#qrow: -sees his man with a baby-
rachetmath · 1 year
Jaune was working as usual until he heard his scroll. He looks to see Blake calling him. He answers.
Blake: Jaune we need to talk.
Jaune: *putting a baby to sleep while controlling kids* Blake I am a little busy at the moment.
Blake: Jaune we need to discuss why you quit your position.
Jaune: I don’t know maybe because I’m not needed and might as well use my time to get stronger and probably be more useful.
Yang: Jaune come on you were plenty useful in the nursing.
Jaune: Yang they have medical professionals. They were fine without me. Plus I go back there every morning. I never left. I even have them on my scroll. They call me too. So what’s the problem?
Robyn: Look we just need you to start pulling your weight and do your job.
Jaune: *triggered*
Kid #1: Ooo you messed up lady.
Jaune”s teacher 1: Honey you felt that, right?
Jaune’s teacher 2: Mm-hm someone about to get their ass beat. And my son is about to do it.
Jaune’s teacher 1: Honey we already got ten kids.
Jaune’s teacher 2: And I love them but their still children. They don’t know how bad adulthood is yet.
Jaune: Little bi- *remembers the children* You know what how about we have a meeting about this okay?
Robyn: Fine.
The next day everyone gathered around for the meeting with Jaune being in the room first. After everyone finished what they had to say, Jaune presented himself and replied.
Jaune: So, everyone good? Okay, I’ll make this quick. I have been doing my job better than almost all of you. Almost.
Qrow: Jaune what do you mean you have been messing up-
Jaune: I know the man who can change into a bird and is a legend yet still can’t watch over a maiden and his nieces for shit is talking to me.
Qrow: Now hold up son I’ll beat-
Jaune: Bro you are the reason Clover is dead. And the reason Tyrian escaped along with Robinhood over there.
Robyn: Hey.
Jaune: And speaking of you, Ms. Hill, how the hell was Penny defending your city better than you or any of your Happy Huntresses considering the amount of citizens who got hurt? 
May: Hey we had to evacuate our citizens cause your team deserted us. 
Jaune: Well sorry, it is not like one of my friends wasn’t kidnapped and was about to die at any given moment. 
Yang: You could have helped.
Jaune: Bitch you told me not to fight. Hell we almost got him back too. Oh. And we were planning to come back. However, we were captured because I was trying to warn someone of an upcoming attack. Which happened and yet some stubborn mother fuckers wouldn’t listen. Cause they were fixated on looking for Penny. 
Winter: Mm he did. But you
Jaune: Yeah-yeah I know, the Ironwood and Ruby bs. And speaking of that wouldn’t James have killed everyone anyway if we hadn’t stopped him?
Qrow: Not to mention Harriet almost dropped a whole bomb on Mantle to kill everyone.
Harriet: Okay rude.
Yang: Okay Jaune-
Jaune: Bitch don’t get me- don’t get me started on you. You have been getting your ass beat as of late. Like in Atlas and Mantle, I don't know how that’s possible, but me and my men, have been carrying you throughout the whole ordeal. All you have been doing was not knowing how to shut the hell up.  
Yang: um…
Jaune: Like you was talking about the Ace-ops and Winter following orders yet you were following Ozpin’s,Ruby’s, Ironwood's and better yet, you were following my orders. At least I was coming up with a plan. I was helping Ren. Being a leader. What were you doing other than Blake?
Blake: Alright Jaune, calm down, You have made your point.
Jaune: Oh no the fuck I haven't. Are you Ruby's sister?
Blake: No.
Jaune: Mm I wonder what drew me to that conclusion considering you have been acting like her sister more than a blond brawler over here? Both moms left her too, yet she looked for the one who never raised her.  
Yang: *tears dropping from her eyes*
Nora: Wow Jaune, that's cold.
Jaune: Nora. Ren. My supposedly two remaining teammates. 
Ren: Come on not again. Jaune, Ruby already told us everything. What can you possibly say that she hasn't told us yet?
Jaune: For someone who was on James's dick you never once tried to snitch on us. In fact you been kinda rude half the time.Then you decided to speak out against Harriet like you and Yang didn't argue before we got caught.
Ren: That was because she was insulting Pyrrha.
Jaune: Which I understand but I thought we were past that already.
Ren: Well I was the reason Winter agreed to your plan. And I was the reason we survived the whale to find Oscar.
Jaune: Emerald and Hazel saved Oscar before we had a chance. We basically went in there for nothing. And you almost started a fight with Harriet. 
Winter: Also I was a little hesitant but I agreed to the plan. Mainly more hostages. You wouldn’t be alive if I hadn’t jumped in.
Jaune: More importantly if I were to have thrown the relic into the mix, which had one question left by the way,  you're telling me Harriet wouldn't agree to let us go. Mainly because they were looking for Penny regardless.
Nora: Wow Jaune you would thrown Penny under the bus that easily?
Jaune: If it meant a negotiation with James, probably, yes. And Nora, weren't you unconscious throughout half that experience? 
Nora: I saved team RWBY.
Jaune: Who hasn't? Cause I recall, Qrow, Oobleck, Gylanda, us, CVFY, Ace-ops, James, and Ozpin. You ain’t special.
Oscar: Damn.
Jaune: Oscar you decided to meet James and try to talk. After he made us wanted criminals. What were you thinking?
Oscar: At least I tried to reassure him. 
Jaune: And you got shot. Mother fucker you were wasting time and our efforts. Next time no one might not be able to help you. And Ozpin? It took a whole pile of shit to happen for you to finally came out and help? 
Oscar(Ozpin): Mr. Arc it was not that bad.
Jaune: He got shot. Manhandled by a Grimm. And beat up by an old man. Come on.
Ozpin: … …
Jaune: Don’t get me started on how you fucked up years before.
Pietro: Jaune. You killed my-
Jaune: I killed Penny and saved Winter. Winter was Ironwood's second in command and was in charge of a whole army during a full-scale invasion. The fact Penny had Weiss, Ruby, Blake, Yang, and Nora to choose from proves she knew all of them weren't up to the task. Plus I was trying to help her but my options were limited. I did what I had to. I’m sorry.
Pietro: You could have-
Jaune: Healed her? I TRIED!!! However let's discuss how I have been carrying every damn body on my back. I had to help Ren multiple times when using his semblance. I had to heal Oscar. Heal Nora. Amplify Weiss and Penny when it came to her virus. Hell fourth wall breaking did anyone think for a second I amplified Ren ahead of time so he can mask those same thousands of people.
RWBY fan: …. ….
Jaune: All that while running, fighting and surviving while having barely enough sleep or energy. Hell, my aura kept breaking multiple times. I am surprised I haven't passed out yet.
Winter: Mm he made his point.
Weiss: Winter, why are you siding with him so quickly?
Winter: First off I am alive because of him. Second, Weiss, you lied to my face. Like I was open with you and you never once came to me with the truth. I'm your sister. You're lucky I was willing to side with you at all.
Jaune: Facts. And for someone who lived in Atlas, you barely did shit to save it. 
Weiss: I sent ships to help Mantle.
Winter: That's the thing though Mantle. You did nothing for Atlas at all. And how did you send those ships?
Weiss: Well it was mainly Whitley.
Winter: I rest my case.
Jaune: Also aren't you Ruby’s partner? Why are Oscar, Blake, and myself filling in those shoes more than you? 
Yang: Well in the Ever After you-
Jaune: I was trying to find a way home by learning the story. But as the saying goes, “Don’t trust everything you read.”  And sorry for protecting a civilization from killing itself even though that was the only thing keeping me sane.
Yang: *silent*  
Blake: They came back though.
Jaune: They don’t remember me or their past lives. They died and came back only to die again. Not to mention I had to leave my second and long-time companion and place her in the care of a rat. Not only that I had a whole map of the Ever After. I wasn't playing around. I was seriously trying to find a way home. Yet you called me crazy.
Blake: *silent* 
Jaune: Here is what I am saying, true enough I can't fight for anything but I at least help in areas none of you can seem to grasp. I have to sacrifice my mental and physical well-being to support ya’ll. I have been doing my job as a huntsman, teammate and a friend than almost any of you. 
Nora: But Jaune you’re our leader we need you.
Jaune: I recall the majority of times you two barely follow my orders. Ruby is your leader. I don’t recall having a team move with either of you. Not just that you have Oscar and Emerald so fuck both of you. 
Ren: Are we that bad of a team?
Jaune: Yeah, and what’s crazier is I have a family I haven’t seen in years yet I’m still prioritizing a city full of savages, and you all as my friends when I can just pull a Raven and leave you be.
Yang: DUDE!!
Jaune: I’m just saying I could leave and nothing would change. Now I’m leaving cause I got a job to do!*leave*
Qrow: Well damn.
Nora: I guess we all made mistakes.
Ren: Yes.
Weiss: I’m going to call Ruby and see if we can hang out.
Yang: Can we make that a double?
Oscar: Um Nora do you think-
Nora: Calm down Oscar. Jaune may be upset but he’ll be fine. He wouldn’t leave us like that.
A few weeks later.
Ruby: Hey everyone we’re back.
Team RWBY saw a crying Nora in Ren’s arms and defeated Qrow comforted by Oscar. Ruby looks to see a letter and picks it up. Ruby and her team read the letter. Afterward, Yang is shocked, and Weiss is sad as Blake comforts them. Ruby on the other hand steps out and then stares at the sky. A tear flows down her eye.
Ruby:  Well, at least you have the common decency to tell me what you’re up to. But still…*sigh* Hope you find what you're looking for my friend. And… … Please… come back safely.
Jaune was flying on a Nevermore along with Emerald who snuck aboard to his surprise. Jaune, though irritated, continued flying as she held onto him.
Emerald: I can’t believe you tamed a Nevermore. 
Jaune: Yeah-yeah anyways why did you follow me here?
Emerald: Hey someone has to watch your back.
Jaune: You are the last person I want to cover my back.
Emerald: Well don’t be rude. But also…
Jaune: What?
Emerald: Jaune… Salem is after you.
Jaune: Really? Why? I don’t recall being a silver-eyed warrior or Ozpin’s vessel. So why me? Also, how do you know?
Emerald: Mercury told me and even he doesn’t know. He just overheard Tyrian about you.
Jaune: I fought with him a week ago. (Should’ve killed him too.) Still doesn’t make sense though. Did he hear anything from Cinder?
Emerald: No. 
Jaune: Look I already left the kingdom. Cinder mainly wants Ruby dead. And Salem will be too preoccupied to do anything about me. We’re under clear.  
Somewhere in Vacuo, Tyrian and Mercury were speaking to Salem and Cinder through one of her sphere Grimm. Salem hears Jaune has left the kingdom of Vacuo and is enraged.
Salem: WHAT?!
Tyrian: I’m sorry mistress. Please calm down.
Salem: *breaths* Very well. Cinder will meet you both in Vacuo. Therefore we will split our efforts into two. You three along with our allies will search and kill the Summer Maiden along with team RWBY and their annoying friends. I will send a request to half of them to assist me in finding him. I may even need them.
Tyrian: Them ma’am?
Salem: Yes, them.
Tyrian: Very well my queen. We will not fail you.
Salem ends the call while Cinder stands before her with an angered look in her eye.
Salem: What is it, my dear?
Cinder: Why are you after Jaune?
Salem: Why do you ask?
Cinder Ma’am, I don’t mean to be rude but that boy isn’t worth our efforts at all.
Salem: Hm… really? So how come he’s alive?
Cinder: By sheer luck of course.
Salem: True. However, there is no doubt he has gotten in the way of our plans. Like with killing the Schnee girl. Or getting the winter maiden’s power. 
