#Tribal Chief queen
galina1987blog · 1 year
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Acknowledge her ☝🏻💕 !
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ambreignsfan4life · 2 months
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allacknowledgeme · 4 months
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sillyteecup · 2 months
The Wrong Way
Roman Reigns x black!o.c
Jey Uso x black!o.c
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Chapter 3
Strong language
Slut shaming
Taglist: @wrestlingprincess80 @nbanenefrmdao @vebner37 @theninthwonder @tshepisho @lensilver @trentybenty @empressdede @queen-shadow22 @becauseimher @jstarr86
A.N: I would like to apologize to anyone who was expecting Main event Jey Uso. No pookies, this is 2021 Jey, or as I like to call him, "crashout Jey"🤭. Anyway, a delightful bunch our characters are yes? I honestly can't wait to get them to fully interact so we can see where this shit storm is going😭😭. Anyway here's chapter 3 of The Wrong Way. I hope you like it. Enjoy.❤️
The journey to Lori's new pris-home was long and silent. The Wiseman had arranged for her and her maidens to be seated in their own section of the jet with Sami for supervision. He said it was by the order of the Tribal Chief, which was a pleasant surprise to Loreal. However she still wasn't sold on the family.
Her maidens however were elated. Although they had not directly interacted with or even seen the Bloodline outside of Sami and the Wiseman, the closeness in proximity to the family was enough to spike their excitement levels. That paired with the opportunity to fly private with their Mistress. Previously When Lori and her family traveled, Lord Byron would have the Maidens fly commercial and in separate seats. No one understood why, and when Lori would protest he would be dismissive. So naturally, their current arrangement brought them joy.
While the maidens drank cocktails and shared hushed theories of how the palace would look, Lori sat opposite Sami in silence. His jaw often twitched as though he wanted to say something to her, but he never did. While he was slightly more relaxed away from the Tribal Chief, he was still on edge. Fidgeting with his rings and shifting relentlessly in his seat. All of the sudden movement was starting to annoy Lori.
"Sir-" she began, only to be interrupted by Sami.
"Sami. Just, Sami is fine, Miss Loreal," he said nervously with his hand up.
"That doesn't seem very inappropriate," Lori pointed out with an arched eyebrow.
"Well, Sir isn't exactly my title so calling me by name is as appropriate as it gets," Sami explained with a shrug.
Lori tilted her head as a look of confusion washed upon her features. "You are part of the most powerful family in the world, and you do not have a title?" she inquired.
Sami nodded before replying, "Well yes. But also no," he said vaguely.
"I don't follow," Lori said, folding her hands over her lap.
"I am a part of the Bloodline don't get me wrong. But I wasn't born into it, therefore no title. Well, unless you take, 'Honorary Uce' into account, but otherwise no title. Just good ole' Sami," Sami rambled, finishing his explanation with a nervous chuckle.
"Ah, I see. Honorary Uce Sami is quite the mouthful, but so is Miss Loreal. So you will call me Lori," Lori said jokingly to try and ease Sami's nerves.
"Lori," he sounded out slowly, as if testing it on his tongue. "I could work with that. Just not around the Tribal Chief," he added, his anxiety seeming to spike at the thought of Tribal Chief Roman.
"I'm sure he would not mind. At least until after the wedding," Lori shrugged, but Sami shook his head.
"Oh he would. He's very big on the title thing. Says it has to do with showing respect and humility," Sami explained.
"I don't think he'd care too much about showing me respect, I am after all an outsider. On top of that I am damaged. No one respects a damaged woman. They only seek to humble her," Lori said dryly, earning a soft small from Sami.
"I respect you, Lori," Sami said softly.
Lori's eyes softened. "Sami, while I appreciate the sentiment, you do not know me. You have no reason to respect me."
"Actually, I do have a reason. A couple actually," Sami stated, confidence slowly oozing into his tone making Lori smirk playfully.
"And praytell Sami, what are they?" she asked him.
Lori's smile grew at Sami's grin. His posture had slowly started to relax throught their conversation, and judging form his demeanor, he seemed very friendly. A stark difference from the family that took him in.
"Well, you're head strong, you're confident and you're kind. Well, at least kind to me and your maidens," Sami listed, counting his points with his fingers.
In a weird way, Sami reminded Lori of her mother. Although Azalea and her daughter hardly spoke, whenever they did, Lady Azalea always made sure to encourage and reassure Loreal. Lady Azalea would tell her that she was beautiful, intelligent, confident and kind. She would also remind Loreal not to let anyone take advantage of her kindness. Thus, her hot headed nature and occasionally cold demeanor.
"Thank you Sami. It might not mean much, but you have my respect as well," Lori replied softly.
She could've sworn she had just seen a tear roll down her new asset's eye.   
Roman exited the jet, followed by his cousins. His hands rubbed at his temples as a headache had begun to set in from Jey's incessant complaining, paired with Jimmy's snarky rebuttals. He already tried his hardest to limit his time with the twins due to the constant bickering, always preferring Solo's quiet company above them. But if there was one thing he loathed, it was traveling with the twins because that meant he had to listen to every grating word.
Alas, however, the trip was over and he could finally get rid of them.
"It just feels so fucking disrespectful, you know? Of all the bitches yall could've picked, it had to be the one that's been around every street across the seas! I'm a prince man! I deserve better!" Jey complained for what was probably the 90th time since they had left the Moore house.
Roman had taken it with silence as he, to some extent understood his cousin's frustration. He knew that Jey felt undermined by the choice for his fiancé, and that he felt like a second-class citizen. However, Roman was not the one who chose Miss Loreal Moore, Rikishi, Jey's father was. And the last thing Roman wanted to do was involve himself in the affairs of a father and his son. Even if it was simply a power move.
Also, aside from her unfortunate status, Miss Loreal Moore was actually a good pick. Lord Byron held quite a lot of political influence across the seas and according to the file Lord Byron had sent to Paul, she was highly intelligent, she had a leadership streak, and she was incredibly ambitious. All of that was enough of a sell as it was, but it was at the meeting where she truly caught Roman's attention. Her defiance, to Roman, was a sign of strength.
Roman liked strong women.
Miss Loreal Moore was not a pushover, and that was a quality that she would need most in being part of and dealing with his family.
However, most of all, she was astoundingly beautiful.
Roman had hardly found himself in positions where he was taken by a woman's appearance. Apart from Nadine, he barely even noticed the women around him, but Loreal was a different story. Her piercing brown eyes, her glossy, plump, two-toned lips, her the stud on the left side of her wide nose and her deep, brown skin that seemed to glimmer in any atmosphere. That, paired with her breathtakingly curvy figure made it a mission for Roman not to stare at Miss Loreal Moore throught the meeting.
Miss Loreal Moore was going to be his cousin's wife in about a month. His thoughts on her looks were then thrown to the back his mind. They did not matter.
"I know you not talking, Mr 'I fuck every bitch that breathes in my direction'," Jimmy commented from his brother's side.
"Man, this is not the fucking time to be joking and shit! This is my fucking life we're talking about and I'm supposed to spend the rest of it with a ho?" Jey hissed, making Roman's temper flare up.
Clearly Jey was struggling to understand that this wasn't about him anymore. That this was a sacrifice he had to make for the family to prosper and maintain their power. Roman only hoped that Jey wouldn't fuck the engagement up, otherwise he would have to punish his cousin, and the last thing he ever wanted to do was hurt the man he considered his right hand man.
Jimmy waved him off before saying, "Man I don't see no difference. You a ho, she a ho-hell yall are perfect for each other if you ask me," Jimmy snickered.
"Well then it's a good thing nobody fucking asked you."
"Enough!" Roman grunted, immediately shutting his cousins up. He could've sworn he saw Solo's lips twitch into a grateful smile. But it was gone as soon as it appeared. Jimmy pressed his lips together in a thin line while Jey downright scowled. Roman sensed that his cousin had long passed the stage of dissatisfaction. He was angry, but he knew not to direct it at the wrong person.
"I understand. I understand that you don't like the fact that you're marrying a damaged woman. But you had your opportunity to choose a good woman for yourself," Roman started as he began to get in Jey's face.
"You had the chance to get you a fresh one, but you fucked up by deciding to fuck around with every whore that smiled at you. So if you wanna complain about the quality of woman your father found you, take that shit up with him, but never forget the chance you had to prevent that shit," Roman stated as he poked Jey in the chest to emphasize his point.
He then leaned in to whisper in his cousin's ear, "It's not about you anymore Uce. Get that through your thick fucking skull! This is about our family! This is about what's best for all of us," his tone was menacing as he reminded his cousin of the situation.
He stepped back to see Jey still scowling, but nodding in understanding. That was good. All Roman needed was for him to understand.
"You can still do your shit on the side, I'm sure she won't give a fuck anyway," Roman suggested. His short encounter with Miss Loreal Moore, although short, showed him that the regard she would show for his cousin was low.
As much as Jey knew about her reputation, Roman theorized she likely did not care in the slightest as she barely wanted to marry him in the first place. The only thing Roman worried about was her willingness to actually be a part of his family. That was a huge factor to take into consideration. One Roman would do everything in his power to sway in his favour.
"Yo Uce, your ho may be a ho, but she a mighty fine ho for sure," Jimmy said with a snicker.
Roman's eyes snapped to the open jet that had just landed. There she was, gracefully making her way down the stairs, wearing what seemed like her usual, disinterested, yet mildly irritated expression. Right behind her were her four servants, or maidens as her father had called them. The young women, each with eager smiles on their faces made their way down with their mistress's luggage and their own. Finally Sami stepped out holding another one of her bags. A gesture she rewarded with a kind smile that shocked Roman.
And angered him.
Roman watched in an unexplainable annoyance as Miss Loreal Moore conversated with Sami as she and her travel party made their way to him and his cousins. While the sight of her laughing at his jokes seemed to piss him off, the sound of her laughter did something to him. Something akin to casting an enchantment. However, it was washed away as soon as it was chanted. This was not the time.
"Miss Loreal Moore, I should hope that your flight was comfortable," Paul said as she approached.
Her happy expression quickly turned neutral, as if she had just remembered her situation all over again.
"It was. Thank you," she said curtly, her now scrutinizing gaze cutting through Roman's family and Paul in one clean swoop.
