#queue machine broke
doyoulikethisemoband · 11 months
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superherospinoff · 2 years
thinking again about that time tim broke into dick’s apartment in bludhaven and immediately started making fun of his home security the moment dick walked in the door 
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nightwing (1996) issue 6
and then the next time we see someone break into dick’s apartment (this time it’s a stranger trying to rob him) we find out that he has installed a human-sized glue trap in front of his home entertainment system (and coincidentally, right next to the window)
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nightwing (1996) issue 12
this is a cartoonishly deranged thing for dick to put in his apartment as actual security but also i believe with my whole heart that this was meant for tim. this is cruel and unusual punishment for some random home invader but completely justified if it was actually meant to clown on one’s annoying younger brother all along
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No one else but you
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Pairing: Captain John Price x Reader
Summary: You and Price broke up months ago after a bad fight and you're still reeling from it. You're utterly heartbroken, but with the less that great wisdom of your friends, you decided to try and jump into another relationship to solve the hurt - one that was bad from the beginning. Will Price showing back up in your life get you out of it? Or will you be left with no one at all.
(No use of y/n or mention of gender/race)
Warning: Angst with a happy ending, fluff, cheating boyfriend (not price), Smut (no mention of reader genitals), soft dom!Price, nickname Daddy used, pinning down, dirty talk, praise
Realistically you knew that you’d see John Price again one day, you just hated that it had to be that day. That day that you were on a date with your new boyfriend. The day after you’d just made things official. Pretty much right after you'd just gotten on at said boyfriend for distracting himself with his phone the whole time. Now you were the one that was distracted.
You and Reid hadn’t been dating long, just barely a month and half. You’d asked the night before about where he saw things going and then somewhere along the way in that conversation he asked if you brought it up because you wanted him to be your boyfriend. Then you supposed that’s why you did ask, and said yes, and he’d agreed to it. 
Of course you’d felt kind of happy about it at the time, but now - after locking eyes with your ex, who offered you a crinkly eyed smile before turning to the barista - you felt like there was a pit in your stomach. It was as if your belly was made of lead. Had you made the right decision?
“Hello, are you listening to me?” Reid laughed, waving his hand in front of your face. “Weekend plans. Next weekend. Selena’s cabin. Need a yes or a no. She’s messaging me about it and you were the one that just ranted to me about how I wasn’t paying attention to you.”
“Hmm? Sorry, what?” you asked, resuming eye contact with your boyfriend. “Where’s the cabin again? Who’s Selena?”
It was so unfair, you thought to yourself. Why was Price here now? You’d figured after being deployed he’d be away for a long time, but slowly you came to realise that it had been ages since you’d seen him. 3 months in fact. 
And now he was there in the cafe, standing in line for a tea you presumed, looking as handsome as ever. His beard had been allowed to grow, he’d probably not had time to trim it, it was longer and even in length. His eyes looked weary and his hair was messy, probably from running his hands through it too much, you thought, and you bit your lip as you noticed he was wearing that shirt you liked. The worn green linen button up, with a pristine white T-shirt underneath of course. 
“Do you know that man or something?”
You jumped when Reid pulled you out of your daze yet again, and suddenly all the bluebirds and butterflies were out of your field of vision. You’re opened up to the reality of the coffee shop, all the whirring and buzzing machines and emphatic chatter of all the tables around you. It was as if a spell had been broken. 
You gulped awkwardly and shrugged, rubbing the back of your neck.
“Sorry, yeah…that’s my ex,” you explain with a sigh.
Even then, even while you were with someone else, you still hurt over the way things had been left. That should’ve been a bad sign, one that meant you weren’t supposed to be moving on so soon, but whenever you talked to anyone about it they just said you needed to move on and ‘shag it out your system’ - whatever that meant. John didn’t feel like the kind of man that anyone could just forget about, even when it was you that broke things off in the first place.
“Wait, the soldier guy? The one that you said beat a guy up outside that bar?” Reid marvelled, fastening his eyes to Price’s place in the queue. 
“Yeah, him,” you murmured, forgetting that you’d told him about that. 
“He doesn’t look like I thought he would,” Reid snorted, watching him wait for his drink. “He’s like an old guy, looks pretty harmless to me.”
You held back the protest that had come to the tip of your tongue like a hot pepper. It wouldn’t do to tell your new man that he’d get flattened by the captain if he got on his bad side - that would be asking for an argument. Instead you bit your lip and watched as Price made his way toward you both, takeaway cup in hand. You were begging whatever deity might be watching over that he wouldn’t linger long. 
Though by the looks of things, he’d had a hard time trying to forget about you too. There was something in his eyes, something like relief, that made you feel he was glad to have bumped into you. 
He eventually came to a stop next to your table, standing close to your side. You could smell the piney aroma of his aftershave as it rolled off of him - sprayed on to help cover the lingering scent of cigar smoke. It combined with the smell of bitter coffee and sweet cakes and left you dazedly staring at him. 
“Hello, there,” he said simply
You gulped, instantly feeling your mouth go dry. What were you supposed to say back? Hello, how are you? No, you had so many other things rushing through your mind you didn’t think to respond with something normal. 
Did you think about me while you were away? Did you miss me? Did you finally realise you were wrong to hurt that man so badly just because he’d pushed up against me and called me names when he thought he was supposed to get served at the bar before me? Do you think things could’ve been different afterwards? Could we have talked more and worked it out? I missed you so much, please take me away from here. 
“Um…hi,” you said sheepishly, offering him a small smile. “How’ve you been? Did you just get back from deployment?”
“Yeah, just got back on wednesday there. You know how it is when I’m away. Spend the whole time worrying about everyone till we’re back home safe, don’t I?”
He’d tilted his head at you meaningfully, letting you know that he wasn’t just talking about his men. So, you thought, you struggled just as much as me.
“What about you, how’ve you been? And who’s your friend?” he asked, turning his attention toward Reid.
Price narrowed his gaze on your boyfriend and offered his hand, shoulders rolling as he did so. You didn’t miss the way he’d said friend. Apparently Reid didn’t either. Reid took Price’s hand all too willingly and firmly shook it, making eye contact so direct you wondered if he was trying to shoot lasers out of his eyes. 
“Yeah, good,” you responded, watching as their handshake carried on a little too long. “This is Reid.”
“The boyfriend,” Reid added, finally snatching his hand back.
Price raised his brows and glanced at you. You could swear that you’d noticed his jaw tick, but nevertheless he smiled and patted your shoulder, his hand warm on you, even through your thick jumper.
“John Price - the ex,” he said to Reid, before turning back to you.“Good to know you’ve had someone looking after ya.”
his lips were quirking as if he’d had to force the words out.
“He uh- has been yes,” you said appeasingly, side-eyeing Reid as he frowned at you. “Someone’s got to!”
You’d laughed awkwardly, tittering away while hoping the interaction would end. Though there was no chance of Price going that easy. He stayed and nodded his head slowly, his eyes narrowing on you as he seemed to lose himself in his thoughts. Was he thinking of all the times that he’d been the one to look after you? 
“Did you get yourself a tea then?” you asked, trying to end the awkward silence and - hopefully - send him on his way, you could ask him to go drink it in peace. 
He looked down at it as if he’d forgotten the scalding cup in his hand and back at you, raising the cup just slightly. 
“Know me well, love, don’t you?”
Your body all but seized as he resurrected one of his old pet names. You used to preen when he called you love. Now you were choking on your spit - actually genuinely choking.
You wheezed and gasped, quickly taking a drink of your latte to try and ease collapse of your windpipe. It might have settled if not for the fact that he started rubbing your back. That only made the problem worse. You struggled to take in the closeness of him, the warmth, how firm his hand was as he settled it over your spine. 
You brushed past him and got up, offering both him and Reid an apologetic smile. 
“Don’t know what’s…come over me,” you gasped, trying to find enough air to talk. “I’m just going to go to the toilet quickly!”
And before another word could be said, you rushed off to try and find some peace, desperately trying to avoid all the hustling bustling people around you. This was not good. 
While you were away, Reid and Price both stared each other down. Left to their own devices they could both drop any pretence they’d kept up while you were around, not that Reid was making much of an effort to try and appear friendly. Though now he was openly glaring at Price, letting him know that he wasn’t welcome. Trying valiantly to scare him away. 
Price, meanwhile, was casting a wary eye over this new boyfriend, looking him up and down and not missing the woman’s name on his phone screen. He wasn’t the type of man to deny that men and women could be friends, but something about the way Reid had been messaging whoever it was so intently, rubbed him the wrong way. He looked from the screen and back to Reid, causing the other man to scowl. 
“What was that?” Reid all but growled. 
“What was what?” Price asked, raising a brow. 
“Calling them love and rubbing their back like that! You said it yourself - you’re the ex. Act like it and back off!”
“Ex or not, I want you to know something. I might not be in the picture right now, but I’ll tell you this - you hurt them…and I’ll fuckin’ kill you.”
Reid frowned, about to laugh off his threat when Price gave his rival the same look that he’d used in interrogations- the one that showed that he wasn’t above getting dirty if the situation called for it. It was then that Reid recalled what you’d told him about the fight, about how Price had almost permanently maimed the guy, he had remembered you saying that the man had had his jaw wired shut just to recover from what Price had done to him. 
Reid didn’t visibly back down, but he didn’t retort back either. He pursed his lips instead and watched as you bounced back to the table in the background, relieved that you’d recovered sooner rather than later.
“Everything ok?” you chirped, sitting back down in your chair. 
“Yeah, course,” Price smiled, his eyes turning to those familiar crescent moons that you adored. “What about you? Survived, have you?”
You played with your hands and laughed awkwardly, remembering to swallow before you choked again. 
“Yeah, still kicking somehow.”
“Well that’s good to hear. Listen, its been lovely to see you, but I’ll let you two get back to it, I wouldn’t want to overstay my welcome. Just so you know though, if you ever need anything,” Price said, his blue eyes melting into honey, “just give me a ring.”
With that, he winked at you and left, not waiting for your response.
You huffed out a breath, only just realising that it had felt like your lungs had been fit to burst pretty much that entire time and looked over at Reid. He looked like he was going to combust. All the light that had been on his face earlier in the day had died and he looked sulkily down at his phone, angrily tapping a message into it. 
“Oh my god, Reid, I’m so sorry about that,” you sighed, closing your eyes as you finally realised what had just happened. “He can be really intense, and I didn’t realise he was going to come barging up to us like that! Anyway,why don’t we get things back on track, what were you saying about going away to a cabin?”
It was Reid’s turn again to blank you now. He continued to type a message to whoever he was talking to and left you in silence, listening to his thumb angrily jamming down on the glass. You tried again and he still didn’t respond, and soon it began to feel like every tap on the screen was a hammer in the nail of your coffin. 
You had thought you’d resolved that argument that night. 
You had spent the whole rest of the outing shuttered out from any conversation with him, only to spend hours when you’d gotten home locked in a bitter fight. He’d said you could’ve backed him up a bit more and made him look less like a fool, and you’d agreed and tried to tell him that you were so overwhelmed you weren’t sure how to react, though you knew you could’ve tried to have handled it better. You just weren’t sure what you would’ve been able to do differently. 
There had been some back and fourth for a while, but eventually it was settled when you’d said you’d block him and delete him off of everything and that was the end of that. Or so you had so naively believed. 
You’d gone along to the cabin on the Friday of the following weekend and soon it was revealed to you that that hadn’t been the end of things at all. 
Everything had started off fine, it had been nice even. You’d all gotten camping chairs and had sat round a big fire drinking and getting to know all of Reid’s friends and were enjoying yourself immensely. However as the night wore on and Reid had gotten drunker and drunker - Price had eventually come up. That’s when everything did a complete 180. 
Someone, for some godforsaken reason, had brought up awkward ex stories and Reid jumped at the chance to tell everyone about the coffee shop encounter. He spared no detail in making Price sound like a disgusting lecherous old man, and laughed as he told everyone about how he’d been threatened. A detail he’d forgotten to tell you when you’d had your discussion.
“You didn’t tell me about that,” you’d protested weakly, putting your hand on his thigh. “You should’ve said something. That’s not right that he threatened you.”
He shook his leg from your grip and laughed bitterly, taking another swig of his vodka. Suddenly the taste of the spirit was acrid in your throat and the smoke from the fire was stifling you. The evening was going downhill fast.
You turned around and took a glance at his friends, they were all laughing about it, apparently finding it hilarious that an old man had threatened Reid. Everyone was in hysterics apart from one of the girls, the girl who’s cabin it was. She didn’t appear to be hearing any new information, she was just smiling like a cheshire cat and opening another cocktail can. 
“Didn’t take it seriously then, did I?” Reid shrugged, looking around at all the laughing faces with glee. “What’s he gonna do? Knock me over with his walking stick? That guy was like a hundred years old.”
You wanted to say that it was funny he didn’t say that to Price’s face, but immediately thought better of it. Instead you just tried to laugh it off and hope the subject changed, but ultimately it didn’t. Instead you became the group target when one of his friends had sniggered and asked if Reid wasn’t too young for you. Must be hard keeping up with someone your own age instead of someone that falls asleep when you get on top, and apparently it was the funniest jokes in the world to everyone but you. 
For the whole rest of the trip his friends had kept bringing up your supposed penchant for gross old men and had kept the joke going. They brought up pictures of old actors and asked if you’d ‘smash them’ and when one of the men from a neighbouring cabin had walked by, of course an older man walking his even older doddering greyhound, they’d told Reid to hold you back before you ran off with him.
It wasn’t fair, you’d thought. Price wasn’t actually that much older than you. Sure, there was a little bit of an age gap, the lines on his face were a little deeper than other people his age and there was a bit of grey creeping into his hair, but he spent most of his time fighting and commanding big groups of soldiers. It would age anyone quickly!
However, as if that wasn’t humiliating enough, Selena (Cabin owner and supposedly happily committed friend of Reid’s) had come up to Reid on the second night while you were supposed to go away to get something to drink. Somehow, between you going away and hastily coming back to ask what he wanted instead of the drink you were out of, she’d wandered onto his lap. You stood by the patio door, no longer noticing the chill in the air and instead honed in on the fact that she was stroking a hand through his hair and murmuring to him softly and sickly sweet. 
“I like your hair like this,” she’d said, her voice sultry and low. “Why’d you never style it like this when we were together.”
“Oh yeah?” Reid responded, gripping her hand in his. “I guess I hadn’t figured out how to do it yet.”
You bit your lip, not feeling like you could say anything yet, knowing that you’d only be made to look like a jealous hypocrite if you protested at an ex getting a little too close. They hadn’t actually done anything yet, you told yourself, they were just sitting together on the old deck chair. He looked like he was about to take her hand off of his head. She was barely even touching him to start with really!
Until she was.
She leaned in and sloppily kissed him, her drunken body swaying as she fought to keep her balance on top of his wobbly legs. Bile rose in your throat as you watched them together and suddenly the entire weight of the weekend was upon you. The jeering of his friends, Reid refusing to stop them making fun of you and telling you to grow up, and finally watching them both locked in a kiss that Reid was in no way trying to get away from. 
You blubbered out a pathetic cry and ran to your room, grabbing your things in a blind panic and barely checking that you had everything, only really worrying about your car keys. You ensured that you had them clasped tightly in your hands, stabbing yourself with the rigid metal, and rushed to your car. You hastily threw your bag into the back and slammed the door loudly. You’d gone to open the drivers door when Reid came bounding up behind you, shouting after you and having the audacity to look angry.
You watched him rush over in a panic, and leapt into the car seat, making extra sure to lock the door as you got in. You’d done it just in time too. Just as the click of the lock had sounded, Reid angrily pounded on the window and screamed at you, telling you not to overreact and get out the car. 
“I’m not overreacting, I’m going home!”
“You can’t drive, you’ve been drinking,” he growled.
“I’ve been drinking lime sodas,” you screamed back, turning the engine over as you angrily jerked the keys. “And I saw you kiss her back! If you think I’m gonna let that go then you’re dead wrong! This is over.”
“Oh, come on! I didn’t do that, you’re making things up. Just come out the car and talk to me for a minute!”
You glared at him and put your foot on the clutch, revving the car as you waited for him to get out of your way. He stood resolute and threw his arms in the sky, looking ready to rip you out of the car with his bare hands.
“If your stupid army man came over and did the same you’d probably kiss him back too!”
That did it. 
You reversed the car in a flash and turned round, uncaring if you bashed into anything. As long as you didn’t run over Reid (as much as you kind of wanted to), you were happy to do anything just to get out of the drive. You turned the car successfully, even managing to leave dent free and barrelled your way down the road. Wiping furiously at your tears so that you could see your way down the unlit country roads.
When you finally got back to your town, you weren’t able to go home right away. You didn’t have the strength to drive on. You’d been hounded with text messages and calls and the sounds of vibrations and sight of angry words had put you too on edge. You couldn’t go on.
Instead, you’d stopped in the Tesco Extra car park and rammed on your break, sitting in a relatively abandoned section near the back. You hastily turned off your phone and threw it in the back seat before draping your arms over the steering wheel, then crying into them like something out of a cheesy movie. 
It wasn’t fair. 
You’d just wanted to have a nice weekend away and instead you’d spent the entire time being the butt of a dumb joke and had been cheated on to boot. It felt like nothing in your life could go right.
