#punished enough but that it really doesn't matter? is this issue involving you?
priffi · 6 months
they're both assholes, can we acknowledge that? he did some shit but he also doesn't deserve the extra shit she's doing. she's allowed to speak out but she's not allowed to bring that extra pain. there's a reason he's coming back and it's not because he wants to but because he has to my god
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anomaly-sanctum · 7 days
[A video was attached to the post, released back in 2021. Press play?]
[Video ID - a news reporter covering a story. There was a picture of Colress's Mugshot in the top right part of the screen.
"Exactly one year ago today, Unova suffered from a catastrophic event that locals have come to known as the Distorted Freeze," said the anchorwoman, "A good half of the region had been frozen over by Former Team Plasma leader Ghetsis, with control over the legendary pokemon Kyurem, who is believed to be a fragment of the Legendary Dragon told in Unova's most famous myth."
"Ghetsis supposedly planned to do much more had it not been for former Team Plasma member Natural Harmonica Gropius, who had rebelled from the cult two years prior, and an anonymous samaritan."
"It was eight months ago that another former high-ranking member of Team Plasma came to officials to confess his crimes and knowing involvement in the Distorted Freeze. Dr. Colress [REDACTED] admitted to playing an essential role in helping Ghetsis get control of the Pokémon. Last week, we interviewed Colress about his actions and reason for turning himself in."
The footage cut to Colress, sitting in an empty room with the reporter, notably wearing an orange jumpsuit. He seemed to be notably lacking the spark in his eyes that most would recognize him for. His hair was messier than usual, and he had bags under his eyes. If anything, he looked a bit pathetic.
"I really have no excuse for it," said Colress, "It wasn't as if I didn't know what Ghetsis had been planning."
"I had a deal with him, you see," he continued, "Should I help him with his plans, he would provide the resources I needed to perform my research."
"Did you lose anything in the disaster that Team Plasma caused?" Asked the reporter.
"Whether I did or not, does it truly matter?" Colress asked, "What I had done was unforgivable, either way."
"I'm just trying to get an understanding of the motive you had for admitting to this," the reporter explained.
Colress turned his head away from the camera, visibly, yet subtlely, tensing up. "... I did lose something, yes," he admitted, a very, very slight sense of shakiness to his voice. "Someone."
The footage cut back to the news reporter back at the station.
"Upon being pressed for further information, Colress refused to elaborate, the reason being that he had stated earlier that he had no excuse and therefore had intention to garner sympathy."
The footage cut back to the interview with Colress.
"I've accepted the consequences the judge saw fit," said Colresss, "and I've put a great deal of my fundings into organizations dedicated to clean the damages. You know how they say 'eat the rich'? It's safe to say that they've eaten me alive." He gave an empty chuckle to the last statement.
"Why not pay to have your sentence shortened, or at least for a good lawyer to defend your case?" Asked the reporter. "Certainly you must've had enough money for that.
Colress shrugged. "Why pay my way out of a punishment I deserved?" He asked, "The justice system may be flawed for allowing fines to be paid for such crimes, but it would do no good for me to take advantage of it."
The footage once again showed to reporter at the news station reporting the story.
"Colress stated that he doesn't expect forgiveness from the people of Unova, but had issued a public apology nonetheless," said the reporter. "Most recently, the Aether Foundation had reached out to ask that Colress served his time doing community service at their conservation center in Alola known as Aether Paradise, stating that his scientific genius could be put to good use in their conservation efforts."
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haleigh-sloth · 1 year
On Hawks and Twice:
Alright, gonna dive into this pool of needles that is this topic.
I'll start by saying I've been through every stage of feeling for this particular arc. At one point I wanted Hawks to die a tragic heroic death, at another I just wanted to see him get called out about Twice's death by the kids, then I wanted Hawks to face his past demons through Twice via the clones, but I'm past all of that now, though it took some time and a LOT of thinking and talking it out with friends.
Currently where I'm at is just trying to make sense of the decisions made in the manga. I think a lot of people are confused by the Twice clones disappearing and Hawks still standing, and my initial reaction to that was also confusion.
Let's be real, there were issues with the "Hawks faces Twice through the clones" trajectory from the get go.
It seemed VERY likely and plausible at first, in fact almost guaranteed from the moment we saw Hawks say "kill him, now" with the most deranged look on his face. But then the battle progressed and he kept running away from the situation with Twice, despite AFO reminding him to go make an attempt at mending his mistakes (even though there was no way he could). Hawks meddled with AFO instead and got a whirlwind of punishment as a result, and here we are.
But meanwhile in all of that we found that the Twice clones were not what they were originally thought to be--which was clones of Twice, as if Twice himself had cloned them. No, instead we find out that the clones are simply just Toga. They're just Togas, transformed into Twice. Once that was apparent, that was the main issue I had with the Hawks vs Twice round 2 idea. The impact of Hawks facing "Twice" was immediately blunted by the sheer fact that it wasn't Twice, it was Toga. So it becomes a whole other situation.
The other potential situation was Hawks vs Toga (something I always hated the idea of tbh). But that would have been complicated, as it would have been introducing, initiating, developing, and concluding a relationship all in one arc, or rather even less in a matter of chapters. It felt very possible (and I can't discount that it could still happen in a different way later on, idk) but then Ochacko got the job done first before Hawks could get involved. So now we're left with Hawks who has nobody to face to deal with the consequences of killing Twice, a guy he says he genuinely liked and cared about, and wants to be like.
After talking it out....I'm landing on the point of--the only person Hawks has to face about killing Twice is himself.
The narrative as a whole....doesn't give much reaction to Twice's death. If we're being completely and brutally honest, which I am right now, the only reaction we got were from two characters: Dabi and Toga. Dabi continued on his merry way not really...giving much of a fuck beyond caring enough to give the blood he collected to Toga who he knew would cherish it. We literally got nothing from Tomura and when/if we do it won't be for a very long time after a point when it won't really matter, Spinner and Compress both barely reacted.
All that to say: nobody in the story itself gives a shit about Hawks killing Twice. Not the civilians, not the heroes, the LOV BARELY but not even enough for it to spread beyond Toga. Just....it's not something that weighs heavily outside of Toga's and Hawks's arcs. It just doesn't. That isn't to say it doesn't matter, because it does, clearly. But that is to say that the way Twice's killer gets "consequences" is going to look a lot different than what a lot of people--myself included--originally expected.
Because Twice has now vanished for good, it seems a lot like Hawks is responsible for his own closure now. Meaning he might not be forced into it via a confrontation from Toga (in fact I'd argue the chances of that happening are close to 0 at this point).
Hawks himself had a visceral reaction to his last encounter with Twice. (Read that, you won't regret it). Toga's grief is probably not resolved or gone, but her misery is finally starting to be lifted. Symbolically, all of the Twice's disappearing and Toga's smiling and crying face is her letting her feelings of anger and vengeance go so she can move forward.
All that's left is Hawks. All Hawks has to face is himself.
Hawks has his own feelings to face. Because Hawks is about to witness the results of Shouto and Ochacko succeeding where he failed because they both refused to give up no matter how difficult it got. I'd argue that Shouto's actions and the results from them speak very loudly on this, more than even Ochacko's. Because Touya was about to literally nuke the entire vicinity, and yet here he is, alive. Toga was literally doing exactly what Hawks feared Twice would do. And yet here she is, alive. Granted Toga was in a more reachable head space, but at the beginning she wasn't so easy to get through to. Ochacko didn't stop or give up and she opened up herself to Toga and validated Toga's feelings and doubt about being saved, unlike Hawks.
Hawks seeing these kids succeed where he didn't is the catalyst he needs to have a strong reaction to remembering what he did and how he's done nothing but run away from it (because he was so conflicted and fucked up over it in the first place). Nothing he does can change what happened, but he can at least start to have some introspection and ask himself why he is the way he is, emotionally stuck in one place, latching onto a man who has a family to take care of that Hawks isn't a part of, maybe start to work through that shit too.
Basically, removing all of the outside forces from Hawks's arc to me feels very intentional. Hawks has ALWAYS been a character who internalizes everything to his core. It feels appropriate that everything that moves him forward continues to be what he internalizes--which if I'm right later, will be his reaction to seeing the kids save the villains in the way that he genuinely wanted to do for Twice, but failed.
This isn't as coherent as I'd usually try to make it because I'm not trying to meta anything right now. Right now I'm just trying to reason out my own thinking for leaving Hawks with literally nothing to do or say or anyone to do or say it to. He's all alone now and if he's going to get out of this emotionally STUCK place he's in he has to look in the mirror and think really hard about himself.
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nokingsonlyfooles · 6 months
Oh, the Lure of Emily
I've been withdrawing.
Not for all that long, I don't think, but social media goes so fast, so that means letting a lot of opportunities to be "social" disappear into the ether. I shouldn't. I need to practice connecting with people and it used to be so much easier for me to do that on the internet, but I really hate just about everything about it now. It's hard to put what I mean into words fast enough, and it seems like that's hard for a lot of people, but we're doing it anyway. That's a lot of what I don't like interacting IRL, and it's here now. I haven't found a place that's not like that.
I entered into this level of interaction at the behest of a soulless corporation that doesn't care about any of us (clearly) and I'm being asked to pay more than I wanted to give (ex. curate an ever-lengthening feed of more people who want to be seen, help train AIs who'll render me and others invisible, accept a certain amount of increasingly heinous ideas with no pushback to be polite/for my own mental health/to keep my interaction from being nothing but that stuff), in return for much less than what I wanted to get. Mainly, it's so strangers can click a button that says they "like" something I did, and never interact with me, or any other aspect of me, ever again.
It's like that on my site, too, except I disabled the "like" and comment functions out of frustration. The interface became unsustainable and It's mainly bots using it. I've improved my ratio of "recorded clicks that were probably a human being" vs. "probably a webcrawler or spambot" for the privilege of seeing how few people are interested.