Paul, as though he had felt the slits of her irises like a blade to his skin, cleared his throat nervously before speaking again. "Well then, I'm sure the long journey has left you and your maidens in need of some rest. Tomorrow will be quite the long day," Paul said with a nervous chuckle.
Miss Loreal Moore's features never wavered from the stony expression she wore. Roman could feel her sizing him and his cousins up. He almost smirked at how shamelessly she glared.
"I agree Wiseman. But I must ask, will my fiancé be accompanying me to the palace?" she questioned, finally shifting her gaze to him. The bitterness in her tone was subtle, but still noticeable to Roman's ear.
Paul looked taken aback, not expecting her question as she seemed to not want any part in their marriage. Then it clicked in Roman's mind, she didn't know that Jey wouldn't be staying at the palace during their engagement. He then shot a glare to Sami who he had told to clue her in on what would happen next. Sami shrunk beneath the sharp glare.
"Oh, Miss Loreal, that's not-traditional we don't-" Paul began to sputter, being cut off by Roman's low tone, but gentle.
"Is that what you want, Miss Loreal?" Roman asked, attempting to gauge her reasoning.
She shrugged in response, saying, "Well we are to be married. It would only make sense for us to acquaint ourselves with one another."
Roman nodded then flashed a charming smile. "Then that's gonna happen," he said.
The moment Paul and the women were out of ear shot, Roman's gaze morphed into a deadly glare. "If you fuck this up, there will be some very dire consequences," he warned in a cold, low tone.
"Wiseman, please lead Miss Loreal Moore and her ladies to the car. Jey will catch up in a second," Roman requested, turning to face an irritated Jey.
Jey nodded silently, prompting Roman to release him. Jey ran to catch up with Paul and the ladies, while Roman turned around and headed to his own car followed by Sami and his remaining cousins. He contemplated having a little 'talk' with Sami, but decided against it.
If Miss Loreal Moore trusted Sami, then Roman would use that to gain her trust as well.
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city-of-ladies · 8 months
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Women warriors in Chinese history - Part 1
“In the nomadic tribes of the foreign princesses from the Steppes northwest to the northeast of the Chinese borders, women habitually rode horses and were frequently also skilled militarily. They had to be able to survive on their own and defend themselves when their men left camp to herd animals for months on end. Thus, unsurprisingly, many daughters of nomadic and semi-nomadic tribal chiefs were also capable fighters. Madam Pan 潘夫人 of “barbarian origins” during the Wei dynasty, the semi-barbarian Princess Pingyang 平陽公主 who helped establish the Tang dynasty, and the “barbarian queen,” Empress Dowager Xiao, are historical examples of this category of female generals.
While the barbarians to the north were known as fan 番, those belonging to peripheral areas from the southwest to the southeast were known as man 蠻. Like the nomadic princesses, these women of non-Chinese or Chinese ethnic minority groups did not bind their feet and could thus become formidable opponents. Indeed, the female battle units within the Taiping 太平 rebel forces that actually entered combat – rather than merely providing labour as most of the female units did –were reportedly made up in the main of women from the Miao 苗 tribes, aside from the Hakka (Kejia 客家) women of Guangxi. 
Female bandit leaders or daughters and sisters of bandit leaders who occupied mountains or established strongholds in marginal lands are almost indistinguishable from the man barbarian princesses of tribal chieftains in novels and shadow plays. Such barbarian women generals and female bandit leaders were rarely privileged enough to be recorded by the historians. The three found most frequently, Madam Xi 洗夫人 (502– 557), Madam Washi 瓦氏夫人 (1498–1557),95 and Madam Xu 許夫人 (1271–1368), were all pro-Chinese. While the first two cooperated with the Chinese government, the third joined Chinese forces against the Mongols. A certain Zhejie 折節 or Shejie 蛇節, a female leader of the Miao tribe, also led a rebellion against Mongol troupes, but she eventually surrendered to them and was subsequently executed. 
Real enemies of the Chinese empire, such as the Trv’vy sisters of Vietnam, are hardly ever mentioned by the Chinese, even though they are first recorded in the Han dynastic history. Even under such circumstances, of the women commanders in Chinese history studied by Xiaolin Li, a hefty per cent were from “minor nationalities.”
Female rebel leaders and women warriors in rebel forces tended to rise from peasantry and marginal groups such as families of itinerant performers, robbers, boatmen, and hunters. Many of them are beautiful and charismatic. Most of the rebel groups were basically bandits (known as haohan 好漢, “bravos” euphemistically) – how else could they have survived without a continuous source of income? Many of the bandit groups, like the sworn brothers of the Water Margin, lived in mountains and marshlands, awaiting a chance to start or join in an uprising with the hope of gaining power and legitimacy through either pardon (when they posed too great a threat to the state) or founding a new dynasty. Many had sisters, wives, or daughters who were also capable of leading armies.”
Chinese shadow theatre: history, popular religion, and women warriors, Fan Pen Li Chen
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acknowledge-reigns · 5 months
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Happy mother's day to the woman who gave us our tribal chief, Mama Lisa/Patricia 💐 thank you for sharing your beautiful baby boy with the world and raising him to be the man that is an inspiration and hero to many of us. ❤
"If it weren't for women, I wouldn't be here. I'm a mamma's boy at heart. I love my mom. I have the deepest, utmost respect for women." Joe Anoa'i/Roman Reigns ☝🏾
╔═══════ ೋღ 🌺 ღೋ ═══════╗
Happy Mother's day to the rest of the lovely Moms/Step Moms of the bloodline as well 💐 today we all acknowledge you, queens.
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╔═══════ ೋღ 🌺 ღೋ ═══════╗
And to my moots who are moms of any kind 💐:
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╔═══════ ೋღ 🌺 ღೋ ═══════╗
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dmysterioblog · 10 months
All My Works Masterlist
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WARNING! Most of the following contain SMUT and/or have a DARK theme.
➥ This Masterlist contains all my works, I hope you enjoy 🤗
Dark-♤ Angst-♧ Fluff-♡ Smut-♢
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Agatha Harkness
Love At First Sight ♤
Summary: When Agatha saw you she knew you were going to be hers.
Unattended ♡
Summary: Agatha has been working all day and leaves you unattended.
You Can Run But You Can’t Hide ♤
Summary: Agatha slowly starts to isolate you so you can only rely on her and her alone but her plan has one flaw.
Almost Caught ♢
Summary: You acted like a brat towards Larissa and in the middle of your punishment, your family interrupts.
I’ve missed you ♤ ♢
Summary: You and Agatha had a twisted history. She had kidnapped you into Wanda’s distorted reality to make you into her perfect wife. She had you under a spell until Wanda freed you. Wanda promised you Agatha would never hurt you again and helped you find a new home where Agatha wouldn’t be able to find you. You had your little house in the middle of nowhere, where you were safe…or so you thought. (This is also based on the one clip of Rio pinning Agatha to the wall.)
Lesson ♢
Summary: Okoye thinks you're a spoiled brat and deserve a lesson.
Shuri Udaku
No Escape ♤♢
Summary: You tried to escape but there is no escaping her.
Pretty Little Thing ♤♢
Summary: You were sent on a mission to retrieve vibranium from Wakanda for S.H.I.E.L.D. In the process you get caught by the Black Panther.
Queen Ramonda
You Don’t Deserve To Mourn ♧
Summary: When Ramonda drowns, Shuri blames it on you.
The Set Up ♡
Summary: You work as a scientist in Shuri's lab, and one day the Queen walks in to talk with Shuri and T'Challa about something. You find it impossible to take your eyes off of her. Shuri and T’Challa notice and set you both up.
My Queen ♡♢
Summary: The Queen has been having a stressful day so you help her out.
For Your Own Good ♤♢♡
Summary: “When she was told of her husband’s death she was devastated of course, but the first thing on her mind was you. She couldn’t let another person she loved to get killed, not under her watch. She thought the best way to keep you safe was to have you with her at all times, whether you liked it or not.”
Try That Again ♢
Summary: Ramonda had been busy all day and you wanted attention so you decided to have a bratty attitude but she had none of it.
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Harley Quinn
Crazy ♤♢
Summary: You were assigned to be Harley Quinn's new psychiatrist and things take a turn.
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Charlotte Flair
Not So Permanent ♢
Summary: After Charlotte is suspended for attacking a ref she goes to your office in hopes to change your mind about her punishment.
Revenge ♧♢♡
Summary: You lost your NXT Championship to Lyra while Rhea was gone and she was not happy. When you didn’t succeed at getting it back she and the rest of TJD left you. You found comfort in someone else who also helped get your revenge.
Workout ♤♡
Summary: You and Charlotte went I the gym. A guy thought it was a good idea to mess with you and Charlotte took care of it.
Rhea Ripley
Always Back To You ♧♢♡
Series Summary: Rhea has a one night stand with none other than the tribal chief Roman Reigns. Eventually that one night stand becomes multiple one night stands and her life gets turned upside down.
You Belong To Me ♢?
Summary: You break a rule and Rhea makes sure you get in line.
Revenge ♧♢♡
Summary: You lost your NXT Championship to Lyra while Rhea was gone and she was not happy. When you didn’t succeed at getting it back she and the rest of TJD left you. You found comfort in someone else who also helped get your revenge.
I’m Your Papi ♢
Summary: Rhea has a new papi.
Roman Reigns
Always Back To You ♧♢♡
Series Summary: Rhea has a one night stand with none other than the tribal chief Roman Reigns. Eventually that one night stand becomes multiple one night stands and her life gets turned upside down.
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Alice Chambers
Reminder ♤♢
Summary: A woman flirts with you at the grocery store and Alice shows you who you belong to.
Larissa Weems
Nightmares ♡♢
Summary: You have been having nightmares and Larissa wants to help you but in the process, feelings rise up.
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starlight-bread-blog · 6 months
Do you think there's a more complex and nuanced outcome as a result of Katara marrying Zuko rather than it just being Katara becoming a fire lady? Especially since, technically, she's the daughter of a chief and that considers her to be a tribal princess like Yue.
That is a good question. I suppose I don't think there's a situation where Katara marries Zuko and doesn't become fire lady. Since the definition of the word is, and correct me if I'm wrong, the Fire Lord's wife. But if you mean whether she'll live in a palace, I believe that she will.