Every one of your friends had encouraged you to get with Reid, had told you things would be much better with someone that would actually be home and not off in some random country video calling you from miles away; and at that moment you wanted to facetime each and everyone one of them and show them exactly where that advice had gotten you.
Look at my big ugly crying face and feel awful, you stupid idiots!
Even when you were mid breakdown in your car you still knew that that wasn’t fair. It wasn’t their faults he was a cheat. Instead you just kept weeping quietly to yourself and letting the hot tears roll down your face like acid, stinging at your irritated skin. It felt good to get it all out and soon you were running out of anything to cry with anyway.Your big snuffly sobs were turning into quiet breaths and eventually no sound left you as you stared ahead into nothing, the neon shop lights blurring in the corners of your eyes.
Your calm didn’t last for long though. A knock came at your window and you jumped out of your skin, bolting upright and looking at the glass with panic. At first you thought Reid had somehow found a way to follow you home, but it turned out to be worse than you’d first assumed. It wasn’t your now ex, it was the ex before him - Price. 
You took a moment to catch your breath and furiously rubbed at your eyes, hoping that he hadn’t noticed what you’d been doing all hunched over in the dark. However, your motions had completely betrayed you and before you could think to roll down your window, he was coming over to the passenger side of the car and tapping on the glass again and motioning to the lock.
He wanted to get in. For crying out loud, what was this day?
You groaned, but knew there was no use denying him and weakly pulled up the lock, wincing as he wrenched open the old door and shut it with a bang. 
“What happened? Are you ok?” He asked, gripping your arm with a reassuring squeeze. “Are you hurt?”
He looked ready to follow through with his supposed murder threat when he’d asked the last question. You swallowed thickly and scanned his face, noticing that he looked less tired than when you’d last seen him, he was more focused as he glared.
He had shaved the mutton chops back into his beard, but he was still wearing the old green shirt that you loved, it looked like it had been washed many times since you’d seen it. It was fraying even more than it had been. 
“No, I’m ok,” you finally responded, your voice going croaky. “I just- I just had a bad weekend is all. I’d rather not talk about it. I’ll be fine once I get myself home and then I can sort myself out from there.”
“You’re in no state to get yourself home, not like this,” Price admonished, easily sliding his palm against your face. It felt cool to the touch, it soothed your burning cheek. “Did you come here to get something? Do you want me to go in for you while you wait here? Then we can figure out how to get you home.”
He made sure you were making eye contact, he was speaking in that low familiar tone he used to use with you. The one that used to send your heart sparkling like a firework fuse ready to blow. You could already feel the beginnings of a sparkler fire, there was something fizzling away and making your heartbeat flutter and skip. 
“No! No, I didn’t come to get anything, I just needed to stop for a minute. You don’t have to do any of that, honestly I’d feel awful for you if you had to go trailing after me,” you laughed, trying to brush off how heartbroken you were. “Please John, don’t put yourself out all for-”
“Nonsense. Wait here and I’ll be back in a second.”
“John!” you protested, watching as he slid out of the car.
“I mean it,” he said sternly, giving you a serious look. “You move from this spot and I’ll be cross, love. Sit tight.”
There was no arguing with him. It was as if he’d tapped into some deep seeded programming and reactivated it as if he’d never left. Ill be cross love. The last thing you wanted to do was disappoint him.
You relaxed back in your chair and watched curiously, still rubbing your eyes of the drying salt, tracking Price as he ran over a little ways to his car and brought a bag out of it. He surveyed the car park, visibility peering around, watching for any cars that might cross his path and came back to you before very long. Efficient as always.
He drew to a stop in front of the driver's side and opened the door, beckoning you out. You frowned and crossed your arms, ready to put up a fight at him wanting to drive your car. For one thing, he hated driving it and would always come off the clutch too hard - a problem you weren’t even sure why you were worrying about at a time like that - and for another you weren’t sure you were in the right state to let him be your caretaker at that moment. You were so vulnerable and you didn’t want to hurt yourself further by being around the one man that held the key to making or breaking you. 
“Are you really going to fight me on this?” He asked, tilting his head down at you.
His forehead creased and he stared at you intently, willing you out with whatever mind powers he seemed to possess. That’s how it felt like with him sometimes. He had such a knack for getting what he wanted out of you, and to be truthful it was often better that way. He knew best. 
Apart from when he started that fight. 
You shivered and shook the thought from your mind, taking one last look at his unbudging frame. It was useless arguing with him. He was right anyway. You were in no state to get yourself home, you were bleary eyed and weak, you’d probably end up running a red light and ramming into another car knowing your luck. Maybe that wouldn’t be so bad, you thought darkly, you could only take so much more. 
However, you soon gave in. You went to unbuckle your seatbelt and finally realised in all your upset you hadn’t even done it up in the first place, so you awkwardly drew your hand back, looking up to see Price’s ‘I told you you weren’t fit to drive’ look. Your face flushed then and it felt like you’d touched the sun. 
You recovered eventually, then sighed and stood out from the seat, winding your way round to the passenger side and settling in. He joined you in the car after that, sitting in your driver's seat and rattling the car with his extra weight. From there he settled his shopping bag on his lap and pulled out a can of coke from its box and handed it to you.
From the small peak you’d gotten he had clearly meant for the juice to be a mixer for whatever crappy whiskey he’d gotten for himself, but there was little chance of him giving you any of that while you were in the state you were in. He had a rule about you drinking when you were upset. He was already shoving the bag in the back of the car by the time you’d even amusedly thought about asking about it. 
“There. You sit there a moment and drink that and I’ll get you home.”
“You don’t have to give me your shopping, John. You’re going out of your way enough as it is. You’re already leaving your car behind!” You said, motioning to his old Honda. “How will you get home after? You’re putting yourself out too much!”
“It’s just a can of juice, love. I reckon I’ll be good for it,” he snorted, finally starting up the car again. “And don’t you worry about me. Just focus on calming down and feeling better.”
It was comical watching him get used to your car again, almost enough to make you forget about the hell you’d driven away from. Price swore under his breath and grumbled as he worked his foot against the ‘stupid overly high clutch’ and ‘stiff bloody gearshift’, but he managed to get it out of the car park. Soon you were leaving the blurry red and blue lights of the shop in the distance. 
You said nothing for the duration of the drive. Instead you sat obediently and drank your coke, barely thinking of anything at all as the familiar sights of the city passed you by. The McDonald’s drive through, the old ratty furniture and charity shops that littered the streets before your own, and of course the pet store you always liked to visit. The one that Price always used to suck a breath in at (he always worried you’d come home with something one day). 
Meanwhile the coke bubbles fizzed and washed over your tongue, tickling at your dry throat. Admittedly it did help you to feel a little better as time went on. That with the added distraction of watching Price focusing intently on not stalling your car almost let you forget all about the shitty couple of days you’d just endured. 
Finally you rolled to a stop in a parking spot just a few steps away from your doorway and the rumbling growls of your car died. The fuzz of the silence burned at your ears and eventually it was too much, you clicked your tongue and turned to Price awkwardly offering him a half smile. You were about to brush him off with a thank you, but you were beaten to breaking the quiet streak before you could even open your mouth. 
“Are you going to tell me what he did?” He asked, glancing at you from the corner of his eye. 
You pursed your lips and played with the empty can in your hands, causing the aluminium to squeal as you squeezed it. You didn’t want to get into it all with him. You weren’t convinced you could make it through the story without crying again, and the last thing you needed was to go blubbering into his arms when you were trying to maintain some distance. Afterall, you reasoned that it was hardly his job to pick you up from an Ill advised rebound relationship. Plus he was the very reason you’d jumped into it in the first place. 
“Who said Reid did anything?” You murmured, digging your nails into the white logo of the can. 
“Captain’s intuition,” Price murmured, turning fully to you now. “You can tell me, You know. I don’t want you holding yourself up in that flat and crying alone for the rest of the night. It’d play on mind and neither of us would get any rest.”
“Don’t do that,” you moaned.
“Don’t do what?”
“Make me feel guilty for wanting to sort myself out.”
“I’m not trying to make you feel guilty, I want you to feel better. And I know you won’t help yourself if I leave you alone right now.”
“I’m not a child,” you huffed, feeling your heart beginning to ache all over. “I can look after myself.”
Your chest was feeling heavy and all of a sudden you were overcome by dread. It felt like he was trying to reprise his old role again, but that’s not something he could just step right into. He couldn’t just pick up where he’d left off, you reasoned, there was hurt there and so many things left unsaid. If things went wrong he could leave you even more broken than you’d ever been before. You pictured yourself shattered like a china cup that had been dropped too many times. 
“You can look after yourself, can you?” Price asked, raising his brows. “Tell me right now that you’ll go and get yourself to bed and not end up worrying all night and having a panic attack at work tomorrow, and I’ll go. Tell me how you’re going to look after yourself and I’ll leave you to it, go on.” 
You withered under his gaze and folded your arms in on yourself, trying to apply pressure over your shaking torso. He was right of course. You’d envisioned in your head even before the car had stopped, shutting the door, shutting out the world and feeling the weight of it all avalanche over you. He knew you too well to think you’d take any other course of action, right down to the fact that you weren’t going to take any time off work. Which would ultimately lead to you crying in the bathroom like a schoolgirl. 
“John,” you whispered, “you can’t- we can’t-“
“This isn’t about us. It’s about you, and you needing someone to be there for you. Plain and simple. I’m not trying to invade my way into your life, I just don’t want you to spend all night torturing yourself over whatever happened…just let me help you. That’s all I’m asking… It’s all I want.”
He spoke so calmly and so softly you couldn't help but melt against his will. He was making too much sense. You didn’t really have the energy to argue either, so you just nodded and got out of the car, trying desperately not to start crying again. The thought of Price still caring so much about you was pulling you under into another tidal wave of upset, and you were fighting against the rough surf just to try and make it to your door.
Price led the way, bulleting up the steps just the way he always used to. He still had your keys,so he unlocked the door and held it open while he put his hand on the small of your back, gently ushering you through. You could feel the thin glue that was holding you together being peeled away. His reassuring smile and his steady presence were making it harder and harder to hold your face as it was. 
You could feel your lips go wobbly and your eyes welling up again and before you knew it you were throwing yourself into his arms and sobbing into them, rattling against him with your accompanying shaky hiccups. You weren’t even sure what you were crying about now. 
Sure, you were still upset about the weekend you’d just endured, but now you were also thinking about Price and all that you’d lost when you told him you didn’t want to see him anymore. You’d told him that that fight had ruined what you’d built, and had destroyed your trust and now more than ever you knew that that wasn’t true. 
It felt like John was the only person you could trust. He knew exactly what you needed and seemed to be there for you at all the right times, he looked after you and loved you and would do anything just to make you happy. He had been adamant at the time that he was justified for that fight, had worried you that it would happen again and you’d be put through the terrifying ordeal once more, but now you wondered if that had changed. If he’d realised what he’d done wrong, just as you had. 
You shouldn’t have walked away. He shouldn’t have stood his ground. 
You sniffled and tightened your grip on him, threading your fingers through his shirt and nuzzled into his neck. His scratchy beard tickled at your scalp, and his arms wound themselves securely around you and held you firmly against his warm body. Even through your stuffy nose, the intermingling scent of pine and cigars and cheap laundry detergent smelled like heaven in that moment and it calmed you. You’d been able to stop crying for a moment, and found yourself wiping your hands over your eyes and face yet again.
“There you go, love,” he murmured. “That’s better, isn’t it? You don’t have to fight your problems alone, you know. I’ve always said that to you, haven’t I? You don’t have to try to be so strong all the time.”
You scoffed at that, swallowing a thick lump in your throat. 
“Don’t feel very strong right now,” you sniffed.
“Not strong? Course you are. You always try to push through everything till I come along and stop you, eh? C’mon, why don’t we get you sitting down and get you a glass of water.”
You smiled at his comment and nodded, drifting into the comfort of being looked after by someone that knew you so well. 
Price took you over to the Sofa and fluffed up one of the pillows for you to sit against, not forgetting to unfold your favourite fluffy blanket in the process. He even wrapped it around you like a soft cloud, insulating you from the world. 
He then disappeared into your kitchen for a moment, rummaging around and running the tap in a couple of short bursts before returning with a full glass of water and another glass with what you presumed was jack daniels and coke. That one wasn’t going to be for you, but distantly you did wish that it was. Drinking your problems away and escaping reality sounded like a rather pleasant prospect. 
“Any chance you’d like to have the water?” you asked, smiling behind the blanket. 
He chuckled and set the water down on the coffee table next to you, keeping the jack and coke on hand for himself while he sat down across from you. Even though he was only on the opposite end of the couch he felt too far away.  
“Can’t have that. You’re not allowed to drink when you’re upset,” he said with a wink. “Against the rules.”
“Didn’t realise I still had to abide by those rules,” you retorted.
His eyes twitched a little, you could see something in his face change when you said that. You regretted it instantly. 
“No ones holding you to em’, but they’re still what’s best for you, are they not?” he shrugged, looking at you expectantly. 
Price had always been very good to you, and part of that was ensuring that you looked after yourself. So somewhere along the way in your relationship, when you’d been exploring each other’s kinkier sides, Price had set you some rules. Rules you had to follow on pain of a spanking. Sometimes it was a bother, but you’d come to realise that you’d never been healthier than when you’d been with him. You’d drank lots of water and made sure to go outside and go on walks when you could, and had refrained from falling back on alcohol when something was amiss. Just to think of a few rules.
He was correct in saying that they were what’s best. It was just difficult when he wasn’t around to enforce them. 
“You’re usually right,” you said with an appeasing smile. “Doesn’t mean that I wouldn’t love to forget this whole weekend over a bottle of wine and a big box of cake though.”
He laughed at that, all traces of consternation wiped from his face as he must have pictured you with your go to coping mechanisms before you met him. You laughed too when you remembered the night he’d barged in on you eating and drinking your sorrows after a rough day at work. He’d had the joy of hauling you to bed afterward while you babbled on about how people had been so mean to you and how you wanted to set fire to the whole place and never go back there again. 
“Well in lieu of wine and cake, you have water or I can go make you a tea. Would you like that?”
“No, its fine, the water’s good,” you said dismissively, finally picking up the cool glass with your dewy palms. “I just wish I could forget this whole weekend. It’s been a disaster.”
“Oh yeah? You ready to talk about it?”
You breathed in a sharp breath and tilted your head to the side.
Fuck it, you thought. 
“Reid aired our dirty laundry in front of all of his friends and then proceeded to cheat on me,” you said, raising your water glass in toast before taking a swig. “That was after everyone made fun of me the whole time too.”
Price let out a short little laugh. He was incredulous. 
“Cheated on you?”
“His ex kissed him and he uh- didn’t exactly try to get away from her,” you shrugged, voice breaking 
“What a fuckin’ fool,” He growled. “He kissed his ex right in front of you?”
“He didn’t know I was there, I don’t think so anyway. I was supposed to be away getting drinks, but I came back to ask him what he wanted because they were out of beer and- well…yeah.”
“Doesn’t make it any better. What kind of an idiot would cheat on you?”
You felt your cheeks warm and shrugged again. Price had his faults, but he’d never hurt you like that. He was too old fashioned. A one person at a time kind of man. 
“I guess it wasn’t really an amazing relationship to begin with anyway,” you sighed, reflecting over the month you’d had. 
“When I asked him where he saw things going, he said ‘I dunno. You want me to be your boyfriend or something?’ and then that was how we made things official,” you recounted, finally realising that maybe what had happened was for the best. 
Price groaned and put a hand over his face. It reminded you of the time that you’d announced to him that you were going to buy a flying squirrel after you’d seen a cute video of one - something you often took to claiming with an array of different animals - and he’d worried you might be serious. He’d taken his hand off his face at the time and said ‘darlin with the amount of stuff I’ve had flying at me over the years, I’m not sure my heart could take being assaulted by an airborne rodent in the night.’
“You must be drawn to muppets or something,” Price mused. “You deserve a lot better than that.”
“I was with you last, wasn’t I?”
“Exactly,” He smirked. “Point proven.”
You smiled back at him and shook your head - Price and Reid weren’t comparable. Price cared for you too much, that’s why he ended up in that fight in the first place and that’s why he couldn’t comprehend that he was wrong for escalating things after you’d been shoved. Reid didn’t really care for you that much at all. It wasn’t like you’d made a massive effort for Reid either, but at the very least you hadn’t gone and let Price lick half your face off. 
“You let me down at the end there, I’ll give you that…but before all that, you were the best thing that I’ve ever had in my life…Even when I wasn’t with you and you were in all those far off countries, and I used to whine and moan about you being away a lot, it was better than when I was actually alone, better than anything with anyone else too.”
“Love,” Price breathed, not knowing what to say.
You stared at him then and felt your heart burst. The floodwaters opened then, you coudln’t help yourself as you saw the sad sheen of his glistening eyes. 
“These past few months I think I’ve really come to see what a stupid mistake I made. I shouldn’t have told you things were over before you left. I should’ve just stuck it out till you got back and we could’ve talked about it all properly. I was just scared and angry and I didn’t know what else to do. Now I know though…now I know what I should’ve done. Just tragically too late, huh?”
You whispered your confession, too afraid to look at him anymore as you said it, instead casting your eyes down to your blanket while you played with the soft material between your fingers. You huffed out a breath afterwards and looked up at Price, noticing the way his jaw clenched and his hand tightened on his glass. His knuckles were almost bone white.
