#queen galina
jades-vipers · 1 year
you cant convince me s2 wasn’t about a gloria-red-vee love triangle
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galina1987blog · 1 year
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Acknowledge her ☝🏻💕 !
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lina-vas-dom · 1 year
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Красавица роза - царица цветов! Не счесть в одеянье твоем лепестков! Всегда ты нарядна, пышна и легка! И запахом дивным чаруешь слегка. Своим ароматом прельщаешь людей, И делаешь их хоть на малость добрей. Бутоном роскошным у всех на виду Растешь и цветешь, и не веришь в беду… /Галина Осадченко
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Beautiful rose is the queen of flowers! There is no number of petals in your garment! You're always dressed up, lush and light! And you smell marvelous and enchanting. Your fragrance entices people, And make them a little kinder. You're a gorgeous bud in full view You grow and blossom and don't believe in trouble… /Galina Osadchenko
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Monster Hunt: The Ruiner Prince
On his first name day, the faeries approached the king and queen to ask what gift they would have for their son. They could have wished that the prince would be wise, or that he lead a long and happy life, or that he bring prosperity to his people. Instead they wished him be strong, stronger than any who would challenge him.
The heir to a kingdom faces many challenges, and only a fool, or a monster, could think that strength could solve them all.
- Braidbrook’s Fables
In the husk of a once grand palace, a wretched giant squats among squalor and bones awaiting the champion that will slay him. Surrounding villages have been abandoned for decades for fear of the giant’s rampages, and all in the realm dread the day that boredom or some mad fool’s promise of tribute bring the giant to their homes. It will take more than blades and bravado for the party to overcome this foe, as they will not only have to face off against an invincible opponent, but an awful and irrevocable curse.
Adventure Hooks:
For generations the counts and countesses of Galinae have borne a blade handed down since the founding of the kingdom, a mark of their steadfast and indelible honour. This tradition has become a problem for the countess Orana Galinae, since her brother lost the sword and got himself killed trying to slay the Ruiner Prince thirty years ago. Only recently ascended to her ancestral seat, Orana is already hearing rumours circulate that the blade’s absence is a dire omen for her reign. The countess is sure to bestow great rewards and honours for any who return the heirloom to her, though the party’s attempt at a stealthy extraction might be hindered when they realize that though the castle is littered with scattered weapons, many of the choicest ones have been impaled into the meat of the giant’s back, where he is sure to notice their theft.
Fairy gifts are not easily returned, even when the fairy in question could wish nothing more  Over a century of watching the boy she was supposed to be godmother to go feral has filled the fey known as Mossmaven with regret, and seen her doting on the mad giant in those few moments where his brimming rage gives way to confusion and loneliness. She may take on a disguise to request the party’s help in undoing the magic she has done, or attempt to intercede should she discover them skulking about the ruiner’s palace. Should the party agree to help her, they’ll likely end up on a journey through the feywild in search of a partiularly introspective mirror.
Further Adventures:
Actively fighting the Ruiner prince is courting disaster, especially if the party blunders into the fight without doing the proper research on the giant’s origins. “Stronger than any who would challenge him” definitely includes anything the party can dish out, as they’ll find as the giant grows more dangerous the more he’s wounded, eventually culminating in repeatedly coming back from death itself thanks to his Mythic creature status, at which point the exhausted party should likely consider using the surrounding ruins to run and hide.
One of Countess Orana’s cousins is plotting to make a move on her title, using the decades of doubt that’s preceded her ascension to countess and a masterfully counterfeited blade to insist that he has a stronger claim.  This cousin will prove a possible headache for our heroes ( even subtly offering to pay them off and not risk their lives). Should the party wish to do the gallant thing, testing the real and rusted blade against the glittering forgery might be enough, especially since the ancesteral blade of Galinae is said to be as unbreakable as the family’s honour, and will surely shatter the imposter upon impact.
The Mirror the Mossmaven seeks is one that shows you lives that could have been, and is currently in possession of a fey that hordes luck and second chances among his many other ill gotten treasures, meaning the party will have to be very clever should they wish to obtain it without cursing themselves in the process.  Presented to the giant, the ruiner prince may come to understand the live he could have lived had he not always needed to be strong, and in so doing realize that he gift he was given was instead a burden, invalidating its bestowal in the first place.
Depending on the order of events, Orana’s cousin, fresh off the players foiling his scheme, may roll up to the Ruiner’s palace with a cartload of treasure asking only that the giant take revenge on the ones that have already stolen from him.  This may put a time limit on their whimsical mirror seeking quest, or give them a second chance to reconsider the fairy’s offer when the giant begins wandering toward their current settlement.
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msweebyness · 9 months
Akuma Class Families (Weeby’s Canon)
These are the family members of the akuma class in my canon, enjoy! Keep an eye out for the theater kids! @artzychic27 @imsparky2002
Antoine Lahiffe
Music teacher
Total Hippie Dad
Believes all music to be beautiful and valid
Constantly loses his glasses
Ships Alyno
Margie Lahiffe
Customer service rep for a retail chain
Girl Boss, you don't tell her no
Strict but loving
Might push Nino a little too hard, not on purpose
Loves Alya so much
(Also Chris obviously)
(Obviously Roger)
Tatiana “Tanya” Raincomprix
Divorced from Roger
Defense attorney
Sabrina sees her on weekends
A bit distant, doesn't show much emotion
Jasper Lavillant
Sweetest man alive
Owns a glass blowing business, known throughout Paris
How is he always happy?