Cinder: *nervous* Those were my failures, ma’am.
Salem: Regardless I need him alive.
Cinder: But why though.
Salem: His semblance and aura. With his semblance along with Gillian's, I might be able to push our army further to evolution. But I need his power to do it. 
Cinder: Then allow me to-
Salem: *snaps* 
Cinder was shut off as she could feel pain from her Grimm arm. Salem turns around and looks to Cinder and say as she closes in on her.
Salem: I recall sending you to handle said children and what happened? Oh. You costed me knowledge. You lost the maiden powers to another huntress. Hazel and Emerald betrayed us. And worse of all you lost two useful people. 
Cinder: But I gave you creation. Surly that makes up- *feels greater pain*
Salem; Ever since you came back you have been getting cocky and more foolish by the day. Draining my resources. Right now, all I want from you to do is simply play nice and follow orders. Like a good little doll. 
Cinder was terrified as she stared at Salem’s as she leaned down to look closer at Cinder’s frightened gaze.
Salem: Understand this Cinder. I was the reason you managed to obtain and control that power you have in your possession. However, you so far have continued to prove how undeserving you are of said power and responsibility that comes with it. So let me break this down for you. If you so much as make a mistake, further disrupt my plans, or worse fail me…
Cinder: … …. 
Salem: I will take everything from you. Do you understand child?
Cinder: Yes m- *screams* Yes… my queen.
Salem: Good. Now leave. 
Cinder gets up and leaves for Vacuo. Salem on the other hand walks around her castle until she reaches her destination. There she opens a huge door. She walks through the door only to be greeted by multiple eyes.
Salem: Hello my children.
???: Greetings Mother.
Salem: Mother is sorry. I wish I didn’t have to send you to do this. But there is no one but you that I trust to do this task
???: Anything Mother.
Salem uses her Grimm to present an image of the target.
Salem: Find this boy. Do however you feel it takes to bring him back alive. 
???: May we have fun hunting him Mother.
Salem: *smile* Of course, my children. You may torture him and do as you see fit.
???: Yes mother. It shall be done.
Salem: Then go. 
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bafflement · 21 days
Death, And Other Circumstances Best Avoided
Written for day three of the @remnants-of-rwby-events Vytal festival. :D
Original characters let me introduce Nicky Schnee to the equation. Tip's older brother and very dead in the original deaged Oz AU.
But not, necessarily, here...
@emmy-way The very first shot in a new AU of the Tipverse, hope you enjoy. :D
AO3 link:
Plain Text:
“Say hello to mommy for me, Schnee brat!” The rough man snarled into Nicky’s face. The boy was pale but his eyes were hard blue pools as he waited for whatever was going to come next. There was no escaping it, for all that it wasn’t fair. He was only fifteen, surely if they had a real problem with his family, then they could take it to his father? Although by the same token, maybe they’d been scared to. Papa was strong, respected… there would have been a great many others standing between him and any threats. How had he gotten separated from the others, though? They’d been right there… right up until they hadn’t. He’d thought they were his friends, though. At least that they’d care if anything happened to him. Did it matter, now though? They weren’t here, could no more protect him than Nicky himself could the baby brother that he’d lost. If he was to die here, protesting against the wrongs that Atlas had committed over the decades, then at least he knew that his father would be proud of him. Wherever he was, maybe Winter would be, too? He thought of his brave, sweet baby brother and closed his eyes, just as the axe fell. Even for Mantle… today was cold.
It was a sunny day in Vale. The sun sent shafts of light into Beacon and Ozpin couldn’t help but smile. He had a lot of paperwork to do, but that was par for the course. Though he was far from the only councilman of Vale, the duties tended to pile up on him rather. But then, they always had. That was fair, everybody else was busy with their own lives. Here, safe in his tower, looking out over the grounds where his students were busy learning how to be the very best people they could be? The best hunters, the best protectors… hopefully the best versions of themselves? Well, it was quite obvious that he might have rather more time on his hands to do both his job and theirs. They had families, lives outside of the roles they played. He couldn’t dare do the same, considering the risks that posed to those around him.
Oh, if he could, then he would. His fiancée had told him several times that, between them, they could protect any child that might result from their love. Part of him wanted that, he could almost picture a little girl with his hair and his love’s eyes… or a little boy, dark haired and red eyed and just as fierce as Qrow ever was. It was just a dream, though, any child he had would be targeted by those that stood against him. He sighed to himself, regretting again that his circumstances dictated that he could never really have a life of his own. Qrow understood, his friends understood… but the idea of a life that was his to love, his to protect? Oh, he adored his students, would do anything for them. But they had families, had lives of their own. Had other people to care, to delight in their accomplishments and commiserate in their failures. He was just their headmaster, that would never truly be his place. He liked to think that there were exceptions to that rule, but still. he had his regrets.
The teenager’s eyes shot open, registering vaguely that he was a lot warmer that he had been a minute ago. He couldn’t see the man with the axe, couldn’t recognise anything around him. Wherever he was, he was pretty certain that he wasn’t in Mantle anymore. Why wouldn’t he be in Mantle? Surely, if it was somehow his semblance awakening then it should have matched his sister’s, his father’s? Not be some sort of teleportation, for all he was incredibly relieved that he wasn’t actually dead. Why here, though? Wherever here actually was. It was far too warm for Atlas, so maybe he was in Mistral? Vale? There wasn’t enough sand for Vacuo, and he’d heard stories about that kingdom that the frankly breath-taking architecture he was surrounded with didn’t fit into. He felt like he was in a palace, or maybe some sort of museum, but wherever this was felt far more vibrant, more vitally alive than anything he’d ever known. Maybe he could stay here for a day or two, before he went home again? Or maybe he was dreaming, was this some vision before death took him? He closed his eyes again, praying that, wherever this was, it might actually be real.
Coco groaned to herself, too quiet to be heard by the others. Oh, she’d always adored Velvet, her bunny, her other half, but if Fox refused to shut up then she might just strangle him. Oh, the boy was okay as a general rule, but there were times when she loathed the fact that teams, here at Beacon, were at least four years long. She thought that they’d probably get on well enough to last long term, but only if Fox could realise just how far he went at times. It wasn’t even like she disagreed with him, but still… those views were a little extreme, even for their team. But then, considering the news out of Atlas, at just what Jacques Schnee had managed to pull this time, well… it was understandable. Less understandable was Velvet, who, while white lipped and obviously furious at the injustice had yet to give her own opinion. She worried, there… the few times her love had ever outright exploded had never been good for any of them. She might burn slowly, but when she did… well, get out of the way. Coco smirked to herself briefly at the thought of just how far Jacques might run, if faced with Velvet. Of everybody on Remnant, he might deserve it the most.
She blinked, staring at the sight before her, shook her head, looked again. She heard her team muttering around her, obviously just as shocked as she was. There was a boy, kneeling there in the grass, silver hair glinting in the sunlight. His eyes were closed, but she didn’t recognise him, which, had he been a student, she would have done. She wasn’t really flattering herself that she knew every student that set foot here. Her love was gossip, well, the one that wasn’t her girlfriend. If there’d been a new student, then she would surely have heard something by now?
The fashion conscious part of her mind was fixed on the fact that his clothing, while expertly tailored, was at least fifteen years out of fashion. That made no sense from the quality of the materials involved, surely if someone was to spend that much on crimson velvet and good leather, their tastes should be better than that? Whoever it was didn’t seem to have noticed them yet, eyes still closed, so she took the time to really study him. Pale skinned, with shoulder length silver hair with a slight wave at the ends. There was something almost familiar about that hair, though she didn’t dwell on it. Rich, expensive clothing done in a style that was almost as old as she was, if not slightly older. A teenager, though he looked fractionally too young to be a student. Just what was going on? If he was, as she was starting to think that he was, some sort of intruder, then someone needed to tell the teachers. Tell Ozpin at least. If, of course, their strangely eldritch headmaster didn’t already know of their guest. She cleared her throat pointedly, ignoring the reactions of her team for now. The boy flinched, them looked up. His eyes were very blue, yet, just as his hair was, that tugged at something in her memory. There was something that she wasn’t seeing, and Coco hated that thought. She was the gossip queen, after all Surely whatever it was should be obvious?
Nicky flinched, his eyes shooting open at the sudden sound. He couldn’t help but stare at the quartet opposite. They were all dressed in some sort of school uniform that he wasn’t sure that he recognised, but the more pressing thing was that one of them appeared to actually be a rabbit faunus! She didn’t even hide it, was that normal here? But it couldn’t be, society couldn’t be that different from kingdom to kingdom, surely? But if she was as she seemed to be… then where was he?
Or, perhaps more pressingly, when was he?
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howlingday · 1 year
The Remnant Retention Regiment (RRR):
A secret organization established to maintain public order. Their primary objectives include hunting down spy networks and conduct surveillance of the public.
Primary tactics include the use of brutal violence, wiretapping, cruel and unusual torture, intimidation, and much, much worse...
They're feared by the public, though they remain ghost stories to their own kingdoms, referred to only as "The Secret Police".
Cordovin: Hm? Is there a reason you're here? Mm? Orders from the general? Fine. Best of luck, Specialist Arc.
Saphron: Thank you, ma'am~! I'll do my very best~!
Clover: Man, what was General Ironwood thinking, hiring such a cherub-faced girl? Especially for this line of work?
Cordovin: If I recall, his exact words were...
Ironwood: "Who, Sapphy? She's a cutie, ain't she? Kinda like a doll~!".
Clover: Seriously?
Cordovin: That's what he told me. Besides, that might be just what this kingdom needs. Regardless, she gets results, whatever it takes.
Saphron: So, nice to meet you, Mister... Mann, was it?
Shay: I ain't got nothin' to say to you-
Saphron: Oh, listen to this! My baby brother just got married~! I'm just so excited to go out and celebrate with them~!
Shay: Uh, that's-
Saphron: And he's such a good man! So kind and generous and smart and he gives the best hugs ever! He means the world to me...
Shay: Yeah, so-
Saphron: Oh! Maybe you've met him? He works here in Vale, too! How lucky am I to make it here with the Argus team to aid in conduct a spy hunt!
Saphron: Shoot! That reminds me! I still need to call him and let him know I'm in the city! But just between you and me, I haven't told him I'm visiting, so hush-hush on that, okay?
Saphron: But for everything else, just lay it all out.
Shay: I dunno what you're goin' on about! I ain't a spy!
Saphron: (Drops photos) These are you, aren't they, Mr. Mann?
Qrow: Hey! What the hell?! Why didn't we get those photos?!
Saphron: I've been so excited to be here, I guess I just forgot to deliver them. Clumsy me~!
Saphron: Now, as for you, Shay D. Mann... WHY DON'T YOU START COOPERATING?
Some time later...
Shay: And that's it. That's everything I know. All I did was make copies, deliver them to the drop site, and they paid me for them. That's it. Dunno anything about the woman who picked them up. Said she was from out of Vale, but didn't say where.
Saphron: Was there anything you could point out about her? Any unusual ticks or features?
Shay: Far as I could tell, she was a totally normal chick.
Saphron: Mhm... I see... Tell me, Mr. Mann... DOES THE NAME "NIGHTSHADE" MEAN ANYTHING TO YOU?
Shay: ...No? Who's that?
Saphron: She's a spy from outside of Vale. They say she's a master of disguise. She's planning to destroy everything we hold near and dear. She's the exact kind of spy why the RRR was made. Help us catch her, and all of this goes away. Okay?
Shay: W-Well, let me think of something-
Saphron: Something truthful and honest, yes, because you already know that lying doesn't work on us, and lying only gets you into more trouble.