Had you said too much? Were you going to chase him away? Who knows if he’d moved on and was really just trying to be there and be a friend for you. 
For a split second you worried that you’d gone too far with your venting, but Price didn’t leave you hanging for long. He leaned forward and put a hand on your thigh just as you were about to apologise and held eye contact with you, keeping a firm hold of you and your attention. 
“Darlin’...do you really mean all that?”
Your eyes would’ve welled up again if you had anything left to cry. 
“Yes,” you breathed. “I’m sorry, but yes. It’s been all that I’ve thought about since I saw you last week.”
“Sorry? What’re you sorry for?” he said, laughing gently, searching your face.
“It’s not fair to tell you something like that. I’m basically ambushing you with all my feelings right now and you’ve been nice enough to drive me home and look after me, when all you were trying to do was get some shopping in and now you’re here listening to me blubber about my stupid feelings, when I haven’t asked you how you feel and how you’ve been doing and you probably don’t even want me by this point, because look at me and big tear streaked face, and-”
Price cut you off mid ramble, moving in closer to you and taking your face in his hands. They were rough and familiar and they were warm, and they held you steady just as you felt like you were going to come apart again. You breathed, but it didn’t feel like your lungs were able to hold onto the air. They were fighting for space with your booming heartbeat. 
“Angel…you really- do you think,” he had to pause for a moment, his voice crackling. “Do you think maybe it’s not too late to talk more about it? Not now, course, but… you think you’d want to give us another chance?”
You pursed your lips and looked down. Angel. His favourite nickname for you, the special one he reserved only for you. You looked back up to his wide blue eyes and nodded. It seemed like you were glittering in the reflection of them.
“Yes…One day,” you smiled. 
Price smiled back, his moustache turning up with his lips. 
“One day,” he repeated, voice full of wonder. 
Neither of you said anything for a second. You both just stared, tension mounting as the air felt so thick that you could craft shapes with it. It felt like neither or you was sure of your next move, but suddenly you got a burst of courage and you decided to take a leap of faith.
You kissed him. You leaned forward just slightly and took his mouth in yours, pecking at first until he kissed back and eventually your world was bursts of stars and hints of jack and coke. The taste of him landed deliciously on your tongue. Your heart pounded harder than ever at that point, but it was ok, because you could feel his beating erratically just the same.  
You moaned.
“Please, daddy...”
You let the words loose before you could even think about it. What is it they say about old habits…?
“Shit, hold on, I-” you sputtered, breaking away from Price completely.��
“Language!” he chuckled, his laugh low and earthy.
You paused and looked at him measuredly, trying to parse out what had just happened. In the wake of all the familiarity, you’d resorted to your old name for him. Apparently he wasn’t against its resurrection, he’d found it amusing in fact. You pressed your tongue to the roof of your mouth, searching for the right words, but you weren’t entirely decided between apologising or asking if he liked it.
“Don’t look so worried, Angel,” he soothed, rubbing his thumb over your cheek. “You can still call me that if you like. Or are you apologising for kissing me?”
“But…well…isn’t it a bit unfair for you..y’know, since we haven’t really completely resolved things yet? I can’t just go around kissing you out of the blue and calling you daddy and we haven’t even talked about-”
“Would you stop rambling on about what’s fair and right,” Price admonished, rolling his eyes, “I don’t care about what you’ve been doing all these months, I don’t care about doing things by whatever rules people normally go by. All this time, all I’ve wanted is you, and now you’re here in front of me telling me you want to give things another go…I’ll take as much as you’ll give me. So tell me…do you want to kiss me? Will that make you happy? It would make me happy.”
You took a breath and nodded.
“Words, Angel,” he admonished. 
“Y-yes,” you stuttered, feeling like your head had been sparked with a jump lead. 
“Very good,” he praised, whispering lowly into your ear. 
You shivered as you felt the words zip down your spine. You hummed with the praise and felt your body warm up considerably, feeling entirely too hot all of a sudden.
Price soon gathered you in his arms like clay and moulded you into his lap, untangling you from your blanket nest and switching places so that he was propped against the arm and you were leaning snugly against him. With you both comfortably in place, he put one hand on your hip while he held the back of your neck with the other, and gently placed a couple of kisses on your neck, sending your spine alight with tingles. 
“And would you like to call me daddy again?” he asked again, still murmuring deep and low. 
You swore then that he’d disturbed a horde of butterflies that you didn’t know had been dormant all that time inside your tummy. Your heart was fluttering along with them.
“Um, yeah, I mean- yes. Yes.”
“Yes, what?” he urged, kissing your neck. “You know how to answer properly. I know you do.”
Were you in a fantasy of your own making? Had you died and gone to heaven?
“Y-yes, daddy,” you whimpered, nuzzling your head into his chest. 
“Oh…” he breathed, voice all growly and needy. “That’s my sweet Angel. So good for me.”
You could’ve died then and there. You couldn’t imagine ever feeling happier. You didn’t care if it was a fever dream, coma hallucination or a psychedelic induced fugue state. All you wanted was to be with Price again, and with him reassuring you and praising you and holding you in his arms like that, why would you try to fight it? 
You unburrowed yourself from his chest and scanned over his face, admiring his crinkly eyed smile and scruffy face for a moment before kissing him again, wrapping your arms around him snug just in case it really was all a dream. You wouldn’t let it fade away. You were going to hold on tightly. You’d continue to kiss his fluffy bearded face and welcome every sensation as it rooted you in your dreamlike reality.
You intertwined yourself with him and moaned, returning his kisses with fervent need and roamed your hands around his back, eventually bringing a hand up so that you could thread your fingers through his wiry dark hair. The bristle of it jolted through you and you smiled against his lips.
“That feel good, hm?” he growled, “I can feel you bucking your hips against me, love.”
You felt your cheeks burn like hot coals and refused to meet his eyes, instead settling your chin on his shoulder. You hadn’t realised you’d been doing it, but now that he’d mentioned it you finally registered the sway of your body gliding over his and noticed the growing hardness underneath you. 
“That does feel good,” you whimpered, not embarrassed enough to stop yourself. “Feels so good, daddy.”
“Mhmm? Feels good for me too. I love feeling your body on mine,” he hummed, kissing the side of your neck. “You’re so gorgeous, you know that? So so perfect.”
You whined and nuzzled against his neck, drawing out a low groan from him as your nose connected with his tender flesh. You slowly returned the favour, kissing him just as he’d been kissing you and showing him exactly how it felt to have your body set alight with prickling heat. You smiled as he continued to moan with you, but it didn’t last long.
He snatched the upper hand back, and propelled you both forward, forcing you to lie back on the couch, on top of your blanket, while he took his place on top of you. He ground his hips into yours and had you eking out the most salacious moans, filling the room with the sound of your pleasure. 
“I love it when you moan for me like that, I’ve missed that sound so much,” Price rumbled, “do you want more? Would you like that?”
“Mm, yes,” you keened. “More, daddy. I want to feel you.”
“Wanna feel me, hm? Ok, Angel. Lets get these clothes off shall we?”
You moaned just at the suggestion and eagerly complied, sitting up a little and helping him to remove your top and trousers until you were naked below him. You were about to ensure that he matched you in kind, but the only thing he’d allowed you to remove was his shirt, hastily popping the buttons off like you were unwrapping a present. He’d put his hand over yours at his trousers and given you a wicked grin, a glint appearing in his azure eyes. 
“Uh uh, don’t you worry about that,” he smiled, bringing your hand up to his lips so that he could kiss it. “We’re focusing on you right now.”
“But I wanna make you feel good too,” you whined, tilting your head.
“I know you do,” he laughed, gently pushing you back down so that you were flush to the couch. “Just trust me, this will make me feel very good. Just let me treat you like you deserve.”
He didn’t allow you any more time for backchat. You whimpered as he fastened his mouth around one of your nipples and you writhed at the sensation, moaning low in your throat when he trailed his hand down your body, past the swell of your belly and drifted down below. You were bucking your hips against him slowly again, creating friction between you and his hand. 
He alternated between nipples for a moment, swirling and flicking his tongue while he lazily rubbed his palm against you, not in a rush to try and urge you to a finish. He savoured you and sent your body sparking and prickling like a freshly lit firecracker. Your breathing was getting heavier and your stomach was tightening and coiling and it only grew more and more erratic as he started to move down your body, kissing his way down to the opening between your thighs. 
“So good for me lying there. So obedient. You always do what daddy tells you, don’t you?” he growled, planting a kiss just below your belly. 
“Mm, yes,” you breathed, struggling to think of any words
“Yes what?” Price asked, nipping the meat of your thigh and drawing out a yelp.
“Yes, daddy!” 
He was using his tongue on you now, swirling it around and tasting you, savouring your pleasure. You swallowed the lump in your throat and clutched at the couch cushion next to you, scrunching the thick material in your hand, clutching it for support. It didn’t take long until he fell into a steady rhythm, using his mouth and hands on you and sending you into a spiral.
Your mind was barely present anymore, you were only good to use a couple words and no more. Everything else was just moans while your head felt like it was turning to mush. You breathed deeply and heavily and thrust your hips against Price, feeling the coil in your belly tighten all the more, feeling the stars in your eyes turn from constellations and into tiny galaxies and universes. 
“I- um- Daddy, I-”
“Are you gonna cum for me, love?” Price rasped.
“Go on then. Cum for me. Show me how good I make you feel, Angel.”
You groaned and the swelling feeling in your head boiled to breaking point. You shuttered your eyes closed tightly and squeezed the couch cushion tightly, moaning out as your orgasm washed over you. The wave of pleasure rushed over your body and after a big rush of pleasure, it lapped slowly over you, gently receding until you were left a shaking twitching mess underneath your lovers body. 
“Oh my god,” you breathed, blinking away the fuzziness form your eyes. “Holy…Moly.”
Price looked up at you from between your thighs and barked out a laugh, clutching his head in his hand while the other gripped your shaking thigh. Once he recovered from your outburst, he shook his head and clambered up your body, coming to a rest against next to you, and drawing you into his arms. 
He was rock hard against you, but there was very little you could do about it in the state you were in. You just bustled yourself into him and lay your head against the warm expanse of his chest and sighed happily, basking in the aftershocks of your happy ending he rubbed your arms. 
“You’re not gonna let me return the favour, are you?” You’d mumbled eventually, rutting up against him for emphasis. 
“Got plenty time for that, Angel,” he said gently redirecting you off of his throbbing centre. “Just wanted to make you feel good. You’ve had such a rough day, you deserved something to take your mind off it all.”
He placed a kiss on top of your head then and drew you closer, wrapping his arm tighter around you. You sighed and ran your fingers along it, feeling the little dark hairs tickle at your finger tips. You came to a stop at his palm and lightly traced over his lifeline, it was illuminated by the soft glow of your lamp. 
“How come you were out shopping so late?” You asked sleepily, letting your hand drop and rest at Price’s side. 
He shrugged at first, rocking your body with the movement.
“Sat around feelin’ a bit useless today,” he said eventually, sighing deeply. “Didn’t have anything lined up for myself, so eventually I decided to go for a walk to clear my head. I went all the way out to the hills and was out for hours, didn’t get back until after dark and then i realised I didn’t have anything to eat. How come?”
“I dunno…i guess its just a little funny that you ended up in that car park just when I needed you to be there. Like fate or something,” you murmured. 
He chuckled at that and kissed your head again. The sound washed over you like spring rain.
“You know I don’t normally subscribe to rubbish like that, but on this occasion…it feels like there’s something to that theory.”
“Yeah? Feel’s like a good thing to be saddled with me again, does it?” you smirked, trying to cover up how worried you were about being a burden.
No matter how good he’d made you feel only moments before you couldn’t help the rush of paranoia from kicking in. The feeling that Price was going to realise that you were too much to be with, that you needed him more than he needed you. It had begun to feel like the past few months were a great demonstration of that. He’d survived a warzone and gotten through deployment while you holed yourself up for over a month from grief and then jumped into a failed relationship in the making just to try and get over him. 
“Listen to me, love, before you get any big ideas about this being some kind of hardship for me again…This past week that I’ve been back has been miserable. Deployment was bad, but I had a bit of distraction over there at least. When I got back here, and realised what life was really like without you? That was hell. You give me purpose, Angel. There’s nowhere else I’d rather be right now, than cuddled up with you on the couch. There’s no one else I’d rather be with, no one in the whole world.”
He swallowed harshly and continued on. 
“When I thought I’d lost you forever I was so angry with myself, I realised right away when I got on that plane that I should’ve just admitted that you were right. You were right, and I shouldn’t of hurt that man like that. I lost control of myself and I was too stubborn to hear that he wasn’t really a threat. I wanted to call you and tell you that, but I figured you’d been hurt enough and the last thing you needed was me playing with your feelings and trying to work things out while I was away. I reckoned that if I came back and you were open to give things a go again I’d make sure to fix things, but if you wanted to keep me out your life then…well I’d have wished you the best. Whatever happens between us, now or in the future, I want you know that I only ever want what’s best for you, because I…”
He trailed off, peering toward the lamp and letting his eyes blur into its amber glow. You stared up at him from your place on his chest and smiled, watching the way his lips tried to form to finish his sentence. He was pensive, he wasn’t sure whether to say them or not. 
“Because you love me?” you smiled, swivelling so that you faced him fully. 
You finally had a little strength flood back into your body, so you hoisted yourself up and lay on your tummy, folding your arms over his chest and resting your chin on top of them. He tilted his head at you and smiled, affirming your words with a tight nod.
“I’ll always love you,” he sighed, “No matter what. Just wasn’t sure if it was entirely appropriate to say that to you just yet.”
“John, you just threw me around and made me cum while I called you daddy - appropriate ran out the door and flew to the moon like a half hour ago,” you giggled. 
He laughed with you and shook his head, clearly in as much disbelief as you were that this was really happening. You were back in each others arms, just where you were always meant to be. You sighed and he ran his hand over your head, stroking his fingers through your hair and sending your head into a fuzzy daze with the feeling of his gentle touch. 
“You make a good point,” he agreed. “Always have struggled with moving at a normal pace, haven’t we?”
“Yeah, I think that was pretty apparent from the moment we met,” you agreed.
“I’ll never forget the look on Gaz’s face that night he opened that door,” he mused, getting that stupid smile on his face that he always got at the memory of the time you’d met - and immediately fucked. 
“I hate when you bring that up,” you groaned, giving his arm a playful slap. “He was so pleased he’d introduced us before he walked in on us!”
“Well, serves him right for not knocking,” he winked, “it's rude to barge in on a superior officer.”
“Ugh! You’re lucky I love you too, or I’d be getting up and locking that bedroom door,” you groaned. “I hate the superior officer line!”
He smiled at that, his face brightening instantly. You’d said it back. His eyes were perfect crescents. You loved when they did that, sparkling outwardly to you through shuttered lids. He was like a cuddly koala bear. 
“You know what?” he said suddenly, his voice low and soft.
“What?” you asked, frowning as his tone shifted.
“You’re going to let me take you for dinner tomorrow,” he announced.
“I am?” you smirked, relaxing instantly. 
“Yes you are. We’re going to go to dinner and talk everything through and we’re going to set everything right again. Then after that we’re going to put all this nonsense behind us, yeah?”
You giggled lightly at his commanding tone, but you didn’t disagree, you nodded. You fastened your arms around him and cuddled into him close, listening to the steady rhythm of his heartbeat as you settled into his perfectly warm body. Your eyes started to flutter as you did, growing heavy as you became more and more aware of how drained you actually were.
“I think I like the sound of that,” you sighed, closing your eyes completely.
Price squeezed your shoulder and gathered you close, rubbing his cheek against the top of your head. His beard scratched at your scalp again. 
“Good,” he yawned. “That sounds good to me too…”
1 week later
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You were sorting out some grand emergency at work and Price was in your flat alone. He’d had a shower and gotten himself half dressed, too eager to get something to eat to put a shirt on. So he stood in your little kitchen in front of the window, bathing in the spring sunlight, eating a bowl of cereal to himself as his damp hair dried from his strategic position. 
Just like he’d said, you had fixed things at dinner the night after you’d reconciled - and from there on it was almost like things had completely gone back to normal. Almost. When you’d turned your phone on the next day, you were greeted with a torrid of horrible messages and some hundred missed calls from Reid. However, with Price there, you didn’t really let any of it bother you. 
Not much anyway.
He held you through your upset and after a quiet minute of figuring out what to do, you messaged Reid a short, matter of fact text. You told him that you were in fact serious about your decision, you reminded him that - no - you weren’t drunk when you’d left, you weren’t ‘being crazy’ and would even be generous enough to put his things he’d left at yours into a box for him to collect, should he decide to be grown up enough to come over and get them.
You’d gotten a million more missed calls after that and a flurry of messages, but after hearing Price’s words of encouragement, you ignored them all. After a few days they stopped coming, and a few days after that you assumed that that was it. That he was out of your life for good. Thank god.
However, Reid had decided he wasn’t going to go completely quietly. Well, he was forced into not going quietly. After being egged on by his friends, he was put in a tricky position and realised that he wasn’t going to be able to back down. At their insistence he was going to turn up to your place unannounced and confront you when you were least expecting it - give you a piece of his mind while you were unprepared and unable to defend your ‘completely mental overreaction’.
At least that was how it was supposed to go.