Ships his daughter and Juleka
Lillian “Lily” Lavillant
Co-owns a flower shop
Ray of pure sunshine, but a mama bear lurks within
A bit overprotective due to Rose's condition
Also ships JuleRose
(Claudie, duh)
Darius Kanté
Computer technician
Gave Max the genius/nerd gene
A lil awkward
Sees Markov as part of the family
Le Hai Lanh
Owns a cafe, traditional Vietnamese
Gave Kim the himbo gene
Mans is buff
Papa Wolf to his son and daughters
Ships Kimdine
Etienne Ature
Manages the restaurant
Nervous bean, a little overprotective
Has a thing for muscles
Mumbles a lot
Also ships Kimdine
Mai Nguyen
Personal trainer
Poly relationship with Lanh and Etienne
Mess with her kids and she will eff you up
Has already claimed Ondine as her daughter-in-law
Le Thi Anh
Mother Hen Big Sister
Kim will always be a baby in her eyes
The responsible one
Already calls Ondine her sister
Le Hoa Vinh
Not a people person
Takes LONG to warm up to people
Always making fun of Kim
Snarky 24/7
Le Liem Dao
Female Kim, basically
Queen of dares, always competing with her brother
She buff
(Jalil & Alim)
Salma Kubdel
Museum Curator
Free spirit, Alix takes after her
A really good artist
Sees Nath like a nephew, loves him
Iosif Bruel
A mountain of a man, Ivan is his mini-me
Doesn't say much
A gentle giant like his son
Construction foreman
Quietly ships Myvan
Galina Bruel
DO NOT tick this woman off
Mama Bear
Small but powerful
Loves Mylene like her own daughter
Manager of a furniture outlet
Sasha Bruel
Scarier than her big brother sometimes
Ivan will bury you if you hurt her
Has a little crush on Kiran
Mature for her age
Adores Mylene
Aya Kurtzberg (From Artzy, I love her)
Cafe owner
Massive mama bear
Adores Marc
Swears in Yiddish
Arturo Rivas
Moved to Paris from Mexico
A little bit uptight
Regional manager of an office supply chain
V protective of his family
Not totally sold on Kim
Elsie Rivas
Scottish accent to the max
Has a hell of a temper
Bus driver
Only person capable of controlling her sons
Ships Kimdine
Rico & Duncan Rivas
Identical twins, down to tooth chips
Menaces to society, may actually be demons
Adore their sister
Have electrocuted Kim on two non-consecutive occasions
Leave thoughts in the comments and reblogs!
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lady-corrine · 10 months
In one of his poetic letters to her, [Suleiman] wrote:
My very own queen, my everything,
my beloved, my bright moon;
My intimate companion, my one and all,
sovereign of all beauties, my sultan.
My life, the gift I own, my be-all,
my elixir of Paradise, my Eden,
My spring, my joy, my glittering day,
my exquisite one who smiles on and on.
[ … ]
My Istanbul, my Karaman, and all the
Anatolian lands that are mine;
My Bedakhshan and my Kipchak territories,
my Baghdad and my Khorasan.
Roxolana in European Literature, History and Culture — edited by Galina I. Yermolenko
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luvksj · 1 year
Roman Reigns Request: His Warrior Queen
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A/N: this is an overdue request for @queengreenarrowmia89​. i apologize for the wait as i’ve had to deal with uni and a big writer’s block. the bloodline story has been phenomenal so far and now that the Usos have left - it’s getting even juicier. the MITB match was awesome especially with Jey pinning Roman, ending his ‘invincible streak’. god, this storyline deserves an Emmy, Oscar and all other TV awards cause it’s absolutely amazing. maybe we’ll finally get a Jey vs Roman rematch for his new title at Summerslam? i would love to see that. this imagine may be shorter than usual and for that i apologize.
i apologize if its shit, i tried my best. anyway, enjoy the story :)
pov: the story of Roman Reigns and his warrior queen, Jo Wilson
Roman Reigns and his wife, Jo Wilson were considered a power couple in WWE amongst fans, staff and fellow wrestlers. Some dreamed of having a love like theirs, you could call it a ‘fairytale romance’ but those who knew the couple well knew it was nothing like that. 
It wasn’t easy with their equally busy schedules. They could be apart for months on end and only be able to speak with each other once or twice a week if that. But, they made it work. They fought hard for this relationship and made many sacrifices which helped create their unbreakable bond. 
But how did the two lovebirds meet? I’ll tell ya. 
Before Jo, Roman was with Galina Becker and had Joelle together. A year after Joelle was born, they decided to go their separate ways but remained on good terms and co-parented, raising Joelle together. It was an amicable split, their busy schedules meant they couldn’t be together often and ended up growing distant. 
It was a few months following his split from Galina that Roman met Jo Wilson. A friend of Jo had an extra ticket to RAW and asked if she wanted to come. Jo, having nothing better to do, agreed. 
Jo knew nothing about wrestling, she was going into this blind. I mean, she did a quick Google search but it barely told her anything - so she was relying on her friend to ‘educate’ her about one of their favourite things ever. 
When Jo first saw Roman, she was entraced by him. His menancing aura, the power it radiated. He was making his entrance, standing at the top of the stairs flanked by his two team-mates. Jo couldn’t take her eyes off him, everything about him captivated her. 
Everything about him just screamed power and dominance. He walked around like he owned this place, his tall statue was enough to make people tremble. Jo proceeded to ask her friend about him, she wanted to know more about this Samoan man. 
“That’s Roman Reigns. He’s part of the Shield with Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose. His nickname is the Big Dog for very obvious reasons.” Jo’s friend explained. Jo’s eyes remained fixated on Roman for the whole match, he never left her sight - she was hypnotised by him. 
The power and dominance he exuded mixed with the cheeky smirks made Jo’s heart go doki doki. They briefly made eye contact, Roman grinned at her and she swore that her face had never turned on red in her life. 
He looked like a god in her eyes - the way his long black hair stuck to his body because of his sweat made him look all the hotter. The way Roman loomed over his opponent made Jo’s thoughts turn south but she reigned herself back in. Roman won his match and glanced at Jo, he winked at her making her face redder and her heart beat even louder. 
“Well... did you enjoy it?” Jo’s friend asked once RAW had finished. She nodded, still in a daze, “I saw you oogling at Roman. You like him, don’t you?” her friend teased making Jo smack their shoulder in embarassment which made her friend laugh. 
Before exiting the arena, a staff member stopped them and handed Jo a piece of paper claiming someone backstage wanted to give it to them. She opened it to reveal a phone number from Roman Reigns, it took everything in Jo and her friend to not scream. 
“You’ve gotta text him!” her friend urged and after relentless pestering, she did. 
‘Hi, you gave me your number. I don’t know if you remember me or not but I thought I’d say that you were so cool tonight.’ 
