#pushing away miles because it is her natural instinct to push others away before she curses them too
manhunter-1986 · 1 year
across the spiderverse gwen knowing that her love for miles will ultimately be her undoing, knowing that loving spiderman freely could kill her and therefore pushing him away before she gets burnt
beyond the spiderverse gwen knowing that she'll let it happen for the chance to be happy with him.
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uluvjay · 1 year
Can I request List Eleven prompt 7, 10, and 15 with Nico?
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Nico Hischier x oldest hughes sister!
warnings?; yelling, talks of cheating, fluff?, a little angst
7. being overprotective of them in front of their prospective partners
10. telling them they deserve better (and silently wanting to be the one who gives it to them)
15. being distrustful of the others bfs/gfs
You and Nico had had been friends for a long time meaning you've both seen guys and girls come and go from each other's lives a lot over years. Nico had recently began to date a new girl named Emily and tonight he was introducing you and some of the guys to her at a dinner he was holding at his place.
You and Jack had rode to Nicos building together and your brother began to question you as you waited for the elevator.
"You sure you'll be okay tonight?" he asked
"As long as he's happy, I'm happy j" you told him forcing a smile
"Yeah but you love him Y/n and it's not fair that you keep putting yourself through these situations instead of just admitting your feelings" he told you as you both stepped onto the elevator
"I know" you sighed out and just looked down at the floor until you heard the bell dig and the doors open.
You walked down to Nicos apartment, the one you helped pick and knocked on the door. Nico opened the door and Jack pulled him into a bro hug before stepping into the apartment.
"Hi y/n/n" he greeted as he pulled you into a tight hug before pulling away as you greeted him back.
You both talked a little as you made your way into his kitchen where you could hear a few voices talking. As you entered you saw Miles, Jack, and Jesper talking with a girl that you assumed to be Emily.
"Hey! there she is" Miles exclaimed as he pulled you into a side hug
"Hi Miles" you greeted before saying hello to Jesper as well
you turned back to the counter to introduce yourself to Emily, "HI! I'm Y/n its so nice to finally meet you, Nico always raves about you" you said making a light blush show up on Nicos cheeks.
“Yeah, it’s good to finally meet the girl my boyfriend has pictures with all over his apartment” she snarled.
Jack let out an immature giggle and quickly covered it with a cough while you just gave an awkward smile in return. There was a small awkward silence before Miles broke it asking what Nico was planning for dinner.
A little over an hour later everyone was in the kitchen as Nico began to take the food out of the oven but a man being a man he decided to take the oven mitt off and attempt to push the hot pan further up on the stove top, burning himself in result.
“Fuck!” He cursed as he began to shake his hand in the air.
On instinct you jumped up to inspect the burn, you were used to this due to being the oldest and dealing with a bunch of your brothers idiot friends every summer. “Put it under cold water while I go get a bandaid and burn ointment” you told him as you pulled him to the sink and placed his hand under the faucet.
You didn’t spare anyone a glance as you walked out of the kitchen and down the hall to his main bathroom.
As you were heading back in you heard Emily ask the group if you were always that protective, “Well she’s the oldest of me and our brothers and we’re all idiots so it’s kind of a natural thing of hers” Jack told her.
“She didn’t mean to get in your way, that’s just how she is, Luke’s college teammates call her mom over the summer because of how she takes care of everybody” Nico defended.
“Yeah well I didn’t appreciate her jumping in before I could help my boyfriend” she sassed.
You heard Nico begin to try and defend you but you walked in before he could say anything, “Here’s everything” you said setting it on the counter and walking back to your seat and taking a sip of your wine.
Everyone just looked at you confused, even Emily who just said she wanted to help her boyfriend instead of you. “Your not gonna help Nico?” Miles asked.
You decided to play stupid, “Oh! I didn’t know if Emily wanted to do it or not, I didn’t wanna impose” you smiled
“Oh yeah I can” she smiled before walking over to Nico who was looking at you with a sad look in his eyes.
It was about two months later when Nico showed up at your front door unannounced holding a bottle of your favorite wine and take out.
“Hey? Everything okay?” You asked as he stepped into your apartment.
“You don’t have plans do you?” He ignored your question as he started placing everything on your coffee table and then headed to your kitchen for wine glasses.
“No, now are you gonna tell me what’s wrong” you asked sitting on your couch.
“Got into a fight with em” he said before he began pouring the wine.
“Can I ask about what?” You weren’t being nosy but you did want to know why your best friend looked so miserable.
“You know how I was gonna go back home for the all star break?” He asked and you just nodded for him to keep going.
“We’ll I asked her to come with me because I want her to meet my family but according to her Switzerland isn’t a good vacation” he told you.
You couldn’t lie, hearing him say he wanted to introduce her to his family did break your heart a little.
“But it’s not really a vacation, it’s more like a break” you shrugged.
“Exactly and I told her that but she didn’t want to hear it and I got pissed off and called my mom and told her I wasn’t coming home anymore” he said looking down at his feet.
“Nico!” You scolded him, his mom loved when he was home and it was hard on her with him being so far away.
“I know, I know she’s really upset with me now”
“I would be too, she loves having you home”
He just nodded in agreement before he started up again.
“Wanna know what Emily had the nerve to ask me?”
“If I didn’t wanna go to the Bahamas could I at least pay for her and her girls to go” you couldn’t hold in your word’s anymore at that one.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” You asked but quickly covered your mouth.
“I’m sorry that’s non of my business but Nico you don’t deserve to be treated as a cash cow and if that’s what’s happening you deserve better” ‘and I intend to be that person’ is what you wanted to add but you didn’t.
He just looked at you with a sad smile and changed the conversation by asking what you wanted to watch.
By mid April Nico and Emily were still together but all they did was argue and have issues. The devils had recently clenched the playoffs and you, Jack, Quinn, and John had all decided to go to your favorite bar in New York.
After a few hours in you seen a familiar face over in the VIP lounge with a group of guys.
“Jack!” You called to your brother over the music
“Am I crazy or does that look like Emily all cuddled up with that guy?” You asked making sure you weren’t seeing things
“Uh no that’s definitely her” he laughed
“Should we tell Nico? I mean it looks like she’s cheating on him” you knew something was off about this girl from day one.
“We can when we get back to Jersey, for tonight just let loose and have fun” he said shaking your shoulders and you did go and join him and the guys but still kept your eyes on Emily.
When you had gotten back into Jersey on Sunday you shot Nico a text asking if you could come over and talk about something, and when he gave you the okay you told him you’d be over shortly.
When you arrived you didn’t have a chance to knock on the door before a crying Emily came running out, “This is all your fault!” She yelled at you.
You were highly confused as you made your way inside, “Nico?” You called.
“In the kitchen”
As you walked in you seen him sitting at the island with his head in his hands.
“Is everything okay? Why did Emi-“ you started but he cut you off.
“Because I broke up with her, because I’m in love with you and I’ve spent the last four years with random girls that don’t make me happy and I can’t take it anymore” he let out.
He didn’t let you speak as he continued, “I mean I didn’t notice my feelings until maybe a year after you being here but I never acted on them because your jacks sister and it would be wrong. So I kept you close the only way I knew how, as my best friend. But I don’t want that anymore i wanna be able to hold you, tell you how much I lov-“
He was stopped as you made your way to him and grabbed his face to pull him into a hard kiss. When you both pulled away for air he began to open his mouth but you beat him to it.
“I love you too Nico”
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that1stargirl · 1 year
nah cuz why my evil self seen the x readers y'all be making where miles cheats on y'all with Gwen (interesting...) and ig it influenced me in some way cuz i got an idea (ngl I never actually read them it's just the concept that influenced me)
(oh man the evil laughter that just escaped my mouth)
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(this ooc tho just warning y'all)
so here's my Idea but it's not a x reader, i just made an au where miles and miles 42 twin brothers. but y'know im a flowerbyte shipper at heart so...
so like Margo meets Miles 1610 first and they like each other but Miles ass still confused😒so he's still actively pursuing Gwen even tho he knows he kinda likes Margo too. So he tries to put him and Margo in a box in his head like they're just friends and for the most part he tries to keep it that way, but sometimes he'll slip up and flirt with her (even tho he know his ass is tryna just keep things friendly with her and pursue the white girl!😒instinct takes over ig).
so much of "it's not like that, it's not even like that! we just friends"
"does she know that🤨? lowkey do you know that" with the way they act towards each other, onlookers are confused.
Soon after Margo meets Miles G (who will be called Milo or sum) and he not confused, he DEFINITELY likes her. The 3 of them become a friend group of sorts where she's always around them, always in their space or at their house, and if she's not near one, she's near the other. like they become close. A little over 1 year into this dynamic and strange friendship group, Milo confesses to her and they start dating because it's a mixture of "what's the harm?" and actually liking the person enough to think maybe a romantic relationship wouldn't be a terrible idea (like Barb in abbott elementary said, "you can like 2 people at the same time), and not wanting to ruin the vibes by rejecting them. Plus he never played with her feelings or led her on and he'd been sweet and affectionate to her the entire time.
so they start to go together and Miles is like😒"suddenly those two have gotten annoying🙄" (as if his confused ass didn't have his chance and he missed it. too busy chasing that white girl) and they're not even obnoxiously affectionate when they're around him, in fact most times they try to behave like nothing has changed when they're around him (they did this so well, actually, that for a whole 2 weeks he didn't even know they were dating until one day where the atmosphere was just weird, vibes was off and he asked them what's up). He's just mad they're together and a little jealous but he tries to push those jealous feelings away or pretend they're something else because he should be happy his brother got a girl. He tries to push his feelings down and put distance between him and Margo so he's not overstepping his brother's relationship, but it doesn't really work out because their friendship dynamic was already kinda weird and shaky with him periodically flirting with her, and him and Margo are naturally drawn to each other, plus they're in the same friend group so there's no way they can really be apart for extended periods of time. At best, all Miles could do was avoid Milo and Margo when he'd see them together or skip out on preplanned gatherings. This attempt at distancing only lasted for a month at best before they caught on and would make an effort to try to include him more in things because that's still their friend and they didn't want the group friendship dynamic to change just cuz 2 of them were dating (ah but trios never last we hear, how naive).
Even with all this, his new dynamic with Margo is still kinda weird and there's a weird unspoken tension between them, mostly because of him. It was hard for him to break habit because the way they interacted with each other before "as friends" when they were all single and trying to convince themselves they were normal suddenly felt wrong now that she was with someone, still it was hard for him to completely change his behavior. Sometimes his touch or gaze would linger on her for a second too long, and he knew he had crossed a boundary of sorts.
Even tho a brother been lost all those years, seeing them together really does put into perspective how much he actually liked her and how he'd been fooling himself trying to convince himself otherwise, and it kinda hurts him. a wake up call of sorts. And he really does try to do the right thing but yearning takes over him, tension had been building for close to 2 years, and him and Margo do Milo so dirty (😭sorry miles 42).
After they cheat together, Margo stops talking to Miles for a while because she feels like a horrible person for what she's done to Milo, and she remembers how Miles spent all that time playing with her feelings while chasing the white girl and she feels insulted tbh. She's the one who tells Milo what happened.
Milo not really too mad at her because he has wayyyy too much of a soft spot for her and at the back of his mind he knew she had always liked Miles a lot and that they have a special thing between them, (plus they always had their nerdy shit which he could never really relate to) he just wanted to give it a shot rather than do nothing with his feelings and come to regret it later.
The two of them reconcile pretty quickly and go back to being friends.
Miles and Milo however...
There's definitely hostility there and really how could there not be when your twin brother [redacted] your best friend of 2 years who's also your girlfriend??? (y'all can fill in the blanks for what you want redacted to be😭)
He doesn't speak to Miles for a week and Miles doesn't even try because he knows there's nothing he can do to atone for what he did. He just waits for it to cool down with time. Margo not speaking to him either. Miles doesn't blame them; he'd been acting like a jerk lowkey (lowkey? only lowkey???) and out of character this whole time.
The 3 eventually do find a way to reconcile after a longggg conversation and it takes a while but Miles and Margo do find their way back to each other and start dating. (what'd I say they drawn to each other man😭it was inevitable)
It's been a long and treacherous journey but...
It's def a story that will be whispered around as family gossip during the family gatherings in the future.
Can you tell i watched too much disney channel and teen dramas as a child?
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sillyangstfic · 2 months
Ya know what's a concept I love and was deeply dissapointed was explored in the show: the miraculi having side effects on the wearers. Specifically where the longer you wear it, the more like the animal of the miraculi you become (both physically and behaviorally).
The lost potential screams at me the most when I look at the conflict with Lila Rossi. Imagine, during one of Lila's many month long absences due to her lies, Marinette manages to rekindle the friendships with her classmates and help them grow in successful miraculous users. During these several months, each of the classmates start having side effects and by the time Lila is back they're all quite different. For starters, they're all way closer as a group due most the miraculi animals being very social (aka herd/flock mentality). Second, their respective instincts and senses are turned way up so know they can all see danger coming a mile away.
Imagine the shared confusion when the classmate they all loved and missed starts causing their instincts to just scream "DANGER" as soon as she steps into the room. No matter how friendly she seems or the good memories they have, their senses recognize her as a danger to their group.
Chloe has be physically stopped from throwing Lila out of school because how else should she respond to a wasp in her hive. Marinette is very tempted to just listen to her insticts, walk right up to Lila, and rip her throat out with her mandibles (ladybugs are quite opportunistic voracious predators). Adrien keeps swatting away all of Lila's attempts to touch him and hisses at her when she pushes. Same goes for Juleka except its more of a low growl. Those whose animals are traditionally prey animals (Rose, Mylene, Ivan, Alix, Max, Kim, Zoe, and Nathaniel) all feel very nervous around her, feeling the intense need to either avoid her or just placate her. Marc and Felix, on the other hand, watch her like hawks and keep a look out for any threatening behaviors. Luka and Nino tend to coil into themselves to make themselves seem smaller and keep her away. Ironically, Alya is the one who feels the most hostile since her instincts not only see Lila as dangerous but also as a rival fox (their quite territorial creatures).
It doesn't take long for the entire group to realize that Lila's full of shit but decide to just not say anything since it's not like they can just expel her and, learning from what happened to Marinette, letting her tell her stories as she pleased was the best way to keep her harmless. They also collectively agree that none should ever be alone with her and always have someone follow Lila whenever she tries to go for one of them.
Alya deletes all her interviews with her and comes up with bullshit excuses regarding the blog crashing and stalling any attempts for a retake of the interview. Everyone refuses to sit with her, citing that they don't wish to bother her physical condition. Lila can tell something is wrong, but she can't tell what.
I don't know how or what the build up would be, but at some point Lila will go after Marinette again due to her closeness with Adrien and I would have loved to see a final showdown between Rena Rouge and Volpina. Not just cause their both foxes, but also to explore that animalistc side to the miraculi. I want the reason Volpina looses because she doesn't have the instincts and ingenuity of the fox that Rena Rouge has. Volpina has not specialized eyes to see in the dark, no fangs to bite through rope, no enhanced hearing or smell to track her enemies down, and no predatory instinct to see the fight through. In fact, I don't want this to be a fight at all. I want this to be a hunt, have it start out as a fight before is escalates to Lila pathecially running away as Alya hunts her down in her own natural element.
Bonus: I'll keep it vauge since I'm not sure how comfortable with gore you are, but I have this particular visual of Rena Rouge with blood dripping from her mouth as she stands over Lila detransforming with a noticeable bite on her neck. Volpina cockily gloating her supposed victory and only realizing her loss when she feels Rena Rouge rip a part of her throat out. Lila would eventually recover but, even after the miraculous ladybug heals everything else, she still has to be hospitalized (the blame put on a violent sentimonster/different akuma) and still has that scar potruding from her neck. Alya and the class are equally disturbed at the fact that they all feel nothing towards this, the guilt at not feeling any guilt, the proof that they're becoming some other than human.
So basically magnus archiving mlb characters? Fun fun fun
For the Chloe thing specifically, I would like to mention that specifically when wasps enter a beehive they surround it and buzz, the friction causing enough heat to kill the wasp. That said, I think Chloe would do this by constantly getting into Lila’s space and trying to emotionally and verbally suffocate her
For the ladybug lore you’ve just dropped, oooooh I need more Marinette beats the shit outta her problems. Violent Marinette rights
With the more skittish animals, bunny, snake, butterfly, etc, I think it would make sense for them to literally run away from Lila and feel viscerally uncomfortable if forced to be in close proximity to her
More on snake boy Luka, because I am snake fact man, let’s say due to his past relationship with Marinette, Lila goes after him. Now, snakes bite for one of two reasons, either they feel cornered and are trying to get you to back tf off, or they see you as food. Either Lila gets a short bite from Luka (a tag) or he sees her as food and goes on the hunt. I think that I prefer him as a constrictor, so again like Chloe he’s crowding Lila, but different in that it’s offensive rather than defensive where his instincts tell him to wrap around her until she can’t breathe and stops moving altogether
For Adrien, cats refuse to be around people they don’t like, and will chase out other cats who come into their territory who they don’t like. Polite sweetheart Adrien, who sees Lila for the first time in months and snarls at her. Adrien who does everything he can to make her feel unwelcome in class, who leaves scratch marks on her when she gets too close
Also the ultimate Alya kill (or maim, ig)!!! Yes!!! As said with Marinette, I think she should get to bite Lila. 10/10 because the implication of that scar is that she dies, right, Alya bites her jugular and she bleeds out. The magical ladybugs bring her back, but the power in Rena’s act keeps it concaved and turns it into a scar
Gore starts below:
Ok more Alya bec now you’ve got me researching how fox’s hunt. They pounce at like a 40 degree angle, and typically swallow rodents whole. The force of a fox’s pounce will break through snow, or into a den of a burrowing animal (after finding it through scent). Foxes hunt larger prey by dashing from hiding spot to hiding spot while staying hidden until it can dash out in a final chase. When foxes fight eachother, they actually do bite the neck. Put it all together and you get:
Lila feels watched, no matter where she goes. Sometimes she catches glimpses of something, but she doesn’t know what it is. A stalker? A wild animal? A weird akuma? Whatever it is, it’s getting closer. Eventually, she locks herself in one of those model trailers we sometimes see in the show, only for Rena Rouge to jump hands first through the roof onto her. Hawkmoth senses her distress, and he sends an akuma to her before Rena can finish her hunt. Volpina uses her powers to get away, but soon finds her illusions can’t fool the nose of a fox. The next time Rena strikes, Volpina has no clue she was even near. Rena rips out a chunk of her neck and swallows it whole. Volpina bleeds out, staring at sharp, blood covered teeth.
Later, when the magical ladybugs repair everything, Lila is still missing a chunk of her neck, though the wound is now cleanly healed. She doesn’t know why, but she can never quite look at Alya the same
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tobiasdrake · 1 year
Rating Danganronpa 2 Characters on the Fight Me, Bruh Scale
And now for the other chart. Following up on this one I made for DR1, let's see how DR2's characters measure up on a scale of how confident I am that I could beat them in a fight. Starting from most to least confident.
Teruteru Hanamura He stops fighting to make a sensual comment about how sexy my foot is as I'm punting him across the room. I win the fight easily but I feel gross about it for the rest of the day, so who really won here?
Kazuichi Soda Kazuichi doesn't have a fighter's instinct in him. He's going to flinch away from the first punch I throw and that will be the end of the fight. Unless Sonia's nearby. Then he's going to do something incredibly stupid to try and impress her, and give me plenty of openings. Either way, Kazuichi goes down like a chump. He's better with a wrench than a punch.
Hiyoko Saionji Hiyoko is all bark, no bite. Like all bullies, she's forced to pick on people weaker than her. Her favorite hobby is stomping on bugs because they can't fight back. Even taking into account that we're talking full-grown Hiyoko and not Simulation Hiyoko, I don't imagine her putting up much of a fight.
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu I feel pretty good about my chances of punting this little shrimp so long as he's not carrying a knife on him. But he's yakuza. He's definitely carrying a knife on him. Also his bodyguard would dice me before I got within ten feet of him. I can win this fight only under very controlled circumstances.
Chiaki Nanami She seems harmless but I'm about 50% certain that she can perform the Satsui No Hado if I piss her off so it's probably best I don't take my chances. Plus she's an emotional therapybot so it's more likely that we wind up exploring the deep-seated emotional trauma pushing me to fight than actually fighting.
Mikan Tsumiki Mikan's more dangerous than you might think. She has a strong understanding of anatomy which means she knows exactly what nerves to sever and might have a knife on her for self-defense. However, she's just as likely to trip and accidentally fall into a compromising position, abruptly ending the fight in a fit of embarrassing uncomfortableness. So, yes, I think my best chance of winning this fight is an embarrassing anime pratfall.
Ultimate Imposter A lot is going to depend on who he's impersonating but you know this cheeky bastard's going to show up to the fight as me, right? But I'm a narcissist so I don't know if I can beat up me. I might wind up holding back reflexively, and that's going to give him all kinds of openings.
Hajime Hinata Assuming he's not rocking his Izuru Kamukura powers, you might think Hajime's a pushover like the aggressively non-violent Makoto. You'd be mistaken. According to Nekomaru, he's got the spirit of a rugby player in him. His training regimen consists of 500 laps around the island, 1,000 push-ups, 1,000 situps, and a 36 mile swim - with Nekomaru's sensual massages to keep him going.