According to this article she also lived Far From Home (lol) with A\ang, and in their family picture none of them wear clothes for the SWT's cold weather. Which does make sense with how fine she was with leaving to find Aang and how she spent the entire series away from home and the show rarely treated it as an issue to be dealt with. Additionally, now that the war is over she can pay regular visits to her home.
But that doesn't mean that the chief's daughter becoming fire lady isn't complex and nuanced. First thihgs first, I want to go through what being the fire lady & daughter of the chief would mean.
The fire lady doesn't seem to have duties, since we never see Ursa do anything for the Fire Nation. But it at least has to grant you respect and THE connection to the Fire Lord. Katara isn't Ursa, and is passionate & active in nature. The role comes with a certain power that can assist with one's political pursuits greatly.
As for her being a tribal princess, as opposed to the Fire Lady, Yue explicitly that she has duties.
Yue: You don't understand. I have duties to my father, to my tribe.
But Yue was probably the heir to the throne. She had no siblings as far as we know, and she says "my tribe". I don't know whether the north would accept a female chief, given how sexist it was. But some evidence there is to support that she was the heir is this line from her fiance:
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"Perks". If she was going to marry him for him to become the chief despite having no other connections to the bloodline, he wouldn't casually call becoming a chief a "perk". Furthermore, when Sokka tries to hit on her, he remarks of their simularities as they're both a prince and a princess. And Sokka is ann heir, he's the future chief.
It's likely that they were arranged for other political reasons and Yue was going to become queen. Whether she was going to be respected/accepted is up in the air.
But we do know of another heirs that might help us get a fuller picture: Eska and Desna. They had a duty to their father as a prince and a princess. It was their wish to help their father whom they believed was a great man. Which isn't typical for an heir. This is why we can look at their case to see what Katara's life as the daughter of the chief would look like. In their case, they helpped the NWT in whatever they thought was right. And it's likely that so would Katara.
What does that leave us with? A role that grants her political power in the Fire Nation with no duties, and a person with a duty to the Southern Water Tribe.
The Positive
To me this paints a clear picture: Katara would use said political power to push the Fire Nation to rehabilitate the Southern Water Tribe from their atrocities.
I'm not the first person to show these before vs. After pics, but it's very important to remember the sheer extent of the Fire Nation's harm to Katata's home.
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And until the show ended, Katara was still the last waterbender of the south. Don't get me wrong, it IS Zuko's job to rehabilitate the SWT. But she'd want this.
Katara always want to help those around her by any means necessery. If it's getting captured in a Fire Nation prison or blowing up a factory, she will find the power to help others. So the power to fix the wrongs inflicted on her own culture and home being given to her, just for loving who she wants to love, is incredibly rewarding and narrativly satisfying.
The Negatives
1. All of what I've just described is good in theory, but in practice she's likely to face immense backlash. The people of the Fire Nation have been indoctrinated into believing the war was good and were fed Fire Nation propaganda since their school days (The Headband) and continued well into adulthood (Ember Island Players).
Suddenly the new fire lord comes along and decides that the war they've been fighting fir a 100 years is bad actually. And NOW he's dating a waterbender and the daughter of the chief, no less. + Suddenly the girl is starting to have demands. She'll be one of the most cobtroversial figures of that era, and that's no easy task.
2. It opens the door for one bad situation that no one could be blamed for. What if Zuko's heir would be a waterbender? That cannot be. Will the role of the heir go to whoever's a firebender/none bender regardless of order? What would it make their kids feel? Will Zuko be okay with how it'd make his kids feel? It raises so many questions, so many complexities and there seem to be no winners.
But looking at these negatives from a perspective of literary merit, as A:TLA is a fictional work, are these really negatives? I'd say no. There is no real suffering at stake here, only captivating conflicts to be explored. In real life, these nasty situations have to be dealt with. They're raw, they're complicated, and in literature, that's good. Conflicts are the oxygen of a story. Especially ones with no easy answers.
In conclusion, Katara marrying Zuko would make her the fire lady. This would lead to complex and nuanced situations, both good and bad, making for excellent conflicts/character progressions.
I don't know if this is the answer you wanted, but these are my thoughts. Thank you for the ask and have a nice day! 💕
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blueskittlesart · 11 months
I get the impression from your posts that you don’t think there’s a future where Zelda would end up queen of hyrule (I can see where her becoming queen would undermine her entire arc of getting freedom from the painful expectations of princess/chosen etc), but how do you think that hyrules government will work beyond that? Is the population recovered enough for that to even be something established within their lifetime?
honestly, based on what we see in other games, hyrule was never REALLY a proper monarchy. I think it's pretty likely that the hylian monarchy was functionally a symbolic one, especially by the time that botw rolls around. in most games in the franchise, hyrule is largely made up of sort of mini single-race societies that function by defaulting to whatever small tribal government they happen to have. With a kingdom technically made up of multiple different species, each with their own differing cultures, customs, and even lifespans, it makes much more sense to have small governments united in name alone. i think any genuine attempt at true united government of such widely varied and relatively isolated races would not end well for hyrule (can you imagine being a hundred-year-old zora and being told that you have to listen to laws made by hylians who have been alive for a fraction of the time you have?? no way.) But by having a technical alliance under the symbolic hyrulian royal family, all of these races reap the benefits of alliance amongst each other while maintaining their relative independance. This is why most of the villages in hyrule are race-isolated and have their own governing bodies--the zora have a king, the rito, gorons, and gerudo have chiefs, and several of the hylian/sheikah villages have mayors or other governing bodies. these are the actual, functional governments of hyrule. the royal family serves both symbolic and practical purposes as a symbol of the kingdom's allyship and as an entity that can build, maintain, and direct a widespread military force (and i think there's also definitely a religious element to their rule over hyrule, as literal descendants of god in-universe,) but other than that it isn't doing a whole lot of actual governing. (the exception to this rule is MAYBE post-wind-waker on the new continent, and maybe immediately post-sksw, specifically because in both those cases the hyrulian royals would have needed to take a more active governing role in order to rebuild the country.) so with that in mind, I think botw and totk make it pretty clear that this method of small government works pretty well for hyrule. I think the most zelda would EVER be is a sort of ambassador between villages and races, especially as hyrule becomes more intermingled in the aftermath of the calamity. small democratic government largely appears to be working for hyrule and for zelda in totk, so i think that's the road she would choose to continue down rather than attempting to reinstate a monarchy that never actually did that much in the first place.
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riptideripley · 1 year
Master list!!
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Requests are OPENNNN!!!
who i write for :
small update:I now post all my Rhea works on Wattpad!!
* - smut, ~ - fluff, ^ - angst
(bold means the post has been posted!)
Rhea ‘Bloody’ Ripley:
Rewards *
Intoxicating Love * ~
Backstage Closet *
All Yours *~
The Valet ~
After Party *
Red Velvet Kisses *~
Accidents *~
Permission *
Happy New Years*
‘Dirty’ Dominik Mysterio:
His princesa:
part 1 ~
part 2 ^
part 3 *
His Daughter ~
Wounds ~
Twins ~
Tribal Chief Roman Reigns:
Stress Reliever *
Judgetment Day:
Life of the Party(pairings:Rhea x Dominik x Reader) *
Two Mamis. * Switch Rhea x Top Dominik x Bottom Reader
Muscle Mommy*Bottom top Abby Anderson x Top Bottom fem reader
Miguel O’Hara:
His queen *
Main Event Jey Uso:
Roman’s Cousin *
Roman’s Cousin 2 ~
Thought you hated me.
180 notes · View notes
raya-hunter01 · 9 months
Fade Into You Part. 6
Prequel Lights, Camera, Action!
Jey Uso x Black Female OC! (Shantell)
Roman x Black Female OC! Tangela
Solo x Black Female OC! Sofia
Jimmy x Trin
Rating: 18+
Warning: Smut; oral, sex, fluff, masturbation
Summary: This is the Prequel for Lights, Camera, Action! How does an outburst on your first day lead to a lifelong friendship with the Tribal Chief Roman Reigns and the stands the test of time. How does that friendship introduce you to a special group of people that will become your family.  
When did the lines get blurred between friendship and wanting a relationship with one of your best friends Mr. Main Event Jey Uso. Follow the friendships, and relationships of how they all came to be the one big happy family we all know and love in Lights, Camera, Action.
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15 months later
Amway Center
Shantell’s POV
It is insane how a two-week shutdown has now turned into months. My graduation was cancelled and did virtually. I got hired by WWE, Joe had been home due to being immunocompromised.
Then another blow hit us even harder, Jimmy got hurt and had to undergo knee surgery leaving his and Jey’s career in limbo.
Gram and mom moved back in with me when the shutdown hit, and I think I’ve reeled them in to stay permanently.
We did shows at the Performance center, but I felt we could do more. It was so boring just seeing an empty place with occasional wrestlers cheering in the audience behind Plexi glass.  
Paul agreed and I began brainstorming ideas and the rest, as they say is history. The Thunderdome was born…Yea, I did that, and couldn’t help but feel overwhelmed watching the crew putting the final touches my vision.
We did a trial run for smackdown last night and everyone loved it. Today we’ve been working out the kinks and it’s coming along very well.
So how does it feel to be the new boss,” Tevin asked walking up to me as I laughed. “Scary as hell and I wanna throw up,” I said honestly.
“Stop stressing, they loved this idea,” he said walking around taking in the Thunderdome.
 “This shit is a game changer and last night was amazing.  You did dat Ma. Stop being modest and own da greatness that is you,” he said as I blushed.
“Thanks Tevin I just hate you leavin’,” I said as he waved me off. “I been on smackdown so long, I need a change and I think the Raw brand is it,” he said as I nodded in understanding.
 After the kiss and I set him straight Tevin had been on my good side and I have to say he has made working here these last few months fun.
I was actually going to miss him if that made sense. “They are going to enjoy your talent on the Raw brand,” I said as he gave me a hug.
“So, what is this I hear about these buff wrestlers asking you out,” he whispered as I cringed.
“Ugh, how you know about that?” I asked as he smiled at me. “One thing you gon’ learn, everybody knows everybody business when you work here,” he said as I pulled away, shaking my head at him.