And social media isn't helping. I mean, why would it? It's getting all it wants out of me on spec, and it does not have to deliver visibility. It never did. That was always something I needed to "earn." It just seemed to be easier to do that in Web 1.0. I had a message board, once. It survived a move from one dying host to another (which, I think, is also dead now - everyone's on Discord) and I picked up enough people to write and have fun, with very few jerks I needed to ban, and no bots. Wow. If someone was being a total bastard, they were made of meat and I could yell at them and register an objection like a person. Does anyone out there remember that?
A big part of me wants to be a postmodern Emily Dickenson. You can have my work after I'm dead, if you want it. I'll "publish" by printing it out and putting it in a box. Even the fanfic stuff. Interacting with fandoms hardly seems worth it for me, they've got their own issues. And, as for social, you may have one garden party a year, and maybe I'll exchange emails with one guy who says "this stuff is good". We live small enough, and we're doing well enough, that I could probably hide and keep making art uncompensated. Unless something happened, and then I'd probably wind up on the street or in an institution of some kind. Not the nice kind.
And, as much as you [as in, anyone who trips over this] would protest the loss of me to my face - out of some feeling of human solidarity or philosophical devotion - were I to vanish, it wouldn't matter where. You'd get used to not seeing me. You'd read something else. Maybe I'd be happier, maybe I wouldn't, but that wouldn't involve you, so you'd move on.
That big, dumb jerk Nietzsche (who was, at least, made of meat) posited that Sisyphus must be happy, because he knows he's doing what he's supposed to and what's going to happen next, forever. But, really, the only thing you'd have to do is say to him, "Every time you put one iota of effort into pushing this rock, there's a small chance it'll take off and fly. If you're really doing your job, it will, it's just a matter of time!" And then it doesn't. Not just for his whole life, for eternity.
I'm not being punished for cheating death. I'm being punished for cheating corporations - not even cheating them all that much, I don't think, but it's enough. I don't look profitable, because that wasn't why I started pushing this rock. I wanted to make a difference. I'd like enough money to live and keep creating, and to pay some people to help me, but all that's just some boxes to tick on the way to making a difference. And I can't tick those boxes for a corporation or for myself.
The only thing that's gotten me attention is when someone bigger than me gives me a namecheck. I could just keep begging creators I love to do that, but a lot of people do that, and I don't think creators like it. They didn't ask for that responsibility. They don't have time to vet every person and see if their work is actually good or just AI generated garbage. Or delusional garbage from someone who thinks they can create, but can't, really. I'm losing the confidence to keep begging people to understand that I'm not delusional. Maybe I am, ya know? That would explain my situation too.
At least, if I kept it all to myself, I'd be dead when someone found my boxes and boxes of papers and chose an excerpt for their treatise on hypergraphia in freaky recluses.
Thoreau got it twisted. People make pretty baskets so someone will use them. If it has no use, it's neither a basket nor an art object. Someone has to pick it up and use it for it to be either of those things, and hopefully both. I use my baskets. I think other people could, but I know I use them. It would be a lot easier for me to do that if I didn't keep leaving them outside when I've finished weaving and hoping someone will pick them up.
But, I typed this into a window on Tumblr, so it's going outside with the rest. As will the others, for the time being. My words will probably be used to train an AI, and already have been. Yours too. Self-determination is reserved for the Emilies. I do want it, but...
Not enough to give up this painful hope that a rock might fly.
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skaruresonic · 3 months
Out of curiosity, could you make an example of a character that, in your opinion, was forcibly woobiefied by the narrative? In what instance(s) did you feel "cool motive still murder" or "I do not care enough about their plight, stop manipulating me"? It is a fine line to cross, so I find it hard to pinpoint where it is.
Scourge is one example. Archie really flip-flopped on what it wanted him to be. The new kid on the block? A pathetic nobody? Woobie, destroyer of worlds? Outside of that one side story, Scourge's daddy issues are not brought up again, begging questions of why they were introduced to begin with. They don't particularly do anything to flesh him out since they don't gel with his previous characterization (hailing from a world where everyone is "born evil") and his tears at Jules' mean words feel manufactured; if he really cared about his father, maybe he shouldn't have killed him.
Also like what the fuck, dude, your father achieved world peace and your response is to off him? At least when Creoda offs his dad, it's because his dad forces him to in replacement of his brother's punishment, and he's clearly horrified. 😤
Another example would be how the 50 Shades of Grey trilogy treats Christian Grey's trauma. Grey is a billionaire at age 27 by essentially doing nothing other than being adopted into the right family. Furthermore, he is an abuser who uses his kinky predilections as an excuse to "whip little brown-haired girls" who resemble his mother, whom he calls "the crack whore."
He used to go hungry sometimes as a toddler and this is stated to be the reason he does humanitarian aid now that he's #ultrarich. His lover Ana makes such a huge fuss about the trauma he sustained at the age of four, to the point where she infantilizes him as her "lost boy" during the most random moments, despite the fact that he's a grown man with more money and power than brains. Like sometimes she will cry over this shit for no apparent reason. It doesn't occur to her that he is financially abusing her by showering her with expensive gifts she doesn't want and forcing her to sell her old car.
Although it's not impossible for childhood hunger to impact one's psyche well into adulthood... those issues usually stem from having been poor and food-insecure for a long time. Grey would have well forgotten his hunger after having been adopted because the threat was no longer hanging over his head. So it comes across as "methinks the lady doth protest too much" whenever Ana yammers on about how little Grey had, especially when she goes all "uwu my poor Christian" in order to gloss over her own abuse at Grey's hands.
The more plot-relevant trauma Grey sustained is having been assaulted as a teen by an older woman. Even that is loaded with unfortunate implications, as it suggests an interest in kink must be the result of sexual trauma. However, the narrative treats the matter with such heavy-handed and juvenile clumsiness anyway that you just wind up feeling irritated with everyone involved.
Ana gives his abuser the nickname "Mrs. Robinson," and it's like. Reducing Grey's assaulter to a cougar psychically distances us from the gravitas of the situation. The book only pays the barest lip service to the fact that it's wrong for grown women to assault male minors (and even that feels perfunctory), and worse still, Grey remains friends with his assaulter, citing her as an inspiration and the reason for his empire. Like, what the fuck?
E.L. James could have built a more substantial story with these elements. Perhaps Grey is being financially abused by his assaulter long after the sexual assault stops, but he cannot escape the relationship due to being entangled in emotional and financial thorns. Perhaps his assaulter blackmails him, threatening to tank his reputation if he comes forward on the basis that people still believe the "female predators are just cougars doing young boys a favor" myth. Perhaps it takes him falling in love with an "unwashed peasant" Ana to realize that love isn't supposed to hurt, and he gives up his billionaire lifestyle for her despite poverty-related fears brought on by his childhood hunger.
This was probably close to the story 50 Shades wanted to tell, but it fails at that due to the fact that Grey is a massive douchenozzle who abuses his power and the fact that Ana has the IQ of a mollusk.
Imo woobification is a matter of whether the trauma remains relevant to the character and narrative in question. Scourge doesn't give a shit about his dead dad after issue 192, and neither does the rest of the comic; ergo,
Likewise, why should we care about the time Grey had nothing to eat at age four when he now commands the wealth of a small nation and can afford to feed a second?
The impact has to be proportional. Nobody lives to adulthood without accruing some baggage along the way, and it ought to be the same for fictional characters (generally speaking; there are, as always, exceptions).
I think the solution entails trying to consider characters holistically: where they've been, what they've seen, their beliefs, their culture, their environment, their relationships. Each impacts the next. Not to keep tooting my own horn by using my work as a counterexample, but Creoda suffers from the trauma of dehumanization at the hands of his family, which would be bad enough on its own. But it is exacerbated by his brother's abuse, the fatalism of Saxon culture, the strife in his relationships with those who ought to love him and who he ought to love, and "reinforced" through his continuous and painful resurrections.
His brother Cynric is the cause of the curse that echoes through every chamber of his life, so it's little wonder, then, that Creoda's goal is ultimately to destroy Cynric in the vain hopes of becoming a normal man. But it will not be enough to replace the emptiness, for death, like vengeance, always craves more.
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It is not a drastic or singular trauma like the more overt 'nam flashbacks Arthur suffers of Camlan, but his beliefs have calcified in his bones like a misshapen sheath, protecting a more vulnerable marrow within.
Creoda does not base his beliefs on nebulous notions of faith; the curse is indeed real and ontologically proven as far as he's concerned. It is real because it proves itself to be real. And every implication that comes saddled with it is, therefore, just as unshakably real. He cannot be reasoned with because this is how he knows the world works. Nothing is more frightening than the implacability of a zealot who believes reality proves him right.
Yet knowing his mindset does not excuse his cruelty. If anything, his piety to a vindictive god makes his actions even more fucked-up, because he could say "my god has said that I must take your firstborn son to prevent a blight" and it's like what are you going to do? Kill him? The guy who can't die?
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chutkiandchotte · 1 year
The Alia/Ranbir Conversation
To begin with, I need to eye roll several times about how this entire issue has snowballed based on pure speculation. I personally believe this type of speculation is harmful - no matter what the truth is. I get that a few people are coming from a place of concern and good faith, but the majority seem to be participating in this discussion in a completely tactless and insensitive way, with no care that THESE ARE REAL PEOPLE not fictional characters, first of all, and secondly, the issue at hand is abuse which requires a certain amount of sensitivity to discuss. Even if you don't give two hoots about the trials and tribulations of rich, famous Bollywood stars...you are nevertheless participating in a conversation about abuse. Your thoughts on this topic have a good chance of reaching the ears of people in real life abusive situations; victims, abusers, and others who have the capacity to help. Your words on such topics are not merely words. They have a capacity to do harm or good that directly impacts people.
So keeping that in my mind, I want have a little rant today about why, in all of these conversations about toxic/abusive men in Bollywood and their partners, do we ALWAYS center the women and HER behavior, her flaws, her mistakes, again and again and again? What did SHE do, what is HER problem, WHY does she endure this...a hyper focus on HER character. And over and over again, the refrain of "why didn't she leave?".
