#put their flags and stuff on em
dandyshucks · 3 days
i think i only started identifying with the bisexual label like... last year? maybe? and it's not a perfect label for me, but it's one I use in a pinch. I IDed as pansexual (or panromantic gray-ace if we really want to get into the nitty gritty of my past labelling LOL) in highschool and a couple years after I graduated and then I went with no labels for a couple years after that, and now I've settled into the label of "bisexual? i guess? plain old queer is better though" but theres no fun flag for that so I'll sometimes just go with the bi flag fhfjdkl
also Guz is bisexual (in my mind he is. not canonically though RIP) so I figured I'd just go with that for the art piece I just posted LOL, it works well enough!
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mxbitters · 1 year
drag performances are like..truly good for the soul. today was nice i feel like a part of me has healed. that could also be the weed but still
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no-13s-alt-account · 5 months
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Might need to workshop some ideas here so they aren’t harmful or unintentionally disrespectful. Not what I intended.
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I thought i sent it but i don't think i did though... if i did then oops sorry.
Can i request more TWIST characters who carry reader on their shoulders?
I believe you've done a fair bit of them so I'm trying to remember which ones haven't been asked about.... I think Lilia, Kalim, Jamil, Malleus, Sebek and Riddle? Those are the ones off the top of my head tbh but DON'T feel pressured to do em all. I'm fine with whatever you want to write. I'm just listing stuff for ideas. You don't have to use any of these concepts if they don't resonate.
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Sitting on Their Shoulders (4) | Yandere Twisted Wonderland
Lilia Vanrouge
“Looking at it there’s no way we’re going to get that flag down without a stool or something.”
“Hey why not just get on my shoulders!
“Yeah just hop up on my shoulders and grab it! You don’t want to lose the game do you?”
“...Are you sure this is the way we should be doing this? Maybe you should go on mine.”
“Pft are you underestimating me, my little bat? C’mon I can handle you I promise.”
Despite your concern Lilia practically forces you to sit 
Ducking under your legs and standing up
You’ll be too busy regaining your balance to heed the moan he lets out
Too focused on the flag up high to see his eyes roll to the back of his head as you release your grip on his hair
He might toss you up claiming some lie he needs readjust his grip while squeezing your thighs together 
Practically smothering him
“I got it! Okay Lilia I’m ready to come down now! Lilia. Lilia?”
“I’ve decided we should stay this way for the rest of the game!”
“Yup so hold on tight sweet cheeks! I need to run off all the extra energy you’ve given me!”
He really does need to run off all his excitement 
Otherwise he doesn’t know he wouldn’t revert to his more violent ways should anyone break the precious skin-to-skin contact you were having
“(Y/n), I think I just found my favorite place to be!”
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Riddle Rosehearts
“How about I put you on my shoulders Riddle? That way you should be able to reach the sugar and we’ll have delicious tarts in no time!”
“...I’ll lift you up.”
“But you’re a lot short—”
“I’ll do it!”
He of course had not thought of himself in such a position lies+
But having his whole face swallowed in between your thighs as he balanced your weight awakens something in him
If there is any aching he has under your weight is dissipated by the overwhelming feeling of you
You, being all around him
Him smelling you with no end in sight
He’s used to imagining and guiltily dreaming about things such as this
It finally puts his intense dictatorship guarding of your friendships
No one should ever be given this 
No one but him
“Uh Riddle can we go to the right a little?”
“Riddle?..Am I too heavy?”
“NO! I apologize, I was distracted by the...heat….within this room. I’ll go to the left now.”
“Right. We need to go right!”
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wynnyfryd · 2 months
Trailer park Steve AU part 61
part 1 | part 60 | ao3
cw: mentions of canonical minor character death
Chapter 14
It's twilight by the time they make their way to Rick's place — gnat clouds swarming, sun dipped low, Lover's Lake an inky smudge beyond the blur of passing pines. Steve’s not totally sure how they got here, this dusty service road that's more pothole than pavement; one minute he's bitching about doomed love and double VHS, the next he’s taking the scenic route to a drug den.
There were some important moments in between, he’s pretty sure.
He’s also pretty sure he blacked out somewhere around the moment the morning news reported that an-unidentified-Hawkins-student-who-very-well-could-be-Eddie-Munson was found dead in his fucking trailer.
Kinda difficult to resurface from that one.
Feels like his soul’s got swimmer’s ear.
Even hours later — after Dustin and Max burst into Family Video talking a mile a minute about how Eddie was alive and they needed to use the phones; after Ernie stupidly gave a reporter Steve’s name, swearing up and down on the TV that his neighbor Steve Harrington was an upstanding young man who would never do something like this; after they spent an agonizingly long afternoon lying low and taking backroads to avoid the cops because the cops probably suspect Steve of murder now, oh god—
“It’s this next right up ahead,” Max says from the back seat. There's a map spread over the bench between her and Dustin, and Steve blinks himself awake; gives her a nod in the rearview.
Beside her, Dustin’s munching on Twizzlers he stole from the store — window down, easy slouch, just way too chipper for the situation at hand. "So Steve," he says conversationally, "now that you're a fugitive, does that mean—?"
Steve cuts Robin a pleading look.
Robin reaches back and smacks the little twerp upside the head.
"Ow!" Dustin whines.
"Shut up, please," Robin smiles.
Max makes a sound like she's trying not to laugh and checks the map again. "Right here," she says, pointing. "After that weird tree stump."
They turn onto another road that could be generously described as paved, once, several decades ago, and eventually, the winding path lets out onto a slightly nicer street. Aging but cared for, Holland Road is a crowded row of little lake houses, trailers and shacks with manicured shrubs and chipped fence paint, weeds growing through the sidewalks beneath pristine American flags. Steve pulls into the driveway of #2121.
It looks abandoned. Dark inside and out, a truck parked on the curb that's likely been there for a while, its tires sagging in a mulch of old wet leaves. There’s an autumn wreath on the front door.
“You sure this is the place?” he asks as they climb out of the car.
Max sasses him for questioning her navigation skills, Dustin unsuccessfully tries to land a revenge slap on Robin — a move that earns him a retaliation wedgie and a wrestling match he was never gonna win — and Steve pops the trunk and feels a hundred years old. Feels every bit the exhausted dad trying to keep the family road trip together as he grabs his nail bat and slings his duffel over his shoulder.
"You planning to spend the night?" Dustin teases from Robin's armpit, still bent double where she's got him in a headlock.
"No, just-" he drops the bag at their feet with a grunt, “doesn’t hurt to be prepared.”
Dustin’s eyes bug out. “Is that a can of goddamn bear mace?”