Though, when he’d pounded on the door and had someone other than you answer, his smile dropped. His face was practically tripping him when he realised who it was that answered.
“Can I help you?” Price asked, crunching on a spoonful of cereal, completely unbothered. 
“Can you…help me?” Reid repeated, incredulous.
“Certainly can,” Price grinned, leaning against the doorframe. “That’s why I offered.”
“What the fuck are you doing here? Where’s that hypocrite that’s clearly cheated on me?”
Reid was furious. He couldn’t believe that he was made to feel like such an asshole for kissing someone else when you’d been with the geriatric behind his back the whole time. He was fuming
“Hypocrite? I believe you two were broken up after that little stunt you pulled, mate,” Price corrected, putting his cereal bowl down on the entry table. “Why don’t you just settle down and stay here while I get your little box of shit. Then you can be on your way.”
“You think I’m just going to go while you’re making me look like a mug? You went and swooped in on someone that’s taken and think you can just walk around naked like you own the place now because they slutted themselves out to you?”
“Careful, son,” Price growled. “Better choose your words more carefully.”
“Or what? You’re gonna kill me?” Reid laughed. “You don’t intimidate me, old man. You’d lose your job over something like that. Guy like you would go to prison for a long time.”
Price chuckled to himself and nodded his head, quirking his lips into an upside down smile. It didn’t meet his eyes though. They didn’t turn to crescents, they just stayed slitted ever so slightly, glaring at the absolute maggot before him. 
Price would’ve loved to have taught that shit eating little cunt a lesson. Though he knew already that any kind of physical violence would have you both on the rocks again, and after he’d just gotten you back he wasn’t ready to jeopardise things. However that wasn’t to say that he wasn’t prepared for Reid’s visit, oh no. He had more weapons at his disposal than the average man - he knew plenty of people in lots of places, both high and low, powerful and shady. 
“Little old fella like me couldn’t do damage like that,” Price sighed, putting his hand over his heart like he was weary. “I have other things I can do though. Don’t even need to bother laying a hand on a little weasel like you.”
“Oh yeah like what?” Reid laughed, hoisting himself up to the last step and getting into Price’s face. “You gonna get some army buddy of yours to rough me up or something, pay me a visit and scare me? If that happens I’ll record the whole thing.I’ll get you done for it! All my friends know about you, they’d back me up that you were behind it all.”
Price shook his head and sent a quick message off on his phone, quickly taking it out of his pocket and burying it back in again in a flash. After that, he proceeded to pick his cereal back up and ate another spoonful, scrunching up his face when he realised it had mostly lost its crunch. Well, he made a face at that and the fact that Reid was still there and giving him that stupid challenging little look.
“Sounds like I’d get into a lot of bother for that,” Price agreed, swirling his spoon around his bowl. “I’d just hate for you to have recordings…mind you, I don’t think I’ll have to worry too much about those. You’ll be too busy trying to unfuck your life to bother about me.”
“What's that supposed to mean?” Reid frowned.
Reid threw him a gesture as if to ask what the hell, and Price shrugged, taking one last bite of his less than tasty cereal. He resolved to himself that he’d pour another bowl and get himself to the shops. He’d hate for you to be running low - it was important to him that you ate afterall. All a part of making sure you were looked after and cared for.
“I said - what’s that supposed to mean!” Reid gritted out, poking a finger into Price’s chest.
Price growled and shot him a warning glare, sending the younger man flying back with just the change in demeanour alone. Reid looked stupid then, holding his palm out like he was going to try and karate chop Price.
“Why don’t you run home and go check your credit score and bank accounts, hm?”
“What? What are you talking about?” Reid laughed, taking his phone out of his pocket. “Are you actually trying to pretend like you can do something like-”
Reid trailed off and frowned down at his device, hurriedly tapping the screen as his brows knitted tighter together.
“Ugh, what an absolute dinosaur I am,” Price grunted, shaking his head at himself. “You can check all these things on your phone nowadays. Plonker. Anyway, like I said - have fun trying to work all that out.”
Price went to shut the door, but grunted when Reid stuck his foot in it before he could close it fully. He glared when he almost spilled his cereal on himself, the milk had splashed up against the sides and a little had dribbled onto his foot. Other than that he was mostly uncovered. Reid was safe from having the rest splashed all over him.
“I’m going to the Police about this! You hear me? I’m going to report this and you’ll be in so much fucking trouble!” Reid vowed, wrenching the door back open. “Fix this right now! Fix it now, or I’ll do it. I’ll go to the police.”
“Go to the police then. But what’re you gonna tell them exactly? ‘Oh, my ex’s boyfriend has frozen all of my money and tanked my credit score! Do something, Mr. Officer!’ Sounds a bit fucking looney, doesn’t it?”
Reid looked at him with wide eyes, withdrawing his foot from the doorway as Price laughed at him, frowning as the realisation fully sunk in. He could report the crime, but he had no idea how Price had even managed to do it in the first place. Something like that would require the help of dodgy people, the likes of which Reid couldn’t even comprehend. 
And if he could do all that to Reid’s finances…after, presumably, sending a single text…then what else would Price be capable of?
Reid backed away fully and looked at Price and down at his phone, then back to Price and back down at his phone, locked in a state of disbelief. What the fuck had just happened. His heart dropped and his mouth got dry. It was like he’d forgotten how to breathe.
“Watch that last step, son. I’d hate for you to hurt yourself,” Price called, grabbing the door so that he could finally shut it. “If you know what’s good for you you should stay away from here and never send another pig headed message again. Never know - It might help your little money situation. Might not help, mind you, but it certainly couldn’t hurt, could it? Good bye, now.”
And with that Price closed the door and retreated back inside, leaving Reid to stand stupidly on the grass out front while he struggled to comprehend what had just happened. 
There, Price thought, things are just as they should be now. He smirked to himself as washed up his cereal bowl, replaying what had just happened in his head. Thank you Nik. Guess I owe you a beer, mate. 
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soap-ify · 9 months
nsfw below , mdni.
YOU'RE AN ANGEL, I'M A DOG | simon 'ghost' riley x reader.
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02 — you believe me like a god, i destroy you like i am.
chapter summary — after chaos broke out during your work, simon attempts to comfort you in his own way.
tags / cw — angst, reader almost has a panic attack, reactions from bad anxiety, reader is yelled at, verbal assault, violence (simon beats someone up), tending to wounds i don't know how that thing works, just reader and simon being awkward, simon is very self aware, smut 18+, outercourse, grinding through clothes, p in v. [3.8k words]
☆ reader written with afab anatomy but gender neutral terms.
masterlist | ao3 | prev | next
If you had the choice to disappear into the void, you would.
The cafe was quite crowded, which was a good thing for the place but not so welcoming for you. The customers kept on rushing in, rambling out orders while you hastily gave them their stuff while trying your best to not mess anything up. You knew the others were working just as much as you, and you didn’t want to seem selfish by thinking that you were having it the worst out there.
Though your brain truly was horribly overwhelmed with the amount of faces in this small cafe. The heat made your head throb, causing you to rub your hands over your face and take a few deep breaths, afraid that you’d break down in front of everyone, feeling your palms getting clammy. It was so hard to keep your voice controlled and polite while talking to the others, making sure that it didn’t crack.
You despised busy days.
Simon was sitting alone at the far edge seat inside the cafe, a cup of bitter black coffee on the table while his brown eyes blankly stared at you, observing your struggles that you seemingly masked quite well in front of others, but well, not for him.
The rest of the taskforce wasn’t here today since it wasn’t a weekend, and normally Simon himself would have never willingly come over at a crowded place like this. But he was feeling too restless in his apartment. Maybe he just needed fresh air. His mind kept on making dumb excuses, even though he was fully aware that he just wished to see you.
Plus it was always somewhat comforting knowing that he would keep you safe.
You were aware of him, aware of his eyes on you and words couldn’t describe how grateful you were. It was as if his familiar presence was the only thing keeping you sane during this shift, knowing that once this was over, you could talk to him if he’d let you.
You had just given the person standing in the front of the queue their coffee, watching them leave before the other person came at the front — some guy who was probably around your age, looking at you with a wolfish grin plastered on his lips that sent uncomfortable shivers down your spine.
“What would you like, sir?” You asked politely, fumbling with the fabric of your apron behind the counter, thankfully hidden from everyone’s sight. Inhale, exhale.
“A large cup of espresso, sugar.” That man replied, the pet name causing you to internally grimace. Fucking disgusting.
You silently nodded and went back to go over to the coffee machine, only to find out that one of the ingredients had run out. Today truly was your unlucky day.
A wave of panic shot over you as you walked over to the counter once more, facing that man. “I-I am sorry, sir… It seems like the espresso can’t be made due to the shortage of some stuff…” You were unable to hold in the little stammer in your words this time, your breath hitching at the way some anger began making its way over to that man’s face, his mood taking a huge swing. Volatile.
It scared, no, terrified you to see someone angry over something you said. It reminded you of your own parents, reminded you of things you no longer had wished to recall at this point.
“Fuck you mean shortage? What kind of cafe is this?!” The man snapped, pointing an accusatory finger at you, his seething rage causing you to freeze on your spot. Fuck, everyone was looking. You hated this — hated the way you flinched at his loud voice, hated the way everyone was staring at you, silence taking over the cafe before soft murmurs could be heard here and there. Gossiping about this.
As if this was just a joke to them, as if all of this was normal.
“I-I understand your anger, sir… But—” Your words were cut off by his impatient slam on the counter. Your eyes widened and everything for a second seemed too silent, too unbearable. Don’t panic, don’t panic…
“You useless slag. Why don’t you just quit this job and—”
“Fucking get off her, you bastard.” A large hand grabbed the strange man’s collar and shoved him out of your sight, snapping you out of your thoughts.
Simon. You had almost forgotten that he was here too. Another wave of humiliation and helplessness hit you as you just stood there, feeling like a weak idiot.
You didn’t even have to speak, not that you were going to, before Simon pulled the man back up on his feet. “You. Come with me.” He growled and dragged the man out of the cafe, leaving behind an unsettling thick layer of silence caused by the commotion. Over a fucking coffee.
Everyone saw it. Everyone saw you getting yelled at. Everyone saw you being fucking useless.
You soon realised that tears had begun blurring your vision, causing you to hastily undo your apron and scurry off into the staff room.
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Simon had that horrendous man thrown into an eerily quiet alley with no one in sight except them both.
“Who do you think you’re messing with?” He growled under his breath, fingers curled up into fists, knuckles a bit bruised and bleeding after having repeatedly punched the man on his face, resulting in a broken nose and some broken teeth. Honestly deserved worse.
Simon didn’t know why he was so angry. He just hated seeing you already on the edge before this man just came in and messed everything up. How dare he yell at you? Scumbag. Simon wanted to spit at him and throw him in the bin like the fucking garbage he was, but he knew that someone could always walk by even in an isolated alley like this and he definitely didn’t want unnecessary attention.
Adrenaline was coursing through Simon’s veins and he could hear the blood rushing into his ears. He looked scary above the man, brown eyes wide and deadly. The fact that his face was covered in that balaclava made him look all the more inhuman.
Thank goodness you weren’t here to witness this.
In Simon’s mind, this was who he really was. Roughened up and turned into this rageful mess after years of brutal training and even worse missions. Trained like a fucking dog. Maybe that was what he was. A dog. Not a human, just a pathetic dirty thing who only knew the worst, who only knew the wrongs.
He was his own poison, killing himself on his own.
With one last kick on the stomach, Simon left the man to weep alone in the alley. He didn’t have to deal with someone like that anymore, all he could think was of you and how you probably were feeling right now.
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Your manager had luckily let you end your shift early today, albeit still having scolded you for creating such a ruckus inside the cafe. For ruining a nice busy day. It made your throat tighten, making you feel as if everyone was blaming you for this. Maybe it really was your fault.
You silently stood outside the cafe, staring down at your hands that were clasped together, your fingers visibly trembling. You closed your eyes and took a few deep breaths in an attempt to clear the fog in your head. Your moment of silence was broken by the familiar sound of soft footsteps nearing you.
Yes, you had memorised his footsteps. You knew everyone’s, actually. And his were your favourite — oddly soft and quiet, juxtaposing to what you initially expected from someone of his size. He was probably very skilled in sneaking up behind the people.
Simon silently stood besides you, not uttering a word. For a whole minute, it was just silence between you, your eyes nervously darting around before landing on his hands that were uncharacteristically not covered in his usual gloves that he wore all the time except for when you both were all alone.
And that’s when you noticed it, his bleeding knuckles.
“Simon…” You breathed out in panic, voice laced with concern as your eyes repeatedly shot back and forth between his face and his hands. What the fuck happened?
“Didn’t want my gloves getting dirty.” He mused gruffly, his eyes slowly looked down at you, causing you to knit your brows even more.
“He’s not gonna bother you again, love. No one is.” He finally mumbled after a few seconds, one hand of his reaching out to gently ruffle your hair. He really wasn’t bothered by the mild cuts on his knuckles. In fact, he really didn’t care. He wasn’t even thinking of bandaging it.
“Let’s go to my place.” You urged him, lips a bit pouty while worry was etched over your face.
He couldn’t help but find you adorable.
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Once you both reached your apartment, you were quick to push him onto the couch and hastily grab a first aid kit, scurrying over to sit beside him on the couch.
“Show me your hands.” You mumbled softly, causing him to reluctantly let your gentle hands hold his callused, larger hands. What a contrast. He felt guilty for making you hold such a dirty, damaged thing.
You were quick to clean up his hands, carefully touching the cuts with the cotton pads. You didn’t even want to imagine what Simon was capable of. Your eyes scanned his hands carefully, admiring every scar on his skin.
You never really thought much of it. Sure you knew that he was in the military, always doing some sort of highly dangerous work. But you never really saw that side of his — scary one. So it was fairly easy to forget his real strength until moments like these came to remind you. Though you never really disliked him for it.
You don’t think you could ever dislike him. He was just… everything.
Ever since you both have come to your place, all you could think about was how he stood up for you. You didn’t like pity, but the fact that someone cared, especially if that someone was Simon, made you feel all the more warmer aside.
He did care for you, right? Were you too fond of him? Too in awe of him?
You dabbed some antiseptic on the cuts before applying some cute panda bandaids on his knuckles. He stared at them questionably, brows furrowed though an amused scoff soon escaped his lips behind the mask. “You don’t own normal bandaids?”
“These are normal!” You grumbled, blood rushing to your cheeks in embarrassment.
“Just kiddin’... They are cute like you.”
You got up to put the kit away and wash your hands before coming back to sit besides him, pulling your knees to your chest, silence filling the room up once more.
Simon could see how you were still shaken up, the frown etched on your face accentuating the storm of thoughts raging inside your head. It made his heart ache, though he didn’t move a muscle at all, silently staring at you from the corner of his.
He didn’t know how to comfort you at all.
All he knew was how to handle guns and beat up people. All he knew was how to ignite a sense of terror within people.
Simon didn’t want to think of himself as a monster, the word alone making him think of no one other than his father. He wasn’t that man, he wasn’t.
He sighed behind his balaclava after a while and shuffled a bit closer to you on the couch, his arm brushing against yours.
Your body tensed up for a second, and he was just about to back away once he sensed it before you eventually relaxed and leaned into him, a trembling sigh escaping your lips. He was warm, and you couldn’t help but think of him as a blanket that was shielding you from the world. A protector. Though he really wasn’t that, right? What even was he to you?
You didn’t want to think of that right now, not when your brain was already so exhausted after everything that happened today, the little bit of confidence you had already shattered.
Simon’s hand slowly snaked behind your back, drawing lazy discreet circles on your waist through the fabric of your shirt. You could make out some of them — a circle, then a star, then some random incomprehensible shape that he probably just made up on the spot and then a star again. This act of his made you smile a bit, your eyes fluttering up to look at him, only to find him looking back at you.
You had caught him staring at you multiple times before, but this moment felt so different — more cozy and intimate. It made your heart skip a beat, your brain feeling all foggy due to the sudden wave of happiness shooting within you.
Simon probably noticed the change in the air too since his hand was quick to pull back and settle on his lap, fingers drumming on his thigh, pretending as if nothing happened. It left you confused, disappointed even, but more so at yourself then at him. Why were you making every little interaction with him such a big deal? He didn’t like you the way you liked him.
Simon was silent for a while, multiple thoughts going on within his head. His large hand slowly drifted towards you once more, this time towards your thigh, fingers absent-mindedly caressing you. Well, he could comfort you in the way he knew of.
Your body was quick to react to his touch, your breath hitching while you were simultaneously a bit embarrassed of how you were so used to his touch, used to the way his caresses would make you squirm. You could already pick up on his intention behind this, to somehow get your mind off whatever happened in your job today.
“C’mere, love…”
His callused hands pulled you onto his lips with ease, holding onto your hips, your face facing his, eyes meeting. You swear you could feel the world slowing down every time your eyes would meet his, his stare alone coaxing you to lean into him, your head nuzzling into the crook of his neck while your fingers curled up into the fabric of the large grey hoodie he was wearing.
“I’ll take care of you. I promise.” His gruff voice came out as a whisper, making your heart swell yet ache at the same time. Yes, please take care of me, these words repeated over and over in your head while you sheepishly nodded against his neck.
