#qrow: oh man gotta get me one of those
howlingday · 1 month
1 / 2 / (3) / 4
So, you decided to watch the midnight channel.
Blake: Guess who's wearing her kitty panties~!
Neptune: (Via scroll) DUUUUUUUUUUUDE~!.
Coal's & Son's
Neptune: Yo! I got some stuff out of my closet~!
Neptune: Guess what's better than a rake~!
Vasilias Residence
Papa Vasilias: HALL CLOSET!
Neptune: OKAY, COOL!
Neptune: Hey, everyone! I LOVE RAILGUNS~!
Police: ...
Qrow: (Sips coffee)
Neptune: (Muttering) Lame ass railguns...
Neptune: Okay, so, apparently, bringing a weapon into a food court is against the law now...
Clover: Speaking of against the law, WHO WANTS TO TALK ABOUT MURDERS~?!
Clover: Don't tell anyone I said this, buuut Blake Belladonna missing and we kiiinda think she's the killer.
Neptune: Huh?!
Clover: Yeah, and-
Qrow: (Dynamic Entry!)
Then, at a weapon's shop...
Neptune: Wow, Yang! Glad you know about a place like this! Now we just need to figure out a way to get into Coal's without getting arrested.
Yang: Hey! No one will notice if we hide them under our uniforms!
Yang: Whoa~! It's a castle!
Somewhat: It might be dangerous in there, so we'll need to be carefu-
Somewhat: Wait, what?
?Blake?: (Sighs) Yang is the best friend ever~!
Yang: Blake?!
?Yang?: Oh, I'm sorry! Was that Blake just now?
Yang: Huh?
?Yang?: I dunno! I don't speak SKANKY WHORE.
Neptune: (Eating popcorn)
Somewhat: (Eating popcorn)
Yang: Wh-What?! That's not how I think of her at all!
?Yang?: Yeah, whatever! Terrible friend...
DOMINATRIX BIKER GIIIRL~! GARU! Then Yang got a persona.
Yang: Neat~! Okay! Let's go save Blake!
Yang: YAAA- (Falls over)
Qrow: So, when can I expect an explanation for why you and some kid from school had swords at the food court today?
Qrow: I mean, I AM a detective and we ARE investigating a MURDER right now-
Ruby: Uncle Qrow, are you two fighting?
Qrow: Ruby-
Goodwitch: Hello, this is Glynda. You know, the really pissed off looking woman who hangs with Ozpin.
Oh, okay. You wondered how she got your scroll-
Goodwitch: Okay, I know your friend is going to die in a few days, but you really need to join a sports club, so get on that.
Okay! It's sportsclub time! There's basketball and soccer! Let's check them out!
Marrow: Hey! I'm Marrow Amin! You know what I like? Balls.
Marrow: You need me to throw balls at you guys? 'Cause I've got all kinds of balls~!
???: Dude, you gotta stop polishing those balls!
You decided not to join a sports club.
Marrow: Hey, wait, come back~!
Neptune: (Chewing) Dude, this steak is awesome.
HEY! You're not done! Go join a culture club! You decided to check out the band first.
Velvet: Who wants to help me overcome my SELF-ESTEEM ISSUES?!
You decided to join drama.
Okay, enough screwing around! Let's go save Blake!
Neptune/Somewhat/Yang: YAAAY~!
Yang: There she is! I wonder what deep, dark secrets Blake's been hiding from us all this time...
?Blake?: I don't like being forced to inherit my family's business~.
Grimm Blake: CA-CAAAW!
Grimm Blake: SHIT!
Yang: (Hugging Blake, Sobbing) I'M SO SORRY, BLAKE~!
Blake: (Hugging Yang, Sobbing) I LOVE YOU, YANG~!
Blake has obtained the person, Bumba- Bamble- FUCK IT.
Somewhat: Now who wants to get naked~?
Neptune: Okay, guys, let's head back so Blake can get some rest.
Yang: Yeah~!
Qrow: Ruby, I'm home!
Ruby: !!!
Qrow: And I brought this strange man from work with me!
Ruby: ...
Clover: So I heard somebody wanted to talk about MURDERS~! Because don't tell anyone I said this, buuut-
Qrow: (Backhands)
You met all your friends after school to discuss Blake's kidnapping.
Yang: Blake, do you remember anything about when you were kidnapped?
Blake: No.
Neptune: Now let's celebrate by eating other people's food!
Neptune: CHOMP!
Yang: WHAT-
Neptune: Shut up! I'm buying you steak!
Blake: M... My... fried... to... fu...
Neptune: Uh, Blake?
Blake: My fried tofu... My fried tofu! My fried tofu! MY FRIED TOFU! MY FRIED TOFU!
Somewhat: Blake-chwan~! I made you these glasses!
Blake: I'm still mad.
... Shut up. It's an endearing character trait.
Qrow: So, uh, I might be able to get the weekend off.
Ruby: (Gasps) Does this mean we can go on a trip?!
Qrow: Anywhere you want, kiddo!
Ruby: Oh, that must be Uncle Qrow! (Answers) Hello, Uncle Qrow?
Ruby: ...Mhm?
Ruby: ...
Qrow: Hey, uh, you know how I said we were gonna go on a trip for the weekend? Uh... J-Just kidding~!
Qrow: (Throbbing music behind him) It's, uh... official police business. Can't talk about it.
Neptune: Hey, don't take it so hard, Ruby!
Ruby: WHA?!
Neptune: So, who wants soda?
Blake: Ha ha~!
Hey, you wanna hang out at the train station? Whoops! The train station actually sucks. Now check out this sweet dog!
Zwei: (Barks)
Qrow: Happy Children's Day, Ruby~! Here, I got you something~!
Ruby: !!!
Ruby: (Holds up baby boy clothes) Oooh, a t-shirt! (Holding in tears) W-Wow, look at the f-funny design! Ha ha ha ha! Y-Yay!
Qrow: You like it? I got it on sale!
Qrow: I got you something, too!
Opening the bag, you find a very small speedo with the words "Cute Pie" on one side.
Qrow: (Gives thumbs up)
Yang: Hey, Neptune, exams are coming up!
Neptune: Aw, maaan~! Hey, Blake, maybe we could study togeth- URGH!
Blake: (Recovers fist from hitting his face) Oh, I'm sorry! You meant studying, weren't you? I had no idea!
Neptune: Why...
Mid-Terms start today! Did you study hard? What number comes after 2? a. 1 b. 5 c. 10 d. 3
SOCIAL LINK GO! Happy drama funtime!
???: Your mom is in the hospital.
And then going to drama got REALLY awkward.
TV: Tonight! Biker gangs! In YOUR neighborhood!.
Ruby: Yaaay~!
Qrow: Hey, that's Cardin Winchester. He should be in school.
Sounds like your next party member! You should watch the Midnight Channel.
Neptune: Okay, let's discuss what we saw on the midnight channel-
You watched again while eating Ruby's science homework.
Cardin: (Appears on screen)
Neptune: (Via scroll) Hey, do you have any idea who that was just now because I-
"It's Cardin, you idiot."
Neptune: Oh. By the way, Yang or Blake? Which one is your type?
Yang Blake Both >Can I wait until I have more girls to choose from?<
Emerald: Because I'm a boy, just so you know.
Emerald: Mr. Winchester, let us engage in gentlemanly things.
Cardin: Are you hitting on me?
Neptune: Cardin's planning something with that weird boy!
You should check it out!
Neptune: Okay!
Neptune: Alright, guys! Who's ready for a stakeout?!
Neptune: We should split into teams.
Who do you want to go with? >Yang< Blake Neptune NO. You don't have a social link with Blake yet!
Blake: HA HA!
Neptune: Wow... We totally stand out...
Yang: Please get off my back.
Cardin: What are you guys doing?
Neptune: Watching you hang out with a dude!
Yang: Not that there's anything wrong with that!
Neptune: Yeah, I mean, if you like dudes.
Neptune/Yang: ...
And then there was a wacky chase scene!
Neptune: Hey, but can we ask you something?
Cardin: What?
Neptune: Has anything... strange happened to you lately?
Cardin: Strange? YOU SAYIN' I LIKE DUDES?
You know what? Let's just stick to the midnight channel.
Blake: (Via scroll) Hey, Cardin's gone missing! What do you think?
Eh, I dunno >He's in the TV< You wanted to say that, but you didn't have enough COMMON SENSE.
Blake: Let's be extra careful!
Okay, okay! Watch the midnight channel already!
Cardin: I'm Cardin Winchester and I enjoy naked men~. Oh yeah~.
Neptune: !!!
. . .
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Qrow tended to bring James his lunch most days now. It was a nice chance to get a little time for themselves now that they had Ciel- they loved her, yes, gods, they loved her so much, more than Qrow had ever realized he would, had realized was possible, but given how much trouble they had keeping their eyes and hands off of each other and given that Ciel still had trouble being alone, they had to grab what time they could.
So Qrow brought James his lunch most days, and they got to spend a little time before James had to get back to work and Qrow had to get back to... well, whatever he did during the day. He had several projects on the go right now, and of course there was always training. The shadow creatures that terrorized the cities had become more common these days, and the Ace Ops and that new Hunts-Man kid would not be enough to keep them at bay alone.
If something didn’t give soon, there would be a new hero joining the ranks in the cities, though Qrow drew the line at a stupid costume.
Still, none of that was important right now. The important thing was that it was almost James’ lunchtime, and Qrow had timed it so he would get there just in time to make him put his work down so he could eat it.
Qrow hummed a sea shanty to himself as he rode the elevator up to James’ office, and then froze in place one step out at the sight in front of him.
Part of him melted. The part of him that ached for an easy domesticity that he had robbed them of the day he walked away from the mangled mess that was his boyfriend, the soft, gooey, marshmallowy center of him that wished for things that could not have happened for the people they once were, that part was threatening to burst from how cute it was.
The other half was just... very deeply confused.
James was at his desk, for once not working diligently- instead he had a sleeping wolf pup on his chest; he’d leaned his chair back and was petting the pup gently while he hummed to it.
Judging by the way the pup was nearly engulfed by just one of James’ paws, Qrow suspected it was newborn. Probably hadn’t even opened its eyes yet.
“Where did you get that?” he asked- demanded, baffled. “Did you steal it? You can’t just steal babies, Ironwoof, give it back.”
James just chuckled, rocking forward and transferring the pup to his arms, settling it carefully into his hold. He made a shhhhh noise, partly to the pup and partly to Qrow.
“I didn’t steal him,” he said quietly, once Qrow was close enough to hear. Qrow perched himself on the edge of the desk, eyes drawn to the little pup in his husband’s arms. Gods, they could have had that. Why did he have to be so stupid?
“So where’d you get him, then?”
“He’s Minerva’s. I’m only borrowing him.”
“Isn’t she on maternity leave?”
“Yes. She came by to show off her son to her coworkers.”
“Makes sense.” Qrow nodded. “But that does not explain why you are here, with her son, and she is not.”
“She needed to take care of something in her lab while she was here. She asked me to watch him for a few minutes.”
Which was a pretty solid explanation, and no doubt James had jumped at the chance to hold and cuddle the sweet little thing for as long as possible. And no doubt Minerva knew she could take the time she needed, as long as James Ironwoof had her son.
Qrow frowned, and reached out to tickle the pup’s muzzle, pleased when he made a whiny noise and sought out the finger tickling him. Qrow booped his nose and withdrew his hand.
“Y-y’know... we don’t have to stop at just Ciel... if you want more kids...”
“Maybe,” James murmured, absently nuzzling the infant in his arms when he began to fuss, making soft crooning noises until he’d settled again. “I’m very content with ‘just’ Ciel, though. I think more than one child would make it harder to give her the attention and love she deserves.”
“You sure? Cause... not gonna lie, big man, you look awful right holding that baby.”
James chuckled again. “Qrow? I do not have time to raise an infant.”
“Even if we did decide- later- that we wanted more children- both of us, not just me- we would do better to adopt older children. I love holding babies, but in an hour I have to get back to work, and this tiny man would need more of my attention than I could spare. As it is, within about ten minutes his mother will be back to collect him, and I can eat my lunch and pay attention to my husband while his mother takes him home and pays attention to him.”
“I guess.” Qrow looked a little disgruntled; James shifted the pup to one arm extremely carefully so he could take his hand and lace their fingers together.
“I love you,” he murmured.
Qrow’s face softened into a smile. “Yeah. Love you too.”
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nexyra · 3 years
RWBY's Love Language - Part 2
Hello friend ! I'm back at it with a second part and whatever character I can think of ! (Among which best boy Oscar because he deserves it, and also more adults)
Let's go !
Oscar Pine
So ! While I love Oscar with my whole heart, honestly guessing his Love Language is no easy feat. One thing for sure : touch isn't is thing even if it's how everyone else chose to communicate their love.