“Keep your voice down!” Steve hisses.
“You keep your voice down!”
"Should I just go ahead and choke him out?" Robin offers.
Steve considers it for a second: knock 'em all out, stuff 'em back inside the car. Go do this shit quietly by himself.
He rolls his eyes and puts his hands on his hips.
"You're no fun," she pouts, but she lets Dustin go.
Dustin grabs flashlights and walkies out of the bag, passes them around the circle. They take a moment to steel themselves — huddled together in the dark, shoulders tense, the creepy house looming ahead. Sharp shadows stretch toward them. Croaking sounds creeping from the edges of the lake.
Robin puts her flashlight under her chin like she's about to tell a scary story. "Alright, kiddos," she says in a deep, ominous voice. "Let's go rescue Steve's ex."
Stunned silence in the sudden vacuum her words create. Steve lets out a tired sigh. Dustin’s jaw is on the curb.
“His WHAT?” Dustin shouts.
Oh, my god. “He’s not my ex."
Robin rolls her eyes and says ‘sure’ under her breath, and Max turns to Dustin, laughing. “You didn’t know they were a thing?”
“We’re not—” Steve tries again.
“What were you trying to get them back together for then?”
She seems genuinely curious. Dustin seems three seconds from spontaneous combustion. “What was I WHAT?!” he yelps, limbs everywhere. Reminds Steve of Eddie so bad it hurts.
“Okay,” Steve interrupts, clapping them both on the shoulder; drops his voice to a harsh whisper. “In case you two forgot, we’re here to rescue Eddie.”
“Who you’re dating.”
Dustin’s voice is small, disconnected, his gaze far away. Like he’s shellshocked.
“Jesus Christ.” Steve pinches the bridge of his nose. “I— Yes. No. It’s complicated.”
Max snorts at his answer, Dustin makes a series of faces like he's gonna need seven years to process, and Robin interrupts his crisis by waving her flashlight like a traffic guard, walking backward up the hill as she directs them toward the house.
“Why don’t we just go find him first?” she suggests, making a rainbow with her hands, flinging light through the grimy windows. “And then Stevie here can answer alllll your big gay questions.”
Steve glares at Robin. Dustin glares at him, narrowed eyes for a full ten seconds like 'yeah, you fucking better,' and then he takes off up the driveway hollering Eddie's name.
part 62
tag list in separate reblogs under '#trailer park steve au taglist' if you'd like to filter that content. if you want to be added please comment and let me know (must be over 21; please either verify in the comment or have your age visible on your blog)
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forlorn-crows · 5 months
Crowwwww can you tell me about how much Dew likes it when Dr Aether wears those stretchy blue gloves pls :3
i hate you. look what you've made me do. now there's lube and cum and piss all over the place. fucking. save me doctor aether.
dew better not be fucking allergic to latex. nitrile doesnt sound as nice to write so he's getting latex.
cw: 1.8k of med kink, light bondage, and a nice wet handy with a finger up the ass. dewther banter. overstim leading to piss at the end. you might think dew is the menace here, but you'd be wrong. so wrong.
“Snap ‘em,” Dew says, licking his lips. “Snap the—yeah, fuck.”
Aether snaps the latex around his wrists, once, twice. Revels in the shiver that visibly runs up Dew’s spine. His cock drifts upwards towards his stomach, having flagged a bit while the quint ghoul tied each limb to the four posters of his bed frame. But it springs up now, pleasantly plump just from him putting the bright blue medical gloves over his thick hands. 
Dew wriggles against his holds, eyes lidded. “Want ‘em, Aethe,” he begs simply.
“I can see that.” Aether quirks up an eyebrow, idly smoothing his hands together. The gloves make a soft sound as they rub against each other, one that has Dew letting out an undignified whine.
Aether stops moving his hands, chuckling softly. He puts his hands on his hips and looks at Dew, eyes roaming over every inch of ashen skin laid bare for him.
The fire ghoul wriggles again, tossing his head back against the sheets. “Aether,” he groans. 
“You’re cute when you squirm. Why do you like these so much, hm?” He reaches out slowly with one finger, pressing the latex-covered pad to the arch of his foot. He draws a line from Dew’s pointy ankle bone to the inside of his thigh, watching goosebumps rise in its wake. 
“Lucifer, hah–oh,” Dew hisses.
“It’s just my finger.”
“No it’s not.”
Aether rolls his eyes. Trails his finger a little higher. “So what is it, then?” He’s just below the swell of Dew’s skinny thigh, almost to the crease between his leg and his groin. Dangerous territory. 
Dew cranes his neck to see, throat bobbing when he swallows hard. “Feels weird. Good weird.” He keens when Aether puts his entire hand on his thigh, gripping slightly. “Fuck. Like, it’s your hand, but it’s not, and you’re looking at me like—”
“Like what?”
Dew groans, dropping his head back down as Aether’s hand gets closer. “Fu-cking smug and shit,” he says, screwing his eyes shut. His cock kicks in anticipation, and a drop of precum drools down the head of it and falls onto his stomach. “‘S hot.”
Aether lets go of his thigh, moving his hand upward to hover over his cock. Dew tenses and arches up, sensing it there. But the quintessence ghoul moves it too quickly, reaching instead to swipe through the pearl of precum on his skin and catch it on the tip of his glove. 
Dew’s eyes fly open, going exponentially darker when he sees the shine of his own pre on the latex. “Gimme your finger,” he rasps. Kicks his feet against the ropes. “You gotta put it in.”
“Okay, bossy,” Aether smirks, smearing the little bit of fluid onto Dew’s knee. “Just one?” he lilts.
It’s teasing, because he knows Dew wants exactly that. He wants the clinical feel of it all: one finger right where he wants it, just shy of any purposeful stimulation or stretch. A probing more than anything. 
He nods fervently, grasping the ties around his hands. He tries to pull himself up to watch the other ghoul better.  “Yeah, yeah, with the lube.”
Aether grabs the bottle sitting next to Dew’s ribs and squirts a generous amount of the viscous, medical-grade lube onto his middle finger. The stuff sits on the glove, hardly moving as he turns his hand around to show the little ghoul, fingers wiggling. 
Dew groans bodily, bucking his hips up against nothing. 
“Relax,” Aether lilts, half teasing, half soothing—purposefully reminiscent of his usual infirmary bedside manner. He smears the cold gel around Dew’s hole, watching as his face contorts in all sorts of pleasured emotion. Far too excited, really, for one finger. The finger that’s not just a finger. 
He’d tease him for it if he wasn’t so busy making him moan like a whore just by swirling a gloved digit over his rim. 