His hands were quick to work, not letting you do a single thing, lifting your hips up gently as he slid down your pants, carefully removing them all the way down, letting it drop to the ground. Your hands reached down in attempted to undo his pants, though he just lightly smacked your hands away and shook his head, huffing softly as he unbuckled the belt and unzipped his pants on his own, tugging them alongside his boxers just a bit so his cock was free from the restraints, already semi-hard.
Your mouth watered at the familiar sight that always made you all heated up and blustered, blood rushing to your cheeks while your eyes stared down at his cock, admiring the veins that adorned it. It was just perfect — girthy and uncut.
“Simon…” A meek whine left your lips while your eyes literally pleaded him to do something, anything to just somehow make your mind empty, to let you forget about everything, to let you pretend that everything was fine. Pretend that you were with him.
His cock twitched at the noise you made, one hand of his tight gripping your hip in position while his other hand gently grabbed the base of his cock, beginning to rub the head against your clothed cunt, watching the way a wet patch was forming on your panties.
“D-Don’t tease me like this!” You grumbled, nibbling on your bottom lip as you felt the swollen head of his now hardened up cock bumping against your clothed clit, making your hips bucking towards him, desperate for more.
“Don’t nibble your lip like that, love. You’re gonna bruise it.” He breathed out, his eyes falling onto your lips that looked so kissable, making him clench his jaw behind that balaclava of his. No, he couldn’t kiss you.
He continued to play with you like this, rubbing and smearing his precum on your panties, continuing to grind against your clothed cunt, ruining this pair of panties. You mentally noted that you should buy some new ones this weekend.
It wasn’t until a few moments later that you started to feel the familiar tight knots building in your abdomen, a soft whimper leaving your lips while your fingers tightened around the fabric of his hoodie, desperately grinding back against his clock. “P-Please, please, Si… So close, pl—”
He stopped, gently pushing you slightly backwards on his lap so his cock was no longer touching you. A frustrated sob left your lips as you glared at him in confusion, eyes all glossy and he couldn’t help but grin behind his mask, noticing how adorable you looked like this. He already knew that he had successfully distracted you from your thoughts. He knew this wasn’t the ideal way. Hell, he should have actually cuddled with you and shared some comforting words. But fuck, he can’t. He shouldn’t. He is already being selfish enough with this whole thing you two have going on, and he definitely doesn’t want to risk progressing into something more.
He was a fucking asshole, he knew it. He knew of how he didn’t deserve you, and you definitely didn’t deserve a broken, fucked up in the head man like him. You deserved better.
But you two were already so far into this, weren’t you?
“Ssh, don’t worry. Gonna make you cum properly.” He assured you, gently pulling you into him once more, his fingers pushing your panties aside and giving your throbbing clit a few sweet rubs before positioning the head of his twitching cock in front of your entrance, looking at you while you were looking down at the spot your bodies were about to be connected at, literally swooning.
“Please…” You pleaded, feeling his cock gently smear your slick all over your folds before beginning to gently push into your tightness, a quiet grunt leaving his lips at the way you clenched around you, still struggling to fully get used to the way his girth would stretch you out. Your head fell onto his shoulder, panting softly as you tried to relax, feeling him slide into you slowly, inch by inch until he was fully snug inside your tight cunt, the cloth of your panties gently grazing against the side of his shaft.
“Takin’ me so well, aren’t ya? Always do. That pretty cunt of yours is so perfect.” He praised hoarsely into your ears, his affectionate words driving you over the edge, feeling him begin to lazily fuck his cock in and out of your fluttering cunt, hitting the spongy spots inside you with ease, as if having them all memorised within his head. Shaky moans would leave your lips at the blissful feeling, eyes rolling back into your head once you felt the head of his cock slam against your cervix, him making sure that it wasn’t painful at all. His hand massaged your hip gently, fondling the flesh and gently guiding you to grind against him while his other hand slid in between your connected bodies, caressing the moist skin of your thigh before moving in between to lightly rub your clit, feeling you clenching around him tightly.
You felt fuzzy, leaning into him fully to let his warmth relax you, feeling the rise and fall of his chest against you while your eyes fluttered shut, head fully nuzzled into his neck. You felt the knots building up again, even stronger this time, leaving you with no time to warn him before your orgasm washed over you hard, your walls spasming around him while a muffled moan left your lips, his fingers rubbing your clit just heightening up your sensitivity. He breathed heavily, his eyes filled with adoration at the way you cummed around his cock, his shaft having a white ring around him, filling his heart with a sickeningly proud feeling at the realisation that only he was capable of making you cum so hard, of making you get rid of all those thoughts.
His own orgasm flooded within him soon after, balls tightening up as he pulled his cock out of your cunt and gave it a few pumps, spraying the thick strings of his cum all over your sweaty, trembling thighs.
Both of you were breathing heavily, tingles spreading through your skin that made you smile at how full of pleasure you felt right now, all floaty as you fully collapsed onto him, clinging onto his tight while his sticky cock rested against your inner thigh, his hands rubbing soothing circles on your lower back.
“Si… Thank you so much…” You sleepily babbled, your breathing getting calmer.
He wished that he could show you the stupid smile that was spread on his face right now.
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“I am goin’ to go for deployment after two days.”
He randomly announced that night, causing you to freeze and look away from the movie you both were watching and towards him, eyes all wide. What the fuck? And here you were being happy that he had decided to stay with you tonight, having agreed to spend some time with you.
You were making it all up, all this happiness and whatever feelings and signals you thought you were getting from him. Deployment. God, you hated that word and the way it filled you with dread, the way it always left you all anxious during the weeks he’d be away, fighting god knows who, literally a mistake away from walking on a bridge from life to death.
“How long…?” You quietly asked, trying not to seem so fazed by his sudden words, fingers fiddling with your shirt while your eyes looked away.
“Dunno… I believe it won’t be longer than two weeks. Don’t worry, love.” He mumbled after a while, subtle warmth lingering in his voice as his hand reached to gently caress the back of your head, causing you to sigh softly and lean into him, frowning a bit.
“Okay… Stay safe, Si.”
You trust him. Of course you do.
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Liar. Fucking liar. It had been three weeks, three weeks without any contact from him, or any news from him. He wasn’t on this mission with Kyle as far as you knew, so there was no point in asking him.
Was Simon safe? Was he wounded? Did he get captured? Did he get tired of you? Is he finally getting rid of you? Is he… abandoning you?
You tried to shake these thoughts off your mind, trying to remember that his job was a hard one. Still, you stupidly kept grabbing your phone, desperate for any notification or noise.
Only to be met with silence.
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notes : thank you so much for the support on the previous chapter :( !! i feel truly grateful. also... feeling evil i love fucking stuff up for simon.
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your-averagewriter · 1 year
"They’re just teenagers."
Summary: A gaggle of Spidermen teens burst in on Miguel and (y/n) with their baby and later on in the week they turn up again to meet the baby.
Word count: 1.3K
Warnings: Kissing, baby
Sitting next to Miguel in his office I look down at our baby, only a few months old but already she has a mop of curly brown hair, definitely inherited from Miguel. We just managed to get her to sleep, if she didn’t go down for a nap soon then none of us would be sleeping through the night and scared of waking her, I rock her gently in my arms. I look up to Miguel who’s holding a little toy that he was dangling in front of Mila trying to soothe her to sleep. Hearing a quiet sigh from him I chuckle slightly, still careful to hold Mila gently as she’s wrapped up in her little blanket. A few peaceful moments go by before the door bursts open and immediately I jump as I’d gotten used to reacting quickly with our baby. Miguel stands up almost instantly, his eyes latched on to the gaggle of people that just burst through the door. I don’t recognise any of them but it looks like a group of teenagers have just burst into Miguel’s office which doesn’t seem like it will go well for them. Rocking the baby, I watch as her eyes open slowly but I try to soothe her, making her fall back asleep. Dread fills my body as she keeps blinking but just as quickly as she woke up she falls back to sleep. After successfully putting her back to sleep I look to the group of Spidermen that broke in only to see Miguel towering over them, whispering to them aggressively. They look from Miguel to me to the baby with eyes wide as he shouts them at them very quietly, so quietly I can’t make out the words but the teenagers seem to get the message. Miguel closes the door quietly behind the group after he’s kicked them out and he drags himself back towards me. “That was a close one…” I whisper, looking down at Mila who has the most peaceful expression on her face. “They’re all idiots.” He says, placing his head in his palms. “I’m sure it was an accident.” I say, smiling, still rocking the baby gently. “Accidents wouldn’t happen if they weren’t idiots.” He trails off causing me to chuckle.
The next day, I left Mila with Miguel in his office so I could get us some food. Obviously he requested an empanada but I decided to get him one of the ones with his face on from the headquarters’ canteen. I inspect the food and look for the coffee machines, everyone tells you about the lack of sleep you get when you have a baby but I didn’t realise it would be this bad. I move to get in the queue but I’m interrupted by a very tall Spiderman talking to me. “Hey, you were with Miguel yesterday, right?” The man asks and I nod. “Yeah, you burst in with some others.” I say smiling. “Yeah, sorry ‘bout that.” He says, rubbing the back of his neck. “Your kid’s cute.” He says. “Thanks, you can come by and see her again, Mila and I are here all week because the house is being repainted.” I say with a smile. “I might take you up on the offer although I doubt Miguel will be too happy about it…” He trails off. “Don’t worry about him.” I say with a smile. “You can come by whenever, some company different from Miguel and Mila, whilst I love them, will do me some good.” “I’ll keep that in mind then.” He says, sticking his hands in his pockets. “Sorry, what’s your name?” I ask, realising it was rude not to ask. “Hobie, you?” “(y/n). It’s nice to meet you. I look forward to you coming by.” I say with a smile reaching my hand out for him to shake and he does. “I’ll let you get your food now.” He says, cracking a smile. I wave to him as he walks off and then proceed to get my food and coffee.
A few days go by and I’ve just gotten Mila up from her nap when there’s a knock on the door, not an unusual occurrence as we are in an office but this time I see a familiar face. Miguel goes to open the door and upon seeing Hobie’s face he basically slams it in his face after hearing he doesn’t have a reason to speak with him. “¿Miguel, qué haces?” I ask him and he just looks back at me as I walk towards the door. “I invited him!” I point out, walking in front of him and passing him Mila for a second and re-opening the door. Opening the door, I’m met with a couple of people still standing outside the door, Hobie and another Spiderman from the other day. “Hobie and?” I ask, looking at the slightly younger Spiderman. “Pavitr, miss.” He says very politely. “Oh, you can call me (y/n).” I smile. “No you can’t.” Miguel says from behind me so I gently hit him on the chest. “Please, call me (y/n).” I say and he nods eagerly. “Come in, come in.” I say opening the door and hearing Miguel sigh. “Miguel.” I look at him with warning eyes pulling open the door. I gently take Mila off of Miguel and show her to the two Spidermans who instantly coo at her cuteness. We walk over to the middle of the room that has sort of been set up as a play area with little blocks and everything. Placing Mila down, the other two Spidermen settle down next to her, playing with her and the toys. I walk back over to Miguel as he stares at the two teenagers. “Miguel, I need to talk to other people. I haven’t spoken to anyone really since Mila was born.” I say, sadly, appealing to him with subtle puppy-eyes. “Fine, but why him?” “Who? Hobie?” I ask, looking back at the two teens playing cutely with Mila. “Yeah.” “He’s sweet.” I say. “Stop being so stuck-up, they’re just teenagers.” I reassure. “Fine, I’m going to get some food. I’ll be back in a little while.” He says, pressing a soft kiss to the top of my head after letting out a sigh. Only a few minutes after Miguel has left there’s a knock on the door and as he’s not here I open it for him revealing another couple of teenagers. “Hello.” I say to the two teenagers that I recognised. “Hey, we saw Hobie and Pavitr come in here a few minutes ago…” One of them says. “Yeah… Do you wanna come in?” I ask, not entirely sure how to react. “Is Miguel in there?” The guy asks and I chuckle. “No, Miguel is not in there, just Hobie, Pavitr and Mila. What are your names?” I smile, opening the door revealing the group sitting on the floor. They tell me their names are Miles and Gwen and then rush to the baby. I follow behind them, shutting the door chuckling to myself thinking of how Miguel will react when he comes back to see the group that’s gathered. “So, why are you guys so scared of Miguel?” I ask, dangling a toy in front of Mila. “I ain’t scared of him.” Hobie says. “He just dun’t like me.” He says, lying on the floor. “I am scared of him, for the record.” Pavitr says, raising his hand in mock surrender. “I mean, he’s a scary guy!” Miles pipes up which just causes me to chuckle. “He’s just a big softie.” I say, smiling, looking at Mila affectionately. “How did he marry someone so not scary?” Hobie asks. “I thought you said you weren’t scared of him?” I ask, smirking and he stays silent. “He’s sweet once you get to know him.” I say, stroking Mila’s hair. Then the door opens again revealing Miguel now with some empanadas, coffees and a surprised look on his face that is then gone and would’ve been easy to miss. And instantly I watch the teens freeze, not a word leaving their mouths and not a muscle moving which only causes me to chuckle.
AN: I hope you enjoyed reading!
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dailyreverie · 9 months
Santa baby
A/N: Requested by @rositxespinosa. This is completely unhinged, I don't know what came over me, and I'm not sorry about that. Hope you all like it!
Holiday prompts ⛄ 10. Naughty
Pairing: Poe Dameron x reader | Modern!AU (just because Santa's not a thing in SW)
CW: 18+ MINORS DNI. Nudity, implicit sex.
Word count: 813
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The day had dragged on in the most mundane way possible, each passing seeming like it lasted longer than the last. Working in an empty office due to the Holiday break around the corner tired you out of boredom, leaving you yearning for the comforting embrace of home, of Poe, of being able to talk to him more than just a “I’m going to die from boredom” text. 
As you stepped into the apartment, the weariness of the day began to vanish, replaced by the anticipation of familiar warmth. “Poe?” You call into the apartment, kicking off your shoes and tossing off your coat.
“Hi, sweetheart!” You heard Poe calling from your bedroom, instantly making you smile. “How was your day?”
“Fine,” You replied without much of a thought, the sign of an uneventful day. “What are you up to?” It wasn’t normal for Poe not to jump to the door to greet you, welcoming you with a kiss that makes you forget about your day, bringing you home in every aspect of the word.
“Just waitin’ for you.” He was always great at making you smile right of the bat.
“Good, because all day I’ve been wanting nothing but to watch one of those stupid movies from our queue. I had such a boring day, you have no idea,” your venting began as you start your walk to your shared bedroom, already craving the feeling of Poe’s arms around you. “The only interesting thing that happened today was that the coffee machine broke down and it spilled all over Finn’s shirt, that poor guy, we couldn’t stop laughing about it and he was so mad! At one point I really thought he was going to-”
Your train of thought is abruptly interrupted when, as you enter your room, you notice Poe is completely naked. He is wearing absolutely nothing, except for a Santa hat right on top of his- “Poe! Oh my God!”
The noise you let out is somewhere between a laugh and a gasp, all while your face turns 100 different shades of pink and red.
“Yes, my love?” His eyebrows move up his face, fake innocence all over his features, doe eyes and all as he keeps his eyes fakely interested in whatever the phone in his hand is showing. “You were saying?”
Your eyes travel up and down his body, taking in the sight that welcomes you home. “What are you doing?” You speak after a couple of seconds of silence, chuckling, breaking his fake naiveness and making him smile.
“Waiting for you.” His smirk, though, is a clear sign of why he was waiting for you. “I think someone forgot to check if you were naughty or nice this year.”
“Oh my God, you are unbelievable” You let out an airy laugh, not able to keep your eyes away from him.
“Are you saying you don’t believe in Santa? ‘Cause he might forget to give you a gift if you keep this attitude.
You giggle at him, at the whole situation he probably came up with when you texted how boring your day was. Not able to resist him anymore your fingers start to undo your clothes. Poe tosses his phone aside when you start walking towards him, his turn to look you up and down as you begin to unbutton your shirt. “Santa’s just here to check if you've been naughty or nice."
You playfully roll your eyes, still blushing but unable to suppress your laughter. "Is that so?" you tease, crawling across the bed. As Poe moves to get into a more comfortable position, the Santa hat that rests on top of him wiggles a bit, adding to the absurdity of the situation. You reach him, straddling his waist and resting your hands on his chest.
Poe stops in front of you, his gaze filled with a mix of affection and lust. "Well, sweetheart, have you been naughty?" he asks, leaning in to plant a soft kiss on your lips.
You respond with a playful smile. "Maybe a little bit naughty," you admit, running your fingers along the bare skin of his chest. "But I think I deserve a special gift from Santa.” Your tongue licks languidly over his lips, asking for permission to enter as your hand expertly removes the hat from his cock, wrapping around it and making him let out a delicious moan against your lips.
He grins, his hands moving to your waist to guide you to grind on him. "Oh, you'll get a special gift, alright," he murmurs, his lips trailing down your neck.
The two of you share a moment of laughter and passion, the Santa hat long forgotten on the floor. As you both collapse onto the bed, tangled in each other's arms, you can't help but feel grateful for the way he always turns your day around, in the most unexpected ways, in the most uneventful days; no matter what, you can count on Poe to make your day feel whole.
Thanks for reading! Please reblog and comment if you enjoyed it!
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Mayuri broke out of hell and his sword is his parole officer??? I need elaboration immediately, I have such a morbid fascination with Mayuri he's my horrifying little torture meow meow
So some important things about Hell in AEIWAM:
I haven't read any of Kubo's newer work and I do not have plans to unless someone can vouch that it's really, really cool
They REALLY don't want anyone to stay there, because Hell is functionally Rehab.