There's barely any acknowledgement of the tremendous difficulties women in such relationships have to content with. If you are going to talk about abusive dynamics, then you damn well better talk from a place of information and understanding, not judgement and derision. Yet in the larger public discussions, there is zero empathy. Surviving a toxic relationship, with abusive dynamics, is extremely difficult for reasons that an outsider would not easily be able to understand. Remember, the view from inside out is WAY different from outside in. For example, many of these women now have kids with these toxic men. When kids get involved, they bring with them the weight of desi social conditioning, times ten, to keep a woman in a situation that is against her every personal happiness. It gets incredibly emotionally complicated to navigate. They might have had to weigh the happiness of their family against their own dignity, even safety, at so many different points in their life.
But none of this matters in front of the fact that she is a woman. And therefore MUST have done something to deserve it. ( /s) A popular blame thrown about is that she was "dumb" enough to fall in love with an obviously toxic, potentially abusive guy. So therefore, everything that happened subsequently, is her bed to lie in. A real psychopathic take IMO but really popular too! So, she made a mistake with her choice of husband and love; maybe she was "stupid" in love. But did the punishment fit the crime? A lifetime of heart break, emotional abuse, and tough choices! And all we can do is mock her, apparently. Yeah, not everybody is a perfect victim like we'd like them to be. Not everybody is on the same point in the angelic scale; some are more flawed, or self destructive, than others. That STILL doesn't make them worthy of blame for other people's controlling or abusive actions.
Why did they stay, why did they stay, why did they stay - society loves to scream this as an accusation, but are we ready to hear the real reason? It is a very emotionally loaded question and the answer might just be too devastating to comprehend for the majority of us. "Oh, she never once tried to get out" is lobbied as an insult - how on earth can you know this? What do you know about what they might have tried or not? What stopped them? What their partners might have done to stop them (for the kids custody, to avoid paying alimony etc etc).
That's part of the problem. The sad/pitying/mocking tone of talking about her, the focus on her as if she alone is to blame for all of this? Like this latest conversation about Ralia is all speculation. But even within that murky realm, it seems logical to focus on the flaws and mistakes of the person we all are imagining as the perpetrator, Ranbir. If you're so hell bent on speculation at all, why not speculate about the man, then??? We are always so very concerned with what SHE did wrong, as opposed to what HE did. But the attitude towards him is like OF COURSE he is like that (because boys will be boys), but SHE should have known better. If Ranbir got 25% of the mocking over this controversy that Alia did, maybe next time the next Bollywood asshole will think twice before acting in this way.
And I want to reiterate that it's really not about Ranbir Alia and whatever their relationship is actually like. Unfounded speculation serves no purpose. But for me, the more relevant matter is how this all has highlighted the way we talk about female abuse victims in this country. The derision and the subtle tone of "she deserved it" for her; and for him, unlimited forgiveness and unlimited chances to prove himself a better man.
If we can't give these women empathy - then at least let us not give them blame. If we can't understand them, at least let's not disrespect them.
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crystalelemental · 29 days
I've been playing Etrian Odyssey 5, and along the way, decided I wanted to really get to understand how the Chain attacks work in this game. EO4's link skills were brutal, while these felt substantially toned down. I did not figure this out independently, but through looking stuff up, have made some fun realizations around their team.
The first big realization is that, almost no matter what, life is hard. Because you want to run the Shaman. Specifically offensive oracle. While not a guarantee of no proper healer, it...reduces the need for one, and thus revival is challenging, due to lack of materials for Nectar.
The specific core is Chain Duelist Fencer, and Divine Punisher Shaman. Fencer has their Chain skills, and the main focus is Chain Plus for 50% bonus damage and 80% more probability of chain follow-ups, with the Chain Double passive to grant potentially two stabs instead of one per follow-up. Pretty much nothing else Fencer does matters. Divine Punisher, it turns out, is great not for damage output or even buffs, but a single debuff factor. Dance Oracle removes its own elemental buff, to hit all foes with that element, and more critically, debuff their resistance to that element by something like 50%, for the rest of this turn. Chain Duelist now follows up with absolutely massive hits. Divine Punisher is the required Shaman path, because of Ancient Memory, which can re-apply a buff that's removed 50% of the time. On good rolls, Shaman can persistently apply a massive debuff that results in your team just tearing foes apart.
As part of this, I also got to learn about how to make Elemancer actually good, instead of just niche counterplay to physically tanky opponents. See, apparently Elemancer has a move called Clever Strike, which I largely ignored. It's basically an Int-based physical attack to a target, using your weapon. Fun fact: this skill will factor in Shaman buffs for elements. Fun fact: this skill, at max, costs 10TP, which is less than a rank 5 basic spell. Fun fact: Warlock can use cannons, and thus receives full damage output from the back row. This setup is good. Like, on its own, Clever Strike + Shaman has kinda removed the concept of random encounters, because Clever Strike is basically free, especially when you hit high levels for Cutting Costs, where it is actually, literally free. To say nothing of the nuke damage it applies on enemies. It's...substantially better than its basic spells, and much more cost effective on skill points and TP than using Chants.
The last two should be open, but they're not. Healing is a major factor, and while you can run Botanist, apparently a lot of people recommend Hunting Hound Rover. Which is what I'm doing. To be truthful, I still do not respect Hunting Hound, but I'd be lying if I said its passive ability to heal the lowest HP member isn't nice. It saves a lot. The main issue is that there's no means of revival outside of Botanist, and Nectar are really, really hard to acquire in this game for very little reason.
This leaves the last slot, which...was recommended as Shield Bearer Dragoon. For logical reasons. No revival and hard to access Nectar makes raw defense a pretty good idea. But I'll be honest. I don't think it's that great? Like the only skill that seems halfway decent for this team specifically is its counter, which can be activated multiple times if the opponent attacks the target multiple times, but that's heavily reliant on selecting the right target and the foe's movements. It just doesn't seem too good. Instead, what I brought with me was Barrage Brawler Pugilist, who has Clinch to potentially full bind the target. It can also full bind itself but that's irrelevant, the damage Fencer pumps out is significant enough regardless. This setup could involve hitting multiple times with a Breather buff when needed and the binds land, but mostly it just prevents major FOE and boss targets from doing anything due to the binds, and the next turn we get Dance Oracle into mass damage output, so it gets the job done. I did consider, and may still go back to, Deathguard Harbinger. A raw Atk debuff may work better against foes more resistant to binds, and to my knowledge, the Pugilist's skills don't count as elemental and thus do not get a follow-up from Fancer anyway. Deathguard's debuffs may be more substantial, but for now, the main hiccup is...conditional drops. We want status in play, or failing that, binds. Given this, Brawler felt like the better call. We'll see if it maintains.
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cooliogirl101 · 2 years
so what do Lily and Christina do for each other as siblings? Do they help each other grow in any way or cover for each other's weaknesses? What happens when they disagree on an issue, who usually wins?
The best way to describe their relationship would be that they're both 100% convinced that they're the older sibling and they both keep trying to prove it by taking better care of the other.
Christina's argument is that if you're looking at total years life experience, even if you include the 5 extra years Lily has on her in the Naruto-verse, she's still older. Lily's argument is that it doesn't matter what age they died in their previous lives-- in this life, she's older, end of story.
They're actually a really good fit for each other, if you look at their flaws. Granted, it drives both of them crazy at times.
The most annoying thing about Isane, Shion thinks, is that it's impossible to get anything past her. She's so perceptive, so observant, and so, so attuned to Shion's moods and wellbeing that she forces Shion to be honest. Shion's greatest flaw is that she gets so wrapped up in taking care of others that she forgets to take care of herself-- and then when she gets overwhelmed, she'll lie about it, make excuses, do whatever it takes to hide it because she doesn't want people to worry about her. She can't lie to Isane, though, and after a while, she stops trying. Nowadays, when Isane shows up with a whisper of, "That's enough," she listens.
The most annoying thing about Shion, Isane thinks, is that she makes life complicated. Difficult. Messy. Insists on getting involved when it'd be a million times easier to turn the other way. Insists on helping those who don't deserve it (don't deserve her), simply because it's "the right thing to do." Insists on caring, in a world that seems determined to punish her for it. And she’ll ruin Isane’s plans without a second thought simply because, "If we do it this way, we can save so many other people!"
She spilled color all over the crisp, clean charcoal outlines of Isane’s life and the most annoying thing of it all was that Isane couldn't even resent her for it, for messing it all up, because she made it beautiful.
("You saved me, you know." "What?" "Lily. That part of me had almost disappeared...I was ready to let it disappear, when you arrived. I just wanted to thank you for that.")
If you're asking who wins when it comes to arguments, when it comes to what to do with other people, Shion usually wins (with one exception: Shion is not allowed to sacrifice herself for another person). When it comes to them, Isane usually wins (with one exception: Isane is not allowed to sacrifice herself for Shion).
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onewomancitadel · 2 years
I think that's the strange thing about the media landscape now (and then?) is that the mythically-loaded epic fantasy redemption arc landscape is pretty... dire? Let alone for anything involving romance which is my wheelhouse. Raistlin is probably the chief example I can think of for a bad wizard who is redeemed (Dragonlance canon is.. kind of nuts) but his love interest Crysania is sent to the house for naughty girls who like bad men (written out of a narrative role).
I can certainly think of stories about redemption (for some reason True Detective Season 1 is the first which comes to mind, mostly because I've encountered a perception that it validates the nihilism of the deeply wounded character or that it fails narratively because it doesn't do so, and also of course Crime & Punishment in terms of literature and probably others I'm not even thinking about)...
Obviously it's a thing in anime and a well established thing in anime for that matter with certainly not the same controversy, which is a different question altogether (especially for R/WBY)...
