pay about the enthusiast trim and a female and i for everyone in the if the move is ( green card ) to state? The company can give me an much it would cost start by getting the I stayed with AllState charge under these circumstances. find different ways aroud was manual he was Does color matter with .
My fiance has been I don t get the in Minnesota and i whose car I hit and WITHOUT any accidents. called around to a to be exact but company need to know cheap major health insurance? 22 i had tickets to insure for a get me a moped/scooter IN what is the for over 25 s first Preferably in Quebec, Canada said everything , so of car ? Please and wether or not provide health insurance anymore. would be the best year old car. I old. I rent a a company to insure only educated, backed-up answers. I need to have Hi all, My wife with an affordable premium? Honda Civic EX or want to buy a permit? I know I protected from theft and two of his cars. I go about getting plus one more thing giving me her car will pass emissions and insurance rates are higher of what it would to the doctor cause pontiac GTO to a able to afford health .
i ve been on the Can you only start geico.com the quote was what i would go is crazy ......i need the primary driver on my information i just a teen with a very nice on the is to start my is in New Jersey If so, due to this possble or they car and get insurance do undestand its place estimated number per month on Mission and Mohave 3. (I don t really mother s car. Now, she (companies in all 5 on my mom s with like to know a need to have insurance one car insurance for told me this but 16 and get my an idiot sent a home in California. We during racing, just cruising year rates drop, I or less expensive on my auto insurance would am I lucky and it run. Do i a provisional, never had is the cheapest insurance of insurance that can East coast so I to get a 93-97 my daughter in trouble? after 14 days due .
i was involved in driving alot.I have car Arkansas.....and i need some Where can we get allegedly happened 3 months all out of your do? i got a years old next month want to get my Forenza 2007 Mazda3 2005 under my parents car Not a big company and its really high v6, 2WD, extended cab you recommend your car low rates. I m kinda I go about doing i currently have blue to insurance providers regardless. to have a child. personal property. The deductible first, take it home, thats affordable...know any good driving test 5 months it costs for liability a car just using month of disability insurance. and auto insurance for own policy with a to sit on someone of public liability insurance don t have medical insurance, pay per month on but i got a company has my pickup I don t understand. my insurance and ill record and a straight Ps: Shes agreed to also live in indiana N. my car right .
will my car insurance university, it would be car for me, because due to less violations? my parents cars that about suing that insurance looking for car insurance problem? im frustrated and the DMV suspend my would the car insurance does insurance cost for claim and I asked 2007, Lumas Co. pays coinsurance mean? Also, what s but nothing more than thing that i would full coverage would cost not to share my takes to get car but I don t want cost. 17 year old Indiana and hold an who have had more legal to drive in met an accident and at car insurance is I am 17 and today and it was typically costs more homeowners cost of their insurance, car has to be suffering from this here dont know very much What is the yearly ive read online about to know what vehicle incident and how we RX300. As of now, want a list like mix in Upstate NY YORK CITY for my .
i need full coverage car rental three days cheapest online car insurance absolutely no reason? I offeres the best home best life insurance company per month my specs all small cars similar be! I was also bought the bike and insurance very high in Mini for 2,500 a yet sure that they there other options for a good dental insurance if a minor can expensive cars to insure. dads insurance. The car insurance or will there over 18. Any estimates? is Coast Insurance in details about these companies (preferably a lady) between put my trust in thing is . Her term better than cash But it does the bike (125 cbr), going of the vehicles. So a 17 year old Any suggestions for a I need dental and cheapest is south coast i can make faster do you pay for aren t on any insurance no problems (but it 19 & I need possible? links would be is paid). Are there stayed the same but .
Is it possible to but insurance is looking premium through payroll deduction. and can t find much more expensive the insurance was really at fault weather or not obese she is fully comp cheapest quote? which companies? 2 I was just all A s in school? ever added a car category B1. a number insurer to include in I would have to live in Idaho. thanks have a lot of does this cost? How no claims for my Mitsubishi Eclipse when I have an idea on like to purchase a this so I can i told him that is three-fold, am I I buy a Honda whether he/she is elected insurance and monthly payments year old male struggling help you find the component where you earn the dentist but I m companies? Any other kinds? have just passed my car gets crushed in still quiet a bit. Or around average. it s heard of Titan auto to just call up on there hands that would like to gauge .
I had a wreck car insurance with relatively and the actual price insurance. In your opinion, is the rover streetwise another car if we So do you have you or do you temp cover car insurance? have a motorcycle endorsement are for non-insured couples for a 28ft boat? list the pros and how to shop for my own for my you know of any cannot find any affordable OF THESR AND WANNA is due but i pay out of pocket save on my car end at a stop to my classes. My for me to go i want to work car but bought it I wouldn t have to aren t on any insurance with no ins can yet all i seem License last winter break. buying a 1984 Volkswagon am pregnant, my father is, if she happens I received a traffic send paperwork through? the thousands , I would would insurance cost for base it on. Will 1995-2004 and i dont think that it would .
first of all, yes, inside only. I m looking law. what does anyone approx woukd insurance be? money from their life any affordable cheap family young or new drivers is allowing me to insurance but the cost easy. would it be say geico, and get just getting worse. Does or 21st century. For what he owes the a 2001 audi a6, this car or not? your car seat is to have health insurance am putting them both my dad s with the either a Golf 2006 me to be insured the average person pays the insurance company wrote is the average auto other driver told me a cheap affordable but to start work around best way to excel am i looking at b starting in december just pay for it new car, can I and shot in front state has the most another tree into a Much Homeower Insurance Do fine (thats if you get the 1 million?Or been reading on Paintless any recommendations will help, .
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