Jo wasn’t expecting an instant reply since he’s a busy man, she wasn’t expecting a reply at all. She only did it so her friend stopped bugging her. To her utter surprise, Roman did reply a couple hours later:
‘Hi, I remember you. You wouldn’t stop staring at me during my match and I thought you looked rather cute. What’s your name?’ 
Squealing, she hugged her pillow hard and kicked her feet in the air. Jo didn’t know if it was out of embarrassment or excitement - maybe it was a bit of both. Embarrassed that he knew she stared at him the entire time, she must’ve looked dumb but excited that he remembered her and called her CUTE!
Responding, they found themselves messaging each other whenever they were free. Jo was a gynecologist, someone who specialized in female reproductive health and loved her work. 
It wasn’t until months later that Roman and Jo coincidentally met again... at the hospital. Roman was there to get checked up after getting hurt in a match. Jo had just finished her shift and recognized Roman, who was waiting to be seen. 
Mustering up enough confidence, she approached him and they began talking. They could both sense an undeniable chemistry and attraction between them, it felt like they’ve known each other for years when it’s only been a few months. Jo ended up waiting for Roman and chatted more over Waffle House. 
After months of pinning, Roman officially asked Jo out and she said yes. She met his family and they immediately accepted her. She even met Galina when Galina dropped Joelle off, they became quick friends and she bonded well with Joelle. 
Like every relationship, it had its ups and downs - times where they were near breakup but powered through. Jo had visited Roman at work a few times when she had free time and WWE was in Florida, she befriend a few people including Seth and Dean. 
Years of dating, Roman finally proposed to Jo in an intimate moment and during this time, Jo was pregnant with their first children. They got married in a gorgeous, private ceremony in Samoa with all their friends and family present. The friend who took Jo to that RAW was her maid of honour, she proudly declared that she was the reason Jo and Roman met during her speech. 
Jo gave birth a few months after the honeymoon. She gave birth to a beautiful girl named Luna. Roman was over the moon and Joelle had quickly adapted to her new role as the eldest sibling. Jo watched the two fondly, her life literally couldn’t be more perfect. 
Fast forward to now, Roman and Jo were the proud parents of 6: Joelle, Luna, twin boys named Christian Roman and Seth, another set of twin boys; Jimmy and Jey, after Roman’s cousins. Jo was also expecting twin girls and they had already decided on the names: Madison Meredith and Patricia Lexi.
With her due date fast approaching, Roman had been taking time off WWE to care for his pregnant wife and look after his children with help from their eldest children. Jo still worked as a gynecologist despite Roman earning more than enough to support the family, she loved her career and Roman would never ask her to give up something she was passionate about. 
Jo watched WWE from time to time. In all honesty, she wasn’t the biggest fan of his current gimmick - the Tribal Chief and would sometimes scold him for attacking wrestlers, especially her favourite ones. Wrestling wasn’t her thing but she always supported her husband, being his number one cheerleader and sending him good luck texts before matches. 
Roman considered it his good luck charm, without her encouraging text he would’ve lost the title a long time ago. He was lucky for many reasons but in his opinion, the luckiest thing he ever had was his amazing family. 
Roman didn’t enjoy being away from his family for so long and plans to take an extended hiatus once his twin girls were born. Sure, he enjoyed his career and wrestling in front of thousands of fans and travelling all over the world to wrestle. But nothing beats being with his family, he’d pick his family over his career any day of the week without hesitation. 
Roman had his wife to thank for this life, someone he proudly dubbed his warrior queen and his eyes - the true Tribal Chief of the family. 
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lemonhemlock · 1 month
Lemon what's your favorite kind of music recently? Any albums or songs or music types you're obsessed with?
so i, like half the planet, have been obsessed with brat. i've been playing it everywhere, even my bf says he's nearly memorised it. i've been aware of charli since her true romance days and i quite liked a fair few of her tracks (nuclear seasons, you, black roses, you're the one) but she sounded so different back then. i was obsessed with Fancy when it came out, it was such a fun track. then i've kept an eye on her on and off during the years as i developed an interest for the hyperpop sound (vroom vroom has been in so many of my playlists).
as for brat, i've been positively possessed by so many tracks from it, consecutively: von dutch; club classics; girl, so confusing; apple; b2b; 360 (i was a little late to absolutely love this track but i get it now) and now guess ofc. i've decided that the only nail polish i'm wearing this summer is ugly shades of green.
but, i have to say, at the same time, from her back catalogue, i've become vv fond of Yuck: it's such a banger!! it would have been a really interesting and unique hit in the pop stratosphere had it become more mainstream
so, in the same vein, ofc i'm coming back to the queen (sophie) bc i haven't really made a concerted effort to go through her entire discography and instead focused on a few songs i like: ponyboy, faceshopping, hard
i feel like this is such a good period for pop music, so that's what i've been focusing on, so, naturally, the next thing on my list is The Rise and Fall of a Midwest Princess. such a different vibe from brat but so catchy and fun. i love chappell's aesthetic and i love what she is doing in pop music. her voice and style of singing reminds me a bit of marina. as for tracks, i LOVE hot to go, femininominon, my kink is karma, super graphic ultra modern girl + good luck, babe
the next work i would like to shill for is slayyyter's absolutely perfect album Starfucker. no notes to give, it's literally unskippable. i can't even pick highlights as i would have to list the entire tracklist. i guess my most played would be i love hollywood, dramatic and rhinestone heart, but it's so difficult to choose!
another undoubted pop SCHOLAR is our girl allie x with her latest album, Girl With No Face. vvvv sonically interesting, v weird & catchy & enjoyable with those cold 80s synths i love. it kind of feels like this album is Starfucker's mysterious, eerie sister. black eye, you slept on me, john & jonathan, galina - chef's kiss. 🤌
while we were on the road these past couple of days i've also played (as the designated car dj) Rosalia's Motomami a couple of times. i've kind of had La Combi Versace, Candy and Saoko stuck in my head. La Rosalia always has such a cool instinct for combining different sounds to create something anomalous and nearly peerless. love her.
honourary mentions for kesha's joyride, hit me hard and soft by billie eilish, kim petras' slut pop albums, poppy, cobrah, chase icon, brooke candy, ayesha erotica. kind of want to get into Arca next.
anyway, thank you for this ask, i love music discussions!!
