#i need to go punch something so i can feel manly again
johnwickb1tsch · 4 months
break me, softly
When your ex Jack Traven pays you a late night visit after a tough case, you can’t turn him away. Jack Traven x Fem!Reader ficlet
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warnings: smut. angst. brief mention of hostage situation/death. slight inebriation. fluff. ❤❤❤
For @treedaddymcpuffpuff who whispered in my ear "hey you should watch Speed" and sent me down this rabbit hole (i luv u girl, you're our Keanuverse Guide & Tastemaker!) 😘😘😘 and @scarlettspectra who requested some fluff fic 😘😘😘.
It’s late at night, when you hear the soft knock on your apartment door.  Usually, you wouldn’t dream of answering such a thing–a woman living alone, in this city? You’re not looking to get murdered. But something, some feeling from deep in your gut, pulls you out of bed. You walk on bare feet in just your nightie and look through the peephole. Nothing. 
You know it’s probably a bad idea, but that uneasiness nags at you still. Not that you’re in danger. That someone needs you. You have a sense about that, after so many years as a nurse. Or maybe, you just always have. 
You undo the deadbolts and stick your head out, to see the tall figure of a man retreating down the hall. 
You would know that backside anywhere. Those broad shoulders, that trim waist, those long legs…and by the way he’s walking, you can tell he’s a little drunk. 
He freezes in his tracks, clearly debating with himself. Probably wondering what the fuck he’s doing here, and if you’ll tell him to go to hell, after the way he pushed you away three months ago after dating for two whole years.
He turns to face you slowly. You can say a lot of things about Officer Jack Traven–but never that he’s a coward. 
“Hey, y/n.” 
It’s the first time you’ve seen him, since the day he shattered your world when he broke things off with you. It feels about precisely like being punched in the gut. He’s still so handsome it hurts; those soulful dark eyes, cheekbones to make a fashion model weep, a manly-man’s jawline softened by such a full, sweet mouth. Immediately, upon looking at that face you still love so well, you know something is wrong. 
“Are you ok?”
He opens his mouth to answer, then closes it. Takes a deep breath, tries again. Nothing. It’s as good as a five page report, to you. To you, who knows his every gesture, his every tell. For all it’s worth, now. 
You already knew, in the back of your mind, that you were still in love with this man. It was like a fine buzzing in your heart you’d managed to push into the background of your day to day. But seeing him again makes it all surge up with a vengeance. You know that being near him again will be like feeding your heart through a paper shredder–slowly. You also know that something terrible must have happened at his work, for him to show up here like this, and so you open the door wider, laying your heart on the sacrificial altar, the way you always do.
“Come on,” you say gently, waving him in. “I’ll take care of you.”
He gives so much of himself, always trying to help everyone else in this big, mean, city. You know he forgets to leave a little fuel in the tank for himself. It’s maybe something the two of you have in common. 
You watch as he fights a war within himself, teetering on the balls of his feet, undecided between staying or leaving. In the end, he takes a step towards you, then another. You try not to read too much into that. He’s just here because he’s drunk and feeling vulnerable. It doesn’t really have anything to do with you. 
You’re not really sure how this will go. Probably he’ll just come sit on your couch with a beer–you still have his favorite in the fridge–and talk a little. Not about what’s actually bothering him. No, heaven forbid. But circular small talk, to get his mind off the bad thing. It’s something you’ve done a thousand times before.
And yet, when you are standing toe to toe, and he has to crane his neck to look down at you–there’s a dark fire in his eyes, and with a little thrill you feel the urge to flee before his big hands engulf the sides of your face, and his mouth is on yours. 
Oh. That’s what you’re doing.
You can’t say you forgot what it’s like to kiss Jack Traven–but maybe the intensity of the memory had faded a little, if for anything out of pure self defense. How could a woman keep her sanity, if she remembered how good he was, if she knew she’d never taste him again? You stand on tiptoe to throw your arms around his neck as he devours you, and he easily picks you up with an arm around your waist, walking the two of you back into your apartment and slamming the door shut with his booted heel.
This. This had never been a problem for the two of you. Passion. It was everything else that got in the way. Most of all, his dangerous job, which though it wore on you, you had never complained about. But he’d seen the way you worried about him, the way it absolutely chewed on your nerves when there was a situation on the news and you didn’t know if he would be coming home that night. You’d been willing to weather that storm for him, but the guilt of demanding that of you ate at his conscience. 
He’d broken things off with you, in your own hospital, after he’d taken a bullet in the chest and you didn’t leave his side or really even sleep until he came to. I can’t ask you to keep doing this for me. You deserve better. 
You’d protested, of course, but he’d made up his mind. 
Until now, apparently, where he is walking you backwards towards your bedroom, half carrying you in the ardor of his embrace. You recognize this need for life-affirming intimacy. You’d gotten to know it well, over the years, and you surrender to the storm, letting him take what he needs. Letting him fist the fabric of your cotton nightie in his big hands, drawing it up over your head before falling on you again, pushing your panties down the curves of your bottom and your thighs. 
You always marveled that despite his strength and the things he knows how to do with those hands, he never ever hurt you, not even when he was like this, desperate for your softness, frantic to lose himself inside the momentary bliss your body could bring. He barely has the patience to let you pull off his white t-shirt, or to enjoy the swathes of toned flesh beneath. His belt is flung forgotten to the floor from the moment you pull it from its loops and he picks you up by your thighs, walking you the rest of the way to the bed. Boots are kicked away as his mouth is attached to yours, pants and boxers shed with a sharp push. 
You might have been embarrassed, by how ready you are for him, how sopping fucking wet you were for him from the moment you saw him,  if you could have formed a coherent thought as his thick tip kisses your entrance, before he absolutely plunges himself inside you. The delicious shock of it steals the breath from you, your soul escaping with a moan, only to be reclaimed with his mouth on yours. He takes you like the ocean, relentless and rolling, filling you with every thrust. It’s gratifying, the animalistic sounds of abandon he makes as he fucks you. If you didn’t know any better–you might have swore you were making love, despite his hedonistic frenzy.  
The same way you knew something was wrong in the first second of seeing him in the hallway, you know he’s close to finishing already, his breathing frantic in the bend of your neck, his grip just this side of bruising. He seems to remember that he’s done very little to see to your pleasure, amidst the haze of chasing his own gratification. He sits up on trembling elbows, making to reach between you. “Fuck. I’m sorry, baby. You feel so good.” Maybe it’s ridiculous, that it brings tears to your eyes to hear the endearment. You find you don’t even want to cum, as much as you just want to make this haunted man feel better. 
“It’s ok,” you pant in answer, catching his hand to place it on your breast. “Cum for me, Jack. I know you need it.” 
He buries his face in the bend of your neck; you’re not sure if the sound he makes is a moan or a sob, as he thrusts as deep as he can inside you, bathing your cervix with the hot flood of his seed. He continues to hold on to you as though you are the last sane thing on this earth, and you let him, your legs still wrapped around his narrow hips, your hands smoothing across the muscles of his broad shoulders. 
Only much, much later, does it seem to dawn on him what he’s done–and maybe just who he did it with. He draws back to look at you with concern written in those big brown puppy eyes, smoothing your hair away from your face. You can’t help but close your own lids; jesus, how you missed his touch. You feel utterly breakable in that moment, but he’s the one who needs healing right now, so you get your shit together, gather it all back up tight and shove it down in your lockbox of a heart. 
Before he can apologize or say something stupid, you pull him down to rest on your breast, the way you’ve done a hundred times before. Surely the muscle memory of it is as comforting for him as the act in the moment itself. “It’s ok, Jack. Just rest. I’ve got you.” 
He sags against you, curling that powerful body around yours–and falls asleep. 
You were right, of course. Your heart feels exactly like it’s been fed through a grinder, as you hold this beautiful manchild in your arms, your thighs deliciously sticky with his cum. A part of you hopes that he’ll just sneak out in the morning without waking you. It would almost hurt less, than any excuse he’ll have to offer you, when the sun comes streaming through your window. 
But when next you wake, it’s not to the sun, or the shift of weight on the mattress while a large man tries to slip out without a sound. It’s to wet kisses upon your neck, and an agonizingly gentle touch sliding down your torso, tracing the ladder of your ribcage and the swell of your belly, before making his way up again. 
“You know,” he says softly against your cheek, “you really shouldn’t open the door to anyone in the middle of the night.” 
You wonder if he can see you rolling your eyes in the dark. But then his lips touch yours, and the urge to argue with him for argument’s sake dissipates into thin air. Instead you opt for honesty, the spell of intimacy not yet broken in the shadows of what must be early early morning. 
“I think…I knew it was you.” 
He lets out a shuddering sigh, kissing your jaw, then lower. 
“Baby…” It feels so good, to hear him say it like that against your skin. You can almost forget it isn’t true anymore. You’re not his baby. You’re not his anything, even though he’s here in your bed, and his big hand is sliding down your belly again, his fingers combing through your curls. “Let me touch you?”
You really should say no. 
“You don’t have to.” 
He ducks to suck the soft skin of your breast lightly, then kisses it to soothe the burn. That luscious mouth…god it curls your toes. “I want to. I promise you.”
There’s so much you want to ask him. Things like why? And I thought you didn’t love me anymore? You’ve since reasoned that it’s the only way he could truly bear to break things off, the way he did. You certainly hadn’t had the strength to give him up, no matter what the stress of his occupation wreaked on you. 
You don’t have the strength to say no. You do manage not to beg, like the needy little thing you are, with his big body curled over yours. You’ve always felt like nothing could touch you, with him by your side. As it turned out the only thing that could hurt you all along, was him. 
You nod your assent before catching his mouth, sliding your tongue against his as his thick fingers explore your puffy slit, still wet from both of your juices. He makes a sound in the back of his throat that lifts every hair on your body, a delicious shudder running through your spine. His strong fingers circle your aching clit, just the way he knows drives you wild. Not too hard, not too soft. Fuck, this man has your number still.  
You haven’t been with anyone, since the last time you were with him, despite your well-meaning girlfriends dragging you out to bars and trying to get you to forget this man who left your heart shredded like bomb shrapnel. Because deep down, you knew, you just knew this man ruined you, utterly fucking ruined you for anyone else. Who the fuck could compare? Not some asshole hoping for a one night stand down at TJ’s, that was for sure. 
You realize you have tears running down your cheeks, you don’t know how it’s possible for it to be so good and hurt so much all at the same time. 
Unfortunately when he moves to kiss your cheek, he notices. “Hey, hey,” he says, his hand stilling between your legs, making your hips writhe with frustration. “You ok?”
“No,” you answer honestly, reaching for him. He has you cradled in those big arms, and  you can feel his manhood so firm and silky smooth against your hip. You are not ok, without him inside you right now. “Will you make love to me again?” 
He pays you a ghost of that usual blinding smile, a thing a woman would sell her soul for, and it just breaks your heart all over again. 
He never really answers you with words. The two of you move with pure magnetism, your leg hooking over his hip, pulling him close, inviting him inside. Without a condom, again, you think as he settles between your thighs, sinking inside you so smoothly. Maybe not smart, even though you're on birth control, but it’s the way you’re meant to be together, raw and no barriers between you. As usual, he fucks you and makes love to you all at the same time, looking into your soul while he does it, and it’s the best thing you’ve ever known. This time you cum together, and maybe it’s a little pathetic, the way you cling to each other in the darkness of your bedroom, like you really can stave off the misery of the outside world with this bit of human intimacy, your bodies inextricably entwined. 
You fall asleep together, this time with your head on his chest, and as you drift you decide you’ll wake up and make him breakfast, and you won’t ask him any painful questions about what this means or if he wants you back, or if this is just a comfort fuck and you won’t see him again until the weight of the world gets too much–or maybe never, because this man is bound to find someone to settle down with. Someone he can’t bring himself to let go, the way he did you. 
So you are so surprised, when you wake up, and you smell eggs and bacon and something sweet cooking. You stumble into the kitchen to find him in his blue plaid boxers, flipping a pancake, singing under his breath to R.E.M. on the radio playing low. He’s so beautiful it hurts, and it’s like your heart is gripped in an unforgiving fist. 
He turns to see you in the doorway and offers you a smile. It’s still not quite the usual 100 watt Jack Traven special–he’s not feeling well enough for that. This man hides nothing, he’s so true, he wears it all on his sleeve for you. You love that so much about him, and it hurts like a knife between the ribs. 
You shouldn’t feel so shy about walking into your own kitchen. 
But you aren’t sure where you stand. Do you kiss him, hug him, the way you want to, the way you used to? Or are you operating under one-night-stand-protocol? Play it cool, act like you barely even like the guy? It’s so fucked up, and you never wanted to be in this position again. 
Sensing your hesitance, he crosses the floor to you, engulfing the side of your face in his big hand as he kisses you good morning, like nothing ever changed. “Hey,” he says again, his forehead pressed to yours. 
“Yeah, baby.” 
You told yourself you weren’t going to ask painful questions. Remember? Remember that? So you just sigh, and close your eyes, and absorb this moment for what it is. “Do you feel better?” you ask. Another important question. 
“Yes and no.” 
You sigh again through your nose. The corners of his mouth twitch, because he knows you so well, and that one little gesture conveys a novel to him too. 
“Thank you,” he says, for last night, and whatever else, you don’t really know.
“Any time.” You mean it, when you say it. 
“Yeah?” There is a hint of his usual sparkle in his eyes as he asks this. And a part of you wants to pick a fight, to say I’m not the one who left. But maybe you have grown up a little, because you bite your tongue for now. 
“Yeah.” You reach up to touch his hair, the soft spikes of his buzzcut like velvet beneath your fingers. You know he would have beautiful hair if he grew it out. You’d seen his high-school pictures. He had the potential for hair to make a grown woman weep. 
Later, with your mouth full of pancake, you ask gently, “Do you want to talk about it?”
He flexes his jaw, looking out the window. He always bottled things up, before. He didn’t want to burden you with the hard things he saw at work. You didn’t want him to carry it alone. Usually you had to pry it out of him, because of course he refused to see the shrink at work. 
You realize you are gobsmack surprised when he actually volunteers, “We had a hostage situation. A woman…died. The bank robber shot her. It was my fault.”
“It wasn’t your fault, sweetheart. It was the criminal’s fault. He brought a gun to a bank with the intention to steal money by any means necessary. You did your best.”
Once upon a time, he would have argued with you on that too. His jaw clenches as he thinks about it, argues with you in his mind, at least. 
But this time in the end, he closes his eyes, nods. Reaches for your hand across the table. You take it, holding on to him. Those warm, strong fingers wrapped around yours feel like home, and you try not to start crying because you’ve missed him so much. 
“I’m sorry. For pushing you away.”
Once upon a time, you would have said something inane, like that’s ok. You’ve grown as a person too, and this time, you nod, because he does owe you an apology. “Thanks for that.” 
“I know…I don’t deserve it. But maybe…if you’d let me…I could make it up to you?”
You close your eyes at hearing that, light headed. You might have fallen out of your chair, if not for his hand anchoring you. 
“I would like that,” you admit, giving yourself points for not sounding too pathetic, and crawling across the table through the breakfast dishes to sit in his lap. 
Then, he does flash you the 1000 watt Jack Traven smile, and the circuits in your brain melt. 
“Yeah, you big idiot.” You’re really not sure if he pulls you, or if you get up and walk, but you find yourself in his lap with your lips on his, his strong arms wrapped around you and his lips on yours. He rocks you like a child, smiling against your mouth between stealing kisses.  
“I love you.”
You feel as though the desert of your heart has suddenly undergone a superbloom, the ferocity of your love making you lightheaded.
“Yeah?” He really is smiling now, in between kissing you, cute little snatches of sweetness all over your face. With hands on his cheeks you catch his lips, smiling against his mouth after a long smooch. 
“I love you too. But if you ever break up with me for any reason other than you don’t love me anymore, I might maim you.”
This wins you that radiant smile that curls your toes again. “So much for the Florence Nightingale oath.”
“Leave her out of it, this is between you and me.” He chuckles, and squeezes you again in his big arms.
“Alright. Consider me warned.”
His big hand runs up your thigh, that dark sparkle in his eyes that never fails to take your breath away. “I feel like I should start that making up I have to do here.” Suddenly you find yourself seated on your kitchen table, Jack smiling up at you from between your legs. He reaches for the syrup, and you can’t help but throw your head back with laughter, certain he’s teasing you. “You are going to make such a mess!”
“Honey, you’re the one going to be making the mess.” He has the nerve to smirk up at you before stealing your panties, and smearing syrup up your thighs.
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lilozzzyo3569 · 4 months
Ari Levinson x Nurse Reader
Summary: "Maybe I won't get hurt so much if you just go out with me." Warnings: MDNI, female reader is smaller then Ari (duh man is MASSIVE), I don't own this man (but I guess I wasn't meant to be happy), General fluff, Ari is persistent, slight suggestive fluff, Ari is love sick and this whole fic is based off of this one gif
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You had started yet another shift at the ER, and had just finished your first (third) cup of coffee. When you got a page that you were needed in op 3. So of course you ran over to find him.
"Well well well if it isn't my favorite little ER RN" Ari was smiling waiting for you on the exam table. You chuckled as you closed the door behind you as you lean against the door with your clipboard held across your chest as Ari made no attempt to pretend he wasn't undressing you with his eyes as he always did. "Ya know we might need to a punch card or something with how often you come here." you respond walking over to check his vitals again. He simply puts his arm out and opens his mouth, as you get his blood pressure and his temperature. "Do you guys do that because that would make it a lot easier for me." You giggle as you sarcastically say "No Ari Emergency Rooms don't actually have punch cards, so what is it this time Ari, another pulled muscle, headache, paper cut oh or is it another strange tired feeling." He takes the opportunity to respond with a chuckle, "well you see I wouldn't have to come here so much if someone would just go out with me." Ari winked at you making you blush. "Ugh we have been over this Ari, I am not interested in dating" you shrug before turning around and looking at his chart. "Seriously Ari, a broken heart?"
Ari stands and looks down on you cornering you against the desk before giving you a sultry look, "I wouldn't have a broken heart if someone would just let me take her out for dinner some time, what do you say beautiful? You'd be saving me the cost of having to come here all the time to see my gorgeous little angel." Ari lifts your chin with his massive finger making you feel even tinier that he already made you feel. "What do you say baby?" Ari had the gall to wink at you making your cheeks heat up under his lust filled gaze. You bite your lip as you look up at him "Ugh fine, one dinner, and you stop stalking me at my hospital" you say smiling up at him. Ari claps his hands and gets excited saying "Done, me, you and that new ramen shop, say yes princess." Still biting our lip, you look up at him as the hand holding up your chin moves down your throat and down your sides, and down to crest of your breasts. His gaze moving from your eyes to your lips and down to your breasts before moving his hands down to holding your hips. You clutch onto your clipboard for dear lip as Ari's gaze roams back up to your eyes. "Ari-" His eyes roll back before groaning in the back of his throat, the sound grumbling up from somewhere deep in his chest. "I love the way my name sounds coming out of that pretty little mouth of yours, and I promise if you just give me a chance, I swear to make it worth your while" he says seductively against your lips making you gasp. "Now tell daddy yes." Too lost in his darken gaze, his manly scent, and the feeling of his large warm hands squeezing your hips all you can do is nod, making him grin down at you like the cat the caught the canary. "Good girl" he says against your lips before kissing your forehead and sauntering out of the room.
Okay so I have been a ghost lately and I am sorry but life was kicking my a$$, but I love Ari with all my heart and wanted to try my hand at writing some suggestive fluff. Thank you also for all of the love and support on my work so far, and I am open to suggestions
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lovelynim · 4 months
Another round
Honkai: Star Rail - Caelus x Luka
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A/N: Happy birthday, Elian!!! ( @eliankrios ) I know what I said about to making you a gift, but I just couldn't stop myself. I wanted to come up with something different for you as I know you're getting plenty of genshin boys... so, I hope you like this, ehe ~
Summary: Caelus vs. Luka - Round 1 - Fight!!
Word count: 1207 words
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“Please, please, please, please, pleaaase!!”
Caelus took a step back, reaching the wall behind him and getting himself cornered once for all. He looked at Luka, meeting his puppy-like eyes, filled with excitement and expectations. It would be much, much easier if Luka was simply requesting a regular date - or even for some borrowed money like a certain tall, blue-haired guy.
Luka’s plans, however, didn’t go in that direction. He wanted something else.
“I-I don’t know, I don’t really want to fight you…” Caelus muttered, looking away as it was too hard to say no to those eyes staring deep into his soul.
As expected, as soon as those words reached the redheaded, Luka’s excited, beaming smile turned into a gloomy frown. The fiery posture was soon replaced by slumped shoulders and a tilted head. 
Damn it.
“W-why not?” Luka pouted and Caelus could swear he was about to cry at that moment. 
“I, ahm, I don’t want you to get hurt and-”
“You… think I’m not strong enough? You don’t want to fight me because I’m too weak, Caelus?”
Caelus’s jaw dropped, that was totally not what he meant! “N-no! I mean, w-we will end up hurt and I don’t want that to happen!”
“B-but then we can ask Nat to patch us up!” Luka insisted, holding Caelus’s hands as he took a step forward, standing barely inches away from him. “Just one fight! I won’t bother you ever again!”
Caelus sighed, getting in a fight just to ask for medical treatment later? Not only Natasha, but maybe the whole Astral Express crew would scold him if he did that. Besides… “d-don’t you have plenty of fights? Can’t we… do something else?”
“But you’re the strongest! Belobog’s hero! The savior from outer space!” Luka whined, frowning slightly as he noticed Caelus was probably trying to shift the topic and, consequently, refuse his request. “No one would fight like you! …well, maybe Seele, but- t-that’s not important!”
“Sigh, do you want to punch me that badly?” Caelus joked, already feeling hopeless about changing the other’s mind. Maybe he should’ve listened to Himeko and thought twice before flirting with people he recently met…
Much to his surprise, Luka nodded to that question, grinning with sheer, unstoppable hype. “And then you punch me back! Like in a fight, hehe.”
This wasn’t going to do it, Caelus thought. There was no way Luka would let him go without a proper fight, but fighting him sounded so painful, for both of them. Besides, he didn’t really get the idea of fighting someone you liked. 
That was when an idea popped up in Caelus head. There was, indeed, a way to fight Luka without harming him.
Without much room to think twice before putting his plan into practice, Caelus pulled his hands out of Luka’s grip and switched places with him, pinning Luka against the wall. “Fine,” Caelus sighed, a serious, cold expression taking place in his face, “let’s fight, then.”
“R-really?” Luka smiled in a way that made Caelus almost go back on his word - almost being the key word here. “Then, I will go ask for them to put our names next in the ring’s list and-”
“No need to,” Caelus interrupted, closing his fingers around Luka’s regular wrist and pulling it, pinning it on the wall above his head.
“C-Caelus? What do you-”
“I’m fighting you right here and now.”
Luka blushed, half because of how close Caelus was to him, half because of how cool he sounded saying that. So manly, so fierce, so powerful. Aeons, his heart was racing as fast as the gears of his prosthetic arm. “W-wohoah,” Luka gasped, trying to free his pinned hand, “t-then, are we fighting now?”
“Yes,” Caelus smirked, “we are.”
Before Luka could make some sense of Caelus’s nonsense, the redheaded squealed seconds after Caelus moved his free hand.
While fighting people, Luka was used to feeling pain. Punches, kicking, headbutts, cuts, all types of wounds. Of course, that also meant he got used to landing a hit or two - usually that’s all it took him to knock his opponent out - but this was new.
Caelus’s fingers quickly scribbled over his stretched out side, pinching over his waist and prodding at his lower ribs. Each and every touch sent an electric, funny feeling through his nerves, straight to his brain, that made him want to… laugh.
“H-hehey! AhaHAh, w-what ahare- ahAHah, C-Caelus! That tihihickles!” Luka cried out, his metallic hand tugging at Caelus’s clothes, trying to push him away.
Caelus let out a small sigh of relief - Luka was ticklish. He didn’t have enough time to come up with a back up plan in case he wasn’t, but it seemed that luck was on his side tonight. “Whaaat? Are you giving up already? I just started!” Caelus smirked, clawing at Luka’s side.
“I t-thought we wehehere going to f-fihihight!” So why are you tickling me, Luka whined inside his head, biting his lower lip and stiffening his muscles in a vain hope to make Caelus’s fingers feel less tickly.
The confused look on the redhead’s face was priceless. He was trying so bad to not laugh and Caelus was definitely in for that challenge. “We are fighting, but I guess you’re too ticklish to fight back,” he teased, wiggling his fingers against Luka’s side, unable to move his hand further up thanks to the other’s free limb.
It was, indeed, a tough spot for Luka. If he let go of Caelus’s hand, he knew where he was going to get tickled - and if that happened, he was going to lose - but if he didn’t try to fight back, it was a matter of time for his body to give in.
“T-thahat’s- ahaha, n-not fahair!” Luka pressed his eyes shut while a wide grin spread over his lips. He scrunched up his shoulders, looking away as he tried to think up a solution and ignore the ticklish feeling at the same time. “I wahahasn’t reahahady!”
“Excuses, excuses, that's what I'm hearing. You didn’t sound like a sore loser when we met,” Caelus hummed. Seeing his plan working so amazingly rubbed his pride just right, but he knew he couldn’t just stop if he wanted a flawless victory. “Time to finish you, buddy ~”
“C-Cahaelus, wahAHA- AHAhah, n-nOHO!!”
Managing to break free from Luka’s metallic grip, Caelus quickly shot his hand up, tickling that awfully ticklish spot under the redhead’s arm. His reward was no other than Luka’s bright, yet panicked laughter.
“Oho, I think I got you now,” Caelus giggled along, noticing how Luka pressed his back into the wall behind it to now fall, nearly hanging in Caelus’ grip. “Is it bad? Does it tickle a lot? Heheh ~”
“I-it dohOHOhes!! AHAHA!”
“Soo…” Caelus grinned, “do you surrender, champion? Do you admit defeat?”
Those words ringed inside Luka’s head, making butterflies flutter in his stomach. Part of him wanted him to say ‘yes’, make the tickling stop and allow him to catch a break. The other - the stubborn, competitive one… “N-nehEHEHever! AhahAHAH, I c-caHAHahan still fihIHIHight!”
“Tsk,” Caelus clicked his lips, rolling his eyes at the predictable answer, “suit yourself, then, let’s go for another round and see what you really got ~”
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crazy-shits-post · 7 months
Cuddling and Care (Fanfic)
[Thank you for the love on the last one, so grateful! 😄 comment below if you want my wattpad user, I usually post there)
Sick in bed, Hamilton continued to write until his wrists became too sore to hold a pen. He laid there, bored as can be. He didn't like being ill. He was too weak and dizzy to do the things he liked, such as writing or running.