He may not look it, but Hajime's got the footwork and the power of an incredible pro athlete, and he will mess me up.
Sonia Nevermind Like Mikan, she looks harmless but you are a fool to mistake her for it. Sonia has undergone extensive military training which means she's an expert in CQC. I don't think she carries a knife on her, but she is on good terms with the Four Dark Devas of Destruction so there's a non-zero chance I wind up having my ears chewed off by hamsters while she kindly prepares tea.
Ibuki Mioda She has no clearly defined characteristics as a fighter but she's manic and unpredictable. Her natural default state is "Just downed six energy drinks and now I'm so wired that I can see time". She's three punches ahead before I even know what the fuck just came out of her mouth. There's no coming out on top of this.
Nekomaru Nidai Physically the strongest fighter on the island, Nekomaru is the Sakura Ogami of DR2. Tougher fighters than me have tried and failed.
Akane Owari Speaking of which. This might be a surprising placement, ranking Akane above Nekomaru. But I have my reasons for that. Nekomaru is demonstrably a stronger fighter than Akane, but as long as this isn't a deathmatch, he's got a sense of sportsmanship about it. He's going to try and bring out the best in me, and he may hold back to attempt to tutor me. He might give me openings that could let me gain the upper hand from time to time.
Akane isn't trying to push me to excel. She's fighting to win. She's going balls to the wall from the word go, and she will eviscerate me.
Peko Pekoyama Are you joking? Are you actually joking right now? Literally her Talent, the thing Hope's Peak accredited her for, is how good she is at killing suckers like me with a deadly weapon? Hahaha nope. Hahaha. Hahahahahahaha.
Gundham Tanaka It would be humiliating to lose a fight to this dork. What, he's going to leave me writhing on the ground from a thousand furry hamster bites while the Supreme Overlord of Ice delivers his D&D nerd speech? Yes. Yes, he is. That is exactly what is going to happen, and my pride as a fighter will never recover.
Nagito Komaeda "Nagito's going to be an easy fight because he'll lose on purpose." No, you fool! You misunderstand the nature of Nagito. A far more dangerous man than anyone realizes, especially himself. Nagito will try to throw the fight. And he will fail. I don't want to find out what that looks like from my perspective.
Mahiru Koizumi There is not actually a way to throw a punch at Mahiru without coming across like a violent bastard beating up a defenseless young woman. A fact that she will point out the moment the fight begins, successfully shaming me into putting down my fists and walking away. This is not her fight to win; Only mine to lose, and lose it I do from the moment I even try to start one.
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give-soup-please · 1 year
a ramble on a good omens fanfic i will probably never write
i've been wanting to launch a good omens fic that would be huge, around 40k-80k in word count. it would basically be crowley and aziraphale having a baby through magical means and then that baby being stolen by heaven. either through an act of ineffability or god actually speaking for once, they don't immediately kill her, and instead place her in america, far away from crowley and aziraphale. an angel/demon hybrid would be incredibly dangerous, after all. can't leave her in the hands of the enemy, can they? several years pass, and the baby is now a teenager, and aziraphale is in america going to an auction for some first edition twain or steinbeck books. it's in the middle of nowhere that the trouble starts. maybe crowley's bentley breaks down and before they can fix it with a miracle, their kid comes on the scene with a tow truck and starts offering to give them a lift. crowley and aziraphale immediately recognize that she's their kid, and a huge conundrum as to what they should do next. crowley just wants to take her back to london, but aziraphale is more hesitant to do so.
scenes would include:
my character going, 'hey, you guys are 'family', right?' and when aziraphale and crowley are about to reply, she points to a hidden pride flag in her car. she meant 'family' in the sense of being in the queer community. cue a stifling heartbreak while she's none the wiser as to what she's just said. good ol' dramatic irony
she has eyes the exact color of crowley's before he fell
crowley tempting her into speeding as she gives them a lift to the mechanic, and discovering to his delight and aziraphale's horror that when tempted, she's willing to drive faster than him.
my character warning az and crowley that her town is small and incredibly bigoted, so they should lay low for a while and make sure when they get a hotel in the area, there's two beds. anger slowly starts brewing when they realize the life their kid has had to live in order to keep herself safe.
my character warning against the sushi restaurant that's on mainstreet because this part of america is more than 800 miles from the coast line, and every time she's eaten there, she's gotten sick. and aziraphale decides to smite the restaurant or curse it so that it never opens its doors again. (parental rage would be a big theme in this fic, both towards heaven and towards the people she thinks are her biological parents, so it manifests in odd ways and overprotectiveness)
aziraphale getting a job as a professor at her school so he can keep an eye on his kid, and immediately getting caught up in exactly how horrible and bigoted the school is, and throwing around some angelic justice. (aziraphale against PTA moms, c'mon, there's loads you could do there)
crowley discovering she holds QSA (queer straight alliance) meetings in secret and being proud of her for breaking the rules.
crowley and aziraphale discovering that the people she's been placed with are absolutely horrible, and that their kid is traumatized and sullen, once she's pushed past the veneer of friendliness that she puts on for others.
major heartbreak as they realize that their kid wants nothing to do with them, and so much grieving when it's just the two of them in private.
aziraphale and crowley realizing that heaven has put their kid in an abusive situation on purpose in order to try and 'stamp out' her nature. cue absolute rage on both their parts with their protective instincts rearing up like mad.
large debates on whether or not she can be convinced to give up her human form to return to her angel/demon manifestation.
her being unwilling to accept the truth of her unique heritage, rejecting aziraphale and crowley again and again.
a whole lot of subconscious shit on her side because she knows these people, and she loves them, sort of, kind of, it's complicated. but she hates them as well, because they took her view of the world and shook it up quite a bit.
a scene that would look something like this:
my character, realizing that the people she thought of as her parents weren't her parents and is struggling to understand this new reality she's been thrust into: 'where were you- where the fuck were you? I spent my entire life waiting for you to show up! aziraphale: 'my dear, if we knew where you were, you would not have waited a single day in vain.'
she'd be a blend of aziraphale and crowley's characteristics: smart, speed demon behind the wheel, loves books, picky eater, prone to snarkery but trying to do the right thing.
she'd have chronic fatigue syndrome or something similar because being stuck in human form when you’re meant to be something more probably hurts like hell.
as you can see, this is a very well fleshed out thing that i have here. (or at least, i've been obsessively rotating the idea in my mind for a while) but i'm not going to be able to write it in the short term as i juggle school and other writing projects. but i need people to know about this idea because i think it's a really cool one. and i am internally screaming because this would be another big project to tackle that i can't.
(muffled aggressive noises)
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whitesunlars · 3 years
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begging for you to take my hand wherever you stray, i follow: part 3
So many thoughts ran through Percy’s head at the moment that he was sure his brain short circuited. A grin spread across his face, but he couldn’t find the right words to speak. She was there. She was beautiful. They were together. He remembered her. Heart pounding against his chest, Percy found himself frozen in place, overwhelmed by his love for her. But as always, Annabeth, his indescribably wonderful wife, knew what to do before he did. Sharing his smile, she pushed past a blond man who Percy barely had the time to register to be the missing praetor, Jason, and tore her way across the open space. 
Acting on instinct more than conscious thought, Percy opened his arms wide, catching Annabeth as she flung herself at him. Her legs wrapped around his waist while her arms looped around his neck, pulling him tight to her as she buried her face against his neck. Holding her was easy, he had done it so many times before it was as natural as breathing. His own arms wrapped around her torso, and he squeezed her tight against him, trying to erase all the space that separated them. 
Gaea could have risen in that moment and swallowed them into the Earth and Percy wouldn’t have cared. Life on Earth could be wiped out by an asteroid, and Percy wouldn’t have cared. The universe could have imploded, and still Percy wouldn’t have cared. Chests pressed together, heart beating next to heart, the only thing on Earth, in the Underworld, and anywhere else in the universe where life could exist, that mattered to Percy was Annabeth. Any lingering confusion from losing his memory was wiped away the moment they touched. He was Percy Jackson and she was Annabeth Chase-Jackson. They had been best friends since they were twelve, devoted to each other since they were sixteen, and married since they were twenty-two. Tethering him to mortality for a decade, she was literally a part of him. Nearly three thousand miles from Manhattan, Percy was home because his wife was in his arms. 
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whaleofatjme1920 · 3 years
A Little Outside the Doorway of Your Home (Various Creepypasta X F!Reader)
A Little Outside the Doorway of Your Home (Various Creepypasta X F!Reader)
[Various X F!Reader]
[Warnings: none? Like, children I guess and slight angst.]
[AN: it's like a half fic half scenario thing that I originally intended to be shorter, but here we are.]
You wake in your house to the sound of your little girl running through the hall of your house. As you open your eyes to the ceiling where rays of lights dance through the open air. You can tell she’s padding towards your room - it’s become a daily event.
“Mommy!” She cries out as she bursts your door open, jumping onto the bed with all her might.
“There’s my little princess,” you hum with a small smile, giggling as you scoop her into your arms.
She laughs - it sounds so much like her father - before she situates herself on your sheets. She sits up. “Do you know what today is?” She asks, happiness in her eyes.
You pretend to feign ignorance, “no, I don’t. What’s today?” You question as your face pulls an expression that tells you’re obviously playing.
She rolls her eyes playfully and pushes at you with all her tiny might, “really?” She says in an exaggerated tone.
You break your feigned ignorance and pull your daughter in before peppering her face with kisses. “How could I forget? You’re six years old today!”
That statement isn’t false, you wouldn’t forget her birthday for anything. Her birthday is a place of happiness and sorrow. Happiness, because she’s growing older and experiencing the world and living a life you always wanted her to have, and sorrow, because it was the day you said goodbye to someone you loved.
Every time you looked into her darling eyes, you saw her father’s looking back at you. Every day she grew to be more and more like him; it was undeniable that she was his just as much as she is yours.
“What do you say we make a special birthday breakfast?” You say as you slip out of the sheets before turning back to your bouncing little girl who climbs onto your hip.
“It sounds so good,” she says, nodding faster and wildly than she can even get the words out. “Can I help you make it?”
“Of course,” you reply. “I can’t make a special birthday breakfast without the birthday girl’s assistance,” you giggle, tapping her nose gently as the two of you head down the hallway to the kitchen.
Once there, you set her down and get the things she can do out on the counter top. She’s so tiny that she needs a chair to stand up on just to reach them all. You watch from the corner of your eye as you handle the things you’re not comfortable with her doing just yet. She’s surprisingly efficient, your little one. She has the curiosity and skill that outruns her peers by miles. A part of you says it’s because of her father, but you know it’s because you’ve been raising her. Nurture is greater than nature, after all.
Your little birthday girl gets to stirring the pancake batter after she measures it and you’re cutting up fresh vegetables for an omelets alongside some other things. The kitchen already smells heavenly. When she’s done mixing the batter, you pour it into a heated pan and make them just the way she wants them - with butterscotch chips and chocolate chips. You let her put it on a plate and watch as she carefully cuts some strawberries. Once she’s successfully transferred the delicious pancakes onto her plate (and adorably one for you as well), she goes to the table.
“What do you want to drink?”
“Can I have some tea with honey?”
You smile and wordlessly get to brewing some tea. You decide you’ll have some too, so you decide to use the kettle over the Keurig. As you wait for it to whistle, you get the rest of the breakfast together and place it all at the table for just the two of you.
“It looks good,” you note as your child waits patiently for you.
“It smells good,” she agrees.
The kettle whistles and you find yourself flitting over to its side before procuring two cups. You make her cup of tea just the way she likes it, and finally, you’re able to settle at the table with her.
“Go ahead,” you say as you sit down.
She beams and digs into her food. “Thank you,” she says in a momentary lapse between eating and stuffing her face.
You laugh slightly, “slow down,” you remind her.
She pauses slightly before going back to her fast eating.
You also begin to cut your pancakes and omelets. Once to your satisfaction, you pour some honey into your tea, stir it and bring it to your lips. You’re barely able to get in a few sips before you hear a knock at your door. Your eyebrows raise as you see your little girl setting down her silverware. “No, let me get it. Stay here and finish your food,” you say as you begin to slide out of your seat. “I won’t be too long. You can get your tablet until I’m back. Sound good?”
A large smile curls from her lips as she rushes out of her seat back to her bedroom. You hear her rummaging around her room, and with that, you get up and head to the door to see who it is. As you near your front door, you can’t help but get that sinking feeling in your stomach. You don’t even need to open the door to know who it is. You can feel it in your bones.
Still, as you twist open the doorknob, you feel your heart flutter. You were expecting him, but seeing him in the flesh for the first time in a year has you feeling like you’re meeting him for the first time all over again. He still sets your heart on fire.
Masky - Timothy Wright:
“How’re you doing, sweetheart?” A low male voice asks, a small smile tugging at his lips. There’s bags under his eyes that tell you he hasn’t slept in days but seeing you has his eyes shining with a light that not even the sun can compete with.
“Tim,” you breathe as you catch his eyes. “I’m - I’m well, and you?” You sputter out, stepping out of your house slightly to close your front door behind you. You look over him to see he’s got a bouquet of flowers in one hand and a wrapped present tucked under his other arm. He lets them go gently before taking you into his arms. You wrap around him like a snake, allowing yourself to be swayed by him for a few moments before he lets you go.
“You know how it goes,” he hums in response, moving slightly on your front porch to let you stand beside him. He never says too much of what he does, and to be completely fair, you’re not sure you want to know. All you know is that it’s dangerous, and it’s because of that danger he can’t be close to you or your child.
“You wanna talk?” You ask. It’s more a formality, really. Every time he visits he stays to talk for a few minutes or so. You never see him outside of your baby’s birthday.
“Don’t need to ask me twice,” Tim replies with a breathy chuckle as he takes his seat on the stairs alongside you. “Got these for you.” The brown haired man holds out the pink flowers for you after he’s reached back on the porch to get them. Roses and carnations. They’re beautiful.
“Thank you,” you say as you take the flowers into your arms. “I hope they didn’t cost you too much-”
“It’s nothing,” he waves off. “Would you mind if I uh,” he gestures down to his breast pocket where you’re greeted to the outline of cigarettes.
Normally you’d tell him no, but this time, you let it slide. “Go for it.”
Tim raises his eyebrows but uses his free hand to fish out his pack of cigarettes anyways. He places one in between his lips. “That’s weird,” he says as you on instinct reach into his coat pocket and grab his lighter. “Something wrong?”
You flick it on and light his cigarette for him, watching as he inhales with appreciation. “It’s nothing,” you attempt to wave off.
“I know you better than that,” he says as you drop his lighter back into his tan coat pocket. “Sounds cliche as hell, but you know I’m right.”
You sigh and decide to bite the bullet. “I just, we-” you finger the petals gently and feel their velvety surface. “We could use you around, you know that, right?”
Masky hums as he takes another drag from his cigarette, exhaling the smoke in rings that dissipate the further away from him they go. This isn’t the first time you’ve had this conversation with him, and unfortunately, you know it won’t be the last. “I know.”
“That’s never good enough-”
“I’m sorry,” he cuts you off. “In this situation,” he continues. “My hands are bound.”
“Is your boss really that bad?”
Tim’s face pales slightly as you mention his ‘employer.’ That’s not someone you mention lightly. “If it was that simple I’d be with the two of you now.”
You know he’s not lying. Tim has never been one to like like that. “Is that for her?” You ask suddenly, wanting to change the subject.
He nods and places the package on his lap. “It’s nothing special. Just did what I could,” he mumbles.
You place the bouquet on the patio and take the package off his lap and onto yours. “You sure you’re not spoiling her?” You say with a small smile upon feeling its weight. “She’ll be really happy.”
“Good,” he hums back.
A silence falls over the two of you. It feels like there’s so much to say with so little time. You wish he were around more just to speak with him.
“Are you staying in this area long?”
“No,” Tim says with a frown. “Pulled out some stops just to be here today. My partners and I are really off schedule just being here.”
You can’t help but feel a little bad. “It… It means the world to me,” you say quietly, looking at the wrapping paper that surrounds the package.
Tim’s hand moves to your thigh before he squeezes gently. It’s a nonverbal way for him to say how much he cares for you and your little one, regardless of how far the distance is between you two.
He wants to tell you he loves you before a voice comes calling from inside. It’s muffled, but you can hear your little girl calling out for you.
“I should go,” you say sheepishly.
“Sure, sure,” Tim brushes off as he helps you up, picking up the bouquet so you can focus on holding the present. “Give her all my love, yeah?” He always ends the conversation like this.
“Of course,” you reply, hand on the doorknob. “I’ll see you soon?” You ask, knowing it won’t be until next year.
Tim nods, a sad smile on his face as he leans down slightly to kiss your forehead before he nods for you to go inside, carefully resting the bouquet of flowers on top of the present.
You do so, making it fully past the doorway before looking over your shoulder for a man you love who cannot stay, only to see he’s gone.
Hoodie - Brian Thomas:
“It’s been a while, darling,” a voice with a slight southern accent greets, hazel eyes looking at you with such warmth that it rivals the Sahara in summer. “Give me a hug,” he chuckles before being momentarily caught off guard by how hard you slam into his chest.
You giggle quietly into the fabric of his yellow hoodie, not even noticing how his other hand softly closes your front door behind you to ensure the agreement the two of you have. He’s not to see your little girl because she’ll be heartbroken he can’t stay.
Once you finally stop clinging to him, you and Brian take a seat on the front steps, watching the morning sun as it rises over the trees.
“What have you been up to?” You ask.
Brian leans back on the porch slightly to get both a package and a small thing of flowers. “Work. Same as usual, really,” he says as he places both of the things on his lap. “Nothing too exciting. What about you and-”
“We’re good,” you say as he holds out a small bouquet of fresh flowers to you. “Thank you,” you smile, taking them into your hands before smelling them. They’re so sweet.
“How is she doing in school?”
“Top of her class,” you say, beaming with pride. “I know she’s only six, but goodness, she’s so bright.”
“She gets it from you,” Brian compliments. “Six already? They grow so fast,” he says softly in a tone you can only understand as regret.
You frown as you look over the soft petals that dance between your fingertips. “I wish you were around more often to see her.”
Brian pulls a slight face, one that tells you he wants nothing more, but the conversation will be the same as all those before. His work is too dangerous, and while you don’t know anything about it, you know he fears for your safety whenever you mention it. “I want nothing more, and you know that more than anyone,” he begins as his posture visibly changes to something that conveys discomfort. “But I can’t and won’t risk her.”
“What kind of work are you even in?” You attempt to ask. You know he’ll never say.
“It’s a nice try,” Brian chuckles as he ruffles your hair. “Y’know, I’m not supposed to be here today.”
“You’re never supposed to be here,” you reply, only the slightest bite coming into your tone.
“Sure, but,” he glances down to the package that sits on his lap. “We’re way off course just being in this area.”
“Are you now?”
“Yeah,” Brian sighs. “I had to pull a lot of favors with my associates to get out here,” he says as he lightly taps the package. “But it’s worth it to be near the two of you.” He wishes he could see her.
“It’s never enough,” you reply, a passing ‘this is where we’re at’ coming into your tone.
“I’m sorry,” he apologizes.
A slight silence falls over the two of you as you feel the breeze pick up. You can’t stay out here for too much longer.
“This is for her,” Brian suddenly says, gesturing to the beautifully wrapped package on his lap. “I think she’ll like it.”
“She likes everything you get for her,” you smile as you take the package gingerly into your hands. “You spoil her.”
“I don’t spoil her enough,” Brian playfully retorts. “One of these days I’m going to get a U-Haul truck of stuff for her.” He’s only half joking and the both of you know that.
You giggle slightly, wanting to continue speaking with him before you hear a muffled voice calling out for you.
“Dang, gotta call this one short,” you say as you begin to stand up.
Brian follows your actions, his brows furrowing slightly as he helps you up. “What a shame,” he agrees half heartedly, his voice turning into something more somber.
You flash him a reassuring smile, but can’t help but feel overwhelmed by how gently he helps you up. “I’ll uh, see you soon, right?” You ask, eyes glimmering with the possibility he’ll be back faster than just next year.
“Sure thing,” he says. It’s a promise you both know he can’t keep. “Give her all my love, please,” he finishes gently as he pushes open the front door for you.
“Of course,” you reply, looking up and into his hazel eyes that show nothing but sorrow.
Brian smiles at you before leaning down to kiss your forehead, and just like that, he’s heading down your stairs and back out of your life until next year.
Eyeless Jack:
“What a sight for sore eye sockets,” the grey skinned man greets with a small smirk pulling onto his lips. He dips down for a moment to deposit both a bouquet of freshly picked sunflowers and a nicely wrapped present on the porch before he leaves his arms open for you.
You smile widely in response, softly close your front door before getting a good look at the man who stole your heart all those years ago. “I’ve missed you so much,” you say as you wrap your arms around his midsection. You take in his scent and revel in it.
“I missed you too,” he says softly, swaying the two of you on the porch. “C’mon, sit with me and talk for a moment.”
You don’t hesitate and take a seat next to him on the steps. “What have you been up to?” You ask, looking longingly at the man you only see once every year.