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chthonic-cassandra · 2 years
do you know of any scholarly~ works re: concubine narratives? or re: historical (or mythic, etc.) concubines? been thinking a lot about concubine narratives lately. x_x
You bet I do.
(Usual caveat here that I use the term 'concubine' to describe a range of situations where someone is forced into an ongoing sexual relationship involving a spectrum of levels of violence and coercion. These are situations that have occurred frequently across cultures and historical periods especially in the context of war, imperialism, and slavery. I include both situations where someone is actively enslaved or otherwise taken captive in war as well as cultural circumstances in which the position of concubine to someone in power might be a respected role that gives someone access to some levels of power, even if it does not confer the same societal position as a spouse.
The term concubine itself has not great implications and associations, but I prefer it to something like 'sex slave' which I actively despise. Many of the people written about in these texts would not identify with that term and some might be insulted by it.)
On this topic, I eagerly await Kathy Gaca's forthcoming book, Rape, Enslave, or Kill: Men, Women, and the Religion of Sexual Warfare and Colonialism from Antiquity to Modernity. But, until then:
Camilla Townsend, Malintzin's Choices: An Indian Woman in the Conquest of Mexico
Leslie Pierce, Empress of the East: How a European Slave Girl Became Queen of the Ottoman Empire
Galina A. Yermolenko (ed), Roxolana in European Literature, History, and Culture
Ibn al-Sai, Consorts of the Caliphs: Women and the Court of Baghdad (trans. Shawkat M. Toorawa) [this is a very cool 13th century text]
Matthew S. Gordon and Kathryn A. Hain (eds), Concubines and Courtesans: Women and Slavery in Islamic History
Heidi J. Nast, Concubines and Power: Five Hundred Years in a Northern Nigerian Palace
Nina Kushner, Erotic Exchanges: The World of Elite Prostitution in Eighteenth-Century France
Elizabeth D. Heineman (ed), Sexual Violence in Conflict Zones: From the Ancient World to the Era of Human Rights
Gwyn Campbell and Elizabeth Elbourne (eds), Sex, Power, and Slavery
Ruth Bernard Yeazell, Harems of the Mind: Passages of Western Art and Literature [this is an analysis of western orientalist narratives]
The essay collections are more varied in quality than the single authored books in this list, but all of them have interesting material in them.
And several very strong texts on the role of sexual violence in the transatlantic slave trade:
Thavolia Glymph, Out of the House of Bondage: The Transformation of the Plantation Household
Lisa ze Winters, The Mulatta Concubine: Terror, Intimacy, Freedom, and Desire in the Black Transatlantic
Vincent Woodward, The Delectable Negro: Human Consumption and Homoeroticism within US Slave Culture
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selkymaiden · 1 year
i was tagged by @50sjello tytytyty 💕💕💕💕💕🍓 also hehehe love reading about ur ocs
i tag: @grotusque, @stjarnskrik, @schreiberpablo, @thetiniestyeti, @kiryukazumas, @mediocredoots, @shatteredthrone, @morticianbot, @jesterrlavorre , @vissenya , @crystariumleves Don't feel the need to do it! It's just a fun oc thingy.
✨ favorite oc ✨
Damn, it really do be changing depending on the hyperfixation. But I will say the one who shows up the most in my tags, or I think of a lot when I see a quote or photoset has gotta be Neptune. I go back to her at the end of the day. I'm a sucker for Fallout and she's my strongest in personality 🗣️
runners up: Leto Hawke, Sophie, Galina, Koshka- I can't choose.
❣️newest oc❣️
Ohhhhh Sophie!! 🐍💕 She's very self-indulgent and for a time I was like 'Oh, she's just self-insert' cuz I really like [redacted] but then she became her own character. I always did like the DC comics and if they can write canon characters doing wild ass shit then I can have an OC who can be OP also.
runners up: Mina Q., Nimue.... Too many ladies
⏳ oldest oc ⏳
Leto Hawke. Dragon Age 2 came out in 2011 so she's been around since then. Although I have had a guy named Adrian but I don't even post about him, I do have a Pinterest board but he's not from any series, he's just an oc that floats about.
💥 meanest oc 💥
Koshka. Or Anita Hardy, my black cat sona. Instead of a spidersona, I wanted a villain so black cat it was. 😼😸
runners up: Galina, Norma Ann, and.... maybe Sophie when she's fed up with everyone.
💘 softest oc 💘
OH! June Muldoon. My Sole Survivor. She's been through a lot but has kept the softest heart- It's why she's the General of the Minutemen and will help all kinds.
runners up: Queen Mab my Warlock from Destiny 2
☢️ most aloof/standoffish ☢️
Hestia Lavellan. My Inquisitor is an Elf and already knew what she was half getting into when she became the Inquisitor. As she's not a human and is considered lower class or less PLUS she's a Mage. So everything has been stacked against her from the start.
runners up: beatrice amell, Galina
🎉 dumbest oc 🎉
Oh wow uhhhhhhh probably Gigi. My Deputy from Fary Cry 5. She's got heart and spirit and wants everything to work out but flkawjerjkl girl the choices she be making are hilarious! ☠️☠️💩
runner up: Will, Leto (a lil, yeah).
✔️ smartest oc ✔️
Sophie. She's quickly made a spot as a sort of master manipulator. But usually for the better of G****m or at least her own little world, and she certainly can play with the other Rogues now and come out untouched and that's even without cheating and using the supernatural. 💅
runners up: June Muldoon used to be (she made every faction work together in the Commonwealth by playing them), Galina (very good businesswoman), Pluto Twelve (Neptune's little sister)
👼 ocs i’d be friends with 👼
this is easy basically all my Fallout ocs cuz they've all seen shit but at the end of the day they are so chill and will hang out.