“I don’t even know how it got started,they just been approaching me,” I said honestly confused.
 “Your fresh meat, that’s why ,but it will pass and I’m sure Jey ain’t takin’ it too well,” he said as I saw Jey coming down the ramp.
“No, but Jey’s just protective of me is all. So are Joe and Jimmy so it’s no big deal,”I said as Tevin scoffed.
“Bullshit, that fool likes yo’ ass but some reason can’t take the leap. He shouldn’t be able to control who you date especially since he’s dating people and I hear Taraji’s sniffing around again,” Tevin said as I kept a neutral look on my face as Jey got closer to us.
“It ain’t like that, Jey thinks of me as his friend. Plus, It’s been my choice to be single and has nothing to do with him,” I said as Tevin rolled his eyes at me.
“What I’m being serious, I have too much going on and some of ya’ll men tend to be drama queens. So, with that in mind I keep my heart and legs closed,” I said smartly as Tevin laughed at me.
 “Why you laughin’ at me?  I’m just keeping it real, it’s all about me and building my legacy.I ain’t got time for the bullshit,” I said shrugging my shoulders standing boldly in my truth.  “I feel you,” Tevin said as Jey made his presence felt.
“Damn, this looks tight Shan!” Jey exclaimed, cutting his eyes at Tevin before giving me a hug. I cringed as I saw Tevin’s eye twitch before he walked off without another word.
The tension was always there between the two and I didn’t know why.
Tonight was SummerSlam and Joe was returning so not even their pissing contest could ruin my night.
“Uh, thanks Jey, I’m shocked it’s coming together so good,” I said trying to change the subject as he looked at me in disbelief.
“It came from your brain of course it was going to be good,” he said as I smiled at him.
“Thank you, it means a lot,” I said as I saw Paul come on the top of the ramp smiling at the setup.
Yea, I think we were really on to something.
Joe’s POV
“So, this is what you do?” Tangela asked as I smiled at her. “Yea, it’s a little different now with no fans,” I said as she nodded her head taking in the backstage area.
I could tell she was overwhelmed as Shantell came over and put a comforting hand on her shoulder.
“I know it seems like a lot, but Joe knows what he’s doing and nobody is going to bother you back here,” Shantell reassured her.
I hoped Tangela could get use to this life. I mean being with her is just so different from any other relationship I’ve experienced.
She has a good head on her shoulders, just graduated business school and ready to take on the world.
I’m in love with this woman and I don’t want to screw it up.  
“Dang, you have to do a lot of stuff Shantell, I’d probably have a nervous breakdown,” Tangela said looking at the monitors as Shantell smiled.
“Girl, it’s a breeze I love it. How bout I show you some of it while Joe does his thing,” Shantell said as I smiled at them.
“Thanks for taking care of her, sis,” I said as she waved me off. “Go get ready and be careful,” she said as I went to get ready.
SummerSlam Main Event
Shantell’s POV
I missed Joe being in the ring and I honestly felt a little choked up seeing him again. This new side of him was what he wished he could do from the beginning.
The world was about to experience a new side to Roman Reigns and I hope they are ready for what’s about to come.
“You can’t handle this responsibility,” Joe said holding up the universal championship.
“I need that final shot, we’re going to fade out on Joe,” I called Tangela looked on in shock. “You want me to scan the Thunderdome or pace out?” Stu asked as I smiled.
“I need a zoom pan on Joe for about ten seconds then we’re going to fade out,” I instructed. “Got ya, Shan,” Stu responded. “This is all crazy,” Tangela whispered as I gave her a small smile. 
“Nobody saw this coming,” Cole said as Joe continued to talk his shit. “It’s always gon’ be mine,” he spoke as I smiled. He was in the zone, and that made me even more excited for this new storyline Paul had been working on.
 “I need a slow pan out shot of Joe over Bray, lets finish SummerSlam strong. It’s been amazing doing this with you all tonight,” I said as Paul smiled at me.
“Got you Shan,” Jane said. “Whoo, that shot looks sick girl,” I praised as she laughed. “Thanks boss lady, you keeping me on my toes,” she said as I smiled.
 “A’ight we’re out in 5, 4,3,2,1,” I said as Paul rubbed my shoulder. “You did that, everything looked amazing,” he said as I sighed in relief as he gave me a hug.
“Thank you so much I whispered returning the gesture before he got up to take a call. I felt accomplished, we really pulled it off. The fans interacted and everything looked awesome.
“That was amazing Shantell,” Tangela said as I smiled at her. “Thanks girly, I hope you join us more often. This is going to be where we hold all shows and PPV’s until we can start traveling and have crowds again,” I said as she gave me hug.
“Thanks for making me feel welcome,” she said as I smiled. “Your family and that is all to it. No need to thank me,” I whispered feeling her body relax.
She was good for Joe; I knew the first time I met her. Yep, big brother was off the market, and I was happy he found someone to love.
One month Later
 Amway Center
Paul’s Office
Shantell’s POV
“Do you like it though?” Jey asked as I looked at the mullet he was rockin’.  “I mean it’s interesting, I said as he laughed.
“So, that means you hate it,” he said as I looked at the back of his head again and smirked.
“It fits you; I promise it looks good,” I reassured him as we waited on Paul and Joe.
“I wonder what this is all about, I hope they ain’t sending me home,” Jey said as I grabbed his hand.
“Stop overthinking everything. You have nothing to worry about, “I said trying to hold in the secret I knew they were about to drop on him.
“Sorry we ran behind in the creative meeting,” Paul said coming in with Heyman and Joe behind him.  Joe and I exchanged smiles as he nodded at me, letting me know everything was a go.
“So Jey we’ve been thinking about a few things,” Paul said as I felt Jey grab my hand as I gently squeezed it in support.
“When Joe decided to come back he asked me for several things. One of them was to work a feud with you,” Paul said as you could hear a pin drop as I looked at the shocked look on Jey’s face.
“Jey say something,” I said as he blinked quickly and looked at Joe. “Are you serious, Uce?” he asked as Joe smiled at him.
“Yea, I want us to work together and make history. The world deserves to see how talented you are,” Joe said as I could tell Jey was overwhelmed.  
“We want to build a stable with your family. Though it’s months away before Jimmy can return to action, we want to bring him in to be apart of this now as well,” Paul said as I felt Jey’s grip tightening on my hand.
“So, uh, how is this gon’ work?” Jey asked as Heyman laughed. “We are all going to put our heads together and blow the wrestling worlds mind. This is going to be the best long-term storyline in the history of this company,” Heyman said as Jey sighed rubbing his hand over his face.
“That is the goal Jey, and I promise you, if you trust the process, you’re going to go further than you ever dreamed you could. So will Joe, Jimmy, and Sefa,” Paul said as Jey perked up at the mention of his baby brother’s name.
“Sefa…. Are you serious? Don’t play wit me ya’ll,” Jey said as Paul laughed. “Yes, we are going to bring your brother in when his contract expires with Arizona Wrestling expires Paul said as Joe smiled.
  “We are in charge of this and how it goes Uce, no writers just us in this room,” Joe said as Jey looked at me.
“Did you know Shantell?” Jey asked as I nodded. “Yea, I did and I’m very happy for you and I know you can do this,” I said as his innocent eyes pierced my soul.
“So, can I take this to the creative table and tell them we are all on board?” Heyman asked as I began to wonder what my part in all this was going to be since Joe said we all would be involved.  I was just here for moral support.
 “I see the wheels turning over there Shantell. I need you to be my eyes portraying this story on camera. What you’ve done with the Thunderdome has been amazing and I need you on this,” Paul said as I nodded in understanding.
“You know I got ya’ll, count me in,” I said without hesitation truly honored they wanted me to be a part of the masterpiece they were about to create.
“Glad you’re on-board Shantell. Now Jey are you in?” Heyman asked as Jey seemed to be in doubt. “I don’t know ya’ll, I’m use to tag wrestling and having Jimmy by my side. I can’t abandon my brother now, can I even do good as a singles wrestler,” Jey said expressing his fears openly to us.
I understood what he was saying but he needed to know he wasn’t leaving Jimmy behind, and he needed to get out of his own way and try.
They were all about to be elevated to another level.
“Hey, you deserve this and your not abandoning Jimmy he’s going to be right there with you through it all. You can do this, stop doubting yourself,” I said as he sighed appearing to be in deep thought as he contemplated the huge offer just put before him.
“A’ight, I’m in,” he whispered as I clapped in excitement before giving him a hug.
“Ya’ll are going to change the game with this, enjoy it,” I whispered as  Joe came over and joined in on our group hug.
“Let’s do this Uce, let’s run this place,” Joe said as Jey smiled at him. “Damn right let’s do this,” Jey said as Paul smiled at us.
“I’ll go let creative know everyone is on board,” Heyman said as we celebrated.
History was about to be made, the bloodline was here and ready to take over the wrestling world.
Hell in a Cell
Jey’s POV
I had been followed by WWE cameras for the last few days. I allowed them into my home as they documented my history with Joe.
I was nervous at first, but with Shantell being their instructing the camera crew on how to film and when to give me space I felt better about the mini documentary.
 She knows me so well and I’m thankful for her. Joe really seems to think everything is about really take off for me, but I feel bad Jimmy is hurt.
“Aye, you can keep filming, but can you give us a minute and film back there,” I told Stu pointing to the back of the room as I talked to Tamina and Shantell.
“Hey, you good?” Shantell asked kneeling beside me as I sighed knowing I wasn’t, clad in my white gear and my lei Tamina had made I was losing it.
“Hey breath, just breathe Jey,” Shantell said rubbing my back as Tamina reached over and grabbed my hand.
“You gotta stop cuz,” she whispered as I nodded.  “This is how it’s supposed to be, you deserve this, Stop thinking you don’t belong here,” she cried reaching over as they both embraced me as I broke down.
“I’ll give ya’ll a moment,” I faintly heard Stu say as I nodded truly overwhelmed as I heard the door close.  
“You can do this, you are going to do this. Now let’s get it together,” Shantell said as I took a couple deep breaths. “I’ma kill it,” I said talking down my nerves as Tamina laughed wiping her tears.
“Yes, you are, now stop making us cry,” she said as Shantell wiped her own tears. “I got ya’ll, I‘m ready now,” I sighed trying to convince myself.