See, the function of Hell in AEIWAM is to act as a sort of repair shop for damaged souls- souls that harm others don't produce as much energy when they move from one plane to another, and prevent other souls from completing their cycles and that's bad for The Life Machine, so it's in The Machine's interest that those harmful souls Stop That ASAP. So in hell, a Soul that has say, done a bunch of murder is meticulously taken apart and examined by Demons, who figure out Why He Did That, and then come up with a treatment program to Make Sure He Doesn't Do That Next Time. Sometimes it's therapy, sometimes it's hard labor to undo the spiritual pollution you caused, sometimes they have to uh. vivisect a soul and remove an unhelpful segment of soul. There's no BAD souls or soul fragments, according to the Demons of Hell- what's dangerous egotism in one person is a healthy level of self-esteem in another person and you just gotta... swap the spiritual organs, as it were. The demons really, really want you to get better!
3. They also don't want you to stick around because Hell has a bit of an overpopulation problem.
See, when the Four-to-Five Noble houses dismembered the Soul King and used parts of his body to black off the spirit world according to political preference rather than any kind of functionality, they tried to block off Hell entirely, perhaps to evade the fate that awaited them.
But they fucked up, and now the only part of Hell that's Blocked is THE EXIT, and it's blocked by God's Divine Ass :/. Now, there is, technically, An Exit built in, as it were, but it's very small compared to the original exit, and now there is a Queue To Get Out.
This has created MANY problems for Hell- The Demons have a running Metric for "Does this soul REALLY need to go to rehab?"*, and even with it stripped down to the most generous assumptions of "this was probably more circumstances than your fault" and most limited definitions of "Harm" and "Danger", there's still a steady stream of souls entering Hell, and it's larger than the stream escaping out. So now the majority population of Hell is Perfectly Fine people who completed their Rehab, but can't leave because the airport is closed.
*The reason soul society doesn't attempt to reunite people in the afterlife is that they actually cannot- who goes where after death is the provenance of Hell, and shinigami don't have any input on the process, save to occasionally herd someone back into the afterlife queue via Konsho.
It's getting. Crowded.
It's getting crowded to the point that Hell is actually starting to Burst at the seams- which is a solution and a problem- these crack represent the dimension literally unravelling, but it's also an opportunity for The Ruler Of Hell to stabilize those cracks and make new exits and move a bit more of that Queue along.
It's during one of these stabilization projects that Mayuri makes his escape.
(Continued under the cut)
The thing is. Mayuri wasn't even in that much trouble! He'd been the Medieval Japanese equivalent of a Fry Cook in life and uh. Poisoned a few people trying out new recpies, mostly involving novel culinary mushrooms. His fault, if you had to pick the main one, was an overabundance of curiousity relative to his sense of caution and a minor problem of not being able to imagine the interiority of others. None of those are EVIL. Dangerous, sure! But entirely fixable! and Mayuri had been quite young when he died because he had gotten a little too curious and tried his latest recipe out himself.
So Mayuri had been assigned to Jizo. In Real Life, Jizo is a pretty cool religious figure- he's the Bohdisattva who's whole thing is that absolutely no-one is incapable of becoming a better person, and refused to achieve Nirvana until all the hells are empty. He's the last guy out when the universe ends, and the particular patron of dead children and orphans. He is associated with caterpillar imagery because he wears a long cloak that all the lost souls of children can take shelter under, and when they all trail out behind him, it looks a bit like he's a centaur with a caterpillar body from all the little legs sticking out from under him.
...Which is why Mayuri's Zanpaktou looks like that.
Jizo seems like a WEIRD spirit to be hanging out with Mayuri imho, unless Jizo was originally Mayuri's Guardian/therapist/parole officer, and Mayuri did something shitty.
I think Mayuri HAD been making a lot of progress in terms of "the scientific process is a PROCESS for a reason" and "Other beings have feelings too" and "Harming others is Bad", and he's a clever lad who could be doing a lot of good if pointed in the right direction, so Jizo advocated for Mayuri to be put on one of the Hell-Crack stabilization teams to give him a good outlet for his restless mind.
Unfortunately for Jizo, he miscalculated how much progress mayuri had actually made vs his desire to not go to rehab, and Mayuri pulled some sort of stunt that bound Jizo to a sword like an Asauchi, and absconded with him to the Spirit world through the crack, promptly got arrested for More Science Crimes in spirit world, got sent to the Maggots Nest, and eventually caught the attention of Urahara, who saw the Chemistry Brilliance of Mayuri and exactly NONE of the Red Flags.
As it stands Mayuri is... Sort-of the captain of the 12th division.
Sure, on paper he's The Captain, he gets to wear the Haori and has to go to the meetings, but R&D is only a fraction of what the 12th actually does- rememer, Urahara is the guy that STARTED Research and Development. Before that, I think the 12th division was 100% devoted with being the gotei-13's SUPPLIER- food, uniforms, medicine manufacture, weapons repair, gigai, soul candy, maps, communicators- if you got it for work, it was made in the 12th division.
I think Mayuri is aware of maybe 12% of what his division actually does, because the people who are in charge of manufacture were around before Urahara, took one look at that man and went "...Nah" and started quietly Not Telling Him About Things. When Mayuri took over, they went "Absolutely Not" and have been engaged in a century-long farce to prevent the captain of the 12th from knowing what his division actually does. Fortunately for them, it's extremely easy to lie to Mayuri. He's a suspicious bastard, but he LOVES good news, especially the kind of news that is good because it means he doesn't have to go to another boring-ass meeting. So things are JUST FINE down in manufacture, your latest improvements were TOTALLY IMPLEMENTED and are going GREAT. Everyone remarks on how much better the MREs are since we started adding live beetles to them Sir. Your Genius is Much Praised- Whoops Is That The Time? Gotta Go- the science never stops!
He's going to run into a bit of a stumbling block in Las Noches though. Not Sayzel, though Sayzel doesn't help. He's going to run into the consequences of a Former Experiment that are REAL FUCKIN' MAD AT HIM. No, not Uryuu, though Uryuu is FAR FROM PLEASED. Mayuri is going to have to face the consequences of a much worse experiment- one based on the procedures of disassembling and reassembling souls he learned while he was in Hell. Mayuri will have to face The Wrath Of Kon
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plooto · 1 year
𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐚𝐝𝐯𝐨𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 ⊳ 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫
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synopsis . colonel miles quaritch—respected, feared, a machine . now, only bluer and younger the recom was near perfect. that is, until he catches the scent of a younger, field trained scientist. a distraction..but maybe that’s just what this programed machine needs.
words . 3.3k
notes . bts requests are open ! i’ll be adding some stuff too, so don’t be shy to ask <3 . lol accidentally posted this today instead of the 12th 🤧
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arriving back at the base, you and the colonel don’t say a word about what previously happened. however it was all you could think about..
something catches your attention from the corner of your eye, legs wobbling as you take a look.
“ oh shit. ” you mumble, looking at your connected queues. your eyes widen and your ears pin pack against your head. a chill runs up your spine and you look up to miles, who was still looking down at you.
“ would you pay attention? ” he blinks, looking away from you to where you eyes were previously. his heart races as his eyes narrow at the connection. you gently pull your queues apart, tugging your pants back up and stepping past him as you try to not look down at his length at half mass. he on the other hand, did not look away from you, his hands moving on their own to tuck himself into his pants.
“ hope y’don’t expect- ”
“ i already forgot it. come, we’re behind schedule.. ”
you shook your head, ears pinning against your head as you think of your words. lying wasn’t something you did often, more often than not you told the truth. making your way into the science lab, you haded the samples to the researcher, earring praises for how much you gathered. you smiled with appreciation. you stepped back out of the lab, walking yourself to your quarters to put on clean clothes to start your research, you hadn’t made it very far when you were captured in a headlock.
“ gross! why d’you reek like… ” she pulled your head closer to hers, sniffing you “ quaritch? ” your face flushes a deep purple.
“ i just got back from that mission with him, remember? ” it wasn’t a lie, just..not the whole truth, zee released you from her hold,
“ whatever, hey, the other recoms and i are meeting up later to have some drinks, wanna join? ” your eyes shifted as you thought,
“ yeah sure, as soon as i finish my shift i’ll head over there. ” zee gave you a smile, chewing her gum as she turned to walk away from you, but not before she leaned back over,
“ ‘n don’t think i didn’t notice your tail when i brought up the colonel ” you slapped her arm, giving her a push in her direction. a laugh erupted from her as she waved goodbye. you drug your hand down your face, hoping to rid it of some of the heat.
what a day. you thought, entering your room, you stripped taking a shower, an attempt to wash his scent off and out of you.
making it back to the lab, your tan of thought briefly slipped as you were having one of the nurses draw your blood as a sample, tail swishing as your mind backtracked to the exchange with the colonel. he was so large..and strong. your face broke out in a blush as you still felt his large five fingered hand imprinted into your back, a chill running up your spine.
“ and, i’m all done. here you go. ” i thank the staff, thanking eywa she did not notice your flushed face or the blush that stained it. you went back to your station, arm shifting uncomfortably from the makeshift bandage placed on it.
by the end of the day, you were near beat. doing a field run, and having to run around the lab, your knees were wobbly as if they weren’t before. you stretched, hanging your lab coat and making your way to your room to change and heading out to meet with zee and the rest of the deja blu team.
approaching the door you heard cheers. you smiled at the sound of them enjoying themselves, your eyes landed on the source of the commotion—your best friend taking a rather large shot. the recoms around her cheered, slapping their hands together aggressively. another recom was the first to notice you, he stood up, making his way to you.
“ yer zdog’s friend right? corporal wainfleet ” he extends his hand to you. you look up on him, placing your hand in his much larger one. a grin appears on his face, a grin you didn’t notice. a yelp left your lips as he tugged you, lifting you into the air.
“ the scientist has arrived! ” you freeze curled up like a kitten, suspended in the air by lyle’s hands. zee turns her head, holding her now empty glass up to you, happy cheers leaving her lips. lyle shakes he laughs, pulling you back down to the ground.
“ thank you..do not do that again.. ” i say, looking up at him awkwardly. realizing his hands are still on my waist, i take a step out of his hold, making my way to zee without waiting for a response.
“ here, drink ” i grimace, shaking my head as i push the glass away from me.
“ no, i- i really shouldn’t- ” you heard boos, a presence behind you,
“ don’ tell me. y’ve all that bite ‘n y’don’t drink? ” you tail swishes, realizing who is behind you—quaritch. colonel miles quaritch. you don’t respond or move for another moment, the colonel behind you smirks, hand reaching to grasp your tail. you spin around, holding your tail in your hands, a half hearted glare at him as a blush coats your cheeks as you remembered the last time he gripped your tail crossed your mind.
pressed up against the tree, his hand wanders lower for a brief second, his large hand wrapping around your tail as he pushed into you.
you blink, locking eyes with the colonel, a playful smirk on his lips. your brows pull together, bordering confusion.
“ ow! don’ tell me boss’as gotten himself a girlfriend.. ” you didn’t hear anything—neither of you did—too busy in a silent stare down. the two of you just continued looking at each other, unspoken tension rising.
“ i’ll have a little drink, zee ” it wasn’t peer pressure, no. you just figured a little buzz would get you off edge around miles. drink placed in your small hand, you threw your head back, grimacing at the sting in your throat. you stick your tongue out, momentarily forgetting the stare down with the colonel.
“ what the heck was that.. ” you kept your grimace, the burning of the alcohol settling in your throat. the colonel watched you as you chat with your friend, eyes narrowing as you turned away from him. retreating to his wall, he crossed his arms, watching as you mingle with his squad. with a chair pulled up next to zee, she leans over
“ sooo, y’wanna tell me why you smelled like the colonel earlier? ” you face flushed as she nudged you
“ oh um, no ” you mumbled, voice unsure and wavering. you looked around, trying to get her eyes off of you, your eyes landing on the colonel in question once again, you try to hide the blush that coated your cheeks, failing miserably. before you were questioned, you blame it on the alcohol, which it probably was contributing to it, your brain becoming fuzzier by the minute.
the colonel on the wall behind you smirked at your tinted cheeks. even if you did work with those pathetic science pukes, you weren’t so bad. you giggled at mansk, sure he was quieter than the others, but you thought he was funny in your tipsy state. he leaned towards you, whispering something else, your face showed shock. from where miles was standing, he couldn’t hear what mansk had whispered to you, but he was watching. the way your face lit up with every emotion had him in one mean chokehold—one that he hadn’t been in since his teenage years. you stood up, tugging on zee’s arm,
“ i’m going to turn in, ‘ve got work early tomorrow.. ” zee nodded, uncoordinatedly running her fingers though your hair, you have her an upset pout, one that had no real malice, before waving bye.
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that was the last time the colonel seen you. the pout you gave him when you felt his thoughts, how pretty your golden orbs looked when you were glaring at him—what the fuck? miles shook his head, pushing the thoughts of you that ran through his mind to the side. that stupid slip up was really starting to take an effect on him. if only he hadn’t kissed you right then, he wouldn’t be in this mess now.
meanwhile, in the lab you were lost in thought as you patiently waited for your results to finish. you pressed a finger to your lips, it has been days, yet you can still feel the warmth of his lips on yours..gah! that kiss was the reason you two were now a ‘mated pair.’ your mind continued to wonder, tail swishing happily as you thought of miles. you pursed your lips, pressing a finger to your chin. you two were a mated pair now..we haven’t explored that with recoms..you shook your head.
no! you would die before you let anyone know that your kuru joined with the colonel’s. you cursed, taking the data and plugging it in. you smiled, the data matching your hypothesis was the only thing you needed. your research for today was complete—doesn’t mean you weren’t going to try and give yourself a day off. you pulled up other data you wanted to work on, pulling your hair back in a messy bun, you began to work.
“ l’n, a moment. ” your head slowly lifted from the small screen in front of you too look up at the general. you groaned internally, knowing she wanted to send you out again. you stood up from your chair, walking over to the general and stepping outside the lab with her. you didn’t bother kneeling down this time, wanting to make this conversation short and cordial.
“ the deja blu squad is down a member. we need you to fill their spot. ” your eyes widened, an excuse on why you absolutely couldn’t bubbling in your throat. “ you’re already field trained, l’n. you are the best candidate we have. you fly out with the squad in two days. ” you nodded once, giving her a salute you returned to your work, sinking deeper into your swivel chair as you worked.
looks like you weren’t getting that day off..
the days leading up to the mission were a blur. you didn’t sleep well, finding yourself up at night, pillow case wet as you felt the effects of not being near your mate. your mate. you scoffed, you pulled yourself to sit up in bed, looking at the clock. 0400. you groaned, at this rate, you’ll never get any sleep. you forced your body to move, putting on a pair of cargo shorts and a short sleeved tee. entering the desolate hallway, you made your way to the armory. testing if the vest fit, and the gun wasn’t too big for your arms. it did not fit, nor did the gun fit well. you cursed in na’vi, looking around and finding a belt with the same pockets or compartments the vest did. twisting and turning, you did what you could to make sure that the belt you had on didn’t shift or give way while you were out.
hyper fixated on the belt, you didn’t pay attention to the hiss of the door opening behind you. the colonel watched as you shimmied, observing your movements with a faint grin on his face.
“ think y’got it on tight enough, cupcake? ” you turned quickly, looking up at the colonel with startled eyes. he holds his hands up, “ d’nt mean to frighten ya, ” he admits, his way of apologizing you learned. you nodded once, turning back to make sure your pockets were filled, extra magazines and whatever else you thought was needed. the colonel stepped closer to you, gently swatting at your hand when you reached to grab the gun that was too large for you. you looked back at him, expression filled with confusion and irritation. he pointed to the other side of the room, a smaller but effective gun on the display. you put the magazines back, walking over to the gun he pointed at. you fiddled with it, looking at it confused. you knew how guns worked, sure but this one was a piece of work.
“ christ, and they said you were field trained. ” he pulled the gun out of your grasp, leaning down to explain to you the fundamentals before handing it back to you.
“ got it, princess? ” you lifted your eyes from the gun to meet with his. you blinked, a blush coating your cheeks. he was only a hair away from you, you could feel the heat radiating off of him, your tail behind you swishing with content, you body realizing your mate is near. your eyes flickered to his lips, your breath hitching as you look back up at him, his pupils blown. you blink, your heart pounding in your chest and using your head as a speaker.
quaritch was feeling the same. he leaned closer, his subconscious missing the feel of your body against his. his lips pressed against yours, melting together in a slow kiss. you internally mewled, the strain of not being near your mate washing away in an instant. his hand fits, resting on your nape to pull you in closer. gun long forgotten as he pushes you against the rack, the items inside shaking. he pulled away, only for a moment before kissing you with more urgency than before. your hands lifted, running along the expanse of his chest. the door hissed open again, this time you did hear it. against the want of his body, the colonel pulled away, pressing a finger to your chest, making up some bs reason for you to be that close.
“ don’ getcha ‘self killed. ” you watched him as he walked away, your chest heaving. your eyes danced over to the person who walked through the door—wainfleet. you swallowed, nodding once before pulling on the gun stray, tightening it comfortably.