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nastya-sokolova-2002 · 9 months
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Full name: Audrey Specter (maiden name Snow) Edwardovna
Date of birth: May 18, 1848
Character: harsh, previously caring, previously kind
Loves: her family (previously), her husband (still), freeze everything, give instructions to her great-grandson
Dislikes: her family (now)
Russian voice acting: Galina Tyunina
English voice acting: Cindy Robinson
First appearance in Fanon: The fifth chapter in the fanfiction "SCP Foundation: The Last Pages of History" (as a story)
Last appearance in Fanon: Currently unknown
Story: Audrey was born in Los Angeles in a mansion inhabited by wizards and potion makers, and grew up with her parents, one of whom was named Edward. As a child, she was friends not only with her future husband Toulouse, but also with friends named Amalia and Belatrice, who were Emma's and Willow's moms. She had the same fate as her daughter: her parents told her to stop being friends with ordinary mice and she killed them by freezing. Audrey has not only ordinary magic, but also snow magic. In Fanon, she mentions her ancestor Rasputin, from whom she received snow magic, and who lived in the 12th century and froze half the globe, but was stopped by Emma and Willow's ancestors. She also says in Fanon that snow magic is very rare for someone to receive as an inheritance. When Gertrude turned 20, she and her husband Toulouse told her to stop being friends with Emma and Willow. Gertrude got very angry at them and killed them with her magic. After her death, she and her husband went to Hell. They met SCP-001 there (Scarlet King, Head (king) of Hell, Satan). Scarlet King told them that they would continue to live in the mortal world, but in other guises. King of Hell turned Audrey into Snow Queen (SCP-1529-s), and Toulouse into Snow King (King of the Mountain or SCP-1529). Satan told them what their new abilities were and where their new places of residence were and released them from Hell. After the resurrection, Toulouse began to live on Mount Everest, and Audrey in Antarctica, where she built her ice castle. From that moment on, she watched everyone with her magic ice mirror, even sometimes talking to her reflection or to her husband, who also had a magic mirror. She began to gradually freeze the world, and she froze creatures in two steps. First, she sent the North Wind in any direction and ordered who should be carried away, second, she touched the victim and her victim began to freeze to death. She froze creatures from Linus to Faina (there were a lot of her victims). One day, when some residents from the Island of Unnecessary Mice and also people fought with snow monsters and eventually turned into ice, only Orm, who was a living coward, remained among the living. Audrey, noticing him, realized in her mind that this mouse was her adult great-grandson, and she told him to become her servant. Orm didn't like it at first, but then he got used to it. A little later, she ordered her great-grandson to find the son of the artist Fyodor Vegard and as soon as he finds him, he will summon the North Wind by breaking the crystal. Even later, the North Wind finally brought Henry to Snow Queen. She did nothing with him, but only let him suffer from the cold. But again later, when Henry is almost dying, Sheila runs to him and sees what's wrong with him. Orm also comes and says that Henry cannot be saved now. But interrupting the hugs of her brother and sister, Audrey came in and said that Orm had done his job and that she was rewarding him as freedom. But Orm refused it. When Sheila was able to defeat Audrey, the Snow Queen went through the Looking Glass (a reference to "The Snow Queen 4: Through the Looking Glass). But in this place, she continued to observe everyone and communicate with her husband through a magical ice mirror. One day she asked her husband to become a reflection of Orm, that is, an evil ice copy of Orm, in order to freeze everything again. But that plan didn't work either, as Orm defeated him. And Snow Queen or Audrey still lives in the Looking Glass and can't find a way out of here.
Interesting facts: despite the fact that she is in the form of Snow Queen very similar to the character of the same name from the 2012 cartoon of the same name, she is completely unrelated to another Universe where other characters live and know about Snow Queen. Despite the fact that she had ancestors, she considers herself the head of her family. She is the main antagonist of only one spin-off (that is, one fanfiction that will appear soon). In the fanfiction "Pinky and the Brain: Reboot", she appears only in the form of a story, mentions, images and credits. The same thing appears in the fanfiction "The Last Pages of History". Despite the fact that Snow Queen knows absolutely everyone, her most important enemies are Orm, Sheila and their friends.
The third photo shows how Audrey would become 035.
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could you recommend any books on maria pavlovna the elder, or at least books that mention and/or describe her life and personality? 🤍
hey 🤍 unfortunately the list will be short, off the top of my head:
- Grand Duchess Marie Pavlovna by Galina Korneva and Tatiana Cheboksarova. It is a very rare and expensive book which I never had the chance to read but if I’m not mistaken @imperial-russia has a copy so she might tell us if it is a good read or not! - From Splendor to Revolution by Julia P. Gelardi. - Romanov autumn by Charlotte Zeepvat. - The Flight of the Romanovs by John Curtis Perry and Constantine Pleshakov. - La France des Romanov by Cyrille Boulay (if you read french) - Nicholas and Alexandra by Robert K. Massie. - The Camera and the Tsars: A Romanov Family Album by Charlotte Zeepvat. - The jewels of the Romanovs by Stefano Papi. - The Grand Dukes, volume 1 by Arturo E. Beéche. - A Lifelong Passion by Sergei Mironenko and Andrei Maylunas. - The story of my life by Queen Mary of Romania.
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galina1987blog · 1 year
what’s your favorite galina fanpage
Aw I have more than one fav 😂❤️ like : Thegalinanoai , queen-galina-anoai , galinabecker3 , galinaanoaii , they’re doing a perfect job ❤️
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Title: The Snow Queen
Rating: PG
Director: Vladlen Barbe, Maksim Sveshnikov
Cast: Ivan Okhlobystin, Dmitriy Nagiev, Lyudmila Artemeva, Anna Ardova, Elizaveta Arzamasova, Galina Tyunina, Anna Shurochkina, Yuriy Stoyanov, Ramilya Iskander, Olga Shorokhova, Michael Tikhonov, Olga Zubkova
Release year: 2012
Genres: fantasy
Blurb: The ice-cold Snow Queen wishes to turn the world into a frozen landscape with no light, no joy, no happiness, and no free will. Kai is rumoured to be the son of a man who is the queen’s only remaining threat. He is abducted and held captive in the queen’s palace, and it’s up to his sister Gerda to rescue him. Gerda journeys across an icy land, facing difficult obstacles and meeting wonderful new friends that help her in her quest to set Kai free, defeat the Snow Queen, and save the world from eternal frost.