It’s strange, the way you met Eyeless Jack, and it was mostly an accident. He’d broken into your dorm room and intended to get your roommate but woke you instead. You fought him, he liked that, and the two of you had formed some weird friendship romance. Eventually, that oddity that called itself a relationship blossomed into a child. That’s when things got strange, and odd, and in order to protect her, decided that the best course of action would be him not being around her. It hurt to admit that it was for the best. The both of you wanted normalcy for her.
“Same as I’ve always been,” Eyeless Jack replies as he listens to the sounds of the house. When he’s this close, he can hear his little girl. It’s almost as if he was there by her side. “Travelled around some, but my boss has some tasks for me to do on the opposite end of the country than here.”
You hum slightly in response. “We’re a major detour, aren’t we?”
Eyeless Jack cracks a smile and shakes his head slightly. “I would never consider the two of you detours. You’re the only good things in these parts,” he finishes. “Oh, I also picked these from some farmer’s fields on the way here. Thought it might liven up your house a bit.” He hands you the hand plucked sunflowers.
You chuckle and lightly slap at his shoulder before taking the golden flowers into your hands. “You’re so kind.”
“Right?” He teases slightly in agreement. “How is she?”
“She’s doing great,” you say. “She’s so smart and sociable. We get requests for playdates all the time.” You’re not lying, your little girl really is a social butterfly and she’s so intelligent and inquisitive for her age.
“Is she? She definitely gets it from you,” Eyeless Jack says as he thinks back to his own days as a student. Granted, he can’t remember as far back as childhood, but he can remember what it was like being in love with the world and all she had to offer.
“Y’know the funniest thing?” You begin. “She wants to be a doctor when she grows up.”
If Eyeless Jack had eyes, you knew they’d be lighting up. It’s what he wanted to be before he became whatever he is now.
As he smiles, you suppress the idea of telling him that the eyes your little girl has now are the ones that were stolen from him all those years ago. She’s the spitting image of a human him, and you know his inky black heart would break if he knew. Instead, you let a comfortable silence fall over the two of you before one of you inevitably breaks it.
“Will you be staying around this place for much longer?”
He shakes his head slightly, a small sag coming to his shoulders as he does so. “I’d love to stay longer just to catch up with you, but there’s some things I really, really need to do. Looks like it’s gonna be a while until I pull out all the stops again.”
You frown and rest your head on his shoulder, wanting to say so much to him before you hear a muffled voice calling out for you. You feel heat rush to your cheeks as you stand up, holding the flowers tightly in your hands.
Eyeless Jack mirrors you, holding the present. “Here, before we forget,” he lightly reminds as you fumble with it for a moment. “I gotta spoil her every chance I get,” he lightly jokes.
You giggle and test the present’s weight. “I wish that were more than once a year.”
“I wish to too,” Eyeless Jack says, a slightly forlorn look shading over his face. “I’ll be back before you know it, okay?”
You throw him a look, momentarily hurt at the implication it’ll be another year before you see the man who still awakens butterflies in your stomach. You still want to say so much more to him.
“Give her all of my love,” he says softly before he dips down slightly to press his lips to your forehead.
You close your eyes in content, allowing the feeling to wash over you before it’s gone in a flash. When you open your eyes, he’s gone, and you head back into your house to attend to your daughter.
Jeff the Killer:
“It’s so good to see you again, princess,” a man with an eternal smile carved onto his face beams.
“Jeff,” you breathe out as you look into darling blue eyes. “It’s been forever,” you say as he drops the items in his arms, thankful they’re not fragile before you launch into his grasp.
He closes the door softly behind you before he wraps his arms around you, spinning you there on the porch, a gentle laugh bubbling from his chest as he holds someone who’s given him the world and more. “It’s so nice to hold you again,” he mumbles into the crook of your neck.
You smile and squeeze him tighter, wondering why you can only hold him like this once a year.
Reluctantly, Jeff lets you go and brings you to the stairsteps where the two of you will spend a few moments talking about things that should be held over a conversation that’s more than a few mere minutes.
It really never is enough sometimes.
“What have you been up to?” You ask, barely noticing how he reaches back on the porch to get you some fresh wildflowers he plucked on the way here. You instinctively smell them once they’re in your grasp. They’re beautiful, really.
“What haven’t I been up to?” Jeff lightly jokes as he relaxes on the porch. “I’m sure you’ve seen some of the news articles.”
You pull a slight face, roll your eyes but nod regardless. It reminds you of when you first met him - which was frankly, a mistake on both of your parts. He’d gotten hurt, you were not thinking clearly and took him in, patched him up and he refused to leave. Now, he’s the father of your child. It was decided before you had your sunshine that he wouldn’t be directly a part of her life to ensure no harm would befall her. As Jeff has said he is no stranger to enemies.
He’s worried something bad will befall the two of you everytime he leaves, knowing that his presence is the most dangerous force and the biggest threat to your safety. He stays away as far as he can, and with him now working more closer than ever to the tall man in the woods? He’ll be farther away than ever before.
“You’re so bold, how could I avoid you?” You hum in passing, gently brushing the petals of the wildflowers with your fingertips.
Jeff chuckles slightly. “How’s our little sunshine? She doing well in school?”
“Of course,” you grin. “She’s so smart and soaks up information like a sponge. She’s also kinda athletic, but y’know, she’s only six so there’s so many directions she could go,” you inform. In a way, she reminds you of what you think Jeff would be like as a child. She’s certainly outspoken, but never in a disrespectful way. You know she’s going to grow up to be someone good.
Jeff whistles low before he cracks a grin. “Six already? Sunshine’s gonna be seven before we know it. And then she’s gonna be a teen-”
“Slow down!” You giggle, lightly punching Jeff’s shoulder. “I wanna cherish these moments while I still can.”
“If I wasn’t doing what I do,” Jeff begins as he watches the trees sway with the passing breeze. “I’d be where I belong. With the two of you.”
You sigh and rest your head on his shoulder, feeling your lover’s warmth. “We could make it work now, couldn’t we?”
Jeff shoots you a slight glance to tell you that he knows you know how it’s all going to play out. He doesn’t even need to say it. If he had any faith that the two of you would be safer with him around, he’d be at your side and never leave. But with Jane and his brother in his trail and the Slender Man never letting him breathe plus the cops that get too trigger happy? He refuses to take that risk with his two most important girls in the world. “Princess,” he says softly as he slings his arm over you. “You know the rules to this game.”
You furrow your brows and nod hesitantly, “I do.”
His hand grips your bicep slightly as the two of you spend some time in silence together. There’s so much you both want to say, but neither can bring themself to say it. So for now, silence with someone you love.
“Oh,” Jeff suddenly says. “I brought these things for her,” he says as he gestures to the presents he’s pulling on his lap.
“You’re spoiling her again this year?” You say in a teasing tone as he gestures to the giant basket filled to the brim with stuffed animals. “Of course,” Jeff beams. “I had to. Besides, I heard she’s taken a shine to giraffes.”
“She has,” you say as you look over all the toys and other fun things. “She’ll love it.”
Jeff chuckles. “Good.”
Before you can say anything else, a muffled voice calls for you inside the house. You immediately get up, ready to attend to your daughter and Jeff follows in suit.
Internally, he’s just a bit sad that his moment with you is up, but hearing his daughter’s voice makes his heart sing. He helps you up, ensures you’re able to hold everything he brought and helps you open the door just a crack before the two of you pause.
You look into those blue eyes that set your heart on fire and butterflies in your stomach in motion and smile sadly, trying to reassure him you’ll be okay with him leaving. “Will I see you soon?”
“You know it,” Jeff replies, a promise on his lips that doesn’t reach his eyes. He knows he won’t be back until next year or unless there’s an emergency. He hopes it’s just next year and that no one dear and near to his heart’s life is on the line. “Take care, princess, and give all my love to her,” he says softly as he tilts your head upwards.
“Anything for you,” you whisper as you feel his lips on your forehead, planting a love that only comes once a year.
Jeff chuckles softly before gesturing for you to head inside.
When you turn your back on him to be with your little girl, you feel his presence linger, and then it’s gone.
Slender Man:
Wait, no you didn’t. No the hell you didn’t lol. Mans looks like a Ken Doll below the belt y’aint doing me like this. You go back inside, wondering why you answered a call in which no one made.
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five-rivers · 3 years
Like Kind
Prompt by @dp-marvel94: As soon as Maddie saw Phantom, she KNEW. It had happened, the thing that she dreaded and feared but in the back her mind knew would happen. Her Danny, her baby wasn’t human anymore….but then again he never had been completely human.
 In retrospect, she should have seen this coming from miles away.  Perhaps she had seen it, and her surprise now was the result of having willfully turned away.  But now, it was being rubbed in her face, thrown up in front of her in gleaming neon letters, staring her in the eye.  
The last was literal.  
Phantom floated a few meters above the ground, eyes fixed on hers.  
Phantom, who was undeniably Danny.  Her son.  Her baby boy.
He vanished from sight, flying up through the ceiling.  Maddie waited ten minutes, frozen and holding her breath, before sitting down hard on the floor.  She had thought—She had hoped—
(A memory plagued her.  Out with Vlad and Jack after Vlad was discharged, Jazz with a sitter. Red eyes where there should be blue. Panicked apologies.  Blood on the sheets and an ache radiating through her whole body.)
She had hoped.  
Had hoped that a child born to someone who had been possessed would be entirely human.  
(But even as a young child, something had been… not right about Danny.  He’d stared at empty corners, spoken to thin air, had a bizarre fixation on clocks. There had been other signs.  She’d dismissed them all.  But then.  Phantom.)
(She couldn’t ignore this.)
She went through the rest of the day, even the kidnapping of the mayor and a fight with a whole horde of ghosts in a daze.  Danny was there.  Fighting.  Doing these… these things.  And now she knew.  
Did Jack realize?  Had Jack put two and two together to realize that the boy he’d raised, the boy he’d taken as his own son, was now… this?
Was now a ghost?
“He’s our responsibility,” said Maddie, hands clasped under her chin.  She couldn’t meet Jack’s eyes.  “He’s our responsibility, and he’s giving in to his—to his nature.  What he did last night…”
“Maddie,” said Jack, reaching across the table.  “Just.  Stop.  Maybe… maybe there’s another way we can do this. Up until now, he’s been fighting the other ghosts, hasn’t he?  Maybe we could encourage that part.  Guide him to something less, less malevolent.”
“That’s what we thought we were doing from the beginning,” said Maddie.  “It hasn’t worked, Jack.”
“That’s when we thought he was still human,” said Jack. “We can—We could invent something. To help him control his—”
“This isn’t a movie, Jack,” snapped Maddie.  “He isn’t a vampire we can feed animal blood or a werewolf we can lock up during the full moon.  He’s a ghost.  This isn’t going to get better.  It’s going to get worse.”
“We don’t know that,” protested Jack.  “We could at least try, couldn’t we?  Don’t we owe him that?”
“He’s our boy, Maddie.  We can’t just give up on him.”
“It’s already getting worse.  You’ve seen his grades.”
“It might not be because of intellectual degeneration,” said Jack, urgently.  “If you suddenly found out about—” he waved his hand vaguely “—wouldn’t you have some trouble focusing on schoolwork?  I know I had enough trouble when I was in school…”
“This isn’t the same,” said Maddie.  
“I know, that’s my point.”
Maddie covered her face and sighed.  “Alright,” she said.  She couldn’t let herself hope again.  “We’ll… we’ll try it your way, first.  What do we tell Jazz?”
“You already know?” asked Maddie, aghast.  
“Yes, I saw him transform, once, but I thought it would be better to let him come to me, tell me on his own terms.”  Jazz licked her lips.  “Does this mean you’ll stop shooting at him?  Maybe be more supportive of what he’s trying to do?”
“Jazz, he kidnapped the mayor.”
“I’m not sure he did.  A lot of people were possessed this past week.  The mayor could have been one of them.”
Maddie closed her eyes and swallowed, suppressing the feelings that rose in her at Jazz’s casual pronouncement.  
“I mean, a lot of people at school were talking about how little they remember…  Mom, are you okay?”
“I’m fine.”  She collected herself.  “Ghosts,” she said, “aren’t human.  They don’t have a human psychology.”
“Danny’s still human.”
“Partially.  For now. We don’t want to lose him to this. Will you help us?”
Jazz looked away, frowning.  “Even if ghosts are different,” she stressed the word, “that doesn’t mean they’re evil.  The wolf ghost helped Danny, didn’t it?  And Danny’s doing good.  I don’t think you should try to ‘fix’ him.  It isn’t right.”
Jack jumped in.  “That’s not what we’re doing,” he said, reassuringly.  “We just want to make sure that he stays himself.  That this doesn’t affect him negatively.”
“But you don’t want me to tell him that’s what you’re doing.”
“Based on recent events,” said Maddie, “we’re concerned that he’ll react poorly and run.  We just don’t want that to happen.  We can’t help him if he runs from us.”
Jazz bit her lip.  “Okay,” she said, finally.  “But you can’t do anything to Danny that he doesn’t want.  No experiments.  No tearing him apart molecule by molecule.”
“That isn’t—”
“Don’t tell me it didn’t cross your mind,” said Jazz, harshly.  “You talked about it at the table at breakfast.  More than once.  I’m keeping an eye on everything you do.”
It was better than her running to the police or trying to free Danny right away because she couldn’t understand.  
“Alright,” said Maddie.  
It was a good thing Danny’s physiology hadn’t changed enough to give him a resistance to simple sedatives.  Watching him nod off in the middle of dinner was as cute as it was tragic.
Jazz was… unhappy.  Clearly.  But she didn’t say anything.  
Danny knew he was in lab as soon as he woke up.  The buzz of the overhead lights and the hum of the portal made his hair stand on end and his mouth go dry.  
This was bad.  This was a nightmare made real.  
He didn’t move.  Maybe, if they thought he was asleep, they’d hold off on the dissection.
Although… he didn’t seem to be on the examination table. That was a good sign, right?  IT had to be a good sign.  
His breath caught in his throat and his fingers curled on the surface beneath him.  It wasn’t metal.  Something… not quite soft.  But not hard. Like… a thin air mattress.  
“Danny, we know you’re awake.”
He screwed his eyes shut even tighter.  
“Please don’t hurt me,” he said.  “I’m me.  I’m really me.  I promise.”
“We know,” said Jack.  
That made Danny open his eyes.  “You do?” he asked, hopeful despite the fact he was in a box with thick, plastic walls.  He pushed himself up on the bench.  “Then why—” He was almost hyperventilating.  
“Danny,” said Maddie, “Danny, calm down.  We’re just- We know you’re Phantom, and we’re here to help you.”
“We know how hard it must have been for you, fighting those ghostly urges,” said Jack.  “But we’ll find a way for you to beat ‘em back, son.”
“I don’t- I’m not—” He shook his head.  “If you’re talking about the robberies—”
“That’s exactly what we’re talking about,” said Maddie.  “But it’s okay.  We’re going to keep anything like that from ever happening again.”
Danny bit his lip and felt despair clutch at his heart again.  They weren’t going to listen to him.  But—Jazz. Jazz would notice he was missing. She didn’t even believe in ghosts, not really.  She’d save him.  Or Sam and Tucker would look for him.  
He just had to hold out.  Even if they thought he was… succumbing to his ‘ghostly instincts,’ they wouldn’t hurt him.
“It isn’t working,” said Maddie, head in her hands, surrounded by crumpled by pieces of paper.  “He’s getting worse.”
Jack had to admit that he was.  It was tragic to watch his son fall to what could only be described as a ghostly Obsession.  Just last night Danny had been reduced to clawing at the inside of the containment unit. Crying.  Screaming to be let out to fight ghosts and ‘protect the town.’  
He… didn’t know what to do about it.  Any of it.  
“Maybe…” said Maddie.  “You remember what he said about the portal.  What if he was right?  What if he really…”
What if he really died?
“What if he did?” asked Jack.  “What would it change?”
“He’s not really alive,” said Maddie.  “If he isn’t… maybe we should… let him go.”
“W-what? You mean give up on him?” demanded Jack.  “We can’t do that!”
“No!  Not give up.  Never give up.  But- but maybe it would be better for him if he, if he was among like kind.  If he was…  We don’t have to destroy ghosts after all.  We just have to… have to put them on the other side of the portal.  Close it.  Close it so no more ghosts can get through.”
“You can’t be saying what I think you’re saying,” said Jack.  
“Like kind,” said Maddie.  “You remember that one Grimm’s fairy tale.  The little boy who couldn’t move on.”
“That’s not Danny,” said Jack.  
“I know.  I know it isn’t.  But, still… We…  Please, Jack.  Just… Tell me, what can we do?”
Danny tumbled head over heels into the Ghost Zone. He stopped, turned around, sending a blast of ectoenergy from his foot to accelerate himself back towards the portal.
He was too late.  The portal doors slammed shut, then winked out of existence.  
They were gone.  Danny was stuck here.  In the Ghost Zone.  
You know what?  Fine.  
He was here.  He was stuck here, because he didn’t know where or how to find natural portals. He didn’t know what was happening back home in Amity, and he was half out of his mind with worry about it.  
They thought he was a ghost.  A terrible, evil ghost.  Something to be cast off and thrown away.  
He was a ghost.  And he’d be the best ghost.  Ever.
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deanstead · 4 years
Reel to Real
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Request by anon: hiii! can i request a dean winchester x reader where they have to fake date for case and they end up confessing their feelings for each other by the end of it?? please and thank you so much!!!
Warnings: mention of suicide (kind of), mention of injury/passing out
A/N: First Dean Request! Sorry I’ve been having a drought since the end of Supernatural but here it is! Hope you like what I did with it, thanks for the request! Dean requests are open, so please feel free to send in an ask! ^^
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Dean leaned over, putting his arm around you in the diner.
You felt your heartbeat spike, although you knew all Dean was doing was pretending. You looked around the diner, trying to memorise the faces that were here, pausing slightly on Sam who was seated at the other end, not looking at the both of you.
You guys had no idea what you were hunting. What you did know was that it was couples that went missing and that they all stopped at this diner – which made sense considering it was the only diner for miles.
But because of the fact that couples were disappearing, that left you to have to play a couple with Dean. Dean who could make your heart jump out of your chest with just a smile or a little chuckle. But you had to remain cool.
You let out a breath as Dean looked down at you. “You okay?”
You looked up into his green eyes and gulped, smiling. “Yeah.”
You shook your head. You had to focus.
“What can I get the both of you?” The waitress came by, smiling.
Dean looked back up and smiled. “We’ll both have the cheeseburger. And two coffees.”
The waitress smiled as she wrote down the order. “New in town?” She asked, her eyes lingering a little too long on Dean.
Dean smiled. “Road tripping with my girl.” His hand tightening a little around your shoulder, his fingers running down your upper arm. Dean was a natural.
A small disappointed smile flitted across the young waitress face as she waved her order pad. “I’ll get your orders in.”
But the diner was a complete washout. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary – no EMF, no cold spots, nothing.
“Maybe just showing yourselves has already set something in motion, let’s just hang tight for a while more.” Sam reassured you as the three of you pulled up at the motel after leaving the diner.
You nodded. “Yeah, I guess so.”
Dean tossed Sam a key. “That’s yours.” You raised an eyebrow.
“Gotta keep up the act.” Dean said, winking at you. “After you.” He said, swinging the door open.
Great, now you had to share a room with Dean. That wasn’t going to be pretty.
Sam smirked. “Later, lovebirds.”
You would have kicked Sam if you had been near enough. Instead, you rolled your eyes and headed into the room, dropping your bag off at the entrance.
“Dean.” You sent him a glance, as you stood in front of the king sized bed.
Dean grinned. “Come on, you love sleeping with me. At least I don’t snore.” He pointed to the wall.
You chuckled. “Point taken.”
By the time both of you had settled in, you were itching for a drink. “I’m gonna go grab something from the vending machine downstairs. You want anything?”
Dean looked up from where he was loading his gun and nodded. “I’ll come with you.”
You raised an eyebrow and Dean shrugged. “Hey, I’m just being a good boyfriend.”
You rolled your eyes. “You really think this thing is watching us?”
Dean shrugged. “Maybe.” He looked out the window, tucking the gun into his pants. “Come on.”
You followed Dean out, heading straight for the vending machines as Dean leaned against the wall outside the room, his eyes following you. You looked around as you reached the vending machine. It was quiet. A little… too quiet.
Dean seemed to share the sentiment as he looked at you from across the lot, his eyes roving the deserted lot.
You jumped as the canned drink fell with a loud thud. Now you were just scaring yourself.
You shook your head, chuckling at yourself when you felt a pair of hands grab you.
The last thing you saw was a blue light, as the sounds of Dean yelling your name faded out.
Dean groaned as he opened his eyes, the room swimming in front of him. He looked down, his hands tied securely to a chair. “What the…”
He looked up again and that’s when he saw you, your head lolling to the side. “Y/N? Y/N!”
Dean’s eyes darted around the room, his hunter instincts coming to the foreground, trying to find a way out. He needed to get to you.
The sound of footsteps made him look up again.
“Oh you’re awake.” It was a female voice and Dean growled as he noticed the markings along her arm.
“So you’re the one responsible for the couples disappearing? What, is this like a fetish of sorts?”
The female djinn laughed. “One for me, one for my partner. I happen to like the guys, he the girls.” She motioned her head towards you, where another male djinn was circling you.