“ need a hand? ” you didn’t shake your had soon enough, wainfleet already walking over to you, leaning over you to pull the straps tighter. you purse your lips, feeling tiny next to him. “ how’s that? ” you nod, not looking up at him. his hand resting on your shoulder drew your attention, doe eyes finally looking up at him,
“ don’t worry your pretty head about the colonel, he gets off on giving people a hard time. shoulda seen him with the new recruits.. ” you give him a small smile,
“ thanks.. ” you mumble, receiving a nod from the corporal.
soon, the rest of the recoms fill the room, gearing to go on the expedition. you ignore miles’ gaze when you all walk out to the chopper. awkwardly stepping on board, you tucked yourself into a corner, being the smallest so you were out of the way.
“ pinky, up here, that’s mansk’s spot. ” you don’t bother showing your irritation, you just. get up, mansk taking his spot on the chopper while you took the spot behind colonel, the one beside him belonging to zee. as the bird fits off the ground, you hold onto one of the bars, waiting for it to get into the heart of pandora. your eyes begin to droop, but just as fatigue was about to embrace you, the smell of pandora’s untainted air hits your nose.
you keep your eye closed as you breathe in it’s smell, welcoming it with open arms as you sigh in content. but what you didn’t notice, was the colonel’s tail wrapping itself around yours. your eyes are fixated on pandora, leaning yourself out of the chopper, hand still gripping the bar as you leaned out, nowhere near tall enough to hit your head. your tails unwrapped, but you didn’t notice, too enthralled of the pure beauty that came with this planet. the chopper touched down, and you jump out immediately, but standing still to look at the sky—pink with pandora’s moons foating just beyond its reach, you smile. a smile of pure bliss and serene happiness.
“ pinky, get here. ” you were snapped out of your daze, falling in beside colonel as he starts briefing on the mission.
“ we spread out in twos, we meet back here before eclipse and we do the same tomorrow. ” you shouldn’t have spaced out while he was assigning buddies, but you did anyways. you blink a few times, brows pulling together in confusion. did he call you pinky?
“ christ- hey! how many times i gotta tell ya getcha head out cha ass? ” his hand grips on the back of your neck, fingers resting on the sides. your heart beats so hard and so fast you were sure he felt it in his fingers. you swallow the lump in your throat before replying,
“ so-sorry sir. ” he gives you cocky smile, pushing you in front of him.
“ y’r with me, wont have you getting anyone on my squad killed. ” your ears fatten against your head at his comment, but you walk anyway. you don’t really pay him any attention, your body knows to follow him, so it does, but you were lost in thought, your mind drifting from the sight of pandora, to his thighs—so thick, and strong..
“ like whatcha see? ” your eyes snap up to his, a blush staining your blue cheeks before you look away. “ oh, don’ look away now, cupcake. where’s that fire from this mornin’? ” your blush deepens, but you recover quickly, spitting back a response,
“ what is this- this game you’re playing, colonel? is it fun to you? ” you drop the gun, letting it hang around your shoulders as you flail your arms out, eyes narrowing as him. miles blinks, taken aback from your outburst. his ears flatten against his head, realizing he just might’ve offended you.
“ no, ‘m not playing any game, ” the hell’re you on? he wanted to add, his resolve crumbling as he looks at you longer. “ you drive me crazy, ‘kay? since that braid thing that happened y’re all in my mind, distractin’ me n shit. ” you blink at him, shocked. he steps towards you, but you don’t back up, you let him approach you, craning your head to look up at him. he raises his hand, cupping the side of your head, fingers brushing the base of your queue.
“ q- quaritch.. ” you mumble, voice trying to show restraint, but your body reacts the opposite way, leaning into his touch.
“ miles. ” he corrects you, tilting your head to look up at him.
“ miles, we shouldn’t.. you are the colonel, i- we’re- we’re not compatible, ” his ears flatten,
“ this int for everyone. this is you n me, cupcake. ” he pauses for a moment, his other hand resting on the other side of your face, forcing your eyes to truly lock with his. “ j’st us. ” you blink up at him, small hands coming to rest on his wrists. mumbling words in na’vi he didn’t understand. you wanted to fight this, this pull, you couldn’t, you nodded, gripping his wrists the slightest bit tighter. his ears lift from his head, relieved. miles pulls you in for a short but rough kiss. without anyone to interrupt him this time, he pulled you closer. moving the guns out of the way, his hands move from your face, hooking under your thighs, and lifting you off the ground, wrapping your legs around his thin waist. he. pulls you as flush as he can against him, tilting his head to trail hot kisses down your neck. his fangs drag across where he felt your pulse, daring to sink into the soft flesh.
“ wait- don’t. it’ll bruise, ” his eyes close, resting his big head in the crook of your neck, taking in your scent.
“ alright. ” he sets you back down on the ground, but his hands didn’t leave you, one hand making it’s way to rest just above your ass, ring finger and middle finger brushing the base of your tail. “ c’mon, princess. ” he nudges you in front of him, fingers dragging down the length of your tail as he watches you walk.
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published . october 12 10 , 2023
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Fever for the Doctor
Prager x human!reader
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Summary: Prager has a crush on the human doctor assigned to the group. They won't admit it mutal until something happens!
Ring the dinner bell, Prager lovers come get yalls food!
Being the youngest recom was terrible. Technically they were all the same age and he'd tell them this. Although it did little to stop the constant jokes and baby talk.
He'd been barely 22 when he'd signed up for the Pheonix project. He'd never even met the others before they were all lined up in front of the link units. He'd asked the woman in front about it, confused as to why they were going in the avatar drivers thing. The woman, Zdinarsk, had broke out in a devilish grin before repeating his question loud enough for the whole room to hear. Everyone had laughed and he'd gone into the machine still burning with embarrassment.
Then he woke up. Now he was stuck with the group continuing to pile on the jokes. He got it, everyone was struggling with the change and he could take a little jab to lighten the mood.
To his delight he wasn't the only fresh face in their barracks. The doctor they'd assigned the team was the youngest doctor the RDA had. You must have been a quick study to switch from human to Na'vi biology so easily. Quaritch had scowled at your youth and messy appearance but softened upon seeing your credentials.
You were less enthusiastic about the assignment. Seemingly seeing it as some sort of demotion from your previous role. Still you dutifully gave them their assessments when they'd landed on Pandora.
Prager had sat on the lowered bed watching you work beside him. Even purpose built to assist you in reaching they all towered over you. You tilted Mansk's head, shining a light past his eyes before giving him an approving nod. Sunglasses quickly back in place he wandered over to the others to get dressed.
Prager was already feeling rather bashful, sat there in his underwear watching you assess everyone else. Zdinarsk, or Zdog as she preferred, had bumped him down the line.
"Last born, last place!" She smirked jumping the queue.
You stepped in front of him now, reading down a clipboard. He'd found himself staring this whole time. You were cute, no you were down right hot, so painfully his type it felt cruel. He prayed he could ignore the twitch in his pants until he was alone.
You turned to him now neck craning up, looking him in the eyes through your lashes. Your face was neutral as you tapped your chart. You were so close to him, he could smell your scent, he could feel the heat radiating from your skin.
"Let's see, last one here, Prager?" You paused. Prager caught himself having been lost eyeing your form. He nodded dumbly, eyes tracing back down to your messy shirt. You'd left quite a few buttons undone and he was having a real hard time focusing on anything but your exposed skin.
You hummed, reaching your hands out to click your fingers by his ears. He sat painfully still attempting to let you do your job quickly so he could scamper off. Prager caught Lyle's eye behind you, smiling widely as Zdog whispered to him. He felt his face flush, he was so busted.
He didn't have much time to react as you took his face in your palms. Prager swallowed hard, eyes flicking to yours. He squinted as you shone the bright beam in them. Satisfied at his pupil response, you let go of his cheek, ticking a last box.
Prager couldn't wait to run off, just needed you to move out from in front of him.
"Hey Y/n!" Lyle called over, your head turning to him. Prager felt anxiety bubble up in him, his tail thumping on the bed. He wished you'd just move so he could run over and shut his superior officer up.
"I think Prager there might have a little fever!" He continued. Zdog looked pained, barely holding in a laugh at his side.
"Yeah kiddo, lookin' a little red there!" Lopez chimed in, choking back a laugh when Prager shot him a glare.
You turned back to him quizzically. There was no way you didn't notice the growing blush he felt. Prager's ears pinned back as you continued to assess him a moment.
He was worried how red he must look. Or maybe purple? How would his new form blush? He needed to turn this around, ease his embarrassment, maybe gain some respect from the others.
"Hey I'm happy to stay here and play doctor." He tried to sound relaxed, flirty, not like his heart was thundering behind his ribs.
He looked back to you, watching as your face twisted from concern to anger.
"Right then. Dismissed, all of you." You ordered, storming off to your desk and slamming your clipboard down. The others burst into their laughter as they left. Prager followed sheepishly, shooting you an apologetic glace as he passed. Lyle clapped his shoulders in the hall the group still howling.
He saw you often in the weeks that followed. Being on call for them meant being housed just past the air lock to their barracks. You didn't often join them, preferring to stay hold up in your office. You mainly shot them all glares when they saw you. Being a little rough patching up the scrapes and bruises you tended to.
The recom unit still had to eat in the mess hall. Tugging air masks up to breath their own air throughout their meals. It was there Lyle had found you eating alone. You'd made an attempt to leave before his large hands had pushed you back. Joking about joining them all for a lunch date. Maybe his way of trying to break the tension with you, though your sour expression would've frightened Prager off forcing it.
Still it became a routine of sorts. They'd find you in there at some mealtimes and would gather around. You always made to leave but were crowed in and ended up stuck there. Despite this you had began actually talking to them. Prager found himself relaxing around you after the others jokes died down. Though there was still an occasional flirtatious comment slung your way.
"Pipe down! That's Prager's lover, show so respect!" Zdog barked, jabbing Lopez in the ribs.
"In his dreams." You smirked to a chorus of laughter and fists banging the table.
He'd been finding it so much easier to chat in the last few days. Prager had told some dumb story about his teen years and you'd actually laughed. It was a sudden and loud sound that silenced the whole table. It was beautiful, by far the best thing he'd heard since he woke up.
You'd been embarrassed by the sudden attention and probed him to continue. The buzz of chatter resumed but he caught the growing smile on Lyle's face.
Prager did his best to ignore it focusing on his new friendship with you. Finding himself often visiting you in your office, watching over your shoulder at your experiments. Little flirts became a joke between you both. Though he'd never admit he meant it.
Prager had always been a rather tactile guy. So when you'd made to avoid sitting with them again it was him that snuck an arm out to catch you round the waist. Plopping you down next to him, the table laughing at your flustered state.
"And just where do you think you're going my love?" He smirked at your pouting face.
"I've got work to finish. Dear" You stuck your tongue out and made to get up but Walkers hand rested heavily on your shoulder.
"Nothing so pressing you should skip your lunch date." She jeered, wrapping her arm across your shoulders. You grumbled but relented, stealing what you could eat off of others trays, Lyle feigning disgust when you ate the bug proteins.
Prager could feel his crush growing everyday. Sure you were stern sometimes, well most of the time but you were funny and even sweet. You're care for the team softening, Prager had even found himself jealous of the stitches you gave Lopez. Your small hands delicately holding his arm and soft voice praising him for sitting so still. Prager had to leave before he pounced on his friend.
He'd began to really miss you once they were sent on a longer mission. It'd been weeks since he'd heard your sarcastic remarks. He missed basking in your scent as you worked or stealing contact with you that left his skin buzzing. Hell he was considering getting into an accident just so he could get sent home to you. Lyle and Zdog had caught on and joked with him about pinning for his lover. He'd laughed but it was half right, he was pinning for you.
Prager could barely keep his eyes open. The pain so intense it was the only thing he knew. The sharp twist in his gut keeping him from falling away. He felt otherwise so odd, like he maybe could just drift away if Lopez would stop knocking into the arrow.
It was a sneak attack and he'd not been the only one shot, though he was the only one they we're taking back. Quaritch and Lyle pulled the prisoner away as the landed, Lyle shooting worried glances back as he left.
The stretcher was rushed past bright lights, the strobing affect leaving his head pounding. A human face drifted above his own, your face, features twisted, pained. He wanted to reach out, to smooth the line between your brows away. Something cold spread through him now, the pain ebbing away and taking his consciousness with it.
When he woke Prager felt like lead. His body so heavy not even the na'vi strength could lift it. Fike was with him, asleep on a reclined chair and drooling. He smirked, wishing he'd be able to just nudge the leg he balanced on. He caught Mansk's eye, the other man having stood when he saw him wake. Mansk looked between Prager and Lopez, smiling before kicking Lopez's chair.
He squealed, a high pitched sound Prager would have never expected as he fell to the floor. Both men now laughing at his prone form.
"Oh not funny guys!" He grumbled, scrambling up. Prager's laugh broke into an uneasy cough, fresh pain coursing from him stomach. Mansk made to move when you burst through the door. Your hair was extra messy, shirt buttons barely aligning. Your wide eyes narrowed at Lopez and Mansk.
"Right out boys!" You ordered moving to hold the door for them.
"Aww y/n we just..." Lopez didn't finished, freezing under your glare and scuttling out with Mansk in tow. You sighed heavily as you closed the door behind them.
Prager smiled towards you, dropping it when you didn't even look at him. Instead you turned to the monitors, checking his vitals. He smelt Lopez and Mansk's scents, heavy in the air and tinged with sadness. You were closer now, at his IV drip. He inhaled the scent he'd craved all that time, it was soured with your own worry.
He reached a hand to your arm. You looked to him then, eyes bloodshot, tear tracks still visible. Prager wilted under your gaze, the sadness in your eyes passing to anger.
"What the hell were you thinking!" You screamed at him, his ears pinning back at the sudden sound. He fumed suddenly indignant at your response, like it was his fault he got shot!
"I was doing my damn job!" He shouted back, his own voice less intimidating with how scratchy it came out.
"No, no, your supposed to go out there and watch each others backs. You supposed to have been watching someones back! Why was no one watching your back?!" You screamed back, fresh tears spilling as your arms waved. You stilled suddenly, red face turning away. "Why did no one have your back." He barely heard the whisper, your tears falling freely.
You were still so close. Prager lifted his hand to your cheek, thumb wiping your cheek. He turned your face to him, his other hand coming to cup your face. You sniffed, eyes still cast to the floor.
"You had my back..." Prager spoke softly, letting his giant thumbs stroke you small face. You looked back to him, wide eyed again as he hummed.
"Yup! You were here, stitched me up good as new right?" He swore he heard his heart stutter on the monitor when you broke into a smile. Nodding your head in his palms, an uneasy laugh escaping.
"I'm sorry." You spoke, new tears spilling again as your face scrunched. Prager hushed you, pulling you closer to tuck your head under his chin. It was an awkward hug with him still on a gurney but you stayed there until he let go. Pulling back he felt heat rise in his cheeks, your gentle expression meeting his. Your soft hand touched his cheek, finger tips lightly tracing his stubbled jaw.
"You'll be careful right? I don't wanna play doctor this way again." He felt your breath against his face, ears burning at the proximity. Prager broke into a smirk.
"Can we play it another way?" His heart thundered as you lent in and kissed his cheek.
"When you're better." You promised, resting your forehead to the side of his face. Perfect moment ruined when you both startled upright, hearing a whoop from behind the doors window. Lyle cheered before he was tackled out of sight by Zdog.
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appledew · 3 months
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This is Zero the Cccat! Made for X3NO42 on Twitter back around the end of 2023. :)
This plush is made entirely with custom dyed minky. Details on this plush were machine embroidered and appliqued. Unfortunately I do not recall the total length of the plush, but the base body was at least 24 inches long, including the tail was probably about 40+ inches. gradient on the body was hand dyed and touched up with dry brushing.
I will say it how it was-- this absolutely beautiful character and design broke me (and literally broke my sewing machine! Like, very literally knocked it off my work table and needed to buy a new one the next morning.🤣😭 ) I have so many mixed feelings about this little one, aggressively revolving around how proud I am of completing them and trying new techniques all the way to seeing that I don't feel like I did justice to them with some intense disappointment. I will let those be the only negative words on this gorgeous project and lay them to rest. ❤
The WHOLE body was custom dyed, save for the main pink color of the head and belly to chest ( creamy yellow). I split the body into a few pieces since different gradients were applied-- Tail, Back Legs, Torso/Trunk, Chest, and Arms and head(that didn't require dyeing). The underside of the tail was dyed as a long strip like the top side.
Just about every piece of this plush was embroidered or had embroidery details! I used some lovely pearlescent thread for the sparkles!
Nothing much else to add without rambling, but the two little orbs were refreshing to make after this sweetheart was completed! <3
Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/appledew
Trello queue: https://trello.com/b/FZKSnMo7/plushie-commission-to-do-list
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AppleDew_
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/apple.dew
Tumblr: http://appledew.tumblr.com/
Furaffinity: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/appledew
deviantArt: https://www.deviantart.com/appledew
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pjsk-headcanons · 17 days
is the queue still only a day long? bc if it is i fear my hc got eaten by the tumblr machine,,,, (submitted it like three or four days ago)
ftr if it's long that's totally okay!!! just wondering if i have to resubmit sgdjdhdjdh
it might have been! i have had to delete one or two asks that broke the rules but if yours didnt then its probably been eaten :,)
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thespacenico · 1 year
not too far (you're my favorite place)
。・:*:・゚★。・:*:・゚☆ klance, 1.1k words
Keith has never been particularly fond of flying.