He turned over to the door of his room, his head aching. He missed Laurens, but he's unsure of how the other felt about him. Certainly not highly, considering he takes every opportunity to avoid him. But the redhead liked him. He was tall, manly, and was the only one who could understand his Caribbean accent. Maybe one day, in his stupid heart, Laurens would pick him up and kiss him all day and night.
His eyes felt heavy, everything was spinning.
"There's something not right."
"Doctor, cadet Hamilton has been asleep for about three days as of now. May you offer your best help?"
"He must be taken to medical immediately."
The soldier woke up days later, dizzy and fuzzy. He was clinging into something or someone. His eyes were blurry. He saw a face, a beautiful face. The face said something, but his ears were ringing too much to hear. He felt cold. He clung to the body.
"Laurens, do you adore me so?"
"More than anyone, my dear boy."
In his dreams, they kissed. They held each order. Laurens wasn't angry nor depressed. It was the only time he smiled. He wanted to be with him and never let him go.
"May we get engaged?"
They will get married at sunset. Their eyes would lock as their lips would fuse together. They would touch each other's faces and bodies. They would have sex. They would have decades to love each other, and nobody could ever stop them.
It was on day ten when he was finally to know what was going on. All his friends were concerned, Washington had a stone-face, and the doctors had to keep their eyes on him 24/7. He was informed he had a severe case of Scarlet Fever. The tall body returned, looming in the shadows. He reached out for it. He saw it pause, unsure of what to do.
"May you come forth?" He asked with his arm reaching out to it.
His fever took hold, and he collapsed just as the body began to rush to him.
Stable enough to walk, he strolled outside, the cold air getting into his clothes. It felt so nice to finally not be ill after those miserable two weeks, though he knew another bout of winter illness would come eventually.
He paused, turning his head to the voice. He saw the tall body before, and now, he could see its features. Dirty blonde hair, blue eyes, scars.
"Laurens! What a pleasant surprise!" The taller walked up to him, his fingers trembling. "May you walk with me?"
"Yes, of course." His strange accent made his heart skipp a beat. "I need to speak with you if you would be so kind."
"Alright then."
He looked to the sides before having an arm around him. Hamilton tried not to blush as his soul did backflips.
"Before I begin, how are you feeling?" His voice was oddly gentle.
"Oh my, thank you for asking." He wanted to punch himself for his voice crack. "I am doing swell, though still a bit lightheaded."
He felt his grasp getting tighter around him. He blushed. "May we go back to our room, then? Mustn't faint on me."
The walk was silent. Hamilton wanted to jump up and down and wrap his arms around him. He didn't see how uncomfortable and almost frightened Laurens looked. They arrived and sat on the shorter's cot. He recently got a new one because all his possessions needed to be burned.
"What do you need to discuss, Laurens?"
"Please, refer to me as John."
Hamilton blushed so deeply that the other touched his face in fear of another fever, his heart beating fast. "Um, of course, John. Refer to me as Alexander."
John touched his shoulder again. The redhead felt so happy that he became slightly lightheaded. "Alexander, do you remember when you became ill and you awoke to someone by your side?"
He took a deep breath. "That was me. I saw you in medical, I carried you to the tent." He looked away, tears swelling in his eyes. "I prayed."
"I always believed you held distain for me. You never spoke to me, nor did you want to be close to me."
John looked up. Hamilton gasped when he saw the big tear rolling down his face. He glanced at the other crying before, but this was the first time he's ever cried in front of anyone.
"I'm ill in the mind, I have a plague. I.." his big hands were trembling, Alexander went to hold them but stopped himself. "...I wanted not to have feelings for the fairer sex. I have feelings for the same sex." He wiped a tear from his eye.
The other, moved by the scene, chuckled. "Then you ought to be contagious." John raised his eyebrow, his heart now beating hard as well. "Lau-, I mean John, I happen to adore both sexes, and I just happen to adore you."
There was silence. Alexander felt feverish again. Did he say too much? Would John like him now? He slumped into Laurens, feeling warm arms around him and laying his heavy head on his shoulder.
"Are you well?" He never heard him sound so worried.
"Yes....just dizzy." He got up, bashful from embarrassment and the fact that John touched him in such a way.
Laurens chuckled nervously. "Alexander, you adore me?"
He took a breath. "Yes, I adore you as though you were a woman." It felt so strange saying it aloud. "Do you-"
"Yes, oh dear God, yes!" His voice was cracking with despair and desperation. "Since I've laid eyes on you! I adore everything you do, up to the way you care for your beautiful hair down to the way you hold the pens! I love you!"
It happened so quickly. Alexander hugged him, and the other did it back. Their lips smashed together. Hamilton became dizzy. This is all he wanted for so long. His body became heavy.
He woke up later that night, Laurens by his side. He looked miserable and frightened. He sat by him, his hands trembling.
"I thought I killed you!" He cried out as he stroked the curls that teased him for months. "You fainted!"
He sighed as he rubbed his forehead. "I'm well, I believe the excitement got to me." He blushed wildly as he stroked Laurens' scarred face. The other blushed as well.
"I'm so terribly sorry, I did not mean to harm you." His voice was gentle again. He put his hand on his pink cheek, his hand covering the entirety of it. "I would never harm you, my dear boy."
"Dear boy?" He was all smiles. "I love you."
That was the first time Laurens smiled. It was a beautiful smile of yellowish teeth and crooked teeth, a smile that lights up a dark room. "I love you as well."
John pulled him into a gentle embrace and led him to his lips. Alexander put his hands on his face to stroke his peach fuzz. They kissed. Laurens held him extra tight, just in case he fainted again. He bounced his red curls. He looked so beautiful. His long eyelashes and cheekbones looked almost like magic.
The taller pulled away, his arms still around him. "I love you."
"I love you so much." A tear ran down his face. "So much..."
His heart broke as he wiped it away with his big finger. "Mustn't cry..."
"You must be aware of this. When I was ill, I had dreams. Dreams, about you." His glance was gentle and warm. "You would hold me so tight to your skin."
"Such as this?" His heart felt hot with tenderness. Nobody had ever dreamt of him before.
He giggled, covering his mouth. "A bit closer, if you ought to know."
"Hm." He pulled his skinny body close to his stomach, Hamilton blushing from the warmth he ratied. "This?"
"Haha! Yes, yes!" He held his face in his hands. "Alas, it was you. It was always you. And now that we're together as so, it's-" the tears started again. "-a wonderful thing!"
Laurens kept smiling, rubbing his back. "It is so."
They embraced, kissed, kissed some more, and then just laid in the bed. Laurens had never felt so happy before. Love really was the key. Hamilton, at long last, finally got what he wanted.
"I love you, John." He whispered before he went to sleep. "I love you, I love you."
The other held him, protecting him from the cold. "I adore you. I cherish you." He kissed his forehead, his lips making a soft sound. "I love you, Alexander.
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satninroses · 1 year
NSFW Alphabet
(A/N): Hey!! Slowly working through these fics to get them posted again. Hopefully either by tonight or tomorrow, I should be back on track with requests.
Summary: An A-Z list of all NSFW head cannons with Elvis :)
Pairing: Elvis Presley x Fem! Reader
Word count: 1,046
Warnings: SMUT! MINORS DNI! I'm not going to tag everything separately. This is ALL smut! (There are probably some typos)
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Elvis is very careful with you after sex! He would make sure that you’re all cleaned up first. If he had gone particularly hard on you, he’ll offer some Tylenol and a soothing back rub.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
His favorite body part on himself is his chest. He thinks he looks manly and really good when it’s exposed out of the jumpsuit.
His favorite body part on you is probably your eyes or your breasts. Your eyes were the things that drew him to you; like a moth to a lamp. Your tits are just an added bonus.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
He tries not to be TOO messy with it. Occasionally if you’re giving him head, he might cum on your face, but he doesn’t make you do weird things with it.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
When he’s on the road, he carries a picture of you, completely naked. He like to relieve himself right before shows that way he’s not thinking about it during the performance.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
He’s pretty experienced. He’s had girlfriends and escorts before.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Either missionary or doggy style. He loves to see your pretty face and bouncing tits. He also like to see you face down and and ass up. He loves to watch the globes of your ass jiggle on his dick.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
He’s a little goofy. He’s more focused on bringing both of you to your climaxes. Sometimes he cracks jokes just to hear you giggle.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
He’s somewhat groomed. For himself, he doesn’t pay much attention to it. He’s neat down there, but it’s not completely trimmed.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Very. He’ll whisper in your ear how much he loves you and how he’s so lucky to have a girl like you. He loves you so much.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
He doesn’t jack off as frequently as he used to. Usually he’ll try and rub one out before the show. Occasionally when you aren’t home, he’ll get one out as well.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Biting, sucking, I imagine that he has an oral fixation of some kind. He also like to do quickies in somewhat public locations.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
The bed, the couch, and the counter are his go to spots.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
He loves when you call him Satnin. Every time you say it, he just feels this primal urge to take you- wherever you’re at.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
He wouldn’t hurt you. I would punch you, or slap you, or bite you too hard. He doesn’t want to ruin your delicacy.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Both! He loves getting his dick sucked. It’s one of his favorite things in the world. That doesn’t mean that he doesn’t to return the favor.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
He can be both. He loves it when he’s fast and rough, it’s what makes you and him cum the hardest, but if you’re having a rough day and just need to feel him, he’ll be gentle and passionate.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
He likes them! He enjoys having a time limit of sorts. He likes that it gives him the chance to be fast and rough with you.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Every now and then, he can’t contain himself and he’ll give you a quickie in a gas station bathroom, or maybe he’ll fuck you nice and deep in the back seat of the car while no one else is looking.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
He can go for many rounds. You try to match his libido but sometimes it’s a little do much.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
He probably doesn’t own any toys for himself. However, you might have a dildo or 2 that he LOVES to use on you. While he’s fucking you nice and deep, he might work the dildo into your ass or make you suck it.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He’s a big tease. Not in a way to make you mad or anything! If you ask him to keep going while he’s doing something, there’s a 50% chance that he’ll stop and move onto something else.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
He’s not super loud. He might let out a loud groan from the bottom of his chest but that’s about as loud as it gets.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
He’s always wanted to have a threesome with you and another guy. He’s not gay, he just likes to watch you be the pretty little whore you are. He’s never asked you though.
(Possible fic idea!! Lmk!)
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
He’s way above average. I picture 8.5 - 9 inches. He’s circumcised. His balls are a little heavy but not painful. He has a very protruding veins around the circumference of his cock. He curves a little to left but it’s not a problem. His tip is a pretty pinkish- red color.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Pretty high. If he’s in a “mood” you might go for 4-5 rounds a day. He’ll always apologize that he’s so horny.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He’ll do his aftercare routine on you and himself first. Afterwards, he’ll slip into bed and hold you close to him as you both sleep in a calm serene state.
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celeste-hiro · 9 months
Big Celestia/Chihiro/Celeshiro headcanon post:
Wanted to compile a bunch of my headcanons here:
Starts off cold towards the class as in canon, but warms up to them. Becomes fiercly protective of them since they'rw her only friends
If she catches people bullying Toko, Chihiro, Taka, Hifumi, Makoto, etc she will retaliate
Is trying to come off super cool but is actually incredibly awkward. Most of the class still think she is cool after bedriending her
Extremely eager to show off her knowledge about her interests. Will just infodump on whoever is willing to listen.
Cries a lot in secret
Very insecure about her body and appearance
Also insecure about her interests that aren't gambling and European culture. Only Chihiro, Hifumi, Makoto, and Kyoko know she's into things like manga and video games. The rest suspect she's secretly a nerd.
Speaking of also prone to gamer rage and she's very thankful the dorms are sound proof
Secretly a My Little Pony fan. Only Chihiro knows because they made a joke while they were hanging out once about her name and noticed her panic. She took her first name from Princess Celestia. Also why she calls the others darling after befriending them.
If Byakuya's not around she'll be one of the first to offer to pay. She is bad at showing how much she values the others so she compensates with paying for meals or tickets to places
Basically kind of a bitchy Rarity once she has gotten over herself and connected with everyone.
Sews her own clothes, and eventually starts making clothes for the others with a discount on comissions
Gets roped into the obligatory D&D episode by Hifumi
Comes from a family that lived in poverty, got bullied as a kid as a result
Part of the bullying was being called a loser over and over again
Why she ends up being one of the first to stick up for the others
Has learned some self-defense to protect herself since she spends a lot of time illegally gambling
While she does drop more and more of her persona as time goes on, and is more authentic with everyone she still prefers the Celestia name and fancy clothing. They help her feel comfortable in her own skin.
She's only really comfortable using Taeko with the rest of Class 78, and even then not when they're out in public
Absolutely unable to cook well
Will start arguments with Byakuya, Leon, and/or Mondo for the fun of it.
Her and Makoto kinda confide in each other about how they feel like fakes next to everyone else.
She has read every single one of Toko"s books multiple times.
Ocassionally she will correct Hifumi when he gets something wrong about an anime and whistle innocently when people are stunned she knew that.
Makes the time to go to events the others are doing like Sayaka's concerts or Hina's swim meets.
Once she went with Hifumi to help sell his doujins. Ended up with Hifumi punching a guy in the face for creeping on her.
Sakura and Mondo also worry about her going to seedy parts of town to gamble and have discreetly followed her to make sure she's safe
She enjoys challenging Kyoko to various cars games
She also ends up enjoying discussing history with Taka
While at first she really hated Yasuhiro she did end up finding he could have surprisingly good advice from time to time.
Trans girl. I accept any hcs on their gender. For me personally I just see them as a trans girl who compensated by trying to fit into a mold of manliness before realizing and accepting her identity.
She still likes to work out and try to get stronger.
Into making mods for video games
Has been into just about every embarassing fandom at one point or another. Superwholock, Homestuck, Undeetale, MLP, Steven Universe. She was overjoyed when she found out Celeste was too.
She will also haplily offer to pay for the others when Byakuya's not around. Her programming skills have made her a good amount of money, placing her just behind Celeste's wealth and 3rd highest overall
Also can not cook at all
Has a terrible sleep schedule, will need coffee as soon as she wakes up
While she identifies she/her she still doesn't have many feminine typical interests beyond the clothing.
Bottles up frustrations and anger, lets it out online in arguments.
Genuinely admires all of her classmates
Besides Makoto she is the most popular person in her class
Cries a lot too, but openly
She has written a program for each classmate that helps with their talent in some way
They kept it a secret for a long time
While keeping it a secret everyone thought they were just crushing on each other and kept trying to get them together
They kept playing it off pretending not to get it
Kyoko knew from the start
When they finally let the others know it was after they had an argument that was their first big argument.
They like spending a lot of time together in their dorms watching movies/tv, playing games together, being affectionate, and talking a lot
Because they both have a lot of hang ups they end up comforting one another a lot.
Said this before but Celeste ended up trauma dumping on the first date.
Celeste also had a panic attack prior to the date
In general even though it seems like Celeste is the cool mature one, Chihiro is the one that's more mature
Chihiro is drawn to Celeste because she thinks she is cool, that she is protective, and admires her willpower
Celeste is drawn to Chihiro because she loves her optimisim and friendliness. That she is not judgmental, and is always willing to listen to her ramblings
After they reveal their relationship they get a lot more affectionate in public
Chihiro also basically moves into Celeste's room.
Because Celeste forgets to lock her door a lot, they have been walked in on by every single one of their classmates at least once
They get married pretty quickly after graduating
While they don't really want to have kids the old fashioned way, they do get very adoption happy and they tend to spoil the kids. They might even run a foster home
Among them is Kokichi who Celeste likes to playfully have compete against Kyoko's protege Shuichi
Kyoko nor Chihiro even realize there's supposed to be a rivalry going on
Chihiro and Celeste are very cuddly. They find it difficult to get to sleep without touching the other in some way
Celeste makes Chihiro clothes for free
Because neither of them can cook they order take out a lot.
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hauntedraggedyanne · 3 months
Character Types: The Bully
*The Manly Man*
Featuring: Victor
You can go for just a horrible person with 0 redeeming qualities, OR we can use fiction to imagine what it would look like if people had feelings.
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Just to preface, this isn’t excluding anything other than realistic fiction, or even if your story doesn’t involve a school at all, because bullies exist everywhere and I’ve seen them all. 🥲 
This post will be focused on the more ‘manly’ form of bullying, the whole pushing people into lockers, swirlies, and everything Biff does from ‘Back to the Future’. Boys and girls have different ways of bullying, and even though guys tend to be more physical and pushy while girls break your self confidence down and give you scars that last a lifetime, you don’t have to follow those ideas. Bullies can break gender norms too. 
Regardless of setting, you need to ask yourself why your bully isn’t expelled, kicked out, or punished in any way. Does the whole school know that your bully is super physical? If so, the situation on the bottom is the most likely to happen. 
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(teachers/authority figures will 100% know because most of them follow gossip and drama as much as the students)
But what if the MC or any of the other victims don’t  say anything, so their close friends/relatives don’t think anything’s wrong? Now, this could just be peer pressure, but again, we don’t have to do everything based on reality! What if Victor finds out that the straight A+ student has been cheating the whole time and threatens to expose them if they tell absolutely anyone about how they’re being used as a living punching bag? This secret can differ on your setting, so if it’s not a school setting, what about their work credentials? Are they not what the MC claims they are, or is the truth even darker?
Either way, congrats! You gave the bully a single personality trait other than ‘didn’t get a healthy amount of attention as a child’. You’ve officially done more work than most people.
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 But what if we can take it another step? Is the bully being bullied themselves? Lots of people take their insecurities out on others, and we’re much more likely to do it if we think doing so will impress people around us. Keep in mind, this is more useful if you’re trying to humanize them, or if they’re a main character in their own right. Do we get to see how terrible they feel before and after they push and shove people around, or have they become almost numb to it and try to bury their feelings? This also allows you to showcase the toxic environment that led to the behavior in the first place, and watching the bully leave the harmful environment and apologize is something that can lead to an incredibly satisfying end to their development.
What if you don’t want your masculine bully to portray the same physically aggressive and abrasive tropes you’ve seen a hundred times? Well then the simplest (and shortest because this post is a really long) answer is to give them the more traditionally ‘feminine’ bullying style. Gossiping, weird looks that make you feel worse than anything else in the world, rude comments that give you anxiety—to name a few. You can give the audience a really simple but fun switch of the roles, because I personally want to see a 6’4 muscly football boy fuel the rumors that will ruin someone’s entire life in the middle of a sleepover. This can be done as humorously or as seriously as you want.
Will any of these work? God I hope so because I used every single one of the points above on Victor’s actual story.
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ben-talks-art · 2 years
Puss In Boots, the Last Wish - Spoiler talk
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When I shared my thoughts about Puss in Boots 2, one of the things I said was that, while I was impressed with the style, animation, and overall vibe of the movie, I still felt like the writing itself was mostly just good.
But the more I think about it, the more these ideas and the way these ideas were handled start to pack a bigger punch, to the point where I'm like "Yeah, this is actually really clever writing, isn't it?"
And everyone already talked about the obvious topics, the way we treat our relationship with death, how much should we try to truly appreciate life and what we already have, the different ways we can handle an antagonist by sometimes making them people with depth that can be redeemed and sometimes just making them fun monsters who just enjoy being evil, and so on.
But something I was randomly thinking about was the kinda commentary that this movie does on the concept of male stereotypes.
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What I mean by that is that, when you look at all the ways Puss died, they are all what's often considered by the media as "manly."
Flirting with women, gambling, drinking, picking up fights with people much bigger than you, being reckless, trying to show off how muscular you are... The only one that avoids that was the one about baking (who I still would count as a jab at the "real men don't listen to advice!" trope)
I especially like how they build up how Puss' biggest regret with Kitty was going to be some sort of heist where he left her behind but it turns out it was actually him running away from marriage.
Maybe I'm thinking too hard about it but it feels like this is all a jab at the idea of the "perfect action hero", the guy that fears nothing, needs no one, listens to no one, and is always rescuing those that are hopeless without him.
But in here, Puss is constantly in danger, constantly vulnerable, constantly needing others to support him... And what I like about it is that it never feels shamefull. It actually feels very pleasant to admit you do need help and to receive that help.
The only time someone tries to laugh at him for being less "manly" is when he confronts his past lives. Like, think about it, Puss is literally the only one who has a problem with the fact that he's become more vulnerable.
Kitty doesn't care, the dog doesn't care, none of the antagonists care, even the citizens like the doctor from the start of the story, he was legit being super nice about his whole situation.
Even when we get to the climax, I kept thinking the wolf had said "Or you're gonna fight like a man!?" But then I saw it again and realized he never said the "like a man!" part, that was just in my head because I'm just so used to seeing it in movies all the time.
It was really just Puss who had a problem with his vulnerability.
And yeah, we know the line "you're your own worst enemy" has been used billions of times in the past, but I really like how this concept was used here.
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I also like how they show this isn't a problem exclusive to Puss as Kitty also suffers from feeling like she has to be strong all the time because if she affords to be vulnerable she could get hurt.
Meanwhile, the most vulnerable character in the story, the little doggy, seems to be the happiest out of everyone because he has nobody to impress. Same with Pappa bear and Momma bear. They don't care about appearances or about looking strong, they just want their kids to be happy.
So, yeah, this writing was legit much better than what I initially thought. I like how it promotes the idea of truly thinking about what you consider to be important vs what really is important, and I feel this is a very relevant message nowadays as the media keeps trying to tell us all the time what's important or not.
This movie literally gets better the more I think about it! 😊
But, again, that's just a random idea I had. Idk, am I thinking too hard about it?
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mygwenchan · 1 year
Another week, another episode of unhinged silliness and kink! And judging by the preview I've seen, this episode is gonna get spicy~ ✨
And we're starting off with a barbecue, my German heart is happy (I really need to clean my grill for that Angrillen tradition!)
Yes, J'Belle, tell us all the gossip~ Oh, a new name! Poom it is? Well, he goes right onto my Love Syndrome/Unforgotten Night character chart. I'm making one rn, cause maybe maybe I'll be able to remember who is friends with whom and who is an ex-boyfriend and... let's just say, I've only started yesterday and it's already a mess lol
Jealous Itt is jealous and Day loves it! In fact, Day loves it so much, he's willing to make the ultimate sacrifice. Oh my... Day ate well that night
J'Belle, not the sausage reference please OMG 🤣
Barely 10 minutes into the episode and it's already sexy time again~ Yeah, this ep is giving. Imagine if all amnesia cases could be solved with some good old humping in the sheets. The doctors would be jobless lol
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On a side note: Is that Frank's real tattoo or a sticker? Hmm... I think I need to take a closer look. For science (Update: Yep, it's a real tattoo ^^)
And suddenly we're in a serious conversation about love vs using someone to satisfy their needs. Well, it is an important question Itt is asking here
"I want to remember..." Omg Day?! Are you finally coming around? Are you finally being nice to Itt? "...why did I even date a silly person like you" Dude... why are you playing us like this 😩 The sadistic tendencies are strong in this one
New drinking game just dropped: Every time someone eats cake, you have to drink a shot!
That fortune teller is my new spirit animal "Hit him with a stick and his memory will return" WHY?! 😂 (also, I have a feeling there was a raunchy joke in there that got lost in translation. Something something long hard sticks...)
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(Itt smacking the memories back into Day, a reference image)
Oh no! There is a lurking shadow behind Day and Itt that will cause trouble? Who is it? Who keeps calling Itt from an unknown number? I need to know!
Aha! So the creepy guy is actually Pee! But did they really name the kid "Pee"? Really? Or is this another translation error. For the actors and character's sake, I really hope it's an error...
Anyway... Suddenly there's a flashback and guns and drama! So Pee is mafia as well or had a crush on Itt and wanted to get rid of Day or? I'm confused 😅
Flashback time again~ This time it's Itt bike racing. He actually used to be a little badass. Now he's a softie who only eats cake. See kids, this is what love does to a man lol
Day really needs to learn how to chill. Maybe he should pick up yoga or makramee or something
Noooo! Itt don't run onto the race track! Don't be stupid now, boy! ...And of course he is stupid, ah... 🤦‍♀️ Tbh Itt kind of deserved that punch
Awkward silence while Itt storms off and everyone else just stands around. Yeah, I've been in that situation before. It's super uncomfortable when friends of yours are a couple and they fight in front of you. Best strategy in my opinion is to quietly escape to the loo (the bathroom, an introverts best friend 🤗)
Also, another drinking game just dropped: Every time a group of guys stands awkwardly around Day or Itt, you have to drink two shots! Bonus round, if there's cake involved
Omg is Day going to cry?! He totally looks like he's going to cry. Aww, poor baby... Nope, never mind. Day decided that he'd rather break his arm again than to shed a single manly tear. Oh my
Ohhhh! Night is back, my sweet boy 🥰 He's so cute
And Night and Gear are once again the ones who have to fix Itt's and Day's relationship *le sigh*
"If you feel tired, how about running away?" Oh Night, I like you! Yes, Itt should totally go on a vacation, that boy really needs a break. Day can deal with his anger issues alone for all I care
And Itt is gone~ Can I just say that I love how both Gear and Night are so angry at Day? You go tell him, boys! Hehe (even though it looks like Gear almost get's drowned by Day in the next ep, it's still worth it 😌)
Alright, that's it for this episode! Next episode we'll get a new love interest for Itt, Day will have another temper tantrum and almost kills his brother-in-law and Night will be a lil cutie as always. So stay tuned~
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Qrow tended to bring James his lunch most days now. It was a nice chance to get a little time for themselves now that they had Ciel- they loved her, yes, gods, they loved her so much, more than Qrow had ever realized he would, had realized was possible, but given how much trouble they had keeping their eyes and hands off of each other and given that Ciel still had trouble being alone, they had to grab what time they could.
So Qrow brought James his lunch most days, and they got to spend a little time before James had to get back to work and Qrow had to get back to... well, whatever he did during the day. He had several projects on the go right now, and of course there was always training. The shadow creatures that terrorized the cities had become more common these days, and the Ace Ops and that new Hunts-Man kid would not be enough to keep them at bay alone.
If something didn’t give soon, there would be a new hero joining the ranks in the cities, though Qrow drew the line at a stupid costume.
Still, none of that was important right now. The important thing was that it was almost James’ lunchtime, and Qrow had timed it so he would get there just in time to make him put his work down so he could eat it.
Qrow hummed a sea shanty to himself as he rode the elevator up to James’ office, and then froze in place one step out at the sight in front of him.
Part of him melted. The part of him that ached for an easy domesticity that he had robbed them of the day he walked away from the mangled mess that was his boyfriend, the soft, gooey, marshmallowy center of him that wished for things that could not have happened for the people they once were, that part was threatening to burst from how cute it was.
The other half was just... very deeply confused.
James was at his desk, for once not working diligently- instead he had a sleeping wolf pup on his chest; he’d leaned his chair back and was petting the pup gently while he hummed to it.