I saw a post a while back detailing how Oscar is always putting his hands up as a barrier when he's scared or uncomfortable and that makes me cry a little instead but it's true TT. Anyway...
In the latest volumes we've got quite a bit of comforting Oscar-talks but I have to wonder how much of that is due to Ozpin's influence really. As a result I've decided to settle on... Acts of Service or Quality Time ! This is based on a few details : when people are upset with him in one shape or form, Oscar was always very eager to prove himself useful, give some aspect of concrete help (such as cooking a Casserole, ringing any bell ?). Plus I imagine that's the exact brand of help his Aunt would have needed most on a farm. Added to that, he always seems fairly happy to be included, be with the others no matter what's going on. Training ? Yay ! A movie with Jaune & Weiss ? Smiling puppy look. Fancy party ? Shenanigans together ! So yea, I love seeing my boy loved and hugged but please everyone settle for the loving he's most comfortable with <3
“She made a choice! A choice to put others before herself! So do I.”
“Oh, uh, yeah. I thought you guys would appreciate a hot meal after... spending all day looking for me, apparently.”
“No, it's okay. These past few days, I've been scared of the same things you were. I don't know how much longer I'm going to be... me. But I did some thinking, and I do know that I want to do everything I can to help with whatever time I have left.”
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For our favorite immortal wizard aka not quite dead Headmaster... I think the answer is rather obvious. When you're so careful with your words, but also so fiercely devoted to humanity, Words of Affirmation is a must. Ozpin constantly does his best to calm, to reassure. He's good at controlling the conversation and getting people where he wants... Except he more often than not use it to make them think and help them reach an healing ore motivating conclusion. This man is so insisten on giving and cultivating hope, so painfully aware of just how much words can change... There's no doubt in my mind that it's through these very same words that he tries to fight the darkness in others' mind, even when they don't want to let themselves be persuaded. And with some help from the farmboi, Ozpin is gaining in honesty and earnestness. And that can only help in giving comfort.
But to be honest... If you offer him a hug I doubt he'd refuse, and he definitely deserves one. Also therapy. For Oscar too. Everyone in therapy 2k21.
“Ruby. I've made more mistakes than any man, woman, and child on this planet. But at this moment I would not consider your appointment to leader to be one of them. Do you?”
“It's not every day that friends are able to come together like this. Time has a way of testing our bonds, but it's nights like these that can help keep them stronger than ever. Nights like these are ones we'll never forget.”
“Don't worry, Mr. Arc. Your journey is far from over, and the same might be said for all of you. Unlocking your Semblance isn't the end. It can still grow and evolve. Providing you are willing to put in the work, who knows what could happen?”
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Emerald Sustrai
Now here I'm gonna go ahead and say that the way Emerald has been taught to express her love and the way SHE would rather preffered to be loved most likely do not align. At the side of someone like Cinder, and even Mercury who isn't exactly the most emotionally vulnerable person; the only brand of love that gets an easy pass is Acts of Service, and that's probably what Emerald is the most used to. I can go on a mission with you. I can help. We go right back to the "I can be useful" mentality and I'm not sure she's been shown any other way honestly. Let's be real though : if someone offered a hug or some gentle words ? She'd probably pout & fuss but I hardly doubt she'd object.
“I don't care about Salem! But I owe Cinder everything. You want to fight her that bad? Be my guest.”
“I just... Cinder was the only family I ever had. She cared about me, taught me things... But without her here, I don't know if what we're doing--”
“I've been working on my Semblance. I can help. I won't tell anybody.”
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Pyrrha Nikos
What's with everyone and dedicating their whole love toward just helping their teammates anyway they can ?! Stop ! But any way, you guessed it. I'm pretty sure one of Pyrrha's top way of showing love is Acts of Service, and nothing means quite as much to her as Quality Time. For someone who's been put on a pedestal and has a hard time relating to people; both touch and words can be a bit awkward. But if they're wrapped up neatly in a training session or semblance explanations ? Well that's already a more familiar area. Pyrrha gives her whole to her friends and those she cares about. And in exchange, if anyone can simply... be there and spend time with her... May it be at the ball or simply sitting in the courtyard... I'm sure our girl would be delighted.
“Jaune, you know if you ever need help, you can just ask.”
“I'm constantly surrounded by love and praise; but when you're placed on a pedestal like that for so long, you become separated from the people that put you there in the first place. But thanks to you, I've made friendships that will last a lifetime.”
“I'll do it. If you believe this will help humanity, then I will become your Fall Maiden.”
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Qrow Branwen
If I say Gift Giving for the corvid, is someone gonna hit me ? Come on it's fun ! Okay, more seriously... I think this kind of love conversation is kind of a necessity for Qrow. With a semblance such as Bad Luck, making everything complicated... Qrow tries to keep his distance from those he cares about. And since he's an emotionally repressed (but caring) asshole on top of it... Well that kinda narrows down his option. You know what DOESN'T put anyone at risk but can still bring smiles on their face ? GIFTS. Shiny things, souvenirs from his missions all over the world to give to 2 smol nieces. Sounds safe right ? That said, as any good emotionally unavailable character in this show, I gotta say Qrow probably has a thing for helping out and making himself useful in relation to Oz, Tai or the rest of the inner circle. So you know what that means *whisper* Acts of Service.
That said ! When it comes to receiving some love back... Qrow probably likes everything he doesn't allow himself to have. Soft touches, loving & comforting words, spending time with a friend without his semblance making everything complicated... We know that's all he wants.
“You idiot. I know you didn't do this.”
“Look, pal, I'm not sure who you are, but you need to leave my niece alone.”
“No one wanted me... I was cursed... I gave my life to you because you gave me a place in this world... I thought I was finally doing some good...”
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Clover Ebi
And among our newbies (and gone too soon) friends we have Clover ! Clover was a very good contrast to our dusty old crow but also a great help. Kind-hearted, perceptive and honest; he knew just how to put Qrow's self-loathing in his place and push him to give himself some credit. He always had a nice word or a joke for everyone, and visibly the rock of the Ace Ops : an expert a keeping the moral up and the mood companiable. Evidently, Words of Affirmation was his expertise. Had things gone differently, I'm sure we'd have had time for many more earnest and helpful conversations with this teal-eyed fisherman.
“It's a good thing they had someone to look up to and get them through it. Not everyone is so lucky.”
“I meant deflect a compliment. Those kids wouldn't be where they are without you. You've had more of an effect on them than you realize.”
“We don't have to fight, friend.”
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Winter Schnee
And today in the "emotionally unavailable" category we have... Winter Schnee ! TALK ABOUT YOUR FEELINGS PEOPLE ! Just - I would say look at Ruby but even she doesn't talk about her bad vibes... Nor does any of the "Words of Affirmation" peeps. Honestly what's wrong with y'all people ? Anyway Winter cares so much. Is it hidden behind professionalism and a stern *big sister* demeanour ? Sure. But it doesn't negate just how much she loves her closed ones. She's fiercely loyal, and even if she doesn't let her personal feelings get in the way of her duty and doing what needs to be done, no one is allowed to say she doesn't care. Countrary to Weiss, Winter doesn't seem as good nor as aware of the love that exists in simply *being* with people. Rather, she's dutiful and ready to help any way she can when given the chance. You guessed it, yet another Acts of Service kind of love... Maybe I'm doing this wrong XD. I'm on the fence about Words of Affirmation as well. Despite her standoffish looks, Winter has always been very open & reassuring during her discussions with Penny. But she's more stern when it comes to Weiss so I dunno x)
“I don't recall asking about your ranking, I'm asking how you've been. Are you eating properly? Have you taken up any hobbies? Are you making new friends?”
“You've grown up a bit, haven't you? You're not the little girl clinging to the family name anymore.”
“You can't just buy trust like everything else! You have to earn it!”
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And that's it for Part 2 ! I might do some other characters if people suggest some but I don't have a pressing need to right now. I have many ideas of songs to apply to various characters however so that's prob what my next posts will consist of (or fun templates)
If anyone has tips to create RWBY gifs or links to download the eps in good quality I'll take it ! Good day everyone !
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coweggomelet · 3 years
here we go volume 4
i like to call this one the emo volume
- eurgh more grimm juice
- oh boy murder teens what did you get yourselves into
- you know cinder really had a rough moment there and sometimes when that happens you gotta make some changes, shake things up a bit. get a new wardrobe. cut your hair. get a grimm arm, i dunno
- light tinkling gliding cloak rustling soft voice she’s so creeeeepy
- oscar!!!! my boy!!! my baby!!!
- i like that every couple of volumes everyone gets a wardrobe change
- ruby’s ability to descend into a fit of giggles even in the face of horrible circumstances will always be so wonderful
- awww his new sword. and the lil red sash
- awww hi klein!! i love you! you’re such a good father figure to weiss
- whitley currently is a little bitch. but he has a nice lil arc from that to ‘on thin fuckin ice’ and eventually lands at ‘baby’ so. love him. but right now he’s annoying
- ohhhh fuck the hoofprint
- the thing about this conversation is that i don’t like what either of them are trying to do. it’s a money grabbing capitalist vs a paranoid fascist. both bad
- weiss you’ve grown so much already i’m so proud of you
- jacque is a pageant mom. change my mind
- klein is such a good dad. i love him so much
- oh god the video, oh man. fuck i’m gonna cry. my sweet boy… he just wants to make her proud. he just wants her back. oh god, she’s proud of him. these writers keep making me cry and frankly it’s unacceptable
- i know who built yang her aaaarrmm
- this boat captain is on top of it
- oh god the orb thing. fuckin clicker noise. eeeuuuurrgghh i hate it
- “…hello?” *complete silence* “HI IM PROFESSOR OZPIN” good job oz
- i love tai & yang’s banter so much, tai is such a good dad
- i love that qrow is being their guardian angel. like technically he’s bad luck but he’s making their journey so much easier
- she’s an asshole but boy oh boy is raven a badass
- i know who the spring maiden iiiissss hehehehehe
- i love menagerie man
- hehehehehe blake’s a princess
- more good parents!!! i love them so much!!!
- these white fang fox guys are so creepy and unsettling i hate their weird little voices
- if jacque is gonna force weiss to sing, she’s gonna sing a ‘fuck you dad’ song and that’s why i love her
- wait wait henry marigold?? as in may marigold?? of the happy huntresses??? i never connected that!
- god i hate rich people
- i love that weiss’s first full summons happens cause her dad is an asshole and rich people suck
- oh tyrian you creep
- I LOVE NORA VALKYRIE she’s so strooong
- uncle to the rescue!!!
- oh my poor lil boy oscar. he’s so scared and confused
- people need to stop slapping my girls or i’m gonna go feral
- every single member of the weiss family (except jacque obviously) is so traumatized and abused and i am so sad for them cause jacque really managed to not only abuse them but turn them against each other, so instead of being able to take comfort in the solidarity of being abused by the same person, they’re in competition with each other, or resentful of each other. they do eventually reach that, but seeing them now is just heartbreaking
- fuck yeah qrow punch him!
- aaaahhhh i love that move!! throwing the sword and landing on it while it’s upright in the ground??? incredible! 10/10
- fuck yessss ruby fight fuckin dirty 
- uh oh dangerous objects better keep those from the big bad
- way to interrupt a tender family moment sun
- so many tender family moments i love this
- yessss weiss i love youuuuuu— whitley you little bitch you ruined it
- weiss’s sword looks like those multi color pens with the switches
- ilia’s sword coil thing is so fucking cool
- it will always break my heart the way ren unlocked his semblance. and how clearly tragic nora’s life was before she met ren
- nope no thank you don’t like creepy dens with bones and broken weapons and icky grimm juice
- oh fuck oh god i hate this thing i hate it so much it’s so creepy and unnatural i hate that grimm can be creepy and weird why can’t they just be regular scary
- fuck y’all don’t let evil elastigirl get you
- jaune my boy he got big sword!!
- mistral is so prettyyyy i love a mountain city
- i love nora and ren you guys
- ugh the fuckin rat man fuck all the way off discount john watson
- awww oscar’s so brave, what a good note to end on
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tanakavox · 3 years
Look into the multiverse chapter 7
DMC3 chapter! And yes I know that Yang came off as being Lady the next chapter but I decided to go Ruby. Reaction written by my friend Doppel Micheal.
The scene starts off with a door getting kicked aparted, and a shirtless Jaune walking out shirtless carrying his sword in one hand and a red jacket in the other.
Jaune gasped at seeing his image shirtless for all to see. "Augh, Cut that out! I don't want people to… uhm…." his voice faded off in embarrasment. "Aaay someone's been working out!" Yang said in a teasing tone, while Weiss sighed in annoyance. "S-shut up Yang. It's not like I'm Sun.."