Shay: Ghk! Alright, listen! I just needed the cash, okay?! To meet girls! I wasn't hurting anyone!
Saphron: ...Meeting girls? What about your wife?
Shay: J-Just for fun! Marriage is it's own other thing, y'know? You're married, too, ain't'cha?! All I did was give 'em some scraps of paper! It ain't like I'm plannin' a revolution! Cut me some slack!
Saphron: ...
Saphron: (Stands up) Let me be perfectly clear, Mr. Shay D. Mann. While it's true that I am married, neither my spouse nor my own brother knows that I work for the RRR, and I don't plan to, either. Part of the reason is so I can keep my loved happy because I'd hate for them to worry about my dangerous job. (Slips on black gloves) But the other reason... IS I DON'T WANT THEM TO KNOW JUST HOW DIRTY I GET MY HANDS SOMETIMES.
Saphron: (Grabs him by his hair, Slams down) Mr. Mann, I don't think you quite understand. You don't see the reason. Your crime is called treason. Those papers may only be "scraps" to you, but to everyone outside Vale, they're tasks on their to-do!
Saphron: (Grips hair tight, Grinds face down) Unlike you, I love my family. I love my spouse. I love my brother. And I will do anything to keep him safe, regardless of what kingdom they live.
Saphron: (Twists hair, Lifts head and bashes) WHATEVER. IT. TAKES.
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platinumrosetail · 1 year
Hi how your day going and I heard from someone you do Rwby and Avatar
Can I have yandere Salem Glenda Good witch neo and Jean and cinder x baby bat fawns reader
Like They found her and take her in as there own
Sure! And I love rwby! And I’m guessing the autocorrect corrected jaune to Jean by accident? Sorry if I’m wrong 😅 oh, also to clear up any confusion, i had taken off cinder with the permission of the requester!
Warning: noob author, female reader, platonic yandere characters, and others.
Characters: salem, glynda, neo, jaune.
Tyrian had found you and brought you to his majesty, salem. You were a little thing, all alone s she decided to take you in as you reminded her of her daughters when they were as small as you are now.
If salem was busy to keep you with her then you were babysat by hazel, and on some occasions watts, but mostly hazel and if both were busy then emerald would babysit you to the dismay of mercury.
She teaches that grim are the good guys while her ex husband is the bad guy, plus she created a little playmate for you to keep you busy yourself and distract you on when she need to do her duties as queen of grim.
Though one time you did meet ozpin by accident from mercury as he lost you when he somehow was put in charge of babysitting you as the others that are usually the one to take care of you was busy and Tyrian was a definite no from salem so you went to mercury albeit hesitant on Salem’s part as he’s sort of a brat.
(Sorry if you like mercury.)
Anyway, ozpin was surprised to see a baby bat Faunus on a bench with no parent or guardian anywhere, after hew brought you with him until he contacted the police you disappeared via with the help of one of salems many grims, good thing she had watts put a tracker on you beforehand or else mercury b in even more trouble than he already was in fact he would’ve been dead if you haven’t taken a shine to him for some reason.
You unlocked your semblance which was (s/n) (semblance/name) and some created chaos that was unintentional to happen, most of the unfortunate events fall on mercury funny enough which she and the others get a laugh about and now they all hold it over his head as he is forced to hold you or he gets punished for not holding you like you had requested from him by salem.
She would find a way to keep you to her, either by killing you both after she gets rid of the immortality curse or make you immortal as well, it doesn’t matter, as long as you stay with her then she was fine with anything, not even ozpin can fight against her on this.
Glynda had found you in a box like shelter and after having no luck on finding the parents or guardian of you she decided to adopt you.
She made a small spot in her classroom so she can watch you while she works on teaching the kids on grim and other things. The kids all loved you, they make sure Cardin stays away from you and if he doesn’t then they’ll get Glynda and she give him one hell of a punishment for even thinking of messing with her child.
You’ve met her colleagues, oobleck, port, and the principal ozpin. Ozpin is the godfather, oobleck is the crazy uncle and port is the grandfather that can make you fall asleep by just saying one word.
They all take turns babysitting you though it’s mostly ozpin as oobleck will go overboard and port will go on with his stories and forget about you entirely, sometime even ironwood and qrow would babysit you when they visit, not for long though as ironwood is a very busy man and qrow doesn’t want his bad luck to rub off on you.
Qrow is your favorite along with ozpi even if qrow don’t show up as much as you liked him to. One time you made both of them kissed by ‘accident’ when in reality you did it on purpose even with your baby mind not fully maturing yet.
(I’m a qrow x ozpin shipper so please respect my option and don’t post hate comment as i will report and block as you can simply m,I’ve on from this post if you don’t like it.)
Sometimes when all teachers are busy along with qrow and ironwood, team rwby and team jnpr would babysit you and get extra credit by Glynda but they mostly did it so they could get to see you and spend time with you.
She wil make sure to keep you safe from the grim and all the other things that come with it.
Neo was given to you by one of the thugs of roman after she spotted you in the corner of her eye.
Roman became the grandfather after that, he openly complains how he’s too young to be a grandpa but secretly likes it especially cause it means he gets to help raise sweet little you with your new mother, neo.
Neo doesn’t care that if you’re biological parents are around, alive, or dead, better dead than alive cause if they were then they would i she’d they were dead before she and Roman got their hands on them.
She shares her ice cream with you once you’re old enough to eat it.
You are spoiled by Roman and neo as they want you to have a good life with the support of them, all you have to do in return is stay with them so they can keep you safe from all the terrible people and grim.
She will make sure that you stay with her and don’t wander off when you two go out in public, sometimes Roman either joins or take you with him when he’s by himself though he can’t stay for long with how the fuzz is on his tail
Neo makes sure he doesn’t smoke around you as she doesn’t want you getting sick, neither does Roman so he makes sure to remind himself to not smoke in your presence as he knows that abides shouldn’t be around to get second hand smoking plus with how your enhanced smell is with you being a Faunus might make second hand smoking even more harmful to yo.
He had found you when he and the rest of team jnpr, aka Nora, prryha, and ren was out to spend time together and was advise by Pyrrha and ren to show ozpin and asked if they should bring you to the authorities or if they need todo something else.
Ozpin shocking enough had said that he can adopt you and take care of you if they aren’t able to find your parents, which endeded up being what happened as they never found any signs of your parents which made them think of the worst.
Jaune takes up being the father to you while ren is sort of the mom as he kinda take care of the group with Pyrrha, speaking of Pyrrha she is the godmother and aunt, Nora is also a aunt as well.
(I ship jaune x ren, i hope you can respect my opinion and not post hate comments as you can either ignore it or leave, thank you.)
For babysitters it’s usually team rwby as jaune doesn’t have anybody else at beacon to take care of you though Glynda and ozpin do babysit you when team jnpr and team rwby can’t take care of you because of missions that are handed to them as there is no on else that team jnpr trusts or are friends with that stay at beacon and they don’t want to give you to professor oobleck or port.
You had called ren ‘mama!’ Which shocked all but Nora who laughed her but off at ren getting called mom by a baby and started making jokes along with telling team rwby what had happaened.
Jaune shows and introduce you to her sister and wife along with their child who immediately took a shine to you through the scroll (phone).
He’ll make sure that he and his friends will make this a safe place to live without the fear of any bad guys or grim just stay near him and you’ll be safe, okay?
(A/n: i hope y’all like it!! I don’t think i have much to say so hope y’all have a wonderful day/evening/night!)
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rubyneo · 8 months
so (claps my hands together) they 100% misused neo here. they shouldve shown her and what she was doing in EA more. what screen time they did give her was often underwhelming. i had a complete lack of reaction to a certain kiss (& the whole scene honestly). it literally did nothing for me. just like. Ok. finally. it was dumb as fuck that yang was more concerned about defending blake from rubys outburst than she was about her sister clearly being in SEVERE distress?!? ruby the girl who's never lashed out like this ever, the sister she raised and would do anything for. okk... i liked jaune's arc though i thought that was well done + i love that he got to keep the white hair after being younged. the wk moments were... interesting. curious to see where they go with that. i LOVED the brothers lore it literally made me jaw drop. the baby brothers were so cute... really love that they were FROM EA rather than having created it. also the implication that they can come and go from there as they pleased? not really plausible imo but it couldve been interesting to. see them. umm. the neo illusion scene i loved everything about roman ofc. his final line made me cry really hard. clover was funny as hell to me. that man did fucking NOTHING. he only did things as part of the group and then during the fight he literally just stood there holding kingfisher. presumably bc neo had no idea how he fought. he was just there to be a number in the group + to turn into qrow. lionheart at least used his weapon in the fight. neo's backstory shouldve been more explored beyond a couple paintings and a couple lines from roman. not everyone has read roman holiday. ozpin using his cane in the fight like roman (hitting and bludgeoning rather than the fencing style) was a good detail. i've seen people get all up in arms about penny and ironwood being there but like. it is not unreasonable for neo to have made an educated guess as to what happened with them. the summer scenes were fantastic i love her axe-gun. yes ruby stop putting your mom on a pedestal she was a person too! though interesting that it took her so long to be like GASP my mom LIED?!? when in v7 qrow literally tells her that summer had a lot of secrets. meaning she lied a lot. ALSO very interested in who raven portaled to. if qrow knows more than hes been telling or if theres another person we havent met that raven found important enough to have immediate access to. weiss being made into the comedy character was.. annoying to say the least. neo's ending was unsatisfying in a lot of ways. i think this volume couldve done with another couple of episodes to fully flesh out ideas. sorry this was long lmao but it think this is a decent summary of my thoughts
YEAH!!!! honestly so many of my issues with it definitely could have been fixed with just like 2 extra episodes to fit in more of the build up (especially to the ruby and neo plot). bees were fine but they were like meant to be a d-plot to me. i figured it would be like primary plot is trying to get home interspersed with the ruby and neo dramatic build up and ruby's mental state deteriorating, b plot was what was goin on with jaune, c plot is The Penny Thing, and then bees could be doing their thang in the bg.
still mad ruby and neo's Whole Deal was like an episode and 4 lines of dialogue outside of that.
summer and raven's little adventure makes me so fucking crazy. i fully expect the person raven portalled to to be the spring maiden, and lowkey i think its possible it could be gretchen. the timeline would certainly line up.
neo's ending...i was able to be okay with it until i saw that the writers were literally like well she's a fan favourite so we knew we couldnt just off her so we had to give her a more gentle send off like KILL YOURSELVES!!!!!! sniffle. they rly just dropped at the last second "neo is jealous of the love ruby gets from her friends 🥺🥺 now she's gonna kill herself" LIKE SHUT UPPPPP.
the highs for me were VERY high (ruby snapping! neo's dialogue as an echo of salem's! jaune being a crazy hermit to parallel to ozpin! the brothers bg! summer and raven! the horror elements!!!) and the lows were very low. but if theyd had like literally just 2 more episodes i think it would have flowed a lot better and not felt quite so...rushed near the end.
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blade-liger-4ever · 11 months
RWBY X Transformers Partnerships 3: Yang Xiao Long and Sideswipe - War Dragon
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"How do you do it? How do you move forward when you lose so much, and have to let your little sister grow up? Okay yeah, she's technically my cousin, but I'll never stop thinking of her as the little baby I've been caring for my whole life."
"I used to be a gladiator. Fought and, sometimes, killed to make a living. But when the war started...all I could think about was how much was at stake. And then I remembered that I had a means of fighting the Decepticons, and I realized that if I could use that, I'd be able to stop the war faster. Heh, granted I got pretty full of myself early on..."
*both chuckle, then become silent* "So, that's one question answered. What about the other?"