Judging by the way the pup was nearly engulfed by just one of James’ paws, Qrow suspected it was newborn. Probably hadn’t even opened its eyes yet.
“Where did you get that?” he asked- demanded, baffled. “Did you steal it? You can’t just steal babies, Ironwoof, give it back.”
James just chuckled, rocking forward and transferring the pup to his arms, settling it carefully into his hold. He made a shhhhh noise, partly to the pup and partly to Qrow.
“I didn’t steal him,” he said quietly, once Qrow was close enough to hear. Qrow perched himself on the edge of the desk, eyes drawn to the little pup in his husband’s arms. Gods, they could have had that. Why did he have to be so stupid?
“So where’d you get him, then?”
“He’s Minerva’s. I’m only borrowing him.”
“Isn’t she on maternity leave?”
“Yes. She came by to show off her son to her coworkers.”
“Makes sense.” Qrow nodded. “But that does not explain why you are here, with her son, and she is not.”
“She needed to take care of something in her lab while she was here. She asked me to watch him for a few minutes.”
Which was a pretty solid explanation, and no doubt James had jumped at the chance to hold and cuddle the sweet little thing for as long as possible. And no doubt Minerva knew she could take the time she needed, as long as James Ironwoof had her son.
Qrow frowned, and reached out to tickle the pup’s muzzle, pleased when he made a whiny noise and sought out the finger tickling him. Qrow booped his nose and withdrew his hand.
“Y-y’know... we don’t have to stop at just Ciel... if you want more kids...”
“Maybe,” James murmured, absently nuzzling the infant in his arms when he began to fuss, making soft crooning noises until he’d settled again. “I’m very content with ‘just’ Ciel, though. I think more than one child would make it harder to give her the attention and love she deserves.”
“You sure? Cause... not gonna lie, big man, you look awful right holding that baby.”
James chuckled again. “Qrow? I do not have time to raise an infant.”
“Even if we did decide- later- that we wanted more children- both of us, not just me- we would do better to adopt older children. I love holding babies, but in an hour I have to get back to work, and this tiny man would need more of my attention than I could spare. As it is, within about ten minutes his mother will be back to collect him, and I can eat my lunch and pay attention to my husband while his mother takes him home and pays attention to him.”
“I guess.” Qrow looked a little disgruntled; James shifted the pup to one arm extremely carefully so he could take his hand and lace their fingers together.
“I love you,” he murmured.
Qrow’s face softened into a smile. “Yeah. Love you too.”
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fanficimagery · 3 years
When Enough is Enough pt. I
Imagine being let down one too many times by your best friend, only to end up making some new ones in the process.
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Words: 7.7K
Sometimes when you had a moment to yourself, you often found yourself looking back on how easy things were when you were just in high school. College wasn't a walk in the park, but it did somewhat prepare you for the real world after school. And with you now being a nurse and Peter still doing the superhero gig, you and your best friend hardly had time for each other which left you feeling bummed about it.
But you've finally taken a much needed two week vacation and you couldn't wait to dress in sweats and drink the night away.
Grabbing some fruit from your refrigerator, you set it all out on the counter and get to work. The strawberries need washing and to be sliced, but the black berries and blueberries are fine with just a quick wash. You grab one of the beer mugs from your kitchen cabinets and fill it a little less than halfway with ice. You toss in some strawberry slices, black berries and blueberries. Then turning to the refrigerator, you grab the Malibu Coconut Rum and the Minute Maid Berry Punch. You pour about three shots of the rum into the glass, followed by another three shots of the punch. Then grabbing a Smirnoff Ice Original, you twist off the lid and place the bottle upside down in your mug.
Satisfied with your drink for the time being, you shove a straw into your mug and take it with you as you walk over to your sofa. You groan happily as you take your first sip and then settle down to binge watch some shows you need to catch up on.
Halfway done with your drink, your apartment door opens but you already know who it is since there's only one person with a spare key. Peter jumps over the back of the couch, landing next to you and stealing your mug from your hands. He takes a long sip, grinning as he hands it back over to you. "That drink is dangerous. Tastes too good to stop just at one."
"Hence the reason why I'm drinking it, Parker." You clutch the mug between your hands once more, leaning out of his reach when he makes a grab for it again. "I'm on vacation and I plan to drink until I can no longer keep my eyes open. Hands off."
"Mean. And here I was going to invite you to a party." You freeze mid-sip and raise an eyebrow at your best friend. Peter smirks. "We've both been kind of busy and now that you're on vacation I figured I'd ask and see if you want to be my plus one for Tony's party."
Your lips purse. "Hmm. What kind of party?"
"A normal one?" He shrugs. "It's just the team and close friends of the team. Everyone needs to decompress and they decided to do that with drinks and music."
"Fine. I'm game. But you're packing up the fruits and all my beer mugs, and then we're stopping by the liquor store and Quick Mart to pick up more Smirnoff, Rum and Berry Punch."
"Y/N," he chuckles. "Tony's got drinks there."
"Yeah, but does he have all the ingredients to make my favorite drink?"
"Uh, probably not?"
"Exactly. So chop, chop! Pack it up while I change into clothes worthy of being out in public."
          - - - - - - - - - - 
As you ride the elevator up to the upper floors of Stark Tower, you're at complete ease. Anyone in your position would be a nervous wreck, but you've heard enough stories about them from Peter that you're not.
As the elevator dings open, you and Peter step out with your arms full of bags. Almost immediately, you're approached by Tony Stark. "Parker, you sly dog! It's about time we meet the girlfriend." You and Peter snort, and immediately try to deny his claims, but he bulldozes right over you. "What's with the alcohol? I got everything you could need here."
"First off," you muse, elbowing Peter aside, "I'm the best friend, not the girlfriend." Tony's eyebrows raise before he chuckles. "And secondly, I was already drinking this at my apartment before Peter asked me to come with him. I doubt someone with expensive tastes such as yours has Minute Maid punch and Smirnoffs sitting in the fridge."
"Point," he gestures to you. "Well welcome. Any friend of Peter's is a friend of ours. And I see you got blueberries so I want one of whatever you're making."
"Sure thing, Stark, but just know this was something we came up with in college."
Peter gestures for you to follow him when Tony gets called away and you keep close to him as he leads you to the kitchen. He finds an empty space along the kitchen island and the two of you work on unloading the bags.
"Get me three mugs of ice," you tell him. Peter takes three mugs to put some ice in as you open the containers of fruit. You earn a few curious glances, but you merely grin and nod, and continue to twist open bottles and cartons. Then once you've assembled everything, you toss the fruits into each mug and start pouring the shots of rum and berry punch into them. You put one Smirnoff upside into the first mug and hand it off to Peter. "Take that to Mr. Stark. I'll assemble ours."
Peter grins and heads off, doing as you've said.
You get the remaining two poured very easily and Peter rejoins you just as you insert the straws. Taking his own mug as you pick up yours, you clink your drinks together before taking the longest sip you can. When you need to breathe, you let go of the straw first and Peter fist pumps in victory. "Dick," you mumble.
Two females approach- one with a shy demeanor whereas the other one has a very energetic vibe about her. You're proven correct when she says, "Hey new girl, are you the one making the Smirnoff drinks?"
You nod. "Yeah."
"Mind making one for me and friend here? Stark won't share." You chuckle and nod again. "I'm Darcy, by the way, and this is my friend Wanda."
"Y/N." You introduce yourself as Peter grabs two more mugs to put ice in. "I'm that idiot's best friend," you say while gesturing to Peter's back.
"I heard that!"
"Well I wasn't whispering it." He mockingly pouts at you over his shoulder and you laugh some more.
"Damn. We owe Sam and Bucky twenty bucks."
You glance at Darcy as she begrudgingly starts pulling money out of her back pocket and you raise an eyebrow at Wanda who's grinning. "We thought you were Peter's girlfriend." Her accent makes your smile widen. "Sam and Bucky said there was no way Parker got a girlfriend as beautiful as you."
Your eyes widen and the seemingly shy girl laughs aloud. "Wait, what?" You nervously chuckle. "I'm not drunk enough to be taking compliments from pretty boys like them."
"Boys." Darcy snorts. "Don't let them hear you call them that. They'll be determined to show you how manly they are then."
Peter sets down the mugs in front of you before taking his back up. "You good here? I want to go say hi to some people."
"Go." You shoo him away. "Go mingle. I'm fine."
"Yeah, Spidey. She's good. We'll keep her company," Darcy says. "Go away now."
Peter frowns and you can't resist pinching his cheek, cooing softly at him. "I'm a big girl, Petey. I'll be around. Plus you're walking me home, remember?"
"Fine." He gently swats your hand off his face as you laugh at him. "But please stay with the girls, and don't listen to anything Sam or Bucky says. They're mean to me."
"I'll try my best. Now go away. I have drinks to make."
As Peter leaves with his drink in tow, you finish making both Darcy and Wanda theirs. They happily accept them when you slide the mugs in front of them, groaning in delight after they take their first sip.
"Come on. Lets go get comfortable with the boys and Nat," Darcy says. "Kick off your shoes though. We're sitting in the pit."
You glance around for a place to kick off your shoes until Wanda gestures you towards the corner where other pairs of shoes lie. Then following them over to what they've deemed the pit, you walk down the carpeted stairs and take a seat near Wanda as Darcy hands over some money to Sam.
"Ha!" Sam laughs. "Knew that little twerp couldn't land a lady as fine as her."
Your nose wrinkles at the compliment and Wanda laughs. "Everyone, this is Y/N. Y/N, that's Natasha, Sam and Bucky." She points to each respective individual as she names them and you nod at each of them. "Y/N also doesn't take compliments well."
"It's weird." You're quick to defend yourself, sheepishly shrugging. "I don't like being put on the spot."
Darcy plops down between Bucky and Wanda. "Well too bad. You are a beautiful woman who makes fantastic drinks." She wraps her lips around the straw to sip some more. "Janie is going to be pissed she missed these."
You chuckle and start sipping your own drink.
"So how do you know Spider-Boy?" Sam asks.
"Uh, we grew up together," you say. "I lived next door to his uncle Ben and aunt May, and when he moved in with them we were just drawn together. Been best friends ever since."
"Never once hooked up?"
You splutter at Darcy's question. "N-No!"
"You're lying." Bucky's eyes squint at you and resist the urge to flip him off. After all, you only just met him.
"I'm really not. There might've been a slight crush once upon a time, but no. No hookups."
Natasha grins at you before sipping her beer. "You're a great liar." You gasp in mock offense.
"Who didn't hook-up?" Peter lands next to you, his arm going around the back of your shoulders.
Darcy waggles her eyebrows at you and you snort. "Apparently all your friends-" Bucky and Sam scoff, "and co-workers think you and I have hooked up."
Peter laughs. "Well there was that one time-"
"WHAT?!" Sam and Darcy shout.
"Knew it." Natasha preens at being right.
You swat at Peter's chest repeatedly. "Dick. I just finished telling them we hadn't."
"What? But how?!" Darcy wonders. "You had me believing you when you said you didn't hook-up. You had Bucky believing it!"
"Y/N is a phenomenal liar," Peter muses. "We got away with so much in high school."
You crack a grin then, you and Peter sharing a fist bump. "Way to make me sound like I lie all the time." Then looking out at those in the conversation pit, you say, "I don't lie on the important stuff. Just the stupid stuff that got us out of school or whether or not Peter and I hooked up. His girlfriends are usually intimidated by me so I had to convince them Petey and I never slept together."
"Are you two.. together?" Wanda then wonders, but you and Peter shake your heads. "How do you remain such good friends afterwards?"
You shrug. "We know each other's deepest secrets. We won't ever not be friends."
"Hold on. Let's get back to the lying thing," Bucky says. "Give me two truths and one lie. I wanna see if you can do that again. And stare me straight in the eyes when you say it."
Sam snorts as you and Peter laugh. "Okay. Hold on. Let me think." You take a moment to think of the three things you're going to say. When you figure it out, you meet Bucky's steely gaze head on. "I was engaged once. My sister married my ex-boyfriend. I swam with sharks where a young shark took a chunk out of my side."
Everyone seems to hold their breath and you can't help but smirk when Bucky's eyes narrow. After a brief moment, he says, "The sister and the ex-boyfriend. While you seem young, being engaged is believable. As is the shark. But there's no way a sibling would marry another sibling's ex."
Your smirk falls and Bucky grins victoriously, only for Peter to burst out laughing. You follow soon after. "If this were a drinking game, you'd have to take a shot."
"What? No way!" Sam exclaims. Bucky looks grumpy once more and Natasha looks impressed.
Peter nods. "It's true. Y/N dumped him for being clingy and not wanting her to speak to me, and he went crawling to her sister months later. They married a couple years after that."
"And you were okay with that?" Wanda frowns.
"I was fine with their relationship. It's not like I was in love with the guy," you admit. "I just hated that she moved him in with us. It made our already cramped apartment even more cramped, which then led to lots of sleepovers at Peter's."
"So that's when the hook-up occurred." You grab a couch pillow and throw it at Sam who catches it with a laugh. Darcy pats Bucky on the shoulder and Sam laughs at his expression. "Well if that wasn't the lie, what was? The engagement?"
"Oh no. I was engaged." You laugh. "For about a month before I realized I didn't actually wanna spend the rest of life with an idiot."
"The lie was the shark bite," Peter tells them. "Y/N's is terrified of the ocean. She can only make it into ankle deep water before she starts to panic."
"Well the ocean is huge!" You defend yourself. "Have you seen those documentaries with the strange noises and shadows at fuck thousand feet below? No thank you."
The group sitting around you all laugh. You decide to get more comfortable then, angling yourself towards Peter and throwing your legs across his lap. He doesn't bat an eye, instead he just raises his arms and sets them back down atop your legs, his free hand tapping a random rhythm on your knee.
The conversation flows easy after that, Tony dragging Clint, Steve and Bruce to be introduced. Once everyone is seated, the group waste no time in asking what it is you do after you refuse to offer up any embarrassing stories about a pre-teen Peter. Darcy is snapping pictures every now and then, getting your Instagram username afterward so she can tag you in a few of the ones she was posting. And when you get the notification on your own phone, you go through liking the photos and following back Darcy, Wanda, Sam and Bucky who had all followed you.
Not even five minutes after of the pictures being posted does Peter's phone ring. You hear his sudden intake of breath and you glance at the screen, your smile dimming at the name and picture there. "Take it," you murmur. He quickly glances at you and you remove your legs from his lap. "It's been what, a couple of months since you last spoke with her? Take it."
Peter grins and then hurriedly stands up, answering the phone call on his way to a quieter portion of the room. Your newly found friends look at you and you paste on a smile. "It's his on again/off again girlfriend. Darcy posted a picture of Petey and I, and I have no doubt in my mind Leslie saw it."
"So she called him?" Steve frowns.
"Yep. And if Petey's still wrapped around her little finger, he'll be leaving in five, four, three, two- and there he goes." You all watch as Peter rushes towards the elevator, a little excited skip to his run. "It never fails. She doesn't necessarily want to be tied down to Peter, but she'll be damned if Petey and I have a good time together."
"Well that's shitty," Darcy mumbles.
"Preaching to the choir, D." You go to sip your drink, only to realize it's empty. You sigh. "And I need a refill."
"Ohh. Me too!" Tony holds his mug up in the air and Darcy grabs it with a laugh.
She and Wanda follow you into the kitchen, and you waste no time in preparing all four drinks once again. Then when the three of you make it back to the conversation pit, Pepper Potts has finally joined the party. Tony is quick to make her try his drink after Darcy hands it off to him, and you can't help but laugh when she wants to keep it for herself. Tony quickly introduces the two of you and then once again Sam and Bucky are needling for anything embarrassing on Peter.
"Knock it off. I'm not going to do Peter dirty like that."
"You mean like he did you dirty by bringing you to this party and then leaving you for another girl?"
"Oh shit."
Everyone goes quiet, eyes wide as they glance between you and Bucky. "Low blow, Barnes. Just for that, you ain't ever getting anything out of me for blackmail on Peter."
The conversation picks up again, you glaring at Bucky every now and then as he smugly grins at you. Steve, Tony, Clint and Bruce end up wandering off again which leaves you, Wanda, Darcy, Pepper, Natasha, Sam and Bucky in the conversation pit.
It's been nearly an hour since Peter has disappeared, so when the elevator dings to signify someone approaching, everyone readily glances in the elevator's direction. The doors slide open and Peter practically skips out.. with Leslie following on his heels in complete and utter awe.
Pepper is too focused on her phone to see those in the pit staring at you with oh shit expressions and you roll your eyes as you finish off your drinks. "Watch it with that one," you mumble. "She's a clout chaser."
Those words catch Pepper's attention, her focus immediately on the girl then and you barely feel any regret uttering those words. You figure Pepper's used to dealing with clout chasers after dealing with Tony Stark's one night stand's so long ago, so you smother a grin when Pepper winks in your direction before getting up and introducing herself to the girl.
"Well that's my cue to head on home." Darcy and Wanda frown. You huff a laugh at them, shaking your head. "Sorry. I've had three of these," you say while gesturing to your empty mug, "so my tongue's a little loose. If she even looks at me wrong, I have a feeling we're going to have a repeat of my junior year in high school."
Sam ooh's. "What happened your junior year?"
"Got a month of in-school suspension." You shrug. "Some bitch kept making cruel remarks to Peter, so one morning I borrowed my sister's class ring and used it to beat the girl's face in. Then when we were separated and our parents showed up, the same girl had the audacity to call me a crazy bitch to her parents when we were walking down the same hallway. I jumped her again."
"Nuh uh. No way," Darcy muses. "You're so nice!"
You snort and Bucky turns around in his seat. "Parker!" You bite your tongue when both Peter and Leslie turn towards your general direction. "What did Y/N do her junior year in high school to earn in-school suspension?"
Peter barks out a laugh. "She broke the ruby stone on her sister's class ring when she punched a girl in the face. Repeatedly."
Story confirmed, Bucky turns back to you and salutes you with his bottle of beer. "Okay. I did not expect that."
Your nose wrinkles as you laugh. "I was a mean girl. College mellowed me out and real life made me a lazy bitch. I'm too stressed to be a petty asshole."
"I'll drink to that," Darcy says.
You try to stay a little longer, but out of the corner of your eye you see Leslie taking selfie after selfie. Her phone is purposely raised too high and the camera's aim is off so she can capture everyone in the background rather than herself. You quietly groan as you roll your eyes. "I really need to go or I'm going to say something and make things awkward."
The group doesn't try to stop you, instead Natasha leans forward to address you. "How you gettin' home?"
"I can walk. It's actually not that far from here."
Bucky shakes his head. "I'll walk you."
"What? No." You frown. "I'm good. You stay and enjoy yourself."
"Give it up," Natasha muses, "he won't take no for an answer. We like you. Let us keep you safe."
You glance at Bucky. "Are you sure? I can honestly get home just fine. I don't want to put anyone out."
Bucky finishes off his beer. "Nah. You're good. I need some fresh air anyway."
Seeing as you're not fighting him on it, Darcy and Wanda get up to bid you a good night. They walk with you back into the kitchen to grab your shoes while Bucky walks over to Steve to tell him what he's going to do. Darcy takes your phone to enter her and Wanda's phone numbers, and she makes the suggestion that you do this again when you're free. You agree and then they make sure to tell Bucky to keep an eye on you when you end up tripping over your own shoelaces.
With her arms crossed over her chest and staring over your shoulder, Darcy says, "You weren't kidding when you said she had him wrapped around her finger." You look to where Darcy gestures and you shake your head in disappointment. "When Bucky mentioned he was taking you home, Peter didn't have anything to say. He looked at you like he wanted to say something, but then his attention was drawn right back to Leslie when she let out an obvious huff that someone needed to walk you home."
"That's Leslie and her magical vagina for you."
Darcy and Wanda giggle, and your eyes widen. You can't believe you just said that.
Bucky swings an arm around your shoulders then, chuckling. "C'mon. Let's get you out of here before we have a girl fight on our hands." He leads you into the elevator and you flip off Wanda and Darcy who are both waving and wiggling their eyebrows.
The ride down is quiet, as is the first couple blocks on your way home. Bucky's arm had lowered from your shoulders to hooking through your own arm when you tripped over the curb.
"I didn't peg you as a quiet drunk," he suddenly muses.
"Oh you'd know if I was drunk."
"Yep. I'm a sleepy drunk. If I were drunk, you'd be carrying me home." You trip over a crack in the sidewalk, giggling, but Bucky is quick to tighten his hold on your arm so you don't fall. He laughs.
"So what? Is this you tipsy?"
"More or less. I'm a bit more bold for a little while and then I'm on the hunt for food before finding a place to crash."
"A bit more bold? You looked like you were one look away from startin' a fight back there at the tower, sweetheart."
You shrug. "I don't like her."
A beat passes and then, "Is it because you're in love with Parker?" You don't answer right away and take a moment to gather your thoughts. "And answer honestly. I really am curious. Your secret is safe with me," he tells you.
Elbowing Bucky lightly, you say, "I love Peter, but I'm not in love with Peter. He's my best friend. But I don't have to be in love with him to be jealous," you say quietly. "For the longest time it was just Petey and I, then Ned came along and finally MJ. We both had our relationships, but Peter had a habit of choosing his girlfriend over his friends, and that- that hurts."
"Have you told him how you felt?"
"He knows," you admit. "Well not from me, but Ned and MJ confronted him about it. MJ got tired of it first and distanced herself. She said she had better things to do than wait around for a friend who didn't want anything to do with her while he was getting his dick wet." Bucky snorts and you grin. "Well those weren't her words exactly, but you get the drift."
"Yeah I do."
You sigh. "Then Ned told him it wasn't cool to just drop us while his full attention was on a girl who only wanted him hanging out with her friends. Peter tried to do better for a couple months afterwards, but alas Leslie wins. Again."
"I'm sure he was just excited to hear from her after so long. At least that's what I heard you tell him."
You glance up at him, eyebrow raised. "Who are you and where is the real James Buchanan Barnes?"
"I don't know, man. I didn't peg you as someone this talkative." Bucky chuckles and a few minutes later you're glancing up at a familiar building. "Well this is me." You unhook your arm from his, smiling at him. "Thanks for walking me. I'm pretty sure I would have either scraped my palms or busted my chin had you not been there to catch me."
"Don't even worry about it. You okay taking the stairs?"
"Pft. Too much cardio. I'll take the elevator."
"Well then I guess this is where I leave you." You mockingly salute him and he shakes his head at you. "Drink some water."
"Yes, sir. See you around, Barnes."
"See 'ya."
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Over the next couple of days, you don't really hear from Peter. You text him to grab some dinner with you and to watch a movie, but he ends up telling you he's busy and that's that. Darcy ends up adding you to a group chat with Wanda, Natasha and Pepper, and you end up talking to them more than your own best friend. Surprisingly, none of them are fans of Peter's Leslie. While they can admit the two of them look good side-by-side, it's obvious Peter does anything and everything to keep her in good spirits even if it means putting him in an awkward position.
Admitting you and Peter were backed into two very different corners and not talking at the moment, Darcy suggests another night of drinks. You tell her you have one more week off, but Pepper's too busy running Stark Industries and Natasha is about to go off the grid for a mission. Darcy and Wanda are free, so Darcy says she'll text you the deets.
You had reached out to Peter once more, sighing when he gave you the excuse of spending time in Stark's labs. His hesitation rubbed you the wrong way, so one text to Pepper later confirmed your gut feeling that Peter had not been by all day and, in fact, had texted Tony for date night suggestions instead. So when your night out with Darcy and Wanda comes around, you walk into the bar and quickly find them, then marching up to the table and downing one of the shots there.
You cough, cringe, and then, "Is that vodka? Fuck! You should have warned me."
"You looked like a woman on a mission," Darcy says. "Who am I to get in the way of that?"
You glower at her and then accept the drink Wanda pushes towards you. It's then you notice Sam and Bucky at the table, and you narrow your eyes at them.
"If looks could kill," Sam chuckles. "Don't worry. We're designated bodyguards and drivers tonight. Just pretend like we're not even here."
"Mhm. Move over."
Sam scoffs as Bucky immediately starts pushing him further down the bench seat they're on and you take a seat on the edge. Your knee bounces anxiously beneath the table and Bucky nudges you with his arm. "What's got you so worked up?"
"Peter fuckin' Parker." Darcy and Wanda's nose wrinkle, and you sigh. "I'm just.. so over waiting for my friend to realize I still exist. It sucks to be forgotten about until the one he's devoting all his time to drops him. Then it's like he remembers I still exist and it's back to normal as if nothing ever happened."
"I like Peter," Wanda starts, "but he isn't a good friend."
You shrug. "He's been doing this since high school. It hurts, but I've gotten used to it."
"Screw that. Drink up," Darcy urges you. "No moping tonight."
"I'm down." You salute her with your glass. "To no moping."
"Aw hell," Bucky mutters. "You girls are going to be a handful," he says as he watches you down the complete drink while Darcy and Wanda cheer you on.
Bucky and Sam, being the best designated bodyguards, keep the drinks at a decent pace so none of you over-do it. The second they notice the annoyance drain out of you and you're all lazy smiles, Sam and Bucky sag in relief.
"Okay so FMK," Darcy says. "Y/N, you're up first."
"Ugh." You groan. "Do I really have to answer?"
"Yes. But don't worry, Sam and Bucky won't be one of the candidates." You smile at their offended heys! "We don't need to feed their egos."
"Alright. Hit me!"
Wanda giggles as Darcy offers up your choices. "Tony, Clint, and Thor."
"Oooh," you drawl. "Fuck Thor because you know, he looks like he'd dom the shit out of you behind closed doors." Sam snorts and Bucky glances at you, eyebrow raised. "Marry Clint because he's goofy as fuck. That'd be a fun marriage. And sadly kill Tony because you know, he's got Pepper. Hoes before bros. You don't do that to a fellow lady."
"I think you got the saying backwards there, Y/N." Sam laughs. "It's bros before hoes."
"Is it? Is it really?" You take a long sip of your drink, eyes twinkling in the low light. "Wanda's turn!" You then muse. You look at her, smirking. "Your choices are Steve, Peter, and Bruce."
She pouts at you and you can't help but laugh. She sighs. "Kill Bruce just because he's definitely not my type." You and Darcy giggle. Wanda hums. "I'm sorry, but I'd do Peter just so it's a one and done. And then marry Steve."
You coo at her. "Wanda Rogers. It has a nice ring to it."
Wanda blushes, but then she turns on Darcy. "Your turn. Sam, Bucky, and Peter."
"Hey! We're not supposed to offer up these two idiots as candidates," she says while gesturing to said two idiots.
Bucky and Sam merely grin, awaiting her answer. When you or Wanda don't budge, she rolls her eyes. "Fine. Kill Peter, fuck Bucky and marry Sam."
"You answered that way too quickly." You laugh, Sam and Bucky's smugness not going unnoticed. "But you know, same. Cheers to good taste!" You and Darcy tap your glasses together, breaking down into giggles afterward.