"Sun does have very nice abs…" Blake whispered at that. "Pfft, you are fine Muscles boy. Isn't he Rubes?" Yang looked to Ruby, trying to get her sister to join in the teasing only to find her little sister seemed lost in thought; she was simply staring at the Jaune on the screen without saying anything. The blonde knight walked closer to her, waving a hand in front of her to try bringing her back to earth. "..." "...Ruby?" "... HUH-? Oh y-yeah. Right, you're f-.. you're alright Jaune." The short reaper was brought back down suddenly, her cheeks taking on a red shade as she seemed to avoid looking at the tall boy in any way.
A pack of demons were outside waiting for him. Jaune turns to look at the broken remains of his shop
"Damnit!" Jaune moaned. You guys totally ruined my shop! And I haven't even named it!" He snarls and turns back to the demons. "Your gotta pay for that." Jaune throws his sword into the air, doing flips and overtop movement before pulling on the red jacket , and catching the sword posing. He sneezes a bit and rubble falls down. Jaune turns and glares at the demons and points Rebellion at all the demons."I hope you all have enough to cover all this!" He growled. The blonde went to town on the demons, Shooting and blasting them to pieces with ease.
"Is this supposed to be the suicidal one's dream world where he's actually important in a fight?" Cinder snarked at the vision in front of her, sending Emerald into a fit of giggles and Mercury to mock them with delight on his voice "Oooh destroyed."
Jaune growled in annoyance. "Hey-!" "HEY!" His attempt at retorting the insult was cut short by Nora. "SHUT UP before I break your second pair of legs. I'm not afraid to do it." She finished with a glare; meanwhile Jaune felt something press on his shoulder, and turned to see Ren, a pleading look on his eyes that said 'Don't let them get to you.'
And after he was done, the bigger ones flew off, the ground splitting in half as a tower arised from the ground. Jaune looks at the tower with a grin.
"It's been nearly a year since we last met. Where does the time go?" Jaune said still grinning knowing Cinder was on top of the tower. He began to walk towards it clearly excited. "No doubt you've got something fun planned for me. Right Cinder?!"
"It's definitely the suicidal one's dream." Cinder expressed while rolling her eyes, making Emerald giggle even more. "Like I would actually care about such a small fly."
Jaune clenched his teeth and fists in frustration, before his lips curved into a smile as he looked at her "At least I actually get to put my sword through your eye this time!" Now Ruby was the one laughing as she saw all of Cinder's smug get wiped out of her, Nora cheering on from behind with yells of "YEAAAAAH tell her!"
"Y-you- if this barrier didn't exist I would tear off your-!" She couldn't finish her reply before being interrupted by Salem. "Cinder. I suggest you calm down and don't let a child get the better of you." With steam nearly coming out of her ears and a death glare sent in Jaune's direction, everyone went back to watching.
The scene cuts to Cinder looking over the town on top of the tower. Raven walked towards her.
"Raven" Cinder greets without looking back.
"Well? Doesn't it excite you? Raven asks. "The Teme-ni-gru has been revived. The great one who once ruled this earth as the medium between the human world and the demon world." Raven smiled a bit. "Isn't it a magnificent view?" The greatest mind of all their time, those who revered evil, construed this glorious edifice. Now, after two millenniums of confinement, it can at last fulfill the purpose for which it was intended…"
"That's none of my concern." Cinder said interrupting Raven. "Did he have it?"
"Of course. He's taking good care of it. After all, it is the last memento left from your mother you both lost.
"But he has no idea of its true power."
"Ewgh, I still can't believe he's related to me in this nonsense."
"The feeling is mutual" Jaune replied to the maiden, his voice full of venom, before noticing Ruby was grabbing his hand in an attempt to comfort him. "It's okay Jaune. It's not real."
"Indeed it isn't Mr Arc." He turned towards Ozpin, speaking for the first time in a while. "Keep your wits about you, none of this is worth losing your mind over."
The demon that escaped Jaune leap onto the Temen-ni gru behind Cinder and Raven. Cinder began to walk off the demon following her. She stopped and unsheathed her kanata, twirling it a bit before sheathing it. The demon upper torso being sliced in half and sliding off before it went poof! The rest of it remains falling off the Temen-ni gru.
The scene cuts to Ruby on a motorcycle, Bumblebee, with the engine still running as she looks over to Temen-ni-gru.
"I found it." She said. Demons began to slowly walk up behind Ruby. She payed them no mind and rev the engine and set the demons on fire with the exhaust port and jump over a pile of demons falling over dead into the number 3.
Ruby stared wide eyed in giddiness at her counterpart, struggling to find her voice "Is that...me?" "-driving MY bike?!" Yang wasn't so amused though.
"I didn't-I'd never! I don't even have a driver's license Yang!" She tried to calm her sister down, making Qrow chuckle at their antics. "She does rock the aesthetic, you gotta give her that." " …. I guess."
Yang crossed her arms, looking the other way while Ruby whispered in excitement. "Ye! I'm cool." Not low enough for Qrow not to hear her though. "Ha! Yeah." Nor Winter. "Indeed."
Weiss couldn't hide the shock from her face at the elder Schnee's response. "Sister?!" "What can I say, I always wanted a bike when I was your age."
The next cut goes back to Jaune walking through a icey area. He's in front of a Icey statue shake, the ice around it falling to ground. A three headed canine chained to a door, stood before Jaune and roared sending a block of ice flying toward Jaune, which he casually cut with rebellion.
"Leave now mortal!" Ceberus growled. "The likes of you are forbidden in this land! You who are powerless are not worthy here!"
Jaune was sweating bullets at the sight "That's…. A big dog…. Z-Zwei doesn't turn into anything like that right Ruby?" "What!? No! Of course she doesn't…. right Weiss?" The reaper gave her partner a hopeful, but questioning look, irritating the heiress. "Why are you looking at me? Like I would ever hurt your dog." She replied indignant, adding one last part as a whisper. "Also he looks much cuter as it is anyways."
"Wow I've never seen a talking mutt before. You know in a dog show, you'd definitely take first place." Jaune says taunting the caine.
"You, a mere human, make a mockery of me?!" Ceberus breathes a beam of ice toward Jaune, which he easily jumps over. The ice blocking the entrance he had came from.
"Easy, Fido! How about I take you for a walk? Jaune bends his knee and starts clapping and whistling. "Come puppy! Let's go!"
"You'll regret this, you worm!"
"It's showtime" Jaune grinned hopping in place and throwing a few punches in the air before gesturing at the oversized mutt. "C'mon!
A short battle happens ending with Jaune cutting off all but one of the heads of the mutt. It leaps back, in awe.
"You are not human,are you?" It asked in awe.
"Who knows? I'm not even sure myself."
"Regardless, you have proved your strength. I acknowledge your ability. Take my soul and go forth. You have my blessing. A bright light fills the area as the demon canine transforms into nunchucks with chucks, Jaune smirks and begins to test out his new weapon, twisting and twirling it around with ease to the point he twirled it with his feet.
"Ha, not bad at all scrawny. You've been going soft on us haven't you?" Jaune felt Qrow punch his shoulder lightly. "Please. Like I would ever pull something like that."
"That remains to be seen Mr Arc." Ozpin spoke yet again. "You have potential yet untapped, perhaps you should play closer attention to what a you from an alternate reality can do."
He didn't like feeling scolded, but gave some thought to what the old man said.
"Too easy." He boasts as he poses with the new weapon. He puts it away and begins to walk off when a motorcycle crashes through the ice behind him, Ruby riding it, Ruby nearly hits Jaune, him jumping out of the way at the last second. He makes eye contact with Ruby as they pass each other midair, both landing at the same time.
"Are you going to the party?" Jaune asks with a smirk. "What's the hurry, didn't you get an invitation? Ruby doesn't turn to look at Jaune and pulls out a bulkier version of Crescent rose firing a rocket at Jaune who casually duck under it and then jumps on riding it around the room, laughing with pure joy before he hops off and let's it blow a hole in the ceiling chuckling a bit.
Ruby couldn't help herself but to stare in obvious excitement and giddiness at the alternate version of her weapon, which brought some amused chuckles from Yang, before crossing her arms and feigning indifference "Hm, my version of my baby is still the best." She completed the act with sticking her tongue out at Yang.
Ruby eyes are finally show and they are filled with cold rage. She revs up her motorcycle and drives towards Jaune and hops over him, the wheel nearly hitting his face as he looks on unflinchingly. She hopped high enough to go through the new hole in the ceiling leaving Jaune alone. "This just keeps getting better and better!" Jaune smirks again as he began to walk to the next area. The scene cuts back to Cinder and Raven again, standing on top of Teme-ni-gru, the time pasting to night.
"Looks like we have an uninvited guest." Cinder states, looking out to the city below.
"Is that so?" Raven replied, flipping through her book.
"A human. A woman." Raven closes her book and sighs.
"I'm afraid I should ask the uninvited guest to leave." She stands and walks toward Cinder. "That is what you want. Actually I happened to be acquainted with that woman." Raven begans to walk off to deal with the woman. "A storm is approaching."
"Can I point out the fact I would never work with that bitch again?" Cinder pointed out with extreme contempt. "Next time I see Raven, I will kill her for what she did."
Qrow chuckled in amusement at her remark. "Because that worked really well last time huh?"
"YOU-" "Is he wrong dear?" Once again, Cinder's attempt at a retort was cut short by Salem, scowling at her protegee. Cinder simply crossed her arms and choose to stare at the floor beneath her feet in frustration. "Tch."
The scene cuts back to Jaune and a door. He gives the door a push and when that doesn't work, he runs up and kicks it. The door still doesn't budge. Jaune snarls and pulls out his pistols getting ready to shoot.
"Yoo hoo!" A voice behind him calls out merrily. Jaune turns to see a woman with pale skin and wearing a blue jester outfit. "There's no need to use violence Devil boy." Jaune ignores her and twirls his pistol getting ready to shoot anyways."Wait wait wait,better listen to what others say lad." The woman rushs in front of Jaune and points to the door with the specter she was holding. "This tower here is very study, you see." She taps the door to prove her point. "Your tricks will do you no good. No good!" Jaune points one of his pistols in her face pushing it to her nose.
"Zip it."He growled. "Or I'll pierce that big nose."
"That could be a problem" The jester moves to Jaune's side. "You've got nothing to lose,right?"
"...is this the Neon of this world?" said Yang.
Jaune never looks her in the eyes, being very annoyed at her. "My name Jester, and I know a thing or two about this place.
"Guess not." Weiss replied. "Sure gives me the same vibes though."
She points over to an object close to the blonde. "That thing there is a power generator for this entire sector. In order to open the door you need to apply a little SOMETHING to it first. You know what that is kid? Or is that too difficult for you?" Jester begins to laugh maniacally when Jaune finally had enough and started to shoot at her feet, She begins to dance crying in fears as she dodges the hail of bullets.
"Get to the point. Or do you wanna keep on dancing?" Jaune asks before stopping. Jester took a deep breath.
"Actually, I prefer a sword to be my partner. May i have this dance my lady?" She asked, taking a bow. Jaune takes out his sword rebellion and attempts to cut Jester in half, the clown dodging at the last second and instead he hits the generator opening the door. "Bingo!" Jester cheered while standing on the ceiling. "That is what something is! Remember that kid. Write down on your hand if you don't trust your head!" Jester began to laugh and started to dance away while Jaune began to shoot at her again.
"I see…. Thanks. Jaune begans walk into the next room. "You still piss me off though."
Everyone stared in silence after the scene ended. Weiss was the first to attempt speaking up "That was…" "It was something alright." Yang concluded after the heiress found herself at a loss for words. Jaune looked down, feeling very self conscious. "I'm not that cool. Kinda wished I could be.."
Again he felt Ruby's hand tug at his, and his eyes rose to meet her showing him a supportive smile. "Hey. You're plenty cool as is." She told him in a soft voice. It was immediattely followed by Nora not so gently punching his shoulder. "Yeah! You coooould stand to get a grenade launcher though." Giggles came out of him, and eventually they all erupted in laughter.
Emerald groaned at the sight. "Do you have to act so sickly happy all the time? It was enough having to put up with seeing him be such a try-hard."
"Meh, it was kinda funny." Mercury shrugged it off with a smirk. "So, what's it gonna be next?"
The end!
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sokumotanaka · 3 years
Name 1 time Team RWBY didn't care about or help people in the show!
Well yeah
Yang destroyed a nightclub with innocent patrons in it, no, before anyone assumes so they weren't STILL in when it crumbled but Yang walked in enticed a fight and them when the dude was gonna let it slide instigated it. Weather Jr. was a bad guy or not she brought a fight to a place with innocent civilians and didn't even glace back or feel bad once.
(yang's gonna get alot of these, be on the look out.)
And no these aren't in order nor am I gonna remember every single instant cause you idiots get uppity about technicalities like how "DUUUR Ozpin isn't their boss, he's their leader." Crap.
vv read more for mobile vv
In volume 1
- Yang calls a stranger she never met a lost cause cause she wasn't "graced" by yang's presence.