“Lemme have it, Aethe,” Dew grunts, trying in vain to spear himself on it. His cock wags in the air, more precum slicking down the shaft. “C’mon, you know you wanna stick it in this tight little—ffuuuucking hells yes.”
Aether presses in with ease, sliding home in one motion. He crooks his finger, earning a little gurgling noise and a jerk of the binds from his mate. 
“Running a little hotter than normal,” he comments offhandedly. A nod to the role Dew not-so-secretly wants him to play, clad in a white coat with the sterile smell of rubbing alcohol and disinfectant masking his usual effervescent ozone. It’s a fantasy for another time, another setting. Right now, just the hint of the image—courtesy of the gloves and the timbre of his voice—does a fine job of making him needy and breathless. 
Dew’s cock kicks again, bobbing upwards. “Fuckin’ wiggle it,” he grits out. “Yeah, get in there.” 
“I am. Needy.” Aether huffs.
“Needy for you to touch me,” Dew bites back. “Get that—hah—get that glove on my di-i-ick.” His voice cracks when Aether presses upwards. Petting at that soft spot just inside. 
“Uh huh.” The quintessence ghoul grabs the lube again, flicking it open with his thumb and promptly squeezing out a fat glob right onto his cock. 
“Cold,” Dew hisses. But he bites his lip and looks down with hazy eyes anyway, watching the way the gel glistens in the lamp light. 
“Let me warm it up then,” he rumbles. Aether runs one finger through it first, smearing the lube along the vein that runs down the underside. A shudder runs through Dew’s entire body. He tosses his head back and snaps his tail, arching sharply at the too-light touch. 
“Fuck, Aethe—”
“Shh,” he soothes, still tracing lines over his cock to get it shiny and wet. Swirling through the lube over and over, coating even the tops of his balls and in between the sensitive foreskin. “Let me take care of you.” 
Aether wraps his fingers around him fully, encasing his cock in a slippery latex grip. Dew practically howls, clenching tightly around that one finger and bucking into Aether’s fist.
“Oh Lucifer,” he wails. “Like that, just like—uh-huh-nholy shit.” 
“You don’t have to do any work,” the quintessence ghoul reminds him as he starts to pull at Dew’s cock. “Just lie there and be good for me.”
Dew’s eyes get big then, like a switch going off in his brain. His crooked fangs poke out over his swollen bottom lip as he sucks half of it into his mouth, and he gives Aether a frantic nod. 
“That’s right,” he smiles. “Drop that pretty head back down. There you go.” 
Aether’s smooth tone has Dew’s eyes rolling back with a quiet whimper, a crimson blush seeping down his face and into the hollow of his throat. His toes curl against the sheets, thighs attempting to press together when Aether twists his hand just so. He only succeeds in pulling the binds taught with a reedy whine. Half gone and plenty desperate. 
Aether’s hand slides frictionless along his cock, latex smeared with lube and the precum now steadily leaking out. It’s borderline obscene, the noise it all makes. But the way the slick sound mixes with Dew’s soft noises is some sort of sin all its own—an odd one, sure, with the gloves between them. But it’s an intoxicating sin all the same. 
It’s some time before Dew can even think to speak again. His entire body has stiffened under Aether’s careful ministrations, muscles tensing and cock hard and throbbing in his hand. 
“Ssshhiiittt,” he hisses. “‘M close,” he chokes out, “‘m so fuckin’ close.”
The quint ghoul presses against his prostate just to make him whimper. “Yeah? You’ve done so well, love. Want me to go faster?”
“Uh huh,” Dew whines. “Please, wanna cum on them.” He tosses his head back and forth with a low groan, getting louder the faster Aether strokes him.
“That’s it—”
“Fuck, ‘m gonna—”
“—all the way, cum for me, let me see it—”
“Aethe oh ohfuuuuck—” Dew clenches his hands into fists around the rope and pulls tight, his cock spitting out cum all over his stomach and Aether’s knuckles. He shoots so hard some of it reaches his stiff nipples, little droplets of white coating the shiny silver barbells running through them. He swears incoherently, clenching around the finger in his ass so tightly he nearly pushes it right out. 
“D-don’t stop, don’t fucking stop—” Dew begs, fixing wide eyes on the ghoul above him. He fights them from rolling right back, babbling: “Don’ you fucking stop—Aethe—please.”
“Yeah?” he rasps. The hand still flying over Dew’s cock turns creamy white on the inside of his fist as he milks him for all he’s worth. “Wanna squirt for me?”
Dew chokes on a moan, slipping quickly into overstimulation. “Yes,” he gasps, thrashing his legs. “Make me, fucking make me.”
“All over. All over my hand,” Aether agrees, the idea sending a surge of guilty pleasure right to his core. He tightens his hand, doubling down—just shy of torture, really. And the fire ghoul yelps, face twisted in pleasure-pain, his cheeks turning a bright crimson. 
It only takes a few more calculated jerks of his hand before he squirts, each stroke wringing out a filthy hot stream and a pained groan. Over and over until his voice is raw and his heaving chest is covered in his own mess. 
“Lucifer, stop fuck,” Dew pleads after a long minute, twitching away from Aether’s hand.
“Fuck,” Aether echoes dazedly as he finally pulls out and away from him. He’s quiet for a moment, watching as Dew sags back onto the mattress and sucks in lungfuls of air. Utterly fucked out and wrung dry. He looks down at his fingers, the gloved digits covered in lube, cum, and piss. Then he looks back at the ghoul spread out before him, so beautifully wrecked from just his hands. 
“Wouldn’t take much to get you to cum dry like this, would it?” he asks breathlessly and a little bit giddy.
Dew blinks a few tears away and furrows his brow, dazed and far too fuzzy to process the statement at normal speed. His throat bobs as he tries to re-wet his mouth, the gears in his mind visibly turning and clicking into place. “Shit, Aether, what?” he slurs.
Aether’s mouth twitches up in a momentary smirk. He presses that gloved finger back against his rim, making him squirm against the binds. “Here. If I just . . . gave you one more. Could you cum like that?”
The fire ghoul looks at him, eyes nearly black with how much his pupils are blown out. He can only whimper, craning his neck down to watch Aether’s hand move against his hole. Slow, deliberate. Tantalizing. He presses back in, only as far as the first knuckle. When he wiggles it a bit, Dew’s eyebrows quirk up in the middle, and he nods with his gaze fixed firmly on Aether’s hands. 
“Let’s try it, then.”
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OK, one more. I'm on a secret admirer thing right now. How about some head-cannons about the yandere vice-dorm leaders as a secret admirer.