"Speaking as the younger sibling, the best thing you can do for Ruby is to stand by at the ready in case something goes wrong. Breathing down her neck and watching her all the time will only upset her and drive her to prove herself. Sunny and I had to learn that the hard way - which is actually how I got my first battle scar."
"Really? Do - do you mind sharing that story?"
"Sure! I mean, I gotta let others know how awesome I am, don't I?"
"Haha! I'm starting to think you were always full of yourself, Sideswipe!"
"You know me so well, Yang!"
Sideswipe hates grass. And trees. And endless hills and mountains that drive him fragging nuts with how expansive they are, and seem to never end...!
So he's naturally beyond relieved to get the signal from Ironhide, and hears pretty much everyone chattering through the line immediately afterward. After a short eternity of 'Bots asking "where are you?", "are you damaged?", "how do we get this Dust Wheeljack spouted seventy different yet oddly specific facts about?" (and Sidewipe's own enthusiastic, "THANK THE PRIMES, SUNSTREAKER, YOU'RE ALIVE!!"), Optimus agrees with Ironhide's suggestion that all Autobots on the continent of Sanus (slag, the planet's internet is better than Earth's!) converge on the island of Patch. If they are too far away or on another continent, the Autobots are to make contact with Qrow Branwen and Taiyang Xiao Long's allies in the City of Vale or the main cities of the other continents for a means of temporary shelter and Dust supplies.
Though annoyed that Optimus and his nephew Smokescreen are already on the Vale island, Sideswipe manages to double time it to the City of Vale before hopping a transport to Patch. Having gotten the contact information from Qrow and the necessary Dust Wheeljack recommended (the Wrecker-scientist is gonna have to explain the side effects of that Lightning subtype), Sideswipe managed to convince/annoy that Glynda lady into a transport to where his allies are. It hurts like the Pit that Sunstreaker is on Solitas, but if Sideswipe wants to join his older brother and make sure his dumb aft survives on Remnant, then he needs to be with his leader for that to happen without hot-dogging it himself and risking his own death.
He's not sure what he expected the Xiao Long residence to look like, but a simple log cabin like the old Westerns with modern tech isn't it - nor the attempts of Wheeljack to build a GroundBridge a few yards away from the place.
Introductions to the inhabitants are memorable: the blue-haired boy who is somewhere below Miko's level of excited when she first met the 'Bots is Neptune Vasilias. Funny name, but the kid's got talent considering the weapon he has. The quiet, silver-haired guy who hangs around the apparently-unconscious girl's bedroom is Mercury Black. A more straightforward name for sure, though Sideswipe's noticing the boy is not one to socialize. The blond man is Taiyang - or Tai, as he insists on being called - and the one-armed blond girl is his daughter, Yang Xiao Long.
Maybe it's the clear vulnerability she radiates, or the spark of fire he sees in her when she's being pushed by Ironhide to reintegrate into society. Regardless, Sideswipe likes Yang, and decides to get to know her between his time helping Wheeljack with the GroundBridge and reporting to Optimus for scans of Autobot and Decepticon activity on Remnant.
It doesn't take much work for the ex-gladiator to strike up a conversation with Yang. The girl's got spunk, even if she is in shock over her losses. Neptune's there most of the time too, and after one particular session involving both Ironhide and Tai when Yang is trying out her new arm, Sideswipe has a talk with Neptune about encouraging Yang. Taking her out for a drive, the two help Yang reignite her love of adventure and brawls. Through their efforts and Ironhide's experience in training kids, Yang becomes more like her old self and learns to embrace her new prosthetic limb.
Sideswipe and Yang are a nigh perfect match for battle. While they each love a good brawl, are jokers, and some of their teammates' heavy hitters, Sideswipe provides the necessary experience to help temper Yang's impulsiveness. Neptune is her calm center, but Sideswipe is the voice of reason she needs to figure out her new approach to life. Although she still loves to drive her bike Bumblebee (as well as the confusion it causes the Cybertronians) with Neptune, sometimes she'll ask Sideswipe if she and her boyfriend can ride with him for some fun. The younger of the Lambo twins enjoys taking them up on this offer, and the three normally get up to mischief together in their off-time.
In spite of their fun antics, Sideswipe finds himself thrown into a new dynamic when Ruby is revealed to be Yang's cousin and not her sister. He gives her space, letting Neptune help her in this time before she can face Tai or Qrow again. Despite that, Sideswipe's suspicions of her emotional state are confirmed when Neptune asks him to talk to her, since she needs an outsider's perspective for this. Taking her through Patch, Sideswipe and Yang talk about the family drama that's unfolded, and listens as she explains she doesn't know how to accept both that Ruby's not her sister and that Ruby is growing in a way that requires her to step away from Yang's protection. After some thought, Sideswipe encourages her to keep contact with Ruby, but to also focus more on herself, since she's defined herself by being Ruby's protector. Yes, Ruby still needs guidance, but Yang has to break out of the maternal mindset she's imposed on herself for her entire life.
"Let me and Neptune be there for you, okay? You can go back to Tai whenever you want, but you can rely on us to let you be yourself. You're my friend, and Neptune's girlfriend. You can fight alongside us, goof around with us, or blow off steam, and we won't judge you. You're Yang Xiao Long, and we'll help you find your path in life."
Not only does this help Yang in her journey of growing up, but it brings her closer to Neptune, Sideswipe, and her family.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Phew, this took a while to figure out! Honestly, their team name didn't take too long to discover: Yang's the dragon of the two, and Sideswipe's got the experience of war under his belt to help guide her. Maybe I've just been out of it, but I thought for sure I'd have my two favorites done sooner than this.
Oh well, I hope you enjoyed them, folks! I've got another duo in mind, but time will tell when I post them. I will say this, however - it's not a pair you'll expect. Until next time...
"Autobots, transform and roll out!"
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vanadisvalentine · 1 year
RWBY Volume 9 Episode 10: Of Solitude and Self
i have thoughts. here are some of those thoughts.
I am going...to try and keep this in chronological order, but it's midnight, and I tend to ramble the longer I've been awake. So bear with me.
First off, okay, so we're definitely going to get details of exactly what happened with Summer later down the line. Presumably, she, Raven, and Qrow ('cause who else would Raven have portaled too yanno), along with maybe some others who knows, went on the offensive vs Mommy Salami and things didn't work out. If that's the case, boy does that color Qrow's character even further. It's no wonder he used to stay far away from the people he cares about. Also wow Raven nice to see you again, been a couple of volumes.
I'm glad that Rubes got to have a sort of posthumous pep-talk from her mother, even if it's something as simple as "I love you the way you are". I appreciate that she didn't need to be talk-no-jutsu'd into getting the theme of the volume, but rather it's a conclusion she came to herself. After a whole volume of seeing her all morose and depressed, it put the biggest smile on my face to see her finally accept that she is Ruby Rose, and that's all she's ever needed to be.
On a less profound note
WHOOOO RED LIKE ROSES PART III FUCK YEAH BABY THIS IS WHAT I'VE BEEN WAITIN FOR THIS IS WHAT IT'S ALL ABOUT. Whoever animated that first little sequence of Ruby going ham on the cat with Crescent Rose? I want to kiss you. You deserve the world. Brings me right back to volume 1. (Was it Arryn? I feel like it was Arryn considering how much they love Soul Eater but I can't remember if they've done any combat sequences aaaah)
The Cat got the shit kicked out of them in a great team fight. Doing a whole ass 5 v 1, even with someone as formidable as the CC in the fray, couldn't have been easy to choreograph, so props to the whole team on that one for making it feel sick. The Cat is a bit of a more tragic character in retrospect with the tale the Blacksmith told (also--the Ever After is the primordial world? The Brothers didn't make it? Shit, color me surprised), but at the same time...yeah RIP Bozo.
'Twas curiosity that killed the cat or something like that idk
The fuckin piano reprise of This Will Be the Day oh my GOOOOOD. Chills. The music in this volume has been absolutely phenomenal. Of course there are the vocal tracks, but the score??? Martin Gonzalez you beautiful man. Bless your heart, bless your body, bless your soul.
Neo. Neo Neo Neo. Neopolitan, baby girl...I'm gonna miss you, as I'm sure a lot of people will. Even the people who hate this show like you because you're just so much fun. I remember back in the day when I was a kid and unironically used the word waifu to describe female characters I was fixated on, you were my precious little Ice Cream Wife and I would burn the world for you. It's so weird thinking about your origins as a character (Inspired by a genderbent Torchwick cosplay, Monty threw you in at the last second in order to not have to animate Torchwick escaping...though I'm sure there's more to it than that), to how you've progressed, to where you are now. This is the last we're gonna get of you for now, I'm sure. But at the same time, I can totally see you showing up for the final fight vs Salem or Cinder or whoever to get your licks in. You were a welcome addition this volume, even if you DID drive Ruby to drink the Bad Tea. It's hard to hate you when you're so fucking cute.
I am...not going to pretend to not be a little disappointed that Boomer Jaune was but a temporary thing. When The Blacksmith was talking about Alyx fixing what she'd broken, I was expecting like, idk, his sword to be repaired, but I quickly realized that she wasn't even the one who did that, and then I was like "oh no" and before I knew it, BAM back at it again with the yee-yee ass haircut. At least next volume comes with new designs so we won't have to deal with that any longer. I appreciate the streaks of grey, symbolizing that it's not like he's regressed in any way, but...Jauney Boy, get that wolf's tail back. You rocked that shit.
That's all I can bring myself to write down for now. I'm sure I'll be talking about this episode--and this whole volume--for a WHILE. I'm gonna sit on it for a bit, but I think it might take volume 6's spot for my favorite of the bunch, which is impressive because volume 6 is hella good y'all. Thank you so much to the crew (GOD I hope certain people who worked on this volume return for the next one, I could feel the love they have for the craft and for this show and I've adored getting to see their thoughts on each episode as it aired these past few weeks) and everyone involved in bringing to us. It's been rough lately, that's for sure, but I mean it when I say that RWBY is one of my favorite shows out there, and I wish nothing but the best for its future and the future of everyone who brought it to life.
now I wait probably about a year or so to see Nora/Ren/Sun's reaction to Blake and Yang finally getting together. Until then, I will drown myself in fanfiction.
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trickshottruths · 2 years
through violet eyes
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“Qrow’s disarmingly honest, and that’s my favorite kind of man.”
She digs the stubble. It’s the first thing she noticed, especially since it gives away the touch of rugged in contrast to that crisp Atlas suit. The loop-tie undershirt suggests some woodsy-ness, too. He’s got taste. 
Qrow stands on the edge of disaster most days. He could turn for better or worse with the right push. She sees his struggle, how hard he tries, and admires how he fights the good fight. She wants to support it, to push him the right direction. She’s seen so much corruption, it’s incredibly attractive to know how resilient Qrow’s conscience is. 
His dumb charm. It’s so genuine it instantly puts her at ease. The more he fucks up the more attractive it is. 10/10 would actively cause situations to throw him off just to watch how animated he gets, and to try and help him laugh at himself.
He listens. He listens. He listens. Robyn has spent so much of her life being underestimated and brushed off. When he steps back and gives her space and lets her go off and actually takes it in and then thoughtfully responds - even if it’s disagreeing - her heart grows three sizes. He makes her feel respected. He looks at her like she’s the person she wants to be.
He’s got a slimmer figure but still some lean meat where a man should have it, that’s called bisexual compromise, baby. Robyn really enjoys running her hands all over his physique. He can hold her and be held just as nicely. 