- Velvet was getting bullied and they all sat there, people sworn to protect the peace just watched racism happen (Mimics IRL too!) but only cared when jaune was involved.
- "You're discriminatory!" "I'm a victim!"
- The filthy faunus from the boat
- weiss went on a racist rant about faunus and never apologized to Blake or Sun. She then worded it as if she was doing weiss a favor for being the way she was.
- "I lieeeed" Thanks jaune you're creepy and an asshole
In volume 2
- Yang barely knows Blake and is shoving her to prove a point, even if she cares about her, shoving a stressed out and tired woman then inviting yourself for a hug is super uncomfortable.
- they drag a mech to a freeway sending cars flying and they dont even talk about it or try to see if those people are okay.
- Faunus are lied to by humans that the train they're taking that the explosives will be used to topple the government, the characters never try to explain that roman is just gonna use them as bodies and they could all try to stop him and disarm the bombs and try fixing the government together. There's never a talk.
- They seal the entrance and murder a bunch of faunus and then take a nap.
In volume 3
- Even if mercury is a villain from yang's perspective he's a fellow challenger and she punches him way after his aura breaks which was considered illegal.
- Pretty much everyone literally going "In this friendly competition, let's smack talk that we're gonna make the other bleed." (I know who says that but Yatsu literally is like "I wont hold back." like this is suppose to be FRIENDLY.
- Yang gets pissed that blake registers this thing called fear and guilt and runs away cause she blames herself for her Ex's mental stability. But later Yang admits she wanted her there physically for her benefit, fuck whatever blake wanted I guess.
In volume 4
- "Oh no we gotta hurry to haven, let's walk."
- Ren: I should probably tell them there's a powerful grimm at my old home and they're carrying an injured man but I dont wanna. (Confirmed by miles btw that he wanted to show that there's a bit of selfishness in that decision...but If you're my friend and there's a shark in the water I'll still tell you? Cause I'm not an asshole.)
- Everything to do with Qrow
- Everything to do with jaune's manpain
-Blake about to draw her weapon on a ship captain
- Weiss doesn't' even yell no or reach out as her summon is about to attack a person.
In volume 5
- Ozpin not teaching ruby to use her silver eyes or even telling her.
- Yang literally punching a dude in a bar (No I'm not saying he didnt deserve it. But Miles and kerry call it yang brushing him off in the commentary and you dont brush a person off by grabbing them so they couldn't be brushed off, that's the opposite XD)
- Them arriving in mistral and not being in a hurry to tell anyone in charge about cinder, what she plans to do and anything about beacon.
- Oscar literally projecting on ruby for no reason (honestly we didn't need a second jaune, ruby barely get's development but that's a whole other rant.)
- "Humans didn't do this WE did." Bitch they just live there don't tell them they gotta EARN equality, was this written by a brainlet? (Yes it was)
- Ruby punching oscar a kid with no battle experience square in the face during sparring and cheering after.
- Literally forgiving Ironwood, genocidal ass but instantly going "Let's just murder leo the minority. No jail time, no "why's" just end them from Ozpin.
volume 6
- Yang trying to intimidate maria for going "hey fighting in a blizzard is dangerous for two reasons, 1. it's a blizzard and 2. Grimm sense all of your guy's anger, we should find shelter." And yang tries to tell her to shut up XD
- Qrow punching a child regardless of his feelings on ozpin, he's still hosting a child's body
- Team RWBY drawing their weapons on oscar
- Oscar helping them find jinn's name and kinda holding ozpin back and then after Qrow punches him yang balls up her fist and demands he bring him back out. (No matter how stressed you are, oscar is still a child and if your uncle is gonna punch, you the more rash of the two will definitely punch.
- Them being invited into jaune's sister's house and jaune putting a hole in the wall and it never comes up with the couple.
- Jaune yelling at oscar and grabbing him by his collar and for some reason the kid looks up to him???
- Ruby's stupid "we never needed adult help" speech while she sits in an adult couple's house and got lead there by adults and learned how to use her silver eyes to save her and her friends by an elderly lady literally standing behind her. (Great, selfish)
- Salem (she isn't a hero but people for some reason sympathize with her) Literally watches people get thanos snapped and just goes "I'll bring more." She had to spend at least a week with these people to form alliances, and get to know some of them and this was all for ONE GUY! This is literally what people laugh at Obito for it's the exact same motivation of making a pile of people's bodies all of their benefit.
- Also Salem: Walking through the empty world literally going "oh no with no people....how will I get my revenge!?" This is shippuden Esc Writing.
Future volumes
(So I stopped at vol 6 thank god but a friend of mine told me what happened in the future arcs.)
- Literally NOW weiss owns up for her family and her complicit attitude only for a new faunus to go "well it doesn't involve me so I dont care."
- Ren calling out yang's rash attitude and then her stepping infront of him fist balled, because again yang thinks she's a god and getting her ideas and thoughts questioned or challenge invites PHYSICAL VIOLENCE.
And no I dont care about future volumes so dont come into my inbox preaching "Oh well jaune ran into a house and saved some kittens so that should absolve all of their heavy flaws cause I'm a smart." : )
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bowl-of-shortness · 3 years
i heard u needed cloqwork prompts n i came runnin! i offer u Qrow catchin Ozpin on his last sleepy limb at his desk n dragging him off to bed. however Oz acts when he's sleepy is up to u ;3c
(I’m doing this for necromancer au because Oz in This au acts a very certain way when he’s sleep deprived >:3)
Sleep deprived
Gentle footsteps were heard throughout the mostly silent neighborhood, a figure walking the sidewalk with something glowing in his arms. Arriving at the mahogany door of a small house was a man by the name of Qrow, whom was also holding a small, sleeping, orange specter in his arms.
“11:30 pm, yeesh” Qrow thought to himself while checking his scroll, “I swear I wasn’t out with him for that long, I guess he needed me to take care of him for that long though. Weird, usually he calls.” Qrow stepped up the concrete steps and inserted the key into the mahogany door. Quietly, he opened the door and stepped in, the door creaking a little bit at the action.
The small, but cozy home was dark, with the exception of the orange specter in his arms and the peering light coming through an office door that was cracked open ever so slightly. Wait, what? Qrow looked at the door, “is he still—“ he mumbled. Oscar shifted in his arms at the sound, “let’s take care of you first bud, then we’ll see what your pa’s up to.” He thought before quietly walking up the wooden steps.
After securing the small ghost in his bed and making sure he was asleep, Qrow traveled back down the stairs and to the door that had been cracked open slightly. Once he reached the office’s door he opened it just enough to stick his head inside. Sitting there, at the spruce desk, was a tall silver haired man with glasses and deep brown eyes, who looked like he was only a few seconds away from falling asleep.
Qrow called out, “Ozzy?” Ozpin bolted upright at the sound and snapped his gaze towards the door. “O-oh heeeeey Birdie, didn’t see you there. How was your day with Oscar?” he smiled tiredly. “Ozzy.” The shorter man glared “U-uh yeeeees?”. “When was the last time you slept?” Ozpin fell silent
The tired man sighed “Mmmmm I’m not sure, maaayyybeeee a week?”
“A WEEK?!” Qrow was stunned, this wasn’t unusual for Ozpin but it didn’t make it any less surprising. And irritating. “Gods I can tell he’s sleep deprived, he’s talking slower and elongating his pronunciation.” He sighed.
Walking over to the silver haired man, Qrow slinged one of Ozpin’s arms around his shoulders and helped the taller man out of his chair “Alright Ozzy, let get you to bed.”, “Alriiiiiggghhhttt.” Ozpin spoke.
As they walked up the stairs, the true fun began. Ozpin gently called out, “Heeeeyyyy birdieeee,” Qrow looked up to see Ozpin staring at him. “Yeah?” “Can I teeeeell you somethinggg?” Ozpin smiled, Qrow blushed ever so slightly at the gesture “Sure Ozzy, anything.”
“You’re reeeeeeaaaallllyyyyy pretty. Like reeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaalllllyyyyyy pretty.” The silver haired man giggled a little bit in his sleep deprived state. Qrow face immediately turned bright red “I-Is, that so?” Ozpin leaned on him a little more, “Yeeeeaaaaaahhhhh.”
“Aaannnndddd,” Ozpin started, “A-and?” “Aaannnndddd You’re super super sweeeet, and adooorraaabbllllleeeee.”. Qrow blushed harder “Oh gods this man is gonna be the death of me if he keeps this up.” He thought frantically, “h-ha no I’m not Oz...” the taller man pouted, “Mmmmmmmmm don’t do that... don’t deflect, I don’t liiiikkkeeee itttt.”.
When they reached Ozpin’s bedroom, Qrow mentally breathed a sigh of relief, “ok, once I get him into bed I can go to the bathroom, splash some water on my face, and go.” He was reasoning with himself at this point not to stay with Oz, he was absolutely adorable like this but Qrow had things he needed to do the next day and staying here was going to ensure those things were going to be put on hold.
Qrow helped Ozpin into bed, sat on the bed, and threw the blanket over him, thinking that was the end of it.
Oh how wrong he was.
How horribly and utterly wrong he was to think such a thing.
The minute Qrow TRIED to throw the blanket over Ozpin, Ozpin flopped over on top of Qrow and hugged his waist. Ozpin giggled slightly “You’re so cooooommmmfffffyyyyy.” Qrow didn’t think he could blush anymore than he had been when Ozpin said that. “O-O-Ozzy you’ve gotta let me up....I gotta go...” Qrow tried to reason with the taller, pretty, man but Ozpin was not budging in the slightest bit. “Mmmm no, I want yooooouuuuuu to stay.” He sleepily spoke.
“W-W-Why?” Qrow stuttered out quietly. Ozpin grew silent, worryingly silent. “Ozzy are you—“ “I don’t like to sleep because I get reaaallyy bad nightmares, and you make them better........” the silver haired man whispered. “Nightmares...I figured as much.” It didn’t make it any less sad to Qrow though. “Ok...I’ll stay until you fall asleep, and then I have to leave, ok?” His face finally had calmed down now and returned to its regular tawny color. “Oooookkkkaaaaayyyyy.” this seemed to please the bigger man as he snuggled in more, “Heeeeeeyyyyy birdie?” Qrow looked down to see brown eyes peering into red ones, “Yeah?”
“I loooovvvveeeee you.” Ozpin then fell asleep.
Forget anything he said prior about his face calming down and him blushing as much as possible at Ozpin flopping onto him, NOW he was blushing as much as possible. “He doesn’t actually feel that way Qrow you moron, he’s just sleep deprived and not in the right mindset. There’s no way a man this pretty, this talented, this great, man would be interesting in someone like you.” Qrow tried to reason with himself once more.
He sat there for a little bit, admiring the bigger man laying on him. He admired him for so long that he lost track of time.
Suddenly, sunlight cut through Qrow vision. “Ugh what time is it?” He thought tiredly, “wait where—“ he surveyed his surroundings before looking to his right and grabbing his scroll off the nightstand.
10:25 am. “FUCK IM SUPPOSED TO BE AT WORK.” He panicked and tried to move, only to find he couldn’t, and being held down by a weight on top of him.
He looked down to see the previous silver haired man, peacefully asleep, arms wrapped around his waist.
“Wait wh—“ Qrow thought back to the night before.
“Oh.” He said out loud.
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bssaz97 · 4 years
It’s A Halloween Birthday!
A/N: I know this is coming a little late but gotta have a post for the birthday girl! Also thanks to my buddy @darksaiyangoku for inspiring most of this post with me, love ya man! Also every character used in this post is loved and not bashed on, even if some are used for comedic purposes. Onwards and Upwards, let’s go!
- Rose-Xiao-Long Residence -
Jaune, dressed as an angel warrior, walked to the front door and opened it to greet the new arrivals. Upon opening the door, Jaune is met with Oscar Pine who himself is dressed as Nero (DMC 4).
Jaune: Hey Oscar, glad you can make it! *lowers voice* Is Yang still keeping Ruby occupied?
Oscar: Thankfully yes. How’s preparation going?
Jaune: We just finished, and a few of our guests have arrived so all we gotta do is wait for the lady of the night.
Oscar: Great! Who’s here by the way?
Jaune: That would be Blake, Sun, Nora and Ren.
Oscar peeks into the living room but grows a confused expression upon finding only Blake and Sun, both dressed as Han Solo and Princess Leia, present chatting at the Fountain of Blood (punch bowl).
Oscar: Uh Jaune… where’s Ren and Nora?
Jaune: *blank stare* You know where they’re at.
A series of knocking sounds can be heard from a closet in the upstairs level of the house.
Oscar: ...Oh.
Jaune: Yeah… those two came dressed as a Raider and a noble person. Take a guess on who’s who.
Oscar: I’m guessing Nora’s the noble one, right?
Jaune: *laughs* Sure let's go with that.
Oscar: So who else are we waiting on besides Yang and Ruby?