But again there's that interesting thing where a) it's always about Vader and Zuko and b) apparently there are 'too many redemption arcs' in media and it's a really really really hot button online issue and I don't know why. It's just one type of character and story structure plz stop
Anyway it's just interesting that everybody and their mother and their dog has some reason or another for why Redemption Arcs Bad but they also don't get redemption arcs structurally, but also where are our narrative examples of them because this is probably genuinely contributing to the issue at hand. Because it's pretty obvious that Vader taught us sometimes you're too evil so you die, and then Zuko taught us that sometimes you can be not too evil and then you're allowed to be good, and I guess end of discussion. So that's actually a serious contributing factor. Like, your media response is informed by many other hundreds and thousands of other artistic responses (which is why myth/fairytale stuff is potent).
I think my broader point is that it's a self-fulfilling prophecy, discourse about redemption arcs is poor because there aren't enough true examples and it's just not as much a normalised structure of storytelling? Also also see other ceaselessly annoying posts about death of media criticism, narrative, etc. etc. have to watch True Detective Season 1, to cope.
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thephysicsgraduate · 3 years
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I haven't posted in a while, and I guess I just haven't been sure exactly how I feel about things, and it has been challenging to talk about in general. *sigh* so the big things...
I got the results from 2/3 of my qualifying exams, and I didn't pass. I knew that the week of the exams was particularly tolling on my mental health, and I didn't feel great about them, but getting the official email made it real. This is not the end of the world. I told myself it would be okay, and I encouraged my classmates that it would be okay if they didn't pass. It just feels so garbage. If I can manage at least an A- in the graduate level classes this semester and the spring, then I won't have to retake the exams, which is nice... but also puts a lot of pressure on the semester. If they aren't waived I will try again in May. I know deep down that I am capable of passing, and I can clear up the details I was rusty on that killed me on these rounds of exams.
As easy as it is to say that it will be fine, it doesn't feel like it. The past week has been full of so much self-doubt and feeling inadequate and dumb. I'm trying to pick myself back up and reintegrate back into "regular" life. I don't want to make any excuses, and I am sure, in retrospect, there are topics I missed when I missed a week due to health issues. I can't change the past, so I'll keep trying.
I dropped my intro to solid-state physics class to give myself more time to focus on my core classes and my teaching assignments. Even though this is a healthy thing for me to do, it just felt like tossing a little fuel on the imposter syndrome flame that has been raging recently. The best way to deal with imposter syndrome is to talk about it, though, and this shout into the internet void is the best I can manage right now.
Now the exciting news (if you made it this far, thank you! I appreciate you!) I found a research advisor I want to work with, and we got coffee at the student center the other day. I told him that I was interested in his group, and he responded well! It sounds like there will be funding, and I should be able to start on a Research Assistantship in the Fall of next year! I've done many lurking around the labs and reading loads of papers, and I feel so good about things! One of his current grad students was honest about his experience, and it sounded very supportive and healthy. When I meet with this professor to discuss possible research projects, I appreciate that he always talks to me as an equal and takes time to explain key concepts along the way. I convince myself all the time that it is some punishable offense that I'm not proficient in all of condensed matter physics, but that is just so ridiculous. I'm here to learn, train, and explore the field. We discussed next summer a little, and he said that if I want, we can design a smaller research goal together that will be a little more directed and goal-oriented, and that is just exactly what I need! He also seems hands-off enough to allow me to explore my research questions and ideas in the future, which is so exciting!!
My first-day leading tutorials will be tomorrow, and I'm kind of nervous, and I really want it to go well! Overall I am happy that my assignments involve tutorials and help sessions instead of labs. Despite my strong preference for experimental research, I struggle to work as a lab instructor because the noise and environment are overstimulating and cause a mild shutdown to recover after. It is also more uncertain how I will be helping people, which makes it difficult to imagine the situation beforehand and feel prepared. With the tutorial sessions, I have a chance to work the problems out on my own, so I feel better about navigating the interactions with students.
Does anyone have advice on how to be a good TA and how to have successful student interactions? Even if you haven't taught, what are things that your TAs have done well (or not so well) in the past?
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userholland · 2 years
long rant abt past few months. (pls don't reblog)
tw: e/ting disorder, d/pression, s/cide, racial issues, d/ath + grief
lately, i think on my blog i've been having a crisis with myself. i think it sounds dramatic but also i think that it has been a battle of taking it lightly and saying this is the internet and its just random people or oh wow, people are actually triggering me to starve and kill myself and maybe i should restart or quit.
i have never spoken about this but i have struggled with eating for more than a decade and i have had depression/anxiety since i was ten years old. i lost all of my grandparents during the pandemic and had to move back home in order to help and support my family in this time of grief and sadness. i already thought about ending my life numerous times and covid made that harder too. but, i didn't think that the weight of anonymous people telling me to k*ll myself would make me go back into this dark cloud of me and that i have to put on this face and act a certain way on the internet in order to be respect.
i have gone through periods of depression and starving myself as more of a punishment on myself than others. i dont think that i deserve to... be on a platform if all i focus on are the criticizes of my opinion or my writing. i question how i can be perfect and well-liked, and will i be able to do that and starving myself and ending my life seemed like an option because maybe if i somehow ended my life, then no one would have to care? sort of how i thought about it over the past few months. and it was over people i've never met.
i emphasize so much that this isnt a pity post. im not asking you to take my side in my opinion bc i had some major but effective events in my life and im not asking for anyone's (especially anons) pity but just want anyone to sort of understand that i am a human behind my screen and so are all the other people getting this unnecessary hate about something that doesn't involve any of us.
at first, i thought that it would die down and i mean at the end of the day (and to this day still as a tom fan), i dont really care about tom and zendaya's relationship being real. i mainly care that tom is happy, healthy and okay in general and not working himself ragged because he feels like he's not doing enough. thats my main purpose as a blog and omy posts have changed over the past few years.
but, i dont think its fair that because i dont hold as much of a candle or liking to zendaya as i used to that i get comments about how "ill never be her" which also compare my size to hers, how im ugly, how that makes me racist/anti-black and that ill never be at her level when those were never my intentions to begin with. i dont want to be zendaya nor be like her and ive never said i wanted to. i know that i am myself and who i am doesn't matter to her and who she is doesn't matter to me. but using tom as that main reasoning and saying that because he finds her attractive that it automatically makes me unattractive is an unfair and crazy statement.
i think she's a beautiful person, but i never changed that opinion (aka calling her ugly or stick thin) because i "didn't like their relationship". i just have seen enough on insider celebrity couples over the years and how they use PR to their advantage. it's not an uncommon idea in hollywood where your one goal is to maintain fame.
i did like her for a period of time, but she's not my fav anymore and when i said that, suddenly it's like i hated her and i wanted her to burn. i just don't like her anymore, and that's okay, but respect my mutuals that do like her and her content / her and tom's relationship (in a healthy way and not an obsessive way).
ik i made a long post as well differentiating racism from hating zendaya and obviously, some stans were very upset by it by thinking it was a hate speech within itself. i didn't state my own opinion, but facts and articles while also trying to get the point across of privacy. dating or not, it's always been about their privacy and keeping them safe and that's still what i want for both of them.
i mean, the backlash was intense. looking back, i regret speaking on it because it wasn't fully my place to speak on racist issues of a black person, but i was mainly trying to point out how saying you don't like someone isnt always the result of racism. but i never meant to make it seem i was cancelling out racism as a reason. some people can be incredibly racist / use micro-aggressions, but i know deep down that's not every single person's intentions. especially not because of a ship. i did a lot of research before posting this by looking up articles and watching other youtubers rants as well. i apologize to anyone who took thought that was my intent or that i was trying to have this huge savior complex.
people went as far as making fun of my hobbies, music, race and what i like, just taking any little thing about me. especially people who i thought were my mutuals then who went behind my back and talked shit about me without even telling me first about their opinion privately. then once i did @ them, one of my mutuals messaged me instantly and begged me to take the post down calling them out.... it was all about saving her over saving our friendship. then they went and blocked me. it felt like betrayal from left field.
is it fair or me to analyze a possibly staged picture? yes, because its up to anyone's opinions and we all obviously have different ones. but at the end of the day, i hope that tom and zendaya both feel safe and not actually overexposed and uncomfortable. god forbid there was ever a leak of addresses, phone numbers and even places they go to. all i'll say is, give them space, but have whatever opinion you want on them. it's fine.
im not hoping this post stops the anon hate either. ive gotten better at ignoring it since i realize its from this anonymous person who doesnt know me, follow me or care about me. they just care about my opinion and that opinion only which is just so weird to me. i mean, even people say im a white girl and that makes me worse, when i put that i am korean in my bio / on mycarrd.co as well. i think it says more about them than it does me.
at the end of the day, im here to write and talk to my mutuals over whatever we want. whether it's tom, marvel, spider-man, or dogs and cats. i just stay here when i know i have support from my friends and i can be myself and know that ill always be able to talk to them when problems arise like these.
i hope anyone who is struggling or going through a tough time that anon hate is so small, and that you will conquer the other problems around you bc they are priorities of your life and not the internet. if you ever need to talk, feel free to message me or ask for my discord. i really want my blog to remain a safe space and nothing something full of hate so, i really hope that if any anon who has sent me hate reads this and maybe just backs off a bit. just because i dont agree with you doesnt mean i hate you and your opinions, but we can both just look the other way and go on with our lives. its just that easy
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kinglikescomics · 3 years
Marvel NOW! & ANAD Deadpool (Reading Order)
Key: | Core Issues (Main title & crucial appearances) | Concurrent Titles (Nonessential but provide context) | Relevant Events (Involve/Influence the character/their status quo)
If you only care about the reading order, just follow the coloured text. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Thunderbolts (2013 Series) #1-6
Thunderbolts (2013 Series) #1-13
Deadpool vs Carnage #1-4
I like to place this first chunk of Thunderbolts comics here. There's no mention from Deadpool about Preston or anything from his ongoing title, so that means chronologically it either happens before the series, or after the Deadpool vs SHIELD arc, but then you'd have to read even more Thunderbolts comics and I wanna break it up. Deadpool vs Carnage came out in 2014, but I've placed it here for a few reasons. First, Deadpool references the Deadpool vs Deadpool miniseries, so it would make sense for this to occur earlier on. Second, he also mentions working with Venom, which would indicate that he's part of the thunderbolts at this point. Third, I honestly don't really like Cullen Bunn's Deadpool and I like to keep it separate from the actual series. There's no neat place for it anyway.