Bucky shakes his head fondly at the three of you. "You girls have no shame when you've got liquor in you."
You, Darcy and Wanda all share a look before you're laughing once more.
          - - - - - - - - - - 
The night goes on with Darcy asking the most asinine questions she can think of. This group of people you've only met days before now know several of your sexual preferences and kinks thanks to the giggly brunette, but it was all admitted in good fun and no one teased you about it. You also know them on a more personal level and you can't believe some of the stories that leave Bucky or Darcy's mouths.
Wanda seems to be the photographer of the night and her favorite picture to take is you getting into Bucky's personal space and attempting to earn a smile from him. You managed to get one after a couple of hours- hours spent threatening to lick his face. You ended up face to face with him, staring him down, and when he said you wouldn't.. you did. It was nothing more than a kitten lick to the tip of his nose, but it was enough to send everyone into hysterical laughter. Wanda was just grateful she managed to catch the whole thing on video instead of a picture.
As Sam and Darcy went to grab another round from the bar, you glanced around the cramped building and leaned into Bucky. "I'll be back."
"Where you going, doll?"
"Bathroom. There's always a line for the ladies bathroom so it might take me a while."
"Need an escort?"
You chuckle and shake your head. "I'm fine. Don't you worry that pretty little head of yours about me."
At his nod, you squeeze his arm with assurances that you'll be back soon before scooting out of the booth. You make your way towards the back of the bar, sighing at the line down the hallway. So taking your spot in line, you lean against the wall and immediately pull out your phone.
Scrolling through Instagram, you like the few photos Darcy and Sam have posted. Wanda even posted the video of you and Bucky, and it makes you grin as it plays over and over. Although as you look at the number of likes and comments, you kind of wish the Avengers didn't have public social media.
After nearly ten minutes of waiting in line, it's finally your turn. It's a great relief to be inside the small room and then after doing your business and washing your hands, you're on your way back towards your booth. Only you've barely exited the hallway when there's a body sliding in front of you.
"Hey." You jerk to a stop, frowning at the stranger before you. "So not to be creepy, but I saw waiting in line earlier and I was wondering if I could buy you a drink."
The guy is good looking, but under the current circumstances you just want to get back to your booth. "Sorry, but my friends have me taken care of." You step aside in order to go around him, but he reaches out to capture your wrist. You jerk out of his hold. "Don't touch me."
Though you're obviously disgruntled, the guy laughs. "Come on, sweetheart, don't cause a scene. It's just a drink."
"First off, I'm not your sweetheart." He huffs. "And secondly, this scene could have been avoided if you took no for no instead of trying to pressure me until I say yes. I was willing to let your sudden introduction slide, but now? Now this is creepy. This is actually borderline harassment!"
"Whoa. Calm down, you fuckin' harpy. All I wanted was to buy you a drink and talk."
You take a step towards him, eyes glaring. "And I told you my friends had me taken care of."
Whatever Stranger Danger had planned to say dies on the tip of his tongue as an arm wraps around you from behind. But not just any arm. Oh no. A very infamous metal arm.
Bucky's arm reaches around in front of you from your left side, his hand then encompassing your right shoulder. As Stranger Danger seems to gape in fear, you can't help but lean back into Bucky's chest as your hands reach up to hold onto his arm as it rests across your chest. "Is there a problem here, doll?"
"I'm not sure. This guy can't seem to take no for an answer and that apparently makes me a fuckin' harpy now," you say.
Bucky gently squeezes your shoulder. "Hey asshole, we still got a problem here?"
"Oh, uh, no." He steps back. And then takes several more steps back. "Sorry."
As soon as he turns tail and books it back to his own group of friends you burst into laughter. You feel Bucky's own laughter against your back and you lay your head back against his shoulder while glancing up at him. "Should I feel special? I feel special," you say. "You took your sleeve off in order to scare the piss outta some douchebag."
"Yeah, yeah. Let's get back to the table. I'm pretty sure Sam, Wanda, and Darce started recording the moment I stood up."
"I can see the caption now," you say as Bucky starts to lead you to the table in question. "Sergeant Barnes saves drunken fool from being creeped on. Ovaries are going to explode all over the world. There's going to be so much fanfiction about this moment."
"Uhh.. don't worry about it."
"I wasn't, but now I'm interested given your reaction."
"Oohh." Darcy perks up. "Interested in what?"
"What fanfiction is?" Sam snorts as Wanda frowns, and Darcy practically bounces in her seat. Wanda scoots down the U-shaped bench towards Sam's side and Darcy scoots down as well. Bucky nudges you into the seat and he plops down right next to you before placing his arm on the back of the seat right behind you. "So what is it?"
"They are stories written by fans."
"Usually about fictional characters, but some people write about real life people. It's almost always a fantasy of theirs."
You groan and then reach over to pinch Bucky's nipple when he asks, "You write any fantasies of your own, Y/N?"
"Shut up."
He laughs at you, placing a hand over his pec to keep you from pinching him again. "No? So you read them. You obviously must do if you know what fanfiction is."
"You know Tony pays someone on the down low to write smut about him?" Darcy admits.
"What?!" You turn towards her, laughing hysterically. "If it's on the down low, then how do you know?"
"Mama's got her ways." Sam snorts at her. "And FRIDAY is one of my bff's."
For a moment all is well and then Bucky nudges you again. "So which ones did you read?"
"Oh my god," you groan. "You're not going to let this go, are you?"
Bucky smirks. "Not a chance."
"Then fine. Yes I read some fanfiction back in my high school days. I was really into vampires back in the day, the whole fangs really did it for me, so I read a lot about the Lost Boys. And Twilight even though they didn't have fangs."
"Twilight?!" Sam guffaws.
You hide your face in the palms of your hand. "I know! But to be fair, I was all about that Jasper guy and that werewolf dude Paul. I didn't really care for the other characters."
Wanda grins. "Jasper was the most handsome of the Cullen coven."
"Yes!" You look up at her. "Thank you."
"Now that is something I will cheers to." Darcy passes you a drink and you raise it alongside hers and Wanda's. "To Y/N's fang festish!"
          - - - - - - - - - - 
Sam and Bucky call it a night a couple hours later when you can't quite keep your head up and move between laying your head on Darcy and Bucky's shoulders.
Between the two of them, they manage to herd you, Darcy, and Wanda into a car that was parked around the corner. However the second you were pushed into the middle seat, you lean forward and tap Sam on the shoulder. "Can we get some chicken nuggies?"
"It's three in the morning!"
You sniffle. "But I want some nuggies."
"We'll get you some nuggets," Bucky says. "Now sit back so Sam can drive."
"Yes, sir."
Darcy and Wanda giggle as you sit back, and that's the last thing you remember.
The next time you wake up, you realize you're on the floor. But given the plush carpet beneath your cheek, it's not any floor in your apartment. You groan as your temples throb and you can already feel the bile in the back of your throat threatening to come up.
"What the fuck," you mumble. Your stomach lurches and you clamp your mouth shut.
"Well it seems I missed one hell of a night out." You angle your face towards the voice, stomach lurching once again when you see Tony eating a plate of food not too far from you. "Barnes and Wilson brought you back here because you were totally wasted. They didn't want you to choke on your vomit."
You gag. "Please don't say- say that word." Tony laughs at your pain. "Where are the girls?"
He points with his fork. "Behind you. You might not be able to see them over all the McDonald's trash. You girls really packed away all those nuggets. Even Steve was impressed when he got back in."
"Ugh. I'm never drinking with them again." You roll onto your side, but the movement makes the room tilt. You stop and inhale, then exhale deeply. "Mind if I sleep it off right here? If I move I'm gonna barf."
"Knock yourself out. I'll have FRIDAY warn everyone off for a few more hours."
"Yesss. You're a good man, Stark."
He gasps. "FRIDAY, did you catch that? Send the recording to Pepper. She'll be so proud."
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You did not break your vow of over drinking again, instead you stuck to early evening dinner with Wanda and Natasha (when she was in town) after Darcy got called away to take some readings out in a desert. And since that night where Bucky saved you from a drunken fight, he had somehow ended up with your number and would text you randomly throughout the day. Part of you played it cool, but the other part of you was very flattered that Bucky Barnes was sending you good morning and good night texts.
Then the weekend before you are to return back to work, you decide to treat yourself to brunch before you have to go home and clean.
You're sitting on the outside patio, waiting for your food to come out as you sip on your orange juice. You take a selfie, tagging your location as you post it to Instagram with the caption that you're treating yourself to all the food you can stomach before you have to return to adulting come Monday morning. Then when the waitress comes out bearing your honey raspberry and banana ricotta toast, and your breakfast casserole, you happily sigh and thank her for the quick service. You take another picture, post it, and then dig in, laughing at the comments and texts from your friends who sarcastically thank you for the invite.
You haven't even made a dent in the casserole when a shadow falls over you. You glance up mid-chew, grinning at the sight of Bucky. "This seat taken?"
You shake your head, swallowing the food that's in your mouth before addressing him. When it's gone with a little help from your juice, you ask, "What are you doing wandering around?"
"Peter's girl was at the tower, waiting for him to finish up something with Tony," he says. You snort, already figuring out something must have gone wrong. "She was mooning over Stevie and Sam said my bitch face was too obvious, so they sent me out."
"And you just happened to find me?"
"Well you did tag your location which is something we're gonna have to talk about soon."
"Oh whatever." You playfully roll your eyes. "Now shut up and help me eat this food. I see you eying the toast." Bucky smirks and readily takes one of the toasts, eating half of it in one bite. His eyes widen as a slight groan escapes and you chuckle. "Right? It's so good. I think this is going to be my go-to place from now on."
Bucky picks up a spare fork, then digs into the breakfast casserole and you laugh at his willingness to eat your food. There's very little talk as the two of you finish the food, and only after it's gone does Bucky ask, "Is Parker still a no-show to your hangouts?"
"We actually hung out two days ago," you say, "but he was only there for ten minutes before Leslie needed him to escort her to her friend's party." Bucky shakes his head and you shrug. "It is what it is. At least I got you guys out of this whole ordeal."
"You totally got the kids out of the divorce."
You snort and then glare at Bucky for making you do so in the first place. "Shut up. Petey and I are good. He's just preoccupied at the moment."
"If you say so, doll."
Clearly done with the food and ready to move on, you wave down your waitress for the check. However, before she can hand you the small folder, Bucky snatches it and shoves a single bill in there while telling her to keep the change. You know the bill he shoved in there must have been a large one given the widened eyes of the waitress when she sees it.
"Smoothe, Barnes," you muse as you stand. "But you do know I could have paid for my own food, right?"
"Yeah, but I figured I'd pay considering I crashed your alone time." He stands as well, gesturing for you to walk ahead of him. You take off walking in the direction you know your apartment is. "So you got any plans for the rest of the day?"
"Cleaning and laundry. Apparently ever since I've met this new group of people, I've put off my household duties." Bucky huffs a quiet laugh. "I plan to clean today and laze around tomorrow before I go back to work on Monday."
"Laze around, huh?" He pauses a moment and then asks, "Want some company? I'll bring the food."
You glance up at him, right eyebrow raised in amusement before you hook your arm through his. "Bucky Barnes, a man after my own heart." He chuckles as you mockingly swoon. Then straightening up, you nod. "Sure you can come over. I don't mind."
"I'm coming over for lunch and dinner, so what are you going to want?"
"Won't the others wonder where you are?"
Bucky shrugs. "Stevie's been buggin' me to get out. He'll be ecstatic."
You laugh. "Barnes, when they tell you to get out I think they mean out and about in public. Not from one enclosed space to another."
"Baby steps."
"Baby steps my ass," you muse. "But yeah, bring whatever food you like. Surprise me."
He smirks. "Okay. Will do."
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bigboomboi · 3 years
Kindered Sparks
This is my entry for @gg9183’s soulmate collab - Oof, I was almost late for your birthday ( I know that I'm technically no where near late, but I put this out so much later than I would've rathered. Sorry, I'm a Virgo, mate.) Anyhoo! Happy Birthday! And congratulations on your amazing Milestone! Thank you for organizing this collab too and allowing me to be apart of it! Honestly, I love soulmate pieces so much, so I was so excited seeing this prompt (I'm excited to read the others as well!) My friend helped me put together an idea for a SM connection and I really enjoyed writing it, hope you do as well :) Happy reading!
Fem!reader x Denki Kaminari
Soulmates au; People are born with a dream realm connecting them to their Soulmate. Warning; harsh language, Hurt/comfort, pretty fluffy, cursing. Implied readerxfemale relationship. BakuKiri relationship (I got bullied last time I didn't say that was a pairing, so, just being safe)
Word count; 4.6K
“Another lonely night in this stupid world.” Y/N grumbled staring up at her dreamy night sky.
A sky she was supposed to share with someone else.
In this wonderful, bittersweet world, you were tied to another person. Destiny decided from day one of your birth who you’d be with for the rest of your life and then set you in a special plane of existence only accessible when you fell asleep, once you turned the ripe age of fifteen. The kindred-plane.
A place specially made for you and your soulmate to meet each night when you fall asleep. It was a place to get to know each other without the prying eyes of all those around. A shared dream land you could even decorate and make your own. It was your partner’s and your safe space.
It was a place you guys could explore together, where your imaginations combined like an amazing world of minecraft. Some people made completely different lives in their heads at night. Others used it to see their long distance lovers. Hell, there was a blog story sharing what sounded like a whole scripted tv show where a woman’s soulmate had set off to save her from an uncompromising kingdom.
Sadly though, your shared safe space could be destroyed in a matter of moments. It wasn’t unheard of for your soulmate to reject destiny’s plan and divide your dreams. You could absolutely reject your soulmate and quite literally lock them out of your dreams. All presence of them would disappear from your dreams within a few nights, sometimes even faster, and you’d be left alone with only your creations.
Of course, being divided from your soulmate hurt. But something hurt much worse.
Your soulmate being unintentionally stolen from you. A divide where you lose your soulmate despite neither saying they’d like to divide. A situation where your soulmate dies.
Y/N sighed at the reminiscent of her once was soulmate. So sweet and kind, someone Y/N fully imagined meeting one day in the daylight. Yet, now at the sad age of seventeen, Y/N had no dreams of ever seeing her soulmate ever again.
She only had the one year of memories they made…
“Class, This Y/N. She will be joining our class for her final year of hero training, treat her well.” Aizawa introduced her to the class of 3-A.
“Thank you, Sensei” Y/N bowed slightly. “Nice to meet you all.”
Not even a moment of silence was granted before the class erupted in questions. Half about her quirk, the other half about where she was from. A few off hand questions about why she transferred. All a mess.
“Enough!” Aizawa shouted, hushing the entire class. “You all can get to know her later, on your own terms. For now, Y/N please take your seat.”
Y/N nodded and scurried back to the only free seat in the back. Between a pretty pinkette and sweet looking round faced brunette. Before she was even seated, Aizawa began his lesson.
Y/N quietly sat through the classes of her day, ignoring the judging looks aimed her way, as the new girl. She could hear the quiet whispers going around, speculating what type of person she was and tried to ignore those as well. She was well aware of the fact that she appeared very off-standish.
Dark eye bags, complete resting bitch face that quite literally screamed ‘I will stab you with a pencil if you speak to me’, earbuds tucked into each ear and a hunched over form that could rival Quasimodo. Thankfully, the aura she set into place actually warded off her new classmates for several days.
Up until a week later in the common room where her bubble was invaded.
She didn’t look up at the person sitting next to her and subtly tried to turn up her music. She felt the presence of several others join her and they all stared at her silently until finally, the pinkette she sat next to on her first day, plucked her book from her hands. Y/N slowly looked up at her dully and raised an eyebrow.
She reached out for her book, but the girl pulled it back out of her reach. She tried again, reaching forwards further, but the book was yoinked by a strip of tape, pulling it across the coffee table. Gritting her teeth slightly, Y/N stood up to reach across the table and the music in her ears paused.
The girl had unplugged her headphones.
“You just have no regard for personal belongings of others, hm?” Y/N sighed, sitting down.
“We just want to get to know our new classmate!” The pink girl grinned. “I’m Mina!”
“Hi, Mina. Now give me back my shit.” Y/N tried to grab her phone, only for someone behind her to tug her ear buds away. “Seriously?”
“We’ll give you back your things if you let us get to know you.” Mina smiled.
“Or, you could just give it back.” Y/N tried to grab her earbuds from the bright blonde behind her.
“Nope.’ He said, a grin on his face as well. “I’m Kaminari Denki, nice to meet ya, beautiful.”
Y/N sighed and rolled her eyes. “Or, I could just take my stuff back.”
“You could but there’s five of us and one of you, good luck.” A bitch faced blonde mumbled, flipping through her book.
“Fine. Here’s one thing about me.” Suddenly she appeared behind the bitch blonde and snatched her book. Another one of her appeared behind the one who taped her book away and grabbed her book mark. Two other Y/N’s came into existence on opposite sides of her seating couch to grab her phone and ear buds. All while the original Y/N sat in her place. “Don’t touch my things.”
“Woah, you can make multiple you’s!” The redhead gasped excitedly. “That’s so manly!”
“That’s so cool! They feel so real!” Kaminari said, poking the side of the one near him. It yelped and swatted his hand.
“They are real! Don’t poke me, I’m ticklish!” Y/N snapped, rubbing her side.
“Woah, can you feel this?’ The tape one reached out to pinch the clone’s arm.
Y/N’s other clone smacked him with her book. “Yes, I can feel that! Ow!”
“So your quirk is duplicating yourself? Boring…” Bitch face rolled his eyes, another Y/N appeared behind him and swatted the back of his head.
“My quirk is omni-replication. I can create continuous versions of myself and others. But they can act on their own.” Y/N sighed, bringing herself her book.
“Woah, make another me!” Kaminari grabbed her arm.
“G-Get off of me!” Y/N shoved him away, ignoring the literal spark between them. “I can’t make one of you now!”
“But you just said-.” Mina tried.
“I have to know your ins and outs. Otherwise I’d just make a weird melty blob of you.” Y/N sighed. “I need to know more about you guys before I can make you. I need to know you, how you fight, how your quirk works, I need to know how to play the game before I can participate.”
“So, what I’m hearing is…” Mina smirked. “You need to get to know us to succeed.”
“Oh god…” Y/N groaned. “I have no choice in this do I?”
“We have a specialty of making friends with people that don’t want to be friends.” The red head threw his arm over bitch face’s shoulder.
And thus a new friendship was born.
“Bakugo, why do you keep moving my pillow in our dreams, it’s so not manly.” Kirishima whined.
“Neither is the massive rock sitting in the middle of nowhere, dude.” Bakugo argued.
“It’s not just a rock.” Kirishima mock sniffled. “It’s a boulder.”
Y/N snickered at the reference that earned the kind redhead a smack to the back of his head. “Are you delivering pizza on it?”
“Yes!” Kiri grinned.
“No! Don’t encourage him!” Bakugo shouted.
“Aye, don’t shout at me. Your boyfriend is a literal rock, he’s encouraging himself.” Y/N laughed, throwing a fry at him.
“Oh yeah, what trash has your soulmate cluttered in your dream world?” Bakugo argued back.
Y/N’s laughter silenced and immediately her lips curled into a scowl. A light switched on and they remembered the one rule they had set in place. No one talks about Y/N’s soulmate. Or lack thereof.
“Bakugo!” Mina snapped.
“Shit, I didn’t-.” Y/N didn’t give him the time to apologize and stood up from the lunch table.
“Wait, no, Y/N! He didn’t mean to!” Kaminari grabbed her arm.
She flicked him in the forehead and pulled away. “No, it’s fine. You guys talk about your soulmate shit, I’m going to the training field.”
“Wait, Y/N, really!” Mina tried. “It’s just, we’re so used to casually talking about it!”
“I don’t care if you guys talk about yours, but you know I don’t have one, so we don’t bring up mine!” She huffed, before taking a breath. “You know what? Never mind.”
Y/N ignored her friend’s protest and stomped out of the dinning hall. She rushed to the training area, stopping by the locker room to change and grab gear, briefly.
Activating her quirk she began fist fighting her clone, taking her anger out on herself. Very early on into her friendship with the group she told them she didn’t want to talk about the soulmate shit. At least not her own. She told them she didn’t have one, leaving them to believe she never did.
They were incredibly understanding after they found that it upset her. So much, to the point that she copied Kirishima to punch himself when he kept asking. After that ordeal and several days of being ignored, they respected her wishes of not bringing it up.
She knocked herself down and punched herself in the face. She turned off the connection to the clone so she wouldn’t feel the pain herself. Disconnected clones only had a few minutes to live really and faded away with enough damage. Once that one faded, she created another in its space and continued pounding away.
“Stupid soulmate bullshit.” She huffed each word with a punch. “Stupid divide rule.” Another clone. “Stupid. Fucking. Erg- Everything!”
Y/N beat her final clone to death and didn’t bring a new one out. She sniffled, the tears she’d been holding back for years now finally breaking her dam. She hated the horrible lonely feeling she had been surrounded by for so long. She missed out on so much sleep, just to avoid going to her dream world. She set alarms to wake her up every hour or so to stay away from it and at this point, she was losing her mind.
She cried more thinking back to the last time she had been in her kindred-plane. She’d avoided it for a few days before exhaustion actually hit her like a bus and made her sleep. This time her plain little dream seemed to have adopted new items in her absence.
A bundle of comic books, a guitar, even a really, really big pikachu plushie.
Not that they were placed anywhere in particular. The guitar was outside of the little home she had reimagined, laying haphazardly on the ground. The pikachu was placed in front of a tree, facing it and the books were strewn across her loveseat couch. It was like her dream realm had become a lost and found for thrown away items from other planes. Which, honestly, Y/N could believe, as she didn’t use it so much.
She wished she could just give away her realm and dream of nothingness.
“Y/N?” She jumped, hearing her name and quickly wiped away her tears, ignoring the way they stung her open knuckles.
“Kaminari, I’m not really in the mood to talk.” Y/N muttered.
“Okay, that’s fine. We both know I talk enough for the both of us.” He joked, coming to sit in front of her.
Y/N turned to look away from his seating and ignored him, but he set off into a spiel about a new game he got. He did what he did best when one of his friends were upset, he talked. And normally that worked, but minutes into his yabbering, she started crying again.
“Hey, no! No crying! Crying is sad!” Kaminari tried.
“I am sad Kami!” She snapped. “I am really fucking sad! Everyone gets to have stupid fucking soulmate but me! And all because mine fucking died!”
Kaminari immediately paused his frantic attempts to calm her. “Huh, I thought you said you didn’t have one?”
“I don’t because she died! My god damn soulmate died literally months after meeting each other damn it!” Y/N yelled, sinking her fingers into her hair. “And now my kindred-plane is empty and lonely and shit keeps getting piled into it like a fucking trash can!”
Kaminari was silent for a moment while she cried. He slowly crawled over, closer to her and pulled her into a hug. This wasn’t a moment for talking randomly and he knew that. So they sat for the rest of the lunch period in silence, save for her soft hiccups.
After that, somehow, Y/N started talking to her friends the next day. She rationalized that it wasn’t their fault she was sensitive about the subject, they didn’t deserve the aggression. So with a tense apology, she was back to sitting with them at lunch and hanging out.
Y/N was determined to not let her disrupted dreamland destroy her outside reality.
“Okay, really?” Y/N blinked at the ugly rug that appeared draped over her bookshelf. “How the hell did you even get there?”
She tugged it down and stared at it in disgusted contemplation. “Guess you get to go in front of the fireplace…”
Y/N walked towards the warmth and paused, noting that it felt like it took a few more steps than usual. She looked around and found that the picture she carefully centered on the wall was no longer centered. Was her house getting bigger? More and more shit was popping up out of nowhere and her place felt spaceyer…
“What the actual fuck universe?” Y/N furrowed her eyebrows and laid down the new rug.
An odd whooshing noise sounded behind her and she turned around to see a lamp fizzled into existence, a hand accompanying it this time. Y/N fumbled over own feet trying to hurry and grab it. Someone was putting shit in her realm and she was about to find out who.
Actually she wasn’t.
The moment she grabbed the hovering wrist, it was like she had rubbed her socks across her new rug a million times and then touched an outlet. The hand shocked her, hard. She yelped and fell backwards on her butt, accidently taking the lamp down too, except when it fell apart it fell backwards toward the floating hand and disappeared from her plane.
Y/N gasped sitting up out of her bed, the shock kicking her out of her own dream. “Ow, what the hell?”
Y/N looked over at her clock, finding that it was five in the morning. She sighed and climbed out of her bed, grabbing her ear buds and phone. There was no school the next day, it was Saturday so she aimed to sneak down to the common room and spend her day dead on the couch, fighting off sleep again.
Not ten minutes after snuggling into a comfy spot on the couch, it dipped slowly as someone sat on the other end of it. She looked up from her book, to find Kaminari on the other end. He held up a bag of doritos in exchange for her company.
“What are you doing up?” She asked, pulling out her ear buds.
“Got startled awake by something in my dream world.” He answered, holding the bag out to her.
“Ah, that sucks.” She hummed apologetically.
“What about you?” He asked carefully.
Y/N snorted. “Kami, you know I don’t sleep.”
“Yeah, I know, but you’ve been up for the past few days.” He sighed, remembering seeing her in the kitchen at three am. “You’re going to trash your health if you don’t sleep.”
“Eh, it’s alright.” She crunched on a chip, before yawning. “Plus, you stay up every night gaming, bite me.”
“Gladly.” He winked. “But seriously, a lonely dream realm can’t be all bad.”
She raised an eyebrow at him, wondering if he was going to continue this topic of conversation. And he did. “I mean mine’s pretty lonely and I think it’s alright.”
“What?” She furrowed his eyebrows.
“My kindred-plane has but just me since like, forever, and I don’t think it’s that bad.” He shrugged.
Kaminari didn’t have a soulmate? That didn’t make sense, he’d tell them about all the adventures he’d run on in his dream. “You said you were helping some Jill girl fight zombies and stuff, just the other day.”
“Yeah, Jill Valentine. From Resident Evil.” He laughed. “I figured out a long time ago that I could just make her up in my dreams if I played the game until I fell asleep. She’s not my soulmate-.”
“You don’t have one…” Y/N whispered, sitting up.
“Nope, never did.” He offered her more chips, but Y/N just looked at him with sad eyes.
She cried in his arms about her soulmate dying and it turned out he never had one in the first place. “Don’t look so sad, Sunshine. It’s okay.”
“Denki, you don’t have a soulmate. That shit sucks.” Y/N flailed her hands.
“Yeah, but at least I didn’t get attached to mine and then they died. That sucks even more.” Kaminari argued.
Y/N slumped back against the couch. “This soulmate business is quite literal shit.”