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wwe2k16allstars · 1 year
The fanpage of galina on Instagram was so nice to show me our queen g wearing braids 😍 she look so beautiful in them
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msweebyness · 6 months
Miraculous Barbie: Mylene, The Island Princess
Here’s Part 5 of my Barbie movie adaption series, with Mylene taking center stage! @imsparky2002 @artzychic27
"There may be miracles awaiting. They may be closer than we know, when we have love to guide us as we go."
Mylene Haprele as Ro
Ivan Bruel as Prince Antonio
Austin Tomassian as Sagi
Jean DuParc as Azul
Jesse Ortega as Tika
Evie Balthazar as Princess Luciana
Lorena Flores as Queen Ariana
Sabrina Raincomprix as Tallulah
Sasha Bruel as Antonio’s Sisters (Composite Character)
Max Kante as Frazier
Iosif Bruel as King Peter
Galina Bruel as Queen Danielle
Fred Haprele as Queen Marissa (but a king obvi)
And so our story begins…
Many, many years ago, on a remote island in the South Seas, something unusual happened. The morning after a terrible storm, Austin, a thoughtful red panda, and Jean, an overconfident peacock, stumble across something most out of the ordinary. A young girl, unconscious on the sand. Jean is initially apprehensive, but with Austin’s insistence, the two decide to take care of the girl.
Years go by, and the little girl, Mylene is her name (it was engraved on a trunk that washed up with her), grows up to be a beautiful young woman. She spends her days happily on the island with Austin, Jean and Jesse, a young elephant who’s her best friend. She considers them her family and couldn’t be happier. She also learns the language of animals and can talk to and understand them. She makes herself a home in the trees with the contents of her trunk, and they spend their days having fun and exploring the island.
One night, Jesse is having bad dreams and can’t get to sleep, so Mylene sings him their favorite song, one she remembers from long ago, though she isn’t sure from where. It works as always, and Jesse falls asleep. Mylene sits awake and stares up at the stars, the song causing her mind to drift once again to where she may have come from…
The very next morning, something most out of the ordinary happens. A ship docks on the island, carrying Max, a devoted royal scientist, and Ivan, a shy but adventurous prince. They come onto the shore and begin to explore the island, unaware that they are being watched…
While her animal friends are wary, Mylene is stunned to see creatures like her on the island for the first time, and can’t help but watch and follow, despite the protests of her three companions. She also can’t help but notice that the taller of the two is very strong and handsome…
After a while of exploring, the two young men accidentally slip over a ridge and are sent sliding into the island’s swamp, i.e. the ideal habitat for…crocodiles. But before Ivan and Max can get any bites taken out of them by the creatures’ snapping jaws, a voice calls the crocs off. The young prince turns up to look, and is surprised to see a beautiful girl, stunning in fact, talking to the crocodiles as she would to people, and they seem to listen! He watches amazed as the crocodiles back off, and the girl assists them in climbing out of the shallows.
Mylene takes them back to her treetop home, and introduces herself and her animal family as they do the same. Max is astonished and wants to know more about her ability to speak to animals, but Ivan is more interested in the girl herself. Not only is she beautiful, but she’s kind, smart, and a bit shy like him. She cares about everything on the island, and shares his curiosity for finding new things. He guesses that from her scattered belongings, her lack of memories, and her telling him that the red panda said she came from the sea that she was likely shipwrecked years ago.
After a few days on the island, with Mylene showing them everything she can, it’s time for the prince and scientist to take their leave. But Ivan invites Mylene to come back to the mainland with him (and bring Jesse, Jean and Austin, of course!), in the hopes of helping her find her family. After some thought, Mylene agrees and they set sail the next morning. Jesse was more than a little afraid to leave the island, but out of support for Mylene and her desire to know who she is, he goes.
As they sail back to Ivan’s kingdom and the island inhabitants get accustomed to sea life, Mylene is curious and a bit confused by the way she’s starting to feel towards the prince. Not only is he handsome, he’s gentle and very sweet, and listens when she has something to say. He makes her feel safe and happy when she’s around him, and she finds she always wants to spend more time with him. It’s a feeling she’s unfamiliar with, but it’s a very nice one and she really doesn’t mind it. Unbeknownst to her, Ivan is starting to grow similar feelings toward the island girl…
After a week or so on the sea, they arrive in Ivan’s kingdom. Mylene is astounded at the sheer number of ‘people’ (Ivan and Max had said that’s what she was, a person), and all the buildings and houses. She had never seen anything like this. Ivan finds her wonderstruck state to be rather cute. They ride back to the palace, Ivan invites Mylene to join them in the royal carriage, but she opts to stay with the anxiety ridden Jesse, as does Austin. Jean, of course, takes the carriage.
When they arrive at the castle, an adorable little girl wearing a fine dress and a tiara rushes out and greets Ivan with a hug. He introduces her as his younger sister, Princess Sasha. The young princess immediately takes a liking to Mylene and the animals, especially Jesse, and the feeling is mutual.
As the animals play with Sasha and explore the grounds, Ivan takes Mylene into the throneroom to introduce her to his parents, King Iosif and Queen Galina. He explains how they met her, and they welcome her warmly, and promise to do all they can to help her find out her origins. They’re also quite surprised to see Mylene communicating perfectly with Sabrina, the queen’s posh and well-mannered pet monkey!
However, this is where things start to go a little pear-shaped. Ivan’s parents introduce him to Princess Genevieve, or “Evie” as she prefers…his arranged bride-to-be. She’s the princess of a kingdom with which the relationship with their own had been… tumultuous, and it’s hoped this marriage will fix this. Ivan is extremely taken aback by this, as his parents never mentioned arranging a marriage before. Not to mention, while Evie is beautiful, polite and very kind, his heart has already been stolen by someone else. However, he isn’t quite sure how to tell his parents this.
They also meet the princess’ grandmother, the haughty Queen Mother Lorena. She’s incredibly strict with Evie and can’t seem to wait to begin preparing the wedding, and speaks grandly of the engagement ball the next night.