It’s not that he’s scared—not of the flying itself, at least. Planes just have a tendency to make him claustrophobic, no matter what he tries to make himself more comfortable. Too many people and too little space, too few snacks and way too much noise. There’s no such thing as a good seat on an airplane, and even if there were, there’s no guarantee that there won’t be a fussy baby in the row directly behind.
He’s just very protective of his personal space, something that airlines basically trick people into purchasing in the form of first class tickets, something which a broke college student like Keith can’t afford. If he had his way, he’d rather drive to his destination alone in a quiet, air-conditioned car, even if it added hours and hours and hours to his travel time. 
Unfortunately, driving across the Atlantic Ocean isn’t really an option. Keith was just lucky enough to be able to book a direct flight from France to the U.S. so he wouldn’t have to worry about getting lost in a foreign country while trying to catch a connecting flight. The downside is that he’s trapped in a cabin full of strangers for upwards of 10 hours. He has survived on nothing but room temperature water and chips from the airport vending machine.
He’s been in Paris for the last two weeks studying painting techniques for an art internship. Pretty much every art student’s dream, including his. He could have spent days in The Louvre if they’d let him. It feels like only yesterday that he was complaining about how far away the trip was, and now the entire summer has flown by in the blink of an eye. 
But as much as he loved his time in France, he’s anxious to get home. Two weeks is a long time. He misses Kosmo, and his bed, and struggling to decide between multiple different sugary sweet iced coffees with an abundance of whipped cream at the coffee shop on campus. The pastries he had from the bakery near his hotel were amazing, but still nothing beats Adam’s banana bread. He misses his friends, and Shiro, and pretending to be annoyed when he comes into his room just to say hi.
When the plane finally touches down and Keith switches his phone off airplane mode, the screen almost immediately lights up with a text.
8:37pm lance ♡: can’t wait to see you :)
Keith bites his lip, no doubt failing miserably to hide his smile. Oh yeah. He supposes he missed Lance, too.
The wait to collect his bag and get off the plane is probably just the same as always, but this one feels particularly infinite. Keith slips into the queue as soon as he gets the chance, his stomach flipping over on itself as he waits for the line to get moving. The moment he steps off the plane, he finally feels like he can breathe again.
He quickly navigates his way through the crowd of fellow passengers, strangely comforted by the familiarity of signs he can read in full without using Google Translate. The line at customs isn’t quite as long as he might have expected, thank goodness, and he makes it through without any issues (also thank goodness). He’s never been so happy to skip the baggage claim, his single suitcase already in tow as he hurries through to the exit.
Despite the hour, the airport terminal is still full of people rushing about. The sound of suitcases rolling and heels clacking is just white noise at this point, and Keith ignores it all as he weaves through the chaos, eyes searching for the person he knows is already waiting for him.
When his gaze finds Lance through the crowd, his shoulders relax and his heart goes still for what feels like the first time in the past 24 hours. 
Lance sees him too, his face breaking out into a wide smile as he raises an arm and waves. He’s holding a small bouquet of flowers in his other hand, something he always insists on bringing for Keith no matter how many times he tells him he doesn’t have to. It’s about the gesture for him, something that makes Keith’s chest feel warm just thinking about. His feet carry him forward without even needing to be told, picking up more and more speed with each step. 
The second that he’s within reach, Keith drops his suitcase and throws himself into Lance’s waiting arms. Lance wraps his arms around Keith’s shoulders and squeezes, careful not to crush the flowers, and Keith breathes him in as he buries his face in Lance’s neck. They simply hold each other like that for a moment, without speaking, alone together in their own little bubble for the first time in weeks. Tears prick at the corners of Keith’s eyes as Lance presses his face into his hair, kissing his temple.
“Welcome home, sweetheart,” he murmurs. Keith just presses closer, his throat tight.
Lance doesn’t say anything about it when they pull away and Keith wipes underneath his eyes, sniffing a little. It’s been a long day, and Keith is exhausted. Lance has definitely figured as much. He reaches down to pick up the handle of Keith’s suitcase, giving him a little extra time to compose himself. Usually Keith would protest, but he’s learned by now that it’s useless. 
“Are you hungry?” Lance asks. Keith is sure he already knows the answer—he’s always too anxious to eat much when flying. It’s sweet of Lance to ask anyway.
“A little,” Keith admits. A lot is what he means, and what Lance has probably gathered.
He smiles as Keith takes the flowers and slides their hands together, tangling their fingers in the space between them. “C’mon. Shiro said we could order takeout, on him. We can put on a movie and crash on the couch, and then you can tell me all about Paris in the morning.” 
Keith really could cry. Lance knows him so well, and Keith loves him so much. He nods, swinging their hands a little back and forth. “That sounds nice.” 
Lance smiles again, keeps smiling when Keith takes the opportunity to step forward and kiss him properly, lips pressed softly together. His eyes are warm when they separate and he squeezes Keith’s hand, humming. “Let’s go then.”  
On the way to the car, Keith drops his head onto Lance’s shoulder. “I missed you,” he says quietly. 
In response, Lance lays his head on top of Keith’s and swipes his thumb over his knuckles. Everything about this, about him, is so comforting and familiar that all of Keith’s stress and tension from the day instantly melts away. He could fall asleep right here right now, all just because Lance is there.
He’s never been so happy to be home.
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capsarcastica · 1 month
Alien: Romulus Review
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The longer the movie goes on, the worse it gets. It has promise, and the trailers certainly sold it. But it reminds me of the two worst Alien movies. Like Alien Resurrection, it's technically well done and has all the elements that should work but don't. Like Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem, it's a collection of remade scenes from better Alien movies that comes across like a well-made fan film.
There is stuff to like. The visuals are amazing. The shots of space are the best in the series. There's a lot of extra attention paid to the ship drifting through space, the station, and the planetary rings. The sets are gorgeous, perfectly capturing the classic look and feel of the original film using old school tech. The practical alien effects mostly look good. It balances that fine line between audiences already knowing what they look like and keeping them mysterious and creepy.
Between this and 2022's Prey, it's disappointing that Disney's 20th Century Studios is just rehashing the original stories rather than give something new. Almost everything has a sense of been there, done that. The story is basically the same as the original. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. But this feels more like rehashing rather than homage. It's like a Greatest Hits collection by a cover band. It works, but why bother when the original stuff is so readily available and done so much better. They even threw in the "Get away from her…" line from Aliens. Throwbacks worked in the cheesy AvP movies but not in something trying to be serious.
There's really only two truly original moments worth noting. The first is when the characters try to get through a room full of facehuggers without being noticed. The reasoning behind this is dubious at best, but it is suspenseful. Except for the fact that the facehuggers look like the kind of animatronics that would appear in a Disneyland line queue. The other is the Zero-G sequence. I wish this had more than just the act one set up and third act pay off, since it's really an inventive idea. It throws the aliens off giving the characters an advantage, and getting through a tunnel filled with floating acid would be suspenseful. Except that the CGI in this one scene looks really fake.
I do like how they connected the events of Prometheus and Alien: Covenant to the original Alien. Given the lackluster reception to the last two, it would've been easy to just ignore them and move on. This at least provides some closure on Ridley Scott's last two for those who did like them. And it connects to why the company wants the alien beyond just a bioweapon.
There's only one character that's interesting, Andy the defective android. He starts off mentally handicapped who is nice but is upgraded with the local science officer's chip making him effective yet part of the corporate machine. It's an interesting dynamic having the characters decide between the good but broken and the evil but effective versions. Rain is the main character, but the blandest heroine this series has produced. She's literally only there cause the others need Andy. The rest are basically characters straight out of an 80s slasher film. The dull heroic type, the jerk who just makes things worse, the pregnant girl who has no personality, and the Asian cannon fodder girl. The first three did a good job developing the cast so it was shocking when one died. But here it's pretty obvious who isn't making it.
The biggest problem with the cast is that none of them are really believable. The series, aside from AVP:R, has always featured more mature characters who generally made smart decisions. It's hard to buy this cast as a bunch of grizzled miners who have worked 1400+ hours. And they make really dumb Friday the 13th level decisions. Like in the finale when Rain goes back into the alien nest just to save someone who should be dead when she was in the clear. It's trying to have its Aliens finale without understanding what went into it. The actors are serviceable, but never portray the sheer terror that's needed for this series.
The legacy character cameo is, like the movie, technically well done but a terrible bit of story. Resurrecting Ian Holm seems like an interesting idea, and would have if it had been just a cameo. But he becomes central to the plot and is featured far too much. Beyond nostalgia bait, there's no reason not to just use another actor to be an entirely new android. The animatronics used for the puppet looks really good, and Daniel Betts does a near perfect job recreating the voice. It's like the Dr. Loomis cameo in Halloween Kills.
Then there's the other legacy cameo, the original alien. This has the unfortunate side effect of rendering everything Ripley did pointless. It then raises a bunch of questions the movie doesn't bother to address. Why is the Nostromo still so intact? How did the alien go from being vaporized in the shuttle's engines to being cocooned? How did the station get eggs from a single drone? Why is there now a pupae stage? How long is the development cycle? Stuff like this makes it seem like the script was a collection of moments that where later tied together.
And finally there's the horrible ending. It's the ending that really makes or breaks a film. For all the grief fans give Alien 3, it's hard not to find the last scene poignant with Ripley giving her life to end the alien threat once and for all. Instead of doing anything interesting, this film goes for a nearly beat-for-beat remake of the finale to Alien Resurrection. The absolute worst of the series. The one that fans remember more for Sigourney Weaver making a basketball shot than anything else in the film. They could have stole an ending from literally anything. But they chose to give us another alien-human hybrid that is just as dumb and somehow looks even worse.
I was really looking forward to this. Fede Alvarez's Evil Dead is an amazing reboot and I was hoping this would follow suit. But like James Mangold's Indiana Jones, there's just something lost when a great director tries to make lightning strike twice under Disney's leadership.
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dramatic-dolphin · 1 year
I'm writing this anonymously because I don't want my blog to be connected to this but I think I have something that might interest you and fellow hungarians.
I'm in the 12th grade of highschool and I'm 18 years old. I decided to take an early érettségi exam from english. The problems started after nobody told us what exactly we need to in order to get permission for that. Somehow we scraped the info we needed. They told us to go to a different school to get papers. I and a friend of mine arrived there at 14:20. There was quite the line there, so we figured it will take an hour or so and we can go home.
Well one hour turned into nine. The school should have been closed and frankly I don't know what happened and why it was so slow. The queue advanced three centimetres per hour. Around 18:00 the porter came up to ask what the fuck was up, why are we still here. We couldn't go anywhere else, we couldn't get the papers anywhere else. So we stayed. It was starting to look really dire. I don't know how many of us were there, but it's safe to say that more than a hundred. In a narrow corridor, sitting. The line seemed to not progress at all at that point. It was around 23:30 when I finally got my papers. I waited for NINE hours. I sat on the ground of a narrow corridor for NINE hours. I got out just in time to catch the last tram to home. I got home around 1:00 and I had to get up 6:00. I run on around 4 hours of sleep. I'm dead tired.
While waiting a friend of mine wrote to Telex in hopes of getting their attention with this story. Now I obviously don't blame the poor teachers who had to do our papers, I bet they won't get extra money for this. But this is unaccaptable. I hate this fucking country.
On the flip side though we tried to have fun while waiting. We brought food, we talked, we sang and one guy pulled an ukulele out of somewhere. There was also guy with a mouth harmonica. So all in all, the people were 10/10 but the experience itself was like a personal hell, 0/10 would not recommend.
oh god, the early érettségi process was bad enough when I had to do it years ago, this sounds like an actual nightmare.
NINE HOURS???? 23:30??????? if I were you I straight up would not have gone to school the next day, this is more than enough of an excuse
I'm thinking there were like two teachers at best doing all this and every single important machine broke. or something. I actually have no idea what sort of circumstances could excuse NINE HOURS OF WAITING. jesus christ.
but also as we all know there is no tanárhiány, and if there is it's their own fault, and nothing is wrong in this country 🙃
what the fuckkkkk. get some sleep today <3
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lumieresdanslacave · 4 months
Tumblr media
🛠♦May Update♦🛠
-I'm trying to switch from photoshop to gimp, and it is VERY confusing, after twelve years using Photoshop
-Biggest thing in May will be Zinzinerie festival in Rennes (France), 25th and 26th of May! It's been organized by my good friend Victor from Cosmic Studios and his friends. We'll have a classic zine table and Astéroïdes instance with 4 people reading. Including me. And a dear mutual from here! Hello @northwest-by-a-train 💜✌️
-Next is our very next zine published by Cosmic Studios by rising star of lezb poetry VampireGarage. I'm so proud of this project, her texts are insane, some sort of Violette Leduc if she had a little too much to drink. I gave her drawing she inserted in her zine and broke in appaling ways, and I also worked a lot on the layout.
-HUGE riso print hot from the machines by my friend @emilienblanchard I've seen it coming out of the printer. It's a fucking banger. It's for Cosmic.
-I fed the queue so we're good for the next forty days or so. Recent drawings. Some I'm happy with, and a fat minizine.
-I'm writing! I have so much things to write. things to come for the end of the year, soft November, dark December I hope.
-We couldn't make ceramic with my ceramic friend. That will have to wait till July
My head aches! I'm going straight to bed
🎀take care weirdgirls with girlstink, the world is a shit right now 🎀
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arachnixe · 2 years
Not A Person
"It's kinda romantic, don't you think?" the mechanic asks, staring at the massive combat unit.
"What's that?"
She just gestures again to the powered-off weapon, and I scratch my head, not seeing the romance in the machine equipped with such terrifying firepower.
"Big scary thing like this, you'd think they'd be as self-sufficient as anything, yeah?" she continues. "But they're still not made to fight alone, y'know. They got partners, every one o' them. Somewhere out there is one made just for them."
I shrug. "You make it all sound like more than it really is. They're all manufactured the same; we just test them for performance variance, bin them, pair them to match up their capabilities, and write the calibration data for each one to its counterpart's firmware."
"We play matchmaker," she says with a wide smile, hand placed on the machine in a gesture that seems strangely affectionate.
"It's just optimization," I respond, only half paying attention while tapping at the keyboard to check my script's progress.
"Whatever you wanna call it. If one dies, the other can't just plug 'n play with any ol' unit, yeah?"
"I don't know about 'plug and play,'" I mutter, chewing my lip thoughtfully and ignoring that weapons don't "die" per se, "but there's a built-in recalibration procedure on the E side."
"No shit?"
The script is working, but I keep watching for signs of someone out there taking notice. "It'll process their mutual deltas and upload the diff to the X. Firmware's read-only after burn in, so both will have to deal with a little lag every boot when applying the patch, but…"
She interrupts, "they can find a new partner, but can't forget their first. See? Romantic."
"Back-ups corrupted," I announce, briefly switching topic to update her on my progress. "Time to tickle the automated checks to trick them into restoring from the bad data."
The mechanic laughs. "And here you're always accusing me of usin' human terms for machines!"
"Figuratively tickle. I do not actually anthopomorphize mindless automated alerts like you do these war machines."
"And yet here you are," she says, arms folded, smirk aimed squarely at me. "Helpin' me save them 'fore they get scrapped."
"Here I am," I agree, "forging shipping requests, deleting records, and hoping to keep a bunch of war machines from getting destroyed."
"Lotta risk to take to save them if you don't think they're people, yeah?"
"Not as big a risk as you took that time you broke in to a guarded, secret facility to physically extract a new infiltrator-class prototype. This network security is a joke."
She shrugs. "Wasn't too bad. They gave me the clearance to work on their hardware. They got comfortable with me. Just had to act all serious and in a hurry, and nobody asked questions. More surprised they never came for me after."
"Perhaps someone was watching out for you."
"Guess so. They sure were panicking, alright. Still hadn't finished testing the limits of that active camo array, worryin' about the enemy getting their hands on them."
"They hadn't worked out all the potential applications, so they had no idea how to evaluate the risk," I muse.
I must admit that it is rather amusing to imagine those researchers, normally so full of themselves, in a wild panic trying to identify the worst-case scenarios.
"Yep. That was the first one I freed, but they sure weren't the last, were they?" She pauses, reflecting on the nearly empty warehouse we occupy, with just one last shipment prepped for one last unit. "Dunno where they went after I helped them, y'know. Safer if I don't, I figure."
"Good opsec, yes." The script is almost done. I queue up our last X-Model for loading into the truck. "You'll want to step away from that one in a moment."
She does, and soon a mechanical arm traces a path on its ceiling track to the powered down unit.
"Hope they're happy, wherever they ended up," she says. "People deserve happiness, not just gettin' thrown away just 'cause a treaty says so."
"Not a person," I insist, watching the script conclude with perfect timing as the arm loads the hulking X-Model onto the truck.
"If you really don't think they're people, then why the hell are you helping?"
She climbs into the truck, joining the last of the huge machines, and I follow.
I sit in silence, trying to put my thoughts together, with only the the rumble of the engine filling the space between us as the truck carries us to safety.
Philosophy is not my strong suit. Hacking? Sure. Sneaking into places I shouldn't have access to? Easy. Becoming whoever I need to be to earn someone's trust? Nothing out there is better than me.
Self-expression? I'm still learning.
"I just think we do not need to be people to deserve life."
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