“You stay the hell away from her!” Dean yelled, before turning furiously back to the female djinn in front of him. “What did you do to her?”
The female djinn just chuckled. “You are really a couple, aren’t you?” She cooed. “My partner prefers to feed on dreams and desires, you know their happy place.” Dean growled again but she continued, “I, on the other hand, like to leave my prey awake. At least, at first. It’s always tastier when the males get all... protective.” Her hand glowed as she touched Dean’s forehead.
Dean groaned as he was touched, before his eyes rolled back.
Your eyes snapped open and you sat up, panting as if you had run a marathon. You were in an unfamiliar room that seemed too… homely?
You were extremely confused and you crawled out of bed. You frowned. There was too much crap here, things you never thought you’d see. Photo frames of you and Dean littered around the shelves. What kind of crazy world was this?
You closed your eyes, trying to remember something, anything, but you came up blank, it was like your whole life had been erased and now you were standing in the middle of what seemed to be your house that you had no recollection of.
Your head snapped up.
“Dean.” You breathed, glad of at least one thing.
“How did we get here?” You asked.
Dean’s brow furrowed a little in confusion before he smiled. “Still asleep? Go on, get ready then come out for breakfast.”
You cocked your head to the side, wondering what the hell was going on.
In slight confusion, you re-entered the room after getting dressed to see Dean dressed… nothing like Dean. “Dean, what’s going on?” You asked again.
Dean frowned a little. “Honey, you okay?” He reached out to touch you as a searing pain ripped through your skull and you thought you heard Sam’s voice.
You spun around. “Sam?”
Dean, who was sitting in front of you raised an eyebrow. “Y/N?”
You shook your head, trying to rid yourself of the headache but images were now flashing in your brain. The Dean in front of you wasn’t talking but you could hear his voice in your head, calling your name over and over.
You dragged your chair back, standing up and moving backwards.
“This isn’t real.”
You looked around, at everything that was almost too perfect. The happy pictures of you and Dean, Dean standing over the breakfast he had made you, the too-perfect life in a too-perfect house.
“This isn’t real.” You repeated.
You sprinted to the kitchen counter, grabbing a knife.
“Y/N wait!” The Dean in front of you called out. Everything felt so real that you were worried you were going to give in to him.
“Don’t do it, honey. Put the knife down.” He said, his hands outstretched, those green eyes you loved so much staring back at you.
You shook your head again.
“Honey, look at me, it’s me. It’s Dean. Your Dean.” The words bounced around in your head.
“Out there? That’s not real. This is real. You can stay here with me, for the rest of your life, we can be happy together.”
You could feel the strong magnetic pull towards this Dean, this Dean that loved you, this Dean that wanted to be with you.
This Dean that was fake.
You ground your teeth against each other.
“No.” You spat before you ground the knife into your heart.
“Dean!” Sam yelled, pushing a syringe filled with the antidote straight into Dean.
Dean gasped, his eyes snapping open, panting.
“Sammy?” Dean was still panting.
Sam yanked off the ropes. “You’re okay. Take this.” He handed him a knife dipped in blood.
“Y/N.” Dean breathed, “Where is she?”
Sam spun around. Your head was still lolling by the side, the colour slowly leaving your face.
“Son of a bitch.” Dean breathed, running towards you, Sam following close behind him.
“Y/N, Y/N!” Dean called, as Sam pulled the restraints off and you collapsed into Dean’s arms. “Damn it.” He cursed.
“Y/N!” Dean yelled again as your eyes fluttered open. “Oh my god.” He breathed.
“Y/N, you with me?” Dean called again, his voice frantic.
You fought against the fog in your brain. “Dean?” You mumbled. “The real Dean?”
Dean sighed. “Yes, I’m right here, okay?”
“Dean!” Sam yelled. Dean spun around, his eyes falling on the two djinn.
Dean growled, propping you against the chair. “Stay here. I’ll be right back.”
You were slowly starting to get the energy back in your limbs and you pushed yourself up as Dean growled at the male djinn, plunging the blood-stained knife deep into his chest.
His howl of pain was drowned out by the cry of rage from his partner who was struggling with Sam.
Dean ran towards his brother as she pushed Sam off of her, lunging at Dean.
He dropped to the ground, rolling towards the side before pulling the knife upwards again.
It was over.
“Hey, come on.” Before you knew it, Dean was back next to you. “You okay?”
You smiled and nodded. “Great.”
Dean still held you close to him as he pulled you upwards, supporting you as best he could as he followed Sam out.
You weren’t sure if you really still wanted to be here but both Sam and Dean had somehow convinced you that it was still better to sleep it off before the three of you headed back to the bunker.
“Can I ask?” Dean said softly, sitting down next to you on the bed.
You looked up at him.
“You scared me back there.” Dean offered. “I thought I was going to lose you.”
You cracked a small smile. “I’ll be honest, you almost did. It was a perfect world.”
You went silent again although you could feel Dean’s eyes upon you.
“You kept dying.” Dean whispered and your eyes snapped back up.
You turned towards him. “What?”
“That was my fear. The one that kept replaying. Losing you.”
Your eyebrows shot up. Dean usually refrained from sharing so much, he packed up his emotions into a box and shoved it down into a deep dark corner in his mind.
“I don’t know what’s worse, getting scared or being tempted into a perfect world.” You commented. 
Dean sighed, leaning back against the headboard. “How’d you realise?”
Maybe it was because you hadn’t fully recovered from the djinn’s attack or maybe it was just being alone with Dean in here, but it was like you had no control over what you were saying. Your mind was screaming at you to stop but your lips kept moving.
“It was too perfect. A perfect world, a life with you. That’s what alerted me that it was all wrong.”
Dean sat up. “What do you mean?”
You looked away. “Dean, come on. I know where I stand with you. It’s fine.”
Dean tugged at your arm, forcing you to turn around to face him. “You don’t know shit.” He growled, his hands reaching for the sides of your face gently as he pulled you into a kiss.
Your eyes widened but it was too late for you to react. You felt an entire wave of emotions rush in, you could feel Dean’s breath, his stubble tickling your chin, his hands moving into your hair, his lips full on yours as he pulled you deeper and deeper.
When he finally stopped, you pulled away, furrowing your brows.
“I’m not totally sure I’m back in the real world.” You muttered, looking up at Dean.
Dean chuckled, “Oh sweetheart, trust me, this is very real.”
You put your arms on his chest, as if to push him away but you didn’t. “Dean…”
“Dean, you’re just... this is because we had to act like a couple. The hunt’s over, it’s okay, you can stop pretending.”
Dean shook his head. “I’m not. I was never pretending.”
You took in a shuddering breath, as you dragged your eyes up to his. “I swear if I’m still stuck in the djinn’s fantasy universe…” but Dean didn’t let you finish your sentence, pulling you in for another kiss.
“Real enough, now?” He asked, a smile playing on his lips.
You shrugged, “Are you sure?”
Dean gave you a look. “I’ve been sure for a long time. You’re the only one who couldn’t tell.”
Gently, he pulled you back into his arms, your head resting on his chest.
“See, the bed was a good call.” Dean teased.
“Shut up.” You snapped, smacking his arm. You let a small silence fall between the both of you before you spoke again, “This still feels… weird, like surreal.”
“You’ll get used to me.” Dean chuckled as you laughed and he gently took your hand. “I love you.” He whispered.
You closed your eyes, shifting closer to him. “I love you too, Dean Winchester.”
Dean Tag List
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yesokaythatsfine69 · 4 years
You Sexy Thing (Levi Ackerman x reader)
Description: Often Captain Levi is a little shit, and sometimes- he needs to be reminded about who's in control.
Character(s): Y/n, Levi
Pov: 2nd person, third person
A/n: I keep seeing all this talk about pegging Levi Ackerman but I couldn't find anything to show- so in the words of Thanos, "I guess I'll do it myself"
Word Count:
*none of the Gifs used are mine, full credit goes to the maker :)
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Your fists clenched, nails digging into the palms, on the verge of breaking skin. The yelps of your fellow squad members caused your teeth to grind. They had to have ran over four miles today- probably more- they had to do suicides double time, all of this shit and more were because the lovely supreme commander of heaven and hell, Squad leader Levi Ackerman had felt their cleaning of the stalls had been less than ideal.
Currently you were in the midst of doing push ups till he deemed fit. You glanced up at the captain, watching as his silver eyes roamed over the lot of you. Even as you seethed and raged- he was still the most gorgeous sight your eyes had ever laid upon. Levi's hair was raven black, in contrast to his light skin and silvery orbs. His hair was what caught you at first- the way it seemed to fall over his eyes just a bit.
It was long enough you could pull your fingers through- you were sure. You could only imagined how soft it must be. Levi facial features also caught you at a loss for words- they were quite dainty. Long black eye lashes, a soft line nose, and thin pink lips. God, was he pretty.
Your eyes moved from their spot, away from your Adonis and to the ground. No matter how pretty he was, he was still a bastard.
You mumbled incoherently to yourself, flexing your fists. The pain of doing another pushup finally getting to you. "Tch, I think you've all learned your lessons." You looked up again, knees dropping. The Devil himself spoke, lifting his hand and waving it in dismissal. "Go to the showers, you brats stink." Blowing a strand of hair from your eye, you rolled your shoulders back, taking Petra's outstretched hand as you bounded up.
No one spoke as they dispersed. You were itching for a shower, and you practically ran to get one.
You were dead tired, dead sleepy, and running on pure anger.
You watched the water flow into the drain near your feet, fixated on nothing but the boiling water as it hit you. Your anger had not evaporated-it simply grew. If he thought he could've done a better job, maybe he should have done it. You slammed the water off.
Or perhaps- and this was just a thought- he could let you get some real training in, instead of wasting your time and energy on being punished.
Your eyes narrowed.
You stepped from the shower, one foot at a time.
Perhaps...the omnipotent captain Levi deserved a punishment of his own. Something that would...bring him down a peg.
You smiled, remembering a certain box hid underneath just for this type of reason.
"I think I might have just the thing."
Levi was just as sexy (if not more) than he was pretty. Something about him, oozed it. Maybe it was the way he walked, confident but not egotistical. They way spoke- his voice. His dry humor, his bleak expressions, his impeccable fighting skills and savagery...his taunt ass, or maybe it was the way his uniform hugged his body.
Your hands tugged at a box that laid deep beneath your bed. It scraped against the floor, finally sliding directly in front of you. You unhooked the latch, pulling out the important piece of equipment you'd need tonight.
You bit your tongue.
The truth was, you could spot a bottom from a mile away. It was also the people who needed control in their daily lives- people who needed everything perfect. At night they liked to take a break- to be controlled. Who were you to judge? You couldn't blame them, not hardly.
You knocked at his office door. It was late, barely a few minutes before lights out. For several seconds nothing happened, but you waited. Patience was a specialty.
"Come in." The tone was annoyed, and as you entered you could see why. He had stacks of papers before him, a signal candle lighting the room. Levi rubbed his temples, a sign that the dim lighting had an affect.
His eyes flickered up to met yours, "lieutenant Y/L/N?" The air was tense and goosebumps erupted across your forearms. "Captain Levi, I'm glad I caught you." His Expression remained unchanging. "Tch, yeah, I'm sure. What do you want, brat?"
You smiled, your hands intertwining from behind your back. "You to apologise." His entire body paused. Levi twitched his head to the side, a small movement. "Oh? So you're here to waste both are times then, y/l/n." You turned, locking his office door behind you.
Levi stood. "Oi, oi, oi, what do you think you're doing?" You turned back to face him. "The only person who wasted our time today was you." His eyes narrowed slightly. This was a side of you he hadn't been used to. Sure, he'd seen this intense focus on your face before, this same expression you wore when you sliced and diced titan after titan.
"Tch, what are you on about you stupid-" I'm flash you had his hair in your grip, dragging his head to you. "It's not nice to call people stupid, Levi." His eyes were wide, and his face was inches away from your own. "I can forgive that though, especially when you look so pretty like this."
His eyes sunk back, his shock leaving him. "Oi, I guess you've got me where you want me." You smiled, innocence twinkled in your irises. "Not yet I don't." Loosening your tight grip, you gently guided his head to close the gap between you two.
His eyes fluttered close upon impact, the tenseness he often carried with his resolve melting away with the warmth of your lips. You hummed, feeling the way he seemed to open up with your touch. Gently you scratched his scalp, pulling a sigh from his mouth.
When it opened you wasted no time slipping in your tongue. He tasted like tea, which wasn't suprising but was rather delightful. He let out a small groan as she gave his bottom lip a small bite, tugging softly. Her hands slipped underneath his shirt, dancing across his warm chest and abs. The feeling of what lied beneath was enticing and she pulled away eager to see it.
Levi groaned when you left him, an irritated, "y/n." Leaving his lips as his arms tried to find you, to bring you back to him. You escaped him though and worked to pull his shirt off.
When you had an object so important it was natural that worked as efficiently as possible to succeed. With that mindset you had him shirtless within seconds, Levi felt that had to be some type of record.
With his comfort in mind as soon as his shirt was off you folded it properly, working as efficiently as you had to take if off of him. When your eyes met his, they twinkled with something akin to admiration. You smiled and pulled him into a chaste kiss, his tongue moving to part your lips, but fire he could succeed you began moving.
You kissed his chin, and he frowned. "What are-" Then you kissed his neck and a shiver racked his body. His breath quickened and shook, your lips planting directly over his heartbeat. You sucked, making sure to leave him as many reminders of tonight as you could.
Your lips moved down his chest, blessing each nipple with a tug of teeth. Licking a stripe down his v line, you unbottoned his pants. He moaned, "y/n..." Watching as you tugged down his underwear with your teeth. His length sprained free, looking almost as eager as you.
"Stunning..." You spoke licking a line up his shaft. His legs shook at your move and you laughed, wrapping your first around his base. "It can't be this easy, Levi." He blinked looking down at you in bewilderment.
You lifted yourself up, becoming eye level with him. As light as a feather you stroked his cheek, his head leaning into your hand as though it were instinct. "I figured humanity's strongest would have put up more of fight." His eyes narrowed. "Especially since you seem to love giving orders." Your nails stabbed into his skin, his eyes widened and he pulled back "tch! You bitch!"
Your other hand grabbed his neck, squeezing it and bringing him to you. "I've wanted you for so long. Do you have any idea how hard it is to be so close and yet so far, to someone everyone wants." "Y/n." Levi whimpered as your hand tightened around his throat. "Maybe you do know how much you're wanted. Maybe you like it." You let go and he fell forward, you catching him.
"I guess we'll just have to add that to lists of why you must be punished." You pushed him to his knees, his pants still wrapped around his ankles. Your foot spread his legs apart, and kept them there. Your hand found his chin, pulling his face up.
"i hope you like this view, you'll need to get used to it." You pulled up your shirt, taking it off effortlessly. His eyes widened at your chest- you had chosen to go braless. Then, they relaxed, his tongue going between his teeth.
You pulled your pants off next, and then your underwear. The strap you had put on before you left your room flung out, and Levi looked between you and it. "Like I said, you need to be punished..." You stroked the strap on. "I consider this the punisher." You voice had dropped an octave lower.
Levi took on a dazed expression, half lidden eyes taking in the sight. "Open your mouth." His eyes flickered back up to you. They were big and puppy like."I said." You reached down and pinched his two cheeks together. "Open. Your. Mouth." His pretty little mouth popped open, and your hips thrusted the device in. Your hand ran through his hair as he sucked, when you reached the back of his head you pushed him forward.
Levi gagged around your cock, the fake tip hitting the back of his throat. Tears prickled, in his eyes, but your coos to take in more, to be a good boy for you, they caused his brows the furrow as he adjusted and did what he could to please you.
Using your grip on his head he allowed you guide him at your will, submitting to the drive of your hands. His eyes closed finally and your leg pressed up against his own hard on. "Who would've thought humanity's strongest could look so hot sucking dick." You spoke softly, causing your good boy to moan into the dick.
Finally, you pulled away watching the strings of salvia appear and separate as you let him go. His head bobbled towards you, his eyes barely open.
"fuck me...please." you bent down to where he was. "Oh baby..." Again, you stroked his cheek gently. "I'll do so much more than that to you. When I'm done with you...you won't be able to walk tomorrow." His breathe caught and you laughed. "Be my good boy and go to your desk. Ass out."
You watched him stand and walk to his desk, still filled with long forgotten papers and a dimly lit candle. You stood and moved to the neat pile you had placed his clothes in.
You pulled out his belt, smiling and snapping it. This could be useful.
You moved to where he stood, wrapping yourself behind him. "How well you listen, Levi." You slammed his upper body down onto the desk, pulling his hips up. His ass was on full display in the air, as perky as you imagined. Taking two fingers, you shoved them up is mouth.
Levi didn't need a command, his tongue went right to work. He wrapped it around your fingers while he moaned, pushing his hips against you and your cock.
"cheeky, cheeky." You smirked taking your free hand to grab his ass. Finally satisfied you pulled her fingers from his mouth.
"more..." His voice rasped out. "More? I haven't even started." With that you pushed your fingers into his tight hole. You began scissoring them, watching as he twitched beneath you. His breathing became louder the more you curled. Then you hit his prostate and he cried out, gasping at the intense pleasure you gave him.
Your fingers pulled out, and you reached for the belt that you had placed beside him for such a moment. "Tch, y/n please you must-" you reared the belt back and slammed it forward, the belt bouncing off his ass with a thrup! Sound. He gasped delightedly, his cheek pressed up against the cold metal of his desk.
Again you reared down, jolting his body. "You." Slap. "Think." Slap. "That." Slap. "You." Slap. "Can." Slap. "Just." Slap. "Treat." Slap. "People." Slap. "Like." Slap. "Shit." Slap. "Just." Slap. "Because." Slap. "You." Slap. "Are." Slap. "A." Slap. "Squad." Slap. "Leader." Tears streamed from his eyes, ass red and tender.
"you can't." You grabbed his hands from his sides, "and now you're going to be tied up with your own belt, right after you were just spanked with your own belt." You slide the belt around till it was tight enough to only hurt a bit.
Then you you raised his hands directly over his head. This was used as something to grip onto while you fucked him.
Her other hand made sure you two were properly aligned, and with little more than a grunt you thrusted in. A breath released from his body, a shout escaped his lips as you bottomed out.
You waited several seconds, gently stroking his face and cooing to him, waiting. Finally he nodded, telling you everything you needed to know. You pulled back, almost completely out, save for the tip before you plowed into him.
Your hips thrusted- hard and faster. The only way Levi Ackerman deserved- rough. Each time you bottomed out he grunted and it became a steady rhythm of grunts.
"nnnuh...nuuhhnn..ahhh..." He was drooling, each hit of his prostate weakening his resolve a bit more and making him a bit more needy for more.
Your position made it almost impossible for him to move and he could really only met your thrusts. "Harder!" He gasped out, tears running down his face, drool dripping from his mouth.
Your hand reached around and tugged along his dick, high pitched whines now leaving the captains mouth. "Y/n! Y/n I'm so close please, please." You bent down and bit into his shoulder, causing another Yelp to leave the squad leader.
"cum, bitch." You whispered to his ear and with a cry Levi Ackerman came, his eyes practically crossing as he painted his chest and desk white.
He laid their several seconds, breathing harshly and listening to the sounds of your praises. He was a good boy, he was. He was your good boy now, all yours.
Gently you helped him up and into his shower, fully discarding his bottoms and your strap, to take back to your room to wash.
You cleaned, scrubbed, and were as gentle as possible, making sure to help him to his bed.
You pulled your shirt over your head. "I can stay till you leave for breakfast...if you want that is but-" he cut you off. "Tch...Stay as long as you want." He pulled himself up and onto his elbows. "Especially since you didn't cum."
You raised a brow. "Levi, I appreciate it, but I don't think you're read yet...I mean- we-" again he cut you off. "Y/n, my mouth is always ready."
You paused. He was right, you hadn't cum and not very often did the people you slept with care. He was offering his mouth to you- not that Levi surprised you much- he was very caring and it seemed natural he'd be that way in bed.
You smiled and tugged off your shirt. "I hope you're hungry." You crawled into the bed, barely having to do a damn thing as Levi simply hoisted you up- as if you weighed nothing- and sat you on his face.
His nose carded through your folds- parting them for his tongue. Your hips buckled against him, thighs closing around his face. His hands came up and wrapped around them, pressing them together.
"Fuck, Levi." You moaned as his tongue licked from your hole to your clit, where he sucked for several seconds. Again he pushed his nose up into you, allowing you to ride his face and practically suffocate him. "God, you're so good." You squealed, yanking at his raven locks. He had definitely done this before and definitely knew how good he was.
He hummed into you, pushing you down each time your hips buckled up. Finally it seemed he had enough with your erratic movements before he flipped you into your back and moved so that he was on his stomach, mouth never leaving your core.
Your legs wrapped around his head as he ate, each time dipping his head in deeper to your core. His tongue fucked your hole with urgency, meaning, desire and finally with one final plunge you came, wetting his face.
He pulled away, allowing you to sit up. Your legs were shaky, but you moved so that you were directly in front of him. You licked your juices from his face, meeting him in a chaste kiss.
"Maybe I should be more harsh on you cadets more often." He spoke hurriedly as she pushed him down. You tutted. "Did you really learn nothing, my sweet boy?" He shrugged allowing you to pin his hands down above him.