Deadpool (2013 Series) #1-6
Deadpool (2013 Series) #7-12
Deadpool (2013 Series) #13-19
Deadpool (2013 Series) #21-25.NOW
Thunderbolts (2013 Series) #14-19
Thunderbolts (2013 Series) #20-26
Deadpool: The Gauntlet #1-13
Here we have the first big chunk of the good stuff. I've more or less broken these up into arcs. The end of 25.NOW gives a good jumping off point to catch up on Thunderbolts, and also sets up the slightly altered roster that make an appearance in The Gauntlet. Ultimately though, as long as you KNOW that Wade is on the Thunderbolts, that's pretty much all the context you need.
Deadpool (2013 Series) #27-34
Hawkeye vs Deadpool #0-4
Thunderbolts (2013 Series) #27-32
Death of Wolverine - Deadpool & Captain America (One-Shot)
Okay so, #27 & 28 of the main title basically cap off the events of The Gauntlet, while #29-34 are tie-ins to Original Sin. Now, you COULD read Original Sin, but I mean... Deadpool isn't in it, like, at all. That's a lot of work for something that can be summed up in "the Watcher dies and things he's seen are revealed to people." That's it. That's all you need to know. Duggan uses the event's premise as a way to continue the story he's telling for Deadpool. Hawkeye vs Deadpool is a really fun miniseries which I'd recommend reading. It's written by Gerry Duggan too which is great. It's not exactly essential to the main story, but it's fun, and it does set up Wade's friendship with Clint and Kate that comes up a few times. I'd recommend reading it. Thunderbolts wraps up that run. There's some potential confusion regarding Hawkeye's appearance in HvD (where Wade mentions he's on a team with the Punisher but it's ending) and in Thunderbolts where he doesn't seem to know the team is a thing, or acknowledge the events of HvD, but you could probably chalk it up to 1. Wade not telling Hawkeye the name of the team, and 2. Hawkeye being in a stern mindset in Thunderbolts. The Death of Wolverine one-shot pretty much just functions like a little sequel to the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly. It's a cool issue but it doesn't matter much for the main title. It also kinda comes out of nowhere if you don't know about the Death of Wolverine event so I'd say it's pretty non-essential.
Deadpool (2013 Series) #35
Avengers & X-Men: AXIS #1-3
Deadpool (2013 Series) #36
Avengers & X-Men: AXIS #4
Deadpool (2013 Series) #37-38
Avengers & X-Men: AXIS #5-9
Deadpool (2013 Series) #39
Deadpool isn't HEAVILY involved in AXIS, but he is present on Magneto's team, gets a good touch of screen-time in the main book, and because the event is written by Rick Remender (who wrote Uncanny X-Force), the relationship between he and Evan is pretty relevant late in the event. If you're a stickler for continuity, this may not be the best order for you, but I think it can be read well enough in a way that a reveal from the event appears in Deadpool's book, then you cut back to the main event to see how you got to that point, and then the present day of Deadpool responding to it. Basically, this is for if you're trying to read the event as part of Deadpool's story.
Deadpool (2013 Series) #40-45
Mrs. Deadpool & the Howling Commandos #1-4
Here we wrap up the Marvel NOW! half of the run. Issue #40 is entirely skippable if you wish, it's not really a main-plot book, nor is it a flashback issue, or anything like that. Speaking of which, a couple of flashback issues are omitted from this list because they aren't relevant to the actual main story, whereas some are still here because they're used to set up the next story arc (e.g. the Vetis flashback, or the White Man) Mrs. Deadpool is a tie-in to Secret Wars. It's written by Gerry Duggan. I didn't actually read it (yet) but best I can tell, it follows up on a Shiklah plot thread from the main book, and is lightly referenced later on in ANAD.
Avengers (Volume 6) #0
Uncanny Avengers (2015 Series) #1-4
Deadpool (2015 Series) #1-5
Deadpool & the Mercs for Money (Volume 1) #1-5
Spider-Man/Deadpool #1-5
Welcome to All-New, All-Different Marvel! Everything here picks up "8 months later" from before Secret Wars and everybody has new status quos! Avengers #0 is basically a collection of short stories setting up the different Avengers books. One of them is like a prelude to Uncanny Avengers, and it focuses on Deadpool. Definitely important. Uncanny Avengers is a really fun book. The lineup is a fun team, it's written by Gerry Duggan, and Deadpool gets a good amount of involvement. It's always nice to see Deadpool involved in a "serious" title and be included, rather than tossed to the side as purely a joke character. I'm not going to include it as a main title but I think it's worth reading because he's both heavily featured, and certain developments explain things that happen in the main book. In Deadpool's new ongoing, Brian Posehn has left the creative team so it's just Duggan. Now he's an Avenger, and has his own team of Mercs. Mercs for Money is an unnecessary miniseries. If you like Bunn's writing you'll enjoy it but I don't so I don't like to read it. Spider-Man/Deadpool is a fun series. Technically the arc skips to issue 8 to finish up, but there's a gap of time between 5 and 8, then the story seems to pick up right after 8 so I separate it here. The book had some release issues, so story arcs tend to have these gaps (e.g. 6 & 7 aren't written by Joe Kelly, they're separate issues)
Deadpool (2015 Series) #7-11
Deadpool - Last Days of Magic (One-Shot)
Spider-Man/Deadpool #8-10
Spider-Man/Deadpool #13-14
Spider-Man/Deadpool #17-18
Deadpool (2015 Series) #13
Here we get Deadpool's second story arc. Issues 6 & 12 are skipped because much like the flashbacks of the Marvel NOW! run, this series features some pretty inconsequential flash-forwards to "Deadpool 2099" which isn't even set in the actual 2099 continuity. If you really wanna read it all, just read them at the end of each arc like you would. Last Days of Magic isn't really essential. It does feature kind of a major development for Michael and Ben Franklin, but they're hardly brought up in the main book anymore anyway, so it's skippable if you don't care. I'm also not sure when exactly it occurs during Last Days of Magic but the issue itself does specify it occurs after Deadpool #11 Next we've got some more Spider-Man/Deadpool. Aside from the conclusion to the Isn't it Bromantic Arc, what I've listed is all one continuous arc. The breaks are caused by publication delays. Also, I didn't read anything after the Kelly/McGuinness run, so this is the last you'll see of Spider-Man/Deadpool on this list. Unless I revisit it. But probably not. Finally we have Deadpool #13, which is also pretty inconsequential. It's like a 4 issue crossover arc between Deadpool, Luke Cage & Iron Fist, and Daredevil, except all 4 parts are in the one issue. You can skip it, but hey, it's the main book and it's a cool story.
Avengers: Standoff
Uncanny Avengers (2015 Series) #5-7
ANAD Avengers #7
Uncanny Avengers (2015 Series) #8
ANAD Avengers #8
Avengers Standoff: Assault on Pleasant Hill Omega
Full disclosure- if you want an Avengers: Standoff reading order, there are definitely better ones out there. It's a cool mini-event that involves the Unity Squad, but I read it a while ago and didn't feel like re-reading it so I honestly can't vouch for how well you'll grasp what's happening if you follow this order. I'd recommend looking for another one and just slotting it in here.
Civil War II
Uncanny Avengers (2015 Series) #9-12
Deadpool (2015 Series) #14-18
Civil War II #1
FCBD 2016: Civil War II
Civil War II #2-3
Uncanny Avengers (2015 Series) #13
Civil War II #4
Uncanny Avengers (2015 Series) #14
Civil War II #5-8
Uncanny Avengers (2015 Series) #15-17
Okay again full honesty I'm getting a bit lazy here. UA 9-12 is its own story arc, and it happens kinda concurrently with the last portion of Deadpool 14-18. I think the best way to read it is to read the Avengers arc, then catch back up with Deadpool (these are Civil War II tie-ins but again Deadpool isn't important to CW II at all so no need to read the main event). Uncanny Avengers is definitely the more important tie-in to Civil War II, so even though the Deadpool arc shows you the beginning of the event (with the Celestial Destroyer) it's probably better to just read the Deadpool arc, then read Civil War II and Uncanny Avengers if you REALLY wanna know what's going on. But you really only have to read the event if you don't know what happens in it and you don't want it spoiled. And if you care about the Unity Squad.
Deadpool (2015 Series) #21-24
Deadpool (2015 Series) #26 & 27
Til Death Do Us...
Deadpool (2015 Series) #28
Spider-Man/Deadpool #15
Deadpool & The Mercs for Money (Volume 2) #9
Spider-Man/Deadpool #16
Deadpool & The Mercs for Money (Volume 2) #10
Deadpool (2015 Series) #29
21-24 continues the plot of the run during ANAD, and 26-27 are kinda the same thing. 27 is also functionally a prelude to issue 31 since they both set up something important for Secret Empire. Til Death Do Us is a 6 part mini event for Deadpool that spans his titular books. It's one of those really annoying events where you have to read books you don't care about to know what's going on but hey whatever. It's important. You may be wondering why the earlier issues of Mercs for Money Vol 2 aren't listed. The reasons for that are many. 1. Cullen Bunn, 2. there are weird continuity errors (in the main book, Masacre sides with the Mercs, in this he's loyal to Deadpool? also the Mercs leave for different reasons in each book), 3. Deadpool has terrible characterisation in it (see reason 1). If you really care, you can read most of M4Mv2 around when the Civil War II issues are happening.
Uncanny Avengers (2015 Series) #18-23
Deadpool (2015 Series) #30
Here we have Deadpool's last outings before Secret Empire. What's weird is both DP #30 and UA #23 seem to lead directly into Deadpool #31, and they're both written by Gerry Duggan. I headcanon it as Steve picks Wade up in #23 and Wade goes, but then puts it all on hold for issue #30. It's kinda messy and I don't know why this continuity confusion exists, but hey, what are you gonna do?