Thank you!
Yes yes yes I can do that!
Warning(s): drugging, kidnapping, implications of wanting to injure the reader, mind control, accidental(?) gaslighting, stalking, Lilia's part might not be great because I genuinely had no idea what to do
Trey Clover
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Trey would send you hand-made baked goods every day!
Often along with a short letter signed by "your secret admirer"
Along with the letters and baked goods, he also sends you flowers!
Of course, Trey is the first person you expect when your secret admirer's calling card so to say is sending you baked goods and flowers
But, luckily for him, he's good at throwing you off his trail. He'll send a few things that make you believe it could be someone else...
To be fair, you don't know many other people who attend NRC, maybe it is someone other than Trey.
As the days go on, the letters get... more intense.
It's clear this person, your secret admirer, wants you now.
Tonight, Trey's putting something special in the pastry he's making you
After you eat it, he'll visit you and bring you home with him.
"Morning, (Y/N). Did you have a good sleep? Did the pastry taste good? You know, I used a sprecial family recipe for tha- Huh? What's with that face? You don't have any reason to be shocked, I'm sure you knew this was going to happen, those letters I sent you did have a few red flags..."
Ruggie Bucchi
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Ruggie would be very good at hiding his identity from you
I mean, don't you think a man like him would be good at keeping secrets?
Ruggie doesn't send you baked goods or flowers, or anything like that... he instead sends you stuff he either stole or bought with Leona's money.
Candies, jewels, food... anything Ruggie can find, he'll send to you (and keep a bit for himself, obviously)
Day after day, you'll be given these gifts... and you appreciate it so much, you wish you knew who was giving them to you!
You'll even tell Ruggie about it. You'll tell him you have some kind of secret admirer, and how they've been giving you lots of gifts, and how badly you wish you knew who was sending them so you could thank that person directly!
Ruggie smirks to himself when you say that.
"Should I tell 'em...? Nah, not yet. I'll let things keep playing out until they give hints that they actually like me. Shishishi! Won't that be fun? (Y/N)'s gonna be real shocked when they find out it's me giving 'em those gifts! Grammy likes them, so marriage won't be a problem... I'm sure the rest o' the family will love 'em too!"
Jade Leech
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Jade's love letters are... special.
The letters are very hastily written, like whoever wrote it's life depended on it.
They talk about hurting you, doing these horrible things to you... whoever your secret admirer is, they have a very messed up mind.
Jade makes you believe you can go to him for support.
"That sounds terrible, (Y/N). But you have no reason to worry, you can always turn to Octavinelle for protection."
You continue receiving these threatening letters... they get worse every day.
When you start to actually feel unsafe, you remember how Jade told you that you can always go to Octavinelle for protection, and while you don't exactly want to go to them for protection... what other option do you have?
The moment Floyd sees the letter, he tells you the truth.
"Oh yeah, Jade wrote that."
Huh. Jade Leech wrote these threatening letters to you? Jade Leech, vice housewarden of Octavinelle... the dorm you're currently in? Uh oh.
"Dear me, I wasn't intending on revealing myself this soon... though I suppose I have no choice now. I was intending on building your trust towards me and once things have progressed enough, reveal that I was the author, then breaking you entirely so you love only me, but... I guess I'll have to construct another plan. (Y/N), this will only hurt for a second."
Jamil Viper
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Jamil, much like Trey, sends you home-made food.
You like the food so much! Who knew having a secret admirer could be this fun?
Jamil is good at keeping himself hidden from you, he's also a patient person. He'll keep himself hidden for as long as is necessary.
Kalim often invites you to the parties he throws... though, strangely enough, whenever you arrive, he seems not to recall inviting you.
"Oh well! The more the merrier, you know? I'm sure Jamil won't mind making a bit more food for you!"
But Jamil never has to make more food for you. Almost like he knew you were coming even though Kalim didn't.
One day, you receive a letter.
Come meet me in Scarabia dorm's lounge. I'll be waiting for you. - Your secret admirer
When you go there, you find Kalim. Kalim, standing there, empty.
"(Y/N)... he's waiting for you."
You hear a whisper in your ear, and then you forfeit all control of your body to Scarabia's vice housewarden.
"I'm glad everything worked out in the end."
Rook Hunt
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Oh Rook, where to begin with Rook?
He sends you love letters every day in the form of poems signed by "ton admirateur secret"
Due to the ecessive use of French, you have your suspicions as to who's sending you these
Vil is close to Rook, so you ask him about it, but...
"No, it can't be Rook. He only has that kind of fascination with the inhuman students, like the beastmen, fae, and what little merfolk we have here. He wouldn't send that to a typical, not to mention magicless, human like you. It must be someone else."
Having no other evidence, you just assume Vil's right, and Rook isn't sending you letters...
It drives you crazy
You're determined to find out who is sending these, you begin staying up several nights in a row, just reading these letters over and over and over again...
You can only come to the conclusion that it was Rook.
So you ask him about it one day and...
"Oui. It was I sending those letters to you. I assume this is you coming to accept my confession?"
Well, even if you try to run, you can't escape from Rook. Even if you do, you two attend the same school so he'll just keep stalking you...
"Hm? What was that, mon amour? You do accept? Merveilleux! Let's talk to the Headmage sometime tomorrow! We'll discuss you transferring to my dorm so we can be even closer- Quel? You say you don't want that? Oh, mon amour, you have no idea what you truly want."
Lilia Vanrouge
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Lilia is a very sweet secret admirer
He hides the fact that he is, to put it lightly, obssesed with you amazingly well (the others could learn a thing or two from him...)
It's just cute love letters! No stalking implications, no dubious baked goods, no talking about hurting you, nothing, just genuine confessions of love from a secret admirer!
Lilia can't help but watch over you
And then, well... dead bodies start turning up at the school
Of course, the Headmage only cares about what this will do to the overall public image of NRC...
Lilia takes care of you, from a distance
Lilia shows up directly at your door one day. He hands you a sewing needle, and then disappears into nothing.
A sewing needle? Why?
Well... spinning wheels aren't exactly that common nowadays.
As you examine the sewing needle, you accidentally prick your finger on it...
The next thing you know, you're in Lilia's arms
"Ah, you're finally awake, my dear. Did you enjoy your hundred-year-long dream? No no, there's no reason to cry! I know this is hard for you to understand... I know you're scared and confused, but everything will turn out ok. I only did this for your sake. To protect you."