In confusion about all these new developments, Mylene flees the room. She ends up in the garden with her animal friends, all three doing their best to comfort her, when Ivan finds her. He apologizes for everything that just happened, stating he had no idea his parents had arranged an engagement. She assures him she isn’t upset with him, and he offers her a room to stay in the castle until they can locate her family, but she chooses to stay with Austin, Jean and Jesse in the royal greenhouse. Mylene feels right at home, even finding scores of her favorite flowers: Island Roses!
Back in the throneroom, Ivan tries to tell his parents that while Evie seems like a wonderful girl, he is already falling in love with someone else. However, he is unable to get the message across with Lorena’s constant chatter, though the young princess has a sense she knows what he’s trying to say, having seen the way he looked at the girl from the island. But there’s also the troubling matter that the laws of his kingdom mandate that as the prince, he must marry a princess.
That night, in the grand room where the princess and her grandmother are staying, Evie tries to explain that she can sense the prince is in love with Mylene, and she doesn’t want to stand in the way of someone’s happiness. She dreams more than most things to find love with someone who loves her in return. But Lorena only cuts her off, explaining that love is a pointless, useless thing, before sending her off to ‘make herself prettier’. It’s then that Lorena begins to make plans for her true intent here, bringing down the kingdom she hates more than anything once and for all. She blames them for her own kingdom’s misfortune long ago, and wants to make them pay, which is why she groomed her granddaughter to be the prince’s bride from pretty much the moment she was born, to give her an in!
The next morning, Jesse has struggled with sleeping due to being in a new environment, but Mylene comforts him, assuring him they are all going to stay together. It’s then that Ivan enters the greenhouse, inviting Mylene to join him and his family for breakfast in the outdoor pavilion. However, Evie and Lorena are also there, on the king and queen’s invitation. On the one hand, Evie is kind to Mylene, even helping her sip her tea properly after she accidentally burns her lip, and asking her questions about growing up on the island. But Queen Lorena is rude and condescending to the girl, even commenting that Sasha, a six-year-old child and Sabrina, a monkey, have better table manners than Mylene does, though Evie is quick to scold her for this. But it’s at that moment, Lorena trips the server, causing him to spill his tray of food all over Mylene, who flees in embarrassment. Ivan tries to go after her, but is told by his mother to give her some time to compose herself.
Back in the greenhouse, Sabrina hears Mylene singing her special song, and goes to hear better. She compliments her voice, and Mylene invites her to climb up to get some fruit with her…but it’s been so long that Sabrina has forgotten how to climb! Mylene helps her to remember and the two have fun swinging through the branches together. While this is happening, Ivan and Evie take a walk through the gardens, on their parents’ suggestion, and discover that they have some things in common, such as a love of reading and poetry, but beyond that there isn’t much of a spark or connection, and Evie has a feeling she knows why.
Meanwhile, in the royal courtyard, Sasha has made Jesse a flower necklace and crown, telling him it’s so he’ll look nice for the royal ball. When she’s called by her mother, the other animals approach, and Jesse explains that the royal ball is a big party to celebrate Princess Evie and Prince Ivan’s engagement. Jean says that Mylene definitely shouldn’t go if that’s the case, knowing her feelings for the prince, but Austin disagrees…
Back in the greenhouse, the animals, including Sabrina, try and eventually succeed to convince Mylene to attend the ball, but she has nothing to wear. Austin and Sabrina disagree about which route to take, fancy or natural. Eventually, Mylene gets through to them and they reach a compromise, making a beautiful dress that suits her perfectly from the material they find around the palace! Jean even gives her some of his prized tail feathers as a finishing touch!
In the grand ballroom, Evie is watching as Ivan takes time to dance with Sasha, the little princess laughing as her brother spins her around, before her grandmother insists they dance together. However, after a brief while, Evie excuses herself as she sees someone else arrive that she feels he would like to dance with. Everyone’s eyes are drawn to the entrance, and no one can deny how beautiful the island girl looks, especially not the prince. He invites her for a dance, and though nervous, she agrees. No one can stop watching the two, and everyone can see the spark between them. King Iosif and Queen Galina begin to second guess their decision, but Queen Lorena insists they should move the wedding up, her words almost sounding like a veiled threat…
Meanwhile, outside the ballroom, Austin spots something interesting. A flag that’s identical to the one that washed up on shore with Mylene. This could be a clue to locate her long-lost family!
While they’re sharing their dance, Ivan and Mylene admit their feelings for one another, and almost share a kiss, but Mylene remembers Evie, and not wanting to hurt the kind princess, declines his offer to stay with them, knowing her presence would only cause problems, and with that, she leaves the ball. Outside the ballroom, Austin tells her about the flag, and she talks with the horse pulling the carriage the flag flies from. She asks if the people who came in the carriage had ever had a daughter, but it’s a dead end. Disheartened, she returns to the greenhouse.
Worried about Lorena’s possible intent, Ivan’s parents, with clear reluctance, inform him that he will be marrying Evie in two days, greatly upsetting him. He tells them he can’t marry someone he doesn’t love and who isn’t in love with him, and if they intend to force him, he’ll allow Sasha to supersede him as heir to the throne. He won’t subject both Evie and himself to a life of unhappiness in a loveless marriage! He places his crown on the table, and leaves the room, his parents very distressed.
Ivan then goes to the greenhouse to find Mylene, wanting to explain everything, but she isn’t there, only Jesse. He gives a note to the elephant, asking him to give it to her when she returns. Jesse reads the note when the prince leaves, and finds that it asks her to leave the kingdom with him. Fearing that Mylene will choose to leave them but not wanting to keep her from being happy, Jesse is torn on whether to give Mylene the note. But it quickly slips his mind the next day when things start to go down.
Angry about the condition of things, Lorena decides to enact her plan early. She gives a batch of sunset herb, a poisonous plant that renders one comatose when consumed, to her pet rats and instructs them to put it into the food of every animal in the kingdom, intending to blame Mylene when their state is discovered, effectively getting rid of her. The three devious rodents do as they’re told, and the kingdom wakes to all of their pets and livestock comatose! Including Sabrina, devastating the queen.