"What can I say? I am the leader of the brats."
Erwin frowned at his friend and colleague. The two had been eating breakfast together and everything had seemed rather ordinary until Erwin noticed a bruise on the side of Levi's neck.
"uh..Levi?" Levi glanced up. "Where did you get that bruise?" Levi frowned at Erwin. "What bruise?" Erwin rolled his eyes impatiently. "The one on your neck."
"Hello everyone! I hope everyone slept well!" Hanji appeared interrupting the conversation. She slid into a chair on the other side of Levi, smiling happily.
Erwin made a few more glances at Levi's neck, but felt it best to leave it, lest he be smitted by the all powerful Levi Ackerman.
A/n: BARK BARK BARK okay I definitely got a bit...carried away. Anyways I hope you enjoyed this, thanks for reading, and pls feel free to give critism!
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tundrainafrica · 3 years
Title: Children can be assholes
Children can be fucking assholes. Actually, they were fucking assholes, too much of a bunch of assholes that Levi wondered what future generation his fellow soldiers had dedicated all their fucking hearts to.
And why did it take him having his own child to realize just that?
Levi and Hange's child gets bullied and the two contemplate their parenting styles. 
Written for Levihan Week 2021, Day 4: Childhood.
Link: AO3
@levihanweek Day 4: Childhood
I don't know if this is still accepted because it's so late huhu. But I was on a slight hiatus for a while I was in the US since I don't see my family there often.
I'm in the Philippines again so I think I'll have an easier time going back into writing regularly.
Children were unreasonabe little shits and his own son was no exception. In fact, his experience with his own son might have been the sole reason Levi held on so tightly to that belief in the first place.
“Daddy, can we buy the cereal?”
“No.” The response was automatic and it had been automatic since the kid started asking for that damn cereal two weeks ago. During my time we didn’t even have cereal. Levi opened his mouth to say it.
“Why don’t you give it?” Hange spoke up first. Her own contribution had seemed to come out of nowhere especially since she had been neck deep in some research papers until a while ago.
Most days, she would have left by the time they had that conversation and Levi was in no mood to fill her in on it. He turned to his son. “Would you even finish it?”
Luke’s were trained expectantly at Levi, his eyes wide. He looked innocent, confused.
If Levi stared for any longer, he might just buy it. He averted his gaze, and snuck a glance at Hange “He doesn’t even eat it.” He kept it to a soft whisper, too soft that he could never be too sure of whether or not she got the message.
Hange put the papers down on the table then she flashed her son a smile usually saved for insufferable diplomats. “Luke, if we bought you the cereal would you eat it?”
Luke nodded quickly.
Lies. It was a fucking lie. Levi had bought him the cereal the first few times the young boy asked. Every single damn time though, Levi had ended up finishing the box. And he was sick of cereal. So sick that when he closed his eyes and willed himself to think of it, he recalled everything from the grainy texture and overly sweet twinge so vividly, he practically tasted it in his own saliva.
“I’ll buy some on the way home,” Hange said. “The name is ‘Pops’ right?”
It was difficult to protest when it was Hange suggesting. Levi nodded.
“What about now?” Luke said. “I wanna bring it to school.”
Levi and Hange exchanged glances. “Why?” he asked.
Luke was side-eyeing something. A closer look only confirmed, Luke may have been too deep in thought to have fixated on anything in particular. Finding the right words, maybe? “Lunch.”
“Is there anything wrong with the lunch I packed you?” Levi asked. There shouldn’t have been anything wrong with the packed lunch. Levi always made sure of it.
Or maybe Levi was just deluding himself into thinking he was a good cook. Luke kept mum and stared down at his food, only ringing alarm bells inside Levi.
Levi was suddenly self conscious of the neatly packed lunch box he made every morning. Like all weekday mornings, it was lined up on the counter right next to Hange’s own lunchbox. He glanced quickly at it, and he was tempted to go the extra mile and reorganize it. “Luke is there anything wrong?”
Luke shook his head. He was starting to look a little flustered.
Everyone seemed to be bearing the weight of the tension and awkwardness since that question was raised. They were all very sluggish. For Levi, there was more than enough time to take a peek at the lunch box.
The sandwich was packed, the crackers were nearly lined up just next to them and there was a box of orange juice snug on the corner of the lunch box. Nothing was supposedly wrong with it. Still, it was worth a try. “You want anything packed differently?” Levi asked.
Luke nodded but he didn’t say anything after. As if he had expected Levi to read his mind.
Levi wasn’t a mind reader. One quick look at Hange and Levi concluded, Hange wasn’t a mind reader either. “What do you want packed differently?”
Luke shook his head then looked down at his food. There was a slight tremble in his lips.
Was he about to cry? Before Levi even noticed it, he had raised his voice, spoke more quickly. “If you don’t tell me, we won’t be able to fix it.”
Hange was also strangely still. She held her spoon a few inches above her plate and she could have been calculating something. That was the face Hange would make in the lab, when running through an experiment for the third team. That face was a prelude to long speeches on hypotheses and conclusions.
Do we have the time for a long speech? Levi noted the time on the mantel and Hange’s slow movements that morning. “Hange, you might be late for work.”
“Right…” Hange dropped her spoon and stood up slowly and hesitantly. Then when she got to her feet, she put on her usual confident and busybody demeanor. “I’ll make sure to buy that cereal on the way back. If you really want that for lunch, I see no reason to say no.” ”
It turned out though, it had been nothing more than a facade. Levi had followed her out to lock the door and exchange goodbyes like every other day. Then, Hange’s true thoughts came out as a whisper. “Can you stay after school for just a bit? Just see what happens after they drop him off?”
Hange hummed, chin raised and nose turned up. “Something doesn’t seem right.”
He didn’t need Hange to point it out for him. For a while as they packed up, Levi had already been pondering how long he could stay in the schoolyard before one of the teachers saw him home. “You didn’t have to tell me twice.”
Hange’s expression relaxed. She said a soft goodbye. Then her mind and her murmurs to herself were suddenly elsewhere.
She was thinking about work again. Like every other day before, During those times, Levi was reminded, keeping their son safe was his responsibility until Hange got home from work.
By some rule that didn’t seem to make any sense, the parents weren’t allowed to stay during school hours. Most days, he didn’t really mind but the last thing he had prepared himself for was a scolding, not from the teacher, but his own son.
“Daddy go home!” Luke had his back to his classroom and it didn’t look like he’d be turning his back on Levi until the latter was long gone.
“Luke, I need to talk to the teachers. Then I’ll go home.”
“Don’t talk to the teachers!” Luke said. He was starting to seem more and more agitated.
What the hell? What type of parent told their kid not to talk to their teachers? Levi was more determined to stay behind. “I just want to see--”
“Don’t talk to my friends!”
Something inside Levi broke at that moment. He had raised that kid and ninety-nine percent of the time, he was a peace loving kid. The way Luke had raised his voice at him, had him almost shaken. The young boy’s face had crumpled into a pout and it only made the cracking inside Levi all the more painful.
Then some defensive instinct inside Levi took over. He narrowed his eyes and observed more closely, he could have sworn he saw fear in those young boys' eyes.
“Go home daddy.” Luke said, more softly that time. Whatever gentleness though quickly assuaged when he ran towards Levi only to push him away.
“Okay. I’ll go home,” Levi backed away slowly at first. “I’ll pick you up at two okay?”
Luke didn’t reply. He didn’t even spare a wave before Levi turned his back on him. Hange was most likely right, his gut instinct might just be right too.
Something about Luke’s sudden change in demeanor just wasn’t natural. Despite Luke’s protests, Levi didn’t go home that morning.
Children can be fucking assholes.
They were fucking assholes, too much of a bunch of assholes that Levi wondered what future generation his fellow soldiers had dedicated all their fucking hearts to many years ago.
Levi had concealed himself under the shade of one of the trees just outside the school yard. His fighting instinct was still strong and he didn’t find it even a little stifling to completely freeze right under the tree. At the same time, he was completely confident that as long as he didn’t move, nobody would see him.
They were too far away anyway and the group of children seemed to be more occupied in what was looking to be utter assholery.
“Your lunch looks like poop!” Who the hell compares meals to human waste?
That was the least of his worries though. The boy that had fallen to the ground was Luke. The lunch that lay scattered on the grass was the one Levi had so carefully put together that morning.
Wasted food, wasted food he had worked on himself and the scene of his own son sprawled on the ground seeming defenseless just pushed Levi to the point of just almost feral. He wasn’t a soldier anymore and he hadn’t been in years. At that point in time, he even identified more as a father than a soldier. An attempt remain hidden forgotten, Levi rushed to the schoolyard.
“What’s going on here? Why are you wasting food?” Levi kept his tone almost polite. His own actions may have betrayed it though. Levi pushed himself to the front, pushing a little less gently when he recognized the kid who had thrown Luke’s food to the ground.
That had been enough to leave a look of horror in all of the kids' faces. Levi bent over, cleaned up the lunchbox and helped his son up. He flashed the boys a stare, and he hoped that would have been enough to poke daggers into them. “Don’t do that again,” he said firmly.
Paternal instinct had Levi’s mind racing. When he was thinking quickly, his body tended to act much faster. Even when he wasn’t even aware of it, Levi had pulled his son up by the arm.
And everything else happened quickly after that.
It was only when he had closed the door behind him, when his son had succeeded in wriggling out of his grasp, did Levi make sense of circumstances. The day wasn’t even over and he had dragged his son home.
“Daddy what were you doing there?” The look of horror was still there, his cheeks were tinged a little red.
“They weren’t treating you right,” Levi said matter-of-factly. He was starting to doubt himself though. Had that been the right thing to do?
Luke didn’t seem too happy at whatever Levi had done anyway. The young boy padded into his bedroom, slammed the door and like many other days, Levi was left alone in the kitchen, a ruined lunchbox on hand. He opened it and started to salvage.
The food was still edible and they didn't look too bad. The young starving boy who grew up in the underground city would have been happy to have received that. In contrast, Luke grew up in a comfortable home, with an easy three meals never wanting for anything. And that was Luke’s lunch and it would never be the young Levi’s.
He started to contemplate the small things. He inspected the sandwich, caked with a little soil. He then held the apple slices between his two fingers. All stained with dirt.
When he ran the container over running water, the dirt eventually disappeared and Levi deemed that edible for lunch, for his lunch at least. He wouldn’t serve that to his son. He pulled ingredients out of the cupboards, ingredients for a quick sandwich, eggs, mayonnaise and cheese.
It was a little past one and there was no time for anything fancier. Luke didn’t have lunch and was probably starving and Levi was having a harder time as well shaking that ache in his stomach. He went through the motions a little faster, turned on the toaster in advance.
In those in betweens, Levi let his mind wander. The father inside him then started to ask more questions.
How was he going to talk to Luke about it?
Levi had made two sandwiches for a party of three. Unexpectedly, Hange arrived from work early because of some ‘strange phone call’ from the school about ‘their son going missing.’
“And it looks like, you're the strange short man who abducted our son,” Hange said playfully in between bites of an egg salad sandwich.
Levi let his own sandwich sit, or at least his sorry excuse of a sandwich. The egg salad he hurriedly made had only been enough for two people. Thus, his own share had been barely even enough to cover even one side of the sandwich.
That was the least of his worries. He turned to Luke. “Would you’ve rather stayed in school?” he asked.
Luke didn’t answer. He was biting at his egg sandwich much faster. The loud chewing could have been a hint at the least that Luke refused to speak.
“I can get off of work early. Later, we could go to the supermarket and get your cereal later” Hange suggested, an attempt at some light conversation maybe. “You wanted to bring it for lunch tomorrow right?”
Luke shook his head quickly and continued to chew the sandwich.
Levi thought back to the scattered lunch box, the muddied contents. He couldn’t blame the kid. But how to tell Hange? “Luke couldn’t have lunch,” Levi said.
Hange’s eyes widened in surprise. “Really? Did school get busy?”
“It’s not that… “ Levi was feeling for the words slowly and carefully. He turned to Luke who was digging through the sandwich much much faster. “It’s---”
Luke’s hands slammed on the table. “Nothing!” he screamed, in a tone that was definitely not nothing.
“Luke, are you okay?” Hange asked. “Did something happen?”
“Daddy came to school today!”
“But you like daddy right?” Hange raised one eyebrow.
Luke shook his head. “No! No parents allowed in school.”
Levi stared down at his plate. The sandwich was starting to look less and less appetizing. What was that heavy feeling? Guilt? What else was he supposed to do? Stay still while they pushed his son to the ground and spilled his lunch onto the grass? “Luke, no one was supposed to be pushing you to the ground either. Of course I’d jump to your rescue.”
“I don’t need help.”
“You didn’t look like you were fighting back,” Levi argued. "You could have gotten hurt."
Luke stared up at Levi, a flash of indignance on his face. And for a few moments, the kitchen was silent, the air was heavy.
Hange cleared her throat. “Luke… Why don’t you fight back?” Something about her voice was too rehearsed.
“He knows how to fight," Luke answered hesitantly. For assurance maybe? He didn’t believe it as confidently though.
Hange hummed. “What makes you say that?”
"He learned to fight."
"Who taught him?" Hange asked.
“His daddy and mommy.”
“Really? How?”
“They’re soldiers.”
It took more effort after that to coax the rest of the information from Luke.
It came in between banters, in between fights, hurling of unintended insults and it ended with some half baked conclusion from Levi that the military police never really shook off the irrational pride that came with working so close to the king but doing close to no actual combat.
And how the hell did a next generation kid pick up that same abrasive attitude and the bare minimum of fighting skills.
Hange received her own personalized message from the whole ordeal. A message which Levi would rather Hange never entertained. “Did we do something wrong?” She broke the dim silence with the awkward question.
It was late in the evening, Luke had retired to bed and Hange and Levi had deliberately selected a corner of the room, farthest from Luke’s room. Even if it meant having to make themselves comfortable on the floor with some Indian sit.
Levi shrugged. “According to Luke… We did… By not being part of the military police.” He laced his tone with sarcasm, enough to lighten up the mood. The sliver of a smile on Hange’s face was enough indication that it worked just a bit.
Luke’s intention hadn’t been to hurt definitely. Levi conceded, maybe it had been his fault for forcing it out of the young boy.
“But we do know how to fight right? I mean, we’ve always had more experience than the military police officers,” Hange said.
“Don’t sell yourself short. You fight better than all military police officers, Commander Hange Zoe,” Levi said.
“If I fight better than all military police officers then humanity’s strongest, Captain Levi fights better than all the soldiers right?”
Captain and Commander. Very nostalgic epithets.
It had been years since they even used those epithet. Most people in the office called Hange by her first name while Levi was convinced most people called him Levi anyway. Organizing paperwork, expediting processes, executing trades, setting up meetings for the Queen and just knowing the ins and outs of  executive level bureaucracy, Hange’s job was indispensable but painfully thankless. Levi's own job as a homemaker which had been raising a child, while his partner worked had also been painfully thankless.
It wasn't like their jobs as captain and commander of the survey corps had been any more thankful during times of war. Just the thought of fighting was strangely intimate but the stress and the adrenaline rush that came with war, the pain of an injury and the very close brushes with death were not anything to be proud of.
After being dissed by their own child though, Levi was uncharacteristically self conscious. A quick onceover at Hange and he was sure she was thinking the same thing. "Maybe that's what we did wrong?"
"What?" The look of confusion on Hange's face was enough of a reminder.
Levi's own reflection had been silent. "Do you think I coddle Luke too much?"
Hange didn't respond immediately but Levi hadn't been in a hurry either to goad whatever answer out of her. "To be honest...I thought about it…" she huffed. "Okay, I wouldn't use the word coddle but don't you think it's just a little bit strange that our child is growing up in a completely different world from what we did."
Was it wrong? Levi's mind was finding ways to justify it.
Hange continued. "Of course we did things wrong we weren't perfect parents but it just feels weird… We raised a child who can't fight? A child who probably doesn't even know the realities of war.” She flailed her hands up in emphasis. “If we drop him off in some forest, he might just die...And now he's being bullied by some kid of retired soldiers. Should we have raised him a little stricter? Taught him to fight?" A tremor shook in her tone but when she looked up, she was smiling. More specifically, forcing a grin.
Hange always found a way to blame herself, an annoying habit since even back when they were soldiers.
A very annoying habit. Levi sighed. "I was the one who raised that kid. If anyone should be taking shit for not teaching that kid anything about standing up for themselves. It should be me."
Hange sighed then shrugged. "Well, it happened. So what now Papa Ackerman?"
Hange must have acknowledged it, the countless hours that Levi had put into raising the child. Between both of them, Levi should have known more about how to approach the young boy and just the thought of putting Luke through an inkling of that same training he went through had his stomach turning.
Admittedly, if Levi had encountered those bullies at Luke's age, or maybe even younger, he would have been more than capable of beating the shit out of those bullies. But, would he even be proud if he found Luke beating the shit out of those kids?
"We talk to the teachers," Levi answered.
"You don't think we should teach him how to defend himself?"
Levi shook his head. "Times have changed. Even if he doesn’t need to, I wouldn’t.” He met Hange's eyes. “I don't want to teach people how to solve things with violence."
Hange cocked her head to one side. “Why not?” Her mouth twisted into an expression of genuine curiosity.
Levi was terribly curious too. Fighting wasn’t one thing he would have wanted to think back to anyway. He didn’t see himself in Luke, or at first glance he didn’t. In the darkness, he gave himself some leeway, some space to think deeply about it and he started to realize, he couldn’t really avoid seeing himself in his son.
The glaring difference between himself and his own son had been circumstances. Luke didn’t have to learn how to fight. The age of war was over. No one was constantly in any immediate danger.
"Maybe you're better off teaching him what you know.” Levi sighed. If I could get away with not teaching my son how to fight, then I’d rather not.”
Diplomacy and maybe talking could have worked. That is, if they were talking to anyone else.
"We could launch an investigation on this…" The teacher side-eyed nothing in particular.
"Just now?" Hange raised one eyebrow. A quick estimation and a detailed recall of Luke’s change in demeanor put the estimate at two weeks ago. How did no one notice it?
The teacher nodded. "But it might take some time.” She leaned slightly forward. “I hope you understand… it's not easy to approach cases like this.”
“I saw it with my own eyes,” Levi said.
The teacher didn't prod. She didn't put much weight in Levi's assertion either. She raised her hands up in defense. "Give us time."
Levi gripped the edge of his seat in some attempt to alleviate tension. It had taken a little more time to get his bearings so he opted not to say anything just yet.
Hange straightened up on her seat. "How much time?"
At least it was Hange who was asking, Levi was sure he couldn’t have said it any more amiably.
The teacher’s responses weren’t making it any easier. “A few weeks?”
A few weeks. That was at least ten lunch meals. Or even more than that. When Levi fathomed the scale of it, he was also considering the wasted meals in retrospect. How often was Luke coming home with an empty stomach? “Really? A few weeks? You can’t implement something, monitor our son….”
“You have to understand, it’s not that easy to investigate a bullying problem. The line between rough play and actual bullying is not very clear. We don’t want to be accusing any kids either.”
Hange bit her lip and looked away. Levi couldn’t even make a good conjecture of what she would have wanted to say. One thing was for sure, his fists were shaking, or maybe it was the leg underneath.
“So that means you aren't doing anything?" Levi confirmed.
The teacher flashed him an incredulous look and Levi was starting to confirm, it came out more as a challenge. Well, he didn't care too much, if challenging the teacher made everything happen faster.
"We're doing what we can," the teacher said.
"I've heard that spiel already," Levi said. He needed a breath of fresh air. If Hange wanted to talk anymore, if the teacher wanted to talk. It was their prerogative. "Thank you for your time," he added coldly, not bothering to look back.
Hange didn't leave immediately. She probably had a lot more to say, and maybe those were the same things running through Levi's head. Like always, she had a more open minded and more pragmatic way of navigating such a conversation.
Something Levi would probably never learn how to do. Hange would probably take her time, and even if he did lose her in the school, he knew his way home like the back of his hand anyway.
He allowed himself some free rein, wandering through the hallways while taking careful deep breaths. He took the long way to Luke’s classroom, subtly taking a peek then allowing himself enough of a view to search for his son among the students behind the desks.
It was easy to pick out the dark hair that peeked out from among the other attentive faces. Luke’s head was down. He was focused on a book maybe, or maybe he was just particularly self conscious of everything at once.
Levi didn’t have the view to tell, nor the time. The teacher eventually looked to her side, then a few young faces followed. Levi pressed himself against the wall. For sure he was out of site.
Just to make sure, Levi walked on ahead, he then turned the corner of the school, a familiar voice echoed form the other side of one of the hollow walls.
Kids these days are too spoiled if you ask me..
We grew up during a war… And these kids are crying over a few fights?
And the parents can be pretty entitled
Luke Zoe’s parents… I think those are former soldiers… You’d think they’d know better about spoiling their son.
Maybe the glory of war got into their heads or something. Suddenly they want their kids to have an easy life.
Yes, Levi agreed, he wanted his kid to have an easy life. He conceded to that.
Actually, not conceded. He wholeheartedly agreed with it. The essentials though of that conversation, the fundamental beliefs that carried it were just infuriatingly wrong.
Levi didn’t allow himself to contemplate and maybe he just didn’t have the energy for it. He opted not to wait for Hange, he slipped quickly out of the hallway and out onto the streets.