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arjengelly · 1 month
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Name: Libra Scales
Weapon: Justice
Semblance: Odd’s Favor
Adoptive Parents: Oddric & Stephen Scales
Bio-Parents: Fate Prophet & Chester Katz
Aunts: Fortuna & Destiny Prophet
Love Interests: Trivia/Neo (Currently), Malachite Twins (Formerly)
Ya… I got a ways to go with this one
I have an issue with her hair lol
Just wanted to revisit her so I can write about the time she woke up from sleeping the wrong way on the bed under Neo’s massive pile of hair. Libra bit Neo’s butt cheek because everything seemed like a too good to be true dream. Neo swiftly kicked her off the bed, confirming it to be a reality.
The Prophet Sisters happened upon a village of Faunus who had the same ability as Raven and Qrow. Fate fell for a cat-like young man and they had Libra. Fate died due to complications from a Grimm’s venom and childbirth.
Libra’s father hid her from her aunts knowing that they’d try to replace their sister with their niece (actually named Legacy Prophet). Seeing a baby in the mouth of a giant cat beast (Chester) caused the Scales to take action and he willingly surrendered her without a word. Noticing the baby had strange strings in her swaddle, the pair believed it to belong to her possibly deceased parents. They decided to adopt her then and there.
The silver eyed Oddric encouraged the child’s wild nature yet Stephen felt a lil fearful of not only her safety but Libra herself. Odd trained her in combat while Stephen showed her how to build weapons since he was a teacher at Signal. The family would later lose Odd to Salem.
Stephen lashed out at Libra and she ran off with his latest invention: a chain connecting two buzzsaw blades on both ends which could each fold up into fists. She combined it with the strings found in her swaddle and pink dust crystals. The weapon became somewhat sentient with Libra sporting matching gems on her forehead. She named the tool: Justice.
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raebaekaedae · 2 years
Volume One, Episode Twelve: “Brave Face”
Series: SCWR Rating: PG-13 (Foul Language, Minor Violence, Excessive Violence Mentioned, Drugged, Death Mentioned, Themes of Self-Blame, Prominent Themes of Depression, Prominent Themes of Grief/Grieving, Prominent Themes of PTSD) Summary: (3,905 words) “It’s time for the Vytal Festival Dance! You know what that means... Teenage Drama! Haddy finds out that he has a fan, Qrow and Summer try to kick him out of the Singles Club, Robyn and Ryder managed to start a dance-off, and it seems like Monroe’s actually have a decent time! How ever will things go wrong??”
Read on Wattpad
The dance certainly wasn't what he expected. Somehow, on top of their school work, mystery missions from Ozpin-- that Qrow had accidentally spilled the beans on after Haddy found out about his criminal past-- and extracurriculars, Team STRQ managed to plan the entire event. Summer had designed everything around a gothic masquerade with Raven's help. Tai had wanted a smoke machine, so the girls managed to work it in for ambiance.
Haddy was amazed by the beautiful decorations as he walked into the room. Candelabras flickered with dim light on various, black-clothed tables that were set with finger foods and drinks. The walls were lined with black, red, and gold curtains that draped down from the ceiling where a beautiful, candle chandelier hung. Balloons of the same colors bopped around in the mist near the floor as the dance music thumped. There was a black, velvet carpet leading from the door up to a podium where Qrow stood, greeting guests with his onyx, victorian coat and feathered bird mask.
As he approached, the masked host widened his arms and said, "Haddy! Cutting it a little close, aren't you?"
The husky laughed as he stood in front of the podium, "I had to finish my mask."
He wasn't wearing anything too flashy. When he left Mantle, he'd managed to bring some of his clothes, including a dark one-piece suit and bowtie that he wore on special occasions. With the base of his costume down, he crafted a simple, black, Venetian mask with silver, wing-tipped eyes and trim. He spent some extra lien to get a thick, gray ribbon that slightly shimmered for the tie.
Qrow whistled lowly as Haddy did a little spin. The victorian host smiled, "Looks sweet, man!" He paused before he added, "You're the last person to arrive, which means that I can finally get away from this podium!"
As the crow-haired teen stepped out from behind his post, he extended an arm for his best friend to loop his hand into so they could walk together. Haddy laughed as he rested his palm into the crook of Qrow's elbow, and the pair entered the fray of the party.
The center of the room had been cleared for space to dance in the ambiently lit, ankle-deep fog. Dozens of students from all four kingdoms conversed and partied in a sea of suits, dresses, and masks. It was hard to get a read on anyone, but the overall atmosphere was jovial and fun.
The pair took up spots near one of the juice bars. The regal dance music changed to an upbeat pop as Haddy withdrew his hand and poured two drinks for himself and Qrow. When he turned back to return to his dark-haired friend, he was instead met with the small figure of a girl. She was looking up at him, amazed.
Her cerulean hair was styled into a pixie cut. A pair of floppy, dog ears sprouted from her glittery, crown-like mask as she stared up at him with those baby blues. Her dress was a dark shade of that same blue and was strapless. The skirt portion was cut short and frilled out with a sparkling, transparent fabric over top of a gradienting layer, and it was held up with a thin, silver belt that was tied into a looping bow. She had to be a first-year, given her tiny stature.
Haddy took a half-step back, after almost knocking into the younger girl when he turned around. Embarrassed, he chuckled, "Whoops! Sorry! I didn't see you there."
When she didn't do anything but awe at him, he felt a bead of sweat forming on his temple. He awkwardly continued, "Uh... Sorry, again... I'm--"
"Hadrian Snow..." she cut in, almost breathlessly.
He took another half-step back as his tail brushed up to the drink table. He drew out, "Riiiiight... and you are...?"
She replied with starstruck eyes, "Blue, sir... Bella Blue..."
"Sir?" He asked with a raised brow beneath his mask.
When she didn't respond, he slowly nodded as he side-stepped around the table, saying, "Well. It was nice meeting you, Blue..."
Haddy backed up a few paces with the drinks in his hand. Once he was a couple steps away, he nodded to the strange girl before turning on his heel and hurrying back to Qrow. Summer had joined him with a punch of her own and a simple white dress with a red underside, much like her cloak. The pair of dark-haired teens joked as the husky joined them, looking over his shoulder to see the faunus girl in blue gone.
"What took you so long?" Qrow asked with a smile, taking one of the drinks.
The husky rubbed the back of his head, still looking for the girl, as he replied, "There was just this... weird girl. I dunno..."
The crow-haired host raised a brow beneath his feathers and remarked, "Ooh? You looking for a date?"
Haddy deadpanned over to him, causing both him and Summer to laugh. He rolled his eyes as he replied, "Oh ha ha..." he paused, giving the room one last once over before he continued, "You know I couldn't get a date, even if I tried."
Qrow threw his arms over both Summer's and Hadrian's shoulders, almost spilling his drink as he laughed, "Single Solidarity!"
The trio chuckled as the host pulled back and extended his cup out in front of him. Both Summer and Haddy clinked their glasses to his as they celebrated their datelessness. As the night went on, they stuck together, watching the other students dance while they joked around about the absurdities of the entire dance.
There was some shouting, which drew the husky's attention. He easily spotted the hulking figure of Ryder in his deep yellow blazer with dark brown patches on the elbows. He was wearing a jester's mask as he danced like an idiot. Beside him, Haddy caught a glimpse of red, guessing it was Robyn, with her own mask adorned with flowers. The pair had a small circle cheering them on as their laughter danced through the air. He was pretty sure he saw Professor Cray's signature pink locks shouting from the sidelines. Somehow, they'd started a dance-off. The R's laughed at one another, and he was happy that they'd come together.
But that was when Haddy's wandering eyes found themselves on a break in the crowd. His heart skipped a beat as he found himself staring at the back of a girl across the room. Her blonde hair was tied up in a bun wrapped up with a braid. Her teal dress was backless, her chest covered up with a high neckline that wrapped around her throat. The skirt of her dress was rippled, cut shorter in the front to show off the pale water texture dancing on the underside of the fabric. In her hand, she held a stick that was connected to a light blue, lace Venetian mask with white rhinestones over the lashes.
As she turned, continuing with her conversation with some random student, the mask lowered, revealing her beautiful brown eyes; so full of joy with a childlike twinkle. The lines of her cheeks turned into the first genuine smile since they'd met... slightly cocked and showing off her dimples... The smell of fresh rain filled his nose...
He jumped when Qrow waved his hand in front of his face, saying, "Remnant to Haddy? Do you read?"
"What?" he exclaimed, hoping that his cheeks just felt hot or that his blush was-- at the very least-- hidden beneath his mask.
Unfortunately, he didn't notice his rapidly wagging tail. Qrow smirked, elbowing him as he goaded, "See something you like?"
Now he knew he was blushing. He reached back and held his tail straight. Qrow and Summer laughed as he tried to form words and couldn't.
Their female companion, all-knowing as ever, smiled, "Y'know, Cadie doesn't have a drink."
"Cade, huh?" Qrow smirked, poking his best friend's ribs.
The husky batted his hands away as the bright blush spread beneath his mask. He scoffed, "She just looks pretty tonight, okay. I've never seen her in anything other than pajamas, her uniform, or her pirate costume!"
Summer smiled, putting a hand on his shoulder as she asked, "It's okay, Haddy."
"You sure that's the only reason?" Qrow smirked.
Haddy pouted at the pair before he sighed, "She just looks so..." he paused, finding the right word as he turned to look at Monroe again, "... happy."
She was wearing similar makeup to her normal attire, with a lighter turquoise lipstick and pearlescent pink blush. The bangs of her hair were pulled to the side and curled to reveal all her features. A beautiful silver necklace with a matching compass rose rested against the front of her chest. She wore dangling earrings of varying lengths of silver chains. He could see Leo's emblem peeking out from inside her ears. She was wearing his comms to keep out the distractions of the party.
When she smiled and laughed again, he felt his heart jump to his throat. He silently wished that he had been the one making the jokes she enjoyed so much. His face suddenly felt like it was on fire as he looked away and forced his drink up to his lips as a distraction. As he turned his gaze away to turn to Qrow and Summer, he found them staring at him with slack jaws and eyes as big as saucers.
"Oh my Gods..." his best friend managed to push out, "You got it bad."
As if his face wasn't red enough already.
Quickly Summer turned around and poured another cup of punch before she pushed it into Hadrian's empty hand. As he was realizing what she was doing, Summer had already turned him around and pushed him out onto the dance floor towards Monroe. He whipped his head around to see both her and Qrow giving him the biggest shit-eating grins and silent encouragement.
He silently cursed them as he turned back towards the blonde. With a confidence-boosting deep breath, he willed his legs to walk forward. There were ten-thousand things rushing through his head, none of them coherent. He was about halfway to her when the music died down and the sound of a mic turning on gathered the attention of the dancing students.
Everyone's eyes turned up to the raised portion of the stage where Headmaster Ozpin was standing in a dim spotlight. He spoke, "Welcome, students from all kingdoms. Today we stand together... united...
"... Mistral... Atlas... Vacuo... Vale..." he continued, "Together we are stronger than any force that would try to force our defeat. This year's Vytal festival, however, will be a few students less than years past. We would like to dedicate this moment to honor those who gave their lives for others..."
A screen behind the professor softly illuminated, displaying the picture of a smiling face on it. Staring down at him was Peri Vasilikós. He was wearing his Beacon uniform and a pearly, white smile on his face. His royal purple hair was waved and pushed back to reveal his silvered eyes, shining with hope and passion.
The pictures of the late leader from Prosciutto's hideaway suddenly came rushing back to him. The one with just him and Monroe most prevalent, their cheeks brushing against one another. What did he think he was doing? Clearly the two were close, and here he was trying to take that away from her. He mentally slapped himself in the face as he pushed down his own heartbreak, surprised that the spur-of-the-moment decision had affected him so much.