“Yeah, but other people are pretty happy with it, so it’s okay to me really.” Kaminari hummed, nonchalantly. “Plus, no one can yell at me for my taste in decorations. That can really make or break a relationship ya know.”
Y/N laughed. “Oh yeah, totally. If my soulmate tried to decorate our space with half the shit that seems to appear in my room I’d have to throw hands.”
“Stuff appears in your dream?” Kaminari asked. “What, like, someone’s statue of Scooby doo?”
“Kaminari Denki, please tell me you don’t have a statue of Scooby doo in your kindred.” She tried not to laugh.
“No!” He said quickly. “I have a statue of Scrappy Doo.”
“Oh my god, no, you don’t!” She gasped.
“Yep! There’s a pond in front of my house and he’s in the dead center of it.” He grinned proudly. “And he looks amazing there.”
“Oh I bet he does.” Y/N snickered. “Bet he pulls the whole place together.”
“As a matter of fact he does.” Kaminari declared smugly. “What about your plane? What’s one big special thing you’ve got in it?”
Y/N hummed and thought for a second. “There’s a really big oak tree just behind my house and it’s covered in string lights, with a small ladder up the trunk. There’s a flat area in some of the branches so I can sit up there and read.”
“That sounds beautiful.” Kaminari said, fondly. “I have a tree kind of like that in mine too.”
“Does yours have a massive Pikachu in front of it?” She taunted, laughing.
She just barely missed the furrowing of his eyebrows before he answered. “I’m not entirely sure, I think, I’d have to take a look. I hope I do though, otherwise, I’d have to come steal yours.”
“Absolutely not! He’s my friend!” Y/N gasped and shoved at his leg. “Stick with your Scrappy Doo statue.”
Kaminari smiled. “Fine, fine. But if I don’t have a Pikachu in my dream, you owe me.”
“Mmhm, sure.” Y/N grinned.
For the next few months, Y/N and Kaminari grew closer, having bonded over their lack of soulmates. While they grew closer, not only did Y/N become happier, her kindred-plane seemed to get brighter, despite all the random things finding purchase in her realm and the fact that it was still growing. It was nice, she didn’t hate spending the night there anymore. She didn’t run into the disembodied hand anymore, but that was okay.
With what was happening in reality, she wasn’t too bothered by her dreams anymore. Instead, she focused on her friends, they were a wonderful reminder that life didn’t go to complete shit. For the first time, she actually let these people get close to her and drag her out of her hole she kept herself in.
… And out into the living room to watch the boys yell at each other over Mario Kart.
Y/N cursed and pushed Kaminari’s face away from her own as he laved his tongue across her cheek. “Denki, I swear to god if you don’t stop licking me, I’m going to bite you!”
“Ooh! Promise?” He flirted, smirking. “What else are you gonna do with that mouth?”
“Hurt your feelings, Sparkler boy.” She laughed, squishing his cheeks.
Kaminari threw himself into her arms, taking her to the floor. “So mean, I thought you loved me!”
“Oh yeah, she totally loves you with the way she made you beat yourself up today.” Bakugo snickered.
“Yeah, dude, she used your quirk against you better than you.” Kirishima pipped up.
“Hey, hey, clones don’t get fried when they use their ultimate! They just disappear and another one pops up!” Kaminari argued in defense.
“Jesus, Denki, you’re heavy!” Y/N shoved at his body, half heartedly. “Get off, you loser.”
“Uhg, fine, only because I have a race to win.” He rolled off her, to grab his switch controller.
“Oh thank god, I was going into the light for a second there.” Y/N gasped, dramatically.
Kaminari pinched her leg in retaliation. “Hey, I’m not that heavy!”
“Your head is though.” She stuck her tongue out.
“So mean.” He pouted as she turned to lay her head in his lap.
Y/N giggled as she pulled out her phone, to scroll through Tumblr for a fic to read. Moments went by before a snapchat notification popped up. Tapping on it, she found a common message from Mina.
‘You guys are too cute.’- Pinkiepie
‘We’re just friends, Mi.’-Y/N
A snap picture appeared in their feed and she tapped it open. There she was laying in Kaminari’s lap and there he was looking down at her, sweetly. ‘He’s giving you major heart eyes.’- Pinkiepie
‘Stop taking pictures of people, it’s stalkery.’- Y/N
‘That’s why you took a ss.’ -Pinkiepie
‘Oh fuck off.’- Y/N
‘Oh come on, just give him a chance, neither of you have sm’s so your not stealing him from anyone.’- Pinkiepie
‘You’re*’- Y/N
Y/N sighed and looked up to Kaminari’s face above hers. It apparently hadn’t been uncommon knowledge that Kaminari was Soulmateless, probably why the group had been so confused as to why she was so upset about it. It was normal to them, because it had always been Kaminari’s story.
Would it be so bad to make her own soulmate? Most divided soulmates stayed by themselves for the rest of their lives, but would it be alright if they didn’t?
“Oh, guys! I meant to tell you; I think I actually do have a soulmate!” Kaminari blurted into the air.
His admission quite literally derailed the entire room. Bakugo drove off the map in Mario Kart, Kirishima completely looked away from the game and Mina choked on her spit and her eyes flew to Y/N who paled significantly.
Sero was the only one who appeared unaffected. “Guys, he’s probably just saying that to throw us off, he’s in last.”
“I’m gonna blow you up, you put me in fourth with your little stunt.” Bakugo threatened.
“No, I’m serious!” Kaminari argued. “Over the last few months my dreams have been changing and stuff. Like it was making room for another person. My house is super spacy now, new decorations have been showing up for no reason, like there was a vase of flowers on the floor near my door, and my curtains changed colour, they’re a cute lavender colour now. Plus there’s a really big pikachu next to a beautiful oak tree in my yard.”
“Woah, dude, really?” Kirishima paused the race and turned to his friend.
“Yeah, totally.” Kaminari nodded, subtly looking down to meet Y/N’s wide eyes. “I was super confused for a while.”
“Holy shit, you’re serious.” Sero laughed. “Have you met them yet? Or are they just leaving surprises for you?”
“Well, I’ve seen her a few times, but I haven’t got the chance to talk to her yet, she wakes up pretty fast.” Kaminari shrugged.
“That’s so good Denki, I’m so happy for you.” Mina said softly as Y/N sat up.
“Me too, Denks. But speaking of waking up, I’m tired, so I’m gonna go take a nap.” Y/N hummed, yawning.
“Okay, see you later, Y/N.” They all chimed as she walked away.
“Yeah, see you later.” Kaminari called, carefully.
Y/N tried her best to contain herself and all but ran to her dorm. Along the way, her phone buzzed, no doubt a message from Mina. Once she was in her room, she flew to her bed, never had she been so eager to fall asleep before.
She quickly responded to Mina, ensuring her that she was alright and actually wanted to sleep. Y/N even sent her a reassuring picture of her smile with a short caption ‘I’m off to go see a Pikachu.’ After that, it didn’t take long for her to fall asleep, but it was too long.
Y/N blinked open her eyes, finally appearing in her kindred-plane and spun around, trying to identify things in her dream house. She hurried to open the door and looked over to her tree, with the ever so famous Pikachu there. She turned and jogged in the opposite direction for the one thing she needed to see to make sure she was correct.
There it was. Scrappy Doo. In the middle of her pond.
Y/N jumped up and down, squealing to herself. It was happening, oh my god, it was happening. Now she just had to wait.
And wait she did. She had run back to her tree and climbed up to sit and await her soulmate. The soulmate she actually had again. Someone to share her dream world with again.
She had a soulmate.
Quietly for the next hour, Y/N sat and read one of her books, waiting almost patiently for him. She’d made it through the third chapter when a voice startled her away from the pages.
“Sorry, I couldn’t fall asleep for the life of me.” Kaminari said, smiling.
Y/N bit her lip and grinned. “I thought you missed my cue for a bit there."
"No, I was just a little too excited to fall asleep." He crawled up into her tree nook. "You see, I suddenly got a new person roaming my world almost like, uh, a forever person or something. What's it called?"
"Mm, I don't know. Kinda sounds like you've got a soulmate there, Denki." Y/N whispered as he came closer.
"Fucking finally." He muttered, leaning forwards to connect their lips.
But before he could make contact he ran into her hand first. “But, really, we are going to have to talk about your decorating choices.”
“Yeah, yeah, we can talk about that after this.” Kaminari chuckled and moved her hand to kiss her.
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burnedbyshoto · 4 years
my hero
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— Walking alone in the middle of the night isn’t the best of ideas, but that’s okay, you had a hero waiting to save you.
pairing: kirishima eijirou x fem!reader
warnings: 18+, smut, pwp, exhibitionism, strangers fucking, dirty talk, praise, belly bulge, attempted kidnapping
word count: 5,197
a/n: and we’re back! sorry for the super late uploads, I hope you can forgive me. pls enjoy, I had fun writing it :D
kinktober day 18 main kink: exhibitionism | kinktober masterlist
You really needed to stop walking the streets so late at night.
It was a bad habit you’ve grown in the past few months. Your building anxiety and untouched, restless energy made you bounce around your apartment. But you didn’t go anywhere, couldn’t do anything but pace from corner to corner. 
The wood of your apartment floor must have been streaked with the dye of your socks, and you swore you could see the small indents from where you drag your feet to and fro your wall. The restless energy you had was untouchable, and your friends soon became worried about you. Eventually, after one night of taking a new 5,000 steps in the small living room of your apartment, your friend said to go for a run.
Sure, it was six in the evening, and yeah, maybe the spring night was cold, but Jesus fuck please, your pacing made them anxious. So, that’s how you began your journey of running at night because your once six pm runs evolved into eleven pm jogs. You had always been one to carry your pepper spray in your pocket and had a concealed sharp key in your fist as you ran. You were still prepared, even if you never ran into a situation that caused you to need either item.
But tonight was different as it always was.
You were dressed in your black joggers and a dark grey sweatshirt.
The slight chill of the fall night barely seeping into your skin that was hot with your exhaustion. It was late out, and as you went from a jogging pace and slowed into a stroll as you entered the park approximately two blocks away from your home, you stopped. 
Stretching your arms over your head, you stretched out your slightly sore limbs and took in the tranquility of the park at night.
The park was a beautiful one, in your opinion.
It was thick with trees; every ten steps you took, there was a new tree. Wooden benches and picnic tables littered the floor and winding concrete everywhere, showing just how great the place could be to enjoy while the sun was out. There was a playground by the entrance you came through and a basketball court at the gate you exit from.
Altogether, it was beautiful and simple.
But as you pressed the sleeve of your sweatshirt to your forehead, wiping the beaded sweat on your skin, you froze when you heard the sound of leaves crunching behind you. 
You froze as you turned around, your eyes wide and lips falling open when you saw a man stumbling toward you. There was no reason to panic, probably, you thought as he looked occupied on his own phone, his head down, his steps quick and focused. But there was no denying the small, almost horrible feeling that pooled into your stomach as you watched him approach nearer and nearer.
You grabbed the pepper spray that was in your pocket as a premature, ready to fight movement, your feet moving to get out of the path in case he tried to do anything. Your breathing was soft, not entirely too loud, but to you, It seemed to ring loudly in your ears as he got nearer and nearer.
He passed by you, his eyes not even trying to look your way as he went one step, two steps, three steps away from you. You wanted to sigh in relief about your stupid freak out; of course, it was nothing, it was always nothing, so there was no reason for you to freak out. But then he stopped, and you were too late to see the twitch in his shoulder, the way he spun around faster than you could scream and tackled you to the floor. 
His hands were all over you, grabbing you, shoving his dirty, grimey hand into your mouth to silence you, fisting into your mouth so that even your biting, snapping closed jaw was stupid weak against him. Tears welled in your eyes as his knee buried into the center of your lungs, shortening your breaths as you struggled to get the pepper spray from your pocket.
You found that you couldn't.
You couldn't grab the canister from inside your pocket as the man's smile grew wider, terribly cunning as you struggled to do all that you could to get him off you. 
Tears began to stream from your eyes, the fear that twisted and rotted in your stomach festering like a stench as you cried against his fisted hand. You wouldn't be heard, wouldn't be seen. You were being assaulted with no way of being saved because no one went out here this late at night. You cursed your inability to do anything on time, cried that your dumb anxiety only felt better after running for an hour, and your lungs burned with the slowly depleting oxygen coming to your veins.
But just as your eyes were beginning to close, your hope and ability to wish for the best outcome was simmering into nothing but ashes and smoke, something large, hard, and fast knocked onto the man on top of you. You gasped for air as you immediately turned onto your side, your hands and knees buried into the dirt floor as you gasped and choked for air. 
There, finally, was the sweet taste of grass and nature that filled your senses, but your watering eyes fell onto your attacker and the... the man?!
Your savior was another man.
His red hair still somehow easily discernible in the darkness of the night, and his large, strong muscled body absolutely punching and keeping your attacker down.
"What the fuck is your problem, man?!" your savior demanded, his hand grabbing the hair of your attacker and slamming his bruised and swollen face to the ground, the win most obviously won by your savior. You looked at the anger-fueled rage on your saviors’ face, the way his eyebrows were knitted together, and how his lips were pulled back into an angry snarl. The fight had been obviously won by your savior, and you couldn’t help but keep staring as the workout clothes clad savior took a few more deep, almost shaky breaths before he turned his gaze onto you. “H-Hey? Are you okay? Call the police, and I’ll keep on this bastard!”
“I-I’m fine!” your voice rasps, your hand rising shakily from the floor to softly rub your tender throat. “I’m fine, it’s okay! You can let him go!”
Your savior freezes, his eyes looking at you like you’re batshit crazy, and honestly, you probably are, but you don’t want to deal with writing up a police report or anything of that. It just wasn’t worth it since you ended up okay.
“You… do you want me to let him go?” your savior asks again, his eyebrows shot up, obviously not buying your words in the slightest.
You nod your head, you collapse down so that you’re sitting on your knees. Exhaustion is slamming into your body post the sudden demanding rush of adrenaline.
“It’s okay, I’m okay,” you smile weakly as your red-headed savior frowns. He sighs, obviously not in agreement with what you wanted to do, but he turned his attention back down to your attacker, who was still struggling against his weight and strength.
“You’re going to get the fuck out of here, or else I won’t hesitate to kick your ass and call the cops myself,” the man snapped, shoving the man further into the ground for good measure before climbing off of him. The red-headed angel walked in front of you. His considerable height incredibly intimidating to even you as the man on the floor wheezed before running off, his tail between his legs until the echo of his feet hitting the grass can no longer be heard.
“Wow, that was crazy,” he spoke softly to the wind, his hands resting on his hips before he turned his head to look at you, his eyes wide with concern. Even with the minimal light of the light post in the park and the moonlight that barely pierced through the canopy of tree leaves, you could see as clear as day that your savior was handsome. There was a scar over his right eye, and his red hair was styled and pushed back with a bandana. He had a windbreaker on and gym shorts but still looked ridiculously handsome. He turned to face you, crouching as he spoke, “Hey, are you okay?”
“I’m fine,” you flush, your eyes dropping to your dirt-covered hands that rest on your lap. “I’m fine now, at least. That was pretty scary, I have to admit.”
“Fuck, I bet,” the man agreed, his head nodding as he drops onto his butt. “I’m glad I decided to come through the park to get to my car today. Typically I walk all the way around this park.”
Indeed seemed like fate, you thought, your smile spreading small and thin on your face. “I was running; it helps with my restless energy. But, this is the first time anything like that has happened.”
“I’m sorry that had to happen at all,” he frowned, his face full of genuine remorse and guilt. “That was entirely cowardly of that asshole to do; I’m glad you weren’t hurt, though.”
“Ah, I got thick skin,” you slightly joke, enjoying the way the sweet smile spread on his face. Remembering your manners, your eyes shut, your head shaking slightly at your rudeness. “Um, I’m y/l/n y/n, though. Thank you for saving me from whatever that could have become.”
“Kirishima Eijirou!” the man cheerfully introduced himself too. “And it was no problem; literally, any good person would have done what I did!”
Modesty was somehow disgustingly, hotly attractive on the large, muscular stranger, and you wet your lips as you stretched your body closer to his. “It wasn’t just ‘no problem,’ though,” you state, matter-of-factly. “You quite literally saved my life; you’re a hero. You’re my hero.”
Although you couldn’t see the color flushing against his skin, you were without a doubt that he was blushing as profoundly as his hair if the riddled embarrassment in his eyes and face had anything to say about it. 
“I-I, oh, aha, um, well, that’s very kind of you to say! I was just trying to be a manly guy, and really that was nothing?” Kirishima embarrassingly rambled, his hand rubbing the back of his neck as you found yourself drawing nearer and nearer to him. 
Your warm hand found itself pressing onto his strong knee, your upper body leaning even closer to his flustered state. His eyes were shifting everywhere, not quite looking at you, but would linger on your body as you drew nearer and nearer. For some reason, you couldn’t help the jarring sense of attraction you had for your hero before you, the way the familiar warmth in between your legs made your voice hum as you grew nearer.
You wanted to show him just how grateful you were to have had him saving your life.
“That was nothing? You saving my life was nothing?” you tease, your words slow and thick on your tongue as you find yourself by his side, mouth brushing teasingly soft against his jaw. 
“W-Well, of course not! It was a valuable life, don’t get me wrong! It’s just me doing that was nothing! I’m no hero!” Kirishima stammered, his voice in a soft whine as goosebumps flashed across his neck, where your breaths warmed his skin.
“Hm, that’s too bad,” you whisper, your tongue wetting your lips as you drew in closer. Your heart was hammering loudly in your ears, but you didn’t care, way too transfixed on the way the heat emitting from between your legs demanded Kirishima’s cock. “I like showing my gratitude to heroes in the world, ya know?”
His face finally turned to you, his wide eyes meeting your half-lidded ones in an electric gaze. No one spoke; only the softly chirping crickets and the wind brushing through the leaves made noises. 
“Y-Yeah?” he whimpered out, his voice weak and caused great pleasure to crawl down your spine. “How do ya’ suppose you show your gratitude?”
You hum, thinking about it, but as the adrenaline from your attack finally was replaced with the blatant, blistering want for the huge red-headed man before you. You find yourself straddling his lap, slowly sinking onto him. Your knees once more buried into the soft, dewy grass of the park.
Your arms wrap around his neck, his eyes wide and incredibly expressive as his large hand’s press to your waist. 
“Any way you crave me,” you speak with finality, placing the future of your actions into his hands. 
“Holy fuck,” Kirishima curses, and without a second more of hesitation, his lips and mouth are crashing against yours. 
There’s something unworldly attractive about making out with a practical stranger in the middle of a public park at nearly midnight. Your hands move possessively against his back, fingers digging into his fabric as he draws you nearer, your torso pushed tight against his. His lips move expertly against yours, the sharp points of his teeth dragging and biting into your bottom lip until he pulls away, your lip in his teeth, his eyes dark and full of lust. That lasts less than a few seconds as you’re back on him, mouth desperate against his, tongue curling into his mouth to move languidly, possessively against his. 
His body radiates heat, the warmth of his body quickly seeping past the sweaty thickness of your own sweatshirt as your hips begin to roll against his growing bulge. 
“S-Shit,” he gasps, your lips trailing down his hot neck, his throat muscles clenching as he gulps. Your smirk against his skin, sucking and nibbling on a concentrated spot as he helps you to roll your hips against his hot, thick length. “I-I don’t live nearby; it’ll be a bit of a drive.”
“I’m two blocks away,” you confess, pulling away from the dark purple and red bruise on his neck that makes you drunk with lust. “But I don’t think I can make it.”
Kirishima splutters, his hips instinctively bucking against your slowly throbbing core that sends your teeth biting into his thick skin again. “Do you wanna, fuckk… Are we gonna—?”
“Don’t tell me my hero is afraid to fuck in public?” you tease, your hands traveling down his tight, muscular torso. You admire the way you can feel his trembling abs against your hands, and you grin when his head dips backward when your fingers find their way against the waistband of his sweats, your weight shifting harshly against his cock as you tease along his upper crotch. “It’s late. No one’s around. I got a strong man to protect me. And I want him now,” you speak against his jaw, your lips pressing hot kisses between every sentence.
You notice that his eyes are red as your lips come up to brush against his, teasing the both of you as neither of you moves to seal your fates. Your position on the situation needs to be resolved, needing an answer from him.
“Whatcha gonna do, big guy?” you asked, lips ghosting against his, and at that moment, you shiver at the way his pupils expand to the edges of his iris.
His mouth is against yours in a renewed passion, lips pressing and pushing fervorously against yours, making you tremble in his arms, completely lust-taken. You kiss him back with equal force, hips rolling against his in your accepted need. 
“Fuck, you know what you’re doing, huh?” Kirishima gasps the moment you grind your increasingly wet cunt against his mountain bulge in a way that has his hips snapping up towards yours. You laugh, teeth pressing onto his lower lip and pulling away, eyes focused on his through the curtain of your lashes before you let go of his lip.
“I aim to please,” you bat your lashes, your hands working their way under the waistband of his shorts. “Now, you want me to suck your dick, or what?”
You had never seen a man’s face go through such wild, intense agreement. The blackened look in his eyes and the way a shiver so obviously tittered down his spine had you smiling like a champion.
Mouths came back together in a blazing, needing kiss; you shift up onto your knees, the kiss becoming a clash of sharp teeth and simmering tongues. Blindly, your hands come down to his shorts and assist him in getting his pants off. Shock and amusement rushing through you the second you feel the top of his cock slap the back of your ass. The heat emitting from the skin burning through your own layer of clothes.
With your lips sucking onto his tongue, your hand moves behind you, grasping and pushing the throbbing, thick cock between your ass cheeks. And for a moment, for a few painfully slow grinds, you press him to your ass as you grind against him. Kirishima moans loudly, his hands shifting all over your body, fingers rubbing your skin from the dips of your hips to your soaking wet cunt. 
The air is static, disgustingly hot that you swear with the heaving, panting breaths emitted from both of your mouths, you swear you can see the condensation.
“C’mon baby,” Kirishima rasps, his tongue finally permitted back into his mouth, his teeth sinking into the soft flesh of your throat. “I thought you were going to suck my dick?”
“What if I don’t want to anymore?” you gasp, your eyes fluttering closed, your thumb that is on his cock pressing onto the slit of his dripping cock. “What if I want you in me now?”
“Suck my dick with that pretty little mouth of yours, and I promise you — your hero promises you that I’ll fuck you better then any other fucker has,” Kirishima grunts into your skin, his biting kisses bruising your skin.
Well, you didn’t need to be told twice. 
You shift backward, the tip of his pre-cum leaking cockhead spreading his pre-cum all over your own leggings. But that doesn’t faze you, nor do you care enough as you finally get to see the near monstrosity of a cock Kirishima has.
Long, thick, veiny, and with curly soft black pubes.
“Not a natural redhead?” you tease, your body leaning down, making sure to accentuate your breasts as you begin to slowly stroke his thick length. Kirishima can only shake his head as your tongue pokes out to give his swollen head a kitten lick. “Mm, I bet you look hot with black hair too.”
There’s no room for a second opinion for your mouth sinks entirely onto his length, just enough to be the slightest bit uncomfortable, but the results were immediate. Kirishima’s head slammed to the wood of the tree, his hands gripping your head as you bobbed against his length. The musk and scent of his dick were strong yet pleasant. You found yourself sinking lower and lower onto his size, pleased with the way he was tearing into his bottom lip to keep his ringing moans from being heard, his fingers tugging at the roots of your hair as he meets your sinking mouth in sloppy, restrained thrusts.
Your tongue traced the bulging veins on his length, swirling and twisting around his girth, a desperate attempt to show that his size didn’t scare you, that you were taking him all in. But his lust clouded gaze on you thrilled you. The pure, unadulterated passion that settled on his eyes and gaze made you shiver; he was so responsive, moaning, and gasping for you in every right action you made. But you want to get bigger, bolder reactions out of him, and closing your jaw just the slightest bit, you let your lower teeth scrape just gently against his sensitive skin.
The result was immediate, and much wanted.
Despite the immediate relaxation of your jaw and throat, Kirishima burying his entire length down your throat made you choke, gagging as your nose buried into his pubes. He was entirely large, uncomfortably thick in your throat as your muscles flexed and fluttered around him.
“Take it, take me all in,” Kirishima gasps, his hips shifting into small, tiny thrusts to ram his cock further and further into your awaiting mouth. “That’s i-it, holy fuck, that’s it! You are so good at this shit, baby. F-Fuck… you’re amazing! So fucking perfect!”
The praise makes you whine, the drool that seeps from your mouth helpless and joined with the tears of discomfort from your eyes. But you continue to impress him, continue to let him fuck your mouth and throat wholeheartedly without restraint or worry.
Soon, the wet gagging noises fill the air, your throat feeling raw as Kirishima is unashamedly fucking into you with more significant, more powerful intent. He praises you without hesitation, the words curling warmly into your gut, making your cunt throb and demand attention as you hollow your cheeks. Kirishima nearly howls at the vacuum sensation, the lustful, long noise growing in his lust as you raise up to his cockhead, your tongue lashing around the salty pre-cum that is weeping from his swollen tip.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, wait!” Kirishima gasps, his hips bucking wildly, trying to go further into your mouth again. But your grip and commanding are more robust than he could ever be, and he can’t sink his cock further into the wet heat he so craves. “Wait, wait, wait! I want to cum in you, baby! Please let me cum in you!”
You’re off him immediately with a sharp, loud pop.
His eyes are unashamed in his request, and you think about the issues of an absolute stranger busting a nut inside of you. Your tongue dips out of your mouth to lick the pre-cum that’s dribbled onto your lower lip, and you whine at the back of your throat.
His response to your approval is immediate.
You shriek in slight fear when he tugs you up onto your feet, twisting you and shoving your back against the cold hardness of the tree he was resting upon. Your breathing is unsteady, heart absolutely pounding in your throat as his lips consume yours again. Just as you did before, you melt into his kiss, his touch as his hot, calloused fingers shove your shorts down your legs, exposing your throbbing, wet cunt to the cold air.
Hissing at the contact, you feel your voice being smothered by a wet moan that escapes your mouth. Kirishima has his cock rutting between your wet folds, his fingers leaving lasting bruises on your waist.
“Want you so badly, baby,” he grunts, his mouth swallowing your moans and pitched whines as you grind against him, shaking against his hold. “Want to see you take me all the way in.”
“Put it in,” you keen, hips bucking and thrusting faster and faster against his waiting cock, your actions pathetic and needy. “Put it in Kiri, I want you in me, fuck me already, please fuck me.”
In what you could only describe as being the strength of god, Kirishima lifts you up, hands shifting from your soft waist to the mounds of the flesh of your ass and pressing you into the tree. You squeak, embarrassed, and entirely self-conscious of your weight despite the lust haze clouding your mind. Your struggle in his arms is fruitless, his broad, thick chest pressing up against yours as you find your mind absolutely melting when his thick cockhead pushes against the clenching wet cavern of your cunt.