Jaune: That would be Neptune and Weiss. Nep just messaged me that they were getting close, so they should be here any minute.
Oscar: Ok, what about Tai and Qrow?
Jaune: That’s the best part, they’re gonna be a no show. So it’s just us for tonight!
Oscar: Cool!
Jaune: Oh! That must be them right now.
Both huntsmen went to the door and let in both Weiss and Neptune.
Weiss: *dressed as Snow White* Pardon our tardiness, we would have been here sooner but we almost had a run in with the birthday girl and it nearly blew both our covers, so we had to go an alternate route through a local neighborhood.
Jaune: That’s fine Weiss, we’re just happy that you are here. Also nice Snow White costume, is that custom?
Weiss: Of course, I know it seems much but I can’t stand the store bought costumes, the material makes me itch too easily.
Oscar: Fair enough, also what’s your costume Neptune?
Neptune: *Flexes* You like it? I’m dressed as Aquaman, King of Atlantis!
Neptune’s costume looks similar to the final version of DCEU Aquaman’s super suit, however, there are some noticeable additions. Such as the purple starfish masking his nose, a purple belt instead of a gold one, and two purple shells on his chest looking like a bra…
Jaune/Oscar: *try holding in their laughter*
Neptune: Hm?
Jaune: So, where’s Barnacle Boy?
Neptune: *grew a confused expression* What?
Oscar: *snorting and gasping* Is he with Man Ray?
Neptune: Guys what are you talking about? It almost sounds like you think I’m-
Neptune was cut off by the sound of boisterous laughter coming from the punch bowl, where Sun can be seen kneeling over laughing his ass off. This seemed to increase his ire.
Neptune: Why are you laughing? I really am Aquaman.
Jaune: *chuckles* Not with that bra, you’re not.
Neptune: Bra? *Eyes widen in realization* SUN!
Sun, Jaune and Oscar’s laughter increased tenfold.
Sun: *gasping for breath* I-I’m sorry man, I couldn’t resist.
Neptune: Ughh! Gods Damnit! No wonder those kids were saying, “Evil’s Afoot!” It all makes sense now.
Oscar: *wiping away a tear* If it bothers you that much, why don’t you take it off?
Neptune: I can’t, I kinda... glued it on. Plus I’m already here, what’s done is done.
Sun: Nonsense! *grabs the bra and rips it off*
What happened as Sun tore away the bra from the costume was exactly what Neptune warned, thus as the shells came off so too did the chest portion of his costume.
Neptune: ....
Oscar: ...maybe Weiss likes it?
Weiss: It does have a certain appeal, and it does show off your naturalness dear. *she hums rubbing Nep’s exposed chest*
Neptune: ...I’m completely ok with these results.
Night had come, and the group waited another half hour until both Ruby and Yang arrived at the house, who by then had all been hidden and turned off the lights.
Ruby: Hey why’s it so dark in here? *flicks on the lights*
“SURPRISE! Happy Birthday!”
Ruby: *jumps up in her demon warrior costume* Oh my-Guys, what are you all?
Yang: *dressed as Trish* Like your surprise sis?
Ruby: Oh my gods, you were planning this all day?
Yang: Can’t take all the credit, VB here set everything up while I had to keep you busy trick or treating.
Ruby: *eyes watering* Jaune? I thought you had to go on a mission.
Jaune: Yeah… I may have twisted the details on what kind of mission I was gonna be on today. You like it?
Ruby: Dang it, Vomit Boy… I love it! *rubs up and hugs her boyfriend*
Oscar: *walks up to Yang* Thanks for keeping her busy Yang, couldn’t have done it without you.
Yang: It’s no biggie, I’m just glad I can make both of my little devils happy this evening. Also how’s my costume? *she teased while doing a spin*
Oscar: *blushes* It suits you… but it might’ve made more sense to go as Kyrie.
Yang: Aw, but I kinda wanted to bring the ‘devil’ outta you tonight.~
Oscar: ...That’s also good.
Blake: *comes in with a cake* Alright birthday girl, time to make your wish.
Happy birthday to you~
Happy birthday to you~
Happy birthday dear Ruby~
Happy birthday to you!~
Ruby: *smiles then blows out her candles* Thank you, all of you. I’m so happy everyone could make it.
The group suddenly hears the sounds of rushing footsteps coming from upstairs and from the stairs they see both Ren and Nora arrive with shocked expressions.
Nora: *dressed as a Mistralian noble* Aw dang it! We missed the best part!
Oscar: Ha! I knew I was right!
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jadekitty777 · 3 years
On Your Six, Chapter 5
Day 5: Mission Go- Cooking for @taiqrowweek
Wait what do you mean I switched the prompt days around? Dunno what you’re talking about ;)
(Don’t worry it’ll make more sense in the long run)
Rating: T for this chapter, M for overall
Words: 2.5k
Summary: Qrow was what most of society would call a small-town criminal. But to those oppressed, he hoped only to be a healer. In an effort to make a change in the world, he moves from kingdom to kingdom, searching for branded omegas in need. His goal? To turn the derogatory words the reformatories forced them to bear on their skin into works of art.
Then one day, his past catches up to him in the form of Taiyang, his former best friend, with a brand of his own stained onto his skin and a plea for help in his eyes. Qrow has no choice but to answer, even if it means he’d have to face his mistakes once and for all.
[An ABO-style universe in a modern-day style Remnant. No Grimm, because people are the real monsters in this one]
Ao3 Link: On Your Sleeve
Tai had started feeding him.
At first, it had begun with little things, shortly following that fateful day he gave him the picture. Prepackaged snacks or fresh fruits or vegetables as a healthy addition to the cheap, instant lunch meals he could easily afford. Then it quickly dissolved into tubberware covered leftovers of various pastas or stews, things that kept well and were well adept at making in large servings.
By late May, with the advent of Qrow’s twenty-sixth birthday, Tai arrived at his place loaded with grocery bags, a proper skillet and a determined purpose to make his favorite dish of chicken curry. It was, hands down, one of the best meals he’d had in years.
Yet, even after the occasion passed, the trend continued until it seemed Sunday became the day his stomach most looked forward too. Normally, Qrow would put up a fight about being doted after – Tai wouldn’t be the first omega to develop the habit. The most prominent of whom had been Maria, whose sessions had to be shorter than most both due to her age and the difficulty working with thinner, more wrinkled skin.
But she had also been a grandmother. A feisty one, who smacked him on the head a lot with her cane, but was also kind and worried and constantly remarking on his too-thin frame until he just gave up and let her do whatever she wanted.
But with Tai, he couldn’t even manage to feign annoyance. In part because Tai’s cooking was damn good and he’d be a fool not to gobble it up at every opportunity. But also, because it gave an excuse for their sessions to run long.
He didn’t even think it was a one-sided endeavor. Beyond the innate omega instinct to care for and Tai’s naturally generous personality, there was a loneliness in those blue eyes that told the truth behind all the fumbled attempts to waste time or make breaks run longer. By July, Tai wasn’t leaving his place until at least ten at night.
Neither of them complained about the arrangement.
Then August rolled around, and Qrow had an absolutely foolish idea.
The first Sunday of the month was on the 5th and it passed with little incident or notice. They were back at the first of the designs, arguably the most complex with the amount of color layers needed, so their dinner was nothing fancy. Just simple sandwiches and side salads, so most of their time could be spent under the needle instead.
He’d banked on that happening so that what would happen next wouldn’t have a chance of paling in comparison.
You busy tonight? He messaged early Wednesday.
Tai responded a few hours later, probably when his first break popped up. No. Why?
Come over after work. I have something to give you. He replied after he’d finished with his client for the day, sometime early afternoon.
The final response was cheeky and towards the end of the school day. You’re about as subtle as a brick.
Almost at 6 P.M. on the dot, there was a knock on his door.
“Coming!” Qrow called, dancing between the kitchen and the table to make sure everything was perfectly in place. He gave it all a satisfactory nod, then hurried over, sliding the door open only enough so he could wedge between it and the threshold, blocking Tai’s view.
The omega looked different, fresh out of work. His blond hair had been lightly gelled, just enough to give it a bit of bounce. The casual wear he was normally in was swapped out for a more professional look; pants and a collared shirt ironed of any wrinkles and shoes shined enough they gleamed.
So of course his eyes fell onto the one thing that completely ruined the look with a teasing snort. “Nice tie, Tai.”
“You like it?” He grinned, pulling at the absolutely hideous yellow abomination that was covered in yapping cartoon corgis. “The kids love ‘em. They call me the Funny Tie Guy.”
Oh Gods. “Bet you get a kick out of it every time.”
“I literally can knot get enough of it.” Tai had the nerve to wink as he said it too.
Qrow groaned. “You are so lucky it’s your day. Speaking of-” He swung the door open, revealing the room with a flourish.
Admittedly, it wasn’t much. Still, it was satisfying to see the way Tai’s face lit up with joy as he spotted the modest little table set for two, dinner already set in their bowls and the most expensive white wine he could reasonably afford already poured. The omega looked from it to him, grin growing, “You did all this?”
“Yeaaah.” Qrow flushed, trying to hide his anxiety. He’d never been great with giving gifts. “Happy birthday ya big lug.”
Tai laughed, throwing an arm over his shoulders and pulling him into a hug. “Thank you. This is just what I wanted.”
He could have stayed there forever – but he didn’t work himself to death to let dinner go cold. He pat his back, mindful of the healing wounds, and said, “Let’s eat.”
Qrow’s relationship with cooking was disjointed and the spread seemed to reflect that. The fried rice was perfect; it was one of the first things his mother taught him how to make on the stove. The garlic broccoli, more of a staple in the Xiao Long family, had a bit of crunch where some of the pieces hadn’t fully cooked through because he hadn’t had Tai beside him to remind him to stir. Just like the many other easy things he helped him learn how to make when he found out he and Raven had been living off nothing but white rice and peanut butter sandwiches for months.
The moo shu pork was the trickiest and most complicated dish by far and nothing he’d ever even attempted before. His amateur hand left it looking a bit of a mess as they poured it onto the tortillas. Unpretty as it was in presentation and lacking a few of the pricier ingredients like oyster sauce and sesame oil, the marinade had the pork still bursting with flavor.  
The wine was there to act as a garnish to make the food seem better than it was. Which was probably why Qrow kept pouring it until he and Tai had split two and a half glasses between each other. Either that, or because Tai was adorably chatty when he was tipsy.
“So, there we are, watching about thirty of these Fayblades spinning around, knocking into each other and some of the cheaper ones are falling apart. Everything is going too fast for any of us to do the math problems on them. And Missy and I just look at each other like we both just realized what a horrible mistake we made. It was only the first week back and I was pretty sure we were about to lose an eye or something.” As he told the story, Tai animatedly gestured around with his glass, liquid sloshing almost past the rim. “We get the kids to back up until they all stop. Then Missy starts gathering a few up, saying how this time we would try less so we can actually keep count – when Velvet speaks up from the back and says ‘Blue wins 124 to 90’.”
Qrow polished off his own glass, setting it on the table. “That’s the quiet one with the rabbit in her bag, right?”
“Mmhmm. She kind of tries to hide when everyone starts looking at her, so I don’t say anything right then. Just take it as fact and move on. But when recess comes around, I pull her aside and ask her how she knew the answer. And she tells me, completely serious mind you, that she’s a camera. So it was easy to do all the math when she basically had the pictures saved in her head. And I’m like, holy shit!” He taps his temple for emphasis. “She has a photographic memory.”
“Ain’t that just a myth?” He asked, starting to gather the empty dishes.
Tai waved him off. “Pfft. Qrow, you gotta stop thinking like the world’s just a big science textbook. It’s more like a-a fairytale! Where magic can happen at any moment.”
“Tai, you’re drunk.”
“I am not!” This time, when he gestured, some of the wine hit the table. He blinked down at it. “Ah, shit!”
He laughed. “Man, you still can’t hold your liquor.”
“You dishonor me.” The omega accused, pointing to his right hand as if it were an exhibit. “I’m holding it just fine.”
That only made him laugh harder, until he had to wipe tears from the corners of his eyes.
Somehow, they found themselves laying side by side on the bed, shoulders pressed together. Tai’s scroll was balanced between the head of the bed and the wall, the display playing the finale of their favorite show growing up, Silver Eyes.  It was the height of the final battle. Rosette was locked in battle with Bastinda while the rest of her friends lay, unconscious or ensnared in traps, around them.
“Do you not yet see how pointless this all is? How my power eclipses you all?” Bastinda snarled as she swung her wand down. “You’re all just insignificant riffraff!”
Rosette seemed to find some strength, blocking the attack with her broadsword. “You’re wrong! No one is insignificant! Even the smallest of us has something good to contribute.”
“Foolish child!” A powerful gravity spell threw Rosette to the ground, knocking her sword out of her hand.
“Gods,” Qrow griped. “This is cheesier than I remember.”