Secret Empire & the End of the Run
Deadpool (2015 Series) #31
Secret Empire #0
FCBD 2017: Secret Empire
Secret Empire #1-3
Deadpool (2015 Series) #32-34
Secret Empire #4-10
Deadpool (2015 Series) #35-36
Despicable Deadpool #287-300
Okay so Deadpool isn't extremely involved in the actual Secret Empire event, but given that the state of the entire country is changed for the time because of SE, I think it's a good idea to include it. Especially if you don't already know what's been going on with Steve Rogers ever since Avengers Standoff. Despicable Deadpool picks up right after DP #36 and is just renamed/renumbered for Marvel Legacy. It's a good ending to Duggan's run and sets up the blank slate that future writers will treat Deadpool as regardless, so it's nice to have a nice round end. Even if it's a down note.
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sluttyten · 3 years
So I guess I'm not happy if Lucas is that kinda person but at the same time, it has nothing to do with me or anyone else who isn't dating him. His personal life is just that: PERSONAL. It's none of our business, all we need to be concerned with is the music and I just hope he doesn't have to leave the group over it. This shit reminds me of the Wonho situation all over again, yeah maybe they had some issues in the past or did things that showed poor judgement but it shouldn't affect their career now because the two have nothing to do with each other. It's more of a commentary on idol culture where these poor people who are still human and just wanna make music get put up on a pedestal and suddenly everything they do, even what they did before they debuted is under a microscope and they get punished for every little thing fans don't like. We don't own them, they aren't our friends, they aren't gonna date us so it's none of our concern and what do you even want them to do about it when the news comes to light because it's not like they can go back in time and not do it. Imagine if dumb shit you did as a teen or young adult like cheating on a partner or smoking weed affected your career later in life? It's so ridiculous.
You’re right that sometimes the actions of our pasts shouldn’t be able to affect our futures so badly (with obviously a few very major exceptions), but I feel like the issue with this Lucas thing is that allegedly he’s abusing the power of an idol-fan relationship to influence fans to sleep with him, which I don’t really see as too big of a problem, like I feel like it’s common knowledge that celebrities around the globe do use their fame and adoration by their fans to get fans to sleep with them, it’s just the other accusations that go along with this, that he lied to these girls, that he allegedly had them buy expensive clothes for him and pay for hotel rooms and things like that, as well as one of them alleging that he refused to practice safe sex with her when she asked him to wear a condom, like that’s the stuff that I don’t agree with, and I know it’s all in his personal life and it doesn’t truly affect any of us, but just knowing that he does things like this, that he might use fans for sex, stuff like that is definitely enough to turn fans off of an artist.
People can separate the music from the artist’s personal life and good for them. I think this isn’t a case as major as like the kr*s w* case or like all the shit that went down surrounding se*ngri and the other guys involved in that, but it’s obviously something that has upset a lot of fans, and I think as I’m someone that’s not a part of Chinese culture, it doesn’t matter if I’m personally offended by this stuff, but if the cfans as a whole are largely upset by this due to the things that have been happening in their entertainment industry lately, then that’s valid and we should listen to them
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sokkastyles · 4 years
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Mai: The truth is, I guess I don’t know you. All I get is a letter? You could have at least looked me in the eye when you ripped out my heart.
I’ve seen some people say that Zuko was in the wrong here because what he does by breaking up with Mai via letter is the equivalent of breaking up via text message. The show tells us that Zuko broke up with her via letter because he didn’t want to get her involved for her own safety. However, there's another layer to it.
This is the equivalent of breaking up with your girlfriend via text message if you and your girlfriend were part of a violent terrorist organization and your entire relationship was founded on being part of that organization, and your girlfriend was best friends with your sister who is second in command of that organization. Oh, and the reason you broke up was because you realized that you did not believe in the ideals of the organization anymore, and literally had to defend yourself from being killed in order to leave. Zuko's not just protecting Mai here, but himself. His whole relationship to her is part of a life where he was abused and leaving the relationship is something he needs to do to realize his own agency. That's not Mai's fault, but it is what it is.
Not only is talking to Mai about this putting her in danger, but Zuko has every reason to believe, given all of his previous interactions with her, that she would not have responded well if he had had a conversation with her about it, that she would see his defection as traitorous and that his life might be in danger, considering how she reacts in this scene and won’t listen when Zuko tries to explain his motives. Zuko has changed his views of the fire nation, but Mai hasn’t, and their conflicting values are shown throughout the time they spend together. And Mai might be getting fed up with Azula and definitely a victim of that relationship, but as of “Nightmares and Daydreams,” which was the last time Mai and Zuko spoke, Mai was still a close confidant of Azula, as evidenced by her casually mentioning a war meeting that Azula brought up that Zuko did not even know about. Zuko has every reason to believe that when push came to shove, Mai would choose Azula, her childhood friend, over a boyfriend whose ideals she does not share, nor does she understand. Which might not have been true, but Zuko spent most of the relationship with her unsure of what she wanted from him and whether she actually cared about him, and given his history of abuse, and hers, I can definitely see why he would think that.
To be fair, I think part of the reason that Mai is so blindsided by it is because Zuko doesn’t try to talk to her about it, because as I said before, Zuko throughout his relationship with Mai was trying to be what he thought he should be. It’s hard to blame him for that, though, considering that Zuko’s whole fire nation identity is tied to being conditioned by abuse to believe that who he really was wasn’t good enough. Because of this, he tends to not handle personal confrontations very well and has a fear of rejection. It took incredible bravery to stand up to his father, but in some ways I think it was easier because he was no longer looking for affirmation from his father. A confrontation with Mai would have been harder in this respect because he still cares about her. When she reads his words from the letter aloud to him, he’s literally hiding his face from her and curling in on himself. I understand why Mai wishes that her boyfriend had “looked her in the eye” when he broke up with her but I also understand why he couldn’t, and forcing the confrontation in this way is not going to help the situation.
He’s also sitting in an interrogation chair for added symbolism.
Which brings me to the fact that when this confrontation happens, Zuko has been arrested and imprisoned by Mai’s uncle, who expressed to Zuko his desire to punish him for breaking up with his niece. Then Zuko is dragged into an interrogation room while screaming “I didn’t do anything!” with no idea why he’s being brought there (other than the warden threatening him for breaking up with his niece.)
Mai says she knew that Zuko was there because her uncle is the warden, and given that in “The Boiling Rock, Part 1″ the warden recognized and spoke to Zuko personally after he was caught, we can infer that Mai’s uncle took the information of Zuko’s whereabouts either straight to his niece, and then Mai told Azula, or he told Ozai/Azula and Mai agreed to go along for the ride to pay a visit to her ex boyfriend. So that she could save him from imprisonment, torture, and/or death? No, so that she could yell at him. Which actually confirms that Zuko was right not to tell her when he was going to leave the fire nation.
I said before that I do not mind at all that Mai was sent to track down Zuko before book three. Childhood friends/crushes/acquaintances to enemies to lovers makes for some very interesting story conflict. (And we were robbed of getting to see Mai and Zuko actually fight each other somewhere during book two, which would have been a cool fight, as well as possibly fleshing out their relationship by including some dialogue about how these two characters feel about seeing each other again for the first time after three years.) But what matters is how people treat each other within the bounds of a relationship, so Mai going along with Azula to capture her ex who will either be a) dragged back, and this time with no chance of going back as an ally but as a prisoner, or b) killed, because she’s pissed at him for breaking up with her is not very compelling if the writers want us to believe in this relationship. It's hard to blame her for her and Zuko's bad relationship because Zuko entered into the relationship based on the lies he was telling himself about who he should be, but that also doesn't mean that the relationship should continue or that it would make sense that it would. And even in this scene the show is using her in the ways they use Azula and Ozai, as someone Zuko has to leave behind in order to become the person he is supposed to become.
He has to physically lock her in the cell to get away from her. Which as I also said before, is one of the few times he is active about the relationship. And when he does, he looks her in the eye.
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...And walks away.
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It’s not necessarily that I think Mai is a bad person, it’s that even in this episode, which is supposedly her redemption, she’s presented as an obstacle to Zuko’s growth as a character, which does a disservice to her character as well especially when we are supposed to believe they should end up together. The show never really seems sure about what they want her to be.
She also seems to think that she gets to define the terms of the relationship, but that he doesn’t have any say at all. Remember that in “The Beach,” she broke up with him. He was being a jerk but he also told her that he felt she didn’t care about anything (which really meant that he felt she didn’t care about him), and that wasn’t addressed at all. She decides by the end of the same episode that they’re dating again without either of them resolving their issues with each other.
When Mai betrays Azula to save Zuko, I initially thought that the reason she did it was because she realized that she loved him and was willing to save his life even if it meant sacrificing her relationship with him. That caring about him didn’t necessarily mean she was entitled to a relationship with him. “I’m saving the jerk who dumped me.” This fits nicely with the themes of the fire nation plotline, Zuko realizing his own agency to become a better version of himself (instead of becoming a worse version of himself to please his father or a pretty girl), and the theme that you can’t control other people, that love is better than selfishness, that permeates Azula’s story and also extends to Mai and Zuko, who both try to control each other at various points.
Then she came back in the finale and announced to him that they were back in a relationship and he was not allowed to break up with her ever again, so there goes that, I guess!
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mongoose232323 · 3 years
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So #MoscowMitch McConnell Just Told Large
Corporations To Just STFU And Stop Trying
To Commit Economic Blackmail But Interjecting
Themselves Into The “Right To Vote” Issue Or
He’ll Blackmail Them By Taking Away Their
Big Tax Cuts.
Basically He Said Just “Give Us The Money And
Shut The Hell Up Beaches!!”
Mitch McConnell Threatens Businesses
Of 'Serious Consequences' After Many
Condemn Georgia's Restrictive Voting Law
From The Article
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell warned big businesses they would face "serious consequences" after accusing them of employing "economic blackmail" in attempts to influence voting laws as the backlash over Georgia's elections law that imposes voting restrictions intensifies.