“We are going to leave you alone and let you get your mind right,” Shantell said giving me a kiss on the cheek before standing up readjusting her hat.
“Yea, we will be in Gorilla,” Tamina said giving me a hug.
“Thanks, I don’t know what I’d do without ya’ll,” I said as Shantell smiled brightly at me. “We’ll see you soon,” she whispered as they left me to my thoughts.
Pulling myself up, I walked in front of the floor length mirror in my dressing room. I looked at myself in disbelief, I looked like a main even player.
I looked like I belonged and all that was left to do was to prove it tonight..
“This is it Josh, make it count and have fun,” I muttered to myself trying to shake off my nerves.
Tonight I knew I was losing but one day I know I will be world champion but for tonight I was going to put Joe over and began my career as new his right-hand man.
I hope the world is ready for this…
September 2021
Shantell’s Condo
Pensacola, FL
My first year with the WWE had gone well, the bloodline storyline was thriving, everyone was captivated by their storyline, and it was breaking viewing records on YouTube and bringing in high ratings.
 Yes, life was great but these last few weeks I had a nagging feeling something was wrong and the bomb my mom just dropped on me confirmed my worries.
“What do you mean stage three, and she doesn’t want chemo!” I exclaimed as my mother pulled me into the living room.
“Don’t let her hear or see you like this Shan,” my mom whispered as I tried to control my tears.  “Can ya’ll keep mama company for a minute?” my mom asked Jey and Joe as they sadly retreated to the kitchen.
“Why didn’t you tell me before now?” I asked my mom as she sighed in defeat. “We didn’t want to worry you, it’s only been a few weeks baby,” she answered without hesitation.
“Ya’ll shoulda’ told when you found out mama,” I said trying to stay calm. I had to fix it, I had to convince her to do chemo.
“I don’t understand how this happened and why she doesn’t want to do chemo,” I whispered as my mother tried to control her own tears. 
“Baby, it’s stage three and is beginning to spread. Chemo isn’t going cure her, it only is going to prolong life,” my mother cried trying to get me to understand.
“So, what’s wrong with prolonging life,” I cried not wanting to accept they were giving up.
“Baby, she isn’t strong enough to go through this. Think about it…. Constant chemo just to live and you know how it wrecked her body before. That ain’t a life for anybody, she’s tired Shantell,” she said as I cleared my throat trying to stop my tears.  
I knew she was right, but it didn’t make it hurt any less.
“I know she’s tired mama, in my mind, I know we have to let her go. I just wish somebody could explain it to my heart how to let her go,” I whispered in despair as we embraced each other.  
It was her choice and we had to accept it and prepare. How do you let go of someone you can’t imagine even existing in a world without them.
“Let’s go talk to her baby,” my mom said as I tried to get myself together.
Joe’s POV
“When the time comes, ya’ll take care of them,” Gram said as I held her hand. “We still got some time, you ain’t leaving us yet,” Jey said as she smiled at him. “I love ya’ll sweet boys,” she said as I smiled at her. "We love you too," Jey said giving her a sad smile.
“We sure do and we gon’ take care of them both, don’t you worry Gram,” I reassured her as we sat in silence in the kitchen.
As Shantell and her mother came back into the kitchen, I felt like my heart was straining against my chest as I saw the look of helplessness on their faces.
Jey’s POV
Shantell came and sat beside her grandmother taking her hand in hers. “Hey, baby,” Gram whispered as Shantell smiled sadly at her. “Hey Gram,” she whispered as her grandmother caressed her face.
“Gram, I’m going to call Paul,” Shantell started as her grandmother interrupted her. “No, your not Shantell. You goin’ to go to work, I ain’t letting you do this again,” she said with conviction as Shantell closed her eyes, her tears flowing freely.
“Gram, I..I want to be here with you,” Shantell said as her mother interjected.
 “Shantell, you are working one day a week sometimes two. We can manage here, until you come home. You’re not putting your life on hold again,” she said making no room for argument as Shantell sighed in defeat.
 “I don’t like it,” Shantell said wiping her tears as Gram smiled at her. “Well too bad because we got this, your mama and I already talked it over,” she said hugging Shantell. I knew the road ahead was going to be hard and this loss was going to hurt Shantell deeply.
May 16,2022
Trin’s POV
So much has been going on and the frustration is mounting. All of our schedules are picking up as we are appearing on both shows to help Raw with ratings.
The guys were thriving, while I was miserable. Sasha and I are really lacking teams to feud with.
 Shantell has been trying to help us voice our concerns to Mark, but he isn’t hearing anything we are saying and I’m ready to throw in the damn towel.
“You are going to do what we asked you to do and that’s the end of it. Stop being difficult or you both can walk,” Mark said as I looked at him in disbelief.
“Excuse me what did you say?” I asked Mark as he rolled his eyes at me. “I said you’re doing what I asked , or you can pack your shit and go home,” he said as Shantell looked at him like he was crazy.
“Aye, you need to calm down. They just brought you their concerns about the match and that’s what they are supposed to do. It ain’t no need to get rude,” Shantell said as I could tell she was about over his attitude as well.
“Shantell she ain’t getting special treatment cause' her husband is a star here. She should feel lucky we are considering her for this. They will be in the six-pack challenge; Sasha will pin her end of story,” he said as Sasha sighed in frustration.
 “She ain’t asking for special treatment she just asked a damn question. Will you listen to them, that’s your job,” Shantell said trying to reason with him.
“I ain’t got time for the theatrics today,” he said as I felt the fire rumbling within me.
“Look, I ain’t askin’ for no special treatment, but I deserve to be treated with respect. You don’t have to be rude, I just asked a question as to where the story was going,” I said feeling attacked and overwhelmed.
“I don’t think it makes sense for us to be in the title picture for the women’s title when we are tag champions. We need to be building a tag team division for us to compete against, instead of these random teams,” Sasha said as he scoffed at her.
Shantell’s POV
“Look we ain’t payin’ you to think. If we did you and Trin would both be broke!” he yelled as I as Trin and I both raised our eyebrows in shock.
Oh! So, you sayin’ we dumb? Look, you keep pushin’ but you don’t know me Mark, I ain’t the one,” Trin warned as her resolve was slipping. “Don’t know me either,” Sasha said fuming.
 “Ookk, and damn sure don’t know me! Cause’ one things for certain and two things for damn sure. If you say one more off the wall comment bout my sister or Sasha, we gon’ beat yo’ ass all up and though motherfucka. Think it’s a game Mark,” I said as he seemed to calm down at the new information he was being told.
“But you know what Shan? We ain’t gotta do that, cause he ain’t worth it. I should be thanking him because he just said made me realize something important,” Trin said looking at me with a sad smile as her unshed tears began to fall.
It painfully dawned on me she had reached the end of her rope, and I couldn’t blame her.
“What did you realize?” I asked as she took a deep breath trying to get her tears under control as she turned to face Mark who wore an unreadable expression on his face.  
“I realized that I have gave my all to this business to not be appreciated.  Constantly looked over because I don’t fit the mold of what they thought was marketable. I had to watch with a smile on my face as less talented people got ahead," she said unwavering, her voice strong and with conviction.
“You sure did put up with a lot of bullshit, patience of a damn saint,” Sasha muttered as Trin continued speaking her truth.
  “I put up with the constant disrespect but no more! I’m tired,” Trin cried as I felt my heart breaking for her.
“So I’ma take your advice Mark and leave,” she said wiping her tears. Slowly nodding her head in realization as to what she was actually doing and was at peace with it.
“What are you talking about?” Mark asked in shock.
“You heard me,I’m done…..Yea, I’m just done,” Trin said calmy walking out of the dressing room  “Fuck,”I muttered angry that everything had went this far.
“You know what? She’s right, I’m out too,” Sasha whispered following behind Trin.
I could tell he wasn’t expecting that outcome as he looked rather ill.
“If I was you, I would be really worried about the ass whopping you bout to catch for disrespecting Trin,” I said as I saw the look of fear set in as he processed what had just transpired.
“Better yet wait until I call Paul and tell him how you’re the reason two of his top female stars just walked out,” I said as he began to walk towards me.  
“Shantell you gotta help me,” he said as I looked at him like he was insane.
“Nawl, you was Billy Badass a few minutes ago. Keep that same energy,” I said leaving him alone in the dressing room in search of Trin and Sasha.
“Sasha wait!” I called out as I saw her moving swiftly towards the exit with her bags. “I’m good Shan, my husband is getting the car. I promise I’ll call you, I just need to get outta here,” she said hurrying out of the building.
“Damn it Trin where are you?” I muttered now searching the halls hoping I found Jimmy before she did.
Rounding the corner, I cringed as Jimmy came storming out of the bloodline dressing room with everyone hot on his heels.
 “Jon don’t! It’s not worth it!” Trin yelled, as he was trying to push past Jey who wasn’t moving. “I can’t let you do this Uce, let’s go talk,” Jey pleaded as Jimmy growled in frustration.
“Where the fuck is he!? I’ma kill his ass!” Jimmy yelled as Joe gently took Trin in his arms trying to calm her down.
 “Jurdy, I wanna leave, can we just please go,” she pleaded as Jimmy began pacing.
“Move Uce! I can’t let this slide, he been doin’ shit like this! I gotta Get his ass!” Jimmy yelled as Jey put his hand on his brother’s shoulder.
"Bro, let’s just go, and try to figure out what to do next. Trin needs you right now, look at her Uce," Jey said as Jimmy looked at Trin crying in Joe’s arms.
 "Let’s get outta here, we don’t need folks in our family business,” Joe said firmly as I went to Jimmy.
“Jonathon, Trin held her head high in there, and spoke from her heart. She said her peace about everything she felt and made her choice I said trying to reason with him. 
"Shan, he fuckin' "Jimmy started as Jey stopped him from talking so I could continue.
“She did the hard part, now she needs her husband to tell her it’s ok and he has her back,” I said as Jimmy seemed to be calming down.  
"I always got her back, she ain’t neva gotta question dat. It just didn’t have to go down like dat Shan. He ain’t had to do all dat to her,” he said pacing as I nodded in understanding.
“I know, but he did and now we gon’ deal with it,” I said rubbing his shoulder.