Tai shushed him. “Hush, the best part’s coming up!”
He rolled his eyes, but his traitorous mouth smiled all the same. Alright, so maybe this part was pretty hype. Watching it play out again on the screen, he felt ten again, practically glued to screen as his excitement built.
A large shadow stretched across the valley, delaying the witch from striking the final blow as she turned to the source. Up on the hill, sun behind him, was Zwei. Rosette’s little corgi that had been with her from the start of the show. He came racing down the hill, stubby little legs barely able to pick up speed.
Bastinda sneered, pointed her wand at the dog. “Pathetic.”
“Zwei, no!!” Rosette cried, tears filling her eyes just as the blast fired.
It seemed like the end for the lovable pup as smoke filled the air.
And then, with a blast of light, something came flying out of the dust and landing before the witch. The world rumbled under powerful paws as the giant white wolf stood before her, letting out a powerful growl that brought her to her knees.
“I don’t believe it!” Blanca cried from her mirror prison. “Zwei’s a Guardian!”
The rest of the finale played out just as he remembered, Zwei turning the tide of the fight and giving Rosette a chance to free her friends, all of them coming together for one final attack that rid the world of the cruel witch once and for all. After that, the wolf turned back into the lovable and more marketable corgi pup, and everyone headed home to enjoy true peace for the first time in a millennium.
Tai sat up as the credits began to roll, stretching his arms above his head. “I still think it holds up pretty well.”
“Sure, if you ignore the fact they completely sidelined Silver Eyes. It’s only the title of the show.” He snarked.
“Come on now. It’s not about the power ups. It’s about the journey and the-”
“Friends they made alone the way.” He mimed gagging. It was only the motto shoved down his throat at the end of almost every episode.
Tai merely laughed at his antics, picking up his scroll and slipping off the bed. “It’s late. I better head home.”
Maybe it was the vestiges of the alcohol or maybe it was the other’s scent, sweeter and more inviting than usual, that loosened his tongue enough to offer, “You could crash here, if you want.”
“In your bed? We hardly fit.”
Acquiescently, he rolled onto his side, practically shoving himself against the wall as he pat the wide, empty space. “It’ll be fine. And your drunk.”
“Hardly. And I’ll have to get up early to get back home and get ready.”
“It’s fine.” The noise left him involuntarily. It wasn’t a growl, really; it was barely more than a rumble. Regardless, the regret hit him instantly as he bit down on his tongue and turned his face up apologetically.
The omega just arched a brow, entirely unaffected and unimpressed by his pitiful display. Then he chuckled, any meteor-sized tension there could have been burning up long before impact could be made. “Gods, you’re such a punk, you know that?”
“Alright, you win.” Tai set the alarm on his scroll with his right hand, while he crossed the room and got the lights with his left. He used the glow coming off of the device to find his way back, dropping it onto the nightstand. In the bits of moonlight coming from the window, Tai became an erotic beauty as he undid his tie and buttons, shrugging out of his shirt. His belt hit the ground next – though mercifully he kept his pants on.
Qrow watched him, utterly transfixed, as he lowed himself to the bed, mattress dipping anew with the readded weight as the omega stretched out onto his stomach. Beyond all comprehension, he had to fight every muscle in his body from reaching for him. The need to bring him close and curl around him was overwhelming. So, he shoved his hands underneath the crook of his neck and locked his elbows.
Why had he thought this was a good idea again?
Tai heaved out a long sigh, mumbling, “Goodnight Qrow.”
He swallowed, voice barely above a whisper as he responded, “G’night.”
Without a clock in the room, there was no telling how long he lay there, coiled up tight like a spring waiting for the pressure to come loose, listening to the sounds of Tai’s breathing slowly evening out. It wasn’t until Qrow was absolutely certain the other wouldn’t wake that he risked it.
Though it felt a bit reprehensible, it was with that same uncontrolled desire in which he found himself scooting his upper half forward, inch by agonizing inch, until the bridge of his nose was pressed up against the curve of Tai’s shoulder.
His eyes slipped shut, breathing in deeply. The omega’s scent swirled around him, sunflowers and soil and bright summer days; a smell that was unmistakably, irrevocably Tai.
Here. With him.
Slowly, the rigidity to his muscles relaxed and he finally drifted off, the scent embracing him as securely as its owner could.
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ducknotinarow · 3 years
“Musical Scholar” (from Qrow to Robin? ~aharbingerofmisfortune)
| Musical Scholar @aharbingerofmisfortune-a
Lemon Boy - Going into this one I would say that I am more thinking of thier dynamic together. There once was a bittersweet man and they called him, "Lemon Boy" He was growing in my garden and I pulled him out by his hair like a weed And like weeds do he only came and grew back again So, I figured this time I might as well let him be
Lemon Boy and me started to get along together I helped him plant his seeds And we'd mow the lawn in bad weather It's actually pretty easy being nice to a bitter boy like him So, I got myself a citrus friend -I honestly could see Robyn using this as a nickname for Qrow mostly to tease him when he is being a grump and brooding. Qrow is someone who is used to being in his more somber moods and such but we have seen in the shown Robyn will get him to snap out of it either trying to make him smile or having to literally grab on to him to get him to listen to her when she is speaking to him. I feel this is a big part of their dynamic and how Robyn would pull the lemon boy by his hair and had be sort of figuring out how to work with Qrow giving some patience and such like when it comes to growing plants.-
But soon his bittersweet started to rub off on me You'd think smelling like lemon zest would be pretty neat I found out that my friends are more of the savory type And they weren't too keen on compromising with a nice lemon pie
So Lemon Boy and me, we just gotta get along together I helped him plant his seeds And we'll mow the lawn in bad weather It's actually pretty easy being nice to a bitter boy like him So, I got myself a citrus friend -Robyn deff has her group that seems to share in her mindset so Qrow is for sure going to be different to handle and work along with and I feel Qrow's point of view can make him the opposite to Robyns more positive mindset and her hopefulness so they would counter each other but I say they also can bring a balance between them. Kind of seeing a point of view through another's eyes sense. Especially when they are put to work along each other even in fights together -
But what if I run out of fertilizer? What if the clouds run out of rain? What if Lemon Boy won't grow no longer? What if beaches dry of sugar cane? Oh well
The whales start to beach themselves Tortoise shells tear away from their spines It happens all the time, it happens all the time Lemon Boy and I, we're gonna live forever Like Snufkin and little my, we'll get around wherever Lemon Boy and I, we're gonna live forever Like Snufkin and little my, we'll get around wherever -I more am thinking semblances here Qrow's bad luck of course would maybe bring some bad but I also feel Robyn has her own baggage when it comes to hers. Not many people are gonna want to be close to someone who can tell they are lying so easily after all. But even with all that as possibilities, I feel these two can build enough trust between and we did see Qrow may be learning to control his own and Im sure there would have other bumps to over come but already fighting and worked together? I feel to them others issues wouldn't be as bad to them.-
It's actually pretty easy being nice to a bitter boy like him 'Cause we're the bitterest boys in town Yeah, we're the bitterest guys around And I got myself a citrus friend -Once they find their rhythm they can easily fall into step with one another and share in some humor at being 'bitter' about things I just feel around Qrow Robyn can drop her leader role some and let her own bitterness in the world show because Qrow will get it but also sees Robyn is trying to do good because of those things in turn and I like the idea of the mindset helping Qrow with how he can be.-
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gemtail · 4 years
RWBY Character Statuses V8:E6
Ruby: Oh my god, the news!
Weiss: Oh crap! Atlas is screwed!... why weren’t those big airships useful?!
Blake: *panicked cat noises while watching the news*
Yang: This just in! The river of styx heading for Mantle! And it’s got GRIMM!! Fuck off, Ace Ops! We don’t have Penny!
Jaune: Harriet, are you fucking kidding me?! THERE IS A GIANT GRIMM RIVER NEXT TO US!!
Nora: Zzz...
Ren: Too busy to brood over being a huntsman.
Oscar: Hmm... I’m gonna get abused for the duration of my stay but... why not stay and try to get some redemption arcs going?
Ozpin: Great minds do think alike! Yes, let’s trick our enemies into being good guys again!
Qrow and Robyn: Plotting ironwood’s downfall
Ironwood’s angels... I mean, Ace Ops!
Marrow: Ma’am, incoming transmission... oh shit, it’s our old friends.
Vine: Seems to be the only chill guy out of the group.
Winter: I’m sad I’m about to force my friend into doing something she doesn’t want to do and that we let a creepy old man get into her head and may have killed her. I’m also angry at my coworkers for objectifying her... but I won’t say that out loud because I still love the taste of Irondaddy’s boots.
Ironwood: *waiting for the ace ops to come back and deepthroat his boots*
Schnee family
Jacques: Don’t care. He can stay in jail. He can be eaten by grimm for all we care.
Willow: Don’t know but it’s probably like this: ONE SHOT! TWO SHOT! THREE SHOT! FOUR! TAKE THE BOTTLE TO THE HEAD AND HAVE-
Whitley: Really regretting not taking some fighting lessons like his sisters did at the moment. Protect the precious bean!
All of them after the Griiver of Styx supersoaked Atlas: OH SHIT! OH SHIT! OH SHIT!
Penny: Windows update 15% complete.
Cinder: I’m an awful person. It would be a shame if my backstory suddenly came about and made everyone feel sorry for me... I’m totally not planning Salem’s demise secretly like I did for my stepmother... and I wish Emerald would just STOP being a useless lesbian!
Salem’s lapdog Tyrian: Hey, girl! Watts just gave me a call! He says hi! Also he hacked the maiden so Cinder can download her powers!
Watts: FINALLY! I CAN GIVE MY BOSS A CALL! I need to tell her I just brainwashed an innocent girl by using the power of technology.
Mercury: Screw you, Cinder! I’m one of the cool kids now! See ya later, nerds! I totally didn’t just screw myself out of being under your protection and can now receive full punishment from Salem if I screw up! I work alone because I’m cool!... Emerald, stop being a simp!.. I'm not gonna miss you! ...probably... maybe.
Emerald: How can I make Cinder love me? ...To simp harder or not to simp so hard? That is the question. Also, screw you, Mercury! I simp over whoever I want!
Neo: I hate my job.
Salem: Ah shit. Better abuse Cinder and then promise to lift her up again by letting her have the maiden powers so she stops her vendetta against me for now. Gotta act like I love her so she works for me at the moment... I don’t actually care if she gets the maiden powers, I just want the relics so I can flip the gods off again.
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shadows-twilight · 4 years
RWBY Volume 8 Chapter 13
May various thoughts and opinions on the penultimate episode of RWBY Volume 8, “Worthy”.
Jesus Christ
Another Light Sensitivity warning. Oh boy.
Of course Jaune gets to be the guinea pig. Poor guy.
“If anyone will need help, it’s them” I don’t know, after all the shit that went down at the end of “Before the Dawn”, this might actually be a cakewalk in comparison.
Nora looks like a witch on a broomstick riding Magnhild like that and I kind of love it.
Can we get Penny some shoes. Poor girl’s going to be in the desert with bare feet.
I was very excited to get our first look at Vacuo and Shade. Should’ve figured they wouldn’t be spoiling us THAT hard. Though, to be fair, you couldn’t ask for a more Vacuan welcome.
Well, on the bright side, whoever ends up falling is going to have the company of about two dozen randos. Cinder definitely knows how to make an entrance.
I’m going to take a wild guess that Cinder’s not being all that sincere with her regret towards Neo? I mean, her acting isn’t exactly Oscar-worthy (Cinder’s, not Jessica’s. She’s actually gotten really good over the years).
Of all the things I expected the last question to be used on, this was not one of them.
Jinn looks genuinely upset to have to answer this. Aww, she likes them. But, you know, a genie-allegory’s got to do what a genie-allegory’s got to do.
Cinder officially knows that Emerald is on the side of the angels. The fact that her reaction wasn’t bigger is actually quite telling.
Damn, that cold cut between the people looking surprised and all of them being dead. Brutal. RIP, Bill.
“You deserve this, Arthur”. Oh boy, he’s going to die!
You know, it’s subtle, since their faces can’t move much, but I think Elm properly heard Robyn when she made the point about the kingdom being it’s people, not the city. Good on you, Elm.
The bomber robot is giving me serious Terminator vibes.
Marrow is just raking in those “good boy” points this volume, isn’t he? Dud just took a bomb to the face for these people.
So, umm, did Watts let Ironwood out on purpose? Particularly for the purpose of stirring the pot? That certainly seems like something he would do.
Well, uh, RIP Jacques, I guess. Not gonna lie, I figured that would have been more satisfying than it was. Oh well, rot in hell, dirt bag.
And there we have it, the first of our characters to fall. I mean, on one hand, no way in hell would they have one of the titular characters die in such a fashion, so this all but confirms that there’s something waiting on the other side of this abyss, but on the other hand they do a really good job of selling the shock and grief of “losing” someone. Damn, this show is good.