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lowpolylobotomy · 23 days
eurovision 2024 was a shitshow. here are my resolutions for next year's contest:
- ban israel. get them out. fuck em. not only are they genocidal they broke so many rules you don't even have to make it political
- on the back of that, change the sponsor to not be an israeli company please hello
- fire the ebu head. fire the board. fire the scriptwriters. build a new ebu from scratch at this point what the fuuuck
- iceland should internally select bashar (their runner up of their national final, who is palestinian and iconic) to compete. he's great
- the dutch should legally be allowed to throw things at the ebu
- vatican city should compete. pope's house 2026
- i know switzerland won but can they hold the contest in sealand or something switzerland is expensive
- brief the commentators on pronouns please
- bring joost back why not. i don't even like europapa but that was wild. at least as an interval act
- the uk should send the guy that stands in my local football stadium ringing bells and shouting
- put a fun non european country in there. i'm thinking like brazil
- more microstates please
- no covering up booing. go full big brother just let it happen . freedom of speech + bit funny
- worldvision on the table please
- more stuff that's godawful
- put ivory coast in so people can get reallt confused between their flag and ireland's 🇮🇪🇨🇮
- let scotland send their own entry we only drag them down. i'll take nasty techno or bagpipes. or both
- more acts that upset the church
a contest that stands for peace above all means it must stand for a free palestine and safety for its people. let's ensure they return to that form and the people that let it get this bad get their due shit
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fitzs-space · 1 year
I want to talk about all the details I put into the Ties comic cause I worked on that thing for like a week and my brain likes to think about many things
Anyway, pspspsps I'm info dumping about my own designs gather round.
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Notes for the character designs themselves
-The colours show if they are Red/Yellow/Green are different per character. Tango with bright colours, Skizz's are cool and dark, Impulses are more yellow, and Ethos are more desaturated. -Not all characters in the Life Games will get colour indicators in their eyes, the fact 3/4 of the designs here have it is unimportant shut -Impulse has a heart knot in his tie!! Look at it!! -Impulse cannot tie a tie. Tango does it for him. -Tango having his tie undone is his own choice -The choice of them having/not having pupils is intentional. -Etho only has the one on one side, maybe its cause the red eyes a little fucky in the vision, who knows though -Impulse has i's in the eyes -Skizz just straight up doesn't have em, but I normally don't draw pupils with that iris shape anyway. something something normally only draw that iris style with certain magical characters -I just stopped drawing with Tango with iris' at some point, idk -Skizz is designed as a fallen angel. that's why the halo's are all separated/broken, and why you can see darker feathers growing -maybe Impulse used to help him dye them white cause of some insecurity, maybe not -the lower his lives go, the less dark feathers are seen in his wings. like a cruel joke the watchers get a kick out of
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-mullet Skizz MULLET SKIZZ!!!!!
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-Etho is a sentimental mf /pos. they will keep and make a lot of patches for memory's and stuff. notable patches are, The NHO patch, a creeper cause of general Spazz, Canada flag cause Canadian /j, I normally add rainbow ones for the button saga of s7 but forgot to this time. -the rings are from all their divorces /J -the colours on the rings correlate to their owners (Bdubs, Cleo, Joel) lives. ie will be red if one of them is red kinda thing.
think that's the most of the design thoughts, now the Details in the comic itself,,,
-Skizz is the kinda mf who would fiddle//stim with random things in his hands. Many times its other peoples hands -dude will just hold peoples hands randomly when talking to them, team Ties just got used to it -That's why Etho took so long to notice the bracelet!
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-their ass isn't phased by this kinda stuff anymore /hj -Skizz just enjoys contact man let me be -Throughout most of the comic Skizz has some sort of contact with Etho
-Tango and impulse also end up giving Etho bracelets as well -All the bracelets Etho gets share their colour indicator + the colour form the person who made it!
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-you can see the colours slowly shift when Skizz ties on the bracelet, something something the magic of the world does some shit sometimes man.
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-Skizz taught Impulse how to make the bracelets, so they have similar styles, Skizz's is more of a simple braid style though. -Tango went for something that took longer to do. it is a little scuffed /pos
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-Ethos been getting their ass handed to them the episode before this, had to rightfully reflect that. you know? /j -the Slashes across their chest where form when Gem/Cleo killed them twice in that one episode. -The bite was originally supposed to be cause of Scars dogs. But someone in a reply made a joke about it, and frankly I think it'd be funnier if it was cause of Joel or some shit like they said.
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-Had the axe as more of a battle-axe style. It was something Impulse made for Skizz (I forget who actually made it//Didn't want to go back to check) -I like showing characters having specific styles/ways they make armor and tools. -It's fun to show characters with tools and armor that can be distinctly seen as being made by another player
-That being an axe Impulse made adds more weight to the narrative of this moment and I want people to cry -something something for Etho its a moment of taking a weapon that Impulse made to protect Skizz, and using that as the tool that finally kills him -For Skizz this is a moment of his trust and care for his teammates. Being surrounded by people that he cares about and tokens that show their love for each other.
-Suffer, I could have been angstyier, and I will be actualy.
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-Skizz is the one putting the axe to his own neck in this moment. Etho is putting as little force into it as they can. -Red king parallels who- -Etho also gets cut by the axe, something about sacrifice and how no life/time can truly be free in these life games -The blood wasn't actually intended to be golden ichor, I was just lazy and didn't want to draw red blood// wanted to have the cool lighting effect -Etho has the same colour in their blood too so, take it as you will
-I've had this comic planed since EPICODE ONE. had full intentions for it to go angsty in the end, and dam if the narrative didn't play right into my grubby little hands.
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-I also just love how well I could parallel the moments in this comic. the comparison of the pages where both their faces are visible? the Joy in ethos face turning to complete anguish? the fact Skizz never stopped smiling? the way both moments start with an outstretched hand, and end with Skizz still holding onto Etho in a moment of trust? beautiful
-all the pages in the second part of the comic were framed specifically so I could avoid drawing Skizz ass.
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eschergirls · 3 months
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March 2024 Escher Girls Update and Patreon Thank You!
Hi everybody!
It's a new month, so it's time for a site update and to thank our awesome Patreon subscribers!
First, I've restored more posts that were broken in the move from Tumblr due to being animated gifs or posts/users being deleted/leaving Tumblr before the export, etc... I also reformat all the posts to be easier to read and add image descriptions to all the images.  This month, one of the posts I restored was this great breakdown and redraw by LessTitsNAss of the Superman vol. 3 #9 cover featuring Anguish/Masochist punching Superman while in a boobs and butt pose.  At the time the preview of the cover came out, the character was named Masochist, but I believe she was renamed to Anguish when the comic was actually published, hence why some of the posts still refer to her as Masochist.  I put a combined image of the redraw and breakdown as the image for this post, but if you want to see larger versions of each part, go check out the post!