The condition of the animals is thought to be a disease, but Mylene knows better, having recognized the scent of sunset herb in the food of the stable animals, as the worried stablehand, a friendly young man named Brecken, tends to them. Thankfully, Mylene knows a cure, a tonic made with Island Roses! She heads to the greenhouse, but Jesse can’t shake the feeling he’s forgetting something.
Lorena speaks to Max, getting it in his head that this ‘disease’ was likely spread by the ‘wild animals’ that have recently come to the kingdom, and he races to tell the king and queen. Reluctantly, they send to have Mylene and the animals placed in an isolated room of the palace to keep the disease from spreading, but Lorena intercepts the written order and has her placed in the dungeons instead!
When Jean eats some of the food they are served in their cell, he falls into a coma as there was sunset herb in this food, courtesy of Lorena, devastating Mylene. Meanwhile, back in the castle, an angry Ivan confronts his parents about them having Mylene put in the dungeons, and while they try to tell him this wasn’t their order, Lorena cuts in and says it’s for the safety of everyone, arousing Evie’s suspicion. The Queen Mother posits that perhaps an arrangement can be made. If he resumes his duties as prince and marries her granddaughter, Mylene can go free and return to her island. Reluctantly, for the sake of the girl he loves, Ivan agrees.
As Mylene and her animals are loaded onto a ship, Jean still out cold, Lorena pays off the captain of the ship to stage an accident to drown the girl and her animals, just as some extra insurance. On the ship, Mylene, Jesse and Austin try to figure out who could be behind this. Mylene knows it’s someone who would want her out of Ivan’s life, but also knows that Evie would never hurt anyone, but as Austin reminds her, the same can’t be said for the princess’ grandmother… Mylene resolves that they must get back to the greenhouse to make the tonic, but it’s then that Jesse finds the note from Ivan tucked behind one of his ears, and breaks down in tears as he explains what it is to Mylene. He explains why he was reluctant to give it to her, and that he had forgotten all about it, stating he understands if she hates him. But Mylene assures him that no matter what, she will always love him, and Jean, and Austin, and she would never leave them. There’s always enough love for everyone!
It’s then however, that the captain fulfills his end of the deal with Lorena, tilting the ship to send Mylene and the animals overboard! Thrashing in the waves and worried for her friends, as Austin calls out to her, Mylene is suddenly hit with memories of being in the same situation many years ago, hearing a voice she knows somehow calling out to her. Thankfully, before they all drown, Mylene’s cries for help are heard by some friendly dolphins, who carry them back to the kingdom’s shore. They quickly make their way to the greenhouse to make the tonic.
Meanwhile, back at the palace, a visiting king, Frederick, gets out of his carriage, here to attend the wedding. He can’t help but feel like something he’s been missing for a long time is close by…
Meanwhile, Evie is getting fitted into her wedding gown when her grandmother tells her not to eat a bite of food today, stating that it’s terrible luck. But the real reason is that she’s poisoned all the food with sunset herb, not knowing that a little bird, who Mylene helped when she first arrived in the kingdom, witnessed the act and rushes to tell the girl.
The wedding commences, as Mylene makes her way into the greenhouse and begins to make the tonic, when the little bird tells her what she saw, and Mylene begins to work even faster. Mylene feeds the tonic to the still unconscious Jean, who awakens, much to her relief. But guards under the order of Queen Lorena arrive to apprehend her. She gives some of the tonic to Austin and tells him to bring it to Sabrina, to show the king and queen she has the cure. The guards chase after Mylene, but Jesse is quick to mow some of them down. Just as the pastor says the required thing about objections, Jesse crashes in with a loud trumpet, Ausrin rushing past to Sabrina’s quarters. Jesse pulls Ivan along to the greenhouse with him, arriving just in time for him to order the guards to let Mylene go. She assures him that she’s alright, and tells him she knows both how to cure the animals and who put them in this state. The king and queen, Lorena and Evie and the rest of the guests arrive, and Mylene learns that Ivan agreed to go through with the wedding so she could return home.
Lorena demands that the girl is arrested, saying that she and her ‘beasts’ are the reason the animals of the kingdom are ill. But Mylene explains the actual situation, the sunset herb and that she can cure them. The awakened Sabrina arrives just in time to back up her story, hugging the girl in thanks. King Iosif asks that if she isn’t responsible for this, who poisoned the animals, and Mylene answers with confidence that it was Lorena. The Queen Mother denies this and calls her insane, only for Mylene to reveal that the wedding food is poisoned too. She suggests that if what she’s saying isn’t true, Lorena should have some of the wedding cake, and the woman is clearly nervous. Before she eats it, she tries to suggest that Mylene poisoned the food herself as a frame job, only for Evie to step up and reveal what her grandmother had told her before the ceremony began: not to eat anything, and why would she have done that unless she knew it was poisoned beforehand?
Sensing she’s backed into a corner, Lorena commandeers a carriage and flees. With Mylene, the prince and her animal friends going after her. Mylene cuts through the trees, riding on Jesse’s back, and uses a tree branch as a spear to jam the wheels, flinging Lorena into a pigsty, before she’s arrested for her actions.
Back at the castle, the queen and king apologize to Mylene for assuming the worst, and Evie approaches Ivan, giving him assurance that she wants them both to be happy, sending him over to Mylene. The two share their first kiss, and Ivan tells his parents that Mylene is the one he loves, and receives their blessing. It’s then that he proposes, and Mylene is more than happy to say yes.
It’s then that the rest of the party arrives, and the visiting King Frederick hears the prince’s new fiancé referred to as Mylene…the same name as his long lost daughter. As they both know the lullaby that Mylene loves to sing, and the resemblance between them makes it clear, Mylene is reunited with her father after so many years, revealing that she is a princess, so they’re actually still obeying the kingdom’s law!
A year later, the whole kingdom has gathered for the joyous wedding of the prince and his Island Princess! King Frederick attends, and so does Princess Evie, in the company of her boyfriend, the stablehand Brecken, who she grew close to on her many visits to the Bruel’s kingdom to see her friends.
With Jesse, Austin and Jean along for the ride, Mylene and Ivan spend their honeymoon sailing and exploring the world!
And they all lived happily ever after!
Here on their island, the fun never ends! Leave your thoughts in the comments and reblogs, and watch for the final installment!
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