“I don’t want her to leave,” he whispered as Trin ran into his arms as the embraced each other tightly.
“I  gotta go babe, I can’t do this no more. It’s just too much to deal with,” she cried as he kissed her the top of her head gently. “I know it Trin….I know,” he whispered in defeat as we all looked on helplessly.
Damn…..The hits just kept coming, Trin just quit and her future was uncertain.
In my time in knowing her though I knew she would bounce back better than ever, just give her time.
Clash at the Castle
September 3, 2022
Shantell’s POV
“Shantell, you need rest,” Paul said as I sipped on my hot coco. “I’m good, I promise,” I said as we got ready for the main event.  
“You look tired,” he pressed as I sighed putting my headset back on ignoring him. We needed to finish the show strong.
The crowd was hot, and they deserved the best show.
I had been on the go these last few months with Gram being sick and trying to stay on top of stuff here. I also help out Trin on my off days too, she just had shoulder surgery.
I have to say she was making good use of her time off getting old injuries fixed. Her and Jimmy were going strong but were still trying to get use to not seeing each other everyday.
Tonight, Sefa is coming into the fold to take his place in the bloodline. I couldn’t wait to see what ride they were going to take us on next.
Jimmy and Jey were given this PPV off storyline wise so I felt better about being over here in England knowing they were in Pensecola. They had been checking in on mama and Gram. Mama Uce even cooked for them a couple times a week.  Throughout this difficult time they all were a godsend and I owed them so much.
“How is your grandmother,” Paul asked as I smiled at him. “She’s doin’ ok, I mean the doctor told us six months and here we are pulling up on a year, so I am thankful,” I said really just grasping how time had really flew by.  
“Camera five, pan out Sefa’s coming your way,” I alerted seeing him come from the side. “Who is that?” Jane asked as I laughed. “I’m sorry, I meant Solo. Jane, my bad,” I laughed.
“We’re going to crown a brand new champion!” Cole screamed as the ref began to count. “What the hell! Someone just pulled the official out of the ring!" Cole’s excited voice rang in my headset.
“Camera eight it’s on you I need a side view,” I instructed as they focused on Solo as he pulled down his hood. “That is Solo Sikoa the Uso’s younger brother!” Cole announced as I smiled.
“Money shot!” I yelled as Paul laughed at me. “You enjoy this shit entirely too much,” he said as I shrugged my shoulders.
“Pan to Drew then back to Solo, I need that shot between camera twelve and hard camera,” I said watching the ending play out.
“Good call on that,” Paul praised as Joe and Solo walked up the ramp together. “Come on look back Joe,” I muttered to myself as Joe seemingly turned and posed as the fireworks went off.
“Great work! Team pace out shots of Drew and Joe along with Solo to close out in 5,4,3,2,1 and we are out!” I exclaimed, happy that it was over.
I quickly put my headset down and went to wait for them by the curtain.  I ran and hugged Solo as soon as he hit the curtain. “Congratulations!!” I yelled in excitement as he and Joe laughed at me.
“I take It your happy for me,” Solo said laughing as I handed him my phone. “Yes, now call your wife. she’s been blowing me up. She’s so excited,” I said leaning over to giving Joe a hug next.
“Damn, we are leveling up sis. Time for even something bigger,” Joe said as I smiled at him.
“Can you enjoy the moment for a change and stop trying to jump to the next thing,” I said as he shrugged his shoulders at me.
“I can’t help it, I’m excited,” he said as Solo passed me back my phone.
“Sis, it’s your mom,” he said as my heart dropped. “What’s wrong mama?” I asked as Joe’s smile dropped.
“You need to come home,I think this is it baby. We’re at the hospital,” she whimpered as I took a deep breath trying not to lose it listening to my mom cry.
"I love you, and  I’m on my way,” I said now on autopilot as I began moving around trying to gather up my things.
“What did she say?” Joe asked trying to keep up with me as I ignored him. “Shantell stop, what’s wrong?” Joe asked stopping me from moving.
 “They had to take Gram to the hospital and mom thinks this is it,” I whispered as Joe pulled me into a comforting hug as Solo went over to Paul to let him know what was going on.
Joe’s POV
Paul sent us home on the jet and it was the longest flight of my life. Shantell was quiet the majority of the time and seemed to be trying to process everything curled up in a seat by the window as we flew over the Atlantic.  
Eventually she fell asleep and I called Jey. I needed to know and prepare for what we were walking into.
“Aye, are ya’ll in the air yet?” Jey asked as I sighed. “Yea, we are we got about three hours left. Shantell is finally asleep, so I wanted to call and see what was going on,” I said trying to keep my voice down.
“Uce, they think this is it. She has sepsis in the colon and at this point all they can do is make her comfortable. It’s anytime now,” Jey whispered as I felt my own tears fall. “Damn it Gram,” I muttered.
“They are waiting for Shantell and her aunt to get here so the doctor can explain everything,” Jey said as I laid back in my seat.
“This wasn’t supposed to happen like this Jey,” I said as I heard the breaking in his voice. “Yea, I know. Ya’ll just get here safe, and I’ll see ya’ll when you get here,” Jey said as I reluctantly hung up.
I was dreading getting off this jet even more after my conversation with him but I knew one was for certain we were all going to be with Shantell through all of this.
Pensacola Memorial Hospital
Jey’s POV
I didn’t know what to say or do as we all gathered into the family consultation room as Shantell and Joe were downstairs and on the way up.
The room quiet as Shantell’s mom and sister sat opposite each other and I could feel the tension between them.
Trin and I looked at each other feeling sad witnessing the moment between the sisters but we were here for Shantell and her mom.
Jimmy came in with Sofia and sat on the other couch. “Shantell wanted to see Gram and should be in shortly. The doctor should be in soon too,” Sofia said as I nodded.
I was so grateful to know Sofia was the RN assigned to Gram tonight. I knew she would be in good hands.
Shantell’s POV
“Gram, I’m here,” I whispered as she opened her eyes. She tried to talk as I shushed her to stop trying knowing it was uncomfortable with the  tubes in her mouth and nose.
Her hand reached up and caressed my face as tears began falling from her eyes. I grabbed her hand and kissed it. I knew in that moment she was hanging on for me but was ready to go.
“She’s waiting on you to tell her it’s ok to go babydoll,” Joe muttered wrapping his arms around me. gently placing a kiss on my temple as I broke down in his arms.
“I’m here wit you,” he soothed as I could only nod my pain to great to even put into words, but I knew I had to let her go.
 She looked so tired and not like herself, I couldn’t be selfish. “Gram, are you tired?” I whispered and without hesitation she nodded slowly. Quickly blinking her eyes as more unshed tears escaped them before she looked at me again.  
 “It’s ok Gram, I’m ok….Me, mama and auntie are going to be ok,” I whispered reassuring her as she nodded. Leaning over I gently kissed her forehead and then her cheek.
“I love you,” I whispered as she nodded placing her hand in mine as we sat in silence.
Joe’s text alert went off as he sighed. “The doctor is waiting Shan,” he whispered as I nodded taking a deep breath.  Reaching over I hugged my grandmother. “I’ll be back,” I said as she shook her head at me.
“Gram, please,” I started as she shook her head again as I sighed.
“She don’t want you to see her this way,” Joe whispered as Gram slowly nodded indicating he was right.
Sighing in defeat I gave her a look to let her know the conversation wasn’t over.
Walking to the consultation room I felt numb and couldn’t believe this was really happening.
 Jey’s POV
“They on the way,” I said to Shantell’s mom and aunt. “Good because somebody needs to tell me something,” Shantell’s aunt said as Trin and I shifted uncomfortably in our seats.
I understood how she was feeling but she’s been rude as hell since she’s got here.  
“Why are ya’ll even in here? This is for family only, and you’re not family,” she said looking around at us as I heard Trin sigh in frustration.
 “Lady, don’t make me read you yo’ damn rights up in here,” Sofia started as I reached over and patted her knee. Calm down sis, I whispered as she took a breath shakin’ her head in disbeilf.
 “Ain’t even been here for yo’ mama, and now wanna come in here and take over,” Sofia muttered as Trin cleared her throat trying to mask what Sofia said. Thank god it seemed only Trin, Jimmy and me heard it.
“They here because while you’ve been in Ohio livin’ your life, they’ve been helping Shantell and I take care of mama. Mama loves them all and considers them family and so do I. So, you can either deal with it or get out,” Shantell’s mother said as her sister dropped her head in shame.
“I’m sorry ya’ll this is just a lot, and I meant no harm,” she said as I nodded at her in understanding.
Seeing Shantell and Joe walk in I felt even more helpless. She looked so broken hugging her mom, aunt, and Sofia.
"Thanks for being here ya’ll," she whispered as Jimmy, Trin and I stood up to give her a hug.
“We love you,” Trin whispered as Shantell nodded and sat beside me with Joe on the other side as I grabbed her hand.
I felt her tense as the doctor began talking. I rubbed her hand trying to calm her down as Sofia got up went to stand behind Shantell putting her hands on her shoulders.
“I wish I had better news to report but we found sepsis, and her organs functions are slowing down. Even with treatment if her heart stops, we can’t perform life saving measures,”he said as Shantell’s mom broke down.
“Why is that?  I mean you all have the equipment you need to do what’s necessary,” Shantell’s aunt started as the doctor interrupted her.
“Your mother signed a DNR when we brought her in, and she did another one a couple weeks ago at her last doctor’s appointment. It’s in her records, did she not tell you,” the doctor asked as I saw Shantell shake her head in disbelief. 
“Aww, Gram,”Shantell muttered as her mother was trying to process the inormation the doctor was saying.
“What is a DNR?” her aunt asked as Shantell wiped her tears.  “It means do not resistitate auntie,” she whispered as her aunt scoffed at the notion.
“No! She wouldn’t do that!” she cried as Shantell took over asking the questions. “How long does she have?” Shantell asked as her aunt interrupted.
 “Shantell be quiet It ain’t going to even come to that. Mama is going to bounce back,” she said in denial.
“She is dying! What part of that don’t you understand!” Shantell cried as Sofia rubbed her shoulders.
“It’s ok Shan, just breathe,” Sofia coached as I tightened my grip on her hand as her knee began to bounce nervously as Joe caressed her knee.