I like that for a brief second, Penny forgot that she no longer had Floating Array, thought me likey the replacements she constructed.
Almost thought Weiss was going to fall there, too, to be honest.
Ok, I was officially too hasty in writing Vine off. I’m ok with being wrong on this one.
Sadly, we were all too correct in giving up on Harriet. I mean, principle? Loyalty? She’s trying to blow up thousands of innocent people and for what? Clover’s memory? He’d be ok with slaughtering all of these people in his honor? Because if that’s true, than I’m now officially ok with him going out the way he did.
Sadly, while it looks like Vine might have actually been getting through to her, Robyn has arrived to shatter the mood. Can’t really blame her, since she had no way of knowing how that conversation was going, but still. Timing could have been better.
That is the second time Qrow has ambushed a confused person using his bird form, and it was just as funny as the first time.
Yep, there’s the reaction from Ironwood I was hoping for. God, every time you think this man’s hit rock bottom, bastard’s gotta go and pull out a pickaxe.
“I've never wavered in fighting the enemies of this kingdom. And I won’t start now.” If that is not the page quote on Winter’s wiki page after this, I am going to be SEVERELY disappointed.
If Ironwood was trying to garner sympathy with that tear, he has ridiculously missed the mark.
Yeah, I was wondering if that was going to be the case with those portals. Granted, I originally thought it was intended feature rather than a bug, but still.
Hey, we got our first look in-show look at the Ravagers! Now please, for the love of god, show me a Ziraph.
The end is near, and we have our final battles. Ruby, Weiss, Blake, and Penny vs Cinder and Neo, Qrow, Robyn, Vine, and possibly Elm vs Harriet (and, to an extent, Watts), Winter vs Ironwood, and Ren, Emerald, and Oscar vs a bunch of Ravagers. Things have gone all kinds of insane, and emotions are running high! I’m equal parts scared and excited going into next week’s finale, and while i have no idea how it’s going to go, damn, is it going to be a ride. Until then, pardon me while I go scream into the void for a week. Excuse me, Yang.
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tumblingxelian · 4 years
RWBY V8: Episode 10 Ultimatum
My reaction below: 
Oh my a warning! 
Ironwood is looking ominous, ships are flying, great shot composition. 
Terrified Specialists reporting, Jac is still alive, Robyn & Qrow have escaped, Ironwood is pissed, dang watching Qrow tackle someone as a bird was both hilarious and oddly intense, cool stealth take down. 
His soldiers are clearly terrified & he’s zeroed in on Qrow, dang, what does Robyn gotta do to get on the watch list Ironwood XD 
Interesting use of the building tension then sudden stop and WHAT THE FLYING FUCK OSCAR!? 
He blew the fucking whale up!? And all the other Grimm?! Can Ozpin usually do this!? 
Also Vine trying to comfort Elm but being rejected, Marrow is very upset, seriously what just happened!? 
Yeesh Ironwood, no rest for the wicked huh? 
Huh, there’s still some of Monstra left, and wow, Watts sounds nervous. 
Watching Cinder & Watts back and forth is quite fun, its rare either deals with someone that feels they are on an even laying field with the other, but Cinder obviously hates it & Watts clearly thinks little of her. Interesting stuff with the virus and context. 
Wow that was an epic speech and lead up Cinder, seriously, very cool, and then just like with Ironwood, she gets the wind sucked out of her sails. 
Wow, this is legit a pretty epic rant, like total bastard, but also not bereft of points, this has clearly been building up for awhile. 
Holy shit, Cinder’s crying. 
Also Watt’s brain finally caught up with his mouth it seems. 
Dang no teary “I thought you were dead reunion” for the bees >< 
Wow, those Scrolls/Weiss are good. 
Also oof, Emerald, also Oscar is not having a good day, nor is Emerald again, yeesh, I mean I get it, but still, girl needs a hug. 
Ooh neat divide there in the groups, and eeey they brought up Ozpin, though dang it Oscar, don’t make up lies for him! 
Nice subtle shift in the situation, and oof, that crowd scene hits heavy. 
Ironwood looking frantic! 
Oh, OK, so he plans to torture the kids. Classy Ironwood, classy, Oscar was right you & Salem have a lot in common. 
Oh wow so that did come back up, hah, oh dear,, ooooh dear. 
Well he’s still got some arms, I’ll give him that, also a temper, such a ‘rational’ man Ironwood is (Rolls eyes) 
OK, Ironwood is clearly becoming unhinged, I suppose several days of no sleep will exacerbate pre-existing issues, and unlike the other characters he has no one who will call him on his shit, Atlas you are so fuuuuckeeeeed. 
Holy shit Neo stol the Lamp to use as leverage against Cinder! 
Ooooh Ruby was ready to cut! 
What the fuck Ironwood, this is terrifying! 
Ironwood really has long since fallen down the hole of “The more morally fucked up my actions are the more rational and pragmatic I am.” 
Heeey Nora’s back up, and Penny’s still out and the evacuation hs been brought low, wow, that brief moment of calm was appreciated but damn, this sting so good, and also reminds me that, oh yeah, Ironwood was described as the primary villain of this volume, so, haha, oh my. 
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coweggomelet · 3 years
volume 5
im so sad please do funny things
i know what’s coming though so
i’ll be crying while i laugh
- i love how qrow walks he looks like he has back problems
- oooo pretty waterfall
- ruby gushing over weapons is my favorite thing
- ahahaaaa frozen background gays that’s representation babey
- oh shit he just wanted to finish the job and go home 😢
- wait are all the academy headmasters characters from the wizard of oz? like ironwood is the tin man, lionheart is the cowardly lion, oz is...oz. who’s the headmaster of shade? the scarecrow? dorothy? i am 100% sure that people have already connected these dots but that just occurred to me
- oh ilia you poor little lesbian
- ahahahaaaa qrow “i did it!”
-uggghh the new intro i need my babies to be back together
- ew watts don’t smile with your teeth like that it’s creepy
- oh yeah cinder can talk now! gimme that fun ominous banter-y dialogue pleeeaase
- floating islands babeeeyyy
- ooooh i love this pilot! he’s so nice and funny and he works well with weiss. so sad he dies in a couple minutes
- adam you are such an asshole siena was SO COOL
- AAAHHHHH he’s got dad reading glasses!! i love ghira
- i would DIE i would lay down my little life for oscar and ruby the BABIES
- fuck yeah yang!! you stand up to her!!
- awww hugs
- of course you’re more scared than you've ever been, oscar, you are a CHILD who worked on a farm!! it’s okay to be scared!! it’s okay to have to adjust!!
- uh oh ilia doesn’t wanna kill blake i smell a gay
- hehehe awkward backpedal
- ooohhh man the kid... fuck, all those people are just... gone. and we can guess what happened to them, it’s pretty obvious but we’re never told exactly what happened and it’s so sad and scary
- awkward tea time with mom
- ugh raven shut up you SUUUCK
- they all love each other SO MUCH this is ILLEGAL
- yesssss arm wrestleeee
- ooooo the ticking clock is so ominous
- she’s gonna come back, yang, don't worry
- weiss i love youuuu you’ve grown so much i’m so proud!!
- oh ilia you poor thing
- oh boyyyy here we gooooo!! the fake out of the century!!
- mercury. shut up. you’re a good fighter and people underestimate you. but. you’re a kid. and there’s some real big players now. no one’s afraid of you. you’re not that scary.
- god this plan is so goddamn smart. raven wears her helmet. vernal keeps her eyes closed the whole time. so fucking clever. jesus. also?? vernal’s subtle showmanship?? amazing. great detail
- aang??!!?
- i really wanna know how oz hid the vault at beacon. there’s gotta be something about it other than he’s just old and powerful, there’s gotta be some shenanigans there
- god i love this theme it’s so good. casey really just gives it her all every time and i’m so grateful to her
- oh boy the fuckin lobby here we go
- siblings amirite
- boys and girls? really cinder? let’s be more inclusive please
- surprise y’all they’re murder teens sorry you had to find out this way
- fuck i forgot how much jaune’s lil speech hurts. he’s still just so sad and he’s breaking down a little cause he’s so good and can’t understand why or how someone could be so bad. god i love my lil sweet boy he’s breaking my heart
- qrow i think the time has passed for everybody to be cool. cinder’s already talking smack. there’s no going back buddy
- “who are you again?” CINDER ILL STAB YOU. but also… good— good line. absolutely devastating
- emerald’s like “gotta protect my mommy girlfriend”
- shut UP mercury
- siblings amirite part 2
- ooooohhhhh this muuuussiiiicccc
- ope there’s an aura break oh FUCK weiss gets stabbed in this episode doesn’t she and JAUNEY BOY DISCOVERS HIS SEMBLANCE i love him
- AHAHAHAAAA fuck her uuuuppp ruby
- ohhhhh shit here it comes oh god oh no
- god with pyrrha’s spear too. cinder’s really got a taste for dramatics doesn’t she
- oh god and the spear dissolving like pyrrha did i CANT
- when i say i LOST MY SHIT i said no fuckin way they kill weiss right now NO FUCKIN WAY and my friend had the AUDACITY to say “just watch”???? RUDE
- oooohh GET HIM oscar
- ohhh the tree of knowledge! i just got that
- there’s the grimm elastigirl arm
- again i lost my shit
- the amount of times i lost my shit and my friend had to tell me to be quiet was… a Lot
- oh hazel. can’t wait for your Growth
- uh oh hazel is disheveled that means he’s unhinged
- oh FUCK yeah blake you’ve LEARNED i’m so proud of all my babieeesss
- WEISS what a power stance!
- THE LOOK they’re so GAY
- ooooo i love this fight it’s maiden vs maiden babey
- poor vernal. she spent the last moment of her life helping a woman who probably manipulated her and used her, and she helped her try to kill someone who didn’t even end up dying. vernal deserved better
- oooo get him blake
- ooof the shoulder check. raven she fuckin nailed you on the head and did not hold back and knew EXACTLY what to say and you did EXACTLY what she said you were gonna do— run away. she is SO MUCH better than you and you will never recognize that and that is so heartbreaking
- uh oh the clicky orb thing. you’re gonna die lionheart
- oh emerald my baby. she relied on cinder so much, was so dependent on her, that she was powerful enough to make that in like 8 brains at once. that’s grief babey
- it took them. TWO WHOLE VOLUMES. to all get back together. this is illegal. and also i’m crying
- this is not ALLOWED they can’t look at each other like that my heart can’t take it
- awww qrow’s default really is just taking care of kids. good guy
- i’m always so exhausted at the end of a volume
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flightofaqrow · 3 years
mothering (on mother’s day)
qrow + Sun Wukong ( @ultravioletvoleur​ )
fighting clearly hadn’t been what was on the kid’s mind. maybe he just wasn’t thinkin’ at all; he definitely isn’t right now as words tumble from his mouth, barely coherent. qrow still doesn’t need to hear these things about his niece, but he’ll let this one slide.
Sun leans his back against the wall, tail swaying to and fro. His face spoke to the internal conflict he was struggling with when it came to this, “I was hoping I could actually… Ask for your advice?”
"Quick update, may wanna say Happy Mother's Day to your niece. ...Kaybye!"
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qrow whips open Harbinger faster than a nevermore diving upon its prey, and fires a warning shot off as Sun makes a break for it, near missing the base of his tail.
he knows the kid well enough by now, and trusts Yang even more, than to truly buy into the implications of his statement. oh, but if playing this cat and mouse game makes the cheeky monkey so happy, qrow will absolutely go a round.
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That was a much faster reaction than he’d anticipated, barely making it ten feet before the crack of exploding gunpowder rang out. There was a hole smoking in the wall in front of him- dangerously close to banana height, and Sun began sweating. He turned very jerkily, with the closest approximation of a cocksure grin he could manage through his abject terror.
“Oh, uh. D-did you… Need something?”
well, at least qrow got to make a point, should he ever actually need to act on teaching the kid a thing or two. alternatively, about picking fights one may not be able to win. a similar tough past he may have, thieves at least tended to work from codes of honor. not every struggle is the same.
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he prods, sarcastic, feigned anger lining the sharp curve of narrowed eyes, sword still deployed at his side, “what in all of remnant makes you think you can just say things to me?”
There is a very audible gulp as the Hunstman advances on him. Every other time they’d traded barbs, he’d gotten the sense that Qrow was something of an old glory days kind of person, who had lost their touch a bit. However, that split second action, and the pointed glare burning through his confidence like a hot knife through butter, told him a whole new story.
Qrow Branwen was what his nightmares were made of.
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“Well you see I thought we were buddies and I thought you would know it was a joke I swear I haven’t laid a hand on your niece like that I would never well not never possibly in the future but definitely not right now not that I don’t think she’s attractive she’s very attractive oh but that’s not the only reason-”
tch. forever a curse, even at his best. maybe he laid on the drama a bit too thick. honestly, he thought a bit of zeal is something Sun could appreciate. he’s far too much talk still, isn’t he? all bright light and translucent beaming rays which still questioned their own substance. he might be further ahead than he seemed at first, but still has a ways to go. …kids these days.