He took the long way home and part of him was hoping he got lost. He was in no mood after all to discuss ‘a spoiled generation’ with a teacher who grew up during a time of war.
He might just end up fighting back.
He didn’t have to teach his son how to use a knife. Still, Levi considered it enough times to sneak a few glances at the knife holder a foot away from the sink.
The first weapon Kenny had ever taught him to use was a knife. But knives hurt, knives kill.
The only reason Levi was teaching his son how to fight back was to prevent any more wasted lunches,  to prevent bruises for piling up on his ass to prevent any more scrapes from appearing on the palms of his hand.
"When they push you like this… what do you do?" Levi stretched out his arms in front of him, positioning himself to push.
Luke was a quick learner He gripped Levi's hands and the grip was surprisingly hard. Levi's wrists ached and he was suddenly hyperaware of the nails digging into him.
Levi bit his lip, he forced an outward flinch just to show his son it was working. Then the leg movements followed. Luke was still much smaller than Levi. The latter though had done it too many times during bar fights to tell, Luke had picked it up to a T.
Lock your knee to the back of their leg.
"Then push!"
Levi teetered and he was sure he still had the reflexes to jump away. Still, he wanted to give his son that confidence.
He fell to the floor, catching his light weight with the palms of his hands. "There. Okay? When they try to punch or push, you pull them towards you." Levi mimed the movement with his hands. "Then trip them from behind."
Luke nodded obediently.
"Okay…" Levi stood up. "Now let's try it again. Much faster this time."
Levi didn't have to try too hard to teach his son.
Luke had the natural agility and quick wittedness. With the right guidance, he was a force to be reckoned with, especially when facing a group of bullies.
Be it two bullies, three. Regardless of whether or not he was outnumbered, Luke might just make it work.
Maybe fighting skills ran in the family. No, it definitely ran in the family. Luke had natural skill that could have made him indispensable in the survey corps many years ago. WIth the right training and the right guidance, he managed to pick up the same fighting instinct Levi was all too familiar with.
Was it the same Ackerman gene? Or was it just natural talent. Levi entertained that as nothing more than a passing thought. After all, no one needed the Ackerman’s anymore since the war was over, the titan curse completely obsolete.
Soon, the Ackerman abilities would be too.
It was a slow process, and maybe it did start with his sons own stint against the bullies.
Levi found himself sneaking through the bushes near the school grounds around lunch time. The branches pricked, the leaves tickled and the smell of green lingered in his nose and he was already planning the warm bath as soon as he got home.
The situation he had put himself in, reminded him too easily of the war. Laughably, the situation he was roped into was much much milder.
He wasn't there to stand by while his team took down titans. He was just there to stand by and jump in just in case things got too heated for Luke.
Luke had proven self-sufficient in practice. But could he easily apply it?
Levi was watching the developments like a hawk, his heart beating in time to some rustle in the leaves, his hand digging into the branches right next to him. He didn't even notice he was holding his breath until the first body slammed onto the dirt with a loud thump.
Levi let it out with a loud huff then he closed his eyes, recounting the events of just a few seconds ago.
Grip hard, kick hard enough behind him to buckle his knees.
One down.
Push against him, use your weight against him. If you push hard enough, twist in this direction. He'll flip.
Two down.
With a swift strike to his---
Levi’s eyes widened then they darted back and forth between the boys on the floor then the naturally, the only one left standing.
Luke dropped his hands to the side. Then everyone was silent, the two boys still recovering, one of them giving his own tailbone a consoling rub.
"Boys! What are you doing here?"
With the sound of that voice, Levi’s blood ran cold. By some stroke of bad luck, a teacher had seen them fighting.
"Luke? What were you doing here?" And by a more annoying stroke of bad luck, circumstances made Luke out to be the bully.
"It's very admirable that you're sticking with your son through thick and thin," the principal said, a wide smile plastered on her face.
Having dealt with military police bullshit for a good chunk of his life, Levi was fairly adept at sniffing out bullshit. Consequently, he wasn't so good at accepting such a fake compliment.
"What can we say? He's our son," Hange said, glaringly uncomfortable with the turn of events. She had some excuse to seem tense. After all, she rushed there from her office just a few minute ago.
"They sustained a few bruises, on the tailbone, a few scrapes on the knee which required some tending and one of the boys has a sprained ankle." She listed them out like a sprained ankle was a mortal wound. "I'm sure any settlements can be discussed internally… but if you need any help?"
Hange shook her head. "No thank you. I'll make a few calls, see what I can offer."
But they're not gonna do anything about Luke's mental state and his fucked up lunch meals huh? Levi looked to Hange, attempted to send a semblance of that message with his glare.
The principal cleared her throat. "Have you considered sending your child to a specialist?"
"A specialist?" Hänge asked, her voice was a little higher pitched. She furrowed her brow.
The principal nodded. "Yes, a specialist in a correctional facility, someone who could work with your son. The teachers… they saw your son fight. In this day and age, it’s quite alarming to see...
Levi looked down. His eyes landed on his shaking hands. In some attempt to pacify them, he balled them into fists.
"If he proves to be a danger to students…."
"He won't." Levi answered, voice clipped. If he spoke for any longer, he just might end up shouting.
"It's best to nip this in the bud while it's early."
"I said, he isn't going to do that. He's a nice kid."
"We get that from parents a lot but I firmly believe in some prophylactic work… especially when the first few signs…"
First few signs? What first few signs? The other kids were the assholes here. They started it.
They started it?
That was the argument of a six year old. Something, he constantly scolded Luke over for years.
On the one hand, Hange wasn’t letting any of her emotions out as if she was still trying to process it herself. "May I ask… what are these signs of Luke's aggression?"
The principal raised her eyebrow. "The way he was caught fighting the other students. He moved like a trained fighter. Isn’t it alarming that your son has been trained to fight like that, to be aggressive like that? We don't want this type of aggression here." She said those last words, matter-of-factly, firmly, with some finality.
Levi sensed self righteousness. Self righteousness was fairly bearable in small amounts. He was dealing with someone though with a little too much of that and seemingly little inclination of reflecting and getting to the bottom of it. Something inside of him snapped. "If you really don't want any aggression then watch the other fucking kids. My son is not going through some correctional facility because you as a principal can't do your fucking job keeping the students safe."
"Excuse me?"
"Those kids deserved to be body slammed into the floor. My son has been dealing with their bullshit for weeks."
"How certain---"
"Sure enough. My son doesn't fucking lie."
"That's a bold statement right there."
"You don't know my son better than I do so stop pretending." Levi wouldn't be giving her a chance to speak. Hange could have been glaring daggers at him but he was on some strange high, talking back at the old lady who had been rubbing him off since a while ago.
She paused for a moment and averted her gaze, a refreshing sign for Levi. "Okay then, but if you'd allow me to suggest---"
"Don't tell us how to raise our son."
Before he even noticed it, one hand was pushing him back on the chair.
"Please. Go on," Hange said, not to Levi but to the shaken teacher in front of him.
It had taken her a few more seconds to gather herself. Hange had taken a more comfortable grip of Levi by the wrist, under the table, out of view. She held him with enough firmness to control him but enough gentleness to calm him.
Whatever she says, grin and bear it. Work with it. If Hange had been meaning to say anything, that might have been it.
He wasn't going to spare her a kind smile though.
The principal cleared her throat. "Have you considered that you're spoiling your kid just a little too much?"
When the heat had dissipated, when the tension loosened, Levi found he conceded
To some extent. To some very small extent.
"If you compare what I grew up with to what Luke's growing up with. Maybe he is spoiled," Levi admitted. He kept his voice soft enough not to echo in the hallways, his footsteps slow enough that he didn’t need to think too much about walking.
"No one should ever have to grow up like you did," Hange answered with a more serious tone. A few seconds later, she turned to him with a more relaxed smile. "Do you really think he's spoiled?"
"If you consider the fact that if we dropped him in some military training, he probably wouldn't survive..."
"In this day and age, not everyone will be mandated to join the military anyway," Hange said. "So is it really necessary for Luke to have had to learn how to fight?"
"As much as possible, I wouldn't have taught it to him. If children weren't such assholes."
"And I think we raised him fine. In fact, I'm proud of that kid."
Proud of Luke? For what? Levi asked that question silently but he wasn't looking for answers, he was looking for specifics. He was proud of that kid for a lot of reasons.
Some of the reasons, he didn't really pick them out until they were bumbling towards him.
In between classes, Luke met them on the hallway, a large box wedged awkwardly on his side and Luke lost his balance a few times as he carried it.
As soon as Luke was only inches away, Levi took stock of it. A first aid kit?
"I have bandaids here. Do you know where we can buy medicine?" Luke asked.
"For what?"
"For their booboos."
Levi gave Luke a onceover. "You don't have any."
Luke shook his head. He turned towards the empty schoolyard then to the direction of the clinic. "Their booboos." It quickly became clear who they were talking about.
"Luke, why would you want to give them some?"
"Is that not allowed?" Luke blinked at him in confusion. It was as if that question was the most natural answer in the world. The most correct answer.
Levi started to realize, maybe he didn't know the correct answer either. He bent down and put one hand on Luke's head.. "I'll help you prepare one at home and we'll talk to their parents okay?"
Luke nodded. His lips curled into a wild smile. "I'll see what else I have in the cubby hole."
"He's too kind," Hange commented as soon as they were out of earshot.
"That's the kid we raised," Levi said. "You're proud of that?"
"To be honest, yes. We all aspire to be that kind." She gave Levi a knowing but very playful look. "Maybe he got it from you?"
"Me?" Levi crossed his arms and pulled away. Whatever look he had on his face was enough to have Hange chuckling.
"Maybe kindness runs in your family."
Levi's thoughts flew to Kenny. Kenny? Then he thought back to his own mother. She was enough of a looming thought that Levi was entertaining the kindness gene theory of Hange as some potentially acceptable truth.
"It runs on yours too then," Levi said.
There was a pregnant silence between them. Hange's face had softened into some half smile as she stared down at floor, seeming to be deep in reflection.
It was familiar and the more Levi stared, the more clearly he understood. That was the same exact way they stared at every lost comrade.
"If that's true, then maybe Luke got it from us? Maybe if we grew up in a better world, the same world Luke was growing up in, we would have been much kinder," Hänge said.
"If we had the childhood?" Levi added.
Hange looked at him pointedly. "If you didn't have to fight in the streets, I'm confident you would have grown up just like Luke."
"What makes you say that?"
"You're a good guy Levi. Despite your kill count, the way you talked to the towns people, the way you lectured the soldiers back then... I mean, you weren't the nicest guy but the kindness... the goodness, it just felt naturally there?"
It was a hilarious prospect to consider and Levi had to look away to conceal whatever playful expression took over then. "Well the same goes for you then. Not too many leaders would have risked everything to stop a genocide."
A subtle pink stained the apple of Hange's cheeks, subtle enough that Levi could have sworn a second later that it was never there to begin with.
Levi dropped his shoulders and leaned on the wall. "I've always known Luke was a good kid. It could have been from us, or it could just really be how that kid is. All I know is I wanna nurture it and it feels like the best way is to just give him the childhood I never had.”
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ellieswhoreeee · 3 years
The Two of Us. pt 2
authors note; thank you guys for the support, it really means a lot to me! Im glad you guys liking the story so far! Anyways, here’s part two! Also, i’d like to apologize in advance for any errors or if something doesn’t make sense. English isn’t my first language so i’m sorry if there’s something wrong :)
Endgame pairings: Ellie Williams x fem! reader.
Warnings: Violence, marijuana, swearing, ect.
It really hurt seeing them together.
You felt the disappointment, the hurt and the jealousy as they simply talked. Though you know there was a deeper meaning behind their seemingly innocent conversation. You know more than anyone about them. Being one Ellie’s best friends is both a blessing and a curse.
She smiled, looking slightly flustered after Cat whispered something in her ear, and you couldn’t help but clench your jaw at that.
It was a troubling sight, really it was. Everything seemed so off. Like it wasn’t real. But it was. Ellie was laughing with the cool girl who can do tattoos, one of your friends. God, it really felt like you were getting jabbed in the heart over and over again.
But you had no right to jealous at all. She wasn’t yours to be jealous about.
Cat looked around, making sure nobody was looking- but held eye contact with you for a moment before she leaned in and kissed Ellie on the lips. That’s when you finally looked away, continuing to fix Gemini’s saddle.
Gemini was tied to the fence by the barn and was close to the fence. Other horses lined up beside his right side. Today’s group was getting to leave for the morning. Earlier than usual.
Mondays are rough.
“How long have they been together now?” Jesse asked when he walked over to you as you were packing up for patrol. You turned to look at him so you could have an actual conversation. He looked directly into your eyes, almost as if he was trying to figure you out. Jesse was someone who could see everything with one look. You kinda hated him for knowing so much about how you felt about Ellie without telling him much about it.
“…I wanna say 2 months, but we both know it’s been longer than that.” You replied with a frown, continuing to distract yourself by finishing to prep Gemini for patrol.
“Y/n, could you stop looking so miserable? It’s starting to bum me out.”
You chuckled lightly, finally stepping away from Gemini and decided to lean against the wooden fence beside your horse. Jesse decided to the same, and he leaned against it with you. You looked down at your hands, deciding to pick at your cuticles just so you wouldn’t look at the couple. “Why don’t you look just as miserable as me? Didn’t Dina break up with you? Again.”
“Ouch, you really know how to turn on certain emotions.”
“I’m serious. Like, i haven’t been broke up with, yet here i am…” You paused, you stopped picking at your cuticles just to look across the street, where the couple was. Happily minding their business. Ellie and Cat were talking and laughing sweetly. Again, with that pain in your chest. “Utterly heartbroken.”
Jesse patted you on the back, it was his way of comforting you since he had no idea how else to help. “It won’t get easier. One moment you think you’re stronger than whatever you’re feeling but then… you realize it doesn’t matter how good you hide it. If you keep on hiding it, the pain will get to you before you can express those feelings properly.”
“I’m gonna be honest Jesse… I have no idea what you mean by that.”
“Of course you don’t…” He mumbled with a laugh. Again he patted you on the back and pushed himself off the fence. “Think about it clearly.” He then walked off, somewhere towards Maria and some other adults.
Again, you and Gemini were left alone together.
You couldn’t help but think about what Jesse brought up earlier. What did he mean by that? You’re not sure how to process what he meant. Either you were completely clueless- or Jesse tried to be all wise but failed.
“Y/n! Come over here.” You heard Maria’s voice, which broke you from your trance. You left Gemini tied to the post as you walked over to Maria and some other people. Mila and Benji smirk at you as you walk closer. Mila and Benji are your close friends and have been for a while. Though you haven’t seen them lately because of work. Everyone is extra busy lately. Mostly.
“Look who finally decided to join us.” Benji remarked as he wrapped his arm around you once you were close. He pulled you closer and walked towards Maria’s table that was used for placing maps for patrol.
You pushed him off of you gently and made a grossed out face at him. “You really stink, Benji. When was the last time you took a shower?”
Benji only smiled and raised his left arm up to smell his armpit and his clothes too. “It’s my natural musk, all the ladies love it.”
You and Mila looked at each other simultaneously. It was as if you were on the same wavelength. Both of your rolled your eyes at him. “As a lady, i will be speaking for everyone when i say you smell nasty.” Mila exposed truthfully while crossing her arms on her chest.
“Hold up, you’re not a lady, you’re a brute.”
“Oh, i’m the brute? You haven’t taken a proper shower in weeks. Jumping into lakes and rivers don’t count.”
“Says who? It’s more natural,”
“More like nasty.”
You ignored the two bickering idiots and moved closer to the table where Maria was. “What were you thinking Maria?” You asked, looking down at the map of the area. It stretched out for miles.
She looked up at you. “Have you ever done the urban trails? It leads up to the dam checkpoint.”
You shook your in response. “I haven’t. Do you want me to take that route? You should pair me up with someone who’s done that trail then.”
There’s a lot of trails, so there are at least 10 or 15 trails you’ve never done before. These type of trails are the longer routes. The reason you haven’t done those routes is because Tommy isn’t that confident in you to take on the longer routes.
But now it was different, not only are you older but more capable of handling yourself more than anyone.
“You’re right…” Maria paused, she was thinking, trying to slowly put some pieces together. “But there isn’t anyone on duty right now who knows the trails that i can think of.”
Jesse’s head perked up at what she said, smirking at you from across the table. He was right next to Maria like always. She trusts him a lot because he was also a natural leader. “Actually, Ellie knows that trail.”
You instinctively felt your heartbeat start to speed up, and your face started to warm up at his insinuation. You knew what he was doing. “Ellie and Dina are already planning on running their routes on chestnut drive. I can take a group and we’ll figure it out together.” You intervened, giving Jesse a look that said, ‘shut up’.
“No, Jesse is right. You and Ellie can take the urban trails. It’ll be much faster with you two clearing that area. We can’t send a group to one trail- especially not now when we’ve been getting reports of infected in the southern territories- the opposite direction of urban trails.”
You sighed, knowing that her words were always final. You scratched the back of your neck- feeling an inch. “I’ll go let Ellie know. Jesse talk to Dina.” You give him another glare and just he smiled, sending a wink your way.
You turned around, looking over at where Cat and Ellie were still talking. Lately, things have been awkward between you two. It may have something to do with the fact that you maybe- just maybe that you were avoiding her.
It didn’t really matter, Ellie hasn’t noticed anything differently anyways. Or so you assumed.
“Ellie!” At the sound of your voice she quickly turned away from her girlfriend. She dropped Cats hands and fully turned to face you. Her full attention was now on you. But of course, you didn’t notice that either. “Assignments! Let’s go, kiss your girlfriend goodbye and get your ass on shimmer!”
It was getting easier to hide your feelings, even your distain for the couple and how you felt about Ellie.
“Fuck… Alright, just give me a minute!”
You gave her a thumbs up, and turned away. You walked towards your horse, seeing Jesse waiting there for you. He must have finished talking with Dina. He held out a hunting rifle and a shotgun towards you. He looked between both guns. “Which one do you prefer?” He questioned.
You smiled, looking at both guns. “Quite the tough question, Jes.”
Ellie walked up behind you, looking right over your shoulder. She was so close to you. Your breathe hitched lightly as she observed both guns. “I think you’re more of a rifle girl. It suits you more than a shotgun.”
Jesse grinned, and his eyes sparkled for a moment when you looked at him. He then nodded, agreeing with what Ellie had said. “That settles that then.” He held the rifle for you to take, which you did. Jesse then passed the shotgun to Ellie.
With the help of the sling, you tossed the rifle over your shoulder. Ellie was staring at you, trying desperately to get your attention without having to say anything but you were occupied with Gemini once again. She sighed, and decided to just start the conversation.
“So… Where have you been lately? I haven’t seen you around, not even in the mess hall.” Ellie hesitated but walked over to Gemini’s mane. You were by his saddle, and when you stared into her eyes it felt like it was only you and her. Instinctively, your eyes trailed from her eyes to her lips. You couldn’t help it. She was so close. Ellie shyly looked down at her hands as she continued to mess with Gemini’s mane. “I’ve uh… Missed hanging out with you. We still haven’t finished our halo campaign.”
You bit the inside of you cheek, and decided that laughing nervously would help ease your nerves. “Yeah, i’m sorry about that. I asked Maria for more assignments since… You know, i have nothing better to do.”
Ellie wanted to say something but held her tongue. She wanted to say something to continue your conversation but you interrupted her instead. “Listen, Maria wants you and me to handle the urban trails. Pretty sure we have to replace Danny and Axel at the dam checkpoint …”
“You and i,” Ellie corrected suddenly, making you stare at her in disbelief and confusion. She gave you a smirk. “You said ‘you and me’ but that isn’t proper grammar.”
You rolled your eyes playfully at her. “Fuck off, Williams. Did you even listen to a word i said?”
“So, we’re back to last names? Since when?”
“Since you decided to be a grammar queen, you dick.”
“Woah! Language, there are children around, L/n!”
“The only child i see is you.” You replied with a happy smile on your face. You and Ellie climbed on your horses and waited by the gates. Ellie continue to talk to you like nothing was wrong- well, not like she knew if there was something wrong anyways. You kept stuff to yourself.
You missed this. You missed hanging out with Ellie. You just… Missing having her by your side, kicking the worlds ass together but now… Ellie was with Cat. Her relationship put a wedge on your friendship. You felt farther away to Ellie then ever.
Everything has changed. Which sucked because you weren’t sure how to deal with the changes. It was all going by so fast. You just wished everything was different. It was selfish of you but… You didn’t care.
“Y/n, you with me?” Ellie snapped you out of your thoughts. She looked back at you as the gates opened.
You nodded. “Always.”
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potter-imagines · 3 years
Meadow (George Weasley x Reader)
Prompt: Hi, maybe fred or george (you can choose) and the reader are spending the afternoon in a flower meadow together? (sorry for my english, it's not my first language)🙈😊
Notes: okay I'm sure spring break isn't a thing at hogwarts but for this write, it is . hope you enjoy !!