“How long does she have doctor?” Tanya asked as the doctor cleared his throat.
“We will be lucky if she makes it through the night,” he responded as Shantell stormed out of the room without another word.
“I got her Uce,” I said stopping Joe from getting up as I went in search of Shantell.
I saw her getting on the elevator, as I rushed to get in before it’s doors closed. Her body leaned against the back wall, her body trembling as she cried..
 Reaching over I hit the emergency button as we stopped.
I knew she needed a minute before we stepped off the elevator to the prying eyes of strangers.
Her tear-filled eyes piercing my soul as her tears flowed like a river down her beautiful face. “Josh” she whimpered enclosing her hands over her face as I closed the distance between us taking her in my arms.
"Let it out baby," I whispered consoling her as her silent cries began to grow louder as she fought against releasing her pain.
A soul crushing scream fell from her lips as I refused to let her go.
“AAAAAH! GRAM!!!” she cried fighting against me as I held her tighter.
“I ain’t letting you go, Shan…. Do you hear me? I got you, I always got you. Just lean on me baby,” I whispered as the woman I loved continued to fall apart in my arms.
“I can’t do this,” Shantell cried as I held her tight.
“You ain’t gotta do it alone, we all here and we gon’ get through this together,” I soothed as she nodded, her hands now gripping my shirt tightly as I rubbed her back.  
Trying to wrangle in her emotions, she pulled away, wiped her tears and began taking deep breaths as she paced the elevator.
It was like she was preparing herself for what she knew she needed to do.
 I watched in awe at the sudden calmness washing over her beautiful face as she cleared her throat and stopped pacing.
Several minutes passed and I knew we needed to turn the elevator back on before they sent out the calvary.
“You ready beautiful?” I asked as she nodded as I restarted the elevator. “Go back up,” she whispered as I hit the seventh floor.
 Shantell’s POV
The calmness and peace that washed over the room is something I will never forget. My grandmother’s body stilled as she took her final breath as my mother sliently weeped at the loss of her mom along with her sister.
“Are we calling it?” Sofia asked as the doctor as he finished checking her vitals and looked at the clock.
“Call it…. Time of death 12:35 am September 5,2022 he said as I gently leaned over and kissed my grandmother goodbye before walking out of the room.
“Sis, you ok?” Jimmy asked as I smiled sadly at him and Trin. “She’s gone,” I whispered taking a seat beside Joe and Jey as we all sat in silence and grief.
Damn it Gram, you really got us with this one……
My name is Shantell Johnson and my grandmother Renae “Gram” Johnson died on September 5, 2022, and she took a piece of my heart right along with her.
Taglist: @reci24 @southerngirl41 @vebner37 @jeyusos-girl
@melaninsugababy @romanreignkisser @bebesobrielo
@arination99 @2-muchsauce @bakugoumarianawrites
@empressdede @alyyaanna @christinabae @anonandwannakeepitthatway @venusesworld @jeyusosgirl  @theninthwonder @mya2real @ trc-punzel
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bijouxcarys · 1 year
Requests are closed
All of my works are intended for mature audiences, and are not recommended to those under the age of 16. I am not responsible for any minors who may read my work.
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Hi! Thank you for taking the time to look around.
First off, my name is Carys, I'm 22 and I'm from the United Kingdom. I've been writing fanfiction for 10 years. I started off on MJFiction.com writing Michael Jackson fanfic, and I found I absolutely loved it!
I'm autistic and am absolutely riddled with undiagnosed ADHD, but I don't bang on about it, so don't worry. I rarely ever talk about it. That being said, without having autistic special interests, I wouldn't be here writing for you all!
My special interests include the 60s, 70s, and 80s, Led Zeppelin, Queen, Aerosmith, Michael Jackson, Ariana Grande, Demi Lovato, films, WWE, and... MUSIC.
I write fanfiction about Robert Plant and Brian May, which is what my blog is mainly centred around.
Don't be afraid to shoot me a message; I may be Northern English but I am very nice. Promise.
((Side note, if you are one of those Jimbert stans who fully believe that they were in a relationship/have very real feelings towards each other... Navigate my blog with caution, because that ain't it for me. I support everyone's freedom to fantasise and write fanfic, draw fanart, etc of anything, but when it goes beyond fantasy and starts becoming something real, that's when I draw the line. Y'all know who you are.))
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Archive of our Own
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Silly Discord that barely is active but is always nice to have
Spotify (in the process of creating all the relevant playlists for fics)
In the event of not being able to access my works through the links in the masterlist, please go to the search bar and type in "bijouxcaryslibrary" and all the necessary content will come up (hopefully.)
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𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐈 𝐖𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞:
x Reader
Personalised (you choose the name insert)
x OC
FxM pairings (smut and fluff)
FxF pairings (smut and fluff)
𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐈 𝐃𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐖𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞:
Creepy shit. Like... obviously dodgy areas. Pedophilia, necrophilia, non-con, etc...
Food kinks and pregnancy kinks (no kink shaming here, I just personally feel uncomfortable with it)
MxM pairings (smut and romantic fluff)
Pairings of real life people such as band mate x band mate
I will pretty much write anything apart from the above, don't be shy to be specific with your requests. The more detailed, the better!
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To Love So Completely (Robert Plant x fem!OC mini series)
Got My Timing Right (Book 3 of my Brian May series)
Allure pt. 2 (Sequel to my Brian May one shot Allure)
Herbal Clouds (1969 Brian May one shot)
Robert Plant x OC request
Roman Reigns x OC request
Brian May x reader request
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Peace Lovin' Guy Series
Book 1: Peace Lovin' Guy (completed, in the process of uploading on Tumblr)
Book 2: Get Your Heart Beating (completed, in the process of uploading on Tumblr)
Book 3: Got My Timing Right (ongoing)
Book 4: Can't Understand It (TBA)
Book 5: A Sweetheart Hand (TBA)
Book 6: Through the Madness (TBA)
One Shots
Allure **
Honey Bee ** | Part 1 Part 2
Little Wayward Girl **
Daddy's Attention **
Aphrodite **
To Love So Completely (Masterlist)
Cherry Lips **
The High Life **
Fine Wine **
Spotlight **
Celestial **
Eternally **
Make It Better **
Just Your Tribal Chief **
Prove It **
Bad News
Ties That Bind (Masterlist)
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Honey Bee | fic board
To Love So Completely | fic board
Peace Lovin’ Guy (PLG Book 1) | fic board
Allure | fic board
Get Your Heart Beating (PLG Book 2) | fic board
Got My Timing Right (PLG Book 3) | fic board
Little Wayward Girl | fic board
Daddy’s Attention | fic board
Aphrodite | fic board
Cherry Lips | fic board
The High Life | fic board
Fine Wine | fic board
Spotlight | fic board
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To Love So Completely | fic playlist
Allure | fic playlist
Honey Bee | fic playlist
Peace Lovin’ Guy | fic playlist
Get Your Heart Beating | fic playlist
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Suffer and Brew
I Did It Again
Turn Out The Lights
Still Alive
Blood To My Vein
I Deserve It
You'll Never Be Loved
If I Die
My Unfiltered Thoughts on Clash at the Castle 2024
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@celestial-dragoness writes some fantastic Robert Plant fanfiction, and is one of the sweetest people ever. She's also a talented crocheter :p
@firethatgrewsolow has some of the best Robert fics on the internet, and is just as unhinged as the rest of the Zep fandom, and fucking lovely.
@callmethehunter has great Zeppelin content, like analyses, reblogs, thoughts, um... studies of sorts... and is just an all around genuine person.
@brownskinsugarplum76 again has very realistic and steamy Rob fics.
@nature-and-music is an amazingly talented writer, and I suggest indulging to your heart's content.
@trippinsorrows If you're in need of a good, solid Roman Reigns fanfiction, with a narrative and multiple chapters, this girl is the best. And ridiculously dedicated to what she does. Also so fucking sweet.
@she2real also writes bomb ass Roman fics
@heauxvibez writes some fucking delicious Roman fics that have me questioning my existence afterwards
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evermore-grimoire · 2 years
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The Evermore Grimoire: Mutants
Selene Gallio is a centuries-old mutant psychic vampire also known as the Black Queen and is a longtime member of the Hellfire Club. She was born 17,000 years ago in central Europe, ‘After the Oceans swallowed Atlantis’ and ‘Before the rise of the sons of Aryas.’ Selene's mother was young when she gave birth to her, but would be dead before her daughter even spoke her first words. The tribal elders ordered her mother's people to sacrifice themselves to Selene until none remained. They then gave her sustenance as well as her name. As an immortal Selene possesses great magical powers, her chief among them is being able to manipulate shadows and darkness. She can also psionically drain the life forces of other human beings into herself, by physical touch. However if Selene drains a person's entire life force, the victim dies and their body crumbles into dust.
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just-a-ghost00 · 4 months
Lesson from your tribal chief
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I have been a fan of wrestling since I was a teen and always had a thing for tarot, though I took a break from both a couple times in my life. I felt like mixing these two passions of mine, hence this wrestling themed pick a card series. Starting with your Tribal Chief and Head of the Table, Roman Reigns.
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Group 1 - Levels above
cards : Justice, 6 of pentacles, 4 of cups, ace of wands, queen of cups
To reach greatness, you have to bend the rules. Being the good guy doesn’t make you the best. Being the fair one does. It doesn’t matter what people think. It doesn’t matter whether they’re happy with where you’re at. You don’t owe them anything. But you owe yourself respect. You owe yourself love, support and dignity. By refusing to look at the truth and embrace it, you are keeping yourself away from blessings sent your way. Once you learn to give and take efficiently, the tip of the scales shall be in your favor. Once you do that, ain’t no man that can touch your buttons. Ain’t no one that can stop you from shining your light, expressing your truth and stepping on the island of relevancy. No one can prevent you from being the head of your table. And this isn’t a prediction. This is a spoiler.
Group 2 - From ashes to empire
cards : Hierophant, 10 of cups, 5 of cups, ace of cups, the Hermit, The Star
Every Head of the table needs a wiseman on their side. Someone that helps see the good in the filthy and the nasty hidden beneath the glitter. Someone that, when your head is wandering away and your heart is sour, knows how to bring you back to the island of relevancy. Someone that lights the way and urges you to move forward though you can’t see two steps ahead of you because they see the potential in you that no one else does. Who’s your wise man? A parent? A mentor? A sibling? A lover? Those your surround yourself with, your bloodline, your life line will matter the most when the clouds gather. When the storm rages and all you thought was yours crumbles, the wise man shall never disappoint you. There ain’t no Head of the table without the wiseman. So if you don’t have one, look out for them.