“P-Put me down,” you gasp, squirming despite the fire that burns in your core and cheeks. “I-I’m too—”
“I’m your hero,” Kirishima speaks calmly, his forehead pressing against yours, eyes locking on yours in such a way that was too intimate for strangers, too world-shifting for two unknowns. “I can carry you just easy, ya know. These muscles aren’t just for showing off.”
The grin on his face is childish, almost too boyish if it wasn’t for the fact that his eyes held that profound, pristine promise and want for you. So, in an action that has your back arching against the wood, your eyes rolling to the back of your head, your legs tightened firmly around his waist as he buried his cock into you.
Melodious moans echo between your mouths, horribly silenced by your crashing mouths because, dear god, you’re fucking in a public park. 
He kisses you with a passion and a soul that strips you bare, and his hips begin to fuck up and into you without hesitation, the full feeling in your core stretching and fluttering with every driving intent from him. In and out, his cock goes into you, up and down your hips grind against him.
It’s a synchronized dance, a coming of your bodies that sends your toes curling as he begins to fuck into you just a bit harder, just a tad faster. It makes you shiver, makes your fingernails bury into his skin as you moan and beg for his name.
Kirishima curses as you clench around him, his hand grabbing your wrist and slamming it onto the tree, holding it there as he fucks you with growing strength and speed. Every snap of his hips sends a burst of colors to the back of your eyelids, and every squelch of your meeting, sloppy wet sexes sends a blabbering, incoherent sentence from your lips.
“More, more, more,” you beg, the tree trunk absolutely uncomfortable against your skin, but you can’t feel it anymore; you don’t care about the pain. You crave it, you want it. “Give me more.”
The curve of his cock, the girth, and the veins that drag up and down your puffy velvet walls are driving you insane. He holds insane power with every admittance of his cock in your clenching cunt, and he buries his nose into the crook of your neck and nods his sweaty head.
“Can you take it? You gonna be able to take my cock fucking you entirely?” Kirishima gasps, almost as if he was afraid of hurting you, and for some reason, that makes your brain shut down.
Fingers buried into the dyed red hair at the nape of his neck, you tug his head back, your legs tightening around his waist so much that he can’t fuck you anymore. The both of you are there, staring at one another as you hold him, bottomed out in you, your stomach stretching just a bit from having him entirely within you.
“If you don’t fuck me with everything you have,” you breath, your nose brushing against his, lips avoiding his that seek yours out for contact. “I’ll scream.”
“You seem like a brat,” Kirishima teases, his hold shifting on your ass, pressing you even more uncomfortably onto the tree.
“I’m just a girl who knows what she wants,” you bite back, allowing him to shift your arms so that you were supporting part of your weight onto the tree, allowing for a better balance.
“Brat,” Kirishima enunciates, his lips spreading into a teasing, seductive smirk. 
But before you could fight back, before you could argue that you were, in fact, not a brat, Kirishima begins to fuck into you yet again. Your jaw drops immediately, the burning nearly exquisite pain-filled pleasure of his untapped strength fucking into you.
Your voice begins to scream out, the feeling of his vicious, thick cock snapping into you, shoving your shoulders further and further into the tree was sending your head spinning. Your body is convulsing as he fucks you with new vulgar need and strength. But before you could scream your praises, Kirishima’s fingers shove into your mouth, silencing your words and noises as he fucks you again and again and again.
“You’re so fucking loud, baby,” Kirishima chuckles, his voice strained with his exertion of energy, his hips slamming so powerfully into your clenching core that his balls were slapping against your soring ass with no restriction. “So fucking loud, but we’re not in the place for you to be wailing my name unless you want to be caught. Do you wanna be caught, is that what it is?”
You shake your head pathetically against his fingers, your tongue lazily swirling and inserting itself between his parting fingers as you moan. Your head is spinning, the overstimulation of his conquesting cock, the rising orgasm in you, and the thought of someone walking through the park and seeing the two of you fucking under the yellow light of the park light making your walls flutter. His cock twitches with the flutter, and the both of you moan inexplicably loud. 
“Such a good wet cunt,” Kirishima gasps, his fingers beginning to reciprocate the length and rhythm of his pounding cock in your throat, something you take without a second of hesitation or doubt. “I’m so glad I got to be your hero today, aren’t you so glad?”
“Mm-mhmm,” you gag around his fingers, your hips bucking with near madness as your vision swims with lust and need. You were so happy that he found you, so delighted he saved you, that he was your hero. 
But the building tightness and demanding need in your cunt was growing louder, hotter, completely undeniable. Your teeth sinking against his skin as you whimpered loudly, absolutely pathetically as you shifted faster, fucking against him harder.
“C-Close,” you manage to gag out, and a sharp escape of air comes from his nose.
Kirishima nods, removing his fingers from your mouth, the string of cold saliva dangerously cold against your blazing hot chin. “I want you to look at the way your belly bulges when I fuck you, I want you to watch it bulge as you cum, baby.”
You whimper, the strain in your neck almost insufferable as you peer down at your hastily exposed stomach, and you nearly faint at the pornographic, near-insane image of your stomach bulging with his hammering cock. And just like that, you come tumbling down from the heights of your building orgasm. White heat and light spread through your body, your jaw slacking as you moan loudly, screaming his name as you convulse against him, body entirely limp. Kirishima, who was barely hanging by a strand, completely loses it when your core clenches like a vice against him. 
Hot, thick ropes of cum spurt from his cock, his heavy, shaking gasps the only thing you can hear as he fucks into you once, twice more for good measure before the both of you sink to the grass. It’s hot, almost too hot as he lays on top of you, the sticky fluid of his cum radiating against your already blazing walls, and for a bit, there’s silence.
“So um,” you rasp after a moment, the silence warm and comfortable. “You gonna walk me home?”
“Depends,” Kirishima mutters into your sweaty neck.
“Will you give your hero your number?”
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wornoutmouse · 3 years
May I request Ogun with a Black shy female reader doing a training session that leads to a little bit more 🙈
Anon please
You’re a second-generation pyrokinetic (Like Joker and Maki). Idk why but I made up in my head that you have flint-bottomed tap-dancing shoes that briefly light when you scrape your feet against the floor…..so that’s where you get your fire from 🤣🤣🤣
This one is a bit longer than normal cause i gotta build the tension
I am terrible at action scenes bruh
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Chug- lift heels, slide forward, and then drop the heels at the end of the slide forwards
“Hey, Y/n!” You look up from the bland mashed potatoes and corn Company 5 had prepared. It was a hot Sunday morning and your partner in crime was as excited as ever. He stood a few feet away at the back entrance in the cafeteria. Cocking a thumb behind him, he dawns a toothy grin. “Want to play a quick game?” The game Ogun hinted at was one you were quite familiar with and one you should have known he would ask you to participate in today. “Fine, but don’t cry when I win.” You scoop another spoonful of corn before tossing your tray away for recycling. You’d need all your strength cause Ogun never lost without asking for back-to-back redos.
.You didn’t quite understand the need to be sweaty all the time, but always gave in to his whims
Ogun preferred to train in the field where the sun shined the most throughout the day at the far left of the Company. Often as you went on throughout your day-to-day training, you’d spot Ogun doing laps and practicing his attacks throughout the day.
“I’m feeling fired up today Y/n, you might want to be worried.” You close your eyes as you stretched an arm over your chest. You had yet to lose but you knew Ogun only saw that as a personal goal to get past. “Let’s get this over with, I’m tired.” The smell of smoke enters your nostrils giving you enough time to dodge Oguns boosted attack. “I told you about letting yourself known Mr. Montgomery.” You open your eyes, Oguns skin was lit ablaze with his pyrokinetic abilities.
From afar you’ve always admired the swirls that decorated his skin whenever you got amped up, and this time was no different. “I see you’re already using “Flaming Ink” what, you already scared?” Ogun widened his stance, glowing white eyes watching you shift your feet. “I’ve been working on a new move that I want to show you so why don’t you try your little fire trick.”
Curious, you scuff your shoe on the floor and draw your fire...only the fire doesn’t come. You do it again and the light goes out just as quick as it came. “What did you do?” You narrowed your eyes at Ogun. “Oh nothing, I’m just faster than you now.” You take a few steps back, “Oh that’s how you want to play it? Okay!” You take off running at the very edge of the field and Ogun is fast behind you. Internally you admit that he had gotten much faster, but a simple fact as that wasn’t going to make you lose.
Doing your best to maintain speed, you chug and draw the flames close to your chest out of Montgomery’s line of sight. It was small, mostly snuffed by the kick of your legs as you ran but it was big enough to get the job done. Similar to Ogun in his natural state, you too could throw projectiles just not as damage-inducing.
Turning around as you run, your eyes widen when Ogun appears just inches in front of you, “Surprise!” Your flame is snuffed and you tumble bringing Montgomery down with you. You prepare to feel your body be crushed by his muscled one but at the last minute your shoulders are grabbed and you flip again. The change in elevation causes you to lose a bit of focus, but you can still clearly feel Ogun cushion your fall.
“Oh wow, this looks like something out of an anime.” Ogun laughs when he finds himself lying flat on his back, you positioned comfortably on top of him. The position was completely ridiculous with your thighs straddling his stomach but you were thankful that you wouldn’t be in any sort of pain later.
“Looks like I’ll need to train harder huh?” You playfully punch Ogun’s shoulder. Even though the whole ordeal only lasted 6 minutes, you could feel your back drenched with sweat. While you couldn’t wait to get in the shower, Ogun seemed content with being in a salty state. “You’re dripping all over me you know?” Your head immediately snapped down to look at Ogun with wide eyes, “Excuse me?”
Ogun had a neutral look on his face not hinting at any humor behind his words. “You’re sweating really bad. Did little ole me get you all worked up?” He had to be teasing you at this point, but you couldn’t find a single crack in his facade. “Yeah well, maybe if you didn’t choose this big ass field with no trees I wouldn’t be 2 seconds from passing out.” You stand up, a bit wobbly, and help him up. “I’m going to go shower, you can stay out here if you want to.”
Ogun happily joins you on the way to the showers. You could hear his excitement from finally beating you. “Don’t get cocky, it was a one-time occurrence Ogun.” An arm is slung over your shoulder. In a smug tone, Ogun mocks you, “Don’t be mad cause you lost. You’ve had enough time to be cocky on your own terms.” You gasp mockingly before turning your head to spit back a remark but lose your breath from how close his face is to yours. At such close proximity, you become aware of small details. How his skin shinned in the sunlight, how Oguns eyes contained such a very specific hue of orange that they mimicked the fire of Sol almost precisely. You even wouldn’t be surprised if they would burn to the touch.
“What’s the matter, got nothing to say?” Out of instinct, you shove his head away with so much force he goes flying before landing on his ass. Before any questions are asked you deflect, “Gross I got your B.O all on my shoulders.” From behind Ogun scoffs, “How dare you, any other fine lady would be blessed to be near my manly musk.” Stifling a laugh you utter one final tease before slipping into the girl’s shower, “Yeah, manly must.”
It was endless labor as your captain followed you around, blowing that damn whistle. Given laundry duty, you had to take multiple shifts back and forth throughout each level of the building to collect everyone’s clothing. When you came across Ogun’s level your job was hindered as you were forced to wait as he sifts through his piles of dirty laundry, “Trush me Y/n, there’s a shirt that I accidentally put in here but it’s actually clean.” “Ogun if it’s in the dirty clothes then it’s dirty.” You try to haul his stuff out but he stops you. “I swear if you don’t move I’ll burn your stuff.”
Ogun chuckles, “You burn my clothes and it’ll catch your clothing as well.” Ogun reaches inside the pile you held pulling out a blank white T-shirt that looked annoyingly similar to the 12 other T-shirts you had watched him toss to the side. “Unless of course, you’re trying to go streaking which by all means I encourage you to.” You ignore his joke and pretend it doesn’t strike a certain feeling in your gut.
For your next task, you had to prepare different levels of activities for a group of 5th graders coming to the company the next day. Of course, Ogun would be assigned to the same task as well so while you worked diligently to bring equipment from the storage room, Ogun spent his time using each of the items incorrectly. “Please stop bouncing the footballs with the tennis racket before you get hurt.” Ogun ignored you as he dribbled with the racket. “Don’t be mad cause you’re not as creative as me.”
Well, as you predicted Ogun ends up getting punted in the face when he tries to toss the football in the hoop. Even though the sound it made on impact was loud and hollow, Ogun barely flinches when it ricochets. “Wow you seem pretty experienced with getting hit in the face with balls, you barely moved.” Ogun glared as he watched you pick up the football. Absentmindedly you spin the football as you speak, “You know if I didn’t know any bet-” Your speech is gargled when your mouth becomes stuffed.
While you weren’t watching Ogun through a basketball at your hand making you push the end of the football in your mouth. “Wow you seem pretty experienced with balls in your mouth, you gotta show me some time.” You cradle your mouth, it throbbed with dull pain and resentment filled your mind. “I’m sure it’ll be easy, there aren’t going to be too many inches stopping me.”
At this point, both your nerves are on high alert, and the energy in the air shifts from playful to angry. “Oh yeah?” Ogun walks slowly and calmly towards you, raising a brow when you stumble back yet still maintain your glare. The hand cradling your jaw is held tightly in his grasp, “Would you like to try?” The dare only eggs you on, “You won’t last a second.” The faint twitch of his temple lets you know you hit a nerve.
Both you and Ogun’s heads snap to the left. Pan stood at the gym doorway arms waving and whistle blowing, a clear attempt at reprimanding your laziness. The playful aura comes back and you and Ogun are subjected to extra work for your negligence. “This is your fault you know.” he shoots back, “I don’t want to hear it Montgomery.”
Ogun walked down the hallway in search of a new victim to torture, so it was only pure convenience when he stumbled near your living quarters and caught you just before you walked inside. “Y/n! You were absent for dinner.” You take one look at him before dashing into your room. All you wanted was to sleep, training with Ogun, and then having to complete your own set of chores plus extra was tiering. So seeing Ogun wandering out and about during the late hours only met trouble.
You jolt from your train of thought as your door is banged on. “Go away Montgomery, I’m trying to sleep.” Ogun whined, “Well you weren’t trying too hard cause you weren’t in your room yet, now let me in.” You kicked the door back, “No, now go away!”
No sound is heard, not even a shuffle. Sighing you walk towards your bed with a content smile, you’d apologize to him later but now it was your time for rest. Heavy wind billowed through your opened window making you shiver as the curtains tickle your skin. The sharp coolness made your teeth rattle but it was just the right amount of cool you needed in order to head off quickly to dream land. Turning the dial of your lamp, your room is shrouded in darkness and you climb underneath the covers. Nothing could stop the relaxation you were about to receive…….nothing but the feeling of “something ain’t right.”
Opening your eyes and expecting the worse, you are then greeted with the worst as the same fiery eyes you admired hours before, hovered above your face. “You should really close your window.” You scream and throw a punch in Oguns direction but it is in vain as he catches it and pins it down. “I should really get you back for doing that earlier.” Ogun doesn’t make any move to let you go or even speak again. “How the hell did you get there so fast?” You are unable to look away from his eyes, nothing else would have mattered anyway.
More wind blows through your curtains. “I told you I’ve gotten faster.” You can feel his breath caressing your cheek the closer he gets to your face. The hand wrapped around your wrist tightens despite your body being slackened. “Oh yeah?”
No one knows who moved first. All you know is that your pajamas were being ripped off of your body as Ogun aggressively devoured your lips. Tossing everything to the ground, Ogun sits above you, with his shirt was off, you are given the liberty to admire his chiseled body. Ogun makes quick work with fingering you open, watching with a toothy grin as your chest shakes and your breath stutters. “Not talking much now are you?” He doesn’t care if you respond, all he cares about is wearing you down. You pull him closer, nails dragging down his back, as your orgasm overwhelms you. “Ogun!” Your legs are hiked up and over his shoulders as he positions below you.
“Good job, I don’t want to hear anything else but my name.” The stretch was burning and filled you tightly. “How many inches you think that is?” You weakly slap Ogun’s arm as he weakly ruts into you before pulling out completely, “S-Stop making fun of me.” “ Aww, but it’s fun!” Ogun is slow and precise as he mashes his hips forward. There is no hesitation and the pace stays at a fluid toe-curling pressure. “You’re so silent now Y/n. Tell me, how does it feel, huh?” Your back raises from off the bed, “It...good-I oh god!”
The simple fact that you couldn’t speak sent tremors to Oguns cock. He wanted to tease you more, make you break. Your pussy was wet and sopping for him and not even Sol could make him stop fucking you, not when you looked so beautiful underneath him. But a mischievous streak doesn’t go away that easy.
Leaning back on his haunches, you are put back on top of Ogun, the same position you were in when on the feild. He doesn’t move and just looks at you, “What are, what are you doing?” You try to bounce but he holds you down making you pulse around him. “Please let me move.” But he doesn’t, the only movement you get is when you’re held down harder on his cock. “How many inches Y/n?” You shrug, “I don’t freaking know like 5 or something!?” You just wanted to cum not answer a random questionnaire.
Ogun uses his strength to lift you up and slam you back down. “Wrong, try again.” It takes a moment for you to catch the breath that got knocked out at the second stroke. “Do you really want me to stroke your stupid ego, fine 8inches!” You are slammed down again and this time it hits a special spot just short of your G. “Wrong again, don’t be a smart ass Y/n” He rubbed your side. “Come on, play my game for a little bit, don’t you want to cum on my dick?” Oguns hands squeeze your breasts, thumbs rotating the dark circles of your areolas leaving your nipples to tingle in need.
“Si-Six damn it! It has to be like 6.” your answer is mumbled but is loud enough to satisfy Ogun. As if you weighed nothing less than a piece of paper, Ogun uses his thighs to bounce you on his cock. Your chest bounces in his face taking his immature mind to cloud nine. He could feel the tell tell sign of his own orgasms cumming, as your ass slammed down on his shaft. “Stop squeezing down so damn hard!”
Being the person you are, you don’t listen even after you feel Ogun spill inside of you. “Oh fuck!” You rearrange your own legs and start bouncing at your own pace. The tight grip on your waist means nothing as you chase your second cumming. “Hurry up you little shit my balls are burning!” Ogun tossed his head back as his mouth releases cracked moans. His cock continued to twitch as it became softer but still stimulated. Soon, Ogun couldn’t take the stimuli anymore and pushes you down on the bed. The feeling of his fingers thrusting in and out of your pussy was a little less satisfying than his cock but you cream around it just as easily.
You lay down giggling while Ogun goes in and out of sleep. “I was right, you didn’t last a second.” “Shut the hell up, you’re like a vice.” Your sweaty state somehow doesn’t bother you as you rest in the afterglow. Your blinds continue to shimmer as the wind continues to blow. “Five and a half.” The numbers mean nothing to your muddled brain, “What?” Ogun looks at you, “5 and a half inches is the correct answer but I appreciate the 6.”
Suddenly the glow was no longer worth it.
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personasintro · 4 years
the boss | jhs
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𝘀𝘆𝗻𝗼𝗽𝘀𝗶𝘀; In the middle of important business meeting, Hoseok spreads his mouth free and it almost costs you one of the greatest business deals. You've to remind Hoseok who's the boss.
𝗴𝗲𝗻𝗿𝗲: boss!reader, fluff, smut, little bit of angst
𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀: strong language, dom!hoseok, bratty!reader, ass play, oral sex [female & male receiving], fingering, unprotected sex, rough sex, edging, multiple orgasms, spanking, impregnation kink, creampie, penetrative sex, choking, little bit of dirty talk, jealous hoseok, reader provokes him, he rips her panties, nipple play, overstimulation, biting, throat fucking
𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗱𝘀 𝗰𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘁: 11.4k
𝗺.𝗹𝗶𝘀𝘁 | ☕️
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“How could you do that?!” you exclaim through clenched teeth as soon as you hear the door of your office slam.
You’re pretty aware that if you raise your voice, all employees could perfectly hear you scolding none other than Jung Hoseok. A perfect employee with doing amazing job every day, until today.
He possibly ruined the business deal you’re a head of and let’s say it this way, once your boss finds out he lost a perfect opportunity to earn tons of money by Chung investing some money into your business, you’re done for. Well, maybe it’s not that dramatic but he certainly won’t be happy with you. All thanks to Hoseok who couldn’t remained to be professional for another hour.
The meeting went great. Chung listened to your every word with so much intensity, seeing rather interested what the company could offer him. You had him. Not until it was turn to the rest of your colleagues slash employees to explain the project further. That was until it was Hoseok’s turn to speak. Throughout the meeting, you could see him looking strangely serious, even if he always tends to have that professional look when he’s focused and working. But this time he looked different, almost angry and annoyed.
Now that you look at it, he really was trying to remain professional and explained all the points he made on his laptop. That was until Choi barely paid attention to him, which probably irritated Hoseok even more. It was disrespectful of Choi to turn with an obvious bored expression as he asked; “Come again?”
But then something snapped in Hoseok, his eyes turned almost dark underneath the bright lightening of the meeting room.
“Maybe you should listen to us, rather then eyeing our boss’ ass.”
A round of gasps that resounded around the table made you do the same thing, your mouth falling open when you realized that you’re the boss. Hoseok was talking about you and how Choi couldn’t keep his eyes off you. But it’s the word ‘ass’ that should never been said in that room, especially when one of the most important CEOs is sitting there and it’s aimed towards him.
But even then, it didn’t stop. Not even when Choi shook that look of shock and embarrassment for being called out in front of fifteen people, including you sitting at the top of the huge table.
“Excuse me?” he asked as he tried to remain calm, not wanting people in the room to see him caught off guard.
And you clenched your teeth, daring Hoseok to say something while your eyes shot him daggers which he ignored so easily.
He surely wouldn’t be so stupid to talk back. You thought.
“You heard me. Shouldn’t you be more professional? Aren’t you old--“
“Jung,” you barked, cutting him off at the exact point when your brain caught onto what he was about to say.
Choi is older than you, in his early forties to be exact.
“In the office. Now.” you stood up, your chair screeching against the marble floor but you could care less about that, or the fact everyone watched you with big eyes and opened mouths.
And here you are.
Hoseok seems unbothered, carelessly tucking the hem of his shirt around his elbow. Silver watch sparkle around his wrist and you’re momentarily distracted by the veins that are popping underneath his skin.
“What? Stop him from ogling you like you’re the greatest meat?” he asks, an attitude laced in his voice as he frowns.
Ignoring the fact he called you the greatest meat, you roll your eyes. “He’s a very important business partner. Do you realize what you’ve just done? You probably cost us one of the biggest deals we could ever had!” you exclaim, not having the strength to keep your voice down anymore.
Just the thought of it makes your blood boil. You can imagine yourself sitting in the CEO’s office, being scolded by him while you’re trying your best not to cry.
Maybe in that moment, Hoseok didn’t realize what could possibly happen if he opens his mouth.
“Who the fuck cares about a business deal?! He ogled you like a fucking pervert he is! He doesn’t care about our business deal!” he exclaims back, leaving you speechless that he just raised his voice at you.
“Language.” you scold him, causing him to snort in return before he chuckles.
Is that what really bothers you right now?
“He doesn’t care about us or this business deal.” he tells you again, keeping his voice down this time.
“All we need is the money!” you snap frustratedly, ready to choke this man to death. He’s so fucking stubborn. “Look, I know you’re coming from a good place. But you can’t talk to him like that, not when he’s about to sign a new contract and gets us the money we need.”
“Who says I can’t talk to him that way? That’s what he gets for eyeing your ass and licking his lips. Fucking pervert. I don’t care who he is.”
“But I do, Hoseok. We need this business deal. It comes before our personal life.” you inform him, causing him to frown once again.
“No it doesn’t,” he argues back, leaving you mentally groaning. “I don’t care where we are. He doesn’t get to eye you like that.”
Your heart swells at his words, knowing he’s being protective and incredibly hot while he’s doing it, but your job is more important right now. You had him, but Hoseok ruined it with his big mouth.
“He can, I wouldn’t even touch him with a stick.” you tell him, scrunching your nose in disgust.
“Oh really? If I remember correctly, you were smiling widely when he greeted you with a kiss.” he points out, raising his brow at you while he has that look on his face. The one where he’s angry, annoyed and brave at the same time.
“Kiss on the cheek!” you exclaim, “I was trying to be nice. Kim relies on me, he told me to do this business deal and I almost had him. But you probably ruined it.”
You don’t mean to sound so angry, because you know Hoseok meant well. He still does. But he has to realize he has to put a line between you and job as soon as you cross those wide door of the company.
“So, you were aware of him eyeing you... is that right?” he asks lowly, something switching in his eyes.
Sometimes that makes you feel nervous, rather than angry.
“Yes,” you sigh, “I’m not stupid.” you grumble, seeing him scratching his chin before he lets out a dark chuckle.
“I’m not so sure about that.”
Your eyes widen and you stare at him with a utter shock. “Excuse me?” you frown, your voice angry but he barely seems to be affected by that. “I’m your boss, Jung.” you remind him, but he only chuckles again.
However, there’s no amusement in it.
“Yeah, I’m aware. But I won’t let him disrespect you like that.” he snaps, wondering how the hell you’re so cool with it. It seems like this is bigger deal for him, than it is to you.
“Hobi,” you speak softly, walking closer to him.
Your heels click against the floor as you make your way to him, appreciating how close he is once you can smell his manly and fresh cologne. His own eyes soften, especially once your hands sprawl against his chest.
“I appreciate you standing up for me, but you don’t have to do that. Not right now. This is really important for the company, he didn’t touch me or anything close to it. This is what I meant by saying that we won’t work like this,” you tell him, watching him scowl as he takes a step back from you. You quickly go to explain yourself. “What I mean by that is, that we need to draw the line here. I don’t regret doing this with you, but you know how scared I was at the beginning. God knows what boss will think once he finds out.”
He knows that. He knows it all, yet all he can see is Choi’s eyes on your body. If he could, he would punch his old face. Maybe he could go back and do it. He doesn’t realize he said it outloud, not until you exclaim his name and frown at him, annoyed that he barely listens to your words.
“Stop it,” you scold him, “We should go back and you should apologize to him. Maybe we can still save the deal.”
“Fuck no.” Hoseok frowns again, disagreeing with you right away as you gape at him.
“I’m your boss, Hoseok. I’m telling you to go back there and apologize. Put your man pride aside and start acting professional.” you order him, knowing very well he doesn't like every word you just said.
“No,” he tells you firmly, your mouth opening once again in shock. “I’m not gonna do any of that.” he disagrees, crossing arms over his chest to prove his point.
“I’ll fire you.” you threaten, but the man remains unbothered at your sudden threat, although it surprises him.
You were never this serious over some business deal. But then again, this is for the first time something like this have happened.
“You wouldn’t do that.” he scoffs, but his eyes search for the right answer.