Warnings: none, just a lot of fluff cause everyone loves george
Word Count: 3.5k
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Spring break was winding down to a close as early April broke through. New life was brought to fruition as the snow from the harsh winter evaporated into the ground. Outside the grounds of the Weasley’s home were fields and fields of open land. Flowers sprouted in every step creating a kaleidoscope of colors. Those tumbling plains seemed to extend for miles beyond the horizon. Just beyond those grassy hills and slopes was a large, secluded meadow.
It was the early hours of a Saturday morning when a pair invaded the area far before the sun began to rise. The meadow Y/n and George had been occupying seemed to be the perfect location to view the birth of the new season. The perfect spot to enjoy each other’s company. Soon they would be ushered back to Kings Cross and board the Hogwarts Express- George for his last time and Y/n, well it certainly wouldn’t be her last time, no matter how hard she dreamed it was. The topic of George leaving Hogwarts was one the couple tip-toed around. Break was only two weeks but that meant two extra weeks for the pair to be together. With the school year tumbling to an end, George would be leaving school soon with his brother to start his dream and Y/n would be stuck needing to finish her last year at Hogwarts alone. The girl was a year below her boyfriend and although it never caused any friction for the pair, the gap was finally giving them issues.
In George’s mind, arriving to his last school year was both an accomplishment, and a burden. As excited as he was to finally leave those stone walls that held him back, the last thing he wanted was to leave her behind. It didn’t make any of the pain easier knowing that he’d be leaving alongside Fred earlier than the rest of their classmates. Y/n had been the only other living soul Fred and George had filled in on their grand exit plan. They needed someone to keep guard and be a lookout so who better than the one person they trusted not to run their mouth.
There was a heavy smell of earth in the air, mixed with the faint odor of new growth. The vivid green leaves and the cheerful colors of the blossoms are a feast. Flowers popped up from the soiled ground and the fruit hanging from the trees were starting to come to life.
The couple had spent a good portion of their break at the secluded meadow. In a way, it became their little secret spot. Not that it was a secret location by any means. Fred and George had discovered the meadow a few years back when they had ventured miles away from the burrow. The boys were always adventurous, especially when Molly and Arthur finally allowed them free range outside the family home when they were eleven. There were miles and miles of tall grass and woodland that made it easy to get lost. Of course with Fred and George, losing their way was never a worry. When the boys stumbled upon the breathtaking meadow, George seemed to be the only one interested in their find. Fred had wandered off into the section of forest they entered through, his attention captured by a group of baby deer camouflage in the woods. For years George would wander back to the meadow on his own when he needed a break from the loudness of his siblings or grew tired of Ron trailing on his coattails every turn. He promised himself he would keep the spot to himself, let it be his own private sanctuary. This plan ran smooth for a few years before George made the exception to break the rule for one person only.
But for now, the two could only take advantage of the time they had together and they didn’t intend to spend a second apart. It looked as if Y/n and George had stepped straight into a storybook. The grass was Eden-green and thigh-high to a thrush. A neon-blue ribbon of river ran through the ground in a squiggle line. A party of bright yellow ducklings scattered in the calm water, small quacks filling the air. Chirping and sweet songs from the birds made that feeling of Spring become a reality. Buzzing bumble bees and wildflowers sprung along the land. The sounds of nature engulfed the girl whole as she melted into the soft grass.
“I could stay here for the rest of my life- away from people, away from the world. It’s peaceful.” Y/n hummed softly. Her large doe eyes observed the clouds that formed a perfect line-up in the baby blue sky, as if they were boats safely moored in celestial harbour. Peeks of sunlight seeped in through the cracks in the fluffy clouds casting a shimmering light as they danced slowly by in the sky. Just a moment before she was listing off all the animals and objects she saw in the sky. Now she was considering the thought of staring at them forever.
George stole a quick glance down where she laid in his lap. Strands of her h/c hair flowing across his legs and hands. It tickled against his skin as a light breeze swept past. Her abrupt words had caught him off guard. He had missed the sound of her voice for the last hour, although adored the trance-like state of happiness that she was in so he was constantly biting his tongue to keep his thoughts from pouring out. Now that she was somewhat back to earth, he was eager to chat. Tilting his head in her direction George raised his eyebrows.
“Yeah?” He questioned.
A smile graced her lips as she nodded in confirmation. The land was beautiful, unlike anything she had seen. There certainly weren’t any meadows with such serenity as this in the city of London. For once in her life she could hear the sound of her heart beating in the quietness of the open land and she loved it. No cars honking, no crabby cityfolk shoving their way through crowds, no taxi drivers screaming at pedestrians to move, no bright lights, just nature and all of its creations.
Extending her arm, Y/n pointed out to the land. George followed her direction to see she was gesturing to a small section of the meadow that was surrounded by an eyecatching army of poppies and bellflowers. A large willow tree stood towering over the side. In the middle was a bare section- large enough for a home to fit. Y/n grinned in excitement as she suddenly sat up straight.
“Yeah. Build a little cottage, start a garden, maybe even a family… I think it would be lovely.” She said dreamily. Her eyes looked up to George in wonder, silently asking him to share his opinion. Mirroring her previous actions, George scanned the meadow. He placed his hand against his chin, pretending to think long and hard about her idea. Y/n giggled besides him and shoved him lightly on the shoulder. He chuckled in response and leaned back into the log supporting him. George nodded in agreement to the pondering dream.
There was a casual grace to the meadow, as if it has a peripheral awareness of its own beauty yet would rather be at peace in this warm sun. It was quaint and humble yet glowing in - like a glorious mansion hidden away in a forest. A hidden gem that was to be kept away from the rest of society. Their own little happy place that opened and bloomed just for them. There was something so magical about the meadow that George couldn’t pass it up. It felt like fate leading him there- leading them.
“Think we could make that work. The family part is a definante- it’s just building a home that’ll take a bit of time. We could get started on making a family of our own right now-” George was cut off when a hand clamped over his mouth. Although he was only joking, he wouldn’t be opposed to the idea.
“George-” She warned playfully.
“Or in a few years. But living out here would be nice. ‘S not like I got to worry about commuting for work. It’d be a nice escape from the shop once we get business running, and once you graduate. Not to mention moving out here would mean I’d get to see more of you in that pretty dress. Flowers in your hair... you look so enchanting, darling.” A bashfulness struck Y/n to her core at his words. Her eyes instinctively shot down to the grass as a paint of red rose to her face. George’s heart quite literally stuttered at her reaction. Making her blush, seeing her smile because of something he said never failed to bring a sense of happiness to George. That damn smile, he thought to himself. He was sure she could convince him of anything when that innocent look took over. It was natural for her. Y/n was simply ethereal in every way.
His hand brushed as gently as a feather across the skin of her cheek. Pushing the daisy back in place behind her ear, George drew his hand down from her ear to her neck. Gripping her softly George pulled her towards his body, lessening the space between the pair. Dipping his head he leaned in towards the girl until their lips were only inches apart. He smirked teasingly, ready to make a remark when Y/n took matters into her own hands.
Linking her hand around his chin she pulled his face in hers with a deep kiss. Although she initiated the gesture, it was George’s response that made her lose all sense of control. His large hands moved from her face to her waist in an instant. Much to Y/n’s surprise he lifted her without warning, still holding her lips in his, and placed her in his lap so she was facing him. Her hands instinctively switched to wrap around his neck for stability. Fingers gripped at his short ginger locks as she adjusted her hips into his.
Y/n’s heart pounded in her chest as her entire body got weaker. She could only focus on how soft he felt against her mouth, how addictively he invaded all her senses. Everytime their lips met a rush of adrenaline and love ran through her veins. The muscles in her body went limp at his touch, jelly like. George held a tight lock around her waist keeping her steady against him. He slipped his tongue against her mouth, visibly shuddering when she slid her tongue against his in return. Tension was pooling by the second as the kiss intensified. Y/n’s strawberry dress cascaded down the side of legs as she repositioned in his lap earning a groan from George. Hot breath fanned against her face briefly at her movements. His hand darted from the small of her back to the exposed skin on her upper thigh, pushing her further into his body. The vibration of his voice against her lips and the tight grip of his hands on her thighs sent shivers down her spine. His kiss was sweet, like a long awaited embrace. Stars blurred her vision as George gripped her against his chest. The moment was quickly turning into a not so innocent kiss causing Y/n to slowly detach her lips from his. As she pulled away she remained sat in his lap, fingers brushing along the skin of his face as she admired his beauty. A smug smile was displayed on his face while he repositioned his hands behind his body to hold the pair up. Still holding his face in her palms, Y/n pressed forward to scatter a line of kisses on his cheeks. He chuckled in amusement before her kiss latched to his mouth once more. Between short and passionate pecks she fought for words to tell him how much he meant to her. She wanted to tell him all the emotions of love and desire he brought onto her. Tell him how she could never live with another- how he was the only one she wanted for the rest of her life.
“You’re too good to me, George.” She whispered against his lips. The lack of space between them was intoxicating. Heat emanated from George’s cheeks as he desperately attempted to regain his breath and compose himself. His chest was light with air caused by the sweetness of the girl before him. A small smear of glitter lip gloss covered his bottom lip in a shine.
George tasted a hint of bubble gum as his tongue swept along the skin of his bottom lip.
“I’d give you the whole world if I could but I’m afraid I don’t have the coins for that yet, princess.” Pressing his forehead against hers, George hummed the words. Y/n shook her head with a smile as she countered his grand proposition with one of her own.
“All I need is a quaint, cozy cottage out here and you… well a dog or a kitten would be nice too.” She laughed.
George could only stare at her in that moment. Her words registered although the naturalness to her beauty was too much for him to process. The sun hit her back in with such purpose it was as if she were an angel breaking through the sky. Her strawberry midi dress flowed down her sides and pooled in between his legs. Pretty pink satin clung to her form. The sparkling red strawberries fitted her perfectly. The ruffles on her shoulders gave her the look of a cottage princess, a fairy even. Hair flowing freely in the wind, it was a sight he’d never grow tired of seeing. He’d never seen someone as breathtaking as her.
Taking advantage of his silence, Y/n looked up to George in seriousness. His large brown eyes stared lovingly back to her. Gesturing to the meadow surrounding them, Y/n asked him,
“Do you think you’d be happy out here?”
George tore his stare from the girl to scope out the land once more. All the years he spent wandering down here alone in his mind and looking for some sort of answer to life, now he had found it. He could already picture where he would build a playset for the children and where he’d be able to make a small Quidditch pitch to teach your future kids. Ideas were forming for the house and how many rooms you’d both want. George was thinking somewhere around eight- extra room for more kids. Mapped out where the house would go, where he’d build a garden for you, figured out what tree would be perfect for him to put together a treehouse with Fred for the kids, and where the path would go towards the lake. The layout was quickly forming and he wanted in.
Y/n watched in curiosity as the thoughts swarmed through her lover’s head. She could see him intently thinking things over, then smiling before tilting his face back down at the girl. His head moved down so his lips could press against the skin of her forehead as he kissed her.
“Darling, as long as I’m with you, I’ll be more than happy.” He reassured her.
Y/n melted into the warmth provided by his lips. Her body leaned into his, desperate for more of him. George wrapped his arm around her shoulder tightly and fixed his body so he was sitting tall. She clung to his frame like a koala to a tree, burying her face into the material of his hoodie.
“Once I graduate?” Her muffled voice vibrated against his sternum. George ran his fingers up and down her spine as he held her tight.
“Once you graduate.” George repeated sincerely. Although they’d gone over the conversation a million different times, Y/n couldn’t help the shadow of doubts that crept into her mind. She trusted George with all her heart- every inch of her being but they’d be living in two separate worlds for a year and she worried that was something he might not want. Maybe he would realize he wanted to be with a girl his age, or someone older, someone not stuck at Hogwarts. Even without reason for worry, it still came.
Remaining in his hold yet moving back slightly, Y/n’s eyes darted to the flower covered ground. Her fingers ran along the petals absentmindedly as she worked to find the courage to speak. Her shift in emotions did not go unnoticed by the boy. George focused on the look of contemplation adorning her. As adorable as she looked, he hated seeing her in the slightest bit of distress. This went for any situation whether Y/n was stressed about a class, feeling ill, or just sad because she’s hungry, George does everything in his control to fix it for her.
“You’ll wait for me?” The sudden question took George aback. Her tone was a mix of innocence and fear. His confusion arose for the grave manner of her inquiry. Even if her worries were astonishingly unworldly to George, he knew better than to shut down her insecurities brashly. If the topic at hand weren’t so significant to their relationship, he might even crack a joke. However the seriousness in her features was not to be ignored.
George reached out to interlock his fingers through her warm hands. That comforting smile of his graced his face as he brought her knuckles up to his lips and placed a trial of kisses along the bones.
“Of course I’ll wait, love. No other girl I’d want to spend the rest of my life with- no other girl I want to call my wife, the mother of my children. No one but you, my love.” George insisted. It seemed magical to Y/n the way he always knew exactly what to say. Always so heartfelt and honest in meaning. He never told her a lie to make her happy but somehow managed to piece together a perfect string of words to make her whole again. Something in the way he spoke, in his words, it made her believe nearly anything was plausible. Most of all, she trusted him and believed that he had every intention of sticking around, which brought a sneaking grin to Y/n’s face. All those worries washed away at his words. It was a part she loved deeply about him.
The feeling of George’s touch smoothing over the bottom of her pink dress pulled Y/n back to the meadow. The scent of lavender and vanilla wafted past his nose from the perfume he had gifted her for Christmas. His fingers would skim against her bare leg in a teasing fashion as he smirked. Y/n let out a giggle at the tickling sensation of his touch. Her arms wrapped around his neck for support while her bashful grin never ceased.
“There’s that pretty smile.” George remarked with a chuckle. A sense of victory took hold of him at seeing her worries vanish. Arms locked around his neck, Y/n pulled him towards her as her head fell to his chest. Given their limited time, all the couple wanted to do for the next month was be in each other’s arms. George cherished every opportunity he got to hold her, knowing he’d spend the next year missing her everyday. It came in the little things as well like the way her hair always smelled like a basket of delicious fruits, or how she’d hum to herself while they were studying together. He already knew he’d spend most days babbling on to Fred about how much he missed Y/n. Break was almost over which meant the twins would be leaving Hogwarts for good within a few weeks. Y/n dreaded the idea of not seeing George every day, not getting to kiss him or hug him. George hated thinking about having to hear from her through letters and not getting to hear that sweet laughter every day. So for now, all George wanted was to hold his girl and enjoy the excitement for their future he felt budding inside of him.
The colors in the sky were starting to grow brighter by the minute and without saying it, the pair both knew they’d be needing to head back to The Burrow for lunch sooner then they’d care to admit. In the serenity of the meadows the couple found a sense of home. Y/n soaked in their last bits of time in the meadow before George mentioned them heading back. Although neither moved at his words but instead remained holding onto one another.
“I love you, George.”
“I love you more, princess.”
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ktheist · 4 years
03 — show me yours & i’ll show you mine | m
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➙ muses. seokjin x college student / gamer!reader ft. best friend! taehyung
➙ genre. best friend’s brother au. university au. working au. fwb au.
➙ word. 1.9k
➙ warnings. explicit content, fingering, mild exhibitionism
➙ index. 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | finale | side story 1 |
➙ synopsis.  “why are you doing this if you’re not gonna fuck me?”
saturday evening, taehyung comes up to you with a face of a blank canvas, phone in his hand facing the ceiling and relays the news of his break up.
you’re in the middle of watching a show with his two brothers on your laptop.
“wh-what?” is all you manage to say whilst namjoon and seokjin freeze in their spots.
“i broke up with her,” taehyung’s shoulderline rises as he casually shrugs.
“but why?” deep down, you have an inkling - but your mouth moved on its own before you can even stop it.
“cause she was shit talking you,” and with that, he twirls around, heading back to the hallway where one of the doors connect to his room.
and just like second nature, your body shoots up, trailing after the slumped man like a mother to her pupper.
“you guys watch without me,” you briefly say to the two men on the couch, their faces scrunching with growing concern.
for the first time in a long time, you and taehyung bare your hearts to each other. talked about your fears and hopes and what keeps you going. which is, to an extent, each other and the two brothers. you’re not sure how you fell asleep but you wake up with a leg sprawled all over your stomach and a snoring sound echoing against the wall. the blanket draped over you and taehyung isn’t part of his bedset because one, you and taehyung end up sleeping on top of the sheets and two, you know the only one brother out of the three loves the color blue so much, his bedsheets and blankets are always themed with light cerulean. and this blanket - you’ve definitely seen seokjin use a dozen times.
"hey, morning,” you greet the two brothers whilst they’re unpacking what seems to be takeouts from a store you all collectively agree have no bad item in their menu.
everyone eats just about anything from that restaurant.
“morning, sleepyhead.” namjoon shakes his head, smiling - it’s probably the hair pointing in different directions.
“how’s taehyung?” seokjin asks when you come to sit on the stool next to where he’s standing.
“well, i mean - he’s not in a good place,” you begin, “i know he really liked her. and i know she talks shit about me behind my back and she knows i do too and he’s always caught in between, but he always seemed to brush it off and never take sides you know? so i didn’t think he’d break up with her over it.”
“hey, it’s not your fault,” the hand on your shoulder is warm, seeping into your heart as you examine the sincerity of those brown eyes, down to the reassuring smile of those plump lips.
“thanks for saying that, jinnie,” you want to ask for a kiss (and maybe some dick) but with namjoon - though he’s cluelessly continuing with his task of preparing the takeouts - around, you settle for patting his hand that’s on your shoulder.
after washing your face and returning to the kitchen, you find the previously sleeping-like-a-long giant perched on one of the stools, rubbing the grogginess out of his eyes.
“look who’s up!” a smack lands on taehyung’s back.
the aforementioned man doesn’t even flinch as he takes another second to rub all the sleepiness away before craning his neck to look at your smiling face - it may be a dumb smile but someone’s got to be lifting the atmosphere.
“i thought you left,” he grumbles, before his arm snakes around your waist and brings you in for a side hug.
the recoil is almost automated as your smile scrunches into a cringe, arms flailing to push him away and at least get a few inches gap in between,“ew, what the hell.”
“i’m sad! gimme a hug,” he laments whilst namjoon laughs, commenting something about how “adorable” the two of you are and how it “...reminds me of the good old days, you know?”
he means when you and taehyung aren’t as resistant to skinships.
but all your attention goes to the eldest brother whose glance lingers a second too long before he tears his gaze off from you and taehyung.
it turns out that little bitch tried making taehyung choose between you and her after he’d texted her (in an attempt to placate her jealousy-prone heart) about how you’d opted to room with seokjin in yesterday.
give them and inch and they’ll take a mile.
“i should’ve known,” taehyung shakes his head, bags heavy under his eyes as he lies in his bed, cocooned by the light cerulean blanket, “you don’t like her but you like everyone-”
“don’t you go justin bieber on me,” you smack him in the stomach, to which he curls up into a caterpillar, moaning in pain and something about suing for personal injuries.
but the fact that he can complaint at all means that he’s recovered half of himself.
“i’m getting some food from the kitchen, you want anything?” you roll your eyes.
“how bout a new girlfriend?” he manages to say, despite the so called blow to the stomach.
“potato chips it is,” you nod before strutting out of the door.
the hallway is dimly lit, save for the lone light in the ceiling and the slightest bit of gap that allows luminescence to pour out of seokjin’s room. so you knock on the door, leaning against the frame, “hey.”
kim seokjin sits on the chair you previously occupied the night before, round glasses perched on the bridge of his nose as his eyes widen for the briefest second before offering you one of his warm smiles, “hey, how’s taehyung?”
“he’s eating,” you shrug, trying to appear casual even though something in the way his shirt swallows his already broad built and making him appear like you can fight him and win - gets your heart doing flips.
“that’s gre-” he can’t even properly get his response out because you’re already crossing the short distance between you and him, hands cupping his cheeks before smashing your lips against his. as if you haven’t had water for days. as if you’ve been breathing with your head barely above water.
his hands find their way on your hips, kissing you back more delicately than you can ever control yourself. tingles dot your skin from where his hand caresses your elbow and travels up your arm, lingering there, as though forgetting the reason his warning touch.
“i needed that,” you break away only to steal another kiss before confessing.
seokjin chuckles, his hand slipping over to your chest before attempting to pinch your nipple. to which he fails because your padded bra successfully blocks him off.
“oh, you’re wearing a bra?” the genuine surprise gleaming in his eyes should offend you.
“unless you want your brother accidentally touching my nips while we were wrestling each other to decide who gets to use your comfy as hell blanket,” you roll your eyes.
taehyung won, obviously. which explained why he was lying in bed like a human burrito just now.
“i’d have to give taehyung a personal beating if that happened,” the dorky grin and amused glint in his whenever he cracks a not-so-funny-but-adorable joke, isn’t present.
your heart’s always done this thing where it skips with every smile that curls on his lips, yet the lack of it and the underlying seriousness of his tone is making your heart lurch in your throat, warmth spreading all over your body.
“anyways, i need to get taehyung some chips, thanks for the kiss.” you wave but something wraps around your wrist like an iron hold seconds before you find yourself perched in seokjin’s lap and the man dangerously close to you - despite having shared a passionate kiss just a moment ago.
“taehyung this, taehyung that,” his hand slips under your shirt, coarse hand trailing up your back until you feel him unhooking your bra in one go.
like he’s had enough practice in the art of seduction.