"Pericles Vasilikós," Professor Ozpin said in his calm monotone, "Known as Peri to his friends. He is survived by his teammates; Cascade Monroe, Robyn Wyndham, and Ryder Flaxen."
For a brief moment, Haddy thought that would be it. That he wouldn't have to put on a brave facade and face truths that he had been lying to himself about for months. He had already turned his head to start his walk back to Qrow and Summer when he heard Ozpin's voice again.
"Ollie Ombre."
Hadrian felt his blood run cold. He froze, his joints locked and stiff. A cold sweat started rolling over his body as he let out a shaky breath. Against his better judgment, he turned his eyes back to the screen. The drinks hit the floor before he even had time to register that he'd loosened his grip.
A farm girl stared back at him and the smell of fresh hay filled his memory.
She had hair as red as Robyn's that gradually tapered into a pink and was secured in two, braided pigtails that rested on her shoulders and chest. Her nose was upturned at the end and covered in freckles. One of her collie ears was flopped over while the other stood at attention. Her cerulean eyes bore into him.
In a flash, Haddy saw her. She had just barely managed to push Bēju out of the way. She was laying face down in the crimson snow. The stench of blood tore at his nostrils. Her overalls and plaid shirt were torn with thick claw marks, leaving her skin and spine broken into pieces. Her chest heaved out one last, broken exhale before stilling. The rope of her pitchfork weapon was frayed and torn, just like her body; one half still in her grasp.
Ozpin's voice brought him back to the present.
"Tadashi Bēju."
Beside her-- as always-- the tanned skin of Bēju was stark against his platinum blond hair, shaved on the sides and short on top where it was swept back. The distinct mix of shoe polish and earthy smells mixing resurfaced in Hadrian's mind. He didn't smile often, and school picture day was no exception. His dark eyes were narrowed on the crowd as an air of seriousness waved off him. Those black eyes were digging into him.
He was standing over her, one arm already broken, and bleeding from a large gash in his head. He had tears streaming down his cheeks as a scream of rage tore through the howling wind. Suddenly, two of the grimm were on top of him, clawing into his chest. He stabbed into them with his one good katar, but it was futile. His dark eyes glazed slowly as he suffered, neck lolling to the side lifelessly.
He felt like everyone was staring at him, judging him. His chest heaved and cracked as tears threatened to run down his face. Thousands of guilty thoughts he'd done so well to hide beneath lies that he'd begun to believe himself screamed at him so loud he almost didn't hear.
"Leon Onyx."
Leo had always looked so happy. That happiness that he'd craved from Monroe bit at him as his brother's blue eyes stared down at him. He was smiling to hide how just how anxious he was. His hair was shorter than Haddy's and pushed back on his head, secured with a clip. His canine ears were laying flat on his head, a nod to his nervousness about attending the elite school. He had always smelled so happy, like freshly baked caramel on a cold day.
That was when he heard Leo's scream. He'd watched his two best friends die in front of him. Out of desperation, he drew Sled into its picks and charged the Alpha. He jumped at it, angry tears streaking through the hail and wind. It caught him by his face, muffling his screams as it drew its maw to his throat and shook him like a ragdoll... until he was still and silent. When it dropped him as if he were nothing, Haddy couldn't tear his teary eyes away from the horribly bent angle of his brother's bloody and open neck.
"They are survived by their leader, and brother; Hadrian Snow."
He was pushing through the crowd before his mind had any more time to register the Memoriam. He threw students and teachers alike to the side. He didn't care. He had to escape their eyes. There were shouts for him to stop, but he refused. He threw open the doors to the dance and jumped into the chilly night air. He didn't stop, activating his semblance and doing the one thing he was good at; leaving everyone behind.
Hot tears rolled down his face, catching on the brim of his mask before flowing over. He couldn't stop himself as his legs propelled him into the starless night. He hiccuped and sobbed, unable to catch his breath until he came to a skidding halt at the edge of the Academy. He looked over into the somber, moonlit city of Vale.
Before he could stop himself, his knees gave out. He was sitting on his butt, hugging his legs as he just sobbed. He was alone. No matter how hard he tried to stop himself, he couldn't silence his howling cries. The faces of his team glared down at him from the stars, tear-stained and bloody. He wanted nothing more than to give his life for theirs. He wasn't like Peri, he didn't die for his team; they died for him.
For just a moment, he thought they had called down to him. But as he whimpered at the sound of the soft voice behind him, he squeezed his eyes shut and buried his snotty face into his arms.
After a moment, Monroe gently put a hand on his slumped shoulder. She sat down beside him, hanging her legs off the edge of the floating school courtyard. He refused to look up as Robyn rubbed soft circles into his back with her thumb, sitting down on his other side. Even Ryder was gentle with him as a calloused hand came to lightly rest in Hadrian's black hair, tenderly smoothing it.
"If I'm being honest..." the blonde said after a moment, examining the mask in her hand, "I'm... sad. Depressed, really, I think is the better word... I miss Peri more than anything in the world, and I'm scared that I can't be the leader he was. He was everything to me, and I can't even imagine living without him, so now that he's gone... I just don't know what to do with myself..." Gently, she let the mask slip from her grasp, letting it fall away to the streets below.
Haddy sniffled, wiping his eyes on his sleeve as he looked up into her chocolate eyes. She was crying. Her beautiful make-up ran down her cheeks in dyed rivers as she somberly smiled, looking out into the night.
Robyn was next as she loosened her mask, pulling it from her face as she chuckled, "I hide my sadness behind witty one-liners and jokes, because if he were still here, I know he'd be trying to make me feel better by doing the same. He was a great guy like that. Even though he was the one who got killed, he'd be trying to make us feel better..." She clutched her mask tightly before tossing it as far as she could.
"I'm angry," Ryder said solemnly, taking off his own mask, "We all 're hidin' our feelin's b'cause we don' wanna drag tha oth'rs down. I'm angry, 'cause 'e died f'r no reason... 'e died 'cause some bitch want'd 'im to." He sighed, letting the mask fall towards Vale.
They didn't look at him with expectations or prying eyes. Together, they all sat, watching the broken moon rise over the dark sky. Monroe and Haddy continued to quietly cry deep into the night. After a while, he finally wept himself into exhaustion and his tears dried on his cheeks.
As midnight came and went, he tugged the silver ribbon of his mask loose and held it in his hands. He whispered, his voice too hoarse from sobbing to be any louder, "I'm... guilty...
"I tried so hard to be the best I could for them, but it didn't matter. When we came to face a real challenge, I faltered... and they paid the price... even my mom won't talk to me. Leo and I wouldn't have been there if I hadn't pushed so hard for us to become Huntsmen... just to be like a man who abandoned us.
"I wish I could take it all back... I wish I never lied to you guys or myself... I wish I never took that stupid mission... I wish I never pushed them to go the extra two miles... but, they wouldn't want me to say that... we saved so many lives with that cure. I'd like to think they'd be proud of me for carrying on and trying to get my License... but, what do I know..."
Robyn leaned her head over on his shoulder as he finished. She sadly smiled, "Haddy... we knew the whole time."
"You did?" He asked, too exhausted to be bewildered, looking down at her.
She nodded, "Ozpin told us everything, just like he told you about what happened with Peri. We wanted you to be ready before you told us, so we didn't bring it up."
Hadrian wiped his cheeks with his suit sleeve, which was absolutely drenched with tears. After a minute, he sighed, "I feel like I cheated you guys out of the dance..."
"Eh..." the blonde shrugged, "I wasn't having that great of a time anyway."
He knew she was lying, and he thought she knew that he did as well. Haddy smiled and leaned his shoulder into hers, and surprisingly enough, she leaned back. He looked down at the mask he'd so painstakingly crafted for himself, before he tossed it over the edge of the abyss. A gentle breeze took the silver ribbon and guided it out of sight.
They stayed there for a few more moments before Ryder took off his blazer and wrapped it around Robyn, who was shivering in the autumnal air. She smiled up at him through chittering teeth. The blonde chuckled as Haddy nudged the redhead with his knee. Monroe was also shaking, so Haddy pulled off his jacket and extended it out to her. Cade smiled when she took it.
"C'mon," the husky said, motioning for his friends to get up with him, "Let's go back inside."
Maybe it was the cold, maybe it was the noise dampeners Hadrian had given her, maybe it was the sense of peace she had on campus, but Monroe didn't hear the cocking of the gun until it was too late. Her eyes widened as she turned in slow motion, arm half in the husky's jacket as she raised it to block him. He was already standing and turned towards the sound.
The hairs on the back of his tail were raised as a low growl echoed in his chest. He didn't like people pointing guns at him or his friends. In the short instant he had, he charged his aura, readying for a fight as he knelt in front of Robyn and Ryder as a shield. He knew Monroe would sense the danger.
There was an explosion of gunpowder and then there was a dart sticking out of his bicep. He looked down in disbelief. It should have bounced right off his aura, but it sunk deep into his arm. Before he could figure out what happened, the serum plunged into his veins and he felt light. His mind spun around as his knees fell out from beneath him.
Suddenly he was falling as the world around him darkened. He watched as his friends moved further down his vision as he tumbled over the edge of the school and hurtled towards the city of Vale. The only thing left was the smell of Monroe's makeup lingering in his nose and her echoing screams for him.
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flightofaqrow · 2 years
qrow x Bartholomew Oobleck ( @erudite-rebel​​ ) + Starling
common - qrow looks haggard, tired, like he’s seen things he never wants to see again.  uncommon - he’s carrying something. other than a bottle.  definitely, most assuredly, uncommon… actually a first - it’s a baby.
“um,” he finally grates out between baby’s breaths, “c’n we come in?”
Bart was dressed in one of Qrow’s t-shirts and a pair of sweatpants when he answered the door. He has no idea how long it took him to answer, but he was sure it was indecently so.
“Yes,” he said, stepping back so Qrow can come in with the little bundle, door open wide.
common - qrow returns to vale over a week later than the date he said. uncommon - Barty never received a text with new promises or plans; just i’m okay somewhere in the middle of that gap with no further response.
common - qrow finally shows up, as the sun comes down. uncommon - he knocks on the door instead of the window. he’s human.
common - he looks haggard, tired, like he’s seen things he never wants to see again. needs to drink to forget and sleep it off, and then repeat until the images are less sharp. uncommon - he’s carrying something. other than a bottle. and he doesn’t even smell of alcohol. definitely, most assuredly, uncommon… actually a first - it’s a baby.
a little one, that starts crying at the creak of the door, and other than its upset little face with bangs of black hair poking out over scrunched up eyes, everything is swaddled and bundled up in qrow’s arms. he’s frazzled, and already slumping, ready to crash now that his body has attached to the idea of him being home, or at least as much of one as he still has, so he doesn’t even bother to try and soothe the child’s wails.
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“um,” he finally grates out between baby’s breaths, “c’n we come in?”
It’s been a long time since Bart was overly concerned when Qrow made it home late. Certainly he worried, especially with the vague text he received, but it was the nature of their work for Ozpin. This was just the way it was, and as stressful as it was - especially with Summer gone, and everything thrown into chaos - he managed to deal with it.
Everything in how he showed up, the knock at the door, the text, the weeks since he’d seen him last, was what made him worry.
Bart was dressed in one of Qrow’s t-shirts and a pair of sweatpants when he answered the door. His hair was fuzzy, shorter than usual at only a few inches long, growing out from when he’d cut back his mohawk and was encouraging it out from the fine buzz on the sides of his head. Sapphire eyes were filled with concern as he edged the door open -
- and a baby began to cry.
He has no idea how long it took him to answer, but he was sure it was indecently so.