“I’ll, if you won’t listen to me.” You don’t budge, crossing arms over your chest like he did.
But he frees his arms, letting them drop to his sides as he stares into your eyes. “Then fire me. I don’t care.” he spits, turning around as he walks out of your office with a loud thud.
You flinch at the sound, your eyes watering because all you can think of, is his back and the way he’s leaving without another single word.
To say he’s pissed is clear. He made sure you know that.
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Going back to the meeting room was quite embarrassing, considering everyone stared at you while they kept their mouth shut. You were the center of attention and they probably wondered where Hoseok went, because he certainly didn’t come back with you. He stormed out of your office and went God knows where. As much as you wanted to look for him, wondering if he left, you had a business to save. That’s what you had to do anyway, set the personal life aside and be professional.
Choi looked at you as soon as you went back to your place, but this time he set his eyes to the device in front of him. No matter what Hoseok told him, it helped and he stopped having that hungry look. Maybe he thought he was sleek with it and nobody noticed, but now that he was called out for it, he stopped.
It was just another painful reminder that Hoseok did that, he made sure you’re respected and not eyed from an older man just because you’re a woman.
But you apologized for Hoseok’s behavior, faking sincerity, knowing that if Hoseok could hear you apologizing on his behalf, he’d go feral. You had to do it and save what could be saved, even if it means lying.
Someone important like Choi wouldn’t admit his mistake or apologize for his behavior, you weren’t expecting that. And you had so little confidence that the deal could be saved, but whatever Hoseok did, it slapped Choi across his face and he realized what he did was wrong. Or it embarrassed him to the point, he agreed to the deal while he kept his eyes to himself and ended it without handshake or any physical contact.
It ended successfully. And you hope the same thing will happen with Hoseok.
When you park your car in front of the apartment building, the sky is already set dark while bright stars are sparkled across it. You can see his silver BMW parked couple of parking spots away from your car, meaning he’s home.
Of course, he is. Where else would he be? Your consciousness sassily remarks.
Making your way inside, you use the spare keys he gave you couple of months ago. This place brings nostalgia, no matter how many times you’ve been here, and it could be considered your second home. It reminds you this building, Hoseok’s apartment to be specific, has become a number one place for your secret rendezvous. Or it used to be back in the day, when you were too scared to go public and when it all began. Your secret relationship could cost you both your job, especially you since you’re the boss and you’re supposed to be the one who’s professional.
You can see Kim, the CEO, firing you for the lack of professionalism especially on your part. But you can also see him scolding Hoseok, firing him as well and somehow, that makes your heart pinch even more. Hoseok is one of the greatest employees, he barely fucks up. He’s one of the most reliable employees in the company, losing him would be the biggest mistake. And you certainly don’t want him to loose his job, and definitely not when it’d be because of you.
When you put his security password in, the front door click open and you push them, stepping into the comfort of his home. The familiar smell of it comforts your tensed nerves, hearing a little bit of rustling in the living room. Taking off your heals, you follow the sound knowing that’s where Hoseok is. And you find him.
He’s sitting on the yellowish chair, a glass of what seems like a bourbon in his hand. It makes your breath hitch, knowing he barely drinks and if he does, he really needs a drink to relax. You’re not stupid, of course it has something to do with what happened today.
Even when he sees you stepping into the light in his living room, he barely reacts and doesn’t seem too surprised to see you there. Instead, he looks away and takes a sip with a clenched jaw.
“Where did you go?” you ask him, your voice soft and filling the tension and silence in the room.
You watch him swallow the alcohol content, before he sets it down onto the small comforter next to him. It clicks and you almost jump from the intense sound, even though he's done it normally.
“Home.” he answers, voice cold and eyes lacking of the usual light he has in them.
He’s still wearing his work clothes, black slacks straining against his muscular thighs even more in the sitting position. The usual white shirt is unbuttoned more than usual, exposing his collarbones and little bit of buffed out chest. Even the black tie is loosened up, but still wrapped around his neck.
“With no notice? You can’t just storm out and go home, Hoseok.” you scold him, growing even more irritated when he smiles. He fucking smiles without even looking at you, fingers framing the rim of the glass.
“My deepest apologies.” he says, snorting right after as he finds it rather amusing.
It makes your blood boil all over again, wondering what the hell happened to him to act this way. He never had the audacity to storm out of his work, disrespecting you like this.
“You’re acting like an asshole, you know that?” you snap, narrowing your eyes at him as he finally looks at you, and frowns. “You disrespected me by leaving. Everyone noticed you were gone while I had to clean up the mess you caused. So don’t you dare being sarcastic and making fun of this situation because God help me, I’ll--“
“You’ll what? Fire me?” he cuts you off, raising his voice as he abruptly stands up. It takes him two steps to be standing in front of you, giving you a perfect opportunity to see his dark and angered eyes. “Do it. I dare you.” he says lowly, causing your mouth to hang open before he suddenly turns around and leaves the room.
You shiver, not expecting him to act this way. You surely knew he’d be angry, but you weren’t expecting him being like this. And it angers you even more.
So you follow him to the bathroom, glaring at him as he starts taking off his clothes, one piece after piece, letting you watch him until he’s fully naked. He’s turned with his back to you, and you don’t let your eyes drop to his ass, knowing you’d be distracted. He steps into the shower, turning it on while not glancing back at you, not even once. Walking closer, you lean against the shower door he didn’t close, and let out a deep sigh.
“I’m your boss, Hoseok. You can’t disrespect me like this because we--“ another sigh coming out of you, “If this wasn’t happening between us, you wouldn’t dare to do what you did today. I’m not talking about opening your mouth at Choi, but the fact you left without saying anything. And you didn’t even listen to me when I asked you to apologize. You don’t respect me as your boss, this is what I feared when we--“
“Well, you’re my girlfriend before you’re my boss.” he remarks, voice echoing and blending with the water hitting the tiles and his body.
“But I’m your boss when we’re working.” you remark back, knowing he knows you’re right.
You both settled on it, swearing you won’t be messing around when you’re working. No hidden touches, kisses or stares, so no one could tell that the two of you’ve been dating for months.
He ignores you, washing his body with one of his shower gels, one of your own sitting right next to his. Looking at your nails, you’re trying to kill some time since he’s successfully ignoring you and for a moment, you think about joining him. But as soon as you get the idea, he stops the water and steps out of the shower. Droplets of water trickles down his naked body, but it’s soon hidden from your eyes as he reaches for one of the towels and starts drying his body.
“So, you’re just gonna ignore me. Is that it?” you press, groaning when he turns his back to you and drops the towel carelessly onto the floor.
In other times, you’d scold him for doing it when the towel is wet and needs to get dry before it starts to stink of mildew.
Hoseok ignores you once again, making his way into his bedroom as he rummages through his clothes. Deciding you’ve had enough, just as he’s about to pull out one of his shirts, you smack the cabinet shut. He clenches his jaw, glaring at you but you only cross arms over your chest and raise a brow at you.
“I’m talking to you.” you point out, leaning against his dresser so he can’t open it again. You don’t care that he’s naked.
“I’m aware.” he grits through his clenched teeth, annoyed by your interruption and obvious scolding that you’re planning.
He doesn’t need this. He’s not a kid who needs to be scolded over something he’d do thousands of times to protect you. Maybe it’s not that serious to you, you’ve always worked hard and he knows how this deal means to you. But he won’t let it slide when he’s in the room, seeing thirteen years older man disgustingly eyeing you. Fuck, he wishes he’d punch his face right there.
“Y’know what? If you’re gonna act like this, they you should take a break. I’ll tell Kim that you’re sick or something. Get your act together or I’m gonna fire you, for real.” you spit, tired of this conversation and his attitude since it’s not going anywhere.
You’re just wasting your time here, knowing he won’t budge. Appearing strong right now, you know as soon as you’ll get home you’ll most likely open the bottle of wine while you’ll drink away your sorrow and anger at the same time. You’re both stubborn, but you can admit if you’re wrong. But you’re not this time, you’ve got your opinion on this and Hoseok has his own. There’s no other way how to solve this without fighting and you really don’t want that. As much as Hoseok pissed you off and his attitude was wrong, especially the way he treats you right now, you know once the both of you will cool down, everything’s going to be back to normal. It might take a few days, maybe even weeks, but you’d rather not think about that right now.
You don’t wait for his reaction, one look at his face and you might regret your words. You know you’re tough, but it’s your job to be his and other forty employees under you, their boss.
However, it seems like Hoseok doesn’t agree with you and he won’t let you get away, not when he sees the anger. He might be stubborn, but the last thing he wants for you to be upset over his attitude. Which doesn’t make any sense because he’d still do the same thing with Choi, maybe even punch his face this time. But it’s his anger and stubbornness that makes him want to ignore you and not to listen to your endless scolding.
So, he grabs your forearm and stops you before you can take another step from him. His grip isn’t tight or painful, just enough to keep you in place in case you’d walk away again. He stares at you, dark orbs dancing across your face and you wonder what is he thinking, judging the darkened look in his eyes.
“Don’t you dare to walk away from me.” Is all he says, although he sounds less angry than before and more worried by you leaving him.
“What, like you did to me?” you scoff, eyes daring him to act. And he does.
Quickly, he grabs your cheeks causing your lips to pucker as he keeps staring into your eyes. “That smart and bratty mouth of yours will get you into trouble one day.” he growls, eyes dropping to your lips before they’re back on your eyes.
Your body shivers as lust evokes inside of you, lightening out of nowhere at the sight of him manhandling you. Dating him for a few months, nine months to be exact, you know he’d never grabbed you out of nowhere, out of pure anger. He never touched you that way, never hurt you and was rough without your contest. And you know he’s getting turned on by your and his anger as well. He lets you go, your cheeks slightly hurting but you love it. He sees the way your eyes mimic his, darkening a familiar shade of dark while they sparkle with interest and lust.
“Well, that smart and bratty mouth got you out of trouble today.” you point out smartly, knowing it’ll provoke him even more.
The double meaning behind your words make him groan, even though he knows you’d never do what he just thought about. Just the image of you using your mouth the way he wants you to right now, is driving him insane and burns with jealousy. He’s angry. Angry because he can’t shout in front of his colleagues that you’re his. He can’t scream at Namjoon for making comments about how beautiful you look, or him saying that they’ve the hottest boss. Even when he agrees with him, because you’re the most beautiful and hottest woman he's ever laid his eyes on, he doesn’t like hearing other man saying it. Certainly, if Namjoon knew he’d never speak about you like that, even though he never said something disrespectful. Namjoon is a nice guy who can appreciate beautiful women, it just sucks you’re one of them.
Hoseok growls, growing tired of how you’re testing him and the cocky little smirk you’re trying to hide from him when you got the reaction you wanted. He grabs you by the back of your neck, pushing your body in the direction of his bed. As soon as the back of your knees meet the edge of his mattress, you stumble and you’re ready to fall down onto his bed, he still holds you tighter by the back of your neck while your arms instinctively grab his forearms.
“Turn around,” he orders, voice loud and clear as you gulp in response.
And you listen, scolding yourself for doing it so easily, but it’s too late for that. You’re turning around, eyes met with the grey wall instead while you feel his hands on the zipper of your pencil dress. Your whole body jerks when he opens it furiously, almost ripping the expensive material before your back is exposed to him. He hums, most probably at your white lingerie that he hasn’t seen yet. Let’s say, you had other plans tonight and different image of celebrating a successful deal. It involved Hoseok and nice dinner at one of his favorite restaurants.
His hand touches your back, the nails slowly grazing your skin as he presses into your skin, making you whimper. You can feel yourself getting wet by each second and move he makes. It’s incredible how responsive you’re to him, one of his favorite things about you, like he told you before. The low amused chuckle is the prove of it, and you think he’s going to be painfully slow with you, making sure you feel the frustration he felt. Surprisingly, he doesn’t waste time and pulls down your dress harshly, causing you to stumble but his strong arms and body that’s behind you, steadies you. And you smile at that. No matter how angry or dominant he appears to be, he’s always having your back.
But the smile doesn’t last long when he turns around and you’re met with his angry eyes again. The flames in them makes your stomach bubble with anticipation and you feel your juices flooding past your folds, wetting your underwear. With one single poke to your shoulders, he’s sending you to his mattress as he watches you yelp in shock, laying in front of him. He stares at you, eyeing the lacy bralette that you’re wearing matching your white panties that wraps around your curves. Fuck, it’s almost sheer and if he tried harder, he could probably see your pussy. He almost wants to ask if that’s a new lingerie, but he knows the answer to that anyway.
“Sit up,” he orders you, looking down at you like you’re the dirtiest person he ever looked at.
It should hurt your confidence, but it doesn’t. It makes you filthy and you love it. And you listen to him, slowly sitting up as you keep looking up at him. He’s so close to you, you can feel the warmth coming out of his body and the delicious smell of his shower gel makes you dizzy. He knows you love the manly smell he always holds. You let your eyes drop down, knowing very well what’s in front of you, and you almost salivate at the sight of his length. He’s not fully hard yet, but he’s getting there.
“You know what to do.” Is all he says, head nodding towards his big cock. It’s not the biggest in the world, but just the right size to make you whimper anytime he enters you. He’s definitely bigger than average and you almost choke at the simple thought of having him in your mouth.
There were so many times that you wish you could taste him in your office, locking your door just in case, but you kept those thoughts to yourself. You know it never ends well whenever someone starts fucking around. It’d be just a matter of time before someone caught onto your hidden relationship. You’re not protecting just yourself, but Hoseok as well. As much as he wanted to be vocal about the two of you, you won’t let him get into trouble because of it. You’re aware that he’s more than willing to do so, but you can’t let him ruin a good job. It’d take him months to find something even remotely good like his current job is. He’d never get paid so well, like he’s getting right now.
Your mouth curls into the slyest smirk, and your eyes flicker up to his before you say; “Do you?”
He groans grabbing the back of your head as he pulls you closer, dangerously close to his hardening length while you dryly swallow. “Don’t test me, love.” he warns you, your insides bubbling with excitement.
So, you don’t test him. For now. 
Grabbing his length, you ignore the way your core clenches at the feeling of his velvety hardening skin, you earn a soft groan from him in response. You give it a few tugs before you spit into your hand, coating it with your saliva before you cover his length in it. You don’t look at him, but you can feel his burning gaze as he watches you doing something so dirty. No one would guessed that the firm and stern young boss could be so filthy, yet innocent and obedient. Pumping him, you let your thumb slide over his tip every now and then, knowing how much he loves when you do that. You’re stopped when he grabs his dick, the other hand tilting your chin as he caresses your bottom lip. He traces it with his thumb, appreciating the soft and plump flesh before he brings your head even closer to him. He’s harsh, yet caresses your head in silent praise. In seconds, you feel his tip against your lips and the precum that’s drooling out of his tip.
“Put it in your mouth,” he orders. If he notices your mouth salivating, he doesn’t mock you for it and you swallow, before taking him into your mouth.
Your mouth stretches around his head, savoring the taste of him causing you to moan. You can hear the low chuckle coming from the back of his throat, but you’re not embarrassed about it. You know he loves it. You suck his head, twirling your tongue around it before you pull out to swallow just for you to dive back, taking more of him. With each pump and suck you make, you barely hear any sounds coming from him, but that’s just how it is when it comes to Hoseok. He’s really strong when it comes to being vocal in bed and whenever you get the littlest moan or groan, you get all proud of yourself for making him do that.
“Not so smart anymore, huh?” he mocks you, causing your eyes to flick up as you glare at him. But the sight only makes him amused, his cock in your mouth while you’re trying to give him the biggest glare.
So fucking cute, he thinks before he stops you from sucking him. “Now be a good girl and take it.” he tells you, tilting your head slightly up as he instructs you to open your mouth.
Your core clenches, knowing very well what’s about to happen. You hold your breath, hearing your heart beating in your eardrums so loud that you can barely hear the littlest sighs he gives you, while he nestles his hardened length in your mouth. When he’s all in, you try your hardest not to choke at the feeling of him being in your throat. Automatically, you wrap your mouth around him before he sets a quick pace, not waiting for you to adjust some more. With each thrust he delivers to your throat, it makes you shut your eyes while you press your thighs together. His balls smack against your chin, the sound is so forbidden and dirty that it makes you clench around nothing. Oh fuck, you wish you could feel some relief.
Saliva coats your mouth, drooling down his length and balls while he fucks your throat. He delivers a brutal and further thrust, causing you to choke while you’re trying to pull away from him. But he’s not having it, not allowing you to rest as he keeps fucking your throat. Your nails dig into his naked thighs, letting him do whatever he wants. He’s close, you can feel him throbbing in your mouth and it’d take him a few more minutes before he’d cum down your throat. And you wonder if he’ll do that, using you to make himself cum and then leaving you high and dry. But he has never done that. No matter how brutal and dominant he seems, he really puts your pleasure first and even if he didn’t notice your clenched thighs, he wouldn’t allow himself to do this. It’s not the first time he’s fucking your throat, but it doesn’t happen as often as someone would think.
He pulls away, watching saliva connecting his cock and your mouth before you wipe it away with the back of your hand, with chest heaving for some air. He doesn’t let you rest for a minute, grabbing your cheeks once again as he puckers your lips. “You might be my boss in the company, but don’t forget who’s the boss behind these door.” he says lowly, making sure his every word is audible and clear.
He lets you go, your tongue instantly wetting your lips and you can’t take your eyes off him. He’s so fucking beautiful, even when he has those flames in his eyes and the firm line between his eyebrows as he glares at you.
“Lay down,” he barks suddenly, your body jerking at the sudden command and his eyes soften for a solid second, before he glares at you again.
Laying down slowly, he almost whines at the sight of you being so delicate with every move you make. You’re not jumping straight into action, showing him how much you want to feel his hands on you or anything he can give you, you’re careful and slow like a little lamb. He almost wants to laugh at his thoughts, but it’s enough to make his length twitch as he takes your lingerie into sight. Your legs are bent at the edge of bed, spreaded by Hoseok’s arms before he kneels in front of you.
He starts prepping kisses from your calves up to your knees, paying attention to your left leg as he doesn’t take his eyes off you. He’s making sure you see him, and his dark brown eyes that glare at you despite of his soft and delicate touch. That’s until he comes up to your inner thigh, biting the soft flesh making you whimper. He’s punishing you for today, from letting Choi kiss your cheek and watch something that’s his, to threatening to fire him. You know he won’t let that slide so easily, but you love every second of what he’s doing right now.
He slowly moves up, head right between your legs, you can feel his breath fanning your covered heat where you anticipate his touch the most. But that wouldn’t be fun, no. That would be too easy, to just give you pleasure you’re searching and waiting for. He hovers over you like a snake, watching you like you’re his prey before his mouth hovers over yours. The need to kiss him, feel those soft pillows of his in the shape of heart, is so strong that you automatically lift your head to meet them. But he dodges your attempt to kiss him by simply lifting his head more. Whining, he stares at you with neutral eyes, almost as if he’s saying ‘this is your fault’. His mouth ghosts over your neck, licking the skin before he moves to your chest. He adores the soft white lace that contrasts with your skin tone, making you look like an angel. Too bad that you’re the complete opposite. Hooking his fingers under the white material, he tugs it down all quick and harsh, causing you to yelp as the material scratches against your skin. He frees your breast, smirking when your nipple is already puckered and screaming for attention. He does the same thing with the other, letting your bralette rest underneath your breasts without taking it off. First, he starts licking the bud, twirling his tongue over it until it reddens. When he’s satisfied with how it looks, especially when he sees you curving your back to meet his lips even more, he does the same thing with the other breast.
He’s about to ruin you. You know that, his mouth is painfully slow and intense, he knows how impatient you’re getting when your pelvic bone meets his firm stomach. He holds your hips down, sending you another set of glare almost as if he’s warning you. All you can do is enjoy that and be thankful for everything he’s offering you. And you do, you let him lick and suck your nipples until they’re sensitive, not paying attention of him being so dangerously slow. When he sees that, seeing how you’re enjoying yourself instead of whining and arching your back for him, he grows frustrated. When you least expect it, he bites onto your nipple while he pinches the other between his fingers, causing you to yelp.
He pulls away, letting go off your nipples with a loud smack of his mouth before he sends you a glare. “Stop enjoying yourself. This is supposed to be a punishment.” he slaps your breast, causing you to yelp again before you giggle.
Fuck, the sound of your giggle makes him go all soft and when he sees you smiling at him from such submissive position, he wants nothing but to kiss you.
He raises his brow, diving his head to the other breast to do the same thing and you quickly protest, but he’s quicker and already biting the nipple. You cry out from the pain, but it goes away quickly and you’re left with euphoric feeling of lust. He sees you breathing in and out, savoring the feeling from what had just happened before he goes back to his knees. He stretches your legs apart even more, bending them at the edge of his bed as he takes a good sniff of your arousal. You know he can smell it, fuck if you just sat down you could probably smell yourself as well. He flickers his eyes to yours, and they say it all. He knows. The corner of his mouth twitches but he doesn’t allow himself to break his current state, and he presses his face between your legs instead. His nose pokes your clit, causing you to bite your lip as he licks you through the fabric. Moaning, you arch your back all over again, too eager to feel his mouth on you. Deep down, you know he’s not going to give in so easily. Maybe eventually, but nothing’s easy when it comes to Hoseok.
“Please,” you whimper pathetically, toes curling in a desperation.
“Hm, not so bossy anymore, huh?” He has the audacity to mock you, even laughing at you while you’re close to loosing it all.
“Jung.” you bark at him, using that one nickname he hates whenever it leaves your mouth. It’s just a reminder of work and your situation, knowing you call him that in work.
And he doesn’t like it, no he hates it and decides to deliver you a proper slap to your left thigh as you gasp at him. You could’ve guessed this was about to happen, but your mind is clouded with no one else than Jung Hoseok.
“Okay, Daddy.” you joke, knowing he hates that too and when he sees you cackling at him, he growls and gives you another slap. This one is much more intense and it makes you shut up right away.
It started as a simple conversation over red wine including sex talk, which slowly lead to a inside joke. Hoseok’s face that was scrunched in a weird grimace when the whole ‘Daddy’ kink came up is still clear in your mind, and you like to tease him about it from time to time. Maybe, right now isn’t the right time to do that, but you couldn’t help it. You’re a little minx, you like teasing him when he’s so worked up. You love getting on his nerves because you can, because he allows you until he punishes you for it.
You shiver when you feel his hands tracing the hem of your panties, humming softly to himself before he tears it off you. By that, you mean literally ripping the fabric, until two pieces of clothing ends up in his hands and he grins at you in a pure triumph. All you see is red, not believing what he just did.
“Hoseok!” you exclaim, plopping yourself onto elbows to scowl at him. “Those were new and expensive!”
It’s cliché, but it’s true. They really were on the more expensive side, and if it weren’t for your boyfriend and his love for seeing you wearing lingerie, you wouldn’t buy it. You’d probably stick to your H&M ones without doubt, not caring if your bra and panties match.
“That’s what you get by acting like a brat,” he says simply, shrugging his shoulders like it’s no big deal. “Now shut up if you want me to taste you.”
Pursing your lips, you really want to talk back at him and give him a piece of your mind for ruining such an expensive lingerie that was meant for his eyes, not for him to rip it in seconds. But you just want to feel his mouth against your heat, where you need him the most, so you decide to shut up for now. He rewards you, kissing your clit before gives it a little nibble causing you to hiss, both in pain and pleasure.
“Oh, fuck.” you moan out, head thrown back as you arch for him. Grinding against his mouth, he slaps the top of your thigh with a disapproving hum causing you to whine. As long as you want him to keep going, you need to keep your mouth shut just like he asked.
Leaning slightly back, he stares at your heat and you watch his eyes darken at the current state of your pink pussy. He sees the juices glistening your lower lips as it tricks out of your tight hole down your ass. Biting his lower lip, he releases it as he parts your folds and stares at you with hungered eyes. Automatically, it makes you clench and he sees it right away, noticing your need. He lets go, making himself more comfortable before he finally fulfills your wish and licks a long stripe, catching your arousal onto his tongue. He swallows it, tasting it on his buds as he lets out an appreciative groan. Deciding he’s not having enough, he goes back to licking you but this time makes sure he sucks your clit every now and then. Your whole body shivers and as soon as he enters his tongue into your tight hole, you’re a moaning mess. He makes you see stars, which is nothing new but still feels like it, you could never get enough of this man. With tongue inside of you and thumb circling your clit, you feel yourself so close to cumming. When your hand goes into Hoseok’s brown locks and tugs onto his roots, he knows it’s just a matter of time before you let go. And he wants to feel you tightening around him, clenching repeatedly as cum gushes out of you and he can taste you some more.
Too bad you were acting like a bitch today.
Of course, he knows where you were coming from and realizes how important your job is to you. Mostly, he’s angry and irritated by the fact he can’t hold your hands or kiss you in front of his colleagues, even though it’d be inappropriate in a place work. But he’s not going to lie, he was quite surprised by you threatening to fire him. He knows you wouldn’t do that, you want him to have this job and that’s why you insist on keeping your relationship a secret. And he agrees, because it means Kim would fire the both of you or he’d change your position but not for the better, obviously. And you’ve worked so hard to get where you’re right now, he wouldn’t allow it. And he knows keeping you as a secret is the most intelligent thing to do.
Just as your toes curl and right leg starts to shake, he knows you’re about to cum in seconds and just as he feels you tightening around his muscle, he pulls away with a smirk. You whine, looking at him with a question in your eyes. But once you see the familiar smirk of cockiness decorating his glowing face, you know he did it on purpose.
That fucker.
He stands up, length slapping against his stomach before he turns you around with his strong arms. You giggle, but it dies down when he puts you on all four and slaps your ass. It jiggles from the slap and goes to grab his length as he gives himself a few pumps.
Before you can look back, wondering what he’s doing, he’s already diving back and eating you out again. With your forehead pressed against the mattress, you gasp a soft moans into his sheets that smell like him. Fuck, your clit is already so sensitive and the orgasm that’s approaching is so freaking close. It makes you clench the sheets between your hands as you grind against his mouth, whimpering his name over and over again.
“I’m cumming,” you whine, tears pricking your eyes but before you can finally get the last push you need to let go, he’s pulling away again. “No!” you whimper, sobbing into his sheets.
You feel him hovering over you, his naked chest pressed against your back while his hardened cock brushes against your ass, his mouth hovers over your ear. He doesn’t touch you, nor kisses you into the hair like he usually does. He’s punishing you probably more than he thinks he does. All you can feel is his hot breath fanning one side of your face.
“Frustrating, isn’t it?” he chuckles, not waiting for any response before he’s pulling himself off you just to go back.
However, this time he caresses your ass before he takes off your bralette. Luckily, he doesn’t rip it like he did to your panties and throws it somewhere on the floor. He spreads your ass cheeks, thumb grazing your puckered hole as you flinch.