“well, he’s the one out of the four of us with a broken heart,” you pray to the constellations and deities that your voice is levelled though it soon proves to be pointless if his other hand’s snaking up your front and hovers over your chest where he could feel the organ beneath beating wildly.
“you’re breaking mine though... with spending that much time with my brother,” he traps your nipple in between his thumb and index finger, caressing, teasing with a smile that ironically has probably broken a few hearts of his own.
“i can fix that,” you beam, finger tracing down his front and down to the waistline of his pants, to which you can’t reach unless you scoot away to allow your hand to -
“not right now,” the sound of wind chimes drum in your ears as he chuckles.
it makes the umpteenth rejection a little less prickly, as you pout, “when?”
“soon,” and with that, he takes your wrist in his hand, making you push your own shirt up until your nipples are bare in the open, “hold this up for me, please.”
it’s the please that gets you.
ever the gentleman even as he’s about to tease you with his teeth against your nipples and his free hand fondling your other breast.
“why are you doing this if you’re not gonna fuck me?” you grunt, displeased, but arch your back anyway to make it easier for him to suckle and bite on your erected nipples.
you’ve always thought his hair looked soft but it’s softer as you bury your free hand in it. at first, it’s just a gentle caress - just like patting a golden retriever. but then as his tongue lapse over your protruded nub and the pressure in his free hand in your other breast grows more intense, you’re surprised he’s not moaning out in pain from the way your hand’s instinctively grasping at his roots.
“ah!” a yelp escapes you when he leaves your left nipple for the other one, biting down harder than you’re used to but not enough to draw blood.
you’re lost in the pain and pleasure of his tongue and apt fingers, where his mouth isn’t sucking on your nipple, his fingers are pinching and groping it. somewhere in the back of your mind, you distinctively remember a midly pressing matter-
“what the fuck?”
something about a heartbroken best friend and an unclosed door.
"t-taehyung!” you gasp, body almost jolting upward like a criminal caught red handed but seokjin’s arms around your body roots you down in his lap as he slowly pulls down your shirt before turning his attention to his youngest brother.
“taehyung, calm down,” he instructs with ease but his wide-eyed gaze is filled with concern.
“this isn’t-” you begin, slipping away from seokjin’s loosened grasp to pad over to your best friend who looks like he’s seen a ghost or his brother and best friend almost-fucking. either one works, “this isn’t what you think.”
“no-” the younger cups his mouth as he doubles over, his other hand held up in the air as if to tell you to “stay the fuck back-”
“oh, come on,” the slightest brush of your nipples against the material of your carelessly-pulled-down bra makes does not go pass you, yet you put your hand on your hip, rolling your eyes, “don’t be so dramatic.”
and that’s when taehyung hurls his guts out in front of seokjin’s door.
note. ooof 
i wasn’t sure if this drabble was gonna gain any eager readers. when i say eager, i mean those who look forward to an update, but some of you showed interest and it warms my heart! so here’s to another update! hope yall enjoyed!
taglist. @aretha170​ @scalubera​ @ambersaesthetics​ !
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monsoonblooms12 · 3 years
Eumoiriety (Ethan x f!MC)
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Summary: Four Years of Pooja Sharma's Birthday, from her first year as an Intern to her first year as an Attending.
Eumoiriety: Happiness due to state of innocence and purity💕
A/N: It's my baby's birthday and I went overboard. This is purely self indulgent and since I have zero to negative self control, this turned out way longer than I expected it to. Anyway, I hope you still like it💙
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey X f!MC (Pooja Sharma)
Word Count: around 3.7K (I am sorry!)
Rating: General
Category: A bit angst, A bit fluff
Warnings: None that I saw.
Prompts: @choicesaugustchallenge Day 29 - Birthday
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Intern Year:
She walks barefoot on the green floor as the dews clinging to grass tips, soothe her like the cold breeze on a summer day.
A few golden rays filter through the canopy that acts as a barrier to the shining sun overhead. When they fall on the grass, the view looks like gold intermixed with emerald.
She wears a white gown, which flutters behind her, as her heart dances with the bees going flower to flower to get their prize of nectar in return for their favour of pollinating them.
There is a calm spreading through her soul, an ease, a slow infusion of tranquillity with her heart beats.
A swish makes her turn. Her eyes capture a silhouette, drifting farther and farther, as if taking her calm along with it.
It's replaced by restlessness.
There is a cajole, a whispered cajole, that urges her feet to run, her mind to think, her heart to wonder.
She follows. One step, and another.
The scene changes.
There are no more trees, no more green with the sun's shine.
At a distance, the waves crash on the sandy shore, their meet with their shore echoing in the silent surroundings.
She looks around and sees it.
The silhouette, now apparent that it was a man, standing with his back to her. He looks unbothered. As if he stole her peace and gave her his unrest in return.
She tries to walk slowly towards, footsteps imprinting on the sand, but the distance never seems to lessen or end.
She tries running, but to no avail.
The waves continue crashing, the footprints continue to get imprinted and the man continues to remain still and silent.
The only change has been in the sky, which is now leaden, dark with humongous clouds.
The thunder begins to cackle.
Once, Twice, Thrice.
She closes her ears with her hands, eyes shut to reduce the impact of the thunderous noise reverberating through every single one of her bones. But the roar keeps getting louder and louder until...
Her eyes snap open, but the echo from her sweven doesn't leave her. She turns around to find her phone ringing, straining her eyes with incredulous bright light (that she forgot to dim). The caller ID is barely registered, but the voice gives away the identity.
It's her sister.
With a flash, all the haze from the peculiar dream gets lost and bubbly happiness takes up the emptied space.
It's their birthday.
The first one since she came here. She had been so busy unknotting the twisted knots of circumstances in which she found herself tangled, that she had forgotten about the once unforgettable occasion of her life.
Maybe she has really lost that childhood she held on so tightly to, she thinks.
But not without a hope. Of a chance to get it back.
Maybe differently.
But the want to relive those carefree days, where the colour of pens you get as gifts, and the decision of who gets the piece of cake with the chocolate masterpiece on it were the only things that held importance. All other worldly, societal woes were secondary, trivial, uncared for.
She wishes her sister and she wishes her back.
3..2..1.. Happy Birthday! To Us!
They scream-whisper together, carrying on the years' long tradition.
The only thing different? They were on their cellulars, ecospheres apart, instead of snuggling and shouting together, and annoying their brother for an entire day.
Subconsciously, a tee-hee escapes her. Thinking about her brother, she takes a look at the clock. Correct 12:03 am on 12th August. If she knows him, he is probably counting the seconds.
At 12:05 am to the dot, another shrill echoes through the silent apartment. Her guess is correct.
On the other side of the screen, sits Idhayan arranging the cake so that Pooja can see the eloquent buttercream designs he has hand made on it.
In the background, there is a blurry motion. It turns out to be Alekhya.
She jumps onto the couch beside their brother, putting an end to his steady concentration.
He makes an irritated face, while she laughs.
And Pooja just watches, giggling alone.
The pang in her chest reminds her, once & once more, about just how much she misses them.
How empty, monochromatic her life is, with all these miles between them.
For the past year, every time any event took a turn for the worse, broke her, or hurt her, she wanted to go back to her safe haven.
The place where the chronicles of her life begun.
Many times, she had found herself convinced (by others as well as her self doubting mind) that she didn't belong here. That she didn't have the calibre, the skills to strive in this fight of dogs, in this race of horses where she felt like a donkey.
Or maybe a snail.
She dreamed of sleeping in her mother's lap when she first found herself in the crossroads of feelings and reason. Making her muddled head clear with words that never crossed the barrier between dream and reality.
When Mrs Martinez died, she imagined herself sitting on the swing, her brother's comfort brownies reduced to messy crumbs, as she let the mountain winds take away the burden of dread that pressed upon her heart.
And the day when Landry's backstab became eminent? She visualized her sister ripping him down, shredding him with knives of words because that's what he deserved.
She knew her father would have made them both coffee like he always did when he came home during breaks from piloting. He would have said a mere few words, which would have been enough for her to see the path ahead.
The mini virtual celebration ends, and the silence settles again. Tendrils of sleep come and go, but never stay.
She is left alone with her thoughts and worries, and a fear of the unknown which is hidden by the curtains of the future.
The day passes like a swift blowing wind in a desert.
It's quiet, too quiet.
And probably for the first time in her life, she adores it. To be away from the hustle of a celebration, which would have been a noise in the cacophony, given the situation.
To get a period of silence for her thoughts to drift away, to think about the unknown, to predict a make or break.
The pages are turned swiftly by her fingers, one of which is clad with a minimal gold ring, another old ritual of hers.
The library harbours the overworked interns, who are now pushing the boundaries of time to find a way to help their friend out.
Their tired eyes pain with the lack of sleep, coffee fuelling through their veins, and mind engrossed in picking up any clue, any line, any tip that could be supportive for them.
Hours pass, no-one utters a word. Pens run on empty notebooks, hands managing to create only messy scribbles. Black and Blue fill the white as if it never existed.
The clock strikes the end hour.
They all get up.
They go home together, for discussions and relaxation.
At the doorstep, everyone enters before her, while she stands still, too engulfed in worries to notice the happenings.
Confetti pops, her reverie is broken.
The smile shines like a jewel in a priceless necklace.
The arrangements are minimal, just champagne, cake and friends, but that's more than enough for her. To make her forget the dark fog of pessimism.
Maybe there is hope left.
Second Year:
12th August.
The day that is drifting closer by the minute.
It has always been Alekhya's birthday for her.
On her phone, In her diary, In her mind.
People might regard it as a beautiful flaw of her nature, the flaw of always placing others before herself.
But to her, the instinct seemed natural, obvious. She had never delved into the whys, and she doesn't want to begin now.
For Alekhya, the circumstances became vice-versa.
And this was the beauty of their bond.
Strong, Pure and Selfless.
They never seem to realize that, though.
They hold onto the strings of simplicity, of sweet uncomplexity. And that is what helps them to bridge the gap between siblings and best friends.
After the tumultuous year, that very much resembled the completion of a voyage through the rough Indian Ocean, where storms ravage through days and endless nights, thunders crack, and waves that scale the heights between the ocean and sky to become mountains of water, crash on the feeble pieces of wood barely held together in the form of a boat, coming back to her origin, her hometown is a necessity.
Especially for her to find that normalcy again.
She survived.
Even though she fell, almost drowned, gasped for a breath more times she could count and nearly accepted her fate.
Until that is, the pale faces of the ones she holds close, the endless stream of tears that scale their cheeks, their breaking hearts, came to haunt her in her reverie and prevented her from closing her eyes & from letting that almost undetectable beat of heart stop.
The wishes from last year come back to her. This time, it wasn't virtual anymore. This time, it wasn't just painted in pixels, but written in buttercream letters, one which she could taste.
This time, the hugs weren't just virtual. They were very real, and very needed.
As she sits amidst the bushes of phenomenal florals, she lets her mind project in vivid colours, the extremities of the last year.
Her heart, breaking into tiny glass pieces, not perceived by the eye but sharp enough to draw blood.
The fear of losing and letting so many others lose along.
The coming close and going away, almost kisses and slide of unassuming hands, those which could easily be perceived as a mistake, but were anything but.
Competing in a nameless competition and almost dying in the process.
Getting the lost love back. Slowly, Gradually. (even if it felt too early to call it that)
And then... Her mind stops as the playful tunes start emanating out along with florescent light from the cellular, and the face of the one who has been a regular image of the thoughts that lull her to sleep.
On the other side, his voice is soft.
She can visualize him in the Diagnostics Office, leaning back on his chair.
Most probably on a break.
The new day hasn't even started for him, yet he remembers that it has, for her.
Their talks are interspersed with comfortable silence. For them, just the knowledge that the person on the other side is still there with them is enough.
All through the conversation, she waits.
In a hope that the irrelevant and unimportant date is written in faded letters somewhere in that brilliant mind of his.
As the line approaches its end, talks slowly halt, she feels a faint pang of sadness.
Maybe he doesn't remember it after all.
She bids her farewell, and as his finger hovers close to the end call button, she hears it.
Crystal Clear but still seeming unreal.
Happy Birthday, Pooja.
Her thanks are intermixed with a light giggle, unable to hold back the pleasure that erupts within her, along with the flutter called butterflies in her stomach.
Maybe there is always hope left, after all.
Last year of Residence:
There have been countless moments when she has asked the time to wait, to slow its rushing footsteps that leave no mark behind.
Sometimes it's a beg, while in other vespertine hours, it's a mindless murmur.
This moment is one of them.
When a handful of sand is slowly released on a windy day, the swooshes and swishes carry them away, farther and farther, leave them with no choice but to fly along.
The minutes were being carried away by the same current, where they had no choice but to pass.
No one had the power to hold it, not even the mighties, the richest, the most supreme.
The conditions now extensively mimic the conditions during her first year.
Just this time, it was textbooks on internal medicine and medical procedure instead of ethics.
The wishes that day are hushed, the minimal party comprising of cupcakes and mug cakes and the gang, christened "The Invincibles" after they successfully tackle one hurdle and another but remain strong and together, in their PJs.
It must be one of the first nights since who knows how long when they spent their time doing an activity that doesn't involve colour coded tabs and complicated biological drawings.
And even though some of them make faux complaints about the wasted time, they all needed this break more than they could express.
The morning sun rays filter through the white curtains guarding the windows way too fast, making them unable to pinpoint the exact moment when the black of the night ceased to exist, when the sky became melanocrysus and when the golden took over the entire stretch.
A single text message pushes her to drop the blanket of laziness, the cocoon she inhabited. Getting up and placing a smile has never been as easy as it was now.
Come Over
The condo is inhabited by a stark silence when she reaches there.
She knocks. The click of the doorknob on the other side is almost instantaneous.
His hand wraps around her waist like a reflex deeply etched in his encephalon. For the first time in forever, their kisses are not chaste. Or momentary.
When he whispers a happy birthday wish against her forehead, that's what she would call intimacy.
The purity of the action touches her heart and makes it swell, with an emotion that she predicts will not remain unnamed any longer.
First-year as an attending:
The celebratory vibes are in the air today.
Her stride is confident, heels playing a mellow harmony on the shining floors.
No one doesn't recognize her.
The intern who nearly lost her license to the Head of Diagnostics team, it was a journey that had thrown her off-road a million times.
Sometimes the barriers were pinpricks leaving no marks, and sometimes they were boulders crushing her.
And sometimes, one of these on-lookers would tear down her faith by stabbing her from the back, the cowardice of their soul, being mirrored in the blades of those knives of betrayal.
And yet she stands strong, her resolve unperturbed, as she faces the demons, those of others and those of her own.
It's a fight she has been learning to fight since she was eleven.
To curtain her tears with a glow in eyes, to hide the broken heart behind pretty lies. And just like practice makes one perfect, she has almost perfected the art of having to hide the real her inside.
As she passes the numerous congregations, amalgamations of patients and staff, she is greeted by wishes from old acquaintances whose kindness is apparent in their smile and by wishes of employed enemies, whose disinterest or sometimes blatant hate is too, completely apparent in their voice.
But they are not the ones she is worried about.
Interspersed between these two extremities are people who speak kind and in flattery lines with a sword behind their back.
Those who know how to hide their true intentions in the modulations of voice.
Every time she hears a wish where nothing is apparent, her heart stops for a while.
Strings of thought muddle her head and she tries to figure out the reality behind their words.
Sometimes she succeeds, sometimes she fails.
And sometimes she faces vehement opposition of her tired nerves who ask her to stop caring about those who are passing by.
But she never stops.
Her legs carry her to the Diagnostics office.
Her Office.
The swell of pride, of a fulfilment she last felt when she got into Edenbrook, make her head light.
She tries to stop but gives up the efforts soon.
If she has realized something through the twists of lawsuits and turns of almost dying, it is that if you keep waiting for the turns of the clock to approach a "right moment" for a chance to celebrate, you will probably keep waiting your entire life until your breath is being taken away and all that is left are regrets and missed opportunities of happiness.
So she twirls like a princess in her imaginary ball gown, beaming with satisfaction, and taking pride in giving herself the give of success.
Of making her loved ones and herself proud.
She gets so carried away in the train of thoughts, in which one bougie is connected by another, and one more, that she doesn't notice the person who preoccupies the room.
The halt is so sudden, that she almost tumbles upon the man. Almost.
She manages to get hold of herself, her hand on his back.
He turns, eyes meet.
If someone would have asked her what is cosmic, she would have said "The melt of glowing ambers into ice blue." Sure, she has looked into them more times than she can count or recollect. But every time their orbs meet, the reactions the action produces, she can only give the word seraphic to it.
When Ethan left for Amazon, she would often wonder why is she still keeping the lamp of hope alive. His absquatulation broke her, acted like a spark to her over-thinking mind. She would lie on her bed, eyes tracing the same lines on the ceiling above her over and over again, thinking just what she did wrong. She never reached the end of the path though, never really achieved the answer, even after meandering through a hundred courses of thoughts.
But now, she thanks her old self for living through it all. For not letting that lamp extinguish. For keeping it safe in a little corner of the labyrinths of her heart. Wordlessly, she hugs him, the plethora of emotions becoming quite too much to be expressed in minute syllables.
His whisper next to her ears, the innocently simplistic words induce a shiver in her spine.
But the last word.
4 letters, 1 word.
It hangs in the air like a diamond necklace around a maiden's neck. Like a tiny pendant that shines brighter than all elaborate jewels, all lengthy anecdotes.
It's enough, more than enough for her.
And as their smiles slowly spread like the slow rise of the golden sun, gently letting the rays spread through the humble earth. And those smiles, they shine together, brighter than the Sirius.
Happy Birthday, Love.
Her casual gown, bearing floral patterns, flutters along with the soft grass, she feels a sense of wonder. Whether at the shimmering moon, the stardust spread through the stretch in the woods, or at the simplicity of her surroundings, she does not know.
Her unassuming footsteps walk slow, observant of her surroundings. After walking down the trail, she stops at the clearance.
At a distance, something shines under the silver moonbeams. Her mind beckons her to return back, but her intuition asks her to move on. She listens to the latter's plea.
A small cuboidal box and a bunch of white tulips lay peacefully out of place. She usually would have left it, just in case it was a trap.
But this time curiosity overtook reason and she picks the bouquet up. A small note amidst her favourite flowers.
I love you
No name. No initials. But she knew exactly who had written it. Not because he was the one who asked her to come here, in the heaven hidden amidst the chaos, but because those flourishes of his fanciful lettering would never escape her notice. Even if the only source of luminance was distant fairy lights on trees and the faint moonbeams.
Her eyes travel away from the articles. At a distance, the silhouette stands. The same silhouette from her sweven. But this time, there is no restlessness, no rush, no tension in the air. No thunder cackles and no waves crash. This time the silhouette waits for her, unlike the last time when it was her waiting for him.
He turns, only the shine of his orbs visible. And the shadow of the gorgeous smile that dances on his lips. The last time, his stone mask was too heavy, too powerful for any of them to break or move.
But this time? This time, the mask has fallen off, it has met the end of its existence.
He comes closer, the shadow now a clear image. He goes and picks up the cuboid and hands it to her.
"Open it" He whispers in a soft voice, that disappears as soon as it appears.
She takes it and opens it, as per his words. Everything is perfect and normal.
Except for the space in the middle.
Something sparkles, in silver lustre. Her first instinct is, Diamond? She decided to pick it up
It's a key.
She looks up to him, bewildered. Is it what she thinks it is?
Move-in with me?
She places the box of chocolates down, the key held tight in her fist.
And then she kisses him.
She doesn't have to speak a word, but he understands. After all, why would two intertwined hearts need verbal responses to know what the other one feels?
Only his home, can fill the brick walls of his house with love, and make it a home.
They both lay side by side on the lush grass, hands intertwined, hearts beating in unison, silence filling their souls like air fills their lungs.
They look at the stars and the moon. Or more appropriately, the gaze at the starry screen, but the mind plays significant moments from their time together.
Pooja's mind however thinks about the four of her birthdays since she set foot in Boston. The mundane softness of them, contrasting all the birthdays she has had in the rest of her years.
The photo frame of the interns from the first year. The group video call, her life from the second year. The PJ party from the third year. And the key from the fourth.
They are puzzle pieces of the saga of her life, the absence of friends from early years, the gap, the void now filled.
And after years of searching, she thinks she has finally found it. Hidden in the normality, the simplicity, the mundanity of life.
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PS: If you are reading this, I am very grateful for you. Thank you for reading and I hope you have a great day🤎
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Perma: @gkittylove99 @neotericthemis @udishaman @aestheticartsx @twinkleallnight @schnitzelbutterfingers @sophxwithers @sweatyrysconnoisseur @nikki-2406 @choicesfanaf @trrfanaddict @starrystarrytrouble @gardeningourmet @parkbarks @mvalentine @lovablegranny @mercury84choices @izzyourresidentlawyer @phoenixrising308 @adiehardfan @quixoticdreamer16 @a-crepusculo
Open Heart (All fics and edit): @lucy-268 @maurine07 @bellcat2010 @headoverheelsforramsey @estellaelysian @shanzay44
Ethan x Pooja: @aleynareads @choicesaddict5 @stygianflood @mysticaurathings @jamespotterthefirst @ilikemenbutonlyethanramsey @takemyopenheart @mm2305
@choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
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