“Yes,” he said, stepping back so Qrow can come in with the little bundle, door open wide.
A piece of him was scared. The little thing had soft black hair and pale skin, which put him in mind of the other man. For a brief, terrifying moment he wondered if Qrow had had a love child. They were young. It would have been within the last few years…
No. He refused to follow the train of thought. Explanations first, assumptions later.
He shut the door to his flat. The place was as haphazard as it ever was, but partially packed with boxes. Bart was going to be moving to Beacon, if he defended his thesis well enough.
“I… should I put some coffee on?” This had the makings of a long story. A very long story.
qrow takes in all of Barty the same way he does every time he comes home. from the new hair to the old clothes and how it makes his already foggy head spin, to the look on his face - one qrow’s very familiar with, one of someone questioning every moment they ever gave him, wondering if this was finally the time he crossed the line and made their lives a true curse, one he hadn’t seen on his boyfriend in a long, long time.
but he deserves it, he always does. his reputation precedes him more often than not. many of his choices back that concern up.
so he waits, and doesn’t argue and doesn’t defend himself, he just waits, while the baby cries and Barty processes. until the man acquiesces and qrow gets another night of being alright enough, and the door opens and he ambles in without talking about it.
there’s no place to put a baby. hell, most stuff for an adult is all packed up. he’s starting to think this was a bad idea.
except it wasn’t his idea. hardly even a choice, when it came down to it. maybe.
qrow sighs, and looks towards the kitchen, starting to fold away the blanket from around the child’s face, brushing its skin with his fingers, trying to soothe. the headache of extended sobriety is really starting to get to him, and the pitchy squawking isn’t helping.
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“only if y’ve got some Kahlúa t’go with it,” he grumbles.
priorities. especially now that he has assistance.
he settles onto the couch and lies the baby down in the divot between his thighs, bouncing gently as he finishes unswaddling. feathers unfold with the fabric - brown tailfeathers with white edges which fan out through the back of a onesie and look so awkwardly short and wide compared to a humanoid torso and long legs.
but the little girl seems to feel better for not having them scrunched any longer, and held more freely in qrow’s hands as he lifts her up than surrounded by his arms. her crying fades to struggled gasps, then quiets, and big, deep blue eyes finally open in earnest.
blue eyes that had put him in mind of Barty, and had entranced him just as equally the moment they met his, and maybe that’s part of why he didn’t just dump her off at the nearest orphanage and move on.
he should have.
he’s a spy and a burden, and Barty’s still busy with his doctorate, and neither one of them is ready to settle.
this is crazy.
he’s crazy.
tiny lips blow a spit bubble, trying to breathe through all the secretions tears have summoned; it pops practically in qrow’s face, and he only lets out a single, sardonic snicker.
“this’s Starling,” he starts, tone quickly turning darker, “she’s got no one now… an’, uh… i know what that’s like… i couldn’t jus’…”
he stares at her, bewildered, then towards Barty, pained; clear in the bend of his brow how he hasn’t even asked a question but any of its potential answers is likely to break him in indescribable ways.
his head’s a mess and his heart is so sore.
“I’ll be back in a moment.” The mention of alcohol is taken without a flinch, but Barty smarts over it just a little as he flits to the kitchen. The kettle is already warm, at least, and he pulls down a press and fills it with grounds as it finishes heating again to boiling. A few things are pulled from the refrigerator - fruit, sliced cheese - and some crackers from the pantry. If Qrow is here, he needs to eat. Barty doubts he has much in the last few days.
He’s back just as the baby stops crying, and he watches her tail feathers fan and stretch. He can just imagine how good that feels, truthfully. It’s how he feels when he’s able to remove a hat after wearing it for too long.
He pauses for a long moment with the tray in his hands, considering her. The way Qrow handles her is practiced, careful, and… well. Cute is one way to put it, Barty thinks. He’s a natural with kids, whether the old bird wanted to admit it or not.
He swallows and comes forward. Two mugs go down, along with the press, and cream and sugar. There is also a single use bottle of whiskey leftover from some trip. He doesn’t want to feed his habit, but he knows that look in Qrow’s eyes - the tell tale signs of a hangover, and subtle withdrawal of an addiction he still hasn’t been able to adequately talk to him about. There was no point in causing an argument now.
Not when there is a baby here.
“… she looks like she could be ours,” he joked quietly, sitting down next to them both as the coffee steeps in the press. “Where did you find her?” He refused to voice even his momentary worry that Qrow had had a child with someone else. She clearly wasn’t his, even with her dark hair. Some of his traits were dominant, and she did not have them.
and just like that, qrow’s left alone with the little one and his thoughts and his tired body again. his thumbs stroke under sausage arms, and his face softens further as Starling’s puffy cheeks relax back in place. he uses the swaddling cloth to wipe her mouth off, bouncing her on his knee.
easier to focus on her than his own wreck of a self right now.
until the tray and the lifeblood of its contents draws his attention. he looks to it, and after approving, back up to Barty.
“yeah, i… i thought so too.” the shared attributes were not a joke to him. an opportunity, possibly, a once in a lifetime one. a chance so profound he might even dare to consider it lucky were it not at this most sublimely inopportune time.
she could be theirs.
he still has no idea what’s come over him. besides those eyes. and that face. and those feathers. and, oh gods. it hurts so bad when he knows he shouldn’t wish. wishes never turned out well for him. he had written these things off so long ago. he already had Yang, and now Ruby, and his work. and his curse.
he shifts to lie the babygirl face down against his chest, one hand still holding her back while the other runs finger through thin, short tufts of hair as she turns to rest her cheek and stares with wide, searching eyes towards Barty.
“i was on m’way home, flyin’ without a care in th’ world,” he leans back into the couch, and collects himself, a huntsman’s resolve settling stoic across his face once more, slightly disconnected. the story of the past makes a good distraction of now, and future, “…until i heard a blood curdlin’ scream though th’ trees.”
a gentle heartbeat and the sheen of Barty’s own feathers seems to keep Starling at ease for now. he leans a bit forward, reaching, has no patience to wait for the coffee and goes right past the snacks for the whiskey. deft fingers palm the small bottle and manage to unscrew the cap and flick it away so he can down half the contents in one gulp. shame it doesn’t swallow down the memory at the same time. not yet.
“grimm, as usual. whole pack’a ursa chasin’ after a small merchant wagon. probl’y thought they had enough numbers t’save some coin and skip a proper escort. but got lost and ambushed on th’ backroads right near th’ border.  …i didn’t make it in time,” there goes the other half, “three young faunus couples, far as i could tell. ripped open. gutted.”
should he be that graphic with Barty? probably not, but he speaks with a need to tell it every bit as gruesome as it happened.
“so, of course i took out every damn grimm in a mile radius. figured they deserved some vengeance. also figured they must’a had some important cargo t’decide t’stand an’ fight rather than run. circled back t’check out th’ wagon… an’ heard this one screamin’ her lungs out.”
he laughs, in spite of himself, holds her firmer as she wiggles around, “come t’think of it… i don’t even remember what else was in there anymore.”
Barty paid no mind to the way Qrow drank, not this time. Sometimes watching him reach for the amber cure was something that caused a little dig in his heart, but right then Barty envied him and the ability to have something that could numb the emotions. Getting drunk seemed enviable after missions like that. He could picture the scene all too well, having seen others just like it, just as bad, in his own time, even as an academic.
He turns his eyes to her, imagining Qrow digging through the wreckage for her. A mercy that she hadn’t been targeted yet by the Ursa. Qrow must have flown in just in time.
He reached out, offering her a finger. She took it in one chubby fist, tugging it towards her mouth. He couldn’t help but smile despite the gravity of the situation. Those eyes were captivating, even at such a young age.
He hesitated for a moment. He knew Qrow wouldn’t want to hear the word luck bandied about, not for this, even if this girl was lucky a huntsman, no matter his semblance, had been close enough to hear.
“It was fate then,” he said quietly, “that you were so close.”
He looked up at Qrow, and reached another hand to stroke his cheek. His stubble was thick with his time on the road. Qrow needed time to rest from what he went through, and he needed a hand, even if Barty wasn’t much good with children himself. He’d figure it out. “I’m sorry you went through that alone. But we’ll figure it out together.”
0 notes
Qrow tended to bring James his lunch most days now. It was a nice chance to get a little time for themselves now that they had Ciel- they loved her, yes, gods, they loved her so much, more than Qrow had ever realized he would, had realized was possible, but given how much trouble they had keeping their eyes and hands off of each other and given that Ciel still had trouble being alone, they had to grab what time they could.
So Qrow brought James his lunch most days, and they got to spend a little time before James had to get back to work and Qrow had to get back to... well, whatever he did during the day. He had several projects on the go right now, and of course there was always training. The shadow creatures that terrorized the cities had become more common these days, and the Ace Ops and that new Hunts-Man kid would not be enough to keep them at bay alone.
If something didn’t give soon, there would be a new hero joining the ranks in the cities, though Qrow drew the line at a stupid costume.
Still, none of that was important right now. The important thing was that it was almost James’ lunchtime, and Qrow had timed it so he would get there just in time to make him put his work down so he could eat it.
Qrow hummed a sea shanty to himself as he rode the elevator up to James’ office, and then froze in place one step out at the sight in front of him.
Part of him melted. The part of him that ached for an easy domesticity that he had robbed them of the day he walked away from the mangled mess that was his boyfriend, the soft, gooey, marshmallowy center of him that wished for things that could not have happened for the people they once were, that part was threatening to burst from how cute it was.
The other half was just... very deeply confused.
James was at his desk, for once not working diligently- instead he had a sleeping wolf pup on his chest; he’d leaned his chair back and was petting the pup gently while he hummed to it.
Judging by the way the pup was nearly engulfed by just one of James’ paws, Qrow suspected it was newborn. Probably hadn’t even opened its eyes yet.
“Where did you get that?” he asked- demanded, baffled. “Did you steal it? You can’t just steal babies, Ironwoof, give it back.”
James just chuckled, rocking forward and transferring the pup to his arms, settling it carefully into his hold. He made a shhhhh noise, partly to the pup and partly to Qrow.
“I didn’t steal him,” he said quietly, once Qrow was close enough to hear. Qrow perched himself on the edge of the desk, eyes drawn to the little pup in his husband’s arms. Gods, they could have had that. Why did he have to be so stupid?
“So where’d you get him, then?”
“He’s Minerva’s. I’m only borrowing him.”
“Isn’t she on maternity leave?”
“Yes. She came by to show off her son to her coworkers.”
“Makes sense.” Qrow nodded. “But that does not explain why you are here, with her son, and she is not.”
“She needed to take care of something in her lab while she was here. She asked me to watch him for a few minutes.”
Which was a pretty solid explanation, and no doubt James had jumped at the chance to hold and cuddle the sweet little thing for as long as possible. And no doubt Minerva knew she could take the time she needed, as long as James Ironwoof had her son.
Qrow frowned, and reached out to tickle the pup’s muzzle, pleased when he made a whiny noise and sought out the finger tickling him. Qrow booped his nose and withdrew his hand.
“Y-y’know... we don’t have to stop at just Ciel... if you want more kids...”
“Maybe,” James murmured, absently nuzzling the infant in his arms when he began to fuss, making soft crooning noises until he’d settled again. “I’m very content with ‘just’ Ciel, though. I think more than one child would make it harder to give her the attention and love she deserves.”
“You sure? Cause... not gonna lie, big man, you look awful right holding that baby.”
James chuckled again. “Qrow? I do not have time to raise an infant.”