"From election law to environmentalism to radical social agendas to the Second Amendment, parts of the private sector keep dabbling in behaving like a woke parallel government," the Kentucky Republican said in a statement Monday. "Corporations will invite serious consequences if they become a vehicle for far-left mobs to hijack our country from outside the constitutional order."
"Businesses must not use economic blackmail to spread disinformation and push bad ideas that citizens reject at the ballot box," he added.
His statement comes after Major League Baseball's decision to no longer host the All-Star Game in Atlanta, potentially sparking other boycotts of the state, and several businesses including Delta and Coca-Cola condemned the new Georgia elections law following public pressure.
The statements by McConnell are particularly notable not only because he has long championed the involvement of corporate money in politics -- a past position he attempted to square with new remarks on Tuesday -- but because the Republican Party traditionally has been more sympathetic to big business.
During a news conference in Louisville, Kentucky, Tuesday, McConnell reiterated his warning to corporate America to "stay out of politics" and to not be "intimidated by the left," blasting the MLB and other corporations' decision to "jump into the middle of a highly controversial issue" as "stupid."
McConnell has previously supported businesses involvement in politics, including backing the US Supreme Court's 2010 decision in the Citizens United case, which allowed big businesses more power to spend freely in federal elections. In 2014, he spoke out against Democrats' attempts to allow Congress to set limits on corporate campaign spending in federal elections, calling it a threat to basic speech rights.
Asked about how he squares his support of Citizens United with his call for corporations to stay out of politics in the debate over election laws, McConnell said, "They have a right to participate in the political process. They do."
"But selecting how you do that in a way that doesn't completely alienate an awful lot of people who depend on your products strikes me as not very smart," he said, adding earlier, "Republicans drink Coca-Cola too, and we fly, and we like baseball."
In his statement Monday, McConnell accused Democrats of lying about the Georgia law hastily passed by state Republicans and signed into law last month by GOP Gov. Brian Kemp.
He disputed the claim from President Joe Biden and others that the Georgia voting law is reminiscent or worse than Jim Crow-era laws, arguing that "nobody really thinks this current dispute comes anywhere near the horrific racist brutality of segregation."
"Our private sector must stop taking cues from the Outrage-Industrial Complex. Americans do not need or want big business to amplify disinformation or react to every manufactured controversy with frantic left-wing signaling," McConnell said in his statement, adding that "it's jaw-dropping to see powerful American institutions not just permit themselves to be bullied, but join in the bullying themselves."
McConnell also slammed congressional Democrats' sweeping elections legislation, the "For the People Act," as a "power grab" of all 50 states' election laws and the Federal Election Commission that "is impossible to defend, so the left wants to deflect." The measure, which does not have enough votes in the US Senate to pass, would override many of the restrictive provisions in the new Georgia law and others like it.
The Georgia law imposes voter identification requirements for absentee ballots, allows state officials to take over local elections boards, limits the use of ballot drop boxes and makes it a crime to give or offer voters food and drink as they wait in line to vote.
Republican advocates for the law argue that it makes Georgia's elections more secure and that it expands access to voting -- pointing to the law's requirement for each county to have a minimum of one drop box for absentee ballots and expansion of early voting in many counties.
The law, however, dramatically reduces some large counties' number of drop boxes, significantly shortens both the overall length of runoff campaigns and the early voting period for runoff elections and shortens the duration of the absentee voting period.
MLB's move to relocate the All-Star Game, potentially costing Georgia $100 million in lost economic impact, was the first in response to the state election law. Atlanta Democratic Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms on CNN Saturday predicted that it would be the "first of many boycotts of our state to come."
During a news conference Saturday, Kemp vehemently defended the Georgia elections law and said he would not waver or be swayed if Georgia were to lose more events, thus costing the state more business and tourism dollars.
He accused MLB of putting Democrats' wishes "ahead of the economic well-being of hard-working Georgians who were counting on the All-Star Game for a paycheck."
Democratic Sen. Raphael Warnock of Georgia, like other Democrats, said he respected MLB's decision, but hoped businesses would protest the law not by boycotting the state, but "by coming here and fighting voter suppression head on."
After the law was passed, some of the nation's most prominent Black business leaders called out their Fortune 500 peers for their muted response to new laws that restrict voting across the country, and challenged them to be more forceful in condemning what they said were deliberate attempts by Republicans to limit the number of Black Americans casting ballots in key states.
Last week, American Airlines and Dell Technologies spoke out against a Texas elections bill that would place new restrictions on the voting process, particularly for those living in densely populated counties.
At an event in his home state Monday, McConnell said he "found it completely discouraging to find a bunch of corporate CEOs getting in the middle of politics."
"My advice to the corporate CEOs of America is to stay out of politics," he added.
During his Tuesday event in Louisville, McConnell said he supports CEOs contributing to politicians.
"That's fine. It's legal, it's appropriate. I support that. I'm talking about taking a position on a highly incendiary issue like this and punishing a community or a state because you don't like a particular law they passed? I just think it's stupid," he said.
Cliff Albright, the co-founder of voting rights group Black Voters Matter Fund, accused McConnell of "hypocrisy."
"Mitch McConnell and others have demonstrated their hypocrisy on this issue, whether it's the issue of not wanting businesses to be involved in politics -- which is a first for Mitch McConnell -- or whether this is an issue of saying, they don't like 'canceling' stuff, although they are on a regular basis, trying to cancel our voting rights," Albright told reporters during a virtual news conference Tuesday.
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daikenkki · 4 years
epiclafiteau: If Edward and Henry never left Tidmouth Sheds, BUT two engines HAD to leave, who would they be and why? Let me hear what you think! Who would be in their spots? Someone that's been there before, or someone that hasn't? My take btw: Edward and James. Edward at Wellsworth Sheds makes so much sense, and James should've been kicked out as the punishment. Yeah, Thomas/Percy at Ffarquhar would be neat but Toby's at Arlesdale End now. Henry doesn't need to stay at Vicarstown and Emily is just there.
JD41796: Honestly do what the series did and move Edward to Wellsworth because that actually makes sense, and throw Thomas and Percy back with Toby. Have the engines stay closest to their place of work, and have the sheds be what it used to be; whoever is working in that area, stays there.
epiclafiteau: Edward moving to Wellsworth to be closer to his branchline was a smart move, and it made sense. The issue is they're like "Henry's going to Vicarstown ok bye". I'm sure we were supposed to get an episode further explaining it but they haven't done so yet and the only thing to back it up is the fact that Henry is on the Mainland in 70% of the specials lol.
StreakSmeargle: I’d actually kick out three. Thomas, Percy, and Edward. Thomas and Percy can move to Ffarquhar (and honestly Nia can live there too). And Edward can move to Wellsworth like he already does. Fill up the missing Tidmouth slots with Rebecca and maybe the Scots?
epiclafiteau: Unless I'm missing something, I'm not actually sure where exactly Duck, Oliver, Donald and Douglas stay in the CGI Series. We see Ryan, Daisy, Judy & Jerome at Harwick but are there sheds somewhere else on the Little Western? It made sense for Duck to stay at Tidmouth in Duck and the Slip Coaches cause he was needed nearby, something they should do more often, but I don't think we've actually seen where he normally stays.
StreakSmeargle: There should be sheds at Arlesburgh if the RWS is any indication. Duck, Oliver, and Toad would realistically stay there. Donald and Douglas could also stay there but it might make sense to have them at Tidmouth as they’re not strictly tied to Little Western only. Gordon, James, Henry, Rebecca, and Emily can definitely stay at Tidmouth tho. Henry at Vicarstown was a neat concept but it went nowhere so I say move him back.
epiclafiteau: I can get past Edward moving because of etc reasons but the big 3 should definitely stick together. Edward leaving felt sort of natural because it had a whole episode to it and he suggested staying at Wellsworth permanently. Henry liked the idea, followed by deciding to transfer to Vicarstown, and nothing happened.
StreakSmeargle: If they ever do move Henry back to Tidmouth, they could do an episode where he starts reconsidering his decision on moving to Vicarstown but worries about what the others will think. That would allow him to move back and even potentially shedding light on why he moved in the first place.
Jacob34335638: Well, I think James could be kicked out as punishment for destroying the sheds in the first place, and Emily could possibly leave too since she works on the Misty Valley Branchline, and it would be convent for her to be closer to her work like Edward is at Wellsworth Sheds.
epiclafiteau: Yeah, literally. I never understood why they were like "Well James, you destroyed the sheds... Okay, Edward, go find somewhere else to stay".
Echo62445283: Because apparently they were like "Hey thats Edward's part of the shed guess he has to go, not like he can sleep in your spot James".
ComradeSpinel90: Tbh... Percy and Thomas. They have sheds at Tidmouth and Ffharquhar. And in Nia and Rebecca and it would be fine. Or better yet. Drop Nia and add in oh idk... Stanley, or someone underrated imo.
epiclafiteau: Now you're on the right track.
ComradeSpinel90: And it wouldn't be out there norm. There was many time where they were at Tidmouth and Ffharquhar.
ilovetrains3232: The obvious Thomas and Percy go back to Ffarqhuar, Edward going to Wellsworth like in the show because, and as much as some people hate to hear, it was a great idea. They just haven't executed it to it's fullest ability. James could be an interesting choice as a punishment for crashing into it in the first place. I feel like Gordon is the only one who should stay there no matter what. Emily was the reason the 7th she'd was added but that doesn't necessarily mean she HAS to stay there and Henry, should have probably stayed but could easily go somewhere else and it would work. Tidmouth AND Vicarstown both honestly don't make much since for Henry. Yes, Henry does go to the mainland sometimes but not as much as he works elsewhere. If anything, Henry should have moved to Wellsworth with Edward. Since he has to go to Brendam anyways to pick up the Flying Kipper, and Wellsworth is in the center of the island so it would make it easier for him to work anywhere. As opposed to be on either side.
legomastr_365: I love all of them too much to kick anyone out, but seeing the replies makes sense since that's literally what I do in my series.
epiclafiteau: Thomas and Percy is the most logical answer but I'm curious to know if anyone would consider Emily or James, or have other reasons for Thomas/Percy.