And I'm continuing to work my way through the Tumblr inbox backlog so old submissions might be showing up.  Due to the way Tumblr piles up everything in descending order of newest first, a lot of the older stuff got buried since I get a lot of submissions, and it takes a while for me to get to it.  I'm really sorry if it's taken this long for your submission to show up. 
I've also been continuing to appeal mistakenly flagged posts by Tumblr's algorithm which can't tell the difference between stuff like a solid coloured body suit and actual nudity (it flagged Johnny Storm as being naked, for instance because he was on fire).  The algorithmic flagging, sudden rule changes, and other controversies, are the reason I host Escher Girls independently as well as cross-posting on Tumblr because then there's an archive of the posts that aren't affected by posts being flagged or removed on Tumblr or if Tumblr goes down or something.
And it's also why I really appreciate everybody who supposed us on Patreon and Ko-Fi. <3  It helps me pay for server costs, upgrades, domain hosting, and other things that help to keep the site going. :)
So I want to thank everybody who supported Escher Girls on Patreon in February!
Thank you so so much to:
Anne Adler Cat Mara CheerfulOptimistic  Chris McKenzie Em Bardon First Time Trek Greg Sepelak Ian Cameron Ken Trosaurus Kevin Carson Kim Wincen Kristoffer Illern  Holmén Leak  Manuel Dalton Mary Kuhner Max Schwarz Michael Mazur Miriam Pody Morgan McEvoy randomisedmongoose Rebecca Breu Ringoko  Ryan Gerber Sam Mikes Sean Sea SpecialRandomCast  Thomas 
And a special thank you to PJ Evans for donating on Ko-Fi!!!  I really appreciate it. :)
Also a huge thank you to everybody for reading, submitting, and generally commenting and engaging with Escher Girls!  It makes running the site so worth it. :)
For those who want to follow us without using Tumblr, we have an RSS feed. (For newbies, RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication and is basically a feed you can read using an RSS reader. Simply copy and paste https://eschergirls.com/rss.xml into an RSS reader and it will keep you up to date on Escher Girls!)
Thank you all so much,
If you have any issues with the site or suggestions to improve it, please do not hesitate to contact me and let me know!
If you wish to support Escher Girls, you can subscribe to our Patreon at: https://www.patreon.com/ami_angelwings or donate through Ko-Fi at: https://ko-fi.com/amiangelwings.
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ewanmitchellcrumbs · 9 months
Let's spread some positivity! Tag some of your fellow content creators here and let them know why they are absolutely amazing!❤️
This is a really sweet idea. I'm going to put my list below a cut, because it will be long.
@em-writes-stuff-sometimes - honestly, Em's fan fiction is better than actual published books I've read. You should be doing this professionally, bub, not publishing it for free for us morons on Tumblr. I'm forever amazed that someone with your brain wants to pal around with an idiot like me.
@valeskafics - your tenacity and the sheer volume with which you are able to write will never cease to amaze me. You're a powerhouse, Babybel. You don't have a masterlist, you have a fucking library, it's incredible.
@barbiedragon - your modern Daemon has me in a chokehold. You're also one of the few writers flying the flag for Vizzy 3 and I gobble up everything you write for him like I'm a shark and you've put chum in the water. Can't wait for Kinktober to see what you create!
The rest of this list is just ordered by date of when I followed the person, and expresses no particular favourtism:
@flowerpotmage - not quite so active in fandom anymore, but they're one of the few writers giving gender neutral readers some much needed representation, and their Aemond and Daemon fics are amazing.
@paintb0x - an amazing artist - some of the best I have seen for Ewan and his characters.
@sapphire-writes - I love Jo's modern AUs and her ability to put my heart through the wringer!
@timetravelingpenguin1066 - Eli is one of the sweetest people I've ever met. An incredible gif maker and a great fic writer.
@aemondx - Sili's gifs are wonderful and the kindness she dedicates to this fandom by making icons and headers for people is admirable.
@alicentive - Killy's gifs are insane and I love that she writes for the characters that don't get as much attention from fandom.
@marthawrites - Midnight Passages, you will always be famous.
@exitpursuedbyavulcan - Studious, my beloved. UPDATE WHEN? (sorry)
@targaryenrealnessdarling - I would die for Liz. She's not just an insanely talented writer, but an all round amazing person too, she makes this fandom a much nicer place to be.
@st-eve-barnes - Eve is out here giving the Aegon girlies the content they desperately need. I love her Aemond fics too!
@bottlesandbarricades - one of the funniest fuckers I've ever had the pleasure of speaking too. Only has one fic, but it's a banger, and her edits are unmatched. I will never get over space buns Aemond.
@toms-cherry-trees - more content for Peaky Blinders than HotD, but the Aemond fic is gold.
@just-some-random-blogger - a Daemon girlie, we love to see it! If entertaining reblogs were an Olympic sport then Hani is taking home the gold. Her fics are bonkers, and I love them.
@humanpurposes - Gee's writing is top notch, some of the best Aemond fics I've ever read.
@assortedseaglass - Hilde is one of my favourite writers. Ever. She could write instructions on how to put together IKEA furniture and I'd eat it up, she's that good.
@oneeyedvisenya - another of my favourite Aemond writers. Education is one of my top five fics of all time. So well written.
@lya-dustin - the speed with which Juli produces chapters is mindblowing. All Is Bliss is a great series.
I can only tag 20 accounts at a time, so I shall continue this in a reblog. I wasn't lying in previous ask, when I said my appreciation post would be phonebook sized.
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thatdeadaquarius · 1 year
Reader that can emit sounds from their memory(like as an aura)
Walk into a room? Why do I hear boss music
Comedic timing? Fuck yeah.
Bored? Jumpscare noise.
Zhongli talking? Jeopardy theme.
Someone is annoying? Earrape.
Think about it!
Hello! I’m the 12th Harbinger, aka as CHIL- bitch shut the fuck up, WHATS UP ITS YA BOY AQUARIUSSS- /ref
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lmao imagine you walking into a room like this in teyvat, with like that audio I SAVE BY GIVING IT CPR- TIGHT AS VIRGIN BOY DONT GET NERVOUS-
(also ill stop apologizing for the late replies to these, bc as we all know by now that im slow and u will get answered eventually i promise tumblr most likely didnt delete u guys asks im just hoarding them LMAO)
I’ve been super busy running in circles so sorry about ghosting! I still very much enjoy and love u guys and love seeing you guys enjoy my stuff :’) 
Still cant believe that, but thank you!