“Even if we did decide- later- that we wanted more children- both of us, not just me- we would do better to adopt older children. I love holding babies, but in an hour I have to get back to work, and this tiny man would need more of my attention than I could spare. As it is, within about ten minutes his mother will be back to collect him, and I can eat my lunch and pay attention to my husband while his mother takes him home and pays attention to him.”
“I guess.” Qrow looked a little disgruntled; James shifted the pup to one arm extremely carefully so he could take his hand and lace their fingers together.
“I love you,” he murmured.
Qrow’s face softened into a smile. “Yeah. Love you too.”
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nothingbutfilthx · 2 years
Qrow Branwen (rwby) headcannons
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(after volume 6 , so im not romanticising alcoholism)
- start of dating hes distant, he's cautious because of his semblance.
- when hes certain that his semblance wont ruin shit (i believe) he's cuddly.
- protective as fuck (hes a huntsman so ofc he is)
- admires your strength and kindness
- let's face it. He definitely loves butt grabs. He likes short skirts..so ofc hes an ass guy.
- when hes away on missions he messages you to check in. neofre he leaves tells you he loves you five times.
-upon his return from missions, forst words are "i love you" followed by a warm tight hug
- hes not the sappy romantic guy, but i feel like he's the fun kinda romance , like carnivals? Or adrenaline places..(man i cant word that well)
- carries you fireman style or piggyback
- the most romantic thing hes done? You woke up to find him in his bird form , delivering you, one of ypur favourite flowers.
-loves when you play with his hair
- kisses! Kisses! Man loves kissing you. (Uses tongue when kissing)
- rough but passionate kissing
- loves how well you get along with his neices. He loves seeing all three of his favourite people happy together.
- qrow is cynical. He loves that he can lay in your arms and talk about it.
- my girl, beautiful, babe, my(his)good luck charm (<this one 😭)
- best dressed couple.
- neck kisses. He loves giving and getting them.
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(oh dear lucifer forgive me for this)
- okay. First of all. Qrow. %100 brat tamer. In the show he has said "i like brats" .you cant change my mind on this.
- neck kisses? He'll mark your neck. And hopes to god you'll return the favour.
- he's playful. Definitely likes teasing and edging till your begging him. Very mean about it too.
- big dick energy. Well yeah you'd be right. Width, length at least 8+inch .. he's hitting every spot imaginable
- likes choking, his grip is gentle yet tight, will not take his rings off when choking you (or fingering you)
- talk about a pussy pleaserr, loves going down between your thighs, will have two of his long skilled fingers in you as he licks and sucks at your slit.
- rough but passionate, super grip on your hips as he slams into you, spanks your ass.
- praising/degrading kink. (Will not call you a slut or whore, -unless u ask- , hes a goodboy)
- doggy style, adores the sight of how well you take him + your ass smacking against him its a sight he could burn into his eyes
- growls. (This is definitely more a self want from him)
- wouldn't appose to you riding him in fact he wants you to use him. The thought of you using him to get yourself off seems to get him so fkn hard
- stamina + multiple rounds. Man is a god in both. One of those men that only cum after hes pleased with the mess hes made of his s/o
- breeding kink (qrow never wanted to be a dad. He didnt think he was fit to be one, what with his semblance and his missions. But seeing ruby and yang, helping train/raise them occasionally, gave him a sort of.. feeling maybe he could)
(~i will happily be baby momma for him~)
- 69. He likes the way you both please each other ..more importantly he likes that he can make you moan on his dick, the vibratorions from that 😫
- his face when he cums? His head will fall back, his eyes will close, mouth agape, deep groan.
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bridgyrose · 2 years
Hi! So Weiss Branwen AU... How did Qrow ended up having a Schnee kid? Thank you
17 years ago…
Qrow: *taking another sip from a wine bottle* I… really should be helping protect the mining operations. 
Willow: *already drunk and smiling as she looked at Qrow* Just one night and they’ll never know. Besides, you’re everything my husband isnt.
Qrow: And I’m not exactly one to ruin a marriage-
Willow: *pulling Qrow into a kiss and smirking* Jacques… has given me permission to do anything I see fit while on this trip. Besides, if anyone asks, I’ll just tell them I couldnt pass up the opportunity to have a strapping, young huntsman like yourself with me. 
Qrow: *blushing hard and grinning* And Raven said there werent any perks to being a huntsman. 
9 months later: 
Taiyang: Qrow! What the hell did you do? 
Qrow: *walking into the room* I didnt do anything. 
Taiyang: *pointing to the television* And what do you call that? 
Qrow: *pausing as he watched a gossip station talk about Willow Schnee’s new baby daughter* That’s… a baby… 
Taiyang: One with red eyes and from the same woman we helped protect when we went to Mantle. 
Qrow: ….that doesnt prove anything. 
Taiyang: *sighing* I thought we told you to stay out of trouble. 
Qrow: It wasnt my fault. Willow called for me asking for extra protection while she oversaw the construction of the mine and… you know, one thing led to another… 
Taiyang: You do know what Summer will do when she finds out what you did, right?
Qrow: I’m a grown man, capable of making my own choices. 
Taiyang: And cheating on Summer is one of those? 
Qrow: *hesitating and looking away* …I’m a dead man, arent I? 
Taiyang: And about to be a single one. 
Qrow: *wincing as his scroll rang with Summer’s ringtone* Yeah, I dont think we’ll be together after this…
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dragynkeep · 3 years
I don't care what the FNDM says, Adam was murdered. I don't just mean by the awful writing around him, I mean by Blake and Yang
To preface this, while I don't like where Adam as a character went, I acknowledge his canonical abusive and stalkerish behavior. He wasn't an "uwu baby" in the show proper. He stalked Blake and attacked her and she and Yang were well within their right to defend themselves.
Having Blake and Yang murder him when he was unarmed and defenseless was extremely dumb. I'm guessing the writers just wanted him dead and gone so they could bury their racist racism plot line along with him, but the scene doesn't work.
Adam didn't have his sword. His aura was broken and he couldn't use his Semblance, so he was entirely defenseless. (nb4 anyone mentions his gun, CRWBY forgot about it too because almost no one in RWBY uses their ranged weapons anymore and Adam didn't even reach for it.)
He ran for the broken blade of Gambol Shroud, and if he had actually managed to grab it, then yeah, I suppose I could see why stabbing him would be a good thing, but if you actually go back and watch the scene, Yang and Blake grab it first and make a point to real back and stab him instead of just leaping away from him.
There was absolutely no reason to literally murder him, because that's what it was. Actions aside, he was unarmed and defenseless and they still attacked, that's no longer self defense.
I'm not saying they needed to give him a redemption arc (because Adams's character had already been slaughtered and CRWBY would be too incompetent to write a compelling redemption arc) but they could have so easily knocked him out, tied him up, and taken him to Atlas. It would have also given the others a chance to react to him, like Qrow and Ruby seeing the man who took Yang's arm, or Weiss seeing the SDC brand on him and fully realizing the extent of her family's evil.
Hell, taking him to Atlas would be good in general since it's the most racist Kingdom and we could've gotten more insight into him and the Faunus as a whole.
I dunno. Just frustrated with the show's wasted potential while also being glad a character I liked is dead so CRWBY can't torture them anymore.
I will always go on about Adam's wasted potential and how his portrayal in the show was just rife with unfortunate implications and downright racist thinking, but there is one thing I will say.
His death was not a murder, in Blake's case.
For the simple reason that, just like Adam was Auraless and had no weapon, so was Blake. While Blake made it clear multiple times that she would let Adam go if he just left her alone, which he rejected, Adam has made it abundantly clear that not only would he never leave Blake be, but that he is very much willing to kill her and anyone around her who stands in his way.
Given the context, the state Blake was in, and what would happen if she didn't stab him, Blake very well could reasonably fear for her life and take Adam out to protect herself. Blake stabbing Adam is not murder, because either she did that or he would kill her. That's self-defense.
The situation gets muddy when Yang gets involved.
Sure, she had no Aura just like Blake and Adam, but Yang was still armed and was not in harm's way. Adam wasn't focusing on her, he was focused on Blake, and Yang still took the other part of Blake's weapon and stabbed him in the back.
There's is reasons that could be had for this. Yang very well could've feared for Blake's life, she didn't know if Blake would get the weapon first or Adam would, so she just moved and grabbed the piece that Adam wasn't paying attention to so that, even if Adam got the other part, she could still stop him and protect Blake.
But Yang's case isn't self-defense. She isn't fearing for her own life, she still had means to take Adam out without the sword because she was still armed. However justified it was, Yang still murdered Adam, and add onto the fact that she is a human and he is a Faunus, we start running into very unfortunate territory, especially when taking Yang's own racism and indifference to Faunus racism in the past.
It's why the whole Adam dying thing should've been Blake's thing only. He was Blake's partner, he was her main villain, she was perfectly justified to stab him because her life was in danger if she didn't. Take Yang out of the equation, and in regards to this whole death, I wouldn't be so angry about it.
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kitkatopinions · 3 years
can i just say i’m so sick of all the damn “freezerburn divorce” memes in the freezerburn tag?? i love wholesome freezerburn and seeing detailed headcanons of them getting divorced and having an ugly divorce is so disappointing.
freezerburn is such a wholesome ship. unlike blake and unlike with 🐝, weiss has actually taken interest in yang’s mommy issues and loneliness. it sucks to see it done dirty like this.
I'm gonna throw a Freezerburn Divorce headcanon at you: They divorce just so they can GET MARRIED ALL OVER AGAIN! Yang suggests it one day while they're watching a movie late at night at their apartment after they've been happily married for three years, because Weiss was complaining about how much she dislikes popcorn and Yang just was sitting there without completely hearing what she was saying because she was thinking about how much she loves spending time with Weiss. She thought 'Man, I love her so much, I wish I could marry her all over again,' and then the words came out of her mouth the next second and Weiss was very happy, but exasperated in a very fond way because "What a way to get proposed to!" And then Weiss was off thinking through all the details and calling Whitley to help her plan the next wedding, while Yang called her family to tell them the good news, and Ruby shrieked and babbled excitedly over how happy she was for them just like she had during the first time they'd told her they were getting married. They never finished watching their movie.
And you better believe they invited all their friends all over again and they all brought presents again because they just loved celebrating Weiss and Yang's love all over again, and Tai and Qrow both cried all once more even though they were trying to pretend they weren't. Weiss and Yang arranged the wedding together and laughingly included doilies and fog machines, and tons of people kept their very cute wedding invitations that had 'This isn't a joke, we're serious about this' printed on them, and had them stuck to fridges for a long time
That is, until any old wedding invitations or photos got moved to make room for the pictures of Yang and Weiss's new adopted baby boy a couple years later.
... But yeah, getting out of headcanons and into my commentary on this whole thing; I get that Eddy Rivas is a person who is allowed to have his own opinions on things like ships in RWBY, but if I remember correctly, he kind of phrased it as a 'this is what would happen' instead of a 'this is essentially my headcanon.' Correct me if I'm wrong, but that's what trips me up more than anything about it.
I'm kinda annoyed to hear that people against the ship are making it into a huge deal, treating it like canon, or stuff like that (especially if they're posting what's essentially anti-freezerburn without filterables in the main freezerburn tag.) I don't go into main RWBY tags or ship tags very often, so I haven't seen this myself, but shipping tends to be a volatile part of any fandom, so I'm not very surprised. I personally have no idea why Eddy Rivas thinks that Yang and Weiss would end in divorce, but I really don't agree and I think it was a weird pick. Again, maybe he just doesn't like it personally, but... Yeah, idk. It was an annoying comment, and I really hope that nobody uses it to 'stick it' to FB shippers or something or like as 'proof' of anything.
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