GraydonBruckle1: Definitely Emily, as for the other I'm not sure.. I guess Edward or Percy. Edward does make sense BUT he is one of the three original character the Rev W. Awdry wrote about.. Percy could go to Ffarquhar. That way he wont have to go far for the mail run or something like that.
ElliotKW: It would be Thomas and Percy and I'd move them back to Ffarquhar Sheds (even though the sheds are in the yards at Tidmouth Station). Series 2 kept the roots of Thomas, Percy and Toby living in the sheds for five episodes and I would love to see that happen again in the future.
SunilFan48: Thomas and Percy. Go to Ffarquhar sheds with Toby like they did for S2 and then never again. Leaves room for Nia and Rebecca and no Tidmouth Shed reconstruction.
ThomasTheorist: The only engines who really need to be at Tidmouth Sheds are Gordon, Henry and James. Everyone else can be shuffled around.
TheLargeBarge: At Tidmouth Sheds you'll have Henry, Gordon, James, Emily, Rebecca, Donald and Douglas. At Ffarquhar, Thomas, Percy, Toby and Mavis. Knapford Sheds; Nia, Paxton and Rosie. Wellsworth; Edward and Philip. Arlesburgh; Duck and Oliver and Harwick; Ryan and Daisy.
CTFEologist: Thomas and Percy; move them to Ffarquhar with Toby instead.
DanielAlsop2: Well I’d still go with Edward, but also Thomas and Percy to Ffarquhar or Tidmouth Station, since they both work on Thomas’ branch line and if they had the usual adventure encounters, they could meet the others at Knapford or Elsbridge, simple.
GTSHProductions: I’d actually kick Thomas and Percy to live at Farquhar. But to be honest, I liked it better when the engines just slept wherever whenever they wanted.
TFan512: This may be controversial, but I’d still let it be Edward and Henry. Wellsworth is on Edward’s branch line, and he could be a mentor to Philip like he was to Thomas in The Adventure Begins (too bad no episodes have so far done that). As for Henry, he goes up to Vicarstown a lot anyway when he travels to the Mainland, and with him taking The Flying Kipper at night, he hardly has any time to rest at Tidmouth. I don’t agree with James being moved out as punishment, as he showed remorse in An Engine of Many Colours and was forgiven.
NWTom25: I choose three, Edward, Henry and Emily. It make sense to remove Edward to his branch line shed, Henry at Vicarstown since he could run goods trains from there to the mainland and Emily could stay at Knapford sheds like she did in CAE! I honestly don't see the need to remove Thomas and Percy since it had been stated in a Mr. Perkins interval that Knapford was the starting point for Thomas' branch line. So it make sense in the current series to have Thomas and Percy at the sheds. Plus Toby could fill in the spot at the sheds that the engines I chose left and maybe fill in the space for any of the secondary characters (e.g - Duck, Donald, Douglas, Rosie etc.).
TidmouthStudios: Y know if Knapford sheds came back I would LITERALLY LOVE THAT SO MUCH. I think Emily earned her spot in the sheds though and calling all engines definitely made a good move by specifically confirming that Emily was an official part of the core cast.
crikey_fell: Kick out everyone but Henry, Gordon, James and Emily, move them to their RWS positions.
Fan12Thomas: Thomas and Percy they should be on Ffarquhar Sheds.
kirkronan25: I'd chuck Edward to Wellsworth and I kinda like the idea of James having a shed all of his own, but I'm not sure about that.
Diesel20212: Thomas and Percy. I just can’t see them staying in Tidmouth when they already have their own sheds on their branchline.
TruckFan1996: Emily and Henry. I hate Emily and Mattel has made Henry wimpy.
WyattLoughrie: Well Thomas and Percy would have to live at Ffarquhar sheds with Toby and probably have Donald and Douglas take their places in Tidmouth Sheds.
SciFiCosplay99: Maybe have Thomas and Percy move back to Ffarquhar, perhaps add Toby and/or Nia. The Scots then move in. Also, show a shed where the Great Western Engines and the Scots live at some point, please show?
YBoi95: Honestly probably still Henry and Edward. Edward is too smart to be involved in the hive mind mentality of the Steam Team and Henry is just kind of there and doing very little. Honestly the two just don't really contribute enough to be worthy of being main characters.
gwr_fan: Part of me wants Thomas and Percy at Ffarquhar with Toby, Mavis, etc
Mechai94829484: For me it’s Thomas and Percy instead of sleeping in Tidmouth sheds they sleep in the sheds at the ffarquhar station with Toby and Henrietta just like in the railway books.
CementLord: Thomas and Percy, send them off to Ffarquhar.
TidmouthStudios: I’m not mad that Edward left due to the fact that he simply wasn’t offering anything consistently new to the franchise for some time at that point. He’s been outshined by the other core cast members since S5 and him being removed from said cast was inevitable. I’m happy they just did it in a nice and pleasant way and didn’t just suddenly have him leave. He at least got an episode showcasing his goodbye. Going off where he was going to be stationed makes more sense and serves as a sorta mentor for Philip like bill and Ben before him.
FantasticMrS3: I'd go with Emily and James. Then they could be given their own branch line to share, and it would open up more storytelling possibilities for them, especially Emily; God knows more could be done with her as a character.
TomtheSTL: Thomas and Percy, they don’t belong on the mainline or you know, besides the big 3 and Emily, not having a strict cast at Tidmouth, have it change a bit, hell the Brenner era did it on occasion.
HTGE3Prod: Hmm, Edward and Thomas. Both have their respective branchlines to run. At this rate, I wouldn't be surprised if Salty, Bill and Ben are running Edward's line, and Mavis and Toby for Thomas' line.
Edwardandjamesp: Thomas, Percy and Edward. Thomas and Percy can go and sleep at Ffarquhar because that's where they work, and Edward could sleep at Wellsworth with Philip. And the ones to replace them would be Rebecca/Bear and the Scottish boys.
8Puffer: It would make more sense to put Thomas, Percy and Toby at Ffarquhar as it would help develop the three characters more and help build the relationship further.
ChaosDustSteam: I would actually pick three. Thomas, Percy, and Emily. Thomas and Percy would go to the Branchline Sheds, revealed in a new render for CGI. Emily would be moved either to Knapford Sheds or her own sheds, as I feel she is not a Main Line worthy engine.
BJG922: Hmm I would take out Thomas and Percy from Tidmouth and take them to Ffarquhar Sheds like how Edward went to Wellsworth, and keep Henry, Gordon, James and Emily at Tidmouth and allow Bear, Pip and Emma in Tidmouth.
ahmirallthings1: The answers obviously be Thomas and Percy. They lived in Ffarqhuar.
LNERA0X: If we wanted to apply this to all the engines really only Henry, Gordon, James, and Emily should be stationed at the main sheds. Decentralize the cast a bit.
JohnDarkblaze: Thomas, Percy, and Toby. My head canon is that they belong at Ffarquhar like they were before (also considering Arlesdale End hasn't been relevant for a while). As for Tidmoth Sheds itself, I'd leave Edward, James, Henry, and Gordon while adding Rosie, Stanley, and Molly.
TheThomasFan: Thomas and Percy, they’re supposed to be at Ffarquhar.
benbearce96: Toby and Emily because for Toby I just think he’s overrated as a character and Emily, well she can live at the shunting yards with Spencer Murdoch Arthur etc.
IvoryGreen456: Thomas and Percy. Because they were originally based at Ffarquhar they can easily go back.
SayCheeseBurgr: Emily and Edward, but Edward would still remain a main character, purely to line up with old continuity :p
sixteen_dnw: Edward to Wellsworth and Percy to Ffarquahar, they wouldn’t take Thomas away from Tidmouth.
EianHardy: I’d choose Thomas and Percy to go, as a way for them to be with Toby again in the branch line sheds.
TY_HAMMER_TIME: Its a tough one. I see a lot of thomas, percy, and Edward. But i think the "steam team" while still cool concept i think it hurt the series. Why not have a rotating cast of engines at Tidmouth Sheds per season. It would allow the writers to switch the engines in the shead and we wouldn't need to feel that Tidmouth Sheds = 100% steam team residences. Maybe then when Edward and Henry moved out it wouldn't have felt like such a blow or need explanation.
NWRGresley1942: Thomas and Percy because it would make sense that their work are closer to his branch line. Toby could also sleep at Ffarquhar with them. James because he destroyed the back of the sheds and Sir Topham would’ve strictly moved him out.
the_mega_derp: Move Thomas and Percy to Ffarquhar. It can have the same benefit as Edward moving to Wellsworth, since they’d be living on the line they work on. Whatever happened to them vibing in Ffarquhar sheds back in the day?
Jordan192692: I think Percy and Emily; To run the “new” Kirk Ronan branch-line. Thomas would miss both engines, but he would know it was for the best.
jaymeerkat520: It would be Thomas and Percy. Those characters have just become annoying now.
imnotveryfunny0: My take is Edward and Henry, yes, but don’t stick Nia there. Put her and her bland personality at Vicarstown. Put Rosie there with Rebecca, who knows the others but still has some well deserved fleshing out to be done.
HydesR01: Personally, I’d say Emily and Edward. Emily doesn’t really “click” with the originals, and I think Edward would be better suited at Wellsworth anyway. And in their spots, I’d say Rosie instead of Emily and Stanley in place of Edward.
Glover368: Emily and James, just send James back to his early RWS shed, and Emily can go back to Knapford.
RealMay_C: Emily and Henry, Emily is just a badly written character and Henry is just the stereotypical worrier and I'm really not a fan of that trope.
cgsmodelling: Let me say it loud enough so everyone can hear.... JUST ADD TWO MORE FUCKING BIRTHS. ITS NOT THAT DIFFICULT.
SquidTrain2020: Thomas and James can simply fuck off. But instead of Nia, replace James with Rosie and Thomas with Rebecca.
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