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missprincesse345 · 8 months
Chocolate never was more tasty than this 😈😈
Summary: The 3 times y/n’s badass moments made her husband Roman Reigns feel like the luckiest man on the planet. This fic is a Aew au
Pairing: Roman Reigns x cargil reader
Random pairings: Jon moxley x jade cargil ( her sister), willow nightingale x Ricky starks, ruby soho x Anglo Parker.
Her faction: the vagabonds ( y/n,jade,willow,Brandi, and Keira hogan)
Championship title: current Aew women world champion
Face claim : saweetie
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1. “ Roman!!” Y/n yelled running into his arms hugging him tightly as he caught her , earlier in the night while she was at home making dinner Jey called stating Stephanie got him arrested during the smack down taping under false accusations making her blood boil with anger. Ever since Roman turned heel becoming the tribal chief and creating the bloodline certain people have been trying take him down or destroy his accolades in & out the ring “ hey babygirl I’m okay I’m okay” he said softly soothing her worry’s knowing how worried she’d get about his safety sometimes.
As they get in the car once she got the paperwork as well bail taken care of he filled her in on the situation Stephanie wanted him,the twins and solo to pay for their actions against Sami zayn & Kevin Owens during royal rumble which upon further investigation that the two were forced to by the women or they’d be sent back to nxt. “ I’m fucking done!!!” He said seething with anger as y/n nodded letting him vent all of his anger out knowing he needed it “ okay love then quit always come to Aew with me I mean Jon’s way happier over there” she said looking over at him.
“ I’m with you baby let’s do it” he said interlocking his bigger hand with her smaller one heading home Stephanie say your prayers she thought smirking to herself.
A week later
Walking into the stadium hand & hand the tribal chief was ready to make a statement with his Nubian queen by his side “ go get yourself all dolled up sweetness gonna go over the plan with the boys” he said looking down at y/n squeezing her hip “ mm okay my chief” she purrs kissing Roman deeply before walking away.
“ what the hell !!! It’s the bloodline ohhh and they don’t look happy, well what do you expect Stephanie’s actions towards Roman Reigns * sami & Kevin join them * ohhh looks like they got back up!!!” Michael Cole and pat mcafee said watching them launch a sneak attack on the couple at one point Roman points to the ramp giving y/n the signal. Watching everyone go crazy while walking down the ramp to the ring she only had one goal make this woman pay “ oohhh and her comes the tribal goddess herself” Cole said with a hint of excitement the whole roster was ready to see the couples demise and we’re enjoying every minute.
Standing face to face with the evil woman who hurt her tribal chief y/n waisted no time pouncing on her attacking Stephanie with every thing she had the older woman was no match for her cheetah like moves “ hold them up!!! Both of them!!!” She screamed as the boys got them in position “ no are they?! Double spear !!! double spear !!! My god Hunter and Stephanie just got snapped in half!” Cole said as the crowd chanted you deserve it
“ nobody!!! Can take down the bloodline we run this shit!!! We’re done with this company I’m done with this bullshit everywhere I go or my tribe goes you acknowledge us !!! Cause we the ones!!!” Roman said growling loudly in the mic as everyone held their fingers up. He was done with wwe and to do it with his goddess it felt great standing tall.
2. Roman & y/n where hanging out with his 6yr daughter Joelle at their new home in L.A California located in Beverly Hills. The couple was happy to have some time off after battle of the belts ppv not minding the little girls presence since she’d taken a liking to y/n instantly after Roman divorced his nightmare of a ex fiancé , hearing the door bell Roman got up from the couch smiling softly watching his two favorite girls laughing and smiling “ oh great what are you doing here?” He groaned coming face to face with his ex.
“ you weren’t answering my calls Joelle left her snacks & blanket at my place last week” his ex replied slightly upset he didn’t really talk to her since the divorce only if something involved jojo his ex was a gold digging bitch breaking his trust once to many. “ well jojo has all the snacks and blankets she needs but extra wouldn’t hurt * grabs her blanket & Cheeto puffs* oh while you’re here Joelle will be living with us or parents from now on” he said making the woman gasp in sock
“What?!!! Why Joe I” the woman only could get out as Roman turned around snarling at the woman immediately shutting her up “ you will never get to call me that again got it? Secondly you missed the court date , hearings as well meetings with the lawyers multiple times and your mother vouched for me stating that Joelle deserved to be with me besides y/n has been way more of a mother to her than you” he said smirking as y/n appears next him with jojo in her arms.
“ everything okay here? Oh hi” y/n said smiling as Roman explained the situation she never liked his ex and it was time to put the woman in her place “ jojo bug can you cover your ears for me ? * the little girl nods doing as told* good girl” she smiles at the girls cuteness. “ I’ll only say this once and once only you lost bitch you don’t deserve shit from him or anyone with your leg spreading flat chested twink dollar tree having ass unless you’re making a billion dollars a year,own fifteen businesses, model the hottest brands or look half as good like me” steps a little closer “ then get the fuck away from my family understand? Good” she said smiling at the fear struck woman as Roman watched proudly if you thought Roman’s death glare was scary hers was 10x more terrifying.
Walking back inside the couple shared a sweet kiss “ me too!! I want one!!!” Joelle squeaked making them laugh attack the girl with kisses “ you’re so good to me sweetheart thank you for coming into my life and hers” he said kisses her forehead making the woman melt “ I’d like to say it’s the other way around but you’re welcome cause I wouldn’t wanna be anywhere else” she said touched by his words “ daddy!! Momma!! Can we make noodles and fried dumplings ? Oh please!” Joelle said smiling up at the two shocking them mostly y/n not wanting to push it letting Joelle get comfortable with the idea of being her new mom but the young child always saw y/n as her mother the first time they met .
“ uh - yeah of course darling but we gotta make sure you’re daddy doesn’t eat all the cookies we’re gonna make too” she said smirking at Roman as jojo hugged her tightly while on the inside she was buzzing with happiness as Roman did holding them close.
3. The wrestling it couple were tag teaming with her sister,Jon,Brandi and Cody against daddy magic,Anna,tay conti and Sammy after some off hand comments were made about the couple’s relationship.
“ ohhhh !!! God !!! Tay conti just got rocked!!” Taz comments as y/n super kicked her in the face before yanking into a deadly samoan drop doing a kip up as the crowd cheered “ let’s go!!!!” She screamed firing up the crowd turning around smirking pointing to Sammy mockingly blowing a kiss “ we run this bitch!!! Hoe!!!” She cackled licking her chops setting up for a Superman punch in honor of her husband which she perfectly executed before tagging her sister in.
“Come on baby!!! Roman cmon!!!” She shouted holding her hand out as her tribal chief tagged her in hopping over the ropes knocking down everyone on the opposite team before coming face to face with daddy magic yelling in her smiling like a psychopath slapping him not phased by the threats. She put him her finisher the cradle ( inverted ddt) “ and your winners the vagabonds and Roman Reigns,Jon moxley and Cody Rhodes!!!” They announced the crowd cheering as they all stood tall in victory.
Walking backstage they all were heading back to the locker room they heard Tay screaming about them cheating and so on down the hall “ kiss my ass bitch!!! Oh that’s right you don’t have one!!!” She smirked laughing twerking a little cause Roman to chuckle at her antics.
“ you are bad” he growled playfully against her ear before squeezing her plump bottom “ mmm but you like it though my tribal chief” she said looking up at him before getting brought into a steamy lip lock.
She was the whole package and all his nobody compares to his chocolate dipped goddess.
Her outfits 1,2,3 created by me:
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warningsine · 19 days
The chiefs of New Zealand's Maori tribe – the Indigenous people of the country's mainland – anointed a 27-year-old as their new monarch on Thursday in a "break from tradition."
Thousands cheered as Nga Wai hono i te po Paki sat the throne in a ceremony on the country's North Island.
Nga Wai is the youngest daughter of King Tuheitia, who died on Friday after heart surgery.
A young Maori queen
The New Zealand Herald reported that she was favored and long groomed to take the throne after her father, however, her appointment was not set in stone as she is the late king's youngest child and only daughter. 
The new ruler is chosen by the heads of the community's tribes on the day of the previous monarch's funeral.
Local media reports suggest that Tuheitia's eldest son was initially tipped to be the next monarch, but Nga Wai emerged as the possible successor in recent years. 
"It is certainly a break from traditional Maori leadership appointments which tend to succeed to the eldest child, usually a male," Maori Cultural Advisor Karaitiana Taiuru told the AFP news agency. 
He said it was a "privilege" to witness a young Maori woman become queen.
Nga Wai is their eighth monarch and the second woman to hold the position. The first Maori monarch queen was her grandmother Te Arikinui Te Atairangikaahu, who died in 2006.
The king or queen's position is largely ceremonial and doesn't enjoy legal powers but holds significance in the community.
What happened at the ceremony?
Once the council of tribal heads selected the young queen, she was escorted to her wooden throne by a platoon of tattooed, bare-chested men who held ceremonial weapons. They chanted and screamed in praise and applause.
Adorned in a wreath of leaves, a cloak and a whalebone necklace,  Nga Wai sat beside her father's coffin while ceremonious rites took place.
Tuheitia has been laid in state for six days and will now be taken to his final resting place on the slopes of the sacred Mount Taupiri. 
Maori community faces challenges
The selection comes amid mounting challenges the Maori community faces, one of which is an aging leadership. 
"The Maori world has been yearning for younger leadership to guide us in the new world of AI, genetic modification, global warming and in a time of many other social changes that question and threaten us and Indigenous Peoples of New Zealand," Taiuru said.
The Maori community makes up 17% of New Zealand's population. Studies and data show they are more likely than other citizens to be unemployed and live in poverty.
Another challenge is life expectancy for the Maori people, which is seven years less than other New Zealanders, facing greater chances of suffering from cancer, heart disease, diabetes and suicide.
mk/sms (AFP, dpa)
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