“Hush,” he shushes you, licking your puckered hole that makes you gasp in utter shock. It feels so fucking good, his tongue circling your puckered hole is enough to make you clench around nothing. “What do you want, boss?” he asks, mockingly saying the little nickname with a little venom in his voice.
And you want to talk back, mocking him back by saying; “Aren’t you the boss right now?”
But you don’t.
“Your fingers.”
“My fingers?” he laughs while saying it, shaking his head that you can’t see right now. “Aren’t you little greedy?”
“Please, Hobi. I need you, I’m sorry.” you almost sob, voice cracking and for a moment, you feel him tense behind you. He wonders if he crossed any lines because he never heard you sob in bed. No matter how brutal and dominant he was, you never were in this state. But then he sees your tight hole clenching and unclenching and he audibly sighs in relief.
“But are you really?” he decides do ask, his voice shifting while you nod furiously.
“Yes. I’m sorry.” you whine, wiggling your ass in the air that makes him chuckle.
“So needy,” he comments and before you can curse at him, he licks your puckered hole again but this time enters your pussy with two fingers.
You gasp, not expecting that while your walls stretch around his two digits. He sets the pace slow this time, and you like to think he’s done it to let you adjust to the sudden stretch. The feeling of his fingers is indescribable, they brush against your sensitive walls so deliciously that you almost cry out loud. However, the slow and intense pace he set doesn’t stay for too long and he starts to pull out just to slam his fingers right back, into the wetness and warmth of your clenched walls. With tongue still circling around your ass, the combination of both — his fingers and tongue — drives you insane. Your legs tremble and you feel like you could burst any second. Praying he’d let you finish is all you can hope for, but as if he could read your mind, he stops when your moans intensify in the form of approaching orgasm.
“I can’t,” you whimper, laying down on your back while he lets you. Two dark orbs stare at you with curiosity and maybe hidden worry, at the sight of your disheveled hair and naked trembling body. “Why are you so mean?” you ask him, pouting at him and his attempt of edging you.
“Am I the one who’s mean?” he asks back, raising a brow at you while he hovers over you. His hot breath fans your face and you close your eyes, knowing he wouldn’t kiss you even if you tried to. “Open your eyes, love.” he tells you softly, causing you to do what he asked.
His eyes dance all over your face, primarily focusing on your eyes, although you see the sudden drop at your lips. Almost as if he shook himself out of the little trance, he looks back at you with softness.
“That’s how you made me feel today,” he informs you, hand reaching for your cheek before he gives it a few strokes. “You drive me crazy, so fucking crazy that all I could think about it bending you over that huge desk of yours and fuck you. Fuck you, so Choi could hear your moans, but most importantly, It’d be my name he hears.”
Your body shivers, his chest brushing against your perked nipples and if you weren’t so aroused, you’d probably feel embarrassed by your current vulnerability. However, you know there’s no need to ever feel embarrassed, not in front of Hoseok at least. He always made sure of that.
Maybe it’s the visual thought of what he just told you that makes your inside clench with fire, the one only Hoseok can light up. The fantasy is forbidden and a huge no for the both of you, but that’s what it has to be. Fantasy. You know it makes Hoseok annoyed as well, not that he doesn’t get to fuck you over your work desk. This is not a movie and people often get caught in reality doing that. It’s a work place, not a place to have dirty office sex. What makes him so annoyed that you’ve to keep your relationship hidden, even though you both know it’s the best option.
“He won’t be a problem anymore,” you speak, voice light and gentle despite of your current positions. You can feel his hard length pressed against your stomach and even if it sets another flame inside of you, you stay still.
Hoseok frowns in confusion, wondering what do you mean by that. Smiling up at him, you open your mouth before he’s going to wake up with couple of wrinkles from all that frowning.
“He kept his distance and barely looked me in the eye. No matter how unprofessional of you was saying such thing straight into his face, it worked.” You don’t fail to give him that look of a raised brow, which he returns with another glare.
Your hands slowly move to his back, finally touching his hot and soft skin while he doesn’t even budge. He watches you, letting you caressing his exposed back and no matter what he’s thinking right now, you keep being quiet. He leans down, lips pressing against your neck before he moves to the spot between your shoulder and neck. You don’t think much about it, appreciating how his lips feel on your neck, even though you’d rather feel them pressed against yours. Considering what he just did to your butt hole, you’re not so sure of that anymore. What you don’t expect, is the sharp pain that pierces to your skin and it lets you gasp into the air. He fucking bit you.
Not hard enough to actually tear the delicate and thin layer of your skin, but just enough to make it hurt. It’s long forgotten when your body shivers with lust, reminding you of your intimate position.
“Mine,” he murmurs against your skin before he gives it a few smooches. “I won’t let anyone have you.”
His words are not possessive, you know Hoseok isn’t like that. Yes, he gets jealous and you’re sure it has to do something with your secret relationship between boss and employee. But his words are nothing but gentle and loving. He knows you’re not his property or anything close to it. But he likes to think you’re it for him. Nine months of secret dates that escalated to dates and having sex almost every night, which ended with the two of you dating. It still feels fresh, yet it’s familiar and it’s everything you could’ve ever dreamt of.
“Good,” you murmur, hugging him closer to you and caging his body with your legs. “I don’t want anyone else.”
He smiles, you feel those heart shapes lips stretch against your skin and it’s enough to make you do the same thing. His hands goes down between your bodies as he adjust himself, before you feel his tip against your entrance. He looks at you, recognizing that lower lip biting and sparkles in your eyes as a green light and when you urge him with your heels digging into his lower back, he chuckles and slowly enters you. Both moaning, your foreheads meet while he starts to fill you up with his incredibly hard and amazing length. When he bottoms out, you gasp at the stretch mixed with pleasure and pain, and you curve your back for him. Giving you a few seconds to adjust, he slowly pulls out before he thrusts in with much more strength and intensity. He pulls away, his length still nestled inside of you, before he pushes your legs against your chest. The new position causes him to get even deeper and you gasp at the new feeling. He smirks before he sets a brutal pace and starts fucking you, your head spinning at the pleasure he’s able to give you. What seemed like a romantic and loving moment is turned into another dominant fucking ass bomb sex. You can feel your arousal prickling down your ass, staining his nice smelling sheets and you feel almost sorry that he’ll have to wash them as soon as you’re done.
Your orgasm was denied so much that you can barely take him, the animalistic pace makes you see stars and your walls clench so tightly around him that you can feel every little vein on his cock. With a few brushed against your sensitive spot and him hitting all the right places that makes it feel like he’s in your stomach, you’re cumming without notice. Repeatedly clenching and unclenching around him, your whole body shudders as he groans at the tight feeling. When you’re done, he stops and slowly pulls out, letting your legs drop and rest.
“Did you just cum?” he asks, eyes widened in bewilderment like he hasn’t been edging you for hours. Okay, maybe it hasn’t been hours, but it surely felt like it.
Rolling your eyes at him, you’re met with a single raise of his brow that makes you sigh. “Of course, I did. I was about to cum for the last twenty minutes and maybe I’d cum sooner if it weren’t for the little stunt you pulled.” you remark sassily, not noticing the fact he’s still hard and nowhere done with you.
All you can focus on is your own breathing and the way your body finally relaxed. And your mind might be clouded with a little annoyed towards him for stopping your orgasm before it could even happen. You wish you’d pay more attention to your surroundings and none other than Hoseok, because the sudden twitch of his eyebrow means nothing but danger. In one swift movement your whole body is turned around, stomach hitting the mattress as you yelp in surprise.
“What the hell--“
“Quiet,” Slap.
Your ass aches from the sudden slap, your mouth falling open as you gasp in shock.
“You think we’re done?” he growls, grabbing the sides of your ass before he’s pulling you up. With your ass in the air, he delivers another slap to your other cheek with the same sting.
“I can’t--Hobi--“
“Don’t Hobi me,” he barks, spanking you again making you cry out. “I think you forgot something, Y/N.”
You shiver at the sound of your name leaving his lips. Looking back at him and finding him just behind you, he leans down once again while he licks his lower lips.
“I’m the boss here.” he smirks and before you can even open your mouth, he’s slapping you again.
Throwing your head back into the mattress you gasp, feeling him stroking the red and sensitive flesh. You almost purr at his hands caressing your ass in soft circles. Maybe he’s done it to help ease the pain, or maybe it’s just the part of distraction before he enters you in all go. Your sensitive walls clench around him, your whole core burning with overstimulation but you don’t stop him. You let him enter you by relaxing your muscles and taking him in. Your muscles ache from tiredness but you don’t let that stop you. The overstimulation is uncomfortable, leaving you whimpering into Hoseok’s sheets with sweat dripping down your back. You’re sure your hair must be coated in sweat, but that’s the least of your worries right now. There’s no space to focus on anything else, other than Hoseok’s length driving in and out of you with no mercy. His hands are settled on your hips, making sure you don’t loose balance that your weak knees barely have. He grips you tightly, almost like he fears you’re going to leave. Soon enough, the shots of pleasure shoots right into your core and the low whimpering turns into moaning Hoseok’s name over and over again.
“You’re wonderful,” he groans behind you, letting his voice mix with the sound of your and his skin meeting each other and your moans. The praise makes you proud and confident, pursing your ass at him how much you can. “So fucking stubborn,” he growls, slapping your ass with his right hand while the other one stays clasped around your hip. “But I love you so fucking much.” he almost whimpers, like it’s the dirtiest secret he has ever told.
“I love you.” you gasp into the sheets, your sensitive walls pulsating around him while his length starts to throb inside you. He’s close.
“Maybe I should fuck a baby into you, so Choi and everyone else would know you're mine.” he growls, your heart almost jumping out of your chest from his words. He has never said something like that, it's the first time you hear him saying something about baby and you in the same sentence. But the image of you carrying his child makes you shiver with excitement.
“Yes!” you gasp, not believing you'd just be absolutely fine with it if it happened. Which shouldn't and you both rely on the birth control you're taking every day. But still, the thought of Hoseok fucking baby into you is explicit and absolutely incredible.
His hand slowly wraps around your neck, leaving your breath hitching as he gives you a few testing squeezes. Once he hears you letting out a low moan, he knows you’re okay with it. While he focuses on his thrusts, picking up his pace, he squeezes your neck as cuts some of the oxygen. Your eyes roll back, jolts of pleasure shooting straight through you. The second time of tonight, you’re cumming around him with a huge gasp and moan. This orgasm isn’t as long as the first one was, but it’s much more intense.
A few seconds later, Hoseok’s thrusts halt and his length starts twitching before he’s cumming inside of you, letting himself plugged around your walls while he coats them. It's warm and the feeling of his cum inside of you makes you feel so full. He gives couple of lazy thrusts before he’s pulling his and your body down to bed. He pulls you closer, his chest pressed against your back while he pulls out. Feeling his cum dropping down, you both don’t care about the possibility of making even more mess. How can you care when he kisses your temple and cuddles to you even more.
You’re both sweaty, and you both stink of sweat and sex, but none of you move. Staying like this for a few minutes in a complete silence with Hoseok’s occasional kisses to your cheek and shoulder, he hums in appreciate as he cuddles to you even more. He’s crushing you with his strong hold against your delicate body, but you don’t tell him anything.
“Fire me.” he says, causing you to tense around his arms immediately.
What the hell is he talking about?
“What?” you chuckle, getting out of his hold to turn around and face him. At first, you think he must be joking. But when you see his face and how serious he looks, you know it’s not just another one of his jokes.
“I’m serious,” he tells you, “Fire me.”
“Hobi, I was joking.” you clarify, fearing he took your words way too seriously. Yes, you were angry but both of you knew you were just bluffing and speaking out of anger. You’d never fire him.
“I know you were, love,” he assures you, placing another sweet kiss to your forehead. He takes your hand, fidgeting with your fingers while you stare at him with doe and big eyes. “But I don’t want us to be a secret anymore. I know that’s what we settled on because our job, but if that’s what keeps me away from kissing you or at least talking to you about your day without suspiciously looking over my back, I don’t want it. I don’t want that.”
Hoseok’s words and voice are sincere and honest, not sad like you’d guessed if he ever talked about something like this.
“But you love your job.” you point out, not being able to imagine Hoseok doing something different. Even if it was a similar job, he belongs to Kim Enterprise.
“But I love you more.” he argues immediately, pulling your hand to his mouth as he kisses your knuckles.
“I won’t fire you. Ever.” you tell him sternly, not liking the idea. You know where he’s coming from, but you won’t allow him to drop his job because of you.
“Then I’ll leave. I’ll see Kim on Monday.”
“Hoseok, no!” you exclaim, sitting up as his hands slide off you by your sudden movements. He sighs, turning himself on his back while he stares at the ceiling and lets out the deepest sigh. “I won’t let you do that. We’ll figure out something. I’ll talk to Kim and tell him what happened--“
“No, he’ll fire you or drop you out of your position.” he disagrees right away.
But you can’t seem to be angry, not when he stares at you with those soft brown eyes full of adoration and love.
“Look at us,” you chuckle, his brows shooting up. “We’re both willing to make some sacrifices but won’t let the other do the same thing.”
At that, he lets out a small chuckle but he gives you a soft smile. “Yeah, is that how love feels like?” he asks with a little laugh.
“I’m not sure, but it could definitely be described like it,” you laugh, shaking your head at your conversation. “But don’t worry. I’ll tell him we love each other and no matter how he’s going to react, we’ll figure it out.” you tell him, reaching for his hair as you brush your fingers through it.
“Are you sure?” he asks softly, doubt laced in his voice and eyes.
“Of course,” you tell him, “I love you. I think it’s time to stop hiding. It was unprofessional of us to get together. I don’t think it’d matter that much if we were colleagues. But since I’m your boss, people might think I went easy on you or something. And I’m ready for those kind of words.” you shrug.
People in the company will talk, it’s going to be one of the biggest gossips and you won’t avoid weird stares of curiosity and disapproval. But you don’t care. Hoseok is worth it.
“I know that, that’s why I’m scared for you to do this.” Hoseok admits.
“Don’t worry about that. I’m a big girl, I’ll manage.”
“I know that too, I just don’t want anyone to hurt you.” he says.
“They won’t hurt me.” you assure him, heart swelling at his thoughtfulness.
“That’s how it is for me, y’know, I love you and I’m willing to do anything to stop hiding. You’re the it for me, Y/N. It’s quite scary because I’ve never felt about anyone this way. But I can imagine you being mine, like properly mine. I can see us living together and getting married, fuck, I can imagine us having kids.” he gasps at his own words, realization setting on his face while you laugh at his expression.
His words filling your heart with more love and adoration. “We’ve known each other for nine months and here you are, mentioning marriage and kids.” you joke, watching him as he sits down.
“We’ve known each other for two years. We’ve been dating for nine months.” he corrects you, almost sounds as if he’s scolding you for not saying the correct time and that makes you laugh again.
“Oh, I’m sorry, Mr. Jung. I meant two years.” you roll your eyes, leaning to him to finally kiss him but he dodges your kiss and pulls away.
Frowning, he chuckles at you and pokes your nose. “I’ve licked your asshole. Do you really want me to kiss you?” he asks, snorting when he sees your horrific expression.
“Way to ruin the moment.” you murmur, causing him to laugh as he stands up. He starts to stretching his muscles, moaning at the feeling as he reaches for his clothes.
“I’m gonna run us a bath, you good?” he asks, eyes flickering between your legs and the mess there.
“Bath sounds good and yeah, I’ll manage.” you smile.
“You need help?” he asks you, not bothering to put on his clothes but he still picks up your own.
“No, thanks. But you could help me by brushing your teeth and then kiss me. I missed your kisses today.” you pout, causing him to laugh but he has that look of proudness.
“Oh, poor baby. I’ll do that. You should get that pretty ass out of bed and join me in a few minutes.” he tells you, sending you a kiss when you nod.
Watching his naked perky ass, he walks out of the bedroom and goes to run the bath for the both of you. A few seconds later and you hear him turning on the water while you’re still sitting on his bed, and ruined sheets, with an idiotic smile adoring your lips.
If it weren’t for Hoseok’s big mouth and Choi’s inappropriate staring, you wouldn’t probably talk about your relationship going public. At least not anytime soon. You knew you’d eventually, and as much as you knew how much Hoseok loves you, you weren’t just sure if you’re at that stage. It turns out you are and you couldn’t be happier. So not wasting any more time, you stand up with a wobbly legs and ache between them. You join your boyfriend, finding him standing naked in front of the sink while spitting out water, smirking at you before he finally kisses you.
Fuck, you’re so whipped for this man. You might be his boss, maybe not for long, but he’s definitely the boss when it comes to your sex life. And your heart.
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twst-campos13 · 4 years
UwU welcome to the twst writing fandom~ Aha finally a blog that can write for male! mc,I haven't seen them for a while nor there are a lot of~ Can i request hc with the first years with a male crush reader~? Hope that you'll get many followers! ahehe~I dunno what to say. Hope that you have a great day, UwU -🍵🌱✨
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Hello there Tea Non! (can I call you that qq?) Sorry for the wait!! Jack’s part feels a bit too short and Sebek’s quite long,, ^^’’
Warnings: mild language! internalized homophobia (Epel’s part!) Tags: fluff, male!reader
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➸ Ace is a little shit bastard, but he (along with Deuce) practically became best friends. You're one of the people he would tease to death and annoy with but also he would stand by your side no matter what.
➸ You banter a lot together. You'd fight, argue, and even tease each other which is considered "too mean" to other people.
➸ Though your arguing turns to flirting sometimes. You didn't even realize it, Ace didn't even realize it, but your friends did and they're placing bets if you two are actually into each other or not. 
➸ How long did Ace figure out that this isn't just a normal bro-thing? Well, suddenly, seeing you scowl at him and swear at him is becoming more than amusing—it's becoming endearing. He likes the way you look at him or even gets hyped up in annoying you when you fire back with remarks.
➸ The fluttering feeling in his chest only grew when you two were play flirting. He grinned cheekily at you about maybe needing some company while doing library duty. You know what you said to him back? 
➸ "Awe, Ace. Do you want to be alone with me that much?"
➸ His brain tried what just happened and why that he was so red right after that whole exchange. You two always flirted and bickered, right? Why does it feel kinda different now?? What??? Hnajgejegegaeg????
➸ Then you started to do intimately nice things to him—like that one time you had to tend to his hand after burning himself during potions class—then oh, oh. Fuck. Oh fuck. He has a crush on you. Does that surprise him? To have a crush on a guy? Not particularly, because this isn't the first time it happened. 
➸ Before Ace met his ex-girlfriend, he already experienced what it's like to have a crush on a guy. He didn't understand why or why that feeling is the same feeling he has for a girl. 
➸ His brother found out first then he came out to his mom. She did call it a phase but in a way that she was supportive of him questioning his sexuality. His mom assured him that she wouldn't love him less if he's bisexual.  
➸ Ace just hopes this little crush of his doesn't develop. He doesn't want things to get awkward between the two of you! Just because he likes the way your cheeks reddens when he slings an arm around you and pinches your cheek, doesn't mean you can do the same to him...okay, maybe he'd like that a little bit
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➸ Deuce is a smart student. He's loyal, reliable, and diligent. However, sometimes he just comes off as dense. 
➸ He's comfortable with his sexuality. Whatever it is that is seen as too intimate for two bros to share is normal for him. After all, you're his best friend! Along with Ace and Grim. There's nothing weird about how he's treating you because he treats his friends the same way. 
➸ Said friends watch his imaginary ears and tail wag when you praise him or compliment him. Okay, who's gonna tell him? 
➸ It's like they were the ones who realize Deuce has a crush on you first than Deuce himself. They started placing bets on when he's going to realize it or if you'll be the one to find out and Deuce still hasn't realized what he's feeling is infatuation.
➸ It's rather cute, actually. Deuce is already cute but he became quite endearing when he smiles at you. How he's always making sure to see if you're comfortable, checking in on your wellbeing, and asking if you need help.
➸ He's a little protective of you, too. Granted he controls himself to not get into too many fights. He doesn't want you to get roped into the fights and get hurt. However, if some mob student even dares to mess with you when you aren't even doing anything, you got some backup. (Don't mess with the First Year Squad).
➸ Ace teases him about his little crush on you which leads to Deuce punching his arm all flustered. He's a little shit to Deuce about this too, always making kissy sounds when Deuce gets too cute around you.
➸ The funny thing is, Deuce doesn't even realize he's infatuated with you. Again, he thinks you just have a special place in his heart. You're his bro and he's willing to fight with you. 
➸ He finally realized when he talked to his mom about you and she commented how glad she is that her son found someone he can be happy with. She reminded him to take his crush as a motivation in his studies, and Deuce nodded at her advice.
➸ Wait WHAT—
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➸ Epel is by no means weak. This boy worked at a farm before he was in NRC. That pretty face doesn't mean a pretty heart (sometimes). 
➸ Though the urge to pick him up out of nowhere is tempting. No one in the squad tried to do it to catch him off guard (Ace attempted to while Deuce stopped him, Sebek doesn't think it's necessary, and Jack only picked him up because they were working out together). Besides, he isn't some damsel to be hoisted out of nowhere! He doesn't like it...or so he thought when you picked him up by the torso to move him out of the way. Epel didn't see Grim running at full speed on the ground because his tail got bitten by a live crab. Your first instinct was to just grab and lift him—you didn't mean to startle him, really. 
➸ Needless to say, Epel developed a new emotion. He doesn't know what to call it or if there's even a name for it. Is there a name for "brain shutting down for brief moments after being picked up with ease?"
➸ Does he like you? Does he actually have a crush on you?? He never had a crush on a guy before—he never had a crush on anyone. Does the fluttery feeling in his chest when you touch shoulders mean that he likes you?? ahufaeofaufea????!!
➸ He's just...lost. So lost about what he's feeling towards you. A lot of invasive and absurd thoughts flood his mind. Do you have a crush on him too? Will you like him? Would you find him weird? Who's gonna "wear the pants" in the relationship?? He doesn't want that! Liking a guy doesn't make him less manly, right? RIGHT??
➸ "Hey Epel are you—" | "I DON'T LIKE HIM." | "...dude I was just gonna ask if you're finished with your essay..."
➸ The squad (sans you) have to reassure Epel that his feelings for you are valid and that doesn't make him less manly than he already is (Jack and Deuce). Liking a guy is the same as liking anyone else (Sebek). Worrying about a certain role to play in a relationship between same-sexes is kinda homophobic (Ace). 
➸ That assured him, atleast. He isn't familiar with liking a guy. Plus, with where he came from, it's definitely uncommon. However...there is one thing that Epel is familiar with.
➸ He definitely fantasized about meeting someone to grow old with. Someone who will love him back and share dreams with. No one knows about this of course—what are you talking about? He's not a sappy, romantic person. Not at all!!
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➸ Jack would deny it 100% 
➸ There is no way he has a crush on you! He can't do that to you—no way. He respects you enough to keep your relationship as just friends. If you're bros, you're bros.
➸ Yeah, that doesn't really work out well for him.
➸ It's easy to tell if Jack likes you or not because he's good at hiding his emotions through defensive remarks (plus his resting face is a scowl). The Kouhai Squad would look at his ears and tail wagging when you even smile at him or congratulate him for a job well done. He's like a puppy,,,
➸ Whenever the Squad would point this out he will deny it. There is no way in Twisted Wonderland that he has a crush on you! He doesn't! Those are...just instinctive bodily reactions!
➸ "You held hands, dude." | "So? That isn't weird." | "Your tail is wagging." | "NO IT ISN'T!!"
➸ It's not like he doesn't like you, he's just...embarrassed. It's like you know what makes him flustered and that makes his heart do a little tap dance. He (somehow) wants to do the same to you. Make you flustered, embarrassed, happy...it's only fair! 
➸ He needs to get over this little crush of his...because you're starting to catch up on why he's acting weirdly. If he tells you how he feels about you, how would you take it? He doesn't want to ruin your relationship with each other...aghh why is this so hard?? Jack wishes working on his feelings is as easy as training in Magift...
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➸ Admiration and pride are something Sebek is familiar with, but infatuation is new.  
➸ Admiring someone and having a crush on them are two similar but different things. When your bond with him develops he...starts to get a little confused. 
➸ Has those feelings always been there? Are they different? He wasn't being this weird back then! A simple bump on the shoulders shouldn't spark so much electricity inside him to cause him to tense up! 
➸ Sebek was good to hide these new reactions towards you...somewhat. He has to atleast act like everything is normal so he can evaluate what kind of feelings he has towards you. Which works and kinda doesn't since when you do something a little intimate (like a shoulder pat, a cheeky smile, or even praise) he gets a little red. Red. Nevermind Deuce and Jack are asking if he's okay while Grim judges from afar. 
➸ He still doesn't understand why he feels so weird around you so he decided to ask someone who has experience—an adult if you will! A humble, wise, elder fae that surely has some explanation for the weird fluttery feeling in his stomach.  
➸ "You are infatuated—or to put it simply, you have a crush on the Prefect," Lilia explained to him. Sebek needed a few moments for that information to sink in. He has a crush on you. Okay, that's the mundane mystery solved. What is he gonna do with that information? Carry on with your friendship knowing things might get awkward around the both of you? 
➸ Luckily, Lilia gave him three questions to answer personally so he may evaluate his feelings for you. In that way, Sebek knows what the next steps to take without rushing in blindly. You consider him as your friend and he returns that sentiment! He wishes to respect you as you respect him. 
➸ Are you a distraction? Oh, definitely! Ever since he started to harbor feelings for you, his thoughts often lead up to you. When the young master is talking about you, he finds himself listening in, not just because Malleus is talking, but because he wonders about what kind of human is friends with his young master. This caused him to write a few words related to you in the essay he was supposed to be writing! When he and Silver are sparring, Silver has the audacity to throw your name into his comment which caught him off guard. In other words: you are despicably distracting!
➸ Are you a motivation? Well...yes. Sebek is proud to be a knight for the young master and he continues to strive in his position. He knows there is still much to learn as a knight and he is willing to develop his skills more to become better. Somehow, you acknowledge his diligence and even commend him for it. Yet you look after him, saying that he needs someone to fight for him. He laughs at that incredulous thought. Sebek prefers he do that to you along with his friends, instead. All of the squad are an odd bunch, including you. Sebek...wants to protect you as well. Somehow, knowing that you are safe urges him to make sure that you'll remain safe.
➸ Are you an inspiration? Sebek ponders on that question. Somehow it is related to the second, but he thinks carefully about it. He noticed how most of the poetry he makes is because of you—he needs an outlet for his feelings, don't take it weirdly—and although the theme varies, the subject of interest is you. 
➸ Now that he answered all three of those questions...shall he proceed with courting you? No, that's too fast. Lilia told him to enjoy his youth and don't dive into relationships quickly.
➸ However! He shall confess to you to rid of the constricting feeling in his chest! Sebek wants to talk to you normally again without any hidden feelings!
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