(tbh unless the person is super observant I dont think most ppl would get that it’s YOU causing this chaos lmao)
Like I can see Zhongli eventually getting it lol, other ppl I could see after the first few weeks of interacting with you (esp bc you mix it up, honestly it was only bc u kept playing the jeopardy theme over and over when Zhongli ranted on too long that he got it was you 💀):
Heizou (he’s the best detective on all of Inazuma’s islands, ofc he got it! no he will not acknowledge that he totally thought you were hiding a very musical tanuki somewhere on your person at all times lol)
Alhaitham and Cyno (haitham took like, two hours of walking around town with you and knew, bc he’s a little know-it-all lazy bastard like that, and Cyno is actually just really aware, despite what most ppl think, he’s the General Mahamatra and not just a regular Mahamatra for a reason after all)
Tighnari (i stg he can like, smell when bullshittery is happening in his vicinity …or... hear?)
Venti (unsurpringly, he’s totally in love with this power of yours, i mean he definitely loves you cares about you a lot he says, but you’re starting to think he’s just lying to butter you up into pranking Diluc, Barbara, Jean, and really the entirety of Mondstadt more often  including Zhongli just so he can laugh until he’s on the ground again, also he definitely once asked you to make a dragon sound that’s the equivalent of shouting FUCK at Dvalin when he was flying overhead one day)
Hm hm hmmmm
Who elseee, i need a characcctterrr lisstttt…
Albedo (duh, he’s albedo, you think he has an entirely too thick folder dedicated to your recent obsessions, you rant a lot about it while playing and also he can access your browsing history 👀, and he somehow doesn't know that about you?? You’re like, literally one of his long-term, there-for-life, has-bought-a-house-for-free-in-his-head-you- arent-even-on-rent-anymore, hyperfixations or special interests. Autistic!Albedo is autistic, Because I Am Your God, And I Say It Is So.)
Dehya (always knows when its you walking around near her bc you like to listen to your old world’s songs too often when you arent pranking bitches, she actually rlly likes it and your music tastes…)
SO not all in the same way or at the same time, or even the same length of time did they realize you literally change background music or some shit so I’ll let you just- you know okay- like you get it- you get it.
Xiao, Kazuha, Kaeya, Diluc, Ayato, Yae Miko, Keqing, Qiqi, Klee, Sara, Kuki, Nahida, Ningguang, Rosaria, Scaramouche/Babygirl, Dainsleif, Kokomi, Xinyan, Yun Jin, Yelan. 
Jfc got the whole damn pride flag up here
Anyway everybody else outta luck, at least takes em a month or longer to get it lol
Sorry abt the end there i didnt feel like writing out all those bitches bc the few I did before were already longer than I thought they’d be…
Also, I am posting these spam of drafts (and that old follower 100+ event possession headcanons in prep for the next 2 weeks bc I will be really busy, again :/
Got spring break shenanigans this week, then I’ll be running around like a cat with zoomies bc im getting ready to install/actually submit my artworks for the gallery exhibition! 
…wish me luck or prayers or anything good from any god you believe in, I need the strength. 
With love, safe travels,
♡the beloveds♡
@karmawonders / @0rah-s / @randomnatics / @glxssynarvi / @nexylaza / @genshin-impacts-me / @wholesomey-artist
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thecorvidforest · 6 months
can y’all PLEASE stop reposting from @/nativenews? they post blatantly antisemitic stuff. recently they’ve been defending protesters climbing and hanging a Palestinian flag off a large public menorah with the argument that if Jews didn’t want people to desecrate our sacred symbols, (((zionists))) simply shouldn’t associate with them.
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when called out their response was basically “okay maybe that IS antisemitic but there are lots of Jews who agree with me so it’s fine!” and to claim that actually what the protesters did was super cool because the menorah was put up by Chabad, and also the protesters were totally actually respecting Judaism!
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(obligatory disclaimer before y’all come after me: i’m not arguing whether or not the company that put up the menorah is bad. i don’t have a reputable source either way. this post is just about how nativenews keeps posting shit like “it’s (((zionists))) fault that (((their))) symbols are associated with genocide and (((they))) deserve to have (((their))) symbols desecrated because of it.”)
(also nativenews may have deleted the posts with the Em Cohen tweets. i’d seen them but hadn’t thought to screenshot at the time so here’s the post i found with these screenshots)
also worth noting: any account whose entire page is just screenshots and reposts of other peoples posts isn’t a trustworthy or reputable news organization and shouldn’t be treated as such. i can’t find any association of tumblr user nativenews with any legitimate news org. it may exist but take anything they say with a grain of salt.
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wavernot4love · 2 months
wanted 2 make a post about some positive things that happened at iDKHOW Buffalo last night, because there certainly was good in there, for everyone involved, and i want to highlight/talk about that stuff!
i make these posts a lot for shows, mostly for myself so i don't forget, but others seem 2 enjoy them too, and i don't think last night's show should be any exception.
- first of all, OPENING BAND in the crowd!!! something i have never heard of dallon doing for that one before, and all things considered, i fully see why he chose to do it here as it fit the clear vibe of just wanting to be close with and sort of revel in the connection with the crowd - and the ability of that to make everything better.
there were no flamboyant theatrics like with visitation, just all of us singing together (it was also just anthony playing onstage), and homie stayed out with us for a long time - most of the song. i was also right up there which was nice.
(i'm just gonna put a keep reading thingy here you can click so this doesn't clog tags/folks' dash due to being long)
was just super sentimental. dallon even brought the "gives me.... and ____ a purpose" thing back, mentioning/gesturing towards anthony, & also the thing where when we're all doing the last "band" he like, leans back and yells it with his hands around his mouth. just kinda got me & made me smile since he didn't do either of those things on saturday, and i always do them out of habit when singing the song because of past shows.
definitely the best moment of the night & the embodiment of everything i love about idkhow. he truly made the best out of everything.
i didn't film all of it, & also my camera angles are bad since i didn't want to shove my phone in dallon (or anyone's) face. this is the only video i really feel comfortable posting from last night since it just felt like everything was alright in that moment, 100%. not that i took many in the first place for that reason, but you get the idea.
- dallon strutting around with a pride flag from someone for half a song!! let me tell you, bro was showing that thing OFF. sadly i just had my film camera in hand in the moment so i just grabbed maybe five shots on that aka i don't have em yet, but i'll have em eventually, and it sure did happen, and it was great. did see a few posts in idkhow's tagged on instagram if ya wanna peep.