“of course I knew it was a joke, golden boy.” qrow folds away his weapon, drops his stance, while raising a brow. he lessens his posturing, but not his attention, hand still remaining on Harbinger’s hilt in the case of some trick.
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“but I also took it as a taunt, tellin’ me you’re finally ready for a real man’s brawl. heh, guess i was wrong.”
fighting clearly hadn’t been what was on the kid’s mind. maybe he just wasn’t thinkin’ at all; he definitely isn’t right now as words tumble from his mouth, barely coherent. qrow still doesn’t need to hear these things about his niece, but he’ll let this one slide.
He’d almost lost his stones by way of his ass for a sassback?! Their Uncle was even more intimidating now, and he was going to die on that hill. Still, though, knowing that he wasn’t actually angry was a huge relief. The tension left his body and he slumped down with a sigh-
And then he noticed Qrow’s weapon was still out and ready.
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“He-hey, uh. N-no need for that. I didn’t come here looking for a fight. I actually wanted to get you riled up so we could then use that energy into doing something for her. I- I know her situation with her mom isn’t great. I dunno the specifics, that’s for her to tell me when she’s ready, but…” He trailed off, trying to find the words.
“Well, I guess… I just want to make today lively for her, instead of having people walking on eggshells around her. Make her excited and happy that today happened, rather than add it to a growing pile of disappointing holidays.”
“you moron,” finally, he fully releases, instead staring dumbfounded at the other. he really did think he could just come around and say whatever, and still get his way without consequences. what single-minded, reckless, stupid drivel. yeah, qrow had been an idiot brained teen at one point, but seriously never that bad. he didn’t have that kinda energy. different plans took different tactics, did they not teach anything at Haven or Shade anymore?
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“i don’t need to be ‘riled up’ to do something for my family, kid. couldn’t you just ask like a normal person? i promise you, me bein’ jazzed up ain’t the kinda lively she needs.”
eyes now round with sadness; his chest deflates; pointed corners of his mouth turn down. it’s too close to the belligerence he used to have - unprovoked, but drunk. he’s trying so hard to be better than that. for a lotta reasons, but Yang too.
he breathes in, and out, fingers running in and out over his forehead. once satisfied in processing all these thoughts, in having switched gears, he turns to Sun once more, hopefully coming off with the same rational attitude he wants in return, “so, then, turn your brain and your sense of respect on, and just tell me what you had in mind, huh?
“Well… That’s kinda the thing. I was hoping I could actually… Ask for your advice?”
He leans his back against the wall, tail swaying to and fro. His face spoke to the internal conflict he was struggling with when it came to this. In truth, he’d wanted to go about this like a normal person, more than anything. Something in him, however, be it a defense mechanism or just a general need for attention he’d never really received drove him to do everything to an excess.
Truth be told, nobody hated Sun’s antics more than he, himself.
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“I… I’m going to try to be serious here, for a minute. It’s- It’s not something that comes easy.” He sighed and pinched at the bridge of his nose. “I’m… scared. I’m really, truly scared, Qrow, of how she makes me feel. How much it would hurt to lose her, or even see her hurting. I just get so caught up in my own head that I can’t think straight, and… I’ve never…”
Another sigh. “I’ve never had a family before. So I don’t know what to do to help someone who’s mourning theirs. But I see her hurting, and I want to help, and when I came to you, I swear, I wanted to just ask, but. …That would mean… Admitting I love her.”
oh, here we go. this roller coaster again. what about his look or his life or any of his choices made him seem like someone to go to for advice? qrow barely scraped his own life together, and still dropped the pieces too many times. but somewhere along the line, somewhere in just trying to do good - for his team, for Oz, for his family, for Ruby, something must have slipped in to his very psyche, huh.
Ruby somehow always knows the right thing to do. Yang had told her.
I had good role models. Ruby had told him.
he’s cursed. and he wrestles with it every damn day. and while he’d never call it a good thing, maybe some people see themselves in that same fight. maybe he sees himself in theirs and their struggle to understand and express themselves, and that’s why even in the times he wants nothing to do with other people and their decisions, and he’s sure he’ll just mess everything up, he can’t help but listen. he can’t turn them away. doing so would do nothing to mend the wounds of a broken world. and in the end, continuing to try is the only way to stick it to Salem.
he takes a spot next to the young man against the wall, knee bending and sole kicking up as he leans, crosses his arms, turns his head to Sun and fixes his gaze on him.  
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“yeah. loving people is scary. probably means you’re doin’ it right.”
qrow doesn’t know a damn thing about romance. not like that, anyway. he’s never been brave enough to face that very fear, to let someone that intimately close. almost, sometimes, maybe. somehow his chances always disappear before he’s quite there, only confirming those very fears. a great and terrible feedback loop, that. although, he can’t say such words are entirely unfamiliar; admittedly, the whole conversation is nostalgic. thrice over. he laughs, a bittersweet little huff, “…you sound just like her parents.”
that kinda love he knows, found, eventually. family. and if you ask him, they’re equally as scary to think of losing. “our family has never been the typical picket fence dream either, so don’t think you’re missin’ pieces of some non-existent normal. there’s no big secret about bein’ one, kid. you just gotta be there for each other.”
a palm-down hand raises to sweep across his body in a dismissive motion, “an’ not everything has to be some grand production to top the one before. trust me, i’ve screwed that up enough times to know.” qrow looks towards the ground, slides the toe of his shoe back and forth. “Yang, she… she’s used to people comin’ and goin’ in her life. if they come back at all. so, seriously… just go to her. be with her. she’s a tough egg, and too smart. she’ll tell you what she needs if you can just shut your giant trap enough to let her.”
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ryvswb · 4 years
*RvB guitar jingle plays as the screen fades into Ruby and Simmons, standing in Valhalla*
Ruby: Hiiii! I'm Ruby Rose, from the popular web series RWBY!
Simmons: And I'm Dick Simmons from the same sho-wait a minute...
Ruby: Today, we are here to deliver a very important public service announcement, about Corvid-19...the horrible pandemic that causes all those infected to be hunted down by a murder of 19 crows!
Simmons: Indeed! And we are here to- wait hold on! What was that about crows??? I'm pretty sure thats not how the Corvid-19 virus works Ruby.
Ruby: Yes it is! Its called "Corvid"! Thats the fancy scientific name for crows Simmons! DUH.
Simmons, as the cawing of multiple crows can be heard in the distance: Ruby that doesn't make any fucking sens-HOLY SHIT!
Simmons, running away as he is attacked by crows: AHHHHHH HELP I AM BEING ATTACKED BY A MURDER OF 19 CROWS AAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!
Ruby, watching Simmons run away: Huh. Guess he was infected.
Ruby: Hi! I'm Ruby Rose from the popular web series RWBY!
Washington, as Simmons can be seen screaming while still running away from the murder of crows in the background: And I'm Agent Washington from the popular web series Red vs Blue!
Ruby: And we are here today to give you 5 steps to survive the Corvid-19 epidemic!
Washington, as a picture of a man washing his hands appear next to him: The first and honestly most important step is...hygiene!
Ruby: Obviously you don't want to catch the virus. And if you already have it, you gotta make sure you don't infect other people!
Washington: Wash your hands, use hand sanitizer and wear a mask if possible! All those things will prevent you from catching or spreading those nasty germs!
*Jumpcut to Grif walking out of the bathroom, the sound of a toilet flushing can be heard*
Carolina, the barrel of her gun right in Grif's face, speaking through gritted teeth: I didn't hear you wash your hands Grif.
Grif, walking backwards back into the bathroom without a word:...
Washington: Step 2: Stay. Calm.
Ruby: Panicking will only make everything worst!
*Jumpcut to a city, where is everyone running around in panic as countless crows fly all over the place*
Jaune, running in circle while holding his head: PANIC! PANIC! WE'RE ALL GONNA DIIIIIIIIIIIIE!
Sarge, knocking Jaune aside with the butt of his shotgun: OUT OF THE WAY SCUMBAG!
Sarge, shooting in random directions: ALL MAN FOR HIMSELF! ONLY THE STRONGEST MAY SURVIVE!
Ruby: Step 3! Social distancing!
Washington: Thats to make sure the virus doesn't spread. Stay in your homes as much as possible. And avoid large gatherings.
Donut, walking towards Blue base: Heya blues! I ran out of almond milk for my afternoon latte! Do you guys have any?
Donut, as a bullet flies past his head: HOLY JESUS!
Church, from the top of Blue base: STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM MY BASE REDS!
Donut: Oooooooh riiiiiight, I forgot. Gotta practice social distancing because of the pandemic! Thanks Chur-HEY wait a darn minute! You're an AI! Why would you be afraid of the Corvid virus?
Church: Virus? Pandemic??? What are you on about? I don't need a pandemic to have a reason to keep your dumb asses away from me.
Church, as he shoots at Donut again, causing the latter to run away screaming like a girl: Now fuck. OFF.
Washington: Step 4: Since you'll be in your house for a long time, you'll have to make provisions.
Ruby: But remember to not get greedy! Think about the other people who might need food and hygiene products more than you do!
Blake, talking to the cashier in a grocery store, her shopping cart full of tuna cans: What. Do you MEAN "ONLY TWO OF EACH PER CUSTOMERS"!?!?
Cashier, shaking like a leaf: B-but mam thats the rule I can't make exceptions...EEP!
Blake, grabbing the cashier by the collar: You don't understand. I. NEED. My. Tuna.
Cashier, straight up panicking: M-mam you're holding the line!
Washington: And finally, step 5: Be there for each other.
Ruby: These are hard times we're going through and some of your loved ones might be taking it harder then you would. So make sure you support them in their time of need.
Tucker, at the bottom of the building with Weiss, absolutely freaked out: CABOOSE GET THE FUCK DOWN FROM THERE!
Caboose, shouting towards the sky: THE GROCERY STORE! RAN OUT! OF OREOS!!!
Tucker, annoyed: You gotta be fucking kidding me.
Weiss, running her hands down her face: Bloody hell...
Caboose: Can we get a family pack?
Tucker, dismissively: Yeah sure.
Weiss, at Tucker: WHAT!? No! He'll just eat the whole thing within an hour and throw up!
Caboose, shouting towards the sky again: OH MY GOD! HOW WILL I SURVIVE WITHOUT MY OREOS! WOE IS ME!?!?
Caboose, jumping off the building: Ok coming down.
Tucker and Weiss, at the same time: CABOOSE!!!!
Caboose, landing safely with his jetpack: Yes thats my name, you sure love yelling it.
Weiss, wheezing and clutching at her chest: You...you had a jetpack.......this......this ENTIRE TIME?
Caboose, casually: Yeah? How did you think I got up there in the first place?
Tucker, at a loss for words: We thought you were....what were you......we though you were going to commit suicide!
Caboose: Nah I don't like Swiss cheese. I just wanted to send a complaint to little Jesus about the store running out of Oreos, but everytime I try calling heaven on the phone I always get answered by some weird lady and then Church gets really mad at me...
Tucker, walking away: What is my life.
Caboose, as Weiss passes out: Weiss? Weiss its not nap time yet silly! The big burning ball in the sky means it dayyyytiiiiiiime. Weiss?
Caboose, crouching next to an unconsious Weiss as the camera zooms out: HELLO? Weiss? Can I get my Oreos now??? WEIIIIIIIIIIIIISS?
Washington: And thats all the time we got! We hope out tips and advices helped you.
Ruby, as a familiar hand taps her on the shoulder: And remember to stay saf-Oh? OH UNCLE!
Ruby, hugging Qrow: Were have you beeeeeeeeeeen!
Qrow, as Ruby breaks the hug: Hey squirt! I'd love to catch up buuuuut...
Ruby: Buuuuut?
Qrow, awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck: I'm...sorry to be the one to break it to you, but your friend over here caught Corvid-19...
Washington: WHAT!? How would you even know that!? I've been standing out here this whole time and not a single crow as attacked me.
Qrow, whispering at Ruby: Are you going to tell him?
Ruby, whispering back: What!? No you tell him!
Washington, loosing his patience: What!? Tell me WHAT!?
Qrow: I know because my name is Qrow.
Washington:...You're kidding me right?
Qrow, relunctantly drawing Arbinger as 18 other iterations of himself gather behind him: I wish I was...
Washington, taking a deep breath trough his nose before speaking: Oh boy.
*The RvB guitar jingle starts playing, jumpcut to an overview of Valhalla, Washington screaming as he is being chased by 19 Qrows*
Washington, his voice echoing from afar as the screen fades to black: WHY IS YOUR NAME SPELLED WITH A Q!?!? OW OW OOOOOOOOWWWW!!!
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