- back to what i said in regards to opening band about making a rough situation more positive, dallon brought up this exact point (even moreso than usual, including just on saturday in rochester) earlier in the show while talking about a letter - he went really in depth about turning negative stuff into something beautiful. and was talking about how when he wrote the song, he could only hear what we were doing now (you know the parts, in the chorus) in his head, and now he gets to actually experience it, and so he never stops playing this song even 20 years after he wrote it. i love dallon's love for a letter, man, and hope he never does stop.
- downside has truly become one of my favorite live songs. holy moly dude it had even the otherwise seemingly casual fans going wild, possibly even more than rochester actually. that is a song to freakin JUMP to if there ever was one!!!
- did mention this in my post from last night, but a while after the show (there were only maybe a dozen of us around at this point), on his way out to the bus, dallon kind of smiled & waved at us/said thank you, first to the larger group closer to the venue and then to the few of us a bit further down, too.
can't really word it right, but just the fact that despite seeming quite down, still, bro took care to make sure we all felt appreciated/not ignored was sweet. i think maybe he could tell we were concerned, i don't know, dude, all i do know is there's a lot of kindness in that dude's eyes.
had honestly never really interacted with dallon all these years prior to these shows (besides theatrical visitation crowd stuff), so i hadn't fully realized until these past few days - really given me a different perspective i hadn't fully caught onto before amidst the dramatic aspects of idkhow/dallon & their shows, i guess.
point is, dallon's a kind dude. be good to him. just wanted to say that.
- and finally, last night was my eighth (!) idkhow show, & what's crazy is i have never traveled more than an hour & a half for one all this time. i can't say that goes for any other band, and that fact doesn't go lost on me. western ny loves and shows up for idkhow, & idkhow loves and shows up for western ny always. <3
i just have so much love for all this, dude. i miss the shows already.
this project & dallon's music & the live shows have all been in my life for so long. both of these shows have been special in some way or another, last night being a reminder of how powerful everything idkhow has going is to the point of being able to make something good out of, well, whatever might be going on.
truly hope to catch another show back around here sometime soon. please get out 2 a gig if you can - chances are, like me and everyone i've encountered, really, at their shows, you'll never want to stop going, either, if you do. :p
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creature-wizard · 1 year
I think something people kinda don't get about ancient myths is how a lot of them were directly inspired by watching aspects of nature Do Things, and kind of just... creating narratives about Why They Would Do That.
Said narratives were inspired by their own experiences and understandings of human behavior. Like they look at fire burning through stuff and go "yup, that's a hongry boi." Winter ends and warm weather arrives with the first thunderstorms of spring, and people conclude, "yep, the thunder god has fought off the frost spirits."
Why do the gods act like that in the myths? Look at the elements of nature they represent or embody, and consider how someone living in a different time with different values might have read certain human actions, intentions, and emotions into it.
You don't have to characterize natural events the exact same way your ancestors did. You can look at 'em and put your own interpretations to them, and build your own practice out of that.
Also, if someone interprets old pagan gods with animistic origins in an extremely non-animistic way and they're reeeeeeeaaaaaally pushy about it, that's a red flag. If you see stuff like "Thor was actually an alien and his chariot was his space ship" or "the jotnar are actually demons under Satan's command," you can feel more than safe to just simply ignore it. Because again, animism is informed by the physical world, so shoving animistic deities into non-animistic frameworks like this is extremely ignorant.
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letomills · 11 months
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Download all skins: SFS / Mega
Sorry that the titlecard has the esthetic appeal of a toothpaste tube, I'm just trying to ensure tumblr doesn't put a mature flag on this post for no reason.
These are sets of showerproof skins for Momma Lisa and the whole Melodie9 Fat Family, in a few combinations. They are repo'd to your default skins (or the Maxis skins if you don't use default replacements) so that they can fit into everyone's game.
All required meshes are included in each subfolder (with blockfeet). If you want sexyfeet, you will need to replace the Momma Lisa meshes with these (SFS / Mega) and the Melodie9 fat family meshes with these (SFS / Mega).
Details under the cut.
What are showerproof skins? They are skins linked to a custom body shape (or body shapes). When you give a showerproof skin to a sim, that sim will have the body shape that the skin is linked to when they are nude (taking a bath, streaking, doing ACR stuff, etc.). Showerproof skins have no effect whatsoever on clothing, because clothes use their own meshes.
The skins on this post are custom skins that are repo’d to your skin defaults (S1-2-3-4 + alien) or to the Maxis skins if you don’t use defaults. Let me repeat that they are custom skins - they will not replace your skin defaults, they will only have the same textures as your defaults. It means that if you ever switch default skins, these will change automatically on their own so that everything matches. These skins are not geneticized or townified. If you’d like to genetify and townify them, check out Rikkulidea’s tutorial.
The sets are organized into 3 folders that you can keep or delete depending on which body shapes you want. Inside of each folder, you'll have to choose only one "version" subfolder.
Folder 1: Melodie9 Fat Family
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• Version 1: TU-AU-EU get their respective Melodie9 fat family shapes*. Children and younger keep their default Maxis shapes.
• Version 2: CU-TU-AU-EU get their respective Melodie9 fat family shapes*. Toddlers and babies keep their default Maxis shapes.
• Version 3: PU-CU-TU-AU-EU get their respective Melodie9 fat family shapes*. Only babies keep their default Maxis shapes.
*EM actually gets the Melodie9 fat AM shape to save space and because to my knowledge nobody has ever published clothes for the Melodie9 fat EM shape except Melodie9 themself, who is now inactive. All of the clothing I have up for download for Melodie 9 fat EM on this blog is actually EM-enabled Melodie9 fat AM clothing.
Folder 2: Momma Lisa
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• Version 1: AF-EF get the Momma Lisa shape. All others keep their default Maxis shapes.
• Version 2: AF-EF get the Momma Lisa shape, TF gets the Melodie9 fat TF shape. All others keep their default Maxis shapes.
Folder 3: Momma Lisa + Melodie9 Fat Male
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• Version 1: AF-EF get the Momma Lisa shape, AM-EM get the Melodie9 Fat AM shape. All others keep their default Maxis shapes.
• Version 2: AF-EF get the Momma Lisa shape, AM-EM get the Melodie9 Fat AM shape, TF & TM get the Melodie9 Fat TF & TM shapes. Children and younger keep their default Maxis shapes.
Let me know if there's anything wrong or if you have any question. If you're still confused as to which "version" folder contains what, they each contain previews that should help (ages that are not shown keep the default Maxis shapes). Keep in mind that these previews are showing the default skins that I use, but you'll see different textures in your game depending on the defaults you have.
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